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Was it About Me Again?


Adora has a nightmare about Catra


Based on this fanart

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Adora was thrashing in her sleep again.

Nightmares were hardly an uncommon occurrence in Etheria. Pretty much everyone on the planet had some degree of PTSD from the war, and it was only worse for those unlucky enough to have been raised in the Horde.

This is to say that Catra or Adora waking up in the middle of the night to the other thrashing and whimpering like a scared animal was not shocking in the slightest.

That hardly made it any easier, though.

"Come on, Adora" Catra muttered to the blonde, shaking her gently to try and wake her up. "You're okay. Wake up"

Her plan evidently worked as Adora shot up with a yelp, breathing heavily and shaking like a leaf. Catra reached out a hand, but this just caused Adora to shrink away.

Catra frowned as she retracted her hand. She now had a suspicion as to what the nightmare was about, but she didn't ask right then. No, helping Adora calm down was more important.

"You're safe" she reassured, holding her hands up to where Adora could see them. "You're in our bedroom in Bright Moon. The war is over, Shadow Weaver and Horde Prime are both gone, and Hordak is with Entrapta in her kingdom. No one can hurt you"

Adora said nothing as tears began to track down her face. Catra sighed and gently helped the other woman to lie back down. The sun was beginning to shine through the windows. At least we aren't losing that much sleep

Adora rested her arm over her eyes to both block out the sun and also hide her tears to the best of her ability. Catra didn't comment on this as she lied against her lover, resting a gentle hand over Adora's chest.

She supposed she could ask now that Adora was calmer.

"...Was it about me again?" she asked hesitantly, a solemn expression on her face. Adora didn't say anything, which was all the confirmation Catra needed. "Do you want me to go?"

"N-No..." Adora said, her voice crackly with emotion, emphasized by how early it was.

"Okay" Catra said. She didn't apologize- She'd apologized a million times before and she knew how that conversation would play out. Apologizing wouldn't be productive, so she bit back the instinct to do as such. "What can I do to help you right now, Adora?"


"I can do that" Catra said with a small nod as she crawled out of Adora's arms and off the bed. She went to their small, private bathroom and rinsed out the cup they kept in there, filled it with water from the tap, and brought it back to Adora. "Here you go"

"Thanks" Adora said quietly, sitting up in bed and accepting the water. She drank it slowly, feeling it wash down the mucus that had accumulated from sleep and crying. When she was done, she just set it on the nightstand.

"Do you want to talk about your dream?" Catra asked. Adora just sighed and shook her head. "If this about you trying to protect my feelings, you don't need to do-"

"I'm not" Adora cut her off almost too sharply. "I just... Don't see much point in dwelling on it"


"Can we just... Go to breakfast?" Adora asked, a pleading expression on her face. Catra nodded earnestly and helped the other woman out of bed. Adora managed a weak smile as she got to her feet. "I love you"

"Yeah" Catra replied in a low voice. "I love you too, Adora"


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