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Cursed Legacy


A Legacy could be a blessing or a curse when it came to the Uchiha.

The Uchiha greatly devoted themselves to love and friendship, however their affectionate traits are often be concealed to protect themselves from a curse that has been bestowed upon them since the times of the Sage of Six Paths. When the love an Uchiha holds for another is lost it can instantaneously turn into hatred, influencing them to do anything and everything in their power to achieve their goals, regardless of the consequences their actions.

The Uchiha try preventing the inevitable from happening, protecting their own from being lost in their Clans Cursed Legacy, but history tends to repeat itself. It also started with Indra Otsutsuki and will end with Sasuke Uchiha.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: The Attack


Edited 2/21/24
Edited 9/25/24

Chapter Text

Itachi couldn't help but notice the unusual shift in Konoha's weather as he stepped outside, the cool autumn breeze sending a shiver down his spine. Normally, the village was bathed in the warmth of sunny days, but this evening presented a stark contrast. The tranquil October air felt strangely disrupted, as though an unsettling presence had crept in unnoticed. Itachi couldn't shake the feeling that something had fundamentally shifted in the atmosphere, an impending change that set his senses on edge.

As the young Uchiha heir gazed upwards, the full moon bathed his face in a shimmering silver glow, illuminating the vast expanse of the night sky dotted with countless twinkling stars. It was usually a calming sight, one that Itachi found solace in as he marveled at the beauty of the celestial display. However, his peaceful stargazing was abruptly interrupted by a movement in his arms - his little brother, Sasuke, had begun to fuss and cry.

This was highly unusual, as Sasuke often found comfort in Itachi's presence, their shared chakra signature providing a soothing familiarity that typically quelled the baby's tantrums. Yet tonight, Sasuke's distress seemed to mirror the unsettling undercurrent in the air around them. Itachi gently rocked the infant, murmuring soft words of comfort, “There, there Sasuke, don’t cry.”

Itachi attempted to comfort Sasuke, but it proved to be quite challenging as his tears continued to flow, as if the child could sense the unease blanketing the village. Something had shifted, and Itachi couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition of the changes to come.

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he asked himself, "Was Sasuke able to detect this ominous feeling?"

Itachi paced anxiously, back and forth, as his parents attended an important clan meeting. He knew better than to disturb them unless necessary. However, the unsettling feeling that had been haunting him since earlier refused to fade away, clinging to him relentlessly.

"No matter what, Sasuke, your elder brother will always be here to protect you," Itachi murmured.

Just as he stepped inside from the engawa, a thunderous roar shattered the evening's peace, jolting him from his thoughts.

As Itachi emerged from his home, his eyes widened in utter disbelief at the horrific scene unfolding before him. The once serene and peaceful evening had suddenly descended into a state of pure chaos and devastating destruction. Panicked, anguished cries of terror filled the thick, suffocating air, while debris and rubble were scattered haphazardly across the once pristine streets. Lifeless, motionless bodies lay strewn about, their vacant eyes and contorted limbs a grim testament to the unspeakable violence that had transpired. Itachi struggled to comprehend how such utter annihilation could have taken place, especially so soon after the conclusion of the Third Shinobi War, a conflict that had already exacted such a heavy toll.

An eerie, oppressive sensation gripped him, the same ominous feeling that had crept up on him earlier, a dark premonition that something truly cataclysmic was unfolding. The once familiar surroundings had been transformed into a scene of pure pandemonium, and Itachi knew in his gut that whatever had caused this catastrophic mayhem, was the indication of even greater calamity to come. His heart raced as he surveyed the devastation, his mind racing to discern the cause of this nightmarish turn of events and what unseen forces could have orchestrated such wanton destruction in the heart of the Uchiha clan's stronghold.

What's going on?

Just run you idiot!

The demon Fox is loose.

Itachi's heart raced as he dashed through the chaotic streets of the Uchiha compound, the earth trembling beneath his feet. The sight of the monstrous Nine-Tailed Fox rampaging through the village had struck pure terror into the hearts of the Leaf's residents. Itachi knew he had to act quickly - the demon's escape from its jinchuriki host, Kushina Uzumaki, could only mean catastrophic events had unfolded. Whispers had long circulated about Kushina's true nature, with some villagers fearfully regarding her as a potential threat due to her status as the Fox's container. But Itachi knew the truth - Kushina was a kind-hearted soul, deeply devoted to the Leaf and her family. The woman was best friends with his mother. Itachi had crossed paths with Kushina a few times during outings with his mother to visit their father at the Konoha Police Headquarters, where they would bring him a packed lunch, and Kushina had expressed her desire for her son to befriend Sasuke once he was born, but he knew everything would change.

The fact that the Nine-Tails had broken free could only spell disaster.

Itachi's mind spun as he pieced together the situation. Had Kushina been attacked? Killed, even? And if so, what did that mean for the rest of the village, not to mention his own family? Itachi was painfully aware of the growing tensions between the Uchiha clan and the rest of Konoha. Some Uchiha elders harbored resentment over the Fourth Hokage's perceived snub of his father Fugaku, while a village elder Danzo sought to eradicate the Uchiha, fearing the clan's Sharingan abilities and the "curse of hatred" that plagued them. The man had spent too much time around Tobirama.

But that was not important right now, Itachi had to find his parents, to warn them, to get himself and Sasuke to safety before the situation spiraled even further out of control. The screams and tremors all around him only heightened his sense of dread - lives were being lost, and more would soon follow if he didn't act fast. With his unparalleled speed and agility, Itachi darted through the crumbling buildings, his sole focus on reaching the shelter behind the Hokage monument, where he prayed his family had already taken refuge. The fate of the Leaf, and his loved ones, hung in the balance.

Sasuke's cries grew increasingly anguished, echoing through the air. Itachi could feel the waves of terror radiating from his little brother, whose chakra trembled with fear. Looking down at Sasuke, Itachi desperately tried to comfort him, but his efforts to alleviate the fear proved futile.

"Sasuke, it's okay. You just got a little scared, huh?"

"Mom! Dad!”

Itachi recognized the familiar voice immediately - it belonged to a girl from his academy class, a fellow Uchiha who unfortunately lived outside the clan's compound. The clan elders had disapproved of her mother's marriage to someone they deemed unworthy, leading to their exclusion. Witnessing this discrimination within his clan deeply saddened Itachi. He hoped for a future where the Uchiha would be more accepting of those who didn't fit their mold.

While the Uchiha were known for their pride, Itachi believed that love should prevail within the clan. However, he also understood that the intense love the Uchiha possessed could be a double-edged sword, making them formidable yet susceptible to destructive emotions. This curse had haunted the Uchiha for generations, dating back to the legendary Sage of Six Paths.

Itachi's focus shifted to Izumi, a distant cousin within the Uchiha clan. Despite the distance in their relationship, the Uchiha were known for their protective nature towards their kin. Itachi firmly believed that Izumi's mother's choice of spouse shouldn't matter. Once the chaos settled, he intended to discuss this issue with his father, as they needed to embrace change to progress. Imposing strict standards on marrying outside the clan would only bring more harm than good.

Love was the foundation of Uchiha marriages, and nothing should interfere with that sacred bond.

Itachi-kun!" Izumi cried out desperately.

Itachi immediately extended his hand, silently pleading for her to grasp it. He pulled her close, shielding Izumi from the debris as the neighboring building erupted in an explosion. Determined, Itachi navigated the chaotic streets of Konoha's civilian district, his focus solely on reaching the safety of the shelter nestled within the towering Hokage monument.

"We're heading to the shelter," Itachi assured Izumi, his arm securely wrapped around her trembling form. Suddenly, his gaze fell upon his father and the other police officers, guiding people to safety.

"Keep going," Itachi whispered urgently.

"Itachi-kun..." Izumi's voice was laced with fear.

"Everyone will be there. Don't worry, Izumi, I'll join you shortly," Itachi promised, his expression resolute.

Itachi approached his father, eager to report that they were safe and unharmed. "Father!"

Fugaku softly placed his hand on Itachi's shoulder, his gaze shifting to Sasuke's tear-stained face. "I always knew you would make it here safely," he comforted them. "But for now, I need both of you to head to the shelter at the Hokage monument. Once everything is under control, we will reunite."

Itachi nodded, and obediently followed a seasoned police officer, trailing behind him as they made their way toward the shelter. Casting a final glance back at his father, Itachi clung to the hope that everything would turn out alright.

"What are our next steps, sir?" Itachi asked.

Fugaku addressed his team, formulating a plan. "We will divide the police force into two groups. One-half will remain behind to ensure the safety of the civilians, while the other half will join me in assisting the Hokage with the Nine-Tails." Despite knowing his actions would defy the village's orders and displease the council, Fugaku could not simply stand by and watch the destruction of the home his family had helped build.

"Understood, sir!" the team responded.

Fugaku observed as his clan members scattered in different directions. Surveying the ruins of the village, he sensed the Uchiha's fate was about to take a drastic turn. Aware of the delicate situation, he understood the importance of caution. With a heavy sigh, Fugaku made his way toward the Konoha forest, where he had last felt the presence of Minato and Kushina's chakra - which was now fading rapidly. Deep down, he knew he wouldn't reach them in time to save his friend, but he held onto the hope of protecting the child they had brought into this world - Naruto.

Chapter 2: The Festival of the Stars


Edited 2/21/24
Edited 9/25/24

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Six years had passed since the Nine-Tails' devastating attack on the village. Though the destruction was repaired, the loss of countless lives remained an unbearable burden. The Fourth Hokage's death, along with that of his wife and many shinobi, had left the village in profound grief.

Despite a period of relative peace across the Great Shinobi Nations, another conflict loomed just three years later. Kumo attempted to abduct Hinata Hyuga, seeking to exploit the Byakugan's secrets and create an army of enhanced chakra-sensing shinobi. This brazen kidnapping nearly sparked a full-scale war, but an agreement was eventually reached between the nations, though at great cost - Hizashi Hyuga's life was sacrificed, and his son Neji found himself trapped, a caged bird, unable to break free. The covert operation's details were known only to Konoha's highest officials.

In the aftermath, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, emerged from retirement to lead the village once more. Though corruption seeped back in, it lurked hidden from plain sight.

As summer enveloped Konoha, the sweltering heat became almost unbearable. July was notorious for its scorching temperatures, yet it also brought an air of romance and vibrant festivals that filled the village with joy and excitement.

Naruto walked alongside Jiraiya through Konoha's bustling streets but felt a pang of disappointment that he couldn't join his mentor at the upcoming Tanabata festival. It was a tradition they cherished, attending the celebration together each year, playing games, and reveling in the company of loved ones.

"Why can't I go on this mission with you?" Naruto grumbled, frustrated at the thought of being separated from Jiraiya.

"I wish I could bring you, Naruto, but it's too risky," Jiraiya explained regretfully. "You haven't even started ninja training, and this mission is no place for a child. You'll be safer here in the village."

This mission would be Jiraiya's longest absence since adopting Naruto. While he had gone on shorter missions before, the duration of this one was uncertain - it could last weeks, months, or even longer. Jiraiya wanted to ensure Naruto was well cared for during his extended time away.

"I want to stay with you."

Naruto grumbled under his breath, frustrated at the thought of being separated from Jiraiya. He knew that people treated him differently when he was around. They didn't look at him with pity or treat him like a ticking time bomb. Naruto had long accepted his role and rarely let others' perceptions bother him. He firmly believed that having a positive outlook was always better than a negative one, a lesson Jiraiya had drilled into his head when he revealed the truth about Naruto's parents and their sacrifice for the village.

Disappointed, Naruto couldn't help but express his feelings about missing their annual Tanabata tradition. Jiraiya, however, tried to reassure him, emphasizing the importance of his safety. "I understand how you feel, kid, but you with a family I trust. They have a son your age, so you won't be alone while I'm away."

Jiraiya's face contorted into a frown as he made his way towards the outskirts of Konoha. Despite the Uchiha Clan's significant contribution in the battle against the Nine-Tails, some villagers still held a grudge against them due to their history with Madara Uchiha and the beast. The animosity towards the Uchiha had lessened over the years, but there was still a small fraction of people who feared them. Jiraiya knew that the main instigator of this fear was Danzo, a man he despised. He had voiced his concerns about Danzo's radical views to Hiruzen multiple times, questioning why his old sensei kept him on the council. Danzo was involved in the village's darkest secrets, and his unethical practices were a cause for worry. Most villagers were unaware of the truth about Danzo's theft of kekkei genkai, and any revelation could potentially disrupt the harmony among the village and its clans. Unfortunately, proving Danzo's wrongdoings was a challenging task.

"Why are we heading to the outskirts?" Naruto asked, his eyes widening as he noticed the Uchiha fan symbol painted on the nearby wall.

"You will be staying with the main Uchiha clan family," Jiraiya explained. "Fugaku and Mikoto were close friends with your parents, Minato and Kushina. Minato often sought Fugaku's counsel, and Mikoto was a dear friend and mentor to your mother."

Jiraiya's mind drifted back to when Kushina had arrived in Konoha as a young child, sent there for protection as her home in Uzushiogakure was engulfed in a brutal civil war. It had been a heavy burden for her, as she became the new jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails after Mito's passing. Only a Uzumaki could handle the immense power, but that resulted in Kushina being confined within the village's parameters.

As they walked through the Uchiha compound, Jiraiya gently carried Naruto. The young boy couldn't help but notice the curious stares directed their way.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" Naruto asked, his curiosity piqued.

Jiraiya sighed, realizing he could no longer avoid the question. "Not many venture into the Uchiha compound who aren't part of the clan," he explained. "They're not accustomed to outsiders."

Naruto's brow furrowed. "But why?"

Jiraiya hesitated, knowing the explanation was complex. He glanced at Naruto's determined expression. "Please, Naruto, don't ask the Uchiha about it," he pleaded.

Naruto's eyes widened with even more curiosity. "But why not?"

"It's best not to pry into their affairs while you're in their care," Jiraiya said, hoping Naruto would understand. He knew the villagers' hatred towards Naruto as the Nine-Tails' jinchuriki and prayed the Uchiha would treat the boy differently.

Mikoto Uchiha carefully put the finishing touches on the guest room where Naruto would be staying, eagerly anticipating the chance to finally meet her best friend Kushina's child. For years, Mikoto had dreamed of adopting Naruto, but the village council's unfounded suspicions about the Uchiha clan's intentions crushed her hopes. They wrongly believed the Uchiha clan wanted to manipulate Naruto, the village's jinchuriki, for their benefit. This injustice deeply frustrated Mikoto, who only wanted to give Naruto a loving and safe home. She had witnessed firsthand the mistreatment Naruto faced when he was not under Jiraiya's protection.

Those who knew the truth about Naruto's circumstances unfairly blamed him, labeling the innocent child a "monster" simply because he was born during the attack that required a new vessel to seal the beast within. This callous and misguided judgment deeply saddened Mikoto, who wished she could shield Naruto from such cruelty.

Hiashi's eyes narrowed as he directed his piercing gaze toward Jiraiya, Fugaku, and Mikoto Uchiha. The situation was simply unacceptable. He couldn't comprehend why Fugaku's wife, a mere woman and not the clan head, was even allowed to be present in this important meeting that Jiraiya had requested. After all, in Hiashi's traditional and patriarchal mindset, a woman's place was not to interfere in weighty matters of the village. Even if Mikoto had a prestigious lineage connected to Izuna Uchiha, it was utterly inconceivable to Hiashi that she should have any true authority to discuss critical village affairs. "The jinchuriki should never be allowed near your family," Hiashi firmly stated, his voice dripping with disdain as he referred to Naruto Uzumaki in such an impersonal and dehumanizing way.

Fugaku's expression immediately turned into a deep, disapproving glare as he locked eyes with the arrogant Hyuga clan leader. This was just another one of Hiashi's endless power trips, the Uchiha patriarch thought bitterly. The Hyuga clan always seemed to find a way to insert themselves into every aspect of the village and the Land of Fire, constantly seeking to curry favor with village council members and noble families by hosting them for lavish dinners and refined tea ceremonies at the Hyuga compound.

Fugaku didn't particularly mind if Hiashi chose to fraternize with these influential figures, but there was one specific association that he vehemently disapproved of - Hiashi's uncomfortably close relationship with Danzo. Fugaku had never trusted Danzo, sensing that there was something fundamentally off about the man. He hadn't yet had the chance to thoroughly investigate Danzo's shadowy background, but there was an unsettling, foreboding feeling deep in Fugaku's gut that warned him not to trust the man. There was a strange familiarity in Danzo's chakra that Fugaku simply couldn't quite place.

Danzo was one of the main reasons why Fugaku had ultimately chosen to defy the explicit orders not to assist with the catastrophic Nine-Tails attack. It simply didn't sit right with the Uchiha clan head to stand by and let the village suffer when some of his clansmen possessed the formidable power of the Sharingan, which could potentially be used to stop the rampaging Nine-Tails beast. So why not utilize that power to protect the village, Fugaku had to defy direct orders from the Village Elder Council, and it cost him and his family, banishing them to the outskirts of Konoha. Far from the Police Headquarters.

"Don't refer to him like that! The child has a name, Hiashi. It's Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki," Mikoto suddenly retorted, her eyes flashing with a protective maternal fury as she glared at the Hyuga clan head. The proud Uchiha woman refused to allow Hiashi to dehumanize the young orphan in such a callous manner.

"I couldn't care less about his name, Mikoto. When he grows up, the child will be an invaluable asset to this village. He doesn't need to be influenced by your cursed clan," Hiashi coldly replied, his words dripping with disdain.

"Hiashi, that is enough," Shikaku interjected, his voice disapproving as he shot the Hyuga leader a stern look. "Let Jiraiya and Fugaku speak, you can voice your opinion after."

"Jiraiya came to us about this matter a few days ago.  He wanted to discuss our family watching Naruto while is on long-term missions.  He wants to leave Naruto with someone he can trust.  I know there is a lot of animosity towards the Uchiha Clan. My wife and Kushina were best friends.  She wanted our sons to grow up together, but unfortunate events caused a delay in that friendship. The plan was to raise our children together. Minato and Kushina were a great loss for the village and to this day I regret not getting to them in time. I should have broken my order to stay away much sooner.”

Hiashi's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Lies, your clan was responsible for the attack. Only your eyes can control the beast."

"Hiashi..." Shikaku warned, shooting the Hyuga clan head a disapproving glare.

Fugaku struggled to hold back his true feelings of frustration. "My clan did everything possible to evacuate civilians to safety. We rescued as many as we could, and we could have saved even more if I was not so worried about my clan being chastised. We were instructed to stay away, and I disobeyed that order for the overall well-being of the village." Fugaku refrained from pointing out that Hiashi had hidden behind his clan members during the attack, doing little to directly aid in protecting the village. Fugaku understood Hiashi's reasons - his wife had been expecting their firstborn child at the time, and the Hyuga leader had wanted to stay by her side. However, it still irked Fugaku to no end that the Hyuga Clan continued to distrust the Uchiha so deeply. He pondered whether it was simply jealousy or some other more nefarious motive driving Hiashi's animosity.

A few years after the Nine-Tails incident, Hiashi's brother had been tragically sacrificed to prevent an all-out war, when Hinata had been abducted. Fugaku could have brought up this painful point to the Hyuga leader, but he refused to stoop to the level of openly insulting another clan. It simply was not his place to meddle in their clan's internal affairs. Fugaku's patience was wearing increasingly thin.

"This meeting is not about the Nine-Tails attack, it is about the protection of a child whose guardian is going on a long-term mission," Fugaku interjected firmly. "Naruto's safety is of the utmost importance. If word got out to other villages of his identity not only as the jinchuriki but as the son of the Fourth Hokage, it would undoubtedly cause numerous kidnapping attempts. We all know that you are painfully aware of that, Hiashi - do you truly wish that same fate on another innocent child, especially one that you see as little more than a weapon and nothing else?"

Hiashi's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with anger. "Don't you dare use my daughter's kidnapping against me, Fugaku?"

"I was only trying to raise an important point," Fugaku replied evenly. "We need to take all kidnapping threats seriously. We are currently investigating many troubling occurrences of orphaned children going missing across the village."

"Every child is important, Hiashi," Mikoto suddenly spoke up, her eyes boring intensely into the Hyuga clan head. Hadn't he already made his nephew an orphan? His sister-in-law had perished during the Nine-Tails attack, and his brother had sacrificed himself because Kumo had sought retribution for killing Hinata's captor.

"Mikoto..." Fugaku shot his wife a cautionary look, knowing full well that her heart ached deeply for all orphaned children. She had seen firsthand what the Uchiha clan elders had done to Obito, how they had so callously disregarded his dying wish. Fugaku had been working tirelessly to change how orphans were treated, not just within the Uchiha clan, but across the entire village. It was an immense challenge to bring attention to this critical issue, as the village tended to view orphans as mere assets, believing they could be easily shaped into obedient warriors – tools at this disposal. Damaging the mental health of the youth of Konoha.

Without Jiraiya's intervention, Naruto's fate would have been truly grim. Fugaku doubted the village would have ever allowed the Uchiha Clan to care for the young jinchuriki if not for his involvement.

Jiraiya cleared his throat, "If I may, I'd like to explain to the council why I've chosen the Uchiha to look after Naruto."

The Uchiha Clan, despite being one of the village's founding clans, was not accorded the respect they deserved. Trust was lacking. With a heavy sigh, Mikoto made her way back to where Sasuke was engrossed in playing with a stuffed dinosaur - a prize Fugaku had won for her during their courtship at the Tatabata festival.

"Why do I have to come with you? I wanted to work on my..." Sasuke was trying hard to get out of meeting Naruto Uzumaki, the boy Jiraiya had adopted. Sasuke saw the loud-mouthed boy around the village when he accompanied his mother to the market. He needed no friends beyond his brother.

"You can practice that later; I can't leave you alone with sharp objects. Remember the last time you needed stitches?" Mikoto knew all of Sasuke's tricks and would not be easily swayed.

"I'll be more careful this time, I promise."

"I know you will." Mikoto smiled at her son.

"Then I'll practice playing the flute. It's a valuable skill for undercover missions as a shinobi. You've mentioned several times that I don't practice enough."

"Sasuke, you're not staying home alone. You're coming with me to welcome our guests. He's your age, and you need to be polite to him."

Sasuke knew better than to try and convince his perceptive mother to let him stay behind. Mikoto Uchiha was no easy mark.

"Sasuke, you are coming with me to greet our guest. Making these excuses not to come is not going to work."

"Fine!" Sasuke pouted, unwilling to argue further.

Mikoto chuckled at her son's behavior. "Let's go, my sweet boy. They should be there by now." She guided Sasuke forward, her hand on his shoulder.

Sasuke reluctantly followed, noticing the respect everyone showed his mother as they approached the Senbei shop. Jiraiya and Naruto were already there, the latter enjoying the famous Uchiha treats.

"It is good to see you again, Jiraiya." Mikoto smiled. Turning to Naruto, she continued, "And you must be Naruto. I am not sure if you know, but your mother and I were friends. Whenever you are ready, I would love to tell you some stories."

"I would love that!" Naruto beamed.

Naruto had always been intensely curious about his parents, the mysterious figures who had brought him into the world, but throughout his youth, he had only heard scattered, tantalizing fragments of stories about them. What he did know was that his father, the legendary Fourth Hokage, was renowned as one of the greatest and most skilled shinobi in the history of the Hidden Leaf Village. As the revered leader of the entire village, his father possessed unparalleled abilities and mastery of the ninja arts - a legacy that Naruto felt a deep yearning to live up to.

Naruto was fascinated by the signature technique that his father had created, the Rasengan, a devastating spiraling ball of chakra that required tremendous skill and dexterity to wield. Naruto hoped that one day he would be able to learn this technique from Jiraiya, who had helped his father develop the Rasengan as a way to protect Naruto's mother.

As for his mother, Naruto knew frustratingly little - only that she had come from the renowned Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure, a village famed for the longevity and powerful chakra of its inhabitants. Somehow, his mother had ended up in Konoha, likely sent there for protection, and Naruto couldn't help but wonder about the circumstances of her arrival and the reasons behind it.

But despite the scarcity of information, Naruto felt a deep connection to his mother, believing that he had inherited her vibrant, passionate personality and fiery determination. Unraveling the mysteries of his parentage had become an obsession for Naruto, as he yearned to understand the origins of the extraordinary gifts and burdens that had been passed down to him.

Naruto's eyes were immediately drawn to the dark-haired boy standing beside Mikoto, captivated by his mysterious and reserved demeanor. There was an undeniable allure about this Sasuke character - a quiet confidence and brooding intensity that Naruto could practically feel radiating off him. Even without saying a word, Sasuke had a magnetism that Naruto knew would have the local girls swooning. His chiseled features, piercing gaze, and effortlessly cool persona were the stuff of young girls’ dreams. Naruto could already envision Sasuke being swarmed by admirers, fawning over his aloof charm and rugged good looks.

Mikoto gently nudged her son forward, “This is Sasuke, my youngest son.  He is the same age as you and if you need anything you could ask him.”

"Hi, Sasuke!" Naruto smiled brightly.


Mikoto beamed with pride as she playfully fixed Sasuke's unruly hair. "Don't you two look handsome!" she exclaimed, turning her attention to Naruto to help him adjust his obi. "There, all set!"

Sasuke couldn't help but pout, questioning the need to attend the festival without his brother Itachi. "Do we have to go? Itachi isn't even here to take us," he grumbled.

Teasingly, Mikoto asked, "Are you disappointed that I'm your date?" She poked Sasuke's forehead, noticing the blush on his face as he looked away.

Sasuke didn't mind spending time with his mother, but he had hoped Itachi would be there. Itachi had promised to take him, but duty had called him away on a long-term mission. And Sasuke's father wouldn't be joining them either, preoccupied with maintaining order during the festival. "Itachi is always busy with missions now that he's a chunin. I rarely get to see him anymore," Sasuke trailed off.

Mikoto understood her youngest son's feelings. It had been months since Itachi's promotion, and Sasuke was still adjusting. She hoped Fugaku would now take more interest in Sasuke, as he was almost old enough to start learning the clan's signature fireball jutsu.

"Are you boys ready?" Mikoto asked eagerly.

"Yes!" Naruto and Sasuke replied in unison, excited to embark on their festival adventure.

Sasuke glanced over at Naruto, who was wholly engrossed in one of the many carnival games. Naruto's frustrated expression betrayed his unsuccessful attempts to catch a fish with a net. However, Sasuke's attention was diverted when he heard faint sobs coming from a nearby alleyway. Rather than interrupt his mother's enjoyable conversation with the game attendant, Sasuke decided to investigate the source of the cries.

As he approached the alley, Sasuke accidentally bumped into a man with long black hair. "Sorry," Sasuke muttered, before continuing towards the sobbing sounds. Despite knowing he shouldn't wander off; Sasuke's curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to ensure the well-being of the person crying and, if needed, guide them to the police for assistance. After all, Sasuke aspired to lead the Konoha Police Force one day, and this unexpected situation could serve as valuable practice.

"Hello?" Sasuke ventured deeper into the alleyway and came across a girl around his age with vibrant pink hair. She sat on the ground, her face hidden behind her arm as tears streamed down her cheeks. Pink hair was a rarity in the village, and it captivated Sasuke's attention.

"Are you okay?" he asked. The girl looked up, revealing alluring emerald eyes that held Sasuke's gaze.

"Are you here to make fun of me?" Sakura stared at the boy, taking in his features - fair skin, onyx eyes, and messy black hair that spiked up in the back. He was undeniably handsome, the most handsome boy she had ever seen. She could tell he was a member of one of the clans by his demeanor. His navy yukata with the Uchiwa embroidery marked him as a noble from the Uchiha clan, one of the founding clans of Konoha. A warrior.

"Why would I mock you?" Sasuke asked, puzzled.

"Because everyone else does. My hair color is strange, and my forehead is big."

Sakura's self-deprecating comments annoyed him. "There's nothing wrong with how you look. Those who belittle you are just insecure. Don't let them affect you."

Sakura blushed at his words. "Thank"

"Sasuke," he introduced himself, extending a hand.

"Sakura," she replied, placing her hand in his. As he helped her up, he noticed her sea-foam yukata that matched her eyes and the cherry blossom pattern that reflected her namesake. Her hair was decorated with a kanzashi in the shape of cherry blossoms. Though he wasn't one for physical contact, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

They began to leave the alley when Sasuke's cousin, Shisui, suddenly appeared.

“Shrimp, how many times have we told you not to wander off on your own? Especially when there are people who might not be...” He paused; his attention was immediately drawn to the young girl standing behind his cousin Sasuke, her small fingers tightly gripping the sleeve of Sasuke's yukata. This was a most unusual sight, as Sasuke was typically quick to brush off any unwanted advances or attention from the village girls who often tried to get close to the young Uchiha prodigy. Yet here was this delicate-looking child, seemingly immune to Sasuke's usual aloofness and disinterest.

Shisui observed the pair closely, intrigued by this anomaly. As he examined the girl more closely, he recognized her distinctive features - the vibrant pink hair and bright green eyes that could only belong to the daughter of Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno. Yes, this was unmistakably the Haruno girl, a true child of spring with her ethereal, otherworldly beauty. Shisui couldn't help but wonder if she had somehow cast a spell on his usually standoffish cousin. What was it about this little girl that had managed to capture Sasuke's attention in a way that no other had before? He continued to observe the pair, utterly fascinated by this unexpected and intriguing interaction, his mind racing with questions about the nature of the bond between Sasuke and this Haruno blossom.

The Harunos owned a popular bakery in the civilian district of the village, a place Shisui often visited alongside his Itachi. Itachi had developed a particular fondness for the Haruno bakery's delectable dango and other sweet confections over the years – a place they would visit after every mission.

As Shisui continued to silently observe the scene unfolding before him, he noticed Sasuke suddenly stepping in front of the Haruno girl, almost as if shielding her from his presence. It was then that Shisui also noticed the telltale signs of tears glistening on the young girl's face. "Not making girls cry again, are you, Sasuke?" Shisui couldn't resist playfully remarking, his curiosity about this curious encounter only growing stronger.

Sasuke's left eye twitched with annoyance as Shisui's teasing smirk spread across his face. The older boy always seemed to take delight in ruffling Sasuke's feathers, knowing full well just how easily provoked the young Uchiha could be. Shisui relished the opportunity to get under Sasuke's skin, poking and prodding at the boy's short fuse until he was practically steaming. It was a game they had played countless times before, with Shisui as the unflappable tormentor and Sasuke as the easily riled-up target. Just as Shisui was about to launch into another round of merciless taunting, however, a soft voice suddenly interrupted them.

Sakura, the shy pink-haired girl standing beside Sasuke, spoke up with a quiet but firm tone. "He didn't make me cry," she interjected, her gaze fixed intently on the brooding Uchiha. A delicate blush crept across her cheeks as she continued, "He heard me crying, and...his kind words made me feel better." Shisui paused, his eyebrows raising in surprise as he realized the true nature of the situation. Ah, so that was it - Sasuke, for all his gruff exterior, had shown a rare moment of compassion, comforting the distraught girl rather than adding to her distress.

"I see," Shisui responded, a newfound understanding dawning on him. "Sasuke can be quite charming when he's not being a little fireball," he admitted, approaching the two children and placing a playful hand atop Sasuke's head, ruffling the boy's dark hair. Chuckling as Sasuke ineffectively attempted to swat his hand away, "Let's get you back to your parents, Sakura. I'm sure they're worried about you."

Kneeling in front of the younger Uchiha, Shisui placed a reassuring hand on Sasuke's shoulder. "Kid, I know you were trying to do something nice, but next time, make sure to inform Auntie. Don't go running off like that again. If your mother asks, your father will send the entire police force to find you."

Sasuke's chin lifted defiantly, his dark eyes narrowing. "I can handle myself, Shisui," he retorted confidently, unwilling to back down even in the face of the older boy's gentle chastisement. Shisui simply chuckled, recognizing the stubborn pride that burned within his young cousin. It was a quality that both endeared and exasperated him, a reflection of the stubborn Uchiha spirit that ran through their veins. With a fond shake of his head, Shisui rose to his feet, ushering Sakura along while keeping a watchful eye on the ever-independent Sasuke.

"Oh, really? You may think so, but you still have much to learn, shrimp," Shisui replied with a smirk.


Sasuke found Shisui incredibly annoying. He couldn't understand why he always had to interfere and take Itachi away, especially when they didn't have a mission. Shisui was just plain irritating.

Sakura gently released the sleeve of Sasuke's yukata, her voice trailing off as she spoke. "Um, Uchiha-san, could you please help me find Ino? We were supposed to go to the festival together. My parents are running a food stand there tonight and..." Her words faded, a hint of nervousness creeping into her tone.

Shisui, the ever-cheerful and charismatic Uchiha, spoke up. "Don't you worry, little blossom," he said with a warm smile. "We'll find your friend, the Yamanaka heiress." Shisui couldn't help but wonder how this seemingly ordinary civilian child had become friends with the daughter of a prominent shinobi clan leader. He recalled Inoichi mentioning his daughter Ino before, describing her as a social butterfly who eagerly befriended everyone she met. Perhaps Ino had taken a liking to the polite and kind-hearted Sakura as well.

Shisui thought it was wonderful to see children from such different backgrounds interacting, as it helped bridge the gap between the shinobi and civilian worlds. "But first, I need to take the shrimp back to his mother. You can call me Shisui, no need for formalities," he continued, addressing Sakura with the affectionate nickname.

Shisui noticed Sasuke crossing his arms and pouting, clearly annoyed by the pet name Shisui had bestowed upon Sakura. Shisui chuckled, eagerly awaiting Itachi's return so he could tease his younger cousin about his apparent interest in Sakura. Soon, Shisui led the children out of the alley, where Mikoto was waiting with a confused Naruto by her side.

"Sasuke Uchiha!" Mikoto rushed towards her son, enveloping him in a tight embrace. Public displays of affection were rare among the Uchiha, but when Mikoto couldn't sense Sasuke's chakra, she feared the worst. She knew that children with powerful kekkei genkai like Sasuke were often targeted by enemy villages and recruited by Danzo for a secret Anbu division. She didn't want that man anywhere near her sons. "Don't ever run off like that again. I thought something terrible had happened to you."

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help..."

Mikoto noticed the girl standing next to Shisui and instantly recognized her. There was only one person in the village with cherry blossom hair. "Oh, I see..." she said.

Sasuke blushed as he tried to explain, "It's not what you think, I was just..."

"Sakura, I hope Sasuke treated you well. I taught him..." Mikoto said with a warm smile.

"He was very kind. You don't have to worry, Uchiha-san," Sakura replied politely.

Mikoto observed Sakura closely and couldn't help but notice the girl blushing as she looked at Sasuke. Mikoto was glad to see that Sakura didn't judge the Uchiha clan and that Sasuke had made a good impression on her. "That's good to hear," she said, smiling warmly.

Naruto stared at Sakura, his face turning red. "Wow, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Sakura-chan," he blurted out.

"Um, thank you..." Sakura blushed, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment. She had never considered herself pretty before.

"Is your hair really pink?" Naruto asked, amazed.

"Yes." Sakura wasn't sure how to respond, worried that he might make fun of her unique appearance as many other kids had done.

"Wow, that's so cool." Naruto beamed at her.

Sakura's blush deepened. "Thank you...

"I should get Sakura to her friend Ino." Shisui smiled at Mikoto. "Be good, Sasuke." He turned to Sakura and held out his hand. "Are you ready, Sakura-chan?" Sakura nodded and took his hand.

"I'll lecture you later, young man. And don't think your father won't hear about this. You shouldn't be wandering off on your own," Mikoto said firmly. She stopped herself, realizing this wasn't the right time or place for that conversation. Sasuke was still young, and she wanted him to remain innocent.

Sasuke cast his gaze downward, feeling like a disappointment once again. He always felt he wasn't good enough, unable to live up to the standards expected of a Uchiha. He knew he needed to change, to be more like his brother Itachi, and ensure everything he did was perfect.

Mikoto kneeled in front of Sasuke, gently lifting his chin. She could see the sadness in his eyes. "I know you're feeling bad, and I know you were trying to do something nice for Sakura. You're going to grow up to be an amazing young man," she reassured him, patting his cheek. "Why don't we write down some wishes and head home? I'll make your favorites. I know today has been tough for you."

Mikoto understood that Sasuke was uncomfortable in crowds. He tolerated them, but only if it meant spending time with his brother Itachi. "Yes, mother," Sasuke replied flatly. "Let's go make a wish."

Naruto observed Sasuke, puzzled by the sudden change in his usually quiet and reserved demeanor. At six years old, this behavior was atypical.

"Naruto, are you ready to make a wish?" Mikoto asked, turning to the young boy.

"Yes, Auntie!" Naruto exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Excitedly, he grabbed Sasuke's arm. "Let's go, Sasukeeee!" he cried, tugging him towards the booth to get supplies for their wishes.

"Let go of my arm!" Sasuke scowled, his voice laced with annoyance. "I can walk on my own."

Ino stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as she spotted Shisui Uchiha standing beside her. A faint blush crept onto her cheeks. While he might not be Sasuke, the Uchiha boys were undeniably handsome. Despite the eight-year age gap, Ino couldn't help but be charmed by Shisui's tall, dark-haired figure and piercing onyx eyes - that signature Uchiha allure. She had seen him before at her family's flower shop, often accompanying Itachi, the Uchiha clan heir, to buy flowers for their matriarch.

"There you are! I was worried..." Ino began, her voice tinged with relief. Unlike the reserved Sasuke, Shisui seemed to have a way with people, always an inseparable pair with Itachi.

"Hello, Ino-chan!" Shisui greeted warmly.

"Hi..." Ino stammered, her cheeks flushing as she exchanged glances with Shisui before turning her gaze to Sakura in admiration. She made a mental note to grill her best friend later about why a Uchiha was accompanying her. Ino hoped that Sakura hadn't encountered any trouble - people their age could be cruel, especially towards someone as striking as Sakura. Not only was Sakura beautiful, but she was also incredibly intelligent, drawing attention that some girls found threatening.

"Have a great evening, Sakura-chan," Shisui said with a wink before disappearing as if he had never been there. Sakura was impressed by his sudden departure and secretly wished to learn the same trick one day.

"Okay, Forehead, spill! Why was Shisui Uchiha with you?"

Ino turned to her friend, curiosity piqued by the unexpected sight of Shisui Uchiha with Sakura. The Uchiha clan was known for overseeing the Police Force and keeping a watchful eye on the festival, but it was unusual for one of them to escort someone. Ino reminded herself not to jump to conclusions. Although Sakura didn't appear to be injured, her tear-stained face was a clear indication that something had upset her.

"I was heading towards our meeting spot when Ami and her group of followers cornered me," Sakura explained.

"What did Watanabe and her wannabes do this time?" Ino asked, concern evident in her voice.

"She said some hurtful things, and I couldn't help but run away crying. I ended up hiding in an alley, and that's when he found me."

"Shisui?" Ino guessed.

"No, it was Sasuke. He found me and managed to cheer me up. He's quite charming," Sakura blushed. "And surprisingly, his hands are incredibly soft. I never expected that from someone from the Uchiha clan. Aren't they supposed to be warriors? Also, he looks a lot like his mother. She's beautiful. Do all Uchiha clan members look like that?"

Ino teased, "It seems Sasuke-kun made quite an impression on you, forehead. You're really lucky - he rarely attends festivals because he doesn't like the attention. When he does go, he's usually accompanied by his older brother, Itachi. Sasuke's always been a loner and doesn't enjoy being in crowds or interacting with others. Unless forced to, he keeps to himself."

"Sasuke's mother wasn't alone either. Naruto Uzumaki was with her, and he seemed friendly. He even called me the prettiest girl he had ever seen. I never saw myself that way," Sakura admitted.

"You are too hard on yourself, Sakura," Ino reassured her. "You are very pretty - a bud waiting to bloom into a beautiful flower. Once you do, I think you'll be the prettiest of them all. You'll have many suitors when we're old enough to date."

Sakura smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Ino, you always know how to cheer me up.  You are amazing.”

Ino beamed, her bright blue eyes sparkling with warmth and enthusiasm. "We're both amazing! Don't stress about your looks or dating. We'll have plenty of time for that when we're older," she assured Sakura confidently.

Sakura nodded, but then a thought occurred to her. "Wait, doesn't your clan have strict rules about that?" she asked curiously. Sakura had heard whispers in the marketplace and at her parents' bakery about how traditional and rigid some of the prominent clans in the village could be when it came to marriage and relationships. The Hyuga clan, for example, was notorious for almost exclusively marrying within their family lines, rarely allowing outsiders to join their ranks. The Uchiha, on the other hand, were generally more flexible but still maintained certain expectations and protocols for those who wished to marry into their prestigious clan.

Ino just waved a hand dismissively. "Nah, the Yamanaka clan isn't that old-fashioned when it comes to marriage and dating. I can be with whoever I want," she replied confidently. "Although my dad did threaten to read their minds to make sure they had good intentions. He's just overprotective," Ino continued with a sheepish chuckle, quickly changing the subject. "So, you've met Naruto, huh? I'm surprised he's allowed to interact with the Uchiha. Some clans think he shouldn't be allowed near them, while others believe the opposite. People can be so cruel and political." Ino's expression darkened momentarily as she discussed the village's treatment of Naruto. "My dad thinks isolation is a terrible thing. Naruto shouldn't be cut off from kids his age. It can mess with their minds if they're isolated for too long. And not just their minds, but the people around them too." Ino's voice took on a more passionate tone as she continued. "My dad believes it's important for Naruto to interact with kids his age, and he also thinks the Uchiha shouldn't be treated poorly. They're one of the founding clans of this village and deserve respect." Ino crossed her arms, her brow furrowed as she spoke. "According to my dad, they had to go through a whole hearing with the other clans just to get permission to watch Naruto while Jiraiya is away from the village."

Sakura listened intently, nodding as she took in all the information about the complex clan dynamics and politics at play in the village. She knew that understanding these nuanced relationships and power structures would be crucial if she wanted to become a skilled and respected kunoichi someday. "He seems nice, I don't understand why some villagers do not like him. He is just a child who has a demo..."

Ino quickly covered Sakura's mouth, interrupting her. "That's not something we discuss! Civilians aren't aware of the matter, but the clans and shinobi families are. I'm surprised you figured it out."

Sakura gently removed Ino's hand and raised an eyebrow. "It wasn't difficult to piece together, Ino. He was born on the same day..."

"Sakura, please, we can't talk about this," Ino said, tugging Sakura's hand toward the tanzaku booth. Sakura was too intelligent for her own good and had the potential to become an exceptional shinobi. The village needed more people with minds like hers. There were likely other capable civilian children, but the fear of them dying young was high. Most didn't make it through the Academy, and only a few civilians became genin.

Ino was glad she had helped convince Sakura's parents to let her enter the Academy. Sakura had passed all the tests with flying colors, and Ino had heard rumors she had one of the highest scores from a civilian student in the village's history.

"Let's go make a wish and get something sweet to eat," Ino said, forcing a smile.

"Alright..." Sakura replied, also forcing a smile. She couldn't understand why discussing Naruto and the Nine-Tails was off-limits. He was not at fault for his fate.

Natsu looked at the young heiress, Lady Hinata, who was dressed more formally than many of the festival attendees. Her lavender kimono adorned with violet flowers signified the high status and importance of the Hyuga Clan. Hiashi had only allowed Hinata a brief break from her training to enjoy the festival, as she had an early session the next morning.

Hinata longed to have carefree fun like the other children, but she knew that was not her reality. "Is there anything you would like to do before we return to the compound?" Natsu asked.

"I wish to write a wish," Hinata replied.

"Then, let's make our wishes at the festival booth," Natsu said.

Hinata and Natsu approached the booth, and Hinata gazed up at the sign displaying the ancient song of the Tanabata festival.

The bamboo leaves rustle and sway under the eaves.

The stars twinkle like Yolanda and silver grains of sand.

I have written the five-color paper strips.

The twinkling stars watch from above.

Pondering her wish, Hinata considered whether to use it for her own desires or to think of her family instead. Glancing at the vibrant papers swaying from the bamboo branches, filled with the hopes and dreams of the gathered crowd, Hinata let out a contemplative sigh as she stared at her own lavender paper.

Hinata could relate to the story of Tanabata - the tale of the star-crossed lovers, Princess Orihime and Hikoboshi, who could only meet on the seventh day of the seventh month. But even that reunion was not guaranteed, as rain could prevent their annual meeting.

Once upon a time, the Sky King, Tentei had a beautiful daughter named Orhime who would weave stars into the sky.  She would tirelessly weave the fabric her father loved so much, however, the longer she worked, the loner she became.  Tentei could not bear to see his daughter in such a state, so he arranged for Orihime to meet Hikoboshi.

Hikoboshi was a very kind cow herder who lived across the way.  Tentei knew the boy had good values and would treat his daughter right.  Upon meeting Orihime and Hikoboshi instantly fell in love and married.  They loved each other so much they started to neglect their duties, nothing mattered to them anymore, but each other.  Stars disappeared from the say and cows began to wander.

This enraged Tentei. The balance of the universe was being disrupted.  The Sky king used his powers to create a mighty river Amanogawa that would permanently separate the two lovers.

Balance returned to the universe. Hikoboshi returned to herding and Oribime returned to weaving the fabric of the stars. The two lovers never forgot each other.  Orihime would cry every day, thinking of her lost love.  Tentei's heart softens enough to allow the star-crossed lovers to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month.

Hinata gazed up at the night sky, her lips curving into a soft smile. The stars of Orihime and Hikoboshi shone brightly, a reminder of the star-crossed lovers' forbidden love. Despite her duties to the Hyuga clan, Hinata couldn't help but feel a connection to their tale.

"Hey, Sasuke, what are you going to wish for?" Naruto asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

"It's private, you idiot," Sasuke replied curtly.

"Sasuke, you're no fun. Tell me what you wished for, teme," Naruto whined.

"I am not telling you anything," Sasuke said firmly.

Hinata's heart fluttered as Naruto Uzumaki came into view. Just the thought of him made her blush. Though she'd only seen him in passing, her feelings for him were undeniable. His warm, vibrant chakra filled the void in her life with hope. But she knew her father would never approve of her affection for the village's "weapon."

Watching Naruto converse with the dark-haired boy, Hinata couldn't help but wonder about their interaction. She recalled her father's recent frustration after a meeting - was the Uchiha's involvement the cause? Despite the potential consequences, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the two boys, their bond almost brotherly.

"Well, I know what my wish is going to be. I want to become Hokage, to live up to my father's legacy," Naruto declared.

"Typical..." Sasuke muttered.

"Now, tell me what you're wishing for..." Naruto pressed.

"I told you, it's none of your business," Sasuke insisted.

Hinata's gaze drifted to where Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, the Yamanaka clan heiress, were chatting. "There's that pretty girl again, Sakura-chan," Naruto mused. "She's worth getting in trouble with your mother for. She's cute. Why don't we go talk to them?"

"No, I just want to go home," Sasuke said firmly. "I don't wish to discuss frivolous things. Besides, Ino is annoying, and I don't want to deal with her today. I'm tired, and I don't need to be worn out even more by her."

"You're no fun," Naruto pouted.

"You're annoying," Sasuke retorted.

Hinata's gaze shifted to the two girls, their hands intertwined as they approached the booth to record their wishes. They walked right past her, as if she were invisible once again.

Ino, a familiar face from the seasonal clan gatherings, caught Hinata's eye. The Yamanaka clan's signature pale blonde hair and baby blue eyes were unmistakable, especially among the main family members. However, the other girl accompanying Ino was not part of any clan; she was a civilian named Sakura. Hinata had never seen someone so breathtakingly beautiful. With her pink hair and green eyes, Sakura resembled a mystical forest nymph, a true goddess of spring - a character straight out of folklore. It came as no surprise to Hinata that Naruto had taken a liking to her. Sakura was truly unique, unlike anyone else in Konoha.

"Better wish for something good, forehead," Ino teased.

"Don't worry, pig, I've got a good wish up my sleeve. You're the one who needs to worry, not me," Sakura retorted.

"Well, it's not hard when you're a beacon for the Uchiha," Ino shot back.

"I'm not a beacon for the Uchiha. I met Sasuke-kun by accident. He didn't need to be so nice to me, but he was. It's nice to get along with people from clans. Civilians shouldn't fear shinobi - they're not all violent and deadly, despite what some say. Shinobi can be good people, even if they do questionable things on missions, usually for good reasons." Sakura paused. "Ino, I don't know how to say this, but you saved me from myself."

"I didn't do much, just gave you a confidence boost. You had all the elements, you just needed a little push," Ino said.

"Still, you showed me kindness when others ignored me. I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend."

"You're a good friend too, Sakura. I'd rather hang out with you than Ami and her wannabes."

"Lady Hinata, are you ready to return home?" a voice called.

"Yes," Hinata replied, finishing her wish and tying the tanzaku to the bamboo tree, hoping it would one day come true. She looked up at the sky, thinking, maybe one day, I'll have the confidence to be who I want to be.


I decided to post the first chapter quicker than expected. I will most likely get on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule now that the first chapter has been released.

I decided to start off this story with a festival. Thought it would be fun to introduce some of the characters. I decided to have Jiraya raise Naruto and it helped set up Naruto and Sasuke's friendship. I wanted the two to be friends before the academy. I also introduced Sakura, Ino, Shisui, Mikoto, and Hinata in this chapter. It is laying down the groundwork for what I have planned.

The Hyuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan are not going to like each other for a while. There is a reason for it, but I cannot say why yet. In a world where the Uchiha don't die, I just get the feeling that they would not like each other.

I did introduce other characters in this chapter but didn't reveal who it was. Can you pick up on who you think it could possibly be?

Chapter 3: Origins


Edited 2/22/24
Edited 9/27/24

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The air was filled with delicate pink petals dancing on the spring breeze, heralding the arrival of the new season in Konoha. Alongside the blossoms came the start of the new school year, and today was the day of the Ninja Academy entrance ceremony in April.

At the tender age of seven, Sasuke was finally embarking on his path to become a shinobi - a journey he had eagerly anticipated for a long time, yearning to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, Itachi, and uphold the honor of his clan's legacy.

"Congratulations on your acceptance into the academy, everyone," the Hokage announced.

Sasuke sighed deeply as he observed the incoming students, barely listening to the speech. He noticed there were more clan children than he expected, along with a fair number of civilian students - a group often viewed as second-rate and unimportant in a village that prized kekkei genkai and ancient clan techniques. While some civilians managed to surpass expectations, they were frequently overlooked in favor of the noble clans of Konoha.

"From this day forth, do your best to reach your goals and become a shinobi," the Hokage concluded.

Sasuke looked over his shoulder and saw his parents and Itachi.  He was happy they were here to support him. Itachi has postponed a mission to see his brother start his journey.  He knew how important today was to Sasuke.  It was a rite of passage for any Uchiha. Expectations were set high for someone like him. A child of the Head of the Uchiha Clan.  The brother of Itachi Uchiha. He needed to go beyond what was expected of him.

“Hey, Sasuke, Sasukeeeee…” Naruto poked his best friend’s side. “Sasukee…”

Naruto's persistent poking finally reclaimed Sasuke's wandering attention. Annoyed, Sasuke turned to his best friend and snapped, "What do you want?"

Naruto looked puzzled. "What were you staring at? I've been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes."

"I was observing our classmates and assessing our chances of becoming Genin," Sasuke replied coolly.

Naruto's brow furrowed in confusion. "Don't we all become Genin?"

Sasuke shook his head. "No, more than half of our class won't make the cut. They'll graduate from the academy, but there's another exam to determine who's truly fit to become active-duty shinobi." Sasuke had learned this from his family. In times of peace, they undergo another test to identify the strongest candidates. However, during times of war, anyone who passes the academy exam automatically becomes a Genin. Unfortunately, many young shinobi lose their lives in such circumstances.

"What will happen to the ones who don't make it?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke sighed inwardly. Ever since he had met Naruto, the boy's constant barrage of questions had become a source of mild irritation. Naruto's insatiable curiosity, while admirable, could sometimes venture into dangerous territory - delving into matters the village preferred to keep hidden from its citizens.

"Some will return to civilian life, while others will be integrated into other jobs needed to run the village. A select few may try again to become active shinobi," Sasuke explained.

"How many kids here are from clans?" Naruto pressed on, eager to assess his competition in the pursuit of his dream to become Hokage, like his father.

Sasuke clicked his tongue, annoyed by Naruto's lack of basic knowledge. "Eight," he replied, crossing his arms. "Surely even a civilian would know the prominent clans of Konoha."

Naruto shrugged, unperturbed. "What can I say? Jiraiya's been too busy teaching me to fight. I guess he didn't think the politics of the village were important."

Sasuke's gaze drifted to the girl with vibrant pink hair, Sakura, whom he had briefly encountered at the festival the previous year. A sense of familiarity washed over him as the memory resurfaced.

Noticing Sasuke's lingering gaze on the girl, Naruto grinned. "She's pretty, isn't she? Isn't she the one Shisui found you with at the festival?"

"Yes, her family owns a bakery in town. I believe I've been there once with Itachi," Sasuke said, turning his eyes away. "She doesn't seem cut out to be a shinobi, coming from a civilian family."

"Who do you think will make it then?" Naruto asked.

"Likely the kids from the clans," Sasuke replied. "They've been training for this their whole lives. There are usually three-man teams, so nine of us will become ninja. And then there's the civilian wildcard."

Naruto's face lit up. "I hope Sakura-chan is the wildcard! She could be on our team. Her hair is so pretty, and she doesn't look at me weird."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think we'll end up on the same team?"

Though Sasuke wouldn't mind being on the same team as Naruto, he'd never admit it to his friend. They had already run a few exercises that Itachi had taught them, but who would their third member be? Sasuke's eyes drifted towards the pink-haired girl again. It would be difficult for her to blend in as a shinobi with her unique hair color. Staying in the village might be the safer option for someone as fragile as her, shielding her from the harsh realities of the shinobi world.

"It's our destiny," Naruto smiled. "So, are you going to explain the clans to me?"

"Fine, I'll only explain this once, so listen closely. As I mentioned, there are eight children here from clans, and four of those are considered Konoha's noble clans - the Aburame, Akimichi, Hyuga, and Uchiha."

"I didn't know you were royalty. Should I start calling you 'Your Highness' since you always act like there's a stick up your ass?"

"Idiot, that's not what it means to be a noble clan. There's nothing wrong with how I behave."

Sasuke couldn't help but question his friendship with Naruto, despite knowing how important it was to his mother. There was a connection between them that just felt right as if they were destined to be friends. Naruto's carefree nature and ability to bring out a different side of Sasuke intrigued him. As a reserved Uchiha, Sasuke was used to blending in and staying in the shadows, but Naruto's influence made him show a playful side he rarely revealed. Despite the animosity towards his clan, Sasuke remained observant and cautious, especially around village elder Danzo, whose chakra felt unsettlingly familiar. He warned his brothers to steer clear of the man, sensing that he was no ally to the Uchiha.

"Whatever you say..."

"Those clans are called noble because we are considered the most powerful in the village. Most trace their lineage back to the early days of Konoha. The Uchiha are one of the founding clans."

"I know that, Sasuke. You don't have to repeat yourself. I'm not an idiot," Naruto remarked.

"Well, sometimes it's hard to tell," Sasuke retorted. "Knowing the village's history and clan dynamics is crucial if you want to become Hokage. It can get complicated - some clans get along well, some just tolerate each other, and some prefer to stay out of the drama."

"It's not my fault the old man is always away on missions. He'll be even busier now that I'm in the academy," Naruto complained. "You've been learning about this stuff forever."

"Not as much as you think. I'm not the heir - Itachi gets the special lessons from my father to prepare him for leading the clan," Sasuke explained.

"Your clan has those special eyes, right? Do you have them too, Sasuke?" Naruto inquired.

"It's called the Sharingan, and no, I don't have it yet," Sasuke replied, avoiding Naruto's eyes.

"How do you gain it?"

"Clan secret. I cannot tell you."

"Fine!" Naruto huffed, crossing his arms.

Sasuke gestured towards the tallest boy in their class, wearing a light grey trench coat with a high collar, black sunglasses, and dark brown curly hair. "That's Shino Aburame. He comes from the Aburame clan, known for their unique jutsu involving insects. The clan members are usually skilled trackers or assassins, each specializing in a specific type of insect they bond with. This bond determines their path as shinobi, though not much is known about their bonding ceremonies. Shino himself is a reserved individual, so it's best not to make any bug-related insults around him - the Aburame are quite sensitive about that."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, ensuring he was listening. "Choji Akimichi is the one eating the bag of chips," he said. Naruto tended to drift off when things got boring.

Sasuke continued, "The Akimichi clan is renowned for their body-expansion jutsu. These techniques require immense caloric intake to fuel the chakra output. The more they eat, the more chakra they can harness. They even have a jutsu called 'butterfly mode' that uses an enormous amount of chakra."

"Butterfly mode? What is that?" Naruto questioned.

"I'm not sure of the specifics, but from what my cousins have told me, it's a powerful clan technique," Sasuke replied. He then turned his attention to the girl with lavender eyes - Hinata, from the Hyuga main branch. Sasuke tried to conceal his disdain for her clan, knowing he shouldn't judge. The Hyuga had opposed his family's efforts to care for Naruto when Jiraiya was away. Sasuke was unaware of the steps his clan had taken to gain permission for this arrangement. Had the Hyuga council not agreed, Sasuke may never have become friends with Naruto.

The Uchiha and the Hyuga had a long history of animosity. Sasuke had heard about their harsh treatment of the branch members, finding the idea of treating relatives like slaves disturbing. Unfortunately, the village couldn't interfere in inter-clan politics, as the clans operated independently most of the time.

"Something wrong, Sasuke?" Naruto heard the strain in his friend's voice, knowing Sasuke was irritated by Hinata. While Sasuke was usually gentle and respectful, especially towards girls due to his mother's teachings, there were rare moments when his walls slipped, and he snapped. Naruto had witnessed this on occasions when they walked through the village, as Sasuke was often the object of girls' affections.

"Her name is Hinata Hyuga," Sasuke replied. "She is the heir to her clan and possesses a visual prowess called the Byakugan, which is different from the Sharingan."

"Different in what way?" Naruto asked.

"The Byakugan allows the user to have near-360 vision and better chakra perception than the Sharingan, but it must be trained intensively to be utilized proficiently," Sasuke explained. "Unlike the Sharingan, the Byakugan is a natural ability inherent to the Hyuga clan."

“And the others?” Naruto asked.

"Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka are members of clans that often have their members placed on the same Genin teams as the Akimichi clan. These clans have close-knit families who grow up and train together." Sasuke crossed his arms and looked at Naruto, "The Nara clan frequently serves in advisory roles, often working closely with the Hokage or strategizing during times of war. They also tend to be involved in international politics and possess a special clan jutsu utilizing shadow possession."

“That’s cool, so if I become Hokage, Shikamaru might be my advisor.”

"If Shikamaru doesn't let his laziness get in the way, he could be a great advisor if you become Hokage," Sasuke noted.

“The Yamanaka clan works in the village's T&I and barrier divisions, ensuring the security of our borders and monitoring who enters and exits. They possess the ability to analyze potential threats, and members are frequently called upon by the police to assist with investigations, as they specialize in mind-based jutsu."

"Remind me not to get on Ino's bad side," Naruto said, before turning to Sasuke and asking, "What about the one with the dog?"

"That's Kiba Inuzuka and his canine companion, Akamaru. Members of the Inuzuka clan are often skilled trackers, thanks to their enhanced sense of smell. The bond between the clan members and their canine partners is essential, as they learn many techniques together from a young age."

"Interesting, I guess we are the other two?”

“We are? Has Jiraiya told you about your mother? She was not born in Konoha. That she was sent here for protection.”

“He informed me about my mother and where she came from.  I know Uzushio is in ruins, but I would love to visit one day.  I want to learn where my mother came from.”

“Maybe we will go on a mission near there one day.”

“So, you do want to be on the same team as me” Naruto threw his arm over Sasuke’s shoulder.

Sasuke panicked and quickly denied Naruto's claim. "I did not say that!" he snapped, “Get off me,” shoving Naruto away. Annoyed that his desire to be on the same team as Naruto had slipped out, Sasuke knew the idiot would never leave him alone now. Naruto would constantly push to spar and run drills together, just like they had been doing for months. Sasuke sighed, resigning himself to the fact that he would never get any alone time.

Naruto grinned, noticing the tips of Sasuke's ears turn red. "You know, your voice changes when you're lying," he teased. "You want to be on the same team as me. Who wouldn't? I'm awesome, and I..."

"I swear, if you shout that you're going to be Hokage, I am..." Sasuke began but was interrupted by the arrival of his brother Itachi.

"Sasuke," Itachi called. "Mother has prepared your favorites to celebrate your academy entrance. You are welcome to join us, Naruto."

Naruto smiled. "That's alright. The old man and I are getting ramen tonight at Ichiraku but tell Auntie I appreciate the invite."

"I will. Have a good day, Naruto," Itachi replied.

A couple of months had passed since the academy's entrance ceremony. Classes were underway, with students learning the rules of the shinobi way and techniques to strengthen their minds and bodies. Lessons covered the basics of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, as well as how to control and manipulate chakra through hand seals.

As the day's classes ended, Sakura scanned the crowd, searching for her best friend. "Ino-chan!" she called out, hurrying over in the hopes they could spend some time together. "Do you want to get some tea and..."

But Sakura could tell from the look on Ino's face that they wouldn't be able to hang out today. Ever since starting the academy, this had become a common occurrence, as Ino was frequently occupied with duties at her clan's flower shop and lessons with the clan elders.

"I'm sorry, Sakura," Ino frowned. "I can't hang out with you today. I have to attend a clan gathering."

"It's okay," Sakura replied. "My parents are busy, and I'm in charge of the bakery today. I thought it would be fun to have your help since you assist at your parents' flower shop."

"Trust me, I'd rather be helping you," Ino said. "We can do something tomorrow - I can teach you the Noh Mai, a dance that can be used on undercover missions."

"Oh, well, I hope I can use that skill one day, but my chances of becoming a Genin don't look good. I looked up the statistics of civilians who succeed as ninjas, and it doesn't look promising."

"Don't worry, forehead," Ino reassured her. "You're going to graduate. We're going to become Genin together - even if we're not on the same team. Just be confident, and you'll succeed."

“I know, but...”


Ino's mother then called out, and Ino muttered a few profanities under her breath. Ino was more of a daddy's girl, as her mother could be overbearing at times.

"Sorry, Sakura, I have to go," Ino said, hugging her best friend. "I'll see you tomorrow, I promise!"

“Do I have to go?” Sasuke grumbled to his mother, eyeing his navy yukata with disdain. Formal attire always made him feel uneasy. It was scratchy and made him feel suffocated.

“Yes, you have to go,” Mikoto replied, looking at her son with a sigh. She knelt in front of him and offered a reassuring smile. "It's important to build connections with children from other clans, to foster alliances." She smoothed out the collar of his yukata.

"But I'm not the heir, and I shouldn't have to attend these pointless events. Itachi should be the one going, not me. But as always, he's off on a mission, leaving me to deal with this alone. It's so annoying."

Sasuke hated these clan gatherings that forced him to socialize. It was pure agony for an introvert like him. The only time he could stand them was when Itachi was around, but once again, he missed the minuscule events.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you are going to act pleasant and behave respectably."

"Fine, but I don't have to like it." Sasuke folded his arms and turned away from his mother. "I'd rather be at home practicing the flute since I can't practice Kenshibu without supervision."

Mikoto sighed as she observed Sasuke. Lately, he had been more rebellious. She had tried to ask him what was bothering him, but he always brushed it off. Mikoto knew Sasuke wasn't being honest with her, but she also knew that pushing too hard would only push him further away. She trusted that when Sasuke was ready, he would come to her.

“Your father is going to meet us there. He is just finishing up a few things at the station.”

“I am sure something will come up and he will not attend.”

Sasuke understood his father wouldn't show up. He despised these parties just as much as Sasuke did. The only reason he bothered to attend was when Itachi was around. He couldn't care less if Sasuke suffered through these gatherings.

As Sasuke entered the crowded hall, he kept his gaze downcast, avoiding eye contact with the people he felt were merely tolerating his clan's presence. He had no desire to be there, having to interact with the same classmates he saw daily at the academy - a group he had no interest in engaging with outside of school. Sasuke would have much preferred to be training or spending time with his friend Naruto.

Finding a secluded corner, Sasuke sat on the floor, planning to simply observe and refrain from conversing with anyone, if possible. However, he knew it was only a matter of time before he was approached by the ever-persistent Ino Yamanaka, whose fascination with him he could not comprehend. Tugging at the collar of his yukata, Sasuke closed his eyes, feeling suffocated by the social setting.

"Not a fan of these events either?" a familiar voice suddenly spoke up. Sasuke's eyes snapped open to see Shino Aburame leaning against the wall beside him. "You're wondering when I arrived? I was here before you decided to isolate yourself from the others. I tend to go unnoticed, as people are often unkind to those they don't understand, like myself and my insects. But I thought it best to make my presence known to you."

Sasuke considered Shino's words for a moment. "You don't need to leave," he replied, acknowledging the other boy's company. Like Sasuke, Shino was not one to engage in idle chatter, preferring the company of his beloved bugs over most humans. Shino settled down beside Sasuke.

"These events are more bearable when my brother is here. Unfortunately, he is away on another mission," Sasuke said.

"He is a Chunin now, isn't he?" Shino watched as Sasuke nodded.

Itachi's role in the village was widely known, but only the higher-ups in the Uchiha clan were privy to his recruitment into the ANBU. The clan elders had been overjoyed when Itachi's father shared this news with them - Itachi Uchiha, the pride of the Uchiha clan. Having a clan member in the ANBU was a tremendous honor, providing the Uchiha with connections to influential officials in Konoha that his father wanted to keep a close eye on.

"Brothers can be complicated. I have an older brother, not by blood, whom my father adopted after his father passed away. He wasn't allowed to attend the academy because of his unique insect abilities, and I don't get to see him much anymore because he chose to step up and protect me," Shino said, lowering his voice.

Sasuke's brow furrowed as he questioned, "Protect you from what?"

Shino lowered his voice cautiously, "I'm not supposed to talk about it, but there's a faction within the Anbu led by Danzo Shimaru, and they're much darker than the others." He paused as he felt a tongue licking his hand.

Glancing down, Shino spotted a white-furred puppy. "Hey there, Akamaru," he greeted. Akamaru trotted over to Sasuke and sniffed his hand. Shino watched as the ninkin licked Sasuke's hand.

"He seems to like you," Shino smiled. "That's surprising, considering the Uchiha usually bond more with cats. I wouldn't have thought he would take to you."

"Dogs, like bugs, are more perceptive than people realize," Shino explained. "They're very attuned to their surroundings and naturally gravitate towards people with a calm demeanor, like most animals."

Sasuke nodded. "Seems that way. Cats always seem to follow me around. The Uchiha have connections with ninja cats in Sora-ku - they supply our clan with top-notch weapons."

"Isn't Sora-ku deserted?" Shino asked.

"Not if you know where to look," Sasuke replied.

Shino examined Sasuke thoughtfully. "You're not quite what I expected, Sasuke."

"What's so interesting?" Sasuke asked.

Ino resented being forced to spend time with Shikamaru and Choji. Her mother insisted she maintain the appearance of the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance. Ino was constantly stuck with the boys and rarely interacted with the only other girls present, Hinata and Hanabi, who were not her friends. Hinata would always flee whenever Ino tried to talk to her.

The Hyuga clan carried an air of superiority, believing themselves superior to everyone else. They refused to engage with those they deemed weak. In contrast, the Uchiha clan made more effort to socialize with other clans.

Ino noticed Sasuke conversing with Shino, an unusual pairing that was not entirely surprising given their reserved natures. Ino couldn't help but smile seeing Akamaru curled up in Sasuke's lap - it was an adorable sight.

Meanwhile, Kiba appeared frantic, having lost track of his dog Akamaru. Ino rolled her eyes, annoyed by his apparent lack of the famed Inuzuka sense of smell. "What a dumbass! How could he not know where Akamaru is?" she muttered. Shifting her focus, Ino observed the shy Hyuga, Hinata.

Ino wouldn't mind befriending Hinata, who seemed like a nice girl. However, it was clear Hinata was constantly under the watchful eye of her assigned guard. Adding to the challenge, Hinata's personality was the opposite of Ino's outgoing nature. Yet, Ino knew that opposites often attract, in both romance and friendship. She watched as Hinata ignored Hanabi's attempts to engage her in conversation. Ino couldn't help but wonder if the rumors were true - that Hinata's position in the clan was being questioned, with the elders favoring the younger Hanabi as the heir. At such a young age, the responsibility seemed overwhelming for Hanabi.

"This is such a drag!" Shikamaru complained.

"It's only a drag because I'm stuck with the two of you," Ino retorted, crossing her arms.

"Why are you still here instead of bothering Sasuke?"

Shikamaru laid back on the floor, staring at the ceiling. "Good for him. It's about time he stopped being so stuck up." Shikamaru disliked the Uchiha - he found them prideful and overachieving, and it irked him that his mother gushed over Sasuke's politeness and intelligence, traits Shikamaru felt he lacked.

"If you got to know him better, you'd see he's not actually stuck up," Ino argued.

"In my eyes, he'll always be stuck up. Nothing will change that. I'll never be friends with him," Shikamaru asserted.

"You say that now, but things can change," Ino said.

"Don't get your hopes up. Don't you have someone else you can bother?" Shikamaru asked.

"No, I enjoy being a thorn in your side. Besides, it's my duty as a Yamanaka to do this. If that means being stuck with you, so be it. I wish Sakura was here - it stinks being the only girl."

"You're not the only girl here, Ino," Shikamaru pointed out.

"As far as I'm concerned, I might as well be. Hinata wants nothing to do with me, no matter how much I've tried talking to her - she always finds an excuse to get away."

“I was not talking about Hinata. Hana is also here tonight - why don't you try talking to her instead?"

“She is intimidating.”

“Wow, the loud-mouthed Ino is afraid of something for once."

"Shut it, Shikamaru!" Ino snapped, punching his arm.

Sakura often spent her afternoons at her parents' shop, especially when her friend Ino was occupied with clan duties. She enjoyed interacting with the customers, but deep down, Sakura knew this wasn't the life she truly desired. The path she yearned for was a risky one, and it frequently faced criticism from those around her. It bothered her that some questioned her parents' decision to let her attend the academy, but she had learned to dismiss such comments.

It was a slow day at the shop, and Sakura sat at the counter, engrossed in a book on chakra nature. The subject had piqued her interest after Iruka-sensei's recent lesson. The concept of molding one's chakra to a specific nature was truly fascinating - the fact that everyone has an affinity to one of the five chakra natures.

Five elemental chakra natures are the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. These natures are vital to the shinobi lifestyle. The Five Great Shinobi Countries are named after each chakra Nature.

Sakura bit her lip and continued to read.


In the world of chakra and elemental affinities, every individual possesses a natural inclination towards one of the five fundamental nature transformations - fire, wind, lightning, earth, or water. These affinities can sometimes be influenced by genetic factors or even the geographic region in which a person resides.

To determine one's specific chakra nature, a special tool known as "Chakra Induction Paper" is utilized. When a person channels their chakra into this paper, the material reacts in a distinct way that reveals their elemental affinity.

For those with a fire affinity, the paper will ignite and turn to ash, showcasing the intense heat and destructive power of the flames. Conversely, those with an affinity for wind will see the paper split cleanly in two, demonstrating the precision and cutting force of the air element. A lightning-natured individual will witness the paper crinkle and contort, mirroring the erratic and electrifying nature of their chakra. Earth-aligned people will observe the paper transforming into dirt that crumbles away, reflecting the solidity and grounded essence of the earth. Finally, the paper becoming wet or damp indicates a water-based chakra, highlighting the fluid and adaptable qualities of this element.

Understanding one's chakra nature is crucial, as it not only provides insight into an individual's innate abilities and strengths but also guides them toward the most effective training and development of their unique elemental powers.

Sakura wondered what her natural transformation would one day become. The bell chimed as a girl with long brown hair entered the shop. The girl wore a Hitaiate on her forehead, which didn't surprise Sakura - the family's bakery was quite popular with ninjas, who often stopped in after missions.

"How can I help you?" Sakura asked.

"You must be Sakura. I hear you're an expert on dango," the girl said.

"I am. How do you know my name?" Sakura closed her book and observed the girl, who had soft features and onyx eyes.

"Forgive my rudeness. I am Izumi Uchiha. It's a pleasure to meet you." Izumi extended her hand, which Sakura shook. "Itachi and Shisui mentioned your parents' bakery to me, and I assumed you were Kizashi and Mebuki's daughter based on Shisui's description of you as a 'cute little blossom.'"

Sakura was not surprised Izumi was from the Uchiha clan - she was beautiful, with the same aristocratic features as Mikoto, Sasuke, and Shisui. Sakura should have known she was a Uchiha the moment she stepped into the shop.

"I was wondering if you know Itachi's favorite flavors. I want to get him something before he leaves on his mission," Izumi said, blushing. "To give him a taste of home while he's away."

"He likes our Hanami dango. We carry it yearly, but it's extremely popular now, as it's cherry blossom season," Sakura replied, walking to the dango display. "How many would you like?"

"Three would be perfect," Izumi smiled.

When Shisui told them that Sasuke was seen with a girl at the Tanabata festival last year, and he didn't push her away like he does with others, Izumi had a hard time believing him. She thought Shisui might have been exaggerating due to Sasuke's typical dismissal of people who aren't family. Izumi was surprised that Sasuke would take an interest in a girl like Sakura. Sasuke was generally a good kid but could be a bit of a brat at times. Sakura was one of the few girls that Sasuke could tolerate, though it took him years to fully accept her. Izumi hoped Sasuke would continue to be kind to Sakura, as civilians often struggle with the shinobi lifestyle, but Izumi saw something special in Sakura.

"That will be thirty Ryo," Sakura said.

"Here you go," Izumi replied, handing Sakura the money. She noticed the book Sakura was reading, Introduction to Nature Transformations, which seemed quite advanced for an academy student. "Thanks for letting me know his favorites. I'll be back soon. It was nice meeting you, Sakura-chan."

As the clock struck well past midnight, the hospital corridors had fallen silent and still, save for the muted hum of medical equipment and the occasional shuffle of a night shift nurse making their rounds. This eerie, deserted atmosphere was exactly the opportunity the young man had been waiting for. Pulling the hood of his black cloak low over his face to conceal his features, he moved swiftly and stealthily through the empty halls, his footsteps barely making a sound as he made his way toward the hospital archives. This was a sensitive mission, one his master had tasked him with, and he couldn't afford to be detected.

The young man knew the layout of the hospital archives intimately, having studied the security schematics and guard rotations meticulously in preparation. He expertly navigated the dimly lit corridors, avoiding the strategically placed security cameras with practiced ease. Just in case anything went awry, he had a contingency plan ready - a discreet exit route and a cover story primed, should he need it. To his surprise, accessing the archives proved even easier than anticipated. Flashing a stolen key card he had swiped from a flattered young nurse he had been flirting with, the doors swung open without incident, granting him the access he required. It was almost too easy, the lax security measures leaving him to wonder about the importance placed on safeguarding the medical records of the village's most prominent clans.

Quickly but quietly, he scanned the rows of shelves, his eyes darting from label to label until he found the one, he sought - the file marked "Uchiha, Sasuke." This was the prize he had been sent to retrieve. Now, the young man held in his hands a veritable treasure trove of potential knowledge, information that his master would no doubt find invaluable in his relentless pursuit of the secrets to immortality. With a triumphant grin hidden beneath his hood, the young man clutched the file close and slipped back into the shadows, disappearing into the night as silently as he had arrived.


I hope you enjoy the next installment of my story. These early chapters have some hints woven into them that will be brought up in future chapters of this story. I am having fun writing in the early days. In this chapter wanted to briefly introduce the rest of the Kohona 12.

Kenshibu is sword and poetry dancing.
Noh Mai is a type of dance that's done to music that's made by flutes and small hand drums.

I decided to add a few things to the characters that I thought would suit the character.

Once again, I hope you enjoy, and I appreciate any feedback.

Chapter 4: Legacy


Edited 2/22/24
Edited 9/27/24

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Concealed deep within the dense forest, near the border of Fire Country, lay a hidden cave. Whispers of its existence circulated among the locals, who warned against venturing into the ominous cavern, rumored to be haunted by a fearsome monster. Unbeknownst to them, this dark abyss served as one of Orochimaru's secret laboratories, scattered across the Great Shinobi Nation.

"Kabuto, what brings you here?" Orochimaru asked, his gaze fixed on the corpse of Madara Uchiha, the legendary shinobi shunned by his clan, now a treasure trove of potential knowledge before him. It was regrettable that Orochimaru never had the chance to converse with the man while he was alive, for there were so many unanswered questions and similarities in their radical ideologies. Perhaps one day, Orochimaru could find a way to resurrect him.

Orochimaru had already carefully preserved Madara's eyes in a labeled jar, recognizing their special nature. Unlike the other Sharingans he had collected, these were not mere tools for his experiments, but a key to unlocking greater power. Orochimaru paid no heed to how the other Uchiha had met their end, viewing them solely as stepping stones in his quest for knowledge. The eyes of Madara had to be perfect, pristine, and ready for whatever the future held.

Vials of Madara's blood, crucial for Orochimaru's research into unlocking the secrets of the Rinnegan, were also in his possession. Combined with cells from the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, Orochimaru was on the brink of a breakthrough, though his experiments had already come at a cost, with only one of the six test subjects surviving.

With scalpel in hand, Orochimaru began his meticulous examination of Madara's organs. The tissue samples he extracted revealed no signs of disease or decay - Madara's body remained remarkably healthy and untouched. As Orochimaru studied each sample, his mind raced with possibilities, every piece a part of the puzzle he was determined to solve.

"I have brought what you requested, Lord Orochimaru," the boy announced.

"And what might that be?" Orochimaru replied, already knowing the answer.

The boy presented a sample of Sasuke Uchiha's blood. "I obtained it while interning at the hospital, as I recalled your inquiry about Sasuke's chakra signature last year. His blood may aid your research, my lord."

Orochimaru's lips curled into a sly smile as he reminisced about the Tanabata festival, where he had first detected the uncanny resemblance between Sasuke's chakra and that of Madara Uchiha - a nearly flawless match. How could this be? Orochimaru pondered, his mind grappling with the enigma of immortality. Or was there perhaps another explanation - could reincarnations truly exist?

Orochimaru strolled through the bustling festival, relishing the chance to step away from his lab for a few hours. As he navigated the lively crowds, he scanned the area, hoping to uncover potential new specimens for his research. Orphans roamed freely, with little oversight from the authorities - a situation that had become increasingly problematic due to Fugaku Uchiha's efforts to implement better protections for all children in Konoha. Orochimaru preferred to keep the village oblivious to the disappearances, wanting the people to believe the orphans had simply run away, as Kabuto had informed him the orphanage conditions were less than ideal.

Approaching the food stalls, Orochimaru's mouth watered at the prospect of indulging in his favorite yakitori. Suddenly, a small child collided with him, quickly muttering an apology before hurrying on. Intrigued by the child's immense chakra, Orochimaru couldn't help but notice his striking features - dark hair, coal-black eyes, and a handsome countenance that suggested he belonged to a powerful clan. The resemblance to Mikoto Uchiha and his ancestor, Izuna Uchiha, was unmistakable. Orochimaru knew better than to snatch the child off the street, especially if he was from the main Uchiha family, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of fortune at this unexpected encounter.

As Orochimaru observed the boy disappearing into the alleyway, he recognized it as the perfect opportunity to engage him in conversation. The boy was alone and vulnerable, making it easier for Orochimaru to plant the seeds of his sinister intentions.

Just as Orochimaru was about to follow the boy, he heard another child's voice - a little girl. Intrigued, Orochimaru wondered who had managed to capture the interest of the aloof Sasuke Uchiha. Village gossip suggested Sasuke typically ignored girls, even those from his clan, so for him to be conversing with one was quite unusual.

Orochimaru was about to investigate further when Shisui Uchiha suddenly appeared. Knowing Shisui was held in high regard by his former teacher and many in the village, and even respected by those who despised the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru wisely decided against confronting the boy, nicknamed "Shisui of the Body Flicker." Realizing his plan would have to wait for another time, Orochimaru reluctantly abandoned his pursuit.

"I hope you were discreet in obtaining that sample for me."

Orochimaru was determined to cover his tracks before making his move. He had some loose ends to tie up in the village, and time was of the essence. Hiruzen had made it difficult for Orochimaru to conduct his experiments freely. However, Orochimaru had been gathering resources over the past year to establish his village, soon to be known as Oto. This new village would be strategically located near the Land of Fire, allowing his spies to continue providing valuable intel.

"Don't worry, no one saw anything," Kabuto assured Orochimaru.

"How can you be so certain?" Orochimaru questioned.

Kabuto smirked, "Who would suspect a Genin intern at the hospital of stealing a blood sample from a child at the academy? The hospital archives are poorly guarded - it would be easy for an enemy to get in."

Kabuto glanced around the room, which was lined with jars of Uchiha eyes. "Not like anyone would care much. The Uchiha aren't exactly popular in the village."

"Even so, Sasuke is a child of a powerful clan. People would notice if he disappeared, especially the Konoha Council. They protected the Hyuga when Hinata was almost kidnapped, and they'd do the same for the Uchiha. Sasuke's eyes are valuable," Orochimaru cautioned.

Kabuto made his way to a stool and settled down beside Madara's lifeless body. "Sorry for the error, Lord Orochimaru. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." He wondered whether he would be allowed to participate in today's experiment.

With a sigh, Orochimaru said, "I need to be more cautious with my experiments moving forward. Fugaku Uchiha has been a thorn in my side for months. He's been poking his nose where it doesn't belong, and he cares about the orphans in this village. If something were to happen to his youngest son, it would serve as a warning for him to back off."

Kabuto questioned, "How can we send a message if Sasuke isn't the heir? Why not go after Itachi instead?"

"Itachi is quite a frightening child, not someone easy to get close to. Sasuke is an easy target," Orochimaru replied.

"I know you want to get back at Fugaku by targeting his son, but why not go after someone else in the clan? Why not just kidnap a random Uchiha child?" Kabuto asked.

"Because Sasuke may be the key to everything. It does not matter to me if he is the heir or not. There's something in his chakra that intrigues me, Kabuto. A child as innocent as him shouldn't have darkness within. I believe there's a deeper reason behind it, and with the blood sample you brought, I may finally uncover the truth," Orochimaru explained.

Kabuto persisted, "I still believe no one will care if something happens to Sasuke Uchiha. The kid is nothing but a spare to his more famous elder brother."

"Very well, Kabuto. I hope you are correct," Orochimaru said, taking the sample Kabuto handed him. He studied the red substance and smirked, "Have you ever wondered about the origins of the shinobi world? It seems the academy has neglected this fascinating topic, dismissing it as mere folklore."

Kabuto replied, "We only briefly discuss the creation of the Hidden Villages. I'm sure you know more about it, Lord Orochimaru."

Orochimaru toyed with the vial, rolling it between his fingers. "Indeed, it's quite the story. It goes back a millennium, to when the celestial being Kaguya Otsutsuki - a low-ranked member of her clan, the chosen one - arrived on Earth, accompanied by Isshiki Otsutsuki of the main family. Their mission was to cultivate the God Tree and harvest its chakra fruit."

"Few are aware that the secret to the God Tree's origin lies in the forgotten Land of Ancestors. Its ruler, Emperor Tenji, was a kind and honorable man who prioritized the well-being of his people. Before meeting him, Kaguya was destined to be sacrificed to nourish the God Tree - a sacrifice that would have brought destruction. But Kaguya fell in love with the land and its people, and in the end, she betrayed Isshiki."

Kabuto asked, "How do you know this story?"

"I can't reveal my sources, Kabuto. But some believe it's mere folklore, while others, like members of the Cult of the Otsutsuki, take it as truth. These descendants of the ancient civilization that once thrived in the Land of That now live as nomads, hunting travelers to sacrifice to a higher being that will protect them from the Ten-Tails."

"Sacrifice to who?" Kabuto asked.

Orochimaru was returning home from a solo S-rank mission in Kiri. These high-stakes assignments had become routine, leaving him feeling weary and longing to be back in his lab, pursuing new jutsu.

As he walked, a twig snapped behind him. Whirling around, Orochimaru demanded, "Show yourself, or I may let you live."

A black, humanoid figure with glowing yellow eyes materialized before him. "I've been searching for you, Orochimaru-Sama - the wielder of snakes and seeker of immortality." The creature vanished, then reappeared beside the Sannin, its playful laughter ringing out. "You are the perfect person to help me revive the Rabbit Goddess, the mother of all chakra."

"What's in it for me?" Orochimaru asked.

"All the world's secrets will be yours. I'll provide that knowledge if you assist me in corrupting a child of prophecy - specifically, a descendant of Indra Otsutsuki, a Uchiha related to Madara, who can obtain the Rinnegan and break the seal."

Intrigued, Orochimaru inquired, "What is the Rinnegan?"

"The Eye of the Gods, wielded only by those who can channel the chakra of both Asura and Indra Otsutsuki. The descendant of Asura is Hashirama Senju."

"I'll see what I can do. How can I contact you in the future with my findings?"

"You'll hear about the Akatsuki - when you do, you'll be able to find me. I believe you, Orochimaru, can succeed where others have failed."

"If you do not have any further interruptions I would like to continue with my story.”

Kabuto shook his head, determined to learn all he could from the wise yet foolish Orochimaru, while secretly ensuring the Sannin never realized Kabuto was merely using him.

"The Otsutsuki clan is quite intriguing. Several prominent Konoha clans, including the Uchiha, Uzumaki, Senju, and Hyuga, are descendants of the legendary Kaguya."

"Tenji was surprised to discover the celestial origins of Kaguya, but this did not diminish his fascination with her. He was immediately captivated by their shared passion for peace, and as their relationship deepened into love over time, whispers of their forbidden romance soon spread throughout the Land of That."

"Tenji sought to prevent war by declaring that any who threatened Kaguya would be executed, but his fragile peace was shattered when the minister Suzaku attempted to kidnap the Goddess. In self-defense, Kaguya killed the soldiers, yet a tragic misunderstanding led Tenji, unaware of her pregnancy, to order her hunted down and executed."

"Despite her waning faith in humanity, Kaguya still yearned for peace. To this end, she broke the sacred taboo and consumed the fruit of the chakra tree, believing god-like powers were necessary to end all human conflict. This granted her the formidable Rinne Sharingan, making her the sole being on the planet capable of wielding chakra."

"Over time, Kaguya single-handedly quelled all wars, seizing control of the nation and earning the revered title of Rabbit Goddess. It was during this reign that she gave birth to the twins Hagoromo and Hamura, the first beings ever gifted with the power of chakra."

“What happened next?”

Orochimaru taunted, "Patience, Kabuto. As time passed, Kaguya's insatiable desire for power grew rapidly. Driven by her thirst for control, she betrayed her children without hesitation. Concocting a cunning plan, she sought to absorb the world's chakra through the God Tree, transforming herself into the terrifying embodiment of the Ten-Tails."

Orochimaru then stepped over to the microscope, having obtained a sample of Madara's blood. He intended to compare it to Sasuke's sample. As he observed the cells, a mischievous smirk spread across his face. Just as he had anticipated, the samples were a perfect match. Armed with this confirmation, he could finally set his sinister plan in motion.

"She betrayed her kin," Kabuto stated, staring intently at Orochimaru.

"Yes," Orochimaru replied. "Kaguya's lust for power knew no bounds. She was willing to even kill her children to maintain her control."

"As the Ten-Tails, she unleashed a reign of terror upon the world, until Hagoromo and Hamura used the Six Paths Planetary Devastation to seal her away, creating the moon in the process. This is where the story becomes truly intriguing," Orochimaru continued.

"Hagoromo came to believe that all aspects of the world were interconnected through the powerful force of chakra, which was shared among animals, plants, and humans, though some possessed more than others. To spread this knowledge, he distributed his chakra, giving birth to the practice of Ninshu, which later evolved into the shinobi arts we know as ninjutsu."

"Hagoromo had two sons, Indra and Asura. Indra was a natural prodigy in Ninshu, but was overlooked as the next Sage, with that role instead going to his younger brother Asura," Orochimaru explained.

"Why was Indra overlooked?" Kabuto asked.

Orochimaru's smirk widened. "That, my dear Kabuto, is a story for another time."

Orochimaru knew it would be unwise to bring up Black Zetsu, as he did not fully trust Kabuto with that sensitive information. Instead, he opted to omit those details.

Kabuto pondered the potential candidates for Orochimaru's plan, wondering if a Hyuga child could be a viable option. "The Hyuga Clan traces its lineage back to Hamura. If the Hyuga child is a direct descendant of the Otsutsuki, using a branch family member could be beneficial - their resentment towards the main house could make them more willing to join our cause."

However, Orochimaru dismissed this idea, snapping, "A Hyuga child lacks the capabilities I require."

Undeterred, Kabuto persisted, "What about the Senju or the Uzumaki? Why focus on the Uchiha?"

Orochimaru's expression turned serious as he explained, "Tsunade, the last of the Senju, was once my teammate, so crossing her would be unwise. As for the Uzumaki, their numbers have dwindled - only three remain, and they are either affiliated with the Akatsuki, reside in Kumo, or are under Jiraiya's protection. Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage and the Nine-Tails jinchuriki, would be a challenge to get close to, and I have no interest in pursuing him."

Kabuto realized the implications, concluding, "So that leaves the Uchiha."

Orochimaru nodded, "Sasuke is far more interesting and easier to manipulate. As part of the head family but not the heir, we can exploit his insecurities. The child may even be the reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki and Madara Uchiha, capable of unlocking the Sharingan and potentially the Rinnegan."

"Interesting. What do you plan to do, my lord?" Kabuto asked.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," Orochimaru replied. "Just ensure you remain in the village and are not discovered as my apprentice. You are too valuable if my actions lead me to leave the village temporarily. I will need eyes and ears here."

"Yes, my lord," Kabuto acknowledged.

Sasuke returned home after spending time with Naruto after school. "I'm home," he called out as he walked into the kitchen and saw his father, Fugaku, sitting at the table, sipping tea while reading scrolls. Sasuke was surprised to find his father there, as he was usually at the police station at this hour. 

"Sasuke, how are things at the academy?" Fugaku set down the scroll, giving his youngest son his full attention. He was eager to hear how Sasuke was faring.

"It's boring, the material is too easy and not challenging enough," Sasuke replied. He typically held the top spot in his classes, except when Sakura outperformed him on tests - a fact he was reluctant to admit to his father. However, Sasuke remained at the top in academics when practical scores were factored in, as the Uchiha clan had always excelled in such areas.

Sensing an opportunity, Fugaku stood up. "Come with me, Sasuke. There's something I need to show you." Intrigued, Sasuke followed his father to the docks near the Uchiha compound.

As they stood gazing at the Naka River, Sasuke wondered why his father had brought him there during the day, as Fugaku rarely made time for him. Suddenly, Sasuke's eyes widened in amazement as he observed his father expertly perform the signature Uchiha Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.

Just a few weeks prior, Itachi had taken a rare moment of respite to explain the significance of the Uchiha clan's iconic symbol to his younger brother, Sasuke.

The brothers sat together on the engawa, the gentle breeze ruffling their hair, the elder Uchiha seized the opportunity to impart a profound lesson. Turning to Sasuke, Itachi's onyx eyes gleamed with wisdom beyond his years as he expounded on the sacred nature of their family's fan-like crest.

"This emblem," Itachi began, "that adorns our clothing and our homes, represents the very foundation of our clan's legacy. It is no mere decorative insignia, but a symbol of the fundamental jutsu that defines us as Uchiha."

Sasuke listened with rapt attention, his gaze fixed on the familiar crimson and white design. Itachi continued, "This technique, passed down through generations, is a rite of passage - a coming-of-age ritual that marks one's transition from child to true warrior of our clan. When a Uchiha manifests this jutsu, it is a testament to their mastery of our most primal and powerful abilities. It signifies that they have fully embraced the Uchiha way, tapping into the wellspring of our clan's unique chakra nature and honing it into a devastating art."

Itachi paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle as Sasuke's brow furrowed in contemplation. "To wield this jutsu is to carry the full burden and honor of our heritage. It is a symbol of our clan's enduring legacy, one that we must safeguard and uphold with unwavering dedication."

The brothers sat in reflective silence, the importance of the Uchiha crest sinking deep within Sasuke's heart as he vowed to one day earn the right to bear its iconic design.

Fugaku turned to Sasuke, a stern expression on his face. "This is the fundamental jutsu of the Uchiha clan - a rite of passage, a coming of age for those in our clan. Remember the hand signs I showed you? Channel your chakra, pause, and concentrate it between your mouth and chest, then release it all at once."

Sasuke stepped forward, excitement and determination etched on his face. This was his chance to prove himself, to make his father proud. He executed the hand signs, channeled his chakra, and released a small but successful fireball. Glancing at Fugaku, however, Sasuke was met with a look of disappointment.

"I should have realized you're not at Itachi's level yet. It's too early for you," Fugaku remarked before walking away, leaving Sasuke alone on the docks, feeling dejected and unworthy. The pressure to master the Uchiha clan's signature jutsu weighed heavily on him, as he knew he would always be compared to his prodigious brother, Itachi.

The Uchiha’s crest represents those who wield the fan that rouses fire.

Shisui expressed concern to Itachi, "What's up with Sasuke lately? I haven't seen him around much. He's usually glued to your side like a little shadow." Sasuke had stopped pestering Shisui and challenging him to fights, just to spend time with his older brother. It was strange not having the little fireball around. Shisui had caught a glimpse of Sasuke down by the docks on the Naka River, but he didn't stick around long enough to see what he was up to.

"He's probably off hanging out with Naruto," Itachi replied, looking at Shisui. He couldn't help but wonder why his cousin was suddenly bringing up Sasuke. The last time Shisui had mentioned Itachi's little brother was to inform him about Sasuke's interest in the Haruno girl. Surprisingly, his brother hadn't scared her off like he usually did with others.

"Well, he's not with Naruto today. I haven't seen Sasuke with him all week. I saw Naruto training with Jiraiya earlier, and there was no sign of Sasuke," Shisui explained, walking towards the Naka Shrine. There was an important meeting with the elders to discuss matters concerning the clan. Some villagers still held disdain towards the Uchiha, and they needed to figure out how to prevent further animosity.

Itachi glanced at Shisui, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Keeping tabs on Sasuke?"

Itachi pondered whether Shisui had also been questioned about Sasuke. He hesitated to bring it up, since his closest friend hadn't mentioned anyone inquiring about Sasuke. Itachi wanted to conduct his investigation before seeking assistance. He knew Shisui was likely scheming a new way to provoke Sasuke, as his cousin took pleasure in riling him up.

"Sasuke's a good kid, if a little troublesome at times," Shisui mused. "But he's too pure for this world - the shinobi system hasn't tainted him yet. I just want him to savor that innocence a while longer. After all, as Uchiha, we're destined to be warriors."

Itachi's expression darkened. "You know we can't shield Sasuke's innocence forever."

Shisui nodded solemnly. "I understand, but he should be able to hold onto it as long as possible. We were both thrust into war at a young age - I wish we'd had that luxury." He studied Itachi closely, sensing something was off. "Is everything okay? You know I'm here if you need to talk."

"Everything's fine," Itachi lied, the exhaustion evident in his voice. "Just worn out from my last mission."

Shisui held his gaze for a moment longer, unconvinced. He respected Itachi's boundaries but hoped his friend would open up before it was too late.

Naruto questioned Sasuke as they sat under their favorite tree for lunch, "Where have you been? Are you avoiding me or something?"

Sasuke replied firmly, "I am not avoiding you, idiot!" He knew all too well how it felt to be avoided by someone he cared about. Sasuke had simply been too focused on mastering a new fireball jutsu, causing him to forget to spend time with his friend.

Naruto pouted, "How am I supposed to know that? Every time I ask if you want to do something after school, you blow me off, saying you can't today but maybe some other time." Naruto was used to being ignored by people, but never thought Sasuke would be the one doing the ignoring.

Sasuke looked down at his onigiri, unsure if he should tell Naruto about the jutsu he had been practicing. "I have been working on a jutsu these past couple of days. I'm not trying to ignore you. I was..." He trailed off, knowing Naruto's curiosity would lead him to want to join in, but the risks involved were too great. Mastering a nature transformation outside of one's affinity was an extremely challenging task, one that could prove fatal without proper supervision.

Naruto's eyes widened, "What kind of jutsu are you learning? Can I learn it too? The old man hasn't taught me anything that cool yet, just these dumb meditating exercises."

Sasuke sighed, "It's a jutsu that most of my clan knows. I'm still trying to perfect it, but I'm falling behind. I just need my dad to train with me again."

Naruto nudged him, "Oh, come on, Sasuke. Don't be so secretive."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "I'm not being secretive, idiot."

"Then tell me what you are learning?"

 "Fine, I am learning the Fireball jutsu, it is a rite of passage for every Uchiha."

Concealed in the shadows, a man silently observed the two children locked in a heated argument. Sensing the Uchiha boy's desperate plea for his father's approval, the man recognized this as a rare chance that could easily slip away. Tonight was the moment to seize this fleeting opportunity before it vanished forever.


This chapter was a bit difficult to write. It is lore heavy, and I wanted to get it right or close to write for this au. There is a good reason why this chapter came so early, but you have to wait and find out for that.

Currently Orochimaru is currently still in the village, but not for much longer. There are a few hints dropped in this chapter that will come up again later in the story.

Next chapter is going to have a big focus on Sauske. I have about three more chapters left until we jump onto Genin Era.

Chapter 5: Predator and Prey


Edited 2/23/24

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shisui was returning from a long mission, it was almost midnight, and something felt off as he walked through the Uchiha Compound.  He sensed dark and sinister chakra coming from the main house.  That chakra signature was familiar to him, knew it was someone who did work for the Anbu and worked closely with the Hokage.  A person who was also connected to dangerous people. As he tried to piece things together. Trying to figure out the cause of this ominous feeling when a piercing scream filled the air, it was Sasuke’s scream. He could feel Sasuke’s chakra flaring. The kid was in distress.

Shisui flashed and stepped towards the main house and found Izumi standing in the middle of the road leading to the home of the Head of the Clan, “Izumi are you alright?” Shisui studied the girl with his Sharingan. Checking for bodily injuries, making sure there were no irregularities in her chakra. The girl he became friends with recently, who just happens to have a crush on Itachi. He was starting to believe it was mutual with the way Itachi behaved around Izumi, it was subtle, but Shisui knew the signs. “Do you know what is going on? Where is Itachi and Uncle Fugaku?”

“You heard it too? That scream. That scream belonged to Sasuke.” She asked with a worried expression on her face. “Itachi-kun was summoned for a mission not too long ago.  He should still be in his briefing meeting with the Hokage. Fugaku-san has the night shift tonight. He sent me home since I have a mission tomorrow. He wanted me to be well rested.”

“Go to the Hokage tower immediately, and inform Itachi that Sasuke is in danger.”

Izumi nodded and headed towards the Hokage Tower, while Shisui used his flash step to reach Sasuke's bedroom. However, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Mikoto lying on the ground. He knelt beside his aunt and checked if she was injured. Although she appeared fine on the surface, Shisui wondered if there were any abnormalities with her chakra. "Are you alright?"

“Shisui, he took Sasuke. He took my sweet Sasuke.”

As he looked at Mikoto with his crimson eyes, he detected no abnormalities in her chakra networks. However, he sensed remnants of genjutsu or something that imitated it. This unknown technique was as potent as genjutsu created by the Sharingan. The person who took Sasuke must have been a highly skilled shinobi. Although Mikoto was retired, she was still a Jonin and not someone who could be easily defeated. She was an expert in Bukijutsu and possessed the Sharingan, making her a formidable opponent.

“Who took Sasuke?”

Who would try and take Sasuke? He was eight and had not awakened the Sharingan. Being the second son of the head of the clan puts a target on his back, but he is still not the heir. Konoha was not at war with any other shinobi nation, and they would be fools to attempt to kidnap a child of the Head of a Clan. It happened to the Hyuga’s four years ago with their daughter Hinata, but it also cost them. To prevent another war, they had to sacrifice one of their own.

“It was Orochimaru!”

“Shit! Don’t worry! I am going to go after him. I will not let this bastard take little Sasuke. You have my word auntie.” He squeezed Mikoto’s shoulder to reassure her, “You need to let Uncle know what happened. The more people on this the better. We are going to bring Sasuke back home.”

He vanished in a blink of an eye.  Shisui began his pursuit.  He made his way towards Orochimaru and Sasuke’s chakra.  Shisui bit his finger and summoned his crow. “Karasu, find Izumi and tell her that Sasuke was taken by Orochimaru. This is vital information, please fly quickly.”

“Yes, Lord Shisui.” The crow flew towards Izumi’s chakra signature.

“I hope I am not too late.” Shisui continued his pursuit.

“No, let me go!”

Sasuke bit the man’s arm.  He slipped from the man's grip landing five feet below on the damp forest floor, landing on all fours like a cat. Sasuke knew he must think quickly, he had no weapon. He needed to figure out another way to protect himself.  He has only been at the academy for seven months. They barely tapped into the basics.  He had had plenty of training before entering the academy but was not that confident in his abilities. 

Snakes suddenly appeared and charged at Sasuke. He quickly jumped in the air and formed hand signs.

Sasuke puffed out his cheeks and infused his chakra between his chest and his mouth, shouting, "Fireball jutsu!" He released his chakra, forming a giant fireball aimed at Orochimaru and his snakes. While some of the snakes burned, others managed to survive the attack.

“Impressive, even better than Itachi.”

Sasuke turned around and glared at the man standing behind him with glowing crimson eyes.  Sasuke attempted to escape, but the man grabbed onto his arm, preventing further movement.

 “As expected, as a child of the Head of the Uchiha Clan.  To have the Sharingan at this age and to master the clan's jutsu. Impressive.  Very impressive. You have such a powerful chakra signature Sasuke-kun. It is almost a perfect match to Madara’s chakra.”

“What do you want? Who is Madara?”

“I want you as my next vessel, Sasuke-kun,” Orochimaru said with a smirk as he looked down at the terrified child. “I want the Sharingan and the Rinnegan.” Snakes started to emerge from his sleeve and slither around Sasuke’s wrist. Sasuke felt a sharp prick to his skin.

Sasuke exclaimed, "Nooo! Get away. I will not allow that!" He couldn't understand why he was unable to move his body. Suddenly, he felt weak and tired, almost as if he had been drugged, although he had never experienced such a feeling before. They had been learning about poison and its effects in their recent academy lessons, and he wondered if that was the cause. His eyes began to feel heavy, but he knew he needed to stay awake. Falling asleep would mean it was all over.

"Are you certain, Sasuke-kun?" Slimy snakes slithered around Sasuke's body, coiling tightly around him. They awaited their master's command to render the boy unconscious. "I won't allow my prey to escape. Oh... Shisui, how kind of you to join us. I expected Itachi to arrive first."

“Sasuke, stay calm.  You are going to be alright.” He looked at his little cousin and sighed deeply. “You have a lot of nerve! Breaking into the Uchiha compound and kidnapping Sasuke.” Shisui glare at Orochimaru. He needed to be quick, but careful.  Shisui didn’t want any more harm to come to Sasuke.


It broke Shisui to see the prettified look on Sasuke’s face.

“Shisui…” bloodstained tears streamed down Sasuke’s face. Eye glowing a deep crimson in the dark. The Sharingan had been awakened. Sasuke’s innocence that he vowed to protect was long gone. 

“You have to let me in!” Izumi yelled at the guard at the door.

“The Hokage is in an important meeting right now, you…”

“I don’t care if the Hokage is in the middle of an important meeting." Izumi glared at the guard. Not caring if she cast a scene.  "I am not here to see the Hokage, I am here to see Itachi-kun. I know he has a mission. I know he is still here being briefed, dumbass.  I can feel his chakra. It's urgent," she snapped, her voice laced with urgency. "Let me through, or I'll make you regret it." Izumi's usual respect for authority had vanished in the face of Sasuke's peril.

Time was of the essence. Sasuke's safety was at stake, and she couldn't afford to waste a single moment. Sasuke might not be fond of her, but she knew how much Sasuke meant to Itachi. As the door to the Hokage's office creaked open, a man with white hair and a black mask emerged, his gaze fixed on the unfolding drama. "What's happening here?"

“I am sorry for the interruption.  I would not do so if it wasn’t of great importance.” Izumi pushed past the man and made her way to Itachi.  She placed a hand on his arm. “Itachi-kun…”

Itachi sensed her distress, “What happened? Why didn’t you go to my mother or father?”

“Because Shisui told me to find you and to inform you that Sasuke has been kidnapped by Orochimaru. His crow informed me that he was in pursuit.  He told me to…” She did not get to finish her sentence.  Itachi's wall he puts up in front of high-ranking officials of Konoha came crumbling down.  Izumi could see how terrified he was.

"Hiruzen..." Itachi's voice was strained, but the Hokage knew what needed to be done.

"You are dismissed, Itachi," Hiruzen said, watching as Itachi pulled Izumi close before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Orochimaru had crossed a line this time.

"Kakashi, gather a team and track down Orochimaru," Hiruzen ordered.

Hiruzen made his way towards the window, letting out a deep sigh. The abduction of Sasuke Uchiha by Orochimaru was something he never saw coming. For the past year, his former student had been displaying odd behavior, isolating himself in his laboratory and engaging in secretive meetings with Danzo. Hiruzen couldn't help but worry if his old friend had any part in this. After all, Danzo had previously attempted to recruit Itachi into his root organization, only to be rejected by the young prodigy.

“Damn it!!!”

Shisui grimaced as he cradled Sasuke in his arms. The kid had passed out; it was to be expected when using the Sharingan for the first time. He was surprised at Sasuke's resilience, considering his limited chakra reserves. The scorched marks around his mouth indicated he had attempted the fireball technique. Upon closer inspection, Shisui noticed the paleness of Sasuke's skin and the purple hue creeping up his arm. Poison. Sasuke had been poisoned. Urgency gripped Shisui as he realized the need for immediate medical attention. Just as he was about to depart, he sensed Itachi's chakra approaching.

“Shisui…” Itachi appeared next to his cousin and looked down at his unconscious little brother.

“The shrimp is alright, chakra exhaustion from awakening his Sharingan and putting up a fight. He needs medical attention; I think he has been poisoned by one of Orochimaru's snakes.”

“It’s my fault this happened.”

Itachi looked down at his brother, gently brushing away the wet strands of Sasuke's hair that clung to his face. His heart sank as he observed the irregular rise and fall of Sasuke's chest, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I should have spoken up to our father when Orochimaru began showing interest in Sasuke.  He started asking me questions about Sasuke since the Tanabata festival last year.  He must have been watching Sasuke.”

“Watching Sasuke?" Shisui knew Orochimaru took an interest in young children, especially orphans, but would never cross that line when it came to children of clans. Even if the man wanted to experiment on them, the village elders would not allow it. What could have changed for him to take an interest in Sasuke? "What sort of odd questions? Itachi, I told you weeks ago that you can come to me when you are troubled by something.” Shisui wondered if this was the reason for Itachi’s odd behavior a few days ago.

“Orochimaru thinks…”

Fugaku appeared with five members of the police force. “Itachi…Shisui is…” He glanced down and spotted Sasuke in Shisui's arms. Burn marks marred his face, cuts on his hands and feet, and his clothes were in tatters. Dry blood streaked down his face from his eyes, and his breathing labored. Fugaku realized that tonight's events had triggered Sasuke's Sharingan, a moment of pride overshadowed by frustration. This was not how Fugaku wanted his son to awaken his Sharingan, traumatized by a man conducting inhumane experiments for years. Experiments that Lord Third allowed Orochimaru to conduct. He knows some of the kidnappings of orphans are his doings, but Fugaku has difficulty proving it.  This man's interest in his son was concerning.

Was this a message to stop investigating him or is there some other reason he took interest in Sasuke?

“A small Anbu team is going after Orochimaru.  They are being led by Kakashi. Pakkun, one of Kakashi’s dogs informed me that the Hokage is taking this matter seriously.”

“Do you know why Sasuke was targeted?” Fugaku's tone was tense, and Shisui could tell he was seething with anger. Despite his frustration, the older man managed to keep his composure in front of his team. Fugaku was determined to stay strong.

Itachi nodded, looking over at Shisui “Get Sasuke to the hospital. He needs an antidote for the poison.”

Shisui sighed.  He did not want to be around for this conversation, Uncle Fugaku's wrath was something. Shisui was happy he was not at the end of that wrath this time.  He normally got yelled at by his uncle for the way he flirted with girls. Shisui knew that Itachi had been troubled for a while and should have asked.  He should have beat the information out of the kid.

“Father, we need to talk about a matter that I should have taken more seriously weeks ago. I need to speak with you in private.”

Fugaku nodded and turned to the members of the police force.  “I want you to check the area and if you find anything that is out of the ordinary, bag them and bring them to evidence.”

“Yes Sir!” The five members of the police force scattered.

Sasuke blinked awake, immediately wrinkling his nose at the familiar antiseptic smell. The hospital, he thought with a grimace. The thin, paper-like pajamas confirmed his location. Hospitals always made him uneasy, a feeling that dated back to his childhood. The memory of getting stitches for playing with shuriken alone still lingered. He couldn't quite put his finger on why he despised hospitals so much. Sitting up, he scanned the dim room, finding himself alone as usual. Sasuke was used to solitude; it seemed like no one cared about the weak.

As the door slid open, he hoped to see Itachi or his mother, but it was Shisui who entered. Disappointment washed over him, a reminder that Itachi was never there when he needed him most.

“Hey shrimp, are you okay?”

Sasuke looked down at the white sheets of the hospital bed he was resting in. Avoiding Shisui’s warm gaze. He refused to show any vulnerability in front of the ‘brother stealer’. Weakness was not something a Uchiha could afford to display. Why was he even being asked if he was okay? It was obvious he wasn't, especially after narrowly escaping a lunatic who wanted his eyes. Where was Itachi when he needed him?

“Kid, are you okay?” Shisui approached his cute little cousin, gently resting his hand on Sasuke's head and giving it a comforting pat. "No need to worry, your big brother will be here in no time. He's having a chat with your dad."

Sasuke clenched his jaw, knowing they wouldn't be there. He was always the afterthought. Itachi had his priorities, and his father was indifferent. The fireball jutsu was only taught out of obligation. No one would bat an eye if something happened to him - he was the spare.

“Shisui who is Madara Uchiha? That man mentioned my chakra signature was like his.” Sasuke looked up at Shisui. Hoping she would get the answers. Everyone always kept him in the dark when it came to clan matters.  

He had every right to know about this man. “He said he wanted me as a vessel. Mentioned that he wanted the Sharingan and something called the Rinnegan. What is the Rinnegan? I have never heard of that before. Is it a more advanced version of the Sharingan?”

Shisui sat down on Sasuke’s bed, placing a hand on his shoulder.  “We will talk about those things later.”

“Why can’t we talk about it now?” Sasuke’s Sharingan activated and his chakra flared. Again, people were treating him like a child. Always keeping secrets. Secrets he had every right to know.

“Because we do not know who is listening.  We don’t know if that man has subordinates working at the hospital.” 

Shisui could blame Sasuke for being frustrated.  The entire Uchiha clan must be aware of their dark history, not just a select few. Every Uchiha deserves to understand their clan's legacy to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.


“We will talk about it later, I promise.” Shisui was concerned about Sasuke’s behavior.  He knew the kid was upset, not only at himself, but his father and Itachi. He has seen the signs lately.  Sasuke was less cheerful, was more withdrawn. He always was searching for the approval of others. He was overworking himself - coming home with burn marks, cuts, and bruises.  “That man somehow got a sample of your blood and we do not know who gave him access to it, but your father will not let something like this slide. You are too important.” He pulled Sasuke into his lap, hugging him. He knew the kid desperately needed comfort.

“How am I important when I am just a spare.”  Sasuke gripped Shisui's shirt.  “I hope you will be just like your brother! Why can’t you be more like Itachi? Do you think he is a genius too?” Tears started to stream down Sasuke’s face. No longer caring he was showing his emotion. He could no longer hold in his pain. “Why can’t people see me as just Sasuke? Am I that unimportant?”

Shisui ran his hand through Sasuke’s messy ebony hair. Hoping it would calm the boy.  He has seen Auntie Mikoto do this gesture in the past to calm Sasuke when he is upset about something. Shisui had no idea how much pressure Sasuke was under. Damn it! What had triggered all of this?

“No one cares about who I am. They only see me as a Uchiha and Itachi’s less talented brother. They have set these high expectations that I cannot reach. I am nothing but a failure to our clan. I am already a failure. It took me a week to master the fireball jutsu. It took Itachi a day. Sakura keeps beating me for the number one spot in our written test. Father would be so disappointed that I am second in something. I need to do better. I need to do better. I can’t fail. I can’t make the clan look bad.  I can’t, I…”

Sasuke's body shook uncontrollably as his breaths grew more erratic. He struggled to catch his breath, feeling as though he was being consumed by a boundless sea, isolated and helpless against his inner turmoil, with no one around for miles to save him. 

Shisui gently raised Sasuke's chin, meeting his gaze. The crimson hue of his eyes was unsettling. It pained him to resort to using his Sharingan on a fellow Uchiha, but there was no choice. Knocking Sasuke out with the genjutsu of his eye was the only solution to quell his panic attack. As Shisui activated his Sharingan, Sasuke's eyes slowly closed, his tense body finally easing into a state of calm.

Shisui gently placed Sasuke on the bed, making sure he was comfortable. As he did, he noticed the sound of the door sliding open behind him. Instinctively, he tightened his grip on the Kunai in his right hand, ready to defend against any potential intruder. However, his tension eased when he sensed the familiar chakra of Mikoto and Izumi. With a sigh of relief, his once crimson eyes returned to their usual black hue.

“How is he?” Izumi asked.

“Izumi, can you keep an eye on Sasuke? I need to talk to Aunt Mikoto.”

Izumi nodded and made her way to the bed, taking a seat beside Sasuke. She gently brushed his bangs away from his face, placing a comforting hand on his forehead.

Mikoto followed Shisui out of the hospital room, "What's happened?"

"Did Uncle inform you that Sasuke has awakened his Sharingan?" Shisui asked.

"Yes, he did. Is he okay? Has Sasuke regained consciousness?"

"He woke up briefly, but I had to use my Sharingan to put him back to sleep. He was having a panic attack. I've never seen the kid so down before. Auntie, has Sasuke been showing any signs of feeling worthless lately?"

Mikoto eyes down cased.  "Yes, he has mentioned it a few times, and each time I tried to lift his spirits and tell him how important he is to me and his father.  I told him Fugaku is bad at expressing how he truly feels, but I guess it was not enough.   Sasuke is too hard on himself.   I should have done more to protect him. I do not want him to fall for our clan's curse."

“We need to keep an eye on him for the next few weeks. I am scared he might hurt himself in some way.”

“He knows better than that.” Mikoto was shocked that Shisui would say something like that.  Sasuke would never harm himself.  It would prevent him from training. Sasuke loves to train and never would jeopardize it.

“He does, but Sasuke is young, and he suppresses his emotions when he feels like he is not up to the Uchiha standard.  There is a reason why he kept things to himself. Sasuke does not like to burden others with his problems.”

“What brought this on?” Mikoto questioned.  She had an inkling that she knew what it was, Itachi.  She hated that her sons were compared to each other. All she ever wanted was for them to be their people. To grow up as gentlemen, but also strong and confident shinobi.

“The constant comparison to Itachi is getting to him. He thinks he needed to be more like his brother when he should just be himself.” Shisui sighed, "He feels like no one in the clan or the village cares about him."

"He should not be thinking that way.  Whoever put those thoughts inside his head will have to deal with me." Mikoto said as she looked at Shisui.  "Thanks for informing me. I am going to check on Sasuke now." 

Shisui observed Mikoto's entrance into Sasuke's hospital room, feeling a heavy sigh escape his lips as he leaned against the wall and slid down. He couldn't help but anticipate the chaos that was about to unfold. The Uchiha Elders needed to be notified, and Shisui was aware of their difficult nature. He understood that they would undoubtedly want to interrogate Sasuke about the events of tonight, but he also knew it would be unwise. After all, Sasuke had never been taught how to communicate effectively with the clan elders.

“Itachi, you should have brought this to me sooner.”

Seated at his desk in the Konoha police station office, Fugaku tried to contain his frustration and disappointment towards Itachi for not informing him sooner. He understood his son's methodical approach to gathering information before acting, but when it came to Sasuke, family matters required immediate reporting for his careful handling.

“I was hesitant to mention anything until I was certain he was being truthful. I'm not sure how Orochimaru managed to get a hold of Madara's DNA, but he somehow did. I've been discreetly looking into this matter. If anyone found out about my investigation, it would reflect poorly on the Clan. Madara has been deceased for quite some time and his extreme beliefs caused harm to our clan. Father, we had to rectify his errors; it took years to accomplish that. There are still individuals in the village who harbor distrust towards us. I was also attempting to uncover who he tasked with stealing a sample of Sasuke's blood. I know the hospital has it stored in their archives. Every shinobi in the village has a blood sample, but Orochimaru...”

“Orochimaru is the type to get his slimy hands-on things that he is interested in.  I'm certain he has his people in the hospital doing his dirty work. I'll make sure to notify the Hokage about launching an investigation on the hospital staff. I won't overlook this; Sasuke's safety is of utmost importance. If Orochimaru is speaking the truth and Sasuke is indeed the reincarnation of Indra, then we must ensure his safety. We cannot risk letting the Rinnegan fall into the wrong hands. Sasuke's training must be intensified. As a Uchiha, he must be capable of defending himself.”

“We should restrict the amount of information we share with the clan elders. Sasuke is still too young to be involved in their political affairs, and I won't let them manipulate him as a weapon.”

Sasuke was far too young to get involved in matters relating to the clan.  Itachi joined these meetings once he was of age. Graduating the academy; beginning his career as a shinobi as a Genin. Knowing what it takes to run a village was vital in political issues the clan wanted to get involved with.

“We'll be careful about the information we share with the elders. They only need to know about the kidnapping and nothing else. I want you and Shisui to help with his training. Sasuke always craves your attention.”

“He also wants attention from you, father.  Sasuke feels like he is not good enough and feels like you are not pleased with his abilities. He thinks he is just a spare.”

Fugaku let out a sigh, understanding Sasuke's feelings. Mikoto had mentioned Sasuke's insecurities to him before. Fugaku simply wished for Sasuke to carve his path, not to walk in Itachi's shadow. "While you and Shisui are on missions, I'll take charge of Sasuke's training. I'll keep an eye on his Sharingan progress too, but first, we need to ensure Sasuke is alright. I don't know what that man said to him, but I'll get to the bottom of it."

“Father, please do not interrogate Sasuke, especially not tonight.”

“I am not going to interrogate Sasuke. Not until he is well enough to discuss tonight's events. Let’s go to the hospital.”

"Yes, father."

“What is the meaning of this Fukagu?” Hiashi asked.  Fugaku was not one to request meetings with the other Clan Heads.  The Uchiha normally kept their distance. Did not get involved with political matters unless a police investigation was needed. Hiashi preferred it that way so he could get in the good graces of the elites.

“You are not one to call a meeting with other clan heads. Is something wrong?” Shikaku asked studying the Head of the Uchiha Clan. They rarely asked for assistance.

The Uchiha clan usually preferred to keep to themselves and didn't usually get involved with other clans, unless it was necessary for the village or if there was a need for investigation by the Konoha Military Police Force. The last time they reached out for a meeting was when Naruto needed to stay in the Uchiha compound while Jiraiya was away on a long-term mission. The other clans were initially hesitant because of the Sharingan's ability to control the tailed beasts, but that changed when Fugaku presented a convincing argument that the Uchiha clan was the best choice to keep an eye on the child. It was common knowledge that Mikoto and Kushina were best friends, but Minato also had a close friendship with Fugaku. Despite the age difference, Minato spent a lot of time with Fugaku. Jiraiya played a role in helping the Uchiha clan obtain permission for Naruto to stay with them.

Eight years ago, it was confirmed that the Uchiha Clan was not involved in the Nine-Tails attack. Fukagu tried to help prevent casualties by dealing with the tailed beast, but unfortunately, it was too late. The creature had already claimed the lives of the Fourth Hokage and his wife. Shikaku recalled Danzo's disapproval of the Uchiha being hailed as heroes despite disobeying orders, revealing his prejudice against the clan. This bias was evident to those who paid attention.

“I thought I would bring this to your attention before I had the Police Force begin their investigation on the staff at the hospital.” Fukagu looked at the other clan members.

“Why is the hospital staff being investigated?” Inoichi asked. Something must have happened, but what? Fugaku was normally a hard read by Inoichi could tell by the look on his face that it had to do with family. "If there is anything my clan can do to help assist in this investigation, please let me know."

"I appreciate your willingness to help, Inoichi. I will keep you updated if we require assistance," replied Fugaku. Taking a deep breath, he proceeded to explain the recent events. "Last night, Orochimaru attempted to kidnap my son Sasuke. He managed to infiltrate the Uchiha compound and used a powerful genjutsu on my wife. Although she broke free from it, Sasuke was taken. Shisui went after them," Fugaku revealed, his unease evident as he paced back and forth. Sharing details about his family was not something he did lightly in front of other clans.

"Shisui was able to get to Sasuke in time but was unable to apprehend that snake.” Fugaku stopped pacing and placed a hand on the table, “Orochimaru has taken an interest in my youngest son, desiring him as a vessel for a new body, all because of something he discovered in his blood. However, that's not the sole reason why I insisted on investigating the hospital. Our children's blood samples are stored there, and if someone like Orochimaru could obtain a sample of Sasuke's blood, it means he could potentially access the blood of other clans as well. I'm certain you wouldn't want him delving into your clan's techniques."

“Why would Orochimaru go after your youngest when he has not unlocked his Sharingan?  I know that the members of the Uchiha clan ability is only unlocked powerful emotional distress, they are not born with it like the Hyuga.” Hiashi asked. “Unless the event did cause enough emotional distress it caused the child to unlock it.”

“Hiashi that is uncalled for! Insensitive dick” Tsume glares at the man before turning to Fugaku. She knew he was a stern man, but he loved his children deeply. The same couldn't be said for Hiashi, who always seemed bitter. Tsume had witnessed how Hinata was treated at Clan gatherings - the poor girl was terrified of her father.

"Is Sasuke doing, okay? Does he need anything? I could bring one of our puppies over to keep him company if you'd like. He seemed to enjoy Akamaru's presence at the last gathering. Dogs have a way of comforting humans," Tsume offers.

"He's resting at home and being taken care of by my wife, son, and nephew," Fugaku replies. "Thank you for asking, Tsume. I might take you up on your offer if the time comes. Sasuke was hospitalized last night due to chakra exhaustion. He fought hard, but the experience took a toll on him emotionally, and he pushed his newly awakened Sharingan too far."

“No, Kakashi and his team are currently tracking him. He will be informing the Hokage if he discovers any new information on Orochimaru and his whereabouts.”

"I see…" Choza looked at Shikaku and watched the man nod.

"We approve of this investigation, but we also need to discuss how we can improve protecting our records in the hospital. If someone from our village can break in to get information for Orochimaru, means our enemies can as well. I will speak to the Hokage to have an Anbu team assigned to keep an eye on the record room as we investigate. All in favor."

"Fall back," Kakashi commanded his team, his grip tightening on his injured shoulder. The fabric of his Anbu uniform was stained with his blood. His gaze hardened as he watched Orochimaru lick the blood off his kunai.

"Running away so soon, Kakashi-kun? Afraid that I might eliminate your pathetic team? I have no interest in weak shinobi, so I won't bother with them. My old sensei seems to have lost his touch in selecting Anbu members. They should be emotionless, devoid of any feelings. It makes them more efficient killers. It's a shame you convinced Danzo to release Kinoe from Root. He would have been much more powerful if he had stayed."

"Do you know how surprised I was when I discovered that the boy survived? I thought all my test subjects from the Wood Release experiments had perished. To find out that one had lived is quite impressive. I would have loved to conduct further tests on Kinoe, but it seems I missed my chance. For now, at least. Perhaps the boy will come looking for me in the future. He's one of my most successful creations. It's a shame his emotions have returned. He could have achieved great things without them."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, his disbelief and anger evident. How could someone speak so callously about human life? How had Lord Hiruzen allowed these atrocities to continue for so long?

"Sasuke Uchiha will be mine one day, Hatake," Orochimaru smirked, his gaze fixed on the late Fourth Hokage's sole surviving student. "The boy will seek me out. He possesses great potential.”

"You won't lay a finger on him. The village won't allow you to harm any more children," Kakashi retorted, his glare unwavering. He knew Orochimaru was dead serious. The man always got what he wanted. Kakashi understood that this was far from over. He had to protect Sasuke Uchiha at all costs, keeping a watchful eye on him.

"Boss, are you okay," Pakkun asked.

“The Uchiha must be informed that this is far from over. Orochimaru's obsession with Sasuke is becoming concerning." Kakashi winced in pain, clutching his shoulder tightly.

"Senpai, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Tenzo. Just a minor scratch," Kakashi reassured him, pushing himself up from the ground. He observed the nineteen-year-old. Worried about how much of his conversation with Orochimaru he heard.

"He managed to escape, didn't he?" A young woman with purple hair landed beside Tenzo, her arms crossed. "What's our next move?"

"We need to regroup and devise a plan of action. We must inform the Uchiha clan and the Hokage. Orochimaru won't give up on targeting Sasuke Uchiha anytime soon," Kakashi stood up. "Let's head back to the village."

Hiashi let out a weary sigh as he stepped into the Hyuga compound. He had an important task at hand - discussing with the elders and assigning a stronger bodyguard for Hinata to ensure her safety during her commute to and from school. Natsu's abilities were no longer sufficient for the job.

Although he wasn't particularly fond of the Uchiha clan, Hiashi understood the gravity of the attempted kidnapping of Sasuke. The Uchiha possessed a powerful visual prowess, making them potential targets. If Sasuke was at risk, then Hinata and Hanabi could be in danger too, especially because of their Byakugan. Thankfully, Hanabi was still young and safely confined within the clan compound. With Natsu and other members of the main and branch families looking out for her, she was well-protected.

However, Hinata needed someone to closely monitor her activities. Her recent decline in studies was unacceptable, and Hiashi was determined to rectify the situation. He needed someone strict and loyal to keep a watchful eye on her and report back to him. Hiashi knew exactly who was perfect for the job - Ko Hyuga. Despite being only fourteen, Ko had recently become a chunin and was well aware of the importance of Hinata's safety. Being close in age and a member of the main family, he understood the consequences of any harm coming to Hiashi's daughter.

"Ryuji, summon Ko immediately. I need to speak with him right away."

"Yes, Lord Hiashi."

Shikaku, Inoichi, and Choza sat in a secluded area at their favorite bar, Shushu-ya. The place was known for serving top-notch Sake and Yakitori in the Land of Fire. Whenever they needed privacy, they could easily book a private room. Today happened to be one of those days when they required some extra discretion. Protective seals were placed around the room to ensure their conversation remained confidential.

“This is such a mess.” Inoichi looked at his two closest friends as he downed a bottle of Sake.  After the meeting they just had, he could not help but drink.  “I am concerned about Sasuke’s mental wellbeing.  I know the Uchiha are very private about their clan matters, but I think Sasuke should talk to someone.  He has been through a very traumatic event.  It is important to talk through your feelings, especially as a Uchiha.  From the notes we were allowed to have on their Kekkei Genkai, the Sharingan being awakened at such a young age can cause damage to the mind.”

“That would be a bit difficult.” Shikaku took a bit out of his Yakitori as he looked at the two men. "You know the Uchiha are private people.  They only ask for help when it is needed. I don’t want to push them so far.  It is good that they are starting to open up to us. The lack of trust between the Uchiha and the rest of the village has been festering for years.  The village cannot lose the Uchiha.”

Inoichi glanced at his two closest companions as he finished off a bottle of Sake. "What a complete disaster," he muttered. The meeting they had just attended had left him feeling overwhelmed, hence the need for a drink. "I'm genuinely worried about Sasuke's mental state. I understand that the Uchiha clan prefers to keep their affairs private, but I believe Sasuke should talk to someone. He's been through a truly traumatic experience. It's crucial to express your emotions, especially as a Uchiha. According to the limited information we have on their Kekkei Genkai, awakening the Sharingan at such a young age can have detrimental effects on the mind."

Shikaku took a bite of his Yakitori and looked at his two companions. "That might prove to be quite challenging," he said. "You know how private the Uchiha are. They only seek help when necessary. I don't want to push them too far. It's a positive sign that they're starting to open up to us. The lack of trust between the Uchiha and the rest of the village has been festering for years. Losing the Uchiha would be a huge blow to the village."

Reaching for another Yakitori, Shikaku continued, "We need to thoroughly assist in this investigation. Someone has infiltrated the hospital archives, putting all the children in our village at risk. If Lady Tsunade were here, this kind of negligence wouldn't be tolerated. She would never let something like this happen."

Choza chimed in, "Is there any way we can get in touch with her? It would be wise to have her back in the village. The state of the hospital is far from ideal. "Probably, but I don’t think Lord Hiruzen would allow it.  He has permitted Lady Tsuande to travel the shinobi nations.” Inoichi sighed.

“Do you think she would return if requested?” Choza asked.

Shikaku responded, "It's a tough question to answer. She was in a very fragile state when she left. Losing Dan and her younger brother was devastating for her. I understand that death is a part of our line of work, but both losses happened so suddenly. Initially, she might refuse, but with the right persuasion, she might consider returning."

"Should we seek help from Lord Hiruzen?" Choza asked.

"I believe we should wait and observe the progress of this investigation. If we end up needing to reconstruct the hospital, her return might be necessary."

Naruto gazed at the space where Sasuke usually sat, feeling a pang of loneliness. It was unusual for his best friend to miss class, especially for five days in a row. Sasuke was always dedicated to his studies, even attending when he was sick. The fact that he was absent now meant something serious must be going on.

He felt lonely in class without him.  Many of the other kids in his class stayed away from him because of what he was, except for a few.  Naruto got along with Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Ino, and Sakura. He was happy that Sakura was nice to him.  Naruto developed a crush on her since the Tanabata festival last year.  He found Sakura to be very pretty with a kind heart.  Naruto did not understand why other girls were so mean to her.


Naruto turned his head and saw Sakura standing next to his desk.  She was early as usual.  Sakura was just as studious as Sasuke, but she struggled with executing what was on paper into the practical parts of their education. He tried offering to help her but ended up chickening out. "Sakura-chan!!"

“Are you okay?” Sakura asked as she looked at Naruto with a gentle smile.  

“I just miss Sasuke, but please don’t tell him I said that. I don’t want him to know that I miss him when he is not around.”  Naruto watched Sakura sit next to him.  She did not want him to be to be alone today, “Um, why aren’t you sitting with Ino today? Not that I don’t want you to sit next to me Sakura-chan, but you and Ino seemed inseparable.”

Sakura giggled. “You do know you are allowed to worry for your comrades when they are ill.”

“I know that I just don’t want him to know.”

“I promise I won’t tell him.  As for sitting next to you, I thought you would need a friend.” Sakura smiled as she pulled a book out of her bag and began to read. “If you ever need anything Naruto, please don’t hesitate to ask.”


Hope you enjoy this chapter. It focused a lot on Sasuke and how he gained his sharingan. I wanted him to gain it at a young age.

I feel like any universe Orochimaru will always be interested in Sasuke. I had fun writing this chapter and plan on expanding on Uchiha family dynamics further. The effects of the Sharingan are already causing Sasuke some pain, but there are reasons for it.

I also had fun writing the meeting with the clan heads. I know I am a bit harsh on the Hyuga clan but trust me there is always a reason for something. I just haven't gotten to that point in the story yet. I am also going to try and expand on clans and their functions in the village.

Chapter 6: Dead Ends


Edited 2/27/24

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Fugaku let out a heavy sigh, frustration evident in his weary eyes. The Konoha Military Police Force had been tirelessly searching for any leads on how Orochimaru managed to obtain samples of Sasuke's blood. It was infuriating how the man always seemed to slither away from persecution, his inhuman actions hidden from the village and its higher-ups for years. The fact that they were unaware of his sadistic experiments on innocent children and desperate individuals seeking a better life was almost unbelievable.

Fugaku was determined to uncover the truth and sent a team of his best men to investigate Orochimaru's known lab on the outskirts of Fire Country. Their mission was to gather evidence and understand the twisted mind of this man. What they discovered was horrifying - dismembered bodies, drained of blood, and the eyes of missing Uchiha clan members preserved in jars, lining the walls of the lab.

Fugaku delved deeper into the files of hospital employees and interns, searching for any possible connection. He knew he was missing something, and perhaps a fresh perspective from someone outside of the Uchiha clan would shed light on the situation. Fugaku's pride made it difficult for him to confide in others and trust outsiders. There were only a few individuals from other clans whom he could rely on.

He understood that change was necessary for their clan to thrive, but it would take time. The animosity towards the Uchiha still lingered, especially when he walked through the civilian district.

Three weeks had passed since the investigation began, and they had hit one dead end after another. No one seemed to have any knowledge of who had obtained the sample of Sasuke's blood. Fugaku's frustration grew, but he refused to give up. The truth was out there, waiting to be uncovered.

The carelessness of the hospital staff troubled him.  Some just didn’t care that harm came to children, it did not matter if a shinobi or civilian family. They only cared when it was someone from a place of power. That is the only time the staff would care if a child is harmed.

The village caste causes a lot of inner conflict.  That little care was shown to those who did not hold a place of power in the village. Unless you were from a specific clan that received priority over others. If Tsunade had been here, she would not let these practices slide in the hospital.   

He was trying to figure out how could a hospital not limit access to such important records. Those archives should be heavily guarded and only be accessed by high-ranked medical staff.  Cameras were not enough. The person who stole the information knew where those cameras were.

Fugaku continued to look through the files of the staff for the seventh time.  He came across a profile of a young man with silver long hair tied in a low ponytail, onyx eyes, and large round glasses. If he remembers correctly, the boy was an orphan, taken in by the Nono Yakushi, the woman who used to run Konoha’s Orphanage.

 She was murdered five years ago, and the Konoha Military Police Force was unable to solve the homicide.

Kabuto Yakushi

Age: 15

Birthday: February 29th

Rank: Genin

Ninja Registration #: 012140

Hospital Intern

Fugaku stared at the young man for a moment before moving on to the next person.  He had already spoken with people who had been in Orochimaru’s presence.

Anko Mitarashi.

She was one of the three Genin Orochimaru led.  Fugaku learned quite a bit from their conversation.   Frustrated that he learned of her abuse far too late. If he had obtained the information sooner, things could have been different.

His trust in the Hokage continued to shatter.

How could Lord Third protect this man for so long? It should not matter that Orochimaru was his student. He caused irreversible damage to the girl and many others. Scars both visual and invisible. 

Orochimaru interest in young children sent chills down his spine. Using them as test subjects.  Anko was the only survivor of the Curse Seal of Heaven.

His subordinates found documents in his laboratory detailing the effects of the seal, and how it corrupts the minds of those marked with its symbol. Draining their chakra, unless they succumbed to the seal's influence; though, not everyone was able to harness its power.

Fugaku is still on the hunt for her former teammates, but the conversation with Anko reveals that they have betrayed the village, choosing to stay loyal to Orochimaru.

"Why am I here? You better tell my Uchiha! Your clan members dragged me from very important work without giving me a reason why I was needed. Am I being arrested? If so, my rights should be read to me.”

Fugaku leaned back in his chair, observing Anko closely. She had a fiery spirit, much like Naruto, and he couldn't help but find it amusing. "No, you're not being arrested," he assured her. "I brought you here because I needed to discuss something important, but I purposely kept the reason confidential. If your clan members dragged you here without explanation, I apologize for the inconvenience."

Anko smirked, crossing her arms defiantly. "Well, they're a bunch of bastards, aren't they? So, what's this discussion about?

"I want to talk about Orochimaru," he stated. "He was your Genin sensei, and you spent time with him after becoming a Chunin."

“Why would you want to discuss him with me?  He…” Anko's hand instinctively went to her neck, where the cursed mark still lingered. The memories of her time with Orochimaru were painful, but she forced herself to speak. "He treated me like a lab rat. When I no longer served his purpose, he discarded me. I have no loyalty to that man."

Fugaku's expression softened, realizing the sensitivity of the topic. "I apologize for bringing up those memories. We're simply trying to gather information from those who were close to him."

"Have you spoken to Jiraiya?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, he couldn't provide much help in this matter. He's also trying to understand why Orochimaru would target my son."

“Itachi? I have…”

“Not Itachi, he targeted Sasuke.”

Fugaku nodded solemnly. "Yes, Sasuke. Orochimaru seems to have a particular interest in our clan, especially our eyes. He wanted to learn their secrets."

Anko's mind raced, processing the information. Orochimaru's obsession with the Uchiha clan didn't surprise her, but the fact that he would target someone from the main family, especially a young child like Sasuke, was unsettling. "All I know is that he's after your clan, particularly your eyes. He wanted to learn how they evolved."

“I see, do you know what information he has on the Uchiha?” 

“My memories of my time with him are a bit fussy, but I think he had always been interested. I vaguely remember seeing the eyes of your clan in his lab.”

There were too many eyes in that lab for Orochimaru to study.  He was farming them for someone, but who?  Anko vaguely remembered someone visiting the snake, asking him questions about the Uchiha eyes.

“I see, do you think he may have altered your memories?”

“Wouldn’t put it past him. He has a jutsu for everything, but one of his main interests was immortality.”

"I see, that would make sense."

"Make sense of what?"

Fugaku couldn't tell Anko that Orochimaru was eyeing Sasuke for his body, believing him to be a reincarnation of their ancestors linked to the origins of ninjutsu.

“Nothing, it is not important right now. I don’t want to be too intrusive, Anko, but would you be willing to allow a member of the Yamanaka clan to enter your mind and try to reverse the memory-altering jutsu Orochimaru placed on you.”

"Can I think about it?"

Anko was not ready to relive her time with that man.  Part of her did not want to remember, while another side of her believed that the memories were altered by solving the missing orphan’s problem.

"Of course." Fugaku understood. The Yamanaka clan's mind jutsu was invasive and uncomfortable even for people who volunteered to have someone fish through their private thoughts.

Fugaku glanced at the board in his office, where Anko's former teammate's photos were displayed. He knew he had to seek approval from the Hokage to have the Inuzuka track them down. Hopefully, Lord Hiruzen would grant his request.

His thoughts then wandered to Sasuke, who had returned to the academy today after three weeks of mental evaluation. Fugaku understood the importance of keeping up with his studies, even if he was already ahead of his classmates. Sasuke needed to be around peers who saw him as more than just a broken individual. He needed to interact with kids his age.

Fugaku had initially planned to accompany Sasuke to school today, but this investigation had taken precedence. Itachi, however, insisted on taking his younger brother to school. Fugaku couldn't deny his request, as he wanted to keep a close eye on Sasuke.

Itachi had been temporarily removed from mission rotations and would now be escorted to and from the academy. Fugaku didn't want to take any chances with another kidnapping attempt. He knew that Orochimaru wouldn't be foolish enough to strike again so soon, but the fear still lingered. It could be months or even years before the man made his move.

Sasuke's recent behavior was concerning. His son hadn't been smiling as much and seemed more withdrawn. He didn't even argue with Shisui when his nephew teased him. Fugaku hoped that the Sharingan wasn't affecting Sasuke's mental state. He was well aware of the potential damage their clan's Kekkei Genkai could inflict on a young child.

Fugaku, despite his strict nature, deeply cares about his children's happiness. After hearing from Mikoto about Sasuke's breakdown and how he felt like a spare, Fugaku realized that the pressure of being a Uchiha was taking a toll on his son. He knew he had to step up as a father and be more supportive.

As he stood by the window, Fugaku couldn't help but feel guilty. His words hurt Sasuke, especially when he told him it was too soon to learn the fireball jutsu and that he should be more like Itachi. He should have been more uplifting and encouraging. The sadness on Sasuke's face was etched into his memory, even without the Sharingan active.

When the clan elders learned about Sasuke's attempted kidnapping, they expressed their disappointment and blamed Fugaku for digging into matters that only brought trouble to the clan. They accused him of being responsible for Sasuke's attack and putting his youngest in danger.

At seven-thirty in the morning, the classroom was in complete silence. Only a few students had arrived, while others were still on their way. Sasuke, always punctual, sat at his desk, immersed in his thoughts. He appreciated the tranquility of the empty classroom, as it allowed him to catch up on the schoolwork he had missed during his absence.

The sound of loud footsteps echoed through the corridor, a distinct chakra signature accompanying the footsteps. That chakra could only belong to one person - Naruto. Typically, Naruto would arrive a few minutes late, but today was different. Sasuke knew that Naruto must have discovered his return to the academy and couldn't contain his excitement. Naruto plopped down next to Sasuke, with a curious expression on his face.

“Where have you been for the past few weeks?” Naruto sat down next to Sasuke.  Observing the Uchiha closely as he closed the book that he was reading and rested his head on it.


Sasuke bored expressed confused Naruto.  He knew Sasuke was reserved and didn’t speak unless spoken to.  This was a new level of odd behavior, especially for Sasuke.  And Sasuke was an odd one.

“With what?” Naruto questioned.

“Why do you need to know?” Sasuke snapped.  He was not in the mood to talk or deal with Naruto’s bright personality. How it was so easy for him to be so carefree? How was he able to ignore the behavior of villagers? About how little care the village had for the lives of children? How they saw most of them as weapons?

Sasuke averted his gaze from Naruto, silently hoping that his friend would take the hint and leave him alone. The disturbing memories continued to haunt him, making it impossible to shake off the feeling of dread. The sensation of scales against his skin, the sharp pain of fangs piercing him, the overwhelming fog that clouded his mind as venom coursed through his veins - it was all too much to bear.

Naruto frowned.  Sasuke rarely snapped at him like that.  He did have a bit of an attitude at times, but it was never antagonistic. Naruto knew he should not press, but he could not help himself. If he kept nagging Sasuke maybe, he would tell him what was up “You have missed a lot.”

Sasuke shut his eyes tightly, ignoring Naruto's probing questions. He desperately wished for Naruto to leave him in peace. He knew Naruto wouldn't give up until he got some answers, but revealing the truth was out of the question. The village elders had forbidden him from disclosing the details of his abduction.

“Hey, are you even listening to me?”


“Sasuke, what the hell is going on?” Naruto watched as Sasuke turned and glared at him.  Struggling to keep his Sharingan from activating.  No one could not he had that—to learn that he went through a traumatizing event to obtain his ocular abilities was the last thing his classmates needed to know.  He was a Uchiha. A warrior.  He could not be seen as weak or broken.

“I told you it is none of your business!”

Sasuke sprang to his feet, accidentally knocking his books to the floor. The walls of the room seemed to close in on him as if there were too many prying eyes fixated on his every move. He couldn't bear to stay in this suffocating atmosphere any longer. He needed to escape. To distance himself from this place. Without a second thought, Sasuke bolted out of the classroom, shutting his eyes tightly to avoid anyone catching a glimpse of his crimson orbs. In his haste, he collided with Iruka before swiftly disappearing down the hallway.

Iruka entered the classroom, his arms crossed, and couldn't help but wonder what had just unfolded. It was far too early for such commotion. "What happened?"

“Naruto was bothering Sauske-kun” Ami blurted out. She hoped Naruto would face consequences severe enough to have him expelled from the academy for causing Sasuke distress. In her eyes, someone like Naruto shouldn't be allowed to mingle with other children. After all, he carried a dangerous monster within him. A monster that could unleash havoc upon the village at any given moment.

"He was merely asking about Sasuke-kun's well-being, considering he's been sick for the past few weeks. He didn't mean to distress him, Watanabe," Ino chimed in, defending Naruto's intentions.

"Naruto was being a nuisance!" Ami persisted.

"So, a nuisance is displaying concern for his best friend. Your definition of that word is skewed. I'm not surprised, given that your grades are among the lowest in the class," Sakura interjected, unable to sit idly by and let Ami berate Naruto. She knew deep down that Naruto rarely did anything wrong. People simply treated him this way because he was a jinchuriki.

Iruka sighed, “I will be back in a moment.” He exited the classroom and headed to the teachers’ offices.  He was looking for someone to temporarily look after his class, so he could talk with Fugaku in person.  Iruka entered the teachers’ offices, hoping someone could be there to assist in watching over his class.

"Iruka, don’t you have a class to teach?" Daikoku asked. Shocked to see the young man enter the room. Iruka was always punctual when it came to the classes he taught.

"I have an urgent matter to attend to regarding Sasuke Uchiha. He just bolted from the classroom, and I need to speak with his father about his behavior." Iruka wasn't sure if the other teachers were aware of the situation involving Sasuke, who had nearly been kidnapped by Orochimaru.

"Is he okay? We heard he's been unwell," Suzume chimed in. She didn't interact much with the male students, as she ran the Kunoichi classes at the academy. “That is what I am going to find out.”

His assumptions were correct, they were not aware of what happened to Sasuke.

"I can take care of your class until you get back. I don't have a lesson until later this afternoon," Mizuki offered with a fake smile. "We're friends, and I'd do anything to help out a friend."

"Thanks, Mizuki. I know I can always rely on you. I'll be back as soon as I can." Iruka vanished from the room shortly after.

The situation took a sudden turn once Iruka sensei exited the classroom. With no supervision, they had free reign to do as they pleased. It was clear that things were spiraling out of control, and an unauthorized fight was on the verge of erupting. Fighting was strictly limited to Taijutsu class, under the watchful eye of a teacher.

"I preferred it when you were a crybaby, Haruno. Alone in the world because you were different," sneered Ami. "It's such a shame that Ino took you under her wing. You're nothing more than her pet, a sheepdog hiding your large forehead with those bangs of yours."

Ami confidently descended the steps between the desks, making her way towards Sakura's desk. "You think you're superior to everyone just because you're friends with the heirs of powerful clans. I don't know how you managed to worm your way into their good graces, but it won't last long. You're just a civilian, destined for mediocrity."

Sakura calmly responded, "No, I don't believe I'm better than anyone. Forming friendships with those from prominent clans doesn't define my worth. Our status within the village is irrelevant. We found common ground and formed a bond based on our shared interests."

Ami scoffed, "You're delusional if you think status doesn't matter! You're just a civilian, and your value to this village is negligible. They don't care how intelligent you are. Someone like you will never succeed as a Genin. You're better off giving up now." Ami attempted to poke Sakura's forehead, but her wrist was swiftly caught by Kiba.

"Back off, Watanabe!" Kiba growled, tightening his grip on Ami's wrist. He perched himself on the desk in front of Sakura, no longer willing to stand idly by as this girl tore her apart.

He knew Sakura could handle this, she did have a bit of a fiery personality, but he was not one to remain on the sidelines.  Kiba became friends with Sakura a while ago when she gave Akamaru some dog treats from her family’s bakery.  The girl has been bringing him those treats ever since.

“Move aside dog breath. I have no qualms with you.” 

“I will not move aside if you mess with Sakura, you have to deal with me and Naruto.”

“I said move!” She yanked her wrist out of Kiba’s grip, pushing him on the ground.

“What is your problem!” Naruto growled.

Naruto was about to leap forward, but someone stopped him.  Their hand gripped his shoulder. He looked back to see Shikamaru holding him back.  Naruto knew that look.

Don’t do anything stupid.

Naruto knew hitting a girl was wrong, but they were shinobi. Once they became Genin and entered the field it wouldn’t matter anymore. Ami deserved to be hit for being rude to not only Sakura but Hinata as well.  He has seen how Ami treated her and he did not like it.  The girl treated people like they were beneath her.

“Hey!” Ino moved from Sakura’s side and pushed Ami. She knew that Kiba and Naruto would never lay a hand on a girl. Well, Kiba wouldn’t. His mother would kill him if he did.  She was not too sure about Naruto, but she didn’t care. She needed to do something other than stand on the sidelines.  Ino jumped on top of the girl, pulling her hair.

“Get off of me you boar!”

“No, you deserve everything that you have coming to you, wannabe!”

Ino pulled back her hand and was about to punch the school bully when she heard his voice. The teacher everyone hated, Mizuki, entered the room.

“Yamanaka, what do you think you are doing?”

Fugaku was taken aback by the unexpected knock on the office door. He had a meeting with his officers in an hour and was not anticipating any visitors this morning. "Who is it?"

He watched as Sasuke’s academy teacher entered the room and wondered why he was doing it here during school hours.

“Sorry to disturb you, sir, but Sasuke ran from the academy this morning.  We have not been able to find him. We do know he is still in the village, but is masking his chakra, making it difficult to track him down.” 

“Please come in.”                                           

Fugaku stayed composed, contemplating whether he had made a hasty decision by allowing Sasuke to come back to the academy. Maybe he should have requested for his assignments to be done from home for the remaining three months of the year.

“Could you shed some light on what led Sasuke to flee from the academy? I trust you are aware of the situation regarding his absence.”

Iruka observed the leader of the Uchiha clan. "When I walked into the classroom, Naruto was bombarding Sasuke with questions about his absence. It was clear that Sasuke just wanted some space. He felt overwhelmed and left.”  

“It was too soon for him. I should have waited longer, but I thought being with people his age would help. Sasuke awakened his Sharingan that night, but the strain of his dojutsu has been affecting him.” Fugaku sighed. “It is uncommon for someone Sasuke’s age to unlock it so young this day in age, however, in the days of the Warren States it was more common for children as young as Sasuke to have a fully matured Sharingan.”

“I see…”

“We try hard not to practice the old ways of the clan.  We have seen the effects having the Sharingan so young has on children. We make sure to observe them closely.” 

“Is there anything you need me to do to help Sasuke?  He is a bright kid. One of the best in the class.”

“Treat him as his person.  He sets high standards for himself, and I am guilty of pushing that on him.”

“I see I will keep an eye on him.”

“Thank you.”

Kakashi followed Pakkun through Konoha's lush forest. The pug had picked up on Sasuke's sent and was leading him to the child's exact location.  He was relieved that the boy did not venture outside of the village. Tracking him would have been more difficult if that had happened.  He wonders what caused the child to run from the academy. 

Kakashi came to a stop when he saw Sasuke in the forest. Not far from where he was found by Shisui, weeks before.  He observed the young Uchiha as he spun in the air and threw multiple kunai at targets that had been nailed into the trees.  Most hit their intendant targets, but there were a few that missed. He watched the child land gracefully on his feet. That is when he saw it, the glowing crimson eyes of the Sharingan.  The boy must have unlocked his visual prowess the night Orochimaru attacked. 

“Who’s there.”

Kakashi took his time before responding, carefully observing Itachi's brother through his Sharingan. He needed to find the right approach to communicate with him. It wasn't the same as talking to Itachi, but he understood the importance of handling this child with care, even if it wasn't his strong suit. Kakashi couldn't help but think of Rin, who had a natural talent for comforting others. He missed her dearly, especially in moments like these. Rin's gentle nature was a rare quality among shinobi, who often lacked empathy. Kakashi decided to just wing it.  What could go wrong? He glanced at Pakkun and then back at Sasuke, placing his hand on his headband to conceal the Sharingan from the young Uchiha. Kakashi had no idea how Sasuke would react to it, so it was best to keep it hidden.

“Go inform Fugaku that we found Sasuke.”

“Yes, boss!” Pakkun darted towards the Konoha Military Police Force headquarters.

“I know you are hiding behind a tree, come out.”

“Mah mah, don’t you have an attitude.”

“Why shouldn’t I? I don’t know who you are, and you are watching me from a distance. It’s creepy. That man watched before striking, like the snake that he is. As I thought more about when I was confined to the Uchiha Compound, I came to realize that man’s chakra felt familiar. Like I have felt it before. Chakra signatures tend to linger when you are around someone for a period. I remember meeting him before. I crashed into him during the Tanabata festival last year.”

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he locked his Sharingan onto the man before him. Despite the familiar Uchiha chakra emanating from him, it was clear that he was not of their clan. The only other person with a similar chakra signature was Kakashi Hatake.

Whispers had circulated within the Uchiha Compound about a man who had been gifted the Sharingan from a fallen comrade, a Uchiha. Sasuke was aware that some within his clan disapproved of his father's decision to allow the man to retain the eye, though he did not know the identity of the Uchiha from whom it was taken.

"Are you from the Anbu? Did my brother send you?”

Kakashi stared at the kid. Uchiha’s were extremely intelligent, and their intelligence enhanced once they unlocked the Sharingan. They remember things and feel things differently than most Shinobi.

Sasuke glared at the man. He was not answering his questions. “Or was it idiot Shisui? Out with it? Who sent you?”

“Kid, you caused a lot of trouble.  Running off from the academy like that. You have a lot of people looking for you. They worry about your safety, especially since Orochimaru has his sights on you.”

“Didn’t know I was so important.  I am just a Uchiha. People don’t like us. I see how they stare at me and members of my family. We are feared by people from our village. No one would care if something happened to a Uchiha.  I am not a Hyuga, who gets special treatment from the village because of their status. The Uchiha are one of the founding clans and don’t get treated like we are royalty, not that we would want that. We feel pride in earning our keep and not having it handed to us.”

Sasuke crossed his arms. “I am not Naruto either, who some in this village have deemed as a weapon, such disgusting behavior to treat a kid as something expendable, treating him like less than scum. But that is something we must get used to quickly.  That we are all expendable.” Sasuke sighed. “I am invisible to most. Just the second son of the head of the Uchiha clan. A spare. Someone unimportant.”

Kakashi made his way over to Sasuke and kneeled in front of him. The kids’ words were concerning.  Most eight-year-olds don’t talk like this.  “You are important, kid.  Don’t think otherwise.”

“What am I supposed to think? My father did not give any attention to me until that man tried to take me.  Weeks before he was so disappointed in me when I could not perform a simple fireball jutsu to his expectations. I trained so hard for a week, to get it to where it should have been the first time, I performed the Jutsu.  I practiced night and day, not caring if I passed out from exhaustion. I needed to get it right, so I did not tarnish my clan reputation more than it already is. It was difficult for me to get it to that level. It should be easy because most Uchiha chakra nature is fire. It’s in our blood! Our body temperature runs higher than most.”

Kakashi listened to the boy's rant.  He understood that he needed to let out his frustrations, frustrations that he could not say verbally to his family. 

“Itachi is never around. I know he has missions and that they are important, but he doesn’t bother with me when he is home. Itachi is always with Shisui when he is in the village. Not his annoying little brother who just wants help in perfecting his skills. Otherwise, I would be completely useless to the clan and the village.” 

Kakashi placed a hand on Sasuke’s head and patted his head. “You are more important than you realize Sasuke.  Your family cares a lot, and the village is not one to turn a blind eye to a child of a powerful clan getting kidnapped.  Especially, when the man who tried to harm you is from our village and wanted you for your body.”

“Clans are important, but the village does not listen or care when civilian children or orphans go missing. My father has been investigating these disappearances for a while and no one gives a shit.  We should care about the whole village and not just their prestigious clans. Yes, shinobi missions bring profit into the village, but so does trade.  Civilians are the one's brought profit through trade into this village and the stands they set up for festivals or the products they sell to other villages.”

Kakashi stared at the kid.  The child was something.  Thinking politically.  The village is not just shinobi, others matter.

"Sasuke Uchiha…" Sasuke flinched when he heard his father's baritone voice.

Kakashi watched the boy closely as he recoiled into himself.  How his posture changed?  Something in the boy changes drastically when his father arrives.  Liked there was a switch in his brain to behave a certain way.  Kakashi knows he has no say, especially when Fugaku Uchiha allows him to keep Obito's eyes.  The man vouched for him when everyone else in the clan wanted the Sharingan to be ripped from his eye socket.

Fugaku made his way over to Kakashi and Sasuke.  Following the dog that led him here. Fugaku knew that this pug was one of Kakashi’s summoning the instant he showed up at his office.  He appreciated all this man had done for Itachi and now Sasuke. Even if most of the clan dislikes him, he cannot.

Sasuke Sharingan faded.  “Father…”

“Do you know how much trouble you caused today, running from the academy?  I knew we should have waited longer to send you back. You weren’t ready.”

Sasuke’s looked down at the ground. He felt defeated.  He always felt defeated in the eyes of his fathers.  Those negative words started to repeat in his head again.

Disappointment. Failure. Useless

He clenched his fist, feeling his nails pierce his skin. The pain was nothing compared to the turmoil inside him. "I apologize," he muttered.

"Why did you flee?" Fugaku inquired, his gaze fixed on Sasuke. His attention was drawn to the blood oozing from his son's hands. Mikoto had warned him about Sasuke's struggles, and the pressure he was under. Not just from the clan, but from the villagers as well. All eyes were on the youngest Uchiha, waiting to see if he would follow in his brother's footsteps. Fugaku may be tough on his children, but he only wants them to find their own path.

“Naruto was asking too many questions. You know how he is.  The type that keeps pestering until he gets the answers he wants. I was growing annoyed. Struggling to keep my Sharingan from activating.” Sasuke’s averted his gaze from his father. “He wouldn’t stop and if I stayed there any longer, I would have revealed my dojutsu.  If people saw my eyes, more questions would arise.  I thought it would be better to disappear than speak the truth.  I am not allowed to tell people what happened. The story they were told that I had a bad cold.”

“I will leave you two to talk. It was nice meeting you Sasuke.” Kakashi knew it was time for him to take his leave. He was intruding.  Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Sasuke…” Fugaku kneeled in front of Sasuke and placed a hand on his wrist and unclenched his fist. He pulled bandages from his pack. “I am not upset with you.  I am concerned about you.  We did not get to talk much about what happened.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. If you want to know, ask Shisui.”

“I still want to hear from you.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s done, and I want to forget about it.” Sasuke looked down at his bandaged hand.

"Sasuke, we cannot forget about it.  There are things about our clan history that can destroy the world in the wrong hands. A power that you may only possess. A power that we must keep a secret. I will not allow the village to turn you into a weapon."

"What about Naruto?"

"I am doing everything that I can to prevent that.” Fugaku sighed as he looked at his son.  “Let’s head home.” He rose to his feet.  Preparing to take his leave with Sasuke when he felt his chakra take a nosedive.  It took a dip to a dangerous level. "Sasuke."

Fugaku caught his son before he hit the ground.  He sighed as he lifted his son in his arms.  He could not help but blame himself, for putting Sasuke in such a predicament.  Feeling like he could not come to him if he had a problem.  Training his Sharingan unsupervised was a problem.  Even though time has passed, the training schedule for Sasuke needed to be implanted.

Sakura has never been in this part of the village before.  It was near the outskirts of the village, on the edge of the Naka River - away from everything.  Sakura wondered why the Uchiha were a distance away from the Shinobi area of the village.  She had heard rumors that the clan was not trusted by some in the village.

Sakura came to a stop when she arrived at the entrance of the Uchiha District. Looking up at the arch, the uchiwa, the Uchiha clan crested marked the entrance of the Uchiha compound.

Sakura was acutely aware of the gazes fixed upon her as she strolled through the streets of the Uchiha Compound. She knew she stood out, being different from the Uchiha clan, but when Iruka approached her after class and asked her to deliver Sasuke's missed assignments, she agreed without hesitation. Perhaps it was her curiosity to see where Sasuke lived, but deep down, she also wanted to ensure he was alright.

Sakura bit her lip and wondered who she should ask for help.  She has no idea where Sasuke’s house is. It could be anywhere.

“Little blossom, what are you doing here?”

Sakura turned around and smiled when she saw a familiar face.  “Shisui-san.”

“Good to see you again, Sakura-chan.” He kneeled in front of her and noticed she had Sasuke’s brown school bag swung over her shoulder. Shisui has heard from his uncle that Sasuke ran from school before it even started.  “Did you bring that for Sasuke?”

“Yes, and the assignments he missed.”

“That is very nice of you!” He placed his hand on Sakura’s head and patted it.  “I can take you to the main house and you can deliver it to the shrimp.”

“I don’t want to be a bother.  He looked very tired today and it seems like he is still recovering from his cold.”

Sakura looked down at the ground playing with the hem of her dress.  She would love to see Sasuke.  He was the boy she liked for a year now.  One of the few who was nice to her.

“You are both a bother Sakura-chan! Follow me.”

Sakura trailed after Shisui. Her eyes widened when she saw Sasuke’s home.  She gripped onto Sasuke’s bag before following Shisui inside into the kitchen where the Uchiha matriarch was cooking.


“Shisui, I did not know…” Mikoto paused when she spotted her, Sakura Haruno. The pretty pink-haired girl who bewitched her youngest. The one she secretly hoped would one day become a part of their family. Mikoto knew it was too soon to think about marriage, especially with a civilian girl, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to Sakura. "Sakura, what brings you here?"

"I apologize for intruding. I would have left Sasuke's things with Shisui-san if I had known I was going to be a bother."

“You are no bother dear. I am just surprised.” Mikoto smiled as she took Sasuke’s school back from Sakura. “Thank you so much for bringing Sasuke’s things. I would have him thank you, but he is currently asleep.”

“It’s fine.  I hope Sasuke-kun feels better soon. I should get going. I need help at my parent's shop this afternoon.”

“Shisui, escort her to her parents’ shop.”

“You don’t have to I will be…”

“Nonsense, Shisui will escort you. Please don’t argue with me on this.”

“I appreciate it, thank you.” 

Mikoto watched the two leave and smiled to herself.  Sakura was such a sweet girl.  She hoped her career would blossom once she became a Genin.

Hinata gripped the bark of the tree and wondered when Iruka’s questioning with Naruto would be complete. Today was the day that she was going to try and talk to him.  She finally dared to approach Naruto.

She informed Iruka sensei that Naruto and Kiba did nothing wrong. That they were trying to defend their friend. Ino only punched the girl because she provoked Sakura.  That it was Ami who started the brawl in class. 

“I appreciate your testimony Hinata, but Ino still punched another student.  She will be serving detention with Ami.”

Hinata wished she could have done more for Ino.  They were not friends, but Ino always seemed to stand up for those who needed it.  She was a good person.  If she was not so shy, she would try to form friendships with people like Ino and Sakura.

Hinata, like many did not like Ami.  She did not only bully Sakura, but she bullied her as well.  Making fun of her eyes and how soft-spoken she is.  People make her nervous and she tends to allow them to walk all over her. 

Hinata despised confrontations and struggled with self-assurance. The constant reminder of her disappointment from her father only added to her insecurities. Despite being aware of her fragile position with her father and the elders of the clan, she continuously attempted to challenge herself, only to be met with failure.

“Lady Hinata.” Hinata jumped at Ko’s sudden appearance next to her.  She was not expecting him. Natsu normally escorted her to and from school. Had something changed?

"Ko-san, what are you doing here?"

He had been watching Lady Hinata for a while.  Knew she was waiting for someone but was using a tree as cover - just in case she needed to make a quick escape.  Ko had an inkling for the jinchūriki. He was well aware of Hinata’s crush.

"You are late today.  Did something happen?”

“Um, a fight broke out in class and Iruka sensei n-need to talk to everyone to fi-figure out who to punish.”

“I see…” Ko studied Hinata.  He was glad she was not injured. “What was then fight about my lady!”

“Naruto-kun said something to Sasuke-san and he ran from class.  Sasuke has been absent for a few weeks with a cold.” Hinata’s looked down at her feet. “Ami got annoyed at N-Naruto-kun, blaming him for Sasuke-san's odd behavior. Sakura-san stood up for Naruto-kun, calling about that she was only mad because she could not sit next to Sasuke-san.”

Ko sighed; Lord Hiashi had informed him about what happened to Sasuke Uchiha.  The child was almost kidnapped by Orochimaru.  How Natsu could no longer accompany Lady Hinata. How they needed someone who was stronger, more proficient at the Byakugan to protect his daughter.

“I see, were you involved in the fight?”

“No, but I was asked to p-provide testimony to Iruka sensei about the fight. He interviewed everyone who was in class this morning.”

"I see." Ko was relieved.  He was glad that Hinata was not involved in the fight and could create an excuse, for why they were late.  

“Ko-san did something happen to Natsu!”

"Natsu has been assigned to look after your younger sister, my Lady." Ko bowed his head as he studied the young heiress. "I will be the one protecting you now."

“Oh, I see…”

Hinata was disappointed that Natsu would no longer be her caretaker.  Natsu was stricken but she also allowed Hinata some freedom.  She does not know how she would get such freedom with Ko as her caretaker.

Naruto entered Iruka sensei's office, "You wanted to see me, Iruka sensei?" He nervously glanced around the room, wondering if he was in trouble. "Am I in trouble for something? If this is about the fight that broke out in class, that was Ami's doing. She was calling both Sakura-Chan and Ino names."

"You are not in trouble."

"I'm not?" Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. He had expected the worst, especially after what Mizuki had told him.

"No, you're not. It is good to stick up for your friends." Iruka observed Naruto, contemplating how to bring up the news that Jiraiya had to leave on a month-long mission. Did Naruto already know?

"Sakura didn't deserve to be berated because of me. She is very nice. It is one of the reasons why I like her so much. Not many people are nice to me because of what is in me. I learned not to take people's harsh words to heart; I know they are upset because the nine-tails killed their loved ones. It killed my mom and dad too, but I know their sacrifice was to protect the village."

"That is a very mature way of looking at it. I did not call you here because..."

"I know Jiraiya is away. He informed me when dropping me off this morning that he would be gone for a month." Naruto looked down at the ground. "I normally stay with the Uchiha, but I don't want to intrude when Sasuke is still unwell."

"How about you stay with me tonight? I will treat you to Ichiraku."

"I would love that!"


This chapter took a bit longer to release. I originally wanted to get this out sooner but decided to sit on it to add more details. I am glad I did because the Anko bit was not in my original draft. I think it adds more context.

One more chapter left in this arc, and we will be entering the Genin Era of this fic.

Chapter 7: Shangri-la


Hello everyone, just popping in here to say thank you for all your support. This story reached a milestone, I never thought it would hit over 100 Kudos. I truly appreciate all of you. I enjoyed reading and responding to all of your comments.

This chapter concludes the first arc of the story and moves into the Genin Era.

edited 3.15.24

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sweat dripped down Sasuke's temple as he studied his opponent, Shisui. Sasuke had volunteered to train Shisui in hand-to-hand combat using the body flicker technique. Sasuke was an expert in this technique, and many feared him for his mastery of it. During times of war, there were flee-on-sight orders issued if Shisui Uchiha was spotted.

Shisui was extremely fast, blink, you died an instant death. He could fade out of sight, leaving no trace of his presence or his intended destination. To seamlessly dodge barrages of projectiles. Outpace a group of enemies. Learning how to counter and copy this technique was a top priority in the training his father mapped out.  Eventually, he needed to learn how to incorporate ninjutsu and bukijutsu with the body flicker. Becoming proficient in the art was a priority. His father wanted him to be a lethal force.  Someone who is feared across the Shinobi Nation.  Someone the likes of Orochimaru would not mess with.

Being prepared for that man’s return was of great importance. It has been drilled into his head since that fated night three years ago. It was known, that Orochimaru would attempt to take him again.  A man like that would never stop until he got what he wanted. The eyes of the Uchiha. But not just any eye. Orochimaru did not want the base Sharingan or even the Mangekyo. He wanted the Rinnegan, the Gods Eyes, only gifted to the one who wielded both Asura and Indra’s chakra. There was a slim chance Sasuke would gain that ability. But a slim chance is all they needed to play it safe.  When it came to unlocking the Rinnegan, they needed to tread carefully. It would be deadly in the wrong hands.

Time would only tell when the reptile would strike again.  Intelligence lacked on where he disappeared to, but the village was sure whispers of his whereabouts would soon surface. 

From what he has learned about Orochimaru throughout the years, the legendary Sannin had an obsession not only with his clan dojutsu, but immortality. He was someone who wanted to cheat death. To live forever.  Immortality would grant him the ability to learn all the jutsu known to man. Having the Sharingan would make that easier for him to accomplish. Having the ability to memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near-perfect accuracy would be beneficial.

Sasuke had dedicated countless hours, tirelessly coming through books in the Konoha Library to learn about the man who wanted his body. Unfortunately, his efforts hit a roadblock due to the numerous restrictions imposed on academy students regarding what they could access, limiting them to certain materials to assist them with their classes This limitation left him frustrated.

It was ironic how the village shielded children from certain knowledge when they were expected to become mature individuals and serve as Genin at the young age of twelve. At that point, they were no longer mere children but soldiers - contracted to kill.

All he learned about Orochimaru was that he was a former student of the Third Hokage. Jiraiya and Tsunade Senju were his former teammates, but other than that there wasn’t much.

Obtaining information from both Jiraiya and Tsunade proved to be a challenge. Tsunade has been away from the village for years, taking a sabbatical after the Second Shinobi World War and losing her younger brother and her lover there was nothing left for her in the village. Leaving the way, she did was frowned upon, but being a student of the Hokage and a member of the founding clan provides her with special privileges. It was difficult to contact her, and he would never ask for help from a Senju. As for Jiraiya, he could always talk to him, but he wasn't sure if he would provide any intelligence on Orochimaru. He had overheard some members of the Police Force talking about how Jiraiya believed he could save Orochimaru from his darkness, that he could bring him back to the light.

"He would just have to wait until he graduates," he thought to himself. He realized there was no point in asking Jiraiya anything, as he knew the man would never tell him the truth. No one would ever give him the answers he wanted. His status would change once he became a Genin, which would open more doors for him. However, he knew that access only went so far. Genin were also limited in what they could read due to their rank, so there might not be anything for him to access. He would have to figure out another way, possibly an illegal one. If caught, he would weasel his way out of it and play innocent. He could use his father's connections to get out of trouble, specifically with Izumi, as the girl had a soft spot for him. She thought getting on his good side would benefit her when it came to her annoying crush on Itachi.

Sasuke glanced at his brother who was observing them with his Sharingan activated. Itachi was known for his sharp perception and would often correct Sasuke's technique if he wasn't using it properly. Sasuke believed that closely watching his brother would help him improve his skills as a shinobi and as a Uchiha.

“Sasuke, you need to remain focused,” Itachi warned.

Did his brother know his thoughts were wandering from training?? His thoughts tend to drift when he lets his mind sink into the depths of his subconscious, where his fears lie dormant until triggered by reminders of that fateful night.

Before that late summer evening, Sasuke didn't have many fears. However, he developed a fear of snakes. He has dreams about snakes slithering up his body, coiling around him, and suffocating him until his body screams for him to wake up and escape before he dies.


You need to focus, Sasuke.

Stop letting your mind wander.

Shisui suddenly appeared, his fist aimed at Sasuke like a viper, preparing to strike.  His crimson eyes spotted the movement, slowing it down. Although his Sharingan gave him clarity of perception, it was not enough to predict and copy the slightest muscle tension to dodge or intercept. His Sharingan was only a tomoe away from being fully developed in its base form. Sasuke tried to grab Shisui's arm, but he was still too slow. Sasuke's fate was sealed the moment he lost his focus and let his mind drift to that man. Shisui's fist hit Sasuke's lower abdomen, sending him flying several feet away. Sasuke quickly rolled over to prevent any further bodily injury.

“You are being foolish, little brother. How many times do we go over this exercise?”

Sasuke stood up from his crouched position, brushing the dirt off his cheek with a swift motion. His clothes were drenched from the snowy terrain. His crimson eyes locked onto Itachi, feeling irritated by his brother's constant belittling of his abilities. Despite the urge to respond, Sasuke remained silent. Itachi would continue to taunt him, regardless of his protests.

“Sasuke, if you don’t grasp this soon, we won't be able to move forward with our training. Are you even paying attention, brother?”

“I heard you the first time. No need to repeat.”

“I'm repeating because it seems like you're not absorbing anything I'm saying. Sasuke, we push you because you need to excel beyond your peers. They don't have a madman after them.”

Sasuke clicked his tongue in frustration. He was annoyed by his inability to complete a simple task. He knew Shisui wouldn't go easy on him, pushing him to be the best. Failure was not an option for a Uchiha.

“How can I be the best if I don’t understand what I am doing wrong.”

"If you want to reach those impossibly high standards, you have to figure out what you're doing wrong on your own, Sasuke. No one is going to hold your hand and guide you every step of the way. Becoming a Genin means being thrown into challenging situations where you have to think quickly and adapt. It's not about someone constantly correcting your mistakes."

“That is a lie! Even as a Genin, the Joinin sensei that are assigned a team are there to help guide those who just graduated. To instruct and train them to be competent shinobi.  How am I supposed to become a competent shinobi if you won’t guide me, Itachi!”

"Because you need to learn to think independently, Sasuke!"

Shisui approached the brothers, sensing the tension between them. He understood both perspectives. Itachi was right about Sasuke's lack of focus, but he also recognized that Sasuke was still young and needed guidance to become a skilled shinobi. It was concerning to see Sasuke withdraw into himself at times, lost in his thoughts.

Itachi's words had a sharp sting to them, piercing deep. It was as if Itachi saw Sasuke not as his brother, but as a mere subordinate. This painful dynamic only played out during their training sessions, but Shisui could see the hurt in Sasuke's eyes. The sight of Sasuke's crestfallen expression shattered him. It was crucial to closely monitor Sasuke's mental well-being, for they couldn't afford to let him spiral into darkness. They couldn't let him succumb to the cursed legacy that plagued their clan. Mentally, Sasuke teetered on the edge, ready to fall at any given moment. The exact tipping point for Sasuke's descent remained uncertain.

Shisui strongly disagreed with Fugaku's decision to withhold information about Sasuke's panic attacks from Itachi. They have occurred less frequently but still happened. He knew that keeping this knowledge from Itachi would create a divide between them in the future. Shisui had warned Fugaku about the consequences, but his concerns were immediately dismissed. Fugaku believed he was acting in the best interest of both his sons' safety.

“Tachi, I think you reached your lecture quota for the day.”

Itachi refrained from speaking further as Shisui shot him a look. The look that conveyed everything that needed to be said. He understood that there was no need to exacerbate the situation. Sasuke didn't need any more criticism today. It was clear that something was bothering his younger brother. He knew better than to push. The last time he tried, Sasuke shut down the conversation immediately.

"I'd like to give it another shot if you're willing. I believe I've pinpointed where I went wrong."

Sasuke gazed at Shisui with pleading eyes. He was determined to get it right this time. He was eager to progress to the next stage of his training and start incorporating Fire nature into his combat.

"Alright, shrimp, we can..." A hawk descended from the dreary, sunless sky and perched on Shisui's outstretched arm, fluffing its light brown feathers. Taking the note attached to its leg, Shisui read the contents with a sigh. He handed the paper to Itachi, "Sorry shrimp, it seems we both need to postpone. We've been summoned for a mission."

"We can try again when you return, I'll be patient. I'll be ready to counter next time, Shisui. I promise."

There was a hint of disappointment in Sasuke's tone. He enjoyed spending time with his brother, and surprisingly, Shisui wasn't as irritating as he used to think. It was a revelation that he got along so well with his cousin. He used to believe that Shisui was stealing Itachi's attention away from him, but since that night when he showed him compassion, Sasuke had formed a new bond with Shisui.

"I have faith in your abilities, kid. I know you'll succeed."

Shisui approached Sasuke and tousled his silky, black hair. "In the meantime, I think Uncle wants to work with you on genjutsu." Shisui chuckled as Sasuke scowled.

“Will he show up this time? The last time you went on a mission he…”

“Sasuke, he…”

“Forget it, I will just practice my Katas until Father arrives.” 

Sasuke's crimson eyes faded to onyx as he turned away from his older brother, hoping he would just leave. He no longer wanted to discuss insignificant issues with him. Sasuke took a step back and balanced his weight on his right foot as he threw a curved punch with his left fist in the air, imagining that he was punching someone in the temple. He turned ninety degrees to the side and threw another punch, repeating the movement to make his brother understand that he wanted to be alone.

Suddenly, a popping sound broke his concentration, and Itachi's soothing chakra signature vanished. Itachi was gone, once again on a mission far away from Sasuke. Sasuke fell to his knee and punched the ground, struggling to let go of his aggravation. His thoughts returned to a place he should not go, thinking that his brother was only spending time with him because his father had asked him to, not because he wanted to spend time with him of his own free will.

“Okay, forehead we are going over the dance again. I hope you remember the steps I taught you, but I am sure you do with that big head of yours. We need to perfect this before we both graduate to become Genin.” 

“I hope you know that graduating to become a Genin is not set in stone for me, pig. I am not of a clan.  The likelihood I will pass is a slim percentage. I have already done the calculations.  I know there are eight children of clans that are in our graduating class. Only three teams will come out of the second test of the graduation exam. The teams that will come out on top will be the teams of clans.  Do you think the village will not invest in more teams who have powerful dojutsu or techniques that have been passed down for generations? They want the best of the best. I will end up in administrative work.  I will never be in the field.”

Sakura took the pink folded hand fan that Ino handed to her. They were in the garden behind the Yamanaka Flower Shop. The garden was lined with the flowers of the winter season, blooming for the spring harvest.  Sakura looked off in the distance and spotted her favorite flower, the daffodil.  Popping up through the snow. Sakura always felt a deep connection with Daffodils. Sharing a similar meaning with her namesake in the language of flowers. Symbolizing rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings.

They stood in the middle of the small grass area covered in a thin layer of snow. It rarely snowed in Konoha due to its hot climate. But there were rare occasions when it did snow. It didn’t last long, but it was still a beautiful sight to see.

“You need to stop doubting yourself, Sakura, you are one of the smartest in our class. Confidence is key. You are going to become a fine Kunoichi.”

“How can you be too sure?”

Sakura had gained confidence throughout the years thanks to Ino, but she still could not help having self-doubt.  Yes, she was smart. Her rank in class proved that but it was still not enough. Her practical scores were average. Always ranked ninth behind the clan kids, but when it came to chakra control, she was one of the best. That still did not change things for her. Nothing ever seemed like it was enough. She was a civilian, the child of a baker, no one special.  A person the village would never invest in.

“Because I believe in you and your abilities. Plus, who else would they place with Naruto and Sasuke-kun?”

“I’m not following?”

Sakura was confused. Where did Ino get the bright idea that she was going to be placed on the same team as Naruto on Sasuke? Who would put a nobody with such talents? Why not someone from a clan? Why her? What made her so special?

“Forehead, I can hear the gears turning in your head. Stop thinking so hard.”

Ino has been working on developing an ability to detect brain waves lately. Her goal is to identify anxiety in people by analyzing their brain activity. Although she hopes to expand her sensory abilities to detect other emotions, she is not quite there yet. This skill could prove useful in interrogations one day, as it would make it easier to identify liars.

“How can I not? Just thinking about it has me nervous. Me, being on the same team as two of some of the most important people in the village, is terrifying.  They will never allow it.”

“Okay, let me make this easy for you, forehead. You already know that they are not going to split up Ino-Shika-Cho. Our clans have a long history of working together. Why split up something that works? The three of us were destined to be a team since birth. Nothing would ever break that apart; we train and perfect our abilities to work together. A flawless application of a formation that has been passed down for generations and will be passed to future generations. I am stuck with Shikamaru for eternity. It’s a drag.”

Sakura chuckled at Ino mimicking Shikamaru's catchphrase.  She knew that Shikamaru annoyed Ino.  The brother she never had. A torn constantly poking into her side. Someone who calls out her obnoxious behavior.

“What about Choji? Are you mad that you are stuck with him?”

“Nah, he’s not that bad. Eats a lot but is kind and caring. Always compliments me, it’s sweet.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question, why do you think I am going to be placed with Sasuke-kun and Naruto? Why not someone from a clan?”

Ino glanced at her closest friend, unable to resist discussing the intricate dynamics of the clans, even though it was strictly forbidden. Sakura, being an outsider, always brought a fresh perspective to the table. She had a knack for seeing things that others overlooked. Ino couldn't help but indulge in a little gossip.

"The Hyuga and the Uchiha have harbored a deep-seated hatred for each other for as long as anyone can remember. Hiashi firmly believes that the Hyuga's eyes are far superior to the Uchiha's. He thinks that the Uchiha's mental stability is compromised due to the intense process of unlocking their dojutsu. Unlike the Hyuga, who are born with their abilities, the Uchiha awaken their powers later in life, usually when they become Genin or shortly after. I can't say for certain how true that is, though. Clans like to keep their secrets close to home."

"What about Shino and Kiba?"

Ino smirked, knowing that Sakura had already pieced together the puzzle. Both boys were going to be placed on the same squad as Hinata, as they all fit the Tracking classification perfectly. Shino with his unique bug abilities and Kiba with his exceptional sense of smell, not to mention his loyal companion Akumaru.

“I know that big forehead of yours already figured it out.”

“With Hinata, Tracking classification.”

“Bingo!” Ino winked at her best friend. “Tracking is their strong point.  Each squad that comes out of our class is going to have a specific designation.  They fall under one of three classifications. Tracking. Infiltration. Assault. Sasuke and Naruto are both brawlers.  They will be placed on an Assault team.”

“I’m no brawler, my fighting skills suck!”

“You’re fighting skills are average. You are the best fighter after the kids from clans. Stop doubting yourself, you do not suck.  You have beaten Watanabe and her cronies in a fight. You even beat Kiba once.”

“Kiba let me win.”

“That mutt has a soft spot for you, but he is not the type to let people win. He is extremely competitive, like Naruto and Sasuke-kun.” Ino placed a hand on her hip. “You are out of excuses, forehead.  There is no one else I could think of in our class that would be placed with those two.  How about me make a bet.”

“A bet?” Sakura's eyes narrowed as she heard the proposition. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of bet her best friend had cooked up this time. Deep down, she hoped that Sasuke wasn't involved in whatever scheme Ino had in mind.

"If you end up on the same team as Naruto and Sasuke-kun, you'll treat me to our first tea date after we become Genin. But if I'm wrong, I'll pay up. Are we in?" Ino extended her two fingers towards Sakura, waiting for her response.

Sakura hesitated for a moment, then connected her fingers with Ino's, forming the reconciliation seal. "Deal," she said firmly.

“Good, now we can get started.”

With a swift flick of her wrist, Ino's fan gracefully unfurled. She moved with elegance and finesse, effortlessly guiding the fan above her head and then fluttering it down to her side as she twirled. Her body swayed in perfect harmony with the melody she hummed. She repeated the mesmerizing sequence multiple times, concluding her performance with a graceful bow.

"As Kunoichi, we must seamlessly blend into our missions, camouflaging ourselves in plain sight. Our appearance becomes a weapon, deceiving our enemies. Our greatest assets lie in our ability to gather intelligence through charm and subtlety. A fan is one of the most versatile tools in a Kunoichi's arsenal. It can be wielded in battle, used to convey secret messages, or even serve as a signal to our allies," Ino smirked. "Of course, it also has its place in ceremonies and rituals, but you need not concern yourself with those unless you marry into a prestigious clan."

Sakura flicked open the fan that Ino had given her earlier, mimicking some of Ino's earlier movements. She moved with the same grace and delicacy, resembling a gentle cloud or a supple bamboo swaying in the wind. She followed the steps of the dance Ino had taught her but added her unique flair. Her body moved in sync with the natural rhythm surrounding her. With one final spin, she concluded her performance with a respectful bow.

"Wow, forehead, I would have never guessed you were a civilian with such a captivating performance."

"Well, I do have an exceptional teacher."

Thank you pig, for everything.

The air was chilly and crisp this morning. The sun painted a pinkish hue over the snow-capped mountains in the distance. The Naka River was partially frozen, with chunks of snow slowly drifting down towards the waterfall several miles away from where Naruto was standing.

Normally, Naruto would have slept in on such a blustery day, but he found himself standing in the middle of the Third Training Ground. The once-lush forest was now bare, surrounding him.

Jiraiya stood across from him with his arms crossed. He felt guilty for pulling Naruto out of bed this morning, but he hadn't been in the village often enough to train him. Naruto was going to graduate in about a year, and if what he had heard from his old sensei was true, Kakashi would be teaching Naruto. The kid would be placed in the same squad as Sasuke and Sakura, the civilian girl Naruto had a crush on. He couldn't blame the kid; Sakura was very pretty.

"So, what are we working on today? Taijutsu? Ninjutsu?  I am so ready to learn what my chakra nature is.  Will I be able to breathe fire like Sasuke? Or create a water dragon?"

“We will be doing none of that. We are going to be working on a skill you are lacking. You are still struggling to break out of genjutsu.  You have already mastered the shadow clone jutsu with ease, however, it is too soon for you to learn about nature transformation. We will cover that topic when you graduate from the academy.”

Naruto gazed at Jiraiya with a hint of disappointment etched on his face. The day's lesson on Genjutsu was utterly insipid. He yearned to learn something that would make him stand out, something flashy, and not something he would never use.

As the last three years had passed, he had witnessed a significant transformation in Sasuke's skills. His best friend had become an extraordinary shinobi, faster than any of their peers. Sasuke's speed was incredible; his movements were sharp and precise, making him stand out in the crowd. The way he could mold fire into various shapes and sizes was amazing.

Naruto couldn't help but feel envious of Sasuke's growth, as he continued to lose to him in their sparring matches at school. It was getting harder for Naruto to keep up with Sasuke, and he could feel himself falling behind.

“Genjutsu is so boring.  Why can’t I work on learning my chakra nature and how to mold it?  Sasuke can already create a dragon out of fire.”

“You and Sasuke are different people. You are not going to be trained the same way.  The Uchiha Clan like all the Konoha Clans has different training regimes. Some start learning techniques as early as three.”

Naruto scoffed. This was so unfair.  He was so behind that most of his classmates, “Great! How am I supposed to compete with that!”

“You will be able to, as I said people learn at a different pace. They may be better than you now, but things may be different in the future.  You may find yourself outshining your classmates.”

“Then let’s work on something flashy.  Genjutsu is useless.”

“Most think genjutsu is useless, but it is a dangerous tool, especially if they can take control of a jinchuriki. It is believed that a powerful genjutsu user was one of the causes of the nine-tails attack that killed your parents.”

Jiraiya approached Naruto and gently placed a hand on his head, tousling his unruly blonde hair. "I understand your eagerness to learn advanced techniques and flashy jutsu, but we must be cautious. We can't risk someone taking advantage of you. I may not be a genjutsu expert, but I can manage. I would have sought help from a Uchiha, they excel at using their Sharingan to incapacitate others. It's quite intimidating. However, the village would never approve. They fear the Uchiha might rebel."

“Those elders are fucking annoying.  The Uchiha aren’t bad people.”

"I had a Uchiha student once. Mikoto's younger brother. He had a fiery spirit but was also very kind-hearted."

Naruto was surprised to learn about Auntie Mikoto's brother. "Was? What happened to him?"

"He went missing during the Third Shinobi War. It devastated Mikoto. But let's not dwell on sad memories. It's time to begin your training, kiddo."

Hinata stepped out onto the engawa, feeling the cold winter breeze brushing against her face. She carried a tray of the highest-grade green tea, called jewel dew tea, and headed towards the training dojo. The cedar boards creaked under her feet as she walked. She knew that Hanabi would be taking a break from training with their father soon, and she wanted to bring her sister some tea.

Hinata used to be the heiress of the Clan and this training time used to belong to her, but the elders of the clan decided that she was no longer suited for the role. They needed someone who was more confident and talented, and who could handle Lord Hiashi's gruesome training regime - Hanabi, Hinata’s much younger sister fit those qualities more than her.

Hinata was relieved that she was no longer the heiress. She didn't like the elaborate training rituals, political lessons, or the tensions between the main house and the branch house. She was happy that she could now watch Naruto from afar and maybe work up the courage to talk to him.

When Hinata entered the dojo, she saw Hanabi training with Neji. She was surprised to see him there since the last time she saw him was when he defeated her in a spar.

Hinata stood in the dimly lit dojo, across from her was Neji, her cousin.  It was rare for him to be in the main house’s dojo being a member of the branch family. Members of the branch family were not allowed to use the dojo. 

Neji had been invited here, which should have been seen as a great honor. However, he didn't seem too thrilled to be in the presence of the main family. Hinata couldn't comprehend what had changed between them. They used to be so close, but everything shifted after her third birthday. Neji stopped visiting and stopped acknowledging her existence when they crossed paths. He simply bowed his head and carried on. The intensity of his anger and resentment could be felt through his powerful chakra signature.

Glancing at her father and grandfather, Hinata couldn't help but wonder why Neji had been invited. Why was he sparring with her instead of someone from the main branch? She was aware of the animosity that existed between the two branches, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that this wasn't a wise decision.

Lost in her thoughts, Hinata realized she had completely tuned out her father's words to Neji. Neji scowled and averted his gaze, wearing an annoyed yet composed expression on his face.

“Understood, “Neji stood in the starting position left arm straight with his palm facing forward. His right arm is tucked in front of him.  Waiting for Hinata to make the first move.

Hinata ran towards Neji palms face forward, ready to strike his neck, but she was too slow. He knocked her palm away with such force, she stumbled.

“What’s wrong, Lady Hinata?”

Neji’s right arm which was once by his side was now pointed at Hinata. A devilish smirk appeared on his face. Hinata wondered why he was taunting her. All she ever did was look up to him. Why did he hold such resentment against her?

“This isn’t child’s play!”

Hinata made another attempt to strike him. Her right palm missed as he effortlessly evaded it. She tried once more with her left palm, only to miss again. “That was nothing…”

Neji came at Hinata’s with moments that employed the whole body with smooth coiling and uncoiling actions. He utilized hand techniques with dynamic footwork.  His rapid-fire movements drew energy to the center of his abdomen as he used circular stepping patterns, building up his centripetal force, and allowing himself to maneuver quickly around Hinata. Knocking her back again and again.

“And you are expected to fulfill your destiny.”

He continued to repeat the motion until he kicked her to the ground.

“As the future leader of the Hyuga Clan.”

Hinata stared at Neji, her eyes welling up with tears, as he activated his Byakugan. However, they were forbidden to use their Kekkei Genkai during their spar. She couldn't understand why he was doing this. Why he hated her so much? Neji's palm glowed with a grayish hue, resembling slate, as he prepared to strike her with his gentle fist and render her unconscious.

Closing her eyes, Hinata braced herself for the impending attack, but to her surprise, it never came. When she opened her eyes, Neji was lying on the other side of the room, on his back, with her father standing in front of her. Slowly rising to her feet, Hinata timidly stood behind her father, observing the scene.

Neji's agonizing screams filled the air as her father activated the seal.

The pain was so intense that Neji lost all sense of his surroundings and his actions just moments ago. It felt as if thousands of knives were piercing his skull.  At that moment, Neji yearned for death, to escape the excruciating pain and the feeling of being trapped like a caged bird, desperately clawing at its cage. He longed to break free from his predetermined destiny, but he knew that it was an impossible reality. He was forever bound to the main family, obligated to obey their every command.

Struggling to breathe, Neji reached for the bandage wrapped around his head, feeling suffocated by its tightness. He couldn't bear the constriction of those bandages that concealed his cursed mark. On the ground lay the cloths that once hid his symbol of imprisonment, the manji.

As he tried to endure the pain, the mark on Neji's forehead glowed green, a sign of his uncle's torment. He felt his vision blur and a sense of dizziness overcame him. Soon, darkness enveloped him, and there was nothing but a void. The pain had finally ceased.

“What brings you here Lady Hinata?” Natsu asked as she observed Hinata placing the tray of tea on the low chabudai table. Hinata knelt in front of it and began pouring the green tea powder into the cup.

"I thought Hanabi might appreciate some warm tea after her training, especially in this cold weather," Hinata replied as she poured water over the powder. After filling the last cup, she took the bamboo whisk and began to mix the tea to the desired consistency.

"That is truly kind of you, Lady Hinata. Will you be joining us?" Natsu asked.

"I have to complete my assignment for tomorrow's class, so I will have to decline," Hinata stood up, bowed her head, and left the dojo. She no longer felt welcomed there, and it would be inappropriate for her to stay.

As she walked along the engawa towards her room, Hinata paused for a moment and decided she could do her assignments later. She knew Naruto was going to the Thirds Training Ground today, as she overheard him telling Sasuke that Jiraiya would be teaching him some cool jutsu.

Hinata quickly grabbed her sandals and hurried out of the Hyuga compound, hoping to catch Naruto still there. Once again, she wanted to admire him from a distance.

Sasuke had been in the training grounds since late morning and the sun was now casting a shadow on the private training grounds in the Uchiha Compound. He knew his father was late or not going to show up at all, so he moved on from practicing his Katas and began combining the fire nature with the precision of his shurikenjutsu to pass the time. He was calculating what jutsu was best suited for the concealment of shuriken when he sensed three familiar chakra signatures making their way toward him. Inabi, Yashiro, and Tekka were coming towards him, and he wondered what they wanted. Itachi had warned him that they enjoyed causing trouble and that they had a superior complex, so he asked them, "What do you want?"

“Is that any way to talk to someone older than you, Sasuke?” Inabi glared at the eleven-year-old. “Show some respect.”

“Respect is earned, not given. I don’t care that you are older than me.”

Sasuke stood with his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed, studying the pests. He knew why they were there - to cause trouble. "I'll ask you again, what do you want?" he demanded.

"We want to know why Itachi and Shisui are spending so much time with a kid like you when they could be doing more important things for the clan," Tekka inquired.

"You may be Fugaku's son, but what makes you so important that Orochimaru would try to kidnap you?" Inabi questioned.

“Why don’t you ask my father about your concerns? I am sure he would be so pleased to hear that you are interrogating me on matters that should not be discussed outside of clan meetings.”

“Every time we make inquiries, he evades our questioning.  As the clan head, he should inform us. Why would Orochumaru set sights on someone who is nothing but a spare? Why would two strongest members of our clan train a brat like you.”

Sasuke glared at Tekka. He was annoyed that this person dared to call him a "spare" and suggested that the strongest members of their clan should not be training him. Sasuke was trying very hard to avoid a fight, but Tekka's line of questioning was uncalled for. "Itachi is my brother, so it should be obvious that he is going to help me train. As for Shisui, he is Itachi's best friend and my cousin. He likes tagging along just to annoy me. Please go away, I'm trying to train." This was the last thing Sasuke wanted to deal with today was the black sheep of the Uchiha Clan.

“What about Orochimaru?”

“Why don’t you go find the snake yourself? I am sure if you can find him, he will be able to give you better insight than my father. That or he might kill you and gorge your eyes out. Take your pick!”


Inabi activated his Sharingan and charged at Sasuke, frustrated with the disrespect shown by the kid. Inabu, being a Chunin, believed that he was superior to a child who had not yet graduated from the academy and didn't think he was skilled enough to teach him a lesson. He aimed his fist at Sasuke's face hoping to knock some sense into him.

A smirk formed on Sasuke's lips.  His bangs covered his eyes as he activated his Sharingan. His crimson eyes caught sight of Inabi's movement, slowing it down. It was so easy for Sasuke to predict what Inabi had planned with his eye. Sasuke quickly caught Inabi's wrist and twisted it back, glaring at him with his crimson eye.

“Impossible,” Inabi was surprised to see that the kid was fast and already had two tomoe. He couldn't believe it.

Sasuke tightened his grip on Inabi's arm and warned him not to underestimate him. He was trying hard to keep himself in check, but he was overcome with anger and the desire to break Inabi's arm. There was a voice in his head that was egging him on.

Do it.

Break his arms for calling you nothing but a spare.

"I don't think being trained by Itachi and Shisui should be such a big deal. My brother and Shisui are highly respected and feared ninjas. They are busy protecting our village and family, so you shouldn't question their loyalty. If you are concerned about their loyalty, bring it to my father's attention, but I doubt he would appreciate you questioning Itachi and Shisui's dedication."

"Cut the crap kid. You of all people should know your father plays favorites. Why do you think a brat like you hasn’t gotten in trouble for reading material in the Konoha library that he shouldn’t? Fugaku is keeping vital information from the clan. There's more to the story from that night. Orochimaru had a reason for wanting you. You know what it is, don't you?"

Sasuke wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and was caught off guard when Yashiro grabbed him from behind, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling his wrist away from Inabi. "Talk!"

"If my father doesn't want to share everything, that's his decision. I won't give you any information, let me go."

"No way in hell am I telling you anything. Back off!" he growled. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him. These fools were dead serious about extracting information, and they were willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goal.

Izumi's sudden appearance near Yashiro caught everyone's attention. She firmly grasped his arm, "Let Sasuke go this instant!"

A smirk played on Inabi's lips as he glanced at Izumi. Removing the kunai from Sasuke's neck, he taunted her, "Ah, it's you, Izumi-chan. Trying to impress Itachi, are we?"

Izumi's eyes blazed with anger as she activated her Sharingan. "Don't you dare mock me, Inabi! Stop tormenting Sasuke!" Her demand was clear, her loyalty unwavering.

Reluctantly, Yashiro released Sasuke and gave him a slight push. His attention shifted to Izumi, "Protecting Sasuke won't make Itachi fall for you. The Uchiha main family must remain pure." As he took a step towards her, he was abruptly knocked to the ground by Sasuke.

"Don't act superior because of this blood purity nonsense," Sasuke retorted, his gaze piercing. "Izumi is Itachi's friend, and she's a Uchiha. We stand by our own, no matter what. We don't belittle our own family. Family is everything, and if you have a problem with treating Izumi differently, that's your issue." Sasuke was determined to protect Izumi. "I told you to leave!" he declared, positioning himself in front of Izumi. He would not allow any harm to come to his future sister-in-law.

“What is going on here?” Fugaku's voice boomed as he materialized, arms folded. Shisui had alerted him about a sudden mission for him and Itachi, leaving Sasuke to train alone.

“We, we’re just…”

“They were bothering Sasuke, questioning Shisui and Itachi’s loyalty to the clan, and trying to find out why Orochimaru wanted Sasuke.”

“Keep your mouth shut half-blood!” Inabi gritted his teeth.

“That's enough!” Fugaku looked at Inabi, “I will not tolerate this behavior, Inabi. We do not treat members of our clan like how you are treating Izumi.” Fugaku's gaze went towards Sasuke, "I am disappointed in you Sasuke, you should…"

"I was defending myself and Izumi, I…"

"Sasuke, we will talk later. Escort Izumi home." Fugaku ordered. 

Sasuke looked down at the ground, his crimson eyes faded to onyx, "Yes, father."

Sasuke walked heavily down the engawa, the timbers creaked under his feet as he made his way toward his room. He wanted a nice, hot shower to wash away all his shame. The disappointed look on his father's face was now embedded in his brain, a memory that would never be forgotten, recorded by his Sharingan.

The training session with his father had been canceled that afternoon, thanks to the altercation involving Inabi, Yashiro, and Tekka. Those three troublemakers never knew when to back down. Bullying Izumi simply because they deemed her a half Uchiha, unworthy of bearing the clan name or emblem. They acted superior, treating others as inferior. But Izumi was just as valuable as any other member of the Uchiha Clan, excelling in her work for the Police Force. Bloodline should not dictate worth.

Sasuke acknowledged that Izumi would eventually become part of his family. He grudgingly accepted the idea of someone else vying for Itachi's attention, irritating as it may be. The way Itachi gazed at her with warmth and affection grated on his nerves. Some girls were annoying, but none compared to Inabi, Yashiro, and Tekka. If his father hadn't intervened, Sasuke would have unleashed his fireballs on them without hesitation.

His temper was a flaw he recognized, a common trait among the Uchiha that needed to be controlled. Emotions were a liability for shinobi, something they were taught to suppress. Keeping their feelings in check was crucial to prevent them from interfering with missions. Emotions were deemed superfluous, especially for the Uchiha, who were warned against being ruled by their feelings.


Sasuke froze when he heard his mother's warm voice. He turned his head to face her, trying to hide his anxiety. He didn't want her to witness him in such a vulnerable state, even though he secretly appreciated her fussing over him. It was a reminder of her unwavering love and care.

“Come here, my sweet boy!”

Sasuke let out a sigh and reluctantly approached his mother. The weight of shame engulfed him, making him feel inadequate. He braced himself for a lecture, but it never came. Instead, he observed his mother picking up a damp cloth from the warm water bin, wringing out the excess moisture.

Humming a soft tune, Mikoto gently wiped away the dirt and sweat from his face. Sasuke's eyes softened as he allowed himself to be taken care of by her. She was the only person who truly understood his emotions.

"Do you want to tell me what put that scowl on your handsome face?" Mikoto asked as she carefully examined Sasuke for any injuries.  "It is okay if you don’t want to."

She always gave him an option to talk about his feelings.  His mother never forced him to discuss things he didn’t feel comfortable with.

"I am not progressing in my training. I’m at a standstill, stagnant.”

Sasuke's eyes shifted away from his mother, his posture slumping as the weight of his lack of progress settled upon him. It felt as though he was stuck in a never-ending cycle, with no signs of improvement.

“Maybe I’m growing tired of doing the same exercise over and over again.  It doesn’t help being lectured and ridiculed about my skills. The disappointment on his father’s face is embedded into my memory, a snapshot that will never be forgotten.”

Mikoto frowned. She was going to talk to Fugaku later about this. She knows that her husband is always serious and not good at expressing his feelings properly. He told her that he was going to try to be better when it came to Sasuke. She hoped that was the case.  Mikoto placed a finger under Sasuke’s chin, tilting his head up.  Her gaze met his.

“You just learn things differently than others.  Do not take their words to heart, my sweet boy.  I know what they say may come off as harsh, but they just want you to be the best you can be. If that is not good enough, a different approach should be taken. Remember, you are not your brother. You are you. Strive to be your best self, Sasuke.”


A small smile appeared on his face.  Sasuke does not know how his mother does it.  She always knows what to say to make him feel better.

“You should wash up; I will make your favorites tonight. I think you deserve them after a long day of training.”

“Yes, moth…” Sasuke winced, grabbing his side. His injury from earlier was starting to bruise.

“Sasuke, sweetie, are you alright?”

“It’s nothing, just a scratch. I wasn’t fast enough to stop Shisui. His speed is still hard for me to detect with my Sharingan."

“You wouldn't be wincing if it were just a scratch. Come here!”

Sasuke took a step forward and lifted his shirt for his mother. She placed a cool hand on the bruising on his abdomen and felt around to make sure nothing was broken.

“There seems to be a bit of swelling, but nothing seems broken. I will put some healing ointment on it after you're done cleaning up.”

Sasuke dropped his shirt and looked away from his mother, his ears turning red.

“Now, run along. Dinner should be ready soon.”

Loud chatter filled the Golden Leaf Banquet Hall as the clans rented the venue for their monthly gathering. Adults mingled with each other, drinking wine as they celebrated the end of the year. It was a frivolous event where most clans pretended to enjoy each other's company.

Sasuke scoffed as he leaned against the wall, away from everyone. His goal for the evening was to avoid talking as he enjoyed his solitude. He did not want to converse with people whose intellect was lacking. It was rare to find someone who engages in the critical evaluations of ideas and issues.

The one person who shared a similar sentiment was not present that evening. Shino had informed him at the last gathering that he would not be able to attend the year-end event due to his coming-of-age ceremony. Shino could not go into details about the ceremony, but Sasuke knew it had something to do with his bugs. Sasuke understood that all clans have their secrets. There was a stone table, in a secret meeting chamber under the Naka Shrine, that only a select few Uchiha were allowed to view, and Sasuke was one of those few.

Sasuke closed his eyes, drowning out the noise, and exploring the deepest depths of his subconscious. Suddenly, he sensed Ino approaching him, and he hoped she was not coming over to flirt. He did not want to deal with her advances that day. Sasuke did not understand what the girls saw in him.

“What do you need, Yamanaka?”

“How did you know it was me?”

“Are you really asking me that question? Your chakra is distinct. Radiates kindness, playfulness, and delicacy.”

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at the Yamanaka heiress. He studied her appearance. She was dressed in a burgundy kimono embroidered with a floral design in the same burgundy color. Around her waist was a plum obi. Her hair was tied up in her signature ponytail. He was surprised by the expression on her face. It was not flirtatious but filled with concern. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow and wondered what he did to cause such sadness to cloud her features.

"I want to see if you were alright. I can sense your anxiety from across the room," she said.

Sasuke was taken aback by her words. He tried to study the girl further, but he couldn't get a good read on her. If he wanted additional information, it would require the use of his Sharingan. However, he was not supposed to show it to other clans or use it on a comrade, at least not until he became a Genin.

“Good grief! You two are very similar, it’s surprising how much alike you are.  I can hear the gears turning in your head Sasuke-kun.”

“What are you talking about? Out with Yamanaka!” He wanted Ino to get to the point. Who was he reminding her of? He had an inkling that it was Sakura. She was one of the few people Ino hung out with besides Shikamaru and Choji, but that connection was a clan obligation.

“So rude, you are still cute though.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes at Ino’s comment. Could she just tell him what she meant with the 'You two are very similar' without flirting, so annoying.

“You remind me of Sakura. We were having a conversation the other day about what our Genin teams are going to be like. What classification we will be placed under?  She thinks she is going to be a paper pusher. Stuck in administrative work.”

Sakura was not wrong with her assessment.  There was a possibility for her not to be placed on the right team.  A team that would pass the second test. If she was placed in a team that lacked skill, she would be stuck doing administrative work. 

“And you think the opposite?” Sasuke crossed his arms and looked across the room, observing his classmates. He knew Ino-Shik-Cho would be a team, the village would not break up a legacy team. He knew their classification would be infiltration.  They would be involved with more covert and political affairs. 

“Of course, I do.  Sakura is extremely intelligent, and it would be a waste of her potential not to have her on one of the three teams that will become Genin.”


Sasuke was aware that the Hyuga clan would have a say in selecting the team members for Hinata. However, he didn't have that luxury. His father always told him that these teams are selected with a purpose - to be successful in his career, Sasuke would have to learn to work with all kinds of people. He would need to learn to set aside his differences to complete missions.

Sasuke understood that his father was right about working with people he didn't like. A good team would always put their differences aside to achieve their goals. However, he didn't understand why the Hyuga clan was so controlling. Even though Hinata was no longer the heir, they were still very involved in her shinobi career. They controlled every aspect of her life. Sasuke knew that there was no way they would allow a Uchiha on the same team as a Hyuga.

Hinata was classified as a tracking specialist. Therefore, she was placed on a team with Kiba and Shino, who also fit into that classification.

“So, what have you concluded Sasuke-kun.” Ino placed a hand on her hip.

“Naruto, Sakura, and I will be placed in the Assault classification.”

Sasuke's eyes met Ino's gaze, and he could sense the internal battle she was fighting. He knew she had something she wanted to ask him. “You need something?”

Ino grabbed onto his Haori sleeve. “Promise me if Sakura is placed on an Assault team with you. Please keep an eye on her for me. She is a good person, who thinks she understands what it takes to be a Shinobi, but…”

“Don’t worry Yamanaka, I will protect her.”

Kakashi cautiously leaped from rooftop to rooftop, taking care to avoid slipping on the snow-covered surfaces. Despite his expertise as a shinobi, the microscopic particles in the snow made it difficult to maintain balance, and even the most skilled ninja could easily fall. As he traveled, Kakashi wondered why the Hokage had summoned him so urgently. It was rare for him to be called to the Hokage's office after completing a mission.

Eventually, he reached the balcony outside the Hokage's office and knocked before entering. Kakashi removed his hood, revealing his disheveled silver hair, which was damp from his travels. He knelt before the Hokage and bowed his head, waiting for instructions.

"You requested to see me, Lord Hiruzen?" Kakashi inquired.

“Please remove your mask, Hatake. You will no longer require it."

Kakashi removed his mask, cocking an eyebrow wondering what the Hokage meant that he was no longer going to need his Anbu mask. Did he do something wrong? Why was he being pulled from duty? Put on probation?

“I am happy that you came as soon as you arrived back in the village.  I will have to thank Izumo and Kotetsu for relaying my message.”

“You wouldn’t have done so if it was not important, sir. What do you mean that I will no longer need my Anbu mask?”

“How many years have you served in the Anbu so far?”

Hiruzen pondered. He was aware of the boy's service under Minoto for a considerable amount of time, especially after the loss of his Genin teammates. Minoto saw the Anbu to divert Kakashi's attention from his deteriorating mental state, keeping him occupied so that he wouldn't dwell on the immense pain he was experiencing. Following Minoto's demise, Hiruzen took it upon himself to have Kakashi transferred under his command, not wanting someone who was already damaged to suffer any further. The thought of Danzo getting hold of Kakashi sent shivers down his spine, knowing the devastating consequences it would bring.

"Approximately ten years, sir."

"Ten years, you say. Perhaps I have burdened you with too much. I am relieving you of your Anbu responsibilities. I have a far more crucial task for you. In a year, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha will be graduating from the academy. I want you to become their Jonin instructor, leading their Genin squad."

"A Genin instructor? Do you think it's wise for me to oversee children? Especially an Uchiha and my former sensei's child. Are the village elders okay with me overseeing Naruto? Are the Uchiha Clan okay with me instructing Sasuke? Wouldn't they want a Uchiha to instruct him? Not some man who had a stolen eye of their kin."

"The elders of the village have already agreed. You are the only one in the village who is not a Uchiha but possesses the Sharingan. The elders want someone who possesses the Sharingan who is not a Uchiha to be Naruto sensei. If he ever loses control of the nine-tails, you will be able to stop him. You are aware that some still don’t trust the Uchiha."

"If the Uchiha are not trusted, why have Sasuke on the same team as Naruto?” Kakashi questioned. He knew from observing Naruto from afar that Sasuke Uchiha was his best friend, and the kid would fight to have Sasuke on his team. He didn't blame the kid. They worked surprisingly well together.

" The elders of the village know how close those two are, and the fear of something transpiring between them is minimal. Sasuke would not do anything to harm Naruto even if he is instructed by his clan."

"I see, what about the third member of my team? Has a decision been made?"

“We would have put Hinata Hyuga on their team, but it was decided that she would work better on a squad with a tracking classification.”

Kakashi suspected that there was more to the situation than what was on the surface. Lord Hiruzen's decision was overruled by the Hyuga Clan, who did not want their daughter, Hinata, to be associated with Naruto. According to Jiraiya, Hiashi, Hinata's father, believed that Naruto was not an innocent child who had the nine-tails sealed inside him unwillingly, but rather a weapon and a ticking time bomb.

It was clear that the Hyuga Clan had no intention of allowing Hinata to interact with Sasuke either. They held a deep-seated prejudice against the Uchiha clan, considering them to be inferior when it came to their visual dojutsu abilities. They saw the Uchiha as a clan with mentally unstable members.

“Who is my third?”

“A civilian Kunoichi named Sakura Haruno.”


This is my longest chapter to date. I decided to create three classifications for Genin team - Infiltration, Tracking, and Assault. Giving more dept to why some were placed on a team together.

That there are some political reasons involved in creating reams. The Hyuga not wanting Hinata near Sasuke or Naruto.

Sasuke having some darkness in him that is slowly starting to grow. I feel like he is someone that will always be on the edge.

Building relationships between people.

I recently read the Minato one-shot and one of his teammates looked like Sasuke, so I decided to add him into the story as Mikoto's younger brother.

Well, I hope you enjoy the conclusion of the first arc. I have many plans to come for Genin Era!

Chapter 8: A New Beginning


Hi everyone! Welcome to Genin Era.

I just wanted to say how appreciative I am of all your comments on the last chapter. I also want to say hi to my new readers. Welcome, you are in for a ride.

Edited: 5/6/2024

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Uchiha meeting hall was filled with noise this morning, just like any other day. The terrible acoustics made it hard for anyone to think clearly, with the echoes bouncing off the walls. The loud voices were grating to the ears, and a constant buzzing sound filled the room. It was chaos, with everyone talking at once and no order in sight. Fugaku had finally shared the news about Sasuke's Genin team with the Uchiha Elders, a secret he had kept for months. He knew it would only lead to anger, resentment, and a lack of trust. As expected, the discussion quickly turned into arguments, with no solutions in sight. If things continued like this, nothing would ever be resolved.

The Uchiha were a proud and opinionated bunch. They never hesitated to express their grievances to one another.

Fugaku let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his temples, trying to ward off the impending headache that had plagued him. Ever since that fateful night when he almost lost his son to a man who coveted their eyes, the stress had been eating away at him.

The disapproval from the elders was nothing new. This behavior had been going on for years. Despite the Uchiha's heroism during the nine-tails attack, there were still some villagers who believed they couldn't be trusted. They saw the Uchiha as the orchestrators of the tragedy. Dazon Shimura was the leader of this faction, a man who didn't hide his dislike for the clan. He believed he had inherited this trait from Tobirama, but there was a difference. Tobirama's wariness towards the Uchiha stemmed from the violent history between their clans.

Fugaku couldn't blame Tobirama for his fear. He had grown up during the Warring States period, a time filled with bloodshed, constant warfare, and death. The Uchiha and the Senju had always clashed, creating a deep-seated animosity between them.

Their history was shrouded in darkness, but eventually, the Uchiha and the Senju put aside their differences and created Konoha.

“This is Danzo’s doing,” Yuta exclaimed. Who else would interfere with the creation of the Genin Teams?  This was the first time in years that Konoha’s major clans had members graduating from the academy at the same time.

“No, it is not just Danzo, the Hyugas are meddling in village affairs again. I overheard some kid who works in the Hokage office gossiping about this year’s Genin Teams, apparently, Hiashi threw a fit about the team his daughter was originally placed on. How Lord Thrid must change the members of Hinata’s team immediately or else. To think someone who lacks the drive to be a shinobi was placed on Sasuke’s team. I’m glad we don’t have to deal will the Hyuga." Senji sighed.

"The man doesn’t want his daughter to be on a team with children who have a history of being unstable.” Senji continued.

“The bastard. He should not have any say in such matters. Not that we would want such a child on a team with Sasuke.  It would be a death sentence.” Arata grumbled.

“Like a civilian child is any better." Yuta pointed out.  He was not too fond of civilian shinobi. He found them a waste of village resources.

"Better than someone who doesn’t want to be a shinobi. Only continued to be one because she would be thrown out of her clan. Such nerve that man has to call other children unstable when his daughter doesn’t have any self-worth."

"Naruto isn’t unstable from what I have observed when he is in the compound playing with little Sasuke."

"It is not just Naruto he is talking about, Arata, he is also talking about Sasuke. He thinks the boy is unstable for unlocking his Sharingan so young."

"Where is Sasuke unstable? The boy was traumatized by a man who performed unethical experiments on desperate people.  Sasuke seemed to have gotten over the trauma from that night, the boy has progressed a great deal with his Sharingan training.  He might catch up to Shisui's speed.  As for Naruto, this kid is innocent. The child did not have a choice.  It was forced upon him. Hiashi is just being an egotistical bastard."

"When isn’t he being condescending?"

 "Do we know who they chose as Sasuke’s sensei?" Arata questioned. He was curious about Sasuke’s sensei.

“Kakashi Hatake!" Hoshi answered knowing this revelation would cause trouble.

"Him? That man should not be near Sasuke. We were too lenient with that man. He should have never been allowed to keep Obito's Sharingan." Yuta roared.

"Respecting the dead is important, Yuta." Senji glared at Yuta.  He was always the root of their problems.  Things never got completed because Yuta disagreed with everyone’s take on clan matters.

Fugaku kept listening to their conversation. The constant debate on the reasons behind this decision.

Putting the village jinchuriki on the same team as Sasuke felt like some sort of examination. It must be. Did the village council want to test what would happen if a Uchiha was paired with a child who viewed him as nothing but a weapon? A weapon that the Uchiha had the skill to wield. An ability they would only use when necessary. Naruto was someone Sasuke had formed a strong bond with. A friendship that couldn't be broken. He wasn't going to let politics ruin Sasuke's happiness.

Fugaku may appear aloof, but he is a perceptive man. He noticed how content his son seemed when he was with Naruto. Despite Sasuke pretending to be annoyed whenever Naruto did something foolish, Fugaku could see through the facade his son put up to conceal his true feelings. He observed the slight upward curve of his lips into a smirk. It was subtle. Sasuke always seemed to find amusement in Naruto's antics and carefree spirit.

As for the kunoichi, Sakura, the girl from a civilian background, was an exceptionally talented child. She was the wildcard for this year. A brilliant girl based on what he had read in the file provided by Lord Hiruzen.

“Is that Sasuke’s Genin team?” Mikoto questioned as she looked over her husband’s shoulder. 

“Hn!” Fugaku grunted as he took a sip of his tea.

“I am glad Sakura made it.  She is a nice girl. Best friends with the Yamanaka heiress. Shisui found Sasuke with her during the Tanabata festival a few years ago."

He heard from his wife and Shisui that Sasuke was trying to help Sakura when the girl was upset and had been watching the girl from afar for years. It seems Sasuke has taken an interest in the girl which was a surprise because Sasuke rarely takes an interest in people.

"I wonder how things will play out now that they will be spending time together." Mikoto smiled.

"I know that look Tsuma, please do not meddle."

"Me, meddle, I will not do such a thing." Mikoto left the room and Fugaku knew that his wife was going to involve herself somehow in Sasuke's Genin team.


Fugaku was getting tired of arguing about Sasuke's future, his safety, and the village's incompetence in finding Orochimaru. It had been four and a half years since that night, yet there was still no sign of the man.

"You're too soft, Fugaku. How can you let that man be involved with Sasuke?" Yuta growled. Fugaku's leadership was making the clan look weak, and Yuto couldn't stand by and let Mikoto's lineage be tarnished. If it weren't for Izuna's blood running in her veins, things would be different. Someone else would be in charge. A dying wish of a clansman shouldn't be granted if it involves an outsider. "Kakashi Hatake should never have been allowed to keep the Sharingan. Obito Uchiha was a disgrace to the clan, and for him to willingly give away his Sharingan is dishonorable."

"Obito's wish was to give the Sharingan to Kakashi. It doesn't matter if he's an outsider. I respect the wishes of the dead, especially those of clansmen who died in war. Protecting their village and comrades is very honorable and should be respected."

The Uchiha clan took their fallen comrade's wish seriously. They owed him a great deal for all he had done. He had protected Itachi when he first joined the Anbu, guiding him and shielding him from Danzo's influence. He had even tried to hunt down Orochimaru after the incident with Sasuke and had apologized when he couldn't capture the snake. Kakashi Hatake was an exceptional shinobi, one of the finest in Konoha.

"And his teammates. Having Naruto and Sasuke on the same team will only bring trouble to the clan. We're already disliked because of the nine-tails attacking the village twelve years ago," Yuta voiced his concerns, hoping others would agree.

"They were placed on the same team for a reason. Sasuke and Kakashi can control the nine-tails if it ever goes out of control," Fugaku explained. Yuta had always been a thorn in his side, constantly opposing and voting against his policies.

"And what about the girl, the civilian?" Shinji inquired, wanting to know more about her. "What do we know about her family?"

"Her family migrated to Konoha during the Third Great Shinobi War. They own a bakery in the Civilian District, which my wife and Itachi often visit. Her parents are good people and hold no grudges against the Uchiha," Fugaku replied. "Yes, she may be a civilian, but her intelligence rivals that of the Nara Clan. She may not have grown up in a shinobi clan, but she shows great potential. She even competed with clan children in written exams. While her practical skills may be lacking, she has time to improve and grow as a Genin."

"I hope you're right, Fugaku."

Sunlight streamed through the window of the Jonin Standby Station, casting a warm glow on the room. Kakashi sat comfortably on one of the plush red sofas, engrossed in the files of his new students.

Being taken off Anbu duty had caught him off guard. His colleagues, and even himself, had always assumed he would be a lifelong member. The one who would either meet his end on a mission or follow in his father's footsteps. But perhaps it was for the best. Constantly dwelling in darkness was taking its toll on him. Using assassination missions as a coping mechanism for the loss of his loved ones had become a habit over the years. He had buried himself in work, trying to forget the pain and move on.

Now, taking care of young shinobi and guiding them through their careers seemed like a breath of fresh air. It was a chance for healing, a chance to bring some light back into his life.

Kakashi had always known that one day he would be responsible for Minato's son, but seeing Sasuke's name on the list as well came as a surprise. He was aware that not all Uchiha were fond of him, especially those who resented him for keeping the Sharingan. In the past, Kakashi had been a stickler for the rules, knowing the village's policies inside out. There were regulations in place to prevent clan children from having a clan member as their sensei, and the same applied to family members. After all, missions could go awry, and a shinobi's judgment could be clouded by emotions.

But rules be damned, Kakashi was determined to give his all for his new students. He would guide them, teach them, and hopefully, help them discover their path in the shinobi world.

He never cared about what others thought of him. His closest friends knew the truth. Well, the ones who were still alive, that is. When he told them that he was taking on a Genin team, they were surprised and wondered what had convinced him to leave the Anbu. Some believed he would never leave the Black Ops. He thought so too, until Lord Hiruzen presented this team to him over a year ago. It was a team he couldn't resist. A unique bunch.

He had crossed paths with Sasuke and Naruto a few times throughout the years. They were both good kids. Naruto was loud and unpredictable, while Sasuke was reserved and strategic. Complete opposites. Their friendship surprised many, but it didn't surprise him. Kakashi's personality was similar to Sasuke's. He was amazed at how much the boy reminded him of himself at that age. He just hoped that darkness wouldn't consume him. Naruto reminded him of his late friend Obito. Obito had always had a positive outlook on life and dreamed of becoming Hokage. Unfortunately, war and Kakashi's own mistakes shattered that dream. He should have listened to Obito the first time and not been so stubborn.

Kakashi picked up the file of Team 7's kunoichi, a civilian girl named Sakura. What caught his attention when he first saw Sakura's picture was her unique hair color - pink. It was something you wouldn't typically see in the Land of Fire. According to the information he had read, her family had migrated to Konoha from a small village near Kusa during the Third Great Shinobi War, seeking refuge. Konoha, being one of the strongest villages in the Great Shinobi Nation, was a popular destination for refugees. However, the vetting process was challenging. Spies were attempting to infiltrate the village by posing as civilians, aiming to steal war strategies, kidnap clan children for their Kekkei Genkai, or assassinate high-ranking officials.

It was going to be a tough road for her. Everything seemed to be working against Sakura. Placed on a team with two powerhouses, she was at a disadvantage. The expectations were high for the team, and she wouldn't have been on it if not for the Hyuga clan's objections. Hinata, despite no longer being the heir, still had privileges that Sakura could only dream of.

Sakura is a beautiful girl, a weapon in her own right. The village sees her as a tool for seduction missions. Once she's no longer a Genin and reaches a certain age, she'll be thrown into that world. Kakashi understands that being attractive and not from a noble clan means the village will exploit her. He knows that one day she'll be used in ways that exploit her beauty and put her in dangerous situations. He hopes that someone will step in and protect her from a fate that involves using her body for classified information or to assassinate shinobi who prefer exotic women, without any regard for the harm it may cause her mentally.

He read over her scores and realized this girl's intelligence was well beyond her years. Sakura understood concepts and how to analyze them on paper. Execute them to a point. With training, she could become a lethal force.

The same four people seemed to rotate for the top spot when it came to written work. For someone to compete against a Nara, Uchiha, and Aburame is noteworthy.

Her practicals were not terrible. She was ranked ninth in the class, after the clan kids. 

Kakashi knew the instructors had their reasonings. They have observed these kids for six years.  Knowing what classification and instructor would fit them best. He knew he would oversee an Assault team.

“Yo, Kakashi!”

The loud, boisterous voice belongs to one person and one person only.  He looked up to see his childhood friend Maito Gai standing in front of him.  Dressed in his usual green jumpsuit, orange striped leg warmers, and Konoha flak jacket.

"Oh, it's you."

Kakashi closed the file of his Genin team.

"Don't give me that bored look, Kakashi. I heard you finally took on a Genin team! That's exciting news," Gai said with a grin. "So, who are you going to be responsible for?"

Kakashi handed him the file and watched as Gai read through it. "Oh, well, that's going to be a handful. So, how do you plan on testing them?"

"I will test them the way Minoto tested me. A test that has been passed down for generations. Every iteration of Team 7 will go through the bell test."

Hiashi observed Hanabi's movements from a distance, letting her go through the motions before giving any corrections. He hadn't seen his youngest daughter make a mistake yet, unlike Hinata, whom he would've corrected by now.

He felt proud of Hanabi and her progress. Making it this far in such a short time was impressive, but there was always room for improvement. Perfection was crucial. She needed to become an elite shinobi to lead the Hyuga Clan. Failure or weakness were not options.

Watching Hanabi's smooth movements, Hiashi saw her combine hand techniques learned from her older sister with the footwork he had taught her recently. Her rapid-fire movements drew chakra to her abdomen as she maneuvered around the training grounds with circular stepping patterns. Her execution of the Gentle Fist was almost flawless. Achieving such mastery at a young age was significant. Each day, she grew stronger.

As Hiashi focused on his daughter, he sensed Ko entering the room with a woman, likely Hinata's Jonin instructor. He needed to speak with her. Although Hinata was no longer the clan's heir, rules and regulations still applied. She was still a member of the Hyuga Clan's main house, his daughter, not a branch family member.

"Lord Hiashi, this is Kurenai Yuhi, Lady Hinata's Jonin sensei," Ko informed, bowing his head and awaiting instructions.

"Thank you, Ko. You may leave," Hiashi said, turning his attention back to Hanabi. She was exhausted, panting heavily from continuous training without a break. Hours had passed, and she hadn't stopped. "Hanabi, resume your training after lunch. Go with Ko, I'll join you shortly."

Hanabi bowed and followed Ko out of the room. Hiashi turned his attention to the woman that is always around Lord Hiruzen’s son, Asuma. 

“Thank you for making time for me.” Kurenai studied the man.  His demeanor was cold and uncaring.  “I wanted to ask you a few things about Hinata.  To have a better understanding of my student before I take her under my wing.”

"Do whatever you want with her," Hiashi replied harshly. He didn't care about how Kurenai trained Hinata. Perhaps exposing her to the real world would toughen her up. However, there was one rule he needed Kurenai to follow.

"Are you sure?" Kurenai questioned. "Hinata is the..."

"Hinata is no longer the heir of the Hyuga Clan, but she is still my daughter," Hiashi interrupted. "She will only spend time with her team, and any training exercises involving other Genin teams need my approval. Hinata is not allowed near the jinchuriki."

Hiashi knew that the boy was the reason why Hinata didn't take her training seriously. He was aware that she watched him from a distance. He didn't need Ko to inform him of Hinata's actions in her free time. He needed to understand the root of this obsession.

Kurenai was flabbergasted.  No wonder Hinata struggled with her self-worth. Hiashi had her on a tight leash. She knew she had no choice but to agree, but she would try to help Hinata see Naruto Uzumaki if she wanted. Maybe it would boost her confidence and encourage her to talk to him.

"I'll do my best to keep that promise," Kurenai said, bowing her head before leaving the room.

"Iroha..." Hiashi called out.

Iroha Hyuga emerged from the shadows, having overheard the meeting with Hinata's sensei. "What do you need, Lord Hiashi?"

"Keep an eye on that woman. I don't trust that she'll keep her promise," Hiashi instructed.

"As you wish, Lord Hiashi."

Seems like only yesterday, started their journey to become shinobi. Time flew by so quickly. Today would be the last time they would be in Classroom 1-A.  The room where they spend most of their childhood, learning the basics about the vitality of a shinobi.  A place that would not be forgotten.  A memory etched into their brains. 

Sasuke drummed his fingers on the desk, observing his clueless classmates. He already knew his team assignment. As expected, a Uchiha was assigned to the Assault category. He would be trained by Kakashi Hatake, a former Anbu member. An Elite Jonin. A man respected by his brother and Shisui. Someone his father could tolerate.

His gaze wandered around the room, easily spotting her a few rows ahead. Her pink hair flowed down her back, the seafoam green Hitaiate resting on her head instead of the usual red ribbon. Sakura Haruno was the only girl who could capture his attention. Since the Tanabata festival six years ago, he felt drawn to Sakura but kept his distance.

The third member of their team was missing. Of all days, Naruto chose today to oversleep. He usually sat next to Shino on days like this, acting as a perfect deterrent for his Fanclub. Trying to keep them away, but it seemed like they caught on, staring at him.

Girls always surrounded him. It had always been that way. No matter how many times he asked them to give him space, they never listened. Always invading his personal bubble.

"You seem on edge, Sasuke."

Sasuke's body jolted, snapping back to reality from his thoughts. "Hn..."

Shino observed his friend closely. The Uchiha always appeared uneasy about something, a trait he had carried since they were young. As he looked around the room, he couldn't help but notice the female population staring at Sasuke once again. "I see, it seems like your pheromones have quite an effect on the ladies. Did you know that our bodies emit certain scents to attract individuals of the same species? These scents are often used to encourage mating or other functions related to reproduction."

Sasuke turned to face Shino, feeling a warmth spread through his body. His face flushed with embarrassment as his friend openly talked about sex, but he knew this was just Shino being himself. He tended to draw comparisons between humans and insects, finding similarities in their behaviors. Although it could be strange and unwelcome at times, Sasuke had grown used to it.

"Humans and insects do share many similarities when it comes to attraction," Shino continued.

"Um, thanks for the information," Sasuke replied, unsure of how to respond to Shino's revelation. It had only been a few weeks since his parents had given him the sex talk, informing him that he would soon be in close proximity to the opposite gender and that his body would undergo changes. They had explained that he might start feeling things he hadn't before.

However, Sasuke currently had no interest in such matters. His focus was on missions and improving his skills. Romance could wait until later in life, or perhaps not at all. He simply didn't have time for such frivolous things.

"Good morning, class," Iruka greeted with a smile as he entered the room. He was proud of his students for making it this far, but he knew that only a select few would pass the second test. "I will be announcing your team assignments shortly. I just wanted to say..."

The door suddenly swung open, and Naruto rushed in, clearly late.

"You're late, Naruto."

"Sorry, Iruka sensei! I overslept." Naruto quickly found a seat next to Sakura, a grin spreading across his face. Sasuke noticed Naruto's feelings for Sakura, but he couldn't blame him. Sakura had stood up for Naruto in the past, something not many had done.

"As I was saying, I'm proud of all of you, and I can't wait to see where your ninja journey leads you."

Sasuke walked through the hallways of the academy, having finished his lunch on the rooftop all by himself. He craved solitude, wanting to distance himself from everyone. Fed up with the constant remarks from people who hardly knew him, Sasuke let out a sigh upon hearing them gossip about him once more. It seemed like they never stopped discussing his family, both the positive and negative aspects. On days like today, he yearned for people to simply mind their own business.

“That’s him, right?”

“This year's number one rookie, an Uchiha.”

“Of course, Uchiha is the number one rookie, have you seen him fight? He is incredible, but he will never be as good as his brother.”

“Well, what do you expect Itachi Uchiha is a legend.”

“I wonder who will be on his squad.”

“A Hyuga?”

“Do you think the Hyuga Clan will allow their heir near a Uchiha? The jinchuriki.”

“Have you not heard the rumors?  The eldest daughter is no longer the heir, passed over for her younger, more talented sister.  She was deemed by the clan to be too timid and soft.  Does not have the stomach to be a shinobi but is continuing to do so or she would be banished from the clan.”

“Don’t blame them for how she acts in class.  To think she was supposed to lead a clan. How pathetic.”

“Well, we all know that Ino-Shika-Cho are going to be a team. The village would never break up a legacy team.  Their families have been on a squad together since the early days of the village.  They grow up and train together.  They perfect their techniques as a unit to complement each other. They are going to be assigned the infiltration classification.”

“Then who is left? The Hyuga will be on a team that is focused on tracking. The girl will be paired with Aburame and Inuzuka. Their abilities specialize in tracking.  That leaves the Naruto and some random kid from a shinobi family or a civilian.”

“Uchiha is so unlucky to deal with subpar teammates.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyance. His classmates never failed to disappoint him. Just because they belonged to a certain clan, they thought they were entitled to success. Sure, being part of a clan had its perks, but it also came with immense pressure. Failing to meet those expectations would reflect poorly on the entire clan.

The words "Subpar Team" echoed in his mind. How dare his classmates label Naruto and Sakura as subpar? Naruto may have ranked last among the clan children, but he was still more skilled than those gossiping fools. Who among them would end up failing and being sent back to the academy? Sasuke made his way towards the stairs, where his team was supposed to meet on the rooftop. He tried to push away his thoughts, not wanting to delve into the depths of his subconscious again.

He pushed open the door to the rooftop and found his team already there. Naruto greeted him with a smirk, teasing him for being late.

"I'm on time, idiot," Sasuke retorted, walking over to where his team sat on the stairs. "Where's Kakashi?"

"Late, as always," Naruto grumbled.

Sasuke let out a sigh. "Ah..."

"Is that all you can say? I swear, Shisui is the only Uchiha who knows how to communicate. How am I supposed to know what you're thinking?"

"You're not. It's a skill you need to learn if you want to become Hokage one day," Sasuke replied, glancing at Sakura. He was surprised that she hadn't said a word. He had assumed she was just as outgoing as Naruto. Maybe he was wrong.

Naruto smirked when he noticed Sasuke staring at Sakura. "Hey, Sakura-chan. Did you know I told Sasuke when we first entered the academy that we were going to end up on the same team? He didn't believe me, but I was confident that the girl with the pretty pink hair would be on our team."

"Pretty?" Sakura blurted out, caught off guard. Her face turned red, feeling the heat rise in her body. She was shocked to learn that the two boys had discussed her. What else had they talked about?

"Yes, pretty.  Sakura-chan you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen." Naruto smiled brightly. 

"Um, thank you." Sakura blushed, averting her gaze from Naruto. She shifted her attention to Sasuke and smiled. Even though they had been in the same class since they were seven, she still remembered that night at the festival and had liked him ever since. She knew it wasn't wise to have a crush on someone so early in her shinobi career, but she couldn't help herself. The kindness he had shown her as a child was something she had rarely experienced.

Their interactions had been minimal, hardly speaking to each other during their time at the academy. Sakura understood why. She was a civilian, and from what she had heard about Sasuke, he tended to keep his distance from most people.

Naruto observed Sakura as she looked at Sasuke, noticing a faint blush on her face. Girls seemed to naturally gravitate towards Sasuke without him even trying. He wasn't particularly nice to them, but his words could be harsh at times, yet they still liked him. Naruto wasn't oblivious. He knew that Sasuke had a certain allure to girls.

It pained him to see Sakura look at Sasuke with such adoration. He knew he didn't stand a chance, but it didn't bother him too much. Sakura's friendship meant the world to him. Maybe things would change in the future, but even if they didn't, he would want Sakura to be with Sasuke.

Kabuto navigated his way to the underground stronghold nestled beneath the trees, right on the border of the Land of Fire. It was a place where a new village thrived, founded by Orochimaru to offer skilled shinobi a different purpose in life, away from the war-driven agendas of the Five Great Shinobi Nations.

Having passed the Valley of the End not too long ago, Kabuto found himself in the Land of Sound, following the markings that led to the underground laboratories. He had important news for Orochimaru, especially now that the Uchiha boy had become a Genin.

As he made his way through the labyrinthine hallways toward Orochimaru's lab, Kabuto noticed his boss fixated on a young Kiri shinobi floating in a test tube. The boy's unique abilities intrigued Orochimaru, prompting him to conduct experiments in hopes of replicating them.

"Unexpected visit, Kabuto. I trust you were discreet and not followed. Konoha must not discover our operations here," Orochimaru remarked, eyeing the sleeping Suigetsu and pondering the mysteries of his shape-shifting limbs.

"You don’t normally make unexpected trips here Kabuto, I hope you were discrete and not followed. I cannot have Konoha learning about my operations here.”  Orochimaru looked at Suigetsu who had fallen asleep.  Still struggling with how the boy can change the shape and size of his limbs.

Kabuto approached Lord Orochimaru with the file he had copied from the archives. The file contained information about Konoha’s new Genin and their classification. “Sasuke Uchiha recently graduated from the academy and has not been on any missions outside the village yet. Just the usual missions for new Genin. I thought you might want to know who his teammates are.”

Orochimaru accepted the file and started going through it. “They've placed the jinchuriki on his team. Surprising that the village would allow a Uchiha to be near their weapon, considering they can control the beast.”

As he studied Naruto’s details, Orochimaru couldn't help but notice the resemblance to Minato, the man who took the Hokage position from him. He was supposed to be Hiruzen’s successor, as Danzo had wanted, but the village council deemed him untrustworthy for such a role. Orochimaru admitted that they were right in their judgment. He was indeed untrustworthy.

“Interesting…” Orochimaru smirked as he recognized the girl in the photo with Sasuke. It was the same girl from the Tanabata Festival years ago, the one who caught Sasuke's attention. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Sakura Haruno due to her connection with Sasuke, which could lead to future complications. He turned the page and observed Sasuke's picture, admiring the boy's growth since he last saw him. “Such a handsome child. He's living up to his potential. I cannot wait to make him mine.”

Flipping to the next page, Orochimaru smirked upon seeing Kakashi as their team's instructor. “They chose Hatake to be their sensei, pulling him out of the Anbu. Not surprising. It's what Minato would have wanted.” He closed the file and inquired, “Do you have any other valuable information?”

"Konoha is hosting the chunin exams this year. I think we should send a team of Shinobi to represent Otogakure. It's the perfect opportunity to put your village on the map."

Kabuto shifted his focus to the test tube. He thought he heard water splashing. He gazed at it for a moment, hoping to catch the Hozuki eavesdropping on their conversation. "I shouldn't assume, but I believe all three rookie teams will participate this year. It would be a shame for the village not to showcase those kids. It's been years since we've had a group of clan children together."

"I'll consider it, Kabuto. I hope your team is also taking the exams. I need you to keep an eye on things in Konoha. Gather intel on those kids."

"Of course." Kabuto nodded.

"We'll meet again soon, I'm sure. Don't let me down, Kabuto." Orochimaru watched as his associate vanished. "I know you were listening, Suigetsu."

"It's hard not to, I'm a light sleeper, snake." Suigetsu glared at Orochimaru. "So, who's this Sasuke?"

"A new addition to my collection. I'll be back for more tests later. Time to make a name for Otogakure. I need an invite to this year's Chunin Exams. Lots to do." Orochimaru smirked as he left the lab.

Sakura made her way through the bustling streets of the Shinobi District of Konoha, she couldn't help but feel the warmth of the sun on her skin. It was a beautiful spring day, with flowers blooming and the weather just perfect. Unlike the upcoming months, when the humidity in Konoha would become unbearable. Sakura dreaded the thought of it and would do anything to escape the heat, even if it meant cleaning trash out of the Naka River.

Turning down a side street, Sakura headed towards her favorite tea shop, a hidden gem that she and Ino used to frequent during their academy days. It was a quaint and quiet place where they would gossip about boys, discuss homework assignments, and simply enjoy people-watching while talking about random topics.

As Sakura got closer to the shop, her excitement grew. It had been two long weeks since they received their team assignments, and she couldn't wait to see Ino again. This new chapter of their lives would be filled with training, missions, and maybe even some romances. Sakura wondered if Team 10's missions would be as boring and unchallenging as hers, disguised as mere chores.

Sakura's excitement faded as she remembered the bet she had made with Ino. She dreaded the moment when Ino would gloat and say, "I told you so, Forehead! I'm always right." However, it didn't surprise Sakura that she ended up on a team with the Assault classification. Nothing surprised her anymore. She had always felt a connection, a spark with Naruto and Sasuke ever since they first met at the Tanabata festival. It felt like destiny had brought them together.

As time went on, Sakura knew that her team would face dangerous missions. She would be spending a lot of time with them, which terrified her. Not only for her safety but also because she had a crush on Sasuke. He was incredibly handsome and had a face that could make anyone stop in their tracks. It was a distraction she needed to overcome. Sakura knew she was the weakest link and she needed to change that. Love would have to wait.

As she walked through the village, Sakura's thoughts wandered, and she noticed things she had overlooked before. People looked at her differently now that she was a Genin. They seemed more welcoming, unlike the disdain she received from civilians who believed she had betrayed their trust by becoming a shinobi. They thought she had turned her back on her class for a better future.

Sakura's future was uncertain. Being a shinobi had its benefits, but it also meant a shorter life expectancy. She wouldn't have a future if she ended up dead.

Sakura waved at the owner of Lotus Tea as she took a seat at one of the outdoor tables.

"I've come to collect my bet, Forehead!" Ino grinned as she sat across from Sakura. "You owe me today."

"Don't you mean piggy bank?" Sakura teased. "I hope you know that I let you win, pig!"

"Sure, you did." Ino rolled her eyes. "You need more practice in the art of deception, Forehead. Your lying skills..."

Ino tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I am going to be stuck on administration duty.”

"I know I said that. You should know I was just being hard on myself." Sakura sighed, "I still struggle with self-doubt, even though you've helped me a lot. It's still there, lingering."

"I'll always be here for you, forehead. Us girls have to stick together." Ino observed as the waitress brought their tea and anko dumplings. She grinned as the waitress placed a cup of Gobocha in front of her. "You know me too well, forehead!"

"I didn't even order for us. Mio just knows what we like." Sakura took a bite of the syrup-coated snack.

"It's not surprising that she knows. We've spent so much time here growing up." Ino looked at Sakura, "I have to ask, how is it being on a team with Sasuke-kun?"

"Distracting! He's just so cool! Seeing him in action in the field is different from our sparring sessions in class. Ino, how am I ever going to keep up with them? Naruto and Sasuke-kun are amazing, and I'm just sub-par."

"How many times do I have to tell you, forehead? You won't improve if you keep thinking like that. Grab a scroll from the library. We're not as restricted anymore. You can check out something that can help guide you. I'll even go with you."

"You hate libraries." Sakura pointed out. Ino despised going to the Konoha library.

"I do, but I'll do anything for you, forehead."

Sasuke sat on the engawa, feeling the cool spring breeze on his face. Star gazing was a favorite pastime of his since childhood, a time of innocence spent with his big brother. Sleeping under the stars with Itachi was a simple pleasure, before his Sharingan awakened and before he felt insecure in every aspect of his life.

Looking up at the crescent moon, its silvery glow reflected on the Koi Pond, Sasuke felt a sense of calm he hadn't experienced in a while. The faint smell of cherry blossoms filled the air, a subtle and delicate fragrance he enjoyed.

As a newly minted Genin, Sasuke's missions with Team Seven were mundane tasks like farming, babysitting, and cleaning up trash. They weren't yet ready for grand adventures to protect noblemen or investigate disappearances.

Their current assignments carried no risk whatsoever. Typically, they were confined to the village or nearby villages in the Land of Fire, never more than a day's journey away. Sasuke was starting to get tired of these trivial missions. He could sense that Naruto was itching for something more challenging, something that would truly test their abilities. His impulsive best friend wasn't afraid to ask for a C-rank mission, and Sasuke knew that Naruto's persistence would eventually pay off with the Hokage. If he could, Sasuke would ask for more exciting missions as well, but he had to maintain a reserved demeanor. After all, he was a respected member of society and couldn't afford to complain like Naruto. Sasuke already felt like a disappointment to his clan, and he didn't want to make matters worse.

He didn't want his father or his brother to lecture him again about falling behind in his training or not living up to the expectations of being a Uchiha. Sasuke quickly turned his head when he heard the creaking of wooden timbers behind him. His mother appeared, carrying a tray of his favorite tea. It was just the two of them tonight, a common occurrence in their household since his father was busy with paperwork at the Police Station and his brother was on another long-term mission.

"So, how are things going with your team?" Mikoto asked, a gentle smile forming on her lips as she knelt next to Sasuke and placed the tray on the wooden boards.

Sasuke accepted the cup of ryokucha, a green tea, from his mother. He instantly knew that she wanted something from him. Serving him his favorite tea was a clear indication that she had ulterior motives. Meddling was one of her many specialties.

“Fine.” Sasuke took a sip of his tea, finding it quite refreshing. The subtle bitterness of ryokucha suited his taste perfectly. The clean aroma and hint of honeysuckle made it even better.

"Just fine? I know freshly graduated Genin don’t go on elaborate missions, but these early stages of a team are important. Forming bonds with your teammates. Those bonds will last into adulthood."


Sasuke pondered for a moment, searching for the right words to describe his team.

“I’m sure there is more to say than that Sasuke.”

Sasuke was surprised his mother did not comment on Uchiha men not being much of a conversationalist. How they don’t know how to use their words, how they often create misunderstands.  The only person in the clan who enjoyed the sound of his voice was Shisui.  The idiot could talk people's ears off for hours.

“I have known Naruto for years. There isn’t much to say about him. He is as eccentric as always. Rushes into things without a second thought. Not thinking of the consequences of his actions. We cannot just worry about ourselves. We must keep a lookout for all members of the team. I know he is excited to finally be a Genin. I am too, but things are different now.”

Taking another sip of his tea, Sasuke gazed up at the stars, his thoughts drifting to his other teammate. The girl from the festival saw him as just Sasuke, not just a Uchiha.

“As for Sakura…”

He was trying to find the right words to describe his female teammate.  Sasuke could not tell his mother about the promise he made with the Yamanaka Heiress to protect Sakura at all costs. He knew she would read into it too much.  He did not his mother to set her sights on him.  She did enjoy matchmaking. Already planning Itachi and Izumi’s wedding.

"She is intelligent. It does not surprise me that out of all the students at the academy, she was chosen to be paired with us. She can be something great if she sets her mind to it.”

“I see…”

Sasuke looked at his mother, studying her face. “There is something else, isn’t there?”

“I cannot get anything past you my sweet boy. The intuitive nature of yours is quite impressive.” Mikoto placed her finished cup of tea down on the tray. "I think you should invite your teammates and sensei over for tea.  I would like to meet them.”

“You already know Naruto and…”

"But I haven't met Sakura or your sensei. I'd like to meet them." Mikoto chuckled as Sasuke scowled. "At least have a conversation with them. Can you do that for me?"

"Alright, I'll ask, but I can't guarantee anything." He placed the tea set back on the tray. "I should go to bed. We have a meeting scheduled for seven tomorrow, but with Kakashi, it'll probably be ten. I want to fit in some training before our mission starts. Goodnight, Mother."

It was the dreaded mission that all newly minted Genin feared. Tora, the infamous cat, had once again escaped from his neglectful owner. It felt like some sort of initiation that the Konoha Genin had to go through, a rite of passage. Rumors swirled that Tora was no ordinary feline, living far beyond a cat's typical lifespan. In a world where Tailed Beasts and chakra monsters existed, the idea of Tora being a demon didn't seem far-fetched. Sasuke, whose best friend was the host of the Nine-Tails, was well aware of the supernatural elements in their world. Despite not being officially informed, he knew about Naruto's secret due to his friend's inability to keep things to himself.

Tora's frequent escapes from Madam Shijimi, the Daimyo's wife, were a common occurrence. Team 7 had already been assigned this mission once before. Sasuke couldn't blame the cat for fleeing from such a malicious woman. Animals had a keen sense of discerning good from bad.

Chasing after Tora helped Sasuke hone his agility, although it paled in comparison to the challenges Nekobaa had set for him as a child. Collecting paw prints for the Paw Encyclopedia had been a significant test that pushed him beyond his limits. What had started as a diversion created by Itachi to keep Sasuke occupied during clan business had evolved into a serious training regimen. As the sun bathed the forest near Konoha in a warm glow, Tora had been sighted near the lake by the Third Training Ground. Team 7 was ready to spring into action.

“Sasuke here, at point B”

They found the cat after a couple of hours of searching. Tora was quick, not as fast as the ninneko he had faced before, but still agile. According to the briefing, Tora was a Toyger, a Tiger Cat. These cats are known for their intelligence and love for challenges. They are also playful, affectionate, and full of energy. However, this cat didn't seem to exhibit those characteristics. He simply wanted to escape from his owner. It was clear that he didn't reciprocate the same level of affection. Perhaps he sensed something off about her.

“Sakura reporting in, at point C.”

Sakura responded promptly after Sasuke's location update at point B. She wasn't too far from him. Sasuke's eyes shifted towards his female teammate who was hiding behind a large oak tree to his right. Despite her civilian background, Sakura displayed surprising agility. Sasuke couldn't help but wonder what Sakura and Ino did when they spent time together.

“Naruto here. I am at point A!”

Sasuke glanced upwards and spotted Naruto perched on the tree. He couldn't understand why Naruto was taking so long to respond. Must have gotten distracted again, Sasuke thought to himself. Naruto's attention span was never the best.

"You're late, Naruto! Alright, team seven..." Kakashi's voice trailed off, a sign that something wasn't right. Sasuke knew Kakashi was lurking in the shadows somewhere. He always gave them instructions and let them handle the missions on their own, only to provide feedback later on how they could improve. "The target has moved. Follow it!"

Team 7 maneuvered through the dense forest. The target wasn't difficult to find. A big red bow was tied to its ear. Tora sat in the clearing, casually licking its paw. Sasuke and the others observed from a distance, preparing themselves for the command to strike. They hoped to catch the mischievous cat off guard.

"Alright! It's over there!" Naruto whispered into his wireless radio as they closed in on Tora. They concealed their chakra to avoid giving themselves away. Tora had no idea they were onto him.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi's voice sounded bored over the radio. Sasuke couldn't blame him. Going from an S-ranked mission to this would make anyone sleepy.

"Five meters, I can go anytime. Just give the word," Naruto responded, his voice filled with excitement. He was ready to capture the cat once again.

"I'm ready too," Sasuke chimed in, leaning against a tree.

"Me too," Sakura added.

"Okay! Go for it!" Kakashi gave the order.

Team seven moved in sync to grab Tora. Naruto reached him first, grabbing the Toyger by its waist. "I got him! I got him!" Naruto cheered, thrilled that he had caught the little troublemaker.

Tora hissed and immediately turned on Naruto, clawing at his face. The cat was angry about being captured and having to go back to that terrible woman.

"Does he have a red ribbon on his right ear? Can you confirm that our target is Tora?" Kakashi asked. He needed them to confirm that it was indeed the right cat and not a stray.

“It’s the target. There is no mistake, Kakashi!” Sasuke glanced over at Tora again as he continued to attack Naruto.

"Alright, mission accomplished. We've captured the lost pet, Tora. Let's meet..." Kakashi began, but before he could finish, Naruto interrupted him.

"Can't we get a mission that's actually important? I'm so tired of chasing after this dumb cat. If we get this mission again, I'm not accepting it," Naruto complained.

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he picked Tora up, getting him off Naruto.  Antagonizing the cat further would be problematic. Knowing what people like Madam Shijimi are like, she would not be too pleased if any hair was out of place. The awful woman would want her cat in pristine condition. 

Sasuke wondered if Naruto's chakra was the reason Tora attacked him. Animals can sense a person's energy, and Naruto's chakra sometimes feels chaotic. Sasuke was aware that Naruto's chakra was intertwined with the nine-tails, giving off a slightly sinister vibe. Having spent so much time with Naruto, he could sense the difference.

Sasuke scratched under Tora’s chin, and he purred, nestling himself into Sasuke’s arms. A sweetness that was rarely seen. Tora never behaved like this with others from the gossip he had heard about the cat. The cat liked him for some odd reason.

“How the hell did you do that!” Naruto grumbles, sitting up.  His face, covered in scratches already started to heal.  An ability most Biju had. 

“Do what?” Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, wondering what Naruto was blabbering about. The stupid look on his face gave it away.

He watched Sakura closely as she tended to Naruto's injuries. He wondered if she was aware. Aware that she didn't need to fuss over Naruto. That he could heal himself.

“Calm the little demon?”

"Cats, like other animals, can sense human emotions. They can tell when something is off. Cats are observant and intuitive, which allows them to understand human emotions." Sakura smiled as she placed a bandage on Naruto's cheek. She stood up and walked over to Sasuke. "Isn't that right, Tora?" Sakura scratched behind the cat's ear, and he purred. "You're just scared of the big, bad Naruto."

A smirk appeared on Sasuke's face as Sakura teased Naruto. His teammate seemed to be a walking encyclopedia. The go-to person when you need information. "Or maybe he just doesn't like you! Maybe he doesn't like your stupid face."

"Shut up, Sasuke! It's not that. If that were true, why isn't the cat scratching you?"

"Uchiha are cat people. We do a lot of business in Sora-ku when it comes to our weaponry. It's an abandoned city filled with cats. I used to chase them around when I went there with Itachi. It's been years since I last visited. And as Sakura said, animals can sense emotions. Maybe he doesn't like you because you're loud like his owner."

"That's complete nonsense. Don't compare me to that hag!"

"You do know that the 'hag' is the Daimyo's wife and she's paying the village for our services. It won't look good if she hears that we're calling her names." Sakura crossed her arms.

“Who cares, as I already told Kakashi. I'd rather not do this mission for a third time.” Naruto continued to watch the cat snuggle closer to Sasuke, purring, “You must have treats hidden!  There is no way in hell you were able to tame that monster so easily. I don’t care if your family are such cat people why do you have a dog? Cats hate dogs! You probably smell like one.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes, “Believe what you want.”

Twenty minutes later, they returned to the Mission Assignment Desk, a room situated within the Ninja Academy. The room was spacious, with six windows and high ceilings. In the center of the room, Madam Shijimi stood, showering her cat with affection.

"Oh, my dear Tora! I was so worried!" she exclaimed.

Sasuke observed as the woman paid the fee and left the room, knowing she would soon return, claiming that her cat had escaped once again.

"Let's see," Hiruzen said, scanning through the list of D-rank missions. "The next mission for Team 7 is..."

"No! No, thanks," Naruto interrupted. He had grown tired of these mundane missions. He had no interest in babysitting or digging for potatoes on some local farm. He craved something more thrilling. "I want a more exciting mission! Give us something else, old man!"

Sasuke let out a sigh, knowing that Naruto would eventually reach his breaking point. Today's mission had been the final straw for him. Sasuke felt the same way, but he understood that expressing his frustrations wouldn't be wise.

Iruka stood up abruptly, slamming his hand on the wooden table. "You fool! You're still rookies, fresh out of the academy! You need to start with these missions. Everyone climbs the ladder by gaining experience from simpler tasks."

"It's been nothing but boring missions so far," Naruto grumbled.

Sasuke agreed with Naruto. These missions had been dull and lacked challenge. He felt like he wasn't learning anything new, trapped in a monotonous cycle.

Before Naruto could continue, Kakashi punched him. "Cut it out, Naruto!" Kakashi was growing weary of Naruto's disrespectful behavior, a trait he probably picked up from Jiraiya.

"Alright, fine!" Hiruzen smirked as he looked at Naruto and his team. He would give them what they wanted - a more challenging mission. "Since you insist, I'll assign you a C-ranked mission." Hiruzen leaned forward, taking a puff from his pipe. "You'll be bodyguards."

“Really” Naruto jump to his feet, excited. “Who? Who? A federal lord? Or a princess?

Sasuke couldn't believe that the old man was granting Naruto's request. Had his constant pestering finally worn him down? He had a feeling that whoever it was, they wouldn't be anything special.

"Don't get too eager," Hiruzen chuckled. "I'll introduce you now!" He paused and then said, "Could you please come in?"

Team seven turned their heads towards the oak door as it slid open. A man in his late fifties stood there, glaring at them while taking a sip from the sake bottle in his right hand. His cheeks...

"What's this? Just a bunch of kids!"


Just a little warning, I am going to try and keep to my two-week schedule, but it might take longer since it is going to be the Land of Waves Arc. I want to write the whole arc out before posting. I have a chunk of it written already. If it does take longer, I will mention something on my twitter @Blssm0810

I am also searching for a beta reader. I am need of a second set of eyes. Let me know if you are interested.

Chapter 9: Land of Waves: Mist


Just wanted to pop in and say hi once again. I really appreciate all of you. Welcome to part 1 of 3 of the Land of Waves arc.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Inviting his team to the Uchiha Compound for tea will have to wait. It was unimportant and not a priority. He spends every waking hour of the day with his team and did not want to waste time on frivolous events in his free time.

Lately, he rarely has time for himself.  Most of his free time was spent with either Itachi, Shisui or his father.  Sasuke no longer had much time to read scrolls, under the tree near his mother’s Koi Pond. His time was filled with training.

Sasuke knew even though his mission is going to delay things, the inevitable will still happen. Mikoto Uchiha found joy in entertaining others. It brought a smile to his mother’s face. A smile he would never sacrifice. Even if he found little joy in entertaining others, he would still put on an act to make his mother happy.  She was the most important person in his life. The only person who understands him.

Even if time at home should be his own. Sasuke knew his mother was using tea with his team as an excuse to meddle but could not pinpoint the reason for her meddling. Did she want him to get to know his team or was she trying to find a potential suitor in Sakura. His mother did bring her up a lot. Ever since she brought him his bag and course work that day he ran from the academy.

“Sakura is such a sweet girl.”

“I hope she is on your team Sasuke.”

He was glad the Uchiha did away with arranged marriages long ago. They were a thing of the past, used during the time of the Warren States to keep the Uchiha blood pure and strong. To create a powerful clan of warriors. Warriors influential people would hire to protect their country and wealth. To conquer others. The Daimyō’s hired clans of mercenary shinobi to represent their interest.  A clan’s loyalty often went to the highest bidder. It is how clans made their money in the time before the Hidden Shinobi Villages.

As time went on the Uchiha soon discovered if one marries the person they love, it will only make them stronger. Love being one of the most powerful emotions was the key to unlocking the Sharingan. But that love can also be a curse if the person they are devoted to are violently ripped away from them.  The loss of the object of their affection can turn that love instantaneously into hatred influences them to do anything and everything to reach their goal, regardless of the consequences.

Sasuke knew he was too young to think of marriage, but knew the elders thought differently.  They always through differently.  Some were stuck in the old ways, while some believed one should marry for love, not for political convenience.  Others believed that union of two people should be based on power.

The Clan Elders would not be pleased if an outsider, who did not meet their standards married into the clan. They were very protective of the main family’s bloodline.

His mother and father were friends as children and were betrothed to each other at a young age. They grew to love each other, but Fugaku was chosen by the elders for Mikoto.  They wanted someone strong. Someone who would not taint Izuna Uchiha’s bloodline. Brother of Madara who died at the hands of a Senju. Only a select few knew of Izuna’s marriage. That he started a family.  They wanted to protect the future leaders of the clan.

Sasuke hated the elders.  They annoyed him. They always annoyed him. Stuck up and uncaring assholes. They never cared about him, not until Orochimaru attempted to kidnap him. Only then their eyes were set on him.  That maybe he was not a looser like the came to believe.  No longer the spare for Itachi, but someone they need to keep a close eye on. He knew the clan elders were not pleased with his Genin team. They have made it quite clear to his father a few weeks ago. It wasn’t hard to overhear their conversation. It was loud enough that anyone walking by the nearing hall would here.  

Yuta was a thorn in his father’s side.  The man always went against everything his father says. 

Sasuke sighed.  Letting his thoughts wander wasn’t wise.  He needed to focus.  He needed to finalize a few things even if has been packed since yesterday.  He sat on the floor of his room packing his weapons pouch.  Being his first mission outside of the village he wanted to be prepared.  Higher ranked missions can be unpredictable. He is excited for his first real mission. Happy he was no longer doing stupid chores around the village.

He was going through a list in his head when he sensed a familiar chakra signature approaching his bedroom door. He knew it was Itachi.

“I heard you have your first C Rank mission.” Itachi entered Sasuke’s room, not bordering to knock.

“We are escorting a bridge builder back to the Land of Waves and guarding him until the bridge is complete.” Sasuke sighed, “I’m just glad we are not chasing that cat around the village anymore. That cat is so miserable, doesn’t the Diaymo's wife know that smothering Tora will just make him angry.  Cats are temperamental.”

Itachi chuckled, “Seems like Tora is still causing trouble. How long is your mission?”

“A week, possible longer. It depends on the Naruto's competence. He can be an idiot at times.”  His brows drew together. Sasuke cares about Naruto. He really does. They were best friends, but lately he has been getting on his nerves. Naruto was not taking their missions seriously like he should. Saw them as a game, just because they were D ranked missions. Chores. It didn’t matter they were minuscule task. They were still missions and if they failed, it would reflect poorly on them.  He needed to make sure missions with perfect. Failure, that could not happen.

I cannot disappoint father further.

“Naruto isn’t that bad Sasuke.” The corner of Itachi's mouth quirked up. He knows Sasuke doesn’t mean his harsh words.  That he just wants the best for Naruto. Wanting to help him reach his goal one day. To be by his side.

“I know that, but he is impulsive and rushes into things.” Sasuke stood and picked his bag off the ground.  “He sees everything as a competition or a game.  We are not kids anymore pretending to be shinobi. We cannot fool around, especially on missions. Even if they are just chores around the village. We are still doing a job that brings profit into the village. If his goal is to become Hokage he needs to show some competency.  He needs to learn how the village is structured to become a good leader.”

“What about your other teammate?” Itachi followed Sasuke out of his room.  He was going to walk his brother to the gates of the compound, if he lets him.  Sasuke has been a bit standoffish lately.  Believes that teenage phase is starting.

“She’s annoying…” Sasuke ears started to turn red from embarrassment. For Sasuke every girl was annoying.  Only a select few were okay in his book, Sakura was one of them, but he could not tell Itachi. He would get the wrong idea. Sakura is one of the few girls in his graduating class he could tolerate.  She was not like others girl in the academy that always squealed around him. That tried to get his attention because he was part of the main family of one of Konoha’s founding clans. Those girls have never tried to get to know him or have an honest conversation with him. Sakura has talk to him on multiple occasions, he was cordial with her. He didn’t brush her off, but aware of how he interacted with her it would put a target on her back.

He was never rude to Sakura, but he is not an idiot.  Sasuke has seen how other treat her, especially after they interacted with each other.  He tried to minimize their interactions back then, to protect her. Sasuke observed Sakura from a distance. She was friendly with a few kids from clans, Ino and Kiba mainly. Sometimes Shikamaru and Choji because of their familiar connection with Ino.  Some of the children from shinobi and civilian families were not too fond of those friendships.  How could some civilian girl get in the good graces of so many clan heirs.  Believed that Sakura was trying to improve her standing in the village.  Sakura did not care about status.  Sasuke knew she was just a nice person who enjoyed creating bonds with others. He thought staying away would be better for Sakura. Would keep the bullies away.  Talking to her would just cause trouble.  He was wrong about that and on the occasion when things got out of hand, he would step in. 

Ino was the other girl who could hold a conversation with even though she did not know the definition of personal space. She is an heiress of the Yamanaka clan and was ranked under him as best rookie. It is easier for him to talk to her due to their status in the village. Clan kids talking to each other was a normal occurrence. Talking to a civilian was different, especially Sakura.   Sasuke knew that other girls only talk to him when they want a date or want something from his clan.  Those girls did not talk to him because they liked him for him, those girls were trying to improve their position in the village. 

Sasuke tried to hide that he is embarrassed when girls say they like him. How they would constantly confess to him.  He never wanted that type of attention.  Sasuke did not want attention from others. He just wanted to be left alone. To be invisible which is impossible because who his family is.

“Sakura needs to train more. Sometimes I think she focuses too much on her appearance." Sasuke lied.  He knew Sakura was not superficial but did not want to tell Itachi the truth. "I know she did not have the luxury to train since she was three, but she is smart, and her analytical skills are better than people twice her age.  She needs to utilize her intelligence.  She is stronger than she realizes, and I don't want to be at the receiving end of one of her punches. I swear she is going to give Naruto a concussion one of these days.”

“Girls are like that at that age, give her a chance Sasuke. She may surprise you.”  Itachi knew from experience.  Izumi surprises him every day. She is growing to her own, as a strong Kunoichi and a respectable member of the Uchiha Clan. Someone reliable. Someone he wishes to marry one day.

“Hn” Sasuke looked at his brother.  Small talk, his brother rarely took part in it, unless he needed something or wanted to lecture him. Sasuke stopped in his tracks and looked at his brother.  “You are not just here to ask me about my team and my mission.  What is it?”

“As astute as ever, Sasuke.” Itachi shifted on his feet. Trying to word this in the best way possible.  He did not want Sasuke to think he was lecturing him. “You are going outside of the village for the first time. Be on your guard.  He is still out there and if he catches wind that you are outside of the village, he…”

“I know I must be on my guard. You must be like that for any mission. It doesn’t matter if it is C Rank or A Rank or if you are on a mission at all...” Sasuke sneered.  Annoyed that his brother thought he had to be reminded about Orochimaru.

Of course, he is here to lecture me again. 

Treat me like a child.

“Sasuke.” He winced.  He should have expected this type of reaction.

“I will be fine Itachi. You don’t need to worry.” His temper sparked sightly, but calmed moments later.  He needed be careful with his emotions. He could not allow them to overtake him. His emotions were not only a danger to himself but a danger to those around him.  He was growing tired of Itachi and his over protectiveness.

“Don’t use your Sharingan unless you need to. You must be able to fight with and without it. Relying on it too much will stunt your growth and your skills will improve slowly.” Itachi warned as he walked next to his brother.

“Don’t you have better things to do then coddle me?”  Sasuke glared at Itachi. Ever since Orochimaru almost kidnapped him when he was eight, Itachi started to hover.  He enjoyed spending time with his brother during training, but he needed space.  He needed time to grow on his own. Make his own mistakes.  Sasuke knows he is not perfect and sometimes feels he is the odd one in his family.

“I am just looking out for you!” Itachi took a step-in front of Sasuke, blocking his path. He leaned forward and poked his forehead.  

A flush crept up Sasuke’s faced.  He looked down at his feet. “I know, but I am capable shinobi and no longer a child I will see you when I get back.”

Itachi watched his brother step around him, making his way towards the entrance of the Uchiha compound.  He sighed deeply. "How long have you been there Shisui?”

"Not long, you need to stop hovering when it comes to Sasuke. He needs to learn and grow on his own. You shelter him too much, cousin." Shisui appeared next to his Itachi with his arms cross.  "You are going to push him to far one of these days.  He is more emotional than most Uchiha.  He tries to hide his feelings, but he is terrible at it.  Sasuke feels too much. I do not want to see him breakdown again."

"When was this?" Itachi questioned.  He has no idea that Sasuke had a panic attack that night.  How long has Sasuke been struggling with his emotions.

"After he was almost kidnapped by Orochimaru, Sasuke had a panic when we talked when he was in the hospital."

"Why wasn’t I informed?"

“Even if I did not agree with it, your parents had their reasons, and I don’t think anyone realized how much pressure Sasuke was under.  Living up to the family expectations, living in your shadow, feeling like he was nothing but a spare in the eyes of your father. Sasuke was feeling like he failed the clan.”

“You mean my father had his reasons in not informing me about Sasuke.” Itachi folded his arms across his chest.  Did his father not trust him with Sasuke’s mental state? “He shouldn’t think that way.  He is his own person.”

"I think there are day's he still feels that way. When he graduated the academy, he was ranked as the rookie of the year, but all people could talk about was him being an Uchiha and that he is your brother.  Not one person felt like he got that rank on his own merit. Like all Uchiha, Sasuke is prideful, but people thinking he did not earn his keep makes him feel worthless."

Itachi looked in the direction of the entrance of the Uchiha compound, wondering if he should confront his father about what he learned from Shisui. There must be a reason why Shisui informed him of this. Did he want him to confront his father?


Naruto smiled brightly as he packed his bag for the first mission outside of the village.  He has been out of the village before, but those were little trips he took with Jiraiya to a famous hot spring located in the Hidden Hot Springs Village. A village Jiraiya enjoyed visiting to research for his novels. Naruto knew the old man just wanted to peep on young, beautiful woman.

Naruto was to focus on packing he did not hear his bedroom door open. Jiryaiya enter Naruto's bedroom, wondering what was taking the kid so long.  He had to meet his team in fifteen minutes. He walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down.

"You do know you are supposed to pack light." Jiraiya commented as he continued to observe Naruto as he pack. It seems like he was only packing food, not the necessities.

Naruto flinched and looked over at Jiraiya. Wondering when he arrived. He knew he was supposed to pack light. He was not stupid, but he had a one-track mind sometimes. “There might be no ramen in the Land of Waves.”  Naruto continued to stuff his bag with instant ramen cups.

“I am sure they have ramen, Naruto. If you don’t eat ramen for a week the world is not going to end.” Jiraiya watched as the boy tried to decide on ramen flavors.  He leaned back in his chair.

“Can’t be too sure about that.”

Jiraiya ran his hand through his hair.  He was curious about Naruto’s mission, but also worried.  His contacts have informed him about of group called the Akatsuki, a group of missing-nin who are after the buji’s. “Tell me more about this mission.” 

“We are protecting some grumpy old man who is building a bridge from the Land of Waves to the Land of Fire. Connection the island village to the mainland is stirring up some trouble, I guess, I was not really paying attention when old man Hokage went into details.”  Naruto decided to take only enough instant ramen for a week.  He did not expect this mission to go longer than a week, it was not like they were protecting some princess or some celebrity.  I would be so cool to protect the actress from the Princess Gale movies, they did go to exotic locations to film. To see how a movie is made would be more exciting than protecting a bridge builder.

“I see, did this man say why the bridge he is building is stirring up trouble to have him ask Konoha for protection?” Jiraiya sighed and knew he forgot to teach Naruto something. He was so busy lately with his own mission it must have slipped his mind to teach Naruto how to ask the right questions.

“He did not really go into detail on why he needs protections. Just that he needs it to complete the bridge.” Naruto zipped up his bag and rose to his feet. He finally finished packing with five minutes to spare.

“I see.” Jiriaya looked at the boy. He wondered if the client omitted information or Naruto forgot to pay attention to the briefing.  “And how long will this mission be?”

“A week or two.  I wasn’t really paying attention. I was just excited to not be chasing stupid cats.” Naruto smiled brightly. “So, what do you plan to do without me for a week pervy sage?”

“Work on my next book, you really should head out kid.  You are already late.”

“Damn it, I won’t have alone time with Sakura-chan now.” Naruto rushed out of the door. He knew it didn’t matter if he was late, he knew their sensei will show up an hour late.  Alone time with Sakura was rare, Sasuke was a good-two-shoes, always being on time.  


Excitement is the main emotion she currently felt, even if it was just temporary.  A grand adventure awaited her, passed the massive structure that protected the village from enemies, was a vast old forest where the treetops reached the heavens. Trees that have been there since the time of the Sage of Six Paths. 

Team 7’s escort mission to the Land of Waves was Sakura first time outside of the Land of Fire. Excited to visit a new place, Sakura read up on their destination, only to discover the once beautiful land was now ran by a corrupt business name Gato.  The man who controls of the Land of Waves shipping roots to create a monopoly, isolating the country from the outside world, turning it into an impoverished nation.

Deep down in her gut, Sakura believed there was more to this business magnate. Drug Trafficking. Smuggling contraband. Human Trafficking.  The list went on. The bridge Tazuna is building will open the small island to trade, Gato’s monopoly will come crashing down.  If she were in Gato's shoes, she would probably do anything to prevent some bridge builder from destroying the empire he built.

Protection from that man is probably why Tazuna hired Team 7 as bodyguards. She did further research on Gato, disguised by what she discovered.  The man has no qualms over killing and harming innocent people who got in his way. Using mercenaries and rouge shinobi to do his dirty business. To keep blood of those who stand up to him off his hands. Is this man the reason why Tazuna asked for help?

Sakura, unsure how to bring this information up to Kakashi attention.  Would he be proud? She though, unsure what her Jonin sensei though of her. Sakura knows she is not special. She did not belong to an important clan. Her parents migrated to Konoha before she was born and were just bakers. She may have a high IQ but, not a priority to train.  Kakashi would focus more on the boys and forget about her. She will fall behind and never amount to anything important.  All she has right now is her brain.

Her thoughts ran wild. She could not help it.  Sakura’s mind repeated Tazuna’s words risking life and limb. This mission may be more than her team can handle.  Kakashi being with them would help.  He would supervise them.  But there was a difference between a parent’s supervision and a Joinin. Kakashi was not a parental figure.  He’s the adult assigned to Team 7, there to make sure no one dies. Who is going to die on a simple C ranked escort mission.

Sakura could not help but feel terrified. She was the weakest link. A sheltered child. Someone who is still leaning the ways of the shinobi world.

Sakura used to hate leaving the village as a child to visit her crude relatives in Hacho Village. Throughout her childhood her family took the trek to Hacho to see Aunt and Uncle during her breaks from the academy. They were not kind people.  Always bitter. Angry. Never trying to better themselves.  Always in some sort of debt that her parents had to bail them out of.

They were part of the reason why she struggled so much with her appearance. Sakura though she was ugly for the longest time.  Even after meeting Ino, Sakura still struggle with her appearance.

“You just had to get your father pink hair. It is not natural. I guess not everyone can my little sisters’ good looks.”

“Such an ugly large forehead you have.”

Always making comments about her hair color.  About how big her forehead was.  That no one would want to marry her one day. That everyone will be courting their Asami.  How a women should not be a Shinobi. A woman’s place is to make a man happy and have their children.  To stay at home to look pretty, which she wasn’t, probably the reason why she chose to be a shinobi. Most of her self-confidence issues stemmed from them. 

Her parents were rarely around when they talked to her like she was nothing. Always put on an act about how pretty she was, that boys will be chasing her one day when they were around.  

Her parents taught her to always be kind people even if they were not kind to her in return. Helping those in need was important.

How important could it be if the people you help just take advantage of that kindness.

Sakura looked at herself one last time in the mirror before picking her bag up off the floor.  She knew her parents were worried that something may happen to her.  She reassured them on multiple occasions that she will be alright.

Sakura walked down the stairs and pause when she saw her parents waiting for her.  They should be working the shop. Not be home.  Seeing her off was not important. “Why are your still home? The shop?” Panic arose in Sakura’s voice.  She did not want them to give up anything for her.  They already do so much.

“The shop can wait.  We informed our customers that we will open late today, Flower.”  Kizashi walked over to his daughter placing his hand on top of her head. “We wanted to see you off.”

“We are worried sweetie; this is a big step for you.  The missions who have been doing have been in the confines of the village.  You will be going outside the village walls this time.” Mebuki nibbled on her lower lip. She was scared to let her innocent child go to another country on her own. “Our friends have been telling us stories and…”

"Don't worry, it's only a C Rank mission.  Nothing bad is going to happen to me. Kakashi sensei is there to keep an eye on us. He is a strong, elite shinobi." Sakura hugged her mother tightly.  She felt terrible that she was making them worry. “Everything will be fine, I promise.” 

“This is all new to us flower. The shinobi lifestyle is very different from our own. We are just bakers. Some of our friends think we are crazy to allow you to be involved in such violence, but we trust you and your little friend Ino.” Kizashi pulled Sakura into a big bear hug, “I love you flower.”

“I love you to.  I know you both mean well. I love you for it.  I will be fine. Even though this is a mission. I am excited to see new places. I read up on the Land of Waves and it seems like a fascinating place.” Sakura lied, there was no way she was going to tell her parents that some business magnate had control over the Land of Waves and is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way.

“We can’t wait to hear all about it.  You should head out or you will be late.”

“Right…” She hugged both of her parents one last time before running out the door.

The walk from the Uchiha compound to the eastern gate took about twenty minutes at the pace he was going.  Sasuke was in no hurry to arrive on time. He was always punctual but grew tired of Kakashi tardiness. The man was chronically late. He has little trust in his sensei too arrive on time, even if he was escorting the Tazuna from the inn, he will still be late. 

Finally, he made it to the center of Konoha, he was still distance from the eastern gate, but he was no rush. There was still a half-hour until their meeting time. Sasuke had time to kill. The center of Konoha was crowed this morning.  He realized it was Wednesday, the day that farmers who lived outside the village sold their products to market vendors. 

Sasuke stopped and noticed his favorite stand putting out some fresh tomatoes. Debating if he should buy some for the road. Maiya, the older woman who owns the stand smiled when she noticed him.  "Good morning, Sasuke-kun, heading out on a mission?" Maiya asked. 

Sasuke slowly walked over to the stand. "I am…" Sasuke continued to stare at the tomatoes leaning in closer to have a better look at the juicy fruit.  Contemplating on which one he should purchase.

“Need help picking one out, dear?”  She grinned, knowing how much the young Uchiha enjoyed tomatoes. The boy frequently visited her stand throughout the years.  Sometimes he was with his mother, while other times Sasuke was with his brother or his cousin Shisui.  There were also times he came alone.  He was always very polite and respectful.  Raised to be a gentleman.  Maiya did not understand the animosity towards the Uchiha Clan.  They were good kind people, saving her life during the Nine-Tails attack. She continued to observe Sasuke as he studied the tomatoes, looking for the perfect one. The cute little boy grew into a very handsome preadolescent.  The young village girls are always swooning over the boy. 

"He is so cute."

"Do you think I will ever have a chance with someone like him?"

“So handsome.”

Maiya doesn't blame them one bit.  The Uchiha are an attractive clan, and she knew Sasuke would grow more desirable once he hits puberty. “I will take these two.” Sasuke handed Maiya the tomatoes.  He reached into the front pocket of his backpack for ryo to pay for the items.

“These are on the house.”  She handed Sasuke the plastic bag. “I added a few more in there. Share with you team and sensei.”

“Are you sure? I can…”

The woman held her hand up, stopping Sasuke from speaking any further. She knew the boy could afford it.  He was one of her most loyal customers, “it’s a gift, I heard you were rookie of the year at the academy. Congratulations Sasuke-kun.”

Heat began to rise to his face, embarrassed.  Gossip in this villages always travels fast. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” He started down at his feet, kicking the dirt, “if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I would be happy to help you whenever you need.”

“Such a sweet boy, run along dear, you don’t want to be late.”

“Thank you again Maiya-san.” Sasuke smiled as he continued down his paths, arriving at eastern gate. Once again, he was the first to arrive. Even stopping at the tomato stand to kill time did not change things. 

Staring up at the gates, Sasuke wondered what type of adventure they were setting out on.  His thoughts wandered to when Team 7 was introduced to Tazuna yesterday.

Something did not sit right with him.  

You will be risking life and limb guarding me, until I return to my land and complete my bridge.

Why would Tazuna make that statement. C rank mission did not fit those requirements. Some risk was involved, but not in the nature of risking one's life.  Bandits were easy for them to handle, but shinobi from foreign nations were a different story.

Sasuke felt it in the pit of his stomach that this mission would turn into more than what they could handle. There had to be a reason why Tazuna might have lied about the premises of what is involved with escorting him back to the Land of Waves. Everyone has their secrets.

“Good morning, Sasuke-kun!” Sasuke turned to look at Sakura who hurried over to him. She was more cheerful than normal this morning. Sakura was always vibrant, but today her voice went a key higher when she greeted him. Most people would not notice the change in Sakura’s voice, but he knows her quirk. After spending five years at the academy with her and three weeks on the same team, he knows when there is something off with Sakura.  Was she faking happiness to hide her nervousness. 

“Good morning, Sakura.” He politely greeted, avoiding eye contact.

“Do you think Kakashi is going to be late again?” Sakura was trying to create small talk with Sasuke. She wanted to get to know him better. He didn’t share much when Kakashi asked them to share their likes, dislikes, and goals for the future. Just one worded answer with very little context.

“Hn…” Nodding as he placed his hands in the pockets of his white shorts.  He hoped Naruto would arrive soon.  Being alone with Sakura was difficult. Not because he did not want to be around her, but she was a talker. Sasuke was not a conversationalist.

“Have you ever been outside of Konoha before? I have been to Hacho Village a few times. I have family there.  Even if they are the most unpleasant people I have ever met, they are still family.”

“Ah...” Sasuke looked down at the dirt road not knowing what to say.  He could answer her question, but knowing Sakura, she would follow up and ask questions about the place he visited. 

“Um, well…” Sakura chewed on her lip, not knowing what else to say to Sasuke.  She wondered when Naruto would get here. At least he talked to her. Tried to get to know her better. She appreciates Naruto for always asking her how she is doing.

Sasuke looked towards her and could tell she was having an internal battle with herself. He sighed “I only been outside the village a few times. Not to visit anyone, but to accompany my brother to Sora-ku” Sasuke scratched the back of his head.  He knew he made things awkward.  “You don’t…”

He paused when he sensed a vibrant chakra approaching, it was Naruto, no one else’s chakra felt like the burning sun, “Good morning, Sakura-chan.”

“Good morning, Naruto.” Sakura smiled brightly, “You seem cheerful this morning.”

“I get to spend time outside of the village with my two favorite people in the whole world on a more serious mission, why wouldn’t I be excited.”  Naruto eyes sparkled.  He could not wait to set off on their grand adventure, hoping to see some action.

Another hour went by and Kakashi still has not arrived.  “Good morning, my cute little Genin.” Kakashi greeted.  Tazuna followed behind him.  Taking a swing of alcohol once again. 

“Your late!” Sakura and Naruto yelled at Kakashi.

“I got lost on the path of life.” He chuckled, already knowing his team would not believe a word he says. One day he will tell them the truth, but he was not quite ready to inform them about his dark past. “Before we leave, I want to make sure you kids have everything you need. This mission is set to be a week, but it may take longer. Are you prepared?”

“Yes,” Team 7 answered in unison.

“Alright, then lets…” Kakashi paused when Naruto ran forward, out past the gates.

“All right!”  Naruto cheered, throwing his arms up in the air.  He could not help but feel excited. This was their first real mission, outside of the village. No more chasing dumb cats.  Cats that only seemed to like Sasuke. Everyone always seems to like Sasuke.  Naruto could not help but feel jealous at times.  His friend got all this attention from girls. Adults. Everyone. He would love to know what it was like to be popular.

He knows he has this biju inside him. That people are afraid of him.  He tried not to let it bother him, but there are days he hates himself. Wondering if things would be different, it his father did not seal the Nine-Tails inside of him.  If one of his parents survive would people not look at him like he was some bomb waiting to go off.

“We are off!!!” Naruto’s whole face light up.

The corner of Sakura’s mouth lifted, amused by Naruto’s behavior. “What are you so excited about?” Sakura asked.  She could not blame Naruto expressing his excitement.  She would do the same but didn’t think it would be appropriate. 

“This is the first time I am outside of the village on my own, without Jiraiya.” Naruto beamed.

Why is he always so loud!  Sasuke wondered if Naruto would ever learn that they must behave a certain way on missions.  He looked over at their client and could tell he was not please.  That he found Naruto’s behavior irritating.  It was written all over his face.

Tazuna pointed at Naruto, turning his gaze towards Kakashi. “Hey, am I really going to be okay with this brat? Is he really a ninja?”

“I am a Joini and I will be watching him.  There is no need to worry Tazuna-san.” Kakashi tried to reassure their client. He knew Naruto was just excited, but he needed to keep their client happy.

Sasuke sighed when Naruto began to yell. Naruto needed to learn how to let things go.  Angering the client will reflect poorly on not only their team, but the village.

“Hey, old man!” Naruto pointed at Tazuna. “Don’t mock Ninja. I am awesome, you see!”

Sasuke toned out Naruto’s rant.  His eyes darted toward the tree line.  He sensed an unfamiliar chakra signature. A chakra signature he knows did not belong to a shinobi of Konoha. Konoha shinobi’s chakra often felt like a fire blazing. The two chakra he sensed felt like waves chasing on the shore.

“I will never acknowledge you, brat. Even if you become Hokage.”

“What I will kill you.” Naruto tired to leap forward, but Kakashi grabbed the back of Naruto’s backpack.  This mission was going to be long and tiresome.

“I told you to stop it, you idiot.”  Kakashi warned.  He released Naruto and looked at his team, “This way team!”

Sasuke gaze met Kakashi and wondered if he sensed the strange presence.  He could not get a good read on his Jonin instructor. Was he trying to put on an act not to scare the others?

They started to make their way down the dirt path eastward towards the coast.  When they arrived, it has been arranged to take a small boat to the small, isolated island.  The Land of Waves has many rivers running through it and is famous for their mangroves.

After walking in silence for about an hour, Sakura gathered the courage to ask their client Tazuna a few questions, wanting to get a good read on man they are protecting.  His words from yesterday bothered her. Trying to figure out what he meant by risking life and limb.  Risking one’s life was not in the criteria of a C ranked mission.

She wondered if Sasuke or Naruto were able to pick up on Tazuna’s odd choice of words. Sasuke might have. He is extremely intelligent, but Naruto, she was not too sure if he paid any attention to Tazuna’s words.  Sakura, already knowing the answer to the question, she was about to ask and decided to play dumb. Pretending not to know about the shinobi system. She was a civilian and not many civilans know much about the Shinobi system and world.  Civilians were ignorant about the world that wasn’t in their little bubble.

“Excuse me, Tazuna-san.” Sakura clasped her hands behind her back.

“What is it?” Tazuna took a swing of alcohol straight from the bottle, again.  He studied the little girl. She reminded of a girl that his grandson Inari used to play with.  A sweet child who stopped coming around after Kaiza death.  A tragic event that began the downfall of Wave Country. Inari stopped talking to children his age.  He started to lock himself in his room and stared out at the ocean.

“Your home is the Land of Waves, right!”

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Wondering why Sakura was playing dumb, Tazuna mentioned his home during the mission briefing. Sakura knew that.  She was paying close attention to everything that man was saying. If he knew any better, Sakura spent her time in the Konoha Library last night. Reading everything she can about Wave Country.  He always slaw her in the library during their academy days.  Noise always stuck in a book.

“What of it?” Tazuna questioned. He tried not to speak harshly to Sakura, but he hated when people asked him unnecessary questions.

Sakura clicked her tongue against the back of her teeth. Such an unpleasant man. Sakura turned her attention to their sensei, “Um, Kakashi sensei…”

Sasuke eyes darted towards Sakura. What is she up to?  He watched her smooth out the skirt of her qipao nibbling on her bottom lip.  Sakura of all people should know this. They discussed the Great Shinobi Nations and its geography in this history class. She aced every test on this subject.

“Hmm.”  Kakashi titled his head towards Sakura, meeting her gaze. Curious.

“Are there ninja in the Land of Waves, too?” 

Sasuke must hand it to Sakura; she is a pretty good actress.  If they weren’t competing against each other on written test in the academy, he would believe her.

“No, there aren’t any ninja in the Land of Waves.” Such an odd question coming from Sakura. He considered her the most intelligent on their team when it came to academics.  Kakashi was going to go along with this little game she was playing. “But in other nations, while the culture and customs are different, Hidden Villages exists, and there are ninja there.”

“I see…” Sakura pondered.

Kakashi smiled before continuing “To the many nations on the continent, the existence of Shinobi Villages is seen as a measure of the nation's military strength. In other words, that is how these nations maintain relationship with neighboring nations. Even so, the villages are not under the control of those nations. They are equal in rank. On a small island like the Land of Waves, where it is difficult to be influenced by other nations, there is no need for a shinobi village.”

“Among the respected nations that possess a shinobi village, the five nations are Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind and Earth, due to their large territory and immeasurable power, are called the Five Great Nations.”

“The Village Hidden in the Leaves of the Land of Fire, the Village Hidden in the Mist of the Land of Water, the Village Hidden in the Clouds of the Land of Lightening, the Village Hidden in the Sand of the Land of Wind, and the Village Hidden in the Stone of the Land of Earth. Only the leaders of each of these hidden villages are allowed to have the name of Kage. The Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage. The so-called Kage, reign supreme over the tens of thousands of ninjas in each nation of the whole world.”

“Wow, Lord Hokage is amazing!” Sakura’s voice once again was a key higher than her normal voice.  Sasuke lips quirked up in amusement.  

“Hey!” Kakashi clam voice broke everyone’s train of though.

“You were just doubting the Hokage weren’t you?”

Kakashi watched Naruto and Sakura shake their heads.  He chuckled to himself.  He could not blame them for believing such things. They were young and have yet to see a Great Shinobi War.  Kakashi eyes darted to Sasuke and wondering what the boy was thinking.  Does he have doubts about their Hokage? Was he just better at hiding it.

“Well, there is nothing to worry about! There are no ninja battles in C ranked missions.” Kakashi smiled, placing a hand on top of Sakura’s head. Patting her pink locks. Reassuring the girl that there was no need to be nervous.

“Then we don’t have to worry about getting into any fights with foreign shinobi?” A fake smile appeared on Sakura’s face. The uneasy feeling, she has earlier returned.  Ominous throughs squirmed at the back of her mind causing the hairs on her neck rise. They were being watched.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow.  That smile wasn’t Sakura’s normal smile. She didn’t believe Kakashi. Doesn’t blame her. He doesn’t either.

“Of course not!”

Sasuke turned his head back and looked at Kakashi.  Why is he lying?

Once again, the continued along the path, towards the coast. Crossing a bridge over a small stream.  The birds chirping in the background, as they walked along their dirt road, large trees lining their path. Sasuke watched Kakashi tilt his head back to look at the puddle on the ground as they passed it. A puddle that was out of place.  It has been a dry spring in the Land of Fire. It had not rained in weeks. That puddle should not be there.

The sound of water splashing broke Sasuke out of his trance, eyes widen as he saw two chunin-level Kiri-nin emerge from the puddle, binding Kakashi with shuriken-laced chains. These two shinobi must have been who he sensed earlier. Would explain why their chakra signature felt like waves crashing on the shore.

"Kakashi sensei." Sakura screamed out, stricken with fear.

“The first one is down!” One of them taunted. He looked at his brother and they pulled the pulled on their chains in opposite, ripping into Kakashi flesh, shredding him into pieces.

“Kakashi sensei!” Naruto shouted. Surprised Kakashi was taken out so easily.  Their sensei was a former member of the Anbu Black Ops, not someone who could be ripped to shreds so easily.  Naruto’s breathing began to increase, nerves were taking over.  He stared mindlessly, paralyzed by the two ninja who popped out of the ground like daisies. What was he going to do? His body was cemented to the ground, unable to move.

“The second one…” Naruto cranes his neck to look behind them. To see the two shinobi with the poisoned laced claw behind him. You need to move. You need to move.  He was still to overwhelmed by fear to move.  His body could not catch up to his brain.  Yelling at him to do something. To not just stand there like a fool.

Shit, Naruto is not moving. Sasuke did not expect this. Naruto was always confident, talked big.  He needed to get through to his friend, “Naruto, snap out of it.” Sasuke shouted. “Naruto, stop acting like a fool. You are better than this dope.”

Sasuke watched as his friend finally regained control of himself, his trance broken. “Sasuke…”

Their eyes met; Naruto nodded. Training formation three. Naruto kneeled on the ground as Sasuke ran towards him.  Sasuke infused chakra into his foot, using Naruto as a springboard to leap into the air.  Throwing a shuriken and kunai, pinning the chain the two wielded to a tree.

Sasuke landed on the giant metal claws the Kiri shinobi wore, “hn” he braced himself, against them, kicking them in their face.  Sasuke flipped back and landed on his feet, preparing himself for battle. Keeping his sharingan at bay.

Sasuke watched as the chains that were once attached the claw, be released. There must be a mechanism in their gauntlets to release them if caught.  The two Kiri shinobi ran at different targets; Naruto and their client, Tazuna.


“Get behind me, sir.” Sakura ordered, as she jumped in front of their client, Tazuna, kunai in hand. Knowing she could do much, she still protected the man who lied to them about the severity of the mission.  Her throughs ran while. She still could not believe it. Kakashi was dead.  Thousands of questioned plowed through her mind.  How could he have died?  She began to feel guilty, predicting his fate was not in the cards.  He must be pretending to be dead.  This is a test. It must be.

Sakura’s voice broke him out of his trance.  He remembers his promise to the Yamanaka at the year-end clan gathering.  The loudmouth blond always had a way of breaking his walls down. Figuring out what he was thinking. Making promises difficult to keep. Had to be those mind techniques the Yamanaka’s specialize in, or he is just a beacon for annoying blonds.

“Promise me if Sakura is placed on an Assault team with you. Please keep an eye on her for me. She is a good person, who thinks she understand what it takes to be a Shinobi.”

Whenever he sees the Yamanaka heiress again, he is going to inform we that her best friend knows what it takes to be a shinobi.  The client comes first.  That she is not scared to throw herself in front of a stranger for the sake of a mission. Even if it got her killed.  Sasuke is not going to allow Sakura to die.  He had to move.  He had to protect her. 

Sasuke knew he had to get to her quick. He utilized the body flicker, fading away from sight, leaving no trace of his presence to fade back into sight in front of Sakura.  Shielding her with his body. Hoping Kakashi would appear soon, they know the intended target, Tazuna.  If he didn’t, Sasuke was prepared to take the hit for both, Sakura and Tazuna.

He looked over at Naruto who had a kunai out, ready to block the partner of the Kiri ninja.   

Sasuke was bracing for impact. Before the Kiri shinobi could stab him, out of nowhere, an arm wrapped around the enemy’s neck. Kakashi dragged them away from his Genin.


About time! Show off! 

Sasuke watched Kakashi make his way over to them. “Good job, Sasuke, Naruto. Amazing teamwork. You too Sakura.” Kakashi eyes crinkled as he smiled. He was proud of his students jumping into action so quickly. Having each other’s backs.  His lesson on teamwork must have sunk in. Kakashi sighed when he noticed the scratch on Naruto’s hand.  He should have intervened sooner.

“Naruto, we should take a look at your hand.” Kakashi spoke in a calm tone. He hoped the boy would not freak out or move around to much after he learns about the poison.

“My hand?” Naruto was confused. He looked down at his hand, and the wound he had no idea he received, “When the hell did that happen?”

“Naruto calm down.” Sakura hurried over to him, grabbing his wrist, preventing him from moving around too much, “Their claws were laced with poison.”

“How do you know that?” Sasuke questions, curious on how Sakura figured it out. Did she come up with the same conclusion as him, the odor.

“A metallic odor. I was able to detect it as soon as he got near. I remember from our lessons that some poisons smell sweet while others smell bitter or metallic.” Sakura looked down at Naruto’s hand, pulling out a Kunai.

“What are you doing Sakura-chan.” Terrified, Naruto was terrified. Why did Sakura have a kunai in her hand.

“We need to drain the poison before it spreads, idiot.” Sakura glared at Naruto. “Did you not pay attention during first aid class.”

“Um, well, it was boring, so I slept through it.” Naruto blushed.

“So, knowing how to save yourself from dying is not important to you.  Naruto you idiot?” Sakura was visible annoyed at Naruto. The lack of selfcare obviously bothered Sakura, it bothers him too.  Sasuke watched as Sakura gentle stabbed Naruto’s hand, draining the poison from his blood.  “You need to care more about your health Naruto.” Sakura began to wrap his hand. “

Kakashi smiled as he watched his team take care of each other.  He was impressed.  They were far more capable than he expected. Kakashi turned his attention towards Tazuna, “We need to talk Tazuna-san.”

“What!” The man looked at the elite shinobi. The color draining from his face.  The charade, of the seriousness of their mission was up. He knew the truth would eventually get out, but not this soon.

“You put the kids I am responsible for in danger by not informing our mission request desk that you had more than just bandits after you, but before I ask my questions.” Kakashi eyes darted to the two-rouge shinobi he tied to a tree. “I have questions for these two.” 

“Kakashi sensei, who are they?” Naruto pondered as he stared at the two shinobi they encounter.

“They are the Demon Brothers, Chunin who were once apart of Kiri, known for fighting relentlessly, no matter what the sacrifice.”

Demon Brothers? Sasuke has heard that name before.  He had read about them in the Bingo Book he stole from his brother.

“How where you able to detect our movements?” Gozu asked.

“Sasuke, would you like to explain this one?” Kakashi turned to the young Uchiha.  Kakashi knew Sasuke sensed them since they left Konoha.  

“Hn,” Sasuke’s glared at Gozu, “I might give you a pass because you are not from the Land of Fire, but any shinobi with a brain would research the country prior to their mission.  Learning not only about how the people of the countries they are in aiding behave, but understanding it’s climate and if there is any political unjust. To make it easier to hide in plain sight.” Sasuke did not hide the snarky tone in his voices as he continued “it doesn’t rain here often this time of year. If fact it has not rained in weeks.  Using a puddle to hide in plain sight was not wise.”

“Brat, who do you think you are talking to?” Gozu asked.

“A bunch of subpar shinobi who think they can underestimate a team of freshly graduated Genin. Aren’t you taught not to underestimate your opponents, or do they not teach you that in the most?”

“Brat! I will gut you!” Meizu glared at Sasuke. 

“I would like to see you fools try.” 

Gozu and Meizu tugged on their restraints, but it wouldn’t budge. They wanted to shred the black-haired pretty boy into two for speaking to them in such a way.

“I think you made your point Sasuke.” Kakashi placed a hand on his head, ruffling his black locks. He did not need Sasuke’s sharp tongue to anger these men even more. “No need to insult them further.”

“Hn…” Sasuke crossed his arms and looked away.

“I already sent word to Konoha to gather these two.” Kakashi turned to his students.  “We will continue toward the coastline and make camp near the dock and discuss what we will be doing when we arrive there.” Kakashi knew it was not wise to continue this mission, but he was not one to abandon people in need.  He knew Tazuna had his reasons, and he hoped it was good reason enough.

Hours have passed and the sun began to set. They settled in a stop that was only a few miles away from the coastline.

“Tazuna-San, I need to ask you something before we continued further on this mission.” Kakashi spoke lowly, knowing someone was still out there, watching their movements. Waiting to make a move when the time was right. “I need to know who is after you and why? If you do not tell us, I will end the mission when we arrive in Waves tomorrow.”

“I am glad you are giving me a chance to speak. That you did not leave me to continue my journey home on my own. I truly appreciate it.”  Tazuna bowed his head, grateful that Kakashi was giving him a chance.

“The man’s name is Gato. You probably heard of him before. He is well known in these parts for his shipping business.”

“I never heard of him, who is he?” Naruto asked and looked towards Sasuke, “Have you, Sasuke? Itachi and Shisui must know something about this Gato person.”

Sasuke shook his head. The name did not ring a bell. He turned to look at Sakura, by the look on her face, she knew who that man was.  Knowing Sakura, she read about it in a book.

“Gato, the man you are talking about is the owner and founder of the Gato Company, right, the shipping company and is one of the riches men in the world.” 

Kakashi studied Sakura.  From her academy file, it stated that her IQ was the second highest in the class, right after Shikamaru.  For someone to challenge a member of the Nara clan in intelligence was something.  This girl, who was from a civilian family was quite impressive.   Kakashi had a good idea what he wanted to work on with her, but he would make his final assessment when they get to the Land of Waves. He had another training exercise planned for his cute little Genin.

“That is the one.” Tazuna squinted his eyes, wondering how a little girl knew the name of such a man.  This child was too pretty. It surprised she was involved in shinobi business. 

“What are you thinking?” Kakashi curious of Sakura’s assessment. She had already peeked his interested that she knows of Gato. Not many kids know about the man.

“Well, the chunin level shinobi we faced were from the Kiri.  From the information you were able to get from them, the chunin were probably hired by Gato to kill Tazuna. I am assuming they are rouge.  They seem the type."

Sasuke’s eyes narrowed as he continued to study. Seemed the type? Where would Sakura get an idea like that.  She had no Bingo Book that will inform her about black-listed ninja who are typically dangerous shinobi from rival villages, missing-nin, or potential security threats.  These threats are to be eliminated given the opportunity and are paid a heavy sum if eliminated.

Kakashi wondered what she meant by 'the type.’

"If Gato is hiring Shinobi to take out a man who is building a bridge. A bridge that will help bring in more trade to the Land of Waves, it will hurt his business. Currently, he is the only source of imports and exports to and from the country. If this bridge is built and complete, he will be losing a lot of business.  Men like him are greedy and he would not like it if people had to access to trade with other countries.  He would not be able to price gouge. They will be able to get products at a better price then what Gato is charging them. The people of the Land of Waves will be free from his influence. In the past before Gato creating his business in the Land of Waves, they flourished. They were not an impoverished nation.”

He was impressed.  He remembered in her introduction that she enjoyed reading and wondered if she did some research before, they left on this mission.  It would be wise to do so.  They were going to a foreign land. “Good assessment Sakura. We…”

“I wasn’t finished sensei; I think there is more than meets the eye with Gato and his business.” Sakura pushed a strand of hair tucking it behind her ear.

“What do you mean?” Naruto asked.

“I did a bit of reading before our mission. I wanted to learn more about where we were going and the politics of the country we will be visiting.  As Sasuke-kun said earlier to those Kiri ninja. It is important to know the current situation in the place we would be spending time. It is also good to know it’s history.  As shinobi we should not draw attention to ourselves when we are in a foreign land.  It could be dangerous.  It could cause or create further tensions, possibly a war.”

“True, what are you thinking Sakura?” Kakashi asked.

“I think Gato has other businesses he is trying to hide.  He is using his import and export business as a front.  I think he is smuggling other things. Drugs. Contraband. People.  There has been a lot of disappearances in the surrounding areas of the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire in recent months.”

Sasuke stared at Sakura.  Her analysis was spot on. She exceeded his expectations.  Sasuke knew that Sakura has concepts down, but she needed help on the fighting department. He was impressed that she jumped in from of their client, Tazuna, but knew she could not do much. Her skill set is not there.  Sasuke wanted to protect her.  He promised Ino he would.

“Sakura-Chan you are sooo cool.”

“So those men from before were Gato’s men?” Sasuke asked.

Kakashi looked towards Tazuna, “Why did you hid the fac from use when you made your request?”

“The Land of Waves is a super poor nation, even the Daimyo has not money. Of course, ordinary citizens have no money wither. We can’t afford to make a request that is B rank or higher.” Tazuna looked down at the ground, “Well, if you pull out of the mission when I land ashore, I will, no doubt be killed. Killed before I even make it home.”

Tazuna continued, “But there is no need for your concern! You already have done so much. I am just worried about my grandson and my daughter who will cry their eyes out if they learn that I died because I was dishonest. I hope she would not blame Konoha for my death. It’s not your fault.”

Kakashi scratched his forehead, “Well, I guess we do not have a choice. We will continue as bodyguards.”

“I am so grateful.” Tazuna bowed his head.

“Then we will need to be careful.  I am sure those chunin from Kiri are not going to be the only shinobi we encounter.  Keep your guard up, the next person Gato sends will be stronger, a Jonin.” Kakashi warned. 

Along the coastlines miles away from the main village of the Land of Waves were mangroves.  High up in the trees was round treehouse.  The base for the operations of the man who sent the Demon Brothers to assassinate the bridge builder. Zabuza a tall, muscular man, leaned back on the couch, letting the little man vent his frustration about the Demon Brothers and falling to kill the main obstacle of his control of the Waves economy. 

He too was curious how they failed. The old man must have hired skilled shinobi from the Leaf Village.

This scrawny man began to annoy him. Scrutinizing everything. Zabuza knew the man didn’t trust him. Must have sent his own men to keep an eye on things but chose not to get their hands dirty.

He willingly became Gato's thug to earn enough funds to attempt a second coup d'état on the Mizukage. He will not fail to get what he wants this time, total control of Kiri.

“You failed!” Gato complained. Frustrated he had paid this man an obscene amount of money to eliminate the threat to his businesses.  He could not allow Tazuna to complete his bridge.  The empire he built up would be destroyed “I paid a lot of money to hire you guys because you said you were hot-shot ninja!”

Zabuza sighed as the little man with shaggy brown hair continued to degrade his men. Trash how he ran his operation.  If the bastard didn’t pay well, he would gut him right now. “Stop your damn complaining.”

Zabuza placed his hand on this hilt of executioner blade, swinging it forward, pointing its tip at Gato’s neck, “Next time, I will kill him personally with my blade.”

“It is going to be okay, right?” Gato stammer, stricken with fear. He was sure Zabuza would have killed him if he was not in such need of money. “It seems like the enemy has hired good ninja. On top of that, a tightened security on account of the Demon Brothers failure means it won’t be easy.” He rattled on.

“Just who do you think I am?” He felt a flicker of irritation. This little man had no idea what he was capable, “I am Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Hidden Mist.”

It was early when they made it to the docks, the sun on the horizon, waiting to rise, a middle-ages man with short brown hair and a pointed straw hat was waiting for their arrival, to take them the secluded island of Waves.  Shrouded in fog, the perfect cameo for them to slip into the country undetected.  The engine of the boat was cut, not being used.  Silence was key.  They slowly glided toward their destination.

"This is a lot of fog. I cannot see in front of us." Sakura looked around and she nervously, biting on her lip. She knew the fog was the best cover for them, but she had a feeling that their enemy was already alerted about the defeat of the Demon Brothers.  Sakura knew someone was waiting for them. Waiting for them to think they were safe when they were just fallen into their trap.

“The bridge should be visible soon.” Kaji explained as he rowed his boat. “When we reach the other side of the bridge we will be in the Land of Waves.” The fog slowly dissipated, reviling a grand bridge, the massive structure stood tall above them. Just waiting to be completed. 

“Wow, it’s huge!” Naruto cheer loudly as he looked up at awe.  He has never seen such a massive structure before.  Amazed at such craftsmanship.

Sasuke glared at his best friend, once again did not think before he made a loud outburst. The blonde idiot covered his mouth quickly with his hands, probably realizing what he just did.

“H-hey please keep it down!” Kaji scolded Naruto.  Did this boy have not tact?  Did he not understand the seriousness of the climate in the Land of Waves.  Kaji did not want to get caught assisting Tazuna.  It would result in his death. He was only helping because he owed Tazuna a favor. “I took this boat out in the cover of fog.  And I cut the engine. I am steering by hand! If they find us, we well be in big trouble.”

“Sorry…” Naruto apologized. His cheeks burned as he met the accusing glares of his teammates. He knows he messed up.  Naruto knows he sometimes doesn’t think before he opens his mouth.

Kaji steered his boat towards an opening of a tunnel. A long dimly lit tunnel that will lead them closer to their destinations. “We will be arriving soon.”

“Tazuna, it appears we have not been noticed up until this point.” Kaji looked down at his friend.

“Thanks.” He was truly grateful Kaji risked his life to help him, even if the man was a coward. Their friendship was important.

They emerged from tunnel, the fog that once surrender them decimated, the sun shined brightly.  Sasuke looked around and noticed houses were built directly on the water, trees growing out of the ocean.  The terrain was different from what he was used to in Konoha. The temperature was much cooler. 

Team 7 stepped off the boat one by on. Kakashi first, followed by Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke turned around and held out a hand for Sakura to take. Helping her keep her balance as she stepped off the boat.

“This is as far as I go.” Kaji stated as he checks over his shoulder often, glancing around at the vast ocean. “See you around.”

“Yeah, you’ve been a super big help.” Tazuna watched Kaji closely as he prepared himself to leave.  

“Be careful.” Kaji turned on his boat’s engine, sailing off into the distance as quickly as possible.

“Okay, get me home safely.” Tazuna declares as he looked at the three children and their sensei.  He has grown to respect them. These kids were not afraid to face danger.

“Right!” Kakashi’s expression dulled.  He knew their next opponent was going to be Jonin level. Knowing that type of man Gato was, this next person was going to be dangerous. He was worried about protecting his team and the client. He knew that the kids were ready to jump in to action.

Sasuke looked over at his teammate’s, Naruto’s eyes were wide staring at the sight before him. Once again Naruto was overexcited.  Naruto ran forward, turning his head back and forth.  He suddenly pulled out a Kunai, throwing it into the bushes "There!" Naruto stood and brushed a piece of hair back, "Heh…it was just a mouse."

"Quit trying to show off!" Sakura pointed a finger at Naruto.  Annoyed that "There was nothing there in the first place."

"Please, Naruto." Kakashi begged.  He should have expected this behavior from what Jiraiya had told him.  "Don't use a kunai recklessly. They are really dangerous."

"Hey brat! Don’t be doing anything confusing!" Tazuna commented.  He was tired of this kid jumping into things so quickly.

Naruto continued to ignore everyone.  He wanted to be useful on a mission. He heard a noise once again. "Huh? I sensed a human presence there! No over there!" Naruto continued to look around and threw another Kunai towards the bushes. "There!"

Sakura had enough.  She was already scared enough, she did not Naruto too had to her anxiety. Sakura hurried over to Naruto annoyed. She did not need Naruto making things worse. 

Sasuke never seen her loose her cool before.  She always seemed calm and collective. Very sweet. He watched as Sakura punched Naruto over the head.  This was not the first time she has hit him.  A couple of days ago, he transformed into a naked girl and that did not go over well with Sakura.

"Stop it already." Sakura shrieked. “Stop this childish behavior.”

“Sakura-chan, you hit hard.” Naruto whined, not expecting Sakura to freak out like that.

“Stop trying to scare our client, you dumbass.”

Kakashi watched the kids as they bickered.  Naruto was right, someone was there, watching them.  Waiting to make his move when the time was right. 

"S-someone really is targeting us this whole time. You must believe me Sakura-chan" Naruto was on his knees, begging.  Sakura was about to hit him again.

"Knock it off!"  Kakashi ordered as he went to investigate where Naruto threw his Kunai last. He sighed when he saw the terrified white rabbit, that was completely out of place for this time of year.  Rabbits were normally white during the winter season. It was currently spring; this rabbit must have been raised in doors to be used as a decoy.

"Naruto! What have you done!" Sakura shrieked when she saw the white rabbit shaking with fear.

"I am sorry" Naruto picked up the snow rabbit, hugging it. "I didn't mean to…I am sorry, bunny."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. Of course, Naruto would mistake a rabbit for a human, but he could not help but shake off this feeling that someone else was here. “Kakashi, something doesn’t feel right, the rabbit.”

"Everyone, get down!"  Kakashi shouted. As a large blade came flying towards the bridge builder. 

Kakashi tackled to the ground, protecting the older man from harm. He hoped his team was able to dodge in time.  He looked over and saw Naurto had dodged in time.  He looked over to find Sasuke shielding Sakura with his body.  

“Sasuke-kun, I think it is safe.” Sakura blushed as she felt Sasuke’s body heat against her.

“Hn…” Sasuke rose to his feet and remained near Sakura.  He looked up and saw the large blade embedded itself into a tree.  A man appeared out of thin air, balancing on the small hilt of the sword. A tall man, noticeably muscular, with light grayish skin. His short spiky black hair blew in the wind.

His gaze met Kakashi, dark brown eyes with a killing intent. A sly smirk could be seen throwing the white bandages he has wrapped around the bottom half of his face was covering it, like a mask.

The shirtless man dressed in baggy pants with a striped pattern.  A pattern that was typically warm in Kirigakure.  His mimetic wrist-warmers extended up to his elbows, matching his legwarmers.

Kakashi rose to his feet, eyes narrowing as he looked at the man who just arrived "Well, well. If it isn't the Rogue Ninja of the Hidden Mist, Zabuaza Momochi."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the tweaks I made. I tried hard to not make it like canon. Some dialog is similar, but there are things that are different.

Chapter 10: Land of Waves: Water


Happy Cursed Legacy Update Day.

Welcome to part 2 of my take on the Land of Waves. I hope I changed enough, but besides that. I wanted to thank you for your support of this story. I truly appreciate it. It brings me joy reading your comments.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Kakashi of the Sharingan, I presume?” Zabuza head cocked towards the famous shinobi from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Never expected to come across the Copy Ninja, Kakashi Hatake, son of the White Fang of the Leaf.  No wonder the Demon Brothers failed.  They were against an opponent who was beyond the depth of their abilities.

Zabuza knew he had tread carefully. This man was lethal.  Kakashi was one of the few foreign shinobi who made it into Kirigakure Bingo Book, there was an extensive write up on him. The man who copied a thousand techniques. 

Zabuza eyes wandered towards the children with Kakashi, Genin, wondering how skilled they were. How much they took part in the battle with the Demon Brothers.  Gato never mentioned who was involved with defeating them.  He should not assume Kakashi defeated them alone. The Hidden Leaf grown some of the most dangerous shinobi.  It was the home to many powerful clans.

Kakashi eyes did not leave Zabuza.  Behind him he could sense Naruto’s excitement. The boy was far too eager to fight, leaning forward. Fiddling with a kunai in his weapons pouch, trying to keep himself busy.  From what he has learned from both Iruka and Jiraiya, Naruto was not one to think before he acts, not one to analyze the situation before jumping in. Quickly he put his arm out, stopping Naruto from running forward into a battle he was outmatched for. 

Kakashi’s thought to when he met with Jiraiya the morning Team 7 left for their mission. It was the main reason why he late. He did not make a detour to the memory stone like he normal. He stopped by Jiraiya apartment after Naruto left.  His former sensei teacher expressed concern about Naruto. Worried that the seals protecting the boy from the nine-tails were growing weak. 

“I need to watch Naruto closely on this mission.” Jiraiya eyed Kakashi.  “His seals, protecting him from the Nine-Tails influences are starting to grow weak.  I have tried to reinforce them, but they will not take.”

“I will keep an eye on him and report to you if I see a difference in his chakra.”  Kakashi began to wonder if Minato’s seals only lasted a certain amount of time. “I will let you know if he taps into the Nine-Tails chakra.”

“That is all I ask. If he does, I will not allow the village to restrict him like they have done to Kushina in the past. They made a mistake by only allowing her to venture in a certain radius of the village.  The Nine-Tails tried manipulating her, I do not want the same for Naruto.”

“You are in the way.” Kakashi warned, hoping they will listen to him for once. From their files, he knows all three of his Genin are a bit impulsive. “Get back you, guys.” Kakashi ordered.

“Why?” Naruto yelled as he glances at Kakashi with narrowed eyes.  Annoyed that he was blocking him from a fight. He contributed to the last one, but barely. Sasuke did way more than him with such finesse. Like he was already a seasoned shinobi. 

“Naruto, I know you want to prove worth to me, but this is not the right time or place for it.  He is a totally different level from the guys from the other day.”

“But…”  Naruto lowered his head, shoulders slumping. He heavily sighs feeling dissatisfied with not being able to contribute.

“Please listen to me, Naruto! I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Fine, but I don’t like it.” Naruto crossed his arms across his chest.

“If you are done” Zabuza pointed at Tazuna. “I am going to need you to hand over that man to me.” 

“Not a patient man, are you. Your opponent it’s me.” Kakashi hoped for the best in this battle. “Team 7 assume Manji battle formation. Protect Tazuna-san. Stay out of this fight, no matter what happens.  That is the type of teamwork I am going to need from you.” Kakashi placed his hand on his Hitaite slowly uncovered his left eye for the first time since they met him.  Revealing a crimson eye with three black comma like marks surrounding the pupil, the Sharingan. 

Team 7 jumped into formation, but that did not stop Sasuke from noticing the long scar that ran from the top of the eyelid to down over his cheek. Sasuke began to wonder if he received the scar the same days as Obito’s demise. The day his clansman gifted Kakashi with the Sharingan as he took his last breaths.

“To face the legendary Sharingan so early in our acquaintance. This is such a great an honor.” Zabuza let out a menacing laugh.

“Sharingan…” Naruto looked at Kakashi's crimson eyes, surprised to see their sensei with an ability only the Uchiha possessed.  Sasuke did not flinch at the revelation. Does he know Of course he would know. Sasuke is no idiot.  Naurto wondered if Sasuke was aware of Kakashi's Sharingan. A Kekkei Genkai was not something that could be taught. It was a bloodline limit, only inherited by those of specific clan. Kakashi was not of Sasuke’s kin. 

“What is the Sharingan?” Tazuna asked, wondering what was so special about this crimson eye everyone was going on about.

Sasuke sighed, knowing it was not wise to explain his families Dojutsu. He told Itachi he would be cautious during this mission. That he would not use the Sharingan, unless necessary. Word of him being outside of the village could not get back to Orochimaru.  He needed to choose his words careful. Sasuke believed the client had the right to know how powerful the Sharingan is. 

“Shinobi who have the Sharingan eye have mastered a form of ocular ninjutsu. It enables them to penetrate and see the reality behind any illusion or spell and to reflect the power the magics they penetrate back on those who cast them.”

Zabuza crouched down and studied the black-hair boy, wondering if he was a member of that Clan.  A powerful clan of Konoha, feared by many in the Shinobi world.  "Well said boy, but that is not all."

"I know that is not all." Sasuke snapped as he looked up at Zabuzu, "The eye can assess an opponent's techniques and duplicate them. The only abilities the eye cannot copy is Kekkei Genkai.”

The kid had to be an Uchiha. The air of confidence the boy gives off is like Shisui Uchiha but is a bit snarkier. Less polite. Wondered if his bark was bigger than his bite.  Zabuza could not wait to find out.

"When I was a member of the Anbu Black Ops in the Hidden Mist, information about you was in the Bingo Book I would carry around with me. Quite extensive the write up is on you. The shinobi who has copied over one thousand skills Kakashi the Copy Ninja, the friend killer."

Friend Killer? What does he mean by friend killer.  Sasuke looked at Kakashi. Wondering if he killed is Obito for the Sharingan eye. Was that why the elders hated Kakashi? If so, his father would have never allowed the man to keep the eye.

Sakura could not believe what she just heard about their sensei. It must be a lie. The man who reads trashy romance novels has copied thousands of techniques. The man who seemed bored and uninterested in everything around him.

"Let's end our conversation.  I am tired of giving your Genin a lesson on things they should have learned academy. There is no point in educating them further since they will die today.”

Tazuna's eyes widened at the declaration this shinobi made against his life.  The three children he had deemed as brats a few days ago surrounded him, taking out their weapon.

"But it seems like I am going to have to defeat you first Kakashi." Zabuzu kicked his foot against the tree, releasing his embed executioner blade from its trunk. The man vanished from sighed, using the mist as cover.

"There he is" Naruto spotted him, standing on top of water.

"He is standing on water?"  Sakura eyes widened.  This was the first time she has seen the technique used in person.  A technique that required precise chakra control to match.  I did not see him use hand signs…

"He vanished again." Naruto eyes widen as he looked around. Wondering where the man disappeared to as a thick haze slide over the landscape, blurring their surroundings, making the trees indistinguishable. The air felt cold, and dewy against their skin.  Looking all around, wondering when he would pop up.

"He will probably come for me first." Kakashi stated, hoping he could reassure his Genin that they were safe with him. That there was no need to worry.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, not believing he would go for Kakashi first. They were the main target, the weakest link. He looked over at Sakura, her breathing was rapid.  Her knuckles turning white from her grip on the Kunai.  She was terrified.  He does not blame her.  This man’s chakra was suffocating.

"Who is he?"  Sakura lowered her voice to a whispered. Unsure Kakashi had heard her.  She wanted to know who they were up against.

"Zabuza Momochi. He was a member of the Hidden Mist Anbu Black Ops and is known as the expert in the silent killing technique."

"S-silence…" Naruto voice trembled. Limbs shaking.

"Don’t let your guard down. Letting your guard down around him buys you a direct trip to heaven.  I haven't necessarily mastered every aspect of the Sharingan so all of you should stay on your toes." Kakashi warned.

The mist continued to get thicker than before. Colors begin to appear muted and washed out. A sense of mystery and uncertainty filled the atmosphere. "The mist is steadily getting thicker." Naruto stated.

"Stop stating the obvious Naruto!" Sasuke agitated by Naruto pointing out things that they can clearly see.

"The Land of the Waves is surround by the ocean. So, mist rises very easily." Tazuna explained.

"But this is not normal mist." Sasuke expressed as he thought he picked up moments in the mist but was unable to track it.  If he used his Sharingan, he would be able to see things more clearly.  But he continued to hold back.

 "Sensei…" Sakura cried out when the mist engulfed them. The patchy film that has different densities made it difficult to determine the distance between where they stood and Kakashi stood. Her hand began to shake.

There are eight targets.

"Wha-what was that?" Sakura questioned as sweat dripped down her face.

"Throat, spine column, lungs, liver. The jugular vein, the subclavian artery. Kidneys, heart. So many choices. What vital, vulnerable places shall I choose? Heh-heh."

Suffocating, the feeling Sasuke has been trying to keep at bay was surfacing. The lust for blood made it difficult for him to breathe. He felt like he was drowning, memories of that night began to resurface. He could almost taste Zabuza’s killing intent.

Panic. Sasuke felt nothing but panic.  He felt as if he was drawing attention to himself.  The thought of dying entered his mind. He was going to be killed by this man and be a disappointment to his clan.

Kakashi felt Sasuke's chakra spike, not surprised by this reaction. "Sasuke. Don’t worry. I'll protect you with my life. I will never let my comrades get killed."

"I wouldn’t bet on that." Zabuza appeared between the three Genin and his target Tazuna."Game over." Knocking the children on the ground, preparing himself to swing his blade, killing the bridge builder, but before he could make the kill. He felt a Kunai lodge in his back.

Kakashi has made his move, stabbing Zabuza. He watched water pour down his back. Water clone. Kakashi expected this. He had foreseen it. 

"Sensei, behind you." Naruto screeched as he pointed at Zabuza who appeared behind Kakashi.

"Die!" Zabuza swung his blade at Kakashi, slicing through the copy ninja, but Kakashi turned into water. He too used the clone technique.  Surprised he was able to copy him in this mist.  Zabuza felt cool metal of a kunai against his neck.  Kakashi was behind him.

"Don't move." Kakashi spoke in a dark voice. "It’s over"

Naruto stared at their sensei impressed, "AWESOME!"

Zabuzu laughed, "Heh, you this it is over.  You just don’t get it. It will take more to defeat me than mimicking me like an ape, a lot more!" Zabuza continued to laugh. "But I have to say, you are good. In that short time, you duplicated my water cone technique and by making your doppelganger say something you'd have said yourself.  You ensure all my attention would be focused on it while you yourself used the Kirigakure technique of hiding in the mist. Watching my every move.  Too bad for you I am not that easy to fool." Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi, the clone in front of Kakashi turned into water, crashing to the ground.

"I am not that easy to fool!" Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi, Kunai to his neck.

"That one was fake too" Naurto shouted, surprised.

Zabuzu swung the blade at Kakashi who quickly dodged.  Zabuza swung his sword behind him, lodged his weapon into the ground, swinging his leg sideways in a circular motion, kicking Kakashi in the side with the front of his leg.  Sending him flying towards the water.

"How stupid." Zabuza vanished from sight once again.

"Sensei!" Naruto shouted.

Sakura was shaking, I cannot believe Kakashi sensei got kicked away like that.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and knew Kakashi did not think something like this through. Zabuza was from the Hidden Mist. Escaping into the water was not the best decision against someone who specializes in water techniques.

Kakashi rose from the water, "This water, why is it so heavy."

"Hah! Gullible Fool" Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi. "Water Prison Jutsu."

"What!" Kakashi was frustrated with himself. Damn it! He made such a tactical error.  A spear of water appeared around him, trapping him.

"That prison is inescapable, your trapped." Zabuza stared at Kakashi. "I cannot allow you to run free, makes difficult for me to do much job. I will finish you off later. After I deal with the others."

A water clone manifested from the ground, Zabuza chuckled, "Little ninja wannabes trying so hard to fit in. You even try to wear the Hitaiate, but you are not a true ninja.  A true ninja is one who has crossed and recrossed the barrier between the lands of the living and the end."

Zabuza continued to mock the Genin "Clothes don’t make a shinobi, you need skills good enough to earn a listing in my Bingo Book of enemies before you deserve to be called a ninja.”

Narutos eyes widen when he vanished again.  Where could he be. Naruto looked back and forth. Hoping he would be able to prepare himself for an oncoming attack. 

Zabuza kicked Naruto in the stomach, sending him flying. His Hitaiate flew off his head. “Brat, you are nothing, but a child who is playing ninja.  A fool to believe you can do anything against me.”

Sasuke quickly moved in front of Sakura and their client, debating if he should activate his Sharingan.  To put up a fight he knows he would probably lose. He was confident in his abilities, but knew he was still lacking. Should he risk it.  Should he risk letting this man know he is an Uchiha.

"Everyone, listen! Take Tazuna-san and go! This is a fight you cannot win. If he wants to hold me in a water prison, he cannot leave this place.  If his water doppelganger gets more than a certain distance away from his real body, he loses control of it." "So, get out of here, now!"

Naruto pushed himself up, hand stinging from his injury from yesterday. I swear by the pain in my left hand! I will never run away again. I am not going to be the one who hangs in the back or freezes up. He slowly rose to his feet, painting. Tired of being seen as weak. Tired of being in other people’s shadows, especially Sasuke. He is Naruto Uzumaku, the future Hokage of the Hidden Leaf.  Naruto ran towards Zabuza

"Naruto, you fool, don’t try and play hero." Kakashi shouted as Naruto ran at Zabuza.

“Naruto, what are you thinking?" Sakura cried out as he ran towards Zabuza.  He was being reckless once again. Terrified that something bad was going to happen to him. Her heart was racing ready to explode. The last thing she wanted was her comrade die. This is why Kakashi was here. To make sure no one died.

“Hah! Imbecile.” Zabuza kicked the boy in the abdomen, sending him back a few feet.

Again, Naruto rose to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth. “I am not someone who will ever back down.  I have a new listing for your Bingo Book right here. A guy who is going to be the next Lord Hokage of the Hidden Leaf.”  Naurto tied his headband to his head, “Naruto Uzumaki, you remember that.” A sly smirk formed on his face as looked back towards Sasuke, "Sasuke listen up there is something I want to tell you."

Sasuke looked into Naruto's eyes.  "What is it?" Sasuke played along.  He knew that look.  "Hn, so it is time for some teamwork, right Naurto?"

A blushed formed on Sakura’s face. This was a side of Naruto she has never seen before.  An air of confidence she has never seen from him before. 

"Time for us to rock and roll." Naruto smirked. "Sakura-chan, keep Tazuna safe. Let Sasuke and I handle the rest."

"Right…" Sakura nodded, hoping his plan Naruto and Sasuke were concocting worked. She pulled out a Kunai and stood in front of Tazuna. Keeping her guard up.

"You seem very sure of yourself kid, but do you really think you stand a chance against me?" Zabuza had to hand it to these kids, they had guts.

Kakashi was growing frustrated.  He expected this behavior from Naurto, but never expected Sasuke to go along with it.  The boy who seemed to always search for approval was breaking rules.  "What is the matter with you? I told you to run. It’s over. It was over the second he caught." Kakashi sighed before continuing. "You have to do your duty. Keep that in mind. We are here to protect Tazuna-san."

Naruto cocked his head back looking at Tazuna, "Hey gramps." Even if he wasn’t too fond of the old man, he still wanted his approval on what they were about to do.  He was their client after all. 

Tazuna looked up and grinned. "I've had a real long life, and it would be wrong to let you four kids get yourselves killed for trying to save me. Let’s face the facts. The truth is I got us into this mess by lying. So, you go ahead. Give this fight all you got."

“Alright!" Naruto smirked brightly as he looked over at Sasuke, "Are you ready for this?” Naruto cheered.

“You bet.”

Zabuza was entertained by these children.  A menacing laugh filled the air. “Apparently you don’t care whether you live to get any older. I told you this is no game. You Konoha brats are privileged. You did not grow up in a war-stricken nations.  You have not seen what children are put through to graduate to become full-fledged shinobi. I however, seen mush death by the time I was your age, these hands were already dyed with my enemy’s blood.”

Kakashi eyes darted to the Zabuza, it was a story that was not in the Konoha curriculum, but many higher ranked shinobi know of this story. “The Demon Zabuza.”

“It would seem my reputation has preceded me.” Zabuza turned his head to look at Kakashi. “So, you’ve heard about out little graduation exercise.”

“Wh-what graduation exercise?” Naruto questioned wondering how it differed from Konoha.

“It is not something that is practiced anymore, but long ago, in the Village Hidden in the Mist, also known as the Village of the Bloody Mist.  The final step towards becoming a qualified Ninja was the most inhumanly difficult tests in the Great Shinobi Nation.  A test that needed to be reformed.”

“What kind of reform?” Sakura asked.  She now wanted to read up on the other Hidden Villages to learn more how they were run; it may be essential one day if she ever had to infiltrate another village.

“A killing spree among classmates.”  Zabuza smirked.

“That’s terrible.” Sakura surprised at such bloodshed.

Kakakai looked down, “Think of it. Comrades who have trained together, lived together, shared each other’s hope and dreams. Students who’d been friends, eating from the same dish, as undergrads they were divided into pairs who were forced to fight to the death. "Kakashi let out a sigh before continuing. “Ten years ago, the elders of Kiri were forced to enact a sweeping reform of their barbaric graduation ritual because of the appearance during the previous year of a human fiend who made the reform essential.”

“Without a moment’s hesitation a boy who hadn’t even qualified yet as a ninja butchered over a hundred members of that years graduating class.”

“Ah, yes, the good time.” Zabuza started to reminisce, “I used to have such fun.”

Before Naruto or Sasuke could react, Zabuza water clone punched Sasuke in the stomach, slamming him to the ground.  Catching them all off guard. “To slow.” Zabuza placed stomped his foot down on his stomach, watched the boy cough up blood. “Time to die.”

“Sasuke!” Sakura cried out. She wanted to run to him to make sure he was okay but knew she could not leave Tazuna behind.  Sasuke was strong. He would get through this.

Naruto knew he needed to act, needed to act fast. “Shadow clone jutsu.”  Thousands of Naruto appeared around Zabuza, dog piling him, giving Sasuke a chance to escape. The missing nin swung his sword, dispersing Naruto’s clones. He was thrown back, her quickly reached into his pack for shuriken tossing it at Sasuke.

Sasuke caught the shuriken and smirked.  He could sense Naruto in one of the two weapons.  So that is what Naruto go in mind.  Not something I would have expected.  He never thought of these things in the past.

“Demon Wind Shuriken, windmill of shadows.”  Sasuke used his chakra to launch himself into the air.  The shuriken flew passed Zabuza’s clone towards his true form.

Zabuza caught the shuriken with such ease. “At least this time you had the sense to zero in on my true form, but still an amateur move.”  His eyes widen when a second shuriken came in his direction.  He was not expecting this. Not having time to dodge he jumped up in the air, evading the oncoming attack. “Fool.”

“Hn” Sasuke smirked as when he heard a pop.  Naruto appeared where the shuriken once was and launched a Kunai towards Zabuza’s arm.  There was no way he could dodge this time unless he released Kakashi from his water prison.

“You brat!” Zabuza turned towards Naruto as he began to fall into the water, pissed.  The boy foiled his plan.  He immediately charged at Naruto, before he could do anything Kakashi appeared in front of the blonde, blocking the blade with his hand, blood streamed down Kakashi’s hand. “Shit!”

“Good job Naruto, Sasuke, your scheme was brilliant.” Kakashi smiled before his face harden once again. His gaze met Zabuza, “Just so you know the same spell will not work on me twice, your move.” Both men leaped away from each other, landing on the water on opposite sides forming hand signs.

Naruto gave Kakashi a cheeky grin, “You did teach us the importance of teamwork.  Also, those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum.”

Kakashi sighed, the one thing they took to heart was his statement about abandoning their comrades.

“Water Style! Water Dragon Missile.” They both cried, two water dragons emerged from the lake simultaneously, an explosion of water flooded the area, Sasuke reached out, catching Sakura's wrist, preventing her from floating away. He could not allow anything to happen to her.  He did not want Yamanaka’s wrath. He has seen the Yamanaka heiress in a bad mood before. It was not a pretty sightl. He released her once the water subsided. Sakura watched as she hurried towards their client. Checking him for injuries. His eyes darted back to Kakashi, impressed how he was able to see through Zabuza’s every move. It was like he was reading his thoughts.  Maybe he could ask Kakashi for advice on the Sharingan, maybe his will be able to give him insight that his brother and Shisui were unable to.

“You date mimic me like a parrot.” He shouted. He began to form the signs for his strongest jutsu but stopped short when he looked at Kakashi. His eyes had to be playing tricks on him.  Zabuza could have sworn he saw himself standing behind Kakashi.

"I see through everything.  You cannot hide anything from his eye." Kakakshi's eye never left Zabuza, "Water Style! Giant Waterfall."  A cyclone of water went towards Zabuza, the look of horror on the man’s face was surprising as his back slammed against a tree.

Naruto tried to brace himself.  The wave of water pushed him towards his teammates. He was a bit rattled. He was not the strongest swimmer, knew how, but was still terrible at it. He looked over at Zabuza who grunted.  The water pressure was overpowering. "uhn." Kakashi was perched on one of the many trees looking down at Zabuza who had the look of defeat on his face. "What, can you see the future." He gasped for air.

Kakashi pulled out a Kunai, “I foresee your death." He answered coldly. Before he could go in for the kill, two needles came flying into sight towards their ended target, embedding into Zabuza’s neck. The missing nin, instantly fell to the ground.

"Your prediction came true." A masked boy spoke.  He stood on tree opposite of Kakashi observing their every move.

Kakashi jumped down from the tree, landing next to Zabuza's body. He placed two figures against his neck, searching for a pulse, but found nothing. He is dead. Kakashi looked up at the boy who seemed a few years older than his team. "Your mask, it is familiar to me.  Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't you a shinobi hunter from the Village Hidden in the Mist?"

"I am..." The hunter nin bowed his head, "indeed a member of the elite tracking united from the Village Hidden in the Mist. It is our responsibility—and out art—to hunt down and deal with our rogues and outlaws. I hope you don’t mind that I interfered, but I wanted the satisfaction of pulling Zabuza out of his misery."

“I see, thank you for your assistance.”  Kakashi watched as Naruto ran forward, knowing he was not talking this well. That someone who was only a few years older than him was able to kill Zabuza so easily. Something the kids needed to learn.      

“What the hell is going on here. Who the hell are you!” Naruto yelled.

Kakashi rose to his feet. “Relax Naruto, he is not an enemy.”

“I know that. I just. Well, that is not want I want to ask. I am surprised he killed Zabuza so easily.  Zabuza clearly was not a push over, but he still got taken out boy a guy who is around my age, He took him out like he was nothing.  Do I suck or something?”

“Oh.” Kakashi sighed. That is what this is about. Naruto was trying to measure himself against someone who was much stronger than not only his Genin, but himself as well.  He placed a hand on top of Naruto’s head, “There are people out there who are the same age or much younger than you that will be stronger.  It is something that you will need to grow used to.”

The masked boy jumped down from the tree and appeared next to Zabuza’z corpse. “You’re battle is over for now and the remains must be disposed of.  I cannot allow secrets of our village to be given up to another village.” The boy brought his hand up to his face, “Well, I must be off.” He said as he disappeared in a whirlwind along with Zabuza’s body.

Sasuke blinked, staring at the spot that used to occupy Zabuza and the tracker nin.  There was something eating at the back of Sasuke’s mind that Zabuza was not dead. That he was still alive. Someone like him should not have taken down so easily. Hunter Ninja normally don’t wait to rid a body of village secrets.  Normal procedure is for the hunter nin to dispose the body on the spot. Sasuke did not want to come to this conclusion, but this masked boy had to be working with Zabuza, it would make sense with his choice of words. Your battle is over for now.

Sasuke’s train of thought was broken by Kakashi. “You three did well! I am very proud of you.” Kakashi smiled as he lowers his hitaiate to cover his left eye. “We still need to get Tazuna-san home.  Best to get there before sunset.” Kakashi turned from his students, he took a step, their sensei abruptly fell to the ground.

“Sensei.” The group cried as they rushed over to check on him. Sakura immediately dropped to her kneels, placing to fingers against his neck. Searching for his pulse. He had a one, it was rapid, but not irregular enough to warrant worry.  Kakashi did feel rather warm.  She was trying to think about what possible could be wrong with him. She read about it somewhere.  In a medical textbook she checked out months ago, wanting to learn more about medical ninjutsu, a skill not spoken much of.  A skill she though would be useful. She lifted his hand studying the wound, from her basic medical knowledge it was not deep enough to cause a fever.  It could only be one thing, chakra exhaustion. Sakura would have thought that someone with his caliber would not succumb to depletions.

“Do you know what is wrong with him?” Sasuke asked as he kneeled on Kakashi’s other side.  His gaze met Sakura wondering if she came to the same conclusion as him. She was an encyclopedia of information.

 “I think it is chakra depletion. He has all the signs of it.”

“We should get him to my house.” Tazuna spoke up as he looked down at the kids, “It is not too far from here.”

Sakura nodded and looked at Sasuke, “Sasuke-kun, will you help me carry him.” She watched him nod.  He started to lift one of Kakashi’s arms draping it over his shoulder.

“I can help Sasuke carry him, Sakura-chan.” Naruto protest, not wanting Sakura to carry Kakashi.  He believes it would be too much for her.

"It's fine, I can do it.  Sasuke-kun and I are the same height. It will be easier for use to carry sensei." She draped his right arm over his shoulder, “On the count of three. One. Two. Three.” Sakura and Sasuke lifted Kakashi up.

“Lead the way gramps.” Naruto grumbled. He hated being the shortest. One day he will be the tallest. 


They finally arrived in the Land of Waves but did not arrive unscratched.  Kakashi was currently unconscious from chakra depletion.  Their battle with the rouge ninja, Zabuza Momochi took a lot out of them.  The man was dead.  They did not need to worry too much unless Gato has more missing nin at his disposal.

"So, what do we do now?" Naruto whined. Boredom had taken over since they arrived in Tazuna’s home.  He missed the action of battle, hoping for some more soon.  He could not just sit around and do nothing.

“There isn’t much we can do” Sakura answered with her arms crossed.  She observed the two boys, raising an eyebrow. How could they not see what is wrong with Kakashi, “Am I the only one who paid attention at the academy?” Sakura questioned Naruto.

“Sasuke obviously paid attention, Mr. Rookie of the year.” Naruto sneered.

“Maybe if you didn’t fall asleep in class you would have been completing with me for Rookie of the year.” Sasuke crossed his arms, looking away from Naruto. He wished he had the luxury of falling asleep in class.  Just the thought of disappointing his father, irked him. If he was not perfect at everything, he, did it would reflect poorly on the Uchiha.

“I beat your ass during our spars.”  Naruto huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Muttering obscenities under his breathe.

“I still won three out of five times.” Sasuke smirked as he deliberately raised an eyebrow, taunting Naruto.

“Don’t act so smug, Sasuke, I can beat you in a fight anytime.” Jabbing his finger in Sasuke’s chest.

“Hn, I would like to see you try.” Sasuke smirked.

Sakura’s face tightens, aggravated by their constant bickering “Boys!”


"We have to wait for Kakashi sensei to wake up. Chakra depletion, it can take twenty-four to forty-eight hours for sensei to wake. We also do not know what his side effects are going to be.  He might not be able to engage in battle for some time. I give it a week since..." Sakura looked at Naruto and then Sasuke.  “Um…” Sakura treated her hand through her long hair. Unsure how she was going to bring up this topic of conversation.  As a civilian she is not privy to information about the clans. She has done some research, but she had to draw he own conclusions on certain topics like the Sharingan. 

“What is it?” Sasuke raised an eyebrow.  Sakura once again showcased one of her many nervous tics, running her hand through her pink hair.  They way she was looking at him, Sasuke began to assume that Sakura wanted to ask about the Sharingan but was holding back, not to offend him. Afraid he might about a negative reaction to her intuitive nature. 

He continued to observe Sakura.  She was wringing her hands together, probably overthinking. “I do not wish to speak of something about your clan Sasuke-kun. As a civilian I have no right to speak about topics I have no right to know about.”

This fear civilians have, talking about certain topics and clans is ridiculous. A rule probably set in place by Danzo.

“It's fine, you can speak your mind around me.  I will not say anything to my father. Not like he cares if people talk about my family. The only people who care about such gossip are the elders.” Sasuke’s expression softens, hoping it will give Sakura the confidence to speak her mind, not wanting Sakura to fear him.

Guilt, that is what Sakura felt right now. She felt guilty.  She was not unaware of the constant chatter of the Uchiha clan.  She took part in the discussion at times, but only with Ino.  Sakura has been interested in Sasuke since the Tanabata Festival six years ago. The kind boy who told her there is nothing wrong with her appearance.  That the people who thoughts so were idiots. To not let others get you down. How people only treated her that way because they were insecure about themselves.

“Kakashi is not an Uchiha? So, his Sharingan was implanted, right” Sakura saw Sasuke nod, “He doesn’t have the right genetics to sustain the Sharingan for a long period of time. I am assuming it would be different for you, a pureblooded Uchiha.” Sasuke nodded again, curious how Sakura learned of this information.  The Uchiha limited the number of details about their clans in books. “I read that, um, that you can trace your linage back to Izuna Uchiha.”

Sasuke expected this from Sakura. She was a bookworm. Her face was always in a book during free period at the academy. 

Sakura glanced at Naruto and Sasuke.  She has gotten their attention. Hoping she would not say something wrong to get her teammates not to like her. Sakura was used to people not liking her.  They did not like how she was able to befriend clan kids so easily. “Using the Sharingan it will not affect your chakra as much as it does with sensei’s body. The Sharingan effects his body differently. He is going to be more worn out and healing will take longer."

 “You are correct, but Uchiha can still experience chakra exhaustion from overuse our eyes. Younger members of the clan can struggle with it because our reserve have not grown to level that requires us to sustain the Sharingan for a long period of time. It takes extensive training.  As we train and grow with age so do our reserve.”

Naruto could not just sit there in silence.  He knew the Sharingan is special to the Uchiha.  Naruto spent years in the Uchiha compound and has heard gossip he knows he should not have heard.  Naruto knows some older members of the Uchiha clan are not fond of Kakashi. Doesn’t find him worth of Obito’s eye. Who the hell is Obito and why does Kakashi have his eye. It is illegal in Konoha to steal Dōjutsu.  If caught you would be executed.  

"How does he have the Sharingan if he is not of your clan Sasuke? Isn't that considered…" Naruto questioned.  He knew that Dōjutsu theft was something that happened, it is a punishable offense in Konoha.

"It is not Dōjutsu theft.  His Genin teammate was an Uchiha, and he died during the Third Great Shinobi War.  His teammate’s dying wish was to allow Kakashi to keep his Sharingan.   My father allowed it despite protest from the clan elders. You're right Sakura, it is going to take him longer to heal.   We need to come up with a plan."

"Well, there are multiple things we need to do.  We need to make sure Tazuna-san and his family remains safe. They are going to be the main target.  I don’t think he is working on the bridge again until tomorrow or the next day. He needs to rest from his journey. Someone needs to keep an eye on Kakashi to make sure his vitals don’t change, especially in the first forty-eight hours. I…”

“Sakura, you’re rambling.”

Sakura looked at Sasuke, blushing, “I do that when I am nervous, I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing.” He did not understand Sakura at all.  She always apologized for things out of her control.

“Yeah, Sakura-chan you don’t have to apologize. Your smart and pretty and…” Naruto knew he said something wrong when she shot him a glare. 

“And where does that get me? I am a civilian shinobi. Being smart and pretty is not enough. I do not have clan privileges or have the protection of one of the Sannin due to being the village jinchuriki and the son of the fourth Hokage.” Sakura covered her mouth when she realized what she just said.

“How…” Naruto was baffled about Sakura knowing about what he was. Who he was.  He wondered how long she knew the truth. 

“I’m sorry I know I was not supposed to say that. I am not even supposed to know that as a civilian.  Ino told me when we were younger that I am too smart for my own good. That I needed to keep quiet, or I would get in trouble with the wrong people.”

“You figured it out on your own?” Sasuke questioned. He continued to study Sakura. She was right she was too smart for her own good, but he did not see that as a bad thing.  He liked this side of a Sakura, but he did know the implications on knowing too much.  There are people in the village that could execute her for what she has said.

“Yeah, it was not too hard to figure out that Naruto is the villages jinchuriki.  He was born on the same day as the attack and is a spitting image of the fourth Hokage. I also know that Naruto is one of nine.”

“Sakura, that is enough…” Kakashi’s hoarse voice stopped Sakura’s rambling.

“Kakashi, your awake?” 

“Sensei, you’re okay!” Naruto looked at their teacher, crawling over to him.

Sakura looked down and sighed. She knew she spoke to much, “I’m sorry, Ino has warned me to be careful of my words. I should not have said anything. Please forgive me.”

Kakashi sighed and motioned Naruto to help him up. “Don’t worry Sakura, I am not going to tell anyone what you said.  You just need to be more cautious of your words. Naruto’s identity is a village secret. No one outside Konoha’s walls knows the truth.”

"I am sorry, I just…"  She lowered her head. She knew she disappointed him.

"It's okay Sakura. We will just have to work on you being cautious with your words.  There are many political implications that could happen, but you are not wrong about some things.  Children of civilians have a harder time then shinobi and clan children.  They must prove themselves and sometimes it is not enough.  I think you will be that change Sakura.”

Sakura blushes at Kakashi’s words. Tsunami, Tazuna’s 28-year-old daughter entered the room.   “Are you alright?”

“No, but I will be in about a week.”

“Take your time and rest.” Tazuna smiled.  “You took down your strongest foe yet.  We can probably relax for a while.”

“Hey sensei, there is something is bothering me about that mask kid.” Sakura looked at their sensei, “Shouldn’t his corpse not have been taken away like that, but dismembered or destroyed on the spot?”

Sasuke looked over towards Sakura with a smirk. He knew she would pick up on the same thing he has. 



Haku starred down at Zabuza’s body in the middle of the woods, not far from the confrontation with the leaf shinobi. He was surprised the white-haired man did not pick up on his act. An elite shinobi like him should know he was being deceitful.

He rolled out his supplies of, knives, saws, shears into the ground, sliding the shears out of his medical pouch. “First I will remove the wrappings around the mouth so the blood can drain,” Haku spoke to himself as he put the shears near Zabuza’s mouth, “and then…”

Zabuza caught his wrist, preventing Haku from cutting the wrappings away, “Enough!” He pulled the bandage away from his mouth, “I can do it myself.”

“Well now, look who is awake already.” Haku teased.

“You have the finesse of a butcher.”  Zabuza sat up, roughly pulling out the needles.

“Gently, please, Zabuza, sir, if you pull those out any which way, you will really kill yourself.” Haku warned. 

“How long are you going to keep that ghoulish mask on! Take it off!”

“Hold habits die hard and it was also useful. They thought I was an Anbu Black Ops of Kiri and if I did not intervene you would have died by their hands.” Haku said as he removed the mask.  He had very androgynous features, pale, and large brown eyes.

“You needn’t have targeted the vulnerable areas in the neck just to put me in a deathlike trance. Any number of other points in my body would have done!” Zabuza grumbled, “But you are such a sadistic little brat. Had to put on a show for those leaf shinobi.”

“Exactly!” Haku blushed at Zabuza’s assessment, “I can more precisely target the points and besides the neck is so much less muscular than the rest of the body I did not want to mar your perfect body sir. But of course, someone like you will recover much more quickly right. That will leave and ordinary target paralyzed and apparently dead for a week.”

“You are so innocent, smart, and pure. That is what I like about you.”

A blushed formed on Haku’s face. “Well, I am still a child.”  He rose to his feet, “The mist has lifted. Without use even noticing.”  Haku looked down at Zabuza, voice laced with concern, ‘Next time, will you be alright?

“Next time, I will be able to see tight through the Sharingan.”


It was nearly midnight when Sasuke found Sakura sitting outside, staring up at the moon casting an ethereal glow on the water surface.  He watched her gaze at the endless sky at the cascade of twinkling lights, wondering why she was still awake.  Naruto had already fallen asleep hours ago, exhausted from today’s events. He too was tired, his muscle hurt, the pain in his abdomen has yet to subside. A purplish bruise began to form where Zabuza slammed his foot into this stomach.

He would be sleeping if Sakura was not sitting on the docks of Tazuna’s home, alone. Even if she was feet away from where they slept, an uneasy feeling washed over him.  His thoughts wander back to their conformation with Zabuza. How easy I would have been for Zabuza to strike her down. How she does not have the privilege of being from a clan or have extra chakra from a biju. That she needs to work harder than everyone else to prove herself worth as a kunoichi. His concerned for his pink haired teammate was unexpected, but he has grown quite fond of her over a short period of time. This mission was probably an eyeopener to her.  To see what it really takes to be a shinobi. To face death for the first time. 

“You should get some rest Sakura; it has been a long day.”

“I will, I am not…tired” Sakura yawned, truth was, she was exhausted, but afraid to fall asleep. Every-time she tried to close her eyes. She would see Kakashi get trapped in the water prison, Naruto be knocked around like a rag doll by Zabuza, and Sasuke coughing up blood. Scared she was going to lose her team.  Disappointed in herself for not being able to participate in combat. She knew her teammates would be out of her league, but she would have thought they would have included her in their little plan, she was part of the team too. It was like they knew what to do by one simple look. She hates feeling inadequate “I thought it would be wise to keep watch. We cannot let our guard down even if Zabuza is indisposed for week. I am sure Gato has other men he can send to attack us. It is the least I could do.”

The dock creaked next to Sakura as Sasuke sat down next to her, he did not want to leave her out here by herself. He could tell by the tone in her voice that she felt left out. Like she was not part of the team. That she was a disappointment. He did not know how to make her feel like she was just as important as him and Naruto, but like most Uchiha men, Sasuke was terrible with his words. “Gato is probably unaware of what happened today.”

“Still better to be safe than sorry.” Sakura tried her hardest not to look at him.  She did not want him to see her in a vulnerable state.

“Sakura.”  He spoke softly, hoping if he showed his gentler side, she would eventually open up to him.

“What is it Sasuke-kun?” She asked as she continued to stare out at the water.

“It is okay to show weakness.  I know the shinobi rules state that we must never show any weakness, but some rules are meant to be broken.  They are only there as a set of guidelines, not law. We are more than just a tool for our village.  We are only human, and it is okay to not be okay.”

Sakura looked at Sasuke, surprised by his words. She did not expect him to be of a rule breaker.  Sasuke seemed to be a stickler for them during their time at the academy, what changed. Her face began to warm.  “Um, I will be okay. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. Just tired.”  Sasuke looked away from Sakura. “We should head to sleep.  Kakashi said we start training tomorrow.”

“I really wish he would give his body one more day to recover before we start training.” 

“Even if we protest, he will still insist no matter how much pain he is in.”  Sasuke met her gaze.

“Like what you are trying to do?” Sakura asked as she studied him. “Pretending you are okay when you are not. Lift your shirt.” Sakura ordered.

“What are you talking about, I’m fine.” Sasuke turned away from her.

“Earlier, when you and Naruto were driving your plan to free Kakashi sensei, you got hit hard, coughing up blood. Stop pretending that you are not hurt. You have been cautious with your movements since we have arrived here.”

Of course, she would notice.  She played dumb to get information out of their client.  Figuring out there was more to the boy in the mask that met their eye.  She was smart.  Sakura would notice him favorite one side over the other.

“Do you want me to check?”

“Hn, just be quick about it. I don’t want Naruto to make a big deal about it.” Sasuke lifted his shirt.

“He shouldn’t make a big deal about anything. If he does, I will kick his ass. Besides he was whining about his stomach hurting earlier and I don’t think it was from something he ate.” Sakura continue to ramble. “I asked him if he wanted me to check to see if he was okay.  He tried to protest, but I told him I would treat him to ramen when we got home, and he instantly caved.” Sakura smirked.

“He would do anything for free food.” Sasuke chuckled, but winced moments later.  It currently hurt to laugh.

A blush formed on Sakura’s face when she saw Sasuke’s toned stomach, well-built muscle from the rigorous training he does with his clansman.  He will probably grow more muscular when they reach puberty.  Get a hold of yourself l, Sakura. Don’t make things weird. She pressed her hand against his stomach, nothing felt out of the ordinary. “I don’t think you have internal bleeding or broken ribs, but please don’t try and strain it more than it already is.  I know how boys can be.”

“How can boys be, Sakura.” Sasuke felt her hand move from his abdomen. He dropped his shirt and stared into her jade eyes.

“Reckless, jumping into things before thinking.” Sakura got lost in Sasuke’s mesmerizing onyx eyes. “Um…”

“You were reckless too. Jumping in front of the client, but it was very brave of you, you did well Sakura.” He slowly rose to his feet, holding out his hand for her to take. “I am not leaving you out here alone, if you don’t come with me. I will carry you in.”

“I guess, I sat out here enough.” Sakura took Sasuke’s hand, allowing him to help her to her feet. “Thanks.”


Sakura watched as their sensei used crutches to get out of bed this morning, he struggled. She tried to argue with him, telling Kakashi it was too soon. That pushing himself to far will not elongate the healing process. She knows they only have a week to train, but they could’ve wait one more day, but he insisted that he would be fine.  How they did not have time to wait.

Kakashi lead his team to the middle of the woods. It was the perfect place to conduct this test. He needed to know their level of Chakra Control to be able to move forward with their training. To see what areas, they should focus on. “So, it is decided, the new training regimen begins today.”  Kakashi smiled as he studied his kids. 

“HELL YEAH!” Naruto cheered, as a wide grin formed on his face as he bounced from foot to foot.  There was a lightness in his chest just thinking about what they were about to learn from their elite Jonin instructor.

Were they going to learn their chakra nature?

Was he going to show them how he created that water dragon?

“Soooooo, what are you going to teach us?”  Naruto eyes had this bright-eyed look, as he eagerly awaited Kakashi’s response. Hoping to learn something advance.

"Ok, before we start, I want to talk to you about the shinobi ability, Chakra.” Kakashi hoped that all three of his students knew about this.  It is the basics, taught in the academy, but expression Naruto’s face said it all. 

“Ummm, well, I don’t remember much about that sensei.  I used to fall asleep a lot in class.  I trained every day with Jiraiya and I did not really have a bed time growing up so I used to sleep in class. Iruka sensei didn’t mind.”

“Seriously” Sakura looked over at Naruto with her arms crossed.  “Chakra is extremely important; you need chakra to perform jutsu’s proficiently without waring yourself out. Chakra is everywhere, some have less than others, but it surrounds us.”

Kakashi looked at their resinate bookworm, “Sakura, please explain.”

“You better pay attention because I am only explaining this once.”  Sakura shot a glare at Naruto. “I will make this as simple as possible.  Chakra is the energy a shinobi needs when performing a jutsu. That energy has two parts. The body energy and spiritual energy.  Body energy is part of your DNA, it is made up of the billions of cells in your body, while spiritual energy is gain through training and experiences. Both energies need to be combined when preforming jutsu. This is done through the process of performing seals with the hands.”

“Very good Sakura, a perfect explanation on how chakra works.  Iruka spoke very highly of you.” Kakashi smiled.

A smirk formed on Sasuke’s face when Sakura explained how chakra works. He knows that he is not using chakra as efficiently as he should. He gets worn out when he trains his fire techniques to hard.  “Even though we can already perform jutsu, for example, I ware out easily using the Fire style.  Could it be that I am overdoing it, right?”

“You are correct Sasuke.  As Sakura said earlier to release chakra means to bring out physical and spiritual energy and mixed them within your body. You guys are not using chakra effectively yet.” Kakashi looked towards Sasuke, “I am impressed with how well you do with the fire based jutsu’s Sasuke, but it still can ware someone out when they don’t know how to efficiently use their chakra. Learning how to control your chakra will help with your nature releases.  Once you three learn how to control your chakra, we can learn what your chakra nature is.”

“But I already know what my chakra nature is.” Sasuke placed a hand on his hip as he looked at Kakashi, “Uchiha chakra nature is always fire.”

“Even if your family is a custom to fire nature, that doesn’t mean fire is your chakra nature. It could possibly be your nature, but nothing is set in stone.  If it was easy for you to perform then you may have an aptitude to fire, but if it took you time to perfect, it is not your chakra nature.”

Sasuke looked at Kakashi and began to wonder if fire was not his chakra nature. He struggled with the fireball jutsu as a kid. It did not come easy to him.  He was always tired after practicing all day.  It took him a week to perfect it.”

“Perfecting your chakra control takes time. Even if you release high amount of chakra, it is unless if you can’t control it properly.  The jutus may be weakened or not work at all and by wasting energy, you will not last long in a fight.”

Naruto wondered if his chakra control was poor.  He did struggle a lot with performing basic jutsu. Wouldn’t Jiraiya tell him if he was making a mistake? “So, what should we do sensei, so we don’t waste our energy.”

“Through training you will learn how to control it.”

“What kind of training?’ Sakura inquired; she has an inkling about what this training may entail.  She has read quite a bit about chakra control and its importance.  There is a reason why Kakashi brought them into the woods.  Once of the best ways to learn how to control chakra is by climbing trees without the use of their hands.  She knew she needed to focus the correct amount of energy towards her feet.  Sakura knew the feet were one of the most difficult areas to focus chakra towards. 

“Hmm, tree climbing.” Kakashi smiled.

“How boring…”

“I assure you Naruto, this type of training is not boring.  This isn’t normally tree climbing.  You will climb without using your hands.” Kakashi put his hands together and focused his chakra to his feet. “Watch closel” Kakashi walked towards the tree, placing one foot against it, and then the other. He stuck to the surface of the tree, walking up it, without using his hands.

Naruto look at Kakashi in awe. “He is climbing vertically, with just his legs. That is so cool!”

“Do you understand now.  This is something you can do once you can use your chakra well. Once you mastered climbing tree’s you will need to learn to do the same on water.”  Kakashi threw three kunai towards them.  “Use these kunais to mark how high you make it up the tree.  Then use that mark as your goal and try and surpass it. I do not expect you to get this on the first time.  I want you to get some momentum and try climbing up the tree. Do you understand.”

“This training is nothing.  I can master this before lunch.”  Naruto boasted. 

“Why don’t you stop the bragging and pick a tree.  Hurry up and try and climb it.”  Kakashi sighed.

“HERE I GO!” Naruto cheered.

The three Genin ran towards the tree, hoping to be the first to accomplish their training on the first try.

Kakashi watched them closely, wondering who will be the first to figure it out. It was not going to be Naruto.  He was too impulsive.  Sasuke might be able to figure it out, but the boy might use to much chakra and overdo it.  He has seen Sasuke train before, and the kid tends to push himself to far because of the mindset that has been drilled into his head from his father.  That failure is no option. That you must push yourself to the brink of exhaustion until the technique is learned.  As for Sakura, the girl has the brain to figure it out, but her chakra pool might not be where it should be due to her civilian background.

Naruto fell to the ground instantly. “Ouch!”

Sasuke made his way halfway up the tree but used to much power, cracking the wood.  He marked his spot before flipping back, landing gracefully on his feet. I did not think this would be so hard. He looked over at Naruto and analyzed why they both failed.  Too much chakra and the wood cracks, but too little you don’t stick at all.  If I want climb to the top of the tree, I must meet in the middle. I need to focus the right amount…

“This was easy.” Sakura smiled as she sat on one of the highest branches of the tree she was climbing.

Kakashi smirked, seems like his assessment was correct.  Sakura was able to accomplish what the boys were unable to. However, he did not expect Sakura to figure this out on her first try. Maybe her second, but not her first. Kakashi was impressed how she was able to apply the concept perfectly to find the balance needed to climb trees. “Very good Sakura.” 

“You are so cool Sakura-chan.” Naruto smiled. I cannot believe I got beat out by a girl.  Sakura is beauty and brains.  I should have known.

Sasuke was impressed with Sakura, he would ask her for help, but knew he needed to figure this out on his own.  His brother told him that his comrades would not always be around to help him. 

“You are off to a good start. Keep practicing, you too Sakura. Doing it once is one thing, but continuing to utilize your chakra efficiently is also a challenge.”


When he got word that the Zabuza family and was bedridden from the battle he had with the leaf shinobi.  He needed to see with his own eyes if the rumors his men relayed were true.  Gato found it hard to believe a man like Zabuza was defeated by a bunch of brats and their sensei.

“I had to see for myself if the rumors were true.  I am surprised you have the nerve to show your face around here after taking a beating like that. Ninja from the Hidden Mist is extremely overrated.” Gato stood at the edge of Zabuza’s bed with his two bodyguards sanding behind him, Zouri and Waraji.

Zabuza did not answer the pathetic little man.  He was not worth his time or energy.

“You are a joke, Zabuza.  You can’t even avenge your men? And you call yourself a devil.”

Zabuza’s gaze darted towards Gato, still not answering his questions. He could not wait to kill the little man. Tired of his ridicule.

Haku rose to his feet, annoyed how this greedy man had the audacity to speak to them this way. Treat them as they are nothing. Killing him now would be so easy but he now that they need to Gato’s this money to have the fund to attempt a second coup d’état on the Mizukage.

Gato held out his hand preventing his men from shedding their swords. “Hold on for a second.” He slowly walked to the side of Zabuza’s bed.  He did not understand why he was not getting a response from Zabuza.  “There is no reason to stay silent.” Gato reached towards the wrappings that were around Zabuza’s mouth, “How about…”

Before he could touch the Mist Shinobi, the young boys working for Zabuza caught his wrist. “Don’t touch Zabuza with your dirty hands.” Haku trusted Gato’s wrist back.  

“Stop, I-it’s going to break.” The corrupt businessman cried out.

Zouri and Waraji sheathe their swords, but before they could attack, their blades were against their neck.  The did not even see the young boy move. No way! He moved in an instant.

“You should not do that. I am very angry right now.”  Haku threw their swords into the ground.

Gato gulped.  He did not expect a child to be this strong.  He was half the age of his men.  “One more time! I am giving one last change.  If you fail, you won’t be welcome back here anymore. Remember that. Let’s go!”

Once Gato and his bodyguards were gone and Haku took his place by his bedside once again, his grip loosened on the Kunai he kept by his side. “Haku, you didn’t have to do that. If we cause a commotion here, they will be after us again.  It is too early to kill Gato.”

“I know.” Haku looked down at Zabuza “But it is too early to take Gato down right now. If we cause trouble here, we will be pursued by them again. We must restrain ourselves for now.”

Kakashi dismissed her early today since she completed the training exercise and thought it would be best if Sakura headed to the bridge to keep an eye on their client.  Even if Zabuza was out of commission for a week like Kakashi an attack may still happen. The cool ocean breeze brushed against her face as she leaned against the railing of the bridge, observing the workers closely.  Things were moving along but slowly.  Sakura could tell they were working at half capacity.  Fear of being killed by Gato and his men created a negative work environment.

Sakura stretched her arms above her head, yawning.  She was a little annoyed.  Being placed on guard duty while the boys continued to train bothered her. She knew they still needed to work on their chakra control but felt like Kakashi would give the boys additional material to learn. Sakura knew they were stronger than her, that they could do more than her when it came to battle, but she too wanted to learn more.  Kakashi did promise her that he would teach her more about genjutsu when they returned to Konoha, it wasn’t enough for her.  If she wanted to be a competent shinobi, she might have to learn things on her own since she was not special. 

“You look a little bored over there all by yourself.” Tazuna inquired as he cared planks of lumber on his shoulder.  He studied the pink haired girl wondering where her teammates were.

“I am not bored…” Sakura lied. Sitting her watching them work, bored her.  Part of her wanted to help to pass the time, but doing so might distract her from her ability to sense an oncoming threat.

Tazuna did not believe the child.  He knew she would rather be with her team than guarding him. “Where is the pretty boy and the loud one. Shouldn’t they be here helping you protect me?” Tazuna inquired.

“They are still training.” 

“And what about you? Don’t you need to train too?”  Tazuna raised an eyebrow.  Why would Kakashi send the little girl instead of one of the boys to protect him.  She did not do much, in the past two fights. He wondered if he was safe enough with a little girl with pastel pink hair.

“Since I mastered what Kakashi sensei has taught us.  He asked me to protect you.” Sakura shrugged her shoulders.

“Really…” He found that hard to believe, but the girl seemed studious. 

A man with ashy brown hair walked over to Tazuna as he placed the piece of lumber down.

“Tazuna, do you have a moment?”

Tazuna turned towards the man and knew what was coming.  He has been losing men every day. The fear of dying became too much for some, especially those with young families. Giichi was an old friend who help him start his bridge building business. A man he would never have thought about leaving his team. “What is it, Giichi?”

“Well…” Giichi adverted his gaze from Tazuna, ashamed that he would be disappointing a man he looks up to. A man he has been working with for years. “This has been eating away at me. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about working on the bridge. Will you allow me to quit?”

“This is so sudden, Giichi. Not you too.” Tazuna raises his voice, he could not help but be frustrated.

Tensed Giichi knew he needed to be truthful with Tazuna. He sighed “Tazuna, we have been close friends for a long time now, since the old days. I really want to help you complete this bridge, but I fear if we push too far, Gato will set his sights on us.” He looked away again, “You will be killed if you continued to build this bridge. Why don’t you just stop building?”

Tazuna exhaled. There have already been multiple attempts on his life on his return to Wave Country and they will continue until the bridge is complete.  He could not give up. They were so close completion.  Having access to the mainland was important.  “That is not going to happen. This is our bridge. Tazuna continued “This is the bridge our town has built believing it would generate distribution and transportation for our poor country. It will bring in the resources we need to survive on our own. Without Gato’s influences.”

“But…” Giichi bit his lip, “if it kills us.”

Sakura watched the exchange.  She knew the importance of this bridge.  What it would do for Wave Country would be positive, but she does not blame Giichi for being fearful of his life.  Sakura wonders if Gato offered Tazuna’s any incentives to back out of the project.

“It is already noon.  Let’s stop for today.” Tazuna walked away from Giichi, “You don’t have to come anymore Giichi.”

Tazuna looked at Sakura as they walked through the village.  He wondered what the child thought of this town. He could see the sadness in her eyes, “I hope you don’t mind taking a detour.  My daughter asked me to pick up some groceries.”

Sakura nodded as she observed the villagers.  Homelessness.  Children starving.  How the people were being treated in Wave Country is awful. “Stop there.” Sakura heard a man cry out.  These people needed hope, the bridge symbolized hope.

“Here we are.” Tazuna spoke as the came to a stop outside of a store wrong. Outside sat a little girl holding a sign that read I will work for food. She hopes she was not selling her body for money. She hoped that little girl was not desperate enough to have horrible men have sex with her to feed her family.

Together they stepped into the grocery store. Sakura cannot believe how bare the shelves were.  The amount of food that was here would not be at the entire village.

Sakura was to focus on observing her surroundings, she did not take notice of the man who was standing behind her, until she felt a hand touch her backside.  Sakura swiftly swung a roundhouse kick at the man, knocking him to the floor. “Pervert.”

“No, that was not what I was trying to do.” The man said from the floor.  “You got it all wrong.”

Tazuna just finished paying for his items and witnessed the exchange.  He was impressed with the little girl, not expecting her to be able to hold her own.  He might have spoken too soon earlier. Thinking she was not capable of protecting him. Yes, she was a ninja, but was far too pretty to be one.  He watched the man run out of sight. “I am all set Sakura. Let’s head back.”


It was getting late. Sasuke and Naruto have been training for hours.  Sasuke was frustrated with himself not being able to master such an easy chakra exercise.  He wondered why his father, Shisui or Itachi did not teach him more about chakra control.  Of its importance. Was it another way of them testing him?  That chakra control was something he needed to learn on his own.

He looked at the mark on his tree and then the mark on Naruto’s he was catching up with him.  Sasuke knew Naruto asked Sakura for help earlier before Kakashi sent her to protect Tazuna.  He would have asked too, but he was too embarrassed. 

“Hey, Naruto, we should head back.” Sasuke spoke as Naruto was running towards the tree, tripping over his own feet.

“Sasuke, what the hell.” Naruto pouted as he jolted upright.  He gave Sasuke a dirty look looked, annoyed that he broke his concentration.  Naruto was sure he was going to get it this time, but thanks to Sasuke’s interruption, he wouldn’t know.

“Don’t give me that look. You need to learn how to work through distractions. This may be a chakra control exercise, but being able to stick to various surfaces will be useful in the field.” Sasuke crossed his arms.

“I am not dumb! I know this will be useful in the field.”  Naruto rose to his feet and looked towards his tree, “what is with breaking my concentration.”

“We should head back.  It is getting late, and we need to refuel.  We can always come out later and train more.”

“I am not hungry.” At that moment, Naruto’s stomach growled loudly.

“Not hungry,” Sasuke cocked and eyebrow. “Seems like your body doesn’t agree.”

“Shut up Sasuke!”


Birds chirped as they gathered outside Tazuna’s home. Today was the day that they would be one step closer in completing the bridge.  An attack was on the horizon. A week has gone by since they encountered Zabuza.  Soon the Demon of the Mist will reemerge from the deepest depths of the ocean. If he was planning to strike, today would be the day, the bridge was almost complete.

They were already running later than normal today. Wanting to give Naruto a chance to wake up from his rigorous training.  A firecracker was set off once Naruto learned the story of the death of Inari’s father.

“Please keep an eye on Naruto, Tsunami-san.  He will probably be asleep most of the day.”

“I will, you should run along.” Tsunami smiled before entering her home.  She had a feeling Naruto was not going to like being left behind.

“It does not feel right not to wake Naruto?” Sakura questioned as they started to make their way towards the bridge.

“Let him rest.  He over did yesterday.” Kakashi smiled, placing his hand in his pocket.  He could not shake off this feeling, something was going to happen today. “I want the two of you to be on your guard.”

“We will be, Kakashi.” Sasuke answered as he looked over at Sakura. She seemed a bit fidgety today. He wondered if she believed attack was going to happen.

An ominous feeling filled the air was they reached the bridge.  A metallic stench filled the air. A smell often associated with blood. Sasuke could not help but feel nauseated at the site of bodies of Tazuna’s construction crew scattered on the ground, blood smeared around them. He knew they were caught off guard, not expecting some manic to attack them.

“Wh-what the hell?” Sakura froze when she saw the men covered in blood, trying hide her fear, she could not help but feel uneasy. These men she watched building this bridge for days were attacked unexpectedly. Some may never return home to their loved ones. Others will be scarred for life.

Tazuna eyes widen in horror.  He hurried over to one of his men, kneeling next to him. “What happened.” Tazuna demanded as he supported the man’s torso as he lifts him into his lap, “Tell me what happen?” Tazuna already knew what happen.  The man they encountered weeks ago was the cause of this brutal attack.

“Tazuna-san…” Sakura hurried over to the man grabbing his wrist before the haze slide over the landscape, blurring the nearby structures, making it difficult to see.  He was here. She could feel the man’s lust of blood. Their backs were to each other. 

“Kakashi sensei, is this the Hiding in the Mist technique the man used on us before?”

“It is, keep on guard.” Kakashi rodered.

“Been a while Kakashi, and I see that you still have those brags tagging along with you.” Zabuza’s menacing laugh filled the air “Just like last time, it seems the little boy is trembling again.  Poor thing.” He was amused by the black-haired boy, but he was not amusing as the blonde that seemed to be missing today. He wanted to taunt them. 

A smirk formed on Sasuke’s face.  This man was a fool to believe that he feared him.  He was less terrifying than before, “Hn, I am shaking with eagerness for a rematch.” Sasuke confidently stated.

Kakashi smiled and wondered if Zabuza knew Sasuke’s identity. He would not be mocking the boy if he knew who he was.  Kakashi knew Sasuke was holding back.  The boy has yet to use his Sharingan once this entire mission, wondering if he was told not to use it by his clan. “Go ahead Sasuke.”

Sasuke was incredibly fast.  A speed he has yet to show anyone. He whirled around, slashing the clones with his kunai, returning to his original location moments later as the water splashed around him.  Sasuke moved with such grace and elegance. He made everything look so easy.

Zabuza stood quite a distance away with his partner, the mask boy.  He observed them closely. 

“Well, my water doppelgangers were obviously no match for you kid.  It seems like the brat has matured quite a bit into a worthy rival for Haku.” Zabuza should have expected this, it was clear as day as he watched the boy fight. He moved like those of that clan.  The symbol on the back of his shirt was a dead giveaway. This boy, Sasuke, is an Uchiha. 

“Indeed.”   The mask boy answered. They now had a name for the mysterious hunter nin.

“Looks like I was right about the masked boy being on the same league as Zabuza.” Sakura started at Haku.

“Smart girl.” Haku answered as he looked towards the dark-haired boy. He could not wait to play with the boy.

Kakashi looked over at Sakura, it seems like she came to the same conclusion as everyone else.  That the mask boy was working with Zabuzu.

“This one is mine…” Sasuke spoke in an authoritative tone as he glared at the masked boy, Haku. Sasuke was eager to test his skills against someone who was not family.  Against someone who would not hold back against him, “Like Sakura said, it was not difficult to figure out you were not an ally.  Only an idiot would believe you were on our side.”

“What gave it away?” Haku voice soften he was filled with wonder about this Sasuke.

“Taking the body with you when you should have disposed of it immediately was a mistake on your part.”  Sasuke answered, “Members of the black ops should be more tactful.”

“I see.” Haku should not underestimate this boy. Haku disappeared into the mist, preparing attack. Haka appeared in front of Sasuke, swiping at him, but was instantly deflected by the Kunai in Sasuke’s left hand. Haku tried to strike again, but Sasuke blocked him once again. 

"Sakura, stay close.  We must cover Tazuna-san.” Kakashi jumped to Tazuna’s left side. “Let Sasuke handle Haku. I know you want to help, but our client’s safety is of great importance.”

Haku weaved hand signs with one hand.  Water began to rise around Sasuke, water droplets in the shape of needles pointed at Sasuke. The water propelled towards Sasuke; he was able to pick up on their speed.  He focused his chakra to his feet, launching himself into the air.  Having the high ground was important, as Shuriken rain down on Haku, who was having a difficult time dodging him.

Sasuke appeared behind the mask boy, eyes glowing a crimson, with two kunai in hand. Sasuke attacked once again. Haku manage to block the first attack but made a tactical error when he tried to dodge the second.  He did not take notice of Sasuke’s eyes.  Sasuke’s kick successful landed at its intended target, Haku’s abdomen, sending the boy flying towards Zabuza.

“I am not someone you should underestimate.”  Sasuke spoke coldly.

Zabuza laughs as he studied Sasuke’s. He surprised at the boy’s speed, being able to keep up with Haku impressed him. That is when he saw it, the flash of crimson. Zabuza finally had confirmation.  His appears fits the bill.  Dark hair, onyx eyes, and fair skin. Those cursed eyes were staring coldly at Haku. “You need to be very careful of this one Haku.  He is of the Uchiha clan.  His skilled with the body flicker are almost on par with Shisui Uchiha.”

“So, you know of the Uchiha?”

“Of course, I do, the world knows of your cursed clan.” Zabuza laughed. “Haku, I hope you understand that if this battle goes on, you could end up dying at the very hands of the person you sought so hard to spare.”

“Yes, Zabuza, I know. Such a pity.”  The temperature in the air because to drop, growing colder as each moment past.  Haku began to weave signs, again. “Ice Crystal Magic Mirror Jutsu.”

The water surrounding Sasuke rose from the ground, but this time, instead of needles, the water took the shape of rectangles that slowly froze over, creating mirrors of ice. Sasuke looked around and noticed he was trapped.  That there was no escape.  That this fight had turned into a fight to the death.



Have you been able to pick up on my pattern when it comes to the titles of these Chapters? First it was Mist. Now Water. What do you think will be the third?

Chapter 11: Land of Waves: Ice


Happy Cursed Legacy Update Day!

This chapter is a little later than expected, but I completed it and I hope you enjoy the conclusion of the Land of Wave's arc.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone for their support. I cannot believe that next chapter this story will reach 100,000 words. I am surprised how much I am able to write. I will also like for all your comments and the kudos you have left. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sasuke exhaled, noticing the condensation from his breath, as sweat dripped down his temple. The temperature was much cooler than before. Could Shinobi control the weather? Sasuke wondered as he pulled a senbon out of his shoulder, his blood splattering on the ground in front of him, surprised Haku managed to get a hit. Sasuke thought his speed was decent, not as fast as Shisui, but he still had the ability to fade in and out of sight. Sasuke clicked his tough against his teeth, frustrated at himself. It should not be this difficult to figure out the mechanics of Haku’s ability. He knew Haku was not utilizing the body flicker. Sasuke knows that skill inside an out.

Did his ability have to do with combining water and wind nature transformation to create ice have something to do with his speed?

No, it is not that.

It is something else.

Something that I am not seeing.

Sasuke’s eyes were unable to pick up on his movements, slowing him down was impossible.  The Sharingan should be able to read these maneuvers. Something about this technique blocked him from copying it. He was annoyed and angry that he allowed himself to be so arrogant, thinking this fight would be easy. His pride got the best of him.

Haku’s speed was far greater than before. Outside the dome of ice Sasuke was able to easily knock the Mist shinobi off balance without his Sharingan.

Why was he struggling now?

“You should not rip those needles out so roughly, Sasuke Uchiha.” Haku warned as his reflection appeared on all the mirrors. “The body is very delicate, pulling them out with such force will only kill you faster.”  He was trying his best to not kill Sasuke. He only wanted to put the boy in a death-like state, but the Uchiha was making it impossible. He might just have to kill the boy her was trying to spare.

Sasuke ignored Haku’s comment. He did not need Haku to tell him something he already knew. There had to be another course of action. What countered ice, fire. Fire was usually a foil for ice. Sasuke began to weave hand signs, but before he could complete the jutsu, hundreds of senbon rained down on him, one again he was unable to dodge. His scream pierced the air.

“You are trying to figure out why my speed has increased.” Haku questioned, studying Sasuke. The boy was slowly detecting his moves. He knew the Uchiha were intelligent even without the Sharingan, soon he would be unable to continue at this speed. It used up too much chakra. He needed to end this quickly.

“…” Sasuke looked up at Haku, smudging the blood off his face. Sasuke did not answer. He did not want to give Haku the satisfaction that he had underestimated his speed. The mirrors had to be the key to this technique, for Haku to come at him from so many directions, it gave the appearance that there were multiple of him, its reality there was only one. Haku did not have the ability to use the shadow clone technique. It was a jutsu created by Tobirama Senju, a forbidden one. Only known by high-ranked Konoha shinobi.

Haku stared into Sasuke’s crimson eyes as his reflection surrounded him once again “You may be fast Sasuke Uchiha, but you will not be able to keep up with my speed any longer. My speed is greater, and you will die, by my hands. I was willing to spare you, but circumstances have changed.”

Sasuke wondered what he was talking about. What circumstances? Did it have to do something with Zabuza?

“You are lucky to not have grown up in the Land of Water, Sasuke Uchiha. You would have been persecuted against for having those eyes. Those who possessed a Kekkei Genkai, treated like scum.” Haku looked towards Sasuke. He had heard stories of the Uchiha. How the clan is cursed, but not hunted like those in the small village he grew up on. “The leaders of my village saw a Kekkei Genkai as a curse, we were hunted and killed because of fear. People were afraid that our abilities would bring forth another war, they felt so threatened they execute people with special abilities.”

Finally, it clicked. He should have figured it out when he could not copy Haku’s technique. The reason he was having difficulty detecting his speed was that these mirrors were Haku’s Kekkei Genkai.

“It seems like you finally figured it out.” Haku’s smile grew under his mask.


“I am so angry!” Naruto mumbled to himself as he headed towards the bridge after saving Inari and Tsunami from Gato's henchmen. They could have shaken him awake this morning; he would not complained, but he knew if he did not sleep in, Inari and Tsunami could have died. He would not be able to forgive himself if anything happens them.

Tazuna’s family has treated them so well, and he did not want anything to break that family more. They have already lost so much. Gato will pay for tormenting these people. It was time for his reign to end.

He jumped from tree to tree, hoping he would get to the bridge in time. Naruto knew they were in mist of a battle, annoyed that he was missing the action. He wanted to evaluate his skills. To see how much he has improved with all the training he has been doing for the past week.

“You can handle things here, right?” Naruto asked Inari.

“You bet I can, Naruto!” Inari cheered.

“Great, it is time for you and your village to fight back. Gather help and head to the bridge.”

Hoping Inari would be able to gather enough help to fight. Naruto had heard from Tazuna and Sakura about the fear of those in this village. Scared to fight back fearing that they would lose their lives if the stood up against Gato. They saw Gato execute Kaiza in front of the whole village for trying to prevent the spinless bastard from taking over the village. This was their village; it was time that they claimed what belonged to them.

Naruto landed on a tree miles away from the bridge. His eyes widened when he saw bridge covered in a hazy whiteness and curls of smoky air that was obscuring the view of the bridge. Zabuza had already made his move. Naruto needed to keep out of sight and observe before he makes his entrance. He was going to be the hero of the story.


Trapped, his student was trapped in an ice prison, a battle to the death. Memories came flowing back to the forefront of his mind, like waves crashing on the shore during a storm. His body was in the present, but his mind was stuck in the past. Remembering the day his comrade died because he was to focus on being by the book. Not breaking the rules, like his father has done resulting a huge lost for Konoha. Kakashi’s biggest fear was being vilified by the village, if abandoned a mission and his duties to save his comrades. The result of his father’s suicide hardened him. It made him believe that rule breaking was a disgrace. Kakashi became determined not to make the same mistake, he strictly began to adhere to every rule and regulations, to differentiate himself from his father, he locked away his emotions and refused to create bonds with his classmates, seeing them as a weakness.

That day on the Kannabi Bridge in Kusagkura still haunted him. It was the day that changed him forever.

Team Minato had split up. Kakashi, Obito, and Rin we’re running through the bamboo forest. Surrounded by the enemy. Spears of bamboo shot in their direction, making it difficult to evaded.

“Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!” Oboto infused his chakra between his chest and his mouth. He released his chakra forming a large ball of fire, burning away the spears. For once, he was protecting his ream from harm.

The Kusa shinobi jumped out of the water, his kunai clashing against Kakashi’s sword. Obito was to focus on watching Kakashi in awe, he was not paying attention to his surrounds, to Rin.

Rin’s scream filled the air. Kakashi and Obito froze looked at the Kusa shinobi who held Rin’s unconscious form in his arms. “We are taking this one.” 

“Damn it!” Obito ran in the direction the Kusa shinobi took Rin, hoping he would get to her before they got to far.

“Obito, don’t go after them.” Kakashi ordered, stopping the Uchiha in his tracks.

“Do you realize what you just said. What you are asking me to do.” Obito shouted, “This is Rin, Kakashi, how can you ask me to abandon her.”

“Rin comes later.” Kakashi stared at Obito. It was no secret that Obito was in love with Rin and would do anything to protect her. He was not surprised the Uchiha was behaving like this. They are a clan ruled by their emotions, by love. “They will not kill her right away. They will try to extract information from her, but she is trained not to reveal our plans. We are trained to evade questioning. Rin has time.” Kakashi wondered if Obito read the details of the mission. How It was important cut off Kusa and Iwa’s supply line. This was detrimental to win the war. “The problem is if the enemy learns about our strategy, they’ll immediately increase the security on the bridge.”

Obito pointed at Kakashi, annoyed by his dismissive behavior towards Rin, the girl who was in love with him. The girl who was the glue who kept them together. How could he be so heartless. “What if those guys just now are just lackeys who know nothing of what is going on. Right now, saving Rin takes priority over the mission.”

“If we fail the mission, it is possible that the war will be prolong and many more lives will be sacrificed. Rin knows her duty. She knows what is important, winning this war.” Kakashi knew there was no point in reasoning with Obito, he was stuck in his ways. “You will never become a Jonin if you continue to act this way.”

Obito’s fist made contact with kakashi’s cheek knocking the white-haired shinobi on to the forest ground. “I don’t care if I become a Jonin.  I care about Rin. I thought you did too. I cannot believe I looked up to a person like you. I tried so hard to be your friend, but I don’t like you after all!” 

“I don’t care. You do not need like me. I am the captain! You will obey me.” Kakashi groaned as he rose to his feet.

“Then why won’t you try and save Rin?” Obito grabbed Kakashi by his brown leather straps, shaking the white-haired teenage. “As a captain you are strong. Strong enough to save your comrades, right? Rin was concerned about your well-being. That is why she gave you that med kit. She even sewed a protective amulet inside it!”

“But I told you yesterday that getting something useless would only get in the way. To carry out this mission, useful tools are essential to a ninja. Something like emotions are useless.”

“Do you seriously believe that?” Obito

“Yeah…I do…” Kakashi spoke dryly.

“You and I have been like water and oil from the start. I am going to rescue Rin! I don’t care if I become a disgrace to the village.” Obito released Kakashi. “The White Fang was a true hero. He was right, those who break the rules and regulations are regarded as scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum. I would rather be seen as scum than some hero who lets their friends die.”

Kakashi walked away from Obito contemplating what he needed to do. In the end he decided to help Obito to save Rin.

If he decided sooner, things would be different. Obito would still be alive if he had only listened. Would Rin, Minato, and Kushina have also survived if he only decided to live by his father’s rules sooner.

After that day, Kakashi devoted himself to teamwork.

Sasuke's scream filled the air, bringing him back to the present. He had to remain in the here and now to protect not only their client, but Sakura as well. The pink-haired kunoichi reminded him of Rin. The similarities were uncanny. She exhibited kindness and compassion to those who did not deserve it. Sakura is of a civilian family, not knowing the harshness of what it takes to be a shinobi. He would do anything to protect Sakura’s innocence. The only member of Team 7 who still had faith in humanity. Sasuke lost his innocence at eight when Orochimaru tried to kidnap him, and Naruto lost the moment he was born. The village vilifies and ridicules the boy for things he had no control over when Jiraiya is not around.

He felt useless, knowing he could not do anything to protect his student. He trusted in Sasuke's abilities to be able to counter Haku, the young Uchiha was skilled enough to fight an opponent who had superior skills. The Uchiha are known for their ability to adapt to battle.

His eyes darted to Sakura. He could sense her fear, it radiated off her. He could see the panic flared in Sakura’s emerald eyes as her legs wobbled. He does not blame her for being anxious not just for herself, but everyone involved.

“Sakura, you do not need to worry.” Kakashi tried to reassure her. “Sasuke is capable, and I will do everything to protect you.” Kakashi knew his words could only do so much. It was quiet obvious Sakura had a crush on Sasuke, even if she hid it well, Kakashi knew the signs. Sakura behaved like Rin used to behave around him. He wondered if the feelings were mutual. The way Sasuke would go out of his way to protect Sakura was not normal, but they will cross that bridge when the time comes. Protecting their client was their priority.

Kakashi knew lying to Sakura was not wise. The kunoichi has been able to detect deception easily. She knew something was off when they first encountered Haku. To notice things going amidst. He knew genjutsu would fit Sakura’s skill set but teaching her how to detect individual chakras signatures might also be a good idea.

He looked back at Sakura, who was protecting the client and then at dome of ice mirrors surrounded Sasuke. This ability was a technique he has never seen it before, and he has seen thousands. That is when it occurred to him, Sasuke was battling a Kekkei Genkai.

He needed to do be quick in his feet. He needed to get Sasuke out of a dangerous situation. The boy has already revealed his Sharingan to the enemy. The cursed eyes that he has been holding back since they set forth on this mission. A child who had a target on his back since birth. That man was still out there. Kakashi knew his desire for the boy grew as each day past.

He was advised not to use the Sharingan.

That had to be the answer. Kakashi’s eyes went towards the Ice Dome once again. Catching a glimpse of that was going on. To see Sasuke on his knee covered in senbon. He needed to get to Sasuke, fast.

“What are you trying to do?” Zabuza questioned as he blocked Kakashi’s path.

Damn it.

Kakashi had no choice, but to let Sasuke handle Haku on his own. It is not because Zabuza intercept him before he could aid Sasuke in his battle.

“Kakashi, don’t forget I am your enemy.” Zabuza spoke as he eyed up Kakashi. He could not want to get his hands dirty, to have Kakashi’s blood on his hand. To collect the sum of money on Kakashi’s head would help fund his second attempt on the coup. “Our children can play together, too bad the little Uchiha is going to die.”

“Don’t underestimate Sasuke, he is the most skilled shinobi of his age group.” Kakashi warned.

“I know he is skilled, Kakashi, but Haku…”

Kakashi and Zabuza turned towards Sakura, surprised by her action. What does she think she is doing?

Sakura focused her chakra to her feet, launching herself into the air. She tossed her kunai as hard as she could at one of the mirrors. Hoping her attack would cause damage, cracking the mirror might slow Haku’s attacks down. If it was impossible to penetrate from the inside, then the outside of the ice dome must be its weakness.

Sasuke pushed himself up from the ground and wondered what Sakura was doing. She should not be getting too close. Why would she put herself in harm’s way? His eyes widened when he realized that she was testing out a theory.  Attacking from the outside was the key to defeating Haku. Sasuke watched as Sakura’s kunai never met its target, Haku had popped out of the mirror, catching the weapon between his fingers.

“Damn it, he caught it.” Sakura looked up at Haku, annoyed that she was unable to help Sasuke. She could not do anything. Why was she so useless?

“You missed,” Haku’s eyes darted towards the little girl, surprised she was able to figure out the weakness in his ability. He continued to stare at her, letting down his guard for a moment, not expecting a shuriken to come out of nowhere almost slicing his neck off. He was forced out of his mirror to dodge the attack.

Kakashi and Zabuza turned in surprised by the sudden explosions. Kakashi watched the smoke clear to see Naruto standing there, arms crossed with a goofy grin on his face.

A smirked formed on Sasuke’s face as he whipped his blood off his face, he was covered in multiple cuts from the many attacks he had endured. It was about time his idiot best friend showed up. Naruto was always one for the theatrics. Always having to make a grand entrance.

“Naruto!” Sakura cheered. She was happy to her other teammate had finally arrived. She knew he would not be able to stay away from the action for too long.

“Naruto Uzumaki at your service.” The blond-haired ninja announced in a boisterous voice. “Here I am to save the say. You know how the story goes. Thinks look bleak until the hero arrives and then BOOM! BOOM! POW! Bye-bye bad guys!” 

“Ahh, the other brat has arrived, I was wondering why he was missing.”  Zabuza chuckled to himself.

Kakashi stared at his loud blonde student. He could not believe Naruto’s lack of tack. He cannot believe this idiot student made such a flashy entrance. There was no point if you do not catch the enemy off guard.

Zabuza observed Haku who was knocked out of the mirror by Naruto’s shuriken. He wondered what the boy was up to. He has not made a move since the annoying blonde Naruto Uzumaki arrived. A boy he knew Haku has grown fond of. That day in the forest, he watched Haku from afar and watched as his tool did not kill the sleeping boy in the woods.

“What are you doing early in the morning in a place like this?”


Why are you training?

I want to get stronger!

Naruto was growing tired of this stare down “All right! Here go shadow clone jutsu…”

Zabuza smirked. The blonde was very amusing, but he was not going to allow him to use that ability against Haku. He leaned back, chucking several shuriken towards the loudmouth to his surprise they were knocked aside by Haku’s senbon.

“He is safe…” Sakura placed a hand over her chest. She was surprised by the mysterious boy’s action. Why did he protect Naruto? “Hey Naruto, what the hell are you doing! Don’t put yourself in danger like that you idiot.  You need to be more deceptive. Even if you are casting one jutsu you need to avoid the eyes of our enemy to catch them off guard. To outsmart them.”

Kakashi looked at Sakura, she knew what Naruto’s weakness was. The boy liked to be flashy, it was expected with who raise him thus far. Jiraiya’s was eccentric. He has heard stories from Lord Third about Jiraiya’s time as his student. How loud and energetic he was. A trait he never grew out of and passed down to Naruto. A trait that Kakashi would eventually have to fix.

“Haku, what are you thinking?” Zabuza asked, surprises by Haku’s strange behavior. He wondered why he was protecting the boy. Did he see something in this Naruto?

“Zabuza sir, leave this kid to me” Haku spoke in a gentle voice as he rose to his feet. Please let me fight in my own way.”

“So, you don’t want me to interfere Haku?” “You are as naïve as ever.”

“I am sorry!” Haku bowed his head.

Sasuke started at Haku, Naïve? Sasuke looked down at his wounds, judging by how Haku has been attacking thus far. He has yet to target any vitals. Sasuke believes that Zabuza’s words were true about the masked boy. He was naïve. He was not trying to kill him, just paralyze him temporarily. He even warned him earlier that if he was not careful with pulling out the senbon, he could kill himself.

“If that is the case, I will take you out first!” Naruto declared as he pointed at the masked boy.

Kakashi stared at Naruto, if Sasuke was having difficulty with Haku, Naruto did not stand a chance. Naruto was skilled, but his abilities were not at the same level as Sasuke. Kakashi was about to step forward and help, but Zabuza blocked his path.

“Hold it, don’t get any bright ideas, Kakashi. If you move, you know what happens to that old man and your pretty little Kunoichi.”

Kakashi eye’s narrowed. He knew he was in a tight spot. He had no other choice to let Naruto and Sasuke handle Haku.

“How about we just let the young ones fight against each other.”

Naruto pointed at Haku. “That mask! You just were pretending to be on our side. You were Zabuza’s comrade this whole time weren’t you. You got some nerve deceiving us.”

Sakura could not believe Naruto was just figuring this out now. The boy was a red flag from the moment he took away Zabuza’s body. She needed to give him some lessons about the shinobi ranks when they finally returned to the village.

“I am sorry!” Haku bowed his head “But your female team also said it didn’t she. Things like deceiving people and catching them off guard is a Shinobi’s duty. Please don’t take it personally, Naruto-kun.”

Sasuke must do something. The masked boy Haku was distracted by his conversation with Naruto. This was the perfect opportunity to attack, he pulled out a kunai, throwing it at Haku’s head who immediately dodged.

“I haven’t forgotten about you, Sasuke Uchiha.” Haku turned towards Sasuke, “I would have rather you had gone down quietly. But it looks like it will not work that way. Fine then! I will put an end to it first!”

Haku walked towards the ice mirror, pausing, and looked towards the blonde shinobi. “Naruto-kun, I will deal with you later.” He once again entered the ice mirror.

“This is it!” Sasuke stared at Haku with his crimson eyes. He was going to pinpoint the real one this time. Before he could think of his next strategy, hundreds of senbon rained down on him. Sasuke collapsed to the ground once more. He grabbed his head, screaming in pain. Sasuke does not know how much longer he could go on like this.

Naruto could not believe his eyes. Sasuke was not one to be beaten up so easily. He can take down kids twice his size. What kind of technique is this Haku using?

Sasuke gripped into his shoulder. He would be able to detect his speed eventually, but how. Then it clicked. How could he have forgotten. Haku quickly intercepted Sakura’s Kunai. The outside of the dome was the weak point, if he and Naruto simultaneously attacked from the inside and outside, he may be able to figure out his speed.

“Hey Sasuke, I am here…” Naruto paused when he noticed Sasuke’s eyes, crimson. “What the hell, you jerk, since when do you have the Sharingan.” Naruto glared at Sasuke “That is something you tell your best friend you asshole.”

“Idiot, why are you in here.” Sasuke could not believe Naruto snuck up on him, a skill that should have been used on the enemy, not him. He should have remained outside of the ice dome.

“To help you! Why do you think I am here you ass!”

“You are such an idiot! We are both trapped in here now. Our best strategy was to attack Haku from both sides.”

“Well, how was I supposed to know that, Sasuke! You were getting your ass kick and I thought I would come here and help. So, now that I am here. What are we up against?” Naruto questioned as he looked towards the mask boy.

“It is a Kekkei Genkai. This technique gives him the ability to move at a speed greater than my own, moving from mirror to mirror to attack. I have been trying to figure out his attack pattern yet.”

“Maybe I can help with that Sasuke.” Naruto looked at his best friend with a smirk forming on his lips.

Sasuke knew that look. Naruto wanted to use his shadow clones.

“What!” Gato slammed his hand down on his oak desk as he glared at Zouri and Waraji, his two most trusted companions, failed. Losing to a child. “How could you fail at such an easy task. My spies have told me the leaf shinobi left with the bridge builder.”

“The blonde kid is stronger than he looks. We also did not expect him to still be there. We thought the shinobi went to the bridge with the bridge builder.”

“He is just a child! A student, not some elite shinobi.”

“The boy who follows Zabuza around like a puppy is also a child and he was able to defeat us. He is a ninja someone we should not underestimate.”

Zouri had a point, but leaf shinobi were fodders according to that man he recently became acquaintances with. The man had shared his file about the copying ninja and the three children who were with him. A man who was interested in the child with black hair. From the file, he read, the kid would be very profitable, from the main family of one of the founding clans of Konoha.

“What is our next course of action, sir?”

“Gather everyone and head towards the bridge. We will watch the battle unfold and then make our move at the correct moment.” Gato ordered.

“Yes, sir” Zouri and Waraii left Gato’s office to gather the rest of the men, excited to cause some havoc.

“Goro, I need you to prepare a boat for me.”  Gato looked out the window at the Wave Village. He had little fate in Zabuza and Haku to complete the tasks he asked of them. He also knew his men were going to be unable to defeat the leaf shinobi. He was not one to give up, but he had other plans in mind, and needed to go where the money will come flowing in. Providing people to this mysterious man would be very profitable.

He needed to observe this child that his client was interested in, before making his grand escape.


The fog thickened, once again. Sakura quickly made her way back towards Tazuna, she had left him exposed for far too long. “Sensei, I think he is going to try and utilize the mist again to attack.” She pulled out a kunai, spinning it around her finger. She was ready to protect Tazuna at all costs. If Naurto and Sasuke could risk their lives, so could she.

“Understood, Sakura.” He was impressed with Sakura’s intuitive nature.

Kakashi was counting on Sakura but knew she could only do so much. She does not have the training like Naruto and Sasuke, but she does have the brain and chakra control. He wished we he was able to get around to teaching her some genjutsu, but they simply did not have the time. He was to indispose to teach her. When they got back to Konoha he was putting the three Genin on an intense training regimen. Maybe teach them their chakra nature.

Sakura could hear kunai clash against each other. She could hear their muffled voices through the thickness of the mist. It was difficult to hear what they were saying, but she could make out some of what was going on. Her grip tightens on the kunai. Something felt off. That is when she sensed it, the same feeling of bloodlust from when they first met Zabuza. He was near, but how close was to them. She felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck. Sakura turned her head, and there he was behind the client.

Sakura quickly stepped in front of Tazuna pivoted her small body in front of the old man. She covered his body as much as she could, Sakura knew she was small. She held her kunai in front of herself, knuckles turning white as she gripped onto her weapon as tight as she could. She was determined to face this man head on. She would not allow Tazuna to fail. Sakura watched as Zabuza swung his heavy sword at her, anticipating the pain that soon would be inflicted on her. She closed her eyes, it will sting, but the pain ever came.

Sakura slowly opened her eyes to see the back of Kakashi’s green flak jacket. Once again, she had to be protected. Once again, she was useless. Once again, she was staring at backs of her comrades. When she saw the blood dripped from the open wound in Kakashi’s chest, Sakura screamed!


“Damn it!” Frustration, he could not help but feel frustrated. Even with the Sharingan he was useless. Sasuke pushed up to one knee when he heard Sakura scream pierce the air.

That was Sakura’s voice just now!

Did something happen?

What the hell does Kakashi doing? He is supposed to be keeping the client and Sakura safe.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto’s battered body, he was not moving. The senbon had to be laced with something. He has been growing weaker each time he has been hit. They have tried to pick up on Haku’s speed with the use of Naruto’s shadow clones but it didn’t work, they needed to attack from both sides of the dome to defeat the masked boy, it was their best course of action.

“Sak-Sakura-chan.” Naruto mumbled as he continued to lay on the ground covered in senbon.

Damn it, I have to do something.

“I have to something.” Naruto pushed himself up on his knees, fearing the worst that something terrible happened to Sakura. He could not forgive himself if something happened to the only girl who gave a damn about him. The only girl who smiled brightly at him. “Here I go!”

“It is pointless to struggle!” Haku warned.

“Naruto, the only way to win is to attack from both sides. I will distract him. I need you to get out of here.”  Sasuke ordered.

“Do you really expect me to just leave you.” Naruto could not believe Sasuke was asking him to leave him in this death trap. He does not abandon his friends. It is against his ninja way.

“It is the only way. Trust me Naruto. It is the only way.” Sasuke was going to try to use his Fire Ball Jutsu once more, hoping it would be enough to distract Haku for Naruto to breakout of his ice dome. “Go! Now!”

Naruto ran, trying to make his escape, but once again. The senbon rained down on him. Leaving him motionless. “Naruto.” Sasuke shouted.

“Time to bring this to the end.” Haku knew who to target. The Uchiha has been protecting his friend this entire time, trying to find Naruto a way to escape. If he wanted to knock down the Uchiha for good, he knew who he needed to target.

Sasuke had to move quickly; he would not allow Naruto to die on his watch. He will not allow a comrade to die. Sasuke knew he was getting to the end of his limit. He knew that he might not make it out of this, but he would rather die protecting a friend than do nothing at all. Sasuke jumped in front of Naruto, shielding his body from the senbon Haku released upon them.

Naruto’s eyes slowly opened; his body hurt everywhere. “Sasuke, you…” Naruto eyes widen when he saw the state Sasuke was in as he looked up and saw his friend standing in front of him, covered in needles and blood. What happened?

“You should have stayed outside of the dome and let me handle this. You being in here...” Sasuke coughed up blood. “Was nothing but a distraction.”

“Sasuke.” He cried catching his friend as he collapsed. “Sasuke, don’t die on me.  You can’t die on me.  We have more missions ahead of us. We were supposed to go to Uzushio together. I wanted to share that moment with you. Why, why did you protect me. You should have minded your own business, you asshole.”

“You are my friend, and my body just moved on its own. It was a natural instinct. I…”

“Sasuke…” Tears swelled in his blue eyes. “Stop talking, save your energy.”

“It is up to you now Naruto. I believe that you can defeat him. Promise me you will not die. Promise me you will protect Sakura. Promise me you…” It was growing painful to talk. He does not know how much longer he could go on. He never expected to die like this.

Naruto stared down at Sasuke’s lifeless form, holding onto his face. He could not be dead. Sasuke would never die so easily.

“He was a shinobi worthy of the utmost respect who in order to protect someone he cared about, threw himself headlong into what he knew full well was a trap. He sacrificed himself for you.” Haku rose to his feet, “Is this the first time a comrade of yours has died.”

“SHUT UP!” A vortex of anger swirled inside him, “I am never going to forgive you for this.’

Give in to me.

I will help you avenge the Uchiha.

Let me lend you my power child.

Let me kill.

Let me kill.

“I am going to kill you!” Naruto roared.

“What…what is this chakra.”

“Impossible, his chakra is physically manifesting itself.” Haku could feel the lust for his blood from Naruto chakra. He was filled with nothing but dread, anger and bloodlust. This is bad. I cannot withstand his chakra anymore.

Naruto landed a punch against Haku’s face, sending him flying into his ice mirrors, shattering them into millions of pieces. No one has ever been able to destroy is trap. I am sorry, Zabuza. I have failed you.


Kakashi pressed his and against the gash that was across his chest, covering the wound Zabuza had inflected on him. Blood was dripping down his middle, creating a pool on the grown in front of him. He knew his wound was critical, but he could not stand down.

“Kakashi sensei”  

“I am okay Sakura. Don’t worry, just remain on guard. I will not let anything happen to you.”

“You were slow on your guard Kakashi! That inexperienced little girl was able to sense me quicker than you. Kakashi, I am impressed that someone like her was able to figure out how I utilize the mist.” Zabuza looked at the pink-hair shinobi behind Kakashi. “Your desire to save those brats have caused the blood to rise to your head, obscuring your thoughts and visions as surely as the fog I’ve created does.” Zabuza chuckled. “Even with your impressive eye and the formidable powers you wield with it your ability to read my moves has faltered. I want to enjoy this Kakashi. I want to saver the moment.”

Kakashi’s eyes narrowed as Zabuza taunted him, “Don’t worry, Haku should be finishing off those brats as we speak.”

“Stop underestimating my team. Sasuke-kun and Naruto will not be defeated easily.” 

“Foolish little girl. Your little friends are dead.”  Zabuza chuckled once more vanishing into the fog.

“Sakura don’t move an inch.” Kakashi ordered, “I will finish this as quickly as I can.”

“Ok...” Sakura looked down at the ground, knowing that he what he meant to say was she was weak. That she needed to stay out of the way while he defeats Zabuza. Suddenly, an ominous stench filled the air. Her chakra sensing abilities weren’t bad.  Even with the short time she has been with her team she has been able to pick up on their chakra signature. How they feel. Naruto’s chakra was bright like the sun. Sasuke’s chakra felt like electric, Kakashi’s chakra felt calm and warm. This chakra did not belong to Zabuza or Kakashi. It wasn’t Sasuke’s either, she has not been able to sense his chakra for awhile now.  

This chakra, belong to Naruto, his bright chakra shrouded in darkness.

What happened?

Kakashi eyes widened when he sensed a surge of powerful chakra being released. Jiraiya’s assumption was correct. His biggest fear came into furnishing. Jiraiya did warn him that Minato’s seals were growing weak. Anger. Rage. The lust for blood. What happened to cause Naruto to lose control? Did the nine-tails break somehow break through. Kakashi focused his senses carefully on Naruto and the demonic chakra. The seals seemed to still be in attack.  They were safe for now, but one of these days Naruto was going to tap into the chakra of the Nine-Tails and lose control completely.  He needed to finish this battle quickly to get to his boys.

Kakashi reached into his flak jacket, pulling out a scroll, flipping it into the air. He wet his thumb with the blood from his wound. “Listen to me Zabuza. I am a busy man. You are a busy man. We’ve both got a lot on our plates but what do you say we stop screwing around and it wrap this up right now? One big move. Winner takes all!”

“An intriguing notion. Show me what you got, Kakashi!” Zabuza smirked. He wondered what Kakashi had up his sleeves. “Ehhh, what is this?”

Eight dogs appeared, cloaked in various blue clocks and vest, all wearing a Konoha hitaitai. Their thee clamped around various parts of Zabuza holding his arms, legs, and torso into place. “How?” How was he able to get past his fog.

“It worked because you shut your eyes in the mist. You were to focus on making sure that I cannot see your movements, you forgot there were other means that I could trap you. This summoning’s is specifically designed for tracking. It is why I went out of my way to bleed a bit during both of our encounters.” Kakashi smirked as he continued. “My little ninja pups could not miss it. The smell of my blood is all over you and your weapons so thick…ever dong has his noise, and they all know you sink.”

Kakashi looked around and notice the fog began to dissipate. “The fog is lifting. I can see your future. That future is death.”

“I have had enough of your bluffs, Kakashi. You say my future is death?”

“There is no way out. Face it Zabuza. You are going to die. You have your fun. You schemed your schemes. The day you deserted the Land of the Mist and became a turncoat and renegade your name and your actions were reported to us at Kohoha. We know all about the failed coup you and your followers staged, and about the attempt to assassinate the Mizukage.  You have been trying to raise funds for a second attempt and barely staying a jump head of the shinobi hunters which is what you brought here. It is why you stoop so low to work for a parasite like Gato.”

Kakashi rapidly weave hand signs, holding his hand towards the grown. Sakura’s eyes widen when she saw Kakashi’s chakra become visible. This was the first time she has seen chakra manifest, covered in electricity. It sounded like brids were chirping. “CHIDORI!”

Kakashi ran towards Zabuza, ready to launch the killing blow, shoving his hand, covered in electricity, through Haku’s chest his blood splattering everywhere. The boy had appeared out of nowhere to protect Zabuza from death. “Zabuza sir.”

“You died my future was dead.” Zabuza chuckled. “But you missed again Kakashi.”

“Isn’t that the boy in the mask?” Tazuna questioned as the fog cleared enough for him to see Kakashi’s arm through the young, masked boys’ chest.

“He jumped in front of Kakashi sensei to save Zabuza.” She was shocked that he would protect a man who treated him kike a tool.

“That was brilliant Haku.” Zabuza’s menacing laugh filled the air.

“Kakashi sensei.” Sakura cried out as she noticed Zabuza grabbed onto his giant sword, ready to cut through the boy who was so loyal to him to kill Kakashi. She hoped he would be able to dodge in time.

“I really did find a treasure in that gutter. To think he would grant me such loyalty to be my weapon and tool.” Zabuza mocked as he raced towards Kakashi, swinging his sword.

Kakashi grabbed onto Haku and leaped out of the way. He gently laid the boy down a few feet from where he once stood. His right arm dripping in with the boy’s blood. He closed Haku’s eyes, “Naruto stay out of this” Kakashi, he knew the boy was angry, but he could not risk Naruto losing control again.

“Naruto, you’re alive.” Sakura waved towards him; she looked around to find that Sasuke was not with him. The two of them were always together. “Where is Sasuke-kun?”

Naruto looked down, not answering Sakura right away. He did not know how to break it to Sakura that Sasuke was death. How could he tell Sakura the truth. He saw how she looked at Sasuke. He was no idiot, he had not chance with Sakura. If only he had met the pretty pink-haired girl first maybe she would have fallen for him. Naruto slowly lifted his hand and pointed Sasuke’s body. I am so sorry Sakura. I could not protect my friend. Naruto just stood there and watched Sakura run past him with Tazuna.

Cold, he felt cold. Except for a warm hand that brushed against his cheek. Sasuke would know her touch anywhere. The softness of her hand. He pressed into its warmed as his senses started to return.

I am not dead.

Sasuke was surprised that he did not die. Haku’s last attack should have killed him, he had hit multiple vital points. Why wasn’t her dead?

“Sasuke-kun, he feels so cold.”  Sakura’s voice cracked as she tried to hold back her tears. It was growing more difficult as each moment past to hold herself together. To see the boy she loves, dead. “This isn’t an illusion—is it.” Sakura knew it was real, she just did not want to believe it. This was not Kakashi putting her in a genjutsu during the bell test, using her feelings for Sasuke as a weapon to teach her a lesson.

“It is okay to cry Sakura. Don’t hold back for my sake.  There are times where we need to give in and shed some good honest tears.” Tazuna spoke in a gentle voice. A voice he rarely uses. A voice that her saves for when he is alone with his daughter and grandson.

“I always got perfect scores on all my test in school. I am from a civilian family. I don’t have the luxury like those of clans. I am the bottom of the caste system when it comes to standing in my village. Becoming a shinobi was the only way to survive or be married off at a young age.” Sakura took another deep breath, doing her best to hold back her tears that began to distort her vision. “I memorized each and every one of the one hundred rules of conduct for ninja and shinobi, I used to write them over and over until I knew them by heart. Until I knew I could recite them without the need of a book.”

She could not hold back anymore; tears began to pool in her eyes and slowly streaked down her porcelain skin. “What is the twenty-fifth rule of shinobi conduct? No matter what happens, true shinobi must never, ever show their emotions. Th-the mission is the only priority. Carry that in your heart and never, never sh-shed a tear.”

That is Sakura’s voice. She was okay. When he heard her scream earlier, he thought the worse. He thought Zabuza got to her. Sasuke thought Kakashi failed to protect her. He felt wetness on his face. Sakura was crying for him.



Sasuke felt Sakura’s weight on top of him, it surprised him how heavy her body felt against him. He would have thought she would be delicate and light, like cherry blossoms gliding through the air on a warm spring day. His eyes slowly open and the first thing he saw was pink. “Sakura, your arm is heavy.”

Sakura quickly rose off Sasuke’s chest and stared into his dull, onyx eyes. He was alive. Haku only put him in a death like state. He didn’t kill him.  “Sasuke-kun…” Sakura threw her arms around his neck. “Thank God, you are all right. I thought you…I thought you were dead.  You had no pulse.”

“Sakura, that hurts…”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She loosened her grip, and started to let go, but Sasuke’s arm snaked around her waist and his head rested on her shoulder. He stayed there for a brief moment before slowly moving away from her, “what are you doing, don’t try to move to much…”

“Sakura, I am fine. How is Naruto? And that little creep in the mask what happened to him.” Sasuke asked.

“Naruto is fine and the boy in the mask is dead.” Sakura slowly and gently started to pull the non-vital needles out of Sasuke.


A few hours have passed since the confrontation on the bridge. The villagers of Wave Country fought back against Gato’s army of thugs. Zabuza perished in the fight, having a change of heart when Gato’s and his men mocked Haku’s dead.  In the madness Gato unfortunately escapes.

Kakashi walked into the room that the kids share to check on Sasuke, the boy has been asleep for hours after returning to Tazuna’s home. Sakura and Naruto were currently at the bridge, overseeing its completion. Former workers returned to work, they no longer feared for their lives. Which should be complete in the next days or too.

Kakashi creaked open the door and notice Sasuke’s was awake, sitting on the windowsill, staring out at ocean. Surprised the boy was able to sit up. Those senbon were laced with a powerful narcotic that slows down chakra systems.

“Your awake.” Kakashi studied Sasuke. His chakra was still a bit faint, but slowly returning. The deathlike state did a number on him.


“Are you feeling well enough to talk?” Kakashi asked as he entered the room, leaning against the wall near the window.

“I am, is this conversation for your mission report?” Sasuke questioned.

Kakashi nodded. “You want to hear my side of the story that happen in the ice prison. You already have Naruto’s side, but you need to know about what happened prior and if I felt a change in Naruto’s chakra.”

Kakashi was surprised that Sasuke felt the change in Naruto’s chakra. “It will be, is there something you do not want to share?”

“Will, the report be public?” Sasuke asked. He needed to know if his father will have access to the mission report. Knowing his father would want to read the report. To evaluate his first C ranked mission. To see what he did wrong on the mission and fix the skill he was lacking, but that was not the only reason this report he wanted this report to be confidential. Naruto tapped into the Nine-Tails chakra after he collapsed. That information should not be known to the public. Naruto does not need any more hate.

“This report will be confidential.”



The trek back to the village has not been the easiest for Team 7. They could not move at a quicker speed, they were being careful, Sasuke was still healing. They did not want to aggravate his injuries.

They finally entered the village after a two-day trek home from the Land of Waves. Almost three weeks have passed since they began their mission to Wave Country never expecting their mission would take long when it began. They have grown as a team since.

Naruto could not help but blame himself for Sasuke getting hurt. He overslept and was late to guard duty. He was reckless. Not thinking before entering the ice prison that Sasuke was trapped in. Seeing his best friend died in his arms did something to him. He blacked out not remember about fifteen minutes of his battle with Haku. He tried asking Kakashi about it, but he told him they will talk about it when they return to Konoha.


Naruto was broken out of his thoughts when Sasuke spoke gently to their pretty pink-haired teammate. His eyes darted towards his best friend, wondering if he finally found the courage to talk to Sakura, after he has been avoiding the poor girl for the past five days,

“What is it Sasuke-kun?” Sakura stopped and turned towards Sasuke.   

“Can I walk you home?”

Did he just hear that correctly. Did those words just come out of Sasuke’s mouth. 

“I would love that Sasuke-kun.” Sakura smiled brightly as Sasuke started to make his way in the direction of Sakura’s home. “Oh…” Sakura turned around, “See you tomorrow, Naruto!”

A blush formed on Naruto’s face as Sakura waved goodbye to him. “Come on kid, I need to get you home.”

Naruto crossed his arms, frustrated. Glaring at the back of Kakashi’s head as they made their way through the village to Jiraiya’s apartment. Naruto lived near a he Konoha Hot springs.

“I know you are glaring at me Naruto.”

Did he have eyes in the back of his head. How could he have known. He did not understand why he needed to be escorted home by their sensei. He was not the one injured on this mission, Sasuke was. Naruto still felt guilty.

“You know, I don’t need you to take me home Kakashi sensei.”  Naruto pouted, “I wasn’t the one who got hurt!”

“Sasuke may have gotten injured, but you blacked-out and don’t remember attacking Haku.” Kakashi pointed out the flaw in Naruto’s argument, yes, he should speak to Sasuke’s family about the injure, but there were more pressing matters. “I told you back in Waves that we must have a discussion with Jiraiya about you blacking out during your fight with Haku.”

Sasuke may be of a noble clan, an important asset to the village as his family was one of the founding clans but other things took precedence. Naruto used the nine-tails chakras and remembers nothing. 

“Who cares if I blacked-out. It is not like I killed anyone.” Naruto crossed his arms, looking away from his sense.  He did not understand why he was being lectured. All he did was protect himself from Haku.

“You make have not killed anyone, but you utilized the Nine-Tails chakra when you thought Sasuke died.” Kakashi placed a hand on Naruto’s shoulder. “The moment you blacked out was the same time you released the demonic chakra.”  

Naruto stared at Kakashi in shock, “I did what?”

“Now do you understand why I wanted to walk you home?” Kakshi watched Naruto nod his head. “Good, I have already sent word to Jiraiya.”


Sasuke walked Sakura house in silence, not knowing what to say. He did not want to make this awkward. Avoiding Sakura for the past few days was not one of his shining moments. He pretended to sleep whenever she entered the room they shared with Naruto. Even if Naruto is not the most observant person, he called his behavior towards Sakura when they were alone together. Noticing this sudden coldness towards their female teammate was out of character. How he knew about their little conversation on the docks a few nights ago.

“What are you so scared of? It is not like Sakura punches you.” Naruto complained as he sat next to his best friend on the docks. It was their last night in Wave Country, they would be heading back to Konoha in the morning.

“Maybe if you didn’t behave like a pervert, she wouldn’t hit you so hard.”

“Stop trying to change the subject, you asshole. I am still mad at you for not telling me about the Sharingan.” Naruto crossed his arms. “I know you have your reasons for keeping it a secret, so I will let it slide. Why are you keeping your distance from Sakura? You two seemed so cozy on the docks a few nights ago, what changed.”

“Nothing changed.”

“Bull shit.”

“She was reciting the shinobi rules when she thought I was dead. Rules, that she should not follow. It is not in her nature to be an emotionless shinobi. She is compassionate and kind and should not allow the shinobi world to change her. Sakura does not need to change; she is fine how she is.”

"Sasuke-kun, thank you for walking me home." Sakura turned to him giving him her signature bright smile. Sasuke has been acting strange since he got injured. She was wondering if she did something to upset him.

“Hn…” he placed his hands in the pockets of his white shorts as he continued to stare at the ground. “Get some rest! It was a long journey home.” Sasuke looked up and smiled back, hoping she would not question his motives, “I will see you tomorrow.”

“I should be the one telling you to rest.” Sakura blushed, Sasuke always was more concern for her wellbeing than his own. “How are your in-injuries healing?”

“You should head in; I am sure your parents were worried.” Sasuke turned away from Sakura, ignoring Sakura’s question about his injury.  His muscles were still sore.  It was going to take him a few more days to fully recover.  He was not going to tell Sakura, he did not need her to fuss over him. “See you tomorrow.” 

Sakura watched Sasuke head towards the Uchiha District. She could not help but noticed the cold looks they gave Sasuke. A frown formed on her face. People were too cruel to the Uchiha. They have done nothing wrong to face such scrutiny.

She placed a hand in the door, worried about what her parents’ reaction would be.  Sakura has informed them her mission would be a week, possible more. Having no way to contact them, telling them the mission was extended, she feared the rose.  Sakura was afraid of their reactions. Before she left on this mission her father informed her that some of their friends thought her parents were crazy to allow her to take the path of the shinobi. Maybe they were right, but Sakura could no longer see her doing something else.

She took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.  

The door of her home opened, and Sakura was pulled into a bear hug by her father.  She knew instantly it was him. He smelled like sweet buns. He must have been baking all day, “Thank goodness you are alright my little flower.”

“Papa…” Tears began to swell in Sakura’s eyes. Guilt-stricken.  She felt terrible for worrying her parents. “Papa, I am…”

Kizashi pulled away from the hug and placed a hand on his daughter’s cheek, brushing her ears away. He did not mean to make her cry. “It’s okay flower. I did not mean to upset you. How are you? You have to tell us about your mission.  I noticed the handsome Uchiha boy walked you home. You should have invited him in.”

“Dear, you are asking her far too many questions. Let her come in and tell us about her mission.”  

“I still want to know if anything is going on between you and that boy. I have a right to know.”

“Kizashi, we will talk about these things later. Let Sakura settle in.” Mebuki placed her hands on her hips. Annoyed that her husband was so focused on Sakura’s relationship with Sasuke.

“I am sorry that I made you worry. The mission just took longer than expect and there was no way to contact you.”

“You have nothing to worry about. We are just happy that you are home and safe.” Mebuki pulled her daughter into a hug. “We know there are things that you cannot talk about, but we would love to hear about your adventures in Wave Country.”


Sasuke walked through the Uchiha Compound avoiding the gaze of his clansmen. He lowered his face into the high collar of his blue shirt, hoping they would not see the bandages around his neck.  Why was he injured? Uchiha don’t succumb to injuries so easily. He was weak. He once again tainted the Uchiha name, not being up to the high standard the elders have set.

Sasuke approached his family home that was on the far end of the compound, near the Naka River. The only chakra he sensed when he approached his house was Itachi. He could not sense anyone else's chakra. His father was working late, and mother was most-likely visiting Izumi's mother.  They became friends when Izumi's mother, Hazuki Uchiha, moved back to the compound after her husband's death during the nine-tails attack.

Sasuke knew what his mother was up too. Itachi and Izumi were smiting with each other. The two teenagers spend time together outside of their duties. They appear to be dating but aren’t.  It is obvious that they have feelings for each other. Feeling they have yet to act upon. Sasuke knew that his mother was trying to play matchmaker. He knew once she was done with Itachi he would be her next target.

Sasuke was removing his sandals when his brother met him at the entrance to their home. "You should have sent something to inform us that your mission got extended. We were worried Sasuke." Itachi looked at his younger brother and noticed the bandage around his neck, "your injured."

"I am fine, nothing to be too concerned about." Sasuke spoke flatly.

The last thing Sasuke needed was his brother fussing over him. Injuries were bound to happen on missions.

"Sasuke…" Itachi did not appreciate Sasuke’s flat tone, how he was brushing off his injury.

“It’s nothing!”

“It doesn’t seem like nothing, you of all people should not get injured on a simple escort mission. Your better than that Sasuke.”

Sasuke’s knew he needed to tell Itachi the truth. He would go to father and tell him they need to train him harder.  It is not his fault the mission that ended up not being a C Rank.  “About that—the mission ended up not being a simple C rank mission.”

“What do you mean?” Itachi questioned.

Sasuke followed his brother into the kitchen. “The client lied about the severity of the situation. The mission ended up turning into an A rank after rouge Chunin from Kiri attacked us a few hours outside of Konoha.”

“What!” Itachi placed the tea kettle down and turned towards his brother “Why didn’t Kakashi have you turn around and return home?”

“Because we decided as a team to continue the mission. The client could not afford a higher ranked mission. He was desperate. The Land of Waves is in poverty. Gato was controlling everything; the village could not thrive under his reign. That is why the client was building the bridge, to bring business back to their village that was stolen from them. Gato was the one who hired Chunin and a missing nin by the name Zabuza Momochi and his partner Haku.”

“You faced the Demon of the Hidden Mist? Sasuke, you should have informed the village immediately after you learned of the threat.” Itachi was ready to visit his old Anbu captain and give him a piece of his mind. A team of newly graduated Genin should not have continued the mission.

“Everything was fine. We handled it.”

“Everything is not fine, Sasuke. You came home injured. A mission that was supposed to be a week turned into three.”

“We managed, I am fine, Naruto’s fine, I may have scared Sakura, but no harm came to her. We made sure she was far from the fight.” Sasuke was getting annoyed with Itachi’s questioning. He felt like he was a murder suspect being investigated for a crime.

“What do you mean you may have scared Sakura?” Itachi knew he was not going to like Sasuke’s answer. By the look on his brothers face something bad happened to him.

“I may have almost died.”


“I’m fine and alive, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Sasuke you cannot say something like almost dying and not have me worried. How?”

“My body moved on its own and jumped in front of Naruto taking a full blunt of the attack. I don’t think the person we were battling, Haku was not trying to kill is. He was trying to make it seem like that way.  Haku seemed to know where to hit in the body to paralyze someone to a death-like state. When I woke Sakura was crying over me.”

“You still should go to the hospital and be examined.” Itachi ordered.

“No hospital…”

“Sasuke, I know you are not fond of hospitals, but you really should be looked at by a professional.” He knew it was going to be difficult to reason with his kid brother. He needed to think of another solution. “How about we have Izumi look at you? She has been learning the basics.”

“I don’t need your girlfriend to fuss over me.”

“She is not my girlfriend…”

“Tell that to mother who is likely trying to play matchmaker.  Why do you think she has been spending time together with Izumi’s mother lately?” Sasuke questioned. “Mother thinks you two are an ideal match and she will do anything in her power to get what she wants.”

“If that happens it happens, I do enjoy Izumi’s company.” Itachi smiled, “You are just trying to change the subject to get out of going to get checked at the hospital.”

“I am not…” Sasuke pouted and looked away from his brother.

“Sure, you are not.” A smirk formed on Itachi’s face, “You know she is going to set sights on you next, Sasuke.”

“I’m nearly thirteen, she wouldn’t dare until I am older.” Sasuke huffed. He was trying hard to make himself believe that Itachi didn’t know what he was talking about. His mother would not be trying to marry him off to someone at a young age. Sasuke wanted to fall in love on his terms.

“I would not underestimate our mother. She already has sights on someone for you.”

“What…who?” Sasuke voice crack. “I barely interact with girls. I do my best to avoid them at all costs. Some only like me because I am an Uchiha. They like me for my standing and not me.”

Itachi’s eyes softened as he looked at his younger brother. He did not blame Sasuke for the lack of trust in those around him. There are people who want to marry into a clan to gain privileges. “Get checked by a doctor and I might tell you.”

“I am not going to the damn hospital.” Sasuke glared at his brother. “Who does mom have her sights on?” Sasuke panicked as the brother walked away from him. “Itachi you need to tell me.” Sasuke stood up and was about to follow him when his annoying cousin appeared in front of him.

“Need to tell him what?” Shisui smirked as he looked down at Sasuke. “Hey, shrimp welcome…what they hell happened to you?” He kneeled in front of Sasuke. Placing a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder and looking at his neck.

“I was turned into a porcupine on a mission, it is nothing. My body hurts but I am fine.  Itachi needs to tell me who mother has her sights on for me.”

“Well, it is not too hard to figure out who.” Shisui teased. It was easy to figure out who his mother wanted her baby boy to marry one day.

“You need to tell me!”

“Nahh, I am getting enjoyment out of watching you squirm.  Not often do I get to see this side of you. Let me saver it…ouch.”  Shisui grabbed his shin. “Brat.”

“Your poking fun at me and deserve it.” Sasuke stepped around Shisui and sat at the table, resting his hand against his cheek.

“Someone is in…” Shisui paused when he heard light snores coming from Sasuke.  He looked towards the shrimp realizing he has fallen asleep. “Tachi, what happened?”


Gato made his way to the coordinates; the man has given him. This place was on the border of fire and sound, a new nation that has recently made itself known. But the village was just a façade for something more sinister. It was more than just a village; it is a front for a stronghold that was built below the trees where a labyrinth of laboratories lies. A place where inhumane experiments are conducted.

The man he recently started to work with on trafficking humans lived beneath the surface, away from prying eyes. He has never met the man in person but has corresponded through letters that have been delivered by snakes. Gato has heard stories of his brutal practices and of the great thing Orochimaru has done. How he is a formal shinobi of the leaf? One of the legendary sannin. A man who wants to destroy his former village.

He was making his way through in the Land of Sound, searching for the markings, reminiscing two snakes. This is where he was told the contact was going to meet him. He tapped his foot wondering what was taking so long. Gato froze when he heard footsteps approach him. A boy with pale skin and vivid greens eyes met him at the entrance. Gato studied the boys’ angular facial features.  He had two scarlet dots on his forehead, and shoulder-length white hair.

“My name is Kimimaru, we have been expecting you, Gato.”  


I am excited to start the next two chapters because Team 7 will be embarking on a mission of my own creations. I name dropped a few people in this chapter that will appear in the next mini arc. Were you able to pick up on them?

Once again have a great day or night, and I will see you in two weeks.

Chapter 12: Vanishing Shadows


Hi everyone, I am sorry for the delay this this chapter.

Happy 100k words and 200+ Kudos, thank you so much for supporting my fic. I really appreciate all your support.

I hope you enjoy this next chapter, just a little warning, This was a heavy chapter to write. This chapter contains sexual assault, if you are not confortable with that I can summarize what happened in the chapter excluding that moment. Next chapter we will be jumping into the chunin exams. Until next time.

Chapter Text

Sasuke sat on the engawa slipping on his sandals.  He was already running late today. Sasuke was normally very punctual. Always being the first member of Team 7 to arrive at their meetings spot near the Third training ground.  He has been more tried as of late. Maybe he is still recovering from the Land of Waves, but that was a few weeks ago. He already recovered from his injuries. It must be something else, Shisui did tease him the other day when his voice crack. How he has grown a few inches taller.  He noticed the height difference between him and Sakura last week. They used to be the same height, but now he was able to see over her head.

SrimpSuke is finally going through puberty.

You are growing up so fast.

Soon, you will be interested in girls.

Sasuke clicked his against his teeth. He had no time for girls right now even if he did, he was to focus on his goal to become a Chunin as quickly as possible.  As a Genin, he was not allowed to work at the Konoha Military Police Force.  Even if he was the Police Chief’s son, he still needed to follow the rules.  One day, he would take his father’s place.  It has been his dream for a while, but he knew the village had other plans for him. He knew he would be utilized on missions like his brother and Shisui.

“Sasuke” His mother sweet voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He turned his head to look at his mother.  She stood behind him with a bento in her hand, as of late she has been concerned for Sasuke and his well-being. “You forgot your lunch. I don’t want you skipping meals.”

“I don’t skip meals…” Sasuke raised an eyebrow as he took the lunch from her and placed it next to him. He checked the wrapping on his right thigh making sure the holster that holds his kunai and shuriken were secure.

“When you are too focused in training you forget to eat. You are a growing boy and need to follow a proper diet.  I also added a few things in there for Naruto. I am sure that boy has not been eating the best.  He really needs to lay off the ramen, he is staring to smell like miso broth. I would have added something for Sakura, but I am unsure what she enjoys because you still have not asked your team to come for tea.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes; he knew his mother would continue to pester if he did not invite his team over soon.  “She likes anything sweet and is not found of spicy food.” Sasuke answered, “I am sorry, but I have not had a chance to invite my team over for tea. We have been busy and just got back from our mission a few weeks ago.”

Mikoto knew Sasuke was trying to make an excuse.  Her sweet boy can only evade her nagging for so long.  If he did not ask soon, she would go to that bridge herself and ask Team 7 over. “I see, please don’t forget to ask them.”

Sasuke sighed. He knew he could not put this off for much longer.  It was time that he gave in to his mother’s demands and invite Team 7 over. “I will ask today.”

“Good! We still need to discuss what went on during that mission. Your father tried to read the report, but the mission details are confidential. Only the council has access to the notes.” Mikoto placed her hands on her hips. “We also need to talk about your injuries and your refusal to go get check at the hospital.”

So, Kakashi was right.  Father cannot read the report.

“Hn…” Sasuke rose to his feet and packed away the lunch his mother gave him.

“Sasuke Uchiha, you are going to use your words and give me an explanation. Don’t think you can give me one worded answer.” Mikoto crossed her arms.

“Can we talk about it some other time. I am already running late.”

“Are we going to discuss it?” Mikoto placed her hands on her hips. She knew when her son was evading her questions.  She normally doesn’t push, but when Sasuke came home from the Wave Country injured, she knew she needed to press him on the details.

“We will, I promise. I really must go. I will see you later.” Sasuke picked up his bag and hurried down the path towards the gates of the Uchiha Compound.

“That boy…” Mikoto crossed her arms and could not help but worry about him. Maybe she should pay a visit to Kakashi.  She would probably get more information out of the former Anbu. He remembered that boy as a child, and how Kushina was one to the few people who got Kakashi to talk. 


Sasuke walked towards Team 7’s meeting spot, a bridge near the thirds training ground. He didn’t mean to lie to his mother about being late. There was truth in his words.  He was indeed running late than normal.  He was notorious for being early.  Too early.  She did not need to know that it did not matter what time he showed up, Kakashi is always late. He was not ready to discuss the events of their mission in Waves.  He did not want how much of a failure he is to get back to his father.

Sasuke dropped his bag on the ground and leaned against the railing of the bridge.  Even if he was late, he was still the first person there. He hoped they would not have to wait long for Kakashi. The heat was already unbearable. The air was muggy, and the sun was blazing. Maybe he should not wear such a high collar in this weather.

Sasuke closed his eyes and wondered when the others were finally going to show up.  Twenty minutes has passed when he heard familiar light footsteps make their way towards him.  He knew instantly it was Sakura.  She was light on her feet, graceful in her movements.  Over the past few weeks, she ahs become very determined.  Her taijutsu skills have improved and her genjutsu skills are already superior to his, even with the Sharingan, Sakura could outmaneuver him.

“Good morning, Sasuke-kun.”  Sasuke looked up and saw Sakura standing a few feet away from him. She wore a sleeveless qipao and her hair was tired up in a ponytail. She rarely wore her long, pink hair up.

“Morning…” Sasuke grumbled.  He raised an eyebrow when Sakura did not say anything else.  She normally started a conversation with him. It was probably the heat.

Sasuke stood there with Sakura, wondered if everything was okay with Naruto.  An hour passed and he still has not arrived.  Was he taking his time because he did not want to wait in the heat for their sensei?  Maybe if he did not wear a jumpsuit in such heat, he would not complain about how hot it was.

“Sorry I am late. I was just…”

"Taking your time so you don’t need to stand out in the heat so long.” Sakura asked with her arms crossed.

“No…” Naruto looked away from his two friends and teammates.  He knew they would be able to pick up on that he was lying. Sakura and Sasuke were both smart.  He was envious of their intelligence, but knew people learned things differently.  He was an action type of guy and learned by doing. Sakura was a bookworm, and Sasuke was a mix of bother.  Naruto knew his strengths and was beginning to pick up on his teammates.

“Don’t lie, idiot.” Sasuke glared at Naruto.

“You are the idiot for standing out in this heat.  All of us know that Kakashi sensei is going to be late. Do you really expected me to wait for him in this weather?”

Sasuke rolled his eyes; Naruto did have a point.  Before he could answer him, Kakashi appeared.

“Good morning, my adorable little Genin. I am sorry that I am late. I got lost on the path of life.”

“Liar!” Sakura and Naruto shouted as the pointed at Kakashi.  Sasuke rolled his eyes and knew exactly where Kakashi was.  Itachi had told him about their sensei always visiting the memory stone, thinking of the friends he has lost. Knowing that he gives Kakashi a pass on always being late. 

“Mah Mah, seems like I cannot get lost with you two.” Kakashi looked over at his team, as he jumped down from the post he was standing on. “I have something special for you three today.” Kakashi smiled as he pulled out three sheets of paper.

“What are those?” Naruto questioned as he looked at the white sheets of paper that Kakashi held in his hand.

“That is chakra paper, right?” Sakura asked. She remembers reading about them years ago as an academy student.

“It is, I thought I would reward the three of you and teach you about chakra nature.” Kakashi smiled, “I am sure the three of you know what chakra nature is…” Kakashi sighed when he saw the confused look on Naruto’s face. He turned his attention to Sakura; he knew the pink haired Kunoichi had the answers.  He could tell by the expression on her face. “Would you like to explain what a Nature Transformation is, Sakura?”

“Listen closely.” Sakura eyes darted to Naruto, knowing this explanation was for him.  She really needed to drag him to the library to educate him on things they learned in the academy. “Nature Transformation, also known as Chakra Nature, requires advance chakra control. It entails the molding and shaping of the nature of one's chakra to alter its properties and characteristics. There are five basic natures: fire, water, earth, air, and lighting.  Everyone has an affinity to one of the five natures and can learn to use an additional nature once they master the first. Those papers in Kakashi’s hand are chakra paper, they are used to learn one’s affinity.”

“Of course, it is, Uchiha tend to be of Fire Nature, I don’t need to do the test.”  Sasuke crossed his arms.

“I still think you need to test your nature, Sasuke.  You might be surprised.” Kakashi smiled at the Uchiha. He had a feeling that Sasuke’s nature was not Fire. That it was something else. The boy mentioned how he struggled to learn the Fireball technique at seven. He mentioned how it was not easy for him to learn. That it took him a week to master it. 

“Fine…” Sasuke took the sheet of paper from Kakashi, it wrinkled. His eyes widened.  He expected the paper to burn. To turn into ashes. “It can’t be.” He was an Uchiha, how can his Nature Transformation not be fire. 

“Seems like you have the same nature as me, lightning. I can teach you a technique that only people who have the Sharingan can use. I am impressed that you were able to learn Fire Techniques at your age when it is not your affinity.” Kakashi smiled and turned to the other members of Team 7. “Who’s next?”

“Me!” Naruto raised his hand and jumped up and down. HE could not wait to find out his affinity.  Naruto was shocked that Sasuke affinity was not fire. He was both impressed and annoyed how he was able to learn something that did not come naturally to him.  He wondered why Jiraiya never taught him about Nature transformation.   Why would he hold him back from learning something so cool. Naruto took the chakra paper Kakashi handed to him.  The piece of paper instantly split into two.

“Seems like you are just like your parents. Both had wind as their chakra nature.” Kakashi smiled.  He should have expected this. He planned on talking with Jiraiya to assist in teaching Naruto the Rasengan, a technique Minato created.  He knew it was something Minato wanted Naruto to learn one day. 

“That is so cool!” He smiled brightly and turned to Sasuke and smirked, “Wind nature is strong against lightning, right Sakura-chan?”

“It is, but Sasuke-kun also knows how to use fire release, and fire release is strong against wind.” Sakura smirked as she looked at Kakashi.  She wondered if she was going to even have a Nature Transformation. She was a civilian. Do civilians have a chakra nature? Sakura took the piece of paper that Kakashi handed to her, she expected nothing to happen, but when the piece of paper slouched in her hand, becoming damp.

“Seems like you are a water type.” Kakashi smiled, he figured it was going to be water or earth. “Okay, now that we know that I want to teach each of you a basic technique using your chakra nature.  Get ready kids.”


“I am glad you were able to escape.  It would have been a shame to lose a man like you.” Orochimaru smirked as he looked at the tiny man that stood in front of him.  He was his source for trafficking people for his experiments. Someone he was just using until they lived out their usefulness to him.  Orochimaru knew he was not Gato’s only client. This man provided men, women, and children across the Great Shinobi Nation.  Some were used for sex and hard labor, while others were used to conduct experiments on. 

“I am grateful that you were able to provide me a place I can come to if I run into any trouble.  Unfortunately, my main hub for trafficking is no longer accessible, but I will find other means to get what I want.” Gato explained.

“I see…” Orochimaru contemplated if he should kill the man now. His main hub not being assessable anymore is going to cause problems. He wondered if he should wait to see if he can provide bodies for him.

Gato sensed Orochimaru lust for his blood.  He needed to make sure he did not die by this man’s hands. He already escaped death once.

“I also have some information that might interest you.” Gatos clenched his fists, sweat dripped down his temple.  He could not help but be nervous around this man, knowing he was running out of time, if he could not provide Orochimaru what he wanted.  He can use the information he has on Sasuke Uchiha, and Team 7. Collateral, for Orochimaru‘s interest in the boy.

“And what may that be?” Orochimaru rested his hand on his chin, wondering what intel this man could provide him.

“Sasuke Uchiha.”

“What about Sasuke Uchiha?”

“His team is the reason why I cannot longer access the Land of Waves.” Gato answered, hoping mentioning that boys name will allow him to live another day. “I can leak that there have been disappearances in villages between the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire.  We can use this to lure Team 7 into a trap.  I can have my men capture the Uchiha boy and play it off that we want to sell him for sex.”

“Do you think your men can handle such a task?” Orochimaru questioned.  He did not fully believe Gato can provide what he wants.”

“I trust my men with my life.”  Gato did not think before making that statement.

“Very well…” Orochimaru smirked and knew this man would probably fail.  “You are dismissed.”

Gato excited the room and Kimimaru walked up next to Orochimaru, “Do you want me to send team Dosu to follow them?”

“Yes, have them followed.” Orochimaru watch Kimimaru leave the room.


Hiruzen started at Kakashi and his team wondering if he should give them a D ranked mission that will confine them to the village or send them on another C ranked mission. One that would send them outside the village walls, into the outskirts of the Land of Fire to investigate disappearance of young men and women.  He was unsure if these disappearances were related to the Cult of the Otsutsuki.  There have been whispers of nomads now, hunting lone travelers off the road to sacrifice.  They have investigated in the past but have not been able to discover their existence.  This was not them. People have been disappearing in small groups.

He knew Team 7 could complete this mission but was concerned about other matters relating to Naruto.  After reading what happened on the mission in Wave Country, he thought it would be best to keep Team 7 in the village for a while.  The Konoha Elders insisted on keeping this team grounded.  That Naruto was a danger to society. How he ever let that boy become a ninja? He thought back to his conversation with Danzo, Koharu, and Homura.

Koharu put down the report and looked over at Hiruzen, “Is what is stated in this report true?”  Did the Minoto and Kushina’s boy tap into the Nine-Tails power unconsciously? Kakashi mentioned the boy has no recognition of what happened.”

“It is…” Hiruzen looked at Koharu.

“Why didn’t Kakashi turn around after he found out the premises of the mission changed? Freshly graduated Genin should not been on a mission of this caliber. The Uchiha boy almost died.” Koharu was not shocked that Kakashi would continue a mission. The man should not oversee children in the first place.  When she tried to protest, Hiruzen stated that Kakashi was one of the few who could prevent Naruto from losing control.

“Dying comes with being a shinobi.  He is an Uchiha and knows what he signed up for. He is from a clan of warriors, death is inevitable.” Danzo crossed his arms, “You should be more concerned about the demon getting lose. Have you spoken to Jiraiya about this matter?”

“I have, and he is not concerned about the seals.”

“The seams are faltering, why wouldn’t he be concerned about that fox getting loose or worse, confining the boy to village is the best option.  We can keep an eye on him here.” Homura stated.

“That boy should be sent to the fire temple and should be stripped of his rank.  It will be safer for our village if the boy is trained elsewhere, until he is needed.”

“Naruto will remain a shinobi and under Kakashi’s tutelage. I do not think it is wise to confined him to the village.  When we tried keeping Kushina to a specific perimeter of the village, look what happened. The Nine-Tails tried to manipulate her. The village nearly got destroyed and we almost lost one of our best shinobi.” Hiruzen answered. 

“Fine, but I hope you are not wrong Hiruzen.” Danzo answered. Disappointed in how his friend was running the village. Hoping the man would soon step down, if not he would have to take matters into his own hands to take control of this village.

“Your mission is to investigate disappearances of young men and women ranging from the early teens to the mid-twenties. People have been vanishing across the Land of Fire and little sea villages near the Land of Waves.  This is a C ranked mission.  I trust your team will be able to handle this.”

“We accept.” Kakashi answered.  He knew his team was up for the challenge, growing tired of missions that do not pose a challenge.

In an abandoned building, not far from the small village they were targeting were a group of men, holding an important meeting. A meeting about their human trafficking ring. “Our informant in the Leaf sent word that the team who were sent to Wave Country will be investigating the disappearance that have been occurring. We will tread carefully.” Goro explained, hoping his men knew how important the child they were targeting was. 

“This child is Sasuke Uchiha” He held up a picture.  “He is the son of the Uchiha Clan Head and is our target. Orochimaru wants this boy, and we will deliver him.  The people who he will be traveling with are Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno.” Goru held up three additional photos. “Whomever is with the Uchiha boy will also be capture, and we were informed to do whatever we want with them.”

“We also need to put on an act.” Aoi spoke up, “We cannot allow them to learn that our target is Sasuke.  We need to pretend we do not know his identity.”


Sasuke’s eyes slowly opened. The last thing her remembered was jumping through the trees with Sakura when his body started to feel tired.  He could still feel the ruminates of the drug that was used to knock them out. Sasuke looked around and noticed they were on some cliff.  He could hear water crashing; they must be near a waterfall. 

He sat up and tugged at his restraints. Sasuke felt his heartbeat against his chest, as he continued to tug at his bound wrist, skin feeling irritated by the friction of the rope brushing against his skin.  He needed to escape. He needed…


Where is Sakura?

Sasuke quickly looked around, hoping he could spot Sakura bright pink hair. He spotted her a few feet away from him, unconscious on the grass, arms bound. He looked over his shoulder to find a group of men whispering to each other.  He closed his eyes to see if he could pick up on what they were discussing.

Orochimaru will be pleased.

Sasuke’s eyes popped open and knew that they needed to stage their escape.  “Sakura…”

Sakura’s eyes slowly began to open. She looked over and saw Sasuke. “Sasuke-kun, what happened?”

“Are you able to move?” Sasuke asked. He was still feeling sluggish from the drug.

“My body is sore.” Sakura looked at him, “What…”

“Well, well, well, look who is awake.” A man slowly approached them.  He was of large built, with ashy blonde hair and green eyes.  The man approached Sakura, grabbing onto her bound wrist pulling her up to her feet. He wanted to get a closer look at the pretty little girl. The picture did not do her justice.  Goro was pleased that Sakura was with Sasuke. “Such an exotic child.  I have never seen anyone with coloring like this before. How much do you think she would go for?” He placed a hand on her chin, turning her face back and forth. "Such fair skin, and those eyes, so alluring. I have never seen eyes of jade like this before."

“She is a pretty, little thing. Truly and essence of spring with that hair. She will make us a lot of money.” Aoi smiled.

“The Uchiha will also make us more money, especially his eyes.  It is a bonus that he is such a pretty boy. A lot of women will pay good money for such a good-looking kid to play with.” Goro lied.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, wondering if he should play along with this man’s terrible acting? Would he be able to get more information if he went along with the act. “Do you really think you will get away with this?”

The man said as he turned to Sasuke and grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him roughly to his feet. “What is with the look brat. Mad that we caught you? A member of the great Uchiha clan. Doesn’t seem like your clan is so scary after all. Little shinobi should not be wandering these woods on their own. You never know who is going to snatch you when you least expect it.” Aoi pushed Sasuke’s to the ground. 

“We hit the jackpot with these two, Goro.” Hoshi smirked.

Why do our missions turn out this way? 

  Where the hell were Naruto and Kakashi? 

Sasuke turned his attention to Sakura. The man who he assumes is Goro could not keep his eyes off Sakura.  He did not like the way he looked at her.  How he talked about her? Like she was some sort of object.  He watched the man lick his lips.

“We should have fun with this one first.” Goro turned his attention back to Sakura. He reached for her, but Sakura recoiled. "And let the Uchiha watch. Aoi, hold him still.”

Sasuke was frustrated with himself for getting caught so easily.  He should have been able to pick up on that they were being followed.   He turned towards Sakura and looked at her tear-stained cheeks. He did not blame her for crying.  They were in a bad predicament.  He knew Sakura sensed this man’s disgusting intentions.

“Don’t worry Sakura, everything is going to be fine.” Sasuke said as he tried to get out of Aoi’s grip. He could feel his tired muscles return to normal. Sasuke knew he needed to reassure her.  Needed to let her know that he would to anything to protect her. He could not go back on his promise.

“Sakura…such a fitting name for such a pretty girl.” Goro stroked her cheek.  “I am going to have fun with you princess.”

Sakura spat in the man’s face. She knew it wasn’t a good idea, but there was only so much she could take. “I am not some object you can sell you creeps.”

“Little bitch!” Goro pushing her towards the ground.  The man pulled out a knife, placing the weapon against her neck as her hovered over Sakura. "I am going to make you suffer, little girl."

“Leave her alone!” Sasuke’s eyes bled red.

“Ahh, I finally get to see those cursed eyes.” Goro smirked as he pushed Sakura further into the ground, forcing a kiss on her neck, running his tongue up her jugular. “I should have known you would taste delicious.”

“Stop…” Sakura tried to push the man off her, but he was strong for her. The drugs they used on them still make her feel weak.  She could not do anything. “Sasuke-kun” Sakura cried out, begging for his help. 

Goro smirked as he pressed his hard erection against Sakura cloth core, trusting forward. “I cannot wait to be inside you, little girl.”

“Sasuke-kun…” Sakura cried out again, she was terrified. She needed to find the strength to fight Goro. She would not allow this man to rape her.

Sasuke anger flared. He could not sit here and do nothing. He could not let this man hurt Sakura more than he already has.  The ropes around his write began to loosen.  

“Sasuke…isn’t that the name of the youngest son of the head of the Uchiha clan?” Aoi asked.

“It is…we can get more for him as a ransom.” Hoshi

“Tsk, you really think that my father is going to pay a ransom. That would be the last thing he would do! My father would be disappointed if I allow you to keep me as a hostage. He has trained me well enough to get out of situations like this.” Sasuke’s broke out of his bound wrist. He had already placed these men in genjutsu and was hoping Sakura would be able to detect it.  She was pretty good at detecting genjutsu, better than him at times.

Out of the corner of Sasuke’s eye he saw it. The man known as Goro slashed the front of her dress open, revealing her bindings.

Sakura felt the man grabbed onto her breast, giving it a tight squeeze. “You are so pretty.”  His hand roamed down her stomach towards her flat stomach, tucking his figures into her shorts. Before he could pull them down, Sakura kicked him in the balls.  Sakura focused her chakra into her foot, knocking the man back five feet.

She rose to her feet and started to make her way to the edge of the cliff. Sakura could hear Goro and his men following behind her. She needed to think of something fast. That is when it hit her.  Sakura was able to reach into her weapons pouch even though her wrist were still bound. It was a skill they learned in Kunoichi class. They would one day use their bodies to seduce men and if they needed to escape blowing oneself up was a means of escape.  Sakura pulled out a kunai with an exploding tag.  She was not going to kill herself.  Sakura was going to use the explosion to jump into the canon below.

Sasuke stabbed the man who held him down earlier when he heard an explosion. He looked back and saw Sakura falling backwards. “Sakura…” Sasuke screamed as he started to run towards her, jumping off the cliff after her.

Kakashi and Naruto were hoping through the trees on their way to the rendezvous point.  They were unsuccessful in finding out any new information.  Whomever this human trafficker was, they knew how to hide their tracks.  Kakashi hoped Sasuke and Sakura brought some good news.  He hoped Sakura and Sasuke would put their heads together to figure out what is admis.

“Why couldn’t I be partnered with Sakura-chan? Why do I have to be stuck with you?” Naruto pouted.

“Because it is good to have the Sharingan on each team.” Kakashi sighed.  He did not know how many times he needed to explain this to Naruto. 

“Then you could have paired me with Sasuke.” Naruto crossed his arms, turning his head away from his sensei.

“I could have, but I don’t think it is wise to leave you two alone with each other. Who knows what type of mischief you two would get into. You two bring out the worse in each other."

"We do not!"

“Naruto, listen to your sensei. I have known you two before you were placed on my team.  I don’t know how you were able to persuade Sasuke into your pranks during your academy days, but…” Kakashi froze when he heard an explosion.

“What was that?”

Sasuke was searching for Sakura underwater.  She just had to blow up the edge of the cliff before he could do anything to help her.  He knew it was probably a reflex. To blow herself up in that type of situation, taught to them in Kunoichi class.  He was angry at himself, guilt stricken.  Sasuke should have broken out of his restraints sooner.  He could have done more to protect her.

Sasuke finally spotted her, a flash of pink.  Sakura was struggling to swim to the surface, her hands were still bound, and her leg had a large gash, an injury she received from the fall.  He quickly swam over to her, wrapping his arm around her waist as he swam up to the surface.

Sakura leaned against Sasuke as he pulled Sakura onto the sandy beach.  He used a kunai and cut her hands free.  Once free, Sakura sat up and backed away from Sasuke, grabbing onto the front of her quipo, pulling the fabric together to cover herself up. 

He stared at her for a moment with his Sharingan. His cheeks began to heat up. Sasuke did not mean to see Sakura in only her bindings. He knew she was uncomfortable.  Sasuke was trying to figure out how to approach this situation.  They never taught them about sexual assault in the academy. A subject that should be taught to them.  “Sakura…”

She looked at him with a blank stare. 

Sasuke sighed and pulled off his blue shirt and handed it to Sakura. “Here, wear this.”

Sakura continue to stare at Sasuke’s who was holding out his shirt. Watching him closely, wondering if he was going to treat her differently, to see her as weak.  She studied him and noticed he must wear a black sleeveless undershirt under his regular attire. 

“Well, are you going to take it?” Sasuke raised an eyebrow, wondering why Sakura was being hesitant. “Sakura, please take my shirt.”

Sakura reached out and took his shirt pulling it over her head.  “Thank you, Sasuke-kun.”

“Are you hurt anywhere? They didn’t…” Sasuke was having difficulty finding the right words to say.  Sakura was assaulted, and he did not want to say the wrong thing.

“My ankle, I think I hit it the wrong when setting off the paper bombs.” She stared at Sasuke.  He was keeping his distance, “No, he didn’t get that far. I kicked him away before he could do anything.”

Sasuke studied her. He did not want to bring up that he saw everything.   The last thing Sasuke wanted to do was make Sakura uncomfortable. 

“Can I check your ankle?” Sasuke asked.  He did not want to touch Sakura without her permission.

Sakura nodded.  She watched as Sasuke took off her green sandal, studying the gash. He cleaned the wound and wrapped it with damp bandages. Once they got back to the inn, they will be able to properly take care of Sakura’s injury.

“We need find those brats.” Goro brushed his hand across his bloody lip, frustrated that he allowed the brats to get away. He knew the man will kill them if he did not bring him what he wanted. Their time is running out.

He looked towards the treetops; the ruffling of leaves caught his attention. 

They are being watched.

 Goro looked around again. He was about to continue to search of the Uchiha brat when he heard Aoi’s scream.


 He heard the down of someone jump down from a tree where he heard the leaves ruffle.  He turned around to find a young man with bandages covering most of his face, leaving only his left eye and eyebrow uncovered. He was dressed in a large poncho with long sleeves, a snake patterned scarf around his neck, a straw raincoat protruding from the back of his scarf.

“Who are you?” Goro continued to study the man. He saw a large amplifier on his right arm.  He had short black buzzcut hair. Goro notice the Hitaiate, with a music not etched into the metal plate.  This young man worked for Orochimaru.

The young man did not answer Goro, in a blink an eye Goro was dead, bleeding from his neck on the forest floor.


Sasuke could feel his chakra depleting, but he needed to keep his guard. He needed to keep his Sharingan activated.  Those bandits could still be out there. Sasuke has a feeling that those bandits of somehow connected to Gato’s Company. Sasuke looked over his shoulder at Sakura, staring into her jade eyes. 

“Sasuke-kun…” Sakura pinched Sasuke’s shoulder.

Sasuke froze when he sensed two chakra signatures approaching them.  He placed Sakura down gently on her feet.

“Keep your weight off your ankle.” He looked at her with soft eyes.

Sakura nodded and watched Sasuke closely.  He still had his Sharingan activated. Ever since he put the bandits in genjutsu, he refused to deactivate his Sharingan.  She could see beads of sweat dripping down his neck.  His breathing was heavy.  Sakura knew the signs.  She knew his chakra was low.

Sasuke pulled out a kunai and was ready to attack. His body was positioned in front od Sakura, blocking her from any incoming attacks. He was not going to fail in protecting her this time.

“Saskueeeee…” Naruto jumped from the tree, landing in front of Sasuke with a smirk on his face.  He was about to hug his best friend when he noticed Sakura.  She was wearing Sasuke’s blue high collared shirt and noticed that Sasuke wore only his black fitted, sleeveless under shirt. He turned his attention back to Sakura and noticed she was injured. “What did you do to her? Sakura-Chan are you okay…” Naruto reached out to touch her but recoiled and flinched.

“I did not do anything!” Sasuke gritted his teeth “Why are you such an idiot. Jumping out like that will give away our position.”

“But something obviously happened.  You both are drenched; did you go for a swim?” Naruto question. Obviously, something happened. Did they encounter something? Why does he always miss out on all the fun.

“Naruto, not now!”  Sasuke’s shouted, Sharingan still blazing.  How could his best friend not be able to read the room.

“Naruto, what have I told you about being stealth?” Kakashi looked at Sasuke and then Sakura.  They looked a little worse than wear. Sakura was anxious and Sasuke’s chakra dangerously low.  He watched as Sakura reached out for Sasuke’s arm but soon dropped her hand when she realized what she was doing.  Something must have happened.  Kakashi noticed the red mark on Sakura’s cheek, a bruise on her neck. She was wearing Sasuke’s shirt on for a reason.  He sighed.  He knows he should not assume, but by the way the two were acting, he was assuming sexual assault.

“Not to be loud and jump unexpected out of places? I only did it because I knew it was Sasuke and Sakura-Chan. I would not have done so if it was anyone else, what kind of shinobi do you take me for?” Naruto looked at Kakashi and then back at Sasuke. Sasuke’s was paler than normal.  “You alright Sasuke?”

“Just because you sense an ally doesn’t mean you can drop your stealth.  You don’t know what sort of situation you are entering.” Kakashi sighed.  He still had a lot to teach Naruto.

“Kakashi, we need to talk.” 

“We can talk later; I think it is best that we get back to the inn. You need rest Sasuke. I think it is safe enough for you to deactivate your Sharingan.”

“I’m fine!” Sasuke growled as his crimson eyes faded back to onyx.

“Sasuke, you need to learn your limits.  You can inform me later, after you are well rested.  Your chakra needs to replenish.” Kakashi placed a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder.  He was trying to calm Sasuke, but the look in his eyes doesn’t look like he will listen.

“They are probably still out there. They tried to…” Sasuke stopped himself and looked over his shoulder at Sakura. He wanted to make sure it was okay to discuss this.  It involved Sakura being assaulted. He did not want her to feel uncomfortable. It was not his place to tell Kakashi or anyone.  It was Sakura’s business, if she wanted to tell them it was her decision.

“It’s alright Sasuke-kun, you can tell them what happened.”

“We ran into bandits, the ones who have been abducting children and teens off the road and from local villages.  These children have been sold to brothels in a distant land.  We think they have connections to people associated with Gato. We knew Gato’s businesses were widespread, but we did not know it was this bad. Sakura and I did not see them coming.  They used some sort of drug to subdue us.  When we finally were coherent enough, their leader Goro stated to manhandle Sakura.  Those men were talking about like she was an object and were excited that they would get a lot of money for such an exotic beauty. That Sakura was such a fitting name. That they wanted to have their fun with her before….”

Sasuke but his lip, he needed to continue.  He needed to tell Kakashi. “Before they tried to sell us to the highest bidders for sex.” Sasuke knew he could not mention Orochimaru in front of Naruto.  He could not allow his best friend to learn about his almost kidnapping, that he was some reincarnation.

Naruto stared at Sasuke with a shocked expression. That is what those two just went through. Is that why she was wearing his shirt? Someone tried to harm Sakura. Someone tried too. Naruto did not want it even to think about that. It made him sick.

“At first, they did not know who I was. They knew of my clan, but not of my family. They did not know if the son of the head of the Uchiha clan was.  Said I was such a pretty boy and that a lot of influential women would want of a handsome young man to play with.  Once they found out my identity, they were going to use me as to get money from my father. I think they were full of shit.  They knew exactly who I was. It was not hard to figure out that they were lying.  Sakura was just collateral because of me. They slapped her after she spit in their face and insulted them. The man Goro told Sakura she was going to suffer, he tried to...”

Sasuke reached out and grabbed onto Kakashi’s flax jacket. 

“We had to get out of there. I put...”  Sasuke was struggling with his words.  He knew his exhaustion was catching up to him, but he would not stop. “I put them on genjutsu.  Sakura set off an exploding tag causing...” Exhaustion took him.

Kakashi sighed as Sasuke leaned forward and rested his head on him.  He looked down at the sleeping Uchiha.  “Sakura how long was his Sharingan activated?” Kakashi knew how strong Sasuke was, but he was still twelve and his chakra reserved were still growing. Having his Sharingan activated for a long period of time was draining, even for a Uchiha.

“Three, possibly four hours.” Sakura looked at her sensei.

Kakashi sighed and lifted Sasuke into his arms.


Sasuke’s eyes slowly opened. His vision was blurry, and his body felt heavy. He feels like he has not slept in weeks. His memory was a bit fussy. He did not remember returning to the inn. He must have blacked out after informing Kakashi about the human trafficking ring he discovered with Sakura but there was more to it.  Sasuke knows he should tell Kakashi that they knew him. That he was the target. How Sakura was just collateral damage. That they were working for someone very powerful using a ransom as an excuse.

Sasuke heard them whispering when Sakura was still unconscious.  How once they brought Sakura to a brothel, he was going to be taken to a man wanted him.  There was only one person who had interest in him and that was Orochimaru, the man who hide in plain sight for years was slowly making his appearance once more.  He knew this was not going to be the last time her would target him. The man was obviously planning something.

He looked up at the ceiling and realized he was at the inn they frequent when they went on missions outside of the village.  Sasuke slowly sat up, placing his hand on his forehead, he was drenched in sweat.  He could not believe that he passed out.  He should have better control of the Sharingan, he has been training his Kekkei Genkai for almost six years.  He was going to be thirteen soon, July was only a month away.

The door to his room opened and closed. He looked over and noticed it was Kakashi checking in on him, normally Sakura would be the one to fuss over his injuries. “I am not going to lecture you Sasuke, but draining your chakra that low was dangerous and irresponsible.  I know you know better.”

“I know, but I should have been able to hold on for longer, father is going to be disappointed.  I have had my Sharingan for almost six years. Gone through rigorous training to be able to use it. I should be able to handle it better.”

“Sasuke, you are still young, and your chakra pools are still growing. Being drained is expected.”

“I can’t…I am an Uchiha I need to be above expectation.” Sasuke glared at Kakashi. “I…”

Kakashi sighed as he sat down next to Sasuke.  He has noticed this behavior from Sasuke before.  That day in the woods four years ago was still a vivid memory. Sasuke was too hard on himself. Kakashi reached out and ruffled Sasuke’s hair.  He chuckled as the boy flinched, “You performed admirably. I am very proud of you Sasuke.  Protecting Sakura and gathering important information.”

“I did not do enough to protect her. She still got hurt on my watch. She…” Sasuke looked down at the ground.  He still heard her screams, telling the man to stop. The man groping her was etched in his memory. He tears stained face crying out for him. It was something he would never forget, the Sharingan recording that man, trying to rape Sakura. “Is Sakura doing alright?”

“A bit shaken but is resting right now.  She informed me that she believes these bandits are involved with Gato and his other businesses. Sakura things that you were the intended target because of your Kekkei Genkai.”

“Not surprised she was able to pick up on that.” Sasuke looked at Kakashi, wondering if he should tell him about Orochimaru.  He was unsure how much Kakashi knew about that night.  About Orochimaru’s interest in him.  He thought it would be best not to bring it up. That he would inform his father when they returned to the village. “When I am rested enough, we can look for…”  

“We are not to investigate further. We will be returning to the leaf in the morning. I already informed the Hokage and he is sending a higher ranked team to investigate further.  Their interest in the two of you makes you a liability and we completed our part of the mission.”

“Right, can't have an Uchiha be a liability on a mission.  Sakura is only protected because I was involved.  They wouldn’t care if it was just her.” Sasuke watched Kakashi.  The man did not flinch at his words. All those years in the Anbu taught him how to not show how he truly feels. “Don’t even try to come up with an excuse.  Sakura deserves better.”

“I am not going to make an excuse.  It is wrong how people who are not members of the Noble clans of get treated the way that they do. Especially when it comes to things like kidnapping and…”

“You can mention sex related things Kakashi. Beating around the bush is annoying and you of all people should not be embarrassed to talk about it. You read porn in public.” Sasuke rolled his eyes. “You also don’t need to worry about given me the talk. I was given it when I became a Genin.”

His parents made sure they gave him the talk when he graduated. That he was going on missions. Sleeping in close quarters with members of the opposite sex.  That soon he will be reaching the age where his body changes.  How he will begin to feel things.

“I should know who I am talking to since you told me the same thing when you were eight. I promise you I am not letting this slide.  Sakura may think she is at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to rights in the village, but she has you and Naruto by her side.  You two would never let things slide.”

“I have little to no confidence in that.” Sasuke grumbled.

“I know, but it does not hurt to try.”

Sasuke snorted and crossed his arms, “Have you discussed what happened with Sakura?”

“I am not equipped for something like that and with my time in the Anbu I may not be the best person to have this type of discussion with Sakura. Something like this needs a feminine touch. I am going to have a female friend of mine talk with Sakura about what happened.”

“Better not be one of your Anbu friends, Itachi told me they can be a bit heartless with situations like this.”

“Don’t worry, it is someone I trust.”

“Who, because you rarely around women and…”

“Are you three spying on me when we don’t have training or missions?”  Kakashi questioned.  He has known that the kids have been trying to see him without his mask.  They have attempted it a total of three times so far. He even pretended to be a journalist named Sukea and entertained the kids by helping them sneak into the Ninja Registration archives.

“No, what makes you think that?”

“I know when my little ducklings are following me around.” Kakashi smiled under his mask. “You may think you are being conspicuous, but I know your chakra signature and your scent.”


Kakashi stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked towards the tea shop.  It was Thursday, Kuenai and Asuma always had tea and dango on a Thursday. Sometimes alone, something with Gai.  Today, he hoped Gai was not there with the couple.  He did not need Gai around when he asked Kurenai for help.

He needed to know how he should approach the discussion of their last mission with Sakura.  If Rin was still alive, he would go to her, she was always good with her words, gentle and sweet. Always knew how to explain things especially when it came to Obito, but that was no longer the case.  He still blamed himself for Rin's death and breaking his promise to Obito. 

Kakashi friends with a few females but knows some are better than others for this delicate situation.  He would not subject Sakura to someone like Anko. That woman could be so brash and uncaring, but he understands why she is that way. Orochimaru fucked her up.  She works in T&I and did not want the women to interrogate Sakura.

He could not ask his old Anbu teammate, Yugao either.  Kakashi did not want his Genin team to dig up his past. Sasuke knowing about it was one thing, but he did not want Sakura to know of his darkness. However, Sakura was too smart for her own good and she will find out about his past eventual. He just was not ready for that conversation. Kurenai was the only female that he was relatively close to that would not scar Sakura more then she already is.

Asuma and Kurenai were sitting at a tea shop when Kakashi walked in, it was their favorite date spot.  Discusing their teams and their plans to enter them into the Chunin Exams. They both believed that their teams were ready for their first attempt at the test.

“Kakashi, what brings you here? You are not one for tea shops or sweets” Asuma asked as the man approached them.

Kakashi sat down next to Asuma, he should have expected them to be together.  The two of them thought they were being discrete about their relationship, but everyone knew what they did in their free time.

“I need advice…” Kakashi placed a hand behind his head.

“Advice on what?” Asuma asked. Kakashi was not one to ask others for advice.  If he did, he would either confined in Gai or members of his old Anbu squad, not some old classmates.

“How to approach something that happened on last mission with Sakura.” He turned and looked at Kurenai.

“What happened with Sakura? Is she okay?” Kurenai was concerned.  Did he need a females touch when it came to his student.

“It’s a bit of a heavy subject.” He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.  “Our missions always seem to go astray, and I am glad Sasuke was paired with Sakura during this because I don’t think Naruto would have been able to handle something like that. He is still immature.”

“You are going to need to tell me what that something is so I can see if I can help you.” Kurenai looked at Kakashi.  He was beating around the bush.  Kakashi was normally one to get to the point.  If he needed to advice from a Kunoichi then it meant one thing. “Kakashi did someone…”

“No, he did not get the chance to.  Sasuke was able to put them in genjutsu before they were able to hurt Sakura further. He fought them off and Sakura set off a paper bomb that sent them plummeting into a river below.”

“How were they in this sort of situation in the first place?” Asuma asked.

“We were sent to a small village to investigate disappearances.  We split up. Thought we would cover more ground if we split into two teams. From what I gathered from Sasuke and Sakura a knockout drug was used in them. Sasuke feels extremely guilty and continues to beat himself up over it. I tried talking to him, but he can be dismissive. As for Sakura, I don’t want to say the wrong thing.  I don’t want to...”

“Don’t worry, I will talk to Sakura.”


Mikoto did not like how quiet her youngest son was. Ever since he returned from his most recent mission, he locked himself in his room, refusing to talk to anyone. He would only leave it for missions and training sessions with his teams.  Sasuke was normally quiet but was not one to ignore his mother. 

What happened on that mission?

Mikoto made her way to Sasuke’s room, not going to take no for an answer.  She wanted her son to always be happy, but ever since he graduated the academy, he has become more withdrawn.  What did he baby boy see on those missions to take away his bright smile, “Sasuke dear, is everything alright?”

“Hn…” Sasuke answered, Mikoto knew that was yes in the language of Uchiha men.  Sasuke is more like his father than he knows. 

“May I come in?” Mikoto placed her hand on the door, waiting for a response.


Mikoto sighed as she slid open his door and looked at her son who was laying on his back, staring up at his sealing with a blank expression on his face.  “Sasuke has something happened?” She watched him turn on his side, looking away from her.

Something was wrong. He never ignores me like this.

Mikoto walked over and sat in his bed. She could smell the scent of Sasuke’s shampoo, lavender, and linen. “My sweet boy, what put that frown on your face.” She knew he was trouble if he did not look her in the eye.  She sighed and started to run her hand through his damp locks, the boy has recently showered.  Mikoto knew Sasuke found comfort when she did this, “Sasuke, I know something is on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Has father informed you what happened on the last mission?” Sasuke closed his eyes when he felt his mother start to massage his scalp.  He gripped onto the sheets as he tried to hold back his tears.  He was an adult, now that he was a Genin.  He must follow the rule. Emotions were a weakness. He could not be weak.

“He has not?”  Mikoto continued to stroke Sasuke’s hair, frustrated that her husband was keeping secrets from her about the wellbeing of their son. She was going to give him a piece of mind once she gets answers from Sasuke. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

“When you were a shinobi, we’re you ever in an uncomfortable situation around men who were much older than you?”

Does this have to do with Sakura?

  Is she okay?

“A mission here and there but being from a Nobel clan protected me from certain missions that Kunoichi are sent once they are fifteen.” 

“The perimeters of our mission were to investigate an area around a few small villages between the Leaf Village and the Land of Waves.  Young men and women have been disappearing and we were requested to investigate those disappearances.”

“Some believe they just ran away while others believe something more sinister was involved in their disappearances.  It was the latter.” Sasuke sat up and took a deep breath. He turned and looked at his mother, not sure if he should inform her about everything.  “Young men and woman were being kidnapped and sold on the black market or to brothels.”

Sasuke bit his lip and looked out the window.  “Sakura and I were paired up together and we got ambushed.  They used a strong knock out drug to take us out.  When we regain our consciousness, we discovered that the men who were planning on trafficking us worked for a man named Gato.  He was behind trying to assassinate the bridge builder on the mission we had to the Land of Waves.” Sasuke first clenched together, his nails digging into his skin, causing the palms of his hands to bleed.

“I see…” Mikoto reached or Sasuke’s hands and unclenched them, “Sasuke, did they touch you?”

Sasuke shook his head.

“Did they touch Sakura?” She watched as her son nodded.

“She wasn’t raped but was sexually assaulted. I couldn’t do anything to protect her, and I cannot forget what happened. My Sharingan recorded it all.  I still her Sakura’s screams when I close my eyes. Images of that man on top of her, groping her flashes in my mind.  I wanted to kill him.  I wanted too…”  Sasuke voice crack.  He was trying so hard to hold back his tears. To not cry. To not give into his emotions, but he could not hold back. He could no longer be strong, especially in front of his mother.

Mikoto pulled her son into a tight hug, stroking his hair.  She knew instantly her son cared deeply for Sakura.   

Orochimaru could not believe Sasuke has slipped through his figures once again. He should have known Gato and his men would fail.  He had to take matters in his own hands.  If he wanted something done right, he should have done it himself.  The Chunin exams were a few weeks away.  He had already registered a team that was going to represent Oto, but he knew he also needed to be there in the flesh.

He already knew of the first to parts of the exams. Once the first test was completed, he was going to make his move, stealing the face of a shinobi from another village. The Forest of Death was the perfect place to target Sasuke and his team, to give the boy a gift, the Cruse Seal of Heaven.

Chapter 13: Foreboding Skies


Chapter 13 on Friday the 13th, I did not plan that, it just happened.

Welcome to the first part of the Chunin Exams.

Once again, I want to thank you, my readers for all your support. I did not expect this when starting this fic. I cannot believe I am approaching 300 kudos and 8k hits. I truly appreciate all of you, your comments and speculations always bring me joy and I enjoy reading them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Deep in the woods of the Konoha forest stood Sasuke.  He wanted to be away from everyone and everything.  Trying to clear his mind from those voices. Voices only he heard.  Sasuke could not stand being in the clan compound. His clansmen constantly staring at him, knowing he is a failure. That he did not deserve to be an Uchiha. To wear the clan symbol on his back. A prideful image showcasing their elite status, the uchiwa. Their constant whispers haunt him.  They taunted him.

Training was his only form of escapism. The only place he did not feel caged, trapped in his negative thoughts. He knew attempting the Chidori without supervision was stupid. It was something new, something fresh. Kakashi only showed him once and informed him that his speed was not quite there. That he was fast but not fast enough. He should ask Shisui or Itachi to help him with increasing his momentum, so he did not get tunnel vision when attempting this technique.  Why bothering asking if they do not have time for him anyway? He was unimportant, the spare. A weapon of mass distraction if the elders learned the truth. If the elders learn of his reincarnation status, it was the end.

His crimson eyes were blazing, ignoring the growing pain in his eyes, blood dripping down his face, not caring if he permanently damaged his retina. He needs to train harder. He needed to get better. He refused to fail again.


Her screamed haunted him. Her voice rang in his ears.  The images of their captor on top of Sakura burned in his mind, touching her inappropriately. Rape and assault should be topics that are discussed at the academy but aren’t. The military force, so afraid to lose their child soldiers, they omit that information. Information they should be privy to. Having them go in blind and experience the true nature of the rootlessness of an enemy shinobi.

It was his fault. Those men were after him. They wanted to bring him to Orochimaru. Sakura was just collateral damage. He was never going to escape that man. His legacy cursed him. The blood of the Otsutsuki ran through his veins.  Reading the ancient text under the Naka Shine enlighten him more about what type of man Indra was. A man he needs it to prevent himself from becoming. He cannot let the shadow of darkness overtake him.

Once again, he tried to mimic the jutsu Kakashi showed him a couple days ago, the Chidori. He knew he did not have the skills or the speed to charge at his target with the high concentration of electricity. He lacked the agility and precision.

Come on!

Focus, Sasuke.

Sasuke looked down at his hand as electricity started to take form. He winced in pain as he felt the electrical current start to peel away at his skin, causing it to slowly melt away, to smolder. Burning his skin slowly with the smoke of no flame. It hurt. The pain was insufferable.  He ignored it. Or tried to. The goal was to feel nothing. To be as detached possible. It was the only way to gain his father’s approval.

Looking forward, he stared at the tree, his target. He was about to run forward when he felt a strong hand around his wrist, holding him in place.  The electricity once was around his hand dissipated.

Sasuke’s looked over to see Shisui. His cousin appeared out of thin air grabbing onto his wrist, “What the hell are you thinking! You know not to practice elemental ninjutsu unsupervised.” Shisui looked down at the shrimp, concerned about his well-being. When Fugaku informed him about what happened on Sasuke’s last mission he was appalled. The kid and his team were beacons for danger. Being held captive was one thing, but seeing your comrade be sexually assaulted was another, especially when the Sharingan recoded it. He knew he needed to choose his words wisely. Triggering Sasuke was the last thing he wanted to do.

“Let me go!” Sasuke glared at Shisui with his Sharingan. “Let me go now!” Sasuke cried out, fighting against Shisui’s grip. He was far too weak. Far too tired to do anything.

“You are hurting yourself kid! I am not going to let you do that!” Shisui pulled Sasuke into his chest, hugging him. Hoping to bring him some sort of comfort. Sasuke continues to struggle to break free. Trying to fight against him.  Trying to escape. It was becoming difficult to breath. He was suffocating in his own sorrow. “It’s okay.” Shisui ran his hand through Sasuke’s raven locks. 

He was exhausted, if he was not so tired, he would be able to get out of Shisui grip. “Let go of me! I need to get stronger. I need to, I need to…” gasping for air, trying to focus. To not drown in his negative thoughts. He was in that vast ocean again, trying to keep his head above the surface. Trying not to drown. He needed to keep himself together, but his walls were crumbling down. 

“You are strong, Sasuke, stronger than many of your peers. Stronger than those who are much older than you. Not many who face the travesties are able to handle it. You did well, you both got out of the situation before anything got worse” Shisui knew the look on Sasuke’s face all too well. The kid was getting lost in mind.

“I still could not keep her safe. She was still assaulted. I was unable to protect her. I broke my promise to Yamanaka to not let any harm come to Sakura.  I allow that man to touch her. To…” He could not hold it in anymore, his emotions were consuming him. “I failed! I am a disappointment. I…”

Sasuke looked up at Shisui, his eyes glistening with tears, a third tomoe appeared, his Sharingan fully matured. “I failed!”


Sakura was walking down the street with Kakashi, she wondered why he wanted to meet with her without the boys.  She looked up at the masked man and sighed. It was so difficult to form a connection with her sensei, Sakura felt like he enjoyed the boy’s company more than her. Learning genjutus was great, she can detect it and layer it, but she wanted to learn more. Scared.  She was scared to ask more from her sensei. 

Was she in trouble?

Did she do something wrong?

“Sensei, where are we going?” Sakura whispered; it was barely audible, but Kakashi still heard her. His head turned and he looked at Sakura with soft eyes. She knew this had something to do with Team 7’s last mission. Her captivity with Sasuke, leading to being assaulted by that man.  Sakura has been trying so hard to put on this front, pretending she is okay when she really isn’t. To be strong and not have her teammates worry about her.   Everyone has been acting different around her lately, except Sasuke. Like she was made of glass. So fragile that she was going to break at any moment into a million pieces. Kakashi was surprised how well she held up.

Sakura could not tell her parents what happened. They would immediately tell her to quit. To try and find her a nice boy to marry. To go against her wishes of wanting to continue the path of being a Shinobi. 

She could always talk to Ino, she always made her feel at ease. Always knew the right thing to say but their schedules never matched up. They were busy completing missions, learning teamwork and experience what it takes to be a ninja under the supervision and protection of an elite shinobi.

“I want you to meet a friend of mine.” Kakashi made his way to an apartment complex, one used by many Jonin. 

Sakura paused for a moment. “You must give me more information than that! Do you really expect me to follow you somewhere not knowing who I am going to speak with. It is obvious you want me to speak with something about the little ordeal that happened to me. I know you are not comfortable taking about these subjects with me.”

Kakashi turned and looked down at the only girl on his team, placing a hand on top of Sakura’s head and patted it. He knows he failed her. Concentrating to much on the boys.  Not paying attention to her skills or helping her grow.  He wanted to protect her; Sakura reminded him to much of Rin.  He could not bear losing Sakura.  Thinking if he did not push her, she would eventually quit.  It was a mistake, and he knows he needs to do better.

“I cannot get anything by you. You are correct that I am not comfortable about talking about specific subjects with you, Sakura. I am sure you do not want to talk about what happened on your last mission with me. Despite what you little ducklings believe; I do have female friends.”

I wonder who his female friends are when he reads such filth.

“I am sure you remember her from the day teams were assigned. She is the sensei for Team 8.”

“Oh, okay.” Sakura looked down thinking of the kunoichi who was assigned to lead Kiba, Shino, and Hinata.  What she remembered about the women was her unique eye color, they were red in color with an additional ring around the iris.  She mistaken her as someone of the Uchiha Clan when she first laid eyes on her.  “Doesn’t she have her own team to worry about.”

“She does but is doing this little favor for me.” Kakashi lead Sakura up a few stairs. He knocked on the door.  Sakura heard shuffling before the door opened.

“Kakashi!” She looked down at the pretty, pink-haired girl. “You must be Sakura.”

“Is this a bad time?” He questioned as he studied Kurenai’s appearance. She looked a bit disheveled. Smelled of tobacco. The same tobacco Asuma smokes.  They are no longer being discrete about their relationship.

“No, come in…” She opened the door.  

Kakashi pushed gently on Sakura’s shoulder, “I will be back in an hour.”  Kakashi disappeared.  Sakura looked towards Kurenai with worry in her eyes. How much did Kakashi tell her?

“Sakura, what tea do you like?”   

“Do you have amacha?” Sakura asked. “If you don’t, that’s fine, amacha is acquired taste.”

“A fan of sweet things, I see.” Kurenai smiled as she put the water on for tea.  “Come have a seat Sakura.”

Sakura walked over to the kitchen table in the apartment. She pulled a chair and sat down. “Yes, my parents run a bakery. I used to help run the store before I became a Genin.”  

Kurenai nodded as she placed a cup of amacha in front of Sakura.  “You don’t have to talk about what happened if you aren’t ready. I know it is tough being in a team of boys as a young girl. I know it must be harder for you given your background as a civilian.”

“I already accepted that I have no choice in certain matters.  I am not protected in this village as a woman and as someone who is not from a clan.  I knew when I received my first physical when I was in consideration of being accepted into the academy. I knew might have to do things that I am not comfortable with, but I thought I had time.  Those missions are normally reserved for Chunin who are at least fifteen.” Sakura grip tightened on the cup. “We were ambushed. Didn’t see it coming.”


“He didn’t get far; I was able to kick him off before he removed any more of my clothing.” Tears streamed down her face; no longer could she hold back. Her walls came crumbling down, shattering on the ground. “I can still feel his body pressed against mine sometimes, his warm breath against my neck.  His…” Sakura swallowed, trying not to think of that man’s erection pressed against her inner tight, close to her core.  His hand groping her chest. “I screamed for Sasuke-kun’s help, but he was struggling to. They forced him to watch, his Sharingan blazing. My assault embedded into his mind, forever. He is only being nice to me because we are not a team. He will probably never like me after what happened, I am damaged goods. Tainted.”

“If Sasuke-kun wasn’t there who knows what would have happened. I am weak! I am not special. I am the only Genin who is not of a clan. I was the wild card. All I have is my brain and chakra control. I should have never been placed on Team 7.” The cup of tea shattered in, spilling the hot liquid everywhere. “I’m sorry, I…”

“It’s alright, it’s just a cup. It is not as important as you are Sakura. You are not weak! Something bad just happened to you and with those experiences you will only grow stronger.” 


Shisui sighed as he carried Sasuke on his back as he made his way back to the clan compound after taking the kid to the hospital to get his arm healed.  He did not blame Sasuke’s irresponsible behavior. After witnessing the atrocities that happened to the little blossom, he would behave this way too for a comrade.  

Shisui entered the gates and came to a stop when he saw Itachi leaning against a nearby wall, they were supposed to meet for a spar when Naruto came looking for him, frantic, concerned about Sasuke’s behavior.  Knowing that he would never train in such a way.

“What happen?”  

“Training accident.” Shisui did not want to go in the specifics with Itachi, especially when it came to Sasuke’s mental health.  He needed to talk to Fugaku immediately, it might be wise for Sasuke to talk to someone of the Yamanaka Clan.

“What did he do this time?” Itachi asked. His voice was lace with concern. 

“Itachi, not now!”

“Don’t keep secrets from me again. Even if they are orders from my father, I need to know what is going on with Sasuke so I can help him.”  Itachi could not believe Shisui of all people was baring him from his younger brother. 

“It is not something that will go away easily. The Sharingan recorded those events. Those memories are going to be with the shrimp for the rest of his life.”

“We can always alter his memories, the Mangekyo can do that.”

“We are not messing with Sasuke’s head! Why are you even suggesting such things.” Shisui shot a glare at Itachi. The mind is delicate. Only those who are trained in the mind should prescribe ways to help heal.

“I am tired of seeing my little brother suffer.” Itachi knew altering someone’s memories with the Mangekyo was dangerous, a skill he was trying to master.  He was just tired of seeing the withdrawn looks on Sasuke’s face. He was distancing himself from him. Itachi did not like the change in Sasuke’s behavior.

“He also suffers being in your shadow.”  Shisui instantly regretted what he said when he saw the pained look in Itachi’s face.  “We will talk later, Tachi.”  Shisui walked away, towards the main house in the Uchiha compound, not ready to inform his uncle that their greatest fears may come to Mangekyo. That Sasuke may fall to the clan’s curse. 


Kakashi looked up and noticed a bird was flying overhead, a bird the Hokage used to call forth important meeting.  He knew this summons was about the Chunin Exams, it was a week away.  He planned on nominating his team.  He believed they were ready to compete, even Sakura.

“Okay, we’ll call it a day right now.” Kakashi smiled as he flipped the page to his book. Even if he has read Ichi Ichi multiple times, he was getting to his favorite part. “I’ve to hand in my report on today’s mission.  Please behave you three, you tend to cause mischief if I am not around to keep my eyes on you.” Kakashi vanished from sight.

Sasuke looked at the spot where their white-haired sensei once stood.  He began to wonder if this had something to do with the Chunin Exams.  He has heard whispers of the event in the clan compound, his clansmen wondering he will participate. If he will be the pride of the Uchiha Clan. Or another disappointment. “I am heading home.”

“Wait, don’t you want to get ramen with us?” Naruto asked.  He has been worried about Sasuke since their last mission. When he saw his best friend training in the woods a few days ago, he ran to get an adult. When he could not find Kakashi, he thought Itachi or Shisui would be the next best person to stop Sasuke from harming himself.

“No, I have to get home.” Sasuke responded in a flat tone. 

“Are you sure, Sasuke-kun?” Sakura looked at him with concern.  She noticed he was trying to hide the bandages that were wrapped around his left arm.  When she questioned him about what happened, he brushed her off.  He was distancing himself from her and knew it was her fault. Sasuke didn’t want to be around her. She was tainted. No one would want her now.

“He has been moody lately.” Naruto crossed his arms and looked at Sakura.  She seemed sad.  “Don’t worry Sakura-chan, I will treat you to ramen today.” Naruto smiled brightly. He hoped he could cheer her up.

“Sure, that sounds…” Sakura paused and noticed a box behind Naruto with two eye holes carved out of it.  She tilted her head to the side and wondered who was following them around. Naruto turned around when he noticed Sakura was staring at something. She watched Naruto walk back and forth, the rock following his every move.

He signed and knew instantly who it was, pausing, “PSYCH!” Naruto shouted, “You need to do better Konohamaru. If you want to be as skilled as me one day, your stealth skills need to improve. Little hint no rock has perfect angles, perfect corners and eyes holes, kind of a big clue.”

Konohamaru pushed the box up, revealing himself, “As expected, nothing gets by you boss. You are my rival.”

Naruto looked at the three kids wearing the goggles he used to wear before becoming a Genin. “What is with the goggles?”

“You’re are idol! We are copying the style you used to wear.” Konohamaru answered cheerfully.

“Okay…” Naruto put his hands behind his head. Not expecting to have admires. Normally, Sasuke got all the attention.

“What do you mean ‘okay’? Are you suddenly to cool for us? Too busy to play ninja with us.” He barked.

“I can’t today, I have to train, and I have…” A blushed formed on his face as he looked at Sakura. He rarely had time alone with her and it was nice that she still wanted to hang out with him without Sasuke.

Konohamaru noticed Naruto staring at the pink-haired girl, he assumed she was his teammate, but it seems like there was more to it. “Hey, boss, who is the babe?”

“Oh, that is Sakura-chan, she is…”

“You’re girlfriend right. I should have expected this. The boss is so cool and all.” Konohamaru smirked, “She is a hottie.”

“Um, well, Sakura-chan…” Naruto did not know what to say.  He didn’t want to look uncool in front of Konohamaru. The boy idolized him, he could not look lame. Naruto knew it would anger Sakura if he did not correct him, but he liked the idea of being with Sakura.

“Naruto, tell him the truth!” Sakura glared at him.  Silence.  All she heard was silence from him.  It upset her that he would allow Lord Thirds grandson to believe that they were dating. Naruto was her friend. A brother. Someone she cared deeply for.  Why would he lie? 

“For a little guy you catch on…” Before Naruto could finish his sentence, Sakura’s fist contacted his face.  He was surprised how much power she put behind her punch.  She never used to hit that hard. Sakura had to be doing something, manipulating her chakra. 

“Big guy” Udon cried, shocked that the girl would punch Naruto like that. Who punches the person they are in a relationship unless Naruto isn’t being truthful with them.

“You are a total witch.” Konohamaru yelled.

Sakura landed a punch on Konohamaru, but not enough to knock him out.  She did not want to get in trouble with the Hokage for harming his grandson. It would not go over well. She was a civilian shinobi, and he was an elite in their village.  She no longer could stay here, had enough, it was time for her to go home.  She no longer wanted to have ramen with Naruto, her appetite vanished instantly when she was called a babe and a hottie. She was thinking back to the words that man sad to her. How she is a pretty, little thing. Truly and essence of spring with her hair color.

Why did Naruto have to lie?

 “Konohamaru!! Are you alright?” Moegi asked before glaring at Sakura. Surprised someone could be so cruel.

“Jeesh! That broad browed fire breathing hag! Is she even a real female.”

Sakura should have just let it go; she should have just continued her way.  But she was tired of people making fun of her appearance.  The constant abuse she had to deal with as a child.  How she would hide in the woods, in a hollow out tree until they went away.  Ino becoming her friend was a blessing. Most of the violent attacks on her stopped, but people still bothered her, only after Sasuke talked to her, they would. Many surprised that the young Uchiha would give a civilian girl the time of day.

She let her anger get the best of her once again, her inner voice yelling at her to beat the kid up for insulting her. The voice was egging her on, telling her to do something she would later regret. That something bad was going to happen to if she acted out violently. Sakura ran after them, wanting to teach Konohamaru a lesson to not call people ugly. To use their insecurities against them. He couldn’t have known that she had a forehead complex. That the only person allowed to make fun of her forehead was Ino. It was part of their banter, their friendship.

She froze when Konohamaru crashed into a boy wearing a black, baggy, full body suit with a red and yellow circle on the front. A black hood which covered his head completely and had cat-like ear his face covered in purple markings. Instantly she knew this boy was no Konoha nin. He was from another village, their ally from Suna. Why are they here?

The boy grabbed Konohamaru by the shirt and lifted him off the ground, annoyed that some squirt crashed into him. Unaware of the boy’s identity. “That hurt snotface!”


Guilt has overtaken Sakura. She felt terrible and if she did not say something, she could be the cause of an international incident and that could result in her execution. “Please don’t hurt him, it was my fault. I was fooling around and…”

“PUT HIM DOWN YOU BIG APE!” Naruto shouted, pointing his finger at the older boy.

“Knock it off, Kankuro. Stop causing problems.” Temari sighed. She knew her younger brother would not listen to her; he was a bit of a hot head.

Sakura knew Naruto once again was acting before he thinks. There was consequence when acting in such a way. These shinobi may be from an ally village, but behaving poorly could have political implications.  “YOU!” Naruto shouted as he ran towards the boy.

“I just wanted to play with him a little while we are waiting for the little nuisance to get here!” Kankauro smirked as he blocked the blonde boys attack, knocking him onto his back. “What a wimp.  Is that the best a Konoha Genin can do.”

Sakura hurried over to Naruto helping him to his feet.  She hoped he would keep his mouth shut, but this was Naruto. He did not keep his mouth shut when the little guy was in trouble. He looked out for those who needed it. “HEY, YOU IN THE BLACK PIG SUIT. RELEASE HIM NOW AND I’LL GO EASY ON YOU, BONEHEAD!”

Sakura’s eyebrow twitched and she wrapped an arm around Naruto’s neck before he could launch himself at the Suna Shinobi.  She did not need him to embarrass Konoha further. “You need to calm down you idiot. Do you want to cause an international incident.”

Temari studied the pink-haired girl. At least someone here had some sense.

“First off, I am allergic to shrimp! Bad enough that you are a short little kid…you are disrespecting tour elders! You make me want to kill you!” He looked over at the annoying blonde.

“What!” Sakura’s eyes widen.  He could not be serious.  Does he know who Konohamaru is?  If he harmed that boy, it would be war.

“I will not be held responsible for this.” Temari sighed.  She knew it would be difficult to stop her stupid younger brother. Once he set his mind on something he would fulfill it.

“So, I will finish this tiny shrimp and move on to the jumbo shrimp over there.” Kankoura smirked.

“YOU!!!” Before Naruto could make his move, a rock flew out of nowhere, hitting Kankauro’s hand. His grip loosened from Konohamaru, causing the boy to fall to the ground. Kankauro looked up to see a boy with black hair and onyx eyes staring down at him. His gaze was intense, cold.

“I would not be causing trouble as a guest in another village if I were you.” Sasuke stared down at Kankauro. He has been watching his team from afar since he left, knowing they would cause some sort of trouble. Naruto was an idiot when it came to respecting Sakura sometimes. He should not have pretended that they were dating, as for Sakura, he has never seen her so angry before. Was this a result of their last mission.


Konohamaru used this moment to make his way back to everyone. They were distracted and he could finally get away from his near-death experience.

“Oh, look another little brat.” Kankauro looked up at the boy who was starting down at him from his perch on the three.

“Get lost!” Sasuke said as he crushed the rock in his hand.

“Think you are smart, pretty boy, don’t you.” Kankauro loosened the bandage that was around his should releasing the puppet he was carrying on his back, “Come down little squirrel, show me that you are more than just a pretty face.”

“Tell, me you are not planning to use the crow! Are you stupid.”

“Kankauro, don’t!” A deep voice spoke next to him.  Sasuke’s eyes widen when he sensed it, a sinister chakra. Sasuke turned his head to see a boy with red hair, hanging upside down. He was dressed in black, carrying a gourd on his back.

“You are a disgrace to our village. It annoys me that you would lose your control in a quarrel with children. Have you forgotten why we came here.”

“But Gaara…they started it. The little one slammed into me.”

“Shut up or I will kill you.”

“You’re right. I was out of line.” Kankauro caught, knowing if he angered Gaara further he might release Shukaku upon them.

“We are sorry Gaara!” Temari answered her younger brother. Knowing it would not be wise to get on his bad side.

The boy known as Gaara turned his head towards Sasuke, “Sorry about my friends.” He continued to study him. Wanting to know more about the black hair boy. He was skilled. He could tell by the way he took out Kankuro with a stone. He could feel a dark aura coming from him, one that was buried in his chakra.

Gaara vanished from where he hung from the tree in a gust of wind and landed next to his two teammates, siblings. “Let’s go before you cause any more problems. We did not come here to fool around.”

“Wait a second.” Sakura spoke out.

Gaara turned around and studied the girl with pink hair.  “Yes?”

“According to your headbands, You three are come from the Village in the Sand. You are one of Konoha’s allies, but according to our treaties your ninja are not permitted to cross the border without authorization. State your business. We can’t…”

Sasuke jumped down and landed in front of Sakura. “It’s okay Sakura, they have their reasons to be here.  The Chunin exams are happening in Konoha this year. They are permitted to be here.”

Gaara studied Sasuke once again, he was well informed about these matters.  He must be of one of the Konoha Clans.  Black hair, onyx eyes. That trait belongs to one Clan and one clan only, the Uchiha.  He met the Uchiha’s eyes once again. “Is there anything else that you need?”

“What is your name?” Sasuke asked.

“Gaara of the Sand at your service. And you are?”

“Sasuke Uchiha.”

In the tree Sasuke once stood where three sound shinobi were watching from the shadows, they were here to infiltrate the Chunin exams for Orochimaru, to target the Uchiha.

“What do you think?” Zaku spoke watching the team they were told to keep an eye on.

Sasuke, I am not going to lose to you.

What gotten into you all of a sudden?

“I don’t think they are anything special. We need to be weary of the blonde, but the girl is nothing special.  But the black-haired kid form the Lead Village and the gourd from the Sand Village are the two wee need to keep an eye on for Lord Orochimaru.”

He remained on the outskirts of the village, watching the shinobi from other nations walk towards the gates of Konoha.  The Chunin exams were a week away, it was time to make his love on the Uchiha boy, to mark him with a great power. To test him to see if he would be able to handle the Curse Seal of Heaven.

Orochimaru knew he could not just rely on the team he sent to participate in the exams under his village, he needed to infiltrate Konoha himself, to be a participant in the Chunin exams. A smirk formed on his face when he spotted them, his targets, shinobi form Kusa.  

He needed to wait though, they needed to complete the first part of the exam before he could steal their faces.

Sasuke sat down on the engawa, taking off his sandals, avoiding his mother’s gaze.  He has already been reprimanded for practicing elemental ninjutsu unsupervised.  His father wasn’t pleased with him. He was never pleased. He no longer believed his mother when she constantly tells him that Fugaku is proud of him but is just concerned how he has been acting. It felt like even his mother was against him.

He looked over at the koi pond. Thinking of the events from earlier. Today was an interesting day. Kakashi had found them after their encounter with the Sand Shinobi, he informed them that he nominated them for the Chunin exams.   Sasuke was surprised that Kakashi thought they were all ready.  He was not concerned about Naruto and his abilities to perform well in these exams, he knew that Naruto would jump at any chance to prove himself. Sasuke noticed how some of the villagers treated him.  They feared the nine-tails fox that was sealed in him.  Not like Naruto had a choose in the matter, his father, the fourth Hokage had to do it to protect the village.

Sasuke rested his hands behind him, leaning back. His thoughts on wandered to Sakura.  He was worried that she would not be able to handle the exams. She wasn’t ready for them. Sasuke has seen improvement in her abilities, but it wasn’t enough. He did not want her to be traumatized further. People die in these exams.

“Sasuke dear, your back early.” Mikoto smiled as her son.

“Kakashi dismissed us early.” Sasuke rose to his feet. “He nominated our team for the Chunin exams.”

“Already, you have only been a team for six months.” Mikoto studied her son.  She had a feeling that her baby boy was going to be participating in these upcoming exams.

“He thinks we are ready…”

“But you feel differently. Mikoto asked as her son followed her into the kitchen.

“Naruto and I are ready, but Sakura…” Sasuke sighed as he looked at his mother. He could not help but continue to worry about her.  She makes think he has not noticed but she has acted differently since their last mission. Has become more aware of her surroundings. Keeping her distance from everyone. Afraid to be touched. “I know she is not ready.  She is strong in her own way, but she is still lacking a lot. These exams are…”

Mikoto placed a hand on Sasuke cheek and patted it, “Your worried about her safety. Very chivalrous of you.  I am sure she appreciates it.”

“I am terrible at showing it. I want to be respectful and…” Sasuke bit his lip. “I don’t want to say the wrong thing, especially after that…”

Mikoto signed and hugged Sasuke, running her hand through his hair.  “I know that mission was hard for the two of you, but you both will only grow stronger from it, become better shinobi.”

“At what cost…” Sasuke whispered.


A swishing sound filled the air as the kunai found its targets. A boy dressed in a green jumpsuit placed his hand in the target as he looked towards the kunoichi on his team.

“Hey have you heard. The Chunin exams are coming up. I have heard for the first time in five years, they are going to let the rookies compete this year.”

“No way! It’s probably just some stubborn Jonin gloating about their team. They get over competitive when it comes to these exams.” Tenten flipped her Kunai in her hand as she looked toward male teammates. Her gaze focused on Neji who was sitting on the forest floor with his back pressed against the tree, eyes closed. She knew he must know something even if he is not on good terms with his family. His cousin was a rookie, a freshly minted Genin. He was not one to speak about his family.

“No…they say that three of the students are Kakashi’s. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno.” Lee answered.  He has seen Sakura in passing and was immediately taken by her.  She was beautiful. Someone he will swear to protect. The girl who he would ask to be his girlfriend. 

“That is quite interesting.” Neju opened his eyes when he heard the Uchiha name. He was someone he wished to fight.  Visual prowess against each other.  Who has the better dojutsu?

“Well, either way you have to feel sorry for them.” Tenten smirked as she threw the kunai towards the target Neji sat under, “It is not going to be easy for them and they will suffer.”

“Hn.” Tenten may be correct about some of the rookie nine, but not all. Kakashi’s team is the only rookie’s he was concerned about, the others not so much. Neji rose to his feet and looked at his teammates. “I will see you two tomorrow.”  


Leaning against the entrance of the academy, Sasuke studied everyone who was entering, sizing up his opponents. Making a mental list of people his team needed to stay away from.  He remembered the three shinobi from Suna, the Kazekage’s children. Those three were top of his list. Sakura and Naruto would not be able to handle them. The boy with red hair, Gaara’s chakra felt like Naruto, chaotic. He felt two different chakra signatures. A beast sealed within him.  A jinchūriki, like Naruto.

Sakura was the next to arrive.  She kept her distance from him and seemed out of it.  Sasuke could not help but be concerned about her odd behavior.

Naruto smiled brightly when he saw Sasuke and Sakura waiting for him outside of the academy. He ran over to them. “Sorry, I am late. I overslept.”

“How can you oversleep on such an important day?” Sasuke crossed his arms and looked at his best friend.  He cocked an eyebrow when Sakura did not say anything. No snide comment. She has not once smiled since she arrived, she just greeted him with a nod.  He was worried she was forcing herself to be here.

“I was too excited to fall asleep and when I finally did, I was so tired to get out of bed.”

 “Of course, you were.” Sasuke rolled his eyes as they made their way into the academy.  They came to a stop to see a group of people standing outside the door, a door that read 301.  This was the second floor, not the third.

“What is the hold up?” Naruto asked as he stared at the crowd of people who were in front of them.  They were gathered at some door.  He placed his hand on his chin and wondered if they were on the third floor.  He only remembers going up two flights of stairs.

Sakura paused when she felt a tingling sensation on the back of her neck.  She looked at her surroundings knew instantly genjutsu was being used.  Was this a part of the test? Did they need to dispel it before moving to the third floor. 

“Hah! You plan to take the Chunin Exams with that! You should quite now.” A boy with long, spiky, black hair and dark eyes knocked Lee to the ground.

“You guys are just little kids; these exams are not a game.” Kotetsu mocked. He was tasked with Izumo to weed out the weak. 

“You said it.” Izumo the boy brown hair, covering his right eyes answered.

A girl with dark brown hair rose to her feet after checking on her teammate.  She walked towards the two boys blocking the door “Please let us in.” She begged.

Kotetsu punched Tenten, knocking her to the floor.”

“How cruel.”

“That’s horrible!”

“What did you say?” Kotetsu smirked. “Listen up! We are being kind to you. The Chunin exams are extremely difficult. It is rare to pass on the first try.  We’ve failed for about three times so far. There are people who made it past the exams, but they gave up on being a shinobi after seeing horrors the exam presented them. Others ended up dead. We see it all. This test is not for the faint hearted.”

“Besides that, a Chunin often leads a group where they are assigned as their unit captain. The lives of their teammates are the responsibility of their captain.  If they fail a mission and members of their team dies, those deaths rest firmly on their shoulders and et you little punks have the nerve to apply.”  Kotetsu continued.

“We are saving a step by weeding out the obvious losers beforehand. Less competition for us.”  Izumo smirked.

Sasuke shook his head and knew instantly the proctors were trying to scare off people. It was a tactic they used every year to weed out the shinobi unable to handle this exam. He pushed his way through the crown, “I agree, but you’d better let me through. And drop the Genjutsu. I am going to the third floor. Stop wasting everyone’s time just became you are scared of competition.”

What is he talking about?

Who knows?


“So, you noticed, eh?” Izumo started at the black-haired boy.  He knew instantly he was dealing with an Uchiha, but not any Uchiha.  It was the Captain of the Konoha Military Police Forces, rumors of him competing in this year’s Chunin Exams have spread through the Land of Fire. Many are already hoping the kid would make it to the finals, so they could place their bets on the Uchiha winning the whole thing.

“It was easy right, Sakura. You were probably the first to notice is.” A smirk formed on Sasuke’s lips as he looked over at Sakura.  He could tell she was feeling down, like she did not belong here.  Sasuke knew she was capable. Jade met Onyx. “Your analytical abilities and genjusu know how the best in our team is.”

“Of course, I noticed it a while ago.  The moment I felt this odd sensation on the back of my neck, I knew something was off.  We also only climbed two flights of stairs; we are only on the second floor.”

“Yep!” Naruto nodded his head, pretending he also picked up on the genjutsu.  He knew something was up when they only climbed two sets of stairs, but never questioned the reason why.

The classroom sign that was once 301, morphed back into 201.  The boy with spiked hair clicked his tongue against his teeth. He should have expected this from kids trained by Kakashil “Hey not bad, but just seeing through it isn’t enough.”  The boy with spiky black hair swung his leg at Sasuke, aiming for his head. Sasuke brough his knee up ready to retaliate, but before contact was made, a boy dressed in a green jumpsuit appeared between them, grabbing onto their legs.

Sakura was surprised, not many people could match Sasuke’s speed.  She barely picked up on his movements.  She could not help but be impressed by the boy with the bowl cut.  Being able to perceive the attack pattens on both sides and having the ability to plant himself at the nexus of both of their kicks was nearly impossible.  She began to wonder who trained him. He was a Konoha shinobi and by his height and stature the boy could be about a year or two older than her team.  He is completely different from the person that was getting knocked around earlier.

Was it all just an act?

  Was he trying to figure out his competition?

Lee released Sasuke’s and Kotetsu’s leg and immediately looked at Sakura.

Sasuke noticed that he was looking at Sakura. He looked over at team 7 kunoichi, wondering if she has noticed the attention this boy was giving her.  Sasuke looked back over at the green clade hero, analyzing what just occurred.  Not many non-Uchiha could match his speed. To block him his attack with his bare hands without the use of utilizing chakra was impossible.  Who was he?

“Lee, that is not what we agreed on.” The boy with white eyes and long brown hair spoke. His voice laced with annoyance. “You are the one insisted that we should avoid drawing attention to ourselves. You have done the opposite.”  Neji observed his teammate. Wondering why he would do something foolish.  He watched Lee continue to stare at the pink-haired girl that was standing near the Uchiha.

“But…but…but.” Lee continued to stare at Sakura, she was much prettier than he imagined.  

Tenten shook her head and sighed. “Here we go again.” Lee could not stop talking about the spring fairy of Kakashi’s team for the past couple of days.  Once they heard about the Chunin Exams they decided to track down Kakashi’s team.  To see who they were up against.

She studied the girl with long pink hair and green eyes, the girl he was determined to make his girlfriend. A delicate flower. Someone who should never be a shinobi.  Tenten knew he was going to be rejected. She felt for him, but it does not take an idiot to notice that the Uchiha moved closer to his female teammate the instant Lee’s attention was on her.  Lee clenched his fist as he strode over to Sakura.

“Um…” Lee blushed as he tried to find the right words to say to Sakura. “Hi, my name is Rock Lee. So, you’re Sakura…” Now that he was closer to Sakura, he was more captivated by her beauty.

Naruto looked between the two, wondering is Sakura knew this fool. He loved towards Sasuke was visible annoyed. The reserved Uchiha normally had a talent of masking his facial expressions.  What was he trying to do?

“Would you like you go out with me! I will protect you with my life!” Lee blurted out.

Sakura blinked. She did not expect a love confession. Embarrassed, this exam was not the time or the place to ask someone out on a date.  She knew she had to let him down gently.  If she was too harsh, his team may target hers in the exams. “No, I am not interested in a relationship right now.”

Lee felt defeated, but her words gave him hope. Not right now, but maybe in the future she would say yes to him. He hoped it was sooner rather than later. He noticed the Uchiha take a step towards them, and he wondered if he was infringing on his territory.

Neji sighed; he should have known Lee wanted to impress a girl. He turned to the Uchiha.  A rival of the Hyuga Clan, not like he cared about any problems the main house had with other clans, he has heard how his uncle and grandfather talk about their distain towards the Uchiha.  He was a branch member, a servant.  He had to obey or be torture. He wanted to fight the Uchiha because he would be a formable opponent. A skilled warrior. “Hey, Uchiha. What is your name?”

“It’s common courtesy to give your name first, Hyuga.”

“You are a rookie, aren’t you? How old are you?” Neji questioned.

“I don’t have to answer you.” Sasuke made his way over to Sakura and reached for her wrist, pulling her away from Lee, not liking how he was looking at her.  He released her once they were far enough away from the crowd. That encountered had drawn attention to them. Attention they did not need.  A target was now on their backs. This exam just got even more interesting. It was turning into a show of freaks.

A blushed formed on Tenten’s face as she watched Sasuke Uchiha walk away from them. He was cute and cool, something nice to look at, but her heart already belonged to another, Neji.  She tried so hard to keep her feelings in check around him. She knows how he is when it comes having a crush on someone. He rips Lee’s crush on Sakura apart, constantly stating that it is a distraction. That there was no time for romance in their profession.

“Sasuke-kun, Naruto, let’s go.” Sakura cheered as she reached for the two boy’s hands. Dragging them along. They needed to make it to the third floor before three.

From behind the door Kotestu and Izumo watched as the group of children and teens disperse.  Their unofficial test was a fialior thanks to Kakashi and Gai’s precious little brats.  “The exams are going to be fun this year.”

“They really are. I cannot wait to see the results.”

Lee, Neji and TenTen were the only ones left in the now empty hallway. “Come one Lee, what are you doing?” TenTen asked as she watched as Lee continued to stare in the direction that Kakashi’s team went.  She had a feeling that he was going to pick a fight.  

“You guys go on ahead. There is something that I would like to check first.” Lee answered.

 “If you pick a fight with Uchiha, you better be at that classroom in time.” Neji crossed his arms across his chest.  “I will not fail this exam because you are jealous of Uchiha and that girl.” 

 “I am not fighting him for that reason, Neji.  I have my own reasons to fight Uchiha and it does not have to do with Sakura-san. I promise to be on time and if I am not, I will run 100 laps around the academy as an apology to you Neji.”

“You don’t need to do such things. Just be on time.” Neji watched as Lee disappeared down the hall, “Let’s go Tenten.”  

“You are informing Gai Sensei about this, right,” Tenten asked as she matched Neji stride.

“Who else do you think he will listen to?”  Neji sighed as he motioned Tenten to follow him.

Lee followed them to the hall of the academy.  “Hey, you with the scowl…wait up!”  

Sasuke looked up at the boy who was bothering Sakura earlier.  He wondered what he wanted from him.  He felt a shift in Sakura’s chakra, feeling how uncomfortable she was by this guy presents. “What is it.”  

“Will you…fight me?”  

“A fight right now?” Sasuke answered fatly, wondering what he was up to. His body shifted in front of Sakura, shielding her from the person who just challenged him.  He knew it was not wise to agree to such things so close to the exam time, but he was curious about how this guy was able to stop him. He needed to test himself.  

“Yes!” Lee said as he jumped down from the landing, ignoring the steps.  He landed gracefully on his feet. “My name is Rock Lee. When you want to learn a person’s name, you introduce yourself, first right, Sasuke Uchiha.”

“Hn” At least this person had better courtesy than Hyuga. He wondered how he knew his name. “So, you know my name?”

“Yes, I want to fight you, Sasuke. I want to test my techniques against a member of such a prestigious clan. I feel like you would be a good test for me!” Lee’s attention turned to Sakura again, “Besides…” His attention turned to Sakura once again. “You are like an angel, Sakura-san.” He blew a kiss at Sakura.

Sakura jolted, taken a step back. There was nowhere to run. No where to hide. Her breathing increase as she tried to forget. Tried to stop thinking about that day.  

He felt Sakura chakra spike instantly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Sakura shaking, he eyes glazing over. He felt uneasiness radiating off her porcelain skin. There were signs of a panic attack, but she was doing a good job at calming herself down. She only faltered for a moment.  Sasuke did not like how uncomfortable Lee was making Sakura feel. He stepped in front of her, protecting her.  

“Back off!” Naruto growled.  He did not like this weirdo bothering Sakura. It didn’t even faze him that Lee challenged Sasuke. All he cared about was Sakura and how uncomfortable this jerk was making her feel. He knew Sakura was still shaken up from this last mission. He knew it would take her time to get over such a traumatic event, “Leave Sakura-chan alone.” Naruto charged forward. Nothing thinking.  He rarely assessed the situation before running into battle. It was something he needed to work on.  

 Lee studied the blonde as he ran towards him. It was reckless and stupid to act on his emotions.  He did not want to fight the blonde boy but would teach this kid a lesson. Lee picked up on Naruto’s movement, catching his wrist, redirecting his punch.   

Naruto stumbled, “Damn it.” He tried to counter, catching himself on the ground. He swung his leg up to kick Lee, but once again was unsuccessful. The boy dressed in green dropped to the grown, sending sweeping kick towards Naruto’s arms.  

“Leaf whirlwind!”  

Naruto was sent flying.  He hit the wall with a loud thug.  

“None of you will be able to beat me. I am the greatest fighter among all the Genin in the Leaf Village, even you Sasuke, the Uchiha Clan and your lineage will not be able to keep up with my speed.”  

Sasuke eyes narrowed as studied Lee trying to figure out how he was able to move a such velocity. A speed he displayed earlier when he stopped his kick. No normal person moved that fast. Even Shisui. He could not help but be interested in the strange boy, wanting to figure out what technique he used.   Naruto was not a foddler.  He kept up with him when they spared. He knew it was not wise to fight someone before the exam, but his curiosity got the better of him.  

“I accept your challenge.”  A smirked formed on Sasuke’s lips.  

Sakura looked up at the clock, they did not have the time to fool around. “Sasuke-kun, we do not have time for this. The exams…”

Sasuke looked back at Sakura with soft eyes, “Don’t worry, we will make it in time. I am sure. Lee doesn’t want to miss out on the exams either. This will take five minutes.”

“Sasuke!” Sakura started at him.  

“Everything will be fine.” He tried to reassure Sakura. “Let me handle this.”  

Sasuke ran at Lee. He wanted to see if he could defeat him without the Sharingan.   

“Leaf hurricane” Lee jumped in the air, swinging a kick above Sasuke’s head. Sasuke crouched, barely doing the attack.   He watched Lee swing about kick at Sasuke’s head, realizing he could not be able to dodge without the use of his eyes faded to crimson, catching Lee’s leg before it was too late. Sasuke did not expect a punch to come and send him back a few feet.  

Sasuke whipped blood off his lip and knew instantly he was only using Taijutsu. He watched as the Lee started to loosen the bandages around his wrist. Sasuke was about to go in for another attack when a tortoise appeared out of nowhere. He froze, confused by its sudden appearance.  He stared a Lee, who went from confident to terrified in seconds.

“That is as far as it goes Lee! You know better to use that attack, it is forbidden.” T

“Please forgive me sensei I was only…” Lee knew he would see through his lies, that he was going to use a dangerous technique against Sasuke. “I was not planning the hidden one, I…”

“You are a fool! Do you really think you can get away with these silly excuses.” The tortoise continued to chastised Lee, “Consider the repercussions of a shinobi! Any shinobi—baldly explaining all their secrets.

“Yes, sir.”

“I hope you prepared yourself for the consequences.” The tortoise continued.

“Y-yes sir.”

“He is all yours Gai Sensei!”

Team 7 looked towards the Tortoise confused, it had to be a summoning. With a load boom, a man dressed exactly like Lee appear. “Looks like all are right in the thick of youthful passion.” His loud, boisterous voice filled the room. 

“Ehhhh!” Team 7 was shocked by the appearance of the Joinin instructor.

“He has got the biggest eyebrows yet…” Naruto shouted.

“…same dorky hairdo…” Sasuke muttered.

“…same fashion sense.” Sakura whispered. She did not even notice the man appear behind them.

“You three must be Kakashi’s little ducklings.” Gai looked down at the three children. Kakashi had such an interesting bunch.

Sasuke looked up at the man and wondered if the Jonin gossiped about their students, they must talk about them in their free time. How would this weirdo know who they are?

“I want to apologize to you three, I am sorry my student caused you trouble. I hope you will find it in you to forgive him.” Gai looked at the clock, “You guys and Lee should head up to the classroom, now.  You are almost out of time, and I do not want any of you to be disqualified for being late.”

“What took your team so long forehead!” Ino hugged her best friend from behind.  It has been a little over a month since they last saw each other.  “I thought you three were never going to arrive.”

“Sorry, we were held up.” Sakura smile when she saw Ino, she was happy to see her, but they were also competition, rivals. Sakura finally got to look around the classroom, surprised how many people were taking the exams.  They all look strong.

“Good to see familiar face.” Shikamara walked forward with Choji. He knew Ino was eagerly waiting for Sakura, he did not understand girls. His eyes darted to Sasuke and Naruto; curious about how strong they have gotten.  He has overhead his father talk about the two missions Team 7 have been on that went awry.

“My My everyone is here.” Kiba barked.

“H-hello.” Hinata blushed as she looked at Naruto.  

“Sasuke, I hope things are well.” Shino spoke.

“This exam is going to be interesting.” Kiba smirked, “Looks like all the rookies are here. Hey Uchiha, I wonder how far we will get.”

“Hn, you are might confident, Kiba.” Sasuke smirked as he placed a hand on his hip, “Do you really think you can challenge me?”

“Don’t get cocky, Uchiha.”

“Hey, you guys.” A boy who was a few years older than them walked over to them.  “You should be a little quieter. You are drawing attention to yourself.  Everyone is on edge waiting to the Chunin exams to start. Some are a bit short tempered. I don’t think you want to make enemies so early on.”

Sasuke studied the white-haired boy, he remembered him from the other day at the hospital. He was the one who healed his injury, “Kabuto, right.”

“I am surprised you remember me, Sasuke.”  

“Didn’t know you were still a Genin when you healed my arm at the hospital.”

“Many people say that when they encounter me outside of the hospital walls.” Kabuto smiled as he studied Sasuke and his teammates.

“So, you taken these exams before?” Sakura questioned.

“Yes, its my seventh time.”


Just how hard are these exams.

“Well, there is a benefit in taken these exams many times.” Kabuto pulled out a deck of cards. “Every year I have taken the exam I have recorded the information using Ninja information cards. It is a useful tool to see which shinobi to be wary of.”

Sasuke studied Kabuto; something was off about this guy.  The pit of his stomach told him that he should not trust this man.


Kakashi sat in the Jonin Standby Station, a few hours have passed since the start of the first test, and they were waiting for the result of the first portion of the exams, espionage.  The Genin were being tested on their abilities and skills to gather information without being caught. Kakashi was not worried about Sasuke, the kid was good at being discrete. Sakura was smart and would probably be able to answer the questions without having to cheat. As for Naruto, the kid lacked tact, but he still believed in his abilities not to mess up.

The door to the room opened, Kakashi looked up to see Ibiki Morino walk through the door. “The first part of the exam has concluded. Out of the ten Konoha teams that have entered, only six have passed: Team 7, Team 8, Team 10, Team 9, Team 13, and Team 15.  All other Jonin instructors whose teams wasn’t called; you are dismissed.” Ibiki crossed his arms. “Don’t forget, those who have students who passed the first portion of the exams, you are not allowed to have any interactions with your students until the conclusion of the second test.”

“Seems like are kids have passed.” Gai patted Kakashi on the back.

“I didn’t doubt them for a second.” Kakashi smiled. He knew the next part of the exam was going to be even more dangerous.  He hoped his team will be able to handle the horrors that await them.  The Forest of Death was not for the faint heated.

“We should get a drink to celebrate.” Gai asked, “Asuma. Kurenai. Would you like to join us?” Gai asked.

“Sure, might as well. We have time to kill. They are going to be stuck in that forest for five days.” Asuma smiled.  He knew they could not too much until the test concluded. He just hoped Ino, Shikamaru and Choji will service.

“Hopefully, they come out of this stronger. Their teamwork is going to be put to the test.”

“Kakashi, are you coming?” Gai asked.

“I’m coming…” Kakashi looked out the window, watching the sun set.  He could not shake off this ominous feeling. Something bad was going to happen, and he was worried that it would involve his little duckling, always attracting the wrong type of trouble.


The Chunin exams have begun and will last a couple of chapters and will include various events.

We have about 9 chapters left in Genin Era. I am debating on if I should to three chapters between Genin Era and Shippuden Era to work as a transition. There are a few events that are going to occur at the end of Genin Era that might need a little transition. What do you think?

Chapter 14: Forest of Visions


Happy November and Happy Cursed Legacy Update day!

Once again, I want to thank all of you for the support you have given me to this story.

I also want to welcome new readers, I hope you are ready for the craziness to come.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sasuke crossed his arms as he stood in the tent with Naruto and Sakura after handing in their consent forms for the next portion of the exam, the village had the participants sign a waiver stating that if they were to die in the forest the village was not responsible for their deaths. People died in this section of the exam, weeding out the weak and those who are not capable of being proper shinobi.

They were about to spend five days in Training Ground 44, the Forest of Death. Testing their survival skills and hunting down either the Heaven or Earth scroll to gain entry to the tower at the center of the confined area.

“Why don’t I hold the scroll?" Naruto held his hand out, hoping his team would allow him to be the one to protect it—the Heaven Scroll. To prove himself, to show he is not some screw up. Painting Team 7’s name in a bad light, knowing most would not want a demon like him as a Chunin. To become a Captain of a squad. To lead on a mission.

He wanted to prove to the village that he was trustworthy. To show Konoha he could be Hokage one day, a great leader that everyone would love and look up to. Naruto hoped his own teammates felt the same. He wanted them to see him as a leader, not some knuckleheaded ninja. Naruto’s eyes swelled with hope, not wanting his dream to be shattered.

“You’re too gullible sometimes; I don’t think it is a good idea for you to be responsible for something of great importance."

Sasuke sighed as he looked at Naruto, watching his bright smile turn to a frown, crestfallen. Naruto's ridged expression caused Sasuke to quickly look away, hiding his eyes behind his bangs. He felt terrible that his words stung, but there was truth in what he said. He did not mean to hurt his best friend; he could not help but feel concern thinking of events of past missions.

Sasuke knew Naruto is capable. He can protect vital information, but Sasuke knew they would be targeted because of how annoying the idiot was during the first portion of the exam. His loudmouth got them so much unwanted attention, placing targets on their backs from the other teams.

“I’m not gullible.” Naruto lowered his head and frowned. He could not believe Sasuke would believe such lies or say something like that to him. 

“You thought Haku was a girl when you met him near where we were training our chakra control.” Sasuke placed a hand on his hip before continuing, finally making eye contact with him again. “He could have killed you when you were in a vulnerable state, with your guard down.”

“But he didn’t. How was I supposed to know? He was as pretty as Sakura-chan; anyone would make such a simple mistake. Do not give me that look, Sasuke, you taught the same.” Naruto argued, not understanding why Sasuke was pressing him so hard on this.

“I wouldn’t fall for something like that.” Sasuke rolled his eyes.

“Ohh, so you have a type?” Naruto smirked as he looked at Sasuke, wanting to see what kind of girl he was into.

“That is not any of your business, nor is it the time or place to discuss such things.” Sasuke’s gaze went over to Sakura, wondering what she was thinking. He could tell by the expression on her face that she was getting annoyed at their bickering.

“Fine, just give me the scroll and I will shut up.” Naruto knew he could protect the scroll. He was capable. Then it dawned on him. Sasuke, of all people, would not do this unless he had a good reason.

“No!” Sasuke was tired of playing games with Naruto.

“We are not giving the scroll to Sakura-chan." Naruto blurted out. To give the scroll to Sakura, he wouldn’t, would he? He knows how protective Sasuke is of their female teammate.

“I was not even suggesting that!” Sasuke growled, annoyed at Naruto’s logic. What would make him come to that conclusion?

“So, you want to be the one to carry the scroll?” Naruto questioned.

“Obviously.” He gave Naruto an icy stare. Sakura was the last person he would give the scroll to.

“Boys!” They were ignoring her again, getting into one of their spats.


She knew they were trying to protect her, thinking that she would be targeted first by the opposing team because she is a weak, defenseless girl. There was some truth in that, but she has improved lately, training in her own time because her team is constantly making her feel like she is made of glass. “Maybe giving me the scroll to hold onto is not a bad idea.”

“Absolutely not.” Sasuke looked at Sakura, hoping he was not offending her in any way. This test is not fun or games; there was no Jonin instructor to guide them or keep them safe. They're responsible for protecting each other. People die in these exams.

“Don’t think people are not going to go after you, Sasuke-kun. You are an Uchiha, a member of one of the founding clans of Konoha. People are going to want to challenge themselves against a child of one of Konoha’s most prestigious clans.” Sakura crossed her and turned to Naruto. “You and your loudmouth pissed off the majority of our competition. They are going to want your head on a silver platter. Let me hold onto the scroll.” Sakura held out her hand.

“Sakura, I am not letting you hold onto the scroll. It doesn’t matter if people want to fight me; I am not putting you in harm’s way.”

“Yeah, I am with Sasuke on this one. One of us will carry the scroll.”

“I am…” Sakura tried to protest, but Sasuke cut her off before she could continue further.

“I know you are capable; I just..." Sasuke was trying to find the right words. “Please just trust me on this.”

“Fine, but at least let me use genjutsu on normal scrolls; Naruto and I can use them as diversions.”

“What!” Naruto stared at her, shocked that genjutsu could be used like that. He knew the basic concepts and how genjutsu messes with people’s heads, confusing them into believing something in battle, not using it prior to a battle. He never thought to apply it this way. He could not help but feel intimated by Sakura’s intelligence.

“We need a diversion in case one of us get caught by an opposing team. We can give them a fake scroll. It will give us time to escape; we can even use an exploding tag in them, only activated if they figure out it is genjutsu and try and break it.”

Sasuke blinked as he looked at Sakura. Her intelligence struck again, always thinking outside of the box, her analytical skills are incredible. “Great idea, Sakura.”

“Thanks Sasuke-kun.” Sakura looked at her boys, “Are you carrying any scrolls you don’t care about parting with? I don't really want to destroy anything important to you.”

Naruto and Sasuke watched Sakura place the exploding tag into the scrolls, performing a few hand-signs she cast genjutsu on the scrolls to make them exactly like the Heaven Scroll.  Sakura handed the fake scroll to Naruto, watching him tuck it into his pouch. “If needed, I can make more when we are in the forest.”

Sasuke nodded, tucking away the real scroll before they exited the hut, making their way to their assigned gate. They stood at gate 16, ready to start the next portion of the exam. Staring at the proctor, the ticking of his watch made them nervous as each moment passes, they wondered if they were going to come out of this forest alive.

The exam started two hours before sundown. Their best course of action would be to travel at night, searching for a team to attack when their guard was down.

A loud horn filled the air, moments later they heard Anko shout, “Part two of the Chunin Exams have commenced.”


A few hours passed since the exam had started, Anko was sitting on a tree stump—enjoying dango. She had some time to spare before she needed to head to the tower, to observe the exams.

“Lady Anko, we have a problem.” Aoba spoke as he appeared in front of the woman, hoping she would not get angry with him for disturbing her peace.

“A problem?” She asked, giving him a blank stare.

“A team that was supposed to be participating in the exam, they were found dead.”


Anko froze when she arrived at the destination the Aoba brought her to; two proctors from the first exam stood there waiting for her. Lying face down on the grass in front of a Buddha statue were three Shinobi covered in blood. By the looks of it, they were foreign shinobi, here to participate in the Chunin Exams. Dying on international soil is going to cause an incident in the Great Shinobi Nations. An investigation must be done to protect Konoha from entering another war and measures needed to be taken so this does not happen again. They have been at peace for years, and something was trying to disrupt that peace.

“Based on their possession and identification, they are ninja from the Grass Village, registered as participants in the Exams, a team that passed the first round, but as you can see, they are... Kotetsu explained.

“They are missing their faces.” Anko finished Kotetsu sentence. Her eyes widen when she sees the dead Shinobi, killed in a way that is familiar; their faces being surgically removed perfectly could be done by one person and one person only, Orochimaru. Her thoughts ran wild.

Why is he in Konoha?

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, he was here for the Uchiha boy. Remembering when Fugaku interrogated her about that man a couple of years ago.

“Yes…” Kotetsu answered, smooth and flat, like they have melted away.” Kotetsu looked at Anko, noticing she was reaching for her neck, her hand clutching where she is branded with the Curse Seal of Heaven. Did this have to do with that man? She quickly releases it, turning towards Aoba. “Quickly, show me the photos of the three Grass Shinobi. It is on their application, right?”

“Yes…” Aoba quickly opened the Chunin Exam registration book he was carrying with him. Handing Anko the registration photos. She remembered this face; it belonged to the Grass Shinobi who returned her kunai after she threw it at the Uzumaki brat. The way his tongue slithered should have given it away. How close he had gotten close to her, pressing his body against her, feeling his breathe on her neck. She was not being observant enough. She should have detected his chakra, or did he figure out a new way to mask it?

“We have a problem. An enemy of the leaf has infiltrated the exams, Orochimaru. I need you to go to Lord Hiruzen immediately and find Fugaku Uchiha. Make a request to the Anbu Black Ops to send multiple teams into the Forest of Death.”

“Why do we need to find the head of the police force? Don’t we need to contact the barrier team?”

“Are you really asking that question? Find Fugaku; his son is in danger. I do not have time to explain, but you must track down the head of the Uchiha clan immediately.” Anko ordered; this was her exam; she made the rules. If she needed to interfere, she would, and this was one of those moments she needed to. 

“Starting now, I am going to follow them. Got it!” Anko ordered.


Anko stood there, staring at the dead bodies as she thought back to her conversation with Fugaku Uchiha all those years ago. She did go to the Yamanaka Clan to recover some of her memories of her time with Orochimaru as he suggested, but not all; there are things in her past that she did not want to remember. She wanted to keep that buried in the deep in the vast, murky depths of her mind. Anko only allowed Inoichi to dig for information regarding the Uchiha only. All he was able to find was what she had told Fugaku, Orochimaru wanted to study the Sharingan. 

She felt the cool summer breeze brush against her face. She needed to find Kakashi’s brats as soon as possible, hoping that the snake did not already have his coils around them. She turned away from the dead bodies and headed into the forest.


An hour has passed, and they have already been attacked once by a lone Shinobi from Ame, scouting the area thinking they could take a three-man cell. Sasuke knew there was more to worry about. This forest has more than enemy shinobi hunting them; other threats existed, “We need to come up with a password.”

“Why would we need something like that?” Naruto asked, he arrived late after he was attacked while he was peeing, not thinking that he would be ambushed while taking a leak.

“In case we get separated from each other, do not trust anyone, even if they look like your teammate. There is a possibility for the enemy to transform into one of us to get close, to try and kill us, and to get their hands on our scrolls. Sakura has already created a safeguard if that happens, but that is not always enough. Let’s decide on a password.” Sasuke looked at Sakura and then Naruto.

“A password?” Naruto was still confused.

“If they give the wrong password, no matter what they look like, presume they are the enemy." Sasuke's eyes narrowed; he sensed someone nearby, someone listening. Someone he believes would use one of their faces to attack them and use the password to get past the security they were trying to create. The password he was about to share needed to be long and complex. He knew Sakura would remember it; she has a photographic memory and can memorize things easily. Naruto was going to struggle with this password, but that did not matter; Naruto forgetting it would make it easy to identify him. “I am only saying this once, so listen closely.”

“The question is: Ninja Song, Ninja Chance. And the answer is: the chance to sneak up when a large number of enemies are making a scene. A quiet place has no secret hideout. It is important for a shinobi to know the right time. The time when an enemy is tired and drops his guard.” Sasuke studied his teammates. “That’s it.”

“Okay!” Sakura’s emerald eyes met Sasuke’s stern onyx eyes. She looked over to Naruto and noticed the confused expression on his face.

“Can you say that again?” Naruto asked, sweat dripping down his face. He should have known it was going to be a quote from the many poetry books Sasuke reads. Naruto does not understand why Sasuke enjoys poetry; it’s an odd hobby from a member of a clan that is known to be lethal. He must have learned pretty words to gain attention from girls, that must be it. Or he was forced to learn it. Clans did that, right?

“I told you that I was only saying this once."

“I just want to hear it one more time to make sure I memorized it correctly; I am not idiot.” Naruto laughed nervously.

Sasuke rose to his feet, “We should get moving. Staying in one spot for too long will put a target on our backs. It will be getting dark soon, and we need to find a safe place to rest, to regroup, and to come up with a plan.”

“What was that?” Naruto asked as he rose to one knee, staring into the forest, checking their surroundings. It was quiet to quiet; he could not shake off the ominous feeling, like someone had been watching them.

A large blast of wind came out of nowhere, too strong for team 7 to keep their footing. The gust of wind sent them flying.

“A new enemy.” Sasuke mumbled as he crawled from the bush he was hiding under, preparing himself for the battle to come.


Shisui propped his feet up on the reception desk at the Konoha Military Police Force Headquarters. He was on temporary leave from missions outside of the village walls. The Hokage and Konoha Council wanted him to remain in the village for the duration of the Chunin Exams for extra security. Itachi was in some tower somewhere at the perimeter of the forest keeping an eye on the exams. He volunteered to make sure nothing bad happened to Sasuke. 

He heard a chime go off, wondering what sort of civilian and Shinobi dispute he had to deal with today. So far, there was a sound complaint, and a drunk middled age idiot trying to feel up a teenager. He looked up to see Izumo entering with a frantic look on his face. Wasn’t he proctoring the Chunin exams? Why was he here? Sasuke!

“Is Fugaku here?” Izumo panted as he placed a hand on the desk, panting.  

“He went home for dinner; why did something happen?” Shisui questioned, hoping to get vital information out of Izumo. “Is Sasuke, okay?"

“We think he is."

“And what do you mean by you think he is?” Shisui questioned, annoyed by Izumo’s vagueness.

“Anko believes Orochimaru has infiltrated the village and is posing as Genin to take part in the Chunin Exams. We discovered three Shinobi from Kusa, murdered, their faces removed surgically, and she stated that only one person had the ability to do that. Anko believes Orochimaru slithered into the village to target Sasuke.

“She is correct with that assessment.”

“But why would he be after a Genin?" Izumo questioned.

“It’s classified, and you of all people should know why kids of clans get targeted.” Shisui glared at the man. “I think it would be wise if you inform the barrier team of the breach and tell them we need to set the barrier to level 2.” Shisui knew any level higher would be too much. The civilians of the village should not be alarmed by this unless the severity of Orochimaru's infiltration changes. “Go!” Shisui ordered.

He quickly jumped from the rooftops, making his way to the Uchiha Compound, defying all laws of physics with the body flicker. Their biggest fear had come to fruition, Shisui knew this would happen one day, but not this soon.

He made his way to the main house, hoping Anutie Mikoto would not ask too many questions. “Uncle…”

“What is it?” Fugaku asked as he placed his tea on the table. Mikoto was at the sink doing dishes, turning to face her nephew. “The Chunin Exams have been breached by an outside force. I need you to come with me immediately.”

“What do you mean by an outside force?”



Anko hoped from branch to branch in search of his chakra, hoping she could find him before it was too late and before he harmed Sasuke Uchiha. She had a feeling that Orochimaru was planning on branding Sasuke with the same mark that she has—a mark that sends venom into the bloodstream, poisoning chakra networks until the marked person gives in to the cruse, letting it control you and giving you a power that is difficult to resist. A drug that, once you have tasted it, makes you come back for more.

Anko grabbed onto the branch, using it to flip up onto a higher one, landing gracefully on her feet. She looked up at the sky; the sun was beginning to set, orange and pink hews peaked through the treetops, the sunlight would soon be gone, and the darkness would take over, making it impossible to find Orichimaru.

She started to run through the forest once again; she could feel it—feel him. He was close—so close she could taste it.

She ran across the branches towards the source, hopping from tree to tree, when she spotted him. Hiding in plain sight in the trunk of an old oak tree, he feeds on its chakra, regenerating himself.

“It has been a while, Anko.” He smirked as he studied his former pupil.

“What have you done with Sasuke Uchiha?"

“As hasty as ever. You never change, my dear.” Orochimaru smirked as he watched his former subordinate, waiting to see what her next move would be. He smirked when he saw the senbon needles, she was predictable. His tongue shot out of his mouth wrapping around her wrist, pulling her forward—towards him.

“Striking Shadow Snake.”

Snakes shot out of her jacket, towards Orochimaru, hitting the trunk of the tree, above the man’s head. “I won’t let you escape.” Pulling him from the tree, slamming him into another. Anko, placed her hand on his and punctured a kunai through both of their hands, holding him in place.

“I got you.” Anko smirked as she took his hand in hers. “Orochimaru, I am going to borrow your left hand.”

“This hand sign…” Orochimaru looked down at their joint hands.

“You’re right…You and I are going to die here.”

“You are so intent on committing suicide?” Orochimaru chuckled as he appeared behind his dear old student.

Anko turned her head with wide eyes to see him standing behind her. She watched as he ripped off the face of the woman from Kusa he killed.

“It’s a substitution.”

Anko turned back to the tree and watched as Orochimaru’s substitution melted away.

“Since you are a Special Jonin of the Leaf…” Orochimaru began to talk towards Anko and continued, “you can’t be using the Forbidden Jutsu that I taught you.”

Anko yanked the kunai out of her hand, throwing at Orochimaru who caught it with ease. “I told you it wouldn’t work.”

Anko’s body started to move on its own towards Orochimaru, he was using the curse against her, to control her once more. He placed his hand on her chin, forcing her to look at him, brushing his fingertips across her cheek.

“I asked you what you have done to Sasuke Uchiha.”

“I branded the boy with the same curse I bestowed upon you all those years ago, my dear. He was a formidable opponent, but still not strong enough to defeat me, even with a fully mature Sharingan. I am surprised at how far he has grown since we last met.

“I did meddle a bit with his growth. I wanted to push the boy to mature those delicious eyes to their full strength they still have a way to go, but soon I will have those eyes.”

Anko fell to her knee’s clutching the mark on her neck.

“Nothing will stop me from getting the child that I want. Even if the odds are 1 in 10 that he will live. I am confident that he will survive, Uchiha have strong will to live to protect those that they love, a curse for them to love so deeply that in can turn into hatred, the perfect fuel for my little gift.”

“He will never be your next vessel.”

“He will, the boy will eventually come to me.” Orochimaru turned away from Anko, “One more thing my dear, do not cancel this exam. There are three from my village who are under your care and I will be so disappointed if you disqualify them.” He taunted before disappearing.


Sakura sat there on the tree branch; her face stained with tears. She needed to act quickly; the sun was setting, and both of her teammates were indisposed. She looked down at the boy she liked, hurt and unconscious in her lap. Only moments before, he was screaming out in pain, clutching onto her hand like it was his last lifeline. The moment he collapsed onto her lap; all hope was lost. Her team was down to one and Sakura knew she had to try her best to protect them.

Sakura needed to plan. To figure out where she needed to set up camp so her boys could recover. She spotted a spot to hide on the forest floor—the perfect place to keep concealed until she could heal her team back to perfect health. The tree roots that were overgrown created a cave-like overhang, perfect for cover, to hide for the night.

She looked down at Sasuke, picking him up, bringing him down to the overhang. Sakura removed his weapons pouch and placed hit behind his head using it as a pillow. Now for her other teammate.

Her gaze followed up the tree trunk to where Naruto hung, by the kunai she had thrown during the fight to prevent him from falling. She needed to get him down without dropping him. Good thing she had excellent chakra control, but she could not help but feel useless. Sakura did not do anything in that fight with a man who was clearly not a Genin. She wondered why he had such an interest in Sasuke. Once they got out of this forest, she will do her research, she will find out who Orochimaru is.


The sound of the water flowed around them as they rested for half a day, preparing to start moving soon. As a team, they decided it would be better if they moved at night, when most teams rested for the night.

“As we planned, it’s time for us to attack.” Neji looked over at Lee and Tenten “We will each split up and go scouting. However, whether we find the other teams or not, we will return here.” Neji rose to his feet, throwing the kunai he was playing with into the ground, marking their rondeview point. “Got it?”

“Okay.” Tenten closed her eyes as she finished up the last sip of her water.

“Rodger.” Lee saluted.

“Okay! Scatter!”

With that command, Team Gai dispersed in various direction, looking for the scroll that they seek, hoping to get through this portion of the exam as quickly as possible.


Sakura stared at Lee as he laid motionless on the ground. Blood was dripping from his ears. These shinobi from Oto manipulated sound waves to attack, creating vibrations that attack the inner ear. Using them in a way to make their opponent ill and disoriented. She had to be careful, or she would end up like Lee.

Sakura was not going to let anyone else get hurt because they needed to protect her. This was her chance to shine, to fight, and to prove she was not some silly little civilian girl who needed protection. It should not matter if she is not from a Shinobi family. 

“Now we can kill Sasuke." Dosu spoke as he made his way towards her teammate.

I will not let you.

“Not on my watch!”

Dosu looked towards the pink-haired girl as she launched a shuriken hurling in his direction. He watched as his teammate Zaku jump in front of him, hands pointed in her direction, using the air in his palms to blow them away. “You have to do better than that little girl.”

Sakura glared at the boy, Zaku, sending another round of shuriken in his direction, hoping it would distract him enough, but it was not enough. He trusted his hands in front of him, sending a wave of air in her direction and sending her attack back at her. Sakura covered her face, disoriented from the sudden strong fust of wind.

She needs a plan fast, if only she were near a water source. She has only been able to use elemental ninjutsu near water. She is not skilled enough to use her chakra nature at that level yet. Sakura knew she needed to move; it was not smart to stay in one spot. She was about to jump in the opposite direction, but a hand fisted her hair, dragging her towards the grown. Sakura looked back to see the kunoichi of the team holding her down. She bit down on her lip.

What am I going to do now?

“Your hair is much shinier than mine. You must come from a civilian family, no shinobi that takes this job seriously has hair as nice as yours. It is so pretty and pink, I cannot wait to stain with red with your blood. Should we wake Sasuke? To have him watch us torture you.” Kin taunting, her voice filled with venom, jealous that his girl was pretty, to pretty to be a ninja.

“Maybe his eyes will manifest into something much greater if we kill you in front of him.” Kin shook Sakura’s head back and forth, mocking her. Trying to get a rise out of her.

“Zaku, why don’t you wake Sasuke or even better, why don’t you kill Sasuke. Have this little bitch beg us not to harm him.”

“Yes, that sounds like a great idea!”

I am not going to let you do that!

“Stop moving princess we are going to make it quick and painless.” Kin smirked as she gave another forceful tug. “Don’t want you to go bald, Sasuke might not like you anymore when you are an ugly hoe. Probably would not want to touch you after that man touched you.”

Sakura looked back at the woman wondering how she knew about that. Was Orochimaru following them all this time? Was he the one behind their captivity on that mission? Sakura has so many questions and not enough time. She needed to break free before it was too late.

Lee laid on the ground, unmoving. His eyes met Sakura’s wondering what the sound kunoichi was taking about. Someone has touched Sakura without her consent. Is that the reason the Uchiha was hostile towards him? He began to feel guilty that he overstepped his bounds. If they survived this, he needed to apologize. “Sakura…” he muttered before passing out once more.

My body has no strength…

Sakura dug her nails into the forest floor. Tears streamed down her face as a wave of helpless washed over her body. 

I am—I am a burden to everyone. Why did I become a shinobi if all I did was stand in the background, being protected while the boys fight in the front lines. Watching them grow stronger. Leaving me behind and alone. I will have no one if I continue this way. I will return to the days where I felt my existence did not matter since I was invisible to those around me.

I thought I was better than this, that I would break the stereotype that civilian shinobi can stand the same ground of those from clans.

I was wrong.

Tears continued to prickle into her lap. Knowing the end was near.

Why am I unable to protect those precious to me.

“All right, time to kill the pretty boy.” Zaku said as he made his way toward Naruto and Sasuke.

No, I will not just sit here.

Sakura pulled out a kunai.

“What are you doing to do with that little girl. Do you really think you are strong enough to cut me with that.”

“This kunai is not meant for you. Do not get your hopes up, hag.” Sakura pulled the Kunai through her hair, severing the strains that Kin was holdingbreaking herself free. Her pink locks scattered like the cherry blossoms fluttering from a tree, dispersing onto the forest floor.

It is my time to protect you!

Kin stumbling back in shock, surprised the pretty little bitch would cut her hair. She may have been wrong about Sakura; she was not as superficial as she thought.

“Kin! Kill her!” Zaku shouted, recognizing the hand signs she was making.

Kin pulled out senbon, throwing them at Sakura, only to be met by a puff of smoke and a log taking her place.

Sakura turned facing Zaku and threw shuriken in his direction only for them to be blown towards her. Sakura performing the same hand signs once more, creating another substitution. Her shuriken embedded into to the log.

She was in the air above him, performing the hand signs for the substitution jutsu once again, this time he launched kunai in her direction, “Such a poor excuse of a shinobi.” Zaku mocked her as she tried to use the same trick once again, did she take him for an idiot. “That will not work on me again, stupid girl.” He waited for the puff of smoke and the log to come crashing down to the forest floor, but that did not happen.

He looked around for the pink-haired girl, wondering when and where she would appear, “Little girl, come out, come out wherever you are, I might be gentle with you if you show your pretty face.”

“Zaku, above.” Kin shouted.

“What?” He looked up, eyes widen to see the girl still above him, kunai in hand. The little bitch as tricked him, making him think she was creating another substitution. Sakura landed on him, tackling him to the grown, driving a kunai into one of his forearms while she bites into his other arm. She will not let him win. She will not allow them to kill Sasuke and Naruto.

“Get off me you crazy bitch!” Zaku scream as Sakura twisted her kunai, digging it deeper into his arm. He took her off slightly, but her teeth were still sunk into his arm, not letting go. He pulled his left arm away and began to punch Sakura repeatedly. Shocked she proceeded to bite him harder. She will not let go; Sakura was prepared to die.


Ino watched in horror as Zaku continued to punch Sakura in the head, repeatedly, again and again. Not letting up. If she did not do anything, if she did not step in soon, Sakura was going to die. Ino did not want to lose her best friend.

The fear she has because to subside and knew Sakura needed their help. Then would not allow any harm to come to one of their comrade and friend.

Ino met Shikamaru’s gaze, and he nodded in agreement, surprised he made no comment about getting involved that his was not this business.

“Don’t give me that look?”

“What look!” Ino asked innocently.

“Do you really think that lowly of me that I will allow someone of are village die in front of our eyes. I may be lazy, but I will always protect my own.” Shikamaru sighed, “I am ready when you are.”

Zaku finally managed to through Sakura off him. “You little bitch, time for you two die!”

That was their que, team 10 jumped from their hiding place in the bushes, taking a stance in front of Sakura, protecting her from their enemy.

“Why do you freaks keep coming out of nowhere. First the guy in the green jumpsuit, and how you three. What is so special about this bitch that you keep protecting her.”


“Hey forehead, sorry we took so long.  You just sit back and rest. Ino-Shika-Cho are here to save the day.”


Tenten was pacing back and forth, worried, it was not like Lee to be late. He was always on time for everything, and if he wasn’t on time, he would run 100 laps around the training field. “Neji, this isn’t like Lee.”

“I know…” Neji crossed his arms, wondering what Lee got himself into, did another team attack him when he was scouting. No, Lee would not fall that easily. There had to be another reason. “Let’s go find Lee, Tenten.”

She nodded and followed her teammate through the forest. “Neji, you don’t think.”

“Lee would not die; he is as strong. If he did not arrive when he said something must have caught his attention. Lee is one to go out of his way to help others.”

“Who would he…”

“This way. I found him,” Neji said. He should have known his disappearance had to do with that Sakura girl. He does not blame Lee for jumping in. Sakura was ambushed and alone, even if the other Leaf Shinobi were currently rivals, enemy, Gai taught them to always protect those who are close to them. A rule not many shinobi follow due to the ninja code.

He stopped in the tree above, looking down at the battle that has taken place to see that they were not going to be the only Konoha shinobi that intervened. Another team from the rookie nine were in the miss of battle, losing.  His eyes darted towards the blonde girl and knew instantly why her team got involved. She was friends with the Sakura girl.

He watched as the battle started to turn in the Sound shinobi’s favor, no longer could he just sit there and allow others to die. Those of the branch family have died for the main house many times, he would not allow others to have that fate, “You’re despicable.”

All eyes shot towards the tree above the clearing to see Neji Hyuga and Tenten standing above them.

“This forest is crawling with cockroaches.” Zaku looked up at the two new arrivals. “Why can’t you just let me kill the pink-haired bitch and the Uchiha.”

Tenten’s eyes spotted Lee who was beaten and unconscious on the forest floor. Surprised that he lost.  “Lee!” Tenten shouted.

“That kid with the bob lying over there is our teammate. You messed with him didn’t you.” Anger grew in Neji’s voice as veins appeared around Neji’s eyes. He was like a viper preparing for an attack. “If you are going to continue, I will fight with full strength. You have messed with the wrong person.”

“Why don’t you come down from your perch little bird and fight us.” Dosu answered.

Neji froze when he felt a serge of chakra coming from the Uchiha, it felt different from before, sinister. The Uchiha was out for blood. “Well, looks like I won’t have to, you are going to have to deal with the Uchiha.”

Sakura quickly turned her head to see Sasuke standing, but this chakra did not feel like Sasuke,




You are not strong enough.

You do not deserve your namesake.

A disappointment to the Uchiha.

Saskue knew he was a failure as he woke from his nightmare of that night Orochimaru. He was dreaming about the night that man took him from his bed all those years ago. Seeing his family lie to him. Pretending that they care for him, they never cared for him. He will always be the spare and unimportant. Useless.

Voices, all he could hear are muffled voices talking. Not sure if he was hallucinating, but he heard many voices that did not just belong to him, but others as well. He pushed himself up from the grown, a cloth fell from his forehead onto the forest floor, he tried to focus his vision as he searched for her. As he searched for his annoying pink-haired teammate. He knew Sakura was the one who put it therethe girl who he grown to care for. The girl he promised Ino he would protect. The girl who was tossed into the shinobi would unaware of its hardships. A girl who saw so much violence in a short period of times.  A girl…

His crimson eyes searched for her, trying to find her, thinking she would be by his side, but she wasn’t. The first thing he saw was Sakura’s cherry blossom locks scattered across the forest floor. Fury began to boil in the pit of his stomach, learning that something had transpired when he was unconscious. It did not take him long to locate her. Sakura’s pink hair was always easy to spot. A frown formed on his face as he took noticed to her hair, it was cut short, choppy, and uneven. Her pedal pink locks were stained red, with her blood. She was injured, kneeling on the forest ground, battered, and bruised.

His eyes not leaving Sakura, anger that he had long buried as a child began to make its way towards the surface, ready to erupt. He was burning with fury, ready to kill the person who caused her harm.

“Sakura, point out the ones who pummeled you into hat state.”  He ordered.

“Sasuke-kun.” She looked up at him, eyes widen when she saw the markings on his body, were they caused by that mark on his neck. “You should not be up, you…”

“I am fine, Sakura!”

“But...” She knew there was not reasoning with him in this state. She could feel his anger radiating from his chakra, the intent to kill was overpowering.

“Who was it!” Sasuke asked again, not wanting to play any games; Sakura was hurt, and he needed to find out which one of these sound ninjas were behind her injuries.  

“Sasuke-kun, your body…” Annoyed how she always thought about others before herself.

“There is nothing to worry about. I feel fine…strong…bursting with power.” He spoke softly to her, not wanting to scare her. His gaze still on her, scanning her body to see if any other harm was done to her.

Dosu stared at Sasuke in horror, surprised the boy was able to control the curse mark with such ease, able to channel its powers. If they survived this, he needed to report this information back to Orochimaru, that the vessel he wanted passed all expectations with flying colors.

“Sakura, tell me. Who hurt you.” Sasuke demand as the markings grew across his body. He needed to spill blood. He needed to destroy the person who caused her to spill blood.

“That would be me.” Zaku spoke confidently, not afraid of the little brat. This was his chance to torment the little bitch, to kill the pretty boy that she was in love with.

“So, it was you.” Sasuke growled as purple chakra swelled around him as he glared at the cocky bastard.

Zaku looked over at Dosu and wondered why he was frozen in fear, this brat was weak, “Snap out of it Dosu! Don’t just stand there.”

Dosu studied the Uchiha and knew they had not chance against him, they needed to get out of here and fast, “Zaku, no! Don’t you get it.”

“I’ll take care of them in one move.” Zaku held his hands up “Supersonic Slicing Wave!”

A blast of air pressure, so strong it cut into neighboring tree’s sending them to the gound. When the debris could clear, Zaku’s eyes widened, there was no side of Sasuke, the pink-haired bitch, and the unconscious blonde teammate.

“He must have been blown to pieces.”

“Who?” A dark voice said from behind him. Zaku turn in time to see Sasuke back hand him in the neck, sending him flying across the ground.

“Zaku!” Dosu stared in shocked, surprised how face and strong the Uchiha was. He managed to get his teammates out of the way and completely knock Zaku out. He hadn’t seen someone move that fast before, his utilization of the body flicker was perfect.  He looked into the boy’s crimson eyes, knowing that was the trick, the Sharingan. He had been tasked to study the sojutsu before the Chunin Exams, to be prepared to fight, but reading about those cursed eyes and experience them were two different things. They were doomed from the start.

“Phoenix flower jutsu!”

“Don’t push your luck, brat. I’ll just blow them off.” Zaku growled. He just needed to send a burst of air at the flames, and they would be tranquilized, but he did not expect shuriken to be masked by the flame. He was surprised that his wind did not affect them. He used his already inured arm to block the attack.

“Zaku, beneath you.”

Zaku looked down startled to see Sasuke there. The kid was fast, he did not have time to react to the boy grabbing his arms. Pivoting and pulling them behind him, placing his foot on his back. He forced him to his knees.

A smirk formed on Sasuke’s lips as he continued to pull on Zaku’s arms. Once again, he heard that dark sister voice in his head again. Telling him to do awful things. To kill.

“It seems like you are proud of your arms, aren’t you?” Sasuke pressed harder into his back.

“Stop…” He begged.

“It is time for you to be parted with them.” Sasuke’s smirked widen as the bastard screamed in pain. He did not care if he was in pain. He hurt Sakura and was going to suffer for it. He was going to die.

Tears welled in Sakura’s eyes as she watched the events unfold in front of her. She heard the cracking of Zaku’s bones, watching as they went limp. She needed to stop him before she lost him to the darkness forever.

“And then there was one.” Sasuke smirked as he turned to Dosu, prepared to do the same to him, “I hope you are more of a challenge.”


Sasuke froze at the sound of Sakura’s terrified voice.

“STOP!”  Sakura launched herself forward, running towards Sasuke, wrapping her hands around his waist. “Please…”

Sasuke’s eyes widened, surprised to hear Sakura’s voice, how desperate, pained it was. He felt her grip tented around his waist, pulling him against her chest. The warmth of her body sent calming waves down his spine.

“Please stop.”

Sasuke turned his head, his crimson eyes met Sakura’s emerald eyes. He began to come to his senses, realizing that he had scared Sakura. That her tears were for him once again. The marks on Sasuke’s body glowed as they began receding, retracting up his legs, arms, and face, returning to their origin, the mark on the back of his neck. His mind no longer felt clouded, but his body felt weak as he flopped backwards into Sakura’s arms.

“Sasuke-kun…” She cried, falling to the forest floor with him. She sifted slightly away from him, knowing he doesn’t like when people touch him. Her eyes staring at the back of his neck.

“You are strong, Sasuke.” Dosu spoke as he looked at the Uchiha, pulling out an Earth Scroll, placing it on the ground. “Please accept this as a peace offering. You are far too strong for us to win.”  He had all he needed to report back to Orochimaru and informed about the girl, and how she managed to get Sasuke’s curse mark under control.

Sakura glared at the man, wanting to ask him questions but he has already gathered up his teammate and departed the scene. Many thoughts were running through her head. She did not realized Sasuke was staring at her.

She froze when she felt Sasuke’s fingers brush the ends of her hair, she turned to face him, “Sasuke-kun.”

“I am sorry, I didn’t wake sooner.”  


Ino sat behind Sakura, who was beaten and bloody. She never expected Sakura to fight like that; fear of losing her best friend made her freeze up. All she could do was watch that man punch Sakura, her friend not flinching once.

“Stop moving around, or it is going to be even shorter than it already is." Ino looked at her best friend.


“Don’t apologize, forehead. You did what you needed to do to protect your team.”

“I still needed to be saved. Lee got hurt trying to protect me, and I could barely fight them. I am…”

“You are not weak; you are brave and strong. You will learn from this and do better like you always do, Sakura.” Ino hugged Sakura from behind, “I should have stepped in sooner. I am so sorry. I was just so scared.”

Sakura placed a hand over Ino’s, resting her head against hers. “You don’t need to apology. If I was in your shoes I would be scared too.”


“I know you will always have my back; you pig.”


Sasuke continued to stare at Sakura as Ino fixed her hair. So much has transpired since they were unconscious. Sakura was alone. vulnerable once again. To fight a team that was much stronger than her. Sakura getting hurt was his fault. He was not strong enough to fight off Orochimaru and was cursed because of his incompetence. The mark on Sasuke’s shoulder pulsed, sending shockwaves throughout his body. He flinched and covered it with his hand. 

Sakura has to endure so much while they were unconscious. He was glad Lee was there for her when she needed him. He was able to protect her and buy her time, but time was not on their side. Lee was defeated. Sauske was still shocked that Lee was taken down so easily. The boy who he lost to before the exams started.

Sasuke was aware of everything that was going on. He could hear her voice along with that monster. Telling him he was not good enough. Not good enough for his family name. That he was a sad excuse of an Uchiha. He was nothing but weak.

“Sasuke…hey Sasuke. What the hell happened?”

“That person we fought was no Genin."

“No shit! What Genin can summon snakes and fight like that? I blacked out after she did something to my seal. I still feel funny. What was she after? She seemed to know you.”

“His name is Orochimaru. He is a former Kohona Shinobi.”

“That was a guy?”

“Yes, he was wearing someone else’s face. Remember I told you that clan kids are prime targets, especially when they have a powerful Kekkei Genkai?"Sasuke looked at his friend, “This is only a theory, but..." He needed to lie to Naruto. No one can know about Orochimaru's past deeds in attempting to kidnap him because he is a reincarnation of Indra, a descendant of a celestial being. There was a possibility that he could unlock the Rinengan, an eye more powerful than the mangekyou Sharingan. Sasuke knew he could use his eyes as an excuse, that the dope would believe him. “He was after my eyes. He was not successful in obtain und them, but he stated that my Sharingan was more impressive than Itachi’s and Shisui’s. I do not remember much since I blacked out fighting him.”

"Your eyes?"

"Yes, idiot, my eyes." Sasuke tied his forehead protector around his forehead. "There are people who want children from powerful clans for their Kekkei Genkai. Especially other Shinobi villages. Kumo attempted to kidnap Hinata years ago. They wanted her eyes or use her to use her for sex, to impregnate Hinata once she was old enough to have children."

"That's gross."

“That is reality, idiot. Prisoners of war are not treated differently; women and children are raped. They are tortured for information and their captives will do anything to break their will. Being a shinobi is not a game. Men are killed instantly; they do not have the luxury of being tortured unless they were an important figure to the village. We are tools used to protect our village. Have you ever wondered why your identity is kept a fucking secret? Do you know how many people would come after you if they knew you were the son of the fourth Hokage or if they knew what brews inside you?"

“What about Sakura?” Naruto questioned.

“She took care of us when we were unconscious.”

“No shit, Sasuke! Waking up to see Sakura bruises and hair chopped short is not something I wanted to wake up to.”

“Yet, when you woke up, the first words out of your mouth were, what happened to your hair? I know you have difficulty thinking before you open that large mouth of yours.”

“What was I supposed to say?”

“Ask if she is alright."

“Well, what did you ask her? You clearly woke before me.”

“I asked who hurt her and proceeded to beat the shit out of them. They surrendered their scroll and left.”  Sasuke was not going to go into detail about how he completely lost it when he woke to see Sakura bloody and bruised. How his bloodlust was blinding him, and how he was being consumed by darkness.  Sakura's hug and tears is what broke him from the trance.

“Hey, look…”

Sasuke looked up and noticed Sakura was making their way toward them with the members of Team 10. 

“Thanks again for helping.” Sasuke looked at Ino.

“Do not worry about Sasuke-kun; we are of the same village, and we protect our own, even if this is an exam and we are technically enemies. Promise me one thing, do not come after us for a scroll.”


“Is that a, yes?” Choji whispered to Shikamaru.

“How am I supposed to know?”

“It’s a yes, we will see you at the tower.” Sakura smiled.

“And one last thing, don’t die.”


Sasuke was happy that his team made it through the forest. They almost did not make it to the tower in time, but thanks to Kabuto’s assistance they were able to pass the second portion of the exam, the problem was that there were to many participants. Once again, they needed to be narrowed down twenty contestants to half.

Sasuke was the first to take part in the preliminary, thankfully he won and did not tarnish his family name. He wanted to watch the rest of the battles, but he was dragged away from Kakashi.

“Where are we going?” Sasuke asked as they walked down the hallway of the tower, heading towards a private room.

“To take care of that mark on your neck.” Kakashi sighed, “In here.”

Sasuke followed Kakashi into an empty room with columns, it reminded him of the room under the Naka Shrine that had ancient Uchiha text and artifacts.  

“Take your shirt off and sit down as I prepare the sealing ritual.”

Sasuke sat on the floor, watching Kakashi draw markings of an ancient text he could not read.

“What is this seal supposed to do? Are you sure you know what you are doing? Shouldn’t Jiriaya be the one performing the seal?” Sasuke questioned. He was trying so hard to remain awake. His body was exhausted, all he wanted to do right now was sleep.

“He has not returned to the village. A messenger hawk has been sent, ordering him to come home. He will be back soon. You do not need to worry, Sasuke. I know what I am doing." Kakashi looked at his student, extremely worried. Even before the exam. Shisui had informed of Sasuke’s break down in the woods, how he almost permanently damaged his arm when practicing the Chidori unsupervised. Kakashi knew that last mission effected the boy more than he let on.

“If people knew what they were doing, that man would not have fucked up my chakra network. He would not have gotten into the village undetected. My clan knew for years that he might try to come after me again. It sucks, Kakashi. It hurts to use chakra. I cannot use my Sharingan properly because of this damn mark. It hurts so fucking much. Whatever it is, it has made me into another person. I scared Sakura. I still do not understand how she was able to stop my rampage. I was out for blood, but I don’t want to see her cry for me again. She has cried for me too many times already.”

Kakashi raised an eyebrow and knew he had to get information from Sakura later. Kakashi was beginning to wonder if there was something going on between his students. He knows they are almost thirteen, but that is when things start to change, when hormones start to take over.

“I will have Anko talk to you later, once you are rested enough.”

“Why the hell would you want me to talk to that psycho? She is insane. She threw a kunai at Naruto to prove some point; granted Naruto was being his obnoxious self, but it’s not important. That woman is insane.”

“Because she is the only other survivor of the Curse Seal of Heaven. She has a better understanding of that mark than anyone else who is currently in the village.”

“Fine…” Sasuke grumbled, “I will talk to her.”

“I have to warn you, Sasuke; this will hurt.”

“I am not afraid of pain. Just get this over with Kakashi.”

Kakashi performed intricate hand signs before placing his hand over the curse mark, “Curse Sealing!”

A shock of pain shot threw Sasuke’s veins as the ancient text that was written on the floor and his skin began to recede, creating a seal around the curse mark.

“Even if that Cruse Mark starts reacting again the power of the Curse Sealing should suppress it.” Kakashi eyes met Sasuke’s who turned to face him before continuing, “However, the foundation of the Sealing lies in the strength of your will. If you start doubting your own strength, or if you were ever weakening the Cruse Mark will start to go out of control again.”

Sasuke’s vision faded, collapsing to the floor.

Kakashi smirked under his masked, “it is so out of character for you to be so worn out.”

“So, you are able to use the Sealing Jutsu now.”

Kakashi froze when he heard his voice, a voice he has not heard in years. He had a feeling that he was still in this village. The alarms would have gone off if he pasted through the village gates to leave.

“You have grown up, Kakashi.” Orochimaru walked out from behind the pillar, he was waiting for the right moment to make Kakashi know he was here, listening to his conversation with Sasuke. “It’s been a while, Kakashi. Tell me how is Tenzo doing? Do you still talk now that you are no longer an Anbu? I see they put you uncharged of Sasuke and the nine-tails, what an interesting group of children you are babysitting.”

Kakashi kept his guard up, keeping a close eye on Orochimaru’s ever move. He did not answer his questions not wanting to give him any satisfaction.

“I told you all those years ago that I would return for that boy behind you. He had ground into a beautiful child.” Orchimaru began to take steps towards Sasuke, wanting to test Kakashi, to see what he would do if he attempted to take the boy.

“Do not come any closer to Sasuke. You are not taking him. I will not allow it.” Electricity formed in Kakashi’s hand, the sound of birds chirping filled the air. He was ready to kill the man if needed.

“That seal you placed on Sasuke is not going to hold for long. You understand that, right. There is already darkness in his heart and he is cursed by his clan’s legacy. He is a child of a prophecy, a prophecy not many know of but a select few. The Uchiha Clan is keeping secrets from the village to protect Sasuke from those who want to use him. I just want his body to became to have access to that great power.”

“He will never go to you.”

“Don’t ever say never, Sasuke will seek me out one day, searching for answers, for the power he has deep inside him. It was nice seeing you again, Kakashi.” Orochimaru’s laugh filled the air as he disappeared.

“What happened?” Fugaku asked as he entered the Hokage office. “Why is Sasuke in the hospital being guarded by the Anbu?"

Hiruzen hasn’t answered him yet. Fugaku was frustrated. Sasuke and his team have become targets for danger. All their missions outside of the village always turned into higher-ranking missions. He keeps thinking back to last week, Shisui bringing him home, injured, and informing him he attempted to use lightening nature on his own, without supervision. Sasuke was never irresponsible when practicing jutsu unsupervised, unless you count the time, he practiced his fire release day and night. Mikoto informed him Sasuke was coming home with scourge marks all over his face. He wished his son did not inherit his stubborn, reckless trait.

“What happened to my son?” Fugaku demanded. He was normally calm and collective, but for Sasuke to be attacked once again by that man infiltrated him, he was having a tough time keeping us emotions in check. Sasuke being in such a critical condition terrified him, not wanting to lose his son.

“Sasuke and his team were attacked by Orochimaru in the forest of death. Don’t worry, they are okay for the most part.”

“How could they be okay if my son is in the hospital, unconscious? There is something wrong with Naruto’s chakra, and Sakura seems on edge. She jumps at everything.”

 “I will explain everything to you, Fugaku; I am just waited for Kakashi and a few others.”

The door to the Hokage’s office opened again, and Kakashi, Shisui, and Itachi entered.

“Father…” Itachi looked at his father and could sense that he was agitated.

“Explain!” Fugaku glared at the Hokage, tired of this man not acting on harm that comes to his family. Favoring other clans, like the Hyuga when it comes to matters of protecting children of clans, “Something happened to Sasuke and as you said, Orochimaru was involved.”

“Shisui, Itachi, please place silencing seals around this office. I do not want this conversation to be overheard. We do not know if he has spies lingering in the village.” Hiruzen turned his attention back to Fugaku, “I am going to answer all your questions.”

“Sasuke was targeted in the Forest of Death by Orochimaru and members of the Sound village. From the information we were able to gather from the Anbu overseeing the exam and Anko, Sasuke was bitten by Orochimaru, receiving the Curse Seal of Heaven. It is a miracle the child survived. We plan on…”

“You will not be running tests on him. I assume that the cruse mark was sealed.”

“I took care of the sealing, sir.” Kakashi looked at the head of the Uchiha clan. “He will need to be trained and guarded until the next portion of the exams. Orochimaru wants Sasuke and plans to do everything to get his hands on him.  He has already attempted to take him from where I performed the sealing ritual the tower and sent someone to the hospital to assassinate him.”

Kakashi continued, “I have spoken to Sakura. She was the only one conscious after Naruto and Sasuke were injured. She mentioned that she was attacked by the sound ninja.  She did not go into much detail about what happened, and I was not going to push her. Sakura was shaken up by the events in the forest.”

Fugaku nodded. “What happened to Naruto's chakra has been tampered with.”

“We believe Orochimaru tampered with the seal and requested Jiriaya return from his mission to look at Naruto. He was not pleased about the attack on Naruto and the attempt on Sasuke’s life.”

“Of course, he is not pleased, Lord Hokage. Your former student has constantly tried to harm my son. He tampered with Naruto’s chakra, and god knows what he has done to Sakura. I have had enough of your incompetence!” Fugaku glared at the man. “The Konoha Police Force figured out he was behind some of the kidnapping of orphans.  I still have not figured out what has happened to the others, but you should not have allowed this to happen. I am requesting to step down as Hokage.”

“And who will replace me?”

“The council decided on Tsunade Senju.”



Hi Everyone, I hoped you liked this chapter. I cut out a bit and added other stuff. There are so many fights in the forest of death and well, I did not want to write all of them and wanted to focus on a few things.

Also, Tsunade will make her grand appearance soon.

Also, if you are interested I have an Alice in Wonderland themed Naruto fanfic called Sakura in Wonderland. Chapters are not as crazy long as this story. Just a fun side project.

Chapter 15: Entrapment


Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank all of you for your support, this story reached over 10,000 hits and it is all thanks to you.
I appreciate your comments and enjoy reading your thoughts and theories.

Just thought I let you know that I have been rereading my fic and making some edits to the story. I have only reread up to chapter 3, but I hope to get to the rest of the chapters before the end of the year.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Memories came flowing back to Sasuke as he began to wake from the medically induced coma he was placed in after the sealing of his curse mark. Everything was hazy, visions of clashing against Orochimaru in the treetops of the Forest of Death replayed in his mind. Taunted him. Triggering his insecurities as the serpent egged him on, testing him.

Sasuke struggled during their battle, his perception lacked the refinement—he was still getting used to the clarity he gained with his fully matured Sharingan, struggling with tunnel vision as his eyes adjusted to movements at a greater speed. He hoped to perfect his prowess during the monthlong period leading up to the Chunin Exam finals. To correct the areas he was lacking, his emotions being one of those things. The turmoil he faced in the forest lingered; afraid his dark thoughts would overtake him. The blood lust unnerved him, not wanting to turn into a monster feared by those he cared for. Please stop! Sakura’s unsteady voice broke him from his fit of rage. The warmth of her body pressed against his back calmed him, bringing him back to his senses.

The mark on his neck pulsed, shooting a throbbing ache throughout his body. A discomfort he would get used to. A power that he needed to keep in check, his will controlled whether he would lose himself to the mark feeding on his chakra.

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes, looking over at his bedside table he saw a vase with a single daffodil, a flower that symbolized rebirth, and new beginnings.

“Sasuke-kun, you’re awake.”

His head snapped towards her soft voice, Sakura—his once clouded vision became clear. He turned his head to see his pink-haired teammate sitting in a chair next to his bed and Naruto standing behind her, hand resting on the chair. “Sakura, you're here.” His eyes met Sakura’s emerald pools.

“Why wouldn't I be here?”

Sasuke ignored her question as he sat up, taking in his surroundings. He knew Kakakshi was nearby waiting to make his entrance, reading that filth.

“You know, I am here too.”  Naruto grinned.

“Idiot, I know you’re here, your loudmouth can be heard from miles away. Shouldn't the staff have banned you from the hospital for being disruptive?” 

“My loudmouth has yet to have me thrown out by your Anbu guard, bastard, don't scare Sakura…us like that again.” Naruto corrected himself after Sakura shot him an icy glare. At least she did not hit me this time. “Are you feeling, okay? You have been out for a few days.”

“How did the rest of the preliminaries go?” Quickly changing subjects, not wanting to discuss how he feels. Sasuke knew by Naruto’s smile he won his match. His gaze went to Sakura wondering about Sakura’s status. Did she defeat her opponent?

“My match against Ino ended in a draw” Sakura fidgets with the hem of her dress, embarrassed she failed. “I will be there in the crowd cheering you both on during the finals.”

“Don't be hard on yourself.” Sasuke’s tender voice broke Sakura out of her depressed state. It must have been difficult for Sakura to fight against her best friend, but knowing both Sakura and Ino, they were not the type to go easy on each other.

“I am…” Sakura averted her gaze, her face flushed, embarrassed that Sasuke always had to boost her confidence, able to read her like an open book.

“Sakura, you did your best, you should be proud of what you accomplished.” Sakura was too hard on herself setting impossibly high expectations for herself. He knows he should not judge because he is the same, often comparing himself to others.

“He is right, Sakura-chan.” Naruto turned towards Sasuke “You should have seen it.  The combo Sakura used against Ino was brilliant, tricking her with clones, but that is not the best part. Sakura-chan broke out of the Yamanaka mind transfer jutsu.  Shikamaru said it should be impossible to do that, but not for our Sakura!”

“Shikamaru is right, Ino’s jutsu should be impossible to break out of. How…” Before he could ask her, Kakashi appeared in his room smiling at his cute little ducklings, closing his book, and placing it in his back pocket.

“Good, you awake.” Kakashi smiled. “I am sure you three want to catch up on a lot, but I need to discuss a few things with Sasuke. Naruto, Jiraiya is looking for you, he returned to the village this morning. I am sure you have....”

“That’s my cue, I need to learn how to defeat that bastard. He is going to pay for humiliating Hinata like that. To treat her as if she has done terrible things to him.”

Once again, Naruto is unaware of the world around him. Not knowing of the barbaric practices of the Hyuga clan, enslaving those of the branch family, treating those members as if they are less than others, caging them to a life of confinement—forcing them to obey. Neji’s anger towards Hinata stems from the rules and regulations forced upon him, rules he simply cannot break under normal circumstances. The Chunin exams allowed him to lash out at a member of the main house.

“Nothing will stop me from winning against the only obstacle to fight you.  I will not miss my chance to beat your ass in front of everyone, Sasuke.”

“Hn, I like to see you try. I am currently leading in our fights.” 

“Those fights won't matter if defeat you in the finals and become a Chunin!”

“The winner of the finals is not guaranteed a promotion to Chunin.  There are other factors the judges consider,” Sakura should have known she would have to lecture Naruto on this topic. “You…”

Naruto ran out of the room before Sakura could explain what the judges would be looking for.

“Don’t bother explaining to the dope. He will just try and make his own rules.”

“Well, I should get going, my parents are a vendor for the finals, and I told them I would help them bake.”

Kakashi watched Sasuke’s gaze follow Sakura as she left the room. “You will be discharged tomorrow and Anko will speak to you then. We will leave soon after to begin your training.”

Sasuke knew there was no point in arguing with Kakashi about speaking with Anko.  He knew getting out of that conversation was a lost cause, “So, who is my opponent?”

“Gaara of the Sand.”


Kabuto took refuge in Orochimaru's hideout near the leaf village. The man sent word that he would be arriving soon by one of his snake summonings.  He pulled out a kunai when he heard footsteps grow louder as they drew closer to his location.

“Lord Orochimaru.”

“Kabuto.” Orochimaru stepped into the room carrying the White and green garbs of the Kazekage.

“So, you already killed the Kazekage?”

“He has been dead for several weeks.  To implement my plans to destroy Konoha I needed to pretend to be the leader of Sunagakure for weeks before the exams. To plant the seeds of hatred towards Konoha. To make the Suna Council believe that an act of war would be the only way for the village to get the resources they need.”

“I see, and no one has suspected anything I presume?”

“No, they are still unaware that we are just using them.” Orochimaru crossed his arms. “Have you received word from Yoroi?”

“As you asked, he has been keeping a close eye on Sasuke's team, he is trailing the girl, but is confused as to why you want him to keep an eye on a civilian.” Kabuto studied Orochimaru, he could not shake off this feeling that the Sannin was not being truthful.

“The pink-haired Kunoichi on Sasuke’s team is a foil to my plans for Sasuke. They have a bond strong enough to make my Curse Mark recede. She prevented my chakra from overtaking Sasuke.”

“Do you need me to eliminate the girl?”

“No, if Sasuke ever comes to me, this girl can be used as collateral.  If Sasuke was willing to kill Zaku for this girl, I would be able to manipulate the boy to do as I ask.”

“Very well…”

“Has our Anbu contact reached out? We needed to enter the village without the barrier team knowing.”

“He has made contact, and arrangements have been made. Soon, I will be able to enter the village again to pose as a guard for the exams.”

In all the years she has been a shinobi, Anko never anticipated having a conversation with Sasuke Uchiha. She eyed the brat up and down, noticing his injuries seemed to have healed, but the scars and trauma Orochimaru inflicted on the boy remained hidden; she had observed him during the exams and even told the Hokage it would be best if they barred the boy from continuing further. How dangerous the Curse Mark is for a child, but she was overruled, and her complaints about the boy's safety would not be heard. “Do you know why we are having this conversation?”

“Hn…” Sasuke crossed his arms staring at the glass behind the Jonin wondering if anyone was listening. 

“It is just you and me kid.” Anko shocked at how nervous the Uchiha was. “No one is masking chakra or listening in on our conversation.” She could not blame his distrust.

“How do you expect me to believe someone who used to be a student of that snake? You also do not know my father, he...”

"Listen, kid, I do not care what your father thinks. I am here because Kakashi asked me to talk to you about the Curse Mark, so don't think I want to be here entertaining your prideful ass.”

“You could have said no.” Sasuke countered.  He knew that this woman was forced to have this discussion.

“I could have but here I am, brat.  I am sure you are aware of the snake and his unethical experiments. Traces of your chakra have been found poking around material about the slimy piece of shit, but nothing is going to happen to you, brat. You are the son of the head of the police force of Konoha and have the privilege of not getting in trouble for reading material above your rank.”

“That is my father’s doing, not mine. If you want to punish me…” 

“I am not going to punish you, I just wanted to know that many are aware, but I don’t blame you for your curiosity. If I had someone targeting me, I would try to find any information I can.” Anko leaned back in her chair, “But I do not hear to reprimand you.  I am here to educate you about the Curse Seal of Heaven and its history.” Anko cleared her throat. “Orochimaru developed this curse, and I was one of the first ten people he branded with this mark, I was a few years older than you. Out of the ten, I was the only one who survived. You are lucky you are alive, not many survive through the night. You are lucky to be alive."

“Lucky, you think it is luck to have a man attempt to kidnap you on multiple occasions. To taunt you. To feed on your insecurities. I am better off dead!”

“Those thoughts about your insecurities will be amplified by the Curse Mark.  Orochimaru feeds on your weaknesses. He tries to use them against you. Has the mark been causing any discomfort?”

“It pulses and burns occasionally; I try to ignore it.”

“Good, that is what you are supposed to do when it flares up. When activated his mark tries to corrode your mind. It tries to force you to use its power, increasing chakra levels and physical capabilities at an inhumane rate. To give you access to Orochimaru’s chakra.” Anko explained as she placed a hand on the back of her neck.  “The seal Kakashi placed on you should ease some pain, but it's not perfect. It is just a temporary solution. We are still researching ways to remove the mark but have yet to discover how.”

“Hn…Kakashi already warned me!”

“I am also warning you Uchiha.  Do not lose control, your chakra networks can be destroyed if you allow the mark to break your will.”

Fugaku leaned against the wall of the Konoha Military Police Force building, observing his clansmen train, improvement of their skills was vital. The Uchiha were tasked as protection detail for the Fire Daimyo and his family during their stay in Kohona. A man they have protected many times in the past, escorting the man to and from the Fire Capital.  It was a high honor for his clan to be responsible, Fugaku was proud of his clan, but could not stop his thoughts from wandering to Sasuke. His son has been avoiding him since his release from the hospital.

Fugaku knew he was at fault when it came to his interactions with his youngest. He had difficulty finding the right words to say, to try and help Sasuke navigate through a difficult time, to encourage him. The boy refuses to open up, locking his emotions away—only allowing Mikoto to see his vulnerability. He fears Sasuke might succumb to the clan Curse of Hatred. He would do anything to prevent Sasuke from more pain, even giving up his own life.

“That is good for today! I have a meeting with the other Clan Heads this afternoon, Kagen will give out your assignments.”

“Yes Sir!”


Kiba struggled to hide his irritation, once again, the Hyuga clan would not permit him to visit Hinata. It frustrated him how stringent they were, always acting superior to those they deemed beneath them. Kiba is not an idiot. His mother may think he does not pay attention to Clan Politics, but he does. He took notice of how clans interact at the monthly gatherings.  He can smell the negative energies between the Uchiha and the Hyuga clan. He knows they are not fond of each other.  He remembers his mother coming home from one of the clan head meetings fuming when he was a child—cursing, muttering how Hiashi Hyuga was an insensitive dick. 

He still does not know what happened, but he remembers his mother having one of their Ninkins spend time at the Uchiha Compound, one often used as an emotional support animal.  It was around the time Sasuke was missing from class for a few weeks with the flu, but he was starting to believe that was a lie. That Sasuke was not sick.  His eyes widen when he realizes, Sasuke must have unlocked his Sharingan.

Kiba paced back and forth in the hospital lobby, hoping he would eventually be allowed to visit Hinata. Not allowing teammates to visit a hurt comrade was unfair. She almost perished in her fight with Neji, Shino informed him that she did not listen to his pleas to give up if she had to face Neji or that creepy redhead, Gaara.  She went on to fight Neji even after her cousin told her to forfeit, taunting her, and telling her that she is too soft for the brutalities of the shinobi world.

He heard a concerned bark, and looked up at Akamaru, “I find buddy.”


“I know, I am worried about Hinata too.”

Kiba did not understand why Neji was so cruel to Hinata. She was kind but lacked confidence in her abilities. Weren’t they family? Or was the Hyuga clan so broken that Neji took it out on Hinata?

The Uchiha are a noble clan like the Hyuga’s but they permitted Naruto and Sakura to visit Sasuke who was in bad shape.

The Forest of Death took a lot out of them. Team 8 was the first Konoha team to arrive at the tower, all thanks to their teamwork, utilizing their skills as a squad with a Tracking classification.  Hinata’s Byakugan spotted the team who had the Earth scroll in their possession and Shino controlled a man-eating insect to kill them. Team Gai was next, followed by Team 10.  He was surprised that Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura almost did not make it.

Ino later informed him about what occurred in the Forest. She did not even have to tell him the full story. Kiba knew something was off the moment Team 7 arrived in the waiting hall.  He could smell a fowl stench coming from Sasuke. There was something wrong with his chakra. 

The higher-ups of the village are terrible at hiding their anxieties, and the stench is unbearable. The Anbu guards outside Sasuke’s room were not discreet, and they were supposed the be covert operatives. The village is fucked if they behave this way.

His thoughts once again wandered back to Hinata and how much the Hyuga clan drove him to feel like his friendship with her did not matter, deterring anyone from forming a bond with her. The clan threw her away the moment she was considered too weak to be the heir to the clan. Being forbidden from seeing his teammate, someone he grew to care about, hurt him.  Hinata has become important to him in such a short time.

Their sensei Kurenai was the only person allowed to see Hinata.  He was hoping she was here. He wanted an update on Hinata’s health.

“Kiba!” She had heard from the Nurses that the boy was here every day demanding to see the former Hyuga heir.

“Sensei” Kiba walked towards her. “How is she?”

“There has been improvement, but she must remain in a medically induced coma for two more weeks and even then, she will need to take it easy. Her road to recovery will take time.  Neji damaged her inner organs a great deal.”

“Why is he so angry at her? What did Hinata do to cause Neji to be so vicious to his own family.”  Kiba asked.

“It is a complicated situation, and it has to do with inter-clan relations.”

“Hinata never mentions anything regarding her clan. What caused such complications?”

“An ancient clan tradition that dates to a time before the Hyuga were asked to join the village. The Hyuga descend from a royal line said to come from the stars, celestial beings that brought chakra to Earth.”

“But that doesn't answer my question sensei, you are being vague.”

Woof Akamaru agreed with his charge.

“Neji is a member of the branch family, those who are not born in the main house of the Hyuga clan are branded with a mark on the third birthday of the next heir, it binds them to a life of servitude to the main house.”

“So, Neji was only four when he received the mark?”

“Yes, but there are other factors involved, information a Genin is not allowed to know.”

“I have a right to know! He almost killed Hinata and…”

“Which is why I am going to tell you everything, but I cannot inform you about classified information here.”


Even though it was a month away the village started preparations for the Chunin Exam finals. Planning for an extravagant festival, a festival to share Konoha’s culture on the world stage. Spectators from the Sand and Sound village will be attending the finals to cheer on the participants of their village.  With the attendance of foreign aviaries and the Fire Daimyo security increased and the Royal guards from the Fire Capital arrived a few days prior working closely with the Uchiha and Yamanaka clans.  Sakura knew the protection details for the Daimyo were just a cover.  Orochimaru was still at large, and the Konoha Elders were worried about an attack on the village.

Sakura leaned back in her chair as she picked up the stick of dango, taking a bite of the chewy delight. Across from Sakura was Ino resting her hand on her chin as she observed her best friend.  They finally had the opportunity to catch up. This was their first tea date since becoming Genin.

“Forehead, I don't have to be inside your head to know something is wrong. I know you are worried about Sasuke-kun, but he is perfectly safe with Kakashi sensei. You need to trust them.” Ino picked up a stick of Dango, pointing it at her best friend “But that is not the only thing we need to discuss.  You need to tell me when this inner Sakura appeared. Having two spirits inside your mind is not healthy.”

“What other spirit? I do not know…”

“A second spirit appears when there is a manifestation of someone's inner emotions, that they cannot outwardly display. This other spirit represents what that person's actual opinion truly is.” Ino leaned back in her seat, “That thing kicked me out of your head during our match!”

“Not sure when she appeared, maybe about the time we became friends.”

Ino took a bite of her dango “I see…” Ino made not to ask her father more on the subject when he was not busy adding extra security measures to the barrier.

“I visited Lee the other day. It does not look good for him unless Lady Tsunade returns to the village. She may be the only person in the world that could help him.” Sakura quickly changed the subject, not wanting to tell Ino about the Kant factors that brought forth her inner self. She took a deep breath and wondered if Tsunade knew of a way to remove the mark from Sasuke’s neck.

“Stop thinking so hard. I can hear the gears turning in your head and forehead. I do not want you to short-circuit on me.”

“Shut up, pig, I…”

“Little blossom, just the person I to see!”  Shisui sat down next to Sakura, putting an arm around her shoulder, and winked at Ino.

“Shisui-san what are you doing here?”

“Picking up dango for Itachi, he is leaving for a mission soon and I thought I would bring the little weasel a treat. I spotted you, blossom and my day got even brighter.” Shisui grinned “I also wanted to thank you for what you did for Sasuke in the forest.” He turned his attention to Ino, “I must thank you as well, Yamanaka. You and your team jumped in at the right time.”

“No sweat, but Sakura performed…”

“I didn’t do much, I just bought some time for…” Sakura looked down at her tea. “I was useless.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. What you did was brave, and you will only grow from your experiences.” Shisui removed his arm from her shoulder, placed a hand on her head, and patted it. “When I get back, how about I help with your genjutsu? Kakashi told me that you have an affinity for it, and I heard from that brat that it was your idea to use genjutsu on normal scrolls and have them blow up when they try to release the genjutsu.”

“You what?” Ino stared at her best friend.

“That was just a basic genjutsu.”

“That is not how the little twerp described it. I heard about your excellent chakra control from Kakashi. Think about it Sakura. Being able to break a genjutsu from a Uchiha will be a useful skill. If you can break out of our genjutsu you can break out of anything, plus it would be fun to see Sasuke’s face when you pull a little trick on him. Genjutsu is not one of his biggest strengths.”

“You enjoy getting under Sasuke’s skin don’t you,” Ino smirked.

“I do love seeing the little shit get flustered.”

A girl walked over to their table with boxes of dango in her hand. Her face flushed. “These are for you Uchiha-san.”

“Thank you…” He winked at the waitress, “When I get back, we will set up a time to work together, you can join us Ino, if you like.”

“I am not the genjutsu type, but I do exceed when it comes to sensory jutsu” 

“Well ladies it was nice chatting, but duty awaits.” He walked out of the shop.

“I swear, if he did not have the Sharingan I would never have placed him as a member of the Uchiha clan. He is far too outgoing. He does not have that broody Uchiha personality.”

“Didn’t take you to be the type to be into older men, pig!”

“Well, it is about time to look elsewhere because my chances of ending up with Sasuke-kun are slim.” Ino flipped her long ponytail back.

“Giving up so easily?” Sakura taunted, trying to figure out if Ino was being truthful about giving up on her romantic pursuit of Sasuke.  

“I never had a chance with him to begin with. Sasuke-kun and I work better friends. He is all yours forehead.”

Sakura wondered about her chances with Sasuke. Would his clan ever accept her if something were to happen between them?  She thought back to her conversation with Ino during the Tanabata festival.  How most clans did not accept outsiders. That he would be forced to marry a distant cousin one day.

“He doesn't see me that way,” Sakura answered. She knew he cared about her, but that was only because they were on the same team.

“Sakura, he was ready to kill that sound ninja for laying a hand on you. I have never been so scared in my life.  Sasuke’s chakra was different, darker. Those markings are not natural. I tried to research it, but I have not been able to find anything.”

“It’s called the Curse Seal of Heaven.” Sakura only knew the name of the mark on Sasuke’s because she demanded Kakashi inform her what the mark was, to not keep her in the dark.

“Isn’t that a…” Ino looked at Sakura. She knew that look. This was something they could not discuss in public.  Ino placed Ryo on the table and rose to her feet.  She grabbed Sakura’s hand, pulling her out of the dango shop.

“Where are we going?”

“Library,” Ino answered, she rarely suggested going to the library, hated being around moldy old books.

“You hate libraries.”

“I do but Sasuke takes priority over my dislike for libraries.”

“Do you expect to find anything about Orochimaru and that Curse Mark, information like that is not something we are going to be privy to. He is an S-rank enemy of the leaf, that info is in…”

“Who says we are going to ask to get in, there are other methods to sneak into the section of the library that our rank does not allow us to see.” Ino dragged Sakura along, “This is the perfect opportunity for me to test out a new technique I have been working on, one where I can stay in my body.”

“Ino, we…”

“Don’t worry, I have a way for us to get out of trouble. Do not fret that big forehead of yours.”

“Good afternoon, ladies, how can I assist you today?” The librarian asked as he studied the young Genin as they entered the library.

“Hi Akito! Just looking for elemental ninjutsu scroll to study.” Sakura answered.  She hated that she was lying to him, but Sakura knew of

“Of course, you know him by name.” Ino rolled her eyes.

“Maybe if you read a book, you would know people by name.” Sakura led Ino to the sections of the library they did not have access to. Outside stood a Special Jonin, keeping watch, making sure those of a lower rank do not enter this part of the library.

“Well, this is going to be easy!”

He had been observing Kakashi’s and Asuma’s kunoichi for a while as they prowled through the bookshelves of the section of the library that Genin are not permitted to enter. Gai was in search of a medical textbook on medical procedures that may help Lee, he did not like the diagnosis the doctors gave him, hoping to find something else, even if it required a forbidden technique.

He could not help but be impressed with their efforts and why they would sneak into the section of the library they did not have clearance for.

He stood behind them, masking his chakra. “You two do know you are not supposed to be here?”

Sakura and Ino turned back, that loud, boisterous voice belonged to one person. They looked at a man who was dressed in a green jumpsuit.  “Well, we…”

He looked over at the book they were reading, Gai did not blame the girls for looking into that man.  Lee informed him of what happened in the Forest of Death. “Don’t worry, I didn't see anything. I think you two should run along.”


“Aren’t you going to teach me something cool or are you just going to try and peep at women all day?” Naruto groaned as he sat on a rock, Jiraiya requested him for training, and they had yet to do anything extraordinary.

“I am working on my next book; I need to do research.” He looked over at Naruto. He still has not decided what he plans to teach him. Learning how to summon frogs or the Rasengan. Both techniques required Naruto to refine his chakra control.  The boy should not longer have problems, Orochimaru might have messed with his seals, but he opened a pathway for Naruto to tap into the Nine-Tails chakra more.

“Your damn book can wait!” Naruto was debating if he should tell the bathhouse about his guardians peeping.

“Just give me a few more minutes.”

“You said that an hour ago!”  Naruto grumbled.

Jiraiya looked back at Naruto thinking about the conversation they had a few nights ago about what happened in the Forest of Death.

“That guy who attacked us is your former teammate. Why am I just hearing about him now?”

“Because he has done questionable things that the village deemed unacceptable and unforgiving. When the Aubu tried to arrest him, he escaped.” Jiraiya could not tell Naruto that he tried to kidnap Sasuke a few years ago.  That was something that the Uchiha did not want anyone to know, only clan heads and a select few were informed of the incident. He does not blame Fugaku Uchiha for protecting his son. No one expected Orochimaru to try again almost five years later. This time it was much worse.  Jiraiya was beginning to believe there was more to Orochimaru's interest in Sasuke than meets the eye. 

“Sasuke said he went after him because of his Sharingan. I am not sure if that is the full truth.  Sasuke is not scared easily, but he is petrified by this man and his snakes. Of all things to be afraid of, snakes. But that is not the only thing.  I do not know why, but from how Sasuke reacted to him, it seems like they have met before.”

“Sasuke is a member of the founding clans. Sasuke descends from Izuna Uchiha on his mother's side. Izuna is the younger brother of Marada Uchiha. You do know who he is?”

“He is the one who fought lord first?”

“I’m impressed, you paid attention to something.”

“Well, Sakura-Chan is smart, and I want to impress her. I want to try and win her heart, but that may be a challenge.  I think she has a crush on Sasuke.”

Jiraiya sighed, he had met Naruto’s team a few times and Team 7 reminded him so much of his squad. When they were young, Tsunade paid him no mind, often irritated by his attempts to win her heart. He has the scars to prove it, after peeping on her when she was bathing. Before Dan was in the picture her attention was often on Orochimaru. He was cool, calm, and mysterious—traits most young girls are interested in.

“You know I do not want to fall behind.  Kakashi and Shisui are training Sasuke. I heard he is going to learn the Chidori.” Naruto continued to ramble, “Can’t you teach me something cool?”

“There are two things I plan to teach you. I want to pass down my summoning contract to you. Being able to summon an anime is useful in both combat and gathering intel.”

“So, you are teaching me to summon frogs? That is so lame! What is the other thing you want to teach me?”

Jiraiya expected Naruto to call his summoning’s lame. “The technique is called the Rasengan, a jutsu your father created to protect your mother from the nine-tails.”


Deep in the Konoha forest is where she found him. Staring at the targets they have set up before the chunin exams.  “There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you. I should have known you would be here.”


“Why are you so surprised to see me?” Tenten smiled as she sat next to Neji. “We promised to train together. Even if I did not make the finals that is not going to stop me from supporting you.”

“Are you feeling well enough to help me train?” Neji eyed her up and down.  She had just been discharged from the hospital and he did not want to push her too far. Despite his cold demeanor, Neji cared a lot for Tenten and the rest of his team.  He knew Gai sensei would be helping him if he could, but he was too busy worrying about Lee, his career as a ninja was not looking good. The doctors at Konoha’s hospital lacked the skills to perform a surgery with a fifty percent success rate. The only doctor who could save Lee's arms and legs was Tsunade Senju, but the woman they seek has been out of the village since the beginning of the third great shinobi war.

He did not mind. Lee is his friend, and he is also concerned about him. He did not have his clan to fall back on because he was a member of the branch family, a slave to the main family.

“I’m fine, but I think we should talk first.” TenTen studied her teammate, trying to figure out how she was going to have this conversation with him.  She did not want to offend Neji. The topic of family was hard for him, losing his father at a young age and becoming a slave to the very clan who sacrificed his father to prevent another shinobi war.

“Talk about what?”

“Talk about how you almost killed Hinata.” Tenten placed a hand on her hip.

“She should have stayed down when I told her not to continue further. That loudmouth Naruto is the reason why she got injured.”

“But the match was called…”

“I cannot stand looking at her.  She is the reason I have this mark; she is the reason why my father died and that I became a caged bird looking to spread his wings and not be forced to serve my solemn duty to the main house.  She still has her privileges even though she is no longer the heir. Allowed to freely do what she wants.”  Neji punched the tree he was standing next to.  “All my pain started because of her!”

“You know she is not the one you should blame.  She is…”

“She is not as innocent as she looks. She is passive and does not train hard enough.  Hinata’s focus should be on improving the clan for the better, treating every member as an equal.  All she cares about is following around some boy who barely knows of her existence. A boy who is more focused on his female teammate who is more interested in the Uchiha, and it seems like Uchiha’s feelings for the girl are mutual.”

“She is a teenage girl. Do you expect her to not have her attention diverted to a boy?”

“You don’t act that way.”

“I know how I must conduct around my team, but that does not mean I don’t have those types of thoughts. Thinking about a boy who caught my attention.”

“Who caught your attention? He must be vetted by me…I mean he must be vetted by those who are close to you. Lee and Gai sensei need to approve and so do I.”

Tenten tried to conceal her blush. She knew Neji cared but did not know he felt so strongly about the boy she was interested in. Tenten could not tell Neji that boy was him.  “Well, we will cross that road when it comes. What would you like to work on today?’

“Throw everything you got at me and I will try to block each attack.”  


Itachi strolled through the streets of Tanzaku Quarters. Two weeks passed since he departed on this mission to find the last Senju, to recall her back to the village.  Tracking this woman posed a challenge, she masked her signature well.  He hoped to find the Legendary Sannin soon, Itachi wanted to be back in time to watch Sasuke's match in the finals.

He has had correspondence with Shisui, checking in on his brother's rigorous training with Kakashi. Itachi has some concerns with his brother's training, teaching Sasuke such a lethal technique.  He hoped his foolish bother would only use the Chidori as a last resort.

“Hello there handsome,” A woman came up to him grabbing onto his arm.  “Do you need someone to show you a good time?”

Itachi turned to the prostitute, his crimson eyes staring down at her. You are going to leave this place and never return. Her eyes were glasses over as he placed her in a genjutsu. The young woman's arm slipped from his arm, and she walked away.

Itachi disliked seedy places like this. Bars, gambling, and prostitution.  He had a feeling that Tsunade would be here. From the file he has read on her, she enjoyed gambling and drinking.  He also knew she was traveling with her apprentice, Shizune.  She was the niece of the man Tsunade was supposed to marry. 

Itachi wondered where he should start looking for the woman. Should he ask around?  He knew bars or casinos would not let him in, but there was a way around that, genjutsu.  He had already used it on the prostitute who tried to bed him.


Tsunade sighed as she pulled the lever of the slot machine she had been playing for the past few hours, Tanzaku Quarters was a place where she blew off steam, close enough to home, but just far enough that she could continue her travels elsewhere. Tsunade took excessive safety precautions when she was near Konoha, not wanting to return to the village. She knew that it would be wise to give up, her luck never on her side. Whenever she won, it was a sign for her to move on to the next destination, an omen. She could not help but be paranoid, ever since Dan and her younger brother, Nawaki died, she has dealt with restless nights, easily startled. 

Tsunade pulled the lever and was hauled out of her daze when she heard a celebratory noise, she observed the bright lights flashing. Telling her she hit the jackpot. These machines are often rigged. For her to win sent shockwaves throughout her body, slowly backing away from the matching.

“We need to go Shizune.” She turned to her companion, eyebrows drawing together. 

“Go?” Shizune’s eyes narrowed, confused by Tsuandes wanting to leave the casino, they just arrived yesterday and planned to stay awhile.

“I have a bad feeling. We need to take my winnings and go.”

“Alright, I will get your winnings. Do you want to meet at the inn?”  She knew from the look Lady Tsunade gave her. They needed to continue North to the Land of Hot Water, a nice dip in the Hot Springs would ease her anxieties, they also had some of the best Sake in the world.  She needed a drink.

Tsunade walked out of the gambling den crashing into a firm chest of a handsome young man.  She noticed he was a Leaf shinobi and wondered what he was doing in a place like this, he could not be older than eighteen.  Tsunade studied his appearance, he had black hair tied in a low ponytail, onyx eyes, and a sculpted chin. She knew instantly from his aristocratic appearance belonged to a specific clan, the Uchiha.

“Lady Tsunade, just the person I was looking for.”

“Why is someone from Konoha looking for me? I’m on sabbatical and to be left alone. What do you need Uchiha?”

“I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I have urgent news from the village. I know it will be difficult to convince you to return but I hope you will hear what I have to say.”

Tsunade crossed her arms and studied the child.  He spoke in such a formal way that only a child from the main family would talk. This kid must be Fugaku Uchiha’s eldest child.  She knew the insufferable man had two children, the youngest was named after her former sensei’s grandfather.  “Why should I hear with you have to say Uchiha?”

“Please call me Itachi, Lady Tsuande.” He bowed his head “Because it involves the safety of my younger brother and the incompetence of the Hokage to ignore our clan's request when it came to your former teammate Orochimaru. The man has taken an unhealthy interest in my brother.”

She studied the young man and could tell by his body language that he was there because of his young brothers and not for other reasons. That there were no other motives or at least she hopped.  Tsunade began to wonder why the Uchiha sought her out. She was a Senju, and the Uchiha had a long history with her clan, both good and bad.  What did Orochimaru want with Sasuke Uchiha? She could not help being curious about the snake going after the Uchiha child.

Tsuande knew she should ignore his request to chat, but could not say no. She understood him. Wanting to protect a younger sibling.

“We should speak elsewhere about this topic Itachi. I do not think this is a conversation we should have on the street.”

“My Lady you are…” Shisune came out of the casino and was wondering why Tsunade was still here. She would have thought her master would be at the inn, packing.  Her eyes traveled to the young man she was speaking with, recognized him immediately. “Is something going on?”

“Shizune, this is Itachi Uchiha. We have some business to discuss so follow me.” Tsunade said as she made her way to her favorite restaurant.

“Lady Tsunade…” she hurried after the woman.

Itachi sighed and followed.


Shisui sat on top of the rocks as he looked down at Sasuke and Kakashi's train, they had been in the Land of Rivers for two weeks, training for hours, improving Sasuke’s speed. Things were going well until the Kazekage son showed up and challenged Sasuke to a match to the death. At first, Sasuke did not agree, however, the moment Naruto and Sakura were threatened, he complied. He has been worried about Sasuke ever since.

He saw a bird flying towards him. He held out his arm, his crow summoned Kurasu landed on his forearm, “I have word from Lord Itachi.”

“You don't need to be so formal Kurasu.”

The bird ruffled his feathers “Formalities are important my lord, do you want to hear his message or not?”

“Someone is in a bad mood!”

Kurasu pecked at Shisui’s arm, annoyed by his lack of sympathy for traveling such distances. “I am being used as a messenger pigeon; I have every right to be upset.”

“Sorry about that. So, any word.”

“Not yet, he just arrived in Tanzaku Quarters when I last spoke to him.”

“I am sure he will find Lady Tsunade there. The drinks are good and have some of the best casinos in the Land of Fire.”

“Is there anything else you need from me, Lord Shisui?” The crow ruffled his feathers once again, knowing he was going to be assigned another task.

“I need you to keep an eye on Sasuke tonight, I have a feeling he is going to sneak away for a bit.” Shisui knew his little cousin. He had little interest in himself, but for those he has formed a bond with, he would do anything to safeguard them.

“As you wish my lord.”


“Do you mind if I put up a silencing barrier? I do not want any unsavory individuals to overhear our conversation.”

“Do what you want kid.” Tsunade crossed her arms and watched as the Uchiha performed the jutsu, curious about the brat's mission, “Okay, now spill Uchiha. You sought me out for a reason. I do not have all day.”

Itachi sighed he did read that Tsuande was an impatient woman. “Orochimaru has taken an unhealthy interest in my younger brother. The village believed he wants Sasuke for his eyes, to gain knowledge of our dojutsu, to learn how to recreate our abilities.”

“That snake would target any Uchiha if he wanted to cultivate your eyes. Why is he targeting Sasuke specifically?” Tsunade crossed her arms. She knew the boy was not being truthful, only telling her parts of the story.”

“Orochimaru targeted my brother because my father uncovered his involvement in the disappearances of orphans. The investigation led to the discovery of Orochimaru's unethical experiments on children. No one cares if an orphan child goes missing, but they do not care if a child of a clan is harmed. My father is not pleased with Lord Hiruzen and his abilities to keep not only Sasuke safe but the entire village.”

“Your father was not pleased with something?” Tsunade questioned.

“Yes, my father is a callous man, always profound, but despite his cold demeanor the treatment of orphans in Konoha is unacceptable. It is an issue he has been vocal about to other clans. Trying to find a solution to protect these children. My father cares about our village and believes in your grandfather's philosophy.”

“Are you trying to butter me up, kid? Our families may have lived in peace for years after the creation of our village, but the animosity remains.”  Tsunade stared at the boy, knowing her great uncle caused quite a rift with the Uchiha, placing them in charge of the Military Police Force helped, but the lack of trust remained. That hostility towards the Uchiha continued with Danzo. A man who tried to undermine her former sensei many times, but still remains a distinguished member of the Konoha Council.

“Is it working?”

“Watch it brat! I am allowing you to state your case, don't blow it.”

“My apologies, but I hope to convince you to return to the village and accept the mantel of becoming Hokage. My father put in a request and the elders approved the request, after learning that Sasuke was branded with the Cruse Seal of Heaven!”

“That slimy piece of shit did what?” Tsunade slammed her hand down on the table.

“He infiltrated the village during the Chunin Exams. During the second test, my brother was attacked in the Forest of Death, he survived and Kakashi sealed the mark, but I know it is still causing trouble. My foolish little brother is not one to let those who care for him know that he is troubled.”

“I see…”

“My lady I think we should return to Konoha,” Shizune spoke up.

“I don’t have a cure for the mark, I can take a look at it, but I am not agreeing to be the fifth Hokage.” Tsunade answered.

“Maybe you will change your mind on our journey back to Konoha.”

“I doubt that I will.”


Sakura sat on her balcony staring at the crescent moon casting an ethereal glow upon the village. It was well past midnight. Lately, she struggled with sleep her anxieties kept her awake as she thought about her two teammates and the trials they were about the face in the finals. Both had challenges against strong competitors.

Naruto's opponent Neji Hyuga, a boy a year older than them, a prodigy. Member of one of Konoha’s Nobel clans, and someone who almost killed Hinata in the preliminary due to some bad blood between the main and the branch family. When she attempted to ask Ino about the animosity, she brushed it off, telling her that it was another one of those topics they were not allowed to discuss. The village knew of the Hyuga Clan’s brutal practices against the branch family but did nothing to change their ways, had their own way of governing their people.

Sasuke’s adversary was Gaara of the Sand, the shinobi from Suna. The kid who ended Lee's shinobi career in a matter of seconds, crushing him in a sand-covered prison.

She knew Sasuke was strong, but Gaara was strong, he would have killed Lee if Gai had not stepped in. Sakura could not shake off this feeling that Gaara would try to do the same to Sasuke.

She had been struggling with nightmares of late, every time she closed her eyes, she saw Sasuke consumed by darkness, his crimson eyes replaced by the yellow eyes of the snake.

Orochimaru’s voice echoes in her mind, telling Sasuke to embrace the gift he has given him. To find him one day and he will help him obtain what he wants, power.

A few days ago, she heard knocking on her bedroom window to find Sasuke perched on her balcony, she wondered why he would visit her in the middle of the night.

Shouldn’t he be training in the Land of Rivers?

“Sasuke-kun…” Sakura stared at him, perched on her balcony, his eyes not leaving hers. Wondering why he would visit her in the middle of the night. She noticed the length of his hair was longer, “What are you doing here?”

“Good, you’re okay,” Sasuke stared at Sakura, happy she was safe and was not killed as Gaara threatened.

“Why wouldn't I be?” Sakura crossed her arms, “Has something happened?” 

“Hn, I will tell you next time I see you. Get some sleep Sakura.”  Sasuke vanished from sight, leaving Sakura to ponder in her thoughts.


My favorite part of this chapter was bringing in other members of the Konoha 12 and starting to dive into some of the Hyuga clan drama, plus more of Neji. I really like Neji as a character and there are some plot points once I get to the Shippuden era that involve him. Maybe a friendship with Sasuke...

Well, I look forward to your thoughts, until next time.

Chapter 16: Will of Fire


Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. I am sorry for the chapter delay. With it being the holiday season for me in the US, it has been difficult to find time to write.
Once again, I would like to say how much I appreciate all of you and say welcome to new readers. I hope you enjoy my story.

Also, as I said in the last chapter, I still rereading my fic and making corrections. I have been unable to reread recently, but I plan on rereading and making edits soon.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The festivities of the commencement of the Chunin Exams have been going on for the past week in Konoha, today was the last day of the joyous event, to celebrate the finalists of the Exams. The Finals started tomorrow at the stroke of noon. Tensions were high due to an ongoing threat from Orochimaru, fear of the man penetrating the finals was high, rumors of an invasion spreading among shinobi, and civilians were still unaware of the threats. They were kept in the dark about the possible attack.

Sakura was scared for Sasuke; she did not take the serpent's threat lightly. Over the past month, she has learned plenty about the vile man who is after Sasuke’s body. Finding police reports about the cruel atrocities the man has performed on orphans, glad that he has never gotten his hands on Naruto. Knowing what her friend is and the dangers of the creature locked inside of him getting into the wrong hands would cause another great war.

Not being able to see Naruto or Sasuke made her anxious. She knew they had their responsibility for representing the village, both were occupied, being paraded around with the other contestants, seen as the pride and joy of the Leaf. The Will of Fire burns in their souls, a spiritual heritage passed down for generations. A philosophy Hashirama lived by. To love, cherish, believe, and fight for one’s village. A philosophy that has been altered by the corruption of those whose greed for power overtook the prosperity and growth of Konoha, led by a man who likes to hide the shadows. A man she has been warned about, Danzo.

Sakura knew Naruto loved the attention he gained from his new position as a finalist, deprived of people talking about him in a positive light as a child. He had been demonized for so long by the people his parents sacrificed their lives for.  Some still have negative comments about the boy who has a heart of gold—trying to bar him from participating in the exam. Danzo trying to lead the revolt. Enticing fear that he would lose control of the nine-tails of being allowed to partake in the exams.

As for Sasuke, she knows he is not one for attention.  Being a Uchiha puts an immense amount of pressure on him, not only is he going to be compared to his older brother, but the eyes of the Daimyo and his guards are going to be on him.  He may be asked to accompany those of his clan to the capital. To train with the royal guard, a great honor not bestowed on many.

“I hope you enjoy,” Sakura smiled brightly as she handed the box of dango to the tomato vendor, Maiya, a woman she had seen Sasuke interact with quite often.

“Thank you, Sakura, right? Sasuke’s teammate.” The woman smiled at the pinkette, the pretty girl she had seen Sasuke walk home on many occasions.

“I am” a faint blush formed on her face. She was wondering how this woman knew her name. Her importance in this village was minimal, just a child of a civilian family who brought nothing to the village. Her history is not as rich as those of clans. People only paid attention to her because of her teammates.

“Keep an eye on that boy, he can be a bit reckless sometimes.” Maiya smiled at Sakura before walking away.

Sakura wondered if the woman was aware of Sasuke’s protectiveness of those he cared for. Her thoughts wandered back to the Forest of Death and the surge of malicious chakra overtook Sasuke’s. The snapping of Zaku’s bones haunted her and the boy she loved was capable of atrocities. How he would kill to keep her safe.

"Hi, welcome to..." Her words trailed off as she caught sight of the boy in front of her - the Daimyo's son. Two members of the Uchiha Military Police Force stood behind him; she recognized the girl with long brown hair as Izumi, and the other was Shisui, with his distinct curly hair. She was surprised to see Shisui on protection duty instead of securing the village. She knew it wasn't the right time or place to ask about Sasuke's well-being or whether Shisui knew about his late-night visit a few days ago. That night was the last time she spoke to him.

“What can I get for you, your grace.” Sakura stared at the boy, never expecting him to be attractive. He did not get his looks from his parents, they were plain-looking. Madam Shijimi was an unattractive woman who wore far too much makeup, and the Daimyo was just ugly inside and out. She has heard stories of his cruelty. Sakura hoped their son did not have those disgusting traits. By his build, he had to be a year or two older than her.

“I heard from Izumi that your parents make the best dango in Konoha and that they have a treat named after your namesake, Sakura. I am surprised the village would allow someone with your beauty to be a shinobi.”

“Beauty can be your greatest weapon,” Sakura answered as she prepared hanami dango for the Daimyo’s son, “our enemies do not expect someone who looks like a delicate flower to be a lethal force, tricking them into spilling their deepest secrets.” Sakura’s eyes darted to Shisui when he snickered. “I hope you enjoy your stay in Konoha, your grace.” She handed him the box.

“No need for formalities, you can call me Yuto.” His hand brushed against hers, “I hope we meet again, Sakura.”

Sakura watched the boy bite into the dango as he made his way down the street, not visiting any other stand.

Was he here to speak with her?

"Flower, can you get some more rice flour from the back?” Kizashi called out to his daughter, breaking her out of the trance she was in.

“Yes, papa!”

Kizashi smiled watching his daughter interact with customers brought him great joy, and he hoped she would finally see the light and quit being a shinobi. That a simple life as a baker was safer for her.  These past couple of days it was nice to see her natural smile once more. A smile he has not been able to see in weeks.

Lately, she has been distant, and not as talkative as she once was. When he questioned her about her short hair, she dismissed it by saying long hair was not good for the wilderness. Instantly he knew she lied but was not going to pressure her daughter into telling him what happened or ask her why Sasuke visited her in the middle of the night a few days prior.

Kizashi trusted his daughter, knowing she would come to him when she was ready. 

“Papa, I got the rice flour!” 

“Thank you, flower.” he smiled and watched Sakura as her attention returned to their customers. He hoped his daughter would always be happy.


Naruto tugged at his kimono collar, feeling uncomfortable and out of place. Jiraiya had convinced him not to wear his signature orange kimono, advising him to dress conservatively for the important dinner they were attending as they would be in the presence of dignitaries. Naruto was anxious about talking to people of higher social status because he had never received proper training on how to do so. However, he was surprised to have been invited to such an event, and he didn't expect anyone to talk to him in the first place.

Shikamaru stood next to Naruto, dressed in a forest green kimono.  “This is such a drag.”

“Shikamaru, why aren’t you out there mingling.” Naruto eyed the Nara Clan heir, curious why he wasn't socializing with the members of the Daimyo’s court, given that he had been groomed for events like this. Shikamaru replied, "Just because I attend events with other clans quarterly doesn't mean I enjoy them. I'd rather be at home sleeping than entertaining the snobs from the capital."

Shikamaru eyed Neji and Sasuke conversing with the members of the Daimyo’s court, knowing everyone's eyes would be on them. To have members of prestigious clans competing in the finals would attract attention from many in the Land of Fire and bring funds to their village.

Naruto noticed the look on Shikamaru's face, a look he had seen often in those who didn't like the Uchiha. He knew Shikamaru didn't have the same views as the adults in the village, but he didn't know Sasuke. Naruto said, "You should know Sasuke hates these events too. He puts on a façade to please those of his clan. He doesn't want to ruin his family's reputation. He knows many are not fond of the Uchiha. He has heard people whisper about him and his family for years, thinking he is cold-hearted. It’s all an act. He does it to keep himself in check because his behavior reflects his clan."

Shikamaru looked at Naruto with a confused expression, unaware that Sasuke acted differently in the presence of important people. "I thought you were smart," Naruto said.

"I am," Shikamaru replied. "I may have misjudged Uchiha." Shikamaru didn't expect to admit his preconception of the Uchiha. He didn't want Ino to find out, as she would never let him forget.

Naruto asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Shikamaru replied, "There are many things to be afraid of, like those who linger in the shadows of the village, watching us to make sure we don't speak of information we are not allowed to repeat."

"What kind of information?" Naruto asked.

"You shouldn't ask!" a voice from behind them said.

Naruto turned to see a boy with sunglasses, who was in his class but whose name he couldn't remember. Shikamaru scoffed and said, "Idiot, how could you forget Shino?"

"Ahh, the guy who used bugs to blow up that sound ninja's arms. You're terrifying, you know that.”

"And you lack perception," Shino replied. "I have been standing here for a while, and you both ignored my existence, but I'll let it go. Be wary of what you say, Naruto. There are those in this village who seek the most vulnerable and use their insecurities to influence them into doing horrible things."


They were all gathered at the stadium at the crack of dawn. Sasuke was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, lost in his thoughts. He was thinking about last night's events and how the Daimyo's son talked about the pretty shinobi with pink hair. The only person who has pink hair in this village is Sakura.

Sasuke wondered when Sakura met the Daimyo’s son.


Suddenly, he heard a voice calling his name, and he opened his eyes to see Shisui staring at him. “What do you want?”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Shisui teased him.

“Don’t test me.” Sasuke was annoyed by Shisui's childish behavior and gritted his teeth.

“I am not testing you.” Shisui flicked his forehead. “Your sour mood is not from these exams. What's wrong? You of all people should know you can talk to me.”


“Nothing, it’s not important.” Sasuke looked away at the other finalists, who had their family members there to encourage them. Sasuke was disappointed that his father was absent once again. “Why are you here?”

Shisui placed a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder. “Someone needs to be here to check on you, shrimp. I am also here to remind you to know your limits.”

“And what of it?” Sasuke sighed as Shisui went on to remind him about the mark that could still be activated and said that Sasuke was the only one who could keep it at bay. If Sasuke faltered, the mark would be activated, and that would be a problem.

Sasuke assured Shisui “You have nothing to worry about. I will be fine.”

Shisui found it difficult to believe Sasuke's words but was optimistic for a positive outcome. “Well, show them what Uchiha are capable of.”


 It was the day of the Chunin Exam finals, and Sakura was helping her parents pack up their booth. Most of the villagers had already headed to the stadium.

 "You've done enough, Flower! Go to the stadium, Ino is waiting for you," Sakura's father said.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay and help a little more?" Sakura asked, feeling guilty about leaving her parents alone.

"You've done a lot for us this week. Go and watch your teammates in the finals," her father replied. “Bring those boys over later, we will celebrate them.”

“I will ask them.” Sakura smiled as she headed to the stadium, and when she saw Ino, she ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Pig!"

"Forehead, I missed you," Ino said. "I missed you too," Sakura replied, and they both walked into the stadium together.

"So, I heard the Daimyo's son only stopped at your family's booth to talk to you," Ino teased.

"I have no interest in him," Sakura replied.

"Of course not. Who would, when someone like Sasuke Uchiha exists?" Ino smiled as she pulled her friend to where they were meeting Choji. She promised her teammate that she would watch the contention with him. “Choji got us good seats.”

“Did he do it out of the goodness of his own heart, or did you force him to.” Sakura teased.

"He offered. I did nothing…" Ino stopped talking when she saw Hinata walking next to Kiba. This was the first time they had seen the girl since she was hospitalized after her battle with her cousin. She was surprised that the Hyuga allowed her out of the compound. They had been keeping a tight leash on her lately, worried about her health.

"We should say hi," Sakura smiled.

"We can talk to Hinata later. I do not want to keep Choji waiting." Ino pulled on Sakura's arm, leading her to the left side of the stadium.

Did you bet that much on Uchiha? Your wife is going to kill you if he loses.

I have faith in Uchiha, the kid is skilled. You did the same with the Hyuga.

Well, the boy is older and has trained longer. He will win.

Do you think someone from the branch family will win? You’re delusional.

Ino pulled Sakura back, knowing what she was thinking. “Don’t, let them be.”

“But…” Sakura stared at the men, betting on the lives of children was disgusting.


"I don't understand, Hiruzen. The exams are about to start in an hour, and you're telling us that you're stepping down as Hokage?"

Hiruzen explained, "The clans have voted, and the majority has decided that I am unfit to lead the village, due to my handling of Orochimaru's attacks on orphans and Sasuke Uchiha. Fugaku has requested Tsunade to become the next Hokage, and I have approved it."

Danzo objected, "Tsunade has been away from Konoha for years. She is not equipped to lead. She is unaware of our current economy and the changes that have taken place in the village. She has been traveling the world with little regard for what has happened here."

Hiruzen defended his decision, "Tsunade is still a hero of the second great shinobi war, and she is skilled in medical ninjutsu. I will step down from my position after the conclusion of the Chunin exams. Tsunade will take over as the leader of the village later this month. This decision is final and not up for discussion. You are all dismissed, the exams will begin shortly.”

“I am sorry, but we are closing down for the day,” Kizashi told the man dressed in a black cloak.  “We will reopen with our normal hours tomorrow.  You should enjoy the Chunin Exams. It is a spectacle that no one should miss. My wife and I are heading to watch them soon.”

Kizashi’s eyes narrowed when the man did not leave. He did not even acknowledge his words. He just stood there, staring at him.

“Kizashi are you…” Mebuki froze when she saw the man, why was a member of the Anbu Black Ops here? “Do you need something from us?”

“Hn…” The man vanished, appearing behind Kizahsi, slicing his neck with a scalpel. He watched him fall to the ground and turned his attention to the blonde-haired woman. “Time to die…”  He vanished once more, and appeared before the woman, slicing the Kunai across her neck.

“Remain here until you hear the signal.” The man in the clock ordered before heading towards the stadium.


Shisui stood leaning against the wall, observing the ongoing battles. However, something seemed off, and he couldn't help but feel an ominous sense of danger. He scanned the room in search of any threats and soon noticed a figure lurking in the shadows behind him. "Tachi, stop lingering in the shadows," he said, signaling Itachi to come out.

Itachi appeared next to him, arms crossed, and seemed to be watching the exams from above. Shisui was surprised and asked, "When did you return?"

Itachi replied, "This morning, I have been in meetings with Father and the elders all morning. They were not pleased with us for not informing them about bringing Lady Tsunade back to the village to take on the role of Hokage."

“Hamura and Koharu did not object to Tsunade's appointment, only one person was upset about the decision.  He has been after the Hokage seat since Minato’s death. Unhappy with the elders' decision to reinstate Hiruzin instead of electing a new leader.”

“I wonder who.” Shisui crossed his arms. Knowing exactly who caused the rift.

“Danzo was not pleased, but that is not what is important right now.  Have you spoken to Sasuke? I know you have been on guard duty and unable to keep tabs on my brother.” Itachi glanced down at the arena, watching the medics take Neji Hyuga to the infirmary.

Shisui replied, “We spoke earlier, but Sasuke was in a sour mood because no family member was there to cheer him on - except for me.”

“Where was my mother?” Itachi then asked, knowing she would always be there for Sasuke unless something came up.

“She had been entertaining the Daimyo's wife and was too occupied to attend this morning's meeting.

“Anything else I should be aware of?”  Itachi asked Shisui to keep him updated on the situation, hoping to learn more before Sasuke's match began.

“I will tell you later, it's stating.” Shisui watched as Sasuke stepped onto the field since Sasuke’s fight against Gaara.

“I am impressed by the skills of your Genin. All of them are quite talented. Each has a unique skill set.  I never expected that blonde boy, Naruto, to defeat a member of the Hyuga clan, but I am not surprised.  The boy is the vessel of the nine-tails, and his parents were great shinobi, such a shame they died so tragically.”  

Hiruzen's eyes darted towards Rasa, wondering how he was aware of Naruto's identity. They made sure to keep that information confidential. Had someone leaked information? He was beginning to doubt this person's true identity.

"The Uchiha child is very talented. I am impressed by how quickly he has improved in just a month", The Kazekage licked his lips as he watched the fight.  Impressed that Sasuke has learned the Chidori so quickly.

"I didn't see you at the preliminaries. Did you attend the event?" Hiruzen asked.

"Baki has written a detailed report of the matches. I wanted my children to be prepared for their opponents", he replied.

Hiruzen saw through the disguise and said, "You don't have to pretend with me. I know it's you, Orochimaru." 


Sakura surveyed the stadium, noticing feathers drifting from the sky and people losing consciousness during the Exams. The vast majority of spectators were unable to detect the genjutsu they were being placed under, as many were untrained in sensing the fake feeling of exhaustion that was taking over them. Sakura immediately realized that they were under attack.

She searched for Sasuke as the shinobi of the leaf began to clash with the enemy.  Sakura spotted Sasuke in the distance as he ran up the wall, heading in the direction the Sand Siblings headed. She could not just remain her. She needed to protect her village.  Sakura rose to her feet and was about to follow Sasuke when a Sound shinobi appeared in front of her. She quickly pulled out a kunai, but before she could protect herself, Kakashi appeared, placing her attacker in a chokehold.


“Good, you were not affected.  I am happy you were able to notice genjutsu so easily. I am proud of how quickly you have grown.” Kakashi watched as battles across the stadium.  “Sakura, I have a mission for you.”

“What kind of mission?” Sakura asked as Kakashi dropped the men to the ground. He had rendered them unconscious.

“I need you to wake Naruto and Shikamaru and pursue Sasuke. Gaara is out for Sasuke’s blood, he had threatened him during our training and…” He looked towards Sakura knowing she was capable of this mission.

“Sure, what is the mission?” Sakura asked as she looked over Ino and Choji, “What about Ino and Choji, should I…”

“We have no time.” Kakashi bit his finger and summoned one of his ninkin, a small dog appeared. “This is Pakkun. He will lead you towards Sasuke. Once I am done here, I will come find you. Please keep and eye on Naruto and make sure he does not do anything rash.”

“I promise…” Sakura headed towards Naruto and Shikamaru, hoping for the best.  


The battle had been going on for hours, and he instantly went to search for his brother, annoyed about the orders given by Genma. He would deal with the man later, sending his brother to fight a Jinchūriki.

The Sound shinobi behind him was rendered unconscious in seconds.  “Damn it.” Shisui was growing frustrated.

“Have you been able to track Sasuke?” Itachi inquired as he fought off a ninja from Suna.  

“No, I haven’t.  He is pursuing Gaara. The shrimp is going to get himself killed. The Kazekage son is out for blood.”

“He should have never accepted that order.” Itachi annoyed but Sasuke’s rash behavior.

“You cannot blame the kid. Genma is a Jonin, and Sasuke was only following orders from a higher-ranked shinobi.  Disobeying a direct order would place him on probation.  Sasuke is not one to stunt his growth because his safety is on the line.”

“Gaara is a lethal threat. He is Suna’s Jinchūriki.”

“Sasuke can handle Gaara. He was winning his battle before the match was interrupted.” Shisui answered. 

“He must be found! If he overexerts himself, the seal Kakashi put on the curse mark will be broken. You know Sasuke can be reckless when Naruto and Sakura are involved. He is attached to them on an emotional level.” Itachi was worried.  He had heard from the Anbu squad watching over the exams that Sasuke had lost control when Sakura was injured when defended him from the sound shinobi.  Orochimaru had done a number of the two. Naruto and Sasuke were unconscious when the sound shinobi targeted his brother.

"I'll go find him. You take care of things here," said Shisui. "Be careful, Itachi. You're the heir of the clan. Nothing can happen to you," Shisui vanished.

While in the forest of Kohona, Shisui sensed a sudden surge of chakra, which he recognized as the nine-tails chakra. Alarmed, he quickly headed in the direction of the forest. He stopped abruptly when he saw Pakkun looking after an unconscious Sakura. Her breathing was shallow.

"Pakkun, what the hell happened?" Shisui asked.

“We found Sasuke, paralyzed, covered in black marks.  He used too much chakra and tapped into the power of the curse mark. I do not know how much damage was inflicted on Sasuke’s chakra networks, but before we could get Sasuke to safety, Gaara launched an attack. Naruto was frozen with fear, unsure of what to do. Sakura threw herself in front of Sasuke, risking her life for your cousin. She was trapped by sand, slowly being suffocated, he was killing her slowly.”

“Sakura did what?” Shisui was not surprised. He knew that Sakura was in love with Sasuke.  The way she looked at him was different than other girls. She admired his strength, bravery, and kindness. She was not in love with him because he was from the prestigious Uchiha clan, she liked him for him. “And where is Sasuke now?”  

"I was ordered by that brat to take care of Sakura after he saved her from falling to her death. He went after Naruto; I believe Naruto is in critical condition. You need to hurry.” Pakkun barked.

“Where did Sasuke go? Pakkun, which way did Sasuke go?” Shisui asked.

“North-East, about 200 feet ahead,” Pakkun replied.

Shisui quickly followed Pakkun's directions and found Sasuke kneeling next to an unconscious Naruto on the forest floor. Naruto was covered in blood, but still alive. His eyes darted to Sasuke, wondering how he was still conscious.  He could barely feel his chakra.

“Sasuke,” Shisui called out to him.

“Shisui,” Sasuke looked towards his cousin, surprised to see him. He hoped Itachi would be the one to find him.

The black marks from the cruse mark covered Sasuke’s face, leg, and arm. “Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright,” Shisui reassured Sasuke.

“How can you be so sure? Naruto needs immediate medical attention. Sakura too; she may have a few broken ribs. I'm fine,” Sasuke winced, trying to ignore the pain in his neck. He needed to remain awake.

"Don’t lie, you are suffering too. Stop pretending that everything is alright. You need medical attention, Sasuke! You pushed yourself too hard. We have warned you multiple times about overusing Chidori. How many times did you use it?"

"I tried to use it three times and attempted a fourth," Sasuke replied with a scowl.

"Kakashi warned you that you should use it only twice because it drains your chakra. Using it excessively could activate the curse mark, even if it is sealed. We told you this could damage your chakra networks. Why didn’t you listen?”

Sasuke sneered. He did not need to be lectured. He knows he messed up. "I had to use it to protect my comrades. They are..."

Before Sasuke could finish his sentence, he collapsed, and Shisui caught him before he hit the ground. "Sasuke!”

Shisui bit his finger, and a crow appeared. "Kurasu, find Uncle Fugaku now! Tell him to bring backup. Multiple people are injured." He watched the crow fly away and pulled Sasuke closer to him. The boy was burning up. Uchihas were known to run hot, but this was too much.

Shisui ran his hand through Sasuke's ebony hair. “Hang in there, shrimp.”

"We need to start searching for survivors under the rubble. We have a limited amount of time to save those who have found an air pocket. Please inform Hiashi that we need to recruit members of his clan to assist in the recovery effort." Fugaku crossed his arms and said, "Don't just stand there! I know you may not be fond of the Hyuga, but we must put our differences aside for the sake of the village."

“And if he refuses tell him it is an order from the fifth Hokage.” Tsunade placed a hand on her hip as she barked out orders. Her reign as Hokage began the moment she stepped foot in this village but decided not to accept the mantle for the conclusions of the exams. She will review the footage later and decide if anyone is eligible to be promoted. She was talking with Fugaku and members of the Konoha council when the village was attacked.

“I need you to start tagging bodies, black for the deceased, red for critically injured, and yellow for those who can wait for treatment.”

“Those who are uninjured lead them to the camp set up near the Hokage mountain.”

“Yes, Milady.”

Fugaku gazed at the sky, hoping his sons were safe. In the distance, he noticed Shisui’s crow flying towards him. He held out his arm for the bird and asked, "What is it?"

“Sasuke and his team are injured. All unconscious after encountering Gaara of the Sand. I do not know the extent of their injuries. I was only able to see what was on the surface. Shisui needs assistance to bring them to safety.”

Fugaku sighed, “Karasu, find Itachi, and lead my son to Shisui’s location. He will manage things from there.”

“As you wish, Lord Fugaku.” The crow flew off. Fugaku turned to the members of the police force.  He knew they were waiting for his orders.  “Do not just stand there. You heard Lady Tsunade; we need to start relief efforts. The enemy has retreated.  We need to take the injured and the dead to the hospital.”

“Yes sir.”


Tsunade strongly disliked Hiruzen's former teammates as she found them to be the most repugnant humans she had ever encountered. They were more concerned with safeguarding certain bloodlines over others. Those who were raised in the early days of the village carried their prejudices against those they considered a threat. The Uchiha clan was one of the groups that suffered the most discrimination in Konoha.

She stood in front of the village elders with her arms crossed, people she had long despised due to their greed.

Danzo spoke, "The Uchiha should have told us they requested your return to the village." He was annoyed that this woman returned when the Hokage seat should belong to him. The Uchiha were overstepping again.

"They informed the other clans about their plans to seek me out and their desire for a new leader of this village. They voted on it and I accepted and will lead this village to where it needs to be. No child of this village should be targeted by my former teammate. To allow such things to happen."

"He is an Uchiha, it doesn't matter," Danzo answered.

"Your hatred for them is appalling," Tsunade glared at the man. She knew the man only cared about those who funded his organization. She planned on launching a full investigation into Danzo and his illegal practices. The man had been slimy for years, and it was time to expose his atrocities.

"They are not trustworthy, Tsunade, you of all people should be aware of the history between your clans," Danzo argued.

"I am very much aware of the history. Have you forgotten who my grandfather is? He focused on improving relations between many shinobi clans, leaving the practices of the warren states behind."

"Your uncle had the same distrust towards the Uchiha."

"He may not have trusted them, but he still included them in political matters as they also founded Konoha and assisted in bringing other clans into our village to strengthen it. Our village should focus on protecting all clans, not just one. If the eyes of the Uchiha get into the wrong hands, it can cause many tragedies. I want to prevent those tragedies from occurring. Now, if you excuse me, I need to oversee the rebuilding of our village."

Tsunade left the room in dire need of a drink. She knew Danzo was going to be a problem.

Sasuke woke up and immediately, he realized he was in the hospital once again. The strong smell of antiseptic filled the air. He felt uneasy as the cold medication entered his bloodstream from the clear plastic bag into his arm. He wished he could be anywhere but here, a place he had despised since he was a child.

Ever since he has become a Genin this place has become his second home. The mark on his neck burned, but he ignored it. He had to ignore it.  Sasuke sat up and placed a hand on his neck, over the mark trying to sack off the discomfort.  The mark felt like it was constantly feeding on his chakra.

“Is it hurting again?” A deep voice spoke, he knew instantly his brother was here, watching over him.  He wondered when he returned from his mission. Did he see his match?

Sasuke turned to find Itachi sitting in the chair next to his bed.

“Is the mark bothering you Sasuke?”

“I’m fine, I am just sore.” Sasuke lowered his hand from his neck, “Are you going to lecture me too? I already got scolded by Shisui about how irresponsible I was in not knowing my limits. I know I was stupid, but I had to protect those important to me.”

“I will save the lecture for another day. There are more important things to discuss.”

Sasuke ignored him.  All he cared about right now was his friends. “My team, are they?”

“Your team is fine. They have been healed by the new Hokage, Lady Tsuande.  Naruto was released from the hospital this morning and is in the care of Jiraiya.”

“What about Sakura? Is she alright?”

“Her injuries are healed but will not be discharged until tomorrow. They are keeping her for observation.  Lady Tsunade is concerned about her mental health.”

“Why would she need to be worried about that?” Sasuke questioned. “Sakura is the strongest mentally out of the two of us?”

“I know I should not be telling you this yet, but you need to know. Sakura is going to need her friends more than ever. Her parents died in the attack on the village.  They were found during the clean-up, their throats slashed.”

“What! Is it being investigated?”

“Father is looking into it. He is making it one of his priorities along with the clean-up efforts of the village.’

“Don’t lie…”

“I am not lying Sasuke; Father has made it a priority. He believes it was a targeted attack.”  

Sasuke was about to get out of bed, but Itachi prevented him.  He placed his hand on his shoulder, holding him in place. “I know you want to check on her, but you need to be examined by a doctor. You did damage to your chakra networks.  She was able to fix them, but you harmed yourself by tapping into the power of that mark.”

“You of all people should know that I would do anything I protect my comrades. Sakura was pinned to a tree, suffocating as the sand slowly crushed her. Do you expect me to just sit there and allow her to die?” Sasuke glared at his brother, “I need to make sure she is alright with my own eyes.  She put herself in harm's way because of my stupidity. That annoying woman almost got herself killed again, shielding me from harm.  She is always throwing herself in danger when I am down. I am not worth it.”


“Please…” Sasuke looked at his brother. “Please don’t stop me from offering my friend comfort. It is my fault anyway that her parents are dead.  Orochimaru attacked the village because of me.  Because I am the reincarnation of a god, we are descendants of.  I am the problem. I have always been a problem.”


“Don’t tell me it is not my fault Itachi! You said that father believes it was a targeted attack. Why target Sakura’s family when she is the daughter of bakers?  Everything that has transpired is on me. They are in danger because Orochimaru wants something that only I have. He will do anything to obtain my body as his next vessel.” Sasuke pushed Itachi aside and stepped out of bed.

“I know you feel remorseful, but the attack on the village is not your fault.  Orochimaru always had a vendetta against the village and Lord Third. He was not happy with the system.”

“Well, the village system sucks! It does not care about civilians, orphans, or anyone it does not deem as important. It treats Naruto as a weapon. It is not going to treat Sakura any better than it does Naruto. She is a civilian and she does not get any form of special treatment like members of the noble clans. It is only going to get worse now that she is an orphan.” Sasuke did not mean to activate his Sharingan. He could not help it. His emotions were getting in the way again. Why was he so inadequate? Why can’t he just turn off his feelings? It would be better if he could not feel at all. “Itachi, get out of my way. I need to see Sakura.”

“Kid this is a hospital and you making a racket,” Tsunade entered the room with a grumble and began to examine the young Uchiha. As she listened to the child speak, she realized he could be in trouble with high-ranking officials if they heard him. The boy was right about many things, including the special treatment of noble clans and the mistreatment of Naruto and orphans. Tsunade could understand why Sasuke was protective of those he cared about, and she didn't blame him. She herself had left the village years ago after losing her loved ones. The village system had shattered their dreams, and she could empathize with their pain. 

"Who are you?" Sasuke sneered at the blonde-haired woman he had never seen before.

“Sasuke, don’t be rude!”

"I am Tsunade Senju, the Hokage, and I have come to check on your condition," she said as she approached the boy. Placing her hand on his forehead, she used her chakra to scan his body for any abnormalities. Except for the curse that Orochimaru had placed on him, everything seemed to be fine. She could feel the dark energy feeding on Sasuke's chakra, which would significantly affect his career as a shinobi if not taken care of soon.

"Your injuries have healed well, and I will discharge you tomorrow. However, you are not permitted to train for a week. Do you understand? If I catch word of your training, I will assign your team to missions no one wants to do."


"Kid, you need to use your words," Tsunade said, annoyed. He reminded her of his father.

“I will make sure he doesn't train,” Itachi answered.

“Good! You can visit Sakura if you like, but she is sleeping right now.” Tsunade stared at the Uchiha.

Sasuke scoffed. Not training for a week. How could he not train for a week? He needed to get better. Get stronger. He failed to protect those he cared about.  He does not deserve to visit Sakura.

“I will check on you later Sasuke.”


Sakura sat in bed, reading a book Ino had brought her, a trashy romance novel, something our best friend thought would entertain her.  To get her mind off her parent's death. She should have stayed with them. The thought of someone watching her, waiting for the moment she left her parents to strike.  Sakura wondered if her family was targeted due to her connection to Sasuke and the Uchiha Clan.

She heard the door open and looking up she saw the blonde woman who spoke with her earlier, informing her of her parents’ demise.  “Lady Hokage what do I owe the pleasure?”

Tsunade realized that this girl was at risk of being lost in the system if she didn't take any action. She felt responsible for protecting her from those who would use her appearance as a weapon. Tsunade had already spoken to Kakashi about Sakura and requested that he allow her to assist in her training. This was her way of fulfilling her obligation to the Uchiha brat and ensuring the safety of the girl.

“Do you need something?” Sakura asked. “I have already told you everything.”

“I am not here to talk about that.” Tsunade walked over to the chair and sat next to Sakura. “Have you ever thought about pursuing medical ninjutsu as a career?”

“Yes, but that would keep me away from the frontlines.  I was placed on an assault team, being a medical ninja would require me to remain away from danger as they are the ones keeping their comrades alive.” Sakura answered as she placed the book on her bedside table. “I do not want to watch the backs of my teammates. I want to fight alongside them.”

Tsunade smirked, “I would be teaching you to be a medical ninja that fights on the frontlines.  I will teach you how to channel your chakra into your fist to destroy landscapes. I heard from Naruto you pack a powerful punch.”

“I don’t punch him that often, only when he says something…”  

Tsunade chuckled, “You don’t have to make excuses Sakura. I used to punch Jiraiya for being a pervert. Still do, that fool has never learned, but that is not what this conversation is about. Sakura, I have heard from your sensei that you have excellent chakra control and I believe I will be able to pass down a technique to you that has been around since the creation of chakra.”

“And what is that?” Sakura question.

Tsunade stood up from her seat and said, "If you agree to become my student, I will let you know. You have until tomorrow evening to decide." She informed Sakura that her aunt and uncle would be arriving by the end of the week and that the Uchiha clan had offered to let her stay with them until then. Tsunade wished her a good evening and looked forward to hearing her decision the next day.


The Genin arc will be wrapping up soon. I think there will be about five more chapters in this arc before I move into the three transition chapters before I start the Shippuden era (which I am excited to start)

I hope you have a nice holiday season.

Chapter 17: Under the Moonlight


Happy New Year Everyone!
I want to apologize for the late update. With the Holidays it was difficult for me to write.
I am hoping to get back on my two-week schedule this month.

I want to hello to the new readers. Welcome to my story.
I also want to thank you for your response to my last chapter. All your comments brought me great joy.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“How long is this girl going to be staying with us Fugaku?” Arata couldn't help but voice his curiosity, eagerly seeking some clarification from the clan head about the length of the girl's stay. With nearly a month having passed since her arrival, the presence of this girl seemed to linger far longer than initially anticipated, and Arata couldn't shake the feeling that she had ventured beyond the boundaries of her welcome.

"Sakura is her name, not just 'girl'. She can stay for as long as she pleases!" Fugaku's frustration was mounting as he dealt with the constant judgment from his clan members. Ever since Orochimaru's assault on Sasuke, they seemed to have lost faith in his leadership. Doubts began to creep into his mind, making him question his capabilities.

They were being unreasonable.

He could not predict the future or control the outcomes of his events. Orochimaru as an opponent is deathly. Most of his clansmen don’t know what that man is capable of.

The elders are not happy with their current house guests. They believe that Sakura's presence is disrupting the harmony and traditions of the Uchiha clan. The case of her parent's murder is ongoing, and he felt wary of releasing Sakura to her aunt and uncle's care. From what he has heard from Sakura, they were not good people. She did not consider them family. How she wished she could live on her own, but civilian laws differed from those of a shinobi. Sakura was caught amid two distinct worlds, trapped in a challenging predicament. She may be forced to choose a side.

“The autumn festival is approaching, and she cannot be here for the sacred event. These traditions can only be witnessed by a member of this clan. Worshiping the Goddess Amaterasu is a ritual dating back to the time of the Sage of the Six Path. She needs to leave.” Arata folded his arms, “The lighting ceremony is a Uchiha-only event.”

“I am very much aware of our clan's traditions Arata, there is no need to inform me of the scared lighting ceremony. My family leads the start of the festival by lighting the eternal candle that will burn for its length.” Fugaku already knew where this meeting was going. Sasuke and his bonds were being questioned once again.

“Has your son's relationship with Sakura blossomed into something more than just friendship, or is it still purely platonic?” Senji asked, curious about Sasuke’s relationship with his pink-haired teammate.  The girl has been nothing but respectful and kind. He has seen Sakura help Mikoto around the compound. If he had any say, he believed the girl was a perfect match for Sasuke, and her apprenticeship with Tsuande made her an ideal partner for Sasuke. A relationship between the two can be used to end the feud between the two clans. 

“They are thirteen, it is only a friendship!”

“I find that hard to believe, Sasuke seems rather close to the girl.” Yuta countered.  He has heard Mikoto gush about Sakura. How happy she was that the civilian child was now an apprentice of the Hokage. It was a great honor to be recognized by a legendary Sannin, but their Hokage was a Senju, their greatest rival.

“They are teammate, of course, they are close. Do you expect Sasuke not to form bonds or lasting friendships with his teammates?” Senji looked at Yuta in disbelief, taken aback by his actions. It was clear that Yuta failed to understand the importance of bonds and friendships among teammates. They were not the Hyuga clan, who restricted their members from forming connections outside of their clan. He has seen the damage it has done to Hinata. The girl barely socializes with anyone and her teammates who care about her were banned from visiting Hinata when she was in the hospital.

Senji knew the topic of marriage would come up in this conversation. The blood purity nonsense should be left in the past. Marriage was meant for love, not solely to strengthen the clan.

"Your opinion doesn't matter, Senji. You've been disregarding our customs for quite some time now."

"We're not living in the Warring States anymore. Love and camaraderie are crucial to our clans. It's what truly makes us stronger, not just the power we inherit or the power of others.”

Yuta and Arata were the old-school members of the clan, afraid to change with the times.

Yuta turned his attention back to Fugaku, “It seems you have conveniently forgotten that Mikoto was promised to you at such a young age. I am sure you are aware that Sakura does not fit the standards of this clan.”

“Times were different. A war just ended and…”

“That is no excuse,” Yuta's frustration reached its peak as he forcefully pounded his fist on the table, making it clear that he would not accept any excuses. Patience was wearing thin, and he was determined to find a solution without delay.

“Fugaku, it’s clear that there is more than just friendship between them. Sasuke's actions speak volumes, and we cannot ignore the depth of their relationship.” Hoshi inquired, trying to see both sides. Yuta was approaching this the wrong way. Forcing one to do something was never wise, they needed to approach this with caution.

“Time have changed, and we have forgone arranged marriages.  Uchiha finds their strength in love.”

“He will learn to love just as you and Mikoto learned to love each other.  The Fuma clan head has a daughter who is Sasuke’s age. We were thinking that they should meet and…”

Hoshi's eyes narrowed as he directed a piercing gaze toward the man, his words dripping with conviction. "You shouldn't assume to speak on behalf of all of us, Yuta. If you had taken the time to truly observe Sasuke, you would understand that coercing him into anything would only lead us astray. Sasuke is a unique individual, distinct from his brother Itachi in every way."

“Their preferences in women are indistinguishable. It's high time someone took charge! I refuse to let our clan crumble; the lineage of Izuna must be preserved in its utmost purity.

“Absolutely not! We are not going to subject Sasuke to an arranged marriage. It's high time we put an end to this absurd notion of blood purity. We refuse to stoop to such measures and compromise our values.”

Arata's frustration was evident as he voiced his concerns. "Fugaku, you're not being fair. We can't allow Itachi and Sasuke to be influenced by women who don't meet the expectations of our clan." His words carried a hint of disappointment, emphasizing the importance of upholding their family's standards.

Senji glared at Yuta, his annoyance growing with each passing second. It was frustrating to see Yuta prioritize the clan's status over the well-being and happiness of Sasuke and Itachi. Senji firmly believed that Izumi, being a Uchiha herself, would not tarnish the clan's reputation. And even if Sakura were to enter the picture, Fugaku had rightly pointed out that they were young and had their whole lives ahead of them. It was time for Yuta to understand that love and happiness should always come first, regardless of the clan's expectations.

“Arata, you are being unreasonable, we did not call this meeting to discuss budding relationships of children. This meeting was to discuss the safety concerns of Sasuke and why Fugaku sent Itachi on an unsanctioned mission to find Tsunade Senju without informing us. We can discuss the old ways of the clan and why we should not follow those rules in modern times another day.”

“It is important to…”

“Sasuke is my son. You have no say in how I raise him.  My main concern is Sasuke's mental health and safety rather than who he will marry in the future. Orochimaru is relentless in his pursuit of Sasuke, which is why I asked Itachi to find Lady Tsunade. She is one of the few individuals that Orochimaru fears."

"She belongs to the Senju clan and her family..." Arata was about to object, but he was interrupted before he could say anything.

"Tsunade bears no grudge against the Uchiha. She is not her uncle and is willing to work with us to create a stronger village. There are programs we plan on starting and if other shinobi are interested in joining the police force, I will allow it. The Hokage understood my grievances and stood by the Uchiha Clan, putting the village elders in their place. Lady Tsunade has granted me a spot on her council and wants my assistance to enforce positive change within the village. This meeting is dismissed.”

Fugaku ended the meeting before anyone could argue. The clan needed to change, and this was only the beginning.

After the elders left the meeting hall, Fugaku watched them go. He was tired of their constant meddling in his parenting. While he recognized his strictness, he would never force his sons into loveless marriages. He got up and headed towards the police station for a quick visit.


Shisui stumbled upon Itachi at Shushu-ya, a hidden spot nestled deep within the bustling streets of Konoha. It was a place so obscure and discreet that his companion would never be caught in a million years. The Uchiha clan members were known for their stoic demeanor and strict adherence to their responsibilities, hardly ever indulging in public drinking. Shisui being one of the few Uchiha to indulge in such activities was surprised at the sight of Itachi, usually composed and focused, partaking in such an activity was a clear sign that something was gravely amiss.

As Shisui approached, he couldn't help but notice the weariness etched upon Itachi's face, a stark contrast to his usual youthful exuberance. The dimly lit tavern provided a sanctuary for their conversation, shielding them from prying eyes and curious ears. Itachi's eyes, usually sharp and perceptive, seemed clouded with a mixture of sorrow and frustration.

Shisui cautiously took a seat beside his troubled cousin, “Tachi, what's wrong?” Even if he already knew the answer he wanted to hear from his cousin. 

“Sasuke hates me.” Itachi adverted his faze from Shizui, “Gone are the days when Sasuke used to seek my guidance. It seems like he has turned his back on me, putting an end to our once close bond. No longer does he approach me for any guidance, leaving me to wonder why he harbors such animosity towards me.”

Shisui attempted to comfort Itachi, assuring him that Sasuke did not harbor any hatred towards him. "He may not seek your advice anymore, but that doesn't mean he hates you," Shisui explained, emphasizing the importance of understanding Sasuke's changing dynamics and priorities. “Sasuke is trying to be more independent. He wants to grow into his own, not be your shadow.  You should want that for him.” Shisui ordered a bottle of sake to share.

“You should have seen the way he looked at me in the hospital.”

Before Shisui could answer the waitress, placed the bottle and two cups on the table before quickly retreating, wary of lingering too long in the company of an Uchiha. The air seemed to hold a certain tension as if the mere presence of the Uchiha clan member commanded respect and caution.

Shisui, poured the sake into a delicate ceramic cup, his actions flowing with a natural precision. With a subtle motion, he offered the cup to Itachi, a silent understanding passing between them. “Sasuke was upset because he blamed himself for Sakura’s pain.”

“It is not his fault; Father has already ruled out Orchimaru for their murders. He should not be blaming himself for things he cannot control.”

“Despite the circumstances being beyond his control, Sasuke possesses an unwavering sense of responsibility. The unbreakable bonds he shares with Naruto and Sakura. He is loyal to them, and should any harm befall his comrades, there is a genuine concern that Sasuke might succumb to the allure of our clan’s cruse. Darkness lingers in his heart; you saw what he did to the shinobi who harmed Sakura in the Forest of Death.  We need to exercise caution when it comes to Sasuke, especially when the meddling elders come into play.”

“What are Arata and Yuta trying to do now?”

“They want to set Sasuke up with Hikari of the Fuma clan,” Shisui answered. "I happened to overhear their conversation earlier tonight, and let me tell you, they were not holding back. It seemed like they couldn't care less about who might be eavesdropping."

Sakura sat on the engawa, her gaze fixed upon the radiant moon above. Hours had slipped away yet sleep eluded her. Her mind raced with thoughts, knowing that her time with the Uchiha was drawing to a close. She silently prayed that they wouldn't come. After all, her aunt and uncle were far from being good-hearted individuals. Right from the start, they held a strong dislike for Shinobi and her. They incessantly criticized her lack of beauty, but as she grew older, she came to understand that it was merely fueled by jealousy. Regrettably, her aunt was unable to have children of her own and now that she will soon be under their care, she feared for the worse.

The perplexity of why they had become her legal guardians baffled Sakura. She had studied the regulations diligently; once a shinobi graduated from the academy, they were deemed adults. They had the freedom to break away from their parents' control upon becoming Genin. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something she had overlooked. It gnawed at her mind, leaving her restless and determined to uncover the hidden truth. There had to be a clue, a piece of the puzzle that she had failed to notice in the books she had read about the laws when it came to children of the village.

Lost in her own world, she remained oblivious to the presence lurking behind her. Suddenly, a comforting warmth enveloped her as a blanket was gently placed over her shoulders.

"You'll catch a cold if you stay out here dressed like that," Sasuke remarked, his gaze fixed on Sakura. With September bringing cooler nights, he couldn't help but worry about her well-being.

Sakura turned her head to face him, "And what about you, Sasuke-kun? Shouldn't I be concerned about you catching a cold too?"

A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, "Uchiha's body temperature runs hotter than normal, so I'll be fine." He settled down beside her, the sound of the creaking floorboards echoed their shared moment.

“I guess you can keep the both of us warm then.”

“Hn.” Sasuke slid close to Sakura and wrapped the blanket around them both, “we should go inside if you are that cold.”

“I rather stay out here and stargaze, the consolations tell us stories of the past, present, and future. It is said when you die you become a star.”

Sasuke pondered whether she desired to open up about her parent's death. Ever since her parents' demise, she had remained silent. Not a single tear had escaped her eyes. The strict codes and regulations of the shinobi had taken a toll on his teammate. Rules that she shouldn't have had to follow. "Sakura..."

“I'd rather not discuss it," she averted her gaze away from him.

"You don't have to, but remember, when you're ready, I'll be here to support you." Sasuke's voice was gentle. He knew that Sakura had been carrying the weight of her emotions, blaming herself for her parent's death. He wanted to offer her a safe space to open up whenever she felt ready.

Sasuke was well aware that his father was putting in all his efforts to unravel the mystery behind Sakura's parents' murder, but it appeared that every lead they pursued ended up going nowhere. In his mind, he couldn't shake off the suspicion that Orochimaru might have played a role in their tragic demise.

Sakura sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. She had always been the strong one, the one who held everything together for her friends and teammates. But now, she couldn't help but wonder if it was time to let someone else in.

She glanced at Sasuke, his soft onyx gaze mesmerizing as always. It was at that moment that she realized she didn't have to face her pain anymore. Sasuke had always been there for her, always protecting her from harm. She thought he would want nothing to do with her. She had been tainted on that one mission. He was offering her a lifeline, a chance to finally release the emotions that had been trying to lock away. To become a better shinobi.  Tsunade had already reprimanded her behavior earlier that day. Telling her to not follow the rules of shinobi and to focus on the four laws of a medical ninja.

Medical Ninjas are not robots and need to show their emotions when providing care to their patience. That the shinobi rules are shit and do not pertain to us. That those rules should have been tossed in the trash years ago. Her uncle was an idiot for forcing such logic onto children and fuck Danzo and the Elders for allowing those rules to remain in place.

Taking a deep breath, "It's just... ever since my parents died, I've felt this emptiness. I've tried to be strong, bury my pain, and focus my energy on becoming a better shinobi. But it's been so hard, Sasuke-kun. The weight of their deaths is starting to crush me. I feel like my walls are crumbling down.  I try so hard to be perfect, but I am just nothing but a failure.”

With a tender gesture, Sasuke extended his hand towards Sakura's, intertwining their fingers in a gentle embrace. "Perfection is overrated, and those rules. They're foolish, disregard them," he reassured her. "Kakashi has shown us the way to break free from these constraints. And remember, there's no need to conceal your tears when you're with me."

Sakura's eyes brimmed with tears, on the verge of cascading down her face. She had suppressed them, fearing to expose her vulnerability in front of Sasuke. It had always been easier for her to shed tears in the presence of Naruto and Kakashi. She had always strived not to be perceived as weak. However, at this moment, with Sasuke's comforting words, she finally felt secure enough to release them. A solitary tear broke free, gently tracing its way down her cheek.

With a gentle touch, Sasuke tenderly wiped away the tear using his thumb, offering her comfort in his presence. Sakura nodded; her voice choked with overwhelming emotions that rendered her unable to speak. Seeking solace, she rested her head on Sasuke's shoulder, closing her eyes and surrendering herself to a peaceful slumber, devoid of dreams. 


Shisui's tiredness weighed heavily on him as he carried Itachi on his back, a flood of memories washing over him. It brought him back to their carefree days as children when he would effortlessly lift Itachi like this. But now, as he trekked forward, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not intervening after Itachi's third bottle of Sake. He should have been more responsible and stopped him before things got out of hand.

He made his way toward the Uchiha compound, Shisui's mind raced with thoughts on how to handle the situation. He knew Aunt Mikoto would be livid if she discovered what had transpired. She had always been strict when it came to alcohol, and Shisui understood that he needed to come up with a convincing explanation to avoid her wrath. The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders, and he knew he had to find a way to protect Itachi and himself from the consequences.

Finally reaching the main residence, Shisui's worries momentarily dissipated when he saw Sasuke and Sakura peacefully sleeping on the engawa. The sight of their serene slumber brought a sense of comfort to his heart. Despite the turmoil and tragedy that had befallen Konoha, it was heartwarming to witness the bond between Sasuke and Sakura, finding solace in each other's presence.

With the activation of his Shisui Sharingan, he was determined not to let this moment slip away from his memory. He wanted to etch it deep within his mind, ensuring that it would remain vivid for years to come. Not only that, but he also saw it as an opportunity to have some playful leverage over Sasuke in the future, teasing him about his undeniable feelings for Sakura.

Sasuke, with his usual stoic expression, lay on his back, his strong yet gentle arms wrapped protectively around Sakura. Her head, adorned with soft pink locks, rested peacefully on his chest, rising, and falling in sync with his steady breaths.

The moonlight cascaded gently upon them, casting a soft glow that accentuated their serene features. It was as if time had frozen, capturing a moment of pure tranquility amidst the chaos that often consumed their lives as shinobi. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them.

Shisui cautiously maneuvered around them, careful not to disturb their peaceful sleep. With utmost care, he carried Itachi into his room and gently placed him on the comfortable bed.

Things will get better.


He followed his uncle into the private training grounds of the main branch, years have passed since he was invited into the main house. He normally trained alone, in the privacy of his home. The Hyuga techniques were secreted and by law, they were not allowed to practice those techniques outside of the confines of the Hyuga compound. Neji knew of the punishment that would be bestowed upon him if the elders were made aware he practiced clan techniques in front of his team. 

“I know I cannot bring your father back, but I want to make it up to you for all the years of pain and anguish I have put you through.” Hiashi walked next to Neji, “I am going to personally train you with Hanabi. The two of you are the pride of the Hyuga clan.”

“What about Lady Hinata?” Neji asked, curious about his cousin’s status in the clan.

“She will join us once her health improves. I also have a request for you.  Since Konoha’s spread thin with their ranks, Ko has been requested to partake in missions and will not be able to guard my daughter. She needs to be watched, especially now that she is still unwell.” 

“I will be honored to protect Lady Hinata.” Neji's words were a facade, a mask to hide his true intentions. Deep down, he understood that revealing the truth would only bring him trouble. As a member of the Hyuga clan, he had always been deprived of many privileges. Thus, the opportunity to receive personal training from his uncle was a rare honor that he couldn't afford to lose.

Neji understood to bring about change within the clan, he had to play by their rules, at least for now. Despite being bound by the same restrictive laws as him, Hinata still enjoyed certain privileges that he could only dream of. It was unjust, but Neji knew that the clan's hierarchy was deeply ingrained.

When Hanabi was declared the future leader of the clan, Hinata should have received the curse of the caged bird. The clan made a conscious decision not to mark Hinata in case any unfortunate incidents were to occur involving Hanabi. Neji understood life was not fair and that he had to navigate through these imbalances with caution, biding his time until the opportunity for true change presented itself. 

"Tomorrow marks the start of our training," Hiashi declared. "I have a favor to ask of you - I need you to accompany Hinata to her appointment at the hospital."

"Of course, uncle, it would be a great honor" he replied respectfully, bowing before making his way out of the room.

“Hiashi, I hope you're aware of the consequences of your actions. Neji came dangerously close to causing serious harm to Hinata. He should have been punished for his actions.”

“Neji's actions towards Hinata were a result of us withholding the truth about his father's passing. By not revealing this information, we unintentionally pushed him to the edge. Neji has sworn his allegiance to us, but he knows the consequences if he fails to comply.”

“Very well.”


Naruto's frustration continued to mount as he mulled over Granny Tsunade's decision to prevent Sasuke from participating in training. How could she possibly do that? The desire to engage in a friendly sparring session with Sasuke was consuming him, especially since their highly anticipated match during the Chunin exams never came to fruition.

"I understand your frustration, Naruto, but Tsunade had valid reasons for instructing Sasuke to take a break. His chakra networks have been under immense strain," Jiraiya explained, attempting to alleviate Naruto's disappointment. He was aware of the intense rivalry between the two boys. 

"Is it because of those strange black marks that covered his body?" Naruto inquired.

Jiraiya paused for a moment, contemplating whether Sasuke had shared the truth about the curse mark with Naruto. "Do you have any idea what those black marks signify?" he asked cautiously.

Naruto shook his head, clueless about the marks. During their encounter with Gaara, he had attempted to seek answers from Sakura, but his inquiries were met with silence. She promised to enlighten him later, but that moment never arrived. It seemed that Sakura had distanced herself ever since the tragic loss of her parents, and Naruto believed it was best to grant her the space she needed.

"No, should I?"

Jiraiya paused for a moment, his expression growing serious. He knew that what he was about to say would change everything. "Listen carefully, Naruto," he began, his voice low and intense. "What I'm about to share with you is of utmost importance. It must never leave this room." Naruto's curiosity peaked, his eyes locked onto Jiraiya's, ready to absorb every word.

“The black marks on Sasuke's body are a result of a curse mark," Jiraiya began, his voice low and filled with caution. "It's a dark and dangerous power that was bestowed upon him by Orochimaru."

Confusion furrowed Naruto's brows. Orochimaru? The name sounded vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. Suddenly, it struck him like a lightning bolt. Orochimaru was the man who attacked them in the Forest of Death, Jiraiya's former teammate, and the one who killed the third Hokage. Naruto had been so consumed with helping in the rebuilding process that he had forgotten about this man. "Orochimaru! Did he harm Sasuke? Sasuke never mentioned anything. What else is he hiding from me?" 

“Sasuke is allowed to have his secrets.”

“I know that! I just wish he told me that he was suffering.  He does not need to be alone when he is in pain.”


Sakura continued to immerse herself in the medical scrolls, her determination and passion for healing grew stronger with each passing day. She devoured the knowledge within the pages, absorbing every detail and technique with unwavering focus.

Not only did Sakura excel in theoretical knowledge, but she also showcased her practical skills. She could pick up on techniques easily.

Days turned into weeks, and Sakura's dedication to her studies never wavered. She spent countless hours in the medical wing, practicing her techniques on dummies and honing her chakra control. Tsunade observed her progress with a mixture of pride and anticipation, knowing that Sakura had the potential to pass her one day.

Sasuke delving into her studies provided a much-needed escape from the harsh realities of residing with her aunt and uncle. Day in and day out, she had to bear witness to their deep-seated animosity towards shinobi, as they persistently attempted to dissuade her from pursuing her shinobi path. Their sole purpose was to marry her off to a wealthy man, so they could profit from selling her parents' business. Their greed knew no bounds.

She was constantly reminded that if she wanted to continue her journey as a shinobi, she should consider requesting a team change. The Uchiha and jinchuuriki were known to be a risky association. She chose to deceive them by claiming that she couldn't switch teams. She fabricated a story about her request being denied due to the unavailability of any other team.

Shizune entered the room with a sense of urgency. She quickly approached Tsunade, her eyes filled with concern. Leaning in, she whispered something in Tsunade's ear, causing the Hokage's expression to change.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with thoughts. She stood up abruptly, her presence commanding attention. Sakura looked up from her scrolls, sensing the shift in the room's atmosphere.

"All right then," Tsunade declared, her voice filled with authority. "I have urgent matters to attend to. Sakura, I want you to continue studying medical herbs while I'm gone. I'll be testing you on their properties when I return."

Sakura nodded obediently, her determination shining through her emerald eyes. She knew that this was an opportunity to prove herself, to showcase her growth and dedication. She settled back onto the floor, her mind already racing with the possibilities of what she could learn in Tsunade's absence.

As Tsunade left the room, Sakura's focus intensified. She delved back into her reading, devouring the knowledge of medical herbs and their properties. She meticulously studied each plant, memorizing their uses and potential side effects. Her hands traced the illustrations on the scrolls, her mind visualizing the plants in their natural habitats.


"Is there really nothing we can do?" Tsunade inquired as they walked towards her office, where they were patiently waiting. "Sakura is a shinobi and according to the law, she doesn't have to live with her aunt and uncle."

"That may be true for shinobi-born children, but Sakura comes from a civilian family, and they are bound by a different set of rules. Sakura is still a minor and..."

"This is ridiculous! She shouldn't be forced to live with them. She shared some horrifying stories about how they treated her. Are you seriously expecting me to allow Sakura to remain living with them?” Tsunade clenched her fists in frustration as they continued walking. The weight of the situation was heavy on her shoulders, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness.

Shizune nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "I understand your concerns, Tsunade-sama. But we must also consider the consequences of going against the law. The tension among civilians is already high, and if we were to intervene in this case, it could potentially worsen the situation."

Tsunade sighed, running a hand through her long blonde hair. She knew that Shizune was right, but it didn't make the situation any easier to accept. The village's caste system had always been a source of discontent among the civilians, and this was just another example of its flaws.

"We need to find a solution that benefits everyone," Tsunade said, her voice filled with determination. "We can't let Sakura suffer any longer, but we also can't ignore the laws that govern our village. There has to be a way to protect her and ensure her well-being."

Shizune nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. "I will look into the legalities surrounding this situation, Tsunade-sama. Perhaps there are loopholes or exceptions that we can utilize. We owe it to Sakura to exhaust all possible options."

As they reached her office, Tsunade opened the door and gestured for Shizune to enter first. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the walls. Tsunade took a seat behind her desk, her expression a mix of determination and concern.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, I was assisting Sakura in her lessons to become a medical ninja.”

“Is it true that Sakura told us she can't switch teams? Miku asked.

Tsunade stood with her arms crossed, her expression firm. "Sakura has spoken the truth. She cannot simply switch teams," she stated confidently. "Our teams are carefully curated and trained in specific classifications. It's essential for the success of our missions."

“Then force her to quit.”

The suggestion to force Sakura to quit didn't sit well with Tsunade. She shook her head, “I will not force Sakura to do anything. Her decisions are her own.”

“As a civilian, she remains under our jurisdiction, and we have the authority to make choices on her behalf. Sakura must bid farewell to her life as a shinobi and comply with our requests.”

“Oh, there are certainly laws in place to prevent such actions." She intended to buy Shizune a precious moment to delve into the depths of legal intricacies and uncover that elusive loophole.

“Failure to present the necessary legal documentation within the next month will result in the unfortunate removal of Sakura from this village, leaving you with no chance of ever laying eyes on her again.” Miku swiftly exited the Hokage office, fully aware of the urgent need for a contingency plan in case Tsunade managed to present concrete evidence that Sakura could break free from their control.


Naruto strolled along the busy street; his mind was fixated on one thing - ramen. The aroma of the savory broth wafted through the air, tempting his taste buds. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly halted in his tracks when he spotted Neji and Hinata approaching him. A mix of curiosity and concern washed over him, leaving him pondering whether he should break the silence.

“Hey Hinata," Naruto called out, his voice filled with concern. "I hope he's treating you with the respect and kindness you deserve." As their eyes met, Hinata quickly looked away, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

Hinata mustered a small smile and replied, “He is tr…treating me well, tha…thank you for asking.” Her eyes sparkled with gratitude, appreciating Naruto's thoughtfulness.

Naruto couldn't help but hope that Neji had changed his attitude towards Hinata. He understood the deep-rooted animosity between the different branches of the Hyuga clan, but he was determined to protect her from anyone who dared to mistreat her.

On the other hand, Neji seemed unaffected by Naruto's presence, maintaining his usual stoic expression. Naruto couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at Neji's cold demeanor. He knew that Neji disliked him and believed that he was a negative influence. 

“Hey, asshole. What is with that expression?”

“Uzumaki, do you have to be so loud?”

"I asked you something first!"

"My stoic demeanor has nothing to do with you or Lady Hinata, it's just my nature. It would be great if you could move aside. I need to accompany Lady Hinata to her medical checkup, and we're already behind schedule because of you." Neji turned to Hinata, “Let’s go.”

“Bye Na...Naruto-kun.” Hinata quickly followed Neji towards the hospital. Her expression turned into a frown, realizing that it had been ages since Naruto had even acknowledged her presence, the last time that happened was during the Chunin Exams. If only she didn't have a doctor's appointment, she would have mustered up the courage to invite Naruto for a bowl of delicious ramen.


Kakashi observed his team intently, his single visible eye scanning each member with a mix of concern and curiosity. This mission marked their first venture beyond the village walls since the devastating attack on Kohona, and he couldn't help but wonder how they would handle it.

Lately, Sasuke had been displaying a more somber demeanor, his usually brooding expression deepening. Kakashi attributed this change to a combination of puberty and the curse mark that Orochimaru had inflicted upon him. The young Uchiha's voice had started to crack frequently, a telltale sign of his body going through changes. It was clear that Sasuke was struggling with the weight of what his clan expected of him, the burden of perfection weighing heavily on his shoulders. To be more like Itachi.

Sakura, on the other hand, wore a forced smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Kakashi could see the desperation in her attempts to conceal her true emotions. He wondered if anyone was able to get through to her. Recently, she immersed herself in her studies under Lady Tsunade's guidance, hoping to become a stronger kunoichi. But beneath her determined facade, Kakashi sensed her sadness. Her parent's death surprised him and from what Fugaku told him it was no accident. He began to wonder if her aunt and uncle had something to do with their deaths, from what he had observed when meeting them, they showed animosity towards shinobi. Their behavior towards Naruto and Sasuke has not been pleasant.

Naruto appeared to be the only one on the team who seemed unaffected by the weight of their recent experiences. His usual bright and energetic demeanor remained intact.

They made their way through the forest, on the way to a port city near the Land of Rice Fields Team 7 was going to be escorting an actress, so her manager contacted Konoha asking for their assistance to score the female lead and the rest of the filming crew to the Land of Snow, a land occupied by a warlord.

“Where are we meeting our client, again?” Naruto asked.

“Why do you never pay attention to mission briefings?” Sasuke glared at Naruto, frustrated by his lack of focus. He was growing tired of Naruto's constant distractions. Sasuke thought Naruto would take things more seriously.  The attack on the village was devastating for everyone. Some more than others.

“I was excited about our first mission outside of the village in a month. We have been confined to the village for boring D-rank missions for far long.” Naruto seemed unaffected by Sasuke's irritation, continuing to babble, “This A-rank mission is going to be fun. I cannot believe Lady Tsunade is allowing us to go on this mission. We had to beg for these type of missions in the past.”

Sasuke sighed, clearly unimpressed. Knowing that many died during the invasion of Sand and Sound. Their ranks dwindled. Many of his clansmen. "Our resources are stretched thin, so Tsunade is assigning lower-ranked missions to those she deems ready," he explained.

A mischievous grin spread across Naruto's face. "So that means we're better than the others, right?

Sakura, always the voice of reason, interjected. "Do you even know where we're going or what the mission entails?"

Naruto shrugged, seemingly unconcerned. "Is it really that important?"

Sasuke's irritation was palpable as Sakura responded, "Yes, it is important. We're heading to the port city near the Land of Rice Fields. Our client will meet us there, and we'll be responsible for escorting and protecting them during their stay in the Land of Snow. That's why we were instructed to pack winter attire. It's always winter there, and the mountainous landscape is prone to avalanches. Plus, the land is controlled by a warlord, so we need to be cautious."

Naruto's curiosity got the better of him. "But who is our client? You're being so vague, Sakura-chan."

Sakura smirked. "We'll find out more about our assignment when we meet our client. They'll brief us further on what we need to do."

“The man we are meeting is named Sandayū.  He is the personal assistant of the actress we will be guarding.”

“Wait! We are guarding an actress. Who?”

Kakashi stood with his arms crossed, observing his eager ducklings attempting to unravel the mystery of the actress's identity. Little did they know that the answer awaited them upon their arrival. Safely tucked away in his pocket were three tickets to the highly anticipated Princess Gale movie, a treat for their client, Yukie Fujikaze  personal assistant Sandayū.


This chapter has changed many times. I hope you like it. Thanks again for reading.

Chapter 18: Ice Crystals


Hi everyone, I want to apologize again for another chapter delay. I was on vacation last week and didn't have time to write.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this story. I have reached two milestones since I last posted! Over 15k hits and I passed 500 kudoes.
Thank you so much. I look forward to what you think of this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sasuke stood against the wall of their temporary lodging, waiting for more information about their mission. He wondered when Kakashi would finally brief them. 

"Now that we're settled, I have something for you," Kakashi said, reaching into his pocket and producing three tickets. "It's related to our mission, but that's all I can say for now." He smiled behind his mask as he handed Sakura the tickets, confident that she wouldn't lose them.

Sakura glanced at the tickets, titled "The Adventure of Princess Gale and the Seven-Colored Chakra," and raised an eyebrow.

Naruto peered over Sakura's shoulder, his eyes widening. "No way! Do you know how difficult it's been to get tickets for this movie? I've been trying for ages!"

Sasuke remained leaning against the wall, arms crossed. So, the actress they were protecting was the star of the Princess Gale franchise.

“Well, see you all in an hour!"

Sasuke watched Kakashi disappear in his signature puff of smoke, leaving the three of them to figure out what exactly they were getting themselves into. He couldn't help but feel curious about this mission. Protecting an actress seemed like a trivial task compared to the life-threatening missions they were used to.

Sasuke eyed Sakura as she examined the tickets with a puzzled expression, Naruto's excitement was palpable. He couldn't contain his enthusiasm for the movie they were about to watch. Sasuke couldn't help but roll his eyes at Naruto's childlike excitement. He couldn't understand why Naruto was so obsessed with this movie, but he knew better than to question his teammate's peculiar interests.

Sasuke pushed himself off the wall and walked over to join Sakura and Naruto. He took a closer look at the tickets, noticing the intricate design and the holographic image of Princess Gale on them. Why would they need Ninja to protect an actress? It didn't make sense. But then again, nothing in their line of work ever did. He knew better than to underestimate any mission, no matter how trivial it seemed at first.


Chatter filled the air as the petite woman with brown hair guided him through the movie studio. Kakashi carefully observed each studio worker, searching for the distinct chakra of the Land of Snow. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary on the set, but he did sense something familiar near the red-light district of the small port town - a chakra he hadn't felt since his days as an Anbu. It had been a decade since he last ventured to this barren, perpetually cold landscape of the Land of Snow that never seemed to experience spring.

“I've never met a real Ninja before," the woman said, her name already forgotten by Kakashi. He didn't particularly care about her or her attempts at flirting. All that mattered at this moment was the client and his mission.

The woman continued to babble in the background, Kakashi sighed as he opened his special edition of Icha Icha Paradis, trying to drown out her annoying voice. It was like nails on a chalkboard to him.

“So, can you do all those things in the movies without special effects?" she asked.

Kakashi looked up from his book, confusion evident on his face. "Did you ask me something?"

"Forget it..." She stopped abruptly, noticing the panic and commotion around them. "Not again."

"Is something wrong?" Kakashi asked, his voice filled with boredom.

"Oh, nothing..." She laughed nervously, not wanting to worry the handsome white-haired man.

"It doesn't seem like nothing," Kakashi remarked, placing his book in his weapons pouch. He grabbed the arm of a passing man. "Can you tell me what's causing all this panic?"

"Yukie ran off again, and Sandayu took members of the stunt crew to search for her," the assistant director answered.

"I see. And how did she manage to escape?"

"On horseback," the man replied. "By the way, who are you?"

“He's one of the shinobi hired by Sandayu to ensure our safety in the Land of Snow. As you know, we're heading to a land ruled by a warlord who murdered and overthrew his older brother."

"How do you know all this, Michy?"

"I wanted to learn more about the location we're filming in." Kakashi let out a sigh. "I'll be back..."

Kakashi made his way toward the red-light district, his senses heightened as he followed the faint trail of chakra. The streets were filled with people, their voices blending into a clamor of noise. Kakashi's eyes darted from one person to another, searching for any sign of the missing actress.

He ventured deeper into the district; an eerie ambiance enveloped the surroundings. The buildings loomed overhead, their shadows stretching ominously across the cobblestone streets. The air grew colder, nipping at Kakashi's exposed skin, yet he paid no attention to the discomfort. His sole focus was on locating Yukie.

Kakashi caught sight of a figure in the distance, racing on horseback at an alarming speed. It was Yukie, her ebony tresses billowing behind her as she urged the horse onward, pursued by Sandayu and the rest of the stunt crew. And then, he sensed it – Sakura's unmistakable chakra.

“Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, perplexed by what mischief his ducklings had gotten themselves into and why Sakura was masquerading as Yukie.


Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. He shouldn't have been surprised that they were kicked out of the movie theater because Naruto was being too loud. Naruto's excitement had disturbed the other moviegoers. Sasuke sat on the barrels, listening to his teammates discuss the movie.

"Why do you think Kakashi sensei made us watch the new Princess Gale movie? Not that I'm complaining, I love Princess Gale."

“You really can't be that dumb," Sasuke muttered in a bored tone.

"Sasuke...stop being a jerk." Naruto was getting tired of Sasuke's attitude lately. He rarely insulted him.

“Do you two ever stop fighting?" Sakura asked, arms crossed, as she looked at her teammates. Lately, Naruto and Sasuke had been arguing more often. In the past, Sasuke hardly insulted Naruto's intelligence. Yes, they teased each other, but it was all in good fun. This was different.

Sasuke glanced away; arms still crossed. "There's no point in explaining it to him."

"If we want to succeed in this mission, we have to explain the details to him. Keeping a teammate in the dark isn't wise, Sasuke-kun."

"Well, you explain it then."

 Sakura frowned and turned to Naruto.

“Wait, how do you know, and I don't?” Naruto questioned.

“Kakashi said our mission was related to this movie. So…”

A horse leaped over the wall near their location, where they were waiting for Kakashi. Sasuke swiftly dodged, his eyes widening as he witnessed the men in samurai armor chasing the woman they were supposed to protect—Yukie Fujikaze.

“Sakura... Naruto..."

His teammates stood up from where they had fallen and began the pursuit.

“We need to distract them..." Sasuke looked at Sakura and then Naruto. "You go after Yukie, Naruto. I'll create a diversion with Sakura."

"What kind of diversion?" Naruto asked, looking at his friends.  Wondering what they were thinking. There was an undeniable change in their dynamics as if they were silently conversing through their eyes. Naruto was aware of the significant amount of time they had spent together when Sakura stayed with the Uchiha clan until her aunt and uncle abruptly took her away from the compound.

During that period, Naruto had kept himself occupied by training with Jiraiya and mingling with the Hyuga clan. They weren't too bad. Hinata was a little weird, but she had a kind heart. Neji, on the other hand, was a tough nut to crack, but Naruto saw him as someone he wanted to train with but had yet to succeed convince the cold Hyung to agree to another spar.

“Just worry about Yukie, Sakura and I have this covered,” Sasuke ordered as his eyes locked with Sakura, understanding their plan.

“Got it..." She dashed forward and mounted one of the samurai horses, throwing the rider off, she performed hand signs, transforming into the actress they were assigned to protect. "Naruto, go!"

Naruto nodded, he sprinted towards the group of samurai that were chasing Yukie, his chakra surging as he prepared for battle. With a swift movement, he unleashed a barrage of shadow clones, each engaging a different samurai, overwhelming them with their sheer numbers. 

Sasuke maneuvered through the chaos, his Sharingan activated to enhance his perception. He focused on the leader of the samurai. Sasuke knew that taking him down would disrupt their pursuit and buy Sakura enough time to escape, leading them away.  Their numbers dwindled as they tried to figure out who was the real actress.

With lightning-fast speed, Sasuke closed the distance between him and the man he assumed was the leader. He knocked the man out, it was almost too easy, something wasn’t right. The smirk on his face faded when the others began to run away, something was off. Sasuke eyes looked in the direction Sakura was headed; he could see her silhouette in the distance being pursued by a small group of five.


The battle raged on, Naruto's clones fought valiantly, their combined strength overwhelming the remaining samurai. Naruto himself showcased his incredible agility and skill, dodging attacks with ease and countering with powerful strikes. His determination to protect the actress he admired, hoping his friends could handle the few enemies they had left.  He knocked out his last opponent and continued to follow the real Yukie.

Leaping from one building to another, he followed the distinct chakra signature of the actress. He initially located her near a serene lake, only for her to flee, mistaking him for an obsessed fan.

Once again, he found her in a dimly lit alley within the red-light district. "Please, stop running! I'm here to assist you, to protect you," Naruto pleaded.

“I don't need your help, kid," she retorted stubbornly. “Go away!”

Naruto frowned, “I am not going anywhere.” 


Back on the horse, Sakura skillfully maneuvered through the chaos, the acting skills she learned at the academy coming into play as she convincingly portrayed the actress Yukie. She shouted for help, drawing the attention of the remaining samurai who were still chasing her. Sakura's quick thinking and resourcefulness allowed her to stay one step ahead, leading the samurai on a wild goose chase while Sasuke fought. Sakura hopes Naruto managed to catch up to Yukie.

Sakura managed to lead the samurai far enough away from her teammates. She skillfully dismounted the horse, leaving it behind as she disappeared into the red-light district.

"There you are!" He wasted no time in commanding his comrades, "Capture her!"

But just as the samurai were about to strike, Sasuke emerged, swiftly incapacitating the enemy with his Sharingan. “Hn…”

Sakura dispelled her transformation and turned to Sasuke, asking, "Do you think Naruto found our client?"

“I am sure he managed to catch up to her. We should tie them up before I release the genjutsu.”


Kakashi finally found them and signed when he saw the sight before him. He was impressed with their teamwork, but he hoped that did not harm the stunt crew. They were backup protection for the actress. 

He dragged them back to the studio and wondered if this would have happened if he briefed them sooner about the mission — it would have. These kids do have a track record of recklessness.

“I know you were just trying to protect her, but…”

“We did not know if they were a threat to the client.  What do you expect us to do, sit around and have someone assassin kill her?”  Sasuke glared at Kakashi. “I cannot just sit around and allow someone to get kidnapped. Sakura and I had things covered.”

“No, we just did not expect our client to run away, again.” Kakashi sighed.

“So, she is always like this?” Sakura questioned looking towards Sandayu.

“She is well, different, but her behavior drastically changed when she learned we were filming Land of Snow!”

“What is wrong with the Land of Snow?”

Kakashi turned to Naruto with his arms crossed. The boy ran off on his own, chased down the client on his own, and yelled at her at the bar they found her in. Good thing they arrived when he did, the familiar chakra he sensed earlier left the bar when they arrived.

“We talked about it earlier on our way here. It is run by a warlord.” Sakura answered.

"I must have zoned out," Naruto admitted.

"You're always zoning out," Sasuke muttered under his breath.

“Alright, enough bickering. We need to make our way to the docks and board the boat. I expect all three of you to behave yourselves. We'll be on a film set, and I don't want any disruptions," Kakashi instructed, trying to maintain order.


“We got a problem!” The A.D.'s voice echoed through the boat, jolting everyone awake in the early morning.

The director gazed upon the breathtaking snowy landscape; a smile crept across their face. Despite the obstacle of the glacier blocking their path, it was undeniably the ideal filming location.

"Prepare the equipment immediately, my friends. This magnificent place will serve as the backdrop for the epic confrontation between Princess Gale and Mao."

The crew members quickly sprang into action, their adrenaline pumping as they hurriedly gathered the necessary cameras, lights, and sound equipment. The A.D.'s words had ignited a sense of urgency within them, knowing that time was of the essence if they were to capture the magic of this extraordinary setting.

The sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the snow-covered peaks, the crew members worked tirelessly to set up their equipment. They carefully positioned the cameras, ensuring they would capture every detail of the impending battle between Princess Gale and Mao. The director's vision was clear in their mind, and they knew that this location would bring their story to life in a way that no other place could.

"Scene 36, Cut 32!" The A.D. shouted.

"Get ready, action!" the director yelled, but before Mao could deliver his line, a massive explosion occurred on the nearby mountain where they were filming.

“What are you all doing?" The A.D. shouted as Kakashi jumped in front of everyone, ready to fight.

"Welcome, friends, to the Land of Snow,” a man with lavender hair spoke as he revealed himself from under a blanket.

“You..." Kakashi recognized the man. His gaze then shifted to the woman standing on the icy peak.

“Greetings, Princess Koyukie. I hope you still have the Hex Crystal."

Another man emerged from the snow. "You're as good as they say, Kakashi."

“Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, protect the princess," Kakashi commanded, looking at his team. "Everyone, retreat to the ship."


“Go back to the ship! Let us handle this” Kakashi leaped forward.

"Fubuki, Mizore, take care of the princess and those brats. Kakashi is mine." Kakashi leaped up the snowy terrain, his hands clashing against Nadare's.

“It has been a while Kakashi.”

“Nadare Roga.”


Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura swiftly moved into action, their training and teamwork allowing them to seamlessly coordinate their movements.  They needed to protect Princess Koyukie at all costs.

Mizore hopped on his snowboard and effortlessly glided down the mountain, his movements fluid and graceful. He made his way towards the children.

Naruto, determined to stop him, charged forward once again, throwing punches and kicks in rapid succession, but he missed. Mizore's agility and quick reflexes allowed him to effortlessly dodge each attack Naruto threw at him, effortlessly swerving and maneuvering on his snowboard.

Not one to be deterred, Naruto gathered his chakra and unleashed a powerful Rasengan, aiming directly at Mizore. But just as the attack was about to connect, Mizore swiftly twisted his body, dodging. “Ninjutsu will not work kid.”

Sasuke leaped into the air, kunai in hand, and hurled them towards Mizore, hoping to slow him down, but to his surprise it failed, the kunai bounced off the armor as if it were made of solid steel. Sasuke was determined to find a weakness, he reached for his Fūma Shuriken. With a swift motion, he hurled it toward the Snow Ninja, only to witness it shatter into countless pieces upon impact with the armor.

“I told you it won't work!”

Sasuke's mind raced with questions. What was it made of? How could it withstand such powerful attacks? But before he could dwell on it further, his attention was abruptly diverted as shards of ice were shot toward him. Sasuke flipped backward, narrowly avoiding the icy projectiles.

“Damn it.” He channeled his fire-based chakra, launching a blazing fireball toward the woman who had attacked him.

It became evident that Mizore and his companion were not interested in a group confrontation. Instead, they seemed to be aiming for one-on-one battles, each member of the group facing off against a different opponent.  “Sakura, protect the princess.”

Sakura nodded as she leaped in front of Yukie, Kunai in hand as she watched the battle unfold. She was the last line of defense of Sasuke and Naruto would fail.

Sasuke dodged, as the ice pillars emerged from the snow earth.

With a nimble flip, he evaded yet another ice pillar and performed a series of hand signs sending another blazing ball of fire toward the pink-haired snow ninja.

The intense heat radiated from the fireball as it soared through the air, closing in on Fubuki with incredible speed. The woman smirked; she was not one to be easily overwhelmed. With a swift motion of her hand, she conjured a wall of ice to shield herself from the scorching flames.

The clash of fire and ice created a mesmerizing spectacle, as fire collided with ice, causing steam to billow and crackling sounds to fill the air. Sasuke's eyes narrowed, impressed by Fubuki's quick thinking and defensive prowess. It was clear that she was not to be underestimated.  He needed to come up with a better plan. His eyes went towards Sakura, she was still safe, and Naruto and Kakashi too.

The steam cleared, Fubuki emerged unscathed, her icy shield still intact. A smirk played on her lips as she retaliated, her hands forming intricate seals. Suddenly, the ground beneath Sasuke's feet began to freeze, encasing his legs in a thick layer of ice.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, feeling the icy grip tightening around him. He knew he had to act fast if he wanted to break free. Channeling his chakra, he focused his energy on his hands, igniting them with a flame. With a burst of power, he shattered the ice, freeing himself from Fubuki's hold.

“You are good kid, as expected though, you are of the Uchiha Clan.”


“Not much of a talker, are you?”


“Princess…” Sandayu yelled as he ran towards Yukie who was on her knees, clutching her head. Memories came flowing back of the night her father was brutally murdered during the revolt.

“What are you doing? You cannot stay here, go back to the ship.” Naruto was trying his best to hold back Mizore. Naruto was distracted he didn’t see his fist coming. It collided with his stomach, sending him flying into the ice.

“Naruto…” Sakura screamed. “Yukie you need to go back to the ship.” She tried to plead with the actress. People were going to die if she did not head to safety. She could not believe the director was still filming. Was he unaware of how dangerous these Snow Shinobi were? The armor they wore rendered their genjutsu and ninjutsu useless. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mizore’s metal arm launch cables towards Yukie.

Sakura could not allow their client to be captured. If was they said was true, she needed to be protected. Sakura sliced the cables away, preventing Mizore’s attempt on Yukie.

“Get out of my way, little girl," Mizore taunted, his voice dripping with malice. He launched his cables again, this time with even more force and precision. Sakura's reflexes weren't quick enough, and the cables wrapped tightly around her waist, lifting her off the ground and into the air. The world spun around her as she was slammed onto the icy terrain, the impact knocking the wind out of her. Sakura felt a sharp pain, her body ached as she lost consciousness. The last thing she heard was Sasuke’s voice screaming her name.


"Sakura!" He cried out as her body made contact with the snow. His eyes, a deep shade of crimson, shifted towards Mizore, feeling a burning sensation where the mark was etched. He couldn't let anger consume him. He couldn't allow the alluring power of the curse mark to dictate his actions. His breathing got heavy. No! I will not give in.

Sasuke readied himself to strike, but Naruto beat him to it, forcefully crashing into the man. And then, he felt it—the chakra of the nine-tails. Naruto must have learned to harness and control the demon's chakra. The last time this happened was during the battle with Gaara. What kind of training does Jiraiya have Naruto doing?

Everything around him seemed incredibly noisy. The water dragon created by Kakashi roared loudly, while the clash of kunai and shuriken added to the cacophony.

His focus shifted back to Sakura, and he quickly rushed to her side. "Sakura..." He gently touched her cheek, softly caressing her face before checking her pulse with two fingers. A sense of relief washed over him as he felt her steady heartbeat beneath his touch.

He let out a trembling breath, grateful that she was still alive. His heart ached at the sight of her unconscious form; her delicate features marked by the impact with the snow. A bruise began to form on her arm.

“Sasuke, we need to leave!" Sasuke looked up and noticed Naruto's blue eyes fixed on him. Yukie lay unconscious on Naruto's back. Sasuke glanced around and saw his clones carrying the cast and crew of the movie back towards the boat. The glacier beneath their feet was starting to crack. They had to go. Retreat.

He turned his attention back to Sakura and carefully lifted her into his arms, making his way towards the boat.

Several hours had passed since their battle when they discovered Yukie's true identity. Sasuke anxiously waited outside, wondering about Sakura's condition. Despite her being a medic in training, they still needed a doctor on set for legal reasons.

He needed to know how Sakura was doing. The door to the sleeping quarters opened, and Kakashi appeared. Kakashi wasn't surprised to see him.

"How is she?" Sasuke asked Kakashi as he stepped out of the room where Sakura was resting.

“Just some bruising on her right arm and a minor concussion. She took a hit for..."

“An actress who is the lost princess of the land of snow?" Sasuke crossed his arms and glared at Kakashi, "that little piece of information should have been disclosed to us from the beginning!”

"You're quite observant, Sasuke."

“It's necessary in our line of work." Sasuke stared at Kakashi.

“Is something bothering you?"

“It's nothing."

“Sasuke, you wouldn't be waiting out here for me if it truly was nothing."

Sasuke glanced at Kakashi, feeling the need to come up with an excuse. He didn't want Kakashi to tease him about Sakura or pry into his feelings for her.

"Forcing Yukie to return to a land where her uncle wants her dead is a terrible idea. She'll keep running away, even here." Sasuke gazed out at the ocean as they approached the docks in a small fishing village in the Land of Snow, hoping they wouldn't be ambushed upon arrival.

“I understand the risks, Sasuke, but it's our duty to make things work."

"Hn, whatever. I'll take the first watch." Sasuke leaped onto the roof of the boat and watched the sunset.


Sasuke gazed up at the twinkling stars, lying on his back. The filming set couldn't proceed until Yukie and Sakura woke up. Their missions always seemed to take a dangerous turn. Yes, it was an A-ranked mission from the beginning but being deceived about its true intentions bothered him.

Suddenly, he sensed something and swiftly sat up. His hand instinctively reached for a Kunai, prepared to defend himself. But then, he saw her. "Sakura..."

"Sasuke-kun, I hope you're not planning to attack me with that!" she exclaimed.

"Go back to sleep, you need rest," he replied.

"I'm fine, you don't have to be so dismissive," Sakura retorted, settling down beside him.

Sasuke sighed, his gaze returning to the night sky. He couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and frustration at Sakura's presence. Relief because he knew she was safe but frustrated because her stubbornness often put her in unnecessary danger.

They sat in silence, and the tension between them slowly dissipated. Sasuke couldn't deny the comfort he found in Sakura's presence.

“How is the mark…” Sakura started to ask, concern evident in her voice.

Sasuke hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's alright, no discomfort." He chose to lie, not wanting Sakura to worry about him.

"Please, be honest with me. I sensed a change in your chakra after I got injured. You seemed upset and..."

“I suppressed it, there's no need for you to worry," Sasuke interrupted, trying to reassure her.

"You should inform Kakashi. Maybe he can examine the seal." She reached out for his hand, but he pulled away.

“It's alright. I'm fine. Our focus should be on the mission.”

Sakura sighed, her concern for Sasuke evident in her eyes. She knew he was trying to protect her, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

"I just don't want you to suffer alone.”

Sasuke's gaze softened as he looked at Sakura, “I am not alone, I have you, Naruto, and Kakashi. Now go to sleep.”


They were gathered in a small room, Kakashi had called a meeting with his team, Sandayu, the director, and the assistant director. After the recent attack, they needed to reveal the truth.

"Why do you call her a princess? She's only a princess in the movies," Naruto said, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head.

Sasuke responded irritably, not sleeping well the night before. "Because she is the Princess of this land and the rightful ruler.”

Naruto turned to Sasuke and asked, "How do you know that?"

“I had a feeling and asked Kakashi, who confirmed it!" Sasuke crossed his arms and added, "Besides, there must be a reason why we were chosen for this mission, right Kakashi?"

Kakashi nodded, his one visible eye crinkling with a hint of amusement. "Indeed, Sasuke. The decision to assign us to protect the Princess was not random. It was a carefully calculated choice made by those in higher positions."

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was it the higher-ups or Granny Tsunade who chose them? "But why us? We're just a group of Genin. There are plenty of more experienced shinobi who could handle this mission."

"Because I helped the princess escape ten years ago. They wanted someone who knew the situation to be part of this mission.”

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. "You helped her escape? Why didn't you ever tell us?"

Kakashi let out a weary sigh, his gaze drifting off into the distance. "Ten years ago, when I was a member of the Anbu Black Ops, I embarked on a top-secret mission that demanded utmost confidentiality. My duty was to protect Princess Koyukie, whose life was in grave danger, and smuggle her out of the war-torn land. I couldn't risk jeopardizing the mission by revealing the truth."

The A.D. turned to Sandayu, his voice filled with disbelief. "Did you know about this, Sandayu?"

Sandayu nodded solemnly. "Yes, I was aware. That's why I insisted on filming in the Land of Snow. It was the only way to bring the Princess back to her rightful place. Our land needs a true leader, not a tyrant who inflicts suffering on the people and wastes resources on unnecessary ninja tools."

The A.D.'s eyes widened in realization. "So, you tricked us into filming there?"

Sandayu bowed his head apologetically. "I apologize for deceiving you, but I had to ensure Yukie's return to the Land of Snow. She wouldn't have come willingly if I had asked."

Sakura, who had been silently listening, spoke up. "So, this mission is about protecting her once again. We were attacked because her uncle refuses to relinquish the throne he forcefully seized."

Kakashi nodded, his expression serious. "That's correct. I need all three of you to be on high alert."

“We're always ready," Naruto chimed in. "We'll do whatever it takes to bring peace to the Land of Snow."

Yukie, standing at the doorway with a blanket draped over her shoulders, interjected with frustration. "You're all fools!" Her arms were crossed tightly.

Sandayu rushed over to her, kneeling before her. "Please, Princess, do what is right and take your rightful place."

"No!" Yukie exclaimed; her voice filled with defiance. "Once filming is over, I'm returning to the Land of Fire to pursue my own path."

Sandayu pleaded with her, desperation in his eyes. "Please, Princess..."

Yukie cut him off. "I said no! I never asked for this protection or for anyone to risk their lives for me. I never wanted to be a princess in the first place. All I ever wanted was a normal life, away from politics and power struggles."

Kakashi's eyes softened as he looked at Yukie. "I understand your frustration, Princess. But sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Your safety is paramount, not just for you, but for the entire Land of Snow."

Yukie scoffed; her voice filled with bitterness. "The Land of Snow? What does it even mean anymore? All I see is a land torn apart by greed and corruption. My uncle may be the current ruler, but he is no leader. He only cares about his power and wealth."

"That's why we're here, Yukie. We want to help you reclaim your rightful place as the true leader of the Land of Snow. We want to restore peace and justice to your people."  Sakura started at the women in disbelief. How could someone not care about her people?

"And how do you plan to do that? My uncle has an army at his disposal, and he won't hesitate to use it against us."

“We will try.”

“Fools!” she walked out of the room.


Yukie stared out the window as the mountainous landscape passed by. The next time they stopped for a bathroom break, she was going to make a run for it.

To find a place to end it all.


“Yukie is missing.” Her makeup artist ran from her van. 

Kakashi sighed as he looked at his team, they nodded as they as they made their way down the rocky terrain covered in snow.

“Split up and look for her. Radio if she turns up.” Kakashi's voice echoed through the crisp winter air as his team members nodded in understanding.

The snowy path stretched out before them, its white blanket covering the ground like a canvas waiting to be explored. Without wasting another moment, the team spread out, each member taking a different direction to maximize their chances of locating the princess.

Naruto, dashed off towards the left, towards the forest, his bright orange jumpsuit standing out against the snowy backdrop.

Sakura, headed towards the right, her green eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of their missing princess.

Sasuke chose to venture straight ahead, his Sharingan activated.

Team 7 ventured deeper into the wintry landscape, the biting cold nipped at their exposed skin, but their determination kept them warm. Kakashi's mind raced with thoughts of their missing princess, wondering where she could be and what could have happened to her. He knew that time was of the essence, and they needed to find her before any harm befell her.

The team moved quickly; their senses heightened as they scoured the area for any trace of their comrade. The sound of crunching snow beneath their feet was the only noise that broke the silence, as they focused on their mission. Each step brought them closer to their goal, their hearts pounding with a mix of worry and anticipation.

Minutes turned into hours as they tirelessly searched, their determination unwavering. Suddenly, a voice crackled through their communication devices, breaking the silence. It was Naruto, his voice filled with excitement and relief.

"Guys, I found her! She's safe!"


Fear propelled Yukie forward as she continued to run through the forest, her eyes fixed on the path ahead. The daunting prospect of facing her destiny loomed large in her mind, making her pulse race with trepidation.

I can't

I can't do this.

Yukie stumbled and rolled down the hill, her own feet betraying her. She ended up lying in the snow, succumbing to the embrace of sleep. Suddenly, a familiar voice broke the silence.

"Observe closely, and you will witness the future," her father's voice echoed. Yukie inwardly scoffed. Her father's words were merely empty promises. In this barren land, spring seemed like an unattainable dream, forever out of reach.

The sound of crunching snow startled Yukie awake. She opened her eyes to see Naruto standing in front of her, his unwavering gaze fixed on her. Yukie pushed herself not breaking eye contact with the boy.

“How many times will you run away from your destiny?"

“Let's go," Naruto urged, "Everyone is waiting."


Kakashi sighed with relief when he heard Naruto had found her.

“Sasuke…Sakura…head back, Naruto found the princess.” Kakashi had a bad feeling.  They needed to get back to the crew.  


Train tracks suddenly appeared, causing the snow to melt away. They had been told that the tracks had been frozen in the snow and unused for years.

Sandayu rushed towards the tracks and placed his hand on them. "It’s chakra, there's chakra flowing through these rails. It's melting the ice," Sandayu exclaimed, looking up. "It must be him."

He turned to the filming crew and urgently warned them, "Everyone, you need to leave this place. Find a hiding spot. It's not safe here." Sandayu quickly ran up the mountain.

"Sandayu, where are you going?" Maoino asked.

Kakashi was the first to arrive and saw the crew in a state of panic. "What's happening now?"

"Sandayu said he was coming and ran off," the assistant director explained.

Kakashi's eyes widened at the mention of Doto's name. He knew all too well the havoc that Doto could wreak.

"Everyone, you need to hide. Doto is a dangerous man."

“Kakashi, what is going on?” Sasuke asked.

“I need you two to set traps.” Kakashi looked at Sasuke and Sakura.

“Roger!” The scattered.


Sakura looked at the snowy ground covered in blood of the rebels who Sandayu gathered while they searched for the princess. They tried to fight for their freedom, but Doto brutally murdered them, shooting thousands of kunai towards them. They did not have time to react. It was an instant death for most.

Sakura's hand glowed green over Sandayu's body, tears spilling down her face when she realized there was nothing she could do. She could not heal the man’s injuries, they were too severe for her level, if only she trained harder. If only she was a better student, she would have the ability to heal Sandayu’s wounds.

“Sakura, that’s…” Kakashi placed a hand on Sakura’s shoulder. He could sense her distress, not wanting her to overdo it.  He knows she is in the early stages of her training, and how draining it could be.

Kakashi turned, and the crunching of the snow caught his attention. Yukie and Naruto arrived.  He stepped aside to give them a moment.

“Sandayu, you fool. You have my tears, so I cannot cry for you.” Yukie stared down at the man.

“How could you say such a thing after all he done to bring you back here?  Do you not care about your people and their suffering? How can you be so heartless!” Naruto yelled.

Yukie ignored Naruto’s words and began to walk away.

"Hey, don't go!" Naruto pleaded, reaching out to grab her wrist.

"Let me go!" she exclaimed, forcefully pulling her arm away from his grip.

Before Naruto could react, a blimp suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Mizore appeared at the door and snatched Yukie with his claw, pulling her into the blimp.

Fubuki unleashed a barrage of kunai, causing ice shards to erupt from the ground. Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi skillfully evaded the icy projectiles. Sasuke leaped onto the icy pillar, desperately searching for his missing comrade. He needed to make sure Naruto and Sakura were safe. As he scanned the area, he realized Naruto was nowhere to be found. "Sakura, where's Naruto?"

"Oh no, you've got to be kidding me!" Sakura exclaimed, looking up to see Naruto had thrown a kunai attached to a rope towards the blimp. He was now hanging onto it for dear life. 

Sakura's heart raced as she watched Naruto dangle precariously from the blimp, his grip on the rope the only thing keeping him from plummeting to his death.

“That idiot…”

“Sasuke…Sakura, do not pursue.”


“They are being taken to the Doto’s fortress. We will head there and rescue them.”


Doto's eyes were fixed on his niece, Koyukie, filled with admiration. "You have blossomed into a stunning young lady," he commented. "Tell me, my dear, do you possess the hex crystal?"

Koyukie's response was filled with eagerness. "Yes!"

"Excellent. The Hex Crystal is the very essence that binds the Kazahana Clan together and holds the key to unlocking its hidden treasure."

Curiosity sparked in Koyukie's eyes as she inquired, "What treasure?"

"When I took control of this land from your father, the Kazahana clan was left with no resources. I was certain that Sosetsu, your father, had hidden his wealth somewhere. After a long search, I finally discovered it. The treasure is concealed within the Rainbow Glacier, and only the Hex Crystal can unlock its secrets. Once we possess this treasure, our country will gain military superiority over the Five Great Shinobi Nations."

Koyukie's disbelief was evident as her eyes widened.

"That's not going to happen!"

Doto was caught off guard. "How did you manage to infiltrate this place?" he demanded; his gaze fixed on the blonde leaf shinobi.

Naruto's mischievous voice chimed in, reminding everyone, "Never underestimate a ninja." In a moment of carelessness, he allowed his guard to drop, completely oblivious to his surroundings. Suddenly, a group of snow ninjas launched ropes, effectively restraining him. Startled, "Hey!"

Mizore descended from the platform and swiftly struck Naruto on the back of his neck, causing him to collapse onto the ground.

"Apologies, my lord," Nadare spoke, "but as you can see, this little troublemaker is quite a handful."

Doto observed Naruto with intrigue.

"I don't know who this brat is, but his chakra levels are remarkably high." Mizore stared down at Naruto.

A wicked grin formed on Nadara's face. "What do you think? Shall we test our contraption on him?"

Doto's eyes narrowed as he considered the proposition. "Yes, let's see how he fares against our latest creation."

Koyukie's heart pounded with anxiety as she observed Nadare approaching Naruto with the contraption, activating it, and forcefully thrusting it into Naruto's abdomen. A piercing scream escaped Naruto's lips as electricity surged through his body, causing his chakra to plummet dangerously.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Yukie couldn't help but ask, "What is that?"

"It's a device designed to manipulate chakra. It absorbs all the chakra stored within the body and forms a barrier around it.”

Yukie watched as Naruto succumbed to unconsciousness. She had anticipated this outcome. Deep down, she knew that they stood no chance against her uncle.

"Now, hand over the Hex Crystal," her uncle demanded.

Yukie turned towards her uncle and removed the necklace from around her neck, passing it to him. As he held it in his hand, he immediately realized it was a counterfeit. Frustration consumed him as he grabbed his niece by the jacket, pulling her closer. "What is the meaning of this? Don't play games with me! Where is the real Hex Crystal?"

Yukie's fear-stricken gaze met her uncle's, and suddenly, it dawned on her. The Jonin accompanying them had taken it. "Kakashi Hatake," she uttered, the realization hitting her like a bolt of lightning. He must have switched it.

“I should have known.”


"Listen up, you two. Once we reach the fortress, I need you to stay together. Our mission is to locate Naruto and the Princess," Kakashi ordered, his gaze fixed on Sasuke. He hoped Sasuke would not do anything reckless. 

“Understood!" Sasuke glanced at Sakura, who nodded in agreement. He could sense she had a plan brewing. A mischievous smirk crept onto his face.

"Remember, don't act impulsively," Kakashi cautioned, recalling the incident when Sasuke nearly charged after Naruto in pursuit of the princess.

Sasuke's smirk grew wider, his eyes shining with mischief. "Don't worry, Kakashi, I have Sakura with me to prevent me from doing anything stupid,” he responded.

“Why do I find that hard to believe?” Kakashi crossed his arms, knowing Sakura also had impulsive tendencies. 

“Just trust us sensei” Sakura answered.


A snow ninja leaped in front of Naruto and Yukie. Naruto lunged forward, relying on taijutsu, throwing punches at the man blocking their path, aware that he couldn't use his chakra without risking a shock from that device.

The ninja raised his hands, "Hold on, Naruto, it's me." He removed his disguise, revealing Kakashi standing before them.


“Sorry about the delay." Kakashi tossed a weapons pouch to Naruto. "You seem fine, princess."

Yukie glared at Kakashi, "Yes..." Her hand clenched on her jacket. "You replaced my Hex Crystal with a fake without informing me."

Kakashi approached and pulled the crystal out of his flak jacket. "I apologize for that. But I believe this is what Doto was after." He placed the crystal in her hand.

“All this for this thing..." She looked down at the last gift her father had given her. This land had to suffer for this piece of jewelry.

Kakashi, Naruto, and Yukie turned their attention to the sound of bodies hitting the ground. Sasuke and Sakura rushed into view.

“This place is swarming with guards." Sakura came to a halt and stared at Naruto's stomach. "What is that?" Sakura asked, poking the device attached to him.

"How would I know?" Naruto stared at Sakura. "You're the smart one. Shouldn't you know?"

“Idiot, I may read a lot, but I've never seen a device like this before. Does it make you feel any different?"

“My clones vanished when they put it on me." Naruto looked at Sakura as she continued to tinker with the device. "I don't think it's a good idea to mess with it, Sakura-chan. When I tried to remove it, it shocked me."

“It must be some kind of chakra suppression device, but it seems more complex than the ones we use in Konoha. I need time to figure out how to remove it." Sakura glanced at Kakashi.

“We don’t have time to figure out what it is…” Kakashi stared at Sakura, before turning his attention back to Yukie, “Do you know a way out?”

“This way!”


He should have known they were being led into a trap, but what he didn’t expect was for Yukie not only to trick them but to trick her uncle too.  She truly was a great actress, but all the commotion caused the stronghold and for Doto to take his niece to the Rainbow Glacier.  They needed to get to the princess before it was too late.

Kakashi ran through the woods, hoping his ducklings were okay.  He knew they could handle themselves but he still worried. Nandre had been defeated.


Sakura and Sasuke ran through the forest.  They got separated from Naruto and Kakashi when the stronghold caught fire, running towards the forest.  They were being chased by the Fubuki and Mizore.

“Sakura…” Sasuke called out, knowing she knew what he wanted.

“Give me a second!” Sakura rolled down a snowy ground and looked at her surroundings. “Twenty degrees north in five seconds and thirty meters south. In the branches.”

“Got it!” Sasuke threw his wires toward the coordinates Sakura provided. He was ready to spring their trap.

“You have no place to go little girl.”

Sakura smirked as Mizore rode towards her, on his snowboard. Sakura began to throw Kunai with exploding tags attached to them at the man, they bounced off him. 

“Your attacks are useless.”

“Who says they were meant for you.”

Sakura threw the kunai, with the tag to activate an explosion tags.  The blast sent Fubuki flying through the air with the wings attached to her chakra armor into the wired trap Sasuke set up.

Fubuki crashed into the trap, the wires tightened around her, ensnaring her wings and limbs. She broke out of them smirking.

“A snow ninja cannot be brought down by something like that.”

“Didn’t think so!” Sasuke appeared behind her.

She turned her head quickly, meeting his crimson gaze. He was not this fast when they last fought. Was the boy holding back?

Sasuke used a series of kicks sending Fubuki plumbing to the ground, towards her comrade.  Their bodies collided causing a massive explosion.

The explosion sent shockwaves through the forest, shaking the trees and scattering debris in all directions. Sakura and Sasuke shielded themselves from the blast, their eyes locked on the billowing smoke and flames that engulfed their adversaries.

As the smoke cleared, Fubuki and Mizore were dead, their limbs scattered across the forest floor.

“What was that?” Sasuke asked.

“I'm not sure.” Sakura eyes widen when she realized. The circle on the armor was cracked.

“Sakura, I will go on ahead. Will you be okay on your own?”

“I will be fine, let the others know!”


Doto surveyed his surroundings, diligently following the instructions. He inserted the crystal into the keyhole, but to his dismay, nothing happened. The absence of any treasure left him feeling disappointed.

Water started to flow, and the snow began to melt, Yukie couldn't help but feel bewildered by the sudden change in temperature. The Land of Snow had never been this warm before.

Growing increasingly irritated, Doto muttered, "A heat generator? Is this what my family's clan has been guarding all this time?"


Doto's attention was caught by a familiar voice. He turned his head and couldn't believe that annoying child, Naruto, was still alive.

Yukie's face lit up with joy as she exclaimed, "Naruto!"

Doto performed a series of hand signs. A menacing black dragon materialized and lunged towards Naruto, sending him crashing into the ice.

His smirk of triumph quickly faded as he witnessed Naruto rising to his feet, seemingly unfazed. Naruto taunted him, saying, "What's wrong? That didn't even hurt."

Fueled by anger, Doto charged toward Naruto, relentlessly striking him in the stomach. The force of his blows caused the ice beneath Naruto to crack, and the boy began to sink into the depths of the lake.

Doto reveled in what he believed to be his victory, but his triumph was short-lived. The sound of chirping birds snapped him back to reality. The dark-haired boy from the Uchija clan was running towards him, wielding the Chidori.

His eyes widened in fear as he realized the imminent danger, he was in. Doto quickly tried to defend himself, but it was too late. Sasuke, unleashed the Chidori with lightning-fast speed, piercing his chakra armor.

Doto launched a powerful punch at the boy, sending him flying into the icy pillar.

Sasuke’s vision began to fade, “It's up to you Naruto.”


Naruto’s eyes slowly opened as he continued to sink to the bottom of the lake.

Come on nine-tails!

Where the hell are you when I need you in a time like this?

The device on Naruto’s stomach began to crack.

The ground began to shake, Doto looked back to see the water glow orange and the blonde boy emerged from the water with dozens of shadow clones.


“It is payback time.”

“No!” Doto yelled. He summoned his black ice dragon once more. He was not going to lose to a child.

“You done, Rasengan” Naruto's voice echoed with determination as he thrust his palm forward, a swirling ball of chakra forming in his hand. The Rasengan grew in size and intensity, crackling with power as it neared Doto and his ice dragon.

The ground shook violently as Naruto's attack collided with Doto's armor, causing a shockwave that sent shards of ice flying in all directions. The force of the impact shattered the ice dragon into a million pieces.

" can't defeat me!" Doto spat, his voice laced with defiance. "I am the ruler of this land!"

“No one is above justice, Doto. Your reign of tyranny ends here."

Naruto gave one final push with his Rasengan sending Doto hurtling through the air, crashing into a pillar of ice.

“It's finally over…” Naruto collapses to the ground as the icy terrain vanishes, turning winter into spring.


Sasuke slowly regained consciousness, feeling the warmth of the air enveloping him. The sweet melody of birds chirping filled his ears, bringing a sense of tranquility. As he turned his face towards her touch, he found solace in Sakura's healing chakra.


A bright smile adorned Sakura's face as she looked down at him. "Good to see you awake!"

Concern etched in his voice; Sasuke inquired about Naruto's well-being. "Where is Naruto? Is he alright?"

"He's going to be fine," Sakura reassured him. "He just needs advanced medical care that I can't provide at the moment."

A gentle smile graced Sasuke’s lip. "Don't worry, you'll get there. I'll rest a little longer." He closed his eyes once again, surrendering to sleep in the comforting embrace of Sakura's lap. 


“Are you just going to sit inside all night and mope? I swear you are worse than Sakura-chan when she is on her period.”

“You should be happy that she did not hear you say that.”

Naruto laughed nervously. “Not if you don’t tell her.”

“Hn…” Sasuke leaned back and closed his eyes, “Go have fun without me I’m tired.”

“Come on, Sasuke, don't be such a killjoy. The princess specifically invited us to her coronation and the festival to celebrate her return as the rightful leader of the Land of Snow. This festival is her way of thanking us, and it's important to make a good impression. Kakashi sensei even said we should take this opportunity to relax."

“Uchiha don't relax.” Sasuke remained unmoved, leaning against the wall in their shared room. His gaze was fixed on the navy Yukata hanging on the door. He hated formal attire, always uncomfortable and itchy.  All he wanted to do was stay in and relax, interacting with others was not relaxing.

“You of all people need to relax. You have been more uptight than ever.” Naruto's blue gaze met onyx.  “This festival will be good for you.”

“I told you I don't care about the festival! We're shinobi, not some doll to be gawked at for these frivolous events."

“We are not going to be gawked at! What gave you that idea?”

“Do I have to spell it out for you? We helped save the Land of Snow; they are going to be gawking at us.”

Naruto glared at his best friend. His attitude has been terrible lately.  He wonders if it has something to do with the curse mark. “Why do you have such a stick up your ass. You’re a member of one of Konoha’s Nobel clans. You should be used to it.”

“I may be used to it, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. You should know that about me.”

“The members of the Hyuga clan don’t think it is frills.”

“Frivolous.” Sasuke wondered why Naruto brought up the Hyuga clan.  They were not a part of his conversation. Sasuke’s eyes narrowed as he stared at his best friend. He knows it has been a while since they hung out.

“Yeah, whatever you said. They don’t think that way when it comes to dressing nice. Don’t you need to look nice for important events?”

“The Uchiha clan are warriors, not a clan who pretends to act like they are still of royalty.  All clans are different, do not compare the Uchiha to the Hyuga. Our clans are nothing alike.  We don’t treat those who are not of the main family differently.”

Naruto stared at his friend and sighed deeply. He knew there was some tension between clans, especially the Uchiha and Hyuga’s. Sasuke rarely talked about the animosity between clans or the inner workings of clans. Naruto has mainly been around the Uchiha as a child and knows that they are quite reserved and keep their traditions hidden but do protect their own.

We don’t treat those who are not of the main family differently.

Naruto was wondering if Sasuke was referring to Neji.  He was not going to bring it up to Sasuke because he knew such topics were sore subjects. He decided to change the course of their conversation.

“Well, I am excited to see Sakura-chan in a yukata again.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes. Sakura always got unwanted attention from men, young and old due to her unique coloring.

“Sakura-chan has always been pretty.  I did not understand why the academy girls, except got Ino and Hinata bullied her. Sakura and Ino do argue at times. I think it is over you, but I am not sure. I don’t understand why girls like you so much.”

“I don’t care if they like me.  They should not focus on me.  There are far more important things in life. I am not worth it.” 

Naruto started at his friend.  This was not the first time he had heard Sasuke talk about his worth.  He wondered if it had to do with being from such a prestigious clan or if was it because he was constantly in his brother's shadow.  No, it could not be being in Itachi's shadow, Naruto saw how inseparable they were.

“You don’t mind Sakura-chan liking you. You don’t push her off when she hugs you, Sasuke. Her hugs are nice, and she smells like flowers.” Naruto smiled.

“We are on the same team and since I have to deal with her every day, I am better off not pissing her off.  I see what she does to you.” Sasuke lied.  He did not want Naruto to know of his feelings for Sakura. He felt this deep connection with her, it was almost like their destinies were tied in some way like Naruto and his.

Naruto couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, but he tried to hide it. "Don't lie, Sasuke. I've seen the way you look at her when you think no one's watching. It's irritating like you two are in your little world."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Naruto wasn't convinced. "Do you really think I'm that oblivious? You definitely have this strange eye thing going on with Sakura."

"I absolutely do not!"

“Keep denying it, you are not as subtle as you think you are.” Naruto snickered as he looked at himself in the mirror and then at Sasuke and his blank expression.  He noticed a change in Sasuke’s behavior after the Chunin Exams.  He seemed more withdrawn and got lost in his head.   He walked over to the navy Yukata that was hanging on the door and threw it at Sasuke. "Get dress, Sakura-chan is waiting for us."

“I told you I don’t like doing frivolous things.”

“I don’t care! We all went through hell on this mission, and we are going to have fun.  Put that on and suck it up Sasuke.  You need to loosen up a bit because you have a massive stick up your ass.”


Sasuke emerged from the bathroom twenty minutes later.  He placed his neatly folded clothes and his forehead protected in the corner of the room where his bag was. 



Sasuke watched Naruto from a distance, jealous of his carefree ways. Not having to worry in the world. He was having fun playing all the carnival games that the festival had. Sasuke wondered when he was going to discover the ramen stand. Sasuke frowned and sometimes wished he had the energy Naruto had.

“You don’t seem happy?”  Sakura has noticed a change in Sasuke as the weeks went on. Spending time on the Uchiha compound changed her perspective on clans. She had only had a glimpse inside their world as an outsider.

She knew these were those amounts the elders who did not like her presence, she heard whispers as she walked through the compound by Sasuke’s side.

Sasuke spun on his feet to see Sakura standing behind him dressed in a mint green yukata with a cherry blossoms pattern.  The color of the yukata complimented her, it brought out the green in her eyes.

“I’m fine.” He answered dryly, not wanting to vent his grievances on her.

“It’s okay not to be.”

“You don’t need to worry about me Sakura. I am fine.  Naruto told me I needed to loosen up and that is what I am trying to do. You should enjoy your time.”

Sakura spotted Naruto in the distance playing a game.  He seemed like he was having a wonderful time.

“By standing in a corner away from everyone? You can have fun here Sasuke.  There is no one here to judge you. No eyes to see if you take a step out of line. Your clan reputation will be fine.”

“I will try to have fun.” Sasuke crossed his arms.

“Good.” Sakura linked arms with him and began to drag him along, “Let’s find something fun to do.”

“Sakura, you don’t need to pull on my arm.” Sasuke blushed.

“Mah mah aren’t you two cute,” Sasuke swiftly shrugged off Sakura's arm, distancing himself from her. He crossed his arms and avoided making eye contact, his ears turning a shade of crimson. "Kakashi."


"You don't have to stop on my account," Kakashi teased, closing his book.

"I'm going to find Naruto..." Sakura hurriedly left, leaving Sasuke alone with Kakashi.

"Sorry for interrupting your little date, Sasuke."

"It wasn't a date!"

Kakashi let out a sigh and placed a hand on top of Sasuke's head, playfully ruffling his hair. "I never said it was a date."

Sasuke swatted Kakashi's hand away. "You want something, don't you?"

"Can't I just check up on my adorable student?" Kakashi smiled beneath his mask.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, but a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "You're not fooling anyone, Kakashi. What's on your mind?"

"I received a message from Tsunade regarding your upcoming mission. Unfortunately, I won't be able to accompany you three as I have been assigned elsewhere. I'll be leaving tonight, and I want you to inform the others."

"Anything else?"

"You'll be leading this mission to Tea Country."

" know Naruto won't be thrilled about that." Sasuke observed as Kakashi retrieved the mission scroll and handed it to him.

"I'm aware, but I have faith in your leadership. I'll see you three when I return to the village."



In the underground lab, a young man with white hair tied in a ponytail walked down the long hallway towards the sound of coughing.


"I've brought your medicine, Lord Orochimaru." He placed the tray on the table next to Orochimaru's bed.

"I'm running out of time; this body is failing me."

"Why not take someone else? We have plenty of volunteers who would willingly offer themselves to you," Kabuto replied.

"They're too weak! I need his body. I need Sasuke Uchiha brought to me. Send out the Sound Four."

Kabuto nodded, understanding the urgency in Orochimaru’s voice. He knew that Sasuke Uchiha was the key to Orochimaru’s survival. The Sound Four, a group of elite shinobi under Orochimaru’s command, were the perfect candidates for this mission.

Kabuto left the room, he could hear Orochimaru’s coughs growing louder and more desperate. The white-haired man quickened his pace, his mind racing with thoughts of the impending danger. He knew that time was of the essence, and the success of this mission was crucial for Orochimaru's survival.

Descending further into the underground lab, Kabuto reached the chamber where the Sound Four were stationed. These four individuals, each possess unique abilities and unwavering loyalty to Orochimaru.

“Lord Orochomau has a mission for you! Capture Sasuke Uchiha and give him this is bring his curse mark to the next stage of his transformation.” He handed Kimimaro a purple pill.



Two chapters left.

I am still debating about the transition chapters or just jumping directly to Shippuden era. What are your thoughts?

Chapter 19: Burning Flame


Hi everyone, I want to apologize for the delay.
This chapter took me longer to write because I was unhappy with the first two times, I wrote it, and I did not want to put something out that I was not proud of.
I have also been going through the story making corrections and reformatting the story. I edited the first 5 chapters so far; it is just a lot for me to get through.
Updates may be inconsistent going forward, but if you don't want to miss an update make sure you subscribe.

I also want to thank you for all your support.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Miku stormed into the Hokage's office, her eyes ablaze with fury, her heart pounding in her chest. It was well past midnight, but she couldn't wait any longer. She had to know where Sakura was. The girl was still out of the village, beyond her control, and she needed the investigation to conclude so she could make her next move. The Hokage has been avoiding her. Every time she tried to request a meeting she would decline.

"I need to know where she is!" Miku demanded, despite knowing that she may not receive the answers she required, but she was going to try. These answers were crucial for her plans to succeed. Miku had already dealt with one obstacle to ensure she would live a comfortable life - her sister and her husband's assassination, but the challenge that was left was Sakura. 

The only thing Sakura had going for her was her beauty, which had captured the attention of many, not only in Konoha, but the Great Shinobi Nation.

“You need to be specific, Miku.”

Tsunade was aware that Miku was looking for Sakura's location, but this information was confidential, and even sharing it with family members could be dangerous. Tsunade had a hunch that Miku was not to be trusted. Her intuition was telling her that Miku was responsible for Sakura's parents' untimely demise. Tsunade lacked concrete evidence, to prove Sakura’s family's true nature. She was determined to uncover the truth.

"You know who I am talking about! Stop pretending you don’t know." Miku replied, growing more impatient. She had tried to get answers from Kakashi a week ago, he had returned to the village alone, without the children. He ignored her.

It was clear that he had been instructed to avoid her.

Time was running out, and Miku needed her possessions back. The man she had been in contact with would arrive in three weeks, and she had to be ready. She was determined to find Sakura and to make sure that the girl never got in her way. To make sure her family would live a comfortable life.

“Tsunade! You can’t hide Sakura from me forever.”

"You know we can't discuss Sakura while the investigation is ongoing," Tsunade replied without looking up from her paperwork - continued to review the documents detailing the progress of the village's reconstruction, which was nearing completion. They were almost back operating how they did before the attack on the village.

"She should be in the village for the duration of the investigation, not gallivanting around with the friend killer, the demon, and that cursed Uchiha.”

Tsunade glanced up, clearly annoyed by the woman's words. "Sakura is a Shinobi of this village and she desires to be one.”

"She is a weak and useless girl who should have given up this silly dream a long time ago. My sister was foolish to allow this ninja nonsense to go on for so long! Sakura should have followed the path of a civilian, if she did, she would not be around that cursed Uchiha and that demon child. I am appalled that my sister would allow Sakura to be on a team with those monsters. If the Hyuga’s were allowed to meddle with teams, my sister should have put her foot down when she learned who her teammates would be."

“Your sister cared about Sakura’s happiness and allowed her to make her own decisions.”

“My sister is dead and no longer has a say in what I do with my property.” 

"Watch your tongue, Miku," Tsunade warned.

Miyu clenched her fists, her anger boiling beneath the surface. "I don't care, she is my niece, and I will not stand idly by while she is surrounded by men, I do not want her to be associated with. I need that girl unscratched if she is going to be any use to me.”

Tsunade gaze hardened. "Sakura is not a child and she is not your possession. The moment she became a Genin she was an adult in the eyes of the Shinobi. I don't give a damn about the civilian law.  You should not have a right to Sakura and her body."

Miku scoffed, "I have the right to do with her as I please.  Sakura is a pretty girl, and she will make a lot of money if someone offers me the right price."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. The mere thought of someone treating Sakura as a commodity that could be sold to the highest bidder filled her with fury. As the Hokage, she meticulously reviewed the mission reports of every Genin team, delving into the details of the missions they had undertaken. It was during this process that she discovered Sakura had already experienced a traumatic assault, with the Uchiha boy. Both almost got sold off for sex, but due to their quick thinking, they were saved from that fate.   Tsunade had a strong intuition about Miku's sinister intentions towards Sakura and she was determined to protect her at all costs. She could no longer control her temper, "Get out of my office."

Tsunade watched the woman depart. She ran a hand through her blonde hair. She was frustrated and knew if she did not keep an eye on Miku, something terrible would happen, "Tenzo…"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

"Please bring Fugaku to my office. There is an important matter I need to discuss with him."

Fugaku sat beside his wife, Mikoto, watching the police force carry out their daily exercise. He stole a glance at her and gave her a warm smile, cherishing the rare moment they had together.

Lately, Mikoto had been dedicating more of her time to the police force, trying to distract herself from the absence of their children. “It’s been so quiet around the compound without Sasuke and Itachi," Mikoto sighed.

The clanking of Kunai echoed in the background, but Fugaku ignored it and focused on his wife instead. He knew that she was worried about their children's safety, and he wanted to support her in any way he could. He listened to her, trying to ease her longing for their children.

“It used to be so noisy, but it's not like that anymore,” Mikoto said, her voice tinged with sadness. "Maybe I should start taking missions again to distract myself from worrying about our children's safety. Or become a Jonin instructor. I have not gone on missions since I learned I was pregnant with Itachi, but I need to do something. Our village needs more shinobi to take on missions. Our ranks are spread thin. We are still picking up the pieces of the attack. "

Fugaku's gaze softened as he understood his wife's pain. "If that is your wish, I support you fully. And there is no need to worry about our children, Tsuma. Both of them will be returning to the village very soon."

"I understand that, but as a mother, it's in my nature to worry about them.”

"They are following their paths, just as we did," Fugaku said, his voice filled with pride. "We raised them to be strong, independent individuals who would make a difference in this world. And they are doing just that."

Mikoto nodded, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I know, but it doesn't make it any easier to be apart from them." Fugaku reached out and gently took her hand in his, offering her a comforting squeeze. "We have always known that being a shinobi family would come with sacrifices. But our love for them and our belief in their abilities will always guide us through these moments.”

A mysterious figure donning an anbu mask materialized before the Uchiha clan leader. With utmost respect, he humbly knelt before them, "Forgive my intrusion, but Lady Tsunade urgently requests your presence.”

Concern etched across her face, Mikoto couldn't help but recall the dreadful moments when an anbu had brought news of her younger brother's disappearance or the heart-wrenching loss of Obito during the war. "Has something befallen my children?"

Seeking to allay her fears, the masked man swiftly responded, "I deeply regret any distress caused, but this matter pertains to a potential police investigation."

Fugaku stepped into the Hokage's office, completely caught off guard by the summons. Approaching the window where she stood, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in her chakra. "Your trusted guard mentioned that I needed to see you," he stated.

The Hokage's expression turned serious as she began to explain her request. "I have a favor to ask of the police force. I need you to keep a close watch on two individuals who I believe pose a threat to my apprentice's safety when she returns to the village."

Fugaku's eyes narrowed, who could have ill intentions toward Sakura? She was a civilian shinobi - the only connection that could pose a threat to her was who her teammates were.

"Who are these individuals that you want me to keep an eye on?"

"Miku and her husband," the Hokage replied without hesitation.

Fugaku's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What do her aunt and uncle have to do with this? Were the rumors true? Were they truly horrible people? "And what has Miku done to warrant such caution?"

The Hokage sighed, "I suspect that she has plans for Sakura. You see, there's an ongoing case involving Sakura, and unfortunately, I just received the news that a civilian law grants Miku permission to be Sakura's guardian."

"But Sakura is a shinobi, she legally became an adult the moment she began her duties as a Genin, how can a civilian have guardianship over her?"

The Hokage nodded, her expression grim. "Shizune is currently investigating ways to prevent this. I suspect that Danzo may have tampered with the civilian laws to manipulate the situation."

Fugaku's mind raced with the implications of Danzo's involvement. He had always suspected that the elder council member had his agenda, but to manipulate the laws to gain control over a shinobi, not any shinobi, but a civilian one like Sakura was a dangerous move. There had to be more to it. He feared Danzo’s meddling with the Uchiha clan. He hoped his family was not the reason why she was being targeted.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure Sakura's safety," Fugaku vowed. "But how do we know what Miku's true intentions are? Is there any evidence to support your suspicions?"

The Hokage sighed again, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Unfortunately, I don't have concrete evidence yet. But there have been rumors circulating about Miku's connections to shady organizations and her involvement in illegal activities. It's enough to raise concerns."

Fugaku's grip on the hilt of his sword tightened. He had always prided himself on his ability to protect the village and its inhabitants. The thought of someone threatening Sakura, someone his son cared about, ignited a fire within him.

"I will gather my best men and keep a close watch on Miku and her husband," Fugaku declared, "We will not let any harm come to Sakura."

The Hokage nodded, "Thank you, Fugaku. Keep me informed of any developments, no matter how small."

With a final nod, Fugaku turned to leave the office, his mind already racing with plans and strategies to protect Sakura. He knew that this task would not be easy, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure her safety.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura leaped gracefully from tree to tree, their mission of delivering a simple scroll nearing its end. It had been a little over a month since they last set foot in Konoha, and the anticipation of returning home was evident.

"I can't wait to get back to the village," Naruto exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. He missed home, especially Ichiraku—no one made ramen as good as him. He has been craving it for the past week. "It's my turn to choose where we have lunch!"

Choosing where they would have lunch after a mission was a Team 7 tradition, always rotating between the members. It was unfortunately Naruto’s turn.

Sakura landed next to him on the forest floor, rolling her eyes playfully. "Is food the only thing on your mind?"

Naruto turned to her, "We have been on the move since our mission in the Land of Snow, Sakura-chan. We have not had Ichiraku’s in a long time. We need to fuel ourselves properly. Food is important, you know, if you ate more you would understand."

Sakura's hand instinctively clenched into a fist, ready to give Naruto a piece of her mind. Commenting on her appearance was hard for her. She has always been insecure about her features. Being different in a village where everyone looked similar was hard, but before she could strike, Sasuke gently held her back, his touch calming her fiery temper.

"Let go, Sasuke-kun," Sakura demanded.

"We don't need you knocking Naruto unconscious again," Sasuke replied, annoyed. Naruto needed to learn to think before he spoke - commenting on a woman's appearance even if it came from a good place, was problematic. "I don't feel like carrying him back to the village. He made a stupid comment, and..."

"Fine!" Sakura huffed, crossing her arms.

"Auntie Mikoto has been telling us about the importance of a balanced diet. You can't survive on ramen alone, Naruto. You need to..."

Sakura's words were interrupted by a sudden change in Sasuke's chakra, "Sasuke-kun, what's wrong?"

Sasuke arms wrapped around her waist and kicked Naruto away as he leaped out of harm's way. The spot they had just occupied erupted into a blazing inferno.

Naruto, caught off guard by the sudden attack, quickly regained his composure after Sasuke kicked him. He watched as the flames engulfed the area where they had been standing just moments ago.

Sasuke landed gracefully on a nearby tree branch, still holding Sakura tightly in his arms. His Sharingan eyes scanned the area, trying to locate the source of the attack. "Stay behind me, Sakura," he commanded. He placed her on her feet, shielding her from danger.

As the flames subsided, four figures emerged from the smoke, revealing a ninja wearing a Hitaiate with a music note etched into the medal plate - they were from Oto, Orochimaru’s village. "Well, well, just the team we have been looking for," the enemy taunted.

Naruto's gaze narrowed; his hands tightly balled into fists. "Who are you? What is it that you want?"

"We are the Sound 4, and our intentions should be crystal clear," the boy with messy, dark hair retorted, a smug grin on his face as he focused on Uchiha. Sasuke was their target. Their aim was not to abduct him but to push his curse mark to the next level. A level that would compel the boy to seek out Orochimaru.

"Sakura..." Sasuke's voice was firm, "Return to the village."

"What? You can't be serious? Do you expect me to not fight and let you two have all the fun?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke gave Sakura a meaningful look, silently assuring her that he trusted her skills, but it was vital for her to relay the message to Tsunade.

"Alright, just be careful, both of you," Sakura agreed, leaping away toward the village.

"Tayuya, Sakon, and Ukon... go after her," Kimimaro commanded.

"Only if you defeat us first," Naruto challenged, throwing Kunai at the two before they could chase Sakura, but his aim was off. “Damn it.”

"Naruto, go with Sakura."

"Do you think I'd leave you behind? Someone has to stop you from being a reckless idiot.”

"That is rich coming from the number one knuckleheaded ninja,” Sasuke smirked. “Say if you wish, but if things go south, you need to retreat."

Sakura let out a sigh as she found herself surrounded by two sound ninjas who had been tailing her for a while. She couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving Naruto and Sasuke to deal with the enemy. It was always the same old story, she thought. They were always the ones protecting her while she watched their backs, feeling useless. Even after training with Tsunade for a few months, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being a burden. Both Sasuke and Naruto continued to grow strong, she felt stagnate. Always staying behind to fight the enemy, while she was sent ahead to get help. It was a difficult decision, but someone had to go.

"Pretty little girls like you should not be a shinobi. So fragile and soft."

"I am not some soft woman," Sakura was tired of people making assumptions based on her gender and looks. "Should I judge you based on your appearance? You ugly hag!"

“You little bitch!” Tayuya’s eyes narrowed in anger.

“Why are you just standing there? Are you going to fight more or not, coward?” Sakura taunted.

“She has more attitude than you.” Sakon and Ukon commented. “Do you need my assistance? Or is this going to be one of those fights that you want to do on your own? I would not mind sitting this one out and have front row seats to a catfight.”

“I don't need your help to fight this little girl.”

“Are you sure?  She is the Hokage’s apprentice. You should be careful.” Ukon smirked.

“And from her file that she is only a year younger than us? That she is Sasuke’s girl…” Sakon comment.

“I am no one's girl.  We are just teammates, nothing more.” Her face flushes. What was in those files Orochimaru had on her? If he knew she was Tsuande’s apprentice, he may be aware of other events that occurred in the village. Was he aware that her parents were murdered? Was he the one who orchestrated it?

“That is not what we heard. Or what we have seen, how tender the Uchiha boy is when you were watching the stars.”

Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Kabuto's teammates were still Konoha shinobi.  They did not leave when he did.  They were questioned, but T&I could not find any evidence that they were traitors. She needed to inform Tsunade about the spies in the village.

“Seems like you figured it out, princess.”

Sakura fist clenched. She knew she could not outrun them.  She was faced with a difficult challenge, but she knew she had to face it head-on and not allow the weight of her expectations and self-doubt to weigh heavy upon her shoulders.

Sakura took a deep breath and focused on her chakra, channeling towards her hand. She knew that this fight was more than just a physical battle, it was a test of her grit and determination. Sakura was not going to let anyone undermine her abilities or belittle her worth. Sakura punched the ground with all her might, sending a shockwave of power rippling through the earth.

"Is that all you've got, cherry blossom?" Tayuya taunted, her voice dripping with venom.

Sakura clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white. "I'm not scared of anything," she retorted, "You won't break me with your intimidation tactics."

Tayuya's gaze sharpened, a wicked smile curling on her lips. "Is that so?" she taunted, summoning her flute and readying herself for an assault.

With a graceful motion, Tayuya raised the flute to her mouth, producing a haunting melody that enveloped the entire forest in a mesmerizing illusion.

The once serene surroundings transformed into a nightmarish landscape, with twisted trees and eerie shadows dancing in the moonlight. Sakura's heart raced as she fought against the disorienting effects of the genjutsu.

Ignoring the chaos around her, Sakura focused on Tayuya, she knew this was not real, that succumbing to fear would only give her opponent the upper hand, and she refused to let that happen.

Tayuya continued to play her flute, the haunting melody intensified, its notes piercing through Sakura's ears like shards of glass. But Sakura refused to let the pain deter her. She gritted her teeth, her fists tightening even further, her knuckles now almost bone-white. Sakura channeled her chakra, feeling it surge through her veins like a raging river. With a burst of energy, she broke free from the genjutsu, her vision clearing and her senses sharpening. The nightmarish landscape faded away, replaced once again by the familiar forest.

A triumphant smile tugged at the corners of Sakura's lips as she locked eyes with Tayuya. "Your tricks won't work on me. I am stronger than you think."

Tayuya's smile faltered for a moment, her confidence wavering. She had underestimated this little girl. She should have known her genjutsu would fail. It was in her file that she excelled in it, but never expected a Genin to be this good. "Fine," Tayuya hissed, "If you won't be broken by fear, then I'll break you with my strength." Tayuya lunged towards Sakura, black marks started to spread across her body.

“Those marks," Sakura's eyes widened as she held her side, leaping into a tree to avoid another attack. She watched as black marks spread across Tayuya's body, covering every inch of skin.

“It is time for you to die,” Tayuya said as she appeared behind Sakura.

Shisui and Itachi leaped from one tree to another, their movements synchronized like a well-practiced dance. They made their way back to the village after a mission in Ame - a sudden tremor rumbled beneath their feet.

"What was that?" Itachi questioned.

Shisui's eyes widened as he sensed a familiar chakra signature. "That’s Sakura's chakra?"

Itachi's eyes narrowed in concentration as he focused on the chakra signature. "You're right, it is Sakura's chakra. But I don’t sense Naruto or Sasuke nearby. Something must have happened."

Without hesitation, Shisui and Itachi increased their speed, determined to reach Sakura before it was to late.

Sasuke's body collided forcefully with a sturdy tree trunk, causing him to wince in pain. The impact reverberated through his bones, sending a shockwave of agony coursing through his entire being. He could feel the sharp sting of his injuries.

How can they be this strong?

He wiped away the blood that trickled down from his injured lip. The metallic taste lingered on his tongue. His vision blurred momentarily as he fought to regain his composure, his mind racing to assess the extent of his injuries, broken ribs.

Sasuke leaned against the tree for support and looked towards Naruto who was unconscious on the ground.  Naruto was not one to lose easily These sound ninjas were strong, stronger than he anticipated. Sasuke was surprised that he was taken down so easily. 

Why isn't the nine-tails helping him?

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around Sasuke's neck, pushing him against the tree. "Do you want to know why you're so weak? Your curse mark is weak, you haven't unlocked its true potential yet."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed with determination. "I don't care about its potential. I don't want this mark. I want..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a sharp needle pierced his skin, causing his body to ignite in searing pain. A piercing scream escaped his lips, echoing through the air.

Sasuke's vision blurred as the pain intensified, his body convulsing uncontrollably. The hand around his neck tightened, cutting off his air supply. Panic surged through him, but he refused to let it consume him. With a surge of adrenaline, he mustered all his strength and managed to break free from his assailant's grip.

Sasuke stumbled away from the tree, gasping for air, clutching his throbbing curse mark. The mark felt like a curse that threatened to consume him. He regained his composure, and Sasuke's gaze returned to Naruto, still unconscious on the ground. The sight of his friend lying there, vulnerable, and defenseless, ignited a fire within Sasuke. He couldn't let his comrade die. Electricity began to form in his hand.

Did I die?

How am I still alive?

Sakura opened her eyes and found herself embraced tightly by someone whose body emanated warmth, a comforting feeling she was familiar with. It was the warmth of the Uchiha clan, a flame that protected without ever causing harm. Sakura had experienced this warmth once before when she fell asleep that evening on the engawa after Sasuke had told her to let go of the rules of the shinobi and embrace her emotions. The person who held her now was not Sasuke, but someone much taller with broader shoulders and a scent of burnt cedarwood. Looking up, she saw his chiseled chin and curly brown hair, Sasuke’s cousin.


Her gaze met his, crimson, eyes that bleed, eyes that predict every fluid movement before it happened. The eyes that know the wheeler's heart.

“Little Blossom, hold tight,” he whispered, his warm breath brushing against her pink hair. She felt safe. Ino was correct about the Uchiha. She was a beacon to them - they always came to her aid. As if she was destined to be connected to them.

She obeyed and tightened her grip around his neck as he flashed at the speed of light.

He landed on the ground, a mile away from where the battle took place. Where her opponents were dead in the pool of their blood. Itachi had taken care of them, placing them in an endless loop of their demise before killing them.

“Were you able to gather any information before they died?”

“I was unable to break them for information. It seems like they were taught to resist Tsukuyomi” Itachi answered.

“That's impossible, Tsukuyomi should be unbreakable, and these sound shinobi. Those black markings they are similar…”

Shisui looked down to see Sakura fidgeting in his arm.

“Similar to the black marks that grazed Sasuke-kun’s skin when the curse mark is activated.  A seal created by Orochimaru. By the looks of it, he seemed to have inflicted it on others. The nine-to-one success rate does not seem accurate from the books…”

“So, it was you who snuck into the restricted section of the Konoha library.”

A smirk formed on his lips. He should have expected this when he was called to investigate S-ranked scrolls and books being missing from the library with no indication of who took them out. He was tasked to search for traces of genjutsu but found none. The thief must have figured out a way to get classified information undetected. He should have known Sakura would find a way to be resourceful.

“Not like it's hard when you have a partner in crime who is just as curious.”

Yamanaka? Ino must be the partner in crime. Those two were inseparable.

Shisui placed a protective arm around Sakura.  She was injured but not badly, but she still needed medical attention. He was no expert, but he thinks she has a concussion. Maybe a broken rib or two.

“You need to go west…” Sakura gripped onto Shisui’s arms. “200 feet.  That is where I last left the boys.” Sakura looked at Itachi. “They are Orochimaru’s men, and I believe they were sent for another attempt to kidnap Sasuke-kun or something else. Sasuke told me to go ahead and that he would handle it. I think he told Naruto the same thing, but you know Naruto. He is not going to let Sasuke have all the fun.”

“Damn it! He should not be sent out on missions without a Jonin.”

“Our ranks are still spread thin. We have no choice but to have Genin go on missions without their sensei.” Shisui answered. Sakura winced in pain, she held a glowing green hand over her stomach, attempting to heal her ribs.

“Stop that, your chakra is low. I don’t need you passing out on me.”

“I can't just sit here and do nothing. Naruto and Sasuke-kun might be hurt. I have to…”

“You are not doing anything.”

“I am a medic and…”

Shisui, take Sakura back to the leaf. She needs medical attention. Please don’t give me that look.  You are faster than me and will be able to inform the right people. I will go to my brother and Naruto.”

Shisui nodded. He turned around and looked down at Sakura, “Hold tight!”

Itachi followed Sakura’s directions. As he drew closer to the location, he could faintly sense Sasuke and Naruto’s chakra.

Sasuke's hand clenched tightly around the mark on his neck, feeling the searing pain intensify. The drug they had injected him with was wreaking havoc on his body, and he could barely bear it any longer.


Struggling to rise, Sasuke stumbled and fell to the ground, his strength failing him. A familiar voice called out his name, and he turned his gaze towards his brother.

"How? Weren't you on a mission with Shisui?"

"We were returning when we encountered Sakura.”

“Is Sakura alright?” His grip on the mark on his neck tightened.

“She fought bravely, but she was outnumbered. We defeat her attackers.” Itachi sighed when he saw the look on Sasuke’s face. The look he always had when he was worried about Sakura. “She's safe. You do not need to worry. Shisui brought her back to the village and is organizing a team to investigate.” Itachi reassured him. But as he looked at Sasuke, he noticed a disturbing change. Black marks continued to spread across his body, accompanied by an ominous orange-red flame.

"Sasuke..." Itachi's voice was filled with worry as he gently touched his brother's cheek. "Look at me."

"It hurts... I don't know what they gave me. I tried to resist, but they injected something into my bloodstream."

"What did they inject, Sasuke?” Itachi pulled Sasuke close.

Sasuke had no idea what they injected into him. He tried to speak, but the words would not come out. He was losing control over his body - his mind. "I don’t know, but there is this voice... it keeps urging me to embrace the power, to use it. If I embrace it, the voice promises the pain will stop."

Sasuke’s body continued to be consumed by the dark marks, and Itachi knew that time was running out. He needed to find a way to save Sasuke from the clutches of this unknown drug before it was too late.

"Sasuke, listen to me," Itachi said firmly, "You cannot give in. You are stronger than this. You have the power to overcome it."

"I've tried, Itachi. I've tried so hard to resist, but it's overwhelming. I can't fight it anymore." Sasuke grip tightened on his brother.

"You are not alone in this, Sasuke. We will find a way to break this curse together. I promise you."

Sasuke's body convulsed with pain, his screams echoing through the desolate forest. Itachi's heart ached at the sight of his brother's suffering.

"Close your eyes, Sasuke," Itachi commanded, "Focus on your inner strength. Remember who you are, remember your bonds."

Sasuke's quivering hand reached for Itachi's, seeking comfort. Itachi's presence was his beacon of light in the darkness threatening to engulf him. He felt the seals fading away. His breath steadied, and he surrendered to slumber. Sasuke was exhausted and could not fight off sleep much longer.

Sasuke's eyes fluttered shut, and Itachi pulled Sasuke into a hug to anchor him to reality. Itachi knew that the battle against the curse was not just a physical one, but a mental and emotional one as well. He had seen firsthand the toll it had taken on Sasuke, the way it had twisted his mind and consumed his every thought.

“I promise I will always protect you.”

Shisui gracefully touched down on the rooftop of the Hokage tower before leaping onto the balcony that connected to Tsunade's office.

"What in the hell..." Tsunade's voice trailed off as she noticed Shisui's injuries. "Uchiha, you've got ten seconds."

"Tsunade-sama..." Sakura winced, "We were ambushed by Orochimaru's minions on our way back to the village. Sasuke-kun and Naruto instructed me to return to the village and get him, but I was forced into combat with two foes who were no longer a threat."

"Tell me everything," Tsunade demanded, "Who were these enemies? What were their intentions? And most importantly, where is Sasuke?"

“They were after Sasuke.”

Ino strolled into Sakura’s hospital room, holding a vibrant bouquet of daffodils in her hands - her best friend’s favorite flower.

“Well, well, forehead, it seems like fate keeps bringing us together," she teased playfully, wanting to lighten up the mood. "This marks the third occasion in just a few months that you've found yourself in this very room. Someone should just permanently put your name on the door. I am sure you will have an office in these halls one day."

Sakura smiled weakly, appreciating Ino's lightheartedness. She needed it in a time like this. Sasuke is still in a coma. Naruto is in the room next door. She could hear his loudmouth begging the staff to bring him Ichiraku’s. The Idiot had already tried to escape twice for his ramen. If they wanted to keep him here, they should give him what he asks.

"You don't have to concern yourself with me," she reassured her friend.

A hint of concern flickered in Ino's eyes as she carefully arranged the flowers in a vase, she noticed another set of flowers, flowers from Mikoto Uchiha’s garden. 

"Whenever you say that, it only makes me worry more," she confessed, settling down in the chair beside Sakura's bed. “You and your team are constantly attacked. It is not something you should brush off.”

Sakura sighed; her gaze fixed on the bouquet. "I know, Ino. But really, I'm fine. It's just a minor injury this time."

Ino raised an eyebrow, "A minor injury? That's what you said the last two times and look where it got you." She gestured towards the hospital room they were in, filled with the sterile scent of antiseptic and the soft hum of medical equipment. “Forehead, broken ribs, and a concussion are not a minor injury. What if you punctured a lung? Or if your brain bled. You a medic you should know better.”

“I didn’t, so there is nothing to worry about.”

“Sakura, your team was attacked by people who work for, him. This is something that needs to be taken seriously.”

“How do you know who attacked us?”

“Shikamaru told me what happened.”

“Did you bribe him for information, knowing him he will not give out anything critical willingly—he is a Chunin.”

“Chunin or not, I know how to get information out of him when I want,” Ino smirked.

“I guess you have been spending more time in T&I?” Sakura fiddled with the sheets of her bed.

Ino chuckled, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Oh, you could say that. I started to shadow my father; he wants me to become acclimated with the duties our clan oversees. Besides I've become quite adept at reading Shikamaru like a book. I know exactly which buttons to push to make him crack."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "Care to share your secrets?"

Ino leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, for starters, I know that Shikamaru has a weakness for a good game of shogi. Whenever I need information from him, I challenge him to a match. And let me tell you, he hates losing more than anything."

"So, you use a match to his favorite game against him?"

“Exactly, he needs to learn how to play against an array of opponents. Everyone has a different strategy, and he needs to learn how to counter those strategies," Ino smirked. "I make sure to play my best, putting him in a position where he has to think tactically. And while he's busy trying to outsmart me, I casually slip in a few questions about what I want to know."

Sakura nodded, impressed by Ino's cunning tactics. "That's clever. But what if he catches on?"

Ino shrugged, "Oh, he's caught on a few times, but I always manage to stay one step ahead. I distract him with some well-timed banter or a playful taunt, and before he knows it, he spills everything without even realizing it."

Sakura chuckled, imagining the scene playing out in her mind. "I can just picture his face when he realizes what he's done."

Ino grinned, her voice filled with satisfaction. "It's priceless, believe me. But don't get me wrong, it's not always easy. Shikamaru is a master of evasion and can be quite stubborn. Sometimes, I have to resort to more unconventional methods."

Sakura's curiosity grew, and she leaned in closer, eager to hear more. "Unconventional methods? Like what?"

Ino’s smirk widened, her baby-blue eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, let's just say that I've perfected the art of bribery. Shikamaru has a soft spot for his favorite snacks, so I always make sure to have a stash of them handy. A box of his preferred chocolates can work wonders in loosening his tongue, especially when his mother bans him from having sweets - if that doesn't work, I can always blackmail him with embarrassing pictures from when we were six or just enter his mind.”

The past week has not been easy for Itachi - his brother only woke from his medically induced coma a few hours ago and he had not had the chance to visit him.  He has been far too busy with his duties.  

There have been talks of a solo mission for his younger brother - plans to send him into the snake pit. A mission he didn’t agree with, but he knew he had no say in the matter. In the end, it was going to be Sasuke’s decision if he wanted to accept this undercover mission.

Itachi made his way through the corridors of the Hokage Tower. He had a meeting with the Hokage, to discuss his mission report and what he had uncovered with Shisui during their mission in Ame.

The Hokage Tower was busy today, many shinobi have returned from missions or were being sent on missions. The noise around him seemed to fade into the background as he pondered the existence of the Akatsuki, a group of mercenaries with a sinister agenda involving the jinchuuriki.

He entered Tsunade’s office and her piercing gaze locked onto Itachi, "What have you learned about the Akatsuki?"

"Shisui and I stumbled upon evidence suggesting the Akatsuki plan on hunting down the jinchuuriki. There is an ancient legend that if you extract all the beast, you will be able to summon a more sinister creature known as the ten tails. I believe they will eventually target Naruto.”

“I see…” Tsunade turned and looked out the window.  “Thank you for the information, you are dismissed.”

Itachi bowed and left the room.

“Tenzo, I need to you summon Jiraiya to my office.”

“Yes, my lady.”  

Jiraiya was pacing anxiously, his mind racing with the weight of the news he had to deliver to Naruto. The Akatsuki's relentless pursuit of jinchuuriki meant that Naruto's training in harnessing the power of the nine-tails chakra had to be intensified. The basics were no longer enough, and it was imperative to find a safer place for Naruto and the village to avoid the Akatsuki's attack.

“I’m home!”

Naruto entered the kitchen and came to a halt; he could sense the tension in the air. Jiraiya sat at the table, his expression grave.

"What's wrong?"

Jiraiya tried to hide his anxiety, "Why do you think something's wrong?"

Naruto sensed that Jiraiya was keeping something significant from him, "I can tell you're not okay. What's going on?" Naruto had learned to trust his instincts, particularly when it came to his godfather.

Jiraiya sighed heavily, realizing that he could no longer conceal the truth from Naruto. That his missions involving the Akatsuki were about to be discussed. How he was investigating them to see when they would make their move.  The time has come, and he needs to inform Naruto about the dangers of being a jinchuuriki. How his status was more than a village weapon.

"There is this organization known as the Akatsuki and their activities have increased recently. They have begun their hunt for people like you.  People who have a beast sealed in them. "

Naruto's eyes widened in shock, and his heart started racing. The news hit him with full force, threatening to overwhelm him with fear. Though he had always known that being a jinchuuriki came with its dangers, the reality of the situation was far more terrifying than he had ever imagined. “But why?" Naruto asked.

Jiraiya's expression softened as he gazed at Naruto, feeling his heartbreak at the vulnerability in his student's eyes. "The nine-tails is a powerful and dangerous creature, Naruto," he explained gently. "The Akatsuki aims to harness the power of all the tailed beasts. They believe that by capturing the jinchuuriki, they can take control of the Great Shinobi Nations by using a creature known as the ten-tails. It is only a legend, but some people believe in the ten-tail's existence. There is a cult near a land that no longer exists, but that is a story for another day.”

“Why did you wait so long to tell me this?”  Naruto asked.

“There were only whispers of the organization and no confirmation that they existed, but we received word that they are on the move. That's why we need to intensify your training," he said. "The basics won't be enough anymore. We need to find a way for you to fully harness the power of the nine-tails chakra, while also keeping you safe, but to do that we must leave Konoha. It is not safe for you or the village.”

“When are we leaving?” Naruto asked.

“Early tomorrow. We cannot waste any time.”

Sasuke sat up and stared out the window. He was tired, and his body hurt all over. He didn't want to see or talk to anyone. He felt guilty for his teammates getting hurt because of him. Suddenly, he heard the door slide open and close. Sasuke looked up to see Naruto staring at him.

"Hey..." Naruto said.

"Hn..." Sasuke replied.

Naruto couldn't help but feel disappointed "Is that all you're going to say to me when you won't see me for two years?"

"What are you talking about? I just woke up and..."

Naruto interrupted him, "Oh, they haven't told you."

Sasuke's confusion turned into frustration. "I have been in a medically induced coma for a week. When do you expect me to learn that you are leaving the village for two years?" he scoffed.

Naruto's expression softened as he took in Sasuke's tired appearance. He realized he should have handled this differently. "I'm sorry, Sasuke. I didn't mean to drop this bomb on you like this. I just... I need to go on this journey to train and become stronger. I have to be ready."

"Ready for what?" he asked.

"There is an organization out there that hunts people like me, and Jiraiya thought it would be best to train outside the village to avoid their attention."

Sasuke looked down with a sad expression.

"Don't worry, Sasuke," Naruto said reassuringly. "I'll try to stay in touch with you and Sakura-chan."

"I'll hold you to that," Sasuke replied. "Did you tell Sakura about this?"

"Yes, I did. She put together a care package for me with ointments and other things. She thinks I'm going to be reckless," Naruto explained.

"Well, you are," Sasuke teased.

"Shut up, you're reckless too!" Naruto retorted with a grin. “Promise me something. Keep an eye on Sakura-chan. I think there is more going on with her than she is telling us.”

“I promise to keep her safe.”

Hinata was peacefully enjoying her alone time at her favorite tea shop, engrossed in a romance novel about two star-crossed lovers. She finally had time to herself.  Suddenly, she felt a ticklish sensation on her leg, causing her to look down in surprise - Akamaru playfully licked her leg. Hinata couldn't help but smile warmly at her teammate's dog. "Hey there," she greeted him affectionately, extending her hand to pat his head gently.

“Hey Hinata. I’m surprised to see you without your bodyguards," Kiba remarked. There was no sign of Ko or Neji.  He sat across from her wondering if he should inform Hinata about what happened in the past week - about Naruto.

"Kiba...when did you arrive?"

“Not too long ago.” He studied his teammate and wondered how her health was doing.  It has been a month since her last episode and he wondered if she was cleared to continue training, “Any word about when you can start going on missions again? We had to recruit Neji for a recovery mission since you were unavailable.”

“What re-recovery mission?”

“Neji didn't tell you. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were attacked by members of the Sound Village when returning home from a mission.”

“Naruto-kun is hurt…” Hinata rose to her feet and was about to run to the hospital, but Kiba caught her arm.  “He is not going to be there. He probably is not in the village.”

“What do you mean he is not in the village.”

“He left, to travel with Jiraiya early this morning on some training mission.”

“But he did not say anything.”

“To you, but he informed Sasuke and Sakura.” Kiba crossed his arms.  He knew Hinata was upset about Naruto’s departure, but it had to happen. He overheard his mother talking to his sister about this organization called the Akatsuki These shinobi were more than mercenaries. They were hunting the people like Naruto. People he knew Hinata’s father would not want her to be associated with.

“We are friends, I thought he would say something.” Hinata looked down.

“Maybe he forgot. You know how excited he gets about things.” Kiba tried to comfort Hinata.

“Do you know how long he will be gone?”

“Two years, maybe three.”

"Has the letter been sent to the Land of Frost, informing them that we are accepting the proposal?" Miku asked her husband as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"Yes, the letter was sent. However, my love, I have reservations about this plan. We may have one our case, but I think it is risky to place Sakura into an arranged marriage so soon, there will be consequences if we proceed.” Itaru spoke with a shaky voice.

"I no longer care about the risk. Soon, Konoha will discover our involvement in her parents' deaths. We need to ensure our safety. The Land of Frost will provide that if we agree to marry Sakura off to the Daiymo's son." Miku slammed her hand down on her vanity.

"If we fail, we will have nowhere to turn." Itaru tried to reason with his wife. The mere thought of Miku's plans put Asami at risk. He was having second thoughts.  He was not fond of his niece, but his gut told him this was a bad idea.

“We will not fail!”

"But if we do, Asami might be at risk, do you even care about the harm that may come to our daughter?”

"I am willing to take the risk. I have hired a man to help us deal with Sakura if she does not willingly agree to our demands."


"I will not allow that Uchiha brat to court Sakura. There something is going on between her and that boy. I have seen the way that he looks at Sakura, and I refuse to let them be together.”

"They are only thirteen.”

Miku's voice dripped as she spoke, her eyes narrowing. "I will not allow Sakura near that cursed clan. We have worked so hard to secure her future, and I will not let it be jeopardized by some foolish infatuation they both have for each other."

Her husband sighed, "I understand your fears, my love, but we must proceed cautiously. The Land of Frost is a powerful ally, and their proposal could greatly benefit us financially. We will live a comfortable life, but we cannot let personal vendettas cloud our judgment. Are you certain this is the right decision?"

Miyu's grip tightened on the table's edge, her knuckles turning white. "You speak of judgment, but have you forgotten the atrocities committed by the Uchiha clan? I will not let Sakura be tainted by their blood."



Until Next Time.

Chapter 20: Long Kiss Goodbye


Hi all, I am back with the conclusion of Genin Era. We soon will enter Shippuden Era, but first I will have character focused chapters starting with Naruto -> Sakura -> Sasuke.
Once again, I want to thank everyone for the support of this story. I have close to 20k hits and 600 kudos.
Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy what I have to come.


little note there have been edits to chapter 1-7, I am slowly making my way through the rest. If you want to reread it is up to you.

Chapter Text

Autumn in Konoha was warm, with cool evenings.  The festival celebrates Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, the protector of the Uchiha who Illuminates the flame that burns in their souls. A festival that will soon be tainted by a forced betrayal by the clan’s youngest member. A betrayal Sasuke has yet to learn of or agree to but would have to to keep the village safe. Unfortunately, he was the only one who could infiltrate that man’s ranks.

The meeting about this mission was later this afternoon and he was one of the few to be in attendance. Only a select few were aware of - his father, Shisui, Jiraiya, and Shikaku.

Itachi was surprised about Shikaku’s involvement in this discussion but did not surprise him. He was a strategist, an intelligent man who could form a plan out of thin air. Itachi knew his father respected him. He respected Ino-Shika-Cho and Tsume which surprised him. The Inuzuka were loud and brash but were an asset when it came to police investigations.

Letting out a sigh, Itachi glanced at the sun's position and realized it was already noon. He stood atop the head of the fifth Hokage, Tsunade, whose face had finally been completed by the skilled artisans who carved the Hokage Mountain. As he gazed out at the village, Itachi couldn't help but question whether he had made the right decision in agreeing to Sasuke's two-year mission.

“There you are, I've been searching for you everywhere," a familiar voice called out.

"Shisui..." Itachi turned to his friend. "Did my father send you to find me?"

“No, he didn't," Shisui replied.

“Then why are you here?"

"I thought it would be wise to have a conversation before the meeting," Shisui explained.

“About what?" Itachi crossed his arms.

“Your mental state. How you will handle Sasuke’s absence and the ridicule from the clan when they learn of Sasuke’s defection.”

“I will be fine; you don’t have to worry.”

“The last time you said that I found you in Shushu-ya drunk. I don’t want you to think you can drink your problems away.”

“That was a one-time.”

“But it could happen again,” Shisui warned. “You could find comfort in a bottle of sake once more.”

“I will come to you if I need to talk things out.”

“Good, I don’t need to be scolded by Auntie. Telling me that I am a bad influence on her sweet little Ita!” Shisui tease.

Itachi lightly punched his cousin's arm. “Foolish!”

“The only fool is you, Tachi. How about I treat you to dango, to keep your mind at ease before the meeting.”




The office door looks in front of Sasuke. To say he was nervous about being summoned by the Hokage was an understatement.  He wondered what the woman wanted. Did she want to check to see how he was doing?  Did she find a cure for the curse mark?

Since his discharge from the hospital, people have been treating him differently. Those of his clan thought he would break at any second, his father had been more attentive to his needs than usual. It was strange.

Sakura has been distant, but he still visits her at the hospital every other day to make sure she is getting a proper meal. For some reason, his annoying teammate forgets to eat. He often scolds her that she is a terrible doctor because she often tells him what to do to be healthy but forgets to take care of herself.

Sasuke sighs as he stands outside the office door, wondering if he should knock. He has heard Tsunade hates being disturbed and is often caught drinking alcohol in her office - surprising behavior for Hokage or maybe he was too used to how Lord Third conducted himself.

“I know you are out there Uchiha!”

Opening the door, Sasuke is greeted by the sight of a messy office. Piles of paper were everywhere.  He wondered if Tsunade was still behind. She was trying to catch up on the work left behind by her former sensei. He had heard stories that she was not fond of paperwork. A task she tried to avoid at all costs.

“Good, you are on time. I am glad you have yet to pick up on Kakashi’s habit of being late.” 

“It was drilled into my head as a child that being on time is late but being early is on time.”

“Fugaku has always been a stickler for the rules.”

“I hope you didn’t summon me to talk to me about my father.” 

Tsunade clicked her tongue against her teeth. Brat!

“No, I have summoned you here to discuss a mission.”

Sasuke’s ears perked up. A mission.  He has not been on one for a month.  He had been on probation, unable to take missions outside of the village, and forced to do chores that were disguised as tasks to make you a stronger shinobi.

"What kind of mission is it?" Sasuke asked, "Do Kakashi and Sakura need to be briefed as well?"

"Kakashi and Sakura won't be part of this assignment," came the response.

“All right, so am I teaming up with Itachi and Shisui then?"

"No, this is a solo mission for you."

Sasuke arched an eyebrow, "So what kind of mission is this? Please don't tell me it's more chores."

Tsunade paused for a moment before finally saying, "Kid, what I'm about to ask you is not a typical mission a Genin would be sent on. It's something that requires your unique skills and abilities."

“What are the mission details?”

“We are waiting for the others to arrive. They should be here soon.”

“You said this was a solo mission? Why do others need to be involved!”

“Because it is an S-rank mission and I need permission from your father to send you on it. You are still a child Sasuke and what you are about to be asked to do needs witnesses.” She motioned for Sasuke to turn towards the door, and he saw his father, Itachi, Shisui, and Shikaku enter the room.

Sasuke began to piece two and two together, concluding that his mission involved Orochimaru, but he did not know in what capacity his involvement with that man was going to be.

“Does this missing have anything to do with what those Sound Shinobi tried to offer me?"

"It does. I am going to need you to defect to the village and pretend to join Orochimaru to gather intel.”

“You want me to do what?" he questioned, his voice rising in disbelief. "I refuse!"

“Sorry, kid, I cannot accept your refusal. It had already been agreed upon.”

“Without my consent.” Sasuke took a deep breath and stood his ground. "As I said I am not leaving," he said, his voice firm. "I promised Naruto that I would protect Sakura. I need to keep an eye on her." 

“Sakura will be fine in my care.”  Tsunade looked at the boy.

“Care? You were not able to win the case to protect Sakura from her aunt and Uncle. They don’t care for her. They are just using Sakura and…”

"Sasuke! Show some respect!" Fugaku knew he was going to get this reaction from Sasuke.

“I am very much aware of what they are doing to Sakura, which is why I have asked your father to investigate Sakura’s aunt and uncle.” Tsunade crossed her arms. “I will do everything in my power to protect Sakura.”

“I see, when do you need me to leave.” Sasuke looked away.



Sakura was sitting on a counter in the break room of the hospital, reading one of Naruto’s letters that had just arrived by hawk.  She was surprised he was aware of that form of communication and wondered if he had also sent a letter to Sasuke or just her.

She is guilty of not talking to him much lately, only briefly when he brings her food his mother makes.

A smile appeared on her lips as she read its contents. Once again, he was complaining about Jiriaya and his antics, tired of him chasing women he would never have a chance with and not focusing on his training – questioning why he had to leave the village if he, currently, was not learning anything. She to engorged in his letter. She did not realize someone had entered the room.

“So, Naruto is in the Land of Hot Water?”

Ino's voice made Sakura turn her head, finding her friend sitting beside her and peering over her shoulder.

“Pig, when did you sneak in here?"

“Just a few moments ago." Ino studied Sakura's expression, “Soo how is Naruto.”

“Annoyed that Jiraiya is focusing more on his novel than helping him train. “Why are you here?”

“I can’t visit my best friend at work?”

Sakura raised an eyebrow, “Hard to believe you are just here to see me. You have other motives, don’t you?”

“You caught me. I am, here to interrogate you because we normally we talk weekly, and I feel like you have been avoiding me. Is everything okay?”

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think I'm not okay?"

Sakura began to fiddle with the end of her nurse uniform.  She knew she had been keeping her distance from her friends. She thought it would be the best course of action. To keep a low profile so her abusive family members don’t take notice.

Ino rolled her eyes, "Are you seriously asking me that, forehead!"

“I am because I don’t understand why people think that I am not okay.” 

“For one, you are keeping your distance from Sasuke-kun.” Ino looked at her best friend, crossing her arms, “And you have declined all my tea dates.”

“I have been busy training.”

“Sakura, please don’t lie to me, I know how those people have been treating you. They hate shinobi and are part of the radical group who do not like the Uchiha clan.”

“Which is why I am keeping my distance. I need to make them believe I cut ties with everyone I care about to remain in their good graces.  They are up to something Ino and I fear for my life.”

“Then tell your boyfriend’s father. He can do something about it.”

“Sasuke-kun is just a friend and…”

“And his family would do anything to protect you. You're an honorary Uchiha. Many of them have integrated you into their clan and Mikoto, I think she wants you to be her daughter-in-law.”

“We are thirteen, and…”

“And as I told you, some clans create marriage contracts at that age.”

“But I am just…”

“Do not give me that civilian shinobi bullshit. Sasuke doesn’t care. His family doesn’t care, and you are the Hokage’s apprentice. You’re standing in the village has changed since Tsunade had taken interest in you. Some clans are not happy about it, but that should not matter. You are going to do great things and your shitty relatives should not hold you back.”


“Sasuke, that is enough!” Kakashi caught the Uchiha’s wrist before he could go further with the attack, and the chirping sound of birds faded. 

He could tell Sasuke was disturbed by something, but he knew not to press Sasuke to talk about his feelings. Kakashi looked down at his knuckles and noticed the boy was bleeding, a typical injury when training the Chidori, but it was more common in the early stages of training.

He brought back to the time when Sasuke tried learning the technique unsupervised, it happened after the mission where Sakura was sexually assaulted.  Kakashi wondered if his behavior had to do with Sakura again.

He knows the signs of abuse; it is not hard to notice. Sakura looked thinner, there were dark circles under her eyes.  She no longer wore short sleeves. When he inquired about it to Tsuande she told him about the investigation. How she believed her aunt was behind her parent's murder and staged it - to make it look like it was Orochimaru's doing.

“Let go, Kakashi!” Sasuke tried to pull his arm free.

“You are pushing yourself too far, Sasuke. This is not the right way to train.” He continued to hold Sasuke’s wrist. Afraid the boy would try and hurt himself.

“I need to get better!” Sasuke glared at Kakashi with his crimson eyes, annoyed that he had not been progressing, but knew he needed to put in this act. An act that he was falling into darkness, that his clan cruse was trying to overtake him.

“You will get better, but it takes time. I hope you understand improvement doesn’t happen overnight. The Sharingan helps you learn jutsu at a quicker rate, but you still need to train your body to use the jutsu’s your eyes copy.”

Sasuke pulled his arm away from Kakashi and turned his head away from his sensei. Things never seemed to be easy for him anymore, “I would be improving at a faster rate if I did not have this mark.”

“The mark is a challenge, but we are working through it.”

“Hn…” Sasuke crossed his arms, “Barely working through it.”

Kakashi sighed, understanding Sasuke's frustration. He knew that the curse mark was a constant source of pain and temptation for Sasuke, but he also knew that giving in to it would only lead to more darkness.

When he got word of his team being attacked on their way back from the village, he felt guilty. His students are always targeted. 

"We're doing everything we can, Sasuke," Kakashi said firmly. "But rushing into things won't help. We need to be patient and find a way to control the curse mark, not let it control us."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "I don't want to be controlled by anything," he muttered, his voice laced with determination. "I want to be stronger, to surpass my limits."

Kakashi nodded, his single visible eye filled with understanding. "And you will, Sasuke. But true strength comes from within, not from external sources. We need to focus on honing your skills, mastering your chakra control, and finding balance."

“How can I find balance? When this…” Sasuke paused, “never mind!”

Kakashi placed a hand on his head, ruffling his black hair. “We will continue your training tomorrow.”

“Hn…” Sasuke turned from Kakashi, placing his hands in his pocket, knowing there would be no tomorrow.


Neji was deep in thought as he sat within the confines of the clan's private archives. His uncle had given him special permission to be there, supposedly to learn new techniques - so he could assist in Hinata’s training. His Uncle wanted him to teach his cousin in his place, Hiashi's focus was on Hanabi, the heir,

However, Neji's focus had shifted towards delving into the history of their clan. Wanting to learn everything he can, so he can start planting the seeds of the branch families' rebellion. To start a better future for those who have been enslaved for history. Wanting to know what caused this curse to be bestowed upon them.

Immersed in a scroll chronicling the ancestry of Hamura, he unraveled the complex ties to the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki clans - all distantly related to the Hyuga. Contemplating this revelation, he wondered if this was why his uncle harbored animosity towards these clans. How those who descend from the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki clans are destined to fight - to be enemies.

Did Hinata sense a bond with Naruto due to their shared lineage linked to the inception of the chakra? OR was she clueless about their legacy due to her obsession with a boy who had feelings for someone else?


His thoughts were clouded as he walked towards the hospital, carrying a bento his mother made for Sakura.  He has not seen much of Sakura lately. They both had their training schedule. Missions were few and far between due to his probation.

He couldn’t help but allow his mind to wander to the girl who used to be so talkative once more became a shell of her old self. He thought things would have changed when finally released her emotions about her parent's death, but as soon as her aunt and Uncle arrived things were different.  She has been distant.

He entered the lobby of the hospital, it was a Saturday afternoon, and most patients were there for surgery. Waiting for their name to be called. He did not have an appointment but hoped the nurse knew who he was there for. It was the same woman every other day.

Sasuke walked up to the nurse station and stared at the woman who was reading through patient paperwork.

“Don’t tell me you need medical attention again?” The old woman asked as she pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses as she studied the boy. That is when she noticed the bento he was carrying. A smile formed on her lips. “Sakura is in the archives on the second floor, room 250.”

“Thank you.”

“Run along little Uchiha, that silly girl has not eaten all day.”

He should have expected that.  His grip tightened on the bento as he made his way up the stairs.

Sasuke knocked on the door and entered the room.  He came to a stop when he found Sakura sitting on the floor, surrounded by open finals.

Sakura looked up and smiled, “Sasuke-kun.”


“What are you…” he held out the bento his mother made for Sakura before leaving to visit her sister who lived outside of Kohona.

“Send your mother my regards, she doesn’t need to make me a bento.”

“How else are you going to eat something substantial? Are they not feeding you at home or are you forgetting to eat again.”

Sakura remained silent, accepting the bento from Sasuke without responding. ‘Of course, he knew.  I cannot get anything passed Sasuke-kun.’ As she took it, she noticed the cuts and bruises on his knuckles. Concerned, she held his wrist and pulled him closer. "You're hurt."

“It's nothing, just a scratch," Sasuke insisted, attempting to free his hand. "Let go, Sakura. You can heal me after you eat."

"I'm not hungry," Sakura replied.

Just then, her stomach let out a loud growl.

“Not hungry?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow and pulled his arm away from her.

Sakura blushed, feeling embarrassed by her stomach's betrayal. She looked away, trying to hide her hunger. "Well, maybe just a little," she admitted sheepishly.

Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle at her response. He reached out and gently poked her forehead. "I know you've been working hard all day and you sometimes forget to eat. I am not always going to be here to check on you."

Sakura's heart fluttered at his touch, and she couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Sasuke-kun," she whispered gratefully. She took a seat on the floor and opened the bento box, revealing a delicious assortment of homemade dishes. The aroma wafted up, making her mouth water.

As Sakura began to eat, Sasuke sat down beside her, his onyx eyes never leaving her face, for a moment he stared at her with his Sharingan, wanting to remember this moment. 

He watched as she savored each bite, her expression changing from hunger to contentment. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness seeing her enjoy the meal his mother prepared for her. Sasuke hoped Sakura would not lose her smile when he left. He hoped that one day she would be able to forgive him.  


Sasuke leaned against the wall of his father's office. His brother and Shisui were in the room. Only the four of them were aware of Sasuke’s mission.

“We will make it easy for you to leave the village this evening.” Itachi looked at his younger brother. “We will use genjutsu to divert returning shinobi from crossing paths with you. Making the path to exit the village a clear one.”


“Sasuke, it is important to make your defection as convincing as possible.”

“I am aware of my duties, father you have nothing to worry about.” Sasuke crossed his arms. 

“Are you? Sasuke, you are going to be deemed as a traitor of this village because of this mission. Tsunade can only do so much, but there are going to be people who plan on hunting you. Danzo’s men.”

“I am very aware of the implications of my actions during this mission. I accepted it and will do what it takes to make my defection convincing.” Sasuke spoke.  He hated himself for what he was about to do. Sakura had already suffered enough, but he had already planted the seeds. Pretending the curse mark was the reason why he was leaving. Turning up to the hospital with busted knuckles was part of his plan. 

“So, are you going to let us in on your plan?” Shisui asked.

“Don’t worry about it, not knowing my plan will make it more convincing.” Sasuke pushed himself off the wall. “I should pack. I will be leaving in a few hours.”

Itachi watched Sasuke walk out of their father's office.  “Is mother aware of what is going on?”

“No, she is not.” 

“Are you going to inform Auntie about this mission?” Shisui asked.

“No, it is best she does not know. It is why we chose tonight for Sasuke’s defection.” Fugaku folded his arms across his chest. “She is away from the village, visiting her sister near the Fire Temple.”

“She is going to be upset with you once she finds out the truth about why Sasuke left.”

“I will deal with it when the time comes, I hope she will be able to forgive me once I can tell her the truth.


In the stillness of the night, all is quiet except for the sound of his footsteps as he makes his way towards the exit of the village. Tonight, was the night he began his two-year mission. A mission where he would do unspeakable things.

Sasuke came to a sudden stop when he felt her chakra.

“What are you doing here?” He had anticipated her presence, having left subtle hints throughout the day about his departure.

“I should be asking you the same thing Sasuke-kun.” Did he think she was stupid? Did he think she did not sense the genjutsu around the area? How had he tried to conceal himself from her?

“It’s late, go home!” Sasuke ordered, hoping she would listen to him. She was going to make it hard for him to leave.

“Do you expect me to go home to them?” Sakura shot Sasuke a glare. 

“Then go to Yamanaka’s!” Sasuke briskly walked past Sakura, but she grabbed hold of his arm.

“I am not going anywhere. You have been acting strange all day. I am not Naruto; I can pick up on when your tone is different.”

“Sakura, don’t make this harder than it already is.”

He averted his eyes. "You're leaving, aren't you?"

"I can't stay here any longer. The only way I'll get help with this mark is if I go to him," Sasuke whispered.

"Tsunade is working on a cure, she'll have one soon. Please, Sasuke, don't go to him."


His silence confirmed her worst fears. She watched as he started to walk away. "Don't leave!" Sakura cried out, "Please, don't leave! I can't bear to lose someone I love again."

Sasuke stopped in his tracks, refusing to turn - to face her - to see her tear-stained face would prevent him from leaving, prevent him from his mission. He was surprised by her confession of love and realized his feelings were mutual, but he could not act upon them, not her, not until he returned.

Sasuke felt her arms wrap around his waist, her head resting on his back.

“I can't wait any longer..." Sasuke turned to look at Sakura. Their eyes locked, jade meeting crimson. He caressed her cheek, making sure she kept her eyes on him.

Sakura's eyelids grew heavy as she sensed Sasuke casting genjutsu on her, causing her to drift into unconsciousness. She felt his lips on hers before everything went dark. "Sakura, I am sorry, for hurting you when you need me the most."

When Sakura opened her eyes again, the moon no longer illuminated the path that led outside of the village, the sun had replaced it. 

Sakura rubbed her eyes and found herself waking up on the stone bench she stood by the night before, her mind still foggy from sleep. As she sat up, her hand instinctively went to her lips as if searching for a lingering sensation. Had he kissed her, or was it all just a figment of her imagination? She couldn't help but wonder if he had cast genjutsu on her or placed her think he placed her in it, making her believe in a moment that may have never happened. Her memory struggled to recall the details of their conversation.


Sakura looked towards the sound of Shisui's voice. She noticed he had his travel bag with him.

“Little blossom, are you okay?” Shisui kneeled in front of Sakura and noticed her tear-stained face, “Don’t tell me you slept here last night!”


“What about the shrimp?”

“He…Sasuke-kun, he…” Sakura broke down. Sasuke had left her just like everyone had in her life. Her parents were dead, Naruto was traveling with Jiriaya and Sasuke went to a man who wanted his body.

Shisui's heart sank as he saw the pain etched on Sakura's face. He had always been fond of her, seeing her as a little sister, and it pained him to see her in such distress. Without hesitation, he pulled her into a comforting embrace, allowing her tears to soak into his shoulder.

He was going to kill Sasuke when he returned from his mission, if he knew his plan was going to involve hurting Sakura, he would have told him to do something else.


“What are you going to do about this Tsunade?” Danzo asked. “The boy must be added to the bingo book. He must be hunted. A rouge Uchiha is dangerous.” 

“He is not to be added,” Tsunade answered.

“You, insolent little… And why not!”

“The Uchiha asked to handle it on their own. They are doing their best to track Sasuke.”

“Do it your way, but if they come back empty-handed, I am sending a team to hunt the boy.”


Danzo entered the room to find a young boy with a ghostly complexion and dark hair, standing over the lifeless body of another boy - a loyalty test that he had just passed.

“I have an assignment for you Sai!” 

Sai turned to face him, his expression blank and emotionless. “How can I be of service, Lord Danzo.” He whipped his brother’s blood off his face.

A smirk formed on Danzo's lips. The potential in the young boy, his skills in combat and espionage were unmatched for someone his age. He was one of his best creations, grooming him since he was an infant to be loyal to his cause. "I need you to eliminate a target for me."

Sai nodded, “Who is my target?”

“Sasuke Uchiha!”


“How is Sakura doing?” Itachi asked Shisui.

“The little shit is in a lot of trouble when he returns. If I knew his plan involved Sakura, I would have talked him out of it.”

“I doubt anyone could have convinced him otherwise. You know better than anyone that once Sasuke decides on something, there's no changing his mind," Itachi responded.

“I know, I just wish Sakura wasn't dragged into this," Shisui lamented.

"Perhaps Sasuke thought involving Sakura was the only way to make his defection seem real. You've noticed the way Sasuke looks at her, right?" Itachi pointed out.

“Yes, he even made Sakura believe that he kissed her," Shisui confirmed. 

“He what?”


Ino entered the Hokage Library - Shizune told her where she could find her best friend. Naturally, her intelligent best friend would choose to isolate herself surrounded by books.

“Forehead…” Ino softly called out as she entered the room.

Ino proceeded further into the room and discovered Sakura sitting by a bookshelf, her arms wrapped around her knees. A look of concern crossed Ino’s face. The last time she had seen Sakura in such distress was at her parents' funeral, but once again she shed no tears. Rumors have been spreading all morning about Sasuke's defection and that his teammate was the one who saw him leave – too weak to prevent him from leaving.

Sitting down beside her friend, Ino gently took Sakura’s hand in hers, intertwining their fingers.

“Ino…” Sakura whispered.

“I understand, my father told me this morning,” Ino replied, resting her head on Sakura’s shoulder. “He was the one who spoke to you about what happened, right?”

“He was…did he tell you what happened?”

“No, he thinks it is best that I hear it from you, but only when you are ready to talk.”

“Naruto, where the hell do you think you are going!” Jiraiya grabbed the boy's arm preventing him from running off on his own. 

“I need to go after him?”

“After, who?”


“I am going to release you, but you are going to need to explain to me why you need to go after Sasuke.” Jiraiya already knew what Naruto was going to tell him. His best friend defected and went to Orochimaru, a plan that he was aware of. One of the reasons why he left Konoha when he did. To keep Naruto from going after his friend. To prevent him from getting hurt.

Jiraiya knew Sasuke would not have held back if Naruto chased after him. The Uchiha was by the book most of the time but would do what needed to be done for a mission to be successful - killing his best friend being one of those things.

“He promised me that he would protect Sakura-chan.”

“Maybe something happened while you were gone,” Jiraiya suggested, hoping Naruto would believe his words.

“They would have told me…” Naruto looked at the ground.

Jiraiya knew that was far from the truth. He requested Tsuande to allow little information to be told to Naruto.  He was surprised Sakura’s letter got to him without alterations – no traces of any jutsu.

“I just can’t stay here; I need to go after him.”

“He is going to be difficult to find, Orochimaru had hideouts throughout the Great Shinobi Nation, he does not stay in one place for too long. We are only aware of one and I doubt that he is currently there.”

“I don’t care. I need to find Sasuke and beat the shit out of him for breaking his promise.”

“How about we make a deal, after we go to Mount Myōbok, we will search for him, ask around if anyone has seen him.” Jiraiya suggested, “I cannot allow you to go into something blind. It is dangerous and can get you killed. Have you forgotten the Jinchūriki are being hunted? If the Akatsuki learned, you ran off on your own you will be targeted.”

“Fine, we will do it your way, I don’t like it, but what other choice do I have.”


“My my, isn’t this a surprise? I thought I would have to send my men after you again, but you came willingly to me.”


“Is that all you are going to say, Sasuke-kun.”

“I came to you to learn how to control the curse mark. I have no interest in taking over the world.” Sasuke crossed his arms.

“Well, we will soon change that, Sasuke-kun. Come, you made it just in time.  We are moving bases, today.”


“It has been weeks, are you sure we should not intervene?” Shizune asked as she watched Sakura leave for the day.

“We can only do so much with her aunt and uncle in the picture. I am close to finding a way to adopt Sakura and have her be a member of the Senju clan.”

“I fear that we are running out of time.” Shizune sighed.

“I have the same fear, but let’s hope we are incorrect.”


“I’m home,” Sakura announced even though she was not going to get a warm welcome from her relatives, they had been acting odd lately. It was like they were planning something.

“Where have you been?” Miku asked.

“At the hospital, where I have been interning for the past few months, where do you think I was?” Sakura crossed her arms. “My teammates aren’t here, so you do not need to worry about me being around a boy you don’t approve of.”


“If you don’t need me, I am going to rest.”

“You are needed, Sakura. I have an outfit laid out for you on your bed. Clean up and be down here in ten minutes.”

Sakura sighed, knowing that her relatives were always trying to control her every move. She reluctantly made her way to her room and found the outfit laid out for her. It was a conservative dress that she knew her relatives would approve of.

As she freshened up and changed, Sakura couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Her relatives had been acting strangely for the past week. She couldn't help but wonder what they were hiding from her.

When she made her way downstairs, her relatives were already gathered in the living room. They were all wearing serious expressions, which only added to Sakura's unease.

“We have something important to discuss with you, Sakura," her aunt said.


She moved quickly through the streets of Konoha, of all the days she was late it had to be today. Izumi was supposed to submit her report to Fugaku fifteen minutes ago.

“Excuse me.”

“Pardon me!” Izumi counted to weave through the streets of Konoha’s civilian district, she would have taken to the roofs, but there had been complaints about noise disturbances, and she knew it was not wise to travel by roof.

“Sorry!” Izumi blushed as she crashed into a member of the Hyuga clan, who was walking with Hinata.  She recognized him, it was her former teammate, Ko. 

“You need to slow down; you might hurt someone!” Ko crossed his arms.

“I have somewhere to be it’s important.”

“More important than nearly running me over? You never learn, do you, Uchiha? Keep rushing around and you will never accomplish anything.”

“Don’t be such an ass Ko.”

Ko stared at her in disbelief. Typical Uchiha. Cocky and Prideful. She irritated him and was glad their Genin team disbanded once they became Chunin.

“It is important, I have my duties as a member of the Kohona Police Force, and I have been working on something for…” Izumi was caught off guard when she felt it - Sakura’s chakra.  She looked in the direction of where the Haruno Bakery used to operate - Sakura’s childhood home was above it.

“Izumi, wait…” Ko turned to Hinata, he could not leave her behind. He was supposed to escort her home after training, but Hiashi was still worried about her health. Hinata recently struggled with her vision after training too hard with Neji, he was not allowed to leave her alone or have her be escorted home by her teammates.

“We should follow your friend!” Hinata suggested.

“She is not my friend! Why would I be friends with a Uchiha? She is only an old comrade.”

“S-something is obv-obviously wrong! Don’t you feel it?” Hinata asked. Being on a Genin team with a tracking designation, she began to learn how to pick up on others' chakra. 

Kiba was able to track people by scent, Shino by planting bugs on others, she thought it would be wise to learn how to pick up on different chakra signatures. She was still learning but able to pick up on chakra belonging to her former classmates.

“Feel what?” Ko asked, curious about what Hinata was talking about. “Lady Hinata, you need to tell me what you felt? If an enemy is attacking the village, we need to raise the alarms.”

“Sakura’s chakra, she is in distress.”


Ko has heard that name before. Hinata has mentioned it in the past, but he has also heard Lord Hiashi talk about the civilian girl who is not worthy of Tsunade’s attention. That Hinata should have become the Hokage’s student.

“In what direction does this girl live?” Ko asked.

“In the c-civilian district, above Haruno Bakery.”

“Hinata, stay close.” Ko said as he activated his Byakugan.


"No!" Sakura vehemently resisted, struggling to escape the clutches of the man attempting to suppress her chakra. She had always been a strong-willed and independent woman, but now she found herself trapped in a situation she never could have imagined. The people she once trusted, her own family, had betrayed her in the worst possible way.

As a child, Sakura had always been taught to be wary of others' intentions. She had been raised in a world where shinobi were constantly on guard, where trust was a luxury, few could afford. But somehow, she had let her guard down, allowing herself to believe that her relatives had her best interests at heart if she did what they wanted. Stay away from shinobi influence and the Uchiha Clan. She felt guilty for ignoring Izumi, Mikoto, and Shisui when they tried reaching out to her after Sasukes defection.

Little did she know, they had been plotting behind her back, scheming to exploit her for their gain. They saw her as nothing more than a commodity, a means to secure their power and influence. And now, they were forcing her into a loveless marriage she never desired.

Sakura had always dreamed of finding love on her terms, hopefully with Sasuke. She wanted to choose a partner who would cherish and respect her. But her family saw her as nothing more than a pawn in their game of politics, a tool to be used and discarded when no longer useful.

She should have seen it coming. The signs were all there, hidden beneath the surface of their seemingly loving gestures and kind words. The way they pushed her toward certain suitors, the way they dismissed her desires and dreams as inconsequential. It was all part of their plan to control her, to mold her into the perfect puppet.

But Sakura refused to be a puppet. She refused to let her relatives dictate her future, to force her into a life she never wanted. With every ounce of strength, she could muster, she fought back against the man trying to suppress her chakra, refusing to let him break her spirit.

At that moment, Sakura realized that she had underestimated her power, knowing that the chakra she began to store to unlock the Byakugō would be of use.  She knew she would have to start all over but didn’t care. She had to be strong, both physically and mentally to escape this. Sakura tapped into a reservoir of strength and with a burst of chakra, Sakura broke free from her captor's grasp, destroying her surroundings.  She watched her childhood home, come crumbling to the ground – memories of her family gone forever.


Kakashi was about to enter the tea shop where he was meeting Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai when he felt Sakura’s chakra cry out to him in distress. 

“Kakashi’s what…”

Gai watched the color fade from Kakashi’s face, and that is when he felt it. The ground shook from under them. “What was that?”

“Sakura…” Kakashi darted in the direction of the civilian district. 

“Kakashi, wait!” Gai followed his friend. He knew why Kakashi was worried, he was scared – sacred of losing another one of his students.  


The ground shook and a man came running out of what once was the Haruno residence. Ko knew he was the culprit. He moved quickly, blocking the man’s chakra points, and immobilizing him, “Lady Hinata, please stay back.” He ordered, wondering what this man wanted with a civilian shinobi.


“He may be immobilized but he still might try to attack,” Ko ordered his eyes searching for Izumi. Where did the annoying Uchiha disappear to?  

He was shocked to find the home reduced to rubble. That a child with no clan background was able to be this destructive. Ko had heard whispers of her talent for chakra control.

Ko was aware that Sakura was being trained by the Hokage, but he thought the girl was only learning medical ninjutsu, not how to move mountains like the Senju.

“We need to get help!” Hinata activated her Byakugan, trying to see if anyone was stuck under the rubble. To try and find Sakura, to make sure she was alright. She knew Naruto cared about her and would be upset if something happened to his friend. “I don’t see anything under the rubble.”

“Good, there are no casualties then.” Ko was relieved. “We should head back to the Hyuga compound. Lady Hinata.”

“We cannot head back, not yet I need to know…”

Ko followed Hinata's gaze and saw Izumi holding the pink-haired girl. "Don't worry, Sakura-chan. You're safe now," Izumi reassured her.


“Don’t worry, you are going to be okay,” Izumi said as she stroked Sakura’s hair.


Kakashi arrived at the scene, “Sakura…” he called out her name, and he spotted her clinging onto Izumi Uchiha.

Kakashi approached the two, his Sharingan still activated. "Izumi, is Sakura injured?" Izumi looked up at Kakashi, her eyes filled with concern.

"I don't think so, but she's in shock. We need to get her back to the hospital and have her checked by a medical ninja."

Kakashi nodded, his mind already racing with plans to ensure Sakura's well-being. "I'll carry her. Gai, stay here and inform Fugaku I have brought Sakura to the hospital?"

Gai nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. Kakashi gently lifted Sakura into his arms, feeling her trembling against him. He could see the fear and confusion in her eyes, and it pained him to see her like this. What had happened? 

Fugaku arrived at the scene only to find Sakura's home destroyed. His eyes immediately caught sight of Gai standing with the Hyuga Heiress and her bodyguard.

“What happened?”

 "Ask him," Ko replied, pointing towards the man who was securely tied to a nearby tree. "When we arrived, he was attempting to flee! And just so you know, Haruno's Aunt, Uncle, and cousin are safe. They had already left long before this man attacked. If that is all you need. I must bring Lady Hinata home."

"You may go, but I hope you are aware that you will be asked to give a statement.”

“Understood,” he said before leading Hinata back to the Hyuga Compound.

“Were there any other witnesses?" Fugaku inquired, turning towards Gai, wanting to gather as much information as possible.

"Izumi was the one who found Sakura and rushed her to the hospital alongside Kakashi," Gai explained.

"Alright then. Shisui, please inform Lady Tsunade about this situation and then make your way to the Inuzuka clan. We'll need their help in locating Sakura's relatives," Fugaku instructed.

"Got it!" Shisui responded, vanishing in an instant as he headed towards the Hokage tower. 


The door swung open and Shisui hurried into the Hokage’s office.

“I am in the middle of an important meeting Uchiha! This better be important!”

“I am sorry to intrude, but it’s Sakura.”

“What about Sakura?”

 The urgency in Shisui's voice sent a shiver down the Hokage's spine. Without wasting another moment, Tsunade stood up from her desk, her eyes filled with concern. "Tell me everything, Shisui. What happened to Sakura?"


“You should have never gotten involved in a police matter, Ko. Your priority is my daughter, not your former teammate, that talentless Uchiha girl.”

“I am very much aware of what I should have done, and I will take the punishment you see as fit.” Ko bowed his head, knowing if he informed Hisashi of Hinata’s disobedience, she would not be allowed to leave the compound. He did not want that for her.  He noticed the girl seemed happier when she was around her teammate and Neji’s teammate Tenten.

He was happy Neji's teammate had taken a keen interest in Hinata. The girl has been trying to bring Hinata out of her shell, but Ko knows that Lord Hiashi has only allowed Hinata's presence because of her connection to Neji. Hinata desperately needed to socialize with people her age, especially other girls, but Ko knew that Hiashi would never approve of the Yamanaka heiress and her friend without a noble lineage.

“But you stayed anyway.”

“I needed to make sure there was no threat to Lady Hinata or our village. We did not need a repeat of the attack after the Chunin Exams.”

“Very, well, we will discuss your punishment later.”


Tsunade withdrew her hand from Sakura's forehead, "Your chakra is stable, but you must rest."

Tsunade hoped Sakura would listen to her for once. She had just been through a traumatic event, one caused by those who were supposed to care for her, but they just used her - vanishing in plain sight. To disappear so easily they must have been planning this attack on Sakura for weeks.

How could this have happened? Fugaku always had a tail on them, he even had Sakura followed for her protection.

“I do not want you to get out of this bed!”

Sakura weakly nodded, her eyes heavy with fatigue. She had pushed herself to the brink, battling against the man who attempted to seal her chakra, utilizing the chakra she had stored for the Byakugou. She knew she would have to start over from the beginning. As the shock wore off, her body finally succumbed to the strain.

"When you're ready, you can talk to me..."

“They were planning to marry me off to the son of Daimyo of the Land of Frost," Sakura revealed to Tsunade. “I knew they were up to something, but I never expected to be used as a means for them to get money.”

Tsuande knew who Sakura was talking about. "You need to take it easy for a while," she said firmly. "No more missions, no more training. Just rest."

Sakura knew that Tsunade was right. She had been neglecting her well-being in her quest to become stronger, but now she realized that she needed to prioritize her health.

As she settled into the soft bed, Sakura felt a wave of relief wash over her. She closed her eyes, letting the exhaustion finally overtake her. And as she drifted off to sleep, she knew that she was in good hands with Tsunade watching over her.

“I will check on you later. I want you to stay overnight for observation. Once you are discharged you will be staying with me at the Hokage residence.”

“But isn’t the Hokage residence only for those who are related?”

“It is, and I have plans to adopt you Sakura. It will just take time, but you will be under my protection from now on.”

Tsunade stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. She turned to the head of the Uchiha Clan, who was leaning against the wall, waiting - waiting to talk to her apprentice about what happened.

“Is she well enough to speak with me?” Fugaku asked.

“She's not ready to talk right now, Fugaku. She requires rest and time to heal from the mental anguish she's endured over the past few months," Tsunade replied.


Suigetsu grinned mischievously, "Looks like the favorite has returned."

Sasuke's crimson eyes locked onto Suigetsu's gaze.

"Do you think staring at me like that will intimidate me, Uchiha? I know exactly who you are, just like everyone else does. The attractive young man Lord Orochimaru took an interest in. I was present in this containment tube when he received the information about your team. He found it intriguing that a Jinchūriki and a girl were part of your group."

"Why should the well-being of my former teammates concern me?"

"You know, I can sense that you're not being entirely honest with me, but I won't push further. I'm sure you have your reasons."


"Sasuke-kun, I have a task for you," Orochimaru smirked, materializing beside his new protégé.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked, his voice cold and detached.

"I need you to retrieve a certain scroll for me. It contains valuable information that will be crucial for our plans," Orochimaru explained.

"Very well." Sasuke left the room without looking back, knowing that any hesitation would reveal his true intentions. 


Chapter 21: Return Under the Crescent Moon


Hi everyone, I want to apologize for the delay. I was away and transitioning into a new role at work.
Once again, I want to thank you for all your support. I reached over 700 kudos with this story.
Just so you know this chapter is the start of the time skip. I decided to forgo the individual chapters for each member of team 7. I was dissatisfied with what I wrote.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Edited 10/6/2024

Chapter Text

Sasuke Uchiha landed on the statue of the former head of the Uchiha Clan, Madara Uchiha. He pulled up his hood, concealing his face. Sasuke had finally reached the Valley of the End, the border between the Land of Sound and the Land of Fire - a place that evoked painful memories for him. However, his undercover mission demanded that he sever these ties. Regretfully, he needed to make his best friend believe he had fully succumbed to darkness, despite nearly killing him previously. Sasuke couldn't risk blowing his cover just three months into this critical mission.

Sasuke hoped to one day repair the broken bonds, including with his teacher Kakashi and former female teammate Sakura, whom he had abandoned. He hated himself for the immense pain he had caused Sakura, who was already scarred by the harsh realities of the shinobi world. Desperate to make amends, especially with Sakura, Sasuke vanished from the Valley and reappeared outside the gates of Konoha, slowly making his way towards them after being away for two-and-a-half years.

“Identified yourself.” The guards demanded.

Sasuke released a weary sigh as he pushed back his hood, revealing his intense gaze.

His eyes landed on Izumo and Kotetsu, who were stationed at their usual post, ever alert. Mostly. They were unaware of why he left the village two years ago. Unaware of the trauma he caused Sakura. At least he hopes they are unaware.

“Sasuke Uchiha, what are you…”

“Orochimaru has been defeated. I need to speak with the Hokage immediately,” he said in a robotic voice.

Kotetsu eyed the rogue shinobi, his fingers gripping the hilt of his kunai tightly. His knuckles turned white with tension, unsure of Sasuke's intentions. The air was thick with distrust, particularly from Kotetsu, learning from Shisui that the young Uchiha had left Sakura on a bench almost three years ago. Sasuke could feel the weight of their scrutiny, the unspoken accusations hanging in the air like a storm cloud.

“Izumo, go to the police station and inform Fugaku about Sasuke's return—he's being taken to T&I,” Kotetsu ordered.

Sasuke should have seen this reaction coming. The skepticism was predictable, but he understood it was inevitable. Many thought he had strayed down a dark path and betrayed the village, and now the fallout from those beliefs was painfully clear.

"I need to speak with the Hokage; I have vital information." Sasuke shot Kotetsu a determined Uchiha glare, trying to emphasize the urgency of his message.

"You can share that vital information in T&I, kid," Kotetsu replied, his tone dismissive, as if Sasuke's words were just a passing breeze.

He realized it wouldn't be smart to provoke them. To them, he was a criminal—someone who had forsaken the village in pursuit of power. They were unaware that he had been pushed into the snake pit by the Hokage.

"Fine, but you're just wasting time."

Sitting at a blackjack table in the distant Tanzaku Quarters, a young woman with chin-length pink hair disguised herself as slightly older using a transformation jutsu. Wearing a tight black mini dress, she blended in with the casino's clientele, though the establishment would typically prohibit a sixteen-year-old from entering. Even if they turned a blind eye to underage sex workers, this casino would not knowingly admit any underage patrons.

Tapping her green-painted nails against the table, Sakura was relieved she lacked the notorious gambling skills of her mentor, Lady Tsunade. Since Tsunade had started sending her on these missions, Sakura had not lost a single game, her ability to count cards and memorize patterns proving a useful yet dangerous trick.

Kohona had caught wind that a new, deadly poison was being offered as the prize in the casino's blackjack tournament. Sakura's objective was to secure a seat at the main table and win the prize, while also gathering intel on the organization's leader and their supplier.

As she sipped a cocktail, Sakura maintained her undercover persona, relying on her mentor's teachings to avoid any hangover effects with her chakra control. Suddenly, a man sat down beside her. "Hey, beautiful," he said.

"Hello there, handsome," Sakura replied, turning to face Kenta, a man she had been seeking - one who worked for the tournament's overseer. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to invite you to the main table," Kenta said.

Sakura smiled coyly at him, her hand grazing his knee. "Hana," she introduced herself, "I didn't expect to be invited to the main table. I just came to unwind a bit."

"My boss is interested in meeting the skilled woman with striking pink hair who has been defeating her opponents." Sakura slowly moved her hand up his inner thigh.

"Y-Yes!" the man stammered, flustered by her touch.

Sakura had learned at a young age to use her body as a weapon, seducing others to obtain the information she needed. As a shinobi, she understood that people would try to exploit her. A traumatic mission years ago had changed her, though she had mostly overcome the aftermath. Still, there were times she would wake up screaming - sexual assault wasn't easily overcome.

"Take me to this match."

"Follow me, Hana," he said, getting up and leading Sakura to the private game.

As they walked through the dimly lit casino, Sakura couldn't help but notice the curious glances from other patrons. Her striking pink hair and alluring presence seemed to draw attention wherever she went. But tonight, she was determined to use that attention to her advantage.

Upon entering the private game room, Sakura's eyes widened at the sight before her. The room was filled with high-stakes gamblers, criminals, and shinobi from the Bingo Book, each exuding an air of confidence and wealth. The atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation, as if the room itself held its breath in anticipation of the upcoming match.

Kenta guided Sakura to a table in the center of the room, where a group of elegantly dressed people were deep in conversation. The air was charged with sophistication, punctuated by the soft clinking of glasses and the low hum of laughter. Among them sat a man who radiated power and authority, his sharp gaze sweeping the area with a discerning look. This was the individual Sakura had come to meet, a figure whose reputation preceded him.

"Ah, Hana, you've made it," the man said, his smooth and commanding voice cutting through the ambient noise. "I've heard quite a lot about your talents. Quite impressive for someone your age." His words were laced with admiration, as if he were sizing her up for something greater than a mere conversation.

Sakura offered a polite smile, keeping her gaze fixed on him. She understood the significance of maintaining eye contact and exuding confidence, a skill she had honed over the years in various high-stakes situations. She felt the weight of his scrutiny but stood her ground, determined not to show any signs of intimidation.

"I'm honored by your attention," Sakura responded, her tone subtly alluring, a hint of curiosity threading through her words. "However, I must confess, I'm intrigued as to why you brought me here." She leaned slightly forward, her posture open yet poised, inviting him to elaborate while maintaining an air of mystery.

The man reclined in his chair, a sly grin forming on his face as if he were savoring a secret. "I have a proposal for you, Hana. I've been observing your performances in the tournament, and I believe you possess the qualities needed to join my organization." His eyes sparkled as if he were offering her a key to a world she had only glimpsed from afar.

Sakura's voice remained steady, belying the excitement swelling within her. Surprised at how well she was playing her role, Tsunade and Ino would be proud – the two had discussed these undercover missions when they were Genin. "And what exactly does your organization entail?" Sakura asked, intrigued by the prospect of accessing power and influence, yet wary of potential hidden costs. She needed to ensure she could control the perilous poison before it fell into the wrong hands.

The man's grin broadened, a spark of mischief dancing in his eyes. "How about we play a game of cards first, Hana, before I share more details?" He gestured to a deck on the table, its glossy surface reflecting the soft chandelier light.

Sakura's heart raced at the prospect. As a strategic thinker, she was trained to anticipate and counter moves with precision. But this was different - a test. "What are the stakes?" she asked, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts.

The man produced a vial, saying, "This is a lethal poison derived from the rarest flowers. There's currently no antidote."

Sakura's eyes narrowed as she studied the ethereal, unsettling liquid. "Poison? You want to gamble with something that could kill?" She knew she had to play the game to obtain the poison and bring it back to Konoha for an antidote.

Leaning forward, the man's expression turned serious. "This is a test of your resolve and ability to navigate our world. If you win, you gain knowledge and a position. If you lose, the consequences will be dire."

Sakura felt a chill. The stakes were higher than expected, but the thrill ignited a fire within her. "And if I refuse?" she asked firmly, masking her swirling emotions.

He shrugged casually, but there was an underlying tension. "Then you walk away, and I'll pretend this chat never happened. But I doubt you're the type to back down from a challenge, right?"

She scrutinized him, weighing her choices. Walk away and let the poison end up in the wrong hands, or take a chance to complete her mission. She was clever and confident she could win. "Fine," she finally said, her voice unwavering. "I'll take your challenge. But I want to know what's at stake if I win."

His grin returned, a hint of respect shining in his eyes. "Deal. If you win, I'll reveal the secrets of my organization, along with resources and connections that could take you further than you ever imagined. You'll gain knowledge that could change everything for you."

Sakura nodded, her heart pounding. The idea of such power was tempting, but she knew she had to stay sharp. "And if I lose?" she asked, wanting to grasp the full extent of the risk.

"Then you'll owe me a year of service," he answered.

Izumo hesitated for a moment before interrupting, "I apologize for the interruption, Uchiha-san, but this is urgent." He observed the head of the Uchiha Clan as he assigned tasks to his team for patrolling the village, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of anxiety.

“Everyone is dismissed. If anything, pressing arises, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.” Fugaku’s gaze shifted to Izumo, and with a resigned sigh, he added, “Let’s discuss this in my office.” The weight of the situation was palpable, and Fugaku could sense that whatever Izumo had to say was of utmost importance.

Izumo followed Fugaku into the office, the air thick with unspoken tension. The walls were adorned with various clan insignias and photographs of past Uchiha leaders, a reminder of the legacy Fugaku carried on his shoulders. As they entered, Fugaku scrutinized Izumo, noting the way he stood slightly rigid, a telltale sign that he was on guard duty that night and likely had something significant for the police force to address. It didn’t escape Fugaku’s keen eye that Izumo was a shadow clone, a technique often used to relay information quickly and efficiently.

Once inside, Fugaku shut the door with a soft click, sealing them off from the outside world. He turned to Izumo, his expression serious, the weight of leadership evident in his demeanor. "What do you need to tell me, Izumo?" he inquired, his tone suggesting he was prepared to hear whatever urgent news was on Izumo's mind.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Izumo felt the gravity of the moment settle over him. He knew that his revelation could carry significant weight, not just for Fugaku but for the entire Uchiha Clan and the village of Konoha. “Sasuke has come back to Konoha,” he finally spoke, his voice steady but tinged with concern.

Fugaku's eyes widened slightly, a brief look of surprise flashing across his face before he quickly composed himself into a neutral expression. He had to maintain the pretense of being taken aback by Sasuke's return. What had happened with his undercover mission? He was expected to be away for several more months. “Sasuke?” he echoed, the name lingering in the air like an impending storm. “After all this time… what do you mean he’s back?”

Izumo inhaled deeply, sensing the rising tension in the room. “I ran into him on the outskirts of the village. He appeared… changed. There was an urgency in his manner as if he was bearing a heavy burden.”

Fugaku's brow furrowed, his mind racing. What could have compelled Sasuke to return so abruptly? Had he encountered something that threatened not just himself, but the clan? “Where is my son now?” he demanded, his voice sharper than intended, the protective instinct of a father surfacing amidst the chaos.

“He's in T&I, talking to Lady Tsunade,” Izumo replied, his tone softening slightly. He could see the concern etched on Fugaku's face, the way his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “I thought it best to inform you immediately.

Tsunade entered the holding cell and greeted Sasuke with a tired smile, surprised to see him back so soon. She noticed his weary state and the way he clutched his shoulder where the mark was.

"You returned earlier than I thought you would."

Sasuke grimaced as he recounted the intense ordeal. "I had to cut the mission short when he attempted to take control of my body," he explained. Despite the unexpected twist, he managed to secure several crucial scrolls from Orochimaru, filled with important details about the curse mark and information on the Akatsuki.

"Are you okay, kid?" Tsunade asked, her gaze fixed on him. "Is it the mark that's bothering you?"

"There were only a few options I had..." Sasuke winced again.

"What did you do?" Tsunade pressed.

"I read the scrolls about how he had taken over his other victims over the years. I absorbed him."

Upon hearing this, Tsunade hurried to Sasuke and placed her hand on the curse mark. She could feel Orochimaru's dark chakra seeping from him, feeding off Sasuke's energy.

Sasuke looked down, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. He realized he had put himself in a dangerous position by absorbing Orochimaru's power, but at that moment, he felt he had no other choice.

Tsunade sensed the turmoil within him and understood he was grappling with the fallout of his decision. She recognized his strength and determination but also knew he needed her support and guidance.

"Let's get you examined to ensure that curse mark isn't harming you," Tsunade said, leading Sasuke toward the village's medical wing.

As they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the holding facility, the air was thick with tension. Sasuke's mind raced with the implications of his actions. Absorbing Orochimaru's essence was a dangerous gamble, one that could have unforeseen consequences. He could feel the remnants of the dark chakra swirling within him, a constant reminder of the sinister presence he had just wrestled with.

Tsunade glanced at him, her expression a mix of concern and determination. "You did what you had to do, but we need to ensure that you’re not carrying any lingering effects from absorbing Orochimaru. He’s a master of manipulation and dark jutsu and even though you absorbed him. We can't underestimate what he might have left behind."

Sasuke nodded, though the weight of his decision pressed heavily on his shoulders. "I know. I just... I…”

Tsunade led him into the medical wing, a place filled with the scent of antiseptic and the soft hum of healing machinery. The walls were lined with shelves of medical supplies, and the faint sound of a heartbeat monitor echoed in the background. She gestured for him to sit on the examination table, her demeanor shifting to that of a focused healer.

"Take off your shirt," she instructed gently, her voice steady. Sasuke complied, revealing the curse mark that marred his skin—a dark, swirling pattern that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Tsunade leaned closer, her brow furrowing as she examined the mark. "It looks more active than before. We need to contain it before it spreads."

Tsunade let out a weary sigh as a knock echoed through her office. She had just returned from speaking with the recovering Sasuke in the hospital. Sensing two approaching chakra signatures, she knew it was Hiashi from the Hyuga clan and Danzo, a man she despised. Tsunade couldn't fathom why her mentor had entrusted Danzo with such an important role in the village.

"Come in," Tsunade said.

"Is it true?" Danzo demanded; his cold gaze fixed on the Hokage. He had long harbored bitterness over Tsunade's ascension, wanting to remove her from power. Hiashi, sharing Danzo's animosity towards the Uchiha, was the only clan leader who supported him.

"What are you referring to, Danzo? You need to be more specific," Tsunade replied evenly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Danzo snapped.

"You sent Sasuke on a secret mission without informing the clans and elders," Hiashi accused.

Tsunade's brow furrowed. "It was need-to-know. Only a few were aware, to ensure Sasuke's safety. Orochimaru had been after him for years - I couldn't risk exposing him to danger. This was a mission only Sasuke could handle."

"But you sent the Uchiha to him anyway!" Hiashi protested.

"He was the best option. Orochimaru's guard was down, and Sasuke was able to gather vital intel for the village," Tsunade explained.

"That's exactly why it's a risk. That kid has always been..." Hiashi began.

"Enough, Hiashi," Tsunade cut him off sternly. She had been working to rebuild the Uchiha's trust since becoming Hokage. "I know you're here for a reason. What is it?"

"Sasuke Uchiha is not mentally prepared for a double promotion. We cannot allow him to advance to Jonin rank at this time. He's suitable for Chunin, given his skills and leadership, but Jonin is out of the question," Danzo declared.

"He's more than capable and deserves that promotion. He's a valuable asset and should be assigned higher-level missions. He's proven himself," Tsunade argued.

"That's not sufficient for a double promotion. I'm making the decision here," Danzo stated firmly. "You're too lenient, especially with the members of Team Seven. You show them favoritism."

"I don't play favorites. I promote based on merit, not family connections," Tsunade retorted.

"Yet, you treat that civilian student of yours like your own daughter. Rumors are circulating that you want to name her as your heir," Hiashi accused.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. "If that rumor is true, it's none of your concern. Sakura has proven herself a skilled shinobi under my guidance. She has formed connections with our allies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to attend to."

"This isn't the end, Tsunade," Danzo stated firmly before departing with Hiashi. As they strode down the corridor, Danzo noticed Sakura approaching them.

"Miss Haruno, I trust your mission went well," he commented, eyeing her attire - a black dress beneath her cloak.

"Lord Danzo, Lord Hiashi, good evening. Is Lady Tsunade in her office?" Sakura asked, eager to avoid lingering in their presence. She was acutely aware of their disdain, stemming from her civilian background and connections to the Uchiha and Naruto - which they certainly did not approve of.

Danzo scrutinized Sakura intently. He had heard whispers of her gambling prowess and ability to outmaneuver Shikamaru at shogi, and had been closely watching her for any signs of treachery, though Sai had found no pertinent information.

"Everything went smoothly, thank you," Sakura replied as she entered Tsunade's office, where her mentor was pouring a glass of sake. "Is something amiss?"

"When did you return?" Tsunade asked.

"Just moments ago," Sakura responded, retrieving a vial from her cloak. "I acquired a sample of a new substance circulating. I can begin analyzing its components and effects to formulate an antidote."

"First, take it to Shizune. There's another priority I need you to address," Tsunade directed.

"What is it?" Sakura asked, crossing her arms. "I was hoping to focus on developing antidotes."

"I understand, but this matter is more pressing," Tsunade clarified. "They're interfering with my decisions on promotions and my choice of heir. I want to appoint you as my successor, but you still need to achieve the byakugou seal."

Sakura hesitated, then said, "I understand. I'm almost there. I just..."

"Take your time. I believe in you," Tsunade reassured her. "Now, about the project I need your help with..."

Shisui smirked as he entered Sasuke's hospital room and observed the brooding young Uchiha staring out the window. "Hey Shrimp, how are you feeling?" he asked, trying to get Sasuke's attention.

Sasuke's head snapped towards his cousin. "Oh, it's you," he said flatly.

"Were you expecting someone else, kid? Maybe the cute little blossom?" Shisui teased.

Sasuke scowled. "I am not expecting Sakura, not after..." his voice trailed off.

"Knocking her out and leaving her on a bench in the dead of night? Not your brightest move, shrimp! Someone could've hurt her. Not all guys are gentlemen - some are scum," Shisui chided.

"You think I don't know that? Sakura and I learned that the hard way as Genin. It's not something I'll forget," Sasuke retorted.

"I know you know; I'm just reminding you because not everyone in this village is good," Shisui said.

"Itachi already chewed me out for how I treated Sakura. He said Mom wouldn't be proud, and that even as a shinobi, Mom raised us to be gentlemen," Sasuke admitted.

"Nice to know Auntie's etiquette lessons stuck with you," Shisui smirked. "I know you and Itachi talked about more than just that."

"Well, I guess the etiquette training didn't work on you since you flirt with anything that has nice legs," Sasuke retorted.

"Brat!" Shisui exclaimed.

"I'm just speaking the truth, Shisui. You're never gonna find a girlfriend at this rate. You're getting old," Sasuke taunted.

"I'm only twenty-four. I've got plenty of time to find a girlfriend. Maybe Little Blossom will go on a date with me," Shisui teased.

"You're too old for her," Sasuke snapped. "Flirt with someone your own age."

"You seem a little worked up about this. Is there a hint of jealousy, Sasuke?" Shisui probed.

"No, but any guy who wants to date Sakura has to pass the test Naruto and I give him," Sasuke asserted.

"Speaking of Naruto, you almost killed the kid. You did not need to go that far," Shisui chided.

"I had to make my defection convincing. I could not risk the mission three months into it. You of all people know he would have never let me go," Sasuke explained.

Shisui sighed as he sat down on the edge of his cousin's bed. "Everyone thought you had chosen a dark path. The curse mark the snake gave you was messing with your head for a while, and you struggled to control it. The clan elders were furious when they found out you were marked. Orochimaru has targeted you for a long time - he tried to kidnap you as a child, and nearly succeeded. When you started spiraling after the Chunin Exams, they were planning drastic measures..."

"Tsunade and Itachi took care of it. Itachi gave me an earful about letting Orochimaru get to me like that. But I had no choice - he was trying to take over my body, so I had to act fast."

"Relax, we've got Orochimaru locked up. He's no longer a threat."

"True, but his followers are still out there. And people are still interested in me because I..."

"You know you can't discuss that publicly. Some in the village would try to use that knowledge to get what they want from you."

"I know, I'm just frustrated."

"It's okay. I know you're frustrated, Sasuke, but you did an incredible job on this mission. You provided intel on his hideouts and uncovered information our clan has been curious about. Teams will investigate further. You did your job and made it back safely. Now you need to focus on your well-being. I'm sure Auntie is happy to have you home."

"Yes, Father said she's glad I'm back. I haven't seen her yet." Sasuke glanced at Shisui. "We know Orochimaru isn't the only threat. He has followers, and those he experimented on don't deserve to suffer anymore from what that man did to them. They deserve..."

Sasuke's head throbbed, and he placed a hand on his forehead, still feeling the lingering pain. "I'm exhausted, even after sleeping for 12 hours. I'm still tired," he admitted.

"Well, you did just spend eight grueling hours with the T&I department," Shisui pointed out.

Sasuke grimaced. "Having my mind probed is not an experience I care to repeat. Inoichi tried to dig deeper than I was comfortable with."

"How long do you have to stay here?" Shisui asked.

"He'll be kept overnight, and should be released in the morning if his chakra levels have stabilized," a voice chimed in.

Shisui turned towards the door and exclaimed, "Ah, there you are, little blossom!"

Sakura greeted him, "Shisui-san," as she approached the two Uchihas, clipboard in hand.

"Sakura, how many times do I have to tell you - you can talk to me informally?" Shisui said with a wink. "How was your solo mission in Tanzaku Quarters? Anything interesting happen? You know, gambling isn't a good habit, and Lady Tsunade has really rubbed off on you."

Sakura rolled her eyes, ignoring his flirtatious tone, and lightly hit him with her clipboard. "You should know missions are classified. But since you're asking, it's easy to count cards and manipulate the situation when your opponents are drunk. And excellent chakra control helps avoid hangovers - I can give you some tips, if you'd like."

Shisui chuckled. "Hasn't stopped you before. What kind of poison did Lady Hokage want you to get your hands on this time?"

"One I'll use on you if you don't leave. I have a patient to examine," Sakura retorted.

"Alright, alright. I'll see you tomorrow at 8am, training ground 15. Don't cause too much trouble for Sakura, Shrimp," Shisui said as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sakura placed her clipboard down and turned to Sasuke. "Lady Tsunade informed me about everything. I'm here to check on your chakra, give you a physical examination, and make sure your mind is okay after being questioned all night. Any questions?"

Sasuke studied Sakura's appearance, noticing her shorter hair and more confident, mature demeanor. "Sakura...I'm..."

Sakura raised her hand, cutting him off. "Don't bother apologizing right now. It's pointless. I understand it was a mission, but forgiving you, Sasuke, will take time. You almost killed Naruto, and that night..." She paused, unwilling to discuss it further. "I'm only your doctor because Lady Tsunade asked me to. I have a code when it comes to people's health. Let's start with your chakra levels."

Sasuke observed quietly as Sakura jotted down notes on her clipboard, letting out a sigh. "Everything appears to be in order. I'll provide my final evaluation in the morning." She started to walk away, adding, "Don't even think about trying to escape from the hospital. I know you’re not fond of it here," before exiting the room.

“Mah mah, she wasn't as cold as I anticipated," he remarked.

"Kakashi..." Sasuke turned to his former teacher, who was seated by the window engrossed in a book. "How long have you been here?"

"Since you started chatting with Shisui," Kakashi replied, closing his book and focusing on Sasuke.

"I see... I figured Naruto would be the next one to visit me."

"Not pleased to see me?" Kakashi teased lightly. "As for Naruto, he’s been away from the village for two and a half years training with Jiraiya. He left just a few weeks after you did."

"Damn... that explains her mood..."

"She's doing better now. Things got tricky with her Aunt and Uncle after you both left. It’s really up to Sakura if she wants to share her story."

"Did something happen?"

"As I mentioned, it’s Sakura’s choice to reveal that information if she feels comfortable. She’s living with Lady Hokage. Although she hasn’t been adopted, Lady Tsunade treats her like a daughter. Just a heads-up, don’t get on their bad side. You thought her punches were tough before? They’re even worse after training with Lady Tsunade. If you’re looking for Sakura, she could be at the hospital, the Hokage's residence, training ground 15, or hanging out with Ino."

Sasuke decided to drop the topic. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to check on you. Well, I can’t call you my cute little genin anymore; you’ve grown up and moved past that. I heard you’ve been promoted, Sasuke. Congratulations are in order."

Sasuke got straight to the point. "I know there's more to your visit. What do you know about my mission?"

Kakashi sighed, knowing Sasuke preferred directness. "I know enough," he said. "They want to make sure your mental health is okay before sending you on missions again. After what you've been through..."

"I'm fine!" Sasuke said sharply.

"Sasuke, it's okay if you're not," Kakashi said gently. "You were with a man who's been after you since you were a child, a man who wanted to groom you. It's understandable if you're not okay."

"If I'm not okay, it means I can't go on missions. I'm fine, Kakashi. Sakura already checked my mind and she would have said something if she noticed anything strange. I'm just tired, that's all." Sasuke lay down, pulling the covers over his head. "Leave me alone, I want to sleep."

Kakashi vanished in a puff of smoke without a word, only to reappear on the hospital roof moments later.

"Soo! What's your assessment?" Tsunade asked.

Kakashi paused briefly before responding, "He's putting up a shield, as if trying to keep something at bay. I can't help but wonder if it has to do with the removal of the curse mark."

He continued, "Sasuke isn't one to easily open up or share what's on his mind, unless it's to protect someone. As his former teacher, I can tell when he's troubled."

Sakura crossed her arms. "There's no dark chakra feeding on him anymore. His chakra feels warmer, like before the Forest of Death. But he flinched when I was about to check his eyes."

Itachi let out a weary sigh, the weight of the situation heavy on his shoulders. "Inoichi couldn't see everything in Sasuke's mind - he managed to push the interrogator out. Orochimaru has always been intrigued by our clan." Itachi knew he had to carefully conceal the truth. Revealing that Sasuke was the reincarnation of Indra would only invite trouble from the village elders, and Itachi was determined to protect his little brother from Danzo's machinations. "Orochimaru showed interest in me when I joined the ANBU, but gave up when he realized he couldn't get close. He then shifted his focus to Sasuke, even attempting to kidnap him. Sasuke has immense potential, and that snake saw it in him, especially his eyes." Itachi paused, running a hand through his hair. "That's all I can say, as it's a sensitive clan matter."

Turning to Sakura, Itachi continued, "I'm sure Sasuke will eventually open up to you. You've always held a special place in his heart."

"That's not true," Sakura refuted bitterly. "I meant nothing to him. If he truly cared, he wouldn't have left me unconscious on that bench. I need to return to my duties." With that, she departed the rooftop.

Tsunade let out a frustrated sigh. "That girl!"

Kakashi shook his head. "It's to be expected, considering how things were left between them. But I have faith they'll mend their relationship eventually. Sakura can never stay angry at Sasuke for too long."

Itachi frowned. "He may be foolish, but it's been years since I've seen Sasuke. He could surprise us."

Ino sat patiently at their usual barbecue spot, the familiar scent of grilled meat wafting through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter from nearby tables. She absently twirled a strand of her blonde hair around her finger, her mind drifting back to the events of the previous night. It was a routine evening at the Torture and Interrogation Department, but as she was leaving, she had caught sight of Sasuke Uchiha being escorted in for questioning. The sight of him had taken her breath away. He had always been striking, but now, after years away from the village, he seemed to have transformed into something even more captivating. Tall and muscular, with an air of confidence that was hard to ignore, he had an undeniable allure that made her heart race. Ino couldn't help but think that once word spread about his return, both shinobi and civilian girls alike would be clamoring for his attention, and she felt a twinge of possessiveness at the thought.

This morning, over breakfast, she had spoken with her father, who had filled her in on the details of Sasuke's return. He had been on a top-secret mission, one that required a debriefing upon his arrival. Ino's mind raced with possibilities. What kind of mission could keep him away from the village for almost three years? The name Orochimaru flickered in her thoughts like a warning sign. It was the only name that made sense, given Sasuke's past. She considered reaching out to Sakura for more information, but she quickly dismissed the idea. Her best friend had been through enough heartache when Sasuke had left, and Ino suspected that Sakura was still grappling with her feelings. The memory of that fateful night when Sakura had bared her heart to Sasuke, only to be met with a polite thank you, still stung. Ino had witnessed the bond they shared during their time in the Forest of Death, and she had promised herself never to interfere in their complicated relationship. She had long since moved on from her feelings for Sasuke, but the memories lingered like a bittersweet echo.

As the bell rang, signaling the arrival of her friends, Ino's thoughts were interrupted. She looked up to see Shikamaru approaching their table, his usual laid-back demeanor evident in his slow, deliberate movements. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he said, a hint of sheepishness in his tone.

"No problem, Choji isn't here yet, and Asuma-sensei is out on a mission," Ino responded.

"What's the latest gossip in the village today?" Shikamaru inquired.

Knowing Ino well, Shikamaru could tell when she had some juicy gossip to share. He had a feeling he knew what it was about and decided to play along with his nosy friend.

"Sasuke Uchiha is back in Konoha from a classified mission," she revealed.

"I already know."

“I know you know since you work in the Hokage office you have more intel than I do. My dad will not tell me shit.  What do you know? Does Sakura know he is back? You talk to her more than I do these days. It is hard to hang out with Forehead. She is always burying herself in work and neglecting herself. She has been doing it for years and I know it’s a coping mechanism for her.”

“Tsuande assigned Sakura as Sasuke’s doctor.  He is currently in the hospital under her care.”

“He looked fine last night when he was brought in. What happened?”

“You know I can’t tell you.”

“But you are going to tell me anyway. You can resist my charm.”

“You're not charming at all.”

Ino smirked as she looked at her childhood friend Shikamaru. "Well, you're not my type, Shika! Do I need to delve into your mind to get the answers I want?" She had been working on developing a jutsu that allowed her to enter the mind without passing out, though she had only tested it a few times - a detail she chose not to share with Shikamaru. Ino was trying to rattle him, convinced he was hiding something. "There's always another option. I'm 95% sure you're scared of Temari. Should I ask her to beat it out of you? You only seem to listen to her."

Shikamaru sighed. "I listen to no one. There's nothing going on between us. I'm simply her escort when she visits our village."

"I'm sure that's all there is to it. So, are you going to tell me what's going on with Sasuke?"

Choji chimed in as he took a seat next to Shikamaru. "Sasuke? Is there news about him?"

"He's back in the village after an undercover mission. Sakura's looking after him in the hospital. Shikamaru knows more, but he won't tell me anything. You've got to help me, Choji."

"What's in it for me?"

"I'll treat you to all the meat you want today."

"Don't resort to such a cheap tactic with Choji," Shikamaru interjected.

"What, not upping the stakes this time, Shikamaru? I'm disappointed you're giving in so easily."

"I don't give in easily, you irritating woman," Shikamaru sighed. "I just don't feel like dealing with you today. Handling the politics around Sasuke's return is draining enough."

"Let me guess - Danzo's being a dick," Ino said.

"Ino!" Shikamaru gave her a warning glance.

"Well, he is one. Don't tell me he isn't, because Sakura's told me stories."

"You know it's unwise for you two to gossip."

"Have you heard the rumors?" TenTen asked her team as they waited for Gai-sensei to arrive for their daily training session.

"What rumors?" Lee inquired.

"Uchiha returned to the village late last night. Apparently, he was on an undercover mission for the past couple of years," Neji answered.

"Wait, didn't he go to Orochimaru to gain power?" Lee said, surprised by this revelation.

“No, it appears that was merely a ruse—a deception designed to make people believe he was a traitor. However, I think Orochimaru was part of Sasuke's mission. My uncle seemed quite unhappy when Sasuke returned to the compound last night. He spoke highly of Lady Tsunade's abilities but expressed skepticism about the rumors surrounding Sakura,” Neji explained.

"He should just leave Sakura be. She's endured enough without your uncle being difficult. It shouldn't matter that Lady Tsunade wants to name Sakura as her heir since she has no children and treats Sakura like her own," TenTen sighed.

"Sakura is like a lovely spring flower that has lost her family. Lady Tsunade has been one of the few bright spots in her life recently. I just hope Sasuke's return can help restore Sakura's genuine smile," Lee said with a hint of nostalgia.

"Not after how things ended between them. It will take time for Uchiha and Sakura to mend their relationship," TenTen commented. "Sakura has only shared her feelings with a select few about that night—a confession of love and a heartfelt thank you."

"Do you know something?" Lee asked.

"It's not my place to say!" TenTen shot back, her eyes widening slightly. She then turned to Neji, adding, "Besides, your uncle never seems pleased when it comes to the Uchiha. He clings to old beliefs. I can't fathom why he holds such animosity towards them." The tension in the air thickened as they discussed the longstanding grudges that had shaped their families' histories.

"I can't speak for his views since I'm not part of the main family. I have no bias against the Uchiha—I respect Shisui and Itachi immensely. They are both remarkable ninjas, and I feel fortunate to work with them. However, I can't express that openly to my family without facing consequences," Neji clarified

"Naturally, you can't," Lee replied, frustrated by Neji's loyalty to the Hyuga clan. After the Chunin exams, Neji had become more agreeable, possibly due to Hiashi's revelations about his father's fate.

TenTen, always the supportive friend, leaned in closer, her eyes filled with sincerity. "I hope you find a solution soon. Just remember, we're here for you, Neji. If you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out," she encouraged her warm smile a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of clan politics.

Neji felt a flicker of gratitude for his friends. Their unwavering support reminded him that he wasn’t alone in this struggle. "Thank you, both of you," he said, his voice softening.

Izumi knocked on Sasuke's hospital door. "May I come in?" she asked.

Sasuke nodded as he watched Izumi enter the room, her arms laden with flowers. "Itachi informed me of your return from a classified mission," she said, her gaze fixed on the teenager before her.

Sasuke had grown into a handsome young man. The baby fat had melted from his face, leaving behind well-sculpted features. Izumi knew the village girls would be swarming him once they caught sight of him. Most Uchiha men attracted unwanted attention from the female population, with Shisui being the only one who embraced the spotlight. Izumi wondered if he would ever settle down, considering he was nearly twenty-four.

Sasuke's gaze fixed on Izumi as he stated, "I cannot discuss the mission." He paused, then added, "I assume you are either here because you are dating my brother, or you have brought these flowers in hopes of gaining his favor."

“Don’t be a brat.” Izumi placed the flowers on the bedside table and pulled up a chair.

"I want to know so I can address you properly. If you're dating Itachi, I'm sure the elders are furious about your bloodline. The Uchiha heirs must have pure blood, especially those from the main family. But don't worry, my mother doesn't care about that. She likes you and will do whatever it takes to silence them. My mother always gets what she wants, and my father will have to listen to her demands. Besides, my father likes you too, so nothing will come between you and Itachi. He'll make sure of it." Sasuke smirked, imagining his mother putting the elders in their place.

Izumi smiled. "We started dating a few months after we thought you betrayed the village. Things are going well, and the elders haven't bothered us too much."

"Do Inabi, Yoshiro, and Tekka still bother you? If they do, just let me know and I'll take care of them."

"No, they don't. Your father stepped in that one time, and they've backed off. Please, don't stir up trouble, Sasuke."

Sasuke looked at Izumi. "Tell me if they ever do. They have no right to treat you like that." He didn't like to admit it, but he knew Izumi was perfect for his brother Itachi. She balanced him out perfectly. "I know you have something else to say to me. What is it?"

Izumi crossed her arms. "Sakura stopped coming around after... well, I can't talk about it. Your mom tried to help her, but she completely ignored us. I understand why, but I do miss her company. You just had to break the girl's heart and leave her on a bench after she poured her heart out to you. I know it's not your fault, but all hell broke loose in her personal life soon after. She doesn't smile that much anymore. It seems like she closed herself off to the world that day, only letting a few people - Ino, TenTen, Lee, Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru - talk to her. She is always around Lady Tsunade and Shizune. She is even close to the sand princess, Temari. The only person from our clan that she hangs out with is Shisui. You know he..."

Sasuke interrupted, "Sorry, but I was... I don't feel the same way as she... well, felt for me." He didn't want Izumi to know that he had been in love with Sakura for a while. Sakura had a way of breaking down his walls, and he didn't want Izumi to find out and tell his mother, who had always wanted Sakura as a daughter.

"I know they train together. They've been training together since we were Genin. Shisui was here earlier when Sakura came to check on my health," Sasuke sighed. "I know I hurt Sakura, and I tried to apologize, but she told me not to because she can't forgive me yet. I don't blame her. I wasn't always nice to her when we were kids. She made it hard for me to leave for my mission. I had limited time and had to leave her on that bench. She always seemed to know what I was thinking, so annoying."

Izumi gave Sasuke a stern look. "You need to learn how to talk to girls."

Sasuke's expression darkened. "I'm sorry, I was too busy trying to gather intel on an enemy of Konoha. I was constantly underground, moving from hideout to hideout. I had to do unspeakable things to gain his trust and get that crucial information - information that affects the whole clan. If my father finds out what I allowed..."

Sasuke's voice trailed off as he was suddenly overcome by memories of his time with Orochimaru. The experiments he had endured, the way he had given the snake Sannin access to his eyes and body. Sasuke's hand began to shake, his breathing grew heavy, and sweat dripped down his face. His Sharingan activated involuntarily.

"Sasuke?" Izumi reached out and gently shook him. She placed a hand on his cheek, sensing he was no longer fully present. "Sasuke!" Alarmed, Izumi hurried out of the room. "I need Sakura!"

Sakura rushed down the hall and followed Izumi back to Sasuke's room. Arriving at his bedside, she quickly placed a hand on his forehead and used her medical ninjutsu to coax him into a deep, healing sleep. Lowering Sasuke back onto the bed, Sakura let out a concerned sigh. "What happened?"

"We were talking, and he mentioned a few things about his mission. Don't give me that look - Itachi is trying to get information out of him and thought he would talk if it was someone other than him. Sasuke isn't one to talk, but today he was." Izumi paused. "He mentioned you a few times."

Sakura crossed her arms and looked out the window. "Izumi, what did he say about his undercover mission? I need to know because it led to a panic attack."

"He talked about constantly being underground and mentioned doing unspeakable things. He froze up when he brought up his father. From his body language, I think he believes his father would be disappointed in him." Izumi sighed. "Sasuke has always felt like a spare, not important. But that changed after his attempted kidnapping - the people he wanted attention from started to notice him. Now he's afraid that if he messes up, they'll go back to ignoring him. That he'll be forgotten because he isn't special."

Sakura's brow furrowed. "I never knew Sasuke was so insecure. Yes, he has issues, but not this severe." She paused. "Knowing Orochimaru, I'm sure he did terrible things to Sasuke during the mission."

"What kind of things?" Izumi asked, concerned.

"Experiments, most likely. If Sasuke thought the mission required it, he would have allowed it." Sakura sighed, gazing out the window. "He takes missions too seriously and puts his life on the line too often. It's going to get him killed one day."

Izumi placed a hand on Sakura's arm. "Sakura, can you try to patch things up with him? I think it would help him a lot. He's opened up to you before, and you mean a lot to him, even if he doesn't show it."

Sakura nodded. "I can't promise anything, but I'll give it a shot. Why don't you go home and rest? I'll stay here with Sasuke for a while."

A few hours later, Sasuke stirred awake, unsure of when he had drifted off. The dim light filtering through the hospital window cast a soft glow in the room, and as he propped himself up, he looked over at Sakura, who was seated in a chair nearby, her head resting on her arms. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hoarse from sleep.

Sakura lifted her head, her green eyes meeting his with a mixture of concern and warmth. "You had a panic attack, so I helped you fall asleep to calm you down," she explained, moving to sit beside him on the bed. "Izumi was really worried and came looking for me. She thought you might need someone."

Sasuke turned his gaze away, staring at the sterile white walls of the room. "I've been through things that will always haunt me," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I’ll find a way to move on. I did some things I regret to get the information Konoha needed—actions I had to take for my mission. I don’t want you to hate me more than you already do. I know I hurt you, Sakura, and I’m truly sorry."

Sakura felt a pang in her heart at his words. "You did hurt me," she replied, her tone steady but soft. "But I think we should let go of everything that happened that night. Let’s forget the words exchanged and start anew with our friendship."

Sasuke studied her for a moment, his dark eyes searching hers. He was aware that she didn’t genuinely want to erase that night from memory; it was too significant, too painful. "If that’s what you wish, we can put that night behind us," he said, though a part of him felt the weight of unspoken truths lingering in the air.

"It is," Sakura affirmed, but then hesitated. "But I think we should discuss a few things unrelated to that night. Would you be willing to share what happened to you if I talk about my experience with the snake? Izumi mentioned you’ve been keeping to yourself."

Sakura sighed and crossed her arms, feeling the tension in her chest. "It’s a way to protect myself," she admitted, feeling unprepared for this conversation but recognizing it was necessary to encourage Sasuke to open up.

Noticing her demeanor, Sasuke said, "You don’t have to if you’re not ready. I shouldn’t have pressed you." He looked at her sincerely, "We don’t even have to talk. Can you just stay with me for a bit, Sakura? Your presence makes this hospital room feel less suffocating."

“I’ll stay, but if someone needs me, I might have to go.”


Kiba leaned back against the old stone wall, the familiar spot for mission briefings. At his feet, his faithful dog Akamaru rested, alert yet relaxed. The village buzzed with whispers about Sasuke Uchiha's possible return, making Kiba wonder how much truth there was to the rumors. He had faith in Ino's gossip skills and hoped that Sakura's reassurances were genuine. Memories of Sakura's frantic efforts to stop Sasuke from leaving flooded his mind, especially her emotional breakdown with Ino that had impacted everyone. Kiba understood that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke ran deep; it was more than just a crush.

"You look lost in thought," Shino remarked.

Kiba glanced at his teammate. "When did you arrive?"

"I've been here all along. Some things never change—I'm always overlooked," Shino replied, a touch of nostalgia in his tone.

"Sorry about that, Shino. I was just reflecting on Sasuke's return and wondering how Sakura is holding up. Naruto asked me to keep an eye on her," Kiba said.

Shino nodded in understanding. "Uchiha are fiercely protective of their loved ones, whether in love or friendship. Sasuke's instinct to protect Sakura is strong. We do the same for Hinata."

"That's true," Kiba agreed. "I wonder why Hinata is taking so long. Maybe she's caught up with clan issues, trying to earn her father's approval."

"That man doesn't deserve her efforts," Shino remarked, gently stroking Akamaru's fur.

"I get that, but family means a lot to Hinata. She's trying to fix things, especially with Neji," Kiba replied.

Kiba frowned. "I still have my doubts about him."

"Hinata has moved past Neji's harshness, but there are still unresolved tensions in the clan. Neji is just trying to find his way through it," Shino explained.

"I just hope Hinata doesn't get stuck in the middle of all this. She's such a sweet and gentle person; she shouldn't have to deal with any more chaos," Kiba said, his worry clear.

Shino regarded Kiba thoughtfully, his expression as inscrutable as ever. "The world of shinobi is inherently chaotic, Kiba. We all have our burdens to bear, and Hinata is no exception. But she possesses a strength that often goes unnoticed."

Kiba nodded, his gaze drifting back to the bustling village. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that danced across the cobblestone streets. He could see children playing, their laughter ringing out like a melody, a stark contrast to the weight of their conversation. "Yeah, I know she’s strong. But sometimes I wish she’d let us help her more. It’s like she feels she has to shoulder everything alone."

"Perhaps she believes that is her duty," Shino replied, his voice calm and steady. "The Hyuga clan has a long history of expectations and responsibilities. Hinata has always been the one to bear the burden of her family's legacy, even if she is not the heir, she is still sacrificing her happiness to please her family.”

Kiba sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "It’s not fair. She deserves to be happy and to live her life without constantly worrying about what others think. I just want her to know that she has us—her friends—who will stand by her no matter what."

Akamaru stirred at Kiba's feet, sensing his owner's agitation. The dog lifted his head, ears perked, as if trying to offer comfort. Kiba reached down to scratch behind Akamaru's ears, finding comfort in the familiar gesture. "You know, I’ve always admired how you and Hinata balance each other out. You’re both so different, yet you complement each other perfectly."

Shino's brow furrowed slightly, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Hinata's gentleness tempers your impulsiveness, while your boldness encourages her to step out of her comfort zone. It’s a dynamic that can lead to growth for both of you."

"Yeah, but I just wish she could see how much she means to us," Kiba said, his voice tinged with frustration. "I want her to know that she doesn’t have to fight her battles alone. We’re a team, and we should face everything together."

"Perhaps you should tell her that," Shino suggested, his tone encouraging. "Words can carry great weight, especially when they come from someone she trusts."

Shinji glanced at Fugaku, his face etched with confusion. "I don't understand why the Hyuga clan is so determined to prevent Sasuke from getting a double promotion," he questioned, his voice tinged with bewilderment. "After everything he went through on that mission, he deserves it. It's no secret that he has suffered at the hands of that man for years."

Fugaku let out a weary sigh, his gaze shifting to Yuta. "The Hyuga clan has never been particularly fond of our clan. I believe it stems from a deep-rooted jealousy towards the Uchiha, considering we are one of the founding clans," he explained.

Arata, who had been listening intently, interjected, "But that doesn't give them the right to interfere with a well-deserved promotion. They shouldn't have any influence over the council's decisions in this village. We didn't block Neji Hyuga's double promotion, and that child deserved it. It's a shame he's part of the branch family and burdened with that curse. He's an incredibly skilled ninja, and the main family's treatment of him is disgraceful. They're hindering his progress. Slavery in this day and age is..."

Yuta interrupted, "We're not here to discuss the Hyuga clan and their practices. We need to focus on Sasuke. I want to know why you didn't inform us about his undercover mission. We were ready to banish him from the clan for his betrayal."

Fugaku held up a hand, silencing the room. "We needed everyone to believe that Sasuke had betrayed the clan and the village," he admitted, his voice weighed down with the burden of his decision. "We wanted them to think that Orochimaru's offer of power had influenced him. And as for why I didn't inform anyone, not even my wife... Mikoto is furious with me. I've been sleeping on my office couch ever since Sasuke's return. She wants nothing to do with me at the moment."

Eager to move the conversation forward, Shinji asked, "When will Sasuke be released from the hospital? We need to speak with him and evaluate his skills. He needs to be tested."

"He'll be released when his doctor clears him for active duty," Fugaku replied.

“Who is his doctor? Shouldn't an Uchiha be taking care of him?" Yuta asked. "We have several clan members working at the hospital."

"Sakura Haruno is looking after him," Fugaku responded.

"Isn't she the girl Shisui spends time with?" Arata inquired.

"He has been training the girl in genjutsu and watching over her since her aunt and uncle attempted to seal her chakra and force her into an unwanted marriage. She was once Sasuke's teammate, and my wife enjoyed her company before she began distancing herself from our family. We care deeply about both of Sasuke's former genin teammates."

"Why did she start avoiding your family? Did something happen between Sasuke and Haruno?" Arata asked.

"If anything did happen, I prefer not to meddle in my children's personal lives."

"Fugaku, you already have one son in a relationship that doesn't align with the clan's expectations for the heir. The blood of Izuna Uchiha flows through their veins, as Mikoto is a descendant of his. There are whispers that Itachi intends to marry Izumi. We can't let another son compromise the main family bloodline, especially with a student of a Senju. Sasuke needs to marry someone from a strong clan, not a civilian. Perhaps it's time to mend ties with the Hyuga clan - Hisashi's daughter Hinata is Sasuke's age and is no longer the heir. We should set up a meeting between them."

Fugaku glared at Yuta and said, "Sakura is a well-respected ninja, the apprentice of the Hokage. Lady Tsunade has worked with us and does not have any prejudice against our clan, unlike her uncle. She sees Sakura as a daughter, and if the rumors are true, the Hokage plans on naming Sakura her heir, which would be good for the village. If something is going on between my son and Sakura, I would approve of it. Being on good terms with Lady Tsunade is important to the clan. It is time to end the feud between the Uchiha and the Senju. It got our clan into a lot of trouble in the past."

Yuta was growing increasingly frustrated with Fugaku's approach. "This isn't how things should be," he expressed.

Fugaku firmly stated, "Sasuke is only sixteen, and I refuse to arrange a marriage for him, especially with the eldest Hyuga. Hinata is too timid and infatuated with Naruto Uzumaki. We are Uchiha, and we don't enter loveless marriages. Our love is stronger than that. Sasuke should have the freedom to choose his life partner when the time is right. I won't allow you to meddle in his personal life, especially his friendship with Naruto and Sakura."

Yuta glared at Fugaku, determined to make his point. "Sooner or later, a decision needs to be made, Fugaku. Sasuke will be tested, and he may even take Itachi's place as the future head of the Uchiha clan."

“So, how's my dim-witted cousin doing? Did you finally let him out of the hospital?" Shisui teased, a grin spreading across his face as he prepared for a showdown with Sakura. His playful tone was a stark contrast to the tension that had been hanging in the air since the incident.

"He'll be there for a few more days. I want to keep a close watch on him, especially after what happened last night," Sakura answered, her voice serious. The weight of her words hung heavily between them, a reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

"Izumi filled us in on everything. Sasuke hasn't been this rattled since he was a kid, back when Orochimaru nearly took him," Shisui commented, his expression shifting to one of concern.

“I am not going to tell you Shisui.”

"I'm pretty good at keeping secrets, little flower," Shisui shot back, his grin returning as he leaned casually against a nearby tree, clearly enjoying the banter.

"Doctor-patient confidentiality," Sakura reminded him, her tone firm. She was not about to let him pry into Sasuke's vulnerabilities, no matter how much he joked.

"That hasn't stopped you before, Senju Princess," Shisui grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Besides, this is about Sasuke. I feel a bit responsible for him." His tone softened slightly, revealing a hint of genuine concern beneath the teasing.

"Well, I'm not sharing anything. I made a promise to him," Sakura insisted, crossing her arms defiantly. "And stop calling me that. The village elders don't know about Lady Tsunade's plans for me to be her successor." Her cheeks flushed slightly at the thought, anxiety swirling within her.

"They'll find out sooner or later, Sakura," Shisui replied, his voice light but with an undertone of seriousness. He knew how much pressure came with such a title.

"That's not the point," she shot back, her frustration evident. She was determined to keep her personal and professional lives separate, especially when it came to Sasuke.

Realizing it was better to redirect the conversation to Sasuke, Shisui sighed, his playful demeanor fading slightly. "Back on good terms, huh? That was fast. I guess I owe Itachi some dango. That little shit knows you two too well."

He chuckled, recalling how Itachi had always been the one to see through their antics. 

Sakura stomped her foot, causing the ground to tremble beneath Shisui. "We're starting fresh and wiping that night from our minds," she declared firmly.

Shisui appeared at her side, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "Are you sure that's the best choice, Sakura?" he asked. "Are you really going to lock away your feelings for little Sasuke?" He paused, then thought to himself, "Especially since the kid is completely smitten with you."

Sakura slipped on her gloves, her expression resolute. "It's for the best," she replied. Leveling a challenging gaze at Shisui, she asked, "Are you ready to lose again, Shisui-san?"

Mikoto's heart swelled with joy as she finally reunited with her son after nearly three years, she had missed him dearly since his return and was eager to make up for the time lost. Holding a carefully crafted bento packed with Sasuke's favorite meals, she was determined to ensure he wouldn’t have to settle for hospital food or whatever else he had been eating while under that man's care.

As she stepped into room 307, she paused at the sight of him. Her son had changed so much; the thirteen-year-old who had left the village was now a sixteen-year-old young man.

“Mom.” Sasuke turned to her, surprised to see her in mission gear. No one had told him she was back in the shinobi ranks.

Mikoto took a moment to admire the handsome young man he had become.

She rushed to him, wrapping her arms around her youngest. “My sweet, handsome boy, I’m so relieved you’re home safe.” She kissed the top of his head. “I’m really upset with your father and brother for not telling me about your mission. I thought I had lost you for good.”

“I’m sorry for worrying you.” Sasuke returned the hug. “I didn’t mean for you to be left in the dark. The Hokage and Dad wanted to keep my mission under wraps. If people knew I went to Orochimaru just to gather intel for the village, it could have jeopardized everything.”

Mikoto gently pulled back and placed her hand on Sasuke’s cheek.

“Don’t stress about it. I’m just grateful to have you back safe in the village.” She picked up the bento she had set down. “I brought your favorites.”

“Thank you…”

Sasuke's voice trailed off as he caught a glimpse of the meticulously arranged bento box. The vibrant colors of the food seemed to leap out at him, each compartment filled with dishes that brought back a flood of memories from his childhood. There were onigiri shaped like little triangles, glistening with a hint of sesame oil, alongside a generous portion of his favorite teriyaki chicken, perfectly glazed and tender. He could even see the small, delicate slices of tamagoyaki, the sweet Japanese omelet that his mother had always made just right.

Mikoto watched as a smile slowly spread across Sasuke's face, a sight she had longed to see. It was a smile that reminded her of the little boy who used to run around the house, full of energy and laughter. “I remember how much you loved these,” she said, her voice warm with nostalgia. “I made sure to include everything you used to ask for.”

Sasuke's eyes softened as he looked at her, the weight of the past three years lifting slightly. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me,” he said, though the gratitude in his tone was unmistakable. “I’ve been eating fine—”

“Hospital food is not fine,” Mikoto interjected playfully, raising an eyebrow. “You deserve better than that, especially after everything you’ve been through. You need to take care of yourself, Sasuke.”

He nodded, the warmth of her concern wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. “I will, Mom. I promise.” He reached for the bento, his fingers brushing against hers, and for a moment, they both lingered there, savoring the connection that had been so painfully absent.

As he opened the bento, the familiar scents enveloped him, and he felt a pang of longing for the simpler times when he would sit at the kitchen table, sharing meals with his family. “You really went all out,” he said, his voice filled with appreciation as he took a bite of the teriyaki chicken. The flavors burst in his mouth, and he closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the taste. “This is amazing.”

Mikoto beamed, her heart swelling with pride. “I’m glad you like it. I wanted to make sure you felt at home again.” She settled into the chair beside him, her eyes never leaving his face as he ate. “Tell me everything. How was the mission?”

Chapter 22: Nightshade


Hi Everyone...

It has been a while since I have updated this story. First, I want to apologize. I was traveling a lot this summer and could not find the time to write, and whne I finally found the time to write - I had a bit of a health scare and had to get test done to make sure I was okay. My health is fine. The test just had to be done to make sure it wasn't anything else.

I just wanted to recommend reading the chapter before this one. I made a few edits and extended some scenes in the pervious chapter.

I hope you enjoy, and I will do my best to update again soon.

Chapter Text

A man's urgent voice broke the silence. "Hurry to Konoha and tell them I need one of their top medics," he rasped between ragged breaths, struggling to maintain composure. His words were punctuated by a violent cough, the ominous sound echoing in the dimly lit room.

Ryu's brow furrowed with concern. "The Akatsuki?" he questioned, referring to the notorious criminal group seeking to destroy the Great Shinobi Nations. Ryu believed they were behind this sudden illness in their small village in the Land of Flowers.                                            

The man shook his head, his expression grave. "No, the Akatsuki aren't behind this sickness. They've shifted their focus to hunting the Jinchuriki, and the Kazekage is rumored to be their next target." Another harsh cough rattled his frame, hinting at the severity of his condition as he fought for each labored breath.

Aware that his time was running short, the man continued, "This disease didn't just appear out of nowhere. It was deliberately unleashed by a group that wants to sow chaos!" Ryu felt a growing sense of urgency as he turned to the village leader, desperation evident in his voice. "Who should I seek out in Konoha?"

"The Hokage, Tsunade Senju, is the finest medic in the Great Shinobi Nations," the man replied. "She has the skills and knowledge to combat this disease, but you must hurry. Time is of the essence, and every moment wasted could mean more lives lost."

Ryu nodded, determination igniting within him. He knew the journey to Konoha would be fraught with challenges, but he couldn't afford to hesitate. "What do I tell her? How do I explain the situation?"

"Inform Tsunade that this is a plague unlike any she has encountered. It spreads rapidly and the symptoms are severe. We need her medical expertise to find a cure before it claims more lives. And make sure to warn her - this is no natural event."

With a firm nod, Ryu turned and bolted out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him. The weight of the world felt heavy on his shoulders, but a glimmer of hope flickered in his chest. If anyone could make a difference, it was Tsunade. He raced through the village, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the journey ahead and the faces of those relying on him flashing in his mind.

He raced through the village, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the journey ahead. The familiar sights - the vibrant market stalls, the laughter of children, the warm smiles of neighbors - felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by the urgency of his mission. The cries of the afflicted echoed in his ears, a haunting reminder of what was at stake.

Ryu's heart pounded with each step, the rhythm matching the gravity of the situation. The village leader's words echoed in his mind; the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. This was no ordinary illness, but a plague that threatened to consume everything. He had to reach Tsunade and bring back hope.

As he reached the outskirts, Ryu paused to catch his breath. The long shadows cast by the setting sun ominously loomed, and the familiar path to the forest now felt threatening, the trees like sentinels guarding dangerous secrets.

Ryu steeled himself, pushing past the fear that threatened to creep in. He was no seasoned shinobi, just a man with limited training, unprepared for the burdens he now bore. Yet he was a lifeline for the Land of Flowers, a beacon of hope in a time of despair.

With a deep breath, he plunged into the forest, the underbrush crunching beneath his feet. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and pine, but it did little to calm his racing heart. He navigated the familiar trails, his instincts guiding him as he moved with purpose, every rustle heightening his senses.

As he ventured deeper, Ryu's mind raced with thoughts of Tsunade. He had heard tales of her legendary healing powers, but would she be willing to help? Would she understand the urgency? Failure was not an option - too much hung in the balance.

Exhausted from his long journey, Ryu paused to catch his breath as he reached the bustling gates of Konohagakure. The vibrant activity around him - merchants calling to customers, children laughing, shinobi moving with purpose - stood in stark contrast to the quiet desperation he had witnessed back home. Yet, amidst this pulsing energy, Ryu felt like a ghost, an outsider burdened by a daunting mission.

A young kunoichi approached, her brow furrowed. "I need to speak with Tsunade Senju," Ryu rasped, his voice strained from the travel.

"Why do you seek an audience with the Hokage?" the kunoichi asked cautiously.

Ryu began to explain, "Like others before me, I come regarding a disease ravaging my small village in the Land of Flowers. It's spreading rapidly, and..." But a wave of dizziness overtook him. The exhaustion of his journey, combined with the pressure of his urgent mission, proved too much. Ryu swayed, his vision blurring, and before he could regain his balance, he collapsed.

The kunoichi gasped and hurried to his side. "Hey, are you alright?" She knelt beside him, hands hovering nervously as she checked on his condition. Ryu could hear the distant sounds of the village, but they faded to a soft murmur as darkness began to close in.

"Why did I have to be on guard duty today? I'm just a Genin," Moegi panicked, placing a hand on the man's shoulder, hoping to rouse him. "I should have stopped Konohamaru from volunteering our team to watch the gates while Kotetsu and Izumo took their lunch break."

Returning to Konoha was an adjustment Sasuke had to make. One aspect he did not miss, however, was the intense scrutiny he faced - not just from his clan members, but also from the villagers. The weight of their watchful gazes felt heavier than ever, constantly reminding him of his lineage and the expectations that came with it.Whispers followed him like shadows, and he could sense the curiosity and judgment in their eyes. Some called him a traitor, while others fawned over him. Even Maiya, the tomato merchant, gave him a basket of tomatoes when he walked home from the hospital with his mother.

But once news of his undercover mission spread through the village, as gossip often does, people's perceptions shifted. They now looked at him as a sort of hero - though he did not feel like one. During the mission, he had done some questionable things that he wanted to keep undisclosed to the public and his clan.

"You need to understand the operations of the Konoha Military Police Force," Fugaku stated firmly, cutting through Sasuke's thoughts as he led him through the corridors. His voice carried the weight of authority and expectation. Sasuke could feel the intensity of his father's gaze - a mixture of pride and pressure that made his heart race.

"You are no longer a child; it is time to embrace your birthright. During your time between missions, you will be shadowing various members to familiarize yourself with their duties and assume the position of Lieutenant."

Sasuke nodded in agreement, his mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. The hallways were lined with tributes to past Uchiha officers, each one a testament to their clan's legacy.

A wave of determination washed over him. This was his chance to prove himself, to step out from the shadows of his brother and the family's tragic history. He would not end up like Indra, destroying those he cared about. Mastering the force's operations would be crucial. As a child, he had always dreamed of leading the police - now was his opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities to his father.

As they walked, Fugaku pointed out different sections, explaining the roles of various units. "This is the interrogation room," he said, gesturing to the stark, windowless space. "Here, we gather intelligence and ensure that justice is served. You'll learn the importance of information and how it can turn the tide in any situation."

"Evidence from past and ongoing cases is stored here," Fugaku continued. "You'll need special clearance to access these files."

Sasuke asked, "Are there any cases you'd prefer I not read?"

Fugaku paused, his expression momentarily clouded by caution. "There are some particularly sensitive cases, Sasuke. They involve not just the law, but the lives of those we protect. I trust you to approach this responsibility with the seriousness it deserves." His voice softened slightly as his thoughts drifted to Sakura - a case he would never allow his son to access, as it would only haunt him further. "Some truths can be heavy to bear, and not all of them are meant for young eyes."

Sasuke nodded, absorbing his father's weighty words. He knew there were files Fugaku did not want him to read, and he understood he should respect that boundary. Yet, Sasuke also knew his own curiosity would likely get the better of him, just as it had when he was nine and tried to learn all he could about Orochimaru.

As Sasuke listened intently, he found himself captivated by the intricacies of law enforcement and the delicate balance between maintaining order and understanding the human psyche. But a part of him also felt the heavy weight of expectation pressing down on his shoulders. Would he be able to live up to his father's vision? Would he carve out his own identity within the confines of the clan's formidable legacy?

"You will start patrols today with Shisui," Fugaku concluded. 

"Doctor Haruno!" A flustered nurse burst into Sakura's office, her pale face and quick, gasping breaths betraying her urgency. "We have an emergency."

Sakura looked up from her paperwork, her brow furrowing with concern. "What's going on? Is it Mr. Nakamura causing trouble again? If so, you just need to…"

The nurse vigorously shook her head, her ponytail swinging wildly. "No, it's not him. Surprisingly, he's been pretty well-behaved today. Izumo brought in a man he found at the Northern Gate. Moegi discovered the man and reported it. She may need to talk to someone after he's examined. I know we've been trying to debrief people after traumatic events, and…"

Sakura raised a hand to stop her. "I'll talk with Moegi later. For now, tell me what you know about this man."

“The man asked for the best doctor before he collapsed, but Lady Tsunade is tied up with the Suna ambassador and doesn't want to be interrupted."

Sakura's heart raced at the urgency in the nurse's voice. "What about Shizune? Can she help?"

The nurse's expression darkened. "She's in surgery... a complicated case. You're the only one left, Doctor Haruno."

Sakura took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. "So, I'm the only available doctor?" she repeated, the words stained with a hint of nervousness. This situation reminded her of the time she decided to take part in the Chunin Exams with Ino and Choji - the last time she had treated a patient on her own, she had fainted from exhaustion due to overusing her limited chakra reserves, which she had been carefully storing to gain the Byakugou.

The nurse nodded, "You're the most experienced doctor here, so yes. We need you."

Sakura's resolve hardened as she stood up. With a steady voice, she said firmly, "Take me to the patient," despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She grabbed her white coat from the back of her chair and slipped it on, the familiar fabric grounding her.

As Sakura rushed through the bustling hospital halls, her mind raced with questions. What had happened to the man? Was he injured, sick, or something worse? Pushing aside her concerns, she focused intently on the task at hand.

The nurse led Sakura through a maze of echoing corridors, their footsteps reverberating against the sterile tiles. Passing curious onlookers, Sakura remained laser-focused on reaching the patient.

They finally arrived at a small examination room. The nurse opened the door, and Sakura stepped inside, her heart pounding. The unconscious man lay motionless on the table, his pale and clammy face glistening with sweat. His shallow, labored breaths were the only sign of life.

Sakura hurried to the man's side. "Can you hear me?" she murmured, gently shaking his shoulder. There was no response, only the steady rise and fall of his chest.

She quickly checked his vital signs, her fingers deftly moving to find a pulse. It was weak and thready, barely perceptible. "Stay with me," she murmured, her voice steady despite the rising tide of anxiety within her. She reached for the stethoscope hanging around her neck, placing it against his chest to listen for any irregularities. The faint thump of his heart echoed in her ears, a reminder that he was still fighting.

"Get me a blood pressure cuff and an IV kit," she instructed the nurse, her tone leaving no room for hesitation. The nurse nodded and hurried off, leaving Sakura alone with the patient. She took a deep breath, grounding herself in the moment. This was what she was trained for, what she had dedicated her life to—saving lives.

As she waited, she examined the man more closely. He appeared to be in his late thirties, with dark hair matted to his forehead. There were no visible injuries, but the paleness of his skin and the sheen of sweat suggested something more insidious at play. Was it an infection? A reaction to medication? Her mind raced through the possibilities, each more alarming than the last.

The nurse returned, her hands slightly shaking as she handed over the blood pressure cuff. Sakura swiftly wrapped the cuff around the man's arm, her mind racing. "His pulse is weak, and his blood pressure is dropping," she reported, her voice trembling.

"What do we know about him? Did he say anything besides asking for Tsunade before he collapsed?"

The nurse shook her head. "All I know is that he requested the best doctor. Moegi mentioned he seemed to have been running for some time, but she didn't get a chance to ask him anything before he lost consciousness."

Sakura felt the nurse hadn't gathered all the information from Moegi. "Could you please bring Moegi to me? I need to get the details she might have."

"But Moegi's not allowed back here," the nurse replied.

"She can come if it's concerning an unconscious patient. Moegi is a skilled kunoichi, and I want to learn from her observations." Sakura insisted.

The nurse hesitated, glancing back at the door. Finally, she sighed and relented to Sakura's request. "Alright, I'll see what I can do." She stepped out.

Sakura turned her attention back to the patient. His pale face was beaded with sweat, and the tension in his muscles suggested the stress that had led to his collapse.

The nurse returned with Moegi. Sakura looked at the girl and began, "I need you to..." but her words were cut short as the man stirred, his eyes fluttering open. "Wha—where am I?" he whispered hoarsely.

Sakura's calm, practiced voice replied, "Take it easy, you're in Konoha's hospital. You collapsed, and we're here to help. Can you tell me your name?"

"Ryu," he managed, his voice rough as if he had been shouting or silent for days. Studying the teenage doctor, he remarked, "You're not Tsunade." Shinobi medics could be young, but he never expected someone as pretty as her to be a doctor.

"No, but I'm her apprentice. She taught me everything I know," Sakura said reassuringly, offering a calming smile to ease his tension. "You're safe now, Ryu. Just focus on your breathing."

Ryu's eyes scanned the hospital room, taking in the bright white walls, medical equipment, and soft lighting. "My village is suffering from a disease. I was sent here by my leader to seek Tsunade's help."

Sakura's expression shifted to one of focused concern. "I understand. It must be incredibly stressful, especially if your village is in danger. But you did the right thing coming here. Tsunade is the best healer, and she'll do everything she can to help."

Ryu's brow furrowed as he struggled to sit up, his body still weak. "I need to get to her. Time is running out for my people. The's spreading quickly. We don't have much left."

"Easy now," Sakura said, gently steadying him. "You need to rest first. Your health is important too. If you push too hard, you won't be able to help anyone." Seeing the desperation in his eyes, she asked, "Tell me more about this disease. What are the symptoms? How long has it been affecting your village?"

Ryu took a deep breath, wincing slightly as he shifted in the bed. "It started about a month ago," he began, his voice still hoarse but gaining strength. "At first, it was just a few cases—people complaining of fatigue, fever, and a persistent cough. We thought it was just a seasonal illness, but then it escalated. Within weeks, it spread like wildfire. Now, entire families are bedridden, and some have already... they didn’t make it."

Sakura's heart sank at his words. She could see the weight of his worry etched on his face, the desperation in his eyes. "What about the symptoms? Are there any other signs we should know about?" she pressed, her mind racing with the possibilities of what they might be dealing with.

Ryu nodded, "In addition to the fever and cough, there’s a strange rash that appears on the skin. It starts as small red spots and then spreads, becoming painful and itchy. Some of the villagers have reported difficulty breathing as well. It’s as if the illness is attacking their lungs and skin simultaneously. We’ve lost several elders, and the children are particularly vulnerable."

Sakura exchanged a glance with Moegi, who stood quietly by the door, her eyes wide with concern. "We need to gather more information," Sakura said, her mind already formulating a plan. "If we can understand the nature of the disease, we might be able to develop a treatment or at least a way to contain it."

Ryu's eyes flickered with hope, but it was quickly overshadowed by the weight of his responsibility. "I can’t go back empty-handed. My leader entrusted me with this mission. If I fail, it could mean the end for my village."

"You won’t fail," Sakura assured him. "But you need to focus on your recovery first. I’ll make sure you get the care you need, and I’ll inform Tsunade about your situation as soon as she’s available.”

Sakura turned to the nurse. "I want you to check on Ryu every half-hour. I'm going to see Tsunade." The symptoms the man described reminded her of the rare poison she had encountered on her last mission. That wasn't the only one in circulation, it seemed - there were likely more out there.

As Sakura stepped out of the room, she felt the cool air of the hallway wash over her, a stark contrast to the heated anxiety that had built up inside. She took a deep breath before making her way to the Hokage Tower.

Shisui glanced at the quiet Sasuke as they strolled through the sun-dappled village streets. "You're pretty quiet today, Shrimp," he teased, a playful smirk on his lips.

Sasuke shot him a sideways glance, his brow furrowing slightly. "Do you have to keep calling me that? I'm just as tall as you," he replied gruffly, crossing his arms defensively. "I've always been this way."

Shisui chuckled, shaking his head. "True, you don't say much these days. But you used to chat with me when we were kids, remember? We'd run around the village, dreaming of becoming great shinobi. Is something bothering you?"

Sasuke's gaze drifted to the ground, his steps slowing as he considered Shisui's words. The vibrant village seemed to blur around him, the distant laughter of children fading to a dull hum. "Things have changed," he finally admitted. "I should have expected it, being away so long, and the way I left things with Sakura. I shouldn't have used genjutsu on her that night."

Shisui raised an eyebrow, his playful demeanor shifting to concern. "Genjutsu? What did you do to Sakura?"

Sasuke sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I thought it would help her forget the pain I caused. I thought it was best for her not to remember."

"Remember what?" Shisui pressed.

"That I kissed her that night." The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotion. Sasuke's heart raced as he recalled the moment - the warmth of her lips, the surprise in her eyes, the fleeting hope that things could be different.

Shisui's expression shifted, "You kissed her? And then you thought erasing her memory was the solution? Sasuke, that's not how it works. You can't just take away someone's feelings like that."

"I know," Sasuke replied, "It was stupid, but I knew she would come after me."

The Anbu guard stationed outside Tsunade's office hesitated. "Lady Sakura, Tsunade is still in a meeting with the Suna ambassador. She said..."

Sakura replied confidently, "I'm sure Temari won't mind a little interruption." After all, they were friends. Sakura had become close allies with the Suna Jonin through Team 10 and the three months she spent studying poisons under Chiyo in Suna earlier that year.

"But..." the guard began, his voice trailing off as he visibly wrestled with his duty and the urgency in Sakura's request.

Sakura's expression shifted to a more serious tone. "There's a patient at the hospital who came from the Land of Flowers seeking our assistance," she explained, her brow furrowing. "I need to discuss a potential threat linked to a poison I acquired during a mission in Tanzaku Quarters. I've found traces of it in the patient's blood."

The guard's expression softened as he recognized the gravity in Sakura's tone. He had seen her tireless work at the hospital, saving lives and providing comfort. "I understand, but you know how important this meeting is. The alliance with Suna is crucial for our village's security."

Sakura nodded, her heart racing as she thought of the struggling patient. She and Shizune had almost figured out the antidote components. "I get that, but if this poison is as dangerous as I suspect, it could threaten others too. We need to act quickly."

With a sigh, the guard relented. "If you truly believe this is urgent, I can let you in for a moment. But you must be quick. I can't let you stay long."

Sakura's expression softened with gratitude. "Thank you. I promise I won't take up too much of her time." As the guard opened the door, the atmosphere shifted. The room was thick with tension as they discussed the Akatsuki's movements.

"They've begun targeting the Jinchuriki. According to our intel, Fuu from the Land of Waterfall has been captured. We have no updates on her status—whether she's alive or not. I fear my brother could be next."

"Jiraiya has caught wind of their activities. We've been trying to extract information from Orochimaru about potential hideouts," Tsunade explained to Temari.

"Orochimaru? How did you manage that?" Temari inquired.

"Uchiha Sasuke has been on an undercover mission, feeding us intel for the last few years. He just returned," Tsunade replied.

"So, the rumors are true. Is Naruto aware of this?" Temari asked.

"No, Jiraiya has been keeping the details about Sasuke under wraps, but he will find out soon. They are coming back to Konoha with Naruto..."

Tsunade sat behind her desk, her brow furrowed in concentration, when Sakura entered.

"Sakura?" Tsunade's voice held surprise. "What is it? I thought I told you I was in a meeting."

Sakura took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I know, Tsunade, and I apologize for the interruption, but it's urgent." She stepped further into the room, the door closing softly behind her, muffling the ongoing discussion.

Tsunade's expression shifted from surprise to concern as she noted the seriousness in Sakura's eyes. "What's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Sakura hesitated, glancing at Temari, who sat across from Tsunade, arms crossed, and eyebrow raised in curiosity. "It's about the patient in the hospital," Sakura began, her voice calm despite the gravity. "He's from the Land of Flowers, and I suspect he was poisoned with the same toxin I won during that blackjack tournament. I need your approval to take immediate action."

Temari leaned in, intrigued. "Poison? What kind? Is it connected to the Akatsuki?"

"No, I don't think so. The ingredients in Sasori's poisons are different. This seems to be the work of someone inexperienced."

Tsunade's expression grew serious. "An amateur using poison without proper knowledge could lead to chaos and unintended consequences. We can't ignore this situation."

Sakura nodded, her heart racing. "The symptoms are strange, and I've never seen anything like it. The patient is stable for now, but we need to act quickly to develop an antidote. I'll assemble a team of skilled medical ninjas and combat specialists to investigate in the Land of Flowers."

Temari considered the information. "There have been reports of unusual activity near the Land of Flowers' borders - sightings of rogue ninjas, but nothing concrete. Someone may be trying to exploit the region by using poison as a destabilizing tactic."

Tsunade's brow furrowed as she weighed their options. "If this is part of a larger scheme, we need to investigate. But we also have to ensure the safety of our personnel. Temari, is there any intelligence from Suna that could shed more light on the situation?"

After a moment of thought, Temari replied, "We've had reports of unusual activity near the Land of Flowers' borders, including sightings of rogue ninjas. It's possible someone is trying to destabilize the region using poison."

Sakura's expression was grave. "That's exactly what I'm afraid of. If we don't act quickly, this could escalate into a much larger crisis. I need to gather a team of skilled medical ninjas and combat specialists to investigate safely."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed as she considered their limited resources. "We're stretched thin with Shinobi on missions. I have only one choice, and I'm not sure if he's ready." She made a decision. "Tenzo, bring me Sasuke Uchiha."

Tenzo materialized before Shisui and Sasuke as they patrolled the streets of the Hidden Leaf Village. His sudden appearance did not startle the two shinobi.

"Hey, Tenzo," Shisui greeted warmly, "What brings you here? Am I being summoned for a mission?"

The ANBU agent, wearing a cat-shaped mask marked with red and green, shook his head and turned to Sasuke. "Uchiha Sasuke, you are being summoned for a mission."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, intrigued but not entirely surprised. His recent medical leave could only last so long - he was ready to get back out in the field.

"What kind of mission?" Sasuke asked.

"Tsunade will inform you of the details when you arrive. I'm only the messenger," Tenzo said before vanishing.

Sakura's emerald eyes blazed with defiance as she shot Tsunade a pointed look. Temari had left just moments ago, having been invited to dine with Ino. "I can handle this on my own!" Sakura insisted, her voice steady despite the palpable tension in the room. "I've been on plenty of medical missions before."

Tsunade sighed, her expression softening as she regarded her apprentice. "I believe in your abilities, Sakura. You've grown into an exceptional kunoichi, and your skills as a medic-nin are unparalleled." She raised a hand to silence Sakura's impending protest. "However, this illness was artificially created with malicious intent. We need to uncover the responsible party and their motives. The people there are suffering, and they require your expertise to understand and effectively treat this affliction."

Sakura's shoulders slumped slightly, the weight of Tsunade's words settling upon her. She knew the truth in them, but the prospect of being accompanied, especially by Sasuke, stirred a mix of conflicting emotions. The idea of a solo mission with him terrified her, as their dynamic had shifted since their genin days, and this would mark his first official mission as a chunin.

"But I can't let him take the lead. I want to be the one to help them!" Sakura protested.

Tsunade stepped closer; her voice firm yet compassionate. "You are essential for this mission, but you won't be alone. It's not just about healing - we also need to investigate the source of this illness and prevent its spread. Having someone with combat experience alongside you will provide the necessary support."

Sakura crossed her arms, "So, why does it have to be him? There are other skilled shinobi available. Why not choose someone else? Someone I can work with without..." She trailed off, her thoughts drifting to the memories of that fateful night - the hug, the crimson eyes, the lingering warmth on her lips before darkness consumed her.

Tsunade watched her closely, sensing the turmoil beneath Sakura's boldness. "I understand your hesitation," she said gently. "But this mission is critical. We need someone who can handle the pressure, someone who can think on their feet. You know he's capable, and your shared history could work in your favor."

Sakura shook her head, frustration bubbling to the surface. "That history complicates things! I can't focus if I'm constantly worried about what might happen between us. I need to be able to concentrate on the task at hand, not on... him. I'm still upset with him for abandoning me."

Tsunade stepped closer. "Sakura, I know you're strong, but you're also human. Emotions are part of who we are, and they can be a source of strength if you let them. This mission could be a chance for you to prove that you can rise above your personal feelings. Besides, he's just as invested in the mission as you are."

There was a sudden knock at the door. "Enter," Tsunade called out. The door opened, and Sasuke stepped inside. "You have a mission for me?" he asked, his eyes immediately seeking out Sakura, who was dressed in her green scrubs and white doctor's jacket.

Tsunade nodded, her expression shifting to one of determination. "Yes, Sasuke. We have a critical situation on our hands. A mysterious illness is spreading through the village, and we need your skills to assist Sakura in the field."

Sakura's heart raced at the sight of Sasuke. He looked as composed as ever, his dark hair falling just above his eyes, and that familiar intensity in his gaze made her stomach twist. She quickly averted her eyes, focusing instead on the medical charts scattered across the table.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension in the room. "What kind of illness are we dealing with?" he asked, his voice steady and professional.

Tsunade took a deep breath, her tone urgent. "We don't know the cause yet, but the symptoms are severe—fever, fatigue, and in some cases, it leads to unconsciousness. We need to gather samples and investigate the source. Sakura will handle the medical side, while you provide the necessary protection and reconnaissance."

"When do we leave?" Sasuke asked.

"Sakura, how close are you and Shizune with that antidote?" Tsunade inquired.

"It should be ready by morning if we work all night," Sakura replied.

"You will leave tomorrow afternoon," Tsunade stated.

Sakura and Sasuke leaped from tree to tree, the wind rushing past them as they navigated the dense forest. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that danced beneath their feet.

“We should reach the Land of Flowers by nightfall…” Sakura called out, her voice steady despite the urgency of their mission.

“Hn.” Sasuke replied, his focus unwavering as he calculated their path through the branches.

Sakura took a moment to catch her breath, her mind racing with the implications of their task. “We have to be careful when we arrive, Sasuke. The intel we received about this mission doesn’t clarify if the illness is contagious.”

“You don’t need to stress about it, Sakura,” he said, glancing back at her with a hint of concern in his dark eyes.

“I understand, but I really dislike going into this without all the facts,” she insisted. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on her shoulders, and she felt the familiar twinge of anxiety creeping in.

“That’s fair, but you’re one of the best medical ninjas out there. I trust you can manage,” he reassured her, his tone softer than usual.

Sakura's voice was tinged with doubt as she asked, "How can you be so sure?" She had always been her own harshest critic, and the stakes of this mission felt particularly high.

Sasuke admitted, "Well, during my time with Orochimaru and Kabuto, they often mentioned you and Naruto. I think they tried to use information about you two to manipulate me."

"Why would anything about me make you falter?" She had always wondered how much Sasuke had truly cared during those dark times.

Eager to avoid answering her question, Sasuke quickly changed the subject. He wasn't ready to admit that he had tampered with her memories - he knew Sakura could put him in the hospital with one punch if she found out.

As they continued through the thickening forest, the air grew fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers, signaling they must be nearing the village. They soon arrived at the gate, where a man greeted them, recognizing them as Konoha shinobi.

The man eyed the teenage girl skeptically. "They sent you?" His tone conveyed his doubts about Konoha's decision to dispatch a child to assist with their medical emergency. The situation was dire, and he couldn't shake the feeling they had underestimated the gravity of the crisis.

Sakura replied steadily, her arms crossed defiantly, "Is that a problem?" Despite the uncertainty swirling around her, she stood tall, refusing to let the weight of responsibility press her down.

The man quickly corrected himself, his tone softening as he noticed the fire in Sakura's gaze. "No, no—it's not a problem at all." He glanced back at the makeshift triage area where sick villagers were being treated.

"You don't seem very sure about that," Sakura pressed. She could sense his hesitation, the way he was struggling to reconcile her youth with the dire circumstances they faced. It was a familiar battle she had fought many times before, and she was determined to win this one too.

"I was expecting Lady Tsunade to be here," he admitted, his shoulders slumping slightly as he ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his posture. The weight of responsibility was heavy on him, and he had hoped for the reassurance that came with the presence of the legendary Sannin.

“She’s the Hokage and had other urgent matters to attend to; she sent her best, her apprentices," Sakura replied. She could feel the pressure of the situation pressing down on her, but she refused to let it crush her spirit. She had trained for this, had prepared for moments like these, and she would not back down now.  

“But you’re just a..." he started, the words hanging in the air, unspoken but understood. The implication was clear: she was just a girl, too young to shoulder such a heavy burden.

“A teenager? Yes, I know, and I am one of the top doctors in Konoha.”

"And the guy with you," he continued, his skepticism still evident.

“My bodyguard, even though I don’t really need one," she replied, casting a glance at Sasuke, who stood silently beside her.

"I’m here because we suspect the illness is manmade, and I’m here to protect Sakura and investigate," Sasuke added, his voice low but resolute. He stepped forward slightly, his dark eyes locking onto the elder’s, a silent challenge to the doubts that lingered in the air.

"But you’re also a…”

“Teenager…” Sasuke sighed, his patience thinning. “When did this illness begin? Are there particular areas we should focus on? Like water samples and…” His voice trailed off; frustrated. He tried to steer the conversation back to the illness.

Sakura gently placed her hand on his arm, signaling him to relax. “Sasuke, we’ll gather that information, but first, we need to check into the inn.” She turned back to the elder, her tone softening, a gentle reminder of her purpose. “We’ll get started soon.” 

With that, Sakura took hold of Sasuke’s wrist and led him away, her grip firm yet reassuring. As they walked, she could feel the weight of the elder’s gaze on their backs.

Once they were out of earshot, Sasuke exhaled quietly, the tension in his shoulders beginning to lift. “You know, you don’t need to prove anything to them,” he remarked.

“I know, but just try to stay calm,” she replied.

“I’m not the only one with a temper,” Sasuke joked as they stepped into the inn, the warm air wrapping around them, a welcome change from the chill of uncertainty outside.

The innkeeper greeted them with a nod, her gaze shifting between the two young ninjas, likely picking up on the tension that lingered. “Do you have a room available?” Sakura inquired she approached the counter.

“Absolutely,” the innkeeper responded, her demeanor becoming more welcoming. “We have several rooms open. Do you need one room or two?”

“One…” Sasuke began, but Sakura nudged him, cutting in.

“Two rooms, please,” she said, her tone firm yet polite, a clear indication that she was not only thinking of their comfort but also of the boundaries they needed to maintain. Sharing room was the last thing she needed, she was still angry at him and didn't need her teenage hormones to get in the way.

The innkeeper raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise flickering across her face at Sakura's decisive choice. “Very well,” she said, “do you need me to show you to your rooms.”

“No!” Sasuke interjected, glancing at Sakura. He disliked the thought of being separated and felt an uneasy sensation he couldn’t shake. “Okay,” the innkeeper replied, placing the keys on the counter. Sasuke quickly grabbed them, his fingers brushing against the cold metal. The keys felt heavy in his hand, a stark reminder of the distance that was about to increase between them.

Sakura noticed the tension in his stance, the clenched jaw as he gripped the keys. "Sasuke," she said gently, trying to bridge the gap that had opened between them. "We're not Genin anymore. It's no longer appropriate for us to share a room."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, annoyance flashing across his face. He knew she was right - they had grown up, and their relationship dynamics had shifted. Though Shisui joked about his youthful hormones, Sasuke was different. "We don't know if the illness is manmade. If someone learns you're here, they might..." He trailed off, struggling to articulate the unease gnawing at him.

Sakura stepped closer, her expression softening. "I know you're worried, but I can protect myself now. I'm not the helpless girl I once was."

Sensing the emotional tension, the innkeeper cleared her throat. "Your rooms are down the hall. Just let me know if you need anything." She gestured toward the hallway, her professional demeanor returning.

From the shadows, he silently observed her as she moved gracefully among the villagers. Each gentle touch and soothing word seemed to mend the wounds his men had inflicted on this peaceful place. Her compassion stirred something within him - a flicker of doubt or a fleeting sense of guilt. But he quickly pushed those feelings aside, reminding himself of the mission that lay ahead.

His heart raced with anxiety at the thought of Konoha sending another medical ninja, which would have foiled his plan. He was glad Sakura Haruno was the one sent, but he didn't expect her to have a bodyguard. He needed to attack when she was alone.

Sakura Haruno was his intended target - the key to his payment, the prize that would secure his future.

As Sakura focused intently on treating the ill villagers, her hands deftly moving as she applied herbal remedies and soothing balms, Sasuke stood a short distance away, his mind racing with the implications of the situation. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the grim reality of the suffering around them. He felt a sense of urgency; time was of the essence, and they needed to uncover the truth behind this mysterious illness before it spread further.

With a swift motion, Sasuke summoned Aoda. The ground beneath him rippled as the large serpent emerged from the shadows, its scales glistening in the dappled sunlight. Aoda coiled around Sasuke's legs, his eyes sharp and alert.

“Lord Sasuke, how may I assist you?” Aoda inquired, his voice a low hiss.

Sasuke took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze drifting back to Sakura as she worked tirelessly, her brow furrowed in concentration. “We’re in the land of flowers,” he began, his tone serious, “looking into a mysterious illness that Sakura suspects is artificially created. We’re on the hunt for any leads about who might be responsible.”

Aoda nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. “I can scout the area and gather information. There may be signs of unusual activity or individuals who have been seen near the villages.”

“Do that,” Sasuke replied. “Look for anything out of the ordinary—strange gatherings, unusual shipments, or even rumors among the locals. We need to find out if this illness is linked to someone’s malicious intent.”

With a flick of his wrist, Sasuke released Aoda, who slithered away with remarkable speed and stealth. Sasuke turned his attention back to Sakura, who was now speaking softly to a young girl, her gentle demeanor providing comfort amidst the chaos. He admired her dedication, knowing that her skills as a medic were invaluable in this dire situation.

As he watched her, Sasuke’s mind raced with possibilities. Who would want to inflict such suffering on innocent people? Was it a rogue ninja, a hidden organization? The questions gnawed at him, but he pushed them aside for now. They needed to focus on the task at hand.

He took a deep breath, grounding himself in the present. The village was alive with the sounds of suffering, but he could also hear the whispers of hope. He had to believe that they could find a way to turn the tide.

Just then, Aoda returned, his serpentine form gliding silently through the grass. Sasuke’s heart raced as he noticed the urgency in the creature’s movements. “What did you find?” he asked, leaning closer.

“There are signs of recent activity in the forest to the north,” Aoda replied, his yellow eyes narrowing. “I spotted a group of individuals cloaked in dark robes, moving under the cover of night. They were carrying crates that seemed out of place, and I overheard them discussing something about ‘the next phase’ of their plan.”

Sasuke’s mind raced. “Did you see their faces? Any identifying marks?”

“Unfortunately, no. They were too cautious, but I sensed a strong chakra emanating from one of them. It felt… unnatural, almost tainted,” Aoda explained, his voice laced with concern. “It could be linked to the illness.”

Sasuke’s jaw tightened. “We need to investigate further. If they’re behind this, we have to confront them before they can spread whatever they’re planning, but before we can to that, Sakura must rest.”

Aoda looked towards Sakura, “You should intervene soon.”

Sakura sat across from Sasuke at the restaurant near their inn. She sighed deeply as a giggling female waitress passed by. "We can't go anywhere without girls being attracted to you."

"I can't help my Uchiha genes, Sakura. We always draw attention," Sasuke replied. "Besides, you used to giggle around me like that when you were twelve. Things are different now."

Sakura looked away, feeling her cheeks flush. "I was just a child back then."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, a teasing smirk on his lips. "Are you sure you're not still attracted to me?" He could see the pink tint on her cheeks. Sakura was always easy for him to rile up.

"I have eyes, Sasuke. I know an attractive man when I see one."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Sakura crossed her arms and glared at him. "It's not supposed to."

"Hn." Sasuke's signature response.

"Is that all you're going to say?" Sakura challenged.

"Since you won't answer my question, why should I answer yours?" Sasuke smirked. "Besides, we should be focusing on the mission."

"I was focused until you dragged me away from my work," Sakura retorted.

"You've been working for over eight hours. You needed a break."

"I've worked longer than that. Even if this illness isn't contagious, we need to figure out who's behind the attack on this village. They were targeted for a reason, and we need to learn who did it."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he observed the other patrons. "We will." He had a feeling this illness was a ploy to get Sakura out of the village. As one of Konoha's top medical ninjas, she would be the logical choice for this mission. Sasuke wondered if the people behind this were connected to Sakura's aunt and uncle, or if there was something more sinister at play.

Sasuke watched as the waitress placed the food in front of them and then walked away. "We can investigate after we eat. I want your chakra to not feel so faint."

Sakura sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she picked up her chopsticks. The steaming bowl of ramen was a welcome sight, but her mind was still racing with concerns about the illness affecting the village. "I can't just sit here and eat while people are suffering," she said. "We need to figure out who did this and why. If we don't act quickly, more people could get hurt."

Sasuke leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he regarded her with admiration. "And you think you can do that on an empty stomach? You're not going to be any help to anyone if you collapse from exhaustion."

Sakura opened her mouth to protest, but the look in Sasuke's eyes silenced her. He was right - she had been pushing herself for all day, barely taking time to eat or rest. The weight of her responsibilities as a medic weighed heavily on her, and the thought of failing those who depended on her was unbearable. "Fine," she relented, her voice softer now. "I'll eat. But we need to get back to work as soon as we can."

Sasuke nodded, a small smile breaking through his usually stoic demeanor. "That's all I ask. Just a little break to recharge. We'll figure this out together."

As Sakura began to eat, the warmth of the ramen filled her with a sense of comfort. The rich broth and tender noodles were a welcome distraction from the chaos swirling in her mind. She could feel her chakra slowly returning to a more stable state, the familiar energy coursing through her as she took each bite.

"See? Not so bad, right?" Sasuke said, his tone teasing as he watched her eat. Sakura knew he was still concerned about her well-being, even if he didn't always show it.

Sakura shot Sasuke a playful glare, but she couldn't suppress the small smile that crept across her face. "You're insufferable, you know that?" she said.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "You never used to find me insufferable. I get that we need to rebuild trust, but…"

Sakura rolled her eyes. "I think the term you're looking for is 'annoying.'"

"Hn." Sasuke's expression shifted. "Well, once you're done, we can head out and start gathering intel. Aoda found something in the Northern Forest near the village."

"Aoda?" Sakura asked, intrigued.

"One of my two summons," Sasuke explained. "Aoda is a snake, and the other is a hawk named Garuda. They both have their strengths and help me gather information when I need it."

Sakura raised an eyebrow. "A snake and a hawk? That's quite the combination. They're known to be sworn enemies."

Sasuke shrugged. "They're reliable. Aoda has a knack for finding hidden things, and Garuda can cover vast distances quickly. It's useful for reconnaissance."

Sakura took another bite of her ramen. "So, what did Aoda find in the Northern Forest? Is it related to the recent attacks?"

"Possibly," Sasuke replied. "Aoda spotted a group of individuals cloaked in dark robes, moving under the cover of night. They were carrying crates of an unknown substance, and he overheard them discussing something about 'the next phase' of their plan."

Sakura nodded, her mind shifting gears as she finished her meal. "Then we should hurry. If there's a chance to gather intel, we can't waste any time."

Sasuke watched her with concern. "Just remember to pace yourself. We can't afford to have you overexerting yourself again."

"I know, I know," she replied, brushing off his concern with a wave of her hand. "I'll be fine. I just need to focus."

As they finished their meal, Sakura felt a rush of energy coursing through her. The warmth of the ramen had not only filled her stomach but also reignited her spirit. She stood up, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. "Let's go, Sasuke. We have a mission to complete."

Sasuke stood as well, his demeanor shifting back to that of a focused shinobi. "Right! Stay close to me and keep your senses sharp. We don't know what we might encounter."

The search of the northern forest had yielded nothing but discarded containers, with no signs of poison or anything linked to the mysterious illness. An hour earlier, Sakura and Sasuke had returned to the inn and retired to their respective rooms. Sasuke had mentioned he would study maps, determined to uncover the rogue shinobi's whereabouts. His unwavering focus reflected his resolute determination, though Sakura couldn't shake her unsettling sense of dread.

Sakura had just stepped out of a refreshing shower, her damp hair wrapped in a towel. The warm, steamy air enveloped her like a comforting embrace, allowing her to relax as her thoughts drifted back to the day's fruitless search and the gnawing worry for the suffering villagers. Suddenly, a faint rustle behind her sent a shiver down her spine.

As Sakura turned, a dark figure lunged at her. Before she could react, the attacker knocked her to the ground, gripping her neck tightly. Panic surged within her, and memories of past traumas rushed back, leaving her feeling vulnerable against this overpowering force. The familiar scent of her shampoo was quickly replaced by the sharp odor of fear.

A sharp pain shot through her skin, and Sakura felt her strength waning. The world around her began to fade as the sound of her thundering heartbeat filled her ears. She fought against his grip, her movements slow and ineffective under his weight. Desperation clawed at her throat as she struggled to breathe, her mind racing with thoughts of escape.

Just as her vision began to dim and she thought all hope was lost, the weight on her was suddenly lifted. Turning her head, she saw Sasuke pinning the attacker against the wall.

Sasuke sat in his room, poring over a map as he tried to determine where the men responsible for the chaos might have fled. A cave in the northern forest caught his attention - it might be worth investigating tomorrow while Sakura tended to the injured villagers.

Suddenly, Sasuke sensed a shift - Sakura's chakra flared up and then quickly faded. He regretted that they had been assigned separate rooms. In their younger days, they had shared quarters, before the awkwardness of adolescence set in. Deep down, Sasuke knew they would have been better off together; he would have gladly taken the floor to ensure Sakura's safety.

Sasuke raced down the hall and burst into Sakura's room, finding a man pinning her to the ground. Sakura must have been incapacitated, unable to fight back.

Sasuke shoved the man against the wall, his Sharingan glowing in the dim light. "An Uchiha..." the man murmured. 

Sasuke’s Sharingan swirled, placing the man in a hypnotic state so he can explore his mind for answers. He needed to know what he wanted with Sakura. Why had he tried to kill her?

“We need you to draw this girl out of the village,” a cloaked figure instructed, his face hidden.

“Who is she?” He picked up a photo of Sakura, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “She’s stunning, and her name suits her perfectly—Sakura Haruno.”

“Be aware, she’s someone who can shatter every bone in your body. Not only that, but she understands anatomy well enough to make your demise appear accidental. You must tread carefully around her. If you get close enough, you can use this.” The man presented a vial containing a blue liquid. “It will only paralyze her for a short time, but that should give you the opportunity you need to complete your task.”

“And why do you want her dead?”

“The Hokage, Tsunade Senju, views Sakura as a daughter, and I cannot allow her to name this girl as her successor. She’s just a civilian and doesn’t deserve to be recognized as a Senju. Plus, she has connections to the Uchiha clan.”

“How can a mere civilian ninja be associated with the founding clans of Konoha?”

“She was part of a genin team with Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. Sakura also trains frequently with Shisui Uchiha and has a close bond with the jinchuriki.”

“If someone with ties to the founding clans is harmed, wouldn’t that spark a war?”

“A war is precisely what I desire. My plans were thwarted years ago with the abduction of the Hyuga princess. I won’t let my schemes be derailed again. Ensure she’s eliminated, and you will be rewarded.”

“As you command.”

The memory faded and Sasuke dropped the unconscious man to the ground.  He pulled out a scroll and opened in on the ground and used Fuinjutsu to seal the man in the scroll.  He bit his lip and performed the necessary hand signs to summon Garuda. He looked at his Hawk and ruffled his feathers. 

"I need you to take this scroll directly to the Leaf Village and deliver it to the Hokage," Sasuke instructed, tying the scroll to Garuda's ankle. "The man inside tried to kill Sakura and is behind the medical emergency in this town."

Garuda rubbed his beak affectionately against Sasuke's hand before taking flight out the open window, the same way he had entered.

Sasuke hurried over to where Sakura was slumped against the wall, her usual vibrant spirit dimmed. He took in her disheveled appearance - her hair a mess and her clothes hanging loosely on her frame. But it was the dark bruises on her neck that captured his attention, a stark contrast against her pale skin. Guilt twisted in his stomach; he should have insisted they room together.

"Sakura," he said softly, crouching down to catch her tired, glassy gaze. She managed a weak nod, too exhausted to move from the floor. Sasuke could see the physical and emotional toll the attack had taken on her. The man had tried to harm her in a way she had been hurt before, and Sasuke hadn't been there to protect her.

Carefully, he lifted her chin to get a better look at her injury. "This looks bad," he muttered.

"Well, good thing I have an antidote in my pouch," Sakura replied, gesturing wearily to her belongings.

Sasuke's fingers deftly located the familiar shape of the vial in her ninja pouch, pulling it out with a sense of relief. The antidote glimmered faintly, a promise of healing amidst her pain.

"You know how to inject an antidote, right? If not, I can walk you through it."

Sakura's tired eyes narrowed. "Have you forgotten who I was around for two and a half years? A madman who wanted your body for your eyes. Oh, wait, you left me unconscious on a bench for that 'top-secret mission.'"

It's not like I had a choice.  Sasuke said to himself. He knew he needed to be cautious with Sakura. 

Rather than answer her, he decided it best to remain silent. Without hesitation, he prepared the injection, his expression steady despite the urgency of the situation. "This will sting a bit," he informed her gently. He knew she would prefer to endure the pain herself than reveal any weakness, but he couldn't let pride override what had to be done.

As he injected the antidote into her leg, he kept his gaze locked onto her face, watching intently for any signs of discomfort. She flinched slightly, but he could see her making a conscious effort to maintain a calm façade. "Breathe, Sakura," he instructed softly, feeling a protective instinct surge within him. "You're going to be okay."

The minutes felt like hours as the antidote coursed through her veins. Sasuke remained by her side, his presence a steadying force amidst the whirlwind of pain and exhaustion she felt. Gradually, Sakura's breathing began to even out.

Sakura inhaled deeply, the coolness of the floor beneath her back a sharp contrast to the heat radiating from her bruised neck. Although the antidote was taking effect, mixing with the lingering adrenaline, it felt like a distant concern compared to the weariness clouding her mind. Sasuke's presence was comforting, a reminder that she was not alone.

As time passed, the initial sting of the injection faded, replaced by a soothing warmth spreading through her veins. Sasuke watched as the tension in her brow slowly eased, a faint hint of color returning to her cheeks. The bruises still stood out starkly against her skin, a testament to the intensity of her fight, but the immediate threat had been averted.

"Sasuke..." she said as he lifted her off the ground, heading toward the door. "What are you doing?"

"You're staying in my room tonight and for the duration of our time in this village," he replied, his tone leaving no room for argument. He could feel her body tense slightly in his arms, a mix of surprise and indignation.

"I can take care of myself," she protested, though her voice lacked its usual fire. The fatigue was evident, and deep down she knew she was in no condition to argue.

"I'm not doubting your abilities, Sakura," he said calmly as he maneuvered through the dimly lit hallway. "But you need to rest, and I won't let you out of my sight. There might be an accomplice, and it's clear this illness was a trap aimed at you."

"Why would they target me?"

"Because Tsunade sees you as her heir, and someone in Konoha is determined to prevent that from happening."

Tsunade looked at Ino and said, "Yamanaka, this is a sensitive matter that only involves your father, Ibiki, Anko, Shizune, Shikamaru, and Shikaku. If necessary, we will inform other parties."

Ino asked, "Who else is involved in this?"

Tsunade replied, "The Uchiha Clan, myself, Naruto, and Sakura." She continued, "Sasuke has already entered this person's mind. There may be some genjutsu-related damage, but knowing Sasuke, he likely avoided causing lasting harm, in case we need to interrogate the individual further."

Ino questioned, "What do you want me to do since Sasuke-kun has already looked through his memories?"

"Sasuke could only skim the surface. We need a Yamanaka to dig deeper into the person's mind," Tsunade said, leaning against the wall outside the interrogation room.

Ino hesitated, "Okay, but why me instead of my father? He's more skilled with mind techniques."

Tsunade responded, "You are just as talented as your father. And based on Sasuke's report, this individual has a weakness for young, attractive women. That's why I'm asking you to handle this."

Tsunade crossed her arms. "It's a great asset. We can use our looks to manipulate men or women into doing what we want."

Ino crossed her arms. "He's also someone who takes Sakura's and Naruto's safety seriously. I saw him almost rip someone's arms off for hurting Sakura."

Tsunade nodded. "I know. I saw the recordings of the Forest of Death portion of the exam. I know how the kid is when it comes to those two. But that's not what's important right now. What's important is getting to the bottom of who's behind the attempts on Sakura's life."

Ino's expression hardened. "Sakura is an important friend of mine. If this man tried to kill her..."

Tsunade's voice was firm. "I'm giving you permission to use any methods you see fit."

Ino smirked and headed into the room, her arms crossed as she looked at the man. "Are they really sending a child to interrogate me? How old are you?"

Ino's voice was steady and confident. "Let's just say I'm old enough to know how to get what I want." The scruffy-looking rogue with a scar running down his cheek raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

"Is that so? You think you can intimidate me with your little mind games?" he scoffed, leaning back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ino leaned forward, her blue eyes narrowing. "Intimidation isn't my goal. I'm here to help you understand the situation you're in. You're in a room with a Yamanaka, and trust me, I can make your life a lot easier or a lot harder."

The man's smirk faltered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "And what makes you think I'd tell you anything?"

"Because I know how to get into your head," Ino replied, her tone shifting to a more serious note. "You've already had a taste of what Uchiha Sasuke can do. I'm not him, but I have my own skills. You might think you're tough, but I can assure you, I can dig deeper than you'd like."

He fidgeted uncomfortably in his chair, "You think you can just waltz in here and mess with my head? I've dealt with worse than you."

Ino grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, I'm counting on that. But let's be clear - I'm not here to play games. I need to know who's behind the threats to Sakura's life. If you have any information, now's the time to share it."

The man's expression changed, revealing his discomfort as he considered the gravity of her words. His once-confident demeanor began to crack under the weight of her unwavering gaze. "And what if I refuse?"

Ino leaned forward, her voice dropping to a low, menacing whisper that seemed to echo in the dimly lit room. "Then I'll have to make your experience a bit more... unpleasant. I can force you to relive your darkest moments, or I can trap you in your own thoughts. The choice is yours."

He faltered, the tense atmosphere thickening around them, and he felt a chill of fear creep up his spine. "You wouldn't actually do that..."

Ino raised her hands, and his terrified screams filled the room, a cacophony of panic that reverberated off the walls. The once self-assured man was now a mere shadow of himself, his bravado stripped away, leaving only raw vulnerability.

Ino observed the man, pitying him as she had many others before - the way fear could unravel a person, exposing their deepest insecurities and regrets. "You think I enjoy this?" she asked, her voice steady despite the chaos. "I don't. But I'll do whatever it takes to protect my friends. You can either help me, or I can show you the depths of your own darkness."

He swallowed hard, the fight leaving him as he grappled with the reality of his situation. The room felt smaller, the shadows closing in around him as memories he had long buried began to surface. "Okay, okay! I'll talk. Just don't do that again," he gasped, his voice trembling.

Chapter 23: Seven


I hope you Enjoy this chapter. We are getting deeper into clan politics, some romance, and more.
Once again, I want to say how much I appreciate you readers. As promise, I am going to try and keep a two-to-three-week update schedule.

Chapter Text

Sakura's eyes fluttered open, momentarily dazzled by the unfamiliar brightness of the room. As she rolled onto her side, a sense of unease immediately washed over her - the crisp, evergreen scent of the bedsheets was unmistakably Sasuke's, a distinct fragrance she'd recognize anywhere.

Sakura's brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to make sense of the unexpected situation unfolding before her. Her heart began to race, a familiar yet unwelcome sensation that she had hoped she had long since moved past. Yes, she and Sasuke were on a mission together, but she distinctly remembered them booking separate rooms for the duration of their stay in this small village in the Land of Flowers.

The very idea of being alone with him again, in such close proximity, filled her with a sense of dread and anxiety. It had been two and a half years since she last allowed herself to get swept up in the whirlwind of emotions that Sasuke always managed to stir within her, and she had worked tirelessly to lock those feelings away, burying them deep where she hoped they would remain undisturbed.

But now, confronted with this unexpected sleeping arrangement, Sakura found herself struggling to maintain that carefully constructed façade of composure. She knew she could not trust herself to be alone with him, not without the very real risk of those long-suppressed emotions being reignited, threatening to consume her once more.

So how exactly had she ended up in Sasuke's quarters, surrounded by his familiar scent?

Panic started to set in as Sakura's mind whirled, trying to piece together the events that had led her to this unfamiliar yet oddly intimate setting.

Had something happened last night that she couldn't recall? Had they been attacked, compromising their original accommodations? Or was there some other explanation, one that eluded her currently muddled senses?

Sakura tensed, senses on high alert as she strained to gather her bearings and make sense of this perplexing predicament.

Whatever had transpired, it was clear that she was now in uncharted territory, with more questions than answers swirling in her mind.

Sakura's heart pounded with fear and confusion as she reached up to gently rub her sore neck, wincing sharply as her fingertips grazed the tender, bruised skin.

Alarmed, she quickly rose to her feet and hurried to the bathroom, her mind racing with unanswered questions. Staring into the mirror, Sakura's eyes widened in shock at the sight of the distinct, purplish bruise in the unmistakable shape of a hand wrapped tightly around her neck. This was not a mark she recognized or remembered having the previous day, and it sent a chill down her spine.

A sense of dread washed over Sakura as she frantically racked her brain, desperately trying to remember if someone had attacked her while she slept. The troubling possibility left her deeply unsettled.

Sakura's mind flashed to a training session with Tsunade, Sakura had discussed the physical and emotional aftermath of sexual intimacy. Tsunade had described a sense of closeness and comfort, even after fleeting encounters. However, Sakura experienced none of those feelings - no lingering warmth, no familiarity. This stark absence could only mean one thing: Sakura had not willingly been intimate with Sasuke or anyone else.

The bruise on her neck was proof that she had been the victim of some sort of assault, though she had no recollection of it. Panic began to set in as she wondered who could have done this to her, and what their motives may have been. Sakura knew she needed to get to the bottom of this mystery quickly before her attacker struck again.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she felt a twinge of anticipation, her mind racing with the possibilities of where Sasuke might be. It was clear that he had brought her to his room. The travel pack and sword still leaning against the wall were a telltale sign that he had not ventured too far, and her heart quickened at the thought of his imminent return.

Surveying the room, her eyes were immediately drawn to a door that led out to a balcony, a vantage point that would offer a sweeping view of the surrounding area. Intrigued, she moved closer, the floorboards creaking softly underfoot as she approached. This could very well be where Sasuke had retreated to, seeking a moment of solitude, or perhaps observing the world beyond these walls.

With each step, her anticipation grew, wondering what she might find on the other side of that threshold - would he be there, lost in contemplation, or had he slipped away to some other hidden corner of this inn? Possibly the roof? He always enjoyed staring at the stars when they were children.

The possibilities swirled in her mind, fueling her curiosity and the desire to uncover his whereabouts, to question him about her loss of memory.

Whatever the case may be, she knew that the answers lay beyond that door, and she steeled herself, preparing to take that fateful step forward.

Tsunade's fist came crashing down on the desk, splintering the sturdy wooden surface in half with a deafening crack that reverberated through the otherwise silent room like a thunderclap. Her eyes blazed with a whirlpool of emotions - anger, disbelief, and a deep, unsettling dread that coiled in the pit of her stomach.

Leaning forward, her voice low and intense, she demanded answers from a nervous-looking Ino standing before her. "What do you mean he was discovered dead in his cell?"

The words hung heavy in the air, thick with the weight of their implications. Tsunade's mind raced with a thousand questions - how could this have happened? The man had been under constant surveillance, locked away in a high-security cell in T&I.

Ino shifted uncomfortably, avoiding Tsunade's piercing gaze as she struggled to find the right words. "We don't have all the details yet, milady. It appears to be a suicide, but the investigation is ongoing."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You know better, Yamanaka. This was no suicide. This was murder."

Ino opened her mouth to respond, but Shikamaru stepped forward, cutting her off. "She's just being cautious with her words. This man was going to talk, and the person in the village who paid him to kill Sakura must be the one behind the murder."

Tsunade's jaw tightened, her mind racing as she processed this revelation. "Has Ibiki checked the surveillance footage?" she demanded.

"Yes, but nothing appeared on the cameras," Shikamaru replied, his brow furrowed in frustration, knowing tbey were tampered with. “Do you want us to interrogate the members of the T&I night staff?"

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, her mind racing as she processed the implications of Shikamaru's words. The absence of evidence on the surveillance footage was troubling, but it was the thought of a traitor lurking within the village that sent a wave of anger coursing through her veins. Not only did this person higher a rouge ninja, but they always betrayed the village. "We need to dig deeper," she said, her voice low and steady, but laced with an undercurrent of urgency. "If someone orchestrated this, they won't stop until they get what they want."

Sasuke stood silently on the balcony; his dark eyes focused as he absorbed Garuda's latest update. The large hawk on his shoulder, its sharp talons gripping his shirt, seemed to pick up on the tension surrounding them. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm golden hue over the village, but the tranquility of the morning did little to ease the weight on Sasuke's mind.

“Is that all Tsunade had to say?” Sasuke inquired, his voice low and tinged with frustration.

The hawk ruffled its feathers, a subtle indication of its own discomfort. Garuda had always been attuned to Sasuke's emotions, and this moment was no different. The hawk's keen eyes darted around, as if searching for threats in the tranquil surroundings.

“Lady Tsunade mentioned she would provide the sensitive details to both of you when you return to the village,” Garuda replied, his tone careful, as if he were navigating a minefield of Sasuke's simmering anger.

“Tsk!” Sasuke scoffed. “So, she has nothing useful to share.”

His piercing gaze turned away from the distant horizon, the wheels in his mind visibly turning as he wrestled with the simmering emotions bubbling beneath the surface. Once a symbol of hope and unity, the village that had been his home now felt more akin to a suffocating cage, its walls steadily closing in around him with each passing day.

Having been away for such a prolonged stretch, Sasuke's perspective had shifted dramatically - the rose-colored glasses through which he had previously viewed Konoha had been shattered, replaced by a cold, critical eye that could now see the village's flaws and shortcomings with jarring clarity. The ideals and promises of “The Will of Fire” that had once inspired him now rang hollow, a stark reminder of how much he had changed and how far he had drifted from the life he had once known.

"I wouldn't say that, Lord Sasuke. She has expressed concern about those in Konoha undermining her authority as Hokage. Lady Tsunade knows the attempt to harm Sakura is because they see her as a threat. Some find it troubling how someone from a civilian background could be named the heir of one Konoha's founding clans, and your relationship with her is coming into question. An alliance between the Uchiha and the Senju is important, but many believe the Uchiha are planning an arranged marriage between you and Sakura to gain favor from the Hokage. To change the status of the Uchiha in the village."

Sasuke's jaw tightened at the mention of Sakura and a possible arranged marriage. The prospect of marrying Sakura was not far-fetched, but he wanted to do it on his own terms and mend their broken relationship first, even though he knew it would come at a cost. The thought of anyone daring to harm her ignited a fierce protectiveness within him.

"They underestimate her," he said, his voice low but intense. "Sakura is stronger than they realize. She's not just a civilian; she's a vital part of this village's future."

"And my father would not stoop that low," Sasuke stated firmly.

"Many believe he would," Garuda replied, "especially considering what you've told me about Sakura - how she is a civilian who lost everything, and how your clan took her in when she needed it. And how Tsunade took her as her own student. There are those who don't accept change well and attack it.”

“Change isn't a bad thing.” Sasuke mumble. “Sakura is a formidable kunoichi in her own right and has been challenging those who view civilian shinobi as useless. They think they can intimidate her because of her background, but they have no idea what she’s capable of.”

Garuda shifted slightly, his talons digging deeper into Sasuke's shirt as he sensed the surge of protective anger radiating from his companion. “You know that, and I know that, but they don’t. They see her as a pawn in a game they don’t fully understand.”

Sasuke clenched his fists, the muscles in his arms tensing as he fought to rein in his emotions.  “It’s…”

He sensed Sakura’s chakra.  She was awake. He turned his head and stated at her, “Sakura-ka…”

“Sasuke…” Her voice was soft, yet it carried a strength that he had always admired. She emerged onto the balcony, her hair tousled and her eyes still heavy with sleep.

“Are you okay? Is the drug out of your system? I gave you the antidote.” His voice was laced with concern, each word heavy with the weight of his worry.

“Who drugged me?” Sakura asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. “I can’t quite remember what happened last night.” She rubbed her temples, trying to piece together the fragmented memories that danced just out of reach.

“I will leave you two to talk Lord Sasuke.” With a puff of smoke, Garuda disappeared.

“You were attacked by a man last night, Sakura. He tried to kill you.” Sasuke looked at Sakura, “The illness in this village was a ploy to lead you out of Konoha.”

“I assumed that may be the case.” Sakura sighed.

“And you didn't think it would be wise to let your mission partner know that fact?”

Sakura crossed her arms, a hint of defensiveness creeping into her posture. "I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. I thought I could handle it on my own, which is what I've been doing."

Sasuke's expression softened, but his concern remained. "You should know by now that I'd rather face danger together than have you shoulder it alone. We're a team, Sakura. Always have been."

She looked away, her gaze drifting to the horizon where the sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the village. "I know, but sometimes I feel like I'm just a burden, and I don't want to drag you down with my problems."

"Don't say that" he replied firmly, stepping closer. "You're not a burden. You're one of the strongest people I know. You've saved me more times than I can count. I need you by my side, especially when things get tough."

As Sakura turned back to face him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of insincerity, she felt a wave of conflicted emotions wash over her. His words, spoken with such unwavering conviction, had struck a chord deep within her. "You really mean that?" she asked.

For so long, she had carried the heavy burden of her past, the trauma of her Aunt and Uncle's callous attempts to sell her off to some noble, a secret she had guarded closely. But now, staring into his earnest gaze, she felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps the time had come to finally unburden herself, to trust him with the truth.

"Of course I do," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "You're my friend. I care about you, and I want to protect you." The sincerity in his words washed over her, enveloping her in a sense of security she hadn't felt in far too long.

Yet, as comforting as his sentiment was, she knew that he could only truly protect her if she let him in, if she shared the painful experiences that had shaped her into the resilient, guarded person she had become. "But I can't do that if you keep things from me," he continued, his gaze unwavering, a silent plea for her to trust him with her deepest secrets.

Sakura felt the walls she had so carefully constructed begin to crumble, the weight of her past no longer solely hers to bear. This man, this friend who stood before her, had proven time and time again that he was worthy of her trust, that he would not judge her or turn away, but rather embrace her with the understanding and compassion she so desperately needed.

"Sasuke...I-" she began but was interrupted by his question.

Sakura replied, her voice steadier than before, "I feel fine." Perhaps she would share the truth with Sasuke once they returned to Konoha.

Sasuke inquired about their timeline, "How much longer will it take to administer the antidote to the village?" He was also curious to learn Tsunade's thoughts on the man who had attempted to kill her.

"No more than a day," Sakura responded.

"We will head back to Konoha tomorrow morning."

Danzo turned to his latest recruit, Kido, and inquired in a hushed tone, "Have you ensured there's no evidence left behind?"

"I have," Kido replied, his voice steady but laced with unease. "There's nothing linking you to that man's death." He had witnessed the ruthless efficiency with which Danzo operated, which sent a chill down his spine.

"Excellent," Danzo said, a sinister grin spreading across his face as the flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows along the dimly lit corridor walls - a reflection of the darkness consuming his heart. He strode with an air of confidence, each step a reminder of the power he wielded in the shadows.

As they walked, Kido felt the weight of the grim secrets they carried. The death had been swift and silent, a necessary sacrifice in Danzo's machinations. But the moral implications gnawed at him. "What if someone finds out?" he dared to ask.

Danzo turned, his piercing gaze seeming to look right through Kido. "Then we will deal with it, as we always have. Fear is a powerful motivator, keeping people in line and ensuring loyalty. The world of the shinobi is built on deception and sacrifice - you must learn to embrace it."

Kido nodded, though doubt lingered. He had joined Danzo's covert Anbu division, Root, seeking strength and purpose, but now found himself entangled in treachery. The thrill of power was intoxicating, yet the cost weighed heavily on his conscience.

"Now, let's move on to our next task," Danzo continued, "We have more enemies to eliminate, and I need you to be my eyes and ears. There are whispers of dissent within the ranks, and we cannot afford any loose ends."

Kido straightened, determination replacing his earlier hesitation. "I understand. I'll ensure no one poses a threat to our operations."

"Good," Danzo replied, his grin holding a chilling edge. "Remember, loyalty is rewarded, but betrayal is punished."

As Naruto and his Jiraiya strode through the familiar gates of Konohagakure, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and nostalgia wash over him. It had been quite some time since the young ninja had set foot in his beloved village, and the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling village evoked a flood of cherished memories.

Naruto stretched his arms high above his head, working out the kinks from their long journey, and let out a contented sigh. "Ahh, feels so good to be back," he mused, a wide grin spreading across his face.

The boy couldn't help but wonder how his friends and former teammates had been faring in his absence. Most of all, Naruto's thoughts turned to Sakura, the girl who captured his heart, but knew his chances were slim because of her interest in Sasuke — that bastard.  He still could not get over the fact he tried to kill him two years ago.

He was eager to lay eyes on her again, imagining how her delicate features may have matured and blossomed during the time they had spent apart. "I wonder how everyone is?" Naruto pondered aloud, his blue eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I can't wait to see Sakura-chan. I'm sure she's even prettier than before!"

With that, the energetic ninja picked up his pace, practically bouncing with excitement as he and Jiraiya made their way deeper into the village, Naruto's mind racing with all the possibilities that awaited him now that he had returned home.

As Sasuke and Sakura returned through Konoha's gates, having successfully completed their mission in the distant Land of Flowers, they were greeted by the familiar faces of the ever-vigilant village guards, Izumo and Kotetsu.

"Hey, you two are back! How did it go?" Izumo asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and relief to see the young shinobi return safely.

"It went well," they replied in unison, their voices weary from the journey.

"You should head into town - there's a surprise waiting for you."  Kotetsu commented.

Exchanging a knowing glance, Sakura and Sasuke hurried toward the heart of Konoha.

There, perched atop a lamppost, they spotted Naruto. "Naruto! Hey, Naruto!" Sakura called out. Beaming, Naruto leapt down to greet them.

"Sakura-chan, I'm back!" he exclaimed. Sakura grinned. "You're taller than I remember."

“Not by much," Sasuke replied with a hint of sarcasm, crossing his arms, and raising an eyebrow. He couldn’t help but tease Naruto, who had always been a source of amusement for him.

Naruto's eyes widened as they landed on Sasuke. He could scarcely believe it was really him - taller, more muscular, still drawing admiring glances from passing girls. But Naruto knew this was no genjutsu; he had grown skilled at detecting such illusions. This was the real Sasuke, not the one who had left with that Snake.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here?" Naruto began, his excitement bubbling over, but Jiraiya, who had been observing from a distance, stepped in.

"Naruto, I think it's best we don't discuss this in public. Let's head to the Hokage tower," Jiraiya said firmly.

“Idiot! If you stop yapping, I will be able to explain myself.” Sasuke barked.

“How can I not! I swore that I would chase you to the end of the world. So, you are telling me that was all an act?”  Naruto questioned.

Tsunade's brow furrowed with irritation as she watched the members of Team Seven devolve into yet another heated argument, their voices rising and tempers flaring. She had expected such behavior from Naruto, the brash and impulsive young ninja whose reckless nature had often landed him in trouble in the past. However, Tsunade had hoped that Naruto's extended time away from the village would have instilled in him a greater sense of maturity and discipline. Alas, it seemed the boisterous blond had not changed as much as she had hoped, still quick to butt heads with his teammates.

Tsunade could only sigh heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose as she resigned herself to the reality that some things never changed, no matter how much time passed. Team Seven's dysfunctional dynamics were as much a part of their identity as their individual strengths, and she supposed she should be grateful that at least their bickering suggested a return to some semblance of normality after so long apart.

“Almost killing me? Hurting Sakura? Sasuke, why didn’t…”

Sasuke let out a heavy sigh, his eyes downcast as he tried to find the right words. "The truth is - this was all part of a classified, S-rank undercover mission that only a select few were privy to. My father, Jiraiya, Itachi, and some of the highest-ranking members of the Leaf Village were the only ones who knew the full details. Even the elders of my own clan were left in the dark."

He paused, gaze shifting to meet Naruto's bewildered stare. "You see, I needed to make it seem like I had truly become a missing-nin, corrupted by Orochimaru's curse mark. People had to believe I had turned traitor, that I was seeking power at any cost - even to the point of nearly killing you and hurting Sakura. It was all an act, a necessary deception to protect the true nature of the mission."

Sasuke's fingers clenched into fists at his sides as he struggled with the weight of the secrets he'd been forced to keep. "I know it must have seemed so real, so devastating. But I had no choice. This mission was of the utmost importance, and I had to play my part convincingly, no matter the personal cost." He lifted his gaze, eyes pleading for Naruto to understand. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you the truth sooner. But now you know - this was all part of a carefully orchestrated plan, one that I was entrusted to carry out, no matter how much it tore me apart inside."

Naruto started at Sasuke in disbelief.

“I was the only person who could pull this off.  It has been no secret that Orochimaru had an interest in me since I was a child. He attempted to kidnap me when I was seven.” Sasuke continued.

"So that's why you disappeared from the academy for those few weeks when we were younger? And why I wasn't allowed to play with you? And why you seemed so moody when you returned?"

"That's why I disappeared for a few weeks. My family was worried about me after the traumatic events that awakened my Sharingan. The clan didn't want to publicly disclose that the youngest member of the head family had narrowly escaped being kidnapped by a man who takes pleasure in experimenting on young children, especially those with powerful kekkei genkai."

“Is he dead?”

“No, I overpowered him when he tried to take over my body and absorbed him into the curse mark. After that, I returned to the village, where the curse mark was removed, and Orochimaru was placed in a secure cell at the Torture and Interrogation department."

Naruto just stared at Sasuke. 

"Quit staring at me," Sasuke snapped, crossing his arms defensively. He then turned his attention to Sakura, who had been silently absorbing the information. "We need to report on our mission. There’s a lot to discuss."

Sakura nodded; her expression serious. "Don’t worry, Sasuke, I’ll—"

Tsunade interrupted, her tone firm. "I already know everything, Sakura. So don't try to get out of discussing this mission. Someone tried to kill you, and I need to debrief both of you on what we learned about the man."

Tsunade turned to Jiraiya and Naruto. "You are both dismissed."

"Why can't I stay?" Naruto complained, crossing his arms in frustration. "I mean, I'm part of Team 7 too. I should know what my teammates went through!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by Naruto's persistence. "This isn't a game, Naruto. We faced real danger out there. You wouldn't understand."

Naruto paced anxiously outside the office; his brow furrowed with frustration. "This isn't fair," he muttered under his breath, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.

He couldn't believe he was being left out of this crucial discussion, especially when it involved his close friend and teammate, Sakura. What kind of mission had they been on that had put her in such grave danger?

Naruto's mind raced with worry and a growing sense of indignation. He needed to know what had happened, to understand the circumstances that had nearly cost Sakura her life. But Jiraiya's firm words stopped him in his tracks.

“You need to understand that you cannot be involved in discussions where you weren't involved," the older shinobi sighed, “We have been away and are not privy to this information."

Naruto opened his mouth to protest, his loyalty to Sakura burning bright in his chest.

“But Sakura-chan..." he began, only to be swiftly cut off.

"Is a Chunin and has been on many life and death missions," Jiraiya reminded him, his tone brooking no argument. Naruto fell silent, his shoulders sagging with reluctant acceptance. He hated being left in the dark, especially when it came to the safety and well-being of his precious friends.

But he knew Jiraiya was right - he couldn't simply insert himself into a situation he knew nothing about. All he could do was wait, and hope that everything was alright, even as his heart continued to race with worry and a burning desire to understand what had happened.

Sasuke's brow furrowed in confusion as he struggled to comprehend the shocking turn of events. How could the man he had carefully delivered to the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Unit have met his demise within the supposedly impenetrable walls of that high-security facility?

Even more perplexing was the suggestion that this was no mere accident or suicide, but rather the work of an insider with access and intimate knowledge of the complex's vulnerabilities. "T&I is one of the most secure facilities in Konoha," Sakura added.

"We believe it was an inside job," Tsunade said grimly.

Sasuke's face contorted with bewilderment and rage as the shocking revelation sank in. "No shit!" he growled; his brow furrowed deeply as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Who among their own ranks could have orchestrated such a brazen and heinous act? And to what sinister end? The very thought of someone within Konoha having the audacity to target Sakura, of all people, sent a chill down Sasuke's spine. Sakura, the kindhearted and selfless medic-nin who had risked life and limb time and again to heal and protect her comrades - why on earth would anyone want to see her dead?

Sasuke's mind raced, desperately trying to piece together the motives behind this unthinkable betrayal. Was it political machinations, personal vendettas, or something even more nefarious at play?

Sasuke knew the Konoha Military Police Force typically maintained jurisdiction over investigations within the village, but this case seemed to fall outside their normal purview. Something deeply sinister was at play, and the one person who came to mind was Danzo.

"Sasuke!" Sakura stared at him, her eyes wide with concern.

"It's obvious who's behind this," he stated flatly.

“Uchiha," Tsunade said calmly, "we must tread carefully in this sensitive matter. Accusing a village elder without compelling evidence would be a grave error with severe repercussions. Shikamaru and Ino are already investigating this thoroughly, and we must exercise the utmost patience and discretion as they work to uncover the truth."

Sasuke scoffed dismissively, clearly annoyed by Tsunade's politically driven response. "Whatever, I'm leaving," he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets, and storming out of the Hokage's office.

"That boy's temper is going to get him in trouble," Tsunade remarked with a sigh, turning to Sakura. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay and ready to return to the hospital," Sakura replied. "I just..."

"I'm giving you a week off," Tsunade interrupted.

"What? Why?" Sakura questioned her mentor, surprised.

"You've been pushing yourself too hard, and it's time for you to spend some time with your friends," Tsunade explained, her expression serious. "You've been cooped up in that hospital for the last three years, and I should have intervened sooner."

Sakura opened her mouth to protest, but Tsunade raised a hand to silence her. "Listen, Sakura," the Hokage continued, her tone softening. "I know how dedicated you are to your work, but even you need a break. You've been through a lot, and I can't have you burning out. You need to recharge, both physically and mentally."

Sakura sighed, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "Fine, I will do as you ask."

As Sakura made her way to the door, Tsunade called out, "And don't think I won't know if you go to the hospital."

"Yes, Shishou," Sakura replied obediently.

Sasuke spotted Naruto waiting for him as he descended the steps of the Hokage tower. Their eyes met momentarily, but Sasuke promptly turned away, disinclined to interact with Naruto right then.

"Hey, Sasuke, wait up!" Naruto called, chasing after him. "Let's get some ramen."

"Not hungry," Sasuke muttered.

"Come on, Sasuke, we haven't seen each other in two and a half years. We have a lot of catching up to do. I want to know about your mission as a rouge ninja."

Sasuke sighed. "I'm not at liberty to discuss the mission. Even if I wanted to, I can't divulge the details – it was classified."

"Well, we can talk about other stuff," Naruto said, undeterred. He noticed the sword at Sasuke's waist. "You learned to fight with a sword?"

"Amongst other things," Sasuke replied as he entered the Uchiha district.

"What other things?" Naruto asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Hey, shrimp, how was your mission?" Shisui landed in front of Sasuke with a smirk. "Is little blossom with you?" His expression darkened as he noticed the brooding look on Sasuke's face.

“Hey, Shisui it’s been awhile.”

“Naruto, when did you get back?”

“Today…” Naruto smirked and watched Sasuke’s push pass Shisui, “Why does it seem like he keeps getting moodier. I thought not having the curse mark would change things.”

Shisui watched as Sasuke enter the main house. He sighed deeply and wondered if it was wise to let him go on missions so soon. “He went through some dark shit when he was with the snake. Orochimaru really screwed with the kid’s head, and you know that Sasuke is not one to talk about his problems.  Sasuke will be alright. He is just…”

“Did something happen between him and Sakura?  She seems off.”

“I think we should not talk about this in the open.”

“What do you mean? Hey, Shisui what are you doing.” Naruto asked as the older Uchiha grabbed him by the collar and vanished.  Naruto grunted when his butt hit the ground   in the forest with Shisui standing next to him.  “Can you warn me next time you do that.” Naruto stood, rubbing his ass.

“Sorry about that, but well, things are extremely complicated. Not just for Sasuke, but for Sakura too.  Their relationship is kind of rocky now.”

“Why is that?” Naruto asked.

“I should not be telling you this but you’re his friend and he needs someone other than Tachi and I looking out for him. The clan elders are thinking about meddling with all of Sasuke’s relationships. Do you know what the details of what happened between Sasuke and Sakura the night he left.”

“Not really, Jiraiya told me that she tried to stop him.” Naruto wondered if Shisui let it slip to him about the clan elders meddling.

“Well, like you she did not know that Sasuke’s was assigned an S-rank mission. Only a select few knew.  She tried to stop him because she could see what the curse mark was doing to him.  Sakura saw something dark trying to consume him. Sakura is a smart girl.  She said some things to him to get him to stay.”

“Like what?”

“Sorry kid, it is not my place to tell you what she said to him that is between Sakura and Sasuke, but whatever she said to him, the shrimp thanked her for it, before knocking her out.”

“He what? The bastard I’m…”

“Auntie Mikoto and Itachi had already reprimanded Sasuke for his behavior. As for Sakura living with Lady Tsunade, Shisui corrected himself, saying that Sakura's aunt and uncle were unhappy about her caring for a "traitor" and having a jinchuriki teammate who had abandoned her.”

"I didn't abandon her," Naruto replied.

"No, but her family didn't see it that way. If it weren't for Kakashi sensing Sakura's distress, who knows what could have happened. They hired someone to try and seal her chakra, and they tried to force her into a loveless marriage with the son of a feudal lord."

Naruto was shocked. "What?!"

"They escaped before Uncle Fugaku could investigate. Sakura was in a bad place for a while after that."

"Damn it! I should have been there for her."

"You had to train, Naruto. A dangerous organization is after you, and it was wise not to stay in one location for too long."

"I know that, but still, Sakura needed me, and I wasn't there."

"Well, you're here now, so try to make up for lost time. I'll talk to my idiot cousin to find out what's got his panties in a twist."

"I think I can help with that. I kind of used one of my summonings to listen in on their conversation. Someone tried to kill Sakura-chan during their mission, and the person Sasuke used his Sharingan on ended up dead in T&I."

Shisui sighed. "So that's what the ruckus was about yesterday. I'll have to talk to Sasuke about this."

Sasuke's mother, Mikoto, smiled as she watched her youngest son head towards his room. However, the grim expression on his face concerned her. Mikoto wondered if it was typical teenage behavior or something more serious. She knew Sasuke had been through a lot, and she wanted to make sure he was mentally and emotionally okay. The Sharingan, a powerful doujutsu in their clan, could take a heavy toll on its wielders.

"Sasuke," Mikoto called, following him. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine..." Sasuke said, leaning his sword against the wall. "Just tired." He sighed, removing his headband, and ruffling his hair.

"How did your mission go?" Mikoto asked.

"Fine..." Sasuke placed his headband on the bedside table, his response lacking conviction.

Mikoto walked over and gently cupped his cheeks, looking up at his face. "It doesn't seem that way." She noticed how much he had grown, almost as tall as his brother Itachi. "What's wrong, Sasuke?"

Sasuke hesitated. "It's nothing."

Mikoto's voice was laced with concern as she said, "Sasuke, we've talked about this. You need to open up to me." Sasuke placed a hand on his mother's wrist, lowering it from his face. "I need some sleep. I will come to you when I am ready to talk, I promise."

Mikoto sighed, "Get some rest, my sweet boy."

As Mikoto exited Sasuke's room, Itachi asked, "Mother, is Sasuke home?"

"He is home, but he is resting. Your brother is in one of his moods, don't disturb him," Mikoto sighed.

Itachi sighed as he stared at Sasuke's bedroom door. "I was just going to ask if he wanted to train with me. Did he tell you about his mission with Sakura?"

"No, he seems disturbed by it," Mikoto signed.

"You didn't ask him about it?" Itachi questioned; his arms crossed.

"Sasuke will talk about it when he is ready. I know you are worried about him, Itachi. I am too," Mikoto sighed. "I have been worried about him since the day that man tried to take Sasuke away from me! That he tried to corrupt his mind, just because of some theory about him being Indra's reincarnation." Mikoto looked at Itachi and crossed her arms. "It's true, isn't it? Is that why Fugaku put him on that insane training schedule?"

"Yes, it was for his own protection," Itachi replied.

"Do the clan elders know?" Mikoto asked.

"No, we are trying to keep that detail about Sasuke a secret. Father doesn't want the clan to use him as a weapon," Itachi explained.

"The elders want to test Sasuke's skills, there have been talks to make him the next head of the clan. They will push for it more if they find out that detail." Mikoto looked at Itachi. "You need to prevent them from finding out."

"I will do my best!" Itachi assured her.

Sakura sat atop the Hokage Monument, watching the sunset. "What do you need, Shikamaru?" she asked. Over the past few years, Sakura had grown close to Shikamaru through their mutual connections with Ino and Lady Tsunade. Shikamaru had been shadowing his father, assisting the Hokage, as the Nara clan were renowned strategists and advisors.

"Your sensory skills are improving," Shikamaru sighed as he sat down beside her.

Sakura questioned, "Are you here to keep an eye on me, make sure I don't overwork at the hospital? I know Lady Tsunade doesn't trust me to stay away."

"No, I'm just checking on a friend," Shikamaru replied.

"I know you're here to interrogate me about the attempt on my life. Unfortunately, I don't remember much - I woke up in Sasuke's room at the inn where we were staying. Have you learned anything about who in the village wants me dead? I imagine the list is long."

"There are a few at the top of my list," Shikamaru answered.

"I hope Danzo is one of them," Sakura remarked.

"He is, and a few others who aren't pleased with your status in the village. We desperately need more medical-nin like you. When I became a Chunin, Lady Tsunade and I discussed the importance of having a medic on each team. I saw that in you when Tsunade took you under her wing after the exams."

Sakura cut him off. "Get to the point, Shikamaru."

"As a skilled medical-nin and Tsunade's apprentice, you're extremely valuable to the village. However, we don't have many combat-capable medical-nin. And given your close relationships with Naruto, Kakashi, and Sasuke - all from prestigious backgrounds - our enemies may target you."

Shikamaru studied Sakura and her body language. "I read the report he wrote when his hawk delivered the man to Tsunade. Did he ever tell you what he saw with his Sharingan?"

"No, he didn't, but he was ready to kill the man. I could feel it in his chakra even if I was in and out of consciousness."

"I don't blame him. If I was there, I would have done the same. Sasuke showed great restraint. He could have acted but did not because he knew it was more important to bring that man to the village to be interrogated by T&I. Well, the short time he was in there before ended up dead. Someone in the village wants you dead and wants the Uchiha to suffer. Sasuke is very skilled. I still don't understand what the council has against him being a Jonin. He meets all the qualifications."

"They want to make sure he is mentally stable enough after his undercover mission, plus I think the Hyuga's were against the idea of a double promotion for Sasuke. They don't like competition, especially with the Uchiha clan," Sakura answered.

"Troublesome and very petty. The Uchiha didn't complain about Neji's double promotion. They encourage it."

"This is because the Uchiha have a great deal of respect for Neji, stemming from the missions they've completed together," Sakura explained.

"That still doesn't justify clans meddling in promotions that are rightfully earned. Sasuke deserves to be a Jonin," Shikamaru replied, meeting Sakura's emerald eyes with a serious expression.

Sakura bit her lip, gazing at the vibrant orange and pink sky. "I've seen how some clans try to influence the affairs of others. The reports on our genin team formations show how I ended up replacing Hinata on Team 7."

"I'm aware of that too. Hiashi didn't want Hinata associating with Naruto or Sasuke," Shikamaru replied.

"It seems the two clans have never really gotten along. The Uchiha often express discontent with the Hyuga clan's internal dynamics. The Uchiha are very family-oriented and protective, while the Hyuga..."

"Do you remember Hinata's fight with Neji during the Chunin exams?" Sakura asked. "He mentioned the rift between the main and branch families."

"I do. The branch family is essentially enslaved under the main family's curse," Shikamaru said with a sigh. "The Hokage usually avoids interfering in clan matters. My dad's been bringing me to clan meetings to prepare me to take over his position."

Sakura nodded; brow furrowed. "I don't have much insight into clans, since my family isn't part of one. But Shisui tends to overshare after a few drinks, giving me glimpses of the Uchiha's secrets."

"Clan matters are complex, Sakura," Shikamaru continued gravely. "There was more to the attempted kidnapping of Sasuke as a child, but the Uchiha were vague about it. Orochimaru got Sasuke's blood, which is why he kept pursuing him. They investigated missing blood samples at the hospital but never found the culprit. I'm surprised Lady Tsunade sent Sasuke on that mission."

“According to what I've been told, he was the only one capable of successfully completing the task. The plan is to send the target into the snake pit and pray he emerges alive.”  Sakura sighed.

"Do you still have feelings for him?”

"Absolutely not!" Sakura insisted.

"I know when you're being dishonest, Sakura. You have certain tells when you're not telling the truth."

"I'm telling you, I don't!" she insisted again.

"Are you sure you want to keep denying it, Sakura?"

“I can’t get anything past you Shikamaru.  I tried to get over him but for some reason I cannot.” Sakura pulled her knees into her chest, “I just pretend I don’t love him.  It is better that way.”

“For who? Sakura, you are just hurting yourself by doing that.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s good practice of rule twenty-five. Ninja are not supposed to show emotion.”

Shikamaru let out a long, exasperated sigh, knowing all too well that there was simply no point in even attempting to argue with Sakura once she had set her mind to something. That woman could be so unbelievably stubborn, refusing to budge an inch no matter how much logic or reasoning he tried to present. It was truly astounding, really, how the women in his life - Sakura, Ino, even his own mother - could be so headstrong and unyielding, utterly unwilling to compromise. Shikamaru just couldn't fathom it sometimes. He supposed it was a byproduct of being surrounded by such strong-willed, independent kunoichi, but that didn't make it any less exhausting to deal with.

Pissing off Sakura was something he always tried to avoid at all costs - the thought of being on the receiving end of one of her earth-shattering punches was enough to make him cringe.

"I'm getting dinner with Ino and Choji. Ino's been bugging me to get you to join us." He paused. "That annoying woman."

“You really need to stop insulting woman Shikamaru. It is going to get you in trouble one day.”

"Hasn't gotten me in trouble yet. And I know it's in my best interest not to get on your bad side - I've seen firsthand what you've done to Naruto.

"That's because we grew up with you and are used to your shit. Naruto just needs to tone down his perverted tendencies, and he won't get punched. I'm afraid of what he learned from Jiraiya after being with him for three years."

Sasuke sighed as he entered the kitchen and approached his mother, Mikoto, who was preparing dinner.  “Mom..." he said.

Mikoto turned from washing the vegetables and looked at Sasuke. "What's wrong, my sweet boy?" she asked, drying her hands on her apron. She studied Sasuke, sensing that he was ready to open up about what was troubling him. Mikoto knew her son tended to process things on his own before expressing his thoughts and concerns, often overthinking as a child.

"I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was trying to process the mission I went on with Sakura and her safety. Someone tried to kill her and almost succeeded. But what I am worried about is what saw in that man's mind.”

"Concerned? About what?" Mikoto was shocked by how far Sasuke's Sharingan abilities had progressed, given that he had been away from the clan for so long. Navigating through someone's memories and processing them was no easy feat, especially without guidance.

Sasuke explained, "The man who attacked Sakura had a contract to eliminate her. Someone is trying to draw her out of the village." He bit his lip, adding, "This contract probably came from a high-ranking official in Konoha who doesn't want Sakura to become Tsunade’s successor."

Mikoto sighed, understanding her son's concerns. "However, the man also mentioned the Uchiha," Sasuke continued.

"In what way?" Mikoto asked.

"He said that Sakura is too close to the founding clans of Konoha, that she is treated as a daughter by Lady Tsunade, and that her relationship with our clan has put a target on her back. If that's the case, I should keep my distance from her to avoid being a reason for her to get killed."

Mikoto wrapped her arms around Sasuke's neck. "Do not let what you've seen put a damper on your friendship with Sakura," she said. "There is already strain between you, but she is better off with you in her life. She survived without you for three years, but you can protect her now."

Sasuke took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of his mother’s embrace seep into his bones. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he could feel the tension coiling in his chest. "I know, Mom," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But if I stay close to her, I might put her in even more danger. Whoever is behind this contract is willing to go to great lengths to eliminate her. I can’t let my feelings for her cloud my judgment."

Mikoto pulled back slightly, surprised by her son’s confession, so he did have feelings for Sakuea. The girl she wanted as her daughter-in-law.  Mikoto looking into her son’s eyes. "Sasuke, you’re not just a protector; you’re her friend. Sakura has always been strong, but she’s also vulnerable. She needs people she can trust around her, especially now. If you distance yourself, it might only make her more of a target. You have to find a way to be there for her without putting her in harm's way."

Sasuke nodded, “I just don’t want to be the reason she gets hurt. I’ve seen what happens when people I care about get caught in the crossfire. I can’t let that happen again."

Mikoto’s expression softened as she reached up to cup his cheek. "You’re not the cause of her pain, Sasuke. You’re her ally, her confidant. If you pull away, it could send the wrong message. She might think you don’t care, and that could hurt her more than any attack ever could."

Sasuke closed his eyes for a moment, absorbing his mother’s words. He knew she was right; he had seen the way Sakura lit up when he was around, how her laughter could chase away the shadows that lingered in his heart. "But what if they come after me too? What if they use me to get to her?"

“Then you fight back," Mikoto said firmly, her voice steady. "You’re an Uchiha, Sasuke. You have the strength and the skills to protect yourself and her. You can’t let fear dictate your actions. Work together with her, train with her, and make sure she knows she’s not alone. Also, invite Sakura and Naruto for dinner tonight.  It has been ages since I have seen them.”


Hi everyone, this is my first Naruto fanfiction. I have been working on this idea since last year and have things planned out. Updates to this story may take time, but I will try my best to post weekly or bi-weekly. I cannot any promises though. I hope you enjoy this adventure.