Work Text:
Katsuki felt his heart heavy in his chest as he stared straight into familiar green eyes… only those eyes were no longer gentle and soft. No longer were they sad or nervous. Innocence was gone from them. Instead, they were jaded, sharp, and disgusted. The baby cheeks and round face were gone, replaced with a scarred face and sharp jawline. Pale freckled cheeks interrupted by a scar.
Izuku stared back at Katsuki. Into shocked and mournful ruby eyes instead of the disgusted and furious crimson. Stared back at his old ‘hero’ his old ‘friend.’ It made the green haired man snort. As if.
“What are you doing… aren’t you tired?” Katsuki couldn’t help but ask, his voice a soft whisper as he stood before his childhood friend. The man he thought had died five years ago. The “villain” that had been out killing heroes. Katsuki never thought that he would see him again.
“What are you doing here? I don’t think you were invited” Izuku responded instead, voice cold as he crossed his arms. Katsuki stepped forward and Izuku stepped back, “There you go again… pretending that you love me. When just beneath the surface you’re convinced that you’re above me.”
Izuku couldn’t help but think back to when the two were small. When they were Kacchan and Izuchan. Back when their days were simple and Izuku followed Katsuki through the forest. When they said that they would be heroes together. Friends forever huh? Izuku supposes that forever isn’t that long after all.
“Dig deep into the past, I’ve never been one to do things half-assed. If I’m here to save you then I’ll be here forever… take my hand” Katsuki reached out his hand, memories of when Izuku had done the same for him. Only Katsuki had batted his hand to the side with insults on his tongue. Memories of every time the two of them would play together or work together. The promise he had made to Izuku.
“You think you’re a hero?” Izuku laughed mirthlessly, shaking his head as he batted Katsuki’s hand. Izuku scowled at Katsuki before it melted into a sly grin. “And they will tell you you are. ‘So stoic and handsome!’ and ‘you’ve come so far!’” Izuku spoke with a sickeningly sweet tone, the sarcasm thick.
“You think you're a villain” Katsuki whispered, “but I know you’re not. Under all that angst and anger is a beating human heart.”
“A dying broken heart!” Izuku screamed over Katsuki, tears starting to burn his eyes. “What about the lonely little boy?!” Izuku accused, hands shaking as memories of sitting in middle school, surrounded by others, and yet he was laughed at and called names. Memories of hiding in janitor closets in attempts to escape a beating from the other kids and the beratings from teachers.
“I’m sorry…” Katsuki uttered, the weight of just how much he meant it keeping his volume low as he reached once more for Izuku.
“What about his monsters who prevailed!” Izuku screamed again, stepping back away from Katsuki. Each voice in his head from middle school, that whispered that he couldn’t be a hero. Each adult, who failed him. Each hero, who ignored him. Katsuki, who hurt him day after day, and yet Katsuki was good enough where Izuku could never be. His mother, who could only apologize relentlessly.
“I’m sorry!” Katsuki yelled back, tears streaming down his face as he slumped to his knees. He meant it damn it! Katsuki never stopped thinking about the day that he told Izuku to kill himself. Never stop blaming himself for pushing Izuku to suicide. Katsuki was sorry for how much pain he put Izuku through.
“You never came to save my world.” Izuku accused venomously, wiping away his tears as he glared down at the blond. Because all Izuku needed was someone who believed in him. Katsuki should have. His mother should have. But no one did. “What about me?” Izuku questioned dejectedly
“What about us?” Katsuki shot back. Katsuki wanted to start things over. Start again and stop from making the same mistakes. Stop from tearing apart the precious friendship the two had shared once upon a time.
“I recognize you’re upset, I know that they did you wrong-”
“Oh you know nothing of me!” Izuku thundered, rage turning his face red. How dare Katsuki say that! Say that as if he understood as if he wasn’t a part of all his pain.
“But trust me, please believe me this won’t stop the pain for long. We don’t need to end like this, look me in the eyes!” Katsuki pleaded, voice cracking as he knelt before the one person that Katsuki truly felt he needed. Who Katsuki regret hurting the most. The person who Katsuki wanted to save.
“Here comes the hero complex” Izuku moaned, rubbing his face in annoyance.
“You call yourself a villain-” Katsuki started.
“I know I’m a villain-” Izuku snidely corrected.
“But we know it’s a disguise” Katsuki finished, tears slowing to a stop as he stared brokenly at Izuku.
“But you’re the one who lies!” Izuku snapped, swinging his arm out. “So you’re back at it again, twisting and manipulating every word I’ve said.” Izuku turned around to rub his face and collect himself, stop from staring at the blond who haunted his entire childhood.
“Come on! You know that’s not true.” Katsuki’s voice cracked, “I’m just trying to help you… LET ME HELP YOU!” Katsuki screeched, voice going hoarse as he stumbled back to his feet and took several steps forward to Izuku.
“ You are not my hero! ” Izuku howled, holding himself tight. “You don’t know how it felt. What else could you have done with the cards that I’ve been dealt?” Izuku added softly. Because Izuku truly didn’t know. For the quirkless anything other than villainy or death is what awaited them. They had nothing.
“You are not the villain… you once held my hand.” Katsuki pleaded softly, finally reaching Izuku and hugging him tightly. Just like they did when they were younger. When one of them had a nightmare, or something had hurt the other.
“Shut up… get out… Sometimes things don’t always go as planned…” Izuku couldn’t bring himself to keep this conversation going anymore. Izuku shrugged off Katsuki and took quick steps away from him. Sending a quick message a portal appeared. “Goodbye. Katsuki” Izuku uttered under his breath as he stepped away for the last time.
Katsuki let himself collapse to the floor and cry. Wails left him and explosions popped off in his hands as he once again was left to mourn over what the two of them had lost.