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Nonconathon 2023

she that fights and runs away may live to fight another day


cornered with no where to hide, jill faces her hardest fight yet


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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This thing… this terror uttered in a distorted voice as it inched closer to Jill, rocket launcher in hand and pointed at her. It growled as it seemed ready to fire.

Walking back to create some distance, the woman scanned the area they were in, hoping to find some path of escape. Was this the end of the road for Jill? She had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It, Nemesis, was closing in on her as the seconds dragged out. Her walkie talkie is malfunctioning so she cannot even attempt to reach out to Carlos anymore, she is alone, no one can come to help her.

Staring the thing down, any and all noises around her slowly begin to drown out, the adrenaline coursing through her veins taking over. She will have to give her all to escape the impending fate at the hands of her executioner.

She watches its next moves carefully; when Nemesis tries to swipe her with the rocket launcher she dodges out of the way, rolling off to the side and ignoring the soreness and pain in her body.

Getting back up as fast as she can, Jill draws her gun and shoots at it a few times to stun it long enough to buy herself enough time to run and slip off somewhere this large son of a bitch cannot fit. It was a shot in the dark to try and go down this path, but with all other paths blocked off with fire this was her only option.

As she tries to dash away, she feels a tentacle wrap around her ankle and yank her down. She lets out an involuntary grunt of pain as her body collides with the ground. It got her. Gasping, she draws her gun and shoots at the tentacle to no avail.

As Nemesis begins to drag her closer it aims its rocket launcher at her. She pulls out her grenade launcher and fires a mine at it’s head, causing the thing to become stunned and let go of her. As it tries to recover from the shot, this allows Jill enough time to hop back onto her feet and start running away again.

Having recovered from the mine, Nemesis aims its rocket launcher and shoots in front of her to block her path. Jill narrowly dodges this.

With a swipe of its hand, a sharp tentacle is ejected from it and buries itself deep into her right shoulder.

The pain is excruciating, and she finds herself unable to hold onto her gun, her fingers instantly getting weak. The gun falls to the ground and slides across the cobblestone beneath her feet. Jill yelps, gritting her teeth in pain. She looks over at the bit of tentacle sticking out of her flesh in horror.

Several things come to mind at this moment. The first is that she is now infected, and she can feel it coursing through her body, infecting every cell and tainting her bloodstream. The second thing is that she cannot move. Is it fear? Is it the virus? Her legs, her arms, all parts of her body refuse to move, seemingly frozen in place. Even her lungs are frozen, as she finds herself struggling to breathe. Her body aches, and she feels both hot and cold at the same time.

Nemesis dislodges the tentacle from her shoulder, and she is allowed to move freely once more. She gasps for air, though she still struggles to breathe, and her legs finally work. The woman tries to retrieve her gun, but she takes a few strides towards it and collapses to the ground, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. The last thing she hears is the only phrase Nemesis has demonstrated having the ability to speak before she passes out.



Jill is unaware of how long she has been out, or even if she is still alive. Her vision is blurry and outright black in the peripherals. She partially awakes to the pain blooming from her right shoulder. Using more energy than she normally would, she looks over at her shoulder and sees the tentacle once again lodged inside her. She attempts to blink, but she does not know how long her eyes are closed for. Jill looks back up at Nemesis to find its frightening face close to her own.

Several things are realized at this moment. The first is that whenever this disgusting tentacle is inside her body her limbs are unmovable. Pain aside, her limbs feel like lead, like dead weight. The second is that she is indeed alive for now, but the infection is causing her to slip in and out of consciousness while fully being aware of her surroundings.

The third is that her top is pulled down, exposing her breasts, and that her skirt is around her waist.

Her executioner shifts above her, and she feels something cool and big brush against her inner thigh, then press against the lips of her pussy.

Gasping, Jill tries to push the thing on top of her away with her remaining strength, but the infection has rendered her too weak to even stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time, let alone fight some freakishly large bioweapon sent out to kill her.


She wakes up again (did she ever fall asleep?) to the sound of skin slapping against skin, to the smell of blood and flesh, to the feeling of Nemesis thrusting in and out of her with such vigor, such fervor. After all the chasing, the fighting, the close encounters, this is its prize.

Whimpering, Jill squeezes her eyes shut. A part of her wishes this thing would have just killed her instead of doing this. Maybe it will once it has gotten its fill?

Nemesis was nothing short of brutal; stretching her more than she had ever been stretched before, it’s free hand grabbed her thigh hard enough to leave a bruise. With every thrust there was an accompanying grunt or growl, the thrusts so powerful it would surely send her flying if it were not for the tentacle and its hand anchoring her in place.

Jill could not stop her mind from wandering, her own pained sighs and groans enough to drown out the thing’s noises. Does it derive any pleasure from any of this?        Or is it only doing this to further try and break her?

Her eyes were beginning to roll, eyelids getting heavier and heavier with each thrust. She sees her gun within grabbing distance but knows in her current condition she would not be able to retrieve it in time before Nemesis pushed it back further or destroyed it.

With a few particularly rough thrusts, it rolls its hips and climaxes deep inside her pussy, growling lowly as it rides out its orgasm. When it is done, her executioner removes the tentacle from her shoulder and flips her onto her stomach with its free hand, pinning her down with a single hand between her shoulder blades and continuing his aggressive thrusts from earlier.

With the tentacle out of her body, she feels as though she can expend the rest of her energy to fight back finally, but the pain and the sensations of being stretched far beyond what she imagined she could take is making her vision have black spots in it again.

She sees that her forgotten gun is within reach this time, so in one final act of defiance Jill stretches her arm as far as it can go, using her fingertips to bring the gun even closer. She twists her upper body as much as it can go and shoots several bullets at its head, which causes it to fall back, its cock slipping out of her.

Jumping up, Jill shoots it more times as she fixes her clothes to the best of her ability, creating some distance between the two of them. Nemesis tries to get up and pursue her again, but all the bullets cause it to stagger with a monstrous growl. Jill sidesteps Nemesis when it lunges at her, and it keeps walking until it trips and falls into fire.


Sighing, she grabs her walkie talkie and tries to reach out one last time. “Carlos?! Carlos, do you read me?!”

No response.

Swearing under her breath, she shakes her head and tries to leave the area. Her body grows weaker and weaker as the seconds tick on, her mouth waters the more she notices how sore she is, and the stickiness leaking from between her legs. Doubling over, Jill violently pukes up any of the remaining contents in her stomach until she is puking up bile.

When her wave of nausea passes, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and begins to walk away. Her legs grow weaker and weaker with each step, and they give from beneath her body. Jill groans as she collapses, her body hitting the ground hard as she loses consciousness for good.

Carlos finds her half a day later, passed out in a pool of her own blood, and other bodily fluids he would rather not acknowledge.


this is my first resident evil fic, i hope you enjoy!!