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LOLOL rivalry


College student by day, LOLOL's #1 player on the leaderboard by night; your life begins to change as you finally meet your biggest rival, superman_yoosung, in real life.

Will this stay a rivalry? Maybe you can forget your differences and become friends? Who knows.


Reader is a separate character from MC ^^ anyways as always messy update schedule bla bla bla enjoy reading buddies

Work Text:

You sigh as you closed your computer and stood up. A gleeful smile forming on your face.

You had just taken over the LOLOL leaderboard once more, after a gruelling PVP match against your biggest rival, superman_yoosung.

Ever since you first entered the leaderboard, superman_yoosung would always follow you. If you were #95, he would be #96. The longest you lasted on the #1 spot was 1 week before he started to overtake you. And you had to keep him in his place. It's exhausting, really.

Being a med-student at STAR University doesn't make it easier either. Your grades were good enough to secure you a future as a doctor. But everyone around you thought that you spent too much time on LOLOL.

A notification sound played on your phone, from your LOLOL-linked account on the official app. A message from superman_yoosung; you cursed under your breath. Was he going to doxx you? Maybe SWAT you.. God that's even worse. Maybe some misogynistic message, it wouldn't be the first time that happened.

"that was really good PVP! Looking forward to the next event just so I could do that again ^^ watch ur back lol"

You breathe in relief, you didn't think it would be such a nice message.

"thanks lol, don't get ur hopes up about beating me anytime soon tho ^^"

Making sure to send a cute little gif of a cat just so he doesn't take your response as passive aggressiveness, you went over to your closet to get ready for bed. You had school tomorrow, and being late wasn't the plan.

Your lecture was almost over, with the professor ending it with waking up another student from their sleep.

You glance over to see a blonde boy with purple eyes, not really paying attention to the words being shouted at him.

"...Swear to god, Yoosung, if you don't get your act up; I'll have you expelled!"

Wait, Yoosung? Did you hear that right? Well, it must be a coincidence, how many boys are named Yoosung these days anyways... then again, it is uncommon.

You didn't realize you were still staring at the boy until he looked at you with his eyebrows raised, quickly moving your eyes away from him to your professor.

Yoosung ☆ has entered the chatroom
Zen has entered the chatroom
707 has entered the chatroom

Yoosung: I got scolded by my professor today TT
Yoosung: But this really cute person stared at me, unprompted!!!
Zen: Unprompted? They were probably staring at you because you were getting lectured.
Zen: You should look after your grades more, Yoosung
Yoosung: I know, I know TT
707: How cute were they?
Yoosung: like super cute!!! they kept staring at me even after the scolding.. maybe they like me
Yoosung: A partner at last!!! Is this my chance to not die alone ?? TT
Zen: Stop being delusional and focus on your work, -_-

Zen has left the chatroom

707: follow ur heart yoosung, lol

707 has left the chatroom

Yoosung left the chatroom shortly after, and stared at his ceiling. Maybe he should get better grades to impress you.

Yes, that was it! He has to study more and get better grades! People like smart boys don't they? He'll make sure to study and make not only you proud, but the RFA too! Maybe they'll stop looking at him like a burden, maybe he'll be treated as a man instead of a boy.

You'd unknowingly became his motivation to turn his life around, but all that was going around in your head was about how he had the same name as your enemy.

You should probably steer clear away from him, no need for any more conflict. Or don't. And see how it'll turn out. Maybe you'll make a good friend who (might) turn out to also play LOLOL. Or maybe you'll make a good friend who happens to have the same name as your rival.