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Veranotone or Bust!


Four idiots on a quest to make their debut as musicians at the biggest music festival in the monster world: Veranotone! The only things that stand in their way is a shitty van, a lot of road, and all of the strange and crazed things that happen along the way!

Work Text:

A group of young students sat with each other under a tree as they all ate lunch together. A ritual that had solidified their friendship as they ate lunch and discussed various topics with each other, broadening their horizons.

"Come on, think about it, Fierra!" A girl with pure white wings and hair said. "It'd be the most bad ass way to debut! Hell, It could be what gets us signed for a label!"
The purple oni, Fierra, frowned and simply looked to her friend as she pranced around the tree while everyone else watched.
"Don'tcha think you're planning too far ahead, Amelia?" A small tiger boy said, slightly pudgy cheeks exaggerated by an overly large basketball jersey he wore.
"Thank you, Wilson!" Fierra sighed, a tinge of exasperation in her voice.
"I dunno..." chimed in the fourth and final companion, a boy with black and orange hair with a snake for a tail. "I think the idea sounds fun! Like a road trip with friends! Plus, who wouldn't want to play Veranotone? It's literally the biggest music festival in the world. What's stopping us?"
Fierra and Wilson looked to each other, slightly worried then gave up with smiles on their faces.

"Alright, you win Alex." They both agreed, as the young demon grinned.

"This time, once we graduate, we make music history!" Amelia declared, pointing a hand in the devil horns towards the sky...


~Four Years Later~


A young woman walked through the halls of Spooky High, grinning like an idiot as students shouted greetings and cheers to her. Once white wings were ashen gray, with red highlights along the feather tips. Long white hair had been cut short and dyed black with faded red along it's edges. She wore a simple gray t-shirt with a halo and angel wings surrounded by devil horns and a pointed tail. She made her way to her locker when a red skinned devil with one horn slammed his hand against the locker.
"BITCH! YOU TOTALLY STOLE MY IDEA! If anything, you should've waited till I got the popcorn!"
The devil stood nearly a head taller than the angel, a fact that had been evident since their youth. Damian LaVey frowned and crossed his arms indignantly to his cousin as she tried and failed to hold her laughter.
"Damian, you think I'd plot something this awesome-"
"-Without giving you the detonator?"
The tall devil stopped mid-tantrum when he looked at his cousin's hand, holding a detonator. He choked a little, his eyes slightly watery.
"You absolute bitch Amelia, you're the FUCKIN BEST!"
"You know it. Now come on, Tchaikovsky is almost to the best part!"
The two quickly rushed to the rooftop, giggling like maniacs until they got a clear view of the parking lot. Nearly a thousand cars sat in that lot, over half belonging to students. Damian's eyes grew wide with malicious glee as a murderous grin spread as the 1812 Overture crescendos over the loud speaker.
"HAPPY GRADUATION DAY, FUCKERS! DAMIAN AND AMELIA IS OUT BITCHES!" He shouted as he slammed his thumb on the detonator's button.
Immediately after, the first explosion timed perfectly to the music, followed by a cavalcade of follow up explosions all perfectly in time to the drums of the classic piece.
When the two delinquents finally stopped dancing on the roof as the last of the explosions died down, they heard a familiar voice shout up to them amongst the screams and carnage.

"Hey guys! You got any plans?"

Amelia and Damian both looked over the edge to see the grinning face of Wilson, the lean tiger nerd nephew(?) of Coach.
"Be right down, fuzzball!" Amelia called as she grabbed Damian and the two jumped off the roof, landing safely thanks to Amelia's wings.
"Didja see that display of the best classical piece! It. Was. METAL!" Damian shouted in the air, still riding the high of a perfectly timed explosion. It would be a while before he would calm down, but it was their last day at Spooky High so they had earned a little joy. Not in the literal sense, since there had been that one incident, but you understand.

Wilson grinned, as he softly elbowed Amelia in the arm. "Nice work with that planning. I'll be honest, I was kinda worried what you'd be doing with all those explosives."
"Oh yeah, I still have some C-4 left over after all of that. You want that back, or am I cool to keep it?"
Wilson shrugged. "I mean, I did say 'No questions asked' so I don't care. Anyway, do you two have any plans for what you're doing now?"
Damian frowned as he thought. "Nah. Already killed it at summercamp last year, so I got nothing. How about you, Ames?"
Amelia shook her head towards the two men. "Nah, I got nothing. Maybe catch up on some podcasts and tune my guitar? I've honestly got nothing other than maybe chilling out. This year kinda has me wiped."

"This day, four years from now~."

Amelia looked to Wilson, who's grin kept getting wider, almost to the point that it looked like it'd tear itself off of his face. Then the realization hit Amelia like a ton of bricks. Figuratively, since that had nearly happened last week.
"You're saying-"
"That we're getting the group together for Veranotone? Heck yeah! I've got everything planned out! We're meeting up at my place tomorrow. See you then?"

Amelia grinned, a fire burning in her heart. "Better believe it! I wouldn't miss this for the world!"