Work Text:
The shipwreck had taken it's toll on Cesario. How could it not? Stranded on the shore of a strange and foreign country, his clouded mind struggled to bring forward any recent memories, but finding none.
Without losing hope, or succumbing to despair, he gingerly sat up, moving one pale and slender limb at a time.
It was true though, some trepidation rested in the back of his mind and, however faint it might have been, the boy couldn't quite put his finger on it's cause as of yet.
A hand on his shoulder startled Cesario out of his reverie. Glancing up, a familiar face met his gaze. "Captain! Are you hurt?" The captain smiled sadly and shook his windswept face. "No sir, but your brother..."
"Oh my poor brother!" Cesario exclaimed, despair finally gripping him for real, though he stomped it down as to not allow it to squeeze his heart further.
"No, my lord, do not despair just yet! I might be able to bring you some comfort; why, when our ship broke in half, as we, ourselves and those with us that survived, hung onto parts of our ship that were still afloat, I can assure you, that I spotted your brother binding himself to a strong mast that danced upon the sea and so was he till I couldn't see him anymore." Cesario's heartache eased a little. "Thank you for telling me, captain, you are a good man. Tell me also, do you know this land?"
And the captain, as he helped the boy to his feet, told him that he grew up in Illyria, as this new (well, new for Cesario at least) land was called and that a noble duke was it's authority. Furthermore, the captain told him about the fair Olivia whom the duke, (Orsino was his name and Cesario, to his own credit, had heard his father speak of this Orsino) wished to win the heart of.
“Captain, I wish to serve this lady Olivia. Will you take me to her?” The captain shook his head. “That would be a difficult task. The lady is mourning her lost brother, and won’t see or speak with anyone. I would suggest you serve the duke instead.”
Cesario studied his companion for a while.
“I shall find service at the Duke’s then. You have been most faithful to me, captain. Here, take this.” Cesario produced some gold from a purse that hung from his girdle.
“Now would you be so kind and follow me to the Duke’s abode?” The captain agreed at once. “Ay, come with me lad.”
The two set off together.