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Cursed Legacy


A Legacy could be a blessing or a curse when it came to the Uchiha.

The Uchiha greatly devoted themselves to love and friendship, however their affectionate traits are often be concealed to protect themselves from a curse that has been bestowed upon them since the times of the Sage of Six Paths. When the love an Uchiha holds for another is lost it can instantaneously turn into hatred, influencing them to do anything and everything in their power to achieve their goals, regardless of the consequences their actions.

The Uchiha try preventing the inevitable from happening, protecting their own from being lost in their Clans Cursed Legacy, but history tends to repeat itself. It also started with Indra Otsutsuki and will end with Sasuke Uchiha.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: The Attack


Edited 2/21/24
Edited 9/25/24

Chapter Text

Itachi couldn't help but notice the unusual shift in Konoha's weather as he stepped outside, the cool autumn breeze sending a shiver down his spine. Normally, the village was bathed in the warmth of sunny days, but this evening presented a stark contrast. The tranquil October air felt strangely disrupted, as though an unsettling presence had crept in unnoticed. Itachi couldn't shake the feeling that something had fundamentally shifted in the atmosphere, an impending change that set his senses on edge.

As the young Uchiha heir gazed upwards, the full moon bathed his face in a shimmering silver glow, illuminating the vast expanse of the night sky dotted with countless twinkling stars. It was usually a calming sight, one that Itachi found solace in as he marveled at the beauty of the celestial display. However, his peaceful stargazing was abruptly interrupted by a movement in his arms - his little brother, Sasuke, had begun to fuss and cry.

This was highly unusual, as Sasuke often found comfort in Itachi's presence, their shared chakra signature providing a soothing familiarity that typically quelled the baby's tantrums. Yet tonight, Sasuke's distress seemed to mirror the unsettling undercurrent in the air around them. Itachi gently rocked the infant, murmuring soft words of comfort, “There, there Sasuke, don’t cry.”

Itachi attempted to comfort Sasuke, but it proved to be quite challenging as his tears continued to flow, as if the child could sense the unease blanketing the village. Something had shifted, and Itachi couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition of the changes to come.

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he asked himself, "Was Sasuke able to detect this ominous feeling?"

Itachi paced anxiously, back and forth, as his parents attended an important clan meeting. He knew better than to disturb them unless necessary. However, the unsettling feeling that had been haunting him since earlier refused to fade away, clinging to him relentlessly.

"No matter what, Sasuke, your elder brother will always be here to protect you," Itachi murmured.

Just as he stepped inside from the engawa, a thunderous roar shattered the evening's peace, jolting him from his thoughts.

As Itachi emerged from his home, his eyes widened in utter disbelief at the horrific scene unfolding before him. The once serene and peaceful evening had suddenly descended into a state of pure chaos and devastating destruction. Panicked, anguished cries of terror filled the thick, suffocating air, while debris and rubble were scattered haphazardly across the once pristine streets. Lifeless, motionless bodies lay strewn about, their vacant eyes and contorted limbs a grim testament to the unspeakable violence that had transpired. Itachi struggled to comprehend how such utter annihilation could have taken place, especially so soon after the conclusion of the Third Shinobi War, a conflict that had already exacted such a heavy toll.

An eerie, oppressive sensation gripped him, the same ominous feeling that had crept up on him earlier, a dark premonition that something truly cataclysmic was unfolding. The once familiar surroundings had been transformed into a scene of pure pandemonium, and Itachi knew in his gut that whatever had caused this catastrophic mayhem, was the indication of even greater calamity to come. His heart raced as he surveyed the devastation, his mind racing to discern the cause of this nightmarish turn of events and what unseen forces could have orchestrated such wanton destruction in the heart of the Uchiha clan's stronghold.

What's going on?

Just run you idiot!

The demon Fox is loose.

Itachi's heart raced as he dashed through the chaotic streets of the Uchiha compound, the earth trembling beneath his feet. The sight of the monstrous Nine-Tailed Fox rampaging through the village had struck pure terror into the hearts of the Leaf's residents. Itachi knew he had to act quickly - the demon's escape from its jinchuriki host, Kushina Uzumaki, could only mean catastrophic events had unfolded. Whispers had long circulated about Kushina's true nature, with some villagers fearfully regarding her as a potential threat due to her status as the Fox's container. But Itachi knew the truth - Kushina was a kind-hearted soul, deeply devoted to the Leaf and her family. The woman was best friends with his mother. Itachi had crossed paths with Kushina a few times during outings with his mother to visit their father at the Konoha Police Headquarters, where they would bring him a packed lunch, and Kushina had expressed her desire for her son to befriend Sasuke once he was born, but he knew everything would change.

The fact that the Nine-Tails had broken free could only spell disaster.

Itachi's mind spun as he pieced together the situation. Had Kushina been attacked? Killed, even? And if so, what did that mean for the rest of the village, not to mention his own family? Itachi was painfully aware of the growing tensions between the Uchiha clan and the rest of Konoha. Some Uchiha elders harbored resentment over the Fourth Hokage's perceived snub of his father Fugaku, while a village elder Danzo sought to eradicate the Uchiha, fearing the clan's Sharingan abilities and the "curse of hatred" that plagued them. The man had spent too much time around Tobirama.

But that was not important right now, Itachi had to find his parents, to warn them, to get himself and Sasuke to safety before the situation spiraled even further out of control. The screams and tremors all around him only heightened his sense of dread - lives were being lost, and more would soon follow if he didn't act fast. With his unparalleled speed and agility, Itachi darted through the crumbling buildings, his sole focus on reaching the shelter behind the Hokage monument, where he prayed his family had already taken refuge. The fate of the Leaf, and his loved ones, hung in the balance.

Sasuke's cries grew increasingly anguished, echoing through the air. Itachi could feel the waves of terror radiating from his little brother, whose chakra trembled with fear. Looking down at Sasuke, Itachi desperately tried to comfort him, but his efforts to alleviate the fear proved futile.

"Sasuke, it's okay. You just got a little scared, huh?"

"Mom! Dad!”

Itachi recognized the familiar voice immediately - it belonged to a girl from his academy class, a fellow Uchiha who unfortunately lived outside the clan's compound. The clan elders had disapproved of her mother's marriage to someone they deemed unworthy, leading to their exclusion. Witnessing this discrimination within his clan deeply saddened Itachi. He hoped for a future where the Uchiha would be more accepting of those who didn't fit their mold.

While the Uchiha were known for their pride, Itachi believed that love should prevail within the clan. However, he also understood that the intense love the Uchiha possessed could be a double-edged sword, making them formidable yet susceptible to destructive emotions. This curse had haunted the Uchiha for generations, dating back to the legendary Sage of Six Paths.

Itachi's focus shifted to Izumi, a distant cousin within the Uchiha clan. Despite the distance in their relationship, the Uchiha were known for their protective nature towards their kin. Itachi firmly believed that Izumi's mother's choice of spouse shouldn't matter. Once the chaos settled, he intended to discuss this issue with his father, as they needed to embrace change to progress. Imposing strict standards on marrying outside the clan would only bring more harm than good.

Love was the foundation of Uchiha marriages, and nothing should interfere with that sacred bond.

Itachi-kun!" Izumi cried out desperately.

Itachi immediately extended his hand, silently pleading for her to grasp it. He pulled her close, shielding Izumi from the debris as the neighboring building erupted in an explosion. Determined, Itachi navigated the chaotic streets of Konoha's civilian district, his focus solely on reaching the safety of the shelter nestled within the towering Hokage monument.

"We're heading to the shelter," Itachi assured Izumi, his arm securely wrapped around her trembling form. Suddenly, his gaze fell upon his father and the other police officers, guiding people to safety.

"Keep going," Itachi whispered urgently.

"Itachi-kun..." Izumi's voice was laced with fear.

"Everyone will be there. Don't worry, Izumi, I'll join you shortly," Itachi promised, his expression resolute.

Itachi approached his father, eager to report that they were safe and unharmed. "Father!"

Fugaku softly placed his hand on Itachi's shoulder, his gaze shifting to Sasuke's tear-stained face. "I always knew you would make it here safely," he comforted them. "But for now, I need both of you to head to the shelter at the Hokage monument. Once everything is under control, we will reunite."

Itachi nodded, and obediently followed a seasoned police officer, trailing behind him as they made their way toward the shelter. Casting a final glance back at his father, Itachi clung to the hope that everything would turn out alright.

"What are our next steps, sir?" Itachi asked.

Fugaku addressed his team, formulating a plan. "We will divide the police force into two groups. One-half will remain behind to ensure the safety of the civilians, while the other half will join me in assisting the Hokage with the Nine-Tails." Despite knowing his actions would defy the village's orders and displease the council, Fugaku could not simply stand by and watch the destruction of the home his family had helped build.

"Understood, sir!" the team responded.

Fugaku observed as his clan members scattered in different directions. Surveying the ruins of the village, he sensed the Uchiha's fate was about to take a drastic turn. Aware of the delicate situation, he understood the importance of caution. With a heavy sigh, Fugaku made his way toward the Konoha forest, where he had last felt the presence of Minato and Kushina's chakra - which was now fading rapidly. Deep down, he knew he wouldn't reach them in time to save his friend, but he held onto the hope of protecting the child they had brought into this world - Naruto.