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Of Light and Law


He is fury. He is peace. He is rage. He is hope. A knight without a home. A sword turned in on itself. What is he to do with his contempt, what is he to do with his life?

She is justice. She is corruption. She is sin. She is virtue. The paragon of a broken system. To preside over law is to preside over man itself. To break law incurs a punishment befitting of the social contract all are partial to. But what if the law is broken from its outset, what then. What is she to do, what is she to be?

What are two half hearts meant to accomplish? In Terra, where life's fire can be snuffed out in an instant, and two people who once dreamed for idealized days find themselves with shattered ideals on the chance of being reforged, can they themselves find something of their own in this cruel uncaring world?

Chapter 1: A Toast to Your Health


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Wow~ Haven’t seen you here before old-man,” the ever teasing voice of the oldest currently on board Sui fragment cut the silence. There was a sense of tenseness before she continued, “Or is this some sort of strange overtime, orchestrated by the dear Doctor?” Mlynar didn’t dignify her with any response, eyes still looking down at the financial times, but a twitch of a vestigial ear and the quick flick of his eye was enough for Ling, she already knew WHY he was here anyways.

“Soooooo~ Sorry for being late~!” Proviso (Let the record show, I do not appreciate codenames in informal settings!) Deszcz voice chambered into the still bar like a sledgehammer to a glass panel. Shattering the once again subdued atmosphere into a round of chuckles from those in attendance, sans Mlynar. He simply nodded his head towards the source of his, not forced but not voluntary participation tonight. Ling however only sniggered and tapped the counter, grabbing the attention of the Liberi behind the counter.

Rafeaela stopped cleaning her class, while Ernesto’s tail swished from behind the storage room. A thumbs up shot out from the doorway before both tail and hand retreated back into the room. There was a happy murmur at the bar now ready and accepting of orders.

“A fresh round to start off the night please! If possible, could we get a head from that local Kazimierz tap to give to our two locals here. A night starting off with new friends on old tastes is always a successful one!” A cheer came from the other bar patrons, the ones that Mlynar had noted previously had been exceptionally quiet upon his initial entrance. Even the two sibling bartenders had felt notably on edge upon his entering.

The rather liberally dressed Lupo woman and that imposing Sarkaz mercenary in particular had kept a bated eye on him the entire time of his brief stay before Ling spoke to him. He had done much the same with his face behind last week’s Kazimierz Tribute. The others held more bated breath, and he could understand why as of the still pervasive remains of his rumors were only amplified as of the recent “incidents” which have continually cropped up. Although now after Ling’s provocation, and Deszcz’s rather loud entrance, the expressions softened, and the bated breaths were released.

Mlynar in particular noted that after Deszcz had entered, perhaps after the hubbub of her blustered entrance, another Lupo walked quietly behind her. Lappland’s features returned to a rather “unhinged” expression as the other Lupo woman’s took one of uncomfortable terseness. Though Mlynar could not see why, from the other Lupo, the setting itself, or perhaps due to her recent joining of Rhode Island itself.

These musings were quickly interrupted however as the mugs of frothy beer was thrusted into his hands after he rolled up his paper. He looked up to see the smirking face of Ling as he was forced to accept it. Deszcz had already began to look at it like liquid gold, or a legal document teeming with mistakes, and the others who had received theirs had taken it in with interest. Some had already taken a few tentative sips, with small murmurs of delight coming from them later.

“Ganbei!” Ling had cheered raising her glass high in the air. The others echoed her statement’s enthusiasm, but chorused back in their own native vernacular.






“Na Zdrowie!” Descz looked towards Mlynar with a bright look in her eye.

“Na Zdrowie.” He echoed, more subdued, but did follow the others in taking a drink from his draft. It was good. Crisp, refreshing, with a hunt of Kazimierz hardiness that came from its verdant fields and worked hands. It did not take long for many to finish their glasses and ordering new ones, or different drinks. And many more individuals began to make their way into the bar. Growing from a small gathering to rather boisterous crowd.

Mlynar had also underestimated Deszcz’s description of a “small welcome party” as well. Though he did not know if her own perception on “small” was off, or if the inte           ntional obscuration was a ploy to get him to come. Neither mattered, and instead the more pressing issue was keeping his drinking to a conservative amount. Judging by how fast and the activities extended to the other operators, especially that one feline Blaze and the other tall horned woman Hoshiguma with their “shot contest”, the night would quickly descend into a tamed madness once the main speaker would arrive. He had already been foisted two new glasses after finishing his first. Quickly learning that an EMPTY glass would quickly turn into a freshly filled one if someone saw it. Notably by a strange speaking woman in eastern garb.

“Kanpai!” she would cheer, clinking her glass to his newly filled one when she had seen him holding an empty glass. She was quickly drain it much to his slight surprise, it was by no means a small amount of beer she had in her hand. Twice she had done this before Mlynar had come to the empty glass realization and realizing if he kept a little at the bottom, there would be no attempts at handing him a newly filled glass or a refill.

Though much to his chagrin and attempts at pacing and limiting himself, he found himself a little more than affected. These glasses they gave to them were of the larger Leithanian variant, some even in rather peculiar shapes.

Is that… a boot? He had thought about seeing that one in particular. The effect this large amount of alcohol was also starting to effect the more voracious drinkers faster than the more conservative types.

“I’M SO GLAD YOU FINALLY DECIDED TO JOIN US FOR ONCE~! I ALWAYS FELT BAD WHEN EVERYONE WOULD JOIN IN WITHOUT YOU~” Deszcz bawled as she tried to use Mlynar’s coat as a tissue. He didn’t try to stop her, though was somewhat glad that he worn his black one today rather than an offwhite one. He also learned though multiple missions and assignments with her that lead to some downtime at a town or settlement with a tavern that the lawyer would immediately wish to try whatever local brew they had, and when drinking excessively would get rather touchy-feely when she had a little too much. Though he never saw her as emotional as when she’s on the ship, though many of her guards were also lowered when she returned here.

He found that happened a lot to many who had returned from long or short missions.

“I knew you’re probably really lonely since Margaret, Maria, and Zofia went out on that mission you!”

“Margaret, Maria, and Zofia?” the once terse looking Lupo in conservative dress repeated Deszcz, a confused look on her face. In her hand wasn’t a large stein of beer, but like some others at the gathering, was a swirling glass of deep red wine. A Siracusan vintage if the smell and aroma was enough for Mlynar to judge off of. While a red flush was on her cheeks, it was nowhere as prominent as on Deszcz’s. Both regarded each other coolly, caught in the story that the now chipper Deszcz was talking about. Her tears, and glasses, now occupying Mlynar’s damp coat. The Lupo had previously introduced herself as Lavinia Falcone. Mlynar had been briefed on her file when it had been passed to him in the department. Her codename, Penance, a lawyer somewhat like Deszcz but called a “judge” in Siracusa and dealt less with corporate and economic codes, and more with crime, punishment, and the law of the civility.

"Yup, you've probably heard of them, this is their dour sour uncle, Mlynar!" Said Mlynar gave her a pointed look but opted not to say anything. Lavinia nodded her head towards him, noting how she heard of his name in passing, but never had yet to meet the man in person herself. Mlynar nodded back, noting the difference between the profile of an operator and the real person.

She, as well as a few others, were in part the reason for why such a gathering was held. His own was held not too long ago, though perhaps due to his nature and the reputation that had started before he even arrived, his was notably smaller in comparison. A small get-together headed mostly by the previous Nearl who seemed more awkward, well Maria wasn’t, around the now FORMER head of the Nearl family.

This current welcome party was perhaps a “proper Rhodes” getogether that happened to have an inclusion of a certain keynote gust being the reason for why such a chaotic atmosphere. An air of joyful pandemonium had descended Rhode Island’s prominent bar, though Mlynar doubted not much could be the catalyst for a celebration. Despite the many suffering from oripathy, they were not despondent or downtrodden. Every day was often met with a smile.

“Although recently there’s been air of uncertainty and apprehension since the last reports from Siracusa” he lingered before being blindsided. A strong arm wrapping around his shoulder much to his chagrin. He was pulled away from Deszcz and Miss Falcone. Though he made no point to go back to his place, he was still somewhat in a reprieve of being forcibly shuffled along and taken unawares. Hm, the drink was taking hold of him more than he thought.

“Come on Mlynar, why the long face?” The easy-going voice of Elysium drifted close at ear to the dour faced man as he was held. The gregarious messenger was red faced, but Mlynar couldn’t tell if it was real or a façade that the man oft uses in such cases of alcohol being involved.

The two worked together sparsely, though both seemed to know enough about how the other acts to warrant some semblance of familiarity between the two. Though in the case of Elysium, that intimate hand of familiarity seemed to be as readily given as his smiles and words of nothing.

“Drink my friend, it is a celebration. Smile! Have fun!” A drink, some fruity concoction based on smell and look alone, was tentatively handed to him. He looked to see a fresh-faced boy with kind but hard eyes. Lanky in appearance but tall in stature, filling out in a mess of gangly limbs but kind features.

“Uh, lo siento, for Senior Elysium behavior. He was quite excited upon seeing you in the bar.” Jordi looked apologetic, though Mlynar none of this was no fault of the boy’s own. Rather, he knew then that Elysium was simply joyful in this occasion.

“It’s quite alright. Perhaps I too could use time to… unwind.” Loosening his tie for once, he took a sip of the drink. It was fruity, sweet, not too strong either, something he would think Maria would rather prefer than him, but not bad. “Is this your choice of drink?”

“O-Oh uh no, well yes, kind of. It was a drink that a superior of mine would partake when finally off duty.”

“It’s quite refreshing.” The boy smiled and Elysium let out a hoot before both he and Mlynar noticed someone finally bumped into them. The guest of honor themselves, the keynote speaker, and fashionably late as always being carried by their current adjutant.

“Finally got ‘em to leave the office. Amiya had ‘em sign and organize a bunch of documents for an upcoming mission.” Blaze dropped Doctor down amongst the three before finding Gavial and Ling. Elysium quickly deposited a drink in the Doctor’s hand to which it was immediately tipped back and consumed in a single gulp.

“Woof, I needed that one.” Placing it down, Elysium quickly refilled it before it was drained once more by the Doctor.

A low whistle came from the Liberi messenger while Lumen fretted over the Doctor when they began to cough roughly. Mlynar only quirked an eyebrow up, noting that a few notices had passed by his own office in regards to documentation of resources being moved around. Something requiring a strong legal framework to undertake but would be a while before implementation of whatever the project’s goal would be.

“Ah, Mlynar, you’re here!” The Doctor seemed to do a double take upon noting the individual to their direct right. Pulling their hood off, the Doctor’s rather young features shined under the bar’s low illumition. Green and blue eyes seem to twinkle with mirth despite their dark circles. “That’s wonderful! A drink to your health!” Mlynar had to cooperate, lifting his own drink to clink alongside Elysium and Lumen.



“Na Zdrowie.”

“Ayo!” The four drank, but only the Doctor and Elysium finished theirs with quenched sighs. Someone seemed to have found a piano as some sort of jaunty tune played which began to liven up the celebration more.



“Oi baws, you’re here!” It seemed that many others seemed to realize the presence of the Doctor. Before the cloaked individual could help it, they were hoisted out of their seat, though partially with help from Elysium and Mlynar who each took a leg and lifted them up and into the waiting arms of the crowd.

“Traitors! Traitors!” The Doctor cried after being taken and tossed between different people and groups. Eventually they were foisted up onto a stacked table arranged so everyone could see and hear whatever they were about to say or do. A chant had started for them to start their speech, but Mlynar had stood up then. He went to move over to a more quiet area of the bar. He had gone to many company “celebrations” in his old life, and he knew of the rousing or welcoming speeches that the person would give to inspire more uproar and more celebration. Usually, they would ring hollow to him, but Mlynar had a feeling that the Doctor’s was sincere. They were always sincere in their words.

He moved away mostly because it seemed that the drink had finally gotten to him and he wanted just a little of bit of quiet. It had gotten stuffy as well and he shed his black outer coat finally as he moved to a smaller area of the bar. Ernesto, the Perro bartender, now stood polishing a glass in front of a flushed but somewhat somber looking Lavinia.

He sat with them, Lavinia looking up for her swirling glass of red wine and Mlynar noticed that Deszcz had been asleep. Snoozing peacefully with her head on the counter.

“She had just proclaimed, “the defense rests!” before falling forward and snoring,” Ernesto chimed in seeing Mlynar’s concerned expression.

“Ah, well, that’s good.” He thought about it for a second before sighing. He might as well get a drink he would like, all night he had been given concoctions and drinks to consume, and not chosen for himself. And while the beer was nice, he had some of his own ideas.

“Brandy?” Lavinia spoke up after hearing Mlynar’s order and Ernesto pouring out the amber liquor. Mlynar nodded before bringing the glass to his lips, taking a small sip and nodding.

“It was… Something that was shared amongst comrades once. It is still fondly thought of, even though the memories are bitter.” It seemed that the scotch alone loosened his tongue enough to share. And voice some other thoughts. “Why are you here? I had thought much of this gathering was made to welcome you and the other newer operators to Rhode Island?”

“I am fine with a drinking party, but parties for Mafiosos or even associations to them never end well normally…” A dark look took Lavinia’s features but ceased when the older man’s glass clinked to her own glass.

“Then let us move past that. To your health and your future at Rhode Island.” Lavinia blinked a bit before nodding and raising her own glass.

“To our future cooperation, and to the betterment of people.” Mlynar let out a rueful bark of laughter. A faint memory sparking up.

“A toast! To our glorious high-born lord, daining to stick in the mud to get these poor sods out of this mess!” Of a shining time, despite the shadows that creeped even then, and even now…



I really have nothing to write here other than thank you for reading what will hopefully the start of a completed fic which will delve deep in the world of Terra/Arknights. The premise of the end game is stated above, but honestly the meandering way I tell a story might lead to more relationships that may happen as I see to my own narrative I've crafted. I would like to thank everyone who helped me brainstorm this initial few chapters, especially in how I would write this story and who would actually want to associate with the loser horseman willingly.