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Earth 53 - Prequel - Team Flash (Team Surge)


Introducing the future Team Surge, the former Team Flash before the darker work twist the Flash and his allies into a type of hero none of them could have imagined.


Go Team! I hope you enjoy my introduction to the future Team Surge and all the Easter eggs in the story I had fun with.

Happy reading!

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Meanwhile in Central City, a young Barry babbles excitedly to his guardian, wishing he was born a few years earlier so he would be able to go on the school trip for to see Star Labs, but he was not yet in his senior year and was unable to go on the trip, even while being 2 years ahead of his freshman class in science and math. With not many friends, he had been hoping to get a spot on the class trip but he was sure he could come to see it if he could convince Joe or when he went himself in 3 years. 


However, for once in his life he was lucky. One or the senior students had wanted to pay their own way and the first choice from his advanced classes was about to move to Gotham for treatment of their sick guardian. The second choice had just had an accident, causing nerve damage in his hands and wrists, causing him to need to recuperate at home, unwilling to be seen without being able to return to his inventions. 


The final choice had also been injured severely, the GSA having suffered a mean spirited ‘prank’ by Sam Scudder, messing with the sound system so when it was time to announce the club’s fundraiser, the sound was cranked up so loud that Hartley is brought to his knees and was unable to turn of the system until it was too late. Even as his boyfriend Axel rushed to unplug the system and comfort him, he realized in horror that he couldn’t hear Axel’s calming words or angry shouts at the other students. 


Although, even though it wouldn’t erase the damage done, Barry himself was comforted by the ‘delinquents’ who hung out on the edges of the school grounds, reacted. No one was completely sure what happened except the ones who had been there, but from what the rumors had said, he had been cornered by quite a few of them and thrown into half of the drama department's furniture, including at least 3 vanity mirrors, leaving his face and arms cut. 


When Barry had gotten the news that he had been chosen, he couldn’t wait to tell his best friend and Iris had congratulated him instantly with a smile, letting him know that she would be going on a different field trip the week after for the journalism club and he congratulates him as well but their smiles both become strained. 


They were best friends, that would never change. But right up until this very moment, they had never realized that the paths they were on would only have a few years more of running parallel to one another. Sooner than they would like, Barry would leave for college and the following year, Iris would do the same, both their dream schools in different cities, both in opposite directions. They both just hoped that their connection would bring them back together. 




She supposed it had started as a normal day, both parents barely speaking to one another across the table, yet both start off in the same vein. How could you choose to work with Doctor Frise instead of the list of candidates we chose for you-” 


As Caitlin slinks slightly lower in her seat, not willing to tell her mother the real reason, she lists off why she had come to Dr. Frise in the first place. “Countless science awards from Gotham State, highly valued at Wayne Enterprises and GothCorp, networking to Harrison Wells, as well as-”


“There are far more impressive-” 


“It’s my decision. It’s already been accepted by the school, in fact having Dr. Frise as a mentor was listed as one of the reasons I was able to get into a pre-med class at 14. Not because of either of you. But because of all the scientists and doctors that have gotten me here.” Caitlin responds angrily, eyes wide and flashing white without her knowledge causing them to freeze, her father simply nodding while her mother sends him an icy glare. 


School goes the same as always, spending lunch and the time between classes alone followed by her placement in the nearby hospital’s emergency room when a pained roar can be heard from clear across the busy waiting room, a teen boy a few years older than herself being rushed to the burn unit. To her surprise, Dr. Frise quickly steers her to follow, and she is greeted by a horrific sight that would haunt her for years to come. 


Burns covered the boy, his screams and growls filling the room with tears in his eyes, the policeman standing guard explaining that he had been the only survivor and both the doctor and herself are nearly moved to tears as he tries to hide his, but he moves suddenly as if to escape, but the pain causes him to pass out before he can even get off the bed. 


Michael Rory, 17 years old, previously incarcerated for Arson and Robbery-


“He still deserves to be treated just as any other patient. When he has completed his sentence, there is nothing saying he can’t be a valued member of society.” The cop scoffs but just as anything else Dr. Friese had taught her, she takes to heart and starts to think of what treatments can be used. 


As they prepare to give him some medication to ease the pain as they treat the wounds, he lashes his arm out blindly, but both her and the doctor can tell it’s from fear, however the policeman doesn’t feel the same, shoving Dr. Frise aside and towards her, causing them both to crash into the cabinet beside the bed and all of a sudden, everything goes black. 


When she awakes, she’s greeted by two sets of concerned eyes that quickly turn relieved once she focuses on their faces, both now smiling down at her warmly. The pair both take a hand to comfort her and she can’t help smiling up at them, wishing they had been her parents instead of the ones she had been born to. She hated to say it, but she had wished more than once for a call letting her know there had been a ‘terrible accident’ at her parents lab, giving the couple who cared for her the chance to adopt her. 


However, just as she is about to thank the couple, a grave looking doctor steps into the room asking for Dr. Friese, causing the husband and wife to both turn their heads. 


“Dr. Nora Friese? Can you please come with me?” 


“Whatever it is, you can tell me here with my husband and our daughter.” Nora replies seriously, daring the other to argue despite the sensitive nature of the news and having met Dr. Snow. While Victor looks concerned, he doesn’t move far from her bed, simply moving the chair so he can sit beside her without letting go, while sitting across from him on the bed as she gives Caitlin’s hand a gentle squeeze before the trio focus on the doctor. 


“Continue Dr. Nichols.” Nora prompts coldly and Caitlin can see the smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, but pays it no mind for now. 


“We took a blood sample while you were unconscious as you weren’t responding as you should. When we ran the tests, we found some distressing news. While we did catch it early, you are currently diagnosed at Stage 1 of MacGregor's Syndrome. At this time, there is no cure for this disease and it can bec-”


“I am a doctor,  and my husband specializes in terminal conditions. I know what it is and what will happen if I can’t cure myself.” 


The doctor leaves the room with an infuriating smirk but Nora and Victor give one another a brief look and nod before turning back to her. 


“I found out last week. We were going to wait until next Thursday-”


“My birthday?” Caitlin questions, slightly hurt but Victor puts a comforting hand on her shoulder as she sits up, only letting go to allow his wife to give her a comforting hug. 


“Yes,” She says with a surprisingly still joyful smile. 


“I have been hired as a researcher at Wayne Enterprises and Victor has secured a position at GothCorp, as we were planning 6 months ago when we decided. We explained that we would only take the position if we could let you finish your semester and they agreed, because we … We want to take you with us. Bruce Wayne has offered to assist with your emancipation and education-” 


Before Nora can continue, Caitlin starts to cry, but to the couple's surprise she nearly tackles them both in a hug. 


“Please. I want to go with you.” 


“We’re so happy to hear that. We always wanted a daughter.” 




Cisco had just transferred in himself, making a friendly acquaintance in Caitlin Snow and a slightly less friendly rival in Hartley Rathaway, but it had still been much better than he had feared, having spent the last few years with only Winn as a friend, who lived halfway across the country and had now been sent to a new foster home that promptly pawned all of his equipment and tech the moment he walked in the door. To Winn’s credit, he had done everything he could in the last 6 months to stay in touch but the messages between them both were getting fewer and further in between. 


Still, things were looking up. His parents had allowed him to attend the school for gifted students with his brother, despite considering him far less gifted than his brother, despite his accomplishments beating him 2 to 1. Although, while his parents paid him no mind, his brother seemed almost obsessed with the simple fact. This had led to his brother destroying plans and blueprints, smashing the tools he had in his already spartan room. 


Then he won the trip to Star Labs, followed by a small private party held by fellow teen genius Ray Palmer. Winn was supposed to be there too, as well as nearly a dozen of like minded people around his age. But when man plans, god laughs. 


His Abuela told him once, that all bad things came in threes. As a scientist, he knew that was just superstition. Later in his life, he would come to regret not heeding her warning, knowing that it would have prepared him for the next misfortune, not save him from it. 


The first bad thing was Caitlin’s news, although positive for her. Even though her parents had cut her off from her college fund and made continuing her placements in Central City impossible once they found out about her emancipation, her adoptive parents as well as their employer were more than happy to help her both academically and financially as she lived with them for the foreseeable future. However, this beautiful new life would be in Gotham for reasons he was not privy to. As happy as he was for his new friend, part of him couldn’t help but resent that she wouldn’t be taking him with her. 


The second thing that had gone wrong was the tech lab being broken into. All the devices that he had been working on, as well as the devices that belonged to Hartley and a handful of others has been strewn about and he comes face to face with Sam Scudder, raising Hartley’s prized invention above his head and he flashes back to all the times that Dante had done the same to his own inventions before grabbing it from him carefully, setting it down behind him cautiously, before stepping in front of it and the few undamaged projects left. 


“What is wrong with you! You’re not in any of our classes or competitions. What could Hartley have possibly done to you? I’m-” Axel comes into the room watching the exchange silently, having figured out who exactly the culprit was almost the moment the rage from seeing Hartley so scared and vulnerable dissipated enough to let him think.


“-probably the person who he hates the most here, and even that is more of a friendly rivalry between us. In fact, if he didn’t dislike me so much, I think we’d actually be really good friends-”


“He’s a fa- 


“He’s a brilliant scientist and you're a homophobic piece of trash. Leave all of us alone.” Cisco says firmly but Sam looks surprised but unimpressed until he suddenly feels an arm around his neck and a sharp object digging into his side. 


“I’d listen to him if I were you. This is the only warning you’re going to get, Scudder.” A dark figure warns and presses the weapon further into his skin. 


“Ramon, get out of here. Scudder and I have to talk.” Axel nearly growls, cocking his head out the door and Cisco is quick to obey, giving him a nod in thanks as he speeds out the door. 


The final, and worst thing happens just hours later, when he returns to his own lab. The lab that he had built in the local junk yard, as the owner was more than happy to rent out his shed to him in exchange for occasional assistance. However, what he returns to is another nightmare. 


More of his devices destroyed all around the makeshift lab, countless blueprints and quick sketches ripped off the walls. Basic chemistry components required for his devices as well as compounds he had created for specific inventions litter the floor. The way the glass had smashed and everything was broken left no doubt that this had been intentional and Cisco is about to curse Sam once again in his mind when he hears familiar steps. Dantes’s footsteps. 


The sound sets him on edge even before the meaning sets in, now realizing his forge has been turned on when he starts to feel a chill down his spine.


“What are you doing here Dante?” Cisco asks worriedly, although attempts to keep his tone confident and easygoing. 


“You shouldn’t have protected that crazy twink. My friends and I had plans-”


“What is wrong with you?” Cisco gapes horrified. “Hartley’s worst crime is arrogance and too much PDA in the halls. Besides, him and Axle aren't even the worst couple at school. Carrie and Digger are insane. Together or apart.” Cisco continues with widened eyes and a disgusted look at his brother. 


“Why are you trying to help Sam Scudder? I’m your brother and he’s a psychopath-” But Dante laughs and Cisco feels his heart plummet to his stomach. 


“After what you let Axel do to Sam, I’m helping him. If you hadn’t gotten all those stupid awards, Mom and Dad wouldn’t have to care about you going to college and taking all of my-”


“You’re the one that they’re helping! I didn't get a college fund, I got scholarships. Mom and dad only care about you. Three weeks from now, you’ll never see me again. They can be proud of their only child going to Juliard-”


“YOU DON’T GET IT! They don’t care about you, but everyone else does! No matter what my skills are, I might be the best one day, I am a good musician and I have talent. But to everyone else? All they see is my genius brother, who is a scientist and inventor that only cares about helping others. Do you know what people say about Mom and Dad now?” 


“I really don’t care. It’s a family issue and you have all made it very clear that I am not part of your family. If I didn’t love Abuelo and Abuela so much, I wouldn’t even go by Ramon. If anyone’s at fault, it’s you three. Just leave me alone.” 


“No. I made a deal with Scudder, Light, Dillon, Loring and Dwyer. They help me get rid of you, and then we’ll do whatever we have to, so we can get rid of the rest of you. The degenerates in the Rogues club, your nerdy friends, then we’re going to Star City to finish off the rest, like Ray Palmer and your little buddy Winn.” Cisco’s eyes widen and he begins to feel sick as his brother smiles happily at his distress before starting to close the distance between them with his arms out as if to shove Cisco and the young genius finally understands why he found the forge on.


‘Dante don’t!” But it’s too late for them both.