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My Two Homes


-I see that you're awake, that's great! - He watched as a black-haired boy walked up to him, carrying a fluffy blanket that looked very comfortable. - I brought this, ham... For you to keep warm.

-Why are you doing this, I'm not a prisoner or something? - Renjun questioned, afraid to take the cloth that smelled pleasantly of cinnamon.

-You are an omega, you would never be a prisoner. - The blond boy commented, without taking his eyes off the tall boy who had a wound on his arm. - We're not going to hurt you or keep you here, but look, you've had a pretty good blow to the head and I recommend that you accept the skin that the fool is giving you and stay while you recover.

He pondered, but picked it up and wrapped it around his, it was warm.

-Good... Then welcome. - The brunette in front of him smiled nervous. - I am Jeno, the future head alpha of the pack, and that one there... - His speech was broken.

-I'm Jaemin, I don't need you to introduce me, you idiot. - The blond grumbled, overtightening the patient's bandage, who groaned softly in protest.

Renjun didn't know it, but he had found a home.


this is my first story on the site and English is not my first language, so I apologize for any translation errors that may be made... this is a little idea I had for an abo universe and I hope you like it

Chapter 1: Birth

Chapter Text

When we are unable to explain an event, we look for an answer in the sacred, the divine, folklore and even the surreal... A clarification with little logic in which it becomes easy to believe when desperation is present and necessary, this is how religions and regional beliefs are created and frightened and perhaps somewhat secular beings spread their faith across the globe.

Unexplained disappearances of children, cases of cannibalism due to the cruelty or extreme hunger of some people, grotesque murders, whether of humans or animals and the various types of crimes that people of the time, lay people and unaware of mental disorders and believing in a church that demonized even red-haired women, falsely accused and created fictitious legends of blood-sucking monsters that turned into wolves in the moonlight.

Well, it is said that every legend, in some way, has a grain of truth. There was a time when, yes, beings capable of changing into a beautiful wolf could live alongside ordinary humans and protect those fragile beings, could walk freely through the streets and markets... But all that changed when the much-feared witch-hunt began.

The children of the moon, once seen as saviors, were now considered demons and any mere sign, such as stepping out into the full, bright moonlight, was grounds for them to end up in a huge bonfire, while a priest shouted at them to repent their sins before going to hell and many, many, brothers and non-brothers, were sacrificed for the sake of a faith that didn't even belong to them.

This caused the others to flee into the dark forests that, at the time, no one even dared to venture into.

Fortunately, they were born with survival instincts and it wasn't that difficult to live in the woods, hunting animals and living off plants and water supplied straight from mother earth. However, the years passed and as the selfish so-called humans felt the need to have more and more land, the dark forests no longer frightened them and finding these aspirants became easy.

The wolves then saw the need for protection and little by little, they began to organize themselves into large packs that built a kind of society of their own, houses, temples, infirmaries... And as the generations passed, their stories became legends and the younger ones knew little or not at all that there was a world outside the great walls of the so-called packs, they only went out in need of hunting and sometimes they didn't even need to, because they had everything to survive within the walls.

Humans? Few knew what they were, and it was less so.

The Northern Pack was one of the societies that formed as the seasons changed, descended from a small clan of Asian moonchildren who went to France to get better conditions and ended up fleeing into the dense woods amidst the country's icy mountains. Three rules were then created to guarantee the continuity of the lineage and its protection, as well as their own safety by banning women who could be considered the famous “witch servants of the devil”, strongly respected by each and every member.

Grow, strengthen and create new men.

Thanks to these rules, today is a date when all the brothers are celebrating, because a new heir was coming into the world and whenever a new baby was born, everyone made a point of giving it presents and organizing a big celebration with flowers and food, so that the goddess Moon would know that a new brother had arrived, it also served to make its omega father, the one who gave birth to the baby, feel welcomed, special and comfortable, it was a congratulation for having made it.

The birth of a cub was bled.

-Come on, as soon as the pain comes, push and push, you're almost there! - The oldest omega in the place said, encouraging the teenager when he saw that the little baby's head was already appearing, it was almost coming into the world, all it needed was a few strengths.

-You can do it, Sicheng. - Another of the omegas in the room took a firm hold of the hand of the one lying on some blankets, which smelled of alpha and slightly irritated the sense of smell of the others. - You can shake my hand, it's okay...

Outside, the others were waiting for news of their brother. The experience of a birth was somewhat new for most of them, none of them had ever been married, nor had they ever given birth to a cub and both Sicheng and Jaehyun, the alpha father of the new pack member, were young and not even marked or married, they were just two cubs in love, giving birth to another child who had no certainty about anything in his life.

Fortunately, they were both pure, descended directly from the founders and if they wanted to be together, they would be able to do so without any problems. Although they weren't marked, partnered or married and many people looked at the couple in a rather ugly and devious way, the council was in their favor and the members couldn't do much about it, just accept and celebrate the new puppy that was being born.

-How are they? - Jaehyun asked as soon as he saw the alpha chief at the door of the big house, where the birth was taking place, where his son was being born.

-Is he born yet? - Another of the teenagers present asked in an anxious and at the same time worried, apprehensive tone.

-Not yet, but he's in good hands, Baekhyun will take good care of them both. - He answered the eager questions that came his way as soon as he appeared, taking a deep breath and watching his youngest son leaning against the doorframe. - When Sicheng gives birth, I'll let you know.

-When he dies, let we know too. - The one furthest away said, loud enough for everyone to hear, and causing them to look in his direction in fright.

-Yuta! - One of the alphas caught his eye, horrified by the comment.

-I'm just facing facts, from the moment Jaehyun put that baby in there, he killed Sicheng. - The anger was very present, but the worry was almost palpable, the sadness... He had practically signed the omega's death warrant. His arms were crossed in front of his body as if to protect himself from the pain, the pain of losing someone he loved.

-We have to trust our cousin, he's very strong, he'll come out of this. - The eldest of the alphas spoke up, his voice harsh as if he didn't want any more questions from anyone present, his blond hair falling over his worried eyes.

-Be realistic Kun, he's only fifteen! - Yuta retorted, ready to start a fight with his brother, but the leader's growl silenced them, knowing that this was an order for silence and that, at the moment, they didn't want to be punished or have their heads ripped off by a rabid lupus, nervous about the whole situation.

Sicheng's pregnancy in itself was already considered absurd because it was outside the tribe's mating standards, and it was only made even more so by his age, who was too young to know how to handle a baby, according to the elders who already had experience in the matter. As if that wasn't enough, the birth was risky due to his primary gender, and small as he was, he had little strength and space for the little one, who had asked to be born a little earlier than planned.

Everyone was worried about the omega's health, since he was the son of pure bloods, he was literally the future of the pack and a strong candidate to be the next omega leader, a position that currently belonged to Baekhyun, who was helping Sicheng giving birth at that moment, the smell of chamomile permeated the whole room and they knew that the scent belonged to the rushing baby, However, his father was already exhausted and could barely move, let alone push, everything hurt and the brunette could barely feel his own body, everything tingled and that wasn't all, he felt everything wet around him and that was really uncomfortable and worrying, as well as disgusting in his eyes.

His flesh couldn't take it.

-Come on Sicheng, let's go! - Taeyong encouraged him, arranging his head on the pillow as he spoke to his cousin. - You wanted this baby so badly, you can't give up now, you're almost there, almost! - He took the hand firmly and gave him the best smile he could muster. - Your baby is coming, he needs you!

-No Tae... I can't... - He denied as he gasped for breath, his words barely coming out due to the lack of air, his expression pure dread at the thought of the child not being born, not crying... But he couldn't go on any longer, it just wouldn't do. - You have to take him out by force... Please... - He begged, praying silently that the Moon goddess would be generous with him and not feel pain as he left this plane.

-I can't, it'll tear you and... - Baekhyun denied as he dipped his hands further into the warm water, ready for the next contraction. - I won't let you die, I promised to Luhan... - He took a deep breath. - You have to be strong because if I have to choose between the baby and you, I'm going to choose you, so just try a little harder, you're almost there...

Little by little, the omega's shrill cries filled the room where the others were waiting. Jaehyun had to be restrained because he wanted to see his boyfriend and it was strictly forbidden for alphas to take part in that moment, which was reserved only for those who had some kind of paternal instinct to protect themselves and guarantee each other's safety; an alpha in the room would only get in the way because of his feelings linked to hormones and his hot head could jeopardize the process. Yuta, in the corner, closed his eyes and asked, with all his faith in the mother goddess, for it to be over once and for all, for Sicheng to be okay, because hearing him scream and suffer like that was torture for his heart.

Everyone looked at each other in sheer fear as silence filled the once noisy room, lulling everyone present into endless agony.

Yuta didn't care about traditions, he didn't care about his father who was a chief alpha, if the omega had a partner other than him, nothing mattered at that moment and he hurried past the great curtain of vulture feathers, desperate to see, to see the thing that had killed his beloved, to see how he was, if he was still breathing, if his heart was still beating in his chest, even if not for him. He just needed to say one last goodbye, that was all he wanted at the moment.

He arrived just in time to witness a scene that, in his deepest core, hurt as if he were being burned from the inside, extinguishing all his internal organs and taking with him any remnants of humanity and sanity. The little creature was being held by Baekhyun's hands and was barely visible, wrapped in a blanket that stank of Jaehyun, already stained with blood and crying, crying loudly as if it had lost something important, as if begging for air, desperately trying to breathe.

On the other side of the room, Sicheng was faint, to say the least. The sweat-soaked hair all stuck to his forehead, the dark circles under his eyes and the blood on the sheets were a disturbing scene for the alpha, he wasn't dead, was he? Little by little, his consciousness faded, giving way to loud, angry growls, his eyes burning like a bonfire on a full moon night and he felt like he could kill someone right then. Hate, Yuta hated that thing.

-Calm down, son. - It was only then that he noticed his father behind him. Yifan had a calm expression, despite the harsh tone of command in his voice, which brought him back to reality and he watched Taeyong desperately rocking Sicheng's body. - The baby won't stay long.

-What? - He asked now confused, the baby was healthy and the smell of chamomile was everywhere, which meant that the little creature was alive, so... What did that mean?

-He's still too young to know how to handle a child, and his cousin is even more immature. - The alpha chief explained slowly, and quickly, as they didn't have much time. - It will be better if this baby is raised far away from here, by a mated couple who can give it what it needs... Let's say it was a girl, and that's against the rules then...

Yuta wasn't an idiot, much less a fool. His father's decision had nothing to do with concern for Sicheng or his newborn brother, but rather with power. That child was the first born of his generation, he could be a big factor in the next leader being chosen and his father obviously wanted him (or his brother, who didn't have much interest) to be the head of his generation, for his blood to perpetuate and he would use any means to achieve that.

But as much as that thing had hurt the omega, he loved him. He knew how happy it was when it found out about the pregnancy, he had been there every month, he had seen the smile on his beloved's face... He couldn't hurt Sicheng like that, it would be too cruel, he had heard stories of omega parents who lost their offspring and went mad, became depressed and died of grief! And as much as it hurt, if he was well and happy, Yuta could deal with the rejection, with the pain of not being reciprocated, of not having a smile just for himself.

Of not being that puppy's father.

-Listen to your father. - His uncle's voice snapped him out of his trance, and he turned to see him bathing the little creature that was still crying as if its life depended on it. - This wolf was born before its time, it won't last long, we're just going to prevent something that will happen, whether we like it or not, some time from now.

-I can't believe you agree with that, Uncle Baek. - The alpha commented indignantly, he simply couldn't believe that an omega would consider separating a pup from its father, the one who gave birth to it, who gave it love, just like him, who had two pups and had spoiled them as much as possible. - I can't...

-You want to keep Sicheng, don't you? - The question took him by surprise, and his gaze turned to the bed, where Taeyong was too focused on looking after the other to hear the conversation from the other side of the room. - That child will only get in your way, if she stays, you've lost to Jaehyun, finished Yuta.

“Get rid of the baby, it's hurt our omega”.

The voice in his head spoke loudly, and it bothered him... The next thing he knew, he was standing next to his uncle, taking the child from his arms and taking a good look at it, it had some of the omega's features, the nose... The eyes... They were the same, as if he were a clear copy of the father who had given birth to him, waited for him and carried him for so long. He watched as the crying gradually calmed down and the little hands were uncomfortably moving, looking for his father's warm and comfortable lap, which he didn't find, but he didn't complain either.

He turned to Sicheng one last time, silently asking him to forgive him for taking away the greatest joy of his short fifteen-year life, for robbing him of his happiness and his reason for living. In his heart, he trusted in the omega's strength, that he would overcome the loss and he trusted his father enough to know that as alpha leader, he would keep that secret under lock and key, no one would ever know, at least not from him or his uncle. So he left the big house behind and headed for the woods.

He walked for several meters, perhaps half an hour or an hour, he doesn't know exactly, and when he left the territory of the northern pack, he walked even more, the baby, still without a name, was crying outrageously, hungry, longing for the womb of his own father, from whom he had been torn and little by little, the alpha lost patience and spotted a small pack, probably of wanderers who had a small camp, he already knew where he would leave the child, for sure it would be taken care of and in the worst case, it would be killed far from him.

He rested the little baby on a pile of leaves and walked a few steps, but something in his heart squeezed him and made him look back, he didn't want to leave him there, alone and without shelter, but he couldn't go home with him either, he would be killed by his own father and that hypothesis made him panic, no doubt about it. He took a deep breath and looked at the name engraved on the blanket that cradled him, remembering the moment when Sicheng had chosen him, with such affection, with a smile on his face and a tear falling from one of his eyes.

Before he knew it, he took out the moonstone he was wearing around his neck and left it between the thick furs, smelling of Jaehyun.

-I hope to see you again one day. - He spoke, as if the little one could somehow understand him, while he cried and drew the attention of the locals. Carefully, Yuta kissed one of the little hands and left the cord. - Come back to us, Renjun.