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Boy In The Bubble


The last thing Katniss expects to hear about her best friend Peeta is the fact that he not only got into a fist fight with one of the biggest guys in their school but also the fact that he quote “almost killed him”. Now Peeta is refusing to explain to her or his family what happened or why he punched Brutus in the first place. Katniss is trying her best to help but no matter what she does Peeta just keeps pushing her further away. All she wants to do is help, Katniss refuses to loose another important person in her life


(None of these are extremely explicit but they are mentioned and talked about. I will give a warning in the authors notes before each chapter regarding which ones are mentioned)
Child abuse
Mentions of substance abuse
Mentions of war (very slight a character a veteran)
Physical harm
Fist Fights
Mentions of parental Death
Mentioned/hinted at cancer
And overall mental health issues
I think that is all. If I missed any I will add them. Just wanted these stated at the beginning so everyone knew and can decide if they want to read this story :)
For this chapter the warnings are mentions child abuse including physical abuse that causes a serious injury but it’s never explained explicitly or in great detail along which the death of parent because of cancer which is once again just mentioned and not super detailed. If I missed anything please let me know and I hope you enjoy this is definitely one of the more darker stories I’ve written and my first hunger games one so I’m excited as I’ve gotten really into it this past year! This is more of an epilogue than a first chapter. It’s setting up the background that you’ll need for the first chapter so sorry if it’s a bit jumpy. I tried my best as there’s one big time jump and a couple smaller ones.
Also one more thing I gave names to some unnamed characters as it’s just easier/nicer to write about them if they have first names so here they are so there’s no confusion
Peeta’s dad- Galette as that’s a French pastry/cake so I thought it fit with the baked good name the Mellark's have going on
Peeta’s oldest brother- Rye it’s a type of bread and I think most people in the fandom agree one of Peeta’s brothers name is Rye it just makes sense
Peeta’s middle brother- Eziekl once again type of bread and I think it’s a cute name!
Katniss’s dad- Phillip is the name of the actor who played him in the movie and it’s a pretty basic name lol sorry
Katniss’s mom- Carine I don’t remember why I chose this but it’s pretty and it means beloved so that’s cute
Peeta’s mom (boooo)- Allie it’s a basic name spelled weird and since she married into the Mellark family I assumed she had a non baked good name.
Gale’s mom has a name. It's Hazelle but I’m putting it here in case anyone forgot that is her name.
Once again enjoy!
(the author lol)

Work Text:

Katniss remembers clearly when she first met Peeta Mellark. She remembers his little blonde curls, big blue eyes, and bright smile. It was during 2nd grade, they were in the same class. He had a lot of friends, was really good at kickball and would sometimes give her drawings of flowers. They were friends in the way you were “friends” with everyone in elementary school. She was invited to his birthday party, well so was everyone else in the class. It’s the only party she remembers vividly until middle school. Partly because it was one of the last ones she went to with her dad before he passed away, and partly because of the events that went down. She remembers sitting down near a tree with prim to make flower crowns with some nearby dandelions they found in the park. Prim was too little to be practically good at it but with Katniss’s help they usually came out pretty. They had just finished up one when a voice cut through the air.

“Hi!” The voice said, causing both Katniss and Prim to look up, it was the birthday boy himself standing in front of him. He had this shy smile on his face which was weird as Peeta Mellark was the furthest thing from shy. He was always talking to someone during class, was alway picked first or second for dodgeball, and one of the few boys who was always nice to Katniss.

“Oh hi Peeta!” Katniss said and apparently the name Peeta caused a jerk reactions in little Primrose who quickly and excitedly called out

“Happy birthday!” This caused Peeta to let out a small laugh in response.

“Thank you! Are you Katniss’s sister?” This response threw off Katniss, yes she definitely talks about Prim a lot but that doesn’t mean she expects Peeta Mellark to remember she has a little sister let alone recognize that the little blonde girl next to her is her sister. Prim brightly smiled and nodded at Peeta and said

“Yeah! My name’s Prim!”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Prim. I’ve heard a lot about you from Katniss so I’m very excited to meet the famous Primrose.” This caused Prim to laugh and for Katniss’s mouth to fall open.

“I do not talk about her that much!” Katniss protests which causes Peeta to smile and sit down next to Prim

“She does” he badly whispers to Prim “but we’ll just keep that a secret I guess.” Prim holds back a giggle and nods.

“You know I can still hear you right” Katniss folds her arms and Peeta shakes his head

“No you couldn't! I was whispering.”

“Yeah!” Prim agrees “You couldn’t hear him! He was whispering!”

“Now you’ve turned my own sister against me!” Katniss laughs, making Peeta shrug. Prim looks down at the flower crown she’s holding and quickly puts it on the blonde boy’s head

“Happy birthday!” She says after she plops on his head. The yellow dandelions sit very nicely against his blonde curls. Peeta smiles and lightly touches the flower crown

“Thank you, did you make this yourself?”

“Yeah it’s your gift!” Prim then quickly corrects herself “Well Katniss did help me and she did get you a different gift that's on the table but this one just from me.” Katniss and Peeta both laugh

“Well I love it. I can’t make anything like these so I’m impressed.”

“We can teach you if you want?” Katniss offers quickly before her brain can catch up with her mouth. She isn’t sure why Peeta is being so nice to Prim or sitting away from his own party to talk to them but she is having fun.

“Really?” Peeta asks as Prim quickly gets up to grab more Dandelions.

“Yeah our mom taught us and I promise it’s really easy!” Katniss says as Prim hands her the flowers she just collected.

So the three kids sit under the shade of the tree as the two sisters teach the birthday boy how to tie the stems around each other to create the crown. As they close to finishing the crown a loud voice breaks through their little group.

“Peeta! Peeta what are you doing” The voice is borderline screeching and very nasally. The three kids whip their heads around to see a short woman stomping towards them. She had blonde hair and blue eyes like Peeta but her hair was pulled back in a messy low bun and her eyes weren’t kind like Peeta they were clenched up in anger along with the rest of her face, it kinda looks like she was sucking on lemons? Her long formal dress was flowing behind as she finally reached the group.

“Mom” Peeta's voice had lost most of his volume and he sounded scared and timid. A voice Katniss had never heard from the blonde boy. “Prim and Katniss were just showing.” Peeta was cut off by a sharp sound of pain he released as his mom ripped the flower crown from his head, getting some hair
as well.

“No son of mine will have flowers in his hair, especially some from these filthy beggar girls.” She snarls, pulling Peeta roughly from the ground. Prim eyes turned huge in fear as she started to cry. Katniss quickly pulls Prim behind her, not sure what this angry woman would do next.

“You and your family disgusts me! Never come near my son again!” She spits as she starts to drag Peeta away, mumbling some other terrible things
as she leaves.

“Don’t talk to my sister like that!” Katniss tries to yell out but it comes out more of a croak. Katniss turns to Primrose who is in full blown hysterics now. “Prim it’s okay I promise.” That’s when Katniss hears a smack and turns to see the blonde woman from a distance yelling at Peeta who’s clutching his head. Katniss is in shock as her parents come over to them. Her mom quickly picks up Prim and comforts her as her dad grabs her hand.

“Katniss we’re leaving.” Her dad says softly as Katniss still stares at Peeta

“Dad she hit him” She mumbles as she holds back tears

“What?” He says as he bends down to look her in the eyes

“That woman hit Peeta, I saw her! Prim saw it too, tell him Prim!” She forces out looking towards her sister who’s still sobbing in their moms arms. Not only did Prim’s new friend get ripped away from her but she also got yelled at and her flower crown was destroyed so it’s been a very hard five minutes for the three year old so she can’t be consoled at the moment to back up Katniss’s story.

“Katniss I know Mrs.Mellark was mean to you and Prim but you can’t make up stuff like that.” Katniss’s mom says as she starts to lead the family out of the park.

“I’m not” Katniss fights back “I’m not lying I saw her! Peeta didn’t do anything and she hit him! I’m not lying!” Katniss is full blown crying as her dad grabs her to put her in their car.

“Katniss, not now we’ll talk about this later now we’re going home.” Her dad’s voice was stern and quiet which threw her off as it never was. Katniss nodded and was quiet for the rest of the car ride.
They didn’t talk about it. Not until many years later


Katniss didn't know Peeta Mellark until 5th grade. After his birthday party he listened to his mother and stayed away from Katniss and Prim. It wasn’t until a gross January night during winter break that things changed. It was way past when Katniss should’ve been awake but she was having trouble sleeping and she heard a hushed voice downstairs. Katniss snuck down the stairs and saw a singular light on in their kitchen. Her mother was sitting at their dining table, on the phone with her hand over her mouth. She was pale, more than usual, and looked like she was about to be sick.

“I just can’t believe it, how are the boys? Are they going to be okay? Where will they go?” Her mom mumbled “No. That’s awful. I've met him. He's a sweet boy in Katniss's grade. Hazelle I feel awful Katniss told me, she told me yet I didn’t believe her. Phillip thought we should look into it but who was going to believe a little kid” Katniss perked up at the mention of her fathers name. Her mom was talking to Gale’s mom about something serious about a boy in her grade but she wasn’t sure who or what was going on. Katniss tried to get closer but as she moved forward the stair creek beneath her feet causing her mom to look up.

“Speaking of Katniss. Thank you for telling me Hazelle if there are any updates or anything I can do for the boys let me know. Okay, you too goodbye.” Katniss’s mom hung up the phone and looked over at her daughter. She pursed her lips and waved Katniss over. Katniss walked over with her head down

“What did I say about eavesdropping?” She said pulling out a chair for Katniss and motioning her to sit.

“I didn’t mean too?” Katniss said softly, causing her mom to shake her head.

“You know Peeta Mellark?” This caused Katniss to look up confused then it hit her.

“The birthday party?” Everything comes flooding back to Katniss and her mind starts going to the worst. “When I told you his mom hit him? That’s when you and dad didn’t believe me! What happened?” Her mom weakly nodded and looked like she was holding back tears.

“There was an incident a couple days ago. The police went to the Mellarks house after a call from Galette- I mean Mr.Mellark. Peeta and his two older brothers were injured Peeta was the worst.” Her mom’s voice breaks as she continues “Peeta dropped a tray or something and Mrs.Mellark lost it. His brothers tried to step in to stop her or calm her down but it only made it worse as she went after them too. They’re in the hospital now and the boys are not going back, and Mr and Mrs. Mellark were arrested.” Katniss stares in shock as her mom starts to cry. Her mom grabs Katniss’s hands and brings them to her face “I am so sorry Katniss. I should’ve believed you, we should’ve said something. We- I could’ve stop this.” Her mom cries out. Katniss quickly hugs her mom as she starts to cry too. Katniss doesn’t know what to say. All she can think about is that stupid birthday party and the fact that her father would know what to say if he was here.


Katniss doesn’t know if it’s guilt that makes her mom wake her and Prim early the next morning to visit Peeta and his brother at hospital but she doesn’t question it. She feels weird about it as she doesn’t know Peeta that well and she’s never met his brothers but she still helps her mom pack some care packages for the Mellark brothers and makes sure she adds some art supplies for Peeta as she does remember he likes to draw and paint.

As they put the stuff in the car Katniss looks over at Prim

“Do you remember Peeta?” She asks. Prim shrugs
“Kind of, I remember he was very nice and I remember leaving.” Prim takes a deep breath as she buckles in. “Is it bad? Mom didn’t tell me much.” Katniss takes her seat in the front and looks back

“I don’t know, she didn’t tell me much past they’re all hurt and they’re not going back home.”

“That’s really sad” Prim sighs and looks out the window.

“It is,” Katniss agrees. It’s a long drive to the hospital and it’s a silent one.

Walking into the hospital is uncomfortable to say the least. Katniss hates hospitals, she hates them. She hates the smell, she hates the bright lights, she hates how everything is white and gray, she hates the feeling of the waiting chairs and she hates the weird tone all nurses seem to have when they talk to her. Last time she was in this hospital it took her father away from her. That was two years ago and she doesn’t think she’ll ever forgive this building. Katniss knows it’s not the hospitals fault or the nurses with the stupid voices. Her father worked in the coal business and fumes messed up his lungs. Katniss still blames the building because that’s where she was forced to see her father at his worst and forced to say goodbye.

“Hello my name is Carine Everdeen, and these are my daughters Katniss and Primrose. We’re hear to see Rye, Ezekiel, and Peeta Mellark.” Her mom tells the nurse at the front desk with a fake smile. The nurse looks up and smiles then turns to her computer to type something out.

“Relationship to the patients?” She asks

“Peeta’s my daughter's classmate, we’re just dropping off some care packages.” Her mom explains. The nurse nods

“Okay can I see some id?” Katniss’s mom nods and quickly pulls out her driver’s license. The nurse checks it and hands it back “They are on the twelfth floor. Depending on how they’re feeling you might not be able to see them but one of the nurses will make sure they get your care packages.” Her mom nods

“Okay thank you” They walk away from the front desk and towards the elevator. It is pretty silent for a few minutes before Katniss’s mom speaks up

“Now girls Rye, Ezekiel, and Peeta may not want to speak that much or even seen anyone so don’t take offense if they don’t.”

“We understand right Prim” Katniss replies and Prim nods

“We do. Are they okay you never told me what happened mom?” Prim asks. Her mom goes stiff at the question

“I’ll tell you more once you’re older, but there was an incident where Rye, Ezekiel, and Peeta got hurt. Now for their own safety they aren’t staying with their parents anymore. Please don’t bring it up or mention it to them if we talk to them.” Prim nods and looks forward more seriously than she was before. The familiar chime of the elevator chimed once they reached the twelfth floor. The lights were bright and they entered a short hallway before once again ending up at a desk with a person sitting in front of it looking at a computer. Her mom clears her throat

“Hello, we're here to see Rye,Ezekiel, and Peeta Mellark. We checked in downstairs and totally understand if they aren’t up for it.” The woman nods and types something on her computer.

“I will check with their nurses and I'll be back in a minute.” The woman gets up and walks away from them. They stand there for what feels like half an hour. Katniss knows it wasn’t that long but as she awkwardly stands there looking at the different medical professionals walking around and the different sounds of equipment it feels like the minutes just drag on. Finally the woman comes back

“Peeta up for it but the other two would rather not.” Her mom lets of a sign

“Oh that’s great. We brought care packages for the other two. Is there a way you could have them delivered to them?” The woman nods and takes the two bags from Katniss and Prim.

“Of course we’ll make sure of it, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.” The woman says with a soft smile

“Peeta’s room is down the hall on the left in 1204.” Katniss’s mom smiles and leads them down the hall towards the room. There was a pit in Katniss’s stomach; she didn’t feel like she belonged here. Not just because it was a hospital but because she was visiting Peeta. Why would Peeta even want to see her, it felt fake she hasn’t spoken to him in years. She knows basically nothing about what he’s been through or how badly he’s injured. Katniss knows it’s bad enough for him to be in the hospital for the past three days but still.

Once they reach the room Katniss feels like she’s about to puke. Prim knocks lightly on the door.

“Come in” a voice calls out softly. They walk into the door and Katniss has to hold back a gasp. Peeta’s laying down in a white hospital bed, his left leg is majorly wrapped up and elevated on the bed. He has a black eye and his face is very swollen. Now Katniss really wants to throw up.

“Hi Katniss, Hi Prim” Peeta says weakly “You must be Mrs.Everdeen it’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too Peeta, how are you feeling?” Her mom asks. Katniss could probably ask that question from just looking at Peeta and the answer is not good.

“You should see the other guy” Peeta replies, causing Katniss to cover her mouth to hold back a laugh making Peeta smile.

“My fault you’re probably sick of that question” her mom says with a small forced laugh. There’s a silence for way longer than Katniss is comfortable so she thinks quickly for something, anything to say.

“We brought you something” she forces our shoving the bag they brought for him closer. “It’s just like a care bag, you know.”

“There’s art supplies in there Katniss made sure” Prim jumps in “she said you like to draw!” Katniss feels her cheeks start to heat up in embarrassment

“Wow” Peeta says pulling the bag on his lap “thank you I… I didn’t know you knew that.” Katniss looks
at her feet quickly

“Well yeah you’re really good at it. You used to draw me flowers in second grade and I’ve seen your drawings around school they’re really good.” Peeta’s smile widens

“I can't believe you remember that.” Her mom grabs her shoulders softly

“Katniss has a good memory.” That’s not true so she isn’t totally sure why her mom would say that.

“What do you like to draw?” Prim asks as Peeta shuffles through the bag.

The conversation goes more smoothly after that and Katniss finds that she really likes talking with the blonde boy. After a while a nurse comes in and tells them that the visiting hour is over.

“Okay thank we’ll be out in a second.” Her mom replies

“Do you know when you’ll be back at school?” Katniss question

“I’m not sure” Peeta says sadly “depends on how my leg is doing and Rye has a pretty severe concussion and they also have to find us a-“ he pauses for a second “a foster family that will take the three of us, don’t want us to be separated.” Katniss’s heart drops

“I’m sorry” she starts then she gets an idea “if it helps I can bring your schoolwork and make sure you don’t fall behind if you want?” Peeta smiles at her and nods

“Yeah Katniss that would be great thank you” Katniss smiles back

“Of course bye Peeta.”

They were quickly ushered out after that but for the next two weeks Katniss would come visit twice a week to bring his schoolwork and talk. Once Peeta and his brother were placed in their foster home, thankfully together and in the same town, the visits became a bit more frequent and included her being Rye and Ezekiel’s schoolwork as well. Her and Peeta became extremely close once he returned to school she helped him carry his bag and would yell at anyone who tried to make fun of the fact he needed crutches or any of his other injuries. Peeta would come over to her house after school to hang out with her and Prim.

Soon enough Peeta Mellark became her best friend.