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like a lightning bolt


War threathnes to destroy all of Mobius and more. Infinite is the strongest villain Eggman created. Can a team of three help the resistance win?

(I have only played the phone game so idk about the actual storyline all that much. I just think infinite is underrated and deserves some love too)
Proofreading is for cowards Muhahah (No but srsly I am just too lazy)


This is just for fun and for my poor heart needing the hot villains to have a special person to love.
This may seem dead but I promise I am updating it eventually.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

„What are these? The readings are all messed up. Copies over glitchy copies of former enemies.“ Tails' tried to make sense of what he saw on his devices but the very real threat in front of him, the whimpering of scared mobians behind him and the pained groans of Sonic being beaten up did not help him focus on the vital task at hand. If that was not enough, the air started to feel static and his device was acting out. „Tails! Some help w- UHG“ Blue eyes snapped away from the malfunctioning screen to see his best friend land painfully on the ground. Suddently, a dog mobian appeared from thin air, dodging an attack which was directed at the blue hedgehog. „Sorry I am late. Ya know, time is not always one my side“, the pastel orange and earthy coloured mobian said, lending Sonic a hand. „I am Caleb-WOAH!“ The dog barealy managed to dodge an incoming blow from a Shadow copy. The next second, he was on the other side of the glitchy enemy, delivering a hit to the side of copy Shadow's face. Tailes stared in astonishment. Was Caleb faster than Sonic and the unknown enemy together or did he teleport here? Sonic was equally as surprised, yet glad to have someone able to keep up with the pace of the battle. More whimpering drew the two-tailed fox's attention to the civilians who were focused on another person. A kranich reassured them they where there to help and there was no need to be afraid. „Don't worry. My team and I got this. Just stay back and let Luka handle this.“, the mobian said, sending them a playful wink while pointing at themselves. „He must be with Caleb then...“, Tails mumbled more to himself than anyone else. Despite the noice of the ongoing battle, Luka must have heard him as they turned around. „You a friend of blue?“ „Blue?“, Tails repeated, unsure if Sonic was meant by that. „Doesn't matter. Get them away from the scene. Should Valery unleash her full potential things could get a little dangerous for everyone involved.“ As the bird passed the tech-savy fox they turned back, green eyes shining playfully. „And it is they/them. Now go.“ Despite the many open questions in Tail's head he nodded and ushered the civilians to follow him. After managing to move only a couple feet away an explosion was heard. Curiousity was nagging on the fox but he knew better than to turn around and risk his and the lives of the citizens. Sonic shielded his eyes from the bright light that was the center of the explosion. „About time Val.“, he heard Caleb say. „There is always time for a grand entry.“, a woman's voice replied. It had a charming yet treasing edge to it. The mobian that matched the voice was a dark violet and grey moth. Her electric blue eyes scanned the battlefield, noticing more glitchy opponents appearing out of nowhere. „HA! Do you really think you have even the slightest of chances against me?“, the unknown threat asked, his disdorted voice ringing in their ears. „Bet! You think you got a chance against us?“ The masked enemy tilted his head, they assumed it was a signal as glitchy enemies started attacking. „Caleb, Luka!“ „On it Vally!“, Luka replied, rushing to meet their opponents half way. To Sonic's surprise, the kranich's body started changing, the end of their wings turning to water and were used like a whip powerful enough to cut thourgh bones. Caleb seemed to be teleporting from enemy to enemy, taking them down one by one. His green eyes snapped back to the moth as she leaped from the ground, spreading her dark wings to face the main danger. His attention was drawn to the bold act and what seemed to be a staring contest ensured. „What? Are you trying to intimidate me?“ „I am waiting for you to make the stupid decision to attack.“ The masked enemy growled. „You pathetic little insect. I will show you what true power is!“ Red cubes appeared around his gloved hands, ready to shoot right through their target. A powerful ball of red rushed towards the moth who countered with a ball of pure prickling blue energy. On impact, a massive explosion pushed the opponent back. He expected a lot but not pyrokinesis (Or whatever it is called). When his mask-covered eyes snapped back to the place the moth launched her attack from, he saw her unmoving, as if nothing had happened. „You happen to do yourself the favour of giving up yet?“, she asked and as much as he wanted, he could not detect any taunt in her tone. „I am Infinite. I cannot lose!“ More red balls came her way with the task to destroy her until there was nothing left or her or the city itself. Valery had a hard time dodging the attacks. For someone who seemed like a lowly person gone mad he was an incredibly strong mad man. Impulsive when angered but a power that might as well destroy the whole planet. A glanze to her friends revealed that they stood their ground just barely as more and more glitchy copies derived from the red cubes. They were his minions and he was their queen bee. They would only have one shot to end this war. They had already missed it this time. „Fine. You are strong, I have to admit that. But there is no true strength hiding behing an army of faulty copys.“ These words made Infinite halt in his ruthless assault. „What do you mean? You are not seriously giving up, are you?You cannot be that pathetic.“ The glitch copies froze in their place, making Caleb and Luka turn to their friend. „Now don't get ahead of yourself. I am not one to give up. I would like to retreat, for my team's sake.“ Sonic wanted to protest but was silenced by a blow of red cubes that sent him flying a few feet away. Worried expressions crossed Caleb and Luka's faces, anxiety twisting their insides painfully. Valery turned her back towards Infinite while she sent a signal to her friends. Retreat it was if they were left alone that was. „Oh and Infinite, right? Next time how about a little battle just between the two of us. No tricks, no back up. Just a display of true power and bravery.“ He huffed in amusement as he brought his hand to his mask. „I am looking forward tearing you to pieces.“ Valery looked over her shoulder, a small smile gracing her almost black lips. „I am looking forward to your attempt.“ Then, she faced her team who looked pretty beat up. „Let's get you patched up guys. You did amazing out there. How about your favourite for dinner?“ „Really?!“, Caleb asked exited, his tail swaying from side to side. Infinite observed the interaction. A piercing ache spread in his chest, his eyes stung and memories flashed before his inner eye. She had so much of himself. If it wasn't for this monster that took his team away. With a troubled mind he watched them help Sonic to get back on his feet and find Tails.

„And you can manipulate energy?“ Valery nodded. They were invited to the base of the resistence that slowly grew in size. „That is great! You could whipe this guy out no problem.“, Tails cheered. This made Valery almost drop her Pizza. „Don't get me wrong. We are all incredibly powerful but the dangers that come with our powers are just as great. I guess I could blow up an entire city but would likely explode with it. After all I am channeling pure raw energy through my body.“ A glance around the room was all to notice everyone's attention was on her. „I guess what I am trying to say is that we should not rely on our powers as much. I think we only have one chance at winning this and only with the element of surprise on our side.“ „Hmm. What about Luka?“ „What about me?“ Tails shifted on the couch to be facing them directly. „Sonic said you just turned you wings into water. That is the most unusual thing I have ever come across.“ „I come from a different planet. My species is called element walkers. Each is assigned one of the four main elements at birth which also defines your style of shape shifting and powers as well as weaknesses. I am a water walker. Shape shiftinng comes the most natural to us but that also means we struggle holding other forms but the original first form we ever took.“, they explained to the group who was listening intently. After a big bite they continued with their beak still full. „Also I would just pop like some water balloon if Val was to blow up the place. And I kinda don't wanna die like that.“ Everyone nodded in understanding before Tails turned to Caleb who was too busy stuffing his face to notice right away. „Eh, Caleb.“ „HM?MMM! Hom om- so, ya were walkin' to me?“ „Yeah, I am curious. You teleport?“ „Tele- NO! I stop everyone's time lines but my own. Ya see, I had a little incident when I was a child and ever since this gem gives me the power to freeze everyone's time. Since I am from a different dimension I am not effected thus walkin' and doin' things while y'all are frozen. If I was at home nobody would notice. Time would go on like normal. Pretty cool, huh?“, the dog explained smugly yet with a child-like innosence that made him not sound as cool as he likely thought of himself at that moment. „Wow, with these powers there is no way we could lose!“, Amy chimed in. „Of course Sonic is still the coolest but you guys are pretty great in your own way!“ Amy smiled before giving Sonic an even brighter grin, flustering him. Everyone then properly introduced themselves and asked questions and schemed how the big battle could go down. „I am sooo full. I just wanna-ahhhng“, Caleb yawned satisfied. „Agreed!“, Luka chuckled and patted their stomach. „You should rest, recover from the fight.“ „And you?“, Luka asked their friend, a pointed look accompanying the uneasy tone. „Going for a flight. Checking out the place. Digest.“, Valery shrugged, trying to play off the possible dangers that come with going out alone. The thick silence was interrupted by Caleb's snoring and the gently breathing of the others who must have been just as tired after such an eventful day. „Be safe.“, Luka whispered. Electric blue eyes met green ones. „I promised I will live for you. I intent to keep that promise.“ The kranich nodded before turning to give into the temptation of slumber. Valery smiled seeing her team sleep peacefully before she made her way outside.
She as been flying around for about 20 minutes now. No sign of any dagers around and no civilians that looked lost. The damaged remains of the city looked deserted. The sun was setting, Valery's favourite time of the day. She settled on remains and watched the hot orange paint the surroundings in a warm glow. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the gently warmth on her face. „You remind me a lot of someone I knew once.“, a disdorted voice scared her out of the comfort of not having a care in the world for the split second she had enjoyed the moment. Infinite sat next to her, face turned to the setting sun. The metal mask was almost blinding so Valery decided to risk turning her eyes away from him. „He had a team of his own. Brave, strong fighters. Just like a family. Until they were taken from him. Brutally murdered and disgraced by insults after thair eyes had already lost all life they once held.“ Infinite's voice grew more angered the more he revealed. „So you want revenge?“ Silence. „Why destroy and murder people that had nothing to do with all this.“ „Why not?“, Infinite countered, still looking at the bit of sun that was not past the horizon yet. „Because if you continue you are no better than this guy who killed them. In fact you are even more of a monster that that guy.“ This must have hit different. Valery felt her chest fluff beign tugged forward roughly, electric blue orbs observing the details of the mask that was now only inches away. „I am in no way like him!“ Valery stared at the silver mask, looking at the red shades that only reveal one golden eye. He may be in the position to snap her neck with a single tug but somehow she found no anxiety tie knots in her stomack like it should have. „You may not want to be like him but if you don't stop you will surpass his crimes.“ Infinite pulled her even closer. His gloved hands clawing in the soft dark fur with a seething hatred for the world, his life and everyone. „You are pathetic if you cannot even stop yourself, step back, and clear your mind. And you think we could not defeat you? You must be blind then.“ What was hidden away from the world was a crubling jackal. The mask hid the inner battle. All the world was allowed to see was that golden eye shifting, taking in all that was in front of him. With an angry groan he pushed Valery away. „Next time I see you I will rip you to bits.“ It took that moth only a couple of seconds of stunned silence before she regained her composure. A playful chuckle escaped her before it escalated into a heartfelt laughter. This confused the jackal to no end and he simply had to turn and see what her deal was. „Good luck with that, Infinite.“ Then she let herself drop from the edge and surge into the night sky. Infinite watched her leave. He wanted to understand why she wasn't terrified. How could she laugh in his face?! How could she call him worse than the monster that killed his team?! How could she point out the painful truth with no hesitation? Why did this bother him so much?

Back at the base, Valery was greeted by a hyperactive Caleb who was currently challenging various people around the base to little games. Luka joined in on the fun every now and then. The moth waved at her team before walking off to find the black and red hedgehog. Soon enough she found him leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping coffee. „Shadow, correct?“ He merely spared her a glance. Valery took this as an invitation to continue. „Have you killed anyone lately?“ Shadow stopped mid sip, his eyes narrowing. Valery noticed that and decided to be petty. Why? Why not. She made herself a cup of tea and waited until it was ready to be taken to wherever she wanted to go. Red eyes never left her form, observing her every move and turn. „I just wanted you to know that you might me the reason this war started. I expect you to do your best to make up for what you did.“ Before Shadow could say anything, the moth was gone. He had no idea how she figured that out but he hated that she did. When Valery entered the main area again, she noticed a white hedgehog being welcomed warmly. „Silver, it has been quite some time since we saw you last!“, Sonic greeted him. „I see the team has some new members.“ Golden eyes turned to Caleb, Luka, Valery and some others who had joined the resistence in the past couple of days.“Well, actually, Silver, we are facing a little obstacle so we could need all the help we can get.“ The hedgehog tilted his head in confusion. „A war. We are at war with some thing Eggman cooked up in the last few months.“, a hedgehog, Valery learned was Knuckles, cleared the confusion. „A war and you call it an obstacle?! Sonic!“ Blue just chuckled when he scratched the back of his neck. „Nah, it will be alright. We got some very strong resistence fighters ready to bust some skulls.“ „How about Balze. We could use her fire power.“, Amy said, hoping she would get to see her friend again. „Trust me I wish she could help but her kingdom is facing problems at the moment. I doubt we can put that on her as well. She promised to visit once everything is resolved, though. She is missing you all dearly.“ „Excuse me but do you mean Blaze as in princess Blaze from the Sol dimension?“, Valery inquired. She had met a cat some years back. They had grown close but unfortunately they had to go separate ways. „Exactly! You know her?“, Silver asked curiously. He has been her best friend for years and she had never mentioned a moth at any point in their friendship. „Met her some years back. Weird thing to say but she is the reason my favourite colour is violet.“, Valery said a little flustered. Everyone just took this statement face value. Everyone but Rouge and Amy whose lived were heavily influenced by sex appeal and romance. „Did you have a crush on Blaze?!“; Amy blurted out exitedly as she intertwined her fingers in front of her chest. „Yeah I would not be surprised. Blaze always gave off boss bitch vibes.“, Rouge added while inspecting her nails. „We were friends. We were not in a situation in which anything else but blind trust and back cover mattered.“ „So you were each other's knight in shining armour? How romantic!“ „We were everyone's worst nightmare. That is for sure.“, Valery mumbled, memories of victorious battles flashing in her head. Lifely chatter started. Amy pressed for all the 'juicy details' while the others discussed various topics. Plans were revealed, ideas were shared, stories were told. The atmosphere was light despite the threat lingering around every corner. Tails was happy everyone was well and coping but bad news were inevitable. „I don't want to ruin this nice get-together but we are almost out of food. We need a supply run, tomorrow.“ „But shops are already raided. It will take days to reach other places by foot if anyone other than Sonic goes.“, Knuckles stated. „We could use your aeroplane!“, Cream suggested. „Hmm, no, too dangerous. Caleb you could go.“ All eyes turned to the blue eyed dog. „M-Me?“ „Yeah you can stop time!“, Tails pointed out. „I don't think I should go.“, Caleb stammered, unsure of the idea. „But nobody can hurt you since everyone is frozen in time.“ Anxious glances were shared between the three friends before Valery decided to draw the attention away from her friend. „We know that it will take days to reach a shop that has stuff, especially enough for us. Yes, time may stop but his doesn't. He will age. He will need to eat, drink, rest. You are asking him to sacrifice days. You need to concider the longer we are frozen in time the more he will distance himself from our time lines. This is a sacrifice I am not willing to make.“ The stunned silence laid heavy in the room. „So you suggest we starve.“, Shadow said non chalantly. „You have no room to talk.“, Valery shot back coldly, only riling up Shadow more. „Eh, did we miss something?“, Sonic asked his friends as he watched them approaching in a fighting stance. „Do did you even get the idea. You don't know me!“, Shadow tired to justify the secret he had. „I had a chat with the enemy. He sought me out to share his villain origin story. I don't care for it but this tiny fact of a certain hedgehog killing some people keeps bugging me. So I am wondering if you may be the reason we are stuck in this situation and for what.“ „And you believe him?!“ „I wouldn't have if you had masked it better. If you were innocent you wouldn't be so hostile towards me.“, Valery stated, trying her hardest to stay calm and collected, preparing for possible outbursts. „SO WHAT?! What if I did do that? Doesn't change a thing now!“ „Now hold on!“, Sonic jumped in, facing the hedgehog he was aquainted with. „What is she talking about, Shadow?“ The black hedgehog grumbled before sighing in defeat. „I may or may not have killed some jackal idiots when I broke into Eggman's base.“ „Shadow...“, Amy whispered in between gasps of the people around her. „How should I have known the patchetic prick would go mental?!“, Shadow tried to reason but with no luck. „Surrounded by fucking idiots. If it wasn't for your pride we would not have a full on apocalypse going on just outside this place. I expect you to do your best to fix this.“, Valery hissed. She wanted to scream. Instead the pent up frustration made her eyes sting and the energy surging through her body made her heart ache. Shadow stomped out, unwilling to be the center of such attention. Tails hated to interuppt this suffocating and cold atmosphere even more than the cheerful chatter just an houur ago. „Sonic and Valery, the fastest of the team and one who can fly. I think you are a good team for a supply run. We need you to do this tomorrow.“

„Sonic! Watch where you are going! My-AH Shit! Stop!“, Valery's voice just barely rang in the blue hedgehog's ears as the wind was much too loud. Sonic stopped in his tracks as soon as he registered the request, making the poor moth girl zoom past him and against a tree. „Oh for fuck's sake. Sonic can we PLEASE not run at super sonic speed through a thick forest?! My wings are not made to withstand such wind and twigs ripping at them.“ Blue stared at the scratches on her dark wings. She was right. They had to figure something else out besides the option of him dragging her along for miles on end. „What do you suggest we do?“ „We walk through this forest. No running. No 'gotta go fast'. I am pretty sure your body would appreciate some rest.“ „Yeah but if we walk we won't be out by night fall!“ „So be it! Or are you scared of camping in the woods all alone, just the two of us with no tent to hide in when monsters roam around the place?“ Sonic gasped offended by such assumptions. Fine, they would walk then.
Sonic was right though, they were still wandering around when a black star filled sky covered the lands in darkness. „Why did we even go into the forest to begin with?“ „Why ask me? You were the one leading us to where the next city should be.“ Sonic shrugged and continued walking until they came upon a nice little opening with moss cusioning the ground nicely. „We should settle down for the night. Can you prep the fire place with rocks while I look for wood?“, Valery asked her companion who was testing the comfort level of the mossy ground already. „Don't let the monsters get you~“, Sonic teased her playfully. „I will make sure to tell them to pay you a visit.“ With that, she left. In one hand a small ball of energy illuminated her surroundings quite nicely while with the other she picked up twigs and dry wood that would make for a good fire. She felt content in that moment being surrounded by the gentle song of cicades and fireflys dancing around her. Water must be close then. The comfortable silence was ripped away from Valery when she heard a twig breaking just behind her. Her body froze and the energy ball flickered, struggling to stay stable. „This is a forest, Val. A bunch of big and small animals live here and you are a merely a guest. Don't do anything stupid and nothing will happen to you.“, the moth girl mumbled to herself. She hugged the collected goodies closer to her abdomen as she felt anxiety tying her insides shut. It made her almost feel ill. Another twig broke in a different place and another followed not two seconds later. Whatever was there was circling her. „What are you doing, Valery? You are a powerful being.“, she tried to encourage herself. Technically she likely was the stronger one of the two but in actuality not seeing what is there is cutting all functional brain cells off. She tried to focus on her breathing. When did the cicades stop singing? When did the fireflys vanish from sight? An eery feeling spread in her chest. Was her back feeling warmer?
„Boo!“ As the voice whispered these three letters ever so gently right into her ear she felt as if her heart wanted to stop. The ball of energy burst into tiny sparks right in her hand, burning her palm. The wood was scattered around the floor, long forgotten. A disdorted heartfelt laughter roared through the silent forest. „You should have seen your face! Pathetic!“ „I-Infinite?! I thought you were only my enemy and not also an absolute asshole. You could have given me a heart attack!“ Valery's voice came out shakier than she liked. A hand was clutching her chest fur, feeling her heart pounding violently against her ribcage. Infinite was still laughing. When was the last time he felt so light and amused? „What are you even doing here? Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? Torment innocent civilians or get your ass kicked by the resistance?“ This sparked his interest. „Why do you think I am here?“ „To make supply run difficult for us?“ The metal mask reflected the bit of light the moon was able to sprinkle onto the lands. „You know that is a dick move, right?“, Valery added, wondering when she decided that sass would not kill her immediately. „You have gotten bolder. I like that. Will make the sight of your hopelessness so much more delicious.“ Valery could not help but sigh in slight annoyance. „Whatever you want, come back tomorrow.“ Her electric blue eyes shone in the darkness like a cat's eyes would. „Actually, I came to make you an offer. Join me-“ „Absolutely not. Good night.“ With one swift movement she turned on her heels and marched off, trying to find wood somewhere else. She was in a forest so it couldn't be that difficult. Infinite stood there for a solid second, processing her answer. He knew she would not join him but wish him a good night? Before he realized it, Infinite had reached out to her, asking her to not leave just yet and to his surprise she turned around. Her eyes observed him curiously. He just stared back, unsure as to why he wanted her to stay. After a long moment of nobody iniciating anything, Valery turned around, her front facing his. „I-“, he began but nothing came to mind. What should he say? What would be a believable lie for such impulsiveness? His inner dialogue was interuppted by a soft giggle. „You are strange. You don't make a good villain. Good night, Infinite.“ There was no judgement in her voice. And the way his name fell off her tongue was like a sweet melody. What in hell was he thinking?! „Good night.“, he whispered yet she was already gone, swollowed by darkness. The trees looked so much more intimidating now that he was alone. He felt small, weak. Pathetic. He missed his squad.

„Took you long enough.“ „Believe it or not but finding proper fire wood in a forest is not as easy as it seems.“, Valery lied. Sonic didn't have to know about the little chat. He would get mad she didn't fight him. He would get himself so worked up over this. He needed rest. Once the fire was burning brightly, flames clawing at the chill night air, they set up a pot to warm up some canned soup. Eventually, slumber took over, pulling them into the dark abyss of their minds where pictures of dreams danced around them. Should they have switched positions, one sleeping, one watching out for a threat? Yes, how stupid could they be to leave themselves in such vulnerable positions?! But despite how uneasy Valery should have felt, a source of warmth creeped around her, watching over her in wonder. When he looked at her sleeping face, so peaceful, he almost felt bad he had to kill her eventually. Almost.

„Rise and shine, Speedy.“ A groan was the only good morning she got. She did not expect anything else. „Alright sleeping beauty, we gotta go.“ A light kick to the side had always gotten her friends out of bed but Sonic was a touch cookie. „Sonic, get up!“ „Ju- five more minute...“, he mumbled, turning his back to face his companion for this little task. „I swear if you don't get up now-! Our friends need us to find food. Move that slow lazy ass of yours.“ „Slow?! I am not slow!“ Ah... who would have thought that worked.
They spent half the day finding their way out of the woods and back onto the path they should have taken in the first place. After another hour of Sonic dragging Valery with him, they reached a town that looked as if they had no idea what other places had come to. „We need everything in this shop.“, Sonic said as he leaned on the cashier's counter. Said employee looked as if his eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets in shock of such a statement. The uncertain chuckle died quickly when he saw that Sonic was not joking. „Look, we got a war on the other side of this country and we need supplies. We take as much as we can get and have you deliver the rest to this location. Sounds good?“ „I- eh, sure.“, he mumbled while typing in a number. „B-Boss I have a customer here who said he needs our entire stock. H-he said there was a war coming a-“ „WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?! IF HE GETS OUR ENTIRE SUPPLY WE WON'T HAVE A THING WHEN THE AFTERMATH FINALLY REACHES US!“, they heard a voice yell from the other side of the line. „I-I know and I t-told them bu-“ „NO!“ Valery watched the scene with concern. Sonic looked annoyed, his frown deepening with every passing moment. When he finally had enough, Sonic tore the phone out of the employee's shaking hands. „Listen here, if we don't get the food that guy will certainly come to your town to destroy whatever is in his way. If we get it, the resistance can keep holding him off and you all can sleep well at night.“ The mamanger seemed to miss the point and kept screaming about how he could not afford to give away his entire stock. „We pay double the price.“, Sonic countered, clearly holding onto this last fregment of patience he had as if it was the most valuable treasure. „I SAID N- wait! Did you say double?“ „Yes.“ „I think we can arrange something.“ Sonic rolled his eyes. Valery answered with a face palm. Of yourse he would agree to some quick cash.
On their way back, Sonic was content with his achievement. „How can you be so pleased with yourself?“ „We finished our task successfully. Our friends are fed. That is all that matters.“ „And have you already planned how to handle the situation when they find out we don't have the money to pay twice the price?“ „PFF! They will figure that out when it is too late. And once we are being celebrated for saving our planet they will shower us in cash!“ „Is that really how it works?“, Valery inquired, not ready to buy every word that leaves the blue hedgehog's big mouth. She knew he was very self absorbed but was he a dick behind closed doors and only did the hero thing for the fame and benefits that came with a victory? Questions led her thoughts off track, her mind wandered. The beautiful untouched scenery passed before her eyes as if it was a movie she was watching but all she really focused on was a spot outside of the screen. Background noise never truely reached her in those moments when she was basically on autopilot. A hand yanking her back by her shirt's collar brought her back to reality. „You ok?“, green eyes stared at her blue ones in concern. „I was just lost in thoughts. Sorry 'bout that“, she excused, tugging a strand of purple hair out of her face. „You got me worried there for a second. Almost walked straight into the pond.“, Sonic laughed. He was glad she had silly flaws. Truth be told, when she mentioned the negatives her powers can have on her and others, he thought she would be too far from his reach. Up in the sky, carrying a burden on her shoulder and not willing to share the pressure or mess up. She was strong willed and fear less that he admired. It reminded him of Amy in a way. The way she was with Caleb and Luka was so easy and playful. He liked the smile she had when she was with them. It suited her.


Constructive criticism is encouraged!
Stay hydrated!