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Starlight Wings


Spiroz Goetia has been called many things in life. To his family and closest friends, he is a miracle between two male demons who love each other that, somehow, conceived him. To everyone else, he is an freak of nature that should never have been born and has had to deal with years of abuse, threats, and even attempts at his life because of this. Having had to live with the fact that most people see him as a living mistake, regardless of what his loved ones say, Spiroz often found himself wondering who he really is and if there was any future for him outside of being labeled a freak.

Then one night, while sneaking off to watch the stars with his best friends, Spiroz finds himself face to face with an actual teenage owl angel named Hedwig who is fascinated by his existence and wants to know more about him. Despite his hesitation, Spiroz slowly comes to believe he's found someone who will truly accept him for who he is...but can his own family accept his growing affection for this natural enemy of their kind?


Hey guys, yes this is a new fic that features the rising Helluva Boss fanmade OC, Spiroz, designed by artist "DaniDraws":

Spiroz is their creation and its a very popular fandom character that I personally have also gotten to love. Spiroz is the child of both Blitzo and Stolas Goetia in which they had a kid together (Not sure if there is a canon way of how Spiroz was conceived/birthed). Anyway, I asked permission to use Spiroz for a fic, and I was given permission to do so. So first, I want to thank Dani for allowing me to do this. Please check them out on Twitter for the latest artwork of theirs.

Now while some of the things about Sprioz I did ask about to make sure I got the character right, a lot of it was open ended so how I wrote the character is just how I interrupt them and every chapter is checked by Dani to make sure I'm doing nothing wrong with him, or any of the other characters such as M&M's twin children in this universe.

The story takes place when Spiroz is fourteen years old and there is going to be a lot of teenage drama he has to go through, but there will be also romantic moments. In case you haven't checked the tags, this is an Demon x Angel romance. Hedwig is my character for this fic, but I have no problems with others using her for art work or stories of their own if you wish. As for why I am paring them with an angel, a female one, I am a huge fan of forbidden romances that's one of the reasons I like Blitzo and Stolas so much because of their class differences, and I kinda think it would make sense if Spiroz falls in love with something even more forbidden, an angel, and Dani is okay with it.

More information, mostly about how scheduling is going to be done going forward regarding this fic and my others, but for now, please enjoy the fic.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Before reading this, here is an image of What Spiroz looks like drawn by DaniDraws from their Twitter



There were a lot of things that Spiroz Goetia could list that he hated in this forsaken existence he called his life, but the primary one was always his alarm clock. As a half-owl, it made no sense for him to have to get up so early in the day rather than stay inside his warm and comfortable bed. Especially since five days out of the week, the only reason he got up this goddamn early was to head over to the prison known as school. Groaning, Spiroz lifted his hand and channeled a simple fireball into this fist before shooting it towards the alarm clock, which burst into flames and broken parts. 


Satisfied with his work, Spiroz slowly covered his head with his covers and began to close his eyes...




"Gah! What the fuck?!" Spiroz screamed as he jumped out of his bed, banged his head against his dresser, and fell onto the carpeted floor. His door, out of nowhere, exploded and caused the entire west wing of the mansion to rumble while smoke spread around the room. Coughing, Spiroz rushed to his window to open it and let the dark clouds exit before checking out his now ruined door. He already knew who was to blame and groaned. "Dad, what did you do this time?!"


"Sorry, junior!" A figure walked through the smoke, holding a grenade launcher with neon lights and kids stickers on it while the words "Bye Bye" were on the barrel. The figure was none other than one of Spiroz's fathers. An Imp assassin who had become well known in the underworld for his ability to kill humans in the living world. He was known as Blitzo, but the 'o' was silent. "Daddy was testing out this latest gun your father got me for work. Accidentally used the bouncing grenade rounds instead of the mini ones."


"Why would you even test that indoors?!" Spiroz shouted as he shook the dust out of his head feathers. "Father built you a testing range years ago! Why do you never use it?!"


"Look, I forget I even have that sometimes. I may have been living in this mansion for about twenty years, but I still don't know where half of this shit is," Blitzo said before he reloaded his launcher. "Besides, it was time for you to wake up for school anyway. Get a shower, and I'll let the cooks know to make you your favorite for breakfast, kiddo."


Sighing, Spiroz grumbled before marching over to his bathroom while Blitzo rushed out with an excited look on his face. The half-bred teenager swore that sometimes he was more mature than his Imp-Father, and he was fourteen for Satan's sake. So much for a few extra minutes of sleep...


Disrobing himself from his velvet black and red bed robe, Spiroz mentally commanded the shower to activate. In a few seconds, the shower set the water to a perfect temperature for use. Walking in, the teenager sighed and closed his eyes while letting the warm, clean water wash away his morning despair. Just get through today. Get through today, and you can watch the meteor shower around midnight. 


It was honestly the one good thing he had been looking forward to all this week. A unique spring meteor shower was set to appear in the human world, and his fathers promised him they would watch together as a family. While his Imp-Father was not the most interested when it came to stars, his Owl-Father was the opposite, being one who helped Spiroz kindle his passion for astronomy. It was one of the few things that made the hybrid demon happy when he wasn't dealing with the bullshit in his life. That, and he would be able to spend some time with his family and best friends.


After a few more minutes to clean and scrub, Spiroz walked out, dried himself with a spell, and walked into his room before summoning his school uniform. It was a simple set composed of a black buttoned long-sleeved jacket and pants, but the logo for his school, Avnas's Academy for Privileged Youths , could be seen on the upper right-hand side of his vest: a glowing green pentagram with atom rings circling it. 


Once he was dressed, Spiroz walked out of his room and made his way for the stairs. Along the way, various servants and guards all greeted their prince good morning while Spiroz nodded in return. A few of them even asked if he needed anything or let him know his school supplies, backpack, and lunch were all prepared for him and waiting. Honestly, I appreciate the help, but it's not like I can't do these things independently.


It wasn't that the young prince wasn't thankful for the servants' efforts. He treated them as well as possible. Yet Spiroz sometimes felt he was too privileged for his own good, especially when he learned how his best friends, Mitsy and Milton, lived their everyday lives. No servants, no armed guards (especially since their mother was always carrying a sharp weapon), no access to some of the finest things in life like perfectly cooked food, warm expensive clothing, and access to some of the wealthiest experiences one could have in life.


Thankfully, his parents weren't like most other rich pricks in the seven rings of Hell. His Owl-Father might have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but Stolas taught Spiroz the value of taking what he had not for granted and respecting those who worked to serve them. Most of his education came from his Owl-Father, who taught him the wonders of magic, science, and the arts. Most people say he took after this particular father the most, and Spiroz would agree since out of his favorite hobbies (astronomy, equines, and herbalism), two came from his Owl-Father. 


His Imp-Father, on the other hand, had been born poor and had to work hard to get what he wanted in life, including the right to marry his father. Blitzo had made sure his son wasn't lazy and had him work out a lot while teaching him how to spar and shoot. Mainly because, as much as he denied it, Blitzo was a very overprotective parent. Spiroz wouldn't say he was a violent demon, well more so than his innate nature allowed him to be, but he did enjoy a good sharpshooting here and there, and he loved hearing his father's adventures in the humane world growing up. He also insisted that his name was "Spiro," with the "z" silent as a means to copy his father. At first, it was just a childish copycat thing he did, but soon it became a habit. 


Despite being rich, both his parents also made sure to keep in his head that the best rewards were those that you worked hard for. Still, that didn't mean his parents didn't spoil him whenever they could. He was the product of their love, as unnatural as his birth was, and to them, he was a miracle they would treasure forever. Something only a few others seem to think...


Arriving at the kitchens, Spiroz walked in to see his Owl-Father, Stolas, reading the paper while drinking his morning tea with a plate of avocado toast right next to him. Spotting his son, Stolas smiled and shouted, "Ah, good morning, my little Starlight. How are you this morning?"


"My ears are still ringing from Dad's morning explosions," Spiroz muttered as an Imp servant brought him a warm plate of hot poached eggs, Canadian bacon (Made from real Canadians), and his favorite type of birdseed with a warm glass of herbal tea. Digging in, Spiroz swallowed some of his food before asking, "Can't you ever give Dad a normal gift, Father? Like flowers, jewelry, or even chocolates?" 


"Oh, you know your Dad, Spiro. He's not the kind of guy who finds those interesting. I know what my little Blitzy loves, and I always give him what he needs to show my affection," Stolas sighed as he began to fan himself with the paper while blushing heatedly. "Why, I remember the first time we exchanged gifts after we officially became a couple. I gave him a chestnut-colored thoroughbred horse, and he ravaged me for hours on the bed while I laid chained to my stomach with my ass in the air and-"


"I do not want to have my morning start with hearing about you two fucking," a newcomer said as she walked inside the kitchen, dressed in her usual gothic clothing. "And I think Spiro agrees with me since he looks ready to throw up those eggs."


"Amen, Loona..." Spiroz replied, thankful that his older sister managed to interfere just before his father could go on one of his rants about how great a lover Blitzo was. The older Hellhound put her feet up on the table before typing away at her phone. "Did Dad wake you up too?"


"Nah, I've been living with Dad since before you were born, so hearing shit like that early in the morning was normal for me," Loona answered, shaking her head. "Not that I still don't get embarrassed by it."


"Hey, as your father, I am obligated to embarrass you both," Blitzo said, walking into the kitchen while throwing his grenade launcher at one of the butlers who fell to the ground upon catching it. Zooming over to Loona first, he kissed her on the cheek, much to her annoyance. "Morning, Loony."


"Go die in a fire, Dad," Loona muttered, rolling her eyes.


Making his way to Spiroz, he kissed him on the cheek. "Morning, Spiry." 


"Dad, please don't call me that..." Spiroz whispered as he covered his face with his claw. 


"Aww, but you used to love hearing me call you that as you chased me around trying to catch my tail," Blitzo smirked as he patted his son on the head. 


"When I was two..." Spiroz grumbled before shaking his head and finishing his breakfast. "Anyway, I just want to get to school so we can see that meteor shower tonight."


"Wait, that was tonight?" Stolas said in shock. He quickly tapped his chin and muttered, "Oh, dear. I'm afraid I messed up my schedule..."


"Father, don't tell me you can't come!" Spiroz asked in shock. "We always see meteor showers together as a family!"


"I'm sorry, Starlight, I am truly," Stolas whispered with a heavy sigh. "But I'm afraid Octavia and Queen Charlie need my help with something magical-related. Despite no longer being the head of our house, I am still one of the most powerful magic users in Hell, and this task is too big for your big sister to handle on her own, so I am needed. Besides, I'm sure your Dad can use the book to-"


"A-Actually, I kinda forgot as well and promised a client we'd do a night job," Blitzo rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "And I kinda need all hands on deck on this one."


"Great," Spiroz muttered as he crossed his arms and hooted in anger. "That means Loona can't come, and since you're taking Uncle Moxxie and Aunt Millie, the twins can't come either. Don't tell me we're going to miss it! I've been looking forward to it all month!"


"I'm sorry, Spiro," Stolas whispered, looking down in disappointment. "Maybe we can do something next week as a family? We can even bring Octavia with us."


"...Fine," Spiroz sighed as he got up and summoned his backpack through a portal. "I'm gonna go to school."


"Be safe! And if someone gives you shit, kick them in the dick!" Blitzo shouted as Spiroz walked away, but he ignored that advice. 


Because Spiroz was pretty sure he couldn't kick every demon at his school in the balls without breaking his leg.




If there were one place in all of Hell that Spiro hoped would die in an Extermination Raid, it would be his school. Of course, that was wishful thinking ever since Queen Charlie and Jesus Christ himself agreed to a peace treaty not long after she took to the throne. Now Heaven and Hell were expected to play nice together, which meant no more Exterminations every year so long as Hell continued to redeem sinners on a steady basis. Most had mixed feelings about the whole thing, but Sprioz personally didn't care. He was born long after the treaty was signed, and as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter to him. He had bigger problems to deal with, such as surviving in his endless tormenting nightmare. 


The moment he got out of his family limo, Spiroz could feel every eye of the entire demon student body outside the rich academy staring at him. Mocking him in their whispers or minds as he caught the familiar words:








Words he had to live with his entire life but didn't know the whole meaning of them. Not until he was eight years old when he finally asked his parents to let him attend school instead of learning from tutors at the mansion. Biggest mistake of my life, he thought with a heavy sigh.


He was halfway to the doors when he felt something heavy hit his head and knock him to the ground. Groaning, he rubbed his head and winced before noticing a football bouncing nearby. Three guesses who that is...


"Yo, Freakio!" Spiroz sighed and slowly turned to his most abusive bully since he first met the asshole in third grade. The bastard was a humanoid with thick, scaly grey skin standing taller than Spiroz by about three extra feet. His skin also had glowing lines of blue flaming energy going from the top of his triple demon horns on his forehead to every end of his body. Two normal-sized eyes were black at night with piercing blue pupils looking at Spiroz as if he was an insect. His orange and blue flaming hair was sticking up like embers of a fireplace, and he wore the school's red and black sports jacket with black cargo pants on his legs.


Zolrick Talmanic. Son of the Mayor of Dis. 


 "I thought you owls were supposed to turn their heads one-eighty whenever you sensed danger. I guess we proved that theory wrong," Zolrick joked, which made the other demons surrounding the grinning retard chuckle while Spiroz just glared at them and said nothing. Zolrick then pointed to the football. "Mind picking it up and handing it over?"


Spiroz just lifted his middle finger at them and was about to turn away when Zolrick grabbed Sprioz and picked him up by the collar in a flash of fire. "I don't think you hear me, you imp-breed freak. Pick it up...and hand it over."


Once he was let go, Spiroz lowered his head and scowled. He knew many spells that would burst this bastard into dust, but it would only make things worse. In the past, he tried telling teachers, and they didn't believe him or ignored him, and none of the other students even bothered to help. Only once did he ever really defend himself, and he got expelled at that school despite being in the right no matter how much his parents tried to protect him.


But it didn't matter. 


Because all that mattered was the freak went too far against his betters. 


So Spiroz stopped trying to do anything to prevent his torment because it was all pointless. It was best to get it over with and push it aside. 


Slowly, Spiroz picked up the football and gave it to Zolrick, who grinned. "Thanks, Freakio." 


A split second later, he threw it right into Sprioz's face. The half-breed cursed and clutched his bleeding beak before falling to his knees. He did his best not to cry, but Spiroz was sure a few tears came out. He could hear the laughter of the other students all around him as Zolrick pushed him aside and sneered at him. "Ah, don't worry about it, Freakio. That's going to do wonders for your stupid face."


Taking a few deep breaths, Spiroz slowly got up and practically ran to the front doors, all while trying to block out the laughter around him.


He really hated school.




Once he was sure the last of the blood was out, Spiroz turned off the faucet and sighed. The blow didn't leave a mark, but he still growled upon seeing himself and the face that had become infamous throughout all of Hell. Looking up, he saw his reflection in the mirror of the school's bathroom. Everyone knew who he was, and it was why Spiroz never left his home unless he had no choice or was visiting Uncle Moxxie and Aunt Millie. Because everywhere he went, he saw the same things.


Sneers of disgust.


Mocking smirks of amusement.


Raging eyes of hatred.


Most would assume it was because he was half Goetia and half Imp, but the truth was more complex than that. 


It was because he was, to this very day, the only creature in existence to be born by two males. A feat said to be impossible, even in Heaven and Hell. God had created all life, human, angel, and demon, to only be born from the union of a man and woman. Yet, Spiroz was not, and nobody knew how. Not even his parents knew. One day they were getting too drunk on an anniversary night, the following day, Spiroz's egg was there, much to their confusion, but the doctors soon confirmed that it was indeed their child together. Did Stolas hatch him? Was he born from magic? Was he even a real being?


Nobody had the answer to that. Not even his Owl-Father, who looked into every book in his library, could find a solution. Some say God had allowed him to exist as part of an experiment and tested it on demons first to see if it worked. Others say that Stolas and Blitzo did some ritual that caused Spiroz to be born from the auras of their two souls into a physical being. A few others believed he was a homunculus that had come to life after an experiment gone wrong.


Regardless of the possibility, it had made Spiroz into a notorious figure that all life in Hell knew. Yet, it didn't bring popularity. It brought the opposite.


Spitting out some blood, Spiroz grumbled to himself just as the first bell rang. Sighing, Spiroz made his way to the door with the hopes that the rest of his day was going to be better.


But somehow, he doubted it.