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Finally! (Brewie fanfic)


Brian and Stewie. Beloved characters from family guy have always shared a deep connection. Deeper than friendship. However once Stewie confesses his love for Brian things start to change between them. I luv brewie ❤️ also this is based on the unreleased b side story from family guy.


I don’t update fanfics that much just a warning. Also read the tags.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

I lay my head on my pillow exhausted. Me and Brian had a full day. We went on one of our "famous" time traveling missions. But that's not what this is about, it's about what happens after.


The sun glares through my window, providing a blanket of hope for the day to come. I wipe the crust out of my eyes and rub them until I see dots. I was still pretty groggy since last night I stayed up later than usual due to the lengthy adventure I endured. But that grogginess had to wait as I pushed myself out of bed and on the floor.

I have been closer to Brian than ever lately. I don't know what's drawing me to him but I'm not complaining. It's nice being so energized from a simple gesture.

I head downstairs where I can hear the tv going. As I make it down I see Brian sitting on the couch

"Hey bri." I say. "Hey stewie, can you go grab me a beer." Brian says without looking. "What happened to hello?" I say sarcastically. He doesn't respond. Ugh whatever.

I make my way to the kitchen to fulfill his request.

"Hi sweetie, are you looking for your apple juice?" Lois asks sweetly. "No. Go away bitch!" I remark. But of course she doesn't understand. She reaches into the fridge and grabs me a cold bottle of apple juice. Well whatever I guess it can't hurt.

Lois shuts the fridge and hands me a cold square container of juice. Ugh she already poked the straw in.

"I love you honey." Lois says before planting a kiss on my forehead and leaving the room. "Blehh." I think to myself. "Alright kids come on it's time for school." She shouts up the stairs. Meg and Chris topple down the stairs in a chaotic manner. It's like this every morning, I guess you could say it was routine. They line up at the door and before I can blink the door slams shut. WOOSH. Like clockwork.

Ah yes I almost forgot as to why I came in here in the first place. I walk over to the fridge and swing open the door. A glistening commercialized beer stares at me. I swipe it up and head into the living room. "Here you go bry." "Oh thanks." Brian says without looking. "Yeah fuck you too..." I mutter. Brian has no reaction. " Sigh."

I place the beer down next to the couch. Well if Brian doesn't want to pay attention to me I'll just have to get my entertainment somewhere else. It's as if a lightbulb appears above my head. With a smug look I make my way over to the stairs and go up.

Entering my room I locate my computer. For privacy reasons of course I shut my door, get comfortable and open my computer. "Let's see.." I open one of the many chatting websites and start making a profile.

Of course I need to set myself as a female in order for men to talk to me. Hmm let's see. Brown hair, blue eyes, short, clingy... evil. There, I just described myself and they'll have no idea. Catfishing is fun I should do it more often.

Oh yes… pictures. Let’s see if I can whip something up.




Now that the account is set up I have to do the hard part. Find my victim. Everyone’s names are anonymous so I just pick a random few. Now to reel them in.

“Hi, I saw your profile and thought you were cool. Mind if we talk?” Believable enough. Now we wait-. Oh someone already replied.

Anon: “Wow someone actually messaged me first. That’s new.”

Stewie: “Ha a sense of humor. I like that in a man.”

Anon: “That’s good. So what are you up too?”

Stewie: “Nothing much, just trying to distract myself from the real world.”

Anon: “I know what you mean, I’m doing the same. Recently I’ve been having problems with a friend. There’s something I want to tell him but I don’t want to hurt our friendship.”

Stewie: “That’s so weird?! I’m in the same boat. I know we’re here to date but there’s someone in my life who means everything to me but he just won’t see it. I’ve tried showing him and telling him but he refuses to listen.

Anon: “We really do have a lot in common.”

Stewie: “You know I only came on here to distract myself but I’ve really enjoyed talking with you.”

Anon: “Me too. It’s weird we’ve clicked so fast. Seems to good to be true.”

Stewie: “It’s hard for me to connect to most so this really does seem to good to be true.”

(This is all I have so far :33)