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The Entities


A story of the entities, their domains and their avatars.

Chapter Text

It pulsed like a heart beat, steady and rhythmic. Not so much a sound but a feeling, one that resonated through the bones and organs until it was felt all through.


The dirt went from soft powder trickling down the sides of the hallways, to hard packed walls like concrete.


The graveyard lay just ahead.


A vast expanse of earth- or somewhere beyond it where there lay nothing but earth and living corpses. The passages began to close in subtly at first. One would have to duck their head for dips and arches. Then the shoulders seemed to brush the walls or feet scuffed as if on an upward slope.

Soon, walking became a hunched over process and not long after that, even crawling was a struggle.


It wouldn't be long until a great pressure came. Dirt and clay pressed in on all sides, soft and powdery like fresh fallen snow but heavy like a thicket blanket. There was no up or down, an ocean where there was nothing to do but drown.


A body became a meer obstacle. Instead of filling a cavern, it seemed to displace dirt around, becoming immobilized. Each struggling motion to claw their way to the surface would yield nothing. There was no surface and no bottom. Nothing to do but hang there, suspended.


Eventually that would not be enough. The dirt would begin to creep in. Any movement or sound would result in more invasion. Dirt trickling down the throat or the ears and eyes. Anything, in order to fill any empty space. 


It wouldn't be long till there was just none left. Just another suit lost among the graveyard, barely conscious enough to hear and feel the pulsing of the earth around them.