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Take the Compliment


After a cruel prank goes too far, 16 year old Sakura Haruno finds comfort not in the arms of her crush, but those of his cool and accomplished older brother, Itachi Uchiha. But there's more to Itachi beneath his serene veneer, and Sakura quickly finds herself overwhelmed and outmatched at every turn.

Yet upon discovering that they're more compatible than either would have dreamed, they soon find themselves consumed by obsession, lust, and darker appetites than either would have bargained for.


Hello, all! First and foremost: PLEASE READ THE TAGS. You have been warned.

This is a work of FICTION, and I shouldn't have to say this, but I do not condone any of the actions performed by the characters herein.

Please, bear in mind that we will be reading from a predator's perspective and the plans he has to manipulate a minor he's known for years. This fic is full of sexual and psychological triggers, so please tread carefully.

here's a link to a playlist I've made for this story:


Enjoy! Please enjoy responsibly.

(See the end of the work for more notes and other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter 1: Take the compliment

Chapter Text

Sakura couldn’t believe her luck. Tonight was perfect. What had she been so worried about? Karin had complimented Sakura’s dress, which she had bought just before coming to the party, actually, and Ino remarked that Sakura actually had a pair of tits after all. And they sounded sincere! It was hard to believe just a few days ago, Karin had asked her why she wore “granny panties” to the gym. Sakura got the feeling Karin didn’t listen to her response, though. (I didn’t think they were that big...)

The boys, too, had been really nice to Sakura. It was Sasuke’s second birthday party that week, held for his other friends beside her and Naruto, but so far they had treated her like a friend, too, offering cups of warm beer that she pretended to drink. Kiba even said she cleaned up nice, which she resolutely took as a compliment. She couldn’t blame him. She tended to wear frumpy clothes and jeans that belonged to her mother, if they weren’t thrifted. 

Sai, also in attendance that night, had once commented that he could tell her clothes were thrifted because of the smell. It had stung, admittedly, but tonight, Sakura was proud to wear a dress that smelled like Abercrombie and Fitch instead. 

She even shaved her legs and armpits and...well, everywhere else ... because she knew Karin did from seeing her in the locker rooms. Not only that, but Sakura wore the panties she had filched from Victoria’s secret when no one was looking; they were made with fine white lace, and were easy to stuff up the sleeve of her hoodie. They were $15 per pair, so they weren’t in Sakura’s price range, nor could bear to ask her mom for them, but they were so sexy Sakura couldn’t resist.

She was sure Ino and Karin would think it was a bold move. Tonight was her chance to get in with the cool kids, and she wasn’t going to ruin it by being a nerd. She had heard so many incorrect things that night, and Sakura had been cool and ignored it, even laughing when Suigetsu confused Timbuktu with Giza, and claiming that Ibuprofen made one sleepy.

 She was even more excited to show Sasuke, if she had the chance, but it looked as though he was having a hard time fending off Ino and Karin at the same time, so she simply offered her most supportive smile and hugged the wall, wishing she could be brave enough to socialize more. 

She noticed Suigetsu sidle up to her. “Hey, he said, his bleached silver hair swishing above his shoulders. He was taller than her, and he certainly acted like it. He leaned against wall on his elbow, looking down at her.

“Hey,” Sakura said, too surprised to smile properly at first. She felt like her lips were twitching. “Nice party, huh?” To her, it was a little impressive, with its collection of booze and games like Beer Pong and Mario Cart. Sasuke’s first Sweet 16 had been spent with his parents and Naruto and Sakura at a nice restaurant, and it had been a nice affair, if not for waiting for Sasuke’s big brother, Itachi, to get out of work. 

She shivered to remember how when Itachi did arrive, he sat across from her, and how nice he looked in his suit. He even ordered wine, and Sakura, despite having had a crush on Sasuke since she was 10, found herself with butterflies at the idea of being Itachi’s date. Their feet had even gently brushed a few times under the table. On accident, she told herself, even when she left her foot resting against his shin, pretending she thought it was a leg for the table.

“Eh,” Suigetsu grunted. “It’s alright. At my party, we had stronger stuff.”

“Ah,” Sakura said, nodding in understanding, even though she most certainly didn’t. At her Sweet 16, she had binged on Bridgerton ice cream with Hinata and Temari. Naruto had a stomach bug that night, and Sasuke was busy with sports, so neither of them could make it. But it was alright; Sakura got to come to both of Sasuke’s parties in apology.

Suigetsu was still standing beside her, and she was conscious of how his body seemed to inch ever so slightly closer to her, and how warm he felt. Sakura cleared her throat. “So, uh, when was your birthday? Recently?” She cringed at how stupid that sounded. 

“Yeah, last month, actually,” he nodded, and she sighed in relief that he didn’t sound annoyed by her. “If I’d known what a cutie you were under all those layers, I would’ve invited you sooner.” He leaned even closer over her, and she felt something touch her back, no, her ass , and Sakura squeaked in alarm. Suigetsu chuckled and gave her cheek a squeeze. “It’s okay,” he said, lowly, and she was distantly grateful that he was only touching her over her dress, but Sakura shot a panicked look out to the party to see if anyone else saw this. 

No one was looking. Sakura felt strangely relieved and even more panicked, and she shied away from Suigetsu with a forced laugh. “Thanks,” she said.  

“We’re cool,” Suigetsu said, winking. “We’re going to do Seven Minutes in Heaven in a bit. Wanna play?”

“Um,” Sakura’s neck was flushing, and her heart was pounding a mile a minute. She quickly pushed away from the wall, turning to face Suigetsu so that her back wouldn’t be vulnerable again. “Sorry, but I gotta go to the bathroom.”

Suigetsu grinned. “Yeah? Well, maybe I gotta go, too---”

“---It’s a number two,” Sakura blurted out, and it came out louder than she’d meant, and at the worst time: in between songs. Everyone in the Uchiha basement heard her. Suigetsu threw his head back and laughed aloud, and she could hear Karin and Ino snickering to themselves. When she glanced at Sasuke, it was even worse. He looked mortified and apathetic all at once, with a beer in his hand. He looked away, but she knew he’d heard her. Was embarrassed by her.

Sakura ducked her head and hurried up the stairs to go hide in the bathroom for the rest of the party, if she could. Maybe for the rest of her life. The throbbing music from downstairs faded as she reached the landing, muffled by the perfect white carpet of the Uchiha home. She dared not glance behind her as she hurried past the first floor bathroom (where, if he was motivated, Suigetsu might look first) and took the stairs past the glistening den to the second floor. She’d spent many nights at the Uchiha’s home and Mikoto always insisted on making herself comfortable, and Sakura was in desperate need of comfort. 

Sasuke’s parents were not home, however. They had gone out for the night, graciously granting Sasuke a perfect night of privacy. Sakura closed the bathroom door behind her and locked it, leaning against the cold white paint. The bathroom was the same where once Sakura had changed for years after swimming in the Uchiha’s pool, wrinkled with water and a little bit sunburned.

No trace of that little girl remained, although her cheeks were certainly red enough. She sighed and fished out her phone from her miniature pocket. It was still early, Sakura saw. Only 8 o’clock. How could she ask her mom to pick her up again? They lived so far away, she might have just gotten home, and her mom deserved a break. 

And if she left, would that mean Suigetsu...won? That he’d successfully ruined her night? Her ass burned, though, and just the thought of going back downstairs made her throat tight. Sakura rubbed her forehead, thinking hard.

What if... Sakura began... What if Suigetsu actually liked her, though? What if he realized she was cute...and he was just more advanced than her? He was a senior, after all, compared to her being just a lowly Sophomore. Maybe she should just...take the compliment?

Sakura stared at her reflection. Her cheeks were flushed beneath her cold sweat. Glossy lips. Big eyes. She looked down at her dress, new and white and pretty, clinging to her equally new curves. Slowly, Sakura reached into her neckline and grasped her boobs, and carefully lifted them more into the cups of the strapless bra. They sat there, not as plump as Ino’s maybe, but cute. Sakura turned to the side, admiring the curve her backside made. She looked good. Better than good. 

Sakura breathed out slowly. She could do this. Just...pretend nothing happened. Maybe she would get to finally kiss Sasuke.

Resolute, Sakura unlocked the door and wrenched it open, coming face-to-face with a fist. Sakura jerked back, suddenly afraid that someone had come upstairs just to punch her, but no, they were just knocking. “Sorry,” Sakura began, as someone else, deep-voiced, spoke too. 

“Apologies,” Itachi said, lowering his hand, and Sakura blinked.

“Oh,” she laughed, hand clutching her chest, enjoying the feeling of the roundness of her breasts, hoping they looked nice with the motion, even though he was Sasuke’s brother. “You scared me! It’s free,” she moved aside, but Itachi didn’t go in, even if he smiled a little. He was looking at her. Up and down. Carefully. Sakura felt herself flush hot and cold, and smiled again. 

Take the compliment. “Like it?” Sakura asked, turning for his gaze, a shiver of excitement running through her as his long-lashed faze flickered over her. Was she really...flirting with him? With Sasuke’s big brother? She felt insane. Or perhaps a little drunk. How much had she had to drink, earlier? She couldn’t recall.

“You look lovely,” Itachi said, voice low and polite, and Sakura smiled. She blushed again and lost her nerve.

“So what are you doing here,” she asked, “I thought you were living on you own?” He had a great job, Sakura recalled, along with attending grad school. Itachi had always been her academic idol, and it felt like she would never catch up.

Itachi sighed and leaned against the door jam. His suit jacket was looped through one elbow, and his red and black tie, stark against the white of his shirt, was loose. “I, unwilling as I might be, am here to ensure the house doesn’t burn down. But I was sworn to secrecy, so as to not embarrass Sasuke.”

Sakura chuckled. “I suspected. Well, I didn’t know you were here, so you’re doing a good job of that.” She smoothed the front of her dress. She had best get back down to the party, although she dreaded going back near Suigetsu, and Ino. 

Itachi’s eyes tracked her features. “Is everything alright?”

Sakura nodded. “Yeah. Yes. Everything’s fine.” Strangely, she did feel a little better after running into Itachi. He was trustworthy. He was always nothing but polite, if a little disant, and she debated telling him about Suigetsu, but squashed that idea. That could ruin Sasuke’s party, and it would make her a snitch. She wanted to be cool. Still...

“You know, they’re drinking downstairs,” she said. “I wasn’t sure if you knew. Juugo brought over most of it, I think.” He was tall enough for a fake ID.

Itachi raised an eyebrow at her. “Have you had any?”

Sakura stiffened. “...A little,” she admitted, and smoothed down her dress again. “Just enough to look cool. Everyone in there is.”

Itachi scoffed and she jumped when she felt a warm finger touch her chin, forcing her to look up. “Don’t care so much for what people like that think, Sakura. You’re worth ten Karins.”

Sakura gasped at the unexpected praise. She looked away, although the touch at her chin  persisted. She wondered, madly, if he...liked her? Or was he just being brotherly? It didn’t feel brotherly, that single warm digit. It felt like a brand, like how his trousers had once felt against her ankle under that dinner table, or his eyes on her as he slowly drank the wine. “That’s very kind of you, Itachi.”

Itachi smiled, and it made the tired lines beneath his eyes lighten, and her heart fluttered in her chest. “Just being honest. You’re a good girl, Sakura. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” His eyes swept down again, and her stomach flipped, and her...down there...tingled. A lot.  

If only Suigetsu could have flirted like that, Sakura thought as she smiled again. “I should really get back down. I may as well see what the big fuss is about flinging balls into cups.” And I’ve been gone long enough for them to think I really was taking a number two. 

Itachi finally moved back, and she realized he had partially blocked her into the bathroom without them realizing. “It’s alright if the party’s not your...speed,” Itachi said, running his hand through his middle-parted bangs. “I’ve never liked them, either.”

She sighed in relief while slowly making her way away. She stopped, though. “Good to know. It’s...” she sighed. “I feel like I’m just faking it, you know? I barely know anyone there, and Sasuke’s busy...” She shrugged. “They’re supposed to start playing Seven Minutes in Heaven like we’re in middle school, or something,” she flapped her hand. “Stupid, right?” 

Please stop them please stop them please stop them please stop them...!

Itachi frowned. “Are they?” He looked thoughtful. “Are you comfortable with that?”

Sakura shrugged. “I guess so. It’s fine. Just seems dumb for a Sweet 16, I guess.” Please go stop them, I don’t want to be near Suigetsu.

Itachi sighed heavily. “Thank you for the information, Sakura. Please only do what you’re comfortable with.” He winked at her. “I promise not to cramp your style. But if you need anything, my door is open. Just don’t tell Sasuke. It’ll be our little secret.”

Sakura smiled and nodded. She liked that. Our little secret. Her feet carried her downstairs and she threw another smile in Itachi's way, and he nodded slowly.


She’d grown up beautifully, Itachi realized. And still, to be so innocent, with a face and body like that... Itachi shook his head as he entered his bedroom. A true shame. 

He had expected Sasuke to knock her up by now, quite frankly. Sakura clearly adored Sasuke for years, and their parents had discussed the two dating many times late at night as if all was assured. Itachi had even prepared Plan Bs for his little brother’s inevitable fuck-ups, but the gem of a girl had somehow slipped beneath his brother’s notice.

Itachi flicked his bedroom light on and tossed his jacket carelessly on the bed as he removed his socks. He shook out his jacket and hung it up. Then he rebuttoned and unbuttoned his collar, and realized he was fidgeting. 

Why? Why would he be agitated? Sasuke had had parties with booze before. Itachi had even “forgotten” to hide the liquor cabinet key where his little brother and...friends...could find it. Itachi unpacked his pockets with more ferocity than necessary, desperate for a cigarette, even though he was trying to quit. 

White flashed in his mind’s eye, and Itachi groaned and rubbed his temple. Sakura turned, eyes coy and bold, but still so shy, so insecure... She had no idea what she was doing. What she was asking for. She certainly hadn’t been enjoying the party, either... Still. He’d already offered her an out, and she turned it down. What else could he do? Ruin his little brother’s party in front of his friends? Itachi would never be forgiven. 

Seven Minutes in Heaven. Itachi laughed to himself. A childish game, indeed. With them at that age, they’d likely be screwing on the pooltable, and Itachi groaned at the idea of having to clean that up. Poor Sakura was likely completely out of her depth. She was a good girl. Good looks, good grades, and polite enough to dine with the Queen. Anyone (Sasuke) would be proud to show her off. Itachi chuckled to himself. Where had that little girl gone?

It seemed like she had blossomed even from when he’d seen her a few days earlier at Sasuke’s dinner, where she’d worn a modest red qipao. Now she wore a slinky white dress that was anything but pure and innocent. It looked like it would stretch and bunch at her waist, ready for anybody with a pulse to shove completely themselves between her thighs. Itachi’s hands itched, and he ignored the way his cock swelled.

Now she was swaying under his eyes, trying to be cool and responsible all at once. He admitted it was a tough balance for someone like her. He’d take his day job and night classes over posturing to high school classmates anyday. Itachi lay back on his bed, sighing as he rested his eyes. 

Poor girl probably didn’t even know what happened in Seven Minutes in Heaven. Did she even know what boys thought about at that age? About how all they wanted was to bury their cocks in a warm wet place, uncaring if it belonged to a man or woman or a fleshlight? To paw at soft breasts without caring if they left bruises or if their partner actually orgasmed. Itachi felt a surge of indignation at the idea of someone treating Sakura like that. Even his brother. 

Itachi heard a rustle coming from downstairs. Frowning, he turned his light off and crept to his door, listening through the crack. Others had come to the upstairs bathroom. Probably for the mirror, since the one downstairs lacked a large enough one for teen vanity.

“God, what a fucking loser,” he heard. Sounded like...Ino, Itachi thought. Ino Yamanaka. Wealthy family. Good father. “Did you see his face? She’s totally just embarrassing Sasuke, and she knows it. I can’t believe he’s still friends with her.”

“Ugh,” another voice said. Karin Uzumaki. Naruto’s distant cousin. “I know, right? Oh my god, but I hope it doesn’t smell like shit in here...”

Shit? Itachi shook his head. The girls were muffled by the wall, and he knew they must have gone in. Silently, he crept from his room, wondering if the two girls were there to practice  making out away from the boys or just to primp themselves. He relished the idea of some free entertainment. He would much rather have stayed home, drinking his own liquor, and expelling his stress over an incognito tab than babysitting the home from someone half as responsible as Itachi was at that age. 

The girls were now more audible. Karin was saying, “---Suigetsu totally felt her up. I told him to keep her away from Sasuke, not scare her to death. But now all of a sudden he wants to fuck her because she’s got an okay pair of tits? He’s such a creep.”

Itachi inhaled sharply. Were they talking about Sakura? They must have, she was the only other girl in attendance. No wonder she looked scared. Ino was replying. “Who cares, dude? Let him have her. Maybe she’ll loosen up finally and stop moping after Sasuke. Plus, she’s not even that cute.”

Jealous, Itachi smiled. Ino was beautiful like a plastic bouquet. Pristine, crisp, but anyone looking close enough would see she was inauthentic. Of course she didn’t compare to Sakura’s beauty. Innocent. Delicate. 

“We’re still good for later,” Karin was asking. Her voice was strange, like she was applying lipstick. 

“Yeah,” Ino uncapped something with a pop, “the Uber’ll be here in, like, 10 minutes. Sasuke’s already told his parents that he’s spending the night with Juugo. Everyone else is pretty much coming with us except for Sui.”

Karin sighed. “I think we should make Suigetsu come; he’s been a real tool lately”

Ino groaned. “I am not babysitting him. Look, we have one shot at this, and I’m not missing sleeping with Sasuke for some bitch who thinks she’s better than us, okay?

“Fine!” Karin snapped, and Itachi inched his way back into the shadows of the hallway as they emerged and headed down the stairs. “Jesus. If he ends up giving her an STD it’s on you, though.”

Itachi felt a frown come over his face. Were they lying? Was Sasuke really leaving, after fighting for the right to hold a party “alone”? On his bed, his phone lit up the dark, and Itachi read the message from his mother. Sasuke was going to a friend’s to avoid making a mess in the home, his mother wrote, all indulgence and maternal love, and he rolled his eyes.

Behind him, he heard the front door open, and he watched from the corner as 1, 2, 3, teenagers he didn’t know, Ino, and Karin filed out. Sasuke walked slowly behind them, and Ino tugged him along. Itachi could see his little brother was well and likely drunk. Sasuke paused. “Wait,” he said, looking around, “where’s Sakura? Isn’t she coming?”

Good boy, Itachi thought.

Ino held up her finger as though she just remembered something, “You know what,” she said, “she and Suigetsu really hit it off, he’s gonna drive her home and meet her mom before he comes to join us. Really nice of him, huh?” 

Karin was silent, Itachi saw, but her red eyes shifted uneasily behind her glasses. Come on, Itachi thought irritably, say something, you wretched bitch.

Sasuke looked even more confused. “ Really? Oh, man...” he actually looked a little hurt, and under any other circumstance Itachi would have pitied him, but now he was just irritated. He watched Ino tug Sasuke out the door, and Karin shut the door behind herself, closing herself off from her conscience. 

Itachi slowly went down the stairs and into the basement. As he pushed open the door he saw what he had expected; a young man not much older than Sasuke taking a shot, eyeing the closet where they kept their winter coats. Itachi crossed the basement in a few easy strides. The young man, Suigetsu, Itachi gathered, glanced over at him too late. “Hey,” he said, “what---?”

Itachi wrapped his hand around Suigetsu’s upper arm, and he growled, “Party’s over. Out.” He tugged the lad out the basement and up the stairs, and Suigetsu was too surprised to fight back, or at least smart enough to know Sasuke’s older brother on sight.

Still, his spell of stunned silence was broken by the time Itachi marched him to the front door. “Hold on, man, OW! Hey, hang on, there’s a girl waiting for me!”

Itachi glanced at him as he opened the front door, still unlocked from when Sasuke had left. “Where?”

“In the closet. I’ll go get her, it’s fine,” Suigetsu insisted, and his arm flexed beneath Itachi’s hand. The kid was strong, and the same height as Itachi. However, he was drunk and stupid. Itachi shoved him against the front door, hard. 

“You’re not going to touch her ever again,” Itachi said slowly, so the stupid boy would understand. “You’re going to leave my house and never so much as look at her again.” He punctuated his orders with a hand flexing around Suigetsu’s windpipe, and he watched with cold fascination as the boy grew red and, eventually, purple. “Are we clear?”

Suigetsu choked but nodded as much as he could. Itachi opened the door and Suigetsu stumbled out, clutching his throat. “Fuck you, man,” he wheezed, or something along those lines, and Itachi narrowed his eyes minutely, and the boy flinched again.

Itachi flung the door shut and locked it for good measure. Best go fetch Sakura, he thought. Maybe he could offer a movie to her before he brought her home. Something scary, maybe. She could curl up next to him. He hoped she would say yes. A cute thing like her deserved some kind of treat after that night. 

Itachi walked to the basement closet door and slowly opened it so as to not alarm her, and his breath seized in his chest. 

Sakura sat, blindfolded and vulnerable, legs drawn up high against her chest. He could see that shadowy place between her thighs, and saw there was a hint of white lace, and Itachi exhaled as she lowered her arms. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, and Itachi could see the light from behind him glint off her glossy lips. 

Itachi shut the door behind him.


Sakura could barely hear anything out there. Everyone was being so quiet, and even the TV’s video games seemed far away. She was kinda impressed. She knew what she’d heard, though, after she’d sat in the closet, blindfolded with a spare scarf that must have belonged to Mikoto, she definitely heard Sasuke’s name. 

He got to go first, since it was his birthday. Sakura shifted where she sat, giddy with the idea that Sasuke would get to see her panties after all... Or at least, feel them. Maybe even reach past them... This was her chance to make Sasuke take her seriously, to make him fall as hard for her as she did for him.

She heard some scuffling outside the door, and giggled to herself. Were the boys fighting over the chance to come in first? Sakura hated the idea of Suigetsu coming in instead of Sasuke, but she could at least get some practice in kissing, maybe. Who knows, if he kinda liked her...maybe it could feel good? Take the compliment.

She felt the air change as soon as the door opened. She felt eyes on her, and she tried to look as appealing as possible. She tried to picture herself through Sasuke’s eyes, but it didn’t work. She looked like a child to him, she knew. She could only see herself as his friend, even though she longed to sleep in his arms, to grind on his lap until he got hard, and put it in her...

She heard it hurt, at first. Sex. But it was okay, because Sasuke would love her after she slept with him. She knew it. He’d never even look at Ino and Karin after she gave herself to him.

“Hey,” she whispered after she heard the door close. Sasuke was silent, but she heard him breathing, and smelled the scent of his cologne. He must have borrowed his dad’s or Itachi’s... She shifted, and her thighs rubbed together briefly, sending little sparks through her.

Sakura reached out to him, and felt the sharp corner of Sasuke’s jaw, and the hint of long bangs, silky and thick. She gasped when she felt a warm touch on her bottom lip. It stroked there, going back and forth a few times, before dipping into her open mouth, and then retreating, dragging her lip out, and spreading the damp of her spit there.

Sakura swallowed dryly as she shifted to follow that finger, a thumb, she thought, from how broad it felt. When it dipped into her mouth again, Sakura impulsively held his hand by the wrist, closed her mouth over the thumb, and sucked. Slowly, of course, just like the women in the porns she had studied did, swirling her tongue around the digit. 

Her core throbbed at the sound of Sasuke’s breathing, which grew raspier as she bobbed her head along the appendage. “Happy birthday, Sasuke,” she whispered. “Do whatever you want with me... Or, or tell me what to do...” She started to stroke Sasuke’s broad hand before the hand turned and intertwined their fingers, and Sakura gasped when she felt a kiss on the back of her hand. Butterflies flapped madly against her stomach.

She held still as another hand reached out to her face, stroking her from ear to chin, then down the column of her throat, and she couldn’t help the swallow that happened. It made her airway hitch, and the needy sound was a little embarrassing. The hand paused, briefly, and Sakura whispered, “I’m fine, please, don’t stop... I want you, Sasuke...”

His hand fingered the hollow of her throat, again stroking with his thumb, and Sakura heard and felt him shift nearer, and let her hand release his, and she felt a warm broad hand on her upper thigh, and then he was still. She nodded in the dark, and spread her legs for him, hoping he could tell she was bald and covered in bridal-white lace. She hoped she was pretty to him. Please, please want me.  

A hand trailed down the front of her dress, and she felt so constrained and free all at once. Her whole body was throbbing with nerves and want , and her panties felt suspiciously cool in the warm closet. Sasuke was going to touch her there... 

But he didn’t; he was focussing on her breasts, tenderly stroking their tops, and she whimpered again as he gently cupped one, and gave it a light squeeze, and Sakura sighed in bliss. She reached out to touch his face again and her finger was enveloped in warmth and wet, and she gasped aloud as she realized Sasuke was sucking her finger... It sent a hot thrill through her.

He was so good at doing such a simple thing, and every pull and stroke made her wish she had done better while sucking his thumb. Sakura trembled when she felt his hand slowly travel down the length of her torso, toying with the stretched hem of her dress. “I got this just before I came here,” she whispered, and giggled. “I wanted you to like what you saw, when you looked at me... I wanted to make you happy.”

She heard a soft groan, and she felt Sasuke lean in close, his very breath on her face a stimulant, and Sakura reached up to cup his face just as his lips met hers, and his fingers toyed with the gusset of her stolen panties.

She cried out, louder than she meant to, but a new kiss cut her off. She groaned into his lips, so skillful and careful, and Sakura was conscious to not be sloppy. Still, Sasuke was an amazing kisser, all deft motion, and just the perfect amount of moisture. Dishearteningly so. He’s kissed other girls...

Did other girls do this ? Sakura nipped at Sasuke’s bottom lip, and he moaned, sounding far deeper than his normal voice. She grinned a little, but her head fell back as the fingers on her lace panties rubbed more insistently, almost aggressively, and she whispered her approval when they trailed just high enough to tease her pearl. Clit, you stupid little girl, she berated herself, and her hips ground against Sasuke’s fingers harder. 

“Please,” she begged. “Please, please, yes... Use me, Sasuke. I’m yours.”

She hoped to high heaven she sounded sexy to him. He only groaned against her throat, pressing kisses there, and she felt his long bangs tickling her jaw. His fingers moved her panties aside, brushing the smooth-shaven skin there. She wanted to reach out and hold Sasuke, to stroke him, to scratch at his scalp, but if she sacrificed her arm, then she might just fall, she was trembling so much.

His finger dipped into her, and she blushed at how wet she was. “God,” she whispered, “please, yes, yes...” Slow down. But she couldn’t tell him that. He was having fun, he was touching her. She couldn’t tell him to stop. She just needed to relax.

His other hand reached her neckline and tugged down, hard, and Sakura understood, arching and shifting her shoulders to wiggle out of her dress straps until she felt her breasts become exposed to the air. 

She was truly shaking now, as that finger moved carefully inside of her. In and out. In and out, a swirl, a curl... in and out. She was cold with fear. She wanted this, she knew she did... And yet... even with someone so close that they were inside her, she felt so alone.

“Sasuke,” she said, voice plaintive, and she felt the finger stop moving. She sighed in relief. He was listening to her. “Kiss me, again,” she requested. She could have hit herself. She was sitting there, panties moved, tits out, and she wanted to be kissed again? How selfish could she be? She held her breath as Sasuke removed his finger from her. She felt even more alone without it, and almost told him to forget about it, but both hands were holding her face, and Sakura moaned when he kissed her again.

A tongue prodded her lips, and Sakura tentatively allowed it in, and felt her pussy throb when they tangled them together. She felt so clumsy and stupid, and tried to follow his lead as best she could. Sakura reached out to wrap her arms around his shoulders, but he drew back and grasped  her hands. 

“What’s wrong,” she asked, panicked by his change. “Did I do something wrong...?” Or were they running out of time? She hadn’t thought they’d been in there a long time, but she also felt as though she’d been in this closet for years. Sasuke pressed her hands to the ground, and she felt his breath on her chest, and then he was sucking in her nipple greedily.

Sakura moaned aloud before realizing she should be quiet, but promptly forgot as he bit her, and electricity ran through her body. He continued to lick and suckle and nip, switching breasts occasionally, and Sakura writhed in his grip, eager to dig her fingers into his hair. She sighed and gasped and felt her body tensing for something, something good, but he was already making her feel good. How much more could she take?

He abruptly changed tactics, flicked his tongue against her nipple, fast and hard, and Sakura felt her tension break, and overwhelming pleasure washed over her. She gasped and felt her core clench, and she was conscious of how utterly wet she was, even wetter than when she watched that porn with the long-haired man fucking a slim girl with a head of dyed pink hair. “Fuck,” she gasped, shocked at herself, “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!”

She felt Sasuke press gentle kisses to her overstimulated breasts, and she slumped back on her arms. “That was...incredible,” she sighed, then laughed a little. “Where did you learn to do that?” She tried to fight back the insecurity in her voice.

“College,” he said, sounding very smug, and Sakura stiffened. College? Sasuke wasn’t... That’s not... He sounded so familiar, and her stomach clogged her throat. She jerked at her hands, and he released her and Sakura ripped her blindfold off, heart pounding. In the dim light she could make out the silhouette of a person a little broader than Sasuke. With a long ponytail. 

“Oh, my God,” she gasped, covering herself, and backed away quickly. “Itachi! Where’s Sasuke?! Why, what, what are you---?” Itachi just fingerbanged her. Itachi had just licked her breasts until she cummed. Itachi had kissed her! A strange euphoria cut through her distress, but it wasn’t enough to stop the confused tears in her eyes.

“Sasuke left,” he said, voice calm, and her eyes flashed up to him, seeing how his cheeks were flushed, and while she couldn’t exactly see it, she knew he was hard. “They planned on leaving in an Uber and lied to Sasuke. Someone named Suigetsu was about to come to you. I threw him out for you.”

Sakura let out a shuddering breath, and hid her burning face in her hands. “What? They just... left...?” She hated it, but she started sniffling. She shrank away from him against the scratchy wool at her back. “They left Suigetsu here? With me? And, and, and kissed me? Why?!”

“I’ve liked you for a long time,” Itachi said simply, taking her hands in his, and pressing soft kisses there, “and you looked so gorgeous in that little dress, Sakura. I just couldn’t help myself.” His eyes swept over her again, hot and Sakura’s breath stuttered before she broke down. She sat crumpled there, embarrassed and alone and vulnerable, and uncomfortably damp, and Itachi tucked her against him, allowing her to cry on his starched collar, and rubbed her back. 

Of course they would leave her, Sakura thought. They hated her. Who had she been kidding? Not even this pretty dress and new cool personality was enough. And no wonder it was so devoid of chatter out there; they had slipped out after tricking her into the closet and promising that Sasuke was first. And she had thought she heard scuffling. Itachi must have been telling the truth, he must have thrown out Suigetsu for her.

She cried even harder at how rejected she felt. She was just some weirdo who liked Sasuke, and he clearly didn’t like her back. She didn’t get his friends, and they didn’t get her...

But...Itachi didn’t like them, either. He had said she was better, anyways. He had surprised her, yes... but he had been there to throw out Suigetsu. And he made her feel so good... So wanted and sexy. He just didn't want to hurt her feelings, she reasoned. He said he liked her. Sakura wiped her eyes and realized some of her mascara smudged, and sighed.

“Better?” he asked, and his thumb wiped a tear from her cheek, and she nodded and forced a small smile.

“Yeah,” she said, eyes flickering between his own. “Thank you...”

Itachi’s eyes were so pretty, and the longer she looked into them, so dark and deep, the more she felt she was being hypnotized. Drowning, even. She craned her neck up, and kissed him. 

His lips were just as perfect as they had felt before, but now, knowing they belonged to Itachi, they were even better, like drinking what you think is a cup of grape juice, but is really a rich wine. Intoxicating.

Sakura tried to deepen the kiss like he had before, but Itachi pulled back with a chuckle. “Let’s get you out of here, first,” he said, and Sakura flushed red before she nodded. They stood, and Sakura rearranged herself back into her dress, feeling hollow and cheap. Itachi led her out by her hand.

The dim basement was so bright after the closet and blindfold that she couldn’t see well, at first, and Sakura had the horrifying thought that maybe everything had just been a cruel joke, even Itachi fingering her, and everyone was waiting to see her do a walk of shame, and Sasuke could never look at her again for fooling around with his big brother.

Thankfully, and sadly, Itachi had been telling the truth. Most of the booze was gone, and the TV was still playing the Mario Cart menu, and music was still playing from the speaker in the corner. She hated the song, she found. She didn’t even know the artist. Bowls of the abandoned snacks still littered the place, along with the empty beer cans and cups, and Itachi sighed. 

“Sorry about the mess,” Sakura whispered, but Itachi gave her hand a squeeze.

“Don’t be sorry for people like that, Sakura,” he said, and she gave him a watery smile in response. “I’ll make sure this gets cleaned. Why don’t you go upstairs and freshen up?”

She nodded slowly. Freshening up sounded nice. She could do that. She slowly trudged up the stairs, conscious of Itachi’s gaze but oblivious to his intentions. 


Sakura splashed cold water against her eyes for the eighth time, enjoying the feeling on her overheated skin. Her makeup hadn’t smudged as much as she thought, seeing as how she hadn’t worn much to begin with. Just a little extra something to make her eyes pop, to make her cuter and sexier than she had any right to be. 

She rearranged her breasts into her bra again, but they were tender and sensitive, so she unclipped her strapless bra and folded it on the counter. When she peeked down again, she saw that there were little red marks where Itachi had nipped her with his teeth.

She oscillated hard between crushing disappointment and giddiness. Sasuke had all but abandoned her, after all these years where she had liked him, and left her to face Suigetsu alone. Suigetsu would probably have been rough and cruel, like his hand had been on her ass. She shuddered at the idea of Suigetsu shoving his fingers into her, probably before she was as deliciously wet as Itachi had made her.

And... Itachi liked her, he said. How long had he liked her for? He hadn’t said. She had thought his gaze seemed to sweep over her more often the last year during his rare visits home, but she had dismissed them as foolish fantasy. Now, she wasn’t so sure. Had he liked how their feet touched under the table? Had she imagined that his gaze followed her when she walked to the bathroom?

He had touched her so well, kissed her so sweetly, and she forgot, for the moment, that he had basically tricked her. She wondered, though, if maybe he had been afraid she would reject him? And that he wanted her so much he couldn’t bear to risk it? The thought made her a little sad for him.

Itachi knocked on the closed door and Sakura let him in. His mouth was red, and she blushed at realizing it was from their kisses. She wanted to kiss him again, to thank him, to let him make her feel sexy and desirable again. “How are you feeling?”

She nodded silently, and sighed. Itachi reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear, and she leaned into his touch, missing how his eyes took on a calculating spark. He moved a little closer to her, and she found herself leaning into him, finding comfort in how warm and tall he was compared to her. He was in casual clothes: a faded band tee-shirt and grey pajama pants. How long had she been in the bathroom for? 

“Would you like to take a bath? Watch a movie? Eat something? I would hate to send you home after this without something to make up for all this.”

Sakura shrugged. “I’m a little cold, I guess. I kind of just want to go home...”

He nodded. “I will drive you home. But I insist, let’s get some food in you, first. You must be hungry. Would you like to get changed?”

Sakura looked down at her arms. Goosebumps washed over her in waves, and she shivered. “I don’t have anything else, I don’t want to be a bother,” she smiled, but she was trembling. She almost wished she was blindfolded and dumb again, tucked against the coats, oblivious to everything that had happened. Itachi’s thumb brushed over her lips again as he lifted her face, and she swallowed.

“You’re never a bother to me, Sakura. I promise.” 

She gave a watery smile, and Itachi stooped to press a soft kiss to her forehead. She sighed and wished he could kiss her properly again, but he led her out of the bathroom, and she realized he was leading her to his bedroom, and she tugged against him.

“I’ll just wait out here,” she said, forcing her grin. She could see Itachi’s bed through the crack, and the sight of it made her heart pound unpleasantly. She wanted to crawl in there and keep doing what they had been, to go even further, to please Itachi like he had pleased her, but she didn’t want to put that pressure on him. 

Maybe he wouldn’t want to keep playing with her; maybe he had just felt bad for her. She realized she had been selfish before. Itachi hadn’t done anything for himself; he had focussed only on her in the closet. He probably didn’t really want her. It was okay, she thought. 

Itachi looked at her calmly and nodded, and she felt understood.

He went in and left his door wide open, and she watched him collect an old shirt and some basketball shorts, holding them up and examining them with care, probably gauging if they would fit her. She smiled despite her doubt and walked in. “They’re perfect,” she said, reaching for them, and Itachi turned to her. 

Sakura was hyper aware of how big his room was around her, of how it smelled like him even though he wasn’t here often. She remembered peeking inside when she was little, curious about Sasuke’s cute older brother, and realized just how much she had grown since then. She wasn’t a little girl anymore. 

“See if they fit,” he said, voice soft, holding out the shirt, and Sakura’s hands touched his as she took it, and she could swear his hands lingered on her. A low throbbing came back over her, heady and sweet, but she chickened and pulled the shirt over her dress. It hung low on her, and she sighed at how much warmer she felt already.

Itachi was smiling, like she had done the right thing, and he held out the shorts next. Sakura bit her lip and took a deep breath and bucked up her courage. She gripped her dress by the hips and twisted her shoulders so that the small straps slid down her shoulders, and she shimmied her dress off  all the way, and it thankfully didn’t pull her panties off on the way down.

The dress puddled at her feet, and Itachi surprised her by kneeling, and Sakura’s vision went hazy with nerves. He gently tapped her ankles, and she lifted them one at a time, and he pulled her dress away, and presented the shorts to her, holding them open at the waist. 

She used his shoulder to stabilize herself as she lifted one leg and then the other in, and she was sure she was about to faint as Itachi helped her into the shorts. I’ve got it, she thought, but she was mute as a doll as he slowly slid them up her legs, shivering at the strangely paternal gesture. He stopped, however, at the hem of the shirt, and she reached down and pulled them up the rest of the way. She wondered if he had seen her panties again, and her pussy throbbed at the thought. 

Itachi stood with her dress in hand, and she reached out to take it from him. She felt swallowed in his clothes, but strangely even more vulnerable than before. “Thanks,” she said, blushing. 

“It’s my pleasure,” he said, and Sakura nodded, transfixed. “How about a movie and a snack,” he said, “just to unwind before I take you home?”

Sakura wanted to go home right then, wanted to curl up in her own sheets and stay there, numb and maybe crying, unless she touched herself until she cried, but how could she turn him down? Itachi just wanted to make her happy. He wanted to cheer her up. He wasn’t demanding sex from her, even though he had made her cum so hard already, and his bed was right there. 

He wasn’t forcing her to do anything. He was just being nice. “Alright,” she said, softly, smiling, nodding. “I can eat.”


Itachi watched Sakura from the corner of his eye as she licked her ice cream cone while they pretended to watch The Shape of Water. Sugar helped with shock, he knew, and she had experienced plenty that night. Still, he wasn’t ready to let her go, yet. He was so enraptured by his newfound power over her, he wanted to see how far he could push her, how much more he could take and give to her, before she caved, or he did. 

It was fun to test out how much honey he had to use, and he wanted to avoid vinegar as much as possible. Someone like him couldn’t directly force someone like Sakura. It was unnecessary. It was even more fun to watch her doubt everything they’d done, and see her build a wall around what had just happened. He needed to be careful, though. If he dared too much, or too little, he could ruin whatever chance he had for this to be a repeat encounter.

Grad school was enormously boring, and his job was even more tiresome. He didn’t have time to date properly. But if he played his cards right, maybe he could have a sweet little treat whenever he wanted. With Sakura, he saw a world of opportunity in her youth and insecurity. He could, like with a bonsai, train and tend her until she bent whichever way he wanted her. A perfect little toy that breathed and got wet between the legs. 

And the best part was that he was sure she wouldn’t demand he be a proper boyfriend. Their differences in status benefited him enormously. She was so considerate and conscious of his responsibilities. She knew he was out of her league, and he had all the power to deny that he initiated it. After all, what was more likely? That Sakura, freshly stinging from rejection, with maybe a little too much liquor in her system, had rebounded to a responsible, handsome young man, or that a young professional like him had raped a skinny minor he’d known since she was 10?

He had no plans to mistreat her, of course, but it would be easy to convince her that trying some of his more...niche...interests were her idea. He shifted on the couch, and he watched her squirm a little in response. He could see the icecream had left her colder than before. His arms were stretched along the back of the couch, and kept his legs passively in front of him, set on his ottoman. 

His cock was still hard, but the darkness of the den and his sweatpants disguised the symptom of desire. He had loved the scent of her fresh little pussy, loved her pert tits, how she begged for his touch. Even more he had loved how she hadn’t run screaming from him, even being grateful for his attention. 

She was such a good girl, even though she already wore lingerie like a common slut. She had wanted to fuck his brother. Maybe she wasn’t so innocent after all. He chuckled at the thought of how Sasuke would have probably cummed in his pants at the sight of Sakura’s little scrap of cheap lace. She deserved better, especially after what a shit friend his little brother was. 

She was moving. Itachi remained still as she sidled up closer to him, and he could feel her body settle a mere two inches away. He stayed still, but he allowed a small grin to tug at his lips. She must have seen, because she leaned her head on his shoulder, and she shivered. “Cold?” he asked, and she hummed, noncommittal. She was getting sleepy, too. Poor thing.

 He wrapped his arm around her, chaste and kind, and she pressed even closer to him. He could feel her breasts against his side, and he shifted, carefully, to bring her attention to his condition. You did this, he thought out to her. How are you going to help me?

He could hear the change in her breathing as she realized it. He made no move to otherwise indicate his erection, keeping his eyes on the screen as Strickland fucked his perfectly blonde American wife, covering her mouth with his bleeding hand demanding her silence. Sakura’s breath was warm on his neck, and he wanted so badly to turn his head and kiss her again, properly. But no. Sakura needed to do this. Come on, pretty thing, he begged. Be mine. Come to me.

Itachi fought to calm his racing heart as she pressed a soft kiss to his pulsepoint, though he sighed happily. A small hand tentatively alighted on his chest, and he knew she could feel his heartbeat. She slid a hand down, and he wanted to moan in victory as she found his cock. 

He heard her gasp, and then, then, then, he turned his face and kissed her softly, sensually, and her hand pressed more firmly against him, and he couldn’t stop the movement of his hips into her palm. “Yes,” he whispered as she rubbed him, a little clumsily, but quickly caught on as he guided her.

He would be happy with this, he thought, if this was as far as it went, and if she pulled back he’d simply drive her home. He could work with this. But he wanted more. So did Sakura, too, apparently. She toyed with his pant’s slit with shaking hands, and he nipped at her lips and cupped her face, holding her like the valuable treasure she was, the Oscar-worthy movie now reduced to meaningless background noise.

She sighed as he rewarded her with a real kiss for her bravery and good behavior, and her fingers popped his button, and she nearly lost her nerve when she found he had forgone wearing his boxers after he’d changed, but he allowed a satisfied groan to escape him. I can’t let her stop now. Despite his plans to not force her, he felt mad with passion, and was tempted to make sure she stayed to watch him cum. He longed to see her expression at him cumming for her, for pretty little Sakura.

Nevertheless, he hadn’t needed such a resolution, because Sakura’s hands had lifted him, hard and heavy, from his pants, and he released a shuddering breath he didn’t have to fake. Yes, yes, yes, be a good little slut, now. She peeked up at him, but he gave her no instructions, nothing to tell her what he wanted. Show me what you can do. 

 Sakura slowly shifted back, unsexy and a little awkward in the old shorts, but it made no difference to Itachi. He had the image of her with her tits out and legs spread to keep him company, and when her tongue touched the tip of his cock, he hissed. She hesitated, as he knew she would, but he nodded for her and scrunched her hair in encouragement, and she licked his cock again. And again, and again, until she set his oversensitive head in her mouth, and sucked. Itachi’s vision whited out brighter than her little dress, and she slowly began to bob her head down his length. He only felt the barest hint of teeth, but otherwise she was doing an excellent job. 

He couldn’t move his hips properly with his legs positioned the way they were, and he didn’t want to scare her, but he wanted more. He wanted to shove his cock all the way down her throat until she audibly choked, until he covered her tongue in cum, but more that that he wanted to fuck her raw. She was a virgin, he knew, and his last tests had been clear. May as well put those Plan B’s to use... 

Sakura surprised him when she took him even deeper with a whimper, and he wondered if she was wet again, as gloriously wet as before. He knew she still wore that pathetic excuse for underwear, like it was any real barrier, and he wanted to keep them. She’d probably not even notice they were gone, for a bit. Maybe he could keep them as insurance for later. 

The idea of tempting her back while she had that panicked look on her face made him throb, and he knew he had to stop her before he had the chance to fuck her. He was young enough to recover quickly, but he knew their time together was hanging by a thread. He had to make a real impression on her if she was going to come back to him. 

Itachi lifted her from his cock, a line of shining spit dripping from her mouth, and he felt his heart melt at the sight of tears at the corner of her eyes. With a tenderness he didn’t need to try too hard to fake, he wiped them away. “You’re incredible,” he whispered, and he saw her drink in that praise, being so bereft of male attention that she didn’t even realize how deliciously wrong this all was. He remembered, then, that her mother and father were divorced, and that Mr. Haruno had already started a new family.

No wonder she’s resorting to lingerie, he realized as she lifted her shirt, baring her pretty tits with their bright pink nipples to his eyes, and Itachi pushed her back on the couch so she lay down, and she pulled the ugly shorts down to her thighs, where Itachi pulled them off the rest of the way. He kept his clothes on; no need to give her the illusion they were equal. Not anymore.

Itachi trailed a hand up her body and gripped her neck lightly, watching her expressions carefully in the flickering light of the TV. Her pulse fluttered under his fingers, delicate and fast as a hummingbird. He glanced down and saw that her panties were practically see-through with how flimsy they were. His mouth watered, and he wondered if maybe he should blindfold her again?

Sakura squirmed and parted her thighs, but it was an awkward amount of space for her, and her foot kept slipping off the edge. He could see her frustration, and he smiled a little at her to sooth her. He lowered himself to her mound and licked a thick line over the lace, ecstatic that she was so damn wet just from the act of sucking his cock and pleasing him. She’s a keeper. Maybe it would be worth tending her a little more closely. He really did like her, after all.

She gasped while Itachi mouthed at her over her panties, and he poked his tongue into her tight little hole through the flimsy strings of the gusset. Sakura stroked his head like he knew she had wanted to in the closet. When he glanced up could see her rapid heartbeat was making her chest throb. She’s getting overwhelmed.  

He finally took pity on her. “Shhhhh,” he whispered, coming up, brushing his knuckles down her cheek. “We can stop,” he succeeded in sounding understanding and patient. Despite his words, though, his cock still hung over her, visible and heavy and dripping with precum, low enough to touch her hot little pussy.

Desire and fear warred in her face, and Sakura mutely shook her head. “Use your words,” he whispered, eager to hear her seal her own fate. Say yes. Consent. Bright green eyes searched his own, and she opened her red little mouth. “Yes,” she whispered, “Keep going, Itachi. I want...” she blushed and looked away, but he turned her face to him.

“Want what, Sakura?” he breathed.

“I want to make you cum,” she admitted, hips writhing. “I want to make you feel good.”

He couldn’t stop the chuckle that bubbled up. She’s too perfect. “Let’s go somewhere else,” he suggested, and she nodded. Itachi swooped to kiss her once more before standing and tucking himself back into his pants. He offered his hand down to her, and when she accepted he lifted her up so that Sakura wrapped her legs around him. 

He stood there a moment, admiring how lithe and pretty she was. He’d dreamed of her occasionally, and had seen little hints of curves through the years. More than anything he enjoyed the fact he got to enjoy her before his little brother could. Finders keepers.

Her wet little core pressed against him, and Itachi squeezed her ass hard, and she whimpered into his neck and writhed against his hand so much that he nearly dropped her. “Shhh,” he soothed as he pressed her into the wall. What was the problem, now? 

She shook her head. “I just...Suigetsu grabbed me like that, earlier,” she confessed, pink locks falling into her eyes, “I didn’t, um, I didn’t like it.” Itachi felt a flash of annoyance go through him. He should have done worse to that little boy.

“If I see him again,” Itachi nuzzled into her, “I’ll break his neck. How does that sound, Sakura?” He licked a line up her neck, making her shiver.

“Yes,” Sakura said, grinding against him, and Itachi grinned as he nipped at her pert nipples. “I like that, yes...”

Itachi lowered her slowly and she stood on shaky legs. Sakura’s eyes were fever-bright, and she led the way to his room, ass swaying in her tiny underwear, and Itachi allowed himself another private smile. She really was a good girl. At his door, though, Itachi finally rushed her, diving swiftly for her mouth. Sakura gasped, and his hands gripped her tightly at her waist, pulling her sharply against him.

Her little hands clutched his shirt, tugging, and he whipped it off, and shoved her backwards onto his bed, where she bounced a little, wide-eyed and surprised. Itachi finally pushed his pants down, and watched her as she took in his full body. Sakura looked so vulnerable and young, and so so so sexy. She lifted her hips at his gesture, and Itachi reached out and clawed her panties off, finally. Right in front of her, took a deep whiff.

She blushed, and quivered as he offered them to her. “Stuff them in your mouth,” he commanded, and, despite looking a little confused and maybe a little frightened at his change in demeanor, she awkwardly folded them into her mouth. Itachi made his way atop her, loving how the design looked against her porcelain skin. He should make sure she had more of those. “Good girl,” he praised, and she sighed happily as his fingers stroked her little pearl, gathering the wetness there.

“So good,” he whispered, feeling her become wet anew at his ministrations and words, “so good at sucking my cock. You’re really just a little slut, aren’t you? Is that why you were wearing those flimsy little panties? That tight dress? Were you hoping someone would fuck you tonight?”

Sakura’s eyes widened and she moaned against her lace gag, and he narrowed his own eyes. He scissored his fingers in her, fast, and she convulsed around him. Itachi gripped his cock, and gave it a few pumps before he reared up on his knees. “Wish granted, Sakura.”

He saw her realize what was happening, and he breached her with his head in one delicious push. Sakura’s breath was coming hard and fast, and her hands reached out to touch Itachi’s shoulder, but she seemed unsure if she wanted to pull him in or push him away. Itachi leaned forward, his bare cock sinking even deeper into her wet little hole. He moaned into her hair, and kissed a line down her face. “You look so sexy like this, Sakura. So sexy. Look at you take my cock. Look at it.”

She strained to look down, and he moved back just to dive even deeper into her wet little hole, and her eyes rolled back. “Yes,” he said, repeating the motion until he was buried in her to the base. She was so tight around him, and so wet. “Watch how you take my cock.”

He sat back on his heels and tugged her hips to his knees, and began thrusting in earnest, lost in the pleasure of his new little toy. Sakura gargled around her gag, and coughed, and he reached out and ripped them from her mouth. He tossed them aside. Those would be staying with him.

“Itachi--!” she gasped. “Oh, God! Please, don’t cum in me, please! I’m not...!”

“Don’t worry,” he said, reaching out to thumb her clit until she shuddered, tears gathering in her eyes. “Touch your pretty tits for me, Sakura.” He slammed into her, sure he hit her cervix, and she cried out again, but she obeyed and clutched her breasts, and rolled her nipples for his gaze. Itachi continued to pull her onto his cock over and over, feeling his stress from work melt away with each slap of their thighs meeting. She was so light that it was easy.

Itachi felt his balls tighten just as he saw that Sakura was checking out. Oh, no you don’t, he thought, and leaned forwards, capturing her lips once more. She instantly relaxed and sighed against him, and she met his thrusts, now, and Itachi moaned against her lips. The sex was instantly better, reminding him that it was worth having a willing partner. “You’re going to make me cum,” he grunted. 

She whimpered and shuddered again, “Cum for me, Itachi,” she begged, parroting some porn she must have watched, arms reaching up to tug on his hair. He ground his pelvis into hers, and she gasped as he began to throb. 

“I will,” he bit out, staring down at her, seeing how glazed her eyes were and loving it, loving how much of a slut she was, meeting each of his thrusts, and kissing him back. When she felt his cock throb in her, Sakura moaned and cummed right along him. He shoved himself as deep as he could as he spurted into her, imagining he forced it into her very womb, feeling her walls flutter all around him, and he sighed in relief. Sakura’s breathing was haggard as his, and he remembered to smile down at her. 

“Good girl,” he said as the last of his pleasure faded, pressing kisses to her tits, now red with his love bites. She sighed and lay back against his pillows, pink hair bright against the dark cases, and he allowed himself to slip from her.

She shuddered, and he stroked her hip. “You did so well, Sakura.”

She giggled. “Anytime,” she said, breathless, as though she fucked men bareback every day, as though they were lovers free to fuck whenever they wanted. He watched their combined fluids drip out of her pussy with detached fascination. I’ll hold you to that, he thought, remembering how he still had her panties.

He wasn’t going to let her go, now.