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steve is a professional firefighter and he takes his job seriously. he swears he is and he does. but sometimes, a little flirtation doesn't hurt anyone (except the fire chief).
i really love all of starksnack's prompts but i just HAD to do fireman steve again. hope you like it!!
ramenbowlz, Brunettegirl1, Yukixx120, TheGeekProblem, jazz_godman, LuliBengy, Itsjustfangirlperla, HeartsomeHarpsichord, TheLadyOfLight, Nightingale1610, Buddie_of_Sterek, staymoonchxld, make_love_no_war, GrotesqueWombat, Prototype_Zer0, Lunarstar42, ElReino, SubwayToHellAndBack, drzeams, tupik, xnotthatwayx, hyesu2202, honeytea2501, meidui, PinkPepsiCan, ayumiiyo, Smowkie, wangxian07, Ace_Librarian, macafangirl, jersey14324, pinkcometfries, im_using_my_made_up_name, RingoTheStarr, La_Pacifidora, TippTapp, Gretazoe11, Lady_Chaoticka, Eriaa, RedDwarf93, DarkRose_666, opheliass, aswiftfordwife, miscink, SerlinaBlack, Coffee_Owl, Freakbutterfly1, angelfireeast, ShiningYUKY, Blue_amethyst, and 252 more users as well as 142 guests left kudos on this work!
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