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Part 1 of The Heroes of the City of Skaia

The Adventures of Lightseer


Rose is full of wishes: she wishes her sister Roxy didn’t have to work all day to make ends meet. She wishes her brother Dirk didn’t have to plunge into debt for his degree. She wishes her brother Hal had a body. She wishes her brother Dave---also known as the vigilante Jumpstart---didn’t have to risk his life on the street against the villains that the Prospitian Hero Tower never bothered to chase. A tower that would rather imprison him than help anyone.
And she wishes her powers were more useful than seeing a future she is powerless to prevent.
All she can do is take commissions, stay in school, and keep safe---until she sees a new threat and can’t let herself stay down any longer.
If Dave and Hal can do something, surely she can, too.


I'm supposed to be writing something else, so of course I wrote a ton of this.

This is a companion to AcrylicMist's lovely story Shenanity Idenanigans. I highly recommend reading that one as well, though I will give as much context as is needed. Still, this is spoiler-y for some of what happens in that one. This is very self-indulgent, a Rosemary-focused companion.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Heroes, Heroes, Heroes

Chapter Text

The skies of Derse are as dark as they get in the city: like lavender mist, if you're a poet. Rose isn’t. Every faint star is crowded by run-down buildings. The cloudy air is half-smoke, breaking more than a few pollution regulations. Not that a city that would rather arrest vigilantes and the homeless than confront the Prospitian industry-rich would ever stop that. All that gold has to sit on someone's back.

Her set of silvery needles clicks in the night. In the other room, a keyboard clicks along. No one in the Strilonde house sleeps these nights. Not while Dave is away.

Or, as the news has taken to calling him, Jumpstart. The super-speeded vigilante

Rose knows it’s not just speed; Dave’s powers are time. It slows and speeds up in his clock-face eyes---though both she and her brother know that it would rather not. Time does not like to listen to people. If you are lucky, it might deign to change its flow for you.

If you are unlucky, it might let you know that your brother is coming home with broken ribs and a bleeding head wound before it happens. Nothing you could change.

Rose moves to get the gauze out. Bloodthinners are unwise with that much bleeding.

Dave will say he is used to it. He has before.

Sure enough, when he stumbles in, he's got those same wounds. Rose's visions never miss. Dirk comes out.

“You knew?” Dirk looks at her roll of gauze.

“Saw it.” She says.

“Could’ve given me a warning, Rosie-posie---ow!”

She pokes him in the ribs. Yep, broken.

“It won’t change anything. My ability’s useless for something that’ll get me clapped in irons.” She says, tying off the gauze.

“You’re an oracle.” Says Dirk. “That’s not useless. Mine, on the other hand---”

“None of that. You gave us Hal. And you’re the reason…”

No one has to say that last part out loud. He's the reason they don't have to worry about Bro Strider dragging them to the roof for strife after strife.

Dave sighs. “If anything, your power’s too useful. If you went out to the street, they’d send worse than Ultimatum after us.”

“Didn’t he torture you?” Dirk asked.

“You know that compulsion isn’t the worst the Hero Tower can do.” Said Dave, rolling his ticking-clock eyes.

Hal’s tinny voice comes up: “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about Ultimatum. You have to worry about Kankri Vantas.”

Everyone scowls at the hero’s civilian name.

Dave is a vigilante by night, but by day, he’s somehow managed to land himself a job in the hero tower. One where he works alongside the living legend, Signless, and Kankri, his shitty son with the worst possible superpower.

Worst as in danger, not as in useless.

Kankri has interrogated Dave once; if he'd made the connection between Dave and Jumpstart, Dave would be in the Tumor right now with villains like Highblood and the HIC.

If they didn’t need the money so much, Rose would insist he quit. You didn’t have to be an oracle to know that this identity nonsense was going to get someone hurt, beyond the three story drop Dave had taken to avoid Ultimatum the first time.

“Who did this to you, anyway?” Dirk asks.

“A couple of guys loading a truck with drugs. I thought I could take them. One was armed. One was powered.” Says Dave.

Dirk glares. “Clown cultists? You should’ve contacted Bone Witch or the Punch Pair.”

“No,” Dave and Rose say at the same time.

Dave stares at her.

“I saw…colors, certainly. But not the mirthful purples and Juggalo knockoff paint.” Rose frowns. "Pastels..."

“White masks, like shells.” Dave says. “Colors too light for nighttime. Hal, have you---”

“Got it.” Says Hal.

By day, Hal is their AI sibling, making sure Dave doesn't punch Kankri in the face. By night, he’s the untraceable vigilante Sight Unseen, making sure he can punch Ultamitum in the face.


“The profile matches a minor villain group called the Court of Light. Like the HIC’s Court of Darkness? Not very original. This is weird, though.”


“They’re a small group, and most of their attacks have been in Prospit.” Says Hal. “No wonder they’re such a low threat. The heroes have that place in the palm of their hand.”

Dirk pinches the bridge of his nose. “Great. Just what we need, more villains making their way into Derse. We barely have enough vigilantes to deal with two gangs, let alone three.”

“The Midnight Crew are okay.” Dave shrugs.

“Their boss leaves graffiti made from the indentations of thrown knives.” Rose says, skeptical. It’d be impressive if it didn’t terrify half the neighborhood. “It takes more than a decent aesthetic to make someone ‘okay’.”

“Okay, all right. Let me go to bed. I have work tomorrow.” Dave grumbles.

“With this many broken ribs?” Dirk snaps.

“They have a healer.”

“What are you, going to tell Karkat you got mugged again?” Rose asks.

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Dave looks at Rose’s latest project: a set of patent leather boots that she’s embroidering in fuchsia tentacles. “Who’s the latest for, HIC? You gonna sneak them past the security in The Tumor?”

“I don’t disclose my clients.”

“To your own flesh and blood?”

Rose rolls her eyes. “Some woman called Meenah Peixes. It’s none of my business who my clients like. This commission is paying for next week’s groceries.”

“Just saying, it’d be funny if the one of us who finally gets arrested by the Hero Tower isn’t me or Dirk.”

“Not if it’s Rose.” Says Hal. “Who knows what they’d do to her?”

Dave’s easy grin drops off his face. Everyone knows her powers could get stronger with training.

The painful nightmares are enough on their own without being locked in a cell and prodded into telling people the whereabouts of Dave’s vigilante allies.


Roxy wakes her up the next morning, ruffling her hair.


“Come on, you’ll be late for school.”

Rose puts on an old graphic tee and her skirt, before heading downstairs. Her wrists and fingers are sore from the finishing touches on those boots. Meenah Peixes had better be grateful.

Rose pours herself coffee and cup ramen, sitting by her siblings as they talk. Dirk mentions a robotics project. Dave complains about scheduling his coworkers. Roxy tells a funny story about a client. No one talks about Dave’s broken ribs, or the lies he’ll have to tell to get them fixed, assuming he can’t hide it.

School is a dangerous walk; the mothers of Prospit would have a heart attack if their little darlings had to step around the amount of broken glass Rose did on the way to the building. They’d have two if they heard some of what she hears called after her on the worst days.

There is beauty in the beaten violet bricks, the way the oak in the park shadows the city. A few of her neighbors wave hello, something Rose always appreciates, despite her demeanor. But no one could blame the Dersites for complaining.

Classes are a bore; Rose’s visions don’t work on the schoolwork, but she’s clever enough to manage. She texts an online friend:

tentacleTherapist began pestering gardenGnostic:

TT: Save me from the doldrums that are algebra.

GG: Pay attention, dummy :B

TT: Not all of us are gifted physicists like you.

GG: Pshh, you’ve told me how good at math you are. Keep studying and they’ll let you into the advanced classes!

TT: I’ll leave that to you. Are your classes going well?

GG: English. Bluh.

TT: Do tell.

GG: I’m sick of The Merchant of Venice. How’s that going to help me when I’m on the move?

TT: On the move? I thought you’d be a scientist for sure.

GG pauses. Rose scribbles more on her worksheet so the teacher doesn’t catch on.

GG: Uh, yeah! Haha, I meant in practical terms. Like when are we going to use this?

TT: You wound me. Through my favorite subject no less.

GG: Right, sorry. I’d switch places with you if I could. Just teleport right in there!

TT: Careful, the hero tower will catch you.

Another pause, this one longer. Rose cringes internally: Dersite humor can be very “fuck the heroes of Prospit, they do nothing for us and then try to kill our vigilantes.” Not everyone else feels the same. GG could be Prospitian, and they adore their heroes.

TT: My apologies, my sense of humor can be gauche at times.

GG: No problem! It’s just kinda funny…can you keep a secret?

Rose uses her bathroom break. No one will read her phone, but Rose gives her friends consideration, even when she doesn’t know them personally.

TT: I’m all ears.

TT: All eyes.

TT: That would be rather eldritch.

GG: :P TT, come on.

TT: All right. I’m listening.

GG: Well…the hero tower’s already found me.

Rose freezes. Not out of shock, but---

Green light fills her vision, the same color as GG’s pesterlogs. A mane of deep black hair, and a black dress. A rounded mask tipped in wolf ears.

The number three hero of the tower. Comet, who teleports and almost had her brother a few weeks ago.

Her power’s been doing this for a few months. Extra exposition.

The kind she certainly can’t explain to GG.


TT: Apologies, you startled me. You are not a fugitive, are you?

GG: Goodness, no! I’m…actually a hero.

TT: I take it you won’t reveal your name.

GG: No, sorry.

GG: You believe me, right?

TT: No one would ever lie on the internet.


TT: I am joking. I believe you. I trust you are sincere about these things.

That, and she’d just had it confirmed.

GG: Tentacle Therapist, the skeptic, believes me about this?

TT: Well, a real hero wouldn’t tell some internet stranger their real name or even their hero alias. Though it does feel a bit strange to think of a squiddles rp friend from when I was ten as a hero, I admit. And we are a bit old to be lying about these things.

GG: This isn’t the long-game kind of sarcasm you’re playing at, right?

TT: Not this time, no. I'll buy it. I may have to get back to class.

GG: Also we should totally get back into squiddles sometime!

TT: Oh? Simple text rp, or are we getting more elaborate?

GG: Text! I’ve made a cool friend, and she still rps. She’s called arsenicCatnip!

TT: Are we sure she’s our age? We haven’t played since we were twelve…

GG: She says she is.

GG: And as we know, no one lies on the internet!

TT: Right. Well, I’ll see about speaking to her. It's not like our rps were anything other than kid-friendly.

GG: Besides the viscera mountain debacle.

TT: We'll avoid that one. Friendship all the way.

GG: I’ll see if we can get even more people, too. The bigger the better, right?

TT: Debatable.

GG: :P I have to go. There’s been a report of a Prospitian group making their way into Derse.

The Light Court. Rose shivers.

TT: Well then. I shall leave you to your escapades.

Rose’s mind whirls as she walks into History. Her old friend, one who she’s pestered from childhood, is Comet. She zones out through the class; it’s not much except the kid who dresses like a pretentious hipster knowing a rather suspicious amount about the assassination of Caesar.

Rose drifts through the day, eating the school’s free lunch mechanically before afternoon comes.


Rose rarely has a reason to take the bus to Prospit, but the nicest fibercraft stores are there, and she is not immune to the allure of alpaca yarn. Then, there’s the fact that her customers expect quality. It’s an excuse to load a basket with rich silky thread and bury her hands in wool, though, so she has no reason to complain.

She wanders through The Quesant, the nicest store in the garment district. She catches sight of a glittering black fabric shot with silver, and is reminded of her vision. She cannot let GG know she knows her name without hearing it from her first. That would lead to more questions, and while Roxy’s cybersecurity is airtight, the hero Gemini is known for his hacking prowess. She’d rather not have anything traced to her family, thank you very much.

Meenah received the boots quickly; she is Dersite, and the delivery was quick after Rose shipped the package that morning. Meenah commissioned a matching fuchsia cape, and while Rose would decline such a spur-of-the-moment commission, she’s been offered five grand.

Meenah's commissioning regalia that HIC might have enjoyed. Someone besides Rose might worry. But really, wanting to look like a villain isn’t uncommon, especially in Derse. And it’s not like capes are practical for a real-life fight. She had to talk Dave out of wearing one when she made his costume, after all.

A paying customer is a paying customer, and Rose isn't going to turn down something that means more for her college fund and emergencies.

She browses rows of pinks, from pale to deep. The boots are deep black with pastel and jewel tones, with accents of gold. Meenah seems the flamboyant type; the villain she seems to idolize was. Rose picks a dark one; it needs to have the embroidery show up, after all. Meenah wants extra gold stars, and a mixture of different kinds of tentacles, like a chimera of numerous sea creatures. There will be a range of purples and golds with it, and she will close it with covered buttons. Meenah has raved over the sketch.

Sewing is her least favorite part; she prefers detail to broad silhouette. Still, she needs some extra bobbins for her machine, since the last ones were cheap and cracked---

Rose goes still for the second time that day: not a vision, at least not that kind.

Standing there is a breathtaking young woman in a sharp emerald green over a long, scarlet skirt. Her beautiful raven hair dips just below her ears. Her medium-brown skin seems to glow from within. The light frown she gives the price tag lends her a look of intelligent discernment, and---oh god. She notices. She notices Rose staring and even looks threatened for a moment before relaxing.

“May I help you?” she asks.

“Ah. My apologies for staring. I did not intend to make you uncomfortable. I am simply looking for bobbins. For give me…your outfit is quite striking. Did you make it?”

The woman beams. “That I did! Are you a seamstress?”

“I prefer knitting and embroidery.” Rose says. “But I do sew, yes. I was gathering materials for a recent project.”

“Oh! Tell me about it.”

Rose explains. The description makes the woman frown, so Rose rushes to explain that it’s a commission, and it’s what the client wanted. “Though I do specialize in cephalopod motifs.”

She relaxes. “Ah. For a moment, I was worried you were taking a commission for a copycat Her Imperious Condescension.”

“I was worried as well, for a moment. But capes---”

“---are notoriously impractical for most heroes.” She finishes. She smiles at Rose. “Kanaya Maryam, by the way.”

“Rose Lalonde, at your service.” Rose smiles, cringing internally. Who says “at your service” out loud?

Kanaya begins to talk about her latest project; her job keeps her busy most of the time, though she would prefer to be a seamstress. It is going to be a black and jade green dress. She picks out covered button materials with Rose. Rose thinks it may be so that their hands will brush, although that is probably wishful thinking.

“Pardon my asking, but do you have anywhere to be this afternoon?” Kanaya asks.

“Well, I do have to catch the bus back to Derse, but I was planning to meet my brother at the stop.” Rose says.

“I thought your accent sounded Dersite, but I did not wish to assume.”

“And you sound Prospitian.” Rose laughs.

“How do we sound?”

“Like a mouthful of the chia pudding you sell at your coffeeshops.”

“That implies you have tried it.” They pay at the fabric store counter.

“My muse is sealife. Can you blame me for trying a food that resembles pearls and slime?”

Kanaya giggles at that. It’s a soft sound.

“Did you at least enjoy it?”

“I prefer coffee.” Says Rose.

Kanaya smiles. “Well, might you have a moment to get some with me?”

Rose shuts down for a moment. She feels herself flush. Surely, this gorgeous girl isn't asking her out. Surely…

Platonic. Just because a beautiful woman has short hair, does not mean she’s been flirting with you all this time. Prospitian ladies surely converse in coffeeshops all the time. There’s no need to be nervous. Rose is not nervous.

The two make their way to the shop. The pastries in the window look---

The sun is at the same angle in the sky, just about. The glass is shattered, pastry strewn everywhere. Red blood catches on folds of white fabric---

“Get down!” Rose shouts, grabbing Kanaya’s hand and yanking her away, just as---

Just as a sharp force rings through the glass, shattering the place where they just were.

They are safe. But in a flash, her hand is out of Rose’s.

“Rose, run.”


“Go! I will be fine.”


White fabric. White silk threads surround her and Kanaya like a cocoon.

“I don’t want you getting hurt.” Kanaya says, gritting her teeth. Her arms are raised, manipulating the thread, and sure enough, her long sleeves have fallen back, showing two gold bands.

Anyone in Skaia would recognize this power: Kanaya is the hero Silkworm, one who Dave helped out once.

How is it that I met two heroes today? Rose thinks to herself, Well, she’d known one all along, but still.

Between squiddle buddies and breathtaking seamstresses, was everyone a security risk to their vigilante operation?


Rose turns to see Kanaya there, outnumbered by…

White masks. Two of them.

Unbidden, her vision comes again. Kanaya reeling, listing left, where a third one melts out of the shadows to hit her.

“Move right, Kanaya!” Rose calls, before she can help herself.

Kanaya does, and the third strikes empty air. Kanaya takes advantage of the moment to bind him.

“Leave! Now!” Kanaya calls.

Another vision: Comet again, jumping in.

Rose is getting a headache by now. She bolts for the bus stop.

Could she tell? Rose thinks, slowing to a jog. Was she worried? Could I have done more?

And was something about being on the scene motivating me to see more at will?

Would that be…bad?

Rose shakes her head to clear it. She meets Dave and a boy she doesn’t recognize at the bus stop.

“Rose!” Dave calls. “What happened?”

“I…the Light Court attacked me.” Rose pants. She feels something wet on her face, and feels; she got a cut on her cheek.

The boy by Dave frowns. “Where?”

“The coffeeshop, that way. I was with someone who turned out to be Silkworm.” Rose says.

The boy’s eyes go wide. “Kanaya!”

He sprints.

“Rose? You good?” Dave asks, as they board the bus.

“We’ll talk about it at home.” Rose says. “Or perhaps…the theater.”

Dave’s eyes widen. “Rose. Tell me she doesn’t---”

“Not now, Dave.” Rose says. She puts the pieces together: Dave’s now fully healed cut. That boy. “Was that young man you were with Karkat?”

“Yeah, what about it?”


“Rose, you can’t tease me about this. Not at a time like this.”

Rose smirks; she does love it when Dave plays himself. “Who said there was anything to tease about? Unless you happen to like a man who takes care of you.”

That does it; Dave splutters instead of babbling like he usually does, and Rose texts Dirk and Roxy to meet them by the theater.


“You What?” Dirk asks.

“I…she would’ve been hurt, and I didn’t connect the silk with the powers. For all I knew, she could have been hurt.”

“I’m talking about that second instance.” Dirk says. “He was invisible, and you told her where to dodge. If Silkworm connects the dots, even if she just calls it hidden-sight, that’s enough to get you shackled. She knows your name, and if the hero tower takes you in…”

“Dirk, I know. It’s simply…I didn’t want her to be hurt.” Rose said.

Roxy says, “I think you did the right thing, Rose. She may have been Prospitian, but that girl was a civilian for all you knew. If you two didn’t dodge, that would’ve gotten you hospital bills, and that’s assuming the Light Court didn’t capture you two---or kill you.”

“And the second time?”

“It’s not like I control them, Dirk.”

“Aren’t you interested in how this could help Dave?” Hal asks, from inside Dave’s shades.

Dirk rubs his temples. “I…Rose, Dave will get put in the Tumor. Your powers are psychologically damaging, and if---”

“Dirk.” Roxy says. “All our powers do things to us. And yours do, too. We need to focus for now. Rose, are you planning to split off in case you don’t want to be traced?”

“Karkat knows who I am, and he’ll know who Rose is. He saw her and she reported. We’re going to be found regardless; it doesn’t make sense for Rose to run. It only does if you’re going to be on the run, and even then…they know your name and face.” Dave says. “And if Bastard Man knows about our connection, I’ll be interrogated.”

“So it’s better if you leave.” Dirk says. “I’ll split with you, Dave. Roxy, you take Rose somewhere else. Can you crash with that friend of yours?”

“Meulin?” Roxy nods. “Yeah, I’ll ask her. In the meantime, Rose…they’re not finding us.”

Rose can’t help but smile as they split into groups. Roxy’s power is shadows; that Light Court villain had a similar power, Rose thinks; as she follows, the two of them become shifting bits of darkness in the waning light. The twilight over Derse makes it seem hazier than normal; anyone would blame a trick of the light. Her power goes beyond that; she’s less traceable than anyone else, the best hider in the orphanage for two years before they had to run.

Roxy, not Rose, would be an ideal vigilante. If she didn’t have to play breadwinner and hacker, she’d be out there, protecting Dave.

“Hey, Rose?” Roxy asks.


“You seem pensive. What’s up?”

“Well, it’s a stupid thought.”


“Well…I was thinking. My power with Kan---Silkworm. It was more practical, a sort of adrenaline combat situation. It made the vision come, and I…I heard her and saw her outnumbered, and I…reached for the power without thinking.”

Roxy listens.

“And…I know I have been trying to use my powers as they come, not training like Dave’s to keep the visions minimal. But…I helped someone fight this afternoon. I saved someone. It made me think what I could do, if I decided to train.”

“Well, what do you want to do?”

Rose contemplates. She hates her visions. She hates feeling powerless. She thinks of what she might be able to do, to stop Dave from getting injured. To help out Bone Witch if Gambler comes after her, to shoulder some of the burden that these new Light Court goons are going to be.

Then something else occurs to her.

“I want to go back to Prospit.”

“What the hell?”

“I left my bag there!” Rose says. “For the commissions.”

Roxy reaches Meulin’s door and knocks. A short girl in a blue knit hat opens the door.

“Hi. Meu told me you’d be coming here.” She says. “You and your sister need a place to stay?”

Roxy nods.

The girl leads them in. “I’m Nepeta, by the way.”

“Were you planning to go out tonight?” Rose asks, noticing her practical shoes.

“I cancelled my plans.” Nepeta shrugs. “It gives me more time to do what I wanted to, I guess.”

“And what is that?” Rose asks.

“My chum gardenGnostic gave me the handle of someone she used to rp squiddles with.” Says Nepeta.

“Are you arsenicCatnip?” Rose asks.

Nepeta’s face lights up, and she flings her arms around Rose. Rose gasps for breath; the girl is surprisingly strong.

“I am!” Nepeta squeals. “I can’t believe we know each other in real life!”

Rose smiles; she can’t make any vigilante decisions at the moment, and it’s not like she’ll be able to start the cape. Instead, she logs on.

Chapter 2: The Sparring Problem


Rose makes new friends, and meets Kanaya again.


Hi again!

I could not for the life of me make the pesterlogs work this time, so they're plain this time. Sorry!

Chapter Text

AC: :33 The mighty Lioness deals the killing blow to the enemy kraken, who roars in defeat. She spears the tentacles to bring to shore for a delicious dinner.

GG: Astralclaw dips his head in acknowledgement of her prowess. Truly, she is a worthy ally. Starglow, will you join us? .

TT: Starglow of the Deep blinks her lantern in thanks. She will gladly feast upon the flesh of the enemy kraken. Her siblings will sleep safe tonight. .

GG: Awesome job, you guys! AC, you rock at this! .

AC: :33 You too, GG! I’m glad to find someone to rp with. I should get GC to join us next time! .


AC: gallowsCalibrator! .

At once, teal light fills Rose’s eyes. She sees: a blindfold mask like a dragon’s head. A cane splitting into two blades and slashing targets one by one.

The hero Redglare.

The third hero today?! Are there any normal people in this city? Rose wonders. Sure, there’s Nepeta, whose arms are bare and whose Dersite home means she’d never want to be a hero, but still.

GG: :O .

GG: I can’t believe we know so many people in common! And with how you two met up… that’s amazing! GC and I can join in.

And of course Comet knows her. And likely Silkworm, too. Skaia was a large metropolis, but sometimes it felt too small.

AC: :33 Hehe! Just a warning, she’s a tough player. She plays dragons! Between our jellyfish horrorterror, our star wolf, our fierce huntress, and her, our enemies won’t stand a chance!

AC: :33 Or we could play 2v2. You and GC versus me and TT!

Prospit vs. Derse. Two heroes versus a wannabe vigilante and a catgirl.

There’s irony in there that she’d appreciate.

GG: Come to think of it, one of GC’s friends knows how to GM. If it’s okay with you guys, we could meet up.

“Rose, what do you think?” Nepeta’s eyes are shining. She’s a year older than Rose, but it seems like she’s younger here. Someone who doesn’t have many friends her age, someone who didn’t leave her childhood interests behind.

“We may live far from each other,” Rose says, choosing her words carefully.

Nepeta tilts her head. Rose is suddenly aware that she is smarter than she seemed at first.

“Do you know where they live?” she asks.

Rose shakes her head. “You may ask.”

Nepeta says, “It’s all right if mew’d rather not tell. Friends keep each other’s info safe.”

“Precisely. I was trying to say you could ask her.”

AC: :33 Sure! What’s a good place for us to meet up?

GG gives them a location in Prospit, to no one’s surprise. The kind of place where Rose will have to keep away from if the authorities decide to investigate her.

“I may not be able to attend.” Rose shrugs.

“It’s all good. GG said you’ve known her for years, though. I can handle myself pretty well, though, and if you’re worried, I can get us away.” Nepeta says.

Rose knows that this is not true. Plenty of Dersite girls are tough; Roxy carries pepper spray and throws wicked punches, Rose is a decent runner, and Nepeta’s arms are corded with muscle. She seems athletic; no one could outrun a teleporter or out-hide Redglare’s all-sight.

“Rose? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Her silence has gone from nervous to suspicious.

“No, GG wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it bit her first. I trust your judgement on GC. It’s been a hectic day.” Says Rose.

Nepeta sends a quick goodbye, before logging off.

“If you want, I can listen.”

Rose sighs. Usually, she would vent to Roxy, but she’s cooking for Meulin in exchange for letting her stay.

She explains her day, with the omission of her powers. Nepeta noticeably stiffens when she mentions the heroes.

“You’re worried about your commission?”

It was more than that, but Rose couldn’t say she was an oracle and she was worried she’d just given Silkworm a lead.

Rose nodded.

“Well…we’re meeting Saturday, and it looks like…bingo. The coffeeshop is a couple blocks from the games store we’re meeting at! I can swing by there and ask if they have your sewing materials, or you can get them yourself!” Nepeta grins. “So there’s nothing to worry about. C’mon, Meu probably wants us to set the table.”

Dinner is spaghetti and meatballs. There is extra cayenne pepper in the sauce, and Nepeta adds more. She eats with gusto.

“Did you tell Eq you weren’t meeting him?” Meulin asks.

Nepeta signs back to her, [I did! I played instead.]
Rose adjusts to the language; she’s nowhere near as fluent as Dave, but she knows enough to converse with the Mayor.

[Oh, good. Make sure you get plenty of rest, Nepeta.]


The week goes by. No one comes knocking, and Dave says no one seems to be suspicious of her, only that Kanaya and Karkat seem worried.

Rose meets Nepeta at the bus stop. She is dressed in jeans and a tank top, as well as her deep blue hat, which she wears with a matching deep blue tail. To Rose’s surprise, she’s accompanied by a tall, muscular boy with cracked black shades. He seems to be sweating profusely.

“Hi Rose! This is Equius. He wanted to come with.”

Equius says, “I attempted to dissuade you from playing games so close to the Hero Tower in Prospit. Who knows what could happen? I am here for your protection.”

“Oh please, it’s not like everyone near there gets clapped in irons,” Nepeta rolls her eyes.

“You know full well why I am---”

“Anyway!” Nepeta interrupts. “Rose, you’ve got your character rolled, right?”

Rose nods. GC’s friend refused to GM for their squiddles OCs, so it's going to be GC in charge with her own homebrewed system, which requires all sorts of strange stats. Still, she notes the deflection. Are Nepeta and Equius criminals? There’s something familiar. She’s seeing them together, and then there was Nepeta’s catlike demeanor---

Her vision fills with olive green and deep blue. Nepeta’s blue hat is replaced with a mask and hood. Long claws emerge from her hands. Equius’s hair is braided tightly and secured back. His hands are clad in blue gloves, and they swing back to shatter bricks---

These two were Huntress and Tank, the Punch Pair.

“Rose? Everything okay?” Nepeta asks.

“We need to cancel this week’s meeting.” Rose says.

“Ah, at least she sees reason---what is the matter?” for all his force, Equius notes Rose’s anxiety.

“We need to get somewhere less open. Somewhere private.” Rose says. Nepeta sees she's serious and nods.

“Texted GG that you had a family situation and I was helping out. Come on, follow me.”


Nepeta leads them through hideaway routes that no one but someone with ambush-predator powers would even suspect. Equius is less nimble, but she seems used to getting him through there.

“All right. What’s scaring you, Rose?”

“Remember the story I told you?” Rose asks.


Rose tells them the full truth: why she was staying at Nepeta’s house. What she’d done. And about her visions. How she was…considering vigilantism with her visions.

“I know you’re Tank and Huntress. GG is Comet and GC is Redglare.”

“Why did you not inform us prior?” Equius demands.

“I didn’t know you two were the Punch Pair. But when I had my vision at the stop, I knew…” Rose says. “So…our group might not be able to meet. I don’t know what I’ll say. I don’t think I’m under any suspicion, since no one’s come to my house and they know my name. Ka---Silkworm probably chalked it up to having sharp vision, or good luck. But I…I don’t want you ending up hurt.”

Nepeta---Huntress---paces. “Well…the vigilante life is dangerous. The penalty is higher than the hero tower gives you for just living in hiding.”

“I know, but…Prospit has heroes. Derse…with this new Light Court…I feel I could help, and I am…I am tired of being useless. Even as a support vigilante, I might be of some use.”

“We could use more strength,” Equius---Tank---says. “But it is no easy task. You would be a criminal, and you could be hurt. Think carefully.”

Rose hesitates. “I’ve…I’m already aiding another vigilante. I’m aiming to take a more active role.”

“Jumpstart?” asks Nepeta.

Rose nods. She knows Dave knows them, but only in disguise.

“Don’t tell us his real name if you know it. It’s risk enough now that Ultimatum has his sights on Derse.” Nepeta pauses. “And him.”

“You don’t have to tell me. Sending one of ours down three stories…” Rose still hasn’t forgiven him for that. People call Dave and Dirk the protective ones, but she’s glimpsed what Ultimatum does. She hopes Hal can build her a good defense against his power. She would dearly like to make him pay for what he did to Dave. True, Dave saved his life at a later time, but that was a matter of helping a fellow hero, someone who wanted to protect the city, for all its flaws. Still, there is no trust or forgiveness in that, and Rose thinks he was far too kind.

“Say, you wouldn’t happen to know where Ultimatum is? Or his civilian name?” Nepeta asks, her eyes taking a predatory gleam that Rose does not blame on her.

“My powers see the future.” Rose says, “Not the past or present. I might be able to tell you where he will be, or his name, though. My powers are not very controlled. That Silkworm incident was the first time they were that forthcoming. That being said…I happen to know who Ultimatum is. But am I correct in assuming this will make you chase him?”

Nepeta nods. “I’d like to live up to my name, and no one does that to a friend of mine.”

“Do you have the means to repel his voice?” Rose asks.

Nepeta shakes her head no. “That’s Jumpstart’s thing.”

“Then…please forgive me, but I will hold onto that information for now. But when the time comes, I will aid you.” Rose adds quickly. “And I will get Jumpstart to join us. It is his fight.”

“It is all of ours. But Rose is correct, Huntress. It would be unwise to confront one of Prospit’s most powerful without preparation.” Says Equius.

Nepeta’s shoulders slump, but she nods. Then, without warning, she springs at Rose, wrapping her in another bone-crushing hug.

“Welcome!” Nepeta grins. “We’ll have to get you a name, and a costume, and a twitter account. Are you gonna make your own?”

“I will.” Rose nods. “I believe I have the appropriate fabrics at home. I will see you. And…thank you, Tank, Huntress.”


Rose has to mollify Meenah with a discount; she is unhappy that Rose lost the materials, but she's happy enough with the boots to let her off the hook. Is that a fish pun, like the HIC was known for? Perhaps this is more of a copycat than a cosplayer. Oh, well. If she spots a new villain in her handiwork, at least she’ll be able to tell Dave the address.

In the meantime, Rose gets into her project. All black for stealth, with a simple emblem. She prefers squids, but Silkworm knows her preference. She settles on a four-tendrilled sun in hints of gray, and Derse’s signature violet crescent within. There is no cape, but there will be a hood to hide her hair. Hmm…

“Dirk?” Rose knocks on her brother’s door. He opens.

“Rose? What’s up?”

She takes a deep breath. “Well, Roxy and I had a talk and…I would like to try my hand at vigilante work.”

Dirk stops cold. “Rose. You’re not serious.”

“I am.”

“You have your studies. It’s bad enough that Dave’s dropped out.”

“He attained a GED. I could as well. This way, I can sew by day and keep Dave safe at night.”

“You’re not combat-ready.”

“You could make me combat-ready.” Says Rose.

Dirk levels a flat look at her.

Rose says, “Did you get me that set of knives for my birthday so I could defend myself or not?”

“From people who tried to mug you, not the fucking Felt! My brother’s out there almost every night. I’m not letting my sister do the same.” Says Dirk.

“So our game is sexism now?”

“Aargh, no. You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Then tell me what you meant. And spar with me.” Says Rose.

Dirk sighs. “I…I just…they’re not going to give you the same kind of punishment they would Dave if you get caught. You know that, right? And you don’t have his speed.”

“I will have foresight, if I can train.”

“Nightmares, too.”

Rose gives a chuckle. “You know what they say about Derse.”

“Calling us Nightmare Town is Prospitian nonsense. We don’t need to live up to that.”

“Dirk, I of all people know about how this will affect me.” Says Rose. “Please. You’re the best teacher we have.”

Dirk sighs. “I’ll get my sword.”


Rose is knocked down for the third time that day. Dirk is barely breathing hard, while Rose is winded. She will have to work at that. A decent runner, perhaps, but not nearly the level she needs to be.

“Changed your mind?”

“Not on your life, Strider.” Rose snaps. She darts forward with her training knives, aiming for the vitals, and Dirk parries. He’s ready for each attack; the power to see souls lends him power…

Orange light. He fakes left, and swings right, pinning her---

Next round; the vision must have blocked her sight.

Dirk says, “If your visions prevent you from fighting, you’ll never be able to get into combat. Rose?”

Rose snaps, “I know. Dirk, I’m ready. I’ll have to learn to get through it.”

He goes again, and when he feints, Rose is ready, disarming him with a sharp strike.

Dirk grins. “Was that what you saw?”

“It changed.” Rose says. “Again.”

Eventually, Rose is too tired to continue. It’s just as well; he has to work on a new helmet for her.



“Oh. Hell. Yes.” Dave says that evening at the table.

“I thought you’d be more reluctant.” Says Dirk.

“Yeah, but we need the backup. And I’ve seen Rose fight with knives.” Dave shrugs.

“Besides, when have I ever had trouble thinking things through?” Rose asks.

Everyone stares.


Roxy says, “O-kay! Anyway, superhero names?”

“You’re deflecting, Roxy. Do you think---”

“A little, okay?” Roxy sighs. “Just…be safe out there, and don’t go patrolling until you’re ready.”

“And when will that be?” Rose asks.

“A month, at least.” Says Dirk. “Between the training, the helmet, and getting your visions…you need to take this time to make yourself as ready as possible.”

Rose texts Nepeta, who answers with a sad cat emoticon. Of course she does.

But she’s going to have to. So that night, after dinner, she sits in her room.

“What is it,” Rose wonders to herself, “That makes it so that I can see the future?”

She thinks to herself about how her visions work. There’s always light, at first. A flash in a color she associates with the person. Usually it’s someone she knows. Sometimes, it’s multicolored.

She tries, there in the dark of her room. Nothing happens.

She knows it’s not light-activated; her nightmares in the pitch darkness are enough to disprove that. Still, she grabs a scented candle and lights it, a remnant of her days of trying and failing to commune with horrorterrors.

She stares at the flame, but the only flashing she sees is the afterimage of the candle.

It wouldn’t be that easy, would it.

Rose meditates. It makes her calm. The sandalwood of the candle is probably helping with that. The smoke fills her.

No vision comes. Eventually, she burns the candle to a stump.

She takes some melatonin, and sleeps. Her visions do not come at her command.


Oh, but they come in her sleep. A banner of white, up over the school. Pastels and flat white masks, white bishops scrawled over Midnight Crew tags. It is currently fall, and the sun is too bright for it to be autumn in the dream.

Someone shouts over the din. “Long live our Queen, healer of all!”

The fine purples of Derse are overrun with a sick and bright gold. To a Prospitian, it looks cleaner. To a Dersite, this spells the end of home.

Someone grabs her hand. She recognizes Dave’s gloved hand. The two begin to run towards Prospit.


Rose wakes, gasping for air.

It’s not yet dawn.

She can’t sleep. She can’t do vigilante work, not yet.

Instead, Rose opens her phone. She makes a Twitter account. A notification from Hal pops up.

AR: It’s a little early for that, isn’t it?

TT: True, I suppose it is 5 am.

AR: You know damn well what I mean

TT: Perhaps that is thematically appropriate.

AR: I enabled it, I guess. Isn’t it better for the Hero Watch to spot you first, though?

TT: I’m not letting them name me. Besides, they didn’t spot you before you put yourself on their radar.

AR: Rose, that’s because there’s none of me to see. It’s in the name. Sight Unseen.

TT: Are you going to play the net nanny?

AR: Call me that and you’re not getting any wifi for a week.

TT: Help me come up with a name.

AR: Isn’t Dave better at that?

TT: I don’t trust my little brother to do that.

AR: I’m not your little brother?

TT: I always thought of you as older.

AR: Never mind, I’m okay with whatever you want to do. Why now, though?

Rose explains the vision she saw.

AR: And you think telling them this will convince them to take the Light Court seriously instead of taking more steps to curb the vigilante problem in Derse?

AR: Rose, get off of Twitter. Think this through. Staying unknown might be your best asset.

AR: Rose, get the fuck off of Twitter!

AR: Roxy was right.

TT: Too late.

Twitter now has a new account, tweeting beneath an article about the Light Court attack in Prospit.

Lightseer @candlewatch

“This and more come. This and more are coming. Blood and gold shall pave the streets if you do not act wisely. @high-command, do not take this lightly. Do as you promised, and protect the city of Skaia. All of it.”

AR: You sound like a villain.

TT: So does every vigilante if you spin it right. Look, it’s too late to take it back now.

The Punch Pair have already retweeted her, and this prompts Bone Witch to retweet them. It’s only a matter of time before Hero Spotter puts her on the Tower’s radar.

Rose dozes off again and wakes up to train. This time, a simpler vision comes while she’s warming up on the roof. She steps backward to avoid the attacker she’s imagined---

Jade green. There is Kanaya again, smiling shyly, handing her back the bag. It’s close to the afternoon, at the coffeeshop.

Rose eats a quick breakfast before showering and hopping on the bus. Though she doesn’t intend for it to be a date---it is absolutely not one---she can’t help but pick out her nicest dress. Orange with a longish skirt. She styles it over a plain, long-sleeved shirt, and puts on a belt she embroidered in sunflowers for herself.

She is not nervous.


Rose is early, far too early. She orders the overpriced coffee, and, on impulse, a cup of chia pudding. It really is Prospitian.

True to form, Kanaya comes into the shop. Her face lights up when she sees Rose, and sure enough, she’s carrying the bag of supplies.

“Rose!” Kanaya says. “I did not expect to find you here, only to drop off the bag in case you came back. Forgive me, I brought it home after the fight, and I had no way of contacting you, since Dave refused to give Karkat your contact…”

Ah. Of course, trying to keep her less traceable, though now it seems that he prolonged her meeting with a girl she absolutely did not have a crush on.

(She had no plans to tell Dave about that.)

“Well, he can be quite protective. I was wishing for a cup of coffee from here, though, so I returned. I’m quite happy that we ran into each other. It would be unfortunate if we were never to meet.” Rose smiles. “But I am tentacleTherapist on pesterchum.”

“grimAuxiliatrix.” Kanaya smiles, handing Rose her bag.

“So, Rose…I…was wondering if you would like to take a stroll with me around Prospit. It is a lovely day, and I was hoping that my impression on you was not…a bad one.”

Rose stands up. “Not at all.”

Kanaya’s shoulders slump in relief. “Ah. Good, good. Hero powers can be quite scary for some.”

“You did not frighten me.”

“I am happy I did not. It is nice to have someone to speak to, outside the tower.” Says Kanaya. “And it is so very unpleasant to have to hide a heroic identity from a friend.”

“Just our luck,” Rose smiles.

“But it did surprise me to learn you are Dave’s sister.”

Right, Kanaya knows Dave. He’s the one in charge of educating the heroes on Derse and its issues, after all. He has quite the job.

“Why is that?” Rose asks.

“Well…you are quite the skilled crafter. I never took him for the type. I know he is a musician of sorts, but still. Though perhaps you two are both prone to misfortune.” Kanaya says.


“Well, Karkat says he’s been mugged twice since his job at the hero tower began." Kanaya says.

Rose snorts. “I hardly have my brother’s track record.” That will change, Rose knows, with her vigilantism.

“Perhaps it is because girls are taught not to walk at night.” Says Kanaya.

“Well, the culprit is more than poor decisions.” Rose says. “We were attacked in the day in Prospit, after all.”

Kanaya shrugs. Rose pretends it does not bother her.

“Is it as he says, in Derse? The danger, but a bold community full of hope?” Kanaya asks.

Rose quirks a grin. “Were those his words?”

“Not precisely. I inferred some of it.” She admits.

“Hmm. Well, there is the Park Tree.” Says Rose.

Kanaya nods. “I heard. Truly, it is excellent that Dersite vigilantes are permitted to do such things.”

“A hero thinks that?” Rose is surprised.

“Well…of course I disapprove of vigilantism. They could get hurt without the support of the tower, and there are no regulations to the justice they serve. Still, a team of vigilantes saved my life once, from clown cultists. I told Dave I would like to meet Bone Witch. I was not as helpful as I should have been.

“You know…” Kanaya says, “One reason I’m a seamstress is I can’t use my power to make things to give to people. I donate a lot of what I make, but none of it can be my silk. It’s a shame, too. It’s far more protective than cotton blends from the store.”

“They would put you in the Tumor for saving a small child from being stabbed?” Rose asks.

“I would be given orders to stop before that. But if I disobeyed enough, I would be disciplined.”

Rose remembers Dave, and how he described Ultimatum’s voice. The kind that stole away your will---unless your mind was “divided” somehow. Even then, Hal’s voice had barely been enough to help Dave resist.

“Rose? You look angry. It is…all right. I do the best I can.” Kanaya puts a hand on her shoulder.

Rose feels herself go red. “Right, apologies. Perhaps that is a change you could push for.”

“I have tried.”

“You could petition for it.” Rose said. “You have quite the voice. I’m sure you could persuade them.”

“I’m far from the most persuasive at the tower.”

There it was, Ultimatum again.

“What’s he like?” Rose asks. Maybe she can trigger her visions and get more information on Kankri. They do seem to come when she is receiving information.

“I was talking about Dave, actually. He is quite the speaker. But I assume you are talking about Ultimatum.” Says Kanaya.

“I was.” Says Rose.

“Let us see…he can be quite…talkative. He is the self-righteous sort, the kind who will speak on how he knows best.” Says Kanaya. “And even when he is not using his power, his passive makes it quite difficult to get a word in edgewise.”

“I should think so. It seems that would create a bit of a spoiled child.”

“I was raised around the man, you know. I know his little brother.”

Rose stammers. “Ah, I did not intend to---”

“It is fine. I hear far worse from his brother.”

Rose laughs a little. “Siblings, hmm?”

Kanaya’s face falls a bit. Rose is about to ask what’s wrong, but Kanaya forges onward.

“Do you know any vigilantes?” Kanaya asks.

This shuts Rose down. “Why do you want to know that?”

Kanaya shrugs. “I would like to know who we are supposed to be working with better.”

Rose is skeptical. “Kanaya, do you pay attention to vigilante news? More specifically, how Dersites treat their vigilantes?”

“I do, and Dave has called them his heroes on more than one occasion. They are all Derse has.” Kanaya says.

“You saw how they were calling for Ultimatum’s head when they thought he killed Jumpstart, no?” Rose asks.

Kanaya flinches. “Ah. Forgive me. I suppose that would sound as if I am attempting espionage. I will not ask again.”

“It’s not as if I do, anyway.” Rose lies again. She knows all of them.

“Dave also said that most Dersites would take any chance to stab a hero. Is that true?”

“Absolutely. Did you know the children have a jumprope rhyme about Ultimatum?” Rose asks.

Kanaya’s eyes widen. “Do tell.”

“The lyrics aren’t the most proper for the presence of a lady.”

“Rose, dear, now I simply have to know.” Kanaya laughs, leaving Rose’s brain to short-circuit for a moment before she gathers her faculties again:

“Ultimatum’s dreary drone

Thought he’d be Jumpstart’s end alone

But Prospit bastards lack real class

Ultimatum is an ass!

Our time-bound hero stands today

And underneath his tree we play

He’ll brave each and every strife

Save hero slime or noble life!” Rose chants.

People in the park are staring, appalled.

Kanaya bursts out laughing. Rose joins.

“Oh dear,” Kanaya wheezes. “How old were the children?”

“The eldest was eleven. She probably taught the other two the words. Children know more than you think.”

“That is brilliant. Oh, I will have to teach Karkat that, too! He would adore it. And people think I never cuss.” Kanaya catches her breath.

Rose smiles. “People think I don’t, either.”

“You and your brother have more in common than I thought. Have you heard him rap?” Kanaya asks.


Kanaya’s mischievous smile is one of Rose’s favorites, she decides. She wonders if she can tell her something else to make her laugh again.

“I suppose Prospit children don’t write crass rhymes about Derse vigilantes.” Rose says.

Kanaya looks down. “Well…that’s not true.”

Rose asks, “What do they say?”

“It is quite offensive…”

“Well, Kanaya dear, now I simply have to know!” Rose smiles.

Kanaya takes a deep breath. She says, softer than Rose did,

“Here a Gambler, there a witch

Here is each one, stitch by stitch

One in light and hero’s cloak

One in death and bone and smoke

Gambler rolls and strikes full true

Bone Witch rattles, curses brew

And though the witch turns tail to flee

We’ll one day know Gambler’s glee!”

Rose is staring now, agape.

“It is not a pleasant rhyme. I wish I had told them off for chanting it.” Says Kanaya.

“You should have,” Rose says, her voice sharp. “Bone Witch almost died after that!”

If Derse had top vigilantes like Prospit had top heroes, Bone Witch would be their number one. The neighborhood had mourned a full week when they thought she died. They’d gotten close to doing the same with Dave.

The children of both neighborhoods told the stories they heard right back, it seemed.

“I apologize. I should not have said those things.”

Rose sits there, fuming.

She makes a decision, then and there: Lightseer, not Silkworm or Gambler, will be the one to take down the Light Court and their mysterious Queen. Signless made his way to Derse for HIC; the Dersites will be right in Prospit to fight her, whoever she is.

And when she is done, she will make sure they sing the right ones’ glory.

“I understand if you would rather leave.” Kanaya says.

Rose shakes her head. “If you are not the author of such a rotten rhyme…it would be a pity to shoot the messenger. Gambler might not be so safe, though.”

“Shall I pass your message along?”

“That would be unwise.” Rose said. Rose sees the future; that doesn’t mean she’d want to outrun the number 8 hero. Dave was already on her bad side.

Kanaya gives a small smile. “Well, shall we keep going? Or do you need to get home to sew?”

Rose considers. She hadn’t been counting on getting new materials until the next day; she was planning to train today.

She wished she could use her powers at will. She wished she could see the results of two options. Instead, she gets the feeling she should stay.

For unbiased reasons, of course.

“If you are free, I would love to take you to see my own neighborhood.” Rose says. “Not Silkworm. Kanaya.”

Kanaya extends a hand. “Then to Derse we shall go.”

They board the bus together. Kanaya fidgets with a gold power bracelet under her sleeve.

“What does it feel like?” Rose asks.

Kanaya says, “It’s not painful. You get used to sleeping with them on.”

“They are permanent for heroes?”

Kanaya nods.

The golden spires are left behind. They come to the washed purple bricks and haphazard buildings Rose calls home.

Rose leads her to a different park: there is the tree her brother grew to 200 years old in seconds. Kanaya touches the bark, awed.

“I knew he did something to keep Ultimatum from bleeding out, but this…” Kanaya trails off. “I believe your vigilante could give a few of ours a run for their money.”

Rose smiles. “He is not the only one.”

“Something to tell me?” Kanaya asks.

Rose shakes her head. “I am a bit of a fangirl. And, well, you have seen Bone Witch in action. That ram’s skull isn’t just for show.”

“Bone Witch, Jumpstart, Tank and Huntress…Sight Unseen.” Kanaya says to herself. “And…Lightseer, if the new online rumors are to be believed. If their warning is to be believed.”

“I believe it would be wise to heed it.” Says Rose.

“Have you seen their work, then?”

“I saw what those Light Courtiers did to you.” Rose dodges the question.

“I should thank you for pulling me out of the way.” Says Kanaya. “I filed that report. Attacking in broad daylight is new for them, but they are seen as a low-level threat.”

Does she know that they were in Derse, too? Rose catches herself before she says anything; last time the heroes came to Derse, her brother had gotten injured badly.

“Well, you should be careful.” Rose says. She admires the tree. She hopes one day to pull off such a grand display of power. Perhaps predicting the stock market, although that would really get Prospit to try and find her.

“I will be, Rose---”

Someone tackles Rose from the side.

“Rose!” shouts Nepeta.

Kanaya is up in a flash.

“Let her go.” She says, pulling back a sleeve to show a bracelet.

Nepeta pales. Rose has to intervene.

“It’s okay, Kanaya! Nepeta is a friend!” Rose says, holding up her hands. “Please do not threaten her.”

Nepeta is outright glaring, and Rose can swear she hears a low growl.

“What’s tower trash doing here?” she asks.

Rose says, “I invited her, Nepeta.”

Nepeta looks between the two and raises her eyebrows.

“It is not tower business. And she is not Ultimatum.” Says Rose.

Nepeta catches on. She connects the dots, and notices Rose’s supply bag.

Nepeta extends a hand to Kanaya.

“I’m sorry for sneaking up on you guys like that.” She says. "And for calling you trash."

“It is quite alright,” Kanaya says, seeming stiff and far less friendly than she was with Rose alone. It is not all right. “Are the two of you…friends?”

“I met Nepeta about a week ago. My sister and I stayed with her.” Says Rose.

Nepeta nods. “Rose is nice. And she’s a pretty smart girl, too.”

“Hmm.” Kanaya really does not seem happy. “I…should be leaving soon. It would be good to be home before sundown.”

Rose is crestfallen. “I’ll message you, Kanaya. It was wonderful to spend time with you. We should do it again.”

Kanaya gives a small smile at this.

“So,” Nepeta says, loud enough for Kanaya to hear, “My boyfriend and I were thinking of visiting Prospit! Where should we go?”

Rose is puzzled, but she gives her the name of the coffeeshop. The Peregrine.

“Goodbye, Rose! It was nice meeting you, Nepeta!” Kanaya calls over her shoulder.

Rose asks, “What on earth, Nepeta?”

“She was jealous, silly. And she thought I pounced on you.” Nepeta says.

“Jealous?” Rose asks.

“Of me. She likes you.” Says Nepeta.

Rose sighs. “Nepeta, just because a charming woman has short hair, does not mean she is a lesbian.”

“I know, I’m pan.” Nepeta says. “But Rose, she definitely had a crush on you. I basically crashed your date!”

“It was not a date!”

“Then why were you dressed nicely?”

“It was a coincidence that we met up.” Rose said.

Nepeta gives her a sly look.

Rose sighs. “Fine, I may have foreseen it.”

“And put on really nice dress and some purr-fume, huh?” Nepeta grins. "A vigilante and a hero. Star-crossed lovers. I can practically smell the fanfiction from here."

Rose feels her face heating up. “There is no guarantee that she likes me. And…is Equius your---”

Nepeta laughs. “I’m single, no. That was to make sure she didn't have the wrong idea. Equius and I are best friends. I think he likes Bone Witch.”

“Everyone likes Bone Witch.” Says Rose. She knows Dave had a crush on her at one point, and Rose is likewise guilty.

“Fair. I brought her dead mice for an entire month once.”

“Like a cat?”

Nepeta laughs. “It didn’t work, but I’m sure she’s got plenty of supplies now.”

Rose smiles.

“Are you coming out tonight?” Nepeta asks.

“I’m not in shape to patrol yet. I don’t have much natural talent.” Rose says.

“Well, Jumpstart and Bone Witch are out tonight. I was thinking, we could spar at my apartment!”

Rose considers. It would be good to train hand-to-hand; she can’t always count on her knives. “All right, then.”


It’s been like this every other afternoon. Nepeta trains Rose hand-to-hand and makes her run laps. Rose is nowhere near the Punch Pair in skill, but she’s been improving every time. Dirk trains her on the off days.

The main downside is that no matter how Rose’s visions happen, they always block out her sight.

“Maybe we’re doing this the wrong way.” Nepeta decides, after a vision of a clown cult attack leaves her on the ground.


“Your visions. They’re bad for hand-to-hand, and it sounds like they’re messing with weapons, too.” Says Nepeta. “And it sounds like you can recognize when they come on, but you only have so much time before they come. And you can’t stop them?”

“Believe me, I’ve tried. It’s either a vision when it comes, or a vision five seconds later and a headache.”

“So melee isn’t good for you.” Nepeta surmises.

“Are you suggesting I train ranged?” Rose asks.

Nepeta nods. “That way, you can be far, communicate with us on your visions when you get them, and stay away when your vision is blocked. And you’ll have your hand skills for emergencies.”

“Is that going to be okay?”

“Tank and I can take the close-range stuff, and so can Jumpstart. Bone Witch is versatile, and…Sight Unseen isn’t a fighter much.” Nepeta counts off her fingers. “Honestly, it wouldn’t be bad to have more range fighters on our side. It works with your name, too. Lightseer sees the distances!”

Rose nods, then frowns. “I’d…rather not use guns.” Roxy had Mother’s rifle with her, and could shoot well, but…Rose didn’t really want to use those.

“Well of course, they’re way too loud. I was thinking…throwing knives. Oh, and archery! Tank used to do archery!”


Nepeta grimaces. “Well…sort of. He kept breaking his bows. He still has a couple, I think. But Derse hasn’t had a proper ranged fighter since Rust Maiden and…there was a guy named Electric Twin, but I don’t know what happened to him.”

“I see.” Rose says. “Well, I’d rather have my knives on me, just in case, and if I throw them, I likely won’t be getting them back. Same with arrows.”

“Equius knows how to make them. Don’t worry, I’ll tell him all about it, and you can start training as our sniper.”

Rose went home feeling victorious. She hadn’t won a single bout, but she knew she was going in the right direction. Perhaps this was her passive. It wasn't until before bed that she remembered to post:

Lightseer (@candlewatch)

"Clown cult attack tonight. Lotak. That is all."

Chapter 3: First Foray


Rose spends her time in Derse, making friends and training. She fights for the first time.


Full disclosure: after the fiasco last time, I've decided not to format pesterlogs the way they usually are. I know, it's disappointing. But I would rather spend time writing than fooling around in html for a cosmetic difference that makes it hard to read in dark mode.

If I had a nickel for every time I wrote an archery training scene in a fanfic, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

grimAuxiliatrix began pestering tentacleTherapist

GA: Hello Rose

GA: Have You Seen The News
[grimAuxiliatrix sent a link]

TT: I have. What do you think?

GA: It Is Quite Puzzling. The Tower Denies That The Derse Vigilante Predicted The Clown Attack And Some Speculate That Lightseer Is In Cahoots With The Light Court

TT: That seems…unlikely. Why would Lightseer provide accurate information to the high command?

GA: Some Nonsense About Eliminating Villain Competition

GA: As One Of The Heroes At The Scene I Find That To Be Nonsense

TT: The article said that the Punch Pair came to back you up.

GA: It Is True. Huntress Shattered A Man’s Bones. I Would Have Been Outnumbered If Not For Them

GA: At Least Now The Tower May Take These Orders More Seriously

TT: I’m surprised they sent anyone at all.

GA: They Did Not

TT: How did you get there, then?

GA: Let Us Just Say A Demotion And Reprimand Were In The Works If Lightseer Had Been Wrong

TT: A good thing they are reliable.

GA: I Wonder If It Is The Hero Spotter Account Under Another Name

TT: What makes you think that?

GA: Both Seem To Know Things They Should Not

GA: And Of Course High Command Is After Both Of Them

TT: Typical Prospitian anti-vigilantism.

GA: Information This Valuable Is Also A Security Risk

TT: I think the fine citizens of Lotak would disagree.

GA: The Clowns Might Change Plans With The Next Announcement

TT: That sounds preferable to mirth cult fatalities.

GA: That Is Fair

GA: Lightseer Has Not Been Spotted But Could You Do Me A Favor

TT: What would you ask?

GA: I Know You Prefer Not To Rat Out Your Vigilantes

GA: But If You Meet Them Please Tell Us

GA: It Is Unsafe For Them To Be Out There Without Tower Resources

Rose drops the subject; she has to keep suspicion low. It is impulsive enough that she plans to be a vigilante and maintain her ro---friendship with a hero at the same time. Yet something in her persists. Perhaps it’s Nepeta’s influence; despite her street smarts, Huntress is quite the shipper.

She even shared her Ao3 account with Rose, an act some would consider as personal as vigilante aliases. There is a metric ton of Warrior Cats fanfic, some squiddles…and hero rpf, the guilty pleasure of every Skaian fan. The tower encourages it as free PR, although there have been a couple of lawsuits against fiction that paints their heroes in an unfavorable light.

They never get far. The Dersite cynic in Rose thinks it’s only a matter of time.

People write about vigilantes and villains as well. Nepeta hasn’t quite been daring enough to write about vigilantes; Rose knows Equius probably stops her from doing something that reckless.

Rose practices throwing knives before school. A room has become a practice range, although Rose will have to be able to hit longer distances than that, and work while running as well.

It is slow going; she gets a couple of cuts during training, and until she perfects her technique, the knives do not fly well. They miss the mark. Rose wishes her visions would work on this. Hopefully archery will be better.

Rose sits for breakfast. Dirk notes the cuts. “Hal, we’re going to have to make her gloves extra durable.”

Dirk is relieved to learn Rose is planning to be a sniper. Dave is a little disappointed, but she still trains melee with him. Roxy has offered to take Rose to the shooting range to learn archery; Roxy hasn’t practiced her shooting hobby in a while, and everyone knows she misses it, no pun intended.

“Archery might be good for me, too.” Roxy muses. “If I ever…nah, it’s not gonna happen.”

Playful as she is, everyone knows Roxy had to grow up too fast to make sure her family survived. It’s one of Rose’s secret wishes: make enough money on commissions so Roxy can find the time to do the things she loves. Hopefully, Meenah will enjoy the cape enough to pay more for another item. Perhaps a full ensemble. Rose imagines a few sketches…

Fuchsia light. A tall, imposing figure silhouetted in full black. Hair in long, waving tresses.

That’s all Rose sees.

“Rose? What’s wrong?” Roxy asks.

“I’m not sure.” Rose says. “I saw pink light and a black silhouette.”

“Great, another villain.” Says Dirk.

“It could be someone from the Midnight Crew.” Dave says, “And there’s no guarantee it’s a foe.”

“I wish I’d seen more.” Rose says.


School is uneventful. The hipster kid makes a big deal over some historical term, and while that might fascinate Rose, she has to make an effort not to appear too invested. Rose recalls him asking her out in freshman year---along with half the class.

Rose meets Roxy after class, who drives them out to the shooting range.

It’s in Lopan, a district famed for its pretty sights and bustling nightlife. It’s not clear during the day, but Rose knows a part of why Roxy is familiar with the area. When things got bad, Roxy was working three retail jobs to support them, the stress started to get to her.

Like Mrs. Lalonde, the mother Rose barely remembered, Roxy had begun to drink.

Getting her to recover was difficult, but it’s easy to see why Roxy’s been avoiding the place, even besides her not having the time to use her rifle.

Roxy goes off to the gun range, and an instructor begins teaching Rose to shoot arrows. The lesson costs money Rose knows they wouldn’t have without Dave’s job, and this will be her only one before she has to start relying on Equius and her own skills.

“Hi! You’re Rose, correct?” asks the instructor.

He is a tall man with his hair back in a ponytail. He looks vaguely familiar. His nametag reads "Horuss".

“That is me, yes.”

“Have you shot before?”


He teaches her basic bow safety: do not aim at something you don’t want to shoot, do not fire dry, keep good posture…

He’s a font of information. People have a dominant eye, which is news to her. To Horuss’s delight, she is ambidextrous vision-wise. Rose chalks this up to her sight.

“Now, one finger over, the others under..."

She pays as much attention as possible to form. Horuss is impressed with her focus, but she is far from a natural; she hits the corner of the target only once, and her bow is far from the weight it will need to be to do real damage. The least she can do is keep her stance proper and pray she can shoot from a variety of positions. Running and shooting will be even more difficult than that.

“Keep your posture. And…”

Rose releases again. She hits the outer black ring.

“Perfection!” Horuss cheers. “Now, try to improve your follow-through. Your hand should spring back when you shoot, not move forward.”

Rose goes again. She gets into the blue ring by her fiftieth shot. She keeps track. Perhaps that will wound someone’s knee. It will not hit where she wants it to, though.

Horuss doesn’t miss her disappointment. “Don’t worry, everyone starts small. It’ll be a while before you can do things like this…”

Horuss goes to the very back of the room, to a point where the target appears tiny. He nocks two arrows and draws his own bow, which must weigh far more than Rose’s 20 pound one.

He lets the arrows fly in a flash. They strike the target, and Rose doesn’t have to look to know that both hit the bullseye.

Rose wishes she could keep taking lessons here. Horuss is a good teacher.

“Do you have your own bow?” He asks.

Rose shakes her head; Horuss takes the opportunity to advertise the bows that the shop next door sells. They are out of budget. Rose lies and says she will think about it. She hopes Equius’s will suffice.

By the time they leave, Rose’s fingers sting, and Roxy is beaming.

“Roxy, how long did it take you to start hitting the target?”

“Hit the target or hit it well?”

“Hit it well.”

“That takes a long time Rose. It’s going to be a long time before you get the strength you need, and the focus it takes to hit someone running. You’re going to miss a lot, and it’ll suck. But hey!” Roxy says, seeing her crestfallen look. “Dave didn’t get as good at strife as he is overnight!”


Rose turns in the commission to Meenah after a couple of all-nighters. Her training has taken more time, and if she had more commissions, she would have had to mention delays. Luckily, Meenah is happy. She tries to get a suit out of Rose, which Rose… thinks about. It is tempting.

She flexes her fingers. She remembers how little time Dave has for music, between vigilantism, training, and his job. Rose’s hands are no stranger to work, but schoolwork, knifethrowing, melee, and archery are a brutal enough combination without the addition of a labor-intensive sewing job.

Besides, she hasn’t had the time to work on her outfit. The material is durable and blends in. The crest she plans to attach will be subtle and muted; stealth will be an asset. Speaking of which…

“Yo. Rose.”

Rose looks up. Dave is there.

“I talked to the others. We’ve been doing training when we patrol, and since you’re doing a lot, we’ve been thinking you should join us.

“I can’t.” Rose says. “My costume isn’t finished, and I’m nowhere near ready to join a fight.”

Dave sighs. “I guess I was only ready when I was because Bro made me learn to fight. I didn’t have to learn a bunch of new weapons. How’s everything going?”

“I’ve been busy.” Rose rubs her hands. She should take more breaks.

“I know. Are…you know, it helps a lot, but…you don’t have to take commissions for us.” Says Dave.

“I do. Dirk and Roxy can only do so much freelance programming and bank telling. I know your job is paying you better, but you’re part-time.” Rose says. “I should be able to do this, too.”

“Rose, I have vigilantism, training, and a job. You have vigilantism, three times the training I do to catch up, a job---your commissions are a job, don’t make me treat you like the school counselor---and school. When was the last time you got to work on your own projects? Or your own shitty wizard fic?” Dave asks.

Rose can’t remember. She opens her neglected Ao3 account.

Not for months. She feels a pang when she sees Zazzerpan’s name. Her poor blorbos.

She sighs. “Have you talked to Dirk and Roxy?”

“Yes.” Hal supplies from her phone.

“All of us have, Rose. I know you can bring in a lot, but veryone in our family works hard for us. And we know you want to do something for Derse.”

He brings out her helmet. Dirk must have finished it early.

“I’ll let you shadow me.” says Dave. “And you can give me advice through Hal’s radio if you get a good vision. C’mon, Huntress’s training is brutal.”

“I’m aware.”

Dave stops short. “Wait a minute. I know you met Aradia. But you know Huntress?”

“And Tank.”

“So you know everyone.” Says Dave.

Rose smiles. “A seer ought to.”

Dave tosses the helmet to her. “Dress in all black and your gloves. Try to hide your skin. We’re leaving soon.”

Rose examines the helmet. It is subtly engraved with her signature sun and a moon that could be Prospit’s, but everyone knows belongs to Derse.

She tries it on.

It’s perfect.


The hero tower would kill to know that all the vigilantes in Derse are on the roof of a sketchy liquor store. Including a newcomer, who Huntress greets with a hug.

“Lightseer! You look awesome! You’ve got a helmet like Jumpstart’s before us?” she steps back.

Rose says, “If possible, I will put you in contact with our supplier. We cannot very well beat the shit out of Ultimatum without a decent resistance.”

“For sure.” The rattle of bones alerts everyone to Derse’s favorite vigilante: Bone Witch. She smiles under her ram’s skull mask. Her smile is a bit like a death’s head, and her whip of vertebrae curls at her side.

“Hey, we’re aiming for villains. Heroes…they’re awful, don’t get me wrong, but we’re on the same side. Remember Silkworm?” says Dave.

Bone Witch grimaces. “Yeah, I do. She attacked me, but we did help each other. She’s not the one I want to beat the shit out of. Or Ultimatum, even. You’re the one who's got history with him. I’m talking about Gambler.”

Rose remembers the rhyme Kanaya told her. She finds herself saying, “When you do, I’ll be glad to give you whatever help you need.”

Bone Witch whistles. “You’ve got guts. So, tell me, what are your powers?”

“Future visions. In nightmares, and sometimes during the day.” Rose says. “They’re not…the most controlled things, which is why I’m trying ranged combat.”

“I am in the process of making a bow for you, Lightseer.” Says Tank. “It will be finished soon.”

“Thank you. In the meantime, I’m shadowing, and training stealth soon.”

Huntress grins. “Ooh, that’s gonna be fun. Almost as much as sparring.”

“You’ve been sparring Huntress? I knew you’d gotten good.” Says Dave.

They split off to patrol. Bone Witch heads to Felt territory, the only vigilante tough enough to take them on. The Punch Pair trace over the park and west side. Dave leads Rose into Midnight Crew territory, marked by thrown knifepoint graffiti, which Rose envies.

“Want to be that good?” Dave asks.

“I’m not the type to carve broken clocks in embedded points, but it would be nice to have Spades Slick’s legendary aim.” Says Rose.

“I met the guy once. Think he’d give lessons?”

“We are vigilantes. I doubt it.”

“Slick’s cool.”

“Would he agree to teach me, though?” Rose asks.


Rose stops short. Purple light fills her vision: someone’s powered, holding a flame to a woman’s throat.

Rose snaps back. She whispers to the radio, which Hal transmits.

“This way. A powered villain, using fire.”

Rose leads him, and sure enough, there’s the man she saw. He’s dressed in black like the two of them. Dave motions for Rose to hold back, and she watches him dart in.

The flame is barely kindled before Jumpstart is on the thief, speeding up his punches to knock him out.

The woman, a waitress on her way home after a night shift, nods her head. Jumpstart calls the Dersite authorities, and they split off, but not before the woman catches sight of Rose and looks her up and down.

“You Lightseer?” She asks.

Rose nods.

“Nice. You two don’t get caught now.” She says, before Rose and Dave have to leave.

The rest of the night is uneventful. They check on the homeless people sleeping outside to make sure no one has attacked them. They spy around corners. They run into Tank; he and Huntress stopped a car that had a couple of kidnapping victims in it. The car wasn’t Felt or Crew.

“No sign of the Light Court.” Says Huntress.

Rose nods. “I haven’t seen anything except the mugging.”

“Hey, knowing events is still useful.” Huntress smiles.

The night is quiet. For a moment, Rose wonders if everything will go okay. Then Hal pings their helmets.

“It’s Bone Witch. She met one of the Felt.”

Fear snakes into Rose.

“Lightseer, you need to go home.” Says Huntress. “We’ll---”

“Which one?” Rose asks, before the vision fills her.

The speed he moves at is near blinding, like Dave’s but far, far worse. Bone Witch can't keep up, and one of her eyes is swollen shut. A skeleton parries the green man, but it’s a losing battle. She needs backup. Rose recognizes the alleyway.

“Huntress,” Rose says, “Can you get me to the roof of the barbershop on Moon Street?”

“I’m not letting you fight the Felt on your first night before training is over.” Dave says.

Hal says, “Rose, this is stupid. The Felt are no laughing matter. If it’s Trace or Crowbar---”

“It’s Itchy. He’s alone, or with Doze if the rumors are true.” Says Rose. “We need all the power we can get, and so does Bone Witch. She may not be in danger now, but she will be. Very soon.”

“Dirk’s gonna have a heart attack.” Dave mutters.

“Then he will appreciate the ironic end. Ne---Huntress. Please!”

Hal gives directions. Dave is the fastest, followed by Huntress. Huntress looks anxious, but she brings Rose to the barbershop, and Huntress and Tank bring her up there.

“We’ll jump from elsewhere.”

Rose crouches and spies down. Her vantage point is perfect, but it’s as brutal as she predicted.

They are late, thanks to the argument. Itchy has dashed Bone Witch’s skeleton to powder and shrapnel, which Bone Witch is failing to connect with. He’s still bleeding, and a nonpowered fighter would have gone down. He’s powered, though, and his bat has already landed several hits on Aradia.

Dave’s sword is doing as much as it can, but it’s clear Itchy is faster than Dave is, and while Rose knows Dave could rot the bat on the spot, something is stopping him. Rose knows what it is.

She tries to see. She wishes she could see. Why…

Green and blue. And deep rust red. Glacially slow, the vision comes.

Rose cannot see where he is. Something about Doze’s time powers makes the vision slow; she supposes Itchy’s might come fast, though it’s just her luck that they don’t.

And she is trapped in the vision. She cannot see anything.

But the slowness gives her the chance to…think. She blinks. She still cannot see, but she finds herself able to speak.

“Dave…get her out…retreat…retreat…Doze… and Crowbar…somewhere…making my vision…too slow…stopping your speed…get out…”

She hears Dave’s voice calling to retreat, but she can’t see anything about her scenario. Talking and hearing is hard enough. Her visions are seldom this long; they’ve been this bad once or twice.

She once foresaw an entire battle that Dave had. That was half an hour.

Maybe Doze wouldn’t arrive for long, given his super slowness. Or maybe her and Dave’s time-based powers would be a beacon to the rest of the Felt. Trace sees the future like her, but with far more precision. And if he alerted Itchy…

Oh god, what if they could tail them home?

“Rose, can you hear me?” Hal asks.

“Yes…” Her eyes are full of green and blue. She can see Doze moving, and she knows where he is. But the vision won’t end.

“I’m going to need you to come down the building.”


Crowbar is yelling at Doze to hurry up. Oh god, that’s not a part of the vision. She can hear them.

She’s going to die on her first night, and she won’t even be able to take down the light court.

“Rose, turn. That’s it. Crawl. Okay, you’re at the edge. Now, listen to me. You’re going to hang off, and drop down. It’s going to hurt, but bend your knees. It is a short drop.”

Rose hangs off. She can see Crowbar and Doze turning the corner. Huntress and Tank are out, with Bone Witch in tow. Without a time vigilante, though, Doze will be able to slow them down, the same way he countered Dave’s rotting out Itchy’s bat.

Dave is waiting for her.


“We are not letting our sister die.”

Rose drops. Oh, fuck, that does hurt. Rose would take off running, but she still can’t see.

She envies Redglare’s smooth navigation. Rose has no idea how to get through this.

“Straight! Right!”

Hal is guiding her. A hand catches hers, and she panics before Dave says,

“Rose, it’s me!”

Her vision clears thanks to his powers.

“Go! Go!”

They bolt for it.

They regroup in Midnight Crew territory; they’re not powered, but they keep the Felt at bay.

“Rose, what happened?”

Rose tells him. “You cleared it up, but Doze…I don’t think he knew I was there, but I noticed how the bat wouldn’t shatter with your powers. So I…my powers work when prompted. But my visions of Doze and the people he’s around are slow, and I couldn’t see through anything. It took all I had to talk or hear.”

Dave says, “Okay. If your powers are that much…Rose, maybe it’s better you stay back.”

“Dave, I---”

“They can’t be a liability in a fight, and I can’t lose you! If you’d gone home---”

Hal cuts him off. “You would have stayed in the fight with Itchy, and you would have had to deal with Doze, who is almost impossible to take down, and Crowbar, who, may I remind you, temporarily disables all superpowers if he lands a hit. You would have gone after Aradia regardless, and you wouldn’t have known to flee. Rose was in the most danger tonight, and she can’t fight yet. But without her visions, Derse’s vigilantes would be dead or worse.”

Dave falls silent. He takes his head in his hands.

“You’re right. Fuck, I sound like those assholes at the High Command.”

“A little.” Rose says.

“Was Trace there?” asks Dave.

“I didn’t see him. I don’t know how far he can see, so let’s take a looping trail back, just in case.” Said Rose. Hal tells the others to do the same; Bone Witch tells them that it’s her standard practice.

By the time they reach home, Rose collapses.

Hero-bestie (@herospotter)

“The official debut of the new vigilante, Lightseer, in the streets of Derse. Helping save the people with visions of the future, Lightseer and Jumpstart were spotted saving a woman from mugging.”

There is Rose, looking less fashionable than she would have liked for her debut. Still, that’s not the important part: people can’t tell who she was.

Hero-bestie (@herospotter)

“All the Derse vigilantes but Sight Unseen sighted in Felt territory. Are the heroes of Derse taking on their borough’s greatest threat?”

Number Five (@Ultimatum-Official)

“@herospotter Friendly reminder that vigilantes are not heroes, and that vigilantism is illegal. These are irresponsible actions that will only get them hurt. Such actions should be left to the high command. #tw: vigilantes #tw: violence mention”

Rose looks up from her phone. “Dave, how do you speak to this man every day without having to be locked up for your own sanity?”

Dave grimaces. “Believe me, it gets close. It’s rich seeing someone who subjects his victims to psychological torture using trigger warnings, though.”

“I’ll be sure to use my psychology degree to eviscerate him.”

“I think this is going to make Huntress and Bone Witch want to eviscerate him without psychology.” Says Dave.

“And you’ll stop them.”

Dave shrugs. “Again, we should be allies, even if he’s a stuck-up asshole who might not deserve it.”

Something about the motion lingers in Rose's mind, but she doesn’t know why it would. Last night still has her mind racing. She gets up, and grimaces. Putting weight on her knees feels rotten. She wishes she had her brother’s healing speed.

Still, she makes her way to school. Comet texts her during a slow chem lecture.

gardenGnostic began pestering tentacleTherapist

GG: Hi!

TT: Now who’s the dummy not paying attention.

GG: :B It’s just a boring meeting. I wish we had Dersite relations training instead. At least Dave is interesting.

GG: And also super cute.

Rose covers her mouth to stop herself from gagging.

TT: I’m too lesbian for this conversation.

GG: Aren’t you bi? You had that crush on Air when we were younger.

TT: I am too lesbian for this particular conversation, yes.

TT: Wait a minute. You’re a hero. Did you tell him?

TT: Answer me, GG. Did you confess my nine-year-old self’s embarrassing childhood crush on Air?

GG: Umm…

Rose feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns. It’s a girl she doesn’t know well, with round deep pink glasses and curly hair in a half ponytail.

“Are you texting a guy you like?” she whispers. “Your face is red.”

“No, it’s a girl I used to rp squiddles with.” Rose hisses.

The other girl’s face lights up, and she squeals out loud.

“Feferi.” The teacher snaps.

“Sorry, Ms. Sanders!”

Ms. Sanders goes back to lecturing. As soon as she takes her glare off of them, Feferi whispers to Rose,

“I love squiddles! I still rp sometimes with my friend! Do you?”

Rose does, but she doesn't want to invite this loud girl to their sessions.

“On occasion. It grows rather obscure, hardly the same thing as the original show.” Says Rose.

Feferi seems to want to be friends. She reminds Rose a bit of Nepeta, and of GG, although GG is on thin ice.

Speaking of which…

GG: I’m really sorry, TT. I was nine, and I was stupid.

TT: Whatever, I’m just happy I didn’t confess my crush on anyone else.

Yes, Comet was once on that list. Yes, she knows. She and Dave both liked Air at the same time, and it wasn't until finding the underground online webcomics people made up about vigilantes that Rose thought she’d outgrown hero crushes. She was twelve then, and now she is too grown up for crushes at all. Beautiful sorceresses from her wizard fanfiction and superheroes with impeccable fashion sense had no effect on her. Ahem.

GG: Well, you know my current crush. Not that you’d know Dave.

TT: I’m Dersite, too. I could know him.

GG: Bluh, TT! It’s a common name.

Well, yes it is, but Rose happens to know that the Dave who worked on Derse education at the hero tower is her brother.

Speaking of which…

Red light. The sight of Dave and Karkat, a little later, sitting close to one another. Karkat puts a hand on Dave’s shoulder.

The vision ends there, thank goodness. Rose only needs to know her brother’s love life enough to embarrass him, and she does not want further detail.

But she knows her brother does not feel that way about Comet.

TT: I would advise you against pursuing this further. Coworker crushes rarely work out.

GG: :( I guess so. It’s for the best.

GG: Ugh, they want to talk to us about the vigilante problem.

TT: Oh? Should I expect you in Derse? Make you some muffins?

GG: Ha ha. I know you don’t like us heroes much there, but we’re trying to help! We could even make it so vigilantes don’t have to risk their lives there one day.

GG: But new ones keep popping up, and they might want us to fight them. They’re strong, too.

Rose’s pulse gives an anxious thump. She types,

TT: Still, that power is hardly directed at the High Command. Ultimatum pushed Jumpstart off a three-story drop, and Jumpstart later saved his life.

GG: I know, I was there.

Rose has to feign shock.

TT: Really? Who were you?

GG: I can’t tell you that :P

TT: I will have to speculate.

Throw her off. Better safe than sorry.

TT: If it turns out that my childhood RP buddy is Ultimatum, I am blocking you and burning down your house.

GG: Oh, gross! He’s like twenty-five!

TT: Oh, thank goodness.

GG: Also do you even know how to burn down a house?

TT: Arson cannot be all that difficult.

GG: Are you going to cause a fire to get your old crush to show up >:)

Damn it, how the hell did it circle back to this? Feferi is going to nose into her business again if she sees her blushing.

TT: You make a life of crime more and more compelling.

GG: I’ll come visit you in the tumor.

TT: Bold of you to assume I would allow them to catch me.

GG: Oh, I’ve caught some pretty crafty ones. And you can’t outrun me.

TT: My vast knowledge of psychology would undo even the strongest of heroes.

GG: Even top heroes?

TT: Lol. Lmao, even. A trifle.

GG: :P Just don’t commit actual arson.

TT: Well, you are not a creepy older man. Consider yourself safe.

GG: I could still set you up with Air.

TT: Consider yourself unsafe.

GG: Alright, I have to go to Dersite education. I’ll let you know how it goes! Take care!


Feferi sits next to Rose at lunch, to Rose’s chagrin. Before she can object, though, Feferi hands Rose her chemistry notes.

“Since I got us in trouble, and I know you weren’t paying attention.” Says Feferi.

Rose is…pleasantly surprised. “Thank you, Feferi. Perhaps I misjudged you.”

“I hope you don’t think I was too pushy.”

“Not too pushy.” Rose says. “My friend brought up an embarrassing childhood crush. It’s in the past, though. I teased her back.”

“That’s the way.” Feferi says. “Who’s your friend?”

“She’s an online friend. She lives far away.”

“I see.” Feferi shrugs. She picks up her burger.

The hipster kid from History sweeps in, wearing a heroism-impractical cape. He looks around with a superior expression, until, to Rose’s dread, his eyes land on Feferi and he makes a beeline for their table.

“Fef, who’s this you’re sittin with?” he asks. His voice has a slight warble to it. Rose can tell they won’t get along any better than last time.

“This is Rose! She likes to play squiddles, too!”

He turns red. “I told you, Fef, I do more complex roleplay now.”

“And you still make time to be Littlecrown!” Feferi smiles. “And didn’t your ex kick you out of DnD when you broke up?”

“Leave Vris out of this.” The boy looks at Rose. “I’m Eridan. I guess you can sit with us.”

“I’m honored.” Rose says dryly.

Eridan plops down with his lunchbox. “What’s your oc like, if you’re such a squiddles fan?”

“A jellyfish called Starglow of the Deep.” Says Rose. “The Iolite Depths, to be specific.”

“Oh, good. A sea creature. Really, they shouldn’t allow other kinds in squiddles rp.”

“Eridan, be nice.” Feferi says.

He grumbles. “I’m Littlecrown of Atlantis whenever the occasion calls.”

Rose looks at Feferi.

“I’m a classic octopus.” Says Feferi. “Princess Magenta Neptune of Mariana!”

Rose is impressed. Mariana is an obscure location. Most people use Atlantis, Squiddle Hollow, or Jade’s favorite Coral Cove. Iolite Depths was the spookiest of the locations that had been shown before the show got cancelled, full of blue and purple rock formations and odd creatures that people claim still gives them nightmares.

Mariana was supposed to be even deeper than that; Momma Squiddle mentioned it once in a hushed voice, and Rose is so sure it would have been something spectacular, if only the author had been allowed to finish instead of airing more Prospitian hero propaganda cartoons where the Dersite vigilantes wore tacky purple pajamas.

“Mariana’s quite the object of speculation. What do you think it’s like?” Rose asks.

“Well, we can only speculate. I like to imagine it’s lit by anglerfish, at suffocating depths. Like the real-life trench! No light reaches there, and everything’s chemosynthetic. Princess Magenta is trying to get back down there after a long time, but it’s grown dangerous since she left. She and Littlecrown are trying to get through there.” Says Feferi. “There are all kinds of dangerous creatures, but the power of friendship is still there! It’d be nice to get more people to play squiddles with. We need more friendship to defeat the almighty leviathans!”

“And diving-bell spiders.” Eridan adds.

“Aren’t those freshwater animals?” Rose asks.

Eridan says, “It’s a kids’ cartoon about friendship squids hugging each other. I don’t see why it has to be accurate.”

Feferi whispers to Rose, “Eridan’s ex used to play a lot of spider-themed characters.”

“She was a killer GM who always insisted we get eaten by a giant spider at the end of every tpk.” He huffs.

“There was more than one?”

“Of course there was more than one.” He looks down at his juice box. “I miss her.”

“Hey, at least you don’t have to drive to Prospit to see her all the time.” Feferi says.

“Traffic was awful.” Eridan admits.

Rose reconsiders. Feferi is pretty nice, and Eridan is…unpleasant. Nothing will change that part. But it seems like the two of them are stuck as a package deal.

If Eridan gets her chumhandle, though, she’ll have to resist the urge to try and have Hal blow up his computer.

“I go by tentacleTherapist.” Rose tells Feferi when the bell rings, quietly so Eridan doesn’t hear.

Feferi squeals in approval, and wraps her arms around her. Yep, just like Nepeta.

Rose leaves for home.


Rose pulls back the bow, and lets her arrow fly. It strikes in the yellow, off from the center, but almost in the middle. It’s been a couple of weeks training with Equius’s gift, a gorgeous bow in deep black. Its draw weight can be increased, and the arrows Equius makes are sharp enough to take a villain down. This is a real weapon.

Equius gives her pointers, though it’s obvious he wishes he could demonstrate without breaking a bow.

“Are you all right?” Rose asks.

He sighs. “I will tell Nepeta. There is no need to concern yourself.”

Rose aims again. Further off. Again. Closer. “All right, suit yourself. I’m willing to lend an ear if need be.”

“It is more difficult to shoot while moving.” Equius says. “Continue to focus. Is your knife training going better?”

“Knives are less balanced, and I’m not looking forward to losing a weapon.”

“I am not looking forward to having to craft a steady supply of arrows.”

“I do have some hunting arrows that my brother got me.” Dirk had driven out into the countryside to find the only hunting shop close to them. He’d brought back enough to keep Rose in stock for a couple of months.

“It is good to keep them less traceable. Besides, it is one of my businesses.”

“Do you have another?”

“Robotics.” Says Equius. “Though I sometimes wish I could live in the countryside as well, and ride a horse.”

“Are you planning to?”

“Perhaps if I grow older without imprisonment. But for now, I cannot leave my home to suffer, nor can I leave Nepeta. We are the Punch Pair. It would not do to leave her alone.”

Rose looses an arrow again. A vision comes, but she completes her follow-through and waits before trying again.

White masks into Derse. Five of them. One flicks a hand, and something afar ignites. Another passes a hand into a wall, grabbing a brick to toss and bringing down a wall.

The vision fades.

Rose is thankful the visions seem to give her a sense of proximity now; her sense of focus cannot trigger visions at-will, but at least she has some sense of when.

“Equius, tell the rest. Tonight, five Light Courtiers are coming. At least two have powers. Fire tossing and…some kind of power that lets them tear bricks out of walls. I’m not sure if it’s strength. I don’t know about the others.”

“Did you see where?”

“Midnight Crew territory. Gibbous Street.” Says Rose.

“Do you intend to broadcast?”

Rose shakes her head. “If there are five of them and they know we will be concentrated there, I do not put it past them to attempt to arrest us as well or consider it worthy of HC attention. Sight Unseen will contact HC if we are overwhelmed. Otherwise, we will keep this in Derse. Besides, broadcasting it could make the attackers change plans." Kanaya had had at least half a point there.

Equius nods. They both go to tell the others.

In the meantime, Rose will improve her accuracy. These courtiers won’t know what hit them.

She has to restrain herself from laughing at that one.


Please leave kudos if you enjoyed, or a comment if you have something to say! Thank you for reading.

Chapter 4: The Queen Arrives


The vigilantes group up for battle.


This one's a tad shorter. I actually have a small extra bit of the next one written out, but I'm going to think about that before I do anything, since it's a pretty big move.

This gets ever so slightly meta. Okay, very meta. It's not romantic irony, but it's close to the fourth wall.

(It's a fanfic of a fanfic of Homestuck. It was already gonna be like this)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The vigilante crew assembles for ambush. Lightseer on a high roof, surveying. Tank and Huntress perched elsewhere to pounce down. Jumpstart would look like he’s nowhere near there. He’ll get there first, though. Bone Witch is around a corner, hidden in the shadows. Everyone in the crew has been fitted with an earpiece or communications helmet.

Rose stares a hole in the spot where she saw the people in her vision. And sure enough, here they are.

They arrive single-file, out of an unmarked car in stark white. They look nothing like vigilantes, in their bright colors and shining masks. They are ordered and precise.

One of them walks towards a Midnight Crew piece of stab art. They remove a can of white spray paint from a holster and begin to paint an insignia: a shining sun, in a circle and straight lines.

Graffiti isn’t the kind of crime vigilantes take care of, though. Rose wonders if her vision was self-fulfilling: supers called to violence because of a preemptive strike.

“Hold off.” She says. “Wait until they do something strange.”

“Something strange” comes right after.

One of the masked courtiers steps out. They appear to be clad in Prospitian golds, and a long, tall hat like a steeple hennin.

They take a deep breath and speak far louder than anyone could do alone. Three powered.

“Children of Derse,” the courtier says, and Hal activates noise cancelation and translates for Jumpstart and Lightseer. He tells the others about the possibility of a vocal power.

Rose can hear it over the cancellation, though.

“I’m not feeling an effect like Ultimatum’s,” Bone Witch says. “Their power is different.”

“Children. Your aching cries echo over this city. And yet, who pays them heed? Not the police, who turn away. Not your vigilantes, who work themselves to the bone for so little. And not the Hero Tower, who has turned from its goal of caring for the city.

“I see Derse, and I see pain. I see people in need of healing, a disease that must be rooted out.” The voice is otherworldly and gentle. Motherly, almost, though that does it no favors for Rose.

“Huntress, report effects.” Says Hal.

“None, just…amplification.” Says Bone Witch. “It’s not compulsive. I think this is a play at guile.”

“Clown cultists plague you. The Tower turns its back. Signless took down Her Imperious Condescension, but who has repaired that damage? This city does not need these other groups. We need a new generation of heroes, ones who can love. Ones who can protect, cherish, and heal.” Says the voice.

“Jesus fucking christ.” Says Dave. “I hate them already, is that their power? They brought drugs here and shoot people without warning.”

“Your plight will trouble you no longer. The Light Court is here to bring about a new reign!”

“Another cult. These ones dress like a different kind of clown.” Bone Witch whispers.

Tank speaks up. “I…am not sure. They preach what we do. The strong protect the weak. Perhaps they are not---”

“The pacification of Derse will begin now. Relax, and follow my voice. There will be no need for further strife.”

None of the vigilantes move, but Rose sees:

A kid from her class, awake in the night, breathing labored. Rose has seen this one leave class before; she can recognize an untreated panic attack.

The kid squirms. They clutch their head, then look up. They hear the words, repeated again; the message appears.

They nod. At once, the tension fades from them, and their eyes glaze over in white and golden light.

The kid smiles. This is no longer the classmate Rose recognizes. Their smile broadens, and they slump down. The look is like…

Well, Rose has seen Roxy drink. She has seen what some of the Dersites who are worse off end up doing, to keep pain at bay.

“This person’s power erases people's negative emotions. I saw their powers work. It made someone just...give up and go limp."

“That’s what we’re fighting?” Bone Witch asks. “Why doesn’t it work on us?”

The speaker has reached the part of the speech Rose foresaw.

“You have to want it to work on you.” Rose says. “What they say is true, through a warped lens.”

It was a very, very Prospitian sentiment. Take care of the others, that sort of thing, in the worst possible way.

If Kankri ever went rogue, Rose knows which group he’d be a part of. Or most of the heroes, if what Dave said was true.

“Stop them from talking.” Says Rose.

“On it.” Dave says. Rose hides a snicker; if anyone can out-talk someone, it’s her brother.

“Nice speech.” Jumpstart interrupts.

“And here, one of the tired souls we work to help. One who gives again and again. Tell me, Jumpstart, do you wish to join our reign of peace?” asks the person.

“Oh yeah, I love it when Prospitians come and tell me how I feel about my home and erase my neighbors' personalities.” Dave says.

“We bring a message of peace and hope, of true heroism.”

“It sounds like you’re bringing a hell of a lot more. A couple of your goons came out with a shipment of drugs.” He said. “You know, the reason why a lot of people turn to crime in the first place. Which you’d know, if you listened to anyone from here. Go back to Prospit.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way. Rest assured, what we bring is not strife. It is joy and light and healing.” Says the speaker. “But if we are not wanted, we must remove what stands in our way.”

That’s when Rose’s vision of the attack comes true.

The speaker withdraws, and protected by the others, continues to broadcast. The fire thrower and brick thrower commence.

Bone Witch handles the bricks, shattering them against her bone whip and attacking hard. Jumpstart takes on the fire guy.

The other two seem to be protecting their leader, and Tank and Huntress lurk near, trying their best to apprehend them, but the fighters…

One is armed with two wicked looking electric tasers. The other…

He touches the ground. A vine springs out to loop around Tank’s ankles.

Rose knows he’s indisposed, and the speaker is continuing the broadcast.

Rose draws her bow.

She misses her shot. The arrow clatters to the ground, and the Courtiers look around for their new assailant.


Rose fires again, but her arrow only grazes the arm of the taser-weilder. Huntress manages to disarm them, picking up the weapons and handing them to Tank to crush.

Rose fires again. Miss.

“Who attacks? Perhaps you misunderstand that we mean no harm.”

“Kick his ass, Lightseer!” Hal cheers. “Her ass. Their ass…”

“I do not think they care at the moment!” Rose fires.

The shot embeds itself through their hat. It’s almost comedic.

“There they are! Get them!”

The brickthrower spots her and begins to grab bricks from the building she is standing on.

The tall, two-story building she is standing on.

Rose looks to a lower building. She will have to subject her knees to this again.

She jumps as the building caves, prompting the brickthrower to go for the new one---

Bone Witch gets him right in the neck with her whip. The brickthrower goes down.

“Thank you!”

“That is Lightseer! Capture her!” calls the speaker. The firethrower takes aim, but not before Jumpstart hits him in the head with the flat of his blade. He is stunned. Rose takes advantage to---

Miss again. In fact, she hits her own brother in the foot.

“Aargh! Fuck! Watch it!” Dave yelps.

“Retreat, Court!”

The Light Court flees. The taser-user and vine-grower are scratched up. Tank has freed himself. The fire vigilante flees, but Bone Witch snaps her whip around him.

“Call the authorities---” Rose begins, but a voice cuts her off.

“Well, well. These are the pieces of shit who thought they could come mess with our territory.”

Rose turns around. It’s a tall, imposing man in a hat. His features are rounded, but he’s built like a tank. A pin in the shape of a heart is in his lapel.

“Missed all the fun. Good job here, kids.” Says Hearts Boxcars, one of the leaders of the Midnight Crew.

He ambles over to Dave. He pulls the arrow out of his foot, prompting a pained gasp.

“Sorry.” Rose says.

“Hmph. Nothing worse than a lackey with bad aim, y’hear that? Lightseer?” says Boxcars.

Rose nods.

“Good. Don’t hit your own crew. In the meantime, you’d better be getting outta here.”

Boxcars picks up the brick thrower, tossing him over a shoulder.

“We’re supposed to turn them in.”

“And the Tower doesn’t care if they catch villains or vigilantes. He tore down little Ms. Paint’s art studio. The boss has words for people who fuck up our territory.” Boxcars says. “I’m getting out. You’d better do the same.”

It was fight him and fight the tower or let him keep a hostage.

None of them liked it, but they all had to scatter.


Dirk begins cursing when he sees what happened to Dave’s foot.

“What happened?”

“Ouch. Fuck. Damn. Rose, those arrows hurt like a bitch---Ow!”

Roxy sanitizes the wound, and Dave lets out another string of curse words. Rose winces.

“I think,” Rose says, “I need to practice shooting from high ground if that is where I am to be.”

“No shit. Ow.” Dave says. “Maybe you should go melee. At least then you won’t---fuck! That could be anyone next time.”

Roxy manages to find ice and painkillers, but it’s going to be a while before Dave can do anything.

“Welp, time for bed. Gotta be up early.” Says Dave.

Dirk gives him a withering look. “You’re taking a sick day.”

“What? Dirk, I’ve been there with a bunch of broken ribs before.”

“Yes, something you can pass off as a lead pipe beating. A hunting arrow right to the foot is way, way more specific.”

“No one knows Jumpstart took an arrow to the foot.” Says Dave.

“Oh, who else was in close proximity to the only archer in Derse? Besides a bunch of vigilantes and some Courtiers who went missing.”

Hal adds, “And everyone does. Herospotter said you were injured. Some quip about friendly fire.”

Dave groans. “Fuck. I know they say they’re on our side, but I’m starting to think they’d rather tell people everything than let us keep secrets.”

“Also, can you even walk?” Roxy asks. “How are you getting to work?”

Dave swears.

Rose goes out again that night. It is reckless, but she practices her aim from the new angle until she is sure she will not hit her allies again.


Rose would have slept through class, but she freezes when the kid from her vision walks into history.

They whistle a happy tune. Rose notes the white and gold in their eyes, but she realizes she is the only one who sees this. To everyone else…

The teacher seems appreciative. They smile and laugh openly. They befriend two students who Rose knows mocked them before. They tell jokes.

They are, by all accounts, happier. They are also, by all accounts, a different person. Rose knows that they shrunk from physical contact before. They give at least three people hugs today.

“Someone’s sure chipper today,” Feferi smiles at lunch.

“Oh, yes.” Rose snipes.

“It’s givin’ me a headache.” Eridan grumbles.

Feferi giggles. “Oh, come on you guys! I think we could use a little positivity. Things have gotten so dreary!”

“Did you…hear anything last night?” Rose asks.

“That insufferable message from that speaker, yeah. Calls herself the Queen. Fucking nonsense.” Eridan says.

“Eridan, I know you complain about Derse twice a week. At least someone’s trying to do something good.”

Rose inspects Feferi’s eyes for white and gold and finds none. At least her positivity is normal Feferi positivity, and not Light Court propaganda.

“Feferi,” Rose says, “They don’t want what we want. They pity us. They do not understand our problems.”

“Yeah, but it’s better than Ultimatum! Jumpstart only got hit by friendly fire. Still, you’re right. I’m not gonna side with them over the vigilantes. The Light Court are villains, after all.” Feferi says.

Rose isn’t sure she believes her. She’ll have to keep an eye on Feferi, in case something comes up.

“Fef, don’t be ridiculous. We’re not siding with anyone. The vigilantes are a bunch of idiots risking their lives for nothing.” Eridan rolls his eyes.

Rose decides that hanging out with them was a lapse in judgement after all.

“Excuse me.” Rose says. She takes her PBJ and scarfs it. She checks her phone in the hallway.

GA: Rose

GA: Is Dave All Right?

TT: He’s feeling a bit sick.

GA: How Severe

TT: He should be all right in a few days.

GA: I See

GA: I Am Trying To Explain That To Karkat Because He Wants To Go Over And Heal Him

GA: It Is All I Can Do To Stop Him

TT: Dave can still answer his phone.

GA: His Messages Are Not Reassuring Karkat

TT: Hold on.

Rose texts Dave.

TT: Dave, are you trying to get Karkat to come over?

TG: Pfft, Rose, that’s stupid. That’s dumb as hell. I’m not trying to get the stab wound my awful sister left in my foot healed or anything so I can get back to doing what I do best. That’d be downright conniving and dishonest

TG: And as we all know, Striders are 100% sincere. No irony here, officer, I swear. What’s next, Hella Jeff won’t warn Sweet Bro about stairs? Pigs fly? Obama runs Republican?

TG: You’re slandering me here, Rose.

TT: I’m going to ignore most of that to apologize again.

TG: Look, a guy can want his best buddy to come over and heal him a little. Is that so bad?

TT: And here I thought you were serious about keeping quiet about the important things.

TT: Kanaya told me Karkat is trying to go over to you right now to see what’s wrong.

TG: Aww, he cares. That’s cute.

TT: Am I to assume that was unironic, as you seem to want me to believe Striders always are?

TG: Rose. Rose, of course that was ironic.

TT: A man can call his “best bro” cute platonically. Heterosexually, even.

[TG is idle!]

Rose smirks, and goes back to Kanaya.

TT: Dave is fine, trust me. He’s been talking himself into corners all afternoon. Tell Karkat he does not need to worry.

GA: Oh

TT: Kanaya, what does that “Oh” mean

GA: I May Have Persuaded Him To Give It A Rest By Saying We Could Meet Up Later

GA: Dave Said It Was Okay And That He Quote “trusts karkat to not fuck things up so hell yeah you can come over meet me in the evening star coffee place at 4”.

Rose wonders if the medication Roxy gave Dave impeded his decision making.

TT: In that case…

TT: Might I invite you to the same place?

GA: Of Course!

TT: I will warn you, The Evening Star has no chia pudding.

GA: Ha Ha

GA: I Will Curb My Expectations

TT: ;)

Oh god. A winky face? What was she, twelve?

Regardless, as soon as she gets home, she dresses up again. Now that her costume is finished for real, she will have to work on something nicer. Kanaya has discerning taste, after all. She finds Dave there.

“Dave,” Rose says, “Is your healing…is it that good?”

Dave pulls off his socks. Rose wrinkles her nose, to find that the flesh has mended there.

“Time shit.” He smirks. “As far as Karkat will know, I just had a headache this morning.”

“If that gets you told off for slacking from work, I will point and laugh.”

“After shooting me, no less.” Dave says. “I have the worst sister in the world.”

“How could you say that about Roxy?”

“You know that’s not who I was talking about."

Hal speaks up, “I’m telling Roxy.”

“Why are you taking her side?”

“For shits and giggles. Now get going on your double date.”

“It’s not a date!” both shout.


The Evening Star is a small, run-down café that is attached to a secondhand bookstore. Their menu is short: coffee, decaf, cocoa, mint tea. The cookies are homemade, though, and everyone knows they’re the best in Derse. The chocolate chips are warm and melty, and the dough has the lightest hint of cinnamon.

Karkat and Kanaya arrive sometime later. Karkat goes right to Dave and puts a hand on his shoulder, and then glares.

“Dumbass! You had me worried for nothing!”

“Hey, that headache felt way worse this morning.” Dave said. “You can’t blame me for calling in sick after you keep nagging me to take better care of myself.”

“Oh, two beatings with a lead pipe and you need a little ibuprofen, but a headache and you make it seem like the world is ending!”

“So,” Kanaya says to Rose, “I’m happy to see you again, and this time here. Shall we order?”

Rose nods. “I’m going to need some coffee for this.”

“We could leave them here.”

“Ah, but then we would miss the cookies.” Rose says.

She and Kanaya order for the group.

Rose smiles as she watches Kanaya take her first bite. Her eyes sparkle.

“Rose,” she says, “I do not think I will ever be able to eat chia pudding ever again.”

“Good, it’s a stupid food.” Says Karkat. He bites into his cookie, and he makes a startled sound.

“Dersites win this round?” Dave asks.

“Shut up.” Karkat says. “But yeah, I don’t think we get food like this in Prospit.”

“You’d betta not!” calls the barista, a woman with twin braids and cat-eye glasses. “I bake them myself!”

“Jane is going to be jealous if she hears you say that.” Kanaya says.

Karkat rolls his eyes. He begins to complain about work; Dersite education had almost been replaced with an impromptu field trip, which he’d had to argue would end in disaster without Dave.

“You’re right on that front.” Dave says.

“Luckily, Terezi---that’s Redglare, Rose--- was on my side.” Karkat snorts. “She was out here investigating the white paint scene and she didn't feel like going back yet. Gumshoe had to stop her from licking the ground where Jumpstart got shot.”

Both the twins had gone very, very still.

“We tracked the Light Court into Prospit, where we lost the trail.” Kanaya says. “No leads.”

“I am glad your friend did not lick the ground.” Rose said. “That sounds unsanitary.”

“That girl has the immune system of a vulture and half the sense. She seemed to think it was funny that another seer missed her shot.”

Rose shrugs. She tries not to let that sting. “The Light Court are bastards. I’m glad someone did something about them.”

“We were briefed on the broadcast.” Kanaya says. “Did you hear it as well?”

“I did.” Rose says. “It woke me up. That Queen’s voice carries.”

Karkat says, “Kankri says he’s gonna be the one who brings her in for that. I think he’s jealous that people actually wanted to listen to her.”

“Have you had the chance to witness the effects?” Rose asks.

Karkat shakes his head. “There’ve been a few reports, but no one wants to talk to the authority.”

“Tell me they didn’t send Kankri.” Dave says.

“Signless overrode that, yeah.”

“Oh, good. I’m pretty sure someone would try to shank him if he stepped foot in Derse.” Dave says.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Karkat mutters.

Kanaya says, “As entertaining as attempted sibling murder can be, I’m interested in what Rose has to say about the effects. Did you meet someone under the influence?”

“Well, I have no way of confirming it. But the voice seemed to encourage healing and joy in some way, and a very nervous student came into my math class today as quite the changed person.” Says Rose.

“How so?”

“Extroverted. Happy. They seemed to be parroting some of the Light Court’s positivity I heard yesterday.” Rose says.

“That does match some of Gumshoe and Redglare’s rumors.” Kanaya agrees, “As well as Lightseer’s twitter.”

“Kanaya, that could be anyone. She might lead you into a vigilante ambush one day.” Karkat grumbles.

“The vigilantes saved my life, and your brother’s as well.”

Karkat says, “Jumpstart, Bone Witch, and the Punch Pair, yeah. But this Lightseer is a newcomer, and she shot Jumpstart, which would’ve made him easier to catch. We don’t know if that was an accident or not.”

“Are you suggesting Lightseer is a double agent?” Dave asks. He’s trying not to laugh.

“I mean, she comes out of nowhere and shoots her friends? I’m saying that if the vigilantes and the Tower need to learn from each other like you say, the vigilantes need to vet their newcomers better, especially ones who can feed information to the enemies.” Says Karkat.

Rose is also trying not to laugh at this point. She gives a slight cough and sips her coffee. “And since Dersites all know each other, we will be sure to relay your words to Jumpstart and Lightseer, who we regularly meet with at this very table.”

Kanaya laughs. “All right. Karkat, perhaps you could message him on Twitter.”

“And feed the fanfictions?” Karkat asks.

Dave asks, “Fanfictions? Like the ones you send John?”

“Yeah,” Karkat says. “There are some cursed ships out there.”

“This I have to see.” Dave says.

Of course the first result Karkat shows them is Jumpstart…and Lightseer. The devil works hard, but shippers with no sense of boundaries work harder.

Rose makes a strangled noise. Dave is bright red and mortified. It’s too much. Rose bursts out laughing.

“It’s not that funny.” Karkat says.

Kanaya is chuckling. “Karkat, show them the one about Tank and Sight Unseen.”

Rose checks her phone to see Hal’s message:

AR: I’m sorry, WHAT

AR: I’m looking into this.

AR: Oh god, and I thought the ones Nepeta sent you were bad.

AR: They think I have a body. Rose, I’m not even corporeal and they’ve turned me into an anime boy.

AR: Okay I’m leaving kudos, that was brilliant.

Dave says, “Do they write crossovers, too, or is that too much?”

“Bone Witch and Gemini, yeah.” Karkat shows them a rather alarming list of tags.

“Oh my.” Rose says. “Scandalous.”

“That reminds me, Comet wanted me to find some about Air. I think she wants material to mock him with.” Karkat mutters.

Rose wonders if Lightseer should have that villain arc after all.

Kanaya says, “Rose, if it’s not too much trouble, would you happen to know the student who was affected? Karkat could attempt to heal them.”

Dave says, “Are they going to shut them in the Tower psych ward?”

“Dave, they deal with supernatural psychological torment all the time.” Says Karkat. “They’re the best equipped for that kind of thing. None of the vigilantes here have healing powers.”

Dave says, “Maybe so. But I’d rather someone suffering be with their family than at the mercy of Kankri.”

Kanaya intervenes. “That is fair, Dave. But Rose, if their condition worsens, you must let us know. They are someone different from who they truly are, and if the Court’s goals are to be believed, that is their aim for the rest of Derse, and all of Skaia. Finding information at patient zero could be the key to a cure.”

Dave sighs. “You can try telling them. But if they don’t want to go, they don’t want to go.”

“We respect medical consent.” Says Kanaya.

Dave snorts. Rose suppresses her own; Hal showed them the footage he’d taken of what Kankri had done, when he suspected Dave of being a spy. Interrogating him and wiping his memory. Karkat has the decency to look ashamed.

The conversation lulls for a bit. Kanaya shows Rose a couple of fashion sketches, intended for her: a black and purple striped dress with golden tassels. It's beautiful. She imagines Kanaya sketching with her in mind, perhaps smiling a little, with a cup of tea like the one she ordered nearby. She wonders if Kanaya has a cat. She seems like a cat person. Jaspers would have adored her, back when he was alive.

Rose realizes she’s staring a bit. Her hands brush against Kanaya’s as she hands back the sketchpad.

“They’re lovely. Thank you.” Rose says, her voice a bit quieter than normal.

Rose glances to see if anyone noticed; the barista is on her phone, paying no attention at all. Karkat seems occupied talking about a romcom to Dave.

Dave, on the other hand, has noticed Rose’s awkwardness. He looks poker-faced, but to Rose, she can see the hints of a “I’m going to tease you for this later” smirk.

When the four of them part ways at the park, Dave elbows her, and says, “A girl can stare longingly at her bestie. Platonically. Heterosexually, even.”

“I was not staring.” Rose says.

“Yeah, you were.” Dave is full-on grinning now. “Are you gonna keep teasing me about Karkat?”

“Yes, it’s obvious you like him, while Kanaya and I are friends.”

“Is that why you spent all that time getting ready, and took advantage of what I was doing to get to see her?” Dave prods further.

“It’s not as if we can date.” Says Rose. “That would be reckless and something straight out of one of those cursed ships Karkat showed you.”

“You and her, maybe.”

“So you think Karkat and you constitute a ship.”

“Look, I’m just saying, if we were one---which we’re not---we’d be way less cursed than yours.”

“Perhaps I ought to join the hero vigilante rpf fandom. What is Karkat’s alias?”

“Rose, no, that’s not what I---”

“Jumpstart was recklessly injured, and at the mercy of the heroes who had cornered him. He waited for his fate to be sealed, but---”

Dave tackles her. She’s laughing now.

“Lightseer was being an impulsive flighty broad, as per usual. Hey, Silkworm’s got rope-based powers.”

“Dave, shut the fuck up, or so help me---”

Hal lets off an emergency notification sound.


Thank you for reading.

I have some big plans. Mostly involving putting way too much detail into squiddles lore for the sideplots.

Please leave a comment if you would like to!

Disclaimer: please do not write fanfiction about real people. It's a meta joke in this fanfiction, but that's as far as it goes.

Chapter 5: Scourge and Sewer Water


Lightseer and Jumpstart receive a challenge.


I'm back :3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The siblings untangle themselves to check.

It’s a tweet Hal has found.

Red Eyed Seer (@RedglareOfficial)

“@Lightseer @Jumpstart

Let’s find out who the real seer is. I’ll give you a head start. Good luck tonight >:]”

Rose and Dave exchange a glance.

Terezi has caught scent of Dave’s blood. And it appears she’d be here again tonight.

Kankri’s retweeted, calling it unprofessional.

Dave runs a hand through his hair, looking far less aloof than normal. “Oh god. I actually like Terezi. I don’t want to fight her.”

“What do you know about her power?” Rose asks.

“All-Sight. She knows things she shouldn’t. She’ll know where you are right off the bat if we try something like with Queen. She’ll track me home unless we force her to retreat.”

“Is she that good?”

“Rose, she tells me I smell nice every day and she can guess what I'm thinking nine times out of ten. I’m shocked she didn’t figure out it was me based on that blood trail. She’s got a sword and tracking powers. She usually fights with someone else, and we shouldn’t count on her coming out alone. Redglare and Gumshoe were here. Even Ultimatum might decide to come with, and if he’s here, it’s us alone against him and Redglare both. Rose, Terezi once invited me to watch her spar Gambler, and she’s fucking ruthless. Oh god, what if Gambler---”

Dave is right. They must prepare for the absolute worst-case scenario. Though Bone Witch mentioned that she managed to take off Gambler’s arm last time they fought, Bone Witch is covered in scars. And she didn’t even have Redglare’s strategy with her.

“Then we’ll take our head start to plan.” Says Rose. “And we’ll choose the arena.”

“Are you going to get any good visions?” Dave asks.

They reach home. Roxy sweeps them into her arms.

“I’ll…I’ll take you out of the city.” Says Dirk. “Roxy can hide you. Tell them you’re going on vacation.”

“Good idea.” Says Rose. “A lie.”

“Terezi can tell when people lie through the internet.” Says Dave.

“It won’t be a lie.” Says Dirk. “This isn’t vigilantism, this is a manhunt. Dave, you barely survived Kankri.”

The groupchat is going off, too.

Bone Witch: 0_0

Jumpstart: BW, you get my bones if her cane sword goes through my guts.

Tank: D-> We will accompany you. We stand united, and our strength will take care of them.

Lightseer: No. This is our fight, and our fight alone.

Huntress: :33 Lightseer, no one believes that for a fucking second. We’re going with you.

Lightseer: They will try to bait us. At least this way, Derse loses two instead of all.

Bone Witch: Lightseer. When you told me you’d be helping me fight Gambler, you do realize what that meant, right?

Lightseer: I cannot ask you to risk your life.

Bone Witch: I’m volunteering. Dersites rise and fall together. Especially against the tower. Redglare’s a step away from Gambler.

Huntress: I wish your powers worked at will, Lightseer.

Lightseer: I know. They seem to come based on luck.

Tank: What venue did you have in mind for the confrontation?

The brainstorm goes on. They will have to choose a spot where they have all the knowledge and skill, because there will be nothing on their side. And they will need to know their enemy. Huntress and Jumpstart rat out everything they know. Bone Witch supplies knowledge.


Lightseer (@candle-watcher)

@RedglareOfficial We accept your challenge.

If they think they’re cocky, they’ll underestimate them. And they’ll need every underhanded tactic they can get.


Huntress waits on one building. Rose waits on another, with Jumpstart close by.

By coaxing her onto the high ground, they hope they can stay level and avoid having her strike them from above. Even Tank and Bone Witch remain on building roofs.

These rooftops are level with one another. It is an ideal place for rooftop parties.

The residents received an anonymous tip to postpone any that were taking place tonight. If Redglare knew the rumor, it’d be all the same; they weren’t running, they were negotiating. If it came down to it, they were fighting.

Hero Spotter tells them Redglare has entered Derse. She is making a beeline for their location. Good, at least they're helping this time.

Redglare's straight shot may have been courtesy of a few drops of blood there, which Dave healed on the spot.

“All right, Jumpstart.” Rose says. “You know her best."

Dave nods. “Cool.”

They are going to try reason first.

Hal says, “Try to be less verbose. You’ve got a distinct speech pattern and I know Terezi likes how you talk.”

“Well, well, well. The criminals aren’t even bothering to hide. Showing up right in your colors. I can respect that.”

A voice echoes up. The sound of tapping and scrambling commences; Redglare is athletic enough to scale the building.

She sets down her dragon-headed cane with a click. Rose has seen the blades come out before.

“Is this a surrender?” she asks.

“Not really,” Dave says. “We’re not criminals.”

Redglare tilts her head. “Then why’re you hiding your voice and your eyes? And why does the Hero Code forbid vigilantism?”

“We’re not heroes like Prospit wants, no.” Jumpstart admits, reciting the speech Dirk and Roxy helped him with. “We don’t work within hero law. But we share the same goal. We fight for justice, the kind Prospit never comes to serve. Unless they want Ultimatum to push someone off a building.”

“Hmph. And what, pray tell, was Air doing here a month back?” Redglare’s teeth curl into a draconic grin. Rose can see why she chooses her theme.

“The exception.” Lightseer says. “Not the rule. Tell me, Redglare. Seer to seer. What have you seen of Derse?”

“Smells like lavender. Lavender and smoke and piss.” Says Redglare.

Lightseer says, “Bricks faded from purple that have not been replaced. Industry that breaks codes to poison us. Urine, because so many of us do not have homes and private bathrooms.

“Let me tell you what I have seen. Children go missing in Derse all the time. No one bothers to search for them. Vigilantes risk their lives to get them back and never come back. Do you know,”

Rose hesitates. She has never shared this vision. It was one that gave her nightmares, even after the initial one. “Do you know what happened to Rust Maiden?”

Redglare pauses. “She went missing years ago. No one looked for her. She was a copycat of Handmaiden, who got locked in the Tumor. But instead of Handmaiden’s telekinesis, she had psychic powers that scrambled perception. A Class A threat before she disappeared.”

“She went missing fighting the Felt. I will not tell you how old I was, only that I was too young. I saw what they did to her. I have seen her blood, rusting on green tables. I have seen her weakened. Look at me, you know what I am saying is true. I saw her alive. Half-starved. She is deep in Felt territory still, unless she is dead. No one has gone to rescue her.” Rose says. It’s the first time she’s given detail about these visions. She was nine when they happened, and they were long. Knowing what Doze did to her visions, she wondered if he was involved.

“All of The Felt walk free. We fought one just two weeks ago.” Rose finishes. “So yes. We are outside of the law. But we are here because no one else will serve justice for us.”

Redglare is quiet.

“That’s what we’re up against. You saw how we fought clown cultists. You know what we’ve been doing. We’re not your enemies.” Says Jumpstart.

For once, Rose can tell Redglare is their age: the strange girl Dave talked about, Terezi.

“…I get it.” She says. “I do. And…I promise, I’ll open the investigation into Rust Maiden again.”

Rose already knows what she’ll say, visions or not. “But you believe we are criminal enough to warrant an arrest.”

“The HC would have my head.” Terezi says. “I’ll get you a fair trial.”

Redglare draws two thin blades.


Redglare is far from the strongest hero, but she is the smartest. She dodges each of Tank and Huntress’s flurry of blows. Jumpstart moves to dart into the fray, but---

Teal light. She is ready for him. She knows where he will go and he will flashstep right into where her blade will be.

Lightseer catches Jumpstart’s shoulder. She says, “No powers. Go in.”

An ordinary enemy wouldn’t overhear. Terezi does, and a smile slides onto her face. The vulnerability is gone.

“What do you know, you might be interesting after all.”

Redglare darts forward, aiming for Lightseer.

Melee. Her weakness.

Jumpstart parries. “Get away from her.”

“Charming knight. Your blood didn’t smell half-bad.”

Rose draws her daggers and aims for Redglare’s weak points, but she’s ready and bats her hands aside with the flat of her blade. Rose regains balance.

“You’re green, aren’t you?” Redglare says.

Rose ignores the psychological play. Redglare steps aside and avoids one of Bone Witch’s whips…

But it speeds up and hits her, almost disarming her.

Jumpstart speeded someone else up.

Redglare seems caught off guard. Rose takes advantage of the moment to try and place her knife to Redglare’s throat, but Redglare spots some weakness in her stance.

Rose is flat on her back, and Redglare points a sword down at her.

“Surrender.” She says. “All of you.”

Rose isn’t worried for a second; in a flash, Redglare is off of her, and Jumpstart is dueling her. He was hesitant before. That has disappeared; now, Dave is out for blood.

Redglare seems to be having some trouble now. Dave is enraged, and Bone Witch also seems focused for some reason.

Rose sees it:

A lucky strike. Bone Witch gets at Redglare’s head and Dave uses more speed than he’s used to. His rage builds, and----


“Stop!” Rose calls.

Startled, everyone steps back. Her vision fades.

“Why?” Terezi asks.

“We…Jumpstart does not want you dead. Am I correct?” Rose asks, shaky.

Jumpstart tenses. Then Rose sees her brother slump. He steps back.

“Get out of here.” He says. “There are five of us and one of you. And we all know you don’t want to capture us. Come on.”

She looks between all of them. “I’m loyal to the Hero Tower. There’re things I can’t turn my back on.”

“But you can turn your back on justice. Real justice.” Dave guesses.

Redglare---Terezi---draws once more. “We’ll take care of Derse.”

“We don’t trust you to take care of Derse.” Says Bone Witch.

“We take care of each other.” Says Huntress.

Rose adds, “So, are you going to be just like the Light Court, then?”

Redglare’s unseeing eyes harden into a sharp, glittering grin. Any trace of vulnerability is gone.

She has made her choice, and they will have to send her home by force. It will be bloody, but Dave is calmer now. He will not kill, at least.

Rose is ready to lend support. It would be fine, unless---

Cerulean flash. A set of dice knock together at her tunic skirt and long jacket. She darts around, avoiding cars the way no one should be able to.

Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

“Fullmoon Street.” Rose says. “Three minutes. Gambler is coming.”

Redglare’s deadliest teammate.

“Want to surrender now? She’s a lot less nice than I am.” Redglare shows off her teeth again.

“We spared your life.” Rose says.

Redglare pauses, and it’s all Jumpstart needs to leap back into the fray.

“Lightseer, we keep them separate! You, Tank, Huntress! We need to keep Gambler separate!” Bone Witch hollers.

“But...” Jumpstart is their second-best fighter. He can keep Redglare alone. But can the rest of them handle Gambler without him?

“Go!” Jumpstart calls.

“One-on-one, huh, time boy? That’s a bit fairer. Show me some of that fighting spirit.”

The sympathy Rose felt for Terezi collapses into loathing. This is a game to her. Rose wears her mask because she has no choice. Terezi, despite her insistence on justice, isn’t going to change loyalties.

In fact, she called the person who almost killed Bone Witch.

Rose thinks back to what she knows about Gambler. She’s trying to force her visions.

Wait. Dice.

A friend of Redglare’s and Comet’s.

Was it possible?

Rose activates Hal.

tentacleTherapist began pestering gardenGnostic

TT: Evening, GG.

GG: TT! It's midnight! You should be asleep!

TT: Touche.

TT: Do you happen to know the chumhandle of the girl who was going to GM our campaign before she thought it was dumb?

GG: Oh? Why?

TT: I’m bored.

GG: Go to sleep!

TT: All right, I will go to sleep. Please, just tell me her name. I believe I can convince her to run our batshit bonkers squiddles campaign.

GG: :0 Are you sure? She’s pretty stubborn!

TT: Remember who you’re talking to.

GG: AG. arachnidsGrip. She’s pretty tough, but super cool when you get to know her!

Multicolored light blocks Rose’s vision, and she almost trips before Tank catches her.

Dodging cars. Her opponents stumble. She rolls dice and throws them like stones.


“Lightseer! Lightseer!” Tank and Huntress look at her. Her eyes come clear.

“I am…fine.” Rose says. Her voice is unsteady.

They are close to Fullmoon Street.

And Rose…cannot do this. The tension is perhaps, too much. It was bound to happen, and it’s all too telling that it happened sooner, rather than later.

Lightseer, once so calm, panics. Gambler is the number 8 Hero, and she once almost took Bone Witch’s life. What hope could they have against them? Going against the top heroes has always meant Dave ends up coming home with a shattered leg or ribcage.

With their track record, there’s no way they could win. She could injure Dave, but Rose? Gambler could kill her.

“We can’t do this! Run! Follow me!”

Lightseer bolts.

“WHAT THE FUCK, ROSE?” Hal hollers, while a sharp, cruel laugh echoes from Fullmoon Street. That rookie mistake has cost them; Gambler has overheard Lightseer’s panicked cry, and she is in pursuit.

“What were you thinking?” Bone Witch looks pissed; the only thing stopping her from straight up lashing out is that Gambler is a bigger threat.

They reach the storefront of the Evening Star, when Rose feels a sharp, blinding pain in the back of her head. She stumbles forward, behind Huntress. Through the pain in her head, she can see Huntress’s disappointed, angry stare.

“I…I am sorry…” she pants.

“Shut up.” Bone Witch whirls to face Gambler. “Come to finish the job?”

“You know, I did. But it looks like your newbie did the work for me! Looks like he was right. Lightseer was a liability.” Gambler smiles. “Been a long time, Bone Bitch.”

Bone Witch snarls. “All right. What do you want?”

“Oh you knooooooow…” she drawls. “You vigilantes are committing a crime, and I’m not about to let my partner go alone against five dangerous criminals. I’m a good teammate, unlike some people. You kids are out of your depth.”

She tosses her octet of dice up and down, catching them each time. She looks smug, far too smug.

“Are you gonna come quietly? Or am I gonna have to drag you?”

Huntress steps up. Her claws are out. She says, “You won’t drag us away from our homes.”

Gambler laughs again. Sadism and heroics have no place in the same heart, some might say. That’s never stopped her.

Bone Witch uncoils her whip, striking without warning. Gambler sidesteps the coil. Tank punches. Gambler steps to the other, and his momentum carries him forward. All she has to do is smack him over the head to strike him off balance.

Huntress darts forward next. She is fast and precise enough to match Gambler, and manages to land a few hits, before Gambler’s eyes light up, her eyes spotting over with eight pupils at once.

Gambler regains composure and grace. Huntress overbalances, just like Tank. Gambler takes advantage to push her right at Tank. The two collapse, and she takes advantage of the moment to kick each in the skull.

All this without breaking a sweat.

It is Bone Witch and Gambler now. The two circle each other as Lightseer looks on, helpless.

Gambler quirks a grin. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

“Now who’s committing illegal actions?” Bone Witch growls.

“I was defending myself. Besides, who’s HC going to believe when two thirds of Derse’s vigilante problem are locked away?” Gambler purrs.

Bone Witch lashes out. Gambler casts her dice, and they shatter several of the vertebrae along her whip. Things look impossible.

Bone Witch…her eyes go white. There is no other way to describe what’s happening through the slits in her ram skull.

Sweat beads on her forehead and pours down her face. She’s looking worse than Tank. The hints of tan skin under her mask go ashy.

A rattling reverberates throughout Derse. Lightseer’s hairs stand on end. Gambler looks startled. She rushes forward, trying to steal more luck from Bone Witch. She almost reaches her.

Then she trips.

She tries to yank herself to her feet, only to stumble again.

The skeletons of a thousand dead squirrels and birds have come from throughout Derse to defend Bone Witch. And Huntress is helping Tank up.

“We’re not going with you.” Bone Witch says, and her voice is parched, inhuman. It rustles like the sound of her whip.

Gambler is stunned. That didn’t happen in their last fight.

Tank swings again, and this time, manages to dent her metal arm. Gambler curses and steals his luck again, drawing her own weapon: a short saber in blue metal.

She and Tank and Huntress brawl, and Bone Witch keeps her army steady.

Gambler strikes hard. Tank hits like his namesake, but Gambler fights dirty. She aims for the eyes and the throat.

Huntress does the same, but Gambler’s abilities make it impossible. Lucky dodge after critical hit after lucky dodge. So Huntress scrambles up on Tank's back and pounces down onto Gambler’s head, taking her down hard. She claws at Gambler, who is being trampled with tiny, bony feet and bitten with fangs full of dirt.

Then luck takes its toll: the pounce is, after all, a gambit.

And Huntress slams hard into the ground headfirst.

She is knocked out.

With that, everything goes wrong.

Tank drops what he’s doing to lunge for her, trying to save her.

Gambler stomps her boot down on Huntress’s chest.

Tank looks ready to tear Gambler's throat out, but she lowers her sword to Huntress’s throat---

Tank puts his hands up.

Lightseer squeezes her eyes shut.

When she opens them again, the scratching horde has gone away. Bone Witch has her whip ready to lash out, but it’s obvious she’s depleted, bruised.

Gambler's dice stop her whip once more, crashing into the segments to disconnect them. The whip clatters into disarray, becoming a single femur bone once more. Bone Witch sinks down.

“Now you’re gonna surrender?”

Gambler is standing. An eye is swollen shut from Huntress’s claws. Her prosthetic is useless from Tank’s blow, the metal struck through. She is lacerated and bleeding from Bone Witch’s small army, but it was futile. She is standing. She holds eight iron rings in her hands, power-dampening cuffs for each of them.

Lightseer scrambles up. She has to do something. It’s too much. She has to.

“Oh, the newbie coward has a heart after all.”

Lightseer glares. She throws her knives. But she'd need luck to hit at all, which she can almost feel disappear as Gambler steps to the side.

“Wowwwwwwww,” she grins. “That almost hurt. Keep it up and they might let you clean the toilets in the Hero Tower. If they’d even bother to put irons on you.”

Rose stands, fists balled, shaking. She’s the last one standing.

Gambler presses down on Huntress’s chest with her boot. Rose raises her hands up.

“There’s a good Dersite. My partner will make sure you get a good lawyer.” Gambler reaches down to put the irons on Huntress---

And the storm drain in front of the Evening Star explodes.

“What the fu---”

As suddenly as the burst happens, tendrils of water coil out, wrapping around each and every one of the Dersite vigilantes. For a moment, they struggle.

Except Lightseer. Though Gambler cannot see it under her visor, she grins.

The coils of water melt into each of them. The water soaks through their injuries. Huntress stirs, and she snatches Gambler’s boot to wrench it from her, taking her balance. Tank’s cuts and bruises disappear.

Bone Witch stands. Her ashen complexion returns to normal, and she marches forward. The bones of the rats coil around the whip, menacing, though she is still drained.

“Get the fuck out of our city.” She says. “You hear me? Go back. Fucking leave.”


The vigilantes turn. There is Jumpstart and Redglare, both worn. Redglare leans on her cane. Jumpstart looks battered; it’s not clear who won the fight.


“Leave this place.” Jumpstart says. “Like Bone Witch said. Get the fuck out.”

Redglare and Gambler leave, defeated.

The vigilantes split. Who knows when backup will be on the way?


“What the fuck was that, Lightseer?” asks Hal.

It is the next evening. Rose called the meeting. The others in the group still look pissed at her, which is understandable.

“Talk.” Says Huntress, her cheer gone. “I saw what you did.”

Lightseer nods.

“My power is triggered by relevance. More in strife, less in peace. Revelations tend to trigger more. And I…I happen to know a hero. An old childhood friend revealed she was a hero, and I saw she was Comet. And when I had a vision of Gambler, I…connected it to a friend of hers. So I asked for her chumhandle. And it triggered a vision. Two, to be exact.” Rose says.

“Two visions at once?” Jumpstart asks.

Bone Witch is impatient. Between the negotiation and fighting Gambler, she’s been on edge. “Get to the fucking point, Lightseer.”

“On one side, I saw cerulean blue. In that vision, we had a tactical advantage. I keep my cool in the battle of Fullmoon Street.

“It is much the same, but we fight better. I land a cut on Gambler, even. And then she cuts me, and because my skills are not up to snuff, and she slashes the costume. She always lands a brutal blow, as you can see, and hers struck me through the jugular.

“You all fight valiantly. Bone Witch, you pull the same feat with the animals. But in the end, it is not enough. I lie dead. Huntress lies unconscious. Tank surrenders. You are depleted.

“And no one is there to witness the fight and lend a mysterious hand.” Rose finishes. “In that vision, Jumpstart and Sight Unseen are the last vigilantes in Derse.”

Rose looks at Bone Witch. “The fight we had was the lesser of two evils. If I intervened, I would be dead. If I had not made myself look useless, I would have been an easy target for her as the newbie. If we had not been in front of the Evening Star, our benefactors would not have witnessed our fight.”

Bone Witch still looks unhappy, as does Tank. Huntress seems…contemplative.

“You know, I get it. I get why you did it. But there’s something you forgot to say.” Says Huntress.

“That being?” Rose did what she had to. She’s drawing a blank.

“You know.”

“I’m afraid I---”

Hal speaks up, “Huntress means you need to apologize. Like it or not, you made the three of them go through hell for you.”

“Things turned out fine.”

“It involved Gambler,” Bone Witch says. “Nothing was going to turn out ‘fine’.”

Rose feels cheated. She managed to make her visions work the way she wanted them to. She got them out of a horrible situation, minimized fatalities, and sent home two Prospitian heroes---one of whom was number 8. They might even have a new ally or two.

“I am sorry.” Rose says, though she is not sure if she means it. Bone Witch doesn’t seem to be, either.

“Lightseer.” Bone Witch says. She looks tired. “You promised me you would help me fight Gambler when the time came. When you panicked, I thought…I couldn’t be angry at you. We’re all too young, like Hearts Boxcars said. We’re all kids. But hearing how you manipulated the situation…I guess we’ll know you sometimes need to pull that kind of gambit. But if we’re going to be a team, we need to trust each other.

“I get what you did. I’m happy you’re not dead and I’m happy I’m not in the Tumor with my---with all the others.” Bone Witch looks down. “I’ll just…it doesn’t take the pain away, especially when you don’t get why you need to apologize. So I can understand, maybe even forgive. I’m just not sure I can do it right now. And... there are other things that went down tonight. I'm...not sure I want to talk about them now, though.”

Rose nods. She’s not sure what else to do, and her visions don’t seem to be kicking in. If anything, Bone Witch closing down makes it harder to see.

They work when information is already on the way, particularly relevant information. My visions are connected to relevance and luck?

Whatever it was, Bone Witch did not seem to want to make herself relevant to Rose. And it worked.

Tank says, “You did what was necessary, but you placed my closest friend in danger to do so. You say there was an alternative. But Ne---Huntress was closer to being locked away from us than any other one of us. So I will have trouble forgiving as well.”

He is closed off as well.

Huntress sighs. “Well, that’s not the apology I wanted. But we were being stalked and hunted. It was brutal, sure. But we got out okay. And like Bone Witch said, now we know your powers sometimes give you two paths, and the better one can suck. So we’re still friends, Lightseer. Tank, we’ll be patrolling together. Everyone else, usual groups.”


I'm back!

Just so you know, chapter updates will not always be this long or this frequent. I have found my way into a good amount of free time recently, but that is going to change. Additionally, I have a health issue that interferes with my ability to type. My dictation is decent, but nowhere near as quick and rewarding as typing by hand.

I also have other works...this is going to be at 24k and I haven't updated my others in so long...

Thank you for reading! Please comment or leave kudos if you wish to!

Chapter 6: Land of Rays and Frogs


It's not a date I swear ;)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Evening Star has closed for the day; no one can blame them after the violent skirmish and freak sewer accident in front of their establishment.

It is Sunday, and Kanaya and Rose stare at the massive hole in the pavement and closed-down storefront, one in dismay, the other quiet.

“Gambler was injured.” Kanaya says. “I had to bandage her, and Karkat had to heal her. That wound to her arm would have taken it off if it had not been metal already.”

Rose is staring. She is tired. Kanaya notices and reaches over to squeeze her shoulder gently. Without meaning to, Rose leans in.

“I wish things were not so violent for you.” Kanaya whispers.

“That was the hero tower. Redglare came looking for a fight. Gambler came after. The vigilantes of Derse spent their night avoiding arrest, while the civilians had no one to protect them at all.” Rose whispers back. She is tense as Kanaya tries to comfort her.

“Perhaps we should not stay here for our day out.” Kanaya says.

“Is Prospit better?”

Kanaya wraps her hand in hers.

“I know a better place.” Kanaya smiles.

“Oh? Where?”

“It is a surprise.”

“Am I being swept away by a mysterious being, then?”

Kanaya smiles. “If you will let her.”

Rose is exhausted from days of school, evenings of training, and nights within an inch of her life. A part of her cautions this is reckless; not as reckless as alerting a dangerous hero to your location in hopes they will pursue you to a better venue, and making your fellow vigilantes distrust you.

But still reckless. Still the kind of thing that could get someone hurt, the kind that could get hearts broken and oracles locked away.

Rose extends an arm to Kanaya. “Then my time is yours, Kanaya of the Golden Spires.”

Kanaya leads her to the bus stop.

“Who said I was from Prospit?”


To Rose’s shock, despite Kanaya’s mannerisms, speech, and heroic demeanor, she was not born in Prospit.

“I moved there when I was young, very young. My power manifested as I sewed. It was not unusual for my family. My mother and father have no powers, but my grandmother did.”

Rose tilts her head. “You had to move because of your power?”

“Of course. If you wish to wear the gold, the Tower is the place.” Kanaya says.

“And if not?”

“I could have worn silver and stayed; it is true. But I wanted to help. So I practiced and tried my hardest to fit in. I am, perhaps, of the Golden Spires.” Kanaya leads Rose off the bus.

Skaia is a vast city. It is a veritable metropolis. This part of the city is to the east. Its buildings are covered in solar panels, and gardens and fountains are everywhere. The stop itself is near a community garden, packed with rhododendrons in yellow, crimson, and pink. In the center is an enormous fountain in the shape of a frog, carved from marble and spitting water. Its belly is glass, so you can see the water rushing.

“You’re from Loraf.” Rose says.

Land of Rays and Frogs, the district’s name means.

Rose can see why. And it suits Kanaya better than Prospit, perhaps even better than the aisles of The Quesant where they met. Her long red skirt brushes through the grass of the park like it grew from the ground. She pauses by the flowers.

GG would love this. Rose snaps a picture of the frog fountain. As she does, mist spurts and refracts the light into green, red, blue.

“What do you think?” Kanaya asks. Her voice is somewhat shy.

“This place is beautiful.” Rose says back. “Thank you for taking me here. I could not have asked for a lovelier place, divine creature or not.”

“Divine…” Kanaya murmurs.


Kanaya sits on a bench. It is not the Mayor’s painstakingly carved memorial bench to the Psionic, a bench no one sits on in Derse. Nor is it one of the gaudy butterfly benches donated by Prospitian socialites. It is simple stone, cool to the touch when Rose sits next to Kanaya.

“I am not sure I wish to be divine.” Kanaya says.

“Why not?”

Kanaya says, “Well…my father told me ‘holiness’ means ‘separate’. Set apart, set above all else. The holy is separate from the secular.”

Rose guesses this is more than about religion. “And you do not wish to be removed from the world?”

Kanaya shakes her head. “I think that is a mistake. I think removing yourself, setting yourself above…I believe that is why people begin to hate god, or the gods. High up, they do not see us. If we seek their stature, they separate us out and strike us down.”

“Are you planning to proseletyze the faith to me?”

“What?” Kanaya is confused.

“That’s where you’re going, right? The divine must walk among us mortals and sacrifice for us and guide us to the correct path.” Rose says.

Kanaya hesitates. “That is still holy, though. Rising to heaven... To be frank, I…I was attempting to impress you, a bit, with some religious metaphors.”

Rose has never done something like that in her life, trying to act smart and pretentious to impress someone.

“What were you planning to say, then?”

“I was planning to say I was thinking less god or fairy, and more…vampire.” Kanaya looks down, embarrassed.

“Have you brought me here to take away my precious virgin blood, then?” Rose laughs.

Then the implications hit her, and deep red mortification rushes to her cheeks.

“I mean…” Rose is trying not to be flustered. “I meant that in a vampire way! Not in a…not in a creepy way. Oh god.”

Kanaya looks even more embarrassed now. There is no getting out of this. They are doomed to their own awkwardness. Rose dove down the rabbit hole of pretention, shot straight through Wonderland, and landed in the worst possible looking glass.

That is to say, neither of them can meet each other’s eyes, and Rose is searching for something, anything to get away from the subject of taking virgin blood.

“Um…” Kanaya says. “I…believe I meant something about lurking everywhere despite power, living with everyone, not bothering to force myself into some pure golden spire…”

“I see.” Rose stammers. No, she does not stammer. Rose Lalonde never stammers. “Well…a vampire could be said to be above, after a fashion. A hero among us.”

“Or could be said to be below. A vigilante who lurks about in the night…” Kanaya says. She trails off.

Rose freezes, but Kanaya does not seem to be holding irons on her person. She would not need them with her silk, but Kanaya does not look about to attack. She was implying something treasonous, then. Not implying suspicion.

She is still Prospitian. Well, partly. She is from Loraf, too, the place that springs gardens and water and all too many frogs. The official animal of Skaia.

But she is from the tower. Kanaya is fiddling with her golden bangles, as if to prove it.

Rose feels her stomach growl, and Kanaya looks up. Rose feels her blush deepen.

“Shall we get something to eat?” Kanaya asks.

“Yes.” Rose nods.


The restaurant is nice---too nice to split the bill in, Rose realizes, reading the menu. Sure, she can pay for it, but her money could’ve gone into three other, cheaper meals. To make things even more opulent, Kanaya is led to a private room in the back: perks of being a top hero.

“Rose? Is everything all right?” Kanaya asks.

“Yes.” Rose lies. She finds the cheapest thing on the menu, a simple pasta dish with butter. Kanaya orders risotto.

“How have things been going with you?” Rose asks.

“They are making plans to take the heroes on a tour of Derse. Dave is against it right now. Karkat is advocating for small groups on different days, so as not to raise a fuss. He is trying to compromise. Kankri is being difficult, and Jake is being obtuse.”

Rose does not know who Jake is. Her answer comes: golden uniform, charming smile. Skylark. If heroes could be made "fanservice", he would be the prime example.

She asks, “How so?”

“Kankri believes he can take whatever the Dersites throw his way, and they ought to show respect…which is ridiculous, as we both know he is far more disliked than any other hero there.” Kanaya says. “Jake, on the other hand, is…he is one of the more popular heroes. He is quite used to smiling at his problems to make them go away.”

“Dersites are not immune to charm, but if they spot him looking like a hero, distrust will reign." Rose nods. “I would perhaps object to it even more, if an intruder tried that with me.”

Kanaya pauses. Then, she says, “I explained that last time we made a hullabaloo, Dersite relations were strained. Between that and the knowledge of how Gambler and Redglare came to hunt down their vigilantes…I cannot help but agree with Dave. I told them how your friend Nepeta reacted to seeing my bands.”

“And how did that go?”

“It shut Kankri up for a moment. Jake still wanted to try. Jane suggested disguise.” Kanaya said.

“You don’t fit into Derse.” Rose says.

The waiter brings out their food. The pasta is delicious. Kanaya approves of the risotto.

“Jane could help.” Kanaya says.

Rose doesn’t have to figure out why; she sees a chubby girl with short dark hair morph into a tall, thin man in a suit, then pick up a briefcase and begin to walk somewhere. Gumshoe, power of disguise. The other half of Redglare’s detective duo.

“Fair.” Rose shrugs. “But I will say, small escort groups may be better. It might be more work for Dave, though.”

“I suppose I couldn’t convince you to help, then?”

Rose looks up, startled.

“I could recommend you to my department head,” Kanaya says.

“Is that a conflict of interest?” Rose asks. “I am related to Dave, after all.”

Kanaya says, “You two are our only friendly faces in Derse.”

“The only ones who won’t pounce-tackle you.” Rose smiles.

“I was going to bring up your previous mentions of stabbings. Are there that many stabbings in Derse?” Kanaya asks.

Rose shrugs. “You would have to look up the statistics, but yes. There are more than would be comfortable.”

“Stabbings rarely are.” Kanaya says, and Rose knows she is speaking from experience.

“I believe Derse’s reputation as a place where you get stabbed may come from the reputation of the Midnight Crew. Their leader is famous for using a knife.” Rose says.

Kanaya tenses. “Are they one of the powered groups?”

“No, that would be the Felt.” Rose says.

“I still cannot believe they have not sent heroes to Derse more.” Kanaya shakes her head. “I will have to go there sometime.”

“Not without backup,” Rose says.

Kanaya looks up. “I will be sure to remember. As for the Light Court…have you heard any messages?”

“Not since that night. I believe a coordinated vigilante mass may have shown they could not march in.” Rose says.

“All right. Rose…if you hear Queen's voice again…do not…do not give in.”

Rose smiles. “I will not, Kanaya. HIC may have called herself Condescension, but Queen fits that title far better. Enough hero talk. I would like to hear about your ventures into vampire novels.”

Kanaya is a font of information on all things vampire: from Dracula to Twilight to Nosferatu to Carmilla---the latter grabs Rose’s attention for reasons that are entirely platonic.

Kanaya knows what she would want to do, if she were a vampire; she reveals she would take her animal form from a silk moth. They do not drink blood, but that hardly matters. She would glow and walk in the day, a bit like in Twilight.

“And…well, I invented this part when I was thirteen…”

“Go on.”

“I would wield a chainsaw.”

“What, powers aren’t enough?”

“Well, yes, but brute force…there is a certain appeal to it, no?” Kanaya asks.

“I suppose so.” Rose sometimes envies her melee-powered counterparts. She’s sure Tank would appreciate Kanaya’s attitude.

“Then there is the way I wanted to have her drink rainbow blood.” Kanaya laughs. “Rainbow blood! Where would she get it?”

“Rainbow-blooded aliens.” Rose says, deadpan. The two of them laugh.

“So that is my teen years revealed.” Kanaya says. “All vampires. Anything to say on your front?”

Rose looks down. “I tried to summon the occult. And I roleplayed squiddles.”

Kanaya smiles. “I know someone who still does.”

“Which one?” Rose asks, feigning ignorance.

“Squiddles. I believe the occult may be pure Rose.” Kanaya laughs.

“I still have a few spellbooks.” Rose says. She does not mention the candles. “I thought I was close, once. It was a lightning storm, and I had a fever of 101.”

“That sounds painful.”

“I thought the head hurting was a sign that the forbidden powers were clawing at my mind.”

“And you thought that was a good thing?”

“If you had thought you were getting a vampire bite,” Rose asks, “Would you have called it bad?”

“No.” Kanaya sighs.

The day goes on. Kanaya orders gelato and Rose orders tiramisu. The bill is completely excused at the end of the meal.

Kanaya is a local legend.

A bit of Rose wishes vigilantes got the same praise. Instead, if they showed up, it’d be a one-way ticket to the Tumor.


arachnidsGrip began pestering tentacleTherapist

AG: Hello?

AG: Helloooooooo?

AG: Jade said you could convince me to play your lame homebrew game 8ased on a show for 8a8ies.

AG: So here I am. Convince me.

AG: Too much of a coward to show your face????????

Oh. It looked like Comet---Jade---had given her handle to Gambler after she’d given her Gambler’s. And Gambler used an awful form of leetspeak that incorporated her hero ranking. How conceited could you get?

Comet in the midst of battle alone. She was trying her best against a horde of white masks, but teleporting them away and shooting them was proving far less effective than it might with their sheer mass.

AG: Helloooooooo?

Now she had to come through with her excuse. But what would convince the awful girl who’d beaten Rose’s friends up in front of her? Because of course she was going to try.

TT: I was out for the day. Not that I’m not eager to answer your delightful messages.

AG: You should 8e. Tell me what I’m missing out on.

TT: Worldbuilding, action, the power of friendship…

AG: laaaaaaaame

TT: Intrigue. Giant battles. Enormous tentacle monsters with eight limbs.

AG pauses. Rose sits back.

TT: Of course, I could have Jade be our GM.

AG: Yeah right, you’d get Terezi at least.

TT: I’m not sure about that.

AG: You’d better have one of the two of us in charge of your g8me.

TT: I thought you didn’t care about our homebrew for weenies.

AG: I don’t want any friend of mine playing a stupid game.

TT: And Jade’s game would be stupid?

AG: That’s not what I said!!!!!!!!!

TT: Then what did you mean?

AG: I’m getting to that.

AG: I meant she’s never been a GM before and it’s not like your squiddles roleplay. I would get deep into squiddles lore. The kind of stuff no one talks about. And I’d do it better than my ex.

TT: ????????

AG: You cut that out.

TT: All right, then. I suppose we will have to meet Terezi, then. After all, no one else can do your deep lore justice. The lore of…a kids’ show.

AG: Psh, fuck off. I can worldbuild circles around any other GM. See you next Saturday.

AG: And I heard about what you did last time. You’d better not flake.

[AG is an idle chum!]

Rose tells Nepeta and Jade.

AC: :33 Rose, are you sure this is a good idea? She knows Comet and Redglare, after all.

TT: And guess who she is.

AC: :33 No.

TT: Take a guess.

AC: :33 Silkworm?

Rose has to pause to laugh.

TT: Subtract two.

AC: :33 No fucking way.

AC: :33 Rose, don't be stupid!

TT: You don’t have to join.

AC: :33 Apparently I do! And people act like I’m the dumb catgirl.

TT: I’m not a catgirl.

AC: :33 Not the point! How am I going to convince Equius to let me go?

TT: Sneak out. He isn’t your father.

AC: :33 Sometimes, he’s got a point.

Rose pestered Jade.

TT: AG will do it.

GG: Holy shit you convinced her. How?

TT: I implied it was below her.

TT: She also insulted your abilities to GM.

GG: That’s Vriska.

Rose saw a flash of Gambler, fighting clown cultists that evening. She seemed to be handling it well, unlike Comet had been. Speaking of which…

Rose…sighs. She goes to Comet’s DMs.

Lightseer: Bring backup to fight the light court Wednesday night. I know you’re online.

Comet: Who are you?

Lightseer: Someone who doesn’t want to see you dead.

Comet: :P How do you even know I’m going out to fight the light court. Or that I’m online?

Lightseer: Powers.

Comet: What if it’s an ambush?

Lightseer: Why would I ask you to bring backup to a light court attack if it's an ambush?

Comet: Fair enough. I guess I was wrong. I have a friend who thinks you’re with them.

Lightseer: I may want them dead more than you do.

Comet: I can ask.

Lightseer: Bye.

Rose goes back to her other tab with Jade.

GG: Sorry, someone else texted me.

GG: Ugh, you’d think someone with prophetic visions would know when I’m busy.

TT: You’re texting Lightseer the vigilante? Isn’t that not allowed?

GG: I report this stuff. I’ll be fine as long as they don’t take my phone away.

GG: Seeing the future sounds like one useful power. If I fight her, I should apply to get Skylark on my side.

Skylark, the hero with the power to copy other powers, sometimes at a higher level, upon physical contact.

If he got Rose’s visions, he might be able to tell who they all were.


TT: Ah, I got a tad distracted.

TT: AC might not be able to make it.

GG: :( That’s too bad.

GG: I hope Vriska isn’t too mad.

Rose gets another message.

apocalypseArisen began pestering tentacleTherapist

AA: Huntress said y0u were about to do something stupid inv0lving dnd 0_0

AA: I think she wanted me t0 get y0u to cancel and stay away


AA: Y0

TT: Please do not turn into my brother.

AA: 0_0 You’re one of Jumpstart’s sisters? Rose?

TT: The same.

AA: H0ly shit.

TT: I thought you were angry with me.

AA: I’m n0t the biggest fan of y0u, it’s true. But what b0thered me is s0mething y0u pr0bably didn’t kn0w. I'll tell you s00n, when I'm ready.

AA: Besides, I haven’t roleplayed in forever. I’m down to join in on the Dersite side, and if anyone knows how to run the hell away from Gambler, it’s me.

AA: Also it gives me an eye on her civilian identity.

TT: You dropped your zeros.

AA: It’s a sp00ky thing. It’s less necessary when I’m excited to kick Gambler’s ass again.

AA: I think I’ll be a stupid little bard so it’s funnier when I win.

TT: I’m afraid the game isn’t dnd. It’s squiddles.

AA: 0_0 I love squiddles.

AA: Can I be an extinct fish?

TT: Our system lets you be any magical creature. I’m a jellyfish with light powers, GG (Comet) runs a wolf, and GC (Redglare) runs a dragon.

AA: Three heroes? You want to go into enemy territory and play against three heroes?

TT: Any better ideas?

AA: Redglare might be able to tell.

AA: She’s less likely to forget a voice.

TT: I can go alone. Or with another Dersite. A witness. She loves squiddles.

AA: Or keep it via text.

TT: Hmm…

TT: Isn’t your voice modded?

AA: It’s nowhere near what you and Jumpstart have.

TT: Well, I suppose we both have better things to do.

AA: Keep me posted.


Rose is embroidering a skirt. She hopes Kanaya will appreciate the purple poppies on black. Roses would be too obvious.

She finishes a petal before nightfall. It’s only Monday evening, two days to her vision. It’s annoying not to control things, but having knowledge of when her visions will come true has become far more valuable. She muses to herself…

I get information when I learn more about whoever I’m trying to see. It worked with Comet---Jade. And Gambler’s chumhandle. Perhaps…

Rose opens the news. It’s all Prospitian manipulation, but the truth sneaks through on Dersite news sources and on HeroSpotter’s account.

She doesn’t get any concerning visions while rooting through the hero sightings. She sees Skylark training, but all that gives her is a view of a terrifying fighter whose uniform needs longer pants. She sees Huntress and Tank handling a Light Court shipment of drugs---too bad they don’t have a chem lab on their side. She’s taking chemistry in school, but it’s nowhere near the level she’d need.

She finds an interview with Comet, and her lengthy monologue on how much she loves her dog seems to do the trick:

Comet is alone.

Nothing has changed. In fact, this might be worse. Comet is bleeding, and as she tries to teleport out, light flashes in again.

She is not strong enough. The court overwhelms her.

Lightseer DMs Comet.

Lightseer: Heed my warning. Bring backup.

Comet: The Hero tower’s proper intel has assessed the situation on that date. Comet will be fine. Cease your vigilante acts and turn yourself in if you want to help us.



Silkworm: Kanaya, Reinforced String
Gambler: Vriska, Luck Drain
Redglare: Terezi, All-Sight
Comet: Jade, Teleportation
???: Karkat, Healing

Skylark: Jake, Power Copier
Ultimatum: Kankri, Coersion
Gumshoe: Jane, Disguise

Lightseer: Rose, Visions
Jumpstart: Dave, Time Control
Bone Witch: Aradia, Necromancy
Tank: Equius, Strength
Huntress: Nepeta, Feline Reflexes
Sight Unseen: Hal, AI here to cause problems.

Chapter 7: Lightseer Assists

Chapter Text

“Rose?” Hal asks. “Don’t do anything rash.”

Rose says, “I won’t.”

“Rose, where are you going?”

“To practice. I can’t save my friend if I shoot her.”

“You…that attack’s not in Derse!”

“It’s in Lofaf.” Rose says. “It’s not Prospit. The tower thinks they’ve found an outpost of the court and their third hero can handle it.”

“Rose, Lofaf is next door to Prospit! You’re on their doorstep! And can’t Comet teleport out?”

“She’ll be tired out. They can incapacitate her. I saw one of them inject her with something.”

“Rose, is this because she’s your friend? She can call backup!”

“She will be captured if no one intervenes, and no one will! And because I dmed her, the HC is on alert and I can’t tell Kanaya! And she might not. I’m not letting the White Queen kidnap my friend when I can prevent this.”

Rose gets to the hidden alley range and begins to work on her running shots. She goes arrows half the time and knives the other half. She has increased her bow weight, and the force is now enough to take someone down if she hits them right. It’s fast progress. It might not be fast enough.

“Rose, please.”

“Can you hack her communicator so I can direct her?” Rose asks. “Please.”

“Ask another vigilante to go with you, at least!”

“None of them will help except Dave, and he’s…”

Roxy opens the door. “What’s this about hacking?”

Hal explains the issue with Comet.

“Rose, that’s not good. What about your escape? How are you going to evade Comet?”

Rose looks down. Comet might be too tired in her visions, but there’s no telling what will happen if she changes the future. And she knows heroes aren’t above trying to capture vigilantes who were helping them.

“Hal, the communicator. One issue at a time.” Rose says.

“Rose, a vigilante captured isn’t better than a hero down!”

“It is, because at least the Tumor is subject to law!”

“And you think an institution willing to torture people follows any law?” Roxy glares.

Rose slumps. She knows it’s true.

“I…I happen to know Comet is the same girl as the one who I’ve been friends with for years.” Rose whispers. “I don’t want my friend to die! What’s the point in heroism if I can’t do this?”

“Get Dave---”

“Derse needs its hands here.”

“And you’re a fool if you think I’m letting my sister sacrifice herself.” Says Dave.

He must have heard them. Rose sighs.

“You know Comet’s civilian identity---Jade.” Rose says.

“If she needs backup, we’ll both---”

“Hold it, Dave.” Roxy says. “Rose, hand over your phone.”

“You can’t be serious---”

Roxy shakes her head. She extends a hand. The look on her face is more determined than Rose has seen in a while. There’s a glint in her eye that makes Rose trust her.

“Oof…mhm…Hal, can you transfer these files…this is Comet’s chumhandle?”

“You can’t be serious. I won’t---”

“Aight, hold on, I’ll do it myself---”

“Fine.” Hal says.

They work with one another; Hal knows Roxy doesn’t relent when she’s like this. Roxy has Rose practice more.

When they’re finished, it’s sundown.

“Untraceble leet haxxor skills. This gets into her phone, helmet, anything with GG as admin. Just to communicate. It wipes out after.”

“Isn’t Gemini good with tech?” Rose asks.

“Not better than me and Hal.” Roxy smiles.

Rose looks at Dave, who’s met the guy.

“I think we can trust he won’t get in if you cover your tracks well.” Says Dave. He doesn’t say anything else.

“And I do.” Roxy grins. “All right, Dave, you goin’?”

Dave hesitates. Rose is about to say something, but her vision flares: one bright red, one white.

In the red vision, Dave fights a clown cultist. She snarls, powering up and…animating some sticks. They spring into figures and jump at him, and he fights them off, shouting for backup.

In the white vision, figures made of various objects storm Derse with no resistance. They seem to move of their own accord. By the time the other three vigilantes of Derse show up, buildings are on fire and a figure made of the snapped branches of the tree Dave grew have taken people hostage. The Mayor is among them. He raises his silver-shackled arms, and his hands glow. This means…

The Mayor is powered, pretty strong if the stories are true. But he’s being tracked, and using unpermitted powers when you’re tracked is a guaranteed one-way trip to the Tumor.

“Dave, you need to be in Derse.” Says Rose, “Can Town. Call up Bone Witch. There’s one hell of a powerful clown cultist there. They need you. I…I’ll manage this, somehow.”

“I’m not letting you go without backup---”

Rose contacts the other vigilantes:

Huntress: Nope, nope, nope.

Huntress: Lightseer, we talked about this!

Tank: I concur. The Hero Tower must reap what they sow in foolishness, though it pains me that they did not heed your advice.

Bone Witch: It sounds like I need to get off my ass and go help Jumpstart.

Huntress: I’d rather stay in Derse, too. Someone I care about is going out tonight, and she might run into the fray on her way home. I’m helping Bone Witch and Jumpstart. Lightseer, you should come help us, too. The HC can rescue its own, and they’re sure to send backup!

Lightseer: I’ve seen it. They don’t. It’s hubris.

Sight Unseen: I could try getting Air over there, or Gemini.

Jumpstart: Gemini won’t go.

Huntress: How do you know?

Jumpstart: Trust me.

Rose looks over at Dave.

Dave says, “Vouch for me.”


“Look, I know the guy. He’s…he can’t disobey HC.”

Lightseer: I saw no backup whatsoever, and the HC messaged me having taken over Comet’s account. There’s a high chance that even she has disregarded me.

Lightseer: Tank, are you sure?

Tank: Knowing that someone Huntress loves is in danger makes this all the more important.

Huntress: She won’t stay home, either. She laughed at me when I said to trust me.

Bone Witch: Rude, but understandable.

Lightseer: I will go alone, then.

Huntress: No! You’re not risking everything!

Lightseer: I could be helped.

Jumpstart: …we both want to keep the city safe, huntress. If there’s a way to help, we should. Like with Silkworm.

Bone Witch: If I may.

Bone Witch: Lightseer, I kn0w y0u have friends. C0uld they c0me?

Tank: The healer from the fight with Gambler? I must say, Lightseer, you were reckless on that day. We are trying to ensure that you are less reckless now. We trust your power, but it is not one of combative STRENGTH.

Tank: Do you know that healer?

Lightseer: No, only that they would be present. I didn’t see them tonight.

Lightseer: I’m going.

Rose stows everything and dresses.

“Hal?” she asks.

“I’ll be on your side, if no one else can be.” Hal says.

“Will you be telling Dirk?”

“Someone trying to pin down your soul and stop you from being stupid? None of us have told him, because despite this…we know you want to help your friend. Rose, if they go after you, you need to flee. Comet can’t figure out where you are, or she’ll pursue you like Air pursued Dave. And she’s way better at captures. You don’t want to end up like Handmaiden. Or worse, Disciple.”

Rose’s mind flashes to the olive branches and scraps of inky paper people leave at the site where she went down to HIC. Even the Midnight Crew won't do anything nefarious on Disciple Day.

“I will not die.” Rose says.

“Is that a vision, or something you hope?”

Rose doesn’t answer. She makes her way to Lofaf instead, silently as she can. She will have to choose a discreet perch. She is early.


This is what the HC expected: Comet teleporting weapons away, fighting with the nonlethal batons all the noncombat powered heroes get. Comet wields a rifle---bullets or tranq darts---when she is at a distance; they didn’t see a need for her sniper skills when the tip must have only talked about a few nonpowered Light Courtiers.

Rose sees the moment this changes: someone shoots a burst of light, dazing Comet and letting them get the advantage. It’s three to one, more when a few of the people Comet got out of range return. A limitation?

Rose doesn’t wait. She aims, and looses an arrow at the powered one.

It sinks into their shoulder. A startled yelp; Comet zaps him away.

Rose shoots, but the powered one appears close by. She glances around; arrows don’t just appear in your shoulder. To Rose’s chagrin, she doesn’t make the mistake of trying to remove the arrow, and---

Rose’s instincts let her shield her eyes from the oncoming burst of light, but it’s enough to throw her into sharp relief.

“Comet’s not alone!” calls the Courtier.

Rose throws a knife, but the courtier manages to step aside. It hits the ground, and Rose isn’t getting that one back. She’s down to three knives: two of Dirk’s gifts, and one a vegetable knife she sharpened and cleaned. That one’s harder to aim. She doesn’t want to throw the gifts, though.

Rose fires, hitting another courtier before she has to move. She hides again, the powered courtier searching for her---

Another burst of light, this one a vision.

Thirty seconds from now, someone with a sharp blade slashes Comet from behind.

“Hal, run the hack!”

“I’ve been trying for the past minute!”

“Shit, shit…”

Rose is preoccupied with the light burst lady, having to cover her eyes and shoot between attacks. The flashing effect makes for poor firing conditions. Rose manages to graze a couple of other courtiers. She’s got more in her quiver, but she’s aware of how hard it will be to fight once she’s out of ammo.

“You’re in!”

“Comet, dive left!” Rose shouts.

Comet does. The slash misses, and she sees the knife wielder, who she disarms.

“Who are you?” Comet demands.

“A friend of yours.” She answers. Rose blocks her eyes from the flash.

A feeling of certainty steals over her.

“Comet,” Rose says, “In five minutes, ten Light Courtiers will arrive.”

“And I’m supposed to believe that?”

“I am Lightseer!” Rose replies.

“I’m not trusting that! How did you hack us?”

Rose sinks an arrow into another courtier’s back; he’s a less apt fighter, and he falls down.

She still can’t manage to hit the lady flashing lights, though, who’s going for a strobe effect now.

“Answer me or I’ll act like you’re not to be trusted!”

“Hacker buddy!” Rose hollers. “Either get out or prepare! I’m the only backup you’re getting!”

“Because you’re blocking my signal! Ouch!”

The knife wielder hits her shoulder. Comet stumbles.

Rose fires again, hitting the light user, who sinks to her knees this time.

Then the courtiers arrive. Rose knows one’s got enhanced strength and one can freeze Comet’s limbs if he touches her---which he will. Rose tells Comet about them.

To her credit, this is when Jade calls for backup.

“Alright, sorry.” Comet’s voice comes through, more subdued. “Help? I know you’re not much of a fighter, but I can’t take these people on alone.”

“Hold on…”

“Can you control the visions?” Comet asks.

Rose doesn’t answer. She fires at the ice user, but she realizes she’s no longer hidden; there’s good light to see by, and it’s because the glow user stopped strobing light and is now illuminating her, getting rid of any stealth she had. Shit. At least she manages to shoot three down.

The ice user chills down the air. The arrow falls before it hits him, encrusted in icicles. He turns his attention towards her.

Rose reaches for her quiver. Empty.

She throws the vegetable knife. It grazes the strength user, dropping to the ground. Dirk and Roxy will need a new one.

Comet can’t take these two.

“Lightseer, I’m going to try teleporting some of these people long distance!” Comet calls. “I’ll have to go with them, but I can separate them! Keep firing!”

Comet teleports out of radio range before Rose can tell her she’s out of ammo.

There’s one thing to do.

Rose leaps building to building, until she’s low enough to draw and charge in.

She draws her knives there. Power versus no power is a raw deal, worse when you’re outnumbered.

At least the light user is glowing dimly now, instead of blinding her.

Rose blocks and parries the strong one, and dodges the ice user at every turn. She’s fought Dave and Dirk at the same time before.

Hal is silent, letting her focus. She gets in a good slash on the ice user before the hilt of her knife grows so cold she has to sheathe it and fight one-handed.

“Who are you, Dersite?” he asks.

“Lightseer.” She grunts. “Leave before I make you bleed more.”

“Why do you resist our healing?”

“Same reason I don’t sell my soul for a ride on the Dark Carnival.” She growls, drawing her second knife again.

The strong one returns and manages to get a solid punch in to her helmet, rattling it down to her skull.

Dirk’s engineering holds firm, but Rose knows it can crack.

She whirls. The strength user is tall, muscular. She smiles.

“We’re not Mirthful ones.” She says. “Come on now. You must be getting tired. We could get you patched up.”

Rose lunges, but she catches a hand. Rose hacks at the offending wrist with her second knife, only for the strong one to catch her other hand.

She squeezes Rose’s wrists in a way that no one would ever call healing. Rose grips tight to her knives, and attempts to aim a kick to break out.

Then the icy one comes up behind her and grabs her shoulders.

At once her arms go numb. Both knives fall out of her hands.


The strong one twists her arms around behind her back. Rose’s visions aren’t coming.

The icy one freezes them in place.

“I’ve got her. Let’s get that helmet off of her.”

Rose aims another kick. It gets the ice user in the shin. His solution is to freeze her legs as well.

Rose is captured now, nothing there to help her.

Forget the Tumor, the fucking Light Court has her now. Derse will be safe and Comet will be fine. But she---


The ice user reels back, covered in white.

He drops to the ground, his arms pinned.


The strong one stumbles. Rose lands on top of her.

A pair of familiar hands lift her up, and pull her out of the strength-user’s now-limp grip.

“Are you all right?” Silkworm asks, still holding Rose’s hands in hers. She and Comet have taken care of the others.

“I…I’m okay…” She pants.

“Lightseer.” She says.


“Can you walk?”

Rose realizes what’s happening. Her vision flares, and she lets her numb limbs fold beneath her, taking Silkworm down as well.


An arrow is embedded in the bricks behind them.

Rose is now on top of Silkworm, who she releases, trying to ignore the blush she feels rising. She is regaining feeling in her arms, and she scrambles to pick up her daggers again.

“Oh dear. I do regret it has come to this.”

Rose looks up: there is another, wielding a bow and arrows, but much more powerful than hers, curved and deep blue. His face is covered by a steampunk mask and goggles, his hair tied back in a long, dark tail. He sports an eerie grin.

He isn’t a courtier, Rose realizes with a start: his jacket is dark, dark blue. Meant for stealth and practicality.

“Who are you?” Silkworm demands.

“I suppose you ought to have a name for me. I never saw a point in that. That honor goes to those beneath me.” Says the man.

“What do you want?” Rose asks. A dart comes out of the air, one of Comet’s, aiming for the man.

He reaches out and catches it.

“That will not work.” He drops the tranquilizer dart.

“As for what I want…oh dear. That is a question. Hmm…I suppose I wish this city would smile. And there are two groups that seem to accomplish that far better than you. One of which you seem to have fought. Which won’t do at all.”

A rain of tranquilizer darts comes. A few glance off of the man’s armor. Some he sidesteps.

“We have both called in the cavalry at this point.” Says the man.

He fires right at Silkworm, his shot true. An arrow embeds itself in her shoulder.

Rose forces herself to stand. She and Silkworm stand side by side. White thread rushes to snare the man, but he evades them, shooting a rope arrow upwards and catching it.

Some kind of agility, that must be it. Agility, evasion…does it affect his shots?

Rose wishes she knew.

“What do you call yourself, then?” She asks, needing information. A name.

“Why should I tell you?”

“You are undecided.” Rose says. “Between the Mirthful and the Court. What does this neutral figure call himself?”

“Hmm…Elusive. Elusive will be my name.”

And Rose…doesn’t see anything. No visions. Elusive seems happy with his name, and…

The distraction pays off. An actual shot goes off from Comet’s gun, hitting him in the arm. A bullet, since the darts don't work.

“Fiddlesticks.” His features turn angry, though the forced smile stays on his face. “That was quite the uncouth trick.”

Silkworm tries to bind him again, but he takes off running, disappearing. Comet’s next shots go wide.

Distraction. Teamwork. Care.

Rose’s powers barely came in. She barely managed to survive.

And now---

Comet is there. Silkworm is there.

Outnumbered, still shivering. Rose is a sitting duck for the tumor.

“Thanks for risking this.” Comet says. “Lightseer.”

Rose is silent now. Comet is alive. Now Derse will lose a vigilante.

At least she went down heroically.

“You know, it…we have good lawyers. Maybe…maybe you could…work for us…” Comet kneels near her.

Silkworm isn’t doing anything. Of course she isn’t; she has to stay loyal to Prospit.

Rose sighs. “I came to save you. We are…well. I could say we are not so different, but you have probably heard that before.”

“It’s standard for heroes, yeah.” Comet laughs a little, no mirth there.

Silkworm clears her throat.

“Comet, something occurs to me. You are quite exhausted with your teleportation powers. And both of us have a bit of an issue.” She says.


Rose relaxes. She keeps her features schooled.

“I seem to have misplaced my suppressant cuffs and so have you. I could tie Lightseer up but those knives are very sharp.” Silkworm says.

“…you’re right. How sloppy of us to do this in the confusion. Lightseer will escape.” Comet says.

Rose can see both of them smiling a little, under their half-masks.

The two vigilantes and a hero sit there. The villains are tied up and knocked out. Silkworm sends a halfhearted length of string at Rose, which she slices clean through.

“Oh no.” Silkworm says, in a straight-out deadpan tone that is pure Kanaya. Rose grins.

“My friend says Derse is nice, in the park.” Comet says. “Is that true?”

Rose stares. “Small talk?”

None of them have mentioned how easy it would be to remove Rose’s helmet. There seems to be an uneasy truce, between the courtiers and Elusive.

“Are your limbs fit to move again?”

Rose stands. The numbness is gone, enough to get back to Derse.

“I guess so.”

Rose leaves. The two heroes let her.

She calls over her shoulder:

“The park in Derse is gorgeous, and Jumpstart’s pride and joy.”

Rose might worry about being shot in the back, but her visions return: both groups going their separate ways and returning safe.

“Thank you, Lightseer.” Comet says, as they part.

Silkworm says, "We cannot let you go a second time. You understand."

"All too well."


Dave recounts the battle with the clown cults, back home. Survivors. Long metaphors. The villain, calling herself Poppet. That gets a shiver from Dave; puppet things were never the best for him, and Dirk wasn’t---

He burst through the door.

He seemed to be glaring under his sunglasses.

“Who was going to tell me you split up on your night off to go fight clown cultists and the Light Court,” He begins, “With heroes, too? Have you people lost your minds? And Hal told me everything after!”

Hal says, “We handled it, and you needed to catch up on your studying and helmets for everyone.”

“I can’t make helmets for everyone if you’re all too fucking stupid to keep yourselves alive! And helping Comet? The tower sends backup! The news says they did, too! They could have gotten you.” Dirk isn’t shouting. He seldom does. His voice is low with anger instead.

“Comet could have died or been taken in.” Rose says.

“And it would have been none of your business.” Dirk’s eyes practically flash; Rose can see his brows arch down.

Rose says, “We’re vigilantes. The safety of---”

“The safety of Derse.” Dirk says. “I don’t know what’s happened to the two of you to make you such...Dave, you see their decadence up close every day. Rose, you know about how everyone here suffers. You see it in nightmares! Have some priorities!”

“Most of the force remained in Derse and stopped Poppet.” Rose glares.

“And everyone’s alive.” Dave says. “I know Comet. She’s a Prospitian shill, but she doesn’t deserve to die. And it sounds like they went life for life.”

“They could have tracked you!”

Hal says, “They didn’t.”

Dirk slumps down.

He puts his head in his hands.

“How am I supposed to protect all of you?” He groans.

Roxy says, “Dirk, I was prepared to help Rose, too.”

“You’re supposed to be sensible. Dirk, don’t go into bitcoin. Dave, don’t lick knives. Rose, don’t go to Lofaf alone to rescue someone who could capture you and would.” Dirk says

“She wasn’t alone. I was going to go. And Silkworm and Comet didn’t betray her.” Roxy says.

Hal speaks up, "I showed you the recording. The tower likes vigilantes captured, but those heroes are Rose's age, and they see what happens. They let her go because Rose saved Comet, and Jumpstart and Bone Witch saved Silkworm. They recognize that the vigilantes aren't against them, even if their bosses won't."

Dave says, “I think Silkworm wants to help the vigilantes, pay back the favor we did her. This Elusive guy and the Light Court are threats to Prospit and Derse both. I don’t know what’s going on, but we all knew this was dangerous the day we signed up. We have a city to protect. Look…hey, Rose, maybe we should compromise.”

Roxy brightens. She nods. “Right. Rose, maybe you should promise to always go with another vigilante, and stay in Derse?”

“I can’t. What if they need help again?” She glares.

“Then I’ll be with you.” Dave says. “You shouldn’t have to fight alone anyway. Dirk, Roxy…look, Rose and I know some of those heroes. Don’t get me wrong, they do things that suck, all the time. I hate Ultimatum’s guts. But they don’t deserve to die. They’re just people, trying to save Skaia, same as us. So we help them, too.”

Dirk frowns. “I can’t…fine. Fine. You know what! All right. If you two are going to be impulsive…”

“Are you joining us?” Roxy asks.

“I’m not joining, no! My powers are lethal.”

Everyone looks down.

“To be fair, I have to do my job. I’d rather not have to keep an eye on you two on the streets.”

“Why does Dave get to work alone and I don’t?” Rose complains.

“All right, change the terms. Rose, Dave. Both of you. Don’t go alone anywhere the Tower is involved. Come to think of it…don’t confront people like Poppet alone, either. Call backup or tip off the tower and stay home. In Derse…stay together if you can. Patrol like the Punch Pair. This is always dangerous. Keep each other safe. Rose…I think we can go shooting together again. We should keep training, so you can fight alone. And…maybe see if you can control your visions more?” Roxy suggests.

“I can’t.”

“You fought melee. If you do that again and a vision comes, you need to be able to suppress it, or battle despite it.” Dirk says.

Roxy says, “Is that okay?”

Rose isn’t happy. Not for the first time, she wishes for better powers.

“Sure,” says Dave, who’s the second-best vigilante in Derse.

“Fine.” Rose says.

Dirk relaxes. “All right. Now get to bed.”

Both Rose and Dave groan.

Chapter 8: Squiddles in Session


Rose and Aradia attend an ill-advised tabletop rpg.


This story isn't actually about superheroes. It's a front for my excuse to brainstorm Squiddles lore.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aradia had, somehow, become a regular guest of the Strilondes. Being Bone Witch could get you a place to stay anywhere; a vigilante’s perks were what shelter the residents could give them. But there would always be danger in that. Their apartment was a secure location, with Hal and Dirk’s security and a small untraced group of powered people who would beat up anyone who tried to hurt you.

“Plus, Roxy can cook.” Aradia said. “Way better than camping out with a cup of instant ramen.”

Roxy laughed. It was Saturday, and even though Dirk didn’t agree on rewarding Rose’s recklessness, Roxy declared it Pancake Day.

It was a rare thing, to see her make them from scratch, and pour in frozen blueberries. Cooking was hardly her passion, but when she needed to, Roxy seemed like she could pull something comforting and perfect out of nowhere. Rose and Aradia feasted while Dirk paced.

Neither of them told him their plans for going to Prospit; he would try to veto them, and while Aradia was powerful, no one wanted to see her fight Dirk.

“Dirk, sit down and eat some goddamn pancakes.” Roxy said.

“You’re not my mom.”

“I’m gonna eat all of yours.” Dave said. His appetite was the type that terrified onlookers everywhere. Vigilantism and training meant Rose needed more food than usual, but Dave…Rose wondered if his time powers sped up his metabolism, too.

“I have commissions to finish.” He said.

“Then use the energy.” Rose said. “You’re not invincible.”

Dirk rolled his eyes. “That’s rich, coming from you.”

“Are you being a hypocrite now?”

Aradia leaned over to Roxy. “I see what you mean now. They’re very similar.”

Dirk sat down, only to spot Dave taking the last pancakes. Dirk shot him an impassive glare through his shades.

Dave handed him the plate. “It was a joke.”

Eventually, Aradia and Rose had to leave. Aradia didn’t have many clothes of her own, but she and Rose had similar tastes. Outside of the fancy sunshine dress, Rose preferred to put on purple and black. Since it was Squiddles Rp day, she put on her Cthulhu graphic tee, and a long black skirt that floated at her ankles. She had a couple of octopus tentacle earrings that snaked around her earlobes.

Aradia wore a simple black tee that Rose had embroidered with the sign of Aries in deep red, and a mauve skirt that hit the ankle on Rose, but went below the knee for Aradia. She kept her hair wild and down in vigilante mode, but now she brushed and braided it.

“Squiddle time.” Aradia said, as they set off for Prospit.

They went on. A bit of silence fell.

“You know,” Aradia said, “What you did with Comet. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I did. She would be captured and sedated.” Rose said.

Aradia stiffened. “Capture by villains…yeah…”

A bit of quiet fell.

“Rose,” Aradia said, “Is there anything you can do with your powers that makes them focus?”

“Research. Hearing names and looking at relevant information seems to make them pull up other information. Visions. But…If this is about the Felt…” Rose said. “My visions have very strange interactions with time powers, as you’ve seen. If Doze is involved, I could…”

“You could be trapped, without Dave at least.” Aradia finished. She sighed. “Yeah, though. Light Court, Clowns, the Felt…the Tower…and who even knows what the Midnight Crew is up to.”

“Enough of this. What’s your character like?”

“Her name is Caris. She’s the vengeful wraith of a prehistoric sea creature. Once a warrior, now looking for the one who took her remains.” She said.

“Always with the ghosts?”

“You’re not any different with Starglow.”

“That’s true.” Starglow was a wizard, like Rose loved and wished for.

They boarded the bus. The ride was uneventful, before they reached the games store the session was at.

“Nice place.” Aradia whistled.

It was; the game shops in Derse weren’t bad, but the Midnight Crew owned all of them, so if you owed a gaming store for a set of dice, you might pay in a couple of teeth.

The Prospitian store felt almost like a mall in comparison. Crammed shelves, business bustling, the works.

Rose’s eyes were drawn to a shelf full of vampire comics. Thoughts of Kanaya, huddled close to her yesterday, who could have taken her in…then her and Jade letting her go, life for life.

“Um, uh, can I help you with anything?”

Aradia and Rose both turned to look. A shy looking boy in a wheelchair was there, a nametag reading “Tavros, he/him” on his shirt.

“We’re looking for a game room? It’s reserved for our campaign, ‘Beware the lamentations of Mariana’” Aradia says.

Tavros winces, then nods. “Vriska Serket’s friends?”

“…yes.” Rose says. She guesses Gambler isn’t any nicer undercover than she is in the streets.

“Follow me.”

They take the stairs. Tavros takes the lift.

The basement is filled with small game rooms. Theirs reads, “8eware the Lament8ions of Mariana”.

“Oh god. What even is that?” Aradia snorts.

Rose says, “The number eight. Like your zeroes.”

Aradia chortles.

“Uh…maybe don’t antagonize her…she’s kinda…”

“Mean?” Aradia prods.

“She’s a customer, I shouldn’t say that. Um, you might…want to leave…if you don’t want to…”

Tavros ducks his head.

“I’m going back upstairs.” He says.

Aradia waits till he’s out of earshot. “Damn, she’s rude to retail workers, too?”

Rose says, “That’s what you’re focused on?”

The door to the room swings open, revealing Gambler. Vriska, as she is now, dressed in a tee with a jagged spider painted on the front. Eyes winged in blue liner that rivals the red Aradia used on hers. Her hair is a long, wild dishwater blond. She’s pale as hell, though Rose can spot a few freckles.

“I can hear you, you know.” Vriska says. “And for the record, I’m not mean. I get results. You two must’ve heard about my DM skills, unless the shitty employee led you to the wrong room.”

“We’re here for the Lamentations.” Rose intones solemnly. Aradia covers her mouth to stop from laughing even harder.

“Who even are you?”

“Tentacle Therapist.” Rose says. “Rose, in real life. This is…”

“Aradia.” Aradia calms down. She smiles. “Pleasure to meet you…Vriska, was it?”

“It is.” She says.

“All right, you two are the first ones here, which is lame, because you two had to come all the way from Derse and now Terezi and Jade are late.” Vriska says.

The meeting was at 10. It is 9:45.

“Anyway, show me your character sheets.”

Rose and Aradia hand over the sheets. Terezi specializes in making fair rulesets, and both of them worked in her system.

“You’re a ghost?” Vriska frowns.

“Is that a problem?” Aradia asks.

Vriska sighs, before Aradia says, “Episode 20, season 3. Princess Ammonita trusts the squiddles with her sacred shell, despite being noncorporeal.”

“I know that. I know all about Squiddles.” Vriska says, “Fine, ghosts are allowed. Take a minus to strength.”

Caris is, true to what Aradia wanted, a silly little bard character despite her motive. Strength is not what she needs. Aradia marks it down, smirking.

“Starglow of the Deep…nice. At least someone here knows about min maxing stats. Wait, are you two from Derse?”

The girls exchange a glance, but nod.

“Pleeeeeeeease don’t tell me you also think campaigns should be sea creatures only in squiddle stuff. It’s my campaign and I can do what I want.” Vriska says.

“I get the logic, but that’s stupid.” Aradia says.

Rose shakes her head. She makes the connection: the spiders, the killer reputation, the complaining…

…Had Eridan known he was dating a hero? Let alone Gambler?

If only Aradia went to her school. She’d get such a chortle out of picturing the two together.

“What’s so funny?”

“Only that this is a fantasy setting and it would be silly to confine ourselves, though we have both chosen sea creatures.” Rose says.

They’re interrupted by the door swinging open to reveal Redglare in civilian clothes---unlike the rest, she wears a tee, exposing her hero bands. Her shirt is covered in a riot of color, a massive neon blue dragon coiling around a red background that looked almost acidic. Her cane is topped with the head of a dragon as well. Her hero visor has been replaced by slanted red glasses. Her hair is in a fluffed bob, reminding Rose of Nepeta, though her dyed auburn hair is less curly than the raven locks Nepeta wears under her hat.

“What’s up, Vriska?” Terezi grinned. She sniffed the air. “And…new people. Familiar people. Where have I smelled you before?”

Aradia and Rose froze. They’d been so concerned about their well-modded voices that they’d forgotten the obvious tell: Redglare tracked by scent.

Rose stiffens for a moment, then she relaxes.

Redglare has no reason to suspect a couple of civilians were the same she’d dueled earlier that month.

“My brother works in Prospit,” Rose shrugs. “Perhaps you’ve met.”

“Wait a damn minute, Dave has a family?” Vriska asks.

“Dave Strider?” Rose asks, though she knows it’s the same.

“Yeah…god. I thought he was raised by some lunatic.” Vriska says. “You’d think he was suspicious of the paint on the walls.”

Terezi seems to buy this---though it could be a ploy. She smiles a toothy grin. “You smell a bit like him…but with more lavender. I can smell lavender on you. Dave, on the other hand, is red. You’re Rose, right?”

“Did he mention her in front of you?” Vriska asks.

“He hardly mentions his family, but he mentioned it to Karkat and me.” Terezi says.

“No way.”

“Knowledge is power, Vriska.”

“Which is why you handle that part of Team Scourge while I track my irons in the fire. You know things, I do the things with them.”

Aradia and Rose exchange a glance. Vriska and Terezi have forgotten they were there, and Rose takes mental notes on their enemies. She doesn’t know who Sollux---

Floating on red and blue lightning, a figure appears. Three Light Courtiers are blasted off their feet and forced to scatter as the red-and-blue-eyed hero lands. He scans the area, before taking off after the leader.

Gemini. She knows his civilian name, now.

Terezi is rolling their eyes. “Well, all right then. I’d better introduce my character. This is Pyral. They’re a red-scaled koifish of the Dragon’s Gate cult.”

Rose looks over with some interest. One of the side characters of Squiddles had been a goldfish searching for Dragon’s Gate, a gate at the top of a waterfall that would turn a fish into a dragon. Minzhe, the fish in the show, had been insecure about being small and weak, but had renewed her quest by the end of her episode feeling happy about her speed and cleverness as a fish, and confident in the love of her friends.

Aradia smiles. “You adapted the legend into a religion.”

“Yep. Pyral is a cleric.”

“Wait, a cleric, Starglow’s a wizard, Caris is a bard…Where’s your muscle? Who’s doing that?”

Nepeta’s bold cat characters tend to be ranger and barbarian-like. Equius likes to min-max for strength in everything, including the brief video game night he’d had with Nepeta and Rose. Jade’s character Astralclaw was sort of a paladin, but Vriska is right: their team was squishy, and it would hit them hard.

It was the opposite of the issue the vigilantes had had. Rose says, “Our other friend plays muscular characters. Friends. But they aren’t here.”

“God, at least it’s better than…aargh.”

Terezi sighs. “Well, I can get to know Dave’s sister. Tell me all your embarrassing childhood memories of him, I need blackmail.”

This isn’t the kind of thing you’re supposed to give your enemy. Rose says, deadpan: “Knowledge is power. Give me all your embarrassing details from work.”

“Deal.” Terezi grins. “You first.”

“He used to mix apple juice with milk.” Rose says.

Vriska splutters. “What?”

Terezi laughs. “The same Dave who went on a rant calling it ‘the nectar of the gods’, and tried to get Karkat to drink it by giving him a mock snake-oil salesman type speech?”

“That sounds like him. Did his monologue end in some strange, unintentional innuendo?”

“Yes.” Terezi grins. “He called it---”

“All right, I don’t need to have apple juice ruined forever by Strider.” Vriska interjects.

Aradia looks at Terezi. A ghoulish smile is on her face. “Continue, please. I’m interested.”

“He called it the---”

“Sorry I’m late!”

A tornado of poofy blue skirts and jet-black hair barrels into the room. She stops short. Her glasses are round over her radioactive green eyes, which show up bright in contrast to her dark complexion. Her shoes are bright red, and the poofy glitter of her sleeveless dress seems to have a few blue and green tentacles attached to it.

This is Comet. Jade.

“Which one of you is TT?” she asks.

Everyone points, and Jade hoists Rose up into a bone crushing hug.

“Urk…” Rose notes Comet’s strength as her feet dangle over the ground. She also notes how this puts pressure on the fresh bruises and cuts from yesterday in the worst way.

“Sorry, sorry.” Jade sets her down, and extends Rose to arm’s length. “Rose, right?”


Jade hugs her again, a bit more gingerly this time. Rose hugs back; despite everything, Jade is still GG. Her childhood friend when everyone thought she was weird for talking about Squiddles and horrorterrors, the girl she’d confided in for pretty much everything, outside of what needed to be kept secret.

“We’re finally here together!” Jade flashes her bucktoothed grin.

Rose remembers the mercy she extended yesterday, too. Rose reaches over and wraps her arms around Jade once more.

“Ugh.” Vriska rolls her eyes. “I know this is based on the stupid friendship hug cuddle show, but do we have to do that right now?”

Jade squeals at the idea of being compared to the show, and she pulls Rose back into a hug. “Friendship tangle!”

A part of Rose cringes, but she indulges Jade anyhow. “Friendship tangle. Deal with it, Vriska.”

“Yep, you're related to him…”

“Who?” Jade asks.

“That’s Dave’s sister. And,” Terezi adds, pointing to Aradia, “Someone who has not introduced herself.”

Aradia laughs. “I’m Aradia, playing a ghost anomalocaris. Her name is Caris, and she’s a dancer.”

Jade lets go of Rose and reaches a hand out to Aradia, crushing it in an enthusiastic handshake.

“Rose mentioned you! She said she looked up to you a lot.” Jade beamed.

Rose blushed. Every vigilante looked up to Bone Witch.

“Really, Rose?” Aradia grinned.

“You’re very intelligent and you have good taste.” Rose admits.

Jade smiles. “I’m happy to meet you anyway, Aradia.”

The two exchange handles, and chatter with each other for a while about squiddles, submerged ruins, and more. If the two of them ended up with Dave, they could talk archaeology for hours.

“My character is based on my dog, Bec,” Jade says, showing off one of her many photos of him. “Astralclaw is a wolf, dressed in a suit like Billy the Bellsuit diver. Though if we need to all be sea creatures, I could make him a dogfish shark.”

“My session, my rules. Besides, this gives me a chance to use Terezi’s pressuresuit tables.” Vriska says. Her grin turns predatory, a little too much like Gambler’s. Rose recalls her night of Wikipedia surfing for information on diving suit failure, mechanics, and the like.

Water pressure would threaten Astralclaw. It would hit all of them, but him especially. The show had had the Squiddles and fish act drunk when they’d started into the deep---how that had gotten past the censors was anyone’s guess---but something told Rose that Vriska had something far more realistic in mind.

This was proven in an instant, when Vriska started them in media res, plunging them straight into the depths and forcing Astralclaw to roll a saving throw at a disadvantage. Permitting land creatures was more to make them suffer than anything.

“Nat 20.”


“I rolled a 16 and I have +4 Constitution.”

“That’s a dirty 20, Astralclaw.”

“Sorry, Vriska! Dirty 20.”

“Fine then.”

Rose has to admit a degree of grudging respect. She isn’t using her powers to cheat.

Aradia has a wicked grin the whole time as they reached the first rest area, battered.

“All right, the Squiddle Matron in charge is an elderly lady, who will need to sleep the whole night. You guys will have to take watches. This place isn’t exactly guarded.”

“All right. I’ll go first.” Aradia says.

“Second.” Terezi offers.

“I’ll go third.” Says Rose.

“As Caris watches, she’ll sing.” Aradia says. “She sings of prophecy and danger, and her hopes for revenge.”

“Roll your watch with disadvantage.” Vriska says.

Aradia manages to take up a surprising amount of story with roleplay, when Jade has her high-perception character wake up and join.

“Hello, Caris.”

“Greetings, Astralclaw. We are a long way from the surface.”

“It is but a trifle for me. I am here to assist my friends and solve the truth behind the stormclouds that hide our stars…”

“And I from my death, Astral.”


“A nickname. Do you mind it?”

Jade smiles. “No, I’ve…never had one before.”

Vriska calls out Terezi’s watch.

“Pyral looks around. Is everyone sleeping well?”


“Perfect. Let me make my roll.”


“You see a light in the distance. A very pretty light…something like the sun that shines through Dragon’s Gate, perhaps.” Vriska grins. Her teeth seem sharp.

Terezi, veteran of many a tabletop game, grins back.

“Roll a wisdom save.”


“I am a bit surprised.” Rose says to Aradia, at the end of the session. They are in the bathroom.

“Me too.” Aradia nods. “I thought she’d be way more strict, but there’s decent story balance.”


Aradia laughs. “All right, I still have plans to make this even more lore-heavy and less of a slaughterfest.”

“That wouldn’t be so bad. Terezi’s character ended up blinded, for goodness’ sake.” Rose says.

“This isn’t that bad by rpg standards, and it’s merciful by Gambler standards.” Aradia says. She lowers her voice. “Who I’m really trying to soften this up for is Jade.”


“I’d rather not bring the campaign down in flames anymore, at least.” Aradia gazes off into space for a moment. “She’s…nice. Too nice.”

The two of them exit, to find Terezi there.

“Oh. Hello.” Rose says.

“Vriska and I are about to take off together.” Terezi says. “Important business. Hero tower, as you can probably tell.”

She gestures to a gold bracelet. Rose nods.

“Keep up the good work. I’m excited to see where this campaign goes.” Terezi smirks. “And how you’ll react, Rose.”

Rose opens her mouth to answer, but a flash of green light appears behind her and Jade has her arms wrapped around her in another enormous hug.

Rose makes a rather undignified squeak, to her chagrin and to the delight of Aradia and Terezi.

“Sorry, I just can’t believe we’re meeting in person for the first time!” Jade squeals. “And we played squiddles. And you’re Dave’s sister!”

She turns to Aradia. Her enthusiastic expression grows a bit more bashful.

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Aradia. You really know your way around the rules!”

Aradia beams. “It was my pleasure.”

“You gave Vriska a run for her money. I’ve never heard her say ‘I’ll allow it’ so many times. And you got into the story.” Terezi says.

Aradia frowns. Rose recalls that she was mainly here to piss Gambler off.

Terezi cackles. “Oh, I can smell your displeasure from here! Tell me, what about my compliment did that?”

Aradia tilts her head. She doesn’t give an answer.

“Well, whatever it is, I will find it. We’ll be thick as thieves by the end of this campaign.” Terezi smiles again and waves. Then she reaches into her pocket and pulls out two business cards, written in garish red on teal, and decorated in small neon dragons.

“Terezi Pyrope, Lawyer.” Rose reads. “What kind of lawyer?”

“All of them.” She smirks.

“I see…” Rose says.

“Well, Vriska and I have plans on our own.” Terezi waves.

“Bye, Terezi.” Aradia says.

“Goodbye, Caris, Starglow. And Astralclaw.” Terezi waves.


Aradia, Jade, and Rose still have a bit of time, and Jade and Rose talk while browsing the shop. Most of what’s here is out of Rose’s budget, especially since she’s slowed down her commissions. Jade picks out some clear green dice with tiny frog charms embedded.

“So, Dave’s been talking about taking us to see Derse’s culture.” Jade says. “Things like tours, and festivals. He says they’re different from the Prospitian ones. We’ll be taking him to some of ours…and I bet you can come, too!”

“I’d like that,” Rose says.

Aradia asks, “Which festivals has he talked about?”

“Disciple Day, and Psiionic Day.” Jade says. “But I don’t know what they are.”

Aradia looks at Jade, and considers her for a moment. “They honor the first vigilantes of Derse.”

“Isn’t that Bone Witch?”

Aradia laughs. “No, she’s…”

“The first in our generation.” Rose explains.

“That’s not true, either.” Aradia says.

“Really? I’ve never heard of anyone else.” Jade says. “Dave would say it’s ‘cause the media covers up vigilantes.”

Rose says, “Yes, that would be true. After all, you have never heard of Disciple and Psiionic. You know the story of Signless?”


“Well, Disciple…defeated HIC’s henchman, Darkleer. And then…she went after the Condesce herself.” Rose looks down.

Jade looks down. “And the Psiionic?”

Aradia says, “He was taken by HIC.”

Rose says, “It’s best to learn about their stories by their memorials. Psiionic Day is somber. Disciple was famously chipper, and she wanted to be remembered in joy. And then, of course, there’s Witch Night.”

Aradia grins.

“Witch? As in, one of the three Daughters of Eclectica?” Jade asks. She must love the city founders.

“Our witch is a little more recent.” Aradia smiles. “Witch Night is for Bone Witch. It’s like an extra Halloween, in March. But everyone’s involved. There’s a big night market, games, stories, and music.”

“Isn’t Derse rife with crime at night---oh. Wait, that didn’t come out right.” Jade looks down.

Rose and Aradia wait.


“It’s okay,” Aradia says. “It’s not as if we don’t live with it. Trust me, though, the most lucrative crime at Witch Night is the rigged games.”

There’s also picking pockets. When things got dire, Roxy stole what they needed to buy food. Witch Night is lucrative. Rose thanks her lucky stars that that has not happened in a long, long while.

“Sounds fun. I’m not sure how Dave will get them to agree to let us attend.” Jade says. “Vigilante festivals aren’t the Hero Tower’s favorites.”

Aradia laughs. “You might try Disciple Day. It’s sooner, November, and there’s less mischief.”

“When’s Psiionic Day?” Jade asks.

Rose and Aradia look at each other.

“Witch Night is March 31st, when Bone Witch took back Brillig Block from the Felt.” Aradia says, “Disciple Day is November 19th, the day she passed away. And Psiionic Day is the 21st of May, since the exact day when he ‘died’ is…unknown. He took the astrological sign of Castor and Pollux for his uniform, though, so we celebrate him at the start of Gemini season.”

“Huh.” Jade says.

Rose sees another vision. Red lightning, arcing back and forth. Bright blue, too.

Gemini---Sollux---sits near another boy Rose does not know. His hair is in his face and he fidgets. He smiles as red and blue sparks dance through the air, and a girl with square glasses and silver bands at her wrists watches and laughs along.

“Rose? Rose, are you okay?” Jade’s shaking her.

“Ah, sorry. I zoned out.”

“I sort of did, too,” Jade laughs.

Hearing mention of his hero name must have done it…but why would one of Prospit’s golden children know anything about the defeat of one of Derse’s own, when Jade knows nothing?

Aradia excuses herself to go look at the figurines of the skeletons of fantasy creatures---they give Jade the creeps and Rose elects to stay with the friend she’d been dying to meet for so long.

“By the way, I since it’s clear you’re, you know…” Rose motions the number three, Jade’s hero rank.

“Yes?” Jade asks.

“I was wondering if you knew any other heroes.”

“Well,” Jade whispers, so that only the two of them and maybe the store owner’s little cat can hear, “You saw Terezi…and Vriska’s one of us, too. Are you asking about Air again? Would you like an autograph?”

“No, it’s not about that. But you know all of them, yes?”

“Yep. Ooh, you said you’re over Air…who’s got a new fan?” Jade asks.

Rose rolls her eyes. “Well, it’s simply that I’ve met three of you today and I was curious.”

The image of Silkworm in her full regalia rises in her mind. Rose quashes the thought.

“I promise I’ll do a better job keeping them secret.” Jade says, giving a rather convincing pair of puppy dog eyes.

“Seeing as you’ve let slip that Vriska is a hero without her saying it---”

“She mentioned Team Scourge during the session and Terezi wears her bracelets openly.” Says Jade. “It’s not like I’ve told you who Air is.”

Rose rolls her eyes. “Fine, fine.”

Aradia comes back empty-handed. “Some other time. I will be back for the skeletons.”

“I’m gonna join Dave and Kanaya in trying to rally for Disciple Day.” Says Jade.

“You might want to come when it’s less crowded,” Aradia says, while Rose blurts, “You know Kanaya?”

Of course she does! She came to Comet’s aid last night!

“You know her?” Jade asks.

Rose nods. “We met in the Quesant. It’s a fabric store.” Her face feels hot.

A slow grin comes to Aradia’s face. “Say, does Nepeta know about this Kanaya?”


“Nepeta? Why would---wait a minute.” Another grin comes to Jade’s face. “Oh.”

Rose must be the color of an apple now. “It is nothing like what you are suggesting.”

“Is it?” Aradia asks. “What would your brother think?”

“Dave knows Kanaya. He thinks she’s nice!” Jade says. “And she is. Say, Rose, maybe I could---”

“Aradia was talking about my older brother!” Rose cuts in.

“I’m sure he’ll like Kanaya, too!” Jade says, clearly not willing to derail the subject.

Aradia laughs. “Rose’s older brother isn’t much like Dave. He’d make this a star-crossed story for sure.”

“Dirk would not.” Rose scowls.

“Is he…homophobic?” Jade whispers.

Rose barks out a laugh at the thought. “Oh, heavens no. He’s more…Prospit-Derse animosity.”

“What did he think of Dave’s job?” Jade asks.

“He chose not to tell him about it for a while, I can tell you that.” Rose says.

Jade covers her mouth and giggles. “I---I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh! My grandpa---he’s similar…my brother and I are always making fun of that kind of thinking…”

It rankles a bit to have someone laugh at Dirk like that. Still, it was better than what their other brother used to say about the Tower.

“Rose? Are you all right? You look really angry.”

Rose shakes her head to clear it. “It’s nothing. How has your week been? I’m curious what a hero’s lot is like.”

“Oh, it’s nice! I love helping people. Although…sometimes…well.”

Jade is looking worried now. Rose encourages her, “Would you like to talk about it?”

“I’d love to, but you know. Confidential!” Jade forces a laugh. “You saw the news.”

“The Lofaf or the Derse attack?” Rose asks.

“Lofaf.” Jade says. “It made the front page of the Skaia Times. There was a Derse attack?”

Rose and Aradia exchanged an outraged glance. Rose may have gone after her friend, but the worst of what had happened yesterday was clearly the powerful villain Poppet who appeared on the scene and took several homeless people hostage. The one that took every vigilante in Derse except for her to fight.

But because the Tower wasn’t involved, the front page that Jade showed them was on Lightseer’s escape. That was the title; it barely even mentioned the Light Court, and there was no mention of Elusive at all.

Rose is glaring. Aradia isn’t pleased, either.

“Skaia Times indeed,” Rose scowls. “That’s just like our city, pretending we don’t exist.”

“Hey, uh…” Jade flips through. “Oh…there’s a short article on Poppet, but it doesn’t mention who fought her. It just says…the situation was handled with no casualties. So…well, it worked out. The police handled it.”

Aradia laughs, a hollow sound. “That wasn’t the police.”

"Wait a minute...vigilantes?"

"Who else could handle someone that strong?"

Jade is shocked. “I thought that Lightseer was the only one out! I…well, you know I saw her myself!”

“It looks like we know why she didn’t come with backup when you faced her.” Aradia says. She opens her own phone, and sends Jade the article on the attack by anonymous journalist PM. Jade scours the article, eyes widening at the description of injuries and power levels.

“I guess…” Jade sighs. “I…yeah. Yeah. I guess I can’t complain too much.”

“Jade…what do you think of vigilantes? Of Lightseer, who escaped?” Rose asks.

Jade tenses. “I think they’re endangering themselves, and if I find one, I’ll report them and take them to where they can’t be hurt. That’s procedure.”

“And what do you think of procedure?” Aradia wheedles.

“It’s what should be followed. And I…seeing how much danger the Dersites are in…this article says Tank showed the clear signs of a concussion and one of Jumpstart’s time clones got strangled. He would’ve died if he wasn’t strong enough. None of this would have happened if the vigilantes stayed safe at home.” Jade says.

Rose asks, “And what about the hostages? They have no homes. The clown cult would have uprooted their lives even further.”

“I know, I know! Just…why didn’t they call us? Gambler could have gone. Skylark would’ve jumped at the chance to fight someone like that.” Jade shakes her head. “The vigilantes should come to the tower if they want to make a difference. We’re making our way into Derse. We can help!”

“So you’re like the Light Court.” Rose says.

Jade’s mouth falls open. “What?”

“You want us to sit back and be saved, regardless of how much you’re actually helping!” Rose snaps. “What do you expect the powered people of Derse to do when their neighbors are threatened? What would you do?”

Jade lowers her head. Rose realizes she’s hurt her feelings, but that there’s nothing about that she can take back. Not sincerely.

But that’s Jade. Jade, whose eyes are starting to well with tears behind her glasses. That’s her friend.

“And…I know you don’t think that’s the answer, either.” Rose says. “I know you think the vigilantes are like you, just somewhere else.”

Jade takes a deep breath, and exhales. She looks up. “You think the tower is like the Light Court.”

Rose lowers her head. Aradia says,

“Obviously you’re not mind controlling us and delivering drugs to the population.” Aradia says. “But there’s more complex stuff going on for the vigilantes. And if you know Dave, I think you know that, too.”

“If I feel pity, I am a part of the problem.” Jade says.

Aradia tilts her head. “I guess that’s a good way of putting it.”

“Dave had us say that, in one of his meetings.” Jade cracks a small smile.

Rose looks up at Jade. Much as she wishes Jade was doing more than sprouting adages, she as Lightseer knows that Comet might be a little more willing to act than Jade lets on. After all, it wasn’t just Silkworm who let her go---though there was no telling what Jade might do next time.

“I still think the vigilantes are in danger, and I’d rather they leave it to us and our resources, but I can sort of see why Derse hates that. And I can’t break the rules.” Jade says. She shakes her head. “Hey…maybe we should go get ice cream instead?”

Rose agrees. She makes a note to avoid Comet still. The Tower, after all, must follow the rules.

Even her best friend.

Even…even Kanaya.


Jade and Rose have to be friends do you understand? They have to be. I refuse to carry out what happened in canon. These two are going to have the weirdgirl friendship of my dreams (especially with Aradia). I am biased as all hell. My fic my rules. Friendship tangle.

(though I did consider having the fight end very badly... I couldn't bring myself to do that to Jade. Even if she's loyal to the Tower.)

If you enjoyed, please consider leaving comments or kudos!

Chapter 9: Not a chapter: a place to put a request!


I'd love to add some one shots within this universe!

Chapter Text

Hi everyone! I've wanted to expand this universe and add some one shots, so please tell me which characters you'd like to see more of.

You can request Homestuck characters who have not appeared in this fic, including Ancestors, Dancestors, Carapacians, and Consorts. All of them live in the city, though do not necessarily play the same roles.

Due to spoiler and time constraints, I may not be able to fulfill every request. That being said, feel free to ask for more than one character.

In addition, since this is based on a Dave-centric fic, I'd like to request that you choose characters besides Dave.

(You may absolutely request villains and key plot characters but keep in mind that I may not be able to write them without spoilers.)

Chapter 10: Maidens


Rose dreams and goes to school.


Sorry no Kanaya yet. I promise this is still a Rosemary fic.

Also no Kankri yet. But he'll be there soon.

Expectation: epic battles

What you get: Even more lore dumps. Apologies.

Let me know if I go a little overboard with the fictional religion and magic systems. They're my weakness.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As they always do, the dreams return.

Deep, intense visions in which Rose is not herself. She spies through the eyes of someone else, for a long, long time. Like a movie of the worst things she’s ever seen, one she cannot stop watching.

Or hearing.

The halls are painted a soft, soft green, like the interior of a pool table. The walls are covered in antique clocks. They all tick in perfect unison. “Rose” adjusts her hat. She wanders down the halls. Rose doesn’t know where she’s going. She has not been here enough to…see the suspicious rust-red on the ground…

She has not…she knows nothing about this place.

“Rose” walks forward. She spies a trail of smoky dark green and follows it. There.

So she’s Trace. She spots Die, playing with his doll. All the pins are inside, and Trace shudders a little at the sight of Die poking at the heads of each one.

“Everything quiet tonight?” Trace asks. Rose can feel the words reverberate in her throat.

Die nods. “No need to change things up.”

“Sure we can’t just…you know…” Trace gestures at the doll.

“I need a little more blood than that.” Die shrugs. “And pulling these doesn’t mean we win. We need to be alive for him. All of us. Getting rid of some of us gets rid of some of them. Y’know what happens if we take away her. It’s like that.”

Trace shudders again. Die pats his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, even Slick knows she’s gotta live.”

“Is the Eclectica rumor true?” Trace asks.

Die shrugs. “Not our problem. We’re here for the Lord, not those bitches.”

“’course, ‘course.”

“Don’t tell me you’re swallowing those lies.”

“No, no.” Trace shakes his head quickly.

The two walk along the halls of the underground manor.

“Have we dealt with Bone Witch yet?” Die asks.

Trace shakes his head. “She and a couple of others showed up a couple weeks ago. We would’ve had her if they hadn’t meddled.”

“Oh god. Fucking Jumpstart.” Die rolls his eyes. “Itchy and Doze keep wanting to go after him and I keep telling them they’re outclassed.”

“No way.”

“Way. I’ve pulled them out before, and whenever I do? I’m always somewhere they went after him.”

“That’s impossible.” Trace argues. “How?”

“Goddamn allies and fucking powers. Did you hear he stopped a man from dying of a slit throat?”

“Yeah, Doze only bitched about it eleven times.”

“We should’ve killed Bone Witch when we had the chance, when she was the only one. I miss those days. Renegade’s used to give us free ice cream before they burned down.”

“Didn’t Matchsticks do that?”

“Yeah, but they had good ice cream before that! And it was Deuce’s fault.”

The two wander along and sit down in a parlor.

“Say, where’s the old creep?” asks Trace.

“Deuce? Probably at some stupid hat shop.” Die laughs.

“No, I’m talking about the other old creep.” Says Trace.

“I heard that. I hear everything.” A voice calls.

Trace and Die both stiffen.

“It’s quite all right. I forgive you. My maid, please serve them some tea.”

A girl comes in. She is wearing a green suit of clothes. Her hair and makeup are immaculate. Each button is another tiny, ticking clock. A little choker, also like a clock, is made of iron. It’s secured around her throat.

She sets down a full service of tea and serves them, the way they prefer. Trace gets three sugars. Die gets his tea straight, and a few buttery cookies.

“Thanks, doll.” Trace says to her.

The old creep’s maid does not answer. Her face is deadpan.

A moment of lucidity, disconnect:

Last time, she wore a scowl like a set of pauldrons.

“Good, good, my dear. You may return.”

The maid exits.

“What’s our next move, old man?” asks Trace.

“Just drink tea and speak of small, inconsequential things. It’s good to relax.”

Even Trace, who’s used to the old man, feels his hackles rise a little.

“Disciple Day’s coming up.” Says Die.

“Thinking of going?” Trace asks.

“Thinking of…”

“Gentlemen.” Says the old man.

“…bringing out a bottle of whiskey, for god’s sake! She never tried to fight us.” Die rolls his eyes.

Trace laughs a little. Die shoots him a dirty look, and Trace stops immediately. A skill you learn quickly when someone can kill you.


Rose comes to back in her room. It’s Monday morning. She records the dream. She’s seen the Felt before. She knows how much to be afraid of them.

It’s a lot, thanks.

She never expected them to drink to Disciple. Sure, she knew the Midnight Crew would, but they…well, they’d saved her brother once, and like Bone Witch, they fought the Felt.

Hearts Boxcars might have even gone to help them with the Light Court at one point. Sure, it had mostly been for vengeance on that guy. Still…

She’d never seen the Midnight Crew with…

…with a girl who served them tea.

Yes. That was what you called it.

Rose swallows hard and stretches. She has to go to school.

Aradia stirs in the air mattress on the ground. Roxy has slowly been convincing her to stay with them night after night.

“You look like death.” Aradia observes.

Rose shoots back, “I could say the same of you.”

“I get to go back to sleep, though.” Aradia beams.

“Fuck off.”

“Seriously, though…nightmare?” Aradia asks.

“I…it is complicated.” Rose says. “Essentially, yes.”

“I’m listening.”

Rose curses her verbosity. She says, “It was…”

She did promise to tell Aradia…

But a sickness hits her right in the gut when she opens her mouth to speak.

“Hey, I get it. I get shitty dreams, too.” Aradia says. “You know what they say. Nightmare city.”

“A classic.” Rose says, opening the closet. Aradia averts her eyes as she changes.

“Do you intend to ever come to school?” Rose asks.

“You’re looking at a girl who dropped out.” Aradia reminds her.

There was a story behind that, one Aradia didn’t want to tell, either.

“There’s gotta be one vigilante observing by day, someone to care for the dead.” Aradia says. “Besides, I speak four languages already.”

Rose stops short. “You speak four languages?”

“Yep! English, Spanish, Japanese, and Maiden’s Cant.” Aradia says.

Rose’s eyes widen. “You’re religious?” she asks, her mind still partly on the discussion she overheard.

“A little, yeah.” Aradia shrugs.

“You know a frog temple cant.” Rose says.

“It’s not all that uncommon.” Aradia says.

“It’s insanely difficult, is what it is. My friend tried to teach me Witch’s Cant when I was little, and I barely know a smattering.” Rose snaps. She’s a little sore that she couldn’t grasp that.

“What, do you want to be a priestess? I always took your occultism to be a little…you know…hating mainstream religion.” Aradia says, gesturing to Rose’s candle collection and pentacle quilt on the wall.

Rose sighs. “I suppose so, but the cants are supposed to be the root of power and arcane knowledge. You can’t blame me for wanting to know a little bit more about old Skaia. Though I’m surprised you learned Maiden’s instead of Witch’s.”

Aradia laughs. “It’s not that strange if you study the texts.”

“I haven’t been to church since I was seven. Eclecticism always seemed like a way to push little girls into froufrou, proper little roles. The four founders all act like Prospitian princesses. There’s hardly anything about Derse.”

“Do you prefer their counterparts?” Aradia teases.

“Absolutely not. They may be Dersite but they are just as much a part of the religion.” Rose rolls her eyes.

“You know, the Witch and Maid have conflicting myths and aspects.” Aradia said. “Ones that might interest you.”

“Are you trying to convert me?”

“Is it working?”

Rose rolls her eyes. Aradia says something in Maiden’s Cant.

“Fine, I’ll learn.” Rose sighs. “And maybe I’ll give Witch’s another try. I’m not going to learn Sylph or Muse, though.”

“Good luck finding a Sylph worshipper in Derse.”

“That’s what I meant.” On impulse, Rose picks out a jade green top she hasn’t worn much, and a black skirt. She finds a fashion corset she made for herself, embroidered in her favorite lavender roses.

“And no one who speaks Muse is going to teach a non-initiate.”


“They got pretty stingy after the Clown Cult, yeah.”

“Ah, yes. The Muse is a Messiah.” Rose says. “They spend so much time on their Lord that I forgot.”

“Well, if you’re a violent cult that puts the fear of the gods into people, do you pick the malevolent destroyer or the melancholy wanderer who sacrifices herself?” Aradia asks.

“You make a good point.”

Dave pounds on the door. “Rose, get out of there instead of talking theology! You’re going to school and I’m going to work, and we both need food to survive!”

“Well, if you feel like learning more than religion.” Rose says, slipping out.


Rose arrives at school and takes her time to learn as usual. English is one of Those Days.

Mrs. Okimaw is an older woman. The salary is too low for her to retire, or maybe she’s simply so irreplaceable that the school begs her to stay. She teaches English and PE, and still has enough muscle to crush down a wall.

Her face is scarred, rumors of bottle glass thrown at HIC’s and Highblood’s henchmen sailed around the school. Rumors about how she took up a few handmade weapons when the Mayor rallied Derse into the first foray against the Condesce, the one that netted him his silvers. She wears all black, with an old, patchwork green vest overtop. She makes herself as modest as she needs to be, but Rose recognizes an old-school punk.

Mrs. Okimaw has been in as many fights as any Derse girl, and maybe more. Her Derse had been even more dangerous. She’s old enough to have seen their prosperous days, and then the ruin: what the economy couldn’t do, the Condesce did.

And when it’s time to teach about how the Skaian Hero Tower works…let’s say her curriculum is not Prospit-approved.

Rose’s notes are crammed two rows per line. Today’s lesson is on propaganda.

Okimaw throws a hero comic on the board. It’s the cover of one Air’s comic books. There’s the buck-toothed smile and soft black curls that Rose used to stare at.

He’s facing off against someone clad in red and a faceless helmet, making a rude gesture of challenge with flaming buildings behind him. Jumpstart, looking every bit the cocky villain.

“They protect and they serve. They love us so much, and they can go right to the hospital when they protect their streets.” Okimaw says.

“…and then, say, there’s Jumpstart.” Okimaw is not supposed to mention him. “Where’s he go for a doctor? You think Altarf and the rest of them patch him up? You think even Courtyard Hospital can do that? No. He’s a kid who sews his own wounds because he’s dangerous. He’s a criminal. He fights back without Old Dolly and Old Fang’s nails in his back, so he’s as bad as the Felt.

“Everyone knows that, assuming you watched the Derse News Reel I assigned instead of trying to make it big on TikTok dissecting live frogs, Ardata.”

Mrs. Okimaw confiscates her phone. Anyone else would get called an asshole. Well, people still call Okimaw an asshole. But she commands some respect.

“But that’s not what the kids in Prospit see. Even some of the kids here believe that the vigilantes are a bunch of reckless punks. Here’s the Prospit Times headline: ‘Air Saves Dersite Homes From Clown Cult---Jumpstart Still At Large.’ Tell me what you see.”

Rose picks apart the propaganda with swift efficiency. A few other students answer as well. Even Ardata speaks up at one point, pointing out the difference in how Air and Jumpstart were photographed.

“Now, I planned this lesson before something important happened. Something new. The Light Court.” Okimaw sneers. “We all heard it, and we’ve gotta talk about it. I’dve talked about it way before, if not for those tests.”

That is another reason Rose likes her: she hates standardized testing as much as the kids do.

“How’s their rhetoric work?”

“Appeal to emotions.” Says Tagora, who sells answer sheets to desperate students and charges double if you look too needy.


“It’s simple. The tower won’t do anything, so they will, and look. They can make people feel happy. It’s right there.” Says Tagora. “It’s simple sales tactics. Trade your brains for some happiness.”

“Shouldn’t we be talking about less biased examples, Mrs. Okimaw,” Asks Stelsa, a student who’s always been far more hesitant to critique anyone.

“These are the examples that affect us, Stelsa.” Okimaw says. “Yeah, in Tagora’s terms. A little more?”

“Excuse me, I’m sorry Fozzer’s late!”

Everyone turns to the door. There’s Feferi, who isn’t in this class. She’s guiding Fozzer.

“And?” Mrs. Okimaw looks annoyed.

“It’s my fault he’s late.” Feferi says. “I chatted with him.”

“Thank you, Feferi. I am perfectly hydrated, and I feel wonderful.” Fozzer smiles. “But I would like to be productive now.”

He sits. Feferi wisely chooses to leave before Okimaw chases her out with a broom.

She gives him one last anxious glance. And Rose can see why.

Fozzer was sick the day before the Light Court attack, and did not return. People assumed he was still sick, with something bad enough to keep him out two weeks.

But the timing…

Rose’s worst fears are confirmed when he stands up in the middle of the lecture.

“Apologies, Mrs. Okimaw. But I cannot possibly continue to do this.” Fozzer says. “The Light Court and Tower aim to help us. They are our allies. And the vigilantes refuse to be reasonable. It is our role as Dersites, the downtrodden, to look up to those who assist us.”

Stelsa’s mouth drops open. “But Fozzer? You said, just two weeks ago, that I was a bootlicker for saying the same thing! You said we had to rise ourselves! That we…had nothing to lose but our chains…”

Fozzer shakes his head with vigor. “I thought you of all people would understand, Stelsa. It appears I was mistaken. The message of the Light Court is not one of cruelty. To listen to them is to know joy, the same as Prospitians do. Tell me, did you see me smile, even once before?”

No, no one did; Fozzer was a grave digger for every bone in Derse. The Tower had its budget for cleanup; Derse has Fozzer to rebury Bone Witch’s weaponry and give it rites.

Hell, if the rumors were true, she knows him. She joins him!

Another victim of the Light Court.

Rose takes out her phone. She doesn’t want to. The old Fozzer would’ve called it a betrayal, a sellout to the Tower.

At the same time, who else will help him? Who else could? She’s spied their facilities in her visions. They are better than Courtyard Hospital could offer.

She wants to pester Kanaya and Karkat. They will know how to get him admitted. Karkat might be able heal this. No one here can do that.

Well, someone could, but that person wasn’t someone she could see at the drop of a hat.

Okimaw takes Rose’s phone as Fozzer leaves the classroom, more on reflex than anything. She even returns it at the end of the period, her usual bluster gone.

“He called himself an anarcho-communist before, and now he’s a shill for the queen.” She says to Rose.

Rose shakes her head. “I am shocked that he of all people gave in.”

“Yes. I’m supposed to be teaching you to listen between what people are trying to trick you with. I would’ve thought I’d have to teach Fozzer to do that with something more his speed, not…outright royal villain bullshit.”

She even curses that part straight through, no apologies or making Rose promise not to tattle.

Rose gets it, though.

“I’d like to be able to do something, too.” Rose says.

Okimaw manages a smile. “Well, careful with their words. If they can get Fozzer…I’d rather not know what they can do. But we should. We’ll have to, since the Tower still calls them a low threat. You read PM?”

“Of course. She’s the blogger for Derse News Reels and never shows her face.” Rose says. “Even people who hate the news read her."

“She’s investigating the Court. Right now.” Says Okimaw. “Her blog hasn’t updated in days…ah, shi--- shoot. I’m sorry, Rose. I shouldn’t be talking about this with a student.”

“I can handle it.”

“There’s boundaries, Rose. Even I know some rules are there for a reason. Go eat your lunch. And Rose? Be careful. Don’t go in too deep.” She says.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I was a teen like you. I know that look. I know how it feels to be young and feel useless but want to rush in there. Don’t.” says Okimaw. “Little Konyyl was reckless.”

Rose leaves with a fake nod. She’s already in there, and she’s not going to leave.


She makes a beeline for Feferi at lunchtime.

“Eager to see us today, aren’t we?” Eridan asks. Rose ignores him.

“We need to speak about Fozzer.” Rose says.

“He came in here like that. I was worried. At first I tried to get him to drink some water, but it didn’t help. It’s the Light Court, and I don’t think…I don’t think some water’s gonna help that.” Feferi looks down. “I…I’m not sure what could help.”

Rose sighs. She thinks back to the healer who helped them in the fight with Gambler. “No, I suppose not. Unless Mystery Healer graces us with their presence…Feferi. I have a question.”

Feferi freezes. “Um, yes?”

“If you knew that the Hero Tower might have access to helping someone like Fozzer…would you go to them to help him, even if you knew that he’d never agree as his normal self?” Rose asks.

Feferi hesitates. “I’m not sure…I want everyone to get better, I really do. But…I guess…I don’t know. I’d probably say yes, for his own good---”

“Are we talking about Fozzer Velyes? He hates the tower more than anyone else in this cursed borough.” Eridan interjects.

“Yes. It’s an ethical dilemma. Ordinary Fozzer would hate to be this way. He would also never agree to let the tower pick him apart. This Fozzer might consent, but does that count as medical consent? Does implied medical consent apply here?” Rose wonders.

“Are you gonna be a doctor, Rose?” Feferi asks.

“I’d like to be a therapist.” Rose answers. “But back to the matter at hand. Fozzer would refuse to go, but it’s about restoring him…should I treat him as I would an unconscious patient?”

“Uh, Rose?”

Rose looks up, and Feferi opens and closes her mouth like a fish. She finally decides to say, “Maybe…ask someone like Fozzer’s parents. Or someone who knows how he was? I only knew how he used to be because we share a History period and he asked the teacher not to be so anti-monarchist. And we both know he’s never like he was this morning.”

“Of course.”

“I don’t know if he’s friends with anyone…except them?” Feferi points.

Fozzer is at a table with several loud chattering kids. He looks so unlike himself that both girls shake their heads in tandem.

Then Rose hits the answer.

“I may know.” Rose says.

She goes into the hall.

tentacleTherapist began pestering apocalypseArisen

TT: Aradia. Do you know Fozzer Velyes? The Gravedigger?

AA: Yes. He hasn’t been sweeping up the bones lately. He’s been sick.

AA: Why?

TT: He came into school. Compromised by the Light Court.

AA: Shit.

TT: Shit indeed.

Rose repeats her ethics question to Aradia.

AA: Man, that’s between a rock and a hard place.

AA: Fozzer wouldn’t want to be forced, but he’s not there to answer. He’d also hate the white Queen.

AA: Rose. I know we just played Squiddles with them, but the Tower aren’t our friends. I…you need to make sure Fozzer doesn’t get taken permanently.

AA: If you can guarantee he gets out of Prospit and back to Derse, do it.

Rose makes some more texts.


“I am perfectly well, Rose.” Fozzer says. “You and Feferi show compassion worthy of our Queen, but there is nothing you need to worry about. I have never felt better in my life.”

Rose says, “You want Prospit and Derse to get along, right? These people are Prospitian.”

“I am aware that they want to take down the Queen. And the Tower may be kind, but they are no friends to us Dersites.”

“You have the medical right to leave.” Rose says.

Fozzer shakes his head, showing a hint of irritation. Rose wonders how much of him is in there.”

“If you do…” Rose hesitates. “I will listen to what you have to say about the Light Court.”

Fozzer lights up. “You would do that?”

“You hear me, I will hear you.” Rose says, remembering how worried Mrs. Okimaw was with a suppressed wince. “A deal.”

“Wonderful! A few of us here have started a Light Court appreciation club---off school grounds. Our meetings are quite irregular, but I will bring you along.” Fozzer says. “Here---I have given Vikare your handle, so you may contact him as well!”

It’s for the greater good. Rose agrees, and the two head to Prospit. Right to the HC.


Me: every character is in the city, but there's no need to focus on all of them.

Also me: these hiveswap characters are so cool. Let's use them for our NPCs.

Konyyl the teacher my beloved. I originally had a placeholder OC but she was so much like Konyyl that I just went for her instead.

I imagine Azdaja teaches comp sci. People make fun of him for being from Prospit and also being kinda full of himself. Eridan likes him.

Chapter 11: Up in the Tower


Rose brings Fozzer to the tower, and meets some new people. And of course, she spends a little time with a special someone.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The ride to Prospit is tense. Rose knits to relieve her nerves. The needles will have to stand in for her daggers and arrows. She really, really wishes she had Hal at her ears the way Dave and Dirk do; she is stuck listening to Fozzer go on and on about the queen.

“So, Fozzer,” She asks, hoping to at least get into the problem before someone at the Tower does. “What made you…decide the Queen was worth listening to?”

“Ah, I’m glad you asked! You see, I felt so lost in this world. There was feeling, but it was so fleeting…so many dead to bury, so few people doing something about it. And then I heard her song.” says Fozzer. He smiles. “Now I have true joy.”

“How true is it, if provoked by power?”

“It is provoked by purpose. By serving that power.” says Fozzer, who used to shout that religion was the opiate of the masses.

Rose sighs. “I see. Are you…well. I will speak to those at the Tower.”

“I shall, if it can bring more to her light. Rose, I am still the same person. The tower has not done enough to care for and pacify Derse—”

“---Derse isn’t a whiny baby---” Rose interjects.

“—I was going to say, we need someone besides Prospit on our side.” Says Fozzer. “You will see, Rose.”

They arrive at the Hero Tower and walk inside.

The lobby is open to the public. Everyone is milling around and talking. Heroes sometimes come out to be seen and fawned over; there isn’t one here now, so it’s only some staff and security.

“Rose Lalonde?”

Rose looks up. There’s a woman with silver bands at her wrists and square glasses the color of cherries. Her long dark hair is the same color as Terezi’s. She has a suit jacket on, thrown over what looks like…a teal jumpsuit?

“Hi! I’m Latula. Kanaya said you’d be bringing someone affected by the Light Queen? Is this him?” she asks.

“Yes, I have been enlightened by her.” Fozzer says.

Latula just nods. “C’mon, then! We’ve got paperwork for you guys to sign.”

“What kind?” Rose asks.

“Just NDAs, the usual. Top secret stuff. You already know almost as many of us as your brother does, so you might as well get the paperwork done.” Latula laughs.

“You wear silver.” Fozzer says. “Are you…not a hero?”

Latula’s smile doesn’t change, except a slight twitch. “Nah, I used to. Not my thing. I’m in the office now.”

“Would you listen to the Queen's message?” Fozzer asks.

Latula shrugs. “The Queen seems kinda wack. I’d rather just chill around here with my bros, y’know? Not that I have any bio bros. I’ve got a sis.”

“Terezi?” Rose asks.

“Yup! She’s sharp as a tack. Proud of her.” Latula smiles.

They reach an office on the third floor. Latula hands them papers. Rose skims; she’s already a vigilante. Fozzer signs his a little after, looking unconcerned. Rose wonders if he’ll leak info to the Light Court as soon as he can.

“Okay! I’ve gotta ask Fozzer here some prelim questions. Rose…Kanaya’s office is three doors away.” Latula says. Rose gets the suspicion that she’s winking.

“I…I will go say hello.” Rose stands up. Her face is warm.


She finds Kanaya’s office door; she sees the plaque labeled Silkworm.

The door is already ajar, and the lights are off. Frowning, Rose walks inside, only to see someone rummaging through cabinets. Someone taller than Kanaya.

The figure turns to her, revealing what Rose swears are glowing red eyes. She grabs her knitting needles and holds them like daggers. This is the Hero Tower. That could be anyone…oh god, what if---

The glow fades and the lights turn on.

“Sorry, sis. Didn’t mean to scare you there.”

Rose takes in the figure revealed by the light: a boy her age, with long curls, dressed in purple, and probably two feet taller than her. He smiles, every trace of the terrifying figure gone. There are silver rings at his wrists like Latula’s.

“Ah, yes. Is this…Kanaya’s office?” Rose asks. She has a suspicion that this boy is not supposed to be here.

“Huh? Looks like it is.” He says, shrugging. “You Rose? Dave’s sis?”

“Who’s asking?” Rose asks.

“Aw, no need to brandish your little knitting sticks like that. I’m not gonna hurt a motherfucker from Dave's family. Name’s Gamzee. Karkat’s bro.” he says.

Gamzee…Rose sees…

Dark purple. Smoke. Haze. Sharp pinpricks. A yell cut off. A biting hiss that the anger has to fight---

“You good?” He asks. “Need me to get Karbro?”

“I am fine.” Rose says. “But let us dispense with the pleasantries. What are you doing in Kanaya’s office?”

“Lookin’ for something, is all.” Gamzee shrugs. “Not something big. No need to talk about it.”

Rose wants to interrogate further.

But Gamzee says: “Say, you’re Dersite, too? Like Dave?”

“Yes…” Rose says. She decides to play his side, on impulse. Perhaps she can get information. Like what that vision was about, or what his powers are.

“Ah, good. Know what it’s like to be on the other side of this motherfucking place. First Dave came along, now you. Like a miracle.”

“What do you mean?” Rose asks. She hopes he’s not a mind reader or something. That would get her sent to the Tumor in seconds. She’s seconds away from drawing her needles again. They could take out an eye, if need be. If she was fast.

Gamzee laughs. “Settle, I’m not saying you’re about to betray Karbro and Kan-sis ‘cause you’re Derse. That’d be rude. No, I mean you see it both ways. Just that.”

“I see. Gamzee…” Rose tilts her head. “What’s your surname?” She needs another vision. Who is this person?

“Surname? Vantas. Signless took me in.” Gamzee says. “You’re a Strider, right?”

No vision, but Rose has heard enough of what he says slip to catch another detail.

“Born and raised.” Rose lies.

“Ah. Nice name. Bet you’re both pretty fast.” Gamzee smiles.

Rose tilts her head, trying to discern his tone. She has a few theories...hmm…

But which line to pursue? Now she could really use one of those split visions.

“Ro-sis? You sure you’re feeling okay? I can get Karbro, take the fall. You look like your head’s hurting.” Gamzee says.

Rose shakes her head. “No, you are…a bit strange. Forgive me, I was thinking about a language lesson from today.”

“Language?” Gamzee smiles wider. “Tell me all about that, I never could focus enough to wrap my head around the languages. Kanbro---that’s Kankri, not Kanaya---says I’m too stupid for them.”

“Does he?"

“Nah, not out loud, but I can tell he thinks it.”

Rose says, “I see. I was speaking about the Eclectica Temple Cants. I was thinking of learning the language of the Mirthful Muse.”

At that, Gamzee’s expression flickers. His easy smile turns to steel. The same looming, writhing fear from before flickers at the corners of Rose’s mind. “Where the sea goat laughs, so there the twin angels take their fall. The Lord rises, alive and alive.”

Rose wishes, wishes she hadn’t heard that before. More than that, she wishes she hadn’t had visions based on revelations there, otherwise she wouldn’t have seen---and heard---

Two, before the entrance to the den. One answers….

And Rose decides to answer against her better judgement. “The Muse plunges, dead and dead.” She whispers in his ear, hoping to elude any potential bugs in Kanaya’s office, before stepping back and saying, “Excuse me?”

A look of relief swims across Gamzee’s face. “Oh. I didn’t remember the end of that, I always tried to, but I hear his---”

Gamzee’s genuine relief changes. His expression goes blank. Any terror Rose felt before vanishes, before the same lazy, not-quite-there smile comes back.

“What were you saying, Ro-sis?” He asks.

“Languages.” Rose said. “We were talking about languages.”

“Oh. Makes sense. Kan-bro says I’m not bright enough for them.” Gamzee says, like they hadn't just had this conversation.

“Fair enough. I am learning Spanish, and while it is not one of the harder languages, there are difficulties no one could forsee.” Rose says.

Gamzee smiles. “You talk a little different from your bro. All fancy, like Kan-bro and Kan-sis. I bet you'll pick it up."

Rose has the answers to all of her questions now. She will be speaking to Dave about this.

And it turns out she played her cards right, after all.

“Gamzee? What are you doing in my office?”

Kanaya. Relief and disappointment flood her.

Gamzee says, “Uh…not sure. Think I forgot.”

“What’s that, in your hand?”

Gamzee shrugs. He hands it over to her: it’s some papers, which Kanaya reads over. Her expression is far less telling than Gamzee’s; her face is schooled blank.

“You know Signless doesn’t like it when you wander down, Gamzee.” Kanaya says.

“True, true. Have a nice time with Ro-sis. She’s pretty nice, and she talks like you.” Gamzee smiles as he strides out the door.

“Did he hurt you?” Kanaya asks.

Rose replies, “No, not at all. I suspect he was not supposed to be in your office.”

Kanaya sighs. “No, he was not. He has been growing unpredictable as of late.”

Capricious like a young messiah of mirth, I’d say. Rose thinks to herself.

“What is his power?” Rose asks. “I saw his silvers.”

“It is---he did not frighten you, did he?”

Rose says, “Only as much as you would expect from a tall figure in the dark.”

Kanaya says, “Good. I will not have to chainsaw him in half.”

Rose would laugh, but the seriousness of Kanaya’s expression is sobering.

“Thank you for bringing the patient in. I know this feels like a conflict with you and Dave’s ideals, but I appreciate this.” Kanaya says.

“Of course.”

“But enough about serious matters for now. There is an hour before the meeting, and we have far better things to speak of than boys.” Kanaya says.

“Oh? Such as?” Rose asks.

“How you are playing Dungeons and Dragons with Vriska.” Kanaya says.

Rose nods. “I am. It is quite amusing. Do you…wish to hear about Lady Starglow?”

“Perhaps.” Kanaya doesn’t look happy.

“What’s wrong?”

Kanaya says, “Vriska is…difficult. I would not wish for you to get hurt.”

“Using powers on non-powered civilians is illegal.” Rose says. “Vriska is ruthless as a gamesmaster, but I am not in danger.”

At least, that’s what I hope.

“There are more ways to get hurt. Vriska is not the best person to spend your time around, though I know her danger makes her quite exciting.” Kanaya says.

Oh. Oh. Rose knows what this is about. “Do not fret, Kanaya, I have no interest in pursuing Vriska. I have different tastes.”

Kanaya flinches a little, but says, “At the very least I can avoid seeing my friend heartbroken. And avoid having to split yet another person in half.”

“Do you really wield a chainsaw?” Rose asks, smiling. “I thought that was your vampire persona.”

“I do. We are encouraged to pick up a weapon besides our powers, though given my skill with strings I rarely require mine.” Kanaya says. “Heroes like Karkat need a means of attacking.”

“That makes sense. I never thought of it quite like that.” Rose nods, as if she isn’t a walking example of the very same idea. Comet’s rifle is no joke.

Kanaya gives a small smile. She reaches out and squeezes Rose’s hand with her own, before moving back. “Ah…also, I made you this…”

She reaches behind her desk and pulls out a long, vertical-striped dress in lavender and black.

“Would you be willing to try it on? I would like to ensure my measurements were accurate. Forgive me. I made it in quite a hurry.” Kanaya says.

Rose’s pulse speeds up. “Of course, Kanaya.”

“Excellent. Would you like help putting it on, or---oh! Never mind. You can handle it.” Kanaya looks away, bashful.

“I will.” Rose nods.

The office has a small storage closet, which has a surprising amount of spare fabric inside, as well as a long mirror. She puts on the new dress; it’s made of a nice material, the kind she reserves for commissions. It fits well, and Rose feels herself grow a little warm, thinking of how closely Kanaya must have watched her, to match her measurements.

The dress has an empire waist and short, loose sleeves. The silvery jet buttons feel a little more mature, at least; each has a swirled silver burst in the black like the Sisters’ symbol, but not enough to feel too religious. There’s enough of Kanaya’s elegance there that she doesn’t feel trapped.

She steps out. Kanaya freezes when she sees her.

“Is, ah, the fit okay?” she asks.

“You could check, or perhaps…you could measure me? Not that I’m demanding more garments, of course, that would be very ungrateful---” Rose is keenly aware that she now sounds a lot less smart than Gamzee said she did.

“It is no trouble, Rose. I would love to.” Kanaya says, the words tumbling out a little faster than usual.

“Wonderful.” Rose says. Kanaya pulls out a tape measure.

She is now mere inches from Rose as she wraps the measuring tape around her arms, noting the numbers. She then wraps it around her waist, and Rose’s mind stills; it’s close, so close to an embrace. She can hear the soft sound of Kanaya breathing, and she can see the shift of her powerful arms.

“Is this all right?”

Rose hums. “Yes.”

Kanaya must be having trouble getting the measurement; she lingers a little longer than she did around the arms, close to her. All too quickly, she steps backward, murmuring an apology and noting down the measure.

“It was accurate. It requires little tailoring. Unless you would like me to make any alterations?” Kanaya asks.

Rose isn’t sure she’ll survive Kanaya being that close to her again, or how Kanaya missed how loud her heartbeat had gotten. On the other hand…

“Perhaps…you could? The upper ribcage is just the slightest bit tight…” Rose says.

“Ah, of course. Hold still.”

Rose closes her eyes this time.

“I’ve been worried about you, ever since that clown cult attack on Derse.” Kanaya says.

“Have you?”

“Yes. I was elsewhere at the time.” Kanaya says, a little quieter as she draws closer. “But I heard about the attack later. I had to hear from Dave, since we have so few resources for Derse. You could have been hurt by that villain, and I would not have been there for you.”

You were, though. “I’m sure you were appreciated.”

“Yes, but still. I would like to be there to protect you, if possible.”

Rose feels a part of her melt at that, though another part has to object. “Derse ladies are tough. You wouldn’t believe some of what I can do.”

“You shouldn’t have to.” The front of her almost touches Rose’s back, she’s so close. Her sewing is so careful and precise, too. Rose feels almost certain that the needle won’t prick her. “There’s almost no point in power if I can’t use it to protect you. To protect my friends.” Kanaya murmurs.

Rose is warm all over, but a chill passes over her when she hears the next part.

Of course. Friends. It would be a risk to be anything else, and it’s not as if Kanaya would ever feel like anything else about her.

Rose enjoys Kanaya’s closeness for as long as she can after that, despite her internal attempts at discipline.

“There we go.” Kanaya snips the thread. She lingers again. Rose wishes it meant something other than a meticulous tailoring job.

The dress is more comfortable, at the very least. Even though Rose is a little colder now.

“There are cookies that Latula and her boyfriend made, in the break room. Would you like to go have some?” Kanaya asks.

Rose nods. She puts the thought of Gamzee out of her mind. It's nothing she can influence. She reaches out and takes Kanaya's hand. They have a little more of this hour to spend together.


I have a giant worldbuilding doc specifying where everyone is. Every canon named carapacian. Every hiveswap character. Most of the entries are blank because I haven't figured out where everyone actually is.

I cannot show you guys because Spoilers.

I should specify for those who read the sidestories: Berryboo is about young Nanna. Gutsy Gumshoe is about Jane. They are different Janes to explore her character through different lenses. Also I have no idea when I'm finishing Carefree Princess Berryboo because I have an injury and also a bunch of schoolwork. And job applications. So many job applications.

Chapter 12: Songs of Power


Rose and Kanaya meet people...and a revelation happens.


Double-length chapter. I introduce the Captors here, and oddly enough, here is where my document passed 222 pages!

I think they'd be happy with that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So, like I was saying, Tulip, I don’t think he’s all that…oh. Hey, it’s Kanaya!”

There is the young man from one of Rose’s visions. He has long hair in his face, with a helmet tucked under his arm. He has on a black and gold jumpsuit. You could mistake it for a hero’s uniform, if the bands on his wrists weren’t silver.

Latula waves. “Hey! Coming to get cookies? We got Janey to give up her recipe and they’re, like, the best.”

Rose takes one. They are snickerdoodles. They're not like the ones that the nameless barista in the Evening Star bakes, but their own variation. Rose idly wonders who would win in a baking competition.

Kanaya thanks them, and tastes hers. “It is quite like Jane's, but with a bit more cinnamon. By the way, Mituna, this is Rose. Rose, this is Mituna."

“Whoa, Kann, you’ve got a girlfriend?” the boy asks, cackling.

Both girls splutter. “No” Latula laughs and elbows him. “Tuna!”

He and Gemini, sitting next to each other a little later. Mituna is sitting there, head in his hands, sparking while Gemini tries to settle him, countering the lightning.

Uncontrolled power. The same as Gemini’s…

“Does she talk, lmao?” Mituna asks. He says the last letters aloud, and snorts.

“I do, when I have cause to.” Rose manages. Between the visions and the embarrassment, it was hard to get a sentence out.

Latula says, “Go a little easier on her, Tuna, she’s new.”

“A tower noob, then, huh? Where’s her training bands?” Mituna asks.

Rose shudders. “No, I’m a guest.”

Mituna seems to be focused now, staring.

“You’re from Nightmare City, huh?” He asks. Rose would be offended, but she hears the Derse in his own voice.

“Yes, I grew up there.” Rose says. “You’re also Derse?” That would mean Gemini…

The number two tower vigilante was Dersite? How was it like this, then? Surely, if they had a voice from Derse in the tower for this long, and such a powerful one…

How come they sent people like Ultimatum, then? Wouldn’t he be far better?

“You think a lot, huh? Keep spacing out.” Mituna says.

“Ah, my apologies. I am prone to that, yes.”

“You should talk to Tula about it. She also thinks a lot.” Mituna nudges her. Latula laughs.

“Are you a psychologist?” Rose asks her.

Latula shakes her head. “Nah, just do office shit for the tower---HR, hiring and stuff. And spend time with my hella rad boyfriend here. You into psych?”

“Yes, I am.” Rose says.

“Cool. Y’know, I don’t see much of Dave, but I was the one who recruited him. It’s kinda strange. When he said he had sisters, I kinda expected girl-dave.”

“Davette.” Mituna laughs. “Does he really wear dorky shades everywhere? Sollux called his shades dorky even though Gemini wears 3D glasses everywhere.”

“Yes, he does.” Kanaya says. “His sense of fashion is atrocious. I do wish he took more after his sister in that regard. Rose is an excellent knitter and embroiderer.”

Rose feels herself blush and touches the tiny purple flower she embroidered in the corner of today’s light jacket.

“You manage to get her into one of your dresses?” Mituna snickers.

“Yes.” Kanaya says.

Mituna seems to find this amusing. Rose notices that Latula is staring into space a little.

“Are you quite all right?” Rose asks.

“Wha? Nah, I’m cool. If you do psych, there’s all kinds of opportunities in the tower. Hero shit gets intense, and people need someone to talk to.” Latula says.

“Thank you. I am not sure whether I wish to be involved with the tower, though.” Rose thinks back to Gamzee. Whatever psychology had been involved in his case, she wanted no part in it.

“Where’re you thinking of taking it, then?” Latula asks.

Rose has given this thought. One of the few places her visions might have done good, before she went into heroics herself. “I am thinking of counseling youth in Derse. Particularly qu…troubled youth.” Mituna may have joked, but she didn’t know how supportive they were.

Latula catches that. “You can say queer. Tuna and I are both bi, it’s chill. I like that.”

Kanaya adds, “You would always be welcome here, as well.”

Rose hadn’t been expecting support from a Hero Tower HR officer of all people, but she took it. And tried to ignore Kanaya’s Prospit bias.

Mituna says, “Just don’t let Kankri catch you using that word.”

“I think I will stay in Derse.” Rose says. She tries not to sound too much like she already despises Kankri based on what Dave’s told her. And the fact that he’d once fought Jumpstart and pushed him off a roof. Who was she kidding, everyone in Derse hated Ultimatum. It wasn’t hard for them to figure out.

Mituna adds, “Hero problems are stupid, anyway. Sollux is always bitching about too many people wanting to date him. Opposite of a problem. Specially ‘cause I’m the hotter brother.”

“You KNOW you are!” Latula slings an arm around him.

Rose wonders if this is about to---oh. There’s a vision. Yes, she did not to see this very affectionate couple making out. That will be burned into her memory.

Kanaya says, “Well, if you two are all right, I would like to show Rose a little more of the tower.”

“Ooh, you gonna introduce her to Dolorosa?”

Rose stiffens. Dolorosa? As in, the founder of the Hero Tower, able to warp structures, down to freezing Dualscar’s blood before he killed her…

Killed her the first time.

She’s still alive?

“Grandmother is not here at the moment.” Kanaya says.


“Right, right. She’s met a lot of us, through Rezi’s DnD group, plus you and Karkat…ooh, you should introduce her to Sollux!” Latula says. “Think they’d get along, Tuna?”

“Like a house on fire. Too many thoughts, head full.” Mituna says. "You three should start a club."

“Truuuue! Let’s go bug him.” Latula sprang up.

“Are you not all working?” Rose asks.

“Hour to kill before the big thing goes down.” Latula says. “Plus, it’s Sol’s day off. He’s just coding n’ shit. Might want to see the big thing, too.”

“What’s happening that you’re not telling me, Tulip?”

“The White Queen’s brainwashing got to some kid. Kankri’s gonna try to bust him out of it.”

“He’s gonna fight the only idiot as verbose as him.” Mituna grins. “Sollux would pay money to see that.”

Gemini’s department is on level two. Rose wonders if that’s a theme for Sollux; Dave had mentioned a little about him, though not that he was Dersite.

True to Latula’s word, the door to his room slams open to reveal Sollux hunched over a red and blue-LED gaming computer. He glares at them.

“Hey, little brother.” Mituna smirks.

“Get out of my room.” His lisp is less pronounced than Mituna’s.

“We brought Dave’s sister.” Latula says. “Come on, come out and meet her!”

“You interrupted my coding. I’m not gonna get along with her just because I like Dave.” Sollux snaps.

“You will not disrespect Rose like that,” Kanaya fires back.

Rose says, “We did interrupt him on his day off. Perhaps he does not want to see Kankri attempt to remove the brainwashing or meet someone new.”

In five seconds flat, Sollux is across the room, sparking red and blue. It’s almost like one of Dave’s flashsteps. “A Dersite came here for that?”

“Yes.” Rose says.

“Fine.” He drags the letter I a little bit, Rose notices. “I’ll talk to you. But get out of my room.”

Sollux and Mituna’s apartment is in the Hero Tower, and they get to sit around the kitchen table. There’s two flower arrangements on the table made of legos. One’s red and one’s blue. It seems to be a theme. That, and bees. The wallpaper is warm gold honeycomb, covering the sterile white walls, distinguishing it from the exterior offices. Latula and Mituna lose interest and wander to another room. Rose is rather sure that her vision is taking place.

“How’d you get him to volunteer?” Sollux asks. He seems anxious.

“I persuaded him.” Rose says.

Rose hears the telltale hum of an electric current. “How. Details. I don’t trust you, just because of Dave.”

Kanaya says, “Rose did not threaten him. We did not threaten him. Sollux, please do not worry about this.”

“I’m going to watch.” Sollux says.

Rose sighs. She decides that it’s better for him to see her as a traitor to Derse---even though, frankly, he would be more of one---than for her to tell Kanaya that she promised Fozzer to attend a Light Court meetup. Kanaya would try to stop her, with all of what she’d said about protection. Or she would try to meddle further, and---

She wouldn’t mind, if it was just Kanaya. She didn’t want it to be someone like Vriska or Gumshoe, though. And the Tower would send someone like that.

“You are welcome to. That is why we visited.” Kanaya says.

“All right, all right.” Sollux sighs. “Right. Rose. I’m Sollux, which you probably know. Gemini, which you probably could also tell.”

“Dave told me a bit about you.” Rose says.

“What’d he say?”

“He mentioned your love of computers.” Rose says.

“Yeah, that’s what I would’ve thought.” Sollux hides his Derse accent; Rose wouldn’t be able to hear it if she wasn’t listening for it. “Speaking of, KN, are you also here because you forgot your password again?”

“No, this was to introduce you two and inform you. I am not that tech incompetent, thank you.” Kanaya huffs.

Sollux gives her a look Rose has seen on Dirk and Roxy. The long-suffering tech-nerd. Something Hal would do, too, if he had a face.

“…I agreed to come here because Gamzee attempted to sign into my computer who knows how many times and it is very, very locked.” Kanaya says.

“Isn’t Kankri…never mind. I’ll sort that out as soon as I’m back on the clock---which I’m not right now.” Sollux sighs. He looks at Rose.

“So the light sensitivity thing isn’t genetic?” he asks.

“It is, but not for myself.” Rose says.

“Well, at least you’re not wearing those weird shades.” Sollux says.

“They could be worse.” Rose says, remembering how many stares Dirk’s triangular lenses got. At least that meant no one thought he was hiding the amber silhouettes of shattered hearts behind them. And hopefully, no one wanted to see behind Dave’s, either. It wouldn’t be hard to connect someone with clock faces in his pupils with the time vigilante who they’d been after for ages.

“Sollux, people in glass houses should not throw stones.”

“The Hero Tower isn’t glass, KN.”

“You know what I mean, Sollux. Your glasses are a fashion disaster.”

“They look way better than DV's and you’re not forcing me into another one of those frilly vests.”

“It was a waistcoat in red and blue, and it flattered you well.” Kanaya says.

“What was GZ doing in KN’s office, anyway?”

“He said he didn’t remember. Rose was in there, though.”

Sollux looks at her. “You know what he was doing?”

“He was looking for something, then we had a short conversation. In the middle, he forgot what he was doing.”

“What’d you say to him?” Sollux tilts his head.

“Nothing important. We made small talk. I did not imply anything.” Rose lies.

Sollux doesn’t believe her, but he shifts subjects anyways. “KN, no luck tracking down your source.”

“I was not aware the Vigilante Force had such airtight security.”

“They do. Can’t track down their IP…if I didn’t know better, I’d say there’s someone in there, blocking me, 24/7.” Says Sollux.

That honor would go to Lil Hal. Roxy and Dirk did plenty, but this was Hal's fight, not one you could see on the news, but vital nonetheless.

“Anyway, you’re going to have to talk to her on your own terms, see if she answers you.” Sollux says.

“Who?” Rose asks, though she knows.

Sollux says, “Kanaya and Lightseer and Comet coordinated a while ago, and we’re trying to find her. No luck.”

“Why?” Rose blurts, feeling betrayed.

“Because vigilantes are criminals and need to be brought in.” says Sollux. “And…what’s your clearance?"

"Level three." Kanaya answers.

Sollux sighs. “Well, Kanaya needs to find Lightseer and the Light Court. It’s a pretty big mission and they’re trying to involve Comet, too. Not enough of a powerhouse to involve me or John---that’s Air.”

Rose felt herself bristle at that. Air would be sent after Jumpstart or Bone Witch, no doubt. But not her, someone who couldn’t even make her powers work on queue.

Rose remembered something else he’d said: the vigilante force.

Like they were a united front like the tower, instead of a ragtag group of kids trying to save people---

A flash. Aradia at her back, while she whispered instructions. Another. Dave protecting her as she fought, daggers bared against a foe where she had no other option. Another. Roxy pulling the needle tight so she wouldn’t bleed, but what kind of weapon meant the wound would already be flushing green?

“Rose? Are you quite all right?” Kanaya was touching her arm, looking concerned.

“I am fine.” Rose answers. She…some parts of that vision were missing.

She doesn’t know why, but she has a hunch. Dread pools in her stomach.

“I know this must be difficult, as Dersites identify with vigilantes, although their jobs are quite dangerous.” Kanaya says.

Sollux adds, “If you pass out, I’m authorized to shock people awake.”

“That will not be necessary.” Rose blinks the afterimage away. She really, really hopes she won’t have to resort to daggers, though that vision showed only one path.

“Perhaps we ought to take you to Karkat. These dizzy spells could be a sign of something dangerous.” Kanaya says.

Rose shakes her head. “I will be fine. I have dealt with it for this long. I am more surprised it does not happen to others.”

Sollux frowns. “Take it from me. That’s how you make a chronic medical condition worse.”

“Well, if you have to shock me, I will go see Karkat. Compromise?” Rose asks.

“I will carry you to medical bay myself if you refuse after that.” Kanaya says, and for a moment, Rose is fazed again, but for a different reason.

Rose’s phone buzzes. It’s Dave.

“It’s time for Fozzer’s examination.” Rose says.

“Five minutes before, on the dot.” Sollux says. “Punctual guy.”

“Karkat and Signless do often recommend his scheduling skills.” Kanaya muses as they walk to the elevator.


Rose leaves the elevator with the two of them, hearing the sound of muffled cursing and longwinded lecturing come into focus.

“…don’t see why they hate us to the point of denying medical care! It’s primi---uneducated of them, apology for the use of outdated---”

“Bullshit, you know why they hate us!”

“Have you been speaking with Dave again? Really, Karkat, you could do much better…”

Their room in medical bay is larger than normal, with chairs in a circle around a raised couch in the center that reminds Rose of the dentist’s chair. Fozzer is sitting there, looking far too docile and happy to be normal.

There are three people already in the room. One is Fozzer. One is Karkat, the other is a man who looks much like him, but clad in a bright red sweater. Even if Rose hadn’t been hit by a vision of him speaking as enemies went slack, she’d know who this was.

While she knew she would meet Kankri, seeing him in person, the one who had put Dave through such trouble, the one she sometimes saw breaking wills and forcing people to collapse in her visions…

She saw red.

“We’re leaving. Apologies, Fozzer.” Rose says, grabbing his hand.

“Wait, what?” Kanaya asks.

“Farewell, Kanaya. Karkat.”

“Excuse me, young lady, but this seems rather rude and abrupt. We have not met, and I fail to see why you should leave when you yourself organized this meeting and are using Por---Kanaya’s good will.” Kanaya winces at this, but Kankri keeps talking. “You are showing an unfair and triggering level of prejudice and bias.”

How does Dave not punch this man?

“It does seem a tad rude, even if he is Tower personnel.” Says Fozzer.

Rose cannot believe this. Still, she went through the trouble.

She takes a deep breath. “I will endeavor to sit through this.” She cannot make herself apologize to Kankri.

She remembers:

Commands. Dave finds every loophole, Dirk would be so proud, but his will is failing. When it’s capture or sustain a fall---

Karkat intervenes, “Kankri, this is Rose. Rose, this is Kankri. Kankri, Rose is Dave’s sister.”

Kankri nods. “I see. Perhaps your brother’s words have painted a biased picture. We have gotten off on the wrong foot. I would prefer not to do the same with you, given our common interests.

“Karkat and Kanaya have spoken quite well of you. You are quite well spoken, for a Dersite.”

“Kankri!” Karkat growls. Sollux tenses but doesn’t snap. Dave’s mouth goes into a thin line. Ultimatum will be getting far less mercy next time he crosses paths with the vigilantes.

“Ah, my apologies. All right. For the procedure, there will be no recordings but official tower ones…

Rose knows Hal is recording through Dave’s sunglasses---and likely freaking out as well.

“Now, then. I will need a full account of how he was before, and how he was after. Then Karkat will try, and then I will.” Says Kankri. “Understand?”

“As per the terms of Rose’s deal, I will comply.” Fozzer answers.

“What deal?” Kanaya asks.

“I think we ought to focus.” Rose says.

Kanaya doesn’t look satisfied. Karkat steps up.

“All right, Fozzer. I’m going to touch your forehead and temples. It shouldn’t hurt, but tell me to stop if you need to.” Karkat says. He takes off his gloves. Rose never realized how often he wears them.

How much control does Karkat have? Do his healing powers work involuntarily? Rose wonders.

Karkat places his hands against Fozzer’s head.

A minute or so passes. Karkat is frowning. Fozzer isn’t; he looks relaxed, if anything.

Karkat steps back, putting his gloves back on and shaking his head.

“The only thing in there to fix were a few cavities in his teeth.” Karkat says. “I…my power didn’t process what was happening in there as an injury, and I’m not good enough with the psychological to make this work. Kankri, it’s going to have to be you, or…maybe Dad…”

Signless. The retired number one of the Tower, vanquished HIC. His power? Emotional manipulation.

The kind of thing the White Queen did.

“That was not uncomfortable. Although I must say, the Queen’s power is also akin to healing. Perhaps you could reach an understanding with her.” Fozzer says.

Kankri steps up. He says, “This will not hurt if you comply.” He is nonchalant, used to this.

He sits across from Fozzer.

“Look at me.” Says Kankri---no, it’s Ultimatum speaking.

It’s not directed at her, but Rose can feel the compulsion tugging at her. The corners of her mind tug at her. She stares at Kankri.

Feeling it, even at the edge, is terrifying. At least with the queen, you could choose to listen.

“Fozzer, tell me what you think of the White Queen.”

“She is the savior of Skaia who must have our power. The healer of our broken fortune. Conqueror of all sorrow.”

“How did you feel before the night of the Light Court broadcast?”

“Treasonous. I was in favor of the vigilantes, not knowing they would disrespect Her Majesty and refuse to serve her as they must.”

“An anarchist and communist?” Kankri presses.


“As problematic as those views are, I will let them slide.”

“Kankri!” Karkat glares.

Kankri shoots his brother a look, then turns back to Fozzer.

“What changed? Do you remember?”

“I heard her voice and saw her light.”

“Right. Repeat after me, Fozzer.”

Rose feels her hackles rise. She knows what this means. She does not want to see it on another Dersite. She feels Kanaya take her hand.

“I will repeat.” Fozzer assents.

“You do not remember the words of the White Queen. That night is no longer in your mind. It is gone.”

“I do not remember the words of…”

Fozzer stops. He begins to tremble.

“You do not remember her words. The night is no longer in your memory.”


Fozzer tries to stand.

“Sit.” Kankri says. “Relax. You are calm.”

Rose feels the muscles in her hand slacken. Kanaya runs her thumb over her hand. The soothing feeling mixes with the revulsion for Kankri, so businesslike and calm as he cuts out a part of Fozzer’s heart like it’s nothing.

Fozzer sits, but he is shaking and sweating. “I…I…do not remember…”

“You are the person who you were before you heard the words. You are who your were before.”

“I am…I am…”

Fozzer is crying now. Kankri does not stop. Kanaya’s hand is the only thing stopping Rose from interfering.

“You do not remember---”


And with that, Fozzer collapses, passed out.

Kankri looks shocked. Rose is chagrined.

“He was in pain!” Rose glares.

“This is standard for those under mind control.” Kankri says. “Especially at full power. It was in his contract.”

“He was unable to withdraw medical consent.” Rose says.

“An effect of my powers. Now you see why the contract was in place.” Kankri says.

“He’ll be okay.” Karkat is saying.

“See, Rose? Your friend is fine, though still under the Queen’s influence. He will stay with us.” Kankri says to Rose. “We are far better equipped than Derse.”

Rose says, “He would not have wanted that.”

“Whatever is left of him to protest is locked away too deeply to show want for a thing.” Kankri says.

“It’s what his friends and family want.” Rose says, recalling Aradia. “He belongs in the place he calls home.”

Kankri sighs. “A Tower override, then.”

“What?” Rose asks.

Kanaya says, “One of Rose’s conditions was Fozzer’s return home.”

“And this outweighs a citizen’s wishes.” Kankri says.

“I’m telling Dad to override that.” Karkat snaps.

Kankri frowns. “Karkat, Dad is one of the people who could help Fozzer. Why are you on their side?”

“Because good guys don’t steamroll people like that!”

“This is not.” Kankri says. “Rose, you may read Fozzer’s contract.” There’s a copy, of course.

Rose reads over it.

Of course. Of fucking course.

Though she bets that nothing like this was in Dave’s when it happened to him.

Glaring, Rose sits again.

The awful, gnawing feeling of guilt roils in her gut. Aradia will not be happy.

Fozzer awakens, and Kankri begins to speak. Karkat and Kanaya both look resigned.

“Repeat after me. You won’t remember any of what came to pass during this meeting.”

“I will remember every second of it.”

Fozzer isn’t looking like himself at all. There’s a sharpness in his eyes, a difference in his posture.

“So the Tower has one of mine in its clutches. How sad, how pitiful. Did you know that I can hear the anguish of those that accept my healing?”

“Who are you?” Kankri demands.

“I can’t hear you with my own ears. Your song is useless. A fraction of mine, as a song of pain must be in the end to a song of healing.”

Kanaya restrains Fozzer as the thing puppeting him makes him shake his head.

“So violent. Really, I am only doing what the tower should have long ago. Joy and healing for all.”

“Can you see through all those you control?” Rose asks. This is the White Queen. Rose needs information. She needs visions.

“Ahaha, that would be telling, dear. Oh, and I suppose you’ll be breaking your deal, too. How sad.” Says the Queen.

“Goodbye. Be gentle, merciful.” Says the Queen. “I would have been, with Comet.”

Fozzer slumps.

“We need to get keep him in Tower, and to round up everyone under her control.” Says Kankri.

“That wasn’t a part of the deal.” Rose snaps.

“That was before everyone under the White Queen’s control was a security risk. This was already on its way to being declared. This confirms it.” Kankri says.

Rose is staring daggers.

Dave snaps, “What, are you just jealous that someone’s stronger than you?”

Kankri says, “Don’t be ridiculous. I will find a way to break through what the Queen has done to him. He will return, as problematic as he was before. Everyone wins. You are too untrusting of those of us who live only to help.”

Every Dersite in the room save for Fozzer is glaring. Karkat and Kanaya look conflicted.

“I do hope I have not offended you.” Kankri says, messaging someone on his phone.

“It is a bit late for offense.” Rose hisses. “I hope you know you have made an enemy here today, Ultimatum.”

“I have done nothing but help you. My power may intimidate, but I assure you, you have proven helpful.” He says. “I do hope we may proceed as friends.”

Karkat says to Rose, “Rose. Please. I get that you and Dave hate him, and his powers suck. I know that. But the Queen’s spies can’t be left all over Derse. You know that.”

“Rose,” Kanaya whispers, squeezing her hand again.

Rose breathes in, then exhales. She lets go of Kanaya’s hand and stalks away.

They’re right, about the spies. But after seeing Kankri do that to one of her own? After knowing he once compelled Jumpstart to the point where Dave had gone off a three story drop? After knowing how that repetition worked…

Rose might be allies with Kanaya one day. Even Karkat, although she’s upset with him as well.

When it’s safe, she opens the vigilante memo. Hal sends them the video of what happened.

[apocalypseArisen is an idle chum!]

AC: :33 Is Bone Witch gonna be okay?

TT: I am unsure. She is sleeping in Roxy’s room instead of mine tonight. I broke my promise to her.

CT: D--> I understand the actions of the Tower, but if the Tower thinks they can enter Derse and take us prisoner at random, they have made an e%treme error in judgement.

TG: On one hand, I want the spies out of the way. On the other, I don’t trust the Tower with them. They’re way closer to being like WQ than they’d ever admit.

AR: I didn’t need a refresher’s course of seeing Ultimatum try to lobotomize another one of us, and that’s gonna be way more of us.

AR: On the other hand, unless that mystery healer shows up again, we’re not going to be solving this on our own.

AC: :33 I wouldn’t let their healing near us, but I wouldn’t want a spy…and they’re still our family. And this is gonna hurt.

AR: Got an idea.

TG: Shoot.

AR: When Aradia comes back, we vote on what to do. We focus on the other threats like Poppet and Elusive, who we know are dangerous.

TT: Regardless of our decision, when you fight Ultimatum, I want a piece of the action.

TG: Whoa Rose, is your type guys in sweaters now?

TT: Fuck off. You know perfectly well what I mean.

TG: I get the logic, but man.

TG: We’re supposed to be working together, but Kankri is a piece of shit.

TT: Seconded.

AC: :33 Dave, you’re too nice to the Tower.

AC: :33 But we’re going out to fight tonight.

TT: Speaking of which, I had a vision...


I think I made Dave and Sollux a little closer than they were back in Shenanity Idenanigans; I've been liking Unda's work, though there won't be Davesolkat in this fic (or my ot3 Davekarezi), although I prefer it to Davekat. The circumstances aren't right for those ships, though.

Problem with being a multishipper is I like all the common ships, and then I want to make a rarepair-popular ship megapolycule.

I guess the only rarepair I've managed to sort of include so far is pale AraRose, and that's not guaranteed to happen.

I hope there's enough Rosemary here! They have such hopeless crushes on each other, and I hope I conveyed that.

Tell me about which rarepair ships you think would work in this universe, though. Or aromantic headcanons.

Chapter 13: Softer Moments


Rose stays in. Things are looking up.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

AC: :33 That’s a poisoned weapon, Rose.

TG: And who’s getting hit with it?

TT: Me.

TG: All right, Rose. You’re not getting involved tonight. You’re staying home.

TT: The alternative could be worse.

TG: Rose, what happens if you get poisoned? I think they’re gonna notice if we have to cut off your arm. And it’s gonna make it way harder to fight.

TT: Gambler has a prosthetic arm.

TG: Do you see us with state-of-the-art medical facilities?

TT: I was down several arrows, Dave. That doesn’t sound like a fight where we can afford to have someone off of our team.

CT: D---> I am with Jumpstart. I am the closest our team has to a medic without that strange healer on our side.

AC: :33 It sounds like Bone Witch isn’t going to want to patrol tonight, either. Maybe we work on stealth tonight, and retreat if we s33 anyone from the Tower.

TG: You mean we let Ultimatum and the rest of the tower march in with no opposition, and take the innocent?

CT: D---> Huntress means we cannot afford to be taken prisoner. We will gather information tonight, and e%tract details of any enemies approaching. And besides…do we wish to stop the Tower?

AC: 33:< Tank, what the fuck?

CT: D---> I mean that we cannot e%c100d the possibility that the Tower is right on this occasion. Light Court spies are a liability. Remaining unseen is our greatest asset. If the Tower is after them, we e%ecute two birds with one stone.

AC: 33: But I don’t want to abandon people like this!

AR: I’ve got an idea.

TG: Shoot.

AR: We leave it to the people whether we work with the Tower on this one. And Rose, since you foresaw an infection, you stay home for tonight. Just for tonight.

TT: Hal. You know Derse, they won’t want that.

CT: D---> This would give a vote to those compromised by the Court.

AR: It’s either that, or I’m with Rose on this issue. I’ve never seen Dersites want to do anything with the tower except maybe throw hands.

CT: D---> Fine.

AC: :33 I’m voting to defend. I don’t trust Ultimatum after what he did to Dave.

CT: D---> And how do you propose we put this to a vote without a100ding to the fact that we have information from the inside?

AR: I make something up about hacking into the Tower to get info. Sight Unseen, baby!

TG: Sick. Hal, you do that. Tank, Huntress, we’re on stealth patrol tonight. Rose, you’re home. Who knows, if Aradia’s not with us, we might avoid all of this.

Rose closes the conversation. Her visions had been useful, sure, but she’s ended it feeling useless.

Another conversation pops back up.

[gemstoneGlaucus (GG) began pestering tentacleTherapist (TT)]


GG: I know ya closed comfis)(ions a whale ago

GG: But I’ve got double w)(at I paid last time

GG: S)(ell I’ll even triple it.

Meenah Peixes again. And that was what she would call a “finsane” amount of money.

Three months’ rent. Roxy wouldn’t have to work overtime. Dave could come back to school, instead of pretending to be a year older than he was. He could quit his job. Well, he wouldn’t. But it was worth it for Roxy.

TT: I’m listening.

GG: S)(ell yea)( you are

GG: I need a dress.

TT: May I ask what you are doing with said dress?

GG: You getting curious?

TT: No.

GG: T)(at’s w)(at I like to hear.

GG: It’s not for me anywaves

GG: Disciple Day gift for my lil sis. It’s gonna be reel silk, got it? S)(e’s gonna )(ave a big bass party. Sea, s)(e betta be stunning.

Rose sometimes wondered where Meenah Peixes got her money. At least this cuttlefish on baby pink covered in crystals design wasn’t the kind of thing HIC had worn, so she was less worried about a reintroduction of Skaia’s major threat to the city.

Rose sent the chat a notice that she might take more time off of being a vigilante for the commission; three months rent was nothing to sneeze at, especially if it meant they’d be able to afford more medical fees if anyone got sick for non-vigilante based reasons. It could also mean paying for a more hush-hush doctor who wouldn’t turn them in, Rose reminded them, which managed to get everyone to stop complaining.

Rose got to sketching. Meenah’s little sister seemed like the opposite of her; colorful coral sea aesthetics, instead of hot pinks over ocean-storm black.

GG: S)(e’s a glubbing softy. Make the pink nau-sea inducing.

But she wouldn’t spend that much on something custom tailored to her sister if she didn’t care. Rose saw that love in Roxy, even if she didn’t always say it out loud. It was clear every time she came home late, just to keep a roof over their heads.

Rose was marking out a shopping list for the fabric store.

She blushed as she remembered Kanaya’s careful hands on her, making sure her clothes fit well, and how she’d whispered in her ear how much she wanted to protect her.

She tried to remind herself of what had happened later. All she remembered was the feel of her hand then---she had it bad, and for a woman who had almost arrested her.

For one who had let her go.

Rose found herself texting:

TT: Kanaya, would you like to spend some time together tomorrow afternoon? I have plans for the fabric store.

GA: You Had Me At Fabric Store Rose

GA: I Will Clear My Schedule.

TT: Lovely.

Rose flopped down on the bed, butterflies rising in her stomach in spite of how ill-advised this was. A romance between a hero and a vigilante was bound to work out for the worse. She knew it. Dave knew it, too, despite his obvious feelings for Karkat.

She couldn’t cancel a date like this.

GA: I Want You To Know That I Voiced Your Objections To Ultimatum’s Command

GA: And Karkat And I Both Protested Him Or Gambler Being Sent To Derse.

TT: I see. Did it work?

GA: The Higher Ups Did Not Want To Exclude Vriska But She Agreed. So The Ones In Charge Of Apprehending Others Will Be Different.

TT: Will be? When will this be starting?

GA: I Am Sorry But I Cannot Answer That Rose

TT: What, do you think I have a list of vigilantes on speed dial because I’m Derse?

GA: Ha Ha

GA: It Is Just Above Your Clearance Level

TT: I know, Kanaya.

Rose felt lighter.

GA: Wyd

TT: Pardon?

GA: Vriska And Karkat Are Trying To Familiarize Me With Texting Language. They Say I Sound Like My Grandmother.

TT: Dolorosa?

GA: I Hope You Do Not Mind That I Did Not Tell You. It Is Not The Best Subject For The Number Ten To Be So Closely Related To The Founder.

TT: I see.

GA: Karkat Can Commiserate

TT: I imagine. In any case, I don’t think your grandmother would type quite so beautifully as you do.

Rose hits send by accident instead of backspace. She feels her face going bright red as Kanaya pauses a long while.

GA: Thank You.

GA: As I Was Saying. Wyd?

TT: Sketching up a new commission. Here’s the sketch.

GA: That Is A Lot Of Pink

TT: I am trying to find a way to break it up without detracting from the pinkness.

GA: How About A Cool Toned Green

TT: Like your eyes?

GA: I May Have A Bias But It Works Rose. It Is Basic Color Theory.

TT: I thought color theory was about what color to paint a children’s hospital.

GA: I Suggested Painting Medbay Like That Meme Once

GA: They Vetoed It For Some Reason Even Though Red Is A Nice Color

TT: Terezi didn’t back you up?

GA: She Did And So Did Latula and Porrim. It Did Not Work.

TT: Who is Porrim?

[grimAuxilliatrix is an idle chum!]

What was that about? Rose scrolls through the conversation, trying to find her mistake.


Rose turns. There’s Aradia, in pajamas.

“I read the chat. I was out, where I used to spend time with Fozzer.” Aradia says, sitting down.

Rose says, “Aradia, I shouldn’t have taken him to---”

“To get medical treatment? This got us information, at least." Aradia looks away.

“Aradia, please don’t pretend it’s okay. You shouldn’t…”

Rose took a deep breath. “If you want to talk about it, even if you’re angry at me, I want to hear the truth from you.”

Aradia sighs. She sits back down on the spare mattress that Rose had been so sure she would drag to Roxy’s room.

“Yeah, I’m angry at you. Angry you trusted them. Angry at Fozzer, too, because he somehow ended up believing WQ’s trash. Angry at the Queen, thinking she can take over our city. Angry at Ultimatum, for obvious reasons. And I’m angry at myself. You gave me the final call, and well…I made the call wrong. It’s your fault, yeah, but it’s so many of us, too.” Aradia says. “You’re not the only one who can do things, and that means you’re not the only one who did.”

“It’s not your fault, then, either.” Rose says.

Aradia laughs, a little bitter. “I guess. I guess I should be used to it anyway?”

“Used to what?”

“I…shit, Rose. Let’s just say I used to have…more family.” Aradia looks down again. “And now I don’t.”

“I wouldn’t say that’s something someone can get used to, Aradia.”

“You’ve got family, Rose.”

“I lost my mother when I was quite young.”

Aradia sighs. “I…right. I meant your siblings. You have more than just yourself and the Dersites who can’t know who you are. Fozzer…he was the only one I trusted to get to know me beyond Bone Witch. He didn’t know my name. I knew his. But he knew I liked bones as more than weapons. He knew I wanted to study anthropology, if I could ever get…if I could ever put a stop to the Felt. Hmm…hold on. Rose, do you have any candles? In red?”

Rose pulls out her candle collection. Aradia starts arranging them on Rose’s dresser.

She says something in Maiden’s Cant and traces the shape of a diamond into the mirror.

She takes a deep breath.

“I met Fozzer Velyes waist deep in a grave. He collects---collected the dead of Derse, the ones who can’t afford a burial and the ones who die alone. He does what he does so they have dignity. He spotted me in my vigilante clothes, mask and all. And this is going to sound fucking bonkers, but he called me comrade.

“And that made me realize he didn’t see me as a god or anything. We were on equal terms, and I liked that. He went to school and came out to help the dead. He was the closest I had to a friend before I started gathering with you all. For years. He talked a lot, and while Skaia’s never going to be communist, he seemed to think things could change. He was all about the cause and everything, always wanting to argue.

"He hated the tower. He called it hegemony and he was right. He would’ve hated the White Queen, too. He called the Light Court nonsense, condescending, when he found their flyers. Why? What did she do? If Fozzer can get lost, who’s to say we won’t all be?

“If we’re wrong about her and we’re going to die in the night, and some Stepford bootlicker won’t wake up instead? Fozzer said he’d hold of Gambler if I escaped, when she beat me the first time! He was the one who helped me make a makeshift grave for Electric Twin when he disappeared! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like Fozzer was perfect, but no one deserved that! Especially not Fozzer, damn it!” Aradia was shouting now.

Aradia lights the red candles, and chants again. Rose waits, recognizing some of the words. Aradia says:

“When the Maid fell at the hands of the Thief through the Mage, she lingered, frozen and unfeeling. The Heir built bodies and bodies for her, none like her old. Time makes the dead of us all, but a clock winds two ways. She is the Patient One, the Ram. As she rises from the dead, she will be born anew and Make Time Her Own. So may Fozzer Velyes rise from his unfeelingness and rise once more.

“And…well, he’d think this was silly. He was never a believer. But he figured out it helped families to hear prayers. And it helps me to say this, over the grave of my friend’s heart.” Aradia whispers.

Aradia sits again. “That…that did help. Thanks for listening, Rose. It's so weird. I’d never do that in front of anyone.”

“I’m happy to listen. I would like to be a therapist, after all.”

“I’ll listen to you, too.”

Rose smiles a little, but Aradia looks serious.

“I’m not kidding, Rose. You said those visions weigh on you. I’m not going to make one of my teammates act like my therapist.” Aradia says.

Rose grabs a few crocheted squiddle plushies, and hands a couple to Aradia. She sits next to her.

“What’s this?”

Rose shrugs. “Slumber party. I always said I’d throw my handmade squiddle plushies at Jade at our first sleepover. I guess I assumed that’s what a slumber party meant.”

“Are we going to do each other’s nails while everyone else is away?” Aradia asks.

Rose shrugs. “I’m not sure. We’ve already painted ours pretty recently."

“We could watch a movie.” Rose suggests. “Or sit together. If I’m not learning Witch Cant anymore, I could ask about Maiden’s Cant.”

“You’d sit through a theology slash language lesson?” Aradia laughs.

“Everyone knows at least a couple of stories. I know the Witch tales.”

Aradia smiles. “Do you know about the splitting controversy?”

Rose nods. “Dave used to want to worship the Knight; I would know it even without Jade. Some people think there are two witches and two maids---”

“Three maids.” Aradia says. “It’s why the Maid does so many things. And three Knights, believe it or not!”

“I know the story of the Thief killing her, and the story of the Maid passing the burden to the Sylph."

“Except, of course, there are two Sylphs, and one of them was the Maid’s lover, who was also lovers with the Mage.” Aradia says. “Which isn’t unusual for gods, who have an entirely different system of romance.”

“That I know. Dave lost interest in the Knight right about then, with the four kinds of romance.” Rose says.

Rose looks again at the smudges of the diamond on her mirror.

“By the way, is ‘moirail’ a word in Maiden Cant, or just Witch?” Rose asks.

Aradia looks down again. Her dark cheeks look slightly flushed. “I…it’s a symbol of confession of truth. It’s…well, I wasn’t even expecting you to know about archaic god romance.”

“I don’t feel…I don’t feel the heart one towards you.” Rose explains. “And if what Jade told me is correct, this would require an intense bond. Moiraillegience is like…”

“What Nepeta and Equius have?” Aradia offers. “I don’t think we can do that. They’re an iconic duo. I was going to say maybe Antevorta and Azure Dragon from the old comics, before their comics got cancelled.”

“I always thought they were lesbians and the creators didn’t want queer rep.” Rose admits.

“It could be both. We’re not gods.” Aradia shrugs.

Rose says, “I would like to wait to call ourselves moirails, if we call ourselves anything but friends. Best not to blaspheme. It may be better to wait till we are comfortable enough with each other speak about everything.”

“Guess so. At least this way I don’t have to work ‘pale for you’ into English so you can understand.”

Rose laughs a little.

“I know you have a crush, or a ‘red crush’ on whoever you were just texting.” Aradia adds.

“I do not have a crush on Kanaya!” Rose half-yelps.

Aradia gets a gleam in her eye that reminds Rose way too much of Dave and Roxy.

Rose looks down. “She’s Silkworm, anyway.”


“I’m beginning to think you’re worse than Nepeta.”

Aradia laughs. “No one is worse than Huntress. She keeps trying to set me up with Tank.”

“Not surprising. Have you seen her ao3 account?”

“I don’t read fanfiction.” Aradia says. “Is Nepeta writing about me and Tank?”

“No, she won’t write about us. I think she’s smart enough not to do that, and Equius isn’t about to let her do that, either.”

Rose scrolls through, trying to make Aradia laugh. “Bone Witch slash Jumpstart. 30k. Slowburn. High School AU.”

“Well, that’s definitely an AU.” Aradia says.

“Tank slash Lightseer…ugh.”

“Not into guys?”

“I’ve been into a total of one guy in my life.”


“Jade’s bad enough about this.”

“I’ll get her to tell me.”

She probably would. Jade was horrible about respecting the sacred bond of not telling people who your bestie had a crush on.

“Tank slash Huntress. That makes a little more sense. I’m sorry, ‘Huntress is a Cinnamon Roll?’” Rose asks in disbelief.

“Cinnamon roll?”

“Sweet, innocent, lovable, kind. It’s how Nepeta comes off.” Rose says.

“I once saw her disembowel a deer in the park with her bare hands.” Aradia offers. “She had me take out the bones and then she just packed the meat up for dinner.”

“Cinnamon roll indeed.”

“I think you can kill and still be a cinnamon roll.” Aradia says. “Or at least, Huntress can.”

“Controversial.” Rose nods. “We’ll have to ask Nepeta. Huh. That is one crack pairing I’ve never seen before.”

“What’s a crack pairing?”

“Ah, when two people from completely different worlds or spheres meet each other and fall in love. Like the skeleton from Undertale and the white-haired fellow from Danganronpa.”

“Okay. What’s the couple here?”

“Signless and Disciple.” Rose says. “And Psiionic.”

“I’m sorry---two dead vigilantes and retired number one himself?” asks Aradia.

Rose saves the fic for later, something to laugh about. “Yes. The Prospit-Derse intersection isn’t unusual. It’s the trio between people who have never met and could never meet.”

“Intersection.” Aradia smiles. “Okay, what’s the star-crossed situation like? Who do they ship with me?”

“Air.” Rose says. “Very Romeo and Juliet.”

“He’s cute.” Aradia shrugs. “The dark hair and glasses are nice.”

“People who want to be different ship you with Gemini, and people who like femslash put you with Comet.”

“That’s Jade, right?”

Rose nods, then she connects dark hair and glasses. She smiles. “Do you have a crush on Jade?”

“I suddenly can’t understand what you’re saying.” Aradia says.

“Aha. That’s not a no.”


Pale AraRose. I am a menace of a multishipper who cannot be stopped. I'm doing it. I'm making this happen.

Yes I made the quadrants a thing. It's more fun if they are. It's a Homestuck fanfic. Indulge me.

I owe the religious system in part to a fanfiction called At Aphelion, where Aradia and Vriska are gods. This one is a little different.

Who are Antevorta and Azure Dragon? Shh.

It's weird that Signless/Psiionic/Disciple is a crack ship in the Ao3 of this story.

While I wrote Aradia's words about Fozzer, "The Hand that Feeds" by The Crane Wives came on. It's very much a song that he would enjoy, I think, and it made writing it sadder. Whether you agree with his ideology or not, he didn't deserve to have that part of him stripped away by Doc Scratch there, or by the Queen here.

Pay no attention to the fact that Rose is about to go to sleep here. I'm sure there's nothing bad that could happen with that.

Chapter 14: Garnet


The heroes return. Changing the future has consequences.

Chapter Text

Rose is about to ask something else, but a flash of green appears before her eyes. She springs up.

“Hal, tell Nepeta to get out of there!”

“It’s not that easy, Rose! She’s---”

Rose knows it was too late. She’d only gotten a few seconds’ warning.


Roxy and Dirk knock at the door.

“Hal told us what happened. Nepeta got shot in the leg.” Dirk says.

“The leg?” Aradia asks.

Roxy is getting the equipment. Rose and Aradia clear the space. Dirk brings out his sharpest blade.

Rose recognizes what was happening. “Poisoned wound. She got what I did, but in a worse spot. We may have to amputate at the upper thigh, or at the hip.”

“She’s a vigilante, Rose. That would mean Nepeta…” Aradia trails off.

Rose feels a creeping sense of guilt. It was her arm or huntress’s leg. She hadn’t known. But she would be far more useful without an arm than Huntress would be without a leg. If it came to death, it would be much worse for Derse to lose Huntress than to---

“Rose, it’s not your fault.” Aradia says.


“I know that look. Please, don’t blame yourself.” She said. “It’s not, and it will be useless.”

The words are cold comfort. But they let Rose focus.

And when Equius bursts through the door carrying her, Rose knows it is for the worst. The bruise on Nepeta’s leg is already an unnatural, sickly green.

“What did this?”

“That blasted Elusive.” Equius’s voice simmers with rage.

Nepeta coughs.

“Rest, Nepeta. Do not…oh god.”

He turns to Rose. “Please. That healer. You must find them. I command you to find them.”

She would if she could.

“My powers don’t work like that.” Rose says. “I can’t control them.”

“Fuck!” Equius shouts. Everyone winces; he’s always on everyone else about language.

And then it gets worse.

A voice, far too simpering and sweet, “I offer healing and relief from all pain."

“Shut up!” Aradia calls.

“Slow pain and death, and for one so undeserving? Give in. Follow the call, and it will cease. Follow the call. Our healers would so love to see you. You will find the way to healing and salvation. Listen to the words of the White Queen.”

This is her gambit. Poison one of them, and force them to submit to the control. Rose admits it’s clever; this isn’t just a death. This is a conversion. Derse is down two of its fighters either way, but if they want the antidote, the Light Court gets two strong fighters.

And with the intensity of the pain, Nepeta might be way more susceptible to the Queen’s promise.

“Equius.” Aradia says, but he already understands.

“Nepeta, do not listen to her. Listen to me. Please do not. Focus on my voice. Shh.”

He places a hand to her forehead.

“It’s spreading.” Dirk says. “If we amputate, we have to do it now.”

“No!” Equius shouts. “She…she cannot…Nepeta…”

“Don’t…not yet.” Nepeta says.

Dirk frowns. “It’s going to be too late, soon. Where’s Dave?”

“He stayed behind.” Equius says. “He is leading Elusive away.”

Aradia stiffens, then says, “I’ll---”

“He’s a sharpshot, right?” Roxy asks.

Dirk says, “Not you, too.”

“Yes, me, too! Dirk and Aradia, you guard. I’ll melt into the shadows.” Roxy says.

“I’ll tell Dave to meet you behind Brillig Clock Tower.” Says Hal.

Roxy darts out, fading away. Her stealth really is something, and if she didn’t need to act as the main breadwinner, she’d be a far better vigilante than Rose.

“Rose, you go to sleep.” Dirk says.

“What? In these conditions?” Rose asks.

“I have medical experience, Aradia can fight, and Equius? Well, someone needs to distract Nepeta from the Queen. We know the Queen’s voice doesn’t affect sleeping people. You might dream, too.” Dirk says.

“That’s not guaranteed.” Rose huffs.

“Hold it, there’s. Hey, Dirk. Dave worshipped the Knight, right?” asks Aradia.

“Where are you going with this?” Rose asks.

“The Knight protected his family, protected time, and, in some texts, she’s not a boy at all. She protects the mind.” Aradia says.

“You don’t believe in that religious crap, do you?” Dirk’s voice took on a venomous edge. “Beyond the metaphysical?”

Aradia says, “This is all metaphysical, Dirk.”

“The answer is Dave and I threw those out.” Dirk says.

Aradia slumps. “Then we’ll do this on our own. Rose, you’re going to sleep. I’ll make you tea.”

“I’m doing drugs?” Rose asks.

“She’s fucking not.” Dirk snaps.

Aradia frowns. “What’s your problem?”

“We don’t need another medical emergency.” Dirk glares. Rose knows it’s because of Roxy, and because of what happened to their mother.

Dirk won’t even drink coffee. There’s a reason for that.

“Break it up, you two.” Hal says. “Aradia, no drugs. Prayers and incense and nonsense, sure. No drugs.”

Aradia sighs.

“Right. It was just going to be chamomile tea, and the garnet blossom---”

“You’re carrying a schedule one psychoactive drug?” Dirk shouts. “Get the fuck out of my house!”

“Enough!” Rose shouts.

Everyone looks at her.

“This is a life or death situation.” Rose says. “Nepeta? Do you want me to do this?”

“Please.” Equius says.

Nepeta takes a shuddering breath. “Hurry…we’ll get you off of them as soon as we can.”

“It’s not worth it! I can amputate.” Dirk says.

“It is my decision.” Rose snaps.

“And you’re not thinking rationally!”

Rose stares daggers at her brother, then turns to Aradia. “I’ll do this.”

Aradia goes into the kitchen.

“Where do you get garnet blossoms?” Rose asks.

“I’m not telling you who my dealer is.” Aradia says. “They’re only permitted for religious use, and even then, the Dersite Time Gods are hated enough that the paperwork will get you hit hard. I would put peridot blossoms in here too, but those are harder to come by.”

Peridot blossoms were also sacred and medicinal; even more than garnets. They were prized, expensive, and just as addictive if you didn’t process them right. Stupid teens liked to put them into pies and get wasted. Insomniacs took them as monitored pills.

Rose really, really didn’t want to end up like Roxy. At least that had been alcohol, and not the drug that made people stop processing time, bleed from their eyes, and run around smashing every clock they saw. Or the one whose withdrawals could send you into a violent rage.

Dirk probably would kick Aradia out of the apartment.

“Garnet blossoms have time associations. The time processing thing might interact with your mind, paired with the right meditation. Peridot blossoms are space-ish. I was hoping they would give you more specificity. Sapphires or aquamarines would also help.”

“Do you use garnet blossoms?” Rose asks.

“Once. My…my sister supervised me.” Aradia falters, but she never stops mixing. “I got the worst headache in the world. You won’t be happy in the morning, believe me.”

Rose swallows hard.

“I’ll stop keeping it in my pockets.” Aradia says. “That’ll mollify Dirk.”

“I’ll vouch for you, although Roxy will also want you gone.”

Aradia gives a grim smile as she sets it to boil with chamomile. “Noted. This would be something a Witchling or Sylphist did. I’m just glad Damara was a witch priestess.”

“Your sister?” Rose asks. She is suddenly very, very aware of a connection.

“Yes. The Felt…well, until I heard what you said about Rust Maiden, I assumed she was dead.” Aradia looks at her.

Rose knows what she’s asking. “I…after this is over. I’ll tell you what I’ve seen of the Felt. But…don’t go without me and Dave, okay?”

Aradia sighs. She pours the water over the crushed flowers and adds some honey.

“You do sound a little like a moirail.” Aradia says.

Rose drinks the tea. It’s sweet and pleasant; she downs the whole thing. She tries to stand, but Aradia takes her arm.


Rose does. And---whoa!

The kitchen clock seems to be spinning forwards and backwards all at once. Aradia’s footsteps leave a red trail. Her own hand trails orange-gold light.

“Wha…what?” Rose asks, and it’s slow and steady.

“We’re getting you to sleep.”

“No way.” she’s never seen such color. It’s like anything is possible. She’s full of energy. She could go out and see everything on the field. She might even spot Elusive and shoot him down.

“This is why we needed peridots…come on, Rose. Nepeta needs you to sleep.”

Aradia’s words are fast, too fast.

Rose lets her guide her, even though she’s sure she can get there herself. Dirk shoots her a venomous look, tinted a deep, deep magenta.

“Hurry, Rose.” Equius says. He looks normal, but Rose sees a faint deep blue when she squints. Nepeta is flushed magenta too, although Rose can’t tell if it’s the garnet blossom or the poison on her. She hears the Queen’s words, still, but for some reason, the floaty energy just makes the words seem sillier. She doesn’t crave rest, but she remembers to do it for Aradia and Nepeta.

Aradia chants over her as she lies down. Rose stares down the pretty lit candles on her makeshift memorial to Fozzer. They’re cheerful and pretty. A part of her is sure she can see the deep reds-under-reds in the heat of the flame. They melt so quick.

“Rose, it’s been fifteen minutes. Keep trying to sleep.”

Aradia keeps reminding her of the time, but her answers feel so wrong. An hour goes by but it’s a minute.

“Shoosh…” Aradia says, when Rose asks again. She thinks she’d like to dance like this. She could ask out Kanaya, too, if Hal hadn’t turned off her wi-fi and data for some reason.

It’s a nice sound. “That’s a nice sound, Aradiiiaaa…” Rose drags the vowels. She feels dizzy. It’s a very classic oracle moment. Her old self would be proud, or maybe disgusted how she was acting a little like Roxy before her friends had gotten her out of there.

“Close your eyes, Rose.”

She does.








Rust Maiden sharpens her needles. They’re like Rose’s, but nothing like daggers.

She could punch them through her hands, but Stitch has her doll on watch. She heals the fastest in the Felt.

She can’t stab the others, either. She gave up trying a long time ago.

“Teatime.” Comes his rotten voice. Rust Maiden brews the tea. She won’t even poison it anymore.

There’s Snowman and Crowbar, sitting there.

“Good girl.” Snowman says; you’d think the only other woman in the Felt would show a little kindness, but it’s all patronizing words from her.

“So Huntress is dead.” Crowbar says.

“I never liked her.” Snowman rolls her eyes.

“Hey, Rusty. Get out of here.” Crowbar says.

Rust Maiden turns to leave. She starts to float, but a---

Don’t think aboutitdontthinkaboutitdontthink---


Rust Maiden cannot float anymore.

Shoosh, shooosh, Rose. Come on. I know we’re not…but focus.

“Leave, handmaid. Your work is done.” Comes the intercom. “And you? You should also leave.”

“Oh fuck off, we just got here!” Snowman shouts.

“I wasn’t talking to you two. Carry on.”


When the Maid of Time was reborn, she guided her Mage through the land of dreams for years and years beyond. One in death, one in life.

Rose can’t. She heard Damara’s name, and there’s another jump: a massive swirling egg, an orb of peridot and garnet, so garish and so lovely. It’s translucent, a shell around…what is that?

Rose is not supposed to be here, or see this. But she’s being pulled forward again, into another line.

A crater of Skaia. Blank like nothing’s there, nothing left of the megalopolis. No friends, no family.

Another shift. A thousand more. Most show her nothing. She sees people making morning coffee. She sees Gamzee saying good night to Karkat. She sees Kanaya dressed in black, face buried in Vriska’s shoulder.

She sees earthworms and squirrels. She sees a robin’s egg opening. The tree in Derse Square Park that Dave grew is dead. It’s larger than ever. It’s razed. It was never there in the first place. A strange woman with long dark curls darts through corners. A strange woman with gray fabric pinned around her sits and weeps. The mailwoman delivers a wax-sealed envelope to Jade. A man in Lopah watches his wife birth a stillborn, but in another shift a live baby.

The future is illuminated, but it’s all of it, and not just the relevant stuff. The garnet blossom has twisted what’s relevant and what isn’t, or maybe there’s just more future than relevance out there. She’s not making much sense. Even with no powers, she’s sure this would be a nightmare, just the normal kind.


It eases, but it’s not enough.

And then Aradia’s voice is gone again, fading. Her mind hurtles along, rocketing. And then:

“Would you like help? We offer help. I sense troubled minds. You seek order. I make order for everyone..."

The queen again. And as Rose sees Derse broken once again, she gets it.

Huntress might not be the only loss---

“When the Maid heard the Thief’s words, she was not moved. Nothing, no promise, could stir her. For that was Doom’s curse and blessing. She was immovable. One cannot always be. But she was.”

Rose exhaled. She could stand against the queen’s voice---

---Even if she saw two knitting needles stuck in eyes and hearts and healed over and over and---

No, no, no---

“When the Knight was ordered to raise a gift of the numbers of the prophets for the sake of the Seer, he divided himself. He watched from afar and learned to play the games. He lost and lost. But soon, he claimed victory. He gambled and gambled, making himself a player threefold. He learned to watch and play, even swept in the unfamiliar.”

Something focuses and clicks. It’s like the garnet blossom is there, but something’s dampening the effect a bit…

And that window is all she needs.

She pushes the Queen’s voice out of her head. Huntress, Huntress, Huntress!


And truth crashes down on her like shattered glass and sand.


Rose feels like death incarnate. She can’t remember all of what she saw, and she realizes how much she prefers that. She is sure it could have aged her a thousand years.

Dave and Aradia are there. When they see she’s awake, Dave starts to interrogate her, but Aradia holds up a hand and grabs Rose a glass of water.

Rose drinks it slowly and sets it down.

A part of her, to her horror, wants to ask Aradia for more tea.

That was the most power she’d ever had. If she could see like that all the time…

Then she sees her family’s expressions. Aradia looks guilty. Dave looks panicked. Roxy looks terrified. Dirk looks like he might tear out Aradia’s soul.

“I know what to do.” Rose says.

Aradia sags in relief. Dirk says. “Great. That’s never happening again. Bone Witch, you’re banned from this place.”

“Dirk, wait---” Rose begins.

“I’ll go, Rose.” Aradia says. “And I promise I won’t bring back drugs again, Dirk.”

“You won’t come back at all.” He snaps.

Rose stand up, swaying.

“Lie down.” Aradia says.

Roxy pats her arm. “Rose, you should rest. Just tell us what we need to do.”

“I need to go to school.” Rose says.

Dave says, “No offense, Rose, but if you’re on drugs, going to school is the opposite of what you should do.”

“The effects have worn off.” Says Rose. “And I need to go to save Huntress.”

“Can’t I go instead?” Dave asks.

Rose stares. Dave hasn’t been to school for a whole year. He’s planning to get a GED.

“I’ll bring back whatever’s there.” Dave says.

“Last time I did not obey my visions, we ended up like this.”

“It would’ve been you instead of Huntress lying there.” Dave says. “Rose, Aradia said you were in pain. She made me tell you some cult shit stories from back in my cringe phase, and I had to stabilize time around you because your perception of it was completely shot. It’ll be okay if---”

“All right, compromise time!” Roxy says. “Dave, you’re going to school. Rose, if you pass out, you’ll end up at the hospital and they’ll arrest you for using. Rose, you’re going to tell Dave what you saw and he’s gonna avoid getting bitten by a shark or something.”

“All right. Dave, listen carefully…”

Chapter 15: Enter Life


Dave helps Rose carry out what she foresaw.


I cannot stress enough how much this chapter needs a gore warning. Like there's a lot of grossness, and what would probably be medical malpractice. I put the worst part off stage.

Also this chapter is heavily unedited. I may look over it and change it.

I wrote this instead of sleeping.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Perhaps the garnet blossom’s effects remain, or maybe Dave’s power is somehow connected to hers. Whatever the case, Rose dreams of the later morning when she falls back asleep.

Dave attracts stares, and not only because his albinism makes his looks uncommon. He has a bad reputation; he almost never attends school, he acts like he’s too cool to be there, and he’s always in sunglasses. He only ever got in one fight: some freshman got punched, and the person who punched them got two black eyes. Dave got detention. People assume he’s a part of the Midnight Crew or something.

Dave takes his classes. He’s got a knack for memorizing schedules; he attends every class. He has history with Tagora. His gym class has a small “thoughts and prayers” moment for Fozzer before they play “Fozzer’s favorite game”. Rose is pretty sure Fozzer didn’t enjoy basketball all that much. Dave is athletic, but he hasn’t played anything but catch with the local children in forever.

Rose snickers inside as Dave misses another basket, then jogs to chat with Charun, who only ever likes PE when they can “borrow” stuff for their weird sculptures. The two of them chat about bird skulls and the pros and cons of making shitty art on purpose.

Dave copies Stelsa’s math notes and almost gets ratted out before he confesses it’s because he never got geometry.

“I’ll tutor you, then!” She says.

“Uh, you don’t need to---”

“Here’s my card. Tutoring looks good on college apps, so it’s no trouble!” Stelsa rambles in her too-loud voice. “You need to study hard, especially if you haven’t been in class much, Dave!”

“You sound like Karkat.”

“Who?” Stelsa asks. Rose has to admit it’s kind of true. They have the same tone, though they direct it very differently.


The moment of truth arrives. Dave plops his lunch tray next to Feferi and Eridan.

“Who the fuck are you?” Eridan asks.

Dave shrugs. “Rose’s twin bro. The cooler twin.”

“You two do look kinda similar.” Feferi says. “Does Rose bay a lot about us?”

“Bay?” Dave asks.

“I love the sea! My sister and I love sea puns.” Feferi beams.

“Like HIC?” Dave asks. Rose curses.

Eridan glares. “Get the fuck out if you’re going to insinuate that Fef is like her.”

“Chill, I’m not here to fight---” on cue, Dave breaks into a cough.

“What’s going on?” Feferi asks.

“Just…Rose is sick. I think I might be getting it, too.”

“Oh no! Is it bad?” Feferi asks.

“Fef…” Eridan says.

“For me? Nah. For her? She’s got a fever around a hundred and one…”

Feferi stiffens. “And…can we go visit her?”


“What, Eridan?” she asks.

“You know what.” He glares, then glances at Dave. “You’ll get sick, too!”

Dave says, “There’s about thirty minutes left in lunch hour. If we all go now, we can make it to our house and back. You can visit Rose.”

“We’re not hooligans like you. Come on, Fef---”

“I’m visiting my friend. Just…to make sure she’s okay.” Feferi says.

She stands up. Grudgingly, Eridan follows.


Rose wakes up again. Dirk is watching her like a hawk for symptoms. Rose checks the clock and realizes she’s having a lot more trouble telling how soon her vision is. The clock says…what?


“It’s nine thirty.” Says Dirk.

Rose sighs. “Thank you. I’m having a bit of trouble with the clock.”

“That’s common. Garnet blossom doesn’t wear off fully for three days.” Dirk says.

Rose stares. “You haven’t been going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole, have you?”

Dirk nods. “I never got that part in person.”

“What do you mean?” Rose asks.

Dirk stiffens, then swears under his breath.

Rose pieces it together. “Dirk…were you once in a Skaian temple?”

“Bro was.” Dirk says, then shuts down.

Rose doesn’t push. The Strilondes seldom talk about their parents; a negligent alcoholic scientist who passed away young, and a…puppeteer. In more ways than one.

“Have you slept?” Rose asks, pushing down one of her earlier memories of bandaging Dave.

“He hasn’t.” Hal answers. “I told him I was keeping watch, but he wanted to monitor your vitals himself.”

“That wasn’t necessary.” Rose says.

“Hal can’t keep an eye on your soul.” Dirk says.

“Everything’s normal?” Rose asks, trying to sound nonchalant.

Dirk nods. “Going back to your normal. As long as you don’t take any more garnet, you’ll be fine.”

Rose is about to say she won’t, but she remembers the effects, the power she held.

She shakes her head to clear it. “Is Nepeta okay?”

Dirk says, “I checked her, too. Equius won’t leave her side. Rose, if…if your vision was wrong---”

“It wasn’t.”

“All right. If Dave going instead of you messes with the result and our healer doesn’t come…there’s a high chance the White Queen will get to her at sunset. Hal and I have been researching---”

Hal interjects, “Dirk, it was just me.”

“Fine, Hal researched. That poison is a custom thing. Real subtle, probably engineered. Her soul is a lot weaker than it was, and that means her will is weaker.”

“I keep telling him. We’re not decapitating her.” Hal says.

“I wasn’t going to suggest that.” Dirk glares.

“Sure you weren’t going to suggest a mercy killing. My mistake.” Hal says, sarcastic.

Rose sighs. “I saw Dave’s actions. They were less effective than what I would have done, though…perhaps it was better this way. By the way, is there any food?”

“I’ll cook.”

Hal says, “Jeez, with two people on bedrest? Haven’t they suffered enough?”

“Shut up, you don’t even have tastebuds!”

“Hey, Rose, remember what happened when he tried to make traditional mochi and Roxy smashed his hand with a mallet?”

Dirk got up and left.

“You two have a far worse sibling rivalry than Dave and I.” Rose leans back.

“Are you feeling okay, Rose?” Hal asks. “Seriously.”

“I’m okay. I’m recovering, like you two said. What does the press say?”

Hal says, “Huntress is legally dead.”

Rose swallows hard. “Anything else?”

“The HC used it as an opportunity to talk about the dangers of vigilantism, which is shitty of them---that arrow could take out any of them without Karkat. Ultimatum’s blog is in a fight with PM.”

“Can you find me a transcript?” Rose asks. “I want to see PM tear him to shreds.”

Derse News Reels was the official source for Derse, but if you wanted serious investigations and bare facts of Dersite life, you could go to PM’s blog. PM was a different kind of vigilante, Rose often thought: she went pretty much everywhere, infiltrating dangerous organizations, saying things about the Hero Tower that would get the Prospit Times “suggested to be quiet”, and mythbusting about the Felt.

She’d once interviewed Diamonds Droog.

It wasn’t any wonder Mrs. Okimaw liked her, too.

Hal brought up the transcripts on her phone. Rose said, “I’m happy she’s still publishing.”

“This will put another target on her back.” Hal said.

Ultimatum: Now, I don’t mean to speak in terms too triggering for the most sensitive of us to understand, or to engage in the problematic practice of victim blaming. However, there is simply no way around the fact that this is at least partially the fault of vigilantes for encouraging such a reckless lifestyle.

PM: Are you familiar with the phrase “show don’t tell?”

PM: And that’s rich, for someone who has actively made vigilantism more dangerous.

Ultimatum: I am merely trying to keep these wayward dersites safe. Furthermore, you are using problematic language, using class terminology in a sarcastic manner to mock the less fortunate.

PM: I know for the fact the number five doesn’t starve. But I’ll play this time. It’s ironic that you’re trying to advocate for the safety of the very people you endanger.

Ultimatum: I am well informed, likely better informed than you are---though I don’t mean to boast of my privilege. My actions make perfect sense in the context of keeping to the law.

PM: I suppose it does make sense that someone with a mind controlling voice would condescend and insist they were harming people in the interest of some greater order of healing.

Ultimatum: What do you mean?

PM: Look at the people in those pastel and gold jester costumes and go talk to them for a while. I’m sure you’ll get it.

Kankri went off on a diatribe on how he was nothing like WQ, which got cut off, presumably when a PR official from the tower came in to stop him from digging himself further into a metaphorical hole.

“I wonder if I ought to start a blog…” Rose smiles to herself.

“Keep vigilante info private, Rose.” Hal says. “Leave reporting to Hero Spotter and PM.”

Dirk came back in. His cooking wasn’t that bad, truth be told; eggs and instant ramen were a classic. Rose asked him to bring her sketchbook.

“I’ve got a commission that means we’ll be able to save a lot.” Rose says.

“Another commission, and vigilante work?” Dirk asks.

Rose shrugs. “It pays the bills, and this client pays well. She wants a dress for her little sister. She’s sending the measurements, and I…I have to pick fabric swatches today.” She leaves off the part about meeting Kanaya. Dirk is already suspicious enough when Dave mentions Karkat.

“Can’t it wait?”

“I’d like to make my deadlines.”

“I’ll go with you.” Dirk says.

Rose glares. “Hal is on my phone. I can bring a spare pair of Dave’s shades, if you’re so worried.”

“Hal can’t catch you if you pass out or hold you back if you get the urge to smash clocks.” Dirk says.

“Dirk, I’ll be fine. You said yourself that I am fine.” Rose glares. “I do not need a chaperone.”

“Roxy and I can contact one of our friends, I guess…”

Rose says, “I’m not fabric shopping with Erisol giving everyone the middle finger.”

“I was thinking Meulin or Fefeta. Fefeta probably wants to go shopping anyway.”

Rose groans. “Roxy will want to come if Fefeta is.”

Dirk shrugs. It’s not uncommon for Roxy to spend the night in the attic apartment across Derse where Fefeta lives and paints for a living; they’re the sappiest couple Rose has ever seen. She can’t complain; Fefeta taught her how to take commissions and encouraged her art.

But you didn’t want your future sister in law third wheeling for a date, if Roxy came along and then end up putting two and two together. And Meulin wouldn’t keep quiet if she spotted Rose’s obvious crush; Roxy spoke often about her shipping prowess.

With a pang, Rose thought about Meulin. Nepeta was missing, so soon after an attack. Her sister was gone, and might be dead or worse as far as she knew. And telling her Nepeta was here would be a risk…

Rose finished her ramen. Hopefully, the solution would work…

Rose sketched and hit upon the floofy off-the-shoulder design Meenah wanted for her sister. The dress would be simple enough; Rose wasn’t as skilled as Kanaya, but the pattern was simple and wouldn’t require much handwork. The real challenge would be the custom crocheted magenta seashell lace, and the crossing metallic design of tropical fish. Those could be machine embroidered, but the lace needed to be done all by hand, and almost made Rose wish she could find premade lace with a unique layout like Meenah wanted. But for the price, Meenah wanted the best.

Rose could start, at least, and send details to Meenah. Three hours went by before she knew it, and then the telltale thumping of footsteps came. Rose stood up. She didn’t want to miss this part. And Dirk couldn’t stop her; he was busy letting Dave and Eridan and Feferi in.

“Rose?” Feferi asks. “You should be sitting down if you’re sick!”

“She’s not sick, this was a trick to harvest our organs for the Felt or something!” Eridan hisses, and Dave and Rose both fight down a surge of laughter.

“I’m not the one who is sick.” Rose says. “Follow me, Feferi.”

“I’m going with, or she’s not going.” Eridan glares.

“Come along, then.”

Rose leads them to the practice room. “Feferi, we have spoken of doctors and their oaths. I assume you know the patient and their information are confidential, yes?”

Feferi stops cold. “I…Rose, you don’t…”

“Fef doesn’t know anything about that! We’re not doctors or powered or anything!” Eridan snaps.

Rose says, “A word of advice. Don’t leak information through denial.”

“I’ll keep this secret.” Feferi says. She doesn’t even say sea-cret; she’s keeping it serious.

“And you, Eridan?” Rose stares him down.

He looks away. “Fine.”

Rose opens the door.

Equius pauses in his whispers to look up. Nepeta’s breathing is shallow.

“Oh my god.” Feferi whispers.

Rose says, “As you have likely gathered, hiding power from us is somewhat of a non-issue.”

“You’re vigilantes!” Eridan shouts.

“We are.” Rose says.

“Which one is the healer? Please, you must help Nepeta.” Equius says, his voice breaking.

“Fef, we---”

“Get me as much water as you can.” Feferi interrupts.

Equius springs to take the command. He comes back hauling a large bin full of water. Feferi pulls out a half empty water bottle, and unscrews the lid.

“Set it down near her.” Feferi steps up, and scoops up water.

She says, “Nepeta, right? Don’t worry, you’re going to be okay.”

She pours the water over her leg. Nothing seems to happen; Feferi keeps soaking it, over and over, dipping her hands in the water every so often.

Eridan’s face is pinched. Rose watches. Everyone is silent; Feferi murmurs to herself as she works, half-musical, half-ominous. Rose wonders if her power is voice activated.

“This part is going to hurt.” Feferi says. “Er…Tank?”


“Can you get her to drink some water?”

It takes an eternity. Nepeta manages the tiniest of swallows.

Feferi takes a drink of water herself. “This is going to seem really unsanitary, and really weird, but I promise this isn’t any kind of advance. Er…put a rag in Nepeta’s mouth, so she has something to bite.

Equius prepares.

She sings a little bit, down into her water bottle. The water lights up, a bright, unnatural fuchsia that somehow reminds Rose of lifeblood.

Then she takes a mouthful of water.

She presses her mouth right to the infected wound.

And she pushes the water in. The pink leeches through the green. The sight is vile. Equius excuses himself, and dodges Eridan as he searches for a place to empty his stomach.

He comes back.

“Fef, don’t---”

Feferi lets go.

“I wish I could make this feel better than it’s going to. Everyone except Equius, leave the room. I’m sorry, but you’re going to be the best one to stay…”

“I understand.” Equius says.

Rose both wants to watch and doesn’t. But she leaves, and pulls Eridan out as well.

Even muffled, Nepeta’s howl is enough to shake the floor and burn Rose’s ears.

After a while, Equius calls Dirk in. A tense hour goes by, or Rose thinks it does. The garnet makes it hard to tell.

Feferi and Dirk leave. Dirk helps her to the dining table.

“You all had better have an explanation for this.” Eridan says, breaking the silence.

“Sure.” Dave stands up. He gestures around the room. “As you can tell, the Heroes have their tower, and we have this one basement apartment that has way too many people in it. Welcome to Vigilante home base, if you tell anyone about us, we kill you, blah blah blah.”

“As if you could.” Eridan sneers.

Dave shrugs, “Something tells me if we go down, you go down with us.”

Eridan splutters.

“Dave is right.” Rose says. “I happened to see Feferi’s power in action firsthand, twice now. Thank you for your assistance with Gambler and Redglare, by the way.”

Feferi smiles. “You’re shellcome.” At least her puns are back, and she seems a lot less hostile than Eridan.

“Though I gather whoever manipulated the water is not you.” Rose says to Feferi. She glances at Eridan.

“It wasn’t me.” Eridan rolls his eyes. “My power is different.”

“What is it?” Rose asks.

Eridan says, “You’re Lightseer, right? Don’t you know?”

“I don’t control when I have visions. Not without danger, I can assure you.” Rose says.

Eridan sighs. “Ice. I’ve got a dumber version of what Azure Dragon used to do. The ice and the icy winds without the rain.”

“Eridan loves Azure Dragon. She’s his favorite hero.” Feferi smiles.

“Don’t tell them that, Fef? What happened to secrets?”

“Not covered by patient confidentiality.” Rose says.

Eridan sighs, slumping. “Fef heals with water and I make ice. Someone else controls the water. We don’t want to be vigilantes, especially not without them.”

“Then bring them in.” Dave says.

Dirk says, “Just keep it secret. You don’t have to be a vigilante just because you’re powered.”

Dave looks crestfallen at the idea of not having a healer on site, but he says, “All right…but we can go to you, now. Injuries aren’t game over anymore.”

Eridan glares. “We’re not doing that, either. Today was---”

“Hold on, Eridan.” Feferi interrupts. “I want to heal Derse. Isn’t using our powers the best thing for that? Isn’t it better than taking people to the nurse for headaches and stopping at the water fountain?”

“That keeps us safe, Fef! You know it’s worse for us than for them.” Eridan snaps. “More risks.”

“If the Tower finds me, they will put me in a cell and discover that drugs can enhance my visions. I will be in the Thief’s Hold of the Tumor.” Rose says.

“That’s an urban legend.” Eridan scoffs.

“I think it’s true, actually.” Dave says. “I’ve seen what the Tower is capable of. A section of the Tumor dedicated to exploiting prisoners’ power as much as possible is on brand for them.”

“How do you know?”

Dave smiles. “Guess who works there.”

“You’re Jumpstart.”

“By night. By day, I’m just a simple tower worker in charge of Dersite education, taking a day off to spend with my family.” Dave smiles.

Eridan looks overwhelmed. Feferi pats his shoulder.

“This is fintastic, though. You guys make a difference! I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to make an impact on the field, though…” Feferi trails off.

“If you want to keep secret, you can sleep over and hang with Roxy and me on standby.” Dirk says. “Or in another secure location. Keeping off the radar is better for most of us anyway. Hero Spotter’s a double-edged sword.”

Feferi sighs. “I guess. I sort of want to be known…”

Rose winces. She knows she might also be better in the shadows, honing her power in private so the tower wouldn’t know. At the same time, her arrows and public profile had saved Comet, and helped countless civilians away from minor heroes. Being in the fray helped, but a part of her wondered if she would be more useful cloistered.

“…doesn’t make you powerless…” Dirk was saying.

Feferi said, “Text me at cuttlefishCuller to be on standby, and tell me where to meet. I’ll start there, orkay, Eridan?”


“Yay! I really appreciate you as a moray-eel, but you worry way too much!”

“Moray-eel?” Dave asks.

“Moirail! It’s a Witch Cant word.” Feferi says. Dirk mutters something about religious fanatics.

“Like those quadrant things the gods did?” Dave asks. “I quit Knight Cant over those. Karkat’s obsessed with those and hates the rest of religion; it’s hilarious, listening to him rant about them…”

Rose changes the subject before Dave rambles his way into an innuendo about his obvious crush. “You are quite protective. I do see it.”

“The conciliatory quadrants never made much sense to me.” Eridan mumbles. He stares at Feferi for a little too long.

Rose sighs. “Well, regardless. Feferi, you’re on standby, Eridan, we don’t have to do any vigilante business and have no reason to find you unless you tattle, which I assume you wouldn’t of your own volition. You two are free to leave; the house is quite crowded.”

“I should stand by for Nepeta. I’m reely glad Huntress is alive and well.” Feferi says.

The day lulls. Eridan and Feferi talk with Dave; Dave seems to have fun taunting Eridan. Equius and Dirk eventually both fall asleep; Nepeta is unconscious except when Feferi goes to heal her more, and she sleeps, too. Soon, it’s just Eridan, Rose, and Dave, all absent from school.

Rose slips away. She grabs her sketches and phone. She puts on the dress Kanaya made her, and a fresh coat of black lipstick.

And against all common sense, she boards the bus to Prospit.


My Eridan is kinda ooc; he's a lot more protective of Feferi here.

They're different from in Shenanity Idenanigans. I assume Feferi also has something different from her water healing here.

This story is like 20% religious worldbuilding and counting. I don't know why.

Please comment and leave kudos if you enjoyed!

Oh, and suggest vigilante names for these two! I have backups, but they could use more oomph.

Chapter 16: Sneaking Out for What's Totally Not A Date


Rose meets Kanaya at the Quesant.


Fluffy fluffy fluff I wrote on a long trip home.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kanaya is radiant today: she wears a deep black ruffled blouse and skirt, which look almost Victorian. Her skin glows in comparison, and her hair is styled to look sharp and lovely; she almost looks like a vampire.

Rose is blushing a little by the time she reaches her in front of the shop. Kanaya gives her a smile.

"I was wondering where you were.” She says.

Rose answers, “Fashionably late, I can assure you.” She thought she was on time, but again: garnet blossoms. Too bad she couldn’t take them again—

“Rose? What’s wrong?”


Kanaya looks concerned but drops it. She takes Rose’s hand and leads her into the store. It’s enough for Rose to put aside the chill that went through her.

Kanaya leads her to the lace; Rose ogles over the pretty designs, although of course there is no fuchsia seashell pattern lace. The closest in quality Rose can find is some imported from far away, in white silk patterned in spirals. It costs an insane amount per yard.

Kanaya takes a swatch of it. Rose remembers, with a twinge of envy: heroes are paid quite a bit.

Rose doesn’t take any. She’s going to be making her own. Instead, she finds thin pink floss, and buys a ton of it. Meenah’s sister is going to be the star of the party. Then, she moves onto the floss colors for the tropical fish.

“So, tell me about your latest project?” Kanaya says.

“I’ve been commissioned to make a party dress for someone’s little sister. It’s for Disciple Day.”

Kanaya tilts her head. “I’ve heard of it. Jade mentioned it was celebrated in November?”

Rose nods. “About two weeks after Halloween. There are stories and celebrations, and…you are supposed to spend time with your sweetheart.”

“I see. You want to take us to see something nice?” Kanaya asks.

Rose nods. “Dave has been telling me of your impressions of us. You have the impression that we are quite dismal, no?”

“Before you invited me there.” Kanaya lowers her head. “I knew ‘Nightmare City’ was derogatory, but I suppose the impression remained. I am sorry.”

“It’s all right.” Rose says. She’s a little relieved Kanaya doesn’t think that anymore. She was worried that like Latula, she was going to try to convince her to leave.

Kanaya says, “I see. And say, if the day of the visit had to be moved. You would still go to Disciple Day?”

“Of course, Kanaya.” Rose laughs. She picks out a bright teal. “My sister will be with her partner, but my brothers and I will be there. Dave is going to perform this year.”

“I see. So you would not bring your partner?” Kanaya asks.

Rose says, “I don’t have one.”

“Ah. I see.” Kanaya says, her voice careful and even.

Rose says, before she can think better of it: “You can still come to Disciple Day, even if the tour date gets moved. Which I do not think it will, but I would be happy to share the traditions with you.”

“Ah. Thank you.” Kanaya says. She’s looking away, but her hand curves further around Rose’s.

Rose’s face feels very warm. She wants to ask her; this is long past a few blushes. This is a full-blown crush, and for the moment, all Rose wants to do is ask her there for sure. But the nerves slip in, and so do reminders. Rose is a vigilante. Kanaya is a hero. Inviting them to Derse in the first place is dangerous, and getting too close could be even worse.

Kanaya runs her thumb over Rose’s. It reminds her too much of what she did a back during Fozzer’s interrogation. It’s a soft gesture, to be sure. But it’s not one she can risk reciprocating.

Rose lets go. “I will make sure you can see Disciple Day. Dave was eager to show everyone, except Vriska and Kanrki.”

Kanaya hums. “It is rare to enjoy Kankri’s company. Dave has been working to make it so Kankri will not come along, and I cannot say I blame him. Nor would I blame you for wishing to keep Vriska at arm’s length.”

“She is an excellent GM,” Rose says, “And a terrifying human being.”

Kanaya gives a small chuckle, and Rose feels a flutter in her chest. If Fefeta or Meulin were here, they would be giving her such a knowing look.

“What is your most recent project?” Rose asks.

“I am making a waistcoat.” Kanaya says. “It will be deep green.”

“That sounds nice. Have you chosen buttons for it?”

“I found a few golden buttons that would be perfect, although the pattern mentions using cloth covered buttons in the same material.” Says Kanaya.

They talk more about their projects. Rose finds herself offering to embroider a handkerchief for Kanaya, to complete the Victorian gentlewoman look. Kanaya helps Rose pick the perfect tropical greens and reds for the party dress.

“Will you be putting something together for your own Disciple Day look?” Kanaya asks.

Rose shrugs. “If I have the time. This project takes quite a bit; Meenah wanted the fish to be quite detailed."


“The client. I think I told you about her, the first time we met.”

Kanaya frowns. “You are still taking projects from HIC’s copycat?”

“If it is any consolation, no black-and-fuchsia clad villains have terrorized Derse, and if they do, I would alert you about them. Villains are one thing, but someone copying the one who razed our homes is not an act we will forget.” Rose says. If Meenah strikes out on the path to villainy in her uniform, Rose will not hesitate.

“I suppose no villain would commission a uniform with their civilian name.” Kanaya says. “At least, no intelligent villain.”

Rose nods. “I had the same thought.”

“Promise me you will not go try to confront her on your own, though.” Kanaya says.

Rose laughs. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Of course she won’t; she’ll have the other vigilantes with her. “But you wound me, Kanaya. Do you take me for a blushing damsel, one who couldn’t confront one tiny villain on her own?”

There’s a little more truth in there than she cares to admit. Dave could take on one villain no problem, but it’ll always be far more risky for her.

“Unless you are hiding silver bands under those sleeves of yours, I would not say you could.” Kanaya says.

Rose shrugs.

“I did mean what I said before, about wanting to protect everyone.” Kanaya adds, then falters a little. “Especially you.”

Rose feels a mix of warm and a little put off. Why does everyone insist on shielding her? She’s had plenty of hovering and people doing work she could have, or just being the one to get people to do the work. Why do her powers have to leave her wrapped in duct tape and cushioning, instead of bold? Why…

Why might it even be better that way, for secrecy? For safety?


“I am fine.” Rose takes a deep breath.

“I hope I did not offend you.” Kanaya says.

“I am capable of taking care of myself.” Rose answers. She checks her bag. “I need to get fabric.”

She and Kanaya split up to find the perfect pink satin. When they reunite, Rose is feeling a bit better, and Kanaya has found the perfect cloth: it ripples and shines like water.

“What does Meenah even do for a living?” Kanaya asks.

Rose shrugs as they head to the checkout line. “I don’t ask my clients for that information. She is the wealthiest person I have ever worked for, to be sure.”

They pay. Rose stops short on the numerous yards of pink satin: Kanaya must not have paid attention to pricing. She winces. Kanaya offers to pay, but Rose insists. It’s in budget. She’ll make it all back, and more.

The two walk out, Rose feeling like she’s carrying gold, and trying to shake off the slight sting of how Prospit feels: welcoming with that sign they keep outside the district, but prohibitive and condescending in almost everything else. Even people who don’t mean to can presume.

Kanaya treats her to coffee again, and because it’s tradition at this point, both of them order chia pudding.

“It’s growing on me.” Rose admits, taking a spoonful of the slimy-sweet food.

“You make it sound like a fungus.” Kanaya chuckles.

This gets a laugh out of Rose. “It is. It is infesting my brain. Soon I shall behave exactly like a Prospitian socialite, brain assimilated by chia cordyceps.”

Kanaya outright snorts. “I d hope there is a modicum of you left. What will I tell Dave, if I have to explain why Rose is laughing ostentatiously and eating canapes?”

“Dave would say that first part is normal for me.” Rose says. “But the canapes would persuade him, I believe.”

“I would have to go out on a mission, risking life and limb to reach the kitchen of the Mendicant, and feed you one of the cookies from The Evening Star to cure you.”

Rose says, “And how do I know the chia has not gotten to you as well? The chef could be quite crafty, and you could be very vulnerable to pudding-based attacks.”

“Whatever would I do, then?” Kanaya asks.

Rose says, “I would pick the locks on the secret warehouse doors to where you were, and sneak you out, of course. I would smuggle you back to Derse. Then there would be another cookie waiting for you.”

“And they lived happily ever after.” Kanaya finishes. Then frowns. “Do you know how to pick locks?”

“I’m a dashing rogue in this scenario, Kanaya. I can’t give away all my secrets.” Rose gives a dramatic flourish.

“You are indeed.” Kanaya smiles. “Though I am unsure whether rogue suits you.”

“I am a wicked woman of Nightmare City, corrupting one of the loveliest heroes of the tower.” Rose tries to make her expression devious.

“You think I’m lovely?” Kanaya asks, and the confidence falls out of Rose at the sight of the mischief in her grin.

“Yes.” Rose manages to say without squeaking.

Kanaya smiles. “Well, I suppose you win, then. Dashing rogue...I would have called you something else. Perhaps a priestess.”

“A priestess?” Rose asks.

“A cleric. You are quite intelligent and clever, and you do not seem very roguish, if you do not mind me saying so.” Kanaya says.

Rose feels the flutters in her getting stronger. “The dashing rogue thing is more something my sister Roxy would say, anyway.”

“Hm.” Kanaya says.


Kanaya and Rose wait at the bus stop. There’s five minutes to go, but a girl with deep black hair and piercing blue eyes walks up to them. She wears a red suit, and she looks to be in a hurry.

“Jane.” Kanaya says, surprised. “What is the matter?”

Jane says, “Signless wanted to meet with Rose. I figured, since you two were out together, I could get you right now.”

“It is my day off.” Kanaya frowns.

“And I need to get back home.” Rose frowns. She’s trying to place which hero Jane is.

Jane frowns. “Well, he did say it could be any time, but since you’re here, we can get the work done more efficiently if you go right now. He is in the park. It will be quick.”

Rose tries to quell her annoyance; typical of the tower to act like they came before anything else.

“Tell Signless he can wait.” Rose says, almost taken aback at her bravado; Signless was a living legend, after all.

Jane’s shoulders slump. “Are you sure? It won’t take---”

“Jane, enough. There is more to life than getting everything done.”

People at the bus stop stop and stare. Jane and Kanaya had been attracting a couple of looks from people who couldn’t quite place them, but everyone knew this man.

Gray suit, red tie. Tired eyes with a reddish tint, and dark hair. Tan skin like Karkat’s. He walked with a limp, the bulky apparatus that kept his leg straight showing through his trousers. Necklace with a silver Cancer symbol.

People parted for him. It was the closest Rose had seen to actual royalty, even more than the White Queen.

“Ah, sorry.” Jane said.

“To them, Jane.” Said the man.

She looked at them. “I’m sorry for the interruption. I just saw you, and thought we could take care of the meeting now.”

Rose sighs. “Thank you.”

She looks up at the man. Signless. The comics make him taller than he is. She’s heard enough stories from Dave to know he’s far more down to earth than most would believe. Still, it is hard to shake off the awe; Air is number one now, but this man is the one who took down HIC. He did what Disciple and Psiionic couldn’t.

“Jane, could you get us a car? I don’t believe Rose will want stares on her as she travels home.”

Jane goes to do that, while Rose says, “So, you are Signless?”

He nods. “Forgive the uproar…and…do you mind if I sit down?”

Rose scoots over.

“Jane can be a bit obsessed with completing her work.” Signless says. “But she is quite good at what she does.”

Rose shrugs. Kanaya says, “You need to speak with Rose?”

“And Dave, but he took the day off.” Signless says. “Did he spend it well?”

It wasn’t much of a vacation. He’d gone to school.

“Not as well as I would have hoped. Perhaps you ought to give him another day off.” Rose says. She’s only half-joking.

Signless says, “We do need him for some of the time. He’s become quite the valuable worker. I wish he would go back to school, though. Dropping out can be quite limiting.”

“Well, I will answer a few questions in the car.” Rose says.

The car that arrives is sleek, the kind of thing the Midnight Crew would drive. Jane and Kanaya sit in the very back, with Rose and Signless in front of them.

Rose answers his questions carefully. He seems very disappointed in Kankri’s behavior, but when Rose asks him if they’ll be coming after Dersite civilians, he is crestfallen.

“Yes, we will be taking that course of action. For everyone’s safety, we need to make sure the White Queen can’t become hostile.” Signless says. “Though it is not something I will enjoy.”

“I see.” Rose says. “Have you considered how this will make Derse see the Hero Tower.”

“Yes. If there was a way besides rounding everyone up to find a cure, I would take it. But this is what we have, and they are less of a risk this way.”

Rose sighs. “Then you must be prepared for some resistance. How do you propose solving this problem?”

Signless looks at Kanaya. “I see the resemblance.”

Kanaya stares back. “She has a point. If I distrusted the tower, I would not allow them to take my family. And for the record, I oppose the use of force, much like Karkat and Sollux.”

“As do I. Unfortunately, the order to use force if necessary comes from above.” Signless grimaces. “And my mother is set in her ways."

Rose squints.

Jane clarifies, “Dolorosa. Head of the Tower. She sided with Kankri.”

“Right.” Rose answers. “I hope you know any consequences are on your heads. We protect our home.”

“I am aware.” Signless says. He holds onto the symbol around his neck. “I am aware.”

They reach Derse.

“If you give me your address, I can get them to bring you there.” Jane says.

“I think I will walk.” Rose says, voice cold.


So much brainrot...and I have plans to write an arajade date, too...

As always, thank you for reading! Comments and kudos are always appreciated.

Chapter 17: Lightseer Patrols


Rose goes out patrolling for the night.


Finally, vigilantism in the vigilante fic! Like yeah we need Rosemary and pale AraRose and unnecessary worldbuilding, but we're long overdue for some real action.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose sneaks back in. Unfortunately, her older brother knows a bit too much about stealth.

“Where have you been?” Dirk asks.

“Fabric shopping.” Rose answers. “And for the record, I did not pass out or explode a clock.”

Dirk glares. “You didn’t listen.”

“No, I did not.” Rose says.

“You’re grounded. Go to your room.” He says.

“I’m sixteen.” Rose rolls her eyes.

“Go to your room before I drag you there, then.” Dirk glares from behind his glasses.

Rose stares. She’s never seen him quite like this.


Rose goes, but not before shouting, “You’re more like him than you think.”

Dirk stops in his tracks. Rose doesn’t feel a tug on her soul. She knows he wouldn’t, not after hearing that.

“That was a low blow.” Hal says through her phone.

“It’s true.” Rose snaps. “Who does he think he is, threatening to control me?”

Hal sighs. “Look, Rose, I think he was wrong to do that, too. And my other terminal is chewing him out for that right now with Dave’s help. But what you did was risky, in more ways than one. I didn’t say anything, because I knew I couldn’t convince you or risk you switching off your phone to shut me up. But you could have passed out and been discovered, and the part of me that’s still a lot like Dirk wants to tell Dave to quit the tower and to tell you to cut off contact with Kanaya. I’m not gonna lie; I’m terrified for you.”

“No shit.” Rose sighs, laying down. She misses Aradia’s daring, but maybe even she would agree on this. “I’m scared, too. But Dave wants to mend relations. And I want to help, too. Who else from here gets the chance to try to reason with Signless himself?”

“Even if it didn’t work.” Hal sighs. “We’ll be discussing this tonight, and the official vigilante stance.”

Rose says, “If Dirk doesn’t try to stop me from that, too.”

“You’re a vigilante no matter what, Rose. I’ll patch you through to the meeting no matter what he does. Oh. Speak of the devil.”

Dirk knocks on the door. Rose lets him in.

“Well?” Rose asks.

“I’m sorry for threatening to drag you to your room. That was out of line, and you were right to say it was like him.” Dirk says.

“Good.” Rose says. She’s not sorry for the low blow, not this time.

Dirk sighs, sitting down in her chair. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to us. Especially you. Seeing what Aradia did to you scares me, and if the tower catches you…”

“Then we will not let that happen.” Rose says, her words firm.

Dirk looks up.

“I will train and research, using the rest of whatever the blossoms gave me. That is, if I’m no longer grounded.”

Hal says, “You’re not. Say thank you to the best brother ever.”

“Thank you, Dave.” Rose says, and her Ao3 tabs close themselves. “I am joking! Thank you, Hal. Goodness, that’s cruel.”

Hal restores them. “Sixty tabs. How many of these are you actually going to read?”

“None of your business.” Rose answers. “Is Nepeta awake, by the way?”

“Yes.” Hal says. “Equius wants her off vigilante duty for three weeks. She’s negotiating down to one right now.”

“I don’t suppose we can convene in person, with Aradia out.” Rose says.

“I’m not changing my mind on that.” Dirk says.

“It saved Nepeta’s life.”

“And risked yours.” Dirk counters.

“Right. I suppose Dave will be patrolling tonight, then?”

“Just patrolling with Aradia.” Says Hal. “If they see Elusive they’re not supposed to engage.”

Rose sighs. “I’ll go with.”

“Are you sure?”

“I slept most of the day.” Rose says. “And I sat out yesterday. I will take the Punch Pair's patrol route.”

Dirk opens his mouth, then closes it. “Rose...right. You know what to do. You met him the first time.”

“I did.” Rose nods. “And I will also not engage Elusive. I do not wish to fulfil my other prophecy.”

The vigilantes meet in Nepeta’s room, except Aradia, whose voice comes through a speaker.

Rose begins, recounting her car ride with the Signless. Nepeta hisses, though it turns into a cough.

“They can’t come after civilians.” She says.

“It may be for the best,” Equius answers, and Nepeta looks at him, disgusted, before sighing and looking away.

They’ve discussed this before. Rose still is unsure. Dave is resigned. Nepeta and Aradia are opposed. Equius is for. Hal calculates that eliminating the threat is important but doesn’t want anyone else near Kankri like Dave does. And Hal’s poll could go either way at this point.

Rose says, “Anyway, Equius, Nepeta. I was going to take your route while Nepeta rests."

Nepeta grins. “Ooh, you have to tell me what the Midnight Crew is up to. Clubs Deuce is always doing something.”

“Nepeta, you should not be speaking with him in the first place, let alone encouraging others to!” Equius says.

“I don’t tell him sensitive information, we just have a lot of the same ships!” Nepeta protests.

“The infamous Clubs Deuce is a shipper?” Rose asks.

“Yep! He even gets his name from something called the auspistice, which is basically a kind of shipper.” Nepeta smiles. “We chat when we see each other. Just tell him I’m alive if you do, okay?”

Rose knows there's more to being an auspistice than that thanks to her old lessons with Jade, though she doesn't think she'd have the patience to actually participate in the ashen quadrant. There are more important things to focus on than that, however.

“You’re friends with the Midnight Crew but you called Kanaya tower trash when you saw her?” Rose asks, arching an eyebrow.

“Well, pawbviously she’s not like that. Deuce is kinda like her. Cool people in a shitty organization. And we saw HB come over and say he wants to help with the Light Court.”

Dave clears his throat. “Spades Slick saved my life once.”

Aradia adds, “They fight the Felt. Droog and I took Clover once. You would not believe how tough that match was before he came in. We would’ve got him, too, if I hadn’t turned my back on the body.”

“This is madness. They are criminals.” Says Equius.

“The enemy of our enemy is our friend, it would seem.” Rose says.

“Good strategy.” Eridan speaks up.

He and Feferi have been quiet. Rose forgot they were there.

Feferi adds, “I don’t think the Midnight Crew are the reel fish-ue here. The Felt does way worse. I say stop them if they’re hurting someone.”

“That’s kinda what they do. Like, Slick is cool, but the Midnight Crew definitely hurts people.” Dave says. “Look, they care about Derse at the least. I’d rather have them than WQ or Itchy or whoever is in charge of the Felt.”

“Their leader is a man called Lord English.” Aradia supplies.

“What the fuck kinda name is that?” Dave asks. “Aren’t they supposed to have timey-wimey powers?”

Rose says, “Dave, the crew is named after numbers. And you knew they were run by a lord, we all know the song.”

“I mean yeah, but English? Is he some kinda tea drinking gentleman?”

“The Midnight Crew and Felt do love their hats, but I’ve heard he’s a brute.” Aradia says. “Or at least, Droog said he was. I’ve never caught sight of him.”

“Either way, I’ll tell Deuce you’re alive, Nepeta. I will not engage Elusive; I will call for backup.” says Rose.

“Same with Poppet.” Aradia adds. “You didn’t see her the first time, but if you do, Rose, just leave. She’s to dangerous for any of us to take alone. If we're going to beat her, we'll need to be all in sync.”

“I saw her in my vision. She does what Bro did, but to inanimate objects.”

Dave flinches, suppressed enough for everyone but Rose to see. Feferi asks, “Who’s Bro?”

“Shitty relative.” Dave dodges. “Anyway, let’s get back to the point. Poppet is bad news, Elusive isn’t much better, deal with criminals, don’t be afraid to call backup or hit the bricks. That’s for everyone. Eridan, Feferi, you guys can go home, but Feferi, we might call you. Usually it isn’t bad enough; last night was the exception, not the rule.”

Feferi and Eridan leave together; it’s best to stick together at night.

“All right, break!” Aradia smiles.


Rose loops around Derse; Midnight Crew territory is marked by Slick’s knife murals, and the bright colorful murals of Ms. Paint, who owns the pottery studio and used to teach art before the budget cut out the art teachers. Paint’s bright bubbles and Slick’s knifepoints cover up the Light Court’s tags, looking like the oddest art collaboration ever to grace the streets.

Rose spots a lady being shaken down for her purse, but a warning arrow is enough to make the thief bolt and the lady hurry home unmolested. Rose drops down and gives some of the homeless of Derse extra food; vigilante work is more than fighting crime. What she told Signless was true: they take care of one another.

The rest of the night is peaceful; the only powered person she finds, a lone Light Courtier attacking young homeless person in thick glasses with bees, bolts after she predicts his moves and gets a good arrow through his foot.

Of course, Rose won’t let him. She pins his other shoe and drops down.

“Why are you here?” Rose asks. His bees turn on her, but her uniform is thick and she’s been stung before.

“Queen commanded me to be here and spread the mission.” He wheezes. “Ouch! How can you call yourselves good when you do this?”

“How can you call yourselves ameliorators of pain after what you did to this civilian?”

“He insulted the queen!”

Now that the bees are gone, the boy grins. “Yeah, I did. She deserved it, lol. Bitch."

Bees round on him again, but Rose levels her knife at the Courtier.

“Why did she order you to come here?” Rose asks.

“Ow…I don’t know! For heaven’s sake."

Rose sighs. “What is your full name?”

“Zebede Tongva!”

Rose sees: the backdoor to a church in Lomat. He and other Courtiers walk inside. Lomat is close to Prospit.

“Zebede. I’m giving you this opportunity. You can walk away from the Light Court. You can stay away, and never use your powers on someone like this again.” Rose says. “Or, you can stay here. In Midnight Crew territory, in the noticeable colors of a group they hate.”

“I can’t forsake my queen!” Zebede says. “I could never! When I was lonely, she showed me the light! Her voice told me of my full potential!”

“Full potential?” Rose asks. She knows Hal is recording. “Did you have powers before?”

“Well, I couldn’t, I just kept bees in Lomat, they never hurt me, I didn’t know until she told me!”

“And who is the White Queen?”

“I don’t know! I love her so much; I could never betray that even if I knew! Please, let me go and keep serving her!” Zebede hollers. “I was such a loser before. All I ever did was watch Cirava videos and sit alone with bees! I swear, please don’t leave me here…”

Rose sighs. She takes the arrows out. She says, “Get out of Crew territory. And never come back to Derse.”

“But my queen wants me to!”

“Why do you have to do what she says?” Rose asks. She can’t help it; there is something altered in every Courtier, and this one is no different. Perhaps her questioning could break through, the way Ultimatum’s could not.

“Because she’s the only happiness I have! The only happiness this desolate hellhole could ever have!” Zebede is ranting now. The homeless man kicks him in the shin, and he hollers.

“Sorry.” The boy says. It’s not convincing. Rose can’t bring herself to feel that bad for Zebede; that’s her home he’s talking about.

“You can’t because she has compelled you.”

“I can’t because it’s what I want. It’s what you all want, deep down. Lightseer.” Says Zebede. His tone has changed enough that Rose knows what’s going on.

“White Queen.” Rose says. “What a dishonor.”

“You wound me, Lightseer. And you would be so perfect for our ranks." the Queen purrs.

“No thank you, I do not wish to have a demagogue rewire my brain for her own benefit.” Rose says.

“Wait, she can possess people now?” The man asks.

“Yes.” Rose answers. She draws a dagger.

“Would you kill him, just for me? I know you sympathize with him, despite everything.” The Queen says. Her voice, Rose notes, does not have the same pull through his mouth that it does in her announcements. A weakness, or deception?

“I will kill you when you come back to Derse.” Rose says.

“Then what will become of my loyal subjects?” the Queen asks. Without waiting for an answer, Zebede returns, “Please, do not forsake me, my Queen. Please do not! Oh god…at least it hurts less…”

Rose stands her ground. “This is what I mean by compulsion.”

She knocks him out, hitting right in the temple. She sighs.

“Can I loot him?” He asks.

“I doubt any of his money hasn’t gone straight to the Queen.” Rose says. “But go ahead. What is your name?”

“Kuprom, lol.” He smiles. “Are you and the other vigilantes, like, single?”

Rose says, “You don’t want to date a vigilante.”

“Jeez, I’m kidding.” He says. Something clicks.

“You’re Prospitian.” Rose says, surprised; his accent is like Jade's.

“Yep. Fell on hard times. Didn’t want the tower to get me, lmfao. Met my GF.”

“You’re flirting with another girl whilst having a girlfriend?” Rose asks.

“We’re in. An open relationship. And Kuprum and I. Are a different kind of couple. What kind of loot did the dumbass drop?”

Rose turns around. There is a small looking girl, holding a plastic bag. She flops down on the mattress next to Kuprum.

“Not that Kuprum. Would ever have enough game. To flirt with a vigilante.” says the girl. Her hair is long and ragged. Her eyes are covered in black glasses.

“Like you could do better, lol.” Kuprum elbows his girlfriend. “Did you get the goods?”

She pulls out a bag of Cheetos. “Like taking candy. From a baby. No one ever expects you to shoplift. When you look ten. Don’t expect a bite. Just for saving my stupid boyfriend.” She says to Rose.

This encounter is getting stranger by the second.

“I will leave you to it.” Rose says.

“No, stay a while. I wanna see Folykl embarrass herself with another girl.” Kuprum grins.

“You should. Just leave. Unless you want. Cheetos. Then we could go steal more. They would let you get away with it. As a vigilante. Who can tell someone the winning lotto numbers.” Folykl says.

“I can’t do that.” Rose says. “It doesn’t work that way.”

“I bet you look good. Under the helmet.” Says Folykl. “You seem like you have sense. Unlike some people.”

Rose sighs. “Enough. I’m leaving.”

“Fine.” Folykl says. Kuprum slumps in disappointment. A flash of blue and yellow light appears in Rose’s eyes, but Rose doesn’t do anything; this, like many of her visions, doesn’t concern her. But she keeps it in mind.

She rounds the corner. She admires a complex mural from a distance, one with two figures in front---

One of which is working on the mural.

Spades Slick’s daggers hit precise, deadly points in the shape of a wicked looking half-dog, half-man. He doesn’t make mistakes. Rose remembers how often her own shots go wide. Every so often, Slick stops to sharpen his knives.

Standing watch is a much shorter, squatter man in a fancy hat.

Rose starts to turn, but the man shouts, “Boss! Someone’s coming!”

Rose isn’t fighting; she puts her hands up. “I’m not here to cause harm. I’m a friend of Jumpstart.”

Slick turns around. He looks her up and down, then says, “You Lightseer?”


“’m Slick. Spades Slick.” He says, like every Dersite wouldn’t recognize the hat and daggers and eyepatch he supposedly got from Snowman.

“And I’m Clubs Deuce!” the shorter man smiles.

“She knows who you are.” Slick says. “So, you taking up the torch for the Punch Pair now that Huntress is gone?”

Deuce looks deflated, until Rose says, “Huntress survived.”

He perks up. “Really? That arrow was pretty bad, and the White Queen was pretty firm about killing her.”

“Don’t believe that bitch. I’m gonna kill her someday.” Slick growls. “She’s alive. Good. Are you all kids, or just Jumpstart?”

“I’m not at liberty to say.” Rose says.

“That’s a yes, then. God, I miss Psiionic. That guy’d never let you out throwing knives like you do. Nothing worse than a sniper with shit aim.”

“I bet she’s improved, boss.” Deuce protests. “HB was bein’ a little harsh.”

“Shooting your own fighter in the foot isn’t the kinda thing you take lightly.” Says Slick.

“You knew Psiionic?” Rose asks.

“Before old Condy got him hooked to her ship. No wonder Disciple clawed her engineer’s guts out. That was a classy lady.” says Slick.

“She was kinda scary and feral.” Says Deuce.

“That’s how you know Disciple was a real one. Guess vigilante work means none of you get old.” Slick says.

Rose says, “I should continue my sweep---”

“Nah, come say hey! The boss has lots of cool stories.” Deuce smiles. Rose wonders how such a nice man ended up being one of the most feared criminals in Derse. “And I bet you can learn how to throw knives more!”

“Don’t mess up my mural.” Slick says.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Rose says. She takes a deep breath. She remembers what Aradia, Nepeta, and Dave said. “By the way, I knocked out a Light Courtier back there.”

“You want a cookie?” Slick asks.

“Not at the moment.” Rose says.

Deuce says, “Ooh, another prisoner? The last one didn’t say much.”

“By the way, you should know…” Rose tells them about the Queen’s possession power. The vigilantes aren’t supposed to work with the Crew, but she figures any Midnight Crew territory will go to the Felt if they get taken out, and they saved Dave once. She's spotted them in enough visions to know which group she prefers.

“Damn. Looks like we’ll leave that one to the cops.” Says Slick. “Hate that he was here, harassing my people.”

“Kuprum works for you?”

“Folykl runs errands. Better at keeping secrets.” Slick says. “Ms. Paint makes them French toast on Wednesdays.”

“I see.” Rose nods.

Deuce starts waxing poetic about the toast. Ms. Paint is a master at making everything, he’d have you believe. Slick and Ms. Paint are also a couple, a real sweet one---Slick punches him, but he persists---and Rose takes the chance to text Gambler and Silkworm the location of the Light Court’s hideout. Rose wouldn’t bother with Vriska, but she’s from the Land of Maps and Treasure, and she won’t take kindly to villains in her hometown.

A voice descends:

“Hello, Derse. I wanted to let you know of something quite devastating. You see, the Hero Tower is trying to capture my beloveds. Of course, a good queen must protect her subjects, and the Heroes are going to be going into Derse! While your vigilantes agonize over the votes, which could condemn us, I, the rightful queen, am here to make a decisive choice.”

Slick wrenches out his knife and sharpens it quick as breathing. “Deuce. Any luck finding where she’s broadcasting from?”

“No luck, boss.”

“You. How do your visions work?”

“They are sometimes triggered by relevant information, especially names. Learning that last one’s name told me the location of one of their bases in Lomat; I tipped off the HC.”

“Making ‘em fight each other. Smart.” Slick nods. “But not helpful right now. Deuce. Tell her the names of the Courtiers we’ve got.”

Rose listens to them, and sees:

“Disciple Street.” Rose says, “They’re headed there. And she’s there with them.”

“Get there a different way.” Says Slick.

“You’re coming, too?”

“Deuce is sending a little backup your way.” Slick grins.

Deuce starts. "I am? Oh yeah! I'll do that."

Hal sends the details to the other heroes: this is more than Poppet and Elusive.

Disciple Street stretches from Derse into Locat. It’s where Disciple grew up, according to the rumors, and it’s where the young couples leave love letters and wildflower bouquets in her honor. Some of the more enthusiastic residents already are decorating in her signature olive greens and red strings, or shrines to the Mage.

If the White Queen is there, there’s no telling what she’ll be doing.

Or, well, it’s obvious. Destroying a relic to one of Derse’s first vigilantes so close to a day full of joy is a surefire way to lower morale. Not in her favor, but oh well.

Rose reaches a rooftop over Disciple Street. There’s the Queen: stupid steeple hennin, pastels, flanked by fellow villains.

“Tank is trying to keep Huntress back.” Hal says. Rose knows it’s no wonder; her apartment is on Disciple Street.

Rose nocks an arrow.

“Dersites, you seek comfort in a mere follower of the minor gods. In one who failed to take out HIC. Today, we will…”

Rose’s aim is true, but one of WQ’s lackeys takes the arrow for her.

“Ah. Lightseer.” The White Queen sighs. “Of course you’re here. Tell me, do you take joy in harassing my subjects?”

Rose doesn’t answer; she changes positions and fires again, but one of the Queen’s lackeys is scrambling up the building after her. Someone with enhanced strength. Shit.

Rose starts running instead.

“My own archer would never be so cruel.” Says the Queen. Rose doesn’t stop, but anger on Nepeta’s behalf floods through her. She fires again, but another attendant takes the arrow.

A crack comes down. A coiling whip of bones unwinds, striking the White Queen straight in the back.

“Hello, hello.” Bone Witch smirks.

“Bone Witch. How unfortunate. I was hoping to persuade someone who had such a future at my side. I lost my chance at another servant last night, you see, and I do so wish I had not been deprived of my chance.” She says.

“Huntress says fuck you, by the way.” Aradia grins. “And Disciple, too, from beyond the grave.”

“And how do you know what she would want?”

“Simple! You’re villainous garbage.” Aradia dodges a couple of lackeys and sends more vertebrae coils out.

Suddenly, three Courtiers go down at once. There’s Jumpstart, arriving just when needed.

Rose turns back to aiming at the Queen. She hasn’t moved, but the shot---

“You’re not getting away with that again. Not like back in Lofaf.”

Rose falls to the ground, tackled. She wheezes for air and reaches for her knives, but she’s pinned.

Restrained, Rose can’t do much but sit there as she’s dragged down from the building.

“Surrender or your little prophet gets it.” Snarls the Courtier. Rose aims for the shins.

“Don’t.” Rose says.

Both Aradia and Dave hesitate, weighing their options.

Rose stomps on toes, wriggles. She would bite if she didn’t have a helmet on.

Then she gets an idea. She says, “I wouldn’t dally to long, if I were you.”


“Yes. Gambler is coming, and she has quite a few reasons to hate you.” Says Rose.

It’s a flat-out lie. But they don’t need to know that.

“Go. Go with the prisoner.” Says the White Queen.

That was not a part of the plan. And she can’t say Gambler is after her or anything, now, can she?

Aradia and Dave are exchanging glances. All she’s done is make it so they might have to abandon her.

Rose whispers, so only Hal will hear her: “Tell the two of them I’m bluffing. We’re just trying to trigger a retreat.”

“Good thinking!”

There is more than one Jumpstart; two lash out at the woman restraining Rose, while the third moves with Aradia to fight the Queen’s Guards, who are falling back. Time clones.

Jumpstart is quick and clever, but the raw brute strength of the guard is no joke. Rose is no closer to getting free than before.

If only…

Rose stumbles; someone has wrenched the guard’s arms apart.

There’s Tank.

“I was informed you required backup.” Tank huffs.

Deuce must’ve gotten the call to him and Huntress.

“Do you wish to join our ranks, ensure a death like your partner’s never happens again?” White Queen calls.

Tank calls back, “In far less polite terms, Huntress says to go fudge yourself.”

The remaining vigilantes suppress giggles.

A sleek white car pulls up, and doors slide open. The Queen seems to have a chariot.

But as she moves to enter, a cry rings out from inside the car.

Rose knows what this is. The vision she gets confirms it.

She bolts, trying to find a good place to snipe. Hand to hand is going to be a problem, maybe even more than before.

Rose tells Hal. Hal tells everyone else. The only ones surprised to see a massive plush-and-metal homunculus emerge from the car and stare down the queen and her attendants are the Court.

Jumpstart’s time clones fizzle out. Rose prays he has another one of those attacks in him.

“Well, well, well.”

Trailing curls like Bone Witch’s, dyed a deep purple. A mask like a juggalo’s paint, with hearts on each cheek. Clashing animal ears in bright orange cloth. A long, deep purple tail ringed in bright lime and searing red.

This is Poppet, in the flesh.

“What are blasphemers doing in my city?” she purrs, her voice like silk.

“Clown cultist.” Hisses the queen.

“You’ve heard our wicked word, then.” Poppet grins. “And you’re trying to get the vigilantes to join you. Don’t waste your breath. Their hearts are in the right place, unlike yours."
Poppet smiles. The car-seat monster shudders, and swats at the guards. One of them grabs the Queen’s hand and the two run for it.

Everyone has to decide who goes where, and Rose wishes she had more garnet blossom to see the timelines spin out. Instead, logic decides.

“Jumpstart, after the queen.” Rose says. “Tank and Bone Witch, we can’t let the tower make it look like we’re with the cult. But don’t engage.”

“Rose, are you sure?” Hal asks.

“We need all hands on deck to fight Poppet. We need to talk Poppet down if possible.”

“We are not negotiating with cultists.” Tank says, both to her and to Poppet.

“I came all the way over here to put a stop to that heretical queen-worship, and all you do is complain. I could be out helping Jumpstart. Highblood’s no stranger to showing mercy. This could be our city, together.” Poppet says.

Bone Witch shrugs. “We’re not interested in joining your little crusade. But we don’t have to fight tonight. This is where Disciple Day is held.”

“Bone Witch, cease this nonsense.” Tank says.

Poppet smiles. “A little reasoning from the death’s-head sister. We appreciate a little mirth; it's why I'm here to protect my street, after all.”

There’s no way she’s going to leave. They need to make her retreat. Even if they do need Jumpstart.

Maybe she can change the future with a surprise attack? Yes. She can be the one to win this fight. Dirk won't treat her like glass again.

Rose takes advantage of the negotiations, and the standstill. She will get one shot at this, and she needs Tank out of the way, and Bone Witch away as well.

She lines up the shot. Like Horuss taught her, like she’d been practicing.

Square shoulders, aim, straight back. She has a shot at Poppet’s heart…

Pull, release, follow through!

And just as the release happens, the Derse clock tower strikes midnight. Twelve chimes ring out, and a fresh wave of garnet dizziness rocks through her with each chime. Her vision is blanketed in scarlet and green, and her head splits with pain.

By the time the vision clears, Tank is desperate, fighting against the construct while Bone Witch yells in her earpiece.

“I thought you said you’d tell us next time!” Aradia shouts, as Poppet dodges her fierce whip.

The shot only grazed her. Poppet isn't even bleeding.

Rose tries to aim again, but Aradia is too close to Poppet. It’s true; after the fight with Gambler, Rose promised.

And now Aradia and Equius are in danger.

Rose has to do something to fix this. There must be something!

Rose says, “Aradia, I am sorry!”

“Sorry doesn’t do anything!”

And she’s right again. And worse, Rose is out of arrows. She and Equius hadn’t restocked her nearly enough for two battles.

Rose knows the logical option is to flee. After such an explosive vision, there’s no way she should be going hand to hand.

But Aradia has already been kicked out by her family after losing a dear friend. She just broke another promise. And then Rose failed.

That is not an option this time.

The clock will not chime for another hour. Rose leaps down.

“POPPET!” she roars, trying to get Poppet to target her, but she goes unheard.

“Hal, what the fuck?” she asks. He’s blocking her transmission!

“You made one mistake, don’t be stupid and make another.” Hal shouts. And he sounds just enough like Dirk that Rose snaps,

“Put me through or I take off my helmet for this!”

“Don’t! You still have stealth. Use your advantage for fuck’s sake!”

Rose sighs. She swears she’ll give Hal the silent treatment after this. She draws her twin daggers, and is about to throw one, but remembers Slick.

On one hand, she’s eager to prove him wrong. On the other, she saw those precise points.

She runs for Poppet instead, and rushes for her back.

She gets some of the purple hair, before Poppet’s reflexes kick in and she jumps back.

“So the prophetess shows her face.” Rose just knows Poppet’s expression is in a clown-like grin under the mask.

“She does.”

“Is all you do attack from behind?” Poppet taunts.

“No.” Rose says. She charges right for her, but a construct of wooden beams and sticks takes the attack. Splinters catch on her knives. Aradia’s whip takes out the rest of it, while Rose charges forth again.

Poppet turns Rose’s hand aside, surprising her with the martial arts skill. Rose slashes with the other blade, getting a shallow cut in, before Aradia’s vertebra rope pulls her out of the way.

The car seat construct was barreling at her from the side. Rose suppresses her rage again.

“What’s that about telling each other?” she snaps.

Aradia yells, “This was way different from what you did!”

“Do you two wicked ladies need an auspistice?” Poppet asks.

“No!” They both shout at once. Of course this clown cultist knows what that is.

Poppet shrugs, and the construct brings its fist down on Aradia, who dodges. Rose knows her daggers won’t do much on the puppet; better to try to reach the puppeteer again.

She rushes Poppet again, and Poppet sidesteps, still more agile than Rose expects.

“When will you learn?” Poppet smiles. “You can’t stand against the word of our Mirthful Lord.”

“We’ll stand against you for Derse.” Rose hisses. She gets Poppet with a kick in the shins; she wasn’t expecting that.

“Then sit by as sinners.” Poppet shrugs.

Tank manages to tear off one of the construct’s arms.

Rose wonders if they really should have negotiated. If maybe aiming to hit Poppet in the heart was foolish after all, if they could have postponed this fight to when Jumpstart was with them.

“Hal, get Dave back.” Rose says.

“I can’t. He and the White Queen are in a confrontation, but he’s fighting alongside Gemini.” Says Hal. “He can’t abandon him in a fight like this.”

The fact that Dave was having trouble with Gemini at his side should have been alarming. Who did WQ have on her side that could parry psionics?

Rose and Aradia fight more of Poppet’s creations. They crumble, but she keeps making more before they can charge her. Her style is like WQ’s, but at least these ones aren’t sentient.

Rose wishes she had her arrows yet again. She knows there’s nothing else for it. She’ll have to go at this like the melee fighter they don’t have.

For you, Huntress.

Rose rushes again, but instead of going for a quick strike, she pouncetackles Poppet.

“Augh!” Poppet shouts.

Tank rips the construct apart with her distraction. But with horror, Rose realizes she’s flipped over, and Poppet has her hands pressed right against her neck.

“Come closer and she gets it.”

Rose uses the last of her air, knowing Hal won’t have the heart to do it now. She says, “Where the sea goat laughs, so there the twin angels take their fall. The Lord rises, alive and alive.”

Poppet stops cold.

“The Muse plunges, dead and dead.” She says. She puts up her hands. “A truce, sister. For the moment.”

Aradia pauses. Tank continues to charge, but Rose and Hal both tell him to stop. Hal patches Nepeta’s voice through; she’s watching through their helmet camera footage, after all.

“How do you know that line?” asks Poppet.

Rose says, “Visions.”

Poppet whistles. “Hmm. Hold for a minute.”

The Clown Cult uses sibling language for pretty much everyone; it’s a way to make you feel right at home with the murder and the clown paint. It’s something Dirk and Dave used to do, and something Rose remembers Jade telling her about in the older days; something Jade had loved. If it hadn’t been Highblood and his terrifying clowns saying it, Rose would’ve found it comforting.

“Well, if the words of the prophets are in your visions, that’s a miracle. And we’re both out here defending Derse, for now.” Says Poppet. She sighs. “I’ll keep off of you for now. But you’d do well to keep off of us, or we’ll have to kill you, blessings or no. My Prince would so love to see you. He sends his regards.”

“What?” Rose asks, but Poppet only honks loudly in reply, before concrete erupts from the ground, forming a large and formidable figure. They prepare to fight it, but it collapses back into pavement as soon as Poppet has made her escape.

Aradia looks at Rose. “Were you able to tell her the code all along, or was it revealed to you?"

“All along.” Rose admits.

“Then why,” Tank's voice is tight, “Did you shoot instead of coming down to help us negotiate?”

Rose says, “I saw my chance. I could have taken her out. She could be in the Tumor instead of threatening Derse.”

Aradia glares. “I said we'd need to do this together, and that you'd need to tell us if you were going to do something like that!"

“That was reckless as fuck, Rose.” Hal adds.

Then he patches Nepeta’s voice through: “You broke your promise, and endangered them, and for what?”

“A chance for me to win this for us!” Rose snaps.

“A chance for you to win.” Nepeta says. “Bone Witch was in the crossfire. We almost lost me. What do you think would happen to Derse if it lost its best vigilante the night after?”

Rose knows. And Poppet may be terrifying, but there’s worse. Bone Witch is the one who keeps the Felt in check, besides the Crew. Without her, Derse will have more problems than Rose's wounded pride.

Aradia turns away. She says, “Lightseer, you’re staying home next time. I’m not patrolling with you, or being your moirail, until you figure out how to work with us.”



Chapter 18: Pestering


Just some pesterlogs.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose goes to school, stays in her room, and mostly keeps quiet. This time, when Dirk tells her she's grounded, she doesn't argue.

tentacleTherapist opened chat “Shipwrecks and Squiddles”

TT: I will not be able to join next week’s session; I have been grounded.

AG: Lm8o what for? You’re a goody two shoes Lalonde.

GG: Vriska, be nice.

GC: 1’M 4LSO CUR1OUS. (I’m also curious)

TT: I was reckless, and I put Aradia in danger.


GC: @apocalypseArisen CONF1RM OR D3NY? (Confirm or deny?)

AA: i d0n’t want t0 talk ab0ut it. R0se kn0ws what she did. (I don’t want to talk about it. Rose knows what she did.)

AG: Whateverrrrrrrr. I guess this means you won’t 8e (be) sneaking out to join us.

AG: I’ll just get John to su8stitute (substitute). >::::(

Rose puts down her phone. She works on Meenah’s commission. She lets her mind drift back to that night.

She tries not to, but she’s got her phone. It’s for school and work, but Hal lets her text, as long as she isn’t going out to do anything stupid.

She wants to text Kanaya, but for once, she doesn’t feel like it.

She feels sick to her stomach.

She’s mostly angry, though. Sure, she put them in danger. But worse, her visions made it so that she missed her shot. She lost her chance to beat Poppet. Her final negotiation tactic wasn’t guaranteed to work. She could have made the clown cult way, way less threatening with one shot.

And then that fucking clock had to chime. Rose wonders if this was why garnet users break clocks; they ruin everything.

Rose undoes a few crochet stitches. She always makes them too tight, and these need to be even and delicate for the lace pattern. She’s already using her tiniest hook and the most delicate magenta floss she’s ever worked with.

She needs to calm down. But the anger remains. She wonders about power suppressants. Sure, her visions could be good in the field, but could using a different flower wind them down? Something that ran counter to her power?

And maybe she can get her hands on other blossoms. Garnet for strengthening, then a long rest. Something else for precision. Then the suppressant would help her out.

Aradia would know, but she isn’t answering her texts. Jade is a botany expert, but Rose isn’t stupid enough to ask a hero for advice on acquiring illegal drugs.

The Midnight Crew would know.

Rose shakes her head. She already tipped them off in order to get a Light Courtier off the street. She knows they have good in them. But they’re still criminals, the kind the vigilantes would pursue if they ever managed to take down the Felt. Sure, they’’’ know about drugs. But so would the Felt, and the Light Court, and the Clown Cult.

Rose sighs. She thinks back to seeing Poppet, then she thinks back to Gamzee.

Gamzee…Vantas. Something in her mind twinges at the thought; the name doesn’t feel right. She wonders if the Clown Cult knows they have a silver-banded sympathizer in the tower. One whose mind has clearly been tampered with somehow.

Rose opens her phone.

tentacleTherapist began pestering carcinoGeneticist

TT: Karkat.


TT: When I visited the tower, I happened upon a young man by the name of Gamzee.



TT: Why?


TT: Hmm…

TT: Tell me, Karkat, do you believe it is a conflict of interest for a sibling to be a therapist to another?

Rose feels a little hypocritical, but her childhood attempts to psychoanalyze Dave were basically a game.


TT: Are they.


TT: Hmm. Tower business as usual, then.

They both know it's an insult.


TT: What power does Gamzee have, if I may ask?


TT: Has he ever been out of the tower?


TT: I see. Karkat, does he have pesterchum?


TT: I see. How did you react?


TT: Hmph.


TT: So he is not on suppressants.


TT: Karkat, I did not mean to imply that Gamzee was. Not at all.

If he was, she'd have trouble blaming him. It's not the Tumor, but Rose know's he's a prisoner.

And she knows why. Karkat does not.

Well, it’s not like she’ll tell him if he won’t tell her anything.

TT: Very well, then. Did you see the news about Disciple Street?



TT: And you don’t?




TT: Well, she was busy interviewing the denizens of Disciple Street.


TT: Dave invited you to Disciple Day, no?


TT: They do. Is Dave still going to give all the heroes a tour?


TT: Ah. I haven’t been feeling the greatest…


TT: That will not be necessary.


Rose’s heart flutters.

TT: I will help you with the Disciple Day tour. I assume Dave told you to bring flowers?


TT: There is a ritual of flowers, Karkat. It’s highly important, and if you don’t bring your own, you will have to buy them from flower vendors who charge three times the price on Disciple Day, and will charge ten times the price because you are a group of gawking Prospitians.



TT: He likely planned to tell you at a later point.


TT: It is a festival of the Mage as well, so if you’re religious, bring an offering.


TT: He struck me as the atheistic sort.


TT: Ah.

TT: If you did not hear about the flowers, I should tell you about the love letters. Write them and bring them with the flowers if you wish to. Disciple was a staunch romantic.



TT: No, not unless you want to.



TT: Signless? I think Dave wouldn’t mind. But he is quite recognizable.


TT: Hmm.

Rose knows for a fact that Hal just sent that information to the vigilante group chat.

TT: I don’t see why he shouldn’t come. But no Kankri.


TT: Not even going to defend your beloved brother?


TT: How dastardly. I didn’t know my brother was capable of such cunning.


TT: Jade or Kanaya?


TT: To be fair, I would assume that she is far less hostile towards Kankri if she has never met him. Any Dersite girl I know would take a swing at him or tear him a verbal new one.


TT: Ha.

TT: And by the way…what’s this about dating? Am I to assume my brother did not inform me that the two of you were together?


TT: Oh. Good, I won’t have to give you the “hurt him and my older siblings will kill you” talk.


TT: I am. I’m just slower than they are.


TT: Perhaps not.

Rose has very little doubt that Dirk or Roxy could wipe the floor with Karkat. Not that she would let them find out what was going on there.


TT: My mistake.

Rose is certain that they both know the other is lying. Both neglect to point this out.

TT: Regards, Karkat. See you Disciple Day.


I've got big plans ahead!

Chapter 19: Disciple Day: Flowers


The festivities begin. Dave and Rose lead a tour of Derse.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The November chill is coming in. Rose styles her hair, and selects earrings with each of the Mage's two symbols, the heart and the skull. Meenah received her commission a couple days prior, and sent her a line of fishpun-infused praise.

Rose puts on one of her earlier experiments with lace, a black-and-purple jacket with jet buttons. She secures the last opening with a silver octopus brooch, a splurge from after her commission money came in. With her black skirt and tentacle embroidered boots, she thinks she looks quite elegant.

And though it might be overkill, she spritzes on perfume and daubs on black lipstick.

She hopes Kanaya will approve. She wonders if she should have gone for more of a classic vampire look with red lips.

Dave, meanwhile, is dressed casually, one of his faded record t-shirts under a bright red hoodie with one of the divine symbols on it, the gear.

“Rose, we’re gonna be sitting down for the picnic.”

“And you are going to be leading a tour.” Rose says.

Dave rolls his eyes. “There’s no dress code, still.”

Dirk comes over to them. He’s not thrilled that they’ll both be away from a family event, but he doesn’t help Rose’s side of the argument: nothing short of divine intervention could get Dirk Strider to wear sleeves, not a blizzard, not a formal occasion, and certainly not November.

Roxy is dressed in a dress and tights, off the shoulder pinks and a cat pendant.

She’s spending the day with Fefeta; it’s a day for your partner if it’s not for family.

Rose realizes, somewhat belatedly, that this will be Dirk’s first time spending the occasion alone.

“Hey, Dirk.” Dave fist-bumps him. “You gonna be okay by yourself while we lead the tour?”

“I’m coming with you. I don’t trust the tower.”

Rose realizes it’ll be his first time seeing Karkat and Kanaya. As well as Dave’s not-crush.

Nothing like that for her. Ahem.

Rose says, “You could spend it with friends. I’m sure Erisol and Arquius would appreciate you.”

“Erisol is barely a friend and Arquius is better friends with Hal, even though Arquius thinks he’s a chatbot.” Says Dirk.

“He’s cool.” Says Hal.

“You were friends with Erisol when you wanted him to babysit me at the fabric store.” Rose won’t let Dirk live that down.

Roxy sighs. “What a beautiful Disciple Day to be celebrating our relationships with the people we love.”

Everyone quiets down.

“Dirk, I think you push yourself to hell and back, and you could use a proper day off. Leave flowers. Dance with someone.”

“I’m not going to be someone’s Disciple Day rebound.”

“Dave and Rose are getting paid for this.” Says Roxy. “You, Dirk, will be spending one of your few days off from school and work babysitting some kids.”

“A lot of the heroes are adults.” Says Dave. “And Signless is gonna be there.”

“You’re meeting your boss in a sweatshirt?”

“It’s got the sacred gear on it, it works.”

Roxy shrugs.

Dirk’s expression darkens. “What if you show off your powers and get hauled to the tumor?”

“Then we definitely can’t both fight Signless.” Says Dave. “I’m at the same risk at work.”

“You’re being paranoid.” Roxy says.

Dirk glares.

“I’ll keep ya company.” Hal quips.

“You always do.” Dirk grumbles.

“Aw, aren’t you just the nicest brother. Maybe you’ll meet a hot guy and I’ll retreat to romance the sweet, sweet digital ladies of the internet.”

“I hate you.”

“Sure, Melissacutie413. I’ll give you Dirk Strider’s credit card info.”

“I will deactivate you.”

“We should be going.” Rose says to Dave. The two leave.


The heroes arrive in a not-subtle tour bus. Signless has on old-age makeup, so convincing that Rose doesn’t realize it’s him until she realizes it can’t be anyone else. Well, anyone but Gumshoe, but Jane’s right there, in a burgundy suit styled more impeccably than anyone else’s clothes---

Except, of course, for Kanaya.

She is dressed in her signature jade, but she must have done her research: her jade green circle dress reveals godets of olive green when she walks. Her lips are painted the same, a color no one but she could pull off. At her throat is a green ribbon choker; of course she likes that story, too. She carries three red roses, each with the thorns still on.

“Hello, Rose.” Kanaya smiles. “You look lovely today.”

“And you look radiant.”

Rose’s composure is lost, swept up somewhere with the butterflies in her stomach.

Terezi whistles, and the two break away from each other.

Rose looks at the crowd. They’ve all brought flowers.

“Oh shit, I forgot to tell you about the flowers.” Dave says.

“I informed them.” Rose says.

“Oh shit, did they also bring paper?”

Rose says, “Please, Dave, I told them about the love letters.”

“I thought you’d be more prepared.” Vriska sneers.

Dave snaps, “I was busy planning the route, okay? This is a tour, not just about your participation.”

A man speaks up, “Hey, are the Dersites gonna be okay with us taking part?”

“I told you, Kankri was being stupid.” Sollux shouts from the crowd. “Dersites don’t fucking care as long as you’re not a condescending prick. And we’re invited. He had an awful lot of opinions for someone whose only experience with this place was throwing their hero off a roof.”

“Vigilante.” Jane corrects.

Dave says, “Sollux has a point. Some people might be hostile, but most of them will be okay with it, especially today.”

The two bump fists. Rose wonders if Sollux knows.

“All right, hold on…who’s who?” Rose asks.

Dave smirks, knowing Rose is trying to get info.

“Rose knows me and Terezi and Jade. And Kanaya.” Says Vriska.

“I’m Rufioh.” Says the oldest in the group besides Signless. “My hero name is---”

“Not here.” Rose says. “I’m glad most of you had the sense to hide your bands. Everyone else, cover those. Derse will treat Prospitians with caution, but there is a good chance that the gold will get some of you yelled at.”

Besides, Rose sees that he’s the number nine hero, the animal shapeshifter Toreador.

“I’m Jake.” A bucktoothed man who looks like Jade flashes a charismatic smile. He’s one of the ones who didn’t hide his bands and has to cover them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rose.”

Rose is glad she’s wearing gloves, and twice as glad that Jake didn’t extend a hand to shake. He’s Skylark.

He copies powers on contact. He would’ve been able to catch her.

“I’m John.” Says a younger man, who resembles Jake and Jane to a striking degree.


Rose recognizes the number one hero of the tower. Wind manipulation.

And maybe the power to turn partly into wind. Like that’s not absolutely horrifying. He once broke Dave’s leg trying to apprehend him.

Jade is smirking---how can she think Rose still has her old crush, when Kanaya is right here and Rose is not being subtle at all?

“I believe I recognize the others.” Rose says, noting that Gamzee is not there.

“Wonderful. It will be good for us all to attend this event.” Says Signless.

Dave says, “All right, I’m gonna guide you all through. Let’s go.”

They pass through the Derse Community center park, where some vendors have set up and children are playing.

“I don’t see Jumpstart’s tree.” Says Jake.

“This isn’t the main park.” Rose says. This one has a rusted-out swingset that parents tell their kids not to play on.

“That’s a park?” Vriska asks.

“Yeah, it’s Derse Community Center Park.” Dave says. He points at the center itself. “That’s the center.”

“I remember, you wanted to work there.” Kanaya says.

“Why?” Vriska asks.

“Young people get therapy there.” Rose says. “I am planning to get a psychology degree.”

Vriska shrugs. Signless says, “I think it’s an admirable goal, Rose. You should keep on working towards it. Stay in school.” He directs that last comment at Dave.

Dave pretends to be hurt. “Aw, man, you sound like my big sister.”

“Dave has more siblings?” John asks.

Terezi laughs. “You need to pay more attention, Egderp. Dave has four siblings.”

“Four?” Rose asks. That meant Terezi would know about…

Either one of the options isn’t good, frankly.

“You simply don’t listen. He’s mentioned brothers different enough to be two people. Anyone could discern it if they bothered to pick up on details.” Terezi says.

Right. Terezi’s got super-intelligence and senses. Redglare.

Dave keeps his chill on the surface, but she’s sure both she and Terezi know Dave is freaking out on the inside.

“I wanna meet Rose’s family.” Jade says.

Rose says, “Not on the agenda for today. In the meantime, let us focus. The community center provides crisis counseling to Dersites in need. AR teaches self-defense classes there. There are rooms where activities are set up to be accessible to everyone here.This is also one of the facilities that provides pre-kindergarten to the youngest of us. Yes, Jade.”

Jade puts her hand down. “Did you and Dave go to preschool here?”

“Nah, we didn’t.” Dave says. “But it’s a solid place.”

Sollux looks about to say something but decides against it.

They keep going.

“This is the police station.” Dave says. “AR works there.”

“Are we gonna meet him?” Terezi asks.

“He’s probably out with his loved ones.” Dave says.

“Isn’t there a danger of people committing crimes?” Vriska asks.

“Yeah, there are pickpockets everywhere when you get into a crowd, especially on days like these when everyone's distracted.” Dave says.

“We’re authorized to arrest.” Terezi says.

“Don’t.” Dave says.

They frown. Rose explains, “Habit. Pickpockets might be armed, and most people are not equipped to deal with that. And things could get quite out of hand if an altercation occurs.”

“Yes, but there’s justice…”

“And there’s a good chance that anyone who needs to spend Disciple Day stealing is desperate enough to need it.” Dave adds.

Terezi looks like they don't get it.

Rose sighs. She moves on.

“Oh, this is where the Mayor lives.” Karkat blurts.

“In this alley?” asks Vriska. “Wouldn’t the Mayor be somewhere else?”

Jane says, “He wouldn’t be in an alley.”

“Oh, you mean the mayor mayor. No, this is the unofficial mayor, and he’s not good with big crowds. Karkat met him. He’s the best.” Says Dave.

A few heroes look to Karkat, who nods. He’s beaming.

Signless looks fond for a moment.


They move outwards. There’s a large, busy road, where cars pass by.

“That leads to Lohac.” Says Kanaya. “Where I was, when I met the vigilantes for the first time.”

John says, “Oh, yeah. When Jumpstart saved Ultimatum and we learned he wasn’t just super fast.”

“I still have to tell him thank you for that.” Karkat says, looking a little wistful. Rose reminds herself that Kankri's still his brother.

Signless leans against a building. Rose decides it’s best they move forward, get him to a place they can sit down. It’s around 9 am, though, and they still need to beat the crowd.

“We should get to Disciple Street. In the meantime, do you all have any questions about Derse?”

Jade says, “My, um, girlfriend is from Derse, and she said they really like different gods here! Like the Prince.”

Jake raises an eyebrow. “I thought the Prince was a dead religion, except for the Clown Cultists.”

“He has a small following here, although most of our gods are the same.” Rose says.

Dave nods. “Yeah, it’s the Witch and the Knight and the Maid here. Pretty similar. Today’s all about the Mage, who Disciple called her patron.”

“I’ve not heard of that one.” Says Jake.

Sollux mutters, “They’re a shitty god, that’s why.”

Rose doesn’t push that, only reminding the crowd, “Respect of others’ religions is important. Disciple sometimes left tourmaline and agate blossoms as a calling card, signs of the Mage. They say that on the night before she faced Darkleer---”

“She covered the walls of the Temple of the Mage with glyphs tying the faces of her loved ones together.” Says Signless. “In the symbols of the divine romance, with three unknown figures at the center bound by all four symbols together.”

Everyone is staring at Signless.

“She did that right after I took one of his barbed arrows to the heart. I was fighting HIC’s cohorts back then, trying to get to her. Disciple thought I was dead. And before they announced my survival, she went and killed Darkleer, cutting off HIC’s weapons supply. If she had not, I would certainly never have defeated the Condesce herself.”

“Dad.” Karkat says, his voice softer than normal. “I never knew that.”

Signless squeezes his son’s shoulder. “I never spoke of it.”

Disciple’s “shipping wall” is the stuff of legends, a place mage worshippers will stare at of hours. Rose has never been to the Mage temple of Derse. She won’t take people today. The place is going to be way more crowded than normal, and Sollux would probably turn up his nose.

Rose says, “I believe we should proceed to Disciple Street.”

They all do. The smell hits them before the street is in sight, and it’s easy to see why.

The closed-off street is overflowing with bouquets of flowers and sealed love notes. Every color, some sacred blossoms, some plain flowers. Rose brings out her own small bunch of lavender.

Her love note is sealed with wax. So is Kanaya’s.

“This place is messing with my nose.” Terezi complains.

People are quiet. Rose smiles to herself. She bets that at least a few of them still thought of Derse as crumbling purple buildings and ten crimes per square meter, instead of the bright petals and outpourings of love there.

Dave says, “This is where Disciple grew up. And yeah, she liked love and flowers. So she asked the people to leave their love letters and bouquets here.”

“I never really thought of vigilantes as so…bright and happy.” Jane admits.

“Did you assume they were all violence and gray outfits?” Rose asks. “Perhaps a bit of greasepaint and gunfire?”

“What’s wrong with guns?” Jake asks.

Jane looks away. “Maybe a little bit. And Jake, you know what’s wrong with guns.”

Signless stares out at the flowers. “She would have loved to see this. Oh…children, do you mind…”

“We’ll do ours over here.” Dave says. Karkat stays with his dad.

Rose sees him look around, then hug Signless when he thinks no one’s looking. Rose turns her attention back to the group.

“We set ours down. If you’re bold enough, you give your love letter straight to the person you have feelings for.” Rose says.

No one does anything but set down their bouquets.

Jade steps out into the flowers.

“Jade?” Rose asks.

“I see---”


The o’s are hollow at the end.

Aradia picks through the flowers, careful not to trample any. When she finally does, she scoops up Jade, even though Jade is far taller than her.

“Oh my god, you’re here!” Aradia smiles. “I wish I hadn’t already put down my flowers.”

Rose has never felt more single. She supposes it’s infectious; Jane looks lost and far away, and Dave is staring at Karkat, who’s still by his father.

Rose looks at Kanaya, who…seems dazed? Afraid?

“Are you all right, Kanaya?” Rose asks, her loneliness fading to concern.

“I thought I…never mind. I could have sworn I saw someone setting down flowers. Someone I knew. I suppose the scent is getting to my head.” Kanaya sets down her three roses.

Rose places her lavender next to them.

Sollux looks a little annoyed with the whole thing, but Rose notices he’s still brought two flowers. A sapphire and carnelian blossom tied in yellow ribbon. His envelope has a small pink diamond shape on it. He catches Rose staring, and his eyes narrow behind his glasses, before he turns away.

Aradia turns to them. “Mind if I steal my matesprit from you all?”

Jade splutters at the epithet.

Rose turns to Jane.

Jane glances at Signless. She says, “As long as you teach her about Dersite culture and have her at the bus stop by---”

“Jane, I can just zap there.” Says Jade.

“It’s not zapping.” Sollux mutters.

Jade sticks out her tongue. “Come on, Aradia. I want to see everything here.”

Aradia drapes an arm around Jade, and they wander off. Rose notices with a pang that Aradia didn’t even spare her a glance.

John’s flowers are some of the only ones unaccompanied by a love note; most people at least add hopes for love. Terezi’s and Vriska’s match, bluebells. Jake’s flowers are crinkly and bright yellow-orange, something she doesn’t recognize until he tells all of them that they’re pumpkin flowers. Rufioh places a wide pink hydrangea down. Jane’s are violets, all surrounding a single green flower that Rose almost mistakes for a peridot blossom.

Karkat’s flowers are tulips; that’s all Rose can see from a distance. She catches sight of Signless’s:

It’s a red poppy.


Thank you for sticking with this fanfiction as it gets odder and odder.

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Chapter 20: Disciple Day: Picnic


Rose and Kanaya get food, and listen to some music.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The groups catch up with each other in the main park, where Rose points out Jumpstart’s tree. Kanaya looks a little jealous of how Dave used his powers to help everyone.

Rufioh sets out the picnic blanket where Dave tells him to, and gets out a folding chair for Signless.

“All right, here’s the best part of Disciple Day. We’ve got music and the best goddamn food in the city.” Says Dave. Jane raises an eyebrow.

“Language.” Rose says. Signless laughs.

“From here, I encourage you to communicate and explore.” Rose says. “Find people to talk to. If you are going to be helping Derse, you will need to get to know them. I also suggest you buy food…and avoid any altercations.”

Terezi can’t see it, but she nevertheless seems to know that Rose and Dave are eyeing her.

“Any questions?” Rose asks.

Jake points at an unoccupied bench a little ways away. “Why don’t we have Signless sit there?”

Dave said, “That bench is dedicated to the Psiionic. No one sits there on Disciple Day.”

“Who?” Jake asks.

“The battery guy.” Says Rufioh. Both Dave and Rose wince.

“I think we ought to use more respectful terms.” Rose says, through gritted teeth, “Seeing as having your power sapped to fuel a death machine is hardly a circumstance for flippancy.”

“Sorry.” He puts his hands up.

Signless is staring at the bench now.

“All right, break…” Rose says. A few people have already left, including Dave. Karkat looks crestfallen.

Kanaya takes Rose’s elbow. “Would you mind guiding me to some of this fabled, ‘best food in Skaia’?”

Rose has to agree to that one. She guides her through the park.

“What were Disciple’s powers?” Kanaya asks.

“Instinct, memory, strategy.” Rose says. “And some say reflexes and strength, though some people say she was simply well-trained. She managed to defeat the Condesce’s technomancer, as you heard.”

“Did she reveal her favorite food?” asks Kanaya.

“She liked meat.” Rose says. “Though you will have to pry Dersites’ pastries from their cold dead hands, as you know.”

Rose finds a stall run by an older couple, selling massive sandwiches piled with steak or chicken and covered in spices. Each comes with a little container of soup.

“Perfection.” Rose says.

They continue on.

“This is so beautiful.” Kanaya says. “I think I understand why Dave wanted us to see Derse like this.”

Rose smiles. “We give our vigilantes the best.”

“This means I will have to take you out to one of our hero days.” Kanaya says.

“We have Signless Day.” Rose says. “It’s not as big as this one, but no one’s gladder that HIC’s dead than we are.”

“Our Signless Day is extravagant still…”

They stop by a stall run by the barista from the Evening Star. Her usual cookies have been baked at twice the size, and she’s selling raspberry danishes and custard rolls as well.

“Betta pick something.” Says the barista, as Kanaya ogles. Rose’s eyes---

“Fish puns?” Kanaya asks, as Rose stares.

How did a coffeeshop barista afford a commission like that?

“Yeah. Got a problem with that?” Meenah’s obviously used to having this argument, as much as Feferi.

“Leave it, Kanaya.” Rose pays her for her pastries.

“Is that…common in Derse?” Kanaya asks.

Rose shrugs. “Believe it or not, she’s not the only one I know who uses fish puns like that. And trust me, no Dersite likes the Condesce. Not even the villains like her.”

Kanaya stops glancing over her shoulder. “Right…”

“You are not on patrol, and using puns is not a criminal offense.”

“I wasn’t saying it was.” Kanaya says. “Her, and your commission client...”

“Perhaps it’s connected to some tradition I don’t know of. You would have to ask Aradia.”

They pick up more foods and Kanaya has them stop to buy souvenirs: glazed porcelain pendants from Ms. Paint. Kanaya buys one of the Space Whorl, symbol of the gods. Rose notices pendants in honor of the vigilantes as well as the gods: Disciple has a slash, Psiionic two stars, Handmaid has a zero and infinity… a vertebra for Bone Witch, a clock for Jumpstart, a fist for Tank, a pawprint for Huntress…

And a sunburst and eye that Rose recognizes as different from the Light Star.

Her own.

Rose buys it on impulse. She will never be able to wear it in vigilante costume, but something about being honored alongside Disciple makes her entire being puff with pride. Luckily, Kanaya doesn’t recognize it, or if she does, she doesn’t say anything.

Rose pockets the pendant.

They reach the blanket again. Terezi bought foods based on color; they’re all red. Karkat hands his father a sandwich. They all begin to eat.

“Man, this place is a lot of fun during the day.” Vriska says.

“It tends to be like that, when you’re not attacking vigilantes.” Says Dave.

Vriska rolls her eyes. “Yeah, maybe.”

Jake, Rose notes, is missing. She hopes he’s not lost in Derse.

Dave’s ended up sitting between Karkat and Sollux.

Then there’s Kanaya, right next to her. If she were any closer, they would be touching. Rose looks away, trying not to stare, and sees---

Oh, there’s Meulin. And---oh. She did not need to see her making out with her boyfriend.

“This is a romance-themed day…” Kanaya says, following her gaze.

“Get a room!” Vriska shouts at them. Meulin, of course, doesn’t hear, and her boyfriend extends a hand upward to flip her off.

Terezi cackles. “Vriska!”

“What, it’s true!”

John takes a sip of blueberry soda. “Kinda rude.”


“I meant both of you.”

Vriska seems mollified, but only just.

“By the way, Lalonde, John played at the last DnD meeting.” Says Vriska. “And we’re thinking of letting him join more sessions, since he didn’t kill Starglow.”

Rose says, “I am fine with it. As long as you do not call Squiddles a dumb girl’s show.”

“Wha---I’m not gonna do that.” John says. “Girls are cool.”

“I thought you said your sessions were no boys allowed.” Says Jane.

“That was a joke we made.” Says Rose. Truth be told, she’s not enthusiastic about what John’s done as Air, but bringing that up might mean revealing something personal.

“I suppose it is a bit late for me to join.” Kanaya sighs.

“Would you like to?” Rose asks. “There are already a lot of us…”

“I prefer other pasttimes.” Kanaya says, “And besides, I always hear the sessions recounted by an excellent storyteller.”

“I’ve never told you about our group.” Vriska frowns.

“I was talking about Rose.”

Rose is full-on blushing by now.

“You feeling okay, Rose?” asks Dave. He’s smirking.

“Are you having more trouble?” Kanaya asks. “Karkat, could you heal---”

“I am telling you. I’m fine. I’m not sick.” Rose says. It’s not even her visions this time!

“That’s how it starts.” Karkat glares.

“Karkat, Kanaya, Dave. Rose is telling the truth. She is fine.” Says Signless.

“You can tell when people lie?” Rose asks.

Terezi says, “What, does that make you nervous?”

Obviously, they can, too. Signless’s passive ability…for manipulating emotions…

“I have empathic power.” Says Signless, by way of explanation.

To her mortification, Rose realizes this means he can see her crush on Kanaya.

Dave is snickering. That won't do. Rose asks, “How far does your aura reach? I’d like to know if you’ve caught wind of Dave’s feelings for---”

Perhaps a bit faster than he should considering the company, Dave covers Rose’s mouth.

Signless looks away, but now they’re even.

Dave has to let go---maybe Kanaya’s scowl has something to do with it, but he does. Rose doesn’t finish her sentence.

“Tell us more about Derse.” Terezi says. “I want to know everything.”

“Well, there’s the old legends about the clouds. We tell the story of the Witch watching the sky differently.” Says Rose.


“Yes. The clouds show the Witch the future, but there are also horrorterrors in the skies, endangering her mind. She stared and stared at the sky, until the kind soul who saw a bright future realized the injustice done to her by the Rogue and the Thief.” Rose pauses for dramatic effect. “The kind gardner, the caretaker of the injured, looked upon her lover and her tormenter, and harnessed every bit of power she had. She shattered the bones of the Rogue---or imprisoned them---and killed the Thief. If not for the Sylph’s merciful hand, there would be no Thief god, only an empty space. But some say that to gaze for too long upon the mysteries of Skaia is to risk the same rage as the Witch succumbed to, the mind-bending power of the horrorterrors.”

Rose loves that story. The Witch tales that Jade told her were wonderful, but the ones that Roxy and Dirk taught her and Dave were her favorites.

“Your version sounds less cool than ours.” Says Vriska.

“Does it now?” Rose raises an eyebrow. She's heard it and begs to differ.

Vriska nods. “It doesn’t make sense for a goody two-shoes like the Witch to do that. In our version, the Thief doesn’t just taunt her, she mind controls her. It makes more sense, since the Witch starts treating the other gods like shit, too, not just the ones who wronged her.”

“Why would the Thief make her kill her?” Rose asks.

“She doesn’t in our version. The Maid kills her.”

The Maid is often less sugar-and-spice than the Witch; Rose supposes it makes sense.

“Enough of the gods.” Says Sollux. “Tell Terezi about the vigilantes and villains of Derse.”

Rose asks, “Which ones? You’ve heard the best about Disciple. I suppose I could tell you about Psii---”

“How about we tell you about the Felt?” asks Dave, interrupting her.

Rose would push, but Dave catches her eye, and she understands.

“The Felt are the oldest Villains of Derse.” Rose says. “The Midnight Crew consider them rivals.”

“What’s the Midnight Crew?” Asks Vriska.

“Non-powered organized crime.” Says Rose.

“The Felt aren’t villains if they’re not powered.” Says Vriska.

“The Felt are powered. The Crew are not.”

Vriska’s jaw drops. “There’s a gang of powered villains in Derse? What are the vigilantes doing?”

“As much as they can.” Dave says. “Three of them have gone up against them. There’s Bone Witch, who everyone loves. There’s Rust Maiden---rest in peace."

Rose flinches.

"Then there’s Handmaid, who your tower so kindly arrested and put in the Tumor with the likes of Highblood.”

He directs that last comment at Signless, not bothering to hide the vitriol in his voice.

“Vigilantes are criminals. But the Felt…” Terezi says.

“A large group of powerful villains, with time-based powers.” Rose says.

Sollux speaks up, “Is there a band here, or just a music box?”

“A band.” Dave says. He smiles. “You’re right, Sollux.”

“Right about what?” asks Terezi, tilting their head.

Dave is grinning. “You’ve gotta hear the songs.”

Though she doesn’t like waiting, Terezi does. A few of the heroes get up and dance; Jane and Rufioh get several askers. Jake might, too, although he’s not---

Green and orange light.

Rose texts Hal:

TT: Tell Dirk not to touch him without full gloves.

AR: He’s asking who.

TT: Square lenses.

“Who are you texting?” John asks.

Rose looks up. “My brother.”

“Ooh, which one?” John asks.

“Eldest.” Rose says, knowing Hal will celebrate.

John says, “I’m the youngest. Well, Jane’s right there. But you know.”

“It’s quite the annoyance.” Rose nods.

“You’re the youngest, too?”

“I am.”

John nods. “I used to complain, they treat you like you can’t do as much. I mean, they don’t do that now. But still.”

“It’s much worse if you’re…” Rose realizes she’s about to talk about how her visions make her look; the “dizzy spells” are more frequent now that she uses her powers and tries to train them, but before then, they made Dirk and Roxy overprotective, knowing what the Tower would do fi they found her out. And before that, the nightmare visions could leave her depressed, staring at nothing for ages, seeing things a child shouldn’t.

A puff of cool air rises in Rose’s face, startling her out of her daze.

“Are you sure you don’t need Karkat? He’s way crabbier if you leave the problem until it gets worse.” Says John.

“I heard that, Egbert!”

“Love you too, Karkat!”

Kanaya’s looking at her again now.

“It’s okay.” Rose says.

Kanaya says, “Being the youngest is nice.”

John is about to argue, then he seems to think better of it. He’s smarter than he seems, Rose notes. There’s something in Kanaya’s voice that stops her from inquiring further.

The jukebox goes quiet.

“Dersites!” Ms. Paint calls from up on stage. “This is your favorite band, the Witching Hour Quartet!”

The four members get on stage. They usually wear gray coats or dark leather, but this time, they’re in vivid patchwork, a sort of mockery against the Light Court. Their baritone, Jack Noir, shouts out, “Happy Disciple Day!"

The crowd cheers.

“A week ago, the White Queen thought she could destroy our street. And what did we do?”

“We fought back!”

“The vigilantes fought back, that’s fucking right! And years ago, the Condesce thought she could destroy us all! What did Disciple do?”

“She fought back!”

“She fought back.” Signless whispers. His eyes look misty.

“So who’s the real queen of Derse?”


Meulin’s shout is the loudest of all; her boyfriend is interpreting the band leader’s words for her.

They begin a tribute to Disciple.

“She knows the corners of our streets

She knows the alleys, knows the drops

She knows the heart and soul defeats…”

Jack Noir’s voice is a gravely baritone, not the kind of tenor that dominates Prospitian radio. They’re a vocal group; The Witching Hour Quartet knows instruments, but it’s usually voices on voices.

That’s not to say they don’t have tenors at all; Droll is a countertenor, almost like an alto, and he sings Disciple’s lines when they drop into a dramatic rendition of Disciple and Darkleer. Brute sings,

“I’ll take you like the Signless went

And take your mind apart

My arrows leave you bleeding out

Straight through the beating heart.”

He makes one intimidating Darkleer; the technomancer was a hulking man like Brute.

At the end, everyone applauds. They do a couple more songs, a dance and a slow lovesong, until Jack shouts,

“Call out!”

“Bone Witch!”

“Smog over the Stars!”

“Beware the Little One!”

“I’m a Member of the Midnight Crew!”

“Pumpkin Gathering Groove!”

Dave stands up and shouts, “The Felt!”

Jack peers out at the crowd, seeing Dave.

“You trying to make us sing about those fuckers?” asks Jack.

“Are they allowed to cuss on stage?” Karkat hisses. “They fined me for that in Prospit.”

“Sucks to suck.” Says Sollux.

“It’s a catchy one.” Dave calls.

“Well, I guess the last one was kinda schmaltzy.” Says Droll. “Whaddaya say, Boss?”

They all call Jack boss; it’s a part of them at this point.

“Fine, kid.” He calls back.

The song begins. Brute pulls out his instrument for this one, a bass guitar that matches his voice.

Jack speaks the first lines, like always.

“Winter’s in the air and the leaves hit the ground.

Snake’s in the sky, the clock’s back around

But when the hands start moving back

You’d best run home

Before the sky goes black…”

Here, Draconian mimics the sound of a clock striking twelve. And Brute hits a harsh chord.

“Number one streaks far and fast

Number two makes moments last

Number three sees where you’ve gone

Number four’s luck beats all brawn

Number five knows where you’ll go

Six’s pins kill any foe

Seven breaks your powers away

Nine can mend or rend what he may

Ten can move you out and about

For eleven, put your fire out

Twelve makes more and more of his

Thirteen takes your hits and gives

Fourteen's anywhere you seek

Fifteen can strike you into next week.”

The song is slow and foreboding. There are a couple of verses about children who antagonize the felt and meet a scary end at the hand of their mysterious Lord. They end with the same counting of the members.

Vriska shouts, “What about eight?”

Then she looks surprised, as she’s not the only one who called that out.

“We save her for last. You can’t kill her, that’s why.” Says Jack. “And for zero? Don’t listen to the white text guy.”

Jack rolls his eyes. “All right, who wants to hear something decent?”

Signless says, “They’ve been here long enough that everyone knows that song?”

Dave nods, “It’s old enough that my…dad…said that his dad used to sing it.”

“They owned half of Derse before Handmaid made her first strikes against them.” Rose adds. “The Tower has done nothing.”

The heroes are looking down.

“What’s up with eight and zero?” asks John.

Rose says, “There are less reports of them than there are of the others; they exist, but quite a few people believe they do not.”

“You do, though.” Jane says.

Rose has to stop herself from saying that she knows they exist for sure.

“What do they do, though?” asks Rufioh.

“Eight is supposed to have her life connected to the city.” Rose says. “No one will kill her or hurt her because it would make Skaia fall.”

“That’s impossible.” Says Jane.

Signless says, “Rose, I believe she might have destructive potential. And I’ve seen things that the Tower wants to list as anomalies, or hallucinations of fatigue. But I find that a bit hard to believe.”

Rose sighs.

“And zero? He sounds pretty useless if all he’s got is some words.” Says John.

“You live in the same building as Kankri and we went to a million strategy meetings about the White Queen.” Karkat glares.

“Never mind.” Maybe he's dumber than she thought? He's difficult to decipher. Not good, for a powerful enemy.

Dave says, “Even less people believe zero’s real. Some people say he’s just a good manipulator. Other people say he’s omniscient or some shit like that.”

Signless says, “If they have an omniscient strategist, that might explain how they have avoided the tower. The Felt are listed as low-priority, petty criminals in Tower records. I am hesitant to believe this.”

“Signless, if you care about Derse, or about Disciple’s legacy, you will take them seriously.” Rose finds herself saying.

He looks at her.

“I have seen what the Felt have done.” Rose says. She’s slipping. Dave puts a hand on her shoulder, but she presses on. “I know what they are capable of. They are dangerous. Any one of them could kill any one of you. And if you waste your time on your crusade against vigilantes? Derse will have a new HIC.”

“Rose,” Dave says, “That’s enough.”

She’s shaking now. She knows. She’s seen it. She’s seeing it now---



Please leave kudos or comments if you would like!

Chapter 21: Not a chapter: taking requests again!

Chapter Text

Hi again! I'm taking more oneshot requests here. For the ones I haven't done, those either involve major spoilers, or I'm planning on doing them sometime in the future.

(I also have loose plans to follow Jake, Sollux, and/or Karkat through their Disciple Day)

Every Homestuck and Hiveswap character is canon to this story, so you may request something with any of your favorites!

Comment your requests below.

Chapter 22: Hospital


Rose has a dream and wakes up.


Yeah, that's all that happened.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ah. Hello there.”

Rose looks around. Green, green everywhere. Pillar-like clocks and the smell of smoke and licorice. A stain of rust red on the ground. Faint ragtime plays from an old gramophone.

“I do apologize for the rude intrusion. You see, my attempts thus far have been quite unsuccessful. That technological facsimile is quite troublesome.”

Rose knows the voice. She knows nothing at all. No, no, no, no---

“Really, you shouldn’t be so closed-minded. Isn’t this what you’ve wanted to see for ages? In years of nothing wanted at all…hah.”

Rose will not dignify him with a response.

“Of course, I don’t expect you to answer. And I’ll forgive that.”

She will not do anything.

“Of course you won’t, not here. Not now. You have parties to attend, girls to kiss. Important contacts to reach. And heroes to talk out of---”

Bright light arcs through her, two streams of electricity, dancing pathways. This one is red, red over the green. Rose sees an arc of blue, and latches onto it.

Blue light fills her. Here are Feferi and Eridan. They’re in a group science project. It’s mundane.

Rose rides the vision out. She clings to the formaldehyde, the spilled beakers, and does not think about what happened in the last vision, or the one before that, and especially not the one from the night she---


Rose wakes up to another jolt. Sollux steps back, and Karkat keeps his hand on her forehead. There are thin white sheets under her. The ceiling is fluorescent lighting. The air is tinged with antiseptic, a welcome reprieve from the tobacco smell.

“Stop moving, Lalonde, you just passed out.” He snaps.

Rose looks up. Dave is shaking, glaring at the other heroes.

They’re in the Hero Tower sickbay. Dave looks down at her, and collapses into a chair.

“He wouldn’t let anyone else near you, not even Signless.” Says Sollux. “He barely let me and KK touch you.”

Rose’s eyes widen. She hasn’t blacked out in a midday vision in years.

Holy shit.

Still, she knows she’ll be okay. She has to be.

“He insisted you couldn’t have Cyansprite treat you, either.” Karkat says. “Even though she’s better at this.”

Rose says, “Dave knows I will be okay. This is not, as they say, my first rodeo.”

She’s still sluggish, or she never would have said something that stupid.

“Like hell you will.” Karkat snaps.

Rose’s eyes narrow. “I am telling him whatever I believe is best for me. I have walked off worse.”

“Which is why you should have a better doctor look at your vitals!”

“Karkat.” Rose asks. “Am I stable?”

“…yes.” He looks down.

“I will be fine, then.”

“You can’t let this kind of thing go unchecked, though!”

“It has just been checked.” Rose says. “Thank you, Karkat.”

Karkat starts ranting, until his father calls,

“Karkat. Stop. She does not trust us enough for this, and her word is final.” Says Signless.

Rose’s eyes dart to him. “Out of my head.”

“I am, I am.” Signless holds up a placating hand. “But Rose…if I may speak frankly, your response was triggered by an intense spike in stress. It was as if you were witnessing---”

“I wasn’t.” Rose cuts him off, her voice sharp. They both know it’s a lie, and fear darts through her.

“I was going to suggest that since you have been…particularly close to a situation involving villain issues due to the Tower’s negligence, you could have sessions with a Tower therapist.”

“What, like Kankri?” Rose asks, her tone sharp.

“I know the two of you do not see eye to eye.” Signless says. “But he and the rest of our staff are qualified---"

Dave snaps, “You’re not doing that to Rose. Your fucked up tower nonsense isn’t about to be rolled over yet another one of us."

Rose is inclined to agree. “With all due respect, if Ultimatum so much as steps close to my mind, he will wish he were dead. Am I clear?”

Signless looks down. “I see. I apologize.”

Rose sits up. Karkat looks ashamed enough not to push her back.

She stretches. She asks, “Where is everyone else?”

“They called Jade and all came back.” Says Karkat. “Kanaya wanted to see you.”

Rose nods. “She can come in.”

The door opens. Kanaya is staring, wide-eyed. Seconds later, her arms are around her.

“Rose,” Kanaya whispers, “What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing abnormal.” Rose says. “You needn’t worry.”

She lets go of Kanaya, and faces Sollux. She says, “Thank you for the help.”

And she means it, twice over.

Rose sighs. “This is normal, I have told you. It is…”

Rose can’t lie with Signless around.

She says, “It is a private matter. My mother had these issues as well. She was fine.”

Both of those were lies. Hopefully, Signless can only see one.

Dave says, “The tour is over, anyway. Rose and I are going home.”

“Uh, about that.” Karkat says. “I did the healing, but the doctor who put you here wants you to stay. And her word overrides mine.”

Dave glares. “How long?”

“I’d say three days. She might say more.” Karkat says. “And she might also recommend you therapy.”

“I don’t need therapy.” Rose says. “I have studied psychology. I’m fine.”

“We’ll get Dr. Egbert in here.” Says Sollux. “As much as I hate to admit it, KK’s right.”

“Can the tower keep a civilian against their consent?” Rose snaps.

Everyone in there exchanges glances. Rose knows the answer.

“We will not.” Signless says. “But it could be deleterious to your health. Don’t worry, we’ve notified your families.”

Rose sighs. “Fine. I will let the doctor see me. What day is it?”

“Still Disciple Day.” Says Karkat.


“Have you blacked out for longer than that?” Karkat asks.

Rose glares at him. He glares right back.

The doctor comes in. At first, Rose doesn’t recognize her as such: she’s an old woman clad in a simple blue dress and apron under her labcoat. But her eyes are alert, and her wrists are banded in gold.

“Dr. Janela Crocker-Egbert, at your service, dear.” Says the Doctor.

Rose’s visions don’t need to tell her a thing. Her eyes widen. She saw that name played over the credits of her childhood time and time again.

“As in…you created Squiddles?” Rose blurts.

Dave facepalms.

Dr. Egbert chortles. “Oh, that’s a name I haven’t heard in forever! Usually they just call me Cyansprite."

The tower’s most famous healer.

Rose’s head spins with the information.

Cyansprite listens to her pulse.

“Hmm…you seem to be recovering well. Still, I would recommend you stay for monitoring.” Cyansprite says. “If you let us, we may find the root cause of these dizzy spells of yours.”

Rose knows the root cause, and it’s why the Tower can’t keep her. “I will decline.”

“Well, then, you should rest a while longer before returning home.” Says Cyansprite.

“Can you give me some space, at least?” Rose asks.

“Of course, dear.”

Rose is about to tell her not to call her dear; she hates sappiness like that.

Everyone leaves. Dave stands guard outside. Sollux takes a look at him, and walks to the other entrance.

Rose hates feeling this weak.

“Rose, may I…” Kanaya looks away.

“For a moment.” Rose says.

Kanaya sits down next to her. “Are you sure you will not stay? I am worried about you. I don’t want to lose…don’t want to lose someone again.”

“If I were in that much danger, Karkat and Cyansprite would have fought much harder.” Rose says. “Perhaps I should have asked for an autograph…”

“I think she would be happier to be known for her show or for her baking than for her healing. She joined during a much more fraught period of the tower.” Says Kanaya.

“I know.” Rose nods. This was back before the first official fall of the Tower. Dolorosa had narrowly escaped HIC with the young Signless. She and Cyansprite were some of the few survivors. They’d lost the first Skylark and Redglare, and Urania. Even then, there’d been all kinds of upheaval, the kind Derse was yet to recover from.

“Rose,” Kanaya says, “When I am authorized, I will volunteer to take down the Felt. I will make them regret…whatever happened.”

She sounds firmer than Rose has ever heard her, and Rose has to object.

“Kanaya, you haven’t seen what they’re capable of.” Rose whispers. “I’d rather you be safe. And I’m not some fragile princess. I am…I survived. I have done so since the start of this. If anything, I should be the one present.”

“Rose, you’re a civilian.”

“Kanaya, I am not made of glass.”

“And their powers are…if they are that malevolent, I cannot request an exception.” Kanaya says.

Rose is Rose here, not Lightseer. And even if she were, Kanaya might still insist.

The Dersite is too weak. The sick one is too weak. The girl is too weak. Little Rosie is too weak.

Even from Kanaya, it’s all too familiar.

Instead, Rose says, “Did anyone else see me collapse?”

“Yes, but we passed it off as a typical ambulance ride. None of them know we were heroes. Only a two people stopped to question us.”


“The couple neighboring us. One of them was in Disciple themed cat makeup, and the other was her tall and silent date. They both seemed very suspicious of us.” Kanaya says, “Although they gave up. Do you know them?”

“Meulin and her boyfriend.” Rose nods. “She is a friend of my sister’s. I am not surprised she was worried.”

Kanaya nods. “I suppose I would be concerned if someone attempted to drag Karkat away, especially in an emergency.”

“Kanaya, if you go after the Felt…” Rose trails off. “Just…do not go unprepared. No matter how outlandish the warning, you would be wise to heed it. Make sure you are in a group, and…”

Rose squeezes her eyes shut. Kanaya waits.

“I am okay.” Rose says.

“I see. May I touch you?”

Rose lets Kanaya hold her.

“I promise I will not attempt to fight them alone. I am not afflicted by hubris, Rose.”

“Good.” Rose whispers.

“Oh. Hi, Kan-sis.”

Rose and Kanaya look up. There’s Gamzee, silver bands on his wrists showing. He’s wearing an expensive-looking t-shirt today, but it’s already stained with dust.

“Gamzee.” Kanaya glares. “How did you get here? Sollux and Dave were watching.”

“Huh. I…don’t remember.” Gamzee blinks. “I just heard Rose-sis was in the building, and I remembered I wanted to see her. Can’t quite tell what for.”

Rose knows what for.

“Well, this is a private medical room.” Kanaya says. “And you are not a suitable guest for someone in Rose’s condition.”

Rose’s hackles rise.

“I didn’t mean any harm.” Gamzee says.

“Kanaya, I think I will speak with him alone.”


“I am old enough to make my own decisions, Silkworm.” Rose glares.

Kanaya looks down. “I---of course. My apologies.”

Kanaya leaves. Rose feels a slight pang, but turns to Gamzee.

“Hello.” She says.

Gamzee blinks sleepily. “Huh?”

“I said hello.”

“Oh. I must’ve zoned out.” Gamzee says. “Always do that. There’s nothing for it, though. Meds, you know how it is.”

“It sounds like quite the inconvenience.” Rose says. Slurred speech, forgetfulness, zoning out. Spacing out…

“Gamzee,” Rose asks, “Have you ever heard of the sacred flowers?”

“Oh yeah. Bunch of science miracles. There’s a nice amethyst one, right? Pretty purple?”

Amethyst. Of course.

Known to enhance power---sometimes. Known to get people a little bit high, though nothing like garnets and peridots. Known to make people enraged or laugh out of control. And if you used enough of it, it would tinge your blood a deep purple.

It had been a favorite of Highblood, before they hauled him off.

“Have you ever seen an amethyst bloom? I don’t have the best impression of them.” Rose says.

“That’s a shame. I used to see lots of them.” Gamzee said.

“Where did you see them?” Rose asks.

Gamzee frowns. “Under lots of lamps like Jade-sis has, ‘cause you can’t put them out there. Not everyone calls them a miracle.”

I need a sense connected to memory. “The smell?”

“Sugar all through. Amethysts just kinda smell like burnt toast and those purply flower herbs, the ones you can grow outside.”

“Where is the sugar coming from?” Rose asks.

“I…I’m not sure…”

“What do you hear?”

“It’s like bells. Bells and pipes and stuff…”

“Can you sing it for me?” Rose asks.

Gamzee hums. His voice crackles a bit.

Rose knows a carnival tune when she hears it.

“Gamzee,” she asks, “Have you heard of the Land of Tents and Mirth?”

He blinks. Just like the first time around.

“I think that’s where, yeah. Do you know if they’ve still got sugar there?”

Lotam was destroyed in the showdown with Highblood. It’s being rebuilt as office buildings, a far cry from the bright carnival district that the Clown Cult took over before they fled to Derse.

“Yes, I am sure there is.” Stale pastries from chain coffeeshops. Nothing like funnel cake or cotton candy.

Nothing laced with amethyst poison or meant to torture you with hallucinations before clowns mauled you to death.
But the look on Gamzee’s face was pure nostalgia. And he also seemed…something was bothering her.

She needed more information. What was this clown cultist doing here? Why was he adopted by Signless? Shouldn’t he be in the Tumor?

And more importantly, what had they been doing to him?

Dave opened the door, staring daggers, but not at Rose.

Kankri Vantas had walked through the door.

“Gamzee.” He says, his voice laced with an order. “Step away from the civilian.”

There’s a pause. But Gamzee does.

“Did you do anything to her?” Kankri asks.

“No, I didn’t. We were just talking.”

Rose cuts in, “He is my guest. I permitted him to visit.”

Kankri raises an eyebrow. “I know Sollux would not have admitted him.”

Rose makes eye contact with Dave. Rose knows he only let Kankri in because of his commands, but he’s just as concerned about Gamzee in there, since he didn’t let him in and neither did Sollux.

It’s a mystery she’d like to solve as well.

But she pleads silently with Dave: lie for him.

“Rose and I let him visit. She’s the patient, she’s got the right to have visitors or not.” Dave frowns.

Kankri glares. “Not one who is a psychological threat!”

“Really?” Rose asks. Now they’re getting somewhere. She’s got a vision brewing, the start of a flash of…

“Forget I said that.” Kankri says.

And it’s a command.

The information is gone, and so is the light. Rose feels herself blink. “So, why can’t he visit me?”

“Seems a little unfair if you ask me.” Dave adds.

“Classified. Gamzee, you’re coming with me.”

Gamzee acquiesces.

Kankri turns to them. “As for you two, meddling in private affairs is triggering at best, and insubordinate at worst. I understand that you’ve had an incident, and may not be in the best state of mind to judge such things. It would be in your best interests to permit my father, Karkat, and myself to help you after such an incident. However, as Derse is a place that is suspicious of such treatments, I forgive you. Unless you are declining care as a result of pretending to have a health episode---trigger warning for ableism, by the way---in which case your actions would do substantial harm to the disabled community. Furthermore---"

“Kankri Vantas.” Rose is no Ultimatum, but she throws Roxy’s adamant tone and Dirk’s chilly authority into her voice. “This is my private medical room. You are not welcome here. You used mind control to get in here, while I was speaking with an authorized guest. With all due respect: get the fuck out, before you see what it looks like when someone is really triggered.

“That is appropriation of---”

“Leave her alone.” Gamzee says.

Everyone looks at him. He seems way more lucid than before. Kankri looks like he wants to argue, but ushers Gamzee out.

Rose gets a text from Hal.

[amnotaRobot began pestering tentacleTherapist and turntechGodhead]

AR: He wiped your memories after telling you that Gamzee was a psychological threat.

AR: If Dirk, Roxy and I had all the free time in the world, we could crack those databases and see just what he’s hiding.

TT: Don’t.

TG: fucker

TG: rose im gonna beat the shit out of that guy

TT: He’s your boss. Don’t risk losing your job.

TT: I’ll do it.

AR: Kankri could just command you to stop.

AR: Dirk’s gonna build me a robot body. I’ll do it.

Sollux walks in, levitating several bags of snacks.

“I heard the commotion and figured you guys would want something to eat.” Sollux says. He adds, “I didn’t go anywhere. Just grabbed these out of the vending machine.”

Rose raises an eyebrow. “Am I to assume the Hero Tower does not guard their vending machines from telekinetic troublemakers?”

Sollux smiles. “You get it. Here Dave. Salt and vinegar for you.”

“Hell yeah.” Dave grabs the bag out of the air.

Rose selects some pretzels, and Sollux sits down with regular potato chips and a bag of cheese puffs.

She wants to ask him about his powers, but he and Dave have launched into a conversation about harshnoise music and rap.

They may as well take a short break from the heavier topics.


Thank you for reading! If you have questions or comments, please let me know!

Chapter 23: Feferi's Party


Scheming, dancing, easter eggs, oh my!

Also here's Meenah.


I kept thinking this chapter was too short, and now...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose lets her brother guide her back.

His cool drops away, and his words come out in a rush.

“Holy shit Rose I thought you were gonna die and I’d have to slow time and we’d both go to the tumor and then Signless holy shit I thought he was a good guy but he wanted to haul you off and I almost tried to fight him and Sollux---Sollux barely got you out of there, and…he’s Dersite, I thought he’d be okay. I’m so, so sorry, Rose. You don’t need to do any more of this lightseer stuff or the tower stuff if it triggers your visions like that---”


“---I know it’s gonna suck for us but you don’t need to come back and Nepeta will get it and---”


Dave’s focus clicks.

Rose glares. “As soon as Aradia trusts me again, Lightseer will enter the field once more. And she will beat the shit out of the Felt.”

“Rose, that---”

“I’ve seen what they do, Dave! I have seen it over and over. I pass out from seeing them, and you want me to stop?” Rose asks.

Dave lowers his head. “I don’t want you to die.”

“You sound like Dirk.” Rose snaps.

“Dirk is trying to keep us safe.” Says Dave.

“And I am no invalid! I am powerful. I just need more control.” She’s glaring at him. “These are my problems, not yours.”

“And what if you end up passing out on duty? What if the Felt or Tower gets you?”

It’s a real fear. A real threat.


“I’m the one who knows.” Rose snaps. “I’m the one who knows the risks.”

“I…Rose, you used to not talk for days after seeing the Felt. Fefeta and the Mayor had to teach you to sign.” Says Dave. “We’re Strilondes. We never shut up. But you did. And Rose, that scared me.”

Rose sighs. “I know. I know, Dave. But this is my fight. And I will handle it. One favor.”


“Don’t tell Dirk or Roxy.”

Hal speaks up. “Uh…sorry, guys.”

Rose sighs again.

They walk inside. Dirk is already there, looking disheveled, but that doesn’t stop him from checking her over for injuries.

“You’ll be okay. But Rose, you shouldn’t be anywhere near hero---”

“We know.” Dave says. “We both know.”

Dirk says, “Maybe Feferi can look you over.”

“I am going to her house this evening.” Rose says. “This will prove convenient.”

“Can’t she come here?”

“She is hosting an event.” Rose says. “She can help me well enough, though.”

“A party?” Dirk shakes his head.

Fefeta and Roxy arrive then. Fefeta signs to ask if she’s okay, and Rose affirms.

Dave explains what happened. Rose explains her plans to visit Feferi. Roxy starts to say no, but Fefeta intervenes.

She signs, “Feferi Peixes? My cousin?”

“You two are related?” Rose asks.

Fefeta nods. “Do you know about…the thing?”

Rose nods.

Another reason why Roxy and Fefeta are so close: Fefeta has some weak but still well-honed supernatural speed and cleverness. She’s no vigilante, but it could be to get her put in silver and tracked. She knows about Roxy’s shadowy stealth, too.

Fefeta must know about Feferi’s powers.

“I’m invited to the party. I can go with her.” Fefeta signs.

Roxy is a little sad she won’t be spending more time with her girlfriend, she wants Rose to get healed

Rose changes clothes for the party: all black, this time. On impulse, she chooses amber to wear tonight, like the pendants Ms. Paint sold.

She and Fefeta begin their walk. Feferi lives in the nicest part of Derse, on the edge of the Land of Dew and Glass.

Fefeta signs, “Do you feel safe telling me what you saw?”

Rose shakes her head no.

“You shouldn’t have to see what they do.” She answers.

They reach Feferi’s house.

The place is sleek and modern, round and crystalline like the Dew and Glass architecture that looms in the distance. The opaque parts are a deep magenta.

It’s almost like a colorful fish tank.

Rose rings the doorbell.

Eridan answers the door. He motions them in.

Fefeta signs, “Is your brother here?”

“Meenah banned him, thank cod.” Eridan says.

Fefeta giggles at the fish pun. Sea---Fefeta loved to be called by cat and fish puns---and Rose followed him into the enormous basement of the place, where Feferi was greeting guests in the dress Rose made. She’s glad to see that it looks like her embroidered fish swim along the fabric.

“Rose!” Feferi runs up to her for a hug.

“Hello, Feferi.”

Feferi beams. “You shoald’ve told me you were the dressmaker! You got two invitations. Meenah’s gonna be so happy to meet you in person.”

Rose laughs. “I should have guessed earlier. No one else makes puns like yours except her, and of course, Fefeta.”

Fefeta and Feferi sign rapidly to one another. Feferi takes Rose’s elbow and guides her to the restroom, an enormous place decorated in dried starfish.

Feferi checks her.

“It’d be easier if you were underwater, but that gets a little awkward. Maybe just your head?” Feferi asks.

Rose nods. She shoves her head under the tap.

“Hmm…you sea-m orkay. The Tower’s healer checked on you, so it’s not that shocking.” Feferi says.

“Good.” Rose says.

“Fef!” Someone calls. “Water you doing in there?”

“Making out!” Feferi tosses over her shoulder, to Rose’s mortification.

“Bullship. I know you hate that!”

Feferi opens the door.

“Meenah, was this really necessary?” Feferi huffs.

Meenah rolls her eyes. “I needed to pee.”

Her eyes fall on Rose, whose hair is drenched.

“You try to turn her in, you’re going down with her.” Says Meenah.

“I wouldn’t.” Rose says.

The two leave for a moment.

Feferi says, “I’m gonna tell her you made the dress soon. Sorry she’s a little rude.”

“I’ve talked to her.” Rose nods.

“We should get you some pizza. And a drink!”

“I’m seventeen.” Rose says. She saw what happened to Roxy. She doesn’t drink.

Feferi winks, then seems to acknowledge Rose’s discomfort.

“We have fruit punch.” Feferi says.

“Hopefully not spiked.”

Feferi says, “I keep a bowl that’s already spiked nearby to take the fun out of spiking the otter one. Meenah and I like to know what we're putting in oar bodies, you know?”

“Does that work?”

“No idea.”

They come by the snack table. There’s pizza, and the rest of the snacks are fish-flavored or fish-themed. Disciple might approve.

The punch tastes normal, to Rose’s relief---though a part of her is curious to see if a drug like alcohol might help control her visions. The garnet helped a bit…

“Sorry about the making out joke.” Feferi says, as Rose eats her pizza.

“It is fine, though I would appreciate a forewarning. Otherwise, I can see the humor in it. It sounds as if you’ve made that joke quite a bit.”

“I do. It’s…I don’t do the red quadrant, you know? So making out jokes are kind of funny to me.” Feferi says.

“Don’t do the red quadrant?” Rose knows Feferi called Eridan her moirail.

“Or the pitch one.” Feferi says. “I just…don’t get like that? You know?”


“You get it! But I de-fin-itely feel pale. Eridan is enough for me as a moray-eel. Though he can be a bit of a handful…”

Rose shrugs. “I am a bit unsure of using the divine romance labels. I tried to be pale with Aradia, but that has not worked out.”

“I mean, moiraillegience is about keeping each other safe and sacrificing for each other, you know?” Feferi says. “It’s the fluffy quad, but there’s real grit in there, lots of work keeping each other calm. Or one of you calm. But you gotta do it, you know?”

Rose frowns. “My friend Jade, who is devoted to the Witch, once told me that it shouldn’t be one-sided, or an obligation.”

Feferi shrugs. “Maybe…but people get sad, you know, and you’ve gotta help your friend. Eri can lean on me a little more.”

Rose decides to leave this alone. She takes another bite of pizza. The basement where the party is is spacious, and there’s a large dance floor in the middle.

The lighting is magenta; magenta, fish themed. Rose can’t help but think back to what Kanaya said.

What everyone says.


Rose turns. There’s Meenah again.

“I knew your clothes looked familiar. I know your style. You’re Feffie’s tailor.”

“Don’t call me Feffie in front of guests!” Feferi blushes.

Meenah rolls her eyes. “Sure, Feffie. Anyway, tentacle therapist. Like your name. Like your style. And I’m thinkin’ since my bosses and I are moving up in the world, we might want someone like you working for us full time, like a real wage. You’ve got potential.”

Rose blinks. Her commission work is to support her family. But her dream isn’t just to sew and knit and crochet. Maybe Kanaya, but…

“I’m flattered.” Rose says. She doesn’t outright refuse.

After all, Meenah seems more than a bit suspicious. Who are her bosses? Is she related to the Condesce?

Is Rose being recruited by villains?

“Th-ink aboat it.” Meenah says. “I don’t want to sea wasted potential, y’know? And you can design more for Feffie. She’s the basst model you’ll ever have.”

“Meenah, it’s her decision.”

“Right, right.” Meenah slumps. “Gotta remember.”

Feferi smiles. “Enough business talk. Let’s go dance!”

Rose finds herself in the middle of the lights of the dance floor, spinning, shaking her hips as much as her nervousness will allow.

The song changes to a slow one. She dances with a couple of strangers, then she turns around to see---

“Hi Rose!”

“Nepeta.” Rose dances near her. “Feferi invited you?”

“Of course! I love this. Look what I can do!”

Nepeta finds a clear space in the middle of the dancefloor and begins to breakdance like Dave used to when he was younger, before Bro caught---

Nepeta's strength and flexibility remind her of how Kanaya wants to be a dressmaker, make protective clothes. Of how Dave grew the ancient oak in Derse Park within seconds.

Could she do something like that with her powers? Not fighting, just something for the sake of joy. Would she ever have enough control to do that?

“What do you think?” Nepeta asks.

Rose forces a smile. “You’re talented.”

Nepeta beams. “Dance is good for agility, mew know. Want me to teach you?”

Rose looks down at her skirt. “Perhaps not that move.”

“Maybe another time.” Nepeta grins.

The song ends and a slow one comes on. Nepeta offers her hand, and Rose takes it.

“So, what’s going on with Equius?” Rose asks.

“He’s in the corner. He doesn’t like parties, and he sometimes loses control of his strength when he dances.” Nepeta whispers that part.

“He doesn’t have perfect control?”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Nepeta says.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you don’t control your full body. Your heart moves on its own. You can’t make it stop. Power’s the same, you know? It’s fluid.”

Rose can’t help but think Nepeta, whose powers are so disciplined and refined, is a bit biased.

If only she could find a mentor, or more garnet. Something to show Aradia she was strong and reliable, show Dave that she wouldn’t be in danger on missions.


“I’m all right.”

Nepeta says, “Don’t worry, Rose. You’re still on the team, just make sure you tell us your plans that put us at risk. It’ll work out. Purradia was just a little scared, that’s all.”

The two of them tire of spinning. They meet Feferi and Meenah again at the doorway; they’ve both slammed it in someone's face.

“And stay out!” Meenah hollers.

“Motherglubbing bastard.” Feferi hisses.

“What was that about?” Rose asks, as Nepeta says, “Do you want me to go outside and beat them up?”

Meenah beams. “I’d love that. But you’re betta off not catching an assault charge. That was Eridan’s brother.”

“The one who was banned?” Rose asks.

“That’s the one. He’s a creep.” Feferi says. “We made the mistake of inviting him to one of these. Never again.

“By the way, Nepeta. Did you tell Rose our plan?”

“What plan?”

“Let’s go upstairs to talk about it.” Says Feferi.


Feferi’s room is half fish tanks. It’s large and painted the same pink as her dress, and her bed has a canopy. It’s occupied by tangled squiddles.

Jade would approve.

Rose can’t stand it anymore. “Feferi, Meenah is a barista at the Evening Star. I know you were in there the night you saved us. But how can you afford all this?”

Feferi sighs. “Rose, that’s…that’s Meenah’s story to tell. Some of it is…an inheritance. Not one I like, but an inheritance. I know you don’t trust her---I can read your expression, you know---but she’s got a good heart.”

“I see.” Rose says. “I will…refrain from asking further.”

What on earth is this family involved with?

Feferi guides them to her beanbag chairs; there are three in sea colors: Feferi sits in a sky blue one, Nepeta chooses a seaweed green, and Rose takes the remaining one, a deeper blue.

“Our plan to get you and Aradia to trust each other and communicate.” Says Nepeta. “A time-honored tradition.”

“Gill’s night!” Feferi cheers.

“Isn’t this already a girl’s night?” Rose asks. “And our missions, as well.”

“Bluh. It’s not the same, Rose! Gill’s night is about trust, exploration, and bonding! And it’s gill’s night. This party has bouys and.” Feferi says.

“I’ve heard you can invite other people to gill’s night. Nyanbinary people and bouys are allowed; it's all about the spirit of things.” Nepeta picks up the fish puns and adds her cat ones. “But our planned guests are me and Aradia and Feferi and you. And maybe Meulin or Meenah or Fefeta.”

“Does Meulin know?” Rose asks.

“She doesn’t ask questions, just says good luck. I think she knows but won’t tell. She sneaks out to meet her boyfriend all the time. She knows not to stop me; knows I’ve got powers.” Nepeta sighs.

“Is Meulin powered?” Feferi asks.

Nepeta blinks, then shakes her head. “I’m relieved she survived the attack on Disciple Street. The Queen could’ve done anything.” Her relieved smile makes her eyes twinkle in Feferi’s purplish mood lighting.

Rose tells them about the tour. She doesn’t mention what she saw before she collapsed. The two of them look concerned.

“Rose, that’s not good.” Nepeta says. “I think we need to focus on training you, especially if Dave is worried and you could collapse.”

“I am already trying.” Rose says. “But the only thing that triggers them on purpose is information, or that garnet blossom.”

“We’re not doing that again. It’s already bad enough that you had to do that to save my life.” Nepeta glares.

Feferi is staring into the distance.

“Gill’s night?” Rose asks, trying to change the subject from why she shouldn’t be in the field.

“Gill’s night!” Feferi comes back to herself. She pulls out a starfish-patterned bullet journal; of course she has one. She says,

“So my idea is a trip to the Skaia Grand Aquarium in the Land of Dew and Glass! They have a mermaid show---people dress as mermaids and swim with the dolphins there. There’s also a bioluminescence exhibit, and lots of fossils for Aradia.” Feferi beams.

Rose has to admit it’s a great plan. Everyone in their group---minus Nepeta---has an interest in something there.

Rose nods. “Nepeta?”

“I was thinking we should take Equius’s car and drive out into the countryside to hunt.” Nepeta says.

“That sounds like a multi-day activity. Can Derse spare the four of us for that long?” Rose asks, mostly talking about Huntress and Bone Witch.

Nepeta slumps. “Right. I guess it isn’t fair to the Dersites to leave them for that long. What about you, Rose?”

“I know a nice fabric store in Prospit. And there’s…Ms. Paint’s studio in Derse. She lets you paint pottery.” Rose says.

Feferi notes their ideas down.

“To be purr-fectly honest, I might also be team aquarium.” Nepeta says. “All I have to do is resist the urge to eat the fish.”

“Please don’t.” Feferi answers.

“I’m kidding.” Nepeta says.

“Hey, Feffie! Get down here, I made a cake for us and you’re gonna stuff your face!”


Meenah has outdone herself: the cake is a massive recreation of the Heart Sigil of the mage, somehow dyed a bright pink.

“It’s raspberry and white chocolate.” Meenah says.

Feferi throws her arms around her sister.

“Shell yeah! Thank you, Meenah!” She squeals.

Meenah pats her head. The moment is surprisingly cute, the kind Roxy would…

They’re just six, up in the apartment. Mom’s never around to remember birthdays, but Dirk and Roxy always are. Dirk’s terrible at baking. He’s a menace in the kitchen, as always.

But somehow, he’s managed to make a cake with apples for Dave and cinnamon for her. The glaze is too watery and it’s lopsided. But it’s the first time they’ve had a birthday cake since Rose was three.

And of course, Dave, clingy as he always was, throws his arms around his big brother. There's the snap of a camera.

“Delete that.”

“Nuh-uh, we’re cherishing this forever."

Dirk tries to push Dave off and get to Roxy, but it's no use; Dave's like a small koala bear and he has no intention of letting go until he was done. Even Rose smiles and laughs.

“What’s going on in here? Some kind of weak-ass hugfest?”

“Rose? Do you want cake?” asks Feferi.


The cake is good, not Rose’s favorite kind of chocolate but still delicious. Rose tries her best to taste it through the bitterness.

“Did you get a…you know?” Nepeta asks.

Rose shakes her head. “Just remembered something. Feferi is lucky to have Meenah.”

“Dam right she is.” Meenah plops down near them. “You think a little about taking my offer?”

“It’s a major decision, if it would entail dropping out of school.” Rose says.

“What, you actually wanna go to college? You don’t have to go to college to be rich.” Meenah says.

“I wouldn’t be going to get rich. I would be going in order to pursue my dream of becoming a therapist.”

“People go to therapy here?” Meenah asks in disbelief.

“Yes.” Rose says.

Meenah shrugs. “Huh. Well, I guess someone’s gotta make this place less like a nightmare. I do it with desserts.”

“Some might say running a bakery is also unprofitable.” Rose takes another bite.

Meenah frowns, then a sharklike grin spreads over her face. “I knew you were sharp. No wonder Feffie trusted you with her little secret.”

Rose wonders if she’s about to have some criminal organization after her. She sees---


Rose hums a familiar tune. Meenah’s amusement fades.


Rose says, on impulse, “You just told me.”

Meenah claps her on the back. “Fef! Get her another slice! And bring her over more. I like her.”

Rose whistles the last line. "Make her a member of the Midnight Crew."


Thank you for reading, as always!

Not all is what it seems...

Feel free to leave comments and kudos if you enjoyed!

Chapter 24: Third Wheel


Rose takes a short trip.


Short, unedited chapter.

Chapter Text

Rose awakens the next morning, and writes something down in her journal. She isn’t sure what she wants to do before Gill’s Night, which Feferi scheduled and organized with Aradia. No, there is nothing to do today…

She sighs. She continues to write. Absentmindedly, she shuts down her phone.

She walks eisurely outside, too. Always good to get a little fresh air. Good for the writing, good for getting ideas unstuck.

She waves hello to the mailwoman, who gives her an odd look.

“Going out, Rosie?”


She nods. “Be safe, all right?”

Rose shrugs. “I will be. Do not worry.”

She takes a seat on the bus. It’s the wrong one to go see Kanaya, but she does not care when it goes in the wrong direction for that.

Disciple Street. Meulin spots her and takes the seat next to hers.

She looks up. “Hello, Meulin. How is Nepeta?”

“Better. I was quite worried after she was injured. The Light Court had better watch its back.” Meulin says. She has her hearing aids in this time, for convenience, though Rose knows she prefers to sign.

“Elusive is no joke.” Rose nods. She wishes to be left alone. This is a tad complicated.

“Oh, I know. A joke might actually have humor in it.” Meulin giggles. “The only funny thing is going to be what he looks like when we’re done with him.”

Rose is too distracted to answer anything but, “Yes.”

“Rose, are you ignoring me?”

Rose shuts her journal. “No.”

Meulin laughs again, and pats her shoulder. “It’s okay. I live with Nepeta. She loves her daydreams, you know?”

“I was focusing…”

“Oh, I know!” Meulin says. “Tell me, where are you headed?”

Rose shrugs. “Prospit.”

“This bus doesn’t go to Prospit. It goes through Disciple Street and loops around into Felt territory." says Meulin.

Rose raises her eyebrows. “It does?”

Meulin frowns. “Don’t tell me you’re that distracted. That’s not safe, Rose.”

“I wasn’t aware.” Rose says, cursing internally.

Meulin shakes her head. “I can’t just let Roxy’s little sister go into danger, okay? How about we get off in the Land of Pyramids and Neon instead? We can go to the arcade together.”

“You don’t need to babysit me.” Rose says.

Meulin just pinches her cheek, and Rose gives an offended little shout.

Lopan’s arcade is remarkably retro, but it does a good business; games are sacred to the gods, and many people still pay their respects through gaming in groups---and, well, it’s fun. People are mostly there for fun. The carpets are a deep blue and covered in comets and stars. Rose is surprised to spot Mituna and Latula on a dancing game, though it really shouldn’t shock her that the two of them are out on a date.

“Hey, Ro-ro!” Latula shouts.


“Sollux says stop passing out.” Mituna calls.


“You know Rose?” Meulin asks.

“Sol’s friend, yeah! Tulip tried to recruit her!”

“Tuna, it’s our day off!”

“You know them?” Meulin asks.

Rose nods. “They’re coworkers of my friend Kanaya.”

“Your totally platonic roommate Kanaya.” Mituna cackles, making Rose blush.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Rose says.

Meulin’s eyes gleam. “A crush? Tell me all about her, Rosie, I’ve gotta add this to the shipping wall!”

“It’s not a crush.”

Mituna supplies, “She’s head over heels for Kanaya. They both love sewing and other nerd shit.”

“Kan-kan’s head over heels for her, too! It’s totes adorable.”

Meulin and the two of them become fast friends, much to Rose’s mortification.

“Soft redrom disasters, m-o-g!” Meulin grins.

Rose takes a seat, trying desperately to find a way out of this horrible situation.

“Wanna play a round against the winner?” asks Latula. “I’m about to kick Tuna’s ass.”

“Ooh, would I!”

“Only if you don’t lose!”

“Eat sand, Tuna! You’re up against the game girl!”

Mituna laughs at that, though Latula does win. Meulin takes his place, and he plops down next to Rose.

“How are you, Mituna?” Rose asks.

“Tired. Hard to go anywhere without Tula. Wish I could take Sol to the arcade, like when we were kids. Miss that.”

“Why can’t you go, then?” Rose asks.

Mituna shrugs. “Old Dolly always puts his missions then. Hero work sucks. Can’t believe he got stuck doing that. Nerd.”

“And what about you?” Rose asks, gesturing to his silver bands.

“I could kick Sol’s ass in a fight, if only…” Mituna trails off. “Hey, I have the high score at all the Mario games. Wanna see if you can beat me?”

“I think you may be the better gamer out of the two of us.” Rose says. “I don’t think I could beat Latula or Sollux, either.”

“Gamegirl, gameblorg, and gamebro? Nah, we’re the unholy trinity of gaming. That sounds like you’re a coward and a quitter, then.” Says Mituna.

Rose raises an eyebrow. Being Roxy’s sister is too much for her. She’s not going to back down, even if she immediately gets a refresher’s course in having a gamer for an older sibling who refuses to go easy on her.

It doesn’t help that the arcade machines display Mituna and Latula’s initials for all the high scores in the system. They’ve even beaten Roxy’s. Rose tries to text her sister to let her know, but remembers her phone is off. Oh well.

“So, is Meu babysitting you?” Mituna asks.

“No, we’re hanging out.”

He sighs. “I used to say the same.”

Rose looks at him. “Hmm?”

“Tula’s great, but she’s the only one who…” Mituna is quiet again. Rose wonders about his silver bands, about his and Sollux’s Dersite heritage, about a thousand things.

Rose wants to pry for more information. Still, she and Mituna wander to the next machine over. Pac Man, a classic.

“I crocheted plushies of the ghosts for my sister, Roxy.” Rose says.

“Ooh.” Mituna smiles. “You gonna crochet something for Kanaya?”

“I do not have a crush on Kanaya.”

“Don’t tell her. She looks like Porrim did when she was around Tulip when we were kids.”

“Who is Porrim?” Rose asks. She remembers what Kanaya texted her. Who is she, and why was she avoiding the subject?

“Kanaya’s older sister. She used to be Tulip’s partner in the field.” Mituna pauses. “Hey, Rose?”


“Don’t tell Kanaya or Tulip I told you. She’s…not around anymore.” Says Mituna.

Rose is quiet. Pacman dies and Mituna lets out a string of curse words.

Eventually, he gets distracted by games again. Rose lets him get wrapped up in a solo racing game, before she quietly slips out.

Chapter 25: Suits


Rose reaches her true destination.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose rides the bus out in a direction that is still wrong for Prospit. She slips a hood and mask over her head, embroidered lightly with time gears. They were old prototypes of Dave’s vigilante suit, before Hal and Dirk got the helmet idea.

Everyone gets out before her stop. The bus driver looks back at her.

“Is your stop this one, or the end of the line?” he asks.

“This one.” Rose says.

The driver looks pained. “You…live out there?”

“Yes.” Rose lies.

This shuts the driver up.

They drive past dilapidated buildings scrawled with pool ball graffiti and mossy green. None of the housing here is well-maintained; no one wants to come here and repair it. Dersites have to be wary, but around here?

Around here you might as well take watches in the night. Not that you’d want to take your chances without the sun up.

He says, “Well…all right. I…yeah.”

Rose dismounts the bus.

The air smells smoky; the fire department almost never comes here, and, well, this is Felt territory.

Matches has free rein to burn as he pleases.

Rose has seen these streets in far too many visions. But she can smell it, sure as the smoke on the air: this is where she is meant to be. She takes her bow from her bag and strings it.

Rose walks with a purpose. She comes to what looks like an ordinary sewer grate.

She kneels.

She knocks three times.

The door slides aside.

Rose is greeted by a girl in a green dress, with her hair styled up in a sleek dark bun. She recognizes her all too well.

“Get out.” The girl says.

Rose tilts her head. “Come with me.”

“You don’t know shit. Get out.” She answers.

“Damara.” Rose says.

The girl freezes.

“Please come with me.” She says.

Damara glares.

Rose feels her body lift up, out of the sewer. The door slides shut behind her.

Rose knocks again.

No answer.

“Let me in!” Rose shouts.

She knows, she knows---

She pulls at the grate. She knocks.

“Go! While you are free! Stupid vigilante!” calls Damara.

“I’m here to save you!” Rose calls. “Please, get out!”

“You think they only trap you one way, stupid girl? Listen to the fucking songs and go to school. Leave.”

“I know Aradia!” Rose calls.

Damara is silent, and Rose thinks she’s broken through.

“Who?” she asks. Rose would’ve believed it.

A psionic burst sends her flying further back, back from the sewer.

Rose dusts herself off, about to try again.

She feels a hand catch her. She freezes.

“I knew he was expecting a guest, but I didn’t realize you knew the password.”

Rose turns. A short, balding man in a green suit, and bowtie, with the number 4 emblazoned on his periwinkle bowler hat. Clover, the lucky one.

Of course. Listen to the song.

Rose’s mistake comes crashing down over her head.

“I’ve actually received a call that I cannot come and stay.” She improvises. “I was letting them know that I can’t stay…”

Clover blinks. “You sure? He seemed awfully confident, and you’re here.”

“I know. Very unfortunate.”

Clover’s easy smile grows sharp. “You know, I’ve never had that problem.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“I mean I’m not about to start now.” Clover says.

He withdraws a gun from his coat, and points it at Rose.

“Get in.” He smiles. His tone is nasty, sugarcoated.

Rose does.


Damara’s expression grows resigned as she sees Rose. She looks exactly as Rose remembers her from the visions. Her resemblance to Aradia is striking, though she is paler from lack of sun and the dimpled smile Aradia has is gone, and probably has been for years.

Clover walks her at gunpoint through twists and turns. Rose memorizes them, but she figures the point is that she’s trapped down here.

What was she thinking, trying to do this on her own?

She’d gotten off the team by not telling anyone anything. And now she’s here, captured, because she did more of the same.

Rose is cursing her own stupidity as they enter the tearoom she’s seen all too many times.

“Damara, be a doll and get some tea for our guest.” Says Clover.

He holsters his gun and sits down. Rose knows he’ll be able to shoot her if she tries to flee.

And if she bleeds…

“Good weather out there, huh?” Clover asks.

Rose stares. Are they going to keep up this façade?

She isn’t about to test him, though. “Yes, quite.”

“Good Disciple Day, huh? I miss it sometimes.” He says.

Rose nods. She does not give away the info.

“You got a sweetheart?” he asks.

Rose says, “I do not.”

“Shame. Those letters are a lot more fun when you’ve got someone to address them to.” Says Clover. He leans back.

“Do you have a sweetheart?” Rose asks, hoping to sound casual.

“No, they think I’m scary for some reason.” He laughs. Rose forces herself to join. She wishes she had Hal here. She’s really hoping Meulin calls Roxy and Dirk.

Hell, she’ll resign the vigilante suit, if it means she’s not stuck here.

“So, what’s your power? The asshole never told me what it was.” Clover says. “Just said to expect someone with powers to come knocking on the door today.”

“He knew my intentions?” Rose asks.

“Oh yeah, that’s his thing. Says his invitations keep getting deleted.” Clover shrugs. “Guess that’s what typing in white text gets you. Stupid if you ask me.”

Rose is surprised. She would have noticed white text emails; everyone in Derse would, or just delete what looked like a blank email or pesterlog.

Who could have…

Hal. She really, really needs to talk to him now.

But she’s currently at gunpoint, with useless superpowers. If she were Vriska, she might be able to steal luck, avoid getting shot. But she’s not Vriska. She’s Rose. And her powers are, in this case, useless.

And it’s entirely her fault.

Damara brings out the tea. Her expression is a sharp glare. It’s evident that she blames Rose as well. She pours each of them a cup. The teaset is white porcelain, painted with green horses.

There are cookies with the tea, as well as, oddly enough, licorice scotty dogs. Rose does not drink any, although she wonders if this might be her only meal for quite some time.

Damara goes to leave, but Clover motions for her to sit and take some. Damara takes some tea. She drinks it, which tells Rose it’s probably not poisoned, but the entire situation has Rose wanting to play by fey rules. That, or the nauseous fear in her gut is making the cookies smell awful and stale.

Damara sips her tea. She takes the tiniest bites, prim and proper. She shoots Rose a dirty look when she catches her staring. Clover, in contrast, is sprawled almost cartoonishly.

Rose sits there. Finally, she asks, “What do you want with me?”

“I wasn’t the one who asked for a new one. But hey, I’m sure Dams here’ll appreciate the help, if he wants to keep you here.” Says Clover.

Damara looks up across the brim of her cup. “That will not be necessary.”

Rose remembers everything Damara went through. She tries not to shudder at the thought. She saw it all in her nightmares, but at least the waking world held some respite for her.

Clover shrugs. “Hey, I’m not in charge. Technically, not even he is.”

Rose gives a curt nod. She will not reveal that she knows the name Lord English, who has apparently never been spotted by Aradia, but was considered “lord of time”.

Lord. Like the god some Dersites worshipped. Usually not in praise, but begging him to keep away, and to recall his vessel the Little One.

Rose wonders if she should pray. Perhaps the Knight, who slayed him. Or the Witch, powerful, or the Prince, who seemed to have the Lord’s respect.

When the broken sword came from the stone, the Knight, once-doomed, copy of themselves, united with the Rogue as one, bore it in battle across the vast wastes of the dead. Oh Knight, grant me the strength of your sword. Strike down the arrival, the wicked one who rises alive. Strike like the hands of a clock, strike for the spite of your kin, strike with the blade of your wit. Keep me from the Spiteful One.

She knows the words by heart. Dave mutters them under his breath when he panicked in battle.

“Ah, right on time.”

“We’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes.” Clover says.

“I was referring to the interval of politeness, Clover.” Says the voice.

Rose forces herself to look.

This man is bald and pale, with near-white eyes. He wears a crisp white suit and lime green tie, with no hat, no number. Even so, the roundedness of his features and the blank tone he wears all but scream “zero”.

“Hello there, Lightseer.” Says the man. “My name is Doctor Scratch.”



As always, thank you for reading.

Chapter 26: Number Zero


Rose speaks with Doc Scratch.


Warning for Scratch being a creep.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hello.” Rose says. He’s seen through her disguise already. Then again, he supposedly sees everything…

He chuckles and takes a seat. Damara pours tea for him.

Rose sets her teacup down, and focuses on stilling her hands. It is not as if she is afraid of him. It is not as if this man has, for years, quite literally haunted her nightmares.

The room is silent. Rose looks around: there’s a familiar looking shrine in the corner, adorned in red spirals, shocking against the pea-green of the wallpaper. She averts her eyes back to the center; she doesn’t need a reminder. She focuses on her tea then, but looks away once more, so she’s not tempted to take a sip.

“Goodness, Clover, have you already intimidated our guest?”

Clover shrugs. “You know dames. Turn tail and run the second they see us.”

Scratch gives that laugh again. Rose has decided she despises it.

“I do hope you’ll make yourself comfortable, Lightseer.” Scratch says. “Or is your title too formal? I could always call you Rose.”

“Say, if you know the vigilantes’ names, we could hunt them---”

“There is a time and a place for everything, Clover.” Scratch interrupts. “And the time is not now. There are things at play that I cannot reveal. That I have not revealed. That no one should know but myself until the time is right.”

“Timey-wimey bullshit, right.” Clover rolls his eyes and adds another sugarcube to his tea. They’re green for some reason. Is everything here green?
“We are the Felt. Timey-wimey bullshit is our trademark.” Scratch smiles. Rose can barely see the expression on his lips.

Rose asks, “Once again. What do you want?”

Scratch puts down his teacup. “Oh, my dear, the same thing you want.”

Rose stares.

“All in due time, my dear.” Says Scratch.

“Do not call me that.” Rose says automatically.

“Ah, of course, of course. Forgive me. When you get to be my age, you find young ladies to be quite precious.”

Creep. Rose thinks, but considers that there is a well-armed lackey nearby.

“Clover, Damara, would you care to leave me alone with my guest?” Scratch asks.

The two get up to leave. Damara’s expression gives a brief flash of pain before she exits.

Rose waits.

He lowers his voice. “Now, Rose, let us cut to the chase. I am a seer, like yourself. But in comparison to yours, my powers are quite substantial. Many outcomes spiral outward for me. But there are a couple of issues I have run into. Namely, that the Felt is not the best place for me.”

Rose stares.

“You don’t believe me. Of course you don’t. But as much as I am a seer, as clever as I am, I am bound to this place. I am trapped. If I try to leave the Felt, well, you’ve heard the song. You know what Stitches or Die could do to me.”

“You expect me to believe that you, the leader of this group, are trapped.” Rose says.


“I am not the leader, Rose. You and I both know that that title goes to Lord English, who is currently quite reclusive. Believe it or not, he is far more powerful than I am. And as is, any escape will turn out quite badly for me.” Says Scratch. “I want to leave this place.”

“It sounds as if your sway within this organization is still sufficient.” Rose says.

“Aren’t you curious as to why the Felt hasn’t tipped the Hero Tower off as to all your activities?” Scratch asks.

Rose has to admit he has a point. Still, this seems like the kind of thing a de-facto leader could take care of, easily.

Scratch sighs. “I do wish that were the case. But alas…that is where you come in. I need someone as powerful as I am. As cunning as I am. But one who can be on the outside. I will offer you mentoring in your seer powers, make you the greatest vigilante Derse has ever seen. In return, when the time comes, you will take my instructions and help break me free. Any questions?”

“If you are all-knowing, you know that I do not believe you.” Rose says.

“I do. But I do know that everyone has their price…” Scatch looks at her, right in the eye. Rose meets his gaze, defiant, although it doesn’t feel particularly like eye contact. If not for his reputation, Rose wouldn’t fear him at all.

“And what do you think mine is?” Rose asks.

“The freedom of one Damara Megido.” Says Scratch.

Rose freezes.

“Yes, I will let her go. I will take steps to remove any influence that Stitches and Die and all of us have over her. She will be able to walk in the sun, go home, do whatever she likes.”

“You’re going to give up the girl you spent years abusing.” Rose tilts her head. “And I’m supposed to believe that?”

Scratch leans back. “Well, I did not mean to take this route. But if, instead of taking my deal, you refuse, there will be no chance at her freedom. If you do not take it, I have no reason to lie to the Felt and tell them you are our double agent, and that is why I will let you walk free and only communicate to you in the way that you wish. Instead, well…these men can be quite crude. Ungentlemanly, some might say. It would be a pity for another Dersite girl to go missing, would it not?”

Of course it was blackmail.

“Really, my deal is the best you could take. This way, you gain strength. Two sisters reunite. I gain my freedom. You don’t have to deal with men in green suits at your door. I don’t see why you would take any alternate route.” Says Scratch.

Rose stiffens.

“Do we have a deal?” He asks, as if he doesn’t already know the answer.

Rose nods. “We have a deal.”

“Excellent. You are free to go, although Damara’s cookies are wonderful. She hasn’t tried to poison them in months.”

Rose gives him a flat stare. “I will be leaving. My family will be looking for me.”

“Excellent. Damara will guide you out. And Rose.”

Rose waits. She will not give him a “yes” if it can be avoided.

“Tell anyone about this, and I will know. I will consider all of these terms forfeit. All of them, including the terms that were ‘not telling The Felt where you live’.” Says Scratch.

“I will keep the secret.” Rose says.

“Wonderful.” He smiles.


Damara tosses her out of the hatch when she’s out, and none too gently. Not the kind of thing Rose expected from someone who she was rescuing, but she supposed Damara had recognized her monumental stupidity before she did. Of course she had!

And now she couldn’t even remedy the whole “tell people and keep out of risky situations” lesson.

Rose felt her eyes sting. The idea that Scratch could be watching was the only thing keeping her from shedding her tears.

Gods above, would that be all the time, now that she was on his radar? He knew her visions, her civilian identity. He could sell her out to the authorities at any time. If she told anyone, Damara would be trapped forever. Or he could be lying about the whole thing, and Damara was trapped, and now she was, too. If she told, though, that meant Damara’s chance would be gone. And her life would also be at risk.

Rose walks for a while. She doesn’t know what else to do, other than wander aimlessly. She’s numb, deep in regret and anger at herself.

Finally, she remembers. She turns her phone back on---luckily, when she’s just out of Felt territory, at the bus stop before.

“Rose! Where were you?” Hal asks.

Rose says, “I made a mistake. I went out, trying to trigger my visions. The passing out made me think I could harness them.”

“Rose, how could you be that reckless? What if you fainted again? And…YOU’RE OUTSIDE FELT TERRITORY?” Hal shouted.

“I walked some of the way, before I chickened out…”

“And it’s a good thing you did! They could’ve caught you, Rose! It’s my job to keep you safe. I thought you were just going to do some reading, or go for a walk. Then Meulin texts Roxy and Dirk that you’re missing. Did you want them and the vigilantes to tear through Felt territory looking for you? Dirk was so close to getting a one-way ticket to the Tumor!” Rose is glad she isn’t on speaker. Hal is as loud as his voice AI will let him be, and he sounds like Dirk at this point.

“I’m sorry.” Rose says. “From now on, I’ll tell you guys. I know you all just do this to protect me, and it’s because they’re dangerous. Not because I was weak…”

Hal can hear the tremble in her voice. His voice goes back to normal. “I’ll tell Dirk you made the right decision to come home. Just please, Rose. Never do that again.”

“I won’t.” Rose lies.

Roxy comes by to pick her up, in the back of Fefeta’s lilac car. Rose finds herself engulfed in a hug, and she lets herself cry against her older sister on her way home. She wishes they were at least honest, not just the remains of seeing her worst visions in person.

Roxy shushes her and pets her hair. They reach home. Dirk doesn’t even look angry, just disappointed, and Dave collapses with relief, arms around her.

"Rose, I…I can’t believe you’d be that stupid! You’re supposed to be the smart one.” He says. He’s crying a little as well.

“I know.” Rose feels Roxy pull her tighter into the hug. “It was so stupid, the information wasn’t worth what would’ve happened.”

“I know you’re trying to help us,” Dave says, “But just…no one’s supposed to be alone in Felt territory. Even Bone Witch says she’d rather have someone watching her back, instead of running solo.”

Rose curses internally. She told Kanaya that, and Kanaya was trained from birth! She wishes this was real. She wishes, wishes it was all real.

Dirk says, “Rose.”

“Are you going to tell me to go to my room?” Rose asks.

Dirk sighs. “No. I just…I get why you hate it. Everyone who’s trying to keep you safe tries to control you…I’ve been going to the community center, for the therapy sessions. I can’t tell them everything about Bro, but…well, they told me that my reaction to feeling like everything was out of control was trying to control everything in turn. And I guess we were putting the same kind of pressure on you. You were right, about…about Bro---”

This time, she and Dave and Roxy yank Dirk into the hug. He gives a sort of surprised squawk.

“Don’t you ever compare yourself to him.” Roxy hisses.

Rose says, “You’re like him, okay? I was being cruel when I said that.”

“All right, you can let go…oh god, Dave, you’re crushing me…”

Dave, unsurprisingly, had been the one who hugged him tightest.

“How about we order pizza tonight?” Roxy asks. “We can watch a movie.”

Rose says, “Take it out of the commission Meenah gave me.”

“Oh yeah. I forgot to say: congratulations, Rosie.” Roxy messes up her hair.

This gets Rose to separate from the hug; she and Dirk are usually both in the “startled squawk” category of receiving hugs. Unfortunately, Dave is having none of that, and they all collapse into a sort of Strilonde cuddle pile.

The softness of the moment settles in. Rose can almost believe it’s going to be okay.

“We love you, Rose. Don’t forget that, okay?” Roxy whispers.

Rose knows. She knows, and it’s why, when the pizza arrives, the entire meal tastes like cardboard.


Dave and Roxy are asleep. Dave is curled against Roxy’s side, and Rose is between Roxy and Dirk.

She and Dirk are awake for the third movie of the night. Dirk is an insomniac, and Rose really isn’t looking forward to her dreams tonight.

Dirk has turned down the volume of the movie, but Dave always sleeps better with ambient noise, and Roxy can sleep through an earthquake.

“Dirk?” Rose asks, as she’s on the edge of sleep.

“Yeah, Rose?” He asks.

“I have a question.”

“That’s never stopped you from just asking.”

“Right. It’s a question about him, though.”

Dirk tenses. “What do you want to know about?”

“Which Skaian temple was he a part of?” Rose asks.

Dirk says, “The Lord’s. Rose, why are you asking?”

“I’m just…I’ve been thinking about him more, lately.”

“I’m sorry.” Dirk says. “I…if I’d gotten my powers earlier, I might’ve gotten you guys out before you were nine---”

“It’s not your fault, what he did.”

“I know, but I…shit. He used to talk a shit ton about being the eldest son.” Dirk says. “And that still gets to you.”

Rose sighs. “Still, you’re different people. And if you’re too down on yourself, we will wake up Dave, and he will probably try to hug you again and fall asleep again. And you will be trapped.”

“Damn.” Dirk mutters.

“I was going to ask for some stories, but I’ll refrain.”

“His stories are pretty awful. And the doctrine says you’re not supposed to teach girls.”

“I thought that was a rumor.”

“It’s not. There’s a reason you two got less strifes than we did.” Dirk says. "Before Dave told everyone, at least."

“I knew he was sexist, but not religious-sexist.”

“It hit Roxy pretty hard. I’m glad you two didn’t have to spend as long around him. It’ll probably give you a better chance.” Says Dirk.

Rose yawns.

“Go to sleep. I can turn off the TV, Dave can deal.” Dirk whispers.

“’m scared…” Rose murmurs.



“Do you want me to…”

“No.” Rose shakes her head.

“Okay.” He says.

“Love you.” Rose mutters, asleep already.


You can tell why the ending got packed with fluff. This chapter was uncomfortable to write. Poor Rose.

Edit: because some one wanted to know, in this AU, Dave is a trans guy and Roxy is a trans woman. An Adventure for a Gutsy Gumshoe implies that Roxy is transfem, but there hasn't really been a place to specify that Dave is transmasc within the story yet.

Bro is a piece of shit in this AU.

Chapter 27: The Decision


Things escalate with the plan to round up the Light Court. The poll starts to reach its conclusion.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose’s dreams are what her visions usually are: unrelated scraps of meaning, future scenes from others’ lives. Sure, she sees Nepeta handling her next mission with ease, sure she sees Aradia and Jade giggling together, and Dave bored out of his mind on the work computer. She spots Erisol swearing up a storm, yeah, nothing new.

Rose is just relieved she didn’t see anything too awful as she stirs awake. She’s still cuddled against Dirk and Roxy. Dave is slumped over. Even Dirk is sleeping, somehow.

It’s nice. It’s something she hardly deserves, after what she has to do now. What she could have avoided, if she'd been wiser.

She doesn’t know how far Scratch’s powers go. He was expecting her after she told no one her plans. He was aware of her---aware she’d seen the Felt before. Aware that she knew what Damara had been through.

Damara. Would he even release her? Just because he wanted to leave the Felt didn’t mean he would keep his word. Or that he was telling the truth.

Would he even fulfil his promise to train her, or would he just use her as a lackey?

Rose checks the clock. It’s time for her to get up, but Roxy wrapped an arm around her in the night, and Dirk is leaning over on to her side.

“Dirk, Roxy, I need to go to school. Dave needs to go to work.” Rose says.

“No.” Roxy curls her arm tighter. “Squiddle.”

“I am not your little squiddle.” Rose says. “I am seventeen years old. I will be eighteen in two months.”

Roxy blinks, eyes bleary. “You’ll always be my little Squiddle. Tell her, Dave.”

“Fuck yeah, little squiddle and little raven.” Dave shifts, then goes back to sleep.

“It is time to get up for breakfast. Dirk, please tell them.” Rose says.

Dirk is out like a log.

“Hal, please tell them.”

“What am I, second-best?” Hal asks.

“I would never mean to imply such a thing.” Rose says.

Hal is, of course, a part of the Strilonde family cuddle pile. Dirk never took off his shades. Hopefully, they won’t leave little marks.

Hal makes a loud, long beep. Dirk startles awake, as Hal begins to play one of his rap records.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Hal says.

“Fuck you, Hal. I was having a nice dream.”

“About Jake?” Hal asks.

This gets Dirk somewhat flustered. Rose already knows. Dave and Roxy, however, are looking over at Dirk.

“Ooh, who’s Jake?” Roxy asks. “Fefeta’s gotta know.”

“I am not having her draw couples portraits of me and a guy I just met!” Dirk says, looking away.

“Wait, Jake? Hero Tower Jake?” Dave asks. “Dirk, no. You can’t let him touch you.”

Dirk sighs, irritated. “I know. It was obvious he was Skylark. Even if Rose hadn’t gotten a vision, I would have heard his vocabulary and seen those gold bands.”

“I knew we should have made him hide those better.” Rose mutters.

“So it’s not going anywhere, Hal.” Dirk snaps. He leans back.

“Breakfast?” Roxy asks. “There’s pancake mix. You guys want blueberry?”


Rose isn’t prepared for the announcement that comes over the intercom.

“Attention, students of Central Derse High School. Anyone who has permitted the word of the White Queen into their minds, please head to the cafeteria now.”

The voice is unmistakable. Rose freezes.

It’s Kankri’s voice.

Lynera Skalbi, one of the more well-behaved kids in class who had begun to act oddly smiley, stands up. She looks startled.

Mrs. Okimaw looks at her. She seems to understand what’s going on, and says, “Lynera…”

Lynera looks pained as she looks at her teacher.

Mrs. Okimaw looks away. “I…it’s been good to teach you, kid. Good luck out there.”

Lynera leaves.

Rose stands up.

“Rose?” Mrs. Okimaw looks shocked.

“I’m not Light Court. But…I need to see what they’re doing. I need to try…”

“What, and stop it? The vigilantes are about to try and stop it, according to the poll. It’s a waste of your resources, and theirs. They hardly stand a chance on the streets, let alone against the guardians of Skaia.” Tagora rolls his eyes.

“Quiet, Gorjek.” Mrs. Okimaw snaps. She looks at Rose.

“If you go there, they’ll think you’re Light Court. If you’re not, sit down, Rose.” She says. “I’m not letting you get arrested.”

Rose sits down, fuming.

This also means Kankri’s voice can be transmitted, which is alarming for so many reasons. At least he doesn’t seem to have the Queen’s projection.

The roundups have begun.

In the hall, Rose checks her phone. The poll they made for Dersites to vote on vigilante action is there, and it looks like Dersites all around aren’t happy to hear about this.

PM has tweeted, “The vigilantes have done nothing but work to protect Derse when no one else would. Every time the Tower comes to Derse, they do nothing but try to take the only protection the civilians have. Now @ultimatum is being deployed against children. If any Prospitian is wondering why the citizens are voting for the vigilantes to engage, it is because the Tower, to Derse, is nothing but another threatening presence to live under.”

Rose looks down. She knows she should be doing other things. She doesn’t want to create infighting between the forces of justice; that kind of division means the Clown Cult and Felt and Light Court will surge.

She knows they might even be safer, with any potential Courtiers rounded up.

But she can’t bring herself to say anything, either way.

Everyone in History is in a fog. The teacher tries to do their best to keep people engaged in learning about the founders of Skaia, but he knows it’s a losing battle. Mr. Knelax lets them play videogames during Computer Lab, and most kids are talking, voices hushed in concern.

Rose ducks into a corner with her phone again. She doomscrolls the news. Everyone but PM and Derse News Reels---and the entire population of Derse and several surrounding burroughs---are eating up the Tower’s propaganda. It’s all about rounding up a threat to security. Some people are being condescending, acting like they don’t understand.

Rose…Rose doesn’t know. She heard the Queen take over Zebede and Fozzer. She saw the Court try to break their spirits and take them away.

On one hand, the Tower is doing the same. The enemy of their enemy should be their friend, like Tagora said.

Rose wishes for a split vision, one that shows the better path. Sure, she knows that both could be awful. But perhaps she could find the one where the least people got hurt.

Then again, the vigilantes already promised to follow the will of the people.

And the will of the people, it seems, is to keep their loved ones close.

Rose texts Dave:

TT: Did you see the poll, Dave?

TG: hard not to

TG: got overruled again at work. what’s the point of being derse advisor if the orders from over the top always contradict? kankri’s gonna get stabbed if he goes to derse, I say. because apparently telling them he’s gonna commit crimes against civilian rights isn’t enough to call him off. and signless is all like this comes from the top even i cant stop my kid from getting killed.

TT: He came to our school.

TG: holy fuck

TG: are you safe rose?

TT: I am fine. I am more worried about my classmates. More and more Fozzers, all of them. And I feel it is my fault for delivering Fozzer to them.

TG: what

TG: rose you were trying to get him help. you saw ultimatum and you told him no and then fozzer said he wanted to help.

TT: and this could mean we go up against the tower and cause avoidable strife

TG: rose we serve the people

TG: we cant just say we know best and say we’re not gonna listen

TG: like whats the point then

TT: I suppose we must do what we do. Perhaps this way, I might atone for what I brought upon our people.

TG: rose stop with that guilty self loathing shit you sound like dirk

TT: I have made more mistakes than you know, Dave.

TG: bluh bluh im rose im edgy i have a lady boner for freud and lacan and everything in the world is my fault. im gonna turn into goop like howl with the ginger hair

TG: he looked hotter with dark hair i dunno why he dyed it blond

TT: You can stop now.

TG: and everyone else is over here like sophie dealing with your manchild drama like i could have stopped you or fozzer

TG: we all make bad decisions too rose its not just you

TG: get in line

Rose leans back. He really does have no idea…but perhaps the Tower could have found someone else. Another Fozzer for Ultimatum to break.

She still feels dread in the pit of her stomach.

She gets a notification from Jade.

GG: Good news, Rose! Aradia says you can come to DnD this week, and this time John will take her place.

GG: Vriska got him to make his own character. She’s a green sea cucumber trickster named Jooooon who shows up and leaves randomly when one of the party is down. She and Pyral keep pranking each other.

Rose was not in the mood.

TT: Jade, I don’t know if you’re aware, but I care very little about games at the moment.

GG: D: Why not?

TT: Read the news.

GG: The roundups?

GG: Oh, Rose! I know you hate that, but they’re important for the safety of Skaia.

TT: You sent the one hero who should not be in Derse to Derse. My estimation of how you think of our safety is very, very low.

At least this was anger. Anger was good. Anger was familiar. Anger was---

[gardenGnostic is an idle chum!]

Great. She’d lost another friend. At least it hadn’t been one like Aradia---how could Aradia date Jade, when she said things like that?
And Rose was the one she didn’t trust?

The bell rang. Rose sat down near Feferi and Eridan.

“I can’t believe those Tower bastards are here.” Eridan said.

Feferi shook her head. “I shore can. Rose…what’s gonna happen if the vigilantes have to act?”

Rose is careful to speak in third person, since Tower personnel are here.

Rose says, “Then the vigilantes and heroes will be in more than petty fights. It will be personal. And if the Clown Cult starts another fire here in Derse, no one will call Air to make sure our homes aren’t destroyed…” she pauses, then looks between Feferi and Eridan. She has a few ideas.

Feferi looks down. Eridan shakes his head. Rose wonders if her suspicion is wrong.

She glances around. There’s no trace of whatever happened when the Courtiers were called down.

Eridan says, “I say we take matters into our own hands.”

Rose and Feferi look startled.

“I’m getting off the sidelines.” Eridan says. “I don’t fuckin’ trust the Tower. Ultimatum is just a diet White Queen and I’m not going to sit back and let people invade. Fef, you’re the one who says a leader’s got to go with what makes the people happy. And what makes the people happy is gonna be---”

“Action from the vigilantes?” Rose asks, giving him a meaningful look and hoping he remembers some subtlety. “That’s different from the Eridan who didn’t want to get involved at all.”

Eridan looks down. Feferi grins, and her smile is almost sharklike.

“I knew you wanted to be a hero, Eri.” She teases. “All that talk about protecting me, and you’re going to march straight to Ultimatum and tell him where to stuff it?”

Eridan looks down, and mumbles, “I just hate how low we’ve fallen. Derse shouldn’t be humiliated like this. We used to be the second jewel of Skaia, not shorthand for whatever Prospit wants to pretend to feel bad about.”

“Well, you’ll both appreciate my idea, then!”

“Is this about Gill’s Night?” Rose asks, thinking of getting back on the squad.

“That’s sometime in the future, silly! PM and the Mayor organized a protest in Prospit.” Says Feferi.

“PM knows the Mayor?” Eridan asks.

Feferi laughs. “Yep. Nepeta even ships them.”

“You go to see the mayor, too?” Rose asks.

“Fefeta’s the closest one to him; the sign language community of Derse is pretty tight for the people who use it more exclusively.” Feferi says. “But yes!”

Rose knew about Fefeta and her Can Town mural project already.

“Will we see PM?” Rose asks.

“She’s bound to hide her face.” Feferi says. “If she rallies the crowd, that is. Otherwise she’ll probably make an effort to blend in. Who knows what the Tower might do?”

“The Mayor’s registered. He’ll be risking arrest.” Eridan says.

“Protesting is legal.” Feferi says.

“The Tower hardly cares about that.” Rose says. “If we go, we should cover our faces as well, and come prepared for them to try force against us.”

Feferi nods. “I’ll bring a water cart.”

“You have a water cart?” Rose asks.

“I texted Meenah to get me one.” Feferi says.

Of course Meenah could get her hands on something like that.


Rose is surprised to find Roxy, Dirk, and Fefeta already packing up to protest when she arrives home.

“I still think this is a waste of time.” Dirk says.

Fefeta signs, “PM will be there. People will be filming and recording and reporting. We won’t sway Prospit, but Lobaf and Loqam are more neutral, and we can get them to see that we’re not happy, see our pain.”

“I know, and I’m telling you Prospit just takes and takes and sharpens its heroes like a set of knives that only the wealthy get to hold.” Dirk says.

“Then we’ll go, and if it doesn’t work, you can…I dunno. I’ve also got other ideas, but you rejected those.” Roxy says.

“My powers don’t work that way.” Dirk says.

Roxy raises an eyebrow. “You sure?”

Rose says, “Dirk, Roxy…would that happen to be something like using your powers to break the White Queen’s hold?”

“It’s impossible and we could end up with a dead body.” Dirk says. “My powers don’t heal. They hurt. That’s what they do. The only times they did anything good were…well, I can count them on one hand. The only thing using them on Courtiers will get us is a trip to the tumor.”

“I still think you could try.” Roxy says. “You always talk about how you’re inherently destructive and all, but you know that’s not true. Look at Hal. But it’s still your choice.

“So, off to the peaceful protest?” She finishes.

Dirk sighs. “I was already going to go, Roxy. I just won’t be using my powers. Ever.”

Roxy glances at Rose. Rose shrugs. She’s seen Dirk’s powers in her visions, and he’s right. If there’s not a set of irons involved, there’s something that might warrant it.

She’s never seen him make another Hal. Anything else could backfire horribly, He was right; it was too risky. She needed to stop thinking of reckless options.

Rose picks up her belongings. “Is Dave all right?”

“He’s still at work.” Roxy says. “He says he’s with someone he trusts. I think he’ll be pretty safe.”

As they walk out the door, Dirk mutters, “Is his judgement that sound, though?”

Rose checks her texts.

From Dave:

TG: With karkat. Im good.

“He’ll be fine.” At least he'll keep him in one piece.

From Aradia:

AA: I’m at the protest. Temporary truce.

TT: I see. Is Jade there?

She can’t help it. There’s bitterness there.

AA: She is not answering my texts. Did you really think the Tower would let them protest against themselves?

TT: I see.

AA: She was a bit upset with you, by the way.

TT: She just texted an update at the wrong time, and then defended the Tower’s actions.

AA: I can see why they would want spies off the streets.

TT: And do you trust them not to leverage this panic to crack down on whoever they dislike? They could arrest all of us on the basis that we might be Courtiers.

AA: Is that a vision, Rose?

TT: I will tell you if I see anything, Aradia.

AA: See that you do.

“Who else are you texting?” Roxy asks.

“Aradia.” Rose says.

“You can’t trust her.” Dirk says.

“And she can’t trust me.” Rose snaps. “That’s why I’m telling her I haven’t seen anything and will tell her if I do. And here.”

Rose tweets:


Protestors, I am watching for you. Stay alert. Be prepared in case the Tower proves treacherous.

Though she feels filthy using the next tactic after what’s happened to her, it’s one of the few ways to get a message there that Dersites are likelier to see than Prospitians.

She adds white text, a feature that only Skaia would add to social media after pesterchum made it popular. Only one of them uses white text, unless it’s desperate:

“Wear noise cancelling headphones and be prepared to activate them at the first hint of Ultimatum. If you have none, bring music.”

There’s a retweet already.


Dersites keep watch!

That’s PM herself!

“I’m keeping us safe.” Rose says. “I have to show them I’m trusted.”

“Hell yeah.” Roxy says.


Going to protests is admirable. But will the Tower listen to the citizens they've sworn to protect, or is whoever's in charge that bad?

Chapter 28: Resistance and Words


The protest continues. Rose has some thoughts and conversations.


Long and unedited. If you see a mistake, that's why. I need to come back to this one, and I will, but I'm just so eager to write more.

I tried to give the quirks translations in brackets, if that's more comfortable for you. I kind of wonder if it would be better to leave them out entirely, though I love them and they do become relevant.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The bus is packed and the ride is tense. They will meet Eridan and Feferi in the park and head to the Tower plaza.

All of the heroes’ social media has gone silent, even Ultimatum’s.

In stark contrast, there’s an uproar when they arrive. Knight raps are being blasted from speakers. Families chant in the open.

At the front of the crowd is the Mayor, and standing next to him is a modestly dressed woman, covered from head to toe in gray cloth except her eyes. The Mayor is signing. The woman translates.

“We will not stand by while you invade us once more! You harm our vigilantes and now our families! The only things that stand up for us while you sit by and do nothing. I care for the children of Derse. I always have. I have seen them in desperation and joy. When I protected them from the Condesce and refused to join you---and I refused, because you would have put me in Prospit, where you already were so well defended, instead of with my people! I did all this, and your own Redglare could only argue that I become a marked man and not a prisoner.

She continues the Mayor’s translation. “You may take me for a humble old man, a carver. But I know what Prospit’s pity on Derse is. It is hate. It is parasitism. When Dualscar, the Condesce, Highblood, and Jack Noir crowned themselves our royalty, all you ever went after was us until they attacked your precious tower.

“I hear from my children. I hear that your heroes knew nothing of the Felt, who wreaked havoc on us for years. And why would they? Better to round up the Light Court, who threaten you at least! Who you use as an excuse. Dersites, we will no longer be pawns! Rise up!”

The crowd cheers. Rose hears a long, low whistle and spots Meenah, who’s with Feferi and Eridan.

Fefeta hugs her cousins. Meenah says, “I didn’t know the little guy had that in him. He’s so…”

“Soft?” Eridan suggests.

“Hey, the Mayor’s great.” Fefeta snaps. “He made Psii’s bench, remember? And he did that! He’s the coolest. He could get arrested for that.”

Eridan puts his hands up. It’s not common to see Fefeta get angry, but like Dave and countless others, mew will defend the Mayor with her dying breath.

The interpreter woman is announcing. Her voice is crisp and smooth as she describes an ordinary life with her friend in Derse. She directs her words at the Tower, this time. She does not announce her name, probably for safety. Rose wouldn’t, either.

She leads the group in a song to the Maid.

“Life is stolen, light is gone…”

“Rise, rise, speak to them!”

“Hearts in cages, hearts unknown!”

“Rise, rise, call to them!”

“Who’s she?” Meenah asks.

Feferi shrugs. She passes out water to thirsty protestors. Hydration is important, and it gives her a better way to heal them.

Rose shouts, while hoping for visions through everything. Hal buzzes her with updates.

The weather grows cold.

Rose can smell it in the air. It’s going to rain.

A part of her still believes: they wouldn’t.

Rose texts Dave,

TT: Where is John?

TG: karkat and i got locked in our office i don’t know

Rose smells it on the air before she sees gray light.

Desperate, she opens DMs for PM. They’re usually closed, but she discovers she’s permitted through.

Lightseer: Air is coming. He will try to disperse the crowd with rain. He will not flood Prospit, but it is an attempt to lower morale.

PM: Thank you, Lightseer.

The woman in gray looks up from her phone, and whispers something to another woman at the front of the crowd.

Rose realizes, in another brief flash, that that’s PM.

PM opens her umbrella. Everyone else who has something like that does the same.

The rain doesn’t even get a chance to soak most people. The protest continues through the swell of the downpour.

Rose wonders if she should have exaggerated, encouraged retreat. This means it’ll be harder for everyone to escape.

A couple of kids start up the rope skipping rhyme about Ultimatum. Rose smiles as she joins.


The protest wears into the evening. The rain stops. The Mayor and a few of the more zealous Dersites camp outside the tower; Rose would join, but they’ve all got to go home. Dirk can’t afford to miss college and Roxy can’t afford to take a day off.

Feferi and Eridan end up sleeping over, along with Roxy and Fefeta. Well, Eridan goes with Dave to help train and patrol. Feferi stays with Rose.

Meenah offers to take watch instead of Dirk. They get into an argument, but it doesn’t seem like they’re going to burn the house down, so they leave them to it.

“You should go and work.” Rose says. “Just because I’m grounded, doesn’t mean you should be.”

Feferi shakes her head. “I don’t have many friends besides Eridan, and…well, it’s nice to have someone besides him and Meenah and the Witch Elders.”

Rose smiles. She switches to the cant Jade taught her. “I knew you used quadrants, but you’re in the church?”

“I am! I’m no priestess, but the Witch is so inspiring! She builds homes for lost souls and protects the planet. Then there’s the legend where she stands against the Thief!”

Rose asks her to slow down a little, and she’s relieved when Feferi switches back.

“I’m surprised you know Witch. I thought you would worship the Seer.” Feferi says.

Rose sighs. “My childhood friend taught me. Her name’s Jade. She’s also Comet.”

Feferi looks alarmed. “I know Dave works at the Tower, but you were friends with the third hero?”

“Yes. We have not been seeing eye to eye on the Tower’s decision regarding families.” Rose says.

“I’d bet!” Feferi shakes her head. “Do you think she’ll make up with you?”

“I…I hope so. I’m expecting an apology. And I know Aradia will be as well.”

“She knows Aradia?”

“They are matesprits.” Rose says, using the temple word.


“Aradia has a confidence I am unsure I could ever possess. And Jade is misguided, but…I always admired, on some level, how she took things whole, and never broke them apart.” Rose says.

Feferi flops down on the air mattress, the one Aradia used back when they let her stay. “You know, I wonder if Prospit is right sometimes. That we’re just a bunch of wayward souls who should let them roll out their policies over us. I know it was bad before, when they wouldn’t help us at all, but now they’re at least trying...

“And I know it’s horrible. Because what they’re doing is wrong. I don’t think I could let Meenah go to them, not after hearing what Fozzer went through, even if she was under the Queen’s influence.” Feferi sighs.

“That’s the worst part, when people who try to take care of you do it like they’re trying to hurt you. And then when they protect you, it only feels like suffocation. You can’t tell mockery from what’s real.” Rose says.

She’s thinking of paintings of wizards, of a plot of land and a marble house, the clash of steel on steel echoing down as…

Mom held her hand. Jaspers was a good, good kitty. She had loved him, but the one who loved him the most was far above them, parrying stringed limbs and ruthless blows with a bayonet. It wasn’t her turn. Of course he’d changed the order, and Mom hadn’t even thought to postpone the funeral. She didn’t even know she wasn’t there.


“Bad memory.”

“I’ve got a boatload of those.” Feferi sighs. “Nightmare City.”

“We can’t keep calling it that.”

“I guess. That’s how it feels sometimes.”

Rose would tell Feferi, but she stops herself. The people who understand are outside. The person she wants to tell won’t talk to her. Feferi is a friend, a healer, and very kind.

But Rose is barely ready to share her memories with a few people who don’t know.

“Wanna play go fish?” Rose asks. She doesn’t want to sleep.

Feferi breaks into a grin. Rose knows they’ll be up late, even if it means getting her ass kicked by one of the most determined cardplayers she’s ever faced.

“Are you counting cards?” Rose asks.

Feferi shrugs. “I can usually tell when you have something good. You have a tell.”

“I do?”

“Don’t try too hard to mask it.” Feferi said. “That just covers a tell with another, but your eyes narrow a little, like a smile with your eyes. It’s subtle.”

Rose makes note of that. “If I may…is the card thing related to…”

“Yes.” Feferi nods. “Card games are important for any crew member. They teach you lots of games, but cards espe-shoally. I’m not really ‘in’ the crew, but Meenah made shore I was a cardshark. I also know pool.”

Rose stiffens.

“I know, but Meenah says it helps them understand the Felt better. Also, imagine being able to defeat Lord English or Cans at pool! Their own game!” Feferi beams. “I could teach you.”

“Thank you, Feferi. I think I’ll have to decline.” Rose says. Odds are, I will be learning far too much about billiards in the near future.

Rose’s phone chimes. She checks it.

GA: Hello Rose

GA: I Was Wondering If You Would Like To Spend Time Together On Saturday Afternoon After The Game Jade Insists Is Still Happening

GA: We Could Go Back To Loraf Or Visit Elsewhere

GA: It Might Be Fun. I Do Enjoy Your Company

Rose sighs.

“What’s going on?” Feferi asks.

Rose explains. Gill’s Night is the Sunday evening after that. It’d be a busy weekend, and she’s still fed up with Jade.

“Rose,” Feferi says, “You mean to say you have the chance to play DnD with multiple heroes, including Air, and then spend an afternoon with one.”


“And you’re thinking of cancelling.”


Feferi sighs. “Rose, you’re one of the smartest in class. But sometimes, I reely wonder if you’re all that smart.”

“Excuse me?”

“You have the perfect oppor-tuna-ty to convince the hero tower to change its ways. While we shout up at the tower, you’ve been given chance after chance to appeal to whatever better judgement they have.” Feferi says.

Rose feels flabbergasted, and a little ashamed.

“It sounds like Aradia bailed out in order to avoid conflict and give you this chance, to me.” Feferi says.

“Are you sure?”

“Moray-eels are like that. And we don’t get thanked…” Feferi sighs.

Of course. Dave goes to that awful job and handles Kankri in order to get our message through. Here I am. Comet and Silkworm let Lightseer go once. Could the others also be persuaded to show mercy? They take commands from above, but the heroes make and break the tower.

“I will go.”

“Shell yeah! You know, maybe, if these friendships are possible, Prospit’s got good inside. Maybe they’ll learn to acshoally help out and rebuild.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

Rose texts the game chat.

TT: Jade, I will be at the meeting.

GG: Are you still mad at me?

TT: I don’t agree with what the tower does to Derse, but I do value our friendship.

GG: :B Yay! Aradia doesn’t hate you by the way.

TT: I do not think she hates me.

GG: She seems to think she you hate her

GG: She told me you just need to talk to her about stuff before you do it if it affects her!

TT: Did she want you to tell me this?

AA: rose this is a public chat 0_0

AA: i told jade i was g0ing to d0 it. she was just faster. [I told jade I was going to do it. she was just faster.]

GG: Making sure you weren’t going to chicken out!

AA: im n0t chicken but y0u cheated [I’m not chicken but you cheated]

AA: telep0rtation isn’t fair [teleportation isn’t fair]

TT: I am a bit relieved. I do not hate you, either.

AA: I never th0ught y0u did. Y0u are just impulsive as fuck. [I never thought you did. You are just impulsive as fuck.]

TT: Jade, help defend my honor.

GG: teehee!

GC: TH3R3 1S NO D3F3NS3. D4V3 S41D YOU W3R3 1MPULS1V3 4ND H3 W4S T3LL1NG TH3 TRUTH. [There is no defense. Dave said you were impulsive and he was telling the truth.]

TT: Betrayed by my own flesh and blood.

AG: I’m glad you’re having fun. Your stupid drama is m8king the camp8gn way harder to manage. [Your stupid drama is making the campaign way harder to manage.]

AA: subtle as ever, vriska.

AG: Yeah, yeah. You know John, right????????

TT: Yes.

AG: He’s Joooooooon the sea cucumber.

GC: MMM T4STY. [mmm tasty]

AG: Don’t m8ke fun of him for playing a girl or I will 8r8k your face. [don’t make fun of him for playing a girl or I will break your face.]

TT: I will treat Miss Joooooooon with the utmost respect.

TT: How many o’s are supposed to be in her name?

AG: 8

GG: However many you want!

AG: The answer is 8

GC: WH4T 4BOUT 413 [what about 413]

GC: OR 69

AA: It’s unwieldly.

AA: j00n is fine. [Joon is fine.]

AA: like the m0nth but the spelling makes m0re sense. [like the month but the spelling makes more sense].

GG: I write a different number each time.

“I wish I could be in your squiddle campaign.” Feferi says, reading over her shoulder.

TT: Any room for more players, perchance?

AG: a8solutely not!!!!!!!! You, Terezi, Aradia, Jade, and now Joooooooon are way too many as is. [absolutely not! You, terezi, aradia, jade, and now Joon are way too many as is.]

Feferi looks a little crestfallen. “I guess she’s Eridan’s ex, and I shouldn’t be friends with her…”

Rose had forgotten about this. Way before all of these connections, it had been the two of them, pompous and arrogant and somehow a couple that did not spontaneously combust.

AA: R0se we will talk s00n, d0n’t w0rry. [Rose, we will talk soon, don’t worry.]

Rose says to Feferi, “Maybe you and Nepeta can roleplay? She doesn’t trust them and Equius doesn’t either.”
Feferi smiles.

Feferi and Rose try more Witch Cant. Rose has to admit she likes the words, and she wonders a little about learning more stories of the Seer. She probably should, if her nom de guerre is so close to the Seer.

Eventually, Feferi falls asleep.

Rose reads a little more about the odd trio fic she found online. Disciple and Psiioniic were an iconic couple. Making Signless a third partner felt odd. Sure, Disciple’s story of revenge inspired romantics, but him and Psiioniic? Sure, Psiioniic had made fun of him a little, back when they’d all been active…this was where reality had to give way, she supposes.

A part of her wondersw if it was healthy, the obsession Skaia had with its heroes, to the point where thousands of writers flock to write stories and stories about those ones. She wonders if they’re real, to them.

She sighs, and picks out a poem to Antevorta to read. It didn’t have many kudos, but it was a good sendoff to her. Even so, searching for her still yielded a few recent works of smut.

Eventually, Rose falls asleep, still holding her phone.

“Sweet dreams, Rose.” Hal whispers.

They are anything but.


Thank you so much for reading!

Feel free to leave comments or theories below. I love to hear your thoughts!

Chapter 29: Persuasion


Rose has several conversations, and starts thinking about Feferi's suggestion.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Felt manor is as Rose remembers it.

“Ah, right on schedule.”

Scratch is there again. Rose is seeing through Damara this time.

“She’s seeing?” Damara asks.

“Yes. This will unfortunately be a one-way conduit for us. She will have to come visit us if she wants to answer back. And I don’t think Rose will want that until it’s lesson time.”

Damara rolls her eyes. “Who’s she seeing through?”

“You, of course.”

“Tell her to get out of my fucking head.”

Scratch laughs. It’s condescending as all hell. “She can’t control that yet, darling. I’ll teach you, Rose, don’t worry. But first, you have a task. It’s relevant to training and to my ends, so really we’ll both benefit.”

Rose listens. She has no choice. Damara seems to be concentrating hard, trying to get Rose out of her head, but that’s not how it works.

“On Gill’s Night, you’ll tell your friends you don’t feel like visiting the Witch Temple inside the aquarium. Instead, you’ll go visit the Seer’s Chapel. Understand? This is your first lesson. The old gods are far closer to what you seek than you think.” Scratch lies back. He sips his tea, but his lips barely part.

There’s a long pause. “Anything to add, Damara?”

“Mind your own business and get fucked.” She says.


“Fuck off.”

“I apologize for what you’re about to see and feel, Rose.” Doc Scratch stands up.

He walks to the massive fireplace, the one that flickers with green flame.

Damara doesn’t even try to leave.


Rose wakes up to feeling Roxy’s arms around her.

“You were yelling. Feferi got me.” She whispers.

“Just a vision.” Rose says.

Roxy asks, “Anything you feel like telling me?”

Rose shakes her head no.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Feferi asks.

Rose nods.

“Meenah can get you a therapist who won’t squeal.” Feferi says.

“I am fine. I have studied psychology and can take care of anything that resides in my mind.” Rose answers, looking away.

“By the way,” Roxy says, “Meenah slept in my room. She says she’s a shopowner, but you live close to Lodag. That van was not inexpensive, and that water cart…”

Roxy trails off. She says, “And she said she wanted to meet us in the kitchen.”

“Right.” Rose says. She hopes Meenah will be offering her powers. She’s figured out by now that Meenah’s the one with the water manipulation; she and Feferi used their powers right in front of their shop.

The kitchen fills up. Dirk and Roxy are to the side. Dave is there, too, having returned late at night, and Eridan’s next to him. Feferi and Rose sit. Meenah stands.

“All right. As you all minnow, I know you’re vigilantes. Fef is also a vigilante, and whale, it’s pretty obvious I’m powered too.”

Rose nods. “You manipulated the water.”

“Damn strait. Feffie’s got the badass water heals, I’ve got the cool water tentacles. Even commissioned a costume from Rosie here. Not for vigilante stuff, at least not at first. Just fashion. Gotta look cool as fuck, you know?”

Everyone’s quiet.

“So I’m thinking. And I think I know a good way to give your team a boost.”

“You’re joining?” Dave brightens a bit. Rose can’t help but feel the same. Feferi has amazing synergy with Meenah’s powers, and Meenah would be powerful on her own, too. With someone like her on their side, maybe they could even chase Poppet and WQ out of Derse.

But Rose knows the catch.

Meenah says, “I talked with Slick, and he’s for it. He knows you, Jumpstart. He did you a favor once. Rosie, Lightseer, he’d be willing to teach you to throw use those knives better. Deuce knows Huntress and Droog and Bone Witch once took down Clover and would’ve had him dead if not for Stitches.”

“Wait a minute.” Dave says. “You know the Midnight Crew?”

“Bitch, I am the Midnight Crew.” Meenah rolls her eyes. “And I’m offering to make you all members.”

Everyone is shocked silent.

“What, it’s naut like we don’t have common goals.” Meenah says. “And you need support.”

“The Midnight Crew are criminals.” Dave says.

“So are vigilantes.” Meenah rolls her eyes.

“No, I’ve taken down drugs you guys bring into Derse. Weapons. You guys are a part of the problem we’re trying to take out. If we join you, we’re aiding crime.” Dave glares.

Meenah says, “It’s betta for everyone, though. Take out the Felt and everyone’s free, take out the Court and no one’s gotta worry about their families. ‘Sides, I saved your sorry basses once. You can’t say you don’t owe us.”

“If you rat us out to the Tower, Derse falls.” Rose says. “You have less leverage than you think.”

“If you sell out my family, you’re not walking out of here alive.” Dirk adds.

Meenah puts her hands up. “Dirk, Rosie, this isn’t a threat. We’re not gonna krill you or have you caught. We’ve got class, unlike some of the other bad guys. There are worse people out in Derse.”

“We’re not helping a criminal organization take this place over.” Says Dave.

“Naut even if I join your team or offer you a cool new hideout?” Meenah says. “You could quit working at the Tower, if you wanted to. We’ve got cash.”

“Yeah, from robbing people and selling teenagers firearms.” Roxy says.

Meenah huffs.

Feferi says, “Meenow, leave it. They don’t want to. The crew doesn’t stand for what the vigilantes do.”

“So we’re gonna be enemies?” Rose asks. She’s got a hand on her pocketknife, the one she’s taken to carrying in civilian clothes.

“No!” Feferi shouts. “Meenah, just…can we just maybe leave each otter alone, and not fight?”

Meenah doesn’t look impressed. “Fine. I’ll stay out of your way. But let me shell you. If you hit a crew operation, we treat you like any other interloper.”

“So, same as always.” Dave guesses.

“Yeah. It’s a reel shame.” There’s a genuine crestfallen note in Meenah’s tone. “I tried, Feffie.”

“This was your idea?” Rose asks Feferi.

“I thought it would be a good way for us to get stronger.”

Roxy sighs. “Well, I know you meant well. But this isn’t what being a vigilante is about.”

Meenah sighs. She motions for Feferi and Eridan to leave with her, and they take off.

“You know, we have a motive not to let her get captured by heroes.” Dirk says.

“Huh?” Dave asks.

“If she does, she knows our civilian identities. And that we’re powered. And they might open up an investigation into a certain death that was ruled a suicide.” Dirk looks away.

Rose sighs. “Right. I’m sure Meenah can handle herself, at the very least.”

Her mind trails back to her vision, the one before this all started, of the magenta glitter on the figure clad in black. The vision, she realized, that had influenced her design on the almost HIC-inspired costume she’d made for her client.

A friend, or a foe?


School passes in a haze. Rose gets a text.

[ectoBiologist (EB) began pestering tentacleTherapist]

EB: hi rose! this is john

EB: I hope jade gave me the right handle

EB: I’m a part of the dnd campaign since aradia’s gonna be gone!

EB: vriska says you need to kiss and make up

EB: how are you?

Rose stares.

TT: I’m going to ignore the comment about kissing.

EB: That’s fair, kissing is weird

EB: Not because you’re both girls, just in general

TT: I could not imagine the scandal, if it turned out that the number one hero was homophobic.

EB: anyway im gonna be happy to see you! what kind of sweets do you like?

TT: sugar plums

EB: huh

EB: I don’t think I can find those when it isn’t winter.

TT: Anything with a slight tartness. Blueberry, blackberry, currant. And chocolate is much appreciated. Nothing grape flavored.

EB: does anyone like grape flavor

TT: I do love it when my candy tastes like cough medicine.

EB: haha

EB: Ok and are you allergic to anything?

TT: No.

EB: Lucky.

TT: I did not know that everyone in the tower enjoyed baking so much.

EB: It’s mostly me and Jane and Nanna

EB: It helps me remember my dad

TT: I see. I’m sorry for your loss.

EB: It’s ok! I just have to do well by his legacy. Be the best hero I can! And bake a lot even though im like the only one in skaia who hates sugar.

TT: Do you mean to tell my that time you starred in an oreo commercial was a lie?

EB: the worst lie ever :P

EB: im evil rose

TT: My entire reality has crumbled. My only straight crush, lying about oreos.

Rose realizes she wrote that. And sent it.

EB: oh yeah I forgot about that

EB: jade said you usually like girls? except me

TT: Ignore that text.

EB: sorry :B

EB: why me, even though im not a girl though? not that thatd be bad but im wondering

TT: I have no idea. You seemed very nice, I suppose. I liked people with dark hair.

TT: As for why you are my only non-sapphic crush, that remains a mystery.

EB: yeah I guess so!

This is thoroughly mortifying. Rose did not need to bring that up.

At least she’s over her old crush. If only she could deal with her mortifying crush on Kanaya the same way.

Rose feels herself blush. Wrong time to think about Kanaya. Wrong time to admit she’s head over heels for yet another hero who could find her out and---

And ruin Derse. Send her to the Tumor. Yes.

EB: earth to rose?

TT: I was a bit distracted.

EB: you can make fun of me for my crushes if you want

EB: even though I don’t have any

TT: This battlefield seems rather uneven.

EB: I’m not hero number 1 for nothing!

TT: You would not last five seconds in Derse.

EB: I would too! I’ve been there before. I almost got Jumpstart.

TT: I saw that. You’ll forgive most Dersites for being less than enthused about it

EB: Yeah Dave got mad at me for that one

EB: It’s orders from the top though it’s not like I can just go against them

TT: What could they possibly do to you? You are number one.

EB: Lmao

EB: Jade said you were funny!

TT: That was not intended to be a joke.

EB: :P there’s just stuff heroes have to do rose!

Rose sighs. She might have better luck in person. For now, Rose is annoyed, but decides not to push yet.

She’ll save the big guns for when he has to look her in the eye.

TT: What is Jooon’s backstory?

EB: She’s just a silly girl, y’know?

EB: Vriska says not to tell other players something the character wouldn’t.

EB: So I don’t know much about Starglow except what Caris and Astralclaw told Joon. She’s mysterious and uses lots of magic, right?

TT: That’s about it, for what's revealed.

EB: cool!

The two talk a bit more. Rose goes to school and chats with Feferi. They’re on a marine biology unit in science, and Feferi seems to know everything you could about sea life. Not surprising, with the puns, and the numerous fish she owns.

Rose thinks back to what she’ll have to do at the aquarium. Sure, she wants to learn about the seer. But she doesn’t trust Scratch at all.

Feferi sneaks her and Eridan out for lunch.

“Are you sure about this, Fef?” Eridan asks.

“Shore am! We’ve done this once already.” Feferi says.

“That was an emergency. Nep would’ve died.” Eridan says.

Rose shrugs. “As long as we are back and do not get caught. Where are we going?”

Feferi brings them to a small café on the outskirts of Lowaa, not too far from school. Eridan seems to calm down.

“Sea, it’s your favorite.” Feferi beams.

“Thanks, Fef.” Eridan takes a seat.

Rose gets a sandwich flavored with plenty of herbs. Feferi picks up a box of sushi and seaweed salad. Eridan gets another sandwich, and orders a coffee so complicated that Rose can practically see the barista trying to murder him with their eyes.

“I figured this would be a nice change of pace.” Feferi says.

“The ambience is quite a bit nicer than the cafeteria.” Rose smiles. She takes a bite out of her sandwich, and realizes why Eridan likes the place. They can cook well. The Evening Star has wonderful desserts, but it’s a small selection of pastries, tea, and coffee. “Does Meenah mind?”

“This place? Meenah doesn’t reely feel like expanding.” Feferi says. “If she did, she could run this place out of business.”

“She’d better not.” Eridan mutters through a bite.

“I would get her to hire the chef.” Feferi shrugs. Rose is reminded again of just how rich her friends are. Sure, Kanaya got them free restaurant service and a private room, but it’s another thing to hear her speak so nonchalantly about something like that.

Then again, Meenah spent thousands on custom clothes from her.

Then Rose stops cold.

“Feferi.” Rose says. “Eridan. Use subtlety, but look at that table over there.”

The two of them gawk.

“I said subtlety!”

It’s Kankri, there with Jane and Jake.

“Who’s that?” asks Feferi.

Rose mouths, “Heroes.”

The two look away, and Rose ducks her head.

Jake has spotted them. He is now waving at them.

“Hello there, Rose!” Jake calls.

Rose sighs, and gives a curt nod. Unfortunately, this seems to have given Jake a cue to walk over, accompanied by Jane and Kankri.

This was going to be awkward. Eridan goes quiet. Feferi puts on a smile.

“Good afternoon, Jake.” Rose says.

“What are you doing outside of school premises?” Kankri asks.

Rose tilts her head at him. “Eating lunch.”

“I was not aware that your school had such lenient policies.” He says. Feferi pats Eridan’s shoulder in a way that Rose takes to mean, “don’t punch him”.

“Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport, Kankri!” Jake smiles.

Jane rolls her eyes. “Forgive our manners. I’m Jane, this is Jake, and this is Kankri. What are your names?”



“It’s lovely to meet you.” she smiles, polished and businesslike.

“What brings you to Derse?” Rose asks.

“Confidential.” Kankri says.

Rose looks at him, raising an eyebrow. “I suppose you wouldn’t want people to know you were here.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing.” Rose says.

“You and your brother are quite rude.” Kankri says.

Jane says, “Actually, she’s not wrong. I’ve been tracking our approval ratings. You need a better PR team.”

“Jane, such things as approval ratings could reference popularity contests, which can be very triggering to high school students.” Kankri says. He’s looking flustered.

“Don’t worry aboat that, we went through way worse this week.” Feferi shrugs.

“I’m very sorry to hear that.” Jake says. “Anything we might be able to help with?”

Feferi takes a long sip of coffee. She sighs.

“Whale, at Derse Central High School, they sent Ultimatum to talk over the loudspeaker. They used his powers to capture a bunch of my friends, and I haven’t seen them since.” Feferi sighs. “I miss Vikare. So there’s naut reely much you can do.”

Jake takes a step back, looking a shade paler than normal. Jane looks away, squeezing her eyes shut. Kankri, on the other hand, is chagrinned.

“That was for your own safety!” he scowls. “I don’t understand why you Dersites can’t let us take care of your borough, since you clearly can’t do anything yourselves!”

Even Feferi and Eridan look shocked. The rest of the café is looking at him, and most of them are glaring.

“We should be going.” Jane says. “Goodbye, Rose, Feferi.”

The three heroes leave. Rose looks at Feferi, who sips her coffee.

“I did not realize you had such a talent for…whatever that was. Have you considered politics?” Rose asks.

“Shore have, if I don’t become a vet. Eri, too.”

Eridan shakes his head. “That was reckless, Fef.”

“Oh, don’t tell me you would’ve been nicer.”

“I wouldn’t have.” He admits. He takes another bite of sandwich, but frowns. Rose can’t blame him; hearing that was bound to ruin the meal.

Rose marvels a little at Feferi’s manipulation skills. She makes a note to try and do that, if need be; the idea of doing something like that to Kanaya or even Jade makes her stomach turn, but at this point, she’s not sure any of them don’t deserve it.

She thinks back to John, talking about the higher-ups in the tower. How he just refused to disobey, even if it wasn’t what Derse wanted.

Air is the most powerful hero in the city. He’s probably stronger than the Clown Cult, and if they could find the leaders of any of the criminal groups in the city, Rose thinks he could take them.

But he seems to lack the imagination to apply that to the tower. So do Jane and Jake, even though Rose saw just how conflicted they were.

Rose sits back and finishes her lunch, before they head back.

Only a little longer before the weekend. She’s going to come prepared.


Yaaayyy lots of fun stuff coming up.

Also there is a fish called a rosefish, also called the rosie. So that's another fish pun.

I love Feferi's quirk so much. So that's why she pops up a lot.

Tentative plans:

Tumblr has requested I write some pale VrisJune and DaveSol. I might write some Vrisjune in my old trollstuck AU, or maybe pre-retcon Vriska and a June who failed to master the retcon under Typheus.

I also have a rough idea for some Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Discord Murder Party AUs where there could be VrisJune. Both would be lots of fun. Though no one here knows what DMP is... a friend of mine likes both the ship and the podcast.

As for Davesol, I'm not sure what to do with them.

I have some plans to continue my Purim fanfiction for the holiday soon, if you like other Homestuck AUs. There's no room for my ot3 here, but there's definitely room there. Davekarezi...

I'd like to write that DirkJake story. I need them to dance very awkwardly.

or the Signless/Disciple fic for her legendary moment.

How long will this take? Probably five million years, given how many other things I need to take care of. But I'd love to be able to do it all.

Chapter 30: A Saturday in Prospit


Rose plays some DnD and meets up with Kanaya.


This one's going up with no edits, people! I wrote it instead of sleeping. If something's not clear, feel free to ask questions. I will probably clear it up later.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose is early to the meeting. Tavros is stacking leftover boxes on shelves in the room. He talks a bit to her about the game. He and Aradia and Jade are friends, but he avoids Vriska.

“I can’t say I blame you.” Rose says. “She’s far from the nicest.”

“Well, uh, for me it’s a little more than that.” Tavros says.

Rose grimaces. “Has she been bothering you?”

“No, it’s more like…she, uh, was pretty awful to me when we were little kids.” Tavros explains. “I’d…rather not talk about it…”

“That’s all right.” Rose says, though now she’s curious. Still, the fear in Tavros’s eyes gives her pause.

Tavros gives a small smile. “I like the game, though. I liked Squiddles a lot when I was little, but I was more of a Pokemon fan.”

“I see.” Rose nods. “I was a bit into Pokemon, when I was younger, though not as much as my older sister. She would catch as many cat pokemon as she could.”

“That makes sense. Cats like her.”

Rose looks up, startled. “Excuse me?”

“Uh, nothing. Nevermind.” Tavros looks down.

Rose glares. If he knows something about her sister and he’s Prospitian, there could be danger. He’s no tower member, but still…

“What do you know about my sister?”

Tavros says, “I, uh…um…I haven’t told any of them about you! I swear!”

Rose is even more on guard now.

But then Terezi walks in.

“Smells like secrets in here!” Terezi grins.

“Any secrets in here will remain just that.” Rose manages.

Terezi licks her lips. “Don’t make me curious, Rose! No one gets out of an interrogation with me.”

Tavros absconds.

Rose wonders if she should do the same.

Terezi steeples her fingers over the dragon’s head on her cane, and grins.

“Now, Lalonde,” she says, “What’s got Tavros so scared?”

“Just because you can smell the truth doesn’t mean I’m telling it to you.” Rose says. “We were talking about Pokemon and Squiddles.”

“True, but that’s no secret.”

Terezi leans in, and takes a big gulp of air.

“You and Aradia and Dave all have secrets. Someday, you’re going to tell them.”

“Keep waiting.” Rose says. “If a Dersite keeps something from a hero, there’s always a good reason.”

Terezi laughs a little. “Dave said the same thing, you know? But I’m no slouch.”

“Unless you’ve acquired some other powers, Redglare, I’d give up.” Rose says. Hopefully, she can goad Terezi into revealing something to get her a vision.

“Please, it’s all skill. Skill and senses.” Terezi says. “I even got your real last name out of Dave! Did you know, most of them call you Strider.”

“Not surprising.” Rose shrugs. “And that proves little. My brother is a notorious blabbermouth.”

“He is, but we love him anyway.” Terezi sits back. “Why’s your name different, anyway?”

There’s a reason. Not one any Strilonde likes to think about.

“Some knowledge isn’t for you.”

Terezi giggles. “Oh, please. Neither of us believe that, about either of ourselves.”

Rose is curious about Tavros’s history with Vriska, but after her misadventure in Felt territory, she’s less than inclined to pursue things.

“I can practically hear the gears turning in your head.” Terezi says. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Fine, I believe that we are both curious. Sometimes to our detriment.” Rose says.

“I can smell some fear.”

“This is not a psychoanalysis.”

“Not with that attitude, it’s not.” Terezi grins again. “Still, I won’t hurt you, all right? That’s a truth, at the very least. I’ve just…”

Rose waits. Terezi’s grin fades, replaced by a more reserved look.

“It’s easy to tell that you and Dave are afraid. I’d rather you not be.” Terezi says.

That might be the first trace Rose has seen of the Redglare who seemed so reluctant back when they’d faced her, one who’d tried to ease her mind with the idea that she’d give them a fair trial.

Rose didn’t expect that from a Scourge Sister, but maybe Feferi was right.

“Why do you think we’re afraid?” Rose asks. She’s not about to hide the ever so slight twinge of fear that spending time with heroes gives her; Terezi knows it’s there. Still, she might get her to connect the dots.

“Dave has mentioned that Derse hasn’t been treated well by heroes.” Terezi says. “And that’s an understatement. He’d have you believe that we’re a force of terror on them.”

“And that means?”

Terezi’s face contorts. “You think we’re not there for justice, but to cause harm.”

“Take out the first independent clause.”

“Lalonde, now’s not the time to be a grammar nerd. You think we’re there to cause harm.”

“Take out the ‘you think’,” says Rose, losing her patience. This is exhausting.

Terezi takes a deep breath. “I know you think that’s true. But the hero tower is there to bring justice to wrongdoers.”

“What about vigilante justice?” Rose counters. She’s just annoyed now.

“That’s against the law and it’s not subject to any regulation.”

“And the tower is?”

“Yes, believe it or not.”

The two of them are glaring at each other now. Rose know Terezi’s not going to cede her ground, and neither will the other heroes.

Rose tries Feferi’s angle. “You’re also arresting my peers and neighbors in massive swaths for crimes they did not commit.”

“That’s a matter of public safety.”

“What about the safety of those you captured?”

“They’re liable to obey the White Queen at any time. Do you think they are safer when they’re involved in superpowered crime? The Court faces heroes, clowns, and they regularly break into government buildings.” Terezi says. “Do you really think they would be safer outside the Tumor?”

Rose stares. Terezi seems to realize she said the last part aloud.

“That’s covered by your NDA.” Terezi’s voice has gone quiet.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”


Jade appears right in front of Rose in a flash of green light. She scoops her up into a big hug, same as always. It’s nice, though it doesn’t do anything to take the chill from Rose’s veins.

Jade flops down next to Rose’s chair, and begins catching Rose up on the last session. They’ve arrived in a mysterious city of bioluminescent jellyfish who live in the wall of a ravine. They’re investigating the reclusive mayor of the city on behalf of a mysterious benefactor.

“That’s where things aren’t so great.” Jade says. “We need the pearl coins to get through the pass---the guards won’t let us through without a bribe, or we won’t be able to reach the bottom of the trench. But we’re all pretty suspicious of the benefactor. How’s Lady Coiriel so rich?”

Rose nods. “I assume this is information Astralclaw would tell Starglow?”

“Of course! Caris would, too, but she’s going to be off sightseeing. Vriska wrote the coolest description of Ravine City, it’s full of glowing plants and walkways lined in abalone and there’s an elite group of warriors who steal anglerfish lures and set them overhead in a star pattern! So they’ve got a sun in their cave!”

Rose smiles despite herself. Vriska knows how to build a world.

“Where’s John and Vriska?” asks Terezi.

“Vriska mandated cosplay.” Says Jade. “Last minute. Luckily, we already do that…”

Jade’s fake dog ears are practically a default, Terezi is wearing a red jacket with a scale pattern, and Rose is in a pale purple skirt that flares like a jellyfish, partly because of her plans with Kanaya right after the session.

Terezi grins.

“Sorry we’re late!”

“We’re not late, the session doesn’t start until the DM is there.”

John and Vriska walk in. Vriska is wearing a pirate hat and eyepatch.

John, to Rose’s surprise, is indeed in cosplay, though Vriska took a few liberties: he’s wearing a green jacket and set of trousers, with red shoes that match Vriska’s. It’s more casual than the belted long sleeve shirt Rose has seen him in before.

“Isn’t it supposed to be neon?” Terezi complains. “I just smell dark green.”

“Vriska doesn’t have any neon clothes and she wouldn’t use any of mine.” John says.

“You wear white all the time except that one dorky suit and your uniform.” Vriska rolls her eyes. “Colors won’t kill you, Egbert.”

“I’m not complaining.” John says. “I like your clothes. You’ve got a cool style.”

“Thank you.” Vriska flashes a self-satisfied smirk.

“Hardly color at all.” Terezi mutters, stacking her bright mismatched dice in a small tower.

Vriska says, “Did you give Rose a rundown?”

“Yep.” Jade smiles. “Let’s get into it! Oh, Starglow, meet Joon!”

“Heya, Starglow! Nice to meet you! Oh, I extend an appendage to shake hands.”

“Starglow does not trust the newcomer enough to initiate a friendship tangle. She flares in a traditional bow.” Rose says.

“Aw, I bought dye pellets for a prank.”

“Do you say that out loud?”

John shakes his head. “I think Joon’s a little smarter than that.”

“You mean she’s smarter than you?” Terezi laughs.

John glares and knocks over her colorful dice tower with a breeze.

“No powers at the gaming table.” Vriska says.

They resume playing. It’s for the best. Rose knows that Vriska could turn their dice luck into a tpk at any moment.

“As you do not say that out loud, Starglow will introduce herself. I am the eightieth daughter of my mother’s clutch, Starglow, wizard of the deep. My reasons for seeking the heart of Mariana are little concern of those not versed in the arcane.”

“Caris told me you were a little cold. It’s okay. So, I’ve got an idea of how to expose this councilman…”


DnD is fun, Rose has to admit. Joon---John---is enthusiastic in his role, so much that she has to catch herself using the character name outside of gameplay when Jade teleports off to bring them snacks and pizza.

“So, Rose,” John says. “Are you gonna start wearing sunglasses like Dave someday?”

Rose shrugs. “If I end up with a similar medical condition to his, perhaps. I dislike the sunglasses look on myself, so it would not be by choice.”

“I hope you don’t. I like that you don’t block out the lavender smell.” Terezi says.

“Sunglasses block smells?”

“Only a little. Black goggles might do better.” Terezi shrugs. “Dave’s red eyes smell particularly nice under the glasses. Karkat and I might steal them if it wasn’t a health thing.”

“I would appreciate it if my brother did not have to go in for surgery just to satisfy your curiosity.” Rose says.

John says, “Terezi and Karkat both have huge crushes on your brother.”

“John!” Terezi whacks him with her cane.

Rose tries not to laugh. Apparently, not being able to keep crush secrets runs in the family. Rose makes a mental note not to tell either of them about Kanaya.

“I had surmised as much.” Rose says.

“Ugh, is not a hobby.” Vriska rolls her eye.

“I think it’s fun!” Jade says.

Rose smiles.

John asks, “Have you ever tried switching places with your brother? Like he dresses as you and you dress as him?”

“He needs the sunglasses and it would give us away.” Rose says, not mentioning that Dave isn’t the most comfortable dressing as a girl.

“I guess so…maybe lavender contacts?” John asks.

“There’s voices.” Vriska points out.

“Yeah, but if you two talk less you could pull it off! Jade, remember when we did that?” John asks.

Jade laughs. “Oh yeah. But we were seven, and we looked way more alike back then.”

“It was Egbert’s debut of not dressing like a nerd.” Terezi dodges a blast of wind.

“No powers at the game table.” Rose says.

“I guess it’s not fair to you…” Jade trails off. She looks at Rose, then asks, “Rose, can I ask you something personal?”

“How personal?”

“It’s about how Dave taught us about Derse. He said most girls in Derse are really vigilant, and they…have to know how to run and fight.” Jade says, trying to sound careful.

“Are you asking if I know how to fight, or if I have trauma?” Rose asks. Her voice is icy.

“The fight one!” Jade says hastily. “The other one is too personal.”

Rose relaxes a little. She’s evasive when she says, “My brother was not wrong.”

“So you can fight!” Terezi grins.

“Whoa, just because she can fight doesn’t mean she should spar a hero.” John says.

“Are you calling a girl weak, Egbert?” Terezi asks.

Rose can’t help but smile a little. “I expected better from you, John.”

“I’m just saying we’re trained fighters!”

Rose asks Jade, “Seriously, though. Do you want to spar sometime?”

“I do need to work on hand-to-hand combat.” Jade says. “I’m too reliant on my powers and my gun. And it’s nice to spar a friend!”

Rose says, “Maybe, sometime. I’m not exactly dressed to fight someone.”

“Prospit versus Derse?” Vriska asks.

Rose raises an eyebrow. “That’s quite a way to phrase it, Vriska.”

“Chill, it’s just a joke.”

Jade rolls her eyes. “It’ll just be a sparring match! No powers, we’ll be a little more even.”

Rose has sparred Nepeta and Dirk enough to know her way around a fight.

And even if he didn’t focus as much on me, I still have experience.

Despite any risks, Rose remembers what that Courtier did to her, not once but twice. She has some skill, but she’s no brawler.

“I’ll take you up on that.” Rose says.

Rose then slides her glance over to the others. “And you all, too.”

John opens and closes his mouth like a fish. “…are you sure?”

Rose isn’t going to miss the chance to analyze their fighting styles, is she? And it raises the chances of meeting people close to the heroes.

It’s not because Jade looks so excited despite her lack of understanding, or because Terezi’s smile is full of mischief.

“If Rose is getting her ass kicked, we might as well call in Dave and Karkat to watch.” Vriska says. “After you recover from your bout with Jade, I’m next.”

“I’m sitting out.” John says.

“I’m not.” Terezi grins.

“Glad to see you’re not a coward.” Rose can feel herself grinning like an idiot.

“Didn’t you have that medical thing on Disciple Day?” John asks.

She did.

Reality crashes down on her. If she gets a vision during practice and she blacks out, they might get her to some equipment that can pick up on powers. They might figure things out, or they might be able to keep her there for longer.

“Tell you what.” Rose says. “We’ll meet up in Lotak.” It’s close to Derse, and there’s a gym where people can spar with more room than the room in their apartment.

It’s got a reputation for toughness in Skaia; there’s a joke about people who look like they’re upset when they’re thinking hard coming from there. It has the largest temple to the Prince in Skaia after the one in Lotam burned after Highblood’s surrender.

“We have a really good training facility here.” Jade says. “You sure?”

“We could be closer to the hospital here and it’d be easier for Jade to warp you---”

Terezi slams her cane on the ground. Everyone looks to her.

“Rose.” Terezi says. “You want to meet in Lotak. That’s where you want to spar all of us. All of us.”

“Yes, that is what I said.”

“Then it’s settled.” Terezi says, bringing the dragon’s head on her cane down like a gavel.

Rose is surprised. She hadn’t expected that from her.

Vriska breaks the silence. “All right, Rose gets her ass handed to her. Putting it in my schedule. When are you all free?”


Rose walks out of the place feeling more pleased than usual. She’s not sure she’s made much progress in changing their minds, but she’s got information to think about.

And now? Well, it’s 2 o’clock, and Kanaya did promise to take her on a date.

Not a date.

They’re not dating.

John leaves with Vriska and Terezi. Jade teleports off; apparently it’s her patrol shift.

Rose sits in Prospit Park, musing quietly to herself. There are still protests going on in front of the tower, and she lets the rising chant fuel her hope.

Even with everything going on, she can’t help but feel like things will work out.

The sky turns gray.

Rose doesn’t know if it’s John again, but the reminder of how things are brings her back down to earth.

There’s still so much to do. How John can speak to someone from Derse, laugh and joke with her, before going up there and trying to destroy a peaceful protest.

It could be a coincidence. She doesn’t know, and her powers won’t show her.

Either way, as it starts to drizzle, Rose texts Kanaya to meet her in the library.

Prospit Library, at least, is very warm and welcoming. It’s painted Prospit gold, and the ceilings rise high overhead, painted with a mural that Rose recognizes as the Sylph, dressed in ambery gold instead of the usual deep black or red. The Sylph has her hands cupped around a bright round circle, probably an orb.

Rose finds a place to sit and read a bit, but finds herself drawn to the nearby story hour. A library employee with short hair and white cat-eye lenses is reading a simple story about a hero rescuing animals to the kids, but she’s doing good voices, and though Rose knows the ending just from the tone, Rose finds herself anticipating the next event.

The book finishes. The librarian says goodbye to the children. She spots Rose staring and waves to her.

Rose smiles and nods, before she goes back to reading her book. She hasn’t read in a while, but this one has an interesting enough story. A pity she doesn’t have a card for this library. She thinks about Derse Central Library, on the verge of shutting, and the school library, which of course would never have the funds to paint a massive portrait of the Seer or Sylph…Rose stares at the painting again, until her view is interrupted by someone far closer, but just as lovely.

“Hello, Rose.” Kanaya is dressed in a beautiful red jacket and matching skirt, in some antique style whose name escapes Rose. She looks down at her like the Sylph mural, and Rose wonders if someone might paint Kanaya like that.

“Hello, Kanaya. You look gorgeous.” Rose says, before realizing she said that out loud. She feels her face flush.

Kanaya sits next to her on the small couch. They are close, and Kanaya smiles.

“Which book is that?” Kanaya asks.

“It’s called ‘A Deadly Education’.” Rose says. “It’s about wizards.”

Kanaya smiles. Rose feels her pulse race.

“Perfect for you.” Kanaya says. “I, ah, brought you this…I made it myself…”
It’s embroidery floss, in a deep and lush shade of red-violet that fades into true purple into dark indigo. There’s enough for multiple projects, and it feels softer than clouds.

Rose knows that “made it” means Kanaya made this with her powers, and probably dyed it herself, even though powers outside of Tower business technically bends the rules.

It’s almost too nice to use, but Rose can see a million potential patterns spiraling out of it. Her own skirt could use some embellishments…

“It’s perfect.” Rose says. She brings out her own gift for Kanaya, one which now feels a little silly: a black scarf with faint moth patterns in green. It looks plain compared to the rich yarn, and it’s not the first time Rose wishes for a more tangible power.

Kanaya drapes the scarf around her neck. The scarf still looks plain, but it feels like it belongs with her outfit. Rose puts away the floss.

“Have you been well?” She asks. “Dave seemed concerned about you at the office.”

“Something that was entirely my fault.” Rose says. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Rose, that won’t stop me from being concerned, at least a little bit. I…you should know that Karkat and I were against it…”

They don’t need to say what it is. Rose closes her eyes. “Thank you.”

She wants to hold Kanaya’s hand, maybe lean against her. Rose wonders if her hair is as soft as the thread she made.

“Between this and the Light Court and the Clowns, I cannot help but feel somewhat worried.”

“You’re a hero.” Rose says. “I should be worried for you, too.” She almost feels a bit guilty that she doesn’t worry all that much, but at the same time, Kanaya has the tower behind her. And if she gets a bad vision of Silkworm, she can come and help---though that might mean she’ll get captured.

It feels like it might be worth it, for Kanaya. She leans slightly against her shoulder, before catching herself and sitting up.

“Where shall we go?” Kanaya asks. “Unless you’d like to stay here. I do love to read.”

Rose smiles and nods. Kanaya gets a book of her own; hers is about vampires.

Of course it is. She feels even more fluttery on the inside.

Rose finds herself drawn into the world of the book, halfway. The coziness of the rain sounds and the warmth and softness of Kanaya next to her, combined with how she’s been fighting sleep lately, means that she finds herself dozing off. She’s at an interesting moment, but the rise and fall of Kanaya’s breathing and the soft scratch of the occasional page turn seems to be drawing her further and further down.

She smells like cinnamon. Everything gets a bit warmer and softer, and the cinnamon smells even stronger.

Kanaya has draped her jacket over her. Rose practically melts, before it all crashes into her again; this is her enemy, technically, she shouldn’t have agreed to meet her, she…

“You can sleep if you like, Rose.” Kanaya says. “I don’t mind.”

Her voice is so sweet. Rose is sure she’d be so cold if she took off Kanaya’s coat, too.

“I’m…just thinking about lots of things.” Rose wishes she could go back to sleep, but she remembers Scratch, and is suddenly thankful she didn’t. Even if she could trust Kanaya---her heart squeezes a little bit at that---she could wake up screaming or toss and turn, or have a long sleep vision. Those are rare, but she’d already had that one at Disciple Day. She didn’t need to be carried into the Tower---no matter whose arms she was in.

“Would you tell me about a few of them, at least?”

Rose sighs. “Maybe I am a little more worried about my health, I guess. I don’t want other people to think I’m weak.”

“No one thinks you are weak.”

“That’s far from true. I see how people look at me.” Rose sighs. “And today…”

She doesn’t feel like she can spill everything, no matter how much she wants to, obviously. But she’s not pleased with how Kanaya reacts to the sparring challenge.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t consider moving it to our facilities, where there’s at least Cyansprite and Karkat?” Kanaya asks.

“They said they would bring Karkat, and Jade can teleport me to Cyansprite if things are the worst.” Rose says.

Kanaya sighs. “I know, but…I suppose I would rather have you close, if you’re in danger.”

“This is what I mean, by people thinking I’m weak.”

“Rose, it is not because you’re weak. It is because things might get worse, if they’re not treated. Dave and Sollux talk about it.” Kanaya says.

Rose levels her gaze at Kanaya. She knows why Dave’s confided in Sollux, and not anyone else. He’s the only one who’d fight her being stuck in the Tower hospital, whether he knows about her powers or not.

“Kanaya,” Rose says, “I may not look like it, but I have been taught to fight since I was quite young. Too young.”

Kanaya is about to speak, but Rose holds up a hand.

“I have fought before. I have won before. I have also lost, and lost terribly.” Rose doesn’t have the amount of scars Dave has. She’s got enough. “So I have learned to fight. Too many children in Derse have learned to fight. You cannot shut us up in medical wards and surround us in pillows. And before you say I am sick? I know that. I know I am sick.”

She channels some of Terezi’s finality. They might disagree, but something had passed between them, when John was doubting her.

“I know my body. You do not have to spar me or attend. But I can face Jade in a practice match, and I trust she will not shatter me.” Rose says. “And if she does? We are inviting Karkat to heal. There is nothing to worry about.”

Kanaya deflates. “Again, I am not trying to say you are weak…but I am still worried that you will get hurt. Because I do care about what happens to you.”

“I am being treated.” Rose says. “Kanaya, I am handling it.”

“All right.” Kanaya says. She looks down. “I understand if you would rather not rest here. I suppose it was rather presumptuous of me to assume you were relaxed enough to fall asleep against me.”

Rose has to admit, it was comfortable. And Kanaya said she cares about what happens to her…

The words are on Rose’s lips. She’s right back in the electric flutter of her feelings, for this beautiful girl who happens to be a Prospitian hero.

Rose wonders if she should pray to the Knight or Mage. She needs some sort of help parsing these feelings.

“…are you sure you didn’t mind?” Rose asks.

Kanaya shakes her head. “If you have trouble sleeping, I could make a blanket for you. It might not help, but it would be comfortable.”

“Nightmares.” Rose admits. “But…if you wake me up, it might not be so bad.”

“I think that is against most advice.”

“I know, but in this case, please do.”

“I will. For you, I will.”

Kanaya looks a little awkward now, like anything might break the moment.

Rose pulls Kanaya’s jacket back up on her shoulder. She leans against Kanaya’s side. She tries to keep her sigh quiet; it’s comfortable, and the rain’s still coming down, Kanaya’s still breathing so calm and even.

As she starts to drift off again, she swears she can feel a set of lightly calloused fingers stroke through her hair in a gentle pattern.

She’s out before she can remember why she was worried.


Yeah it's the sleeping against your crush's shoulder cliche. I am predictable.

Kanaya to Karkat later: "I simply cannot conclude that she likes me! You watch far too many romcoms."

The burn is so slow...oh well.

I was planning to have Rose make more headway with persuasion, but it doesn't make sense to have the Prospitians change too quickly when they've spent their lives being told they're right for doing what they do.

Thank you for reading! Please comment or leave kudos if you enjoyed.

Chapter 31: Who is she?


Kanaya and Rose continue their "not a date"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose wakes up to the feeling of someone wrapping their arms around her. She opens her eyes to see Kanaya.

“What’s going on?” Rose asks.

Kanaya looks away, and lets go of Rose. “You seemed to be sleeping so peacefully, but the library is closing. I thought I might be able to bring you out without disturbing you.”

“So you…were going to carry me out of here?” Rose asks.


Kanaya grimaces. “That does sound a tad silly now. I hope I did not upset you?”

“It was fine, though you can wake me up next time. Last time I had to wake up to that, it wasn’t good.” Rose says. Her face feels searing hot.

A look of concern washes over Kanaya’s face. “What happened?”

“It was a long time ago. Nothing that can hurt me now, thank the gods.” Rose shakes her head. “I am sorry I slept through our rendezvous.”

“It’s only been an hour.” Kanaya says. “I had plans for dinner, anyways.”

“Dinner?” Rose asks. That’s far more serious than lunch. It would just be the two of them, too…

And Kanaya is out of her league, besides. Friends. They’re still a hero and vigilante.

“Yes. I thought you might have a favorite place I could take you?”

Rose shakes her head. “I don’t know anywhere in Prospit.”

“Well, I suppose you will have to take me to Derse next time.” Kanaya reaches for her hand.
“How do you feel about fish tacos?”


Dinner is lovely, and Kanaya is lovelier still. The place Kanaya chose is superb; the sauces are perfectly spiced, and being a hero means they dine in a private upper floor, with glass walls that show off the glittering city below.

Rose wishes she could work up the courage to ask Kanaya out. Or that she could make this a plain friendship without the risks of getting close enough to reveal any secrets. Not likely, with how she felt.

“What’s your family like?” Kanaya asks.

Rose shrugs. “You know Dave.”

“I do. But Terezi says you have three other siblings. I’d like to hear about them.”

Rose wishes Terezi hadn’t managed to figure out that Dirk and Hal were separate brothers. This was going to take some improvisations.

“There’s my older sister, Roxy.” Rose says. “She likes to make games, when she gets the chance to in her spare time. She teases us a lot, and she’s usually the one who cooks, since my brothers and I aren’t the most skilled.”

“You live with your siblings?”

“Yes.” Rose hopes Kanaya won’t ask about her parents. “When I was younger…I used to go through times when I couldn’t speak. Roxy was the first one of us who learned to sign. She and her girlfriend---well, they were just friends back then---they taught the two of us. We learned together, and then so did Dave.”

“I see. Was this before he met the Mayor?” Kanaya asks.

“Yes, though the Mayor taught him quite a bit more.” Rose says. “Dave is rather silly, but he is quite intelligent. The Mayor was one of the first people to recognize that.”

“I see. Karkat was very enthusiastic when he said Dave introduced him. Is he that impressive of a presence?” Kanaya asks.

Rose nods. “Yes. The Mayor fought the Condesce.”

Kanaya freezes. “A civilian took him on and lived?”

“He’s silvered.” Rose says.

“I see. I am surprised he did not opt to join the tower. There is no reason they would not have permitted him.” Kanaya says.

“Being a part of the Tower does not mean the same thing for a Dersite, Kanaya.” Rose says.

“Ah. I apologize.” Kanaya says. “I…do wish it had not come to that, though. The Tower ought to act by the will of Skaia’s people.”

Rose is surprised Kanaya even got as far as realizing that the Tower didn’t live up to its ideals. She changes the subject. “Back to family. That’s Roxy and the Mayor...”

“The Mayor is family?”

“To every orphan in Derse.” Rose confirms. “And to some children who are not. Roxy bears quite a bit, for our sakes…sometimes, we don’t even see everything she does.”

“That must be exhausting for her.”

“It is.” Rose nods. She wonders about Meenah again, about her offer.

“And she has a girlfriend?”

“She does. Nya is an artist.” Rose says.


“It’s a neopronoun. Fefeta will sometimes use a cat or fish pun to refer to glubself.” Rose explains.

“I’ve never met someone who used those in person.”

“It’s rare to find someone who will.” Rose shrugs. “She is very bold. Another friend of Roxy’s calls glub, ‘the dashing rogue’.”

“Not Roxy herself?”

“No, when they are being affectionate, Roxy calls Fefeta a different nickname each time, with some variation on ‘dear’ or ‘sweet’ or ‘precious’ in front. The two are perhaps the sappiest couple I know.” Rose says. “Last time Roxy had time to work on a game, Fefeta started to make concept illustrations for it.”

“They sound like quite the power couple.”

“I suspect whatever sapphic cat mermaid confection they create will fly to the top of the charts.” Rose says. “Roxy’s always managed to be more optimistic than me, even though she has had it far worse.”

Rose finishes a taco. She waits a moment to continue.

“And what are your brothers like?”

“Dirk builds robots.” Rose says. “Some people call him emotionless, but that is those who do not know him. He is where Dave gets his love of music from, and is current reigning champion of the Strilonde rap battle record.”

“Do you also rap?”

Rose shakes her head. “Once. I lost a rather humiliating match to Dave. I tell you, Kanaya, brothers are vicious. I have not attempted it since. I do play the violin, though.”


“I am in the school orchestra. Do you play an instrument?”

“I attempted cello before it became too difficult to continue and train at once.” Kanaya says. “Porrim was a harpist, though.”

Rose waits a moment. “Kanaya, you’ve mentioned Porrim before.”

Kanaya tenses. Rose says, “If you would rather---”

“No, you have told me about your siblings. I would say I owe you an explanation.

“Porrim was my older sister. She was incredible, one of the few people who could argue with both Kankri and the Ecclectica doctrine. She made a vampire persona, just like mine. She was the only one who didn’t think the rainbow blood idea was silly. Hers even did the same thing…I wanted to be just like her, and Grandmother thought for sure that Porrim would one day succeed her in the tower authority.

“Then, one day…well. Her hero name was Antevorta.” Kanaya says.

“Oh.” Rose breathes. “Oh, Kanaya, I am so, so sorry.”


Power of shields. Partner to Azure Dragon.

She’d been indispensable during the fight against Highblood. But in the end, the pressure had been too much. The Tower didn’t like to talk about its weapons as human unless it meant good branding, and they dressed it all delicately, trying to keep it quiet.

In the end, though, Derse News Reels broke the news: Antevorta was the first hero in Skaian history to take her own life.

“It is all right, Rose.” Kanaya says, in a tone that suggests it isn’t quite.

“No one should have to go through something like that.” Rose whispers.

“It is…a little bit difficult…given how I am now the same age she was, when it happened…” Kanaya looks down. “We are raised to expect our family will die young, when we are heroes. Besides, you are an orphan, and my parents are alive. You have it far worse…”

“My parents were awful people.”

Kanaya looks up, startled. Rose realizes she said that out loud.

“They were not good people. It is not the same thing.” Rose says. “At least my mother meant well, but…they were not good. It is not the same as what happened to Antevorta, not in the least.”

Kanaya doesn’t look cheered much. If anything, she seems more defeated than ever.

“My point stands, this is hardly any comparison…” Kanaya shakes her head. “I…Rose, I…”

“Would you like me to leave?” Rose starts to stand.

“No!” Kanaya shouts, with more force than Rose expected.

Rose sits back down.

“I…it is a strange thing. I suppose I ought to talk about this more to the tower therapists.” Kanaya takes a deep breath.

The waiter comes in to ask if they want dessert. Rose orders churros. Kanaya orders flan.

Rose waits.

“That was a tad dark, for an evening with a…friend.” Kanaya says. Rose is sure she imagined the hesitance there.

Rose isn’t sure what else she can say, so she asks, “Would you like to hear about my friends in Derse?”

“Your other brother.” Kanaya says.

Rose swallows hard. How to go about this…

“Hal stays inside all day; he has a bit of what I have, but he has to remain indoors much more often. He gets lonely on occasion. He has quite the rivalry with Dirk. Dave loves him very much. Of all of them, he is the least overprotective.” Rose says. “He understands that no one wants to feel trapped.”

“What does he do?”

“He’s a bit of a gamer.” Rose shrugs. “He enjoys a bit of art, like Dirk and Dave.”

“Dave likes art?”

“Have you seen his doodles?” Rose asks. “The two of us used to draw comics.”

“The…one with the strange triangle mouth?” Kanaya asks.

“Hella Jeff?” Rose asks.

“I never understand his sense of humor. John and Sollux seem to like them, and he’ll sometimes get in trouble because he is trying to make Karkat laugh at them instead of working.” Kanaya says. “Are all of his illustrations so…”

“Ironically shitty?” Rose asks. “That is the Strider trademark.”

“I am not sure I understand his brand of sarcasm.”

“It’s a Dersite staple.” Rose shrugs.

Kanaya gives a small smile. “I suppose I should devote myself to their study, if I’m to bridge the gap between our districts.”

Rose laughs. “Dave has always wished to be the subject of grand archaeological study. But enough about him. What is hero training like?”

Kanaya launches into an explanation of harsh regimens, sparring, and careful prepwork.

“They design specific martial arts curricula based on your unique skillset.” Kanaya explains. “It is why the hero force is one of the few equipped to deal with villain threats.”

“Not the vigilantes?” Rose jokes.

“I somehow doubt they have access to our facilities.” Kanaya says.

“Perhaps they are skilled and have been sneaking in to borrow gym equipment and stuff Kankri’s shoes with dead spiders.” Rose says.

“Don’t give Karkat and Vriska ideas.” Kanaya shakes her head. “Kankri is on edge enough.”

“Really?” Rose’s voice is laced with fake concern.

“Yes. He’s been quite snappish, with the media against him and quite a few people in the tower doubting him as well. Even Jane has been concerned, and she’s gone beyond mentioning public opinion.” Says Kanaya.

Rose hadn’t expected Feferi’s words to hit that hard. She silently thanks her friend, before asking, “And what do you think?”

“I am beginning to see what Porrim used to say about him. He is concerned with doing good, but manages to do it in all the worst ways, then acts as though he is the authority on the subject. I suppose that fits the idea…”


“Ah, forgive me…classified.”

“Of course.”

“But I digress. There is no way for vigilantes to infiltrate the Hero Tower.” Kanaya says.

“I wouldn’t expect any different.”

“To be a vigilante…you would have to train on the streets, perhaps not learning to control collateral---”

Rose refrains from mentioning that most collateral between the heroes and vigilantes resulted from the heroes’ cornering them.

“---and becoming endangered. Although perhaps that is less a concern to them, given that they have a strong asset on their side now.” Kanaya says.

Rose tilts her head. “Oh?”

“Rose, I believe you know what I am talking about. The healer.”

“Ah.” Rose nods. “That caught all of Derse by surprise.”

“Yes. Someone who can control water…although many suspect an accomplice. Still, I ought to keep a lookout for them.”


“Healers are rare and vitally important. The hero tower has only Cyansprite and Karkat. My grandmother’s powers work only on herself. If there is another healer in Skaia, it is important that we find them soon and train them.” Kanaya says.

“And what about Derse?”

Kanaya says, “Rose, this is bigger than Derse alone. This is all of Skaia. This healer could help so many on our side.”

“Kanaya, you know how we feel about how the tower allocates its resources.” Rose says. “Why not let the healer choose?”

“Rose, you know that is not how it works.”

“Why, though?”

Kanaya sighs.

“I am serious. Why should we let this good of Skaia play with our fates and toss us around, according to paths it favors, but paths that lead the people to ruin? Why are those the rules?”

“It is…for the protection of the city. And it is out of my hands, Rose. If I…if I could do this my way, I would not capture her.”

Rose remembers Jade and Kanaya, back with the Light Court.

“Then why not break this foolish game?” Rose whispers.

“Because that is not how the real world works. There are consequences. People get hurt when we do not follow the rules. Without our code, we heroes could fall into the same pitfalls as villains.” Kanaya says. “Rose…I wish I could help. I wish I could make it fair to you. I wish I could ease away every bit of pain, stitch us all together in some bright union like the Sylph.”

Rose looks away. “But you won’t.”

“But I can’t.”

“Kanaya…” Rose wants to fight, but seeing her there, looking so defeated, so unsure, so unlike the elegant façade…

She’d told Kanaya things she’d only ever wanted to tell Aradia before, things she’d only told her family before.

So many parts of her want to fight. And at the same time, her heart is heavy.

She doesn’t want to fight Kanaya.

So she drops the topic. The part of her that wanted to copy Feferi folds, and she gives in.

She places her hand on Kanaya’s.

There’s some bitterness in her, but she pushes it down, letting the concern overpower it, sugar over the metal taste.

Kanaya squeezes her hand.

“Next time, I will make you more clothes.” Kanaya says. “I’ll…it will be okay, Rose. I promise I will do everything I can to make it okay.”

Rose thinks about everything. So much…

“I wish you could.” She answers.

As they stand, Kanaya is still holding her hand.


She leans forward, and awkwardly wraps her arms around Rose. Rose catches another whiff of her perfume, her closeness.

“Is this…too close?” Kanaya whispers.

Rose shakes her head. “No…”

Kanaya holds onto her. Rose takes in her warmth.

Surely, she must like me back…


You’re another problem for her to fix, a friend she keeps around so she can feel better about choosing not to break this game that hurts your family and helps hers.


Rose wraps her arms around Kanaya. She’s a bit shorter than Kanaya, but she smooths a hand over her hair. Kanaya’s head lands in the crook of her neck, right on her rapid pulse.

The burn in her is easy enough to ignore when Kanaya sighs a little bit, and stays there like a moth fluttering to its rest.


Yayyy cute fluff!!!

What angst?

Rose is here to break unfair games, but also here to make me wonder if this fic needs the "useless lesbians" tag.

Writing this made me realize that all the seers in Homestuck seek to enact a sort of justice on the world. I wonder if we should take that into account with the lore.

For someone who hasn't read the epilogues, I sure do take a little more inspiration than I expected from the few things people like about them.

Don't worry, Rose isn't going to cheat on Kanaya and have a baby with a cursed name.

Please let me know if you enjoyed or have any questions! And thank you for reading, as always.

Chapter 32: Fuck Yeah It's Gill's Night


Yeah the title is pretty self explanatory. There's some preamble where Rose and Dave and Dirk talk, and Rose meets Kurloz, Meulin's boyfriend. But then it's a silly little romp to the aquarium.


Lots of descriptions here. I get carried away describing the lands.

Should I make a map? Probably. Do I like maps? No. I don't want to draw one. Just imagine Prospit and Derse as two central districts, and the dreamers' lands surround them nearby, almost radiating out.

The temple district is at the center, checkered in black and white tiles.

Anyway! Long chapter this time. Exams are kicking my ass so this was written at a million different times. I can't sleep and I'm surviving on one or two meals right now. I should be doing three long essays right now but fuck it it's homestuck time.

This is going up unedited! Usually I don't do this, this time, I'm going to ask you all to tell me if something is mistake in clarity. I am running on too little sleep to do this properly.

(twenty essay pages left to write in less than two weeks holy fucking shit...why can't they just give me credit for the fact that I've written up to the 500-page mark in homestuck fanfic.)

I should go to therapy...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose spends the day resting and preparing. She’s not sure she wants to know why Scratch wanted her to visit this temple instead of the one with her friends. She really, really wishes she wasn’t trapped this way. She wishes she could tell anyone. She wishes there were some sort of loophole in Scratch’s powers.

She sighs. The idea of enjoying Gill’s Night makes her sick to her stomach, thinking about what this might mean.

If only she hadn’t gone to Felt territory. If only she’d listened to Damara.

If only Aradia could know, could help. But if she went to the Felt hideout, she might just end up the same as her.

Rose sighs. She reads a little bit. She paces. She practices for orchestra; she’s an advanced enough student that she hasn’t needed to do much, but she really has enjoyed it in the past.

Rose practices a bit of Witch Cant, next. Aradia and Jade and Feferi all know a bit of it…she’s not sure she really wants to learn the temple cants, though.

Religion is important to Aradia, she knows. Dirk hates it, though, and she can’t say she blames him, if Bro was devout.

Rose sighs, then stands up.

She finds Dave in his room, remixing some new tune. She gives a small cough, before he looks up.

“What’s up, Rose?” He asks, taking his headphones off.

“Do you mind if I ask you about Bro?” Rose asks.

He stiffens. He and Dirk and Roxy got the worst of him.

Dave and Roxy, for the most part. Rose was off to the side, and Dirk was the closest Bro ever had to a favorite kid. Not that it helped much.

“Why?” He asks. “Rose, are you having…you know.”

“No, I’ve been thinking about the Skaian faith.” Rose says.

“You gonna go to church with Kanaya?” Dave asks. Rose knows he’s trying to deflect; she debates letting him. Unfortunately, the gears in her mind are turning.

“Dirk said Bro worshipped in the church.” Rose says.

“Yeah, he had a shrine on the roof.” Dave says.

Rose flinches. Of all the kids, she went up there the least.

“Which god?” Rose asks.

Dave closes his eyes. “I thought it was the Prince, at first. And it was. And…there was a statue of…shit, why can’t I tell you this? I know everything he said was bullshit, fucking hell…”

Rose wracks her brain for who it might be.

“Three other gods.” Dave says, eventually. “Dirk can tell you more; I think Bro actually taught him a few of the mysteries.”

“Was one of the gods the Knight?”

Dave shakes his head. “I wouldn’tve kept my Knight tomes or stories if he did. Bro was a bastard and I’m glad he’s dead, I can tell you that.”

Rose nods. “I am as glad. I will stop asking.”

“Are you getting into the church again?” Dave asks. “Not just asking for your weird plans?”

Rose shrugs. “There are plenty of faiths. The Daughters of Ecclectica feel a tad silly to me, although the Witch still appeals to me, somewhat.”

Dave laughs. “I get that. She was raised by that giant tentacle monster.”

“Whose cry rends the universe.” Rose nods.

“I’m surprised you didn’t pick the Maid.”


“She’s the rebel daughter. She questioned the Muse more than any of her sisters.” Dave shrugs.

“I did not like how she ended up caring for the future generation anyway, against what she said she wanted.”

“Yeah, but on her terms.” Dave rolls his eyes. “You’re not gonna get far in the church if you don’t like the Maid. Especially if you want to get back in Aradia’s good graces.”

Rose sighs. “I suppose you’re right.”

“I always am. Older brother privilege.”

“You are ten minutes older than me.”

“Yeah, an entire day before you.” Dave smirks.

“Ten minutes.”

“The calendar doesn’t lie. Also, I’m the time expert here.”

“Fuck off.”

“I win.”

Rose rolls her eyes.

“Seriously, though, Rose, are you gonna try worshipping the Knight?” Dave asks.

Rose shrugs. “I’m already learning Witch Cant, so it might be a bit of a setback…”

“The languages are for the really devoted followers.”

“I suppose so. Still…” Rose sighs. “I do not think the gods lack any bearing on our universe.”

“Damn, don’t tell Dirk.”

“I shan’t.”

“No one says that anymore.”

“I do, dearest brother of mine. Dearest baby brother of mine.” Rose says.

“Wait a sec, hold on. Are you gonna try to worship the Seer?” Dave asks.

She’s surprised he didn’t mention them earlier. “Perhaps. I am unsure.”

“Eh. It’s not like we don’t know plenty of people in a bunch of faiths.” Dave shrugs. “Hell, I’m pretty sure Roxy and Fefeta still know that Muse worshipper.”

“I’m not worshipping a Mirthful Messiah.” Rose says. She doesn’t care how kind the Muse is; the clown cult did plenty of damage in her name.

It couldn’t hurt to know more, though. Rose makes a mental note about them.

“Fair. You guys still doing that Girl’s Night to get you back on the team?” Dave asks.

“Yes. Gill’s Night.”

“Oh yeah, Fef’s got her puns. Awfully rude of y’all to leave us guys out.” He says.

“You and Equius and Eridan could go out for a Boy’s Night. A Bouy’s Night.” Rose says.

“I’m not sure.” Dave shrugs. “We don’t have much in common, honestly.”

“It could be a good team building exercise.” Rose says. “You could invite some of your Tower friends. I think Sollux might appreciate it.” Being able to spend time with fellow Dersites couldn’t hurt, and Rose knew Dave trusted Sollux.

“Maybe the Hero Tower will let him out, yeah.” Dave shrugs. “Maybe we could go out to that retro arcade in Lopan, see if anyone can beat Roxy’s legendary scores.”

Hal pipes up from the corner, “I’d like to see that.”

“It sounds as though Hal will be in on Bouy’s Night, as well.” Rose smiles.

“Hell yeah.” Dave opens his phone to text the guys.

“What’s this all about?”

Dirk’s standing at the entrance. He’s coming in to bring Dave a bottle of apple juice, since Dave sometimes gets absorbed in making music.

“Dave is scheduling a meetup between himself and some friends. A Bouy’s Night.” Rose says.

Roxy and Fefeta are going to be hanging out tonight, so Rose didn’t ask them to Gill’s Night. Rose realizes this meant she and Dave forgot about Dirk, who’s getting left behind more and more.

“If you come along, you can meet Gemini.” Dave says.

Dirk arches an eyebrow. “You’re inviting a hero to vigilante hangout?”

“It’s not vigilante hangout; it’s strictly personal.”

“Then who’s going to patrol?” Dirk asks.


Dave sighs. “Bouy’s Night can be another time, then. Our guy’s night can be patrolling this time. Next Sunday, you’re covering for us.”

“Of course.” Rose hopes she’ll be okay to patrol then.

Dirk says, “Keep in contact through Hal, in case the vigilantes need backup.”

“We’re keeping our phones on.”

“See that you do.” Dirk gives Rose a look.

“I will not repeat my previous idiocy.” Rose says. At least she hopes she won’t have to.

“Good.” He says. He adds, “I’d be a little left out. I’d be the oldest one at Guy’s Night.”

“Bouy’s Night.”

“I can’t believe she infected you with those stupid Condesce puns.” Dirk sighs. “I’ll see if any of my friends are available. Maybe Arquius and I can draw together again. And Erisol can sit in the corner and bitch.”

“Or you could invite Jake.” Dave raises an eyebrow. Dirk levels him with another look, and Dave just sits back, grinning.

“May I suggest not showing Jake the increasingly dismaying art you create until the third date?” Rose asks. Dirk tosses a pillow at her.


Rose wears the dress Kanaya made her. It is lovely, and remarkably comfortable for a night on the town.

She goes a little overboard with her eyeliner. She hopes Aradia appreciates the skull look.

Rose meets the “gills” at Nepeta’s apartment. Meulin is there with her boyfriend.

“Hello.” Rose tilts her head. “I don’t believe we’ve met?”

The man by Meulin’s side signs, “I’m Kurloz.”

Rose signs back. “I’m Rose.”

They sign the conversation out. Kurloz is as easygoing as Meulin, though quite a bit calmer. His fashion is as gothic as Rose’s, which she can appreciate.

“Glad to see kitty-sister’s got more friends than just Equius. He’s a good kid, but it’s better to have more people with you.”

Rose smiles. “Nepeta is an excellent friend.”

“By the way, Rose,” Meulin signs. “Why did you leave the arcade? Roxy said she found you, but I was so worried about you, since you seemed so disoriented. Kurloz and I almost sent out a search party!”

“I felt a walk would clear my head.” Rose lies.

Kurloz raises an eyebrow, but just signs, “You had my darling worried. Losing a little sibling’s no joke. Don’t put your big bro and sis through that.”

Rose winces. Derse is no stranger to loss, especially with the recent hero tower kidnappings of Dersites.


Nepeta bounds out, and tackles Rose. When she stands up again, she’s smiling. She’s wearing furry gloves in bright blue and green, different from her usual claws, and she’s added bright beads to her blue hat.

“Gill’s Night!” She smiles, squeezing Rose tight. Rose wishes she’d been able to introduce her to Jade, or perhaps thankful; they both gave bone crushing hugs, and they didn’t need to start a rivalry.

Nepeta lets go.

“Where are Feferi and Aradia?” Rose asks.

Nepeta says, “Purradia is getting ready in the bathroom. Fefurri is coming soon.”

With a pang, Rose remembers Aradia doesn’t have a home, especially not after Dirk kicked her out. Sure, staying with Jade and Nepeta is a temporary solution, but Rose misses those late-night sleepovers, talking to Aradia about Fozzer, how happy Aradia looked when she and Roxy made her pancakes. Now she won’t even talk to her during DnD games.

Nepeta pats her arm. Rose startles.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get together again.” Nepeta whispers. “Trust me, she doesn’t hate you. Just show her you can be trusted, okay?”

Aradia eventually comes in. She’s wearing one of Meulin’s dresses; it’s a bit shorter on Aradia, but it’s deep black with a stylized ribcage and heart printed on the front. Her makeup is a little like a skull, too; Rose is happy they match, though a that gets a little crushed when Aradia looks away.

“Ooh, it suits you so much better than me!” Meulin crows.

“Glad someone appreciates a skeleton look.” Kurloz signs, then gives a thumb’s up. “Got that for Meu a while ago. Think it suits you just fine, kitty.”

Meulin blushes a bit, but smiles. “You’re welcome to borrow that one! We really should take you shopping! Kurloz, where did you get that one?”

“Friend who does block printing and scrapbooking.” Kurloz shoots Meulin a meaningful look.

Rose gets a vision of her; a tall, muscular woman in heavy makeup, working in a custom T-shirt shop over in Lowas, working with utmost care, stealing swatches to weave into collages.

“I’d love to meet her.” Rose says. “I embroider, and I would be happy to make matching items.”

Kurloz and Meulin both exclaim happily over the idea, and give her the address of her shop, called Maenad’s.

Aradia nods politely. Rose wishes she’d brought her a gift, though that would be pointless; you can’t bribe your way to trust, she knows.

Feferi enters the room, in a short puffed dress in teal, covered in orange fish. Rose can tell it’s bespoke; there’s actual structure to the corset bodice and she can tell the material is fine and expensive.

Meenah really does spoil her. She thinks, though she can’t help but think Roxy might do the same for her, if she could. She knows she would.

Besides, someone buying you frilly dresses hardly means they care. She should know…


“Why are you calling me that?”

“There’s a fish called the rosefish! It’s called Rosie.” Feferi, to no one’s surprise, has pictures of some. They’re peach colored.

“Why all the fish puns?” Kurloz asks.

Feferi shrugs. “My sister pretty much raised me…even back when we had nothing, she brought me to the ponds in Lodag, and taught me to swim. She taught me fish puns and it just…fish are friends, you know? And of course, I’m a Squiddles fan, and they use a bunch of fish puns. So they’re our thing!”

Kurloz tilts his head. “Aren’t you worried about being compared to the condesce?”

Feferi flinches. “…yes. It’s happened. It happens a lot.”

“Purrloz,” Meulin says.

Kurloz shakes his head and smiles. “All right. I don’t mean any harm by that, just a little worried, you know?”

Feferi beams. “It’s orcay! Mimi and I just keep using them. Somebay, people will hear fish puns and just think of a couple of sisters spreading joy, you know?”

Her optimism leaves a bitter coat on Rose’s insides. “You can’t erase all of the past.”

“I mean, someone has to try.” Feferi says. “Skaia’s just gonna be afraid forever if we don’t give back what the Condesce tried to take. It’s important.”

Feferi sounds surprisingly firm at that. Rose finds herself respecting her a bit more.

Nepeta claps her paws together. “All right! We’ve got plans! It’s 5. First, we go to the Evening Show at the Aquarium! We look at fish skeletons and the bioluminescence exhibits! We go to the gift shops. We get a late dinner at the restaurant Feferi picked! Then we visit the temple district and go to the midnight Ceremony of Time at the Maid temple. Then we tour some of the late night temples together, like the Witch temple.”

Aradia looks stunned. “The Ceremony of Time?”

“Rose suggested the temple district!”

Aradia’s face looks astonished, and almost soft. Rose feels a mix of fondness and guilt roil in her gut. It was her idea to visit the temples, yes. But it was really Scratch’s.

At 1 am, she would be off elsewhere in the district. Doing Felt business.

Rose swallows the stone in her throat. Aradia is looking at her now, at least.

“And Meulin and Kurloz go on their date.” Nepeta adds, giving a smile. Meulin smiles right back.

“Is every couple in Derse going out?” Feferi asks. “Fefeta is out with Roxy, too.”

“Two is hardly a pattern. It’s hardly enough.” Nepeta says.

Feferi sighs. “I guess. Gill’s Night’s gonna be way betta.”

Meulin grins. “Challenge accepted! Kurloz, let’s go!”

She hurries her boyfriend out the door.


Lodag, Loraf, Lolar, and Loqam are Skaia’s centers of glass and crystalline architecture, a signature of the city that tourists always adore.

Lodag is one of the few districts close to Derse that the Condesce didn’t raze. The people there are often rich; it’s little shock that Feferi and Meenah are so close to it.

The Condesce never touched Lodag, and they kept their aquariums. It’s one of the few districts where they still raise fish in glass tanks and bowls, where they farm fish in tall towers with rounded caps.

Land of Dew and Glass. It’s lit in pink and blue fairy lights. When the sun fully sets, they’ll make quite the sight.

All the park decor is round here, crystal orbs like a seer’s crystal ball. It’s covered in decorative cloths during the day; round glass is a fire hazard in the daylight, no matter how many old-fashioned pearly aqueducts run from Lodag to Lowaa.

Feferi spins around. “Isn’t it shrimply beautiful? I wish I could stay here forever!”

“I’m surprised Meenah didn’t move you here.” Rose says.

“She’s gotta be close to work.” Feferi looks down.

There’s an awkward pause. Nepeta gets them to detour and look at the glass bubble light displays for a moment; Rose is happy for the brief distraction.

Aradia sits next to Rose.



“I’m sorry for---”

Aradia holds up a hand. “Between this and your foray into Felt territory alone with no contact with Hal, Rose, I’m still unconvinced.”

Rose looks down.

“You’re not a bad fighter.”

Rose looks up.

“You’ve got a good power, maybe even one that means you have to keep secrets.”

Rose wishes she could tell Aradia the half of it.

“But I need to know I can trust you. And I need to know that you trust your teammates. I need to know that you trust me.” Aradia says.

“I do.”

“Not enough.” Aradia shakes her head.

They’re silent as they reach the famous Caligula’s Aquarium, donated in the old gift wars.

“There was a time when Lowaa and Lodag, the richest neighborhoods close to Derse, had a sort of odd rivalry where each neighborhood’s mayor donated building projects and treasures to the other. This was in old Skaia, back when the aqueducts were a revolutionary feat.

“There was apparently a riot that unseated both mayors; people were starving while the mayors upheld their feud.” Feferi finishes.

Nepeta says, “Sounds a little like a god romance.”

“I think they just hated each other.”

“Exactly! Like a god romance.” Nepeta says.

“Are you religious now?”

“Hey, the Mage and Knight had point!”

The old building still stands tall, ancient blue glass and bricks on the outside, modern plumbing and pools and tanks on the inside. Imposing roof, scrollwork you’d never see in new Prospitian construction. Rose admires a blown glass grape vine climbing a clear column. They keep this place clean and glittering.

The interior is dim, better to see the lit up tanks teeming with fish. The crystal tiles are almost as lovely as the fish; there are several fish tanks and ponds inside. Betta fish swarm in frills. Koi race to the surface where a few children feed them tiny puffs. Clownfish hide in colorful anemones.

The smell of salt and algae permeates the air, as expected. Rose lets Feferi drag them to the nudibranch tanks so they can admire the fanlike, flowery little creatures.

“…this one is called the Spanish Dancer…look at how colorful it is, Aradia!”

“No bones.” Aradia jokes.

“Yes, but look at that gorgeous red! They used to have blue glauci here, but I guess they took them out…not surprising. Did you know that the blue glaucus is blue because it steals venom?”

Feferi is in her element. They could hardly ask for a better tour guide; she lets Feferi inundate them with fish facts, a few of which she notes for the Squiddle campaign.

Starglow’s purple bioluminescence, she learns, could blink in and out. Perhaps she could persuade Vriska to let her---

The scene is dim. A flash of a knife to someone’s throat. Two blinking dots of faint purple, too piercing and knowing to look away from.

Rose blinks. Who was that?

She needs to know who has that power. White Queen and Kankri and Signless have enough control powers in this city; they don’t need another mind manipulator.

They enter the bioluminescence showroom. The room is a round theater, surrounded by tanks full of jellyfish. Feferi booked the room for their crowd alone. People are meant to sit on the cushions on the ground, under the vast dome of glowing fish.


“What is it?”

It’s a useless vision. It’ll just seem like a token.

“Never mind.”

A mistake. Aradia turns away, looking disappointed.

The lights go out.

Color and light surrounds them. Faint music plays as the lights of the bioluminescent fish appear full force. More purples, just like the one she saw in her vision. Thank the gods, these ones weren’t impossible to look away from.

But they flashed and swam. Swarms of jellyfish, one after another. Fireworms swirl. An octopus catches Rose’s eye; it almost seems like it’s dancing. Little points of lanternfish scatter like tiny fairy lights.

It’s breathtaking, like they’re sitting in space, the stars of some alien galaxy all around them, nothing keeping them grounded but a tiny platform. Rose is struck by a feeling like they’re on a precipice, the edge of something vital.

“I…I had a vision.” Rose manages.

“Yes?” Aradia’s still looking at the jellyfish, bright and otherworldly against deep blue.

“Someone with bright purple eyes that someone couldn’t look away from. I think there’s another mind controller in Skaia.” She whispers.

Only Nepeta hears, with her enhanced senses. “Shit.”

“Are you gills talking aboat work on Gill’s Night?”

“Important stuff.” Nepeta whispers the message to Feferi.


“Do you ever swear, Feferi?”

“Naut in polite company.”

“We’re not polite company.” Aradia says.

“What about Rosie?” Feferi says.

“Excuse me?”

“There it is! You’ve got your manners and stuff!”

“This is simply how Dirk speaks. I inherited it.”

“It’s not.” Aradia says. “He’s a different flavor of pretentious and silly.”

“Silly?” Rose is almost offended at that.

“I saw your room.” Aradia says. “I know you once sacrificed a pet rock to the Witch.”

“That was private information!”

“Dave told me you once gave him a W-shaped moustache in sharpie.” Aradia nudges.

“I am going to kill my brother.”

Nepeta says, “Rose, you’re not being serious. That’s pretty silly! Meulin says you have silly banter, too.”

Rose says, “Roxy needs to stop telling Meulin things. Besides, I have been serious this entire time. I have to be.”

There’s a silence after that. Nepeta reaches out and squeezes her shoulder.

“Rose,” Nepeta says. “It’s Gill’s Night. And it’s really for you and Purradia. I know we’re going to a fancy ritual after this, but…this should be a chance to relax, get to know each other and trust each other.”

“What does that have to do with being silly?”

“It’s a time to relax.” Aradia says. “It is a time to trust each other, and that means self expression. It means that you show silliness, even if you put that all away to impress all of Skaia. We’re not on a mission. We’re just here.”

Rose sighs. “This is simply who I am, Aradia. Any silliness is purely coincidental.”

Feferi says, “All right, new game.” She grins. “We make Rosie laugh.”


Rose is stunned. This is a game that Roxy and Dave and Hal play with Dirk.

He’s remarkably good at it.

Rose swears to uphold his legacy here. Something about being declared silly and unsilly has made her want to prove that she is a serious hero. If they want at her vulnerabilities, they will have to pry her open like the clams in the bivalve exhibit.

“Challenge accepted.” Rose says.

Nepeta grins. Feferi immediately begins to pull silly faces. Rose sits there, stony.

Nepeta’s turn next. Cat puns for days.

“I cannot app-purr—eciate these.” Rose rolls her eyes.

“Half a point! I got you to make a joke.”

Aradia’s turn. Where is---

Rose bursts out laughing. Aradia has decided to tickle her while she was defenseless.

“Wha—hahaha---what was this about trust---Aradia!”

Aradia finally stops.

“I should have expected that.” Rose grumbles.

“Are you okay?” Aradia asks. Her face is unexpectedly serious. “I know I got competitive, but I touched you---”

Rose shakes her head. “It is fine, and usually within the parameters of the game. Still.”

Rose catches Aradia and soon, Aradia’s laughing, too.

Nepeta pounces on both of them, and Feferi laughs then.

They’ve exhausted themselves a bit after that; the noise scared some of the fish.

They’re all a tad disheveled.

“Well, Rose, you lose.” Aradia says.

“And you win, I suppose. What’s the prize?” Rose asks.

“Twenty dollars.”

Rose stares.

“I’m kidding.” Aradia pats her on the back. “Even though I know you have twenty dollars, and twenty dollars is useful.”

“I’ll pay for your gifts at the shop.” Rose says.

Feferi says, “That’s more than twenty dollars. Still not much, but it’s more in the fifties range.”

Everyone stares at her for a second.


“Fifty is a lot…but Rose, you’ve still got Meenah’s commission money, right?” Aradia grins.

“That I do.”

“Well then, nothing to stop me from buying all the fish bones and shark’s teeth in the shop.”

Rose grits her teeth. “I should have tried harder.”

Aradia just giggles. She pets Rose’s shoulder a little, and Rose feels a little bit lighter, despite her chagrin.

She doesn’t buy all the bones in the shop; there’s a large fish skeleton for sale and it costs three hundred dollars that Aradia and Feferi gawk at for a while, but Aradia shows mercy. It’s mostly shells and shark’s teeth.

“Do shells count as bones?” Rose asks.

Aradia winks. “Yep.”

Feferi looks like she wants to ask a million questions about that, but they all know the tired-looking night shift cashier could squeal to the Tower.

The teeth and shells Aradia buys cost a pretty penny. The glass jellyfish earrings Rose buys for herself aren’t cheap, either.

She also gets a silver wire bracelet with jade green sea glass. For no reason.

The total is lower than Rose expected, but if she didn’t have the commission money, it would have been serious. Rose wishes she’d agreed to just shell out twenty dollars, still. Roxy might give her a side eye for this.

Still, seeing Aradia flounce out of the shop covered in shark tooth and shell jewelry on top of her usual sculpted bone bracelets makes Rose a little happy at least.
“Do you trust me now?” Rose asks Aradia.

“I forgive you.” Aradia says.

Rose waits.

“I’m still cautious about letting you back on the team.”

Rose sighs.


As always, thank you for reading! Please leave comments and kudos if you enjoyed! Your comments always make me smile and inspire me to write more.

Chapter 33: Time Gives


The Ceremony of Time.


Another unedited chapter. Sorry. Please tell me if there's something that makes no sense here. I will probably come back later to spruce this one up.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dinner is, surprisingly, not seafood. Apparently Feferi let Aradia pick the restaurant, and Aradia chose a diner at the border to Loqam, where the glass architecture is more jagged and less polished, and the Skaia Philharmonic has not performed at the grand concert hall in decades.

The food is breakfast for dinner. The eggs and strawberry waffles are some of the nicest Rose has had, and it doesn’t feel so out of place to fuel up on coffee for the late night.

“Are you shore this is orcay? I could get us somewhere fancier, next time. It’s no problem.”

Aradia shakes her head. “My big sister used to take us here, after Mom…well, she used to take us here.”

Feferi gets quiet, and lays a hand on Aradia’s arm. Rose feels a little like she’s being stabbed. Nepeta pauses in the middle of demolishing her plate of bacon and sausage to squeeze Aradia’s hand.

By the time late dinner is over, it’s time to walk to the Temple District. They’ve got the time; Loqam is remarkably close to the center.

“I’ve never actually visited the temple district before.” Rose says.

“Really?” Aradia asks.

Nepeta shakes her head. “Me, neither. The heroes are always defending this place, and no one wants to attack it that much. We stick with Derse.”

Feferi says, “Meenah’s not that religious. I think I went there during the Three Days festival once, when I was about seven.”

Aradia smiles. “Well, we’ll have to go there for Three Days this year, too!”

Nepeta grins. “Well, I have always wanted to take part in the games…”

“My birthday is the Third Day.” Rose says.


“Dave’s is the second.” Rose says.

Feferi grins, and starts planning a party, before Rose can say she and Dave will probably want to stay home. Still, it might be nice to be out with Aradia, and the legendary games of Three Days are something she’s been curious about…

They reach the Temple District. It’s lit up in Skaian purple and gold.

The Temple District is a vast ring of the Fourteen Temples, and it’s covered over in black and white stone tiles, like an infinite chess board. The gold and purple lamps are covered well so that the sky can show as much light as possible, though it’s not as much as there would have been back in the days of Old Skaia, when the Temple District was built.

The center of the ring is a wide, raised dais. Feferi points them inside.

Aradia kneels before the steps to the dais.

“Blessed be the Daughters of Ecclectica, Blessed be the Keepers of the Gear. We seek the permission of the great gods to tread upon the sacred ground of the Skaian Nexus, the platform of victory upon which once trod the gods who played the game that made our world.” She says.

“So it shall be through space and time.” Nepeta says. The others echo.

This is the kind of stuff they usually avoid.

The floor is glass tinted green and red in a swirl, and beneath the glass is a vast round pattern: half red gear, half black and white starburst. The glass keeps them raised above the space-and-time pattern, far enough that Rose wonders if you could fall into the sculpted art below, although still not far enough down as to be under the ground of the rest of the temple district.

The Platform of Victory is raised fairly high, even so; Rose can get a good look at the sacred symbols and murals of each temple. She can spot the Seer’s temple by the mural of the myth of the Seer’s Folly, where they made a deal with mysterious terrors to defeat the monster that plagued the gods, and the myth of the Resurrection Codes, where the Seer and Heir conspired to bring the Thief back to life.

Rose focuses on the Folly myth, the beautiful curls of darkness around a figure, the young and foolish god gazing into their orb, not knowing of the Guardian’s treachery.

“You good, Rose?” Nepeta asks.

Rose shakes herself. “I am fine. I may…go to the Seer’s temple, later.”

“Good idea! I wanted to see the Rogue temple. They’re the coolest.”

“Nepeta, there’s lots of religious people here. Don’t start a seaological debate.” Says Feferi.

Nepeta smiles. “And what if I want to?”

“Gill’s Night’s supposed to be fun.” Feferi says.

“Arguing can be fun.” Nepeta says. “Fur shame, you know how many gods love arguing.”

Feferi sighs. “I guess. But you might have to argue with Prospitian priests or something.”

“Oh yeah, don’t start an argument with a Knight follower or Seer follower.” Aradia says. “I’ll back you up if you support the Maid instead.”

“I think I’ll argue with mew, then.” Nepeta says.

They sit down on the glass of the platform. More people crowd onto the dais, and Rose wonders if she really might fall.

The sound of clacking echoes. Rose looks beneath her to see that the space tiles are turning over, becoming time themed throughout for the ceremony.

The priest, an elderly man in a mask, speaks out. “Thank you, all gathered. The Knight, The Maid, The Witch, and the Lord grow strong as the hour grows near.

“Time, that intangible dimension, that beginner and ender of all things, which spurs the clock ever on, which brings age to life, respite to void, devotion to heart, fruition to hope, and certainty to doom.

“Time, which brought the start of a cycle at the hand of the Witch

“Time, which stopped the strike of the Beast by the hand of the Maid.

“Time, which opened the path forward through the hand of the Knight

“Time, which starts and stops and is conquered and wrested from the hand of the Lord.”

The air fills with garnet incense. It’s heady, and the smoke---

A dark, nearly purple. Red and green light, once again. Then two more colors---



The ceremony is winding down. The clock is striking one.

Rose went into a trance for an hour.

She missed the ceremony for that entire vision.

The vision where---

“Rose, what did you see?” Aradia whispers.

Aradia’s voice is soft.

Rose says, “I…this…not in public.”

Aradia nods. She hustles them into a Rogue temple, where there are private rooms, confidential with the promise of all secrets kept. Aradia is reassuring Rose of all of this as she ushers them through the blue and pink halls.

In the room, Rose collapses.

Aradia waits. Feferi hands Rose a water bottle.

“Please drink a little so I can…” Feferi trails off.

Rose flinches.

“Rose, I know it’s terrifying. I know you said you’ve seen the Felt.” Aradia says. “I know it takes a lot to shake you. So…drink some. And when you’re ready, you can talk.”

Nepeta nudges Aradia.

With some difficulty, Aradia sighs.

She reaches out a hand to Rose.

“You…don’t have to tell us at all. If you’re never ready, and it doesn’t concern us…you don’t have to tell.”

Nepeta beams.

Rose takes Aradia’s hand. She drinks some water, and feels some of Feferi’s power flow through her.

She takes a deep breath.

“Red.” She says. “Green.” Fuck, why is this so hard?

“Maybe you could…draw it?” Feferi suggests.

Aradia nods, but before she can do anything, Nepeta pulls out a sketchbook and markers. She flips past god romance card suits and drawings of people and roleplay logs, until she reaches a blank page.

Rose takes four markers. She draws a figure in red. Then lime green. Then deep blue. Then lavender.

“Four people.” Aradia guesses. “is it me, Nepeta, Equius, and you?”

Rose shakes her head. She remembers she has sign language, when things get the way they used to be.

“Dave.” Rose signs. “Jade. Me. John.”

“Who’s John?” Feferi asks.

“Air.” Aradia answers. “So you saw yourself, Dave, and two heroes. Rose, do you two get captured?”

Rose shakes her head. “No.”

Rose reaches out and takes Aradia’s hand. She hates being so weak, so useless to her visions, so---

“Hey, shoosh.” Aradia whispers. “You’re gonna squeeze the life out of my hand. Shoosh.”

The seconds seem to crawl. It’s agonizing, this malaise, this sight…

Rose takes a deep breath. “One of us…it is…like the trolley problem.”

Nepeta tilts her head. Feferi seems to know this one.

“Oh my god.” Not even cod. “One of you is going to die.”

Rose just nods.

“Pick the path with Air.” Nepeta says, suddenly fervent.

Everyone stares.

“He’s not our ally, and he’s the biggest threat to us.”

Feferi says, “If Jade is Comet, wouldn’t she…”

Aradia wavers. “Rose…is there a way where…no one dies?”

Rose says, “It’s…more than just Jade and John or us on the line. The paths are complicated.”

Rose knows she should be in the Seer temple soon. But she can’t escape these three. Nepeta alone could catch her with her hands bound.

Surely, he would know that. Surely, Scratch wouldn’t---


Aradia’s trying to calm her as much as possible. Feferi is begging Rose to let her try another heal. Nepeta wants to call Roxy.

Rose takes a deep breath.

She needs to focus on so many things. There’s…

“It’s more than just one of us on each track.” Rose says.

Aradia is still holding her hand.

Rose says, “There are two paths, and two more for each fork. One is John or Jade. One is me or Dave.”

Aradia says, “All right. What happens along the John or Jade path?”

“Jade…first. We have to intervene, or it’s her. And…then it’s John. But…if it’s that path…what kills them…” Rose swallows hard.

“So it’s not an opportunity to take out Air.” Rose finishes. “It’s a chance…that we may…have a huge threat…one not even the tower could take.”


“The Felt?” Aradia asks.

Rose shakes her head.

“Light Court?” Nepeta asks.

Rose shakes her head again. “C-clowns. Blue and green…it might be more than John and Jade.”

“So it’s you or Dave.” Aradia says.

“It’s me.” Rose says. “It can’t be Dave. He’s too valuable.”

“We’re finding a fifth timeline.” Aradia says, almost immediately. “Rose, tell us everything you can about every path, and we’ll avoid it.”

Aradia is determined. Her skull-like grin is starting to reform, but it’s looking forced. Rose knows too well.

“It…it involves something insane…” Rose says. “And we have to…we have to tell Dave it can’t be him. He can’t be there, or he gets captured.”

“Even in path five?” Aradia asks.

Rose clutches her head. “What if path five means someone else dies? I see four timelines. Those might very well be the best outcomes.”

“What if this trolley problem’s a tunnel vision problem? Rose, when I fought Gambler, I was also going to die. That was all I saw. Then WV found me and brought me cans of food.” Aradia said.

Rose looks up.

“Gambler broke four of my limbs. The hospital would have sent me right to the Tower. My bone manipulation powers were burnt out for a week.”

Aradia underwent power burnout because of Vriska? Rose wonders if Vriska really knows how lucky she is that Aradia doesn’t feel much about seeking revenge. That kind of injury, that kind of push…

“WV kept me safe. I saw death at the end of it all. I couldn’t move, and I barely wanted to. I was the only Dersite vigilante left, and I was down because some hero felt like it. But WV stayed. People came along, and he told the ones he trusted that I was Bone Witch, and that I had fought for myself, because without me, Derse was starting to look bleak.

“He had them sit by me. So many people I can barely remember or name, spoke to me through a curtain. They told me their stories, what I’d done. How I’d taken back Felt territory in the name of us Dersites.

“Rose, I know you can’t see much. But time isn’t just what guarantees doom. It’s a guide. It’s a healer, it’s respite, it’s possibility in a way that space won’t be alone. I know Dave wouldn’t want you to try dying, even if it was to stop the clown cult from getting back to how it was seven years ago.” Aradia says. “Rose, maybe…maybe some things are inevitable. But time brings fruition to hope.”

“And certainty to doom.” Rose whispers.

“And we’re all doomed anyway. Even Dolorosa who might as well be an undead’s gonna die someday.” Aradia says.

Nepeta says, “Rose, you’ve got all of us. No matter what. This can be one of our missions! Operation, stop doom!”

“Is it a bad time to tell you guys that the part of my brain that’s still Dirk would want you to take the opportunity to kill Air and then try to staunch the clown cult thing?” asks Hal, through Rose’s phone.

Everyone looks down.

“Sorry, the conversation got interesting and I interrupted Gill’s Night.”

Rose gives a hoarse laugh. “We’ll live. And that’s…not really the best option here. Trust me.”

Rose realizes something else.

“I…how about you three all head out to the Witch Temple, and I will contemplate my visions at the Seer temple?” Rose asks.

“Alone.” Aradia looks concerned. “I…Rose, you just went through a lot.”

“I know. And I’ll…Feferi, are we still sleeping over at yours?”

“Yes!” Feferi beams.

“Then we’ll see plenty of each other.” Rose says.
“Will Meenah let us?” Nepeta asks. “We rejected her offer…”

Feferi says, “I’ll get out whatever we need, and we can have a real discussion! And we’ll take the Monday off to convene a full hero meet! Everyone shoald know. I’ll set up the meeting.”

Feferi busies herself with that.

Rose says, “I promise I’ll…I’ll do this. To whatever extent I can.”

Aradia pulls her close.

“I’m proud of you.” she whispers. “Teammate.”

“So you forgive me?”

“Nepeta talked to me, and you’ve shown as much courage as you need to with your visions. More, even, especially since we’re doing this together.” Aradia says.

Rose leans in. Aradia pulls her tighter and pats her shoulder.

Nepeta has taken the sketchbook back and is drawing what looks like the two of them with a diamond in between. Feferi finishes scheduling and gathers all of them together for a group hug.

It’s almost enough to make her forget what has to come next.


Thank you for reading! Please leave kudos or comments if you enjoyed!

I'm so happy to have made it this far.

Chapter 34: The Golden Bowl


Rose enters the Seer Temple for her errand.


"Ah broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!--a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Guy De Vere, hast thou no tear?--weep now or never more!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore!
Come! let the burial rite be read--the funeral song be sung!--
An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young--
A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young."

-Edgar Allan Poe, "Lenore"

This entire chapter heavily references that poem. I want to make my inspiration very clear.

Also another less edited one! I should find a beta reader...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose’s long night is not over without Scratch’s instructions complete.

The Seer’s temple, unlike the lush carpets that dampen every sound and bright murals that coat the Rogue’s temple, is lined in white marble that somehow echoes with each step of Rose’s sensible shoes. The symbols of the sun, the slash, and the mindstorm decorate banners and tapestries on the walls.

Other tapestries depict various legends; these ones are under glass, to preserve them.

Throughout the temple, a cool smell like ozone, a sharp smell like cinnamon over iron, and an enticing smell almost like cooking fat drift through. Rose’s stomach rumbles a bit; that vision must have taken a lot out of her.

She heads for the main sanctuary. She doesn’t know why the Felt wants her here. She wishes she couldsee what she needed…

Although without that vision, Jade would have been in danger once more. Or John. And then we would have had to contend with the fallout.

The smells grow stronger. The mix is not overwhelming like the garnet. It’s almost drawing her in, making her mind clearer.

The temple sanctuary is red and blue and ambery-gold. The inside is well lit in incense candle, unlike the Rogue’s temple, which was almost entirely dark. There is more stained glass in here than Rose has seen in any other temple, stories and stories and stories. The walls are jammed with calligraphy, not so bold as to look overwhelming, but impossible to ignore.

The altar is to a shelf of scrolls, with a large golden bowl like a bird feeder in front. It is cracked through the side.

Rose realizes that someone is already in there, a lone figure standing with his head bowed before the bowl and scrolls.

He turns around.

“Signless?” Rose asks.

Dread pools in her gut. Did Scratch mean she was supposed to…

“Rose? I promise I mean no harm.”

Ah. Of course. He’s got emotion detection, and as far as he knows, she’s scared of him, rather than what she might have to do here.

“It’s…it is not you.” Rose manages.

“I thought I saw you at the Ceremony.” He says. “I nearly went to help you, though that girl with the blue hat gave me a rather nasty look when I came near, and I don’t think the young lady with the reddish black hair would have let anyone touch you besides.”

Rose is a bit relieved she woke up to her friends by her, instead of the Tower hospital room again.

“You’re the most powerful hero in the Tower. I doubt they could have stopped you.”

There are chairs in this temple. Signless sits in one close to the altar bowl, and Rose does the same. He sets his cane down in his lap.

Signless shakes his head. “I’m no longer the most powerful, Rose. And besides, what would happen if I used my power on a group of friends trying to protect their own?”

“Nepeta would have broken your arm.” Rose says.

Signless laughs. “Well, not if I used my power. But you get the point. Someone would have retaliated, even if none of you could have at the moment. Besides, it would not have been the right thing to do.”

Rose is sure Vriska or Kankri might disagree with him.

“What are you doing here?” Rose asks.

“Praying.” Signless says. “I find there is some comfort in religion, as I get older.”

“You’re not that old.” Rose says. He’s got to be in his forties.

“You are kind, Rose. But I’m a hero out of commission. That’s old for us.”

Rose looks ahead to the altar.

“What brings you here, Rose?” Signless asks.

“I am curious about religions.” She invents. “The Seer is not often discussed.”

“Well, I would say you have chosen well. Their myths are quite the ones to learn from. A flawed god.”

Rose nods. She wonders what Scratch meant for her to do here…

“What is troubling you?”


He gives her a look.

Rose lets out a huff of breath. “There is a lot on my mind, given the recent events in Derse.”

Signless flinches at that.

“I hope you know I was against that.” He says.

“Your son certainly doesn’t seem to be.” Rose snaps.

For a second, she wonders if she’s gone too far.

Signless, to her surprise, nods.

“He’s quite convinced that his way is the correct one, and believe me, it is not for a lack of my trying. And Karkat’s as well.” Signless says. “He will not change unless his circumstances do, though. It takes something drastic to shake the arrogance that comes with power.”

Rose looks up.

“There is far too much of myself in Kankri. Sometimes, I wonder, if I had come up in Mindfang’s tower…”

Rose raises an eyebrow. Mindfang? That’s not a hero she’s ever heard of. The brief flash of her she gets is of a tall, long-haired woman in an office, no hint of power. The most extraordinary thing about her is that she's writing documents in quill pen instead of typing them.

That’s all she gets.

Signless shakes his head. “Things have happened that solidified his views, I suppose. Things that are hard to shake.”

“He had better stop before one of us does it for him.” Rose says.

Though it sounds like an empty threat, Signless just says, “He is still my son. He wants to do good.”

“It takes more than that.” Rose glares.

“I hope you do not blame yourself for what is happening.” He says.

Rose reels a bit at that. It’s an excellent deflection from Kankri, and worse, it’s true. The part of Rose that’s a psychologist can’t help but grudgingly admire it.

She’s not going to trust Signless. Of course she won’t.

“I have worked things out in that regard.” Rose says, keeping her voice steely.

It doesn’t matter if that’s still partly a lie. Rose has closed this path to him.

“Well, I suppose so…still, the Tower owes you and your brother a great deal of debt.” Signless says. “And several of the young heroes are fond of you two.”

“Forgive me if I put little stock in your kindness.” Rose says.

She wonders if she should be using this opportunity to curry more favor. Then again, he’d know if she were being insincere in any trust.

She sighs. “What do you want?”

“I would like Derse’s trust.” Signless says. “I would like to see your people protected. I would like to see the damage the Condesce caused to you repaired.”

“Do you believe that doing charity for two orphans of Derse will cover for that?”

“Of course not.” Signless says. “Derse is caught in a cycle of doom, the same cycle that means Prospit thrives. Anyone could see the connections. I thought the younger ones might, especially Karkat. My niece did.”

Rose looks up, surprised. It takes her a moment to piece things together. “You mean Porrim Maryam.”

“Kanaya opened up to you.”


Signless doesn’t seem surprised. This is certainly a conversation for the Seer’s temple; each of them is playing a game of knowledge.

So can I win?

“I don’t wish to fight you.”

Rose’s anxiety spikes. “I thought you could not read thoughts.”

“Competition is one of the easiest feelings to spot as a hero.” He says. “Rose, your health should not suffer out of any obligation you have to Derse. Cyansprite and Karkat are both willing to see you, should you ever change your mind. Though I take it that is unlikely.”

Rose shakes her head. “Short of power, this is where persuasion will land you.”

Signless nods. “Well, then. I suppose we could speak about the Seer, if talking about ourselves is fruitless.”

Rose nods. She hopes this route is the one that means Scratch won’t try to kill her family. “What are the smells here?”

“Carnelian, aquamarine, and amber incense. Carnelian has the spiced smell, aquamarine is cool like mint, and the amber smells like cooking.” Says Signless.

The amber must be what’s got the good smell, then. “Do they have effects like the peridot and garnet?”

“Most have a mild effect when inhaled, and a stronger one when ingested.” Signless says. “Though none as strong as those two, if you believe that the garnet triggered your episode.”

Rose knows for sure that it did. She neglects to mention that.

Rose says, “What temples is the amber in?”

“The Seer, the Thief, and the Sylph.” He says. “Amber is said to represent precision, straightness to the point, and relevance to pursuit. It favors results over nuance. It is associated with the sign of light.”

Rose wonders… but she’ll have to throw off suspicion. “The others?”

“The aquamarine represents clarity, self-sufficiency, and strategy. It belongs to the sign of mind.” Signless says.

“And carnelian?”

“My favorite. Blood. Connection, forged and born. Memory. Perhaps the most underrated of the three. The Knight temple burns it, as well.”

Rose nods. None of those sound like the amber, though. She wonders if she can get a religious excuse.

Signless motions towards the offering bowl. “In older times, they would burn carnelian during the Sight of Blood ceremony.”

“I’m not familiar with that one.” Rose says.

“It’s not one they practice any longer. Priests would light the incense and spill the blood of two rivals in that very bowl. The priest would look upon the blood, and read their bond.” He says. “And it would resolve their dispute. Whatever grievance they had could be shown.”

“That sounds unsanitary.” Rose says.

Signless barks a laugh. “I imagine they would often call the healers from the other temples after the fact. But the Sight of Blood augury is one of many reasons why Porrim and Kankri and John would call the age of the gods one we should leave far behind.”

“You wouldn’t be planning to revive such a ceremony?” Rose asks.

“That would mean very little, without a representative rival from Derse.” Signless shakes his head. “Unless there happens to be someone who you trust to represent you all, and would be willing to partake in a ritual…”

Rose can think of two people, actually, not that either would deign to bleed into the same bowl as a hero with what has been happening.

“I wonder if the ritual is simply very good propaganda surrounding two representatives willing to reconcile. After all, no one would bleed with a rival under the guidance of a priest if they were not willing to admit they required an arbitrator, or that they were willing to lay aside their differences for a greater cause. Both these conditions might very well lead to an alliance with or without the ritual.”

“Of course, though the religious element would help convince the old Skaians the alliance was worthwhile.” Signless sits back. “People today might wish for more actions to back these words.”

Rose nods.

“Though reconciliation is a necessity…I wish we had not lost so many in the past.” His gaze grows wistful. "Lenore would know what to do.”


The amber in the air grows heady. Rose sees:

Signless, kneeling in the Temple of the Mage in Derse, before one of Disciple’s murals, of three lights intertwined.

“You knew Disciple.” Rose says.

“You are clever.” Signless looks caught off guard at that. Rose realizes she needs to hide better.

Rose supposes it shouldn’t be that surprising. “With the way you were at Disciple Day, I only wonder why you never mentioned it.”

“Being on a first name basis with a vigilante calls for more questions than it answers.” Signless says.

“Indeed it does.” Rose says.

She looks at him.

“By the time I had recovered from my fight with Darkleer, I was in our hospital. Cyansprite would not let me go to seek a rematch with him, and then the news broke that Lenore had killed him.” Signless says.

Rose waits.

“I knew her, before. In fact…we spoke of our approaches. I was a hero. She was a vigilante. I knew she felt serious, as serious as Ch-Psiionic had before. We had both heard that Darkleer was building something horrifying.”

He was on a first name basis with two vigilantes, then. Rose thinks to herself.

“And I told the two of them to sign on with the Tower. They should have. I could have saved them. I could have saved her, at least…at the very least, it should have been me…if I had been with her, we might have destroyed it before Darkleer sent it away…”

He shakes himself. “I did things I was not proud of, and I paid the price for my hubris. And yet? When I woke up, I learned that Lenore had gone and avenged me. She would not be one of ours, and yet somehow, I was one of hers."

“Like Jumpstart rescued Kankri, that one time.” Rose says.

“Yes. Although Kankri is…more stubborn than I was."

"I am surprised she did not kill you, if what you’re implying is that you used your powers on her.”

Signless is quiet again. “I do wish that there was a way for our two sides of Skaia to come together once more.”

“Do not give yourself tetanus.” Rose motions towards the bowl. “You are Karkat’s father, but I am not out of bounds for one of his earfuls.”

He laughs. “Unless there are priests and witnesses and a representative of Derse, I’d say the risks of that are low. And I imagine we might sterilize our blades, nowadays.”


Rose turns around. There’s Nepeta, bounding up to her.

“Purradia was worried about you. She sent me to check.” Nepeta pauses, then turns to Signless. She freezes, and so does he.

Rose wishes her powers were less limited, so she could get a sense of why.

“Nepeta, this is Signless. Signless, this is Nepeta.” Rose says, unsure of what else to say.

“Hello.” He says. He stands up. “Forgive me, I…I need to return home. It is good to make your acquaintance, though.”

Nepeta looks conflicted. On one hand, he’s a famous hero and Nepeta’s a fangirl. On the other hand, he’s a famous hero and Nepeta’s a vigilante.

“See you purround.” She says, her voice cautious.

He nods. They leave the temple, and part ways at the entrance.

“Rose,” Nepeta says when he’s gone, “Did you have a vision of him where you needed to be alone, and you didn’t tell Purradia?”

“I did not know I would meet him. The vision was vague intuition and I thought the temple would clear things.” Rose says. “And…I did not want to risk too many hangers-on, in case they jeopardized my interrogation.”

“You interrogated Signless.” Nepeta’s skeptical.

“Yes. He was on a first name basis with Psiionic and Disciple.” Rose says.

Nepeta’s eyes go wide as saucers. Then they narrow.

“So why’s he willing to go catch vigilantes?” She asks.

“He seems to think that having everyone under the Tower will grant them a protection that the two of them never received.” Rose shakes her head. “Really, I would have drawn the opposite conclusion; the Tower is a part of what drove them apart as allies. Though I suppose he is Dolorosa’s son.”

Nepeta grimaces. “Oh yeah. She creeps meowt.”

“What, are you afraid of someone who came back from the dead?” Rose asks. She's mostly being sarcastic, and it falls flat.


They reach Aradia and Feferi, and team up to get to Feferi’s house. They’re tireder than they expect, and decide to discuss the four paths in the morning.

Rose knows you’re not supposed to get a wink of sleep at sleepovers.

But try as she might, no one wants to stay up late playing, and even Aradia and Feferi’s giggles die down.

Aradia’s sleeping bag is next to hers. It should make her feel determined to protect her.

It should motivate her to stay awake---


Thank you for reading! As always, please comment or leave kudos if you enjoyed! Your feedback helps keep me motivated.

(Also I realized that Disciple Day should be much earlier in November than I made it, about a month from December first. Whoops. Pretend I never made a timing mistake in my life)

Chapter 35: Trapped


Rose has an important meeting.


TRIGGER WARNING for this chapter; there are mentions of sexual assault and potential child sexual assault, as well as transphobia, sexism and ableism.

There's also vivid descriptions of child abuse in this one.

Please take care of yourselves.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Felt manor is chilly, but the fire is warm. This body is tucked underneath a blanket on the couch. It’s pleasantly drowsy, dozing off.

Someone runs a hand over its head, and the body startles awake. It springs back from him.

“Just because I’m short doesn’t mean I’m your kid!” he shouts.

“Ah, Itchy. It’s not you I’m patting. That’s my new apprentice, through your eyes.”

Rose wishes she could speak through people.

Itchy raises an eyebrow. “Gee, Scratch, I didn’t know you’d be so fond of a kid.”

“Oh, she’s just the most adorable girl. Quite beautiful, too.”

Itchy stiffens. If Rose could react, there’d be gooseflesh on her arms.

“I just wanted to say, Rose, you’ve done beautifully. Really, I couldn’t have done better if I’d gone to do my business myself. I’m sure you’d like to know what it is you’ve accomplished to help our lovely organization take over the city.

“Of course, I won’t hold out on my end of the deal. Itchy, won’t you go get someone else? Eggs is just down the hall.”

Itchy does. Rose’s vision doesn’t even blur with his speed. She wonders if this might be a good synergy---if she could ever leverage this.

Eggs lumbers alongside him until Itchy grabs him. It’s second nature. He is somehow faster than Dave, Rose notices, though she’s got no idea how it’s possible.

“Now, Rose, if you please, switch from Itchy to Eggs.”

Rose tries.

“Hmm. Try imagining the world through his eyes, and think his name. Use relevant information. That is what ‘light’ can mean, in the divine sense. Relevance. But you know that.”

Eggs. Eggs. Rose feels foolish.

“Uh, Scratch? What’s going on here?”

“He’s got an apprentice who walks around in people’s heads. Clover said something about it, but I thought he was fucking with me.” Itchy says. “Apparently she’s in mine.”


Eggs of the felt.

She tries to remember his number in the song.

Clones. Twelve makes more and more of him.

The dream flashes lavender and putrid lime, and then Itchy and Scratch are both looking at her.

“Well done, Rose. Now, Eggs, an hour from now, you’re going to travel backwards and come back in here.”

“On it.”

Another copy of Eggs walks in. Time clones. The kind of thing you can’t make without traveling to the past, something she and Dave had attempted for ages.

“Now, Lightseer, you’re going to switch to the clone.”

This is trickier. He’s the same man, but from an hour ahead. Rose tries once more.

It’s not working.

“Hmm…this is the easiest next step to jumping ahead. Pity.” Scratch shakes his head.

Rose thinks to herself. How would she go about jumping ahead an hour? What’s something Eggs would have done that changed him, something likely? Something she could guarantee without knowing much?

Rose tries to latch onto the memory of traveling through time. She imagines Eggs might have done it like Dave once tried to, wondering, making a note down, and then taking a step. A sort of note in the memory, like a checkpoint. Hal had come up with the idea, making so many notes, up until Dirk put a stop to their experiments. None of them had even gotten close to working, just making Dave dizzy with the constant attempts.

But what would Eggs’s checkpoint be? Dave had written the words, “Come right here five minutes from now.” It hadn’t worked, but his logic had been sound and he’d sounded so certain of it that Rose thought it had to be how it worked.

On it.

Rose feels a dizziness inside of her. It doesn’t work.

“Hmm…well, you only need to know it’s possible. Now, then. Try someone outside of this room, but still in the vicinity. Your range should be short, but not confined.”

Rose thinks, Beware of the white text guy.

Scratch laughs. “Not me. Someone in the vicinity.”

Beware of the white text guy.

“You wouldn’t want Itchy and Eggs to pay you a visit at home, would you?”

“I wanna meet her.” Eggs says. “She sounds interesting and Damara needs more friends her age.”

“’Mara’s twenty-two.” Itchy mutters.

“Well, Rose?” Scratch asks. “You wouldn’t want to inconvenience these kind gentleman.”

Rose cuts that out. She’d burn if she could. She thinks back to the song.

Number Four’s luck beats all brawn.

Clover pulling a weapon on her. Clover whose powers were like Vriska’s, who had expected her. Him.

She’s on the other side of the Felt manor, pruning a tiny little bonsai tree in a small subterranean garden. Damara is on the other side, picking apart a rose.

She didn’t realize he liked to garden. She wonders if she should hop to Damara, but she realizes Clover has more clearance.

She spends time tailing him, observing the manor. It’s rather humdrum, though it’s chilly outside the greenhouse.

At one point, though, Clover is walking down a hall. It’s taking forever, much longer than Rose thought the Felt’s tunnels under Derse went. Are they even in Derse anymore?

There’s a tap on Clover’s shoulder. He turns.


Oh shit. Oh no. Oh god, no.

“Scratch says he needs to see you.”

“I need to go check. It’s my shift.”

“He said either come back or slow you down getting there.”

“I’m not gonna miss that bastard when he’s dead.” Clover mutters.

“Not you.”


It’s a test. Rose pictures---

Damara Megido, older sister to Aradia. She took her to the diner in…

Doze’s passive must be working, or she’s not fast enough; her jump is too slow. Her powers are slow as molasses, and at this rate, she'll never get anywhere. It could cut into tomorrow. It could mean she’s back in the Tower.

She needs it to work. It has to work.

Please, please---

Molten blue, thawing out, more like a hypnotist’s swirl than the somersault she had before. Is she even moving? Is she frozen? She can’t move, she’s stuck.

Clover’s mouth is opening, so agonizingly slow. It’s like it takes a minute for the very impulse of speech to reach his throat, an age for the sound to emerge. How long will this last? She can’t see anything but the blur of it, the pain of it…


Hours later, there are gentle hands on her, one petting her and hushing her, one gripping her hand tight enough to leave marks. A third is keeping a water compress on her forehead.

Rose feels sleep-paralyzed, bu someone is pulling her awake.

When she can peel her eyes open, the sun is high in the sky, and Dave and Aradia and Feferi are looking down at her.

“Long vision.” Rose says. “It…happens.”

Dave lets go of her hand and grabs her in a hug. “Rose, oh my god, I’m so sorry.”

“Dave, I’m fine.”

“I’m supposed to take care of you, and I wasn’t there. Aradia called me in a panic to do my time thing because of what happened with the flower. I would’ve gotten Dirk if you’d stayed like that.”

Rose stiffens. They’re going to want to know what’s happening and she’s going to be responsible for them dying and she will be too weak to do a thing.

They already think she’s a burden and they’re going to think she’s nothing, weak and useless, some sort of delicate little princess doll on the couch. The holding, this again, something he can’t help—

Flash of steel, first time, bruises, Roxy telling her to stay---

Stop. She can’t let this happen.

“You don’t always have to be the responsible one.”

Dave’s shaking at this point. “But you keep getting in trouble. Rose, I don’t know what to do.”

“He’s right, Rosie.” Feferi says. “You keep getting sick. I…I think you might even be better off here. We can give you help.”

Dave isn’t answering.

It’s all too---


“And you’re done. I’m not wasting my time on a weakling like you. Girls.” he shakes his head behind those awful shades, the ones that hide the loops of winding puppet strings that encircle his irises.

She was a fool to challenge him. The two of them both were. But D--- stands up, hands on the sword. Back when he still thought Bro was the greatest, the kind of man he wanted to be. This was another way to make him see it.

“What, you think you’re a real man? You’re gonna be a real man when you can’t protect her? You know what happens in Derse if you lose a fight and you’ve got a face like hers. You’re gonna say you’re a little man when you can barely hold half a sword, D---?”

“My name is Dave…Strider…” Dave is standing now.

“You think you can have my name?”


“Prove it. If you don’t, your useless sister’s gonna get a mark on that pretty face. Gotta protect her somehow.”

Rose’s leg is broken. She’s sitting up, and her arms are pushing further down on the ground. If it hadn’t been for those stupid visions, she would have---


After that, Bro had dragged Dave up there with Dirk and Roxy, every time. He almost never bothered with her, unless, of course…

To think, she and Dave had been jealous before.

She knows what she has to say, then knows it’s wrong, even manipulative, but that rotten uselessness, that rage, all of it, can’t be a burden---

“You think you have to protect me because it makes you a man.” Rose spits.

Dave freezes, and pulls back. “What? Rose, I---”

“Please, stop. You’re…stop.” Rose’s eyes are squeezed shut.

She’s clutching her head.

“Give her space.”

Aradia crouches next to her.


Rose doesn’t answer.

“You’re one of our most powerful.” she says. “Lightseer can and will bring down the Court and the Clowns and the Tower, and…well, I’ve seen you. I know you want at the Felt as much as I do, though I don’t know why. I’ve seen your arrows and your daggers. We’ll keep training you.”

“But she’ll get hurt. She’s not…she needs a safe place like I do.” Feferi wrings her hands. “We don’t need to be in the field, and this way I can be in a place where me and Dave and maybe Dirk can help her.”

Rose’s gaze darts up. Her anger is back, full force. “And what do you know? You’re with him, wanting me in a gilded cage where I’m only useful if someone’s using me?”

Dave is quiet.

“And you.” She glares at him. “What, am I your baby sister, your damsel in distress who can’t move without you? Hostage bait?

Dave doesn’t say anything.

Rose glares downward. “You’re all like the Tower. Like the Court. Like him.

Aradia says, “Everyone. Please leave the room for a moment.”

They all do. Aradia sits in front of her.

“I’m tired of feeling useless. Feeling trapped.”

Aradia doesn’t say anything. She just waits for Rose. It’s not giving her a target, just a few moments where she’s not drowned out.

“Are the visions like being trapped?” Aradia asks.

Rose forces a nod.

“And everyone else was just reinforcing that. Especially Feferi.”

Rose nods again.

Aradia nods back, thinking about it. “I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about the vision you had.”

Rose shakes her head.

“Hmm…Rose.” Aradia says. “Do you feel like your power is more of a burden than a blessing?”

Rose looks up.

Without her visions, she could well be a better fighter. But that would take her edge as a seer from her. She wouldn’t be a powered vigilante. She’d be like the Midnight Crew, who were plenty powerful with no power at all, but still at a disadvantage compared to the Court and Tower and Felt.

It would take what saved Nepeta from her.

And even if, by some miracle, Aradia found something to suppress her visions like the garnet enhanced them, what would Scratch do if she quit her “apprenticeship”?

“Power can be a joy, but…Rose, when I was little, my older sister…her powers would sometimes affect things they shouldn’t. I was terrified of her, and sometimes it would make her panic. For years, she was afraid to express her anger, until…well. That’s…”

Now Aradia’s choked up. Rose croaks, “Don’t…if you don’t want to.”

Aradia nods. “I…my bone powers used to affect my own body before they went outward. I…they used to stop me from moving, before I got stronger.”

Rose listens.

“I knew someone…his powers also hit him. Except…all the time. I haven’t seen him in a long time, but…I once heard him swearing about it. The Tower acts like power’s the best thing to ever hit Skaia and we should worship the ground heroes walk on, but…it can be a curse.” Aradia says. “So…you’re not alone, if your powers don’t bring you any joy.”

This is the second time Aradia, who came off as so carefree and even aloof, has bared her soul in the past couple of days. Her usual death’s-head smile is gone and sincere, and Rose wonders what she’s done, that’s gotten her to drop that around her, so many times.

It also makes her ache, that she can’t share the same with her. That she’d never trust her again, if she knew. That all she’d done to work things out was empty, wasn’t worth shit, because she’d been keeping the real secrets, the ones that would really hurt the vigilantes, under wraps.

Rose is a traitor and a hostage already.

She’s curling in on herself, and Aradia just has a hand on her shoulder, rubbing slow circles into her, not saying much. The saccharine feel she got from Feferi isn’t here. Aradia’s been where she’s been. She’s seen where she’s been twice more, even.

She unfurls, bit by bit. After a while, her heartbeat slows. And her damp eyes are dry enough for her to begin to think. To remember.

Little tricks from knowing more than she should. Scaring off someone who stalked Dirk without him having to lift a finger. Sharing secrets with Hal.

Seeing the little things that brought people joy, learning how much she loved knitting by watching Damara make a scarf from nothing, seeing an embroidery hoop in the hands of a girl in a black dress, learning knife blocks and tricks beyond what Dirk could teach her from Skaia’s alleys and rings, telling Roxy about Fefeta’s unsent love letters…

It had been so difficult to see it, now, with all the pain.

Besides, there was a reason she’d started up training even after years of being scared of her powers growing.

Aradia squeezes Rose’s shoulder.

“I want to help Derse. And…I don’t want to do it from the sidelines. It’s the same as before. I know this is getting worse. I know that more than anyone here. But I don’t want…I don’t want to stay with Feferi in a stupid bubble.” Rose spits.

Aradia gives half a smile. “I don’t think anyone wants to get stuck in a fishbowl. You don’t want to be treated like glass because you’re sick or because you’re a girl…Rose, may I ask for something?”

Rose nods.

“If you tell me who ‘he’ is, I will tell you about the Felt, and my history with them.”

“I kind of do.” Rose blurts.

Aradia goes still this time.

“I…I’ve seen her. I wanted to help her, too. Because I keep seeing what happened to her. What’s happening to her.” Rose says.

“All these years…” Aradia whispers.

“I should have---”

“I would be mad, but…there are things worse than death. I won’t make---”

“Bro.” Rose says. Then she spits. “Derrick.” He didn't deserve anything like a family title.

Aradia tilts her head.

“Our father. He called himself our Bro. He is dead.” Rose manages.

She takes a shaky breath. She doesn’t cry.

“We are glad he is dead.”

“I see.” Aradia says.

“Dave got worse from him. All my siblings did.”

“I’m guessing my sister got worse than I did, too.” Aradia says, then she pauses. “D-Damara did.”

Rose reaches out to Aradia. Aradia takes her hand. When she gives it a small squeeze, it doesn’t feel stifling.

They sit together a while.

Aradia makes a v with her fingers and holds them out.

Rose looks back. “Are you sure?”

“You just trusted me with more of your burdens than I think you ever have in your life.” Aradia says.

Though the guilt in the back of her mind doesn’t fade, Rose finds herself matching Aradia to make the diamond symbol.


This is getting way more personal than I thought it would how the fuck did that happen...

I know mixing disability/mental illness and superpowers has its pitfalls and you could probably write an essay about it...but I think my mental health problems should give me the power to blow things up with my mind, and my chronic condition should let me electrocute things. This is my personal demon, and I think she hasn't paid nearly enough in whatever hypothetical bargain this is.

I love Feferi, but...well, sometimes the coddling is just a constant reinforcement of weakness, and well...she's got flaws. They all do.

As always, thank you for reading this difficult chapter, and again, please take care of yourselves. Please comment or leave kudos; you give me inspiration and life.

Chapter 36: New Intern


Rose gets a job.

Chapter Text

Eventually, Rose calls, “You can come back in.”

Only Nepeta answers, along with Meenah.

“What’s going on? Where are the others?” Rose asks.

Nepeta says, “Dave got freaked out and called someone, and that person sounded pretty firm. He told him to bring Feferi to Lodag to listen to him.”


“Cat?” Nepeta asks.

Rose shakes her head. “Was the person yelling?”

Nepeta shakes her head. “He just sounded pretty cold? He was hiding his Derse accent, and he had a lisp.”

Rose stops short. Aradia does as well.

Then she sees---

Rose cracks a smile, and finds herself giggling.

“Rose?” Aradia asks.

Rose outright cackles.

There are times when the visions are worth it.

“I don’t even have to yell at the two of them.” Rose smirks. “Remind me to buy Sollux Captor lunch.”

Aradia’s eyes widen. “It’s Sollux? For sure?”

Rose nods.

Aradia says, slowly, “Remind me to join you, when that happens.”


When they get back, Feferi shuts herself in a room. Dave gives her a mumbled apology.

“Sollux.” Rose nods.

Dave looks startled. “How’d you know?” Then he realizes. “You saw him chew me out for being condescending?”

“And then he took you out of Feferi’s earshot, yes.” Rose says. “I’m surprised you told him about…Bro.”

Dave flinches again. “Yeah, me, too. It’s just easier to talk to him, you know? Even though he was disappointed, and he’s a hero and all that…it’s like he’ll get it.”

Rose nods. It’s the same way she is with Aradia.

“Were we gonna do something?” Dave asks.

Rose stiffens. With everything that had happened, she’d almost forgotten.

The four paths.

Everyone is supposed to arrive soon. Eridan arrives rather quickly, rushing through.

“Where’s Fef?” He asks, out of breath.

“In her room.” Rose says. “She was upset.”

“That sucks.” He sits down.

“Aren’t you two…moirails?” Nepeta asks.

Eridan freezes, then sighs. He stands up, and walks into Feferi’s room.

“I wonder what he was running from.” Aradia asks. Rose doesn’t need a vision to hear the shouting match that ensues from the front door.

Rose and Dave exchange a glance, before going to check.

“…cod damnit, Eridan’s only allowed in because Feffie likes him! If I had my way, this place’d be an Ampora-free zone! Espe-sea-ally because of you!”

Meenah slams the door, and looks up at the twins.

“He’s naut gonna bother us.” Meenah says. “You’d betta go up stairs and apologize to Feffie, Rose. You made her upset and that’s not somefin I’d take lightly.”

Dave says, “Feferi was the one who said Rose shouldn’t fight.”

She scowls. “Well, either way. You make her worse than this, this house is a Lalonde-free zone. Understand?”

Rose thinks this is hardly fair, but then again, maybe the person Meenah was yelling at didn’t deserve---

Purple light.


“Trust me, I have no intentions of behaving like that man.” Rose says.

Meenah’s glare only gives a little bit. “I guess Slick was fond of your group. All right. Fine.”

All of a sudden, yells erupt from upstairs as well.

Rose and Dave rush back upstairs to find Eridan and Feferi sulking, sitting far from each other. Feferi has the same scowl as her sister.

I take it the moirail thing did not go well.

“Every time I try to help, you push me away, and when I’m like this, you do this?” Feferi shouts. “I told you, he was right!”

“I thought I should offer to beat him up! Isn’t that what boyfriends do?” Eridan asks.

Feferi goes still. “We’re moirails.”

“Fef, I…we were always gonna end up dating for real, right? You didn’t actually believe that religious stuff, right?”

“I…” Feferi looks down.

“See? Shouldn’t we—”

“I told you, I don’t feel that way!”

“Then why did you spend time with me?”

“Who else was supposed to stop you from turning out like your brother?” Feferi shouts.

Eridan’s face falls.

Feferi seems to realize what she’s said, and her eyes go wide. “Eridan, wait, I didn’t…”

“So I was another pity project?” He asks. Feferi tries to stop him, but he just turns and leaves.

Feferi curls into a ball. Meenah comes up after him. She wraps her arms around her sister.

“Everyone out of her room.” Meenah says, “Tell her your ship later.”

Everyone retreats to the living room.

“That was…” Dave starts.

“Awkward?” Rose suggests.

“Messy?” Aradia adds.

“Expected?” Nepeta asks.

Everyone looks at her.

“When mew’re a shipper, you can see that Eridan had unrequited feelings for her, and Feferi thought he was a chore.” Nepeta says.

Equius clears his throat. “Nepeta, you are more observant than most of our friends, given your superpowers.”

“Oh, purr-lease, Equihiss, didn’t mew see how he got when she called him ‘moray-eel’? And couldn’t you tell how forced her tone was?”

“Others’ relationships are none of my concern.”

Rose stands up. “All right. It is important that I inform everyone of our concerns. Hal, could you transcribe this for Dirk and Roxy? Where are they?”

“Roxy had to take an extra shift and Dirk is catching up on his robotics lab project.” Hal says.

“Rose? What’s going on?”

Rose explains her vision with the four paths.

“So you’re saying it’s me, you, Jade, or John who dies.” Dave asks.

Rose nods.

Dave sighs. He stands up.

“Sit back down.” Rose says. “You are not volunteering. We are coming up with an alternative pathway.”

“Do you believe that is possible?” Equius asks. “And should we not consider the path with Comet or---”

Rose says, “In the timeline where Jade or John dies, you and Nepeta also die.”

There’s a shocked silence.

Equius looks at Nepeta. Nepeta says, “So, we lose a vigilante no matter what if we don’t come up with a fifth path?”

Rose nods. Aradia and Dave are both close to her now.

Equius sighs. “What do we do in order to prevent this path?”

Rose looks to Dave.


Rose sits down across from Latula.

“Hellz yeah! I knew you’d come around.” Latula cheers. “You’ve already done lots for us, so you can totes get an internship here. Whose section do you want to work in?”

Rose says, “I would like to work with Signless.”

Latula clicks her tongue. “Oof…Dave’s pretty much got that work covered. I know you want to work with your bro, but I could put you with Kan-girl.” She winks. Rose pretends not to see.

“Are you quite sure I cannot take a position with Signless?” Rose asks.

“Believe me, I would give you the position if I could, and I’ll put that in your recommendation. But it’s way less likely than you getting into someone else’s department.” Latula says.

Rose sighs. “Well, all preferences aside, put the recommendation to Signless’s department, and I will go where I am most needed…although, do you have any information on the other departments? Perhaps I would be aided in my decision by further knowledge."

"Nerd.” Latula winks. “I’m just gonna say Silkworm could use some extra help.”

Latula goes to make copies. Rose sits back and waits.

“Well, well, well.”

Rose looks. It’s Terezi. Of course. She’s a part of this department.

“Dave finally got you here. Good. This will be way more entertaining than just him.”

Rose says, “I am simply here to get a job. My motives are far from entertainment.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that. But I think you’re here for more than just a job.” Terezi’s shades glint. Rose remembers Terezi’s powers.

Rose gives a noncommittal shrug.

“Good, you don’t deny it. But there’s a pretty clear conflict of interest, if you’re only here to flirt with Kanaya.”

Rose doesn’t answer, letting her silence do the speaking. “I did not ask to be assigned to her department. If anything, I might be assigned to yours.”

“Ooh, I’d love that!” Terezi grins. “We can scheme. I’d do it with Vriska, but she’s GM. So you’ll have to do.”

“I’m thrilled to be your second choice.”

Terezi cackles and thumps her arm with her cane. “Hehehe.”

Latula comes back with the information. Rose begins to read through the information.

“Rezi, don’t distract her. She wants all the info.”

“This is going to be more fun than I thought.” Terezi says. “Ask me for the little details that aren’t in the documents.”

Rose asks, “Which heroes make the worst messes.”

“Sollux and Vriska.” Terezi says.

Rose nods. She gets a flash of the sight of Vriska’s room, where Vriska and John are picking around the shattered remains of magic-8 balls and Vriska keeps tossing him jackets to try on.

“Who hates Derse the most?” Rose asks.

“Skylark Senior.” Terezi says.

“I thought he was dead.” Rose says.

“Jade and Jake stuffed his corpse and it’s in their section.” Terezi says.

Rose does recall Jade saying that. She chalked it up to a joke. Terezi might joke about that, but given the corroboration…

“Perhaps I ought to avoid being haunted.” Rose shrugs. Since Jade’s path was the one where they didn’t interfere, it might still be a good idea to choose hers, although being close to Jake might be less than ideal, given his potential.

Rose also discards Terezi’s path, mentally. It wouldn’t do to let Latula know she didn’t want to work with her, but Terezi was probably the most likely to discover that she was up to something.

“I’ll put a word in for you with Signless.” Latula says.

“Signless’s department?” Terezi asks. “Not Kanaya’s?” She’s caught off guard.

“Yep, that’s Ro’s top choice?”

“Why?” Terezi asks.

Shit. She couldn’t lie or dodge.

“Well, I am trying to become a psychologist.”

“Oh, I know. I just know there’s more to this than that.”

“The people in that department intrigue me.” She says.

“Ooh, tell me who!”

“Karkat, for starters.” Rose says. “I’m sure you’ve caught wind of his intentions towards Dave.”

Terezi cackles. “Keeping an eye on him? I never took you for overprotective. But who else?”

“Kankri.” Rose says. “Though I will not poison his coffee.”

“What intrigues you, then?”

“Why he’s such an asshole.” Rose says. Terezi laughs.

“Tell me the real reason. I won’t tell.”

“I would like to get him away from Derse, ideally.” Rose says.

“Join Jane in the PR department.” Terezi says.

Rose turns to Jane’s page.

“John and Jane’s department…wait, Superdad was a part of their department?”

Latula winces. “Don’t mention him in front of them.”

Rose connects the dots. The legendary hero went down fighting the Condesce. The first Redglare had, as well. Sure, they got accolades and memorials on a Skaia-wide level the way Disciple and Psiionic never did, but that was someone’s father---even if Rose had to fight down the complicated stab of emotion that came with thinking about that.

“Are you a fan?” Latula asks. “I mean, you might wanna work with the number one, anyways.”

Rose reads through the pamphlets. They’re mostly things she already knows. She supposes being close to the number one of the tower might net her more access to information, but that’s not the only thing she’s after.

Rose says, “Tell Signless my preference. Otherwise, I will tell you if I have any preferences. For now, the internship is its own reward.”

Rose stands to leave, but Terezi grabs her arm.


“I’m giving you a tour! We’re gonna talk to John and Vriska, too.”

“Are you going to try to get me to make a decision?”

Terezi winks. “What, like I can’t ask you to gather intel on Egderp and the GM of our campaign?”

“Egderp?” Rose asks, letting Terezi drag her for now.

“John.” Terezi says.

“I gathered as much. Why him?”

“It’s fun to make fun of him.”

“That doesn’t seem particularly justified.” Rose says.

Terezi cackles. “Tell that to the time he left a stink bomb in my bag. He’s not nearly as much of a weenie as you think. Just partly one.”

“I certainly wouldn’t call a hero of his caliber a weenie.” Rose says.

“Yeah, but you defended him. People who meet him outside hero gear always call him a weenie.”

“That seems like an act of projection.” Rose says.

Terezi seems to think that’s funny, and they takes Rose to Toreador’s department.

“Rufioh, we’re here to cause problems.” Terezi plonks herself down in front of the hero’s desk.

Rufioh looks up. “Hello, Terezi and…Rose? What are you doing here?”

“New intern!” Terezi says. “She wants to work with Signless but Dave’s already there, so I’m showing her around to see who’s the best. It’s me, of course. Maybe Vriska.”

Rufioh points to the list of hero rankings, where Vriska is clearly seven ranks down from John.

“What’s that? I can’t see or read.” Terezi bats her lashes in a gesture that fools no one. Her power lets her read, that’s well known throughout the city.

“Leave me out of your weird rivalry.” Rufioh says. “Rose, you did pretty well with the tour, so if you want to join this department, it’d be fine by me. But I’ve gotta say, a lot of people want to work with me already…”

Rose isn’t surprised. Toreador and Skylark are advertised by the Tower the same way the members of boy bands are advertised by their agencies. There’s probably an army of fangirls ready to burst down the doors, and Rufioh’s hint of smugness lets Rose know he prefers interns who’d fawn over him.

Rose asks a few questions to be polite, mostly about specifics of this department. Apparently, being an animal shapeshifter means keeping up with combat in animal forms, and an intern would have to not be allergic to fur, pick up food from different specific diets---

“Do you have to eat in animal form?”

“Nah, but it helps me blend in if I eat like them and can act like them. I can hang out as a stray dog and then go full dire wolf to attack, but I have to act like a stray dog and get used to it if I do that.”

Rose wonders if it’s worth getting on Rufioh’s bad side to ask if Rufioh---oh. She did not actually want to know the answer.

As she and Terezi exit, Terezi says, “You seemed a bit quiet there.”

“I realized what happens when the food comes out the other end.” Rose says.

“Rufioh doesn’t poop in animal form unless he’s on a long term mission, don’t worry.”

“How do you---my condolences.” Rose says. Terezi would definitely recognize the smell of animal manure.

“Thanks.” Terezi grimaces. “Glad you’re not a weird fangirl. About him, at least.”

“What are you implying?”

“We’re skipping Sollux because he said you met him and Tuna. Let’s visit Jade!”

Jade’s department is empty; she and Jake are apparently sparring upstairs, and so are Jane and Kanaya. Rose catches sight of the stuffed figure of their grandfather.

“Holy shit.” Rose says.

“Yep.” Terezi says. “Embalming fluid stinks. Better than a dead body, though.”

“And Jade and Jake did this?”


“I think this may be more Dave’s department.” Rose says.

“You sure? Your clothes always smell black, and that’s a real bird skull on that pendant under your blouse.”

Rose did wear that bird skull Dave got her for luck, but she realizes this means Terezi could easily detect a concealed weapon. She wouldn’t be able to get one past Tower metal detectors, but still.
“Take a guess at who got me the bird skull.” Rose takes the pendant out. No use hiding it for professionalism now that the interview is over.

“He and Jade do love their dead things. Hah. I’m surprised she hasn’t dragged him here yet!”

No wonder she and Aradia fell for each other.

The two of them leave for the upper floor, where the gymnasium is.

Up there, Jade is mid-power-match with Jake, while Jane and Kanaya look on. Rose is partly glad Jade is making good on her resolution to get better hand-to-hand.

They’re both teleporting place to place, making the sparring more frenetic. Rose can barely keep up with the speed. Eventually, Jake’s experience at his grandfather’s signature fisticuffs lets him beat Jade.

“Rose!” Kanaya is the first to notice her. She walks over to her, quick and elegant steps that bring the faint smell of peridot incense over to her, along with her perfume. “What are you doing here?”

Rose is saved from a potentially incoherent answer by Terezi saying, “She’s our new intern! She just wants to find a department.”

“Oh!” Kanaya says, “Well, Rose, you are welcome to join mine. It would be an honor to have you on board.”

“It would.” Rose finds herself saying, before realizing she sounds conceited. She backpedals. “It would be an honor to work with you, that is. I am simply open to working in other places.”

“Rose! Did you see me?” Jade shouts.

“I did! Good form!” Rose calls.

Jade beams. “Jake taught me! He’s one of the best ones here hand-to-hand.”

“Oh, shucks, Jade, you’re making me blush! But I do take pride in my ability to fight. You never know when you’ll be up against some rapscallion without powers to mirror, and in a place you can’t use your trusty pistols!” Jake smiles.

Rose nods. Jake says, “Jade tells me you’d also like to learn sparring! If you’ve got time, we have spare gear. I’d be happy to teach you!”

Rose knows she absolutely cannot touch him, or he will be able to tell she has powers of her own. Rose shakes her head.

"I’m afraid I’m occupied at the moment. A sparring match would get in the way of a tour. Besides, I am hardly dressed for a match.”

“You can borrow some of Jade’s clothes!”

Rose looks at Jade, who’s a head taller than her and very willowy, compared to her more compact frame. If anyone here could lend her clothes, it would be Terezi, and---

“There are changes of spare clothes sparring gear in the back, Jake.” Jane says. “Much more convenient than going home. John told me you were the one who got Jade interested in fighting hand-to-hand, Rose.”

“I did…we were going to fight at a local ring in Derse…”

“This will be more convenient! We’re all here!” Jake says.

“All right. I’ll do one match with Jade, and then I would like to move on.” Rose says.

“If you are too tired, Jade, I would be glad to take your place.” Kanaya offers.

Rose feels her heart rate spike, so much that she’s sure Terezi hears it, and that’s why they decide to torture her.

“That’s true, Jade. You’re already exhausted. It would hardly be fair.”

“Actually, I---” Jade pauses. “You know what? I can spar you later, Rose! Now that you’re here, we’ll have time another day when I’m less tired.”

“There’s no need to trouble yourself, Kanaya.” Jake says. “I have a bit of fight left in me, and it should be no problem---”

“Oh, we insist.” Terezi grins. “Right Kanaya?”

Kanaya’s brazenness seems to have faded a bit, but she nods. If Rose didn’t know better, she’d think Kanaya was flustered.

“All right, a good old no powers bout between these two ladies!” Jake says.

After some preparation, Rose and Kanaya circle one another. Rose knows Kanaya is taller. She’ll have to get close to access her weakpoints. This means Kanaya will try to keep her far to use her reach.

Which is why it shocks Rose when Kanaya catches her as she runs, and uses her momentum to pull her forward and off balance. It’s not a move Rose would have expected from a taller fighter, and certainly not from one who favored the brute force a chainsaw over any semblance of subtlety.

It’s certainly one that Dirk knew, though. Rose catches herself, rolling forward and regaining her balance on her feet.

“Youth roll!” Jade cheers.

Rose lets Kanaya come towards her this time, but she can’t get through Kanaya’s defenses except to land a blow to the arm, where it wouldn’t do nearly as much. Kanaya almost gets a hold of her wrist again, but this time Rose is prepared for that, and evades, managing to get low enough to almost hit, but she’s out of practice in melee, while catching and binding, Rose realizes, are Kanaya’s specialty.


Rose snaps out in time to deliver a swoop of a kick to Kanaya’s stance, and they both land on the ground.

Too late, Rose realizes she’s collapsed on top of Kanaya, who’s still much stronger than her. Before she can stand, Kanaya manages to flip her over, pinning her under her weight.

Rose feels her body trapping hers: pulse and breath and heat and muscle. Rose finds she’s less inclined to try and escape than she might in a real fight. The pin isn’t the most comfortable position for her arms, but she can ignore that for the feel of Kanaya near her.

“I yield.” Rose says, almost with some regret.

Kanaya releases her arm, and places a hand between Rose’s shoulder blades. “Are you all right?”

“I am fine, Kanaya.” She says.

“You are quite skilled. I would suggest leveraging your speed more. You are quite fast, and I never would have been able to use it against you if I had not caught you by surprise.” Kanaya whispers, running her hand over her back.

Rose really wishes that Kanaya returned her feelings, and that it wouldn’t be too dangerous for her to date a hero. Her touch is warm, and Rose’s usual bitterness at defeat feels significantly dulled by her encouragement and closeness.

Terezi whistles. “Get a room!” she calls.

This gets Kanaya to release her and help her up. Kanaya immediately straightens Rose’s clothes, even though they’re both about to head to the changing room regardless.

“That is an excellent pendant.” Kanaya remarks, as Rose pulls it out.

“Thank you, Kanaya.” She feels a tad cold after that fight, and… “Could you help me with the clasp? It’s a tad fiddly.”

Kanaya comes close to her again, and this time Rose lets herself savor the proximity.

“I do hope Latula places you in my department.” Kanaya whispers. “You are wonderful to be around.”

“Thank you.”

“May I take you somewhere nice, this evening, perhaps?” Kanaya asks.


“My room contains quite a few dresses, and I would like to see you try a few of them on. Your taste is exquisite, and quite inspiring…and I was also wondering if you would like to embroider something of mine. We could make something together?” she asks.

Rose is speechless for a moment.

“Forgive me, I did not intend to come off as too presumptuous, especially if you already have plans.” Kanaya steps back. Rose comes back down to earth.

“Perhaps sometime.” Rose says. “I admit, I would love to see your studio.”

“And I yours.”

“I have not embroidered in some time, or knitted…” Rose says. She has a crochet project in her bag, but she hasn’t done much of her art since her commission for Meenah and the subtle black and purple star on her vigilante suit.

“That is a shame. You deserve time for your projects, and I do hope you can set some aside.” Kanaya says.

“School takes up time.” Rose says. “And now work, too.”

“Rose…” Kanaya trails off. “We can make time to create together, I am sure of it.”

The two leave the changing room.

“Tagging along, Kanaya?” Terezi asks.

“I have some time before my patrol shift, yes.” Kanaya says. “In the meantime, I would like to help escort Rose around the Tower.”

Terezi shrugs. “You mind coming with us up to Vriska’s?”

Kanaya grimaces, but she sighs. “I will keep my word, despite…Vriska.”

They ride the elevator down.

Chapter 37: Conversation


I have to compile my headcanons for everyone in this fic, but here are my aroace spectrum headcanons thus far, for funsies!

Egbert: Aro in the red quadrant, asexual (Pitch Jegbert/Terezi is just so much fun to write. I wanted to keep true to the "no love letter" scene, but keep one of the funnier parts of canon that lets J. be something besides a wholesome bean in a Strilonde fic.)

Feferi: Aro in every quadrant

Aradia: Ace

Tavros: Aro in every quadrant

Tell me anyone else you think might be aro below!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Terezi lets herself into Vriska’s apartment and motions Rose and Kanaya with them. The place is remarkably organized, but it’s far from austere; the place glitters with trinkets and décor and cerulean walls, and portraits of a woman dressed as a pirate. Rose knows where Vriska got that from, now. The table has a custom vase with an ornate spider painted onto it. It’s filled with silk roses.

Rose’s attention is drawn to several bookcases full of leatherbound volumes, but Terezi leads them to a door covered in caution tape and fake cobwebs.

Terezi knocks: four knocks, then one, then three more. Vriska opens the door.

“Oh. You brought Kanaya and Rose.” Vriska says.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing, give me a second.”

She closes the door.

When it opens again, she and John come out. John is wearing what looks like one of Vriska’s outfits: the long coat is rather pirate-like and he’s wearing the signature red shoes that Vriska’s obsessed with. Come to think of it, Terezi wears them too, and Jade’s hero outfit has red shoes…is it a Prospit thing?

“Hi, Rose!” John smiles.

“Hello. That is a nice jacket.” Rose says.

John’s face lights up.

Vriska pulls John by the arm down onto the elaborate puffy couch. It’s blue velvet. Everyone else finds a place to sit; Kanaya takes an elegant mahogany chair, Terezi takes the couch as well, and Rose sits down in a plush quilted armchair in red and gold, the perfect place to sit incorrectly and read for hours.

Someone will do just that about an hour from now, a girl in a knee-length dress and cat eye glasses with hair the same color as Vriska’s.


Rose shakes her head to clear it. “Apologies. You were saying?”

“I was asking which departments you were leaning towards.” John says.

Rose shrugs. “I can’t say for sure. My first choice turned out to not be possible.”

“What, Kanaya doesn’t need help?” John asks.

“She wanted to work with her brother in Karkat’s department.” Says Kanaya.

John frowns. “I thought you liked Kanaya.”

Rose is sure her expression must be something to behold. Kanaya looks down, hiding her face, while Terezi cackles.

There’s an awkward pause.

“Aaaaaaaanyway.” Rose never thought she’d be grateful to hear Vriska. “If you’re not set on Miss Fussy’s department, Rose, Egbert and I would be happy to tell you why you should work with one of us. Specifically me.”

“I dunno, Jane could always use some help with her PR stuff and Dave’s already got his hands full.” John says. “Rose, you could help Derse out a lot.”

Vriska huffs. “I’m sure she’d rather get in on the action than help Jane make the Tower look good.”

“Hey, I’m still number one.” John says.

“For now.” Vriska grins, bumping her shoulder against his. Terezi also bumps into John, making him glare at her.

“Speaking candidly, I am not sure the Tower’s image in regards to Derse can be salvaged.” Rose says.

“Are you sure?” John frowns.

“Well, it could. It would take decades, and it would start with some severe changes. For example, you would have to put catching the vigilantes at the bottom of your lists.” Rose says, “And you would have to devote as much as possible to catching the White Queen. Tour best policy would be to stay out of Derse altogether, and use your power to pressure the Skaian Council to devote funding into economic and school programs there instead.”

“Is that why you wanted to work with Signless?” John asks.

“It is complicated.” Rose says. “But these reforms would spark outrage in the Tower, and if they did not, they would spark outrage in Prospit.”

“I’d say. Vigilantism is against the law.” Terezi says.

“Then the law is unjust.” Rose says, on impulse. Terezi frowns at that.

“It’s made by the Council and the people. It’s about order.”

Rose sighs. “Not an order that makes everyone happy.”

“Ugh, politics.” Vriska rolls her eyes. “Anyway, our department is after the Clown Cult and we’ve got a lot of the people who are in charge.”

Rose tilts her head. “Interesting. The Clown Cult’s remains have proven quite dangerous in Derse, given the debut of Poppet.”

“You would get to work with me, too, as a plus.” Terezi grins. “Vriska and I are Team Scourge.”

“That’s more of a minus.” John says, and dodges a swipe of Terezi’s cane.

Rose shrugs. “Hmm…”

She could really use a vision right now, something to point her the right way. John and Jade are looking the most likely, but still…

The idea of bringing Kanaya something, working close to her, getting to help her…

Don’t be selfish.

“Is that all the departments?”

“Rufioh, Sollux, Kankri, Kanaya, me, Vriska, John, and Jade are all from the different departments. You’ve met at least one person from all of them.” Terezi says.

“This will be interesting, then.” Rose strikes the first three off the list, and then Terezi. That’s Vriska, John, and Jade as options. And Kanaya. Jade is too risky given her proximity to Jake. John, Vriska, or Kanaya, then? It shouldn’t be Kanaya, for reasons...

John or Vriska, then?

“I have narrowed the options.” Rose nods. “John, which threat is your department after?”

“I get assigned all around.” John shrugs.

“And Gumshoe?”

“She and Terezi are the investigation team.” Vriska explains. “So besides whatever they do, they’re doing detective work. It’s boring, but it makes our jobs as Team Scourge waaaaaaaay easier. Otherwise, Terezi’s with us on the Clown Cult, and Gumshoe’s on top secret infiltration with her disguise powers. And she likes doing PR.”

“I see.” A point for John and Jane’s department, in general…

“Who’ve you narrowed it to?” Kanaya asks.

“John and Vriska.” Rose says. “No intent to offend you or Terezi, of course.”

Kanaya looks disappointed, but Vriska grins. “I knew it! You want to work with the best.”

“It is not that; I am interested in the wide variety of John’s department and in your department’s activities.”

“Is this about how Dave keeps complaining about Vriska in Derse?” asks John.

Rose gives half a smile. “Perhaps.” She remembers what Vriska almost did to Aradia, and how the kids in Prospit still sing about that.

“Ugh. Well, if we’re playing like that, John broke Jumpstart’s leg.”

“Hey, it almost stopped him from running away! We had to apprehend them alive, remember?” John asks.

Rose hasn’t forgotten that one, either. They’re teens her age now, but by night, they’re the same “heroes” who nearly killed two of the people she cares for the most.

It should be a matter of who’s the bigger threat, and that could be Vriska for her will or John for his potential.


“I can flip a coin for you, if you want.” Terezi says.

“You’re just trying to get her to Vriska’s department.” John says.

“I would never cheat a coin flip.” Vriska smirks.

“And I would never cheat you out of getting what you want.” Terezi grins.

“Who else works in your department, Vriska?”

“My big sister Aranea---” a vision of the girl in the blue dress. She has silver bracelets, Rose notes. “---She does dumb research and psych stuff. She’s a nerd. She’ll talk your ears off.”

“Research and the Clown Cult…” Rose nods to herself.

Then there’s the fact that Dave has vouched for John, who broke his leg, and she knows that while Aradia plays DnD with their group, she does it to see Vriska annoyed at Caris’s silly little bard antics. It’s petty revenge, and Vriska should be grateful that’s all she’s doing. That Aradia is biding her time for the second Gambler hits Derse next.

Still, she can’t leave it up to chance. She needs more information.

“I think I will continue to mull it over.” Rose says. “In the meantime, what were you and John doing?”

“John’s fashion sense is graphic tees and dorky belts and shorts.” Vriska says. “That needed to change."

"You and I are in agreement on that." Kanaya says.

"Hey, Jane wears colorful suspenders sometimes! You can’t say I have bad fashion sense.” John protests.

“Really?” Rose has never seen Gumshoe in any PR photoshoots in anything but her signature 50s fashion dresses.

“Yeah, she wears them around the house.” Says John.

“This is somewhat dismaying.” Kanaya says.

“You’re telling me.” Vriska shakes her head. “All right, John, you’ve got the chance to redeem your fashion sense, at least. Hey, Kanaya, are you---”

“Rest assured, I am designing something for both the Egbert siblings as we speak.” Says Kanaya. She’s even gotten out a sketchpad.

“I thought your latest project was for Rose.” says Vriska.

“I can multitask between a good model and someone in need of a makeover. Hmm…if the colorful suspenders must happen, they ought to be as tasteful as such a thing can be… and John. Will you wear more of those deep tones? They suit you better than your white shirts.”

“I mean, I like the dark green, yeah.” John shrugs.


“A good model, huh?” Terezi smirks. Rose ignores them, and peeks at Kanaya’s paper.

“Are you making the three of us coordinating outfits?” Rose says.

“Ah. I did not mean to match them.” Kanaya says.

“Liar.” Terezi says.

“Well, we know Fussy’s vote.” Vriska says.


“PR does same-department matching outfits a lot.” Vriska says. “Dolorosa and Mom both thought it was a good idea after Signless got photos of him and Karkat and Kankri.”

“That sounds rather embarrassing.” Rose says.

“You should’ve smelled Karkat’s face after he saw Dave dressed in red and gray!” Terezi cackled.

“Well, if you must know, and Rose is not choosing to work with me? John, I believe your department would suit her far better than Vriska’s. Her knowledge of Derse could temper your bad reputation, Vriska, but since she has no interest in doing that, assisting Jane in her detective work would prove far more suitable. Aranea’s research system is highly specific, and she is already equipped with a psychology degree.”

“If anything, Rose should be more interested in that.” Vriska smirks.

Under any other circumstances, Rose would. At the same time, a researcher like Aranea might have far more document access…still, being in the top department might give her the same access and more.

And in the end, the path she saw first was not cerulean, but deep blue. This isn’t just to make Kanaya happy…

“I will join John’s department, if possible, and yours, Vriska, if need be.” Rose says.

Vriska glares, but Terezi bumps her shoulder, and she slumps, looking sullen instead. “Right. Well, at least it’s John and not someone stupider.”

“Besides, John is close to us! You’ll see plenty of the Scourge Sisters.” Terezi cackles.

“Are you gonna start annoying Rose, too?” John asks.

Terezi just grins. “Jealous?”

“Fuck off.” John rolls his eyes. He extends a hand. “Welcome to the department, Rose---if you get your first choice.”

“Second. She wanted to work with Signless.” Terezi reminds him.

John shrugs. Rose shakes his hand. Then she looks at Kanaya’s drawing. “That is a lovely scarf.”

Kanaya gives a small smile. “Thank you. It is lunchtime. Shall we visit the mess hall?”

As they walk, Rose can’t help but say, “If the only thing in my consideration was my interests, I would have chosen to work with you.”

“I see. What drove your choice?”

“Well, my interest in psychology drove most of my decisions, and Aranea’s work sounds intriguing.”

“Then why did you pick John?”

“I did not say my interests in being good to you were not in consideration. And if need be? I will switch.”

This seems to further mollify Kanaya. “You don’t need to only do things for me. This is a job to you, after all.”

Aranea’s work does sound interesting. So does Signless’s. John should have been her last pick, after Kanaya’s, from the narrowed-down list.

But like she said before: it’s not about her interests.

It’s about making sure two souls in blue and green survive. Or four.


I can't wait to see what people think Rose saw that she's in the Tower to prevent.

Thank you for reading! As always, leave a comment and/or kudos if you enjoyed! You all fuel my inspiration.

Chapter 38: Down to Business


Rose has a job to do.


This one is dialogue heavy. I know there's been a lot. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten that this is a superhero fic.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The mess hall’s food is nice. Rose speaks to Jane there, and her position is all but confirmed.

“I can’t say I’m thrilled that you’re less interested in PR and more interested in research and psychology...we may send you to Aranea regardless of your department, given your interests.” Jane says. “You’ll be informing parts of my detective work, though, so I appreciate you.”

“I shall endeavor to impress.” Rose says.

Jane gives a small smile. “How are the cookies?”

Rose takes a bite. It’s chocolate chip, but Jane’s added banana. The texture is perfect. Meenah has competition.

“They’re wonderful.” The flavor combination is nostalgic, warmer than Rose might expect. Sure, everyone knows Gumshoe likes to bake, but given her penchant for fitted suits, Rose expected artfully shaped macarons and the like, not something comforting like this.

She supposes Meenah wouldn’t look like the type to bake things like this, either.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Baked goods in Derse.” Rose says.

Jane grins. “Tell me more. The sandwich shop had cookies, but they were like any store bought cookies.”

“Well, you were there on Disciple Day. Did you get anything from the bakery stalls?”

Jane nods. “Are those custard rolls traditional? I would’ve held up the line for the recipe if the old woman behind me hadn’t looked ready to kill.”

“For Disciple Day? No. We just love them.” Rose shrugs. “As for old ladies ready to kill, I suspect that may be a side effect of living in Skaia.”

Jane laughs. “Nanna wasn’t just a healer, back in the day.”

Rose sees Cyansprite hard at work in medbay, helping Mituna through something Rose feels she shouldn’t intrude on.

“I guess that’s something we have in common…” Jane smiles to herself. “My…friend would say it’s the Maid’s influence. A gift of rebellion to us all.”

Rose thinks of Aradia. “I’d say the women in Skaia have lived up to her.”

“Well…maybe you wouldn’t have to…” Jane shakes herself. “Ah. Pardon me. I lost my train of throught.”

Rose knows she didn’t, but her visions don’t budge and this doesn’t seem relevant to her task. “I almost applied to work in medbay, although no positions were open.”

“Between Nanna and Karkat and the best doctors and interns Derse has to offer, I’m afraid applying there is difficult for a high schooler.” Jane says.

“So, what will be our first order of business?” Rose asks.

“I was going to ask you to make print copies of some documents. There's gonna be what people would call “boring office work”, I’m afraid. You’ll schedule us as well…I’m sure Signless would permit you to assist Dave in the Dersite Education program, as well.”

Rose hesitates. “I suppose I should. Quite a few heroes have a lot to learn---no offense.”

“No, I…I realized that a while ago. It helps, having met people from Derse as something besides the perfect little PR princess.” Says Jane.

Spy missions. The irony is, she’s trying to make her way into Derse and take down vigilantes. And she’s somehow gained more sympathy for their plight than Jake or Kankri or Rufioh.

Or Vriska. Even out of hero costume, Rose is pretty sure Vriska would still kill Bone Witch if she had an excuse.

Maybe they all would. Not Kanaya. Not Jade. Not Karkat or Sollux. Still, only four, and Prospit was still full of heroes who’d be willing to maim if it meant bringing them in.

Rose laughs and nods along with Jane’s conversation. Kanaya sits near them.

“Trying to get her to switch?” asks Jane.

“No. I have suggestions for our photoshoot.” Kanaya pushes the notebook to Jane.

Jane’s expression falters. “Suspenders…”

“John told me you liked them. While such a thing sounds tacky, you and I have sufficient fashion sense to pull off such a look.”

Jane’s looking conflicted. Rose sees…

Jane in pants and suspenders, hair under a dapper hat. You could almost mistake her for a boy, at a distance.

Something about the scene nags at Rose’s mind as it fades. She shakes her head to clear it, turning back to Kanaya’s sketches, which have billowing skirts to offset the tightness of the shirt and suspenders. Her current sketch has a blazer over Jane’s shoulder and a short brimmed 1920s hat.

“Mmm…it looks good!” Jane says.

“Kanaya, may I try a sketch?” Rose asks. She wonders if she might be able to figure something out, and besides, if Jane were one of her clients…

Kanaya passes over the book. Rose sketches out an outfit similar to the one in her vision, incorporating the gentleman’s fedora and the draped blazer. She indicates where there ought to be accents of her signature cyan. She adds pants.

“For John?” Kanaya asks.

Rose says, “I thought the sillouhuette might suit Jane. It’s different from her other looks. I imagined the blazer in a black tweed with cyan accents. Ahistorical, I will admit. I would embroider the hat and tie as well, perhaps in vines?”

Jane looks at Rose’s sketch. “No wonder you and Kanaya get along…”

“It’s a bit of a callback to the name Gumshoe.” Rose says, then she realizes her mistake.

This is the kind of suit and hat that Superdad would wear on the covers of his promotional material.

“I apologize---”

“There’s no need to, Rose.” Jane forces a smile. “It doesn’t really fit with my brand, though, does it? Maybe a skirt in that tweed?”

Kanaya nods. “Custom black fabric shot through with signature colors would look striking. Karkat with silver, myself in green, and the different reds and blues we all choose…I do wish I could construct such a thing with my power.”

“If it’ll help with the budget, I’ll speak to Dolorosa with you about it.” Jane says. “It’s for tower use, and she’s always appreciated a good garment.”

Kanaya gives a soft smile. “Thank you. And thank you, Rose, for the suggestion. Perhaps your other idea could be used for John? He might appreciate the tribute to his father.”

Eventually, lunch break is over, and they all go off to do their work. Kanaya has a patrol shift, and Jane has some meeting notes Rose needs to reformat.

And now, for the waiting game. Though Rose can’t quite place what’s going on with her vision of Jane.


Rose leaves work that evening with little progress towards her goal, but the steadiness of a real job has its perks.

She takes the elevator up to Karkat’s division. She’d like to speak to someone.

Dave is also packing up to go.

“Rose! What’s up?” He asks.

Rose says, “Any luck?”

“No.” They can’t say much in the tower, but Rose’s heart sinks.

“Luck with what?”

There’s Karkat, walking into the office.

“Rose wanted to work with Signless, but like you said, the department’s full.”

Karkat sighs. “Dad was all for it, but it didn’t make sense compared to some of the others. He recommended you to Kanaya’s department.”

“Why?” Rose shakes her head.

Dave gives her a mischievous look. "Well---"

“Fine, even if it were ‘that’,” Rose says, “Isn’t it unprofessional?”

Karkat rolls his eyes. “It's not trying to set you up, if that's what you're worried about. It’s because Kanaya’s department’s just her and her grandmother. Kanaya doesn’t have a teammate or an intern. She does the filing alone with Grandma---Dolorosa. They’re organized as hell, and they like it like that, but even without your obvious crushes, people have been trying to get them support for years, and you might actually be one of the few people who Dolorosa would tolerate.”

“She hates people?”

“Let’s just stay she’s still running this place like we’re in an active war with Condy and like Dad is her little kid.” Karkat says.

“And you thought to put me there?”

“You seem less like you’d take shit from her. And you might convince her to actually walk into Derse.” Karkat says.

“So it was an attempt at persuasion.”

“Yeah, but it’s not like we’re getting you away from Jane. She said so in the group chat, and it even got Aranea to back off. For now. I mean, Dad or Grandma could switch you over, but neither of them would.” Karkat shrugs. “Anyway, what’re you doing now?”

“Speaking to Dave, before I head to Kanaya’s. We promised to show off our art to one another. I have photos, and she has designs.”

“You two are hopeless.” Says Dave.

“Shut up, Dave. I will take my leave.”

“We’re going on the same elevator.” Karkat says.


Dave looks away. “Karkat and I were gonna go for a walk.”

It’s Rose’s turn to smirk. “Oh?”

“Never mind! Dave, come on. Rose, stay off the elevator until we’re gone!”

Rose has no problem with this.

As the elevator leaves, Rose tries a door. It leads to a gray office, sparsely decorated except a signed poster for one of those hero romcoms, and a set of sickles hanging up. Karkat’s study is right near Dave’s.

Not what she’s looking for. Still, there’s another door. She hears shuffling and knocks on this one.

Instead of a warm “come in” or an austere “who is this?”, Rose hears the shuffling stop.

Rose has a suspicion. She opens the door, to find Gamzee with his leg in an unscrewed air conditioning grate.

A flash of fear and confusion snakes through Rose, seizing her, coiling around her like Doze’s powers when she tried to jump. She can’t escape, she’s frozen, useless---

“Shit, shit! Sorry, Rose-sis, didn’t know it was you.”

Her pulse is still racing, but her mind clears. Gamzee’s standing near her now.

“You okay? I’m not supposed to hit anyone with those. I know they feel like your soul’s fit to rot.” His eyes are clearer than usual.

“I am fine, Gamzee. There is nothing to worry about. Hold on a second…”

Rose texts Kanaya: she’ll be a tad late.

“How about you point me where you were going, and if we are asked, I will say you are guiding me.” Rose says.

Gamzee nods. “You’re smart, you know that? Feel like my mind’s too full of clouds and green to plan it all out. I’m headed to my room. It’s up the elevator.”

Rose lets Gamzee lead her to the Vantas apartment. She doesn’t think it’s the best place to be for a conversation about what he was doing in Signless’s office, but it’s better than nothing. No one pays them any mind.

They sit at the kitchen table. The Vantases prefer reds and pale grays and some black. There are a couple of throw pillows.

“So, Gamzee. Tell me about yourself.”

“I mean, I’m just Gamzee. Vantas, though I don’t feel much like the name.” He says. “Got dangerous powers so they’ve got me in the silver and the medicine. It’s a nice life.”

“You mentioned the color green.” Rose says. “Tell me what the green is.”

“The meds are all green, you know? Like floating in the warmth. They’re kinda nice. Sleepy and calm” He says. “Kan-bro says I’m unstable without ‘em, and I’m inclined to agree. I lash out worse than I did at you, without them.”

“Floating in the warmth and green…”

Peridot blossoms.

“Gamzee, do you have Pesterchum?” Rose asks.

“Can't use a phone.” He says.

Rose nods to herself. Hmm…

“I’ve got a chumhandle picked out.”

“Let’s hear it.” Rose says.

“terminallyCapricious.” He says. “Kinda like how the feelings are, how the powers get.”

And that will be his name. Rose Sees it, perfectly clear.

[tentacleTherapist began pestering carcinoGeneticist]

TT: What is Signless’s chumhandle?


TT: A bit dramatic.


Rose says to Gamzee, “We had better remedy this obstacle.”

Gamzee smiles. “Say, Rose-sis…Could you say the thing again? Alive and alive?”

“Where the sea goat laughs, so there the twin angels take their fall. The Lord rises, alive and alive.” Rose says.

“The Muse…The motherfucking muse….” Gamzee trails off.

“The Muse plunges, dead and dead.”

Gamzee shakes his head. “Are you…are you from where I’m from?”

“No. Speaking candidly, you shouldn’t go back to there. But had I my druthers, you would not be here.” Hell, where he’s from might be better.

“I’d better go, or Kanaya will wonder. Thank you.” Rose says.

Gamzee smiles as she leaves.

[tentacleTherapist began pestering turntechGodhead]

TT: Jackpot.

AR: Dave’s busy. I wish Dirk could give you shades, too, so it’d be easier to eavesdrop.

TT: Is the Vantas apartment bugged?

AR: Rose, there are times when you should ask things before you do them.

AR: Of course it’s not. It’s a private space and there’s nothing for me to get into, not that I haven’t tried. If there were bugs, I would’ve made a loud alarm and gotten you a memo.

TT: Does Dirk know you’re doing this?

AR: Does Kanaya know the real reason you’re working here?

[tentacleTherapist ceased pestering turntechGodhead]


Kanaya’s room is far from organized. Every surface is covered in colorful fabric and half-finished projects. There’s a wall of small brass drawers, all labeled, but most are too full to shut all the way.

There’s a massive one-way window looking out on the city, letting in the setting sunlight.

Rose tries not to breathe too deeply. The smell of the place is all Kanaya’s and it fills her with a sense of warmth.

Kanaya sweeps Rose up in a jade green bolt of silk. It settles into a flowy cape at her shoulders.

“It’s exquisite.” Rose says.

“Yes, although it is a tad plain…I thought you might like it to embroider…” Kanaya says.

Rose smiles. “You spoil me.”

“Is it…all right?” Kanaya asks, shy for a moment.

A warmth curls in Rose’s heart. “It’s all right, from you.”

Rose takes off the cape and pulls out her knitting and embroidery hoop. She likes to have her hands occupied, but sometimes, she can’t decide which craft she’d like to take on the go.

“This is the sacred sign of Space.” Kanaya says, looking at the bright pearl Rose is using.

“Ecclectica’s Burst.” Rose says. “I thought it looked interesting, even though we in Derse prefer our Relentless Gear.”

“These beads are tiny, and there’s such detail…” Kanaya shakes her head. “And your knitting…what are you making?”

“It’s a set of gloves. They’re a birthday present for Dave. We’re planning a few snowball fights soon.” Rose says.

“It’s not winter quite yet.” It’s getting later into fall, though.

“We were born during Three Days.” Rose explains.

Kanaya raises an eyebrow. “You have to celebrate at Temple?”

“None of us are all that religious.” Rose says. “I’ve never been to Three Days. It just seems crowded and exhausting. My…mother once took me to Skaia Day, and it was quite enough.”

Kanaya says, “I see…if it is not too burdensome, perhaps we might attend? Together?”

“If you can get off duty.” Rose says. “Three Days is a prime target.” Most Dersite villains revere Disciple Day, but the Condesce and Clown Cult always attack other targets while people are distracted by the festival games.

“I will work something out.” Kanaya says. “I have not participated in the Festival Games in quite a bit of time.”

The games. The temples basements all have ancient puzzles beneath them like the trials of the gods, which are set and established by the clergy. They also decide who participates: athletes, celebrities, and most of all heroes---though, given the aforementioned attacks, not all of them can be there for the entire Three Days.

“I shall cheer you on.” Rose folds the cape into her bag, and lets Kanaya give her various projects to try on.

"I was thinking you might participate.”

“Me?” Rose asks.

Kanaya smiles. “You are no pushover in a fight, and I do believe some people ought to see that broadcast. We would make an excellent team.”

It’s a fun idea. It’s too risky. Too much publicity is never a good thing when your identity is secret. It’s bad enough that she and Dave are in the Tower.

“I do not think it would be wise for me to enter. Perhaps the external festivities, or a watch party.” Rose says. She’s changing in Kanaya’s walk-in closet, which isn’t organized by color, but by which person she wants to wear her projects. There are prototype flowing skirts for Jade, elaborate jackets for Vriska, and a few pieces Kanaya has somehow managed to make tasteful despite their riotous patchwork. Terezi’s, obviously. There’s even a suit jacket for Dave.

What gives Rose pause is the amount of black and lilac and jade and plant-patterned fabric. There’s a black sash in there, embroidered with golden moons. Rose can spot some mistakes, and a part of her rankles at the Prospit motif. Still. Did Kanaya learn this…Did she make this, just for me?

Rose pairs the moon sash with a soft black dress. It’s plain except a couple of simple gold square buttons.

“Oh! I apologize. That project is not up to my standards.” Kanaya says.

“Is it your first attempt?”

“My second.” Kanaya says. “I admired your work, and thought I might try my hand at it. It’s such delicate work.”

“And I quite admire what you’ve done so far.” Rose smiles. “I might give you some pointers?”

Kanaya sits down on the bed. After some hesitation, Rose sits next to her.

“I would like to be able to do French knots as well, but they keep turning into loops.”

Rose demonstrates the way to turn the needle around the floss, so it pulls tight to a small bundle. Kanaya gets it after a few attempts. Rose isn’t surprised.

“I wonder if these are practical with my powers, too…” Kanaya wonders.

“It’s possible.” Rose shrugs. “Although it might be better as a visible marking on something. Sewing hides the thread, but for this, the thread is the main event.”

“I suppose. Perhaps this could grant me some flair. Though even without…” Kanaya finishes a cluster of French knots, perfect for the center of a poppy flower. “I rather like the idea of threads being at the center of it all.”

Rose knows Kanaya is usually a support hero. She’s sent around to assist everyone, or cover medium-level threats, not like Air or Gemini or even Gambler.

Rose wonders if it weighs on her like being support weighs on Lightseer.

“I think you deserve to be at the center.” Rose says.

Kanaya smiles, and leans into Rose a bit for a second, before straightening to attempt a satin stitched petal. Pity. For a moment there, Rose almost forgot about the embroidery.

Then a loud alarm peals through the Tower.


Thank you for reading! As always, please leave comments and/or kudos if you enjoyed! Your words always inspire me.

Chapter 39: The Way Out


No one lets you do anything these days.

Chapter Text

Kanaya’s expression crystalizes. “Rose. We are under attack. Please stay here.”

Rose is standing. “What? From who?”

Five clown cultists. Three short, two tall.

“It will be all right. Rose, please stay here. Jane and Rufioh and I will be handling this one.”

Rose realizes there’s nothing she can do. She’s not getting out of the Tower like this.

She wonders if Dave is, or if Karkat won’t let him out of his sight.

Or maybe this isn’t related to what I saw. No one’s involved. It’s Prospit. The Tower can handle what’s here.

“Please stay safe.” Rose says instead.

Kanaya wraps her in a hug, before exiting the room.

Rose sighs, and sits down.

She opens her phone.

[tentacleTherapist began pestering gnosisCollapse!]

TT: Hello, Signless.

GC: Who is this?

TT: Rose.

GC: You are still in the Tower. You could come see me in my office.

TT: I don’t know where that is.

GC: Here are directions.

TT: Why are you trusting a random chumhandle? I could be anyone.

GC: It is easy enough to see a lie, even through text, especially since you’re so close by.

Rose thinks of the sheer range of her powers, and then thinks of Signless’s intense training. She’s got to be careful.

Rose takes the directions, stopping in Signless’s office.

“Hello, Signless.” She says, walking in.

“Good afternoon. I apologize for not being able to place you in your desired department. Dave simply does everything that an assistant intern could do.” Says Signless. “Unfortunately, if that’s what you’d like to talk about, that’s out of my hands. Mother and Mindfang run a tight ship.”

“Who is Mindfang, anyway?” Rose asks.

Signless shrugs. A hint of unease passes over his face, so quickly that Rose would have dismissed it if not for psychology research. “One of the higher-ups.”

“I don’t know her that well.”

“She’s grown to prefer the shadows, oddly enough. It’s a surprising thing to me, but I suppose it’s better than being the face of such a controversial place.”

Rose knows he’s talking about himself. Mindfang, though. She really has no information about her.

“Which department did Mindfang want me in?” Rose asks.

“She did not have an opinion.” Signless shrugs, “Except to veto your placement here. Mother agreed.”

“Dolorosa.” Rose says. “Karkat said I ought to be in her department, instead of with you all.”

“You have enough force in your personality to help her organize, that is for sure. But I am curious as to why you chose my department.”

Rose feels the fear and desire to hide creep over her. She knows Signless can see it, too.

“Rose...did you want to get at Kankri and the plans for getting the Court out of Derse?” He asks. His voice is gentle. Fatherly, even. Rose hates how it reminds her of Doc Scratch.

But Rose can’t lie.

So she sits still, awkward.

“Truth be told, you and Dave both seem so very afraid and angry all the time. I always know when you arrive. Do you want to talk about that?”

“It’s how we are.” Rose says. Not a lie.

“It shouldn’t have to be like that. None of Derse should have to be like that.”

“You sound like the White Queen.”

Signless flinches, but sighs. “You’re deflecting. Rose, if you are here to help Derse, we are here to help you with that. But we make our decisions for a reason. I know you don’t trust us, and I know I can’t change that through anything but actions. So I would like to know why you’re here.”

Rose does wonder if it would be worth it to tell the truth. There’d be questions, sure.

She can’t let herself be imprisoned.

“If it’s because you’d like Karkat to check your condition, you can use medbay from any department.”

That’s not it.

“Rose.” He says. “What’s wrong?”

Rose wonders if he’s influencing her. A small part of her wants to tell him exactly what’s happening, trust him with it.

Rose takes a deep breath.

“My desire to work here comes from a desire to help Derse against a threat. And, to an extent, to protect you all, because I have come to see some of the people here as friends.” Rose says. It’s vague but true. “But the reason I have come here is different. It is about your son.”

“Which one?”

“Gamzee.” Rose answers. Signless raises an eyebrow.

“He seems quite kind.” Rose says. “And he informed me he did not have a phone. I was simply here to ask that I can text my friend.”

Signless knows there’s more to it than that. It’s too obvious.

“Rose, I would if I could. I don’t have the clearance for that.” He says.

“Then who does?”

“Mother and Mindfang.”

“Then shouldn’t your mother want her grandson to communicate with friends?” Rose asks.

“Rose...I am assuming you’ve only met Gamzee on good days. Sometimes, people’s powers make them unpredictable.” Signless says. “And that means we can’t let Gamzee online unsupervised. That means no pesterchum."

Rose shakes her head, before---

Three heroes frozen in place, surrounded by cultists. They can’t move forwards or backwards. A tall clown advances, smirking behind her mask.

Twenty minutes away. Signless could have Jade help.


“I need to get home. Is the attack blocking the bus routes?”

“Rose, it is not safe out there. I cannot allow you to go.”

“We have nothing to say to each other.” Rose stands up.

“Rose, I understand that Derse has been hurt by the Tower. But please, tell me why, at least.”

Rose looks at him. “Treat your son like your son, or he’ll figure out that he’s not.” The words are out of her mouth before she can stop them. “For your own sake.”

She puts a hand over her mouth, then glares. “You. I thought you’d be responsible with your power.”

“Rose, I did not do anything.”

Rose leaves. She gets to the base of the Tower.

“Rose! It’s not safe out there.”

And there’s Jade.

Wait a minute. This could be good.

“Jade, I’m very tired, and I’d like to see my family. Kanaya wanted me to stay, but my older sister will worry...could you take me to the center park of Derse, right by the white bench?”

Jade frowns. “You’re safer here, even if the attack isn’t in Derse.”

Rose sighs. Her vision is an hour away. That means...

“If Kanaya is not back in an hour, could you check on her, at least?” Rose pleads.

“They’ve got it handled.” Jade soothes. “Come on, Rose. I know you really like Kanaya, but she can handle herself, especially with Rufioh, and Jane, who knows all about these cultists.”

“The Clown Cult ran an entire district in its heyday and Highblood once fought the Condesce for territory.”

“And they’re both gone. Rose, we haven’t done a good job with Derse, I know. But we can handle this. Kanaya’s brilliant. You---"

“I am going back to Kanaya’s room.” Rose says. “I’ll do what you say.”

As soon as the coast is clear:

Lightseer: Hello, Comet.

Comet: You again! Hi!

Lightseer: The group that is currently helping fight the Clown Cult will need backup.

Comet: Can’t you go?

Lightseer: I am indisposed at the moment.

Comet: Bluh. Tell me the truth and maybe I’ll go :P

Lightseer: I am on my own mission and I have lent you my visions out of the kindness of my own heart, Comet.

Comet: :P

Rose needs to take a risk here, or Kanaya will...

She’s going to have to message someone else.

But who?


Lightseer: Hello there, Gambler.

Gambler: Well, well, well. Helloooooooo. Tell me, are you going to turn yourself in?

Lightseer: I’m going to tell you your friends are about to be overwhelmed by cultists, and that I bet you eight dollars that you will not be able to get there and help them before I do.

Gambler: Pfft. You think I’m that stupid?

Lightseer: Looks like someone doesn’t want eight dollars.

Gambler: I’m richer than you’d ever dream of. I don’t need eight dollars.

Lightseer: Pity.

Rose texts Jade one more time to ask her to at least teleport her to Derse park, but she just gets back the typical, “no, you’re safer and Kanaya’s gonna wonder where you went.”

Fine. Time to bring out the big guns.

She goes to the Captors’ apartment.

“’sup, Rose?” Mituna asks.

“Where is Sollux?” She asks.

“Out on patrol in Lobaf.”

That’s probably the closest to Derse he’s allowed to be, and the furthest possible he could be from the tower.

"What’s got you looking like someone’s about to shoot you?”

“I need to get home to my family. I need to find Dave and get us home.”

Mituna grins. “You thought Sol would fly you out there? And risk his title?”

Rose sighs. She sits down. “It is of vital importance. You know how the cult is.”

“Fuck yeah I do, Sol fights ‘em all the time. And they always threatened people when I was a kid, before they brought in Highblood.” Mituna nods. He pauses. “You really want to get out of the Tower, huh? Can’t blame you.”

Rose tilts her head. She waits.

Mituna’s also waiting.

“What do you want?” Rose asks.

“For you not to rat me out, and a new game whenever you get the chance to pick one out.” Mituna says. “C’mon.”


“There’s tunnels under the tower?” Rose asks.

“Tula’s old friend Porrim showed them to her, and she showed them to me.” Mituna said.

The tunnels were blank white and tiled, a perfect emergency route.

And a very, very important explanation.

“Does anyone else know?”

“Probably most of the heroes.” Mituna shrugs. “No one’s needed something like this since they killed Condy.”

Rose nods.

“Got a good alibi?”

“I will shut my mouth about this, and if Kankri asks, I will tell him where to shove it.”

Mituna glances at her. “If he asks you, you can tell. Not that there’s much choice, but you know.”

“Is there a way to counteract him, that you know of? He is no friend to us.”

“Wish I could tell you.” Mituna says. “And make sure you tell me, too.”

“I will.” Rose nods.

They come to a locked door. A digitally locked door.

“Used to be a normal lock back in Porrim’s day. She and Tulip used hairpins. Now, though...”

“I assume you know the code?” Rose asks.

“It rotates on a regular basis.”

“Wait a minute...can’t you sneak out forever? Just leave?” Rose asks.

Mituna raises an eyebrow. “They’ve got my meds in there. I’d be stupid not to come back. And my girlfriend’s there.”

“Oh.” Rose knows Sollux doesn’t really want to be a hero.

Mituna, though...he must be the reason Sollux is still there.

“So why sneak out?”

“Tulip and I aren’t really supposed to be out except scheduled stuff, and sometimes you’ve gotta get out of here. And it’s a good spot to make out.” Mituna grins.

“I did not need to know that.”

“It’s good advice.”

“How am I going to explain how I know about this place?”

Mituna frowns. “Shit. Forgot about that part. Fuck.”

“It is all right.”

“God, and it was a good day, too...” Mituna’s scowling now.

“Mituna?” Rose asks.

He looks at her. “Yeah? What?”

“I don’t know the code.”

“Oh yeah. It’s all 2s.” Mituna punches them in, and the lock lights up red.

“That doesn’t look---”

Mituna takes off his helmet and hands it to Rose. He covers the lock with his hand, and the light starts flashing blue, before clicking open.

“You’re welcome.” He takes his helmet back. “Make sure your family’s safe.”

Rose finds that the tunnels let out in an empty building. Rose makes her way to another before hopping on the bus. It’s only a little while before her visions come true, and she needs to be where her clothes are.

“Get off at Daybreak.” Hal texts her.


“I phoned a friend.”

Rose gets out, and immediately spots...

“Arquius?” Rose asks.

Arquius, a muscular redheaded man who wears the same type of shades as Dirk is there, holding her duffel bag---the one that happens to hold her hero costume in case she needs to pick it up and bring it another place.

“Hello, Rose. Dirk said you forgot this bag at home.” Arquius says.

Rose knows it wasn’t Dirk who did that, but Hal’s impersonated him before.

Rose takes the bag. “Thank you.”

“Keep better track of your things, all right?” Arquius nods. “By the way, have you been working out? You look stronger than you did last time I saw you.”

She has. “Yes. I thought it might be fun, and I was right.”

Arquius smiles. “I assume you are in a hurry to wherever you’re going. Dirk asked me to take your other bag home. See you.”

“How did he get into the apartment?” Rose asks Hal.

“Mituna’s not the only one who can open electric locks.”

“They seem less secure than normal ones.”

“Says the one who wears hairpins.”

“Touche.” Rose says, ducking into an alley and taking multiple turns before changing as quickly as she practiced.

It’s time to get back to Prospit.

Chapter 40: To Audacity


In which Hal is the unsung hero. Someone get this guy a raise.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose rounds a corner.

“Rose, wait.”

“What is it?”

Hal says, “Call Aradia.”

Rose realizes she forgot. She does.


“Aradia, I am doing an emergency mission to Prospit to protect Kanaya from the cult.”

Aradia sighs. “Where are you headed.”

Rose gives the location.

“Wait on top of a building. Please don’t go without me. Not mid-Prospit.”

She’s only got an hour before she foresees people starting to look for her in the Tower. She needs to be in and out by then. And uncaptured.

She hopes her aim is better. She knows it is, but she can’t help but remember shooting Dave in the foot.

She’s at the top of a building, taking aim at their tall, masked lady. She’s the one who goes after Kanaya, after all. Wait a minute, where’s the fourth—

“Hey there.”

Rose nearly topples. There he is, the fourth clown, tall and wearing a top hat.

Rose draws daggers, but the top hatted clown waves her off.

“Not here to fight. Not you.” He shrugs.

Rose glares. “You’re a cultist.”

“And you’re a vigilante. Not much better. Sure you don’t want an alliance? Poppet seemed awfully fond of your talk. You know our scripture, and that’s enough that she doesn’t want you dead.” Said the man.

“What’s your name?” Rose asks.

“They call me Audacious.”

Rose gets nothing.

“Do they?” Rose asks.

Audacious raises an eyebrow behind his mask. “What, want my real name or something?”

Does he know how her power works?

“A little something tells me I shouldn’t let a vigilante know what my friends call me, even if she’s a cool motherfucker.” Audacious pauses. “You being here tells me a little about how things are gonna go.”

Rose sighs. “All right. I do not want the heroes dead.”

“See, you might think that, but a lot of your problems go poof if you do.” Audacious leans forward on a decorative cane Rose knows is a sword. He and Terezi should be friends.What?

“Oh, and Poppet’s got a message. This one’s on the clown house. You’d better call your moirail like she wanted you to.”

“I did.” Rose doesn’t mention Hal had to remind her.

“See you later. Gotta fulfil a prophecy.”

Audacious falls over the side of the building, and when Rose looks, he’s gone. Of course he is.

A little later, Aradia floats up on her coils of bones.

“What’s the rundown?” She asks.


“...I know, it was stupid of me to do.”

Aradia shrugs. “Hey, they didn’t listen to you yet again, even Jade. Even after what you did to help them. I’d be pissed, but if Jade was in danger, I would still put it aside and fight for her. Makes sense you’d do it for Kanaya. I’m just glad you called me so I can drag you out of danger better.”

Thank goodness for Hal.

“As for getting you out...I think we can think of something. Right after we rescue them. So, what do you know about the cultists down there?”

“All five are powered.” Rose answers. “One of them seems...capable of people-puppeting.”

“I’ll handle that one.” Aradia says.

Rose shakes her head. “It’s best to be far away, out of range of them, or to be in a place where one can distract and the other can move. Trust me.”

“And the others?”

“I met one.”

Aradia inhales. “Did you beat them?”

“He called himself Audacious, but I didn’t get any info from him. He seems to have some kind of intuition. He knew I wouldn’t attack him, and we could talk.”

“I still don’t trust them. What about the other three?”

“One of them I’m not sure. The larger lady has some kind of illusion and the smallest...Hal, please prepare to use your noise cancellation. He has some type of sound based blast that incapacitated Toreador.”

“Illusion?” Asks Aradia. “Is she...the new Highblood?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. I saw from Kanaya’s point of view and the world sort of...turned bright and pretty like a carnival, and she had to stop attacking. She...won’t know where her enemies are.”

“And the third hero?”

“Gumshoe’s shapeshifting illusionist stuff means she’s got good resistance to their illusionist, but she’s busy with their puppeteer. She was the only one up.” Rose answers.


Rose is glad this building’s roof is low enough that she can climb down, but not low enough to expose her. Not the type of thing you would want to jump off of, but Rose supposes you don’t get called Audacious for nothing. Unfortunately, Prospit’s tall modern buildings mean it’ll be much harder to jump roof to roof.

“I’ll get to a different spot. We’ll snipe.” Aradia says. “And you’d better, too, Rose. If a cultist knows you’re here, they’ll be expecting you. And maybe me, too. Find a better place.”

The best place Rose can find is a fire escape, not the best place to shoot arrows from. What’s more, a Prospitian civilian could see and report her if their eyes wandered too far from the fight.

Of course, that’s what they’d watch. Rose knows Prospitians will watch hero fights with popcorn, instead of drawing the curtains and rehearsing the hiding plan with the family.

She quells her anger, and nocks her arrow.

Sure enough, the fight escalates to there, and Rose looses an arrow that pins down one of the two half-masked ones, the girl in purple, who looks around.

“Lightseer is here!” She shouts. Rose wishes someone else used arrows. Maybe Elusive could show up and be useful.

The clowns look around. Audacious points to the old roof Rose was on.

She shoots for the twin in the golden mask, as Gumshoe slashes at the purple one.

Rose has to aim for the tall lady, give Kanaya a chance. However, just as she does, the world shifts.

She’s no longer on the balcony, but standing on the platform to a carousel.

The air smells like funnel cake and something worryingly metallic. Shit. She can feel her bow in her hands, but she can’t shoot.

She’s trapped, stuck as fast as if she were trapped in one of her visions.

Wait a minute.

Kanaya. Silkworm.

Nothing happens.

The girl I...the girl I love, who misses her sister and tries to do the right thing. Who has so much of a legacy to carry.

At once, she’s seeing through Kanaya’s unclouded eyes.

The fire escape isn’t in her range of sight.

Rose will have to set up her own view.

“Hal.” Rose says.

He answers, “Rose?” She sags in relief.

“Illusionist got me, but...I managed to use my visions. I’m seeing through Kanaya’s eyes...the illusionist is to her right. Is that still true?”

“What the...yes. You’re seeing into the present, Rose! That’s brilliant!” Hal says.

“I...I’m still going to need your help shooting.” Rose admits. “I can’t aim well.”

“Got it. Ten o’clock...and fire!”

“What the---how?” The illusionist doubles down.

Good. It’s not reaching Kanaya or Aradia.

Rose fires again, though Hal’s voice is hazier and it takes every recollection of who Kanaya is to cling to the vision. Even so, swirls are starting to creep in. Rose knows these might be far more difficult at short range.

She shoots as quickly as she can aim, hitting the puppeteer and letting Jane subdue one.

Kanaya, meanwhile, is occupied with the sound-based one, covering his mouth and arms in string as fast as she can. It’s hard; he can’t be much older than ten, but he’s slashing and biting through every bit of string, and letting out loud blasts of sound that make Rose’s hair stand on end.

Audacious, meanwhile, is using his own sword, Jane is stuck going left and right---is that all their puppetry can do? It’s taking a toll. She can’t take three at once. Kanaya is trying to deal with the illusionist and the sound user both. Rufioh is unsteady, his powerful bull form pacing the area, trying to regain bearings.

There’s not enough. Lucky for them...

Out of nowhere, a sharpened bit of bone strikes the illusionist right in the temple.

She stumbles, and Rufioh takes the moment to charge.

Rose’s vision clears, and she takes the shot at Audacious, who looks at the arrow buried in his shoulder, then looks and smiles right at her.

Rose feels herself start to move sideways. Shit.

The loud child shrieks, and Hal takes initiative. Kanaya and Jane have to stop and cover their ears, but Rose is undeterred. Despite having to move, she takes more shots, this time aiming at the yellow-masked one until she stops moving and he starts to yell, “Get her!”

Audacious gives another cheeky grin, and he and the child start to make their way to her. They’re below her for now, so Rose keeps shooting until the yellow-masked child cries out, pinned.

Rose winces. This cultist is a kid. The only good thing is, she got him in the leg. He’ll live.

At least, she tries to tell herself that as she nocks another arrow. Jane gets handcuffs around the golden masked kid.

Another sharpened bone hits the shrieking child in the head, and Audacious catches him.

“Let’s scoot!” Audacious calls, then he sees the gold-masked puppeteer. “Credula!”

The illusionist is holding her own remarkably well against Rufioh; she manages to get him to charge past her instead of towards her, much like a bullfighter.

Credula scoops up her gold-masked compatriot.

Audacious calls, “We won’t be so nice next time, little prophet!”

The heroes give chase, but this is where Credula shines. For about five seconds, Rose sees nothing but red and lime, and when it clears, they’re gone.

Short bursts for groups. And that was all it took. Audacious would know where to take them, too, with his instinct.

“Lightseer! Bone Witch! We thank you for your assistance, but as you know, vigilante activities are illegal!” Gumshoe calls.

Kanaya is quiet. Rufioh is peering around for---

Aradia scoops Rose up, and tilts right off the edge of the building like Audacious did. Rose would be concerned, but she feels a coil of bones tighten around her, and she realizes Aradia has managed to levitate them, though it takes focus.

“Where’s your bag?” Aradia asks. “We need to get back into civillian clothes.”

Rose finds her bag. They go to find Aradia’s as well, hidden a ways away.

“Now then, you said you left the tower itself for this?”


“A locked down tower.”

“It was to save lives.”

“I’m not mad. What was your plan?”

“Sneak back in before they notice I’m gone.”

“Too late for that.” Hal says.

He pings her phone. It’s numerous texts from a frantic Jade and a concerned Signless.

“Shit.” Rose says.

Aradia grimaces.

“I should not have asked them to let me leave, so they would not know I had a reason to want out.” Rose says.

Aradia sighs. “All right...hmm...well, we’ve got a problem all right. Can Dave give you an alibi?”

“He’s been sheltering with Karkat this entire time.” Hal says.

Rose racks her brain. What could she do?

“As far as Jade knows, I wanted to go home and see my family. And she still thinks that’s true.”

“Does she know where your house is?” Aradia asks.

Rose shakes her head.

“All right, she’ll ask for your location then...hmm. Looking as frazzled as you do would be okay...and getting you home is no easy task. The bus service shut down.”

“I know.” Rose had had to run from the second closest stop to change instead of getting to the best location.

“Then I’ve got a plan. Follow me.”

Aradia guides her to a temple. She gives a pattern of knocks on the door and is let in. She converses with the woman at the door in Maid’s Cant, and the woman’s expression grows sympathetic.

“What was that?”

“I said we ran into each other and got caught in the chaos of evacuating. I’m not from here, so I was lost, and you seemed tired and scared, so I was asking for us to take shelter a while.” Aradia says. “It’s close to the truth.”

Aradia and Rose sit down in the pews. Then Aradia grins. “And if you didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t have anything to hide. Which is why...”

Aradia texts something. Rose is about to ask what she means, but a massive flash of green light appears.

“Rose!” Jade tackles her to the ground. “Don’t you ever do that again!”

“Oof...” Rose says. Aradia is giggling.

“We were so worried! Kanaya would have felt awful! And look! You got close to the fray...”

Rose knows better than to feign contrition in front of Jade; she thinks she would spot it, and a bit of guilt sets in her.

“I wanted to go home. I wanted to get Dave.”

“Karkat kept him safe. He was okay.” Jade glared. “Unlike you! Signless thought he’d made you hate us forever or something! If Aradia hadn’t found you...”

Rose decides not to mention Jade is crushing her. She stays there.

“Jadie.” Aradia places a hand on Jade’s back. “I think you may be crushing my moirail.”

Jade steps back. She straightens her clothes.

“Right. Well...can you come back to the Tower? They really want to know if you’re safe.” Jade says.

Rose thinks Jade is being honest, but even so, she wouldn’t put it past the Tower to use that to bring in a suspect. Then again, she’ll have to show up again tomorrow, or risk suspicion. Or worse, give up on...

Blue and green.

"I’d like to go with, if that’s all right.” Aradia places a hand on Rose’s shoulder. The gesture would remind her of Dirk’s overprotectiveness, but it’s comforting here.

“Oh! Of course.” Jade smiles, and before Rose can change her mind, they’re in Signless’s office.

Rose’s eyes dart around. There’s Kanaya. No Kankri.

But where is he?

Rose thinks: Red sweater. Hypocrite. Trigger warnings. Nonsense.


Does it depend on her being in an altered state of consciousness?

“Rose?” Signless asks. “Please don’t be anxious. You’re not in trouble.”

“I am not.” She lies, even though it is pointless.

He sighs. “Right, then. Why did you leave?”

“I told you. I wanted to ensure the safety of someone I care about.” Rose says.

Kanaya whispers, “Rose...I told you to stay put. We were almost toast. If you had been caught by the Clown Cult, I would have never been able to forgive myself.”

Rose looks down. Her eyes sting a little.

Aradia steps forward. “Signless, is it?”

He nods. “And you are?”

“Aradia.” Aradia answers. “Rose’s moirail. When we met back there, I she just wanted to take care of the people she loves. That’s why she left. And, now you might know, but if Rose and Dave never told Derse, we have a lot of trouble trusting the Tower with protecting us. Plus, you wanted to keep her locked up. If you did that to me, I’d escape on principle.”

Signless sighs. “All right. Rose, I understand why you did what you did. But there were dangerous criminals out there, and when we give you an order, we do it to keep you safe. I know the feeling of being caged. I felt your anger. But you are wise enough to know why, and I wish you would acknowledge that.”

Kanaya’s looking away.

“And...then there is the matter of how you got out.” Signless says. “I do not want to ask, but it is a security issue if you managed to get out during lockdown...”

Rose realizes: in taking that door out, she closed it for the last time.

She has to tell the truth, or she will be interrogated by Kankri. And she knows he will show no mercy.

She makes a mental note: she owes Mituna five video games. At least.

The least she can do is keep his name out of it, but he’ll hate her for sure.

Rose tells Signless she found the passageway and managed to circumvent the lock. She just hopes he doesn’t ask how the lock opened.

Signless levels a look at her. “And the lock?”

“When I turned the knob, it was unlocked.” Rose says.

She hopes lies by omission work.

“Rose, I read emotions. I know you're keeping something from me. Something specific."


Signless waits. He has all the time he needs. Rose wishes she wasn’t meeting so many people who knew where all the pieces were, and all she could do was give them what they wanted.

Rose takes a deep breath.

I am so sorry, Mituna. It is for the vigilante cause.

“The passageway is one where Mituna and Latula sneak out. He cracked the lock.” Rose says.

Signless leans back. “Ah. That does explain more than a few things...regardless, I will take the proper actions. Rose...I cannot lie, what you did was reckless and insubordinate, and even something that might put you in line for dismissal.”

Rose’s stomach drops.

“No!” Jade and Kanaya both say at once.

Signless looks at them.

“She just wanted to help her family! We can stay with her if something like this happens again.” Jade says.

Kanaya says, “It was reckless, but punishing Rose to that degree feels rather...excessive...besides, she has and will continue to render valuable service to the Tower, like her brother.”

Signless holds up a hand. “I was not going to fire her. That would truly be up to Cyansprite or Jane or even John, and all three have only asked if you were okay.”

“What about...” Kanaya trails off.

“I believe enough of us will file favorable reports to spare her. Besides, those two do not care much about the staff...” Signless sounds a bit reproachful at the last part, but he shakes his head. “I will leave you with a warning, Rose.”

He turns to Aradia. “It was good to meet you in person, Aradia. Karkat talks about you quite a bit.”

“Oh?” Aradia looks surprised.

“Yes. Mostly about what Jade has said.”

“Uh---are we dismissed?” Jade interrupts. Her gaze darts aside.

“Yes, Jade.”

As they leave, Rose says, “I owe Mituna a fortune.”

Aradia smirks. “Yes, yes you do. I...Jade, would you like to take a walk together? And Kanaya, can you take Rose to Mituna?”

Kanaya nods. They part ways. Rose braces for a stern talking to, but Kanaya pulls her into her arms.

Rose feels her pulse flutter.

“Don’t do that again. I...I only heard you were missing for the few minutes before Jade found you, but...I thought I lost you.”

The guilt returns, along with the conflict. Rose is grateful she saved Kanaya’s life. But those seconds of worry were enough to have Kanaya’s shoulders shaking.

“I just...there are people here who care about you, too. I know it is not the same. But please remember that.”

Rose wants to melt into a puddle and promise Kanaya the world, promise she’ll stay next time. But if there’s a next time, she knows Lightseer will be out there again.

Instead, she leans against Kanaya’s heartbeat, listening to her breathe.

“I care about you, too.” The words slip out of her.

Kanaya stills. Then she pulls her closer, rubbing at her back. This time, Rose really does feel herself melt.

“How about we stay here for dinner?” Kanaya asks. “We can see Dersite restaurants another time.”

Rose is tired enough that she agrees.

But first. She owes someone something.


“...and so I had to tell the truth.” Rose finishes.

He gets up, and paces in a few circles. He shouts, “Fuck!” out loud, and sits down. He slams his fists on the desk.

Rose winces.

Mituna’s looking at her through his helmet and bangs. His mouth is a little line.

“You come to me and tell me you’ve revealed my secret spot. My secret escape. After I helped you.”

“I owe you many a video game. More than one.”

Mituna stays quiet, except his fingertips drumming on the table.


The corners of his mouth turn down.

Rose sighs. “I know it is unforgivable after all your help, after I was able to leave. I will go with you to a gaming store and buy you what you want.”

Mituna throws back his head and cackles.

“Deal!” He crows. “Sucker! Oh man, you should’ve seen your face. Get fucking pwned.”

Rose realizes she’s been played for a fool. And now she owes this guy a shopping spree. And unlike Aradia at the aquarium, Rose gets the feeling he’s not about to be merciful.

“Wait till Tula and Sol hear about this.”

Rose groans.

“Heh. Chump. It’s all good, though. But I’m gonna make you buy copies of Zelda for all of us.” Mituna grins.

Kanaya looks concerned. “Mituna, is that not a bit harsh?”

“Nah, she promised! Not sure how she’s gonna get the money, though. How much do they pay here?” Mituna asks.

“Not enough for three copies of Zelda.” Rose mutters, then sighs. “I will take more sewing commissions.”

“Huh?” Mituna asks. “Why’re you here, then?”

“More stable. And I’d like to get more varied experience.” Rose lies.

[tentacleTherapist began pestering gemstoneGlaucus]

TT: Hello.

TT: Though I remain uninterested in your more permanent offer, I would like to offer a commfishion to you. At a discount, as a loyal customer.

GG: Shell yeah.

GG: Y’know, rosie, i change my mind about you. feffie says you’re ship-shape and i’ll agree aboat that.

TT: Let minnow when you know what you want.

GG: Already dew. Gonna be a big gala soon, reel fancy ship.

GG: You know the 1920s?

TT: A flapper dress or a suit?

GG: Flipper all the way. Don’t shrimp on the glitter.

TT: And shell beads.

GG: knew we were on the same wavelength.

TT: I will show you sketches soon.

Rose puts away the phone.

“Well?” Kanaya asks.

“Luckily, I have good customers.” Ones easily swayed by fish puns.

Still, Rose knows: she won’t be able to do that again.


"You promised him WHAT?" Dirk shouts.

Ah, there's the consequences.


Everyone say thank you Hal for getting Rose to call her moirail instead of doing the usual thing. I figured it was about time Rose didn't get the Worst Possible Timeline.

Sorry for making Dirk the default responsible one. I promise he's far stupider in his daily life.

As always, thank you for reading! Please comment and/or leave kudos if you enjoyed. Your words make my heart sing.

Chapter 41: She's a Game Girl, I'm a Game Girl


Several important conversations---one of them's in a game store!


Thanks for all of the comments and kudos! I adore seeing what you all have to say.

Please enjoy some fluff, some angst, and some stuff about the Princes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose has returned home. Her lovely night with Kanaya is a blur; she fell asleep yet again and only awoke when Dave---who was also quite sleepy---came to get her.

She wishes she could stay with Kanaya overnight. Rose decides that would be much preferable to Dirk’s disappointment in her.

“You’re already risking so much for heroes who hardly deserve it. And now you’re telling me that you made a promise that foolish? I thought I was bad with money.” Dirk shakes his head.

Even when he’s scolding her, there’s always that signature self deprecation.

Rose says, “It could have been worse.”

“It could have been better! Now you’re about to get in closer with the Midnight Crew.” Dirk snaps.

“We told Meenah no.” Rose says. “She respects us enough to listen to that, especially sinxe the Crew is generally not doing something the vigilantes would have to fight.”

“She kicked you out of her house.”

“How else am I supposed to pay for this?”

Dirk sighs. “Tell him you can’t?”

“Could you do that?”

Dirk stiffens; that’s not an easy thing to admit.

“Fine. But Rose? Just don’t overdo it…”

“Could you do that?”

He sighs. “Point taken, Rose.”

Roxy overhears. “Both of you need to stop staying up late doing a million things. Rose, I think this guy will understand if you tell him you’re not that rich.”

“What about Meenah? That could antagonize the Crew.”

“You’re already supposed to be at odds.” Says Dirk.

“Tell you what. I’ll talk to him.” Roxy says.

“No, you have work---” Rose starts, but Roxy cuts her off. She’s smiling.

“I’ve got a couple days off. Trust me, Rosie.” Roxy grins.

“Please tell me you aren’t going to flirt---”

“Oh puh-lease. I can come up with a better bribe. Well, not better than this,” Roxy spins a bit, and Dirk and Rose roll their eyes. “But I’m loyal to the beautiful and perfect Fefeta, thankyouverymuch.”

“Mituna is also dating someone.” Rose says.

Dirk sighs. “Thank you, Roxy.”

“When is the shopping spree?” Roxy asks.

“Tomorrow afternoon.” Rose says. “I will be low on funds for a bit, but Mituna’s schedule is very blocked out.”

“Sweet. I’ll meet you.” Roxy grins. “Now then. You stopped the clown cult today. You still patrolling?”

Rose nods.

“Welp, all right!”


Patrol is uneventful and that’s the “no news is good news” standard of Derse.

The biggest event here is that Eridan’s patrolling with her.

“So…how do your prophecies work?” He asks.

“I see a flash of light and then a vision. Usually it is a few seconds. Sometimes it is much, much longer and much, much worse.” Rose says. “And I get them when I dream, sometimes.”

“How can you tell the difference?”

“It is very obvious.”

“So you can’t start or end them.”

“I can sometimes switch viewpoints within the same timeframe.” Rose says. “And I sometimes see two different timelines. And four, that one time.” She does not mention the garnet blossom. That hardly counts, as much as she misses that degree of power.

“Are you going to sew a costume for me?” Eridan asks. Right now his costume is just dark clothing and a mask that covers his head and hair.

“When we clear you, yes.”

“Didn’t they do that quick with you?”

“No, actually, and they have taken me off of the team before.” Rose says. “I am also well trained. Are you?”

Eridan sighs irritably. “I told you, I bought a real gun.”

“And we don’t use weapons that are lethal unless absolutely necessary. Dave usually uses the blunt side of his sword for a reason.” Rose says.

“What about your arrows?”

“I pin. I don’t kill.” Rose says. She doesn’t mention her early misses.

“Really? Because your aim is---”

“Listen, Eridan.” Rose cuts him off. “I understand what you are about to say. But think about it. Is it worse to be a bad shot with a lethal weapon, or with one that is only sometimes deadly?”

“The lethal one still does more damage.” Eridan says.

“Right. And what, pray tell, if there are civilians?”

Eridan is silent.

“Non-pellet guns are severely outlawed in Skaia.” Rose says. “Even the Clown Cult has trouble getting their hands on them. That’s how well they’ve cut off the trade to our island. Now, I do not know how you managed to get your hands on a normal one. I assume the fees were exorbitant and quite a waste. What happens when the Tower learns one of us vigilantes shot an actual gun?”

“Our enemies use them all the time.”

“And we have hearts to win, unlike them.” Rose sighs. “Look, I would not deny that Roxy would be excellent with live ammunition instead of her rubber bullets.”

Eridan sighs. “I’ll use rubber bullet rounds, then. But if it’s an emergency---”

“What’s wrong with your powers? They sound more useful than mine. I should be the one complaining that I cannot use bullets.” Rose says.

“They suck and Dave’s training isn’t making them better.” He says.

Rose sighs. “Fine. Let’s stop for a moment. What do you want to be able to do?”

“Spears like Azure Dragon.” Says Eridan. “Or weather like hers.”

“Hmm. Show me your best.”

He just freezes Rose down a bit, not enough to stop her

“Can you ice the ground?”

“Isn’t that bad for our allies too?”

“Sometimes. It would be fine with me and Aradia. Do not do that with Tank on the field.”

Eridan sighs.

“Focus harder at it.”

“Don’t your powers work out of control? He’d be better---”

“Do you want my help or not?”

Eridan tries concentrating. It’s not working any better.

“Has Dirk helped you?”

“He’s a little better at teaching me.” Eridan says. “He keeps telling me that it’s better to control the terrain than use the spears.”

“He’s not wrong, and that’s more within what you can do.” Rose says.

“I don’t want to be stuck there.”

“That’s not always up to us.” Rose says.

“Maybe if you didn’t have that attitude you wouldn’t be where you are.”

Rose glares. “You have no idea what it’s like to spend your childhood watching the worst things possible happen with no recourse or ability to block it out, do you? Murders? Children beaten, not just your siblings, but every child in Derse? What happened to Psiionic? How Signless took him out of the Battleship Condescension?

“Have you seen the Mayor’s carvings of that? Do you know who he asked about those?” Rose’s voice drops to a whisper. “I have seen so many things. None in my control. Dave had it bad enough. Do you really want to know what that is like a millionfold?”

Eridan glares. Then he sighs.

“Sorry.” He looks down. “That…sounds like it sucks. I just wish I could get stronger. If I had a mentor with similar powers. But Azure Dragon’s not there anymore and she’s a hero anyway.”

Rose taps her temple. “Remember our day jobs?”

Eridan says, “Wouldn’t that make you look suspicious?”

“Not if I’m careful enough.”

“Dirk doesn’t think you’re very careful.”


“He talks about you a lot.” Eridan says. “I kinda wish my older brother worried about me like that.”

Rose grimaces. Eridan’s home’s in Feferi’s neighborhood. It’s opulent with old, old money, and his parents work in Prospit. Ampora isn’t actually all that uncommon a name in Derse, but most older residents know who The Amporas are, even if they’re much quieter than some of the Prospitian rich. He’d be going to private school if he didn’t want to stay with Feferi and Feferi didn’t want to stick with the people she thought she could help the most.

His older brother, on the other hand…well, Rose recognizes a shitty family member.

An unexpected surge of pity hits Rose. “If you can’t stay at Feferi’s…the other vigilantes can let you stay for a night. Well, not Bone Witch. But you get the point.”

“What’s going on with her? I would’ve thought she’d have the nicest place.” Eridan says.

“Why?” Rose asks.

“Well, she’s the highest ranked. She should…”

“Did you seriously forget we don’t get paid?”

He looks away. “Well, that’s how Skaian meritocracy works everywhere else!”

Rose stares.

He doesn’t seem to figure out what’s going on with that statement. Instead, he says, “She should still have a place to stay.”

“Feferi lets her often, and the only reason she doesn’t stay is she doesn’t want Meenah to feel like she can hold it over her. She also crashes with plenty of others, including the Mayor and Fefeta.” Rose says. “I would like to have her over more, but that’s neither here nor there.”

“That’s bullshit. Mother and Father would let me have her stay.”

“Is it safe, though?” Rose asks.

Eridan sighs.

“Have you told the others about him?” Rose asks. She doesn’t have to mention the name.

“Did you?”

Rose shakes her head. “Some things are not my story to tell.”

“Then they don’t know.” Eridan says.

Rose nods. “All right, let’s continue our patrol. And Eridan? If I see anything like Azure Dragon, I will tell you.”

They continue on.

Rose still doesn’t like him. But she understands a little more of him, and at least he’s her ally.


Shopping Spree day is Mituna, Latula, and Rose. They’re in the videogame store, the best in Prospit.

“Hold on, we’re waiting for one more person.” Rose says.

“Kanaya?” Mituna smirks.

Rose shakes her head, just as Roxy runs up.

“Hellooo, the gamer grrrl is here!” Roxy shouts.

“Already is!” Latula points to herself.

Roxy grins. “Hell yeah.”

She holds up a hand to high five. Latula smacks her hand hard.

“Woo! I’m Roxy, Rose’s cool older sis.” Roxy grins.

“Sweet! I’m Latula and this is my rad boyfriend Mituna.” Latula says. “Your sister offered to buy us games ‘cause she gave away our spot.”

“About that.” Roxy says. “What about…a different deal?”


“I’ve got some strings. And I know someone working on a super cool top secret indie game project.” Roxy winks.

“Awesome! What’s it called?” Latula asks.

“We’re calling it Project Glubmeow for now.” Roxy says. “But it’s an indie horror rpg with elements like Squiddles and Undertale and all the other coolest games.”

Mituna grins. “So, you offering us advance copies or something? It’ll have to be pretty good for us to forego a shopping spree.”

“Y’know, I can pay, if Rose doesn’t actually have---” Latula starts, but Mituna shakes his head.

“She promised.” He grins.

“Oh yeah? What if I said I’d name some characters after you, make some custom sprites and cool battle tactics and everything.” Roxy says.

Latula whistles. “That one’s pretty good. Whaddaya say, Tunes?”

Mituna slumps. “You know I wasn’t actually gonna make you pay for all that, right? Even if you’ve got someone buying fancy stuff from you, I know what it’s like to get by in Derse when you’re sick, and you were checking on your family. Besides, Tula and I have plenty of spots.”

“You did this again?” Rose glares.

“Hey, you keep falling for it!” Mituna grins. “I’d say it’s fair!”

“I can afford one game.” Rose grumbles.

“You keep walking into it, too! Stop letting your pride jerk you around like a stupid marionette!”

Rose shudders. Bad analogy. Mituna doesn’t notice, but he grins. “I’ll call it even if we can be the coolest couple in the game.”

“You’ll have to compete with the protagonist and her girlfriend.”

“Oh, hell yeah!” Latula grins. “I’m up for that!”

“All right, all right.” Mituna says.

Roxy beams.

Roxy ends up getting along with the two of them pretty well. Roxy feels somewhat left out.

“So, how’s Lopan? Anyone beaten Gameblorg’s high score at Donkey Kong yet?” Mituna asks.

Roxy says, “Nope, that guy’s still a legend.”

“Damn right I am.”

Roxy’s jaw drops. “Can I have your autograph?”

Mituna, thankfully, doesn’t charge for that. He signs his signature tag on Roxy’s notebook.

“I’ve been trying to beat you for ages! People aim for my scores instead and I keep getting knocked down!” Roxy complains.

“Sounds like you need to get gud.”

“Fuck off.” Roxy rolls her eyes.

Latula buys Zelda for the two of them. “Mituna brags about that all the time. I just wish it was safe for us to go into Derse.”

Roxy stiffens a little. It’s a common perception, and while Derse’s streets may not be the safest, there’s still the whole “crime and drugs around every corner” stereotype that happens.

Latula notices. “I don’t mean it like that!”

“Tula’s not acting like we’re all criminals, RX. She means my powers fuck me up sometimes and I gotta stay by the Tower.” He says. “Can’t make Comet my ambulance.”

“Ah. Wait, RX?”

“Means you’re our friend, Pop Rox!” Latula nudges her. “He and Sol are always coming up with those two letter names. I was LT for a while before I was Tulip or Tula!”

“That’s awesome!” Roxy cheers. “I just call my sweet precious Fefeta a bunch of adjectives.”

“You’ve got a girlfriend?” Latula asks.

Roxy immediately pulls up her picture of Fefeta.

“She’s so cute.” Latula grins.

“Hell yeah she is!” Roxy smiles.

The amount of energy in the room is beginning to get to Rose. Not that she’s paying much attention. LT.

Latula, taking off her jacket. Sitting back in the too-hot sun. Then, finally, waving a hand, and making a layer of frost appear on the desk.

She’s found Azure Dragon.

But given what happened to Antevorta, she’s guessing it might not be so easy to bring it up.

“What kind of powers do you want Roxy to give you in game?” Rose asks.

“Ooh, yeah! You guys are gonna be part animal too, everyone is---so you’ve gotta give me that, too!”

“Make me a thunderbird.” Mituna says. “And Tulip should be a dra---oh! What do you want?” He stops himself.

Latula smiles. It’s a little strained. “Uh…maybe a firebird for Tuna?”

“Wha?” Mituna asks. “You don’t have to do fire if you don’t want to. Especially not to match me. RX’s gonna make us a cool couple no matter what!”

“I dunno…” Latula says. “What do you guys think?”

Rose wishes she could suggest something that’s not suspicious.

“Hmm…maybe a a lynx with some cool speed?” Roxy suggests. “You seem like a fast player.”

“Sure am!”

“Tula always plays speedsters.” Mituna grins. Then he puts a jittery hand on her arm. “But…”

Latula fiddles with a silver bracelet. Roxy seems to guess that this is a sore subject.

“I could also make you armored with a cool sword.” Roxy says.

Latula smiles. “I do like a good cool sword.”

“You should hang out with Dirk.” Roxy smiles.


“Your brother has the same name as the guy Jake keeps sighing over?” Mituna rolls his eyes.

Roxy’s eyes light up. “Oh, no way. Oh man. What’s his chumhandle?”

“Wait, it’s the same guy?”

“This is hilarious.” Roxy says. “And yeah, if we’re talking about a Jake with gold bands? Yeah.”

Latula grins. “He’s golgothasTerror. This is gonna be brilliant.”

“Or a disaster. Jake keeps talking about how down bad he’d be for Dirk if he was a girl. He can’t even admit he’s gay. No offense, but he’s kind of an idiot.” Mituna says.

“Rude! But uh…he’s not the best guy with his feelings. Or anyone else’s.” Latula pauses. “I get it if that’s not something you want to introduce your bro to.”

Roxy shrugs. “Hey, as long as he’s not vengeful or something.”

“He is Skylark.” Rose says.

“His persona’s not vengeful.” Latula says.

Roxy catches on. “Ah. Well, we can figure that out. It’s up to Dirk, honestly.”

“Hopefully he’s a smart guy.” Mituna says.

“He is! He helps with the programming sometimes.” Roxy says. “I’m usually our coder but he’s hells of smart.”

“Jake is almost as good as Jade at nuclear physics.” Says Latula.

“Nuclear physics isn’t figuring out you’re obviously down bad for a guy, or that your sister has been making out with that ‘very good friend of hers’ for weeks.” Mituna says.

“Nothing wrong with missing some social queues.” Roxy says. Fefeta does that often, and it’s never really sat well with Roxy to hear people insult others for it.

Mituna sighs. “Fine, but I maintain the ‘he’s just my ideal type if he was a girl’ thing is dumb. Latula’s invited him to the unofficial bi club and he said he only likes ‘the pretty ladies and not the handsome gents, unfortunately’.”

“There’s an unofficial bi club at the Tower?” Roxy asks.

“Yep! It’s really just me and Tuna and Sol. There’s probably more of us but it’s not like we can get anyone else there. There’s a reason I never tried again.”

“She just got tired of his bullshit.” Mituna grins.

“I could probably join.” Rose shrugs.

“Really?” Latula asks. “No offense, but you seemed to mostly be into girls.”

“Ooh, who does she like?” Roxy asks. “Who’s she staring at in the Tower?”

To Rose’s absolute horror, the devious expressions that Latula and Mituna wore when talking about Dirk and Jake are back. And now, they’re talking about her.

“I’m surprised she hasn’t brought it up. She’s down bad for---”

“I can at least treat us to some baked goods.” Rose interrupts, hoping this time bribery will work.

Mituna cackles. “Oh, this is way sweeter. There’s a girl called Kanaya.”

“Is she a hero?”

“Yeah.” Mituna grins. “If she hadn’t shown the Tower the exit I wouldn’t be surprised to catch them down there!”

“That will never happen!” Rose shouts.

“Not at this rate it won’t! We’ve gotta work on your skills, Rose! Ask her out.” Latula says.

Roxy says, “Well…Rosie, it’s your choice. But I gotta say, it sounds really cute. And I thought you were too serious for this! All about the ambition. I thought it’d just be Dave! I’ve gotta meet this Karkat and Kanaya.”

“But what will Dirk think?” Rose asks.

“He won’t have much room to talk.” Roxy grins. Then she falters.

She’s realizing the ramifications like Rose has.

“But again, if you’re not ready, you’re not ready.” Roxy puts a hand on Rose’s shoulder.

Mituna sighs. “Yeah. All right. We’re even, RE. RS. RS, yeah. We’re even.”

Mituna extends a fist for a fist bump. Rose obliges.


They end up at a pizza shop in Lotaf, the legal center of Skaia. The pizza is overpriced but delicious, and Latula pays.

She likes anchovies and Mituna likes pineapple. Thankfully, they get a cheese pizza for Rose and Roxy, which is appreciated.

“Dave would like the anchovies and pineapple.” Rose says.

Mituna made a face. “Together?”

“He’s weird.” Roxy shrugs. “It didn’t happen to the rest of us, but he’ll try any weird food combo.”

“Huh. I guess Rezi’s weird about food.” Latula shrugs.

“Really?” Rose asks. “I thought her power might make her prefer blander foods…”

“You’d think that, but she tastes color, so she’ll sometimes ‘season’ her food with food coloring.” Latula says. “If you dye it a strong enough red, it almost doesn’t matter if you forgot to add salt.”

“That would be interesting.” Rose says. “What does red taste like?”

“Depends on the shade. She could give you more detail. Way more.” Latula says. “She loves pretty much every type of it. I think it’s why she trusted Dave on the spot, even though she called it her sight.”

“She sounds awesome, honestly.” Roxy smiles.

“She’s twice the hero I was.” Latula sighs, somewhat wistful.

“You were a hero?” Roxy asks, and both Rose and Latula flinch a bit. This will not go well.

“Not right now.” She forces a smile. “I like the office, you know? More time for games and makeouts.”

Mituna’s got a comforting hand on hers, petting at the back of her hand with a thumb. Slowly, she relaxes again.

“Let’s not talk about that, ‘kay?” Latula says. “Let’s get some dessert! Tuna, what’s your pick?”
“Boba!” He grins.

Rose picks the basic tea and boba, Roxy goes for coconut with custard, and Latula picks green tea. Mituna gets red and blue popping boba, plus an extra for Sollux.

They part ways at the bus stop.

“I can’t believe that worked.” Roxy grinned.

“I did not expect that to be so effective.”

Roxy grins. “Gamer telepathy. And two cool new friends. I can’t wait to see Fefeta kick his ass on Smash. Glub’s gonna kill him with Octoling.”

“I think the two of them might even be able to defeat her…” Rose says.

“Nah, Fefeta’s the coolest.” Roxy grins.

They’re quiet as the bus goes, but Roxy bumps Rose with her shoulder, and Rose bumps back.

“Sooooo, Kanaya.” Roxy grins. “Only a little while and you’re already down bad, huh?”

“It’s been two months.” Rose says.

“Wha? When?” Roxy demands.

“Meenah’s first commission. I ran into her at the fabric store, and we spoke with each other. Then…she turned out to be Silkworm.” Rose is blushing.

Roxy grins as they get off and begin to walk through Derse.

“Star crossed love. Just like Dave and his thing for Karkat, who he still won’t introduce me to.” Roxy says.

Rose shrugs. “He is quite loud and angry, but he has a good heart.”

“The Rose Lalonde Stamp of Approval, huh?” Roxy whistles. “And he’s probably known him even longer than you’ve known Kanaya.”

“Since the start of summer, yes.” Rose nods. “I could have told you back then.”

“Why didn’t you?”


“You just wanted to be the only one to tease him.”

“Maybe so.” Rose sighs. “We’re both messes, falling for heroes.”

“And we might have a third…” Roxy shakes her head. “I’dve pointed to Aradia for a crush.”

“I do like her. It’s the divine romance thing…we’re moirails.” Rose says, with the mix of fondness of guilt that always rises up in her.

“Hells yeah, perfect for you.” Roxy says. “And Kanaya’s more of a mortal romance?”

“Yes, red romance.” Rose says. “But she may not reciprocate, and there is already so much complexity in this mission.”

“I can’t say it wouldn’t be a better strategy to hunker down and focus.” Roxy nods.

Rose sighs. “I know. I will not be asking her out, no matter how badly I want to. There is just too much going on.”

“Rose, I’m sure you and Dirk have both heard this a million times. But you can’t sacrifice your way to being happy.”

“That’s not what this is about. This is about saving lives. And I’d never be able to fully trust Kanaya with all of it.” Rose looks down.

Roxy shakes her head. “I wish it were that simple. And as much as I know you shouldn’t lie…I see your face, Rose. From what I’ve heard so far, she’s a great girl. You love her, and pushing that down isn’t going to save people. That’s going to be your wits and your courage, and the fact that you care under the whole psychologist schtick.”

Rose looks down. Her face is burning.

“But if it’s easier, I also don’t blame you if you choose to push it all down. It’ll make you sadder, but you might find someone else you like, someone you can trust here in Derse. Nepeta and Feferi are both good to you, and I know Aradia would listen to you.”

“Aradia’s dating Comet. She didn’t even hesitate…” Rose kicks a pebble.

“And that’s great for her.” Roxy says. “It could be great for you, too. Or it might add even more complicated stuff for you to deal with, besides the sewing and the school and the…thing at night. You have a job to do, too. Oh! Tell Meenah to cancel.”

Rose shakes her head, somewhat guilty.


“I don’t want to antagonize the Crew.” Rose says. “Or her. She’s got power, remember? I’ll stay on her good side and get us more money while we’re at it. The parts for the helmets won’t buy themselves.”

Roxy says, “You know my job doesn’t pay badly, and you and Dave are making some decent income.”

“This will still help us, especially if one of us gets sick.” Rose says. “And…a shell and glitter flapper dress would be absolutely stunning. I can’t say I don’t want to attempt it.”

Roxy looks pensive for a moment, and then her face lights up.


“Two birds with one stone!” she grins.


“You met her in a fabric store. Why not have a little sewing date?” Roxy’s full-on grinning now.

Rose hasn’t really collaborated with others all that much. Dirk sews well, but he’s usually busy with other things. Their last project was a patchwork octopus that sits in his closet.

She opens up her phone to text Kanaya.

TT: I have received a rather difficult commission. Would you like to help sometime Saturday evening?

GA: Rose I Would Adore The Chance To See Your Skills At Work.

GA: And Of Course I Will Help.

Roxy reads the texts.

“I don’t think you have to worry about her not reciprocating.”

They reach home.

Dirk is there. Dave is curled on the floor, laughing like he can’t stop.

“Explain this.” Dirk says. “Because Hal won’t.”

“Like I’d wingman for you. That was all Roxy.” Hal says over the speakers. He’s laughing too, a loop of Dirk’s younger laugh that manages to be just as genuine as Dave’s.

Dirk snaps, “This isn’t a game. I can’t just go out with a hero who can tell I’m dangerous with a touch.”

“You definitely like him.” Roxy says. “You spend so much time cooped up. You could just have some fun.”

“Not with him.” Dirk sighs. “And I’ve dated before!”

“Hookups don’t do the real thing justice.” Roxy says.

“Easy for you to say, when your crush is another powered Dersite and your powers aren’t designed to kill the people closest to you!” Dirk shouts.

Everyone stares. He’ll snap, but he seldom yells. He’s usually calm, the picture of the so-called Strider chill.

He puts his head in his hands. “I know all of you have someone---even Rose, it’s obvious as fuck. And even though Dave’s got a crush on someone at the Tower, at least dating him isn’t a risk to the entire operation! Dave has control and Karkat’s just a healer. But it’s not that simple for me.”

“Dirk…” Hal’s voice comes up on the speaker, unusually quiet.

“I’ll admit it, okay Roxy? I get lonely and I’m not some invulnerable statue. And if it weren’t for our powers, I’d probably be texting him. But I just…when my heart is involved, someone is going to get hurt. Hell, it’s usually you guys. You should know this.”

“It wasn’t your fault, and a lot of it was protecting us.” Dave says. He’s not laughing anymore.

“I saw how you felt when I did it. You didn’t talk to me for two years, just Roxy and Rose. I did that.” Dirk’s gone still. His voice is choked. “I keep fucking things up for us and I can barely keep friends. So forgive me if connecting with someone who could fuck me up almost as bad doesn’t make me giggle and kick my feet.”

Dirk turns and leaves for his room.

Roxy glances at Rose.

“I think he’ll need some time.” Rose says. “And Dave and I have a patrol to do.”


I'm almost out of tags so I can't tag strider manpain or whatever but it's there.

Thank you again for reading! I deeply appreciate your comments and kudos! They make me smile every time.

Have the loveliest day!

Chapter 42: Versus Skylark


Rose patrols with Nepeta, but they run into something quite, quite difficult...


Yayyy Jake English chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rose isn’t usually with Nepeta, but that’s where she is this time. It’s a chilly night, and Rose is proud of her sewing and Dirk’s engineering. Her suit is warm in winter and cold in summer.

Rose copies a bit of Nepeta’s parkour. She’s been trying to get more nimble, playing to what she can already do.

No one’s beating Nepeta.

All’s quiet around Midnight Crew territory. To be fair, they keep their part of town pretty free of any crime except theirs, so it’s a quick sweep before they reach the outskirts of Lolcat. It’s by Nepeta’s neighborhood, the clocktower, and of course Disciple Street.

“Want to climb it?” Nepeta gestures to the tower.

“Have you done it before?”

“Of course I have!”

Rose inspects it. “The vantage point might improve my powers, but I don’t wish to waste energy on something like that.”

Nepeta shrugs. “Fair.”

They patrol to Locat. The Land of Cubes and Tea was once the culinary capital of the city. Now, that honor has to go to Locah, where the round roofs resembled hot air balloons and Gumshoe did her best photoshoots.

Some Locat family restaurants and bakeries still survived, but like most neighborhoods by Derse, HIC had drone bombed the place to near level. It was rumored that many there were still homeless, the beautiful olive paint and murals reduced to rubble and the cheapest concrete on the rare occasion that anyone built anything there.

“Say…can we go to Locat?” Nepeta asks.

Rose nods, and follows. She has Hal let the others know.

Nepeta goes quiet as they wander.

“I’ve only been here with Equihiss.” She says.

Rose understands.

“Did you…live here, before?” Rose asks.

“Meulin and I did.” Nepeta nods. “And…I don’t remember her much, in all honesty, but…Mom was there. And we had a Dad, too, but he lived somewhere else. Better for everyone.”

Divorce, Rose assumes. She wishes her parents had done that long ago.

“But when I was old enough, Meulin told me who she was.”

Rose stops cold.

“Her name was Lenore Leijon.” Nepeta says.

And she knows before Nepeta says it.

“She was Disciple.”

Nepeta slumps. “She loved Locat. And of course, it was after HIC killed her…”

“This wasn’t just conquest.” Rose says. “It was revenge.”

“Meulin and I escaped. I can’t remember how, just that I was in foster care until Meulin managed to come get me.” Nepeta says. “And that’s how we got to Disciple Street. I feel like didn't escape with my life. Sometimes, it feels like I really did die there, and when I came back in Derse, I woke up with a different one. I didn’t talk much until I met Equihiss. We were online friends, and then we met up in Derse. He was adopted by a nice man called Arthour. So it worked out.”

Rose feels she should say something. “Thank you for trusting me with this.”

“I can trust you and Purradia now.” Nepeta says. “And Dave, too. There’s more of us.”

Rose feels a lump in her chest.

“There’s stuff I think I’m not gonna tell anyone but Equihiss, but we’re a team.” Nepeta stretches out.

Rose says, “Hmm…”

“Don’t tell a story you’re not ready for. You of all people should know that’s bad for trauma.”

Rose gives a small laugh. “I don’t think I’m quite ready for that…hmm…I could tell you about my mother. She was not a hero. She was a scientist.”


“First in her family. She was very smart, and our house was full of gadgets. We were well off, even without…my father’s work. But it took its toll on her.” Rose says. “I can’t remember a single time I saw her without a wineglass in her hand.”

Nepeta puts a hand on Rose’s shoulder.

“It sucked.” Rose says. “I was always angry at her. When she died, I thought I was ungrateful, and in more than a few ways, I was. However…it was not unwarranted. I believe I might save the more grizzly details for Aradia.”

Nepeta nods. “Thanks for telling me that. Now…you wanna spar?”

Rose is about to agree, but her mind fills:

An old building on the outskirts of the city. People in pastels file in and out. It seems unexceptional, a place just out by the edge of Lomat. Probably an old factory.

It’s no castle. But Rose knows what it is.

“I may have found a Light Court base.” Rose says.

Nepeta’s face lights up as Rose describes it.

“Hmm…that’s two in Lomat! Maybe they’re based there.” Nepeta says.

“It could also be a red herring.” Rose says.

“Fefurri rubbing off on you?” Nepeta jokes.

Rose rolls her eyes, and Nepeta laughs.

“Kidding.” She says. “You could be right. Two bases in Lomat doesn’t mean they’re Lomat based. Still, it could be worth investigating.”

“Or attacking.” Rose wants to send a message: Derse will protect its people from its threats. That means the Light Court, which they can handle without Prospit’s foolish operation. There’s a problem, though.

Lomat is Prospitian, wealthy site of the new Stock Exchange after Lohac’s got bombed.

It’s Gambler’s turf.

“We should alert the Tower so they can take them down.” Nepeta says. “We defend when we have to, but we don’t have the resources to attack.”

Rose nods. “I know. But think about it. We could show that we can take the Light Court, and that Tower intervention is not necessary. Tipping Gambler off is one thing, but if we’re the ones to take the base? We’re a force instead of a nuisance.”

“It’s a waste of resources, Lightseer.”

“I know.” Rose sighs. “I’m just tired of being the messenger only.”

Rose has Hal relay the info, and the other vigilantes agree: an attack would be foolish.

Sighing, Rose sits down to message Gambler.

Lightseer: Hello, Gambler.

She sends her the address.

Gambler: That’s an o8vious trap [obvious]

Lightseer: What would we have to gain from that?

Gambler: You could 8e trying to take me prisoner. [be]

Lightseer: Take Redglare or someone else. I’m just the messenger.

Gambler: Ughhhhhhhh, fiiiiiiiine. I’ll check it out next chance I get. 8ut if you and your cronies are in there to kill me with hammers, I’ll kill you myself. [but]

Lightseer: That will not happen.

The night goes on. Nepeta stops a mugging and Rose distributes some spare nutrition bars; vigilantes carry some emergency medicine and provisions to make life a little easier. It’s Locat, not Derse proper. The population here is sparser and there’s still wreckage from all those years ago. Villains don’t often attack here because so many people have fled; it’s just another part of Skaia that gets ignored, by everyone it seems.

“Locas is worse off.” Nepeta says, as Rose gazes out over some ruins that still show their beautiful colors. “At least people live here.”
Rose can’t say much to that.

“I think we should be helping here.” She says, once she can shape the words. “And not in Lomat. You were right.”

Nepeta chuckles. “Always am. Now, let’s---”

Hal pings both of them.

“Get back to Derse. Sunset Drive. Ultimatum’s rounding up Dersites, and people of Derse…” He flashes the poll up before them.

Overwhelmingly, the Dersites want their families with them. Not in the Tower.

So it’s up to the vigilantes to obey.


Rose and the others all reach the area.

Most are quiet, under Ultimatum’s thrall.

Rose realizes with a start: he’s not alone.

“Skylark.” Rose says.

Good backup, and better for a larger crowd.

Oof. She hopes Dirk isn’t listening. He probably is, but even so.

“All vigilantes without suits are out of the area?” Rose asks.

“Eridan and Feferi are home. You guys can take them pretty well, but Skylark wields stun pistols and if he gets his hands on anyone’s power things will get tricky. Dave, Aradia, you guys keep further or focus Ultimatum." Hal says.

“Gladly.” Dave’s glaring down at him.

Rose surveys the situation. Some are compliant. Some are crying. One is…

“Get in there!”

“No fucking way, I need to stay here for someone!”

It’s Kuprum.

“Kuprum got taken by the Light Court?” She asks.

“Who?” Aradia replies.

“Old friend…he hated them…” She’s thinking of Fozzer.

But Kuprum’s not acting like Fozzer.

“You will cease resisting, traitor.” Ultimatum is saying. “You will join your fellow Light Courtiers.”

“I’m not a part of the fucking Light Court! I hate those bastards!”

“More complex programming? We have it on good authority that you were reported participating.” Ultimatum says.

“Just come along with us, we’ll get you all sorted and you can come back!” Skylark encourages.

Kuprum’s doing well, resistance-wise. Rose can tell it won’t last. Stubbornness can't beat sheer power.

She nocks an arrow.

Ultimatum takes the hit right through the arm.

“Fuck!” he swears.

A few of the less compliant prisoners start to move around, but Skylark calms them down while Ultimatum calls,

“Lightseer. Show yourself and surrender to the Hero Authority. Your cronies are not worth the fight."

Hal filters his voice, bless him.

Rose answers, “Not my cronies. My Dersites.”

Skylark aims a pistol at her.

Rose ducks just in time. She wishes she had stun tech like he did. That could be useful for Roxy and Eridan, at least.

“These ones are Light Court. We’re helping!” Skylark calls, as a sharp shard of bone whizzes past him."

“Bone Witch, surrender! You are---” Ultimatum’s arm recieves another arrow, and then he has to parry Dave, who’s up close and attacking him.

Rose wishes he wasn’t in there, but there’s nothing for it. She and Skylark exchange fire, but he’s a better shot by far.

She knows she cannot let him touch her.


Wait a minute.

Rose grins. She has Hal relay a fun little message.

“Fuck no.” says Dave.

“I love it. Do it.” says Aradia.

“No time to fight! Rose, focus on not getting hit!” Nepeta calls.

It’s a gambit.

But Rose knows all too well how this will work. Perhaps this certainty is a little power, or maybe it’s hubris.

She rushes down, letting Aradia distract and Nepeta and Equius free the prisoners who looked less like actual light courtiers and more like Kuprum. Good, they caught on.

There’s her opening.

This is very stupid. She can practically hear Dirk swearing---well, she knows he is because Hal tells her he is. It would be less risky to stay on the high ground.

She tackles Skylark hard.

The surprise works, but Jake’s one of the best fighters in the tower hand-to-hand. He pins her in seconds, and it hurts.

Luckily, Rose happens to have seen that his powers work through thin enough gloves. Like hers.

And as she “struggles", his other training takes over.

He’s copied her power. She can tell when he fumbles and goes slack, and Nepeta kicks him hard in the chest to free her.

Nepeta also has the wherewithal to nab one of his pistols.

“Unseen, that thing has trackers on it!” Dave calls. “See if you can disable them!”

Roxy’s voice comes over the intercom this time. “I got this!”

Rose, meanwhile, is recovering from the full force as well. Jake is pretty dazed, but he manages to stand up first.

“How do you live like this?” He gasps, incredulous.

Kuprum, for his part, has taken advantage of the confusion to escape. Good.

Rose tries to nock an arrow with shaking hands, but Kankri is faster.

He’s got a hold on both her wrists, and his training’s winning out.

“Surrender, Lightseer.”

“Ultimatum.” Rose decides it’s time to play the diversion before he can get out iron cuffs. “Oh, the things I could tell you about your life. Disappointment. Loss. Heartbreak. Present and future.”

“Your petty tricks will not work---ow!”

If Dave’s sword were sharp, it would have taken Ultimatum’s hands clean off.

“Get the fuck away from her.” Dave snarls.

Though it hurts her pride, Rose retreats, running to help Aradia bind Jake.

He’s wrapped in her spine ropes, and Rose plants a foot on his back.


“Because we serve our people.” Aradia calls, too cheerful. “This is what they want. Can you say the same?”

“Of course…we can…” Jake’s eyes refocus. “And I’m afraid you two have played yourselves.”

At once, the bindings around him fall, and surround Rose instead.

Not just close contact.

Contact with power.

Aradia keeps the binds off Rose, but Rose figures she’ll be busy countering him.

Now she’s busy with someone who Equius and Nepeta can’t fight, and who she’s outmatched against.

Rose and Jake circle each other. He’s keeping his second pistol holstered.

Skylark Senior did this, foregoing weapons for the love of fisticuffs.

Her sole advantage, and it’s a shitty one.

It’ll be diversion yet again, looks like.

Rose tilts her head. “Aren’t you a gentleman.”

Jake grins beneath his headgear. “Ever the same. Business is business, though. It doesn’t bring me much joy to do this to a lady, even if she is a scoundrel.”

He rushes at her, and Rose is lucky she’s seen Dirk do the same enough to pull one of Kanaya’s momentum moves. He doesn’t copy her power. Pity.

Jake recovers.

“What did you see, I wonder?” Rose tries to play the cocky opponent.

“You would wonder that!” Jake replies, not even winded as he counters, landing a solid punch to the shoulder that has Rose’s arm feeling half shattered. She forces herself to recover.

Not as stupid as the tabloids would have her believe. Himbo, her ass.

Rose draws her knives and continues the fight, until---

Jake slumped next to Jade, half in tears.

She’s the distracted one this time, and Jake has her pinned down again. She can feel the faint iron---

This time, Nepeta’s the one to tackle him hard with a yowl.

Rose recovers, but the fight just got far worse.

This is Skylark at his best: agility, strength, and senses. He’s as trained as Nepeta and they’re evenly matched.

And Nepeta doesn’t fight alone.

Equius and Nepeta are more than a match for him, and he knows.

So he pulls his second gun and gets Equius straight in the chest.

Nepeta cries out, but if her shout for Rose was harsh, this one is straight from the hells.

She’s faster than Jake, stronger than him, and her claws are not merciful.

Jake’s got strategy. But Nepeta’s got rage itself.

“Retreat!” Ultimatum shouts.

Nepeta’s not stopping. Her slashes are harsh and they don’t let up. Skylark’s costume is tearing and he’s bleeding hard.

Rose’s vision is brief and it tells her something she already knows could very well happen.

She’s by Equius.

“Wake up.”

He can barely move.


That’s her moirail, and he’s not going to be able to stop her from killing him.

“Someone stop her!” Dave shouts.

Aradia’s trying to restrain Nepeta but Nepeta is tearing right through.

“I cannot listen…I am sorry…” Equius can’t even speak above a whisper.

“Huntress! Stop!” Rose shouts, to no avail. Hal must be yelling in her helmet, too.

Then, by some miracle, Nepeta collapses.

Trembling, Jake extracts himself.

He stumbles away to Ultimatum, who helps him back.

“We will not forget this!” Kankri calls, as their car comes.

The heroes go home empty handed. Dave and Aradia go to help Equius up, and Rose helps up Nepeta.

“What happened to her…” Rose hasn’t seen something like this before.


Someone’s closeby.

It’s Dirk. His disguise is okay, but Rose recognizes him.

“I went to far. Is she okay?” Dirk asks.

Rose feels for a pulse. Nepeta is just…

“It’s like she’s knocked out.” Rose says.

Dirk slumps in relief.

“What did you do to her…” Equius’s voice is full of quiet anger.

“I had to stop it. I attacked the soul. I know I should have intervened better---”

“No, doing something short range was a stupid idea.” Dave says.

“You hurt her.”

“She would’ve killed him.” Rose says.

Equius’s eyes fill with betrayal.

“It would’ve killed any good faith with the Tower and Comet.” Rose says. “It may still have, given the sheer…” Rose trails off.

“I will carry her.” Equius says.

“You can’t even carry yourself right now.” Aradia says. “We need to get to safety, in case the heroes come back.”

They manage to get back home.

Nepeta doesn’t stir and Equius is quite weak.

“I got the tracker off that gun.” Roxy says, somewhat lamely. “Though I’m guessing it wasn’t for much.”

“Oh, it was.” Aradia retrieves the gun from her pocket. “Useful little fucker.”

“It hurts like a biscuit.” Equius mutters.

Nepeta’s not waking up.

“We’re going to need Feferi,” Rose says.

“Fuck.” Dirk swears, before Equius glares at him.

“You. You did this to her, and you are not allowed to act as if she was the one who hurt you. I forbid it.”

“Shit, you’re right.” That’s not going to stop Dirk from spiraling tonight and tomorrow as well.

Rose puts on Derse News Reels.

Although they report that Nepeta was protecting civillians and her partner, even they’re taken aback by her hostility. And when Rose flips the channel, pictures of Jake’s bruised body are everywhere. Prospitian social media calls for rounding up vigilantes.

Well, a message of power was sent tonight. Not a good one. Not the one she wanted.

Rose takes Aradia’s hand and pulls her to her room.

She sits down next to Aradia on the bed.

“Kinda forward of you.” Aradia says.

“Not the time for jokes.”

“I’m trying to make you feel better.” Aradia pulls Rose into a hug.

“I know, I know…I just…last time Dirk used his powers like that, the person…”

Rose whispers so there’s no chance Equius will hear.

“He did not make it and there was no body.”

Aradia sucks in a breath. “That’s a lot of power. And it must have taken so much control to do that little.”

“He’s afraid to go with us for a reason. That kind of thing won’t just get you in the Tumor, it’ll get you killed.” Rose whispers.

“And he went to save someone. Ultimatum was there but he went to save Skylark.”

“He knows the mission.” Rose ignores anything else that might have driven Dirk’s impulse.

Aradia nods.

“Rose…let’s make a group chat to comfort Jade, okay?”

Of course. Jade would be devastated.

[apocalypseArisen created a memo with tentacleTherapist and gardenGnostic]

AA: Jade, we heard what happened.

GG: Hi guys this is really bad I thought the vigilantes and huntress were nice but they did this to him and he has a broken skull and karkat’s been in there with him for an hour and so is cyansprite but he was missing teeth and barely conscious and how could they do this for a bunch of light court bastards!

Rose can feel the door closing. An ally lost.

GG: Lightseer helped me and i thought we could be friends but they didn’t do anything and she just kept hitting him!

Rose doesn’t bother to rationalize it.

TT: We’re here for you, Jade.

GG: How can you stand by them when they let this happen?

Rose winces.

AA: Keep talking, Jade. We’re listening.

How’s Aradia a better therapist than her?

Jade keeps on going like that. Rose and Aradia offer sympathies, support. Rose decides she’ll make a crochet Squiddle for Jade, and she contacts Meenah for an order of cookies.

GG: thanks, guys. i have to go. i’m allowed to see him now and i want to stay with him for the night.

GG: good night

TT: Good night, Jade.

AA: Sweetest dreams.

They close their phones.

“Fuck.” Rose says.

“Can’t say I blame her.” Aradia sighs. “I just hope she doesn’t ask how I can support them again…ugh.”

“How do you do it?”

Aradia looks over at her.

“Date a hero while leading a double life.”

“I love Jade, and I love Derse. And as long as I don’t hurt her, I can live up to that.” Aradia says. “If I don’t betray Derse.”

“And you wouldn’t betray Derse.”

“Not even a question.” Aradia says.

“There is the lying and the secrets, though.”

“You’re never fully honest with someone.”

“Aradia, I know you do not believe that is a sufficient excuse.”

Aradia sighs. “I can’t say it doesn’t carry any guilt, or that I don’t sometimes want to break up with her. If I get outed, her heart’s broken on top of Derse suffering. I guess I don’t want it to happen either way, but there’s so much more at stake than Jade’s heart, even if saying that makes me want to throw up.

“It’s not easy, is what I’m saying.” Aradia finishes. “Honestly, both of us have a lot of potential to get hurt. Unless things change a lot, and I mean a lot, we’re going to be lying to one another for quite a while. Sure, she’ll be doing it with confidential hero shit. But this is a part of my life, and the same goes for all of us.

“For me, the joy we both feel is worth it, and I’m honest with her about as much as I can be. But it might not be the same for you, Rose. Or for Dave. Whether you two want to pursue your heroes is up to you.”

“Why are we all falling for heroes?” Rose asks.

“They’re gorgeous famous people with incredible skills, and Jade is a bright soul to boot.” Aradia flops onto the bed. “I like her, and I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever want to marry her. I’m probably going to have to tell her it’s off the table.”

Rose thinks, unbidden, about Kanaya.

“I’d have to do the same.” Rose says. “I’m not sure I can, though…”

Aradia sighs.

“At least Jake’s in good hands. If Nepeta was the one in that condition…well, we’ve got one healer and they’ve got two and a team of doctors.” Aradia said. “And Dirk did save his life, even if the means sucked.”

The two lie next to each other for a bit. Rose gets out some yarn to occupy her.

“Want to see if we can watch a movie back out there?” Rose asks.

Aradia checks.

“Dave’s already put on ‘Back to the Future’.”

“What do you think?”

“I could watch.”

The two sit by Dave.


“Hello.” Rose reaches out and messes up her brother’s hair.

“Fuck off.”

“Love you, too.” Rose grins.

Dave says, “Dirk said you were allowed to stay.”

“That’s a lot of guilt.” Rose says.

Aradia shrugs.

Nepeta’s still unconscious. Dirk’s in his room.

All these three can do is finish the movie.


Sorry the angst is here

Anyway Nepeta's fiiiine. Probably.

As always, if you enjoyed, please leave a comment and/or kudos!!! Your words mean the world to me.


Thank you for reading!

After much consideration I have to stick with the original name. It makes for an easier title to connect to the themes, and it has grown on me enough that I feel less like editing the work to have a new name.

Series this work belongs to: