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A New Follower


Barty knew that this man, who just exuded power and demand for respect, would rule them all someday. And Barty wanted to be there every step of the way.


House: Hufflepuff

Class: Ancient Runes

Category: Drabble

Word Count: 991

Prompt/Prompts: [Character] Barty Crouch Jr

Warnings/Disclaimers: AU where Voldemort gets a job at the Ministry during the Marauders’ Era

Work Text:

Barty did not know what he wanted to do with his life.


Many assumed he would follow his father into law enforcement, an idea he hated with a passion. Since he was a child, Barty hated his father, a hatred that followed him throughout his time at Hogwarts. He wanted nothing to do with the man and planned to sever ties with him after he graduated.


To Barty, his father had always been a neglectful, power-hungry man, who lusted after the position of Minister for Magic. He did not care for his wife and son, always neglecting them for his work, hoping everyone would see his effort and sincerity. All he did was create resentment within his family.


Barty honestly didn’t know how his mother dealt with it. He knew she loved his father, but he did not know how she tolerated the constant working, spending days at a time in his office instead of at home.


In some ways, Barty resented her as well. She always tried to defend his father, preaching how important his work was. It may have been, but the family was just as important in Barty’s mind. How could one live without their family and the love they gave?


Barty never wanted to be like him, in regards to work or family. It was also why he would never follow his father’s footsteps in law enforcement.


Of course, his father never listened, instead arranging for him to see what he did at work during the summer before going into Hogwarts. Barty was going into his fifth year meaning he would meet with Professor Flitwick, his Head of House, to discuss careers.


His father, knowing this, was trying to persuade him, but Barty wouldn’t hear of it. He would go to the Ministry with his father but that was it. He would find another career.


The day they chose was in late August, before going back to Hogwarts. His father probably wanted Barty to remember this trip as he was at Hogwarts so it would influence his decisions. Barty withheld a snort at that thought.


After breakfast, the two dressed nicely and with a swift goodbye to his mother, left.


Barty had been to the Ministry many times over the years. His father often took him to events there to show off his son. Barty did very well in his classes, consistently in the top of his year which his father loved to brag about. 


Barty always hated when he did that because he felt like it took away from his own achievements. He did not do well to please his father. He only did well to get away from him.


The two meandered their way through the Ministry before hopping onto one of the elevators to get to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It was here, that one man caught Barty’s attention.


The man was conventionally handsome with high cheekbones, dark eyes, and sweeping brown hair neatly slicked back. It wasn’t his looks that caught Barty’s attention though. It was his aura.


The man exuded confidence. He held himself with dignity and a demand for respect. This man knew what he wanted and would do anything to get it.


“Ah, if it isn’t our Senior Undersecretary,” his father greeted the man, holding out his hand.


The man shook it with an amused look on his face. Barty could tell that the man — the Undersecretary, Barty reminded himself — thought little of his father, though his father either didn’t notice or didn’t care.


“Mr. Crouch, what a pleasant surprise,” the Undersecretary said, not meaning it in the slightest, “And this must be your son.”


The Undersecretary turned to him, which surprised Barty so much that he forgot his manners. He caught himself and offered his hand to the Undersecretary as well.


“Barty Crouch Jr, sir,” he introduced himself, becoming nervous.


Barty knew he could not afford to offend this man. If the Undersecretary wanted him dead, Barty was sure no one would find his body.


“Marvolo Slytherin, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic,” the man introduced.


Barty was even more surprised at that. Everyone knew of Marvolo Slytherin, the last heir of Slytherin who entered the Ministry five years ago. He swiftly rose through the ranks, and many thought that he would become Minister for Magic.


Barty was surprised he didn’t recognize the man on site, though he supposed he was too surprised by the man’s aura. Barty shivered as he felt the man’s magic flare up as they shook hands.


“I’ve heard many good things about you,” Slytherin said, seeming to mean his words, “Are you hoping to join the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, as your father did so many years ago?”


Barty hesitated to answer with his father beside him. His father had said nothing the entire time, only looking pensive at the conversation between them. Barty felt emboldened at that.


“No,” he said, avoiding looking at his father, “I don’t know what I will do yet.”


“A shame,” Slytherin replied, “Maybe you could join in another position. I would be happy to recommend you.”


The offer surprised Barty. It seemed awfully generous of the man, and Barty had no doubt that Slytherin would want something in return. However, something was telling Barty to trust him.


“That would be very helpful, sir. Thank you,” he answered.


The Undersecretary looked satisfied at his acceptance, and Barty wondered if he sold his soul to the devil. He found that he didn’t care. This man was going to go far in the world, and Barty wanted to be a part of that.


He would forge his own path at the side of this man, and his father would only be able to watch as they rose further and further. Noticing the pale face of his father, Barty let out a vindictive smirk.


When that time came, no one would be spared, least of all his father.

Series this work belongs to: