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Mentallyillbutitsfine, Zeros83, narnia2375, DragonFireflame, Tristan26, BlackWolf143, Mothmansimp, leehcmk, Ebbyoodzie, Frolli_420, pawprint_paxillus, Krazy_Kitty, ZWulfeY, The_Eldest, milfinmybed, Quiette_riotte, syannaz, Junnoblack, KatieMethods57, moonharuka7, constellation_and_flowers, praelia, Aderendal, imheretoreadbutreallyidkwhatimdoing, Trish11, luv_xenization, space_punk, Mimimizhka, CaffeinatedCappuccinoCat, AshLynxGiveMeABreakA, jade_bright, Findaunicorn, agustbard, ronniemarie, Canedec, Demonic_interests, jbr180, Willex, Bailzz94, misery_fell, Goldensnitch201, deadinsidemane, Myrddinpout, FaultyImage, TeenKurusu, Fauxnoc, MissE_808, kimseokbba, itzzaahjaa, and Angeleyz4ever left kudos on this work!