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Part 1 of Blood Lust ❦

I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you


“Alpha will take good care of you.”

The bunny’s face flushed. “A-alpha? Snake?” He points to his chest.

Jimin smirked and nods. “Yes. I’m your alpha. You’re one else’s.” He caressed his hair and his eyes lingered on Jungkooks features.

Jungkook is a lonely, homeless bunny hybrid who was saved and taken in by scary and mysterious park jimin who’s a snake hybrid. The more days pass, the more obsessed they become over each other.


Hi! ^^ this is my first written story on here so please forgive me if I do have some mistakes or if it isn’t that well written. T^T

I’ve been wanting to write a JiKook story for awhile now so I do hope you enjoy the plot! I am planning to write more in the future, I’m not sure how long this story will be, but I do hope you enjoy it lots! <3

dw: baby boy Koo, sadistic jimin, power play, praise kink, daddy kink, jimin being possessive and obsessed over koo

dnw: vore, scat, omorashi, underage

Title inspired by Pied Piper from BTS!

Enjoy! ♡

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: First Meeting

Chapter Text

It was late into the night, the rain was pouring down heavily in the large city of Seoul. The drive home was fast and yet, terribly silent. the snake hybrid knew that he had just found himself a new plaything to have around his mansion, turning his head to peek a glance at the terribly thin, muddy, pretty albino bunny hybrid, that Jimin had found earlier along the dark streets.

The frail looking bunny was sitting in the passenger seat of his black Porsche, biting the tip of his dirtied, matted white ear in nervousness, looking out the window in fascination but also jumped whenever they’d hit a small bump, which made the snake smirk out of amusement. A jumpy one indeed. His new treat.

By the time they reached home, Jimin allowed the bunny hybrid inside, not minding the mud tracks he left behind as he entered inside the alpha’s large mansion. Jimin looked up, gaze cold as always just like the true snake predator he was. he snapped his fingers towards his beta servants. “Get him cleaned up and have him dressed in some fresh clothes, then put him in one of the guest bedrooms.” The snake ordered, his forked tongue slipping out and wiggling to scent the air.

He turned his head as he noticed the bunny was trembling, probably from fear and confusion as to why he was brought here. The snake stared at him with his golden pupil-slitted eyes and the bunny looked up with his round doe eyes, floppy ears down and covering his cheeks, the tip of his nose rosy as if he had a cold or had been crying. The albino bunny was selectively mute, Jimin knew that much.

But what had really caught his attention was that the smaller male was holding the sleeve of Jimins jacket. The snake raised a brow at him, looked to his hand then back at the bunny’s face, studying him. It was hard for the snake to not devour the cute prey right then and there. “What?” He asked, his tone wasn’t harsh but at the same time it wasn’t soft either. The white haired bunny looked up with a soft gasp hearing his voice again and he bit back a whimper, his eyes already tearing up but that only annoyed Jimin as the snake wanted an answer, not silence.

“I asked you a question, omega.” The snake said, only this time his voice sounded a bit more stern, his eyes never leaving the bunny’s almost as if staring right into the omegas soul.

“N-n..” the poor bunny was shaking terribly, breaking eye contact as he tried to voice his concerns. “ l-leave….k-koo..” he finally musters, his voice sounded timid and it was the first time the snake had heard him speak since their encounter.

One of the beta maids came closer to take the bunny off Jimins hands but alas, the alpha snake raised a hand up as if to tell her to stop which she obeyed without questioning. His servants knew better than to question his orders or speak without permission. “You don’t want me to leave?” He repeats, tilting his head as he tried to read the prey hybrid. He was rather interesting indeed. Here he was, a very dangerous predator and yet…”Koo” didn’t want to be away from him.

Koo shook his head then looked up slowly. “Be” he whispers, timidly and Jimin let out a soft sigh, not expecting for this to happen but at the same time, it made sense.

After all…he did save his life.



Jungkook was freezing cold. He panicked as he choked, jumping out of his burrow and whimpered, shaking his head as he watched his small, tiny burrow of a home get flooded with water due to the heavy rainstorm that was occurring.

It wasn’t much but it was a home that the albino bunny stayed at for the past seven years. His ears perked up as he looked around and sniffles, sadly at the loss of his little home. He’d have to go into the city, ravage for food again and find a place to stay the night until the storm was over.

Jungkook had been to the city plenty of times..he occasionally would steal things from outdoor markets like fruit and was used to getting things thrown at him, getting chased by predator alphas and betas to make sure he wouldn’t come back. He was used to the cruelty. The bunny was only nineteen and had been alone for a good nine years, learning how to survive on his own.

He ran away from his abusive home and it still haunted him how Jungkook left his many siblings behind, but Jungkook couldn’t stand the neglection and abuse any longer. Thus, the albino bunny had to fend for himself…alone.

He currently found his way to seoul..staring at the pretty lights. Many ongoing people ignored his presence. He was young..he needed help. Why did everyone always ignore him? And if they did spare him a glance, it was always one with disgust. What did he do wrong to deserve this?

The bunny had walked for a long time, coming across this supermarket that was practically empty but still open even at this time of night. He noticed the clerk was half asleep, sitting by himself, a sheep hybrid. Jungkooks nose twitched and he decided to take his chance, going in the store and looked around, hungrily at the snacks that were displayed. The bunny’s stomach growled painfully and he glanced at the clerk who was still sleeping. Jungkook bit his lip and grabbing as much as he could hold. A loaf of bread, a few bags of chips, and a large gallon of milk. He knew it was steal, but Jungkook didn’t have a choice.

As he makes his way to the exit, his eyes widened as he dropped something, the bag of chips crinkling loudly and he looked up seeing the clerk who was wide awake now. “Hey! You better pay for that!” Jungkooks eyes widened and he suddenly bursts out the supermarket with the loaf of bread and milk in his hands, sprinting like there was no tomorrow.

“Yah! Hey! Thief! Theif!” The sheep shouted as he ran out, attempting to run after Jungkook but there was no use. Bunnies were fast runners. The bunny felt guilt eating up at him but didn’t focus on that now, he was running so fast and was terrified of getting caught. He decided to take a turn but the moment he did, the bunny felt his heart stop as he witnessed something so horrific.

The alleyway was dark but Jungkook could smell it.


The omega was frozen in place as his eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw three figures hovering over a corpse. They looked to be tom cat hybrids. They were big…they…they killed the person. Jungkook began to tremble and before he could turn around, he squeaked as he was bumped into a hard chest, looking up and saw it was another cat hybrid who snuck up behind him.

“Well, well…what have we here?” The cat smirked, the tip of his right triangle like ear looked to be almost bitten off. Jungkook began to shake and he tried to outrun him but was immediately grabbed and thrown to the wet ground, whimpering in pain as he was so weak and hungry. “Thought you could get away, did ya? Gonna run off to your little burrow and hide?” He laughed, mockingly and Jungkook began to shake trying to crawl but realized he was completely surrounded by the four cat alphas.

“Yah..he’s an omega..look how small he is..” one commented, eyes dark with lust and Jungkook shrieked, attempting to get passed them through their legs but was immediately kicked in the face.

“Stupid bitch..where do you think you’re going, eh? You’re on our territory, little rabbit. You’re going to take what we fucking give you then we’re going to eat you, not that you’d be a worthy meal. You’re all bones.” He chuckled, sadistically and grabbed Jungkook by the ears which made the bunny cry and wince with pain as he was lifted up.

“N-no!” Jungkook cries and the passed few hours were a blur. When he came to, the bunny was limp on the wet ground, bloody and bruised, beaten to a pulp. Jungkook felt pain everywhere on his body. He still had his dirty clothes, which were more like rags at this point on, so that meant he wasn’t raped at least. But what had happened? He felt dizzy and didn’t know what was going on. Was he dying?

The omega heard faint boom sounds and he stared at the brick wall, noticing it was splattered with blood. The metallic smell was so sickening, the bunny was surprised he didn’t vomit all over himself. Jungkook lifts his head weakly, knowing he wouldn’t get much far, but he was so cold and wet. He at least wanted to hide in a box or just…something. When he came across a figure that was only a few feet away from him, his body to froze with fear, completely paralyzed as he stared at the person, feeling a lump in his throat.

It was a snake hybrid. His eyes were cold and empty, like a demon. Eyes gold but the irises were slitted like a reptiles, black and dark. The snake didn’t flinch nor blink as he stared at Jungkooks dying body so coldly as if he were nothing. The bunny glanced to the side and noticed there were bodies surrounding him, the four cat alphas who had beaten him. They were dead.

Jungkook trembled as blood was all over the ground. He looked up and suddenly the bunny felt like he could melt. ‘He..saved me,’ he thought in his head and Jungkook weakly leaned forward to bow right in front of the alphas black heeled boots.

For once, someone didn’t ignore the little bunny.

He was saved.

He was noticed.

Saved by a predator.



The little bunny was bathed with the help of the maids, scrubbing him nice and clean until all the dirt and dried blood was off his body. The beta maids didn’t speak that much to Koo, only cooed whenever his nose would scrunch up and they’d laugh whenever he’d whine for the alpha snake hybrid who took him in.

They took good care of his ears, being gentle and washing him up so nicely that when he was done with his bath, the omega looked like a proper albino hybrid again. Pretty, pink, and white.

The maids also took care of his cuts, being sure to add medical cream to his wounds and Jungkook definitely had some bruises but only time would let the bruises go away.

Once jungkook’s warm bath was done, they’d given him a specific outfit to wear. It was a large pastel pink sweater that looked much too big, some black night shorts with knee high socks that were striped black and pink. The maids blow dried his hair and even gave him a trim, making him look like a new bunny! Nice and pretty.

Jungkook blinks as he fumbles with his sweater paws, feeling awfully warmer than he ever had felt. He let out a soft purr but blushed as he looked to one of the maids. “W-where..koo go?” He asked softly, almost shyly and one of the maids grin as she leads Jungkook out of the bathroom and to a large bedroom that was down the hall.

The bedroom was quite spacious, having a large closet, a queen sized bed as well as a big dresser. Jungkooks nose twitched as he sniffed the air and was able to smell Jimins natural musky scent easily since it was his home. He turns around, eyes hopeful and big like Bambi’s. “S-snake?” He asks, but the maid ignores him and shuts the door behind her once Jungkook was inside the room.

The bunny hybrid sniffles, nose becoming a bit red and he goes to the bed slowly, gasping as he hops on and rolls around. The mattress was so a cloud. He curls up and rubs his face against the sheets and blankets, scenting the fabric, making his white hair become a bit messy. He blushed and turned his head towards the door.

Jungkook knew he shouldn’t leave the room, but he wanted to see Jimin.

He leaves carefully and quietly walks, sniffing with his bunny nose to smell where Jimin could possibly be. He reached a room that was at the end of the hall, the door was closed but he could smell Jimins scent the strongest. His ears flopped down over to frame his face. He carefully opens the door and froze seeing Jimins back.

The snake hybrid was sitting in a chair, typing away with his elegant black nails on his keyboard to his computer, clearly focused. The predator spoke. “Come in, bun.” He says, already aware it was Jungkook because his servants knew to always knock before entering.

The bunny blushed and entered inside, carefully closing the door behind him and he makes his way to the alpha. Jimin turned his head to look over at him, eyeing the outfit he picked out for him. “Did you enjoy your bath, bunny?” He asked, reaching a hand out to caress his soft hair which easily had Jungkook close his eyes and lean into his touch. The omega nodded in response, shyly.

“And the clothes? Do you like them?” The snake asks him, moving his chair a bit and opens his arms out a bit, an invitation for the bunny to come into his lap, which the omega gladly did so.

Jungkook nods again, getting comfortable in his lap. He blushed, cheeks hot. Jimin smelled very nice and he eyed his chest then his neck, spotting a few scales. “S-soft..” he answers.

Jimin hums, carefully taking a hold of Jungkooks jaw and slowly turns his face just to observe him. Jungkook was quite the beauty. White hair the color of snow, white eyelashes, pretty reddish-pink eyes, nose and lips naturally pinkish-red.

Jungkook distracted his thoughts of observing by speaking. “H-home..?” He asks, practically squeaks it.

The black haired male raises a brow. “Home? This is your new home, bunny. You’ll live with me now. I found you all alone and hurt..who knows who could’ve taken a precious little thing like you..” he says, tracing Jungkooks cheek with his thumb despite the fact that he, himself, was a predator hybrid would could easily kill someone like Jungkook.

The bunny paused for a moment as he took the information in. No more of Jungkook being lonely and sleeping through harsh weathers. His eyes welled up with tears and he wraps his arms around the older man’s neck, whimpering. His strawberry scent radiated happiness throughout Jimins office and it made the snake hybrid smile in amusement, rubbing his back in comfort.

“There, more crying. You’ll excite me.” He teased with a knowing smirk which had Jungkook gulp.

“Can you answer me something, bun?” The alpha suddenly asks, tone a bit low.

The bunny looks up at him and shyly nods his head. The bunny could answer. He was very good at answering questions. He wanted to be a good boy for him after all.

“What happened to your family? You look quite young to be all on your own..” Jimin says, cold hands caressing the base of jungkook’s white ear, thumb stroking the soft, velvety fur.

Jungkook blinks his does eyes and thinks about it. He looks down a bit sadly, ears falling over his face. “H-hurt Koo..did…did..” he wasn’t sure how to explain it, eyebrows furrowing a bit in frustration.

The snake hybrid couldn’t help but let out a deep laugh in adoration as the poor little prey tried his hardest to speak. It was obvious Jungkook could understand words but he just had trouble speaking in proper sentences. “It’s alright, baby..take your time. They hurt you?” He asked, golden eyes darkening a bit.

Jungkook nods, face flushed. “Hurt Koo..a lot of bun’s..” he murmurs.

Jimin tilted his head. “A lot of buns? You had brothers and sisters in your litter?” He asked calmly to which Jungkook nodded, happy that the alpha understood what he meant.

“Hurt us..never fed koo. Mama and dada mean. Hit us if..t-talk. K-koo talk a lot..” the bunny trembled in the snakes hold, eyes watering again as he remembered the punishments he used to get as a kid. Jungkook was always a talkative child but would get punished if he ever let out a peep. Beaten, starved, locked in a closet. “So…Koo ran away..”

The snake hybrid’s face remained blank, but it was clear his eyes seemed darker and sharper. Jaw was clenched. “You won’t get in trouble for talking here, koo.” He says, moving his hair out of his eyes. “Alpha will take good care of you.”

The bunny’s face flushed. “A-alpha? Snake?” He points to his chest.

Jimin smirked and nods. “Yes. I’m your alpha. You’re one else’s.” He caressed his hair and his eyes lingered on Jungkooks features. He blatantly decided that he’d hire a teacher for Jungkook to teach him how to read and write. The omega was still young—speaking of which, Jimin wasn’t even sure how old he was.

“ old are you?” Jimin asks, rubbing his back and Jungkook had to think for awhile. He blushed, not even sure himself but after counting with his fingers, he looks to Jimin. “Nine..teen.” He answered.

The snake hybrid nods his head. “I’m twenty-two, bun.” He tells him and the bunny seemed a little surprised. Jimin seemed so mature for his age but he was only two to three years older than him. It only occurred to the omega that Jimin also killed those three men earlier that night. He killed them with no hesitation..with no fear.

As if it weren’t the first time Jimin had killed someone.

“O-oh..snake..snake smart.” He says softly and Jimin chuckles. “Yeah?” Jimin let his snake tongue slither past between his plump lips and scent the air again. “And when is your birthday?” He asks curiously and that made Jungkooks brain stop working.

The bunny didn’t know. He never had a birthday celebration before. It wasn’t like his own parents remembered or even cared to remember. His pink lips form into a little pout and he shrugs. “Dunno..” he answers him honestly.

Jimin let out a deep bun and thinks to himself. “You don’t know? about we have today be your birthday? The day you get a new home and for meeting me.” He smirks a little, rubbing Jungkooks back.

The omega gasped, ears perking up and he smiles cheerfully for once since Jimin had met him. “Birthday! Birthday!” He says and hugs Jimin again causing the snake hybrid to grunt but chuckle. He could get used to having such a cute little treasure around.

A few months had gone by in a flash, Jungkook was learning to speak more properly, finally having use for his voice since he was allowed to speak in the mansion. He was still having trouble reading and writing, but slowly the bunny was progressing little by little. He learned that Jimin had a very serious job, he didn’t tell the omega what it was despite Jungkooks innocent curiosity.

He was always busy and within the few months he stayed here, Jungkook felt rather lonely without him. He’d come home late at night and whenever he’d attempt to go and see him, the maids would shake their head and escort him back to his bedroom. They even learned to have a maid by the door at night because Jungkook would secretly tried to escape just to go see Jimin again. “Be good for master.” Is what the maid would always tell the omega and thus, Jungkook didn’t have a choice but to listen. He didn’t want to disappoint his new alpha after all.

More months go by and Jungkook began to feel more sad since he hadn’t seen Jimin. He would be cooped away in his bedroom, reading books and even drawing pictures to cure his boredom. The mansion was large and spacious and the bunny liked to hop around and explore, but he just felt so lonely.

He couldn’t help but be disobedient one night. He hadn’t been leaving his room for the past couple of weeks, so a maid didn’t have to guard the bedroom door anymore. Jungkook stayed up late till about one in the morning. The bunny learned that the snake hybrid came home really late at night. His long ears could hear the main door downstairs opening and now was his chance to finally see the alpha again. He sneaks out of his room, wearing nothing but a long black night shirt with black and white striped knee high socks and some cute black panties underneath.

Jungkook walks down the hall, floppy ears framing his face, but perking in alert as he tried to pay attention to the sounds. As soon as he got downstairs, he smelled Jimin first. That sea waves scent he missed so much. His first instinct was to go run and hug his master. It had been too long! He missed him after all. He smiled brightly and began to run, seeing Jimin’s silhouette. “Master! Master! I missed—“ suddenly the bunny froze, eyes widening and pupils shaking in terror.


Why did he smell blood?

Jungkook stared ahead and his vision adjusted to the darkness. He shrieked, stepping back and startled himself as he fell on his butt on the ground, looking up.

Jimin was covered in blood. He didn’t look to be injured and he had that same cold, expressionless face as he did when Jungkook had met him for the first time. Jimins pupils were slitted like a reptiles, his talon claws were drenched in crimson. He had a few splatters on his neck, jaw, and his clothes. The alpha stared down at the bunny hybrid coldly, taking a step towards him, his boots clicking.

The bunny flinched but couldn’t take his doe eyes off of the snake in front of him. “M-master—“

“Why aren’t you in bed?” Jimin cuts him off. His tone was cold and rather stern.

Jungkook finally broke eye contact and looked down, bottom lip trembling, but not out of fear. No, he was afraid he made Jimin disappointed.

“I-I missed you…no one w-would let me come out to see you..” he spoke quietly, afraid if he spoke any louder his voice would crack. “You left me..”

The snake hybrid just stared at Jungkook and raised a brow at him. He walks closer to him before catching the bunny by surprise as he grabbed him by the jaw tightly and forced him to look up at him. Jungkook let out a petrified squeak, eyes wide as he stared at Jimin.

Jungkook wasn’t so used to the alpha being this way. He got used to him being so gentle, so caring, so noble whenever he’d see him in his office. He learned that the snake hybrid was very intelligent and a very calm and collected alpha. Sure, he remembers seeing Jimin so…feral and full of blood lust when he first met him but…it still took him by surprise.

“I’m not in my right mind right now, bun.” Jimin says, voice low and dangerous, his black nails digging into jungkook’s soft cheeks. “I’m blood thirsty when I come home..the maids are protecting you because when I’m like this..” his eyes were almost black. It sent a chill down jungkooks spine. “I could end up doing so many things to you that’ll make you run away from me..make you live in fear of me.” He spoke, his forked tongue lightly licking Jungkooks cheek, making a whimper come out of him.

“You’re delicious prey..I could squeeze your little body right now and just eat you right up, bun.” He lets out a soft hiss. “Such a bad boy for not listening.”

Jungkook’s eyes widened.

Such a bad boy.


Jungkook didn’t want to be a bad boy. He whines in Jimins harsh grip, managing to shake his head, reaching up to grip his wrist weakly.

The snake hybrid smirked, tilting his head. “No? But you didn’t listen to the maids, honey bun.” He finally lets go of the bunny’s face, indents of his nails on his soft doughy cheeks.

The albino bunny let out a whimper and the moment he made eye contact with Jimin, he heard the smack before he felt it.

Jungkook looked to the side, the left side of his face heating up. He was just slapped. The bunny’s breath hitched and he looked up, his cheek already blooming red. His bottom lip wobbled. “M-master—“ he tried but the older alpha cut him off again.

“Bad boys need to be punished. Don’t they, bun?” Jimin asks, tilting his head in a mocking way. “If you just waited a little longer like a good bunny, you would’ve been able to see alpha again. But instead, you disobeyed and now you have to see me like this.” Jimin sighed, almost aggravated as he looked away from Jungkook, looking down at himself that was covered in blood that wasn’t even his and a couple of cuts and bruises.

Jungkook was shaking his head vigorously. “N-no, no, master! Please! M’ sorry—bun is sorry! I-I just missed you..” tears welled up in his doe eyes and he sniffles, trying to make them stop. “W-w-was afraid you’d l-leave me..d-didn’t wan’ be a-alone again!” He cries, body quivering.

The snake hybrid looked over at Jungkook, dark eyes looking at the bunny’s trembling form. It should’ve been pathetic to the predator. He lacked lots of empathy. Tears usually aroused him, never made him sympathize.

However, seeing Jungkook cry like this…didn’t exactly sit right with the snake. He frowned but finally his eyes seemed to soften up.

He squats down and lifts jungkook’s face, more gently this time. He caressed the cheek he hit and reached up to pet at his soft ears. “Shhh…” he gently coos. “I’d never leave you, bun. Master just has a lot of work outside of home and that work is…” the snakes gaze darkened a little but he did his best to control his blood lust. “Not suitable for a cute bunny like you.” He explains.

The bunny hybrid looks up, the tip of his nose slightly red from crying. “D-do you get hurt, master?” He asks him, mostly concerned for Jimin’s figure which the snake found to be so adorable.

Jimin chuckled deeply. “Oh, no, bun…you see..I’m the one who hurts others.” He says, voice dropping several octaves.

Jungkook felt like he was going to get eaten that split second. Jimin looked more predator than he did human. The bunny might’ve not been the brightest, but he knew what the alpha meant.

All of Jimin’s wealth..that dark look in his eyes whenever he was around blood..the way he easily saved him from those thug cats that almost killed him..Jimin was an assassin.

The bunny’s breath hitched, gulping as the realization finally sunk in. Jungkook should have been afraid. Maybe he was..just a little. But that should’ve told his prey instincts to run…run far away from Jimin. Leave the mansion, keep running and never look back.

But…Jungkook didn’t want to leave.

The bunny stared at Jimin and with the little bravery he had, he lunged at the snake hybrid, wrapping his arms around him and hugged him tightly, finally able to breathe in Jimin’s sea waves scent he missed. “D-don’t care..just p-please…don’t leave bun again..” Jungkook whimpers, nuzzling his nose into Jimins neck.

Once again, Jimin was blown away by the omega. Any normal being would’ve tried to escape the moment they saw this side to Jimin. He was beyond powerful, so dangerous, and dark and yet…here this little bunny was, in need for his attention and praise.

The snake hybrid smirked, wrapping his arms around the little bunny’s body, able to smell the slight distress in his sweet strawberry scent. “Shhh…there, there, angel.” Jimin coos with a gentle tone of voice, caressing Jungkook’s white hair. “Such a loyal omega you are..master isn’t going anywhere, yeah?” He pulls back, even though the albino bunny hybrid didn’t want to pull away from Jimins cold embrace just yet.

Jungkook obediently looked up at the older male, nose slightly red from sniffling. Jimin cupped Jungkook’s cheeks and gave him a smile, eyes turning into crescents. Jungkook thought he had the most beautiful eye smile. How could such a ruthless, cold blooded assassin have such an angelic smile?

“No more of your tears, bun..” he looked down and hums lowly, eyes narrowing dangerously as he accidentally got some blood on Jungkook’s night shirt. The snake hybrid did his best to control his annoyance as he didn’t want to work up the bunny hybrid again.

“Come on. Up. Let’s take you a bath then you can sleep with me tonight.” Jimin decides as he finally stands up, extending a hand for Jungkook to take.

Jungkook’s eyes widened, eyes sparkling at his words. He smiled happily, ignoring the smell of iron from the blood on the older male. “Really?! I-I can sleep with you?”

Jimin nods. “Yes, bun. After your punishment though..” he says, voice dropping an octave and he has this dark smile on his face now.

The bunny omega tilts his head, ears flopping to the side. “Oing?” He lets out rather cutely.

The alpha throws his head back in laughter. “Don’t act so innocent, baby. You know you weren’t supposed to see master like this.” He grins, his forked tongue licking at his bottom lip. “Now..shall we go upstairs?” He asks him.

This time Jungkook takes Jimins hand and gets up, having a pout on his lips as he felt a bit nervous. “ aren’t…mad at Koo, right?” He asks him rather timidly. He never got a punishment from Jimin. How would this go?

“No, baby bun. Mistakes happen after all. Master did neglect you, didn’t he?” Jimin sighed. The alpha knew he left Jungkook alone in the mansion for awhile now. It wasn’t Jungkook’s entire fault for wanting to see him so bad.

“How about this, honeybun..if you take your punishment well, alpha will give you a reward.” The snake suggests, looking over at Jungkook.

Jungkook gasped, hand tightening on Jimins hand. A reward? He never got that before! He blushed, but gave his famous bunny smile. “I-I’ll be a good boy for master! Promise!” He says, even though he was feeling such adrenaline within his body.

Jimin chuckled deeply with adoration. “Cute..” he mutters under his breath. Truly, all the alpha could think about was what an interesting little treasure he truly found for himself. He never thought he’d see the day he’d find someone so cute to have around his home.

A prey hybrid at that.

Everyone feared Jimin once they realized who he was.

Not Jungkook.

‘What an odd creature..’ the snake hybrid thought. ‘So dependent and devoted…and even better…all mine.’

Chapter 2: Punishment


“Do you know why you’re being punished, bun?” Jimin asks, interrupting the omega bunny from his internal thoughts. “You saw master at a very bad time and you didn’t listen to the maids orders that I gave them for you.”

Jungkook let out a soft whine. “M’ s-sorry, master..” he lets out, meekly.

The alpha snake let out a coo. “I know, baby. That’s why I’m going to give you ten spanks for not following orders. You’re a pure, beautiful omega..I’d hate to let you see such awful things like what you saw tonight. You understand? Since master is so nice, I won’t even make you count. Hm? How does that sound?” He asks him.

The bunny seemed to understand now.

Jungkook gets punished for disobeying orders then receives a reward at the end 🥺


Finally back with another update ! <3 hope you enjoy!

tw(s): degradation, hair pulling, throat fucking, slight non-con (not really; basically Jimin tries out breath play but they didn’t discuss it beforehand), everything is completely consensual !

Don’t like, don’t read ! :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jungkook was slightly trembling. He took a fresh shower again after Jimin told him to and changed into the clothes the alpha had provided for him which was a T-shirt that belonged to the snake and a pair of panties that made the bunny’s cheeks flush.

The panties were white and laced, the white color matching his fluffy little tail, ears, and hair, really bringing out the fact he was a pretty albino bunny hybrid. Jungkook honestly never wore lingerie or types of clothes like this before. Ever since being brought to Jimins mansion, he was spoiled with gifts from time to time, mostly the gifts being cute clothes to wear around the house and jewelry.

While Jungkook appreciated the gifts, he was happy that he finally was going to spend time with Jimin again after not seeing him properly in months.

He stepped out of Jimins bathroom, Jimins white T-shirt fitting the omega rather loosely, stopping at his upper thighs. He looked up and his breath hitched to see that the snake hybrid was sitting on the edge of his bed, no longer bloody, but this time well cleaned up, wearing nothing but sweatpants.

The omega couldn’t help but stare, his large doe eyes staring at the alphas toned body, staring at the gorgeous scales the snake had along random parts of his body and then a tattoo on his ribs. But when he got closer, he also noticed he had some tattoos on his back, too. Jungkooks ears twitched, curious as he wanted to see what they were, but no. That’s not why he was brought here after all.

Jungkook blushed and stopped right in front of Jimin, body tense as he looked down at his feet timidly, slightly pulling his shirt down, feeling rather shy in Jimin’s gaze.

Jimin chuckled deeply, rather amused. “How adorable..” he hissed lowly and he pats his thighs. “Over my lap.” He orders, voice more serious now.

The bunny blinks and looks up, finally. He gulps. What was Jimin going to do? He wasn’t going to hurt him, was he? No..but Jimin promised he’d give him a reward if he took his punishment well. But whenever his parents gave him punishments, it was so scary and it would hurt so so so bad and—


Jungkook flinched, jumping a bit, not realizing he was zoning out. He looked at Jimin and whimpered at the strict and cold gaze the snake hybrid wore.

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He spoke, tone chilling to the bones, his siren eyes dark like earlier.

The bunny let out a tiny noise and quickly stepped forward, laying across Jimins lap, blushing as he felt a bit funny, his stomach draped over the alphas thick and muscular thighs.

His tail gave a twitch, shirt riding up to his hips so his ass was perfectly viewed for Jimin to see. Jungkook felt so exposed in this position, his face pressed against the edge of Jimins thighs. It was too silent. His heart was racing so hard that he wondered if Jimin could hear it.

He gasped sharply, flinching when he felt a cold hand over his left ass cheek, rubbing the smooth skin.

“So tense, bun..are you nervous, darling?” Jimin asks him with a low hum. His thick ringed fingers continued to rub his ass, massaging the flesh in his palm.

Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to even speak. His long white ears flopped over his eyes and he nods his head, shyly. He could feel Jimins stare on him, on his body. The omega didn’t exactly hate the was just overwhelming. The cute bunny was a virgin after all. No one had ever seen him like this before.

“Do you know why you’re being punished, bun?” Jimin asks, interrupting the omega bunny from his internal thoughts. “You saw master at a very bad time and you didn’t listen to the maids orders that I gave them for you.”

Jungkook let out a soft whine. “M’ s-sorry, master..” he lets out, meekly.

The alpha snake let out a coo. “I know, baby. That’s why I’m going to give you ten spanks for not following orders. You’re a pure, beautiful omega..I’d hate to let you see such awful things like what you saw tonight. You understand? Since master is so nice, I won’t even make you count. Hm? How does that sound?” He asks him.

The bunny seemed to understand now. It wasn’t that Jimin was annoyed with him, Jungkook just saw Jimin at a really bad time. Jimin was full of blood lust earlier. He…the alpha was protecting him. The bunny couldn’t help but wonder if that if Jimin hadn’t had any self control..would he have done something to him? Hurt him? Eat him?

Jungkook let out a slight shudder at the thought but nods his head again. “I understand, master..I…I want to be with master and make you p-proud.”

“Good boy.” The older purred and oh. That made Jungkooks belly heat up in the nicest way. Jungkook loved to be called that.

Jimin began to caress Jungkooks ass again and then out of nowhere, the touch was gone only to come back down fast and hard. A loud smack was heard echoing across the room and Jungkook let out a loud shriek, squirming for a moment, gripping Jimins thigh tightly. “M-ma—“

“Shhh…easy.” The snake coos, hissing lightly as he caressed the spot he hit. Jimins sadistic streak was kicking in, watching as Jungkooks ass bloomed a gorgeous red color from where he hit him. “Did that hurt, hun?” He asks, voice so terribly sweet but his eyes held this mocking and dark thing in them.

“A l-little…” the bunny confessed, his fluffy tail wiggling. His face was already heating up and his eyes widened when he felt something wet in between his legs.

Was he…really getting off to this?

Jungkook whimpered. He prayed Jimin wouldn’t notice a thing.

But alas, the alpha knew everything. He could smell how sweeter it got, he was able to see the slick pour out of Jungkooks hole. Jimins eyes darkened even further. He spanked him again…and again.

And again.

Loud sounds of Jimin smacking Jungkooks skin were echoing the alphas bedroom. The bunny hybrid was sobbing from both pain and pleasure at this point. His ass was burning, red and handprints covering his beautiful round butt unlike how it was before the abuse. He was squirming, instinctively trying to get away but Jimin held a tight grip on his hip, however the alpha ended up having to take drastic measures to get the poor bunny to keep still.

“Baby, baby~” Jimin let out a giggle, finding the whole ordeal to be more amusing than irritable. How could he be so annoyed when Jungkook was so fucking cute? “Only two more..two more and you’re done.”

The snake hybrid suddenly grabs the base of Jungkooks fluffy cottontail and squeezed.

And it all happened too quickly. Suddenly the omega spasmed and then it was wet in Jimins lap. Jimin was confused for a second, only to realize something.

“Did you just..”

Jungkook let out a breathy moan, his poor tail twitching weakly in the snake’s harsh grip. Tears fell over his tear stained, splotchy pink cheeks, even drool was coming down the corner of his mouth and onto the bedsheets. It was like Jungkook finally calmed down, but he let out a squeak of embarrassment as he realized what he had done.

White liquid pooled on Jimins pants, Jungkooks cock twitched miserably against the fabric, the friction doing too much. He couldn’t control his urges, rocking his hips back and forth. However, he didn’t get away with that for long.

Jimin grabbed Jungkooks white hair and yanked rather hard, causing for the bunny to let out a cry of pain, his back arching uncomfortably, but he stopped his dry humping.

“Now, now…what a surprise this is. First, you cum without permission just from me touching your little tail and now you have the audacity to hump my leg like some kind of bitch in heat?” He scoffs so meanly that Jungkook let out a sad whimper, hands gripping the sheets for dear life.

The snake hybrid leans his face in close, nose dragging along the pulse on the bunny’s neck, causing for Jungkooks breath to hitch. Jimins plump lips ghost along his pretty skin and then the bite came. He bit down harshly and sucked a big mark onto Jungkooks neck, licking afterwards gently and leaving open-mouthed kisses up to Jungkooks ear. “I guess a slutty bunny like you can’t help themselves, can they?” He whispers.

Jungkook shudders, tries to shake his head but Jimin smirks, finally letting go of Jungkook’s tail and hair, the omega falling forward. Jimin sighs and leans back, looking down at the omega. “Your punishment is done, baby bun. You took it very well and even managed to amuse me once again.” He chuckled deeply. “Didn’t know you had such a sensitive tail. Are your ears the same way?” He asks, reaching his hand out to pet at the omegas snow white ears.

The omega leans his head up like a cat wanting to get pet from its owner. He nods. “S-sometimes..” he answers. “M-my tail is the most sensitive. M’ sorry for c-cumming without permission…I-I didn’t know—“

“I’m not angry, sweetheart. You didn’t know that would happen so I’m not going to reprimand you for it. Plus…it was cute to see you squirm like that.” Jimin chuckles deeply and Jungkook blushed madly.

He gets off Jimins lap slowly, wincing as his ass burned.

Jimin took notice and gets off the bed, a very obvious and thick bulge in his sweatpants, but he made no comment on it. Jungkook noticed though, eyes as big as saucers. Jimin glanced at Jungkook, aware of where the bunny’s eyes were looking and he chuckled, smirking. “Oh, you aren’t ready for that yet, darling.” He winks and walks over to his bathroom.

The bunny gulped and looked away quickly, his face turning as red as his ass. He didn’t want to seem like a pervert but his master really seemed to have a huge…cock. He looked down at his own cock, pouting as his cock was pretty little, even for an omega.

The albino bunny looked up when Jimin entered the bedroom again, only this time with something in his hands.

“Lay on your belly for me, bun.” He orders and Jungkook obeyed, turning over for him, big doe eyes staring at the snake hybrid, staring at the scales along Jimins body. They went from his hips to random parts of his chest and back.

“It’s cream to help with bruising. I’m not that aware of my own strength sometimes.” He chuckles, giving Jungkook a cute eye smile, rubbing the cold cream along the bunny’s ass which caused the omega to flinch from the coldness as well as slightly hiss as it kind of burned, but it was a tolerable pain.

The omega just laid still, letting the older man do as he pleased, but he couldn’t help but pout. “M-master?” He calls softly.

Jimin hums in response. “Hm?”

Jungkooks cheeks were burning so bad. “Uhm..y-you didn’t get to—“ his tail wiggled and he felt so damn shy. “To c-cum like me…s’ not fair..w-wan’ help you cum too..”

The snake hybrid finished applying cream to Jungkooks bruised ass, eyes darkening with pleasure as the bunny’s ass looked so beautiful. He couldn’t wait to see how pretty they’d bruise in the morning. He hums again at Jungkooks words but chuckled deeply. “Well aren’t you such a cutie?”

He raked his black nails up the bunny’s spine, enjoying the shortness of breath Jungkook caught as he did so, teasing his way up until he reached the omegas white hair, petting it. “And here I thought you were this selfish little bunny who only cared about his own pleasure.” He lightly teased. It was meant to be a joke, but it seemed the bunny took it rather seriously.

Jungkook gasped, turning his head as he gave the snake hybrid this horrified look. “N-no! No, master! I-I care a lot about master too! D-didn’t mean to cum!” He whines to him.

Jimins eyes widen with surprise. He genuinely wasn’t even being mean this time. He couldn’t help but snort with bright laughter. “Ah..” he wipes his eyes a bit. “You’re so cute, baby boy~” he purred and he pets Jungkooks head again, watching how lovestruck the omega seemed to be over him and his touch. “Cute, cute.”

The alpha sighed, looking down at his thick bulge in his dark gray sweatpants. His eyes narrowed dangerously to the omegas. “Are you sure you can handle this, bun?”

Jungkook nodded, dumbly, like a puppy. Truly, the omega was desperate to please, Jimin was aware. The alpha could tell his precious treasure was a little peoples pleaser. That was fine…but only to Jimin and no one else.

The alpha smirked and gestures with his chin to his sweatpants. “Go on then, darling.”

The bunny’s breath hitched and his doe eyes sparkled as Jimin gave him permission. Jungkook may have been innocent, but he has heard of sex and oral sex. He just…didn’t know how to do it. He reached up to pull at the strings of Jimins sweatpants and carefully tugs down, eyes widening as he was finally going to see—


Jungkooks eyes were comically wide. The pants fell to Jimins ankles and the bunny hybrid could only stare at the alphas crotch. There were TWO cocks. The one on top was smaller, more human like. It was rather thick with veins bulging along the sides while the one on the bottom was abnormally thicker and longer than the one on top, the tip was more so pointed than having a mushroomy tip. The bunny let out a soft whimper, unsure of what to think.

“Mm?~” Jimin hums, completely amused. He moves a hand down, ringed fingers stroking the bottom cock, groaning deeply that made Jungkook feel wetter to hear his master’s pleasured noises. “What’s the matter, bun? Didn’t you know that snakes have two cocks?” He smirked darkly at the prey hybrid in front of him.

The omega was terribly mesmerized, eyeing at his two cocks. He was a little lost as to why on earth this alpha would have two, but the bottom one looked more intimidating than the one on top. Jungkook could tell the one on the bottom was fully hard but was the size of Jungkooks forearm! He’d be torn open with that!

But why did that make the bunny so, so WET?

He blushed and Jimin chuckled deeply, as if able to read his thoughts. “The scary looking one is for breeding, darling.” He informs him, squeezing himself at the base. “I have a knot. I’m sure you’re familiar with what that is, right?” He asks and Jungkook embarrassingly nods. “The top one doesn’t have a knot and it doesn’t breed as well as my bottom cock but it still gets the job done.” He smirked, his pupils turning into slits.

Jungkooks breath hitched, shaking his head slightly to move his floppy ears away from his face. His mouth was salivating. He wanted a taste. He was slowly leaning forward but he looks up at the older male and squeaked at the dark look Jimin was giving him. Like if he wanted to devour the bunny whole.

“You want a taste of this?” He asks, taking his bottom cock and moving it closer to Jungkooks pouty pink lips, rubbing the tip all over them, coating the bunny’s lips in pre-cum.

The omega nodded feverishly, his tail wiggling in anticipation. Jimin chuckled and lightly smacked Jungkooks cheek with his bottom cock causing for the bunny to gasp. “Ah!”

“Cute..” Jimin hissed lowly and lets go of the bigger cock, to grab the one on top. Jungkooks eyes widen with confusion. “Oing?” He lets out and the snake hybrid grins. “Not that one, baby. As much as I’d love to fuck your throat with my bigger cock, you’re not exactly ready for that yet. We’ll start off in baby steps. You’ll take this one in your mouth.” He says, stroking the top, more human-like cock.

Jungkook pouts, but he knew that the older man was right. He rests on his knees on the edge of the bed, nose twitching as he could smell Jimins musk.

“Open your mouth, bun.” Jimin orders gently and Jungkook obeyed, parting his lips and sticking his cute pink tongue out, looking at Jimins cock, then up at the alpha and god, what a sight that was.

The snake hybrid’s jaw clenched and he taps his cock on Jungkooks tongue a couple of times, the omega bunny becoming restless with his actions, trying hard not to squirm or touch Jimin without his permission. Jimin slowly puts his tip on Jungkooks awaiting tongue, carefully pushing in. His bottom cock was rubbing the bunny’s neck and throat, Jungkook whimpering as he could feel the pre-cum dirtying his skin.

Jimin pushed inside, inch by inch until the omega had him all the way inside, the alphas eyes closing for a split second, letting go only to grab at Jungkooks hair in a harsh grip, Jungkook letting out a weak moan and his throat constricted, causing for the bunny to gag, but Jimin held him there.

“Relax, bun. Shh…relax..” Jimin orders, making eye contact with Jungkook and the omega looked up, his red eyes already teary and sweet. The bunny listens to him and tries his hardest to relax his throat causing for the snake to hum.

“Good boy.” He praised, caressing the omegas hair and Jungkook could feel his limp cock twitch at that.

“I’m going to fuck your throat now.” Jimin starts. “I’d let you do all the work but my silly baby bun doesn’t know how to suck cock, does he?” He mocks so sweetly and Jungkook would pout if he didn’t have the alphas cock inside of his mouth.

The snake laughed at his expression. “It’s alright~ master will take care of you.” He smiles and caressed the omegas cheek with his free hand. “Now bun..” Jimins expression was serious now. “Master is really rough,” he warns. “So if you need for me to stop, tap or pinch my thigh three times. You got that?”

Jungkook blinks his doll-like eyes at the older male and nods, trying to do so with the very big cock in his mouth.

“Show me.” He orders.

The bunny felt his cheeks flush and he reached his hands up to grab ahold of Jimins thick and muscular thighs. Jungkook was in awe, knowing he was an omega but boy, was he amazed by Jimins muscles. He then taps Jimins thigh three times and Jimin smiles at him. “Good boy.” He praised again and he whimpers in response.

“A bit of a praise kink, hm?’ll get my praise, but you have to work for it, darling.” The alpha smirks, and oh, that had the bunny incredibly determined.

Jimin waited for a few seconds, gripping the bunny’s hair firmly but then all of a sudden changed his hold and grabbed the omegas white ears.

Jungkooks eyes widened, but didn’t have enough time to react as Jimins hips bucked, thrusting his smaller cock inside of the bunny’s warm and hot throat.

The poor omega immediately choked and tried to relax, but it couldn’t be helped. This was his first time giving a blowjob after all. Jimin groans deeply with pleasure, his abs flexing and he threw his head back as he didn’t dare stop. He began to fuck into Jungkooks mouth, licking at his plump lips to moisten them, staring down at the bunny who’s eyes were filled with tears, trying his hardest to pleasure the alpha.

Jungkook whimpers, the sounds of the gagging and the 𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘶𝘨𝘩 sounds were so terribly lewd, filling up Jimins master bedroom.

This cock was smaller, but it felt so huge in the bunny’s mouth. He clearly underestimated the alpha, how on earth was he supposed to take Jimins bottom cock?!

Jimin growled lowly, using Jungkooks ears to fuck into the bunny’s awaiting mouth, practically using the younger male as a rag doll, moaning as Jungkooks throat swallowed around his thick girth. It felt so good, felt so wonderful to ruin Jungkooks innocence little by little.

His eyes darkened with delight when he noticed the bunny reach up to grab at Jimins bottom cock that was just rubbing against the side of Jungkooks pretty unmarked neck. The bunny began to stroke it the best he could, but his hands couldn’t fit all the way around it, so he stroked and jerked the best he could.

Jimin hissed, tongue wiggling out, his eyes dark with lust and power. Even when Jungkook was so sweetly pure and didn’t know what to do, he still was trying to make his master feel good. “That’s it, bunny, fuuuck..” he growled as he fucked into Jungkooks mouth faster and harder.

Heavy balls were smacking the omegas chest with each thrust and the bunny was starting to feel kind of lightheaded from the very rough pace.

Jungkooks cock was hard again, twitching rather uselessly in between his legs. He sneakily reaches down to wrap a free hand around it only to get a light slap on his cheek from the alpha.

“Don’t touch yourself.” Jimin growls. “Only master gets to touch you, got it?”

The bunny whimpers and he slightly winces from the hold on his ears, bucking his hips into the air with need and desperation. Jungkook kept squeezing and stroking messily at Jimins bottom cock while he was starting to get the hang of Jimin fucking his throat.

Jungkook began to slurp, looking up at the alpha as if asking for a praise of some kind.

“Fucking shit—“ he hissed. “Ah, so good, baby, so fucking good—“ he snarls, suddenly having a very dark idea in mind. He puts his hand over the omegas nose and pinches, fucking into Jungkooks mouth much faster.

The bunny tried to gasp but suddenly all airflow was blocked. Jungkook was slightly panicking, eyes closing tightly as he tried to stay awake. He didn’t safeword, didn’t claw or tap at Jimins thighs. He was a good boy. He could take it. He promised he would.

Jungkook gagged and grabs at Jimins thighs now, opening his eyes and having this dazed look in his eyes, pupils expanded so large and full of desire. The bunny was actually 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 this rough treatment.

That’s what did it for Jimin.

He suddenly lets go of Jungkook, the bunny letting out a choked gasp of air and fell back onto the bed, dizzy and sleepy all of a sudden, the insane adrenaline of it all made the bunny cum weakly a second time without even realizing it himself.

He pants heavily, eyes heavily lidded until he felt hot wetness onto his bed, staring at Jimin dreamily as the alpha came in deep strokes, groaning deeply as the snake hybrid came with his top cock all over Jungkooks body.

The bunny whimpered, his voice completely gone and ruined, looking up at Jimin, trying to fight the urge to pass out and go to sleep.

The older male seemed to have caught his breath and he looks at Jungkook, incredibly sexy with the way his black hair looked damp and brushed back with his fingers to expose his forehead, eyebrows scrunched with pleasure from his mind-blowing orgasm. Jimin took notice at Jungkooks well-being and he gives him a sweet smile, the smile completely different from the others, not mean nor patronizing.

“Good bunny. Did so well for master.” He coos and leans down to press a kiss to Jungkook’s forehead.

The bunny lets out a tired smile and finally closes his eyes.

That’s all he wanted to hear.



Jungkook woke up, feeling groggy. He blinks his eyes, rubbing them and lets out a cute little yawn, only to realize the strong smell of the sea waves. The omega gasps and sits up, realizing he wasn’t in his room. He was in master Jimin’s bedroom.

The bunny blushed and looked down at himself, realizing he was all cleaned up and in fresh clothes. He was wearing what appeared to be a pastel pink nightgown. He looks around and his ears twitched, able to hear some noises coming from the bathroom. Jungkook pouts, wondering if that was Jimin.

The omega thought about last nights previous events, face heating up as he remembered getting spanked, getting his throat fucked, seeing Jimin’s two large cocks, and then seeing Jimin come home from work. He pouted as everything was starting to make sense now. The way Jimin left for work so early in the mornings every day, how he was able to afford such luxury, how the maids tried to protect the bunny from knowing the truth since he seemed so innocent and sweet.

While Jungkook was clueless and pure, he didn’t exactly have an innocent background though.

His thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door opened. Jungkook gasped and slightly coughed, throat definitely sore from last night.

“Oh? Is my bunny awake?”

Jungkook blushed and saw Jimin walk out of the bathroom, dressed in a black suit with his hair nicely slicked back, some of his scales were able to be seen on the back of his hands and on his neck, right above his white shirt collar. His breath hitched at the sight because the snake hybrid was dashingly handsome.

“How are you feeling?” Jimin asks, walking his way over to the bunny, petting Jungkooks ears in greeting.

Jungkook let out a muffled purr, nuzzling against his hand before nodding. “M’ good.” He spoke, cringing at how hoarse his voice sounded.

Jimin laughed. “Aww..looks like master might’ve gone too rough on your pretty little throat, hm?” He reached down to massage at Jungkooks neck, but Jungkook hums, eyelids closing as it felt so nice to be caressed this way.

He chuckles. “Cute..I’ll have the maids bring you your breakfast along with some medicine to help the pain ease on your throat.” He said then grinned, “You slept so cutely last night. You did so well last night..taking your punishment very good. Oh!” Jimin gasped in surprise. “As for your reward, I got you a lil something!” He grinned and he moves to go to his closet.

Jungkooks eyes widened, his white ears perking up in interest. He felt so happy that he did well and was getting a reward now. He smiles but then noticed Jimin bring out a black bag. The omegas nose twitched with curiosity and he leaned forward a bit to see.

Jimin smiles in amusement but then pulls out a fluffy bunny plushie. The bunny was a dark gray, with floppy ears and around its neck it had a ruffly cute black bow on its front. “I got this for you! You aren’t too old for toys, right?” He asks with a smile.

The omegas eyes widened as he stared at the plushie. He takes it carefully and sniffs it, smelling Jimins ocean-y sea scent that the omega adored so much. He felt his cheeks flush and he hugged it close to his chest, shaking his head. He definitely wasn’t old enough for something as sweet as this.

Jungkook felt his heart race. He never had toys growing up, much less a cute stuffed plushie. It felt so endearing that the alpha let him be a kid, was feeding into what he didn’t have as a child.

“I love it!” Jungkook smiled brightly at Jimin, voice still a bit scratchy, but that didn’t stop the bunny from showing his excitement. “Thank you, master!” He says happily as he hugged the plushie close to his chest.

The snake hybrid smiled warmly seeing the bunny’s adorable reaction. He had a feeling Jungkook would enjoy and appreciate a gift like this. He was absolutely perfect.

Jimin tilts his head a bit. “Baby bun..all of my servants call me master. You aren’t on their level, my sweet. Why don’t you call me something else, hm?” He offers.

Jungkooks ears framed his face, nose tucked into the plushie’s fluffy head. He looks at Jimin and blushed, turning shy all of a sudden. “What about..Daddy?” He asks him, doe eyes largely bigger and filled with such adoration for the dangerous snake hybrid that everyone feared.

The alpha looked at Jungkook and grins, reaching out as he pets the bunny’s ears by the base, taking in the way Jungkook adored his touch as well as loved how he spoke to him.

“Daddy sounds perfect, darling.”


Twitter: cafenekoko

Chapter 3: The Crew


“Having fun, sweetheart?”

The bunny hybrid jumped, startled as he didn’t even hear the snake come outside. He turns his head, doe-eyes looking at Jimin but he gasps and smiles happily, putting his arms around the alphas neck. “You’re home early!”

Jimin couldn’t hide the smile on his face, hugging Jungkook back. “I am, baby.”

In this chapter, we get to learn a bit more about Jimin and meet the gang ! And also a tiny bit of angst and Jimin taking Jungkook out on a date ! 🖤


Thanks for the support ! ( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )◞♡ another update because I got excited and couldn’t wait to upload it !

tw(s): mental illnesses, mafia bts, sadistic and bloodlust Jimin (at this point get used to that lol).

Don’t like, don’t read ! :)) Enjoy !

Chapter Text

“’ll come home soon, right?” The pretty doe-eyed, albino bunny hybrid asks Jimin rather sweetly.

The snake hybrid glanced at the clock. He was already running late. Jimin had decided that he’d stay and eat breakfast with Jungkook, allowing for the omega to eat in his bed. Normally, the alpha was usually always gone before the omega could even wake up, but this time the snake had decided he wanted to spend more time with Jungkook.

After all, he did very well last night while he took his punishment and then even let the snake fuck his pretty little mouth.

“I’ll be back before you know, darling. Okay? Alpha needs to work so I can continue buying you lots of presents.” Jimin responds and he kissed the top of his forehead. “Be good while I’m gone, bun.” He says and Jungkook nods with a soft smile on his face. “I will!”

Jimin smiled a little and got up from where he sat. He bid his farewells and walked out of the bedroom, sighing as the cute bunny lingered in his mind. Jungkook deserved some attention and the alpha had to admit he felt a bit guilty for neglecting the poor omega. He had this strange feeling the bunny didn’t have a very good childhood. He already gave him the hint that his parents were abusive to Jungkook and his other siblings, but didn’t go into detail about it.

Nonetheless, Jimin wanted Jungkook as his now. He didn’t want for the omega to see the cruelties and misery of the outside world. He wanted to have someone to take care play with. The bunny was very much entertaining for the snake. All of his reactions and responses usually caught the predator hybrid by surprise because naturally Jungkook was just so willing to Jimin, someone that a prey hybrid should fear.

The poor bun was clueless as well. Almost everyone in the city knew about Park Jimin. Knew that he was a very coldblooded assassin who followed with his tasks and deeds with no hesitation. No one dared to come across his path, no one had the courage to make eye contact with the snake, no one even wanted to be in his direct line of sight because Jimin was just that powerful and terrifying.

But then there was Jungkook.

Sweet and innocent Jungkook.

The night Jimin saved the bunny hybrid..the poor prey was beaten, almost raped by those four tomcat hybrids on the spot. Jimin had actually watched the whole ordeal silently. His target was actually Sung Tao, which was one of the tomcats who stole from his association gang. He witnessed the cat hybrids murder a random thug who crossed their territory and honestly, he was going to kill them right then and there until Jungkook had showed up, unexpectedly.

The bunny looked battered, hair matted and wet from the pouring rain. He looked completely malnourished and thin, his white ears and tail looked to be a light brown color, not even the pretty white color they were supposed to be.

Jungkook wasn’t meant to be there. The poor thing showed up in the wrong time.

He looked to be in a rush, but that’s when the alpha noticed the stuff in his hands, the loaf of bread, the gallon of milk. The bunny had stolen them.

Jimin had watched in silence as the bunny got ganged up on, beaten down almost to death. It was when they were about to undress him that the snake hybrid decided to step in.

Why? Honestly..Jimin didn’t know at the time either. The snake hybrid wasn’t the type to spare lives nor save someone at random. He never put feelings into his work, much less into anything as he was never one who cared for things such as sympathy or…love.

So when he had killed those four cat hybrids and looked down at Jungkooks weak and lifeless form, he honestly debated on killing him. Jungkook looked to be quite weak and obviously had no potential or use to join the mafia gang with him. His eyes were dark, unfazed by the heavy rain pouring above his head. He opened his mouth, sharp fangs coming to view as he was ready to take the bunny’s pathetic life, that was until he noticed the boy move and that made Jimin freeze.

Jungkook looked so confused, cold, and wet. The poor thing didn’t even know what just happened.

The snake hybrid just watched as Jungkook came to realization in his surroundings and right when he looked up, they made eye contact for the first time. Jimin could see the fear in the bunny’s eyes. It wasn’t surprising. Everyone feared jimin.

But what truly took the alpha by surprise was when Jungkook had crawled…he weakly crawled to the front of Jimins heeled black boots, barely grazing the boot with his fingers and bowed.

He fucking bowed to him.

Jimin had honestly never seen such a prey hybrid act like this before. Not once has someone ever so willingly bowed to him in thanks like this. Normally, the bunny should’ve made eye contact with him and use whatever strength he had to get away. But he didn’t.

It was here that the snake hybrid had thought to himself. ‘What a fascinating little creature..’ instead of killing him and ending his poor life as planned, he lifts the weak and unconscious bunny up into his arms and decides to take him home.

‘My new little pet.’



Jimin’s heeled boots clicked as he walked into his gang’s hideout building. It was an abandoned children’s hospital that was shut down years ago, but they never took the time to actually take the place down since it was in the poorer, more violent side of the city of Seoul.

The alpha was part of a mafia gang. He was born and raised into it. Since the day he hatched, Jimin was meant to always be a ruthless, cold blooded killer. His parents were assassins, his brother was an assassin. All he knew was how to live the life as an assassin. He was extremely good at his job, had the best stealth, had a temper that everyone knew not to mess with because if you faced Jimin’s wrath, you’d wish to be in Hell.

“Park. Late again?” A sarcastic looking blonde haired cat hybrid with fierce cat-like eyes and a scar running down the right side of his eye calls to the snake. The short male was sharpening one of his knives, looking to be in a grumpy mood, as usual.

Jimin smirks. “Can’t I show up fashionably late, Min?”

“Pftt. Oh please. Aren’t you usually the one who’s the least patient out of us?” Another member chuckled in amusement, having dark brown hair and a heart shaped smile. His large bushy tail wiggled naturally, the male being a squirrel hybrid. “Tae, didn’t he yell at you because you slept in that time we had that meeting?” He laughed brightly.

“More like he almost threw a dagger at my head because I showed up a minute late..” one member pouted, having gorgeous black curls and round ears with orange and black stripes, being a tiger hybrid.

Jimin rolls his eyes as he hears his members words. “You all are dramatic. I’m not that bad. Jin hyung will defend me.” The snake hybrid snorts and takes his seat at his usual spot. They were in what appeared to be a waiting room, but there was a large rectangular white table with chairs surrounding it as if they were at a board meeting. Except…it wasn’t as innocent as that.

This was their hideout. They were notoriously well known in the country of South Korea as one of the most deadliest and most powerful gangs: Bangtan Sonyeondan.

Their members consisted of six founding men who were high ranked amongst the gang:

𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Jung Hoseok
𝑫𝑶𝑩: February 18, 1994
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Male
𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Beta
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔: Squirrel hybrid
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Body removal technician, founding member
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 1-10: 4. He’s pretty calm and mellow for the most part, rarely seen angered and rarely does the killings, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of harming you.

𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Kim Seokjin
𝑫𝑶𝑩: December 4th, 1992
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Male
𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Omega
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔: Wolf hybrid
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Hacker, second in command, founding member
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 1-10: 7. He isn’t much of a hands on hands fighter, however, he is able to expertly hack into getting things his way or what he wants. He could easily ruin someone’s life through black mail, fraud, or even changing up someone’s personal files. He’s also the one who designs and creates the gangs weapons. Despite not liking to physically fight, it doesn’t mean he can’t. He could easily kill someone and has a bit of a temper when other members don’t take him seriously because of his sub-gender.

𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Min Yoongi
𝑫𝑶𝑩: March 9th, 1993
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Male
𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Alpha
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔: Cat hybrid
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Drug Trafficker, founding member
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 1-10: 8. He is not someone to be messed with. He has a rough temper and hates for others to mess with him, his money, or his drug supply. He has escaped prison multiple times, including a mental institution. He’s very good at guns and swords, will not hesitate to harm or kill if necessary.

𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Kim Taehyung
𝑫𝑶𝑩: December 29th, 1995
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Male
𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Alpha
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔: Tiger hybrid
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Kidnapper, Torturer, founding member
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 1-10: 9.5. While he seems to be very charming, kind, and timid by nature, he’s actually one of the most sadistic members. He suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder and has five alters, only three alters have shown themselves. There’s Taehyung, the host, who’s kind-hearted and pretty timid, sometimes clumsy. Then V, the sadistic killer. He’s the one who takes over whenever there are missions and tasks to be completed. He is completely unforgiving and ruthless, doesn’t get along with anyone, including the members. Then there is TaeTae, who is a little and only comes out when it is he and Yoongi alone (rumor has it, TaeTae trusts Yoongi the most out of all the members). He has also escaped a mental institution and killed almost every single staff member in there.

𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Park Jimin
𝑫𝑶𝑩: October 13th, 1995
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Male
𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Alpha
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔: Snake hybrid
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Assassination, founding member
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 1-10: 10. He has lack of empathy or remorse when he does his killing. He is seen to be quite sadistic and rather cold hearted when it comes to his job. Known to have a ravenous temper, despises for others to waste his time, enjoys playing with his enemies before killing them if they’re entertaining enough and is also known to have been killing since he was the age of 8. Extremely loyal to the gang and would harm anyone that harms any of his possessions or his founding members.

𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Kim Namjoon
𝑫𝑶𝑩: September 12th, 1994
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Male
𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓: Alpha
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔: Wolf hybrid
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Leader, the Brains, first founding member
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 1-10: 10. No doubt he is the most dangerous out of the group. Not only is his strength incredibly scary but he is notoriously wanted all across of Korea by the police as well as other rival gangs. He is completely unforgiving and ruthless when he gives out orders and hates to have a mission or task failed. It is said that the leader of the gang has never showed his face publicly nor does anyone, except for the five other founding members, know what his identity really looks like. Rumor has it the moment you see his true identity, you die on the spot.

Namjoon finally enters the room with his mate, Seokjin. It wasn’t a surprise that the two were mated. The first time the gang came to be, Seokjin and Namjoon were already mated. The public, not even the other lower ranked members that weren’t the top six, didn’t know that they were a couple, for safety reasons of course. “Alright…allow us to begin..”

The meeting was about a couple of hours long. Mostly just about the goals they needed to achieve. Each member had its own division such as Yoongi was in charge of drug trafficking, so he had members who worked under him to keep the business in flow. Jimin also had some members who worked under him, though he personally preferred to do his killings alone, but he still gave out orders and even trained them to be just as ruthless as he was. The only members who didn’t have a division were Seokjin and Namjoon. Seokjin because he preferred to do all of his hacking on his own, able to handle everything by himself and then Namjoon because he didn’t need a division when he had his founding members.

The meeting ended around noon, everyone got their assigned goals and tasks to do. Jimin could only sigh, quite hungry for something after sitting down for so long.

“So, Jimin..heard you got yourself a little toy to play with.” Seokjin spoke, smirking over at Jimin, his right fluffy ear twitching.

The snake hybrid rolls his eyes and scoffs. “Nosy bastard.”

Seokjin laughs. “So mean~ you know I check up on you guys regularly because I love you.” He says, sweetly, resting his chin on his palm.

Taehyung gasps, eyes brightening. “Jiminie has a new toy?!” He asks, rather excited, his tail swishing behind him.

Jimin sighed. “Before you even ask, no, Taehyung, you can’t come over and play with him. He’s fragile and most importantly, he’s MINE.” He hissed.

Yoongi chuckled, a shit-eating grin on his face. “He must be well worth it for you to be this possessive.” The cat says while playing with his favorite knife.

“You said he’s fragile…so he’s a prey hybrid, then?” Namjoon raised a brow, very much curious. It was normal that Jimin was a sadist at heart, enjoyed playing around, but he was never known for relationships or even having a companion.

“A bunny.” Seokjin spoke up before Jimin could even part his lips. The omega wolf stared right into Jimins eyes. “Male. A bit younger than us. Very pretty~” he croons and Jimin’s jaw ticked in annoyance.

“I’d really fucking appreciate it if you didn’t stalk him.” Jimin hissed, more angrily this time. “Do it again and I’ll fucking break all your computers.”

“Ahhhhhh~ so mean, Jimin..” Seokjin whines with a pout, but had a dark smile on his face. He loved to push the alphas buttons.

“Aww..why can’t we meet him, Jiminie? He sounds adorable already!~” Hoseok giggles.

Jimin rolls his eyes. “Because you’re all savages who don’t know how to behave yourselves.”

“As if you do.” Yoongi scoffed.

“Alright, alright.” Namjoon says, surprisingly being the peacemaker out of the gang. “Let’s leave Jimin alone. Jagiya, no more spying on Jimin.” He scolds his lover to which Seokjin pouts even more. “Though I am curious about this bunny pet of’re not one for this type of thing. That’s more of Hoseok’s thing.” The leader points out.

The snake hybrid was feeling irritated with their questions, but at the same time, he couldn’t exactly blame them for wanting to know. Jimin never did relationships and was usually far too cruel and mean to withhold a stable relationship. “He intrigued me.” Is all Jimin says, looking at his black nails and messed with his thick rings on his fingers.

Taehyung smiles rather widely. “Wahh!~ that means he must’ve made such a really good impression on you! That’s almost impossible to do, too!” The tiger says with surprise. He whines to Jimin. “Oh, Minnie, please, please, pleaseeee can I have a play date with your bunny friend? You know you can trust me..” he says, though his round, doe-like eyes suddenly flashed into dark siren eyes and Jimin knew that look.

V had flashed for a moment in Taehyung and that was enough for Jimin to glare at the tiger hybrid. “No. I’ll let you if Yoongi hyung assists you.” He said since everyone was aware that only Yoongi was able to tolerate taehyung and his alters the most.

Yoongi snorts. “I don’t give a fuck about meeting the twirp.” He said, just as Jimin expected him to say which made him smirk.

Taehyungs scary demeanor vanished in a split second and he whines to Yoongi about desperately wanting to meet Jimins new pet. Jimin knew sooner or later that would happen. His bunny was rather shy around others, the snake took notice. It would be a bit hard to have taehyung come over when naturally he was cuddly and sweet, but it was mainly V that Jimin was hectic and hesitant about. He didn’t want for the psychotic bastard to lay a finger on Jungkook, especially when he knew V was even MORE sadistic than Jimin was.

The snake hybrid sighed and taps his nails along the table, slowly. “I’ll let you meet him one day, but not now. Give it some time.” He decides to which the members were incredibly intrigued. “I’ve hardly told him about my job and I’d like to keep it that way.” His expression hardened.

“Ahhh…” Hoseok chuckled as he seemed to understand.

“Not to worry. We won’t bother you or your new pet. Just as long as he isn’t a threat to you or the group.” Seokjin says with a smile on his face.

Jimin could only roll his eyes. Jungkook was far to sweet to ever be such a threat, but he was aware that sooner or later, one of the members would want to meet the bunny omega. And that was definitely taehyung.



The snake hybrid came home early for once, his suit still in tact and not covered up in blood. He came back to his mansion at about early evening, entering inside and taking off his suit jacket as well as his shoes by the door. “Where is he?” He asks one of the maids.

She looked up, gasping as Jimin spoke to her. Most of the maids were rather bashful and shy around Jimin as he was such a handsome and powerful being. They were all betas, all of them were also well trained assassins as well in case someone were to ever break in, the maids could easily defend the mansion. “Master Jungkook is outside in the garden, master.” She says, politely.

Jimin gave her a nod in response and walked down the hall to head to the back door, going outside and smiling a bit when he noticed the bunny hybrid was by the flower shrubs, kneeling down to sniff the pretty flowers. It was a good day to be outside, very sunny and fresh. The sun was barely starting to set, giving the sky a very beautiful pink and orange glow.

Jungkook hadn’t noticed Jimin yet, looking at the gorgeous flowers before making his way to the fruit bushes and he gasps, grabbing a raspberry and putting one into his mouth, nose scrunching cutely at the sweet and sour taste of it.

“Having fun, sweetheart?”

The bunny hybrid jumped, startled as he didn’t even hear the snake come outside. He turns his head, doe-eyes looking at Jimin but he gasps and smiles happily, putting his arms around the alphas neck. “You’re home early!”

Jimin couldn’t hide the smile on his face, hugging Jungkook back. “I am, baby. Work was easy today. Since I’m home early, I figured I’d take you out to eat. Maybe even go shopping for some things you’d like? I know it’s pretty boring here in the mansion by now.” He spoke, moving some wavy strands of hair out of Jungkooks face.

The bunny blushed, gasping. “O-oh! Really? I get to go out with you?” He smiled brightly.

The alpha chuckles. “Yes. Come on, baby. You look very pretty in your outfit today. We can go out like this if you want.” He tells him.

Jungkook blushed. The omega was wearing a pink skirt with a spaghetti strap top and then a fuzzy white cardigan overtop with some pink platform Mary Janes with frilly white socks. He looked so soft and adorable, the complete opposite of Jimin who was wearing a suit. The bunny nods to the older male. “M’ fine..I really liked how I looked today.” He says, shyly and Jimin ruffled his hair. “I do too, bun. Let’s head out then, shall we?” He smiles.

They were in Jimins fancy sports car he owned. Jungkook knew he was well clean compared to the first time he met Jimin, but he still felt weird inside such a fancy car, afraid he’d dirty it because he wasn’t so..high class compared to the snake.

Jimin seemed to notice his hesitation and tenseness, chuckling and reaching over to place a hand on his thigh. “Easy, baby. It’s alright. You’re very beautiful and you deserve to ride in a car like this.” He says while squeezing Jungkooks thick thigh.

The bunny gasps, cheeks flushing a light pink color, looking down at the alphas hand on his thigh. His hand was small, but veiny and the thick rings he wore on his fingers somehow just made the alphas hands even more attractive. Jungkook felt his face heat up, remembering last nights events.

Earlier this morning after Jimin had left for work, the bunny might’ve masturbated without permission. He couldn’t help it! Jimin was just so hot and attractive and he couldn’t help but desire for the real deal. Although he was a bunny and naturally, they were easily horny.

Jungkook wasn’t aware his scent was giving away his feelings because Jimin gripped Jungkooks thigh a tad bit tighter before letting go and putting his hand back on the steering wheel, driving off to head to the mall first.

The albino bunny pouts when the older took his hand off, but he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he looked out the window and stared in awe at the pretty city and the lights.

When they finally arrived at the mall, Jungkooks eyes were wide. The building looked huge. Jimin gets out of the car and goes around, opening Jungkooks arm and extends his hand out for the bunny to take.

Jungkook gets out, taking Jimins hand and immediately stays by his side, ears framing his face and he looked around nervously, clearly not good with being around crowds or many people. The omega could only get flashbacks to when a group of people would chase him down, throw stuff at him, yell at him for stealing food when Jungkook was only a starving boy that just desperately needed the help.

Because of this, the bunny clearly had some social anxiety. Jimin took notice of his nervous form and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close to his embrace. Jungkook gasps and looks at the older male, who simply hums. “No one will mess with you when you’re with me, bun.”

Jungkook felt a lot safer hearing that and he nods, holding onto the alphas hand, together walking inside of the mall.

The albino bunny could say he was amazed by the big stores inside of the place. Jungkook grew up in poverty, in an unstable home. He never got to see things like this. “Wow! Hyungie, look!” He smiled, pointing to beautiful designer outfits that were displayed.

Jimin was incredibly amused and adored by Jungkooks cheerful demeanor. “Do you want that, baby? Tell me and I’ll buy it for you.”

Jungkooks eyes widened. “B-but it’s so expensive! I-I never knew this cost so much!” He whines.

The snake hybrid laughs. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m wealthy. Spending a few dollars isn’t going to do anything.” He smiles at him, petting his ears. “Now, do you want that?” He asks, pointing to the clothes displayed.

Jungkook blushed. “I-I’ll think on it, Daddy.” He says softly and kissed Jimins cheek. “Wan’ keep looking.”

Jimin purred. “Okay, doll.”

They walked for a good awhile, mostly just browsing through. Jungkook found a lot of cute, fluffy sweaters and also seemed to have this extreme liking to platform, chunky shoes. Not that Jimin minded, he bought everything for the bunny without batting an eyelash.

It wasn’t until they reached a certain store that Jimin decided to lead Jungkook into. It wasn’t hard to guess what this type of store was when there were plastic, silicone dildos on the shelves.

Jungkook blushed madly but before he could make a comment, Jimin beat him to it.

“You looked so pretty touching yourself this morning, darling.” The snake alpha casually said while he looked at a few sex toys. Jimin turned his head and smirked at the surprised look on Jungkooks face. “What? Daddy knows and sees everything, my sweet.” He chuckled deeply, pinching his cheek lightly.

The bunny whines, thighs clenching together and his ears hid his eyes for a second. “M’ sorry..didn’t mean to do it w-without permission. J-jus’ kept thinking about…last night.” He confessed to him, looking down as he played with his fingers.

“Mmm~ I’m not mad, baby. It was a pretty sight to witness. I figured you’d need something to play with while I’m gone is all.” He says with a smile on his face. Jimin grabbed a vibrator as well as a few buttplugs and a dildo that was probably around Jimins top cock. “I’ll let you get away with it for today, baby..because I’m in a very good mood today.” He smiles to Jungkook, who was red to the face.

He leans in close to the omega, his snake like tongue, licking boldly at his cheek which made the prey hybrid quiver in his platform Mary Jane shoes.

“But next call or message Daddy first for permission.” He whispers into his ear, voice so luring and soft, but also dark. “You can play for as long as you want to…but you aren’t allowed to cum until Daddy gets home.” He smirked, pulling back and grabbed two more things that made Jungkooks eyes go comically wide.

A cock ring and a cock cage.

The omega pouts, but Jimin tickled under his chin affectionately. “Now, now~ I say we had an amazing shopping trip today! Let’s get these then go eat something, hm?” He offers and that brought a smile to Jungkooks face.

He followed the older alpha to the counter and the employee behind it smirked, staring at the couple, more so at Jungkook who was basically screaming bottom energy. “Damn..all this for you two? The both of you hot twinks should have fun with me sometime.” The alpha winks, unaware that Jimin was actually an alpha.

It was sort of common for others to confuse Jimin as an omega because he was pretty beautiful. His face was gorgeously handsome, almost sculpted by the gods themselves, with these very pretty, plump lips. Not to mention, Jimin naturally was short and had these curves. But it was irritating to the snake hybrid. His eyes changed from his human eyes to his golden snake eyes, glaring icily at the alpha dog hybrid employee.

Strike one.

Jimin forced a smile, chuckling. “I’m an alpha.” He says, eyes cold. “And he isn’t interested. Please pay for the things.” He said. Jungkook blinks, glancing at Jimin but something didn’t seem okay.

The dog hybrid laughs. “Aww, my bad, sir. You just look very fuckable.” He cackled to Jimin. Clearly this fool didn’t know who the alpha was. “But Yah, you didn’t even let the cutie decide. He has a voice, doesn’t he? You—“ he points to Jungkook, who flinched on the spot from the unwanted attention. “Want to meet me in the back room?” He smirked at the bunny, purposely flashing his canines at the prey hybrid as if to frighten him.

Strike two.

Jimin’s scent grew bitter, starting to get annoyed. “I SAID…” the snake hybrid repeats himself and glared at the employee now. “He isn’t interested. You going to pay for the stuff or not?” He asked, jaw clenched.

Jungkooks eyes widened at Jimins anger. He wasn’t afraid of the snake hybrid, but he still couldn’t help but feel intimidated. He hid behind Jimins body (despite being slightly taller than the alpha) and shakes his head to the dog hybrid.

The employee laughed, clearly amused by Jimins anger and Jungkooks uneasy reaction. “Damn, take it easy. You seem really tense. A good cock up your pretty ass will do the trick.” He smirked widely.

Strike three.

Jimin was quiet for a second, fists clenched. “Koo.” He calls, voice terrifyingly calm.

“Y-yes?” Jungkook looks at Jimin but gulps, ears cowering down at the dark look in the alphas eyes.

“Turn around and close your eyes. Don’t turn until I’m done.” The snake ordered calmly.

Jungkook didn’t even think to disobey or question the older man’s orders. He stepped back and turns around, closing his eyes.

Jimin waited a second and then looks at the sex shop employee who cackled. “Oooh..mister scary guy. What the fuck you gonna do, eh?” But the stupid grin wiped off his face when he saw Jimin pull out a gun. “H-Hah?! What the fuck?! What are you—“

“Should’ve kept your worthless mouth shut, mutt.” Jimin said, eyes black and tone of voice cold as ice.

Jungkook yelped, jumping when he hears a loud shot, but didn’t open his eyes as told. He felt hands touch him, flinching with surprise but immediately calmed down when he felt a nose at his neck, getting scented by the wonderful smell of smoky pine.

“It’s done now, my love. Don’t open your eyes yet.” Jimin carefully leads Jungkook out of the shop, holding a bag of the toys he grabbed and walks out, shutting the doors and then coos to jungkook, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. “Open them, darling.”

Jungkook’s breath hitched and he opens his eyes, looking around, eyes immediately looking to the store, noticing the lights were off in there now and then back at the snake hybrid who seemed to have been messaging someone.

Once Jimin was done messaging Hoseok to request a cleanup at this location, he looks to Jungkook and smiles, caressing his cheek. “Ready to go now, baby bun?” He asks.

The omega nods his head and hugs Jimins arm. “Ready, Daddy.” He says and walks with the alpha. It should’ve been bone chilling. It should’ve shaken Jungkook to the core. This wasn’t supposed to be a normal reaction. But in the bunny’s mind, Jimin defended him. Protected him.

“What do you feel like eating, Koo?” Jimin asks the Jungkook, the omega noticing how his eyes were back to normal now.

“Mm..spicy dumplings?” He pouts to the older male.

Jimin smiles and kissed the tip of his nose. “Spicy dumplings it is, sweetheart.”

Jungkook felt his heart flutter and smiles at the snake hybrid…ignoring the fact Jimin just murdered someone for him on their first date in cold blood.

Chapter 4: Momentary Bliss


Jimin tilts his head. “You dirty boy. Thinking of my cocks in a public place? Or was it my tongue?” He mocks, parting his lips to let his forked tongue extend out all the way down to his chin before going back into his mouth. “Such a naughty boy..” the alpha sighs as if it were a problem. “I guess I should’ve known that fucking your throat just wasn’t enough for you, wasn’t it, sweetheart? You want all of your holes to be filled, right?”

Jungkook gets too needy during their dinner date and Jimin shows him real pleasure.


Another upload! <3 finally a chapter with full smut 😤 do enjoy ! lolol

Yoongi’s album was so fire by the way! Gahh! AMYGDALA and Snooze were my favorites from the album ! 🥺

STREAM D-DAY ! ( ー̀дー́ )

tw(s): semi-public oral sex, rough sex, hair pulling, choking, degradation

Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“W-wah..” Jungkook gasped as he looked at the delicious food on the table in front of him.

After going shopping at the mall and the tiny incident happening with the perverted store clerk guy, Jimin had decided to take Jungkook out to eat for dinner to which he took him to a very fancy restaurant.

“Order anything you like, bun. You know I’ll pay for it.” Jimin had said and now here they were, with all of the food that he and the omega hd ordered to eat.

Despite the fact that Jungkook had been living with Jimin for about six months, the bunny hybrid still just couldn’t get used to being spoiled and seeing all of the delicious food in front of him was kind of overwhelming. It always brought him back to when he was homeless again. To when he really had nothing. He didn’t realize there was tears in his eyes until Jimin had touched his hand. “Baby? What’s the matter?” He asked, face full of concern for seeing his watery eyes.

The alpha wasn’t even being mean or teasing him for crying. Jungkook could see that the snake hybrid actually cared for him.

He sniffled and gave Jimin a watery smile. “M’ just really h-happy right now, Daddy..” he answered, truthfully.

The snake hybrid stayed quiet, eyeing the prey hybrid as if trying to read him but his strawberry scent gave away that he was by far telling the truth. “Then why are you crying?” The alpha asks, tilting his head a bit and the bunny suddenly could see that Jimin was actually curious as to why the omega was crying.

Jungkook felt a little lost. Crying was normal..even when you weren’t sad. Wasn’t it the same for him? He giggles a bit, wiping his face gently with his sleeve. “They’re tears of joy, Daddy. one has ever put this much thought or care into me before. I-I know we’ve been together for awhile, but it still hits me how amazing you are. You’re like my guardian Angel!” He smiled his famous bunny tooth grin happily at the older male. “You saved me!“

The snake hybrid hums a bit at his words, grabbing his glass of wine and drinking a sip before downing the whole thing in a single gulp with ease.

‘A guardian angel..’ he thought in his head.

It wanted to make him laugh to hear such…sweet words that were directed to Jimin. The alpha was not an angel by no means. Sure, he might’ve had the face like one but once you saw his eyes, you saw a demon.

Even just thirty minutes ago, Jungkook HEARD Jimin kill someone. Just because the pervert store clerk was being disrespectful towards the bunny when he could’ve easily just reported him and walk out of the store without taking his life. So how could he still compare the snake to an angel? It didn’t make sense to the alpha one bit.

It just proved that the albino bunny was truly naive and innocent. But even Jimin knew that Jungkook went through a lot as a kit, seeing things a child shouldn’t have seen. If that were the case, how did the bunny end up so…clueless? Still so pure?

Jungkook was a fascinating creature, that’s all the snake could think about. He smiles and reaches over to pet his ears. “Thank you, baby. But I’m not as angelic as you are.” He says, finally accepting his kind words even when deep down, the alpha didn’t believe it were true.

That seemed to make the omega happy though. His ears perked a bit and he began to eat, eating some of the spicy fried dumplings he was craving for. He wiggled in his seat, eyebrows scrunching as if looking angry when really, he was super excited and just enjoying the delicious food overall.

Jimin watched with a smile, finding the bunny hybrid to be absolutely adorable. “Like it, bun?”

Jungkook looks up, eyes wide and cheeks full. He nods his head to him.

“Good.” The snake smiles. “You deserve only the best, honey bun.”

The omega blushed and continued to eat, but noticed the alpha wasn’t eating as much as he was. He pouts and then grabs some dumpling with sauce and extends his hand out, looking at Jimin as if mentally telling him to eat it.

Jimin chuckled as he eyed the dumpling. “That’s meant to be your food, you know.”

“But it’s delicious! You don’t like spicy food?” He asks and Jimin stares at Jungkook for a moment before taking the dumpling into his mouth with his long tongue.

The omegas eyes widened as he watched the snake slurp the dumpling into his mouth, his tongue curling up against the food, some sauce dripping down the corner of his plump lips, almost lewdly and Jimin wipes it off with his thumb only to suck on the digit, making it look somewhat pornographic then lastly chewing. “’s pretty good. Not spicy enough for me though.” He says rather casually.

Jungkooks cheeks were a flushed red color. He pressed his thighs together a bit. Why was he getting worked up over that now? He gulps, imagination getting to the best of him as he pictured the alphas long tongue licking him, then he pictured his big cocks, flushing entirely and he put his hands over his face, trying to make himself smaller.

The snake hybrid smirked, but played dumb, looking at the bunny with a clueless expression. “Baby? What’s the matter?”

The omega wanted to whine, but held it back, moving his hands away from his eyes as he looks at the older male. “N-nothing!” He says quickly and sips on his lemonade he had ordered.

Jimin hums a bit, tilting his head and smirking. “Then why do I smell your sweet slick from here, darling?”

Jungkooks eyes widened and he gasped. He knew he leaked a little but…wow, was it really that obvious? He looked around as he prayed no one else took notice, but luckily they were in a big restaurant with loads of people. Too many scents taking place that surely they wouldn’t be able to notice the horny bunny. He crossed his legs and whimpers, looking down.

“Ah, ah. Look at me.” The snake orders and jungkook let out a weak sound, but obeyed, looking up at the alpha.

Jimin tilts his head. “You dirty boy. Thinking of my cocks in a public place? Or was it my tongue?” He mocks, parting his lips to let his forked tongue extend out all the way down to his chin before going back into his mouth. “Such a naughty boy..” the alpha sighs as if it were a problem. “I guess I should’ve known that fucking your throat just wasn’t enough for you, wasn’t it, sweetheart? You want all of your holes to be filled, right?”

The way Jimin was speaking so boldly and casually…and mean, it was getting Jungkook wetter by the second. The omega was slightly shaking, face flushing as he knew he was being unreasonably horny. “D-daddy..” he whispers.

The snake hybrid laughs with delight. “Alright. Let’s head home then..” he flagged down a waitress and when the waitress came by, her nose scrunched at the super sweet strawberry scent that belonged to Jungkook. “Check, please.” Jimin says and hands his card to her. “Just hurry and pay, please. I’m in a bit of a rush.” He smiled.

The waitress nods, a bit flustered because she seemed to recognize that Jimin looked to be a very important figure and she glanced at Jungkook. “Uhm…is he okay?”

Jungkook cowered in his chair, his white ears covering his face now, feeling terribly and utterly shy, plus embarrassed that more people were starting to notice that the bunny was wet and horny.

The alpha chuckles. “Oh, he’s fine.” He says and the waitress could only nod and hurry to go and pay for the order.

The bunny wanted to sink into a hole and just hide in there forever. Why was his mind and body betraying him at a moment like this? This was supposed to be their first date? Why did he have to be so needy during a time like this? Jungkook shyly looks over at Jimins direction, trying to read his expression. At least he didn’t look angry or annoyed..mostly just amused.

When the waitress came back, handing over Jimins card, she smiles politely. “Thank you for stopping by! Hope you both enjoyed your meals. Safe travels.” She says and walks off to tend to other customers.

By this point, Jungkook felt extremely hot to the face. His thighs were pressed together and he looks at the older male with such round eyes, begging for attention.

The older alpha stands up and hums, putting his card away. “Alright, we’re done here. Darling? Up.” He orders the bunny who immediately gets up and grabs onto his arm, hugging it close while they walk together and out of the restaurant.

It was embarrassing how Jungkooks slick was building up more and more. He honestly didn’t even know how or why he was this horny. Everything the snake hybrid did looked so ethereal..the poor omega bunny was under a spell when it came to Jimin. He wanted to do anything and everything just to please the powerful male.

“D-daddy..” he murmurs to him, nuzzling his nose into Jimins jacket.

The snake hybrid chuckled, but didn’t respond back to him, taking him to the car before grabbing Jungkook and bending him over the hood.

The action was so fast that the bunny hybrid honestly didn’t even have time to squeak in surprise. Jungkook looks over his shoulder but Jimin hissed all of a sudden, pushing his head back down. “Stay down, baby made quite a mess inside, didn’t you? Didn’t think I’d notice how you left a pool of slick on your chair?”

The bunny’s eyes widened. Did he really do that inside? His face turns as red as his eyes and he whimpers, his floppy white ears hiding his face in shame.

The snake, however, seemed to be enjoying every single second of this. He smirked. “Shy now, bun? Such a dirty little slut I have in my hands. I haven’t even fucked your virgin little cunt and yet your body is practically begging for me. Is that it?” He asks, hovering over his frame, hips pressed against Jungkooks ass that was pinned down to the car, having a hand tangled in the omegas white wavy curls.

Jungkook whimpered, feeling a large bulge right up against his panties, his skirt riding up a little. From a distance, if someone were to spot them, it almost would’ve looked as if they were having sex with their clothes on.

“K-kept thinking’ about you..y-you’re just so hot and—and—“ he whines, body trembling and slowly he began to grind back against Jimins rock hard bulge, his tail quivering. “Wanna be yours~ I-I wanna be yours n’ claimed, daddy!”

“Fuck..” the alpha curses under his breath. He hissed again in warning and grabbed at Jungkooks fluff of a tail in his hand which caused jungkook to tense up and shriek out loud.

Jimins reaction was fast as he leaned down, covering jungkooks mouth with his hand, shoving two, thick ringed fingers into his mouth. “Shhhh…wouldn’t want to get caught now, would we?” He purred into the omegas fluffy ear.

The parking lot was pretty spacious and huge, but where Jimin had parked, it was mostly towards the back of the restaurant, where hardly anybody parked unless they didn’t get a better parking space. So pretty much, it was a risk of getting caught, but a semi-risk, but it was something Jimin was willing to take.

It wasn’t like anyone dared to tell THE Park Jimin something anyways, unless they craved a death wish.

Jungkook whimpers, sucking onto Jimins fingers, tasting the cool metal of the alpha snake’s jewelry and he glanced around, realizing that they really were in public, out in the open. He squirmed against the alphas hold, but the snake only gripped his tail tighter which had Jungkook go pliant again.

“Behave, Koo. Alpha just wants to have his dessert~” the snake hybrids grin grows wider, his hand leaving Jungkooks tail and then moves down, agonizingly slow, to his skirt and then right under it to caress his bruised ass. “Wow, baby bun, your ass bruised up so beautifully.” He coos and purposely pressed down on a purple-ish bruise which made Jungkook whine from the pain, jerking his body and right leg thumping on instinct.

Jimin laughs. “Sorry, my love~” he says, but something tells Jungkook that he didn’t really mean it.

His hand continued to go lower until he reached in between his cheeks, spreading them and seeing how wet and pink the bunny looked.

“ perfect.” Jimin rasps, gripping the flesh of the bunny’s ass. “You’re soaked, honey. Even ruined your pretty panties.” He hums, taking the string of his panties and lifting it with a finger before letting go and letting it snap back into place.

Jungkook yelped, choking on the snakes fingers for a second. Weakly, he slowly tries to grab at Jimins wrist from behind, but Jimin easily grabs it and pins it down. “Mm..this won’t do, sweetheart. You’ll make a mess in my car if I let you sit inside.” He taunts with a smirk, but then suddenly Jimin leans forward, his chest to the omegas back, plump lips right up against Jungkooks floppy white ear.

“Say red if you wish for me to stop, darling..” he whispers, breaking his mean, teasing character for a moment. Jungkooks heart fluttered. Mean and scary Jimin was so caring over him, a useless, low class bunny hybrid. It made the omega feel all types of good to take in that information.

The bunny gave a nod in confirmation and Jimin kissed the side of his temple. “Good boy.” He purred, which made the omega shudder with pleasure.

The snake hybrid pulls his wet, soaked up fingers out of Jungkooks mouth and moves his body away from him, much to the bunny’s disappointment.

However, he wasn’t prepared for feeling something hot and slimy against his hole. “AH—!” Jungkook covers his own mouth, but his eyes were wide, pupils blown with lust. He glanced behind him for a second and saw that Jimins face was buried in between the omegas cheeks.

He held a firm grip on the bunny’s ass, gripping hard enough that Jungkook was sure his thick rings would leave marks along with the other bruises. Jimin licked with his abnormally long tongue around Jungkooks puckered pink rim. “So pink, pretty~ just white and pink. Such a gorgeous little albino I have.” He cooed, blowing air onto his hole which made Jungkook jerk.

“Mas—Ah, d-daddy, please, p-pleaseee, don’t tease me—AH!” He let out a high pitched squeal when the snake bit down on his ass, leaving behind a bite mark that would surely blossom a dark purple-red color.

“Quiet..I’ll tease you if I like. I’ll do anything I want to MY bunny. Got that?” Jimin growls lowly, spanking the bunny’s inner thigh which made the poor thing jump, starting to whimper and shake against Jimins car.

The omega could only nod, already so far gone into his submissive headspace. He takes the tip of his ear into his mouth, sucking onto it and nibbling it to shut out out his loud cries.

The snake hybrid continued what he was doing, keeping Jungkooks cheeks spread, panties out of the way and pink skirt flipped up to expose Jungkooks fluffy white tail and gorgeously round ass. And just like that, Jimin leans right in to lap at his rim again, licking up all of the slick the omega left behind. “Taste so sweet, actual strawberries..Just like your sweet scent..” Jimins voice had dropped a couple of octaves and Jungkook could just imagine what his expression looked like.

It wasn’t until the alpha had stuck his forked like tongue inside of the omega, that Jungkook began to tremble, moaning softly, doing his hardest to keep his voice down. “O-oh, w-wha—?”

Jungkook didn’t know how to describe this feeling. It was tingly…felt so weird, even ticklish, but good. He gasps, sharply as he feels Jimins long tongue enter inside of him, slithering in and out of his ass. He whines and his hips bucked with need, so terribly aroused. His poor useless cock was trapped in front of him, right up against the car and possibly leaving a soaked, wet spot on his pretty skirt.

Jimin ate the bunny out, working his sharp jaw and slurping up all of the slick Jungkook let out and produced. He hissed lowly against him, tongue reaching places so deeply that Jungkook didn’t even know existed or could feel.

“D-daddy!” He whimpered as quietly as his could. “S’ dirty—you’re t-tongue, no, no, no~” he whines, biting down on his ear a bit harder than he wanted to, but wasn’t even focused on that. He was so much more focused on the pleasure Jimin was giving to him.

“Such a hot ass, bun.” Jimin drawls, flicking his tongue and pulling it out to lap at his rim again. He gave his ass a spank and reached to cup at the bunny’s small balls, nowhere near as big and full compared to Jimins. “Tiny little sac, baby~ your cum is all up in here.” He giggles, quite delighted and he began to squeeze them, shaking them in his palm.

The bunny let out a choked gasp and cries out, squirming widely now. Jimin laughed, meanly and leans in to tongue-fuck the bunny again to add even more stimulation.

“T-too much, is’—ah—it’s, fuu~ ngh, mmm!~” he mewls, starting to drool on the hood of Jimins car, not even caring about the consequences of making a big mess. His knees started to buckle, starting to feel like jelly now.

Jimin easily ate Jungkook out as if it were his last meal on earth, his long tongue hitting at Jungkooks sweet spot inside which caused for the omega to moan so beautifully, but it was bit too quiet for Jimins liking.

The snakes eyes glint darkly with a sadistic urge, hand moving from his tiny balls to his tiny cock, beginning to squeeze and jerk him off fast. “So whiny, baby bun..” he slurps, still able to speak even with his tongue in between the bunny’s cheeks. “Gonna cum for Daddy? Make a big mess so I can scold you for it?”

Jungkook chokes out a moan, thighs beginning to shake more and more. There were definitely hearts in his eyes, sucking onto the tip of his ear. He uselessly just took everything, body slumped forward against the car, he so badly wished he could turn around just to see what Jimin was doing to him, but it was good enough that he could feel it.

The snake hybrid could sense Jungkook was on the brink of euphoria, chuckling against his skin and right when Jungkook was on the brink of his mind-blowing orgasm, Jimin grabbed the tip of his cock and squeezed, hard, giving the poor bunny a dry orgasm.

The bunny’s eyes widened and he let out a silent cry, breath choked up and he turns to look at the snake hybrid in utter betrayal, who was wearing a sadistic smile. This feeling was completely overwhelming and a bit painful. Jungkooks thighs began to shake a little, trying to grind into Jimins palm, anything to finish.

The alpha squeezed harder in punishment and the omega lets out a choked sob, slumping on the hood of the car in defeat, hips stopping completely.

“M-meanie, mean, a-ah so mean..!” He whines and Jimin laughs with adoration, letting go of Jungkooks cock that was still aching and hard.

“Oh baby~ you haven’t seen mean yet..” the snakes eyes visibly darkened, but then he smiled sweetly to Jungkook, fixing the bunny’s skirt and then standing right up. “Okay. Let’s go home.” He said.

The omegas eyes widened. That was it?

He lifts his head, ears perking up as he stared at the alpha. “B-but—“

“In the car, Koo. Unless you want for me to put the cock ring on you and you can forget about ever cumming for awhile?” Jimin suddenly warns, giving Jungkook a look as if to say, ‘Go ahead. Try me.’

As much as Jungkook would’ve loved to throw a tantrum for getting a dry orgasm (so rudely, too, thank you), he was definitely smart enough to not test Jimin.

So with a pout resting on his pretty lips, Jungkook gets into the car, shuddering as he felt so wet and jittery from not being able to reach his high properly. He gets in the passengers seat and buckles up, glancing at the older male.

Jimin, even with a large tent in his pants, looked as calm and collected as ever. It made Jungkook so shocked as to how he could keep control of himself. It made him blush when he realized he was just a needy little bunny after all. Jimin was nothing like that.

The ride home felt so long. Jimin would put his hand on Jungkooks bare thigh, rubbing up and down, which did not calm the bunny down one single bit.

He was basically getting teased throughout the whole ride and at one point, Jungkook noticed Jimin was driving longer than usual, as if to rile the omega up on purpose.

But by the time they reached home to the mansion, Jimin parked the car in the garage and stops, eyes looking straight ahead. “I want you on all fours, naked on the bed for me, baby boy.” He turns to look at Jungkook, dark eyes looking directly at the omegas. “Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”

The bunny’s eyes widen at the command, but he nods his head without hesitation, gulping.

The snake hybrid smirked, reaching out to fondly caress his cheek and cup his jaw. “Good boy. You have five minutes. If you’re not done by the time I get upstairs and to the room, I’ll punish you again. Understand?” He asks him, tightening his hold on Jungkooks jaw, almost painfully.

The bunny let out a pathetic whimper, but nodded his head the best he could in the alphas harsh grip.

Jimin gives him a cute eye smile. “Good bun.” He lets go of him. “Go.” He ordered.

Jungkook quickly broke out of his trance and he hurried out of the car, practically sprinting inside of the house, ignoring the maids who looked at Jungkook as he ran up the stairs and to Jimins master bedroom.

He entered inside and quickly strips out of his clothes, almost falling at one point. The omega takes off everything and tosses it aside, messily before he finally hops onto the bed on all fours. The omega couldn’t help but feel awkward, never being in this position before. He at least knew that this was the position for mating.

His hard, little cock was hanging uselessly, the tip an angry red color and his ass showing off the bruises from Jungkooks first punishment. His belly felt super warm inside just by remembering it.

Jungkooks thoughts were cut off when he heard the door open. His eyes widened and he suddenly felt so shy, goosebumps arising on his body as he could just feel the alphas stare on him.

Jimin walked over to the bed slowly, his boots clicking against the floor. The omega didn’t look back, unsure if he were allowed to or not. His ears perked as he could hear fabric rustling, Jimins belt clinking. He decided to take a chance and turns his head slowly, eyes widening when he saw the alpha got fully naked.

The snake hybrid was absolutely gorgeous. He’d seen him naked already, only once, but it was still such a sight to see. Jimin was small for size, but definitely muscular and toned. He had random patches of black scales along his biceps, the back of his hands, some around his chest and waist. On the right side of Jimins ribs, he noticed the “NEVERMIND” tattoo and the omega couldn’t help but think just how elegant Jimin really was. Even down below his waist, the alpha had a deep v-line, muscular, thick thighs and a round, toned ass.

Jimin hadn’t said a word yet, turning around to go and get something from the night stand and that’s when Jungkook saw his back tattoo. It was of moon phases going down his spine. The bunny’s doe eyes sparkled. “Pretty..” he murmurs.

The alpha grabbed what he was looking for, which was a bottle of lube, and he turns back to look at Jungkook, smiling. “Mm? Do you mean you’re pretty, my love?” He asks.

The bunny was intimidated with how quick Jimins mood seemed to change. One minute he was cold, mean, and showed no source of pity or mercy and then the next, he was this pretty alpha with a pretty smile and kind words. It confused Jungkook to no end, but he really loved it.

Jungkook blushed as he finally realized what Jimin told him and the bunny shook his head, ears wiggling from the head movement.

“No? Then what do you mean by pretty?” The snake hybrid asks, finally going over to Jungkook and he runs his hands along his back slowly, making the bunny shudder.

“Y-you, daddy..” he answers, his upper body slightly slumped against the bed while his ass was in the air for the predator.

Jimin tilts his head, confused. “Me?”

Jungkook lifts his head and turns his head to peek at the alpha. He nods. “’re so pretty, daddy..pretty snake.” He says with a cute little lisp.

The snake blinks, staring at Jungkook blankly for a moment. He’s been called many things in life as a snake hybrid, but never along the lines of the word “pretty”. It was a genuine compliment, but it was too nice to fit Jimins category of things he was called. It caught the predator hybrid off guard. He didn’t know how to respond to that. He looked at Jungkook, making eye contact with him. He seriously was such an interesting creature.

Jimin gave a small smile, one that looked to he genuine and soft. “And you’re my pretty bunny.” He says , then closes his eyes with a sigh as his hand wrapped around both of his cocks, giving them a few strokes.

The omega glanced down and his breath hitched, suddenly feeling nervous. Would he take both by today? There was no way. “D-daddy—“

“Shhh…easssssy, baby.” The snake hybrid hissed lowly and on instinct Jungkook yelps, freezing and brought his ear to his mouth to nibble and suck on again.

Jimin caressed Jungkooks ass, leaning down and pressing a kiss right above his hip. “Relax, sweetheart..alpha is gonna knot you so fucking good.” He whispers, but his tone of voice was dark, full of nothing but arousal and want. It made the bunny’s tail shake with excitement.

The omega bunny took a deep breath, feeling jittery with excitement, but he did his best to relax his body because Jimin knew best after all.

He felt a finger get pushed inside of him, slightly stretched from getting eaten out with that marvelous long tongue earlier. His breath hitched, but it didn’t exactly feel good nor bad. It was just…there. When Jimin began to move his finger in and out, he added a second one bf Jungkook whimpered, feeling the stretch, but laid still on the bed as he just took it.

Two fingers turned into three, then four and by then, the bunny was moaning, pushing back against his fingers, his poor tiny cock dripping pre cum onto the bed. “P-please, oh, pleaseee!” He sobs, gasping shakily as Jimin kept fucking his fingers in and out of Jungkook, curling them up to hit at the omegas prostate.

“You’re ready.” Is all Jimin said, pulling out and the bunny mewled with sadness from being empty. He lifts himself up a little, suddenly gasping and then letting out a loud squeal as the alpha grabs Jungkook by his hair and yanks him to be back to chest with him.

The bunny lets out a whimper, Jimins muscular arm coming around and wrapping around Jungkooks tiny, petite waist. “Ready to have my cocks inside you, baby? We’ll start with one since I’d hate to rip you.” He smiles against his neck, swiping his long and hot tongue against his milky skin, making the omega shiver.

Jungkook bit the tip of his ear again, not realizing it was slightly bleeding from biting too hard. Jimin gave a light slap to his face and pulls his ears out of his face. “Don’t hurt yourself.” He scolds and puts his fingers, that were covered in Jungkooks own slick, right in front of his lips. “Bite these. Bad habit you got there, baby.” He coos, pressing a kiss to Jungkooks shoulder.

The bunny blushed, aware it was a bad habit, but he’s done since he was a mere kit. It would probably be a pain to break now that he’s an adult. But he takes Jimins fingers into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at them, eyes dazed over, as if completely satiated now.

While the omega was distracted, Jimin took the chance to push his bottom cock, the more thick like one, into Jungkook, his top cock rubbing right up against the omegas bubbly ass cheeks.

“MMF!” Jungkook moans, crying out against Jimins fingers, eyes welling up with tears from the painful stretch. Jimin was big, to say the least. The omega felt like he was getting ripped apart, his hole becoming so stretched. “D-daffmm~” he tried to cry but Jimin kissed at the side of Jungkooks neck, sucking hickeys onto his skin. “Shhh…I know, baby, the pain will go away,” he grunts, jaw clenched as the boy was pretty tight. “Trust Daddy.”

The bunny’s hands hugged onto the arm that held him up, moaning as Jimin slowly pushed inch by inch into the omega. “Ahh…” Jimin moans into Jungkooks ear. “Good boy~ see? Took me so well, darling.” He chuckled, letting go of Jungkook, who flopped down onto the bed, whimpering and whining as his body adjusted to the alphas size.

Jimin grabbed a hold of Jungkooks hips and snapped his hips forward making Jungkook cry out. “AH!”

The snake chuckled again and did that again a few more times, before finally fucking into him at a steady pace.

Within a few more thrusts, Jungkook began to see what Jimin had meant. It began to feel so good, Jimins bottom cock was hitting directly at his prostate with ease. The bunny began to let out incoherent noises, each thrust so hard and fast that it knocked the air out of him.

“Like this, baby? Getting fucked like the little dirty slut that you are..” Jimin coos, leaning down to press his chest to the omegas back, wrapping his arm around and grabbing at Jungkooks throat, adding pressure.

The omega choked, gasping, eyes teary and cheeks and nose splotchy pink. He couldn’t even speak even if he really wanted to, so focused on the thick cock that was plummeting so deep inside of his body, getting claimed.

The snake hybrid hissed lowly, not liking not receiving an answer. He gave Jungkook three hard and fast spanks off the bat on his bruised ass. “I want an answer, darling. What are you, hm?” He squeezed hard on Jungkooks throat before letting go all at once causing for the omega to release a choked squeak and then gasp harshly for oxygen. He mewls, eyes rolling up to his skull.

“Mm—Mm, ahh ~ I-I—ngh, fu—I-I’m D-daddy’s lil b-bun..” he moaned out, most of his words were gibberish and the omega was drooling down his chin and onto the blankets. Jimin had only started and the omega was cock drunk.

The predator smirked, dangerously and gets up onto his knees, grabbing Jungkook by the nape and pushing down till the poor omegas face was shoved down into the pillows. “No. That’s not what Daddy said. Daddy said you’re a dirty little slut, did he not?” He asks, grunting and letting out a low growl as he looked down at their connection, his thick girth penetrating Jungkooks stretched out, gorgeous ass.

Jungkook let out a wail, sobbing as he shakes his head in disagreement to the alphas mean words. “N-noooo, m’ not dirty, ah—ah! Koo good!” He cries.

“Oh, is that so, darling? What about the restaurant, baby? You didn’t really behave there, didn’t you? You were so fucking—“ he thrusted hard, the sounds of skin slapping and loud squelches of Jungkooks wet slick filling up the bedroom. “Desperate—“ thrust. “For my fat cocks—“ thrust. “That you stunk up the whole restaurant. Bet you were desperate enough to take anyones knots, weren’t you?” He mocked, tone so cruel and taunting.

The prey hybrid could only shake, moaning with pleasure and shrieking as his body convulsed, clenching down hard on Jimins cock, causing him to snarl and bite down on his neck. Jungkook tried to form words, tried to deny it, but he couldn’t let anything else out other than pure gibberish.

“N-no, n-na—not truee! M-mean, mean!” He wails and Jimin chuckles, darkly.

“ want mean, my sweet?” Jimin asks, dangerously and Jungkooks eyes widened at his tone of voice.

Suddenly Jimin pulled out and Jungkook didn’t get a second to catch his breath before the alpha manhandled the omega over onto his back and thrusted right back into him, Jungkook letting out a choked cry.

Before the bunny could touch at Jimins godly figure, the snake grabbed his wrists and pinned them down above his head, hissing right at Jungkook while he fucked him so hard that his belly began to bulge.

Jungkook squeals, back arching and seeing stars, so far gone that he couldn’t think of anything else other than, Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.


The omega opens his heavy lidded eyelids, looking up at the predator hybrid. Jimin looked so feral and wild. His pupils were blown all the way out, eyes practically black. A light layer of sweat was on Jimins body, making it look as if he were glowing.

“D-daddyyy!! I-I—nghhmm!” He wailed, moaning high pitched, unable to hold back his volume any longer. He tried to warn Jimin, he tried to clench down and make himself stop, but he couldn’t stop cumming untouched, all over himself, spurting strings of white cum that decorated his toned stomach and pecs.

Jimin smirked, darkly. “Aww~ my baby boy is already done?” He coos, leaning down to kiss Jungkook on the mouth.

Jungkook mewls and kisses back the best he can, the kiss full of saliva and tongue and when Jimin pulled back, a string of saliva connected their lips.

The snake hybrid groans, eyebrows pinching together, his hands holding onto Jungkook tighter and rougher. “Fuck yes..” he whispers. “Gonna take my knot like a good bun?”

The omegas eyes widened as he could suddenly feel Jimins cock grow…it was getting larger. Jungkook let out a shaky noise, whimpering as he felt like he was getting split open. He wondered deep down how on earth he’d ever be able to take two cocks. There was no possible way.

Jimin let go of Jungkooks wrists and leaned down to lap at the cum Jungkook released, sucking and biting marks all over the bunny as if he were a blank canvas. “Mine..all fucking mine, you hear me, darling?” He snarls and hissed as he grabbed at Jungkooks throat again causing the omega to choke. “Who do you belong to?”

The omega tries to breathe, mouth agape and body beginning to twitch and shake with overstimulation. “Y-you! D-daddy!” He cries.

Jimin spanks his thigh causing for Jungkook to let out a sob. “Again.”

“B-belong to daddy!”




Jungkook let out a whimper, his ears beginning to bounce along with his fluffy hair, looking completely ruined.

“LOUDER.” Jimin raised his voice, giving Jungkook one harsh and deep thrust.

“YOU! I-I belong ngh to Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!!” He cries, crying out Jimins name like a mantra, body beginning to jolt as that seemed to push the alpha right over the edge.

Jimin groans deeply, hovering above the omega, eyeing at his neck and all of a sudden he bites down, hard, onto his scent gland, Jungkook letting out a silent scream, suddenly feeling Jimin through his veins.

Everything he could see, smell, feel was all Park Jimin. Jungkooks eyes were so round and almost black, suddenly laying there as he let out small mewls. “Mate..mate..” he mumbles and Jimin growled as his knot pushes passed the bunny’s swollen rim, locking them in place.

Jimin pants heavily, groaning as his thrusts came to an immediate stop, the tip of his cock pressed right up against the bunny’s cervix.

The albino bunny had never felt this full and stuffed before in his entire life. He felt so delirious, so love and cock drunk, body letting out a light purr, lazily smiling into space.

The snake hybrids knot throbbed inside of the bunny and finally, he came deep into the omega, hissing as he filled the prey hybrid up with his seed until Jungkooks tummy was bloated full. “Shhh…there’s my good boy. Did so well for alpha, honey..” he praised him, kissing jungkooks forehead and kissing his tear stained cheeks.

The bunny whimpers and looks up at Jimin in a daze, unable to think or speak clearly, feeling as if he were on a cloud, floating.

“You with me, sweetheart?” Jimin asks and pecked his lips, laying above the bunny, making sure not to hurt him.

Jungkooks neck was numb. He could slightly feel the throbbing pain from the mating bite but he eyes at the snakes neck, eyes dark as he stared at it as if it were a piece of meat.

The alpha seemed to notice so he leaned right in. “Go on, baby. Claim me..make me yours as you are mine.” He whispers to him, plump lips right up against his fluffy hair.

The omegas teeth weren’t as sharp as Jimins, but he managed to bite down hard on the alphas scent gland, surprised to hear a pleasured moan come out of the alpha from getting bitten so roughly.

He let out a tiny omegan growl, showing signs of a possessive mate and Jimin laughs. “Easy there.” He coos, caressing Jungkooks hair, kissing his forehead. “Good boy…so good..”

For a few minutes, they laid in bed, fully claimed with each other and now mates. Jungkook briefly passed out right after claiming Jimin, snuggled up onto the bedsheets, right up against the alphas chest.

Jimin had managed to carefully turn them over so they would be laying on their sides. The alphas gaze was soft as he watched a sleeping Jungkook, who looked so adorable and peaceful. He played with his hair, only to frown when he heard a knock on the door.

It irked the alpha. How dare they. His precious bunny was asleep after all.

“Busy.” Jimin says coldly but another knock came and the snake hybrid rolls his eyes, now annoyed. “What?”

“Master, you have a visitor.” One of the maids spoke from behind the door.

Jimin scoffed. He didn’t care and didn’t want to. “Tell them to leave. I’m busy right now.” He ordered her.

“That’s the thing, sir…uhm…he won’t leave.” She said, hesitantly as she knew her masters wrath very well. All the maids in the mansion knew.

The snake hybrids eyebrows furrowed now. He clicked his tongue, expression visibly irritated. “Who is it?” Jimin asked.


“Kim Taehyung.”


Hehehehe Tae finally will meet Koo 👀 I’m honestly debating if Koo should belong to only Jimin or if he should end up becoming the whole gangs lil omega :((

Like imagine Koo being a cute submissive plaything for all the other bts gang members, but deep down he knows he belongs to Jimin the most >:3

(edit: i will NOT be doing OT6 x Koo after all! I am sticking to just JiKook!)

Hehe let me know what you think! Give some feedback pls! I’ll update soon! <3

Chapter 5: Wrong Visitation


“I want to see your pet.” He smirked.

Jimin rolls his eyes. “As if I’d even let you. Why? So you can give in to your sadistic fantasies and kill him?” He kept the dagger pointed right at Taehyungs throat, not trusting a single thing about V.

V giggled. “But you’re a sadist too, aren’t you? Don’t tell me you’ve never had immoral thoughts about that bunny..” he whispered and groans, sniffing as he could smell a bit of Jungkook off of Jimins body.

V pays a visit to Jimin’s place and it doesn’t end well.


Heyo ! Hope you all are doing wonderful! <3 btw, sorry for taking awhile to update ;-; I’ll admit this chapter isn’t that good, it’s shorter than the last one, pls forgive me lol

But I do hope you enjoy it ! ⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝

tw(s): bit of violence, mental health illnesses, both Tae and Jimin being sadists (what’s new?)

Don’t like, don’t read ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Kim Taehyung.”

Jimin frowned. Now why in the hell was that fool here at his mansion?

It was a bit of a surprise because rarely the members of the mafia association never came to Jimin’s mansion. Mainly because Jimin enjoyed his personal space and dealt with them enough every single day. Perhaps it was normal for Namjoon to pop in and visit every once and awhile due to him being their leader…or Hoseok, the beta member Jimin had been very close to for a number of years.

But Taehyung was a different story. The Tiger hybrid rarely came to visit. Jimin had memorized his alters extremely well and their characteristics. The host, Taehyung, was timid and sweet. He didn’t like to go visit other people, he’d often feel anxious in public places because he was always afraid he’d change and then V would come out and cause chaos.

Normally Yoongi was the one who took care of taehyung. Those two shared a lot of their past together and even when Yoongi won’t admit it to anyone, he was definitely protective over taehyung.

The snake hybrid sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He glanced to side and Jungkook was still sleeping, snuggled up, nice and warm under the covers. Jimin looks back to the door. “Is Yoongi hyung here?” He asked.

The maid shakes her head despite her master not even being able to see her. “No, master…he’s here alone.” She answered from behind the door.

Jimin didn’t like this. Something didn’t seem right. He scoffs, tonguing his inner cheek in what appears to be annoyance and he waves her off. “I’ll be downstairs in five. Let him know.”

“Yes, master.” She replied with honorifics and walks down the hall, her footsteps growing quieter as she finally left.

The alpha rolled his eyes and sighed. He looks to Jungkook and carefully caresses his face, brushing back some waves out of his face. His knot had finally swelled down, so he carefully pulls out, noticing how the bunny omega whimpered and slowly woke.

“D…daddy..?” He murmurs sleepily.

“Shhhhh…” Jimin croons and kissed his forehead, covering him up with the blankets and begins to caress his soft ears. “Go back to sleep, darling. Alpha has to take care of something, okay?”

Jungkook let’s out a small whine, eyebrows furrowing sleepily and his eyes still closed. Jimin couldn’t help but smile as Jungkook was so adorable, even when he was so sleepy and out of it. “You’ll..come back?” He asks softly.

The snake hybrid let out a soft hiss and nods. “I’ll come back. Don’t wait up for me. Get your rest, sweetheart.” He tells him and waits for the bunny to relax again before getting out of bed and changing into some fresh clothes, mainly just some sweatpants and a t-shirt, before finally leaving his room.

Jimin noticed two maids down the hall and he snaps his fingers, pointing at his bedroom door. The two beta females rush over in their cute frilly maid uniforms and the alpha spoke in a dangerously serious tone. “Keep this room guarded at all times.” He ordered and walked off to finally head downstairs to greet his guest.

He walked barefoot down his steps, his toenails naturally painted black. He looked up and noticed taehyung by the door, looking around in awe before looking straight across and he gasps. “Jiminie!” He smiled happily, his eyes dark.

Jimin scoffed. “Don’t give me that bullshit. What do you want?” He asked.

Taehyung pouts, his tail swishing from behind. “You’re so mean..I just wanted to come by and see you and your new pet is all!” He flashed a cheerful boxy smile to him.

The snake hybrid tilts his head as he observed Taehyung and then it was like it happened all so fast. One second, Jimin was standing there and then the next thing, he had taehyung pinned to the ground with a dagger right up against his throat. Jimin hissed, baring his fangs. “You got balls to try and lie to my fucking face, V.”

The tigers eyes were wide in innocence and shock, grunting as he hit the ground hard and he yelped, gulping as he eyed at the sharp blade that was right against his honey tanned skin. However, the moment Jimin finished saying those words, his expression of innocence morphed into a sinister smile.

Taehyung(?) laughed aloud, throwing his head back and smirking devilishly up at the older male. “Awww~ what gave me away, hm?” He coos.

Jimin glared down at him. “Your eyes..” he answered as he stared into those onyx orbs that Taehyung had. “There’s no light in them at all. Taehyung’s eyes are chocolate brown and softer looking..”

V cackled and he shrugs. “Eh..guess that can’t be helped. Surprised you even took notice in such a trait when you’re always so cold and unforgiving with everyone~” he smirked widely, his striped tail swishing with agitation underneath him.

The snake hybrid scoffed. “Shut up. Now are you going to continue playing dumb or are you going to tell me why the fuck you’re at my house this late?” He demands.

V hums. “I already answered. I want to see your pet.” He smirked.

Jimin rolls his eyes. “As if I’d even let you. Why? So you can give in to your sadistic fantasies and kill him?” He kept the dagger pointed right at Taehyungs throat, not trusting a single thing about V.

V giggled. “But you’re a sadist too, aren’t you? Don’t tell me you’ve never had immoral thoughts about that bunny..” he whispered and groans, sniffing as he could smell a bit of Jungkook off of Jimins body. “Please..just give him a few minutes with him~ I just want to play—“

Jimin grit his teeth and moved the dagger, about to punch him only to get knocked over and V laughed, escaping and standing up, a few feet away from the snake.

The maids tensed up and pulled up their dresses where they had a few weapons strapped to their thighs, ready to aim and fire.

Jimin raises a hand, silently telling them to back down. They obeyed, faithful and obedient towards their master. V looked into one of the hallway mirrors, messing up his neat hair and styling it to make his curly hair messier than how taehyung would have it. “Much better..” he sighed, clicking his tongue. He turned his head and noticed Jimin still giving him a deadly stare.

“Now, now, Jiminie~ I won’t do this the hard way. I’d hate to die right here in your big house.” He giggled and smirked at the maids, who looked at him suspiciously. “I merely came to ask is all.”

Jimin mentally sighed with relief. V was actually calm today. The tiger was extremely dangerous and even if taehyung wanted to see Jungkook normally, he still needed extreme supervision.

Speaking of which…

“Where’s Yoongi hyung?” Jimin frowned.

V’s cocky smirk slowly faltered and he growled. “Don’t mention that piece of shit to me!” The snake hybrid almost forgot that V somehow held great hatred for Yoongi. Taehyung and his other alter, TaeTae, practically adored Yoongi, all except for V. “He got in my way when I tried to leave so I did the best thing I could do.”

The snake hybrid frowned deeply. He had faith in Yoongi, that he was alright but he was aware of how abusive V really was. Had explosive anger, hated to be restrained. “So you hurt him?”

V scoffed now, rolling his eyes. “He’s fucking fine, alright? I just knocked his ass out and left.” The tiger looked at Jimin. “Show me your fucking pet. Since when did you suddenly have feelings and are so protective, huh?”

Jimin could sense V’s anger was getting out of control now. “He’s mine.” The snake warned, teeth gritted. “That’s all you have to know. He’s only for fucking me and not you. So fuck off. Find your own doll to fucking play and ruin. This doll won’t be ruined.”

V laughed darkly. “Oh, is that so, Jiminie?” He mocks and slowly began to walk around Jimin in a circle. “You can’t last that long, can you? You’re a assassin. You’re a sadistic freak…just like me.” He giggled. Jimin clenched his fists as V kept continuing. “We don’t last long in relationships because we always end up hurting them…and we fucking ENJOY it. We enjoy seeing them empty..see their soul being sucked out of their bodies because we’re hungry demons, so greedy for more.”

“Shut up…” Jimin hissed lowly.

“You don’t really care for that bunny, do you, Jimin? You’re testing out idiotic fantasies that you know will never come to life. Look at me..” V turned and gestured to himself. “I’m classified as insane and a danger to society. I would’ve still been in that nuthouse if it weren’t for yoongi and Namjoon finding out and hearing about me. Yoongi always fucking tries to get onto my good side, always tries to give me ‘love’—I don’t fucking NEED IT!” He yelled suddenly and punched the wall, creating a hole.

“And you!” V points to the snake and by now his eyes are blown wide with insanity, his smile so sinister and crazy. “Tell me, Jiminie, have you ever actually been in love before?” He laughed and laughed like a hyena, shaking his head. “Love doesn’t exist.” His expression darkened. “That fucking prey will make you weak. You don’t really care about adore his reactions for you. It’s all about power, isn’t it? You only love fucking him—“

V didn’t even get to finish as Jimin suddenly had a hand around V’s neck, pinning him to the wall, his jaw clenched and veins popping out in anger. “What part of SHUT UP do you not understand..?” He growls, cutting off V’s air supply that made the alter smirk and choke at the same time, clawing at Jimins wrist.

“He’s my fucking bunny. I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with him. It ain’t any of your think you know so much about me, V, trying to get under my skin..piss me off like you do to Yoongi and Jin hyung? That shit doesn’t work on me, dipshit.” He throws him harshly to ground where V was choking and gasping for air. He coughed so harshly, panting heavily.

Jimin slowly approached and put his bare foot on V’s head, pushing him down until the tiger hybrid was flat on the ground, cheek smushed onto the hard, cold floor. “You’ve really hit a nerve on me tonight, V..I guess I’ll give you that.” Jimins tone of voice changed and the aura surrounding the snake hybrid was so deadly and heavy. Even the maids were too afraid to approach their master.

“Let’s see…shall I carve something onto your body with my pretty knife? Hm? Maybe…bad kitty on your chest so everyone can see it?” Jimin smirked, eyes almost black. “Maybe I could—“ he stopped when he heard the main doors burst open and in came a bruised up Yoongi.

Yoongis triangle ears flickered and he had a bruise on his right cheek and his arm seemed to have been bandaged up. “Jimin, stop!”

Jimin sighed, almost bored and he looks down at V, realizing his eyes were no longer black, but a chocolate brown color now. “Coward..” Jimin scoffed and finally got off of Taehyung. He knew V fled the moment Jimin got serious so he would hurt the other alters.

Taehyung was visibly trembling, eyes teary as he sniffled. “M-M-Minnie, m’ sorry, I-I d-d-don’t know what h-happened!” He cries.

Yoongi rushed to him immediately and brought him into his arms, holding him tight and scenting him. “Shh..Tae, it’s okay..” he assured and looked up at Jimin, who held a cold expression.

Jimin knew Yoongi acted tough and pretty much pretended he had no vulnerability, but Jimin knew that deep down, taehyung was his main weakness.

“I suggest keeping your tiger on a leash, hyung.” Jimin spoke, still very much annoyed from what occurred. “Because of your sweethearts mouth, I almost did something messy.” He tilts his head, twirling his dagger in between his fingers.

“That wasn’t fucking know Taehyung can’t control him, it isn’t his fault—“ The black cat hybrid was quick to defend the tiger hybrid, not that it surprised Jimin. The snake knew of their relationship the moment Yoongi introduced taehyung to the gang.

“I’m aware. But you can’t blame me for being a little bit ticked off, aren’t you hyung? He came into my house at this time..had the audacity to lecture me and gaslight me.” Jimin hissed and Taehyung flinched, hugging onto Yoongis neck tighter.

Yoongi sighed, rubbing the tigers ears that were pressed against his curly hair. “I get it..” he says lowly. “He’s been…a little more out of control lately. I wasn’t able to stop him tonight from leaving the house.” He frowns. “I-I want to trust him so bad, Jimin..”

“He isn’t Taehyung or TaeTae, hyung.” Jimin said, rather bluntly to the cat hybrid. “He’s a dangerous alter who was put into a maximum high security mental institution for a reason. He had to be in isolation. Couldn’t socialize because that fed his hunger. He isn’t ever going to soften up or become like Tae.”

Taehyung sniffled and he peeked a glance at the snake hybrid, still shaken up and startled from everything. Plus, shifting so fast seemed to make the tiger feel more weak.

“I know..” Yoongis teeth grit and he sighed. “Sorry for all uh…is your bunn—“

“He’s fine. I was able to hold him off before he could do anything irrational.” The snake answered. Taehyung pouts a bit and looks to Jimin. “M-Minnie..I’d love to meet your bunny pet. W-with supervision, of course!” He nods frantically before he could anger Jimin. “Jus’…want a friend..” he admits.

Yoongi’s eyes softened a little and Jimin could see that the cat hybrid, who was normally so tough and blunt , was seriously head over heels for the tiger.

The snake hybrid hums. “I’ll ask Koo and see how he feels about it. But Yoongi hyung will have to be present as well.”

Taehyungs eyes widened in shock, not expecting for Jimin to agree, especially after the stunt V pulled. He smiled happily at the snake hybrid. “Really?! Oh thank you! Thank you!” He giggled and he lunged at Jimin, hugging him tightly and purring loudly as he nuzzled his face against Jimins.

Jimin grunts and groans. “Yah, Yah! Get off!” He complained, but Yoongi smirked, chuckling a bit. Taehyung was normally super affectionate, loving each of the members with all of his big heart. So it wasn’t surprising that taehyung had Jimin in a tight bear hug. “I’m just so happy! You’re so sweet!” He giggled and finally let go of the snake hybrid. “I can’t wait! Ah!”

“Yah, he still has to say yes, you dummy..” Jimin grumbles in satoori.

Yoongi smiles a bit and ruffled Taehyungs hair. “We’ll check up on them later, okay, cub? Come on..let’s head home now.” He tells the taller male. He turns to Jimin and sighs. “Sorry again..”

The snake hybrid tilts his head. “Watch over him, hyung.” Is all he says before watching the two alpha members leave his home.

He finally came back to his bedroom and took off his shirt, chucking it aside and finally got into bed, eyes lingering over the bunny’s sleeping form.

Jungkook seemed to have noticed Jimin enter the bed, because his nose twitched and he reached over to find Jimins naturally cold body and hug him close.

Jimin chuckled. “Baby love, are you still asleep?” He croons, running his fingers through his hair.

The bunny’s nose twitched more and he pouts, finally opening his eyes and looking at Jimin rather cutely and still half asleep. “ smell funny..” he murmurs.

“Mm? I smell, darling?” The snake asks.

Jungkook nods and his nose scrunched. “Like someone else..” he frowns.

Jimin studied Jungkooks expression before explaining to him. “One of my coworkers came to see me. He angered me and we fought a little. No need to worry about it, bun.” He assured.

The bunny still had that adorable pout rested on his lips that it made the alpha grin a bit. Jungkook grumbles. “S’ not funny, daddy!” He tells him and Jimin laughed, unable to help himself. He pet his ears at the base, scratching at Jungkooks sweet spot that made his leg bounce.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to laugh. You’re just so cute..but alpha can tell something is wrong, hm?”

Jungkook blushed suddenly and he hides his face with his ears. “D-daddy will get mad..”

Jimin tilts his head. “Mm? No, no..darling, I won’t. You can tell me anything, okay? What’s the matter?” He asks him.

The bunny lifts his white ears and looks at the snake hybrid, looking down and then back at Jimin. “I-I just…uhm…I don’t like it when you smell like other people..y-you’re mine as I am yours, right?” He asks with his large doe eyes.

Jimin swore he felt his two cocks twitch at his words. “Baby love..I’m sorry. Daddy didn’t mean to come to the bed all smelly. You are mine and I am yours, bun. You’re correct. No one will take me away from you. I would kill everyone in the world just to prove myself to you.” The snake hybrid smirks, raising Jungkooks chin and kissing him on the lips.

Jungkook let out a soft moan, their tongues entangling with one another before finally Jimin pulled away. “You’re so cute, baby~ a bit silly to think I’d ever choose someone over you.” He coos and the bunny hybrid let out an embarrassed whimper.

The snake hybrid smirked and hums. “Let me go shower then, okay? Then you can scent me all you like.” He said and Jungkook nodded his head in agreement.

As Jimin was about to get out of bed, Jungkook suddenly grabbed the snake and bit into his shoulder, letting out a baby growl as he sucked on the mark and then licked it, leaving behind a red bite mark. Jimins eyes widened a bit with surprise and he looks over his shoulder. “Oh? Is my sweetheart feeling naughty now?” He smirked.

Jungkook blushed again and pouted at him, his fluffy white locks a mess, but his red eyes. His eyes seemed to appear darker than usual. He looks at Jimin, innocently. “You’re mine, Daddy..”

The predator hybrid was a bit surprised with Jungkook’s possessiveness. He wasn’t angry with it. Just more so shocked. He smirked and pats Jungkooks head. “Only yours.” He whispers. “Such a cute possessive boy I have..”

The albino bunny squealed and covered his face, squeaking something that Jimin couldn’t quite get.

Jimin could only chuckle, his anger fading away and the snake hybrid was no longer tense. He realized this fact and his smile faltered, looking at Jungkook.

He suddenly remembered V’s taunting words from earlier: “That fucking prey will make you weak..”

The snake hybrid observed Jungkook and he couldn’t help but take V’s words into consideration that…there was definitely going to be a possibility that Jungkook would really become his weakness.

Just like Min Yoongi.

Jimin decided not to stress himself out with those thoughts and looks to Jungkook, smiling a bit. “Baby..would you like to take a bath with me? Could wash you up, too. I know you ended up passing out before getting clean.” He teased.

Jungkook looks up and giggles. “Yeah! Wanna get cleaned up..feel kinda sticky.” He admits with flushed cheeks and he carefully gets out of bed, legs shaky from earlier.

The snake hybrid chuckled and suddenly lifted Jungkook into his arms with ease, walking to the bathroom and shutting the door. The bathroom was pretty large. It had a shower stall in one corner and then a big tub in the middle with two sinks and some cabinets. Jimin set Jungkook down on the sink bathroom counter and went to the tub to fill it up with some hot, warm and soapy water.

The bunny hybrid turned to look at himself in the mirror, blushing as he realized the hickeys and marks that were on his body . “O-oh my..” he squeaks, touching a few and wincing.

“Sorry, darling.” Jimin laughs lightly. “I just like marking up what belongs to me is all.” He smirked. He stood up, letting the water fill to the very top until he finally undressed out of his sweatpants so they were both fully naked.

He helped Jungkook into the tub and turned the water off, sitting right behind Jungkook and started to wash his hair for him, being extremely gentle and caring towards his long ears. And Jungkook, well, he felt like a princess, being spoiled and taken cared of. “’re so kind..I-I could bathe myself.” He blushed.

Jimin smiles. “I know, bun. But alpha wants to wash you. You deserve to be spoiled, you know? You’ve been through a lot in your life.” He explains, his forked tongue instinctively scenting the air and wiggling from in between Jimins plump lips.

The bunny hybrid felt so flattered but his soapy ears drooped a bit as he knew the snake hybrid was right. He did have a hard life as a child. “Mm…Daddy, what about you?” He asks softly.

“What about me, bun?” Jimin repeats.

“Your childhood..I wanna know more about you!” Jungkook said, playing with the soap in the bath, muscles feeling so relaxed.

Jimin hums lowly. “Oh..mine wasn’t so good either, baby. Just uh…I was raised all my life to become an assassin. No source of love or kindness existed in my family.” He explains. “I killed my first target when I was eight.”

“Eight?! B-but daddy you were a baby still!” Jungkook cries out, mortified.

The snake hybrid couldn’t help but laugh at Jungkooks cute reaction. “I was a kid, but it happened. That’s how I was raised. Initially, I was supposed to get married to another snake..she was an assassin as well, part of another family that were allies to my parents. Us getting married would’ve made our families into a strong pack. But I declined and left home when I was about…sixteen? Maybe?” He shrugged. “Next thing I know, I’m surviving on the streets, doing some hitman work and then that’s when I meet my boss, Namjoon.

“He took me in and the rest is history. I joined his gang and I make a living off of it.” The snake hybrid finished, tilting Jungkooks head back so he could rinse the soap off with the warm water.

Jungkooks eyes were wide in awe. “ uhm..your boss nice to you? He’s not a meanie?”

Jimin chuckled, snickering. “He can be nice when he wants to be. He isn’t the nicest when he’s angry. But I like him. He’s a good leader and he takes care of us.” He replies and grabs the body soap to wash Jungkooks back and body for him.

“Good..” the bunny replies with a nod. “Always want for everyone to be good to you.”

“Mm..oh, bun. I’m an assassin, it’s natural for me to have enemies or be hated on.” He chuckled, almost dryly. “No one can love a heartless monster like me, darling. That’s just how it works.”

“B-but I love you…” Jungkook tells him quietly.

Jimin suddenly froze and he stares at Jungkooks back. Did he hear that correctly? He…no, no, did he just say he LOVED him?

The alpha was frozen, never hearing such words directed him like that ever before. He was taught by his parents that love was a weak emotion. Love wasn’t real. It was only a mere distraction that went away. How could Jungkook love a monster? Was he that stupid? Or was he that in love with him?

The snake hybrid didn’t know how to respond, slowly going back to washing his back, humming lowly. “Mm..okay, bun.”

Jungkooks heart skipped a beat, face heating up. He felt embarrassed. Was it too soon to say that? Why would he say that? Stupid, stupid! The bunny pouts. He didn’t say it back to him.

It had to be too soon. Sure, they knew each other for six months and barely had started to become closer. But Jungkook was already so attached. Was it wrong to be in love with a sadistic killer?

The bunny hybrid slowly closes his eyes. He didn’t care if Jimin had a ruthless job. He didn’t care about any of that dark stuff. All he truly cared about was the snake hybrid coming home to him, to be with him and spend time with him.

‘Maybe in the future..he’ll say it back to me…right?’ He thought to himself and Jungkook slowly fell asleep in the warm bath, leaning against Jimins chest.

Jimin looks down at the omega and rubs his sides, repeating the words he told him over and over. He sighed deeply. “Oh, Koo..” he whispers.


Jimin is super difficult when it comes to softer emotions :,) it’s obvious he cares deeply for Jungkook on another level but doesn’t know how to express his feelings.

Also yes, I did make TaeGi a thing here. Maybe in the near future I’ll do a one shot of them cause personally, I do enjoy their story as well, but that’s for another time lolol xD

I cannot wait to write more! Definitely have some angsty ideas in mind. 👀

Chapter 6: Heartfelt Apologies


It became this unhealthy codependency that Jungkook had for Jimin. He knew he wouldn’t be able to survive without the alpha snake.

Jungkook knew that Jimin was practically everything to him.

Jungkook overhears Jimin’s conversation on the phone and hears something that breaks his heart.


Heyo ! (。•ㅅ•。) I hope you all are doing well ! I started my summer semester so my updates might not be as frequent, but I will do my best ! >:3

Some ANGST coming your way for this chapter but it’s okie because there’s also lots of fluff to make up for it <3

tw(s): panic attacks, dissociation, little space (kinda?)

Don’t like, don’t read ! :) Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Time had passed on by and things were gradually becoming better for Jungkook. The omega was beyond spoiled with sweet dates during the evenings, always got sweet gifts that made the bunny smile ever so brightly.

They set a routine where whenever Jimin worked from home, Jungkook always went to sit in Jimins lap, being well behaved, letting the older alpha do his work if he wasn’t feeling too mischievous. There were often times where Jungkook would even cockwarm the snake hybrid’s cocks or one with his cute ass or even with his mouth. Jimin had come to learn that the bunny seriously had an oral fixation. He noticed his behavior, his bad habit of sucking or biting the tip of his white ear or even his dainty fingers. So the alpha always scolded Jungkook to never cause harm to himself even if it was accidentally. The bunny hybrid adored sucking on Jimins cocks, but mostly cockwarming him and just staying there, it let him drift off to his headspace and he felt so wonderful.

Everything was going so well. Their relationship was improving little by little and even Jimin’s organization members began to notice it as well. Jimin changed his schedule to work more at home and only leave to handle assassination missions whenever Jungkook was asleep at night. They all began to notice how spoiled the snake really had the bunny. It was rather amusing, but also super sweet because it was cold blooded Jimin who was acting such a way.

But lately, Jungkook had been hiding how he felt recently. The omega loved the snake hybrid with all of his heart, he truly did. He always loved being around him. Sure, he loved the sweet gifts and everything, but that wasn’t the most important to him. He just loved spending time with Jimin.

However, the omega began to notice something. Every time they had a wonderful date, whenever they’d end the night with passionate yet super hardcore sex, Jungkook got into the habit of saying, “I love you,” to him. But each time he did, Jimins expression would slightly falter and he’d give Jungkook a forced smile and never said it back to him.

The albino bunny would lie if he said that it didn’t hurt him each time he avoided saying it back. It made Jungkook insecure because it took him back to when he was a kit, when his parents were neglectful. He and his siblings were never showed an ounce of love. It was something Jungkook had always craved.

But of course, Jungkook always convinced himself not to ever rush Jimin. “He gave you a big home..l-like a castle! And he always buys you toys and pretty outfits..and gives you yummy food. Daddy wouldn’t do that if he didn’t love you..right?” He’d often ask himself this, but as more days went on, Jungkook was starting to become extra clingy, begged for more praise more than usual, tried to do things that would catch Jimin’s attention.

For example, Jungkook was learning how to garden. He found it to be a useful and fun whenever Jimin was busy or wasn’t home, but he’d always show Jimin the things he did and learned, always getting a loving kiss and a proud smile from the alpha that made him feel so GOOD and wanted.

Jungkook also never went out with Jimin either. It wasn’t like Jimin kept him trapped in the mansion, it’s just the bunny hybrid wasn’t the best with socializing and making new friends. Plus, he just felt safer to go out with Jimin rather than being by himself. It became this unhealthy codependency that Jungkook had for Jimin. He knew he wouldn’t be able to survive without the alpha snake.

Jungkook knew that Jimin was practically everything to him.



Currently it was a rather quiet and boring day for the bunny. The omega slept in pretty late, snuggled up in his and Jimins shared bed, the blankets a mess and Jungkooks hair a fluffy mess as well. He got up slowly, taking a shower and then changing into one of Jimins dress shirts, a white buttoned up shirt that fit him rather loosely, going down to his thighs. He wore that with pastel, laced baby pink panties.

He went downstairs and ate up some brunch that the maids provided for him. Jungkook also had befriended some of the maids. The maids always stayed professional, but none of them could dare reject Jungkook’s cute requests and words. He was the biggest sweetheart after all.

As Jungkook was eating an onigiri, he looks up with his doe eyes to one of the maids. “Is he home today?” He asks.

One of the maids, as she’s pouring Jungkook some more tea, speaks up, “Master is up in his office, young master.” She says politely and Jungkook pouts because he always tells them to call him “Koo” but alas, they’re too polite and professional, insisting that they call Jungkook “young master”.

Nonetheless, the bunny nods, eating up at his brunch and hums cutely, wiggling in his seat and eyebrows scrunching angrily, which definitely indicated that Jungkook was enjoying the food. He took another final bite and decided to go his way to find Jimin today.

Jungkook went to the bedroom first as he fixed his hair, always wanting to look the prettiest for the snake and then grabs his bunny plushie, his favorite plushie out of all the ones he owned because it was the first gift the alpha snake ever gave him. He walks down the hall and heads to the familiar office but as he approached it, he heard Jimin speaking to someone.

Jimin was on the phone, speaking to Seokjin who was on speaker, sighing a bit as he felt slightly stressed from the amount of work he had been doing. “So what is that you needed to call me for, hyung?” He asks.

“Ah, Jimin-ah, just wanted to inform you that this upcoming weekend we will be going to Hong Kong to handle some important business there. Namjoon has been thinking that we’ll stay there for thirty days and—“

Jimin immediately cut the hacker off. “What? A whole month?” He asked. “That long?”

“Is there a problem? You don’t usually care about leaving out to business trips like these.” Seokjin pointed out.

The snake hybrid sighed, leaning back against his desk chair. “I don’t…it’s just..” he trailed off, almost unable to even say what was bothering the assassin to begin with.

Jungkook stayed quiet as he listened to their conversation. The omega felt bad to eavesdrop like this, but he was terribly curious. Plus, Jimin didn’t sound too happy either. The omega pouted at the thought of the older male overworking himself.

“Wait.” Seokjin chuckled on the other line. “Don’t tell me you’re getting worked up because of your little bunny.” You could practically hear the sly smile in the wolf’s voice. “You’re that scared of leaving him alone for a month?”

Jimin scoffed. “Fuck off. I can’t exactly take him with me, can I? It’s too dangerous for him as well as too risky.” He grumbled.

“Jimin-ah…there’s no need to get so defensive, you know.” The hacker said to him. “But I do agree, it wouldn’t be wise to bring him along for the trip. He’d have to stay there. But he’d be fine at home, wouldn’t he? I mean…he is an adult.”

The snake hybrid hissed lowly in habit. “I’m not fucking getting defensive.” He argued but snorts. “Yeah, no shit. He can’t be alone though. He gets all distressed and—“

Seokjin laughed, interrupting him. “Wow! You really care for this one, huh? Never thought I’d see the day where you’d finally find yourself a cute little lover that’s bringing you down.”

Jimin growled, fists clenching. “Shut up! He isn’t my lover! He’s nothing but a damn toy to me! I already fucking told you all!”


The bunny’s eyes widened at the alphas words and suddenly it was like Jungkooks whole world had stopped. His heart was pounding so loud that he swore he could hear it.

For a moment, the omega felt dizzy and found it hard to breathe. Did…why…why did Jimin say that?

Jungkooks eyes welled up with tears. Jimin never called him that word before. He always praised him with such nice and loving words that made him feel so special.

“You could never annoy me, bun. I enjoy your company.” Jimin had told him one time with a sweet eye smile when Jungkook felt insecure about always coming to visit Jimin whenever he was working.

Was all of this just one big…lie?

Was Jungkook really that stupid that he actually thought that someone, for once in his life someone, would actually care for him?

Hot tears began to run down his face and he bit back a loud sob, dropping the bunny plushie onto the carpet and he ran down the hall, feeling himself entering into a panic attack. It didn’t feel real. Why would Jimin be so cruel to call him a toy? Is that why he had saved him? To use him for sexual pleasure and find a stupid, broken minded sex doll? Was that all their relationship was?

Jungkook whimpers, instinctively going to their shared bedroom, but he didn’t want to be there. He almost wanted to run away.

But where would he go?

He’d end up right onto the streets again. He’d go back to being homeless and starving. He wouldn’t have anything. But worse…the bunny would be all alone again.

The albino bunny sniffles, crying as he rubs at his face, sprinting down the hall and running into one of the guest rooms, closing the door behind him and hiding into the empty closet that was in there, feeling safe in such a tight, dark, closed space because that meant no one would come to hurt him.

Suddenly Jungkook felt like he was five years old again, his parents fighting and throwing things at each other, as well as the kids if they got in the way just to take out their frustrations. Whenever jungkook felt fear, he’d always hide in the storage closet, hugging his knees to his chest, all alone in the dark and he’d shut his eyes, trying hard to ignore everything and pretend that everything was okay.

The twenty year old sobbed, feeling utterly heartbroken and useless. This had to be a nightmare. Was Jungkook really that unlovable? He weeps to himself and trembled, not sure what else to do other than cry his feelings out.



Meanwhile, back in Jimin’s office, after saying those harsh words, Seokjin scoffed. “ can’t lie to me. You know damn well he’s more than a toy to you. It’s obvious you care for him. There isn’t anything wrong with that, you know. I know you’re not used to feeling this way, but you deserve to have a source of light in your life.”

Jimin stayed silent, unsure of how to respond to that.

“I’ve noticed how happier you are. How brighter you didn’t ever look like that before, Jimin. You were always so cold, hard to approach, you rarely responded to our jokes. But nowadays, you look so…alive. Whoever this bunny is…he’s been making you happy. I don’t even need to hack into your camera system and see it for myself because it’s obvious enough.” Seokjin chuckles. “There’s nothing wrong with that. You know me and boys would always support you, right?”

The snake hybrid sighed heavily and rubbed at his temple. “Yea…I know..” he said quietly.

“Having someone special in your life doesn’t make you weak. I know that’s what your fmaily engraved into you, but it’s not true at all. Look at Namjoon..our leader of one of the biggest mafia gangs in Korea. He has me. I’m his mate and that doesn’t stop him from doing his job!” The omega wolf points out.

“But you’re with the association..that’s different, hyung. He doesn’t worry because you’re capable of defending yourself just fine. Jungkook doesn’t like violence, he can’t even stand to look at blood!” Jimin stated.

“Then let your bunny take some self defense classes. I know it’ll only do so much, but it’s better than nothing at all!” He replies then sighs softly. “You make your choice, can either let this bunny go if you really think he’s distracting you or you can stay with him. Personally, I think he’s doing good for you. He’s melting your icy cold heart!”

Jimin rolled his eyes at that, but his gaze softened just a tad bit.

“I’ll let you go now. Friday night we’re leaving to Hong Kong by eleven. See you then.” Seokjin finally hung up and Jimin sighed.

The snake hybrid gave a big stretch, grunting as some of his limbs popped and he stood up, finally done with work for today. “Maybe I should take Koo that festival later..” he hums and then opens the door only to look down and notice the bunny plushie on the floor.

Suddenly Jimins eyes widened. “No..fuck!” He quickly sprinted down the hall and to his bedroom, opening it but didn’t see Jungkook there. “Bun? Jungkook? Jungkook!” He called, looking around the bedroom and then the bathroom. “Fuck! No, no, no!” He cursed.

He heard him. Jungkook fucking heard him.

The snake hybrid ran out and hissed, looking to the maids. “Did Jungkook leave?!” Some of his maids shook their heads and looked confused, but Jimin didn’t have time to explain.

Where the fuck was he?

Jimin ran downstairs to the garden but saw it was only some of the maids working. Jungkook was there either.

The alpha was panicking. Did Jungkook run away? No, the maids would’ve seen him. They would’ve questioned him too.

The alpha searched for Jungkook in the mansion for about thirty minutes, his anger and panic beginning to get overhand until he searched the spare bedrooms and that’s when he heard a sniffle.

Jimin gasped, eyes wide and he goes to the closet, opening the door and felt relief flood over him when he saw Jungkook was safe and sound. “Baby—“

“NO!” Jungkook screamed and Jimins eyes widened. The omega had never ever raised his voice at him before.

Jungkooks face was tear stained, cheeks splotchy and he cries, trying to close the closet back up. “G-g-go aw-way! M-meanie! MEAN! MEAN!” He cries.

The snake felt pain in his chest but he reached out to him again. “Bun, no, listen, please—“ he tried, calmly but the bunny hybrid was completely hysteric. Jungkook began to punch, hit, slap, and kick at Jimin, sobbing as he kept saying, “No, no, no!” over and over again.

It broke Jimins heart, pulling Jungkook into his arms despite Jungkooks struggle and fight. He ignored the hits, hardly reacted to them. “Baby..please, I’m sorry…alpha didn’t mean what he said.”

“L-liar!! M n-n-nothing b-but a toy!!” Jungkook screamed, sobbing as he shakes in Jimins hold, weakly hitting his chest, slowly giving up. “Y-you’re gonna u-use me and b-b-break me then t-throw me a-away just like 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 did! I-I don’t w-wanna be a t-t-toy! J-just kill me then! I-I’d rather die than b-be used!!”

Jimin shut his eyes tight and hugged Jungkook close, releasing his pheromones to help calm the omega. “No, bun, no, I’d never use you..I’d never throw you away. I’m…Alpha is so sorry, baby..I should’ve never said those mean things about you. Especially when they aren’t true. Alpha was being dumb. Even I can act like an idiot.”

The bunny sniffles and slowly began to calm down, breath shaky, leaning into Jimin.

“I’m not…I’m not good with my feelings, bun..” Jimin quietly confessed. “I’ve never felt this way for anyone before. So when someone pointed it out to me, my instant reaction was to deny it..but that isn’t true at all. You’re so wonderful..I don’t deserve someone so angelic and sweet as you, baby bun..” he began to pet his hair, nuzzling into him.

“You don’t deserve to be with a monster like me..I’ve been nothing but a jerk to you, Koo..and I’m sorry for that. You deserve the whole world..” the snake hybrid whispers to him, ever so gently. Jungkook could only listen, eyes glossing up with tears again.

“Truth is I’m really in love with you, Koo..” he confessed and Jungkooks eyes widened, letting out a gasp. “I started to realize that I wanted to be with you forever..I adore your cute smile, the way you jump around when you get excited, the way your eyebrows scrunch when you eat something delicious..” he points out with a smile. “I love everything about you, Jungkook..I was scared because…you’re so perfect. Almost too perfect for someone like me..I’m sorry, Koo..I never meant to hurt you. I..” his own breath hitched, saying these words for the first time in his life. “I love you, Jungkook.”

The bunny began to tremble like a leave in Jimin’s hold, whimpering and then suddenly breaking out in a sob, crying as he hugged the alpha tighter, crying into his neck. “L-love D-Daddy! L-l-love him s-s’ much!!” He cries. “P-please d-don’t get r-r-rid of K-Koo!” He whimpers.

Jimins heart clenched and he kissed the side of Jungkooks face. “I would never think of doing that, sweetheart..shhh…let it out, baby. It’s alright..” he soothed, rubbing he bunny’s back up and down.

It took about an hour for Jungkook to fully calm down, Jimin stayed with him, rocking him gently back and forth, letting the omega let everything out until finally, Jungkook slowly pulled back and pouts.

“My poor baby..” Jimin sighed, cupping Jungkooks face and kissing his lips so softly. “Feel a bit better now?”

The bunny nods, but looked extremely tired.

“Let’s eat dinner at home, Hm? I’ll have the maids make your favorite. We can eat up in bed and watch your favorite movie together. How does that sound, my love?” He asks gently, hands caressing Jungkooks doughy cheeks.

Again, Jungkook nods and sniffles, holding onto Jimin so tightly as if afraid of letting go and never being able to hold Jimin ever again. He tried to speak but words couldn’t come out of his mouth except for weeps and whimpers. He felt completely overwhelmed, shutting his eyes and then his eyes became a size bigger, pupils blown and he clung to the snake hybrid for dear life.

Jimin lifted him up into his arms and went back to their shared bedroom after ordering one of the maids to cook and bring their dinner up.

The alpha couldn’t explain this awful feeling inside of him. Never in his life was he one to show pity towards other people. Much like his actual species, he was coldblooded. He was cruel and never cared for others or put much thought into it. So it shocked him that he genuinely panicked when he knew he had upset Jungkook. Why did he care that much? Did he actually love someone for the first time?

Once the alpha took the omega to their room, he lays down with him, getting under the covers together, Jimin sitting up against the pillows with Jungkook still holding onto him. He hadn’t spoken a word after what occurred and that concerned the snake a bit because normally, ever since he was brought to the mansion, he was such a talkative bunny.

Jimin turned the bedroom tv on and put on Jungkook’s favorite movie which was a Studio Ghibli movie: Howl’s Moving Castle. He looked down and watched how Jungkooks eyes brightened, looking at the tv, his pouty lips slightly parted as he cutely was spacing out. Jimin smiles softly, running his cold fingers through the bunny’s white locks, petting at his ears.

“Baby?” He softly calls.

“Oing..?” The bunny let out in return, looking up at the alpha.

Jimin stared back at him and truly felt like he shouldn’t have been forgiven that easily. “I’m sorry, bun..” he says quietly.

The omega tilts his head and then moves to get into his lap hugging him tightly. “Koo..not mad. Koo loves Daddy.” He coos, his lisp way more pronounce than before.

The snake hybrid took notice of this. “Koo, darling? Mm..” he pulls back to look at him and carefully hands him his bunny plushie he had dropped. Almost immediately Jungkook squeals happily and takes the plushie into his arms, hugging it tightly. “Bonnie! M’ sorry for dropping you..” he pouted.

Jimin noticed the way Jungkook was acting a bit more childish than usual. His eyes even looked more childlike and..brighter. The alpha has heard of this term before, but decided not to comment about it. He’d be a good alpha and do his research later.

A few minutes later and a maid knocked, entering inside with a tray of food which was samgyeopsal and kimchi fried rice. “Bun, dinner is ready.” Jimin smiles and Jungkook sits up with the bunny plushie still in his arms.

“Wahhh ! It looks so yummy!” He giggles.

The maid bowed after Jimin silently dismissed her and the snake hybrid smiles. “It does, doesn’t it, sweetheart? Want for alpha to feed you?” He asks him.

Jungkook nods his head, his floppy ears slightly bouncing along with his fluffy hair. “Please Daddy!”

And just like that, Jimin was feeding Jungkook most of the food, the omega taking large bites and eating up wonderfully with his cheeks filled up so cutely, resembling a chipmunk. However, Jungkook pouted all of a sudden. “Daddy! You didn’t eat at all!”

The snake hybrid blinks and on instinct, his forked tongue slithered out to wet his lips. He chuckles softly. “It’s alright, sweetheart. This food was meant for you.”

Jungkook frowns. “But then..what will Daddy eat? Koo…can Koo feed Daddy?” He asks him.

Jimins eyes widened a bit and he chuckled. “If you really want to, my love..”

The bunny smiles brightly and nods, taking the spoon and making sure to put a good amount as well as some meat before putting it up to Jimins lips. Jimin smiled and takes a bit, humming as he chewed and nods.

Jungkook smiles at him. “Good?! Good?” He asks, clearly excited.

“It’s very delicious, bun. The maids outdid themselves.”

The bunny nodded slowly then hugs Jimins arm. It was silent for a moment with Jimin moving the tray out of the way since they were both done with their dinner and together, they watched the movie play. It wasn’t until Jimin heard a soft little voice say, “Daddy…m’ sorry..”

Jimin frowns and looks at Jungkook, moving his chin up to face him gently. “For what, bun? You didn’t do anything wrong, darling.”

Jungkooks eyes filled with tears. “N-no…Koo was bad, K-Koo hit Daddy and s-said bad things..d-didn’t mean em!” He whimpered and Jimin shakes his head, letting out a coo as he kissed his cheeks.

“No, baby…it’s alright. Alpha deserved to get a few hits in.” Jimin chuckled. “I hurt your feelings, darling. And you were upset. It’s normal to feel that way. Don’t feel bad for’s over now, yeah?” He caressed his cheek and gave Jungkook a soft kiss on the lips. “Don’t cry, my’re way too beautiful to cry.”

Jungkook blushed but nods his head, nuzzling against Jimins naturally cold body. “Love Daddy…love him s’ much..” he mumbles.

The snake hybrid smiles a little, holding him in his arms. “Alpha loves you too, bun.” He whispers and kissed the top of his forehead. Within a few minutes, he hears a baby snore and looks down to see Jungkook fast asleep. Jimin sighs softly and nuzzled his chin into his fluffy hair. For once, his eyes had softened and he looked…human. He turns the tv off and then the lamp and carefully adjusts them so they could lay down properly.

“Goodnight, my little prince.”


Yuuuup, so that happened. Jimin is still learning how to process his emotions and feelings :,)

I want to thank all of you who has supported this story! :(♡ please leave any feedback or any questions you may have regarded to the story!

Thank you ! <3

Chapter 7: Sweet Calls


“I’ll be sure to call you whenever I’m free..” Jimin whispers to him, plump lips ghosting over Jungkooks cheek bone, kissing there before trailing soft kisses down his face and jaw, stopping at his neck and began to lick and suck on his mating bite, making the bunny quiver and whimper underneath him in submission.

“Y-you promise, Daddy?” Jungkook pouts, head tilted to the side for Jimin to have more room to kiss and mark. He could feel his fluffy white tail wiggling underneath him, legs in a spread but bent, wrapping around Jimins waist and tugged him closer to him.

“I promise.”

Jimin leaves for a business trip to Hong Kong and Jungkook stays home at the mansion.


Back with another update ! <3 super, super sorry for taking awhile to upload and make any of you wait ;-; college has been a serious pain, but I will do my best to keep updating !

Hope you guys are doing well ♡ and I cannot wait for JJK1 to come next month ! (ノ>ω<)ノ

tw(s): phone sex, feminization, degrading (lil bit), fingering, cuteness overload.

Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For the next few days, the pair were practically inseparable. Jimin knew by Friday he’d have to leave to Hong Kong due to important work he couldn’t afford to miss, unfortunately. But ever since the incident that occurred, Jimin, ironically, was being the clingy one amongst the two.

He didn’t go into his office that much as he normally did, he’d only go if Jungkook took a nap or was busy gardening outside. He always made sure to feed Jungkook whenever it was time to eat, never missing a single meal and making sure the albino bunny had enough to eat and if there was something off, even by just a little, the snake would be sure to make sure Jungkook was one hundred percent satisfied. It was pretty endearing to see but even the bunny omega was beginning to notice Jimins behavior and was actually a little surprised by it.

Jungkook guessed that Jimin must’ve really felt bad for what he had said and took his apology really serious, the aftermath being proven enough that he really cared for the omega and wanted to prove that he meant his apology and that yes, he genuinely loved him. So for the rest of the week, it was nonstop cuddling and spoiling, Jimin hardly focused on work and Jungkook was just bathed in attention and love, completely happy even when he told Jimin, “I’m okay, alpha, I promise.” He giggles whenever the snake hybrid gets a bit overwhelmed if something doesn’t go the right way.

But now it was Friday and Jungkook knew about Jimin having to leave for a full month for work. The snake didn’t exactly explain in detail what exactly his job was going to be while he was gone but the bunny omega had a feeling he wouldn’t exactly want to know anyways since Jungkook wasn’t one for violence or blood after all…he didn’t like to hear about it nor see it. Although a month did seem like a long time to the younger male. He had tried to convince Jimin if he could go a few times.

“Please, alpha! I-I promise I’ll stay put in the hotel! Won’t leave! W-won’t answer the door! I could wait for you!” He had tried to plead, but alas, Jimin had to be strict.

“No, bun. As much as I love that idea, it’s still a dangerous position to put you in. I could never risk you to danger..I’ll be gone most of the day away from my hotel and there could be a slight chance that any enemies could get to you.” The predator hybrid had told Jungkook with a serious and stern expression so the bunny could really know how serious this was. “You’re better off here right at home with the maids, okay?”

Jungkooks ears had drooped rather sadly and his doe eyes became rounder and glossy, giving the alpha his famous “Bambi eyes” that he always did whenever he wanted something.

Jimin couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted from his throat. He was so smitten after all and there were times where the snake really couldn’t say no to the bunny. “Nice try, brat.” He teased him, reaching over to give a light pinch to Jungkook’s doughy cheek that made the prey hybrid whine in response.

The snake finished adding his folded clothes into his bag and glanced at Jungkook, who still was sulking on the bed. Jimin smirked a little in amusement and then grabs his bare ankles and tugs him forward, making Jungkook Yelp with surprise and fall onto his back, getting pulled right under Jimin.

Jimin’s gold eyes narrowed dangerously and he hovers above the omega, his body right on the edge of the bed, still standing and in between Jungkooks legs. He leaned down and his forked tongue wiggled, lightly licking at the bunny’s face, but in reality, he was deeply scenting his baby before he’d leave.

After all, he wanted for Jungkook to have his scent on him that would last for the week. It’s not like Jungkook would leave the mansion often or see people, but still, it satisfied the snake’s possessive streak.

“I’ll be sure to call you whenever I’m free..” Jimin whispers to him, plump lips ghosting over Jungkooks cheek bone, kissing there before trailing soft kisses down his face and jaw, stopping at his neck and began to lick and suck on his mating bite, making the bunny quiver and whimper underneath him in submission.

“Y-you promise, Daddy?” Jungkook pouts, head tilted to the side for Jimin to have more room to kiss and mark. He could feel his fluffy white tail wiggling underneath him, legs in a spread but bent, wrapping around Jimins waist and tugged him closer to him.

The snake hybrid let out a low hiss, licking spots on Jungkooks neck and throat and then sucking harshly, eating up at the way Jungkook keened, squirming a little. Jimin pulled off a couple of times with a loud and wet “pop” sound, leaning up to stare at his artwork he created on the bunny’s honey milky skin. “Definitely promise, my love. I’ll be sure to call twice a day, morning and night and if I happen to have more time, I’ll be sure to call again. How does that sound, hm? We can even video call, too.”

That had the omegas eyes brightening up. “Yes! Video call sounds so perfect!” He smiles happily. It wouldn’t be the same as seeing the snake in person, but Jungkook will accept it and take what he can get. He pouts and wraps his arms around his neck, nuzzling into him, having a pout on his face. “I’m gonna miss you..”

Jimin chuckles, kissing the side of his head. “Me too, little bun..but I promise it’ll pass by before you know it. Alpha already marked you up real nicely..” he smirked, pulling back a bit to admire the large hickeys and love bites he left all over the boys neck and collarbones. “So in case you do leave the house, everyone will know you’re mine..” his eyes darkened a little.

Jungkook shivered, but blushed, letting out a baby whimper, his floppy white ears covering his blushing face and that made Jimin smile a little. He kissed his forehead and they snuggled up together for the last time until the snake hybrid had to leave.



Jimin left later in the evening, much to jungkooks disappointment. He was seriously going to miss his company and got so used to having him around that when he woke up the following morning alone in bed, it just wasn’t the same, even when the entire bed smelled of Jimins wonderful scent, his scent was a strong smell of sea waves that reminded Jungkook of the beach here in Busan. It often reminded him of when he was a small kit, when he used to go to the beach and admire the peaceful sound of the ocean waves..where it was quiet, no yelling or harshness happening. The scent soothed Jungkook to no end.

The bunny had made a large nest and put all of Jimins used clothes as well as extra pillows and blankets so that the smell of his mates scent super strongly. His inner omega was satisfied with how the nest looked, all organized and pretty and most importantly, comfortable.

For the first two days, Jungkook rarely left the nest, enjoying the calls he’d get from the older male but alas, he was already missing Jimin so much and it had only been 48 hours. By the third day, Jungkook was better and he made use of his time in the mansion, going to the gardens and worked on the plants and flowers, working very hard and was super proud of how much prettier and livelier he made the garden become.

The bunny omega even randomly decided to dye his hair, deciding that a new look would probably be super fun to try out! Because Jungkook was an albino hybrid, with naturally bright, snow white locks, he decided to go for an easy, less intimidating color: blonde. Jungkook had bit his lip and was in the big bathroom with two of the many maids.

He needed help of course so he had asked two of the maids to help put the color in for him and make sure it turned out perfect.

“I think Master will be really pleased with this outcome.” One of the maids, Iseul, smiled sweetly to Jungkook. Jungkook liked her a lot and she was one of the maids she was actually really close to. There were a lot of maids in the mansion but Jungkook noticed that a lot of them were super different. Some could range from sadistic and mischievous, teasing the poor bunny to no end and get a kick out of seeing Jungkook flustered and cute, hot and bothered. And then there were the other half of the maids that were more so polite and kind, willing to follow any order Jungkook asks of them and treat the bunny with such utter care.

So Iseul and another maid, Nari, helped dye a gorgeous blonde color into Jungkooks white strands. The bunny had blushed, pouting as he had his feet pointed inwards, sitting on a stool and looking into the reflection in the mirror of himself, watching the maids do their work.

“R-really? Do you think he’ll like it?” Jungkook asks, tone super soft.

Nari giggles. “Oh, he’ll love it, Koo. You’re already so beautiful, imagine his reaction once he sees you with gorgeous blonde locks!” She says and Jungkook giggles a little in return. The omega had decided he’d surprise the older alpha with his hair, deciding he’d show him later tonight.



Jungkook felt super comfortable, sitting on the plush bed in his and Jimins shared bedroom with a laptop in front of him, ready to video call his beloved predator mate. They set a routine where in the mornings, they’d call on the phone normally due to Jimin already heading out to work and then by nighttime, they would video call until one of them fell asleep.

For now, Jungkook had his camera off, ready to show the surprise he had for the snake hybrid, his bunny tail wiggling in absolute excitement.

The bunny jumps when he heard the laptop ring, gasping as he quickly answered and blushed, his camera off, so nothing of him was seen, but he gushed, internally melting upon seeing Jimin.

Jimin looked like he had a long day, his expression cold and his eyes a bit darker than usual, his black hair a bit of a mess but it somehow added to his sexy vibe, almost looking as if his hair were meant to look messy. He wore a short, black buttoned up shirt, his scales able to be seen on camera.

“Hello, baby bun—oh?” Jimin paused, looking at the screen with a confused expression for a second before tilting his head. “Is my darling not feeling up for a video call tonight?” He asked. He didn’t mind if Jungkook weren’t, he was only surprised due to the fact that Jungkook is usually the one who gets excited for them.

The bunny’s breath hitched. It still made his body tingle hearing the snakes voice. “N-no, Daddy, I’m feeling up for it. Uhm..I just have a surprise for you.” He smiles a little.

Jimins plump lips quirked in amusement, hissing a little and tilting his head to side quickly, popping his neck. “Is that so? What did you do, sweetheart? Care to show Daddy?” He asks him, eyes almost darkening in anticipation.

Jungkook bit the tip of his ear only to stop immediately. He had such a bad habit and was close to getting rid of it. For every time he hit his ear, he’d get punished with spankings, so forced himself to stop and turned the camera on to reveal himself.

The bunny’s hair was no longer white, but a gorgeous blonde color, his hair being trimmed and styled, looking wavy and fluffy. But not only was his hair the surprise, but the camera was also showing Jungkooks body, sitting on the bed, showing how he was wearing this pretty lilac laced lingerie set. It complimented Jungkooks pecs, almost looking as if he actually had small breasts for a moment, but lately Jungkook had been working out a lot.

The omega enjoyed staying active and liked the fact he was putting on healthy weight compared to how he looked when he was first brought to the mansion. Plus, it was also in his bunny genes to have lots of energy, so he mostly used it for working out. His thighs got thicker, more muscular and plush, hips plush and soft along with his tummy, and his pecs were mostly made of muscle, but very plush as well. So the fact that Jungkook actually felt super confident and pretty when he tried on this set meant that everything had worked out in his favor.

“Tada!” Jungkook sings, shyly, giggling as he covered his face with his ears as well as his hands. He was more so excited to show his mate his new hair color, it was rather a big change for the bunny, but he really loved it.

Jimin took in the sight of his lover and his gaze looked hungry. He eyed at Jungkooks hair, firstly, smiling a bit. “You dyed your hair, baby bun? It looks so beautiful on you..I love it a lot, sweetheart.” He smirks and then his golden reptile-like eyes trailed down to the lingerie he was wearing. “Oh?”

Truth be told, the omega rarely wore lingerie that much, mostly just cute panties, but never a full set with a matching bralette that hugged his chest quite nicely.

“Shit, look so ethereal..” the snakes voice dropped a couple octaves and that made Jungkook shudder, feeling hot wetness from in between his legs. Jimin smirks. “Baby bunnnn~” he coos. “Remove your hands. Let me see your pretty face.” He ordered quietly.

Jungkook knew better than to disobey and removed his hands, slowly, away from his face, showing his flushed lightly dusted pink cheeks and even his floppy ears moved out of the way. “D-do you like it, alpha?”

The snake let out a deep croon. “I love it, my love. You look so pretty right now..I’m a little heated that I can’t be with you right now to physically show you how much I appreciate your sweet surprise.” Jimin says, giving Jungkook the bedroom eyes, his eyes looking as if he were ready to eat the bunny whole.

The bunny hybrid whimpers a little and he instinctively spreads his legs a bit, the panties snug against his little cock, the tip, peeking out from the waistband, the tip a bright red with pre-cum already leaking despite the fact nothing has even happened. “D-daddy..” he softly calls.

“Mm? Already worked up, darling?” The alpha asks. “Have your door locked?”

Jungkook nods his head, obediently. “L-locked it before I changed..” he says, his hand slowly sneaking up to palm himself, though Jimin was quick to catch that.

“Ah. You get all dressed up and pretty for me and suddenly you forget the rules, bun?” The snake mocks. “Has alpha been gone for too long?”

The bunny normally would’ve apologized, but instead he had a cute pout rested on his lips, not removing his hand but he stopped his movements from pleasuring himself. “You have..t-the toys aren’t the same..” Jungkook whines to him. “T-they don’t compare to your b-big cock, Daddy..” the omega whimpers, moving his hand again but then stopped almost immediately as Jimin had this dark look in his eyes.

The predator hybrid let out a deep sigh, leaning back a little, showing only the upper half of his body, but Jungkooks ears twitched and perked up when he picked up the sound of something wet.

Jimin was already touching himself.

“I’ll let it slide, angel, since I’m so desperate for you.” The alpha croons, giving Jungkook permission to continue so the omega eagerly reached into his panties, tugging them down a little until they rested underneath his small balls and then he wraps a hand around his pathetically small sized cock and began to stroke himself. “T-thank you, daddy!”

The black haired snake groans a little, jerking his two cocks off at the sight. “My poor little angel is all worked up and desperate. Three days of me gone and that leaves you all horny and needy like a bitch in heat.” He degrades.

While that’s usually something the omega bunny always denied, he couldn’t even be bothered to correct him, moaning needily and leaning back against the pillows, his legs up and bent up to his chest, revealing to Jimin his little cock and wet hole that was already leaking so much slick and already soaking up the lilac fabric of his panties. His feet hung in the air, a little bit above the bed, wearing frilly white socks, making his feet looked pointed and adorable. “N-need your k-knots..w-wan’ both of your cocks..!” He begs, squeezing at his cock and whining as he already felt so sensitive.

Jimins eyes closed for a moment, jaw clenching in arousal, his two cocks rock hard as he wished Jungkook were right beside him right now. His fist would have to do for now. He opened his eyes and stared at the screen, eyeing at Jungkooks pretty tight rim, aching to eat him out and get his hole all puffy and red.

“Finger yourself, bun. Do it for Daddy.” He ordered, his grip tight on his two cocks, imagining it being Jungkooks tight and warm hole, cockwarming him.

Jungkook obeyed and let go of his cock that twitched and laid limply against his tummy and moved down, eyeing himself at the screen before whimpering and looked away, shyly. He looked so slutty that he almost didn’t recognize himself.

“Ah ah. Look back at the camera.” Jimin suddenly ordered, voice strict.

The omega gasps and shakily turns his head back to the screen. He knew better than to disobey when Jimin was using that voice of him. Where his voice got deeper and more dominant, almost intimidating to where you wouldn’t want to make the other upset.

“That’s better. Now, do as I told you. Push a finger in you. Stretch yourself out for me, baby bun.” Jimin commands and Jungkook didn’t dare refuse it.

Jungkooks bottom lip quivered as he didn’t look away from the screen, shakily bringing his hand down to his rim and circled it with his middle finger, pushing the tip of it inside and let out a small moan from the stimulation. He then pushed it inside and sighs softly, his free hand coming up to cup at his pec, squeezing it and eyes fluttering shut as he pretended it was Jimins rough hand touching him.

“That’s right, sweetheart..pretend I’m right there, touching you. Fingering your slutty hole and groping at your pretty tits.” The snake hissed lowly, forked tongue licking at his bottom lip, lewdly.

The bunny whines, fucking the digit inside of him rather fast, but his face was burning with embarrassment, little cock twitching. “T-they’re not tits, D-Daddy..! M’ a boy!”

The snake hybrid chuckled deeply and that sound alone brought a shiver up Jungkooks spine. “They may as well be, my love. They’re quite big and super soft to the touch. Imagine me breeding you..filling you up with my eggs or knocking you up with a cute little kit..then watch as your cute tits become bigger and swollen with milk..” his breath began to get a bit heavier and Jimin suddenly growls, the sounds of squelching becoming louder than ever. “I’d suck you dry, baby, fuck—“

Jungkook cries out, gripping his pec tightly as he pushed in another finger inside of him, panting as he fingered himself fast, whimpering as he nodded. “P-please, wan’ that so bad! A-Ah, wanna get b-bred and filled! P-please, Daddy, m’ so empty!” He cries, tears welling up in the bunny’s eyes.

“Add another finger.” The alpha hissed out, watching as Jungkook tried, wincing a little but then pushed his third finger inside, Jimin moaning lowly at his stretched out the bunny was looking. “Good boy. Listening to me so well.”

The omega twitched and keened at the sweet praise he received. He looks at the camera. “D-daddy, wan’ see all of you..p-please?” He pouts to him.

Jimin smirks. How could he deny such a cute request. “Of course, darling.” He adjusts his phone and then moves it down to let him see the lower half of his body. Jungkook swore he almost came right then and there at the sight. Jimins two cocks were hard and thick…pre cum, oozing from both tips, the veins bulging and angry, Jimins small hand was wrapped around both of them, wearing the silver thick rings that Jungkook always loved about his mate. He noticed his thick and muscular thighs that were exposed and milky. Jungkook had the urge to bite them as soon as he returned home.

Jungkooks eyes rolled back a little. “Ah!” He squeaks and stops thrusting his fingers for a second only to hear a “Tsk.” “Koo, I didn’t give you permission to stop.”

“B-but I’m close, D-daddy—“ he tried to complain but Jimin felt pretty mean tonight.

“I don’t fucking care, bun. Keep fingering your self and do not stop until I tell you to.” The alpha warns, eyes completely dark and almost black with lust and hunger.

Jimin knows he just teased Jungkook for being so needy earlier, but truth be told, this week has been quite hard on the alpha as well.

The bunny whimpers pathetically and goes back to fingering himself at the pace he was at: fast and messy. He had his head tilted back a little, exposing the fading hickeys on his neck and chest, eyebrows scrunched in frustration and sweat running down his temple.

The snake hybrid was jerking his cocks off faster, growling a little as he watched his mate fuck himself with his fingers, though he smirked. Something was up. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” He coos, his tone of voice mocking and downright mean, but Jungkook was too far gone to even notice.

“C-can’t—NGH!” He cries out, moving his arm a little and then even adjusted his thighs but no matter hard he tried, it didn’t seem as though he was satisfied. “C-can’t reach it, D-daddy! A-almost there!” The bunny’s voice was high and desperate, tears streaming down his pretty face.

Jimin let out a low, “Fuck,” under his breath. His sadistic streak kicking in as he watched his gorgeous mate cry. Seeing him cry was almost enough to get him to cum. Almost.

“Awww…my poor angel. Your fingers can’t find your sweet spot?” Jimin smirked, a cocky glint to his eyes. While the snake hybrid naturally did have small fingers, the alpha knew Jungkooks body all too well. He knew every sweet spot, knew exactly what spots to hit or rub to get the bunny to see stars. He squeezed on his two cocks deathly tight, knuckles white.

Jungkook shakes his head, sadly, sniffling as he looks at the screen. “S-s’ close!”

The snake hybrid groans, feeling himself getting closer to the brink of his own orgasm, jerking himself off, muscles and abs tensing. “Daddy will help you, baby. Since you’re such a helpless little bunny, aren’t you, bun?” He mocked and Jungkook could only nod in agreement, so drunk off pleasure and eager to have more like the greedy boy he was.

“Curl your fingers up, bun..move your fingers a little deeper in you.” Jimin tells him, golden eyes watching the omegas every move.

Jungkook did as told without asking, whimpering as he pushed them in a little deeper and curled them until the tips of his fingers brushed against something inside him that had the omega suddenly convulse and gasp shakily, his foot thumping on the bed.

Jimin had this devilish smile on his face. “Found it.” He chuckled and then his smile fades, gaze dark and hungry. “Faster.” He ordered, raising his voice at him.

The bunny yelps with surprise and immediately obeyed, fucking into himself, fingers grazing his prostate little by little. “D-daddy—“

“Harder.” He ordered and Jungkook let out a meek whine before Jimin growled, baring his fangs. “HARDER.”

Jungkooks lips parted, letting out a silent cry as he tried to finger himself harder than before, his wrist becoming sore, but he kept on the pace, feeling that familiar rush in his lower belly, his cock twitching and jerking miserably. “D-daddy! P-pleasepleasepleaseplease—“ he gasps, voice cracking. “G-gonna cum—“

“Hold it.” Jimin demanded, eyes dark as he jerked himself off much faster, so close over the edge.

“C-can’t, I can’t—“ Jungkook sobs but the moment he made eye contact with the snake, he squeals, his omega instincts almost taking over to lay flat on the bed with his belly and neck exposed in submission.

“You will or when I get home Ill slap your little cocklette until it gets so red and sore that you end up pissing yourself in punishment, doll.” The snake hissed in warning.

The blonde haired bunny shivered in intimidation, but deep down a rough punishment like that sounded so damn hot. He could already picture the older alpha spanking him so roughly, not showing a single ounce of mercy, the way he’d stare at him so cruelly but so turned on.

Jungkook couldn’t do it. Jimins words were the last cause of him falling over the edge. His eyes rolled up and he cries out, body shaking and feet thumping onto the mattress as he came untouched, strings of white shooting out from his cock and landing all over Jungkooks chest, even his chin.

“Fucking hell—“ Jimin cursed and came right after his precious mate, growling and throwing his head back as he milks himself dry, making a mess all over his black shirt. He was calm compared to the bunny on the other line, smirking at how he looked so fucked out just from fingering himself.

“Well well well…” Jimin starts and Jungkook suddenly flinched. “Aren’t you just a slutty little masochist?” The snake hybrid chuckled deeply, having a shit eating grin on his face.

The blonde realized what he had done and he gasps, eyes comically wide and he whimpers, shaking his head. “Da—“

“Save your excuses, bun. You came without permission.” Jimin spoke and leaned over to the side to grab some tissues from the nightstand beside him and cleaned his hand up. “Never would’ve thought that would make you cum, baby.” He smirks, getting a kick out of this. “Guess my baby bun really likes it when Daddy is mean after all. You always complain that I’m too mean with you, but look at you now..”

Jungkooks face was a bright pink, whimpering as he licks at his fingers, tasting himself while his white soft ears framed his face, giving him an innocent look when Jimin knew his lover was only pretending. “W-will I get punished once your home, Daddy?” He asks.

Jimin purred, taking off his shirt to expose his chest and tattoos, running a hand through his black hair. “Mhm~ can’t wait to have you crying for me.” The alpha coos. “Only a few more weeks, baby, then I’m all yours.”

The bunny pouts but felt a lot better after having his mind blowing orgasm. “Mkay..I really miss you..” he tells him softly, always feeling sentimental after they had phone sex.

The snake hybrids gaze was a lot softer and collected now, not as dark and predatory compared to before. “I miss you too, baby bun..I promise I’ll make up for all that time you’ve spent alone.”

Jungkook gives a small smile, one with his bunny teeth showing. “I’d like that, Daddy..gonna change real quick.” He says and gets up, moving the laptop a bit so Jimin could watch the omega get changed. He washed his hands and then cleaned himself up before putting on one of Jimins shirts and decided to stay bottomless. It was much more comfortable like that anyway.

On the other line, Jimin basically did the same thing, changing and cleaning up into comfortable clothes to sleep in and after a couple of minutes, they got into bed, the screens facing each other so they could still see their faces. Their call lasted a few more hours. Jungkook told Jimin about his day, eagerly telling him how his flowers were growing wonderfully while Jimin explained how his day went; that he attended a couple of meetings with the other members, although he didn’t tell him about the missions he had to do since he’d never worry or distress Jungkook like that.

By a certain time, the blonde haired bunny was getting sleepy, super cozy and laying on his side, snuggled up in fluffy blankets, lazily looking at the screen as he struggled to keep awake.

“Love you, alpha..” Jungkook tells him.

Jimin smiles back, chuckling at how the bunny was fighting the urge to keep awake. “I love you too, Jungkookie. Go to sleep now, okay? Alpha will keep on the call with you all night.” He assured, his voice soft and smooth, so assuring and sweet.

“Promise?” The bunny pouts to him.

“I promise, my love.”

Jungkook smiles a little and finally closes his eyes. In a matter of seconds, he was fast asleep, letting out baby snores that made the snake hybrid chuckle quietly to himself. “Goodnight, Koo.” He whispers and reached over to turn off the lamp on his nightstand, watching contently as Jungkook stayed asleep.

He muted himself and looked up as his leader, Namjoon, entered his room. Truth be told, the association gang were renting a condo out in Hong Kong, therefore, they each had their own bedrooms, except Namjoon and Seokjin, as the couple shared.

Namjoon walks over and looks at the screen. Jimin had a blank expression but eyed the wolfs reaction. “What?” He asked.

The leader smiles a little and chuckled. “Nothing. Just..he definitely suits you. Cute and pretty much your type. I can see why Tae was so excited to meet him.”

The snake could only roll his eyes, but glanced at the screen to his peaceful lover that slept nice and soundly. “Something you needed?” He asked.

“The food arrived. Just wanted to let you know.” Namjoon hummed, tilting his head a bit. It was super late at night but they all had just gotten home..and while it would’ve been lovely to go eat out or drink at a club, they were all pretty exhausted from their tasks, plus, their blood lust took awhile to calm down. Being in a crowd of people afterwards definitely wasn’t the best thing.

“Mm..” Jimin hums in confirmation and leans back against the bed. “I’ll get some food later. You guys can eat without me.” He says.

The leader blinked but then grins a little. “Alright. Goodnight, Jimin.” He says and Jimin scowled, knowing damn well Namjoon wanted to tease the snake or say something but held it back.

He watched the alpha wolf leave his bedroom and sighed softly. Jimin was too tired to eat and admittedly, he was pretty homesick. The predator hybrid looks back at the screen again and he felt like his problems melted away. “Soon, Koo…soon.” He whispers and closes his eyes to get some shut eye, himself.


Bratty Koo is definitely making an entrance. >:3

Let me know any requests you’d like, it doesn’t even have to be on this particular story, I’ll gladly do any one-shots if you’d like for fun ! :D

Ask me any questions or send in requests on CuriousCat! I have the link on my Twitter! :3

Thank you for your support !

Chapter 8: Troubling Hope


Jungkook was meant to distract himself but he ended up thinking about Jimin again. How he could not? He was his mate after all! And he missed him oh so terribly.

But besides that, being outside in the backyard of the mansion felt so relaxing. And the fact that it was a nice day out, Jungkook was pretty glad he came outside instead of stayed cooped up in his room. He got visualize the pretty garden he worked so hard on. He got to see a couple of stray cats here and there and overall, just gave off a cozy and wonderful atmosphere.

It was Jungkooks comfort place.

Nothing could ruin his peaceful vibe.

Jungkook misses Jimin terribly and decides to get some fresh air only for his peaceful afternoon to get terribly interrupted.


Another update ! <3 hope everyone is doing well ! Some heavy angst coming your way for this chapter so be prepared !

tw(s): kidnapping, EXTREMELY angry Jimin, scared koo, sadistic Namjoon, harassment, ANGST.

Don’t like, don’t read ! :)

Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Gradually over the past few days, Jungkook got into routine after Jimin had been gone for work. Every morning, Jimin would call the bunny to greet him before the snake hybrid would be off. Then after their sweet, but short call, Jungkook would go workout in the early mornings in the indoor gym room Jimin had in the mansion.

He’d take a shower, eat some breakfast, work on his garden, talk with the maids, maybe whenever he’d feel brave, he’d also sometimes go out to shop or just look at things with a bodyguard then he’d come home, eat dinner, then go to bed and be on the phone with his alpha until they’d fall asleep. It was the same thing over and over…and the bunny omega was starting to miss Jimin greatly.

The omega felt so pathetic one morning. He wasn’t having a good day. He sprained his ankle while doing an early workout routine and then he couldn’t seem to find his favorite comfort shirt (that belonged to the snake hybrid of course) but was disappointed to see that he dirtied it on accident with food so he couldn’t wear it.

And then Jungkook attempted to bake but practically burned everything he attempted to make which made the omega burst into tears at everything that was going wrong.

He missed Jimin. He needed him home and right beside him to praise him, to coo and cradle him in his arms.

So today was a very unproductive day. He curled up in bed, watching tv and thought about his mate all day. He missed him ever so greatly, wishing he could return home early, but knew that would probably be impossible to do so. He sighs, not even in the mood to do anything. He laid on his back on the bed and sighs softly.

The blonde bunny was clearly spending too much time in bed so he forced himself to get up and decided to go outside. Surprisingly there were no maids outside. Usually there were one or two, working on the garden or mainly just observing Jungkook, but all of them seemed to be inside.

The bunny shrugged and walks out, barefoot, going to the back and sits down on the soft grass as he observes the pretty sky. “Mm..the sky is so clear today.” He smiles a bit, as the sky was a gorgeous baby blue. He wondered if Jimin could see it too.

Often times the omega enjoyed moments like this. Where he got to see the beauty of outside..he got to spend time for himself and actually think without his anxiety getting to the better of him. He always thought about random things. About his siblings…if they were okay or if they got to escape like Jungkook did was he was younger. The omega was always curious about Jimin too.

The snake hybrid never liked to talk about his members that much. He always avoided it whenever Jungkook asked, indicating, “They’re bad examples for you, bun. So Alpha isn’t going to talk about them that much, okay?”

And that’s how that conversation usually went. Although Jungkook really was curious about his members and who he worked with.

Jungkook pouts, white ears drooping.

He was meant to distract himself but he ended up thinking about Jimin again. How he could not? He was his mate after all! And he missed him oh so terribly.

But besides that, being outside in the backyard of the mansion felt so relaxing. And the fact that it was a nice day out, Jungkook was pretty glad he came outside instead of stayed cooped up in his room. He got visualize the pretty garden he worked so hard on. He got to see a couple of stray cats here and there and overall, just gave off a cozy and wonderful atmosphere.

It was Jungkooks comfort place.

Nothing could ruin his peaceful vibe.


It all happened so fast.

There was a gloved hand wrapped around his mouth and Jungkook let out a muffled shriek, red eyes widening in terror as he flailed and kicked, his flight or fight instinct kicking in. His bunny instincts were screaming to escape and run away.

He managed to get a hit in, elbowing the intruder hard in the gut and attempted to flee, but clearly this person was an alpha. Far too strong for omega Jungkook to escape his hold.

“Little bitch.” A deep, gruff voice scoffed from behind and pressed down on his neck, on his pressure point and the omega whimpered, suddenly feeling faint, eyes fluttering and then the strangers hand replaced his mouth with a cloth that smelled highly strong of chemicals.

“Shhh…that’s it, little rabbit~ Go to sleep.” The voice purred. A sick, bone chilling purr that rubbed the omega in all the wrong ways.

Jungkook tried to stay awake, he fought hard, but his body fell limp and then suddenly he was being lifted. His eyesight was blurry, everything happening in slow motion.

He could hear the maids shouting out and a few gunshots being fired here and there. Whoever was holding him moved fast, hurrying down the side of the mansion and to the front gates where there was a black van.

The very moment the stranger carried him inside, Jungkook blacked out. There was only one thing on his mind before the bunny completely succumbed to the chloroform and lost consciousness.






Hoseok flinched at the loud noise, but Namjoon kept his cold gaze, the reflection of the light in his glasses glaring bright, not even reacting to the feral occurrence of his best assassin. The two members were in the same room as Jimin. The other three weren’t at the condo in the meantime, though the leader was so damn close to calling V and Yoongi to come and restrain the snake hybrid.

The condo was a complete and utter mess. Shelves were broken and onto the floor. Holes in the walls from harsh punches. Tv screens broken, doors practically off its hinges.

“HOW THE FUCK COULD THEY HAVE LET THIS HAPPEN?!” Jimin shouts, his eyes gold and pupils slitted dangerously. As he spoke, he was practically hissing so venomously. His jaw was clenched so hard that you could hear a low popping sound, his veins were pulsing with rage and his neck was so red with fury.

He received the news from one of his maids, indicating they were outnumbered and got ambushed. The files were luckily safe as well as the secret safe of cash he had for a backup plan. All were stolen were a few artifacts and a couple of valuables but most importantly…

They took Jungkook.

They took his baby.

They took HIS omega.

Jimin saw red and the moment he heard those words, he trashed up his entire room, anger completely taken over. He screamed and yelled, his bloodlust acting up until the members overheard and tried to calm him down.

After all, they couldn’t afford to cause any unwanted attention from anywhere, including any of their neighbors. But the snake alpha did not give a single shit.

“I’ll kill that sorry bastard..I’ll wring his fucking throat out and make him choke on his own blood.” Jimin hissed and began to pace back and forth.

Namjoon was still present, watching Jimin throw his tantrum while Hoseok was a bit tense, watching his beloved member. The squirrel hybrid wasn’t the biggest fan when seeing his members angry. After all, they were deranged and psychotic. Though, Hoseok was more worried for him than anything else.

“Jin hyung is already checking the security footage. He’s even getting in touch with each of your servants to see—“ the leader began only to get cut off rather coldly.

“Those fucking maids. could they not have protected him? I fucking pay them—I trained them myself!” He yells out and sighs shakily, trying to calm down. He runs both hands over his face and growled as his mating bite burned a little, but not too much…which meant, Jungkook was okay….For now.

“Jimin-ah…I understand your rage. But calm down. Save it for when we figure out who’s the one who kidnapped your toy.” Namjoon said and then out of nowhere there was a loud crash and Hoseok yelled out, eyes wide with shock. “JIMIN!” The beta cried.

The snake hybrid had their leader pinned to the wall, the wall sunken in rather roughly from how hard Jimin pushed him back against. He had a hand wrapped around Namjoons thick throat, his black nails as sharp as talons, the wolfs skin being pricked and bleeding only slightly.

“Don’t…fucking call him that.” Jimin says, dangerously calm. “Say it again and I’ll kill you.”

The leader didn’t look a bit scared or concerned. Not like Hoseok looked. It’s more so the beta was shocked because jimin ever did this to Namjoon before. He had high respect for him.

“Jimin..stop it—“ Hoseok starts but Namjoon raised a hand and immediately the squirrel hybrid stopped talking, his bushy tail dropping a bit.

Namjoon chuckled deeply and looked to jimin, eyes dark with malice. “Now, Jimin..” he slightly winced as the snake hybrid gripped his throat tighter. “I get you’re upset. And I deeply apologize if I offended you.” He smiles.

And then it fades and all of a sudden it happened in a blink of an eye. The way Namjoon moved like a silent, deadly predator, even Hoseok couldn’t catch his movements. Jimin got pinned down to the ground harshly, his arm bent in an uncomfortable position with Namjoons larger tan hand around his throat.

“But you need to remember that I’m stronger than you. More powerful than you. I recruited you. You wouldn’t be anything if I hadn’t found you..” the wolf spoke deeply, his words so cruel and cold that it had Jimins pupils shaking with fury.

“I couldn’t just easily replace you..we’re a pack, ya know. A family.” Namjoon smiled darkly and so mockingly, his canines glinting. “I’d hate to lose someone like you, Jimin.” He sighed dramatically, almost pretending to be sad.

He moved his hand up to Jimins eye, his black sharp claw playing with his bottom lash line, putting a little pressure to it, enough to draw a bit of blood that began to drip from the snake hybrids golden eye.

“I’d honestly hate to reprimand you, Jimin..I get you’re frustrated and angry. I feel for’s like me losing my beloved, Jin.” Namjoon says then then his gaze turned spine chilling. “But you can’t go around attempting to lay your hands on me and expect to get away with it.”

Jimin was glaring holes into the leaders face so hard. He was breathing so hard, his rage doing nothing to settle down.

“Enough. Behave yourself or you’ll end up just like Tae, hm?” He speaks and that had Jimin tense up. Taehyung often got punishments from Namjoon from time to time for V’s behavior…and it wasn’t anything sexual.

Jimin finally stopped and calmed down a bit, Namjoon removing his hands and he stands up, brushing himself off as if nothing occurred.

“As I was saying,” he pushed his squared thin rimmed glasses up his nose. “I’ll get you a ticket to fly back home to Korea early..earliest will be tomorrow morning. In the meantime, why don’t you try to relax that temper of yours?” The leader asks him, though there was no accepting any form of denial in that tone of his.

The snake hybrid sits up and rubs his throat, glaring at the back of Namjoons head. He knows he was being irrational, acting up, but he despised the fact they all still tried to toy with him. Because they all knew that Park Jimin, the darkest assassin had a weakness: a cute bunny boy.

The beta squirrel was a bit tense throughout the whole ordeal. He was never fazed when it came to blood, dead bodies, or the goriest of injuries. It was his job after all.

But Hoseok didn’t like to fight. He definitely could, however. He could easily kill someone as well, but it was never his first choice. He wasn’t as sadistic as V, or as willing as Jimin, or as cold as Namjoon or Yoongi. But that didn’t mean Hoseok couldn’t also get blood lust. The people the squirrel hybrid had killed…were witnesses to his clean ups.

He didn’t feel an ounce of remorse for it either. If they just didn’t scream so high pitched and try to run to the cops, they maybe would have gotten spared (not really).

But despite the beta not being a fighter, the one thing he didn’t like was for his members to fight. The six of them were close, even though they did have their ups and downs. It got very tense, but like their faithful leader had mentioned…they were still a pack at the end of the day.

“Do I make myself clear, Park?” Namjoons question cuts Hoseok off from his inner thoughts. His bushy tail wiggling fast behind him then he glanced at the snake hybrid who was doing his best to not combust within that moment.

Jimin was deadly silent. Jaw clenched and veins pulsing with rage.


“I understand.” The alpha snake answers, deadly calm.

The leader stares at Jimin for a little while then finally turns around and walks out of the room, his steps echoing away.

Hoseok glanced at the younger male and his tail curls up a bit. “I know the others are a bit..much with their teasing,” he starts, looking at the alphas back. “But..if the bunny boy really means that much to you…you know we’ll protect him too, right?”

The snake didn’t reply, but he let those words sink in. Out of all the members, it was probably Hoseok to be the softest member, despite his position.

So he knew the squirrel hybrid wasn’t messing around with him. He was being genuine.

“Yeah…I know.” Jimin answers after awhile and he tried hard not to think about his precious Jungkook being tied up and bloody…being tortured. “Thank you..” he mumbled.

Hoseok nods a bit and gave a small smile. “He’ll be alright. Just have to wait until tomorrow. We’ll be here if you need anything.” He says softly and finally decides to give the young alpha some space, walking out of the room, leaving Jimin all alone with the chaos running wild inside of his mind.

The snake hybrid could only think about Jungkook.

If anyone touched him…

If anyone hurt him..

“I’ll kill them all..” he whispers with a low, venomous hiss in his voice, alpha eyes glowing red in anger and fangs thicker in his mouth.



Jungkook gasped sharply, waking up with wide eyes only to see black.

The bunny whimpers and he began to tremble. It was terribly cold and…was he tied up? He couldn’t move his limbs as they were stuck in place and there seemed to be something around his neck.

“H-h-hello..?” He calls out, voice quivering with fear.

He wasn’t sure what was going on. The only thing the omega bunny could remember was getting grabbed from behind at the mansion. He was taken and he saw a glimpse of the maids trying to fight back, but most of them getting slaughtered or killed.

Jungkook was shaking so bad that his teeth were chattering. He felt to be in the sitting position, hating the fact that he couldn’t see his surroundings nor hear anything with his ears.

He missed Jimin. He wanted Jimin. Where was Ji—

“Oh, finally awake, tokki?” A deep voice was overheard, a conniving chuckle being heard and Jungkook flinched at the sudden sound.

“Was wondering what was taking you so long to wake up. Guess I might’ve used a bit too chloroform on your pretty face.” The stranger hums with a deep sigh. “Poor thing. You must feel so awful right now, don’t you?” He asks.

The bunny was trying hard not to hyperventilate. They didn’t sound like Jimin. They didn’t sound as sweet and loving as his alpha, Jimin. “W-where—w-why—“ Jungkook tried to speak but then whimpered as he felt a cold hand touch his face.

“So jumpy~” the stranger chuckles. “You must be so lost like the clueless little prey that you are? Are you ssssscared I’m going to eat you, little tokki?” He hissed and Jungkook tensed up.

The stranger hissed. His hands were ice cold. His little nose twitched. Was his kidnapper…a snake hybrid?

“P-please don’t e-eat me..” Jungkook whimpers. “W-wan’ just wan—“

“Park that correct?” The stranger hums, voice dark. He chuckled and moved away, beginning to slowly step around in a circle around Jungkooks tied up body.

“I’m aware you’re someone very important to him. In fact..I’ve never seen him be so fond and caring towards someone like the way he does you. You must be an angel that fell from heaven for such a miraculous thing like that to happen .” He laughs deeply. But the situation wasn’t funny at all. Jungkook was scared shitless.

“W-who are you..?” The omega asks him, shakily. “I-I’m scared, please—“

“Shhhh…” the stranger caressed Jungkooks cheek with his cold hand again, only this time, the bunny felt scales and he felt a tongue lick his cheekbone causing for the blonde to yelp and jump, trying to avoid it.

The stranger cackles. “How adorable~ no wonder he caught interest in you and made you all his..I guess that is something a greedy snake like him would do.” He hums, fingers moving down to Jungkooks neck, toying with the thing that was wrapped around it. “But the collar you’re wearing is so much prettier..I would’ve thought Jiminie hyung would’ve put a gorgeous electric collar on your throat.”

Jungkook was trying hard not to cry out, bottom lip quivering. Hyung? This sadistic kidnapper of his was calling Jimin, hyung?!

His breathing began to get heavy and uneasy again, causing for the stranger to coo. “Awww..alright, enough of my teasing, hm? I guess I should finally properly introduce myself to such a cute toy like you.” The snake hissed and then after a couple of minutes, the blindfold was off of his face.

The blonde omega flinched and gasped at the bright light, closing his eyes shut before he opens them again, his eyes adjusting to the brightness in the room.

He took in his surroundings, looking to be in some kind of worn out basement. It looked creepy and dark, only a single lightbulb hanging above his head. He looked around, then down at his body, noticing his arms and legs were tied down to a wooden chair.

Jungkook finally looks up to make up the appearance of his kidnapper and his eyes widened in horror, pupils shrinking with fright and for a second he swore he saw Jimin for a split second only to blink and realize it wasn’t his beloved mate.

The stranger was tall, had dark black hair, dark green reptile eyes and the most noticeable thing amongst the man, other than his scales, was the scar on his if someone slit it there.

The man sticks his tongue out, tongue piercing coming to view. He chuckled deeply. “Spooked you for a second, didn’t I? Lots of people mistake us for each other sometimes. Guess we’re both so handsome.”

Jungkook was shaking, ears pressing down to his blonde locks in fear. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the man in front of him. It felt like he was looking at the devilish version of his beloved mate.

His kidnapper smirks, eyes holding something with malicious, sadistic content. “What’s the matter, prey? Lost for words?”

The blonde omega shakes his head. “N-no, w-who are you? W-what do you want? A-a-alpha will come for me! H-he will!”

The stranger laughed boldly. “I won’t doubt he will. I’m willing to test that loyalty to see just how much he really loves you.”

Jungkook tensed for a moment, but shakes his head. There’s no way Jimin wouldn’t not come for him. He sniffles and felt a weird tingling sensation on his neck. He glanced down before looking back up at the stranger. He gulps. “Who..w-who are you..? And what d-do you w-want with me?” The omega had the bravery to repeat hs is question.

The snake hybrid narrows his almond eyes at him, tilting his head and giving him a look that made Jungkook regret he’d ever ask something in the first place.

“Park Jihyun.”

The omega furrowed his brows a bit but what the snake said next made his heart sink down to his stomach.


“Your beloved mates younger brother.”


Thank you to everyone to who has supported this story so far. ♡

I’ll be sure to update soon ! ❛‿˂̵✧

Chapter 9: The Mistake


The omega bunny was seconds away from pissing himself, breathing unstable and shaky as he wished and prayed for Jimin to come to him. To help him forget. To make him slip into that floaty headspace of his where he didn’t have to worry about anything. Where he could trust and depend on Jimin to take such good care of him.

Jungkook is still kidnapped and Jimin is on the way to get his bunny back.


Heyo! So sorry for the long waited update T^T went on a small vacation then just been busy with college courses so pls forgive me !

Stream Seven by Jungkook !! Gahh! >3< I’m definitely into the lofi mix 👀

Hope you guys are well tho and do enjoy the chapter !

tw(s): lots of action and angst, blood and violence, character death (not JiKook), panic attacks, PSTD, bloodlust Jimin (nothing new hehe), little space Jungkook

Don’t like, don’t read. :)

Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jungkook was in a state of shock. In a matter of less than twenty-four hours, the bunny omega was kidnapped, taken away from his paradise of a home, and introduced to Jimin’s psychotic younger brother, Jihyun.

The omega didn’t know what was going on. Hell, he didn’t even know that Jimin had a brother! He only knew his alpha mentioned how toxic and unloving his family was. But now looking at Jihyun, it shouldn’t have been a shock that he did something so immoral as to kidnap him.

Jungkook began to tremble in the chair he was tied to. He looked away and tried his hardest not to cry, but his distressed strawberry scent turned bitter and gave away his true feelings. He was scared shitless. He wanted Jimin. He wanted to go home. He wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.


The blonde flinched at the others velvety, dark tone. He sounded so cheerful and sweet..almost alluring. But Jungkook knew it was possibly fake. There’s no way someone like him could be good if he kidnapped the bunny and proceeded to murder all of the maids at the mansion. Jungkooks eyes widened as the realization sunk in.

Most of the maids were possibly killed.

His eyes filled up with tears, having a foggy memory of some of the maids getting shot at. Blood..the smell of blood before he was put inside of the van.


Jungkook jumped as the snake got closer to him and he looks up to meet his gaze, though immediately regrets it as Jihyun had this cold demeanor in his eyes. “I don’t like being ignored, you know.” He reached up to suddenly grip the omega by his blonde locks and Jungkook yelps in pain, his scalp burning from the snake’s harsh grip.

The omega bunny was seconds away from pissing himself, breathing unstable and shaky as he wished and prayed for Jimin to come to him. To help him forget. To make him slip into that floaty headspace of his where he didn’t have to worry about anything. Where he could trust and depend on Jimin to take such good care of him.

“M’ sorry..” Jungkook sniffles, his ears twitching and framing the omegas splotchy, tear stained cheeks. “P-please, d-don’t hurt Koo..” he quietly whimpers.

Jihyun had this cold, dark expression on his face as he stared at Jungkooks feared expression. Jungkook was afraid this would possibly be the end, that he upset this alpha snake before suddenly Jihyun bursted out laughing and backed away, clutching his stomach. Jungkooks ears flickered but he was shaking to the core. There was nothing funny about this.

“Oh, man~ you’re so adorable!” The snake laughs, delighted as he wipes a tear from his right eye from laughing so hard. “You really should’ve seen your face. I almost feel bad for teasing you.” He snickered. “I won’t hurt you~” he coos. “Unless you decide to misbehave..but you seem like the obedient type. Exactly what my brother wants.” He smiles.

The blonde didn’t know what was going on anymore. Time was ticking and he felt so afraid. He had been passed out for hours and he was thirsty and hungry, but he felt too afraid.

Jungkooks eyes watered and his bottom lip quivered. He tilted his head down, feeling so weak and vulnerable. He could feel his mind shutting himself out. “N-no, no..” he whimpers and Jihyun only watched with a raised brow.

“Mm? Are you broken, little tokki?” He asked.

But Jungkook squirmed in his restraints and breathes heavily. “N-no!” He cried out, but it wasn’t directed towards the older man.

Jihyun had a deadpan expression and he straightens up. “Ugh, how boring.” He complained. “You broke wayyy too fast. How does hyung even have fun with you?” He pouted only to feel his phone vibrate and he steps to the side to answer, noticing it was from one of his guards. “What?” He asked coldly.

The guard seemed to be groaning and whimpering with fear and pain. There was heavy breathing from his guard but the cold voice on the line made Jihyun smile.

“Where the fuck is he?”

Jihyun gasps, incredibly delighted. “Hyung!~ I’ve missed you! It’s been so long—“ he gushed but Jimin hissed darkly.

“Enough of your fucking bullshit. Where is he?!” He demands. He didn’t hear Jungkook in the background and that only made him more nervous.

“Mm~” Jihyun chuckles and walks over to Jungkook. He suddenly punched him hard in the gut and the bunny gasped sharply, choking as his eyes opened wide with surprise and pain. “ACK!”

The snake then grabs Jungkook by the hair again and the bunny sobs. Jimin felt his blood boil hearing the familiar cries. “He’s so responsive, hyung, it’s so cute. I’m a little jealous you didn’t tell me about him! You know mother always insists on us sharing toys~”

Jimin was now silent and Jihyun looked at his phone. “Eh?”

Jungkook coughed a bit and winced, shaking as he got flashbacks to when he was a mere kit. Everything around him seemed foggy, he didn’t know if he was going into shock or if he was starting to become delusional, but his heart was racing way too fast for it to be normal.

When the bunny looked up at the man, he didn’t see Jihyun. He saw his father. His sire. Jungkooks eyes were wider than before. He saw the evil face of the very same man who’d beat him senseless, the familiar smell of strong liquor in his breath that always made Jungkook queasy.

“The most pathetic, worthless one in our family.” He saw his father say with such a cruel tone and he growls, grabbing Jungkook by the face harshly.

Jungkook completely shut himself out. He began to scream and shake, trying his hardest to get out of the binds, the rope rubbing his poor, fair skin raw. His bunny, prey instincts screaming for him to try and run away, sprint and escape to go hide to get away from the danger.

It was pointless, but the blonde wasn’t thinking straight anymore.

“Hm..” Jihyun let go of Jungkook and watched him as if he were nothing but a circus freak show. “Guess I broke him.” He said with a bored expression. “Ah..I guess I should just take your stupid life.” He lifted his hand where his black talon claws were sharpened. “Not like hyung can’t just find another—“

A smash interrupted Jihyun and his eyes widened as he only expected it to be his brother, but the shock ran through his bones as he was suddenly pounced and hit to the ground by a tiger hybrid.

V smirked darkly, licking his lips. “Die..die! Die! Die!” He laughed, manically as he began to punch Jihyun, not giving him a single break as the snake hybrid hissed and attempted to defend himself. “N-no! Impossible, my men! They were—“

His eyes widened as the door was kicked and smashed down fell to the ground. Three men began to walk over, one of them being his brother. Even in his deranged, bloody state, Jihyun smiles a bloody smile. “Hyung—ACK!” He choked as V gripped his throat tightly and lifts him off his feet, raising him high before Namjoon snaps his fingers.

“Enough, V. We aren’t going to kill him just yet.” The leader commands. He glanced at Jimin, who was staring at Jungkook with eyes that were almost black. The anger and aura radiating off him was so heavy that even V knew not to mess with him right now.

Jungkook was shaking like a leaf, mumbling to himself. It was almost as if he didn’t even notice them walk in. Yoongi, being beside Namjoon, frowned. “He’s in—“

“Shut up.” Jimin ordered, his voice deadly calm and he approached Jungkook carefully. Everyone watched Jimins movements. V had a a rag in Jihyun’s mouth to keep him silent for now.

The blonde omega was shaking his head, tears running down his cheeks like a waterfall. It was then that when Jimin stepped right in front of him, Jungkooks nose twitched and finally, he was able to smell that scent he loved so much.

Jungkook was slowly back to reality. No more of his sire beating him senseless. No more traumatic flashbacks to his childhood, where he’d scream for his mother to protect him to which she’d ignore him completely. No more of seeing his siblings cry because Jungkook was the one taking punishments for them so he wouldn’t see them hurt.

No more…

Slowly, the bunny looks up and sees Jimin. His face didn’t look human. He looked so outrageously terrifying but Jungkook cries out in relief. “D-daddy!!” He sobs out and tries to squirm again, desperate to get into his arms.

Yoongis eyes softened.

V didn’t react, his expression cold and blank.

Namjoon only observed.

“Shhh…I’m here, baby..” Jimin whispers and cuts the rope up with his knife, immediately taking Jungkook into his arms and hugging him tightly. “I’m so sorry..” he whispers into his fluffy ear, the guilt eating at him alive for what just happened.

Jungkook could only weep weakly and he flinched, jolting as Jihyun chuckled and tried to comment something but V effectively punched him hard in the gut.

Jimin rubs Jungkooks back before kissing his forehead. “I’m here now, okay?” He soothes, his forehead against Jungkooks, but the bunny whimpered, still shaking. “W-wanna go h-h-home..”

The snake hybrid nods. “Okay, baby. Yoongi.” He turns and saw the cat hybrid look up upon hearing his name.

“Take him home—“ Jimin starts but then Jungkook holds onto the alpha tighter, his breathing escalating. “N-no, no, D-Daddy, home n-now, with y-you, d-don’t leave m-me again, please! NO!” He cried, completely out of control and Jimin knew no amount of praising could help him now.

Jimin hated that he’d have to do this but he looks at Jungkook in the eyes, forcing him to keep still. “Baby..”

Jungkook breathes heavily but then felt this heavy pressure on his neck, gasping as he looked to the side, but Jimin easily and carefully moved his head back so he could look into those dark eyes of his.

“Shhhh…go to sleep now, baby bun..” Jimin whispered, pressing down on a sensitive nerve on his neck that made Jungkook slowly pass out, limp, in his arms.

Ignoring the sounds of V’s cackling and Jihyun’s groans of pain, Jimin hands Jungkooks body over to Yoongi even though it did irk him. Yoongi was the only one he could trust to take him to his second home, safely. “Take him to my penthouse in Gangnam. Stay with him until I come back. This won’t take long.”

Yoongi scoffed a little. “You really want for me to babysit?”

Jimin looked at him, eyes showing how he was close to spiraling and Yoongi knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but sighed. “Kids safe with me.” He assured and glanced at V, almost concerned, before leaving the house with Jungkook.

Once they were out of sight, V forced Jihyun up and onto the chair he had Jungkook tied up to. Jimin stared down at his younger brother and Namjoon walks over with his arms crossed. “What do the Parks want with us?” He asks and Jihyun chuckles, his face bloody and bruised but it didn’t faze him.

After all, this was nothing compared to the cruel training he and his brother went through as children.

“Oh, I want nothing to do with you, Mr. Kim~” Jihyun says and he looks to Jimin. “I knew you’d come here, but I really didn’t think you’d bring your playmates with you.”

Jimins jaw clenched and he grabs his younger brother by the lower jaw, his talons digging into his cheeks, ignoring the way blood was starting to drip down. “They came because they know if they left me to deal with you all by myself, I would’ve fucking murdered everyone on the damn spot!” He hissed.

Jihyun laughs. “Ahh, hyung~ always the feisty short tempered one you were..just like mother, right?” He giggled and Jimin punched him hard cause for Jihyun to hiss and choke.

“Why the fuck did you think you could kidnap my fucking omega from me?” Jimin asks with gritted teeth.

V forced Jihyun’s head up by his dark hair and giggles, his striped tail swishing from behind.

“Because, dear beloved brother, I was told to get rid of him.” Jihyun smiles at his older brother. The words came down hard onto Jimin and he tensed, suddenly aware of where this was going.

“You were meant to assassinate him?” Namjoon questions but then scoffs. “You didn’t have to kidnap him and bring him here for you to just assassinate him. You could’ve done so at the mansion where you murdered at least half of Jimin’s servants.”

Jimins eyebrow twitched at that. He was still pissed over it as well.

“Mm..perhaps so. I wasn’t really into the whole thing, but you know father and mother. They get angry when one of us doesn’t listen to their orders.” Jihyun chuckled darkly as he looked at Jimin. “Don’t you remember, hyung? You were meant to get married to the oldest daughter of the Lee Clan. Oho~ you were so upset and bitter. You stated you wouldn’t marry that ‘wretched bitch’ and ran away.” He smiles.

Jimin frowns at the memory, but Jihyun continued. “And mother did warn you..she’d disown you and make your life a living hell. Aligning forces with the Lee Clan was meant to make our clan so much stronger. brought shame onto the family name.” The younger snake frowns. “You left me to deal with all the punishments. I wasn’t even allowed to leave the property of our just got fucking lucky.” He scoffed.

“But alas..mother insisted to keep an eye on you and make sure to cause trouble. So when I spotted your little pet, I couldn’t help but just take him.” Jihyun chuckled and Jimin hissed lowly, his forked tongue leaving his parted lips. “I’ve never thought my own coldblooded brother who’s murdered countless of families and people would fall in love~ with a prey for that matter!” Jihyun laughed obnoxiously loud and coughed harshly when V punched him.

The older snake growls and his fists were clenched.

“So weak of you! Seriously, bahahaha! For you to stoop so low as to falling in love with a rabbit?! IT’S PATHETIC!” Jihyun laughed out. “I couldn’t even talk to him! He would just start crying! Mom and dad really right about you, aren’t they? You’re just this weakling who was never meant to be hatched—“

Jimin suddenly lunged forward faster than the speed of light and grabbed his brothers head. Jihyun’s eyes widened. “Hyung?” was his last word before a sickening crack echoed in the room. Jihyun’s neck fell limp, completely broken, his body now lifeless.

Namjoon didn’t flinch but sighed. “Your parents really thought it would be wise to send out their only other son to stalk you and your whereabouts?” The wolf questioned.

Jimin moved away, unfazed that his own flesh and blood was dead before him. “They wanted to test him.” He responds. “Jihyun says I’m the weak one..but he’s always had hidden hatred for me. My parents always wanted for me to be number one. Get married to the richest and most powerful clan. They saw a lot of potential in me to run the clan someday.” He looks at his brothers lifeless corpse. “Not Jihyun. My parents hated him. He wasn’t meant to be born and I’ve known since day one that he’s hated me for it.” He said and Namjoon winced. Jimin vividly remembers being the child that didn’t give a shit about making his parents proud. He only wanted freedom. But Jihyun was always desperate to please. Always eager to not be the disappointment that Jimin had become. But his parents were as cold as ice which it’s exactly where Jimin got it from. “Geez..” he muttered and rings up Hoseok. “Hoba, come clean up..” he tells him the address and hangs up.

V tilts his head a bit. “He seemed no fun..” he scoffed, but then Jimin smirks. “Would you like to do me a favor, V?”

The leader glanced at the two troublemakers of the group but V’s dark eyes narrowed at Jimin, silently egging him on to continue.

The snake hybrid smirks.



Yoongi looked at Jungkook who was cuddled up on the couch. The omega bunny had created a makeshift nest, using a lot of Jimins clothing. When the cat hybrid praised him for making such a pretty nest, Jungkook purred in delight and blushed, wearing Jimins hoodie and stayed cuddled up while watching tv.

The cat hybrid grumbled to himself. ‘Alright, he’s a bit cute..I’ll give him that.’ He thought in his head. Jungkook strangely reminded the alpha of Taehyung a lot. Especially his little space alter, TaeTae.

It had been a few hours since Yoongi brought Jungkook to the penthouse. It was a new space and territory, which gave the omega bunny anxiety, but Yoongi was kind enough to bring plenty of their belongings over to help Jungkook relax and feel safe.

The cat hybrid was quiet for the most part. He had cooked them a meal and Jungkook ate it happily once he had woken up from being unconscious. Yoongi also noted the damn bunny talked a lot and asked a shit ton of questions.

“Thank you for bringing me here, hyung. Can I call you hyung? I should call you kitty hyung! You’re super cute! Can I pet your fluffy ears? Ah, hyung, does my nest look pretty? Do you think Da—I-I mean Jimin hyung will l-like it? What’s your favorite color? Eh?! You haven’t seen the Studio Ghibli movies?! Watch with me!”

He was a ball of energy and admittedly, it was quite tiring. But Yoongi wasn’t an asshole, even when he seemed to act that way. The cat hybrid had the patience when he really wanted to. Like how he did with taehyung.

“Hyung..I-I wanted to ask, but I didn’t want to make kitty hyung uncomfortable..” Jungkook pouts, messing with his sweater paws then he looks at Yoongis face. “How’ get that big ouchie?” He asks him.

Yoongi could tell Jungkook was off. He had been ever since he woke up at the penthouse. He was more childish and more spaced out. Yoongi could guess Jungkook that perhaps he was a little, but he’d have to talk to Jimin about that. For now, he dealt with the blonde bunny and his shenanigans before answering his question.

“I got this scar from Taehyung.” Yoongi chuckled a bit, pointing to the long scar he had from his eyebrow going straight down to below his eye.

Jungkook gasps, eyes wide as he hugs one of the small couch cushions close to his chest. “Eh?! B-but isn’t he your lover too? L-lovers aren’t supposed to h-hurt each other..” he says, looking a bit sad. His own parents were lovers but they always hurt each other. That’s why Jungkook was a firm believer in that lovers should only love, never hurt.

The cat hybrid nods, his tail curling up as he relaxed on the couch. “That’s right..but this was before we became a couple.” Yoongi carefully explains. “Tae, he was uhm…” he knew it would be hard to explain to Jungkook, especially when he was in this headspace. “He was in a mental asylum because he was too dangerous. I ended up going there myself after getting arrested but..when I met him, man, was he a fighter.” He laughs. “We always argued and fought whenever we had free time. But..there’s three versions of Tae. Sweet Tae, Baby Tae, and Mean Tae.” He explains to Jungkook carefully.

The omega nods, lips parted as if he were listening to a fairy tale. “Whoa..” he whispers and Yoongi smiles a bit. “And I think one day, our argument got so bad that he scratched me with his claw and it’s left this scar on my face ever since.” Yoongi shrugs.

Jungkook pouts. “Does..Tae Tae feel bad about it?” He asks.

Yoongis eyes widened a little and slowly nods. “Yeah..Sweet Tae and Baby Tae always say sorry to me.”

“Not..Mean Tae?” Jungkook asks, his ears twitching.

“Mm..” Yoongi shakes his head. “Mean Tae still doesn’t like me just yet. He’s very cautious over me and doesn’t trust me. Which is okay..though sometimes…” he sighed and trailed off, not finishing.

Jungkook carefully reached over to touch his hand and Yoongi flinched, not really used to affection that much. He stared at Jungkook with his feline eyes but the blonde bunny smiles sweetly. “Mean Tae will love you too! You’re a good hyung!” He giggles and Yoongi felt his heart clench a bit at his words.

The cat hybrid chuckled a bit. “Yeah..maybe so, kid. Maybe so.” He grins.

He then turned his head when he heard the elevator doors open up. Jungkook gasped. “Daddy!” He cried as he gets up out of his nest to sprint to Jimin and hug him tightly, whimpering. The snake chuckled and rubbed his back. “Now, now, more crying, hm? I’m okay now..and you’re safe. That’s all that matters..” he sighs. He looks to Yoongi.

“No major injuries on him. His wrists are irritated so I had them wrapped.” Yoongi explains and stands up. “Where’s V and Namjoon?” He asked.

“Back at headquarters..thank you, by the way. I didn’t mean to just shove that decision on you but I just—“ Jimin sighed before Yoongi nudged him. “Yah, it’s fine.” He grinned. “I’ll let you two good now though? Is your..”

Jimin knew what he was referring to.

His blood lust.

Jimin nods. “I’m good.” He assured him and Yoongi stared at him for a bit before nodding. “Alright. Get some rest..see you.” He says and walks to the elevator to leave.

Jimin nods and looks down at his lover, smiling as he kissed Jungkook on the lips. “Daddy, w-was so worried for Daddy..” he whimpered. The snake chuckles softly. “Worried for me? Oh, had me scared.” He sighs and caressed his waist before noticing the change in jungkook. “Baby?”

“Yes?” Jungkook smiles and giggles. “Oh! Daddy! Come! Can we cuddle together?” He asked. He wasn’t like he was before, not scared anymore even when he just went through something scary and traumatic. Jimin remained serious before putting on a warm smile and nods. “Of course, sweetheart.” He walks with him and with Jungkooks permission, he entered his nest and cuddled jungkook, having him in his lap, arms around him, snug and safe.

“ the b-bad man gone?” The blonde asks, turning his head to meet Jimins gaze. “H-he won’t get me anymore?” His bottom lip wobbled.

The snake alphas eyes darkened for a moment before he kissed his cheek, rubbing his back assuringly with a sweet eye smile that would’ve given anyone the chills. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. The bad man is gone. He won’t ever bother you again.” He assured with a croon.

Jungkook smiles and hugs Jimins neck. “Yay! Daddy’s my hero! I love you!!” He cheered and snuggled into him, purring as he takes in Jimins scent, sighing happily, happy to be back in his arms again.

Jimin chuckled, hugging him back. “I love you too, my love. No one…will touch you again.” He smirked darkly.



Seven Days Later…


“Mistress..there’s a package up front.” A maid exclaims as she carried the package over to the two cold blooded reptile hybrids. Admittedly, she felt nervous because she worked under the Park Clan as a servant. If she failed or made one mistake, she’d get eaten or killed.

A much older woman with porcelain skin, almond eyes and plump lips looked up, her cheek having purplish blue scales that went down to her neck and collarbones. “Open it.” The woman ordered, her reptile eyes watching the maid intently.

The maid obeyed, shakily opening up the package with a pocketknife but the moment she opened the box, she let out a bloodcurdling scream and dropped the box, falling to the ground as she backed away, her pupils small and shaking with terror. “M-mistress—I-it’s—“ she cries.

The female head of the Park Clan frowns and walks over, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she goes up to the box herself.

“N-no, madam, don’t look inside, it’s—“ the maid tried to warn but in a flash, the woman was behind her and smashed her face into the marble ground, the poor maid, going limp.

“Enough with your screeching, annoying voice.” The female snake scoffed and finally opens up the box only for her eyes to widen. “Oh..” she tilts her head to the side and hears someone appear from behind her.

A man with almond eyes and rounded but also slim cheeks appeared. He had a few scars on his face as well as a scar right along his throat. “Is that who I think it is?” The head of the Park Clan sighed.

The woman however smiles. “He never disappoints us, doesn’t he?” She gushed and her husband huffs. “Such a disobedient son for leaving and never coming back.” He scoffed.

“Mm~ I knew he wouldn’t be able to finish the job.” The woman shrugged and gets up, dusting off her dress. “Demetri!” She snaps her fingers. “Get rid of it.” She ordered her butler as she pointed to the box.

And within the box, was Jihyun’s severed head, his expression in fear and hollowed, blood staining the bottom of the box.

“Well played, Park Jimin…my son..” the woman smirks as she walks off with her husband, disregarding her second sons brutal death.


Thank you so much for your support and for those who enjoy reading ! <3

Edit: for any of you who have read my other story Bittersweet, where in that story it discusses about how Taehyung and Yoongi met together for the first time, the story of how Yoongi got his scar is completely different from what he tells Koo. He lies to Koo about the real truth because what really happens is much more darker and he obviously didn’t want to explain that to Jungkook when he was feeling in such a sensitive headspace. Wanted to clear this up in case of any confusion ! ^^

Feel free to leave any suggestions regarding the story or any new one-shot suggestions you’d like for me to try! ♡

Chapter 10: Improvement


“I want to take self defense classes, alpha.” Jungkook had said.

Jimin was in shock. The omega bunny wasn’t one for violence and it was hard to believe that he’d ever even punch something. He couldn’t hurt a fly! But he wasn’t going to deny him of doing so. It was smart for Jungkook to decide that and quite frankly, Jimin was proud of his baby boy for being so brave. “Okay, darling.”

Jungkook decided to take self defense classes after his kidnapping and Jimin agrees while watching as his sweet mate improves.


Heyo ! Back with another chapter :3 hope you all are doing well ! This is definitely a fluffier chapter than the last one for you guys and some nice, juicy smut at the end. ⚗︎·̫⚗︎ I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you all do too! >.<

tw(s): little space, oral fixation, cockwarming, degradation (lil bit), Jimin fucking Koo against a mirror, spit kink, tummy bulge.

Don’t like, don’t read ! :)

Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Since the incident occurred, Jimin began to worry tremendously because it had been five days and Jungkook was still in little space. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, little Jungkook was very adorable as well as tolerable. He corrected Jimin many times and said his name was “Koo”, but liked to be called “bunny” or “bun” a lot. But it confused the snake hybrid nonetheless.

It pained Jimins pride, but he had asked Yoongi for advice on what to do. The snake wasn’t good at this type of thing at all. He wasn’t around children or…people who acted like children. He’s seen Tae Tae before, sure, but Jimin never had to put up with him. That was Yoongis job. So in a moment of desperation, he was on call with his kitty hyung, tapping his black nails on the table.

“How long as Tae Tae been little for?” The snake asked him. He didn’t have to worry about the bunny omega eavesdropping as he was taking a nap on their shared bed. Not only that but little Jungkook was also ditzy.

“Since I’ve met him..even in the asylum, Tae has always had TaeTae within him.” Yoongi explained to the snake hybrid before letting out a deep hum. “Why? Jungkookie is still little?” He guessed and Jimin could only let out a sigh in response which easily answered Yoongis question.

“He’s just been in little space..he’s not really doing anything wrong. He’s actually really well behaved, but..” the snake frowned, eyebrows pinching together as he genuinely felt concerned. “I’m just worried about Jungkook..” he confessed quietly to his hyung on the other line. “He saw a lot..watched some of the maids get shot to death, got kidnapped, got harassed and fuck, Yoongi, he’s been through enough as it is!” He snapped. “I’m just afraid that he’ll be too scared to be back to normal..”

Yoongi was genuinely surprised by Jimin’s behavior. It wasn’t like the assassin to just be worried about someone so much like that. He never was one to care for feelings or someone’s situation. The snake hybrid was always so cold and serious. It was hard to be near him sometimes because Jimin was just so intimidating.

He must’ve really cared for that bunny.

“Well..sounds to me that he might just be distressed. Usually when little space is triggered for some people, it’s usually because they’re overwhelmed with emotions and stress and so they become little to escape from those hard feelings and depend on others for being taken care of.” The cat explained. “So that means he trusts you a lot to be calm around you in that state.”

Jimin could only hum. He supposed that was true. Jungkook was already shy as it was, but he did like to talk to the servants and befriend them. Little Koo was terrified of new people he didn’t know. He got teary eyed and hid under blankets or pillows or even Jimin, trembling and scared.

“I see..I just wanted to know, I guess..see if this was normal or what.” Jimin says, his forked tongue slithering in between his lips to wiggle in the air.

“It’s definitely normal. Tae will do that with me sometimes too.” Yoongi tells the younger alpha. “For now, it just means he really wants to be around you and feel safe enough to where he’ll return to his normal ‘big’ state if that makes sense.” He coughed a bit and Jimin could guess that he was smoking a cigarette.

“Mm..alright.” The snake lowly hissed out, seeming to understand better now. He hung up the call with Yoongi and leaned against his chair, black nails slowly coming to a pause as he stopped tapping on the desk. He had to admit he felt so much more relieved hearing Yoongis words. Jimin felt pretty bad that Jungkook had to go through such danger and distress.

“I should’ve never left him alone..” he whispered to himself, about to get up, but then decided that he could get some work done. The alpha began to type on his computer, face focused as he did what he needed to do. While he was an assassin, he was exceptionally good with technology (thanks to Seokjin) and often worked on certain files and such for his leader and the gang.

He worked there for a long period of time, losing track of what time it was, but then hearing a door open and click is what caught the predators attention.

They were at a different location, at Jimins second home which was a modern penthouse in Gangnam, which was farther away from his old mansion that got broken into. A bit smaller than his mansion and there were only about three maids in the residence, but judging by the way the door opened and such, Jimin knew it wasn’t one of his servants.

The snake hybrid was about to turn his head only for his eyes to widen as he looks down and noticed Jungkook was suddenly in between his legs underneath his work desk. “Koo?” He questions, a little confused. He looks at him, noticing he was still wearing the oversized black night shirt he wore for his nap, his blonde hair wavy and messy. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He asks him, reaching to pet at his white and soft bunny ears.

The bunny omega was purring, nuzzling up into Jimins hand but he shakes his head at him.

The predator raised a brow, not seeming to understand. “No? No what, Koo?”

“Not Koo..” Jungkooks voice let out. His tone didn’t sound as childish as before and his eyes didn’t look as doe-ful and puppy like as they had earlier today.

The snake’s eyes widened. “Jungkook? Baby, you’re back?” He asks him and he scratches along his scalp gently. He smiles. “How’re you feeling, honey? Feel a little better now?” He asks him.

The bunny had a soft pout on his face but instead of answering he reached out and tugged at the strings of Jimin’s sweatpants, untying them and then looked up at his mate with a soft and warm blush on his cheeks.

It seemed like Jungkook was in a certain headspace. Jimin recognized it as normally Jungkook looked out of it and sometimes didn’t feel like talking, didn’t feel like letting out words, but it was only after they had sex. Jimin liked to think of it as Jungkook being into his submissive headspace. It usually took him over an hour with great and gentle aftercare for him to go back to normal.


They didn’t have sex. Jungkook went from being in little space to his normal self again. It was completely different but the alpha decided to try and comfort his sweet mate to the best of his ability.

Jimin eyed the omega with his golden eyes, his pupils slitted a little. His gaze looked to be intimidating but he caressed Jungkooks cheek and cooed, “Does my poor bunny want Daddy’s cock in his mouth?”

Jungkooks pupils dilated and nodded, lightly tugging at the waistband of Jimins sweatpants. He let out a tiny sound, similar to a whimper that made Jimin laugh.

“Alright, alright, baby. Let me get up.” He says and lifts his hips to bring down his sweatpants, letting them fall and pool at his ankles. He wore no underwear underneath so his two cocks sprung free, barely hard yet.

The bunny eyed Jimins two thick cocks and waits, despite his patience wearing thin.

Even in his floaty headspace, he was obedient enough to wait for Jimin’s order to allow him to put his mouth on them. That alone made the assassin smirk. “Go ahead, hun.”

With Jimins confirmation to do so, Jungkook reached out to touch at his two girthy cocks. He leans in, rested on his knees, on the cushion that was usually under Jimins desk because there were times just like this that the snake had his precious pet right on his knees suckling his cock while he worked.

The omega takes not just one, but both of them into his mouth. Over time, he gradually learned how to suck on his cock properly but he rarely sucked both at the same time as they were just too big. But deep down, Jungkook had an oral fixation, breaking the hard habit of biting on the tips of his ears so instead he always came to the snake hybrid to nibble or suck on him whether it be his neck, his fingers, or his two cocks.

Jimin let’s out a pleasured sigh, watching his lover with dark hooded eyes. “That’s it, bun..fuck, good boy.” He praised, jaw clenched. There was that intense urge to just ram both his cocks into his throat and use his mouth, fuck his mouth as if he were nothing but a rag doll. But the alpha knew his precious bunny wasn’t feeling too well and so…he controlled those urges and allowed for Jungkook to do as he pleased.

The blonde boy hums softly against his cocks, looking like a cute chipmunk with his cheeks full. He suckles on them for awhile until he takes them out, taking the bottom thicker cock and putting it into his mouth, taking him deeper and deeper into his mouth until his nose was pressed against Jimins pelvis. Jimin let out a groan. Jungkooks throat was pulsing around his cock, his small mouth feeling so wonderful and warm. The top cock definitely didn’t go ignored as Jungkook began to carefully stroke it, his cheek leaning against it as if it were a pillow.

And sweet Jungkook looked so gone. His pupils were so expanded and wide that the red in his eyes were almost gone. His purring caused vibrations to Jimins cock that the snake let out a low hiss, causing for the bunny to instinctively whimper and shake, but the smell of Jungkooks sweet, strawberry slick that was leaking from in between his legs said he was anything but in fear.

Finally, the omegas jaw went lax and he simply lays his head still, occasionally suckling on the alphas cock. Jimin was fully hard from both cocks, but he ignored the feeling, staring at Jungkook with adoration. He runs his fingers through his blonde hair, the omega closing his eyes at his soothing touch. The snake pet him ever so carefully, like the white bunny was made out of glass. It was the only time he’d ever treat someone or something so fragilely with love and care.

“My pretty boy..” Jimin whispers and caressed his face, the alphas thick metal rings cooling Jungkooks warm face. He smiles at him and watches in amusement how Jungkook easily fell asleep with one of his cocks in his mouth.

The snake hybrid quietly chuckles and gave him a few last pets before going back to work with ease. After all, this wasn’t the first time something like this happened.



“There you go, bunny!” Taehyung cheers happily as Jungkook threw another punch and a grunt, hitting at the punch mitts that taehyung was wearing, moving his hands in structured motions, the bunny easily hitting his hands as the target, dodging every move that the tiger hybrid was hitting towards him. Taehyung definitely went easy on him, but not too easy. He knew Jungkooks moves were fast and he had good eyes.

A good solid three months had passed by and after Jungkook had managed to get himself back out of little space, he had promptly told Jimin one day, “I want to take self defense classes, alpha.”

Jimin was in shock. The omega bunny wasn’t one for violence and it was hard to believe that he’d ever even punch something. He couldn’t hurt a fly !

But the snake hybrid wasn’t going to deny him of doing so. It was smart for Jungkook to decide that and quite frankly, Jimin was proud of his baby boy for being so brave. “Okay, darling. I can have some of my men help you.” He smiles.

It was originally supposed to be Hoseok that was going to be helping Jungkook, but alas, when Taehyung heard about it, he begged and begged Jimin if he could be the one to train him. “Please, oh please, please, Minnie! I’ll train him so well! Yoongi hyung can come along too!” The tiger had pleaded and finally, with a roll of his eyes, Jimin agreed knowing he wouldn’t hear the end of it from the tiger alpha.

So as the days went by, every day at eleven in the morning before lunchtime, Jungkook would train with Taehyung. Of course, Jimin and Yoongi supervised. In the beginning, it was difficult as Jungkook was physically weak. He needed more protein and iron in his diet, plus, he was scared to hit something. It was a rough start but once the few weeks had passed by, Jungkook was doing so much better. He began to gain weight, mostly muscle, and was starting to love working out and training.

Soon enough, Jungkook was getting good at learning self defense, doing excellent with his combat skills and started to really enjoy boxing which was surprising to almost everyone.

Though even when the bunny was a cute, precious omega that adored cute and soft things, sometimes cried at sad or cute movies and occasionally got spooked or startled pretty easily, Jimin was so intrigued with this new side to Jungkook.

The snake hybrid watched with dark eyes as he eyed the way Jungkook wore all black today for his workout. Wearing a sleeveless black shirt that showed his lightly toned arms, his thighs were gaining lots of muscle as well, almost as muscular as Jimin’s. His blonde hair was back with a cute butterfly clip, but the way the sweat was dripping and running down his fair, golden skin, his thick eyebrows pinched together and his mouth slightly ajar. Even his red eyes looked so focused and almost…zoned out, like he was thinking even while training. He looked so hot as he gave a hard punch to the punching mitt causing for Taehyung to let out an “Oof!” and stumble back a bit from the bunny’s strength which quickly, Jungkooks dark eyes returned to their doe like state. “Oh, sorry! Sorry, Tae-hyung!” He squeaks.

Taehyung had giggled, giving him a cheerful boxy smile. “You seriously have crazy strength, Kookie! You could become a boxer, seriously!” He said and Jungkook blushed shyly, but giggled too. “N-no, no, I couldn’t..” he says, but felt flattered to hear such praise that he was doing so well.

In actuality, Jungkook merely let out a lot of inner frustrations when it came to his training sessions. He took out all that anger he had since he was a mere kit, eyes going blank and body on autopilot as he unleashed this new stronger side to him that no one saw coming at all. It felt so relieving and de-stressing. Plus, he didn’t have those horrible nightmares anymore.

The white bunny began to enjoy working out and also adored his training sessions with Taehyung. Over the course of three months, they became close friends, training and eating lunch together and sometimes playing around in the penthouse.

The tiger definitely brought out a mischievous and bratty side to Jungkook. They played pranks on their mates and sometimes caused trouble here and there, but overall, Jungkook was so happy to have a friend other than Jimin that he could talk to and hang out with. He came across TaeTae a couple of times to which, Jungkook absolutely ADORED little Tae, but every time V came out, Yoongi and Jimin restrained him and the snake would order Jungkook to go to his room immediately.

But other than that, things were looking highly. Jungkook was gaining muscle and he even met the members of Jimins mafia association one day. They were certainly scary at first, but he felt safe with Jimin by his side. Hoseok was pretty sweet. Jungkook always had the urge to pet his fluffy squirrel tail.

“Oh! He’s so much cuter in person!~ Wah!” Hoseok had cooed, the beta squeezing Jungkooks cheeks together while Seokjin had smirked but also cooed, petting at Jungkooks nice and groomed ears. “Very pretty indeed..” he touched a sensitive spot on Jungkooks neck which caused for the bunny to yelp and blush. “So responsive. How adorable~” the omega wolf had hummed, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Seokjin was definitely a playful wolf hyung. He was fairly gorgeous and at times Jungkook just couldn’t stop staring at his handsome face, also impressed and mesmerized with his intellect for technology and hacking. Despite his mean teasing, he was fairly enjoyable to be around.

It annoyed Jimin that Hoseok and Seokjin casually touched Jungkook as if he were a prize so he had always growled at them to back off which honestly made Jungkook flush red at his mates possessive behavior. It wasn’t until that finally he met the leader of the notorious and bloodthirsty association: Kim Namjoon.

Jungkook had almost pissed himself when meeting Namjoon for the first time. He was incredibly intimidating as the wolf was crazy tall in height, more muscular than his alpha, having strong features, dark dragon eyes, sharp canines and wolf features that made the bunny tremble in his Mary Jane shoes. But really, Namjoon was actually nice.

“So you’re the one I’ve been hearing about,” the leader had chuckled, having a dimpled smile that made Jungkook want to poke. “Pleasure to finally meet you, little one. I’m your alphas boss, Namjoon.” He smiles with sultry, taking Jungkooks small hand in his and pressing a kiss to the back of it in greeting. “Consider yourself lucky. I don’t normally allow for just anyone to see what my identity looks like. I do hope you behave with your alpha.” He spoke and his tone of voice admittedly sent chills down the bunny’s spine.

Jimins grip had even tightened upon his waist, but he knew he was only giving his mate a fair warning: misbehave and run away from Jimin and Jungkook would easily be taken away. After all, no one could get away with knowing namjoon’s identity. His face was publicly hidden away and no one knew what the leader of the Bangtan really looked like.

Though it was plainly obvious that Jungkook would never betray Jimin. He loved the snake hybrid all too much and wouldn’t ever think of such a thing.

Since the kidnapping, the blonde omega had changed a lot. He was still the same, but got stronger within those months, mentally and mostly, physically. He had the body of an athlete and found another hobby to enjoy: boxing and working out.

Jungkook gave one final punch and let out a tired breath. Taehyung smiles, his striped tail swishing behind him. “Okay, Kookie, we’re done! Here ya go!” He says as he hands him some water and the bunny eagerly drinks it.

Yoongi, standing beside Jimin while smoking a cigarette, exhales smoke out of his nose, his black triangle cat ears twitching. “I can’t believe he’s gotten this fit and toned in just three months…kids a monster.” He says, completely astounded.

The snake hybrid chuckled a little. It was true but he did notice that Jungkook had a crazy amount of stamina. Even when he first came to the mansion all skinny and frail, he had good stamina and breathing skills. “He’s really something else.” He grinned, eyeing at his lover, eyes dark.

Yoongi glanced over his way and could tell what the expression on his face meant. He looked over at taehyung who was playfully wrestling Jungkook on the matted floor. “Tae! Let’s go!” He tells him and the tiger sits up with a pout. “Aww! Okay!” He gives Jungkook a big hug with a giggle. “Bye, Kookie! I’ll be back tomorrow!” He gets up and waves at him to which the bunny eagerly waved back and waves at Yoongi before finally sitting there with a breath as he looks at his mate who had been watching him the entire time.

Jungkook gets up and runs over to him. “Alpha! Alpha! Did you see me?! Tae said I did so much better with my form today! I missed all of his hits!” He giggles happily and lifts his sweaty shirt to wipe the sweat off his face but Jimin looked down and took sight of the omegas sweaty six pack.

That just about did it for the predator.

Within seconds, Jimin had Jungkook pinned against the mirror, amongst the gym room, harshly which caused the bunny let out a yelp. Jimin pressed his body against him and licks at his sweaty neck, hissing lowly as he bites down, leaving behind a hickey. “You did so wonderful, my baby boy..” he praised and Jungkook let out a keen at the praise.

“R-really, Daddy? B-bun did good?” The omega asks, easily slipping into that familiar headspace of his that he enjoyed so much.

“Did so fucking good, darling. Seeing you punch and kick..watching your muscles flex.” Jimin smirks, reaching up to squish at the bunny’s hard bicep that was now full of muscle. “My cute muscle big and strong, mm? But you fall so weak onto your knees when you’re with me, don’t you, sweetheart?” He whispers, plump lips ghosting over his cheekbone.

Jungkook whimpered and nods, squirming as he rocked his hips forward causing for their clothed dicks to rub against each other making Jungkook moan and Jimin growl.

The snake hybrid quickly put a hand over his throat, their faces so close together that the tips of their noses were almost touching. “Naughty doll..what did I say about needy good for nothing sluts that don’t listen?”

The omega whines and answers. “T-that they don’t g-get cocks like g-good sluts do..” he says breathlessly, his fluffy cotton tail twitching against the mirror behind him.

“That’s right, bun. You’re not a bad slut, are you?” He asks with mocking innocence. Jungkook buys it and shakes his head at him with wide eyes. Jimins eyes dark and he gives the bunny’s face a light slap. “Then behave.” He ordered with gritted teeth.

He manhandled Jungkook and forced him down a bit, hand in his blonde hair in a tight grip, forcing for the bunny to look up at his mate. “Open your mouth.” Jimin hissed the order, forked tongue wiggling.

The bunny obeyed, eyes already teary from Jimins harsh grip but he parts his lips and looks at the snake hybrid, tongue sticking out of his mouth. Jimin let’s out a croon and leans right in only to spit on his tongue.

“Swallow, my little bitch.”

Jungkook felt his knees go weak at the degrading name but did as told, swallowing Jimins spit and whimpering as the bunny easily became aroused, his scent giving it away. “D-daddy, please, w-want your cocks!” He suddenly pleaded, gripping onto Jimins shirt, falling onto his knees and hugging his thigh. “C-can take both! P-promise, promise! B-been practicing! Please, Daddy!” He begged while he practically began to hump on his leg like a bitch in heat.

The alpha snake smirked widely and laughs. “How adorable~ you practiced just for me, my love?” From degrading to praise had Jungkook feel dizzy. He loved it all so much. He nodded eagerly, his long white ears flopping as he did so.

“Alright then..”

With ease, Jimin manhandled Jungkook up and turned him around to face the mirror in front of them. It was like Jungkook didn’t have any muscle at all. Jimin was so much more stronger than the omega, even when the assassin looked smaller and frailer than the average alpha.

“Look at yourself. Do not close your eyes and do not look away.” Jimin ordered and Jungkook could only whine.

A loud smack resonated through the gym room and the bunny cried out, his tail twitching as he got spanked hard on his bum.

“Words, honey. You’re not stupid enough to forget how to speak, are you?” He asks with that same patronizing, deathly sweet innocent tone of voice he used.

Jungkook always fell for it, shaking his head and whimpering. “N-no, Daddy! M’ not dumb! W-will look at Koo..l-look at Koo..” he gurgles, moaning as his poor neglected cock in his shorts throbbed.

“Good boy.” Jimin pulled down Jungkooks shorts, hissing lowly at the sight of his round and toned ass along with his cute white fluffy tail that rested right at the crack of his ass.

With a cruel smile, the snake reached out to grip it by its base, giving it a light tug that had Jungkook easily crying. “D-daddy!! Ah—n-no~ stop—m-my—“ he keens and moans high pitched. Jimin knew that his tail was the most sensitive thing on his body, but he always enjoyed teasing him with it. After all, he adored to see his sweet bunny cry.

With ease, Jungkook had tears in his eyes from the overwhelming pleasure, shaking against the mirror but never breaking contact with himself. “P-please, can have c-cocks now? Please? Pleaseee?“

Jimin chuckled deeply, leaning in to press a kiss to the side of Jungkooks jaw. “Fine~ Daddy will stop teasing now.” He croons and lets go of his tail, pulling back as he freed his two cocks from his boxers. Hard and leaking they were, he stroked them both and growls deeply. He put the bottom thick cock inside first, Jungkooks slick lubricating to where he slid inside with ease, but the omega always felt so full with his bottom cock.

“Fuck, darling..” he began to fuck him for now to get him well stretched, his top cock rubbing at Jungkooks tail which had the blonde twitching and spasming beneath him, doing his hardest to hold himself up.

“Yah.” Jimin gripped Jungkooks messy, sweaty blonde locks and yanked him back to his chest, gripping his face with his free hand and forcing him to face the mirror. “What did alpha tell you? Look at yourself. Such a whore for cocks, baby doll. You love this?” He asks, rolling his hips into him roughly, his hips smacking against Jungkooks ass.

Jungkook squealed and looked at the mirror with heavy eyelids, looking at himself. He noticed how sweaty he looked. How his nipples were puffy and perked. Face splotchy with tears and redness, eyes heavy and full of lust. How his face looked so..slutty. Was that really him in the mirror? “L-love it~” he mewls and Jimin smirked. “Of course you do.”

He pushed Jungkook forward to lean against the mirror again, fucking into him roughly with Jungkook letting out a sweet chorus of “ah, ah, ah’s” over and over. It wasn’t until that right when Jungkook was about to cum untouched, Jimin stopped his thrusting and the bunny let out a wail. “D-daddy—!” He was about to complain only to gasp, eyes widening as he felt something else prodding against his hole.

Jungkook looked in the mirror and watched as Jimins eyebrows were pinched together in concentration, his teeth biting at his lower plump lip and God, did Jungkook just wanna bite it.

He felt the snake’s top cock get pushed inside slowly at a time and Jungkooks mouth hung open, letting out a sharp and weak squeak as he never had felt this full in his entire life. His legs were already shaking and Jimin hissed, eyes flashing gold and Jungkook felt his prey instincts taking in.

He whimpered and tilted his head to the side in submission, mewling as Jimin looked down at where they were connected. He watched as Jungkooks hole practically sucked both of his cocks in, fucking himself in once then twice before he was all the way inside. The bunny was panting and whimpering, losing control before Jimin was right beside his face. “Shhh…deep breaths..” he coos.

Jungkook obeyed his mate, taking gentle breaths and shuddered in pleasure. “S’ full..d-daddy, ngh!” He shakes until Jimin pulled back a little only to fuck into him. “Ah!” The bunny let out but the snake went wild. He began to fuck into the omega with little to no mercy, fucking him hard against the cool mirror, hands tight on his love handles, having a bruising grip that would surely leave lovely bruises and marks afterwards.

“Y-yes, oh my—AH!” The blonde cried out and began to sob with pleasure, his ears flopping like crazy, listening to how Jimin groaned and growled, completely feral.

“So tight, sweetheart. Taking my cocks so fucking good, aren’t you, precious?” He cooed, giving a sharp spank to Jungkooks ass which made him cry out, his poor neglected, cute cock in between his legs dripping with pre cum and flopping uselessly.

The snake hybrid then took Jungkooks hand and moved it down to his stomach, feeling something moving. His brain stopped working until Jimin whispered those words into his ear, “Feel that, darling? Those are Daddy’s thick cocks deep inside your cunt, baby. Stretching you wide open..gonna fill you up with my seed and give you a fucking litter.”

Jungkook saw white. His eyes rolled up into his skull and lost control of his mind and body, shaking as he suddenly came hard, strings of white hitting the foggy mirror. He clenched down tightly on Jimins two cocks which made the snake growl. “B-breed bun! W-wan’ kits! Y-yea, yeah—AH NNN—“

Jimin growled, rocking his hips faster and faster, the sounds of skin slapping echoing across the gym room, the sight of Jungkook in the mirror, falling apart like putty in Jimins hands. “Good, good, fuck, there we go—Ah!” Jimin finally came with both cocks, groaning with his jaw clenched as he filled his precious bunny up like a cream puff, filling him up with his semen that cum began to overflow from his hole and down his thighs and onto the floor.

Heavy panting filled the room and Jimins black fringe was pressed against his sweaty forehead. He kissed at Jungkooks neck, rocking his hips slowly while he bite a few more love bites onto his milky skin.

“Darling? You with me?” He asks, voice more gentle now.

Jungkook whines in response and Jimin chuckled, kissing his cheek. “My little prince.”

He carefully pulls out of Jungkook, eyes darkening as he watched how the bunny pushed his cum out from his hole, making more of a mess. “Fuck, sweetheart..” he grips his asscheeks and shook them, watching them jiggle. He smirks and leans down, doing the most appropriate thing.

The bunny yelped and his eyes opened immediately, jumping. “Daddy!” He whines.

Jimin laughed, kissing at the harsh bite mark he left on Jungkooks pretty ass. “Sorry, baby~” he coos, but his sadistic smile gave away that he certainly didn’t mean it. He stands up straight and lifts Jungkook into his arms, beginning to walk them out of the gym room and to their shared bathroom.

“How was it, baby? Not too much?” Jimin asks him, walking down the hallway.

Jungkook smiles dreamily and shakes his head, beginning to purr. “Was so perfect, your thick cocks inside me..” he sighs, dopily.

Jimin held back a growl and also held back the urge to slam him against the wall and go for a second round. He kissed his lips instead and chuckled as he carried him to the bathroom, the bathtub and bubble bath already ready thanks to his loyal maids. “My precious gem.”

The blonde giggles sweetly and looks up at Jimin sleepily, leaning in to kiss him softly. “Love you..” he says and Jimin carefully sets him down on the sink, kissing him back before smiling against his lips, saying,

“I love you too, sweetheart.”


MUSCLE BUNNY KOO !! =͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)

Chapter 11: Loving Touch


The snake puts his hands forward on either side of Jungkooks head, his chest almost touching at the bunny's back. He let out a low, dangerous hissing noise that made Jungkook clench on his cocks.

"When we're done with this...I'll have impregnated you." Jimin whispers into Jungkooks furry ear and the omegas eyes roll up just by hearing those words, his body jolting as he came right away..

Jungkook is in heat and Jimin being the wonderful alpha he is, takes good care of his precious baby boy.


Back with another chapter! <3 hope everyone is doing well! This will be a smut filled chapter with some fluffiness to it because with hard-core sex, you definitely need the fluff and sweet after care. 😤

tw(s): gaping, sex with two cocks, breeding kink, unimportant character death, jimin being a badass assassin that he is, blood lust, koo being a territorial bibi boy, implied mpreg

Don't like, don't read ! :)

Enjoy ! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"You're such a pretty boy..fuck, I can't believe no one has you on a leash." The chaebol panther hybrid purred, kissing down at Jimin's neck. "You're too angelic to be an excort..why don't you come live with me?" He gives a dirty, perverted smile as he rushes to take off Jimin's clothes.

The snake hybrid fakes his heavy breathing and throws his head back in "pleasure". It was all an act. He despised these types of assassination mission's the most. In the beginning, before Jungkook came into his life, he didn't necessarily care. In fact, it often fed into his pride that the fact he could use his looks to his advantage to kill sick and rich perverts and steal their money. But now, it just felt disgusting to have someone else's touch that wasn't his precious bunny's. Plus...Jimin was always in control.

"You'd really take little ol' me home, sir?" The alpha innocently asks, giving him the most innocent expression he could muster. What idiots. "You know what they say about us reptiles, don't you?"

The chaebol laughs and Jimin almost cringed at his fake white teeth. "Oh, I'm sure I can handle you just fine, precious." Though his golden eyes darkened becoming black when the older man touched at his crotch. "Pretty omega with a cock? You hold quite the package, don't ya? Useless big coc—" the man couldn't even finish his sentence as Jimin slit his throat with his black talons.

His expression with lifeless and dark, watching blankly as the chaebol was staring at jimin in shock, pupils shaking with fear as he fell off the hotel bed and collapsed to the ground while holding onto his throat, trying to gasp in oxygen that wasn't flowing.

Jimin stepped off the bed and reached up to his own neck and ripped off three scent patches as well as rubbed makeup off his mating gland to show the mating bite he had. With his alpha pheromones filling the luxurious hotel bedroom, it became clear to the dying chaebol that jimin had him completely fooled. He should've known better than to trust that pretty face, those plump, pouty lips, and his curvy, toned body.

It wasn't unusual that Jimin was often mistaken for an omega sometimes, much to the assassin's annoyance. He despised it, but it was always fun to trick others and see the look of shock and terror in their eyes as they give out their last breath. Jimin walks over to the panther and tilts his head. "What's wrong? Thought you could fuck me?" He mockingly asks and smirks, darkly before lifting his black heeled boot and stomps down on the man's crotch, hard.

The chaebol chokingly gasps, eyes almost bulging out of their sockets and that just about did it. He fell limp, looking up at the ceiling, the light in his eyes gone.

Jimin lifts his foot, a bit of blood on the heel of his boot and he scoffs. "And you thought you could handle me." He rolled his eyes and walks away, doing what he was intentionally meant to do after murdering the wealthy man. He finds a black duffel bag and opens it up to find a stack of cash with some stolen weapons that belonged to Bangtan. The gang was well known for making their own weaponry, hell, Namjoon was actually the CEO of a governmental company that created weapons for military soldiers. They were lucky they had namjoon as their leader, after all, he was a powerful man with or without the gang.

The snake hybrid checks each weapon and notices the seal at the end that Seokjin created himself. A seal that showed that proved it was created by Bangtan. "Dumb bastard." Jimin scoffs and stands up, making a phone call.

"Hobi hyung..cleanup job at Heavenly Suites, room 409. The bag of stolen cash and weapons are here too." He said and he could hear the squirrels cheerful laughter. "Always so fast, Jiminie~ on my way!" Jimin rolled his eyes, hanging up the phone and turns to look at the deceased male.

The panther chaebol had been on a roll. Being a rich, snotty brat that liked to think the world spun around him and that he could do whatever he pleased which meant: illegal underage prostitution, raping and blackmailing omegas, stealing from different companies and gangs, and attempting to flee to China with said stolen goods to make profit of his own.

The snake hybrid smirked a little. "See you hell..or not. Don't think your pathetic worthless self would last long with the demons there." He says and walks away, finally leaving the hotel room after cleaning up himself. He took an extra long shower to get rid of the panthers scent off of him and changed into fresh clothes that he had brought with him.

After all, he didn't want to stress out his sweet mate. Lovely, adorable Jungkook that was waiting for him at his penthouse. Jimin honestly couldn't wait to go home and see his precious angel. The bunny was the only thing that kept Jimin so sane after all. Without him around, the snake hybrid was sure that his mind would be in such a dark place, causing bloodshed for no apparent reason, no way to keep Jimin calm from his bloodlust. He'd be uncontrollable, worse than V.

Who would've thought that a cute albino bunny could've changed his life?



The moment jimin stepped inside of the penthouse, he could tell something was off. Jimin deeply inhales, nostrils flaring and his slitted pupils expanding for a second. It smelled strong of strawberries. As he took off his shoes by the door, he looks up to see one of the beta maids approach him.

"His heat is approaching, master.." she explains and shows his arm where it showed a scratch mark. It didn't look too bad, but the scratch did cause skin to break. "He's very territorial at the moment..I tried to bring him lunch up to his room and he uhm...attacked me."

Jimin eyed at the maids arm and he couldn't help but crack a smile in amusement. He licks his inner cheek. "I see. You can head home early. I have a feeling he won't want any other people here..tell the others." The snake ordered and the maid nods and bows before rushing off.

The alpha walks down the hall towards the direction to his and Jungkook's shared bedroom. It felt a bit odd because usually bunnies had their heats and ruts in springtime, but it was already nearing winter. It seems as though the bunny's heat came a few months earlier. It was also funny because most bunnies were docile and tended to hide in order to avoid confrontations or predators, but it amused Jimin that his precious baby was fiesty when he wanted to be. He goes to his door and opens it, stepping inside, only to see that the curtains were closed, only the bedside lamp was on and the bed looked bigger than before. The bed was filled with what looked to be Jimin's laundry, creating a border all around the edges of the bed with a bunch of pillows at one end and fluffy blankets at the bottom. Jungkook was patting something down, but his long white ears perked at the sound of the door creaking open.

Jungkook turned with a low growl forming in his chest only for his sharp, dark eyes to fade into his natural doe ones as he noticed it was Jimin. His alpha and not a threat. His ears flopped down to frame his face shyly, feeling silly for almost growling at his own mate. "H-Hi, Daddy.." He greets, wearing one of Jimin's shirts with black thigh high socks.

Jimin smirks a little, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. It smelled especially strong of strawberries in the room, though that made sense. His sweet baby was going into heat after all. "Hello, darling. Feeling okay?" He asks as he slowly approaches the nest. He eyes it and knew exactly what jungkook wanted to hear. "Such a pretty nest, my love. You made it all by yourself?"

The omegas eyes shine at the praise, his inner omega proud that their alpha adored the big nest he created for them. He nods, ears flopping a little from the movement. "Yes..made it for us.." His eyes seemed hazy, eyelids lazy and jimin could guess by his flushed body and face that he must have a fever. Although, judging by the way he was acting, it was only the beginning of his heat.

Jimin let out a deep croon, his ringed up fingers grabbing ahold of jungkooks jaw gently to caress at his skin. Jungkook shuddered at the feeling of the cool metal of his hyung's jewelry. He nuzzled into his touch and when the alpha casually traced his bottom lip, the bunny parts his pink lips to take his thumb into his mouth, sucking on it while looking up at him. Jimins eyes visibly darkened at the lewd sight, wanting to seriously ruin the cute bunny.

Make him cry, make him beg, make him lose his voice and completely mind fuck him until all he knew was Jimin's name.

But the best part about Jimin was the fact that he had serious self control. He had patience and was able to hold back the beast inside of him until he was ready to lunge and devour. Perhaps the snake was a bit of a masochist on the inside. Waiting for so long..until he finally gets his treat was always so worth the long wait.

"You're very warm, darling.." jimin points out as his hand moved to caress at rosy cheeks then feel at his forehead, brushing his bangs to the side. Jungkook felt very hot. The omega bunny winced a little and whimpers, leaning in, almost not wanting for his touch to escape.

"Your cramps?" The alpha asks and Jungkook nods in confirmation, pressing his face into jimins clothed chest, deeply inhaling as he breathed in his ocean waves scent that reminded him so much of Busan. His ears were floppy, looking up at the other with a dazed, drunk look in his eyes, nuzzling him as if he were a pet cat. Jungkook even began to purr, the scent of his arousal growing stronger just at the smell of his mate. That was all it took.

Jimin smirked, his pants tightening as his two cocks were hardening fast. "What is it, my sweet bun?" He coos, pretending as if he didn't know what was going on.

Jungkook whimpered, grabbing hold of him as he stares up at him with need, eyes dark with want. "D-Daddy, please, want your c-cocks, need your knot!" He begins, moving until he was dry humping at Jimins hip, whimpering as the friction felt wonderful against his useless cock.

The snake hybrid suddenly shoves the omega to the side on the big nest and jungkook whines. "N-no, Daddy, come back!" He cries with teary eyes. He was extra sensitive when it came to his heat. All those years of spending his heats alone with no one to help or make the pain subside. He wanted Jimin, his alpha.

Jimin chuckled, meanly. "Don't worry, sweetheart~ let alpha undress, hm?" He smirked as he undid the buttons on his shirt and let's the shirt fall off his shoulders to reveal his tattoos and dark colored scales. As he got naked, his dark reptile eyes lingered onto the bunny. "Present." He ordered in satoori. The omegas strong scent of strawberries was admittedly starting to get to him. He felt feral with the need to breed and please his sweet baby boy.

The white bunny didn't even have to be asked twice, immediately rolling over on all fours, his shirt riding up to reveal he wasn't wearing any panties, his white fluffy tail wiggling and the most noticeable thing was the thick plug he was wearing.

Jimin cursed under his breath, his slitted pupils expanding. "Oh?"

The plug was very thick, bigger than one of jimins cocks, but not bigger than both of them together. It was perfectly meant to stretch the prey hybrid, but knowing the thought that he wore this all day while the assassin was at work...Jimin was close to combustion.

"Well aren't you a good boy? Wearing this just for me..all prepped and ready?" Jimin coos and Jungkook whimpered as he grabs his favorite bunny plushie and hugs it to his chest while his ass was up in the air. He looked so soft and innocent, but incredibly lewd and tempting to ruin.

Jimin finally gets on the bed, his cocks hanging down from how heavy they were. He reaches out to pet at jungkooks nail which easily made the bunny squirm and keen. "A-ah, sensitive, sensitive—!" He cries and Jimin laughs as he let's go.

Even more sensitive during his heat, how precious, Jimin thought.

He moved his hand to jungkooks hole, touching at the thick plug before prodding it out, slowly, eyes darkening as the thick and long plug was out, making Jungkook whine sadly at the feeling of being empty. "Fucking shit, look so fucking lewd right now. I can practically see your insides." He giggles and tosses the toy away before gripping jungkooks ass and spreading his cheeks, making the omega cry.

"N-nooo~ s' dirty, Daddy! M-my—mm~" Jungkooks face was flushed and he hides his face into his plushie, but despite his complaints he stayed perfectly still for the snake, allowing him to look and prod as he pleased. Because he was a good boy after all, even when he was in heat.

Jimin blows on his sweet pucker, watching how jungkook attempted to clench, but his hole was nicely stretched out just for him and two thick cocks. He growls a little and leans down to bite at his right ass cheek, making jungkook yelp and jolt.

"D-Daddy, c-cant, need—ah, n-need—" the bunny whimpers, but the alpha gently shushes him, pressing a kiss to his tailbone. "I know, my love. Okay, Daddys done teasing." He assures softly and gently. If it were any other day, he would've kept going until he felt like it, but jungkook needed a knot to ease at the pain and get through the first wave of his heat, so the snake decided he'd give in and help his sweet mate.

He sits upright, moving both of his cocks to jungkooks hole, leaning in to rub them against his entrance while the bunny began to move his hips back desperately. It was almost amusing considering the fact Jungkook was usually his pillow princess, always letting jimin have his way with him and taking it all like the good baby bunny that he was.

The snake hybrid smirked, his forked tongue licking at his upper lip before he grabs ahold at Jungkooks tiny waist and suddenly snaps his hips hard, thrusting both his cocks inside all in one go. The impact of the thrust made Jungkook choke out a squeak, red doe eyes wide as his lips parted to scream, but all that came out were weak squeaks. The snake puts his hands forward on either side of Jungkooks head, his chest almost touching at the bunny's back. He let out a low, dangerous hissing noise that made Jungkook clench on his cocks.

"When we're done with this...I'll have impregnated you." Jimin whispers into Jungkooks furry ear and the omegas eyes roll up just by hearing those words, his body jolting as he came right away. Jimin smirked and began to move his hips, thrusting like a feral animal, his heavy balls smacking Jungkooks ass, the head post smacking harshly into the wall that he was sure the walls would be slightly indented.

And Jungkook, sweet little Jungkook was a mess, drooling and moaning, thighs shaking. "Y-Yes!! Ah, ah, d-deep in me, w-want your babies! P-please, please, b-breed me!" He cries and whimpered at Jimins snarl and how he fastened the pace. He reached around to press down on the omegas belly, able to feel the huge bulges in his stomach each time he thrusted his two fat cocks in and out of the bunny.

"Sssssuch a good bunny~" jimin hissed, his fangs heavy in his mouth with the need to bite. He pushes himself up and grabs at the lower end of jungkooks shirt, gripping it in his fist and pulling jungkook back as he fucked into him. The bunny was on cloud nine, letting out slutty moans and high pitched noises, all while hugging onto his favorite plushie.

With a few more thrusts and whispers of dirty sayings into Jungkooks floppy bunny ears, jimin growled, gritting his teeth as he grabs at the omegas hips, hard enough to bruise, he pulls out enough to get his thinner, more human like cock out which made jungkook begin to panic. "N-no, no, k-knot! Kno—mmm..!" Jimin gently shushes the omega as he stuffs three of his ringed fingers in jungkooks mouth, groaning deeply as his knot on his bottom cock began to expand, thrusting hard as he forced it inside until they were locked together. Jimin groans, his top cock releasing its load all over jungkooks white tail and lower back, making Jungkook whimper and weep.

The alpha knew why. Jungkook HATED to get his ears and tail dirty. Since meeting Jimin, he took excellent pride in grooming himself to be the cleanest bunny ever. Jimin was quick to comfort, kissing the side of jungkooks face, kissing and wiping his tears away. "I know, baby..shhh...alpha will clean you. Promise." He assures him with that smooth, velvety voice of his that always puts the bunny into a trance.

The snake then grunts and he shuddered as his bottom cock finally came, filling Jungkook up to the very brim with his cum, his thick tip right at his cervix, filling his womb as well as overfilling him as cum and slick began to leak out, making a mess. Jimin croons, kissing the top of Jungkooks head, carefully laying down on the side of him while Jungkook began to purr and sigh.

"Daddy.." He pouts, face looking sleepy but Jimin gently shushes him. "Shhh...go to sleep now, darling. Alpha will take care of you now." He promises, reaching his hand over to intertwine their fingers together.

The bunny purred and snuggles into the comfort of the nest he made. His eyelids fluttered shut and trusting his alphas words, he fell asleep.



Jimin stayed with Jungkook for an entire five days in the room for jungkooks heat. The snake hybrid had to skip those days of work, making some assassin's that worked under him to handle certain jobs that Namjoon ordered.

Jungkook was crazy during his heat. Even Jimin was surprised at how his behavior was. Not that he was feral or aggressive, but Jungkook was ten times more clingy and had no sense of morality. He'd try to suck on jimins cock whenever the alpha was on the phone, making calls to give orders or he'd fuck Jimin in his sleep. Even when he had to pee, he'd attempt to seduce the snake into fucking and knotting him there on the sink. Not to mention, getting him to eat was the hardest part of them all because Jungkook would cry and whine for jimins knot, not food or water. So the alpha had to bargain and make the omega ride him then after getting his knot, he'd eat the bento the maids prepared for them.

The alpha knew that his sweet lover wasn't in his right mind, but he had to admit he was cute and it was amusing to see. Jimin even managed to sneak a few pictures and videos. A favorite of his was a particular slutty photo of Jungkook when he was laying on his back, face flushed, the tip of his cute little nose red, his eyes were dazed, but his little cock was spurting cum, his tummy with a belly bulge and at the bottom of the picture showed Jimins two cocks inside of the bunny, showing how well full and stretched out he was...all for him. He made it his lockscreen and smirked because the snake was surely the luckiest alpha in the world.

On the last day of Jungkooks heat, the poor thing slept almost the whole day, though Jimin would wake him to make him eat and drink some water before he'd fall asleep again. It wasn't until the following day, that his heat was finally over and Jungkook finally came back to his senses again.

The bunny was shocked at how messy the nest looked, some cushions and the sheets ripped. Blankets and the sheets were stained and ruined with slick and cum. Jungkooks hair was a fluffy mess, not to mention the amount of hickeys and lovebites he had all over his body though he had shrieked when he saw Jimin.

The alpha certainly wasn't any better. There were dark red lines all over his back and smaller sized hickeys and bites all over him. Jimin smirked at Jungkooks reaction. "I-I did that?" He asks as he carefully runs his fingers over the bites.

The snake laughs. "You were such a wild bun during your heat, baby. Almost didn't recognize you." He teased with a wink, but he held jungkook close, who whined.

"Were all sticky....and messy....and smelly." The albino grumbles which made Jimin laugh. "Not to worry, baby doll, well clean up. Think you can walk?"

Jungkook attempted to get up, but winced as his lower back and ass were killing him. He shuddered, whimpering as he felt cum gush out of his swollen, red, puffy and abused hole. He blushed madly and covers his face with his ears. "I-I don't think I can.." He admits and the snake smiles sweetly in contrast to the dark look in his eyes.

"Not to worry." He coos and he goes over to him and lifts his mate up, bridal style. He carries him to the bathroom within the bedroom and shuts the door, starting up the bubble bath.

It was quiet for a few minutes, but Jungkook kept looking at his toned and flat tummy. It occurred to him that this would be the first heat he ever spent with someone. Not to mention, he didn't use any protection, neither did Jimin. He looks up and as if able to sense his curiosity, Jimin turns his head to lock his golden eyes with his lovers.

The bunny gulps. "Daddy..would you ever, uhm.." He trails off, suddenly feeling quite timid, his ears framing his face.

Jimin stared at his lover, turning the water off as the tub was filled. He goes over to the bunny, lifting him again and carefully setting him down in the warm water. "Mm? What is it, my love?" He asks him. "You can tell me anything."

Jungkook looks up, eyes wide and he brushes his blonde hair out of his face. He bites on his lower lip, the urge to bite at the tip of his ear was strong, but he had successfully gotten rid of the bad habit. He didn't want to go back to doing it again. He shuts his eyes for a moment before speaking. "What if I get pregnant?" He blurts out.

The snake hybrid didn't say a word, merely staring at Jungkook. He tilts his head a bit. "What of it, darling?"

Jungkook blushed. "I-I, well..we d-didnt use any protection and you...came a lot in me..m-many times." He coughs, feeling shy which made Jimin smirk in amusement because just the previous day and before then, he was practically all over him and two cocks and now he was this innocent, shy mess. "I just wondered if you...minded the thought about the possibility of me...getting pregnant?" He asks, more meekly now.

Jimin smiled a little and kisses the top of his head, joining the bath with him, sliding in right behind the prey hybrid and wraps his arms around his torso to pull him back. "Oh, sweetheart. Is that what this is about? I'd love to have a litter with you. Whether it be just one or more. Kit or snake. I'll love them just as much as I love you, darling." He assures.

The omegas breath hitched. "R-really? You'd be okay with it?" He asks and he suddenly feels silly because why wouldn't the alpha be okay with it? But perhaps it was because Jimin was an assassin and wasn't exactly the most....nurturing to children type out there. Though, he did take great care of Jungkook so...wouldn't it be fine?

Jimin chuckles, charmingly and kisses the omegas scar on his scent gland. "I'd definitely be okay with it, my love. If you want children, then I do too. If you don't, then we don't have to have any. So if there's a possibility that I knocked you up.." His hands possessively held onto Jungkooks stomach. "Then this'll be the beginning of our little family." He croons lowly into his ear.

The bunny gasps and his heart was beating fast. He felt beyond happy, so happy at the fact that he'd get to have a family with the person of his dreams. Though the gears in his head were turning more and more until he realized something. "But..Daddy...your job.." He points out.

Jimin nuzzled his nose into jungkooks neck, scenting him as he pressed soft kisses down the side of his neck. "No need to worry about that, baby. Alpha will buy us a new home..well have better guards. Better servants." He assured and his eyes darkened. "There won't be a repeat of what happened the last time."

The omega shuddered. It took a long time to get over what had happened with him getting kidnapped, witnessing death to Jimins professional servants, and overall going through that abuse in short time. But jungkook was stronger as well. He had more muscle, he knew how to defend himself. He rubs his stomach, feeling jimins arms and he relaxes. "Yeah, you're always protect me." He purrs.

Jimin smirks. "Always, darling.." He gave one last kiss to his neck before pulling away to grab some shampoo. "Now...let's take a nice bath and let you rest. It's been a long five days, hasn't it?"

Jungkook giggles a bit. "More like you need the rest. I was all on you." He said but the snake laughs. "Oh, darling, I loved it. Plus...I'm way worse during my rut." He smirked darkly and the bunny shuddered. Jimin giggled. "Not to worry though. That'll be a long time from now." He assured and began to lather jungkooks hair in soap, being mindful of his soft ears.

The omega smiles and closes his eyes with relaxation. His inner omega could definitely feel like the breeding was a success. He knew it was just a feeling and it was much too early to even decide that he'd possibly be pregnant, but Jungkook honestly hoped. He'd love to be a dam, be the wonderful, loving mother he didn't have. There was still a bit of doubt in his mind because Jimins lifestyle was indeed dangerous and dark...but there was one thing for certain.

Jungkook would never ever let anyone lay their filthy hands on his child.

Even if that meant...he'd have to kill someone.


We're about to witness Koo's more darker side 👀 I'm totally excited for it!

Do leave me any suggestions on the story or any one-shots you'd be interested in! Thank you so much for the support on this story, it means a lot to me that others enjoy it even when it's mediocre T^T but thank you all again! I'll update soon! 🫶🏼

Chapter 12: Drastic Measures


Jungkook began to act...strangely. Not in a bad way per se, but the omega got more territorial than usual. The albino bunny was nothing but sweet to the maids, always talkative and just this sweet little cinnamonroll that wanted attention and praise. He adored Jimin's servants! But as of lately, Jungkook would get feisty whenever the maids would try to wash his blankets or his clothes. The bunny would growl whenever they'd go near his and Jimin's shared bedroom and after a second or two, he'd grow teary eyed and apologize for being so mean.

It was something out of the ordinary and the maids were shocked by his type of behavior, but merely assumed he was just a possessive and territorial mate.

Jungkook's odd behavior doesn't go unnoticed leaving for Jimin to finally do something about it and figure out what's wrong.


Hai! <3 I deeply apologize for the long awaited keep things short, I'm dealing with my classes for uni and there has been a lot of personal issues going around that have kept me from writing, but I'm here to finally upload another chapter!~

I'm going to try and keep it consistent with the uploads but enjoy this chapter! ♡

tw(s): territorial koo, mental breakdowns, yandere Tae, mpreg.

Don't like, don't read!

Enjoy! ♡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Easy, darling.." Jimin purred as Jungkook adjusted himself carefully on the snake hybrids cock, his naked body facing Jimin and hugging him tightly, cockwarming him while the older alpha was working in his office, sitting on his office chair while Jungkook was in his lap.

It wasn't unusual for the bunny to come and do this to Jimin. Every time the omega missed his mate, he always came to his office to sit on one of his big cocks, sometimes both of them when he felt needier than usual. But....his sweet and doting bunny had been acting a little strange as of lately.

Ever since Jungkook's heat passed, almost immediately Jimin's rut hit full force earlier than usual (probably because it was triggered by Jungkook's heat). The snake hybrid remembers how vividly that went down. Jimin had to take a two week break from work, keeping Jungkook bed ridden and then stayed home another week just to help his sweet bunny heal up. For Jungkook, it was the best thing to go through with his lover, feeling a deeper connection and so high on the fact that he was bred nice and full.

But a month after that occurred, Jungkook began to act...strangely. Not in a bad way per se, but the omega got more territorial than usual. The albino bunny was nothing but sweet to the maids, always talkative and just this sweet little cinnamonroll that wanted attention and praise. He adored Jimin's servants! But as of lately, Jungkook would get feisty whenever the maids would try to wash his blankets or his clothes. The bunny would growl whenever they'd go near his and Jimin's shared bedroom and after a second or two, he'd grow teary eyed and apologize for being so mean.

It was something out of the ordinary and the maids were shocked by his type of behavior, but merely assumed he was just a possessive and territorial mate.

Then it progressively grew more intense. Jungkook didn't growl as much anymore but he sometimes just stared. His reddish pink eyes were void of any light or emotion. He'd just watch the maids do their jobs carefully and any time they came close to him, the bunny would put his hands on his stomach almost instinctively and stare intensely at the female servants.

It was a little creepy and they obviously reported this behavior to Jimin because something was clearly happening to the omega bunny. In all honesty, Jimin didn't really seem to notice any difference in Jungkook at all, but the more the maids told him, the more the alpha was beginning to...realize that something must've been off.

So one day, Jimin arrived home earlier than usual so he could eat dinner with Jungkook, but the assassin froze when he noticed a trail of laundry heading towards the living room. Jimin merely raised a brow but headed towards that direction only to see a huge nest of blankets and clothes all neatly placed on top of the big couch. The bunny looked terribly focused as he patted down certain shirts to make the nest a bit more smoother until his white ears perked up when he heard footsteps approach. He turned his head and smiles happily with such innocence. "Daddy!" He chirped.

He gets up and runs to hug at Jimin tightly, almost immediately scenting him only to frown a bit. "You smell.." He comments, pulling away to stare at his mate curiously, his nose twitching as he tried to take in the scents that were on the snake's clothes.

Jimin chuckles deeply, hugging his loving mate back before smirking. "I do, baby? I'm sorry. You know alpha works with lots of people all day." He says, his forked tongue wiggling out to scent the air. The snake noticed something was off. It was Jungkook's scent.

"Darling..have you been feeling well lately?" Jimin decided to ask, finally taking into consideration of the maids' concerns and worries. He had the urge to drink some of his favorite whiskey, but he decided he'd do that later. Obviously his darling bunny mattered much more right now.

Jungkook pouts a bit at his question but felt his cheeks flush a bit, breaking eye contact. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." He assures, but Jimin could easily tell that was a lie.

The snake let's out a low hiss, grabbing Jungkook by his chin and lifting it up roughly, forcing his precious prey to make eye contact with his cold orbs. "Now, Jungkook..." Jimin spoke, voice strict and cold. It made the bunny's lower lip quiver because Jimin never said his full name unless the bunny were in trouble. "You know alpha doesn't appreciate being lied to. The maids have been making comments about you and I'm beginning to notice a slight change in your scent and attitude. Are you behaving yourself? Does alpha need to punish you?"

The omegas knees almost buckled, slick dampening his panties at the thought, but at the same time, no...Jungkook was a good boy. He was supposed to be the sweetest angel ever. His eyes welled up with tears, sniffling. "Nuh uh..m' a good boy." He insists.

Jimin couldn't help but smirk, his grip tightening on his chin. The bunny always looked so pathetic but so...adorable whenever he let out the crocodile tears. He's learned that Jungkook was really a brat deep down pretending to be such a Saint when in reality, Jimin knew the truth. "Good boys don't lie, sweetheart. Don't think that letting out a few tears is going to make alpha forget."

Seeing Jungkook cry always riled the alpha up. Who could blame him? He was a sadist that loved to hear his sweet mate scream and cry in pleasure. Sometimes seeing him get worked up just from a mere scolding was enough to make his cocks harden.

"Now I'm not going to ask you again." Jimin spoke, tone cold. He was done playing games. He pulls Jungkooks face a bit closer, making the omega whimper a bit. "Have you been feeling well lately?" He repeats the question he asked him earlier.

For a moment Jungkook stayed silent, merely staring at Jimin with his wide red eyes before more tears ran down his cheeks and he let's out a soft weep. "I-I don't know, D-Daddy.." He confessed.

The assassin read Jungkooks face and could tell that the bunny felt lost. He let's go of his face and instead caresses it with his cold palm. This time, his scary cold expression morphed into one of gentle but seriousness. "What do you mean, my love?" He asks.

The bunny sniffles, reaching up to wipe at his watery eyes. "I-I uhm..the other morning I felt sick after you left from work.." He pouted. "I threw up feeling all icky. I-I thought it was nothing but then yesterday I threw up again when the maids brought me breakfast.." Jungkook explains with a frown. His eyebrows furrowed together, clearly shaken up and confused because in reality, the omega bunny wasn't even sure what was wrong either.

"I-I don't mean to be so mean to everyone too...I-I love everyone..the maids are my friends." Jungkook continued to weep, sniffling as he rubbed at his nose causing for it to lightly turn red. "B-But it's like my....inner omega gets so...angry whenever someone that isn't you comes near me out of nowhere. I-I feel strange things and I dunno how to explain them and—and—and—" He trails off, speaking way too fast almost forgetting to breathe until Jimin pulled him into his hard chest.

Jungkook gasps but whimpers, easily taking in his alphas sea scent that never failed to calm him down. His bunny ears flopped down, timidly framing his face. Jimin frowned. All of it did sound completely strange. "'s alright, baby. Thank you for telling me how you felt." He whispers, gently, cooing as he runs his sharp black nails through the omegas white blonde hair so gently.

The alpha snake now felt that something was up. Jimin was intelligent but even he felt lost with what was going on. For his usual timid and sweet Koo to suddenly turn aggressive and territorial seemed...out of the ordinary. The only time Jungkook got like that was during his heat but...clearly the bunny's heat passed and its been far from over. Jimin frowned. "We should take you to the doctor."

Almost immediately, Jungkook trembles. "N-no, no, doctor." He shakes his head and grips onto Jimin's shirt.

The alpha sighs but knew that his mate had this deep fear of doctors. "I know, baby boy, but we need to go, okay? Alpha doesn't want for you to be sick or..feeling this way anymore." He says, rubbing at the youngers back. "How about this, hm? Hoseok can do the checkup on you."

The bunny sniffles but looks up with teary eyes. "Oing? H-Hobi hyung's a doctor?"

Jimin chuckled deeply. "He's a licensed doctor in disguise. He has his own clinic and everything. Namjoon scouted him because of his medical skills.." He explains but he definitely wasn't going to mention that Hoseok was also scouted because he knew how to get rid of bodies and the traces of messy evidence.

Jungkook pouts, but his anxiety ceased down. Jimin's gang still intimidated the little bunny but if they were friends with Jimin, then that meant the omega could trust them.

"Mkay..I'll do it." Jungkook nods his head.

Jimin smiles at his mate and presses a kiss to his lips. "Good boy. So brave..don't worry, I'm sure it'll be quick." He assures softly. "Now...why don't we have some dinner and cuddle up together, okay?"

Almost immediately the bunny was happy again. "Yes! Yes!" The omega giggles and tugs the snake hybrid to the couch on the big nest he made.



The following day, Jimin took Jungkook to see Hoseok at his clinic. The omega was still shocked that Hoseok was a doctor and also...did such bad things. It was almost terrifying to think about. Hoseok was such a kind and bubbly beta squirrel but that other dark part of him was sadistic and cruel. He was a member of one of the scariest gangs in the country, after all. It was definitely mortifying.

Jungkook learned that Hoseoks identity was never exposed outside of the gang, to the public eye. While most of the other members were well known, Hoseok was technically a hidden member, aside from Namjoon, their leader. He was essentially the clean up man. He cleaned up all the evidence and blood that the gang caused and if there were any witnesses...Hoseok easily took them out with no remorse despite being a doctor that was meant to help and save people.

It confused the bunny to no end but Hoseok was nice to him so...maybe he was a good person deep down?

Hoseok had the clinic closed for the whole day so Jimin could come in alone with Jungkook and soon enough after getting his blood drawn, Jungkook still felt nervous, sat in Jimins lap. They were waiting for results for...what could be the cause of his weird emotions and behavior until finally...Hoseok entered the room.

The beta enters inside, looking professional in his doctors white coat. His expression looked gentle and he was incredibly handsome with his bushy tail twitching from behind. You would've never taken this kind beta to be a psycho deep down.

"Alright...uhm..." Hoseok holds onto his clipboard and had this grin on his face, almost amused but he looks to the couple, mostly at Jimin. "Well, it's safe to say that your omega is perfectly healthy! Good weight, good iron, yadda yadda."

The snake hybrids eyes narrow a bit but Hoseok wasn't finished yet. "However, we were able to detect that Jungkook is six weeks pregnant." The squirrel hybrid muses.

Both Jungkook's and Jimin's eyes go wide in shock at the news. Jimin stayed calm while the bunny looked down at his flat tummy and reached down to touch it. "I-I'm—"

"You're pregnant, darling." Jimin purred and looks up to Hoseok. "So that explains the sudden aggressiveness?"

Hoseok giggled. "Yup! Commonly, most omegas that are pregnant tend to get very territorial and their instincts depend on no one else but their alpha to protect them! But this is definitely a sight. Usually bunnies are such docile and timid creatures. They're never one to fight." He says and he smirks darkly as he eyes Jungkook. The older beta was definitely intrigued.

The bunny's eyes widened at his words but blushed deeply as he wasn't sure what to say to that. He hid his face in Jimins neck shyly but Jimin chuckled. The alpha snake was actually surprised by this fact as well, but...he still found it to be interesting as well.

"You're going to be a mama, Koo." Jimin cooed deeply, rubbing his back. "We're going to have a baby.."

Hoseok's smirk widens. "Actually...You're having twins."

Jungkook's eyes go comically wide and he stared at Hoseok before looking at Jimin. "T-Twins?" He touched at his stomach and felt in awe at the news.

Even Jimin appeared shocked but then again...the snake hybrid didn't appear that surprised. For one, they spent their heat and rut together and Jungkook is a bunny hybrid that's meant to have a bigger litter compared to other regular hybrid species.

" twins." The snake hybrid smirks a little. His gaze darkens for a moment, almost protectively, but he nods his head. "This is definitely exciting news."

Hoseok chuckles. "It is~ I wonder what the crew would think about this. None of us would think you'd be the first to become a father."

Jimin glares at the squirrel hybrid but rolls his eyes. He reached down to pet and play with Jungkook's cotton tail which caused the omega to squeak and squirm but Jimin easily held him still. "I'll need to take time off work...or someone to..guard the penthouse for him."

Hoseok smiles. "How about Tae?" He offered sweetly and his innocent smile morphed into a smirk at Jimin's reaction.

The snake hybrid hissed lowly in warning which made Jungkook whimper in submission. "Absolutely fucking not. And if he switches into V?"

The doctor hums. "I personally think it'll be fine. Your little bunny and Tae have had their little play dates together already and he's behaved around him."

Jimin scoffed. "That's because Yoongi and I were fucking present. If we're absent, he could easily take advantage of him!"

Hoseok hummed but shrugged, still having that shit eating grin on his face. "Perhaps so...but Yoongi hyung did say that Koo was the first person that Tae behaved for. He didn't need to be restrained and he didn't have any issues with V becoming present. Plusss~" He sings and looks to Jungkook. "Out of us...your precious bunny likes V the most." He smirks. "Isn't that right, bun?"

Jungkook blushed madly but looks away, shyly. It wasn't like he disliked the others but the other gang members were definitely more intimidating compared to Taehyung.

The snake hybrid felt his eyebrow twitch with annoyance because quite frankly, he was right. The risks still seemed too high but its true that Taehyung had been doing better with his self control as of lately. He sighed, his scent bittering with annoyance. "Fine. I'll talk to Yoongi about it." He grumbled, his grip on Jungkooks tail tightening which made the bunny gasp and wiggle, slick beginning to dampen his poor panties.

Hoseok's nostrils flared at the sweet smell of Jungkook's strawberry scent but he smiles brightly. "That's the spirit!~"



After a few weeks go by, Jimin was finally convinced that Taehyung could be trustworthy enough to watch over Jungkook. Currently, Jimin needed to handle his dark work and Taehyung was present. He had his usual smile, his striped tail swishing from behind. "I'll take good care of Koo! Yoongi hyung already talked to me! I'm good to go, Jiminie!" He smiles.

The snake hybrid was still technically annoyed with the whole situation but eyes the tiger hybrid closely. "Just make sure he's alright and fed. And don't get too close to him. He hasn't been doing well to others invading his personal space, alright? Right now..You're his bodyguard. If something happens to him—" his reptile eyes darken. "So help me I will fucking kill you. Understand?"

Taehyung didn't seem intimidated at all by Jimin. The tiger alpha was used to Jimin and his threats. He smiles and nods. "Don't worry! I'll take such good care of him!" He promises.

Jimin's expression was cold but he presses the button to the elevator to go down, making sure to scan his key card so he could have access to leave. "He's sleeping right now. Let him rest. I'm trusting you. Don't make me regret it." He warned one last time before the elevator doors opened up and Jimin steps inside. The doors closed and with that, Jimin was gone.

Taehyung turned around and began to look around the penthouse out of curiosity. The alpha sniffed the air and suddenly deeply inhales, letting out a shaky breath.


Since day one, Taehyung had always felt...this weird obsession for Jimin's bunny lover. He was super cute and his ears were so fluffy and his reactions were the absolute cutest. They grew to have a strong friendship together, but Taehyung never admitted to the fact that he certainly felt...urges at times.

Perhaps it was the inner predator in him that wanted to subdue the bunny. He wanted to eat him whole and watch him squirm. Is that how Jimin felt?

He slowly creeps his way down the hall and as he keeps walking, Taehyung winced a bit, body twitching. "S-stop.." He moans to no one in particular, teeth gritting as its clear he's trying to hold himself back from something.

Taehyung's tail swished dangerously and his head was pounding. He heard that dark voice in his head.

Let me out.

Let me out.

Let me out.

The alpha tiger growled and then whimpered, shaking his head as he looked insane in that hallway. He was unaware of the camera in the corner of the hallway, the red light beeping, watching Taehyung's every move.

He gasps sharply and all comes to a stop. Taehyung lifts his head and this time...his chocolate puppy eyes are siren eyes, his eyes black with no light in them.

The tiger continues walking, going to the room that the scent of strawberries came from the most. He grips the knob, twisting before carefully entering inside. He stares at the source of that sweet and alluring scent. The bunny was hugging a bunny plushie close to his body on the large king sized bed. The room had a hint of Jimin's scent to it that made the tiger's right ear twitch with annoyance.

He slowly enters inside and creeps his way to Jungkook silently, like a predator stalking it's prey. As he reaches for the bed, he leans in for a moment to sniff at Jungkooks fluffy hair.

The alpha watches Jungkook sleep with this dark look in his eyes. The bunny was sleeping so peacefully. His nose occasionally twitched in his sleep and the way he hugged his plushie held this...innocent demeanor to him that felt so sweet. His jaw sharp and clenched. It would be so easy.

One slice from his large bite to the bunny's throat.

But instead...the tiger hybrid backs away carefully and goes to the chair on the opposite side and just sits there. Silently watching and silently observing Jungkook resting on the bed.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Yoongi were in Jin's camera room, watching the scene unfold before their very eyes. Jimin knew that V would come out. He liked Taehyung, but V was still stronger than Taehyung as a whole.

"I told you he wouldn't harm him." Yoongi says, watching the cameras, but mostly staring at his mate. "I trained him well known enough to ease at his self control for blood lust. He won't harm your bunny."

Jin smirked in his chair, pushing his round glasses up his nose as he switches the camera to the camera that was down the hall. Jimin's servants appeared to be holding their weapons as if waiting for the single to charge. "V isn't one to spare lives. Innocent or not. You really trained him enough that he wouldn't even lay a finger on the bunny?" Jin asked.

Yoongi frowned a bit, his triangle ears flickering before falling flat to his dark hair. He crosses his arms. "He's infatuated with him."

Jimin immediately looks to Yoongi and his jaw clenched. "What?"

Yoongi didn't react as he continued to stare at V, who continued to stay sitting and watch at Jungkook sleeping. "Your bunny. I've...never seen V like this before's not that he wants to claim him or steal him away from you's like..he's also protective of him. I've noticed that."

The snake hybrid immediately looks back at the cameras and watches V. He still felt tense about it but he decided that perhaps V would be the best choice to guard his precious mate.

The door opens and a servant enters. "Master Kim is waiting for you all." He says politely.

Jimin turns and looks to Yoongi. "Let's head out..Jin—" He begins but the omega wolf puts a lollipop in his mouth and interrupts him. "I'll let you know if anything happens. Go. You know my husband hates waiting." The older male states.

With that, Jimin nodded and looked at the surveillance cameras one last time before walking out of the room with Yoongi. His expression changes, morphing into the usual cold and sadistic nature he needed to be for his job.

Meanwhile, back at the penthouse, Jungkook slowly begins to stir, whimpering a bit as he hugs his bunny plushie closer to his body. He slowly wakes up, rubbing one eye. "Daddy..?" He calls softly.

V merely watches with dark, predatory eyes. The moment that the bunny notices him, Jungkooks eyes go wide. "Tae?" He calls out softly, only...his scent seemed a

The tiger hybrid tilts his head slowly, watching the bunny closely before smirking, revealing his sharp canines. "Pleasure to finally meet you, little bunny." His voice sounded deeper than normal.

Jungkooks eyes widened and he gasps, realizing who this was. He clutches onto his blankets and felt the urge to leave. Jimin had told him plenty about Taehyungs other personality. He gulped, prepared to get up only to look up and cry out as V was suddenly right in front of him.

V stares at Jungkook, uncomfortably close to his face. "Such a gorgeous little prey.." He rumbles deeply before smirking as he slowly backs away. "Don't stress yourself, little one. As much as I want to have my way with you.." His dark eyes narrowed to Jungkooks stomach and V suddenly frowned. "I'm going to protect you while that heathen works." He grumbled a bit.

The bunny blinks but frowns a bit as he realized who was talking about. "H-Hey, don't call Jiminie hyung that!" Jungkook complains, angrily twitching his nose at the tiger.

V merely watches the bunny. Usually, V doesn't listen to others that easily. Regardless of who it is, innocent or not, V follows by his own rules. He rarely even listens to Yoongi. But strangely enough, he felt the urge to listen to the pregnant omega. He huffed and looks away. "Fine." He gets up and goes back to the chair he was sitting in again.

Jungkook blinks innocently and stares at the tiger hybrid who just stayed there as if observing him again. The omega pouts but...doesn't feel threatened. Sure, V was definitely scary. Probably almost as scary as Namjoon...but the omega didn't feel as if he were in danger.

He rubs at his flat tummy, eyes softening as he still couldn't believe that twins were inside of him, growing. Jungkook lays back down and snuggles his plush, glancing at V before he felt himself go back to sleep again.

The alpha tiger grew silent again, eyeing at the sleeping pregnant bunny. While a deeper, darker and sadistic part of him wanted to take over, he just eyed at the bunny instead.

It almost frustrated the tiger a bit. He's never exactly...felt this type of way before. He didn't like Jungkook nor did he want to have intimate relations with him but...somewhere deep in his gut, he just wanted to protect him. He had this...weird obsession for the bunny.

V's eyes grew darker and he eyes at the door before relaxing a bit in his seat. He'd do his job right. He'd protect the omega at all costs. He slowly turns his head to the camera at the corner of the bedroom and licks at his inner cheek.

Tonight...would certainly be a long one.


Hope you all enjoyed! I appreciate you all to those that haven't forgotten this story and still enjoy it. You all are amazing. T_T🫶🏼

Do let me know for any requests or thoughts and opinions! It can help me out with my writing skills or ideas! <3


Twitter: cafenekoko

Series this work belongs to: