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Indirect Direct Kiss


Pete starts to develop feelings for his best friend after he lights his cigarette for him. Little does he know, Michael is far more down to explore those feelings than he expected.


If anyone is asking “who would light someone else’s cigarette like that” (the first half) is based off of real life experiences with a total stranger and yes your honor I did catch feelings for him

If anyone ends up giving a shit about this rare pair I may do a p2, these two have potential

Chapter 1: Indirect Direct Kiss

Chapter Text

Pete stared off blankly into the distance from his usual spot, seated near the loading dock behind the school. As much as he liked to think he was deep, there were a lot of moments where he would just sit there, listening to the tinny music coming from the boombox the goths had kept around with them ever since elementary school and had yet to replace since it carried with it too many memories. He blinked back to reality as the song faded out and transitioned to the next one. He could really go for a cigarette right about now. Pete reached into his pocket for his pack of cloves and pulled one out before patting around for his lighter…shit…where was it? He sighed and didn’t waste any more time looking for it. He was impatient and wanted to smoke now.


“Hey, Michael, could you light me up?” Pete asked the taller male who was sitting next to him, gesturing to him with the cigarette between his fingers. Michael glanced his way, having seemed relatively zoned out himself. The goths didn’t seem to do a whole lot when they weren’t occasionally musing about the emptiness of the universe. Maybe the nothingness they were up to was indicative of the emptiness of the universe. Michael gave an affirmative nod and pulled out his lighter to light Pete’s cigarette. He held it out and gave it a few flicks, but the wind kept blowing it out.


“Shit, hang on.” Michael sighed and took the cigarette from Pete’s hand. He stuck it between his own lips for a moment so that both of his hands were free, allowing him to shield the flame from the wind while he lit it, which worked much better. Once he had it lit, he handed it back to Pete. “There.” 


Pete blinked a couple of times at what Michael had done. There was something so casual about it. It’s not like the two weren’t close, he had no qualms drinking from the same drink as Michael or anything so this wasn’t exactly something that skeeved him out, but something about the gesture was weirdly…endearing? Attractive? Pete really couldn’t place a word on what had just happened. He just took the cigarette from him and placed it between his own lips to draw from it, exhaling smoke into the air.


“…Thanks.” Pete muttered. He returned to staring off into the distance, but his gaze would drift back to Michael every so often as he tried to process what he was feeling.



Michael’s room was far better decorated than Pete’s trailer. He wasn’t allowed the same permissions as Henrietta, whose parents gave in and allowed her to to have as many open flames as she damn well pleased, but he had plenty of goth decor. It was…classier than Henrietta’s room. Not strewn with random posters and pillows. Michael didn’t seem to give a shit about much, Pete was almost surprised at how much effort he’d put in to making his room look nice. 


Pete laid on the floor as Michael sat beside him, writing in a poetry book as the dull music played in the room. The two hung out alone sometimes, but it wasn’t really remarkable. They talked about the same old shit, how horrible life was, and did the same old shit they did when they were with the others. Even so, there was an unspoken bond there. Maybe that was just the nature of their friendship. Maybe the goth thing to do was just not to talk about it, not to acknowledge that they were close in any way because it would detract from the aesthetic of being an outcast.


Pete sighed as he stared up at the ceiling, simply contemplating. “I think I’m, like, kinda into you, dude.” He stated in his usual dull monotone, trying not to make, like, a thing out of it. He felt the need to say something, regardless of the facade. It was the whole reason he wanted to hang out with Michael to begin with. Maybe it’d take away from the aesthetic to admit he had any form of feelings. He didn’t care at this point. Not caring was also a huge part of the aesthetic. Maybe they’d cancel each other out.


“Yeah, I know.” Michael stated, just as dull. He peered up from his notebook over at Pete, quirking a brow at him. “What, did you want to like, do something about it or something?” He asked.


“You know?” Pete huffed. “Fuck…coulda like…said something. Shit.” He sat up to look at Michael, taken aback by not just his casual response but his vague proposal. “What do you mean do something?” 


“I dunno, it just never came up. “Hey, by the way, I totally noticed that sometimes you just kinda stare at me, wanna like, explain that or whatever?”” Michael tipped his head and rolled his eyes, then glanced back down at his notebook to continue writing. “Honestly thought you wanted to come over to like, make out or something.” He stated, perfectly casually.


“”Make out”, really?” Pete scoffed at the insinuation.


“Yeah, I mean, why not?” Michael shrugged, not looking up. “Let the Ariana Grande wannabes live out their cringe years snogging and grinding at public parties pretending they’re drunk after one shot, posting pictures post-fuck like it’s a fucking accomplishment. If either of us is gonna get even remotely close to that stage of our lives, it might as well be with someone who’s not gonna send you a Facebook relationship request two seconds later because they need the validation of everyone from their hometown knowing that they’re not cripplingly alone anymore.” He rambled on, still completely monotone. 


“…You’re actually serious?” Pete blinked after listening to Michael’s whole spiel on the matter. He went on like that a lot, but this was a topic he wasn’t expecting from him. 


“Are you like, really fucking dense?” Michael quickly glanced up and clapped his notebook shut. He set it and the pen aside before shifting closer to Pete. “Yes, dipshit, I’m serious.” He stated, up in Pete’s face. 


“…Shit.” Pete huffed out. “I mean, yeah, I’m down. I’ve got nothing better to do.” Pete finally replied, trying to show some level of apathy to the situation, when in reality he was experiencing some internal panic at just how forward Michael was being. 


With the go ahead, Michael grabbed Pete by the shirt and pulled him closer for a proper kiss. Pete let out a small noise upon contact, then sighed out his nose as he relaxed into the kiss. He let his arms lazily hang around Michael’s neck while Michael’s hand traced down his chest in order to wrap around his waist. It was…nice. It wasn’t really what Pete had expected of Michael. Michael pulled away after a moment and it took Pete a couple of seconds to open his eyes. When he did, he noted Michael silently gesturing his head towards the bed. Pete read his cue and got up in order to sit on the bed instead, with Michael close behind him. Michael was quick to straddle his legs and tip his chin up for another kiss, before pressing his hands on his shoulders to pin him down into a laying position. Pete gasped but his mouth was quickly occupied once more with Michael pressing a more dominant kiss to his lips. This was a lot more of what Pete expected from him. Michael was definitely one to take control. Michael’s hand snuck up into his hair and he gave it a soft yank as he urged his tongue into Pete’s mouth. Pete let out a soft noise as his hair was tugged, earning a small, amused hum from Michael. Pete twined tongues with Michael, doing his best to match his pace. This was all new to him, though he wouldn’t admit it. Being an outcast meant a distinct lack of options. Anyone he’d tried to court in the past ended up with somebody more… palatable. He wondered if Michael was in the same position, though based on his little speech, he probably was. With how dominant he was being, however, Pete wouldn’t be surprised if he had experience…or at least a questionable internet history. Michael leaned into Pete as the two kissed, leading it like he knew what he was doing. He idly toyed with Pete’s hair as Pete grasped at the back of his jacket. Pete felt Michael’s weight against him, he was warm and the way that he subtly shifted against him every so often made him subconsciously crave more stimulation. The situation alone was already incredibly stimulating, he could feel himself getting aroused, but he didn’t want to acknowledge that. All he wanted to focus on was the moment.


Michael pulled back from the kiss and used his grip on Pete’s hair to tip his head back for more access to his neck. He trailed a couple of kisses along the side of it before pressing a sharp nip to his skin, causing Pete to take in a small gasp. 


“Fuck…” Pete huffed out and gripped at the back of Michael’s jacket tighter.


“You good?” Michael stopped for a moment to look up at Pete. He seemed to be holding it together significantly better than Pete here, maintaining his usual deadpan just fine while earning so many little reactions from Pete. Pete seemed to be the odd one out here breaking character so easily. Were goths supposed to make noise when they made out? Did they just do it in dead silence?


“Yeah…” Pete muttered. “Just didn’t realize how into this I’d be.” He added, glancing off to the side.


“I can tell.” Michael huffed and leaned back in to nip at his neck once more, picking a spot near his collar to work at leaving a mark. If they were going to have the full Ariana Grande wannabe first sexual experience, he felt like that was one thing he wanted to mark off the bingo card. 


Fuck…” Pete hissed out. “You don’t gotta be a smug asshole about it.” He scoffed.


“No. Dude. Seriously. I can tell.” Michael added a bit of weight to his voice as he gazed Pete, then shifted his thigh to rub it up against Pete's erection for emphasis, causing him to tense. Pete had been focusing all of his energy on every second of the experience and examining Michael’s mannerisms, how his “leader” traits translated to this scenario, that he hadn’t prioritized hiding just how much some of those traits had been shooting right to his dick. It wasn’t his fault he’d never been touched like this before, and here Michael was, suddenly taking charge because, essentially, “why not?”. When Michael formally pointed it out, Pete looked away and slumped about as much as he could.


“Shit…sorry…” Pete muttered, shifting his head to the side to look away. “We can like…stop if it’s weird or…” He went on.


“Or…” Michael replied, glancing aside thoughtfully. 


“…Or…?” Pete’s gaze slowly shifted back to Michael. Michael’s eyes drifted back to him. Michael simply gave a shrug in response, as if he didn’t care one way or another where they took things. Pete looked him up and down for a moment, before giving a shrug and a nod in response. Fuck it. With that, Michael dove back in for a kiss, pressing a couple more to Pete’s lips before drawing his tongue between them once more. His hand snuck up Pete’s shirt, simply exploring his skin. It traced up and down his side, along his stomach then up his chest. Pete struggled to regulate his breathing as he focused on the stimulation, it was innocuous but it was new and it felt good. Soon, Michael’s hand trailed back down to his waistband. It traced along it for a moment, causing Pete to take in a little gasp through his nose out of anticipation, before Michael finally broke the kiss. 


Michael scooted back a bit in order to devote his full attention to undoing Pete’s pants. Everything about his every movement was so casual, he didn’t have any of the hesitation that Pete had, he was all for every aspect of this and simply didn’t care. He really was the most goth here. Once Pete’s pants were hitched down, Michael took a moment to palm him through his underwear, causing Pete to tense. 


“This is literally fucking happening…” Pete muttered in disbelief, moving a hand up to cover his face. 


“Jesus, don’t act so surprised, you’re the one who popped a boner while we were making out. Don’t start shit you can’t finish, dude.” Michael gave an amused huff as he drew his fingers along the outline of Pete’s cock through his underwear, before yanking them down. He took a moment to stare at his now exposed cock, as did Pete. It was definitely an awkward silence worthy moment, having his dick out in front of his best friend for the first time. “Hm. Nice.” 


“Nice?” Pete scoffed. “Seriously?” 


“I dunno, dude, you just have a nice dick. Take the fucking compliment.” Michael huffed and took Pete’s cock into his hand and gave it a few experimental strokes.


“That is literally the lamest fucking thing you can say when you see someone’s dick.” Pete gave an amused huff. Michael responded by giving Pete’s cock a firm squeeze, causing Pete to gasp and squirm a bit.


“How about you don’t make fun of the guy who’s got your dick in his hand?” Michael stated, before returning to stroking Pete’s cock. He worked his fist up and down so casually like it was nothing, like this situation was normal. Pete watched him to the best of his ability. He seemed so calm, so collected when he did it, the same way he did when he lit his cigarette. There was something attractive about it. Pete’s breath was shallow as Michael picked up his pace, drawing his hand up and down Pete’s length. His gaze shifted back and forth from Pete’s cock to his reactions. Pete took in short breaths, occasionally letting out small, inadvertent noises as he did. His urge to close his eyes made it hard to keep watching Michael. Eventually he just let them fall shut and tipped his head back as Michael worked faster and faster. His cock twitched in Michael’s hand he felt himself getting closer. He squinted his eyes tightly shut, his breath coming out in shallow pants as small noises began to escape him more frequently. He didn’t form any words, he just let out a whine to indicate he was close. Michael grasped his thigh tightly with his free hand as he swiftly pumped his cock. Pete took in a few heavy breaths, letting out small noises that rose in frequency and pitch, before bucking into Michael’s hand with one final sharp moan, finishing hard in his hand. He dropped his hips with a heavy sigh and brought his hand up to hide his face for a moment.


“…Jesus fucking Christ…” Pete muttered. “That was…really fucking embarrassing.” He stated, coming to and realizing just how he must have looked. 


“I was expecting you to say it was, like, hot and you were super into it…but that too.” Michael shrugged and wiped the cum off on Pete’s pants shamelessly. 


“…That too.” Pete muttered, the lingering tingles from his orgasm still rushing through him. There was definitely something about being touched by another person. There was definitely something about being touched by Michael. He finally sat up in order to jack his pants and underwear back up, before looking Michael over. He shifted closer to trace his hand down Michael’s chest. “So, uhh…”


“Oh…I…don’t get naked around other people.” Michael replied, clearing his throat.


“Oh. Yeah. Cool.” Pete nodded and retracted his hand. He glanced away, then spoke again after a silent few seconds. “And I am…totally supportive of that by the way...”


“What? No. It’s not like that, dumbass.” Michael rolled his eyes. “I just have a thing. If this is gonna be, like, a thing, it’s just gonna be about you.” 


“Honestly?” Pete raised his eyebrows. “Got no issues with that.” 


“Have I ever told you that you’re a jackass?” Michael scoffed as he snaked an arm around Pete’s waist to press a few more kisses to the side of his neck.


“Call me whatever the fuck you want, man.” Pete gave an amused huff.