
Work Header

Facination Found In Strangeness; or: 'Too Glam and Fertile!'


A finish version of a fic I have posted already. I wrote this originally for a user on instagram and finished it because if I didn't it would keep on haunting my mind. This is a CRACK fic, which means it's not meant to be taken seriously.
Take all concepts shown to you in this fanfiction at face value. There is no deeper meaning behind them. I just thought the concept would be horrifiying and there for hilarious.

Hope you get some entertainment out of this.

I hope Daniel Ash astral projects into my room and beats my ass for this. Cheers.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Daniel walks from, like, art school, or something….quietly, watching passing cars in his lonesome. Suddenly he feels a steady grip on his shoulder, making him look back, Peter greets him with, an unusually seen, wide smile, a genuine and happy one, one that makes him smile back almost immediately.

“let’s go to your place, okay? There’s a song I to try out with you... just the two of us…”
They walk up the stairs of Daniel's home, making small talk but, Peter seems to refuse to talk about his song, even a tiniest bit, he could at the very least, Daniel thinks, explain why Kevin and David can’t come and practice too. Perhaps, it’s an unknown shyness? After all, they’ve known each other for so long, Peter might be more comfortable around him then the other two…

Once they make it into his bedroom and the door closes, Daniel gets pushed immediately behind it, their faces inches apart, blue eyes locking with hazel ones.

"I fancy you, y'know..?"

His hands shake, his shoulders twitch “I...Fancy? You too, Peter…” he starts, the weight of the world coming down on him, while simultaneously feeling lighter than a feather “But peter, your girlfr-”, “It’s okay, we’re just friends…”

Peter forces his leg between his thighs and licks his lips “...Just helping one another out.” he breathes right into his ear and, oh god, his body just isn’t working right, his brain too addled with the drug that is lust (and maybe even some other substances).

Before he knows it, he’s getting hard under his trousers.

Peter grabs him from under his thighs as they keep on kissing, throwing the both of them onto the bed with a heavy ‘Thump!’ and while he cradles the other’s body with one arm, another reaches to skilfully unbuckle his belt, the guitarist to do the same, still in Peter’s tender cradle tugging at his belt and then pants with his underwear, kicking them off in seemingly the biggest hurry his ever been in.

Daniel follows suit, although, in a calmer fashion. During this, Peter pressed two fingers against his mouth. Daniel moves away, confused, but Peter just goes right back to pressing them right against the both of his lips “Suck on them.” he states “They’re going in you. Suck on them. Coat them with spit.”
Daniel opens his mouth, this without even thinking, and let’s his tongue roll around Peter’s fingers, making sure to lubricate them right. Meanwhile, he let’s himself grab Peter’s arm and move it to the side so he gets to look at him, really look at him. He’s never seen him like this. Aroused, that is, naked? That he’s seen him plenty, it’s only natural, being friends for so long. But naked and aroused? That’s a whole new thing, and so, he let’s himself get really used to the sight. He has the feeling he’ll be seeing Peter like this a lot more now.

Once Peter’s satisfied by how wet his fingers feel, he forces them out of his mouth. And goes immediately poke down below, wiggling one finger in. Daniel’s legs twitch, unused to the penetration.


“I am.”
“You are not. You are tense and if you keep being this tense I’ll hurt you.”

Daniel furrows his brows, and thinks ‘What do you want me to do? Do you really expect to be the embodiment of relaxation as I’m being prepared to be respectfully buggered?’ but for once let’s it all go, knowing Peter would probably go on without him relaxed if he fought after his warning and, so, let’s his body go limp on the bed, giving himself up to gravity and letting himself just sink but keeping a somewhat weak grasp on Peter’s arm.

“there see? It’s not that hard, is it?” Peter nagged as he pushed his fingers deeper inside him. Daniel doesn’t know what he’s doing to him but at this moment he knows two things: One- Peter is fingering him with too much experience to his liking. Two- there is always this one moment as he moves his fingers that has him feeling hot and tense but, as of right now, he’s too busy focusing on keeping himself relaxed to dwell on where it is and what it is. He’s just letting anything happen, because of trust, because he’s a little tired, both from school and from the disappointing sighs he’ll gather from Peter is he doesn’t, and something else, because there’s always something else.

Peter seems to figure out the spot that really has him kicking his legs in nothing but pure nerve reflex, as he seems to have decided to insistently hit and poke and rub at that exact place and Daniel feels hot and odd and full.

It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t last for long, anyway.

Peter takes his fingers out of him and as Daniel lift himself, that hazy, odd feeling having not left his head yet, very sweetly, he asks him “Danny, Will you spit on my cock? Since it’s going in you I’m sure you’d prefer it being your saliva.” fair enough, Daniel accepts that, sitting up then bending over his legs just enough to take Peter into his mouth.

Peter chuckles “I said ‘spit’, but this is fine too…” he brushes his bangs away from his face for him and grabs the back of his head and pushes it down further “No rush, okay? Just let your mouth fill up nicely with spit. Absolutely do not swallow. Hum a little if you want, it’ll help with the gag reflex feeling” and a little slowly but surely his mouth fills up with spit, the real liquid stuff that you get when you press your tongue near the fleshy part at the bottom, not the gooey kind.

Meanwhile, Daniel tries to hum but only lets out what seems like a half-hearted attempt at a groan and keeps his eyes down, looking straight a Peter’s crotch. He doesn’t want to look at and see Peter staring at him or anything at the likes of that.

“Don’t move.” breaks Daniel’s focus but he doesn’t. Peter, who is still insistently holding him by the back of his head, moves his cock back and forth. “Now open your mouth. Wide as you can, I don’t care if you let spit run down your chin onto the covers, just open it wide.” and obviously, he obeys.

He’s met with a wet, hot and erect cock right in front of him, and a salty taste. Is he close already? What a virgin...Well, not virgin. Peter has shown plenty of experience in the past few minutes, more like...premature….

Premature Pete.


His train of thought is broken by Peter shoving his fingers in his mouth, already devoid of spit. He makes a disappointing noise as he realises the fact, completely ignoring the other choking in shock “I told you not to swallow…”

“ big deal, Guess your spit on this will have to do.” he says as the takes hold of his cock by the base and pushes Daniel’s back onto the bed. “lift your ass for me.”

“Want me to spread my thighs nice and wide too?” Daniel says this more as an attempt to be cheeky than anything but Peter’s response lets him down quick.

“Exactly. See? You’re perfect for this. Such a fast learner.” He can’t tell if he’s mocking him or not, whatever it is, he lets it go.

Peter licks his lips and he pulls one of his thighs further apart and aims. The smartest idea would be to have Daniel laying flat on his stomach as he fucks him from behind, not having his ass hanging off his bed but Peter wants this to be quick and also, most importantly, he wants a good access to Daniel’s face, to see him, to comfort him, because he finds him handsome, because he knows the other’s pride and knows he won’t tell him if he’s being hurt.

He doesn’t even know why he’s doing this anymore, he’s just gotten so far it’s a little to late to pull his pants back on and leave.

Peter finally enters him, and Daniel feels that fullness and hotness again, just hotter and fuller than before. He immediately holds on to Peter’s arm like it’s a life line. Peter pulls him further onto his cock with a quiet ‘shhhhh’ as he whimpers “It’s hurts, It fuckin’ hurts…..” Daniel whispers through gritted teeth.

“I know, I know.”

“Peter, It’s too much….much…”

“I’ll make it feel real good in just a little, okay? Just tru-trust me. Just Relax.”

He brings Daniel into a kiss. At first it’s all crooked and wrong, with both of their noses keeping them from actually kissing but they figure it out quick. The kiss, the only source of real distraction, of real comfort, turns itself into Daniel’s new life line, letting his arms warp around Peter’s neck as he begins to pump into him.

Peter was right, at least, within minutes it becomes better than anything he’s had before. Hitting that same spot that now has him twitching like he’s seizing.

Daniel throws his head back “Fuck..” he moans breathlessly “Is it- Is this always- Does it always feel good?” Peter only smiles and dives in for another kiss and reaches for his cock to jerk him off. It’s a courtesy, really, for him to try and get the both of them to get off at the same time. There really exists a sweet notion in the moment for Daniel.

When Peter does cum, he does hard.

Daniel feels it deep inside him. Really deep. He forces Peter closer with his legs to cope with the warmth. Peter laughs at his desperate action, not out of a form of sadism but rather because he considers it...purely cute, simply adorable and so forth. He keeps on kissing him. An even better source of comfort through this exasperating situation.
After a couple of minutes it becomes odd, Peter cums and cums but it doesn’t end.

There’s also another new odd feeling to take notice of. Peter is feeling thicker down there. The first one to notice is Daniel. As it stretches him further then he has gotten used to by now. He grits his teeth once again.

“Peter. Pull out. Now.”

“I can’t…”

“What do you mean?”

“Daniel. Daniel, I psychically can’t.” he sounds worried, terrified. For him, it’s just the same.

Daniel shakes, afraid. He feels it move, inside of him. The thickness passing deeper. Is it air bubble? Can that even be a thing? It can’t right? Whatever it is, it’s reaching the tips of Peter’s dick and what about it once it’s there? Will it come into him? What will happen to him?

Eventually it does, and it feels it, some thing bigger than Peter’s penis and bulbous. He’s horrified. He feels bloated, his stomach’s bulging, or rather his guts. He’s breathing heavily, he doesn’t know whether to faint or cry.

Peter pulls out of him and drops to the ground, Daniel still shaking but curious to what deformities might have struck his bandmate, lifts himself tries to take a good look at him. His prick, half hard and covered in blood is not deformed..and Peter, at the very least seems fine. His mind immediately jumps to the second point.

It’s covered in blood.

Like on cue, the pressure applied by his body on his guts brings forth a rush of blood. He tries to scream. Oh, god. Does he want to scream but, all his mouth and throat let out is the smallest whimper manageable.

His ass, agape, continuously leaks, gushing out blood from his destroyed guts and from whatever Peter had bleed and cum into him, along with the other monstrous bulbous thing left in him...

As Peter rises, shaking, he slips on the deep, crimson contents on the floor. Hitting his head on a particularly sharp part of Daniel’s bedpost, slicing his head wide open, shrieking louder than it was humanly possible as his body hits the floor. His head bleeds out, only adding more to the river of blood already on the ground.

“Peter?” Daniel calls, one, two, three times, before he realizes Peter’s not getting up, he’s beyond gone.

With that, he picks up the phone from his bedside table and rolls the numbers of the one he intends to call “Hey, Glenn, hmm. Well, Peter’s… well he… yeah, yeah… hm... maybe I could call Kevin, ask if he- Yeah, sure I’ll do that.”

Kevin, sitting on a branch of a high tree, with a phone receiver in hand, pulls it to his ear as he hears it ring “Hello? Oh, hey, Daniel. Peter’s WHAT now? Okay. Okay… right-o, I’ll come, yeah, bye.”
in the dark of his bedroom, Daniel puts his phone back on his bedside table and sits with his hands over this hands over his ears, curled onto himself. The air smells heavily of death and suffering. The blood curdling screams still echoes through out his room, perhaps the whole world even, or maybe it’s all in Daniel’s mind…

Kevin, still siting on branch of a tree, looks up at the moon as his ears do indeed catch only a hint of the scream minutes later after it was uttered, he let’s out a single tear as he realizes the vocalist truly is dead.

David is watching television in the comfort of his home, and simply, doesn’t care.

In the coldness and quietness of the room, Peter’s body rises, levitating in the middle of the cold, wooden, floor. ushers of dead languages are heard as his eyes, completely white, open again. With his arms crossed over his chest he rises straight up and sets foot onto the floor, groaning as gravity defying magic stops supporting his featherweight body. Daniel sighs and he rolls back number onto his phone “Yeah, actually, he’s okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, still rolling with the Bauhaus project. Hm-hm, okay. Bye, see ya.”

2021, August:
Peter Murphy and Daniel Ash roll uncomfortably in their beds, sweating buckets as their brains are filled with the horrors of death, rebirth and male pregnancy.


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