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Two Worlds Collided & They Could Never Tear Us Apart


You somehow end up lost in Japan, having little to no memory of your life before, or any understanding of the land and people here. But you meet extraordinary individuals, who over time become very important to your new life as you travel and fight together, forming unbreakable bonds.

However, with a centuries-old war between a secret organization and demons waging on, these bonds are put to the test when you find yourself caught in the center of it all.

Status: Work In Progress!

▪︎☆°○°☆ Playlist ☆°○°☆▪︎


Hello and welcome!

Before you dive in, there are a few things to note, so please take a moment to read through these details:

First: This fic will diverge from canon, following the original Demon Slayer narrative up to a certain point with my own twists. Some elements will be altered, added, or removed to fit the story, so expect changes in characters, situations, and dialogues throughout!

[The following content contains mature themes, including strong language, violence, blood/gore, and intense emotional and physical situations. All characters have been aged up (18+) to reflect the mature nature of the story. Reader discretion is advised, as some content may not be suitable for all audiences. Please keep this in mind, and if you haven't, then I suggest you go through the tags as well—you have been warned. I am not responsible for what you choose to read!]

As a side note, this is not an Isekai! You, the reader (Y/n), are an actual part of this world! Y/n's description is minimal to allow you to imagine her as you like for better immersion.

Second: Italicized text (dialogue) represents Japanese, while plain text is in English. Please note that while I strive for accuracy, I'm not an expert in Japanese language or culture. Therefore, some translations and details may not be perfect or entirely correct.

Third: I don't follow a set update schedule. Writing can be quite time-consuming, especially since I work full time and most of my chapters range from 10k to 16k words! However, I've been putting in more effort and aiming to make newer chapters even longer—somewhere between 16 to 20k words or even more! Your love, support, and patience mean a lot to me, and I truly appreciate it! Occasionally, I share Sneak Peeks of upcoming chapters or other updates to keep you engaged, although please note that these sneak peeks are subject to change and may differ from the final published version! And in order to maintain the flow and immersion of the story without interruptions, 'Sneak Peeks' and any 'author updates' will be deleted once I finish writing and publish a new chapter—so you don't have to worry about random pages that aren't part of the story!

And lastly: I plan for this story to have multiple endings, including both happy and angsty ones. You'll have the opportunity to choose your preferred ending, with select characters available as romantic interests. Please note that not all characters will be available as romantic interests. This decision stems from my belief that I may not do justice to some characters in a romantic context due to narrative constraints or a lack of connection with their personalities, which makes it harder to accurately portray their characterization, personalities, and quirks. Additionally, with so many characters, developing multiple relationships could get muddled. For these reasons, while I strive to be as inclusive as possible, only the men—and specifically certain men—will be potential romance options in this story.

(Additionally, more characters may be introduced or completely removed as the story progresses. Your understanding of this dynamic is greatly appreciated!)

Your feedback and support truly mean a lot to me! They serve as a driving force, pushing me to refine and enhance my abilities. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and insights as you go along. Your perspective is incredibly valuable and helps me grow in ways I wouldn't be able to otherwise. Thank you all so much for your understanding, patience, love, and support for this story! Enjoy your reading journey!

*.゚+ヽ(○・▽・○)ノ゙ +.゚*

[Cross-posted on Wattad and Quotev!]

(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter 1: The Beginning - 始まり


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Anime tree in the middle of the field with clouds | Premium AI-generated  image


Your eyes slowly open, blinking a few times as they try to adjust to the bright light of the sun shining overhead. You find yourself lying on the ground in a serene setting, but something feels off. There's a slight gust of wind as you push yourself up to take a moment to assess your surroundings, noticing that you are surrounded by an expansive plain of lush green fields stretching out as far as the eye can see, with forests and mountains dotting the horizon.

This place is not familiar; you don’t recognize a single piece of this land.

You're sitting just off of a dirt road, underneath a lone tree that has kept watch and somewhat protected you from the elements while you were unconscious. Confusion floods your mind as you try to recall how you ended up here. But to your dismay, your memory is as blank as a canvas, devoid of any recollection of the past. The absence of any recognizable landmarks or signs leaves you feeling disoriented and isolated. Panic begins to creep in, and questions buzz inside your mind like a swarm of bees.

Where are you?

How did you get here?

And more importantly... who are you?

You are only able to recall your first name... but anything more than that is a complete mystery.

You groan as you sit up even more and try to move, but your head begins pounding, and your leg feels incredibly sore. You must have been here for quite some time as you try to straighten out your leg from the uncomfortable way it was bent, feeling pinpricks as circulation rushes back into the limb. You also notice that your blouse and pants are fairly dirty, with a few places scuffed up but luckily not torn. Your throat feels dry and scratchy, and you're left to wonder just how long you've been out here. Sighing, you try once more to stand up, but seeing as your leg won’t cooperate just yet, you give up on that thought and opt to just sit there with a dejected frown for the time being. You want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible, so you pray that, by some miracle, someone will come along to help you, and you can only hope that it's someone you know.

But seeing as you have absolutely no idea where you are currently or who you even are, you try to keep your expectations low.

It seemed like luck was on your side in some form, as a loud squawk rings in the distance, sounding an awful lot like the call of a crow, which is then followed by a few yells that were most definitely human. You squint and spot the ebony-feathered bird flying up above in the distance, then cast your eyes downward to find a figure running below it, both of them heading right in your general direction. It sounds like a man given by the way their voice sounds as they yell, but it doesn't matter to you whether they are a man or woman, as you just want to get help. Hope flares in your chest as they seem to finally spot you, veering off of the dirt road to swiftly make their way straight towards you.

The crow lets out another loud caw and circles the air overhead as it reaches you, the man not far behind it. He's wearing some kind of uniform, with a black and green checkered coat. His hair looks to be a dark reddish brown, which is swept back but slightly messy, with a few looser pieces framing the sides of his face. As he gets even closer, you also take notice of a plum-sized scar on his forehead, and dangling from his ears are a pair of rectangular earrings that swing with every step he takes, your eyes drawn to the interesting pattern.

As he bounds over, he shouts once again, and you are slow to realize that he must be speaking to you because he's looking right at you and waving his hands... however, you don't understand a single word that escapes his mouth. 

"Hey! Are you okay?!"

You tilt your head forward, furrowing your brows, as you try your hardest to understand what he's saying. Even as you strain to take in every syllable with immense concentration, not a single word makes sense to you as your brain tries to pick them apart and put them together again.

Why couldn't you understand him?

Did you hit your head really hard?

"It's a good thing my crow spotted you! It seemed like you might need help. What..."

He comes to a halt in front of you, his words trailing off as his eyes quickly scan you up and down, confusion mixing with the concerned look in his eyes. He has never seen someone like you before. A sheepish smile breaks out as he stops himself from staring, scratching his head. He quickly crouches down to your level, and his tone grows worried as he looks at you more closely, but he speaks softly so as not to scare you.

"Ummm, are you okay? I apologize if this may seem rude, but why are you... here? Did something happen?"

You keep trying to focus and dissect the words, but still... nothing.

You shake your head, and the hope you had felt before dwindles down with nothing but a few sparks remaining. This... was not good. You don't know what he's saying; the words sound completely foreign to you, which could only mean that he was in fact speaking another language right now and that you didn't hit your head so hard that you forgot your own language. Considering that you are very much mentally and physically lost, this was not how you wanted this scenario to unfold, and the realization that you are stuck in the middle of nowhere with a stranger that doesn't speak the same language only adds to the turmoil in your mind right now.

"I... I don't know what you're saying," you say slowly, the words catching in your throat as you speak for what felt like the first time.

He appears a little shocked when he hears your own voice. You not only looked different, but you also spoke differently. His confusion and curiosity grow by the second as he continues to observe you. It's not every day that he comes across a foreigner. Sitting back on his heels, he looks to the sky and gains the attention of his crow by waving his arm around and calling out to it, and the bird swoops down to land on the outstretched limb. Once he starts to speak to the bird, your hope of being saved from this peculiar situation you've found yourself in dwindles even further, until there's nothing left. This whole thing was starting to become a little too much for you to process right now, especially in your current state.

You are most definitely dehydrated and probably haven't eaten in a while, so your energy levels are extremely low and you feel weak. You desperately need to get things figured out right now, but how can he help you if you don't speak the same language, let alone understand each other? Not to mention... he's talking to a bird, and you’re pretty sure that that is not normal. He turns to you and speaks again, giving you a puzzled look, but all you do is just stare back at him. Only when he makes a gesture with his free hand by opening and closing his fingers together as he mouths words to you do you get an idea as to what he may be trying to say right now.

"Uhh, do you… want me to speak?"

The crow perched on his arm watches you intently, its wings flapping up as it caws loudly after you speak. You grimace at the loud noise, growing a little agitated when it makes the pounding in your head worse, but it's quickly forgotten in a moment. You're absolutely shocked and intrigued when the crow starts speaking as well, and not in just any language, but in English nonetheless!

"Girl, not from here? English! English is what you speak, yes?!"

"W-What?! Yes, correct... how did—"

Before you can even finish your sentence, though, the crow caws loudly once again and then speaks to the man in the other language, which your brain is now finally recognizing as Japanese.



Then does that mean you are in Japan?

Why are you here, and more importantly, how did you get here?

The man rubs his chin thoughtfully as he nods along to the bird speaking to him, then turns his attention back to you. "Ehh... English?" he stammers a little, his brows slightly furrowed as he gazes at you.

You dumbly stare at him, your mind a little slow to catch up to what he had just said, but once it clicks, you nod and quickly try to get up in your newfound excitement. But the rushed movements cause you to clench your jaw and settle back down after causing some pain and discomfort to your tired and aching body. However, with the flames of hope rekindled, you can't stop grinning and ignore the pain.


Maybe there is a chance that you'll find your way out of this confusing situation and figure out who you even are, how you ended up here, and where you live so that you could possibly go back home. He notices the way you subtly wince in pain and fretfully raises his hands in concern, a frown making its way onto his face as he stops you from moving any more. He swiftly stands back up and holds his hands out towards you, lightly pushing them forward in a gesture for you to take hold. Instead of watching you try to painfully get up on your own, he's offering to help you. He's patient as you hesitate for a moment, slowly placing your hands in his as you look up at him momentarily to give him a curt nod, signaling that you are ready to stand up. He hoists you up with a lot more ease than you were expecting and keeps you steady with one of his hands lightly sliding to your arm.

He loosens his grip around your joined palms, but he doesn't release his hold entirely so that you don't lose your balance and fall over.

"Thank you..." you mumble.

After a painfully awkward and very silent minute, you lightly pull away to give the hint that you feel strong enough to stand on your own now. He lets go of you with a small smile, happy that you seem to be fine for now. You can practically see the gears turning in his mind as he then looks off to the side for a moment. He slightly startles you as he suddenly perks up and turns back towards you with two fingers pointed down, making what appears to be a walking motion. You're quick to understand the gesture, so you give another short nod and grin a little as he eagerly nods along.

You're still a little shaky after being on the ground for so long, so you sway a little as you both start to walk, but he's quick to offer his arm for you to hold onto for support. Although you don't want to lean on a stranger so much, you're much too tired to be rejecting the support he's so kindly offering, so you reluctantly grasp onto him in fear of falling down and potentially hurting yourself even more. With your hands firmly secured around his bicep, you carefully walk away from the tree and head towards the dirt road. It proves to be a little difficult as the ground is uneven, and your legs are still trying to get used to being active again after who knows how long you've been out, but you slowly start to get the hang of it.

As he continues to help you walk forward, you become lost in your thoughts once more. The dragging of your feet as well as the subtle change in your scent catch his attention. He suddenly stops walking, turning to face you as his expression shifts, quietly observing you. His gaze holds a gentle kind of warmth that you're entirely unfamiliar with, sympathy and genuine care gleaming from within deep pools of red, and for some reason... you don't think that you've ever had such kindness directed at you before. Not even from a person that you might have known in the past.

And yet, here he was—a total stranger—looking at you as if you had value... as if... you actually mattered. 


How can someone be so gentle, compassionate, and warm?

You don't know why, but those thoughts and feelings nearly make you want to cry; however, you manage to hold yourself together and maintain eye contact for just a few more moments. But it almost feels too intimate to have someone look at you in such a way, as if they were trying to look past what was right in front of them and peek into your very soul. But you don't believe that your soul was meant to be viewed with such closeness and care; it makes you nervous, something deep down inside telling you that you weren't worthy of such things.

So, you quickly look away and try to appear as nonchalant as you possibly can.

But you're unaware that he has a keen sense of smell, although your scent is very faint, and he's able to pick up on your emotions right now, which are a swirling mix of confusion, anxiety, fear, and sadness…

He’s always been so sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others, and you were no exception, even if you were harder to read. He glances in the direction that he was heading in earlier before coming across you, then his gaze slowly falls back onto you. You were clearly very lost, so he couldn't just leave you here. Not that he planned on doing so anyway. He’s hoping to find a nearby village or town where you might be able to receive better help, as he was heading to a mission and needed to focus on it, but you would be safe with him for the time being. And even though you don't understand each other, he thinks it would be best to make sure that you are okay with following him.

Seeming to have luck communicating with you by using his hands and making simple gestures before, he tries once more to get your attention and convey his intentions.

"Do you," he begins by pointing at you, then pointing to himself, "want to follow me? I'm on my way to a mission, but maybe we can find a place along the way and you can get help?" He makes the same walking motion as before as he continues to speak, then points at you again before holding his hand up to his chest and clenching his fist. "You can accompany me, and I'll make sure you're safe until then."

You watch his actions intently. While spoken words may be difficult to understand, body language is fairly easy to decipher if you pay close enough attention, which is exactly what you do. And you think that you get the gist of what he is trying to tell you. He must be asking you to follow him, and while he is a stranger and you should probably be much more wary, you are extremely tired, weak, and very much lost. You have no idea where to go from here. But he most likely knows where the closest town or city is located, so it only makes sense to follow him. He's also been very kind and helpful thus far; he didn't have to go out of his way to help you, but he chose to spare his time to come check on you—a random person that he found laying on the ground in the middle of nowhere—when he could have easily just minded his own business.

Sadly, not a lot of people would have shown as much sympathy as he has.

If someone else had come across you, it's very likely that they would have just left you to rot there. So, you're quite lucky that he was the one to find you. As you see it, there really isn't any other option, so you nod and give a quick thumbs up. He grins once more and slowly leads you down the road, heading in the direction of his mission and where you will hopefully find a village on the way. After around half an hour of walking, a bunch of shouts and wails can be heard in the distance. You both frown and slightly pick up the pace, curious to find out where the noise is coming from.

The shouting gets closer as you make it to the top of a little hill, and you see two figures in the middle of the road, about one hundred yards away from where you stand. It appears to be a woman and a man; he's dressed all in yellow and orange, and his hair is just as brightly colored. He's on the ground, his hands clinging to the woman's clothing as he appears to grovel at her feet. The woman, on the other hand, seems frazzled, and it looks like she's trying to shake him off without having to get too physical, but to no avail.

"I'm begging you, please, marry me! I'll die any day now, and I don't want to die alone!!"

Was this… a lover's quarrel?

In the middle of nowhere?

You and the man with the checkered coat briefly glance at each other, confusion sweeping over your faces.

"What on earth...?" he mumbles to himself.

"Marry meeeee," the man in the distance warbles pathetically. The woman tries to break away from his grasp, but he doesn't budge. "Please, find it within your heart to give me a chance before I inevitably die!!"

A little sparrow quickly flies over, chirping wildly as it lands on your new companion's hand. It seems distressed as it hops around in his palm, its small wings flapping about frantically. This causes a look of concern to cross his face.

"Yes...?" His brows shoot up as its chirps grow more desperate. "Huh...? Okay, I'll try to help!"

Was he... talking to the little bird? First the crow, and now this?

The crow was easier to accept because it actually talked like a person, but this sounded like your average sparrow. You must be going crazy or something because last time you checked, humans and birds did not speak to each other, but he somehow understood them. Little did you know that his ability to understand them was linked with his heightened sense of smell; he is able to perceive things outside of the normal range of perception, such as the feelings and thoughts of other living things.

So, based solely on scent, he could not only grasp people's thoughts and emotions but also those of animals, as long as he focused intensely enough.

He takes off with the little, round-shaped bird, and you rush after him, not wanting to be left behind. Once he gets close enough to the couple, he promptly grabs onto the back of the man's attire, effectively cutting off his wailing as he drags him away from the woman.

His voice is still mellow, even as he rebukes the man with a rather cross look. "What are you doing? Why are you making such a scene in the middle of the road?! She's clearly not interested in you! Also, you're stressing your sparrow out! So could you please stop this nonsense?!"

The man chokes on air after being yanked away from the woman so suddenly. Your new companion looks down at him with a scowl as the man cries and yells even more while trying to grab the woman again. She turns her face away and takes a step back, ignoring his pleas. He blubbers incoherently, tears streaming down his face as he rambles on. But clearly, whatever he was blubbering about was somewhat comprehensive, as the woman immediately screeches very angrily and points her finger at him. She looks like she wants to leap over and smack him as she clenches her fists by her sides, but she miraculously holds herself back.

After a few moments, your companion slowly releases the other man as he seems to calm down a little. The blond stares at him with a tilt of his head as he's released, sniffling pitifully and wiping at his nose.

"Wait... that uniform," his eyes widen a fraction, and he gasps, "aren't you the guy from... Final Selection? I know you!"

"What?" Your companion's face twists. "Don't go pretending like we know each other, cause we don't.. 'kay? You're not getting out of trouble by trying to associate with me."

"HUAAAGH?! But.. we have met! Don’t you remember?! I was standing right by your side at Final Selection as we chose which ore to have our blades forged with! Don't get angry at me when you're the one with a terrible memory!!"

You zone out and look over at the other woman, who has quickly been forgotten now that the two men were too caught bickering with each other. You catch her eye, and she gives a strained smile, so you offer one back. Her expression was one that all women could unfortunately understand at one point or another in their lives; it was the look of a woman who has been dealing with a man for far longer than she'd like. She was trying her best to be polite, but it only made matters worse, and he wasn't taking the hint that she was not interested. Some men were absolutely clueless and persistent, and as she glared at the blonde who was still arguing with your new companion, you knew without a doubt that she felt he was insufferable and she wanted nothing more than to strangle him.

With a quick glance at the men, you turn back to her and nudge your head to the side, wordlessly telling her that this was her chance to leave now without being noticed. She gives another smile, slightly bowing her head as she quickly and quietly walks away and heads down the road. You turn back to the men and become startled as the blonde suddenly realizes that the woman is leaving, yelling once again. You're not sure how his vocal cords haven't given up yet, it's almost impressive how loud he is.


He tries to follow her, but he's stopped once again as your companion sighs in exasperation. "Would you give it a rest already... she wasn't in love with you!"

"How do you know? And why'd you have to get in my way?! This had nothing to do with you!" When your companion only stares at him with a strange look akin to disgust, it sets the blonde off into hysterics. "Why are you looking at me like that?! STOOOP IT!!!! You're staring at me like I'm some sort of pitiful creature or something!! Now, you listen here! The reason I missed out on getting married is all your fault, so you owe me!"

A gust of wind blows by and causes you to shiver, your arms shifting up to wrap around you in a weak attempt to warm yourself back up. Suddenly, the man seems to teleport right in front of you and clings onto your legs, shaking his head around as he squeals in delight. You gasp and swing your arms in a circular motion as you try to stay upright and not fall over from how abruptly he attached himself to you.

"Woahhh, so cute! Where have you been all my life?! Please… I beg of you!! You're the only hope I have left of not dying alone!! I promise I'll be the best husband you could ever have if you could just give me a chance!!"

As quickly as he was latched onto your legs, he's just as quickly removed when your companion snatches him back with incredible speed.

He raises his voice more sternly than before as he scolds him for his behavior. "Hey, don't grab at her like that!"

The man in green looks a little frustrated and displeased at having to restrain the blonde so much, but the man doesn't seem to hear him or care as he continues to reach out for you. He manages to slip free for a split second, almost grabbing you a second time, but your ‘hero’ quickly intervenes once again by jumping in front of you and blocking the man with a deeply disapproving scowl. They collide, bumping heads, and the blond collapses ungracefully and lets out a yelp as he lands on his backside.

"Agh! Go away! Stop interfering with my proposals! Just who do you think you are?!" The blond screeches, pointing an accusing finger at him as he scrambles back up. "What exactly is your name anyway, huh?!"

"My name is Tanjiro Kamado," he states with a hand on his chest. "And you are?"

"Okay, Tanjiro Kamado, my name is Zenitsu Agatsuma! Now, go away and let us get married in peace! I need her to be my wife, so I don't die as a complete nobody!!"

"No!" Tanjiro makes a face, pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes at Zenitsu while he crosses his arms. "Aren't you being a bit dramatic? Why did you even become a swordsman, anyway? You're acting utterly pathetic right now..."

"Well, I got conned by a woman and racked up a lot of debt. The old geezer who took it over for me happened to be a tough-as-nails instructor! He made me train to the bone every day; it was so hellish, I just wanted to die!! I was hoping it'd happen during Final Selection, but since I survived, this nightmare continues to haunt me! You see, I'm not that strong, and I'm absolutely terrified of fighting, and you know what we fight... right? Demons! I don't want to fight demons—I'm going to be eaten!" He grabs at his hair and pulls on it, shaking uncontrollably while biting on his lip. "I don't want to die alone, so that's why I have to marry a beautiful woman before my inevitable death happens!"

"That's— Um, well..." Tanjiro sighs and shakes his head. "Look, I'm sure you aren't going to die. You're a lot stronger than you may think. I mean, you've made it this far, right? You passed the Final Selection, so that has to prove something!"

"Yeah, I guess..." Zenitsu replies hesitantly, not fully sharing Tanjiro's optimism. "It was just dumb luck..."

They stare at each other for a few moments before they seem to calm down even more, turning their attention back to you. You feel so awkward standing there, not understanding a single thing that has been going on.

And the guy who was yelling and crying at your feet just a few seconds ago now stares at you with a curious sort of gleam in his eyes. His voice is more slow and quiet, a startling contrast compared to before, as he squints and leans around both sides of your figure, closely observing your features.

"Hey, now that I really look at her, she doesn't exactly look like she's from here...? Who is she? Where is she from? Why are you two together?"

"I... actually don't know..." Tanjiro rubs the back of his neck as he smiles sheepishly. "My crow spotted her out in a field a while ago, and she seemed lost, so I'm watching over her while I head to my next mission. I'm hoping there's a place along the way where she can receive proper help." He then glances at you, his tone questioning. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name before. Could you tell us?"

You blink, and you imagine your face gives away your confusion because he tries asking you again in a much slower manner, trying his best to get you to understand what he was asking, but it doesn't help much—you still have no clue what he is saying. It hits you once again just how lost you are, and the frustration of not being able to properly communicate with anyone is really starting to get to you. Even though you are in the presence of two other people right now, you've never felt more alone. You don’t know these men at all. You don't know anyone. You don't know this place. And worst yet, you don't even really know yourself right now. 

But what you do know is that you're tired.

Everything also aches.

And you just really want to go home.

Tanjiro's eyes widened slightly, his expression morphing into one of surprise and mild panic. He had momentarily forgotten that you couldn't understand him, and he slumped at the realization that he had unintentionally made you feel even more confused and distressed. You didn't realize that you had started to cry until he cautiously stepped closer, looking at you with a worried expression. The tears slowly slid down your face, and you wiped at them with shaky hands, your breaths coming out uneven and choppy.

"AHHH," Zenitsu yells loudly. "WHY IS SHE CRYING?! WHAT... WHAT HAPPENED?! DID—"

He abruptly stopped when Tanjiro turned around, placing a finger over his lips to shush him before giving you his full attention once again. He hesitated for a moment before reaching out, his hand hovering uncertainly near your shoulder. When you didn't pull away, he lightly rested his hand on your shoulder, offering a comforting presence. Seeing your distress, Tanjiro's heart ached. He wanted to find a way to communicate, to reassure you that you were not alone and that he was there to help. Leaning down, he tried to get a better look at your face, but you were reluctant to let him fully see you cry, stubbornly keeping your head down to cover your expression.

"Are you alright?" Tanjiro asked softly, his voice gentle and soothing.

Even though he knew you wouldn't answer him because you couldn't understand him, he still felt the need to ask. But even if you could understand, you likely wouldn't have answered him anyway. He wouldn't have taken it personally; he understood that you were likely very stressed and not in a talkative mood given your situation. He just wanted to make sure that you were fine, at least in the physical sense, as you clearly weren't feeling well psychologically. He had yet to detect the strong, distinct metallic smell of blood, which was a good sign that you had no vital injuries.

Still, he leaned back, his eyes sweeping over you from head to toe, just to be sure, because he hadn't been able to fully pick up your scent before. Tanjiro's eyes softened as he scanned you for any signs of physical harm. The lack of any apparent wounds was a relief, but it didn't ease the worry in his heart. He understood that emotional pain could be just as debilitating, if not more so, than physical injuries.

After a quick scan confirms your well-being, he speaks once again, hoping to mitigate your growing emotions.

"Hey, everything will be fine; don't worry. I'm here to help, okay? Whatever is going on, we'll figure it out!" Tanjiro's voice was filled with reassurance, his eyes reflecting genuine concern and determination.

As your quiet crying slowly turned into full-blown sobbing, his face fell with growing uncertainty. He had come across a few odd situations throughout his life, but he found himself feeling unsure of what to do in this situation. He had dealt with emotional people before, whether he knew them or not; growing up in a fairly big family with a couple of younger siblings, he was no stranger to random tantrums or crying outbursts—though they were few and far between. With that said, he had some experience and seemed to have a knack for making people feel better, so he took it upon himself to try his best to comfort you in this moment.

But... how does one comfort someone when there are language barriers?

Tanjiro couldn't ignore the potential cultural differences in what was considered acceptable conduct, especially between opposite sexes. He had no idea where you were from, and while most people in his culture were more private and reserved, it wasn't completely taboo to get close to or even touch a stranger in a respectful manner if it was meant to console them. However, he couldn't assume the same norms applied to you, and he worried if he was allowed to do more than simply place his hands on your shoulders, even though his intentions were well-meaning. He truly didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but he felt the need to do something more to offer comfort.

So, tentatively and with utmost respect, he moved closer while opening his arms in a manner that suggested he was offering a hug if you wanted or needed it. His movements were slow, giving you the time to react and reject his advance if you wished. However, you didn't dodge his encroaching figure, allowing him to move forward. Tanjiro took this as a sign that you weren't too uncomfortable with the close proximity. The fact that he didn't smell anything suggesting fear or discomfort eased his mind a little more, even if your scent was harder to pick up than most. You let him close the distance and bring you into his arms, not caring that he or the other man were witnessing an embarrassing little meltdown.

You couldn't blame yourself for feeling overwhelmed and lost in the midst of confusion, exhaustion, and the absence of real memories about your identity. Anyone would be overcome by the torrent of emotions you were currently dealing with in such a situation. Unable to stop the tears or summon the energy to try, you gave in to the growing tide of emotions and pulled yourself closer, crying into his shoulder. The poor man was probably very confused and uncomfortable, but you reminded yourself that he was the one who initiated the consoling embrace in the first place. Even if he had reservations about it, he wasn't doing anything to stop you from soaking the thin fabric of his uniform as you clung to him, so you didn't put too much energy into worrying about it.

As you stood there in his hold, something unexpected happened— you started to feel better.

His presence was indeed soft and warm, and the pressure of his arms loosely wrapped around you was undeniably comforting. His quiet demeanor kept you somewhat grounded, allowing you a moment to self-regulate. Strangely, you didn't feel trapped or have any lingering sense of unease with being so close to a stranger—a man, no less. There was no impression of judgment or discrimination from him; he just felt safe to be around. As Tanjiro held you, you slowly began to relax until you had calmed down enough to take a few deep breaths. Finally, you stepped away, releasing your tight hold of his clothing as you kept your eyes downcast.

Feeling a little embarrassed for clinging to him and crying like that, you couldn't help but mutter, "Sorry about that..." Your voice was soft, barely above a whisper, as you sniffled and wiped at your face.

As Zenitsu put a finger in his ear and twisted it, he exclaimed, "Huh... what? I didn't understand her at all! Wait, are my ears still working, or does she not speak Japanese?!" He stared at you, his voice growing louder as he maneuvered closer to speak directly to you. "Hey, where did you come from?! What language are you speaking?! Whatever it is, it sounds nice! Do you—"

You could feel the tears trying to surface again as he continued yelling in your face. Damn it, not again! You didn't get the feeling that he was yelling at you in an angry way; it was more like he was just a very loud and enthusiastic person. However, you were quite sensitive to someone yelling directly in your face, and it started to overwhelm you to the point of making you want to cry again.

Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, you couldn't help but wonder why you were reacting this way. Zenitsu wasn’t acting scary or mean, but some subconscious impulse seemed to trigger your emotional response. It left you feeling pathetic and weak, a combination that only fueled your frustration further. You were acutely aware of how challenging it must be for them to deal with a random stranger who had become a blubbering mess, especially someone who couldn't even speak their language. The tears threatened to fill your lash line once again, and you struggled to keep them under control.

As Tanjiro fretted, waving his hands around and shooting Zenitsu a subtle glare to stop him from rambling on, he pleaded, "Please, don't cry... I really apologize if we did something to upset you!"

His apology was genuine, and he bowed down low to the ground in a traditional gesture of contrition. Zenitsu squeaked in surprise as he quickly followed suit, adding to the confusion of the situation. You didn't quite know how to react; this sudden display of remorse caught you off guard. The two of them looked a little nervous and frazzled themselves, which momentarily took your focus away from the building pressure inside you that was threatening to burst. You blinked a few times, your voice a little strained as you tried to make sense of it all.

"Uhh...? No, no... please, don't do that!" you managed to say, feeling a mix of surprise and awkwardness at their sudden bowing.

Despite not knowing much about their culture, you were aware that bowing was a significant gesture in Japan, used for greetings, showing respect, apologizing, or expressing gratitude in various social or religious contexts. You didn't know why you knew this, given your lack of memory about any experiences related to Japanese customs, but the knowledge was there nonetheless. And you didn't want Tanjiro and Zenitsu bowing to you, especially in this situation where they didn't need to apologize.

As you grabbed their arms to make them stand back up, you sighed morosely, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on... I don't know where I am. I'm tired and overwhelmed. And I just—"

Your voice trailed off as your body seemed to give up, slumping down with a heavy weight of exhaustion and confusion. You fell silent, except for the occasional sniffle as you tried to regulate your breathing once again. Tanjiro and Zenitsu reacted quickly, helping you back onto your feet with concerned expressions and strained smiles. They exchanged uncertain glances, both feeling the frustration of the language barrier and the difficulty of the situation. They knew they had to keep trying to communicate with you somehow; otherwise, none of you would make any progress. Tanjiro remembered that communication wasn't just about words; earlier, he had managed to convey some understanding to you by using hand signs along with his words.

With that in mind, Tanjiro stood in front of you again and repeated his question, this time using gestures. He pointed to himself, saying, "Tanjiro Kamado," then pointed back at you, silently prompting you to introduce yourself in return or at least acknowledge that you understood the exchange. His expression was hopeful yet tinged with empathy, understanding the overwhelming nature of the situation for you.

As Tanjiro kept repeating himself slowly, trying his best to help you understand that he was giving you his name and asking for yours, his expression showed his desperation to assist you. He wanted to help you, especially now that he could sense your frustration and loneliness through your scent. You blinked a few times, your face scrunching up slightly in concentration as you tried to process his words. He had said something similar earlier, but this time he was pointing at himself as he repeated a few syllables that sounded like "Tan-jiro Kama-doh."

Could that possibly be his name?

You hoped so. It seemed to make sense, especially with him gesturing to himself and pointing at you afterward. Did that mean he was asking for your name? The lump in your throat made swallowing difficult as you desperately hoped that was indeed what he was trying to convey. Otherwise, the prospect of not being able to communicate and get the help you needed left you feeling lost and alone. The prospect of being stuck without anyone or any memories weighed heavily on you, and while it might have been an exaggeration that you'd be stuck here forever, your current mood wasn't the most optimistic or bright. You wanted to figure things out as soon as possible. Constant confusion and uncertainty were unbearable, threatening to drive you mad.

The idea of being completely lost, with minimal memories and little knowledge of survival, terrified you. You took in a shaky breath, pursing your lips as you gathered your courage.

"Are you asking for my name?" Your voice carried a hint of uncertainty as you pointed at yourself, hoping Tanjiro would understand.

His eyes lit up in response, nodding enthusiastically while repeating, "Tanjiro Kamado," and pointing at himself, then back at you with an expectant gleam in his eyes. You could only assume from his reaction that you both had understood what each other was trying to convey, so you smiled a little in hope.

Taking another deep breath, you spoke slowly at first, enunciating as clearly as you could while you pointed at yourself. "My name... is Y/n..."

You repeated your name a few times, and Tanjiro smiled wider each time as he echoed it, committing it to memory. As the smile on your face began to grow, he pointed back at himself and repeated his own name a few more times, ensuring clarity between you both about your identities. It wasn't much, but being able to communicate and understand each other, even if only a little, was enough to make you excited. Tanjiro then turned to Zenitsu, speaking for a few moments before having him do the same thing, which Zenitsu did happily. You felt a little lighter now that you at least knew their names—Tanjiro and Zenitsu. It was a lot better than referring to them by their appearances or behaviors.

Knowing their names helped you feel less lonely and scared. They felt more personal now, more real, if that made any sense. It was like a small anchor in the swirling chaos of confusion and uncertainty that surrounded you. And for the first time since waking up in this strange place, you felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things would start to make sense eventually.

You let out a soft breath, feeling a sense of relief, and smile as you appear less agitated than before. Once they see the change in your demeanor, they start speaking amongst themselves. You catch Tanjiro saying the word 'English,' and Zenitsu peers at you curiously while nodding along. You're definitely curious about what they're discussing, but you don't pay it much mind and continue standing off to the side, your gaze drifting up to the sky. After a few seconds, they stop their conversation and gain your attention again. Tanjiro clears his throat, while Zenitsu tilts his head, looking at you both.

"Y/n-san... uhh, En... English?" Tanjiro asks curiously, trying his best to correctly pronounce the unfamiliar word on his tongue.

You nod in affirmation, realizing they were probably discussing the language you spoke. "Yes, English," you confirm, your voice light and clear.

Tanjiro wanted to double-check what his crow had told him earlier. He smiled when you grinned a little and nodded, taking it as confirmation of what he had learned earlier.

Zenitsu perked up, eager to know more. "So...?"

"Well, it seems my crow was correct. She speaks English. I asked if he would be able to help translate earlier, but he said he couldn't speak it well—only understand," Tanjiro explained.

"You said you were taking her with you, right?" Zenitsu inquired.

"Yes, do you think we'll be able to find anyone who speaks English?"

"Sure, but I highly doubt anyone all the way out here would know anything," Zenitsu replied skeptically, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Your best bet is probably in one of the bigger cities, although... they're a long way away. I think the closest city is about a week-long trek on foot from here."

"That is pretty far..." Tanjiro hummed thoughtfully, nodding in agreement. "Thanks, Zenitsu, that would be great! As long as we can find places to rest along the way, it should be okay," he concluded, turning to you with a gentle smile. "Well then, Y/n-san, will you follow us?"

At the mention of your name and Tanjiro pointing in the direction you were heading earlier, you bobbed your head happily. It didn't take much for you to understand what was going on. He wanted you to follow, and it seemed Zenitsu was joining the journey as well. Tanjiro's grin widened, and Zenitsu bounced with a little cheer, clearly excited to finally have companions after traveling alone for a while. You chuckled, and Zenitsu stopped, staring at you with wide eyes. This was the first time you didn't look confused or upset since he met you.

And now he could hear you better—your inner sound.

Every living being emitted a unique sound, reflecting their thoughts and emotions through frequencies and vibrations. Before, yours had sounded muted and somewhat sorrowful. But now, it was like listening to something soft yet uplifting, akin to wind chimes tinkling in a gentle breeze. Zenitsu's eyes sparkled as he brought his hands together, giggling with newfound delight. You had the most adorable laugh, and Zenitsu couldn't help but be enchanted by it. Sure, he had already found you quite cute, but seeing you smile and hearing your happiness made you even more endearing in his eyes. Call him a fool, but in that moment, he felt like he was in heaven. His face lit up with a dopey smile as he gazed at you, practically falling to your feet in admiration.

You looked down at him, clearly puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor.

"Waaah, she's so cute! I can't believe I get to be in the presence of such a lovely lady~ Oh man, I could actually die happy if I was married to a girl like her. Wouldn't you agree, Tanjiro? Isn't she just the cutest?!" Zenitsu exclaimed, his voice filled with adoration.

You were completely baffled by Zenitsu's outburst, but now that he wasn't crying and screaming every few seconds, you found him rather amusing. He was strange in an endearing way, and his theatrics were entertaining, causing you to laugh along with him. Tanjiro, however, seemed a bit taken aback by Zenitsu's sudden fervor.

"Huh? Uhmm, yes...? I mean... I can agree, she is very cute," Tanjiro mumbled honestly, a faint blush tinting his cheeks as he scratched at his cheek nervously.

Zenitsu's sudden change in demeanor, from giggling on the ground to staring blankly at Tanjiro, was quite a shift. His grin dropped as he processed Tanjiro's words, his expression turning serious as he locked eyes with his new friend.

"So... you think she's cute, too, huh?" 

"Ah, well—" Tanjiro began, but before he could finish, Zenitsu exploded.

"Listen here!! I asked her to marry me first! You got that?!!" Zenitsu's tone escalated rapidly, his eyes narrowing as he directed his words at Tanjiro. "I can forgive you for ruining my first proposal, but I will never forgive you for trying to take this cutie for yourself, alright?!"

"W-What? No, Zenitsu, I wasn't trying to—" Tanjiro stuttered, flustered and unsure how to respond to Zenitsu's sudden outburst.

Tanjiro accidentally made eye contact with you as Zenitsu continued yelling at him, his eyes flashing with a hint of panic and embarrassment before he quickly looked away, his shoulders tensing up. He faced Zenitsu again, waving his hands frantically in an attempt to calm him down.

"Zenitsu, slow down! That's not what I meant at all!" Tanjiro tried to interject, his voice rising slightly in agitation. "There’s no way I would marry her! No, I mean... it's not that I wouldn't marry her because she isn’t cute or anything—she is cute... b-but that's not the point," he rambled on, his words stumbling over each other as he tried to backtrack.

However, Zenitsu's glare remained fixed on him, intensifying the tension in the air.

"That's not what I heard at all! You were practically gushing over her!" Zenitsu retorted, crossing his arms and maintaining his defensive stance.

Tanjiro's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment as he rushed to clarify, "No, no, no! I was just agreeing that she is attractive! But I wouldn't try to marry her, especially just for her appearance! I believe in actually getting to know someone and eventually marrying for love...!"

After his earnest declaration, Tanjiro stood still, completely stiff, staring straight ahead with an awkward grimace. As you observed his obvious discomfort, you couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about the conversation that had unfolded between Tanjiro and Zenitsu. It was clear that something had sparked this awkward exchange, but without understanding their words, you were left wondering about the details.

Damn, you wish you could understand them.

The silence lasted only a few seconds before it was shattered once again by Zenitsu's loud screech. "WHHHHAAAT?! LOOOOOVE?!?!?! DID YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU LOVE HER?!?!"

"N-No! I just met her!" Tanjiro choked out as Zenitsu grabbed him by the collar and started shaking him around wildly. "Where did you get that idea?! I couldn't love her! Well, not that I couldn't... just not right now! Who knows what could happen, r-right?"

Zenitsu's grip loosened slightly as Tanjiro's words spilled out in a flustered rush. He tilted his head, wearing a bemused expression. "Hmm... I see, I see. So you're saying there's a chance?!" he asked, a suspicious glint in his eyes.

Tanjiro's cheeks flushed even more, his embarrassment evident as he tried to regain his composure. "N-No, that's not what I meant at all! I-I was just saying that... umm... love can happen unexpectedly, right? But, uh, that doesn't mean it will happen here!" he stammered, his words stumbling over each other in his haste to explain. "I just meant that if I got to know her—or anyone, really—and fell in love, it would only make sense to get married then!"

Tanjiro finally snapped his mouth closed, his cheeks now dusted a bright red as he quickly turned away, slipping out of Zenitsu's grasp in an attempt to escape the unreasonable wrath of the conversation. He was done with it, feeling slightly awkward and uncomfortable. He didn't understand where Zenitsu was getting all these ideas, but he wasn't going to play into it and make matters worse by trying to explain himself. Yes, he acknowledged that you were cute; he wasn't blind to attractive-looking people. However, the thought of love and marriage had not once crossed his mind. Why would it? He had just met you!

In Tanjiro's mind, he could appreciate the outward beauty of a person, but what he truly admired about someone was what lay in their heart. It took time to really get to know someone on a deeper level. He refused to base his feelings on the shallowness of appearance alone. Not that he thought Zenitsu was shallow, but the blond seemed to already be infatuated with you, and it wasn't entirely hard to understand why. However, Tanjiro didn't feel that way. He simply thought you were nice and, yes, admittedly nice to look at.

That was as far as his thoughts went at the moment.

Tanjiro hadn't thought about relationships at all, especially since becoming a Demon Slayer. He simply didn't have the time or luxury to dwell on such thoughts amidst the dangers and responsibilities that came with his role. However, there was a time when he was younger, living with his family on a mountain, that he briefly entertained thoughts about his future when he got older. It wasn't entirely true that he never thought about love or potentially getting married someday; those were thoughts that crossed his mind, and they represented something he hoped to achieve in his life at some point.

But that was a long time ago, and things were vastly different now...

Tanjiro was indeed at an age where many people started getting serious about their future, but he was far too preoccupied to even entertain the idea of pursuing a relationship. The path of a Demon Slayer was arduous and consuming, leaving little room for personal matters such as romance or marriage. Tanjiro's focus was firmly set on honing his skills, protecting the innocent, and achieving his ultimate goal of defeating Muzan Kibutsuji. In this tumultuous existence, Tanjiro's priorities were clear. His duty as a Demon Slayer came first and foremost. Moreover, the life of a Demon Slayer was fraught with peril. Death was an ever-present companion, lurking around every corner, and the grim reality was that he might not live to see the next few years. The risks were not just hypothetical; they were tangible and immediate.

Every mission could be his last, every encounter with a demon could spell his demise, and his death, if it came, would likely be anything but peaceful.

The thought of love or relationships was a distant concern compared to the urgent tasks at hand—defeating the demon who had torn his family apart, finding a cure for Nezuko, and ultimately, confronting the sinister entity known as Muzan Kibutsuji, whose very existence threatened the fabric of their world. Anything beyond that seemed like a distant dream, a memory from a time when life was simpler and filled with possibilities that weren't overshadowed by the constant threat of demons and darkness. Refusing to dwell on these heavy thoughts, Tanjiro shook his head and started marching off, determined to focus solely on the tasks at hand.

He ignored Zenitsu, who was still caught up in his nonsensical ramblings, preferring the comforting silence of his own thoughts as he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead. 

"Come on guys, let's go!"

You found the whole interaction amusing, even though you didn't understand a word of what was said. The expressions on their faces were priceless. Gathering your bearings, you hurried to catch up with Tanjiro, who was already walking away with purpose. Zenitsu, now quiet and subdued, followed closely behind, the previous commotion settling into a peaceful silence. Despite not knowing where you were headed, you felt a sense of trust and camaraderie with Tanjiro and Zenitsu. They seemed like genuinely good people, and you were willing to follow them wherever they led.

Besides, they were the only people you know right now, and you definitely aren't going to go out on your own, especially since you can't speak Japanese.

Though the path ahead remains uncertain, you take solace in the fact that you are not alone and won't have to fend for yourself in unknown territory. You were going to stick with them, and with the help of these two kind-hearted, albeit peculiar men, you hope to unravel the mystery that has enveloped your existence and reclaim the fragments of your memory. So, with newfound hope, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and you set out on a journey together. You have a feeling that things are only going to get more interesting from here on out. You smile lightheartedly, excited to see where this new path takes you in life.

This was just the beginning...


Taisho Secrets

* The Kasugai crows are specially trained birds, as they are the main method of communication among the members of the Demon Slayer Corps. English is one of the many things that they may choose to learn, although it is fairly basic, as they will rarely encounter people who speak the language. Tanjiro's crow was one of the few to pass the test with flying colors (compared to some of the others...) and can understand the language quite well, however, his speech is somewhat limited.


I've decided to list the characters and their ages here, as I know some readers might miss (or skip) the notes and tags from up above, and I have gotten a few comments/questions about it before. So, here is the list for easy reference. Remember, this is a canon-divergent story, so several aspects from the original Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) universe have been altered, including the characters' ages. All characters (except for a few minors like the three Butterfly Girls, a few other supporting characters, and demons) have been aged up to fit the story's timeline and themes. Otherwise their age is the same or slightly different.

MC: 21
Tanjiro Kamado: 19
Nezuko Kamado: 18
Zenitsu Agatsuma: 20
Inosuke Hashibira: 19
Genya Shinazugawa: 20
Tengen Uzui: 25
Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru: 22-24
Kyojuro Rengoku: 22
Senjuro Rengoku: 15
Shinjuro Rengoku: 42
Mitsuri Kanroji: 21
Shinobu Kocho: 23
Sanemi Shinazugawa: 24
Giyuu Tomioka: 24
Obanai Iguro: 23
Muichiro Tokito: 18
Gyomei Himejima: 28
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: 26
Amane Ubuyashiki: 29
Ubuyashiki Children: 6-13
Aoi Kanzaki: 19
Kiyo, Naho, Sumi: 12-13
Kanao Tsuyuri: 20
Muzan Kibutsuji: 1000+
Akaza: 133+
Tamayo: 500+
Yushiro: 35
Gyutaro: 126+
Daki: 123+
Kokushibo: 480+
Doma: 133+
Hantengu: 200+
Gyokko: 113+

Chapter 2: Demons and Demon Slayers, Oh My! - 悪魔と悪魔のスレイヤー、オーマイ!


You come across a strange house in the woods and you learn a few things in your short time here: very strange, frightening, and powerful monsters that look like humans exist in this world. And it seems like even normal (well sort of) people can be just as strange and frightening!


Kyougi is a traditional packaging material that has been used for a long time in Japan; it is made by cutting red pine trees and shaving them thinly, then drying them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You pant, wiping your hand across your forehead. The sun overhead was now at its highest peak and scorching hot. You've been walking for at least another hour now. It was getting harder to keep going, especially with your legs starting to feel weak again. You didn't want to bother Tanjiro or Zenitsu with something so minor as needing to take a short break since you're sure you've alreadythem enough with your sudden outburst earlier. So, you just grit your teeth and bear it. You could make it! Surely, you would all stop sometime soon to rest, and then you could carry on. There had to be a town or something close by, right? But your luck seemed to have run out, as there were no signs of civilization yet.

Oh well, you could probably use the exercise and should get used to walking again. It didn't seem like many vehicles or other forms of transportation were very common either, especially out in the countryside, which was fine with you. You actually enjoy walking, but it isn't very appealing to you right now, considering you've been doing it for hours, non-stop. And you are extremely tired, hungry, and thirsty. Your stomach decides to growl very loudly then, notifying the other two of your growing hunger, and they turn to look at you. You crack a small, embarrassed grin as you subconsciously cover your stomach by crossing your arms, willing it to be quiet. But it rumbles again, as if in retaliation, demanding to be heard and fed.

You try to stay focused on the road ahead and ignore it, but a light tap on your shoulder stops you in your tracks. You turn around to find Tanjiro smiling softly and procuring a ball of rice, neatly wrapped inside two thin wooden wraps (Kyougi) , from within his coat. He holds the ball of rice out towards you, but you hesitate to grab it. Only when he pushes the offered food closer, nodding encouragingly, do you finally reach out and claim the ball of rice. Inspecting it closer, you see something green sticking to the bottom of it and subtly sniff it, turning it over in your hands. Tanjiro and Zenitsu watch you, finding your curiosity a little amusing and endearing.

Feeling their eyes on you, you look up and smile awkwardly. You're afraid to admit that you have no idea what the green thing is, and it's the only thing preventing you from eating the rice right now. You don't want to seem ungrateful, but you have an aversion to certain textures and tastes, and this seemed like it fit right on the list of things that you would have a hard time stomaching. It looked slimy yet dry and had a salty smell, but it wasn't overly strong. Your reluctance to begin eating gives enough time for Zenitsu's stomach to start growling, drawing everyone's attention to the loud gurgles. He smiles sheepishly and pats around his body, opening his coat up to search for some of his own food, but he comes up empty-handed. 

"Do you not have any food?" Tanjiro asks.

Zenitsu sighs, his lips forming a small pout. "No... it's all gone."

"Ah... sorry. I'm afraid that was my last ration," Tanjiro says, glancing at the onigiri in your hands.

"That's fine… I can survive. She's a lady, so she should have it."

Watching their faces and listening to the way they are speaking, you start to pick up on the fact that they may be hungry and not have any more food. Your gaze slides down to the ball of rice in your hands, and you frown guiltily. There's no way you could accept this now. Without a second thought, you offer the food to Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Their eyes widen as you try to give it back, shaking their heads and waving their hands around as they try to kindly reject you. But you don't give up and keep urging them to take it, turning your head away in a show of reluctance to take it for yourself. Tanjiro starts speaking, probably telling you to just take it, as he firmly but gently tries to close your fingers around the food, but you frown and quickly shake your head as you look at them once more.

Back and forth, the ball of rice is shoved between you until you finally get the idea of sharing it. They might not take it all for themselves, but hopefully they will take their own share, so you don't have to feel bad. Taking the ball of rice, you start to pull it apart and split it into thirds.

Zenitsu gasps, his lips quivering, as his heart warms at the show of kindness. "Woah! She really wants to share with us... she's so nice!"

"Yeah, she really is. But I don't know if I can accept..." Tanjiro agrees with a half-smile. "She probably needs it more than I do."

"Well, I don't think she'll let you go hungry," Zenitsu says as he points out the way you step closer and hold the pieces out towards them with an expectant expression.

They both reach out and take a piece, smiling as they each take a bite of their portion. Zenitsu groans as he finally has a taste of food for the first time in almost two days. He had forgotten that he ran out of his rations, but he was doing fine for the time being and figured he would find somewhere to restock his supply sometime soon. However, he didn't realize just how desolate it was out in this part of the countryside. He ignored the slight hunger pangs that were starting to settle in, but then Tanjiro pulled out his last ration, and his stomach was reminded of just how empty it was at the sight of it. He's pretty certain Tanjiro was also hungry, as he didn’t have much food left either, trying to save as much of it as he could—until he decided to give what was left to you.

Thankfully, you wanted to share it with them. 

Everyone eats their ration with content smiles as you continue on your journey. A couple hours go by and you're still walking, the path leading into a dark forest up ahead—not a single town in sight yet. But you have a little more energy now that you have some food in your system, so you don’t mind continuing on this journey. Before you know it the sun slowly starts to set with about an hour of light left, and you only stop for a short moment when Zenitsu suddenly pauses, his steps slowing down as he tilts his head curiously. Tanjiro looks at him and cocks his head to the side when Zenitsu's face quickly drops, his eyes widening as an uneasy feeling washes over him.

"Do you… hear that...?"

Tanjiro blinks and looks around. "No... I don't hear anything?"

You're curious as to why you’ve stopped and what they're saying, but you don't have a chance to really ponder it as Tanjiro sniffs the air and suddenly tenses up as he walks towards the forest, a bit quicker than before.

"That smell... there's blood!"

Zenitsu's eyes bulge, and his voice grows higher-pitched as he whimpers and chases after Tanjiro. You follow behind them as quickly as you can, catching up once Tanjiro sets foot under the dark shade of the trees, but Zenitsu completely stops in his tracks and refuses to move any further.

"N-No way! We can't go in there! There's probably a demon in there, and I-I'll die!!" he protests loudly.

"Someone may be hurt," Tanjiro says urgently, gesturing into the forest. "We need to go in there and help!"

You shuffle your feet, and Zenitsu's attention snaps to you as he points at you. "W-What about Y/n-san?! We can't take her in there!" Tanjiro purses his lips and almost looks guilty for a second as he glances back at you, scratching his head sheepishly, to which Zenitsu shrieks loudly. "DID YOU SERIOUSLY FORGET THAT SHE WAS WITH USSSS?!"

Even though he knows you have no clue what is going on, Tanjiro feels bad and apologizes to you anyway, bowing down halfway. You are once again confused as to why your name was mentioned all of a sudden, and your curiosity is only peaked as both men look very nervous for some reason. And why did Tanjiro bow to you for the second time today? Seriously, what’s happening now?

He straightens back up and turns to Zenitsu. "Alright, we'll just have to be extra careful, and if anything happens, we'll protect Y/n-san together. Come on, Zenitsu, let’s go!"

Zenitsu's eye twitches as he shouts, waving his arms around. "Are you crazy?! YOU better protect her if anything happens, since you want to go in there so badly! I'm not going in there! I told you I’ll die!!"

Tanjiro's face goes blank. His eyes, which usually look so full of life, appear empty as he deadpans, staring at Zenitsu. His voice becomes unnaturally quiet and cold as he slowly turns around.

"Okay, I will," he mutters. "If you won't help, just stay here then—I'll do it myself…"

His demeanor catches Zenitsu off-guard. The usually boisterous and anxious Zenitsu is left speechless for a moment, his wide eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and uncertainty. As Tanjiro's words sink in, a flicker of guilt crosses Zenitsu's face, realizing the weight of his own fear and reluctance.

"Ehh?! W-Wait! Don't get mad, Tanjiro! That’s even more unsettling!!"

Tanjiro calls out to you, gesturing for you to follow him as he ignores Zenitsu. "Y/n-san, follow me, please. Stay close!"

"Aghh! Tanjiro, just wait a second—" Zenitsu quickly faces you as he’s ignored and cries out for you instead, going to grab your arm as you walk by, but he stops himself at the last second. "Y/n-san, please, hold on! Don't go!"

You're beyond confused right now. Tanjiro calls for you again, so you continue to follow him, but you keep looking back at Zenitsu as he continues fussing right where he stands. What was happening? Tanjiro walks with determination once you fully catch up to him, but you can't help feeling worried about why Zenitsu wasn't coming along. Did they have a fight or something? This is all making you very anxious. Even though you don’t know either of them very well, you didn’t want your small group to get split up.

"Uh, Tanjiro…" you mumble, wringing your hands together before lightly tugging on his sleeve. "What happened? Why isn't Zenitsu coming…?"

You tug a little harder, which makes him finally stop, causing you to lightly bump into him. He turns to you with a blank expression, but it quickly becomes troubled once he faces you and sees the look on your face. He can't ignore how bad he feels now that he's cooled off. And as it turns out, you're very persistent, as you tug on his sleeve again with even more force this time as you try to lead him back to the forest’s entrance, where Zenitsu is still crying. He wasn't one to get upset quickly or easily, and he feels pretty ashamed for the way he had just acted, so he wordlessly follows you back. Zenitsu is sitting on the ground, sniffling to himself, when you see him again. You go up to him as Tanjiro slowly follows behind, and Zenitsu's eyes widen when he looks up to find you in front of him. He cries out your name and sobs, grabbing onto your legs.

You almost lose your balance, but you manage to stay up and begin to awkwardly pat his head as he clings to you like a child.

"Gaahh! Y/n-san, you came back! It's dangerous and scary in there! Tanjiro is crazy! He's gonna get us all killed rushing in there like that!!"

Tanjiro listens from a few feet away, and he doesn't react nor deny what Zenitsu is saying; he wasn’t wrong. Tanjiro had acted a bit rash. He’s always felt responsible for trying to do everything that he can to help others, so he wanted to go as soon as possible after smelling blood. But it wasn't like him to not think things through all the way. It's no excuse, but the anxiety and innate need to help a person who was potentially in danger had gotten to his head. Zenitsu and him both knew something dangerous—likely a demon—was in the forest, but he had gotten so focused on wanting to help whoever else may be in there that he forgot you were with them. All rationality had gone out the window in his desperate need to help someone, which is extremely dangerous and could get them killed.

Even as skilled Demon Slayers, it would be risky going into the forest, and with you tagging along, it only made the situation that much more complex and dangerous if they weren’t careful.

They would have to protect you (should anything happen, which is a high probability) and try to help whoever else was in there, all while trying to fight a demon. You weren't from here; that much was very obvious from the moment he saw you. You didn’t sound or look like anyone around here, and as far as he could tell, you were just a normal person. It was a safe bet to say that you most likely didn't know that demons or Demon Slayers even existed either. And all of that meant that they would have to be extremely careful and make sure you would be safe wherever they took you because you were at a clear disadvantage.

He sighs and rubs the back of his as he finally steps closer, garnering Zenitsu's attention as he sheepishly apologizes to him, while Zenitsu warbles an apology back. You stand there, continuing to awkwardly pat his head, until he finally lets go of your legs and stands up. There wasn't any more time to waste, though, as it was their duty to help those in need. Zenitsu knew they had to go make sure someone wasn't in trouble, as well as Tanjiro, although they would do so more carefully this time! Tanjiro leads the group forward, with you in the middle and Zenitsu sticking close to you in the back. He would jump and squeak at every little sound, and you reached back to pat his arm in reassurance a few times. 

Well... you hoped it was reassuring because you were honestly a little creeped out yourself and would also flinch at random little sounds.

Soon enough, you come across a house hidden within the forest. There's a faint whimper behind some bushes, and you all slowly and cautiously make your way towards it. Tanjiro carefully pulls some branches aside, revealing two young children who stare at your group with wide eyes full of fear. Zenitsu tries to talk to them, but they remain unresponsive until you crouch down in front of them, giving them a gentle smile. Zenitsu and Tanjiro watch as you softly call out to them, your hand slowly reaching out in peaceful display. They hesitate but seem to trust your calm nature and crawl out to grab onto you. You pat them like you had done with Zenitsu, trying your best to comfort the lost and frightened children. They fairly quickly begin to warm up to you, but they become anxious once they figure out that you are a foreigner.

They hadn’t fully realized that you weren’t from here until they had gotten closer to you and saw that you couldn't understand them and that your clothing was different. They were afraid of not being able to communicate their needs, but luckily, Tanjiro and Zenitsu were here, which makes them perk up when they recognize other people. When Tanjiro prompts them to speak, they quickly begin to explain that their older brother had been taken by a monster. They tell him that they had followed the tracks to this house, but they hadn't seen their brother or the monster come out, and they were too scared to go in.

Just then, a loud crash is heard, and you all shoot up to look at the house where it came from. A body comes flying through an open window from the top floor, and you gasp, quickly trying to shield the children from the sight as the body lands on the ground with a sickening thud. Tanjiro dashes forward and tries to help the person who crashed through the window, his heart sinking to his stomach, hoping it wasn’t their brother. The man is barely alive and mutters a few things before he finally succumbs to his injuries. The kids tremble in your hold, and the boy peeks around you.

He whispers, his voice shaking. "Th-That... isn't our brother. He’s w-wearing an orange kimono..."

Tanjiro is relieved that it isn’t their brother, but he's still very troubled and struck with sadness as someone has died.

"I see... so, it's captured more than one person." He looks up at the window and sniffs the air before glancing at the children. "Your brother is still in there, then." He turns to Zenitsu with furrowed brows. "And I can smell blood even more than before..."

The little boy looks at the house and sniffles, grabbing onto you tightly. "More b-blood?! Oh no, can you find our brother? Do you think he's still alive?!"

Tanjiro stands with a small frown on his face. "I'm sure he's fine… don’t worry, it'll be alright. We're going to defeat the bad guy and save your big brother, okay?"

"R-Really? You'll help us?" the little girl asks hopefully, tears slowly dripping from her eyes.

He smiles softly, walking up to her and wiping her tears away. "Yes, of course! I promise to do everything that I can to save your brother. In the meantime, will you please look after this box? It’s more precious to me than my own life, and I’m entrusting it to you," he says earnestly, easing the box off his back.

This would be alright, he thinks to himself. He can leave you and the children outside—away from the danger—while he and Zenitsu investigate the house. 

"Y-Yes! We’ll look after it," the boy proclaims, his eyes shining as he quickly stands by the box.

"Thank you. And I'm sure Y/n-san will take good care of you as well until we come back." He looks at you and smiles warmly, then turns to sadly look at the man lying on the ground, giving a small bow. "I’m sorry I can’t bury you right now, but I promise to give you a proper burial once I return…"

You watch as he begins to walk to the house, but you quickly grab his sleeve for the second time today. Your instincts are screaming at you. This isn’t right; something is very wrong here! Why is he going towards the house?! Some man just fell, or was thrown, out of a window and is now lying dead on the ground!

He pauses and tilts his head as you continue tugging on his sleeve, your voice rising in pitch. "Wait, don’t tell me you’re going in there!”

He silently watches as you quickly move your hands around while talking, your words all jumbled as you try to stop him from going inside. He doesn't know what you're saying, but he can detect the hint of fear and concern coming from you in small waves, so he thinks he understands what you're getting at. It was nice to know that even though you had just met, you seemed to care about their well-being. And while it was dangerous, he was sure they would be fine; he had to at least try to stay positive for his sake and everyone else's, as it was their duty to protect those who couldn't fight for themselves, and he wasn't one to back down when it meant helping others.

He calmly wraps his hands around yours, smiling. "Don't worry, Y/n-san, we'll be fine. Zenitsu and I will take care of this, okay?"

"Uhh... Tanjiro," Zenitsu calls out nervously, "I hear that sound again, and it's really unnerving. It sounds like… a drum."

"A drum? I don't hear anything..."

"Yeah... I don't think we should go in there, especially since that guy is dead! I seriously don't want to die!" Zenitsu exclaims shakily.

Tanjiro's smile falters as he faces Zenitsu, his voice slightly strained. "Are you saying you’re not going to help? You do know that we're the only ones that can do this, right…?”

"Yes, but I told you that I’m a weakling, so I'll definitely die! What good will I be if I end up dead as soon as I step foot in there?! I'll— I’ll just stay here! Yeah... I can watch over the kids and Y/n-san while you go in there, save their brother, and get rid of the demon!!"

Tanjiro slowly turns his back to Zenitsu, huffing under his breath. "Alright, then… have it your way."

Zenitsu freezes and yelps as he catches a glimpse of his expression. "Aaahhh! Tanjiro, please don't look like that… it’s way too scary!!"

Zenitsu quickly realized that he did not like it when Tanjiro's mood and face shifted like that. It was as if he was seeing two different sides of the same person, and the contrast was extremely unsettling. Despite not knowing each other for long, he had grown accustomed to Tanjiro's usual warmth and kindness, which made his sudden change in demeanor even more jarring. Tanjiro's transformation from gentle to stern underscored the seriousness of their situation and the gravity of their responsibilities as Demon Slayers, leaving no room for argument or hesitation.

"O-Okay fine, I'm coming with you! You win, alright?!"

"Don't let me force you," Tanjiro emphasizes with a hint of displeasure in his voice as he mutters the words.

Zenitsu scrambles and grabs onto Tanjiro's arm as he squeaks. "Ah, I'm sorry! Seriously, don't be mad! I said I'll goooo!!"

Tanjiro ignores him and turns back to you, his expression more relaxed as he nods, and you can only watch as he walks inside the house with Zenitsu in tow, who continues whining as he reluctantly follows him inside. As they close the door, you turn to the boy and the box on the ground. You carefully push and pull the box to a nearby tree with the boy helping you while the little girl hovers around and watches. You’re pretty curious, so you knock on the box, but you don't hear anything except the soft echo of your knuckles on the wood. You wonder what could be in there as it was fairly heavy, but you don't dare open it, as you can’t invade Tanjiro's privacy or personal belongings like that.

But you can’t help thinking to yourself: how does Tanjiro casually carry that on his back?!

Once you're done getting the box into a more hidden place, the little girl shyly reaches out to grab your hand as she sidles up to you, and you smile down at her. You gather around and sit down against a tree, picking at the grass and leaves strewn on the ground for a few minutes, placing the foliage in their hair to pass some time. It’s a good distraction for a while as they giggle and try to stop you. You were still on edge about this situation, though, but you tried your best to keep calm as you all waited for Tanjiro and Zenitsu to come back, not wanting to upset the children anymore than they had been. 

Although it was fairly difficult to do knowing that there was a dead body not even twenty feet away…

It would be dark very soon, so you hoped they'd be quick, considering it was already fairly creepy outside and you didn’t know what dangers could be lurking in the woods surrounding the area. After a couple of minutes of you all sitting in silence, with the last rays of sunlight filtering through the trees, you slowly start to drift to sleep as the night creeps in, your exhaustion from the day finally catching up to you. It only feels like a few seconds since you fell asleep when you're woken up to the sound of loud bangs—like a set of drums. Your eyes shoot open, and you blink a few times as you adjust to the darkness. A cool breeze makes you shiver, and your heart starts to pick up its pace as you realize that Tanjiro and Zenitsu still aren't back out yet.

The weird drum sound begins again; it’s faint but loud enough for you to hear it, so you slowly sit up to try to hear it better, careful not to disturb the children who are blissfully unaware. You make sure they’re asleep and tucked away before you stand up and slowly make your way towards the house. It probably was a very bad idea, but you were going to do some investigating now, as you couldn't handle not knowing what was going on inside.

Those two should be out by now… right? 

It must have only been around half an hour since you fell asleep. You think they may be searching the place for other people, as some man had fallen out of a window earlier, but surely it shouldn’t be taking this long to investigate. The house seemed old and empty, so no one else should be here. But then… where was that banging coming from? It was odd and unsettling, especially in the dead of night. Your curiosity and concern growing stronger, you move cautiously towards the house, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger. The wooden porch creaks as you approach the door and slowly begin to push it open. It's so dark and you can barely see anything, but you step inside anyway, slightly shivering from the draftiness in the house. Chills run over your arms and back as the drum sounds again, and suddenly there's a bright light. You then squeak in surprise when something collides with you, sending you tumbling to the ground.

"Y-Y/n-san, what are you doing here?!" 

You look up to see Zenitsu's shocked face, his wide eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and relief upon recognizing you. As he reaches out to help you stand up, his trembling legs and hands betray his nervousness, adding a sense of urgency to his actions.

"Zenitsu?! What's going on…?"

He doesn't answer you. Even if he did understand your question, he'd probably still be too out of it to properly answer it. All you receive in reply is a shriek as the drum sounds again and the room suddenly changes before your very eyes, completely disorienting you.

"Agggh!! We gotta get out of here!" Zenitsu wails as he grabs onto your arm, running around as you try to gather your bearings. 

Zenitsu flings open a random door, only to be greeted by a bizarre creature that leaves him as pale as a ghost. The creature huffs through its nostrils and charges at both of you, sending you scrambling and tumbling to the ground in a panicked frenzy. However, to your surprise, the creature effortlessly leaps over your heads, continuing its mad dash down the hall, all while emitting an unsettling cackling sound. As you watch the bizarre figure disappear into the darkness, a sense of bewilderment washes over you. It takes a moment for the realization to sink in—the creature was not some otherworldly being, but a man wearing a mask resembling a boar's head.

What in the world?!

The cacophony of the cackling gradually fades into the distance, leaving you standing in stunned silence beside Zenitsu, who remains frozen in place, his expression locked in perpetual shock. The question lingers in the air, almost palpable—is Zenitsu even breathing? The surreal sequence of events leaves you both in a state of disarray, trying to make sense of the strange encounter in the dimly lit hallway. In the midst of the chaos and confusion, you manage to jolt Zenitsu back to reality with a simple utterance of his name.

"Uhh, Zenitsu…?"

His response is a piercing screech that reverberates through the eerie surroundings, filled with terror and a sense of impending doom. "HYYYYYAAAGHHH, WHAT WAS THAT?! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!!"

Although his words are incomprehensible to you, the urgency in his voice is crystal clear, resonating with your own instincts to flee from the unsettling place. Agreeing with Zenitsu's plea to escape, you take hold of his sleeve and begin to pull him along, determined to leave this unsettling environment behind. However, a strong sense of loyalty tugs at your heartstrings, reminding you that you cannot abandon Tanjiro in this mysterious and foreboding place. With a resolute determination, you set out to locate your companion before making your escape. Guided by a faint glow emanating from behind a screen, you hasten towards the illuminated room, sliding the screen open with a sense of urgency. Your eyes meet a pair of maroon orbs that belong to none other than Tanjiro, providing a moment of relief and reassurance in the midst of the unsettling events that have transpired.

With a sense of urgency and relief, you call out to him, "Tanjiro!" 

Tanjiro has an expression of shock and relief upon seeing you and Zenitsu. "Y/n-san? Zenitsu? Where did—"

His attempt to speak is cut short as you seize his sleeve, urging both him and Zenitsu to follow as you navigate through the room in search of an escape route. Your small group stumbles forward, your movements unsteady and filled with a sense of urgency and confusion. As you push through another door, determined to find a way out now that you have reunited with both of your companions, a sudden tremor rocks the room, sending a wave of panic through the group. The sound of a deafening bang reverberates through the space, accompanied by a disorienting shift that alters the room's surroundings.

Before you can fully process the situation, another bang disrupts the room, causing it to spin wildly, throwing off your balance. Losing your footing on the now-unstable floor, you find yourself sliding uncontrollably as Zenitsu's cries of fear fill the air. The chaotic movement comes to an abrupt halt, leaving you, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro sprawled in a tangled heap on the ground, groaning in discomfort as you try to make sense of the bewildering turn of events that have unfolded before you.

Zenitsu sprang up into a sitting position, his eyes wide with fear as he clutched onto Tanjiro's arm. "AHHH! THE DEMON IS HERE! TANJIRO, DO SOMETHING!"

“Calm down, Zenitsu!” Tanjiro's voice was firm yet reassuring as he briefly patted Zenitsu's arm before standing up. "Are you guys okay?"

He extended a helping hand to you, making sure you were steady on your feet. When Zenitsu finally nodded and also stood back up with shaky legs, Tanjiro began to scan the room with a determined expression. The atmosphere felt tense; the room seemed tilted sideways, and all of you were somehow on the wall, defying gravity.

"Why do the rooms keep changing all of a sudden?" Zenitsu's voice trembled with anxiety as he whipped his head around, moving closer to both of you for comfort and safety.

"This must be the demon's Blood Art," Tanjiro muttered, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed the situation. "Alright, we've got to find those kids' brother fast and then deal with the demon. But first… we have to get Y/n-san out of here—it’s not safe right now."

"You're telling me," Zenitsu agreed with a nervous pout, his hands still trembling slightly.

"Speaking of which… why is she here? This isn't good..."

"I don't know… she just showed up! But I’m glad she did, I was all alone, and I kept hearing terrifying sounds everywhere!”

"Alright… well, we'll just have to be extra careful for now. The demon must be somewhere close since the room got flipped, so we better hurry."

Tanjiro turned to you, offering a small smile as well as a few reassuring words, hoping it would ease your nerves. He could sense your confusion and fear, evident in the way your scent had changed; it was by far the strongest he had smelled from you since meeting. Despite trying to keep a brave face, your underlying emotions were palpable to him. You tried to focus on Tanjiro's voice, finding solace in its calm and reassuring tone, which slightly eased your nerves. However, strange occurrences were unfolding around you, and you couldn't shake off the unease creeping up your spine. Your heart raced, nearly leaping into your throat with each unexpected twist in this surreal situation. This wasn't just unusual; it was outright bizarre. Rooms weren't supposed to change their orientation like this!

Despite the growing anxiety, you forced yourself to believe that everything would eventually return to normal—that there was nothing truly to fear—everything would be fine.

"Ah man, how are we supposed to get out if the room isn't the way it should be?! The door is all the way up there now!" Zenitsu exclaimed, pointing upwards in disbelief.

Tanjiro's gaze followed Zenitsu's gesture. "Well… we'll have to climb out!"

"HUH?!” Zenitsu's disbelief echoed through the room.

You followed Tanjiro to a wall and looked up as he grabbed onto a desk that miraculously stayed in place despite the room's bizarre flip. Most of the objects inside, including the furniture, seemed to defy gravity, adding to the surreal atmosphere. Tanjiro tested the stability of the desk by placing both hands on it and pulling himself up. Satisfied with its strength, he bent down and extended his hands to you, while Zenitsu offered his support by interlocking his hands to create a step for you and pushing you up along the way. The desk wasn't large, but with everyone's help, you managed to climb onto it. Tanjiro guided you to the next stable object, encouraging you to go first as you cautiously made your way through the topsy-turvy room. Slowly but steadily, you progressed, hopping from one piece of furniture to another until you reached a point where there was nothing left to climb on. Luckily, your ascent halted at a substantial bookcase that could accommodate all three of you.

As you scanned the room for another potential escape route, a low voice interrupted your thoughts.

"How annoying… where is he?! That pesky human!"

"Th-That sounds like a demon!" Zenitsu's voice trembled with fear.

Bang! Bang!

The room's sudden flip sent everyone spinning, undoing all the progress made in climbing. As everyone slowly sat back up, disoriented and trying to regain their bearings, a peculiar figure with drums appeared in the doorway. His grayish skin and grotesquely long, sharp nails immediately set off alarm bells in your mind. Before you could even begin to wonder about his identity, he banged the drums again, sending everyone except himself tumbling and sliding uncontrollably across the room. You found yourself landing unceremoniously at his feet, staring up at him in shock. Up close, he appeared formidable, almost monstrous. His unnaturally red eyes and razor-sharp teeth added to the unsettling aura he exuded. And those drums—were they somehow a part of him?

You gasped as pain shot through your scalp when he grabbed your hair, lifting you up and turning your face to inspect you. "Hmm, this certainly is a strange one…” His voice was quiet as he assessed you. “But not what I’m looking for..."

Your heart raced as you realized you were face-to-face with a being that was far from human—a realization that sent chills down your spine.

"Hey," Tanjiro shouted, scrambling up onto his feet, his expression alarmed. “Put her down!”

The demon's disdainful gaze shifted to Tanjiro. "So… annoying! Stop all the yelling; it’s rude! You humans are in my home!"

Zenitsu, visibly trembling, managed to squeak out, "N-Not until you l-let her go!"

"How irritating..." The demon released his grip on you, tossing you away from him as he grumbled. "You are not welcome here—get lost or else! You're all wasting my time..."

Tanjiro's resolve hardened as he pulled out his sword, assuming a fighting stance. "I'm sorry, but we can't do that. It is our duty to slay you and save the people here, so we will not leave until our job here is done!"

The demon's growl reverberated through the room, setting the stage for a fierce confrontation. Tanjiro leaped forward with his sword poised to strike, but his attack was disrupted as the demon struck one of the drums on his body again. You let out a terrified shriek as the room spun once more, sending you tumbling downward. Zenitsu's panicked screams filled the air as he was flung out of the door, vanishing into another part of the mysterious house. Tanjiro managed to land on his feet, his worry evident as he called out to you. Before he could reach you, a figure you recognized as the boar man from earlier burst through a screen wall, wielding two serrated blades and cackling maniacally. He aimed one blade at the demon, shouting something indiscernible before lunging at him. However, the demon swiftly activated a drum, sending everything spinning once again. The boar-masked man was flung back, inadvertently stepping on you in the chaos.

Tanjiro gasped and rushed over, pulling the boar man off of you protectively. "Watch out!"

The boar man landed on his feet, seemingly unfazed. "Who the hell are you…?" he drawled, eyeing Tanjiro with a mix of irritation and curiosity.

Ignoring the question, Tanjiro helped you up, keeping you close to his side. He then turned to face the boar man, his expression stern. "Who are you to question me when you’re the one stepping on a woman without any care?" 

"I didn't see her..." The boar man's tone remained indifferent as he shrugged nonchalantly, punctuated by another bout of laughter. "Hahaha, you got spunk—I like that! Having someone send me flying, that's a first for me!"

With a sudden burst of energy, the boar man charged at both of you again, his serrated blades gleaming dangerously. Tanjiro swiftly leaped back with you in his arms, narrowly avoiding the deadly blades. Your heart raced with adrenaline, thankful for Tanjiro's quick reflexes that prevented a potentially disastrous outcome. 

“Wait a minute! Stop! Aren’t you on our side?!” Tanjiro yelled, frustration evident in his voice as the boar man continued his aggressive advance.

As the chaos unfolded around them, Tanjiro and the boar man locked in a tense confrontation, the Drum Demon grew impatient. With a snarl, he struck another drum, causing the floor between them to shred apart. A second strike sent everything spinning once more. The boar man crashed through another screen, landing on his back with a grunt. Tanjiro swiftly pulled you close, shielding you as the room flipped and rolled, the building's structure shifting wildly. Despite the disorienting turmoil, Tanjiro held onto you tightly, ensuring your safety as best as he could amidst the chaos.

He cradled your head carefully, shielding you from harm until the room finally came to a stop. As the room settled, Tanjiro glanced up, surprise flickering across his face at the Drum Demon's apparent indifference. The demon, muttering under his breath, seemed more preoccupied than hostile, hitting another drum which lead to the demon completely disappearing as the room changed once more. Tanjiro couldn't shake off his confusion. Why hadn't the demon shown more interest or aggression towards either of you or the boar-masked man?

It was almost as if the demon had other concerns, like he was searching for something specific...

As the room settled into its new configuration, Tanjiro sat up and gently released you, helping both of you back onto your feet. It was only then that you realized how tightly you had been clutching onto his coat, your knuckles turning white from the strain. Despite your efforts to steady yourself, the tremors running through your body betrayed the fear that gripped you. Tanjiro's keen eyes didn't miss a beat as he observed your hand gripping his haori, a slight frown creasing his brow. It wasn't about the fabric; he wasn't concerned about his haori being ruined. His worry was solely focused on your well-being and how you were coping with the unsettling situation. If holding onto his haori provided you with even a fraction of comfort, he welcomed it wholeheartedly.

He met your gaze and offered a soft smile, his voice carrying reassurance. "It's gonna be fine; don't worry. Just stay behind me," he said, his tone gentle yet firm.

Despite the language barrier, Tanjiro's words conveyed a sense of reassurance that resonated with you, instilling a belief that everything would indeed be alright. In the short time you've known him, Tanjiro had already proven himself to be kind and capable, going above and beyond to help and protect you without hesitation, earning your complete trust. With a small nod, you followed Tanjiro as he led you to a sliding door, cautiously peeking outside before guiding you down a quiet corridor.

The peaceful silence was a stark contrast to the chaos you had just escaped from, allowing a moment of calm amidst the storm.

However, that tranquility was shattered when Zenitsu came barreling around a corner, his cries of terror filling the air. In his panic, he collided with Tanjiro, sending both of them tumbling. Tanjiro flew backwards a few yards and hit a wall with a grunt, the impact knocking the wind out of him, while Zenitsu clung to your leg, too frightened to realize what he had done. You winced from the force of Zenitsu's impact, feeling exhausted and sore from the day's ordeals without much rest.

Struggling to maintain your balance, you managed to ask with a strained voice, "Z-Zenitsu, are you okay?"

"AGGGGGH!!! THERE'S A D-D-DEMON!!" Zenitsu's terrified scream echoed through the hallway, his fear palpable as he clung to you for safety.

The scene escalated into a nightmare as something emerged from the same corner Zenitsu had just raced around. Its grotesque appearance, with a long tongue dangling from its grinning mouth, sent shivers down your spine. Frozen in terror, the hair on your neck stood on end, and a chill ran through your veins at the horrific sight. Before you could react, Zenitsu suddenly fainted, becoming dead weight and pinning your leg down. The pain caused you to yelp, and you felt a sharp sting as your hand scraped against the floor from the impact, leaving it bleeding. Despite the chaos, you tried to shake Zenitsu awake, but he remained unresponsive. Panic surged through you as you realized you were trapped, unable to move with a monstrous creature approaching.

"Mmm, I can smell something... delicious! It's her... her blood," the creature gurgled hungrily, its tongue swiping out as it took a step closer, baring its menacing teeth.

You looked up to see the monster drawing nearer, your fear reaching its peak as you screamed, "Ahhh! Zenitsu, get up right now!!"

The urgency in your voice mirrored the terror that gripped you, knowing that time was running out as the creature closed in. It moved terrifyingly fast, its tongue spitting out like a chameleon's, aimed straight for you. Every one of your senses dulled as you faced the strong probability of death. All you could think, hear, or see was the ugly creature before you. This was it—you were going to die! You closed your eyes, bringing your arms up to pathetically shield yourself as best as you could, bracing for the worst, expecting nothing but pain and bloodshed.

But nothing happened...

You cracked an eye open just in time to see part of the creature's tongue falling to the ground in front of you. You stared at the grotesque muscle as it flopped nearby, blood splattering on the floor. The creature cried out, looking surprised at the sudden loss of its tongue tip. A sudden wave of nausea threatened to overwhelm you, but you squeezed your eyes shut and took a few deep breaths to quell the rising discomfort. When you opened your eyes again, you saw Zenitsu standing up with his head held down, one arm out in front of you while the other gripped a sword by his side. The creature scowled, and you blinked away a few tears as Zenitsu slid a foot back, leaning forward with both hands now firmly gripping the sword. His eyes remained closed, and he breathed in sharply through his teeth, a small billow of air puffing out as he exhaled. Zenitsu's transformation from fearful to focused surprised both you and the creature.

With a determined stance, he faced the monster head-on, ready to protect you at all costs.

"Huh...? You're not the same as before, boy. No matter, I'll deal with you... and then eat her!" the creature snarled, its tongue lashing out again.

Zenitsu's hands swung up with lightning speed, his sword slicing through the appendage effortlessly once again. The creature howled in pain, its tongue thrashing wildly as it prepared to retaliate. However, before it could make a move, an electric tension filled the air around Zenitsu, crackling with power. The sensation was akin to static electricity, making the hairs on your arms stand on end as you watched in awe. Zenitsu muttered lowly, his body tensing up as he prepared his next move.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form—Thunder Clap and Flash!"

Within the blink of an eye, Zenitsu dashed towards the monster, lightning crackling along his trail as he sliced through its neck in a single, fluid motion. It happened so swiftly that you barely had time to register what had occurred before it was over. You stared in complete shock and awe at the incredible display of skill and power. As the head of the creature rolled to Zenitsu's feet, he seemed to snap out of his trance, shaking his head and blinking rapidly.

A moment of realization hit him, and he jumped away from the severed head with a startled shriek. "Ahhh, it's dead! W-What happened?! Ugh, that's so creepy!"

He quickly ran over to your side, throwing himself down beside you and whimpering, clearly rattled by the sudden turn of events. Meanwhile, Tanjiro stumbled back over to you both, panting slightly with a worried expression etched on his face.

"Are you... both okay?" he asked, his posture slightly hunched as he surveyed the scene, concern evident in his eyes.

Tanjiro's worry for both of you was evident, especially after the chaos that had just unfolded. Earlier, Zenitsu's speed had sent him flying into a wall at the other end of the corridor, knocking the breath out of him and exacerbating a previous rib injury. While trying to catch his breath and recover, he had been momentarily incapacitated, unable to move even when he heard your screams of terror. However, seeing that both of you appeared shaken but relatively unharmed, apart from your hand bleeding from a scrape, eased some of his worry. Zenitsu, too, seemed fine despite the shock of the situation. Tanjiro's gaze drifted to the remains of the demon's body and head a few feet away, slowly burning. His expression turned quizzical, about to ask what had happened, when the Drum Demon suddenly returned as the room changed once again, looking angry yet oddly thrilled.

As the drum demon approached, it spoke with a chilling determination. "I didn't notice it before, but that scent is unmistakable. She's a Marechi! The blood spilling from her wounds, though, is different... and much stronger. I must have it! Give... her... to me!!"

Tanjiro and Zenitsu shared a wide-eyed look, immediately understanding the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, they positioned themselves in front of you, drawing their swords and assuming a defensive stance, determined to shield you from the approaching threat. The sudden change in the demon's focus, targeting you specifically, was alarming and dangerous.

"Zenitsu, do you think you could take Y/n-san to safety and find those kids' brother?" Tanjiro's gaze remained locked on the advancing demon, his expression tense with determination. "I'll trust you to do that while I handle the demon..."

As Zenitsu quickly led you away to search for the missing boy and escape the danger, the drum demon unleashed its fury with a resounding yell, setting off the drums as you were taken farther from the confrontation. Meanwhile, Tanjiro anticipated the demon's next move, readying himself for the inevitable clash. With each bang of the drums, Tanjiro leaped and spun through the air, narrowly avoiding the demon's attacks with precise movements. He watched closely as the demon manipulated the room, studying the patterns of the shifting environment and the effects of each drumbeat. Despite his growing familiarity with the chaos, the speed of the demon's movements increased, testing his agility and focus. His determination to strike back wavered momentarily as he felt the strain of his old wounds, the ache intensifying with each dodge and counter.

The thought of being torn apart if he made a mistake loomed over him, reminding him of the stakes of the battle.

"Give up, boy, you cannot win this fight," the demon snarled, its taunts fueling Tanjiro's resolve.

Tanjiro's determination blazed within him, refusing to yield despite the relentless onslaught from the demon and the increasingly chaotic environment. He knew that giving his all was the only option, as the lives of everyone around him hung in the balance. With every leap and stumble, every near miss and collision with objects in the room, Tanjiro fought to maintain his focus, his eyes never straying from the demon he had to defeat. The demon's relentless drumming and fervent cries echoed through the room, each beat intensifying the struggle for Tanjiro. But he couldn't afford to falter. He couldn't allow the demon to succeed in its twisted desires.

The demon's furious cries echoed through the room, its obsession with obtaining your blood driving it into a frenzy. "BRING HER BACK! I NEED IT!!! SHE'S MINE! IT'S MINE... HER BLOOD IS MINE!!!"

"I’m not going to give her to you," Tanjiro declared, his grip on his sword hilt tightening with resolve.

“Don’t get in my way, boy! You're ruining my plans! Her blood will make me stronger! Her blood will make my powers even better than before; it's too weak and meaningless as it is now!” the demon retorted, its words dripping with greed and malice.

"You’re already stronger than most humans, and likely other demons! You don't need it—your Blood Art is incredible!" Tanjiro's voice cut through the chaos, filled with conviction. "There is no reason good enough to spill an innocent person’s blood for your own greed! I won't allow you to harm anyone else!"

As the demon reacted with surprise for a fleeting moment before doubling down on its assault, Tanjiro struggled to maintain his balance amidst the chaotic spinning of the room. His head throbbed with dizziness, and his body protested with every jostle, each movement adding to the growing ache that spread throughout him. With determination burning in his eyes, he knew he had to bring an end to this frenetic battle before exhaustion consumed him entirely. Dodging the onslaught of attacks became increasingly difficult, and a large piece of broken furniture nearly sent him crashing down, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain as he fought to stay upright.

With each passing moment, Tanjiro's energy waned, his body aching from the relentless assault. With determination fueling his last surge of energy, Tanjiro spotted an opening and seized the opportunity. Focusing all his strength, he lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air in a decisive strike. The demon's eyes widened in disbelief as its neck was cleanly severed, its head tumbling to the ground with a resounding thud. Tanjiro landed, panting heavily as he struggled to catch his breath, the exertion taking its toll on his body.

However, his moment of triumph was short-lived as a sharp, stabbing pain shot through him.

"Aah—aughhh..!" he groaned, clutching his chest in agony as he fell to his knees.

Tanjiro remained on his knees, his chest heaving with each labored breath as he fought to regain his composure. The strain of the battle and his deep concentration had led to a sudden physical backlash, causing his ribs to protest fiercely with the sudden intake of a deep breath. He winced in pain, trying to find a semblance of calm amidst the throbbing ache that radiated through his torso.

"Boy," the demon's slurred voice echoed in the aftermath of the battle, "answer me. Did you really mean... what you said? You think I am strong? You think my Blood Art was... incredible?"

Tanjiro kept his gaze fixed on the ground, his features contorted in a pained grimace as he struggled to find his composure amidst the discomfort. "Yes, I truly did..."

There was a moment of silence, broken only by the sound of Tanjiro's ragged breathing. Then, the demon spoke once more, its voice fading as its form began to disintegrate into ash.

"I see..."

With a sigh, Tanjiro slowly stood up, steadying himself against the wall as he awkwardly navigated his way out of the house. The scent of blood caught his attention, prompting him to quicken his pace despite the lingering pain. His primary concern was ensuring everyone's safety, pushing past his discomfort to confirm that everything was alright. Upon reaching the outside, he spotted the children along with an older boy in an orange kimono, huddled together. Relief flooded him as he realized they had been reunited with their brother. That meant Zenitsu and you had successfully located him and managed to escape—an immense relief washed over him.

However, their expressions of fear drew his gaze further, leading him to Zenitsu, who appeared battered and bruised while clutching his box.

Standing over him was the boar man, demanding a fight with a resounding, "Fight me!"

Tanjiro's eyes widened in shock as he took in the chaos unfolding before him, struggling to process the scene. Zenitsu remained unmoving, prompting the man to resort to kicking him repeatedly, a cruel display of aggression. Meanwhile, you were valiantly attempting to intervene, your efforts met with frustration as the man easily brushed you aside with minimal effort, infuriating you further. Realizing that mere pulling and smacking were ineffective, you unleashed a more aggressive assault, clawing at the man's shoulder in a desperate attempt to stop him. The sudden pain jolted the man out of his disregard, and he swiftly turned his attention towards you. Gripping your wrists firmly, he swung you aside with force, his anger palpable as he huffed through his mask.

"Alright, you wanna fight me?! I'll take you down!" he growled, his tone filled with agitation as he prepared for a confrontation.

He stomped towards you with a menacing stride, delivering a brutal kick to your side as you attempted to rise. The impact forced a pained grunt from your lips, but determination kept you trying to stand. Another kick sent you tumbling, your body rolling into a tree with a sickening thud. The collision jolted your head, nearly knocking you unconscious as your vision swam and your breath came in ragged gasps.

"Come on, get up and fight me! I won't hold back just because you're a girl!" his taunts rang in your ears.

Just as the man readied his blades to strike, Tanjiro finally snapped out of his stupor and sprang into action, charging forward with raw determination.


His voice carried a mix of fury and concern as he launched forward. The man turned, only to meet Tanjiro's single, powerful punch to the ribs head-on. The impact sent him hurtling through the air, a loud crack echoing through the air as he collided with the ground. As your vision blurred and faded in and out, you couldn't help but wonder if that sound was the man's ribs breaking under the force of Tanjiro's blow.

Darkness enveloped you as you succumbed to the agony, slipping into unconsciousness with Tanjiro's defiant cry echoing in your ears.


Taisho Secrets

* Marechi is a rare blood type that is favored and sought after by demons. Eating a human with Marechi blood is equivalent to eating one hundred humans—giving them more strength and power. He had taken the childrens' older brother because he was a Marechi. According to the Drum Demon, you are also a Marechi, but your blood is stronger than any other blood that he has come across.

* When Zenitsu passes out he becomes stronger as he is no longer held back by his own fears and insecurities. However, he usually doesn't remember what happens while in this state!

Chapter 3: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - 一歩進んで二歩下がる


Tensions rise and conflict ensues, and just when the group starts to get along, another argument sets them back.


▸ Bolded words, encased by a single quotation mark ( ' ) are a character's thoughts.

▹ A chabudai (卓袱台 or 茶袱台 or 茶部台) is a short-legged table used in traditional Japanese homes. The original models ranged in height from 15 cm (5.9 in) to 30 cm (12 in). People seated at a chabudai may sit on zabuton (a traditional Japanese cushion) or tatami (types of mat used as flooring material in traditional Japanese-style rooms) rather than on chairs.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tanjiro stands rigid, his body slightly shaking in anger. "Aren't you part of the Demon Slayer Corps? You should know it's taboo for us to fight each other without provocation, but here you are, giving them a completely one-sided beating. Is that fun for you?" He asks sharply, glaring down at him. "You are the lowest of lows."

The man lays there and starts cackling with a ragged cough. "Hahaha, so that's how it is? I didn't realize..." He sits up halfway to look back at Tanjiro. "In that case, let's fight—you and me!"

"No! Didn't you hear a word I just said?! Listen—"

Surprisingly, the man flips back up onto his feet before sprinting towards him. Tanjiro tries to reason with him as he starts throwing punches, but it's futile. The man's stubbornness and desire for battle override any sense of reason. Tanjiro dodges the initial flurry of attacks, his mind racing. He can't keep fighting this man, not with you and Zenitsu injured and in need of help.

He tries to call out to him again. "Stop this! We need to work together, not against each other!"

The man punches, his leg joining the mix as he swipes it outward, but Tanjiro dodges the attacks. The man closes in with each strike until he manages to grab onto Tanjiro's arm, propelling himself up and swinging around Tanjiro's head in an attempt to knock him off balance. Tanjiro slides him off, but the man quickly transitions into a handstand, launching a kick that nearly connects with Tanjiro's face. Barely evading the attack, Tanjiro's eyes widened in shock at the masked man's speed and agility.

Tanjiro watches as he jumps away, then swiftly returns by leaping onto all fours, propelling himself forward with his hands, his feet poised to deliver a blow to his abdomen. Tanjiro stumbles but quickly regains his stance, retaliating with his own punches. However, the man bends backward with remarkable agility, dodging Tanjiro's strikes before swiftly countering with a punch to Tanjiro's side. That one punch doesn't stop Tanjiro, though. He grits his teeth, ignoring the pain radiating from his ribs, and refocuses.

Tanjiro wasn't keen on fighting, but if the boar-headed man insisted, then a fight was inevitable.

As Tanjiro counterattacked, the man's movements became even more erratic and aggressive. Capitalizing on a moment of distraction, he wrapped his legs around Tanjiro's upper body and forcefully slammed him onto the ground. Despite the impact, Tanjiro swiftly regained his footing, retaliating with a powerful headbutt aimed at the man’s chin. The man grunted in pain and dropped down, attempting to trip Tanjiro with a sweeping leg motion while spinning his lower body in a circular motion to disorient him.

With each passing moment, the man's actions seemed to become more primal and animal-like.

Tanjiro carefully observed the attacks, noticing their low-to-the-ground and wild nature, reminiscent of a real boar's movements. Focusing on his own strategy, Tanjiro managed to block another punch, creating an opening for a leg sweep. However, his surprise was evident as the man effortlessly dropped into a split and flipped his legs back up, crashing them onto the top of Tanjiro's head and sending him tumbling face-first into the dirt below.


The masked man bounds away and strikes a proud pose, chest out and hands on his hips. "What did you think of that move? Pretty damn amazing, don't ya think?!" he boasts loudly. “Let me show you what else I'm capable of!”

He bends backward, grabbing his ankles, and continues to contort until his head is nestled between his legs. Despite the audacious posture, his laughter emerges, although somewhat strained. Tanjiro warns him to cease such reckless behavior, worried about the strain it could put on his body, but the man disregards the caution and continues cackling.

This guy was certifiably insane!

The masked man suddenly yells out, pointing at Tanjiro and Zenitsu. "What are your names?!" he demands. "Mine's Inosuke Hashibira—don't forget it!"

Despite the oddity of the situation, Tanjiro stays courteous and responds, "I'm Tanjiro Kamado!"

"I'm... Zenitsu Agatsuma," Zenitsu coughs out, albeit hesitantly, following Tanjiro’s lead.

"Alright, Hontaro and Tetsuya, you're both going down!" Inosuke declares with a challenging grin.

In an instant, the fight reignites as the man charges at Tanjiro once more, aiming to destabilize him. Tanjiro, however, manages to block the attack. Undeterred, the man attempts to maneuver towards Zenitsu, but Tanjiro's quick reflexes enable him to intercept and block the maneuver, thwarting the man's attempt. The relentless and seemingly senseless altercation had persisted far beyond its limit. It was time to bring it to an end immediately.

Tanjiro seizes Inosuke's shoulders, rearing his head back. "CALM DOWN, DO YOU HEAR!?"

With a powerful thrust, Tanjiro propels his head forward, the impact echoing with a resonating boom as their skulls collide. The man grunts, staggered by the force, and takes a step back. With his head bowed, his mask slips off, tumbling to the ground. He breathes heavily for a moment before lifting his gaze, revealing a crazed grin etched across his face.

"HUHHH?!” Zenitsu's eyes nearly pop out of his head as he screeches. “Are you kidding me?! That's what you look like?!"

"What?" The man fixes his gaze on Zenitsu and snarls. "You got a problem with the way I look or somethin’?!"

"No, I just… I don't know what to make of you right now. You've got a ripped body, but you have such a delicate face… it just doesn’t make sense! It’s all wrong—only sweet, beautiful girls should have a face like that!"

"Why are you so obsessed with my face? You got a problem with the way I look?!"

"There's nothing wrong with your face," Tanjiro brazenly cuts in. "In fact, the girlish shape, size, and complexion are quite attractive!"

While Tanjiro's intentions were undoubtedly good-natured, his choice of words could have been… more unobtrusive. His sincere attempt to diffuse the escalating tension and mollify the brash man, unfortunately, achieves the opposite effect, further agitating him.

"HUH? Girlish? You're a dead man! You wanna go?!"

"I don't! I won't fight you anymore," Tanjiro insists, puffing his cheeks out. "You're too worked up; why don't you just sit down? I won’t ask you again to calm down…"

"No way! I have a better idea. How 'bout I tell you my name, so when we fight again and I win, you'll know exactly who I am! It's Inosuke Hashibira—don't you forget it!

Zenitsu, clearly irritated by the whole ordeal, interjects, "You already told us your name! Do you have the memory of a goldfish or something!?"

"What did you just say!? Do you have a death wish!?" Inosuke's anger intensifies, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

Their verbal sparring continues until the man's voice suddenly catches in his throat, his eyes rolling backward as he collapses to the ground. A trickle of blood emerges from his forehead.

"Oh no, is he dead?!" Zenitsu squawks in alarm. “He was talking not even five seconds ago! What do we do?!”

Tanjiro wears a guilty expression as he rubs the back of his neck. "He's not dead, Zenitsu... I think it's just a concussion. I did headbutt him pretty hard," he says, his tone carrying a note of regret.

Zenitsu's gaze shifted from the unconscious man on the ground to Tanjiro, his expression teetering on the edge of being horrified and awestruck. It appeared that the force of Tanjiro's blow had not only rendered the man unconscious but had also seemingly erased his recent memory, including the introduction he had given just moments before. Unless the man already had a poor memory, which wasn’t unlikely, but still. Questions lingered in Zenitsu's mind: How was it possible that Tanjiro didn't have a single drop of blood on his head, while the other man lay bleeding and completely incapacitated?

Just how hard was Tanjiro's skull?!

As consciousness slowly returns to you, your eyelids feel heavy, and your head throbs with each heartbeat, a persistent discomfort that you can't seem to shake off. The ache in your side serves as a painful reminder of the intense kick you endured. In fact, every inch of your body seems to protest with pain, a constant reminder of the ordeal you've just been through. With a hiss of pain, you muster the strength to sit up, your gaze scanning the surroundings to find your companions gathered near a sizable mound of dirt. 

It dawns on you that it's not just a mound—it's a grave, or rather, multiple graves. The realization weighs heavily on your chest as you contemplate the fate of those who met their end in this desolate place. You shudder at the thought of the horrors they must have endured, horrors you witnessed firsthand tonight. A chill runs down your spine as you acknowledge a sobering truth… without the help of Tanjiro and Zenitsu, you would likely have met a similar fate, lying among the graves as another unfortunate victim of this sinister place. 

Gratitude and relief wash over you, mingled with a profound sense of humility in the face of their heroism.

You were lucky…

As you adjust your position, your hand encounters something soft, and you realize it's Tanjiro's coat draped over you. A gentle warmth floods your heart at the gesture, and upon further inspection, you notice Zenitsu's coat neatly folded where your head was lying moments prior. Their thoughtfulness in providing you comfort amidst the chaos brings a fleeting smile to your lips, though the weight of recent events still weighs heavily upon you. Your attention is then drawn to a figure a few feet away, also lying on the ground. The fact that they aren’t buried is a good sign that they were still alive.

Hope stirs within you at the possibility of another survivor besides the crazed masked man.

However, your anticipation quickly turns to confusion as the person suddenly jumps up, their screams piercing the air as they race toward your companions. Tanjiro's calm demeanor in the face of the commotion strikes you, his attempts to pacify the newcomer met with little success as they continue their tirade, their expressions contorted in discomfort. From your vantage point, all you manage to discern is the person unleashing a flurry of shouts and erratic movements, their distress palpable even from a distance.

Wait a minute…

That voice?

You recognize that yelling! 

And it wasn't Zenitsu's…

The idea that this person standing before you could be the boar-masked man seems absurd. There's no mask, no disguise to conceal his identity, and yet his voice bears an uncanny resemblance to that of the crazed assailant. No one notices as you slowly get up and hobble your way over until you stop right in front of the madman. He comes to a sudden stop, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he meets your gaze, while the others look on in astonishment.

You shouldn’t be standing right now… let alone conscious.

"Ah! Y/n-chaaaaan,” Zenitsu blubbers at the sight of you, “you're awake!"

"You shouldn't be up and moving, Y/n-san," Tanjiro frets, expressing concern for your condition.

Despite the cries and concerns of those around you, you remain fixated on the masked man, your curiosity overriding any distractions. Ignoring the clamor, you keep your expression impassive as you study his features through slightly blurred vision. As you gaze upon him, a sense of shock washes over you, though you betray none of it on your face. Despite his brutish demeanor, you're taken aback by his unexpected attractiveness. His face, surprisingly soft and pretty, contrasts sharply with his loud and muscular presence. Even his hair, against all odds, appears well-maintained. It's a stark contrast to the rough exterior you might have anticipated from his behavior. 

You circle him slowly, your eyes scrutinizing every detail.

Scratch marks on his left shoulder catch your attention, confirming his identity as the boar-masked man—the same shoulder where you had left your mark during your earlier encounter. As you inadvertently lock eyes with the masked man, his suspicion intensifies, evident in the tense set of his shoulders and the wary glance he casts in your direction. His reaction is palpable as you stand before him, a silent observer, his eyes narrowing in discomfort. The silence and unexpectedness of the situation leaves him unsettled, his usual bravado faltering in the face of your calm and unwavering gaze. He didn’t expect you to wake up, let alone approach him. It's a sensation he's unaccustomed to—someone so close, scrutinizing him with such unsettling calmness, especially after an altercation that he had instigated. The intensity of your stare unnerves him, stirring feelings of unease and an odd sense of insecurity.

What could you possibly be thinking, gazing at him with such penetrating scrutiny?

The sense of being judged leaves him feeling exposed, vulnerable in a way he's not accustomed to. His face becomes red as he barks at you to go away, teeth bared like a wild animal. Startled by the sudden outburst, you instinctively take a cautious step back, noting the intensity of the masked man's anger. Despite his vehement shouting, you observe that he hasn't made any actual aggressive moves toward you, a sign that perhaps he's managed to rein in his temper, if only temporarily. However, the memory of his previous attack on you and Zenitsu remains fresh in your mind, keeping you on guard. While he may appear somewhat calmer at this moment, you're still wary of his potential for violence. You're not willing to take any unnecessary risks, so you continue to retreat, maintaining a safe distance as he continues to growl at you with clenched teeth.

Tanjiro places his hand on Inosuke's shoulder, drawing his attention. "Inosuke, please stop yelling. She isn't from here, so she doesn't understand what you're saying, anyway."

"What the hell do you mean she doesn't understand? Where is she from then?!"

"We don't know exactly... but my crow said she speaks English. Besides her name, that's all we know, and she seems to be lost, so we're going to find someone who may be able to help her."

Zenitsu turns his head around and glares at Inosuke. "Yeah, and you owe us an apology, y'know? Especially Y/n-chan! How could you attack someone so cute and innocent like that?! She was only trying to help, while you were being a jerk, beating everyone up!"

"Hah? She wanted to fight, didn't she?! She shouldn’t have tried to attack me if she didn’t want me to fight back."

"It doesn't matter! Just apologize!!"

"No... why should I?"


As Inosuke's anger flares at the perceived insult, he moves to strike Zenitsu, his fist coiling up with hostile intent. Without a moment's hesitation, you spring forward, instinctively reaching out to grab his arm before he can land the blow. The consequences of your action don't register in your mind; all you can think about is preventing another altercation, even if it means facing Inosuke's wrath yourself. Inosuke's attention snaps back to you, his snarl met with a defiant scowl from your end. His frustration evident, he shakes off your grip with a curse, stomping away in a display of irritation. Ignoring Zenitsu's attempts to engage him further, he retrieves his mask and slips it back on before retreating to a nearby tree, where he vents his frustrations by repeatedly striking his head against the trunk.

Meanwhile, the children who had been observing the scene cautiously approach Tanjiro and Zenitsu. After a brief exchange, Tanjiro hands them a small purple pouch, and the children bow respectfully and depart, leaving your group and the dark forest behind. With the commotion subsiding and a sense of calm settling over the clearing, you suddenly feel the weight of exhaustion wash over you. Your body and mind, already worn thin by the events that transpired, finally reach their limit. Slowly, you collapse to the ground, your strength depleted. Your body and mind have taken quite the toll; you're surprised you even woke up and got up to check out the crazy masked man.

Zenitsu gasps, and Tanjiro calls out your name worriedly as they both rush to your side in an instant.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay?! Wait, of course you're not okay. You're hurt and shouldn't be moving at all!" Zenitsu looks over you anxiously, hands trembling. "Oh man, she doesn't look too good. What do we do, Tanjiro?!"

"Well, I suppose this means we should leave now too."

“But where? I don’t know about you, but I have no idea where exactly we are, or where the closest town is."

Tanjiro's concerned frown deepens as he retrieves his box and swiftly returns to your side. With gentle hands, he and Zenitsu help you to your feet, but the pain that courses through your body prompts a slight cry and a reflexive wince. Their worry intensifies at your reaction, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and compassion. With their support, you lean on them for stability as you begin another journey, grateful for their presence and assistance in this trying moment.

“I don’t know either, but we need to leave now. She seems to be really tired and in a lot of pain...”

The sudden and timely arrival of Tanjiro's crow overhead adds a small sense of relief to the situation. With a loud squawk, the crow delivers its message, prompting Tanjiro and Zenitsu to take action. "It is time to leave and follow yours truly! Hurry! You’ve had a long day and must rest!"

"Oh, thank goodness…" Tanjiro watches his crow circle around for a moment, then focuses back on the task at hand. 

Normally this wouldn’t be difficult. Despite their best efforts, the journey will prove to be a challenge for Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Exhausted and injured themselves, they’ll struggle to support your weight and guide you through the forest. Each step will be a laborious effort, and even with their combined strength, progress would undoubtedly be slow.

"Hey!” A loud voice echoes from the side. They both look at each other as Inosuke comes marching back over and barks at them. "Where do you think you're going?!"

"We're leaving now! And we need to hurry since—"

"But we aren't done with our battle yet!"

"Yes, we are,” Tanjiro quietly groans with exasperation, bordering along the lines of annoyance. “You're tired, too, aren't you? Come with us!"

After inviting Inosuke along, Tanjiro and Zenitsu continue their efforts to support you, the discussion turning to the practicality of taking turns carrying you. Inosuke, no longer consumed by his fit, listens intently, his interest piqued by the prospect of showing off and taking a more efficient approach. They can’t decide on what to do. On one hand, rotating the burden of carrying you would alleviate the strain on their exhausted bodies, giving the other person a chance to regain their energy until it was their turn once again. However, they still had to manage Tanjiro's box alongside the task of supporting you.

'Ha! What a bunch of weaklings, I could easily carry her and that damn box!'

Insouke snorts and grins to himself as he marches right up to them, removing you from both of their hands. His sudden action catches you off guard, and before you can react, you find yourself hoisted up and over his shoulder with surprising ease. A squeak of surprise escapes your lips, but the pain coursing through your body quickly overwhelms any inclination to resist. With every movement, the ache intensifies, sapping what little strength remains within you. You feel yourself growing weaker by the second, the effort to keep your eyes open becoming increasingly difficult. Inosuke's strong grip around your back ensures you remain securely in place, rendering any attempt at escape futile.

Not like you were in the condition or mood to protest being in the hands of the crazy, masked-man anyways.

Surrendering to the overwhelming fatigue, you allow yourself to go limp, your body accepting the inevitability of your situation. As you dangle, your consciousness begins to fade, the world around you blurring into obscurity. Despite the uncertainty of what lies ahead, you find solace in the embrace of unconsciousness, a brief respite from the turmoil of the day's events.

"You guys are beyond weak! Look, I can carry her no problem," Inosuke gloats with a cackle, walking away with his head held high.

"Inosuke, be careful with her! She's not someone you can just pick up and throw around!" Tanjiro chides with a grimace on his face.

Zenitsu yells, a vein popping from his temple. "Yeah! Put her down, you dumb pig! You're too rough, and you still haven't apologized! You have no right to be holding onto her! We can carry her by ourselves!"

Inosuke keeps his fast pace, waving his free hand back at them in a dismissive manner. "Shut up! You guys can't carry her; I heard you both talking about how weak and tired you are. We would've been standing there all day had I not lend my hand like the strong leader I am, so quit your whining and be thankful that I'm around to help!"

"She's in pain, y'know! At least hold her correctly," Zenitsu demands with a huff.

"I am! And don't tell me what to do!"

"No, you're not doing it right! You have to hold her with both arms, like you would with a baby, or your bride—not like a sack of potatoes, you idiot!!"

Inosuke stops abruptly, frowning deeply in thought under the mask. Tanjiro and Zenitsu catch up and stand in front of him with their arms crossed, huffing and puffing from exertion as they attempted to keep up with him.

"Huh? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Of course it does! What don't you get?!"

"Why should I use both arms, when I can use one just fine, and be able to fight with the other?"

Zenitsu’s cheeks puff out as he tries to stop himself from exploding. "Because... you don't need to fight right now! And she needs the extra support, so do it correctly, or put her down!"

Inosuke's growl of confusion echoes his thoughts as he grapples with the notion of an alternative way to carry you. To him, hoisting you over his shoulder allows for a more practical approach, leaving one arm free to defend himself should the need arise. In his mind, it's the most sensible arrangement, maximizing both efficiency and readiness for potential threats. Besides, he sees no reason to treat you delicately. You certainly weren't a baby. And he doesn’t think that you’re a bride—whatever that even means. Instead, he views you as a weak individual who simply needs assistance, and the method he's chosen reflects that perspective. With a grunt, Inosuke continues on his way, confident in his decision and determined to see you safely to your new destination, regardless of any perceived unconventionalities. 

This, however, doesn’t go over well with your companions—more notably, Zenitsu.

"Hey, quit walking away! Obviously, you can't do it right, so just give her to me. I-I can do it," Zenitsu says haughtily, trying to sound convincing as he reaches for you.

"No way! You're way too weak and will drop her!" Inosuke turns his body away, grabbing onto your legs and holding you against him tighter. "I can do anything that you can, and do it better, alright?! Stop complaining already and deal with it!"

Zenitsu's eye twitches with a mixture of frustration and anger as he watches Inosuke's careless handling of you. He can't fathom the audacity and recklessness of the boar-headed man's actions. Not only did he disregard your well-being by grabbing you so haphazardly, but the proximity of his hand to your upper thigh and buttocks incenses Zenitsu even further. 

Just who did he think he was?!

The simmering rage within Zenitsu intensifies, his blood boiling with indignation as he struggles to contain his mounting irritation. Unlike his usual bouts of anxiety-induced trembling, this time he feels a surge of fiery energy coursing through him, manifesting in tiny sparks dancing around him. Inosuke's behavior is beyond unacceptable in Zenitsu's eyes, and he's determined to address it, even if it means confronting the boar-headed man head-on. With gritted teeth and clenched fists, Zenitsu steels himself for the confrontation ahead, unwilling to tolerate any further disrespect towards you or them.

“No, you can’t! Now let go of her immediately and buzz off! We can handle this ourselves, you aren’t needed here!”

Tanjiro's voice breaks through the tension, his words carrying a soothing calmness as he steps in between Inosuke and Zenitsu, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Please," Tanjiro implores, his gaze shifting between his two new companions. "We need to work together. Fighting amongst ourselves won't help anyone, especially not Y/n-san. Let's just focus on getting to safety—"

Unfortunately, Tanjiro's attempts to intervene are met with simultaneous defiance from Inosuke and Zenitsu, their heated exchange drowning out his voice as they yell, ‘no way!’ in complete unison. 

Despite his best efforts to calm the situation, their stubbornness and mutual animosity only seem to escalate the conflict. As they continue to bicker, their disregard for Tanjiro's plea weighs heavily on him. He can't help but feel a pang of frustration and helplessness as he watches them tug and pull at you like a doll caught in the middle of their childish dispute. His patience, usually unwavering, is stretched thin by the day's trials, and the sight of you being treated so roughly only adds to his mounting stress. Amidst the chaos, Tanjiro's senses are heightened, and he picks up on a faint scent emanating from your semi-unconscious form—a mixture of fear, confusion, and sadness.

His heart clenches at the realization of the emotional turmoil you must be experiencing.

It wasn't fair that you, an ordinary person recently thrust into the dangerous world of demons, had to endure such hardships and suffer injuries because of their careless actions. With a heavy heart, Tanjiro resolves to find a way to quell the conflict and lead you all to safety. Despite the challenges ahead, his determination to protect and support you remains unwavering, fueled by a deep sense of responsibility and empathy as your very first companion.

His jaw clenches, losing the last shred of his patience as he suddenly snaps. "Stop it! You both are being very childish and insensitive right now! You should be ashamed of yourselves."

Tanjiro's outburst reverberates through the clearing, his voice laced with a rare intensity that commands attention. His words pierce through the chaos, cutting through the bickering and discord like a knife. In the stunned silence that follows, the other two freeze, their expressions a mix of shock and shame at the rebuke they've received. Zenitsu feels a chill run down his spine as he realizes the gravity of Tanjiro's anger. It's a stark contrast from the gentle and patient demeanor that he's quickly grown accustomed to, and the sudden shift leaves him feeling as though his very soul has been shaken. This new manifestation of Tanjiro's wrath is unlike anything he's experienced before, and it sends shivers down his spine.

Even Inosuke, typically brash and impervious to intimidation, can't help but feel the weight of Tanjiro's fury bearing down on him. 

The air around them seems to grow heavy with tension, the atmosphere darkening as they stand in stunned silence, cowed by the force of Tanjiro's anger. With their heads bowed and eyes fixed on the ground, they dare not speak or provoke him further. The fear of inciting more of his wrath hangs heavy in the air, serving as a sobering reminder of the consequences of their childish behavior. In this moment, they can only remain silent, chastened by Tanjiro's stern reprimand.

Tanjiro's voice, usually warm and gentle, takes on an uncharacteristically low and serious tone as he addresses his new companions. "If you can't set aside your quarrels for even a moment," he begins, his voice measured but firm, "then I'll have no choice but to leave you behind and take her to safety on my own. Don’t you think she's endured enough? She is in no condition to be treated carelessly. Do you understand me?"

His words hang heavy in the air, the sincerity and urgency behind them leaving no room for misinterpretation. Inosuke and Zenitsu nod hastily, their expressions reflecting a newfound determination to heed Tanjiro's warning.

"Good, thank you..." Tanjiro concludes, his voice carrying a sense of finality. 

He turns his attention to Inosuke, instructing him on the proper way to carry you. As Inosuke carefully adjusts his grip to carry you as instructed by Tanjiro, he notices that you've fallen completely unconscious once again. A wave of unease washes over him, and he can't shake the feeling of discomfort gnawing at him from within. His brow furrows beneath his mask as he gazes down at your still form, his expression troubled. The sensation stirring within him is unfamiliar and unsettling, a nagging sense of guilt and remorse creeping into his consciousness. In that moment, he remembers what they had told him earlier. You're not like them—you're not a Demon Slayer, and you don't possess the same resilience to injury and pain since you have no training.

The injuries you've sustained are largely a result of his own actions, a fact that weighs heavily on him as he holds you in his arms.

For the first time, Inosuke grapples with the consequences of his brash behavior, confronting the reality of his actions and their impact on someone who is, by all accounts, innocent and undeserving of such suffering. Inosuke's aggressive demeanor and instinctual readiness for defense are deeply ingrained aspects of his character, shaped by his upbringing and experiences. He meant what he had said earlier; he wouldn't hold back just because you're a girl, and he would fight you or anyone that challenged him. However, after Tanjiro’s scolding, he might think twice about acting without any restraint first.

Even if he had no idea that you weren’t a Demon Slayer before, the next time you want to go toe-to-toe with him, he’ll try to be more mindful that you’re just some random, harmless woman.

Zenitsu, unable to bear the guilt weighing on him, steals a glance at you before quickly looking away. The sight of your pain is a painful reminder of his own shortcomings and failures. He berates himself for his perceived weakness and cowardice, lamenting his inability to protect you when you needed it most. As he listens to your silent (to others) suffering, Zenitsu resolves to try to make amends and ensure that you're never hurt again because of him or his lack of action. You shouldn't have been trying to protect him—he was the one who should've tried to control the situation better when fighting with Inosuke over Tanjiro's box. Closing his eyes, he makes a solemn vow to himself, determined to rise above his fears and weaknesses to become the protector you deserve.

"Let's go..." Tanjiro sighs.

The group's journey through the forest is marked by an oppressive silence, each step weighed down by the burden of their thoughts and emotions. Despite the passage of time, the tension between them remains palpable, casting a shadow over their collective spirits. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, they arrive at their destination—a solitary house adorned with a wisteria family crest. The darkness of the night envelops the surroundings, broken only by the soft glow of the moon and the faint illumination of lanterns hanging outside. The stillness of the night is deafening, amplifying the sense of unease that permeates the air. No words are exchanged as they stand before the house, each lost in their own thoughts and exhaustion.

Though the embers of anger have long since burned out, the tension among them persists, a silent reminder of the challenges they've faced and the uncertainties that lie ahead.

Tanjiro's crow suddenly swoops down and lands in his hands, squawking loudly and flapping his wings. "CAW, WE HAVE ARRIVED! IT IS TIME TO REST!!"

"Aghh, so loud... let's eat that thing," Inosuke mutters, slowly turning his gaze towards the bird.

As the suggestion hangs in the air, the crow freezes in its spot, its feathers ruffling with unease before abruptly shooting back up into the sky, fleeing the scene with haste. Just then, one of the giant outside doors of the house swings open, revealing a small, elderly woman standing on the other side. Despite the late hour and the somber atmosphere, she greets the group with a polite smile, her warm demeanor offering a stark contrast to the tension that hangs in the air. The sight of her kind smile brings a sense of relief to the weary travelers, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of the night. 

"Hello," she greets them warmly, eyes glancing at your unconscious figure hanging in Inosuke’s arms. "Should I presume you are all Demon Slayers?"

Inosuke's thoughts begin to whirl as he shifts uncomfortably. Does the elderly woman know that you aren’t one of them? It wasn’t very difficult to see that you weren’t from here—given your features and clothing choice—but would it matter if you weren't a Demon Slayer? Would you still be welcomed into the house, or would you be turned away?

He really didn’t want to deal with any other hang-ups right now.

Surely, the woman wouldn't be so foolish as to deny you shelter simply because you weren't a Demon Slayer. The woman's hospitality seems genuine, and she appears too kind-hearted to turn away someone in need, regardless of their affiliation. With this thought in mind, he relaxes slightly, allowing himself to focus on the prospect of food and a well-needed rest that awaits them inside the house.

Tanjiro steps forward, his voice low but steady as he responds, "Yes, ma'am. My crow led us here. Would it be safe to assume that you house Demon Slayers?"

The woman's smile widens at his inquiry, her eyes twinkling with understanding. "Indeed," she confirms. "This house serves as a refuge for Demon Slayers in need of safety and recuperation. You are most welcome here. Please, come in. You must be tired after your journey."

As they follow the woman along the stone path leading up to the house, a sense of anticipation builds within the group. They are pleasantly surprised when she leads them inside and shows them to their room, complete with clean, fresh yukatas, a few futons, and a spread of delicious-looking food already laid out.

How… did she do that? Did she know that they were coming? 

None of them had the capacity to dwell on such thoughts, though, the sight and aroma of the food immediately captured their attention, drawing them like moths to a flame. Tanjiro watches with concern as Inosuke quickly drops you onto one of the random futons on the floor before eagerly scrambling back to the table of food. Ever mindful of your well-being, Tanjiro ensures that you are settled more comfortably on the futon before joining Inosuke and Zenitsu at the chabudai . With a mixture of hunger and gratitude, they eagerly dig into the meal, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the face of such generosity. 

Tanjiro takes a moment to save a portion of the food for you before beginning to eat himself, a small gesture of kindness that doesn't go unnoticed by the Zenitsu. Feeling  moved by Tanjiro's thoughtfulness, he quickly joins in to help, his own meal momentarily forgotten as he assists in ensuring that you are taken care of. Tanjiro's appreciative smile is met with a warm glow of satisfaction, a silent acknowledgment of their shared bond and mutual respect. Meanwhile, Inosuke remains oblivious to the exchange, fully engrossed in devouring his own meal with gusto. His hearty laughter fills the room, a testament to the simple joy of good food after a long and arduous journey.

Zenitsu can't help but break the otherwise silent room with a sigh, his exasperation evident in his voice. "Use your chopsticks," he mutters.

Inosuke, undeterred, continues to eat with his hands, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he ignores Zenitsu's request. He then brazenly snatches a piece of Tanjiro's food. His actions elicit a mixture of shock and disgust from Zenitsu, while Tanjiro watches on with a stupefied expression. 

"Uhh..." In a bid to maintain harmony, Tanjiro awkwardly offers another bowl to Inosuke. "If you're really that hungry, you can have this as well..."

Inosuke, however, responds with frustration, grabbing at his hair and groaning before resuming his aggressive eating. He was trying to get a reaction out of them, but for the most part, they ignored his antics. The meal continues in a somewhat awkward silence, punctuated by the sounds of Inosuke's ravenous consumption. After finishing their meal, the old woman returns to clear the chabudai, taking the extra food saved for you to be safely stored. Afterwards she suggests that they get cleaned up, giving them directions to a bathhouse outside. They grab the yukatas and immediately head out. Now left to themselves, the group relaxes in the warm water, the soothing heat easing their tired muscles. The silence prevails, now carrying a more peaceful undertone as they start to fully unwind.

Eyes closed, they lean back against the bath walls, collectively sighing in contentment.

As the serenity envelops them, Tanjiro breaks the silence with a purposeful opening of his eyes and a clearing of his throat. "We need to talk..."

The weight of his words hangs in the air, signaling a shift from relaxation to a more serious discussion. The tranquility of the bathhouse is replaced by a sense of anticipation, as the group prepares to address the matters that have been left unspoken.

"What about?" Inosuke huffs, throwing his hands behind his head.

Frowning, Zenitsu mutters about Inosuke's attitude, setting the stage for another potential confrontation. 

"Huh?! Wanna say that again?!"

"Don't start fighting again. Please, we need to be calm about this," Tanjiro urges, hoping to steer the conversation in a more productive direction.

"He started it!" they both yell simultaneously, exchanging glares.

Ignoring their bickering, Tanjiro refocuses the discussion on the more crucial matter at hand. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that we work together now and that we help Y/n-san."

Inosuke, ever resistant, questions, "Why should I help?"

"Well, for one thing, you owe her—and me—an apology," Zenitsu retorts with evident contempt, shooting Inosuke a disapproving look. "The least you could do for beating the crap out of us is to help!"

Inosuke, displaying his stubborn pride, puffs up and turns his head away, adjusting his mask in a show of defiance. Tanjiro, feeling the weight of the situation, slumps in his spot and looks up, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. The challenge ahead is daunting, but he remains determined to find a resolution, even if it means navigating the complexities of these two strong-willed individuals.

"He is right, Inosuke; you really should apologize. What you did was nearly unforgivable and goes against what the Corps stands for. You not only attacked a fellow Slayer, but someone completely innocent." His gaze returns to meet theirs, finding them both staring at him intently. "Y/n-san isn't like us. We're Demon Slayers, we've trained for this and we're strong, but even we can get hurt and scared. Consider how she must feel, being attacked not only by demons, but by people as well."

"I didn't know she wasn't one of us! I don't waste time with questions. Hesitating for even a second gets you killed where I'm from," Inosuke tries to explain, though he knows it's not a valid excuse. 

You weren't a wild animal or a demon that he needed to worry about, like when he was living alone on a mountain. He wasn't thinking at all; he's accustomed to acting impulsively and solving problems through fighting. He realizes he was completely out of line, but he struggles to admit it.

"That doesn't matter," Tanjiro responds simply. "It would mean a lot if you helped us. But if you want to be part of a group, you have to learn to control yourself and not act impulsively."


"And Zenitsu, you really shouldn't provoke him so much. You aren't making matters any better."

"But—" Zenitsu begins, but he quickly falls silent when Tanjiro gives him a pointed look. "Okay, yeah, you're right. I apologize..."

Their attention turns to Inosuke, who stares back defiantly. It grates on his nerves, the way they're scrutinizing him; it feels like they're looking down on him. He can't stand being regarded as lesser, an idiot, or some kind of monster—like a demon! He wasn't dumb, weak, or monstrous! They want an apology? Fine, he can do that, and he'll do it better than anyone else!

He turns away, taking a long, ragged breath before gritting his teeth and grumbling. "I'm... s o r r y...!"

Zenitsu slowly smirks. "Huh? What was that? I didn't hear you," he teases, holding a hand up to his ear.

Inosuke glowers at him and huffs loudly through his mask. "I'M NOT SAYING IT AGAIN, SO LISTEN UP! I'm sorry, alright?!"  

His apology is gruff, but it's there.

Zenitsu starts laughing and kicks his feet, splashing Inosuke in the process, who yells and dives across the water to get back at him. Tanjiro can't help but smile as he watches them splash each other; they're sort of getting along now. He just hopes it stays this way or gets even better, as they all need to stick together and help each other out. They're comrades, but perhaps they could even become actual friends. They haven't completely solved their problems, but for now, they'll just enjoy this little moment of camaraderie. After about half an hour of soaking in the water and cleaning up, they get out and dress in the clean yukatas the woman had provided them earlier. They head back out across the estate and shuffle into the house, where they find the old woman waiting for them by their room.

However, they all immediately notice one thing as they step inside: You were gone!

The old woman clears her throat, gaining their attention. "The young lady who was with you had woken up while you were away, so I took care of her."

"Where is she?" Zenitsu asks with a tilt of his head.

"She is in the next room over," she chuckles quietly, sensing his worries. "Now, it is time for you all to rest. Goodnight."

"Oh, thank goodness," Zenitsu says with a sigh of relief, visibly deflating.

They watch as she bows and slowly walks away, waiting until she turns a corner and disappears from sight before they step out of their room. They tiptoe their way to where the old woman had said you were staying and stop a couple of feet in front of your door. They stand there in silence for a few moments, just looking at each other and the door. Uncertain if you're still awake or if you've gone to bed, they all feel a sense of curiosity but none of them dares to make a move and knock. Quiet whispers pass between Zenitsu and Inosuke, urging either one to do it, but neither of them are willing to be the one to disturb you. Tanjiro tries to lead them back to their room but then the door slides open, and you peer outside. Zenitsu startles at the sudden noise and jumps away, while Inosuke freezes in his spot, and Tanjiro's eyes widen when he sees you, smiling softly.

"Y/n-san! I'm glad you're okay," he says warmly, taking a step closer. "I'm sorry if we woke you..."

Zenitsu hurriedly joined Tanjiro, while Inosuke silently crept over. You felt a surge of surprise and slight overwhelm at their sudden presence. You had only recently awakened, still grappling with lingering pains, though somewhat alleviated thanks to a soothing herbal concoction provided by a kind elderly woman upon your awakening. Although she had also offered you food, your queasy state led you to politely decline for the time being. The elderly woman had then escorted you to another bathhouse located on the opposite side of the estate, where you seized the opportunity to cleanse yourself and ease your aching muscles.

Your time in the bath was brief, merely a few minutes spent in rejuvenation. Throughout, the woman remained nearby, offering assistance if required, and upon completion, she guided you back to the house, leading you to your designated room and gave you a change of clothes (which looked like robes) and took your old ones away. And despite the persistent discomfort, you found yourself able to move with a bit more ease now. Sitting by the window for a spell, you found solace in the moon's gentle glow, lost in contemplation. It had been a tumultuous day, and all you yearned for was the comfort of home—wherever that may be. Yet, beyond your own name, your memory remained frustratingly blank, heightening the tumult of emotions swirling within you. Just as you were preparing to retire for the night, the sound of numerous footsteps and whispering outside your room drew your attention.

After a brief moment of deliberation, you resolved to investigate. Thus, you found yourself face-to-face with three men, who now encircled you with an air of uncertainty.


Startled by the boar man's sudden intrusion into your personal space, you instinctively recoil, stumbling backward into your room. Inosuke follows you inside, his expression obscured by his mask, leaving you to interpret his intentions through his tense and impatient body language. You find yourself at a complete loss, uncertain of what he wishes to convey.

"Inosuke, keep your voice down! And you can't just barge into someone's room like that—especially not a woman!" Zenitsu scolds, but his admonition goes unheeded.

Inosuke steps closer, hands on his hips, a clear sign of determination. "I'm here to apologize, so listen up, because I won't do it again!"

You blink, uncertain of his words, glancing at the others for assistance. 

"Why isn't she saying anything?" Inosuke complains.

"She doesn't understand you, remember?" Tanjiro reminds him.

"Oh yeahhh..." Inosuke, in frustration, scratches his head—or, rather, his mask—emitting a loud huff. "How the hell do I apologize then?! What's the point if she can't understand me!"

"I'm sure if you act sincere and show her that you're sorry, she'll understand," Tanjiro suggests kindly, accompanied by a nervous smile.

"I'm always sincere!" Inosuke retorts emphatically.

His glare intensifies as Zenitsu begins to snicker, his patience wearing thin. With a threatening step forward, he once again gestures towards Zenitsu, ready to resort to physical confrontation. However, Tanjiro intervenes swiftly, placing a calming hand on Inosuke's shoulder and redirecting his attention back to you, urging him to ignore Zenitsu's antics and make another attempt at apologizing. Inosuke stands there, grumbling under his breath, feeling at a loss. Apologizing verbally has never been his forte, and the language barrier only complicates matters further. Tanjiro's suggestion to demonstrate sincerity through actions resonates with him, prompting a moment of realization. Acting on impulse, Inosuke seizes your hand and lifts it, shaping it into a fist before guiding it towards his chest. Releasing your hand, he lowers his arms, offering himself up for a symbolic punch—a gesture of repentance and reconciliation.

This is his way of showing remorse, of making amends without words.

Proudly puffing a stream of air through his mask, Inosuke stands firm, convinced that this unconventional approach will convey his apology, even if words fail him. He’s a genius! Your brow quirks in confusion as you let your hand fall back down. What did he want? Did he want you to hit him? It seemed contradictory, given his demeanor, but you couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he was offering you a chance to retaliate in some strange display of contrition. Despite your bemusement, you appreciated the gesture, sensing an underlying sincerity in his actions. With a wry grin, you raise your fist and deliver a light punch to his chest before stepping back. You weren't one to harbor grudges, and you certainly didn't feel the need to exact revenge, especially considering the scratch you had already inflicted upon him earlier. 

Besides, his unconventional approach to apologizing had earned him a measure of respect in your eyes.

Smiling warmly, you nod in affirmation, hoping to convey that there were no lingering hard feelings. Despite his earlier abrasiveness, you believed in the power of forgiveness and second chances, recognizing that he was making an effort, albeit in his own eccentric manner. In response, Inosuke grunts in confusion, his head tilting downward to meet your gaze. Why hadn't you hit him harder? He had offered you the opportunity to unleash your fury, yet you had held back. Was it a matter of pride? Did you think you were too good to give him a proper punch? Surprising him with another gesture, you reach for his hand and shake it in a friendly manner, squeezing lightly with both of your hands. 


A thought suddenly comes to mind, and you briskly walk away, retrieving a piece of cloth from a dresser and dipping it into a bowl of water—the same cloth the old lady had used on your forehead earlier, as you had been running a slight fever. Returning to Inosuke, you gently place the damp cloth on the area where you had scratched him, delicately dabbing at the wounded spot. His initial impulse to protest is cut short by your swift unexpected actions. Though it stings a bit, he remains motionless, dumbfounded, allowing you to tend to his injury without resistance. Your attentiveness leaves him momentarily breathless, and he finds himself staring at the wall in utter silence.

"Hu— Wahhh…" he breathes out softly, his eyes fixed on the wall as he processes the unexpected kindness.

You remove the cloth and set it aside before approaching Tanjiro and Zenitsu with a warm smile, echoing the respectful bow they've offered so many times before. Summoning your courage, you initiate a small, tentative hug—a brief yet heartfelt gesture of gratitude—before stepping back, hoping they understand your intentions. Their presence and concern mean more to you than words can express; their unexpected visit speaks volumes about their kindness and loyalty. When you woke up, you had half-expected them to have moved on, leaving you in the care of some random person instead. Their decision to stay by your side is both surprising and touching. After all, they weren’t obligated to stay by your side and help you any further than they already had.

Yet here they are, proving you wrong...

Initially, you craved solitude, seeking solace in the quiet of your room. However, as time passed, a realization dawned upon you: what you truly needed was companionship, the warmth of camaraderie that only friends could provide. Despite the occasional challenges, these three men (notably Tanjiro and Zenitsu) had been unwavering in their care for you, going so far as to save your life—a debt you keenly felt and were determined to repay. The weight of gratitude and obligation hung heavy on your mind, yet it fueled your resolve. You were determined to stand by their sides, offering your unwavering support and assistance in any way possible. The thought of being there for them, just as they had been for you, filled you with a sense of purpose and commitment.

So, with a heart full of gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose, you expressed your desire to become friends and to stay by their sides, if they would allow it.

Zenitsu's eyes widen, his cheeks tinged with a blush, while Tanjiro's smile remains gentle and understanding. Tanjiro, with his keen senses, picks up on a subtle change in your scent—a mix of happiness, gratitude, and a hint of anxiousness, signaling your desire to establish a deeper connection and friendship.

Zenitsu lets out a dreamy sigh, his admiration clear in his tone as he murmurs, "Wow, she's so kind—she must be an angel." Yet, beneath his words, a hint of something else lingers, a sentiment not entirely positive. "But if I'm being honest," he continues, "I'm actually a little upset."

"Why is that?" Tanjiro inquires, his curiosity piqued.

He immediately regrets doing so.

Zenitsu's response is immediate and explosive, his voice escalating into a screech as he laments, "BECAUSE THAT PIG GOT TO HAVE HIS HAND HELD BY HER!!! He deserved to be beaten to a pulp, but she just took care of him! This is outrageous!! I want to hold hands with her and be taken care of; I got hurt too!! Why does he get to be all cute with her? I'M GONNA—"

Before Zenitsu can spiral further into his tirade, Tanjiro swiftly interjects, delivering a well-placed chop to the back of his neck, cutting him off mid-sentence. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop this nonsense? You're being a bit dramatic again, don't you think?"

With a groan, Zenitsu flops over, while Tanjiro hoists him up by the back of his collar, guiding both him and Inosuke out the room. Offering you a few apologetic bows, Tanjiro leads them away, leaving you chuckling softly to yourself in their wake. Though you're still somewhat bewildered by the perplexing commotion, their presence has undeniably lifted your spirits. You can't help but feel a sense of warmth and amusement at the unpredictability of their antics. Once alone, you retreat to your futon, snuggling into the comforter. Meanwhile, Tanjiro herds Inosuke and Zenitsu into their room, closing the door behind them. In their quarters, Tanjiro releases Inosuke and sets Zenitsu on a futon. As Inosuke starts to come out of his stupor, Tanjiro chuckles, unburdening himself of the box on his back and settling down on his own futon.

Inosuke, regaining awareness, grunts and looks around. "Wait... Monjiro, where'd that girl go?!"

"Huh? Who are you talking to?" Tanjiro questions, genuinely confused.

"You, of course!" Inosuke asserts.

"No, you're not! I already told you my name; it's Tanjiro Kamado," Tanjiro replies.

Inosuke stares at him, his brows furrowing in frustration. "Alright, Gonpachiro Kamaboko. Where'd she go?"

Tanjiro sighs in exasperation, offering a tired smile. "She's in her own room. We were just there, remember? And we should leave her alone and let her rest now."

"Fine," Inosuke huffs, crossing his arms. "Then just tell me her name."

"Why don't you ask her yourself tomorrow morning?" Tanjiro suggests with a patient smile. 

"But she doesn't understand me!" Inosuke protests, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I'm sure if you tried hard enough, she'd understand what you're trying to say. Zenitsu and I have done it, so I'm sure you can too. We did say her name before, by the way. Do you not remember?" Tanjiro prompts, trying to jog Inosuke's memory.

Inosuke pauses, racking his brain but failing to recall them mentioning your name. Names were never his strong suit; he struggled even with those of his new comrades, Santaro and Kenitsu.

Inosuke growls in frustration, his impatience apparent. "Aughh, no! Why won't you just tell me?!"

"Because it’ll be good for you. She seemed to forgive you earlier, even if your way of apologizing was a little odd..." Tanjiro scratches his head but wears an encouraging smile. "You almost had it, Inosuke! You should give it another try!"

Inosuke grits his teeth. "Don't patronize me!"

"... how about we just go to sleep now?" Tanjiro suggests, attempting to diffuse the tension.

Inosuke huffs and grumbles, stomping to his own futon. Seizing a pillow, he hurls it at Zenitsu's face, though the latter doesn't react as he's already in a deep slumber, snoring soundly. Inosuke had initially intended to target Tanjiro, but at the last second, he opted to smack Zenitsu instead. As Inosuke sprawls on his futon, spreading his limbs, he sighs while staring at the ceiling. Tanjiro, rolling onto his side, closes his eyes and gradually drifts into sleep. After a few minutes, Inosuke senses the rhythmic breathing of his companions and decides to make a move. Sneaking out of the room, he cautiously approaches your door. Pressing his head against it, he strains his ears, hoping to catch any sign of activity.

However, all he hears is the soft cadence of your breathing. Damn it, you also are asleep now!

Inosuke's frustration mounts as he grapples with the fact that he's the only one among his new companions who doesn't know your name. He nearly bursts into your room, intent on demanding your name, but a sudden pang in his head halts him in his tracks. Recalling Zenitsu's caution about intruding and Tanjiro's insistence on your need for rest, he reluctantly stops in his tracks, cursing them for infiltrating his thoughts. He prides himself on his independence and resents the feeling of being manipulated. Yet, as he paces restlessly, a sense of conflict gnaws at him. He's accustomed to acting on his own instincts without hesitation, but since meeting you and your companions, he's suddenly found himself reconsidering his actions.

The thought irks him, yet simultaneously intrigues him—it's a challenge, and Inosuke has never been one to shy away from challenges.

Amidst his internal turmoil, the door to your room unexpectedly slides back open, causing Inosuke to freeze in place. Slowly, he turns to face you, his breath caught in his throat as you regard him with a quizzical expression. For a brief moment, you both simply stand there, uncertain of what to say or do. Breaking the silence, you take the initiative to step outside, your curiosity piqued by the masked man's presence. Inosuke tenses up and remains motionless as he watches you intently, his thoughts racing as he braces for whatever interaction may ensue.

Were you going to hit him now? Had you been waiting for him to be alone to finally get your revenge?

"Hey," you say quietly, "what's going on? Do you need something?"

Your gentle greeting catches Inosuke off guard, his initial defensive stance softening slightly as he processes your unexpected approach. His hands drop to his sides, and he blinks, a hint of surprise flickering behind the emotionless facade of his boar mask. You can't help but wonder about the thoughts swirling beneath that mask, the mysteries it hides adding another layer to your growing list of questions. However, you push those thoughts aside, recognizing that there are more pressing matters at hand. Despite the challenges posed by Inosuke's aloof and boorish nature, coupled with the mask obscuring his expressions, you are determined to find a way to communicate.

He tilts his head in response, a faint puff of air escaping his mask. With neither of you able to comprehend each other's words, communication seems daunting. Unlike with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, whose gestures and expressions you've learned to interpret to some extent, Inosuke presents a new level of complexity. Yet, despite the initial barriers, you refuse to give up. You believe that with time, patience, and a bit of creativity, you can bridge the gap and establish a meaningful connection with Inosuke, just as you have with the others. You find yourself mindlessly fidgeting with your fingers, trying to gather the courage to say something to Inosuke.

However, he surprises you by speaking quietly for the first time, his gruff voice still carrying an edge. "What's your name, lady?"

His words catch you off guard, but you're determined to make the most of this breakthrough in communication. Furrowing your brows in concentration, you strain to decipher his words. It sounds like a question, and there's a sense of familiarity to it, as if you've heard it before but in a slightly different form. Then, it clicks. You recall being asked a similar question a few times before by Tanjiro and Zenitsu, when they were trying to learn your name.

With a newfound understanding, you point to yourself, tapping your sternum, and carefully enunciate, "Y/n."

Inosuke's grunt in response leaves you uncertain whether he understood your introduction or not. Nevertheless, you're determined to keep the interaction going while he remains calm. Wordlessly, he watches as you point at him, attempting to communicate something back. However, he seems puzzled despite his expression being hidden behind the mask. You begin to feel a twinge of awkwardness as the silence stretches on, both of you standing there, staring at each other. Unsure of what to do next, you debate whether to retreat to your room or persist in trying to communicate further.

The opportunity to converse with him in such a peaceful manner may not come again.

However, Inosuke makes the decision for you by casually turning and walking away. Acting on impulse, you reach out and grab onto the fur of his pants. Startled, he knocks your hand away, swiftly turning to face you with a defensive stance. Recoiling slightly, you withdraw your hand, holding it close to you, surprised at his swift reaction. For a moment, there's tension in the air, the weight of the misunderstanding hanging between you.

"I-I... I'm sorry," you squeak, your voice trembling slightly as you bow your head in apology. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or angry. I just wanted to talk and..."

Your words trail off as you nervously ramble, but the more Inosuke listens, the more his muscles begin to relax. He recalls that you're not a threat like he initially perceived. Unlike Tanjiro and Zenitsu, you're just a normal girl, unfamiliar with their part of the world. Noticing your nervousness, he sees you take a few tentative steps back, clearly wary of him now. Despite your apprehension, you don't flee from him, which surprises him. You're braver (or perhaps more foolish) than you appear.

Suddenly, Inosuke strides closer, causing you to tense up as he circles around you slowly. Your heart races with apprehension, unsure of what to expect from his unpredictable nature. You hold your breath, feeling your nervousness intensify as he comes to a stop in front of you, leaning in so the snout of his mask is mere inches from your face. You meet his beady gaze, your eyes wide with anticipation and a hint of fear. After a moment that seems to stretch into eternity, Inosuke leans back, crossing his arms as he observes you closely under the mask. His gaze is intense yet curious, as if trying to decipher something about you that he can't quite put into words. Inosuke may not excel at reading people's thoughts and emotions, but he possesses a keen sense of energy. Despite your nerves, he senses that your energy is light and devoid of any strong negativity.

This piques his curiosity—you're unlike anyone he's encountered before, which he finds intriguing.

In a way, you share similarities with Tanjiro, both exhibiting patience and kindness beyond the norm. In contrast to what he's accustomed to, neither you nor Tanjiro retaliated aggressively when provoked. While Tanjiro did engage in a fight with him, he did so reluctantly, and you refrained from retaliating altogether (except for when he was beating Zenitsu up). As for Zenitsu, well, he's a different kind of oddity altogether, one that Inosuke would rather not delve into if he can help it. Inosuke finds himself drawn to this group of peculiar individuals, despite his usual inclination to avoid prolonged interaction with others. There's something intriguing about each of you that captures his attention and curiosity.

He admires Tanjiro's strength and resilience, seeing him as a worthy rival to learn from and challenge. With Zenitsu, there's a desire to test his true capabilities in a fair fight, curious about the depths of his abilities when pushed to his limits. And then there's you—someone completely different from anyone Inosuke has encountered before. Your presence sparks a sense of curiosity and wonder in him, as he wonders about your origins, motives, and the unique energy you bring to the group. Shaking off his contemplations, Inosuke pushes aside deeper thoughts, feeling a dull ache in his head from the strain of recent events. Nevertheless, the prospect of discovering more about this odd group and the bond that ties them together compels him to stick around a while longer.

You halt your rambling when you realize that the boar man has leaned into your space once again.

"You sure talk a lot," he remarks with a light huff.

Your gaze shifts past him, widening as you spot another figure standing ominously in the dark. Inosuke notices your reaction and turns around, tensing up as the figure slowly approaches. Your heart begins to pound in your chest, fearing it may be something dangerous. The thought of facing another monster fills you with panic, and you almost run away before relief washes over you as you recognize the figure.

"What are you doing out here alone with Y/n-chan?" Zenitsu grumbles suspiciously, his voice still laden with sleep. "I heard something, and I'm glad I checked; you're obviously up to no good."

Inosuke slowly faces Zenitsu, a low growl rumbling in his throat. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean? You wanna fight, Monitsu?!"

"No! No way! Didn't you learn anything from your fight with Tanjiro?" Zenitsu protests, his voice tinged with fear.

"C'mon, quit being a coward and fight me! That’s why you came out here, isn’t it?!" Inosuke challenges, his stance aggressive, ready for a confrontation.

As tensions escalate and the prospect of a fight looms, you feel a surge of worry.

The thought of them fighting again, potentially waking others up and causing harm, fills you with concern. Acting quickly, you reach out and grab the boar man's hand, squeezing it tightly as you pull him back. He emits a disgruntled noise as he's suddenly dragged backward, his gaze flicking down to where you're holding onto his hand. With a quick movement, he flings yours back before returning his focus to your face. Despite his tension, he remains silent as he regards you. You plead with your eyes, silently urging him not to escalate the situation. You've witnessed enough bloodshed and pain for one day. While you don't understand why he's often so aggressive or what Zenitsu said to provoke him in this moment, you believe that deep down, he's a good person who may just need some guidance. Offering a wobbly smile, you hope he understands that you're only trying to help and maintain peace between them.

As Zenitsu rushes over, his voice rising in protest, you find yourself caught in the middle of their escalating tension.

"Y/n-chan, you shouldn't be so close to him," Zenitsu insists, positioning himself protectively between you and Inosuke. He grabs your hand, inspecting it with concern. "Did he hurt you again? Here, I'll take you back to your room."

Before you can react, Zenitsu yelps as Inosuke shoves him aside, reclaiming your hand with a growl. "I didn't do anything to her, piss-head!"

Undeterred, Zenitsu grabs your other hand, his grip firm but gentle. "I don't trust you; I saw you grab her hand and do something before pushing her away!"

Inosuke's defensive stance remains, his voice tense as he tries to explain. "You saw it wrong! She grabbed onto me!"

Caught in the middle, you wince as they both pull you in opposite directions, each focused on their argument and oblivious to your discomfort. Attempting to interject, you're unable to make yourself heard over their bickering.

"Fine, if that's the case, then let go of her," Zenitsu demands.

"No, you let go!" Inosuke retorts, his grip on your hand tightening.

"You're way too rough—you'll hurt her again! She needs to rest, so let me take her back to her room," Zenitsu insists adamantly.

"No, I won't! I can take her back, so you let go!" Inosuke counters, his frustration evident.

"She doesn't want you to!" Zenitsu fires back.

"How do you know?! She's the one who grabbed my hand first—not yours—so that must mean she wants me to take her back, because she knows I'm stronger and more capable of doing so!" Inosuke argues, his voice rising.

“That doesn’t even make any sense!” Zenitsu snaps back, his frustration palpable.

Zenitsu starts sparking, sending little tingles through your hand on one side, while Inosuke growls, the sound vibrating through to your other hand. You can't help but feel overwhelmed by their escalating conflict. Is this how you're going to meet your end—not by the hands of some monster, but caught in the crossfire of these two? Attempting to gain their attention proves futile, and in a moment of inspiration, you decide to try something different. You relax your body, letting it suddenly drop in between them, your dead weight bringing you down. It works as they both gasp and catch you to prevent you from falling completely, holding onto your arms to keep you slightly lifted.

As your head lolls forward, Zenitsu and Inosuke quickly set you down, their actions filled with urgency.

"WH-WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Zenitsu screeches dramatically, his voice rising in panic.

"I didn't do anything! Maybe YOU did something!" Inosuke retorts defensively.

They both crouch and kneel beside you, their voices filled with concern as they hover over you. Meanwhile, you slow your breathing, feigning unconsciousness. You almost crack a smile as you listen to Zenitsu's voice grow even higher and more panicked. It's a bit of a mean trick, but you can't help finding it amusing. Perhaps this will finally get them to stop arguing.

"AHHH, WHAT DO WE DO?! IS SHE DYING?!?" Zenitsu's voice reaches a near-hysterical pitch.

Zenitsu's panicked voice fills the air as someone starts prodding you and shaking your shoulder. Despite the amusement bubbling inside you, you manage to maintain your facade of unconsciousness. Then, something furry drops next to your hand, causing you to tense up, and your heart pounds when you feel something plop onto your chest without warning. There's a deafening shriek, and the pressure is quickly removed.

"AAAGH— WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Zenitsu shouts in a mixture of panic and anger.

"She's still breathing and I can hear her heartbeat, so she isn’t dying," Inosuke states matter-of-factly as he grabs his mask and puts it back on.

"Well, good! But keep your filthy hands and head to yourself!!!" Zenitsu snaps angrily.

"I was making sure she wasn't dead, since you were making such a fuss about it! What's your problem now?!" Inosuke counters, his voice slightly muffled by the mask.

"My problem is that you keep touching her, and it's really pissing me off!!" 

Inosuke snorts dismissively, "You're just whining because she grabbed my hand and not yours. What's the big deal, anyway? I'm stronger and a natural leader, so obviously someone will want me close by to help them!"

"No, I'm not whining! And that is not the reason at all; she only did that to stop you from doing anything! You try to maul someone when they even look at you, so do you really think she'd want to grab your hand otherwise?!" Zenitsu fires back, frustration evident in his tone.

"Whatever! Like she'd want to grab yours either! All you’ve done since I’ve met you is yell and cry like a big baby," Inosuke retorts, sticking his nose up defiantly.

Sensing that the tension is escalating once again, you decide to intervene by moving your hands and groaning quietly, pretending to be waking up. Zenitsu immediately grabs your elbow and helps you sit up, concern etched on his face as he fusses over you.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay?" Zenitsu asks anxiously, scooting closer and wrapping an arm around yours. "That was scary; I thought something bad happened to you! Are you feeling alright? Are you sick?!"

You blink at him and offer a somewhat awkward smile, patting his arm in reassurance, which seems to calm him down a little. Glancing over, you notice the masked man sitting there, staring. You give him a thumbs up, but he doesn't respond. As you all stand up, Zenitsu grabs your hand again, but Inosuke is quick to grab your other one. They stare at each other in silence. Oh no, not again! What are they even fighting about? Why do you always seem to get caught in the middle of it?

"I thought I made it clear that we need to stop fighting and leave Y/n-san out of it... but it seems we need to have another talk," a new voice interjects.

You all turn to a new voice and find Tanjiro standing off to the side. His expression is calm yet intimidating, akin to a storm hidden beneath gentle waves. How long has he been standing there? Zenitsu straightens up, and Inosuke slightly stiffens, both of them immediately releasing your hands. Tanjiro's eyes are sharp as he regards them but soften as they shift to you. He walks over, smiling as he places a warm hand on your arm, leading you back to the door of your room. He bows his head to you at the entrance, bidding you goodnight before sliding the door behind you.

You stand there for a few seconds, feeling your thoughts swirl as you try to make sense of the situation. You seriously wish you could understand them; this was driving you crazy! One moment, they're all nice and peaceful, and then the next, they're at each other's throats, ready to tear each other limb from limb. You walk back to the bed on the ground and lay down, pulling the covers over you. Today was pretty confusing, frustrating, sad, and even scary at some points, but it also had some pretty interesting moments. You may not know where you're at or how you got here, but there's one thing you do know—you were supposed to meet them.

And you don't know why, but you get this feeling that something awaits you in the future and that they will be a part of it.

Hopefully, things will smooth out between you all, and sooner rather than later. Otherwise, the chaos of these guys' antics might actually make you lose your marbles if the monsters or other strange things don't do it first. Tanjiro turns and walks past the other two, who silently follow him back to their own room. He doesn't acknowledge them at all as they walk inside and lie on their futons, turning his back to them as he goes to sleep. Zenitsu and Inosuke wordlessly get back into their own futons and stare at the ceiling in silence, fully aware that they messed up big time.

"I think... we're gonna die," Zenitsu whispers quietly.


Taisho Secrets

* In the 1920s, pants and trousers were still considered taboo for women. However, some rebellious women defied these norms by wearing men’s knickers (breeches or jodphurs), plus fours, trousers, and even full tuxedos, often in gender-bending roles or for sportswear. The only conventionally acceptable form of nice pants or trousers for women were Asian-inspired lounge pants (palazzo pants) or beach pajamas, with the latter becoming especially popular in the 1930s.

You were one of the women who embraced such clothing choices. During your stay at the Wisteria House, the old lady kindly took your clothes, cleaned, and repaired them. That night, you wore a Yukata for the very first time, experiencing its comfort and simple elegance. However, the next morning, you received your old clothes back and happily resumed wearing them—feeling more familiar/comfortable with the clothing.

Chapter 4: Mount Natagumo - 那田蜘蛛山


The group finally bonds a little before moving on to their next mission. Heading northwest, they reach an ominous mountain—Mount Natagumo—unaware that they are stepping into a spider's web.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sunlight filters through the window, and you blink a few times, rubbing your eyes with a yawn as you sit up. Despite feeling a bit weary and experiencing lingering aches, you generally feel fine, considering everything that transpired yesterday. You remain on the bed for a few minutes, allowing yourself to gradually wake up, and you drift into your thoughts. Since you first awoke in this unfamiliar place and were discovered, approximately a day and a half has passed, though the exact timeline remains a bit hazy due to the events blending together during your prolonged unconsciousness.

You anticipated having at least one answer or regained memory by now, but everything still remains a blank slate. Anxiety begins to trickle in as you worry about the uncertain prospect of regaining your memories, questioning if you'll always be left in the dark about what transpired and whether you can ever return to where you originated, assuming you even belonged anywhere.

These daunting thoughts loom, and you find yourself lacking the energy to confront them head-on.

In an effort to push these concerns aside, you make the decision to finally get up and face the challenges of the day. You stand and tidy up the small bed, ensuring it's neat before you cautiously approach the door, sliding it open with care to avoid making too much noise in case others are still sleeping. Stepping out into the hallway, you glance around, feeling a bit uncertain about what to do next. It appears that nobody else is awake and moving about. With limited knowledge of the surroundings beyond the guys' room next door and the bathhouse, which is located outside, you decide that some fresh air could do you good.

Quietly padding past the guys' room, you proceed down the hallway until you reach the door leading outside. As you step into the open air, you inhale deeply, taking in the crisp, cool atmosphere. The gentle rustling of leaves in the trees accompanies a faint draft of wind, while birds chirp softly, heralding the dawn of a new day. The tranquility of the scene envelops you. You can't help but marvel at the beauty of the estate: the lush trees, vibrant flowers, and cobblestone pathways meandering through the yard. The sunlight casts a warm glow over everything, and dewdrops glisten on the grass, adding to the serene ambiance. It's a moment of peaceful appreciation amidst the quietude of the early morning.

After meandering around for a few more minutes, you decide to return to the main building. Lost in your thoughts, you're somewhat surprised to find the old lady standing at the entryway when you reach the front steps. She offers a small smile, and you reciprocate, following her inside as she signals for you to follow her inside. She leads you into a larger room with a small table sitting low to the ground and cushions, motioning for you to take a seat while she begins arranging some food. As she busies herself around the room, you sit with your hands in your lap, feeling a tad awkward and fidgety.

You're eager to help but unsure of what to do, and the look on your face must convey your uncertainty. The old lady seems to understand, grinning and shaking her head as she passes by, holding a finger up to indicate she'll be back. You release a sigh, slightly hunching over and absentmindedly picking at your finger, biting on the skin of your lip. The sudden sound of voices startles you, prompting you to sit upright and swivel your head to see the old lady returning with the others trailing behind. They gather around the table, and the old lady says something, bowing before quietly stepping away.

"Good morning, Y/n-san," Tanjiro greets you with a sleepy yet bright smile, taking a seat across from you. 

Zenitsu occupies the spot to your left, also beaming at you, while the masked man settles on your right with a huff, arms crossed and silent. You make a mental note to learn his name soon, realizing you can't keep referring to him as the “crazy, wild, boar-masked guy,” despite the accuracy of the description.

"Did you sleep alright, Y/n-chan?" Zenitsu inquires, drawing your attention. You raise a brow slightly, and he scratches the back of his neck. "Oh, right..."

A brief silence ensues until Tanjiro claps his hands together, speaking softly as he initiates the distribution of the small bowls and plates that were placed in the center of the table. They each begin to reach for items from the various dishes, loading up their tableware, while you simply observe. Despite feeling hungry, you hesitate, feeling a sense of unease about accepting the food. You feel as if you don't belong here, and that it would almost be inappropriate to take any of it. Your gaze flits over the dishes, but you quickly divert your eyes, choosing to look around the room instead. It takes a moment before you realize that everyone has stopped and is now staring at you.

Uncomfortable under their gaze, your eyes shift between them nervously, feeling even more out of place.

Tanjiro's concerned voice reaches you, and after a few seconds, you acknowledge him and do your best to maintain eye contact. His smile remains gentle as he tilts his head, picking up a dish and holding it up to you. As you scan over the contents, you purse your lips. Slowly, and awkwardly, you pick up the chopsticks set on the side and clumsily take a piece of food, placing it on your plate. You don’t dare take any more than that single piece, but Tanjiro surprises with his next actions. Your eyes widen as he wordlessly adds a few more pieces to your plate, then grabs another dish, holding it up to you with that soft and caring smile still on his face. Zenitsu, having been watching the interaction, follows suit, eagerly presenting another dish to you. You crack a small smile, starting to feel a bit more at ease and warming up to their gestures.

They prove to be incredibly kind, patient, and understanding, continuously pointing out dishes and offering them to you until your plate and bowl are filled to a satisfactory level. Everyone begins to eat happily, with some even going for seconds after finishing their first helping. The spread includes various delicious dishes, but your attention is drawn to small round balls on a stick with a sweet glaze, quickly becoming your favorite. You contemplate grabbing another one but hesitate when you realize it's the last piece. Not wanting to be unfair to the others, you refrain.

Suddenly, the man with the boar mask, who had removed it earlier to eat, swiftly snatches the last piece, grinning with rice sticking to his chin as he holds it up and cackles. Catching your eye, he seems to revel in his victory. Disappointed but not overly bothered, you understand that he might need it more than you do, given his seemingly voracious appetite. In fact, all of them consumed much more than you did and it wasn't all that surprising given the day you'd all had yesterday. With a small smile, you lean back, closing your eyes and relishing the sensation of a warm and full belly.


Something drops onto your plate, prompting you to peek open an eye to investigate. To your surprise, you find the sweet treat there. Glancing at the man with the boar mask, you see his head turned away, his expression unreadable. A grin spreads across your face as you look at the treat again, realizing it has exactly four pieces on the stick. You decide to share them among everyone. Zenitsu giggles and eagerly accepts the piece you offer him. Tanjiro wears a fond and grateful smile, thanking you for your kindness and thoughtfulness as he calmly takes his share. The boar man, eyeing you from the corner of his eye, slowly turns back to snatch the last piece from your hand with a grumble and a small frown, his face slightly scrunched up. Despite his grumbling, you all sit back and enjoy the treat together.

As you savor the moment, you reflect on the pleasant experience of sharing a meal with what might be your new friends. It occurs to you that while you've only known them for a short while, you haven't had the chance to talk and truly get to know each other. Nevertheless, they feel like the closest thing to friends you might have in this unfamiliar place. Perhaps, with time, you could grow closer and figure things out together. Feeling a new sense of trust and camaraderie building between you all, you decide to address the man with the boar mask, whose name you still haven't learned. Clearing your throat, you turn towards him, signaling your intent to gain his attention and possibly delve into the unanswered questions that linger in your mind.

"Hey... umm, what's your name?" you inquire, catching his gaze.

There's a subtle movement in his brow, revealing a hint of confusion on his face. Determined to bridge the communication gap, you bring your hand up, pointing at yourself and clearly stating your name. Then, you gesture towards him, repeating your question about his name. You recall sharing your name with him last night—or at least, you believe that's what he asked. Hoping this visual prompt might jog his memory, you wait for his response. Tanjiro and Zenitsu quietly observe the exchange, opting not to intervene. While their assistance could simplify the communication process, you appreciate the opportunity to try conversing with someone else independently.

You find the challenge of understanding and being understood intriguing, embracing the opportunity to navigate this uncharted territory. With patience, you repeat the gestures, awaiting a response. There's a glimmer of comprehension when he attempts to say your name, though it's a bit butchered. Nonetheless, you offer an encouraging nod, hopeful that progress is underway. However, your optimism is short-lived as he swiftly shifts to frustration, turning towards the other two companions and expressing his exasperation.

"What the hell does she want?!" he blurts out, directing his vexation towards Tanjiro.

Tanjiro appears amused, a wry grin tugging at his lips. "What do you think, Inosuke?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking! I've already figured out her name. What I don't know is why she keeps pointing at me! What is she saying?!" Inosuke's frustration is palpable, his voice laced with confusion and irritation.

Tanjiro's patient voice interjects, guiding the conversation towards clarity. "Well, she told you her name... so, what does that mean you should do?"

Inosuke's frown deepens. "I don't know, damn it!

"Okay, so you know her name," Tanjiro continues slowly, ensuring he's on the same page, "but does she know yours?"

Inosuke pauses,  considering the question carefully. "I think so...? What's that got to do with anything?"

Zenitsu, chiming in with his characteristic flair for dramatics, props his head up in his hand, clicking his tongue. "So, what I heard is you actually haven't told her your name. Why am I not surprised? A lady introduces herself, but you don't even introduce yourself back?"

"Is that what I'm supposed to do?" Inosuke asks, genuinely puzzled.

"Yes! How do you even communicate with other people..." Zenitsu begins, trailing off in exasperation.

"I don't. I just fight them and WIN!" Inosuke declares proudly, his demeanor shifting from confusion to pride in his combat prowess.

As Zenitsu deadpans and Tanjiro continues to smile patiently, it takes a couple more minutes of coaxing, but eventually, they manage to guide Inosuke back on track. Finally, he tells you his name—Inosuke Hashibira. After everyone, including you, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu (with Inosuke rolling over on the floor and rubbing his stomach), helped clean up the dishes, you step outside to enjoy more of the fresh air. Meanwhile, the boys retreat to their room to finally have the dreaded conversation Tanjiro promised the night before.

Once in their room, they avoided direct eye contact, looking everywhere but at each other or at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro quickly realized that he would have to be the one to take charge and initiate serious conversations when needed. It was somewhat surprising how the others quietly listened and waited for his lead, behaving almost like children—and in a way, like younger brothers. This wasn't entirely new to him; he had some experience with such situations. It was akin to dealing with his actual younger siblings. Back when he was a bit younger, he would have serious talks with them, although they never did anything worthy of scolding. It usually revolved around minor issues, like reminding them to be careful with certain objects, encouraging apologies and owning up to mistakes (such as when his little brother had pulled on one of his little sister's hair), or simply offering advice.

However, this situation with them and you was novel, and he wasn't entirely sure how to navigate it.

He understood that, despite you not being from their part of the world, you were still a person deserving of kindness and respect. He also knew that not everyone outside of this small group would share this perspective, given your differences. Nevertheless, he was determined to ensure that, while you were with them, you wouldn't have to worry about anything—which included them. He understood the importance of setting boundaries and promoting a respectful environment for everyone involved. As the de facto leader of the group, he took on the responsibility of guiding the others towards mutual understanding and cooperation. In doing so, Tanjiro hoped to create a harmonious dynamic where everyone felt valued and heard.

It was a challenge, but one he was willing to undertake for the sake of fostering genuine connections and ensuring a positive experience for you and his companions alike.

Tanjiro lets out a slow breath. "You remember what I said the day before, right?"

They all know exactly what he's talking about. He had already reprimanded them for their actions before, especially when it involved you.


"I meant what I said. I won't tolerate any more fighting among us. If necessary, I'll go out on my own and handle Y/n-san myself. As part of the Demon Slayer Corps, it is our duty to help others in need, not make things worse. You have to remember that she's just an ordinary person, who has no prior experience with demons or our organization. Imagine how overwhelmed and scared she may feel..."

They listen intently, their eyes fixed on him as he continues to speak firmly but calmly. His sense of responsibility to ensure your safety and comfort among them and to create a cohesive team drove him forward. 

"Since Y/n-san isn't from here, she really needs our support... so, do you think you can stop fighting? At least try not to involve her so much? She already has enough to worry about." Tanjiro's gaze is unwavering, yet softened with empathy as he addresses them.

His words hang in the air, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the importance of their responsibilities towards you. They nod in agreement, signifying their understanding of Tanjiro's words. A moment of amicable silence follows, disrupted when Zenitsu's gaze shifts towards a box in the corner.

"Umm, Tanjiro, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," Zenitsu begins hesitantly. "You've been traveling with a demon... what's that about?"

Tanjiro's smile falters slightly, and a mix of emotions flickers across his face. "Zenitsu, you knew but still protected the box... thank you. You're a really good person, you know that?"

"Aww, you don't have to compliment me like that," Zenitsu responds jubilantly, but his excitement fades as he notices Tanjiro's troubled expression. "Hey… are you okay?"

"Yeah... it's just that the demon in the box is my little sister, Nezuko," Tanjiro explained, his voice tinged with both love and sorrow as he gazed at the box that held his sister. "Two years ago, my entire family was slaughtered by a demon while I was away selling charcoal, and she was the only one I found left... but the thing is, she hasn't woken up since that day."

Tears welled in his eyes, and he lowered his gaze to his hands, which rested in his lap, their slight tremble betraying the weight of his emotions.

"O-Oh, I'm... I'm so sorry," Zenitsu stammered, his expression mirroring his heartfelt sympathy for Tanjiro's tragic story.

"Thank you," Tanjiro mumbled, wiping his eyes and taking a deep breath before sitting up straighter. "That's why I joined the Demon Slayer Corps. I want to help save others from the same fate. And I made a promise that day that I will find the man who did this, and I will find a way to turn Nezuko back!"

Inosuke, who had been silent until now, leaned back on his hands and finally spoke up. "Isn't traveling with a demon against the rules or somethin', though? How do you know she won't wake up and eat someone?"

"I... don't know for sure... but at this point, I honestly don't think she will wake up. It's already been two years, and she hasn't even moved a finger," Tanjiro sighed, his uncertainty evident.

Inosuke grunted, then stretched his arms and stood up, leaving the room without another word, seemingly satisfied with Tanjiro's response, even if Tanjiro himself wasn’t entirely sure of it. Zenitsu glanced at the box with a pout.

"I can't even imagine what that's like... I don't know what I'd do if I were you. But I'm here to help," he said earnestly, holding his fist up. "Don't worry, Tanjiro. We'll find a way to get rid of the demons and cure your little sister someday!"

Tanjiro grinned, fist-bumping Zenitsu. "Yeah... thanks, Zenitsu."

As the conversation settled into a somber silence, Tanjiro's thoughts drifted to the countless nights he spent by Nezuko's side, watching over her as she lay peacefully in her slumber. He remembered the warmth of their family home, now forever lost to the flames of tragedy, and the laughter that once echoed through its halls.

"I sometimes wonder if she can hear me," Tanjiro murmured, breaking the quietude. "If she knows I'm still here, fighting for her... for us."

Zenitsu nodded empathetically. "I believe she does, Tanjiro. Even if she can't show it now, I'm sure your sister feels your presence and your love."

In that moment, a gentle breeze rustled through their room's open window, carrying with it the scent of wildflowers, trees, and sunshine. Tanjiro closed his eyes, feeling a fleeting sense of peace amidst the turmoil of his quest. It was as though nature itself was whispering reassurance, reminding him that hope, no matter how faint, still lingered in the world.

You found a tranquil spot by the pond while wandering outside the estate, settling onto a smooth rock with a stick in hand. Lazily, you drew whimsical shapes in the water, your mind drifting along with the ripples. A curious fish swam up, intrigued by the stick's movements, and you couldn't help but chuckle as you led it on a playful chase for a minute or two. Your tranquility was momentarily interrupted by a noise, a rustle perhaps, that made you pause and scan the surrounding area. Seeing nothing amiss, you shrugged it off and returned to your water doodles, gathering small sticks, colorful leaves, and delicate flowers to fashion into impromptu creations, lost in the simple joy of creating something out of nature's offerings.

Your focus is so engrossed that you fail to notice a figure stealthily creeping up behind you.

"What are you doing?" a gruff voice suddenly spoke, startling you.

With wide eyes, you spun around, stick raised defensively, ready to confront whatever or whoever had intruded upon your peaceful moment. Relief washed over you when you recognized Inosuke's distinctive pink snout, wild fur, and sharp, beady eyes. Lowering your defensive posture, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding, grateful that it wasn't a genuine threat, though Inosuke's unpredictable presence still kept you on edge.

He stood there, silently observing you as you slowly gathered your bearings and collected the dropped foliage. You couldn't help but wonder what brought him here. Since Inosuke remained silent and simply watched you gather things, you decided to continue with your activities. Growing bored of creating random structures, you shifted to making a flower crown instead. Surprisingly, you found yourself skillfully crafting it from muscle memory, your hands moving effortlessly. You sensed Inosuke slowly hovering over your shoulder as you worked, but you paid little attention, finding his presence oddly comforting despite the lack of conversation.

It was nice to have company, even if it was silent.

As you put the finishing touches on the crown, Inosuke eased himself down next to you, leaving a good amount of space between you. He gestured to the flower crown you made, prompting you to pick it up and hold it out to him. Watching intently, he took it from you, inspecting it before handing it back. You placed it on your head, but he surprised you by suddenly snatching it off and placing it on top of his mask. You were taken aback by the abrupt action, but an amused smile tugged at the corners of your lips. He stared at you for a moment before abruptly getting up and disappearing without a word.

Your jaw dropped, and you glowered in the direction he left, feeling a bit upset by his sudden departure.

You sat there for a while, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside you. There was a sense of disappointment at Inosuke's unexpected exit, but also a strange kind of amusement at his quirky behavior. As you contemplated the encounter, you couldn't shake off the curiosity about him. What was he thinking during those moments of silent interaction? Just as you were lost in thought, Inosuke bounded back over with an assortment of flowers and plants in his hands. Dropping them down in front of you, he plopped down, scooting a little closer. Then, with a swift motion, he took your flower crown off and handed it back to you before pointing at the plants and making strange gestures.

You quickly understood that he was asking you to make another one—most likely one of his own.

Grinning, you nodded in agreement as he pointed out which plants he wanted, and you set to work, assembling them into another crown. Once it was finished, you held it up, and surprisingly, Inosuke leaned down, allowing you to place it on top of his mask. The moment felt oddly intimate, despite the lack of words exchanged. It was as if this shared act of crafting and adorning each other with flower crowns created a bond that transcended language. You smiled and gave his mask a few pats, and he sat upright, staring at you while making a strange noise—similar to the one he made last night when you cleaned the scratches on his shoulder.


You couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Inosuke proudly wearing his makeshift crown, the contrast between his fierce appearance and the delicate flowers causing a smile to tug at your lips. It looked both strange and oddly cute at the same time. However, your amusement was short-lived as Inosuke noticed your snickering and quickly snapped out of the strange, bubbly state he found himself in.

What was that weird feeling?

He felt... warm?

And soft on the inside, like mush. It kind of made him sick.

Something wasn't right!

This feeling only started when he met you! Was it possible you were some kind of witch or demon using blood art on him or something?! Shaking his head vigorously, Inosuke puffed his chest out and blew hot air through his mask. His rushed movements caused the flower crown to slip down the face of his mask, dangling from the snout, and even skewing the mask slightly.

You fell back as your giggles turned into a fit of laughter.

"Eh? What's so funny?!" Inosuke bellowed, swiping the crown away to adjust his mask as he shot a fierce glare your way.

"Oh, there's Y/n-chan!" a voice called out cheerfully before trailing off, "...and... Inosuke..."

You turned around to see Tanjiro grinning happily, his warmth infectious as always. Zenitsu, on the other hand, wore a subtle displeased frown, his worry for your well-being evident. They both made their way over to where you and Inosuke were seated. You patted the ground beside you, inviting them to join.

Tanjiro's grin widened as he settled down next to you. "Looks like you're having fun, Y/n-san! I'm glad."

"Hey, what's going on? Is everything alright?" Zenitsu questioned as he plopped down, his voice tinged with concern. "You and Y/n-chan have been gone for a little while, and then I heard something, and it sounded like someone was in pain so I got pretty worried. What was that sound?!"

Inosuke tilted his head back nonchalantly, his arms crossed. "You must've heard her. I think she was laughing, but I'm not sure if you can call it that. It sounded like a dying animal..."

"WHY YOU—" Zenitsu nearly takes offense to his remark but stops himself from yelling, instead shaking his head. "Uhh, hey, what're you guys doing? What are those things?" he asks, pointing to the crowns you're both wearing.

"I don't know; she made them..." Inosuke grumbles.

Tanjiro tilts his head, running his eyes over them. "They're called flower crowns, and they're quite lovely," he says, admiring the intricately woven plants and flowers with a bittersweet smile.

Zenitsu, now calmer, takes a closer look. "Huh, they are pretty."

You graciously offer your flower crown to them, letting Tanjiro and Zenitsu examine it and try it on. Smiling, they express their desire for you to make them one as well. You spend the next couple of minutes showing them how to create a flower crown. While Tanjiro quickly catches on, Zenitsu struggles a bit, and you find yourself helping him more. Occasionally, your hands brush against his, and his face warms, turning a shade of pink. If you were to ask him to make another one, he probably wouldn't know how because, to be honest, he wasn't paying much attention. His focus was on how close you were sitting next to him, the slight crinkle in your eyes in concentration, and the steady, comforting sound of your heartbeat, making it difficult for him to concentrate on anything else.

You were really, really cute, and he felt his own heart beating thunderously against his chest.

When you finish helping him, you smile, and he stammers happily. "T-Thanks for helping me, Y/n-chan~!"

Zenitsu expresses his gratitude, holding the flower crown up in appreciation as he giggles to himself. As Zenitsu sports a stupid grin plastered on his face, your heart warms at the sight, feeling grateful to share this moment with them. For a brief moment, you feel a sense of normalcy, as if you were hanging out with your friends and everything was fine. However, the tranquility is shattered by a loud caw ringing out above, and Tanjiro's crow comes flying down, delivering urgent news.


They all share a look of determination, and then they guide you back to the house, rushing to their room to gather their belongings. The old woman stops by with another man, and he greets the men before instructing them to sit down. You watch as he performs various tests, realizing he's a doctor. You're glad they're being checked out because they all looked pretty beat up before and still seemed quite tired. However, your eyes widen as they suddenly start to take their shirts off.

Quickly averting your gaze, you purse your lips, feeling a bit embarrassed by the sudden exposure.

Navigating the situation with respect, you try not to stare as the doctor examines them. It's not like you haven't seen a man without a shirt before, but you feel a sense of propriety not to invade their privacy. Inosuke, of course, had been shirtless when you first met, but you figured it was because he was comfortable with it. Sensing that the other two might not be as at ease, you refrain from openly gazing. Despite your intentions not to ogle, you're genuinely curious and take a few quick glances. You want to watch the doctor work, understanding that it's crucial for their well-being. Observing their conditions, you're surprised to find that, despite some bruises, they seem to be in relatively good shape.

It sparks questions in your mind about their resilience. Just how tough were these guys?

The elderly woman carefully crushes some flowers, then approaches you with a cup, sprinkling them inside before offering it to you. You've noticed these flowers adorning the doors and walls of this place before, hinting at their significance. Accepting the cup with a grateful smile, you blow gently on it before taking small sips, all while the doctor concludes his examination. Meanwhile, the guys put their shirts back on and engage in conversation with the doctor, leaving you to relish your drink. Once finished, the woman takes the cup and sets it aside, while the guys and the doctor walk over.

The doctor approaches you, bows courteously, and then indicates toward you. Uncertain of his intentions, Tanjiro kneels down and points to your hand where you were injured. He then gestures towards your side and head, the areas affected when Inosuke attacked you. Realization dawns on you, and you nod quickly. Turning your palm up, you reveal the injury to the doctor, who examines it and promptly retrieves an ointment from his bag. Applying it to your wound, he soothes the area, which, although not very deep and already stopped bleeding, benefits from the ointment's soothing properties and potential infection prevention.

The doctor meticulously assesses your condition, checking for signs of a concussion and gently examining your head for any significant bumps. Moving to your side and abdomen, you hesitate, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. Slowly lifting the bottom of your blouse, Zenitsu splutters and blushes deeply as you stop just below your bust, exposing your abdomen. Tanjiro swiftly grabs Zenitsu and guides him away, redirecting his attention. Your blouse is lifted, revealing the bruises on your abdomen. You note that the injuries aren't as severe as they could have been, likely due to the healing properties of the tea and tender care provided by the old lady last night and this morning.

Grateful for her assistance, you purse your lips as the doctor gently palpates the area. Inosuke, unfazed by the sight, tries to poke your side, eliciting a startled yelp and reprimands from the doctor, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu. Tanjiro then escorts Inosuke away, allowing the doctor to continue his examination undisturbed. After ensuring everything checks out, the doctor gives you an 'all-clear' with a simple grin and thumbs up. Standing up, he announces the completion of his work, and you adjust your shirt before joining the others. Tanjiro signals it's time to start heading out with a motion using his fingers, and you all prepare to leave.

Exiting the building, the old lady accompanies you to the gates, wearing a warm smile as Tanjiro turns to her and bows in appreciation.

"We're heading out. Thank you for everything," Tanjiro expresses his gratitude as the group prepares to depart.

The old lady returns the bow, her hands holding a stone and another object. "Of course, you are most welcome. I'll bestow good luck upon you, then," she responds kindly.

"We appreciate it!" Zenitsu adds cheerfully.

As they turn around, you mimic their actions, waiting as the old lady steps closer and strikes the object against the stone, creating small sparks directed at you all.

Inosuke reacts with alarm, shouting at her with his fist raised, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

Tanjiro quickly restrains Inosuke, holding him back, and you join in, awkwardly grabbing onto his elbow and pulling with effort. You aren’t sure if you’re making much of a difference, but you feel it's better to try than to stand by idly.

Zenitsu leaps in front of Inosuke, shrieking in alarm, "Ahh, stop that, you idiot!!!"

"What did you say?!"

"It's ceremonial," he quickly informed, holding his hands out. "We're going on a journey, and striking sparks is for luck!"

The lady showed no signs of being phased by their outbursts. She bowed once more, wishing you all a safe journey and luck in battle. Tanjiro and Zenitsu thanked her, bowing again, and you followed suit, not wanting to seem rude or out of place. Then, you all headed out. The only sound was that of your footsteps on the rocky dirt road until Inosuke suddenly spoke up.

"Heads up high? Luck in battle? What's that mean?" he asked, sounding genuinely confused.

Zenitsu deadpanned and sighed dramatically, his patience wearing thin. He couldn't help wondering just how clueless Inosuke really was.

"To be honest, it's a little difficult to explain..." Tanjiro replied, pondering how to articulate it in a way that Inosuke might understand. "To hold your head high—I guess it means that whatever hand you're dealt in this life, you conduct yourself honorably, so you're never ashamed."

"Hah...?" Inosuke's confusion deepened.

"And wishing us luck in battle just means she's praying for our safety."

"Well, what about the hand you're given? We have two already!" Inosuke exclaimed, holding his hands up.

"Well..." Tanjiro began, considering how to respond.

"And why should we be ashamed?!" Inosuke prattled on, still not entirely grasping the concept. "What does it mean to conduct yourself honorably anyway? And why is that old hag praying for our safety in the first place?! She has nothing to do with us, so what's her game, huh?" He huffed loudly, throwing his hands up.


"Maybe she should worry about her own hand!" he added with a scowl.

Tanjiro pursed his lips and frowned, swiveling his head back around as he picked up the pace, running further ahead. Zenitsu gasped at how fast he moved, and Inosuke immediately sprinted to try and catch up with him.

"Erghhh, is this a race?! I won't let you win!!" Inosuke bellowed, his grin widening under the mask as he pushed himself harder to match Tanjiro's speed.

You wordlessly watched from the back, not needing to know what they were saying; it wasn't anything serious, they weren't arguing or anything... just them being themselves. You rolled your eyes playfully at their antics. It seemed no matter who or where—boys will be boys.

The surroundings were cloaked in darkness, illuminated only by the soft glow of the moon and stars above. After a full day of traveling, you welcomed the chance to rest from the running as you all slowly approached a towering mountain. Its imposing height cast a cold, dark, and ominous shadow, making you shiver with weariness and unease. The mountain exuded a mysterious and eerie aura that sent chills down your spine. Zenitsu halted everyone's progress, quickly sitting down with his legs curled up to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them as he nervously stared at the mountain.

You couldn't blame him; you weren't particularly keen on pressing forward either, especially after such a tiring journey.

"Everyone, we need to pause here!" Zenitsu's voice quivered, breaking the eerie silence that had settled around the group.

Tanjiro turned to him with a worried expression. "What's wrong?"

"I... I'm nervous, okay?! Now that we're nearing our destination, I'm getting scared!"

"Why the hell are you sitting like that? It's pretty weird, if you ask me. Quit being a baby and let's go!" Inosuke grumbled with his hands on his hips, his impatience evident.

"Who are you to talk to me about weird?!" Zenitsu shouted, pointing up the mountain. "And you can't tell me you're not getting any spooky vibes from that mountain?!"

"It is creepy,” Tanjiro said with a frown, understanding evident in his tone. “Even so, we can't exactly just wait here..."

He felt it too. This mountain didn't exactly look pleasant—it was cold, dark, and foggy—but they had a mission to do. A breeze blew by, and he turned back to the mountain with wide eyes, his brow furrowed. He picked up a strange smell just now. He looked apprehensive but didn't hesitate to sprint up ahead, and Inosuke immediately followed him. Zenitsu threw his hands out as he got up, yelling after them, with you running right next to him, trying to keep up. They went over a little hill, and you both lost sight of them until you made it over as well, stopping in your tracks when you saw them staring at a person on the path a little further up.

Who was that? What were they doing here? And why were they on the ground?

The person looked tired as they lifted their head up, but they were suddenly lifted into the air and dragged back into the leaves of trees on the mountain, shouting desperately with pure terror etched on their face. "Ahhh, help me! Don't let me die here, please!!"

Tanjiro tried to reach for him, but within moments, he vanished. Zenitsu gasped, covering his mouth, as you moved closer, nervously grasping the back of his coat. The situation was becoming alarming—people don't simply disappear like that! Something had snatched him away, and you dreaded discovering what it could be. A nagging thought at the back of your mind suggested another monster's involvement, but you pushed the idea aside. The two monsters you had seen at the old, creepy house were already too much for you to handle! A chill raced down your spine as you pressed nearer to Zenitsu. He shakily reached back, clasping your hand and positioning himself protectively in front of you. Unconsciously shielding you from the disturbing sight, he also showed signs of being deeply shaken, gradually slumping down—a clear sign he was about to pass out. Gently, you supported him and lowered him to the ground, allowing his head to rest on your legs.

Poor Zenitsu... it was as though he had a heart condition.

Tanjiro's fist clenched, and that familiar determined spark ignited in his eye, signaling his intention to take action—a decision you knew you wouldn't approve of. It was clear he would press forward, likely to save the endangered person, assuming they were still alive. While you admired his strength, courage, and selflessness, you couldn't help but wonder why he consistently put himself in such perilous situations. Did that make you a selfish person for considering running away to save yourself, knowing there was little you could do to help anyway? You couldn't deny that Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were capable of handling these challenges.

But risking their lives for a stranger seemed unreasonable to you.

However, you couldn't ignore the fact that not too long ago, you were in the same position—vulnerable and in need of help. Tanjiro and Zenitsu had both come to your rescue, despite not knowing you well. How could you, then, entertain such selfish thoughts? It was a dilemma you grappled with, torn between self-preservation and loyalty to those who had shown you kindness. Despite your reservations, you knew deep down that Tanjiro (and Zenitsu if he were awake) wouldn't leave someone in need. Their unwavering commitment to helping others was evident. While you weren't entirely sure about Inosuke, you doubted he would abandon anyone in genuine need. And given his penchant for combat, it was almost guaranteed he'd be involved in some form or another.

In that case, you resolved to accompany them.

Even if it meant risking your life, you found solace in the thought that you wouldn't be alone—you'd have them completely by your side—or so you hoped. Although there was a possibility of getting separated and facing danger alone, you held onto the belief that the group would look out for one another, ensuring everyone's safety. You gently ease Zenitsu off your legs, carefully dragging him to a nearby tree surrounded by bushes for added safety. Leaving him there to rest, you hope he'll awaken soon and be able to seek help if needed. Having one less person to worry about losing eases your mind, even if only slightly.

With a determined breath, you join the other two, standing tall and meeting their gaze head-on.

Despite the inner tremors, you steel your expression, projecting a facade of bravery as you set your sights on the daunting mountain ahead. Inosuke's surprised grunt is quickly followed by his characteristic excitement, his energy infectious as he eagerly follows your lead before taking the front. Tanjiro, however, looks concerned about your decision to come along. He hesitates, worried about your safety, but ultimately decides it's best for you to stay close where they can keep an eye on you. While he would have preferred you stayed with Zenitsu, he understands that Zenitsu won't be of much help in his current state, unsure of when he'll regain consciousness.

Catching up to you and Inosuke, Tanjiro joins the march deeper into the ominous forest and mountainous terrain. The forest here is eerier than the previous one, with a chilling coldness and darkness that seem to envelop everything. Occasional patches of fog roll in, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. You can't shake the feeling of something crawling over your skin, making you itch in discomfort as you venture further into the unknown. Inosuke, who had been leading the way, suddenly paused. He felt something sticky on his hands and spread his palms out, revealing a very thin, silk-like material clinging to them.

"What is this?" he growled, puzzled.

You peered around his shoulder to see what he was looking at and wrinkled your nose in disgust.

"Eugh, gross!!" you exclaimed, quickly dusting yourself off.

"Spider webs?" Tanjiro whispered, curiously inspecting his own hands.

Inosuke huffed and vigorously flapped his hands around, trying to rid himself of the webs. You felt equally disgusted, worrying about how many spiders might be lurking and if any had gotten on you, given the occasional itchy, ticklish sensation. The sheer number of webs made your skin crawl; you really couldn't stand creepy crawlies. As the three of you brushed off the webs, Tanjiro noticed a figure moving nearby. He called out, waving for you and Inosuke to follow. Approaching the figure, you saw it was another man, nervously looking around, oblivious to your presence.

Tanjiro reached out to him and spoke quietly, "Excuse me! We've come to help. I'm Tanjiro Kamado, rank Mizunoto."

The man tensed but then relaxed upon realizing you were human. "Huh? A Mizunoto?! No way... they should've sent us a Hashira! Great, this sucks! No matter how many Mizunoto they send, it won't be enough—"

His voice wavered with fear and frustration, underscoring the gravity of the situation. Before anyone could react, Inosuke delivered a swift punch to the boy's face, then grabbed onto his hair. Tanjiro gasped in shock and immediately tried to intervene.

"INOSUKE!" Tanjiro rebuked, struggling to pull him away from the boy.

"Agh, shut up! The only thing I see around here that's not enough is the sputtering bowl of sweat in front of me! How 'bout you tell us just what is going on here?!" Inosuke growled, getting in the man's face.

"Who do you think you're talking to? Do you not see that I have seniority?!" the man retorted, prying Inosuke's hands off his hair. "Anyway, a crow gave us orders to come to this place, and ten of us corps members gathered here. Not long after we entered the mountain, that's when everything started to go down hill... all of the Slayers suddenly began killing each other!"

Tanjiro's eyes widened at the revelation, and even Inosuke seemed momentarily puzzled. Why would the slayers turn on each other? Something sinister was at play, and they had to get to the bottom of it.

Zenitsu stared blankly at the ground, deep in thought. He had just woken up a minute ago and realized that Tanjiro and Inosuke had gone ahead into the mountain.

'I wonder if the others hate me. Would someone normally leave their friends behind like this? You'd talk them through it if you were close, wouldn't you? I did pass out, but if they had stayed until I woke up and tried to convince me to go, I would have—I'm sure of it! But instead, they went on their merry way, up that scary mountain, leaving poor little me all alone. Do they think I’m not good enough to go with them? I mean, I know I’m weak and all...'

He wasn't really surprised, but it still disappointed him. As he pondered, his sparrow flew down and landed next to him, chirping a few times. Zenitsu sighed forlornly, staring at the little bird.

"Hah, you don't have a care in the world, do you? All our human problems... you have no idea..."

Suddenly, his sparrow bit his hand.

"OW, OW, OWOWOWOWOWOW!!!" He brushed his sparrow off, rubbing the spot where he'd been bitten before pointing at it angrily. "DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BEING CUTE RIGHT NOW?! WELL, YOU'RE NOT! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I DON'T LIKE THIS SIDE OF YOU ONE TINY BIT!"

His sparrow chirped and turned its head away from him.

"Why can't you take notes from Y/n-chan, huh?! She's adorable! Look at—"

He stopped mid-sentence and blinked a few times, scanning the area around him. Then he let out the loudest screech and shot up, sprinting into the mountain with incredible speed, leaving a trail of dust behind him. His previous self-deprecating thoughts were long forgotten as panic set in. How did he not notice that Tanjiro and Inosuke weren't the only ones gone?!

You weren't here either!


There's a strange rattling sound, and you all look around nervously.

"There it is again... that's the sound I heard moments before everyone started to turn on each other!" the man exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear.

You all huddled closer, scanning the surrounding trees and bushes nervously, trying to identify the source of the strange rattling noise. The tension in the air was palpable, but you remained focused, determined not to be caught off guard. A figure emerged from the thick fog, slowly approaching your group. As the figure drew nearer, more figures became visible, all wearing the same uniform as the man and Tanjiro. They must have been part of the same group and organization, but something was definitely off about them. Some had bloodied faces, torn clothes, and swords gripped tightly in their hands. Without warning, one of them lunged forward, swinging their sword at the man, who managed to dodge just in time. Another assailant charged at Inosuke and Tanjiro, narrowly missing them as they evaded the attack.

Tanjiro quickly noticed the unnatural movements of the attackers and the clear sound of the rattling noise.

"They're being manipulated," he realized aloud, his voice tense with concern.

Inosuke brandished his serrated blades, letting out a fierce battle cry as he charged towards one of the manipulated individuals. "I'm gonna slice ya all to pieces!"

Tanjiro swiftly turned and extended his hand to halt Inosuke. "No, Inosuke! You can't attack them like that. They're still alive... or at least some of them are. And even if they're not, they're still our teammates."

Inosuke growled in frustration, headbutting him squarely in the stomach. "Argh! Stop denying me every chance I get, damn it!" he roared, clearly agitated by the restraint.

You deadpanned at Inosuke's impulsive behavior, not entirely surprised by his sudden aggression towards Tanjiro. Their constant bickering seemed almost routine by now, although you couldn't help but feel they should be focusing on the attackers instead. What was the deal with these people anyway? Weren't they supposed to be on your side? While you were preoccupied with observing them, you failed to notice someone sneaking up behind you, ready to strike with a raised sword aimed at your back. In the nick of time, Tanjiro acted swiftly, darting in front of you with lightning speed. His hand reached back, pulling you protectively behind him, while his other hand grabbed onto the attacker's wrist, halting the impending strike.

Simultaneously, Inosuke charged into the fray, colliding with the attacker and sending them crashing to the ground. You stood frozen, taking in a shaky breath as the reality of the danger sank in. Just moments ago, you could have been fatally injured, but Tanjiro and Inosuke had acted swiftly to protect you. It was a sobering realization of just how perilous the situation had become. While the assailant lay on the ground, Tanjiro detected a peculiar scent emanating from their back. With a decisive motion, he drew his sword and sliced through the air above the fallen individual.

Tanjiro's keen eyes caught the faint glimmer of tiny threads of web drifting away from the fallen attackers.

"They're being controlled by threads! Cut them off!" Tanjiro shouted, his voice urgent and determined.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Inosuke shouted.

Despite his words, Inosuke sprang into action without hesitation, rushing towards a cluster of controlled individuals. With swift, precise slashes of his blades, he severed hundreds of tiny threads, freeing the people from the control of an unknown entity—a demon, no doubt. They collapsed to the ground, released from their forced actions. Meanwhile, you noticed more tiny spiders crawling around, and you quickly leaped away, stomping on any that ventured too close, your face contorted in disgust. Inosuke joined in, crushing the arachnids underfoot and using his blades to dispatch a few.

Tanjiro remained vigilant, spotting the spiders attempting to reassert control by latching onto the incapacitated individuals. He also detected that peculiar scent once more and covered his nose, avoiding the spiders' advances. You stuck close to Tanjiro and Inosuke, mindful of the spiders' presence as they battled both the manipulated individuals and the small spiders scuttling about. Tanjiro's urgency was clear as he assessed the situation.

"This won't work; we have to find and get rid of the demon that's controlling them!" he called out, addressing the others.

He paused when he noticed you gasping, following your line of sight upward. His eyes widened as he saw a pale figure—a boy—hovering in the air, seemingly supported by the threads. The realization dawned on him that this person might be the demon controlling the manipulated individuals. However, something was off. The scent didn't match what Tanjiro had encountered before. Could there be more than one demon at play?

"A group of Slayers on my mountain? I will not let you disturb my family's peaceful life," the boy murmured, his voice carrying an almost bored tone. "Mother will be sure to make quick work of you."

Tanjiro's expression hardened further as the realization sunk in that there were indeed multiple demons involved. Inosuke, fueled by his usual bravado, growled fiercely and sprinted towards one of the incapacitated individuals on the ground. With a powerful leap, he launched himself onto their back, using all his might to propel himself upwards towards the floating boy. His blade swung dangerously close to cutting the threads holding the boy aloft, but the demon remained unfazed, casually tiptoeing away on the webs. Inosuke shouted angrily as he fell back to the ground, frustration evident in his voice.

"Where do you think you're going?! Fight me, fight me— AUGH!" He grunted as he landed on his back, momentarily winded by the fall.

"Are you alright, Inosuke?!" Tanjiro called out with concern, rushing over to check on his comrade.

Inosuke shrugged off the fall, grumbling in annoyance. "Why did he even bother showing up if he's not going to fight?!"

Tanjiro, busy fending off another attacker, interjected, "I don't think he's the demon controlling our people with the threads. We can't afford to get distracted by him right now!"

"Alright, alright, I got it! You want me to find the real culprit, then! I'll handle it!" Inosuke snapped back, determined to track down the actual demon responsible for the chaos.

With a focused expression, Inosuke plunged his blades into the ground and assumed a crouching position, arms spread out.

"Beast Breathing: Seventh Form—Spatial Awareness!" he declared, tapping into his heightened senses to locate the source of the disturbance.

After a few moments, he lifted his head and retrieved his blades.

"Did you find them?" Tanjiro asked eagerly.

"Yeah, follow me! I'm sensing a strong presence over there," Inosuke replied, pointing with his blade.

"Really? Way to go, Inosuke!"

Inosuke was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected praise but quickly refocused, shaking his head and grumbling in response. As your group attempted to move forward, you found yourselves repeatedly hindered by the manipulated individuals who kept getting tied up and controlled to resume their attacks, forcing your group to defend yourselves without causing harm.

The uncontrolled man, displaying impressive agility and combat prowess, surged forward, shouting over the chaos. "Leave these ones to me; I'll handle them and buy you time to move forward! Their movements are predictable, and I can cut through their threads easily. There must be others under tighter control closer to the demon; you have to help them!"

"Understood! Stay safe and keep fighting! Let's go, guys!" Tanjiro responded with determination, taking hold of you and Inosuke, urging you to follow as he led the way forward, determined to reach those in greater danger.

It seems like it's been non-stop action and chaos since arriving at this mountain, or more accurately, since waking up and meeting Tanjiro. Was this the new norm for you? Every day filled with running, fighting, and danger? It felt overwhelming, especially considering everyone you'd encountered, aside from the kind elderly woman whose name eluded you, seemed to be on the verge of insanity. They all wielded swords, battled monsters and each other, leaving you feeling like your mind was about to burst. Questions lingered in your mind, but the language barrier and the constant rush of events prevented you from seeking answers. Your newfound companions were always on the move, fighting against monsters and other threats, leaving little time for anything else. At times, you wished you could simply disappear, burying yourself in a quiet place to forget everything and sleep indefinitely.

Unfortunately, life rarely grants such escapes.

"Watch out, Y/n-san!" Tanjiro's urgent voice snapped you back to the present, reminding you that there was no time for self-pity or hesitation in this dangerous world.

Navigating through the chaos alongside Tanjiro and Inosuke on this mountain, you quickly picked up on their warning signals. Their urgent shouts were a clear indication for you to evacuate the area promptly, ensuring you didn't hinder their movements or become collateral damage. Despite not sharing their combat prowess, you felt you were managing quite well, considering the stark differences between you and them. After fleeing from the spot where the uncontrolled man stayed behind to hold off the initial group, it didn't take long before encountering another group of individuals. While you mostly remained unbothered, there were instances when the adversaries would veer towards you, attempting to launch attacks.

Fortunately, one of your companions was always nearby to fend off these threats. However, you couldn't shake off the feeling that your presence was slowing them down, as they had to divert their attention to ensure your safety. It weighed heavily on you; you longed to possess their strength and agility, wishing you could contribute more effectively to the fight. You wrestled with guilt, questioning whether you should have remained with Zenitsu. However, with him unconscious, you couldn't rely on him to protect you like before; it was likely a one-time occurrence.

Hoping for his safety outside the mountain, you focused on staying out of the way and minimizing any burden you might impose.

Your efforts were put to the test as a girl charged towards you, blade raised high. Reacting swiftly, you circled around and positioned yourself behind Tanjiro as he lunged forward. The clash of blades echoed as Tanjiro deftly maneuvered, sliding his blade up and swooping around to disarm the girl, sending her weapon clattering to the ground. Your heart raced with relief as you realized the danger had been averted, grateful for Tanjiro's swift action.

Inosuke's frustration boiled over as he voiced his irritation. "This is stupid! They're too fast, and they just keep coming! We're doomed if we don't figure something out!"

"I'm aware!" Tanjiro responded, his expression tense with concentration. "Just give me a moment to think!"

As Tanjiro pondered their next move, a sudden idea flashed through his mind. It was risky, and he wasn't sure how effective it would be, but they had to try something new to gain an advantage. With determination in his eyes, Tanjiro made a decision and took off, prompting one of the controlled individuals to chase after him.

"What the—? HEY!" Inosuke exclaimed, stepping closer to shield you instinctively as he observed Tanjiro's actions. "What're you doing?! Stop fooling around and get back here!"

Tanjiro allowed the person chasing him to draw near before executing a swift turn, using the momentum to grab and throw them upwards. The individual soared over a tree branch, becoming entangled in the webs and effectively immobilized. Your astonishment was palpable; witnessing such a display of strength and ingenuity left you in awe. Inosuke, too, was impressed, evident by his sudden burst of mad laughter as he replicated Tanjiro's tactic, sending controlled individuals flying over tree branches.

The plan seemed to be working, much to everyone's surprise and relief.

The chaos had started to abate thanks to Tanjiro's clever strategy and Inosuke's enthusiastic follow-through. They continued to hurl the controlled individuals into the trees, relieved to have found a way to neutralize them. However, as Inosuke approached the last remaining person, a chilling turn of events unfolded. You, Tanjiro, and Inosuke watched in horror as the individual's head unnaturally twisted to the side, the light in their eyes extinguishing in an instant. The same fate befell the others tangled in the trees, their bodies going limp. A gasp of horror escaped your lips, your hands trembling as you brought them to cover your mouth, unable to comprehend the sudden and eerie turn of events.

Inosuke's frustration turned to anger as he observed the lifeless bodies in the trees. "Arrgh! Dammit, that thing killed them all!"

Tanjiro, on the other hand, approached the fallen individual with a solemn demeanor. He knelt beside the motionless figure, his expression hidden from view but radiating a sense of gravity that caused even Inosuke to quiet down and tense up behind him.

"Let's go..." Tanjiro's voice was low and heavy with emotion as he stood up, his head bowed.

Without hesitation, Inosuke agreed somberly, "No arguments here..."

As you all continued on your path, the weight of the recent tragedy hung heavy in the air. The encounter with the second group of people served as a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows. Tanjiro and Inosuke were determined to find the cause behind the sudden deaths, their resolve sharpened by vengeance. The atmosphere was tense, and fear gnawed at your core. Witnessing the futility of their efforts to save those people left you trembling with terror. These individuals were skilled, strong, and part of the same organization, yet they had fallen in mere moments. It raised haunting questions about your own fate.

Would you meet a similar end?

You had believed that as long as you weren't alone, you could face anything with them by your side. However, facing the harsh reality of mortality, you found yourself questioning your readiness for the worst-case scenario. The uncertainty gnawed at your resolve, leaving you unsure and vulnerable. Your realization of your own vulnerability hit you hard, and the desire to become stronger surged within you. You couldn't bear the thought of continuing to rely on others, especially if it meant putting them in harm's way. The pain of witnessing their struggles to protect you, only to fail, was something you couldn't bear to see them carry for the rest of their lives.

With a determined resolve, you made a solemn promise to yourself. From that moment onward, you vowed to do your best and contribute to the group's efforts, just as they had done for you. Despite the fear gripping your heart, you refused to cower or be a burden any longer. As you continued running deeper into the forest, a massive figure loomed before you. Tanjiro's shout alerted Inosuke, who swiftly leapt forward with his blades raised for an attack. The creature was prepared and managed to block Inosuke's assault, pushing him back and landing a few strikes, albeit minor ones. Inosuke, caught off guard, stumbled back to where you and Tanjiro stood.

It was huge and had no head!

"What in the hell do we do with that thing? It's got no head, no weak spots! Where am I supposed to strike it?" Inosuke's voice was frantic as he pointed towards the massive creature.

Tanjiro quickly assessed the situation and offered guidance. "Calm down, Inosuke! Listen closely. Aim your slashes from the right part of its neck to the left part of its waist. It'll be tough considering there's a lot of mass to cover, but that's our best chance. But don't charge in alone—"

Inosuke, driven by his impulsive nature, charged forward. The creature retaliated, swinging its arm like a sword, narrowly missing vital spots. However, it still land a few deep slashes to his body. As Inosuke attempted to circle around the creature, a spider dropped from above, entangling his arm and immobilizing him. The monster moved in for the final blow, but Tanjiro intercepted, blocking the attack just in time. Sensing the danger, you rushed to Inosuke's aid, swiftly swiping through the threads and freeing him while Tanjiro stood guard.

"Inosuke, this is a tough one, but we can do it!" Tanjiro encouraged, his grin filled with determination. "If we put our heads together, we'll be able to win!"

Inosuke, despite his initial reluctance, responded with a determined growl. "Alright, let's do this!"

"Good! Go, Inosuke!" Tanjiro cheered.

With a strategic plan in mind, Tanjiro positioned himself, crouching down and allowing Inosuke to use him as a springboard. Inosuke leaped onto Tanjiro's back, gaining a height advantage. As the creature swung its arms, Inosuke swiftly sliced them off with his blades. Using the momentum, Tanjiro launched himself into the air, balancing on his head and aiming his sword at the creature's legs. With a decisive strike, he severed the creature's legs, causing it to kneel down. Seizing the opportunity, Inosuke descended with full force, slashing through the creature's body with his blades. The creature disintegrated into ash, scattering into the forest breeze. Inosuke landed and crouched momentarily before swiftly standing up and dashing toward Tanjiro.

With an explosive yell, he picked him up and tossed him into the air. "There's another one in that direction!"

You were flabbergasted as Tanjiro soared over the trees, twisting his body and diving toward another area with his sword drawn, vanishing from view. Blinking in amazement, you couldn't suppress the silly grin spreading across your face. These guys were incredible—insane, but incredible! You wanted to be like them. After about five minutes, Tanjiro returned running from wherever Inosuke had sent him flying, completely unharmed. His expression turned worried as he noticed the cuts all over Inosuke, now bleeding more than before.

Inosuke seemed either oblivious or indifferent, hands on his hips, steam blowing through his mask. "So, did you take out that monster?"

Tanjiro approached, his hands reaching out. "Hey, are you okay? You're bleeding a lot!"

"I asked if you defeated that thing or not!"

"Uhh, yeah, I did. But enough about that, your wounds..."

Tanjiro's concern was evident, but Inosuke's stubbornness made it difficult for anyone to get close to him. Despite his reluctance, you felt compelled to help, remembering your earlier promise to be strong and useful. You gingerly approached Inosuke, bracing yourself for his potential resistance. As you touched his arm, he turned toward you with a scowl, swatting your hand away.

"Eh? What do you want?" he rumbled, his tone gruff.

Undeterred, you persisted, believing that he was more bark than bite. With determination in your eyes, you let out a low growl, seizing his wrist to prevent him from pushing you away. Tanjiro watched, amused, as you struggled to guide Inosuke to a sitting position, intent on tending to his wounds. Fortunately, Tanjiro had come prepared, producing some bandages from his pocket and handing them to you. Despite Inosuke's resistance and squirming, you began to wrap the bandages around his wounds, determined to help him despite the challenge.

"Don't go showering me with your weird, mushy sensitivity!" Inosuke puffed his chest up, pounding a fist against it as he stuck his nose up at you, trying to pull his arm away. "I don't need it, you got that? And anything you can do, I can do too, Tangoro!" He pointed at Tanjiro, a tremble in his movements. "Before you know it, my head will be— my head will be… even harder than yours!"

Tanjiro stared at him in concern as Inosuke's words started to slur, making less sense than usual. Not good. He must've lost a lot more blood than he thought. Tanjiro was getting more anxious now, for good reasons. When Inosuke had sent him flying through the air a few minutes ago, it was because Inosuke had sensed the demon who was controlling people with webs. Neither you nor Inosuke knew what had transpired, but as Tanjiro got closer, he caught the scent of terror and suffering coming from the demon. She had seen him coming towards her but only reached her arms out, seeming to welcome her undoing by his blade.

The scent was almost sickening as he realized the demon had accepted and even yearned for death.

He may be a Demon Slayer, but he was not cruel, and he could sense the sincerity emanating from her. So, even though he couldn't forgive her misdeeds, in that moment, he changed forms, sparing her any more pain from what she had already possibly endured. He brought down his blade, smoothly slicing through her neck, and in her last moments, she thanked him and even disclosed that one of the Twelve Kizuki, a direct subordinate of Muzan Kibutsuji, was nearby. He had finally gained a bit of information, but he needed more. So, not only was he worried about his friends, but he also wanted to find the demon who was supposedly one of the Twelve Kizuki as soon as possible, hoping to extract answers from him before he lost this chance. More than anything, he wanted to know how to turn his sister back into a human.

And this demon just might hold the answers he seeks.

Zenitsu leaned against a tree, whimpering as tears pooled in his eyes. He hadn't found anyone yet and felt scared and lonely as he wandered through the creepy woods. Suddenly, he heard a little chirp while wiping at his running nose. Blinking his tears away, he looked up to find his sparrow, Chuntaro, sitting atop his head.


The sparrow turned its head away with a chirp, still seeming a little upset with him, but Zenitsu didn't mind. He grabbed Chuntaro, nuzzling him to his face as he shed more tears.


Chuntaro whacked him in the face with his wings and escaped his clutches, chirping wildly before they both calmed down. Zenitsu dried his face and stood straight, feeling a bit better now that he wasn't completely alone.

"Hey, let's start over and look for Y/n-chan together, okay?"

Chuntaro chirped his agreement and flitted back onto Zenitsu's head as he smiled happily and continued to search for you and the others. It felt like hours had passed since he started, but he hadn't seen or heard anything from anyone.

"Y/n-chaaaaaan! Tanjiroooooo! Inooooosuke! Where are you guys?!"

He called out your names desperately, but each time, there was no response, souring his mood a bit more. He stopped to catch his breath, panting heavily. At this point, he was definitely lost, his throat starting to feel scratchy from all the yelling and crying, and he was really tired. He sighed pathetically, but his frustration grew as he clenched his fist and pushed deeper into the forest.

"You know what, this is starting to make me really mad! I'm gonna find Y/n-chan, then say goodbye to this creepy forest," he grumbled determinedly.

He kept searching for a couple more minutes until he felt something prick his hand. Brushing it off, he frowned and looked down to see tiny spiders crawling all around. One of them had bitten him! The sound they made as they crawled around was unnerving, and he was growing increasingly frustrated. Moreover, there was a really gross smell around this area. He wrinkled his nose in disgust and cringed every time a spider moved. The situation became too much when he heard a spider that sounded bigger than the others, prompting him to turn around and yell at it until he made eye contact.

It was bigger, but it wasn't just a spider; it had a human face too!


He didn't stop screaming until he stumbled into a clearing with an old house floating in the sky, surrounded by a few bodies hanging from threads. They looked grotesque, some with legs sprouting out of them, as if they were transforming.

'What the heck is that?! Are those humans who got turned into spiders?! And this smell, talk about pungent... Tanjiro would really hate this. It's making my throat hurt. Not just that, it's irritating my eyes too! Oh man, this is really bad!'

His eyes widened in shock as the house shook, and an even bigger spider with a human head crawled out, descending using its web. He rubbed at his eyes vigorously, making sure he wasn't hallucinating, and it grinned wickedly when it saw his face of utter horror. Zenitsu turned on his heel and sprinted away.


"There's no point in running away! You've already lost the battle," the spider demon called out.


"Don't you wanna know how dire this situation is for you, though?!" It taunted, cackling as Zenitsu stopped running and faced it. "Take a look at your hands~"

He brought his hand up to find it turning black and purple with strange growths. "W-What? What the hell?!"

"You're poisoned! A spider bit you, didn't it? You're gonna turn into one before long," it sang gleefully, eyes glinting with joy. "In half an hour, you'll be my slave crawling all over the ground!!"

Zenitsu freaked out as tiny spider minions crawled towards him, but he zoomed right past them.

"Running away—"

"IS USELESS, I KNOW!" Zenitsu screeched, cutting off the demon. "BUT YOU'RE CRAZY IF YOU THINK I'M NOT GONNA TRY TO GET AWAYYYYY!!!"

He climbed up a tree, hugging the trunk tightly as he squeezed his eyes closed, trying to block out the spider demon's mocking voice.

‘Oh man... I hate myself! I always try to get my act together, but I just end up running away or cowering in fear every single time. I'm so pathetic! I wanna change—to be a capable individual—I wanna be able to save people. But I can't even save myself!’

The spider minions started crawling up the tree, and he shrieked, grabbing at his hair in panic. "Oh crap, don't crawl up here! Can't you leave me alone for just a second! This is all too much for me to handle right now!!! AAAAAGHUHH!!"

He wailed, and the spider demon grinned maliciously, flashing a set of ugly fangs, which was the last straw for Zenitsu's sanity. He felt his soul leaving his body and fainted, flopping over the tree branch. The spider demon was equal parts confused and amused as it watched him slip and fall from the tree. He was going to hit his head and die! What a strange human. But as Zenitsu fell, his breaths suddenly became more even, sucking air in through his teeth as his brows pinched together.

"Thunder Breathing... technique... First Form..."

He flipped around in the air and landed on the base of the tree trunk, bending his knees to push off and propel himself toward the demon hanging by a thread in the air. The demon was caught off guard but spat a poison-like substance to stop him. Zenitsu twisted out of the way midair and landed on the ground, quickly getting into his stance.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form..."

"Take him down," the spider demon commanded.

The spider demon was initially impressed by Zenitsu's quick movements, especially in the air, but it didn't think much of it considering he had been screaming and crying moments before. To the demon, he was still a weakling. The spider minions rushed and leaped at him, but Zenitsu kept his distance and evaded their attacks, returning to the same stance each time.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form..."

The spider demon spat poison again, but Zenitsu leaped out of the way and slid into the same stance once more. The demon was confused but grinned when it realized that Zenitsu must only know one attack. This was going to be easy!

"He only has one move! Get him! He's weak!"

As more minions rushed in, Zenitsu sprang away each time one got close to touching him. His mind subconsciously echoed his "Gramp's" words, reminding him that mastering even one technique was cause for celebration. If he could only do one thing, then he should hone it to perfection and work on refining it to its utmost potential. He had trained diligently every day, but he couldn't shake the feeling of weakness, especially when others seemed to share that sentiment.

'I really am weak... I can't do it... I can never win... I should just give—'

"Don't! Give! Up!" Gramp's voice rang in his head. "Don't EVER give up—believe in yourself! Work to forge yourself like a tempered blade and become the most resilient of all! Focus on what you do best!"

Zenitsu's determination surged, filling him with newfound strength. Ignoring the demon's taunts, he focused solely on his Thunder Breathing technique, channeling all his energy into a single, powerful strike. His blade crackled with blue sparks, and the spider demon shouted at his minions to inject more poison into him. They attacked, and he leaped away, but coughed, sputtering blood when he landed. The poison already in his veins was taking its toll, and the minions swarmed him while he was down. The spider demon cackled in victory, but its smirk vanished when a blue energy burst from within Zenitsu, sending the minions scattering. The air vibrated around Zenitsu as he stood, his body glowing with sparks of energy that intensified as he assumed his stance one last time.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form—Thunderclap and Flash! Sixfold!"

The spider demon gasped as it was knocked back by the energy emitting from Zenitsu, scrambling to get away as it spat poison at him. Zenitsu easily dodged the spitball, darting across the clearing and trees at such speed that the spider demon couldn't even see him. It retreated into the house, thinking it might be safe, but Zenitsu used one of the threads to bounce off and propel himself forward with incredible speed and force, hurtling towards the house like a flash of lighting. The demon didn't even have a chance to think before its neck was sliced clean through, and Zenitsu burst through the other side, falling back down onto the the roof of the building with a thud.

Everything fell silent, and Zenitsu slowly opened his eyes to see the moon shining above him. He... couldn't... move. Every part of him hurt, and the poison had spread even more now that the minions had gotten to him and injected more of it. Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at the moon. All he wanted was to dream... a happy, peaceful dream... where he was more powerful than anyone and able to help many people. His vision became blurry, and he feared that he'd never get to make that dream a reality.

His time was over now...

There was a flap of wings beside him, and Zenitsu slowly shifted his eyes to find Chuntaro, who chirped worriedly at him. He coughed, feeling his breathing becoming more labored as the poison worked its way through his system, slowly shutting everything down. Chuntaro chirped once more before quickly flying off to find help. Zenitsu closed his eyes briefly, feeling the pull of sleep, but he heard Gramp's voice yelling at him again not to give up. He opened his eyes to stare at the moon once more and took a deep, slow shuddering breath, using a breathing technique to try and slow the poison. Even if it was painful... even if it was agonizing, he couldn't try to take the easy way out. He'd never make any of his dreams a reality if he gave up. Not only that, but Gramps would also come back from the grave to haunt him.

The lids of his eyes slowly drooped, and everything slowly turned dark as he thought over and over...

'I can't... give... up...'

After vanquishing the giant monster and pausing to ensure Inosuke was ready to continue the journey, you forged ahead deeper into the forest. Along the way, you stumbled upon a shallow river, its gentle flow accompanying your steps. Suddenly, a deafening boom echoed through the woods, seizing everyone's attention. Glancing skyward, you anticipated storm clouds or the promise of rain, but the azure expanse above remained clear.

Tanjiro halted, his brow furrowing. "What was that? Did lightning just strike?"

"How should I know?" Inosuke retorted, edging closer to the water's edge.

"Well, I don't smell any thunderclouds... but that scent is growing stronger and interfering with my senses again," Tanjiro remarked, wrinkling his nose as he sniffed delicately.

The peculiar odor persisted, unsettling Tanjiro, who was determined to trace its source. He turned to Inosuke, who was preparing to traverse the river using protruding boulders as stepping stones.

"Wait, Inosuke!"

Inosuke froze mid-step, momentarily flailing to regain balance, one foot precariously perched on a rock while the other remained on the bank. You suppressed a laugh at the sight, amused by his awkward stance.

"What now?!" Inosuke grumbled.

"I think we should consider taking a different path," Tanjiro suggested, gesturing in another direction.

"I don't care! Do whatever you want!"

"Huh? So... are you headed back down on your own?" Tanjiro inquired.

Inosuke shoved himself back onto the bank, hands on his hips as he faced Tanjiro. "Back down?"

"Back down the mountain...?"

"Why would I do that? Just go whichever way you wanna go, alright! Quit worryin' bout me!" he scoffed, waving Tanjiro off.

"Then where exactly are you heading? And what about your injuries? I can't leave you alone..."

"What injuries? I'm fine! Stop all your fussing," Inosuke insisted, dismissing Tanjiro's concern.

Tanjiro's expression contorted in disbelief. "What? You must be joking! Anyone from a mile away could see how bloodied you are—even with those bandages!"

"Quit worrying about me! It'll take more than a few measly cuts to bring me down!"

"You've lost a considerable amount of blood, though..."

"I said I'm fine!"

"I think... maybe... you should leave, and take Y/n-san with you. It'll be safer for both of you."

"Stop trying to get rid of me!"

“But you were leaving anyway, weren’t you?!”

As they continued their heated exchange, you drifted closer to the water and stepped onto the boulder Inosuke previously occupied. With each leap from one rock to another, a sense of simple joy filled you, evidenced by the silly grin that crept onto your face. Your mind playfully chanted, 'Hop hop hop!' as you giggled to yourself, relishing the momentary escape from the tension and seriousness of the situation. About halfway across the water, you sensed something and glanced up. Your eyes widened as you spotted a pale girl—reminiscent of the boy who floated in the air earlier—staring back at you with curiosity, quickly morphing into a frown. Tanjiro and Inosuke, noticing your absence, turned and tensed as they also caught sight of the girl, who they had no doubt was also a demon. Tanjiro, unable to detect her presence due to the overpowering scent, widened his eyes.

Had she wanted to, the demon could’ve killed you while he and Inosuke were bickering.

"Raaagh! Listen up, you damn demon, I'm gonna tear you to shreds!" Inosuke snarled menacingly.

The girl shot a glare at everyone before swiftly turning on her heel and dashing away. "Now, father!"

"Who are you calling father?!" Inosuke bellowed, preparing to give chase by leaping onto the same rocks you were on.

Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed overhead, and your gaze snapped upward to witness a colossal monster hurtling straight towards you.

"Y/n-san!!!" Tanjiro shouted, alarmed.

Your body seizes up, and all you can do is watch as the behemoth crashes down, smashing the ground just inches away from you. You're sent flying backward from the shockwaves of the attack, but Inosuke quickly crosses the river and catches you. He manages to land upright with you in his hold, but you're a bit disoriented from spinning in the air so quickly and slip from his grasp. Tanjiro is by your side in an instant, helping you up and guiding you to stand right behind him. You cling to the back of his coat, your legs feeling like jelly as you try to process what just happened.

"Don't you come near my family! Stay away!!" the demon roared.

The demon punched the boulder you were on, and it crumbled into pieces. Fear slowly started to choke you, its cold claws digging into your chest as it tried to steal your breath away. This monster was bigger than the last one! Besides its enormous size, it looked almost normal, except for the fact that it also had a spider's head! Your fight-or-flight response was out of control. Part of you wanted to squish the thing like the creepy, disgusting half-bug it was—completely ignoring the fact that it would be impossible—and the other part wanted to run away and never look back.

But your body just wouldn't move.

The demon got ready to attack again, and you let go of Tanjiro, watching as he and Inosuke faced it head-on. You had seen them battle a monster before, but this one was bigger and seemed much stronger. You could only hope that they would defeat this one too. Tanjiro leaped into the air with his blade held high, going into a spin before he came down and tried to slice through its raised arm. His blade only got halfway through, and the demon swung its other arm around to punch him, but Inosuke blocked the attack with his twin serrated blades.

"Its body... is so… tough!" Inosuke gritted out as they struggled to cut through its flesh.

It roared and flung them away, going after Tanjiro, who landed semi-gracefully on a rock. Inosuke barreled towards the monster, thinking it was distracted, but it turned around and smashed its fist straight into his chest. He was sent flying back and fell completely into the water. He lay there for a few seconds before bursting up and gurgling from the water in his mouth, leaning over to cough it out.

'Damn it... all that force with just a single swipe of its arm! I can't beat him in my condition. I hate to admit it, but all this blood loss is making me dizzy...'

Before he could think any more, the giant spider demon came charging at him. Inosuke spun on his heel and started running, but his injuries and the water were slowing him down. Tanjiro ran along the water's edge, and you followed at a safe distance, keeping your eyes on your friends. Your heart felt like it was going to burst as the giant monster got closer to Inosuke.

"Water Breathing: Second Form—Improved Lateral Water Wheel!"

Tanjiro sliced a tree in front of him, causing it to topple over and head straight for the river where Inosuke and the demon were. Inosuke quickly spotted the falling trunk and sped up as much as he could to avoid being crushed by it. The demon, however, was not paying attention and was pushed down into the water. It thrashed around, and Tanjiro seized this opportunity to utilize the final and most powerful form of Water Breathing. He jumped into the water, running towards the demon being held under the water by the massive tree trunk, leaping at the last second with his blade held high and ready to strike. Right before he could attack, the demon burst up from under the trunk and held it up, swinging it around and smacking Tanjiro midair.

The force sent him flying high into the air, away from the rest of you.


"Don't die! You guys have to hold on until I make it back," Tanjiro called out.

You gasped as you watched Tanjiro disappear over the trees before snapping your head back towards Inosuke, who was standing right in front of the giant monster. He kicked water in its face, and it roared angrily, wiping it away. Inosuke quickly scrambled back onto land, and you followed him as he darted behind some trees to hide while the demon shook the remaining water off. He panted, trying to catch his breath and keep quiet, but his previous wounds had reopened and were bleeding profusely, leading the demon right to him. It snarled ferociously as it figured out where he was hiding, and he froze up.

'Not good...!'

You were dumb—so, so incredibly dumb—but you refused to let that thing kill your new friend! You jumped out of a nearby bush and yelled at the monster while waving your arms around, gaining its attention, and Inosuke's eyes nearly bulged out of his mask when he saw you. Were you trying to get killed?! The demon growled as it lazily made its way towards you. You heard the pounding pulse of your heart as you stared at the giant beast, your body shaking as you let it get closer. It sped up, and that's when you turned tail and fled, going as fast as you possibly could. You had to try to lead that thing away from Inosuke and then hopefully lose it and hide. You willed your lungs to fill with more air and pumped your legs harder as the monster chased after you. Inosuke choked on his spit trying to yell at you.

What in the hell were you thinking?!

He pushed himself from the tree, staggering slightly as he ran after you and the demon. There was no way in hell he was going to hide away like a little woodland creature while you took on the demon—how pathetic! He may have lost a lot of blood, but he wasn't down yet—he could still fight! He picked up the pace and yelled wildly as he leaped at the demon, who had its arm raised as it tried reaching for you. Inosuke swung his blade forward, and it landed in its arm, but it didn't cut through. So, he hit the back of his blade with the other one and used the force of the hits to try to cut deeper. It worked as the demon cried out with its arm falling off and turned to him.

"Alright, I got you now!" Inosuke grunted, kicking the arm away from him. "So, it was as simple as that. If you can't cut something with a sword, all you gotta do is pound on it with another sword! And just my luck, I have the tools for the job!!!" he cackled menacingly.

The demon stared at him before abruptly running off, leaving you and Inosuke taken aback. He sprinted after it, and you followed behind, struggling to keep up since you used up almost all your energy from running before.

"Are you running away from me?! Hey! Come back here, damn it!"

Inosuke was losing speed and stumbled every now and then, his wounds hindering him, and he lost sight of the demon. He growled in frustration, stopping in his tracks and using his spatial awareness again to find the demon.

His head shot up, spotting it in a tree. "There you are! You dung-brained buffoon! Get down here, bastard!"

The demon appeared to be trembling, but not for the reason Inosuke thought, as its body started changing, shedding its skin and growing larger. It leaped down, shaking the ground and roared in his face. Inosuke went blank, his arms falling to his side. He stared hopelessly at the demon, unable to see how he could defeat this thing now. It had just changed, and he could feel even more power emanating from it! He was all for getting stronger, but this was too much. There was no way he could win now. One punch from it and he'd be pulverized.

He was going to die...

Your scream shattered his thoughts. You sounded utterly terrified, not just for yourself but for him, and Tanjiro's words rang in his ears too. No, he couldn't die. Not yet. He wouldn't lose—not now—not ever! He raised his fists back up, and the demon immediately punched him. He was flung back into a tree but quickly darted away as the demon rushed forward and punched the tree, barely missing him. It was so fast! Inosuke flipped in the air behind it and tried slashing the back of its head, but it didn't even make a scratch; instead, it broke his blades. It whirled around and slammed its arm into his body, sending him back into another tree. He fell to the ground with a thud and wheezed, the air knocked out of him. The demon picked him up and held him up by his head, slowly choking him out. In a last effort, he stabbed what's left of his blades into its neck, but it unfortunately didn't do much but make it angrier.

It squeezed its hand and started to crush his skull.

Your heart races as you scream, watching in horror as Inosuke is slowly being crushed to death. Blood seeps from his mask, and tears start to burn your eyes, your body falling to the ground, fingers digging into the dirt. This can't be happening! He was going to die! You didn't know if Tanjiro was safe either. Zenitsu should be safe and not on the mountain, but you couldn't help but fear that something may have happened to him too. And you were certainly going to die next, once the monster killed Inosuke.

No, no…!

It's a terrifying situation, feeling like the world is closing in around you as you witness the impending doom of a friend. Panic sets in, your breaths coming in short gasps, your stomach in knots, and the overwhelming sensation of heat and dizziness. Your head feels like it's spinning, and your vision blurs at the edges, everything starting to fade into darkness. The feeling of suffocation intensifies, the weight of the moment pressing down on you as you desperately plead internally, begging for a different outcome, for this nightmare to end.

Please... don't let it end like this!


Inosuke collapses to the ground as the demon's arm is suddenly sliced off. Relief floods your system as your attention shifts to a mysterious man standing off to the side. The man wears a coat that is half red and half green with an orange pattern. The monster snarls angrily before its arm regenerates and charges at him. Almost in slow motion, the man calmly turns and jumps towards it and swings an arm out. He lands behind it, and the demon freezes before its body falls into a bunch of pieces.


Your mind spins with the realization that the mysterious man had dispatched the monster, and had done so effortlessly. He moved so fast and precisely, cutting the monster into pieces in just a matter of seconds. It all happened so fast; you didn't even see a thing, but it was absolutely amazing! Inosuke was saved; he wasn't going to die! Overwhelmed with emotions, a small smile plays on your face as you slowly sink to the ground, laying face-first in the dirt before promptly passing out. Inosuke struggles to sit up, his gaze sliding to you as you lose consciousness. He tries to get up but can't seem to move, totally beaten and devoid of strength. He looks at the man, who appears calm and unbothered, staring at him in awe. This guy was on a whole other level. The man deadpans as he takes one look at Inosuke and walks away from him.

"Hold on a second! Fight me, Mr. Mismatched Outfit! You beat that thing, and now, right here, I'm gonna beat you," Inosuke yelled. "If I can manage that... that'll make me the most... most powerful of all!"

"I have a better idea. Go train more."

"What did you say?!"

Inosuke remains oblivious to being bound and suspended from a tree as he defiantly challenges the man. It's only when he blinks and emits a strangled sound that he realizes his predicament.

"What the hell?! How did he do that?!" he exclaims in disbelief.

Meanwhile, the man disregards Inosuke and approaches you, gently turning you onto your back and lifting your face. While you seem slightly disheveled with messy hair and dirt smudges on your cheeks, there are no apparent serious injuries. The man's expression remains stoic as he takes note that you are neither a Demon Slayer nor a local resident. Ignoring Inosuke's continuous yelling, he walks away, aware of the presence of other demons that require his attention and more people in need of rescue. With a team of Kakushi on their way to assist any survivors and manage the aftermath, he trusts that you and Inosuke will be safe.

Inosuke, fatigued and defeated, ceases his struggles and utters, "Yeah... you better walk away..."

His energy depleted, he slumps to the side and succumbs to unconsciousness, mirroring your peaceful state below him.

Zenitsu's eyes flutter open, and a slow, ragged breath escapes his lips, accompanied by a numbing pain that envelops his body. The sensation of his arms and legs has vanished, yet he fights to keep his eyes open. Contemplating how his absence would affect those close to him, he imagines Gramps scolding him, Tanjiro feeling disappointed, and Inosuke being furious. Reflecting on your potential reaction, he speculates that you might be saddened by his current state, as you seemed to have a sympathetic heart and you have all become friends. Despite his overwhelming desire to give in to the pain, he finds resolve in not wanting to disappoint any of youhe cannot afford to surrender. As if in response to his inner turmoil, a figure descended gracefully before him.

She was a woman with dark hair elegantly held up by a large butterfly bow at the back.

Leaning in, she brought a hand up to the side of her mouth, smiling as she softly spoke, "Hello there! Are you alright?"

With the arrival of the woman, Zenitsu finds a renewed sense of hope and mystery amidst his dire circumstances, offering him a glimmer of reassurance during his time of need. Struggling to communicate, he can only emit groaning sounds, his breathing labored. Despite his inability to respond, the woman's smile remains unwavering as she leans in, retrieving a box and extracting a syringe filled with a clear fluid, ensuring its readiness by ridding it of bubbles.

"Hmm, good! I can tell you slowed the poison by adjusting your breathing. If you weren't able to do that, you'd be a spider by now." Recognizing Zenitsu's efforts in slowing down the poison through controlled breathing, she commends his actions, emphasizing the grave consequences he narrowly avoided if he hadn't. "Don't worry, I'm going to inject you with an antidote." Assuring him of his impending recovery in a light-hearted manner, she proceeds to inject him with the antidote. “You’re going to be fine!”

Carefully selecting a spot on his arm, she gently administers the antidote, causing a cool, strange sensation to flow through him, eliciting a wince from Zenitsu. As he hears voices below, he turns his head to witness a group of individuals freeing those ensnared in webs. Zenitsu, having persevered and not succumbed to despair, feels his eyes grow heavy as he drifts into a deep slumber, finally allowing himself the rest he so desperately needed.

Tanjiro clenched his teeth and braced himself as he plummeted toward the ground, far from his friends. He was descending too rapidly! He needed to employ a technique to slow his descent and soften the impact of landing; otherwise, he risked serious injury.

‘Water Breathing... Second Form... Water Wheel!’

Executing the technique in mid-air, Tanjiro felt a wave of relief as it partially worked, although the landing remained somewhat jarring, causing him to crash into a nearby tree. He grunted as he pushed himself upright, his senses instantly alert when he heard a girl's pained scream. Reacting swiftly, Tanjiro followed the distressing sound, moving stealthily and keeping himself concealed as he spotted the girl kneeling on the ground. She bore the unmistakable traits of a demon, much like the ones he had encountered earlier. Her face was obscured by her hands as she wept, blood seeping through her fingers. His attention was drawn to another figure nearby—the boy he had glimpsed before—who stood over her, his expression devoid of any emotion.

In his hands, he held taut threads, and his gaze subtly shifted from the girl to lock onto Tanjiro, who remained hidden behind a tree.

"What are you looking at? This isn't a play, you know..." The boy's voice carried a cold edge, his eyes narrowing as Tanjiro stepped out from behind the tree.

Appalled, Tanjiro didn't mask his expression of concern. "What... What are you doing? Aren't you two fighting on the same side?"

"The same side? Don't go phrasing it in such an infantile manner," the boy scoffed. "We're family, connected by a powerful bond. Regardless of that, this is a personal matter between me and my sister. So, if you insist on interfering... I'll have to take drastic measures. I'll carve you up."

He gestured theatrically, the glint of his threads catching the moonlight ominously. However, Tanjiro's scowl showed he wasn't intimidated by the threat.

"You're mistaken. Whether family or friend, as long as there's closeness, that's what truly counts. Calling it childish if you're not related by blood... that's just not accurate!" He locks eyes with him, his words fueled by passion as his voice rises. "Not only that, but those deeply connected give off the scent of trust! But from you two, all I sense is fear, animosity, and disgust! That's not a bond—it's a facade—an imitation!"

The demon's once stoic expression twisted into anger, malice gleaming in his eyes as he turned toward Tanjiro. "What did you say? Tell me... what do you mean by that? I demand to hear it from you. Come now, explain it to me..."

"Sure, I'll gladly clarify! What you have isn't a genuine bond at all!" Tanjiro's tone remained firm and resolute.

The demon moved swiftly, its threads lashing out toward him. Tanjiro swung his blade up just in time to cut through the threads, but one managed to slip by and slash his cheek. He barely noticed; they were incredibly hard to detect. His cheek stung, a sharp reminder of the danger he now faced.

"Just so you know, I'm not going to kill you in a single strike. Instead, I'll dissect you piece by piece. However, if you take back what you just said to me, I'll make your death mercifully quick."

"I refuse," Tanjiro gritted out, standing his ground. "What I said was the unbridled truth—I won't take it back. Not on your life."

He tensed and leaped as the demon raised its hand, whipping out another thread. It cut into the tree he had just been standing by, leaving a horrible mark. It was then that Tanjiro realized the stench he'd been smelling since entering the mountain emanated from this demon. The scent of terror and hatred had been thick, almost suffocating, but now it was starting to fade, making the threads easier to detect. Good, he could take him on now with more clarity. Tanjiro ran forward, leaping into the air to slice at another thread. However, he gasped sharply as his blade broke, the thread slashing across his face, and he tumbled to the ground.

No way... were these threads really tougher than the demon's body that he couldn't cut through before?

Quickly regaining his footing, Tanjiro kept his eyes locked on the demon; he couldn't afford to lose focus now. Another thread lashed out, and he leaped to the side, ducking when it whipped back, propelling himself forward. He charged at the demon; if he couldn't cut the threads, then he'd just have to get close and meet him head-on. However, it proved difficult as the threads swung around wildly, nearly slicing him. Tanjiro rolled to the ground to avoid the attacks, popping back up and panting as he and the demon stared each other down, the threads coming to a halt. Tanjiro knew the demon was holding back, and yet, he felt overpowered.

"What now? Do you still refuse to take back what you said earlier?" The demon's voice dripped with malice.

Tanjiro's expression remained determined, and the demon's gaze hardened.

"You still refuse...? Fine, I'll put an end to you now."

The demon raised his hands once more, and a sinister dance of threads cascaded from all directions, weaving a deadly web that spanned the clearing. The strands glinted in the eerie moonlight, a macabre tapestry of doom closing in around Tanjiro. His eyes widened in disbelief, his muscles tensing in futile anticipation. The sheer volume of threads made evasion impossible; they were like the fingers of a malevolent puppeteer ready to ensnare their prey. Tanjiro stood transfixed, his mind racing as he grappled with the imminent danger. This couldn't be the end, not after he had finally tracked down a member of the elusive Twelve Kizuki.

The chance to glean crucial insights into reversing his sister's demonic transformation hung in the balance, a hope that fueled his every step. Nezuko's innocent face flashed in his thoughts, a poignant reminder of his ultimate goal—to restore her humanity and protect others from the same tragic fate. But in that chilling moment, surrounded by the deadly embrace of the demon's threads, Tanjiro felt the weight of his limitations. Despite his growing skills, he was still a novice in the face of such formidable adversaries. There was no escape route, no ally to turn to for support. All he could do was bear witness as time seemed to slow to a crawl, each thread descending with deliberate lethality.

His heart clenched with desperation, a silent apology forming on his lips.

'I'm sorry, Nezuko...!'




His eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed at the back of her head, mesmerized by the cascade of dark locks flowing behind her. Nezuko... was right there, in front of him, a shield against the oncoming onslaught, her arms spread out protectively like wings of defiance. For two years, she had slumbered in a state of unshakeable sleep, and now, she had awakened in the midst of chaos to shield him. The why and how of her sudden awakening remained a mystery, but amidst the chaos, there was no time to dwell on such questions. Gratitude and relief surged within him, tempered only by the concern etched on her battered form, blood trickling from her wounds like crimson tears.

He couldn't bear to see her injured further, not after enduring the agony of her prolonged slumber. With gentle urgency, he scooped her into his arms, her weight a familiar yet precious burden. Carrying her to a safer spot, he nestled her against the sturdy trunk of a tree. Kneeling beside her, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, his touch both a soothing gesture for her pain and a grounding reassurance for his own frayed nerves. Nezuko winced slightly, the pain from the recent attack evident, but remained still as she gazed at him. Tanjiro desperately needed this moment to ground himself, to confirm that she was real and here with him. His thoughts drifted to the endless nights of uncertainty and fear that had plagued him during her slumber.

Each morning brought a flicker of hope that today would be the day she woke up, smiling and free from the demon's curse. But reality had been cruel, the waking nightmare of her prolonged sleep haunting his every moment. The fear of losing her, of never seeing her vibrant spirit again, clawed at his heart with relentless torment. Tanjiro had already endured the pain of losing his parents and other siblings, their memories a bittersweet echo in his soul. He couldn't bear the thought of adding Nezuko's name to that list. It was this fear, this desperate determination to save her, that fueled his every training session and battle. He fought not just for himself but for her, clinging to the hope of finding a way to restore her humanity and bring back the sister he cherished above all else.

That's why his last thought was to apologize to her... because in the end, he couldn't save her either.

Yet, life, in its enigmatic dance of whimsy and cruelty, chose that precise moment to unveil its capricious hand. Nezuko, the sister he had fought so fiercely to protect, stirred from her long slumber, her awakening a beacon of hope in the abyss of despair that threatened to consume him.

Tanjiro couldn't deny his shock at her selfless act of protection. In his travels and trials, Tanjiro had encountered countless creatures tainted by bloodlust, their humanity lost in the throes of demonic possession. Yet here she stood, defying every expectation, gazing at him with eyes that mirrored a lifetime of shared experiences. And in her gaze, he found a familiar blend of emotions—love, trust, admiration, and unwavering support. It was a look that transcended words, a testament to the unbreakable bonds forged through years of shared laughter, tears, and moments of unspoken understanding. Their family had always been tightly knit, their connections woven with threads of resilience and devotion that withstood the harshest of trials.

Even in the face of death and despair, their bond remained steadfast, a beacon of light in the darkest of times.

While Tanjiro was indeed a little taken aback by the situation, deep down, he wasn't entirely surprised. After all, Nezuko had always been the embodiment of sweetness, selflessness, and indomitable will. It was in her nature to defy expectations, to cling fiercely to her humanity even in the face of demonic transformation. She was a beacon of light in their darkest hours, a reminder that goodness could prevail against the most dire of circumstances. As relief threatened to wash over him like a tidal wave, Tanjiro's emotions teetered on the edge of joyous tears. Yet, his elation was short-lived as Nezuko's face contorted in discomfort, a soft grumble escaping her lips.

His gaze fell to her left wrist, the sight of it severely severed, hanging on by a thread, sending a stab of anguish through his heart.

Despite her stoic demeanor, the pain was evident, etched in the lines of her brow and the tightness around her eyes. Tears welled up in Tanjiro's eyes, but they were no longer tears of joy. They were tears of sorrow, of guilt, as he realized the extent of her sacrifice. She had been hurt defending him, and the weight of that realization pressed down on him like a heavy stone. It wasn't the outcome he had hoped for, but in that moment, her being a demon was a strange solace. The knowledge that she could heal quickly offered a glimmer of reassurance amidst the turmoil of emotions.

"Nezuko, hang in there! You... You protected me, thank you. I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me!" Tanjiro's voice trembled with a mix of gratitude and guilt as he cradled his sister's injured wrist, his eyes filled with concern and remorse.

Meanwhile, the other demon girl had been silently observing the unfolding scene. A peculiar sensation gripped her chest, a blend of curiosity, envy, and something akin to admiration.

"The girl emerged from that box and defended him... but I'm sure she's one of us—a demon. Why?"

The boy, his eyes wide with astonishment, pointed a shaky finger towards Tanjiro and Nezuko. "Is... Is she your sibling?"

Frustration and protectiveness surged through Tanjiro as he snapped back, his attention still focused on Nezuko's injury. "And so what if she is?!"

His tone was sharp, a reflection of his worry and determination to shield his sister at all costs. However, his concern deepened as he realized that Nezuko's healing wasn't progressing as swiftly as he had hoped. Panic clawed at the edges of his mind. Why wasn't she healing? The thought echoed in his mind like a relentless drumbeat, driving him to take immediate action. He had to protect her, to ensure her well-being and safety above all else.

"Siblings. Siblings. His sister's been turned into a demon, yet she stays by his side..." Rui muttered to himself, his mind racing with a mix of envy and obsession. Ignoring the girl beside him, his thoughts spiraled into a desperate fixation on the bond he witnessed. "She risked her own life... to protect him. That is a genuine bond and it'll be mine!"

"R-Rui, hold on a second! Please reconsider, I'm your elder sister... you can't abandon me!" The girl's plea was laced with fear and desperation, her voice quivering with the weight of impending betrayal.

"SHUT UP!" Rui's retort was sharp, filled with venomous rage as he unleashed a brutal sweep of his deadly webs.

The girl gasped as she was engulfed by the slicing threads, her form torn into pieces before she plummeted to the ground. Tanjiro, his emotions a tumultuous storm of sadness and anger, listened to their exchange with a heavy heart. The cruelty and callousness of Rui's actions only deepened his resolve to protect Nezuko at all costs, to shield her from the merciless whims of those who sought to exploit their bonds for their own gain.

"None of you were ever able to fulfill the roles you were assigned. Not once, in your entire life," Rui spat out his disdain, his voice dripping with contempt and disappointment as he looked at the older girl.

Tears welled in her eyes, her voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and desperation. "Wait... brother, wasn't I the elder sister that you wanted? Give me another chance!"

Rui's response was chillingly pragmatic. "Very well, then. Go kill the humans wandering all over this mountain. If you do that, I'll forgive you for what happened."

The girl nodded, her body having mostly healed from her previous injuries. With a deep breath, she gathered her resolve and lifted her head. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she agreed then turned and ran off into the dense forest, her footsteps echoing a reluctant acceptance of her grim task.

"Boy, come on over here..." Rui's sudden calmness and almost friendly demeanor sent a shiver down Tanjiro's spine.

He couldn't shake the feeling that the demon was up to something, a sense of unease settling heavily in his gut as he remained where was.

"What your sister did, I found it genuinely moving to behold. I doubt any words exist that describe exactly what I felt." Rui's tone held a strange mix of admiration and possessiveness as he placed a hand over his chest, where his heart should have been. "However, your fate now is death, a disagreeable conclusion for you no doubt. So, listen close... I'll impart to you how you can escape your fate. It involves your sister. I want you to give her to me. If you do so, then I will spare your life."

Tanjiro felt a chill run down his spine, his senses on high alert as the gravity of Rui's words sank in. "What in the world are you even talking about...?"

Rui's gaze turned steely, his voice cold and calculating. "As of today, instead of being your little sister, she's mine."

"You don't actually think I'd ever agree to that, do you?" Tanjiro muttered lowly, his arms tightening protectively around Nezuko. "First off, Nezuko's not a thing to be obtained! She's a person who has her own will and feelings! There's no way she'll ever be your sister!"

Rui's expression remained impassive, his eyes gleaming with a cold determination. "It's alright, you don't need to worry. I'm stronger than you. I will create a bond with her, one made of terror. She'll know what happens when I'm defied—"

Tanjiro's patience snapped, his voice rising with indignation. "I've had enough of you spouting this nonsense! Using fear to keep someone shackled to you isn’t the bond of a family! And until you are able to figure that out, you’ll never get what it is you desire!"

"So irritating,” Rui muttered, his tone dripping with disdain. “Would you mind not shouting? You’ve made it clear we don't agree."

Tanjiro cast one last loving gaze at Nezuko, silently promising her safety before he stood tall, shrugging the box off his shoulders with determined resolve. His footsteps echoed with purpose as he strode out into the open, facing Rui with a steely glare, fists clenched tightly at his sides. He was ready to unleash everything he had, to fight tooth and nail to save his sister. He would rather face death himself than allow Nezuko to be taken away.

"Then you should know now that I'll never hand Nezuko over to you!" Tanjiro's voice rang out, filled with unwavering determination.

"Very well, then. I'll just kill you," Rui sighed, a hint of disappointment lacing his words.

"Not if I manage to cut off your head first!" Tanjiro's response was swift and resolute, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

"Now, that's the spirit. I would love to see you try... let's see if you can take down a being like me!" Rui's tone held a mocking challenge, his eyes narrowing as the tension between them escalated into an impending clash of wills and strength.

As Rui grinned, pushing aside a curtain of hair to reveal his eye marked with the ominous 'Lower Five' insignia, Tanjiro's suspicions were confirmed. He was indeed facing one of the Twelve Kizuki. With his broken blade in hand, Tanjiro tightened his grip on the hilt, bracing himself for the daunting battle ahead. Cutting through Rui's threads wouldn't be easy, and if his neck was as resilient as his threads, Tanjiro needed to devise a new strategy. The tension crackled between them as they locked eyes once again. Tanjiro's mind raced, searching for a plan amidst the chaos of their confrontation. However, before he could formulate a strategy, Rui's snarl interrupted his thoughts.

"That steely look in your eyes, I don't like it. What are you plotting? Don't tell me you think you'll be able to defeat me!" Rui's voice dripped with arrogance and disdain, his hand already in motion.

Threads shot out from Rui's hand, but instead of targeting Tanjiro directly, they snaked around him, latching onto Nezuko and violently yanking her away. Tanjiro's eyes widened in shock and fury as he watched helplessly, a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. Rui now held Nezuko captive in his arms, an arm snaking around her neck to keep her in place, while his other hand extended menacingly with the deadly threads.

"It's settled now. I'll be taking her..."

"LET HER GO!!" Tanjiro's voice rang out with raw desperation and fury as he launched himself forward, propelled by the sheer determination to rescue his sister from Rui's clutches.

Nezuko, struggling fiercely against Rui's grip, growled and fought back, her nails elongating into sharp claws as she attempted to pry his arm away. In a moment of desperate defiance, she slashed at his face, drawing blood and momentarily distracting him. Taking advantage of the distraction, Tanjiro moved with lightning speed, dodging Rui's flung threads with a nimble flip backward that landed him safely out of harm's way. As he turned back to face them, his heart sank to see Nezuko missing from Rui's side, his emotions swirling with worry. Suddenly, big droplets of blood splashed in front of him, drawing his attention upward. His worst fears were realized as he saw Nezuko suspended in the air by Rui's threads, her body dangling upside down.

Blood poured from her wounds, staining the ground below as the threads mercilessly cut into her flesh.


Rui's cold words sliced through the air like a blade, his indifference to Nezuko's suffering chilling Tanjiro to the core. "Quiet down, this isn't enough to kill her—she's a demon. But it does appear I'll have to teach her a lesson. I'm going to let her bleed for a while. If she won't learn to be obedient, I'll just leave her like that until daybreak. And then let her burn..."

Tanjiro's fury erupted like a raging inferno, his voice reverberating with raw emotion as he charged at Rui with reckless abandon. "I WON'T ALLOW IT! LET HER GO!!"

Tanjiro's attempt to close the distance was thwarted by a flurry of Rui's threads, lashing across his body with precision and force. The impact threw him off balance, sending him tumbling to the ground in a whirl of pain and disorientation. Slowly pushing himself up on trembling hands, Tanjiro's eyes narrowed with determination even as blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. Rui advanced, his footsteps deliberate and menacing. With a swift kick to Tanjiro's chest, he sent the young warrior flying backward, crashing into a bush with a thud. Tanjiro's body convulsed with pain, every breath a struggle as he fought to regain his bearings. However, Rui's relentless assault continued as he delivered a powerful backhand strike, sending Tanjiro stumbling away, gasping for air amidst coughs that brought up more blood.

"I may be mistaken here... but you think if you get close enough to me, you can chop my head off, don't you?" Rui taunted, his voice dripping with mockery as he slowly closed the distance between them. With a mocking grin, he spread his arms wide, exposing himself to Tanjiro. "Well then, here. Give it a shot!"

Tanjiro's strike was swift and determined, but Rui's agility allowed him to dodge the broken blade with ease. In retaliation, Rui delivered a powerful punch that sent Tanjiro spinning from the sheer force of the blow. However, Tanjiro used the momentum of his spin to quickly pivot back around, pressing the blade against Rui's neck with all the strength he could muster. His muscles strained, his hand trembling with effort as he tried to cut through the demon's tough flesh.

"Didn't I tell you? You have no chance against me." Rui's taunting words were accompanied by a kick to Tanjiro's gut, sending him hurtling backward through the air. The impact knocked the wind out of him, but his determination remained unbroken. "If you can't even cut those threads, then you'll never be able to cut my neck."

Meanwhile, Nezuko's eyes blazed with fury as she watched her brother being battered and defeated. She thrashed against the threads binding her, her own strength fueled by a fierce desire to protect him. Tanjiro, miraculously still conscious despite the relentless assault, struggled to his feet, his mind racing as he assessed the dire situation. He had already endured numerous blows, his blade was broken, and his attempts to cut through Rui's neck had proven futile. As he faced the overwhelming might of one of the Twelve Kizuki, the realization of the power disparity hit Tanjiro hard. Rui was not just any demon; he was a formidable adversary closely linked to Muzan Kibutsuji himself.

The odds seemed insurmountable, and doubts crept into Tanjiro's mind about his chances of victory in this desperate struggle for Nezuko's freedom.

Rui's cold demeanor didn't falter as he suddenly turned his attention to Nezuko's struggles, her grunts of frustration fueling his irritation. "You're noisy... if you don't quiet down..."

With a cruel twist of his hand, he tightened the threads around her, eliciting a gut-wrenching shriek of pain from Nezuko as more blood gushed out, until the agony overwhelmed her and she slipped into unconsciousness. Rui observed her with curious interest, tilting his head as he sensed the unique aura emanating from her.

"How interesting..."

"STOP THAT!!" Tanjiro's enraged shout reverberated through the clearing, his fists clenched tightly as he fought to rein in his emotions.

He knew he couldn't afford to let his anger cloud his judgment, not when Nezuko's life hung in the balance. With a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down, focusing on controlling his breathing and centering his thoughts. He had to concentrate, to unleash the most precise and powerful technique he could muster—the Total Concentration breathing technique. As his breaths evened out and his mind sharpened with determination, Tanjiro stood with unwavering resolve, assuming a focused stance before launching himself forward.

Rui, anticipating Tanjiro's attack, whipped out more threads in preparation to finally incapacitate him. However, Tanjiro's broken blade came up in a swift motion, cutting through a thread with precision and determination. Ignoring the pain and exhaustion, Tanjiro continued to barrel forward, cutting through more threads with each powerful swipe of his blade. Rui's eyes widened in disbelief as Tanjiro relentlessly sliced through his defenses, closing the distance between them with unstoppable determination. Tanjiro's focus and control over his movements were evident as he defied the odds, inching ever closer to the formidable demon before him.

"You don't think these threads are at maximum strength, do you?!" Rui's voice crackled with a mixture of anger and growing concern as he realized the extent of Tanjiro's determination and resilience.

With a swift motion, Rui crossed his hands, causing the threads he conjured to glow with an ominous red aura of power. The threads converged, weaving into a deadly cage that surrounded Tanjiro, closing in with lethal intent. As the threads pulled taut, the air crackled with tension, and everything seemed to slow down to a surreal pace. Tanjiro felt the threads closing in, threatening to slice him into pieces, and in that moment of impending danger, his life flashed before his eyes.

Distant memories flickered in and out of focus, but one image remained clear and vivid—a vision of his father's face.

His father smiled warmly at him, a silent reassurance that bolstered Tanjiro's resolve even in the face of death. The vision shifted, revealing another cherished memory from his childhood—the Kagura dance performed by his father in the cold snow. Tanjiro's eyes widened as he watched, captivated by the grace and strength in his father's movements despite his frailty. Alongside his mother and siblings, Tanjiro had marveled at the dance, awestruck by the unwavering determination and resilience displayed by his father, who never faltered despite his illness.

With a surge of determination fueled by memories of his father's teachings, Tanjiro's mind raced back to the words his father had imparted about a breathing technique, one that could stave off exhaustion if mastered.

His father had spoken of finding the correct way to breathe, allowing one to dance forever, untouched by the chill of the cold. The ceremonial dance and the pair of earrings his father had always worn had been passed down to him, serving as potent symbols of his identity and the unwavering love for his family. Drawing upon this profound connection, Tanjiro felt a renewed surge of energy bursting from within, his senses sharpening and his resolve solidifying. With a fierce determination etched into his features, he inhaled sharply, feeling the rhythm of the dance coursing through his veins as he spun gracefully in the air, his movements fluid and purposeful.

"Hinokami Kagura Dance!"

With a primal roar that echoed through the clearing, Tanjiro poured every ounce of his being into his relentless assault. His footsteps pounded against the ground, each stride a testament to his unwavering determination to protect Nezuko and defeat Rui. The cacophony of emotions—strength, anger, sadness, and love—coalesced into a singular purpose as he closed the distance between himself and his adversary. With each swing of his broken blade, Tanjiro cut through the threads that sought to hinder him, his movements fueled by an unyielding resolve.

Rui, caught off guard by Tanjiro's ferocity, stumbled backward, his composure wavering as he struggled to keep Tanjiro at bay. The air crackled with tension as Tanjiro pressed on, his focus unwavering despite the stray threads that lashed out, leaving shallow cuts on his skin. Nothing would deter him from his goal—not pain, not exhaustion. As he launched himself forward once more, swinging his blade with all his might, Rui dodged the attacks with agile movements, but the impact of Tanjiro's assault was undeniable. Rui stumbled, a glimmer of uncertainty flickering in his eyes as Tanjiro's determination seemed unshakable.

"Nezuko. Nezuko. Wake up, Nezuko..."

As Nezuko lay in the realm between consciousness and unconsciousness, a soft voice pierced through the darkness, calling out her name with a mixture of sadness and warmth. It was a voice she knew well, her mother's voice, reaching out to her with a touch that was both gentle and filled with longing. Though her eyes remained closed, Nezuko felt the comforting presence of her mother's spirit surrounding her, a bittersweet reminder of the love and warmth she had once known.

In the depths of her mind, memories stirred, fragments of a past she struggled to grasp.

She missed her family—her mother, her father, her siblings—their absence leaving a profound ache in her heart. Yet, amidst the sorrow and confusion, one constant remained—Tanjiro. She could sense his presence, his unwavering determination to protect her even in the darkest of times. But there was something else, something unsettling stirring within her, a darkness that threatened to consume her. It whispered twisted desires, urging her towards a path she knew was wrong.

With every fiber of her being, she resisted, pushing back against the darkness that sought to taint her soul.

Tears pricked at her closed eyelids, her heart heavy with the weight of loss and longing. Her family had been torn from her, leaving her adrift in a sea of emotions—grief, anger, and an unyielding determination to fight against the darkness that threatened to consume her. Through the haze of her thoughts, her mother's voice grew more urgent, a plea laced with desperation urging her to awaken. It was a call to reclaim herself, to find strength in the love and memories of her family, and to stand alongside Tanjiro once more.

"You need to save your brother. You're capable of doing so, I know you are. Nezuko, help him... your brother will be killed if you don't!"

Nezuko's eyes snapped open with a fierce determination, a growl escaping her lips as she unleashed her power with a clench of her fist.

'Blood Demon Art—Exploding Blood!'

In an explosive burst of crimson flames, the threads surrounding her and Tanjiro ignited, the fire spreading with unstoppable intensity. Rui's eyes widened in shock as the threads that had once ensnared them were engulfed in flames, disintegrating into ash. The sudden chaos gave Tanjiro the opening he needed, his broken blade slicing through the air with unparalleled determination as he aimed for Rui's neck. With a resounding cry, Tanjiro swung his blade, the blade finding its mark as it cut through Rui's neck in a single, decisive strike.

Rui's head toppled to the ground with a heavy thud, the flames of Nezuko's power casting an eerie glow upon the scene.

As the adrenaline of battle faded, Tanjiro's strength waned, and he collapsed to his knees, exhaustion washing over him like a tidal wave. Nezuko, her own power spent, fell to the ground in front of him, their bodies weary but victorious. Through blurred vision, Tanjiro reached out for her, his voice choked with emotion as he whispered words of reassurance and gratitude, their bond stronger than ever in the wake of their shared struggle. Tanjiro's voice wavered with a mixture of pain and relief as he whispered Nezuko's name, a small smile gracing his features despite the exhaustion weighing heavily upon him.

"N-Nezuko... we did it. We won..." His words trailed off, his breaths labored as he fought against the overwhelming fatigue threatening to overtake him.

But their victory was short-lived as Rui, despite having his neck seemingly severed, stirred with malevolent intent, preparing to launch another attack against the defenseless siblings. Tanjiro's heart sank as he realized their triumph was not yet complete. Why hadn't Rui succumbed to his injuries? Had their efforts been in vain? Was this the bitter end to their valiant struggle? Just as despair threatened to consume him, a sudden figure emerged from the shadows, moving with silent grace to swiftly dispatch the lingering threat of Rui. Tanjiro's vision blurred, the last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was the mysterious figure approaching, a sense of relief washing over him even as his consciousness faded.


Taisho Secrets

* Inosuke isn't accustomed to kindness, genuine compassion, or affection in any form. You and Tanjiro are the first people to treat him the way you have, and it leaves him feeling uneasy, yet... warm? He doesn't completely understand these unfamiliar feelings or know how to label them. He simply recognizes that they're not bad. Although, he suspects that you've somehow cast a spell or curse on him because he feels a lack of control over these emotions.

* Tanjiro is familiar with flower crowns because his sisters—Nezuko and Hanako—used to craft them frequently. They once taught him how to make them, so he committed the process to memory as best as he could. This explains why he can fashion one with relatively minimal assistance.

Chapter 5: Hope - 希望


The battle on Mount Natagumo is finally over and the group is taken to the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters and Butterfly Mansion. Emotions run high after enduring such a grueling conflict, and some much-needed bonding ensues. During your time there, you have the opportunity to speak with someone about your situation, but unfortunately, she is unable to offer assistance. Nevertheless, she mentions that there are others who might be able to help, providing you with the chance to delve deeper into this unfamiliar place, and hopefully uncover the reasons behind your presence here.

Chapter Text

"Hey, can you even hear me? Come on, get up! Are you going to sleep all day? Wake the hell up, will ya?!" a voice repeated, impatient and forceful.

Tanjiro's eyes snapped open at a sudden, insistent voice, gasping as he startled awake. His vision slowly cleared to reveal an impressive group of individuals standing before him, their presence commanding and authoritative. He found himself face down on the ground, his hands tightly bound behind his back. Tanjiro struggled to push himself up, his body aching from the recent battle. As he managed to lift his head, his gaze fell upon the man who had spoken. Then another man spoke; he had white hair and wore a jeweled headband, his expression one of disappointment.

"I heard he was a Demon Slayer with a demon in tow, so I was expecting someone with more flair. But it's just some ordinary-looking kid? Too bad," a white-haired man sighed, his tone dismissive.

His eyes widen as he takes in the appearances of various figures surrounding him, confusion lacing his voice. "What—? Who are you people?" 

Tanjiro's head was roughly shoved back down, his cheek scraping against the unforgiving ground as he was instructed to remain silent unless spoken to. His jaw ached, pressed painfully into the dirt. His eyes darted around in desperation, trying to gather any information about his surroundings and the people around him. But the faces were unfamiliar, and the place was entirely unknown to him.

"Before we begin the trial," a woman with dark, purple-tipped hair addressed him, her tone measured and calm, "why don't you explain the crime you have been accused of—"

Her words were cut off by another voice, sharp and authoritative. "There is no need for a trial! Protecting a demon is a clear violation! We can deal with this on our own. We shall execute them both!"

Execute them?

The declaration sent a chill down Tanjiro's spine. His heart pounded as he fought to keep his composure, knowing that his and Nezuko's lives hung in the balance. His breath caught in his throat as he turned his head around, realizing Nezuko wasn't there. Panic set in as he scanned the area, finding none of his friends present either. He quickly sat up, trying to call out for her, but his voice was drowned out by the ongoing debate among the Hashira.

"Never mind the boy. What will we do with Tomioka?" A man with heterochromatic eyes and a snake coiled around his neck spoke, pointing behind Tanjiro. "Seeing him standing there without any restraints is making me feel ill. Based on what Kocho told us, he's just as guilty for breaking Corps rules. What do you have to say for yourself, Tomioka?"

Tanjiro's gaze shifted to Giyuu, the current Water Hashira, his mind racing with memories of their past encounter. Giyuu had been the one who stumbled upon Tanjiro and Nezuko after their family's tragic fate two years ago. Initially intending to slay Nezuko, Tanjiro had fiercely defended her, pleading for her life and revealing their desperate circumstances. Giyuu, despite recognizing that Nezuko was no longer human, had hesitated, ultimately defying Corps orders and sparing her. Although Nezuko had been turned into a demon very recently, she remained in a deep, unnatural sleep and had yet to wake up, let alone harm anyone. Giyuu couldn't shake his skepticism, wondering if, upon awakening, she would succumb to the bloodlust that consumed all newly turned demons.

Typically, the transformation into a demon was immediate and violent. As soon as someone was turned, they were driven by an overwhelming bloodlust, attacking humans without hesitation, going on a rampage fueled by an insatiable hunger. Newly turned demons couldn't be reasoned with; they were no longer the people they used to be. Their minds were consumed by a single, monstrous desire. They were absolutely relentless, hunting ceaselessly and giving in to their newfound instincts.

Demons, especially those newly turned, did not stop to think or feel for anythinglet alone sleep.

Yet, Nezuko's behavior was an anomaly. Despite her transformation, she remained dormant, showing no signs of the restlessness typical of her kind. This peculiarity didn't escape Giyuu's notice. He sensed that her aura was different from other demons, and that difference was enough to make him hesitate. As it had unfolded two years prior, Tanjiro's heart raced as Giyuu Tomioka approached, his sword still drawn, seemingly poised for a decisive action. Fear and desperation welled up inside Tanjiro as he awaited the Hashira's judgment, his mind racing with countless scenarios, each more dire than the last. The weight of his sister's life hung in the balance, and Tanjiro couldn't bear the thought of losing her after everything they had been through. But then, to Tanjiro's astonishment, the Hashira calmly sheathed his sword and kneeled before him.

The gesture caught Tanjiro off guard, his eyes widening in disbelief as the realization sank inthere would be no more bloodshed that day.

In that moment, Tanjiro felt a surge of gratitude and relief flood through him. Giyuu's decision had not only spared Nezuko's life but had also opened a new path for Tanjiro himself. The young man's determination and spirit had not gone unnoticed, and Giyuu saw potential in him that could be honed for the greater good. Giyuu spoke, his voice carrying a sense of purpose and resolve. He instructed Tanjiro to seek out a man named Sakonji Urokodaki on a nearby mountain, explaining that he had sent word ahead of them. Under Urokodaki's guidance, Tanjiro would receive the training necessary to become a skilled Demon Slayer and potentially join the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps.

So, Tanjiro embarked on a new journey, spending two years on that mountain under Urokodaki's rigorous tutelage.

Each day was a test of his strength, willpower, and determination. He endured grueling training sessions, pushing himself to his limits and beyond in his quest to become stronger. The guidance and mentorship of Urokodaki, coupled with Tanjiro's unwavering dedication, resulted in significant growth. He became a formidable swordsman, honing his skills and learning valuable techniques to combat demons effectively. Reflecting on the past, Tanjiro felt immense gratitude towards Giyuu and Urokodaki for giving him and Nezuko a chance. Tanjiro was determined to keep improving, to fulfill his promise of protecting others and bringing an end to the suffering caused by demons.

Their decisions to give him and Nezuko a chance weren't going to be regretted! 

"Oh, I think it's fine. He came here without resisting, so let's decide on a penalty later," suggests the Insect Pillar. "What interests me more is hearing this boy's story. He's been traveling with a demon despite being a Demon Slayer himself. I want to know why straight from the source. What he's done is unquestionably against the Demon Slayer Corps rules." She turns her gaze to Tanjiro, a faint smile on her lips that doesn't quite reach her eyes, though there's no malice behind it. "You are aware of that, aren't you?"

Tanjiro found himself at a loss for words as the gravity of the situation settled upon him. It was a dilemma that weighed heavily on his shoulders as he sat before these formidable figures, their eyes scrutinizing him for answers. He knew the truth, but conveying it in a way that would convince them seemed like an insurmountable task. How could he make them see that Nezuko, despite being a demon, posed no threat? How could he make them believe that she had spent the last two years in a peaceful slumber, awakening only recently to save him from a powerful adversaryanother demon?

Tanjiro believed in Nezuko with every fiber of his being. He knew her kind heart, her unwavering loyalty, and her innate goodness was still within her. She was his sister, and he would protect her at all costs, even if it meant going against the rules of the Corps. But to the Hashira, Tanjiro and Nezuko were strangers, their pasts and motivations shrouded in mystery. They demanded answers, seeking justification for Tanjiro's actions. All he could do was speak the truth as he knew it, hoping that his sincerity and conviction would shine through.

"She's my—" His voice caught in his throat as he slowly sat up, parched and strained from the exertion of battle. "She's my younger sister—"

The woman produced a bottle, deftly removing its cap as she knelt before him. "Looks like you could use some water..." She extended the bottle towards him, guiding it to his lips as he gratefully savored the cool, hydrating drink. "I can see your jaw's taken a hit, so take it easy as you drink."

The cool, refreshing water washed down his unbearably dry throat, bringing a momentary relief. However, a numbing sensation soon crept up to his jaw, causing his tongue to feel slightly heavy. Tanjiro took a few more generous gulps before pulling away, gasping for air and lightly panting. Drinking had become a bit challenging due to the strange numbing effect, making it difficult to control his mouth, which he realized he couldn't feel much anymore. Some water dribbled down his chin, falling onto his knee, but he didn't pay it much attention.

"I added an anesthetic to the water for your comfort," she explained, noticing the confusion in his eyes as she kindly wiped his chin. "Are you ready to share your story with us now, Tanjiro?"

He took a moment to collect himself, his mind flashing back to the horrifying day when his life changed forever. The agony of returning home to find his loved ones slaughtered, the scent of blood thick in the air, and the overwhelming grief that threatened to consume him—it all rushed back with painful clarity.

"Two years ago, my family was attacked by a demon while I was away selling charcoal," he began, his voice tinged with sorrow. "When I returned, I found our home stained with blood, and I thought I had lost everyone..." His words painted a vivid picture of the devastation he had witnessed, the fear and grief still fresh in his mind even after all this time. "To my relief, Nezuko was still alive. However, she was turned into a demon... but she's never hurt anyone!"

Tanjiro could feel the weight of their judgmental stares bearing down on him, amplifying the gravity of his plea. Some of them seemed genuinely moved, their expressions reflecting surprise, sadness, and empathy. However, not everyone shared these sentiments. One man, perched nonchalantly in a tree, dismissed Tanjiro's words as absurd, wagging his finger in a dismissive manner. His skepticism added to the tension in the air, contrasting sharply with Tanjiro's earnestness. Another man, clad in prayer beads and with tears streaming down his face, offered a different perspective. His voice quivered with emotion as he suggested the drastic measure of ending their lives, viewing their existence as cursed and perhaps irredeemable. Tanjiro's heart sank at the suggestion, feeling a mix of frustration and desperation. He knew he needed to convey the truth and convince them of Nezuko's innocence, but the weight of their doubts and the gravity of the situation threatened to overwhelm him.

Tanjiro's plea was filled with genuine desperation, his voice cracking with emotion as he implored them to believe in Nezuko's innocence.

"Please, listen to me," he begged, his eyes pleading with each person in the gathering. "I dedicated myself to becoming a swordsman with one purpose—to find a cure for her! It's been two long years since Nezuko turned into a demon! During all that time, she has been asleep and has never devoured anyone! She only just woke up recently, I swear to you!"

However, his heartfelt words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the man with the jeweled headband interjected with a dismissive tone. "Your storytelling lacks any vibrant sparks of color! She hasn't devoured anyone, and she's not going to? If you're going to plead your case, at least spice it up a bit!"

His bored expression and casual demeanor added a layer of frustration to Tanjiro's already dire situation, leaving him grappling for words to convey the truth in a more convincing manner. A woman with vibrant pink hair—the Love Hashira—bashfully draws attention to herself, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

"Excuse me, but something about this situation troubles me. It's hard to believe that our Master would be unaware of these circumstances," she points out, her eyes scanning the gathered individuals for validation. The man with the headband and a few others grunt in thoughtful acknowledgment of her observation. "Perhaps we shouldn't take action without his explicit permission. Maybe it's best to wait until he arrives...?"

Before the conversation can delve deeper into this consideration, Tanjiro interjects with renewed determination.

"Let my sister fight by my side!" His voice rings out with conviction, a plea laced with hope. "I know she can fight alongside me to protect humans, so please—"

Interrupting the discussion, a new voice cuts through the tension with a sense of intrigue. "Well, well, what kind of fun do we have brewing here?"

A hushed tension settles over the group as all eyes turn towards the source of the new voice. A man, his visage marked by a tapestry of scars, steps forward with a vitriolic smirk etched upon his face. In one hand, he holds Nezuko's box, instantly seizing Tanjiro's attention. A fleeting sense of relief washes over Tanjiro at the sight of the box, but it's short-lived as the man's sharp words pierce through the silence.

"Are you the moron who brought a demon with you?" His tone drips with disdain as he levels a piercing gaze at Tanjiro. "What the hell do you think you're trying to pull here, exactly?"

"Shinazugawa-san, please don't act out of line..." The dark-haired woman's voice carries a note of authority, her smile fading as she addresses the scarred man directly.

Her words hold a subtle warning, hinting at the need for restraint in the current situation.

"Let's hear it one more time, kid," he demands, his voice edged with skepticism. "She can fight by your side as a Demon Slayer to protect humans, was that your claim?"

Tanjiro's eyes widen in horror as the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa, brandishes his sword and drives it mercilessly into Nezuko's box. The sound of metal tearing through wood is accompanied by Nezuko's pained grunt and the splatter of her blood. Anguish grips Tanjiro's heart, but it quickly transforms into a fierce resolve as he witnesses this act of cruelty. Despite his hands still being bound behind his back, Tanjiro springs to his feet with startling agility. His eyes blaze with anger, jaw clenched in determination as he confronts Shinazugawa with an unwavering glare.

"Anyone who harms my sister will have to answer to me! I don't give a damn if you're one of the Hashira!" His voice carries a steely edge, filled with raw emotion and a clear warning that he's prepared to defend Nezuko at any cost.

Tanjiro's heart races as he watches the man, Shinazugawa, twist and yank the blade from Nezuko's box, eliciting another cry of pain from her. The callous flick of the blade to rid it of dripping blood only adds to Tanjiro's rage, fueling his determination to confront this injustice head-on. Ignoring the attempts of the others to restrain him, Tanjiro charges forward with a primal roar, propelled by a surge of adrenaline. With swift and calculated movements, he leaps into the air just as Shinazugawa swings his sword. The Hashira, caught off guard by Tanjiro's speed and ferocity, hesitates for a crucial moment, allowing Tanjiro to seize the opportunity. With all the strength and fury he can muster, Tanjiro propels his head forward in a powerful headbutt, striking Shinazugawa squarely and sending him crashing to the ground along with the box and his sword.

As Shinazugawa groans and lies still, Tanjiro swiftly rises to his feet, his gaze never leaving the man as he guards the box containing Nezuko.

"If you can't distinguish between good demons and bad ones, then you shouldn't be a Hashira!" Tanjiro's voice rings out, firm and resolute, echoing his unwavering resolve to protect his sister and stand up against injustice.

Amidst the tension, a few quiet giggles escape the lips of the woman with pink hair, though she quickly stifles them with an apologetic look. The other Hashira observe with inscrutable expressions, their thoughts concealed behind practiced masks. Tomioka's subtle expression, barely noticeable yet present, hints at a sense of pride and approval, accompanied by the faintest suggestion of a smile.

Shinazugawa, slowly pushing himself up and retrieving his sword, glares at Tanjiro with venomous intent. "Damn you. You insolent brat... I'll make you pay for this!"

"The Master has returned."

The tension in the air dissipates immediately as everyone turns toward the mansion. Two young children, serene and composed, stand at the entrance, accompanied by a figure emerging from the shadows. All eyes are on the approaching figure, and the Hashira, including the fuming Shinazugawa, instantly still. The figure, gently holding the hands of the young children, steps forward with a calm and composed demeanor.

"My beloved children, I thank you for coming here today."

The Master, finally stepping into the sunlight, reveals himself. His gentle smile and tranquil presence create a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere from moments ago. He takes a slow, deep breath, appreciating the fresh air and the tranquil sounds of nature—birds chirping, leaves rustling gently in the breeze. The atmosphere shifts to one of deep respect and reverence as the Master addresses the group.

"Good morning to you all. The weather is strikingly nice today. Perhaps with a blue sky? Finding ourselves here at the semiannual gathering with all the same faces brings me joy. I hope you all are well."

Tanjiro, despite the pain and confusion, notices the Master's appearance, lesions covering half of his face, hinting at a serious illness. His curiosity is interrupted as his head is abruptly shoved back down to the ground by Sanemi, the Hashira he had confronted. Tanjiro's cheek presses painfully against the hard ground as he realizes the significance of the man before him. Everyone, including the fierce Hashira, bows deeply in respect.

Sanemi releases his hold on Tanjiro and joins the others, bowing his head low. "Yes, Master! I am pleased to see you in good spirits. And I fervently pray for your continued good health."

"Thank you, Sanemi," the Master replies gently.

"If I may, Master, before we start the meeting... would you kindly enlighten us about this swordsman, Tanjiro Kamado, who is accompanied by a demon?" Sanemi's sudden formality catches Tanjiro off guard.

'He didn't seem to have any social graces before... but now he's speaking so formally?!' Tanjiro thinks, bewildered.

"But of course," the Master replies calmly, "I apologize for any confusion. Tanjiro and Nezuko have both been sanctioned by me."

A series of disapproving murmurs ripple through the group. Some of the Hashira voice their objections, while others remain silent, their expressions unreadable. The Master listens patiently, allowing each of them to speak their minds without interruption. Once the murmurs subside, he signals one of the young children by his side to bring out a letter. The child approaches, carrying the letter with great care. She unfolds it delicately, giving the gathered Hashira a moment to settle before she begins to read aloud.

"This letter is from Sakonji Urokodaki, one of the most respected former Water Hashira," she starts, her voice clear and steady. "In it, he details his observations of Nezuko Kamado over the past two years." The girl continues reading Urokodaki's letter, her voice steady and clear, resonating in the solemn courtyard. "Urokodaki goes on to say, 'I ask you to allow Tanjiro and his sister to accompany each other. I believe that she has a resilient mental fortitude, allowing her to not lose her human reason. Over two years I have watched, and not once has she harmed a person, for she has been in a deep sleep. This goes to show that she is not to be compared to other demons. Although the situation sounds outlandish, I truly believe she is different and capable of fighting the demonic side while she sleeps in order to retain her humanity.'"

The Hashira murmur amongst themselves, the weight of Urokodaki's words settling in. Some look skeptical, others contemplative, but all are listening intently.

The girl reads on, "Urokodaki adds, 'I had also taken it upon myself to speak to her subconscious self, convincing her that all humans are family, in hopes of helping to strengthen her own will. I told her to protect them. In the event that Nezuko does wake up and assault another human being, myself, as well as Tanjiro Kamado and Giyuu Tomioka, will atone by committing seppuku.'"

Gasps and murmurs of surprise ripple through the gathered Hashira. The mention of seppuku, a deeply serious and honorable form of ritual suicide, underscores the depth of Urokodaki and Tomioka's conviction. Tanjiro feels a fresh wave of tears welling up, but he holds his head high, determined to prove their faith in him and Nezuko is justified.

The Master, ever composed, lets the weight of the letter settle over the group before speaking. "You have heard Urokodaki's words and the severity of his commitment. This is not a decision made lightly, and it speaks volumes of his trust in Nezuko and Tanjiro."

Sanemi interrupts angrily, "What does it matter how they choose to atone? Burning, hanging, it's all the same! It doesn't ensure our safety!"

Another man, the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, his fiery hair matching his fervent tone, chimes in, "Indeed, Shinazugawa-san's concerns are valid! Should this demon harm a human, there is no undoing the irreversible. That person's life will be forever lost!"

"You make a valid point," the Master acknowledges with a thoughtful nod, his voice carrying a tone of impartial consideration. "It's true, we can't guarantee that Nezuko won't pose a threat to humans—we lack definitive proof either way. However, we also cannot disregard the fact that for two years, she has remained in a deep slumber without harming a single human being. Tanjiro's assertion that she awakened solely to protect him, coupled with the willingness of Urokodaki-san and Tomioka to stake their lives on her innocence, is a compelling testimony. Should anyone refute this evidence, they must present an equally compelling counterargument."

Sanemi clenches his fists in frustration but refrains from further protest, a subdued tension palpable among the gathered Hashira.

"Let us not forget the purpose of our existence," the Master continues, his voice steady and unwavering. "We are the Demon Slayer Corps, dedicated to protecting humanity from the threat of demons. However, we are also entrusted with wisdom and discernment. Blind adherence to rules without consideration for individual circumstances does not reflect the spirit of our organization." He pauses, allowing his words to sink in before he speaks again. "I propose we grant Tanjiro and Nezuko a probationary period. During this time, they will be closely monitored and evaluated for any potential threat. Should Nezuko demonstrate aggression towards humans or violate any terms of this probation, immediate action will be taken."

The proposal hangs in the air, prompting murmurs and whispers among the Hashira. Some nod in agreement, seeing the logic in a cautious approach, while others remain skeptical, unconvinced that such leniency is warranted.

"Master, with all due respect, I cannot condone this decision!" Sanemi's words were sharp and resolute, echoing through the solemn air of the gathering. "To ask us to harbor a demon, to risk the lives of our brethren and the innocents we have sworn to protect—it is beyond comprehension!" He raised his blade, the glint of steel catching the sunlight, as he made his bold declaration and sliced his arm. "I will prove to you the depravity of demons right here and now! Witness it for yourself!"

Standing atop the box, one foot precariously balanced, Sanemi raises his bleeding arm above it. Crimson droplets splatter against the wooden surface, each impact echoing his challenge to the demon within. His taunts grow sharper, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere as he goads Nezuko, hoping to elicit a reaction that would reinforce his beliefs. Sanemi's taunts reach a fever pitch as he throws open the box and sends it tumbling, Nezuko rolling out with a pained grunt. The young demoness rises slowly, her muscles tense, a feral growl emanating from her throat. Her eyes, usually warm and gentle, are now narrowed into slits, barely revealing her pupils as she locks her gaze onto the man before her.

Tanjiro struggled on the ground, his eyes fixed on his sister and the unfolding confrontation.

Nezuko's gaze locked onto Sanemi, her primal instincts at war with her human will. The tension in the air was palpable as she faced off against the provoking adversary, growls rumbling low in her throat. Nezuko's hands, clenched into tight fists, betray the intensity of her internal struggle. Her nails dig into her own flesh, drawing blood as she fights against the primal urges surging within her. 

Sanemi's cruel laughter fills the air, a stark contrast to the tense silence that hangs around them. Unable to bear the sight any longer, Tanjiro summons a surge of determination, channeling all his strength into breaking free from his restraints. With a resounding snap, the ropes give way, freeing his arms. Seizing the opportunity, he lunges upward. The sudden movement caught the man restraining him off guard, and Giyuu, ever vigilant, seized the opportunity to intervene. With a swift motion, he incapacitated the man, allowing Tanjiro to escape.

Tanjiro rushes toward the steps of the mansion, his heart pounding with urgency as he calls out, "Nezuko!!!" 

Nezuko's uneven breaths reflect the intense struggle within her, torn between her instinctive impulses and the moral guidance instilled within her. As Tanjiro's voice reaches her ears once more, a flicker of recognition stirs within her, memories from the past blending with the present chaos. Someone, long ago, had imparted the value of protecting humans and refraining from harm. Though the details are hazy, the essence of that lesson resonates deeply within her. Amidst the internal conflict, multiple voices echo in her mind, urging her to resist the urge to attack. It's not just the voice from the past but also her own sense of identity and the echoes of her family's teachings that urge restraint.

This isn't who she wants to be, and she refuses to succumb to the primal desires threatening to consume her.

With a determined huff, Nezuko turns her head away, shutting her eyes tightly as if to shut out the temptation. Her reaction catches Sanemi off guard, his widened eyes reflecting surprise as he takes a hesitant step back, unsure of what to make of her unexpected defiance.

"May you tell me what has happened?" The Master's gentle inquiry prompts one of the children to recount the recent events.

They detail how Nezuko, despite being provoked and attacked by Shinazugawa, demonstrated remarkable restraint by turning her head away in disgust instead of retaliating. The child emphasizes that even after being stabbed multiple times and having blood flaunted in her face, Nezuko refrained from biting Shinazugawa, showcasing her self-control. The Master listens attentively, nodding in understanding as the child concludes the account. With a soft smile, he acknowledges the undeniable proof of Nezuko's restraint and refusal to harm, even under extreme provocation.

"Indeed, this is undeniable proof of Nezuko's restraint," he remarks with a soft smile, a hint of approval in his tone. "Tanjiro," the Master addresses him directly, his tone calm yet authoritative. "This incident serves as a testament to Nezuko's character. However, there may still be those among us who struggle to accept her. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your worth and prove that you and Nezuko can contribute positively to our cause."

Tanjiro's heart swells with gratitude and relief as he feels a weight lifted off his shoulders. With a sense of renewed purpose, he sinks to his hands and knees, bowing deeply in profound appreciation for the Master's understanding and trust.

"Thank you," he exclaims earnestly, his voice filled with determination and resolve.

"Go forth and vanquish our foes alongside Nezuko. Accomplish this, and your acceptance among us will be secured. Your words will carry the weight of deeds accomplished."

The Master's words resonate deeply within him, igniting a fire of determination. As he stands back up, Tanjiro straightens his posture with newfound confidence.

"Alright, my sister and I shall vanquish Kibutsuji! You can trust in us to strike him down and bring an end to this endless cycle of suffering!"

"The journey ahead is certainly ambitious," the Master's smile quirks upwards, "but let's begin by tackling a Twelve Kizuki first."

Tanjiro blushes, realizing his eagerness may have been a bit overzealous. "Oh… right. Yes, sir!"

"Then it appears our discussion is at an end, Tanjiro. You are free to depart," the Master concludes.

"In that case, Master, I'll guide them to my residence," the woman with dark hair interjects.

The Master nods, granting her request, and she signals the nearby Kakushi to escort Tanjiro and Nezuko. Within moments, two figures dressed in black and white rush over, ready to lead Tanjiro and Nezuko away to their next destination.

"Five times a day?! I have to endure this five times a day?! And for a whole month?! The taste is so unbearably bitter too! I won't be able to eat anything after this!! How is this stuff supposed to restore my arms and legs?! I don't understand how that's even possible! It tastes like it'll make things worse!!"

"Would you please stop shouting?!" a girl's exasperated voice cut through the air, her irritation palpable.

Tanjiro was being carefully carried to a room by one of the Kakushi members assigned to escort him and Nezuko to the Butterfly Mansion, their new residence for the foreseeable future. As they neared the room, the sounds of commotion grew louder, indicating a heated situation inside. Stepping over the threshold, Tanjiro's eyes fell upon Zenitsu, whose face was contorted in anguish, his protests against the medicine filling the room. The Kakushi member guided Tanjiro further into the room, bringing him closer to the bed where Zenitsu lay, his complaints escalating into a full-fledged tantrum. The girl in the room, clearly fed up with Zenitsu's antics, threw her hands up in resignation before storming out of the room in a huff, leaving Tanjiro to take in the chaotic scene before him.

"Zenitsu! What happened? Are you alright? Did you come up the mountain, too?!" Tanjiro's voice cut through the blonde's wailing.

Zenitsu paused his screeching, his tear-filled eyes widening as he turned towards Tanjiro. "T-Tanjiro? Aghhhh!! It was terrible, Tanjiro, just awful! I tried looking for you guys but I got bit by this disgusting spider, and it really hurt!" His voice cracked with emotion as he flopped over, his breaths coming in sharp gasps amidst sniffles.

The Kakushi member gently set Tanjiro down next to Zenitsu and then quietly left the room, leaving the two friends alone in the tense atmosphere. As Tanjiro looked closely at Zenitsu, he couldn't help but notice something seemed off about him...

"Did you... get smaller or something?" Tanjiro's brow furrowed with confusion as he studied Zenitsu's diminished form.

"I almost got turned into a spider, so my arms and legs are really short right now," Zenitsu explained, his voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and relief that he hadn't fully transformed.

"Oh... and the others? Where are Inosuke and Y/n-san?" Tanjiro's concern for their companions mirrored in his tone.

"I don't know about Y/n-chan, but Inosuke is right over there," Zenitsu replied, his eyes darting to the other side of the room.

Tanjiro followed Zenitsu's gaze and spotted the boar-masked man huddled in another bed. Inosuke lay beneath the covers, unmoving and silent, blending into the background so seamlessly that Tanjiro hadn't noticed him at first.

"Inosuke?! I'm glad you're safe... I'm so relieved. Sorry, I didn't come back to help you and Y/n-san," Tanjiro wept, a mixture of emotions evident in his voice as he smiled at his friends.

"It's okay..." came the gruff reply, sounding completely off, "don't worry about it."

Tanjiro's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to face Inosuke fully, his heart clenching at the unfamiliarity in his friend's tone.

"Your voice... is that really you?" Tanjiro couldn't help but question, a mix of concern and confusion coloring his words.

"I heard he mangled his throat or something," Zenitsu helpfully supplied, his voice carrying a mix of sympathy and concern. "I don't know all the details, but I heard he was fighting a giant Spider Demon and nearly got crushed to death. Then he yelled at a Hashira and tried to fight him. And that's what pushed him over the edge. Really messed him up, as you can hear..."

Inosuke's grumbling was tinged with a deep sadness. "I'm... so weak," he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice a stark contrast to his usual bravado.

"What the hell...? Hey, don't be sad! This isn't like you at all and it’s weirding me out," Zenitsu responded, his tone a mix of confusion and reassurance.

"Yeah, there's nothing to worry about,” Tanjiro chimed in, his voice warm and encouraging. “I'm sure you did great, Inosuke! After all, you’re still alive! You’re not weak!" Tanjiro's words held a conviction that he hoped would lift Inosuke's spirits, even in the face of uncertainty and injury.

Inosuke's silence persisted as he slowly drifted into sleep, the soft rhythm of his snoring filling the room. Tanjiro and Zenitsu exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them regarding their friend's state of exhaustion and vulnerability. As Zenitsu's eyes fell upon the medicine sitting on the nightstand next to him, his dramatic tendencies resurfaced as he began to fret about his medication once more, his anxiety evident in his voice as he questioned whether he had already taken it or not.

"Wait, did I take it or not? I can't remember!" he fretted, his voice rising in panic. "Aghh, I don't wanna take it!"

Meanwhile, Tanjiro took advantage of the moment to change into the fresh set of clothes laid out for him on a nearby bed. As he finished dressing, a sense of confusion flickered across his face. He absentmindedly scanned the room, as if searching for someone, before the reality of the situation hit him with full force. Where were you? He couldn't shake off the worry gnawing at him. He had promised to take care of you and help you, and now, amidst the chaos and exhaustion, the fear of not knowing your whereabouts weighed heavily on his heart. Although his body ached terribly from the recent trials, Tanjiro pushed aside his discomfort and determination filled his eyes as he made up his mind.

He had to find you.

He couldn't bear the thought of you being hurt or lost, especially in this unfamiliar place. Sniffing the air, he strained his senses, hoping against hope that he would pick up your scent. But to his dismay, there was nothing. His heart pounded in his chest as he clumsily made his way out of the room, his steps quickening with each passing moment. He prayed that his nose was just a little off today, and that you were safe and sound somewhere nearby—hoping with all his might that you were not gone. Another girl comes across him and tries to get him to go back and rest, but he quickly tells her about you, and he's relieved to hear that you are in fact here. The girl's expression shifted as she listened to Tanjiro's plea, her concern evident in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that you're worried about your friend," she replied gently. "But you also need to take care of yourself. You look like you've been through a lot."

Tanjiro nodded, acknowledging her words. "I know, and I promise I'll rest as soon as I know she's safe. Please, if it's no trouble at all, would you mind taking me to her?" His voice carried a mix of urgency and hope, his concern for you outweighing his own fatigue.

The girl's demeanor softened at Tanjiro's request. "Of course! I'll take you to her right away. But then you have to take time to rest!"

He nodded fervently in agreement and she smiled. As the girl led Tanjiro through the corridors of the Butterfly Mansion, his heart raced with anticipation. He followed her determined stride, grateful for her assistance yet feeling a pang of impatience as she stopped to converse with others along the way. Tanjiro knew he should remain calm and composed, especially since he knew you were here and presumably safe. Still, the need to see you with his own eyes gnawed at him, causing him to fidget and wear a strained smile as he waited for the conversations to end. The girl noticed Tanjiro's antsy movements and the forced smile on his face, realizing the urgency behind his request. She squeaked and apologized sincerely, picking up her pace as she continued leading Tanjiro through the maze of hallways.

Finally, they arrived at a different room.

The girl paused, turning to Tanjiro with a reassuring smile before slowly opening the door to peek inside. With a nod of confirmation, she stepped aside and held the door open for Tanjiro to enter. As Tanjiro entered the room, his footsteps echoing softly against the floor, his eyes darted around until they settled on you by the window, your gaze fixed on the outside world. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of you, a mix of relief and worry washing over him. He noticed how you remained still, your back turned to the door, as if lost in your own thoughts. He called out to you softly, his voice barely above a whisper, breaking the heavy silence that hung in the room. For a moment, everything seemed to freeze. The only sound was the quiet inhale of breath as you slowly turned your head, your eyes meeting Tanjiro's gaze.


Tanjiro's voice cut off as you abruptly moved from the window, rushing towards him with an intensity that took him by surprise. Before he could react, you were in his arms, clinging to him with a fervor that spoke volumes of the emotions bubbling inside you. Your body trembled with sobs, and Tanjiro instinctively wrapped his arms around you, providing a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions. His eyes widened in concern as he looked down at you, the scent of sadness and fear emanating from you hitting him like a wave. It was a stark contrast to the absence of your scent moments ago, and the realization of your turmoil nearly brought tears to his own eyes. Feeling your hands clutching at his shirt, he could sense the depth of your distress, and he held you closer, offering silent comfort and support.

As both of you sat on the ground, enveloped in the cocoon of shared emotions, Tanjiro focused solely on offering you comfort. He felt your tears seeping through his shirt, but he welcomed them, understanding that they were a necessary release for the emotions you had been holding back. He was grateful beyond words that you were safe, and the fact that you didn't appear to be severely injured brought a sense of relief to his worried heart. Yet, amidst the relief, there was a twinge of guilt. He realized that your overwhelming sadness and fear weren't solely about you—it was about all of them, about the shared experiences and the bonds forged in adversity.

The depth of those bonds struck him, making him realize just how much you all had come to mean to each other in such a short span of time. In the midst of trauma and danger, you had found solace and companionship in each other. The last few days had been filled with hardships and shared moments of vulnerability, weaving a tapestry of mutual care and understanding. Tanjiro's heart swelled with a mixture of sorrow and warmth as he thought about the bond that had grown between all of you. With tears shimmering in his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the connection you all shared.

In that moment, it didn't seem far-fetched to say that you were all starting to become like a family in your own unique way—a family forged not by blood, but by the trials you faced together and the support you offered each other.

As you slowly sat up and disengaged from Tanjiro's embrace, the aftermath of your emotional outpouring was evident in your disheveled appearance. Your hair clung to your face where tears had left their mark, and your eyes showed traces of redness from crying. Tanjiro watched you with a mixture of concern and regret, his thumb instinctively moving to wipe away the remaining tears from your cheek with a gentle touch. His half-hearted smile faltered as he let his hand fall back to his side, sighing softly.

"Y/n-san, I'm so sorry we worried you..." Tanjiro's words were sincere, even though he knew you couldn't understand him.

He placed his hand over his heart, patting it a few times as he bent over slightly, bowing as if to convey his apology more deeply. You furrowed your brow as you realized Tanjiro was trying to communicate something—an apology. The gesture tugged at your heartstrings, evoking a mix of emotions within you. On one hand, you appreciated his kindness and concern, but on the other, you couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt. There was no reason for him to be apologizing to you; if anything, you felt like you should be the one apologizing for causing trouble on the mountain.

The contrast between Tanjiro's caring nature and your own self-critical thoughts sparked a hint of frustration within you. You wondered why he was always so considerate and understanding, especially towards someone like you who felt like a burden at times. Yet, despite your internal turmoil, you couldn't bring yourself to stop him from expressing his remorse. It was a testament to his genuine character and the bond that had formed between all of you during your shared trials.

As you looked away, your frown deepening, you muttered lowly to Tanjiro, knowing he couldn't understand your words but feeling compelled to express yourself nonetheless. "I'm sorry, Tanjiro... you don't know what I'm saying, but I promise that I'm not going to be a burden anymore."

The determination in your voice surprised even you as you made a silent vow. It was time for action, not just empty thoughts or apologies. You had to uphold your promise to yourself and to them. No longer would you allow yourself to be a damsel-in-distress, relying solely on others. Once you regained your strength and composure, you were determined to make changes. They had extended their help to you, and now it was your turn to reciprocate—to become stronger and more capable. Survival in this world required more than just relying on the kindness of others; it demanded resilience, skills, and a willingness to adapt. You were ready to learn, to grow, and to contribute to the group. The thought of becoming a valuable member of the team filled you with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

You were no longer content with being passive; it was time to take charge of your own fate and become the person you knew you could be.

As you looked back at Tanjiro, you noticed his gaze fixed off to the side, his expression unusually inscrutable. Little did you know, his peculiar demeanor stemmed from the complexities of your scent—a puzzle he often struggled to decipher accurately. Your emotions tended to fluctuate in intensity and change rapidly, making it challenging for him to pinpoint your feelings with certainty. In that specific moment when you apologized and expressed determination, Tanjiro felt a whirlwind of emotions emanating from you.

There were traces of sadness and fear, but then a surge of determination, mixed with hints of anger and various other emotions, swept over him like a tide. The combination was so intricate and layered that he couldn't quite grasp the full extent of what you were feeling, but he sensed a significant shift within you. Despite the confusion, Tanjiro's instincts told him that this shift might signify a positive change within you. A faint smile tugged at his lips as he considered the possibilities. You both stood up, and you took a moment to compose yourself before regaining Tanjiro's attention.

"Inosuke? Zenitsu? Where are they?" you asked, wanting to know the whereabouts of your other companions.

Tanjiro's eyes lit up with a warm glow as you mentioned Inosuke and Zenitsu, his smile growing wider as he nodded in understanding. Without hesitation, he ushered you out of the room and guided you through a series of hallways until you reached a door. With a gentle push, he revealed the sleeping forms of Inosuke and Zenitsu, safe and sound, eliciting a relieved huff of air from you. As you stepped inside, Tanjiro closed the door behind you, giving you space to approach Zenitsu's side first. The sight of him snoring lightly with a bubble of snot caught in his nose made you scrunch your nose in amusement, a small smile playing on your lips.

Without hesitation, you grabbed a nearby rag and wiped away the bubble, your actions eliciting a startled murmur from Zenitsu as he stirred awake.

His eyes blinked open, still clouded with sleep until they focused on you. A gasp escaped his lips as recognition dawned, and without a second thought, he clumsily pulled you down onto the bed, clinging to you as he blubbered away incoherently. You couldn't help but chuckle silently at his dramatic reaction, patting his back comfortingly as he expressed his relief and emotions. Tanjiro watched the scene unfold with a soft smile, a sense of warmth and amity filling the room. Seeing all of you together, safe and reunited, brought peace to his mind and reassured him of the strength of your growing bonds.

"Waaaah, Y/n-chan, you're okay! I was so worried about you being in that dark, creepy forest on the mountain! There were so many spiders, they could have bit you and turned you into one of them!" Zenitsu exclaimed, his words tumbling out in a rush as he reached out to grab your face and arms, his small hands moving about anxiously. "You didn't get bit, did you?! No, you look alright... BUT MAYBE SOMETHING ELSE DID?! ARE YOU FEELING COLD, HOT, OR ANYTHING TINGLY?!"

"Shuddup, 'm tryna sleep..." a groggy voice interjected, the words slurred with sleepiness.

As you approached Inosuke, you could sense the exhaustion and pain radiating from him, even though his mask concealed his expression. With gentle curiosity, you bent over to look at him, wondering if he was still awake despite his recent slurred words. Carefully, you hooked your fingers under his mask and lifted it off, setting it aside as you turned back to face him. To your surprise, Inosuke's eyes met yours, half-closed yet focused on you.

A soft smile graced your lips as you made eye contact with him, but it faltered as you noticed the bruising on his neck. It explained why his voice had sounded rougher than usual earlier. Your gaze shifted to the other two, and you couldn't help but notice the bruises and signs of weariness on all of them. A pang of empathy tugged at your chest as you realized the extent of their injuries. Your friends, who had stood by you and helped you through difficult times, were now bearing the physical toll of their battles.

It hurt you to see them in pain...

As you took in the sight of your injured friends, a wave of mixed emotions washed over you. Zenitsu's condition puzzled you; he should have been safe outside of the mountain, yet his limbs appeared visibly messed up. Did he venture back into danger after you and the others? The uncertainty gnawed at you, adding to your concerns for his well-being. Turning your attention back to Inosuke, you absentmindedly reached out to his hand, finding solace in the warmth of his touch even as your own hands trembled slightly. You couldn't help but feel relieved that he was okay, especially considering the perilous situations you had all faced together.

Memories of the battle flashed through your mind—the chaos, the urgency, the split-second decisions made in the heat of the moment. You had fought alongside Tanjiro and Inosuke, but when the group got separated, Inosuke had to confront danger alone. You recalled your attempt to distract the giant spider monster, hoping to assist in any way possible. However, doubts crept into your mind now that the adrenaline had subsided. What if your presence had hindered their plans? What if your actions had inadvertently made things worse? The weight of these thoughts pressed down on you, causing a knot of guilt to form in your stomach.

You wanted nothing more than to help your friends, but the fear of unintentionally causing harm weighed heavily on your mind.

The turmoil of your emotions was tempered by a flicker of determination that ignited within you. You refused to allow guilt and doubt to consume you entirely. Instead, you made a conscious decision to channel these feelings into positive action. Tomorrow would mark a new beginning—a day where you would take proactive steps to improve yourself and alleviate the burdens you felt weighing on your shoulders. With a resolute mindset, you vowed to figure things out regarding your past and the events that had transpired. You were committed to training diligently and honing your skills to become a more valuable asset to the group.

No longer content with being a mere bystander, you aspired to be a reliable ally, capable of standing strong alongside your friends in times of need.

The determination in your eyes spoke volumes as you made this silent promise to yourself and your companions. You were ready to put in the effort, to learn, to grow, and to become the person you knew you could be. The journey ahead might be challenging, but you were prepared to face it head-on, fueled by the unwavering resolve to be a positive force within your group and to never again doubt your own abilities. As you glanced back up, you noticed Inosuke's eyes were closed, his breathing steady and calm as he drifted into sleep. It was a small surprise that he didn't try to push you away, but perhaps exhaustion had finally caught up with him, granting you a moment of quiet connection with your friend.

You gently set his hand down and offered a soft pat on his head before turning your attention back to Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Their smiles greeted you as you rejoined them, briefly halting their conversation. There was a sense of contentment in the air as the three of you relaxed together, basking in the tranquility of the moment. You all allowed your thoughts to wander, letting the weight of the recent challenges fade into the background as you simply enjoyed each other's company. As time passed, the exhaustion of the day began to weigh on you, and before you knew it, all three of you had drifted off to sleep on Zenitsu's bed.

Zenitsu curled up at the top, you nestled by his side, and Tanjiro close behind, his comforting presence felt with his back pressed against yours. Sometime in the middle of the night, Inosuke had joined the mix, adding to the cozy chaos as he plopped himself on top of everyone, arms and legs sprawled out as he snored peacefully. Instead of feeling crowded, the closeness brought a sense of comfort, reinforcing the bond between you all. You found yourself waking briefly in the night, only to close your eyes again and drift back into slumber. The weight of the challenges you faced seemed distant in that moment, overshadowed by the warmth and solidarity shared among friends.

Together, you embraced the peacefulness of the night, finding solace in each other's presence as you slept soundly, united in your journey forward.

You wake up in the quiet hours of the morning, the room bathed in a soft glow from the dim light filtering through the curtains. As you take stock of the sleeping arrangements, you realize that the positionings have shifted during the night. Inosuke ended up on the ground, Tanjiro at the foot of the bed, and Zenitsu still curled up at the top. Remarkably, you find yourself having the middle of the bed all to yourself. With a gentle touch, you carefully slip out of bed, mindful not to disturb any of your friends. However, seeing Inosuke on the cold, hard ground tugs at your heartstrings. Knowing he needs proper rest, especially with his injuries, you decide to nudge him awake and urge him to get back into his own bed.

"Inosuke," you whisper softly, trying to rouse him, "get in bed, c'mon."

In his groggy state, Inosuke grumbles in protest, attempting to push you away but lacking the coordination to do so effectively. Persistence pays off as you continue to coax him, and eventually, he gives in. With your help, albeit with some effort due to his weight, he clumsily crawls back onto the bed and settles in, burying his face in a pillow as he drifts back to sleep almost instantly. A quiet chuckle escapes you as you ensure Inosuke is comfortable before quietly making your way out of the room, closing the door behind you. The unfamiliar surroundings leave you feeling a bit disoriented, but curiosity pushes you to explore. As you step through an open door leading outside, the landscape catches your attention. However, your peaceful contemplation is interrupted by a quiet voice from behind, causing you to startle slightly.

"Hello there," a woman with dark hair adorned with purple tips greets you, her voice calm yet tinged with a hint of curiosity. "If I may ask, who exactly are you, and what is your business here?"

Her smile, though polite, carried a subtle tension, hinting at a deeper layer of emotion beneath the surface. As you observed her, you couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, even though her demeanor remained pleasant. It was as if her beauty amplified the unease, each glance from her eyes feeling like a thorough examination of your being. Your response was an awkward smile, a reaction born from the self-consciousness that crept in under her gaze. Yet, before you could gather your thoughts and attempt to respond, her expression shifted imperceptibly, a sign that she had realized something.

"You don't speak Japanese, do you?" she mused, a note of understanding coloring her voice as she seamlessly switched to English, greeting you once again. "Hello!"

The surprise was evident on your face; she spoke English! Your brows shot up, a mixture of disbelief and excitement coloring your expression. In a burst of excitement, you let out an involuntary yelp.

"Oh my god! Wait—! I can't believe this… you speak English?!"

"Yes, a little. What is your name?" she asked politely, her words concise yet warm.

"Oh, I'm Y/n! What's yours?"

"I am Shinobu Kocho. You may call me whatever you find easiest... I understand foreigners can have difficulty with names and honorifics," she said with a gentle smile, her hand delicately resting on her chin as she observed you. "Hmm, you are not a Demon Slayer..."

It wasn't a question. Her keen intuition had already discerned that much. Despite not knowing anything else about you, aside from the fact that you were obviously a foreigner, she couldn't help but feel a subtle sense of curiosity and caution. What brought someone like you here? You hadn't displayed any suspicious behavior yet, but Shinobu's training and instincts urged her to inquire further. There was something about you, something peculiar that piqued her interest. Perhaps it was the way you carried yourself or the aura of unfamiliarity that surrounded you.

Whatever it was, Shinobu's finely honed senses couldn't ignore it.

"Uhm, no... is that what you all are? Everyone here seems to have swords… and kill monsters. But you said demons... so, is that what those monsters are? Demons?" you asked, your curiosity evident in your voice.

"Yes," Shinobu confirmed with a nod, her gaze still fixed on you inquisitively. "You do not speak Japanese, or seem to understand it... so, I assume you are not from here. Pardon me, but what are you doing here, exactly?"

You pursed your lips, a slight frown creasing your brow. "You're right, I don't speak Japanese and I don't understand a single word. I've actually been hoping to find someone who may be able to help me. I honestly don't know how I got here or remember much of anything, and I'd really like to figure that all out..."

Shinobu's expression softened slightly, sympathy coloring her features. "I see. That is indeed quite concerning. Have you tried to recall anything about your past or how you arrived here?"

You nodded, a sense of frustration tugging at your words. "I've been trying, but everything is just... blank. Do you think there's a way to find out what happened to me? Can you... help?"

Her expression underwent a subtle transformation, the cold and calculating demeanor momentarily giving way to a softer, more genuine smile that flickered in her eyes before fading away. "I'm afraid I am much too busy to help you in this situation," she explained, her tone carrying a hint of apology.

"Oh, damn..." you muttered, a tinge of disappointment coloring your voice.

"I do apologize," she almost sighed, her tone carrying a sense of regret. "I have very important work to attend to and do not have the time to properly help. And while I understand English just fine, speaking it is still difficult at times, so I'm afraid I won't be of much help anyway..."

"That's okay, I completely understand…" you replied with a light smile, though inwardly feeling somewhat bummed by the turn of events.

Despite the setback, you appreciated her honesty and understanding.

"That does not mean I will not help however I can. I am quite certain one of the others may be willing and more able to assist. I’m scheduled to attend a meeting soon, and I will speak to them about this… situation," Shinobu offered, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes.

Your hope flared anew at her words. "Really?! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!"

"You are quite welcome!" Her smile was warm and reassuring. "There are two others who I believe know even more English than myself—and can spare more time—so, I am certain at least one of them will be of assistance to you."

With a sense of gratitude and anticipation, you felt a renewed sense of optimism, knowing that Shinobu's willingness to help would lead you to someone who could shed light on your mysterious circumstances.

"Really? I'm so glad to hear that!" you exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm. "You have no idea how tough it's been trying to communicate with my new friends. We've made it work... sort of, but I'm excited to finally meet someone who I'll be able to really talk to!"

Shinobu simply smiled and nodded before she had to take her leave. Left alone outside, you took a moment to appreciate the tranquil beauty of the rising sun, its beams gradually growing brighter as the morning progressed. Finding a nearby spot to sit, you allowed yourself to bask in the warm glow, inhaling the fresh, invigorating air as you drifted off into a daydream with closed eyes. The surroundings were so quiet and peaceful, reminiscent of the Wisteria House you stayed in, adorned with beautiful flowers. Lost in your thoughts, something fluttered near you, drawing your attention.

Opening your eyes, you were greeted by a wonderful sight—butterflies.

At first, there were just a few, dancing gracefully on the gentle breeze. But as moments passed, more joined in, creating a mesmerizing display that filled you with awe. You couldn't recall ever seeing something so inherently beautiful. Nature had a way of captivating your senses, of momentarily making you forget the harsh realities of life. It wrapped around you like a warm, comforting blanket, inviting you to get lost in its splendor. For a moment, you let go of any worries or negativity, letting yourself be enveloped by the sheer beauty of the world. Amidst the chaos and uncertainties, there were still moments of pure joy and serenity, reminding you to cherish the good things and the people around you.

With a newfound sense of hope and appreciation, you looked towards the future, embracing the beauty and positivity that surrounded you.

Something kept poking at him, gently rousing him from his slumber. With a groggy mind, he gradually opened his eyes, squinting against the bright light that filtered into the room. His head felt fuzzy, making it difficult to fully register the words being spoken to him.


"Good morning! How are you feeling, Tanjiro-san?" Three voices chimed in simultaneously.

"Good... morning." Tanjiro blinked a few times, wincing slightly as he sat up and instinctively reached for his side, where a dull ache throbbed. His gaze settled on three girls standing before him, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity as they watched him intently. "Uhm, if I'm being honest, everything hurts right now. That whole encounter up on the mountain was really brutal..."

"Oh no, do you need anything?" one of the girls asked, her voice laced with genuine worry.

"We were all worried for you and your friends when you were brought in; you were all beat up pretty good," another girl piped up, her concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah, it's very important that you three get some rest and recover for the next couple of weeks!" the last girl added, emphasizing the need for recuperation.

Tanjiro managed a tired smile, grateful for their care and understanding. "I'm fine, thank you for your concern. But you're right, we really could use the rest..."

"Alright! If you need anything at all, we'll be around," the girl with the braids said, bowing respectfully before exiting the room, followed closely by the other two, leaving Tanjiro to contemplate the events of the past few days and the need for healing and recovery.

As Tanjiro settled back into the quiet of the room, one of the girls returned, adding an afterthought to her previous words. "Oh, please make sure your friend takes his medicine! And I'm sorry to ask, but do you think you could get him to be... a little quieter? Thank you!"

Tanjiro nodded understandingly as she left again, a faint smile playing on his lips. He glanced around the room, noting that his friends were still deep in slumber. Ah, that's right! He remembered now—he had been so exhausted that he had inadvertently fallen asleep on Zenitsu's bed the day before. Hopefully, he hadn't taken up too much space or disturbed him too much. He made a mental note to apologize for any inconvenience and to remind Zenitsu to take his medicine as soon as he woke up. Turning his attention to Inosuke, who lay sprawled on his own bed, face buried in a pillow and limbs splayed out as he snored away, Tanjiro couldn't help but chuckle softly.

He'd check on Inosuke too once he woke up; the boisterous man needed his rest as well.

Tanjiro's eyes scanned the room once more, his gaze momentarily filled with concern as he searched for you, only to remember that you were safe and present. He had almost forgotten that you had been in their room last night. Although you hadn't been gone for long, your comforting scent still lingered in the air, reassuring him that everything was as it should be. With a sense of relief washing over him, Tanjiro smiled softly to himself. All of his friends were nearby and safe, including you. And of course, he couldn't forget about Nezuko. His eyes drifted to the familiar box sitting in the corner of the room, and he felt a warm fondness swell within him. With a soft groan, Tanjiro swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, padding over to the window to draw the curtain closed, casting a gentle dimness over the room.

He then made his way to the box, his movements deliberate yet gentle.

"Nezuko...? Are you sleeping? It's alright now, you can come out," he spoke softly, his voice carrying reassurance and affection.

There was a faint scratching sound as the door of the box slowly opened, revealing Nezuko. She peeked her head out before lazily crawling outside to sit on the floor, her eyes meeting Tanjiro's with a crinkle of warmth. Returning to his own bed, Tanjiro plopped down with a contented sigh, feeling a sense of peace settle over him as he gazed at Nezuko.

"Hey, Nezuko," he greeted warmly, his smile genuine and full of affection. "Are you feeling alright?"

Nezuko tilted her head in response, her eyes bright and cheery as she let out a soft, "Mhm!"

"What you did, protecting me on the mountain... thank you, again," Tanjiro expressed his gratitude, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Ehmm," Nezuko hummed quietly, a gentle acknowledgment of his words.

"You don't know them, but Tomioka-san and Urokodaki-san... they've risked their lives on our behalf. It's made me realize that I have to become stronger," Tanjiro continued, his voice carrying a weight of determination and gratitude. His words flowed slowly as he spoke from his heart, his gaze drifting off to the side as he delved into his thoughts. "And if it weren't for the Master of the Corps, we may not have been spared. Even though I'm in a lot of pain right now, I have to keep pushing forward. As time moves forward I'll grow older, and I'll keep growing old... until I pass on. After that, if you're still a demon, then you'll be alone... and that'd be far too lonely, wouldn't it?"

As Tanjiro looked back towards Nezuko, his eyes widened the tiniest bit before a soft smile graced his lips. She had fallen asleep, her peaceful expression radiating contentment. Lying on the ground, her arms crossed and head resting on her hands, she breathed slowly and evenly, appearing completely at ease. It must have been difficult for her—waking up from a long slumber only to be thrust into battle and sustain injuries in the process. Unlike other demons, she didn't heal quickly on the mountain, but looking at her now, all healed and peaceful, Tanjiro felt a surge of relief and gratitude. It seemed that she healed faster and regained energy through her restful sleep, a testament to her resilience and unique nature.

As Tanjiro watched over Nezuko, her peaceful slumber no longer instilled fear in him as it once had.

She was strong—stronger than he had ever realized. A fighter by nature, she would stand by his side, ready to protect her family, friends, and anyone in need. Even when she had been turned into a demon, her essence remained unchanged. Tanjiro had worried that she would lose herself in the darkness of her new form, but now he understood that she was still the same person deep down, with her humanity intact. It filled him with hope and determination.

Despite the uncertainties and challenges they faced, Tanjiro vowed to find a way to turn Nezuko back into a human. He refused to accept that she was lost to them forever. There had to be a way, and he was willing to fight for it with every fiber of his being. Standing up from his spot, Tanjiro approached Nezuko with gentle care. He lifted her in his arms and carefully laid her down in his unused bed, tucking her in with utmost tenderness.

"I promise... I will turn you back into a human," he whispered softly, his voice filled with unwavering determination and love.

The Hashira and their Master, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, sat in a dimly lit room, the only illumination coming from two lanterns that cast a soft, flickering glow across the space as they convened for a meeting. Master Ubuyashiki's expression was solemn as he addressed the gathered Hashira.

"Just as you all have reported, the demon carnage has escalated more than ever, posing an unprecedented threat to human life. We must bolster the ranks of the Demon Slayers. What are your thoughts?"

Sanemi, his demeanor gruff and straightforward, spoke up first. "The incident on Mount Natagumo speaks volumes. The caliber of Demon Slayers has drastically declined—most of them are useless. It's as if the trainers have gone blind or something. You'd think they could discern competence..."

Tengen Uzui, the flamboyant and headband-wearing Sound Hashira, interjected with a more optimistic viewpoint. "Well, that kid today certainly displayed power. He landed that dazzling blow on you! He's got potential."

Sanemi couldn't help but roll his eyes in response to Tengen's comment. "Tch..."

Shinobu, ever the voice of reason and diplomacy, interjected with a thoughtful tone. "The larger the human race grows, the more challenging it becomes to control and unify them. And in this era, that seems to be even more true." She shifted her gaze towards Sanemi, addressing him directly. "But, perhaps we mustn’t be too hasty to dismiss those of… lower ranks, Shinazugawa-san. They are also risking their lives for a greater cause, after all. I’m sure with more time they’ll all grow to be competent Slayers."

Sanemi's jaw clenched visibly as he grumbled, shooting a glare at Shinobu from the corner of his eye. While he may not have fully agreed with her sentiments, her words undeniably held a grain of truth, forcing him to acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices made by Demon Slayers of all ranks.

Giyuu, known for his quiet and calm demeanor, spoke up next. "Every person has their own path and journey. While some may excel quickly, others may take longer to reach their full potential. It is our duty as Hashira to guide and support them, regardless of their current rank."

"Yes, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses." Mitsuri Kanroji, the cheerful and compassionate Love Hashira, chimed in with a smile. "We should focus on nurturing those strengths and helping each other improve!"

Rengoku, with his usual boisterousness and charisma, added, "Let's not forget the power of teamwork and cooperation. We are stronger together, and by working as a unified force, we can overcome even the greatest challenges."

As he listened to discussion, the Master nodded in agreement. "Indeed, unity and understanding are key. Let us continue to work together to protect humanity and defeat the demon threat. With that said, I believe Shinobu has made a valid point. While it's true that our numbers are dwindling and we have welcomed many new Slayers, it will take time for them to reach their full potential. Unfortunately, recent events have shown us that time is not a luxury we can afford. Given the escalating threat, we must expedite the training of this new generation of Slayers as much as possible. I will devise plans to proceed swiftly in this matter. Be on standby," he declared with a grave tone. "This meeting is now concluded."

The Hashira all bowed lowly, bidding the Master farewell and offering their well wishes. As they turned to leave, Shinobu's voice called them back to attention, her tone carrying a sense of urgency that demanded their immediate focus.

"Wait," she called out, her voice cutting through the air with determination. "If I may have one moment to speak, please, I'd like to share something with you all. I'm sure by now most of you are aware of the foreign woman who came along with that group of young men and the demon," she began, her tone serious yet gentle.

The Master and the other Hashira turned their attention back to Shinobu, their curiosity piqued by her serious yet gentle tone.

Mitsuri bounded to her side with her characteristic enthusiasm. "Ooh! Yeah, what's going on?"

"Well, I have a favor to ask. I have this strange feeling that this girl may hold some importance, though her exact role is still unclear. She seems lost and without memory of how she arrived here, and her situation is unusual, to say the least. I would like us to consider offering her protection and guidance until we can better understand her circumstances," Shinobu explained.

Sanemi, somewhat skeptical, crossed his arms. "And why should we divert our resources to someone we know nothing about?"

Shinobu met his gaze steadily. "Because she may be more than she appears. If there is even a slight chance that she holds valuable information or abilities that could aid us in our fight, it is worth the effort. Besides, she is vulnerable, and it is our duty to protect those in need."

Tengen nodded thoughtfully. "She has a point. We can't ignore the potential she might bring, especially in these desperate times."

Giyuu added quietly, "If we can help her, we should. It aligns with our principles..."

Master Ubuyashiki, having listened carefully, spoke up once more. "Shinobu, you have my permission to proceed as you see fit with this girl. Ensure she is safe and provide her with the necessary support. Anyone else who wishes to help may do so. The rest of you, continue with your duties and be prepared for the plans I will soon outline."

With that, the meeting truly concluded and the Master left. However, the Hashira all remained, curiosity etched on their faces, as they turned to Shinobu to inquire further.

"Could you tell us more, Shinobu? What do you know?"

"Well, she isn't from here and doesn't speak or understand any Japanese, so there is some trouble with communication between her and her companions..." Shinobu explained. "And I unfortunately cannot spare much time to assist her."

"Hmm, that is troublesome," Tengen remarked thoughtfully. "Do you know where she's from exactly? And what language does she speak?"

"She speaks English, but no one knows exactly where she came from or how she got here, including herself—it appears she has lost her memory," Shinobu replied, a hint of concern in her voice.

Mitsuri gasped softly, her eyes widening with a mix of curiosity and sympathy. The other Hashira's expressions varied—some showed genuine concern, while others seemed indifferent, perhaps focused on the imminent tasks at hand.

Giyuu furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Losing one's memory is a serious matter..."

"Poor thing..." Mitsuri spoke softly. "To not remember anything about yourself or where you come from, it must be frightening."

Shinobu nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's a difficult situation for her. That's why I believe offering her our support and protection is crucial. She needs help navigating this unfamiliar environment and understanding her own identity."

"But how do we know she's not a threat?" Sanemi's skepticism resurfaced. "With her memory loss, she could be hiding something dangerous."

Shinobu sighed, understanding his concerns. "We can't rule out any possibilities... but from what I've observed, she doesn't pose a threat. If anything, she seems vulnerable and in need of assistance."

Gyomei Himejima, the Stone Pillar, spoke up. "Regardless of her origins or situation, it is our duty to help those in need. We can't turn a blind eye to someone who is lost and alone."

As Sanemi huffed and walked away without uttering another word, Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Pillar, silently trailed behind him, his expression unreadable. Gyomei offered a few prayers, expressing sympathy for the predicament before leaving, explaining that he had other duties regarding training newer ranks of Demon Slayers that required his immediate attention. Muichiro Tokito, the Mist Pillar, mentioned his inability to help due to his lack of English proficiency and his own memory issues, then quietly departed. Before Giyuu could make a decision, his crow swooped by to inform him of a mission, prompting him to nod in acknowledgment and head out swiftly, his thoughts momentarily diverted to the task at hand.

This left Mitsuri, Tengen, and Kyojuro standing together, their expressions reflecting a mix of concern, curiosity, and determination.

"Well, this is quite the predicament!" Kyojuro remarked, his interest piqued by the unexpected situation. He straightened his posture, a sense of duty evident in his voice. "I would be honored to assist; after all, it's my responsibility to extend a helping hand to those in need. However, I must admit that my proficiency in English is limited."

"Count me in, I want to help!" Mitsuri, her eyes sparkling, exclaimed with cheerful enthusiasm. "I've always had a deep fascination for Western culture, especially its culinary delights. That's why I took the initiative to learn some English, just in case I ever get the chance to travel abroad!"

Tengen, with an air of confidence and a touch of flamboyance, chimed in, "How fortunate! I happen to be fluent in several languages, including English. Communication won't be an issue; I can converse with her effortlessly." His smile radiated assurance, ready to bridge any language barriers that might stand in their way.

Mitsuri's eyes lit up with admiration as she gushed, "Oh, that's so wonderful, Tengen! How did you become so knowledgeable? I struggled just to learn one language!"

Tengen shrugged modestly, a hint of pride dancing in his eyes as he replied, "Hah, it's nothing really! I simply believed that the more skills I acquire," he flashed a smug grin, "the more dazzling and impressive I'll be! So, I dedicated a significant amount of time to mastering as much as I could."

"Quite impressive!" Kyojuro chimed in with boisterous commendation, a twinkle of amusement in his eye.

Expecting acknowledgment from Shinobu for his broad range of skills, Tengen turned towards her and waggled his brow, but she simply blinked and looked away, ignoring his expectation. This subtle rejection slightly deflated his ego, prompting him to deadpan.

"Would it hurt you to offer a compliment every now and then?!"

"Alright then," Shinobu said with a tight smile, striding past them. "If you wish to be of help, please follow me."

Mitsuri cheered and skipped ahead, her excitement palpable, leaving Shinobu, Tengen, and Kyojuro to follow at a more leisurely pace as they made their way to Shinobu's estate. Along the path, Shinobu couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected alliance that had formed among Tengen, Mitsuri, and Kyojuro. Mitsuri's eagerness to assist didn't come as a surprise; Shinobu knew that Mitsuri wasn't doing this solely as a favor just because Shinobu asked. Their bond went deeper, rooted in a strong and respectful friendship that had developed over time, transcending their shared status as the only two women in higher ranks within the Corps. While Shinobu radiated composure and a grounded demeanor, Mitsuri's vibrant personality added a touch of brightness to every situation, creating a dynamic where Shinobu felt more open and at ease.

Their differences, instead of clashing, complemented each other perfectly, forging a balanced and harmonious team. But Mitsuri had her own reasons for joining the endeavor.

Known for her kind and positive nature, she was always ready to lend a helping hand and expand her knowledge, regardless of the person or place. Mitsuri's decision to assist wasn't solely because of her friendship with Shinobu or her curiosity about meeting a foreigner. Above all, she wanted to extend a welcoming hand to someone in need, ensuring they felt safe and accepted in a new environment. This sentiment stemmed from Mitsuri's own experiences of feeling like an outsider in her younger years. She had often faced judgment for being a girl who didn't quite fit in with the norm due to her voracious appetite and formidable strength. This background fueled her empathy and drive to make others feel included and supported, just as she had yearned for during her own struggles.

Kyojuro's decision to lend his aid was a bit of a puzzle. Despite his outward exuberance and passion, there existed a serious and pragmatic side to him that added a layer of mystery. It was often difficult to decipher his true feelings or thoughts unless he explicitly stated them. While his inherent selflessness wasn't in question, Shinobu couldn't help but wonder why he continued to tag along, especially after expressing doubts about his usefulness due to the language barrier. It seemed that a sense of curiosity had taken hold, perhaps prompting him to take a temporary break from his typically serious duties. She couldn't fault him for seeking a change; their line of work could grow tedious, the cycle of demon slaying, rescuing, and recuperating becoming almost monotonous over time.

If anyone within the Corps deserved a brief respite from their responsibilities, it was Kyojuro. Known for his unwavering dedication and tireless work ethic, he seemed to thrive on constant activity, rarely taking time to rest. Even when he wasn't attending to his regular duties as a Hashira, he was always engaged in something he deemed important. He couldn't, in good conscience, refrain from helping others in any way he could, despite facing challenges like language barriers. His relentless commitment to aiding those around him, regardless of the obstacles, highlighted his selfless nature and profound sense of duty.

On the other hand, Tengen's motivations were fairly transparent. He was a lively and boldly expressive man who thrived on attention and enjoyed teasing others on occasion—always in good humor. Tengen's vibrant personality and genuine care for others shone through even in his playful antics. While he enjoyed the spotlight and the admiration that came with it, his actions weren't solely for show. There was a depth to his character that went beyond mere theatrics—a willingness to extend a helping hand and make a positive impact, albeit in his unique and flamboyant style. His charisma and larger-than-life presence were balanced by his sincere desire to uplift and support those around him, making his antics all the more endearing.

"Shinobu, have you spoken with her?" Mitsuri questioned curiously as she slowed her steps and fell into place beside her.

"Yes, a little bit," Shinobu replied, her thoughts momentarily lingering on your recent conversation.

Mitsuri's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Oh, what is she like? Is she friendly?"

Shinobu considered her response carefully. "She seems nice enough, though... I can't say much else since our conversation was brief."

Mitsuri's enthusiasm bubbled over. "I can't wait to meet her! Another woman—it's so exciting! I hope we can become friends!"

"I'm sure you will," Shinobu reassured her, smiling softly at Mitsuri's infectious excitement as they finally approached the elegant mansion. "We were outside in the butterfly garden when I spoke to her last, so let's check there first."

Mitsuri beamed with excitement as her anticipation grew, her pace quickening once more as she sped down the path towards the garden. Shinobu paused momentarily to check on the other two, who were not far behind. Kyojuro wore a bright smile as they caught up, and Shinobu led them to the garden where Mitsuri was eagerly waiting, bouncing around as she scanned the area. As Mitsuri scanned the garden, her enthusiasm faltered slightly as she didn't immediately spot the unfamiliar face she was looking for, and a slight pout formed on her lips.

"Aww, she isn't here! Where could she be?"

Shinobu pursed her lips thoughtfully, her gaze sweeping over the serene beauty of the garden. Spotting Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho—the three girls who assisted around the mansion—she called them over. The trio quickly abandoned their tasks and rushed over, their faces filled with curiosity and excitement at the unexpected visit of the other Hashira.

"Have you seen our guest?" Shinobu inquired, her tone polite yet urgent.

"Oh, yes! She and her friends are just finishing up lunch," Kiyo replied cheerfully.

"Thank you," Shinobu acknowledged with a nod of gratitude before turning to lead the others inside.

Zenitsu was running around the room in a frantic display, while Tanjiro and Inosuke chased after him, their expressions a mix of concern and frustration as they tried to get him to take his medicine.

"I refuse to take any more of that disgusting stuff! There's no way something that tastes that horrible is good for you!" Zenitsu protested vehemently, his voice filled with defiance.

Tanjiro's smile strained as he attempted to reason with him. "Zenitsu, please calm down and take it. You won't get better if you don't! I know it's not pleasant, but you just have to bear with it..."

"I'm gonna shove it down your throat if you don't stop your whining and take it already! I'm tired of hearing you complain about it," Inosuke bellowed, his frustration boiling over as he tried to circle around and grab Zenitsu.

However, Zenitsu cleverly kept his distance by hiding behind you, using you as a shield.

Inosuke's impatience flared even more as he growled, "Stop using her as a human shield, damn it! If you think I care about her being in the way, then you're seriously mistaken! I'll go right through her if I have to, and then I'll be really pissed off!"

Unsurprisingly, you found yourself caught in the middle of their squabble.

"Don't you dare touch Y/n-chan, you pig!" Zenitsu's voice cut through the tension, his protective glare aimed fiercely from over your shoulder.

You looked on with a mixture of confusion and concern, trying to piece together what was happening amidst the chaos. This wasn't an entirely unfamiliar scenario; after all, Zenitsu tended to react strongly to anything he found disagreeable, especially when it came to unpleasant-tasting substances.  It didn't take long for you to surmise that Zenitsu was flipping out because he had been given something in a cup that smelled and looked awful. It was a reasonable deduction that it was likely medicine or some form of treatment, given his current state of health. His vehement protests and reluctance to drink it only reinforced this suspicion.

Inosuke's impatience escalated as he barked, "Then shut up and drink it already!"

"Noooo!" Zenitsu's cry of refusal echoed through the room, his stubbornness evident as he continued to evade Inosuke's attempts to get him to take the medicine.

Inosuke's sudden lunge catches you off guard, and before you know it, he has a firm grip on you, while Zenitsu wraps himself around you in an attempt to stop Inosuke. You find yourself caught in the middle, squished between the two of them as they push and pull at each other with you as the unintended fulcrum. It's a chaotic and somewhat absurd situation that you've grown somewhat accustomed to. Knowing the futility of trying to break free, you opted to stay still, trusting in Tanjiro's ability to intervene and defuse the situation—it had proven effective in the past.

"Hey! Didn't I tell you not to involve her and to stop fighting?!" Tanjiro scolded sternly as he pulled you behind him, a determined scowl on his face. "You're both being very loud and rude, you know? You're also going to hurt yourselves more if you're not careful! We should be resting right now."

Zenitsu pointed his shortened arm accusingly at Inosuke. "He started it and grabbed her first!"

The heated exchange continued as Inosuke snapped back, "I told you I was gonna move her if you didn't shut up and take the medicine!"

"Well, you're not supposed to grab her like that!"

"Who says?!"

"Tanjiro just did! He said not to involve her!"

"He can't tell me what to do!"

"Well, I said so too! You should listen to both of us!"

"No way, you especially can't tell me what to do!" Inosuke retorted defiantly, his stubbornness matching Zenitsu's in intensity.

As the chaotic exchange continued between Inosuke and Zenitsu, you sensed the need to intervene. Gently tapping Tanjiro's shoulder, you caught his attention, and he turned around, looking slightly frazzled from the commotion. Raising an eyebrow, you reached for the cup in his hand and took it with a determined yet calm expression.

"Umm, Zenitsu...?" you spoke softly, drawing his attention.

As you held the cup up and slowly extended it towards Zenitsu, his focus immediately shifted to you, much to Inosuke's annoyance, who continued to berate Zenitsu for ignoring him. Zenitsu's face contorted in a mix of reluctance and contemplation as he weighed the options of moving closer to you or further away. He knew that you were trying to get him to take the medicine, whether you knew he needed it or not. The thought warmed his heart that were trying to help, but he couldn't help but dread the taste of the awful concoction. Nevertheless, your gesture touched him, and a sense of gratitude mixed with apprehension washed over him as he contemplated his next move.

"Y/n-chaaaaaan, not you too," Zenitsu whined, his reluctance evident in his voice and posture.

Despite his initial hesitation, you gently encouraged him to take the medicine. As you stepped closer, he tensed up even more, torn between his instinct to flee and his desire to comply with your request. Your calm and soft voice, coupled with your gentle demeanor, weakened his resolve. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you were the one administering the medicine to him? Lost in a daydream, Zenitsu slowly began to relax as you approached him. He was overcome with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as you stood right in front of him, looking incredibly cute as you offered him the cup. Despite his lingering hesitation, he took the cup from you, his heart pounding in his chest when his fingers accidentally brushed against yours, eliciting a nervous smile from him.

The simple contact filled him with a strange warmth.

With you looking at him expectantly, Zenitsu felt a surge of affection and determination wash over him. How could he resist such an adorable request from you? Swallowing his reluctance, he tossed his head back and chugged the medicine down, nearly choking on it as he struggled to suppress the urge to cough. The bitter taste lingered in his mouth, but even as he struggled, he couldn't help but feel grateful for your caring gesture. Despite the less-than-pleasant experience of the medicine, your smile and gentle laughter eased Zenitsu's discomfort.

He managed a wobbly grin with tears in his eyes as he stared at you, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. Your gentle pat on his back as he recovered made him realize something he hadn't fully acknowledged before—he liked you, a lot. It surprised him, considering his past attempts at flirting, which were often more about desperation than genuine feelings. But in this moment, with you standing by his side and caring for him in your own way, he felt a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time.

As Zenitsu reflected on his growing feelings for you, he began to grasp the significance of what Tanjiro had mentioned on the day you all met. Back then, he hadn't fully understood the depth of those words, but now, with each passing moment spent with you, he realized that there was more to love than mere infatuation. Though it hadn't been long since you met, Zenitsu found himself increasingly drawn to you. Your kindness, caring nature, and genuine enjoyment of his company touched his heart deeply. The fact that you hadn't shown anger or displeasure towards him and seemed to actually like his company didn't go unnoticed by him.

It made him wonder if he had a chance with you, if there was a possibility for something more than friendship.

Zenitsu resolved to win your heart, feeling nervous yet determined about impressing you and making you happy. The fear of potential rejection loomed in the back of his mind, but he was willing to take the risk. Even if he didn't win your affections romantically, he hoped to remain by your side as a friend. He believed that such a connection with you would still bring him happiness, and he cherished the idea of continuing to share moments with you, whether as friends or something more.

Zenitsu briefly wondered about the feelings of Tanjiro and Inosuke but quickly dismissed the thought. Tanjiro's feelings, or lack thereof, were clear for the time being, and Inosuke seemed oblivious to matters of the heart. Any potential complications between the three of them could be dealt with if they arose, but for now, Zenitsu couldn’t afford to waste time or energy focusing on anyone else. With a newfound resolve fueled by his feelings for you, he set out to show you just how much you meant to him, hoping that his efforts would capture your heart in return.

As Zenitsu basked in the afterglow of the moment, still sporting a dopey grin as he leaned against you, Inosuke's sudden outburst shattered the tranquility.

"HUH?! You'll listen to her but not us?! Why I oughta—" Inosuke's voice boomed, his frustration evident as he struggled to comprehend Zenitsu's sudden compliance.

"Inosuke, just let him be..." Tanjiro interjected, his voice laced with a warning tone as he tried to diffuse the tension.

"I bet that stuff wasn't even that bad! He just wanted Bubbles to give it to him!" Inosuke exclaimed, his frustration evident as he pointed accusingly at you.

"Bubbles...? Who's Bubbles?" Tanjiro asked, genuinely confused by the nickname.

Inosuke huffed in annoyance, pointing at you again as if it should be obvious. "Who else would I be talking about?!"

"That's... not her name..."

"Yeah, well, I can't remember it!" Inosuke admitted with a shrug, showing his usual lack of concern for names and details.

Tanjiro shook his head, clearly bemused. "But why Bubbles?"

"Because! She makes my stomach feel like there's weird bubbles in it or something! Like I wanna puke! Doesn't she do that to you, too?" Inosuke explained, his expression serious as he tried to articulate the sensation.

"Uhh..." Tanjiro's eyes darted to you, bewildered by Inosuke's explanation. "No. What exactly do you mean by that?"

"I don't know! I just feel weird whenever she touches me or—!"

"Why is she touching you?!" Zenitsu suddenly hollered, his eyes wide with concern as he shook Inosuke by the shoulders. "MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHERE DID SHE TOUCH YOU?!?!" Zenitsu's panic was palpable, his mind racing with alarming thoughts.

Inosuke, taken aback by Zenitsu's sudden intensity, blinked in surprise before answering, "Well, she scratched me at the weird house in the woods when I was beating the crap outta you, and then we went to the old hag’s house,” Inosuke recounted, trying to recall the events. “When we went into her room, she put that wet rag on my shoulder, right where she scratched me—remember? It made me feel weird! And then she patted my head when we made... those plant... circle... things...?"

"Flower crowns..." Tanjiro supplied helpfully.

"Yeah, those!" Inosuke nodded, shoving Zenitsu away before placing his hands on his hips confidently. "She put a flower crown on me and touched my head, which made me feel kind of sick, but it wasn't a bad kind of sick... I think? I don't know why she keeps doing those things, but if I had to guess, I think she likes me!"

"NO WAY!! WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE LIKE YOU?!" Zenitsu exclaimed incredulously, his eyes widening with disbelief.

Inosuke snorted and cackled confidently. "Because I'm the strong and powerful Lord Inosuke! Everyone likes me and wants to become my minions!"

"That's debatable... and didn't you lose the fight in the mountains and get all mopey about it?" Zenitsu ribbed him, teasingly poking at Inosuke's ego. "Doesn't sound very strong and powerful to me."

"Shut up, you almost got turned into a spider!" Inosuke retorted, defending his pride.

Tanjiro decided to remove himself from the conversation, quietly pulling you away from the oddly calm chaos unfolding around Zenitsu and Inosuke. He had exhausted all his efforts to mediate, short of resorting to headbutting them, which he'd rather avoid. Besides, they had ceased their physical altercation, and you were no longer trapped in the middle, so he left them to sort out whatever this was. They didn't even notice as he and you quietly slipped away.

Meanwhile, Zenitsu stared Inosuke down. "Alright, enough insults for now. I’ve just got one question for you. Do you like her?!"

"What kind of idiotic question is that?" Inosuke huffed, taken aback by Zenitsu's sudden intensity.

"Just answer me!!!" Zenitsu pressed, his tone filled with urgency.

"What's it to ya, huh?!" Inosuke countered defensively, not willing to divulge his feelings so easily.

Did that mean Inosuke liked you? No! No way! Zenitsu tried to push the thought away, but a part of him couldn't help but wonder about Inosuke's intentions and feelings toward you.

"You can't like her! I liked her first, so don't even think about it!! There's no way she'd ever wanna be your wife someday!"

Inosuke made a disgruntled sound. "What the hell are you talking about? Wife…? Mar-riage…? I don't even know what that means, but it sounds like a load of crap to me!"

"What? So, you don't like her...?" Zenitsu pressed, a mix of confusion and concern evident in his voice.

"No, I like her," Inosuke admitted, surprising Zenitsu with his honesty. He shrugged and crossed his arms, looking thoughtful. "Although she was dumb and got chased by this Giant Spider Demon on the mountain, she was pretty damn brave! I did have to save her though, but I think she's worthy of becoming my minion!" His eyes lit up suddenly, and he raised his fists excitedly. "I wanna fight her! I bet she's been holding back her strength all this time! No way a normal, weak lady would do all that, live, and continue to stick around! I'll finally have a worthy opponent, and we can spar every day!"

Zenitsu's jaw snapped shut as he processed Inosuke's words. He couldn't believe that Inosuke's "liking" of you was based on his desire for a strong sparring partner rather than romantic feelings. It was a relief, yet also oddly disappointing, to hear. Was Inosuke not attracted to you or what? You were incredibly pretty, so Zenitsu couldn't fathom someone not noticing and taking an interest.


"What?" Inosuke asked, noticing Zenitsu's sudden silence and blank stare.

Zenitsu, still processing the revelation, slowly turned and wordlessly walked out of their room, leaving Inosuke to fume at the sudden dismissal. As he walked away, Zenitsu felt a mix of relief and sympathy for Inosuke. He realized that Inosuke probably had no idea how to navigate his feelings or interactions with others. Inosuke's upbringing and experiences were likely very different from Zenitsu's, which explained his often aggressive behavior and occasional timidity around people. Zenitsu couldn't help but feel a sense of understanding and empathy for Inosuke's struggles in understanding social cues and expressing emotions. He didn't want to pity Inosuke though, knowing his boar-headed companion wouldn't like it.

Despite the twinge of sympathy he felt for Inosuke, a larger part of Zenitsu couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Inosuke didn't reciprocate his romantic interest in you. At least, Zenitsu thought, there was no competition for the time being. Yet, Zenitsu was not blind to the fluidity of emotions, understanding that feelings could shift and evolve over time. If Inosuke's perspective on you changed in the future, Zenitsu resolved to confront that challenge when it arose. Presently, his focus lay on navigating his own emotions delicately, wanting to convey his feelings to you without appearing intrusive or overly attached. He was resolute in his decision to tread cautiously, acknowledging the depth of his care for you.

For Zenitsu, this was a pivotal moment—a realization that his approach to relationships needed to change.

He was resolute in his determination to approach this budding connection with utmost patience, fully aware of the delicate nature of forming a meaningful bond. Reflecting on his past experiences, he acknowledged that his previous forays into relationships had been driven by a sense of desperation rather than genuine affection. This time, however, he was committed to breaking that cycle and prioritizing authenticity over haste. Zenitsu's newfound clarity stemmed from a deep-seated desire to cultivate a genuine and lasting relationship, recognizing that filling an emotional void was a hollow pursuit. He understood the importance of self-healing and self-improvement before fully committing to someone else.

This introspection fueled his resolve to become the kind of person worthy of your affection and trust. As he exhaled a sigh of introspection and turned back towards their shared room, he couldn't help but notice Inosuke already lost in peaceful slumber, a stark contrast to his own restless thoughts. With a soft and almost reverent shuffle, Zenitsu settled onto his own bed, cocooning himself in the warmth of the covers. Closing his eyes, he welcomed the prospect of finally finding some much-needed rest.

"Baby steps," he whispered softly to himself, the mantra serving as a gentle reminder to approach each moment with care and deliberation. "One step at a time... don't give up..."

And with that comforting thought, he allowed himself to drift into a serene slumber, embracing the journey of personal growth and potential connection with you.

Chapter 6: Tales of Translation and Turmoil - 翻訳と混乱の物語


Life is about to get much more interesting! You meet some of the Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps and begin to get acquainted with the man—Tengen Uzui—who has offered to speak with you and help translate things, while you try to figure out how you got here, but it doesn't seem like you're going to get very far.

At least for now...

And the boys, well... not much has changed. The shenanigans continue as Zenitsu and Inosuke still bump heads and Tanjiro tries his hardest to keep a semblance of peace between your rag-tag group.

Fun times for everyone!


Come and get some feels, laughs, and (mostly) cringe in this chapter! And please note that I am using Google Translate for the parts where they are speaking Japanese and Tengen is translating, so some stuff may not be totally accurate, and I'm sorry for those of you who might actually know Japanese and are like, 'Wtf are they saying??' lmao

Anyways, thanks for reading, I love y'all, and see ya next time! <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You follow Tanjiro through the winding halls, the atmosphere tinged with a serene quietude that matches his current demeanor. Normally exuding warmth and cheerfulness, Tanjiro's expression is now a mixture of calmness and weariness, a testament to the trials and challenges he has faced recently. Despite the lack of words exchanged between you, the companionship feels comforting, a silent understanding shared between friends. As you walk alongside Tanjiro, you can't help but appreciate his composed presence, a stark contrast to the potential chaos that Inosuke or Zenitsu might bring if they were the one's accompanying you.

While their current state of semi-immobility, a consequence of the injuries sustained during the mountain ordeal, is far from ideal, it does provide a temporary respite from their usual boisterous antics. Inosuke's recent brush with death at the hands of a giant Spider Demon still hangs heavy in your thoughts, the memory vivid and unsettling. The marks along his neck and bruised back, the remnants of the fierce battle etched in yellow and purple hues, serve as stark reminders of the dangers he and the others face as Demon Slayers.

Tanjiro's body narrates a tale of resilience and unyielding bravery, etched in the criss-crossing scars that adorn his arms and torso. Though he conceals most of them beneath bandages, the glimpse you caught was enough to leave a lasting impression. These battle-worn marks, absent during your shared time on the mountain, whisper of the untold challenges he faced when your group was separated. One scar, particularly prominent as it traces his cheek, stands as a visible testament to the hardships endured during that tumultuous period. Despite his outward composure, subtle cues in his movements betray the lingering discomfort from these wounds, each step a testament to the strength required to carry on despite the pain he harbors within.

Meanwhile, Zenitsu's once vibrant and animated presence now bears the unmistakable signs of the ordeal he endured on the mountain. His previously nimble limbs now bear the marks of small punctures and bruises, a stark reflection of the ferocity of the battle fought. Despite his now pallid and weakened appearance, there's a glimmer of hope in the gradual signs of healing that begin to surface. Though his injuries may be less severe compared to Tanjiro and Inosuke, your empathy and concern for his suffering remain steadfast. Each member of your group carries their own set of scars, both physical and emotional, serving as constant reminders of the harsh realities intertwined with their noble path as Demon Slayers.

In a world where demons and danger are ever-present, pain and injury become inevitable companions. The looming specter of death casts a shadow of fear and dread over everything. Yet, amidst this darkness, there exists a flicker of resilience within each Demon Slayer, a testament to their unyielding determination to persevere regardless of the challenges they face. As you grapple with questions about the nature of demons and the motives of Demon Slayers, your recent brush with death at the hands of these otherworldly creatures fuels your curiosity and concern.

Are all demons inherently malevolent, driven solely by a desire to harm innocent humans?

How widespread is their existence, and how many lurk in the shadows, unseen and unknown?

Do most people even realize the existence of these supernatural threats that lurk in the night?

As these thoughts swirled in your mind, a newfound desire began to stir within you—the longing to join the ranks of the Demon Slayers, to stand alongside them in their valiant efforts to combat the otherworldly threats that menace humanity. The urge to contribute, to make a difference in the face of such daunting adversaries, ignites a sense of purpose within you. Yet, amidst this burgeoning resolve, doubts and apprehensions creep in. How could someone like you, with limited experience and understanding of the dangers that await, possibly assist in such a perilous pursuit? The weight of uncertainty hangs heavy in the air as you grapple with the daunting prospect of stepping into the world of Demon Slayers.

Lost in thought, you walk alongside Tanjiro, your gaze fixed on the ground, lost in a whirlwind of worries and uncertainties.

He senses your unease, his brow furrowing as he catches your scent, a familiar signal of distress. Before he can inquire, your attention is abruptly drawn to four figures ahead, including the recognizable Shinobu, whose calm demeanor settles your nerves somewhat. Your eyes widen in a mix of surprise and anticipation, a flutter of nervousness stirring within you at the prospect of meeting new people. The familiar knot of anxiety tightens in your stomach, but you take a deep breath, reminding yourself that at least one of them will be able to communicate with you effectively. As they draw nearer, you subtly wipe your clammy palms along your sides, a nervous habit betraying your inner turmoil.

Tanjiro remains faithfully at your side, a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty.

Shinobu's cheerful greeting breaks the tense silence, her voice carrying a warmth that eases some of the tension in the air. "Good afternoon! I've brought some of the other Hashira, and they have graciously offered to help."

Your voice trembled slightly as you responded, "Good afternoon. It's n-nice to meet you all..."

Your gaze shifted from Shinobu to the other Hashira, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity flickering in your eyes. Despite your quietness, they seemed unfazed. One woman beamed with joy, barely containing her excitement, her eyes sparkling with warmth and friendliness. The genial expressions of the two men put you at ease, their calm and welcoming demeanor alleviating any fears of imposition.

"Pleasure's all mine," one of the men declared with a charming grin, his voice resonating with confidence. "Name's Tengen Uzui, and I'll be your main point of contact. You can just call me The God of Festivals or Uzui—whatever floats your boat."

His flamboyant attire and striking appearance made him stand out, but his relaxed posture and easy smile made you feel surprisingly comfortable. The woman who had been beaming at you stepped forward, her excitement palpable.

"Hi! It's so wonderful to meet you!" she said, her voice as cheerful as her demeanor. "What's your name?"

"Ah... hello, I'm Y/n. And you?"

"Oh, what a lovely name! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji! You can call me Mitsuri, or... uh, whatever you like! And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're all here to help!"

Mitsuri's bright smile, reminiscent of a sunbeam breaking through the clouds, and her friendly tone, so full of genuine warmth, instantly put you at ease. Her eyes sparkled with kindness, making the introductions feel less like a formality and more like a heartfelt greeting from an old friend. You couldn't help but be touched by her sincerity and willingness to connect on a personal level. As you nodded in response, a smile naturally spread across your face, mirroring Mitsuri's warmth. Her positive energy seemed to fill the room, creating an atmosphere of cordiality and openness. However, your peaceful moment of connection was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of the next man.

With fiery hair that seemed to flicker like flames in the sunlight, and an intense gaze that commanded attention, he strode forward with a palpable sense of enthusiasm and energy.

"Oaidekiteureshīdesu! Rengoku KyōJūrōdesu! Watashi wa eigo ga amari tokuide wa arimasenga, yorokonde otetsudai shimasu!" His voice, though unfamiliar in language, carried a contagious excitement, and his genuine smile was infectious.

His sudden proximity caught you off guard for a moment, but you quickly composed yourself, maintaining a friendly demeanor. As you glanced behind him, you caught sight of Uzui, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"He said it's nice to meet you! His name is Kyojuro Rengoku." Uzui translated with a playful roll of his eyes. "And although he's not fluent in English, he's eager to help. Anyway—"

You nodded in understanding, ready to listen to Uzui's continuation, but before he could speak any further, Kyojuro interjected once more with a cheerful enthusiasm that prompted an amused giggle from Mitsuri. With a mix of annoyance and humor, Uzui deadpanned as he explained the interruption, translating Kyojuro's comment about your quiet yet pleasant voice. Apparently, the Flame Hashira had tried to reassure you that there was no need to fear speaking up around them.

Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, and you instinctively ducked your head with a shy smile, nervous giggles bubbling in your throat. Tanjiro, who stood beside you, was taken aback by the sudden change in your scent. Where it was once somewhat stale, it now carried a faintly sweet, almost citrusy aroma. It triggered a memory for him, reminiscent of the scent he had noticed around girls in his village when they were nervous around someone they usually liked. Slowly, the realization dawned on Tanjiro as he observed your flushed face. He couldn't help but marvel at your display of emotions, noting how he had never seen you look so flustered before.

For a moment, he worried if you were even breathing properly, his concern evident in the gentle furrow of his brow.

"O-Oh, okay... thank you," you squeaked, your voice barely audible amidst the sudden flurry of interactions. "I'll keep that in mind..."

The warmth of Mitsuri's earlier welcome seemed like a distant memory as you struggled to maintain composure under Kyojuro's intense gaze and infectious grin. Uzui smoothly stepped in to translate your reply, his voice a soothing contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you. As Kyojuro straightened himself up, looking pleased with the interaction, you couldn't help but notice the subtle flex of muscles beneath his haori, a testament to his strength as a Hashira. He stepped back, arms crossed in a confident display that exuded authority yet approachability.

His compliment about your voice sent a flutter of warmth through you, though it also intensified your awkwardness. You appreciated the gesture, but the attention felt overwhelming, like standing under a spotlight with all eyes on you. Unable to bear the intensity of the moment, you found yourself unable to sustain eye contact with Kyojuro for long. His good looks and confident demeanor were captivating, making it difficult to gather your thoughts coherently. You stole a quick glance at Tanjiro, hoping that the sight of a familiar face would ease your nerves. His gentle expression offered a brief respite, a reminder of familiarity amidst the sea of unfamiliarity.

However, the rush of embarrassment quickly washed over you again, and you averted your eyes, feeling self-conscious.

Oh dear...

How have you managed to keep it together until now without completely stumbling over your words and making a fool of yourself?

When you first met Tanjiro, your mind was preoccupied with more pressing matters, so you didn't allow yourself to get too distracted by his undeniable attractiveness. However, deep down, you couldn't deny the effect he had on you. His sweet smile and soft, warm eyes seemed to radiate innocence and purity—like a ray of sunshine in human form. It was almost unfair how perfect he seemed, with his unwavering kindness and unwavering resolve. He was beyond sweet and somehow always knew how to make you feel better when you were feeling particularly upset or anxious, tugging at your heartstrings in a way you couldn't quite explain.

And then there was Inosuke—outrageously pretty in a way that fascinated you to no end. His rough demeanor and deep voice contrasted sharply with his delicate features, creating an enigmatic allure that left you utterly perplexed. It was like trying to unravel a puzzle every time he spoke or made a sudden move. Despite his wild nature, there was a certain curiosity that drew you towards him. His unpredictability and raw energy intrigued you, making you eager to discover the layers hidden behind his fierce exterior.

Zenitsu, on the other hand, exuded a boyish charm with his cute smile and energetic nature. When he wasn't screaming or panicking, his voice was actually quite pleasant to listen to. It could shift from high-pitched and animated to a surprisingly deep baritone, adding to his unique charm. His vulnerability and courage, masked by his frequent bouts of fear, also drew you in, making you appreciate the complexities of his character even more. Beneath his anxiety and moments of cowardice, you saw a steadfast determination and a heart full of genuine goodness, which made his moments of bravery all the more endearing.

The new arrivals identifying themselves as 'Hashira' of the Demon Slayer Corps only intensified the sensory overload, their godly appearances and commanding voices adding to your internal chaos. It was as if the air crackled with energy whenever they spoke or moved, leaving you both awestruck and slightly intimidated by their presence. Everyone you'd come into contact with so far, quite frankly, was very attractive and intriguing in their own ways. And now that you had a moment of peace to really observe people up close, you couldn't seem to notice anything but that.

Shinobu's elegance, Mitsuri's infectious warmth, Kyojuro's intense charisma, Tanjiro's gentle demeanor, Inosuke's enigmatic allure, Zenitsu's endearing charm—each of them had qualities that drew you in, making it hard to focus on anything else. And you? You couldn't help but feel like scum on the bottom of a shoe in comparison to all of these people. Their confidence, looks, and prowess were like beacons of light, illuminating the room and highlighting your own insecurities. Before you could spiral further into your thoughts, a loud pounding of feet from behind signaled the arrival of Zenitsu and Inosuke. Their energetic entrance broke the momentary spell, bringing a different kind of energy to the already charged atmosphere

Zenitsu skidded to a stop, his wide eyes filled with genuine concern as he grabbed your hand and held it to his chest in a dramatic display. "Y/n-chan! I just heard from one of the younger girls that you cried yesterday! What was that all about? Are you okay?"

"Hey, how come you yell at me for touching her, but you're the one constantly throwing yourself at her?!" Inosuke charged forward, his tone defiant as he smacked Zenitsu's hand away, his eyes blazing with intensity.

"Guys, please! Behave yourselves; you're in the presence of the Hashira!" Tanjiro swiftly rebuked, his voice carrying a note of authority. "And she's fine, Zenitsu. She was just overwhelmed by everything that happened on Mount Natagumo. But remember, you can't—"

"I do not!" Zenitsu's retort was sharp, his frustration evident as he interrupted Tanjiro, his voice rising in pitch.

Inosuke lowered his head, his muscles tensed as if he was ready to charge at Zenitsu, but he restrained himself, opting to glare instead. "Yeah, you do! You're all over her, and it’s really annoying!"

"Nuh-uh! What's it to you, anyways, huh?! Last time I checked, you don't even like her, so mind your business!"

"I already told you that I did! What's that got to do with it?!"

"Not like that, you idiot! I meant like... as in romantic feelings!"

"Why the hell do you keep bringing up romance?!" Inosuke's confusion only added to the chaos of the situation, his blunt honesty cutting through the tension with a touch of unintentional humor.

Tanjiro, noticing the change in Zenitsu's scent and feeling a sense of concern, pulled you to the side and away from the chaotic scene with a small frown on his face. He was worried about his friend's burgeoning feelings for you, not because Zenitsu was a bad guy, but because he could be overwhelming and prone to misunderstandings. Without a shared language between you two, communication could be challenging, potentially leading to hurt feelings and damaged relationships.

As he led you away, Tanjiro grappled with conflicting emotions.

On one hand, he recognized that you may only be with them temporarily, on a quest to fulfill your own objectives. The thought of losing you saddened him deeply, as you had quickly become an integral part of his newfound happiness, alongside Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. He cherished the sense of family and friendship you had all built together, and the idea of losing that was almost unbearable. However, on the other hand, Tanjiro knew that Zenitsu's feelings were genuine, even if they were expressed in a somewhat clumsy manner.

He didn't want to stand in the way of potential happiness for either of you, but he also couldn't ignore the potential for misunderstandings and heartache.

It was a delicate balance, and Tanjiro struggled to find the right course of action. Deep down, Tanjiro wished for a solution where everyone could be happy and maintain the strong bond they had formed. But he was also aware of the selfishness in his desire to keep things as they were. He knew he must be prepared to let you (or any of the others) go if that's what you ultimately decided. Despite this inner conflict, he couldn't help but hold on to the hope that things would remain unchanged. You're about to inquire about the situation, anticipating a response now that there's someone to translate, but your translator appears just as entangled in the predicament.

Uzui chuckled in his signature comedic manner as he strolled over to them, draping his arms over their shoulders with a smirk. "Well, well, sounds like you lads are tangled up in some romantic woes. Today's your lucky day. I happen to be an expert on matters of the heart, so pay close attention!"

Inosuke bristled and forcibly shoved Uzui's arm away, dodging under it to distance himself, while Zenitsu gazed up at him with wide-eyed wonder.

“Woah… really?!”  

"To catch your lady's eye, you've got to be bold! Flaunt your charms with flair, understood?" Uzui's words were accompanied by a playful wink, as if he was about to launch into a crash course on romance.

"What in the world is 'wooing', and why is it my responsibility?! Can't she do it herself?" Inosuke's blunt retort cut through the air, his frustration evident as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Shut up, Inosuke, this doesn't concern you!" Zenitsu snapped, his voice tinged with desperation as he turned his attention back to the Hashira. "How do I woo her properly?! Tell me!"

His plea was almost desperate, a mix of genuine longing and a touch of panic as he sought guidance in the tumultuous realm of love. Mitsuri bounded over, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she gushed over the topic at hand.

"Oh, whatever you do, it has to be from the heart! Sweep her off her feet and show her that you care," she said wistfully, a dreamy expression on her face.

"Sweep her off her feet? I... I think can do that! And what—"

Inosuke suddenly broke out into a yell and charged toward you and Tanjiro, causing both of you to shriek in surprise. The suddenness of his action caught everyone off guard, and before anyone could react, Inosuke rammed right into Tanjiro, sending him stumbling backward and falling to the ground with a thud.

Inosuke swiftly picked you up and cackled victoriously as he paraded you around. "Look, I swept her off her feet before you, Monichi! See, I can do anything you guys can do—and better!"

"Inosuke, be careful!" Tanjiro quickly stood up, his eyes wide with concern as he attempted to grab both of you. "You'll hurt yourself and Y/n-san!"

"AAAAAH! PUT HER DOWN!!!" Zenitsu flipped out, his voice reaching a high-pitched shriek.

Inosuke hoisted you over his shoulder just like the first time he did in the woods, and then he dashed down the hall at breakneck speed. Zenitsu flung himself after you, his panicked cries echoing through the corridor, while Tanjiro, visibly agitated, followed suit, determination etched on his face. Shinobu, though smiling outwardly, betrayed a hint of irritation in her eyes. This wasn't how she envisioned this meeting panning out. She knew she and the other Hashira could easily catch up, but the frivolity of chasing after lower-ranked Slayers who were behaving like children didn't sit well with her.

With a sigh, she was about to intervene, but Uzui reassured her, urging her to go about her business while he kept an eye on the situation.

Mitsuri added to this, assuring Shinobu that everything would be fine. Despite her lingering doubts, Shinobu relented, and Mitsuri accompanied her, sensing her friend's stress and wanting to offer support. Kyojuro took his leave, his curiosity somewhat satisfied for the moment. He promised to return in the next day or two after attending to other business. He intended to come back and lend assistance in this peculiar situation regarding you. Plus, he acknowledged that it would be easier for you and Uzui to converse without so many others around, complicating matters.

With that, they all went their separate ways, leaving the corridor echoing with the sound of footsteps and yelling.

Uzui lazily whistled as he followed the echoes of yelling, content to let the chaos unfold a bit longer before stirring up some mischief of his own. This, he thought, was going to be quite entertaining! As Inosuke raced through the mansion, you found yourself being jostled around uncomfortably. Though you thought you were accustomed to being carried like this, the erratic movements made this ride bumpier than usual. Inosuke's speed knew no bounds as he practically bounced off walls, determined to outmaneuver the others. You struggled to maintain your balance as your hair whipped across your face, obscuring your vision.

Eventually, you resigned yourself to flopping around, finding a strange amusement in the chaos, though you were sure you'd have a headache later. Amidst Inosuke's maniacal laughter, you could hear Tanjiro and Zenitsu's frantic calls echoing through the halls. You made a mental note to ask Uzui what sparked this madness, and you couldn't forget the previous incident when they nearly pulled you apart in their squabble. Inosuke bursts through a door, and Zenitsu finally catches up, cornering him against a wall as Tanjiro arrives moments later. 

"I can't believe you did that!" Zenitsu exclaimed, his voice a mix of disbelief and concern as he approached Inosuke.

"What, you can't believe I bested you at something?" Inosuke retorted, puffing heavily as he adopted a haughty stance. "Look! I swept her off her feet and did it before you!"

"No, you didn't!"  

"Of course I did! She's off her feet right now! Are you blind or something?" Inosuke argued, his logic baffling yet oddly convincing in his mind.

Zenitsu facepalmed, dragging his hand down slowly. "No, no, no, and you didn't do it right—it wasn’t meant to be taken literally. Now put her down!" he pleaded, trying to bring an end to the chaotic situation.

"Huh, what the hell do you mean I didn't do it right?!" Inosuke exclaimed, his confusion evident as he processed Zenitsu's words.

"Exactly what I said! You didn't do it right, at all! To sweep someone off their feet you have to be charming and then you both fall madly in love, and that is not what you did at all!"

Inosuke took a few moments to ponder before scoffing and surprisingly setting you down. "How do you be charming by sweeping someone off their feet? And why would that make you fall in love?" he questioned, still struggling to grasp the concept.

"It's just an expression! When that lady said to sweep someone off their feet, she didn't mean literally! It means you're supposed to do things that are nice, interesting, and most importantly romantic—all to make someone fall in love with you," Zenitsu explained impatiently, hoping his words would finally sink in.

"Ehh, sounds complicated! Why don't you just do what animals do? They just smell each other, do funny dances, or fight to the death!" Inosuke suggested, his straightforward nature shining through in his unconventional ideas. "Who cares about being romantic?"

Zenitsu's face contorted in disbelief while Tanjiro grimaced, clearly not on board with Inosuke's suggestions. You stood off to the side, watching them with pursed lips as you fixed your hair, trying not to laugh. Again, you had no clue what was happening, but whatever Inosuke said clearly prompted amusing reactions from the other two.

"No way! We aren't animals. Animals don't know love like we do. And yeah... I guess it can be a little complicated," Zenitsu admitted, scratching his cheek. "But there's nothing better than doing romantic things for the one you love and showing them how much they mean to you. And to have them love you back, doing the same, is the best feeling in the whole wide world," he added with a heartfelt sincerity, his gaze turning soft as he spoke of love and its complexities.

"How do you know that?"

Zenitsu paused. "Well, I... I've read about it! And I've seen people in love, so I know what it looks like!" he stammered, trying to defend his statement.

"Reading about it doesn't mean you understand it. Have you ever been in love?" Inosuke pressed, his skepticism evident in his tone as he challenged Zenitsu's understanding of love. "Has anyone even loved you?"


Tanjiro gasped, his eyes widening in concern as he looked at Zenitsu, whose expression mirrored that of someone who's just been dealt a brutal blow to the heart. The weight of Inosuke's question seemed to hit Zenitsu like a physical blow, and his spirit appeared to leave his body as he crumpled to the ground, his face etched with mortification as he whimpered in distress. Inosuke, utterly clueless about the gravity of his words, merely stared at Zenitsu sprawled on the ground, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

All he did was ask a question... and now Zenitsu was acting as if he were dead?

Tanjiro knelt beside Zenitsu, attempting to rouse him gently. "Zenitsu, are you okay?! He didn't mean it like that... I'm sure!" he reassured, his voice filled with concern for his friend.

You joined Tanjiro, your worry for your friend growing as you had no idea what was going on. Now, you were even more eager to find out what was happening. Where was your translator when you needed him? Speaking of whom, he appeared out of nowhere, startling you so much that you screamed, prompting Zenitsu to spring back to life, screaming as well. The sudden chaos caused everyone to turn and find the Hashira standing there, looking utterly smug.

"Well, well, what do we have going on here?" Uzui remarked with a playful grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he surveyed the scene before him.

You blinked in confusion, not expecting him to be there or to hear him speak in English instead of his native language with the others.

"Are you... talking to me?" you asked, still processing the unexpected turn of events and his sudden appearance.

The Hashira's lips quirked up as he chuckled. "Who else would I be talking to?"

"Oh, uhh..." you awkwardly responded. "Sorry, I just thought you would have talked to them instead of me..."

"Nah, they're not the ones who are lost and have no memory," Uzui replied casually, his tone indicating a level of understanding and patience. "Remember, I'm here to help you."

"Yeah... umm, so about that. I'm a little worried because I don't know what to do. My memory is pretty blank, so where do I even start?" You sighed, feeling the frustration you had tried so hard to push away for the time being resurfacing. "How do I find out what happened, why I'm here, and why my memories are gone?"

"No idea, kid! But don't worry, we'll figure it out eventually. Just take it easy and try not to stress out about it too much," Uzui reassured you with a laid-back demeanor, his words carrying a sense of confidence that eased some of your worries.

You nodded slowly, your frown deepening as you turned your head and felt a hand land on your shoulder. It was Tanjiro, looking concerned for you, but he wasn't the only one. Zenitsu watched you from behind him, his expression similarly dim, a mixture of concern and empathy in his eyes. Inosuke's face was obscured by his mask, but he seemed to be paying close attention to the conversation, his posture tense as he listened to the exchange.

Tanjiro looked up at Uzui with a furrowed brow, concern evident in his eyes. "What's going on? What are you two talking about? She seems... upset..."

Uzui sighed softly before explaining, "It's about her memories and how she ended up here. She's just worried about figuring things out, but I told her it'll be fine. We'll find out everything she needs to know eventually—I think, or more like hope..."

Tanjiro nodded in understanding, his gaze shifting to Zenitsu as he stepped up beside him.

"Not to be rude or anything, but... why are you helping? You're a Hashira. Don't you have other things to be doing?" Zenitsu's question was sincere, reflecting the curiosity that lingered in the minds of everyone present.

"Yeah, I could be doing other things, but they're not nearly as interesting as this," Uzui explained with a casual shrug. "Anyways," he waved his hand and grinned mischievously at Zenitsu, "you really like this girl, huh?"

Zenitsu's cheeks flushed, the burning sensation spreading to his ears as he listened to Uzui's teasing question. While he hadn't exactly been discreet about his attractions in the past, this felt different. His feelings for you had evolved beyond surface-level admiration. Initially finding you cute, he now thought you were incredible and possibly the woman of his dreams. Having faced rejection numerous times, Zenitsu was adept at bouncing back quickly. However, with you, the fear of rejection loomed larger because your opinion truly mattered to him.

As a friend, he had gotten to know you on a deeper level, and his feelings had grown accordingly. He didn't want to scare you off, so he refrained from his usual proclamations of love and hadn't repeated his impromptu marriage proposal from the first day he met you. He was taking it slow this time, or as slow as his anxious heart would allow—ignoring how he had acted just a few minutes prior, wanting advice on how to woo you. Zenitsu's internal conflict was evident in the way he fidgeted nervously, his gaze shifting between you and Uzui, unsure of how to navigate his feelings without risking rejection or making things awkward between you.

"W-Well, umm..."

Uzui's grin took on a mischievous edge. "Want me to say something to her for you? I'm a pretty good wingman, if I don't say so myself."

"N-No! That won't be necessary!!" Zenitsu flailed his arms around, his voice cracking in embarrassment. "I... umm, I don't even know what to do or say right now! She's my friend first and foremost. I've just been thinking and trying to play it cool for the time being, as I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything!"

Uzui chuckled, understanding Zenitsu's predicament. "Got it, got it. Take your time, sport. It's important to be sure about these things. I won't meddle... for now," he added with a wink, clearly enjoying the playful banter.

Zenitsu nodded, relieved that Uzui wasn't pressing the matter further. He glanced at you, offering a shy smile before averting his gaze, his heart pounding with uncertainty and anticipation.

"Just don't take too long, or someone else just might swoop in!" Uzui's playful remark was followed by a pointed glance at Inosuke, accompanied by a shake of his head and a snicker as he clicked his tongue in amusement.

Zenitsu froze, his mind suddenly racing with suspicion. He shot a murderous glare at Inosuke, who had been lost in thought for the past minute but sensed the intensity of Zenitsu's gaze and turned to meet it.


"What exactly is your angle here?" Zenitsu demanded, his voice edged with suspicion.


"Don't play dumb! You're up to something, aren't you? Why do you always stick your nose where it doesn't belong regarding Y/n-chan, if you don't like her?" Zenitsu's frustration and confusion were evident in his words as he confronted Inosuke once more.

Zenitsu knew he was probably being irrational right now. He and Inosuke had already talked about this to some extent, and Inosuke had confirmed liking you, but not in a romantic sense. However, Zenitsu couldn't shake his doubts and insecurities off, and they were made worse when someone like Tengen Uzui teased him and planted more thoughts in his mind. Tanjiro caught Uzui's subtle attempt to suppress a grin by clearing his throat, masking his amusement as he focused on the unfolding drama. And Inosuke remained silent, which only served to upset Zenitsu further. Sensing the escalating tension, Tanjiro intervened, seizing the opportunity to lead them away to discuss the matter in a more private setting.

"I want to talk with you two about this, so follow me..." Tanjiro's firm but gentle voice directed them away, leaving you alone with Uzui.

You furrowed your brows, wondering where they were headed.

"Where are they going?" you asked Uzui, curious about the sudden departure.

"Don't know. Seems they need to have a chat," he replied casually before turning to you with a grin. "While they do that, how about we get ourselves more acquainted, since you and I will be spending a lot of time together now, yeah?"

"Alright," you smiled and nodded, appreciating his friendly demeanor. "And again, thank you for helping me."

"Don't mention it! What kind of man would I be if I didn't use my amazing skills to help others? Not the flashy kind," he scoffed playfully. "And everyone knows a life without flashiness is a dull one, so I've vowed to live it to the fullest and help others to do the same. Pretty amazing, right?"

Uzui's confident and charismatic nature made it easy to engage in conversation with him, despite the lingering uncertainties in your mind.

"Definitely amazing," you agree with a chuckle. "So, where do we start?"

"Let's start with the basics," Uzui suggests, leaning against the wall with a relaxed air. "Tell me about yourself—anything you can remember. It doesn't have to be much, just whatever comes to mind. And I'll fill you in on anything you need to know."

You nod, trying to recall any fragments of your past. "Well, I remember some things, like my name, Y/n. I know basic stuff, like how to speak and some skills, but specific memories are still hazy. I feel like I should know more, but it's like there's a fog blocking everything."

Uzui listens attentively, his expression thoughtful. "That's a good start. But don't worry, we'll figure it out together. In the meantime, you can count on me and the others to support you.

His words were comforting, a reminder that you weren't alone in this confusing journey. "Thank you, Uzui. It means a lot to me."

"Of course! Well, with that said, let me tell you a bit about the Demon Slayer Corps and our mission. I'm sure you've already picked up on this, but we're dedicated to protecting humanity from demons, and each of us has our own unique skills and strengths."

As Uzui delves into the intricacies of the Demon Slayer Corps, his words paint a vivid picture of the organization's history, traditions, and purpose. His charisma and confidence are infectious, drawing you deeper into the conversation with each passing moment. With a blend of passion and expertise, Uzui shares insights into the Corps' training methods, the hierarchy of the Hashira, and the ongoing battle against demons. His stories are captivating, filled with tales of bravery, sacrifice, and camaraderie that resonate with you on a profound level.

As you listen, a sense of hope begins to bloom within you. Uzui's knowledge and guidance offer a lifeline in your quest to uncover the mysteries of your past. His assurance that you'll find your place in this new world, coupled with his unwavering support, fuels your determination to forge ahead despite the challenges ahead. With each revelation and anecdote, you feel a growing sense of belonging and purpose. The prospect of unraveling the secrets that shroud your memories becomes less daunting, replaced by a newfound confidence and resolve. In Uzui's words and presence, you find a beacon of hope illuminating the path to self-discovery and acceptance in the realm of Demon Slayers.

"Now," Uzui said with a playful smirk, "how about we do something a bit more fun than listening to me drone on about the history of the Corps and whatnot? Let's explore the mansion a bit. If you're gonna be stayin' here, it's important you get familiar with your surroundings."

"Sounds like a plan," you agreed, feeling a bit more at ease. 

Uzui led you through the winding corridors of the mansion, his pace brisk but relaxed. The mansion was a labyrinth of rooms and hallways, each corner revealing something new and intriguing. Uzui pointed out various notable features: training rooms equipped with all sorts of weapons and equipment, a tranquil garden with a koi pond, and a library filled with ancient texts, scrolls, medical books, and other various scriptures. As you wandered, Uzui’s playful commentary and occasional jokes made the experience enjoyable. He shared stories about the mansion's history and the various Demon Slayers who had walked its halls before you. His enthusiasm was infectious, and you found yourself laughing and asking questions, fully engaged in the tour.

The mansion, with its mix of traditional and modern elements, began to feel less intimidating and more like a potential home. You appreciated the attention to detail in its design—the delicate butterfly motifs on the sliding doors, the soft tatami mats underfoot, and the calming sound of wind chimes swaying in the breeze. With each step, you felt a growing sense of belonging. Uzui's warm demeanor and genuine interest in ensuring you felt comfortable made you feel less like an outsider and more like a part of the Demon Slayer family.

The exploration not only helped you become familiar with your surroundings but also solidified your resolve to uncover your past and embrace your future within the Corps.

As Tanjiro led the other two away to a more secluded area for a private discussion, a weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of responsibility. He didn't want to discuss your situation right in front of you or Uzui, not because it was a bad thing, but because it involved delicate matters—feelings, to be precise. Tanjiro knew that emotions could be intricate and sensitive, especially concerning Zenitsu, and possibly Inosuke. Moreover, Uzui's playful nature and penchant for mischief added an element of unpredictability that Tanjiro wanted to avoid in such a serious conversation. After they came to a stop, Tanjiro took a moment to collect his thoughts, his expression serious yet compassionate.

He spoke slowly, choosing his words with care, fully aware of the gravity of the conversation.

"Zenitsu," he began, addressing his friend with a gentle tone, "I know you have feelings for Y/n-san... and Inosuke, I understand that you've mentioned she gives you a strange feeling, but not necessarily a bad one. However, I'm not entirely sure how you feel, and I'm not sure if you've fully figured it out either. That's why I think it's crucial for all of us to have an open discussion about this before any major misunderstandings arise."

Tanjiro's sincerity and concern were evident in his eyes as he looked at each of them in turn, waiting for their reactions and hoping for an honest and productive conversation that would clarify everyone's feelings and perspectives. Both Zenitsu and Inosuke remain quiet, with Zenitsu stealing a glance at Inosuke, who maintains his usual crossed-arms posture, revealing nothing of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I do," Zenitsu finally admitted after a few moments, his voice quiet but resolute. "So, what's up?"

Tanjiro nodded, rubbing the back of his head as he searched for the right words. "Well, it's not hard to see why you like Y/n-san, but… I'm not sure if you should pursue anything with her," he said gently, trying to be as considerate as possible.

Zenitsu's eyes slowly widened, nearly bulging out of his head. He never expected Tanjiro, of all people, to say something like that to him. It wasn't entirely out of character, considering Tanjiro had scolded him for his previous advances, but this felt different now. Before, Zenitsu had just been foolish, and he could admit that. But now, he was serious and determined not to do anything reckless!

"Why not?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration and confusion.

"Because she isn't from here." Tanjiro took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "She's been through a lot, especially with her lost memories. She's trying to find her place, and adding romantic feelings into the mix might complicate things for her. I think she needs time to figure out who she is and where she belongs first. She probably has a life—a family—where she's from, who miss her greatly... and it wouldn't be fair to ask her to stay."

Zenitsu's expression softened as Tanjiro's words sank in, and he felt his heart twinge at the realization. You weren't from this place; you sought help to figure out why and how you got here and who you were. With no memories beyond your own name, pursuing you would be taking advantage of your vulnerable situation. Once you found the answers you sought, you'd likely return to your previous life, and he couldn't ask you to choose him over your past. Even if you did like him, the practical challenges, such as the language barrier, loomed large.

Tanjiro turned and addressed the more impulsive companion. "And Inosuke, I know it can be difficult... but can you explain exactly how you feel?"

Inosuke's brows furrowed as he looked at Tanjiro, his tone gruff. "About what?"

"About Y/n-san..." Tanjiro's voice was gentle but firm, prompting Inosuke to pay attention.

"What do you mean? Why do you guys keep bothering me about her?" Inosuke's frustration was noticeable, his arms crossing defensively.

"I mean... do you like her?" Tanjiro asked directly, wanting to get to the heart of the matter.

Inosuke's response was immediate, albeit unexpected. "Yeah, I've already told Genitchu that. She's stronger than she looks, I want her to become my minion, and spar with her!" His words came out with his usual bluntness, lacking any subtlety or hesitation.

Tanjiro shook his head, a determined expression on his face as he grabbed Inosuke by the shoulders. "That's not exactly what I meant, Inosuke. You said she makes you... feel weird and bubbly on the inside, right?"

"Mhm," Inosuke grunted in response as he tried to follow Tanjiro's line of questioning.

"So... then, you like her...?" Tanjiro's voice was gentle yet insistent, hoping to clarify the depth of Inosuke's feelings.

"Yeah, I just told you that! Are you deaf too?!" Inosuke's frustration was palpable, his impatience evident.

"No, not just like her, but... LIKE her," Tanjiro tried desperately to get through to him, using emphasis to convey his meaning.

Tanjiro's attempt to convey his meaning to Inosuke was met with a blank stare, indicating that Inosuke still didn't quite grasp the distinction. Seeing the confusion persist, Zenitsu, who had been quietly and anxiously listening, finally decided to step in.

Zenitsu's voice carried a note of urgency and concern. "Do you like her romantically or not?! Do you plan on romancing her?"

Inosuke's eyes widened slightly at Zenitsu's direct questioning, caught off guard by the sudden intensity in Zenitsu's tone. He scratched his head under his boar mask, clearly grappling with the concept of romantic feelings.

"I don't know," Inosuke muttered. "I just know she's different from other people. She's strong and interesting, and I like being around her. But... I don't know if that's romantic-like."

Zenitsu leaned in, his own anxiety evident in his expression. "But do you get those weird feelings in your stomach when you think about her? Do you want to do nice things for her, like give her gifts or spend time together just the two of you?"

Inosuke hesitated as he considered Zenitsu's questions, his brows furrowing under his boar mask. "Well... sometimes my stomach does feel weird when I'm around her. But that doesn't mean anything! All sorts of things make my stomach feel weird; like this one time I ate a rotten persimmon!"

Zenitsu sighed, realizing that Inosuke was still grappling with the concept of romantic feelings. "I understand, Inosuke. But the way you feel around Y/n-chan is different, right? It's not just about your stomach—it's about how she makes you feel inside. It's like... a fluttery feeling, right? Like there's a bunch of butterflies flying around inside you?"

Inosuke blinked, considering Zenitsu's description. "Well... maybe it's a little like that," he admitted with uncertainty.

"Aha! So, when you think about her, do you feel happy? Excited? Nervous, maybe?"

Inosuke grumbled under his breath, clearly growing impatient with the barrage of questions. "Aghhh, what's with all the questions?!"

"Because I want to know if I have competition!" Zenitsu blurted out, his anxiety bubbling to the surface.

Inosuke's eyes widened in surprise, his curiosity piqued despite his attempts to remain indifferent. "Competition...?!"

"Not like physical competition!" Zenitsu hurriedly clarified, realizing how his words might have been misunderstood.

"That's lame! Then I don't care about any of this, just leave me alone now, alright?"

"I can't! I'm going to get to the bottom of this, my love life depends on it!" Zenitsu declared dramatically.

"Who cares!"

"Obviously I do!" Zenitsu shot back, his voice rising slightly.

Inosuke crossed his arms defiantly. "Well, it doesn't concern me!"

"Of course it does!" Zenitsu exclaimed, exasperated. "Why do you think we're having this conversation in the first place?! I just want to make sure you don't like Y/n-chan romantically!"

"What even is romance, anyways?" Inosuke scoffed, his usual bluntness coming through. "I mean, I've heard of it, but it doesn't make any sense if you ask me! Seems like a bunch of dumb, gross stuff, and who needs that?"

"It's not dumb or gross! Romance is all about love, and everyone needs love!" Zenitsu responded, a hint of exasperation in his tone. "Have you ever been in love or been loved before, Inosuke?" Zenitsu asked, genuinely curious and not trying to make fun of him.

Inosuke trailed off awkwardly, scratching his head under his boar mask. "Of course I have! There was this one time, wait— I think, uhh..." His voice faltered as he struggled to recall any instances of love in his past.

So, apparently... no. Neither of them knew what real love was.

Tanjiro listened to their conversation with a mixture of understanding and a touch of sympathy. He couldn't help but feel a bit of familiarity with their confusion about romantic love. While he might have a bit more knowledge about the concept, having observed his parents' relationship and the love they shared, he also lacked much personal experience with romantic love. He remembered the tender touches, gleaming eyes, soft-spoken words, and smiles that characterized his parents' affection for each other. They cared for and helped each other, working together to raise their family. Love came in all forms, and their love extended to him and his siblings as well. So, he knew some things about love, thanks to his family.

But familial love wasn't exactly the kind of love they were discussing right now.

Zenitsu's humorless laugh broke Tanjiro's reverie. "So, you're just like me... I guess we do have something in common," Zenitsu remarked, a hint of realization in his voice.


"I've never really been loved either," Zenitsu continued, cutting Inosuke off. "I didn't grow up with my parents, you know... and when I was younger, I fell in love with some girl and gave her money, hoping she would love me back. But she ran off with some other guy." His tone held a hint of bitterness, a lingering sting from a painful memory. He paused, his gaze distant as he recounted the events of his past. "Looking back now, I didn't really love her but just the idea of it."

Zenitsu's words hung heavy in the air as he opened up about his past experiences with love and the absence of parental love in his life. His voice carried a mix of vulnerability and resilience as he spoke.

"Anyways, I ended up drowning in debt, and that's where Gramps came in. He paid it off, so in turn, I trained under him as a swordsman." A wistful smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, a mixture of gratitude and nostalgia in his expression. "Even though I went through hell and thought I was going to die from all that training, he never gave up on me... so, I guess the old guy did care a little."

Zenitsu found himself on the brink of acknowledging a truth he had long overlooked. Amidst the relentless training and self-doubt that once consumed him, he had never paused to contemplate the significance of his relationship with Gramps. However, as a Demon Slayer now, with newfound perspectives and experiences, he couldn't ignore the profound impact of Gramps' teachings, especially the pivotal moments when his words of wisdom had saved Zenitsu. These musings brought clarity to his feelings. Gramps wasn't just a mentor; he was family, a pillar of support who had invested time and effort in shaping Zenitsu's resolve.

Reflecting on this, Zenitsu realized that perhaps he had experienced love in its own unique form—tough love, characterized by discipline and perseverance.

This tough love, though not the tender and affectionate kind Zenitsu might have yearned for, was what he needed at the time, shaping him into the Demon Slayer he was today. Reflecting on this, Zenitsu recognized that his understanding of love was evolving. He acknowledged that while he had a lot to learn about romantic love, Gramps' tough love had laid a foundation of resilience and determination within him. It was a debt he felt he owed to Gramps, a motivation to continue growing and striving to make him proud—a journey that included navigating the complexities of romance, a territory Zenitsu was eager yet apprehensive to explore further.

Zenitsu found Tanjiro's earlier observation to be uncomfortably accurate, a reminder of the selfishness underlying his feelings for you. Yet, he couldn't deny those feelings nor the determination that had been ingrained in him to never give up. Even if his pursuit of you didn't lead to a romantic outcome, he saw it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Life, after all, was about gaining experiences and knowledge. He had always held back due to his fears and insecurities, but now he was ready to step out of his comfort zone. How could he expect to achieve anything if he didn't take the first step? Bravery was what he needed, and he was committed to becoming stronger, not just as a Demon Slayer but also as a person who faced his feelings head-on.

His goal was clear: to make Gramps and his friends proud by excelling in his endeavors. And part of that journey included getting to know you better and eventually expressing his feelings, hoping for a chance to build something meaningful with you.

Zenitsu's determination burned bright as he reaffirmed his resolve to achieve his goals and not let setbacks bring him down. He mentally cheered himself on, reminding himself that he could do this, and failure wouldn't define him. Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Inosuke staring at the ground, an unusual calmness in his demeanor that set off a subtle alarm in Zenitsu's mind. Something felt off, and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Was Inosuke's breathing different? Could his throat still be bothering him, causing trouble with his breathing? Or perhaps it was something else entirely?  Before Zenitsu could express his observation, Tanjiro spoke up, having already sensed something amiss.

"Inosuke, is something wrong?" Tanjiro's voice was gentle yet probing, his eyes filled with concern as he studied his friend.

Inosuke's silence lingered, a heavy weight settling over the group. When he finally spoke, his voice was quiet, almost hesitant.

"I don't know..."

His mind felt like a vast, empty void, devoid of the memories or connections that others seemed to have so effortlessly. He tried to grasp at something, anything, but it slipped through his fingers like mist. Inosuke didn't have a mentor like Zenitsu's "Gramps" or the familial support that Tanjiro had with his sister. He was used to relying on himself, his instincts, and his strength. But now, faced with these introspective moments, he felt a strange sensation in his chest. It was a mix of emptiness and unease, a dull ache that gnawed at him from within.

He couldn't quite pinpoint the source of this discomfort, but he sensed that it had something to do with his lack of understanding about certain things, especially emotions.

Inosuke wasn't one to dwell on feelings or introspection. He was a fighter, a survivor, someone who dealt with physical pain and challenges head-on. But this invisible, intangible pain was different. It cut deeper than any sword, leaving wounds that couldn't be seen, only felt. He hated this feeling, this vulnerability that seemed to claw at him from the inside. Why did he feel this way? What was causing it? Questions swirled in his mind, but one thought stood out among them all, clear and sharp like a blade.

'I'm alone...'

It was a stark realization, one that filled him with a mixture of anger and sadness. Inosuke had always prided himself on his independence, but now he saw the flip side of that coin—the isolation, the loneliness that came with it. In that moment of vulnerability, Inosuke felt a pang of longing, a desire for something he couldn't quite name. It was a yearning for connection, for understanding, for belonging. And as much as he tried to push it away, to bury it beneath his bravado and strength, it remained, a persistent ache in his heart.

Inosuke's inner turmoil intensified as he grappled with the stark contrast between his upbringing and the experiences of his friends. Zenitsu had mentioned not being raised by his parents but had found a familial connection with his "Gramps." Tanjiro, on the other hand, had a loving family, including his sister who had tragically become a demon. These thoughts gnawed at Inosuke's mind like a relentless storm, and he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness and longing that welled up within him.

He had to have had someone, right? He was human, after all, and humans had families.

But where were his parents? Did he have siblings? What happened to them? Inosuke couldn't picture their faces, couldn't recall any memories of them. He knew nothing about his origins or his family lineage. He had been raised by boars, taken in by the wild creatures as one of their own. The boar mask he wore, a symbol of his identity and strength, was a reminder of that unconventional upbringing. When one of the boars had passed away, leaving behind the head that would become Inosuke's mask, he had clung to it as a token of the closest thing he had to family. But deep down, he knew it wasn't the same as having human connections, someone to call his own, someone to love and be loved by.

Zenitsu's well-meaning but misplaced comparison to their experiences grated on Inosuke's nerves. How could Zenitsu understand what it was like to grow up without family when he had his "Gramps"? And Tanjiro, with his tight-knit family and sister whom he cherished so deeply, seemed worlds apart from Inosuke's own reality. Inosuke felt a surge of bitterness and resentment, not towards his friends but towards the circumstances that had left him alone and longing for something he couldn't quite grasp. He didn't miss the way Zenitsu had spoken fondly about his mentor or the way Tanjiro had recounted memories with his family.

He envied them, yearned for that kind of connection and love.

Inosuke's thoughts churned with a mixture of frustration and longing as he stood there, grappling with the harsh reality of his past and the yearning for something he had never truly experienced. All he had was the mountain, the memories of fierce battles fought alone to survive, and the companionship of wild animals. It wasn't all bad, he reasoned with himself. After all, he wasn't truly alone when surrounded by creatures of the forest. But deep down, he knew it wasn't the same as having human connections, a sense of belonging, and the warmth of familial love. The thought gnawed at him, a thorn in his side that he couldn't ignore.

Anger surged within him, a fiery determination to push back against these unwanted emotions. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but a sniffle escaped him nonetheless. Inosuke straightened his posture, his resolve hardening as he reminded himself of who he was—the strong and powerful Lord Inosuke, a warrior who faced challenges head-on and conquered them. He didn't want to feel weak, especially not in front of others. His pride demanded that he maintain his facade of strength and independence.

With a defiant gesture, he pushed his shoulders back and marched away, ignoring the worried calls of Tanjiro and Zenitsu behind him.

The two friends exchanged concerned glances, their eyes wide and mouths agape as they watched Inosuke disappear into the distance. They knew better than to push him further when he was in such a state, but the sight of their usually boisterous and confident friend showing vulnerability shook them to the core. They silently resolved to give him space but also to be there for him when he was ready to talk or seek support. After a few moments of silence, Tanjiro spoke up again, his voice carrying a note of dreariness from Inosuke's sudden change in demeanor.

"I hope he's okay," he murmured, his brows knitting together in worry. "Alright, well... how about we head back and see what Y/n-san and Uzui-san have been up to since we left?" he suggested as he faced Zenitsu.

Zenitsu nodded in agreement with Tanjiro, but then his eyes widened in sudden realization, and he let out a panicked shriek. "AHHHH, WE LEFT HER THERE WITH THAT GUY! HAVE YOU HEARD THE WAY HE TALKS AND SEEN HOW HE LOOKS?! THERE'S NO WAY HE WOULDN'T PULL SOMETHING ON HER, HE'S EXACTLY THE TYPE OF GUY TO FLIRT WITH WOMEN AND GET EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS!!!"

Tanjiro's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Zenitsu sprint away in a frenzy of worry. "Zenitsu, slow down!" he called after him, his voice filled with exasperation. "Uzui-san wouldn't do anything like that. You're being a little dramatic again!"

Ignoring Tanjiro's pleas, Zenitsu continued to rush forward, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "I can't believe we left her alone with him! What if he's charming her with his flashy words and smooth moves? We have to stop him before it's too late!" he shouted back, his voice tinged with panic.

Tanjiro sighed and quickened his pace to catch up with his frantic friend, hoping to calm him down before he made a scene. As they approached the mansion where Uzui was giving you a tour, Zenitsu's heart raced with worry, fearing the worst but hoping for the best. As Tanjiro and Zenitsu hurried back to your location, they were unaware of your growing frustration as you tried to practice Japanese with Uzui. You let out a giant sigh of annoyance, feeling slightly exasperated by the difficulty of the language.

"Come on, kid, one more time!" Uzui encouraged you, his tone patient but firm as he urged you to try again.

"I can't do it!" you exclaimed, your voice tinged with frustration.

The unfamiliar sounds and nuances of Japanese were proving to be quite challenging, and you felt like you were hitting a wall in your attempts to learn. Ignoring your protests, Uzui waved you off with a dismissive "pshh" as he encouraged you to try again.

"Remember what I said? You gotta be flashy! Don't overthink it, just let it out!" His enthusiasm was infectious, even if it was a bit overwhelming.

You huffed in response, rolling your eyes playfully. "Okay, okay!" Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you tried to follow his advice and not overthink the words. "Kon… Kon'nichiwa, Y/n-desu. S-Soshite anata wa?"

It came out a bit shaky, but you managed to get through the phrase. Uzui clapped once, his grin widening from ear to ear.

"Nicely done!" he praised.

"Thank you, but I don't know what I'm saying! I mean... I do, but I don't really understand the words I'm saying... you know?" you admitted, a hint of confusion in your tone.

"Yeah, I get it," Uzui reassured you with a comforting smile. "But you don't need to dwell too much on the complex technicalities. You at least know how to introduce yourself and ask others for their name now."

You let out a sigh, still feeling a bit uncertain. "But what good does that do when I can't even carry on further than that?"

"We'll get there!" Uzui replied optimistically, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Like I said, don't worry about it. We've got plenty of time for you to practice, alright?"

You nodded, trying to push aside your doubts. However, a lingering question weighed on your mind.

"How long... am I going to be here?" you asked quietly, your voice tinged with uncertainty about your situation and your future.

Uzui paused, his grin shifting into a more contemplative expression as he considered your question about how long you'd be staying.

"Well... I guess that's up to you, kid," he began, his tone thoughtful. "I can't tell you how long it'll take to figure things out, but I can tell you that you're welcome to stay for as long as you need. We're here to help you."

You chuckled, trying to lighten your own mood. "Can you say that? Isn't this... umm, Miss Kocho's place?" you teased him playfully, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"... Yes?" he replied slowly after a few moments, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "But despite that fact, I can say with utmost certainty that it is true! I'm never wrong; never have been and never will be!"

You laughed at his confident response. "Alright, then I'll hold you to that," you joked, a playful glint in your eyes. "If you're wrong, then you owe me! If I get kicked out of here, you have to take me in!"

"Hah! You got yourself a deal, because it'll never happen!" Uzui retorted, matching your playful banter with a grin.

"Guess we'll see about that!" you quipped back with a smile. "So... you're really going to teach me some Japanese?"

Uzui's grin widened. "You'll be fluent in no time," he assured you confidently, his enthusiasm evident.

As you continued bantering with Uzui, relishing the lively conversation and the time spent with him, you couldn't help but feel grateful for his assistance as your translator. While you wished you could communicate with everyone else directly, you understood that it was a process, and you relied on Uzui's help for now. He seemed to enjoy it, so you tried not to feel guilty about burdening him with the task. As the conversation flowed, Zenitsu suddenly came barreling over with Tanjiro close behind, both of them panting heavily from their hurried run. Tanjiro stayed hunched over, catching his breath, while Zenitsu marched right up to you and Uzui.

Despite his attempt to appear calm, Uzui saw right through him and burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Zenitsu demanded, his eyes narrowed as he tried to mask his unease.

Uzui couldn't resist teasing Zenitsu. "Hey, Pipsqueak, you might wanna cool it. You're gonna burn a hole through my head with all that staring. I know I'm great looking and all, but it's making me a bit uncomfortable," he replied, his tone playful.

Zenitsu's eyes narrowed into slits. "I know what you're up to," he hissed, suspicion coloring his words. "Men like you are nothing but trouble!"

Uzui's amusement simmered beneath his calm demeanor. "Oh, is that so?" he mused with a hint of mischief.

"Yeah, and I'm here to tell you, you better not try anything! Y/n-chan won't be 'wooed' by you," Zenitsu warned, emphasizing the word 'wooed' as he stood protectively in front of you.

"Ah, really? Well, that's fine, seeing as I already have three wives," he casually mentioned, his tone nonchalant.

Zenitsu's eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open as he processed Uzui's words. Uzui maintained his calm demeanor as he dropped the bombshell.

"Did you say... wives? And three? As in plural...?" Zenitsu stammered, unable to believe what he was hearing.

Uzui simply nodded once, his expression remaining blank as he confirmed the surprising information.

"THREE?!?! THREE WIVES?!?!!" Zenitsu's voice skyrocketed into a screech, his brain struggling to comprehend the revelation. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO GET THREE WIVES?!?! IS THIS SOME KIND OF SICK JOKE—!!!"

His words were abruptly cut off as Uzui landed a single, well-placed blow to Zenitsu's abdomen, causing him to double over and tumble to the ground, silenced by the unexpected attack.

"You got a problem with that, Shrimpy?"

"Um, excuse me," Tanjiro interjected, shuffling over to defuse the tension. "Please, don't mind him! He's just a little dramatic... and really likes Y/n-san, so he gets a little... uhh, you know..."

Uzui waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, I know. Anyone can see it," he remarked, glancing at the downed Zenitsu and lightly prodding him with his foot to make sure he wasn't seriously hurt. "But he isn't gonna get very far with that attitude! Who does this punk think he is? Of course, I have three wives!"

"Right..." Tanjiro replied, sounding a bit resigned. "Anyway, I was wondering, have you and Y/n-san found anything out yet or has she gained any memories?" he asked, steering the conversation in another direction.

"Nothing yet. We haven't even really talked about the who, what, how, or why she's here," he admitted. "To be honest, I don't think we'll find much out. She's been here for a couple of days, right?" Tanjiro nodded slowly in confirmation, and Uzui let out a sigh. "And she still has no memories... that doesn't exactly give us much hope. There's nothing to go off of here."

"So, then, what can we do?" Tanjiro asked, a note of concern in his voice.

"Well, I figured I'd stick around and help her at least learn some Japanese," Uzui explained, his tone becoming more optimistic. "That way, she can talk with people. Maybe over time she'll start to remember some stuff, and then we can really start figuring things out. But for now, we honestly can't do much with the very little information we have. If she doesn't remember anything, then it might be best for her to just stay here, at least she'd know some people and how to talk. Or she could go off on her own if she really wanted to. It's all up to her, really..."

Tanjiro nodded in understanding, realizing the limitations of the situation. It was a difficult predicament, but at least there was a plan in motion to help you adjust and potentially regain your memories over time. The conversation seemed to have died down, so you gently tapped Tanjiro's shoulder, earning a curious "hmm?" from him. With a nervous smile, you watched as he tilted his head, his gaze focused on you. This felt a bit silly, but you were eager to try out your newfound Japanese skills— or at least what you hoped were proper.

"K-Kon'nichiwa, Y/n-desu. So— Uhm, Soshite anata wa?"

Tanjiro blinked owlishly, momentarily stunned by your slightly awkward pronunciation. After a few moments, he processed what you said and broke into one of the biggest grins you had seen from him so far. Your slight accent and the way you stumbled over the words were endearing to him, and he couldn't help but laugh softly. This caused you to quickly avert your gaze, your ears burning with embarrassment. You internally chastised yourself, convinced that you had said something wrong or inappropriate. The embarrassment weighed heavily on you.

"Oaidekiteureshīdesu!" Tanjiro exclaimed cheerily, his eyes squinting up with a warm smile. "Watashi no namae wa Kamado Tanjirō desu."

You blinked, surprised by his cheerful response. Maybe you hadn't messed up as badly as you thought?

You whirl around, your voice tinged with desperation. "Uzui, what did he say?! Did I say it wrong? Is he correcting me or making fun of me?! I messed it up, didn't I?!"

Uzui joins in the laughter, slapping his knee as you panic, and you glare at him, clenching your fists in frustration. His amusement doesn't sit well with you, and you entertain thoughts of retaliation if he doesn't stop.

"No, no," Uzui manages to say between laughs, composing himself. "He just said it was nice to meet you and introduced himself back."

You shoot him a skeptical look, not fully convinced by his explanation. "Seriously?"

Uzui seems to sense your frustration and quickly adds, "Yes, I'm being honest." He shakes his head, chuckling for another moment. "Hey, that was great! I haven't laughed like that in a while. I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun."

You roll your eyes, not quite sharing his enthusiasm. "Yeah, sure, if me struggling and panicking to speak with my friends is what you call fun..."

"It sure is!" Uzui chimed in with a playful grin.

"You are nothing but trouble, aren't you?"

It was a rhetorical question, and Uzui responded with a smirk and a wink, confirming your assessment. After the minor panic attack over whether you introduced yourself correctly to Tanjiro, Uzui reassured you that everything was fine. Emboldened by this, you asked him to start teaching you more Japanese right away. He hesitated for a moment, but seeing your pleading eyes, he couldn't refuse. However, he had somewhere to go before he could fully dedicate himself to teaching you, which you understood.

He needed to return home.

You found out that he had three wives, and he wanted to spend some time with them after just returning from a mission before being summoned to the semi-annual meeting with the other Hashira. While he was gone, you would have to make do and go about your daily life. You wondered what exactly you would do during that time, but you figured you would find out once Uzui left later. However, instead of leaving immediately, Tanjiro had requested that he stay for some reason. With that, Tanjiro disappeared, Zenitsu hanging on his arm as he escorted him back to their room.

"How long will you be gone for?" you ask, feeling a bit anxious about his absence.

"Hmm," he rubs his chin in thought. "I'd say about two weeks. I haven't checked, but I don't think this place has anything besides medical textbooks laying around. I have some material at home that will help with learning Japanese, so I would've had to leave to grab them anyways, but I'm taking some extra time off."

Two weeks? Okay, that wasn't too bad, you could handle that.

"Okay, that's fine," you reply, trying to sound more confident than you felt.

He grins and claps his hands together. "Alright! Well, let's go see what Kamado wanted before I leave, shall we?"

You nod, and both you and Uzui follow Tanjiro inside, curious about what he wanted to show you. You find him in his shared room with Zenitsu and Inosuke, where he smiles warmly at you and asks you to follow him to another room. As you enter, you notice it's dark inside, and you wonder why there's no light. Tanjiro speaks softly, and you strain your eyes in the darkness to try and see what's going on. There's a slight creaking sound followed by the shuffling of bedsheets, and then a figure pops out from underneath. Your eyes gradually adjust to the darkness, revealing a girl, perhaps a little younger than you, with long, dark hair and big eyes.

She blinks once, then hums softly. "Hmmn?"

Tanjiro approaches her with a wide smile, sitting down next to her and patting her head gently before looking back at you and Uzui. "Kochira wa imōto no Nezukodesu," he introduces her.

"That's his sister, Nezuko," Uzui informs you.


You had no clue he had a sister. Has she been here the whole time? Was she just sleeping? Or did she just like being in the darkness? And why did she have... a piece of bamboo in her mouth?

"Kanojo wa akuma-ka sa rete imasuga," Tanjiro's expression shifts, looking saddened, "hoka no darenimo gai o ataete inainode, shinpaishinaide kudasai."

"He said that she's a demon, but there's no need to worry as she is harmless," Uzui translates, sensing your confusion and concern.

Your heart leaps into your throat, pulsing with an icy chill that momentarily freezes your veins, and for a fleeting moment, you forget to breathe. She... was a demon? The very thought sends a shiver down your spine, a tinge of fear creeping into your thoughts. Yet, amidst this primal fear, you remind yourself of Tanjiro's unwavering honesty and commitment to protecting others. Tanjiro wouldn't deceive you or endanger anyone, which offers some reassurance in this unnerving situation, though a trace of apprehension lingers.

In your encounters thus far, demons had embodied pure malevolence—rampaging, merciless creatures driven by an insatiable thirst for blood.

However, this demon before you defies every expectation. Petite and almost endearingly cute in appearance, she exudes an unexpected tranquility, devoid of the usual sinister aura that accompanies demons. The only peculiarity lies in the muzzle adorning her face, a stark reminder of her true nature despite her outward appearance. Nervously, your lips twitch as you lock eyes with her, uncertainty dancing in your gaze before shifting back to Tanjiro. His reassuring presence acts as an anchor, beckoning you closer with a gentle gesture. With cautious steps, you approach, settling down beside him as he welcomes you with an encouraging smile. His warmth envelops you like a comforting embrace, easing the tension that had knotted your muscles moments ago.

As you find your place next to him, his nod of approval silently communicates that everything will be alright, soothing your apprehensive heart.

"Nezuko," Tanjiro calls out, capturing her attention. "Can you say hello to my friend?"

Nezuko blinks, her gaze shifting between Tanjiro and you. Then, like a burst of sunshine, her eyes light up with a sparkle, and a sweet smile graces her lips.


Tanjiro's grin widens, his eyes gleaming with warmth as he looks at Uzui, who simply shrugs in response.

"I think she's saying hello...?" Uzui tells you.

Your nerves settle a bit as you return her greeting, offering a friendly smile. "Oh, h-hello! It's nice to meet you, Nezuko..."

Nezuko responds with a cute tilt of her head, her eyes fixed on you with an innocent curiosity. In that moment, a realization dawns upon you, and you mentally scold yourself. You fool! She doesn't understand your language. With renewed determination, you take a deep breath, ready to make an attempt to communicate with Nezuko using the few words and phrases you've learned today.

"Ah, I mean... Kono— No, wait... Kon... Kon'nichiwa!" you blurt out, your voice carrying a mix of nervousness and eagerness.

Nezuko blinks, processing the butchered words. For a moment, there's a flicker of confusion in her eyes. But then, to your surprise and delight, her lips curve into a gentle smile, her expression brightening. You realize you still remember the phrase for asking someone's name, but in this context, it feels somewhat redundant since you already know Nezuko's name. It leaves you yearning to add a little pizazz, to say something more interesting and engaging like, "it's so nice to meet you!" But alas, you'll have to wait until Uzui teaches you more Japanese phrases. Nonetheless, you muster a smile as Nezuko hums cheerily, her demeanor so endearing that you can't help but giggle softly in response. How could anyone be scared of her when she's this cute and nice?

However, a lingering question pulls at your thoughts like a persistent tug. If Nezuko appears as harmless as she seems, then why is she wearing that muzzle?

Turning to Uzui, you voice your curiosity, "Why is that in her mouth?"

"It's just a precaution," Uzui explains, his tone tinged with a hint of empathy. "Seeing as she's a demon, some of the others didn't exactly welcome her with open arms. We tested to see if she was dangerous, and she refused to attack, but we still can't take any risks. She didn't refuse the mouthpiece though, so she must understand why it's needed..."

You purse your lips, a mix of sympathy and understanding flooding your thoughts. It's a stark reminder of the challenges and prejudices that Nezuko must face simply because of her nature. While you feel sorry for her, you also comprehend the necessity behind such measures. As long as it doesn't seem to bother Nezuko and it helps maintain peace and safety, you begrudgingly accept the reasoning.

Tanjiro interrupts the moment, rising to his feet and addressing everyone. "Sugu ni modotte kuru," he declares, signaling his imminent departure as he swiftly exits the room.

"He said he'll be back." Uzui stretches his arms out and lets out a contented groan, the weariness of the day evident in his movements. He then turns to you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, kid, I'm gonna head out now. Don't get into too much trouble, got it? Not without me, anyways," he adds with a teasing grin.

"Got it!"

You chuckle in response, nodding as you watch him make his exit. Left alone in the room with Tanjiro's sister, you find yourself in a somewhat awkward yet strangely comforting situation. She may be a demon, but her demeanor is nothing short of endearing, mirroring the kindness and sweetness you've come to associate with Tanjiro. As you sit there, waiting for Tanjiro's return, you can't help but feel a sense of protectiveness wash over you. Nezuko's innocence and vulnerability are palpable, and you've already made up your mind to stand by her side and shield her from harm, even though you lack any fighting prowess.

If anyone dares to threaten her, you silently vow to unleash a fury they've never seen before—because when it comes to protecting those you care about, there are no limits to what you'd do.

Just as you finish your mental vow of protection for Tanjiro's sister, he returns to the room accompanied by Zenitsu. Tanjiro's face lights up with a warm smile as he spots you, but his gaze quickly shifts to Nezuko, and you notice a slight widening of his eyes. There's a hint of curiosity mixed with surprise in his expression as he follows Tanjiro further into the room, drawing nearer to where you and Nezuko are seated. It's unusual for Zenitsu to be so quiet; he's typically a very loud and energetic individual, so his subdued behavior catches you off guard.

Tanjiro points to Zenitsu, addressing his sister in Japanese. "Kore wa watashinotomodachi no hitoridesu. Kare no na wa Zenitsu!" 

You observe Nezuko's eyes lighting up with interest, her gaze darting between Zenitsu and Tanjiro, clearly absorbing the information her brother was imparting. Tanjiro then turns to Zenitsu, and you can easily deduce that he's introducing them. It's not hard to piece things together using context clues and body language, especially as Nezuko greets Zenitsu with an enthusiastic hum, and he responds with a small wave, albeit quieter than expected. Zenitsu's gaze shifts between the siblings, his expression thoughtful as if processing the situation. Finally, he speaks up, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and reservation.

"So, this is your sister who was turned into a demon..."

"Yes," Tanjiro replied after a pause, a hint of perplexity in his tone. "Is something wrong?"

Zenitsu glanced at Tanjiro, then shifted his gaze to Nezuko, and back to Tanjiro again. "No. She kind of looks like you..."

An awkward silence filled the room as they exchanged glances, leaving everyone to contemplate the unexpected turn in the conversation. Tanjiro had harbored some worries about how Zenitsu would react to seeing his sister, but he certainly wasn't prepared for this level of observation.

Breaking the uneasy quiet, Tanjiro tentatively added, "Well, we are related..."

"I know, I just expected her to look a bit... different," Zenitsu admitted, his voice tinged with surprise. "You two have the same face shape, very similar eyes, and nose..."

Tanjiro raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yeah," Zenitsu continued, a note of discomfort coloring his words. "It kinda freaks me out..."

"H-Huh...?" Tanjiro's confusion was evident as he let out a noise of bewilderment.

"She resembles you, but as a girl..." Zenitsu elaborated, his words carrying a mix of awkwardness and unease.

Tanjiro's gaze slowly slid to Nezuko, his eyes widening slightly in surprise before a flicker of concern crossed his features, evident in the furrowing of his brows and the slight tensing of his jaw.

"And? What do you mean by that?" he questioned, his tone carrying a subtle hint of defensiveness.

"I mean... it's just a little weird how much she resembles you; it's really creepy..." Zenitsu trailed off, sensing the tension building in the room as Tanjiro's demeanor shifted.

Suddenly, Tanjiro whirled on Zenitsu, his typically calm and composed demeanor giving way to a flash of anger. The air crackled with the intensity of his emotions, his voice gaining a biting edge that cut through the uneasy silence. Your eyes widened as you instinctively leaned back, feeling the palpable shift in atmosphere that had unexpectedly taken hold of the room.

“Egh?! Are you saying Nezuko looks weird and creepy?!"

"N-No! Not exactly—" Zenitsu attempted to explain.

"What do you mean, 'not exactly'?" Tanjiro's voice carried a sharp edge, not allowing Zenitsu to finish his sentence. "I'll have you know Nezuko was the prettiest girl in our whole town. She doesn't look weird or creepy at all!" He threw his hands out in exasperation, gesturing towards Nezuko before pointing an accusatory finger at the frozen blonde. "It's fine if you personally don't find her attractive, but I will not allow you to insult her!" Tanjiro's protective instincts surged forth, fiercely defending his sister's honor.

The tension in the room is palpable, and you can't help but feel a mix of surprise and concern at the sudden confrontation. Glancing at Nezuko, you notice her expression mirroring your own confusion, her eyes wide as she tries to make sense of the situation.

"Wait, hold on! I'm not trying to say she looks strange, but... you two really do resemble each other," Zenitsu remarked with a grimace. "It's just uncanny how similar you look. She’s almost like a female version of you. I just thought it might feel strange to date someone's sister—"

"As if I would ever approve of you pursuing her after insulting her looks!" Tanjiro interrupted, his arms crossed as he turned his head away indignantly. "You've got some nerve!"

"No, that's not what I meant at all! Can't you see what I'm getting at?!" Zenitsu slapped his own forehead, letting out a sigh of exasperation. "Imagine if I had a sister who looked just like me, wouldn't that be a bit unsettling? Would you even consider being interested in her?"

"What? I don't know... You're not making any sense!" Tanjiro's confusion deepened, his frustration evident in his tone.

"Think about it! If I had a sister, and we looked similar, would you really want to go out with her? Every time you hold hands, look into each other's eyes, or even kiss... you might be reminded of her brother—who she looks like! I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be too thrilled to be with a girl and be thinking about her brother just because they look alike!"

Tanjiro paused, processing Zenitsu's logic, his expression slowly changing though still carrying a slight frown. "Hmmm..."

"Do you get it now?"

"Yeah, I think so... the way you said it was just confusing. But I guess you have a point..."

"Of course, I do! Besides, I already like," he peeked at you with a light blush, "you know who..."

"Well, you could've just said we looked alike and left it at that..." Tanjiro mumbled, the tension easing in the room.

Nezuko yawned then, prompting you to glance over at her as she shuffled down into the covers, clearly needing some rest. Tanjiro smiled warmly at her before turning his attention back to the somewhat confusing conversation with Zenitsu. He gently patted her head before motioning for you and Zenitsu to follow him out of the room, ensuring Nezuko could sleep undisturbed. The peacefulness of her sleep made you realize how appealing an afternoon nap sounded.

"Tanjiro, Zenitsu," you waved to them, a yawn escaping your lips as well, "I'll catch up with you guys later."

With that, you started walking towards your room, leaving them in the hallway to watch after you.

"Wait, where is she going?" Zenitsu asked with a slight pout.

"I'm not sure. She did sound a little tired though, so maybe she's going to take a nap?"

"Yeah, maybe..." Zenitsu sighed, the pout more prominent. "I was kind of hoping to spend some time with her, but that's fine. She probably needs the rest. And that reminds me, we should probably be in bed too."

"You're right, Aoi-san hasn't given us clearance to be moving around yet. I do feel better already, but we should still take it easy, and you need to take your medicine too..."

Zenitsu sighed again, this time with a deep groan. "Ughhh, let's go..."

With that, they headed off to their respective rooms, the day's events winding down into a quiet evening.


Taisho Secrets

* Tengen, a notorious prankster, revels in playing tricks on people, and now, you've become his latest target. His fondness for you has taken the form of a mischievous older brother, ready to annoy you at every opportunity. However, he's taken a particular interest in Zenitsu, sensing his feelings for you. Amused by Zenitsu's comical reactions, Tengen can't resist poking fun at him. Additionally, he's noticed the tension between Zenitsu and the boar-masked boy, Inosuke, and has made it his mission to further fuel their clashes. Tengen is poised to have a great time stirring up mischief and reveling in the chaos he creates among the group.

Chapter 7: The Weeks of Hell - 地獄の数週間


You have two weeks before you can start your Japanese lessons with Uzui. During this time, you go through hell, and it's likely that even more challenges await you! Do you have what it takes to push through? It's difficult, but you'll have to give it your all if you want to find the answers you seek and continue to stay by your friends' sides.


Warning: This chapter will include the topic of menstruation and reproductive/women's health, non-graphic description of a period, and an embarrassing/awkward situation. If any of that bothers you, then you could skip that part—you won't miss anything of major importance to the story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Inosuke perched atop a branch, reclining against the rugged wood, eyes closed, soaking in the fresh air. One leg idly swung below him while he cradled his mask in the crook of his arm. Earlier, a conversation with Zenitsu and Tanjiro had stirred up emotions he struggled to navigate. Feelings had always been a challenge for him; they provoked a primal urge to either fight or flee, and this time he chose flight. Though he prided himself on his strength and resilience, some emotional burdens proved too heavy to bear alone. He was perplexed by the sudden surge of anger and sadness over past events that had never bothered him before. As he pondered, it dawned on him that hearing Zenitsu and Tanjiro discuss their connections highlighted his own loneliness. He had been dwelling on the absence of a 'Gramps,' a brother, sister, or someone to care for him like his friends had.

Yet, these self-pitying musings gradually shifted as he acknowledged the companionship he now had. Monitsu, Panchiro, and you—whom he had dubbed ‘Bubbles’ because he couldn’t remember your name either—his new friends.

Inosuke had been accepted by all of you, stood by even during his rough edges and moments when he wasn’t exactly pleasant, especially during your first meeting. But would this acceptance last? He remained obstinate, impulsive, and largely unconcerned with others' opinions. And since meeting all of you, he'd encountered a whirlwind of new emotions and thoughts—a tumult both terrifying and exhilarating. For a person accustomed to fearlessly navigating the wild, a new fear emerged—the fear of losing those who had become an integral part of his life. Your acceptance and loyalty meant everything to him, and in a way, you had become his family now.

As Inosuke reached up, his fingers grazed his cheek, encountering wetness—tears. The sensation was unfamiliar; he had never really cried before. This new experience added to the oddity of his emotions.

Inosuke wasn't naive to basic feelings, but the depth and complexity of these recent emotions had thrown him into turmoil. Despite misconceptions, he wasn't unintelligent, just lacking in experience. When bombarded with a multitude of thoughts and feelings, he became overwhelmed. Retreating to ponder his own thoughts and feelings had proven surprisingly beneficial. With a long, deep breath, he lifted his mask, examining it. This mask had been his constant companion for as long as he could recall, a shield against the world and his own vulnerabilities. Lately, however, it seemed to have failed him. He felt like nothing but a mess of weakness and sensitivity. Beaten on the mountain by the Giant Spider Demon, then by the Water-Breathing Hashira, and now by his own damned feelings—it was a relentless onslaught.

"What the hell is my problem...?" Inosuke muttered to himself, frustration seeping into his voice.

He huffed and lifted the mask to his head, pausing for a moment before securing it back in place. The need to expel these overwhelming emotions fueled his restlessness; he despised the idea of wallowing in self-pity. Typically, engaging in combat served as an effective outlet for him. Perhaps challenging Zenitsu to a spar could be the solution. Despite being the instigator of his earlier frustration, Inosuke harbored no lingering animosity towards him; he simply craved a release for his pent-up emotions and a chance to gauge Zenitsu's strength. Intrigued by the prospect, he yearned to discover what the blond warrior was truly capable of. His excitement surged, as combat aligned more with his nature than brooding over emotions.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Inosuke leaped down from the tree branch, landing lightly on his feet.

He began to make his way back, his thoughts now focused on the thrill of the impending spar. The idea of clashing swords with Zenitsu, testing each other's skills and limits, filled him with anticipation. It was in these moments of physical exertion and challenge that Inosuke felt most alive and in control. Although he admitted that introspection wasn't entirely unpleasant, he acknowledged feeling better after some solitary contemplation. However, the prospect of a physical confrontation promised an even more satisfying release. The primary target for his energetic outburst was Zenitsu, but he remained open to sparring with anyone willing to engage. He set off with a snort, descending from the branch and swiftly returning to the mansion. Navigating the halls with brisk strides, he narrowly avoided colliding with a passing girl. His pace only slowed upon reaching their shared room, where Tanjiro and Zenitsu lay, attempting to rest.

Inosuke burst in, flinging the door open and startling the duo.

Tanjiro immediately sat up, his eyes wide with concern. "Inosuke, you're back! Is everything alright?"

Ignoring the question, Inosuke pointed dramatically at Zenitsu. "You! Get up! We're sparring."

Zenitsu blinked, still groggy from his rest. "What? Now? But why?"

Inosuke crossed his arms, a determined glint in his eyes. "I need to get rid of these annoying feelings. Fighting you will help. Besides," he added with a hint of a grin, "I want to see what you're really made of!"

Zenitsu's eyes widened, and Tanjiro frowned. Inosuke advanced towards Zenitsu's bed, locking eyes with him, visibly containing his energy as he flexed his arms and rolled his neck.

"No way, are you crazy?!"

"Shut up and just fight me!"

"Inosuke, please stop yelling..." Tanjiro pleaded. "We aren't the only ones here, so we should try to be mindful of other people trying to rest."

In response, Inosuke neither spoke nor resisted but instead offered a subtle nod and grunt, leaving the other two momentarily shocked. They had expected more resistance from the typically headstrong warrior who despised being told what to do.

"Are you... feeling alright?" Tanjiro asked, puzzled by Inosuke's behavior.

"I'm fine! I just want this guy to fight me, for real this time! He was holding back last time, and I wanna see what he's made of!" Inosuke declared.

Zenitsu glowered at him. "I have a name you know!"

"Yeah, Genitchu—or whatever—it doesn't matter! What matters is that you fight me and show me what you can do. You must be strong, since you've made it this far, but I wanna see just how strong you really are! Quit being a scaredy-cat and fight me now!" Inosuke insisted.

Zenitsu rolled his eyes. That was fairly close, but it wasn't his name; Inosuke got it wrong... again! Was he doing it on purpose, or did he really suck at names? Anyway, that didn't bother him as much as what came next. Did he... just kind of compliment him? Something was definitely wrong.

"No! I don't like fighting, and it's just pure luck that I haven't died yet! I'm not that strong, and I'm definitely going to die someday, but I refuse to do so by your grubby hands, so leave me alone!" Zenitsu retorted.

"I'm not gonna kill you! Just fight me!" Inosuke persisted.

"No! Just be quiet and lay down. We're still supposed to be on bed rest," Zenitsu insisted.

"That's boring, come on!"


Someone cleared their throat by the door, and they all turned to find the girl, Aoi Kanzaki, who had been in charge of taking care of them while they healed. Her arms were crossed, and she didn't look too pleased, one brow arched and foot tapping the floor. Tanjiro's head fell to his chest in shame, Zenitsu's eyes nearly bulged out in fright, and Inosuke just pretended like she wasn't there.

"Is there any trouble here?" Aoi asked sternly, her eyes scanning each of them. They all shook their heads slowly. "Good, then I expect it to be quiet in here while you rest. No fighting!"

"I'm sorry," Tanjiro apologized earnestly.

She rolled her eyes. "I know you haven't done anything, Tanjiro-san, so don't give me that. Anyways, you all need to be resting as much as you can, or it'll take longer for you to heal and be dismissed. Got that?"

"Right, umm... about how long will it take for us to get better?" Tanjiro asked, his tone laced with concern.

"It depends, everyone is different. But it shouldn't take more than about a month for your minor injuries, but some of the more serious ones may take two months or longer, and that's if you listen to me and don't keep getting into trouble!" She turned her attention to Zenitsu and fixed him with a pointed glare. "You especially need to rest, and drink your medicine, otherwise you won't be the same as before! The poison you were injected with was no joke and could have serious repercussions to your limbs and health," she explained.

Zenitsu balked. "What?! Are you serious?!"

"Yup," she confirmed with a pop.

"B-But I can't keep drinking that awful medicine for much longer, it's going to make me crazy!" Zenitsu protested.

"Then I suggest you listen to me, so it might not take as long. Alright, now hop to it and get in bed," she commanded.

Zenitsu groaned, slumping over in his bed, Tanjiro nodded in agreement, and Inosuke very slowly shuffled away to his bed. Aoi finally left, and they all let out a collective sigh of relief mixed with resignation. Tanjiro understood that recovery would take time, and he accepted it, even though he yearned to be out and about. After two years of relentless training, Final Selection, and consecutive missions, he was exhausted. So, while he still aimed to stay in shape and continue training to become stronger, he found solace in the idea of relaxing for a while.

As for Zenitsu, he only wished to recover quickly to avoid enduring the foul-tasting medicine they administered. He was content with idleness, preferring to avoid the perils of combat and near-death experiences on missions. However, he had made a promise to improve himself and protect others, so he resolved to endure this ordeal. Still, he couldn't help cursing himself for striving to grow stronger amidst such discomfort.

Inosuke, on the other hand, was restless and longed to engage in his usual activities—mainly fighting and exploring outside. While he didn't mind resting for a brief period, he couldn't tolerate it for long; it would drive him utterly mad! However, he couldn't deny the pain and tiredness that still lingered within him. Resting for a while wouldn't hurt, and once he's all healed, he would have more energy and strength to go out and get into mischief as per usual. Together, they lay in their beds, gazing up at the ceiling, each lost in their own thoughts about the days ahead.

Being cooped up together promised to be an interesting experience, to say the least...

You awoke to find your room a bit darker than before, the sun having dipped slightly during your nap, casting a muted orange glow through the window. It had been around noon when you dozed off, so it must have been evening now. As you sat up and attempted to stand, you were immediately halted by a sensation.

‘Oh no... please, no...’

Your lower abdomen tightened, a dull ache spreading into your hips. Wincing, you leaned forward, pressing a hand to where the pain emanated from. You almost forgot about your period. Since your memory was wiped and you were stuck there, you couldn't recall the last time you had one. You stood and hoped that when you turned around, there wouldn't be anything on the bed.

But, unfortunately, there is...

With a groan, you started pulling off the sheets, wrapping them up together and setting them on the ground. You hadn't been expecting your period, so when you felt that familiar pain, you knew it was coming soon or had already begun. Unfortunately, it had started during your nap, and you cursed Mother Nature for choosing such an inconvenient time. At least it had only stained the sheets and hadn't soaked all the way through to the bed. That would have been a real pain to clean up... and you didn't want to endure the embarrassment of asking someone to help you tidy your mess.

Speaking of which, you urgently needed to find something to clean the sheets and yourself up as soon as possible! You rummaged through the small storage containers in the room but found nothing useful, which was frustrating. Why wouldn't there be any extra clothes or supplies here?! It seemed you would have to venture outside and seek help from another girl. You sighed and quickly made your way to the door, cautiously keeping your back against the wall. You had bled through, making it highly embarrassing and risky to wander around with your clothing stained.

However, you literally had no other option than to remain in the room. Hopefully, one of the girls around here would pass by, and you wouldn't run into—

"What are you doing?" a voice interrupted your frantic thoughts.

You spun around, freezing in place as your heart thumped wildly. Oh, hell no! Of all people, why did HE have to stumble upon you now? It had to be some cruel joke, right? Subconsciously, you covered yourself in the back and stared at him wide-eyed, silently praying that he would simply go about his business. But life had a way of being cruel, and he didn't seem to be leaving. He cocked his head to the side, noticing the strange way you moved, and stepped closer, sending you into a panic like no other.

"S-STOP!!!" you yelled, pushing your hands out frantically.

He halted but didn't retreat, keeping his gaze fixed on you with a curious expression.

"Why are you acting so weird?" he asked, his voice gruff.

This... sucked. You sighed inwardly, almost wishing Uzui were still here just to tell Inosuke to go away. However, considering how embarrassing it was with Inosuke around you right now, you couldn't fathom how much worse it could be with Uzui. From what little you knew about him, he'd probably just tease you and make matters worse. You couldn't handle that, especially not in your now heightened emotional state.

"Inosuke," you said slowly, trying to shoo him away, "please go away. Now is not the time."

"Hah?" he responded, clearly not getting the message.

That figures…

You try to push against him, but he won't budge. In fact, he presses forward into your space even more, causing you to quickly throw yourself as far away as possible and bump into the wall behind you. Inosuke stares at you even more confused. What the hell was going on? You were acting very weird, and it looked like you were trying to hide something behind your back, so naturally, he wants to know exactly what is going on. He grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you away from the wall, ignoring your screeching and thrashing limbs, gripping onto your wrists. He pulls your hands forward and inspects them but doesn't find anything.

Okay, you weren't hiding anything in your hands, so what was it?

You try to break free, but his iron grip restrains you, making a dash back to your room futile. His suspicion intensifies, convinced that you're concealing something significant. Determination glints in his eyes as he pivots you around, clasping your arms tightly. The dread consumes you as he shifts you slightly, examining you with a critical gaze, sending shockwaves of terror through your body. The realization that he's noticed the crimson stain on your back amplifies your distress; his discontented grunt punctuates the air as he releases your arms. In that moment, the weight of shame and fear crashes down upon you, and you wish for the earth to swallow you whole. He steps back, a furrow forming on his brow as he ponders the unsettling sight before him.

Okay, there was blood... but why? Did you fall on your ass or something and get hurt? And why were you freaking out and trying to hide it?

Tears brim in your eyes, a mix of embarrassment and shame flooding your senses. You know it's a bit silly to be so worried about someone knowing you're on your period. Yes, it's embarrassing for someone—especially a man, even though he’s a friend—to see blood on your clothes, but it really isn't that big of a deal. Women go through this all the time; it's natural and nothing to be ashamed about. But your emotions are everywhere, making you more sensitive than usual.

"Why the hell are you crying?" Inosuke's voice came unexpectedly calm, cutting through the tension of the moment. "You got hurt or something? Just go find one of the nurse ladies..."

You blinked back tears, your vision blurred as you peered at him through wet lashes. His composed tone caught you off guard, a stark contrast to your emotional turmoil. You couldn't grasp his words, but the tranquility in his voice offered a strange sense of reassurance. Maybe he didn't view the situation as a big deal, unlike your racing thoughts fueled by fluctuating hormones. As you fought to regain composure, his calm demeanor began to soothe the storm within you. Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself that this wasn't the end of the world. You dabbed at your eyes, the heat of embarrassment still coloring your cheeks. Despite feeling exposed, you decided it didn't matter much anymore; he was aware of what was going on and didn't seem to be disgusted or anything.

Or so you thought.

Little did you know, Inosuke had never experienced a situation like this before. Growing up on a secluded mountain with minimal human interaction, he had never been around women much, especially during their menstrual cycles. To him, your tearful state simply seemed like you were hurt and embarrassed about appearing weak from acquiring an injury. Standing before you, his expression remained one of confusion and curiosity under his mask, his mind trying to decipher your emotional display. He wondered why you hadn't sought help from the infirmary and debated whether he should escort you there or let you handle it independently.

What started as a mission to find a snack now evolved into a more pressing concern for your well-being. Considering the layout of the place, with the kitchen and infirmary conveniently in the same direction, Inosuke made a swift decision. Without uttering a word, he reached out to grab you once more, intending to sling you over his shoulder as he had done in the past. However, this time, you fiercely resisted, flailing and kicking in protest. His usual ease in handling you was met with unexpected resistance, leaving him momentarily caught off guard and engaged in a brief struggle to maintain his grip.

"Damn it," Inosuke grunted as your knee connected with his chest. "Quit your squirmin', will ya!? I'm tryna help!"

Your efforts to smack and push him away only seemed to fuel his determination.

"PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOWN!!" you screamed, your voice echoing down the hallway.

The commotion caught the attention of your other friends. Zenitsu, reacting swiftly to the sound of your distress, dashed through the mansion and around the corner with a worried expression. Following closely behind, Tanjiro's concerned gaze locked onto the scene unfolding in front of them. They both hurried toward you and Inosuke, their steps quickening as they approached the chaotic scene in the middle of the hallway.

"What on earth is going on?!" Tanjiro's voice rang out, his eyes widened with concern as he took in the chaotic scene before him.

Zenitsu marched up, his voice raised in alarm. "What are you doing to her!? How many times do we have to tell you not to grab at her like that!"

Inosuke, feeling the barrage of hands on his head and chest, huffed in frustration. "I was just going to take her to the infirmary," he explained, trying to defend his actions, "but then she started freaking out!"

"What? Why does she need to go there? Is she hurt?!" Tanjiro's worry deepened, his eyes scanning you for any signs of injury.

"Yeah! She was acting really weird, so I thought she was hiding something at first, but then I saw she was bleeding so—"

"She's bleeding?! Why?! Where?!" Zenitsu interrupted, his concern turning into urgency.

"Right here, look! I think she got hurt or something." 

Inosuke swiftly flipped you around, his grip firm as you thrashed against him, your mortification escalating when he pointed out the spot of red on your clothing to your other friends. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks; not only did one of them know, but now all three of them were awarewho were also men, remind you. The idea of just one person knowing seemed manageable, but having your entire group of friends know was a different level of embarrassment altogether.

Okay, now the world is ending...

You entertained the most dramatic and absurd thoughts of escape, ranging from throwing yourself off the roof to burying yourself alive in the center of the earth or even tying a brick to your foot and jumping into water. It was all too dark and dramatic, but in that moment, rationality seemed to have abandoned you completely. Tanjiro and Zenitsu froze, their expressions shifting from concern to shock and then to a blank, awkward realization as they processed the unexpected revelation. Inosuke, oblivious to the social nuances at play, remained focused on trying to understand what had caused your distress and their odd behavior.

"What's with your faces?"

Tanjiro's grimace deepened as he gently released you from Inosuke's grasp. "She... isn't hurt, Inosuke."

Inosuke's brow furrowed in confusion. "She's not? Then why else would there be blood?"

"Well, it's... uhm..." Tanjiro hesitated, searching for the right words to explain.

"What?! Why are you all acting so weird?!" Inosuke's frustration was evident in his voice.

"Because this is sort of a delicate matter," Zenitsu interjected, trying to help navigate the conversation.

"It's just blood. I don't get why it's such a big deal!"

Zenitsu tried to clarify, "It's a big deal because it's... it's a natural thing for women, you know? It's... uhhh, kinda..."

"It's pretty private stuff," Tanjiro added, his tone gentle yet firm. "But it's nothing bad, Inosuke."

Inosuke tilted his head in confusion, still grappling with the concept. "Private? But she's my minion, why can't I know if it's not bad?"

Zenitsu sighed, rubbing his temples. "Inosuke, it's not about whether it's bad or not. It's just... something personal that women go through. It's not something we usually talk about openly."

The trio stood in an uneasy silence, each grappling with their own thoughts and the delicate nature of the conversation. It was clear that Inosuke's upbringing had left him unfamiliar with certain aspects of human biology and social decorum, creating a challenging but necessary opportunity for education and understanding among friends. And Tanjiro realized that Inosuke wasn't going to drop the subject if he didn't explain anything. This topic was something Tanjiro actually had some knowledge in, thanks to his mother's teachings.

His mother had made it a point to educate him about various aspects of life, especially things regarding what women went through, even though it was still considered taboo in many circles. She believed that knowledge was power and that her children—especially her sons—should not grow up ignorant on such matters. Tanjiro remembered the gentle yet firm conversations with his mother, where she explained that menstruation was a normal, natural process for women. She emphasized that it was not something to be ashamed of or be shamed for, despite what society might say.

With relaxed movements, Tanjiro removed his haori and helped you wrap it around your waist.

Tanjiro's gentle gesture brought a rush of emotions, almost causing you to sob with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. It was a simple act, but it spoke volumes about his kindness and understanding. As you felt the fabric of the haori around you, providing a sense of comfort and privacy, you couldn't help but think about the person who had taught Tanjiro to be so understanding, caring, and nonjudgmental. The world could definitely benefit from more people like him, individuals who were not afraid to show empathy and support, especially in moments of vulnerability.

It was rare to encounter someone like Tanjiro, someone who was observant, compassionate, and willing to confront topics that others often avoided. In a society where discussions about women's health were often stigmatized or dismissed, encountering someone like Tanjiro was a breath of fresh air. Most people, especially men, tended to shy away from conversations about menstruation or women's health in general, treating it as a taboo subject or pretending it didn't exist. Some even went as far as to shame women for something that was completely natural and beyond their control, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and attitudes.

The stigma and shame surrounding natural bodily functions were deeply ingrained in society, leaving women feeling alienated and isolated for something that was entirely out of their control. The weight of these societal pressures sometimes made you resent being a woman. It was unfair to be judged and shamed for something as natural as menstruation, a process that was part of nature's design. Tanjiro's compassion and understanding served as a beacon of hope, a reminder that not everyone viewed these matters through a lens of judgment and ignorance. It was a small but significant moment of validation and comfort in a world that often seemed unkind and unforgiving.

"Huh? Well, why not?"

Inosuke's question hung in the air, his curiosity prompting a thoughtful pause among the group. Tanjiro, having embraced the role of educator in this unexpected conversation, took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

"It's not talked about for a few reasons," Tanjiro began, choosing his words carefully. "First... there's a lot of stigma and misconceptions surrounding what she's going through. Some people view it as something shameful or dirty, which is completely untrue. It's a natural process that many women go through, and there's nothing embarrassing or wrong about it."

"What is she going through then?"

"She's going through a cycle," Tanjiro explains further.

Inosuke tilted his head to the side. "A cycle? What the hell is that? Sounds like some kind of witchcraft!" His eyes widened as he then pointed at you. "Wait, so she really is a witch or something, huh?! I knew it!"

Tanjiro chuckled softly at Inosuke's exaggerated response. "No, no, it's not witchcraft at all. It's a natural process that happens to many women every month until they get much older."

"Oh..." Inosuke looked both intrigued and skeptical. "So, what exactly happens during this... cycle thing?"

"Well," Tanjiro began, trying to explain in a straightforward manner, "apparently it's the body's way of preparing for the possibility of pregnancy. When that doesn't happen..." he paused, trying to remember what he had been taught years ago, "I think the lining of their uterus sheds, which is what causes the bleeding."

Inosuke's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and slight horror. "Huh?! They... shed? Like a snake?!"

"Uh... I guess in a way, yes," Tanjiro nodded, "but it's completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about!"

Inosuke scratched his head, still processing the information. "And women go through this every month... for most of their lives?"

"Yes, that's right," Tanjiro confirmed. "And many women have symptoms such as cramps, abdominal bloating, changes in weight, mood, and appetite. It's a lot to go through."

Inosuke looked at you with a newfound sense of respect. "Huh... women are pretty tough, then. Going through that every month and still managing to do everything else."

Tanjiro smiled a little, glad to see Inosuke's understanding and perspective shifting. "Exactly. That's why it's important to recognize and appreciate the strength and resilience of women—we all came from one after all!"

"Woah," Zenitsu breathed out, impressed by Tanjiro's knowledge. "How in the world do you know so much, Tanjiro?"

Tanjiro smiled warmly, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "Oh, well... my mother taught me."

"Your mother?! Wow, she must be really knowledgeable!"

Tanjiro nodded, his voice carrying a touch of reverence. "Yes, my mother was very knowledgeable about many things. She believed that understanding the human body and nature's processes was important for everyone, regardless of gender."

Zenitsu leaned in eagerly. "That's pretty cool! What else did she teach you?"

Tanjiro's expression grew thoughtful as he reminisced. "She taught me about herbal remedies, the seasons and their effects on plants and animals, and even how to care for injured or sick animals."

Zenitsu's eyes widened in admiration. "Wow, she sounds amazing. Not many people know stuff like that."

"She was," Tanjiro agreed with a fond smile, a tinge of sadness coloring his tone. "She always emphasized the importance of empathy, understanding, and continuous learning. I'm grateful for everything she taught us."

"Wow," Zenitsu paused, furrowing his brows in contemplation. "I wish I knew more useful stuff like that. I feel kind of dumb now..."

"Don't beat yourself up about it! You and I grew up in different circumstances, Zenitsu," Tanjiro comforted him, patting his shoulder with a reassuring smile. His gaze then shifted to you, noticing your discomfort. "Listen, I don't think Y/n-san is feeling too well right now, and she could probably use our help. Let's see what we can do?"

Zenitsu perked up slightly at the suggestion. "R-Right!"

"Guess I'll look for one of the nurse ladies," Inosuke chimed in as he shrugged, ready to take action.

"That's good! By the way, what were you doing out here, Inosuke? We're still supposed to be resting and shouldn't be wandering around too much," Tanjiro gently reminded him.

"I got hungry. You expect me to just sit in there and starve?" Inosuke replied, his tone hinting at his impatience.

"Well, no..."

"Exactly! I'm not waiting for someone to come tell me when I can eat!" Inosuke stated stubbornly, his independent streak showing.

With Inosuke dashing off down the hall in search of assistance, Tanjiro let out an amused huff of air before turning his attention to you. His eyes softened as he observed the way you were trying to make yourself as small and invisible as possible, clearly not feeling well. Without a word, he gently placed a hand around your shoulder and led you back to your room, Zenitsu awkwardly trailing behind. You were acutely aware of the bloodstain on your bottom and felt extremely self-conscious, not daring to sit down anywhere for fear of making it worse or getting it on Tanjiro's coat. You didn't want to ruin it and add to your embarrassment. Earlier, you had wanted to refuse his offer of the haori, but the kindness in his gesture had disarmed you.

Now, you found yourself scowling at the crumpled sheets on the floor, lost in your pitiful thoughts.

Tanjiro noticed your troubled expression and followed your gaze to the sheets. Without hesitation, he walked up to the bundled fabric and gathered them in his arms. The simple act of him taking care of the sheets snapped you out of your pitiful thoughts, but before you could stop him, he had already started.

"Tanjiro, no, wait! Don't touch those!" you fretted, your hands reaching out in a futile attempt to stop him.

Tanjiro moved away from you, his signature soft smile gracing his lips as he gently shook his head in reassurance. You fell silent, completely dumbfounded, watching as he headed for the door. That man just picked up soiled bed sheets without blinking an eye or making a fuss, willingly taking them out for you? Where were you? You didn't remember much of your old life, but you had no doubt that not many men would have acted like him. Did your heart just squeeze in affection and admiration? Were you going to cry?

Yes, most likely.

As Tanjiro walked away with the sheets in tow, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. Gratitude, admiration, and a deep affection swirled within you, leaving you on the verge of tears. You were touched by Tanjiro's selflessness and kindness, especially in a situation that could easily have been awkward or embarrassing. The fact that he acted so naturally and without hesitation spoke volumes about his character and the depth of his compassion. It was moments like these that made you appreciate having such a caring friend by your side.

"Zenitsu, I'm going to go take these to be cleaned," Tanjiro said as he passed by him. "Can you watch over her and make sure she's okay? Inosuke and I should be back soon!"

Zenitsu nodded, his usual nervous energy momentarily replaced by a sense of responsibility. "Y-Yeah, of course! I'll make sure she's okay."

Tanjiro hummed and then disappeared out of the room. Unaware of Zenitsu turning to you and staring, you were still a little shocked. He shuffled closer and cleared his throat, trying to get your attention. It took a moment for you to notice him standing right beside you, coming into your line of sight. Blinking a few times, you finally met his gaze. His lips wavered into an awkward smile as he quickly looked away. He seemed eager to talk to you despite the language barrier. His palms grew sweaty, breath shallow, heart thumping loudly. When you looked at him expectantly, he struggled to find words, unsure how to proceed. The nervousness was overwhelming; he couldn't even focus on using gestures, let alone speak. Despite his anxiety, he felt compelled to ensure you were alright. Your earlier tone had sounded upset, and he couldn't stand hearing your normally lively voice and inner sound reduced to something slow and dull, like the soft bells had lost their usual cheerful ring.

He swallowed nervously, steeling himself as he faced you once again. "Are you okay, Y/n-chan?"

There was a subtle shift in your expression, a mix of confusion and frustration that he picked up on immediately. Without hesitation, he gently took your hand, folding your fingers in and leaving your thumb out.

"Are you okay?" he asked slowly, pointing your thumb up. Then, he turned your hand so the thumb pointed down, studying your reaction closely. "Or... no?"

It took you a few seconds to grasp what he was trying to ask. Without the hand signal, you wouldn't have had a clue what he meant. You couldn't wait to learn Japanese and finally communicate with them; this whole charades routine was getting tiresome. He waited for your response, his brows raising slightly when you turned your hand to the side, thumb sticking out horizontally. Right now, you didn't feel too bad, nor too great, if you were being honest. You found yourself somewhere in the middle—tired, a little bloated and grumpy, and the cramps hadn't gone away yet... but you were okay all things considered. You gave a tiny smile for extra measure, letting him know that you were fine, and he nervously smiled back. Another minute of silence passed before Tanjiro reappeared, carrying new bedsheets. He immediately got to work, putting them on the bed for you. Zenitsu quickly helped by taking the other side, and they finished just in time for a woman to appear.

Your eyes were fixed on her as she walked in, her voice taking on a sympathetic tone as she cooed at you. "Oh, Y/n-chan, you poor thing!" 

Your eyes widened as she bounded over to you and enveloped you in her arms, giving you a big squeeze. Smushed into her, lacking the energy to push away, you simply let her hold you and rock you side to side in the suffocating hug until she finally released you.

"I heard that... hmm, how do you say it," she paused in thought, then raised a finger as she switched to English. "Oh, yes! I heard Mother Nature stopped by, so I'm here to help!"

Your lips pursed as she eagerly handed you some cloth.

"Ah... thank you, Mits—?" you started to say.

"Mitsuri!" she chirped.

"Mitsuri... yes, thank you. Umm... where do I go? To change?"

She gasped. "Oh, right! Come with me, I'll show you."

She led you away and showed you where you could clean up, got you a change of clothes, and attended to every detail imaginable. It was a little overwhelming, but you were kind of glad she came by to help. Her cheerful, easy-going attitude settled your nerves about the whole situation; she didn't make a big deal out of it. Your friends had also been relatively calm, so you allowed yourself to relax and tried not to worry too much about this whole situation even though it had been a bit embarrassing.

Right, this wasn't something to be ashamed of; it was completely natural. Accidents happen. Life goes on.

Once Mitsuri showed you everything you needed to know, she brought you back to your room. You were pleasantly surprised to find the guys still hanging around, and Inosuke had returned. What astonished you even more was the plate of food sitting by your bed, accompanied by fresh flowers. You were left speechless. Mitsuri guided you to your bed and ensured you were comfortably settled before she backed away with a giggle, admiring the setup. You stared at it dumbly, your heart swelling with gratitude. Your vision blurred as tears welled up, and you wiped at your face, sniffing softly.

"Thank you, everyone... really," you managed to say with a watery smile.

"Awww, of course!"

She turned to the others and enthusiastically translated to the best of her abilities, and you watched as their worried frowns turned into happy smiles—well, except Inosuke, because he's always wearing that mask. You plucked a flower and brought it close, inhaling the fresh, sweet scent, and gingerly laid it down next to you before picking up the plate of food. It contained pork, rice, vegetables, and, to your delight, that same sweet treat you had at the first place you stayed with the kind old woman. You looked at your friends, who were clearly waiting for your reaction, your eyes gleaming and smile widening.

"Wow, this is amazing. I think you're all the best friends I've ever had. I seriously love you guys and can't thank you enough for everything that you've done for me..."

Mitsuri turned to them, conveying your words. Zenitsu blushed, Inosuke stuck his nose up in the air with his arms crossed, and Tanjiro smiled softly, responding to Mitsuri as she nodded along.

"Tanjiro said they're all here for you and that you don't need to worry about anything!" Mitsuri exclaimed, clasping her hands together. "They're more than happy to help you with anything, even while you’re," she leaned in close and whispered, "...on the rag."

You almost wanted to cry again.

Surrounded by some of the best people you could know, you ate your meal and wondered just how lucky you were to have them in your life. You started to think that maybe, just maybe, you didn't need to find the answers to your questions. You'd be fine spending the rest of your life with these people—your friends, your new family. The next morning, you woke up feeling better, but the cramps hit in full force, confining you to bed for the entire day. Your companions waited on you hand and foot, which eased the discomfort. However, the pain became unbearable, and you nearly snapped at Zenitsu and Inosuke when they started one of their usual silly arguments.

Thankfully, they left fairly quickly, sensing your mood. Just as you were getting a headache from their squabbling, Tanjiro entered and graciously handed you a cup of tea. Instantly, the soothing warmth eased the ache in your head and lower body. Earlier, a girl had returned his haori to you after cleaning it, a task you had requested with Mitsuri's help, just in case it had gotten dirty while you borrowed it for cover. Before Tanjiro could leave, you grabbed the checkered clothing and presented it to him, watching as his eyes lit up.

"Thank you for letting me borrow this," you said with a light bow of your head.

He slipped on the haori, cracking a smile as he looked at you. "Oyakunitateba saiwaidesu..."

Tanjiro left, and you were left alone again until nightfall brought a welcome surprise. Sitting by the window, watching the sky, you heard the door creak open. Turning, you saw Nezuko standing there with Tanjiro by her side. You let out a small gasp, not expecting her, but you were happy nonetheless. You welcomed them in, watching as Nezuko's round eyes squinted into a smile. She quickly hopped over to you, while Tanjiro walked over slowly.


"Hi, Nezuko," you greeted warmly. "It's so nice to see you again."

She gently patted your head, then took your hand and guided it to her own head, humming happily as you reciprocated the gesture. A soft chuckle escaped you, and you glanced over to see Tanjiro smiling warmly, his gaze filled with tenderness as he observed the interaction. Your attention returned to Nezuko's hair as you continued to pat it, admiring its length and beauty. The shine and richness of its color captivated you, transitioning from a deep hue to a stunning coppery shade at the ends. Sensing your admiration, she tilted her head and pulled more strands forward, inviting you to touch the silky locks.

You expressed your awe at their softness with an "oooh," eliciting a playful scrunch of her nose. Truly, her hair was exquisite. Moving behind her, you gathered it up and began combing through it with your fingers. She hummed with delight and wiggled in pleasure as you sectioned her hair and started braiding it. Watching her joyfully respond to your ministrations filled you with happiness, and you stole a glance at Tanjiro, noticing the gentle expression on his face. Despite feeling a bit down earlier, sharing this intimate moment with them brought you a sense of peace, especially with Nezuko, whom you had already embraced as one of your best friends. She was like the little sister you never had.

At least, you don't remember having one.

As you finished braiding Nezuko's hair, your heart swelled with affection for her. She eagerly turned you around to reciprocate the gesture to the best of her abilities. Once both of your hairdos were complete, Tanjiro offered his approval with a comment and a small clap, earning a pleased murmur from Nezuko and a wide grin from you. They lingered a while longer, sitting with you and gazing at the stars through your window. As the night grew late, they noticed your sleepy yawn and prepared to leave. Before departing, Nezuko enveloped you in a warm hug, nestling against you and humming contentedly. Despite Tanjiro's gentle reminder, she remained in the embrace for another moment, his smile soft and understanding as they bid you goodnight before finally stepping out.

The following day unfolded similarly, but with a brighter mood and more energy, prompting you to venture into the garden for some fresh air. It had been two days since your encounter with the Hashira, and you almost forgot about one particular fiery man until he unexpectedly appeared in the afternoon, finding you amidst the garden's serene beauty. You were basking in the sunlight, surrounded by blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies, when his voice startled you from behind. With a shriek, you clutched your chest as your heart raced, spinning around to face him, only to find him unfazed by your reaction.

People really had a talent for catching you off guard around here...

"Good afternoon," he greeted with a pronounced accent, his smile radiant and captivating. "How are you?"

"O-Oh... good afternoon," you squeaked in response. "I'm good...?"

Surprised, you realized he just spoke English. You had thought only Uzui, Mitsuri, and Shinobu knew English.

"Good! I am Kyojuro Rengoku!"

You nodded and offered a small smile. "Yes, I remember. It's nice to meet you again..."

He hummed in response, looking pleased, but didn't say anything further. Feeling awkward, you glanced away and focused on the butterflies dancing in the air. He watched with you for a moment, wanting to continue the conversation but finding himself unable to. He hardly understood what you had said. Having recently returned from a short mission, he had attempted to learn some English during that time in preparation for speaking with you again. However, he realized now that he hadn't retained much. Considering he had been on the road and busy with other matters, it wasn't entirely unexpected. He acknowledged that learning a new language wasn't as easy as he had initially hoped. Despite his optimism and eagerness to learn, he knew it would take much more time and practice.

Unfortunately, he didn't quite have the luxury of dedicating himself to learning English fully, given the recent rise in demon attacks. But perhaps someday, he could delve further into mastering the language.

Nevertheless, he knew that Uzui would soon be teaching you Japanese (something he learned from his crow, as Uzui had sent word that he'd be on a hiatus of sorts, becoming your language instructor). Given Uzui's intelligence and ability to make anything seem fun and interesting, he had no doubt that you would quickly pick up the language and be able to communicate with everyone in no time. Since verbal communication was challenging between you two, he decided to leave and search for something else to occupy his time. As his presence faded away, you turned around to catch a glimpse of him disappearing around a corner. Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly, returning your attention to the fluttering butterflies.

He's certainly an intriguing individual, and you wonder if he plans to stay around for a while or if he's just visiting before moving on to do what it is that a 'Hashira' does.

Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sharp, searing pain in your head. You squeezed your eyes shut against the white flashes erupting behind your eyelids. Collapsing to your hands, you struggled to control your breathing amidst the growing agony. Colors burst before your eyes, the pain escalating with each passing moment, numbing your body and mind. Time seemed to stall as a blurred image flashed through your consciousness. Suddenly, your eyes snapped open to darkness. You sat up quickly, disoriented and on the verge of panic. What was that? You wondered if it had been just a bad dream. You winced as your head faintly throbbed, reaching up to press against your sweaty, warm skin. You realized you were no longer outside in the garden; someone must have found you and brought you back to your room.

That... was strange.

Swallowing a lump in your throat, you closed your eyes and took slow breaths to calm yourself, aware of your racing heart. You reassured yourself that you were okay; nothing bad had happened. It might have been a weird dream or a terrible headache that caused you to black out—though that wasn't good, you were still alive and well. Besides the slight headache trying to creep back in, you felt no different than you had the last two days. Yet, the flashes and blurred images nagged at you.

What did you just see? Were those... memories?

None of it makes sense, and though you can't discern anything concrete, deep down, you feel these events hold some elusive meaning. Confusion, excitement, sadness, anger, and fear all crash into you. You lay back down, closing your eyes, willing yourself to fall back asleep. The days that follow pass in a blur, and since that strange event, you feel... very off. The cramps, bloating, low energy, brain fog, and the annoyance of cleaning up after particularly heavy days only worsen your mood. Your friends try to keep you company, but they seem to sense your state of mind, limiting their visits to check on you and bring you something to eat.

You've endured a full week of hell, yet you know it's far from over. Beyond the challenges of simply existing as a woman, more hurdles await—from learning a new language to potentially facing more demons, especially if you join the corps, assuming they'll have you. Amidst it all, you grapple with your lost memories. In a few days, your lessons with Uzui will commence, and the anticipation to finally learn and engage with others grows. You realize it won't be easy, but you're determined to persevere, knowing that understanding the language might hold the key to unlocking some of the answers you seek.

Someone, somewhere, must know something, and you're determined to find them and be able to speak with them. That's your primary goal, but it would also be a relief to understand and communicate better with your friends. You and the guys have become adept at interpreting facial expressions and body language, but there are moments when you just wish you could use words. In particular, you're itching to tell Inosuke off for constantly trying to steal your food. Last week, when he attempted to swipe that one sweet treat you love. You're pretty sure your period played a role in what happened next—he might now have a small bite mark on his hand, and he definitely flipped out, leading to a wrestling match that Zenitsu had to break up.

Speaking of Zenitsu, you're curious about how he always seems to know exactly where you are. You're starting to suspect he might have super hearing, given how he appears at the slightest hint of trouble. While you appreciate his concern, you're eager to assert your independence and handle things on your own. You don't want to be treated like a damsel in distress. As for Tanjiro, well... he hasn't really done anything to bother you. You simply want to talk to him. You just think it would be nice to chat about anything and everything with him, especially since he's the more polite and calm member of your group—he tends to visit you in afternoon and you just sit in amicable silence as you look outside your window. And since that night Nezuko visited you, she's been coming to see you more often at night. However, she never stays long, as she tires quickly. Her presence is comforting, though, and you appreciate the moments you do get to share with her.

It's during those moments that you really crave conversation.

The quietness doesn't necessarily bother you, but you crave connection with everyone by being able to voice your thoughts and feelings. Even though you're not alone, there are times when you feel isolated, and it can be a little disheartening. Thankfully, Mitsuri has been a constant source of comfort, taking the time to care for you, and you deeply appreciate her companionship. She's become like a big sister, showering you with attention, bringing you plenty of food, playfully pinching your cheeks, and hugging you spontaneously. Initially surprising, you quickly grew accustomed to her affectionate gestures, finding them endearing without being overwhelming.

In fact, it's been quite... nice.

Mitsuri makes you feel accepted and valued, not like some stranger or burden to be looked after. Connecting with her has given you a glimpse of what it might feel like to communicate openly with everyone else. You yearn to share your thoughts with Tanjiro, to banter with Inosuke without misunderstandings, and to assure Zenitsu that while you appreciate his concern, you're capable of standing on your own. Then there's Nezuko, whose quiet presence speaks volumes, yet you long to deepen your bond with her through spoken words. In just a few more days, your lessons with Uzui will begin, and you're increasingly eager to learn and engage with others. You recognize it won't be effortless, but you're determined to persevere, knowing that understanding the language holds the key to unraveling some of the mysteries you seek.

"Mitsuri, could you teach me how to say something?" 

You caught her attention as she looked up from her bowl, slurping a noodle with a grin. "Sure! What is it?"

"How do I say, 'Let go, that's mine!'?"

"Sore wa tebanashite kudasai, sore wa watashi no monodesu!" she exclaimed, amused. Then, she pursed her lips and tilted her head. "Why do you want to say that?"

"Well, my friend Inosuke is really stubborn and keeps trying to steal my food. I just want to tell him to back off. But... uhhh, I don't think I can remember all of that."

"Ohhh, I see," she giggled. "Hmmm, then 'Tebanasu' should be fine."


She burst into laughter and shook her head, enunciating it more clearly. "Te-ban-asu! Tebanasu!"



Your face contorted at the unfamiliar word. "Hai?"

"Ah, I mean... yes!"

"Oh, that means yes?"

She giggled again and nodded. "Hai!”

“That seems easy to remember. Why can't you just teach me? I don't want to wait for Uzui anymore..."

"I wish I could, but... hmmm, I have a lot to learn too. Tengen is a better sensei."


"Oh—! Uh, teacher!"

"Ah, okay. Well, you've done a great job so far, but I understand." You hummed and smiled briefly, your expression turning more serious. "So, I've been wondering... do you think it's possible for me to join the Demon Slayers at all?"


"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while," you meet her gaze and sigh, "I've only been here for a short time and have already been injured, and nearly died, if not for my friends' help. But I don't want to rely on them... or anyone, really, to keep me safe when I could just protect myself. I want to be useful, to help others... and not be a burden."

She nods slowly, absorbing your words. "Ahh, I see..."

"... so, can I join?"

"I would love for you to join us and to fight by your side," she leans forward, clasping your hand, "but... I’m afraid I don't have the authority to grant permission."

"Then who can? I know it won't be easy, but... but I'm ready to give it my all!"

"Mhmm… you have a strong heart, Y/n-chan," she smiles gently. "And don’t worry, you are not a burden! I will discuss this with the others and our Master, but please don't be disheartened if you are turned down."

You return her smile, a spark of hope igniting within you. You knew not to raise your hopes too high; after all, you were just an ordinary girl. But something inside you felt compelled to pursue this path. You were unfamiliar with this world, your origins, your true identity, or even how to fight—but you were determined to learn, to grow, to fight alongside your friends, and uncover the answers to your questions. You weren't sure of your potential for greatness, but you were resolved to give it your all. If granted the opportunity to join and if fate led to your demise someday, at least it would be in service of a greater cause.

You refused to stand idly by while others risked their lives to protect and make a difference; you wanted to contribute, no matter how small.

Zenitsu sat with a pout, his chin resting in his hand as he stared off into space, drawing in a deep breath and releasing it in a big huff. Tanjiro sensed his dejection, his sensitive nose picking up on the hint of a sour scent.

"Do you think Y/n-chan dislikes me?" Zenitsu asked.

Tanjiro furrowed his brow. "No, why do you think that?"

"I feel like she's been avoiding me lately..."

"Well... you have been following her around a lot. Maybe she just needs some space?"

"Yeah, you're right... but it's so hard," Zenitsu whined, slumping over. "She just sounds so sad and upset sometimes, it really worries me. I want to make sure she's okay and spend time with her so she doesn't feel so lonely..."

Tanjiro gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. He had also noticed your sullen demeanor; every now and then your emotions surged so high that he could pick it up from their own room. And ever since that night he had witnessed you and Nezuko bonding over braiding each other's hair, and the three of you had sat in silence watching the stars, something had shifted, though he couldn't quite pinpoint it. He had always enjoyed your company, but lately, he found himself seeking it out more often, whether Nezuko joined or not. The moments spent together were quiet and peaceful, the atmosphere light and comforting. It offered a welcomed reprieve from the stress and uncertainties of their lives.

So, he empathized with Zenitsu's feelings to some extent—your presence brought a sense of normalcy that was rare in their line of work. And as your friends, it was natural to worry and care about your well-being.

"Quit your moping," Inosuke grumbled from nearby, engrossed in sorting through a collection of acorns he had recently gathered.

Zenitsu ignored Inosuke's grumbling, emitting a long, drawn-out, and miserable-sounding sigh. He rolled over, feeling torn between his desire to be by your side more and knowing that Tanjiro was right—he should give you space. He didn't want to ruin things further; he had already noticed your subtle tension whenever you saw him now. Despite your attempts to hide it, he could tell you were avoiding him to some extent. Whenever you faced a challenge, he'd offer help, only to watch you find an excuse to leave almost immediately.

It stung a bit, but he also observed that you seemed to be avoiding Inosuke, not just him.

He had noticed your avoidance of Inosuke, especially around meal times. You had started positioning yourself between Tanjiro and him, as far away as possible from your ravenous boar-headed friend. As for Tanjiro, Zenitsu wasn't quite sure where he stood. It bothered him more than he cared to admit. He was curious if you treated Tanjiro the same way—avoiding him subtly. Zenitsu had sharp ears and could easily overhear conversations, but he respected people's privacy and tried not to pry into matters that didn't concern him. Still, he couldn't deny a small temptation to eavesdrop whenever you and Tanjiro were together, just to satisfy his curiosity. It surprised him that you two never seemed to talk; he had only ever caught glimpses of you both sitting in silence.

"Hey, do you think she likes the flowers I leave by her door?" Zenitsu mumbled uncertainly. "Should I stop doing that? She hasn’t said anything…"

Tanjiro wasn't sure how to answer. He had seen you in the garden a few times, which suggested you enjoyed flowers and plants in general, making it likely that you appreciated the floral gifts. But did you know they were from Zenitsu? On the day your cycle had started, Mitsuri had taken you away to handle everything, so when you returned to find flowers and food in your room, it wasn't clear who had left them.

"Does she know they're from you?" Tanjiro asked. "It wasn't exactly clear the first time you gave them to her..."

Zenitsu looked up, deep in thought. "Umm, I think... maybe?"

"Well, do you want her to know they're from you, if she doesn't already?" Tanjiro pressed.

"Y-Yes, of course! I think— Wait... uhhh, I don't know! What if she doesn't know, and when she finds out they're from me... she'll hate them?!"

"I don't think—"

Zenitsu cut Tanjiro off, his voice rising in panic. "Or what if she thinks it's someone else and falls in love with them instead?!"

Inosuke growled in irritation, unable to ignore Zenitsu any longer. "Who cares if she knows it's from you or not?! Besides, as far as I know, no one else has given her flowers, so there’s no way she’d fall in love with someone else just because of that. She knows it was one of us, that’s for sure, so shut up already!"

"I know, I'm just freaking out because I want her to like me back! If she doesn't like me, I think I might actually die..."

"Quit being such a dramatic baby! If she doesn't like you, move on and find someone else to give flowers to!"

"Easy for you to say, you don't like anyone or anything! I can't just MOVE ON! You don't get it, Inosuke..."

"Nah, I just don't like you," Inosuke said bluntly, his voice flat.

"Well, no one likes you either," Zenitsu retorted quickly.

Tanjiro intervened with a firm tone, trying to calm the escalating tension. "Hey, come on, let's not argue. We're friends here, remember? We can talk without insulting each other."

Inosuke reclined indifferently. "Tell him to shut up then. His constant whining is irritating."

"And tell Inosuke that his mask is creepy and he should get rid of it!" Zenitsu chimed in.

"Guys, please—"

"What?! No way!" Inosuke countered defiantly.

"It's just an old pig's head! Throw it away!"


"See, you can't let go of something either!"

"What? It's completely different!"

"How so?! Don't you like it?! Is it precious to you?!"

"Eh? No...! Yes...! I mean—!"

"How do you not know?! You have feelings too, right? Then you should know how you feel! Are you emotionally constipated or something?!"


Zenitsu barely had time to react before Inosuke charged at him, and chaos erupted as they raced around the room, shouting at each other. Tanjiro remained seated, maintaining a deadpan expression, even as their antics knocked over items and disheveled the room.

"Can't you go five minutes without trying to resolve conflicts with fighting?!" Zenitsu screamed.

"Can't you go five minutes without whining?!" Inosuke shot back.

It took ten whole minutes of running and fighting before things finally began to settle down.

Tanjiro slowly stood up once they caught their breaths and smiled at them, but there was an unsettling seriousness in his demeanor that made their faces pale slightly. They knew from experience that this was when Tanjiro was annoyed or upset, and it unnerved them to a degree. They stayed quiet and listened carefully as Tanjiro ordered them to tidy the room back up. He then calmly walked out of the room after issuing the command. Once he was gone, Zenitsu deflated, exhaling deeply with a groan of relief that Tanjiro hadn't chewed them out for their behavior or given them a harsher punishment. Inosuke stood silently, his demeanor mostly unchanged as he crossed his arms and snorted. They glanced at each other briefly before begrudgingly getting to work, huffing and puffing their discontent the entire time as they worked together to restore order to the room.

Mitsuri hummed a little tune as she wandered through the mansion, a lightness in her step. Her mind was blissfully blank until a booming voice echoed nearby, causing her to pause mid-stride. Recognition dawned on her face, and she smiled brightly. Perfect timing! Resuming her walk with purpose, she followed the sound of the exuberant proclamation of "tasty!" until she found its source.

"Mmm, tasty!"

She giggled softly and approached, her eyes twinkling with amusement at the fiery man's enthusiastic declaration about the food he was enjoying. He had a knack for expressing his appreciation of good food so openly, a trait she found endearing and charming. Mitsuri delighted in seeing others happy and found it particularly amusing when someone like him, who might appear stern or intimidating at first glance, revealed different, unexpected sides to their personality. Who would've imagined that a man like Rengoku, with sharp eyes and a commanding aura, would be grinning from ear to ear, humming and enthusiastically praising a meal like a child?

Mitsuri certainly hadn't expected it when she first met him; she had honestly been a little scared.

However, after training with him and getting to know him better, she realized he wasn't intimidating at all. Besides Shinobu or Tengen, he was one of the few Hashira she felt comfortable speaking with more freely because of his easygoing attitude. There was also Obanai Iguro... but around him, she still felt a fluttery sensation, finding it challenging to express herself at times, despite feeling relatively at ease and comfortable in his presence. Anyway, it wasn't that she felt uncomfortable with the other Hashira; she simply wasn't as close to them as she was with those four. She shook her head, pushing aside her thoughts—she had sought out Kyojuro for a reason as soon as she heard him.

"Ooh, that does look yummy," she said, peeking over his shoulder.

He turned to Mitsuri, finishing the last bite in his mouth before swallowing and grinning warmly. "Ah, Kanroji-san! Indeed it is!"

"That's great! I'll leave you to enjoy your meal, but first, I have a quick question... if you don't mind?"

"Not at all!" He smiled, setting his bowl down to give her his full attention.

"Well, I spoke with Y/n-chan earlier... and she asked me something that I couldn't answer..."

"Is that so? What did she ask?"

Mitsuri pursed her lips and nervously wrung her hands together. "Well, she wants to join us... and I believe in her! But... the others and our Master may not feel the same or allow it..."

"That is true... they may not. So, then tell me, why do you believe in her?"

She looked him straight in the eye, her brow furrowing with determination as she spoke. "Because she has a strong heart! She wants to help and grow stronger, and she's determined to fight alongside us. She doesn’t want to rely on others; she wants to take action. I can't explain exactly how, but I just know she's brave and capable. I can feel it!"

"I see," he said thoughtfully, nodding along. "If that's how you feel, then I think she should be given a chance!"

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she clasped her hands to her chest. "Oh! Really?!"

"Of course! I don't take your words lightly, Kanroji-san. You've shown your own potential, and because of your skills and dedication, you're now one of the strongest members of the Corps," he remarked. "Therefore, if you believe someone else has the capability and the will to give their best, then I have no reason not to believe you!"

Her chin trembled slightly as tears threatened to form, a hand flying up to cover a bashful smile. "Aw, thank you! Yes, I truly mean it. I believe she should be able to train and join the Corps. I don't know exactly how, but I feel she'll be a valuable member and bring us closer to achieving all our dreams! Besides, the more the merrier!"

"Indeed," he chuckled heartily. 

She squealed in delight but then hesitated. "Oh, but what about the others... and Master..."

"Don't worry! I will personally request to take her under my wing and ensure she becomes a skilled swordsman!"

"Wonderful! She'll be thrilled to hear that! I really hope Master and the others will accept her..."

"We've accepted a demon girl, so it seems anything is possible," he mused.

Mitsuri grinned warmly and bowed gratefully as she departed. He finished his bowl of food with a satisfied hum, tidied up, and then made his way towards the headquarters, resolved to find the Master and arrange for your training with the goal of joining the Corps. When Shinobu first informed them about you, he had been intensely curious and eager to lend a hand. However, the language barrier quickly became an obstacle, leaving him with no meaningful way to assist in your situation.

Mitsuri and Tengen, on the other hand, could communicate with you and provide the help you needed, which he was grateful for. Yet, he couldn't deny a twinge of disappointment and perhaps even envy at not being able to contribute. He took pride in serving others and making a positive impact, whether through demon slaying or everyday acts of kindness. While he had resigned himself to focusing on his usual duties, the unexpected turn of events now presented a new and exciting opportunity—a chance to play a role in your journey, despite earlier doubts.

As he strode purposefully towards the headquarters, he couldn't help but feel that fate had intervened, offering him a chance to make a difference after all.

As he walked through the front courtyard and passed the gate, he felt a sense of determination driving him towards the headquarters. It would be no easy task for you to join them as a Demon Slayer; the risks of injury and death were ever-present, and he understood this all too well. All he knew of you was what Mitsuri had conveyed, and while he didn't doubt her assessment, he wanted to see for himself if you possessed the qualities necessary for such a demanding role. Arriving at the headquarters within half an hour, he wasted no time in seeking out the Master. Upon entering the main building, he found Master Ubuyashiki seated on the engawa, eyes closed and an aura of serenity surrounding him as he breathed deeply. A gentle breeze swept between them, causing the Master to open his eyes, his milky gaze steady and unwavering.

"Good afternoon," the Master greeted, a serene smile appearing on his lips. "It is quite a lovely day, isn't it?"

"Greetings, Master. Yes, it's a beautiful day! I'm pleased to see you enjoying the weather."

"Mhm, indeed. Now then... tell me, what brings you here, Kyojuro? I assume you are here for business?"

"Yes, I've come to make a request of great importance," Kyojuro stated, his voice earnest. The Master nodded once, inviting him to proceed. "Master, I ask that you consider allowing me to take the foreigner, Y/n-san, under my wing, to train her as a swordsman and potentially welcome her as a fellow comrade among the Demon Slayers."

"You wish to train her? May I ask what has prompted this request?"

"Yes," Kyojuro confirmed, "Kanroji-san informed me of her desire to join the Corps. It appears that she wishes to join to our cause and become stronger!"

"I see... it is indeed unusual, considering she is a foreigner with no memory of her past life. Yet, it is commendable that she shows such resolve to become stronger and fight alongside her new companions and other members of the Corps. She must have witnessed the challenges we face, having traveled with those three young men. Despite that, she still wishes to join," the Master mused aloud. He then paused in thought, a strange aura settling over them as Kyojuro patiently awaited his final decision. "Very well, then. If Mitsuri and yourself believe in this young lady's potential, I will not refuse your request," the Master concluded.

"Thank you, Master," Kyojuro responded warmly. "When will she need to undergo her Final Selection?"

"Ah, yes... there's no need to concern yourself with that for now. From this moment onward, Y/n-san is recognized as a provisional member of the Corps undergoing training. I trust she will be in more than capable hands under your guidance," the Master affirmed warmly. "Nevertheless, I wish you and your new pupil the best of luck, Kyojuro."

Kyojuro nodded appreciatively, a broad smile spreading across his face as he bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Master! I will take good care of her! And may you continue to enjoy good health..." He straightened up and prepared to depart. "Farewell!"

"Farewell..." Ubuyashiki murmured, a contemplative glint in his serene gaze.

It's later in the evening, and you find yourself sitting around a small table with your friends, enjoying the meal and their lively conversation. Despite not understanding their words, you're content to listen and appreciate the calm atmosphere. However, your peace is interrupted when Inosuke's eyes suddenly dart towards your plate, his hand reaching greedily towards your food. Normally, you'd strategically sit between Tanjiro and Zenitsu to avoid such antics, but today, you decided to pick a random spot. And Inosuke had seized the opportunity to claim the spot next to you, clearly intent on snatching some of your meal. You watch from the corner of your eye with mild amusement as he assumes you're unaware of his intentions. Just as his fingers graze your bowl, you swiftly extend your hand and swat him away.

"Huahh?! What the hell?!" Inosuke exclaims, nursing his hand where you struck him, while you maintain a stern gaze.

"Let go," you hiss, pulling your bowl protectively closer to yourself.

Zenitsu is in the midst of eating when you suddenly speak, catching him off guard. Startled, he inhales his food, causing a fit of coughing as he struggles to dislodge it. Tanjiro reacts quickly, patting Zenitsu's back forcefully until the food finally lands on the floor. Zenitsu gasps for breath while Tanjiro offers a few more soothing pats on the back.

"Did she just speak Japanese?!" Zenitsu exclaims, wide-eyed with astonishment as he looks at you. "Has she been able to speak this whole time?! No, that can't be right... I thought that big, annoying guy was supposed to teach her, but he hasn't come back yet!"

"Yeah, she did," Tanjiro confirmed, a perplexed expression appearing on his face. "Uzui-san was supposed to teach her... maybe he taught her some things before he left?"

"There's no way he taught her before he left," Zenitsu exclaimed. "So who did?!"

"Well, I think the Love Hashira, Kanroji-san, can speak some English, so maybe she taught her? Or maybe Y/n-san has been learning on her own," Tanjiro suggested, glancing at you curiously. He then pointed at you and asked, "Y/n-san, can you understand us?" You blinked in response, shrugging to indicate your lack of understanding. "Alright, well... I guess that clarifies things."

"Ah man, I was really hoping she could speak and understand us already," Zenitsu lamented.

"We'll be able to talk to her soon enough, don't worry! In the meantime, we can try to help her learn some basic words," Tanjiro suggested with a grin. "We can practice together!"

"Yeah, good idea! Oh, Y/n-chan~ Repeat after me!"

Zenitsu leaned over the table, grinning mischievously as he pointed at you and then himself, opening and closing his mouth a few times. You focused on his gestures, trying to understand his request. You mimicked his actions, and he nodded eagerly, prompting you to laugh a little and nod back. You quickly realized that he wanted you to copy him.

He giggled to himself and waggled his brows, adopting a low and slow tone. "Watashi wa anata o aishi, anata to kekkon shimasu~"

Tanjiro whirls around, ready to reprimand Zenitsu, but Zenitsu quickly covers Tanjiro's mouth and holds him in place, his focus solely on you as he urges you to repeat what he said. Tanjiro struggles against Zenitsu's hand, attempting to remove it, while Inosuke cackles loudly, thoroughly entertained by their scuffle and successfully using the distraction to steal from your bowl of food.

"Zen—itsu! Le—go! You can't tell her to say that—"

"SHUT IT, LET HER SPEAK!!!" Zenitsu insists eagerly, his eyes wide with anticipation.

As you sound out the words and try your best to mimic Zenitsu, stumbling a bit over the pronunciation, Zenitsu continues nodding along, encouraging you to repeat the sentence. Despite the ongoing playful banter and tussling between Zenitsu and Tanjiro, you focus on learning, enjoying the chance to pick up something new.

"Watashi wa... anata," you repeat, watching Zenitsu's mouth carefully to get the pronunciation right, "o aishi, anata to kekkon shimasu!"

He releases Tanjiro and shouts excitedly, throwing his hands up. Tanjiro grabs him by the collar, but Zenitsu attempts to scramble over the table towards you, earning a disapproving look from his exasperated friend.

Zenitsu whines, reaching out for you. "Tanjiroooo, let me go! You heard what she said, you can't stop me now!"

Tanjiro shook his head, brows knitted tightly as he continued to restrain Zenitsu. "She doesn't even know what that means! Have you no shame?"

"You've already interfered once! Why can't you just let me and Y/n-chan be happy?"

"Because she hasn't actually agreed to your nonsense!"

"But she just did!"

"That doesn't count," he said in exasperation. "You know as well as I do she doesn't understand what she just said. She doesn't love you or want to marry you."

"Ah, come on," Zenitsu whined pitifully. "That's so harsh!"

"Well, she doesn’t. Not yet, anyway. Maybe she will someday... or maybe she won't."

"You don't think she'll ever love me, do you? I can hear it in your voice, Tanjiro! How can you be so cruel?"

"N-No, Zenitsu, stop it! You know what I mean. You can't just pretend with these things!"

"But it's so hard trying to romance a woman you like! And it might take months or years for her to give me a chance!"

"Come on now, you're being dramatic," Tanjiro said, almost rolling his eyes as he sighed. "Besides, nothing worth the time or effort will ever be easy."

As they continued to bicker, you turned your attention back to your food, only to find most of it missing. Following a trail of crumbs, your gaze landed on the culprit grinning smugly at you, chewing obnoxiously. Your eye twitched slightly. Inosuke snickered as he reached for the last items in your bowl, prompting both of your hands to flail around in a jumbled mess as you attempted to smack each other. You wanted to wipe that stupid look off his face, yet found yourself indulging in his childish game. Noticing he wasn't really trying hard to steal more food—knowing he could easily overpower your defenses if he wanted to—it seemed he was just messing with you for fun. It was honestly kind of cute and funny. You giggled and swatted at him, and he grabbed your hands, trying to hold them together in a ball.

"Let go!"

"Make me," he snorted.

Dinner stretched on longer than usual as everyone continued to bicker and fight. The three little girls (Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi,) who assisted around the mansion checked in a couple of times, exchanging odd looks with each other as they observed the chaos. During their last check-in, they brought Zenitsu his medicine, but he curled into a ball, sobbing and refusing to drink it. Despite their attempts to coax him, they ended up holding him down, trying to administer the medicine-infused tea forcefully, which proved unsuccessful. They ordered Tanjiro and Inosuke to fetch Aoi Kanzaki, the leading medical assistant, knowing her intimidating presence would surely convince Zenitsu to finally take his medicine out of fear of incurring her wrath once again.

Initially hesitant, Tanjiro obliged when they all started yelling at him and Inosuke, prompting them to quickly scurry away. This left you watching as they struggled to wrangle Zenitsu. You joined in, attempting to help by pinning him down, but he resisted fiercely, seemingly oblivious to whoever was grappling with him. After a struggle, you managed to roll him over and sit on his legs, gripping his arms to keep him still as he thrashed around. It was only when Zenitsu realized you were on top of him, along with the other girls holding him down, that his embarrassment ignited, his face flushing as if his soul had departed his body. But the momentary distraction vanished as the bitter medicine was quickly poured into his mouth, the girl with the pink butterfly clips swiftly closing his jaw and ensuring he swallowed it.

Zenitsu groaned and was going to complain about the taste, declaring that he would prefer death, but he chose not to. Although the medicine was beyond awful, he certainly wasn’t going to complain about the position he currently found himself in—the girl of his dreams was practically straddling him! You and the girls release your hold on him, and an older girl enters the scene, hands planted firmly on her hips as she addresses the situation with a mixture of exasperation and authority as her eyes land on the blond.

"Good grief! You've been causing quite a commotion lately, Zenitsu-san. To expedite your recovery, I'm going to increase the dosage and require you to drink two extra cups in the morning and two at night."

Zenitsu snapped out of his daze, horrified. "W-What?! No way!"

"I can't have these girls struggling to make you take it; they have other responsibilities! Even the foreigner had to lend a hand while your other friends came to get me," she scolded. "We want this over and done with as much as you do. Just follow my instructions, and you'll recover a lot sooner, understood?"

Reluctantly, Zenitsu agreed, albeit with a whimper.

Turning to Tanjiro and Inosuke, Aoi remarked, "You're both healing quicker than expected. I'll reduce your rest time by half."

Tanjiro nodded gratefully. "That's great news! It's only been a little over a week, but I've been feeling much better. Can I resume training then?"

"Yes, you may carry on," she replied before leaving with the other girls.

As the commotion settled, you all began cleaning up, bringing an end to the chaotic dinner scene.

Mitsuri dropped by unexpectedly one day, carrying a handful of random rocks. She urged you to select one, her eyes twinkling mischievously. After you made your choice, she flashed a mysterious grin before departing, leaving you with a lingering sense of curiosity, as if she were privy to a secret you weren't aware of. The next couple of days passed by as you anxiously waited around for Uzui's return. Finally, after two weeks had gone by, you could start learning Japanese. You paced around, trying to keep your mind occupied until he arrived, but boredom eventually overtook you, and you ended up falling asleep while sitting on a random rock near the entrance.

When you were woken up, your mind was slow to register the figure standing in front of you, chuckling at your hunched-over form. Blinking and rubbing your eyes, you stared at them as you slowly emerged from the fog. Once your mind caught up, you paled at the sight in front of you. You wiped the corner of your mouth, cringing at the tiny bit of drool, and flushed at being caught snoozing in such an awkward and unflattering way. Your gaze shifted to the side, and your eyes widened even more as you noticed the other man, who wasn't even hiding his amusement as he laughed at you.

"Well, well, looks like I've got a slacker on my hands!"

"What?! No way," you protested, crossing your arms defensively. "I’m not a slacker!"

"Are you sure? I think I saw a river coming out of your mouth..." Uzui joked with a teasing grin.

Your cheeks puffed out indignantly as you scowled at him. "You did not! Besides, I was waiting for you, slow-poke. What else was I supposed to do? I can’t exactly teach myself."

Uzui threw back his head and laughed heartily, clapping his hands together. He turned to the man next to him, whom you momentarily forgot about amidst the banter. "She's a handful already! Are you sure you can handle her, Rengoku?"

"Certainly!" Rengoku responded with a reassuring smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement at the playful exchange between you and Uzui.

The fiery man flashed a charismatic grin at you, and you felt a wave of warmth, though you managed to compose yourself by avoiding direct eye contact. Why was his aurua so intense yet charming?

"Perfect! Don't go too hard on her and scare her away, but don't let her take it easy either," Uzui said, looking down and scrunching his nose at you before switching back to English. "Isn't that right, kid?"

Confused but nodding nonetheless, you glanced between them. "Uhh, right...?"

"Good!" Uzui snickered, raising a brow. "Alright, kid, you're in for some real fun from here on out! As you know, you'll be learning Japanese with yours truly! But that's not all; you've got even more work cut out for you."

You bit the side of your cheek nervously, eyes darting between the two men. "Huh? W-What else will I be doing?"

"Don't you know? I heard you talked to Kanroji, asking her if you could train and join the Corps."

"Wait... are you saying—"

"Yup! Your request was taken to the Master, and he accepted, so you'll be training under Rengoku’s careful guidance. He'll teach you everything you need to know about swordsmanship, breathing styles, and all that jazz."

"Oh my god," you breathed, sitting back as you stared blankly at the ground. "I can't believe it..."

"Well, you better start believing because it won't be easy. You gotta work hard, or you'll end up dead. You're a smart girl, so you already know that, right?" Uzui's words carried a serious tone, and you nodded once, fully understanding the gravity of the situation. He crouched down to your level. "We're going to do our best to teach you, but it's you who will have to put in the real effort here. You want to train with your friends? You want to get stronger and fight by our sides? Then give it your all, and we'll make sure it happens."


He smiled, reaching over to tousle your hair as he stood. "Good! Now, then, there's no time like the present. Let's get started, shall we?"

You shot up, a hint of panic in your voice. "Now?!"

"You want to wait longer, or what?"

"No, but... ummm, I wasn't expecting to start training so soon! Fighting... it’s not exactly my forte..."

"Ah, you won't start that until later. We gotta get you to understand and speak some of the basics of Japanese first."

"Right," you swallowed nervously. “That’s good, actually.”

"I'll let you know when she's ready to start her training with you," he informed Rengoku, who nodded and walked away. Uzui then turned on his heel and waved his hand forward for you to follow him. "Let's go!"

He led you inside and found a room designated for your studies. Sliding a bag off his back, he took out books and paper, arranging them neatly on a table. Once everything was sorted, he placed the first set of materials in front of you as you sat down, scanning over the contents. Seating himself across from you, he clapped his hands together with a grin, opening a book to begin the first lesson. The initial hour consisted of explanations and answering numerous questions, followed by practice reading and writing the letters of the Japanese alphabet, which was split into three systems. Initially overwhelming, you slowly grasped the concepts, though the effort left you exhausted with a burgeoning headache.

The next day was dedicated to reviewing and practicing extensively, a cycle you anticipated would continue until mastery. Days passed with repetitive learning and practice, including naming objects, memorization, and verbalization exercises. Uzui quizzed you repeatedly throughout the day, which, though maddeningly repetitive, effectively reinforced your learning. Despite the mental strain and occasional frustration, you found the process oddly satisfying and enjoyable. Tanjiro stopped by one day offering to help, and after a brief consideration, Uzui assigned him and the others to practice with you while he introduced new concepts. Three weeks flew by, during which you very quickly learned basic sentences, greetings, introductions, farewells, requests, apologies, gratitude, and familiar objects and food items. 

Progress was evident, albeit with numerous headaches and moments of frustration that nearly led to giving up. However, with unwavering support from Uzui and your friends, you persevered. You reminded yourself constantly that giving up wasn't an option, especially when your goal was to understand and communicate effectively with those around you. Each day brought you closer to fluency and deeper connections with others. You envisioned a future where you would train as a Demon Slayer alongside your comrades, safeguarding others and seeking answers about your origins and identity—it was all so exciting as much as it was terrifying.


Taisho Secrets

* When Tanjiro's mother, Kie Kamado, was younger, she once visited a city where she met a doctor, a woman who warmly welcomed her questions and patiently answered each one. Despite living in the countryside, Kie's curiosity and thirst for knowledge grew and led her to gain extensive understanding since that meeting. Motivated by this experience, she endeavored to impart all she had learned to her children, aspiring to share her wealth of knowledge with them.

* When you returned Tanjiro's haori, he could sense your gratitude mixed with embarrassment. Although you couldn't understand his exact words, he conveyed that he was happy to help you in your time of need, hoping you'd grasp the tone he used—it was no trouble at all and he'd gladly do it again!

Chapter 8: Practice Makes Perfect - 練習は完璧を作る


You continue your lessons and practice everything you've been learning so far, knowing it would be challenging. However, with the support of your friends, the journey feels less daunting. You're well on your way to mastering Japanese, aiming to become a valuable member of the Corps (hopefully), and uncovering the answers you seek—though it will take time.

Yet, training to become a Demon Slayer presents a whole different challenge.

As time passes, things become more complex. You find yourself spiraling into a dark hole, gripped by fear and uncertainty about the future, making it hard to see a way forward. Can you navigate through with the help of your friends and others, or will you continue to push them away out of fear, sinking deeper into darkness?


Hey folks, this chapter is extra long (22k words!) compared to the usual... hmmm, 9k-16k of previous chapters??

While I was editing I decided to merge two chapters together, as one was a little shorter than the other, and the topics in both chapters went hand-in-hand, so I thought why not? Because it's such a big chapter, with many, manyyyy words... there may still be some errors. But oh well!

Anyways, it's gonna be a long read—unless you're incredibly fast lol—so get comfy and enjoy~!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Can I quit now?"

"No, now tell me what that says."

Your head lay on the table as you groaned, utterly exhausted and nearing your wits' end. "I don't know..."

"You didn't even look at it!" Uzui deadpanned when you didn't move or say anything else. "Kid, look at me..."

You slowly rolled your head to the side, your hair falling into your face. You tried to blow it out of the way, huffing when it barely moved and continued to obscure part of your vision. Uzui quickly leaned over and flicked your forehead. You recoiled, your hand flying up to cover the spot he had thumped as you pouted and rubbed at it.

"Ow, what the hell?! Ughhh, I can't do this," you whined, feeling frustration bubbling to the surface.

"Yes, you can. Are you just going to sit there and complain, or are you going to try again?"

"At this point, I'd rather just die," you muttered under your breath.

He flicked your forehead again, and you quickly covered your head with your arms, groaning and whining even more as you tensed up and tried to hide. Uzui clicked his tongue disapprovingly, grabbing your arms and prying them apart to make you sit back up. Despite his efforts, you remained slouched over, arms crossed in pure petulance. He looked at you sternly, his expression enough to make you want to laugh if you weren't feeling so stubbornly petty. He was clearly reaching his limits with you, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. Right now, you just wanted to disappear and avoid dealing with any of this. Remember what you had said about giving it your all, that you could do this and wouldn't give up?

Yeah, that was a damn lie.

Uzui wasn't having it and started demanding that you quit acting like a child and get back to work. He even threatened to start your training with Rengoku, which did terrify you a little, but you called his bluff and ignored him. You swore you saw a vein pop at his temple as he gritted his teeth and grinned at you with patience that was wearing thin.

"You've come this far, kid, so quit your whining and prove that you can do it, because I know you can. You don't also want to disappoint your friends, do you?"

"Stop trying to guilt me," you sniveled, still avoiding his eyes.

"HUH?! I'm not trying to guilt you!"

"Oh, so now you're gaslighting me..."

He almost tore his hair out. "You wanted this, didn't you?!"

"I guess..."

Uzui took a deep breath, clearly struggling to maintain his composure. "Listen, you asked for this challenge. You're capable of so much more than you think. But if you give up now, you'll never know what you could have achieved. So, stop with the excuses and show some determination."

"Well, I take it all back now... I don't wanna do this anymore."

"You can't take it back! Didn't you hear what I said?! You're just going to ignore my amazing words of encouragement and tell me that you're giving up?!"

"Yup," you reply.

He deadpanned and slid the book closer to you. "Read it," he demanded.


You watched as his face scrunched, lips curled inward in an attempt to stop himself from exploding. He took a deep, long breath to calm down, closing his eyes and continuing the breathing as if meditating.

When he opened his eyes again, he gave you a half-assed smile. "Alright, how about we take a break? You obviously don't have the motivation, so why don't you go and find your friends—hang out, have some fun—whatever it takes to get that brain working again."

"My brain works fine," you huffed.

"Yeah, say that again when you can tell me what this sentence means," he uttered dully, tapping the words on the page.

Your eyes rolled to the side as you mockingly opened and closed your mouth, and he chose to ignore the blatant display of disrespect, knowing it would only make you dig your heels in deeper. He had joked about you being a handful and asked if Kyojuro could handle you, to which the fiery-haired man had confidently replied, "Of course!" Now, Uzui wondered if Kyojuro would take those words back once the time came to train you. Your stubbornness could be a good quality in certain circumstances—he could see it being valuable in fighting—but right now, it was the bane of his existence. 

You're definitely going to give the Flame Hashira a bit of trouble, he mused to himself.

If he wanted to make progress with you, he'd need to give you some space to cool down and focus on other things. Uzui admitted he had been a bit strict and pushy with your lessons, making you stay up late and practice all day long, repeating the same lessons over and over again. He understood why you were feeling tired and frustrated. However, he had pushed you so hard because he genuinely wanted you to succeed and uncover the answers you were seeking. The expression on your face when you two first met as you shared your worries, expressing your fear of not knowing anything about your past life, had convinced him then and there that he would do everything possible to assist you. Though he wouldn't admit it, he had already grown quite fond of you, feeling a protective instinct as if you were his little sister. He knew you could do this, and he believed that somewhere deep down, you knew you could do it too.

But you had your limits, and it seemed like you had finally reached them for the day.

"Alright, kid," he sighed, rubbing his temples. "We'll try again after a break. Just don't get too comfortable."

You gave a noncommittal shrug, feeling a mix of triumph and guilt. Maybe a break would help you clear your mind and regain some focus. As you stood up to leave, Uzui's voice stopped you.

"And remember, you have people who believe in you. You just need to start believing in yourself."

You paused, his words lingering in your mind as you headed out to find your friends. Finally! You didn't think you could last another minute in there; it felt like either you or Uzui would be sentenced for committing a crime—murder. So, you were relieved to escape the room before things escalated. You weren't going to give up on your lessons. You knew it would be difficult, and since you had asked for it, you were committed. You didn't want to waste all that time and effort for nothing.

You just needed a small break.

As you walked away, you reflected. What Uzui had said held truth; you had come a long way already, and giving up would disappoint not only your friends but also yourself, abandoning your quest for answers since mysteriously arriving here. Staying positive was challenging, but deep down, you knew you could do it, especially with so many amazing people supporting you. Padding down the hall, you craved some fresh air. The gardens beckoned, promising sunshine, gentle breezes, chirping birds, rustling leaves, and... yelling?


Stepping outside, you spotted him shouting up a tree, waving his fists wildly. What the hell is he up to now? You walked closer, curious as to what was going on. He seemed frustrated, ramming his fists against the trunk. You couldn't catch much of what he was saying, so you strained your ears to try and understand, only picking up bits and pieces amid his jumbled words. Although you couldn’t quite make out his rant, you understood snippets—something about a... thing in the tree?

"Ummm… you okay?" you asked tentatively, trying to communicate.

Inosuke paused, glancing at you briefly before resuming his assault on the tree. "No! A damn squirrel stole my nuts!"

You blinked up at the tree and squinted until you spotted a squirrel, then side-eyed Inosuke, unsure of the situation. Did the squirrel do something to provoke him? It wouldn’t surprise you, honestly.

"What?" you asked, puzzled.

"I said a squirrel stole my nuts! If you help me get them back, I'll let you be my number one minion and give you a few of the shiniest ones! C'mon, Bubbles!" Inosuke exclaimed, pointing up the tree.

You hesitated, unsure of his words and intentions. But you had an inkling that the squirrel was indeed involved somehow. As he turned towards you, a wave of apprehension washed over you, and you pondered whether assisting him was the right decision. This situation could go in two directions, with one outcome being more likely than the other, and that outcome probably wouldn't be favorable. He reached for you and you deftly evaded his reaching hands, catching him off guard with your quick movements.

"Stop running around! I'll lift you up, and you can distract it while I take my treasure back!" he persisted, trying to grab hold of you.

"No! Let go," you demanded, your voice rising as he clutched your wrist. "Let go, let go, let go!"

"Are you going to help or not, woman?! Isn't that why you're here?" he snapped, teeth gritted, as he attempted to hoist you up the tree.

Meanwhile, you continued to bat away his hands and squirm. If he was after the squirrel, you refused to assist in harming the harmless critter. Though you weren't opposed to defending yourself from someone with animal-like tendencies! Amidst the struggle, you kept shouting, landing firm smacks on his chest and arms, drawing the attention of a certain blond with impeccable hearing.


Both of you turned toward the source of the scream, spotting Zenitsu sprinting full speed toward you. Inosuke expressed annoyance at his arrival, anticipating complaints about merely being in your presence.

"Go away, Kenichi!"

"That's not my name," Zenitsu snapped, halting abruptly and pointing accusingly. "Why is Y/n-chan yelling?"

"It's none of your business!"

"It is now! I can't ignore a lady in distress. Start explaining what exactly you're trying to do here!"

"I want her to help me get my nuts—"

Zenitsu's brain instantly shut down, losing all composure as he erupted into a frenzy of obscenities. He had stopped listening the moment he heard something that, taken out of context, could be seen as misleading and suggestive. Inosuke, caught off guard, choked on his words and couldn't finish his sentence before Zenitsu attempted to strangle him.


"Agh—! Knock it off, will ya? I just need some help—!"


"Eh, what the—?!"

Their hands clawed at each other, hands grappling at clothing and flesh, and you watched in tense silence. Their frequent clashes no longer surprised you; it was almost anticipated whenever you were in their presence, though the reasons behind their conflicts remained a mystery. Admittedly, you found these situations strangely entertaining, despite the intensity and occasional worry they stirred. But this was perhaps the most heated exchange you had witnessed yet.

Another voice abruptly cut through the screeching and hollering. "What in the world is going on?!"

They froze, caught in their ridiculous tangle, and you struggled to stifle a laugh at the absurdity of their positions. Zenitsu’s palm was pressing against Inosuke’s mask-covered face, his legs wrapped tightly around him, while Inosuke attempted a futile headlock on Zenitsu. It was a comical sight, and you managed to contain your amusement just as Tanjiro appeared, his usually serene expression now marred by a deep frown.

"Tanjiro, thank goodness you're here," Zenitsu exclaimed. "Help me out, we need to teach this pig a lesson!"

"What is it now? Why are you guys fighting again?" Tanjiro asked, his voice tinged with concern and confusion.

Inosuke growled, still struggling to disentangle himself from Zenitsu. "Ask him! He started freaking out for no reason and attacked me!"

"He's been pretending all along that he had no interest in Y/n-chan, but he's a liar and a total slimeball!"

"Huh? What... are you talking about?" Tanjiro asked, utterly bewildered.

"He said something about him and her, and— and..." Zenitsu stuttered, too flustered to articulate clearly, "his... his n-nuts!"

Tanjiro fell silent, his gaze shifting between them before finally settling on you. Judging by your scent, it was clear that you were completely lost in the chaos of their words. Still learning Japanese, you struggled to grasp the situation unfolding before you. From Zenitsu's fragmented explanation, Tanjiro pieced together enough to have a basic understanding of the issue. Yet, he was confident that it was likely just another misunderstanding, a common occurrence among them.

"Zenitsu, I don't think—" Tanjiro began, trying to interject calmly.

"No! I know what I heard! He was trying to do something bad, Tanjiro! You have to believe me!" Zenitsu shouted vehemently, his voice filled with conviction.

Inosuke snarled in frustration. "What's wrong with what I said?! I just want my nuts—"

"Ah! S-Stop talking about your nuts! Show some decency!" Zenitsu cut in sharply. "I'll make your death look like an accident!"

"Zenitsu!” Tanjiro interjected, his hands raised in a placating gesture. “Calm down, please! I think you've completely misunderstood the situation."

"How could I?! You heard him just now!"

"Well, uhh... I think Inosuke just phrased it in a questionable way," Tanjiro trailed off, beginning to feel a little flustered and exasperated. "He must be referring to actual nuts or seeds. Right, Inosuke?"

Inosuke finally managed to push Zenitsu off, looking indignant. "Yeah, there's a squirrel in this tree and it stole my nuts! It's hiding them somewhere," he shouted, pointing at you. "She's going to be my minion and distract it while I get them back!"

Zenitsu stood there, his wide eyes blinking in disbelief. "Are you joking...?"

"Huh? No. Are you deaf or what?" Inosuke retorted, his tone as blunt as ever.

"No, I can hear practically everything—but seriously, you can't tell me that's what you were talking about!?"

"Yeah, of course it is! What else would I be talking about, Big Ears?"


"Why are you all quiet now? You were just—"

"I-It's nothing, let's just forget about this!" Zenitsu interjected nervously, laughter tinged with relief and embarrassment bubbling up.

Thank the Gods nothing serious was going on, but now he felt foolish. Perhaps he had been too quick to react without fully understanding what Inosuke was trying to convey. But in his defense, Inosuke's communication skills were notoriously terrible—anyone could have misunderstood him in that situation. Zenitsu quickly took off, unable to bear the embarrassment, leaving the three of you standing dumbfounded. Inosuke grumbled to himself, annoyed and confused, while Tanjiro sighed deeply.  Why did he feel like a mother dealing with delinquent children?

One day, he thought ruefully, he might actually lose all of his patience with these antics.

Once things calmed down Inosuke attempted to broach the subject with Tanjiro, curious about what Zenitsu had been rambling about. However, Tanjiro swiftly shut down the line of questioning, feeling his cheeks flush at the mere thought of explaining it to Inosuke. He was usually open to discussing almost anything, even sensitive topics like menstrual cycles, but this particular conversation was one he wasn't prepared to entertain with Inosuke—at least not now, and perhaps... most likely, never. In truth, Tanjiro didn't possess extensive knowledge on the matter anyway.

Despite growing up in a remote area and having a sheltered upbringing, he wasn't entirely ignorant though. Overhearing conversations in the village and during his travels had exposed him to some aspects of adolescent curiosity and male banter. But still, discussing such intimate details with Inosuke was out of the question. Tanjiro made a hasty excuse and departed, leaving Inosuke to his own devices. Before leaving, he cautioned Inosuke about the dangers of climbing trees in pursuit of squirrels and the "stolen nuts," as Inosuke had colorfully put it earlier.

After Tanjiro departed, Inosuke somehow persuaded you to join him in climbing the tree—or more accurately, he hoisted you up with wild laughter, then followed suit. At first, you assumed his aim was to catch the squirrel, but to your astonishment, Inosuke veered off to another part of the tree while you contended with the irate critter lunging at your fingers, fending it off with a small stick. Meanwhile, Inosuke was on a mission of his own, scouring through the branches until he located what he sought—a clutch of acorns nestled in a small hole in the trunk of the tree. Hastily grabbing them, he swiftly descended and yanked you off the limb, rescuing you from the clutches of the belligerent, furry assailant.

This wasn't quite how you imagined spending your afternoon break from Japanese lessons, but it certainly proved to be memorable and took your mind off things.

Initially surprised by the unexpected turn of events, you soon realized it was quintessentially Inosuke to get into a scuffle with a squirrel over acorns. When he proudly displayed his small collection of acorns to you, you couldn't resist pelting him with the acorns for pulling you into such a ludicrous escapade. Despite a hint of exasperation at Inosuke's impulsive antics, you found yourself begrudgingly enjoying the absurdity of it all. Unfazed by your attack, Inosuke good-naturedly endured your acorn barrage until he eventually scooped you up and unceremoniously tossed you into a nearby bush. You couldn't help but emit a mock huff of annoyance laced with laughter as you watched him dash off triumphantly clutching his prized acorns.

Later in the evening, seeking solace after the chaotic afternoon, you made your way to Nezuko's room. With a gentle knock, you were promptly welcomed inside by Nezuko, who pulled you into the serene space. The once-shuttered windows were now open, inviting in the moonlight and a cool evening breeze that gently stirred the room. You couldn't help but smile as Nezuko enveloped you in a comforting embrace, her cool touch a stark contrast to your warmth, a reminder of her unique nature as a demon. Patting her soft hair, you shared a tender moment with Nezuko as she looked up at you with bright, gleaming eyes.

"Nice night, Nezuko-chan!" you exclaimed with a wide grin.

Nezuko's brow furrowed slightly at your Japanese, your pronunciation causing a momentary confusion. However, she quickly grasped your meaning and responded with an enthusiastic cheer, humming a soft praise for your effort once she understood your message.


Feeling a bit self-conscious, you couldn't help but notice Nezuko's initial reaction to your speech and realized your minor mistake. However, you gently reminded yourself that making mistakes was simply part of the learning process. It might be a little embarrassing at first, but it was perfectly okay to stumble while learning something new. With supportive friends like Nezuko and others around you, there was nothing to fear. Despite your nerves, you pushed past the momentary embarrassment and continued to engage in a small conversation with her, despite her inability to speak.

"Ummm, how... are you? Do you... having a good time?" you asked, stumbling a bit over the words.

Nezuko's warm smile and cheerful nod in response to your question reassured you, interpreting her gestures as a positive affirmation that she was happy and understood you, despite your imperfect speech. Yet, a lingering doubt crept in—perhaps she was just being supportive, even if what you had said didn't quite make sense. The thought nagged at you briefly, especially knowing she couldn't correct your Japanese, but you chose to dismiss the worry, choosing to focus on the warmth of the moment and Nezuko's evident happiness. As Nezuko's attention shifted, you turned to find Tanjiro standing at her door, his eyes widening slightly in surprise at your presence. Despite growing closer to Nezuko and frequently visiting each other's rooms, Tanjiro hadn't anticipated seeing you here tonight, knowing you usually spent your evenings practicing Japanese with Uzui ever since you began your lessons.

"Hey, Nezuko," Tanjiro greeted warmly, a soft smile gracing his lips as he waved at you. "How are you, Y/n-san?"

It took a moment for his words to sink in, but once they did, you couldn't help but grin. Slowly but surely, your understanding of Japanese was improving, and moments like this were encouraging signs of your progress. Although you could understand people, especially when they spoke slowly, speaking it yourself still posed some difficulty.

"Oh, ummm... I'm good, Tanjiro-chan!" you exclaimed excitedly, feeling a surge of satisfaction at being able to engage in conversation, despite your still-developing language skills. Pointing outside Nezuko's window, you drew attention to the beautiful evening sky as stars began to dot the expanse. "It's a... uhh, pretty morning!" you added, stumbling slightly over your words.

Tanjiro's smile turned lopsided, finding your speech endearing. You had mixed up your words and said "morning" instead of "evening" or "night." He could see the progress you had made in learning Japanese, noting warmly how you now tried incorporating honorifics (even if they weren't entirely the correct ones), which added a charming touch despite your occasional mispronunciations and grammar mistakes. You still had a long way to go, but he believed in your potential to become proficient in Japanese, given how quickly you seemed to grasp new concepts. He admired your determination and enthusiasm for learning, often taking opportunities to help you practice. Tanjiro knew that with dedication and persistence, your language skills would continue to improve, allowing you to communicate more fluently and confidently over time.

Tanjiro smiled softly, his eyes reflecting fondness as he glanced at the starlit sky you had eagerly pointed out. "It's actually evening, Y/n-san," he gently corrected, his tone warm and encouraging. "But you're right, it is beautiful."

Embarrassment tinged your cheeks momentarily, but you quickly brushed it off with a sheepish grin. "Oh! Evening, right," you laughed softly at your mistake, appreciating Tanjiro's patient correction. "Thank you, Tanjiro-chan!"

Tanjiro chuckled softly, unable to ignore the suffix you had added to his name any longer. "Chan...?"

The suffix was typically used for younger girls or as an affectionate term, which didn't particularly bother him. While not necessarily incorrect—since it could be used for anyone—he found it amusing to be addressed in such a manner, given its uncommon use. However, you couldn't help the blush spreading across your cheeks as he questioned it. You made a mental note to improve your memorization of the correct times of day and honorifics when speaking to people. Mistakes were bound to happen, especially when learning a new language, but fortunately, your friends were understanding and supportive, which helped alleviate your embarrassment... if only a little.

Noticing your expression, he reassured you and spoke slowly to help you understand. "It's okay! 'Chan' is just... a little unusual to hear. Most people use 'San' or 'Kun' for boys or men, depending on their relationship and age. 'San' is more formal, while 'Kun' is more friendly."

You slowly processed his words, and once it all sank in, you nodded hastily. "Ohhh, o-okay! Sorry... um, Tanjiro-kun. Got it! I'll... remember."

Tanjiro smiled warmly at your effort to correct yourself and learn. "You're doing great, don't worry too much about it."

Embarrassment slowly fading, you returned his smile gratefully. Nezuko suddenly grabbed your hand and tugged, pulling you over to her bed. She urged you to sit as she hopped over to a small dresser and retrieved a brush. You laughed, knowing exactly what she wanted to do now that you were here and had her attention once again. Sitting together on her bed, you both began brushing each other's hair. Tanjiro watched for a while before deciding to leave so as not to intrude, as he had originally come to check on Nezuko to make sure she was still doing well. Clearly, she was doing just fine, and with you around, she appeared more than happy to have a friend to bond with. With a small smile, he turned away to walk out of the room but stopped when you suddenly called out to him.


He paused and faced you again, blinking owlishly as he waited for you to continue speaking. "Hm?"

"Have a good night," you said more confidently, smiling sweetly. "Sleep well!"

The warm smile you had grown accustomed to slowly settled on his features, now with a curious sort of softness that caught Nezuko's eye. She looked between the two of you, tilting her head when she noticed the subtle shift in the atmosphere. Something felt different, and she couldn't quite figure out why. Nezuko had seen Tanjiro smile warmly before, especially when he was around his friends and family, but tonight there was an added gentleness, a quiet affection in his gaze as he interacted with you.

"Good night," Tanjiro replied in a quiet voice, then his eyes shifted to Nezuko. "You too, Nezuko! Sweet dreams."


Nezuko watched as Tanjiro hesitated at the doorway, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than usual. It was as if he was seeing something new, something that sparked a gentle fondness in his eyes. With a small, thoughtful frown, Nezuko glanced back at you, silently acknowledging the effect you seemed to have on her brother. After he left, you noticed she was staring at you from the corner of your eye with a thoughtful expression, leaning forward slightly to observe you more closely. You chuckled softly, wondering what might be on her mind. Had you said something wrong? Did you look funny, or perhaps smell strange?

Shrugging inwardly, you dismissed your concerns, deciding it wasn't too important as Nezuko soon returned to her task, humming softly.

Both of you continued brushing and attempting to style each other's hair, giggling quietly into the night. You spent quite some time at it before deciding to read a book with Nezuko. It was a good opportunity to practice your comprehension and pronunciation skills, and she seemed more than happy to sit with you and listen as you read aloud, even though it was likely boring. Engrossed in your time together, you didn't realize just how late it had gotten until you were suddenly startled awake by Uzui banging on your door. You had gone to your own room at some point with the intention of getting some sleep, but it felt like you had only closed your eyes for a few minutes.

"Rise and shine, kid!"

Your eyes slowly peeled open, and you grumbled at his loud voice, your head feeling heavy. "Nooo... five more hours..."

Even in your exhausted state, you could still sort of understand him as he spoke in Japanese. Wow, you were doing great! You seriously needed to congratulate yourself, but you were too tired to keep your eyes open for more than five seconds.

"What?" He banged on the door again. "Get up, lazy bones! We've got work to do!"

"Just… do it tomorrow..." you slurred, struggling to keep your eyes open.

"Do it tomorrow?" He switched to English when you weren't responsive. "I thought you weren't a slacker!? Where's all that talk now?"

"I don’t understand you, you're speaking too fast! I'm too... tired..."

"Why are you so tired?" he huffed and sighed. "What did you do yesterday? I told you to have fun, not wear yourself out even more!"

"Umm... I guess I stayed up really late with Nezuko..."

He sighed again, trying to sound stern, but there was no real bite to it. "Alright, I'll give you another day, but then it's back to cramming all the information you can into that little brain of yours, got it? Don't stay up again, kid!"

"Uh-huh... now, go away and let me sleep!"

"Chīsai gaki," he grumbled, just loud enough for you to hear.

You would have kicked his ass (not really) for calling you a "little brat" if you had the energy, but you didn't. Instead, you managed a faint chuckle at his affectionate grumble, knowing he meant well despite his gruff manner. Tengen's concern for your well-being was evident, even if he expressed it through teasing and tough love. As he finally left you to rest, you closed your eyes gratefully, a satisfied smirk playing on your face as you snuggled back in, instantly falling back asleep.

The next two weeks passed by in a similar fashion. You and the boys had random mini adventures, goofed off, hung out with Nezuko, and sometimes stayed up late studying—or not, depending on the night. On this particular day, you woke up later than usual, around noon, and groggily made your way to the dining room where your friends were already eating lunch. They greeted you as you joined them, slouching over in your still exhausted state. You had stayed up late with Nezuko again, evident from the messy bun she had creatively put your hair into last night, now unraveling with strands falling all over your face.

"What the hell beat her up? She looks awful," Inosuke remarked.

"Inosuke!" Tanjiro hissed, glaring at him.

Inosuke shrugged. "What?"

Zenitsu observed you leaning over, chin resting in your hand as your eyes drooped, slowly blinking, and he giggled at how adorable you looked while sleepy. "She looks fine to me~"

"Hah? Are you blind? She looks like she got chewed up by a rabid dog!" Inosuke scoffed, threatening to throw a rice ball at Zenitsu's head but refraining when Tanjiro's glare intensified.

"No! She looks perfect," Zenitsu snapped, wincing when his own voice startled you, causing you to bang your knee on the table.

Concerned, Zenitsu checked on you, lightly prodding your knee and sighing in relief when you didn't seem to be injured. You groaned and slowly started to move, reaching for a plate, but you lacked energy, prompting Zenitsu to serve you food himself. He grabbed a bit of everything and set the plate in front of you, watching as you started eating, albeit with a few pieces falling as you brought them up to your mouth. He pursed his lips, finding it almost painful to watch you struggle, and had to stop himself from feeding you by hand. Just as that thought crossed his mind, he perked up with a tiny smile and bit his lip. After Tanjiro finished eating and cleaned up, leaving you three alone, Zenitsu finally took the initiative to help you.

"Y/n-chan, here, let me. I'll do it for you," he cooed, grabbing the food and bringing it up to your lips.

You didn't object and actually opened your mouth, which caused Zenitsu to bounce in glee as he was allowed to feed you. He eagerly scooted closer to do it properly, carefully giving you the food until Inosuke's hand suddenly slammed into your food, grabbing a handful and shoving it in your face.

"Here, eat this!" Inosuke exclaimed.

Zenitsu gasped and blocked his hand. "What are you doing?!"

"What does it look like I’m doing?!!"

"Trying to suffocate her!"

"No! I’m helping my minion eat, since she apparently can't do it herself!"

"No way! You're too rough and messy! This is a job for someone like me."

“Whiny and annoying?"

"What—? NO! Someone who knows how to actually take care of a lady," Zenitsu huffed.

"How can you do that when you can't even take care of yourself…"

"I take care of myself!"

"Then why did you only drink one cup of that gross medicine this morning? That one scary girl said you have to drink two of them now or you won't get better in time."

Zenitsu gave him a death glare. "Shut it! I was going to drink the other one… after this meal..."

Inosuke grunted, rolling his eyes and went back to eating his own food, seeming to forget what he was doing before. The rest of you finished lunch, and you finally had a bit more energy than before, but you continued to lean on the table and watched as Zenitsu cleaned up after himself. You gave him a grateful smile when he unconsciously began to wipe at your face, making sure you were clean and had no food left over from Inosuke's earlier antics of shoving food at your face. He was focused, but when you quietly giggled at his concentrated face, he met your eyes and his ears burned, his heart pounded, and his stomach flipped. He hadn't really thought about it when he started wiping your face and mouth, but now he couldn't stop thinking about just how close you were—your pretty eyes and perfect lips…

"Thank you, Zenitsu-kun!"

Zenitsu's brain short-circuits, his jaw going slack as he stares at you when you express your gratitude for his thoughtful gesture and help in making sure you were clean. Oh no, your slight accent and pronunciation were beyond adorable, too! He might die from a heart attack!

'So... cute...!'

He looks away and stutters, hastily grabbing your plate and rushing out to clean them as well, needing to distract himself and cool down. Inosuke leans back but quickly sits forward again, reaching behind him to grab something. He forgot he had gathered even more acorns today and left them in his pants, so he takes them out and sets them on the table to admire them and show them off to you one by one. You chuckle a little at how goofy he truly is, especially with his newfound hobby of collecting acorns. What a strange man.

It's funny to think that you used to be somewhat scared of him.

You pick up one of the shiniest acorns, liking its color, but immediately drop it because you don't want Inosuke to get mad at you for touching it without permission. He had unpredictable moods, and you never knew what could set him off. Even though you weren't scared of him anymore, you still didn't want to deal with his yelling or potential wrestling. You dealt with that enough as it is. Surprisingly, he shoves the acorn back into your hand without even glancing at you and resumes looking at his other acorns, observing them with narrowed eyes and discarding the uglier, smaller ones. You don't comment on it, planning to pick them up and throw them out later—not like you could reprimand him for it anyways. Zenitsu comes back and yelps when an acorn is thrown in his direction, hitting his forehead.

This leads to another argument, but you stop them before an acorn war breaks out.

"No! Fight outside!"  

You point towards the door and place your hands on your hips, smirking when they actually listen and leave. Well, Zenitsu didn’t go willingly, as Inosuke eagerly dragged him out when he heard the words “fight” and “outside.” The rest of the day goes as expected and try to go to bed early because you know Uzui would be on your case if you didn't study again—you had skipped today. The next morning, you wake up feeling a lot better after getting plenty of sleep, ready to study. A couple of hours pass, and Uzui quizzes you on everything you've learned so far. You give yourself a pat on the back when you do fairly well in remembering a lot of it. Uzui praises you genuinely for doing a good job afterward, without any sarcasm. You're slowly but surely getting the hang of it! He lets you take a break for the day but requests that you still try to speak as much Japanese as possible when talking to anyone. You agree and end up crossing paths with Mitsuri.

"Oh, Y/n-chan, I'm so glad I found you," she squeals happily.

It seems she was looking for you. You can't fully question her yet, as you still struggle with speaking at times, but you can ask how she's doing, as that is very simple.

"Hello! How are you, Mitsuri-san?" you ask politely. 

Her face lights up, but she scrunches it a little. "Oh, just call me Mitsuri; there's no need to be formal, Y/n-chan. We're friends!"

"Oh! Okay, yeah..." you pause and try again with a small smile, "How are you, Mitsuri?"

"I'm great! And you're speaking in Japanese? Good job!" Mitsuri praised you.

"Yes, thank you. I'm... ummm, practice?" you replied, trying to express that you were still learning.

"You're practicing," she corrected, then giggled and gently squeezed your cheeks. "Oh, you're just so cute, Y/n-chan! I'll help you practice, okay? What do you know so far?"

"Yes, practicing. Thank you," you chuckled. "I know... umm, the basics."

"I see! So, can you understand me very well?"

You thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes... a little."

"Oh, that's good! Are you trying to only speak Japanese right now?"

"Yes. Uzui-sama… ummm," you paused and sighed when you couldn't find the exact words in Japanese, quickly switching back to English. "Uzui told me to do it because he wants me to get better at it. I've improved, but I still mix things up and make a lot of mistakes. I can understand you guys for the most part, especially when you speak slowly, but when it comes to speaking... ughhh—! It’s still really difficult!"

"Oh, I see! And you mean Uzui-sensei," Mitsuri corrected once again, her hand covering her mouth as she giggled. "Sama is for people of... uhhh, higher status—such as deities, guests, and customers. Sensei is used for teachers as well as people who are experts in their respective fields, like doctors, artists, or other professions."

Your brain momentarily struggled to keep up with her as she quickly switched between English and Japanese, but you managed to understand what she said after slowly working it out. You laughed a little, imagining Uzui's reaction if you were to call him “Uzui-sama.” He already had a big ego as a self-proclaimed “God”, and you didn't want to inflate it further.

"Are you excited to begin your training?" Mitsuri asked, changing the topic to your upcoming training.

You look at Mitsuri, feeling a mixture of dread and excitement. "Oh, yeah..."

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Mhm… just nervous?" you admit hesitantly.

She smiles and takes you into her arms, swinging you around. "Don't worry, Y/n-chan! Rengoku-san is an incredible person! He’s a Hashira for a reason, he will be an amazing teacher."

"I know... but, umm…” you trail off, unsure of how to express your feelings.

"Hmmm? Are you scared of him?" Mitsuri guesses, interpreting your silence as a yes. "I admit, he does appear intimidating, but Rengoku-san is very kind, so there's no need to be frightened!"

You are intimidated, but there's more to it than just that. You can already tell that he's not someone you necessarily need to fear, despite his rank, skills, and power. You know they're all far superior, and the difference is indeed daunting. However, what makes you even more nervous is his striking attractiveness. You realize that you'll likely have to spend a lot of time around him, which adds to your nervousness. His sharp, intense gaze, easy smile, and lively attitude all contribute to your feelings of being overwhelmed.

Life has thrown you quite a few curveballs.

First, losing your memories and ending up in a foreign land. Then, learning about and facing man-eating monsters. And now, encountering a group of incredibly strong (and good-looking) individuals. Your heart feels fragile, and you can't shake the feeling that you'll end up falling in love with one or all of them. However, you quickly push those thoughts aside, reminding yourself to focus on your studies and training.

"Thank you, Mitsuri," you finally mumble after a moment of silence, lost in your thoughts.

"Of course! Now, I came looking for you because I wanted to show you something," she chirps excitedly, grabbing your hand. "Since you were accepted, we immediately made a special request for you..."

A request?

For what?

You follow Mitsuri with curiosity, wondering what awaits you next in this unpredictable journey. She moves so quickly that you have to hasten your steps to keep pace, lest you risk stumbling and being pulled along like a ragdoll. She leads you outside, breezing past your friends whose eyes all trail after her, until their curiosity piques, prompting them to tag along. Upon reaching the front gate, she releases your hand and turns to you with a wide grin, lightly bouncing on the balls of her feet. You glance around, puzzled as to why she brought you out here. Your friends shuffle about, scanning the area with confusion evident when they find nothing of note. 

Then, from a distance along the dirt path, a figure approaches, drawing your attention with their strange mask that's eerier than Inosuke's boar-head...

The figure finally joins your group, standing rigidly upright and speaking slowly. "Good afternoon, I am here to deliver this to a young woman. Is Y/n-san here?"

Mitsuri steps aside and gestures towards you. He nods and steps forward, bowing forward politely. Your eyes widen in realization that this man was here for you and he was holding a fairly big, wooden box. He brought something for you? You glance at your friends, seeing the boys' curious and wide-eyed expressions, while Mitsuri hides behind a hand, barely containing her excitement. You step forward, and the man slowly presents the box to you, which you carefully accept.

"What… is this?" you inquire.

"Open it, Y/n-chan! Let's see," Mitsuri urges.

You nod and open the box, revealing a beautiful, sleek blade that captures everyone's attention.

Zenitsu is the first to speak up. "W-Wait, what’s going on? Why is Y/n-chan receiving a Nichirin sword?"

"She's a Corps member now," Mitsuri explains, turning to him and looking surprised when your friends all gasp. "Is something wrong?"


"Since she started her lessons with Uzui-san…?" 

They all turn to you, but you pay them no mind, still lost in your thoughts as you admire the weapon. They fall silent again as you lift the blade from the box, extending your arm to hold it out in the light and slowly turning it around to get a good look. It appears plain except for the hilt, which is masterfully carved with intricate details of wisteria flowers, the sun, and the moon on each side. Inosuke almost reaches out to touch it before Zenitsu's hand smacks it away; surprisingly, Inosuke doesn't react, too focused on what's in front of him, much like the others.

"Now, let's see what color it will become," the masked man says. "I do hope to see it turn red! A stunning blue, or perhaps a vibrant purple would also be delightful to see."

The boys look at him in confusion for a moment. They've just learned that you're a Demon Slayer Corps member now, but surely you haven't begun training yet. The swords only react to those who have experience and are prepared to wield them. You don't possess any skills, knowledge of breathing techniques, or anything of the sort as far as they know. The swordsmith must also be unaware of your current situation, so he's bound to be disappointed when he finds out you're still very new and the color likely won’t change.

You hold the blade closer, almost bringing it to your chest, a strange sensation taking over as you focus on it. Everything grows quiet, all sounds vanishing as a ringing begins. The blade feels warm yet cold to the touch, a strange burning and numbing sensation creeping up your hand and arm. It shoots out, enveloping your entire body, causing you to slightly tremble as everyone watches in astonishment. The blade starts to glow, growing brighter and brighter until it's so intense that everyone has to shield their eyes. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the brightness vanishes as if being sucked back in. The blade returns to its normal, dull self, but they all continue to stare in shock, their gazes falling back on you. Unaware of the mixed expressions of wonder and growing fear on their faces, you stand almost frozen, your eyes blank and unmoving.

Your body involuntarily starts to fold over, but you manage to catch yourself with the help of a few hands, surrounded by the worried voices of your friends.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay?!" an anxious voice called out, sounding muffled. 

Another voice cut in, with worry lacing the blunt tone. "Woah, what the hell was that!? Hey, what's going on with Bubbles?" 

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed another person. 

What was happening to you?

Everything was so loud… yet quiet. You couldn't feel or see anything, but you were still aware of everything happening around you. 

It was like being far away, watching everything from a distance.

"Y/n-chan, please breathe," a voice urged gently, though it sounded strained. "Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Can you hear us?"  

The strange feelings slowly faded away, and everything started to come back. It was barely noticeable, but you could sense hands holding you up, caressing your back, shoulders, and arms soothingly as you returned from the strange empty state you were in. Like a cord snapping, you released the breath you didn't realize you were holding, gasping as the air rushed into your burning lungs. Your eyes watered as you blinked rapidly, regaining your ability to move. You felt weak and heavy, slipping from their holds, but they caught you and settled you down on the ground, anxiously hovering over you as you panted and tried to catch your breath. 

"In all my years... never have I seen something quite like that," the masked man spoke, mystified. "All of you, please, report any other changes she and her blade may go through—I wish to find out what this means. This is... extraordinary!"

Mitsuri looked at him, her expression serious, but she nodded in agreement before directing all of her attention back into making sure you were okay. The man quickly left, and everyone slowly calmed down as your breathing became steady again. Your eyes were still a bit unfocused, but you were more aware, your fingers twitching by your side as you tried to grasp something. Fingers reached out, sliding into yours and grasping your hand firmly, grounding you in its gentle warmth. Your gaze bounced around, catching their worried but somewhat relieved expressions. Mitsuri and Zenitsu's eyes were glassy, their smiles wobbly, and their voices strained as they coaxed you back up.

"Y/n-chan, I was so worried! How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Mitsuri rapid-fired, smothering you in her arms.

You tried to speak but couldn't at first, and she released you, urging you to keep trying. It took a few tries, but your mouth didn't feel dry anymore, your tongue no longer feeling like a weight. 

"I'm… I think I’m okay," you croaked out.

"Thank goodness! Y/n-chan, that was so scary," Zenitsu cried out, throwing himself to your side and holding your waist tightly as he buried his face in your shoulder, his bottom lip trembling. "I thought you were dying or something! Don’t scare us like that ever again!"

He sniffled, pulling back as Tanjiro’s face then came into view. You realized now that he was the one who had grabbed your hand and was still holding it. You squeezed, feeling his grasp become a little tighter as well, his troubled expression slowly slipping away.

“I’m so relieved to see that you appear to be fine,” Tanjiro says softly, with furrowed brows. “But maybe you should go see Kocho-san?”

"What the hell was that!?"

Inosuke, who had been hanging back, finally came closer, his voice dangerously low as he pushed Tanjiro and Zenitsu aside. They both squawked as they fell over, but their protests were ignored. Everyone stared at him and at your sword, their eyes bouncing back and forth between Inosuke and the blade lying on the ground. Inosuke pointed at the sword, growling angrily.

"It looked like it possessed her or something! I'll break that damn cursed blade into a thousand pieces for messing with my minion!"

Zenitsu quickly stood up and grabbed Inosuke, restraining him. "No, Inosuke! I don't think the sword was trying to do anything—I mean, it's not like it can think or do anything! But… it is strange..."

"You're telling me! That thing was brighter than the damn sun—I almost went blind!"

"But doesn't your mask help protect your eyes?" Zenitsu asked, puzzled.

"I said it was brighter than the sun," Inosuke reiterated, clearly agitated.

Tanjiro knelt back down, helping you up and keeping you close to his side to ensure you wouldn't fall. You managed a small smile, feeling grateful for his and everyone else's support. That experience was beyond strange—it was possibly the most terrifying thing you'd ever encountered, besides demons. It was an unfamiliar sensation, like being aware of everything yet feeling nothing at all, as if trapped in a state of limbo. You couldn't quite articulate it, but it left you shaken. You didn't understand what had transpired or why, but one thing was certain, especially if what that masked man said was any indication: this was something extraordinary, and it had to hold some sort of significant meaning.

Whether it was good or bad remained unknown, and the unknown… was terrifying to say the least.

And those feelings you had when you first woke up here and met your friends, they were now crashing into you with great intensity. They reminded you that something important was still there, a sense of purpose quietly present like the ebb and flow of the ocean, waiting for an unknown force to unleash it like a massive tidal wave and sweep you away. You were here for a reason, and all these people around you were significant in their own ways.

"I think... I need to lie down," you finally say after a while, exhaustion consuming you.

Mitsuri nodded and conveyed your message, prompting the boys to gather around and assist you back to the mansion and into your room. Meanwhile, Mitsuri carefully picked up your blade, which had been left behind, and placed it back in its box before following suit. Two days had passed, and you were still unconscious. The boys checked on you constantly, and Shinobu had started making more frequent visits due to the mysterious circumstances surrounding your current condition, which had clearly affected you deeply. She prohibited the boys from entering as she conducted tests, but despite her efforts, nothing suspicious or alarming surfaced—all readings remained within normal parameters. This left Shinobu perplexed and somewhat frustrated; there had to be something larger at play, yet everything appeared fine medically.

It was a relief that there seemed to be no serious illness afflicting you, but it was unsettling knowing that something was indeed wrong, albeit not within your own body. She realized that whatever it was would need to run its course, as there was little to nothing she could do without a clear diagnosis. On the third day, everyone grew increasingly agitated, uneasy, and restless as they awaited any sign of your recovery. It wasn't until dusk approached that you finally stirred awake. Your heart beat heavily in your chest, making you acutely aware of its rhythm as you took slow, deep breaths. Although you weren't necessarily scared at the moment, you also weren't entirely calm—it was an odd sensation. While you could wiggle your fingers and toes, your eyes remained shut, and you let out a soft sigh.

Suddenly, your door burst open, and Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke rushed in, their excitement palpable despite their attempts at being somewhat quiet, which weren't very successful.

"Zenitsu, watch out!"

‘That's Tanjiro's voice…’

"She's awake! I heard it! Hurry!"

‘There’s Zenitsu…’

"Finally! Took her long enough to recover!"

‘And Inosuke…’

They all rushed over to your bed, their eyes wide and bodies practically vibrating with a mix of emotions as they impatiently hovered around you.

"Y/n-chan, I heard you! You're awake, right? Please say something," Zenitsu pleaded, his bottom lip jutting out as he knelt beside you and grasped your hand tightly.

You couldn't speak, but your fingers twitched, subtly wrapping around his, eliciting a gasp from him as he pulled your hand closer. Tears welled up in his eyes as he quietly teared up, pressing his cheek against your hand. Tanjiro swiftly took hold of your other hand and wrapped both of his hands around it, squeezing gently.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay? " he murmured. "We were all so worried about you."

You struggle to utter a single word, unable to respond. All you can manage is a faint noise escaping your throat. You attempt once more to move and open your eyes, feeling a wave of relief wash over you as you slowly succeed in your efforts. They reassure you to take your time, and after a few moments, you manage to sit all the way up and finally meet their eyes. Zenitsu's eyes were red and his nose runny as he sniffled and tried to compose himself. Tanjiro's expression was solemn yet gentle, while Inosuke stood in the background, hunched over in a brooding manner.

"Hey guys, thanks for showing up…" you squeaked out. “I’m okay. Just… really tired. That was weird, huh?”

Zenitsu immediately starts crying again, burying his face into your comforter. You reach over and pat his head gently, which seems to make him cry even more as he holds onto your hand tightly. You smile sadly, your heart tugging at the sight—he could be such a sweet and sensitive soul. You didn't intend to cause such worry, but you also knew it wasn't your fault for whatever had happened. All that mattered was everything was fine, at least for now.

"Quit your blubbering," Inosuke snapped at Zenitsu, his voice strained with irritation. "It's not like she died!"

"I know! I'm just so relieved she's okay. I was scared, okay?!" Zenitsu crawled up to your side, disregarding everything else as he attached himself to you, trying not to smother you. "Y/n-chaaaan~!"

"Hey, I thought I told you to be careful," Tanjiro said sharply, though his tone lacked any real edge.

He sat down on the other side and smiled when you looked at him with a grin of your own. His smile widened when you opened your arms, and both he and Zenitsu moved in for a hug, while Inosuke stubbornly kept his distance and pretended to ignore you. However, when you looked at him with your innocent gaze and encouraged him to come closer, calling out to him, he reluctantly shuffled over. After a much-needed group hug, you all parted ways when Shinobu walked in.

"Good, I see that you're finally awake!" She smiled but furrowed her brow, switching to English. "Oh, my apologies!"

"It's okay," you replied in Japanese. "I've been learning. I need… practice."

She nodded, her eyes crinkling slightly. "Very well, then! I'm glad to see you're up. You were out for three days. I ran some tests, but everything appears to be normal, so you should be fine. Though, I must say, from what I had heard about the situation, I would still be cautious. I suggest you rest for another day, just to be sure."

You nodded slowly as you listened to her speak. So, you were fine... but the mystery of what happened to you, and why it had happened, bothered you greatly. You didn't want to experience that again, but you definitely wanted to understand what it meant and how it would affect you or those around you. You try to remember what the masked man had said after delivering the sword to you. From what you could recall, he had mentioned wanting to see what color it would change to, but your sword didn’t change colors—it glowed. You’ve seen your friends’ swords, and they were all different colors, which obviously meant something. However, you still didn't know the significance of those colors, but perhaps you would find out during your training. And maybe you would also figure out why your sword glowed instead of changing colors.

But then a thought struck you—after what had happened, would they still allow you to remain as a member of the organization?

"My sword…?!"

Shinobu tilted her head to the side, her pointer finger raised. "Ah, yes, your sword is safe and being kept with Rengoku-san. He will hold onto it until you are ready to begin training and handle it. In the meantime, your training with him will focus on hand-to-hand combat and using a substitute weapon. Uzui-san has also mentioned that you're free to take some time off from your lessons, should you need it, in light of the odd events that have taken place."

"Oh, okay. That’s good to know. Thank you..." you replied softly.

She nodded and turned to your group of friends. "Alright, it's time to let Y/n-san rest," she announced with a smile as she clapped her hands. "Get moving!"

"Huh? But she just woke up…!" Inosuke grumbled.

Reluctantly, they all shuffled off, waving goodbye as they left with their heads down, giving you the space to rest. You lay back down, staring at the ceiling and letting out a sigh. While you were tired, you didn't feel tired enough to sleep. Your mind was still racing with thoughts. You were grateful that you hadn't been dismissed from the Corps, but you knew you had to find answers as soon as possible, lest something terrible happens if you continue to remain clueless of the mysteries surrounding you. You outwardly groaned, palms rubbing over your eyes in mild frustration. You couldn't afford to miss more Japanese lessons with Uzui.

You had already missed three days (not including the few times you had skipped), and falling behind would make it challenging to understand people—especially your other mentor, Rengoku—and keep up with your friends once they resumed their training. You needed to begin your demon slaying training as soon as possible! Your friends were already far ahead of you, but you were determined to catch up or at least stay somewhat on par with them, otherwise you’d be left behind.

That… can not happen.

Turning your head, you gazed out of the window, fixating on the rising moon. There was something nagging at the back of your mind, but it eluded your comprehension, fading away as you continued to ponder deeply.

It had been a month and a half since you started your lessons with Uzui, and while you were still far from mastering the language, you had improved significantly. Your vocabulary and comprehension had expanded, allowing you to understand others better and speak more fluently, even if it was somewhat limited to the basics. When you struggled, you seamlessly switched between the languages, substituting words as needed. You’ve been studying as much as possible and Uzui had left you alone for the most part, but whenever he was around and feeling particularly mischievous, he made sure to get on your nerves. From the beginning, you knew Uzui was a troublemaker, but his antics became even more apparent as you spent more time around him. He always seemed to be instigating something, whether it was with you, entirely alone, or with your friends. 

And today, he had left you alone in order to torment poor Zenitsu.

"Hey, Shrimpy! Have you asked the girl out yet?" Uzui's teasing voice cut through the air, causing Zenitsu to tense up.

'Just keep walking… don’t let him get to you!' Zenitsu repeated to himself mentally.

Zenitsu had just returned from a small physical check-up to assess his healing, so he wasn't exactly in the mood to tolerate Uzui's antics at the moment. However, the Sound Hashira had a knack for getting under his skin, no matter the circumstance. Ever since Uzui found out about Zenitsu's feelings for you, he had been targeting him relentlessly, pestering him about making a move, which Zenitsu hadn't done yet. Despite his internal struggles, Zenitsu managed to hold back from expressing his affections openly, even surprising himself. He wasn't sure if you were aware of his feelings. Perhaps you had interpreted his previous gestures as something friendly or joking, especially since you didn’t speak or understand Japanese when you first met.

He wasn’t that great at flirting either, so it was very likely you were completely unaware. But it was fine. He didn’t mind all that much. He could be patient, and ever since Zenitsu had come to realize that he genuinely likes you—that he wasn’t just infatuated by your looks and he didn’t want to be with you out of desperation to not be alone—he’s become more serious about pursuing a romantic relationship with you. He was less eager and more… thoughtful in his approaches now. But he can’t help but wonder if he was already failing. Finding a healthy balance between making his intentions known, yet being understanding and respectful of your comfort and feelings, was a lot harder than he had initially thought.

He hopes that you’ll see his efforts and reciprocate his feelings, but he has held back so much that he worries you might not ever notice his shift from friendly banter to genuine affection and attempts at courtship.

He curses himself silently for his hesitation and self-doubt, feeling like he’s sabotaging his chances with you.

Tengen sighed, growing bored of Zenitsu’s timidity. "I'll take that as a no, then. Like I said before, you better hurry it up before someone else comes by and catches her attention."

Zenitsu's eye twitched as he abruptly spun around. "What do you know, huh? You think there's someone I need to look out for?"

"I'm just saying! But, since you asked—and you didn't hear this from me—I heard your pal talking about her."

"I'm not falling for that again! Inosuke doesn't like her like that. He’s too clueless about anything to do with feelings."

He turned back around to leave before he could be bothered any more, but what Uzui said next had him stalling, waiting with bated breath.

"The boar-headed guy? Oh, I'm not talking about him," Uzui smirked, hiding it when Zenitsu faced him once more, "I meant your friend Kamado."


"Yup! I saw him a while ago, actually, talking about her and how much he fancies her."

Zenitsu narrowed his eyes. "I don't believe you..."

"No? Then I guess you'll find out for yourself… when he confesses to her tonight."

His heart skipped a beat. 

No, it couldn't be true. Tanjiro didn't like you like that. He said so himself... but that was a little over a month ago when you'd all first met. He realizes that feelings could change over time, but surely Tanjiro’s feelings haven’t changed in such a short amount of time. He swallowed a lump in his throat, then dashed off to confirm whether any of this was true or not. Logically, he knew it was most likely a prank, but the less logical side had him sweating bullets and speeding down the halls to find Tanjiro and confront him. 

He had to know for sure!

But then he paused, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

As Zenitsu's thoughts raced, he couldn't help but question whether he truly wanted to know if Tanjiro liked you or not. What would it change? Even if Tanjiro did have feelings for you, it wouldn't alter the fact that you were the one who would ultimately decide whom you wanted to be with, if anyone at all. You might not have romantic feelings for either of them, or anyone else for that matter, as you seemed to have a lot on your mind as it is. That thought brought him a small amount of comfort, knowing that you might not be interested in anyone romantically, but it worried him because he has feelings for you and it would definitely sting if his feelings remained completely one-sided.

However, he had already gone through this internal struggle before. There was nothing he could do except express his feelings over time and see if you would reciprocate.

If you didn't like him, though, he could accept it. At least he could take pride in the fact that he had been honest about his feelings and had tried his best. It would be okay!  And as Inosuke had told him, he would have to move on eventually, even if it hurt at first. But he was confident he could do it—even if it was a small amount. Deciding not to seek out Tanjiro, Zenitsu resolved to just focus on himself—rather than things that he had no control over. He had finally been discharged and allowed to begin recovery training alongside Tanjiro and Inosuke, now that he was back to his full height and strength (more or less). Since the ordeal at Mount Natagumo, he had spent a considerable amount of time reflecting on his experiences and had undergone some significant changes. He was determined to continue improving himself, to keep growing and evolving, feeling more confident than ever before. Squaring his shoulders, he headed out to the training grounds, where he found Tanjiro and Inosuke already engaged in their own workouts.

Joining them, he quickly became engrossed in the physical exertion, the camaraderie, and the shared goal of becoming stronger.

The worries and doubts that Uzui had planted in his mind faded into the background, no longer holding any sway over him. He held no grudge against him, realizing that the self-proclaimed 'Flashiest Hashira' had been merely teasing and had meant no harm. With a newfound sense of purpose, he immersed himself in the training. A few minutes later you showed up. As you stepped outside to get some fresh air, it was still fairly early in the day. Your mind was filled with numerous thoughts and unanswered questions, accompanied by the emergence of new feelings. And the fact that you hadn't started training yet added to your feelings of stagnation. Sighing, you felt lost and almost hopeless. 

When would things truly begin to change for you?

Coming to a sudden stop, your eyes widened as you spotted your friends in the training area. They were all focused on their workouts, which usually wouldn't bother you. However, the intensity of these unfamiliar feelings made it difficult to concentrate as they hit you full force. Without realizing it, you found yourself staring, your gaze settled on Tanjiro as he did push-ups. You pursed your lips and looked away, strangely feeling your heart do a flip. Normally seen with a soft, warm smile on his face, Tanjiro appeared much more serious and concentrated. You had seen a serious look on Tanjiro's face many times before, but something about it at this very moment—a lock of hair falling over his forehead, which he casually swept back with one hand while continuing his push-ups—stirred up emotions within you that you weren't quite familiar or comfortable with.

Yet, at the same time, you didn't necessarily dislike those feelings either… and that’s when it struck you.

You felt a sudden heat rise to your cheeks as you realized what these feelings meant, which left you in a state of confusion and a hint of anxiety. Your friends… were very attractive. Which, subconsciously, you already knew! But for some reason your mind was actively reminding you of that fact. Your eyes flick over to the other two, but you quickly look away as your entire face heats up. Zenitsu's chest is heaving, breaths coming out in quick, short bursts as he comes to a stop after running a few laps. Inosuke's biceps are on full display, muscles bulging with the effort to lift up two big boulders with ropes tied around them, using them as weights.

Oh, this is so not good…

They're your friends!

Stop staring!

But there's nothing wrong with admiring the view... right?

You nearly smack yourself as you hurry away, your heart racing from intrusive thoughts. 

"Dumb, stupid brain!" you mutter under your breath. 

Is your period coming again or something? It's been a little over a month since your last one, so that could explain some things. Hormones can be pretty crazy. Yeah, that's probably it... you've been a little moodier and short-tempered lately, especially with Uzui—that damn giant meat-head! Just thinking about him right now gets your blood boiling in a completely different way. He's been pushing you again with your studies, which you can understand because you've slacked off a few too many times lately. But in one particularly heated conversation, he said something that really upset you.

So, you've been ignoring him for the last two days, and surprisingly, he hasn't bothered you much since. Which is fine by you!

You slink off to your favorite spot in the gardens, where all the butterflies usually congregate and flit around. Finding the rock by the little pond you often sit by, you get lost in your thoughts and slowly try to relax and cool yourself down. You sigh once more, chin resting in your hand as you stare at the water, watching some fish swim around. You stay there for a while, unaware of the presence looming behind you, until a shadow is casted. You turn and nearly throw yourself back into the pond but catch yourself, eyes bulging as you look up at the man who had suddenly appeared.


You didn’t even hear him, which is mildly concerning, considering how loud he can be. He's got that signature bright smile, arms crossed over his chest as he looks down at you, seemingly unfazed by your reaction.

"Good morning!"

You blink a few times. "G-Good evening, Rengoku-san!"

"Hmm, evening?" he muses, tilting his head. "It's not even past twelve in the afternoon!"

"Oh! Afternoon— I mean— Good morning!"

He laughs boisterously, slightly throwing his head back. "You are quite amusing, Y/n-san! I wager that you and Uzui-san get along well!"

"Uhh, hahaha, yeah…"

“I must say, I envy such humorous spirits! I have been told that I lack a certain flair when it comes to jokes. Tell me, do you give great thought to such things, or does it come naturally to you?”

You wish that were the case, but you’re just awkward and have horrible social skills, which you suppose can be amusing to others. You're struggling to come up with words, unsure of how to properly reply in Japanese so that he can understand you. It’s like all of your knowledge has vanished into thin air. You don’t want to look like a total fool in front of him! He’s a Hashira—one of the strongest and most skilled members of the Demon Slayer Corps—but you’re afraid that that ship has already sailed.

“No… I’m just… uhhh, you know…”

"I apologize," he quickly says with a sobering expression, picking up on your troubled expression and the way that you stumble over your words. "I can see I’ve made you uncomfortable."

You want to crawl into a hole and shrivel up. It wasn’t entirely his fault you were such a frazzled mess. Well, maybe a little… but it was mostly you just failing to properly interact with another human being.

"Oh no, well… I suppose a little bit. But it's fine! To be honest, I’m a little nervous," you admit quietly. "I just… wasn’t expecting to see you, is all."

"I see! Were you not informed of my arrival?"

"No... so, why are you here?"

"I'm here to start your basic training, of course! Uzui-san told me how far you've come and said that you are ready to begin your training now!"

You freeze and stare at him wide-eyed. Uzui said what?! Why didn't he tell you anything?! You know you've been ignoring him a little—okay, a lot—but he still should’ve warned you! You almost want to cry and rip your hair out! You're so not ready for this!

"Oh, is that right?" You laugh nervously, slowly picking yourself up. "Well, ummm... I guess I am ready to start my training."


"Excellent!" He claps his hands, grinning. "There's no time like the present! Let's get started then, shall we?"

You'll kill him; Uzui better watch out for springing this on you like this. 

He knew how you felt about this, among other things! Even though he annoys the shit out of you at times, you’ve become fairly close and consider him as family—like the weird, annoying older brother or uncle that you've never had? He knows you almost as well as your other friends, which isn't a whole lot considering you don't even fully know yourself, lost memory and all... but it's enough. Enough to know that you weren't yet confident in yourself or your abilities in Japanese, let alone fighting or demon slaying duties! Mitsuri has told you about Rengoku's training and from what you had understood, it was not easy; it was grueling, no... nearly impossible! 

Many had quit because they could not handle it. Those people were most likely stronger and more skilled than you were, so what hope did you have of accomplishing anything?! Rengoku strides away, and you trail behind, your steps jittery and quick as you strive not to lag or succumb to the urge to flee. You try to tell yourself that everything will turn out alright, drawing on inner resolve. You've already come this far, and considering the state of your memory and less than admirable physical strength, that was fairly impressive. You're capable of handling this! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to! 

Just think about the effort your friends are putting in and your desire to grow stronger.

Although you still remain unaware of your past life, it's probable that you've had it easier than others, so there's no room for complaints or idleness. You need to contribute, to become stronger, and stand alongside your friends in battles against demons. It took witnessing those terrified children in the forest, whose elder brother was snatched by a demon, and the moments your friends fought valiantly to save lives and shield you, to solidify your resolve to join the organization—despite having very little knowledge or skills. It is daunting, and it will be challenging... but you have to believe that you’re capable. Your strides become resolute as you follow him back to the training grounds, keeping your focus forward and avoiding any glances at your friends as you pass by.

The others pause briefly to observe with curiosity as you and the Flame Hashira assume positions a few yards apart. 

Rengoku turns to you, his gaze fixed on you as he speaks once more. "Tell me, do you have any combat experience—whether with swords or hand-to-hand?"  You shake your head, feeling a tinge of embarrassment, but he maintains a friendly smile and continues. "That's perfectly fine! Are you at least familiar with Total Concentration breathing and techniques?"

"Yes, Uzui glossed over those with me, but I don't know how to use them..."

"I see. Well, don't worry. You'll learn soon enough! Since you have no previous experience, I'll start by teaching you simple breathing techniques. These will help build your stamina and strength until you can master Total Concentration. Once you're ready, we'll move on to practicing and honing your combat skills and swordsmanship!"

"Okay," you breathe out slowly. "I'm ready..."

"First, stand up straight and focus on your breathing," he instructs, stepping closer and observing your posture and breathing carefully. "Good, keep focusing."

Keep focusing?! You can't! Not with him standing so close, staring at you so intensely, judging whether you're breathing correctly or not! You inhale, hold your breath, and slowly release it as you try to focus, instinctively shutting your eyes to block out distractions. You keep breathing, your mind no longer aware of his presence except for the sound of his voice guiding you.

"Feel it deep within your lungs, then imagine it reaching all the way down to the very tips of your fingers and toes, igniting your nerves. Let it expand, filling your body with oxygen to its fullest capacity. It won't solve all of your problems, but knowing how to breathe properly will help you when in battle, and you'll continue to grow stronger."

You hum quietly in acknowledgment, still taking slow, deep breaths, imagining the oxygen filling your body. You feel lighter than usual as you continue to focus on your breathing. That is until a bright white light flashes behind your eyelids, causing you to inhale sharply and choke on the air, your form faltering as you hunch over in a fit. Your friends immediately perk up and make their way over at the sound of you struggling to breathe. Rengoku also closes the short distance to steady you with a strong, calloused hand.

"Y/n-chan, are you alright?" Tanjiro calls out worriedly, joining Rengoku as he lightly pats your back.

You stand, trying to clear your throat with tears pricking your eyes from coughing so hard. What was that? It was a weird light, and you aren't entirely sure, but you thought you saw something too... like that one time in the gardens when you had first spoken to Rengoku. You close your eyes to gather yourself but instantly regret it as another image flashes behind your eyes, rendering you completely immobile and speechless. It's more intense, brighter—blue and red colors clashing together. Your eyes shoot open, landing on Rengoku standing in front of you. Your body slowly turns cold, with chills running down your spine. The strange visions seemed to be connected to him—like a premonition—you could just feel it, with dread settling into the pit of your stomach. You continue to stare, unaware of anything happening around you as your friends keep trying to gain your attention until you're finally snapped out of it by Rengoku's voice cutting through.

"I believe it would be best for you to take a break now," he said, not so much suggesting as ordering, though his tone wasn't harsh. Your expression fell, disappointment in yourself evident, but he eased your worries with a small, kind smile. "It's alright, you did well for your first time. Improvement takes time, so don't be disheartened. We can continue your training another time, but for now, you should rest."

You had wanted to train, to grow stronger and be useful, but here you were, struggling with something as basic as breathing. And why did you have a strange feeling and vision, vaguely connected to Rengoku? A dark, ominous air seemed to hover around you now, casting a shadow of uncertainty. Something was on the horizon... but what? You nodded slowly with a somber frown, taking his advice, and turned to leave. However, Inosuke grabbed you, hoisting you over his shoulder as he had done many times before, while Zenitsu protested loudly, and Tanjiro hurried after to prevent any trouble. Inosuke sprinted to the kitchen, snatching a plate of food while still carrying you, then dashed back to their room with the others in tow. He deposited you onto a random bed, causing you to almost bounce off with a slight cry of panic. Managing to steady yourself, you shot a glare at the boar-headed man, only to find yourself facing a plate of food thrust in front of you.

"Take this! Food will help you regain strength and cheer you up!"

Zenitsu came crashing in, marching straight up to Inosuke, but before he could lay a hand on the unsuspecting man, Tanjiro intervened and latched onto Zenitsu's arm to stop him. They bickered for a few seconds as you took the plate and examined it, unsure of how to feel about the gesture. It was sweet, but also kind of strange, coming from Inosuke of all people, considering he was always such a wild card. Despite the oddness, it was nice. You accepted the offer with a small grin, showing him your appreciation. 

He wasn't wrong; food was a good way to wind down and lift one's spirits.

"Thanks, Inosuke-kun..."

Steam blew from the nostrils of his mask as he puffed up, placing his hands on his hips with his nose sticking up proudly.

"Y/n-chan,” Zenitsu whined, “you really shouldn’t encourage him hauling you around like a sack of flour!"

You shrugged and tucked into the food, eating slowly as the guys gathered around and relaxed, chatting amongst themselves. You weren't really paying attention to the conversation; you were too focused on eating, finding it hard to keep up and translate things in your head. It wasn't until Tanjiro spoke your name with a serious tone that you glanced over.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay? What happened? Have your memories come back to you yet?"

It took you a moment, and you set the nearly empty plate down, your expression falling flat. Are you okay? You didn't know what was going on—why you were here, how you got here in the first place, or why you lost your memories. Nothing made sense, if anything, things only seemed to be getting more complicated. All you had were ominous visions and a bizarre occurrence with your sword that glowed and put you in a three-day coma. 

Yeah, you were okay. But… not really.

"I don't know..." you sigh, speaking slowly. "Nothing makes sense right now, but I think... whatever has been happening to me means something. It's just frustrating not knowing for certain."

He nods, leaning forward to give you a reassuring smile. "Alright, well, we're here for you if you need anything! We made a promise, after all. We’re going to help you and get you back home. If you—” he pauses momentarily, “I mean, after you gain your memories back, just know that you'll still have a place here… okay?"

You smile back, your gaze settled on the sheets beneath you, all creased and rumpled. "Oh, thanks..."

Zenitsu suddenly appears by your side. "Yeah, we've got your back, Y/n-chan! Just don't forget us... if you ever get to go back wherever your home is."

“Don't make it sound like she'll be stuck here forever when she has us to help her!” Inosuke comes up and smacks the back of Zenitsu’s head, huffing. "She'll get back home! We'll make sure of it!”

Zenitsu yelps at the attack and grumbles, rubbing at the spot. "I-It's a possibility! Nothing is for certain..." He sighs, expression glum as he briefly glances around the room. "You're right that we're going to do everything that we can to help, but there's only so much that can be done. She still doesn't have her memories... and it's been a little over a month since she’s been here. Until she can remember anything, or we get some kind of information from somewhere else, there's nothing that we can do besides continue to live our lives as we are now.”

Inosuke, ever headstrong, defies the logical aspects of your situation. “Yeah, well, I don't know about you, but I for one am not a loser and get things done! We won’t fail, got it?!"

Zenitsu sighs and shakes his head before he calmly addresses you, cheeks dusted pink as he refuses to make eye contact. “In any case, I'm really glad that you're here, Y/n-chan. And if I’m being completely honest, I hope you'll stay, even after you figure everything out. Tanjiro is right; you'll always have a home here with us..."

Those words slowly sink in as you continue to stare at the sheets below, your hand smoothing over them. There really was nothing you could do right now except just go about your business and continue to learn Japanese and train to become a practical part of the Demon Slayers. However, you have a lot of doubt about things. Would you truly be useful? Will you end up dying and never learning about your life before and who you truly are? You have come to love it here, truly. You have friends—a family—but it didn't make the questions or longing to know about your previous life disappear. 

You just… want to know. 

You want to know if you’re still the same person, or if you’ve changed—becoming someone completely different. You want to know if you have friends and family elsewhere. You want to know if they miss you. Have they noticed your absence? And if you did have people waiting for you elsewhere, how could you have possibly forgotten them? Were you close with anyone? What brought you here and why did you seem to have no connections or clues to any of this? If you even had one, maybe you would leave and go back to your previous life—should you live long enough to make it—or maybe you would just stay and continue a new life here.

It was just all so uncertain; it left a bitter taste in your mouth and left your stomach in knots.

“Thanks everyone.” You muster a smile, but you doubt it’s very convincing. “Everything will be fine… I’m sure I’ll figure things out.”

Kyojuro sat in a room with Shinobu, recounting the events that had unfolded earlier that day. He was aware of the incident involving your sword and your subsequent brief coma, as well as your intense dedication to learning Japanese and becoming a member of the Demon Slayers. However, he harbored some concern and wanted to ensure that everything was alright. Perhaps you were under too much stress at the moment, and it might be wise for you to take a step back to ensure you were truly ready for training with him. He did not want to add onto your plate if it was already full..

"I see," Shinobu replied after hearing his account. "I agree, it is quite worrisome... but I'm afraid there isn't much we can do. She is in perfect physical health and condition—I’ve found nothing concerning with the numerous tests I’ve conducted. With that said, it seems that all we can do is provide guidance and carry on with our usual activities. She appears to be determined in her quest and to join her friends in the Corps."

"However, if things start to spiral, we must intervene and prevent her from pushing herself too far,” Rengoku cautions. “While she may be eager to seek answers and make progress, it wouldn't be wise for us to allow her to do so if it causes more harm than good. No matter how strong one person can be, it must be challenging to have limited memories of your past and suddenly find yourself in a new environment, facing numerous unfamiliar and dangerous challenges."

"You do have a point," Shinobu agreed with a solemn nod. "But I trust that she knows her boundaries. For now, we'll keep a close watch on her and let her continue her journey, offering assistance when necessary. I must admit, I’m quite eager to see her develop and achieve all that she's been striving for," she added with a faint smile. "I believe she can do so with the support from her new friends and mentors. Let’s not be too hasty to discourage her before she has the chance to demonstrate her capabilities."

"Of course! I do not wish to discourage her, nor do I doubt her abilities, but these peculiar instances have garnered some… uncertainty." Kyojuro stood up and gave a small wave as he departed. "Well, that’s all I wished to discuss with you. I'll take my leave now. Thank you, and have a pleasant evening, Kocho-san!"

As he walks out, he can't help but ponder certain things. Shinobu's perspective of standing back and letting you be, intervening only when necessary, left him feeling conflicted. On one hand, he could clearly see the truth in what Mitsuri had told him before—that you were stronger and braver than one might assume. Shinobu also raised valid points. However, another part of him felt cautious, unsure if this approach was the best for ensuring your well-being and safety. Nonetheless, he understood that no one had the right to dictate your choices in life. You had willingly taken on these challenges as you navigated through uncertainty. You weren't naive and were likely aware of your own limitations. If you continued to push yourself, it signified your resilience and determination, which he found admirable. 

Yet, it also posed the risk of reaching a breaking point with one wrong and final push.

Despite his conflicting thoughts, he resolved to continue training you. Admittedly, he was curious about your progress and genuinely hoped you would achieve your goals, just like your friends and other Corps members. He couldn't turn you away, especially when you sought to become stronger not just for yourself, but also to help others. Your determination and spirit impressed him, and he eagerly anticipated seeing where your journey would lead. Later that evening, as you sat outside, trying to clear your mind, the sound of footsteps approached quietly from behind. You had been frequenting this spot lately, seeking solace from overwhelming emotions. While you couldn't pinpoint the exact source of your anxiety and sadness, it wasn't related to any physical issue. It felt like your body was reacting to past or impending events, perhaps both, and it left you in a state of turmoil. The mysterious occurrences with your sword and the visions only added to the weight on your shoulders, fueling doubts about your capabilities and the quest for self-discovery. 

Everything just seemed shrouded in uncertainty, a feeling you despised.

"Good evening, Y/n-san," the soft-spoken words reached your ears, though you didn't acknowledge them until the person settled beside you. "I was informed of your little predicament earlier."

You glanced at her from the side, sighing softly. "Hmm..."

It was Kocho. You suspected she might be here to lecture you, most likely about the incident that happened with Rengoku. She had told you to be careful and to report to her if you had any more strange visions or spells. You wouldn’t be surprised if Rengoku had become concerned and complained about your mental or physical health after that moment.

She gazed at the sky above, her small smile ever present as she spoke quietly. "How do you feel?"

"Fine…" you replied, though the lie was evident in your wavering voice.  

You didn't feel like discussing things at the moment; you just wanted to escape and exist in a tranquil moment.

"That's good," she hummed thoughtfully. "I've heard you've been doing really well with your studies."

You internally pleaded for no small talk. 

Not now…

"Yeah, I suppose so…"

"I do not wish to pry," she said slowly, and you tensed up, anticipating a probing question, "but I cannot help but notice that you don't appear to be as fine as you claim."

"Well, you said I was fine," you replied curtly, switching to Japanese even though you didn't feel like it, hoping it would sound more convincing. "I am fine."

She observed you for a moment longer before letting out a subtle sigh, catching on to what you were trying to do. "Yes, physically you are fine. But mentally—emotionally—I am quite... concerned. Rengoku-san was the one who informed me about your incident; he is also worried."

"And what did he say…?"

"He suggested that perhaps it may be best to hold off on your training, as you may be under a lot more stress than you have realized," Kocho continued.

Your heart sank. You feared you weren't good enough and that they might consider removing you from the training program.


"Yes. However, I believe you know yourself better than anyone and whether or not you can handle something, so I advised we simply watch over you and help when needed. So, I'll only ask once more: are you okay? Do you need help with anything?"

You felt overwhelmed and unsure where to start. What else could be done, even if you did ask for help? Uzui has been teaching you Japanese, Rengoku has agreed to train you, and all of your friends have been supportive. Everyone has already done so much. You don't think there was anything more that could be done. You appreciated their faith in you and their willingness to help, but ultimately, these were your own feelings and challenges to confront.

"No... you guys don't have to worry. I'm just... overthinking and tired. I'll be fine. I'm fine..."

Kocho studied you for a few more moments before sighing. "Very well then, please get some rest."

With that, Kocho gets up and quietly walks away. You stay there for a while longer until you feel tired enough to go to bed and actually sleep. When you wake up the next morning, you still have a looming cloud over your head, but you get ready and trudge your way to the training grounds. You needed to prove you could do this. You had to do this! There were many reasons why, and you didn't want to give up, not yet. So, you exit the mansion and head towards the spot where Rengoku had been guiding you through simple breathing exercises, standing as straight as you can, pulling your shoulders back, and taking in a deep, slow breath. You don't close your eyes this time, too afraid of some other strange vision taking place. You just focus on the wall in front of you and continue to go over the steps.

Rengoku comes out a little while later, his brows raising, but he smiles and walks over to you. "Good morning, Y/n-san!"

"Good morning, Rengoku-sensei!"

He lets out a hearty laugh. "Please, you don't have to address me as your sensei!"

"Oh, um… okay!"

"I see you are doing your breathing exercises," he remarks in a pleasant tone. "And it has only been a day since the first lesson, but I see that your posture and breathing have already improved. Well done!"

"Thank you," you mumble, trying not to lose your focus and make a fool of yourself once again. "I’m trying my best..."

"I see and you’re doing an excellent job! Keep working hard, and you will achieve your goals."

After that, he continues to watch over you and correct any mistakes you make in your posture or breathing. He says you're a fairly fast learner and slowly starts adding in some other basic exercises. So far, training hasn't been all that bad. You know you're not the most experienced or fit person… but you would have thought it would be a lot tougher. That could only mean one thing; he was going easy on you right now, and you weren't necessarily complaining, but it made you feel inadequate. Maybe you weren't good enough to do anything more than simple breathing exercises.

What was the point then? If you weren’t good enough, why are they still letting you continue to train?

"You're not focusing!"

You jump in surprise when Rengoku leans over to speak to you, your cheeks flushing a deep red. Your heart hammers away, and you desperately try to calm it down using the breathing exercises you've been practicing all morning. However, it's proving to be quite difficult, especially with a certain Hashira watching over you like a hawk. You didn't even realize he had gotten so close. You must have spaced out, so much that he was forced to try and gain your attention again by standing directly in your line of sight, a mere couple feet away. 

The sheer embarrassment almost makes you feel like passing out.

Did he know how dangerous he was? Not just in the sense of being a Hashira—a fierce, Demon Slayer—a force to be reckoned with, but also as a man with insanely good looks and a voice to match (despite its volume at times.) He must know how charming and intimidating he could be. If not, then how? Surely he was popular with the ladies and received a lot of attention. If you didn’t know any better and saw him on the streets randomly one day, you'd have probably swooned and fallen right at his feet…

Focus! Now is not the time to daydream about your mentor!

You slowly regain your composure and refocus, ensuring not to make any more mistakes as you continue your exercises. Over the hours, he observes you closely and offers advice as needed. Despite the increasing heat and fatigue setting in, it's only noon, and you realize this training might be more challenging than originally anticipated. If it gets even harder, as Mitsuri warned you, you're in for some real trouble. But you're determined to keep pushing yourself until you can't anymore—you have to! When he finally calls for a lunch break, you hastily eat as much as you can before rushing back to the training grounds, eager to continue and grow stronger. You spend the entire day with him, doing basic exercises until you feel utterly exhausted.

"Let's call it a day," Rengoku said suddenly, halting you in your tracks. 

You were in the midst of running a few laps when he spoke. You stopped, legs shaking and panting as if you hadn't ever run in your entire life. Sweat dripped down your face, leaving dirt and stains all over your casual clothes since you didn't have a uniform yet. You were aware they weren't really meant for extended outdoor workouts, but there was no choice at the moment. Slowly, you made your way over to him, noticing him holding out a flask of water. You smiled tiredly and accepted the flask, bringing it to your lips and drinking down the cool, refreshing liquid.

He smiled down at you as you finished your drink. "You've done well! Rest up and regain your energy for tomorrow, as we will continue doing this until you become strong enough to take on a demon on your own!"

You wanted to, but you had your doubts.

You nodded and handed the flask back, lightly bowing. "Thank you... have a good night," you said softly.

As you lay in bed, intrusive thoughts crept back in. Could you really do this? What did the future hold? You didn't know... but you hoped everything would work out eventually.

It's been nearly three months since you arrived here, and although you've been getting stronger and improving your Japanese, you still had a lot of work to do, especially since your memories remained elusive. You would have expected some progress by now, but alas, they remained locked away deep inside your mind. As you were out training alone, your friends unexpectedly stopped by and decided to join you. Their presence was a bit distracting, but you welcomed it, knowing you could use the break. Suddenly, an idea sparked in your mind, and you couldn't help but smile mischievously at Inosuke. It was payback time for all the times he had stolen your food and playfully tossed you around! With a battle cry, you leaped into the air and landed squarely on his back.

Inosuke grunted in surprise and tried to dislodge you, his movements becoming increasingly erratic as you clung to him.

"Aghh! What the hell, get off!" he protested, running and jumping around in an attempt to shake you off.

You held on tightly, your arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders, and your legs secured around his waist. Inosuke somewhat struggled, one hand attempting to pry your legs apart while the other reached for your arms around his neck. Despite his slight irritation, there was a hint of enjoyment in his voice, suggesting that he was also relishing the challenge. Meanwhile, Zenitsu looked on with a mixture of panic and jealousy, though he kept his feelings to himself, hopping around to avoid getting knocked over but staying close in case intervention was necessary. Tanjiro, on the other hand, chuckled quietly as he observed the scene, eventually starting to cheer you on, which greatly boosted your morale.

Encouraged by his support, you redoubled your efforts to tackle your boar-headed friend to the ground!

You had very little fighting experience, but your instincts kicked in, urging you to tighten your arms around Inosuke's neck. However, his immense strength made it challenging to apply any real pressure as he was still much stronger than you, even if he was only using one hand. The realization of how effortlessly he could restrain you with minimal effort was somewhat daunting, prompting thoughts of whether you would ever attain such strength. Yet, this also fueled a determination within you; it pushed you to strive harder, to prove that you were not merely a weak, powerless woman. Despite your efforts, fatigue began to set in, your lack of strength and stamina becoming apparent.

Reluctantly, you loosened your hold, allowing Inosuke to effortlessly flip you off his back, causing you to land on the ground with an 'oof!'

Zenitsu rushed to your side, helping you sit up. "Y/n-chan, are you okay?"

"I'm alright," you replied, coughing as you caught your breath before letting out a soft laugh. "That was surprisingly fun. I almost had you, Inosuke-kun!"

Inosuke scoffed, "Yeah, right! You can't beat me, you're just a  lady!"

His comment struck a nerve. How dare he imply that women couldn't be strong, especially when some of the Hashira were women, far stronger than he could imagine! Determination surged within you; you vowed to train relentlessly to prove him wrong.

"Oh, I'll show you! Just wait and see!" you retorted, your competitive spirit ignited.

"Hah, I'd like to see you try!" Inosuke challenged, unaware of the determination that now burned within you.

You were determined to best your endearing yet infuriating boar-like friend, no matter what it took. After that intense encounter, you committed yourself to arriving early for lessons and pushing yourself even harder during training sessions with Rengoku. On this particular day, you found yourself lying on the ground, gasping for air, while gazing up at the drifting clouds. The rigorous exercises, including running and various drills, were helping to build your strength and stamina. Although you felt as if you had gotten the basic breathing techniques down, you had yet to attempt Total Concentration; it remained an unexplored frontier for you.

"Is that all you've got for today?"  

Rengoku's vibrant red hair appeared above you as he stood with his trademark charming smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement. His presence sparked an inexplicable urge within you, akin to a strange aggression one might feel when encountering a cute animal and wanting to squeeze it tightly—not to cause harm, but to express overwhelming affection. You wanted to be close, yet at the same time, you had to stop yourself from running away from him. It was a puzzling sensation. Why did he affect you so profoundly? While you occasionally experienced similar feelings around your other friends, Rengoku seemed to evoke them more intensely. Perhaps it was his confident demeanor, his unwavering gaze, and his passion that made him stand out.

You yearned to emulate his self-assuredness.

Blinking, you composed yourself, your cheeks flushing slightly as you rolled over and sat up. "No, I can keep going!"

Rengoku's smile widened, and he placed his hands on his hips, stepping back and removing his cape. "Good!"

Your eyes widened as you watched him roll up his sleeves and stride toward a rack stocked with training swords, selecting two of them. Oh, dear... this was about to get intense, wasn’t it? He returned with a seemingly innocent smile, though a glint of challenge danced in his eyes. 

"You've made excellent progress! Your breathing, stamina, and strength have all seen significant improvements. However, you'll plateau if you don't push yourself further. I think it's time we incorporate sword training," he said, tossing a training sword to you. You barely managed to catch it, standing there somewhat dumbfounded. "Are you ready?"

Inside, you screamed, "No!" but outwardly you squeaked, "Sure," hoping your trembling wasn't as obvious as your racing heart.

He nodded and began explaining the basics of sword handling—proper grips, fundamental moves, and stances. He watched you closely as you attempted to mimic his actions. Every fiber of your being was on edge; you had never held a sword or any weapon before (at least not that you could recall), making this an entirely new experience. The sword felt foreign and awkward in your hands, as if it didn't belong there. Yet, as a member of the Demon Slayers, you knew this was a necessary step toward becoming an integral part of the team. It was about helping others and defending yourself, so you had to overcome your apprehension of wielding a potentially dangerous weapon.

Thankfully, these were only training swords, incapable of inflicting real harm.

However, Rengoku made it clear that you would eventually progress to using real blades. The thought sent a shiver down your spine; would you ever truly be prepared for that day? Despite the uncertainty looming ahead, you resolved to give your best effort. You were determined to reach the point where wielding a sword felt natural, even if the path ahead seemed daunting and uncertain. The next few hours were a blur of repetition as you went over the same motions again and again under Rengoku's guidance. Just when you thought the session might end, he suddenly shifted into a defensive stance, still wearing that reassuring smile, and instructed you to attack him. Your eyes widened in disbelief at his command. Surely, he couldn't be serious! He could easily overpower you in an instant; there was no way you could make any impact on him. 

But he was dead serious, urging you forward with raised eyebrows as you hesitated.

Summoning every ounce of courage, you took a deep breath and charged forward, clumsily raising your sword. In a swift move, Rengoku dodged your feeble attempt, sidestepping with ease as you stumbled forward, landing on your hands and knees, your cheeks burning with embarrassment as he chuckled lightly. 

"Good effort! But your hesitation is slowing you down, making your moves predictable," he critiqued. As you slowly stood up, keeping your gaze lowered, he continued, "Doubting yourself only gives your opponent an advantage. Hold your head high, focus, and move forward with the conviction that you will succeed. The only true obstacle in your path is yourself. Don't let yourself become your own enemy."

You swallowed hard, gazing up at him with newfound awe. His words resonated deeply; you realized that you were indeed your own worst enemy. Although you understood his message, it was challenging not to succumb to doubts and fears. Yet, with the support of Rengoku and all of your other friends, who believed in you so strongly, perhaps you could aspire to be like them—bright, strong, and inspiring. You longed to become someone dependable, someone who could bring joy and protection to those around you. You didn't want to remain in obscurity; you desired greatness. The lingering question remained: did you possess the courage and determination to pursue that path, or would you falter?

With a slow nod, you returned to your stance, watching as Rengoku's grin widened. 

His voice boomed with enthusiasm, "Again!"

And so, with newfound resolve, you charged forward once more, ready to face the challenges ahead and prove to yourself that you had what it takes to become the person you aspired to be. As another day dawns, you inhale deeply, mentally preparing yourself for yet another grueling day of training and intensive study. Time seemed to warp, feeling both fleeting and endless since you embarked on this journey. While you've undeniably made progress, the struggles persist just as fiercely. The constant fluctuation between feelings of inadequacy and fleeting bursts of confidence has become an exhausting cycle, a rollercoaster of emotions that leaves you drained. Life, it seems, has taken on this rhythm—ups and downs, highs and lows, much like the mood swings you grapple with daily. It's a familiar dance, one you've grown accustomed to masking with a grin and a resilient spirit, always pushing forward despite the inner turmoil. Yet, beneath the facade of determination, you yearn for the unwavering enthusiasm and positivity that Tanjiro and Rengoku effortlessly embody.

Their radiant outlook on life is a stark contrast to the darkness that threatens to swallow you whole.

You try to heed Rengoku's advice, holding your head high and pushing through the challenges. But the reality is harsh; you often feel as though you're treading water, making progress yet never quite reaching the pinnacle of success you envision. Each stumble and setback reinforces the nagging sense of weakness, fueling self-doubt and frustration. Despite the internal struggles and moments of wanting to surrender, you cling stubbornly to the hope of proving yourself worthy—to others and, perhaps most importantly, to yourself. Yet, with each passing day, the weight of expectations grows heavier, and you find yourself questioning if this path is truly meant for you. The relentless battle against doubt and uncertainty threatens to consume you whole, leaving you feeling trapped and unsure of how to break free from this cycle of self-doubt and struggle. As you struggle in the depths of your spiraling thoughts, days pass without meaningful interaction with your friends.

A week ago, in a fit of frustration and self-loathing, you lashed out at them, pushing them away with sharp words and a cold demeanor. Inosuke's reaction is uncertain—he either brushed it off with his usual indifference or harbored genuine hurt, as he hasn't attempted to reconnect with you since. 

Tanjiro and Zenitsu, on the other hand, made sporadic efforts to reach out, only to be met with your silent retreat into your studies or intense training sessions. The air around the mansion feels tense and heavy as you pass each other in silence, consumed by your singular focus on proving yourself through relentless effort and determination. Dark thoughts echo in your mind, taunting you with doubts and fears: You're not good enough. You should just give up. You'll never find out where you came from, who you truly are. You're a nobody. These whispers of self-doubt and despair gnaw at your resolve, dragging you deeper into the abyss of your own insecurities. Yet, despite the overwhelming darkness, you mechanically slide out of bed and begin your routine, preparing for another day of relentless pursuit of strength and validation. Mitsuri's sudden appearance breaks the monotony, her cheerful demeanor contrasting sharply with the heaviness of your thoughts. 

"Oh, Y/n-chan! Good, you're awake! I have a present for you," she sings, closing the door behind her.

Her unexpected visit brings a glimmer of light into the gloom, momentarily distracting you from the relentless cycle of negativity swirling in your mind. Curiosity piqued, you can't help but wonder what surprise she has in store for you, if only to briefly escape the suffocating weight of your own doubts and fears. She skipped further into your room, carrying a bundle of material. Once she reached your bed and set down what appeared to be a uniform, your face lit up with excitement. 

"Isn't it cute?" she exclaimed, holding up the shirt for you to see. "I hope I got the measurements right; I wasn't sure of your size, but I think I got close based on the clothing you've been given while staying here."

You looked down at the shirt being presented to you, imagining how it might look when worn. Mitsuri seemed to have a keen eye, as the size appeared to be close if not spot on. Your mood lifted considerably; receiving a uniform felt like a significant step in truly becoming a member of the Demon Slayers, even though you still had a long way to go to prove your worth. The uniform looked durable, comfortable, and practical—except perhaps for the skirt, which you realized you had received. You made a mental note to request pants if the skirt made you uncomfortable, but for now, it would suffice, and you had to admit it was rather cute.

Accepting the shirt from Mitsuri, you slipped it over your head, adjusting it until it felt just right while she politely shielded her eyes to give you some privacy as you quickly changed. Turning to the mirror on the wall, you examined yourself in the new attire. It seemed to fit well, with only minor adjustments needed. The material felt pleasant against your skin, maintaining a comfortable temperature and surprisingly soft texture without appearing fragile or prone to tearing. Mitsuri opened her eyes and clapped in approval, handing you the skirt to try on next. She waited patiently as you then put it on and assessed the complete outfit in the mirror. She circled around you, nodding with a mix of seriousness and joy in her expression.

"Ooh, adorable! But it might need some adjusting," Mitsuri's words confirmed your initial thoughts about the uniform. 

As you twisted and turned in front of the mirror, examining the outfit with a small grin, you agreed with her assessment. "I like it! You're right, I think... umm, it needs a few things fixed up... otherwise it's perfect!"

Mitsuri's joyful reaction and continuous stream of compliments made you feel a bit shy. You weren't one to dwell too much on your appearance. Without trying to be vain, you occasionally thought yourself to be pretty, but more often than not you considered yourself average-looking. However, her kind words were appreciated, and you thanked her for bringing you the new uniform. Politely hinting that you wanted some time alone, Mitsuri took her leave with a giggle and a promise to be available if you needed anything else.

Left to your own devices, you surveyed your room, which had accumulated various items during your stay. Remembering the mishap with your period last time, you made sure to keep essentials like cleaning supplies and other necessities handy, courtesy of the thoughtful gestures from the other girls in the mansion. Feeling content and eager to make the necessary adjustments to your uniform, you retrieved a sewing kit from a nearby nightstand and set to work. While you knew it might not be as professional as having someone else do it, you preferred taking care of things yourself without inconveniencing anyone else.

As you focused on the task at hand, a sense of independence and self-sufficiency washed over you, reinforcing your determination to overcome challenges on your own terms. You grasp the shirt and pull it up, tossing it onto the bed before bending over to slide the skirt down. Your heart jumps into your throat when suddenly there are loud exclamations from the door of your room. You straighten up quickly, dropping the skirt as you stare in shock, feeling like a deer caught in headlights, your own shriek escaping your lips as your face burns with embarrassment. 

In front of your door, stand not just one, or even two, but four men! All of them are staring at you, equally stunned.

You scream loudly, "AHHHH, DON'T LOOK!!!"

You do your best to cover yourself, watching as they all scramble in their haste to leave, while you sprint to the door and slam it shut. A jumbled mix of voices call out apologies as they quickly disperse. No… way… that just happened. It's absolutely unbelievable that your luck could be this bad! Why has the universe forsaken you? You quickly change back into your sleepwear, your face flushed and your heart racing wildly in your chest. It feels like it's trying to leap out of your throat with how hard it's pounding. Collapsing face-first onto your bed, you internally scream, thrashing around, kicking your feet and pummeling the pillow. How many embarrassing situations can one person endure?! Wait, you take that question back! Asking such things will only invite more mishaps, given how the universe has been toying with you lately.

After you calm down and cease your bed assault, you sit up and take a deep breath, trying to find your inner peace.

"It's fine," you whisper to yourself.

It was only: Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Rengoku who caught a glimpse of you half-naked. It wasn't a big deal! But your face ignites with embarrassment as you dwell on it further. Scratch that. It was a colossal deal! Why were they here?! And, more importantly, how could you forget to close the damn door after Mitsuri left?!

"You idiot!" you berate yourself.

Now they've seen way more of you than they ever should have, and they're probably scarred for life! You bury your face in your hands, groaning in misery as worry consumes you. Is this your breaking point? You feel the urge to throw yourself off a bridge or be buried alive. But no... you can't. It's fine—completely embarrassing—but fine. You won't be able to look any of them in the eye now, but you can try to pretend like it never happened and carry on with your life. It’s possible! Except... it's really not, who are you trying to fool?

There's no way you can avoid your friends, and you can't avoid Rengoku at all since you have training sessions with him, even if you don't necessarily have to spend a lot of time with them.

You haven't spoken to your group for days, surely they’re upset with you, given how you've been acting toward them. It’s painful to think about, your chest aching with regret. But even if you did continue avoiding them, they would seek you out eventually, wouldn't they? Perhaps they were here for that very reason, but you couldn’t be too sure, they could've just been passing by. You wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t want to see you for a while. Taking a deep breath, you decide to try and push these thoughts aside for now and focus on fixing your uniform as planned. It takes nearly two hours, but you finally get it to your liking, ensuring nothing is out of place or flimsy. You put it back on, steeling yourself to face the world once again outside of the safety of your room.

"Well, here goes nothing," you mutter, stepping out.

You cautiously open your door, nervously chewing on your lip as you peek outside. You breathe a sigh of relief upon seeing no one lingering around and then slip out quietly. You briskly walk down the halls and head to the study room, where you find Uzui waiting for you, wearing a bored expression. Hastily, you retrieve the materials you need and place them on the table, adjusting your skirt as you sit down and dive into your work. Uzui raises an eyebrow at you, not only for ignoring him upon entering but also for your peculiar expression and behavior.

"What's going on with you?" he questions. "Did you see a ghost or something?"

"I nearly saw my own ghost from dying of embarrassment," you mutter absentmindedly, not fully focused, yet still understanding him.

"Huh? What do you mean? You almost died from embarrassment?" His interest piqued, he leans forward and starts prodding for details. "What happened? Come on, spill it!"

"No way, I’m not exactly in the mood to relive my mistakes right now...."

"What? You can't drop something intriguing like that and then clam up," he complains. "I don’t need all the juicy details, but you gotta give me a little something! Come on, aren’t you bored of studying all the time? We need some entertainment every once in a while!"

Maybe he’d take you and your current mood more seriously if you spoke in Japanese.

"Your role isn't to entertain or meddle in my personal affairs; it's to assist me in studying and learning Japanese," you retort, brushing him off.

"Yikes, maybe I should slow down the lessons, considering how mouthy you're getting!"

You don't know why, but you snap back sharply, switching back to English in your frustration. 

"Maybe you should focus on more important matters and stop behaving like a bothersome old man who enjoys annoying me for amusement! And don't think I've forgotten about not informing me about my training a few months ago, jerk! Is this all a joke to you? I was completely unprepared! I'm trying to make progress here, but I can't when you keep disrupting me and everything else just keeps going wrong!"

He appears taken aback but quickly gathers himself to respond.

"Yeah, well, you would've known if you hadn't been ignoring me like a child! Here I am, helping you out, and this is the thanks I get?!" He scoffs and stands up, looking down at you with an almost hurt expression. 

You avoid eye contact, feeling as if your entire body and mind are going numb with shame, but you can’t do anything about it.

"I could be spending time with my wives or doing other work for the Corps, you know, but I decided to come here to help and teach you because you wanted to learn. And you've done a really great job, kid, truly—I have faith in you.” He continues with exasperation, “You've already come a long way, but I don't need to tell you that. You are ready and can do so much, but you lack some serious discipline. Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you tend to push people away and shut yourself in a lot too. You aren't alone in any of this; we all want to help, but you have to let us in and stop acting like everything is against you!"

You stare at the table, frozen to your spot as his words sink in and your eyes begin to water, but you try not to let the tears fall down your cheeks. You don't know what to say; you're stuck, unable to speak. How have you let it come to this? You like to think you've been open with your friends and haven't done much to push them away or to hurt them, but you were blind, too caught up in your own thoughts and feelings. You have pushed them away and hurt them a lot more than you think, and now… you've hurt him too. They've all become so important to you, your friends—your new family—but you haven't exactly been the best at showing it lately, have you? It’s very likely they are all going through things, too... yet they still think to look out for you and support you as best as they can, despite their own struggles.

What have you done for them, besides be an awful friend?

He sighs, running a hand through his hair as he heads for the exit. "I'm gonna head out for a while. You can study on your own for now; you shouldn't need my help, right…?"

With that said, he leaves you alone to sit in your shame and self-pity.

It takes a couple of minutes to calm yourself down before you start studying. You stay in the room for hours, not even moving an inch to take a break. At one point, you sense a presence entering the room and, from the corner of your eye, you can see that it's Shinobu, but she doesn't say anything and quietly leaves after watching you for a moment. More time passes, and the three girls, Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi, shuffle in to offer you some snacks, but you politely decline and bury yourself further into your work. They stand around awkwardly, but they refuse to leave without leaving the food for you, hoping you would eventually eat something. Once they set the food down nearby, they hesitantly leave, and you're left alone once again. You keep going well into the night until you finally pass out in the early hours of the next morning. Your face lays on the table, pen still in your hand as you slumber away.

You're barely conscious as someone comes into the room and sighs at the sight of your hunched-over form before they lift you up and bring you back to your room, tucking you into your bed. Your eyes briefly open, but you're so exhausted that you don't actually register who had put you to bed, only seeing a hint of white.

You wake up later, still very much tired but absolutely starving and thirsty. You sit up and groan, rubbing at your eyes with a pout. You want to stay in bed and hide from the world… but you can't. You have to find the answers you seek; you have to keep studying and training to help your friends and everyone else in the Demon Slayer Corps, and most importantly, you have to apologize for blowing up on Uzui. He may be annoying at times, but he didn't deserve that. All of the stress and bad thoughts that have been attacking your mind lately finally got to you... although you know it isn't an excuse. You need to be a better friend—you need to be a better person. You get out of bed, dressing as quickly as you can before you march out of your room and head straight for the study room. You burst through the door, expecting to find Uzui, but he is nowhere to be found.

You look around the mansion for the next couple of minutes, your anxiety rising with every passing second.

As panic surged through your mind, questions raced without answers. Did he leave? Was he no longer going to help you? Did you mess everything up? Was it too late to try and fix it? The fear of losing his support gripped you, and the thought of him leaving felt like a weight crushing your chest. You couldn't bear the idea of losing him, too. Were your friends next? Would they also leave? You freeze, your entire body convulsing as a memory pushes to the front of your mind, running rampant and sending chills down your spine. It's not clear, but you can feel it. Something happened, someone from your past had abandoned you, leaving you completely alone. Tears blur your vision as you take in deep breaths, crouching down to rest your hands on your bent knees.

Just… breathe… 

In and out, you slowly breathe, your eyes squeezed closed in an effort to stop the tears from falling. Finally, you have a memory... and even though you couldn't fully see it, the overwhelming emotions it brought were undeniable. You stand back up, suddenly filled with more energy than before, and you hurry down the halls to find someone to confide in. This revelation gives you hope that you might find your answers after all. As you mindlessly speed around, you bump into the very man you had been looking for. His expression is unreadable until you suddenly fling your arms around him, letting out a choked little sob.

"Hey, kid, what's with the waterworks?" Uzui's voice breaks through your sobs.

"Uzui, I'm sorry!" You squeeze tighter, trying to convey just how deeply you feel. "I'm sorry! You were right, please don't leave! I'll do better!"

His eyes widen as he looks down at you clinging to him, then a small smile spreads over his lips as he brings a hand up to your head and gently pats you. "Leave? Just 'cause we got in a little fight doesn't mean I'm gonna tuck my tail and run away like a dog; that'd be pretty unflashy! Now, what's with all the tears, huh?"

You step back, your mouth dropping open as you then speak without stopping for breath. "Oh, right! I had a memory. It happened after I was looking for you because I was worried you left, but then suddenly something came to me! It's not very clear, but I could feel it... and it was... it was scary! And I was so upset, and I just—"

"Woah, woah, slow down and breathe!" He crouches to your level and looks you in the eye, bringing his hands up as he inhales and then lowering them when he exhales, and you start copying the motions. "Alright, good, so… you finally got a memory?"

"Yes! I think so, it felt too real and painful not to be…"

"That's… good, I guess. But it wasn't clear?" You nod, and he purses his lips in thought. "Well, at least it's a start. If that one came to you, then I'm sure more will pop up, and you'll get all your answers someday."

"I hope so; I just... I just want to know."

"And you will," he reassures you.

"Thank you," you sigh, letting your shoulders fall as you finally relax.

He hummed, stood up, and looked away for a moment. "Mhmm, so... I also wanted to apologize. I know I can be a real pain in the ass at times. I’m always looking to make life more interesting—find entertainment—but I realize that there is a time and place for that... so, I'm sorry for messing with you and not being as serious as I should have been."

You shook your head, frowning. "No, I get it... I overreacted, and you were right. I haven't been very open with you or any of my other friends, even though you all have been so patient and supportive. You've all done so much for me, but I haven't done anything for you because I was too caught up in my own thoughts and feelings..." You chuckled a little, giving him a wobbly smile as you looked up at him. "I'm the one who should be sorry. And I don't want you to change who you are! You can still mess with me… preferably when I’m not in a bad mood."

"No worries, I’ll just take my boredom out on your friends—especially Shrimpy." 

Your smile turned a little brighter, laughing as you asked, "Shrimpy?"

"The really loud, annoying one."

“That could either be Inosuke, or Zenitsu, depending on certain circumstances,” you snorted.

"It’s the blond one…"

“Ohh, Zenitsu!” You pause and purse your lips. “Have you been picking on him?”

"Of course I have! The very moment he complained about me having three wives, among other things, made him a prime target," he remarked with a wry smirk. "You should join me; it'll be fun!"

You laughed at his mischievousness and nodded. You had no clue what he'd already done to Zenitsu or what he had in mind now that you'd agreed to help him, but you were looking forward to spending some time outside of studying with Uzui, even if it was at the expense of poor Zenitsu's sanity. However, your laughter faded when you remembered how you'd been acting toward him and your other friends, feeling your throat constrict and your stomach twist sickeningly. 

You… had been awful...

"I, umm, don't think I should do that," you whispered. "He and the others probably hate me right now..."

"Huh? What makes you think that?" he asked.

This hurt a lot now that you were facing your mistakes, your heart painfully squeezing in your chest. You took in a deep shuddering breath, furrowing your brows as you stared off into space.

"I hurt them. I push people away... just like you said," you muttered lowly. "Now they probably don't want to see or speak to me again. I was so caught up in my own head that I didn't care about anything else, so I told them to just leave me alone and ignored them. I was being so awful, and they were just trying to help..."

He sucked air in through his teeth, rubbing his chin. "Ohh... well, that certainly is a problem..." 

Your expression and heart fell even deeper, tears brimming in your lashes once again. His face scrunched up, slightly panicked at how depressed you now looked. 

"Woah, don't get all mopey! Look, I'm sure if you apologized, they would forgive you; you just have to go to them and tell them how you’ve been feeling. No more hiding or pushing us away, alright?"

"You're right..." you swallowed and clenched your fists. "I'm just... scared..."

The look in his eyes as he gazed at you made you feel a little lighter and eased your worries. "Well, I'm here. We're all here, remember?"

You closed your eyes and took in a few breaths before nodding and looking at him again, a scared but hopeful smile spreading across your lips. You were afraid of being alone, yet you hid and pushed people away. But you couldn't do that anymore. It was dangerous, and you were becoming someone you didn't like. You had to stop being so afraid and beating yourself up for every single little thing that didn't go exactly how you wanted. You were going to try to do better, to open up more, and work hard to achieve your goals with the help of your friends.

But first, you had to apologize and hope they would forgive you...


Taisho Secrets

* Tanjiro has always addressed you formally, as a sign of respect and to avoid presuming the nature of your relationship, whether you felt close or not, despite your initial unfamiliarity with honorifics and their implications. So, when you began using more casual and friendly honorifics, he was delighted to realize that you saw him and the others not just as acquaintances, but as actual friends. Now, he's started to speak more casually and warmly with you as well, hoping that your friendship will continue to grow stronger from here on out.

* You had been secluding yourself in your room for a while, so the trio, along with Rengoku, stopped by your room on the day you received your uniform because they were concerned about you and wanted to check on you. Despite your door being left open, they all felt embarrassed and apologetic for accidentally walking in on you while you were changing. Catching only a glimpse of you standing awkwardly, Rengoku reacted first and swiftly tried to pull them all away to respect your privacy. However, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke each had different reactions as Rengoku wasn't quite fast enough. Tanjiro, deeply respectful and remorseful for the intrusion, vowed never to bring it up, wanting to spare you any embarrassment. Zenitsu, on the other hand, had to be calmed down as he began enthusiastically commenting on your "nice, strong-looking legs," prompting a scolding from Tanjiro. Inosuke, unfazed by societal norms, had little to no reaction, seeing the human body as natural and not understanding the fuss over someone being improperly dressed.

* Uzui and you have had many arguments over music, food, and clothing. One particularly heated argument was about his belief that Fugu-sashi (Pufferfish Sashimi) was superior to Dango. He insulted you, saying, "Your taste in food is as unflashy as you are—plain, dull, and boring!" Naturally, this led to a fight, and things escalated to the point where you ignored him for two days. Both of you are very opinionated when it comes to these matters.

Fugu (河豚; 鰒; フグ) pufferfish sashimi, is famous as a high-class dish in Japan. Using exceptionally thin blades called Fugu Hiki, only trained and licensed chefs are permitted to separate the Fugu's poisonous organs from its delicate white meat.

Dango (団子) is a Japanese dumpling made from rice flour mixed with Uruchi rice flour and glutinous rice flour. The many different varieties of Dango are usually named after the various seasonings served on or with it.

Chapter 9: Change - 変化


You were determined to make changes, no matter how long it took, how many attempts it required, or even if you felt like you were going in circles. You've come to understand that life is a journey of learning, growth, and embracing change. This truth is evident in the world around you—the land, plants, wildlife, and the flow of time itself. Embracing the highs and lows, experiencing all that life presents, is what makes it all worth it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It's been an arduous week since you last saw Tanjiro, Zenitsu, or Inosuke, and your anxiety has reached new heights. After reconciling with Uzui, you immediately sought them out to apologize as well. However, what you didn't realize was that each of them had been medically cleared and allowed to resume missions. Despite searching the mansion fruitlessly for a few minutes, you headed to their room in hopes of finding them there. Aoi Kanzaki, the girl who had been caring for them during their recovery, was the only one in the room, tidying up. That's when she informed you that they had been sent on their first mission post-recovery. It wasn't a shock considering it had been a little over three months since you began Japanese lessons and they all started rehabilitation training within the first few weeks of your lessons, but the news still hit you hard.

They were gone.

You couldn't stop dwelling on how badly you wanted to make amends. They needed to know how sorry you were and how grateful you felt towards them. You couldn't let them continue thinking you didn't appreciate them. Losing them would shatter you, bringing back dark and depressing thoughts you had fought before. Without them, life in this place meant nothing. While you still had Uzui, Mitsuri, and others, those three were your pillars, the ones who grounded you. They were the first to make you feel like you belonged, like you had a family you couldn't find elsewhere. Each day they were absent, you paced the mansion anxiously, waiting for their return to finally express everything you'd been holding inside.

Yet, four more days passed without any word of their return. You can only hope they're safe and will return soon. Their absence has consumed your thoughts, leading you to spend hours studying and training until you're nearly exhausted each day. While it's draining, it helps distract you, especially with a certain Hashira nearby. Rengoku proves to be an excellent mentor—kind, patient, and diligent. He knows how to push you, even if it sometimes feels daunting as you doubt reaching his level of optimism and strength.

You may end up merely being able to hold your own in smaller battles, assisting the other Slayers, rather than becoming formidable against stronger foes such as a member of the Twelve Kizuki or Muzan himself. Nonetheless, you just want things to work out and your friends to be happy. Stepping outside, you head to the training grounds where Rengoku awaits, accompanied by a familiar face standing off to the side. As you approach, the man turns to you, his expression neutral, triggering your memory. He's the one who saved you and Inosuke from the Giant Spider Demon on Mount Natagumo!

Rengoku greets you warmly once you're near enough. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," you reply with ease, casting a glance at the other man.

His voice is flat as he speaks, his expression devoid of emotion. "So, you're the new recruit?"

"That's right," you confirm, coming to a halt and offering a grateful smile. "You saved me and my friend on the mountain a few months back. I never got the chance to properly thank you... so, thank you."

"No need for thanks; I was simply fulfilling my duty."

"Regardless, I'm thankful." Your gaze shifts between Rengoku and the man, curiosity evident. "What brings you here?"

"I heard you were staying here with the others. I didn't get the chance to properly meet you, so I'm here now," he remarks, his eyes betraying his interest as he looks at you. "You've also joined the Corps... why?"

"I want to help... I owe you and my other friends my life, and I've witnessed the horrors demons can inflict first hand. So, why not lend a hand?"

"Interesting. And the Master approved of this?" His eyes move to Rengoku, who nods affirmatively with a smile. "Where are you from, exactly?"

"I... don't know."

There's a subtle shift in his expression at your response, though it remains inscrutable. "Right. That's unfortunate, I suppose." He turns to Rengoku and nods slightly before walking away. "I'll take my leave now, so you can continue your training."

"Wait!" You call out, causing him to pause without turning back. "What's your name?"

"Giyuu... Giyuu Tomioka."

He walks off after answering, and you offer another quick "Thank you!" before he disappears entirely. Rengoku breaks the silence with a cheerful hum, flashing his trademark grin as he outlines today's lesson. You'll be learning Total Concentration, a prospect that leaves you unsure, given your past experience. However, you nod in agreement and assume a meditative stance, absorbing every word Rengoku imparts as he guides you through the technique. Surprisingly, nothing peculiar occurs as you concentrate on your breathing, following Rengoku's lead. You're grateful for the chance to focus solely on the lesson without any strange occurrences.

While you acknowledge the possibility of unexpected events, for now, you're entirely relaxed and able to breathe freely, perhaps for the first time in a long while.

The next couple of hours pass with you diligently practicing the breathing exercises before Rengoku suggests integrating them into your physical workouts like jogging, pushups, crunches, and other light exercises to acclimate you gradually. It's a slow and challenging process, but you already feel a bit more confident and satisfied with your progress, no matter how incremental it may seem. Everyone starts somewhere, and observing how effortlessly those around you handle their tasks serves as motivation. You want this more than anything you can recall wanting before, pushing yourself through each training session.

As two weeks fly by, filled with training and Japanese studies, the absence of your lively friends weighs heavily on you. 

The worry grows, leading you to vent to Uzui and Mitsuri, occasionally seeking solace in Shinobu's presence, though she's often preoccupied with other duties. Despite Rengoku's kindness and potential supportiveness, you refrain from burdening him with your concerns, maintaining a respectful distance as he guides your training. While Uzui breaks the professional barriers with his casual demeanor and personal anecdotes, Rengoku remains somewhat enigmatic and intimidating to you. You stick to following his instructions during training, keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself. However, fate seems to intervene one night as you struggle to sleep and venture outside to practice what you've learned.

Out of nowhere, Rengoku appears, catching you off guard.

"You're up quite late, or perhaps I should say early," Rengoku's bright yet gentle voice breaks the night's silence.  

You had been taking a brief break, seated on a bench lost in your thoughts, and you snapped back to reality as he approached, his usual cheerful expression dimmed slightly. 

"May I?" He gestures to the spot beside you.

After a moment of quiet contemplation, you nod, shifting over to make room for him. Your gaze wanders to a nondescript spot in the garden as the peaceful ambiance of the night, filled with chirping crickets and the gentle rustling of leaves, surrounds you. There's an unspoken heaviness in the air, almost suffocating, yet you focus on your breathing, avoiding any specific thoughts. It's a strange limbo, akin to when you first touched your sword and experienced a peculiar energy that left you unconscious for days.

The silence is broken when Rengoku speaks, his tone softer and slower than usual. "Pardon me if this question is intrusive, but are you alright?"

His question catches you off guard. He noticed? It dawns on you that perhaps others have also sensed your recent struggles, despite your attempts to conceal them better than a few weeks prior. However, you hadn't expected Rengoku, of all people, to inquire about your well-being. Despite being a kind and smart man, this scenario was quite odd. You didn't necessarily take him to be the oblivious type, but it was still a bit mind-boggling to have him show at least a little bit of interest in you.

"You seem troubled," Rengoku continues, his voice gentle yet firm. "Is there something on your mind?"

"I'm fine," you respond, though the uncertainty lingers in your tone.

Your words rang hollow, a lie that was painfully obvious even to yourself. You hoped that by repeating it, you could make it true, but Rengoku, with his keen perception and fiery gaze, saw through your facade. His eyes bore into you, challenging the falsehood you tried to present.

"I'm afraid that I don't believe you," Rengoku states, his tone unwavering. His straightforwardness cuts through the air, leaving you exposed. "But you should know that it's okay… to not be okay. If I may be so bold as to ask… why do you lie, to others, and to yourself?"

Your heart skips a beat as an unpleasant feeling settles in your stomach. His words hit home, exposing the deep-rooted habit of pretending everything was fine when it wasn't. He knows you aren't fine—it's as clear as day. The pain of your actions weighs heavily as you realize the impact on not just yourself but on others as well. You think of your friends Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, who left without a word before their mission two weeks ago.

"I-I…" You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself and not crumble under the weight of his question. "I'm sorry," you manage to choke out.

Rengoku's response is gentle yet firm. "Please, don't apologize," he implores, leaning closer to meet your gaze. "But understand that lying in such a manner will do more harm than good. Denying how you truly feel won't solve anything."

"I know," you stammer, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

The torrent of thoughts and emotions swirls relentlessly within you as Rengoku's gentle but firm presence anchors you to the conversation, despite the urge to flee. Uzui's words also echo in your mind, urging you to stop hiding and pushing people away. You realize that avoiding discomfort only leads to hurting yourself and those around you, and yet, you find the task of facing such fears to be difficult and painful in its own way. Summoning courage, you meet Rengoku's gaze head-on, finding a familiar gentleness in his eyes that reminds you of Tanjiro.

A mix of amusement and sorrow floods your heart, and the longing for Tanjiro and the others intensifies in this moment. Silence hangs between you and Rengoku, his caring eyes offering a sense of calm while also stirring your nerves. His unspoken invitation to open up and stop lying, to stop pushing your feelings and everyone else away, is clear, encouraging you to share your true feelings.

With a steadying breath, you find your voice, admitting, "I'm... not sure what to do. I'm not okay. I've been an awful friend, and I'm overwhelmed. Can I handle all of this? Will I... ever regain my memories? Do I deserve to be here? Will I ruin everything? Are my friends safe and—"

Your words come to an abrupt halt, feeling like you've bared too much. Yet, Rengoku remains unperturbed, observing you for a moment before reclining back, crossing his arms comfortably as he gazes up at the night sky. The stars twinkle above, casting a peaceful glow. His peaceful stance and silent support offer solace, a reminder that you don't have to carry everything alone.

"As I said before, it's okay to not be okay," Rengoku's simple yet profound words resonate with you. "No one here will judge you for having such thoughts—for simply being human. Admitting mistakes, being vulnerable, and seeking help are signs of true strength. We all have weaknesses, but we don't have to face them alone. Our ability to support and connect with others, forming unbreakable bonds, is our greatest asset as humans. Together, we are stronger!"

His words sink deep, leaving you in awe of his insight once again. You let his wisdom envelop you, uncaring if he notices your captivation. You know he's right, yet breaking free from old habits and beliefs is challenging. However, you realize that life is about learning, growing, and embracing change. It's reflected in everything around you—the land, plants, wildlife, and the passage of time. Embracing the ups and downs, experiencing all that life offers, and forming connections with those around you, makes it precious and worth fighting for. Your stubbornness, once a barrier, now becomes a driving force for change—a willingness to grow and evolve, no matter the challenges.

"Thank you," you say sincerely, feeling a rare sense of peace wash over you.

Rengoku's smile, though unseen, is felt. No more words are needed as you both sit in comfortable silence, understanding each other without needing to articulate it. Eventually, you part ways for the night, carrying with you a newfound resolve to face your challenges with strength and openness.

The passage of almost three and a half weeks since your friends' departure left you grappling with your thoughts and feelings, until that pivotal night with Rengoku. His guidance allowed you to breathe freely again, easing your troubled heart and mind. Though worries lingered, you didn't let them fester, instead opening up more to Uzui, Mitsuri, and even Rengoku, finding solace in their company. As the fourth week begins, a sudden commotion interrupts your solitude, prompting you to rush out of the study room, nearly stumbling in your haste. Your heart races as you dash toward the source of the noise, eyes scanning the area until they land on familiar figures. 

Relief floods over you; the wait is finally over!

You were on the brink of losing your mind, especially enduring Uzui's incessant banter about your inferior taste in food. Remember the petty argument that led to days of ignoring each other before your reconciliation? It's almost laughable now, but enough of those trivialities. What truly matters is what's before you. You almost doubt your senses, thinking you're seeing apparitions. But it's them... they're back!

"TANJIRO-KUN!! ZENITSU-KUN!! INOSUKE-KUN!!" The joy of reunion bursts forth as you leap towards your friends, their surprised reactions mixing with your giggles and tears. Tackling them like an overexcited puppy, you're a whirlwind of emotions as you wrap your arms around them tightly. "You're back!" 

However, your exuberant welcome is met with varying responses. 

Zenitsu, wide-eyed, seems caught off guard but tentatively happy about your enthusiasm, reciprocating the embrace you’ve pulled them into. “Eh… Y/n-chan, w-what's going on?”

Slightly pulling away, you meet his eyes and grin. “I’ve been waiting for you—”

Inosuke abruptly pushes you away with a grumble. “Piss off, unless you’re looking for a fight!”

You stumble, tripping over your own foot and wind up on the ground. Tanjiro, with a mix of concern and displeasure, subtly frowns at Inosuke before moving to help you, his hand hovering but not quite touching you. 

“Are you okay?”

You sense the hesitation, a pang of realization hitting you that you’ve created a barrier between you due to your actions in the past. The thought stings, but it only fuels your determination to be a better friend. The rapid bond and closeness you shared with them often felt surreal, but it was a treasure you wouldn't exchange for anything. They weren't just friends; they were your chosen family, your people who stood by you through thick and thin. You realized that it was time to reciprocate the care and support they had shown you by being the best friend you could be for them. After all, they had always given their best to you, and it was only fair to do the same in return. Looking up at Tanjiro with a smile, you take his hand and stand back up with his help, squeezing it gently. 

"Yeah, I'm okay! Especially now that you guys are back," you assure him, the sincerity in your voice evident. "I've… really missed you guys..."

As you turn to address Zenitsu and Inosuke, Tanjiro's smile takes on a bittersweet quality as he watches you, his gaze filled with understanding and warmth. On the other hand, Zenitsu appears visibly flustered, his cheeks tinted with a blush as he nervously fidgets with his fingers and scuffs his feet against the ground. Inosuke, ever the stoic one, stiffens slightly and avoids direct eye contact, his discomfort palpable. 

"That's really good to know..." Tanjiro, finding his voice amidst the emotions swirling around, offers a gentle affirmation in response to your heartfelt admission. "We've missed you, too." 

Suddenly, you pull Tanjiro into a tight embrace, catching him off guard with the suddenness of your gesture. 

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for being such an awful friend," you plead, your voice filled with genuine regret as you bury your head against his shoulder.

You open up about your worries, expressing both relief and remorse for all of your actions in the past—especially these last few weeks. Tanjiro's breath catches momentarily, surprised by the emotional intensity of the moment. Your scent, usually indiscernible, skyrockets, and he almost chokes on the overpowering smell of sadness and guilt mixed with happiness and affection swirling within you. However, he quickly reciprocates, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hold. His expression softens, and he rubs your back soothingly, conveying reassurance and understanding. The warmth of the embrace helps to ease any lingering tension or doubts between you, reaffirming the strength of your friendship and mutual support.

"I'm really, really sorry," you murmur into his shoulder, the words coming out in a rush as you continue to express the pain and remorse you have for treating them so badly.

Tanjiro's embrace tightens slightly, a silent acknowledgment of your pain. "It's okay," he whispers back, his voice steady and calming.

You pull back slightly to look at him, tears still glistening in your eyes. "I just... want to make things right. I want to be strong for all of you... but sometimes it feels like I'm failing."

Zenitsu, shakes his head gently, a small smile playing on his lips as he steps closer and grabs your attention. "You don't have to be strong all the time, Y/n-chan. It's okay to lean on us, to let us help you. That's what friends are for, right?"

"Thank you... I needed to hear that." His words touch you deeply, and you nod, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude. "I haven't shown you guys... how much I truly appreciate you and you deserve better. Better communication, and... uhmm... honesty. I want to be better and not push people away..."

Tanjiro's eyes shine with understanding. "We all have our moments of struggle," he says softly. "But what's important is that we support each other and keep moving forward. Your honesty now means a lot, and we're grateful for it."

"I'm so glad! I started to think... you all left for good," you murmur, your voice carrying a tinge of regret and sorrow. "And I wouldn't... uh, blame you if you did leave and never came back..."

"We would never leave you behind." Tanjiro's voice cuts through your uncertainties with unwavering assurance. His gaze is earnest, filled with the depth of his loyalty and friendship. "You're part of our team," he continues softly, his words carrying the weight of conviction. "No matter what happens, we stick together. We'll always come back for you."

Zenitsu nods fervently, his usual anxiety replaced with earnest sincerity. "Yeah, we've been through too much together to just abandon each other now."

While you still felt upset, most of it was directed at yourself for pushing your friends away. They all cared about you just as much as you cared about them. Despite knowing this, you had subconsciously held onto thoughts that you weren't truly wanted or needed, even though you had quickly formed strong bonds. It was as if you were waiting for them to leave you behind.

...ᴶᵘˢᵗ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵈᶦᵈ...

An image flashes in your mind, vague and unsettling. Who were… they? The memory or vision is painful, and a slight ache pulses in the back of your brain. You push it aside, not wanting to disrupt the moment of closeness and comfort with your friends. Determined not to let negative thoughts hold you back anymore, you pull Tanjiro even closer and beckon Zenitsu and Inosuke over for a group hug. Zenitsu eagerly joins, while Inosuke hesitates at first, trying to maintain his tough exterior.

"Inosuke-kun, get over here!" you insist, your tone playful yet sincere.

"No way in hell! Don't tell me what to do!" Inosuke retorts, crossing his arms defiantly.

"Please," you add with a gentle pout, your eyes softening with genuine appeal. "Come on, I need you... all of you..."

Inosuke huffs, clearly torn between his stubborn pride and your heartfelt request. After a moment of internal struggle, he grumbles and stomps over, awkwardly standing to the side.

"Fine! But only because you helped me distract that squirrel that one time! It's the least I can do for my minion, just don't get used to it!"

You tug him into the circle, all four of you wrapping your arms around each other. As everyone embraces, Inosuke quietly grumbles about mushiness, but the warmth and affection in the moment are undeniable and break through his facade. It's a testament to the bond you share, overcoming barriers and differences to find comfort and strength in each other's presence. However, Inosuke gets carried away and starts to turn it into a competition of who can hug better, nearly squeezing the life out of all of you. Zenitsu wheezes as his lungs are compressed, while you and Tanjiro just smile and laugh despite the lack of air supply, enjoying the little moment.

You really needed this, and it seems like they might have as well.

After a few more moments you all decide to break it up and head inside. It's still fairly early in the morning, so it's the perfect time to have some breakfast and sit around for a while catching up on what's happened over the last four weeks. As you all enter the dining room, Tanjiro takes off the box, and Nezuko instantly swings the door open and bursts out, slightly stumbling before she quickly gets back up and rushes over to you. You squeak in surprise as her arms wrap around your middle, and she nuzzles into you. You squeal in delight and wrap yourself around her too. You both swing back and forth, smiling and giggling as the others watch and settle down at the table where food has been prepared.

"Mmm! Mhmmn," Nezuko babbles from under the bamboo mouthpiece. 

Her eyes are big and round, with a slight furrow in her brow as her hand comes up to pet your head for a moment before she goes back in for a hug, humming in content. She missed you, and you returned the sentiment. You brush your fingers through her hair for a few moments, but she still wasn't letting go as you tried to turn, your heart warming with affection for how cute and silly she was being.

"Nezuko," Tanjiro calls out, smiling fondly despite trying to sound serious, "you have to let her go! Y/n-chan needs to eat, too."

She completely ignores him and only buries herself further into your frame, reluctant to let you go as she pouts.

"Let's sit together," you suggest cheerily, laughing when she immediately lets go, only to grab onto your hand and drag you to the table where you could sit side by side.  

"Mmmmn~" She leans into you, hugging you from the side.

"Aww, I missed you too, Nezuko-chan! Have you been having fun with your brother, Zenitsu-kun, and Inosuke-kun?" 

She nods enthusiastically, her eyes lighting up as she sits back and slightly bounces in her spot. “Mmn!” 

"That's good, I'm glad you've been doing well."

She then tilts her head at you, her expression curious as she mumbles, "Uhmm… hmm?"

"Me? Well, ummm…" you pause, deciding not to delve into how you've been during their absence. What matters is how you’re doing now. "I'm doing great! I'm glad you're all here," you say with a smile, patting her head. 

She closes her eyes and hums again happily. Everyone starts grabbing food, except Nezuko, who busies herself playing with a strand of your hair as you begin to eat and talk with the boys. They ask what you've been up to since they left, how your studying and training were coming along, and you tell them as much as you can remember. Often, your mind blanks or you worry about things so much that you don't really pay attention or remember as much as you should. Which, at this moment, was becoming very apparent, as you barely recall what has happened these past four weeks.

You're able to tell them about your training picking up a bit, with you starting to learn Total Concentration, but you're still in the very early stages of it. They listen eagerly, and you also recount a few funny stories Uzui had told, as well as some you had personally witnessed during their absence, eliciting laughter and groans from your friends. And you leave out the part where you and Uzui essentially made a pact to prank Zenitsu together at some point. When and where that'll happen, who knows, but if Zenitsu found out, he'd probably avoid you both like the plague. He's heard you and Uzui while passing by the study room numerous times, enough to know that he would rather not be involved in whatever you two are up to.

"So, there was this one time," you begin, a grin spreading across your face, "Uzui was trying to show off his 'flashy' moves, and he ended up tripping over his own foot and crashing into a stack of training equipment. He tried to play it off, of course, but we all saw it."

Laughter fills the room as you share the antics and mishaps during your studying and training, with Tanjiro's eyes crinkling in amusement, Zenitsu's groans of disbelief, and Inosuke's hearty snorts. As the laughter dies down, you switch topics to focus on your friends and their recent mission, curious as to what they had gotten up to. You felt as if you had taken up enough of the attention.

"So, where did you guys go?" You take a bite of rice, chewing slowly as you sweep your gaze over them. "What did you do?"

"We took down a demon, of course!" Inosuke huffs proudly while shoving copious amounts of food down his throat, making a giant mess.  

How he's able to talk with so much food in his mouth is beyond you. He always acts like he hasn't eaten in such a long time and was starved to death. You guess he just has a big appetite, which makes sense, seeing as he has so much energy. But he could at least make sure most of it actually goes into his mouth and doesn't get everywhere...

"Well, more like Tanjiro and I did," Zenitsu says with a hint of irritation. "Inosuke showed up at the last minute, but yeah... we had to fight a demon that was terrorizing a small town, and it was pretty tough."

"Oh, well, you all look good… so I assume you made it out without any major wounds. But are you guys okay?"

"Yes, we're alright, thanks for your concern!" Tanjiro chimes in, a light smile on his face as he begins to tell you some of the details about their mission. "It was a tricky situation because of its Blood Demon Art, since it could make identical copies of itself. Luckily, the demon wasn't very strong, and neither were the copies. I think they just served to be a distraction so it could run away. But we tracked it down... which is why it took as long as it did to complete the mission and return."

"Wow," you exclaim with genuine admiration for their perseverance. "I'm glad you managed to find it and take it down!"

"Me too," Zenitsu groans wearily. "I'm so tired. We hardly got any sleep because it kept running away. I think I could sleep for a few days or even a week!"

"That sounds exhausting," you sympathize, though a small smile tugs at your lips as Zenitsu dramatically expresses his fatigue by slumping over. After a moment, you continue, unable to contain your thoughts. "I know it might sound selfish, but I was hoping to spend more time with you guys now that you're back…"

Zenitsu suddenly appears more alert, sitting up straighter. "I could keep you company! I'll be fine and can just go to sleep when you do!"

"No, you can’t do that!"

"It’s n-no problem, really!" 

You chuckle and shake your head, waving your hand at him. "I'd rather you get some rest. You all deserve it for working so hard."

Your praise, although directed at the others as well, causes Zenitsu's heart to leap. His gaze shifts to the delicious treat on his plate, a small pastry with a glaze that glistens under the soft glow of the room's lights. Knowing your fondness for sugary things—especially after countless shared meals where you couldn't resist a dessert—he picks it up and offers it to you, his expression hopeful yet bashful.

"Wow, you're so sweet, Y/n-chan! Thank you... here, take this! A sweet, for a s-sweet girl!"

You accept it with a warm feeling in your chest, oblivious to the light blush on your own cheeks, touched by his gesture. Zenitsu had a habit of giving you things, which you appreciated deeply. However, it also made you feel a bit guilty because you hadn't given him or anyone else a gift before. You make a mental note to start showing your appreciation with small gifts as well, wanting to be a good friend in return. As you ponder this, Inosuke suddenly interrupts with excitement, leaning over the table to show you something he found on their mission. Zenitsu tries to pull him back down, scolding him to get off the table.

Inosuke paid him no mind, standing firm without moving, allowing you to take the object from his hand for a closer inspection. It was a palm-sized green mineral, somewhat dulled by the dirt still clinging to it. However, you could envision its potential beauty if cleaned and fashioned into jewelry, sparkling brilliantly in the light. As it lay cool in your palm, you turned it over, observing the rough, jagged surface, pondering where and how Inosuke had stumbled upon such a stunning gem. Questions seemed to multiply whenever he was involved, with answers often remaining elusive.

It's never a dull moment with him, you thought to yourself, acknowledging Inosuke's knack for the unexpected.

Zenitsu's eyes widened in disbelief. "Where did you find that?"

"In that creepy cave we passed during our mission," Inosuke replied casually.

"So, that's where you disappeared to," Tanjiro chimed in with a sigh, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Zenitsu stared at Inosuke incredulously, his eyes twitching as he exclaimed, "You've got to be kidding! We were worried you were lost, and you’re telling me you were just playing around in a dark, creepy cave while we tried to carry out the mission! Why would you go there, especially alone? Another demon could’ve been hiding in there!"

"Because I felt like it," Inosuke shrugged, unperturbed.

Inosuke, true to form, offered no further explanation, if there was any to begin with—which was highly unlikely given his nature. His penchant for exploration and random activities had become a predictable part of his character, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise that he often engaged in such antics for no reason other than his own whim. As you attempted to return the crystal, Inosuke leaned back, settled down, and resumed his meal without acknowledging your gesture. Though you managed to briefly catch his attention, he merely blinked when you waved the crystal at him and then went back to ignoring you completely. Perplexed, you couldn't help but shoot him a bewildered glance, your expression contorting. 

Did he not want it back? After all, it was a shiny, pretty rock! If he found acorns fascinating, surely this gem would also pique his interest and find a place among his collection of 'treasures.'

Deciding to let it go, you tucked the small crystal in your pocket and redirected your focus to finishing the meal, prompting the group to continue recounting the details of the mission. Their lively banter and shared anecdotes brought warmth to the conversation, eliciting laughter as they playfully argued about the nuances of their journey or found common ground in their perspectives and emotions. Your smile remained constant throughout the meal, lingering even as you tidied up together afterward and suggested they take some rest. Inosuke, usually not one to quickly heed such advice, vanished almost instantly, while Tanjiro and Zenitsu required a bit more persuasion before reluctantly retiring to their room, promising to spend more time with you once they were refreshed. With mutual agreements made, they trudged off to rest, weariness evident but contentment apparent in their smiles.

They slept through the remainder of the day, which was understandable considering the exhausting mission they had recounted earlier. The demon's ability to create duplicates and evade capture had forced them into a relentless pursuit, leaving little time for rest. Their determination to prevent its escape was admirable, considering the minimal sleep they managed to snatch amidst the chase. Reflecting on their experience, you doubted you could have endured such a grueling ordeal without adequate rest. Being a part of the Demon Slayer Corps meant you would eventually embark on missions yourself, assuming your training progressed as expected. While you had already made significant strides in building stamina and strength since joining, you knew there was much more to learn and improve upon. With time and dedication, you were confident you could at least keep pace with them to a certain extent during missions, whenever you were deemed ready to join them.

And hopefully that wasn’t too far in the future.

The next morning, you rose early, dressed swiftly in your uniform, and headed to their room. Knocking softly, you waited, but there was no response from within. Carefully, you pushed the door open and peeked inside to find them still asleep, accompanied by the gentle sounds of snores, grumbles, and the cheerful chirping of birds outside. Approaching Tanjiro first, you leaned over to nudge his shoulder gently. Though you knew they were likely still exhausted, your eagerness to spend time with them upon their return outweighed your consideration for their rest. After some gentle prodding, Tanjiro stirred, his eyes slowly fluttering open before he managed a lopsided smile, signaling his awakening from the depths of sleep.

Tanjiro greeted you with a yawn, stretching as he sat up. "Good morning."

You returned his smile. "Good morning! Sorry to wake you. Are you still tired…?"

"A little," he admitted, "but it's okay. We probably shouldn't be sleeping all day."

Moving on to Zenitsu, you gently shook him and whispered, "Wake up, Zenitsu-kun."

He mumbled in response, keeping his eyes closed, a faint frown forming on his face. You chuckled and persisted, shaking him a bit more and leaning closer to his ear to coax him awake. Eventually, his eyes shot open in alarm, almost screaming before realizing it was you. He let out a garbled noise, stopping himself by biting his lip, his heart racing from the surprise. As you pulled back with a laugh, his wide eyes followed your movement before he shook himself and blinked a few times, regaining his composure. Approaching Inosuke next, you attempted to wake him in the same manner. However, your attempt took an unexpected turn when he swiftly grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him. Surprised, you squawked as he enveloped you in a tight embrace, holding you firmly against his chest.

You wheeze and squirm, your words cutting short as you try to call out his name. "I-Inosu—!"

Your struggle to free yourself from Inosuke's surprisingly strong grip escalated as Zenitsu and Tanjiro joined in, attempting to pry you away. Despite their combined efforts, Inosuke's hold seemed unyielding, his unconscious strength baffling everyone involved.

"You're going to crush her to death, you idiot!" Zenitsu's frustration seeped into his words as he tugged at Inosuke's arms with all his might.

Tanjiro, though calmer, exerted his full strength as well. They managed to move one of Inosuke's arms slightly, a glimmer of hope teasing at the possibility of your liberation. However, their progress was short-lived as Inosuke, still asleep, kicked them away, grumbling irritably. It was a struggle reminiscent of being pinned down by Zenitsu during your first encounter with a demon (the one at the house in the woods), only now compounded by Inosuke's unwittingly powerful embrace. Your predicament worsened as Inosuke rolled over, trapping you further with his leg, leaving you feeling utterly stuck and helpless. Panic surged as his breath brushed against the back of your neck, and when his face nuzzled closer, your whole body tensed, a tingle running down your spine. The situation had gone from being slightly flustered to downright uncomfortable, especially considering your slight claustrophobia and the unexpected intimacy of the situation. Frantic, you fought against his hold, but it was futile. Tanjiro and Zenitsu, sensing the urgency, suggested seeking help from Uzui or Rengoku.

However, the thought of either Hashira discovering you in such a predicament filled you with dread.

Uzui would likely tease you endlessly, and the fear of disappointing Rengoku, who had been diligently training you to increase your stamina and strength, felt like a failure in itself. If you couldn't free yourself from your sleeping friend's hold, how could you be taken seriously as a member of the Corps tasked with battling actual demons? As they hurried off to seek help, you continued to squirm in Inosuke's embrace, desperately trying to free yourself. Through some contortionist-like maneuvering, you managed to twist around until you were facing him, your heart racing at the proximity. Wide-eyed, you found yourself staring at his face, momentarily mesmerized by his features up close. The realization of how pretty he looked caused your brain to short-circuit, leaving you almost afraid to move, your breath caught in your throat.

Just when you thought the situation couldn't get any more surreal, Inosuke squeezed his arms, drawing you even closer and eliciting a gasp for air from you. The rush of air across his face as he did so seemed to jolt him awake, his expression scrunching up as his arms loosened slightly, allowing you to shift back and meet his gaze face to face. A silent moment passed between you as you stared into each other's eyes, the intensity of the moment making it feel like an eternity when it was only a few seconds. Then, his eyes widened in shock, and in a sudden movement, he pushed you away and flung himself backward, tumbling off the bed with a loud thud.

Your heart raced as you sat up, watching him shoot up from the floor and point at you accusingly. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill me in my sleep or something?!"

The absurdity of the situation hit you, and you couldn't help but burst into nervous laughter. "N-No! I was trying to wake you up, but you were dead asleep and grabbed onto me, and you wouldn't let go!"

The tension in the room seemed to dissipate slightly as Inosuke, though still wary, chose not to press the matter further. Instead, he grumbled to himself and stood up, clearly still a bit disoriented from the abrupt awakening. As you slid off the bed, a wave of relief washed over you. You couldn't believe how close you had come to a rather embarrassing demise, whether from a heart attack or being squeezed to death. However, just when you thought the awkwardness had peaked, you found yourself blurting out words without thinking. 

"Inosuke-kun, you look so peaceful while sleeping. Why can’t you always be like that?" You chuckled softly, teasing him, before adding, "And I never noticed just how green your eyes are! You should wear your mask less often, they're beautiful."

The moment the words left your mouth, you felt another rush of embarrassment, your giggle turning into an awkward cough as you cleared your throat, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting nervously. You berated yourself mentally for making such a comment, especially with your reaction afterward, which only served to make the situation more uncomfortable.

You can’t believe you just said that...

Especially to someone like Inosuke, with whom you hadn't shared such affectionate, albeit teasing words with before. The silence that followed your comment seemed to stretch on forever. Inosuke's reaction to your compliment left you feeling a mix of uncertainty and regret. His pink-cheeked, bewildered expression spoke volumes, and when he swiftly put on his mask and left without a word, you couldn't help but wonder if you had crossed a line or made things awkward between you. As you ventured out of the room, you tried to convince yourself that it was just a momentary lapse, and both of you would forget about it soon enough. After all, your friendship had never ventured into such territory before, and Inosuke was not exactly known for being sentimental or receptive to such comments, at least not in your experience.

And seeing as he could never remember anyone's name, you were positive that he'd quickly forget about this.

Arriving in the dining room, you found the others returning, apologizing for not finding help in time but expressing relief at seeing you free. When they inquired about how you managed to escape, you offered a simple explanation that Inosuke had shifted enough in his sleep to release you before waking up. Surprisingly, Inosuke had nothing to say about the matter, seemingly ignoring the topic as he quickly settled down and ate his food. As you all joined him, he ate faster, shoving everything into his mouth before springing up and dashing off. Inosuke's hurried departure from the room raised eyebrows, but you played it cool, pretending not to notice the exchanged glances between Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

Despite the lingering awkwardness, you tried to focus on enjoying the meal and putting the incident behind you. After all, it was just a silly moment that would soon fade into the background of your friendship. Although, Inosuke's behavior was a bit extreme, indicating that your comment may have had a stronger impact than you initially thought. While it's unlikely that he was repulsed by your words, they might have made him feel uncomfortable or uncertain, leading to his avoidance. The dynamic between you two was different, and you could understand if he needed some space after that unexpected exchange. 

But, surely, things would return to normal after thisright?

Tanjiro and Zenitsu noticed the subtle changes in both you and Inosuke, picking up on the tension and unusual behavior. They were curious but decided not to pry further, preferring to let the situation settle on its own. Zenitsu, in particular, was suspicious of Inosuke's heightened nervousness and odd behavior, but he didn't want to delve into it without a clearer understanding. Fortunately, the rest of the day proceeded smoothly without any additional awkwardness. Inosuke seemed to have disappeared entirely, which bothered you a little, but you decided that some space might be beneficial for both of you.

As the day progressed, you decided to make the most of it by spending time with Zenitsu and Tanjiro in the gardens. The beautiful weather and the opportunity to be with your friends lifted your spirits. You had requested the day off from Uzui and Rengoku the previous night, missing their company and wanting a break from training. Uzui teased you about it, while Rengoku happily granted your request, acknowledging the importance of rest and relaxation. Plus, with the Hashira occupied with upcoming meetings, you were free to enjoy a peaceful day with your friends. Although you were eager to get stronger and train more, you were glad for the little break. You had been making good progress, so you figured a day off wouldn't hurt. Initially, you didn't pay much attention to how fast you were learning some things, even though you had noticed the progress.

However, you hadn't realized just how quick you were. Some skills came easier than others, but overall, you were doing great, and you started to believe in yourself more. 

No more negative thoughts or constant self-doubt!

Especially now that your friends were back, with the more sensitive ones constantly praising your efforts. While hanging out in the gardens, you showed them a few of the moves you'd learned during training, including various punches and kicks for close combat situations. Zenitsu was a bit worried and kept urging you to be careful, fearing you might strain or hurt yourself. You reassured him that you were fine. It might have annoyed you at first, but you realized it came from his concern and care for you. So, although it was a bit overbearing, you appreciated that he just wanted you to be safe. However, that didn't stop you from having fun and being a bit mischievous as a playful idea sparked in your mind. You and Uzui made a little pact, and this seemed like the perfect time to do something to stir up some harmless trouble. You couldn't help but feel a morbid sense of amusement, thinking about how proud Uzui would be to see what you were about to put your poor friends through—more specifically Zenitsu.

"Watch this!" you call out, ensuring they're completely focused on you. 

With a slight crouch, you push up with all the strength in your legs, jumping high in the air while kicking out and spinning. Just as you're about to land, you purposefully stumble, making it look like something happened to your leg as you touch the ground, letting out a pained groan as you fall over and grab onto your leg. Instantly, Zenitsu gasps and rushes to your side, his hands hovering over you in a panic.

"Ahhhh, Y/n-chan! Are you okay?!" His eyes dart between your face and your leg, sweat lining his brow. "What happened?!"

Tanjiro joins you, his face a bit pale at the thought of your severe injury, though he remains relatively calm as he tries to assess the situation. You continue to groan, rocking slightly back and forth, and force a few tears to well up in your eyes to sell the act. Zenitsu's anxiety only heightens at the sight, which tugs at your conscience, but you're committed to the bit.

"I... I think," you start, gasping and whimpering, "I twisted my ankle."

"Here, let us carry you to the infirmary and get help," Tanjiro suggests.

He slides one of your arms around his shoulder, crouching down, while Zenitsu takes the other side. Together, they lift you up. Keeping your leg elevated, you hop along but let them take only a few steps before straightening your leg dramatically and slamming your foot down. They gasp simultaneously, Zenitsu panicking and clinging to you tighter as you pretend to lose balance. However, you stop yourself, leaning back and bursting into laughter until you can't hold it in anymore and actually fall, pulling both of them down with you. They lie there in shock as you continue to laugh and roll around. Tanjiro slowly sits up, his expression deeply concerned as he gazes at you from the side. He struggles to find the right words, his thoughts feeling sluggish.

"Gotcha!" you exclaim, grinning widely.

Tanjiro's confusion lingers. "H-Huh...?" 

You sit up, still chuckling as you explain, "It was just a prank! I'm actually fine; I was messing with you guys."

He blinks a few times before a smile quirks at the corners of his mouth. He looks away, shaking his head. "Oh, you really got me," he admits, exhaling with a mix of surprise and amusement. "I couldn't even tell you were faking it; your scent was nearly impossible to detect. Wow, you're really good at that!"

Zenitsu slowly sits up on your other side, grabbing your shoulder and shaking you vigorously, his voice climbing in pitch. "Why would you scare me— I mean, us, like that, Y/n-chaaaaan! I thought it was serious, and you were in terrible pain!"

You chuckle mischievously, deciding it was time to come clean about your prank partnership with Uzui. It was bound to come out eventually, and you figure this prank was mostly harmless—Zenitsu didn't have to deal with Uzui directly, after all. It was just you, and that was probably for the best.

"Sorry, I had to! I've been so bored lately, and I thought it would be a good prank. And Uzui-san put me up to it, actually! Yeah, it was his idea to prank you!"

Zenitsu grimaces. "Seriously? That prank was too much for me; I almost thought I'd actually see your bone pop out, and I don't think I could've handled that!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you apologize profusely, grabbing his hands. "You're right, next time I'll do something less scary and completely harmless."

Zenitsu hesitates, his eyes fixed on your hands before he snaps out of it. "N-Next time?! Maybe you should just stick to this one prank..." He frowns a bit, a crease forming between his brows as he mutters something too low for you to hear clearly. "Of course that damn giant jerk had something to do with this..."

You snicker, then turn to Tanjiro with a playful look. "And what did you mean by my scent?"

His eyes widened slightly, as if a realization just struck him. 

"Oh! Well... I have a very acute sense of smell! It's so strong that I can pick up things from far away, and I can even sense a person’s thoughts or emotions if I really concentrate. You're the only person I've had trouble pinpointing exactly what you're feeling most of the time, though." He taps his chin in thought, his gaze wandering for a moment. "It's very interesting... I suppose you're just really good at controlling your emotions or something."

You nod, finding his explanation intriguing. It seems like your friends have some cool abilities; Tanjiro with his acute sense of smell and Zenitsu with his remarkable hearing. It makes you wonder if anyone else among your friends has unique abilities. The thought adds a layer of excitement to your perception of them.

"That's pretty amazing, Tanjiro-kun. Guess that answers a few things now."

You all share a laugh, then stand up, dusting yourselves off. The rest of the afternoon is spent more seriously, engaging in training, although you still have fun because you're doing it together. It's moments like these that strengthen your bond as friends and teammates.

A man sits alone, distancing himself from the noise of the other Hashira. Earlier, there was a meeting that left him conflicted. The Master had announced a new member, which wasn't unusual given the frequent additions to their ranks. However, this newcomer stood out because she was not only a foreigner but lacked any prior training. What baffled everyone even more was the sword she received, one that put her in a three-day coma after a mere touch, an attempt to see if it would change color. The sword didn't change, which wasn't surprising, but it did emit a blindingly bright glow witnessed by a few onlookers.

In the history of the Demon Slayer Corps, such an occurrence had never been heard of or seen.

The Master interpreted it as a sign of good fortune, hinting that the fate of the Corps might rest in the hands of this new member and her friends—perhaps it was destiny. However, not everyone shared the Master's optimism. The Wind and Serpent Hashira, in particular, were skeptical and vocal about their concerns regarding the state of the Corps and the standards for admission. Even the Stone Hashira had words to offer, albeit less confrontational than the former two. The remaining Hashira remained silent, except for Mitsuri, who urged the others to show more compassion and restraint in their judgments.

Giyuu also remained silent during the discussion, unsure of what to make of the situation.

He wasn't particularly talkative to begin with, but the mysterious circumstances surrounding the new member and her sword left him contemplative. When he had questioned you about why you joined, your answer had been straightforward yet strangely confident, despite the simplicity of your words. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but he couldn't help but wonder if he would have reacted differently had anyone else, especially a foreigner, given the same response. Although he rarely showed much emotion, there were moments when someone's statement or action elicited a deadpan expression of discontent from him. Typically, it was Shinobu or Tengen who managed to provoke such reactions, as they were the most bothersome among the Hashira in terms of getting under his skin. However, he never sensed any ill intent behind their teasing; it was all in good fun from their perspective.

They often teased him for his quiet nature but never in a malicious way. The only two Hashira he truly didn't care for were the Wind and Serpent Hashira. Their harsh and cold demeanor, especially outside the Master's presence, rubbed him the wrong way. At least they showed some restraint in front of the Master. The meeting eventually shifted to discussions about recent demon attacks, and once everything had been addressed, it was adjourned. Giyuu remained lost in his thoughts, pondering the mysteries and dynamics within the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Good afternoon!" Rengoku greeted cheerfully, taking a seat right next to Giyuu. "How have you been faring lately, my friend? We didn't get to chat much last time."

Giyuu regarded Rengoku warmly. Despite his loud and boisterous nature, he found Rengoku to be kind and genuinely interested in their conversations. He appreciated that Rengoku never pressured him to speak more than he was comfortable with, which contributed to their good rapport despite their contrasting personalities.

"I'm well, thank you," Giyuu replied politely. "And yourself?"

Rengoku nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned back, observing the other Hashira mingling. 

"I'm also doing well, thank you! As you know, I've taken on the responsibility of training Y/n-san!" He glanced at Giyuu with a small smile, though there was a hint of concern in his eyes. "What are your thoughts?"

Giyuu raised an eyebrow, sensing Rengoku's curiosity. "Why do you ask for my thoughts on the matter?"

"You seemed rather curious when you met her. Some of the others were curious as well, even suspicious and upset, about a foreigner with no prior skills being taken in and accepted into the ranks. They were quite vocal about it, so I'm curious about your perspective, considering you've yet to voice your thoughts."

"I haven't voiced my thoughts because I don't have much to say," Giyuu replied in his usual monotone.

"Is that so? Surely, there's something you may wish to say, or something that you think," Rengoku pressed on.

Giyuu couldn't help but wonder why Rengoku was so insistent on getting his opinion on this matter. It was unusual for Rengoku to persist in making him voice his thoughts or feelings, which made this moment stand out as particularly rare.

Giyuu let out a soft, almost imperceptible sigh. "I'm not sure. It is unusual... but I can't form an opinion without knowing all the details. All I know is that she is not from here, but the Master has accepted her into the Corps, and she is now under your guidance."

"I see," Rengoku replied with a nod.

Giyuu glanced at Rengoku, noting his continued smile, and blinked. "Is that all, then?"

"Yes, for now!" Rengoku confirmed.

It was unusual for Giyuu to engage in conversation beyond what was necessary, but something about Rengoku's previous persistence prompted him to ask, "Why?"

"Why what, my friend?" Rengoku asked, still smiling.

"Why do you care about my opinion? You didn't voice your thoughts during the meeting either," Giyuu pointed out.

Rengoku's smile widened as he met Giyuu's gaze earnestly. "Because you're my friend. I value your thoughts and feelings deeply," he explained. "As for why I didn't speak earlier, I didn't want to escalate the situation. Y/n-san has quickly become a dear friend to me as well, and I care about how others perceive her. Especially since our last meeting emphasized the principles and duties within the Corps. We mustn't be hasty in judging someone because they are different. Anyone willing to join our cause is surely a good person, and the more people who join, the stronger we can become."

Giyuu nodded silently, appreciating Rengoku's explanation and their friendship, despite their differing approaches to communication. He remained silent, his gaze fixed on Rengoku with an inscrutable expression. Rengoku, however, didn't seem bothered by the silence. It was clear to Giyuu that Rengoku was genuine in his sentiments, and it left him unsure of how to respond. Rengoku's openness about their friendship and his high regard for it caught Giyuu off guard. Deep down, he knew they were friends to some degree, but his reserved nature often kept him from acknowledging such connections openly. It was strange to hear such affirmations from someone as bright and strong as Rengoku, who seemed to effortlessly make friends and radiate positivity. Giyuu couldn't help but feel like he didn't belong in that circle of warmth and camaraderie. 

Why would someone like Rengoku care about his thoughts and feelings? What made him worthy of such attention?

"Is... that so," Giyuu finally murmured, his tone reflecting his uncertainty.

"Indeed!" Rengoku replied with enthusiasm.  

Giyuu tilts his head slightly, regarding Rengoku with much more interest than before. “And you think the others have been unfair?”

"Yes! Although some may have their reservations, it's disheartening to hear them speak harshly about her when they’ve yet to even meet her. The circumstances are unusual, I agree, but I believe it was the right decision for the Master to accept her. She shows spirit and a quick learning ability; I have no doubt she will soon become an exceptional swordsman!"

Once again, Giyuu nodded slightly, processing Rengoku's words. It was a reminder that sometimes, people saw value in him that he struggled to recognize himself. Rengoku's unwavering faith in their friendship and his belief in your potential left a lasting impression on Giyuu, even if he didn't fully understand it at that moment.

Giyuu turned back around, his gaze focused on the others as they slowly dispersed and went about their tasks. "Alright, I'll take your word for it."

Rengoku responded gently, "Do not take my word for it. I'm glad you haven't formed any baseless judgments about her, but it would be best if you got to know her and formed your own opinion. And forgive me if this is presumptuous, but you seem... a bit lonely and detached. Perhaps reaching out to others might be beneficial? You might find common ground if you take the chance. You took a risk by saving Kamado-san and his sister, knowing the potential reactions and punishment you might face, and yet you still did it. Why not try to bridge the gap between you and the others?"

Giyuu remembered the impression he made when sparing Tanjiro and his demon sister, how it had stirred both admiration and criticism among the Hashira. It was unexpected, maybe even foolish, but he didn't regret it. Something had guided him to take that risk. There was a sense that you might also be an exception. Perhaps getting to know you, as well as a few others, would be beneficial. Giyuu contemplated Rengoku's words. This interaction was new to their friendship, and while he didn't necessarily love the idea, he didn't hate it either. He understood Rengoku's intentions and the desire to help him break out of his shell.

Giyuu had always been reserved, keeping to himself and focusing on his duties. While there was nothing inherently wrong with that, Rengoku's subtle encouragement hinted at the possibility of deeper connections with others if he took the chance. Shinobu, Mitsuri, and even Tengen have also not-so-subtly encouraged him in their own ways. Giyuu wasn't one to easily open up to others, but Rengoku's words made him seriously consider the idea. Perhaps it was worth exploring who you, the Kamados, and the others truly were on deeper levels. As Rengoku had suggested, he might be pleasantly surprised by how things unfolded. 

"We'll see," Giyuu mumbled quietly, his expression unchanged.

Rengoku continued to smile, leaving the conversation as it was as Mitsuri, Shinobu, and Tengen approached, waving and greeting them both. Giyuu contemplated walking away but decided to linger, curious to test the potential for meaningful connections and experiences.

"—so I said, 'That's not my style, but if you wanna make a fool of yourself, then go right on ahead!'"

Uzui's words take a moment to register, and you almost break out in a sweat when you notice his expression shift. "What?"

His eyes narrow slightly. "Were ya listening to me? I swear... maybe I should ask Shinazugawa to train you instead of Rengoku, I bet that'd get you to pay attention more."

You immediately sense the mischief in his tone and the glint in his eye, making it clear that his suggestion would be a terrible idea. You don't know this 'Shinazugawa' person, but you have a gut feeling that it wouldn't be ideal to switch mentors like that. Besides, you genuinely enjoy training with Rengoku, and it feels like he's invested in helping you improve. The fact that you haven’t once seen or spoken to a few of the other Hashiras implies a lack of interest or willingness on their part, which doesn't sit right with you.

"Uhh, no..." You offer a sheepish smile and quickly transition into a bit of flattery. "I'm sorry, I just got caught up admiring how cool you are! I mean... I can't believe you did that. So flashy!"

Uzui raises a skeptical brow, but there's a hint of amusement in his expression. "Uh huh, is that so? Well, I am the God of Flashiness, after all!"

"Exactly!" You nod enthusiastically, chuckling. "Hey, I was wondering about something..."

"Go ahead, shoot!" Uzui encourages.

"Can I have your headband?" you blurt out with a mischievous grin, fully aware of how ridiculous the request sounds.

Uzui stares at you incredulously, his eyes widening slightly as he processes your unexpected request. He blinks a few times, clearly caught off guard by your boldness. For a moment, he seems at a loss for words, which is a rare occurrence for the usually charismatic and talkative Sound Hashira, and you can't help but laugh at his reaction.

After a brief pause, Uzui breaks into a hearty laugh, "That would be a hard no!" 

"Pleeeeease," you begged, attempting to muster your best puppy-like eyes.

"Not happening!" Uzui maintained his stance, crossing his arms.

"C'mon! How about one of the jewels, then?" you persisted.

"No way, kid! You're gonna sell it or something like some ungrateful brat," he accused, leaning back with a mockingly haughty expression. “IF I were to give you one, you’d have to make it a family keep-sake! But you wouldn’t—so, no!”

"No, I wouldn't!" You gasped, feigning offense but struggling to contain a playful smile. "How could you think so low of me? Besides... I wouldn't get much for it anyway."

Now it was Uzui's turn to look offended as he quickly glanced back down at you, placing a hand dramatically on his chest. "What do you mean?! I'll have you know that this headband was expertly crafted with the finest materials, and anyone would pay a fortune to get their hands on such a piece of art!"

"You made it yourself, didn't you?" you pointed out, unable to contain your laughter at his reaction. “I could definitely tell…”

Uzui fell silent, clearly caught off guard, before bursting out in mock anger. "You little brat! We'll see who's laughing once I reveal your little secret."

You stuck your tongue out playfully, smirking. "I don't have any secrets!"

"Yeah, so you definitely don't fancy anyone, right?" Uzui teased, turning the tables with a mischievous grin.

Your eyes were closed as you cackled away, but you stopped laughing abruptly, your eyes comically flying open to stare at him. 


"So, you do have a little crush! How cute," he sneered, clearly enjoying teasing you. "Who is it?"

"No, I don't! I don't know what you're talking about," you protested, trying to deny his accusation.

"Yes, you do! I can see it in your face, you little liar! What did we say about that, huh?" Uzui prodded, not letting the topic go easily.

"Shut up, old fart!" you retorted playfully, but there was a hint of embarrassment in your tone.

He sat up and slapped his hands on the table. "Spill it! I know you like someone, so just come out with it."

You shook your head vigorously, trying to dismiss his teasing. Nope, nope, nope! You were not about to delve into this topic with him. You didn't actually like anyone! Your heart betrayed you by beating a little faster, and Uzui noticed, calling you out on it and refusing to drop the subject now that he had some semblance of confirmation.

"You know I can practically hear your heart racing, kid! The heart never lies!" Uzui claimed with a smirk.

"No, you can't! H-How could you," you asked incredulously. "Do you have extremely good hearing or something?"

"Actually, I do," he laughed, clearly enjoying your surprise.

"No way," you balked, disbelief evident in your expression. "You can't be serious?! I mean, I know Zenitsu-kun does... But you, too? I can't believe it!"

Zenitsu's acute hearing was no secret, and Tanjiro's keen sense of smell was also well-known. But now you were learning that Uzui also had exceptional hearing? It made you feel a bit left out of the cool-ability club. It seemed like everyone around you had some unique gift, while you felt plain in comparison.

Uzui grins teasingly. "In all seriousness, though, do you like someone?"

You couldn't give a straightforward answer. Yes and no. You did have feelings for multiple people, but you were unsure of the depth of those feelings or if they meant anything more than platonic admiration. Each person had qualities you liked, but you were still figuring out your own emotions. Platonic love was familiar, but anything beyond that was a bit murky. Where did the distinction between liking someone as a friend and someone more romantically lie?

"I don't really know," you admitted honestly, shrugging awkwardly and frowning slightly.

Uzui studied you for a moment, as if trying to gauge your honesty, before sighing and seeming to accept your answer. "That's too bad. Man, I really wanted to say something to… nevermind."

Your curiosity piqued. "Huh? Say what to who?"

Uzui waved it off. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. They’ll just have to wait for you open your eyes and notice them."

Uzui's teasing about someone possibly liking you left you flustered and intrigued. The idea of someone seeing you as more than a friend both terrified and excited you, especially since you couldn't recall experiencing such emotions before. It was like stepping into unknown territory, and you were torn between wanting to know who it was and fearing what it could mean.

"Who—? Wait, actually, I don't wanna know! Well, maybe..." you stumbled over your words, unsure of your own feelings on the matter.

Uzui laughed and shook his head, halting your train of thought. "If you can't guess who, when it's so obvious, then you should just forget about it."

"What do you mean by that?!" you demanded, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity.

"I mean, it's pretty obvious, but you're so oblivious that I kind of feel bad for you and him now," Uzui explained with a hint of sympathy. "You said that you don't even know what or how you feel right now, so it's best that you don't know. You'll only confuse yourself and them."

You were torn between feeling insulted and grateful for his blunt honesty. He wasn't entirely wrong, but his words stung a bit nonetheless. Maybe it was best not to delve into something you weren't completely sure about yet. Life and feelings were already complicated enough as it is. You grumbled to yourself, silently agreeing with Uzui's advice. It was better to focus on what you could understand and figure out your own feelings before delving into romantic complications. Besides, it's not like anyone would be interested in you anyway. They all had much more important things to focus on.

You both decided to change the subject and focus on studying for a while, staying engrossed in your books until hunger eventually pulled you both away.

The distraction of learning and absorbing knowledge proved to be a welcome respite, giving you a chance to set aside the complexities of emotions for a while and concentrate on something tangible and familiar. As you flipped through pages and exchanged thoughts on the subject matter, the weight of Uzui's words gradually eased, replaced by a sense of determination to navigate life's challenges at your own pace.

"I'm starving, let's get something to eat!" Uzui finally exclaimed, clapping his hands together eagerly.

Your stomach grumbled in agreement. "Don't have to ask me twice!"

You grinned cheerfully and followed Uzui out of the room, excited about the prospect of food. It dawned on you that this would be the first time you'd be sharing a meal with him, and you were looking forward to it. The routine of lessons had become a bit monotonous, and you welcomed the chance to have a more casual interaction. Reflecting on your time with Uzui, you realized how he had a playful and childish side that came out around you. Despite his responsibility as a teacher, he could be quite fun and flashy. Mitsuri had mentioned that he was usually all business but still enjoyable to be around, and you found that to be true. You had seen glimpses of his seriousness, especially when discussing his job and personal life, but he also showed vulnerability when talking about his past, family, and his wives. It was intriguing to witness these different facets of his personality, and you wanted to explore more of it.

As you walked to the dining hall, Uzui playfully insisted on choosing the meal. 

"I get to pick," he said, shooting you a not-so-subtle side-eye.

"No way!" you protested. 

"We all know I have better taste, so just let me pick!" he insisted with a grin.

You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. "Yeah, nothing better than some gross pufferfish! How can you say that's better than anything else, so confidently, when you're clearly wrong?"

He countered, "You haven't even had it, so don't knock it 'til you try it, kid!"

"But other food is just as good, if not better!" you retorted, playfully crossing your arms and challenging him with a raised brow. “Also, you once told me that Dango was bad, so I don’t trust you!”

He feigned innocence. "You must remember wrong."

You shook your head, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Actually, I remember very vividly what you told me before, that it was 'bland and boring'—like me! You're such an annoying jerk, it's infuriating at times."

Uzui chuckled, enjoying the banter. "So now you want to remember things when it benefits you? Should've seen that coming..."

Your mouth drops open, and you shoot him a smoldering glare, but he just laughs, slapping your back a few times and ruffling your hair before speeding away. You yell after him, threatening to beat him up. He laughs even more as you enter the dining hall, where you both bicker over the food until reaching a compromise to try each other's favorite dishes. It nearly ends in a food fight, but you wouldn't have it any other way. The rest of the day flies by, and the next follows a similar routine of studying, training, and hanging out with friends—all except for one.

What goes around comes around, unfortunately for you, as now you know what it's like to be ignored for days on end. 

Inosuke has been avoiding you like the plague, and you're slowly starting to think he might just run away completely. You've tried catching him around the mansion, in the dining hall, his shared room with your other friends, or outside, but he's a sneaky bastard, staying out of sight. You catch glimpses of him here and there, but by the time you approach, he vanishes into thin air. This is getting ridiculous!

You even tried bribing him with shiny acorns or the beautiful gem that he found, trying to give back. You also used food to coerce him, but unfortunately, he's a lot smarter than a pig, like the one he wears as a mask. You never thought he was dumb, though, but you did hope he was a bit gullible. Which he very well could be; you just haven't found what works on him yet. The prospect of fighting each other doesn't seem to interest him either. 

You're at a loss!

"Tanjiro-kun, have you seen Inosuke-kun?"

"Yes, he was outside a while ago. Why?"

You sigh, deciding to be honest with him. "Well, I said something to him a while ago… and I think he might hate me now."

"He doesn't hate you," Tanjiro assures. "He actually likes you a lot and admires you, Y/n-chan..."


He taps his nose. "I can smell it. He might not be good at communicating his thoughts and feelings or showing that he cares, but he does. Like on the mountain, I could smell how anxious but happy he was when we were concerned for his well-being and you tended to his wounds, even though he told us he didn’t need it."

You stare at him, speechless. Was it true? Of course it was; Tanjiro wasn't a liar. Then why was Inosuke avoiding you so much? You wanted to apologize and make things right if you overstepped, but he wasn't giving you the chance, and it was frustrating. He was your friend, and friends don't just run away from each other! Maybe it's a bit of karma for when you blew them off, and you couldn't fault them for any lingering feelings. But they’ve forgiven you—for the most part… at least, you hope so—and now you’re all back together, having fun and happy. 

Except for the stubborn boar of a man who now refused to be around you!

"Well, can you help me talk to him then? He won't even look at me!"

"I suppose," he says, scratching the back of his neck. "What exactly happened?"

Your face heats up in embarrassment, but you push through it. "I said he was pretty..."  

Tanjiro's brow shoots up in surprise, so you quickly continue, hoping that your explanation would make more sense.

"Well, more like his eyes! He wasn't wearing his mask, and we were pretty close, so I looked at his eyes and complimented him, but I don't think he took it well. He acted weird, left, and has been ignoring me since."

"I see. That is... something."

Tanjiro isn't too sure about Inosuke's true feelings, but he has an idea of how their stubborn friend may be feeling. It's not surprising that Inosuke likes you and admires you to some extent; after all, you are friends. Tanjiro entertains the idea that perhaps Inosuke's feelings have grown somewhat deeper, and he briefly considers the potential trouble that could cause if true. Zenitsu would likely have a meltdown, and imagining the potential fights between the two is best left untouched. They already fight enough as it is. Despite these thoughts, Tanjiro doesn’t worry too much. Even if Inosuke's feelings were more than friendship, he believes they are strong enough friends not to harm each other intentionally—or so he hopes. However, the most logical reason he can think of for Inosuke's behavior is the simple fact that Inosuke isn't used to receiving compliments or affection from anyone, and he may have been extremely flustered and unsure of how to act around you after that situation.

He shakes his head and smiles softly. "Maybe you should give him some more time? He seems new to a lot of this. And I don't mean any harm when I say this, but Inosuke is... different. I think he's just overwhelmed and doesn't know how to respond to our kindness or affection."

"Yeah, you're probably right." You pout and kick the toe of your foot out, sighing louder. "I guess I need to work on my patience then, huh?"

The chuckle he lets out is light and airy, making you smile as he then says, "I guess so!"

"That's going to be really hard..."

"Maybe I could help you with that?" He suggests kindly with a tilt of his head. "And you can help me with something too."

"Oh, yeah! You do have a lot of patience. But what could I help you with?"

He looks up in thought and then focuses back on you, smiling sheepishly. "I'm actually not sure… I personally don’t have any problems right now, but I'll let you know if something comes up?"

"Okay, that's good with me," you chuckle. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go meditate... or something before I completely lose my patience. I'll be sure to come to you if I need your expertise!"

You both share an amused laugh, and then you walk off to go practice. You said you wanted to make changes, so here you go; this was one thing you could do! You do actually meditate for a while, also practicing your patience by taking slower, calculated steps around the mansion and eating lunch at a more relaxed pace. You never really noticed before how fast you did things or expected instant gratification. It was challenging yourself, and it was fun in a way. It was just tough when Mitsuri would come in and beg you to eat with her whenever she had the chance, or when you had always practically run around to get places faster. You were so used to giving in to your every whim and doing things as fast as possible. 

Well, no more! 

From now on, you are going to restrain yourself and work on bettering yourself in small ways, slowly but surely. You don't expect to get it right away because that's just unrealistic. No one is perfect. You might stumble, fall back, and even run in circles at times, but you're committed to learning, growing, and making changes. It's near 10pm when Shinobu appears out of nowhere and approaches you. Her expression is serious, and you tense up as she looks at you. Her smile, usually small, is now even smaller, cold and uninviting. A strange feeling grips you, and you sense that something serious is about to be revealed. Your breath catches in your throat as she speaks.

"I come bearing news that I wish I did not have to deliver, for I have some concerns, but the Master has requested… that you go out on a mission." Her gaze holds yours, her eyes hauntingly empty. "It begins first thing in the morning..."


Taisho Secrets

* After Inosuke showed/gave you that gem, you cleaned it and asked around, eventually learning it was a piece of jade. Inosuke hasn't asked for it back, but you're unsure if he simply forgot about it or just didn't care. Now, you hold onto it, keeping it for good luck in a pocket of your uniform.

Chapter 10: Prove Thyself - 汝自身を証明せよ


The Master has requested that you be sent on your first mission, but you're filled with apprehension. You've only had a few months to train, your swordsmanship skills still need a lot of work, and you've barely scratched the surface of using Total Concentration. However, you chose this path knowing the dangers, so all you can do now is hope that you've learned enough to push through this daunting task, and that everything will work out in the end.


Please go check out another great author! She's been incredibly supportive and enthusiastic about this story, so it would mean a lot if you could all give her and her story a lot of love and support as well because she truly deserves it. She's an amazing writer and such a sweetheart. And I don't think you need any more incentive, but might I add, Rengoku is the love interest in her fic. The way she writes him makes my heart literally melt~ Like, hello... an amazingly written Rengoku fic? Say less!

Thank you ♡


Sanaria — A Bond of Fire and Blood

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The darkness envelops you, with only the moon's soft glow casting light. There's an unsettling silence as you and Shinobu stare at each other, her words slowly sinking in. As tendrils of anxiety and fear slither through your veins, a paradoxical calmness settles upon you, shrouding your senses in haunting stillness. It's an odd tranquility, as if the world around you has been muted, holding you in a suspended state. The air feels heavy, each breath a struggle to draw in, and an invisible weight presses down on your chest, constricting and tightening. Your heart doesn't race like you thought it would after hearing such news; instead, it pulses with a fervor that seems out of sync, creating a discordant melody resonating throughout your being—its echoes reverberating within the hollows of your chest.

The sensation, although unsettling, carries a strange kind of familiarity, like an old acquaintance returning to haunt your thoughts.

"What...? Are you serious?"

“Yes, unfortunately I am.” Shinobu's expression shifts, her brows pinched together. "I have concerns, but it's unlike the Master to make decisions without careful consideration," she sighs. "I don't completely agree with it, but we must trust that he is making the right choice..."

"I can't... I only have a few months of training! I've only learned close-up combat so far and just started to get the hang of using the training sword recently. And I've barely started to use Total Concentration; I'm nowhere near mastering it or any other skill!"

Shinobu's eyes softened with understanding, but her expression remained determined. "I understand your concerns," she said gently, "but remember, everyone starts somewhere. Even the greatest swordsmen were once beginners. What's important is your dedication and willingness to learn."

"But—! I'm going to die, you realize that, right?"

"You will not die," she says firmly, "you will be fine."

"How can you say that?! I have little to no experience, and demons are powerful, cold-blooded monsters who will not hesitate to rip me to shreds!"

"Not all demons are as strong as you think. In a way, this mission will serve as your Final Selection, to prove that you are capable of fighting demons alongside other Corps members. You've made remarkable progress in a short amount of time. Trust in yourself and the training you've received. With time, practice, and perseverance, you'll only continue to grow stronger. I believe in you. And you won't be alone as far as I know, but still... please be careful."

No one had ever mentioned a Final Selection to you before. You knew Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke went through it, but for some reason you never thought it would apply to you. It makes sense, but you're confused as to why you're being sent out on a mission when you're still learning and growing as a Demon Slayer. You feel like you've only scratched the surface and have so much more to do before you're truly ready. Tanjiro and Zenitsu mentioned that they barely made it through their Final Selection once, and they had more training than you, so this feels like a death sentence. 

However, Shinobu and the others trust the Master, so you should too… right? 

Besides, you wanted to join the Corps and knew what it would entail if you were accepted. And you had already accepted whatever fate may fall upon you—whether you'd live or die while serving the Corps—so now you need to suck it up and do what you promised to yourself and others. No more running. No more hiding. No more being afraid. You want to help and fight by their sides. To make a difference, no matter how small or insignificant it may be. You could do this—you have to. Whatever you encounter on this mission, whatever you have to do, you will fight and try your best to prove that you are capable and worthy to stand by their sides, to help protect those who cannot protect themselves, and call yourself a true Demon Slayer. You may never reach the prowess of a Hashira, but you'll give it your all and die trying.

"Okay..." You sigh, letting the feelings wash over you and then slip away, trying to remain calm. "Where am I going? Who am I meeting? And what exactly will I be doing?"

"I don't know, I was not given the details. You will meet with one of the other Hashira at the headquarters and receive more information then."

You frown a little but nod, bidding her a good night before making your way to your room. As soon as you step inside, you head to a desk, grabbing some paper and ink. Your hands have the slightest tremble as you dip the brush in the ink and swipe it over the paper, taking your time to write down what's going on so your friends won’t worry too much about your sudden disappearance. It helps calm you down a bit, though your anxiety remains at the edge.

You'll be gone first thing in the morning… on your very first mission.

You don't know if you'll be completely alone or if the Hashira you're meeting with will accompany you the entire time, which you hope is the case. You also wonder who you’re meeting—have you met them before? The mystery is bothersome, but you'll find out soon enough. With one last touch to the paper, you sign your name and get ready for bed. The moon's light shines through your window as you tuck yourself in, leaving the curtains open to ward off the pitch-black darkness. You've never been afraid of the dark, but tonight, you need something to remind you that there's still light even in darkness.

As you lie there, you think about Rengoku, his training advice playing in your mind. Do not hesitate! Be confident and give it your all! Focus on your breathing! And most importantly, do not give up! Sleep doesn't come easily, but eventually, you succumb. When you wake, morning is near, and you prepare for the day, your movements slow as you get dressed. Your mind is weary, having trouble truly resting, but now, you're about to face what you've been striving to do—yet also fearing.

It's time...

In this peaceful hour, a hushed tranquility blankets the land. Lush greenery adorns every corner of the headquarters, with meticulously manicured gardens and vibrant flowerbeds bathed in the soft glow of the morning light. The delicate petals of cherry blossoms, lotus flowers, or vibrant hydrangeas open up, reaching towards the heavens, offering a spectacle of colors that evoke a sense of awe and wonder. The rhythmic chorus of cicadas begins to resonate, their high-pitched notes creating a distinct soundtrack of the season.

As the morning progresses, the sun ascends higher in the sky, casting its gentle warmth upon everything it touches. An early morning in the summer is a precious and ephemeral moment, where time seems to stand still, allowing one to fully appreciate the beauty of nature. Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Corps, finds absolute peace in moments such as this. The scent of incense lingers in the air, blending with the aroma of freshly brewed green tea that's been prepared for the arrival of three of his beloved 'children.' He waits patiently just inside of the entrance of the estate, sitting in front of a low standing table that holds the tea.

When he senses the tell-tale sign of his guests he greets them with a soft, content smile. "Welcome, it's a lovely morning, is it not? The calm, early mornings have always brought me such joy."

Although he is unable to see, they show their respect for their Master with a bow, returning greetings in kind. He welcomes them inside and they step into the room, taking their spots around the table. A young girl appears and pours the tea into the cups that are set out, serving all of them. The Flame, Insect, and Water pillars give their thanks and then she leaves just as quietly as she came. The Flame Hashira takes his cup, feeling the warmth seep into his hands and beams brightly, his smile almost comparable to the sun.

"I am glad to see you in such a joyous mood!" Kyojuro states, taking a sip of the freshly brewed tea, giving an appreciative hum. "I hope that the day will continue to treat you well, Master!"

"Thank you, Kyojuro, and you as well. Now, let's begin with this meeting." The Master sits perfectly straight, hands folded neatly in front of him. "I've brought you here to discuss matters involving the new recruit, Y/n. As we know, she has been training with our Flame Hashira, and doing a splendid job. However, I believe that she may need more than training now. She is much stronger than she knows, but she is hindered by self-doubt, which is holding her back. I believe that in order for her to become a brilliant swordsman like yourselves, she must be sent on a mission where she can put her skills to the test."

"I see! I've never been one to question your judgment, but I must admit that I have some concerns..." Kyojuro replies to the news in a more subdued manner.

The Master could understand why the Flame Hashira seemed doubtful. Kyojuro had been asked to report to him, as he had taken a great interest in you ever since the day you had asked to join the Corps. The fact that two of his pillars, Mitsuri and Kyojuro had taken an interest in you first, and supported you, made it fairly easy to make the decision that would grant your permission to join the Demon Slayers. The Master trusts his 'children' and cares about their thoughts and feelings, so he could not refuse this request when it was made. They saw something in you, and he was starting to see it himself, from what little information he does know. And what truly stood out to him, was the day you had received your katana. No one had expected anything to happen to the blade, but something did, and he took it as a sign. 

You were no doubt special, as well as your friends, and he believes that you, your friends, and the rest of the Corps would be able to finally put a stop to this age-old war.

Or so he hopes, after all... not everything is as it seems, and things can change all too quickly—nothing is for certain. Something very well could happen, causing a chain reaction that could either lead to their victory or demise. But he had to believe—to hope—otherwise there was no point in all of this. He knows that it may seem a bit sudden and not thought through, but all he has ever done is think about the Demon Slayer Corps and the war against Muzan, and this... feels right.

"It does seem rather sudden, however, I ask that you carefully consider my words. For a long time we've thought that demons were nothing more than cruel, cold-blooded killers, but there has been an instance that defies what we previously believed. The Kamado siblings have broken the notion that all demons are malevolent and incapable of changing. We've witnessed firsthand something truly remarkable—Nezuko is different." He pauses and tilts his head skyward, as the sunlight slowly enters the room and shines upon them. "I have thought about it meticulously, and although these are merely my own feelings, I strongly believe that we are taking steps in the right direction, and that we will be able to succeed in defeating Muzan Kibutsuji within our time."

"But what relevance does this have to the girl?" Giyuu finally spoke up, his words deliberate and measured.

"Just as with the Kamados, I sense a uniqueness in her. Don't you agree, Giyuu? After all, you were the one who spared Tanjiro and Nezuko's lives, recognizing their differences and defying Corps regulations. Despite that, I believe that embracing change and diversity is crucial; they might hold the key to our success. That's why I believe Y/n should take on this mission—to learn and evolve, alongside her friends and comrades. Together, we can face our challenges. It's no coincidence that the Kamados, Y/n, and the others have converged here with us."

"So... you believe she needs to grow stronger? That she and the others are humanity's hope?"

"Yes, including you and every other Corps member. Each of us has a vital role. We've united, driven by different motivations yet sharing the same core desire—to protect our loved ones and bring peace. Together, we're formidable and capable of making a difference."

Shinobu gazed into her tea, her expression distant. "So, we're all here for a purpose... and you think they—" She pauses and furrows her brow. "That we… are the keys to defeating Muzan?"

The Master nodded, a wistful smile on his face, as he delicately lifted his cup for a sip. Shinobu absorbed his words, feeling a surge of anger bubbling inside. Actually, she was already angry—always has been. She wanted to scream and cry for her sister, lost to a demon years ago. Did this mean her sister's death fated then? Could she have lived, and yet the Demon Slayers still triumphed over Muzan? Was her own fate tied to this path, destined to live in solitude until the moment she would inevitably die?

She's torn because she can grasp the Master's logic, yet she resists accepting that her sister's or anyone else's fate involves dying simply because it's preordained. Why must it happen? Couldn't they all live and still vanquish Muzan? Did victory hinge on who lived or perished? And if so, who else is destined to die? She hopes no one else will face such a fate, as it should be, yet she knows life isn't fair like that. Even so, should more people be lost in the battle against Muzan, she wants to believe in a positive outcome. However, it doesn't erase the pain of losing those people along the way. 

There's a lingering fear that you might be the next one lost too soon, akin to her sister.

Kyojuro hadn't quite anticipated this conversation when he briefed the Master on your training progress. Sitting in silent contemplation, he absorbs every word, sensing that this plan might be premature. However, he trusts the Master implicitly; the man's intuition often unveils truths unknown to others. Perhaps this is one of those instances. Kyojuro believes wholeheartedly in the Master's visions but wishes it didn't demand immediate action. He's grown fond of you during training, even though you've remained reserved around him. Those late-night conversations, where you've slowly opened up, have been particularly cherished by him.

He cherishes each of his comrades and acknowledges their strength, yet a thread of worry weaves through his thoughts for everyone's well-being, including yours now that you're a member of the Corps. Despite seeing your determination, he can't help but fret about your safety, almost wishing he could be the one accompanying you. He longs for your success, both as your teacher and friend, wanting to witness your skills in action. He briefly ponders if Giyuu was chosen to accompany you due to his lack of emotional attachment, unlike your closer friends.

Perhaps the Master considered this when making the decision, aiming for you to face this challenge independently. If your friends were involved, they might inadvertently hinder your growth by stepping in too soon. Although he finds it disappointing not to be there for you, he understands the necessity. Regarding Giyuu, he too comprehends the Master's reasoning and trusts his judgment. Giyuu's taciturn nature doesn't lend itself to verbalizing much, but he's willing to assist if the Master deems it necessary.

"Master, I am curious as to why it's just the three of us," Giyuu says after a brief silence.

"Ah, yes! As Kyojuro oversees her training, I felt he should be informed about Y/n's impending absence. Shinobu needs to be briefed to relay the news to those in her estate. I'll personally update the rest of the Corps members after this meeting. And for you, Giyuu, I request that you accompany Y/n on her mission. Ensure her safety, but intervene only when absolutely necessary. We must give her the chance to discover her potential."

"Understood," Giyuu murmurs.

"Thank you. Y/n will arrive tomorrow at first light. That concludes our discussion."

The young girl returns to escort the Master away, and Shinobu and Kyojuro follow suit. Giyuu remains seated, savoring his tea to the last drop before leaving the room. He relishes the quietude, taking a moment to center himself before the impending mission he will accompany you on tomorrow. While he won't be the one directly confronting demons this time, he appreciates the change of pace. He resolves to keep a vigilant eye on you, using this time to unwind slightly, though his dedication to duty remains unwavering.

As he steps outside onto the veranda, Giyuu's thoughts slowly mull over the day's discussions. He doesn't know much about you personally, but snippets from Kyojuro, Mitsuri, and Uzui's discussions pique his interest. Shinobu's brief description as "likable" doesn't reveal much due to her busy schedule. However, the others painted a more detailed picture: you're shy yet feisty, stubborn but not a quitter, and prone to pushing yourself to extremes to prove a point. Uzui's advice about not taking things personally regarding your frustrations and tendency to shut people out resonates with Giyuu. He understands that you're going through challenges, compounded by a lack of memory of your past life. Despite these difficulties, your determination to help the Corps and find your place within it is admittedly admirable.

Giyuu's thoughts then drift to Tanjiro and his sister, finding similarities in your resilience. He acknowledges a certain fondness for them, although their interactions have been limited since their initial encounter. This fondness may stem from reminders of people from his past—a friend and a sister he once had. However, he's mindful not to use them as a means to fill the void in his heart left by their absence. He recognizes that Tanjiro and his sister are entirely separate individuals with their own lives and paths, and he respects that distinction.

Recalling moments spent with a few of the other Hashira, Giyuu reflects on his own hesitations and fears regarding forming close bonds. He acknowledges that everyone, including himself, carries burdens of loss, yet others within the Corps seem less wary than him. In this moment of self-reflection Kyojuro's words echo in his mind, nudging him toward the idea of not only getting to know you better but also the other Corps members. 

'Maybe…' he thinks to himself, contemplating the possibility of opening up despite his fears.

After all, everyone navigates their own struggles, and perhaps facing them together could bring solace and forge stronger connections within the Demon Slayer Corps—ultimately leading to their victory.

You gather the letters you wrote the night before, folding them neatly as you leave your room. With purpose, you slip the first letter beneath a familiar door before swiftly moving on to drop off the remaining ones in the study room and kitchen. Once your task is complete, you head for the main entrance, where the cool, fresh air greets you, filling your lungs as you approach the archway leading beyond the mansion walls. It's been a while since you last stepped outside here, ever since the day you received your sword. Standing once again in this familiar yet distant place, you take in the scenery before you. The forest's sounds are subdued, with occasional chirps, chatter, and rustling leaves marking the start of a new day.

Knowing the late-summer heat will rise steadily, you aim to reach headquarters before it becomes too hot.

Recalling your arrival, your memory hazy from the events on Mount Natagumo, you reflect on being brought here while in and out of consciousness. The people in black and white uniforms, their movements swift and speech hurried, were the ones who brought you here after assessing your condition post-trauma. The lack of details or directions back then is a blur you've learned not to dwell on. You decide to follow your instinct, remembering the direction you were carried from headquarters. With determination and a touch of excitement, you set off in that direction, hoping to find your way based on that vague memory. While you try to embrace Tanjiro and Rengoku's optimism for this new adventure, you can't shake off the nerves and anticipation of what lies ahead. Acknowledging that this mission won't be without challenges or potential injuries, you brace yourself for the journey.

It's a mix of excitement, curiosity, and nervousness, recognizing that mistakes are part of learning, especially for someone new to this world.

You remind yourself to be realistic but not overly pessimistic as you embark on your journey. A few minutes into your trek, the caw of a crow catches your attention, causing you to halt in your tracks. Shielding your eyes from the sun, you observe the bird as it swoops down. Tentatively, you extend your arm as it alights, feeling its talons grip your forearm without breaking the skin. The bird fluffs its feathers before settling down, fixing its dark, beady eyes on you.

"Are you Y/n, the one being sent on a mission?" it speaks in surprisingly smooth English, which catches you off guard more than the fact that it's talking.

"Um, yes?" you respond, taken aback by the crow's unexpected ability to communicate.

It tilts its head and nods. "I am your Kasugai Crow, Yume Nisshoku. Follow me to the headquarters!"

Without further ado, the crow named Yume Nisshoku takes off, and you quickly start jogging to keep up with your newfound guide. She maintains a reasonable pace, not flying too far ahead, allowing you to follow along comfortably. However, as time passes, you feel your lungs protesting with each breath. Despite months of training to improve your stamina, you find yourself getting winded sooner than expected. Frustration creeps in as you struggle to focus on your breathing, making the task more challenging than it should be. Pushing aside self-doubt, you encourage yourself to keep moving forward without stopping.

The thought of disappointing Rengoku or others with your struggle at something seemingly simple drives you to push harder.

"Focus," you remind yourself, determined to overcome this hurdle and reach your destination.

As you regulate your breathing and focus on each calculated inhale and exhale, your stamina gradually returns. With determination fueling your steps, you press forward, silencing the doubts that threaten to slow you down. Half an hour later, you spot what appears to be the headquarters. Its grandiose architecture and lush surroundings paint a picture of simplicity intertwined with luxury, a sight that fills you with a mix of awe and anticipation. Entering through the main gate, your gaze lands on a familiar figure standing on the veranda's edge—Giyuu Tomioka.

"Tomioka-san! Hello," you greet him with a small wave. "It's nice to meet you again..."

Giyuu cuts straight to the mission details without acknowledging the pleasantries. "You are to go to a small village and find the demon responsible for the disappearances of young children. Destroy it and report back."

Your response is a slow and hesitant, "Oh... okay...?"

"I will accompany you, but I won't intervene unless absolutely necessary," Giyuu continues. "You must handle this mission alone. Succeed, and you'll be recognized as a true member of the Corps, allowed to take on solo missions. Fail, and you'll lose your Demon Slayer status. You can stay in the Butterfly Mansion and do other tasks, but you won't be allowed to join your friends on further missions."

The weight of those words sinks in, and a cold knot forms in your stomach. The thought of failing and being separated from your friends fills you with a sense of dread and loneliness. If you fail... you'll be alone. The weight of your insecurities settles heavily on your shoulders, as doubt gnaws at every fiber of your being once again. You've always been afraid of falling short, of not living up to the expectations of others, and more importantly, of yourself. The fear of being left behind, of watching others move on while you stay stagnant, haunts your every step. The possibility of making mistakes paralyzed you in the past, trapping you in a cycle of self-doubt, but that fear of being left behind has become a catalyst for change. You've come to realize that your doubts and fears were hindering your growth and potential. You've sought ways to overcome them, to break free from the chains that bind you. You've just begun challenging yourself to confront them and embrace the possibility of failure.

But now, you absolutely cannot fail. 

This is important and will have serious consequences. Everything you've been working for is going to be put to the test. You feel as if you are teetering on the edge of a cliff, where one wrong move would determine your fate. Will you fall into the abyss or be able to grasp the ledge and pull yourself back up? Should you fall, it would truly spell death. And if not death, it might as well be close to dying, for you'll be broken and left behind with no one to pick up the pieces. You don't want to be alone—you can't. You have to do this and succeed, or you'll lose the only people you have in this life.

If you could no longer be with any of them... it would be the end for you. As dark as it was, you would have no purpose or reason to continue in life and you could not stand it, the mere thought of being left all alone sent icy, cold shivers down your spine. It comes to you in that very moment, why you've felt like this and had such strong, visceral reactions to these thoughts of failing and abandonment. It's because of long, lost memories that aren't yet clear... but you can feel them. Like a hot iron, they've seared painfully into the deepest and darkest parts of your mind, leaving behind a reminder of their agonizing touch.

You yearn for companionship, for the reassuring presence of someone who could understand the turmoil within you. The fear of being left behind, isolated in your struggles, weighs heavily on your fragile soul. You fear that your failures will drive away those you cherish most, leaving you with nothing but the deafening silence of solitude. You don't deserve them, so you might as well save yourself by pushing them away first—before they can do what those before them have done. It was inevitable, right? Everyone leaves you eventually…

So why are you trying so hard to keep them close?

ᴳᶦᵛᵉ ᵘᵖ…

No, you've been through this before… you can’t give up!

ᴺᵒ ᵒⁿᵉ ʷᵃⁿᵗˢ ʸᵒᵘᵎ

Your anxiety paints vivid pictures in your mind, distorting your perception of the world around you. You doubt your worthiness of love and friendship, convinced that you're only burdening others with your presence. Every smile directed your way, every gesture of kindness, was taken with a hint of suspicion and self-doubt. All because of the past, you've come to believe that everyone would eventually tire of your ineptitude, leaving you to face your demons alone. The weight of sadness envelopes you, whispering cruel lies into your ear. It tells you that you're unworthy of belonging, casting a suffocating shadow over your heart. It tries to convince you that your struggles were permanent, that success and happiness was an illusion meant for others, but never for you.

The more you listened, the more your world narrowed, shrinking to the confines of your anxieties.

ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃ ᶠᵃᶦˡᵘʳᵉᵎ

ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗʰᶦⁿᵍᵎ

'No, it's not true!'

Beneath the surface of it all, you possess a strength that remains unyielding. Even in your darkest moments, a flicker of hope had danced within you, urging you to seek support despite the vicious monster that was your own mind, as it tried to drag you down into the depths. But you're determined to break free from the chains that have wrapped around you, and you've already taken some steps to achieve that goal, although you still have much to learn. Sharing some of your fears with those you trusted—who offered guidance and understanding—had been one step. You've realized that you're not alone in your struggles and discovered that many others face similar battles, and through their own stories, you've found a sense of solace and camaraderie.

You have a support system of strong, good-natured souls who have all embraced you with open hearts. They've seen beyond your fears and shortcomings, recognizing the strength within you. They listened without judgment, extending a helping hand whenever you stumbled. You're still standing because of them. You're able to take these steps because of them. And with each step forward, your fear of being alone has begun to lose its grip, replaced by the warmth of connection. You know now that you aren't unworthy, you aren't weak, and that they wouldn't leave you—even if you fail. You have to believe in that, and believe in them, just as they believed in you. You have to push through and do your best to succeed, to make them, as well as yourself proud. What felt like an eternity of you spiraling through all those thoughts were only mere moments.

You straighten up and firmly hold his gaze. You got this.

"Very well," you say, releasing a soft breath. "When do we leave?"

He reaches to the side and pulls out a sword sheathed in a plain scabbard, handing it to you. "Now..."

Tanjiro's eyes snap open, a sense of unease washing over him. Sitting up, he inhales deeply, noticing a subtle change in the air. There's a faint scent lingering, almost imperceptible but undeniably there — your scent. His gaze darts towards the door, then down to the floor where a neatly folded paper rests. The sight surprises him; you've never been one to write letters before. Curiosity mingled with apprehension propels him out of bed. He approaches the paper cautiously, unfolding it with care. The first sentence addresses him, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, but as he reads on, a sinking feeling grips his heart and stomach. His fingers unconsciously crumple the edges, tension mounting with each word until he forces himself to stop, feeling as though the air has been sucked out of his lungs. Hurriedly, Tanjiro strides over to Zenitsu and Inosuke's sleeping forms, shaking them vigorously as he calls out their names.

Zenitsu jolts awake, worry etched on his face at Tanjiro's frantic demeanor, while Inosuke grumbles and attempts to push him away.

"Wake up, Inosuke! This is urgent!" Tanjiro's urgency is palpable, his hands persistently tugging at Inosuke to rouse him.

"Huh? What's going on, Tanjiro...?" Zenitsu's own anxiety spikes, sensing the gravity of the situation from Tanjiro's unusual behavior. "Is something wrong?"

"Quit bothering me," Inosuke mumbles, burying his head under his pillow.

Tanjiro yanks the pillow away, earning an irritated response from Inosuke who flips over, clearly annoyed. Tanjiro's initial frustration gives way to confusion as he observes the reactions of his friends. They must be completely unaware of the situation. Seizing their attention, he presents them with the mysterious letter that had been slipped under their door, a silent plea for them to decipher its contents together. Zenitsu takes the letter from Tanjiro and begins to read, his expression shifting rapidly from confusion to unease and finally settling on dismay as he turns pale, all color draining from his face. He never expected to dislike receiving a letter from a woman in his life so profoundly. Detesting that this might be the first and last letter you've ever written, announcing your sudden departure.

"No, no way! This can't be real... Please, tell me it's not true!" Zenitsu's voice trembles as he waves the paper around, stepping closer to Tanjiro. "This has to be one of her jokes, right?!"

"What's all the fuss about?!" 

Inosuke snatches the paper from Zenitsu, furrowing his brow as he tries to decipher its contents. Failing to make sense of it, he tosses it aside in frustration. Tanjiro catches it effortlessly, his typically serene face is marred by a deep frown, his jaw clenched in a way that feels unnatural and unsettling. He gazes at the paper in his hand before letting it drop to his side. Zenitsu is visibly trembling, his energy palpable as he anxiously waits for Tanjiro's confirmation, although he already knows the answer deep down. He had focused his hearing, but there was no familiar sound of you to be heard, solidifying his fears when Tanjiro confirms the truth.

"No," Tanjiro says flatly. "She's really gone."

Your absence is stark—your scent and sounds no longer present around the mansion. You had departed on an urgent mission sprung upon you in the dead of night, requiring your immediate departure in the morning.

"Huh? She's gone? Who's she?" Inosuke asked, his voice tinged with irritation.

"Our friend," Tanjiro replied solemnly.

"What...? Bubbles is gone? What do you mean?" Inosuke's confusion was evident in his tone.

"He means that she's not here," Zenitsu snapped, his words sharp with unintentional frustration. "She was sent on a mission without us!"

Inosuke stood there, blinking rapidly and shaking his head as if he had misheard. "Hah?! That doesn't make sense! Isn't she still training?"

"Yes, and that’s precisely why we're worried! W-What if she gets lost, or hurt, or something worse!?" Zenitsu's worry spilled out in a rush of words.

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation, and they turned to see Shinobu entering. Her usual smile was absent, replaced by a serious expression. Zenitsu rushed towards her, demanding answers, while Tanjiro handed her a piece of paper he had been holding onto. She glanced over it and sighed before setting it down on a nearby desk.

"I see that you all are already aware of Y/n's expedition..." Shinobu began, her tone measured.

"Yeah, and I want to know why she was sent without us!" Zenitsu's tone was a mix of anger and concern.

"This is her mission, and her mission alone, as requested—" Shinobu started to explain.

"She can't be out there all alone! She's still training, and yet she has to go out on a mission and put herself in serious danger?!" Zenitsu interrupted, his emotions running high.

"Are you finished? Because I was not done speaking," Shinobu said sharply. "This mission is to be treated as her Final Selection, to see if she truly is capable of working and carrying out her duties as a member of the Corps. I have concerns too, but there's nothing we can do. The hard truth is that if she is unable to fight, protect herself, let alone others, and slay demons, then she is not fit to be a Demon Slayer and cannot be allowed to continue as one."

Zenitsu's mouth hung open, his eyes wide in shock, as his hands clenched at his sides. "But she's still training! How is that fair?!"

"The Master has deemed her ready, as reported by Rengoku-san's observations—" Shinobu tried to explain further.

Inosuke, who had been relatively silent until now, finally spoke out, his voice booming with bewilderment. "Hah? Bug-eyes said she was ready? Why the hell would he say that?!"

"Please stop interrupting me, or I'll be forced to sew your mouths shut," Shinobu said with a pseudo-sweet tone, her eyes narrowing with a tight-lipped smile. "As I was saying, Rengoku-san has been reporting to the Master. Although she has only been training for a few months, he has remarked that she has made notable progress. However, she is starting to become stagnant. The Master believes that in order for her to improve and become an accomplished slayer, she must go out and have her abilities tested in a real case scenario—"

"WHERE IS SHE!?" A thunderous voice boomed, echoing throughout the entire mansion.

It almost looked like the structure had actually shaken with the sheer force of volume that was just projected. Shinobu huffed, irked with the constant disruption, and pursed her lips, holding her arms in front of her as she waited for the man who was no doubt going to cause trouble. There was a cacophony of shrill voices that chased after the first, each pleading and sounding thoroughly rattled. 

"P-Please, Uzui-sama, slow down! And you mustn't yell, you'll disturb some of the patients around here! Kocho-san would be very displeased!"

The door that was left ajar was now thrown open and slammed against the wall as Tengen stomped inside, his head swiveling from side to side. Zenitsu shrieked at the explosive display and shrunk behind Tanjiro, who slightly jumped at his entrance. Three young girls clamored after the hulking man but stopped at the doorway and stood by idly as he quickly approached Shinobu. The atmosphere in the room became heavy, saturated with a palpable sense of tension, anger, and worry as the two Hashiras came face to face. Every breath seemed to carry an undercurrent of unease, as if the very air itself had turned noxious.

"Uzui, I will only ask once that you refrain from battering down my doors..." Shinobu admonished coolly. "Now, what has gotten you so worked up that you see fit to cause a commotion?"

"You know exactly what's going on, so you're gonna tell me what I want to know. Where is she?!" Tengen's voice boomed with frustration, his anger palpable.

"I'm afraid I don't care for your tone, and I will require you to lower your voice before I answer any of your questions."

Ignoring her request, Tengen thrust a letter in her face. "Why do I have a letter telling me that she's leaving?!"

An air of uncertainty enveloped Tanjiro, causing him to fidget nervously with his hands. He had never seen the Sound Hashira look nor sound so furious. His anger was just as intense as his normally high-spirited, flamboyant self. Unsure of what to do or say, Tanjiro thought it best to remain quiet for the time being, not wanting to escalate the situation. Zenitsu shuffled backward, pulling Tanjiro along by the back of his haori, dragging Inosuke with them as well, just in case he got in the way and made matters worse.

"Because she has," Shinobu replied calmly, despite his heightened aggravation.

"WHY?!" Tengen's voice rose even louder, filled with frustration and concern.

She sighed once again and gave him a solemn look. "She's going on a mission to prove her worthiness of being a Demon Slayer. You didn't actually think she would be allowed to join and not be made to actually work, did you?"

"Of course not! But she's still under training, so tell me why she's being sent out so soon!" Tengen demanded, his frustration evident in every word.

"I've already told you why; I apologize if my answer wasn't satisfactory enough, but it is what it is. I understand that you are worried, but you must trust that she is capable of accomplishing her job. She's chosen to do this, after all.” Shinobu tried reassuring him. “ Rengoku-san has praised her efforts thus far, but she's stuck and needs to do something that will help her move forward. And you've said so yourself, that she is very smart and stubborn, so I believe she will be more than fine.”

She could sense his worry, and she knew there were concerns all around. Yet, in that moment, there was little they could do but trust in you and hope for the best. Letting her words sink in, she took a step closer, mustering the most reassuring smile she could manage.

“You'll be glad to know that Tomioka-san will be accompanying her, so she is not completely alone and will be perfectly safe should things go awry." Shinobu's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes glancing off to the side. "However, if she cannot handle this and he must step in... then she will be stripped of her duties as a Demon Slayer, but she will still be allowed to reside here and complete other work if she wishes."

There was a pregnant pause as Tengen digested this information, his mind racing. A deep sigh escaped him as he rubbed at his temples and started to calm down. It somewhat eased his mind that Tomioka would be with you, but he still didn't like it. If you failed, you would be highly disappointed in yourself and probably shut yourself in again. He couldn't help but worry…

He believed in you, he really did. And he was sure you could do it... 

But he wasn't entirely sure if you were quite ready yet to face something like this, considering you hadn't trained for long, and most people had at least a year's worth of training before they joined and were allowed on missions. The only exception for someone becoming a Demon Slayer so quickly—and a Hashira at that—was the Mist Pillar, Muichiro Tokito.

"Fine, but if anything happens, I'll—" His mouth hung open as he seemed to think for a moment. He shook his head and then muttered, "Never mind, just let me know when she returns..."

He sauntered off, and there was another outburst of yelling as Mitsuri came barreling into the room, waving her arms around with tears streaming down her reddened face.

"Wahhhhh, everyone, Y/n-chan is gone!" She threw herself at Shinobu and whimpered into her shoulder. "Oh, my heart can't take it, I miss her already! I'm so worried! Do you think she'll make it?! Wait, no, I'm sure she'll make it... but I'm still afraid she'll get hurt!!"

Shinobu lightly pulled her away and smiled, trying her best to reassure the woman that everything would be fine—not to mention that you had Tomioka with you as a precaution—and you'd be back before they knew it. Mitsuri's chin wobbled as she pouted and was forced to accept Shinobu's words, as there was nothing to be done. It would have happened sooner or later; you had wanted to do this—perhaps this quickly—but you had accepted it. She and Shinobu left, and the boys decided that it was probably best for them to find things to do as well, instead of moping around and worrying over the situation.

They had to believe in you and that Tomioka would keep you safe should anything happen.

As you and Tomioka journeyed for over an hour, a renewed burst of energy filled you upon entering a dense forest. Escaping the wide open plains and scorching heat of the late afternoon sun, you found solace under the lush green canopy. Sunlight filtered through the towering trees, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor, creating a tranquil ambiance. The air was crisp, carrying with it the earthy fragrance of moss and foliage. Your journey continued in complete silence, occasionally interrupted by encounters with wildlife that called the forest home. A playful squirrel darted across your path, disappearing into the dense undergrowth. A colorful butterfly danced gracefully in the sunlight, its delicate wings creating a kaleidoscope of colors. Although mostly hidden, the forest was alive with the presence of various creatures coexisting in perfect harmony. It was a beautiful and peaceful environment, yet you were keenly aware that even in such serene places, danger could lurk unseen.

As you wandered along a narrow trail, lined with vibrant green ferns and delicate wildflowers, you encountered a small babbling brook. The crystal-clear water tempted you, almost luring you off course to play in its cool and refreshing embrace. However, you quickly reminded yourself of the seriousness of your mission and the need to stay focused. Your gaze drifted to Tomioka, catching his gaze for a brief moment. Despite the silence between you, not a single word was spoken, and he made no further acknowledgment of your presence. His expression remained indifferent, adding to the air of mystery surrounding him. While you didn't sense any animosity, he was undeniably an enigmatic figure—quiet and seemingly detached, yet his movements were fluid and graceful, like water.

You recalled that Tomioka was the Water Hashira, a title that seemed fitting given his demeanor. He exuded a sense of power and gentleness, a combination that intrigued you. While it was speculative, you felt that your assumption about his nature was likely correct. He didn't strike you as cold or cruel, especially considering his role as a Demon Slayer and a Hashira, which implied a certain level of merit and integrity. After another hour of traveling, the forest gradually gives way to rolling hills of long grass, and in the distance, a small village appears at the base of a modest mountain, unlike the towering one you encountered with the spider demons. You don't have to wonder long if this is your destination.

"We should reach our destination within a few minutes," Tomioka finally breaks the silence, his voice light. "Prepare yourself..."

A few minutes? The village still seems quite distant, but you quickly understand why he said that as he picks up his pace. You sprint to keep up, ignoring the burning in your lungs. Running isn't your forte, but you push forward, knowing that as a Demon Slayer, you'll have to get used to traveling long distances. You reflect on your training and how it's helped build your stamina. Without it, this journey would have been nearly impossible. Rengoku's reminders about proper breathing echo in your mind. You chuckle inwardly, thinking of how his flaming eyes and infectious smile could distract you. Your thoughts then drift to your friends, each with their own unique charm that brightens your day. Tanjiro's warmth, Zenitsu's smiles, and Inosuke's wild yet endearing nature flood your mind. The memory of Inosuke's antics brings a sudden urge to fight him for avoiding you recently. Despite the mixed emotions, you can't help but miss them and wonder how all of them were coping with your absence.

You didn’t get to say a proper goodbye—they were only left with letters.

"The first thing you need to do when we arrive in the village is to figure out what exactly is going on by gathering intel," Tomioka's voice breaks through your thoughts. "Remember, stay alert at all times,” he pauses and adds, “and be careful."

Your head shoots up, realizing that you're not far from the village and your first mission is imminent. This is the moment you've been working towards, but doubts creep in. Shinobu said it shouldn't be too difficult, but that doesn't reassure you. It almost makes it worse, knowing that this would be considered 'easy' for your skill level. Should you even be attempting this? Tanjiro and the others trained for over a year, and they still faced challenges during Final Selection. 

How will you fare?

You push aside the doubts. You're here now, and there's no use in overthinking. You want to do this, and you have to. You focus on the task ahead, determined to do your best. Soon, you step into the village, the road crunching beneath your feet as you slow to a steady pace. Your gaze scans the buildings and the few people going about their business. Your brows furrow when you don't find Tomioka by your side—he's gone. You spin around, searching for him, before remembering that he was only here to accompany you. You're on your own, except for his potential assistance if the situation becomes dire.

You're met with a few odd stares as you stand out from the rest of the people scattered throughout the streets. The air hums with hushed tones, some of the more elderly people gathering around to gossip about your appearance. If they were speaking any louder, you would be able to know what they were saying, but it didn’t take much to discern their exact thoughts. They must be wondering why a younger woman, who not only wears different clothing, but also has different features, has come to their village.

Surely, someone knows you’re with the Demon Slayer Corps and that you’re here to help? Children have gone missing, and it’s most likely the doing of a demon, so there has to be at least one person that noticed and asked for help. Unless the Corps is not well-known and decided to help, whether the village knew or not. Either way, you’re here and you have to get started now. Hopefully the children that have gone missing aren’t already dead and you can save them somehow.

Alright, it was time to get started… 

You need to gather some information and figure out what's going on. An older woman walking by grabs your attention and you try to introduce yourself but she ignores you entirely, and keeps walking away, holding her head up high.

Okay... never mind.

You scan the area and spot a girl probably just a couple years younger than yourself, so you approach her slowly and try not to spook her.

You clear your throat, holding your hands in front of yourself. "Excuse me... may I speak with you for a moment?"

Her brows raise as she stares at you with a scrutinizing type of gaze, her mouth drawn in a straight line. She steps away, still looking at you and your face falls as she keeps stepping away, throwing looks over her shoulder at you as she walks away. You stand there awkwardly, rapidly blinking in bewilderment at the rude behavior. You shouldn't be surprised, but has no one around here seen a foreigner before? You very well could be the first one, so you try not to take it to heart and ignore the unpleasant feeling of being whispered about and gawked at by some locals. 

It's fine... it doesn't matter, what matters is doing your duty. 

You're positive someone will be of help and not make you feel like an oddity. Over and over, you try to speak with all kinds of people, young and old, but they either scoff at you, stare, or ignore you altogether.

This was already panning out to be difficult…

Despite the less than welcoming attitudes, you don’t stop trying. You push forward, ignoring every whisper and stare sent your way. As you wander around, you spot a little boy who points a finger at you, eyes wide in curiosity as he tugs at his father’s hakama. You smile at him from across the street, but his father pulls him away and sends a small glare your way. The little boy continues to look at you as he is dragged away, waving his hand a little before they go down another road and disappear. 

What a sweet, little boy… you’re sure that he meant no harm in staring at you and found you intriguing. 

Children are always very curious and drawn to new things, so you didn’t mind at all. What bothered you was his father pulling him away, clearly displeased with his son trying to interact with a stranger—a foreigner—someone who didn’t belong here. Your smile stays for a few moments, only because of the cute way the boy had waved to you before he and his father left, but your smile slowly fades as you’re left to stand there alone once again. You definitely feel like an outcast, very isolated and dispirited, but you have to ignore these feelings and keep trying no matter how much it bothers you to be treated so callously. You weren’t here to try and make friends, after all, you were on a mission. 

Even so, they could at least try to be polite—you were doing these people a huge favor, whether they knew it or not..

Walking further down the road, you look around the various buildings, peering inside the little shops and admiring all of the sights and smells. A low grumble coming from your stomach has you licking your lips, suddenly reminded of how hungry you are. You forgot to eat this morning, and it was now around noon, so you were definitely starting to feel the pangs of hunger kicking in. The street is filled with all kinds of smells, but there's one that overpowers the rest and it leads you straight to a yatai. The owner is a middle-aged man, who's busy at work preparing dishes consisting of rice, fish, cooked vegetables, broth and noodles. The smell has your stomach growling and your mouth watering, so you approach the cart with a small, hopeful smile and clear your throat to gain the man's attention. He turns, and his eyes flicker over you for a moment, but he doesn't seem to care about your appearance as he simply rests his hands on the wooden top, nodding his head. 

Finally, someone was treating you like any other person!

He patiently waits for you to make up your mind as your eyes hungrily roam over the display, tapping your fingers against the wood and biting your lip. 

"This all looks so good," you murmur. "I'm sorry, I’m having some trouble deciding…"

The man cracks a small smile and suggests, "How about a little bit of everything, then?"

Your eyes widen as you look at him. "Really? I… I can do that?"

"Of course, there’s no rules to how much food someone can order. In my opinion, it would be bad practice to put limits on the amount of food for sale—the more business the better!"

You chuckle. "You have a point. In that case, I’ll try a bit of everything!"

He chuckles and starts scooping some rice into a small bowl, placing a strip of fish and vegetables on top, then sets it down in front of you. He turns back around and ladles a generous helping of broth and noodles into another bowl, then places that down, along with a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. You pick up the chopsticks, but your fingers grasp the thin utensils a bit clumsily; you've never used chopsticks before as the Butterfly Estate had other utensils for you to use. 

You fumble, your fingers failing to find a suitable and comfortable grasp. With a sheepish smile, you give up and subtly reach for the spoon instead.

You wanted to try using them, but you feel like you only embarrassed yourself, and your face starts to heat up when you realize that the man had been watching you struggle the entire time. He doesn't comment on it, though, and just smiles as you finally bring the spoon to the bowl of rice and take a bite. You hum in glee, savoring the flavors as you chew. You continue to eat, trying to slow down so as not to give yourself an upset stomach. It only takes around fifteen minutes for you to finish everything, the noodles and broth being saved for last. You slurp the last bit of broth down and set the bowl down, quickly wiping your mouth before you lean back.

"Wow, that was the best food I've had all day," you sigh and then chuckle heartily. "Well... it's the first thing I've had, but I'm sure it'll still be the best!"

The man laughs with you and grins in appreciation, happy someone had thoroughly enjoyed his food. No one's ever complimented his cooking like this before, and he was very pleased with your reactions. As you sit there and let the food settle, you're struck by the realization that you didn't have a way to pay him.

How could you forget that you didn’t bring any sort of money?!

Your eyes widen, and you sit up straight, sucking on your teeth as you nervously watch the man cleaning up your dishes. Once he's done and turns back around, he flinches a little at the sight of you. You feel like you're sweating bullets and you grimace at how crazy you probably look, but you try your best to school your expression and not scare the poor man with your panicked expression.

"I'm so sorry, sir, but I don't have any money!" You wring your hands together and swallow hard, feeling like there's a lump in your throat. "Is there anything I can do to repay you? I'll do anything, I swear! I was just so hungry and wasn't thinking clearly. I promise I wasn't planning on not paying you! I'm so—"

He waves his hands around, looking bewildered as you ramble and apologize profusely. "Hey, hey, slow down! It's fine, there's no need to cry about it!"

You blink a few times, feeling the familiar wetness in your eyes. Damn, you were about to cry, weren't you? You just felt awful and didn't want him to think you were going to skip out on paying for the incredible food he no doubt worked so hard on. You were many things, but you weren't a thief!

"I'm sorry," you quickly wipe your eyes. "I just don't want you to think lowly of me, sir. You've been kind, and you make incredible food, so I want to thank you and give you proper payment for your service."

"It's fine, really. On the house!"

"What? No way, I couldn't possibly—"

"I said it was fine," he flaps his hand dismissively, effectively shutting you up. "Listen, you're one of the best customers I've had in years, so don't worry about paying today. Your enthusiastic compliments were more than enough. But if you really want to repay me, then you must visit again to enjoy some more of my food, got it?"

"Oh... yes, sir!" You grin and bow a couple of times, showing your gratitude for his generosity. "I'll be sure to come back! I'll also tell my friends to stop by sometime.  I'm sure they'd love your food just as much, if not more!"

His eyes light up, and he shakes his head at your enthusiastic display. He lets out a huff of air before he cocks his head to the side, planting himself against the wooden counter. 

"Say, what brings you here, anyway? I've never seen you around before, and I would definitely remember someone like you."

You had momentarily forgotten about your mission while you were busy eating and freaking out about paying for the meal. You purse your lips, biting on the skin that has been repeatedly picked at unconsciously every time you find yourself spacing out and overthinking things.

"Well," you breathe slowly, "I’m here to help with reports of missing children?"

His brow furrows as he nods, a somber look crossing his face. "Ah, yes... poor things. Something has been coming around, snatching them away. No one has been able to find the culprit; whoever, or whatever it is, leaves no trace."

You weren't surprised that no one had caught who was taking the children of this village.

You thank the man once again and walk away, trying to think of the best course of action right now. You don't have much information, which means you can't do anything until you do. You begin your investigation by speaking with the families of the missing children, seeking any clues that might lead you closer to the demon's hideout—it had to be close. As you listen to their heart-wrenching stories, you notice a recurring theme—a mysterious figure spotted near the edge of the woods before each child vanishes. No one has been able to clearly see it or find any clues to track it down, just as the man with the yatai had said, and many of them believed it was a spirit or some kind of mysterious animal.

But you knew better…

A demon was hiding around here somewhere and kept coming back to collect more children. The reason was unknown, but it was undoubtedly sinister if it chose children as its victims. You had to find this thing and fast, before any more innocent children could be taken. However, demons were strong and clever beings. You haven't encountered very many yourself, but you knew that they weren't to be underestimated, even if they were considered weaker in demon terms. 

Considering you don't have much experience, you'll have to be extra careful and use everything you know to your advantage to succeed.

If you failed, you would no longer be a member of Corps and you would no longer be allowed to travel with your friends when they get sent out on new missions. You have to succeed! Not only for your own reasons, but for the poor children of this village and their families. You spend hours searching along the outskirts of the village after speaking with the families, hoping they might have missed something that would give you a clue about where the demon was hiding out. With nightfall quickly approaching, you finally venture into the dense forest, guided only by the last remaining rays of sunlight. Twisted branches claw at your clothing, and a chill wind rustles through the leaves, carrying with it an unnerving presence.

The forest falls silent as you weave through the thick trees and brush, each step echoing with a sense of anticipation as the sun falls below the horizon and the moon slowly takes its place. Following the villagers' accounts, you come across a clearing shrouded in eerie silence. Symbols are etched into the earth, illuminated by the pale moonlight—ancient sigils, wards against supernatural forces. It's apparent that someone, perhaps a desperate soul, has tried to protect the village from the encroaching darkness. Although you don't recognize the symbols, you know what they mean. Someone, most likely a parent of one of the missing children, had bravely ventured into the forest and tried to ward off the “evil spirit.”

Unfortunately for them, it wasn't some kind of spirit, nor an was much worse.

As you trace the symbols with your fingers, the air grows thick with malevolent energy. Suddenly, a low growl emanates from the shadows, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end. You turn your gaze toward a massive gnarled tree, its branches contorted like twisted limbs. Summoning your courage, you approach the ominous tree with your hand hovering near the handle of your blade, ready to grab it at a moment's notice. The ground trembles beneath your feet, and you jump as something suddenly reveals itself—a grotesque creature with sunken eyes and gnarled horns. 

It's the demon...

"What is a little thing like you doing out all alone?" The demon's rough, grating voice cuts through the silence, filling the clearing with its ominous presence. "Are you going to write more silly, little words? You humans are so pathetic, thinking words can stop something much more powerful than you,"  it croaks.

Your eyes widen, and you take a step back, startled by its sudden appearance and the harshness of its words. The creature resembles a tree, with branches sticking out everywhere, and the way its body creaks and groans as it moves gives the impression that it's made of wood. It had blended in so well with the surroundings that you hadn't noticed it until now. You clench your jaw, holding your breath, and will yourself to remain calm despite the fear creeping up your spine. It was terrifying, almost uglier than the demon you encountered in the house with the drum demon.

"W-Where are the children of this village?" you manage to ask, your voice clear but tinged with unease.

"Hmmm, you’re not from the village…” The demon hums in observation. “Are you perhaps a Demon Slayer? You don't look like much… I think I could kill you with just one swipe of my vines."

You ignore its taunts, focusing on your mission and trying to keep your composure. "A-Answer me," you demand, your hand twitching by your side.

"Or what? You aren't a real Demon Slayer! You're nothing like the ones I've seen before. I can see it in the way you hold yourself, in fact, I can smell your inexperience and fear!" It cackles, mocking you.  

Ignore it...

Push your fears away...

Remain calm...


You can do this…

It inhales obnoxiously and tilts its head with a creepy smile. "You can't do anything to me, can you? I should kill you for even thinking someone such as yourself could even touch me, but I must admit I find this all too amusing. Perhaps I should kill you slowly… break all your bones, one by one, and let you suffer until I finally rip your head off. How does that sound?"

Undeterred, you stand firm, straightening your back and taking a single step forward. You continue to demand answers and the release of the innocent children, but it simply laughs and throws its head back, which would have been a perfect opportunity to go for its neck... but it was right, you weren't very skilled and it would probably catch you before you could get close enough. You have to think about how you'll be able to take this demon down before it gets bored and decides to kill you like it had threatened. What was this thing's power? Did all demons have their own unique abilities? You remember Shinobu said that not all demons are as powerful as they may seem, so hopefully this would be the case now. If it has any strong abilities, if it was as powerful as it was trying to claim, you'd be in trouble for sure...

Even so, you can't give up. You won't cower and run away... you have a job to do, and you're determined to do it.

"If you won't tell me where they are," you keep your voice low as you speak, staring at the demon with a hardened gaze, "can you at least tell me if they're alive or not?"

It grins, the corners of its mouth splintering and cracking wide open. "They are... but not for much longer! I'll deliver them to Gyokko-sama after I collect a few more," it croons.


Your resolve hardens as you mutter, “Then I guess I’ll just have to kill you before that happens.”

Enraged by your boldness, the demon snarls, showing off rows of sharp, jagged teeth. You stand your ground and grip your sword, pulling it out in one swift motion. Fear lingers in your mind, but you push it aside, focusing on the task at hand—to defeat this creature and save the children. You don’t even think about the possibility of passing out again from holding the sword. You don’t know if it's yours or a completely different blade.

All you know is that it's in your possession and ready to be used to dispatch the hideous man-eating monster before you.

Facing the towering demon, your heart pounds in your chest, feeling the weight of your inexperience. Sweat trickles down your forehead as you grip the sword tightly, summoning all the courage you can muster. The demon snarls, its crimson eyes gleaming with wicked hunger, its form seeming to grow bigger and more menacing. You take a deep breath, trying to steady your trembling limbs. Your mind races, recalling fragments of advice from Rengoku and other Corps members. It's not much, but it's all you have. You remind yourself that courage and determination can sometimes overcome even the most daunting adversaries. 

You can't hesitate; that would make your movements predictable and could lead to your demise.

Without warning, the demon lunges at you with incredible speed, its claws slashing through the air. Instinct takes over, and you barely manage to evade the first strike. Your heart races as you counter with a clumsy swing of your weapon, narrowly missing the demon's twisted form. Pain shoots through your side as the demon retaliates, landing a powerful blow. The force sends you sprawling across the ground, but you refuse to give in to the pain and fear, determined to stand your ground and continue the fight. Ignoring the searing pain and the slow trickle of warmth spreading from your side, you scramble to your feet, fueled by newfound determination. Summoning every ounce of strength, you gather your focus and leap forward, unleashing a flurry of attacks. Your moves are erratic as you lose yourself in the moment, beginning to panic when the demon easily blocks your attacks and lands a few more blows to your body. 

You quickly refocus, doing everything you can to avoid further injury.

You hadn't expected to battle this creature so suddenly, but you acknowledge that it's your own fault for not being more cautious and keeping your distance. The demon grins menacingly, confident in its apparent advantage over an inexperienced foe. Its sunken eyes grow even darker as it lifts its head and takes a sniff, its grin widening sinisterly as it licks its teeth.

"You are a Marechi, how splendid! Those fools, don't they know that with you being so weak, they've sent you straight to your grave?!" it taunts.

You pant, holding your sword defensively. "What are you talking about? Marechi...?"

"You have a rare type of blood, one that gives more power to us demons who consume it. Do you really know nothing? You truly aren’t a Demon Slayer, you're too weak and stupid! This is just getting more amusing by the minute!" the demon jeers.

"Shut up!"

Your anger spikes at its insults. 

Being told you're useless and stupid is something you hate more than anything. You're well-acquainted with self-deprecation, but to have a demon, one of the vilest creatures, insult you as if it's superior is too much to bear. Losing all composure, you let out a battle cry that echoes through the forest and charge at the demon, slashing your sword with all your might. The demon effortlessly parries your attacks, threatening to shatter your resolve with each forceful blow it lands. But you push through the pain and insecurities, determined to prove yourself and protect the village and the children. Each swing of your weapon is driven by sheer will, fueled by the desire to vanquish this abomination.

You dodge, parry, and strike with all your might, almost finding a rhythm amidst the chaos. 

As the battle rages on, you begin to read the demon's movements, anticipating its strikes and trying to find its weak points. The demon grows increasingly frustrated, its attacks becoming more reckless—it seems to have slowed down and become more distracted by the strong scent of your blood. With a surge of adrenaline, you seize the opportunity, landing a devastating blow that sends the demon crashing to the ground. It writhes in pain, its form splintering and contorting in odd angles. Pressing forward, your strikes rain down upon the demon, each blow resonating with your newfound strength and resolve.

However, the demon is not easily vanquished.

It rises once more and throws you to the side with a swipe of its long, twisting vine-like appendage. You slam into a tree, the impact knocking your head against the hard wood with a loud crack. Stars dance in your vision as you fall to the ground, your breath catching in your throat. You hold your head, blinking rapidly to clear your vision, and catch a glimpse of colors and patterns—red, green, and orange—but they vanish before you can focus on them. You struggle to your feet, your body screaming in pain, head throbbing unbearably. Blood smears across your face, but you ignore it, your focus solely on the demon before you.

It seems to revel in your struggle, taking delight in the way you sway while trying to stay upright.

"Don't... give up," you mutter to yourself, forcing yourself to breathe evenly despite the pain and exhaustion. 

Your determination burns brighter than ever as you steel yourself for another round. Everything you've been taught and learned thus far has kept you alive, albeit barely. You must figure out a way to trap this demon so it can't attack you anymore, allowing you to deal the finishing blow. 

Failure is not an option—you must get stronger!

Shifting your feet and planting them firmly on the uneven ground, you assume a stance, letting out a puff of air as you lock eyes with the demon. Then, without warning, the demon launches at you once again. The clash of your sword against its claws reverberates through the woods, echoing your fierce determination. Despite its seemingly inexhaustible strength and ferocious attacks, fueled by rage, you stumble and falter under its relentless assault. Yet, deep within your spirit, a newfound determination sparks like a flame. Thinking of the innocent villagers, the children relying on you to save them, and the faces of your friends at the Butterfly Mansion, you draw strength from it all. With a surge of energy coursing through your veins, you renew your assault on the demon, striking with precision and purpose.

If you were going to die tonight, you weren’t going to go easily. 

In the midst of battle, blood slowly drips from your brow, smearing across your face as you haphazardly wipe it away. Your lips crack open in a disturbing grin, teeth gritted, eyes wide with a borderline psychotic intensity. Your body vibrates with energy, an odd mix of heat and cold coursing through you. The demon's reaction is evident as it cocks its head in surprise, leaning back slightly as it dodges another stab of your blade. It clearly didn't expect you to act so strangely, let alone still be breathing and fully conscious. The silence is deafening save for the sounds of your ragged breaths and the demon's armored body creaking. 

Blow by blow, you slowly begin to weaken its defenses, driving it back further into the dark recesses of the forest. The demon snarls and roars, but you stand firm, refusing to yield. You exchange blows, and to your relief, the demon's attacks seem to hold less force than before. Perhaps you've grown numb to pain, or maybe it's your sheer determination overriding any physical limitations at that moment. As the battle rages on, you find yourself growing increasingly exhausted. Your momentum is slipping, and progress seems elusive. You're locked in a stalemate, each of you pushing the other back. It's clear you need to act quickly. Your eyes dart around the area, searching for a solution.

Suddenly, an idea strikes you.

As the demon readies its vine-like appendages, you swiftly dart away and head toward an area with more trees. Glancing behind you to ensure the demon is still in pursuit, you see the vines shoot out. With deft movements, you weave between the trees, heart pounding loudly in your ears as you evade the vines and continue to maneuver. But this isn't aimless running; you have a plan, and it seems to be working. The demon's vines relentlessly chase you through the woods. Turning on your heels, you head straight back toward the demon. Its vines lunge after you, but you deftly circle around it, elated to see that the demon is too enraged to grasp what's happening.

You deftly avoid the vines, grabbing onto them as they shoot past, then rush toward the demon. 

"I hate to admit it, but demons can be strong and clever. However, there's something you should know," you shout as you run circles around it, avoiding its weaker attacks and distracting it with your words. "I don’t think you're a true demon!"

"What do you mean by that, pesky human!?" it snarls, its expression growing more irritated.

You laugh, relishing in its frustration. Smirking, you spin back around, echoing its own words from earlier. "It means you're too weak and dumb!"

Enraged, the demon attempts to move, but you can see its realization dawning too late. Its anger has clouded its judgment, giving you the opportunity to ensnare it with its own vines. As it writhes and roars, trying to break free, you swiftly close the distance, leaping into the air with your blade raised. With a final resounding strike, the demon lets out an anguished howl as your blade severs its head from its neck in a swift, downward motion. You land back on the ground, exhausted but victorious, watching as the demon slowly dissipates into a cloud of dark ash.

"No! No! Impossible! You're the weak one! You're nothing!" the demon protests.

"The only weak one is you," you hiss coldly. "You were turned into a demon, and yet... you still couldn't defeat me—a girl with very little experience, might I remind you. Now, shut up and tell me where the children are!"

"You little brat! I'll kill you! I'll kill you—" the demon's threats are cut short.

"Never mind, I don't need your help. Clearly, you're incompetent. I can find them on my own." You dismiss the demon's attempts to speak further.

As what remains of the demon finally blows away, the air clears, and silence descends upon the battlefield once more. You pick yourself up, standing alone amidst the aftermath. Battered and bruised but victorious, you take a moment to catch your breath, nearly falling over again as you clutch your side. Your mind and body slowly come to terms with the grueling battle you just endured. It was a test of sheer determination and unwavering spirit, perhaps aided by a stroke of luck, but you emerged triumphant. You defeated the demon and survived the encounter! With newfound confidence, you mentally prepare for the challenges that await, knowing that you have the strength to face whatever comes your way.

You're a true Demon Slayer now!

You won't be alone. You aren't a failure. A smile forms on your lips, a small, choked-out laugh escaping. You take a step forward, then suddenly drop your sword and collapse. It clatters to the ground as you land face-first, your vision fading to black.


Taisho Secrets

* The Master has been experiencing 'visions' lately. Some bring feelings of peace and happiness, while others are more unsettling. However, he believes these visions foretell great fortune and change within the Demon Slayers. He's hopeful that the long-standing war between mankind and demons, spanning centuries, will finally come to an end. The Master strongly believes that everyone, especially you and your friends, will be the ones to defeat Muzan.

▹ A yatai (屋台) is a small, mobile food stall in Japan typically selling ramen or other food. The name literally means "shop stand".

Chapter 11: Demon Slayer - 鬼滅の刃


After completing your inaugural mission and solidifying your place within the Demon Slayer Corps, a series of enigmatic visions, akin to memories from both the past and future, begin to unravel. These experiences leave you grappling with a myriad of questions, each one adding another layer of complexity to your already perplexing journey.


I'm sure most people are familiar with white noise, but you might notice that in this chapter, I use the term 'brown noise'. If you're not familiar with brown noise, here's a brief explanation! Brown noise is quite similar to white noise, but it has a lower frequency. While white noise is more high-pitched and resembles static, brown noise has a deeper rumble, similar to the sensation when your ears need to pop or when you let out a big yawn.

I found it intriguing to explore different types of noise. Describing certain sounds—or the absence of sound—can be quite challenging, and I was struggling to capture the ambiance of a scene. That's when I discovered brown noise! I listened to that while writing a certain scene, and it perfectly captured the atmosphere I wanted to create. Just add in details like the shifting of rocks and earth, the occasional drip of water, and voila!—you have the ideal symphony of being underground! 😂

Also, I was greatly inspired to add a certain scene by my good pal Sanaria and her fic A Bond of Fire and Blood! I thought it was such a cute little idea, so I had to add it in. Thanks Sanaria for your lovely idea! And everyone else who is reading this, please go check out her fic because it's a masterpiece and give it all the love it deserves!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Voices slowly trickle through your mind like molasses, but the words don't stick; they slip right over the edge. Your lips downturn in a grimace as images come to the forefront of your mind. A few figures stand in front of you, but they're blurred, and you can't quite make out who they are. They're talking... no, yelling... but the sound is all muffled, so you squeeze your eyes tightly shut to try and focus on the words. Slowly, the words become louder until you can understand bits and pieces as the figures begin to surround you. They keep shouting until it almost becomes unbearable, and your eyes pop back open. But something is wrong; they start to run away. No, they can't leave; you need to—

"Wake up! Now is not the time to be sleeping; you still have to complete your mission!!"

Your eyes snap open when something sharp stabs the back of your hand. You jolt and push yourself up enough to spot your crow pecking at your skin. You swat her away and cringe as you now sit upright, holding a hand to your head with a pained groan. Your head pounds dully, and you blink a few times.


"The one and only! Now, hurry and get up; you don't have all night!"

"Uhh," you pause and look around the clearing in front of you, still dazed and confused, “what happened?”

She switches to English as she yells at you again. "QUIT FOOLING AROUND, HURRY UP!!”

The way she's yelling makes it seem like your life is in danger at this very moment, so you begin to panic a little as your eyes flit around the clearing. 


She huffs, “You have a mission to complete! Now, hurry and get up before you fail!!”

Your eyes widen as you slowly come to and remember everything that has transpired until now. 

"Oh no, the mission! Wait, is the demon still alive?!"

Yume squawks, her wings fanning out. "No! You defeated it, don't you remember? But you still have to find the missing children, so hurry!"

Oh... right! You did defeat the demon!

But you had passed out before you could go and search for the children that it had taken…

Oh no, this was bad... how long were you out? 

Was Giyuu here, and did he see everything that happened? Probably... so, hopefully, he doesn't mention this little hiccup, and you don't end up failing this mission after all. You nearly shriek as you spin around on the ground to get a look at your surroundings from behind you, coming face to... well... not face... with Giyuu, or more like your sword that he's holding in front of you. You scramble back, and your eyes shoot up to his face. You aren't surprised to see no expression, but it still unsettles you the slightest bit.


He says nothing and just stares at you in complete silence, nudging the sword closer. 

"Uhh... am I in trouble?" you chuckle nervously.

He sighs. "Just take it..."

"Right!" You tentatively reach for the handle and slowly stand back up, putting it back in the saya. "I'm... not in trouble... right?"


"Oh, thank goodness—"

"Not unless you fail to complete your mission. It's best to take naps after the fact. Luckily, you were only out for a few minutes, otherwise, I would have to take matters into my own hands..."

"R-Right! I was just getting to that..." You take a deep breath and resume looking around the clearing, quickly side-eyeing him. "You aren't going to help me, are you?" 

He opens his mouth, but you cut him off before he can answer you. 

"Well, I don't want you to. In fact, you can't! I have to do this by myself, so... if you were thinking about helping me, please don't... and don't mention me passing out either, alright? It wasn't for long, and I'm going to complete this mission. I'm not failing!"

He blinks and continues to just stand there, looking almost confused by your attitude. He didn't take you for someone to be so... whatever you would call this. You weren't exactly confident; you still had an awkwardness about you, but the way you had spoken to him just now was a bit surprising, to say the least. Especially since he was told you could be fairly shy and quiet, much like himself at times. But he also remembers Uzui telling everyone that you were a bit feisty and stubborn when it came to certain things as well. This must be what he was talking about. You were clearly out of your element, yet you had partially succeeded and got back up after being almost beaten, and you are continuing to push on to complete your mission. 

You had some unexpected determination and strength...

"I wasn't going to say or do anything."

"Good! Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some children to track down!" 

You grunt as you stand up and take off, searching the area for any sort of clues, and not sparing him another glance.

"Are you going to continue watching her, Tomioka-san?" Yume asks.

He blinks again and looks down, his eyes locking with your crow. "Yes, I have to. But I don't think I have to worry about her now..."

"Oh, you were worried about her before?" Her feathers fluff up, and she hops closer to him, a strange glint in her dark eyes. "Ohohoho, heheh... tell me more~"

"Well, she is new, and I would surely be punished for allowing anything to happen to her when I was specifically tasked with making sure she wouldn't get into any trouble or die on this mission. If I am being honest, I was expecting to save her, but it seems like she can handle herself... although, just barely..."

“Huh? That’s it?” Yume huffs and takes to the sky. "Ughh, that isn't what I wanted to hear! Why must all you Hashira, especially you, be so boring?!"

"Boring?" His brow furrows the slightest bit as your crow then quickly disappears into the night sky. "I don't think I'm boring..."

He stands there for a few more seconds before he walks off and goes back into hiding, keeping tabs on you from a distance. 

Walking around the clearing was slowly starting to get you down, however, as you weren't finding anything that would lead you to the missing children. Damn, you knew you should've gotten information out of that stupid demon before you completely obliterated it. It probably wouldn't have talked anyways... but it was fine because you would figure it out yourself and save those poor, helpless children. If there's one thing you are, it's stubborn, and you won't give up until you succeed. You have to prove yourself competent as a Demon Slayer, which means slaying said demons and helping people—sometimes on your own. You've already got the first part down, and that was the hardest one, so this should be relatively easy!

Now, if you were a demon, where would you hide a bunch of children? 

The smart thing to do would be taking them far, far away, but that demon didn't seem particularly smart... and it might have had to keep them somewhat close so it could easily gather more children. It said it was gathering children to give them to some demon named Gyokko. You have no idea who he is, but you do know one thing: you hate him with a passion. To take young and innocent children is despicable and absolutely unforgivable. Not to say that all lives aren't important, but it's worse when it's taken from someone who has barely had the chance to truly live. You really hope with your entire being that these children are indeed all safe and still alive. The demon had said they were, and you really shouldn't trust what a demon says, but it gives you some hope. 

However, that hope is just a small flicker, as it also told you that the children wouldn't be alive for much longer...

In your mind, that only means two things. They were either slowly dying as you fought with the demon, or they were going to die once delivered. You can't think about this; it doesn't help the situation and only adds fuel to the fire that is your anxiety. Whether they're currently dead or alive, you will find them and bring some sort of peace back to all their families. You stop in your tracks and close your eyes, slowly breathing in and out. The faint light of the moon disappears behind your closed lids as everything seems to come to a halt, shrouding you in a state of complete darkness and emptiness. With each deliberate breath, you become increasingly aware of the beat of your heart—slow and steady. You almost enter a state of... peace... calm... focus... all of your senses shutting down, yet on high alert.

As you stand in the middle of the dark forest, a strange sensation washes over you, a tingling that dances at the edges of your mind. Slowly, a faint vision begins to form, like mist taking shape before your inner eye.

As the vision unfolds, you find yourself in the very clearing where you currently stand. The surroundings blur as you move through the forest, guided by an unseen force. Each step feels purposeful, as if you're following a trail only you can perceive. You become swallowed by the mist as you walk further into the forest, the darkness enveloping you. The vision briefly shifts to show children huddled together in a cold, dark area, isolated from the world, their eyes filled with fear and confusion. Only a small glimmer of light keeps them from total darkness. The scene changes again to reveal a cliff, with a distinct flower catching your eye. It's bright red, with delicate petals and spindly stamens that give it a spider-like appearance. You feel an inexplicable pull towards the flower, a sensation that resonates deep within you. It seems to beckon, whispering and calling out to you as it sways in the breeze.

Suddenly, your eyes snap open, and your feet start moving on their own, leading you along an unfamiliar path. Despite never having been here before, you instinctively know where this path will take you. With quick steps, you approach your destination, your breath coming out in ragged gasps as you push through the thicket of dead brush and emerge into a smaller clearing that overlooks a cliff. Your heart races as you take in the scene—it's exactly as you envisioned. Standing before you is the lone red flower, firmly rooted at the edge of the cliff. Your eyes narrow as you watch the petals faintly move in the gentle breeze, swaying towards the edge.

"There it is..."

You follow the movement of the breeze, walking to the cliff's edge and peering over it. The forest stretches for miles, with nothing particularly standing out, but you stay put because this is where you need to be. You can feel it—the children are here. Your eyes swiftly scan the surroundings, searching for a clue. They lock onto a spot below where a part of the cliff protrudes, revealing a small opening resembling a cave. On hands and knees, you carefully crawl back over the edge and begin the descent, occasionally slipping but managing to steady yourself. The sensation of falling, with your heart racing and a sickening feeling in your stomach, is familiar, but you push it aside, focused on your mission. You avoid looking down or letting your gaze wander, fearing the height and the potential for a fatal fall.

After a few minutes of navigating the rocky cliffside, you reach the jutting rock and find solid ground, breathing a sigh of relief. Moving to the widest part of the cave entrance, you enter, ducking your head and wincing at the occasional scrape on your knees as you traverse the dim cavern. You gasp as you unexpectedly drop forward, landing on your backside among sharp rocks, cursing at the discomfort. Thankfully, it's only a short drop of about two to three feet. After dusting yourself off and stretching, you stand up, the cave opening into a large cavern. Though visibility is limited, you notice another passageway leading to a narrower area that descends further. 

With a sigh, you proceed, running your fingers along the cold walls for guidance.

The descent grows darker and narrower as you shuffle further down, descending deeper underground. Anxiety spikes as the path begins to curve, veering away from its straight trajectory. Cold, dark, tight spaces—definitely not your cup of tea. You never imagined finding yourself in such a situation, and truth be told, you never wanted to. This experience might top your list of most dreadful things endured, a tale to tell, albeit not one you relish recounting. Compared to some of the other Corps members' undoubtedly more gripping or harrowing stories, yours might elicit more chuckles than gasps—at least someone might find humor in your plight.

The last traces of fresh air vanish, replaced by stagnant stillness. You're delving quite deep now. Silence envelops you, broken only by the constant drone of background noise and the faint rhythm of your breathing, slow and deliberate as you attempt to calm yourself. The eerie tranquility clashes with an underlying unease. Losing your way down here would be a nightmare, and given your luck, it feels like a distinct possibility. Yet, despite your dimming thoughts matching the cave's darkness, you steel yourself and press onward, resolute in your quest to rescue the missing children. 

But doubt creeps in—what if they're not even here, and you're plunging into this abyss for no reason?


Don’t even think about that. You won’t let your mind play tricks, stoking panic within you. You know the children are here... and you're going to bring them back. In and out, deep breaths anchor you as you slide your hands along the walls, maintaining your balance as you descend further.  Time blurs, feeling like hours pass though it's only been about ten or fifteen minutes of navigating this subterranean labyrinth. Weariness sets in from the seemingly interminable narrow passage until suddenly, your hands encounter nothing but open air, the cave expanding into another cavern.

Then you hear it—the faintest whimper and cry, emanating from where a small shaft of light pierces the cave's roof.

You call out, your voice reverberating through the once silent cave, hoping for a response to guide you to the children. "Hello? I'm here to help you! Please, say something so I can find you!"

Amidst the darkness, you hear faint gasps followed by small voices weakly chattering and calling out to you, and joy floods your heart. These children must have endured hours or even days without sustenance, growing too weak to cry out for aid. It's heart-wrenching when a little girl's cry for her mother prompts others to join in. Swiftly following the sounds, you find the children as you envisioned them in the vision—wide-eyed, uncertain yet hopeful. Stepping into the light, your figure becomes visible to them, and they rush towards you, their tiny hands reaching out as you gather them close.

"Miss... I'm scared," a child squeaks, seeking comfort.

Another sobs, clinging to your leg, longing for their mother. "I want my mom, where is she?"

There are at least twelve children surrounding you, ranging from as young as four to as old as ten. The older ones exhibit a bit more composure, but fear and sadness still echo in their voices. With a gentle smile, you coax them to stand, their excitement palpable now that they feel safer with your presence around.

"Don't worry, little ones, I've got you. I'll get you out of here," you assure them.

A chorus of voices responds simultaneously.


"Thank you, miss!"

"Hurry, I don't like the dark; it’s scary in here!"

"I'm hungry, do you have any food?"

"My tummy and head hurt..."

"I'm c-c-cold…"

You hush them gently. "It's okay. I need you to be brave a little longer while I figure out how to get us out. Take deep breaths with me, okay? In and out..."

You guide them through a simple breathing exercise, inhaling and exhaling slowly, doing your best to help them calm down. Within a minute, they've all settled down, quietly watching you with wide eyes filled with curiosity and hope. Now that they're no longer too stressed or scared, you can focus on the next task. You bite your lip, pondering the best way to proceed. You don't want to stumble in the dark and risk losing a child on the way out. Moreover, navigating the cliff and finding a way to get them back up safely weighs heavily on your mind. 

The small light filtering from above begins to brighten, drawing your attention upward. Earlier, the forest was shrouded in darkness, with the moon obscured by heavy clouds and a thick mist blanketing the land. However, it seems that tonight, the moon is finally getting a chance to shine, casting a small beam of light that illuminates the once dim cave, bathing it in a soft glow. With improved visibility, you assess the cave walls and the small opening above your head. Climbing out doesn't seem straightforward, and the hole isn't large enough for you or some of the older children.

But maybe you can make it bigger…

Examining the cave ceiling, you notice that it's not entirely stone; the hole appears to be composed of compacted dirt and clay. Several decent-sized roots dangle down from plants and trees, possibly sturdy enough for you to grab onto. You devise a plan to scale the walls, cling to the roots, widen the hole, and then use the roots as a makeshift ladder to get the children out. It won't be easy, but certain parts of the cave provide enough leverage for climbing, leading up to the dangling roots and the ground above.

It’s a relatively plausible solution...

Approaching the cave wall, you press your hands against the hard, cold surface, finding a protrusion to grip onto. Slowly, you lift your foot and place it in a small crevice, adjusting your grip as you begin to ascend. Despite a few close calls where you almost slip, you manage to reach a larger part of the wall that supports your weight. Ignoring the scrapes on your hands, arms, and knees, you focus on the goal of reuniting the children with their families as quickly as possible.

After what feels like days of searching, battling the demon, and rescuing the children, exhaustion sets in. With a final push, you reach the top of the protruding wall, pulling yourself up with an exhausted sigh. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you stand up cautiously, avoiding the edge. Looking at the roots from above, you realize the jump isn't as straightforward as it seemed from below. There's not much room to build up momentum for the leap, leaving you with a daunting decision.

But the answer was clear…

'Alright, parkour!'

The risk of spraining an ankle or breaking an arm from the jump is preferable to the perilous alternative of navigating the dark cave or attempting the dangerous climb up the cliff. Pressing your back against the wall, you inhale deeply before taking a leap of faith. Your hands stretch out, grasping for the giant roots as you hurtle downward. Gravity pulls at you, and for a moment, you fear you might not reach the roots in time. However, with a gasp from the children below, you manage to snag one of the roots, pulling it down slightly as you fall. The root holds strong, and you can't help but cheer along with the children as you cling to it, slowly crawling up towards the hole overhead. Climbing while holding onto a root and keeping yourself upright proves tiresome, but you persevere.

You order the children to move away as you start clawing at the earth, ripping through smaller roots, clods of hardened dirt, and rocks.

It's no easy task, balancing on the root and digging simultaneously, but you make progress, ignoring the dirt falling onto you and the possibility of creepy insects. You push forward, running on fumes, yearning to reunite the children with their families. And as for yourself, the thought of a warm bath, and a comforting meal with your companions back at the Butterfly Mansion fueled your desire even more. By wrapping your legs around the roots and using what upper body strength you had, you tear through the earth vigorously. The hole expands until it's large enough for you to squeeze through, a triumphant smile on your dirt-covered face.

"I got it! We're getting outta here, kids!" you shout, briefly glancing down. "Just hold on a little longer!"

You refocus, pulling at the larger roots to pry them loose. Straining your muscles, you use your feet against the cave roof, shaking with effort. It's a risky move, hanging upside down, but there's no other option. You push and pull, inching closer to your goal with each exertion. The roots groan and snap from the earth, and with a final tug, you release them. As you start to descend with the foliage, preparing for impact, something grabs your ankle, halting your fall.

Weakly lifting your head, you're surprised, relieved, and slightly annoyed at the unexpected rescue.

It's good that you didn't fall, but could this be seen as a setback? Technically, receiving help goes against the mission's premise of completing it independently. Tomioka was tasked with accompanying you to ensure your safety, not to intervene unless absolutely necessary. You had also explicitly requested—more like demanded—that he refrain from doing or saying anything about your mission at all.

"What are you doing here?!" you yell.

The man's expression remains devoid of emotion or thought, as usual. He simply holds you in place without a word. You knew he was keeping an eye on you, but you didn't expect him to find you here of all places. Yet, here he is, grasping your ankle firmly with one hand. As far as you know, he hadn't followed you into the cave, so how did he know precisely where you were and arrive just in time to prevent you from falling? Once again, you're reminded of the Hashira's exceptional skills, intelligence, and strength. You sigh in frustration and let your head droop, your arms hanging limply. He adds more pressure to your ankle as he effortlessly pulls you up by your leg, lifting you high enough to grab your arm and flip you around, pulling you out of the hole completely. He doesn't drop you, but you stumble slightly as you regain your balance above ground.

Brushing debris from your face, you glare at him from where you sit, though you know it's not entirely justified; you're just a little upset.

"I might fail now because of you…" you protest.

He responds with a slight furrowing of his brow. "I was instructed to ensure your safety, not to let you sustain serious injuries or die. You won't fail."

"But you helped me...?"

"You've already succeeded," he pauses and then adds, “partially…”


"Do you wish to have failed?"

"No, but—"

"Listen carefully, I was ordered not to intervene in your battle with the demon," he clarifies. "You defeated the demon and located the children on your own, thus accomplishing a portion of your mission. However, your task isn't complete; you still need to bring them back home. Now, do you want to keep arguing or focus on finishing the task at hand?"

You purse your lips and slowly rise to your feet. "Okay, right, sorry... and thank you..."

After clearing your throat awkwardly, you observe as Tomioka magically produces a rope and deftly ties it around a nearby tree trunk. He then guides the rest of the rope to the hole and drops it down before effortlessly jumping down himself, landing with grace and without a sound. While it's convenient that he had a rope, you can't help but feel a twinge of frustration; his timely arrival could have spared you the effort of fashioning a makeshift rope from stubborn roots.

Shaking off the annoyance, you begin the descent down the rope slowly, hesitating before jumping the last few feet to join Tomioka below. He stands with a bored expression, waiting patiently, and though you don't land as gracefully as him, you manage to avoid any injuries. Mentally congratulating yourself, you straighten up as the children gather around, their eyes wide with excitement, jaws dropping open as they squeal with delight and awe.

"You guys are amazing!"

"Hey, mister!" A small boy tugs on Tomioka's haori. "Why is this different colors?"

"He looks a bit scary..."

"Do you have any snacks? I want food!"

Tomioka appears utterly out of place, clearly uncertain about how to respond as the children swarm him with questions and curiosity, poking and prodding in their excitement. Being more reserved by nature and not particularly social, he finds it challenging to interact with his peers, let alone with children.

"Alright, everyone!" You interject, clapping your hands to gather their attention, saving the man from the excitable children. "Let's get you all home safely! Tomioka-san and I will carry the younger children, and the older ones can climb up on their own, but please be careful!"

"Yayyy!" they cheer in unison, ready to follow your lead. 

Their spirits and energy soar at the thought of leaving the cave and returning to their families, where they can finally be safe and warm once more. Together, Tomioka and you work to get the children out of the cave, suppressing the urge to scream with joy once everyone is safely above ground. As you lead the children back to the village, a giant grin spreads across your face. It's almost sunrise when you exit the woods and enter the village with the children trailing behind you like little ducklings.

Tomioka stays at the back, ensuring no one strays as you march to the village center, where people begin to emerge from their homes and businesses, drawn by the commotion. Word quickly spreads about the return of the missing children, and soon, the village is alive with activity. Parents, grandparents, siblings—all rush to collect their loved ones, tears of joy mingling with laughter as they celebrate their reunion. Amidst the joyous chaos, you stand, feeling the warmth of love and happiness enveloping you.

And just when you think the moment couldn't get any better, the families approach you, their faces beaming with gratitude and love, their hands extended in warmth and appreciation.

"Thank you," an older woman says, tears brimming in her eyes as she holds her child close. "I thought I would never see my son again! But you saved him—thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Their gratitude is palpable, filling you with an indescribable mix of joy, relief, and emotions beyond words. The sincerity of their thanks touches you deeply.

You've always known that the Corps was formed to combat the vile deeds of demons, but you hadn't fully grasped the personal motivations that led everyone to join. Each member had their own reasons, yet they all shared a common thread, something profound beyond mere demon-slaying or seeking revenge. It's about the desire and responsibility to protect loved ones, to aid the defenseless, and to make the world safer and brighter for all. 

It was never about money, gifts, or material rewards. 

The satisfaction of doing good, standing alongside friends, saving lives, and positively impacting others was more than fulfilling. In this moment, it finally dawns on you why members of the Corps continually push themselves to their limits, risking everything in their mission. It's the profound understanding that the work they do is not just about battling demons; it's about preserving the essence of humanity itself. Human connection, the capacity to create, share, and love, formed the essence of existence; without it, there was only darkness. People thrived on these connections—they are defined by their bonds—it’s what makes being human so precious.

After reuniting the children with their families and the initial excitement had settled, the older man from yesterday approached you and insisted on treating you to a warm meal at his yatai. He graciously offered it for free once again, waving off your attempts to protest. All he asked in return was for you to come back and enjoy more of his food with friends, to which you happily agreed. Living alone and having little, he still insisted on letting you stay in his home for the day to rest before your departure. Since Tomioka had vanished after your return to the village, staying another day seemed reasonable. If he had any objections, he would have voiced them.

You slept soundly through the day and into the night, only waking as the sun began to rise once more.

After thanking the man, you left the village feeling like days had passed with the exhaustion weighing heavily on you. However, after a few extra hours of walking, the sight of the Butterfly Mansion in the distance lifted your spirits. Although every muscle ached and your mind was filled with the strain of your mission, you pushed forward eagerly, knowing you were almost home and could soon reunite with all of your friends.

It all felt surreal... 

You had accomplished something to be proud of, ready to share your success with friends and join them in the ongoing struggle against demons. And despite the difficulty, you knew you could do it again. You repeated affirmations to yourself, reinforcing your worth, strength, and intelligence. As you approached the mansion, your heart felt light, and even your mind seemed unburdened for a moment. Passing through the gate, you released a tired but content sigh, feeling all the stress melt away—you were finally back home. Just as you stepped inside, a loud wail pierced the air, and although exhausted, a smile tugged at your lips as a familiar blond figure came running out, trailed by your red-headed friend and others from the mansion.

"Y/n-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!" Zenitsu dashes toward you in two seconds flat, wrapping his arms around your waist as he clings tightly. "You're back and alive! I'm so glad you didn't die!!"

You manage a strained gasp as he squeezes you. "Th-Thanks, Zenitsu-kun...! But I can't—! I can't breathe!"

He squeaks and immediately lets go, looking a little sheepish as he plays with his hands. “Oh, sorry!”

Tanjiro is next to welcome you back from your mission and congratulate you on your success, wearing a relieved and proud smile.  

“Welcome back! I’m so relieved to see you. We were all so worried, but we never doubted you!” His expression brightens as he remembers something. “Oh, Nezuko really missed you, too. She’s... been a little upset… I’m sure she would love to see you when you have a moment?”

“Of course!” you reply happily, your chest warming even more. “Thanks, Tanjiro-kun...”

It’s only been two days, but you hated being away. Knowing that others felt the same is a comforting realization. You quickly pull Tanjiro into a hug, unaware of the slightly jealous look on Zenitsu's face as he watches the interaction. He pushes the feeling aside, reminding himself that you're all friends first and foremost. However, he does secretly wish you would hug him voluntarily…

Mitsuri suddenly rushes in and embraces you, squealing in delight. "Wahhh, you did it! I knew you could do it! I'm so happy you're back, I've missed you so much, Y/n-chan!"

She releases you, but you're immediately spun around to face Uzui as he encloses you in an arm, pressing you against his side, uncomfortably close to his armpit. Thankfully, he doesn't smell, or else you'd have a total fit. He playfully plops his large hand on the top of your head and ruffles your hair, looking down at you with a mischievous grin. You groan and try to swat his hand away, but he effortlessly dodges your attempts. With a teasing smile, he flicks your forehead, eliciting another attempt from you to escape his grasp as your glower at him.

He chuckles obnoxiously, thoroughly enjoying the teasing.

"Hey, kid! Good to see ya alive. I have to admit, I was a little... how do you say this... worried? I mean, you really need to work on your breathing and fighting skills. But I gotta give it to you, you’re stubborn as hell and pretty smart, so I wasn't too worried. I knew you'd make it—although, probably not without a scratch."  

You want to roll your eyes and smack him for his teasing, but he balances it out by showing his more serious, caring side toward you. You feel a bit smug knowing that he cares for you deeply, even if he'd never admit it outright.

“I hate you…” you grumble.

He chuckles before he eyes some of the dark bruises and scrapes visible on your skin. "So, how are you feeling...? Do you need to see Kocho?"

You smile and lean forward to wrap your arms around him. "Not right now," you chuckle softly. "I just want to be with you guys for a moment.”

He's caught off guard by the sudden hug but reciprocates by wrapping an arm around you and giving your back a few good slaps as he laughs. “Is that so? Guess you don’t really hate me after all,” he teases.

“Shut up! I was going to say I missed you, but now you don’t deserve it, you old fart!”

"I'm not old!" He playfully digs his knuckles into your head and jabs your side. "You little brat! You should be speaking to me with more respect!"

"But you started it," you protest loudly. 

As you look around, something feels off—something, more like someone… was missing.

“Wait…” You slightly frown once you realize, and the words spill out with a more subdued tone. "Where's Inosuke?"

The others start to look around as well and shrug, except for Tanjiro. He purses his lips and glances at the mansion before looking at you. You remove yourself from Uzui's hold and approach Tanjiro, crossing your arms as you give him a pointed look, silently demanding an explanation. 

After a few seconds, he breaks the silence. "He... isn’t here..."

"I can see that... but where is he?"

"I don't know exactly..."

You observe Tanjiro's face carefully, noticing the way his brows furrow and a slight pout forms. However, you're annoyed to find that he's telling the truth—at least a half-truth. Over time, you've learned that he's a terrible liar; his expressions give him away every time. He despises lying, and his discomfort with not being completely honest is evident in the way his face scrunches up, he avoids eye contact, and his voice sounds strained when he's holding back information.

You sigh. "Did he not want to come see me?"

"N-No, it's not like that!" Tanjiro quickly waves his hands, shuffling his feet nervously. "He didn't... not... want to come…?"

There it is… 

You might have missed it, but you caught the nervousness in his movements and the way he glanced away. So, Inosuke didn't want to come and see you? That's fine. In fact, you didn't want to see him either—no, you wanted to beat the hell out of him! The audacity! He avoids you for days, doesn't say goodbye when you leave for your first mission (no one else got to say goodbye either, but that's beside the point!), and then he doesn't even come to welcome you back?! What's wrong with him?! Is he still hung up on your encounter? Sure, it was awkward, but he's being ridiculous at this point! You understand that he's not like 'normal' people, his social skills are severely lacking, and he takes things very literally—but this is too much. He can't avoid you, one of his only real friends, forever! Eventually, he'll have to see you and talk again, especially now that you're a real part of the Corps. You might be going on missions together soon, and you can't complete them if you can't communicate and effectively work together.

This ends now!

"Just wait until I find him..."

Rolling your shoulders back, you start marching toward the mansion with fire in your eyes, causing Zenitsu and Tanjiro to spring into action. They've seen you upset before, but this was different. You've never shown any true anger toward any of your friends or anyone else, so this was quite a shock. Despite their efforts, they can't get you to stop, no matter how much Zenitsu clings to you or Tanjiro insists you listen to him.

"Y/n-chan, I understand you're upset, but please wait! I think you should calm down—"

"Tanjiro-kun," your voice is cool, but there's a sharp edge to it, "NEVER tell a woman to calm down..."

He averts his gaze, his mouth shutting quickly, but his steps don't falter, and he keeps pace with you. The grip Zenitsu has on your uniform loosens, but he continues to stick by your side as you go on a literal man-hunt. Either they were going to try their best to mediate the situation once you found Inosuke, or they were morbidly curious to see what you'd do to the boar-headed man—perhaps it was both—but they wouldn’t let things escalate too far. Walking up to the main entrance, you stomp inside and begin your search in the kitchen and dining hall. He had a habit of stealing food, so you figure you'd probably find him in the act and catch him off guard. Much to your irritation, he's not in the kitchen or nearby dining hall.

Asking one of the girls currently cooking if they've seen him yields no straight answer, as your sudden and intimidating presence left her speechless.

Moving on, you head straight for their room and burst through the door. Yet again, he's nowhere to be found. You bite your cheek in frustration, trying to think of other places he might be hiding. He hasn't ventured far from the mansion since your group arrived months ago, usually staying within the outside walls. Sometimes he would venture into the forest for random items that caught his eye, but he stayed within viewing distance. Knowing this, you're certain he must be around, unless he was onto a mission. But you know for a fact he wasn’t—he was hiding from you. You head back outside with the other two close on your heels. Walking around the property, you check bushes and corners, huffing and puffing each time you come up empty-handed. Inosuke is probably watching you, quietly amused. 

That thought only irritates you more…

"Pighead, where the hell are you?! I know you're hiding from me, so come out and fight me!!" You throw your hands up, expecting him to charge at you for the challenge, but nothing happens. "If you don't show yourself, I'll steal all your acorns… and other things!!"

You wait with bated breath. You're met with complete silence, and there's still no sign of your annoying, boar-headed friend. Clenching your jaw, you spin around and face the two men who have managed to avoid being targets of your anger thus far. You approach Tanjiro first, invading his space enough to make him lean back slightly with nervousness as he looks down at you.

"Where is he?"

"Ah... I told you I don't know exactly—"

"Well, then sniff him out!"

Tanjiro makes a face, almost disbelieving that you asked him to search for your friend's scent like some kind of dog. He could find Inosuke if he really tried, but he knew it wouldn't be wise to do so, especially when you're this upset. He can only imagine the chaos that would ensue. So, he does his best to sound sympathetic while not giving in to your demands.

"Y/n-chan, I can't..."

"Fine, if you won't help," you turn your attention to Zenitsu instead, who makes a startled 'eep!' as your steely gaze lands on him, "then he will! Right, Zenitsu-kun?"

"U-Uhm, I... I uhhh..."

You step closer to him, your tone becoming more persistent. "Won't you help me? You understand how I feel, don't you? I wanted to see everyone once I came back from my mission! It really hurts knowing one of my friends is avoiding me and not here to congratulate me for completing my first mission..."

His chin wobbles as he fights the urge to give in. He can understand how you feel, but the rational part of his brain tells him not to let his feelings for you take over and blind him from being a bit more responsible. His eyes dart to Tanjiro, hoping for his assistance because he's not great with confrontations at all, especially when it comes to you, which Tanjiro quickly notices. Tanjiro places a hand on your shoulder, gently patting it in hopes of subconsciously calming you down with his reassuring presence, but you ignore it entirely, still staring intensely at Zenitsu.

"Y/n-chan... I think Tanjiro is right, maybe we should just talk—"

"No, I don't want to talk!" You throw your head back and shrug off Tanjiro's hand. "Ugh, I'm gonna pummel that damn pig! He can't ignore me forever!"

As you're about to make good on your threat, you're suddenly held in place by a pair of strong arms wrapping around you from behind. Instinctively, you try to free yourself, using all your energy and anger to do so, but it's a struggle. Tanjiro sounds guilty and apologetic for holding you back, but he doesn't let go, even as you start to kick your legs around. You keep kicking and squirming until Tanjiro lifts you from the ground, removing your leverage.

"Y/n-chan, calm down..!" Tanjiro pleads once again.

You don't calm down. In fact, you increase your efforts to escape. You don't want to hurt him, but you do land a few kicks to his legs and elbow him in the sides. He grunts but doesn't budge, calling out to Zenitsu, who leaps into action by grabbing onto your legs. Now both of them are restraining you, keeping you suspended in the air between them. It must have been quite the commotion, as one of the Kakushi working around the mansion comes barreling outside, gasping at the sight.

"Hey, what's going on here?! Are you trying to kidnap that woman?! You bastards, let go of her!!"

Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu flush red with embarrassment at the accusation, while the Kakushi starts smacking them vigorously. It probably looked like they were trying to kidnap you, but if only the Kakushi knew that they were trying to stop you from potentially murdering one of your friends.

Tanjiro tries to explain the situation, but he fails miserably as the Kakushi keeps hitting them. 

"Ow— Wait, it's not what it looks like! She's our— oof!— our friend! We're— aghh! Please!"

"Scum!! I won't let you get away with this! You can't just take people!!"

"No, listen— Ouch!" Zenitsu shouts, dropping your legs to cover himself from the Kakushi's blows. "Stop!! We're just trying to save an idiot from being murdered!"

The Kakushi falters but still looks suspicious, his hands ready to continue fighting them. "Explain yourselves!"

You've given up at this point, feeling a little embarrassed. Now that you've calmed down, you go over your actions and realize you were being extremely unreasonable and causing too much trouble. You sigh, and Tanjiro instantly notices your change in demeanor, carefully letting you go. You slip out of his arms and avoid looking at him and Zenitsu, choosing to speak to the Kakushi first.

"I apologize!" You hold your hands in front of yourself and give a small bow, sparing a quick glance at your friends. "I was angry and being stupid, but my friends here were only trying to help. Please forgive me for causing such a disturbance!"

The Kakushi lowers his hands. "So… they weren't trying to kidnap you?"

"No," you shake your head, "they were just trying to calm me down, but I was being too stubborn to listen. Again, I apologize. I didn't mean to alarm you and make such a scene..."

"Oh... well, that's a relief! I'm glad that you weren't being kidnapped. I really thought I would have to fight someone dangerous, but I wasn't sure if I could beat them, so I called for backup when I heard all the commotion! Although, he seemed rather busy..."

As if on cue, another man emerges and halts in his tracks upon seeing all of you. His eyes scan the group, coming to rest on Tanjiro, his expression twisting into a scowl. Despite this, Tanjiro responds with a friendly wave and smile. The man's irritation is evident as his scowl deepens, and he visibly tenses up.

"Hey! You're the guy from Final Selection, right? It's been a while, glad to see you're doing well!"


You observe the newcomer, noting the prominent, long scar across his right cheek that almost reaches the left side. His hair is buzzed on the sides, with long locks flowing down from the top and middle of his head, resembling a combination of a mohawk and mullet—which surprisingly suits him, giving him a more intimidating appearance than most people you've met. The man turns to leave without saying a word, but the Kakushi stops him in his tracks.

"Ah, Shinazugawa-san! Thank you for coming to lend your help... I wasn't sure if you would come, but I'm happy to report that the crisis has been averted, so you can continue going about your business!"

The Kakushi bows and quickly departs after ensuring you weren't being kidnapped. An awkward silence lingers briefly until the man—Shinazugawa—takes a step forward, only to be stopped again.

"Shinazugawa?" Tanjiro muses aloud. "Wait, are you a relative of the Wind Hashira? Isn’t his last name also Shinazugawa? I think he’s Sanemi—" 

"Shut up!" The man snaps, spinning around to point a finger at Tanjiro. "Don't ever say that name to me!"

"Okay! Hey, you've really bulked up since I last saw you!" Tanjiro continues, seemingly unfazed by the rebuke. "Do you want to train together sometime? We could all hone our skills together, wouldn’t that be great!?"

The man glares at Tanjiro, visibly bristling with anger. "No!"

You watch quietly, fascinated by Tanjiro's ability to ignore signals of dislike. Was he truly oblivious, or was he in denial? His keen sense of smell usually picks up on various cues, including emotions. Either his nose wasn't working, given the unfriendly vibes the man exuded, or Tanjiro was deliberately trying to befriend someone clearly uninterested.

"Are you hungry right now? We could eat lunch first and then—"

"No! Why would I do that? Do you not remember what you did the first time we met?! I told you not to speak to me, damn it!"

He storms away from the scene, leaving Tanjiro blinking in confusion before refocusing on you and Zenitsu. 

"He must be really busy," he sighs, then brightens. "Maybe we should visit him later?"

"Tanjiro-kun," you chuckle, "I don't think he likes you... at all. What did you do to him? Why is he so angry at you?"

"Well, I did almost break his arm at Final Selection..."

"You almost broke his arm?! No wonder he hates you."

"I didn't mean to make him hate me," he mutters dejectedly. "I warned him to stop pulling on a child's hair, but he didn't listen, so..."

You pat his back a few times, stifling your laughter. "Don't worry, I like you, Tanji-kun! It's good that you stood up for a child, but maybe next time, don't aim to break someone's arm and then try to befriend them afterward. And who needs to be friends with that big, grumpy guy when you've got us!" You gesture to yourself and Zenitsu. "Right, Zenitsu-kun?"

"Yeah, you're right!" Zenitsu agrees, then pouts as he looks at you and points at Tanjiro, whining quietly. "Y/n-chan, how come you said his name all cutesy? I want a cute nickname too!"

"Oh, really? Huh, I didn't notice..."

"Yeah, I want a nickname like Tanjiro! It's only fair! Otherwise, it's like you're picking favorites! You can't have favorite friends, Y/n-chan, that's unfair and cruel!"

"Alright, alright," you say, trying to appease him. "How about... Sleepyhead?" 

His expression remains neutral, so you burst out laughing.  

"Just kidding, TsuTsu!"

He blinks, looking a bit lost as he repeats, "TsuTsu...?"

"What, not a fan?"

"No, it's just… well… it's kind of cute, but..."

"I guess I could call you something else a little more simple, like... Zen or Zeni-kun?"

"That's much better!" he giggles happily for a moment, but as he continues to look at you, he realizes something. "Anyway, you should probably get checked out now that you're back. Um, I can't help but notice you look… a little…"

"I look like shit, huh?"

"Ehh!? That's not what I was going to say at all! Y/n-chan, you don't look bad! I would n-never use such words to describe you—"

You laugh again, waving him off. "I know, don't worry about it. I said it myself because, let's be honest, I don't look my best right now. I unfortunately wasn't able to dodge all of the demon's attacks, but I'm fine for the most part. Could you please let Rengoku-san know that I've completed my mission and have returned? Oh, and I can't forget Nezuko-chan. Please let her know I'm back too. But I'm afraid I can't see them right now…"

“Are you okay?” Tanjiro and Zenitsu ask in unison.

You grimace as a headache starts, and the rest of your injuries begin to ache and burn, reminding you they're still there. Surprisingly, you almost forgot all about the pain and exhaustion until now.

"Well, now that I'm back and can finally relax, I think my body is starting to feel the pain, so I'm going to visit the infirmary…"

"Oh, right! You should get plenty of rest," Tanjiro chimes in. "Would it be alright then if I brought Nezuko to see you later? She'll really worry about you..."

You muster a smile and nod before you leave, heading inside and slowly making your way towards the infirmary, where Shinobu would most likely be. If she isn't there, then someone else would have to give you a check-up, which is completely fine by you, but you were kind of hoping to see her. After all, she was the one who relayed the news to you, so it only made sense to want to share your success with her. She hadn't sugar-coated giving you the news about your first mission, and when you were having doubts, she had dismissed them effortlessly, telling you that you would be fine and you could do it. Although she appeared cold, she had still shown you warmth with her reassuring words, and even though she didn't doubt you, she still wished for you to be careful. You aren't as close to her as you are with Mitsuri or Nezuko, as she always seemed so busy and holed up in her office, but you still considered her a friend.

You hope that she, as well as all of your other friends you've made along the way, are proud of you.

As you turn a corner, you bump face-first into something solid yet soft and warm. Ready to apologize, you look up to find yourself staring at the man who very obviously dislikes your friend Tanjiro. He scowls down at you, and you quickly halt your apology as he tries to go around you and mutters, "watch it," under his breath as he bumps into your shoulder. With surprising speed, you block him and step right up into his space with your own glare.

"What did you say?"  

You poke him dead center in the chest. He takes a step back, looking at you incredulously, brows furrowing, his mouth slightly parting. “Uhh…”

"Maybe you should watch where you're going! I admit I should've been more careful, but I'm not feeling too well since I just came back from my first mission, so what's your excuse? I suggest that you drop your attitude seeing as you're no better at avoiding bumping into people than I am."

His eyes widen, and he quickly closes his mouth, a faint red dusting his ears and cheeks in slight embarrassment. He clearly didn't expect you to confront him so boldly, especially since he tends to intimidate most people with just a simple look. But you seem completely unfazed by his appearance and decide to call him out on his rudeness. Despite his ability to easily push you aside and continue, he doesn't move or interrupt you.

"I don't care who you are, what your rank is, or anything—"  You continue your rant, and he starts to disassociate, willing the ground to open up and swallow him whole, but you eventually stop and he snaps back to reality. "—got it?!"

He blinks, completely dumbfounded, then averts his gaze and quickly bows his head as he mutters, "Yes, ma'am…" before making a swift exit.

You roll your eyes and continue walking. Finally, you reach the infirmary and quietly slide open the doors, stepping inside and scanning the room to see who's around. You spot Aoi Kanzaki, the girl tasked with caring for your three rambunctious friends when you first arrived after the Mount Natagumo incident. There's also one of the younger girls you've seen running around the estate, usually with two others, but she's alone now, helping Kanzaki clean and set up the room. Briefly, you wonder where the other two are and what they're up to, but your thoughts are interrupted as the younger girl notices you and hurries over.

"Oh, do you need any help?"

"Yeah, I just came back from a mission and I'm a bit worse for wear. So, here I am..." You glance around. "Is Kocho-san around?"

"Sorry, she's in her office doing medical research. Shall I go get her for you?"

"No, thanks," you decline. "I don't want to bother her if she's busy. Could you give her a message from me?"

The girl nods and listens as you relay the short message, then gets permission from Kanzaki to leave and convey your message. As she exits, Kanzaki approaches you with a raised eyebrow, silently questioning. You explain your recent mission, mentioning that you returned to the mansion about half an hour ago and most likely needed a checkup. She directs you to another room and has you sit on a bed, her hands expertly examining you. She asks for details about your battle with the demon to better assess your condition, her expression turning thoughtful as you recount the events. You doubt you have any serious injuries, or broken bones, but you're definitely feeling discomfort bordering on pain.

"You Slayers are all so reckless," she clucks disapprovingly and sighs. "You need to be more careful out there, or you'll end up with more than just a concussion and some scrapes and bruises. You're lucky your skull isn't broken. Had you hit that tree differently, you could very well be dead."

Well, isn't she just a little ray of sunshine... 

You deflate with a slight pout and sit there in silence as she continues to passively-aggressively reprimand you and every other Slayer she's had the pleasure of dealing with. After she's finally done going over your injuries, giving you some medicine, and ordering you to stay in bed for the next week, she leaves the room and closes the door with a firm 'click'. You need to rest and allow your body some time to heal, but the thought of being stuck in bed for an entire week makes you feel restless.

You didn't think you'd have to stay in here that long. If you had known, you would've put off coming here so you could see Nezuko and Rengoku first. You thought you would just get a quick checkup, some medicine, and then be sent on your merry way. But Kanzaki had other plans and demanded that you listen to her, lest you not heal as soon as possible. Is this how Zenitsu felt when he was ordered to take his medicine? Because you fully understand why he was acting the way he had. Although the medicine you were just given wasn't nearly as pungent or disgusting-looking, it still was fairly gross, and it left a bitter aftertaste that couldn't be washed away with water, much to your dismay.

And to think you have to take this stuff every morning and night for this entire week. Sighing and groaning to yourself, you try to get comfortable and fluff up your pillow before lying down. You find yourself staring at the ceiling, watching beams of light and shadows dance across the surface. There's a bookshelf in the room, and you would have started to read something had your headache gone away, but it was still there, enough to make you not want to focus on looking at hundreds of words on pieces of paper.

As you lie there, your eyes begin to droop, and your breathing slows to a steady rhythm. Sleep edges closer to your mind, but you stubbornly cling to consciousness. You were tired, yet not quite sleepy, which might sound contradictory. However, you didn't want to drift off just yet, especially since Tanjiro was supposed to bring Nezuko by at some point. You weren't even sure of the timing since neither of you had confirmed it, but it could happen any minute, and you didn't want to miss it! But the longer you stare at the ceiling, observing the interplay of light and shadows, the more your eyes start to slide shut.

And then darkness falls...

ASHIKAGA PERIOD (1336 – 1568)

“I need to talk to you about our daughter,” a man murmurs quietly as he guides his wife to a more private area of their home. “We must send her away.”

"What? What do you mean, dear?" 

“She... is going to die…”

Her eyes widen in shock, hand instinctively going to her racing heart. “Wh-What?! What is this about?!”

“Listen, she doesn’t have much time before…” His voice trails off, and he runs a hand down his face in distress.

“Before what?” The woman's worry intensifies. “Are we in danger?!”  

“Not exactly…”

“Then why?! What is going on?!” her voice rises, filled with panic.

“It's... It's a curse! The Ubuyashiki name is cursed! But if she no longer holds the Ubuyashiki name, then the curse cannot affect her. It is for the best. She can't suffer the same fate as I..."

"A c-curse? And... you knew about this?" the woman's voice wavers with disbelief.

"Yes… I’m so sorry, please forgive me."

“No! How could this—” The woman turns away, tears streaming down her face. “No, no, no! We can’t send her away, she’s my only daughter!”

"We must!” Her husband persists, grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face him once more. “If she's to have a chance at a better life, she must be sent away and get married. There is still hope for her!”

The woman is stunned. She had no clue about this curse within the Ubuyashiki clan. Feeling trapped and betrayed, she can only focus on trying to save her daughter, although it pains her deeply.

"Very well..." she says with dull eyes, staring into her husband’s sorrowful gaze.

The curse of the Ubuyashiki clan originates from their bloodline producing the demon progenitor. Every male member suffers from a debilitating condition that distorts their skin and weakens them, leading to their premature death before the age of thirty. None of the Ubuyashiki men have lived beyond that age. Similarly, the female members face the same grim fate. However, they have a loophole. If a Ubuyashiki woman marries into another family, she can enjoy a significantly longer life. This curse drives the Ubuyashiki clan to labor diligently from a young age to prevent the curse from wiping out their bloodline. Consequently, they established and organized the Demon Slayer Corps, aiming to eradicate demons and thus break the curse.

For generations, the Ubuyashiki clan and the Demon Slayers have dedicated themselves to their mission, striving to locate and vanquish all demons, especially Muzan Kibutsuji. Despite the suffering and pain, they cling to hope, believing in the possibility of a peaceful future for humanity. Their perseverance is fueled by the desire to see a world free from the horrors inflicted by demons, where mankind can thrive in harmony once again. Through generations, the Ubuyashiki clan and the Demon Slayer Corps relentlessly pursue their mission, battling demons and enduring immense suffering.

Despite the endless hardships faced by themselves and humanity in demon encounters, they cling to hope, fight unwaveringly, and pray for a day when peace can reign once more, through some miraculous turn of events.

The darkness fades as your eyes slowly open to a bright, white light, but you're not awake. No, you're in a dream... a vision, or perhaps a memory... you're not sure. But one thing is clear: whatever is happening right now is important. Voices trickle in like tiny drops of rain, whispering in your ears, sharing secrets that seem meant for you alone.










It's like a puzzle with pieces that don't fit, making no sense to you as the words jumble together. The voices suddenly stop, and then your life—or lives not your own—flashes before your eyes, hundreds of visions blinding you in mere seconds. You try to shield yourself, to close your eyes, but you're immobilized, forced to absorb everything. It's all too much—too fast, too slow, too loud, too quiet, too hot, too cold, too soft, too painful. You crumple under the weight of it, finally able to scream and shatter the onslaught. Everything fades, leaving you alone in darkness, trying to make sense of it all. Your chest heaves as you try to regain control. Surprisingly calm now, amidst the silence, you sit up and look around, greeted only by darkness. A glimmer of light beckons, and you approach it cautiously. 

Once there, you hesitate before stepping into the light, squinting against its brightness as a gentle voice whispers to you...

"ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵘʳʳᵒᵘⁿᵈᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵈᵃʳᵏⁿᵉˢˢ, ᵇᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ˡᶦᵍʰᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰᶦⁿ—ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳᵍᵉᵗ..."

Your eyes suddenly snap open, and you find yourself staring at the ceiling of your room in the infirmary. It's darker now, but only about an hour has passed since you fell asleep or whatever transpired. You blink and sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes to dispel the lingering tiredness. Those last words spoken to you echo in your mind as you ponder their meaning.

Why were they directed at you?

It could be construed as uplifting advice, a reminder to hold onto hope even in dark times. Yet, you sense there's a deeper significance to it—a warning intertwined with encouragement. A knock on your door startles you, and you realize someone's about to leave, their shadow receding. Quickly, you call out, 'come in!' signaling your wakefulness and openness to company. Wondering who it could be, you briefly think it might be Tanjiro and Nezuko, but you only see one shadow. The figure turns back, slowly opening the door. You're pleasantly surprised to see Rengoku as your visitor. He steps in with his trademark warm smile but remains by the door, holding a tray of food and tea in one hand and a small bouquet of peonies in the other.

"Good evening! I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I heard of your return, so I thought I'd stop by to celebrate your success!"

"Oh, wow... r-really?" You glance at the tray and flowers, a faint smile forming. "Thank you! Please, come in... you're not bothering me at all."


He moves further into the room, placing the tray on your bedside table and handing you the bouquet. Your fingers briefly touch his, sending a slight shiver through you. He doesn't seem to notice or mind, but his presence always had an effect on you. His aura was slightly intimidating, yet he was kind and warm. Was it because of his status as a Hashira that made you feel strange around him? He is incredibly strong and admirable, which might explain why you feel a bit nervous around him; after all, nobody wants to come off as foolish. However, Uzui is also a Hashira, yet strangely, you don't find yourself getting nervous around him except for those moments when he gets that mischievous glint in his eye, signaling trouble ahead. He's more like an annoying older brother or uncle figure to you. Then there are Mitsuri and Shinobu, who are also Hashiras, but they don't evoke the same level of nerves in you, despite their strength and beauty.

Then… did this mean…

No, stop! Don't let your thoughts wander any further. You don't have feelings for them, or anyone else for that matter, beyond friendship. Nope! 

You've already resolved this within yourself; pull yourself together! They're all busy with more important matters, and nobody would be interested in you anyway, so it's best to brush aside these feelings and hope they fade with time—hopefully sooner rather than later! If anyone were to inquire about your love life or whether you secretly admire anyone, you'd simply laugh it off and deny any such feelings for anyone, especially your friends. Because that's what they are—just friends! You can't risk complicating things or jeopardizing your friendships over fleeting emotions that you're certain don't exist!

And speaking of friends, you really need to patch things up with Inosuke... 

Why did your brain have to fixate on his irritatingly handsome face and blurt out something awkward?! You're acutely aware that his avoidance stems from that incident, yet you've been denying it, hesitant to acknowledge your role in the situation. Nevertheless, his response has left you feeling flustered. You can't help but feel he deserves a "friendly" beat-down at this point. For various reasons, of course, and not merely as revenge for his tormenting your mind and avoiding you.

Rengoku interrupts your ruminations, preventing you from descending into despair, as he gestures to the flowers now in your hands, which you had been absentmindedly sniffing.

"Do you like them?"

You smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Oh, yes... they're lovely. Thank you."

"I'm pleased to hear that! I heard from the lad in yellow that you're quite fond of flowers. He mentioned giving you some before, and you always seemed to enjoy them!"

The lad in yellow…

Oh, Zenitsu?

You had a slight hunch that it was Zenitsu who had given you flowers during that tough period a few months ago—Inosuke wasn’t exactly the thoughtful, giving type. Tanjiro didn’t claim to be the one who gave you the flowers either, so that left Zenitsu as the prime suspect. Since then, random flowers or bouquets would occasionally appear in your room. You never properly thanked him for those gestures, though, unsure if he truly was the one who was behind the floral arrangements back then. Admittedly, you also felt a bit strange, unsure of their meaning. Was he simply being thoughtful and showing he cared for you as a friend, or was there perhaps a deeper meaning behind them? Either way, now that you were thinking about it, you should thank him.

Some friend you are… he probably thought you were ungrateful.

"Yes, I really appreciate them," you replied.

"Did you know that peonies symbolize bravery and honor?" Rengoku continued. "Your little friend shared that information with me, and I find it quite fitting, considering you've successfully completed your first mission."

"Huh... I did not know that.” You pause as you process the meaning behind them. “That's very nice, but I'm not entirely sure that’s true… I’m not exactly any of those things."

"What do you mean?" Rengoku asked, looking at you quizzically. "You should be very proud of yourself! You've shown bravery and done an honorable thing by saving young, innocent lives from a terrible fate. Everyone—even fellow comrades you have yet to meet—are all proud of your accomplishment!"

You blushed at his praise, chuckling with a bashful smile. "Ah, well… I'm just trying to stay humble. I don't need all this praise; it might go to my head... and I think one Uzui-san is more than enough," you joked.

Rengoku laughed wholeheartedly, his amused grin widening. "You are most certainly right, one of him is quite enough!"

You continued to giggle and joke with Rengoku for a little while as you ate the food he brought. After about fifteen minutes, he took his leave but not before expressing his excitement about starting more training sessions with you soon. His genuine joy about training with you surprised you, and he mentioned how much fun he had and how he looked forward to it. He found you amusing at times and appreciated being able to relax a bit more around you, knowing you wouldn't judge him for not being perfect. While he always aimed to do his best, it was refreshing to not be so serious all the time, even during training.

As Rengoku gently closed the door behind him, you were once again left alone in the cold, sterile room. Fortunately, Tanjiro and Nezuko appeared shortly after his departure. They didn't even have a chance to knock, as you had been eagerly awaiting their arrival, watching the door like a hawk. As soon as you heard Tanjiro's soft voice and Nezuko's little hum, you called for them to come in. Tanjiro and Nezuko peeked their heads inside with wide eyes, and Nezuko was the first to move, running to your side and jumping on top of you with a cheerful chirp.


"Aww, I missed you, Nezuko-chan! I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye before I left," you sighed, wrapping your arms around her.

Nezuko hugged you back, gently squeezing. "Mmm, mhm!"

She then leaned back, tilting her head as she noticed your bruised and tired appearance. A tiny frown creased her face as she reached up to cup your cheek, tapping her fingers along your skin.

"Hmm? Mmmn..."

You smiled and leaned into her touch. "I'm alright, don't worry. I'll be more careful next time, but injuries are bound to happen now that I'm a real member of the Corps."


"I completed my first mission," you exclaimed, sitting up straighter. "That means we'll get to go out on missions together, and I'll actually be able to help and fight this time!"

Nezuko's eyes gleamed as she threw her hands up, and you both started bouncing on your bed, giggling together. Tanjiro, who had been quietly listening to your conversation from the side table as he looked at the bouquet of peonies, finally made his way over when Nezuko grunted to get his attention.

He chuckled at her antics, happy to see her excited, and patted her head. "I'm excited to have Y/n-chan join us, too! She's really brave and strong, isn't she?"

You grinned, blushing lightly at the compliments. "Ahh... I'm only strong and brave because of all of you..."

"Nonsense," Tanjiro shook his head. "You chose to train, get stronger, and help people—to become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. We may have helped along the way, but it's through your own integrity and dedication that you've succeeded! We're all proud and honored to have you here with us! You shouldn't be so modest about your accomplishments, Y/n-chan."

"Oh no, not you, too..." you sighed, feeling grateful for their support and encouragement.

You laughed, missing Tanjiro's confused 'huh..?' as you were amused by the fact that both he and Rengoku had given you such high, and (in your opinion) undeserved praise. Well, perhaps it wasn't entirely undeserved. What they said wasn't entirely wrong, but you still couldn't fully accept their words without feeling a bit like a fraud or something. You didn't believe you were quite good enough yet to receive all these compliments and praise. However, you resolved to do better, to make a difference someday, and maybe then you'd take in their words with much more confidence and ease, truly accepting them for yourself. But until that day, you'd continue to quietly disagree with them… mostly in your head.

"Not me, too? Y/n-chan, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that... did I do something... wrong? Was it what I said? Are you upset? I'm sorry, I just wanted you to know—"

Turning your attention back to Nezuko, you leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Your brother is very silly. It's cute how worried and passionate he gets about things like this, don't you think?"

She giggled and nodded, glancing at Tanjiro, who was left completely puzzled about what was so amusing. Nezuko wholeheartedly agreed that her brother could be silly but was always sweet and caring, especially towards his friends and family. She remembered how he often put others before himself, doing and saying kind things for them, yet sometimes neglecting his own well-being—a trait she admired and wished he would pay more attention to.

"Why are you... laughing?" Tanjiro asked, looking at you with a confused expression. "Umm, should I be worried...?"

"Tanjiro-kun," you turned to him with a warm smile, catching him off guard. "Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?"


He stared at you, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected compliment and shift in topic. However, you didn't falter, feeling compelled to express your thoughts.

"You're always so kind, caring, and dedicated," you continued, sincerity coloring your words. "You put others before yourself without hesitation, and your determination to protect and help everyone around you is truly inspiring. You're a fantastic brother and friend too, you know? And despite what you may think, you're an incredible swordsman who will only continue to improve. I can only hope to be as brave and strong as you. Your resilience and determination is truly admirable. I just wanted to make sure you know how much you're appreciated and admired, Tanjiro-kun. So, no... I'm not upset. I'm actually really happy you said that..."

Tanjiro's expression softened, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he absorbed your heartfelt words. "Ah... Thank you, Y/n-chan. I... I'm not sure what to say, but I appreciate your kind words. You're a wonderful friend, too." He paused for a moment, smiling. "And we'll get stronger—all of us, together! You, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko, and me," Tanjiro said, looking at his sister with a wider grin. "Isn't that right?"

Nezuko nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling as she huffed in agreement.

"Since they missed it, how about we find the others tell them just how cool they are, too?" you proposed.

"Great idea!" Tanjiro agreed happily, raising his fists in excitement.

Nezuko cheered by your side, pumping her fist. "Mmhmph!"

You all left your room, sneaking out very quietly because you were supposed to stay in bed. However, this moment felt too important to let slip by. You shared a warm, light-hearted moment with Nezuko and Tanjiro, and you didn't want that feeling to end. So, the three of you went on your merry way to spread love and happiness with your two other friends. However, you only found Zenitsu, and unsurprisingly, he cried as everyone took turns giving him compliments.


"Oh, hey guys... is something the matter?" Zenitsu asked.

You shook your head and grinned. "Nope! We just wanted to tell you something."

"Okay...?" he replied, looking a bit confused but curious.

"You're a really good friend," you say, your tone light-hearted. "You always try your best to help everyone. Sure, you may be a little loud," you chuckle, "but I wouldn't want to change a thing about you. Your energy and enthusiasm brighten up a room, and I'm grateful to have someone like you by my side. You not only make us laugh but also take care of us when we're in need. I never properly thanked you for the flowers... or for saving me from that demon, or for helping me eat when I was too tired. So, thank you. Your efforts don't go unnoticed, and we wanted to let you know that we appreciate you. Especially me…"

Zenitsu's eyes started getting misty with tears as he stared at you, his chin and lip wobbling as he started to cry.

"Yeah, you're amazing, Zenitsu!" Tanjiro added, patting his shoulder. "I know you doubt yourself at times, but you're a lot stronger and braver than you think. Remember when we first met, and I mentioned that the box carrying Nezuko was more important to me than my own life? Even though you knew she was a demon, you still risked your life to save her. I trust you to have our backs when things get tough, and we've got yours. Let's continue to grow stronger together!"

"Tanjirooooooo," Zenitsu wailed, wiping at his face. "Y/n-chaaaaaaaan! You guys... you really are great!"

"Mhm!" Nezuko chimed in, nodding in agreement.

Zenitsu sniffled and smiled, nodding his head at her. "You too, Nezuko-chan! All of you... thank you."

After sharing a group hug and letting Zenitsu calm down, you looked around for Inosuke once again but couldn't find him. The boys reassured you that they would talk to him if they came across him. However, not long after, Inosuke crept around the corner. The air grew quiet and still as he paused upon seeing all of you. Then, without a word, he turned and took off.

You gasped and chased after Inosuke. "Get back here!"

The others followed, yelling along with you, especially Zenitsu. 

"Stop running through the halls! You'll break something or hurt someone, you idiot!"

After a few minutes, you finally caught up to your masked friend and tackled him. He grunted at the impact and immediately tried to escape, but you were stubborn and held onto him.

"Get off of me!" Inosuke protested.

"No," you screeched, "stop avoiding me, you coward!"

That made him pause for a second. "WHAT?! I'M NOT A COWARD!!"

"Then why do you keep hiding from me!?"

"I'm not hiding from you!"

You managed to wrangle his mask off, and he threw an even bigger fit, but you shut him up as you got right in his face. "Yes, you are! Ever since I told you that your dumb eyes are pretty, you've been ignoring me and hiding!"

"HAH?!" Zenitsu made a strangled noise, "You said his eyes… are pretty—"

"So what if I complimented you?! Friends can compliment each other; it isn't weird!"

Inosuke avoided looking at you, his face turning red as he finally pushed you away. "Shut up!"

"No, because guess what? I'm going to compliment you even more! And so is Tanjiro-kun and Zenitsu-kun!" You declared boldly.

Zenitsu made a face. "I didn't agree to—"

"Listen up," you quickly started speaking before he could try to escape again, "you're really cool and an incredible fighter! I never properly thanked you for saving me from the Giant Spider Demon before, so thank you. I admire how tough and brave you are, always jumping in to save your friends without hesitation. And I enjoy our food fights, even though they can be a little annoying. It's fun and reminds me that I'm lucky to have friends like you around with whom I can be silly and have playful fights. You make life interesting and enjoyable, and I hope we can continue to have crazy adventures together!" 


You looked at the other two and nodded your head. "Alright, it's your turn, guys."

"Okay..." Tanjiro began, but Inosuke quickly grabbed his mask and swiftly put it back on, yelling wildly.  


"Angry..." Zenitsu helpfully supplied, pursing his lips.

"Yeah! And I can't stand it!"

"But... Inosuke, it's what friends do," Tanjiro stated.

"Well, stop it," Inosuke insisted.

You frowned and poked his shoulder. "But why? We're just being nice! Quit being so stubborn and accept our kindness!"

"Because it makes me feel weird!" Inosuke blurted out. "It feels like I'm gonna throw up! Like there's bugs in my stomach, crawling around. Sometimes my ears feel like they're on fire, and my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest or something!"

You couldn't help but cover your mouth and giggle at the realization. Inosuke truly was starved of affection of all forms. No wonder he found it difficult to accept genuine kindness and people trying to care for him. It was both endearing and a little sad to see how unfamiliar he was with such gestures, but it also gave you a sense of determination to help him open up more and feel comfortable with the care and affection of his friends. Someday, you hoped that you'd all be able to share your thoughts and feelings with each other more openly. You couldn't wait for that day to come, to grow even closer and form unbreakable bonds with your friends.

"And is that such a bad thing?"

"No… I guess not," he slowly admitted, grumbling and crossing his arms, turning his head. "It makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy if that makes sense. But it still feels weird, so quit before I really throw up or something!"

Laughing, you shook your head and shrugged. "Alright, but no promises!"

The next three days dragged on slowly, with not much happening as you were confined to bed. Well, you were supposed to be bedridden, but you managed to sneak out a few times for some fresh air or to hang out with the boys outside your room. You nearly got caught by Kanzaki a couple of times, but you stayed hidden and made it back to your room without her noticing. Following another one of your strange visions, you asked Kanzaki this time to relay a message to Shinobu. Day five of your week-long stay in the infirmary brought some excitement as she finally made an appearance. You were sitting in bed, engrossed in one of the many books scattered around when a knock interrupted you.

Without looking up from the page, you allowed them to enter, only to be greeted by Shinobu's voice.

"Good morning, I hope I'm not disturbing you," she said as she entered.

You turned to her, closing the book and sliding to the edge of the bed. "Shino— Kocho-san! I didn't expect to see you. You've been quite busy, haven't you?"

"Yes, indeed. I apologize for not visiting sooner," she replied, her signature smile less strained than usual. "Congratulations on completing your first mission by the way. Well done!"

You nodded and chuckled. "Thank you, though I did take a bit of a beating."

"That's to be expected. This line of work comes with its risks," she acknowledged, her shoulders relaxing as she focused on you. "I received your message, but I sense there's something more important you wish to discuss?"

"Yes," you confirmed. "I've been experiencing more of those strange visions—or memories, I'm not sure what they are. But they're confusing and leave me with more questions than answers."

"I see..." She tapped her chin in thought, pacing the room slowly. "Could you elaborate on these 'visions'?"

"Well, sometimes I see flashes of colors, figures, and hear voices. But they disappear as quickly as they appear. They're cryptic and don't seem to make sense. What's even stranger is that I feel like they're connected to the past... and sometimes… maybe even the future."

She raised an eyebrow. "The past and future? Please, tell me more."

"Yeah, it's all really confusing. One time, I had this strange vision involving Rengoku-san—or at least I strongly believe it was about him—and it felt incredibly significant. Like something crucial was about to unfold, although I couldn't grasp exactly what. It left me feeling… very terrified," you explain, your throat feeling dry as you struggle to maintain focus . "And then there are more recent occurrences, like a few days ago, where I heard and felt so many things all at once. Voices in my head kept repeating words, but their meaning was unclear. I'm convinced they hold some significance, though. It was as if they were both urging me forward and cautioning me at the same time."

"Hmm, that does sound quite intriguing and possibly very important," she remarks, motioning for you to stand up and follow her. "While I may not have much insight into these matters, I believe there is someone who can assist you."

You quickly get off the bed and trail after her, through the corridors and out into the open air. "Who would that be?"

"I believe it's time you spoke with the Master."

"The Master...?!"

"Yes, he might be able to shed light on these strange experiences, as his abilities are quite akin to your visions—foresight." 

The Master of the Demon Slayer Corps also had “visions?” A spark of curiosity and hope lit inside you. Perhaps he would be able to help you! As you both step outside and pass through the massive gate, you express your curiosity with a hum, prompting her to elaborate.

"He possesses the gift of making predictions, many of which have been proven accurate despite lacking prior knowledge. While the outcomes aren't always certain, his foresight has helped the Corps avoid calamities in the past and accumulate considerable fortune and resources to sustain its operations."

"Wow, that's... pretty remarkable," you respond, clearly impressed.

"Indeed. So, I believe consulting with the Master could be beneficial. It may provide insights into your past experiences and help you understand yourself better," Shinobu suggests.

"Maybe... but dwelling on the past seems futile. I'm not sure how predictions could unravel that mystery. I might never fully understand, but for now, I just want to decipher the meaning behind these visions..." you reflect aloud.

"Of course," she agrees, her smile almost playful. "And Y/n-san... call me Shinobu. After all, we're friends, aren't we?"

You brighten up and nod enthusiastically. "Oh, yes, of course... Shinobu-san. Thank you!"

She chuckles lightly and nods before falling silent, letting you ponder quietly as you make your way to the headquarters. Sometimes, the tranquility of one's thoughts is a welcome respite, yet it can also lead to overthinking when there's nothing else to occupy the mind. You make a conscious effort to avoid getting too caught up in questions, preferring instead to clear your mind for now. The journey isn't lengthy, but by the time you arrive, you feel a bit sluggish. Despite needing rest, you couldn't miss the chance to consult with the Master, hoping he might offer some assistance with your predicament.

You finally pass through the headquarters' entrance, making your way up to the main building while staying close to Shinobu's side. It's your first time here and encountering the Master, so you feel a mix of nerves and curiosity. You couldn't help but wonder about the person in charge of the entire Corps, including the esteemed Hashiras, the best slayers known to mankind. Their immense respect for him was evident. Quietly waiting next to Shinobu, you observe as she exchanges words with a young child on the engawa before being welcomed inside. Politely taking a seat on a zabuton, you await the Master's arrival.

Your mind is filled with various expectations, but you're taken aback when the Master appears. He seems frail and unassuming, a contrast to what you might have imagined. However, you're relieved that he doesn't emanate a menacing aura that could intimidate anyone who didn't obey him. Instead, he exudes a sense of wisdom, kindness, and gentleness. It's easy to see why he commands such respect. Noting his blindness and the condition covering the top half of his face, you refrain from staring and remain silent until addressed.

"Good morning," he greets warmly, a pleasant smile gracing his features. "To what do I owe the pleasure? I was just about to have some tea, would you care to join me?"

"Good morning, Master. I am delighted to see you in good spirits," Shinobu responds with a respectful bow and a smile. "We've come to discuss some rather intriguing matters. We believe you might be able to offer insights into this situation."

Another child emerges to assist the Master in seating himself, while a second brings out a freshly boiled pot of water for tea. They meticulously pour a cup for each of you before taking their place beside him. You blow gently on the steaming liquid, savoring its warmth and the subtle floral notes it carries, appreciating the moment of tranquility amidst the weighty conversation to come.

"Is that so? I would be glad to offer some insight if I am able to. Please, do share," the Master responds warmly, inviting you to elaborate.

Clearing your throat softly, you begin to explain. "I've been experiencing strange dreams, visions, or memories—whichever term you prefer—but I'm uncertain of their significance. All I know is that they hold importance and carry meaning."

"That is indeed intriguing," he remarks softly, folding his hands neatly in front of him. "Could you provide more detail about these experiences?"

You take a deep breath and delve into a thorough description of everything you've seen, felt, and heard during these episodes. Some aspects are harder to recall and articulate, but you strive to convey as much detail as possible. Upon finishing, you wait patiently as the Master sits in contemplative silence, his expression thoughtful yet composed. Eventually, he emits a soft, contemplative hum.

"I see... those are indeed significant," he acknowledges. "I'm grateful you've come forward with this. It appears that your visions bear resemblance to my own abilities. As you may be aware, I possess the gift of foresight. While I don't utilize it frequently due to its limitations and strain on my health, it allows me to make accurate predictions." He tilts his head slightly, his gaze seemingly penetrating. "Y/n-san, do you have any recollections of your past or family?"

"No," you murmur softly. "As you may already know, I've lost all my memories and have yet to regain them. I'm starting to think I may never discover who I am, or who I was. It's painful to dwell on, so I've chosen to focus on the present for now..."

The Master's mouth opens, but he pauses, his eyes lifting as a small smile spreads across his face. After a brief moment of contemplation, he closes his eyes and nods. When he speaks again, his voice is reassuring. 

"I believe it was fate that brought you here, and you will uncover your past and even glimpse into the future in due time. While I can't decipher the exact meaning of your visions, I do agree that they are significant. Though things may seem unclear for a while, remain resilient and stand alongside your friends—maintain hope, dear Y/n-san. I understand it feels like you are stumbling in the dark, but do not lose heart. There's always a light within the darkness…"

His final words strike a chord within you, reminding you of similar words you've heard before. 

"Of course, t-thank you…" you reply gratefully.

With that, your conversation concludes, and you depart from the headquarters, returning to the Butterfly Mansion. As you sit in your room, attempting to immerse yourself in a book, the Master's words and your enigmatic visions continue to occupy your thoughts throughout the day and into the night.

‘You are surrounded by darkness, but you hold the light within—never forget…’  

The haunting whisper of those words echoes in your mind, leaving you with a mix of uncertainty and determination.


Taisho Secrets

* Yume, your crow companion, is quite the curious and dramatic bird. She has a knack for prying into personal matters and loves gossip and drama. When Giyuu made a casual remark about not needing to worry about you during your mission, Yume's feathers were ruffled with excitement. She immediately jumped to the conclusion that Giyuu might have developed feelings for you. However, her excitement quickly turned to annoyance when Giyuu responded with his typical nonchalant demeanor. It's rare for Yume to hear anything juicy or interesting, so she was hoping for some romantic tidbit to spice up her day. Alas, Giyuu's straightforward answer left her disappointed and grumbling about how boring he and the other Hashira can be when it comes to gossip.

* Since the first time Zenitsu offered you flowers to uplift your spirits, he has made it a habit to present you with an array of small bouquets, delving into the language of flowers for added depth. Each bouquet carries specific meanings, carefully chosen to convey his emotions without needing to articulate them directly to you. It's his subtle yet heartfelt way of expressing his feelings towards you, a gesture that speaks volumes without words.

Chapter 12: Overcoming Trials and Tribulations - 試練や艱難を乗り越える


Now that you're an official member of the Demon Slayer Corps, your training resumes under the guidance of the esteemed Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. Alongside your friends, you undergo rigorous training that strengthens you both mentally and physically. However, a piece of news interrupts your progress, forcing you to pause and contemplate your next steps.


The long awaited new chapter is FINALLY here!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

I'm so sorry it took as long as it did, but I hope that it'll be worth the wait. As some of you may remember from my Author's Note a while back, I mentioned my struggles with writing and life in general, and how I wanted to make this story better. Well, I finally updated ALL of the chapters and I'm satisfied (for now ehehe) with how everything has turned out. And when I say I updated them, I mean everything was updated —Taisho Secrets and all! Anyways, I feel as if it's a smoother, more interesting, and enjoyable read now... (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

I've said it before, but I'm going to be shameless: if you don't mind rereading, I highly encourage you to do so! All of the chapters have been updated and you might find a lot of new things added or removed. If you do reread, please let me know what you think and feel, as it helps me a lot in a variety of ways!

However, if you don't, that's totally fine and I won't hold it against you lol—it is a lot to read again.

Anyways, I hope you all like the new chapter and I hope that I'll be able to continue to move the story along in a better (and more timely) way! I'm super excited for everything that's to come (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, wake up, kid!" The sound of relentless pounding reverberated through the door, disrupting your slumber. "You've been back for days, and I've given you enough time to rest, but you’ve got some work to do!"

Reluctantly, your eyes opened, forming an annoyed frown at the unwelcome intrusion. Groaning, you sat up, shooting a glare at the source of the disturbance. Silent curses floated through your mind; it didn't take a genius to guess it was Uzui, the only person around here who was this obnoxiously loud and insisted on calling you 'kid,' despite the negligible age difference.

"You better be dressed and out in ten minutes, or else I'm coming in and dragging you out!"

After mildly threatening you, Uzui strode away. Your head flopped back onto the pillow, eyes blinking slowly as you stared at the ceiling, mentally preparing for the day. It was the last day of your week-long stay in the infirmary, as mandated by Kanzaki, and you were relieved to finally be well enough to leave. Though some bruises and wounds lingered, you were eager to resume your studies and training with Uzui, Rengoku, and your friends. With a subdued smile, you slid out of bed and leisurely got dressed. Upon opening the door, you inadvertently collided with something big and solid. Squinting at the giant man in front of you, you realized he was about to fulfill his promise of dragging you out.

"You couldn't have given me more than ten minutes? Ugh, you're so annoying..." you sighed, your tone light and playful.

"If I did that, then you would've just gone back to bed," Uzui chuckled, stepping aside and patting your head as you walked by. "Someone's gotta make sure you're a responsible, contributing member of society."

You threw your elbow back, catching him off guard as it connected with his stomach. He groaned, attempting to grab you, but your nimble evasion skills allowed you to sprint off, giggling mischievously. With a crazed look in his eyes, he gave chase, fueling your determination to stay one step ahead. His shouts to stop and the futility of escape fell on deaf ears as you made a beeline for the training grounds, zigzagging through hallways and darting past people working. While you're not strategically planning your escape, a glimmer of hope lingers in the back of your mind. Maybe you can seek refuge behind one of your friends or a fellow Hashira. Rengoku, with his respected stature, could be a viable option. Uzui has shown a certain level of deference to him, and you hope it translates into a shield of safety. If not Rengoku, then Shinobu might be the next best bet. 

Uzui once let slip that he's slightly intimidated by her.

Since discovering this tidbit, you've stored it away as potential leverage for moments when Uzui's antics go too far. You're confident that Shinobu would have your back and send him scurrying away. The thought amuses you, imagining her wielding her influence over the self-proclaimed 'God' of the Hashiras. Despite her serious demeanor, Shinobu has a dry, borderline sadistic sense of humor, according to Uzui's first hand experience. He assured you it's not about causing harm or pain but rather relishing in humbling those who step out of line. This suits you just fine, especially when the target is Uzui.

He probably deserved whatever punishment she had dealt before, and that thought makes you cackle on the inside because while you dearly love the damn prankster, he could stand to be humbled once in a while.

Turning one last corner that leads to the training grounds, you barrel towards the first figure you see without even processing who it actually is. They hear your loud footsteps as you approach and turn around, their eyes widening as you fail to stop yourself from running directly into them. Your bodies collide with a loud 'thump' and are sent tumbling to the ground. Wincing, you quickly look up, finding that the person you had just run into was none other than the man you had bumped into a week earlier on your way to the infirmary. He grumbles under his breath and gets back onto his feet, rolling his neck and shoulders back before settling his gaze on you. He's clearly irritated, but he doesn't say anything, even as a tiny frown takes over his face.

You hear Uzui in the distance and instinctively shoot back onto your feet, scrambling behind the man and grabbing his uniform, pulling him towards a nearby bush.

"What the—?!"

You use him and the bush to conceal yourself as much as possible, cutting him off with a loud whisper. "Shhh! Don't let him find me," you pause for a moment before adding, "...please."

He's tense, but you watch as he slowly lets his shoulders relax, a long, drawn-out breath escaping him. You can still sense the tension and annoyance, but he doesn't move or say anything, allowing you to hide from the giant man currently looking for you. Uzui's voice gets closer and closer, and you try to crouch as far into the bush as possible, using the man in front of you to hide.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are. You can't hide forever, kid. I will find you!" Uzui's singsong voice fills the air, dripping with mischief. "And ohhh, once I do..."

You wait with bated breath, listening as his voice starts to grow more muffled with each step he takes, indicating that he's searching elsewhere, unaware that you're actually close by, using someone else as a human shield. Once the coast is clear, you let go of the man's uniform and release a relieved sigh, quietly laughing to yourself. The man steps away, looking at you with a mix of confusion and annoyance, but not in a threatening manner.

"Thanks," you say with a lopsided grin, peering around him to ensure Uzui is truly gone. "You have no idea how much you just saved me."

A single brow rises questioningly, but he remains silent, just staring at you. The awkward silence stretches between you, prompting you to purse your lips and give a short nod before awkwardly walking away, thinking that's the end of the encounter. However, you see him reappear from the corner of your eye, walking beside you with a respectable amount of distance between you. You blink and slow your pace until you come to a stop, noticing he does the same. Both of you stand in the middle of the training grounds, looking straight ahead, without uttering a single word.

What the hell…?

Did this guy have a problem with you or something? Fighting the urge to run away from the awkward situation, you quickly turn on your heel, crossing your arms over your chest as you muster up your best glare and direct it at him. He looks intimidating, but based on your previous encounter, you know he's all bark and no bite, giving you the confidence to confront him again.

"What are you doing? Why are you following me without saying anything? It's creepy!" 

You confront him, noticing his expression shift uncomfortably for a split second before he returns to his stoic demeanor, standing there silently without looking at you or offering any explanation. 

Frustrated, you press on with your questioning. "Do you have a problem with me? If so, why don't you just come out and say it already? Look, I don't have the time—"

"I apologize," he mutters quickly and dryly, "about before..."

His unexpected apology halts your mini-interrogation and leaves you momentarily speechless. "Wait— Huh...?"

He offers no further explanation and promptly leaves, ignoring your confusion and feeble attempt to detain him for further questioning. It's undoubtedly one of the strangest encounters you've experienced. While you appreciate his assistance in hiding you, even if it was somewhat coerced, and his gesture of apologizing for his previous rudeness, you can't shake the feeling of discomfort. You hope you won't have to cross paths with him again anytime soon. As you stand there, contemplating whether to return inside and potentially face Uzui's wrath or start training on your own, you hear faint footsteps approaching. Looking up, you see Tanjiro making his way towards you, his friendly smile and wave putting you at ease.

"Ah, Y/n-chan," he stops in front of you, "I'm glad to find you! Do you have a moment?"

"Yeah, I do... why?" you reply, curious.

He smiles a bit more. "Well, do you remember how we said we'd help each other with things a while back, but I couldn't think of anything at the time?"

"Yes. Do you need something?"

"Well, I was thinking about it," Tanjiro pauses and looks off to the side, "and well..."

"What? Are Zenitsu-kun and Inosuke-kun arguing again? I can try to stop them, but I think we both know that's a nearly impossible task!" You smile in amusement, lightly snickering. But then, another thought pops into your mind, and you find yourself teasingly asking the intrusive question. "Or are you perhaps having girl problems?"

"No, no," he quickly shakes his head and chuckles, but his grin fades almost immediately as he begins to rub his hands nervously. "Well… I guess in a way it is a girl problem, but I was hoping you could help me with something, and it may seem a little odd, but it's very important."

"Ahh, okay..."  

Whatever he had on his mind seemed more serious than trying to tame your other friends, especially if it involved a girl. He appeared hesitant to ask you, which made you curious, and dare you say… a little anxious. 

Would you be able to help him with whatever this is? 

Doubt starts to creep in, spilling from your lips before you even realize. "Well, are you sure that you want my help? I don't know if I'm the best person to ask, especially if it's really important. I'm afraid I might mess things up..."

"No, I'm sure," he replies smoothly, noticing the quick change in your demeanor and the slight shrinkage of your shoulders. Wanting to reassure you, he continues, "You're actually the best and only person I could ask for this! You won’t mess anything up!"

You're not entirely convinced, but Tanjiro seems determined, and you don't want to turn your friend down if it's truly important to him. Yet, for some reason, you're almost dreading to hear what he has to say now. As silly as your question was, you didn't expect it to coincidentally be true. Tanjiro having a girl problem feels surreal, but considering his kindness, respectability, and undeniable charm, it's not absurd to imagine someone taking an interest in him. Perhaps it's so odd because you haven't heard or seen Tanjiro interact with many women besides Shinobu, Kanzaki, or Mitsuri whenever they were around. While there are quite a few women working around the mansion as Kakushi or other types of servants, there aren't many other women who are also Demon Slayers like yourselves. Except for Kanao Tsuyuri, whom you've only seen in passing. However, she often keeps to herself, so you're unsure if they've ever interacted before. 

You try to wrack your brain for any kind of information about who, or what, Tanjiro might need help with, and the lack of answers starts to drive you crazy.

"Okay, well... umm, how can I help you?"

"I was wondering..." his words drag on, increasing your curiosity until he finally spills, "if you could teach me how to do Nezuko's hair?"

You blink, your brow furrowing as you process his request. Well, that certainly wasn’t what you were expecting to come out of his mouth. So, he wants to learn how to do his sister's hair? From the way he was acting before, you initially thought it would be something very serious, like a life-or-death situation. Then, when he mentioned it was a girl problem, you thought it might involve romantic feelings. And why would he want your help with that? Maybe because you're a woman, and he assumes you would understand what other women like or how to confess to them? But no, it wasn't anything like those scenarios. 

Although technically a girl problem, it was just about Nezuko... and her hair.

"What...?" You shake your head, trying to clear your mind, your expression reflecting the confusion and surprise you feel inside. "I was really worried there for a moment. I thought it was something serious, but then you said it was a girl problem… and that is not what I was expecting at all!"

"Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you,” he finally says with a sheepish smile, which slowly turns bittersweet as his mind begins to wander.

It's a strange sight to see, reminiscent of a moment you've witnessed only once before, back when your group was at the house with the wisteria family crest making flower crowns together. He seemed to remember something then, but you didn't understand Japanese at the time, and you never thought to ask what he or your other friends had said all those months ago. Well, you actually did think about it a few times, but you weren't too bothered to find out if any of it was important. But now, he seems to be recalling something, and whatever it is, it doesn't seem entirely pleasant. His expression prompts you to observe him more pensively, your breathing becoming slow and focused as you await his next words with bated breath.

For some reason, as silly as it had sounded, his request was truly important...

"It's fine, but if I may ask... why is this so important?"

“Well," with a quick glance up to the heavens above, he mumbles, "our mother always did her hair when she was younger, and as she got older, she started to do it herself, but..." he trails off with a sigh, his eyes falling back down to the ground dolefully. "She can't seem to remember how to do it ever since turning into a demon, so she just leaves it as it is. And, well, ever since the two of you have gotten closer, she's wanted to do her hair a lot more..."

"Ohh," you say softly, your gaze drifting back to the mansion, focusing on the part where Nezuko’s room is.

"She really admires you," Tanjiro continues softly, his smile lighting up for a split second before fading again. "And I know it sounds odd, especially since you already do her hair a lot. But when you left for your mission... she was a little upset. We couldn't go with you, so she decided she wanted to do her hair the way that you do it. But when she couldn't, she gave up and started to cry. So, I just thought that if you ever leave again and we can't come with you... it would be nice for me to know how to do her hair. That way, she can feel like you're still with her, and she won't cry again..."

You feel your chest twinge painfully as Tanjiro tells you this. You and Nezuko would often do each other's hair whenever you hung out together in her room late at night. Since you started this tradition, you noticed that her skills weren't what you would have expected from someone her age. Still, you never mentioned it, as it seemed like she had tried her best and appeared happy with the outcome. You didn't want to hurt her feelings. While you could style her hair into all kinds of cute braids and fancier-looking buns, she often struggled to replicate your styles, managing only simple, messy braids, knots, or ponytails.

Now, it made sense why.

But it didn't really matter how well she could do hair—not to you or her—until now...

She doesn't have all of her memories or skills intact since becoming a demon—most of it forgotten and locked away in the very back of her mind. Yet, it never seemed to bother her much. She always appeared happy and cheerful despite her circumstances. No one ever sensed any sadness or frustration from her, not even her own brother, who was very attuned to her wants and needs. And maybe that's because she truly was fine, until she got attached to you and found something else that brought her joy. 

So, of course when you left, she got upset.

Because as frivolous as doing each other's hair may seem, it was something that made her happy—a joy taken away from her, much like her life before. 

And somewhere deep down in her heart and subconscious, she knows and cries for that loss.

So much has been taken away from her. 

While she's different from other demons and retains some parts of herself, she isn't entirely herself anymore. No one really knows what it's like to lose oneself and become a shell of the person you used to be in a way like that. Having your memories and everything that made you, well… you, erased must be incredibly confusing and frustrating. Especially when you can't even remember that you lost a part of yourself in the first place, until something happens to make small pieces of what once was come back to remind you. But only enough to drive you insane with the knowledge that there's more... but you can't reach them, leaving you feeling broken.

You and Nezuko were a lot alike in that sense…

Fragments of your memories, your past life, and self are missing, only coming back in pieces to haunt you. You don't know exactly what is gone, but you can feel it, like an itch under your skin that just won't go away. 

But she has it worse…

She can no longer go outside to enjoy the fresh air, the warm beams of sunshine, or play with her brother or friends, and enjoy a nice meal together because that part of her was stolen. And while she isn't ever truly alone because you and your friends check up on her a lot, keeping her company whenever you have the time, it must still be quite lonely and frustrating having to stay cooped up inside a big mansion—never being able to leave a single room that must always be shrouded in darkness, for not only other people's safety, but her own as well. Discovering that Nezuko, once cheerful and bright, became so distraught she cried while attempting to style her hair like yours, aiming to feel closer to you and perhaps her lost humanity, shatters your heart. What's worse is the lingering guilt for not knowing their full story. Tanjiro has never delved into it deeply, and while you could have asked, it felt insensitive to dredge up their painful past.

All you know is Nezuko was transformed into a demon around two years ago, and Tanjiro vowed to find a cure. But there's undoubtedly more to their tale, likely tragic if it led them to join the Demon Slayer Corps.

The Corps likely harbors countless stories of pain and loss—everyone here has been scarred once way or another by the malevolence in the world. While you try not to dwell on these thoughts to avoid sinking into further despair, the reality has become increasingly clearer ever since joining. Previously, your concerns were primarily self-centered, but now your eyes open to the broader scope of the suffering around you. Initially, your involvement with the Demon Slayers stemmed from the simple desire not to be left alone, but with every new revelation about your friends' lives, your reasons for being there become more personal. The world's evils have altered their lives irreversibly, and it's impossible to remain indifferent to the depth of their struggles.

While you haven't endured even a fraction of the horrors faced by your comrades in the Corps, it's been enough to instill in you a deep-seated hatred for the vile demons. You've vowed to stand alongside your friends in the fight against these malevolent creatures. But deep down, you know that no matter how many demons you vanquish, the root of the problem lies with a man whose name you've only heard whispered a handful of times—Muzan Kibutsuji. As long as he walks the earth, terror and despair will continue to reign. He has inflicted unimaginable suffering upon countless innocents, chaining their hearts and souls with his wickedness.

They've all suffered at his hands—a truly evil, unforgivable monster who must be brought to justice.

You are determined to rid the world of Muzan's treachery, no matter the cost. You cling to the hope that by eliminating him, peace and normalcy can be restored, allowing everyone (especially your friends) to live long and happy lives once again. While you've heard whispers that demon attacks have lessened in recent months, you remain vigilant, knowing that peace is fragile and can be shattered in an instant. For now, your focus is on honing your skills and becoming stronger. You've defeated demons before, but you understand that luck played a role. To truly stand against Muzan and his ilk, you must push yourself to the limit and strive for excellence in your training.

But in this moment, your priority is bringing comfort and a sense of normalcy to your friends. 

You never imagined Tanjiro would seek your help in styling his sister's hair as a means of comforting her, given her growing fondness for you. It's surprising to find yourself in such a situation, knowing that they rely on you just as much as you rely on them and your other friends. This realization is both painful and heartwarming—it hurts to acknowledge the shared dependence, yet there's comfort in the reciprocity of your relationships. 

So, you gladly comply with Tanjiro's request, wiping away the tears threatening to spill from your own eyes as you set aside your own worries to support those you hold dear.

"I'd be more than happy to help," you respond, your voice wavering as a whirlwind of emotions engulfs you.

"Thank you," he smiles more genuinely this time, but his expression briefly falters, sensing the strong scent of your emotions—a rarity for him. Seizing the moment, he decides to address the unspoken feelings. "You're a really good friend, Y/n-chan. I'm happy that Nezuko has someone who cares for her so much; it means more than you could ever know. And she loves you a lot. We all do... so, please don't cry."

The dam holding back your tears nearly bursts, but you manage to regain control, choking on a sob. 

"Th-Thank you. And I know I've never really said it, but all of you mean a lot to me too... I love you guys!" Stepping closer, you envelop him in a warm embrace, savoring the comfort it brings. After a moment, you lean back, offering him a cheeky, slightly watery grin in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Alright... well, if you really want to be one of the best hair stylists around, let's go now! Don’t worry, it'll be easy with someone like me to show you the ropes!"

He laughs wholeheartedly, making you beam with pure joy and pride at being the source of his laughter. Seeing your friends happy warms your heart, and you're determined to keep them smiling and laughing freely for as long as you can.

"That's great! And, umm, I hope you don't take this personally... but I think you may have spent too much time around Uzui-san," he says with mirth, his amusement evident in the crinkles around his eyes and the soft chuckle that escapes him.

You feign offense, widening your eyes and clutching your shirt before bursting into laughter. Despite visiting Nezuko recently, Tanjiro's words have spurred a sense of urgency to spend even more time with her. With determination, you both head back inside the mansion to find her, eager to fulfill your promise immediately. Upon entering Nezuko's room, you're greeted with an unexpected tackle from her, as if she had been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Delighted, she envelops you in a tight hug, swaying back and forth with joy. Within moments, you're all engrossed in practicing hairstyling, Nezuko humming happily as she revels in the attention. Tanjiro becomes so absorbed in observing your techniques that he practically leans over you, his concentration evident in his furrowed brow and earnest nods. You find his dedication endearing, understanding the significance of his efforts to be a good brother to Nezuko, no matter how seemingly trivial the task may appear.

As laughter fills the room and smiles adorn your faces, the weight on your chest lifts. You cherish these moments, and enjoy the simple pleasure of styling Nezuko's hair together.

As the day turns into night and the soft glow of the moon replaces the bright sunlight, you consider gathering the courage to seek out Uzui and perhaps engage in some studying. However, the thought of potential repercussions for your earlier escapade leaves you uneasy. You've been on high alert, half-expecting Uzui to appear at every corner, ready to exact punishment for your jab and clever escape. The uncertainty of what he plans to do and when he'll do it fuels your paranoia. Feeling resigned to your fate, you acknowledge that hiding is futile. 

You steel yourself, ready to face Uzui and whatever punishment he may dish out.

You slowly approach the study room, holding your breath as you gently crack the door open and peek inside, only to find it empty. Ordinarily, this wouldn't concern you, but given your earlier antics, it sends a shiver down your spine. The thought of Uzui lurking somewhere in the mansion, plotting his revenge, fills you with dread. Suddenly, you sense a shift in the air, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end. A feeling of impending doom washes over you as you realize someone is standing right behind you—and you have a sinking suspicion of who it might be.

Whirling around, you come face to face with the imposing figure of Uzui, arms crossed over his chest as he gazes down at you with a glint in his eyes. 

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the little brat!"  

You attempt to scream, but he swiftly covers your mouth with his hand, silencing you.  

"Really? Did you think you could hide from me?" he deadpans, his tone laced with amusement. 

Your eyes widen as you realize he had known your whereabouts all along, allowing you to think you had escaped while he patiently waited to strike. He relished in your paranoia, finding amusement in your discomfort.

"Mmph... -ou!! Hmm -onna -iff -er -aff!!" you mumble through his hand, attempting to voice your frustration.

He raises an eyebrow at your muffled attempts. "Are you… cursing at me?"

You fall silent, seething with indignation as he continues to mock your predicament. He bursts into laughter, removing his hand from your mouth and theatrically hunching over to wipe at his eye.  

"Ahhh, man, you sure know how to amuse me! I can't believe you really thought you got away from me—I'm a Hashira!" After a moment, he straightens back out, raising a brow. "Speaking of which, I don't condone you using such language against one, but I'll let it slide because it's me... and I guess I like you—actually no, more like I tolerate you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! Okay, I'm sorry for earlier... it won't happen again. At least I'll try not to do something like that again, but you kind of deserved it," you mutter snarkily.

He pauses. "What?"

"You heard me," you snicker. "You're the almighty and flashy Sound Hashira. Or have you already gone deaf in your old age? And you know what, you're lucky that I even tolerate you! You're a menace!"

He stares at you with that blank expression again, unamused by your remark regarding his age, which wasn't much older than yours. Someone unfamiliar with him might think he was genuinely angry, but he just rolls his eyes with the faintest hint of a smirk. After exchanging your mutual (in)tolerance, he gestures for you to enter the study room, making sure you're seated at the table before he speaks again.

"Alright, listen carefully. Starting tomorrow, I want you to train full-time. I don't see the point in continuing our lessons anymore."

"Wait... no more lessons?!"

He gives a solemn nod. "Yup. I think your time would be best spent training from now on. After all, you are an official member of the Corps now! We can't have you dying on your next mission, can we?"

"No, but what do you mean? You don't see the point in my lessons? But—"

"Sorry, but I can't hear you! I’ve gone deaf in my apparent old age!" Uzui interrupts, continuing to feign ignorance to your concerns.

"Uzui..." you let out an aggravated huff, giving him a look of disbelief as he persists with his charade. "Stop it, this isn't funny! This is serious!"

"What's the matter? Why are you getting all worked up?"

"...I don't know!"

You do know, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of your stomach as you try to keep your composure. This can't be happening. He was leaving, wasn't he? Of course, this would happen after such a significant and happy moment with Tanjiro and Nezuko earlier. It threatens to ruin your entire mood.

"Well, if you don't know, wouldn't it be wise to listen to me? Not only am I the flashiest, but I'm also one of the smartest, y'know? You should be happy about not studying anymore," he teases. "I know what I'm doing, so listen up!"

Pursing your lips, you resist the urge to laugh hysterically or scream in frustration. Of course, he would interject with his usual brand of conceit at such a crucial moment. Despite his teasing, you sense something more serious brewing beneath the surface.

But you can't play along, not when you feel like you're about to lose someone important to you.

"I guess so," you mutter begrudgingly, your gaze falling away as an empty, hollow feeling begins to swell within your chest. "But... if we aren't studying, does this mean that I won't see you anymore?"

"Yup," he responds casually. "Bet you're glad to be rid of me now, huh?"

Frowning, you slowly meet his gaze, scowling as you slam your hands on the table, pushing yourself up aggressively. "No, of course not! As much as you annoy the hell out of me, you're one of my closest friends, and I don't want you to leave! I can't believe this... you— you can't be serious, right?"

He had a smirk on his face, but you hadn't noticed it at all; your mind had immediately spiraled into panic and sadness, mixed with a touch of rage. 

How could he be so callous?

His grin fades as he sees your crestfallen expression, but it quickly returns as he leans forward, patting you on the head before maneuvering to your side and wrapping an arm around you. 

"Ahhh, I was just messin' with ya! Come on, kid, you can't get rid of me that easily! I was being serious about you not studying anymore, though. You've learned quickly and have done a pretty good job, so from now on your only job is to train and go on more missions! Got it?"

You don't know whether to laugh or cry—maybe both—as your body suddenly goes limp, and you relax against him. It felt like your heart had dropped straight to your stomach the moment he (falsely) confirmed one of your worst fears: losing a friend and being abandoned. Sure, you would still have your other friends around, but you were selfish and didn't want to lose a single one of them. You're beyond glad that he was just messing around; otherwise, you might have actually thrown up and tried to beat him to death for even thinking about leaving. 

The damn bastard nearly gave you a heart attack! 

You suppose this could be considered payback for what you did earlier. It was just a joke, but it sure was a cruel one. Luckily for you, he didn't have any true plans to get revenge for elbowing him in the abdomen earlier, as he thought this was punishment enough seeing how badly you reacted. He did apologize for making you almost cry though, but you made sure to make him feel as guilty as possible for pulling such a horrible prank. 

It’s truly a miracle neither of you have killed each other yet.

The next day, you get up early, excited to start focusing on training since Uzui released you from your Japanese lessons. While it was a little sad to move on from that part of your life, it was exciting to start growing in another area, and you were determined to make the most out of it. Dedicating your time to training and improving your skills was what you needed to do in order to get even stronger and succeed on missions. However, there was one little problem: Rengoku had left shortly after visiting you in the infirmary to see his father and younger brother, meaning you would have to wait to learn anything new until he returned. So, as you make your way out to the training grounds, you decide to stop by the boys' room and rally them up to exercise and train with them during his absence.

Surprisingly, none of them have any qualms about being dragged outside. In fact, they all seem eager to accompany you.

As you step out onto the big, empty field, you whistle for your crow, waiting for her to find you. Yume, along with a few other crows, is currently perched in the roost built for them back when the Corps first started using crows as a form of communication. You've only seen it once, but you were surprised by how well-kept and pristine it was. You would have expected the structure to be rundown and soiled after hundreds of years, but it looked as if it were still brand new. Although, it shouldn't have been as much of a surprise considering the high standards upheld by the Corps. It only takes a few moments before you hear a distinct caw and spot Yume flitting down from the sky to perch on your outstretched arm, her feathers fluffing up as she cocks her head to one side.

"Yume," you stroke the feathers on the back of her head, laying them back down, "I'd like to send a message to Rengoku-san. Please let him know that I am ready to begin training more seriously now— Oh, but tell him that he should not feel obligated to come back right away! I do not want to cut his time short with his family, so he shouldn't rush to end his visit."

She blinks and stands back up, raising her head high. "Is that all?"

"Yes, that'll be it. Thank you, Yume."

Her wings fly open as she lightly bobs her head down in a small bow, then takes to the sky once more, soaring over the trees and heading to his family residence. Now that you have given your message, you can focus on training. However, before you can turn around to face your group again, Inosuke yells and tackles you to the ground. You squeak, completely caught off guard by his sudden assault.

"Got ya! I win! Hey, why aren’t you fighting back?" Inosuke almost sounds disappointed by your lack of reaction. "Isn't this what you brought us out here for? C’mon, I wanna fight!"

"Yes," you let out an exasperated breath, "but I wasn't expecting you to do that! You didn’t win because I wasn’t prepared at all, that’s not fair!"

He begins to press your shoulders down even more as he cackles, trying to keep you on the ground as you finally begin to move and do your best to shove him off. He doesn’t ease up on the pressure he’s applying, though, his voice suddenly growing more serious.

"Well, you should really start expecting the unexpected, minion! If you don't, then you just might get captured, like right now, and who knows what will happen then. You’ll probably die!"

"I'm not too worried," you brush his comment off with a snort. "Especially right now, since it's just you and you're my friend. I’m not gonna die any time soon, so don’t worry about it. Oh, and I’m not your minion so don’t call me that!"

He makes a disgruntled noise, seemingly unhappy with your response. "Yeah, well if you do get caught off guard and get captured by someone who isn’t a friend, you could die! And if you die to some pissant-weakling, I'll kill you myself, Bubbles!"

You don’t miss the weird name he’s decided to give you instead of the alternative ‘minion’, but you decide to ignore it for now, too caught up in trying to figure out why he’s threatening to kill you with his own hands if you die to someone else who isn’t a friend. 

"Well, you can't kill me if I'm already dead!"

"I can do whatever the hell I want," he quickly retorts, jabbing his thumb to his chest, "just watch me!"

"I can't... because I'll be dead," you reply monotonously.

"Whatever! Just don't die, or else I will kill you, you got that?!" He growls at you in irritation before releasing his breath with a huff. "Now, let's fight!"

"I hope you remember we're just training... we're not actually fighting."

"Of course I do, min— Bubbles! I figured going against me will make you stronger, that way you definitely won’t ever get captured by some loser and then die! I'll teach you everything there is to know about winning and livin’!"

"If you say so..." you sigh, rolling your eyes subtly. "Also, my name isn’t Bubbles! Why do you keep calling me other names?"

"Who cares! Let’s fight already!”

“I care! You should know my name by now, I’m your friend!”

"Agh, I can’t remember it, alright!!”

“What?! What do you mean you can’t remember my name?! And why call me ‘Bubbles’ of all things?!”


“And another thing, why do you keep talking about me dying or killing me if I die?!”

“I dunno! Because you’re weak and I don't want you to die, so quit—"

Suddenly, you buck your hips up, sending Inosuke tumbling forward over your frame. Swiftly, you roll over, getting back onto your feet as you prepare for your next move. You’ve had enough bantering (if you could call it that) with Inosuke and want to shut him up. As he whirls back around to attack you again, you launch yourself forward and latch your arms around his upper torso, locking his own arms in place down by his side. This causes both of you to fall over together. He grunts in surprise and agitation as you then lock your legs around his, now keeping him pinned down and restricted.

"What the hell?!" he shouts, a little stunned.

"Expect the unexpected!"

You laugh ecstatically at managing to get the upper hand, but it doesn't last long. He is much stronger and more experienced than you, so you soon find yourself in another position that renders you immobile. He breaks free and flips you around, causing you to land on your stomach. He presses his knee into your back while bringing your arms back and holding them together. You wheeze and squirm, coughing a little as you continue to laugh, but your laughter dies down as his weight slowly crushes you. 

You don't want to give up, but you struggle to breathe properly, and he unfortunately has you captive in a way that is very difficult to escape from.

"Ughhh, alright... you win! Get off— get off of me!"

"Hah!" He laughs and jumps up, backing away from you, puffing out his chest. "Lord Inosuke wins yet again!"

"I will win one of these days," you say with a playful lilt, pretending to glare at him. "Just watch me!"

"Oh yeah? Bring it on! Let's go again!"

You try to punch his arm, but he stops you by grabbing your own arm and swinging you off to the side. He continues to dodge you and keep you at bay by pushing you away from him. Obviously enjoying himself, he cackles and throws in a few jabs to your sides, which frustrates you a bit, but at least he's not using any real strength and seems to be taking this less seriously, just playing around with you. The game doesn't last long, though, and you both grow bored of it very quickly.

As you look over to see what the other two are doing, he leaps forward to tackle them down as well, and you can't help but laugh boisterously at the chaos that quickly erupts. Zenitsu screams and yanks Inosuke's mask off, prompting your boar-headed friend to grab onto Zenitsu's head and try to pull his hair out, while Tanjiro is stuck between the two, desperately trying to push them apart. A mix of pained, angry, and worried yelps can be heard as they roll around on the ground and tussle. They break apart a few minutes later, sprawled out on the ground and groaning tiredly.

You walk up to them, hovering over their limp bodies and snicker. "Are you boys done rough-housing? Can we get back to actual training now? It's the whole reason I brought you out here!"

"Y/n-chaaaaaan," Zenitsu whines from where he lies, reaching his arm out towards you. "Go on without me! I'm too exhausted! And... I think one of my ribs just got broken."

You step over to his side and grab his hand, pulling him up. "You're fine! Come on, you can train some more. I believe in you, Zeni-kun!"

He smiles goofily at you, ecstatic that you used the nickname you gave him, and stands back up with much more energy than he supposedly had, his fingers wrapping around your hand tightly as he holds it between you both. 

"Wahhh, you really believe in me?! Thank you, Y/n-chan, you're much too kind! Okay, I'll start training really hard and get even stronger now, knowing that I have you here to support me! I won’t disappoint you!"

He clings to you for a bit but eventually gives you more space after making eye contact with Tanjiro, who looks on with a neutral expression before turning away. While Tanjiro was completely unbothered and was simply looking around, Zenitsu takes that as his cue to let go and not cling to you obnoxiously. He did not need to be warned by Tanjiro anymore about your personal space and unwanted attention; he and Inosuke have both learned their lesson on those matters. He truly didn't want to make you uncomfortable, and he intended on being a perfect gentleman when trying to earn your affections, as normally as he possibly could, even if it was really hard to not fawn over you like a lost puppy at times.

But as long as you seemed fine with him being around, he would try to make advances, though, carefully and with consideration of your comfort.

The rest of the training goes smoothly as everyone gets more serious about becoming stronger and preparing for future missions. You spend hours outside, running through different drills meant to hone your skills and strengthen your physique. Before you know it, another day has passed, and then another, until a week of training goes by and you're waking up to your crow pecking at your window. You're still fast asleep when you hear the little taps. But the noise grows louder as she pecks harder, and you quickly get up, rushing to open the window and stop the obnoxious noise.

She immediately hops inside, tilting her head to the side as she eyes you, huffing with impatience. "Slow, slow girl! I bring back news from Rengoku-sama."

You're tiredly rubbing at your eyes when she says that, and your hands pause their ministrations as you blink a few times then drop them to your side. "Wait... what? What is it? Is it good or bad?"

Yume hops back as you invade her space, her feathers ruffled. "Calm yourself," she squawks sharply, "Rengoku-sama says: Excellent! I will be sure to come back shortly, until then, continue practicing what you know."

Leaning back, you let out a sigh and nod. "Okay, good... good. But I told him not to hurry! Do you think he meant 'shortly' as in... very soon, like a day or two, or maybe in another week?"

"Don't know," Yume blinks, her feathers finally lying flat again, "and I don't care!"

"Ehh—! Excuse me?!"

"You are excused."

"No, excuse you!" You shoot a warning glare, pointing your finger at her. "And might I ask why it took a week for you to send my message and return? Does he live very far away?"

Yume turns her beak up and huffs. "Not at all. But you did not mention that your message was of high importance, so I flew at a more leisurely pace."

"Isn't every message important?! What if I were in a battle and had asked you to send word out for assistance?"

"Obviously, if you were in danger, I would fly as fast as possible! But you were in no danger. And I recall you saying, 'not to rush.'"

You deadpan, your eye twitching momentarily as you sigh with exasperation. Arguing with her would be fruitless, but you still feel the need to correct her.  

"I said that in regards to Rengoku-san, as I didn't want him to come back so soon and miss spending time with his family..."

It appears she shrugs her shoulders (her wings in this case) before she turns around, taking off before you can utter another word, leaving you completely speechless. To put it lightly, your crow certainly is an interesting one, with quite the personality. One moment she's poised and polite, then the next, she has an attitude that could possibly rival a certain Hashira that you've only heard rumors about. Apparently, you've met the Hashira’s younger brother, so if that's anything to go by, then you would be happy to not ever come across him. You have to admit you may have gotten off on the wrong foot, though; the guy did apologize to you after your first meeting, but he was still a bit strange. Although, probably no stranger than Inosuke, and you were friends with him... so, maybe you'd have to give the guy another chance. 

But for now, you were quite content without having his presence around to add to the chaos.

After getting dressed, you head out to eat some breakfast quickly before you start your workouts and training for the day. It's only been a week, but you feel a lot stronger and more agile. Your stamina has increased, and your reaction time has also improved. You spar with Inosuke a lot, and you have to admit that he was correct about his statements before; learning to fight against him has enhanced your skills a bit. Because his fighting style is so different compared to most, with the way he uses his legs and gets low to the ground like an actual animal, you don't get pinned as easily and can dodge his quicker attacks with more ease since you've studied his moves more. He always wins, though, and never fails to boast about his victories, goading you on to keep fighting.

You hope that once Rengoku comes back and trains you again, you'll become even better and be able to finally take Inosuke down, so that he would stop pestering you so much about getting stronger and not dying.

By the end of the day, you're slightly bruised and battered, thoroughly exhausted, with sweat and grime sticking to you in a thin layer as proof of your hard work. You skip heading off to the bathhouse just yet, wanting to have a nice meal with your friends first, and then quickly make your way over to Nezuko's room. You've made it one of your life's missions to hang out with her as much as possible because ever since that day Tanjiro asked you to help him with doing her hair, you've been dealing with an array of emotions gnawing away at you, creating a pit in your stomach.

You're a bit ashamed of yourself for not putting in even more effort until that day. 

How could you be so careless and insensitive? 

It would be awful to be stuck in a room all day, relying on others to come visit so you aren't lonely! No wonder she had gotten upset, and it was your fault. In fact, lately, all you can seem to think about is how awful you've been to her and to all of your other friends... and how awful you still are. Even though Rengoku, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Mitsuri—and hell—even Uzui and Inosuke, have all told you in their own ways that you possess good qualities and are a good friend... you can't help but disagree with them tenfold. 

You really haven't been a good friend…

You've been very weak and beyond selfish.

You may be oblivious to some things, but your own faults were not one of those things; you could see them very clearly. 

And yet, even with all your faults, they all stay and continue to care for you... 

You don't deserve them…


You stumble as a sudden pain shoots through your skull, your head throbbing. The slight pinch in your brow becomes even more visible as it happens again, your body sliding to the floor to stop yourself from collapsing and potentially getting injured. Your hands cradle your head in a weak attempt to soothe the pain but it does little to nothing, of course. You know the signs by now, that something from your past or possibly the future was pushing its way forward, and half of you desperately wants to find out what it could be. But the other half of you also wishes for it to stop, to just leave you alone and let yourself forget even more, so you might finally find some sort of peace.

But for some reason, you feel as if you were meant to experience this pain, for reasons that would hopefully all make sense someday.

Years Ago: Time Unknown

"—good for nothing!" An older woman, wrinkled with age, scowls down at you darkly. "I asked you to behave tonight. Everything was perfect, and you just had to ruin it once again, didn't you?!"

Your face snaps to the side as her hand suddenly strikes you, leaving a dark, red and stinging print on your cheek. Your mouth opens in shock, an inaudible gasp escaping your parted lips as you slowly bring your fingers up to lightly touch the painful spot. Your gaze becomes fixated on a wet splotch on the ground from the drink you had splashed on a man not even five minutes ago. 

A scared, slightly younger girl stares back at you from within the watery contents—your reflection—and she cries her heart out. 

But outside of the water... you remain as still as stone.

No trembling lip...

No subtle sniffle of your nose...

No tears dripping from red, swollen eyes...

"Your mother was right to give you up all those years ago. I don't know why I still haven't sent you away either, but no matter, make yourself useful and clean this up!"

The woman huffs as she then leaves in an angered flurry, desperately calling out to the guest you had driven away. You lie on the cold, hard ground, your gaze slowly shifting to an overturned table with shattered cups strewn all about. You blink unfocused eyes and let the stillness of the room wash over you, then sluggishly push yourself up and get to work, cleaning and tidying the room up just as the mistress had asked of you.

You didn't want to ruin things... again... truly, you didn't... 

But you couldn't help it.

It wasn’t your fault... 

And the man had tried to grab you… 

If anything, it was his fault!

And the other times when you ruined something, they were just simple mistakes on your end, nothing more or less.

But she wouldn't accept any sort of explanation from you... she never does...

She hates you... 

Everyone does... 

Your own parents didn’t even want you...

You finish cleaning everything up and making sure the room looked like it had been before, then exit as quickly and as quietly as you can, afraid that one wrong step may send the mistress's wrath upon you once again. Your hurried steps take you outside, leading you from the house and into the brisk, cool air of the evening. Your chest feels tight, and you take in a shuddering breath as you brace yourself against a big oak tree, taking comfort in the familiarity of its dry, rough bark.

It's quite funny how something made of wood and splinters has never once hurt you, unlike the people here. Whenever you needed somewhere to go, to hide from the world, it lent you a sturdy branch to sit upon and cling to. It never spoke to you with harsh words, such as the ones the mistress or customers would use. No, its leaves would dance in the wind as it whispered gently in your ear, lulling you into a state of repose. You climb up the tree, hauling your form onto the biggest branch and lean your back against the trunk with a languorous sigh. You watch the sun as it finally sets, all traces of its bright warmth slowly melting away, leaving you cold and dark. But it's fine, as you're very much used to the emptiness surrounding you inside and out. 

At least you're safe up here. You don't want to think about anything, but you can't help it as tears threaten to spill, your heart feeling as if it's being squeezed tight within your chest. Why...? Was this really what your life was meant to be like? Were you truly destined to live a life of pain and loneliness? Why did no one want you? You had no parents, no other family, and not even a stranger was kind enough to take pity on you and at least pretend to care for you.

You just wish that for even a single moment, someone would be there for you. To help you when things seemed hopeless. To hold you tight and tell you everything was going to be okay, to care... and—

The pounding in your head slowly subsides, receding like the tides of the ocean. Another vision... no, it was a memory this time! You saw yourself, quite a few years younger than your current self. Your lungs freeze, breath caught in your throat as your mind tries to process it. 

No… it couldn't be right.

That couldn’t have been you. That was not how your life was supposed to be before you ended up here with no recollection of your past. You were supposed to have friends and a family! A happy life where you played, danced, and sang with those you held dear. Not whatever that was! You refused to believe that even then you were unhappy, alone, and most painfully... unloved.

A dark voice whispers in your ears, telling you that it is true, you were always meant to be this way. 

A disappointment…


A burden that no one wanted…

But another voice speaks up, joined by a few others. 


You are not a disappointment, the voices of everyone you've come to know and love now surrounding you. They remind you not to beat yourself up for things out of your control or from the past, whether recent or distant. You aren't meant to be alone, you never were supposed to be—not now or ever again. 

Just breathe...

Something clicks then; why you've always been so afraid of being alone, why you tend to push people away, even though you desperately crave to be close and have a deep connection with those around you. At some point, in the not so distant past, you had somewhat grown accustomed to a life of pain and loneliness. The old woman was not someone you recognized, nor did you really care to, but she had said something that struck you—something about your mother. You desperately don't want to believe that what she told your past self was true, that you were given up and left to be unwanted for the unforeseeable future. Though, you couldn't deny what was shown to you, no matter how much it killed you inside. But something in the very back of your mind repeatedly tells you that it wasn’t entirely true. 

That little echo is what helps your racing heart slow back down to a steady staccato. You had to believe there was more to your story than what you saw. With that small shimmer of hope, you stand back up and take a deep, steadying breath, pushing the previous unwanted feelings of misery down and masking them with a smile. Maybe the Master was right; perhaps you would find out more about yourself, but it might take some time for everything to become clear. You were willing to wait to unravel the truth and understand your past, which possibly tied in with your visions of what could be in the future, as the Master had suggested—perhaps it truly was fate.

However, you weren't quite sure you believed in the last part. 

What could fate possibly have to do with any of this? 

And why you, in particular?

Oh well, none of it mattered. 

All that mattered in this moment was getting to Nezuko, your beloved friend, with whom you were going to spend more time. You walk to her room and softly knock on the door, pushing it open when you hear the familiar excited hum muffled by bamboo. She skips over, bringing you into a warm hug and lightly squeezing, nuzzling her head over your shoulder. She doesn't seem to care about your disheveled appearance or the way you probably smell, which makes you feel equally amused and ashamed of yourself for not cleaning up and allowing her to touch your soiled clothes. Pulling away with a smile, she wraps her hands around yours and brings you inside, sitting by the open window that lets the soft glow of the moon and gentle breeze in. It's a peaceful summer night with the rustling of long grass and leaves, the drawn-out and high-pitched chirps of cicadas, and the slow trickle of water running down the rocks from the pond in the garden nearby.

All of this will be gone, though. 

In just a couple of months, Summer will be over and soon replaced by the bitter, cold of Winter. It's hard to wrap your mind around the fact that you've been here since the end of Spring, before Summer had really begun, and you've come such a long way since then. The days were filled with warmth and all sorts of sights and sounds, but now, with Winter just around the corner, everything will be blanketed in a thick sheet of frosty-white snow and ice before you know it. And you... will you also become frozen and stuck in place, like everything else?

Or will you continue to make progress in all of your endeavors—your memories, swordsmanship, and even your relationships?

You want to believe that you'll keep moving forward, literally and figuratively pushing through the snow of your own physical and mental challenges. After all, you are a Demon Slayer now. You've already proven yourself capable of doing things beyond what you thought were possible, so perhaps the minuscule amount of belief that you have in yourself wouldn't be misplaced. As if sensing all the thoughts running rampant in your mind, Nezuko laces her fingers with yours and gives a little squeeze, bringing you back to the present moment.  


Casting her a small smile, you squeeze back. "Sorry, Nezuko-chan, I'm supposed to be spending more time with you and not worrying about things."

"Mmmn," she hums softly and tilts her head, round eyes staring at you inquisitively.

Not wanting to worry her, you simply smile and cast your gaze up to the beautiful night sky, watching the stars sparkle for a few minutes in silence by her side. You talk to her about your day, going into great detail about your battles with Inosuke, while her brother and Zenitsu watched and cheered for the both of you. She giggles at the parts that were particularly silly, enjoying the way you speak so animatedly about wanting to strangle Inosuke whenever he got more obnoxious than usual in his efforts to rile you up even more, which you may have fallen for once or twice, resulting in you being thrown around or pinned down as you lost concentration. But all in all, it was a great time, and you actually learned a lot, feeling satisfied with your performance.

Once you're done talking with each other, mostly with her listening, you finally decide to leave for the night and take a well-earned, warm bath to wash away all the dirt from the day and soothe your aching muscles.

Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira renowned for his valor and unwavering dedication, embarked on a rare journey to his family's residence. Despite the demanding responsibilities as a Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps, which consumed most of his time, Kyojuro made it a priority to visit the estate whenever possible. His deep affection for his family, particularly his younger brother, and the distant memories of their childhood bond called him home after several months away. As he approached the estate, Kyojuro was welcomed by the familiar sight of the traditional Rengoku household. The serene surroundings provided a stark contrast to the chaos of his usual battles against demons, offering a rare sense of solace.

At the entrance, Senjuro, his younger brother, awaited eagerly. The resemblance between the two was striking, although Senjuro lacked Kyojuro's formidable presence. He was smaller in form, and his features retained a softness typical of adolescence. Despite not sharing Kyojuro's zeal, Senjuro harbored a sincere admiration for his brother's courage and dedication to protecting humanity from demons. Despite the differences in their paths, they shared an unbreakable bond rooted in mutual respect and admiration.

"Brother! Welcome home!" Senjuro greeted with excitement, bowing respectfully before Kyojuro.

"Senjuro, it's good to see you!" Kyojuro's vibrant smile lights up his face as he draws the boy closer, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine! Furata-san is teaching me about farming, among other things. It's been hard work, but I like it..."

"That's great!" Kyojuro chuckles softly, affectionately ruffling Senjuro's hair. Stepping back, he gazes at him with pride shining in his eyes. "You've grown, Senjuro, both in stature and spirit! And I'm positive that Furata-san greatly appreciates your dedication and diligence."

He meant every word from the depths of his heart. In his own way, Senjuro possessed a strength and selflessness akin to his own, tirelessly working to aid others however he could. Initially groomed to succeed him as a Demon Slayer and follow in their father's footsteps, Senjuro had undergone rigorous training. However, despite his earnest efforts, he struggled to achieve the necessary level of swordsmanship to make his Nichirin sword change color. Consequently, Senjuro had redirected his aspirations, finding fulfillment in assisting people through alternative means. Though his father disapproved of these pursuits outside their predetermined path, Senjuro continued his clandestine efforts to aid the community whenever possible.

"You really think so? Father was very upset when he first found out I had been over there. He said that kind of work isn't meant for us. I told him it was just a one-time occurrence to appease him, but he doesn't know I still go over there whenever he's out drinking or asleep..."

"I see," Kyojuro hums. "In any case, if it is something you truly wish to do, then I see no reason why you should not!"

"I suppose so, but... father... he wants me to continue training. But I don't want to. I'm not cut out for it. I just don't want to disappoint him—"

"Nevermind that," Kyojuro gently interrupts him, preventing further words from escaping. "Your path is not his to dictate, nor mine. Follow what you believe to be right for you, and know that you'll have support in your endeavors. You're not meant to live a life you don't desire wholeheartedly. Nothing would make me prouder or happier than to see my younger brother finding his own way in life and succeeding—which I have no doubts you will!"

Senjuro's eyes widened, glistening with unshed tears, as he felt deeply appreciative and overwhelmed by his revered older brother's kind words. "Really? Thank you..."

"Of course! As your older brother, it's not only my duty to protect you but also to lift you up and support your dreams."

"I wish I were more like you," Senjuro admitted with a small smile, "minus the demon slaying, that is."

Kyojuro smiled softly. “While that's a flattering statement, I don’t quite share the same view. Listen closely, Senjuro,” he said earnestly, placing a hand on his shoulder as he knelt before him. “You, nor anyone else, will ever be like me, but that is a good thing. Do you know why?”

With a furrowed brow, Senjuro pursed his lips and shook his head. “No… why is that?”

“Well, if you were me, then you wouldn't be you... and I cherish you just the way you are, dear brother! So, instead of wishing to be more like me, wish to become more of who you are—an even kinder and smarter boy than you already are!”

“Yeah… okay!” Senjuro beamed, clenching his fists together. “Then I’ll do just that! I'll work hard to become an even better version of myself!”


As they entered the house, Kyojuro caught the familiar scent that signaled his father's presence. Ignoring the uneasy sensation in his stomach, he ushered Senjuro to his room, promising to return shortly. With determination in his stride, Rengoku headed towards his father’s quarters, lightly tapping on the sliding doors. A grunt of acknowledgment was his only response, prompting him to slide the door open and kneel before his father, who was lying on a futon with his back turned, engrossed in a book.

Despite his father's lack of eye contact, Kyojuro bowed respectfully and then sat up on his knees to address him. “Father, I’ve returned…”

Shinjuro turned a page in his book without looking up. Sensing his father was at least partially attentive, Kyojuro continued, hoping to establish a connection as he recounted his adventures as a Demon Slayer. 

“The Corps has been performing admirably. We’ve eradicated a significant number of demons in recent months. Although there was a lull in activity for a while, we are now facing renewed attacks across the region. Additionally, we've welcomed many new recruits! We are optimistic that our diligence and dedication will yield results. There is hope—”

His father abruptly closed the book, snapping it shut as he interjected, “Hope?”

Undeterred by the curt response, Kyojuro pressed on. “I’ve taken on a protege who shows great promise and strength. Her companions are equally formidable. The Master has also endorsed our efforts, so yes… there is reason for hope!”

“You’re all naive—a bunch of fools!” Shinjuro suddenly snapped, his expression contorting into a snarl. 

Kyojuro remained composed, accustomed to this kind of reaction. His father hadn’t always been like this; he used to be a gentler man until their mother passed away a couple of years ago. Despite Kyojuro and his younger brother's efforts to ease their father's pain and fill the void left by their mother, their attempts proved futile. Shinjuro had turned to alcohol, using it to drown his sorrows.

“I respectfully disagree…” Kyojuro countered.

Shinjuro clicked his tongue dismissively and waved Kyojuro off. “Then you’re the biggest fool of them all. No matter what you do, you’ll never make a difference. You’ll never be good enough. Demons are never going to go away; you might as well give up.”

“Even if I wanted to, I refuse to give up so easily. Mother would want us to keep fighting…” Kyojuro's voice carried a quiet resolve.

His father stared silently for a moment before turning his back once more, the tense atmosphere hanging heavily between them. He reached for the jug by his side, downing the remaining liquid in a swift motion. Standing on unsteady feet, he let out an irritated sigh. Without acknowledging Kyojuro, he brushed past him and left the room, heading out of the estate in search of more alcohol. Kyojuro remained seated on the floor for a moment, his head bowed.

This interaction wasn’t unexpected, yet it still stung.

His mother’s last words echoed in his heart, a guiding light amidst the darkness of his father's despair and harsh words.

"People born with greater abilities have a duty to use their power for the world, for the people. The Rengoku Family has hunted demons for generations. Becoming Hashira is our pride. Like your father, you will become a great Hashira. Bear the flame in your heart. Burn evil demons and shine gently on human beings. Hold your heart like the sun. Become the Flame Hashira."

He had carried those words with him for years, living by their creed as the Flame Hashira, saving countless lives. Despite the overwhelming presence of demons, he refused to lose hope in the Corps' ability to bring peace once more. Believing in the goodness of humanity and the strength of their resolve, he returned to his brother’s room with a smile after preparing two bowls of miso soup with sweet potato. Senjuro’s smile brightened at the sight of the food, bringing warmth to Kyojuro's heart.

“Did you talk to father?” Senjuro inquired between bites, his curiosity evident.

“Yes,” Kyojuro replied, spooning another bite into his mouth thoughtfully. “Although, he wasn’t very receptive.”

“Yeah… he’s been really tough lately.”

“I hope he hasn’t been too hard on you?”

“Not really…” Senjuro paused, setting his bowl down. “I wish he could see things like you do. He’s just always so angry… and sad.”

A faint smile appeared on Kyojuro’s lips as he finished his bowl of soup, placing it down with a sigh. “He’ll come around eventually, don’t worry.”

“I hope so,” Senjuro sighed.

Kyojuro’s smile widened slightly. “I’m glad to hear that; hope is a powerful thing, little brother… don’t lose it.”

After they finished their meal and tidied up together, they returned outside and sat on the engawa, enjoying each other’s presence. The day gradually faded, the remaining daylight giving way to the night sky. Beneath the stars, Kyojuro shared words of wisdom and encouragement with his younger brother, urging him to chase his dreams and forge his own path despite challenges. As the night progressed, their father had yet to return. Senjuro offered to search for him—likely at the local izakaya—and bring him home, but Kyojuro preferred to handle it himself. He didn’t want Senjuro burdened with caring for their intoxicated father on top of everything else he had endured.

He swiftly left and found his father right where he expected, though instead of being inside drinking, he discovered him passed out just around the corner of the building. Pushing negative thoughts aside, Kyojuro lifted his father onto his shoulder, leaning him against himself as he dragged him back home. The man was incoherent, barely aware of his surroundings, yet he still managed to grumble and berate Kyojuro intermittently. Despite the demeaning remarks, Kyojuro remained unfazed. His father's words were a jumble, lacking their usual sharpness, making them easier to disregard. After what felt like an eternity, he finally brought his father back home and gently laid him on the futon, covering him with a thin blanket. Pausing at the door, he whispered a quiet goodnight before returning to his brother’s side. Senjuro was waiting on the engawa at the back, humming to himself as he fidgeted with his fingers.

When he heard Kyojuro’s soft return, he turned with a concerned expression.

“Did you find him?”

“Yes, I did. Don’t worry, he’s fine and sleeping.”

“Okay, that’s good. I found him by the river six weeks ago, hanging over the bridge… it really scared me. I thought he was going to fall in and drown. But luckily, I managed to get him back home.”

Kyojuro's frown deepened at the news, a rare moment of genuine upset showing on his face. He quickly turned to his younger brother, his gaze soft but with a hint of concern evident in his furrowed brows as he silently acknowledged the gravity of the situation. He wished he could make things better for his brother and father, but he wasn’t sure how. Suddenly, the distinct caw of a crow echoed in the distance. Both brothers stood as the bird approached their residence, and Kyojuro extended his arm as the crow swooped down to land. Although he didn't recognize the crow immediately, when it spoke, mentioning you, his attention sharpened.

“Rengoku-sama, I bring a message from Y/n-san.”

“Ah, wonderful! Is it good news? Is she alright?”

Yume nodded and then dipped down in a small bow as she relayed the news of your recovery and readiness to resume training. Kyojuro nodded along, grinning and thanking Yume for delivering your message. He felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of resuming training now that you were an official member of the Corps.

You had accomplished your first mission impressively, especially considering your limited formal training.

Kyojuro sent a message back, confirming his imminent return. As Yume flew off into the night sky, disappearing from view, he turned to Senjuro, finding the boy already staring at him with wide eyes.

“Woah, you have a Tsuguko?”

Kyojuro hesitated momentarily. Although you weren’t officially his Tsuguko—he hadn’t formally asked you, although he would have—it hadn’t been discussed amidst recent events. He had no objections to making you his Tsuguko; however, the choice ultimately rested with you. Were you only training to get stronger until you eventually left? Or would you stay? Would you want to be his Tsuguko? Was there another Hashira that you might want to train under instead of him? There was also the consideration that you hadn’t mastered a breathing style yet; you might not be a flame user. You could potentially wield water, wind, insect, or another breath style.

“Hmm, perhaps,” Kyojuro hummed in lieu of an answer.

Senjuro simply smiled and nodded, diverting his gaze to the starry sky above. “Well, I wish you and her the best! By the way… who is Y/n-san? Is she the same person?”

“Yes. She’s a new member of the Corps! Stubborn, but smart and resilient,” Kyojuro chuckled, his grin widening. “I find her quite entertaining!”

“She sounds interesting,” Senjuro mused, noticing his brother’s obvious delight.

“Indeed she is! She has her troubles, though—amnesia. No recollection of her past. Plus, she’s a foreigner, which makes her determination to aid her companions and the Corps all the more admirable! She’ll make an excellent swordsman someday.”

Senjuro's expression tightens at the mention of you having no memories of your past. He can imagine how distressing it must be to lose one's identity and not know what happened. The thought of precious memories slipping away from your grasp strikes a chord with him, and he sympathizes deeply. It's been so long since they lost their mother when he was just a child. Now growing into adolescence, he's nearing adulthood and the pain of forgetting what his mother looked and sounded like cuts deep. He wonders how he could forget such an important figure in their lives, someone who meant everything to them.

Even worse, he never got to say goodbye.

“What’s the matter?” Kyojuro asks softly, stepping into his line of sight.

His brother's figure appears blurry, tears misting his eyes as he wipes at them haphazardly.

“I just feel terrible for Y/n-san. Her situation reminded me of us… I miss mom, a lot. I'm scared that I'm starting to forget her. And I—” he chokes up, sniffling quietly, “I hope she forgives me for not saying goodbye…”

Kyojuro kneels down, his voice filled with gentle reassurance. “I understand your pain. But she’s is still with us,” he says, tapping his chest lightly. “And she doesn’t hold any resentment towards you… Senjuro, she knew how hard it was for you, so don’t blame yourself. We'll see her again one day. Until then, let's live without regrets, just as she would've wanted.”

Senjuro finally breaks down, his heart feeling as if it's simultaneously shattering and finding solace. He clings to the front of Kyojuro’s uniform, sobbing. Kyojuro wraps his arms around him in a warm embrace, running a comforting hand over his hair as they share a moment of shared sorrow and understanding. It was moments like this that weighed heavily on Kyojuro's shoulders, moments where the pain of losing their mother felt as fresh as ever. He had never truly allowed himself the luxury of mourning her loss, not when he had to take care of his younger brother and navigate their father's downward spiral.

However, he harbored no resentment towards Senjuro for seeking his support, nor did he blame his father for succumbing to his grief. Their mother had been the pillar that held their family together—a woman of grace, kindness, and wisdom.

Her absence left a void that felt like losing a piece of their own hearts.

Despite the pain, Kyojuro stood tall, determined to be the pillar of strength for his family. He strived to honor her memory and make them all proud, knowing that she would have wanted nothing less. After their heartfelt moment, they headed inside to get some well-deserved rest, hoping to sleep away their troubles. Kyojuro decided to spend one more day at the residence, wanting to cherish every moment with Senjuro and ensure he would be okay before leaving. He took Senjuro to a small shop, treating him to a meal and declaring he could choose anything he wanted. Senjuro beamed, his spirits soaring thanks to his older brother’s thoughtfulness.

In the afternoon, they spent time by the river, relishing in the tranquility of the gentle waters bubbling below. As evening approached, they headed back home, and Senjuro grew anxious at the thought of Kyojuro leaving in the morning. Kyojuro reassured him that he would return soon, within the next month or two, promising to bring back souvenirs from his travels during that time. He was bound to find a few interesting items within that time frame.

And with the increase in demon attacks, Kyojuro anticipated being sent on a mission soon.

They settled in for the night, Kyojuro recounting stories of his past adventures to Senjuro. Senjuro listened intently, his eyes reflecting admiration. Soon, Senjuro drifted off to sleep mid-story, and Kyojuro couldn't help but smile at the sight of his brother snoring softly, finding it both endearing and amusing. The next morning, Kyojuro prepared a quick breakfast for everyone. Although Shinjuro barely acknowledged them, he did express approval at the food, devouring it swiftly. Kyojuro and Senjuro took their time eating and conversing, enjoying each other’s company. After their meal, they cleaned up in comfortable silence until Senjuro spoke up.

“I’m gonna miss you,” he mumbled with a faint smile.

“I’ll miss you too,” Kyojuro replied sincerely.

Once they finished cleaning, Kyojuro gathered his belongings and prepared to depart. As they reached the wall outside, Senjuro stopped him with a quick hug.

“Bye! Safe travels, brother!”

Kyojuro reciprocated the hug, his heart heavy yet filled with warmth from the meaningful moments shared with his brother. With a final wave, he set out on his journey, invigorated by the love and bond they shared, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Leaving his family's estate, Kyojuro carried with him a renewed sense of purpose, strengthened by the ties that bound him to his roots. The memories forged during his childhood and this brief visit to his family's residence would remain etched in his heart, a guiding light amidst the darkness of his past and the arduous battles as a Flame Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps. He embarked on the journey to the Butterfly Mansion, pushing himself for four consecutive days with minimal rest to ensure a swift arrival. However, a small detour on the final day, where he aided an elderly man by fixing his broken cart and assisting in carrying supplies back to town, cost him a few precious hours. 

As the sun began to dip low, Kyojuro continued alone, his senses keen and alert despite his Hashira status, never underestimating the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Nevertheless, he navigated the remaining journey without incident, arriving safely at the Butterfly Mansion. As dusk settled, Kyojuro made his way to the training grounds, a place reminiscent of the rigorous training sessions he underwent under his father's guidance at their estate. Although different, the familiarity of the training grounds brought back memories of dedication and discipline, reinforcing the weight of his duty as a Hashira—a duty that demanded sacrifice but also bestowed a profound sense of purpose upon him.

A bittersweet smile graced his lips as he reflected on the journey that had led him to this moment, acknowledging the challenges ahead while drawing strength from the memories and experiences that shaped him into the person he had become.

Standing as a Hashira, a mentor to others, Kyojuro felt a surge of excitement coursing through him as he gazed at the path stretching out before him. The responsibility of guiding and inspiring the next generation of Demon Slayers filled him with determination and purpose. With each step forward, he embraced the challenges and opportunities that awaited him, ready to face them head-on with the unwavering resolve of the Flame Hashira. He lingered for a few moments before making his way to his room within the Butterfly Mansion, eager to rest and ensure he had enough energy for your training the next day. 

The following morning, you awoke with a stifled yawn and sluggishly dressed, mentally preparing for another day of solo training. Stepping out of the mansion and heading to the training grounds, you caught sight of Rengoku's unmistakable wild, flaming hair, causing you to blink rapidly as you realized he wasn’t a figment of your imagination. Approaching slowly, the shuffle of your feet alerted him to your presence. 

He turned around with a grin, hands on his hips as he greeted you warmly. “Ah, Y/n-san, good to see you up and early! I’ve returned!”

You cracked a small smile, biting your lip as you stood before him. “Yeah, I see. Welcome back, Rengoku-san. How was your trip? I hope I didn’t cut your time short…”

He chuckled. “It was great! I spent time with my little brother, Senjuro, and we had a blast. But don’t worry, as a Hashira—and your mentor—it's my duty to assist you and the Corps. Both my brother and I understand the responsibilities that come with being part of the Corps. If I am needed, I’ll be wherever that is.”

"Okay, I guess that’s a bit reassuring," you replied with a nod, rubbing your arm. “So, I guess that means I’m resuming my training now that you’re here?”


“And I suppose that means… right now?”

He grinned, standing tall as he laughed. “Indeed! There’s no time like the present, after all! Isn’t that correct?”

With an amused grin of your own, you nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke emerged from the mansion and gathered around you and Rengoku, eager to join and learn under the Flame Hashira's guidance. Their expressed desire to accompany you delighted Kyojuro, who warmly welcomed the idea of training more Slayers. He embraced the prospect of guiding not just one, but a group of talented individuals, recognizing the benefits of honing everyone's skills together. He knew that training together would push each of you to excel further. While you had been progressing well on your own, having your companions by your side added a new dimension to your training. The encouragement and friendly competition invigorated you, fueling your determination to improve and succeed. Surrounded by friends and the Flame Hashira himself, you felt a surge of excitement and gratitude. Together, you were not just a team but a family, united in your quest to become stronger and protect humanity from demons.

And so, your training began anew.

Under Kyojuro's mentorship, the experience is undoubtedly intense and transformative. Stepping onto the training grounds, you’re  met with a whirlwind of energy and dedication that defines Rengoku's teaching style. Though the training session was familiar, there was a palpable difference in the air. Rengoku seemed more fired up than usual, igniting renewed energy in the group. His determination blazed through his eyes as he led the drills, pushing everyone beyond their limits. Rengoku’s unwavering belief in your potential fueled your determination, pushing you past your own expectations. The rigorous regimen was preparing you for the dangers of being a Demon Slayer—combining physical exertion, mental fortitude, spiritual growth, swordsmanship, and agility—every aspect of your abilities refined under Rengoku's watchful eye.

He also shares the wisdom he has gained through years of experience, recounting tales of past battles and imparting invaluable lessons in strategy and tactics. He encourages you to think critically, analyze situations swiftly, and always stay ahead of your adversaries. Rengoku instills in you the importance of unwavering conviction and determination, teaching you to confront fear directly and never waver in your duty to protect humanity.

However, his mentorship extends beyond mere battlefield tactics.

The most profound aspect of training under Rengoku lies in the camaraderie and familial bond he fosters within the Corps. He emphasizes unity and teamwork, forging bonds that strengthen your resolve and fortify your courage in challenging times. As the training sessions intensify, Rengoku's passion becomes contagious, spreading among your group like wildfire. There is a shared commitment to overcoming challenges and emerging stronger together. With each strike and parry, Rengoku's fiery spirit permeates the training grounds, motivating everyone to give their utmost effort. His words of encouragement reverberate across the field, pushing you to push through fatigue and uncertainty. By the session's end, drenched in sweat and breathless, you feel a profound sense of achievement. Under his mentorship, you have not only begun to refine your skills but you’ve also discovered a newfound resilience and determination that will serve you well on the battlefield.

You couldn't help but aspire to match the strength and excellence embodied by Rengoku. 

His passion, dedication, and steadfast spirit served as a constant source of inspiration, urging you to surpass your limits and strive for greatness. Observing him during training sessions felt like witnessing a master at work, executing skills and techniques with precision and grace. His leadership and guidance not only honed your combat abilities but also instilled a sense of purpose and determination. While your journey may still stretch far ahead, having Rengoku as a mentor filled you with hope and resolve. You knew that with diligence, dedication, and his mentorship, you could continue growing stronger and making a difference as a Demon Slayer. So, you trained tirelessly, absorbing every lesson and technique he imparted, determined to stand alongside him and your other friends as a formidable warrior, prepared for any challenge. 

Through sweat, determination, and unyielding resolve, you were starting to grow not just as a warrior but also as a person.

Over the next four weeks, the cycle of training and spending time with your companions continued with a comforting rhythm. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities for growth, both in combat skills and in camaraderie. Outside of training, moments of relaxation and bonding with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke became cherished highlights. Whether sharing meals together, engaging in friendly competitions, or simply exchanging stories and laughter, the bonds among the group strengthened with each passing day.

Tanjiro's compassion and unwavering determination inspired everyone, Zenitsu's quirky antics brought laughter and lightness to the group, and Inosuke's fierce loyalty and determination added an edge of excitement to every interaction. As the weeks went by, the bonds among the group deepened, evolving into a tight-knit team united by a common purpose. The challenges you faced together during training mirrored the challenges you would undoubtedly encounter on missions, forging a sense of trust and reliance on each other. Through victories and setbacks, laughter and shared meals, the four weeks flew by in a blur. And as you looked ahead to the future, you knew that with such strong bonds and unwavering support, there was nothing the group couldn't overcome together. Brimmed with hope, you were truly beginning to believe that one day, you could defeat the demons—Muzan Kibutsuji himself—and restore peace once more.

You can do this!

As the sun dipped below the horizon one night, casting a warm glow over the training grounds, you and your friends gathered back inside the mansion for a well-deserved meal and some much-needed relaxation. For the first time, Rengoku joined you. Sitting around a table, plates filled with hearty food before you, the day's rigorous training felt like a distant memory. The aroma of freshly cooked food mingled with the sounds of jovial conversation, creating a comforting atmosphere of camaraderie and unity.

Rengoku, with his infectious energy and larger-than-life personality, shared stories from his past adventures and battles, captivating everyone with his tales. Tanjiro listened intently, nodding in admiration, while Zenitsu chimed in with exaggerated reactions and exclamations, much to everyone's amusement. Inosuke, always eager for a challenge, initiated a friendly sparring match of arm-wrestling, much to Rengoku's amusement. Amidst the laughter and banter, bonds strengthened and friendships deepened. The hardships and dangers of your shared journey as Demon Slayers were momentarily forgotten as you all savored this moment of companionship.

As the evening wore on, the meal came to an end, and you retired to your room with a full heart—and stomach. Sometime in the middle of the night, you woke up and quietly slipped out of your room, craving a glass of water. As you padded your way to the kitchen, a glimpse of Rengoku and Shinobu catching your eye, you decided to follow them, curiosity piqued. They headed towards Shinobu’s office, and you couldn’t resist trailing after them, eager to uncover the reason for their late-night rendezvous.

Peeking around the corner, you watched from the shadows, listening in on their conversation.

"Everything appears to be in order—you’re in good health!" Shinobu remarked, her voice calm and reassuring.

"Excellent, then I’m ready to head out!"

Shinobu hummed, removing her stethoscope from Rengoku’s chest. "Oh, heading into battle are you?"

"Yes," Kyojuro affirmed, adjusting the buttons of his uniform. "There have been reports of many people going missing—likely the doings of a demon. The Slayer who found it was defeated. We’re losing rank and filers now. We have to act swiftly; I’m going to investigate and take care of it."

"Could it be a Twelve Kizuki…?" Shinobu mused with a hint of concern in her tone.

"At the moment it is unsure," Rengoku replied.

"I see. It sounds like a challenging mission. But as long as you’re going, we don’t have to worry," Shinobu remarked with confidence.

Rengoku nodded, standing up from the examination table and crossing his arms. "And what about you? What’s the plan? Are you taking Tanjiro-san and the others in? You mentioned recruiting more Tsuguko."

"No, but you seem very interested in them. Might I ask why?" Shinobu inquired curiously.

"Mhm, I’d like to take them with me!" Rengoku responded enthusiastically.

"Oh my, what an experience they’ll have!" Shinobu chuckled softly before turning serious. "And what about Y/n-chan? Are you taking her as well? She is your Tsuguko, is she not?"

Silence enveloped the room as Rengoku seemed to ponder Shinobu's question. He took a slow breath before shaking his head, gathering his haori and other belongings.

"I’m afraid not. However, I wouldn’t mind her or her companions becoming my Tsuguko! Although I plan on bringing the lads with me, I think it would be best if she sits this one out. Unfortunately, she does not have the same amount of training and experience as they do, and I do not wish for her to be put in a likely very dangerous situation given the uncertainty of it," Rengoku explained with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I see," Shinobu replied with a thoughtful expression.

"Well, I leave first thing in the morning! I trust you and Uzui-san will look out for her?" Rengoku asked, seeking assurance.

"Of course, you have my word. And do be careful!" Shinobu responded earnestly.

With a nod and a grin, Rengoku prepared to leave her office. You quickly retreated, heading back to your room with a racing heart. Part of you wished you hadn’t eavesdropped on their conversation, but the information you gained was invaluable. You had grown significantly during your time in the Corps, both as a Slayer and as a person. However, the fear of being left alone still lingered within you. While Shinobu was always there, her busy schedule often kept her occupied. Uzui, though present, was preoccupied with his duties as a Hashira once more. Mitsuri's visits were also sporadic due to her responsibilities.

Feeling the weight of solitude looming, you couldn’t bear the thought of waiting idly while your friends embarked on a dangerous mission without you. 

Determined not to be left behind, you resolved to join Rengoku and your companions, regardless of his initial decision. Sneaking out of your room once more, you made your way to Rengoku's quarters. Upon finding it empty, you cautiously entered, scanning the room until your eyes landed on a familiar box containing your sword.

You knew it would be here!

You carefully grasp the box and lift its lid, revealing the gleaming blade within. Pulling the sword out part way, its polished surface reflects your image back at you. Determined and ready for the challenges ahead, you hold your weapon, knowing that your place was by your friends' side, facing whatever dangers awaited on the mission. In the distance, Rengoku's hearty laughter reaches your ears, causing a jolt of panic to shoot through you. Quickly, you slide the blade back into its sheath and close the box, making a hasty exit from Rengoku's quarters. Thankfully, you manage to avoid encountering Rengoku on your way back to your room.

However, the adrenaline from your nighttime escapade and the weight of your decision to infiltrate their mission leaves you feeling jittery, a tumultuous mix of excitement and apprehension swirling within you.

Tomorrow would bring another mission, one fraught with danger and potential peril. The sudden twist in your stomach and the rising sense of dread threaten to overwhelm you. It's a feeling you've experienced before, reminiscent of the strange visions that occasionally plague your mind. Taking a deep breath, you force yourself to calm down and push those unsettling emotions aside. Climbing into bed, you try to settle your racing thoughts and focus on the task ahead. Despite the uncertainty and fear, your determination to stand alongside your friends and face whatever challenges come your way remains unwavering. 

With that resolve in mind, you drift off to sleep, ready to confront the trials of the coming day with courage and determination.


Heheheh I wonder what the next mission is about... (¬∀¬)

Chapter 13: The Mugen Train: Part 1 - 無限列車


You set out on a mission with your companions and end up facing formidable foes. This night, filled with battles, promised to leave the group with more than just scars—a hole in their hearts—however, fate was meant to be changed.



Well, looks like I decided to split this up into parts after all, and I honestly like it more than I originally thought. This chapter would have been massive if I didn't split it, and while I know many of you love a long chapter, it would have been overkill lol. It just would've been so out of place compared to the other chapters, so I'm glad with how things turned out.

Anyways, this chapter is still big compared to most others. It's a little over the previously biggest "Practice Makes Perfect" chapter, which was around 21k words (this is 23k hehe). With that said, have fun reading, and I really hope you enjoy! ヽ(〃´∀`〃)ノ

(P.S. Please excuse any typos or anything out of place! Feel free to let me know if you spot anything, but please go easy on me. After working for many hours on such large chapters, my eyes and brain get a little foggy. I tried to proofread, but... y'know... sometimes you just can't catch everything lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the soft dawn light filters through your window, a sense of anticipation begins to stir in your chest. Today marks the start of an adventure—a mission with your group of friends and mentor, Rengoku. However, they remain unaware of your plans. You slip out of bed, eager to embark on the day's journey. The first task of the day is getting ready. You swiftly don your uniform, ensuring everything is neatly in place and all buttons are fastened.

Your gaze shifts to where your sword rests on the dresser, and you approach it with a deliberate pace.

While you've wielded a sword before, during your first solo mission, it wasn't the same sword you now possess—your own personal Nichirin blade. That mission had required you to use a different blade, likely due to your unusual reaction to your own personal sword upon first touch. Whether you'd react similarly to another sword was uncertain, but you figure that the Corps had opted to give you a different one, deeming it the safest option, especially since it wasn't crafted from the unique material you had unwittingly chosen when Mitsuri had you select a stone for your blade's forging.

Now, standing before your own sword, a mix of apprehension and intrigue fills you. The blade beckons, its presence stirring curiosity and a hint of uncertainty within you. You reach out, fingertips grazing the smooth surface, ready to reconnect with this weapon that feels somehow intimately tied to your destiny. Thankfully, nothing unusual happens as you handle the sword, but a lingering sense of curiosity remains as you secure it in the scabbard at your side.

After a final check in the mirror to ensure everything is in place, you're ready to join your friends.

Silently, you slip out the door, making your way through the halls and follow the soft voices carrying in from the outside. You quickly round a corner and peek outside, watching the group stand around, appearing to be preparing to leave. You're elated to find out that you hadn't missed them, giving you the opportunity to secretly follow behind and join them on this new mission. You wonder what exactly this mission will entail; if you'll have to fight a single demon, or even multiple ones, considering Rengoku had decided to recruit your companions. The thought of facing not only one, but possibly multiple demons, did leave you feeling a bit apprehensive—ice running through your veins, sending a chill down your spine. However, you're determined to embark on this mission and fight alongside your companions. With them by your side, you're more than certain that the mission can be completed without any trouble.

Your ears suddenly perk. You listen intently to their conversation, catching your name being mentioned.

"Do you think Y/n-chan will be upset when she finds out that we're gone?" Zenitsu's voice carries a tinge of worry.

Tanjiro offers a weak smile. "I imagine so, but it's probably for the best that she stays here. This mission sounds complicated and dangerous. I'll feel better knowing that she's safe here."

"I guess you're right," Zenitsu sighs, shouldering a bag. "I just hope we make it back, or she'll really be upset. I'll never forget the way she looked when we came back from our last mission."

Inosuke smacks Zenitsu's head and asserts, "Shut up! It's not like we're gonna die! I never lose, remember? We'll be back in no time!"

Zenitsu rubbed his head, grumbling about Inosuke's behavior before veering off to complain about the mission ahead. He wasn't particularly looking forward to searching for a demon lurking around a town, killing and devouring multiple people. They had been briefed earlier about the details of the mission, and from what was gathered, they would be dealing with a stealthy and relatively powerful demon, and potentially more than one. Rengoku then interrupted, his expression serious as he announced the time for departure. They all nodded, gathering their gear and setting off. You stealthily followed behind, keeping to the side of the road and using natural cover like trees, bushes, and rocks.

As you set off on the long journey ahead, the world seemed to slow down around you. The crisp morning air invigorated you, and the colorful display of the sky heightened your excitement. Your heart beat rapidly in anticipation of the day's adventure. However, you were aware that with a mission on the horizon, things could quickly turn sour. After all, your objective was to locate and eliminate a demon (or possibly more) responsible for the recent disappearances of multiple people. You choose not to dwell on such distressing thoughts, opting instead to focus on the present moment of tranquility.

There would be ample time to concern yourself with the mission upon reaching your destination.

The gentle patter of your boots against the soft dirt creates a soothing rhythm, harmonizing with the distant sounds of nature. As you journey farther from the Butterfly Mansion, the landscape unfurls like a living painting before you. Rolling hills adorned with vibrant green rice paddies stretch toward the horizon, while majestic mountains loom in the distance, often veiled in wisps of mist atop their peaks. Each step you take draws you nearer to nature's embrace, filling your lungs with the pure, invigorating air of the countryside. You relished being out here. Although the Butterfly Mansion wasn't bustling like a city, its sizable structure housed a large community of people, and you were constantly surrounded by activity. Being in this serene environment felt like a genuine breath of fresh air.

You were starting to feel bored and restless staying at the mansion, so a mission to prove yourself further was just what you needed.

As the hours passed and the sun climbed higher in the sky, the group's pace remained steady. Rengoku, always the picture of confidence, led with purpose, his every movement deliberate and efficient. The path meandered through a patchwork of farmland, where farmers toiled in the fields, their rhythmic labor adding a comforting backdrop to your journey. Occasionally, you caught glimpses of villagers going about their daily lives, exchanging friendly waves to your companions as you passed by. It was a stark contrast to the dark and dangerous world of demons that awaited you, a reminder of the simple joys and struggles of ordinary people.

As midday approached, the group paused by a clear, babbling stream for a brief rest and meal break. The soothing sound of water flowing over smooth stones provided a peaceful interlude, allowing everyone to recharge before continuing on. Rengoku took the opportunity to impart some wisdom, sharing stories of past missions and offering advice on how to approach the upcoming challenge. The afternoon sun bathed the landscape in a warm golden glow as you resumed your journey. Shadows grew longer, and the air took on a faint chill as evening approached. The anticipation in the group was palpable now, each member mentally preparing for the confrontation with the demon(s) that awaited them.

As night fell and the stars emerged overhead, you finally reached the outskirts of the area where the recent disappearances had occurred. The atmosphere grew tense, the familiar sounds of nature giving way to an eerie silence. Rengoku signaled for everyone to halt, his senses attuned to any signs of danger. Miraculously, you still hadn't been caught following your companions to aid in the mission. You crouched low, blending into the darkness as you scanned the surroundings for any unusual movement or sounds. The mission was about to begin in earnest, and the adrenaline coursing through your veins drowned out any previous lingering thoughts.

This was what you trained for, what you lived for—the thrill of the hunt, the battle against darkness, and the chance to prove yourself among the ranks of the Demon Slayers. To stay by your friends' sides until your very last breath.

No one or thing was going to stop you from doing so.

Everyone cautiously walked around, looking for any clues, but they came up empty-handed, and no one seemed to detect the presence of any demons. Rengoku continued leading the group to the town that was just barely visible in the distance. The blanket of night shrouded the land in darkness, but the lights emitting from the town were bright, a beacon that called to your group. You trailed behind them once again, becoming a bit too relaxed, which you should have been more careful about. You tripped over a stray log, falling onto your hands and knees, your skin scraping against the ground.

You let out a curse far too loud and belatedly realized your mistake.


You quickly tried to get back up and shuffle away, but it was too late—you'd blown your cover and were caught.

The unmistakably bright and fiery haori of Rengoku came into view, and you tilted your head back to gaze up at the man with a sheepish smile. He didn't look mad, nor even surprised, but the fact that he had virtually no expression left you feeling oddly intimidated, more so than usual. He always had that effect on you, but this was totally different. You questioned whether you should say anything, but it's not like it would change anything. You had disregarded Rengoku's decision. But it's not like he knew that you knew about the mission because you snuck around and eavesdropped on his conversation with Shinobu the previous night.

However, he was a highly intelligent and perceptive man, so he had to have an inkling as to what you were doing out here.

Rengoku towered over you, his figure outlined by the glow of distant lights. His expression remained stoic, but after a few tense moments of pure silence, there was a flicker of amusement in his eyes as he looked down at you and extended his hand. You accepted his hand gratefully, feeling a surge of embarrassment at your clumsiness and being caught. The rest of the group meandered over, their various expressions a mixture of shock and pleased amusement at the scene unfolding before them.

"Sorry, Rengoku-san," you mumbled, dusting off your clothes as you regained your footing. "I just... I overheard you the other night and I couldn't stay behind. I had to come!"

Rengoku regarded you with a mixture of amusement and understanding. "I figured as much," he replied in his deep, resonant voice. "Your determination is admirable, but remember the importance of following orders and staying safe. We're facing unknown dangers tonight."

You nodded, chastened yet grateful for his leniency. "I understand, Rengoku-san. I won't let my eagerness or stubbornness cloud my judgment; I'll be careful! This is what I've been training for, after all."

He gave a pensive smile, his haori billowing slightly in the night breeze. "That is true, however, as true as that may be... you must understand why I made my initial decision."

"I do, believe me..." you fidgeted nervously, your confidence wavering. "I'm well aware of my lack of experience or skills. But I need to do these things to improve!" Your voice grew stronger alongside your determination, ready to prove yourself once again. "I can't remain stagnant—I have to keep moving forward, no matter how difficult it may be."

Rengoku's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of respect for your resolve.

"You have a fire within you," he observed, "a determination that is commendable. But remember, growth comes not just from pushing forward blindly, but also from learning to balance that drive with wisdom and caution."

His words struck a chord within you, reminding you of the importance of humility and patience on your journey as not only a Demon Slayer, but as a person.

"I'll keep that in mind," you promised.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Rengoku turned his attention back to the task at hand.

"Let's proceed," he said, leading the group forward with a steady stride.

The trio immediately gravitated toward you, sticking by your side as you all followed a few paces behind Rengoku.

"Wow, so you knew about the mission and that Rengoku-san wanted you to stay, but you still went for it, huh?" Tanjiro commented, his tone a blend of admiration and concern.

"Yeah, it was a bit reckless... but I had to come with you all."

"I-I can't believe you actually snuck along," Zenitsu muttered, his nervous energy palpable. "I had no idea you were behind us this entire time!"

You smiled a little, chuckling. "Really? Well, that's good! I guess it means I'm good at being stealthy. But, y'know... I don't think Rengoku-san was totally unaware of me following you guys."

"You think he knew and didn't say anything about it or try to stop you?" Tanjiro pondered.

You nodded. "I mean, he's a Hashira. Since my first mission, I've come to realize that they are on a whole other level. For example, Tomioka-san totally saved me from cracking my skull open during my first mission! I knew he was observing me from a distance, but I found a cave and went inside because that's where some missing children were being kept. I thought he would've lost track of me; but he appeared so fast and grabbed my ankle before I could fall down the hole I made in the roof of the cave!"

You grimaced at the memory. If you had fallen and severely injured yourself while trying to rescue those children, it surely would've left a long-lasting impression on them, and not a good one. Luckily, Tomioka was around to save you from further traumatizing the children. With all that said, you didn't doubt that Rengoku was at the very least partially aware of your presence.

"Either way, I'm impressed you managed to stay hidden for so long. I couldn't detect you... but now that I think about it, that's not all that good," Tanjiro says with a disconcerted smile.

The fact that he hadn't caught your scent made him feel as if he wasn't paying enough attention to his surroundings. Zenitsu seemed to share his sentiment as he added that he hadn't even heard you.

Inosuke, ever brash and direct, added with a grunt, "Hmph, yeah, not bad. But you're way too clumsy! Don't do anything stupid and get yourself killed. We're not here to babysit!"

You chuckled, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at their reactions. Despite the slip-up, you were glad to have their support and understanding. With renewed determination and the support of your friends, you continued trailing behind Rengoku, each step bringing you closer to the heart of the mission. The night enveloped you in its quiet intensity, the air charged with anticipation and the weight of responsibility. As you approached the town, Rengoku's authoritative presence guided the group, his keen senses alert for any signs of danger. The mission was about to enter its crucial phase, and with your friends by your side, you steeled yourself for the challenges ahead, ready to prove your worth and stand strong as a united team of Demon Slayers.

As you finally reached the edge of town, you were taken aback by the bustling crowd of people. The town seemed quite busy, even though it wasn't particularly late. But it made you wonder if these people were aware of the dangers lurking in their midst or if they were simply going about their lives, oblivious to the looming threat. The normalcy of the scene seemed starkly at odds with the mass disappearances you had been sent to investigate. Rengoku's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, his expression unreadable as he took in the bustling activity. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke mirrored his vigilance, their senses heightened as they observed the townspeople going about their business.

"Strange," Tanjiro muttered under his breath, voicing the unease that had settled over the group.

Zenitsu's eyes darted nervously from person to person. "Do you think they know what's been happening? Should we warn them?"

Inosuke snorted dismissively. "They're probably too wrapped up in their own lives to notice anything!"

Rengoku maintained his focus and spoke firmly. "Listen carefully. We must avoid drawing undue attention," he stated, his voice carrying authority. "The existence of demons and the Demon Slayer Corps isn't officially acknowledged by the government, and we mustn't incite unnecessary panic. It's best if the public remains uninformed. However, there may be individuals with extra information, so let's gather it discreetly for now."

With a nod of agreement, the group proceeded cautiously into the town, blending in with the crowd. The atmosphere was tense, the anticipation of what you might uncover palpable in the air. Upon reaching the town center, Rengoku signaled for everyone to split up and gather information. You, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke each took a different approach, mingling with the townspeople and listening for any whispers or clues that could shed light on the recent disappearances. As you listened to snippets of conversations and observed the interactions around you, it seemed as if most of the townspeople were unaware of the dangers lurking in their midst. They discussed mundane matters, upcoming train schedules, and local news unrelated to the disappearances.

Tanjiro, who had taken a different path, joined you briefly, his expression troubled. "I haven't heard anything about the disappearances," he whispered, barely audible over the crowd. "It's like they're living in a different world."

You nodded in agreement, sharing his concern. "Yeah, it's strange. There must be at least one person who knows something."

Zenitsu and Inosuke, having searched together elsewhere, eventually joined the conversation, each reporting similar findings. Most of the townspeople seemed oblivious to the looming threat, their ignorance adding complexity to the mission. Shortly after, Rengoku regrouped the team, his expression serious as he absorbed your collective observations.

"It seems the limited information we had before holds true; we're dealing with a situation where the demon is operating covertly, targeting unsuspecting victims without drawing too much attention. They likely possess considerable strength and cunning to execute such actions successfully."

"What's our next move, Rengoku-san?" Tanjiro asked, his voice reflecting the uncertainty of the situation.

"We'll need to conduct a thorough investigation and delve deeper," Rengoku replied, his tone resolute. "Spread out further, but exercise caution. We'll reconvene and plan our next steps."

With renewed determination, you dispersed once more, blending back into the crowd and continuing your search for clues. The night was far from over, and the mysteries surrounding the disappearances deepened with each passing moment. Tanjiro engaged in casual conversations with locals, subtly steering discussions toward recent events without raising suspicion. Zenitsu, though nervous, used his keen observation skills to pick up on subtle cues and whispers among the crowd. Inosuke, always direct, interrogated merchants and passersby, probing for any leads or unusual happenings—although his focus was short-lived as he soon became distracted by the myriad sights and smells of the town.

On the other hand, you found yourself drawn to a group of travelers engaged in a hushed discussion about strange events near the train station. Their voices were low, touching on disappearances and sightings of an eerie figure lurking in the shadows. Your heart raced as you listened in, sensing that these travelers might have important information. As they whispered, your focus sharpened at the mention of a specific train being taken out of service due to rumors of over forty passengers vanishing, along with reports of a conductor meeting a tragic end, his body discovered at the station. No one knew who or what was behind it all, but some had dubbed the mysterious assailant as the 'Slasher.'

You quickly began your search for your companions.

Spotting Tanjiro engrossed in a conversation with a local merchant, you subtly signaled for him to join you. His keen intuition picked up on your urgency, and he quickly excused himself from the conversation, following you with a determined look in his eyes. Zenitsu, ever alert and perceptive, caught your eye as you found him and motioned for him to follow. His nervous energy seemed to dissipate momentarily as he picked up on the seriousness of the situation, nodding in understanding and falling into step beside you. Inosuke, who had strayed farthest in town to inspect a display of various trinkets, was easily found and lured back with the promise of a potential lead and the prospect of a battle on the horizon. His excitement was palpable as he joined the group, ready for action and eager to uncover the truth behind the disappearances.

The last, and undoubtedly the most important, person you needed to find and share this new information with was missing. Rengoku could typically be easily spotted, but now he was nowhere to be found, leaving your group perplexed and wondering where he could have gone. Without Rengoku present, you couldn't fully discuss or share the crucial information you had gathered. His leadership and guidance would be instrumental in navigating the challenging situation that lay ahead.

"I need to speak with all of you, but we need to find Rengoku-san first," you stated.

Zenitsu nodded vigorously, sensing the urgency in your voice, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the Flame Hashira. "Okay! But, umm, I don’t see him anywhere…"

Under his mask, Inosuke's brows furrowed. "I say we split up again and search for him. He can't have gone too far."

Agreeing with the plan, you and your companions fanned out, scouring the immediate surroundings for any trace of Rengoku. Minutes passed, tension mounting with each passing second as you searched through the bustling streets and shops. It was Zenitsu who finally found him, his keen ears managing to catch his loud, boisterous laugh rising above the cacophony of sounds from the streets and people. Without hesitation, the group converged on the location, peering inside a small shop to see Rengoku sitting at a table with another person dressed in a Corps uniform.

"Who's that with him?" Tanjiro whispered, curiosity mingling in his voice.

Inosuke decided to approach the shop and enter without hesitation. "Don't know, but let's go!"

The group followed suit, entering the shop and approaching Rengoku's table. The person sitting with Rengoku looked up, their expression a mix of surprise and recognition upon seeing fellow Corps members.

"Ah, you've found me," Rengoku said with a warm smile, standing up to greet you all. "Allow me to introduce Hiraku-san. He came to investigate as well!"

Hiraku nodded in greeting, waving at everyone. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

"Likewise," Tanjiro replied with a small smile. "So, how long have you been here? Do you have any extra information regarding the disappearances?"

"Unfortunately, no..." Hiraku shakes his head and frowns. "I only arrived a day before all of you, so I haven't had much time to gather information yet. I know about as much as you do—the Slayer who discovered it was defeated, and his Kasugai crow reported the incident. However, the crow died from injuries sustained while trying to escape before it could tell us anything else. We don't know where this demon is at exactly... just that more and more people keep disappearing around the region."

"I actually have some new information to share with the group," you announced.

All eyes turned towards you, eager to hear your insights and discoveries.

"Excellent! Please, go ahead," Rengoku prompted.

"Well, I overheard a group of travelers discussing strange occurrences near the train station," you began, recounting the details you had gathered. "They mentioned disappearances and sightings of an eerie figure lurking in the shadows. Apparently, the body of a conductor was found at the closest station, and over forty passengers on a train called the 'Mugen Train' have vanished without a trace, leading to its suspension. They believe it's the work of one person, dubbing them the 'Slasher.'"

Rengoku's expression turned somber as he absorbed the information. "This confirms my suspicions that we're facing a formidable threat," he remarked, his tone grave yet resolute. "It's likely a member of the Twelve Kizuki or an Upper Rank demon."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Inosuke suddenly exclaimed, leaping up. "The demon seems to be hiding around the train station, not here in town! Let's go take it down right now!"

Rengoku nodded in agreement with Inosuke's assessment. "The boar is right! Now that we know where these incidents are occurring, we must act swiftly and put an end to this."

With determination, Rengoku stood up, and the group followed suit, ready to confront the looming threat head-on. Urgency filled the air as you all swiftly exited the shop and made your way toward the train station, each step fueled by resolve and anticipation. Thirty minutes later, you arrived at the station, the atmosphere tense and the air heavy with the unknown. However, Rengoku's presence provided assurance, his fiery determination inspiring courage within each of you.

"We must proceed cautiously," Rengoku reminded the group, his voice firm yet calm. "The demon may be well-hidden and waiting for the right moment to strike. Stay vigilant."

Zenitsu nodded fervently as he took to the back of group. "I-I'll do my best to stay alert and watch our backs!"

With a shared sense of purpose, the group entered the train station, senses heightened and weapons at the ready. As you delved deeper into the station, the shadows seemed to deepen, and a sense of foreboding settled over the group. The usual bustling activity of a train station was conspicuously absent, adding to the eerie ambiance. It became clear why gathering information in town had been challenging; most townsfolk were not oblivious but actively avoided the train station, fearing that even speaking of it would bring bad luck.

Tanjiro's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, his senses on high alert. "It's too quiet," he murmured, voicing the group's collective unease.

"I really don't like this..." Zenitsu, his nerves tingling with anticipation, added in a hushed tone, "It feels like we're walking into a trap."

Inosuke grunted in agreement. "Well, whatever's waiting for us won't know what hit it! With the six of us, we'll take it down no problem!"

Rengoku, leading the group with a steady stride, remained composed but vigilant. Every sound, every movement was amplified in the eerie silence, heightening your senses and putting everyone on edge. The unexpected sound of a soft sigh and an elderly woman's voice amidst the oppressive darkness of the train station caught your group off guard. Rengoku motioned for everyone to stay alert as you cautiously followed the sound to its source. Turning a corner, you came upon a small, dimly lit alcove where an elderly woman sat hunched over, reading a small book.

"Fuku, stop moping around and dig in!"

In front of her sat a little girl, holding a box filled with various food items and drinks, a frown marking her face. "Another slow day with hardly any customers..."

"I know I've been repeating this every day, but it's risky to be out after dark." The elderly woman  turned a page, smiling and humming. "Starting tomorrow, you can assist in the afternoons, dear. Criminals tend to lurk about after nightfall."

"There are no criminals around here! Quit bringing that up, please. I need to sell as many lunch boxes as possible. It's already tough with mom being pregnant... and dad's shop failing."

The woman sighed, setting the book aside. "Leave the worrying to us boring old grown-ups. While it's still dark, I'll handle things, alright?"

"But what if the 'Slasher' attacks you too?"

"I'd gladly sacrifice myself for your safety."

The girl gasped, nearly dropping the bean-paste bun she had taken out of its packaging, her brows furrowing disapprovingly. "Grandma!"

Before their conversation could continue, your group approached. The girl looked up, her eyes widening with a mix of surprise and caution.

"Good evening! Lovely weather tonight, wouldn't you say?" Rengoku greeted them with his trademark grin.

"Good evening," the woman replied with a friendly nod. "Yes, the weather is quite pleasant. Is there something you need?"

Tanjiro stepped forward, his empathetic nature evident in his voice. "Sorry, but we couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Is everything alright here?"

The little girl shifted uncomfortably, her worry evident despite trying to maintain a composed facade. "Oh, um, yes! Everything's fine... it's not like there's a killer lurking about. Nope!"

Rengoku, deciding to be straightforward about the situation, spoke up. "I see! Well, I'm searching for the one you call 'Slasher'. Have you seen them?"

The little girl quickly stands and gets into a defensive stance, holding her arms out. She shakes from anger or anxiety, her eyes narrowing as she looks you all over with a scrutinizing glare. She did not want to discuss the ‘Slasher’ at all; it would only make matters worse. She had enough to worry about, and having a group of random people going around looking for them would be bad for business.

"What? No, of course not! Go away!"

"Watch out! If you keep shaking like that, you'll drop your bean-paste bun!"

"Get lost!"

The girl shrieks, flinging the bun straight at Rengoku. It smacks him squarely in the face, sticking and momentarily obscuring his view of the varied expressions around him. He reaches up, removes the bun, and takes a bite without hesitation, a smile spreading across his lips.


The girl continues her tirade, seemingly unphased by his exuberant attitude. "Don't speak about the 'Slasher'! You'll just scare more people away! They aren't here!"

"Fuku, calm down," the elderly woman soothes, resting her hand on the girl's shoulder. "I don't think they mean any harm. They seem to want to help, right? If this 'Slasher' is still around, I'd be grateful to have these people take care of them."

The girl looks down, feeling a pang of remorse as everyone nods. "I'm sorry, I've just been on edge because of the incidents. No one wants to come around the station and buy our food anymore, but we really need the money. I'm afraid that even talking about it will just bring more bad news."

"It's okay. People like you shouldn't have to worry about life-threatening danger. But rest assured, I'll deal with this 'Slasher'! We'll be on our way now."

The girl's grin widens, but it quickly shifts to a sheepish expression as she stops you all from leaving and picks up the tray holding the various lunch boxes and drinks, her eyes flickering down.

"I really am sorry for before," she begins, her tone apologetic, "and this is shameless of me, but would you be willing to buy something before you go?"

As the girl's request hung in the air, your group exchanged glances, silently considering her offer. Rengoku, with a friendly smile, spoke up first.

"I would be delighted to buy some of your delicious offerings," he said warmly, reaching into his pocket for coins. "It's the least we can do after causing a bit of a ruckus."

The girl's eyes lit up with gratitude as she started to gather a few boxes, one for each person present. "Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them," she said earnestly.

Rengoku beamed and nodded enthusiastically. "I'm sure they're great. And I'll be buying them all!"

The girl paused, gasping in surprise at his declaration. "A-All?! Are you sure?"

"Absolutely!" He affirmed with a cheerful smile.

After Rengoku purchased all the available items for sale, Hiraku took it upon himself to gather the food into three big bags, carrying one on his back and the other two in his hands.

"This sure is a lot of food," Hiraku commented with amusement.

"Can we even eat all of that?" Zenitsu wondered aloud, glancing at the abundance of food.

"No, probably not." Rengoku hummed in thought for a moment, then grabbed one of the bags, his grin widening as he announced, "We'll take one bag for ourselves and give the rest to the other Corps members!"

The idea was met with nods of agreement and appreciation from the group. It was a thoughtful gesture that would surely be welcomed by fellow Demon Slayer Corps members. With the bags of food in tow, your group bid farewell to the girl and her grandmother. As you left the train station and ventured back into the darkness outside, the night air seemed lighter, filled with a sense of joy. The weight of the mission still loomed, but the brief encounter had lifted spirits within your group.

Tanjiro and you offered to help carry some of the load, but Hiraku politely refused with a small smile and promptly left the train station by himself to return to the headquarters and give the other members of the Corps the other two bags of food. You all watched him disappear into the night, making his way towards the town where he would stay for the night before leaving the region. The girl and her grandmother watched as your group left and began to close up for the night. The elderly woman turned to her granddaughter with a small smile as she started to clean and lock up the little shop.

However, a sudden chill down her spine made her uneasy.

"Fuku, we need to hurry home," she said, her voice carrying a note of urgency. "Something tells me we shouldn't stay here much longer tonight..."

Exiting the train station, Rengoku leads your group back outside. He has come to the conclusion that the 'Slasher' was using the trains to travel back and forth, killing as many people as possible. If his suspicions are correct, you might encounter the 'Slasher' on the next train or at another station and finally be able to eliminate the threat. As you wait around, you find yourself staring off into space, gazing at the stars above. It's a quiet, peaceful night despite the looming threat. However, you're not overly worried about the outcome of this mission. You have your companions and Rengoku, an incredibly determined and strong Hashira, with you. Yet, you can't shake the feeling that perhaps you're too comfortable, and anything could go wrong.

Life, as you know, is often unfair and unpredictable.

Watching the stars twinkling above, you take a slow, deep breath and close your eyes, hoping and praying that tonight will end well, even though the odds are mostly in your favor. You have to believe that everything will turn out alright, that your team will be able to slay the demon terrorizing the town and train station. If it has killed and eaten over forty people, then it's plausible that it's indeed quite strong and cunning—a Twelve Kizuki or an Upper Moon. You don't have any experience facing either of those ranks, but you know they shouldn't be underestimated. If it really is a powerful demon, you'll all have to be extra careful.

The silence is suddenly broken as Rengoku turns to face everyone and commands attention, his voice more subdued than normal, although he still has a small smile on his face.

"I want all of you to stay here," Rengoku's eyes flicker over each member, making eye contact. "If this demon is as quick and strong as it appears, and it happens to return here, it would be best for you to stick together. I will go to the next station and warehouse alone and search for it there."

Rengoku's command hung in the air, each member of the group weighing the gravity of his words. The idea of Rengoku facing a powerful demon alone sent a shiver down your spine, yet you placed your trust in his strength and experience. Before departing, he placed the bag of food down, swiftly grabbed a box for everyone, handed them out, packed it back up, and slung it over his shoulder. As the Flame Hashira strode towards the next train station and warehouse on foot, a mix of apprehension and determination settled in. This marked the moment of truth, the culmination of your training and resolve.

With Rengoku's departure, the group gathered closely, exchanging silent nods and encouraging glances.

The group fell into a tense silence, your senses alert and focused on your surroundings. Time seemed to slow as you waited, the quiet anticipation punctuated only by the occasional rustle of movement or whispered exchange as you all ate your boxes of food. The night felt alive with the potential for danger, and every minute that passed felt like an eternity. Zenitsu jumped and perked up when he heard footsteps approaching from the train station behind them. His shoulders relaxed as he realized it was just the older woman and her granddaughter, preparing to leave for the night. They waved and pushed their cart along, but Tanjiro and Zenitsu both noticed how difficult it was, so they offered to help escort them back to their home.

The younger girl tried to refuse their help, clearly not wanting to be seen as weak or incapable, but she relented when her grandmother voiced how tired she was, no longer having the energy or strength that she used to have. Watching them leave, you and Inosuke were left to stay guard at the station. After around ten minutes of standing around, you grew bored and started to pace the platform, slowly making your way over to the edge. Inosuke followed you, his head on a swivel as you took a seat, gently swinging your legs as they dangled below. You half-expected him to yell at you for sitting down, or even tackle you, but he remained quiet by your side.

The minutes ticked by, the night seeming to drag on, and you started to grow a little weary. Tanjiro and Zenitsu still hadn’t shown back up, likely because the elderly woman and her granddaughter lived further in town. You weren’t worried about them, though, as it was unlikely that any demons would be lurking in the town even at this hour. It was bustling with activity and bright lights kept the darkness at bay. You almost started to worry about your mentor, Rengoku, but you knew he was more than capable of handling himself. This just left your mind to wander to your current situation with Inosuke. You were both alone at this train station. With the station closed for the night, there were only a few dim lights scattered around.

You weren’t necessarily scared, but you did feel a little uneasy with the group being so separated.

What if the demon showed up? 

If it was stronger than the demons you’ve seen and faced before, could you and Inosuke handle it by yourselves? 

You wanted to believe that you could win a battle against the demon, but if it truly was a Twelve Kizuki or an Upper Moon, then what would you even be able to do? You’ve heard of plenty of Demon Slayers of higher skill who hadn’t been so lucky to escape an encounter with such powerful demons, and with you still being relatively inexperienced, it didn’t bode well. As if sensing your nervous energy, Inosuke crouched next to you and huffed, lightly bumping your shoulder with his own. You couldn’t see his face, but you gave him a small smile as you turned your attention back to the night sky, leaning back on your hands. He remained crouched, his arms resting on his knees as he kept watch, scanning the surrounding area and the forest further beyond.

Nearly half an hour later, Tanjiro and Zenitsu showed back up. At first, you hadn't realized it was them as Inosuke instantly jumped to your other side and stood defensively, placing an arm back as if to shield you while pulling out one of his swords. You tried to stand up as quickly as you could, but the moment you both realized it was just your friends returning, you settled back down with a relieved sigh and Inosuke relaxed, plopping down beside you. 

Tanjiro and Zenitsu smiled, joining you and Inosuke sitting on the platform and watching the land. No one spoke, enjoying the silence that hung over the air. Eventually, you had to use the restroom, so you got up and had to reassure the guys that you were fine going alone. Zenitsu protested the most, arguing to accompany you to make sure you would be safe, but he eventually gave up when you gave him an annoyed look. Located on the outer back side of the station, you made your way to the restroom, lazily dragging your feet along. Reaching the door, you pushed it open and entered, the dim light flickering and casting ominous shadows.

Not wanting to be in here any longer than necessary you quickly took care of business, washed your hands, and dried them off on your haori as you exited.

Walking along the wall, you were about to turn the corner and rejoin your friends when you felt a gust of wind. Everything happened in slow motion as you lifted your head and suddenly came face to face with a demon, your body too slow to react. Before you could even scream, it grabbed you by the throat and lifted you into the air. You tried to kick and pull its hand away, but the lack of oxygen quickly disoriented you and made it difficult to function.

‘Not good..!’

Its grip around your throat loosened by a fraction as it heard the voices of your friends just around the corner, about fifty yards away. It grinned and carried you with it as it walked around the corner and watched your companions, completely unaware of what was happening right behind them. As it walked out, your friends turned around, expecting to see you returning from the restroom. But their faces paled, expressions grim as they jumped to their feet and brandished their blades, preparing to attack. The demon stopped them from moving, though.

“Don’t move a muscle or I’ll squeeze the very life out of her!” it threatened, its hand constricting tightly around your neck. 

Your face started to turn red and blue as the air was restricted from entering your lungs. Inosuke growled, his chest heaving as he fought the urge to jump in and eliminate the demon, but he wasn’t careless enough to do so with your life on the line—he needed an opening. This demon had to have been extremely fast and quiet if none of them had even noticed it until it showed up with you in its clutch. If they all took him on, they could possibly win; however, with you being held hostage, it wasn’t an option right now and it greatly pissed him off.

‘Damn it, Bubbles! I told you to expect the unexpected, why’d you have to let your guard down? You should’ve just let cry-baby here go with you!’

Inosuke’s gaze flicked to the side to see the reactions of the others. Zenitsu trembled, his eyes blown wide as his jaw and fists clenched. The sight of you dangling in the demon’s grasp, your eyes struggling to stay open as you slowly started to lose consciousness, drove him wild with an intense fear and anger that he’d never felt before. However, he didn't dare make a move. It wasn’t worth risking your life. 

They would have to follow its orders if you were to have a chance of surviving.

Tanjiro burned holes into the demon as he stared it down, his brows pinched with anger and worry for your well-being as he seethed. “Let her go!”

“Hmmm, and what if I don’t?” the demon taunted, bringing its other hand up to drag a nail over your cheek. “Do you think any of you could make me?”

With a quick flick of its finger, it cut your cheek, leaving a streak of blooming red. Tanjiro stepped forward but immediately stopped when the demon quickly placed its hand right over your chest and grinned wickedly, poised to pierce through your heart. Zenitsu made a choked sound and stumbled forward as his hand instinctively darted out, as if he could somehow reach you, but he only fell to his knees as he essentially pleaded for your life.

“Stop, d-don’t hurt her! Just let her go!”

It leaned closer to your face, sniffing as it caught the scent of your blood. “Ahh, a Marechi… how delightful!"  It grinned again and chuckled lowly as it dug its finger into the fresh wound to produce more blood. "She will certainly make a delicious meal.”

"Aghhh, you bastard! You're gonna pay for that,” Inosuke bellowed, stomping his feet and swinging his swords up into an offensive position, pointing the blades directly at the demon. “You better watch out, cause I’m gonna tear you into a thousand shreds!”

As the energy intensified and your friends’ agitation became palpable, the demon took one step back and quickly raised its arm, preparing to strike, fingers straightened like a spear as it drove forward. Just like before, everything moved in slow motion as you watched through blurred vision. You’d probably pass out before you died, but the thought didn’t make it any less painful. The faces of your friends became etched in your mind as they began to move and the demon’s hand inched closer and closer, their panicked voices drowned out by the pounding in your head. Your heart panged, not wanting them to suffer with the guilt of you dying right before their very eyes because they couldn’t save you in time. It wasn’t their fault you had been so careless and let your guard down. You just hoped they’d be able to fight this demon and win once you were gone.

Your eyelids slowly slid shut as the last remnants of consciousness started to fade.

'Why am I always passing out...'


A burst of warm air fanned over you as your body was suddenly pulled from the demon and cradled within firm but gentle arms. You barely lifted your head and blinked to find yourself looking at Rengoku from beneath his chin. You couldn’t see his face, but you could feel the fire burning within him as he held you close, his form hunched protectively over you.

“Rengoku-san, I'm…” your voice barely came out as you struggled to speak. 

You wanted to apologize. You should have been more cautious, quicker, and much stronger than you were before. How could you let a demon capture you? You nearly died from your carelessness, and your friends would’ve had to helplessly watch had he not shown back up in the nick of time. You felt ashamed with the fact that your mentor had to save you, even though you've been training tirelessly. Why couldn't you ever do anything right?

He briefly glanced down at you, his signature smile making an appearance. “Are you alright?”

You managed to nod and smile a little before passing out from the lack of oxygen and the adrenaline crashing through you. Rengoku’s gaze remained on you for a few more seconds, stopping to stare at the line of red on your cheek. Though he was still smiling, it didn’t reach his eyes as he looked back at the demon with a hardened gaze. The demon snarled as it held its severed arm, gritting its teeth as the limb regenerated. Rengoku carefully laid you down and stepped away, your other companions still standing a few feet away.

“How the hell did you catch up to me so fast,” the demon queried with an annoyed huff.

The demon had stumbled upon Rengoku at the warehouse where the Mugen Train was undergoing maintenance. Initially, he had intended to slaughter the humans there, only for the Hashira's unexpected arrival to disrupt his plans. Thinking he had escaped, he grew eager upon encountering a group of less experienced Slayers, hoping to prey on them. Unbeknownst to him, the Hashira had relentlessly pursued him since their first encounter.

Rengoku widened his stance, his head held high. “I told you not to get too cocky earlier.”

Growling, the demon made a proposition. “Hmph! You're fast, I'll give you that. How about we play a little game? I win if I can slash that girl’s throat open. You win if you sever my head before I do.”

“I accept your challenge!” Rengoku grabbed his blade and got into position, his smile growing as he added, “Good luck!”

The trio gasped and made disgruntled noises at his statement. They all wanted to be by your side and carry you further away to safety but knew that they couldn’t interfere. They had to trust Rengoku. The demon didn’t even blink before Rengoku rushed forward with incredible speed, swirling flames around him, his blade swinging down in a fiery arc and slicing straight through the demon’s neck. 

It was over before if even truly began.

“I win!” he shouted in victory.

The demon’s face contorted into a mix of shock and fury as it crumbled to the ground and turned to ash, blowing away in a soft breeze. Standing back up straight, Rengoku sheathed his blade with one hand remaining on the hilt as he turned to face the others who looked at him with wide eyes of astonishment.

Tanjiro's voice trembled slightly, breaking the silence. "R-Rengoku-san…"

His voice trailed off, unsure of what to say. His brain felt sluggish after experiencing that terrifying moment. He was relieved beyond measure that Rengoku had returned so quickly. His worry wasn't so much for himself, Zenitsu, or Inosuke as it was for you. You had been caught off guard and were trapped within the demon's claws, and there was nothing he or the other two could do in that moment to save you. He didn't even want to entertain the thought—the idea of you dying before his eyes made him feel sick to his stomach.

"Oh man, I’m so glad you showed up…" Zenitsu said, almost as if he were echoing Tanjiro's thoughts, his body seeming to deflate as the crisis was averted.

"So, is that it?" Inosuke inquired with curiosity, hands on his hips. "What about the Boo-vin Train?"

"It's the Mugen Train," Zenitsu corrected him with a sigh.

Inosuke dismissed Zenitsu's correction, waiting for Rengoku's response. Rengoku hummed as he approached your unconscious form on the ground, carefully lifting you into his arms before addressing the question.

"Well, that demon was hiding in the maintenance warehouse where the Mugen Train is currently being serviced. It will be finished tonight and return tomorrow."

"What a relief," Tanjiro said with a small smile. "So everyone can relax now, right?"

"It's a bit too soon to say that. A demon who has devoured more than forty people is surely much more formidable," Rengoku cautioned.

Tanjiro caught on quickly, his expression becoming tense. “You mean… that demon—the ‘Slasher’—was just a distraction?”

Rengoku nodded gravely. “That might very well be true. A demon that is far more powerful and mysterious may lurk within the Mugen Train itself.”

"So, what's our next move?"

"We'll board the Mugen Train tomorrow evening!"

The next day, you wake up to the soft glow of dawn filtering through shoji screens, the delicate paper panels diffusing the early morning light into a gentle luminescence that bathes the room. The air is cool and fresh, carrying the faint scent of pine from the nearby forest through a partially opened window. The futon beneath you is warm and comfortable, a cocoon of softness against the early chill. The sounds of the countryside stir outside—distant bird calls and the rustling of leaves in the wind. As your eyes adjust to the gentle illumination, you take in the serene simplicity of the room. The wooden beams above you are dark and polished, their grain telling stories of time and tradition. A low table stands in the center of the room, its surface reflecting the soft light.

Just then, someone gently knocks, a kneeled shadow looming behind the shoji screens. You rise slowly and open the doors, revealing Rengoku on the other side.

He stands and enters the room with a bright smile. “Good, you’re awake! How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Fine,” you croak, wincing at the sore and bruised feeling of your throat. "Where are we?"

"Ah, after you passed out, we came back into town and found a hospitable Ryokan for us to stay," he explained.

His eyes briefly flicker to the slight discoloration on your neck, his expression remaining neutral except for the subtle pinch in his brow as his gaze is drawn away to the small table. You notice the two sets of beautifully lacquered trays he’s carrying as he sets them down. Each tray holds a simple breakfast: a bowl of steaming miso soup, a small dish of pickled vegetables, and a perfectly shaped onigiri wrapped in seaweed. The meals are modest yet inviting, a perfect reflection of the Ryokan’s understated elegance. A simple tea set is arranged to the side, promising warmth in the cool morning air. You salivate at the sight, but a question nags at you: what happened to the large bag of lunch boxes he bought last night?

As if sensing your silent question, Rengoku glances back up and grins. “I gave all of the lunch boxes to the maintenance workers last night, so unfortunately, we won't be able to enjoy them. However, breakfast is provided here, so don't worry!” he reassures, gesturing for you to join him at the low table. “We’ll need our strength for the day ahead, so let’s eat!”

As you maneuver over and settle down at the low table, Rengoku begins preparing a cup of tea. The gentle clink of porcelain cups fills the air as he pours the steaming hot liquid, its rich aroma blending with the scent of breakfast. The tranquility of the Ryokan seeps into the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere that soothes your senses. The aroma of the food and tea must be strong because a few loud huffs are heard before Inosuke suddenly bursts through the doors and into your room, his hair mussed up and falling over his face. He pushes it back messily as he eyes the food, his stomach audibly grumbling.

“Hell yeah, grub!” he exclaims.

His outburst startles Zenitsu awake from the next room over, and he gently shakes Tanjiro from his slumber. They quickly join the three of you in your room. Realizing what is about to happen, Zenitsu steps in and grabs onto Inosuke, halting his steps.

"Inosuke, that's for Y/n-chan! We have to go get our own," Zenitsu rebukes as he drags Inosuke away.

Tanjiro follows after them to make sure they don't get into trouble. After a couple of minutes, they come back with their own trays of food. Everyone is quiet as they eat, enjoying the slow and peaceful morning. However, once everyone has had their fill of food, Rengoku commands your attention and announces that the Mugen Train is scheduled to arrive this evening. This leaves you with quite a bit of time to explore the town and do whatever you want for a while—a moment of repose from the hectic and harrowing night before, and the one to come.

The decision to board the train where over forty passengers had disappeared left you with a sense of unease. A strange, heavy sensation settled in your chest, sinking down to your stomach. Last night had been semi-eventful, and while your group, particularly Rengoku, had successfully defeated the demon, you couldn't shake the ominous feeling that something terrible was still on the horizon, something beyond what you had initially imagined. Especially when Tanjiro had informed you about the situation.

That demon from last night most likely wasn’t the real threat, and it left a bitter taste on your tongue as you drank the rest of your drink. You were not looking forward to what lay ahead. Although nervous, you had been so excited to accompany your companions on this mission. But with how things turned out last night, you were starting to regret coming here and doubting yourself once again. You had almost died if not for the swift reappearance of Rengoku. You felt ashamed having to be rescued by your very mentor.

You greatly owed him, as well as the others, for saving your life—not once, but a handful of times now.

Everyone got ready for the day and headed out into the town to explore all the different shops and other sights. There was much more to do and see in this town compared to the village you had visited on your first mission. Feeling a little excited to roam the streets and take your mind off of things, you quickly veered away from the others and made your way down the cobbled road in search of adventure that was far less dangerous than your job. Before you could wander too far, Zenitsu caught up and skipped to your side, giving you a friendly smile.

"Hey, where are you heading off to?"

You shrugged. "Not sure! I was just going to look around."

"Would it be alright if I came with you?" he asked, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he anxiously waited for your reply.

"Sure, let's go!"

You grinned and grabbed his hand as your attention was instantly drawn elsewhere, oblivious to the way he started sweating and blushing as you dragged him along. He prayed that you couldn't feel how clammy his palm had gotten clutched within your hand, his heart racing with the innocent gesture. He nearly tripped a few times as he tried to keep up with you, finding it difficult to tear his eyes away from you. The way that you were smiling, the excitement and happiness glowing on your face, made his heart squeeze in his chest. He was glad that you didn't seem too upset about last night. However, it was sweet torture being so close to you, yet being so far apart in terms of your relationship—or lack of, romantically wise.

You're friends, and he cherishes being able to call himself that!

But it doesn't stop him from wanting more...

Despite the passage of time, his feelings have remained steadfast. If anything, they've only grown stronger, becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. He's gone out of his way for you, from picking flowers to listening to your complaints, training together, and consistently being by your side as a friend above all else. However, his feelings for you have transcended mere friendship, evolving into something he might cautiously label as love. While he can't definitively claim it's love, it seems like the closest word to encapsulate his emotions. What he can affirm is that his initial crush on you has deepened significantly. And he's managed to keep these feelings under control, not wanting to cause you any discomfort.

Yet, how long can he realistically contain them?

While he has flirted with you in the past (if those interactions can even be called that), it has always felt obvious to him, though you seemed oblivious. Admittedly, he was more confident and flirtatious when you were still new to learning Japanese. Naturally, you had no idea what was going on at the time, so he can't blame you for turning a blind eye to his burgeoning feelings. And despite being able to communicate and understand each other, he wouldn't dare to express his feelings as he has now.

But he has mulled over the idea of just putting an end to his suffering by confessing already, however, he feels as if just spilling his guts to you randomly would be quite the shock and overwhelming, so he chooses to bite his tongue and remain quiet.

And surprisingly, his objective isn't solely about winning your affection anymore. Beyond the desire to call you his own, what he truly longs for is to witness your happiness, to hear your laughter, and to be as close to you as you'll allow. This doesn't signify him giving up; rather, it reflects the depth of his feelings. Surely, that must mean something? He feels as if it's indicative of his personal growth. Previously, he would have pursued you relentlessly, driven by the fear of loneliness rather than genuine connection.

Now, his motivations have shifted.

He's realized that his past actions, aimed at making you like him more, left him feeling dissatisfied—much like the bitterness of the medicine he took while recovering from the poison effects of the Spider Demon on Mount Natagumo. That realization had lead to another—he doesn't want your affection simply because he has feelings for you.

He desires your admiration and affection for who he is, not just for what he does.

As far as he knows, you appreciate him as a friend, and that's good enough. Nonetheless, his mind still races and his heart quickens whenever he's in your presence, a testament to the depth of his complex emotions. As the day progresses and you continue your exploration, you notice his subtle glances and the way his eyes light up whenever he looks at you. There's a warmth in his gaze that speaks volumes, a silent understanding that transcends words. With each step you take together, his admiration for you grows, intertwined with a tinge of wistfulness for what could be. He revels in the simplicity of your friendship, yet he can't help but wonder about the possibilities beyond.

What would it be like to hold your hand not just as friends but as something more? The thought lingers in the back of his mind, a silent longing that he pushes aside in favor of treasuring the present moment.

He catches himself smiling as you excitedly point out a quaint shop with clothes and jewelry, your eyes alight with curiosity. His heart warms at your enthusiasm, and he finds himself sharing in your excitement, imagining what it would be like to share moments like this on a deeper level. But he quickly reins in those thoughts, reminding himself of the importance of patience and respecting your boundaries. With a gentle smile, he nods in agreement as you suggest going into the shop and browsing the merchandise, appreciating the simple joy of exploring new places with you. As you chat animatedly about the textures and patterns, he finds himself genuinely interested in your thoughts and opinions, savoring these moments of togetherness. 

In that moment, as you share a laugh over the way a simple ring had gotten stuck on your pointer finger (which he insisted on paying for), he realizes that regardless of what the future may hold, having you as a friend is a gift he treasures above all else. The idea of sharing more experiences like this with you, where laughter and conversation flow effortlessly, brings a sense of contentment to his heart.

You continue browsing around, enjoying each other's company for a while, walking in amicable silence. Once you leave the store, you decide to search for your other friends and spend some one-on-one time with them as well. Zenitsu is understanding and bids you farewell as you search for either one of your other companions: Tanjiro or Inosuke. After a few minutes of searching, you spot Tanjiro walking down the street, his expression curious as he takes in the sights around him. You hurry over to catch up with him, calling out his name. Tanjiro turns towards you with a bright smile, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you.

"Hey there! What have you been up to?" Tanjiro asks, his voice filled with genuine interest.

"Hey! Zenitsu-kun and I walked around for a bit and found a nice little store," you reply, matching his smile. "We just got done and I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you too."

Tanjiro's smile widens at your words, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "That sounds wonderful! I'm glad you thought of spending time with me." He gestures for you to walk alongside him as you continue down the street. "Did you find anything interesting?"

You nod, recalling the atmosphere and beautiful variety of clothing, accessories, and jewelry. "Yeah, I did. It was a really nice shop, but I have a ring now because it accidentally got stuck!"

As you stroll along, Tanjiro enthusiastically shares his interest in your time spent with Zenitsu and laughs as you show him your finger. It didn't appear swollen or discolored, but the ring certainly wasn't going to budge anytime soon. The conversation flows effortlessly between you, punctuated with laughter and shared moments of discovery. After a while, Tanjiro's eyes light up as he suggests exploring a nearby park that caught his eye during his earlier exploration of the town.

"There's a beautiful park not too far from here," he mentions, excitement evident in his voice. "It looked like it has a lot of flowers that bloom around this time of year."

You enthusiastically agree, eager to bask in the tranquility of the park and relish more quality time with your friend. Together, you meander towards the park, exchanging lively conversation and shared laughter along the way, cherishing the bond of friendship that deepens with every moment spent together. Upon arriving at the park, a sense of serenity washes over you, accompanied by the gentle fluttering of leaves and flower petals in the breeze. The landscape is adorned with a delightful array of hydrangeas, sunflowers, lavender, and morning glories, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors. Tanjiro guides you to a secluded spot beneath a vibrant maple tree, its leaves forming a picturesque canopy overhead.

"Wow, isn't this place beautiful?" you exclaim, eyes sparkling with appreciation for the natural beauty around you.

"It's stunning," Tanjiro agrees, his eyes wandering around the peaceful ambiance of the park before falling back on you with a gentle smile. "I'm glad we could share this moment together."

You return his smile, feeling a warmth in your heart at his words.

"Me too," you say softly, touched by the sincerity in his gaze. "It's moments like these that make everything else seem insignificant..."

Tanjiro nods in understanding, his expression reflecting a deep appreciation for the tranquility of the park and the closeness between you.

"Sometimes, it really is the simple things in life that bring us the most joy," he muses, a thoughtful glint in his eyes.

You find a comfortable spot on the grass, and Tanjiro joins you, both of you leaning back against the tree trunk. The tranquility of the park washes over you, momentarily quieting the hustle and bustle of daily life around the town. As you sit together, Tanjiro opens up about his past experiences growing up as a child and as a Demon Slayer within recent years, sharing the challenges he faced and the lessons he learned. You listen attentively, captivated by every detail, and admire his deep affection and dedication to his family during his upbringing. The warmth and comfort he describes from being surrounded by such love resonate deeply with you. Having a family like his becomes a cherished aspiration for your own future. And his passion for protecting others and his determination to become stronger shine through in his words.

In turn, you share your own thoughts and experiences, discussing your growth as a Demon Slayer and the valuable lessons you've learned along the way. Tanjiro listens intently, offering thoughtful insights and expressing his admiration for your dedication and perseverance. The conversation shifts to lighter topics, and you find yourselves reminiscing about your adventures together, sharing fond memories and laughter. Time seems to slow down as you enjoy each other's company in the tranquil setting of the park. As the sky begins to deepen into shades of orange and purple, signaling the approaching evening, Tanjiro stands up, stretching his arms with a satisfied sigh.

"It's getting late," he remarks, glancing at the fading light. "We should head back soon."

You nod in agreement, rising to your feet as well. "Yeah, it's been a wonderful afternoon. Thank you for spending time with me, Tanjiro."

He smiles warmly, his eyes reflecting genuine affection. "Anytime!"

Together, you make your way out of the park, filled with memories of your time together that bring you a sense of peace and gratitude. Walking side by side, the bond between you and Tanjiro feels stronger than ever, a testament to the power of friendship and shared experiences. Then you part ways. Now, all that's left is to find Inosuke and spend the last hour and a half with him, but that might be easier said than done. Your hot-headed friend always seems to be up to no good and getting into trouble. As you weave through the streets in search of Inosuke, you can't help but feel a sense of fondness for your unpredictable friend. Despite his brash exterior and tendency to charge into situations without much forethought, Inosuke's unpredictability and playfulness are qualities you admire.

Suddenly, a familiar commotion up ahead catches your attention.

A crowd has gathered, and amidst the sea of faces, you catch a glimpse of Inosuke's distinct boar mask. He's surrounded by a group of curious onlookers, regaling them with exaggerated tales of his latest escapades. You quickly make your way over and wordlessly drag him away, not wanting him to get into any trouble by potentially spilling any Corps secrets or rising suspicions and panic about the existence of demons. As you guide him to a quieter corner, you can feel the weight of the situation settling on your shoulders. The Corps' secrets are tightly guarded, and any slip-up could have dire consequences not just for him but for everyone involved. With a mixture of caution and concern, you begin to question him discreetly, trying to gauge how much he might have inadvertently revealed and how to mitigate any potential fallout. The delicate dance of secrecy and trust within the Corps is a constant balancing act, and in moments like these, every word and action carries significant weight.

Fortunately, he hasn't divulged anything about the Demon Slayer Corps or demons, instead sharing tales of his solitary life on a mountain with a group of boars.

As you lead Inosuke further away from the commotion, a sense of relief washes over you. You suggest spending some time together away from the crowds, perhaps exploring a quieter part of town or grabbing a drink. To your surprise, Inosuke nods without protest, his usual boisterousness momentarily subdued. He follows you quietly, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of a different kind of adventure. You decide to take him to a charming little teahouse nestled in a small nook at the end of the street. It was bold choice given the nature of your wild friend, but you wanted to experience something new with him. The soft lights and the gentle music playing in the background on a record player create a soothing ambiance, a stark contrast to the bustling streets you left behind. As you both walk inside, Inosuke eyes the delicate teacups and elegant teapots lining shelves with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"This place is weird," he mutters, but there's a hint of intrigue in his voice.

"Give it a try! You might be surprised."

He grunts and leans back on a wall, arms crossed over his chest. A middle-aged woman approaches and greets you, immediately diving into her work by discussing the various teas and other goods available. She brings out a box containing different tea blends, explaining their flavors and the benefits of each one. You end up choosing a blend of Green Tea, while Inosuke opts for a blend of Sencha. The woman swiftly brings you into a quiet room and prepares the tea, and before you know it, you have two steaming cups in front of you as you sit on the tatami floor. Inosuke eyes the tea suspiciously, slowly removing his mask before taking a cautious sip. His expression shifts from uncertainty to pleasant surprise as the warm, earthy notes dance on his tongue.

"Hey, this isn't bad!" he exclaims, taking another sip with more enthusiasm this time.

As Inosuke starts to relax in the serene atmosphere of the teahouse, you notice his guard gradually lowering, his shoulders easing from their usual tense posture. As you sip your own tea, you engage Inosuke in a small conversation about the various flavors and traditions of tea that you learned while reading and studying books when Uzui was teaching you Japanese. Surprisingly, he listens intently, asking questions and sharing his own thoughts with genuine interest. It's a side of him you rarely see—the curious and contemplative Inosuke, rather than the brash and impulsive warrior.

The teahouse's owner, a wise elderly woman with a kind smile, enters the room and smiles at your interaction. She introduces herself as Maki Hisako and offers to perform a traditional tea ceremony for the both of you. Intrigued, you and Inosuke agree, and she begins the intricate ritual with graceful movements and a peaceful demeanor. Throughout the ceremony, Inosuke watches with rapt attention, his usual energy now focused on the delicate art unfolding before him. As Maki Hisako explains the symbolism behind each step, you also find yourself gaining a new appreciation for the culture and mindfulness involved in the process. By the time the ceremony concludes, Inosuke's demeanor has undergone a subtle transformation. He appears more centered and reflective, his gaze lingering on the serene beauty of the traditional paper walls and art of the teahouse.

"That was... different," Inosuke remarks, his voice carrying a newfound depth.

You smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment in having introduced him to this tranquil experience. "Sometimes, it's good to step away from the battles and noise, even if just for a moment. Taking some time to reflect and meditate is healthy for the mind and body."

Inosuke nods in understanding, taking another sip of his tea with a newfound appreciation. "I'll have to remember that the next time I feel like smashing something..."

You chuckle softly, realizing that even the most rugged and battle-hardened individuals can appreciate moments of peace and tranquility.

Inosuke draws in a breath, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Thanks for this, uh... tea adventure."

"No problem. We should do this more often, huh?"

He doesn't respond, simply looking at you over the rim of his cup as he takes another drink. His eyes quickly flit away as his attention is drawn to the simple decorations dotting the place. As the afternoon sun filters through the windows of the traditional tea room, casting gentle patterns on the tatami floor, you and Inosuke continue to converse. The conversation flows effortlessly, touching on topics beyond battles and training. Inosuke shares snippets of his past adventures, revealing a side of himself that is both fierce and surprisingly introspective. You listen intently, gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities hidden beneath his wild exterior.

"I never knew you had such a knack for storytelling," you comment, impressed by his vivid descriptions and animated gestures.

Inosuke shrugs nonchalantly. "Eh, I just say it like it is. No point in sugarcoating things."

Your laughter fills the air, blending harmoniously with the soothing ambiance of the tea room. It's moments like these that create bonds beyond mere comradeship, forging a friendship built on mutual respect and genuine camaraderie. As the sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow that bathes the room in a golden hue, Inosuke leans back with a contented sigh.

"This... this was actually fun," he admits, a rare smile gracing his features.

You return the smile, feeling a sense of fulfillment in having shared this moment of tranquility with someone who's usually at the forefront of action and adrenaline. It's a testament to the depth of your bond, strengthened not just by shared battles but also by these quiet interludes of understanding and connection. With the last dregs of tea swirling in your cups, you both linger in the peaceful atmosphere, savoring the companionship that has grown between you. Inosuke's gaze meets yours, a silent acknowledgment passing between you—an unspoken promise of more adventures, both on the battlefield and in the serenity of a more quiet setting. Paying for the drinks with the coins Uzui had given you (which he liked to tease you about by calling it an allowance until you start earning your own), you and Inosuke left the shop and bid the owner and the other woman farewell, thanking them for their hospitality. As you made your way back towards the train station, you and Inosuke remained quiet until regrouping with the others.

Standing on the platform, blending in with the crowd of passengers waiting to board, the tension in the air grew as the moment you'd all been waiting for finally arrived. The demon defeated last night was merely a grunt in terms of the demon rankings. He was taken down too easily, confirming Rengoku's suspicions that the real threat was still present. Armed with this knowledge, each member of your team remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any signs of suspicious activity. Tanjiro's eyes darted around, his senses sharp as he kept a watchful eye on the passengers. Zenitsu's nervous energy seemed to intensify, but he remained focused on the group, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Inosuke's keen instincts kept him alert, his gaze sweeping the area for any potential threats as he paced back and forth.

As the train finally arrived and passengers began boarding, the atmosphere grew even more tense. Inosuke's attention was immediately captured by the locomotive, his excitement and wonder palpable as he charged at the hulking ton of metal. He kicked and slammed his fists against it, mistaking it for some sort of giant beast. Zenitsu hurriedly intervened, explaining that the train wasn't a threat and trying to restrain Inosuke to ensure he boarded with the rest of the group. Tanjiro, who also hadn't seen a train before, stared at it in awe and advised Inosuke not to attack things, especially if this were some kind of spirit of the land. Zenitsu's expression turned vacant as he reiterated that the train was merely a mode of transportation, not a creature, muttering under his breath that they were way too sheltered—calling them "country bumpkins" and "mountain dwellers."

As soon as you all boarded the train, Inosuke's wild nature was on full display once again. He rushed to a window, pounding his fists against the glass before managing to roll it open and stick his head out, laughing and shouting excitedly. You quickly intervened, pulling him back into his seat and firmly holding onto his hands between the both of you. At first, Inosuke protested vehemently, squirming to break free, but eventually, he relented, the tension in his body gradually easing as he settled down. It was an unspoken agreement that you would sit with Inosuke, given your knack for calming him down compared to the others. Tanjiro settled himself by Rengoku's side, taking the seat right next to the window. Across from them, Zenitsu positioned himself near the box containing Nezuko, which was also nestled against the window.

With a moment of quiet, you found yourself lost in thought. You've been adept at pushing away negativity about yourself or the situations you find yourself in, knowing such thoughts would hinder your growth as both a person and a Demon Slayer.

However, there were still moments when doubt crept in, much like now.

With the knowledge of a powerful demon in your midst, you couldn't help but question if you had made the right choice in joining. Rengoku hadn't initially chosen you, but he allowed you to join the group despite your sneaking along, too determined to be left behind. It was an opportunity to prove yourself once more, but that was before the realization that a member of the Twelve Kizuki or possibly an Upper Rank was involved. Had you known that beforehand, your decision might have been different. You had only truly faced one demon, discounting your encounters with the Drum Demon, the grotesque one with the long tongue, and the Spider Demon on Mount Natagumo. Your life has been in danger multiple times now, and the way tonight had unfolded, with you being captured and your life hanging by a thread, it left you feeling less than pleased with yourself.

Now, you feared that you would only get in the way and distract the others. They had so much more experience and their own set of unique skills. Your own abilities were limited; you had only completed your first and only mission, largely relying on luck rather than skill.

What hope do you have of accomplishing anything? Why are you here? Could this possibly be the end of the line for you as a Demon Slayer? If things don't go as planned, it could turn bad very quickly for you, which is highly likely given the danger that awaits. Moreover, if you do happen to lose your life, you'll never get the answers to all of the questions you still had—most notably, who you were and who you would have become. And that upset you a lot more than you cared to admit. It seemed foolish and selfish to worry about your own concerns, when you should be more focused on how those around you would be affected.

The others were caught up in their own conversations, but the uneven, loud sound of your heart caught Zenitsu's attention.

Leaning into the aisle, he waved to you with a low voice. "Is something wrong, Y/n-chan? You seem upset..." 

"It's nothing to worry about. I'm just being silly, as usual," you began, intending to shift the topic away. 

However, the way he looked at you with such interest and patience made you forget your original intention. You felt as if you could be more vulnerable with him, something you and the others had contemplated not too long ago—sharing your hopes and fears, and being more open with each other.

"It's just... I've struggled a lot with myself. My past, the present, and future are all so uncertain, and it scares me. And then I think about everyone else—you, Tanjiro-kun, Inosuke-kun, Uzui-san, Rengoku-san, Mitsuri-san, Shinobu-san, Giyuu-san, and even all of the other people I've barely spoken to... and I consider how all of your problems must be a thousand times more difficult. And yet... you all are so brave and carry on working hard every day. How do you do it?"

Zenitsu remains quiet for a few moments before uttering, “I don’t know. To be honest, I’m not that brave or strong… and I think your problems are more significant than mine. I’m just a guy with a lot of insecurities! But you? You have so much on your shoulders, yet you carry it so well. You are brave, smart, and strong… more than I’ll ever hope to be. But I’m working on it and that’s all anyone can do, right?”

"Yeah," you murmur contemplatively, a soft smile spreading across your face. "I suppose so. But you're also all those things and more."

Zenitsu's expression softened, a glimmer of gratitude shining in his eyes as he absorbed your words. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation. "It means a lot coming from you."

As the conversation lingered in the air, you couldn't help but reflect on the bond you shared with Zenitsu and the rest of your companions. Each of them brought their own struggles and strengths to the table, forming a mosaic of courage and resilience that inspired you daily.

"I think," Zenitsu continued, breaking the momentary silence, "we all find strength in different ways. Sometimes, it's in the support of those around us. Other times, it's in the small victories we achieve, no matter how insignificant they may seem."

His words resonated with you deeply, reminding you of the countless times you'd found solace in the camaraderie of your friends or drawn strength from overcoming challenges, no matter how daunting they appeared at first.

"I guess we're all on this journey together," you mused, a sense of unity and determination settling within you. "Facing our fears, embracing our vulnerabilities, and growing stronger with each step."

Zenitsu nodded in agreement, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Exactly. And as long as we're by each other's side, I believe we can face anything that comes our way."

Reflecting on the unexpected depth of your conversation with Zenitsu, you marveled at the intricate tapestry of connections that had woven itself around you. It was true—you and Zenitsu were vastly different individuals, each with your own quirks, fears, and dreams. Yet, beneath those surface differences lay a common thread of humanity, shared experiences, and a mutual desire for growth and understanding. As you pondered this, memories flickered through your mind—the gentle kindness of Tanjiro, the impassioned determination of Inosuke, the charismatic flair of Uzui, the unwavering resolve of Rengoku, the infectious optimism of Mitsuri, the strategic brilliance of Shinobu, and the silent strength of Giyuu.

Each of them brought something unique to the table, enriching your journey in ways you never could have imagined.

It was indeed fascinating how people from diverse backgrounds and with differing personalities could come together, united by a common purpose or shared experiences. In those moments of connection and understanding, you realized that true bonds transcended superficial differences, weaving a tapestry of friendship and camaraderie that was as beautiful as it was unexpected. As you sat there, basking in the warmth of companionship and shared understanding, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the diverse array of people who had become an integral part of your life's journey. It was a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and open-mindedness—a reminder that in a world filled with differences, it was a shared humanity that ultimately bound you all together.

You weren't ever alone in your thoughts or feelings.

Everyone encountered their own challenges, but with the support and encouragement from those closest to you, and by having faith in yourself, you were capable of accomplishing anything.

This reminder helped ease your mind, if only a little bit.

"Thanks, Zenitsu... I'm glad we got to spend some time together today and had this talk."

He instantly noticed the drop in honorifics, his eyes widening slightly as he glanced at you from the corner of his eye. Ever since you had begun learning Japanese, you'd made an effort to always be formal and use proper speech when speaking with others. You had not once omitted the use of honorifics and had always addressed him and everyone else by their names politely, even though you were friends. Sure, you had given some of them nicknames, which was a sign that you already felt somewhat close and comfortable with them, but it wasn't quite the same. This was different. Dropping the suffix implied a higher degree of intimacy and was generally reserved for one's spouse, younger family members, social inferiors (such as a teacher addressing students in traditional arts), close friends, and confidants.

So did you understand the significance of this change?

Did it mean that you felt an even closer, deeper connection with them... with him?

He had always sensed your strong feelings for your friends, yet this change was unexpected. He wasn't certain if you had addressed the others differently too, but regardless, he welcomed the shift. His heart sang with joy, thrilled that your relationship was evolving. Despite his feelings for you, having close friends who supported each other unconditionally, where they could share their deepest thoughts and emotions, was something he had longed for.

And this moment felt like a solidification of your bonds.

"Yeah, me too," Zenitsu whispered quietly in agreement. "You know, if you ever need someone to talk to in the future, you don't have to hold it all in or look very far; I'll be there to listen to you anytime. I've got great ears," he playfully added, hoping to lift your spirits further.

Smiling, you felt a lightness in your chest as warmth spread from within. You locked eyes with him, nodding as you shared a heartwarming moment. Grateful for him and your friendships with others you've connected with on this wild journey, you allowed previous thoughts to drift to the back of your mind. Lost in reflection on your conversation, you sat in silence for a few minutes until the train lurched forward, jolting you back to the present. Glancing past Inosuke, who seemed to have dozed off for a quick nap, you noticed the shift as the walls and windows vibrated.

Then, you were moving.

The train journey was filled with an undercurrent of anticipation. The rhythmic sound of the train's wheels on the tracks added to the suspense, the train car filled with a mix of ordinary conversations from other passengers and nervous glances exchanged among your group. As the train chugged along, the landscape outside blurred into streaks of green and brown. Each member of your team was on high alert, their senses attuned to any unusual movements or sounds. Tanjiro's hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. Zenitsu muttered prayers under his breath, his eyes darting from window to window.

As the minutes passed, the tension seemed to thicken, creating an almost tangible barrier between your group and the other passengers. The air was heavy with unspoken anticipation, the feeling that danger could strike at any moment hanging over everyone like a dark cloud. Suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the carriage, causing everyone to jump in their seats. Tanjiro and Inosuke (who snorted as he startled awake) were instantly on their feet, scanning the carriage. Zenitsu's hair stood on end as he yelped, his instincts screaming danger.

But it was just a suitcase that had fallen from an overhead compartment, the loud noise a result of a passenger's carelessness.

As the tension eased slightly, a collective sigh of relief swept through the carriage. However, the incident served as a stark reminder that in your line of work, danger could lurk in the most unexpected places. With renewed vigilance, your group settled back into their seats, knowing that the journey ahead would require your utmost focus and readiness. However, with no sign of danger yet, you all began to relax a bit. The rhythmic hum of the train's engine and the gentle sway of the carriage became almost hypnotic, causing eyelids to grow heavy and tense muscles to unwind. Tanjiro leaned back in his seat, his expression softening as he gazed out the window at the passing scenery. Zenitsu's nervous energy seemed to dissipate, his shoulders relaxing as he closed his eyes briefly.

Breaking the silence, Tanjiro turned to Rengoku with a question. "Rengoku-san, there's something I've wanted to ask you."

"Oh? What is it?" Rengoku replied, leaning back against the cushioned seat with his arms crossed over his chest.

"It's about my father."

"What about your father?"

"Well, he was a frail man..." Tanjiro started, pausing briefly.

Rengoku's tone showed interest as he waited for Tanjiro to continue. "Was he now?"

"And yet, he could perform a Kagura dance in freezing weather."

"Well, good for him!" Rengoku commended.

Tanjiro's expression became more focused, a slight pinch appearing in his brow. "And then... Hinokami Kagura, the dance—I found myself doing it just like my father used to during a crucial moment in a battle. My sword had lit up in flames, which has left me wondering if the dance is perhaps related to Flame Breathing. I was hoping if you knew anything about it, you'd be willing to tell me?"

"Certainly!" Rengoku said with a smile, continuing smoothly. "But I don't!"


Tanjiro's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features at the unexpected answer. He had assumed that anyone knowledgeable about the Hinokami Kagura dance would have some connection to Flame Breathing techniques, especially considering his own experience with the dance on Mount Natagumo. Recalling the intense battle with Rui, where his sword had ignited in flames during the performance of the Hinokami Kagura, Tanjiro couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this dance. The memories of that battle, the flames engulfing his blade as he fought with unwavering determination, flashed through his mind.

"I have not even heard of that dance, not once. However, taking this Kagura and adapting it for battle is commendable! But I'm afraid there's nothing more to say about it."

"Wait, hang on. Are you sure you can't think of anything?"

"Mhm!" Rengoku gave a singular nod. "I can, however, tell you this much. Flame Breathing, alongside the other techniques, has a long history. Flame, Water, Wind, Stone, and Thunder—the breathing fundamentals—all other techniques branched off from those five. Like how Mist is a branch of Wind. So, perhaps it's not too far off to assume that dance is related somehow. Now, my question to you is this: what color is your sword?"

"Oh, uhh, my sword is black," Tanjiro said with an inquisitive edge to his voice, curious as to where Rengoku was going with this.

"Is it now? How unfortunate!"

Tanjiro sweatdropped at Rengoku's reply, his face scrunching up. "Why do you say that...?"

"I've yet to see one with a black sword become a Hashira! I also hear those with such a sword have no idea what to master." Rengoku, noticing Tanjiro looking at a loss, did his best to reassure him. "But there's no need to worry; I can train you alongside Y/n-san once this mission is completed!"

Perking up, Tanjiro smiled gratefully for the Hashira's generosity in offering to train him beyond his current abilities. He, Inosuke, and Zenitsu have already somewhat trained with you under Rengoku's supervision, however, it was more like they were tagging along and served as figures of support. Exercising and training together was proving to be beneficial, so the thought of delving deeper, learning more, and becoming even stronger under the Flame Hashira's care was a welcomed idea. With a thoughtful expression, Tanjiro resolved to discover the mysteries surrounding the Hinokami Kagura dance and its potential connections to Flame Breathing techniques. He felt a renewed determination to uncover the secrets of his heritage and unlock the dormant powers within him.

Before long, a man entered the carriage, his voice devoid of emotion as he methodically checked tickets and clipped them, the sound of his ticket puncher clipping through the air like a warning bell. Approaching your group, the man inspected your tickets with a cold efficiency, punching them promptly before leaving the carriage. His departure left behind a lingering sense of discomfort, as if his presence had cast a shadow over your heads. But the absence of any further incidents left you feeling perplexed and on edge. The knowledge that a demon could be hiding among the passengers, possibly disguised as a normal person, kept you vigilant and constantly scanning your surroundings. Despite your best efforts, no particular person stood out as suspicious or caught your attention in a significant way. Each passenger seemed to blend into the background, their faces and actions appearing mundane and unremarkable.

The lights began to flicker overhead, grabbing everyone's attention as they momentarily cut out completely, shrouding the carriage in darkness.

In that moment of darkness, Tanjiro's senses heightened. He caught a faint but overpowering scent, a hint of something ominous that made his skin crawl. As the lights came back to life, Rengoku stood from his seat and swept out into the aisle, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. The sudden movement and the Hashira's alert stance sent a ripple of tension through the group. It was clear that Rengoku had sensed something amiss, his instincts as a seasoned Demon Slayer kicking in. Once again, the atmosphere in the carriage shifted instantly, the brief moment of calm replaced by a palpable sense of danger. Tanjiro exchanged quick glances with you and the other two, every one of you silently preparing for whatever threat might emerge.

In the blink of an eye, a colossal demon with two faces materialized. A wave of fear and panic swept through the carriage as everyone froze, their instincts urging them to create as much distance as possible. They pressed themselves against each other and the windows of the train, desperation and terror evident in their eyes. Your heart raced as you took in the monstrous creature before you. Its grotesque faces exuded a menacing aura, and its sheer size cast a shadow of dread over the passengers. The air crackled with tension as everyone braced themselves for the imminent danger. Rengoku, ever the stalwart Hashira, stood firm in the face of the demon's sudden appearance. His hand tightened around the hilt of his sword, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. 

"What a giant," Rengoku remarked coolly, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Did you use a Blood Demon Art? It was difficult to detect you..."

The demon groaned, its massive form taking a singular lumbering step forward as it stared him down. Rengoku's eyes narrowed, his focus sharpening as he observed the creature's movements. He pulled his sword from its sheath, the metal gleaming in the dim light of the train. With practiced ease, he smoothly swung the blade in front of him to point directly at the demon. The air around him seemed to shift as the temperature rose, a testament to the intensity of his courage and strength.

"Know this, if you bare your fangs at the innocent, I will see your bone turn to ash with my bright red blade of fire!"

The demon roared, its two faces contorting into a menacing expression as it leaned forward, its arms spread out in an attempt to intimidate its adversaries. Without wasting any time, it launched itself towards Rengoku with surprising speed, closing the distance between them in a matter of moments.

'Flame Breathing: First Form—Unknowing Fire!'

As the demon closed in, Rengoku reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. In a display of remarkable agility and skill, he leaped forward to meet the creature head-on. With a powerful swing of his sword, the blade sliced through the air with precision, aimed directly at the demon's colossal form. In that decisive moment, the sword connected with the demon's neck, cutting through with a swift and resounding impact. The force of the blow was immense, causing the demon's head and body to separate, their trajectory sending them flying in different directions. Before the passengers' eyes, the demon erupted into a cloud of ash, dissolving into nothingness as the threat it posed vanished in an instant. The train car was filled with a stunned silence, broken only by the echoes of the battle that had just taken place. Rengoku landed gracefully, his sword still raised in a defensive stance as he scanned the surroundings, ensuring that the threat was truly neutralized.

His breathing was steady, his demeanor calm yet focused.

"Amazing," Tanjiro murmured in awe. "And with a single slice..."

Despite eliminating the demon, the danger was not yet over as Rengoku sensed another presence.

"There's still one more," Rengoku declared, his brow furrowing with determination. He called out to your group, urging everyone to follow him as he swiftly darted down the aisle into the next carriage. "Come with me!"

Tanjiro immediately responded, following closely behind Rengoku. Inosuke wasted no time either, bounding after them with his usual enthusiasm. As for you and Zenitsu, the sudden turn of events left you momentarily stunned. However, the urgency in Rengoku's voice snapped you out of your shock. Exchanging glances, you both jumped from your seats and quickly pursued the others, not wanting to be left behind. As you moved through the train, passengers from the other carriage rushed past in a flurry of fear and panic, desperately seeking a safer place to hide. Entering the next carriage, your eyes fell upon yet another demon standing before Rengoku. Its long, spindly limbs allowed it to tower over everyone present, casting a menacing shadow in the dim light of the train. The air crackled with tension as Rengoku and the demon locked eyes, each readying themselves for the imminent clash. 

"Agh! What is that thing?!" Zenitsu whimpered as he cowered behind a seat. "Its... its arms look so freaking long!"

Before anyone could react, Inosuke surged forward with his characteristic battle cry, steam blowing through the snout of his mask. He flipped into the air, drawing his twin blades as he closed in on the demon with remarkable speed. However, just as he was about to strike, the demon countered his attack with long appendages that bore a striking resemblance to the demon you had faced in the forest during your first mission. The clash of Inosuke's blades against the demon's deft defense echoed through the carriage, the force of the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Inosuke gritted his teeth, pushing against the demon's formidable strength with all his might, but to no avail as he was swung to the side.

In a flash of movement, Rengoku darted forward and swiftly grabbed Inosuke mid-air, carrying him to the end of the carriage behind the demon and depositing him into a seat before swiftly returning to the fray. As the demon turned its attention towards you, its long claws slicing through the air, Rengoku acted with lightning speed. With a deft maneuver, Rengoku weaved around the demon's figure, effortlessly sweeping you up into his arms and out of reach of the demon's attack. In a blur of motion, he carried you down to the other end of the carriage where Tanjiro and Zenitsu stood motionless, the rush of air and adrenaline leaving you feeling dizzy and disoriented. The impressive speed at which Rengoku and the demon moved was astonishing, leaving you with barely enough time to process what had happened, let alone blink.

He just saved you, again!

As Rengoku safely set you down and turned back to face the demon, his unwavering focus and skill were on full display. The intensity of the battle reached its peak as Rengoku shot forward and engaged the demon in a fierce exchange of blows, his flame-based techniques illuminating the dark confines of the train car. Despite the chaos and danger, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Rengoku's abilities and composure in the face of such a formidable opponent.

With each swift movement and calculated strike, he proved why he was a Hashira, a pillar of strength and resolve in the ongoing battle against demons.

With a leveled swipe of his blade, Rengoku cut through the demon's neck with precision, delivering a decisive blow that ended the battle in mere seconds. The demon's colossal form crumbled to the ground, defeated by the Hashira's phenomenal skill and strength. Despite the brief yet intense fight, Rengoku remained composed and unruffled, not a single bead of sweat on his brow nor a hint of dishevelment in his appearance. His unwavering focus and mastery over his techniques were evident as he stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his sword gleaming in the dim light of the train.

With his back facing you, he sheathed his sword, the metallic sound echoing in the now quiet carriage.

"That... That was totally cool, bro! Talk about genius swordplay," Tanjiro cheered, his fist pumping the air, an awestruck expression lighting up his features. "Did you really mean it before? Please let me be your student!"

"Of course! Very well then," Rengoku grinned, his acceptance evident. "I'll make you a fine swordsman!"

Zenitsu seized the opportunity. "Can I join too?!"

"Yeah, me too!" Inosuke chimed in enthusiastically.

They surrounded him with giddy expressions, excited at the prospect of truly growing stronger under Rengoku's careful and intensive guidance. He swelled with pride at their praise, chuckling as he announced that he would be more than willing to take them all in, causing them to jump around with joy. You couldn't help but smile and giggle along at the silly but endearing display, growing even fonder of your companions as the journey seemed to strengthen your bonds with every passing moment. Once the thrill of the moment has passed, you all make your way back to a less damaged carriage and promptly begin to fall into a mysterious, deep sleep.

After everyone passes out, the conductor from earlier rushes through the carriages until he reaches a halt and bows deeply to the floor. Before him stands a detached hand with a mouth and eyes, and he pleads to be reunited with his family in a blissful dream.

"Certainly. You did a fine job~" The hand grins and, with a sickeningly sweet voice, grants his wish. "Now, sleep forever!"

The man gasped, his eyes widening as an overwhelming sensation of pain took hold of him, causing his body to slump forward and fall to the floor with a soft thud. Nearby, a group of five people sat behind the hand, awaiting instructions patiently. The hand turned to them, its command clear as it ordered them to tie up the Demon Slayers' hands with ropes that it provided. These ropes were essential for them to connect with each of the Slayers and enter their dreams, but caution was urged to avoid touching them and risking premature awakening.

With the instructions given, the hand swiftly crawled away, making its way to the front of the train where it would await the culmination of its plans. Meanwhile, the people nodded in understanding and began to move, taking the ropes and approaching the group of Demon Slayers. Carefully, they tied the rough cords around their wrists, connecting themselves to the other end to facilitate the entity's intrusion into their dreams. The hand reached the front of the train and crawled outside, scaling the outer part to approach a figure standing on top. With a swift leap, the hand reattached itself to the figure—the demon that took over the Mugen Train—signaling the beginning of a sinister plan set in motion.

The demon, named Enmu, chuckled as he stared out into the distance and grinned.

"To die in the rapture of a dream, a blessing indeed! It doesn't matter how powerful a demon hunter you are; the spark that drives these beings comes from the heart—the human spirit! Stamp out their spiritual core and you can kill them just like that!" He monologued, tilting its head back as it spread its arms, allowing the wind to blow around it and adding a dramatic flair. "All human hearts work in the same fashion. Like delicate glasswork, they're so pitifully fragile and weak."

Tanjiro's eyes slowly opened as he found himself back in his mountain home, a serene and idyllic place surrounded by nature and covered in a thick blanket of pure white snow. He walked through the snow with labored breaths, his mind foggy and slow to catch up to the moment. Suddenly, he pulled his blade from its sheath and got into a defensive stance, turning in circles as he scanned his surroundings. Although he vaguely recognized the place, he was disoriented and on edge. He didn't remember how or why he was there. Something was off, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on why or what was going on.

A younger, higher-pitched voice broke through the cold, winter wind. "Look! Brother's back home!"

Tanjiro whirled around to find two of his younger siblings, Hanako and Shigeru, carrying a basket filled with sweet potatoes in the distance. Their eyes shone brightly as they grinned, waved with one hand, and questioned if he had sold all of the charcoal in the village. Tanjiro's shoulders instantly dropped, his blade falling to his side as he stared at them in silence for a few moments. His heart felt as if it were being squeezed inside his chest as a tidal wave of emotions crashed into him all at once—happiness, sadness, anger, and relief. With a shuddering breath, he dropped the blade and began to walk towards them, gradually picking up speed until he was sprinting. He couldn't stop himself from crashing into them, all three falling back into the snow as he draped himself over their bodies, wrapped his arms around them, and cradled them close.

He tried not to crush them beneath his weight, but it was extremely difficult to think about anything but the fact that he was holding his siblings once again at that moment.

He found himself crying, silent tears quickly coming to the surface of his eyes as he sat up and looked down at them. They blinked in surprise as they regarded him, their voices worried as they tried to ask him what was wrong. However, he couldn't answer them because he had no words. All he knew was that he could see them, hear them, and feel them.

They... were alive?

But of course they were, why wouldn't they be?

The tears fell, streaming down his face as he let out an anguished cry, one that felt as if it had been trapped inside him for a very long time. He really wasn't entirely sure why he was crying. Something was telling him that something horrible had happened, and yet... everything appeared to be perfectly fine. Despite the lingering sense of something feeling off, he was happy and slowly starting to forget why he had been so distraught in the first place.

A few minutes later, he found himself sitting inside his home, right in front of his mother as she listened to his younger siblings tell her about how he had acted a few minutes prior. The second oldest brother, Takeo, laughed as he teased Tanjiro, calling him an "odd duck." His mother looked at him with gentle eyes, her expression calm but with a subtle pinch in her brow.

"Well, maybe you're just exhausted, is all?" she suggested with a soft voice.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," he reassured with a small smile.

She reached out, her touch tender and full of love and care as she cupped his face. "You don't have a fever, do you, dear? Don't push yourself. Why don't you just rest for today."

"Really, I'm alright," Tanjiro insisted with a wide smile.

She continued to look at him for a moment before smiling. Next thing he knew, Shigeru grabbed a piece of cloth and ran up to him, pulling it over his head and rubbing it around his hair. As Shigeru playfully tousled his hair, Tanjiro couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of his younger siblings. Their laughter filled the room, a warm and comforting sound that eased his worries and brought a smile to his face.

"Alright, alright, that's enough!" Tanjiro laughed, trying to dodge Shigeru's attempts to mess it up further.

His mother watched the scene with a soft smile, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Let him be, Shigeru. He's been through enough don't you think?" she gently chided, though her tone was filled with love and amusement.

Reluctantly, Shigeru let go of the cloth and backed away, grinning mischievously. "You're lucky, Tanjiro. Not every big brother gets such special treatment!" he teased, earning giggles from the rest of the siblings.

His mother's gentle laughter and the playful banter of his siblings filled the room with a sense of comfort and warmth. Tanjiro closed his eyes briefly, savoring the simple joy of being surrounded by the people he loved. It was almost surreal; he was sure he was dreaming earlier—about what, he wasn't certain, but it must have been a nightmare—it all felt too real.

But nothing was wrong.

Everything was fine and as it should be.

He was home, his family was here, and that was all that mattered.

The day was bright and glowing, with gentle warmth radiating from the sun overhead. The land was green, full of life and sound as cicadas buzzed, birds sang, and a gentle breeze twisted through the branches of blooming trees. Everything was peaceful and beautiful. Zenitsu ran through a field, approaching an orchard lined with peach trees, an excited grin on his face. He looked back, meeting your wide eyes as you trailed behind him, and he squeezed your hand.

"Come on, hurry! These peaches are delicious; you have to try one. I'll make sure to get the best one there is! And with the white clover in bloom, I can make you a ring of flowers! I'm pretty good at it now—you'll see!"

"Really? That's amazing, Zenitsu! I'd love that," you laughed happily, smiling brightly. "I can't wait!"

He felt as if he could leap into the sky and fly, his heart soaring as he saw your smile and heard the rhythmic beating of your heart. It matched his own, creating a symphony that blended with the sounds of nature unlike anything he'd ever heard. Before you, everything seemed dull and sounded the same. He found himself marveling at the intricacies of your being, discovering new wonders with each passing moment. Your laughter became the melody that danced through his thoughts, and your touch ignited a warmth that spread like wildfire, engulfing him in a cocoon of bliss.

In your presence, colors appeared more vibrant, and every breeze carried whispers of serenity. The world took on a magical hue, where time slowed to savor each shared glance, and every shared word felt like a precious gem in the tapestry of conversation. It was as though the universe conspired to paint a masterpiece, with each brushstroke echoing the depth of emotion felt in his heart. This connection, this inexplicable bond, felt like the culmination of a journey that led him to the very essence of joy and contentment.

With you, he feels not just alive, but truly awakened to the beauty of life itself. Each day becomes a chapter in a love story written in the stars, where every chapter surpasses the last in its depth and meaning. As he gazes into your eyes, he knows that this feeling, this indescribable sensation of being complete, is what poets and dreamers have sought to capture in their verses and musings for centuries.

If heaven were a place on earth, he was sure it was right here, in this moment with you.

"Of course! We'll have to cross a river, but don't worry, it's not too deep."

"A river?" You query, a hint of fear lacing your words as you come to a slow stop. "Umm, Zenitsu, this may be a little silly, but... I'm afraid of the water. It's cold, dark, and I can't swim all that well. What am I going to do?"

His brows shoot up as he listens to your fears, and he thinks quickly, trying to come up with a solution. He wanted to take you to the best spot across the river, but your fear of traversing the water yourself was evident. As he ponders, he lights up when an idea strikes him.

"It's fine! I'll just carry you on my back and jump over it; not even your toes will get wet!"

He grins and spins around, crouching down in front of you and waiting as you tentatively climb onto his back and wrap your arms around his neck. His own arms loop around your legs, securing you in place. The warmth of his embrace and the reassurance in his voice help ease your anxiety, replacing it with a sense of trust and excitement for the adventure ahead. As Zenitsu carries you on his back, you feel a rush of gratitude and admiration for his thoughtfulness.

He didn't question you or make you feel as if your fears were irrational, and you couldn't thank him enough for being so understanding.

His steps are steady, his presence reassuring, and the rhythmic beat of his heart beneath your touch soothes any lingering nerves. As you approach the riverbank, the sound of rushing water grows louder. You can feel the anticipation building in your chest, a mix of nervousness and excitement intertwining like the branches of a tree reaching for the sky.

"Ready?" Zenitsu's voice is filled with encouragement as he prepares to make the leap.

You nod, holding onto him a little tighter, your trust in him unwavering. With a burst of energy, Zenitsu propels himself forward, his muscles flexing as he leaps across the river. For a moment, it feels like time stands still as you soar through the air, the world a blur of colors and sensations. Then, with a gentle thud, you land on the other side, safe and dry as promised. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, a smile spreading across your face.

"That was amazing!" you exclaim, feeling a rush of adrenaline.

As Zenitsu sets you down on solid ground, you take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the scenery around you. The sun casts a warm glow over the landscape, illuminating the lush greenery and the sparkling river that you just crossed. You turn to Zenitsu with a heartfelt smile, overwhelmed by the experience and his unwavering support.

"Thank you so much, Zenitsu," you say, gratitude evident in your voice. "I never would've made it across without you. You're incredibly brave and kind."

Zenitsu blushes slightly at your words, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Oh, it was nothing, really! Anything for you, Y/n-chan."

As you both stood there, taking in the serene surroundings, a gentle breeze swept through the orchard, causing the peach blossoms to flutter like delicate confetti. The scent of spring filled the air, carrying with it a sense of renewal and possibility. With renewed enthusiasm, you both ventured into the orchard, the sweet scent of ripe peaches filling the air.

Zenitsu carefully selected the juiciest and most vibrant peach, handing it to you with a proud smile. "Here you go, the best one for the best person."

As you bit into the fruit, its sweetness burst on your taste buds, and you couldn't help but let out a delighted hum. Zenitsu's eyes lit up at your reaction, finding joy in simple moments like these shared with you. After enjoying the peaches, Zenitsu skillfully wove a ring of delicate white clover flowers as promised, placing it on your finger with a flourish.

"Ta-da! What do you think?"

You admired the ring, a symbol of your day's adventure and the bond you shared with Zenitsu. "It's beautiful, Zenitsu. Thank you for everything."

"Of course!" Zenitsu leaned back against a tree trunk, a contented smile gracing his features as he watched you with affection. "I'm glad we came here today. It's like a dream, being surrounded by all this beauty with you."

You nodded in agreement, leaning against him comfortably. "It's perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better day."

As the day progressed, the sky painted itself in hues of orange, pink, and purple, a breathtaking display that mirrored the emotions swirling within Zenitsu. The vibrant colors seemed to reflect the spectrum of feelings he experienced in your presence—joy, excitement, and a deep sense of connection that filled his heart.

"I never want this day to end," Zenitsu whispered, his gaze soft and full of warmth as he looked at you.

Rumors spoke of a mysterious beast dwelling on a mountain, hidden within a cave. In the dark, damp, and cold depths of this very cave, your rag-tag group embarked on a journey in search of excitement and adventure. Discovering and defeating this legendary beast would bring fortune and fame to your group, earning you all the title of the greatest monster hunters. Inosuke, brimming with enthusiasm, took the lead with his boisterous energy resonating through the darkness. His loyal companions, affectionately referred to as "minions" by him (though they preferred "friends"), followed closely, their footsteps reverberating against the cavern walls. 

Each member of the group bore a distinct animal resemblance, adding layers of whimsy and charm to their adventurous quest.

Inosuke's untamed spirit, of course, mirrored that of a wild boar, charging ahead with fearless energy. Tanjiro's kind and resilient nature embodied the traits of a tanuki, bringing warmth and adaptability to the team. Zenitsu's quick reflexes and nimbleness were reminiscent of a mouse, darting through challenges with surprising agility. Nezuko's quiet strength and protective instincts mirrored the gentle yet formidable nature of a rabbit, offering a sense of harmony and unity to the group. As for you, your marten-like swiftness and sharp intellect were invaluable assets, guiding the team through obstacles with finesse and precision.

Together, this eclectic blend of animal traits created a dynamic and unstoppable force, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the depths of the cave.

As the group delved deeper into the cave, Tanjiro and Zenitsu's sudden leap onto a rock caught Inosuke's attention, prompting him to halt the march and turn toward them with an expectant look. His hands rested on his hips as he awaited their explanation, curious about what had piqued their interest within the cave's depths. Tanjiro was the first to speak up, pointing further into the cavern as he informed Inosuke about the powerful entity lurking within. His voice carried a mix of caution and determination as he described the whereabouts of the threat they were about to face. Zenitsu nodded in agreement, offering his insights about the creature's rumored abilities and the challenges it might pose.

Inosuke grunted in acknowledgment, his excitement palpable as he eagerly led the group closer to the presence of the beast.

As they approached, the creature revealed itself to be a massive train with rows of legs resembling a millipede. It lay there, fast asleep and snoring loudly, completely unaware of the intruders in its domain. Inosuke's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he realized the advantage they had—a sleeping beast meant they could strike with the element of surprise. With a confident grin, he turned to his companions and ordered them to charge forward. Tanjiro and Zenitsu, spurred on by their leader's enthusiasm, sprang into action, running ahead with a comical determination.

However, you and Nezuko remained where you were, unmoving as you exchanged a knowing glance. While the prospect of facing a powerful creature was exciting, you both shared a preference for observing rather than engaging in the chaos. Finding a comfortable spot to sit, you settled down together, content to watch the events unfold from a safe distance.

Inosuke, noticing your reluctance, turned back with a hint of annoyance. "Hey, don't fall behind, underlings!"

You and Nezuko simply shook your heads, choosing to stay back and observe the unfolding spectacle. Inosuke, not one to give up easily, reached into his pockets and pulled out a handful of acorns, their surfaces glittering in the dim light of the cave.

"Come on! Look, I'll give you these sparkly acorns!" Inosuke's voice rose in a playful yet insistent tone as he waved the acorns enticingly.

You found yourself intrigued by the offer, the shimmering acorns reflecting the ambient light of the cave in a captivating manner. Nezuko, too, seemed curious, her gaze flickering between the acorns and the ongoing battle. However, both of you remained firm in your refusal. In response, Inosuke huffed and delved into his pockets once more, producing something wrapped in paper. With deft fingers, he untied the paper, revealing a handful of Mochi. It was his final attempt, knowing well of you and Nezuko's fondness for sweet treats alike.

"Alright, how about some of these? This is my last offer!"

Inosuke's playful persistence injected a lighthearted touch into the otherwise intense atmosphere. Despite your initial decision to stay back, the allure of the delicious, sweet treat sparked a sense of curiosity within you and Nezuko. With newfound enthusiasm, both of you joined the fray, bringing your unique strengths and abilities to the dynamic battle unfolding in the cave.

Your marten-like agility allowed you to dart around the cavern, landing precise strikes on the formidable foe. Nezuko's rabbit-inspired resilience and quick reflexes proved invaluable as she leaped and countered the creature's attacks with grace. Inosuke, fueled by his boar-like determination, charged headfirst into the battle, swinging his twin, serrated blades with ferocity. Tanjiro, embodying the spirit of a tanuki, utilized his resourcefulness and strategic thinking to analyze the creature's weaknesses, directing the group's attacks with precision. Zenitsu, despite his mouse-like timidness at times, tapped into his hidden potential, unleashing bursts of lightning-fast strikes that surprised everyone, including himself.

Together, your group formed a seamless synergy, each member complementing the others' strengths and compensating for weaknesses.

The battle raged on, the creature's massive form casting eerie shadows against the cave walls. Yet, with unwavering determination and teamwork, your group gradually wore down the beast's defenses. In a final coordinated assault the creature was defeated, its massive form crumbling to the ground. As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, a sense of accomplishment washed over your group. You had faced a legendary beast and emerged victorious, proving yourselves as a formidable team of monster hunters.

Inosuke cheered, rallying your group once more in search of greater challenges and adventure.

Kyojuro's eyes slowly opened, the warm morning light filtering through the shoji screens, casting gentle shadows in the traditional room. His gaze landed on the figure of his father lying on his futon before him, engrossed in a book. His father's back was turned to him, the rhythmic turning of pages filling the otherwise quiet room. He sat there, taking in the peaceful ambiance—the soft chime of wooden windchimes outside and the occasional call of a bird. However, the scene felt eerily familiar, evoking a sense of deja vu that tingled at the edges of Kyojuro's consciousness.

'Why am I here?'

His mind was swirling with questions. He couldn't recall how he ended up in this place, in this moment that felt both real and dreamlike. As he shifted slightly, his hand brushed against the hilt of his sword placed beside him to his right. The familiar touch brought a sudden clarity, as if a fog had lifted from his thoughts. A spark of realization ignited within him. He remembered now—he had come to report to his father about his achievement of becoming a Hashira, one of the highest ranks within the Demon Slayer Corps. The weight of his accomplishment settled on his shoulders, mingling with the sense of deja vu that lingered in the air. Kyojuro took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he had been waiting for—an opportunity to share his achievement with his father and seek the praise and approval of the former Flame Hashira.

However, his father's response shattered his expectations and left him reeling with disbelief and hurt.

"So what if you've become a Hashira," his father's words pierced through the air, devoid of the warmth and encouragement Kyojuro had hoped for.

The indifference in his tone was like a cold gust extinguishing the flames of Kyojuro's pride and accomplishment. His eyes widened in shock as his father continued, the words cutting deeper than any blade.

"Worthless... it means nothing. You'll still never amount to anything. Neither you, nor I..."

The weight of those words hung heavily in the air, crushing Kyojuro's spirit and leaving him speechless. He had sought validation and approval, but instead, he was met with dismissal and disdain from the one person whose opinion mattered most to him. His father's rejection felt like a betrayal, a rejection of all the effort, sacrifices, and dreams Kyojuro had poured into becoming a Hashira. The flames of determination that had fueled his journey now flickered weakly, threatened by the chilling indifference of his father's words. A tumult of emotions surged within Kyojuro—anger, sadness, and a profound sense of disappointment. He had yearned for his father's pride, but all he received was a harsh reminder of his inadequacy in his father's eyes.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Kyojuro swallowed the lump in his throat and squared his shoulders.

He couldn't help but reflect on the drastic change in his father's demeanor. The man who had once been the Flame Hashira, full of passion and enthusiasm for the ways of the sword, had seemingly abandoned that part of himself overnight. It was a stark contrast to the father who had raised them both with such fervor and dedication. He remembered the days when his father would regale them with tales of his battles, instilling in them a deep respect for the Demon Slayer Corps and the responsibilities that came with being a swordsman. His father's fiery spirit had been a source of inspiration, driving Kyojuro to pursue excellence and strive for greatness.

But something had shifted.

One day, his father had simply walked away from it all, leaving behind the life of a swordsman without explanation. The man who had once been so passionate and driven was now distant and uncaring, his enthusiasm replaced by an unsettling detachment. At first, Kyojuro couldn't comprehend what had caused this drastic change in his father as he was still quite young back then. It was as if a fire had been extinguished, leaving behind only ashes of what once burned brightly. It wasn't until later that Kyojuro pieced together the fragments of their family's shattered reality. It was the passing of their mother that had shattered their world.

Her absence created a void so profound that even the strongest flames of passion and determination couldn't fill it.

The burden of grief was too heavy for his father to bear alone. It weighed down on him, eroding the vibrant spirit that had defined him. He retreated into himself, closing off the parts of him that had once been filled with life and purpose. Kyojuro felt a mix of emotions—grief for his mother's loss, sadness for his father's withdrawal, and a deep longing for the days when their family was whole. He understood now that their father's distant demeanor wasn't a reflection of his feelings towards Kyojuro's achievements but rather a reflection of his own internal struggles and pain.

Kyojuro's heart still heavy with his father's harsh words, he silently excused himself from the room, closing the shoji doors with a gentle slide.

Despite the crushing blow to his spirit, a spark of determination remained ignited within him. He refused to let his father's words define him or diminish his accomplishments. Stepping out onto the wooden veranda, he felt the cool breeze against his skin, a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. As he stood there, lost in thought, his younger brother Senjuro shuffled around the corner and approached him with a hopeful smile.

"Brother! Did your news make father happy?" Senjuro asked eagerly, unaware of the emotional storm brewing within Kyojuro. "I hope... when I become a Hashira someday, that father will acknowledge me as well..."

Kyojuro's expression softened as he looked at his brother, realizing that Senjuro's innocence and admiration were a stark contrast to his own experience with their father. He wanted to shield Senjuro from the disappointment and rejection he had faced, but he also couldn't bring himself to lie.

"Not exactly, Senjuro," Kyojuro replied, his voice tinged with sadness as he kneeled down to Senjuro's level. "To be honest... he was not happy. He said that it meant nothing."

Senjuro's smile faltered, concern creasing his brow. "What? But... you're a Hashira now! That's amazing! Father should be proud of you."

He offered Senjuro a small, reassuring smile, grateful for his brother's unwavering support in the midst of their shared challenges.

"Thank you," Kyojuro expressed sincerely. "Even so, his disapproval will not extinguish my passion. This flame in my heart burns strong; I'll never lose faith! Listen, Senjuro, keep this in mind," Kyojuro continued, his voice filled with conviction. He reached out, taking his younger brother's hand into his own and clasping them together. "You have an older brother who believes in you. So, whatever path that you take, whatever our father or anyone else may say, you're going to succeed and become a fine man. Just keep that burning passion inside your heart!"

In that moment, standing on the veranda with Senjuro by his side, Kyojuro's thoughts were clouded with a mixture of sadness and affection. He longed for the days when his father's fiery spirit had lit up their home, and he couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment at the loss of that connection. Despite the distance that had grown between them, Kyojuro couldn't bring himself to give up on his father entirely. He held onto the hope that one day, they could bridge the gap that had formed, and his father would once again find the passion and enthusiasm that had defined him as the Flame Hashira.

Until then, Kyojuro resolved to continue walking his path with determination, honoring the legacy his father had left behind, even if it now seemed like a distant memory.

He would draw strength from the love and support of his brother Senjuro, the cherished memories of his mother, and those who genuinely appreciated his accomplishments. As tears brimmed the corners of Senjuro's eyes, Kyojuro felt a surge of protectiveness and love for his younger brother. They sought solace in each other's embrace, finding comfort in their shared bond and determination to navigate life's challenges together.

Pulling Senjuro close, Kyojuro whispered words of reassurance and encouragement. "We'll support each other, Senjuro. No matter how difficult or lonely things may get, we'll do our best."

Senjuro nodded, finding strength in Kyojuro's words and the warmth of his embrace. They stood there, holding onto each other, their hearts united in a promise to face the future with resilience and unwavering determination.

In the midst of darkness, you stood alone, surrounded by an eerie void that seemed to swallow sound and light alike. Blinking your eyes in an attempt to adjust, you struggled to make sense of your surroundings. There was no sign of life, no sound except the steady rhythm of your own breathing and the faint thud of your heart. Questions raced through your mind, each one adding to the sense of confusion and disorientation.

What had brought you to this place?

Why were you here, enveloped in this unsettling emptiness?

You even questioned if you were truly alive or if this was some surreal afterlife.

As you stood in the darkness, grappling with uncertainty, a feeling of unease crept over you. The absence of any external stimuli heightened your awareness of the internal, the thoughts and emotions swirling within your mind. Fear, curiosity, and a primal instinct for survival battled for dominance, each emotion tugging at your consciousness. Time seemed to stretch and warp in the void, seconds feeling like minutes, and minutes feeling like hours as you struggled to find a foothold in this unfamiliar realm. The silence was deafening, pressing in on you like a heavy weight, amplifying the questions and doubts that raced through your mind.

But as the darkness of the realm enveloped you, a sudden realization dawned like a beacon of light amidst the shadows—you were dreaming.

It was a moment of clarity that cut through the confusion and uncertainty, offering a glimmer of understanding in the surreal landscape of your subconscious. The knowledge that this was a dream brought an odd sense of empowerment, a realization that the rules of reality need not apply in this ethereal realm. You became aware of the dream's fluidity, the potential to shape and manipulate the environment with the power of your thoughts alone. With this newfound awareness, you focused your mind, channeling your thoughts and intentions to navigate through the dream world's darkness.

The void around you began to shift and morph, responding to the subtle commands of your subconscious.

Colors seeped into the once pitch-black canvas, illuminating the dream with hues of vibrancy. Shapes materialized, taking the form of various figures. Trees twisted and danced with spectral light, casting intricate patterns on the dream world's floor. Stars twinkled overhead, creating a celestial canopy that stretched into infinity. The moon, radiant and full, cast its silvery glow upon the dream world, bathing everything in a soft, ethereal light. You gazed up in awe as the lunar orb hung majestically in the sky, its surface adorned with craters and shadows that seemed to dance with the play of light and darkness.

But then, a shift occurred in the dream's cosmic ballet.

As if on cue, the sun began to descend from its celestial throne, its golden rays piercing through the lunar glow. You watched in fascination as the sun and moon converged, their paths intersecting in a rare celestial dance. With bated breath, you witnessed the breathtaking moment of an eclipse—the sun slipping behind the moon, creating a stunning spectacle of light and shadow. The moon, usually a beacon of cool radiance, now took on an otherworldly hue as it briefly obscured the sun's brilliance.

As you watched the celestial bodies converge, a deep understanding washed over you—the inherent balance and harmony between light and darkness, two sides of the same cosmic coin.

The sun, symbolizing warmth, vitality, and illumination, represented the light that guides and enlightens. Its radiant rays painted the world with brightness, offering clarity and vision to those who basked in its glow. Yet, as the sun slipped behind the moon during the eclipse, its brilliance momentarily dimmed, reminding you of the ephemeral nature of light and the inevitability of shadows. The moon, with its cool, serene glow, embodied the mystery, intuition, and introspection found within darkness. It held secrets and depths waiting to be explored, casting a gentle luminescence that whispered of hidden truths and unseen realms.

In this cosmic spectacle, you saw a reflection of your own inner duality—the interplay between light and darkness within your being.

Just as the sun and moon harmonized in their dance, so too did the contrasting elements within you find equilibrium and unity. You recognized that both light and darkness were essential parts of the universal balance, each contributing to the richness and depth of existence. As the eclipse unfolded, you felt a sense of acceptance, as you tried to embrace all aspects of yourself—the light that shines brightly and the shadows that lend depth and complexity. It was also a subtle reminder that even in the darkness, light would always remain and shine brightly, now matter how much the void tried to dim it.

‘ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵘʳʳᵒᵘⁿᵈᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵈᵃʳᵏⁿᵉˢˢ, ᵇᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ˡᶦᵍʰᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰᶦⁿ—ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳᵍᵉᵗ…’

Closing your eyes, a cacophony of emotions, sounds, and colors assaults your senses. Amidst this sensory overload, you suddenly feel a sharp, piercing pain in your abdomen, which gradually dulls into a throbbing ache. With a gasp, you open your eyes to see a blooming splotch of red spreading from your stomach, a sight that steals the air from your lungs and leaves you reeling in unbearable agony. As you stagger, a ghostly hand slowly retreats from your body, leaving behind a gaping hole, and you collapse to your knees. Your head spins, and your vision blurs as the world threatens to fade into darkness, the loss of blood taking its toll. 

Why did this seem familiar?

As the overwhelming sensations and pain engulf you, it feels oddly familiar, as if etched into your very being long before this moment. However, the hows and whys of this sensation elude your grasp, leaving you bewildered and on the verge of panic. In the midst of this swirling turmoil, a sudden realization pierces through the haze. The body you were looking at, the one experiencing this excruciating pain, is not your own. It belongs to someone else entirely.

As your vision briefly clears, your widened eyes lock onto the bright, fiery haori draped over the figure before you—Rengoku.

Your mind struggles to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding before you, the realization sinking in like a heavy stone dropped into water. You are witnessing the events through the eyes of another, and that other is none other than Rengoku, the Flame Hashira whose presence commands respect and awe. Your mentor and friend. The pain in your abdomen, once foreign and bewildering, now takes on a deeper meaning as you understand the gravity of the situation.

You are experiencing Rengoku's final moments, the intense battle and the fatal blow that would bring him to his knees.

Through Rengoku's eyes, you see flashes of memories—a lifetime dedicated to protecting others, mastering the flame-breathing technique, and facing countless adversaries with unwavering courage. His indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve leave an indelible mark on your soul, even as the world around you grows dimmer. In this fleeting moment of connection, you share in Rengoku's legacy, his passion for justice, and his unyielding dedication to the Demon Slayer Corps. As your vision fades into darkness, you carry with you the echo of his fiery spirit, a testament to his bravery and sacrifice that will forever burn bright in the annals of history.

As the darkness grows thicker and your strength wanes, a sense of inevitability washes over you—this was the end.


In an overwhelming surge of emotions, you find a reservoir of strength you never knew existed. Every fiber of your being rebels against the unfairness of Rengoku's fate, and a fierce determination takes root within you. His flame was not meant to be extinguished so quickly, not when he had so much more to give to the world. Summoning every ounce of strength and willpower, you refuse to let go. It's as if a dormant flame has been reignited within your soul, pushing you to defy the impossible. With gritted teeth and trembling hands, you struggle to rise against the overwhelming tide of darkness that threatens to consume you. Every movement is a battle, every breath a testament to your sheer will to keep going. You refuse to succumb to despair, to let the darkness win.

As you push forward, a glimmer of light appears on the horizon—a faint flicker of hope amidst the darkness. It's a beacon, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a chance for redemption, for change. With renewed determination, you continue to fight, refusing to let Rengoku's legacy fade away. You carry his spirit within you, a guiding flame that propels you forward despite the odds and the heavy weight. And as you push through the darkness, you know deep within your heart that this is not the end, this is just the beginning of a new chapter. The pain, the loss, and the sorrow fuel your resolve, transforming into a blazing determination. With a final push, you reach the light, carrying both your and Rengoku's spirits through. With the power of your vision and the knowledge of what's to come, a newfound power of strength surges within you.

Perhaps Master Ubuyashiki was right all along; maybe the Corps did have hope in defeating the demons and the progenitor himself someday. You and the others were destined to meet—it was fate—and you, well... you were going to do your best to change it.


Taisho Secrets

* Unbeknownst to you, the first thing Kyojuro noticed, which tipped him off that you had "secretly" joined the mission, was the mysterious disappearance of the box holding your Nichirin blade the very night he had planned it. While he was apprehensive to allow you to stick along, he found it amusing and admirable that you had taken matters into your own hands, despite his plans.

* Your straightforwardness and stubbornness are almost on par with Inosuke's, but your unwavering understanding and kindness, which you've extended to him many times, leave him feeling calmer. You're the only one that he will allow himself to be (semi) vulnerable around and seek subtle forms of affection/comfort from—Tanjiro is a close second. Now, he notices subtle changes in your aura and energy, prompting him to silently watch over you and protect you during those moments, wanting to return the favor in the best way that he knows how to.

* As the first person to find and befriend you, Tanjiro has always felt a deep sense of responsibility to help and protect you. Although he managed to remain calm, watching a demon injure and nearly suffocate you put Tanjiro on the verge of a panic attack as he realized your life was hanging by a thread. It reminded him too much of what happened to his family—he wasn't able to save them—and not being able to save you would have greatly crushed his spirit.

Chapter 14: The Mugen Train: Part 2 - 無限列車


The night of the Mugen Train battle rages on, brimming with terror and agony as the group grapples with their distorted dreams turned nightmares, fighting to break free from their surreal realities. Fortune seems to favor your group as you succeed in escaping and confront the demon in a fierce battle.

However, events take an unexpected turn as a new challenge arises.


Eeeeeep, here it is! But before we get started, please read this note!

I'm once again going back to edit chapters. Now that Part 2 is posted, I'll be taking a small-ish break (not really a break...) to carefully review previous chapters. I'll be making some minor tweaks, adding more detail, and possibly implementing some significant revisions to certain chapters. I've noticed some details and other things that need to be fixed—no surprise lol—so, that's what I'll be doing for a little while.

Your continued patience and support during this refining process are truly appreciated! I just wanted to mention that it might take a bit of time before I begin writing the new chapter following this Arc because I don't want anyone to be confused or worried since I won't be posting anything new for a little while! And I don't know how long this will take, but hopefully it won't be too long. I definitely don't plan on it taking months to go over everything before I start the next chapter haha.. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

The most it'll take is a couple of weeks, and even during that time I'll still be writing—I just won't be focusing on the new chapter until I'm done editing is all!

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Your support and feedback mean the world to me. I can't wait to hear your thoughts hehehehhhh! (> ω <)

Thank you all immensely for taking the time to read and I'll see ya later, alligators~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

(P.S. Please excuse any errors... this bad boy is huge, and I stayed up late A LOT trying to read and write it, lol. Words are hard! Not only that, but my eyes were blurry and my mind was fuzzy with sleep, so if I repeat myself or there are parts that don't make sense, that's why! 😂)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The five individuals employed by Enmu had meticulously tethered themselves to your group, taking great care to avoid any accidental physical contact. Their ropes were securely fastened around both your wrists and theirs, ensuring a strong connection. As they settled into the nearest available seats, having completed the initial task with precision, they were now ready to proceed to the next phase of their mission. With a sense of purpose, they allowed themselves to drift into a deep slumber, seamlessly entering your dreams through the unique connection established by a spell cast on the ropes created by the demon Enmu.

This connection bridges the gap between reality and your dreams in a surreal and intricate manner.

The dream world that Enmu conjures for his victims is not an endless expanse; rather, it forms a circular realm, with the dreamer positioned at its center. This carefully constructed illusion envelops the dreamer, providing a sense of infinite space while subtly guiding them in loops, ensuring they remain trapped within the confines of their own mind. Just beyond the boundaries of this dreamscape lies the realm of the subconscious. This obscure, enigmatic zone is where the spiritual core of the dreamer resides. The spiritual core is the very essence of the dreamer's being, representing their deepest thoughts, emotions, and memories. It is hidden within the labyrinth of the subconscious, protected yet vulnerable to intrusion.

Enmu's malevolent strategy hinges on the destruction of this spiritual core.

He manipulates others to infiltrate the dreamscape and shatter this core, leading to catastrophic consequences. When the spiritual core is destroyed, the dreamer is stripped of their fundamental essence. Their consciousness is obliterated, leaving their body an empty husk. This erasure of existence is not merely death; it is the annihilation of the self, a fate more terrifying and absolute. Furthermore, the act of destroying the spiritual core is not merely a physical task but an existential assault. The intruder must confront the dreamer's most intimate and protected memories, often reliving their joys and traumas. This confrontation is a test of resolve and morality, as the intruder must decide whether to obliterate another's existence for their own survival or selfish desires for a promised dream of their own.

The process of reaching the spiritual core, however, is not as an easy a task as it may seem.

The dreamer's subconscious mind often conjures defenses, manifestations of their deepest fears and traumas, to protect its core. These defenses can be strong, posing significant challenges to any intruder seeking to reach the core of the dreamer's psyche. However, Enmu's mastery over the dream world is formidable. His power allows him to manipulate dreams into nightmarish landscapes, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Victims find themselves ensnared in a tangled web of dreams turned nightmares, unable to discern what is real and what is fabricated by their own minds under Enmu's malevolent influence. Within this surreal realm, the dream world metamorphoses into a haunting prison, where the dreamer assumes dual roles as both the warden and the prisoner.

This perilous entrapment vividly underscores the chilling potency of Enmu's abilities.

The exploitation of the dream world serves as a stark reminder of the thin veil separating reality from the subconscious, and the devastating power that lies in the hands of those who can manipulate this boundary. Escaping from his grasp demands not only sheer strength of will but also a profound comprehension of one's own subconscious and the audacity to confront the deepest recesses of the mind. And as Enmu’s influence over the dreamer deepens, the lines between reality and illusion blur even further. The dreamer, ensnared in a seemingly endless cycle of dreams within dreams, becomes increasingly disoriented.

Memories intertwine with fabricated scenarios, blurring the lines between reality and illusion, and the dreamer grapples with discerning their genuine experiences from the deceptive constructs of their mind. This relentless assault on their perception gradually erodes their sense of self, amplifying the challenge of safeguarding their spiritual core amidst the chaos of their own psyche.The torment inflicted by Enmu transcends mere psychological manipulation; it manifests palpably within the dreamscape. The dreamer is confronted with grotesque, nightmarish creatures born from the depths of their fears and insecurities. Each encounter with these manifestations drains the dreamer's mental and emotional strength, leaving them increasingly vulnerable to Enmu's insidious manipulations.

This vulnerability not only heightens the dreamer's susceptibility to external intruders but also provides Enmu with the opportunity to target and dismantle their spiritual core, the essence of their being. However, despite the overwhelming odds, there exists a glimmer of hope.

Within the depths of their subconscious, the dreamer possesses an intrinsic resilience. This resilience is the manifestation of their will to live, a force that can counteract Enmu’s insidious influence. Allies, both real and imagined, may emerge within the dreamscape, offering guidance and support. These allies, often representing the dreamer's core values and relationships, serve as beacons of light in the enveloping darkness. Though, the journey to reclaim one’s spiritual core and break free from Enmu’s control is a harrowing ordeal. It requires the dreamer to confront their innermost fears and traumas, to face the aspects of themselves they have long repressed or denied. This confrontation is a cathartic process, enabling the dreamer to integrate these fragmented parts of their psyche and emerge stronger.

Ultimately, defeating Enmu necessitates an awakening. 

But the dreamer must recognize the illusory nature of the dreamscape and summon the strength to shatter its hold over them. This awakening is both literal and metaphorical—a return to consciousness and a reclaiming of one’s true self. The battle against Enmu underscores the timeless struggle between light and darkness, between the conscious mind and the subconscious fears that lie in wait. It is a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit, the ability to find light even in the deepest shadows, and to reclaim one's identity in the face of overwhelming adversity. As the dreamer awakens, the remnants of the dream world dissolve, and with them, Enmu’s sinister grip. The victory is bittersweet, marked by the scars of the ordeal but also by the newfound strength and clarity. The dreamer emerges not just as a survivor but as a warrior of the mind, having conquered the most insidious of foes—themselves.

That said, the ultimate challenge lies in whether the dreamer can break free from the confines of the dream world and muster the inner strength necessary for such a feat—a task that has eluded everyone thus far.

As intruders infiltrate your group's dreams, they navigate the realms with stealth and caution. Discovery would trigger an attack from the dream's owner, leading to their expulsion from the subconscious and eventual demise for failing to eliminate the Demon Slayers successfully. One woman, who had aligned herself with the Flame Hashira, discreetly moved along the walls of his dream's family estate, seeking the threshold where the subconscious awaits, aiming to locate and destroy his spiritual core. As she neared a dense bamboo forest, her hands encountered an invisible barrier. Brandishing a small blade, she slashed at the threshold, tearing through the thin yet resilient veil and unveiling the depths of his consciousness.

What she found was intense—a roaring inferno of blazing flames that licked at the sky.

She pressed onward through the opening, hastening her pace as she scoured for the spiritual core. It proved challenging, given how the core seamlessly merged with the scorching fire enveloping it. However, she eventually stumbled upon the bright red and orange orb, suspended in space as if waiting to be discovered. With a deep breath, her face contorted with determination as she raised her arm, ready to strike the glowing ball that represented his spiritual essence. Her hand descended swiftly, the blade's tip aimed to pierce straight through.

Yet, at the last moment, her body was lifted into the air, her eyes widening in shock as she lost her grip on the blade, which fell to the ground with a loud clatter against the dark stone beneath her. Gasping, she felt the air vanish, her hands instinctively reaching for her neck as breathing became a struggle. Panic overtook her, melding with confusion as she grappled with the suffocating sensation. She knew that Enmu's demonic spell usually rendered people immobile, unable to act.

So, how was this possible?

What kind of strength and survival instinct did this man possess to detect the threat even while ensnared by such a deep and powerful spell?!

Tanjiro and his youngest brother, Rokuta, were seated cross-legged on a small wooden platform inside their modest home adjacent to the kitchen. Rokuta, brimming with youthful exuberance, bounced around with restless energy, engaging Tanjiro in playful banter. Tanjiro watched fondly as Rokuta's eyes lit up at each playful interaction. He couldn't help but smile at the infectious joy his brother radiated, a reminder of the innocence and wonder of youth. Their mother, a vision of grace and warmth, moved about the compact kitchen, bustling with the preparation of their evening meal. Her gentle presence added a sense of security and love to the scene.

"Tanjiro, I'm going to make your favorite rice crackers today," she announced, her face beaming with a warm and loving smile.

He turned to face her, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Really?"

"Yes, let me fetch some old rice cakes, and I'll have them ready in no time."

"Did you hear that, Rokuta?" He squeezed Rokuta's hands playfully as he swung them between them. "Rice crackers!"

Rokuta's already big, round eyes widened further as he smiled, his excitement palpable in his expression. Rice crackers were a cherished treat in their household, not just because of their delicious taste but also because of the effort and resources required to make them. Their family's financial circumstances were far from affluent; in fact, they lived modestly and faced financial challenges. However, this did not diminish their happiness in the least. What truly mattered to them was each other and the precious moments they shared, like the one unfolding before them.

In their cozy home, where laughter echoed and the aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air, they found true wealth. It wasn't measured in monetary terms but in the richness of their relationships and the joy they brought to each other's lives.

Their modest means taught them resilience and gratitude, values that were ingrained in every aspect of their lives. They understood that material possessions were fleeting, but the bonds they nurtured were enduring and invaluable. Their home may have been small, and their possessions few, but they were wealthy in the things that truly mattered—love, laughter, and the unbreakable bonds of family. These moments of togetherness were their treasures, shining brightly amid life's challenges and uncertainties. And Tanjiro cherished these moments, where they could all gather around, forget their worries, and simply revel in the warmth of familial love.

The thin shoji door behind him slid open with a soft swish as Takeo popped his head around the corner, a small pout forming on his face. He had overheard the brief conversation and couldn't contain his protest.

"No fair! Brother isn't the only one who likes rice crackers!" His voice carried a playful hint of jealousy, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

His words caught the attention of Shigeru and Hanako, who quickly joined him in the doorway.

Hanako eagerly threw her hand up, exclaiming, "I want some too!"

Shigeru joined in, adding with a grin, "Yeah, count me in too! Make that three!"

Their mother blinked in surprise at the sudden outbursts from her other children, a mirthful glint dancing in her eyes as she chuckled softly.

"Well, of course, you can all have some! We'll enjoy them together, alright?" She reached for a small, round tray of rice cakes and tilted her head playfully as they looked at her with anticipation. "Can you all help me get it ready?"

The siblings chorused their agreement with a cheer, jumping to their feet and bustling about the house as they divvied up tasks among themselves. Takeo took charge of crushing and mixing the ingredients, Shigeru and Hanako prepared to flip the rice cakes over the grill, and Tanjiro, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, declared himself the official taste-tester, earning a chorus of playful protests and giggles from his siblings. Despite his playful claim of being in charge of quality control, Tanjiro took on a more practical role. As the oldest and strongest of the bunch, he felt a sense of responsibility and took it upon himself to gather and chop some wood for the fire.

This wood would not only be used to cook their food but also to keep their home warm and cozy later in the evening.

With a determined expression etched on his face, Tanjiro seized an axe and ventured outside, his strong arms effortlessly swinging as he began chopping trees with practiced precision. The rhythmic thud of the axe striking against wood reverberated through the quiet surroundings, blending seamlessly with the distant sounds of laughter and chatter emanating from the house. Tanjiro's sturdy frame and skillful hands made quick work of the task at hand. Each swing of the axe sliced through the small trunks of the trees he had selected and split logs with remarkable ease. Despite the physical exertion, Tanjiro wore a content smile, fully aware that his efforts were crucial in creating a comfortable and nurturing environment for his loved ones. He moved with purpose, collecting the logs and stacking them inside a sizeable woven basket, his face slightly flushed from the exertion but radiating a sense of accomplishment.

As he hoisted the basket over his shoulders and settled it onto his back, Tanjiro spoke without thinking, his words carrying a sense of familiarity and routine. "Nezuko, ready?"

Tanjiro's steps slowed as he walked back towards his home, the weight of the firewood pressing against his back. A moment of confusion crept over him, causing him to pause mid-step. He looked over his shoulder, as if expecting to see someone there, before letting out a small breath.

'What am I saying?'

Shaking his head slightly, Tanjiro continued on his way, the rhythm of his steps matched by the rhythmic thud of the firewood against his back. He smiled a little in bemusement for his slip up. It was a moment of self-awareness, a realization that he had spoken almost out of habit, forgetting momentarily that Nezuko wasn't physically with him. Despite the absence of Nezuko beside him, her presence lingered in his mind. A faint unease tugged at the edges of his thoughts, a subtle feeling of incompleteness that he couldn't quite grasp.

He furrowed his brow, trying to pinpoint the source of his unease but nothing jumped out at him.

His gaze wandered over the familiar surroundings as he walked, the sights and sounds of the mountain and his home offering a comforting backdrop. The laughter of his siblings, the smell of smoke wafting from the village nearby, and the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze all added to the sense of peace and contentment. Yet, beneath it all, that nagging feeling persisted. It was as if a part of him was searching for something, a missing piece of the puzzle that would bring everything into focus. Tanjiro took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill his lungs, hoping it would clear his mind. As he approached their home, the warmth from within beckoned him inside.

He pushed aside his lingering unease for the time being, focusing instead on the task of providing firewood for their meal and home.

Setting the basket down with a thud, Tanjiro announced his return. He wasted no time and grabbed a few logs of wood from the basket before promptly adding them to the dying fire of the compact grill. With practiced hands, he arranged the logs strategically, stoking the embers back to life, ensuring a steady and even flame that would aid his mother and siblings in their cooking. As the flames danced and crackled, casting a warm glow over the small kitchen area, Tanjiro felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. There was something inherently gratifying about tending to the fire, nurturing it back to life and witnessing its renewed vigor.

It mirrored his own determination and resilience, a reminder of his role within the family unit since the passing of his father—a provider and caretaker.

With the fire now roaring once again, Tanjiro stepped back, his task of tending to the flames completed for the moment. He quietly left the kitchen and stepped into the small living room, where his siblings were gathered around, immersed in their own tasks. Shigeru, Hanako, and Takeo worked together harmoniously, their hands busy crushing spices, mixing ingredients, and shaping the rice cakes into thin, round forms while Rokuta watched them all work. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his siblings, their unity and cooperation a testament to the strength of their familial bond.

But, something was missing.

Tanjiro's brow furrowed with concern as he looked around the small living room, his gaze searching for Nezuko among his siblings. The absence of his sister, usually a constant presence in their activities, caught his attention.

"Where's Nezuko?" he inquired, his voice carrying a note of concern.

Takeo, pausing in his task of crushing spices, responded matter-of-factly, "She went up the mountain to pick vegetables."

Tanjiro's expression shifted to a mixture of surprise and worry. "In broad daylight?!" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

For some reason, the thought of Nezuko venturing up the mountain alone during the day raised alarm bells in his mind. Takeo raised a curious brow, perplexed by Tanjiro's sudden concern and urgency. Hanako and Shigeru exchanged curious glances, unsure if they had missed something or if Tanjiro's worry was warranted.

"Is that... wrong?" Hanako asked.

Her question only added to Tanjiro's confusion, causing him to pause and reconsider his initial reaction.

"Well, I... I guess not," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Tanjiro's initial alarm slowly ebbed as he processed the moment. He realized that perhaps he had been overly cautious, letting his worry get the better of him without considering the full context. After all, Nezuko was capable and resourceful, and the task of gathering vegetables during daylight hours wasn't inherently dangerous. Besides, they had grown up on this mountain, so she was familiar with it and adept at navigating its terrain.

Then why had he been so anxious before?

Tanjiro's thoughts swirled as he pondered this question, his gaze distant as he tried to unravel the knot of unease in his mind. Just then, his mother appeared from the kitchen and asked him to get the bath ready, requiring him to fetch more water. As he stepped outside, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to his scattered thoughts and the emotions swirling within him. He chalked it all up to fatigue. Walking towards the nearby river with two large buckets in tow, something caught his attention from the corner of his eye—a large, intricately carved wooden box. Intrigued, he turned to get a better look, only to find that the object had vanished into thin air, as if it had never been there at all. He paused, puzzled by the sudden disappearance, but then shrugged it off as a trick of his fatigued mind.

With unhurried steps, he continued on his way to the river, the incident lingering in his thoughts like a half-remembered dream. 

'I wonder what that was... maybe a toolbox?' 

Crouching down on a small wooden dock, Tanjiro peered over the edge into the water gently rushing below, studying his reflection. He didn't feel particularly exhausted, but the strain of his recent work and the swirl of strange thoughts and feelings must have been taking a toll, adding to the stress on his mind.

'I really must be tired...'

With slow, deliberate movements, Tanjiro reached for a bucket and lowered it down to scoop up water. However, just before the bucket could touch the water's surface, his reflection moved unexpectedly. His reflection's mouth moved silently, but then his own voice burst out, shouting at him to wake up. Caught off guard by this surreal turn of events, Tanjiro became fixated on the strange scenario unfolding before him. Lost in the moment, he loosened his grip on the dock and leaned forward, only to lose his balance completely. With a loud splash, his entire body plunged into the freezing cold river water. The shock of the icy water enveloping him was immediate and intense. Tanjiro's muscles tensed, and his breath caught in his throat as he struggled to regain his bearings. The cold seeped into his bones, sending shivers racing through his body.

Suddenly, his reflection transformed into a full-bodied figure that reached out and pulled him close, warning him about the danger he was in.

"You've gotta wake up! All of this is a dream! Open your eyes! You have to wake up and fight!"

As the figure's words echoed in his mind, Tanjiro's thoughts started to clear with each passing second. His eyes widened as a sudden realization dawned on him. None of this was real. He wasn't actually standing by the river; instead, he was aboard the Mugen Train on a mission with his companions and the Flame Hashira, embarking on a quest to locate and defeat a powerful demon. A sudden surge of energy propelled Tanjiro away from his reflection and plunged him into darkness.

The next thing he knew, he was back inside his home, sitting on the ground with his family surrounding him as they ate and argued over the meal.

"Hey, give me your pickled radishes," Takeo demanded with a playful grin, eyeing Tanjiro's tray.

Hanako held her hand up in an effort to prevent Takeo from taking the food, her tone exasperated. "Hold it right there, Takeo! That's so not fair! Why are you always taking food away from Tanjiro, huh?"

"Mind your own business!" he retorted, their exchange escalating into a glaring match with puffed-out cheeks, leaving Tanjiro dumbfounded as he observed silently.

Just moments ago, he had been outside fetching water for a bath, only to find himself suddenly plunged into the river after a surreal encounter with his reflection warning him of danger and claiming that everything happening was just a dream. He blinked, his mind spinning as he tried to make sense of it all. How could he escape this dream, and what was he supposed to do even knowing it was just a dream? Feeling a mixture of confusion and helplessness, Tanjiro took a deep breath and sat there, staring down at his hands resting in his lap.

The sounds of his sibling's argument faded into the background as he grappled with the reality—or unreality—of his situation.

Outside of his dream in the real world, Nezuko slowly pushed open the door of her box nestled on the cushioned train seat. Not expecting the position that her box was placed in, she fell onto the floor with a soft thud as she slowly emerged. Unbothered, she scanned the carriage, noticing that everyone seemed to be sleeping. She made a puzzled sound as she looked at the Flame Hashira, who was standing and holding a woman firmly by her throat. Casting her gaze to the side, she spotted the funny, loud, blond man slumped over with a goofy grin on his face as he drooled, and the boar-headed one strewn over your lap as you leaned against the opposite window.

Hearing quiet murmurs, Nezuko tilted her head and looked across from her to see her brother lying on the seat, talking in his sleep. She looked closer, noticing his face covered in sweat. It seemed like he was having a nightmare of some kind, as his body twitched and his face scrunched up with distress. Concerned, she gently prodded his shoulder to try and wake him, but to no avail. Nezuko's concern deepened as Tanjiro remained unresponsive. She shook him a little more vigorously, but he continued to be trapped in his restless sleep. 

Taking another approach, she grabbed his hand and placed it on top of her head, rubbing it over her hair in hopes that the physical contact would somehow wake him. But as he remained deep asleep, she frowned and pulled her head back before slamming it forward to headbutt him. Their heads connected with a loud crack, and as she pulled away, her forehead turned red as a sizeable bump formed. Tears welled in her eyes, frustration and sadness intermingling and building up until she could no longer contain it.

Throwing her arms out in a fit, muffled and distressed grumbles tumbled from her mouth as her powers activated, lighting them both up in pink flames.

Inside Tanjiro's dream, he suddenly burst into flames, causing his siblings to stop arguing abruptly. They gasped and watched in shock as he was consumed by the bright inferno. They called out to him worriedly as he quickly stood up, his senses slowly being pulled back to reality when he caught the faint scent of blood belonging to Nezuko. Unaware of his appearance mirroring his past self, his eyes widened as his clothing and everything around him changed to match his current self, now wearing his uniform with his sword securely placed in his belt.

He was waking up!

"What's going on?" Takeo questioned, his voice filled with concern.

Hanako held her arms together in a self-soothing manner as she trembled. "Tanjiro, I'm really scared..."

"Yeah, me too. Are you alright?" Shigeru asked, his brow furrowed with worry.

Tanjiro couldn't bring himself to look them in the eyes as he stood there, a tumultuous mix of emotions washing over him. On one hand, he was relieved to be waking up and returning to reality, but on the other hand, it meant leaving behind the dream and the people he cared for. Even though they were just manifestations of the people who he knew and loved, it was still just as painful to say goodbye. His mind and heart screamed in unison, begging him to stay, but deep down, he knew that he couldn't.

He had to go, leaving them behind once more, just as he had done two years ago after their deaths.

His expression slowly morphed, grief taking over as he whispered, "I'm sorry, everyone... I have to go."

With a heavy heart, Tanjiro walked to the door that led outside. He swiftly slid it open and ran out, doing his best to ignore the cries of his siblings as they tried to chase after him. With his hand resting on the hilt of his blade, he moved as fast as he could, stumbling as he pushed through the snow. Filled with determination, he began his search for whatever was responsible for showing this dream—a demon, no doubt, given that in reality, he and his companions were on a mission to find and slay one.

It had to be nearby, and he had to defeat it quickly. Time was running out.

As he ran, his eyes flicked back and forth, scanning the woods covered in a thick blanket of ice and snow. The scenery blended together, making it difficult to distinguish anything. His breathing became ragged as he continued to run, focused on escaping, but the sound of a voice he hadn't heard in a long while caused him to stumble and stop.

"Where are you running off to?"

He froze in place, his back facing her. Seemingly unfazed by his silence, she continued speaking, her voice tinged with cheery light-heartedness.

"I picked lots of vegetables from the mountain!"

Nezuko? But... how? Why? As he grappled with these questions, the voices of their other siblings and mother emerged from behind them and quickly approached. They recounted to their mother how Tanjiro had suddenly burst into flames and then hurriedly taken off, causing panic and worry among them all. They stopped a few yards behind him, his mother stepping forward with a concerned frown as she slowly approached.

"Tanjiro, are you alright?" Her tone held uncertainty, and she hesitated to walk closer, as if fearing he might run off again. "What's the matter, dear? And why are you dressed like that?"

As the snowflakes fell gently around him, Tanjiro's mind raced, grappling with the sudden shift from the dream world back to reality. His mother's concerned voice pulled at his heartstrings, reminding him of the deep connections he had with his family, both in the dream and in the waking world. It was all just so unfair. Why did things happen the way that they did?

"I wish... I wish I could stay," Tanjiro whispered, his voice barely audible over the falling snow and gentle breeze.

In that moment, he allowed himself to dwell on the alternate reality he had experienced in the dream—a world where his family lived, where his hands were not calloused from wielding a sword but from tending to charcoal. His thoughts drifted to Nezuko, to the life they could have had if tragedy hadn't struck their family. If only she could walk freely in the sunlight, under the blue sky, without the curse that bound her to darkness and bloodlust. His heart ached for the simplicity of that life, for the innocence and joy that were taken away by tragedy and the path he had been forced to walk as a Demon Slayer.

He wished things could've been different. He wish they could've all lived together, without this endless cycle of fighting and loss.

"If only it could've stayed that way," he murmured, a wistful ache in his words.

The weight of his responsibilities as a Demon Slayer, the loss of his loved ones, and the constant battle against evil weighed heavily on his shoulders. With a heavy heart but renewed determination, he took a deep breath and straightened his posture. One step forward, then another, he began to walk away, leaving his past behind once again in an effort to return to reality. The snow continued to fall softly around him, a reminder of the fleeting nature of moments and the ever-changing world they lived in.

As he walked, his thoughts gravitated towards the urgent mission awaiting him and his companions aboard the Mugen Train. The encounter with the demon responsible for the dream-like illusions loomed as a pressing concern, overshadowing his personal turmoil. The mission aboard the Mugen Train was not just about defeating a demon; it was about protecting the lives of countless others who were at risk, including his companions. Tanjiro's sense of duty as a Demon Slayer propelled him forward, pushing aside his personal grief to face the challenges ahead with unwavering determination.

He knew that dwelling too long on the past, no matter how painful it was to leave, would only hinder their chances of survival.

His family was gone, and the weight of that loss settled painfully on his heart. The memories of their warmth, their laughter, and their love were bittersweet echoes in his mind. But as much as he longed for their presence, he understood that he could never go back. The past was a chapter that had ended, and he had to focus on the present and the future. With each step, his resolve grew stronger. He drew strength from the memories of his family, using their love as a guiding light in the darkness of their dangerous world.

They may be gone, but their legacy lived on within him, fueling his courage and fortitude.

'I'm so sorry... though we can't be together anymore... I promise, I'll be thinking of you all!'

With those heartfelt words echoing in his mind, his strides become faster. He charges forward, plunging into the relentless onslaught of an oncoming winter storm, deliberately deafening himself to the desperate calls of his mother and siblings behind him. Tears stream down his face, mingling with the icy sting of the biting wind, as his breath hitches in his throat, each gasp a struggle against the frigid air. He chokes on sobs, his emotions raw and tumultuous. Had he paused for even a moment and glanced back, he would have seen the heart-wrenching expressions on their faces, the sight of Rokuta stumbling in the snow while desperately attempting to pursue him.

The image might have weakened his resolve, tempting him to surrender to the allure of this illusory world.

'There are so many things that I have to thank you for. And things to apologize for... but, I'll never forget you. No matter what, you'll always be in my heart! So please, forgive me, I beg you!'

Each step through the storm is a testament to his strength and resilience, as he forges ahead with unwavering resolve, determined to face whatever challenges lie ahead, fueled by the memory of those he loves and the promise of a brighter future. As Tanjiro runs further away, a figure begins to slowly follow him—a man. However, instead of pursuing him directly, the man changes course, heading towards the edge of Tanjiro's subconscious. With deliberate precision, he draws a dagger and pierces through the veil separating the dream from Tanjiro's subconscious and soul, crossing over to the other side. This abrupt transition creates a stark contrast to the elements within the dream. While within the dream, a cold and dark winter storm rages with a flurry of wind and snow, outside the dream, there exists a serene expanse of bright blue skies and a calm sea of water.

The peacefulness of this external landscape stands in sharp juxtaposition to the turbulent dreamscape Tanjiro finds himself trapped within.

The man stands in awe, his eyes drawn to the beautiful, endless expanse that seems to stretch infinitely before him. The air carries a light and inviting embrace, suffused with the gentle warmth of the sun shining brightly overhead. A soft breeze drifts through the landscape, its whispers carrying a sense of tranquility and serenity across the land. It's as if the very essence of peace and harmony has taken form in this idyllic setting, perfectly mirroring the heart and soul of Tanjiro. As he gazes out into the vastness, a profound sense of calm washes over him, momentarily dispelling the turmoil and chaos of the world outside.

Suddenly, a group of small spirits materializes in front of him, their ethereal forms shimmering with curiosity. One of them, bolder than the rest, reaches out and grabs his hand, urging him to follow. Intrigued, he quietly complies, his footsteps creating gentle ripples in the calm water below as the sprites lead him deeper into the serene expanse. As they traverse the tranquil landscape, the sprites guide him to a floating orb radiating a soft, mesmerizing glow. The orb shimmers with an otherworldly brilliance, its surface reflecting a myriad of colors that dance like a mesmerizing rainbow around them. Entranced by the beauty and magic of the scene, he gazes at the orb with a sense of wonder and awe, captivated by its ethereal presence amidst the peaceful surroundings.

It was his spirital core...

"Why bring me here?" he questions, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Didn't they understand that he wasn't supposed to be here?

That his purpose was to find and destroy the core?

He stares at the sprites, searching their translucent forms for answers. The sprite that had taken his hand tilts its head curiously and then turns to gesture at the glowing orb floating before them, its meaning clear yet enigmatic. They seemed to know that he was searching for it, and yet, they guided him to the core without hesitation or resistance, leaving him bewildered by their actions. His eyes widen in disbelief and awe as he slowly sinks to his knees, overwhelmed by a wave of conflicting emotions. Sniffling, he struggles to comprehend the actions of the small spirits before him.

Why would they lead him to this sacred place, knowing full well that his intention was to destroy it?

The depth of their purity and kindness, even at the potential expense of their own well-being, leaves him speechless. How could someone or something possess such selflessness and compassion, defying the logic of his purpose-driven mission? It's a moment of profound realization, a glimpse into a realm of purity and goodness that transcends his understanding, stirring a mix of gratitude, confusion, and humility within him. A wave of guilt weighs heavily on him, a burden he now carries for attempting to inflict harm upon another person in a desperate bid to escape the relentless pain of his own reality—suffering from an illness, which was terminal in his case. 

And as he gazes at the glowing orb, surrounded by the gentle spirits, something shifts within him. A newfound clarity emerges, a realization that he cannot go through with his original intention. The purity and kindness displayed before him have touched something deep within his heart, sparking a transformation of his own. He can't do it... he won't. The glimmering spirit residing within Tanjiro's heart and soul has brought light into his own, illuminating a path of compassion and understanding. In this moment of revelation, he vows to embrace a new purpose—one rooted in empathy and healing, rather than destruction. Suddenly, death doesn't seem so terrifying.

Though he is certain he won't be welcomed into the gates of heaven when he eventually passes from his illness, if it were anything like the warm embrace of Tanjiro's soul, he would be happy and could rest in peace.

"Where the heck is the spiritual core thing?" a woman panted raggedly as she climbed on top of a giant boulder. "The subconscious—" She paused as she reached the top, taking a deep breath as she planted her hands on her knees. "I don't like being here at all! That topless boar-man I saw was also creepy... this is all so overwhelming."

As she stood there, monologuing her discomfort, a figure slowly snuck up behind her from the shadows. Hearing a low growl, the woman turned to find the masked man standing ominously behind her, drool dripping from the mouth of the mask. She screamed as he made himself appear larger, throwing his arms out as he roared menacingly. Terrified, she scrambled away as he gave chase, running with hands and feet like an actual wild animal. As the woman sprinted through the rocky terrain, her heart pounded in her chest, her breaths coming in short gasps. The masked man pursued her relentlessly, his movements fluid and predatory as he closed the distance between them.

She could hear his heavy footsteps behind her, his growls echoing through the air. Desperation fueled her as she searched for a way to escape. The terrain was unforgiving, with jagged rocks and steep inclines making it difficult to navigate. With a burst of adrenaline, she pushed herself harder, leaping over obstacles and dodging the masked man's lunges. The chase seemed endless, each passing moment filled with fear and uncertainty. She could feel her energy draining, but the thought of giving up never crossed her mind. She had to keep going, had to find a way to survive this terrifying encounter.

Suddenly, she spotted a narrow opening between two large boulders. Without hesitation, she darted through the gap, hoping to lose her pursuer in the maze-like formations of the rocky landscape.

As she emerged on the other side, she risked a glance behind her. To her relief, the masked man was nowhere in sight. Breathing heavily, she leaned against a boulder, her heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled escape. But just as she started to catch her breath, a low growl sounded from behind her. She turned slowly, dread creeping over her as she saw the masked man emerging from the shadows once again, his eyes fixed on her with an intense hunger-like energy. Before she could react, the masked man lashed out, his form seemingly transforming into that of a giant boar-monster.

His mouth opened wide, and in a terrifying descent, he devoured her whole.

A man struggles to find his way around as he wanders blindly in pitch darkness.

"I can't see a damn thing in here. This sucks..." he sighs in irritation, holding his hands out, trying to feel for anything useful. "What's with this blond brat's subconscious realm, anyway? Do I really have to grope around like this to find his spiritual core?"

Suddenly, a snap of something big and sharp echoes in the once silent realm. The sound bounces around him, jumping from one spot to another until it comes from right behind him. He freezes, slowly looking over his shoulder, only to come face to face with the man whose dreams he had entered.

"What the hell is a guy doing in this area?" the blond questions with a strange and intense glare. "...You parasite!"

The intruder stares wide-eyed as he trips backwards, the blond invading his personal space, brandishing a pair of giant bush trimmers.

"H-Hehh..." the man trembles nervously, gulping.

"The only person who's allowed here is Y/n-chaaaaan," the blond continues without blinking, his voice lowering to a sinister whisper. "So, I'm going to kill you..."

The man shouts in terror as he sprints away, but the blond is hot on his trail, relentlessly demanding answers to questions the man doesn't have a single clue about.

"Where is she?!" the blond yells, his voice laced with desperation and fury. "Where is my precious Y/n-chan?!"

"Wha— How would I know?!" the man shouts back, panic rising in his voice.

Unsatisfied with his answer, the blond's eye twitches as he raises the bush trimmer. "Well then, just diiiiiiie!"

Moving with incredible speed, the blond attacks. He zips around the man with lightning-fast movements, dealing blow after blow. The man's attempts to evade are futile; the blond is everywhere at once, each swing of the bush trimmer tearing through his clothes. The blond's relentless assault continues, each strike more precise and forceful than the last, until the man is overwhelmed, collapsing under the barrage of attacks.

Tanjiro comes to a slow stop as he follows the faint scent of what he believes to be the demon controlling his dreams. He squints, trying to peer through the winter storm that obscures his vision, making it harder to detect anything. As he tries to rely on his keen sense of smell, he realizes that it almost seems futile. It's like there's a film over everything, blocking his senses. The faint demonic scent is all around, carried by the stinging winds, making it impossible to pinpoint its source. Frustration gnaws at him as he stands there, the cold biting into his skin.

He had to hurry!

If everyone else was also asleep, then they were in big trouble. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts and focus. But what could he do? If he was asleep right now, did that mean he couldn't use Total Concentration Breathing? The thought made him pause. Total Concentration Breathing was integral to the fighting style of Demon Slayers, the ability to sharpen their senses and increase their strength. He clenched his fists, his expression twisting into one of uncertainty and frustration. He knew he couldn't afford to give up; his friends' lives depended on him. But if he couldn't use Total Concentration in this dream world, how could he fight back? Before he could dwell further on the situation at hand, a strong gust of wind blew over him, accompanied by a voice calling his name. He froze in place as the familiar voice commanded his focus and attention, giving him a vague clue.

"Take up your sword! What you must cut is within your reach..."

Tanjiro turned, but just like that, the man disappeared in another flurry before Tanjiro could truly see him, leaving him shaken. That voice—although he hadn't heard it for a long time, it was unmistakable—it belonged to his father.

'What I must cut is within my reach...?'

Tanjiro pondered the meaning behind this as he slowly grasped his sword and lifted it into the air, staring at his reflection as it gleamed. A sickening feeling washed over him as he came to an unsettling conclusion. He thought he understood... but what if he was wrong? If what happened here had an effect outside of the dream, in reality, then it would all be over. Clenching his fist around the hilt of his blade, he closed his eyes and mustered every ounce of strength, will, and courage.

He had to give it a try, or else he might be stuck here forever. 

'Don't hesitate! Do it! You have to...'

His death would put an end to this dream; in other words, what he had to slash was his very own neck!

With shaking hands, he knelt down and positioned the blade at his neck. His shout echoed through the silent realm, a mix of adrenaline, fear, and determination coursing through him. He braced himself for the moment of truth, moving swiftly as he brought down the blade in one decisive motion. Blood spattered onto the pure white snow as his vision immediately darkened. His heart raced, terror and agony crashing over him as he was forced back awake with startling intensity. His screams continued as his body instinctively sprung upright, chest heaving with uneven breaths, finding himself back in the Mugen Train.

He unconsciously reached up and touched his neck, as if checking to ensure he was truly awake and not dead.

Sweat coats his brow as he sits in stunned silence for a few moments, slowly grappling with everything that had transpired thus far. Slowly, he calms down as he comes to terms with the fact that he was indeed alive. Everything was alright. But then he remembers smelling the faint scent of blood from Nezuko while in his dream not too long ago, so he quickly whirls around only to find his sister already awake and staring at him with wide eyes. She shrinks back and covers her forehead as he leans forward with unexpected speed, worry lacing his words.

"Nezuko! Are you okay?!"

Seeing that she appeared to be fine, with only a small bump on her forehead (which he had no idea how it got there), he smiled in relief before turning his gaze towards everyone else. You, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Rengoku were all still asleep. However, he also noticed a few other people nearby, each of them tied to an individual with ropes. Looking at his own wrist, he found a rope tied around it as well, but it appeared to have been singed off, likely the work of Nezuko. However, there was also a faint scent of another demon, and as he brought it up to his nose, he realized that it was the same scent as the one on the tickets that the conductor had punched holes in earlier.

They all fell asleep shortly after that, so a demon truly must be behind this spell!

But using such a strong Demon Blood Art with this discreet of a smell didn't bode well. It only confirmed everything that Rengoku and your group had suspected before: the demon behind all this was cunning and strong. Standing up, Tanjiro approached Rengoku and pulled out his sword, but he hesitated to cut through the rope connecting him to a random woman. For some reason, he felt as if he shouldn't sever the rope with his sword. He couldn't do it—only the power of another demon could break the spell.

"Nezuko," Tanjiro turned back to his sister, "can you burn the other ropes?"

She nodded, determination flickering in her eyes as she quickly got to work, using her own Demon Blood Art to burn the ropes away. Once she was done, they both began to poke and prod at you and the others, desperately trying to rouse you all from your slumber. Nezuko's eyes grew bigger as a small pout formed, and she grumbled worriedly, gently patting your cheek with her small hands. Tanjiro tried shaking Zenitsu's and Inosuke's shoulders, but both of them, along with you, remained undisturbed. Becoming saddened by your lack of response, Nezuko rushed into Tanjiro's arms and held onto him tightly. He patted her head gently, trying to soothe her and calm his own anxiety, although it was difficult to do so.

It was no good; none of you were waking up!

He turned around just in time as a woman suddenly lunged at him with a small, pointy weapon. He managed to pull Nezuko away and dodge the attack, watching as the woman stumbled past him and whipped around to get back into an offensive stance, pointing the weapon at him. One by one, the other strangers woke up and stood around, glaring and holding their weapons up as well. However, one man remained seated and didn't budge an inch, even as the woman yelled at him to get up and do his job, not caring if he was sick and weakened with tuberculosis.

Was this woman and the other people under the control of the demon?

As she yelled at him for interfering and ruining her and the others' plans, Tanjiro's realization struck hard—he understood that these people weren't being controlled; they were willingly participating, lured by the promise of pleasant dreams. Anger and frustration surged within him at the demon's manipulation of these innocent souls. It was unforgivable to prey on their vulnerabilities in such a deceitful manner. Despite empathizing with their desire for happiness and relief from their struggles, Tanjiro couldn't condone the means by which they sought it. The dreams they were promised were illusions, a temporary escape that only perpetuated their suffering in reality.

Inflicting pain on others to evade their own hardships was not a viable solution—it only perpetuated a cycle of pain and suffering.

With resolve hardening in his heart, Tanjiro stepped forward, determination blazing in his eyes. He couldn't allow this exploitation to continue. These people deserved a chance at genuine happiness, not a fabricated fantasy built on the suffering of others. As he assessed the situation, Tanjiro knew that he would have to take decisive action. It pained him to think about it, but he understood that he would need to incapacitate these individuals temporarily. Knocking them out was the unfortunate but necessary step to prevent them from interfering further with the mission to stop the demon.

With a sense of duty, Tanjiro steeled himself for what needed to be done. He moved swiftly, his training and instincts guiding each precise strike as he incapacitated the affected individuals with well-aimed blows to the back of their necks. Each strike he delivered was controlled, ensuring that the people affected by the demon's influence would be safely subdued without causing any lasting harm. As he finished neutralizing the last of them, Tanjiro took a moment to catch his breath, his mind filled with conflicting emotions. He reminded himself that this was for their own good, to free them from the false promises of the demon's dreams and to protect others from falling into the same trap.

"I'm sorry," Tanjiro whispered softly, a mix of regret and pain in his voice. "You all just wanted a happy dream, didn't you? I know... I wanted that as well. I wish this was all just a bad dream."

The man who had been connected to Tanjiro slowly stood before him, his tired and sickly appearance a harsh contrast to the glint of hope in his eyes as he looked at Tanjiro with a bittersweet smile. Tanjiro's concern was evident as he asked if the man was alright, to which the man replied that he was fine now, his voice carrying a sense of gratitude and resignation for Tanjiro already (and unknowingly) helping him. He then wished Tanjiro good luck and urged him to be careful, a silent understanding passing between them. Tanjiro nodded in acknowledgment, his smile soft and reassuring, before he grabbed onto Nezuko's hand.

With determination in their hearts, they dashed through the carriages, searching for an exit. The demon seemed to be nowhere inside, so they needed to look elsewhere.

Coming to a door leading outside, Tanjiro threw it open with urgency, only to be hit by a foul stench that instantly overwhelmed his senses. The putrid smell permeated the air, clinging to everything around despite the strong wind blowing around the speeding train. He couldn't fathom how he managed to sleep through such an intense smell. Even if the carriage was closed off and airtight, the scent was unbelievably strong, almost suffocating.

Tanjiro almost felt a pang of shame for how he could have missed something so glaringly obvious.

Quickly regaining his focus, Tanjiro pushed aside his self-criticism and honed in on the task at hand. The overpowering odor only fueled his determination to locate and confront the demon responsible for this nightmare. Sticking his head out of the side of the train, he took in the direction of the scent, realizing that the demon was upwind, possibly in the very first carriage near the front of the train. 

Walking to the ledge of the small platform that connects each carriage, Tanjiro's agility shone as he grabbed onto the outer edge of the open doorway and swiftly pulled himself up. With a fluid motion, his body flipped upside down as he landed gracefully on top of the roof of the train. Balancing himself with practiced ease, Tanjiro crouched low, his keen eyes scanning the area for any signs of the demon's presence. The rushing wind tugged at his clothes and hair, but he remained focused, his senses heightened as he prepared for the impending confrontation.

"It's dangerous, Nezuko. Don't follow me past here!" Tanjiro's voice carried in the wind as he cautioned his sister. "Keep trying to wake everyone else up!"

Standing up on the rooftop, Tanjiro turned towards the front of the train, his senses alert as he ran forward in search of the demon responsible for the chaos. It didn't take long before he encountered the demon on the train's roof, who greeted him with an oddly cheerful expression.

"What's this? You're awake now?" The demon's voice carried a mocking tone, his hand waving in a casual greeting. "Good morning~! But what a shame, you could've stayed dreaming forever!"

Tanjiro's expression hardened as he faced the demon, his brows knitting together in a glower. He couldn't fathom the demon's nonchalant attitude, knowing full well the suffering it had caused.

"Hmm, why are you awake?" The demon's curiosity seemed genuine as he continued, "Did I not show you a dream tailored to your every desire? If I had so wished it, it could've been a dream where your family was being slaughtered~! Would you have liked that one better? Of course not, much too distressing~!"

Tanjiro's jaw clenched, his hands instinctively moving to rest on the hilt of his sword in preparation. The mention of his family being slaughtered struck a nerve, but the demon didn't stop there, pushing even further with its twisted suggestions.

"Or here's an idea: a dream where you dear father comes back to life~?" The demon's taunt was laced with malice, intended to provoke Tanjiro's emotions and destabilize his resolve.

Tanjiro's expression hardened further at the demon's callous words, his brows furrowing deeply in a glower of disdain. The demon's taunts cut deep, playing on his emotions with cruel precision. Tanjiro's grip tightened on the hilt of his sword, his eyes narrowing into a steely gaze as he braced himself against the demon's manipulative words. He refused to be swayed by such tactics, his determination burning even brighter as he steeled himself for the confrontation ahead.

The demon, Enmu, chuckled to himself, relishing in the chaos he caused. The expression of confusion and horror on humans' faces as he plunged them from happy dreams into terrifying nightmares was a delight beyond compare. Witnessing someone shattered to their core by misfortune, squirming in agony, was akin to savoring sweet nectar for him. Despite his seemingly roundabout methods, Enmu was not to be mistaken for being distracted. His ultimate goal was clear—to kill and revel in the suffering he inflicted. And he told Tanjiro just as much, further taunting him, hoping to rile him up even before killing him.

However, Tanjiro's sudden awakening intrigued him and momentarily prevented him from acting upon his desires any further.

How had the young Demon Slayer manage to break the spell so swiftly? It puzzled him, as humans typically clung fiercely to the comforting illusion of their own imaginations. The sheer magnitude of their desire for happiness usually made them easy prey. Veins bulged on Tanjiro's forehead as his anger flared, his hand instinctively drawing his blade from where it rested against his hip. The metal gleamed in the dim light of the night, reflecting his resolve and the fury burning within him.

"Intruding on one's soul is something I won't allow!" His voice rang out, carrying a weight of determination and fury that reverberated through the air. "This trespassing of yours shall not stand!"

Each word was infused with the strength of his convictions, a testament to his unwavering resolve to protect others from the demon's malicious schemes. The look in Tanjiro's eyes was fierce, his gaze locked onto Enmu with unyielding intensity. He stood ready, his stance firm and his blade poised, a silent promise of defiance against any who sought to harm the innocent. Enmu's smile faltered slightly at the sight of Tanjiro's unwavering determination, realizing that this human was not to be underestimated.

Enmu's eyes were then drawn to the pair of earrings that Tanjiro wore, their gentle sway in the wind catching his attention. His smile widened at the sight, a glint of anticipation shining in his gaze. What good fortune! It was as if fate had guided this human right to him, presenting an opportunity that Enmu couldn't resist. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Tanjiro's presence tantalized Enmu's ambitions. Tanjiro's life was wanted by Muzan. The prospect of capturing him and extracting a greater share of his Master's blood filled Enmu with excitement.

If he could achieve this, he would ascend to even greater heights of power, perhaps even challenging an Upper Rank demon in a duel to usurp their position. Enmu's laughter, though light, carried a manic edge filled with excitement and anticipation. His eyes gleamed with a predatory gleam as he focused on Tanjiro, the young Demon Slayer now standing as both a threat and an opportunity in Enmu's eyes. Tanjiro wielded his blade with a fluid motion, channeling a Water Breathing technique into a swirling azure dragon of water that coiled around him. With determination in his eyes, he leaned forward and prepared to strike, his voice cutting through the howling winds.

"Water Breathing: Tenth Form—Constant Flux!"

Tanjiro surged ahead, his movements swift and purposeful as he closed the gap to engage the demon. In response, Enmu unleashed his Blood Demon Art with theatrical flair, gesturing dramatically as a hand with a grotesque mouth descended.

"Blood Demon Art: Whispers of Ordained Unconscious Mesmerism!" The mouth grit its teeth as it spoke with a hypnotic allure. "Go... To... Sleep, dear Slayer~!"

Invisible waves of hypnotic sound carried through the wind, striking Tanjiro with full force. His body staggered, teetering dangerously close to the edge of the train as the spell attempted to drag him into another dream. However, to Enmu's shock and disbelief, Tanjiro's eyes shot back open, and with a determined grunt, he managed to stop himself from tumbling off the train, straightening himself back up. Enmu's expression shifted from shock to confusion and then fascination as he witnessed Tanjiro's swift recovery from his mind-altering power.

"It didn't work?" Enmu muttered in disbelief.

How could this human break free from his power so quickly and effortlessly? Reacting swiftly, Tanjiro closed the distance between them in an instant, thrusting his sword forward with precision. Enmu dodged the attack, leaping backward to gain some distance as he cast the spell again. Frustration crept into his features as Tanjiro nearly slid off the train but managed to wake up once again, defying Enmu's attempts to ensnare him in the dream realm.

"Sleep now! Sleep now!! SLEEP NOW!!! GO... TO... SLEEP!!!!"

Enmu's relentless chant echoed through the air, each command infused with potent hypnotic power. Again and again, Tanjiro fell unconscious, his body momentarily giving in to the spell's influence. But each time, he awakened with a fierce resolve, his mind clear and focused despite the mental assault. With each awakening, Tanjiro's movements became more resolute, fueled by an inner strength that refused to yield. His eyes blazed with determination as he surged forward once more, his sword poised to strike.

Enmu's expression twisted with frustration and disbelief. How could this mere human defy his hypnotic power time and time again? Tanjiro's unwavering spirit and resolve were unlike anything Enmu had encountered before. The battle of wills continued, each moment filled with tension as Tanjiro fought to stay awake and alert, refusing to let Enmu's manipulation claim him. Enmu's mind raced as he observed Tanjiro's repeated awakenings despite falling under the spell each time. Tanjiro was indeed affected by the hypnotic power, but his incredible willpower allowed him to maintain self-awareness even in the depths of the dream.

A revelation dawned upon Enmu, a realization that sent a shiver down his spine.

"He's... committing suicide in the dream to wake up!" Enmu laughed to himself, his eyes widening in astonishment. "To take one's own life with such determination, even within a dream... it requires unimaginable willpower!"

Enmu couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and frustration towards Tanjiro's resilience. The human's ability to resist the dream's allure and maintain control over his own actions was unprecedented. It was a testament to Tanjiro's unyielding spirit and unwavering determination. With a newfound respect for his opponent, Enmu prepared himself for a battle unlike any other. Tanjiro's willpower was a force to be reckoned with, and Enmu knew that defeating him would require every ounce of his cunning and power.

On top of the speeding train, Tanjiro and Enmu engaged in a deadly dance, their movements swift and precise.

Each attack and dodge flowed seamlessly, their bodies moving with a grace that belied the lethal intent behind every strike. The clanging of steel and the rush of wind created a cacophony that echoed through the night. Tanjiro's breathing techniques amplified his agility and strength, allowing him to keep pace with Enmu's supernatural speed. Enmu, on the other hand, moved with a fluidity that seemed almost unnatural, his body weaving and twisting to avoid Tanjiro's strikes. His expression remained calm, but there was an undercurrent of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Despite his best efforts, Tanjiro's relentless willpower kept him from succumbing to the dream world for too long.

With one last, desperate attempt, Enmu plunged Tanjiro into his worst nightmare.

Tanjiro's world went dark as he fell unconscious, finding himself transported to a twisted version of his home. The familiar surroundings were now cloaked in darkness, the sky above tinged with an eerie red glow. The air was heavy with a sense of dread and despair. Tanjiro stood frozen as he took in the nightmarish scene before him. His youngest brother, Rokuta, stood a few feet away, his small frame drenched in blood. The sight was horrifying—Rokuta's clothes were soaked with crimson, and his face was smeared with it, streaks of tears carving clean tracks down his cheeks.

His cries were piercing, a heart-wrenching mix of terror and anguish that echoed in the dark, oppressive atmosphere.

"Tanjiro..." Rokuta's voice trembled, his eyes wide with fear and pain. "Why didn't you save us? We needed you!"

As Rokuta's cries echoed in the dark, Takeo's angry presence loomed over Tanjiro, his face contorted with anger. Blood poured from Takeo's mouth, and his eyes were vacant, filled with resentment.

"While we were being murdered, where the hell were you?"

Takeo's voice was a harsh, accusatory shout that reverberated through Tanjiro's soul, each word a dagger of guilt. Hanako reached out and gripped Tanjiro's haori, her small hand trembling. Her voice was filled with despair and hopelessness as she stared at the blood-soaked ground.

"Why were you... the sole survivor?" she asked, her words whispered with sorrow and confusion.

The world around Tanjiro shifted again. He found himself seated in front of his father, who swung his arm out and threw a cup of tea at him. Tanjiro flinched as the ceramic cup thumped against his forehead and clattered to the ground, the scalding liquid dripping down his face. Despite the pain, he didn't try to wipe it away—he couldn't. He remained still, his eyes shaking as he listened to his father's berating words.

"You couldn't even save your own family," his father spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're useless."

The nightmare continued to unfold, each scene more harrowing than the last as it changed once more, and Tanjiro turned to find his mother cradling a motionless Rokuta. Her face was filled with contempt as she looked at Tanjiro, her eyes cold and unfeeling.

"You're the one who should've died that day," she said, her voice laced with bitterness. "But instead, you've gone and just left us all behind..."

Tanjiro's heart ached with an unbearable weight of guilt and sorrow. Each word, each accusation, felt like a crushing blow. The darkness of the nightmare threatened to consume him entirely. But somewhere deep within, a spark of defiance flickered. No. This isn't real! With a shout of defiance, Tanjiro willed himself to wake up, shattering the illusion that Enmu had crafted to ensnare him. The darkness dissipated, and Tanjiro's eyes shot open, finding himself back on top of the speeding train. His resolve was unbroken, his determination stronger than ever. Gritting his teeth, he was filled with rage as he locked eyes with Enmu, the air becoming charged with his fury.


With incredible speed, Tanjiro dashed forward, his movements fast and agile. He leaped into the air, the wind whipping around him as he soared. His blade gleamed in the moonlight, reflecting his unwavering resolve. As he descended, he swung his sword with all his might. The blade connected with Enmu's neck in a decisive, powerful strike. Before Enmu could even react, his vision spun as his head was severed from his neck. His body slumped over, collapsing onto the train's roof. For a moment, everything was still, the wind carrying away the remnants of Enmu's sinister laugh from earlier.

However, Tanjiro's instincts screamed that this wasn't over.

Tanjiro stood there, his chest heaving from the exertion and the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him. In that moment, he couldn't help but question whether this was another dream or if the demon before him was simply weaker than the one he faced at Mount Natagumo. But Enmu's disembodied head didn't dissolve into ash as other demons did when killed. Instead, it lay motionless on the train, an eerie calm settling over the scene as Enmu's voice echoed with unsettling composure.

"I understand now... I understand why the Master ordered me to have you disposed of."

Tanjiro's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the grotesque transformation of Enmu's severed head. The eerie calmness that had settled over the scene shattered into a thousand pieces as Enmu's head emerged from a fleshy, gelatinous mass. A sickening realization dawned on Tanjiro: the demon was far from defeated and this nightmare was far from over.

Enmu's laughter echoed with a chilling delight as he taunted Tanjiro. "What a lovely expression on your face! One that I've been longing to see~!" His head wriggled in the air, a sickening grin plastered on his face. "You're wondering why I'm still alive, even after you decapitated me~? Well, I'll tell you since I'm feeling so ecstatic!"

Tanjiro watched the revolting sight before him, his expression a mix of shock and curiosity as he listened to Enmu's twisted explanation.

Enmu's voice dripped with malevolent glee as he spoke, his head contorting in unnatural ways. "You see, that wasn't actually my true self~! The same can be said for what's before you; it may look like my head, but that is not the case! While you were sleeping like a helpless little baby, I fused my being with this entire train!"

Tanjiro's eyes widened in horror as the implications of Enmu's words sank in. The demon had merged his essence with the very structure of the train, turning it into an extension of his own body. It was a diabolical scheme that made defeating Enmu far more complicated than Tanjiro had anticipated.

"Every inch of it has become my blood, my flesh, right down to my bones!" Enmu's sickening grin widened, reveling in the chaos and fear he was causing. "That look in your eye—you're starting to understand~ The more than two hundred passengers on this train will soon become part of my body as I devour them all! Do you think you can protect them?"

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Tanjiro as he realized the lives of over two hundred innocent people were at stake. His mind raced with the enormity of the task ahead, contemplating how to confront this seemingly insurmountable threat. Gritting his teeth, Tanjiro pounced, his sword slicing through the air, but the demon's head swiftly sank into the train, merging seamlessly with its structure. He landed with a thud, staring at the spot where Enmu had been, his expression darkening at the gravity of the situation. He silently cursed, realizing he could likely protect only two carriages at most—any more would be too much to handle.

He couldn't do this alone. He needed the others to wake up, and he needed them now!

"Rengoku-san! Zenitsu! Y/n! Inosuke!" Tanjiro's voice rang out with desperation, his shouts piercing through the howling wind. "I really need your help! Please, wake up! I'm begging you!"

His voice echoed, a plea for a miracle as he clung to the hope that his friends would respond as the train roared beneath him. Tanjiro sprinted down the length of the train, his heart pounding as he made his way back towards the carriage where his friends slumbered. Inside of the carriage, Nezuko was already taking action. With determination, she grabbed onto you and Inosuke, her Blood Demon Art setting both of you ablaze. Nezuko's memories of the battle on Mount Natagumo surged through her mind, vivid and intense. She recalled the fierce confrontation against Rui, a demon with intricate spider-like abilities.

In that crucial fight, her brother remained unharmed while the demon suffered damage, highlighting the effectiveness of her unique Blood Demon Art against demonic foes. As she focused her powers on you and Inosuke, Nezuko realized that her abilities were more versatile than she had initially believed. The flames she conjured were not mere fire; they were imbued with the very essence of her blood, capable of targeting and neutralizing demonic energy without causing harm to humans.

It was a revelation that expanded the scope of her powers, turning her flames into a precise tool for freeing her friends from the grip of the Dream Demon's influence.

The flames engulfed your bodies, their warmth a stark contrast to the cold grip of the dream. Slowly but surely, Inosuke stirred, the haze of the dream world lifting as reality asserted itself. With a sudden burst of energy, Inosuke sprang up from his position, sprawled on top of your motionless form. He let out a garbled noise, his mind struggling to process the abrupt transition from the dream realm to the real world. His eyes darted around wildly before they focused, his senses sharpening as he took in the situation.

"What the hell?" Inosuke muttered, his voice a mix of confusion and irritation.

He glanced around, seeing you, Zenitsu, and Rengoku still asleep. Straining his ears, he caught the distant shouts of Tanjiro, who sounded desperate and urgent. His frown deepened as he turned to poke your face repeatedly, frustration building when you didn’t stir. Something was definitely wrong. Sensing that Tanjiro needed help and most likely had a better grasp of the situation, Inosuke sprang to his feet. He grabbed his swords, leaped to the ceiling, and slashed at it with relentless force, breaking through and landing atop the speeding train. He turned towards the source of Tanjiro’s voice, spotting his friend running towards him.

Relief mixed with worry was etched on Tanjiro’s face as he quickly closed the distance.

"Inosuke! Thank goodness you're awake!" Tanjiro called out, his voice strained with urgency. "The whole train has turned into a demon; there's no where on that's safe! We have to protect the passengers and find a way to stop this!"

"Huh?!" Inosuke’s eyes narrowed beneath his mask before he let out a triumphant laugh. "Well, what do you know—I was right all along! This thing really was a monster! Talk about killer instincts as a leader!"

With a confident smirk hidden under his boar mask, Inosuke gripped his swords and pounced back inside the carriage through the hole he had made. Upon descending, he noticed a strange, gelatinous flesh already spreading within the train. So, it was true... the demon really had merged with the train, creating a giant fleshy and metal monster. Determined to eliminate the disgusting masses of flesh, he brought his knees to his chest while midair and spun, his swords slashing in a wild frenzy.

"Beast Breathing: Fifth Fang—Crazy Cutting!"

His swords whirled around him, cutting through the fleshy tendrils with relentless ferocity. The gelatinous mass recoiled from the assault, but new growths quickly sprouted to replace the severed parts, undeterred by Inosuke's attack. As Inosuke landed, he continued his onslaught, each swing of his blades fueled by sheer willpower and determination. His blades tore through the fleshy substance, sending chunks of the grotesque material flying in all directions. As Inosuke ran through the carriage, he continued to slash at the walls and ceiling, relentless in his effort to weaken it.

Tanjiro, still atop the speeding train, spun on his heel and sprinted toward the next carriage. He needed to protect as many passengers as possible, knowing that Inosuke could handle this section. The train rocked violently, and Tanjiro's eyes widened as grotesque tendrils of the demon's flesh began sprouting from the train's exterior, reaching out towards him. Reacting quickly, Tanjiro slid to the side, grabbing the edge of the train and using his momentum to propel himself toward a nearby window. With a powerful kick, he shattered the glass and dove through, hoping to escape the flesh as he landed inside the different carriage with a graceful roll.

However, the interior was no less horrifying.

He quickly sprang to his feet, ready to face the new threat. The gelatinous flesh had infiltrated this space as well, pulsating and expanding as it sought to ensnare the passengers. Tanjiro's eyes darted around, assessing the situation. He needed to clear the area of these grotesque tendrils and protect the sleeping passengers. He drew his sword and called upon his Water Breathing techniques, the blade glowing with a blue aura. He knew he had to act quickly and decisively to sever the demonic growths and protect the passengers.

"Water Breathing: First Form—Water Surface Slash!"

With graceful, fluid movements, Tanjiro spun and slashed at the tendrils, his blade cutting through the demonic flesh with precision. Each strike made the gelatinous mass recoil, but it quickly regenerated, growing back almost instantly. Tanjiro's worry deepened as he realized that his attacks were having little lasting effect.

'No good! This is never going to end if I keep going like this,' he thought, his mind racing for a solution. 'How do I fend it off?!'

Back where she stayed behind, Nezuko sat in front of you, her hand resting on your shoulder as she continued to try waking you up. Determination etched on her face, she turned and quickly spread her flames to Zenitsu and Rengoku, doing her best to break the spell's hold over you all. Unlike you, they twitched, seeming to stir awake, which made her light up with hope. However, she noticed something spreading within the carriage: the demon's flesh, creeping insidiously along the walls and floor. Realizing the immediate danger, Nezuko stood up, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the advancing tendrils. She grew to her full size, her sharp nails elongating as she prepared for battle.

Her resolve hardened; she knew she had to protect everyone until they could fully awaken on their own now.

As Nezuko hurled herself at the encroaching flesh, she delivered powerful and precise kicks, slashing with her claws. Each strike ripped away at the flesh, sending chunks flying, but it regenerated quickly, frustrating her efforts. The demonic mass remained relentless, steadily advancing despite her attacks. Nezuko narrowed her eyes, shifting her tactics to target weaker spots in the flesh. She aimed for smaller tendrils approaching sleeping passengers and areas where regeneration seemed slower, hoping to at least slow down the demon's progress if not stop it entirely.

As the demonic mass encroached upon helpless, sleeping individuals, Nezuko moved swiftly, crushing the flesh beneath her feet and slashing at it with growing urgency. She spotted a tendril reaching out toward you from the corner of her eye, her heart racing with distress as she raced to your side, desperate to protect you. With swift movements, she attempted to swipe at the tendril, but it immediately switched targets, latching onto her wrist and halting her movement. Despite her efforts to free herself using her other hand, more tendrils grappled onto her, restricting her movements and lifting her into the air. She struggled against the formidable hold but soon realized that she had expended a significant amount of energy in her earlier attacks.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the air around her crackled with electricity.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form—Thunderclap and Flash!"

In a flash of incredible speed, Zenitsu's semi-conscious form sprang into action, his movements becoming a blur as he swiftly moved to Nezuko's side. With a lightning-quick strike, he cut through the flesh that held her captive, freeing her from its grasp. Zenitsu's sudden burst of speed and skillful strike surprised Nezuko, who felt the grip of the demonic flesh loosen as Zenitsu freed her from its grasp. She turned to him with a mix of surprise and gratitude, acknowledging his swift action that saved her from being entangled further with a hum. However, he promptly fell back asleep, despite no longer being under the demonic spell. Her expression shifted to confusion as she looked at him, her face going blank momentarily. Then, she heard a deep breath and turned around, her eyes landing on the grin of the Flame Hashira.

Finally awake, he rolled his shoulders back and held his head high as he assessed the situation.

"Hmm, it seems a lot has transpired while I was napping. What an ugly mess," he remarked, his voice tinged with begrudging amusement. "If the other Hashira were here to witness what I allowed to happen, I'd be ashamed!"

Readying his stance, he bent forward and immediately burst into flames, speeding through multiple carriages with his fiery sword carving through masses of flesh, setting them ablaze. He swiftly reached Tanjiro, their faces coming face to face, startling Tanjiro as he fell backward, eyes wide with surprise.

"Ah, Kamado! I struck with precision on my way here, so it will take the demon some time to recover. However, there's no time to waste. This train has eight cars; I will defend the rear five!" Kyojuro crouched down, holding up five fingers as he continued without pause, "The other three can be managed by your sister and the boy in yellow. Meanwhile, you and the boar-headed lad will search for the demon's head!"

"Understood!" Tanjiro nodded, standing up as Rengoku offered a hand. His brow furrowed, however, at the absence of mention regarding you. "What about Y/n? Has she woken up yet?"

Rengoku's expression shifted slightly, a moment of concern crossing his features before he regained his confident demeanor. Oddly enough, he hadn't seen you when he had woken up or run through all of the carriages.

"I'm currently unaware of her whereabouts," he admitted, "But don't worry, I believe she's managing well wherever she may be. The others and I will keep a lookout, as will you, I'm sure. Now, we must get a move on!"

His words were reassuring, yet Tanjiro couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. "Right!"

With that, Kyojuro dashed away, leaving Tanjiro to his own devices. Momentarily stunned by Rengoku's speed, tactical mind, and strength in handling five cars on his own, Tanjiro stood there as the Flame Hashira's figure seemingly vanished into thin air. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Tanjiro sprang into action and began searching for Inosuke.

"Inosuke! Where are you now?!"

"Shut up or I'll end you!" Inosuke's bark came from above him. "I already got my orders from Bug Eyes!"

Despite his usual aversion to being ordered around, Inosuke couldn't help but admire Rengoku's prowess. He found the Flame Hashira incredibly impressive, and for some reason, that realization irked him. Perhaps because he felt he didn't quite measure up to the Hashira's level. This only fueled his determination to become even stronger, not just physically, but in many other aspects as well.

Running along the roof, Inosuke shouted, "Follow me, Gonpachiro! With my awesome seventh form, I've already found what we're looking for!"

Trusting Inosuke's instincts, Tanjiro quickly searched for a way back outside to join him. He found another door and swiftly climbed up, landing on the roof of the train. Inosuke raced towards the front of the train, where the coal was loaded, preparing himself to face whatever awaited him. Determination and adrenaline coursed through his veins as he readied for the impending battle. With his twin blades, Inosuke leaped forward as they reached the front, slashing through the flesh and metal to reveal the inside. A man stood there, staring at him in shock.

"What the hell is going on here, huh?" Inosuke pointed a blade at the man, his voice low with suspicion. "This seems pretty suspicious!"

"Just who the hell are you? Leave this area!" the man demanded.

Ignoring him, Inosuke focused on the spot he believed to be the demon's weak point. Gearing up to attack, he prepared to unleash a powerful strike aimed at disabling the demon's control over the train. His muscles tensed as he crouched into position, twin blades poised to strike with a determined shout. Before he could make a move, however, dozens of fleshy hands burst out and sprung towards him. Caught off guard, he grunted in surprise and swung his blades around, trying to fend off the creepy appendages. But there were too many of them!

"How many hands do you have?!" Inosuke asked incredulously as the hands latched onto him, rendering him immobilized. "Ugh—! Not good!" he exclaimed, struggling against the overwhelming grip of the fleshy appendages.

As Inosuke struggled against the overwhelming grip of the fleshy appendages, he gritted his teeth in frustration, his body being squashed and squeezed in all directions—reminiscent of the time the Giant Spider Demon on Mount Natagumo had nearly crushed his head. An involuntary shiver ran over him; he really hated that memory. His mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to free himself and continue the fight. Seeing his friend in trouble, Tanjiro rushed forward. With swift and precise movements, he slashed at the hands with his sword, severing their hold on Inosuke.

"Are you alright, Inosuke?" Tanjiro asked, concern coloring his voice.

"I'm fine! It's not like you came to my rescue, okay?!" Inosuke huffed, his pride slightly wounded even as he was freed.

Tanjiro gave an exasperated look. "Ehh...? Okay, I'm sorry!" Crouching down, he focused on the floor below them, his senses sharpening as he concentrated. "It smells like it's right below us! The demon's head is here!"

Inosuke grumbled, "Don't order me around; I'm the leader around here, remember?!"

Without missing a beat, Tanjiro replied, "Right! Then what's next!?"

"Just you watch!" Inosuke declared, leaping up into the air. With his arms raised and blades held over his head, he shouted, "Beast Breathing: Second Fang—Slice!"

Coming back down, Inosuke swung forward with all his might, slicing through the steel floor. Dust and metal flew into the air, obscuring the scene momentarily. As the dust settled, Tanjiro's eyes widened at the sight before him—a giant piece of cervical spine and muscle, previously hidden, now exposed. Lifting his blade up and over his head, Tanjiro prepared to strike at the neck bone. Just as he was about to make contact, his attack was deflected by more fleshy hands shooting out. The hands grabbed onto him, but Tanjiro and Inosuke managed to dodge the oncoming attacks and leapt away, landing in the coal pit. The hands retreated and immediately slithered back inside as a mass of flesh quickly spread out and covered the exposed bones, forming a protective layer around the area. Tanjiro frowned at the rapid healing, growing frustrated as it had taken everything they could muster to just expose the bone.

He realized that to make any notable progress, they would probably need to synchronize their attacks.

"Inosuke, we need to coordinate our strikes," Tanjiro said, his voice rising above the wind. "You'll slash at the flesh, which will allow me to strike at the bone!"

"You wanna know something? That's not half bad!" Inosuke exclaimed, agreeing with the plan. "Good thinkin'!"

"Thank you!" Tanjiro replied, a glint of determination in his eyes as they prepared to launch their synchronized attack.

As they rushed back towards their point of attack, the flesh expanded, forming a wall with a multitude of eyes within it. These eyes focused intently on Tanjiro and Inosuke, attempting to ensnare them in the spell once more. Tanjiro, slow to react, began to fall asleep. However, he managed to break the spell in the same manner he had before—by slicing his own neck within the dream world. Yet, as soon as he woke up and opened his eyes, the eyes within the flesh threatened to pull him back under.

'Idiot! When you wake, keep your eyes closed, or you'll just fall asleep again!' Tanjiro chastised himself.

Once again, Tanjiro broke free from the spell and swiftly leaped inside the protective wall of flesh where they had created a weak point in exposing the bone, despite it being covered again. Upon landing inside, he collapsed to his knees, mouth agape and eyes blank as the spell took hold once more, the shifting eyes within the flesh locking onto him. Tanjiro's frustration escalated as he found himself unable to resist looking into one of the demon's eyes every time he woke up. He realized he had to keep his eyes shut immediately upon waking, or this cycle would never end. The pattern repeated itself endlessly—falling asleep, waking up, and promptly slashing his own neck in the dream world to break free. The last time he thought he fell under the spell, Tanjiro raised his sword to his neck, preparing to slide it through his flesh. Just as he was about to make the cut, he felt a hand grab onto his wrist, pinning it to the ground, and his eyes quickly opened.

"You're not dreaming right now," Inosuke's gruff voice cut through. "Don't go falling for its trickery. You wanna look like a damn fool?!"

He let go of Tanjiro and stood, cackling as he faced the few remaining walls of flesh. With powerful strikes, Inosuke destroyed them, proclaiming that the demon was probably too scared to look him in the eye while wearing the head of the mountain god. Tanjiro pursed his lips, shaking his head, and quickly rose to his feet. He spun around to find that Inosuke had slashed through it all, clearing the way for their final assault. With the barriers broken and the path clear, Tanjiro and Inosuke wasted no time in advancing towards the exposed weak point of the demon's neck. Tanjiro's determination blazed as he raised his sword high, ready to strike with all his might.

"Alright, Inosuke, now's our chance!" Tanjiro called out, his voice filled with resolve.

Inosuke grinned savagely, his blades at the ready. "Hell yeah, let's cut this thing to pieces!"

With Inosuke's back turned, the man from earlier suddenly appeared, brandishing a small, pointed weapon as he charged forward. Tanjiro, catching the movement in the corner of his eye, swiftly intervened. He took the full force of the attack, the weapon piercing him in the abdomen. Inosuke, sensing something amiss, turned around just in time to witness the scene. He watched as Tanjiro grunted in pain, his breath escaping in a rush as he deftly incapacitated the man with a chop to the neck, knocking him unconscious. 

Rushing to Tanjiro's side, Inosuke's tone shifted from surprise to concern underneath his mask, his voice slightly muffled. "Did that man just stab you?!"

"I'm.. okay..." Tanjiro wheezed softly as he bent over and started to drag the man to a safer area.

Incredulous, Inosuke yelled, "Forget about that bastard!"

"I can't just leave him to die," Tanjiro insisted.

"Ugh, whatever..." Inosuke turned back to the weak point and slashed at it angrily. "If we don't chop this thing up soon, all the others won't make it!"

"I hear you. Let's hurry up then." Tanjiro nodded, determination shining in his eyes despite the pain.

As they refocused, the flesh regenerated and sprung to life once more, dozens of hands and tendrils shooting towards them.

"Inosuke! Let's combine our strength. Once we synchronize our breathing, we'll attack as one!"

Snorting, Inosuke nods resolutely.

Tanjiro and Inosuke sprang into action, dodging, weaving, and rolling around while swinging their blades with precision and speed. Each strike was calculated, aimed at severing the demonic appendages and pushing back the encroaching flesh. Their movements were a dance of battle, a symphony of slashes and parries as they fought against the relentless onslaught. Tanjiro's Water Breathing and Inosuke's Beast Breathing techniques complemented each other, creating a deadly harmony that tore through the demonic defenses. Despite the fatigue and pain from Tanjiro's injury, they fought with unwavering determination, their resolve fueled by the need to protect the innocent and defeat the demon once and for all.

With every swing of their blades, they inched closer to victory, their bond as comrades and friends strengthening their resolve with each passing moment.

They leap into the air as giant tendrils chase after them, lashing out and whipping around wildly. Tanjiro and Inosuke dodge skillfully, sliding down the giant slopes of flesh as they cut and slash through it, moving towards the weak point. Inosuke dives down first, his movements swift and powerful. With a resolute shout, he prepares a devastating attack, landing precise strikes with each of his blades and exposing the bone once more. Tanjiro follows suit, springing down with focused determination. Holding his sword aloft, he channels all his energy and strength into one powerful strike. Inhaling deeply, he lets out a slow stream of air, his breath mingling with the flames that slowly engulf his blade.

'Father, please guide my blade!' Tanjiro's silent plea echoes in his mind.'Hinokami Kagura: Clear Blue Sky!'

With a devastating blow, Tanjiro unleashes a fiery arc of flames, channeling all his strength and determination into a final strike. The flames burst out with incredible force, slicing through the exposed bone with a resounding impact. The demon, Enmu, shrieks in agony as Tanjiro's fiery strike severs the bone, causing the creature to recoil in pain. However, in a last-ditch effort, the masses of flesh quickly spread over the entire train, lashing out and grabbing onto hundreds of passengers. Panic erupts as the passengers are ensnared by the demonic tendrils. Amidst the chaos, Rengoku remains a powerful figure, undeterred by the demon's desperate act. With unmatched speed and precision, he blazes through every carriage, his burning sword of flames cutting through every tendril that dares to touch him or the passengers.

His fiery aura illuminates the darkness, instilling hope and courage in those he protects.

The flesh swells uncontrollably, its grotesque mass rocking the train violently. With a deafening roar, the flesh erupts, causing a massive explosion that rips through the train. The force of the explosion is enough to derail the train, sending it careening off the tracks and causing it to tip over dangerously as it continues to speed away. Passengers scream in terror as the train careens off the tracks, windows shattering and metal screeching in protest. As the train wrecks, the violent forces hurl Inosuke and Tanjiro off the roof, sending their bodies tumbling in different directions.

Not good—he can't die!

As Tanjiro falls through the air, his heart races with adrenaline-fueled determination. He refuses to let the man live with the weight of blood on his hands; he needs to save him. Above all, he won't allow anyone else to die if he can help it. In a moment of desperate instinct, Tanjiro reaches out as everything seems to move in slow motion, trying to grab onto the unconscious man but his fingers slip right by, the world blurring around him. The ground rushes up to meet him, and with a bone-jarring impact, Tanjiro crashes hard onto the unforgiving surface. The force of the landing knocks the breath out of him, pain shooting through his body like a lightning bolt, stars dancing in his vision. He rolls several feet, gritting his teeth against the agony.

With a shout, Inosuke falls a short distance away from Tanjiro. However, luck seems to be on his side as he manages to land onto the flesh that remains attached to the train. Bounding off of it, he finally lands onto the ground, feeling dazed as he wobbles on his feet, trying to regain his bearings amidst the chaos and destruction surrounding them. With his legs and arms held out to his sides, Inosuke stabilizes himself on shaky feet. After a moment, he calls out to Tanjiro, worry evident in his voice, as he hurriedly runs to his side.

"Sentaro! Are you alright?!" Inosuke's voice carries deep concern as he reaches Tanjiro, quickly checking on his condition and assessing the extent of his injuries. "Pull yourself together! You see me bounce off that demon's flesh just now—" He pauses abruptly, his excitement fading as reality sinks in. "Wait! What am I saying?! You got stabbed, right? How's your stomach?!"

Inosuke shakes Tanjiro gently on his side and pulls him up, supporting his head with one hand while the other grips the front of his haori. Tanjiro's eyes remain closed, his face showing signs of pain.

"I'm... alright," Tanjiro manages to say reassuringly, although his voice betrays his discomfort. "What about you?"

"Never felt better! Not a scratch on me!" Inosuke replies confidently, trying to lighten the mood despite the seriousness of the situation.

"That's good," Tanjiro responds weakly, a hint of a smile in his voice. "I don't... think I can move now. Can you go... help the others?" Taking a sharp breath, he grimaces. "See if anyone is hurt... and that engineer, is he alright?"

Inosuke falls silent, his expression turning grim as he goes still. "Let him die for all I care!" he mutters bitterly, his frustration evident in his tone.

"No, we can't abandon someone in need!" Tanjiro insists, his voice firm despite his weakened state.

"Eghhh!? Did you forget he was the one who stabbed you in the first place?!" Inosuke huffs, clearly frustrated. "If you really wanna know, I saw him under some rubble. His leg's shattered, and he can't walk anymore. Just let him rot!"

"Then he's already suffered enough..." Tanjiro presses on, his compassion unwavering. "Help him, Inosuke... and help look for Y/n-chan... she went missing on the train."

Inosuke tenses up at Tanjiro's request, especially at the mention of you being missing. Slowly lowering Tanjiro back down, he stands hunched over, growling and grumbling lowly, a mix of concern and frustration evident in his demeanor.

"Fine! But only because you asked—you are my underling! It's the least I could do as a leader!" Inosuke concedes begrudgingly, marching off. "But after I rescue Mister Stabby, I'm gonna pluck out all of his hair before anything else!"

"You really don't have to do that last part..." Tanjiro mumbles mostly to himself, a small sigh escaping his lips.

As Tanjiro lies there, the realization of dawn approaching sinks in, marking the end of a long and chaotic night. Laying a hand over his stomach, he feels the cold wet spot of blood that's been slowly seeping from his wound. He takes in ragged breaths, trying to remind himself to take control of his breathing and focus his thoughts. In order to save the people injured on this train, he needs to recover as fast as possible. He thinks of Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Rengoku.

And you!

He's sure you were all safe, but he can't help but worry, especially about you. When they all had woken up and Rengoku had briefly spoken with him, he learned that the Hashira hadn't seen you. It was strange because you had still been sleeping with Inosuke hanging on you, and he left Nezuko inside the carriage to look after you all. You were all in there, so then where did you go? Tanjiro's mind races with questions and concerns as he struggles to piece together the events of the night and the mystery of your disappearance.

Hopefully, Rengoku or someone had found you earlier. He just had to believe.

Tanjiro closes his eyes, sending a silent prayer for your safety, trusting that you were in good hands, wherever you were.


Back where she stayed behind, Nezuko sat in front of you, her hand resting on your shoulder as she continued to try waking you up. Determination etched on her face, she turned and quickly spread her flames to Zenitsu and Rengoku, doing her best to break the spell's hold over you all. Unlike you, they twitched, seeming to stir awake, which made her light up with hope. However, she noticed something spreading within the carriage: the demon's flesh, creeping insidiously along the walls and floor. Realizing the immediate danger, Nezuko stood up, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the advancing tendrils. She grew to her full size, her sharp nails elongating as she prepared for battle.

Her resolve hardened; she knew she had to protect everyone until they could fully awaken on their own now.

As Nezuko hurled herself at the encroaching flesh, she delivered powerful and precise kicks, slashing with her claws. Each strike ripped away at the flesh, sending chunks flying, but it regenerated quickly, frustrating her efforts. The demonic mass remained relentless, steadily advancing despite her attacks. Nezuko narrowed her eyes, shifting her tactics to target weaker spots in the flesh. She aimed for smaller tendrils approaching sleeping passengers and areas where regeneration seemed slower, hoping to at least slow down the demon's progress if not stop it entirely.

As the demonic mass encroached upon helpless, sleeping individuals, Nezuko moved swiftly, crushing the flesh beneath her feet and slashing at it with growing urgency. She spotted a tendril reaching out toward you from the corner of her eye, her heart racing with determination as she raced to your side, desperate to protect you. With swift movements, she attempted to swipe at the tendril, but it immediately switched targets, latching onto her wrist and halting her movement. Despite her efforts to free herself using her other hand, more tendrils grappled onto her, restricting her movements and lifting her into the air. She struggled against the formidable hold but soon realized that she had expended a significant amount of energy in her earlier attacks.

While Nezuko was fighting off the tendrils of flesh that had captured her, one had quickly reached you and absorbed you inside a gelatinous cocoon. As the gelatinous cocoon carried you away, you remained in a deep slumber, unaware of the chaos and battles raging around you. Enmu had taken a slight interest in you. Enmu's intrigue with you stemmed from the mystery surrounding your dreams. While he could manipulate and see into the dreams of others effortlessly, yours remained elusive, beyond his control and comprehension.

This inability to penetrate your mind both frustrated and fascinated him, sparking an unusual interest.

Enhanced by the additional blood from Lord Muzan, Enmu's powers and senses had become sharper, allowing him to also perceive the intoxicating scent of your blood with heightened clarity. The idea of devouring you certainly crossed his mind, envisioning the surge of strength and power he could gain from consuming your potent blood. However, a different notion emerged—one that piqued his curiosity further. What if he presented you to Lord Muzan instead? The thought of offering such a unique Demon Slayer, one with exceptionally potent blood, intrigued him deeply. It was a gamble, but the potential reward of pleasing his Master with such a rare prize enticed Enmu.

Yet, amidst these thoughts, a strange sensation lingered within him, a subtle unease that he couldn't quite place.

Indeed, Enmu's encounter with your scent left him intrigued and slightly unsettled. Your unique fragrance was unlike anything he had ever encountered before, stirring a mix of fascination and uncertainty within him. It was a scent that defied his expectations, hinting at mysteries and powers that were beyond his current understanding. This unfamiliarity only deepened his interest in you, fueling his desire to unravel the secrets hidden within your blood and dreams...

After Nezuko had been saved by Zenitsu and watched Rengoku wake up and dash through the train carriages, she turned back around, expecting to see you still asleep in your seat, safe and sound. However, she was sorely mistaken. Horror, sadness, and anger filled her eyes as she found your seat empty. Her hands clawed at the furniture as she upturned it, searching frantically for you. Maybe you had fallen through the seat or slipped onto the floor, but as she continued to search without success, her worry grew more pronounced. Panicking, Nezuko scanned every corner of the train compartment.

The train's rhythmic motion added to her anxiety, each sway feeling like an eternity as she frantically searched for any sign of you.

'Mmhmn?!' she cried out, her voice trembling with fear and frustration.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she imagined the worst scenarios, her mind racing with thoughts of you being in danger or worse, gone. As she reached the end of the carriage, her heart sank. There was no trace of you. Nezuko's breaths came in rapid gasps, her hands trembling as she realized the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, she burst into the next carriage, determined to find any clue that would lead her to you. The train's interior seemed to blur as Nezuko's mind raced, memories of your time together flashing before her eyes. She remembered your laughter, your kindness, and the moments of comfort you shared.

Determination fueled her every step as she refused to give up on finding you, her thoughts consumed by the need to ensure your safety.

With each passing moment, the urgency of the situation grew. Nezuko's senses were heightened as she searched every nook and cranny, her determination unwavering despite the fear gnawing at her heart. As she moved deeper into the train, her senses honed in on a faint but distinctive scent—a mixture of your scent and something foreign, something demonic. Nezuko's heart raced as she followed the trail, her instincts telling her that she was getting closer to you. Finally, she reached an area where the scent grew stronger.

Nezuko's heart pounded in her chest as she entered a secluded room at the back of the train.

The scent, now stronger and unmistakable, filled her senses. As she cautiously navigated the compartment, her eyes scanning every corner, Nezuko spotted a gelatinous cocoon tucked away in a shadowed corner. Her breath caught in her throat as she approached it, her heart racing with a mix of hope and fear. With trembling hands, Nezuko reached out and touched the cocoon, feeling the strange texture beneath her fingers. She closed her eyes briefly, sending a silent prayer to whatever forces might be listening, hoping that you were inside of it and safe. As she prepared to break open the cocoon, Nezuko steeled herself, drawing on her demon powers as she focused her strength. With a swift, decisive motion, she sliced through the gelatinous cocoon, revealing you inside.

Relief flooded her as she saw you unharmed, though still unconscious.

However, before she could take you anywhere, the flesh had spread to this area and quickly lashed out, attempting to prevent both her and you from escaping. As the flesh lashed out, Nezuko's instincts kicked in, and she swiftly moved to defend both you and herself. With precise movements, Nezuko countered each strike, her movements fluid and controlled. She focused on creating openings in the flesh's defenses, allowing her to maneuver and protect you at the same time. Despite the overwhelming odds, Nezuko remained determined and unwavering.

She knew that she had to get you to safety, no matter what obstacles stood in her way. 

As the battle raged on, Nezuko's determination burned brighter than ever. With each strike, dodge, and moment of resilience, she showcased the true strength of her resolve and unwavering loyalty to you. Through precise strikes of her claws and kicks, Nezuko managed to push back the encroaching flesh, though it seemed to be growing stronger for some unknown reason. Unbeknownst to her, Enmu was concentrating most of his power in that area to prevent you from being taken away. The boy with the earrings and his boar-headed companion posed little threat to him at the moment. He could fend off both Nezuko and the other Slayers, regardless of the distance between them, albeit with some strain.

You were a prize he would fight relentlessly to keep.

Nezuko, growing weary from the relentless battle against the encroaching flesh and having expended a significant amount of energy, unleashed a fierce cry, channeling a powerful wave of her Demon Art powers. Flames sliced through the tendrils, creating a path to safety. Clutching you close, Nezuko dashed through the pathway she had forged, resolute in leading you away from danger. She had already failed in protecting you once, and she would not allow it to happen again. Nezuko was determined to protect humans, to protect you, even if it somehow cost her life.

The flesh surged after her, blocking her path once again.

Despite the renewed obstacle, Nezuko refused to falter. With a fierce determination in her eyes, she summoned the remnants of her strength and launched another onslaught against the encroaching flesh. Her claws tore through the mass, while flames danced around her, warding off the relentless attacks. She knew she couldn't afford to hesitate. Every moment counted in ensuring your safety. Fleshy arms shot out and grabbed onto both of you, nearly tearing you from Nezuko's arms. Despite the struggle, she managed to maintain her hold on you.

However, the encounter left you far from unscathed; the hands had dug their fingers and claws into you, tearing through pieces of your uniform and scratching your skin.

Nezuko's eyes widened in shock, freezing momentarily as the scent of your blood wafted around her. It was strong, as potent if not stronger than the scent of the Hashira who had stabbed her with his sword and taunted her with his blood. She swallowed hard, her gaze drawn down to where you were bleeding, your torn clothing doing little to conceal the wounds. Her eye twitched, her lip curling, but she shook her head fiercely, snapping out of the trance-like state. Growls bubbled from her chest, filled with rage, her jaw clamped around the bamboo piece as she bit through it and broke it.

With a primal roar, Nezuko unleashed her strength and power with ferocity.

Flames erupted from her body, swirling around her like a protective barrier as Nezuko channeled all of her demon abilities into a devastating assault. With unstoppable force, her claws tore through the fleshy appendages, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. But her anger went deeper than the current battle. Someone close to her had been hurt, and she blamed herself entirely. Although unclear, memories of her past life flooded her mind—memories of people she couldn't save, people who were dear to her—her family. And you were like a sister to her. The weight of those failures added fuel to her rage, igniting a fierce determination within her.

In that moment, she was beyond reason, consumed by a singular focus: vengeance.

He was going to pay, they were all going to pay!

Her vision darkened as her fury drove her forward, her every movement a manifestation of her intense emotions and unwavering resolve. With each strike, Nezuko's fury intensified, fueled by the memories of her past failures and the current threat to those she held dear. Her attacks became more ferocious and relentless, leaving no room for hesitation or mercy. The flames surrounding her blazed brighter, casting an ominous glow as she unleashed her full power. The encroaching flesh trembled under her onslaught, unable to withstand the sheer force of Nezuko's rage-fueled assault. Every blow she delivered was a declaration of her determination to protect, to avenge, to make things right.

Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger, guilt, determination—all driving her forward with an unyielding purpose. As she fought, her thoughts briefly flickered to you again, the one she was fighting so desperately to protect. The image of your injured form spurred her on even more, solidifying her resolve to end this threat once and for all. Nothing would stand in her way, not when she had the strength of her convictions and the burning fire of vengeance driving her every move. With a final, devastating surge of power, Nezuko unleashed a whirlwind of flames that engulfed the remaining tendrils of the encroaching flesh. The air crackled with intense heat as the flames consumed everything in their path, leaving behind nothing but ash and charred remnants.

A few pieces of flesh that remained sunk back into the floor, seeming to give up.

Breathing heavily, Nezuko surveyed the aftermath of her fury. The threat had been vanquished, but at a cost—her energy spent, her body battered, and her mind weighed down by the obscure memories of her past. She stood amidst the destruction, the flames gradually subsiding around her, leaving a somber silence in their wake. As the adrenaline of battle began to ebb, Nezuko's gaze slowly softened as she looked towards you, her expression filled with a mix of relief and concern. Slowly, Nezuko approached, checking on your injuries to ensure you were safe.

Satisfied that you were stable for the moment, Nezuko cradled you protectively against her side, sitting down beside you to ensure you were safe.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings, alert for any further danger. The faint sounds of battle echoed in the distance, a reminder of the peril that her brother, friends, and other innocent people faced. Nezuko's mind raced, torn between the need to protect you and the urgency to rejoin the others in the fight. But she couldn't find the strength or energy to try and carry you and regroup with them. Meanwhile, Enmu had begrudgingly retreated, refocusing all of his energy back to the front of the train where Tanjiro and Inosuke were locked in their own intense battle with the other parts of him. He wanted to keep fighting for you, but the Slayers up front had exposed a piece of him, and he couldn't risk being defeated so easily.

His focus shifted from Nezuko and you to the immediate threat posed by the other Slayers, a tactical decision born out of necessity rather than desire.

Your eyes flutter open, and immediately, a sense of unease washes over you. The air feels heavy, and the surroundings are dimly lit by the flickering light of Nezuko's flames. Blinking away the haze of sleep, you sit up slowly, taking in the chaotic scene around you. Nezuko, her eyes wide with concern, is crouched beside you. Remnants of demon flesh lie scattered around, some still smoldering from Nezuko's fire. Your heart pounds as you realize that something had happened while you were asleep, the gravity of the situation slowly sinking in. 

"Nezuko-chan," you manage to whisper, your voice hoarse. "What happened? Where are the others?"

Nezuko, her expression a mix of relief and urgency, gestures towards the distant sounds of battle. She then points to you, her eyes filled with uncertainty as she grumbles. It's clear she wants to protect you but is also deeply worried about the others.

"I'm okay," you reassure her. "Sounds like we need to get out of here, let's go!"

Nezuko nods and helps you to your feet. The two of you move cautiously, with Nezuko staying close, ready to defend against any remaining threats should they arrive. As you and Nezuko move through the train, the sounds of battle grow louder, signaling the intense fight ahead. The air is heavy with energy, and you can sense the urgency and determination of those engaged in combat. Clashes of steel, bursts of flames, crackles of electricity, and resounding shouts fill the atmosphere, painting a vivid picture of the ongoing struggle against the demon threat.

Entering another carriage, you are met with another, much more chaotic scene. Demonic flesh writhes and lashes out, creating a menacing spectacle. Amidst the chaos stands a familiar figure: Zenitsu, fighting with unwavering determination as he zips around. His Thunder Breathing techniques illuminate the area with sparks as he expertly fends off tendrils of flesh. You call out his name, but he doesn't seem to hear you, caught up in what appears to be his peculiar sleep-walking trance. You marvel at his abilities, albeit with a hint of confusion.

How he manages to fight so effectively while seemingly asleep is a mystery, but you acknowledge the impressive display nonetheless. As long as he remains safe and continues to contribute to the fight, the specifics of his methods become secondary. However, it was evident that Zenitsu was struggling to fend off the masses of flesh on his own. The overwhelming numbers and relentless attacks threatened to overwhelm even his impressive skills. You knew that he needed backup, someone to watch his back and provide support in this chaotic battleground. You quickly urge Nezuko to join Zenitsu in protecting the sleeping passengers, knowing their combined efforts would help stall the encroaching flesh.

However, Nezuko appears conflicted, torn between following your request and staying by your side to ensure your safety.

Despite your reassurances that you will be fine and only need a moment to recover from your groggy state, a sense of unease gnaws at her as masses of fleshy hands quickly spread out in your location. Just as panic threatens to take hold, a sudden presence fills the air. Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, appears with an aura of strength and tenacity. With swift and precise movements, he dispatches the remaining flesh that Zenitsu had been contending with, his fiery prowess making quick work of the threat. As Rengoku finishes off the remaining threats with impressive ease, a wave of relief washes over the group.

With a confident stride, Rengoku approaches, his gaze assessing the situation with a keen eye. "Is everyone alright?" 

"Yes, we're fine! Zenitsu was doing great, but I'm glad you showed up... it was starting to get a little intense there," you replied with a quiet sigh of relief, your eyes scanning the chaotic scene around you. Then, tilting your head curiously, you asked, "Umm, Rengoku... what exactly is going on? I just woke up a few minutes ago, so I'm afraid I'm a little out of the loop..."

"Ah," Rengoku's smile widened upon noticing you, his brows shooting up in mild surprise. "Y/n! Are you alright? You went missing for a while...!"

"Uhh," you subtly glanced down at yourself, taking note of the new tears in your clothes and scratches on your skin. "Well... I think something happened while I was unconscious, but I'm pretty sure Nezuko saved me, so I'm good! No worries!"

"That's good!" Rengoku nodded approvingly, his attention shifting to Nezuko. "Good work," he acknowledged, his tone sincere. He then gestured at Zenitsu, who is still sleepwalking, his eyes remaining on her. "Please continue to assist him in protecting the passengers. This is far from over; I merely slowed it down for the moment, but I will handle the rest of it once it comes back full force."

Nezuko nodded in acknowledgment, determination shining in her eyes. With Rengoku present, she felt more at ease about leaving your side, trusting that he could handle any potential threats that came your way. She turned to you briefly, offering a reassuring smile and a quick pat on the head before hurrying to join Zenitsu in safeguarding the sleeping passengers. As Nezuko and Zenitsu focused on their task, Rengoku turned his gaze toward you, his expression assessing and thoughtful.

"You're not in any pain, are you?" Rengoku inquired, his concern evident as he looked you over, clearly having also noticed your torn clothes and small injuries.

You shook your head, offering a reassuring smile despite your appearance suggesting otherwise. "No, I'm alright, I swear! Anyway, it seems like a lot has happened while I was out, and from what I've just seen... it doesn't look too good."

"Yes, you would be correct," Rengoku nodded solemnly. "And I'm glad you're doing well; it's good to have you back with us! The demon revealed itself while we were asleep, merging itself with the entire train. We've encountered some fierce opposition, but with everyone now awake and working together, we'll prevail!"

You nodded in agreement, a renewed sense of determination filling you. "Absolutely! I'll do whatever I can to help. So, what should I do?"

Rengoku considers for a moment before responding, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "For now, stay close to me and assist in ensuring the safety of the passengers in the other carts. We need to keep them protected while we deal with the remaining threats."

You nod, ready to follow Rengoku's lead. "Understood!"

As Rengoku swiftly moves from carriage to carriage, his movements fluid and precise, you follow closely behind, unsheathing your sword and joining the fray. The rush of battle energizes you, and you channel your training and instincts into every swing of your sword. With each strike, you aim to carve through the grotesque masses of flesh, focused on protecting the passengers and aiding Rengoku in his defense. The demonic foe writhes and lashes out, but your determination and skill keep you moving forward. Adrenaline pulses through your veins as you engage with the enemy, your senses heightened and your focus unwavering.

The battle rages on, the air thick with tension and the clash of steel against flesh. Suddenly, a sharp shriek pierces through the chaos, followed by the alarming sound of metal crunching and scraping. The train rocks and tilts precariously as the masses of flesh expand rapidly, attempting to ensnare every person inside. With incredible speed and agility, Rengoku blazes through other carriages, his fiery aura cutting through the flesh and preventing it from capturing anyone. His swift actions are a testament to his skill and determination to protect the passengers at all costs.

However, just as it seems the immediate threat has been contained, disaster strikes.

The train derails with a deafening roar, and everything seems to move in slow motion. You're flung around as the train wrecks, the world spinning in disarray. The sounds of metal screeching and crashing mix with shouts and cries of panic as chaos reigns supreme. You struggle to maintain your footing, grasping onto anything solid as the train tumbles and rolls against the ground. The world blurs around you, the force of the impact threatening to overwhelm your senses. Despite the chaos, you try your best to stay alert and focused amidst the mayhem, using all of your strength and skills in helping some of the other passengers as well.

However, you don't remain unharmed as a barrage of luggage and other objects strike you from every direction.

Meanwhile, as the derailed train continued to move, Rengoku fought with incredible strength and determination to maintain balance and protect the rest of the people in a separate carriage. Swiftly running through the chaotic carriages, he shielded passengers from falling debris and did everything in his power to prevent serious injuries or worse as the train slid and tumbled before finally coming to a stop. Some passengers are shaken but thankfully seem to be relatively unharmed, thanks to Rengoku's quick actions and your own efforts to keep them safe during the derailment. As the dust settled and the cacophony of destruction began to subside, you climbed out of the wreckage and took a moment to catch your breath and assess the situation.

The train carriages lay in disarray, twisted metal and broken glass creating a hazardous environment.

Scanning your surroundings for any sign of your friends amidst the wreckage was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Your heart raced as you walked alongside the broken train, every step feeling heavier than the last. Then, amidst the chaos, you caught sight of a familiar figure lying on the ground, the green checkered haori unmistakable even from a distance, causing your breath to catch. Rengoku suddenly appeared beside you, his presence a source of comfort in the midst of the turmoil. His reassuring hand on your shoulder grounded you as you both quickly approached Tanjiro. Reaching his side, relief flooding through you like a warm wave.

Tanjiro was alive, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his eyes unfocused as he stared up at the sky.

"You've mastered Total Concentration Constant! That's quite impressive," Rengoku remarks with a warm smile as he leans over to check on him. "You've come a long way, my friend."

Tanjiro blinks, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of Rengoku.

"Rengoku-san?" he manages to say, his voice strained with pain.

"You're bleeding from the gut; regulate your breathing and take full control of it," Rengoku instructs calmly. "Picture your nerves reaching all through your body."

Tanjiro's face contorts with effort as he tries to improve his breathing, the pain nearly overwhelming. But he grits his teeth and pushes through, hanging onto Rengoku's every word.

"Can you see it? The torn blood vessel?" Rengoku leans in closer, poking Tanjiro gently on the forehead. "Focus!" 

With Rengoku's guidance, Tanjiro manages to channel his concentration, his mind honing in on the source of the injury. He lets out a small grunt, exhaling softly.

"Good!" Rengoku crouches down, inspecting the wound and noting the cessation of the red bloom. "It seems you have succeeded in slowing down the bleeding."

"Thank you..."

Rengoku's eyes close with a pleased smile before he suddenly exclaims, "As for the others! Many are injured, but they're safe for the time being, so don't strain yourself. Make sure to rest up; you did well today!"

Tanjiro, a little caught off guard by Rengoku's sudden and seemingly endless burst of energy, can't help but let his expression soften into an amused smile. It's moments like these that remind him of Rengoku's unwavering dedication and kindness. He truly was remarkable, and Tanjiro admired him greatly. Rengoku's ability to remain calm and collected in the face of adversity, coupled with his genuine concern for everyone's well-being, made him not just a mentor but also a role model for Tanjiro.

He could only hope to become a Hashira like him one day.

Nodding, Tanjiro takes a moment to speak again. "Then... that means everyone else is alright?"

"Yes," Rengoku nods. "I saw the boar-headed one pulling a man out from beneath some wreckage. As for the boy in yellow and your sister, they crawled out together and are tending to the other passengers."

"That's good, what a relief." Tanjiro breathes out quietly, but then his eyes widen as he shifts and tries to sit up. "But, wait... what about Y/n? Did you find her? Is she okay? Where—"

His onslaught of questions comes to a halt as you finally make your presence known, coming to kneel by his side and gently grabbing his hand. Tanjiro's gaze shifts to you, a mix of worry and relief evident in his eyes as they widen further.

"Y/n..." he breathes out, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm here, Tanjiro," you assure him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze as you smile softly. "I'm okay."

Tanjiro's grip on your hand tightens slightly, as if to make sure you're really there. "I was so worried... I thought..." His tense expression eases, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Thank goodness..." he murmurs, a flood of relief washing over him as he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

As the chaotic events and flood of emotions from tonight seemed to slowly ebb and give way to a sense of peace and calm, it was suddenly shattered by the thundering sound of something landing behind all of you, a thick cloud of dust covering the air. Rengoku spun on his heel, staying crouched as he moved to hold the hilt of his sword. You turned as well, your senses on high alert, while Tanjiro shifted his head back to try to look at the scene upside down.

As the air slowly cleared, a pair of blue and golden eyes pierced through the darkness, revealing a man crouched to the ground, one hand on a knee as he smiled eerily.

Your eyes widened as you realized that this man was another demon, but the aura he exuded was far greater than anything you had felt before, sending a chill down your spine. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as a sense of foreboding filled the air, overshadowing the brief moment of peace that had settled over the wreckage. You looked him over, noting intricate blue markings or tattoos all over his upper body and face. His eyes, however, were what caught your attention the most, and your breath caught in your throat as you read them.

Inscribed in those piercing golden eyes were the words "Upper Three."

The realization hit you like a wave of ice-cold water. This was no ordinary demon; he was one of the Upper Three, the most formidable and ruthless demons known to exist. Your heart raced as you quickly glanced at Rengoku and Tanjiro, the gravity of the situation sinking in. This was bad! As Rengoku prepared to face the formidable Upper Three demon, you and Tanjiro exchanged a worried glance. While Rengoku was more than capable of handling himself in battle, both of you knew that your current condition wasn't ideal for combat. You had sustained a couple of injuries during the train crash, taking blows to your head and chest as objects flew around the carriages.

Though they weren't severe, they had drained your strength and energy, especially with your efforts to help passengers and fend off the initial chaos caused by the Dream Demon attack. You feel the weight of fatigue settling in, a heaviness in your limbs that made the prospect of standing up and fighting seem daunting. You knew that in your current state, you'd most likely only be a burden and might even get in the way of Rengoku's efforts to protect everyone. But you couldn't just sit there and watch whatever unfolded! You may not be at full strength, but you refuse to let fear paralyze you.

However, you barely had any time to even blink before the demon suddenly launched into the air and headed straight towards your group.

The demon's eyes narrowed, and you watched as he seemed to lock onto Tanjiro, his fist raised. Without a second thought, you threw yourself over Tanjiro protectively and squeezed your eyes shut, preparing to take the devastating blow. But Rengoku moved just as quickly, and with a single swing of his blade, he sliced through the demon's hand and arm, fending him off. The demon jumped back a few times, his split arm twisting as it connected together, quickly regenerating.

"That's a fine sword," he said with a grin, licking his hand of spilled blood.

Rengoku stood and stared him down, his expression a mix of intrigue and displeasure. "Why would you go after a wounded person over me?"

"I thought he'd get in the way of our little chit chat, is all," the man replied casually.

Your arms slowly unwound from Tanjiro's head as you pushed yourself back up, leaning over him and listening intently to the exchange. Your brows furrowed as you processed the demon's words. It didn't make sense. Even though Tanjiro was undoubtedly stronger and more skilled than you, he was currently incapacitated and posed no immediate threat. But you, on the other hand, were more physically capable at the moment, so why didn't the demon go after you if he thought anyone would get in the way of his conversation with Rengoku? The question lingered in your mind, adding to the tension of the already fraught situation.

You glanced at Rengoku, wondering if he had noticed the same discrepancy in the demon's actions, but he remained stoic.

"What is it you wish to discuss?" Rengoku questioned with an unusual sharp edge to his voice. "While this is our first time meeting... I already dislike you."

"Is that right? Well, I dislike weak human beings," the man replied with a contemptuous smile. "The mere sight of them makes my skin crawl."

"If that is the case, I do not believe we will ever get along," Rengoku stated firmly.

The man grinned, propping a hand on his hip. "Be that as it may, let me make you an offer. Why don't you become a demon as well?"

Rengoku's expression fell flat, a slight pinch appearing in his brow. "No thanks."

The exchange between Akaza and Rengoku was riveting, to say the least. The unexpected offer from the demon, coupled with Rengoku's unwavering refusal, created a tension that hung heavy in the air. As you watched, a mix of curiosity and apprehension filled your mind. The stark contrast between Akaza's beliefs and Rengoku's values was evident in every word they exchanged.

"I could tell just by looking at you that you're strong. A Hashira, huh? Your fighting spirit has been tempered like quality steel!" The man squinted and tilted his head as he observed Rengoku. "Your name...?"

"I'm the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku."

"Hm, I am Akaza! Kyojuro, let me tell you why, despite being a Hashira, your strength is not enough. Because you're merely human... destined to grow old and eventually die!" He slowly extended his hand in offer and smiled. "Become a demon, Kyojuro. Doing so would allow you to better yourself for another hundred, even two hundred years!"

"Both growing old and passing away, these are things that make being human beautiful," Rengoku said with unwavering conviction. "Those may seem like weaknesses to you, but our lives are all the more precious and honorable because of them. You see, true strength does not just refer to the physical body." His eyes hardened with determination as he continued. "Let me be clear. The two of us will never see eye to eye."

The air around them crackled with tension as Rengoku's words echoed in the night. It was a declaration of principles, a reaffirmation of his unwavering dedication to his humanity. Akaza's offer, tempting as it may have seemed to some, clashed directly with Rengoku's principles and dedication to his humanity. It was clear that neither Akaza nor Rengoku would easily yield or compromise their beliefs. Every sentence spoken seemed to add fuel to the fire, building towards a climax that could only be resolved through action.

Akaza's smile faltered slightly, his expression shifting as he processed Rengoku's resolute stance. "I see..."

As Akaza stomped his foot, cracking the earth beneath him, a giant snowflake symbol appeared, marking the initiation of his technique. His stance widened, one fist held to his side while he extended the palm of his other hand.

"Technique Development: Destructive Death Compass Needle!"

The air around him seemed to distort and warp, and you could feel the intense energy building up, ready to be unleashed. Rengoku tensed, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the imminent threat.

"I guess I'll just have to kill you then."

Akaza's threat hung heavy in the air, his words echoing with the weight of impending danger. He made it clear that if Rengoku refused to yield and accept his offer, he would have no choice but to kill him. Rengoku's gaze hardened further, his brows furrowing and his jaw clenching with determination. An agitated grunt rumbled from his throat as he shifted his position, standing tall and unwavering in the face of Akaza's ultimatum. The flames of his resolve burned brightly, casting a fierce light in his eyes as he prepared for the inevitable battle.

Then, it began...

The incoming clash was swift and intense as Akaza dashed forward, his movements fluid and precise. Rengoku, equally skilled and determined, managed to block Akaza's initial strike, his blade meeting the demon's with a resounding clang. As Akaza followed up with another attack, Rengoku deftly dodged, his instincts and training guiding his movements. With a swift motion, Rengoku swung his sword, aiming for Akaza's side. But the Upper Three demon proved to be incredibly quick and agile, leaping away with impressive speed.

He then returned, facing Rengoku head-on with a wild smile that sent a chill down your spine.

His arms and Rengoku's blade collided with a resounding boom, the force of their clash creating shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield. Each move was calculated and precise, a dance of blades and power that showcased the skill and strength of both combatants. As the clash continued, the intensity of the battle reached a fever pitch. Akaza and Rengoku were locked in a fierce exchange of blows, their movements a blur of speed and precision—they were moving so fast, you nor Tanjiro could keep track of either of them!

Each strike was met with equal force and skill, creating shockwaves that echoed through the night.

Rengoku's determination was palpable, his focus unwavering as he sought to overcome Akaza's relentless assault. With each swing of his blade, he pushed himself to his limits, channeling his inner strength and resolve into every strike. Akaza, on the other hand, displayed an unmatched agility and cunning. His movements were like a whirlwind, unpredictable and deadly. Despite Rengoku's skill, Akaza proved to be a formidable adversary, constantly pushing him to defend and counter with all his might. The clash of their powers and ideologies reverberated through the battlefield, casting a tense and electrifying atmosphere over the scene.

You and Tanjiro watched with bated breath, your hearts racing at the intensity of the battle.

"In all my years, I've never gotten to kill a Flame Hashira! No one has yet to take me up on my offer, either," Akaza taunted, blocking one of Rengoku's strikes with his fist. "Why do you think that is?"

Despite Akaza's taunts, Rengoku's determination burned brightly, driving him forward. He remained silent, his focus solely on the battle at hand as he continued his assault, each strike fueled by his unwavering dedication to his principles. In a swift and calculated move, Rengoku managed to slice halfway through Akaza's arm, a testament to his skill and strength. Akaza didn't falter, his wild smile widening as he faced continued to speak.

"As a fellow master of the martial arts, I just can't comprehend it! Not when only the chosen ones can become demons!" Akaza exclaimed, his voice a mix of frustration and fascination with Rengoku's unwavering resolve.

With a sudden burst of speed, Akaza's other arm darted out and aimed for Rengoku's head. However, Rengoku was prepared. With a swift and precise motion, he slid his sword in an upward arc, slicing through Akaza's arm cleanly. Blood splattered in the air, but Akaza remained unfazed, his expression twisted into a menacing grin as his arm immediately began to regenerate.

"Watching the hideous decline of someone blessed with your powers, it pains me!" Akaza's voice rang out, a mix of frustration and disdain evident in his tone.

Akaza geared up for another punch, his fist flying towards Rengoku with incredible speed. However, Rengoku was ready. With expert precision, he blocked Akaza's punch once again, the demon's fist sliding along the edge of his blade. The clash of their powers and wills reached a crescendo, each strike and block sending shockwaves through the air. Rengoku's determination remained unwavering, his focus on protecting his ideals and humanity unwavering even in the face of such a formidable opponent.

Rengoku, growing tired of Akaza's taunts and relentless assaults, let out a primal growl of frustration and determination. With renewed vigor, he swung his blade with even greater ferocity, the weapon bursting into flames as he tapped into his power. Akaza, sensing the change in Rengoku's demeanor, leaned back and jumped into the air, spinning upside down as he unleashed a barrage of powerful strikes with his fists. Rengoku's eyes widened as he was suddenly struck by an invisible force, the impact sending shockwaves through his body.

Quick to assess the situation, Rengoku realized that Akaza's attacks were so powerful that they became a direct blast of pressurized air. Thinking quickly, he spun his flaming blade around himself, creating a wall of intense flames that acted as a shield against further air attacks. The pressurized air blasts collided with the wall of flames, creating a spectacle of fire and force that illuminated the battlefield. The clash of powers and elements was a sight to behold. Rengoku gritted his teeth, his muscles straining as he maintained the fiery barrier against Akaza's onslaught.

The flames flickered and danced around him, a symbol of his unyielding resolve and determination to protect himself and his ideals.

With a realization that the battle was stalling, Rengoku decided to change tactics. He realized that if he continued fighting from a distance, he would never be able to sever Akaza's head, a necessary step in defeating the formidable demon. With a surge of speed and swirling flames surrounding him, Rengoku dashed forward with incredible agility, closing the distance between him and Akaza in an instant. The sudden burst of speed caught Akaza off guard, his eyes widening in surprise as Rengoku appeared before him, his sword poised to strike. Akaza barely managed to stumble back in time, narrowly avoiding Rengoku's lethal attack.

"Those reflexes!" Akaza exclaimed, his voice carrying a hint of admiration and wonderment. "Brilliant!"

The battle intensified as Rengoku and Akaza exchanged blows, the fire and air around them swirling chaotically in a mesmerizing dance of power and skill.

While witnessing the intense confrontation, Tanjiro slowly rolled over and managed to get up onto his knees. You stayed by his side, a hand resting gently on his back for support. Inosuke suddenly appeared, standing beside you both with a tense stance that revealed his bewilderment and nervousness as he observed the fierce battle unfolding before him. The desire to help burned within all of you, growing more anxious with each passing moment of the prolonged battle. Tanjiro grunted as he attempted to push himself up to his feet, determination etched on his face. You and Inosuke took a tentative step forward, ready to lend your aid.

However, Rengoku's sharp command halted you all in your tracks immediately.


His authoritative voice cut through the chaos of the battle, demanding obedience and reminding you of the importance of following his lead. You and your companions froze, realizing that intervening could potentially disrupt Rengoku's strategy and put yourselves in harm's way. You exchanged glances with Tanjiro and Inosuke, each of you sharing the same thoughts. Though the desire to assist Rengoku was strong, you knew that obeying his command may be crucial for the success of his battle. With a reluctant huff, you remained where you were, ready to act if the situation demanded it but trusting in Rengoku's judgment and skill.

Their speed and power only seemed to grow stronger as the battle raged on. Rengoku, with a surge of fiery determination, managed to deliver a decisive strike, sending Akaza hurtling backward into the nearby forest. Without hesitation, Rengoku followed, his figure a blur of flame and resolve. You, Tanjiro, and Inosuke watched anxiously as both combatants disappeared into the shadows of the trees. The tension in the air was palpable, your nerves frayed like live wires as you strained to catch any sign of them. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the silence almost unbearable.

Suddenly, you gasped as Rengoku's body came flying out of the forest, crashing into the derailed train with a deafening boom. The impact shook the ground, debris scattering around the wreckage.

"Rengoku!" Tanjiro called out worriedly, his voice filled with concern.

Inosuke's shout pierced through the chaos. "Watch out, Bug Eyes!"

Your attention snapped back to the forest as Akaza emerged, his form a menacing silhouette against the night. His movements were slow and confident as he walked back into the clearing, still smiling with a chilling calmness. Rengoku struggled to move, his resolve unbroken despite the obvious pain and exhaustion etched on his face. He stumbled from the wreckage, kneeling on the ground with one knee and propping himself up with his sword, breathing heavily.

"Are you sure you won't turn into a demon?" Akaza's voice was taunting, filled with a twisted kind of respect. "Think of it this way: if you did, we could spar with each other endlessly. Imagine how much stronger we'd become!"

"Never!" Rengoku's voice was a growl of defiance. He slowly stood, his fist tightening on the hilt of his sword. "I thought I had made myself clear. I do not like you. And I will not become a demon—ever!"

With renewed energy and determination, Rengoku charged at Akaza once more, his blade blazing with flames of intense red. The fiery aura surrounding his sword illuminated the battlefield, casting a brilliant glow against the darkness. Akaza grinned wildly, clearly impressed by Rengoku's relentless spirit.

"Magnificent! Truly magnificent!" he praised, his excitement palpable as he unleashed his own attack.

The two warriors danced around each other, their movements a blur of speed and precision. The air crackled with the intensity of their clash, each strike and counterstrike creating shockwaves that rippled through the clearing and shaking you to your core. Akaza's fists met Rengoku's blazing blade, the force of their collision sending sparks flying in all directions.

"This struggle is futile!" Akaza gritted his teeth as he blocked another of Rengoku's powerful strikes. "Continuing these meaningless assaults will only end in one outcome—your death!"

Rengoku growled as he shoved Akaza away with all his might, but the relentless demon quickly returned, throwing a punch that grazed the side of Rengoku's temple. A trickle of blood poured from the wound, but Rengoku remained steadfast, his resolve unbroken. With a fierce battle cry, Rengoku unleashed his First Form: Unknowing Fire. His blazing blade sliced through the air, the flames roaring as they connected with Akaza's arms, severing them cleanly.

Akaza laughed, his dismembered arms immediately beginning to heal. In the blink of an eye he threw his fist and landed a quick and powerful punch to Rengoku's abdomen. The impact was accompanied by a sickening crack, the force of the blow sending shockwaves through Rengoku's body. Rengoku staggered but refused to fall, his grip on his sword tightening as he fought through the pain.

Akaza grinned, his admiration for Rengoku's strength evident even as he continued his relentless assault. "You truly are a remarkable opponent, Kyojuro Rengoku. But your human limitations will be your downfall!"

Rengoku ignored the taunt, focusing all his energy on the battle at hand. He prepared to unleash another powerful attack, his blade igniting with renewed flames as he steeled himself for the next exchange. The battle between the Flame Hashira and the Upper Rank Three demon raged on, each moment bringing them closer to the ultimate test of their strength and resolve.

"Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!" Kyojuro shouted, unleashing a powerful, scorching torrent of flames shaped like a ferocious tiger.

The fiery beast roared through the air, its heat palpable as it surged towards Akaza. Akaza's laughter echoed through the battlefield, his excitement and bloodlust evident. He reveled in the thrill of the fight, his wild eyes gleaming. Rengoku's blazing blade connected, slashing through Akaza's arm with a searing strike. But then, the scene took an unexpected turn. Akaza leapt back and crouched down, his form eerily still, while Rengoku stood unmoving, his fiery attack dissipating into the night.

"Wait..." Inosuke's voice broke through the tense silence, confusion evident. "Is that it?! Did he win?!"

Your eyes widened as you saw droplets of blood fall to the ground. The realization hit you like a weight, the true extent of the damage Rengoku had endured becoming painfully clear, the strain of the battle was evident in every line of his body. They moved with such incredible speed and ferocity that it was difficult to track their movements and fully grasp the severity of the battle. Your chest constricted as you observed the labored breathing of Rengoku, his shoulders rising and falling heavily with each breath.

"Don't tell me it's over..." Akaza's calm voice cut through the tension, his expression flat and devoid of emotion as he observed Rengoku. "I won't have you die on me so easily."

Akaza's low voice carried a weight of finality, his words a grim reminder of the inherent limitations of being human. He pointed out that Rengoku's wounds would never heal as quickly as his own, and that some damage would even be irreparable. The disparity in their abilities was clear, and Akaza insinuated that there was no point in continuing the fight, as Rengoku would never measure up or surpass his strength as a demon.

Rengoku's focus remained unwavering even amidst the grim reality of his situation. He exerted immense effort in controlling his breathing, each inhale and exhale a conscious effort to regain his composure. With each breath, he gradually calmed the storm of emotions within him, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Then, in a pivotal moment, a palpable shift in the air occurred. It felt as if the atmosphere around Rengoku changed, charged with an overwhelming sense of determination and power.

It was as if his energy, his very soul, had been ignited and stoked to a blazing inferno.

His eyes blazed with an intensity that spoke of unyielding resolve, the flames of determination mirrored in the aura that surrounded him. Despite the pain, the fatigue, and the daunting odds, Rengoku stood tall, a pillar of strength and unwavering commitment. In that moment, it was clear that Rengoku had tapped into a reservoir of inner strength—one that transcended physical limitations and reached into the realm of sheer willpower and conviction. His spirit burned brightly, casting aside any doubts or hesitation, and embracing the challenge before him with an unshakable resolve.

"I will see my duty fulfilled! Rengoku's voice rang out, echoing across the battlefield like a solemn oath. "No matter what it takes!"

An unexpected shiver ran through Akaza as he witnessed Rengoku's impressive fighting spirit. Despite the injuries and exhaustion, the Flame Hashira pressed on with a determination that was as awe-inspiring as it was intimidating. Akaza couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer strength of Rengoku's mind and the ironclad resolve in his stance. In that moment, Akaza found himself immersed in the thrill of battle, a sensation that he relished above all else. The opportunity to face off against someone of Rengoku's caliber, a warrior of high skill and unmatched strength, filled him with a strange joy. The clash of their powers, the intensity of their struggle—it was a dance of combat that stirred something primal within Akaza, fueling his own desire to push himself to the limits.

'Set your heart ablaze... overcome your limits... I am the Flame Hashira!'

The battlefield crackled with raw energy as the clash between Rengoku and Akaza resumed. The ground beneath their feet cracked and splintered, unable to withstand the immense force generated by their movements. With fierce determination, both warriors launched forward, their forms blurring as they closed the distance between them. Flames erupted around Rengoku, forming the shape of a majestic dragon that trailed behind him like a blazing comet. The fiery aura surrounding him only amplified the intensity of the battle as he met Akaza head-on once more.

The force of their impact was so immense that it shook the ground, creating fissures and upheavals in the earth.

A shockwave of flames and debris erupted outward, creating a spectacle of destruction and chaos. The air itself distorted from the sheer heat and pressure of their clash, creating a surreal and otherworldly scene. Your heart suddenly leapt into your throat as your vision blacked out, and in that darkness, a haunting premonition took shape. Wait... you remember! The dream world and the vision you saw! You knew what was coming. You saw the outcome of this fierce battle before—Rengoku's death.

The scene played out in your mind's eye, vivid and chilling.

You remembered the sickening feeling as you opened your eyes to see a blooming splotch of red spreading from your stomach, left by a gaping hole. The sight had stole the air from your lungs, leaving you reeling in unbearable agony. And you remember how your body trembled as you collapsed to your knees, the pain searing through every fiber of your being. Your head spun, and your vision blurred as the world threatened to fade into darkness. The loss of blood slowly took its toll, draining your strength and leaving you feeling weak and vulnerable. Every breath was a struggle, each heartbeat echoing in your ears like a distant drumbeat.

And that was Rengoku's fate unless something changed.

This was it. This was the culmination of everything you had trained for—the moment where your skills and determination would be put to the ultimate test. The stakes couldn't be higher; Rengoku's life hung in the balance, and your instinct to protect screamed louder than ever. If you didn't act now, Rengoku's life would slip away before your eyes. However, if you could just reach him in time, offer even a glimmer of support, perhaps you could rewrite his destiny. After all, what's the point of trying to master the ways of a Demon Slayer if you can't protect those you hold dear? Why were you even granted a premonition of this critical juncture, if not to challenge the course of fate itself?

You had to try... you had to save him—no matter the cost!

Your heart thundering, the roar of blood coursing through your veins, you muster every ounce of your resolve to propel yourself forward, letting out a primal scream of determination. Adrenaline surges through your limbs, propelling you like a comet hurtling toward its target.


For a suspended moment, it felt as though the very universe paused, bearing witness to this critical moment. Tanjiro and Inosuke stood frozen in stunned disbelief as they watched you charge forward, before their voices raised with panic as they chased after you. But their movements were sluggish, their cries muffled by the intensity of the battle raging around them. They were too slow to try and stop you. As you closed the distance, your outstretched hand reaching towards Rengoku, an eruption of flames engulfed you and the surrounding area. The intense heat and blinding light caused everything in front of them to vanish before their eyes. The force of the explosion sent Tanjiro and Inosuke tumbling backward, their bodies hitting the ground as they remained rooted in horror.

Breath held, they gazed at the swirling inferno where you, Rengoku, and the Upper Three demon had disappeared. 

The intensity of the moment hung heavily in the air, their hearts pounding with a blend of fear and anticipation in the eerie silence that followed. Tanjiro and Inosuke's minds raced with frantic thoughts, their hearts gripped by uncertainty and concern. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as they grappled with the unknown, their fear mingling with a desperate hope for a positive outcome.

"Did... Did they make it? Where are they? Are they alright?" Tanjiro's voice trembled with concern, his eyes frantically scanning the aftermath for any sign of life.

Inosuke remained silent, his usual bravado replaced by a tense and anxious expression beneath the mask. His fists clenched involuntarily as he fought against the rising tide of fear and worry. The weight of the situation bore down on them both, the air heavy with unspoken fears and unanswered questions. They could only wait, their hearts filled with a mix of dread and hope, as they awaited any sign of what had transpired in the wake of the explosion. Finally, as the smoke and dust began to clear, it unveiled a scene of utter devastation—scorched earth, debris strewn about, and the air thick with the lingering heat of the flames. And with each dissipating tendril of smoke, their worst fears were confirmed.

A gut-wrenching cry tore through the heavy silence, echoing across the devastated battlefield.


Ahaha... I have committed a grave and potentially evil crime writing this chapter and ending it the way I did. I deeply apologize for what you all may be experiencing after reading this! Please find it in your hearts to forgive me. I understand there's mixed feelings about cliffhangers, but it was necessary!

(; ω ; )ヾ(´∀`* )

Chapter 15: Daybreak - 夜明け


Things begin to change after the harrowing events aboard the Mugen Train.


Well, hello there... surprised to see this? Me too! I didn’t expect to finish editing the previous chapters and get this one done as quickly as I did, yet here we are... (✧ω✧) This chapter isn’t as long as the previous Mugen Train chapters, but it’s a solid 18.5k words, so I hope it’ll be enough to satisfy your hunger! Enjoy the read, and as always, thank you so much for your support and patience—love ya!💖(ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)

(P.S. If you happen to spot any mistakes—nope, you didn’t see anything! I’m officially blind to them at this point! I edit this story way too much, yet still miss stuff... end my suffering (ಥ﹏ಥ) In all seriousness, I’m super critical of my own work, so I’ll definitely fix anything that comes up. Feel free to politely nudge me if something needs correcting—I promise I don’t mind lol!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The cry that shattered the silence was unlike anything Inosuke had ever heard.

Tanjiro's scream pierced the air, a sound so raw and anguished that even Tanjiro himself could hardly believe it came from his own throat. His cry echoed through the aftermath of the fiery explosion as he stumbled forward, consumed by the crushing realization: He failed. He failed to protect someone that he cared about again! Inosuke, normally brash and impulsive, stood frozen in shock, his eyes wide behind his mask, unable to process the devastation before him. Amidst the charred debris and swirling smoke, three figures stood, creating a heart-wrenching scene. Tanjiro and Inosuke's minds raced with disbelief and denial, desperately hoping for a miraculous outcome.

There you were, standing between Upper Moon Three and Rengoku, the demon's arm seemingly thrust through you, piercing your abdomen.

Tanjiro and Inosuke's breaths hitched as they took in the sight. Inosuke, though silent, was a storm of emotion behind his mask. His fists clenched at his sides, a mix of anger and helplessness swirling beneath his fierce exterior. His usual bravado was gone, replaced by the stark reality of the situation. He wanted to rush forward, to tear the demon away from you, but the terror of the scene rooted him to the spot. Tanjiro's legs felt like lead, each step toward you an effort against the weight of his despair. This couldn't be happening! You weren't supposed to be in this fight, let alone sacrificing yourself for your mentor.

Why hadn't he been quicker?! He could've stopped you!

His heart pounded in his chest as he slowly closed the distance, each beat echoing the desperate rhythm of his thoughts. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to reach you, to somehow change the course of this grim reality. Tanjiro grimaced, clutching his side as he took deep, heavy breaths. It was difficult to breathe, but he was determined to keep moving forward. His mind whirled with a torrent of emotions until a shift in the air, a breeze strong enough to blow Rengoku's haori to the side, revealed something that had him blinking his eyes in confusion, his heart stuttering in his chest.

It may have seemed like the end, but this fight was far from over.

The chaotic positioning and previously obstructed view led both Tanjiro and Inosuke to mistakenly believe you had taken the fatal blow and were now in the clutches of death. However, Akaza's hand was frozen mid-air, just inches from striking you. Time once again seemed to stretch into eternity as everyone slowly processed the situation—it was a strange sensation—time moving both slowly and quickly at the same moment. Akaza snapped out of his momentary stupor first, his glare hardening as he moved into action. Simultaneously, you lunged at Akaza. Rengoku, with lightning-quick reflexes, wrapped his arms around both you and Upper Moon Three, prompting a tense struggle between the three of you as the demon tried to pry you off while fending off Rengoku's powerful grip.

"What the hell are you doing getting in the way?!" Akaza seethed, gritting his teeth as he struggled to keep Rengoku at bay with one arm while trying to unlatch you from his other arm.

Despite Akaza's furious efforts, you held on tightly, refusing to let go even as he attempted to pry you off. Your heart pounded in your chest, the sound reverberating in your ears as you slowly came down from the rush of adrenaline of nearly being pulverized by his fist just moments ago. You couldn't believe you had made it in time to save Rengoku. The most startling part was that you hadn't even done anything significant to stop the demon. Upper Moon Three was ready to strike Rengoku with a fatal blow, but your unexpected intervention caused his fist to halt just before impact. For some odd reason Akaza had restrained himself from killing you. While the idea of a demon refraining from killing a Demon Slayer was unimaginable, you couldn't afford to stand idly by.

You latched onto Akaza, determined to restrain him so that Rengoku could gain the upper hand.

Akaza's rage burned hotter as he struggled against both of your grips, his muscles tensing with each futile attempt to break free. His eyes blazed with a mix of fury and disbelief, unable to comprehend why you would risk your life to interfere in their battle. But you held firm, driven by a resolve fueled by both desperation and a deep-seated determination to protect those you cared for. Rengoku, sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, seized the moment. With a swift and calculated move, he leveraged Akaza's distraction to gain the advantage. In a lightning-fast maneuver, Rengoku released his hold and swung his blade with precision, striking at Akaza's exposed flank. The demon let out a guttural roar of pain and surprise as the blade pierced through his flesh, severing tendons and disrupting his balance.

Akaza moved to retaliate, completely ignoring you now that you were the only one holding onto him, and for some reason, that infuriated you more than anything else in the world.

"Don't just ignore me!" You roared, channeling all your strength to push the demon backward with your weight.

With a swift motion, you drew your sword from its sheath and charged forward. The demon was caught off guard once again by your speed and ferocity as you plunged headlong into the battle, facing Upper Moon Three directly. Akaza regained his balance, swiftly healing, and slid away from you with wide, bewildered yet furious eyes. He couldn't believe the determination you were displaying against him, not just as a demon, but as an Upper Rank. You had some nerve! He hadn't expected such courage, speed, or vigor from you. Initially unassuming, he had barely acknowledged your existence when he first arrived.

You were a nobody, simply a small and weak woman.

You weren't the strongest, nor the fastest, but he had underestimated you—underestimated the indomitable human spirit that you and many others possessed. Now, a hint of apprehension crept over him as he tried to fend you off while facing the Flame Hashira, with time running short. The sun was slowly rising, its bright rays peaking over the horizon. Rengoku recovered just a quick and maneuvered around you. Sensing another opportunity, he unleashed a barrage of precise and powerful strikes, forcing Akaza to defend himself on multiple fronts. The demon's frustration grew evident as he struggled to maintain his composure against your relentless attacks and Rengoku's powerful assault.

Akaza could handle Rengoku on his own, but your intervention foolishly placed you in the midst of their battle, preventing him from swiftly dealing with the Flame Hashira. Despite his ability to easily dispose of you as well, something inexplicable held him back, much to his growing annoyance. He couldn't understand why he hesitated to harm you, despite your irritating presence and your role as a Demon Slayer intent on thwarting him. His body just wouldn't allow him to inflict any substantial damage. Now that he thought about it, he had slaughtered countless people, Demon Slayers or not, but they were all men... he had never laid a single finger on a woman. Despite your lesser strength, Akaza couldn't afford to let you land a blow, wary of the potential threat you posed. His inability to eliminate you placed him in an unprecedentedly precarious situation. With both you and the Flame Hashira actively engaging him, defending himself became increasingly challenging.

The prospect of additional Demon Slayers joining the fray would only complicate matters further.

Feeling the heat of the rising sun intensifying, Akaza knew he had to escape quickly. Blocking one of Rengoku's strikes and knocking him to the ground, he swiftly pivoted and crouched low, seizing your legs. You let out a startled yelp as you were lifted off the ground, your sword clumsily falling from your grasp as you flailed helplessly. Shouts rang out as the demon leaped away, carrying you in his arms. Your stomach churned as the ground receded rapidly below you, the wind whipping against your face as you plummeted downward, eyes squeezed shut in fear. Your body lurched as Akaza landed a couple of hundred yards away and bolted into a sprint toward the forest, still clutching you tightly. The shouts of your comrades jolted your senses, and you struggled fiercely against his hold, desperately attempting to break free.

"Let go of me!" you shouted, feeling a mix of surprise and hesitation emanating from the demon, as if he had momentarily forgotten about you.

His grip tightened briefly, but then two swords sliced through the air. One blade that was serrated sliced through his leg, while a smoother one pierced through Akaza's lower back. The demon grunted, faltering and loosening his hold enough for you to slip from his grasp. With a loud thump, you hit the ground and rolled once, while Akaza, picking up his pace, continued running and vanished into the forest's shadows. You panted as you slowly pushed yourself up with your hands, your head hanging low, your mind and body buzzing from the adrenaline rush crashing through you once again. You couldn't comprehend how or why you were still alive, why Upper Moon Three hadn't killed you. You didn't know his reasons, if he had any, but you were grateful and relieved to still be breathing, especially knowing that Rengoku and your friends were safe.

You were all alive...

The realization fully sank in, and you began to cry, your chest heaving with sobs as tears streaked down your face. You couldn't move or speak, even as you heard your name being called from behind. Within moments, Inosuke and Tanjiro were by your side. Surprisingly, Inosuke was the first to crouch in front of you and grab your face, turning your head from side to side, albeit not as gently as Tanjiro might have. His hands then slid to your arms, lifting each one as if inspecting you. Once satisfied, he scooted back as Tanjiro knelt beside you, his gentle eyes filled with concern as he softly called your name.

"Y/n, it's okay. Please don't cry! You’re safe now," Tanjiro reassured, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We’re all safe."

The words brought a fresh wave of tears, but also a sense of calm. You took a shaky breath, trying to steady yourself. The adrenaline still coursed through you, but the presence of your friends slowly grounded you.

"I... I..." you stammered, unable to finish the sentence as the emotions overwhelmed you. 

"I'm so happy you're okay," Tanjiro pulled into his arms, his body slightly shaking. "I was really worried that we were going to lose you and Rengoku-san..."

"We..." you pulled back a little and blinked as you mumbled, "we shouldn't be here..."

"What...?" Tanjiro paused, brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"I... I had a vision, Tanjiro," you said, your voice trembling. "I saw Rengoku-san's death, and tonight was the night it was supposed to happen. But I couldn't just stand by knowing what was going to happen. I had to do something. I just didn't think that I'd actually be able to do anything. I can't believe that... that I did that..."

Inosuke huffed. "Yeah, you were completely reckless and stupid! You can't go throwing yourself at an Upper Rank demon like that!"

"I had no choice," you weakly protested, sighing at Inosuke's blunt criticism. "I had to do something!"

"Well, you should be more careful—you're lucky you're still breathing! Not to mention, you were almost kidnapped! Fortunately for you, Konpiro and I were right behind you and managed to strike him down so you could get away!"

"Okay, Inosuke, you can calm down now. It's not like I got seriously injured or died," you said, trying to ease his temper.

"Yeah, well, you better be glad you didn't, otherwise I'd kill you!" Inosuke shot back, his irritation still evident despite the tinge of relief in his voice.

"Not this again. I get it, I get it... expect the unexpected, and you'll kill me yourself if I die to some weakling, bah, blah, blah. But... that demon technically wasn't weak, so... at least it would've been an honorable death, right?"

"No way! I don't care how you die, or by who, it just better not happen! Got that?!"

"Alright, I promise! I'll be more careful. Quit yelling at me now! You're giving me a headache..."

He huffed and continued to grumble, while you slowly stood back up. Tanjiro's eyes were wide in shock at your revelation, choosing to ignore Inosuke's angry rant as he focused on you and your words instead. The weight of your revelation settled heavily on him—not only had you experienced a vision, but you had also taken decisive action despite the overwhelming odds, risking your life to prevent Rengoku's death. If what you were saying was true, Rengoku would have died tonight. Tanjiro believed you without question, trusting in your integrity and knowing you wouldn't fabricate such a serious matter. Armed with the foreknowledge of Rengoku's death and the likely circumstances, you had courageously intervened and succeeded in saving him.

You had changed fate...

Rengoku, having recovered from being knocked down earlier, spoke up from behind all of you.

"Is that true...? You saw my death?"

Your heart lurched as you faced the man you had risked everything for, uncertain of his reaction. Your eyes fell on him a few feet away, his appearance a stark reminder of the harrowing night you had all endured. His uniform and haori were torn, bruises adorned his body, and blood trickled from open wounds. His breathing was slightly labored, his posture no longer tall and confident but weary and worn. Tears welled up again as you struggled to read his expression. Was he angry that you had defied his orders earlier? That you had intervened in his battle, putting both your lives and potentially others' at risk? Or was there a glimmer of pride in your bravery, despite its recklessness? You had trained so hard, learning how to breathe, how to fight, and though you hadn't fully utilized your skills tonight, you had tried...

You nodded, your voice trembling. "Y-Yes. I saw it. And I couldn't bear the thought of losing..." You trail off, taking a deep breath to steady your emotions. "I had to do something. I know it was stupid, that I should've been more careful and thought things through, but it all happened so fast! And I... I tried—"

"I understand," Rengoku said softly, his gaze unwavering as he met your eyes. His expression softened, recognizing the weight of your words and the bravery behind your actions. "You acted with courage, and your determination saved not just me, but all of us here tonight." He approached you, his presence calming despite the tension lingering in the aftermath of battle. Placing a hand gently on your shoulder, he continued, "I'm grateful for your bravery."

His words brought a mixture of relief and gratitude, knowing that despite the risks and uncertainties, you had made a difference. Tears welled up anew, but this time they were tinged with a profound sense of pride. Rengoku's reassurance gave you strength, reaffirming that your choices, though risky, had been guided by a deep-seated desire to protect and preserve. Had you not taken the chance, he would've died, and the consequences could have been dire. Upper Moon Three might have targeted your friends and other innocent lives aboard the Mugen Train. Rengoku embodied incredible strength and resilience, and with him still alive, there was hope for the future. By saving Rengoku, you had unwittingly safeguarded countless other lives, a realization that weighed heavily yet filled you with a profound sense of purpose.

"We'll discuss this further when we've all had time to rest," Rengoku announced, his tone gentle yet firm. "For now, let's focus on regrouping and ensuring everyone is safe."

You managed a weak smile through your tears, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude wash over you again. With dawn's light shining, you all made your way back to the wreckage of the Mugen Train, where everyone regrouped. Zenitsu had finally woken up and was carrying Nezuko's box, ensuring she remained safe from the sunlight. Unsurprisingly, tears streamed down his face as he saw you all again, rushing over to cling onto each of you.

Zenitsu's sobs were loud and heartfelt, his relief palpable. "Ahhhh, you guys! I just woke up and everyone except Nezuko-chan was gone! Luckily, I found her box and she crawled inside before daylight," he rambled, slightly trembling. "But I got so worried when I couldn't find anyone else! Wh-What exactly happened? The train is in complete shambles! I thought you were all dead or something!" he cried, his grip tightening.

Tanjiro patted his back reassuringly. "Don't worry, Zenitsu, we're all okay! I'm glad you and Nezuko are safe. Thank you for looking out for her." Tanjiro's gaze briefly swept over the wreckage. "As for what happened... we were all put under a spell of sorts, trapped in dreams. Some of us woke up, but you stayed asleep—which you do often—and we defeated the demon that took over the train, but the train wrecked. Then, suddenly, Upper Moon Three appeared and... well, a lot happened."

"Oh man, that sounds so intense! How did I manage to sleep through all of that?!" Zenitsu's brows furrowed before he shook his head, his arms squeezing around each of you. "No matter, I'm just so happy to see you all!"

"Quit clinging onto us like a damn baby," Inosuke grumbled tensely, his body stiff, arms hovering over Zenitsu but unmoving. 

Zenitsu sniffled, attempting to compose himself. "Sorry, I was just so scared..."

Inosuke finally placed a hand on Zenitsu's shoulder, albeit awkwardly and gently pushed him away. "Yeah, yeah, we're all alive. So stop crying already!"

Zenitsu's grip loosened, and he stood straight, wiping at his eyes. When Tanjiro attempted to take Nezuko's box, Zenitsu refused to let him carry her, noticing that Tanjiro was injured and undoubtedly exhausted. Tanjiro smiled and thanked him gratefully, truly appreciating Zenitsu's concern and kindness. Determined to help even more, Zenitsu even attempted to carry you in his arms. However, you politely refused, considering he was already carrying Nezuko on his back. You didn't want to burden him with any more weight, especially when you were perfectly capable of walking on your own despite feeling exhausted and sustaining moderate injuries.

"Thank you, Zenitsu," you said softly, touched by his gesture. "But I can manage. Just focus on keeping Nezuko safe."

Zenitsu nodded, his usual anxiety replaced by a rare moment of steadfastness. "Alright, but if you need any help, just let me know," he insisted.

Over the next hour and a half, additional members of the Demon Slayer Corps, along with the Kakushi, arrived to assist with the aftermath of the train wreck. They worked tirelessly to clean up the wreckage, provide medical attention to the injured, and ensure that all survivors were safely escorted back to their homes. The scene was a flurry of activity, with Slayers and Kakushi coordinating efforts, tending to wounds, and comforting the shaken passengers. The smell of smoke and the sounds of groaning metal filled the air as the team cleared debris and stabilized the wreckage.

Medical kits were opened, bandages were applied, and stretcher teams moved quickly to transport the more seriously injured to safer areas for further treatment. The Kakushi, with their usual efficiency and calm demeanor, reassured the survivors, guiding them away from the chaos and ensuring they were accounted for. As the bulk of the damage was addressed and the immediate crisis began to subside, your group received orders to leave the scene and rest. Exhausted but relieved, you made your way back, leaving the remaining clean-up and care to the capable hands of the Corps and Kakushi.

The Kakushi had prepared a temporary base where you were all to stay for the night, complete with medical supplies, food, and makeshift sleeping arrangements. You were greeted with warm, albeit tired, smiles, and directed to areas where you could clean up and tend to any minor injuries. The safe house buzzed with subdued activity as Slayers and Kakushi worked together to create a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos. Conversations were hushed, punctuated by occasional laughter as tension slowly ebbed away. The smell of food wafted through the air, and you realized just how hungry you were.

Gathering in a common area, you joined your comrades for a much-needed meal. The simple fare—rice, miso soup, and grilled fish—tasted like a feast after the night's ordeals. As you ate, you listened to the quiet chatter around you, snippets of conversation about the battle, the demons, and the passengers who had been saved. Many Kakushi and other Slayers had gathered around to congratulate your group and praise you for your hard work, commending everyone for managing to defeat the demons without losing a single life.

You barely mustered a smile, feeling like you didn't deserve the praise.

True, you saved Rengoku. Or perhaps it was just pure luck. After all, Akaza, one of the highest-ranking demons, had completely ignored your existence until you forced him to deal with you, trying to give Rengoku the upper hand. Even before you intervened, it was as if you didn't exist. You were no threat to Upper Moon Three; that much was clear when he tried to dispatch Tanjiro, who was injured and lying on the ground, instead of someone like you who was much weaker. It bothered you immensely. Akaza could have easily taken you out with a single blow, and you were prepared to take it and die in place of Rengoku. But at the very last moment, the demon changed his trajectory.

It doesn't necessarily matter how you saved Rengoku, if you could even call it that. At least you helped in some way. But still...

After the meal, you found a quiet corner to rest. The exhaustion hit you like a wave, and you lay down, feeling the night's events catch up with you. Your muscles ached, and your mind was heavy with the memories of the battle. Despite the discomfort, sleep came quickly, pulling you into a deep, dreamless slumber. You and your friends slept until the next day, and you awoke to the soft sounds of morning activity. The sun had risen, casting a gentle light over the safe house. You stretched, feeling somewhat revitalized, and joined your friends once more. Plans were being made for the day ahead, with assignments being handed out for further cleanup and investigation.

But your group was ordered to head back to the headquarters and Butterfly Estate.

You and your friends trudged back, every step heavy with fatigue. The adrenaline that had fueled you during the battle and the immediate aftermath had worn off, leaving a bone-deep weariness. The journey back was mostly silent, each of you lost in your thoughts, replaying the harrowing events of the night. Upon returning to the Corps headquarters, you were greeted by the familiar, comforting sights and sounds. Fellow Slayers offered nods of acknowledgment and concern, understanding the toll the recent events had taken on you. The medics immediately ushered you to the infirmary, insisting on thorough check-ups despite your protests that you were fine.

As you sat on the infirmary bed, the medic examined your injuries, cleaning and bandaging the cuts and bruises you hadn't even realized you had. The sting of antiseptic brought you back to the present, and you looked around at your comrades. They, too, were being treated, some more seriously injured than others. The room was filled with hushed conversations, the clink of medical instruments, and the occasional wince of pain. Once the medics were satisfied, you were finally allowed to rest. You made your way to your quarters, the familiar environment offering a semblance of peace. You lay down, the exhaustion pulling you into another deep, dreamless sleep almost immediately.

The next morning, the events of the previous day felt almost surreal. The Corps headquarters was abuzz with activity, the routine slowly bringing a sense of normalcy. Reports of the mission were being compiled, and plans for the next steps were discussed. Despite the weariness, there was a shared sense of accomplishment and relief. You had faced a formidable foe and emerged victorious, albeit with scars that would take time to heal. Mid-afternoon, you, Rengoku, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were summoned for a meeting with the Master and the other Hashira. As you made your way to the meeting place, the weight of the recent events hung heavily on your mind.

The urgency of the summons suggested that the Master had important matters to discuss, possibly concerning the aftermath of the train wreck or new intelligence about the demons.

Arriving at the meeting hall, you found the atmosphere tense but focused. The Hashira, each a formidable warrior in their own right, were gathered, their expressions a mix of concern and resolve. The Master, seated at the head of the room, exuded a calm authority, his presence commanding respect. You took your place among the assembled, noting the quiet determination on Rengoku's face, the reflective seriousness in Tanjiro's eyes, the eager readiness of Inosuke, and the barely contained anxiety of Zenitsu. Despite their different demeanors, a shared sense of purpose united you all. The Master began the meeting with a solemn tone, acknowledging the bravery and dedication displayed during the battle on the train. He praised the efforts of everyone involved, highlighting the successful rescue of the passengers and the defeat of a Dream Demon.

However, his words soon shifted to the larger picture—the ongoing threat posed by Muzan Kibutsuji and his Twelve Kizuki.

"We must remain vigilant," the Master intoned, his gaze sweeping over the assembled slayers. "The battle we fought is but one of many. We cannot afford to let our guard down, for the demons grow stronger and more cunning with each passing day."

The Hashira listened intently, their expressions grave. The Master detailed new strategies and assignments, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts and increased reconnaissance. He assigned specific tasks to each Hashira, leveraging their unique skills and expertise. Shinobu was the first to speak up after a moment of pause.

"If it is no trouble, I'd like to discuss the Mugen Train mission in more detail." She turned her gaze towards Rengoku with a slight tilt of her head. "Rengoku-san, you mentioned last night that you not only faced the Dream Demon but also another one, Upper Moon Three. Is that correct?"

Rengoku nodded, his expression serious. "Yes," he replied. "After we defeated the Dream Demon, we were attacked by Akaza, Upper Moon Three."

Shinobu’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she continued, her voice steady and analytical. "You also mentioned some very interesting things regarding that encounter. Upper Moon Three seemed intent on killing anyone whom he deemed weak. You stated that the only ones around when he arrived were you, Tanjiro, and Y/n. And yet, he attempted to dispose of Tanjiro, who was incapacitated, but who is technically speaking stronger and more experienced than Y/n..."

You stared at the ground, feeling the weight of various eyes boring into you and the other two. The room’s atmosphere was thick with curiosity and suspicion, and you couldn’t blame them. You had questioned it yourself. Why hadn’t Upper Moon Three targeted you, even after you had intervened, trying to obstruct him so that Rengoku could have a chance to defeat him? You had put yourself in harm’s way, and yet, Akaza seemed to ignore you in favor of focusing on Rengoku and Tanjiro, despite the fact that one of them was incapacitated.

You could think of a few reasons...

Perhaps, and most likely, Akaza judged you as less of a threat compared to Rengoku and Tanjiro. Your combat skills, though significant for your experience level, might not have registered as a major concern to him at that moment. Another reason, Akaza’s initial focus might have been on Tanjiro because of a strategic reason. The fact that Tanjiro was incapacitated might have made him a vulnerable target, an opportunity for Akaza to assert dominance or to take advantage of a perceived weakness. This could have been a tactic to demoralize or unnerve Rengoku, which partially worked. Rengoku had been furious that Upper Moon Three tried targeting a downed Slayer and took offense that the demon thought Tanjiro was weaker than he actually was. There was also the fact that demons often act in unpredictable and irrational ways. Akaza’s choice of targets might have been influenced by a combination of his demonic instincts, personal desires, and the chaotic nature of battle.

His actions might not always follow a logical pattern from a human perspective.

But as absurd as it sounded, one last thought popped into your mind: not only were you less experienced and weaker, but you were a woman. Combined, maybe those were the reasons Upper Moon Three had completely dismissed your existence until you stepped in. The notion stung, but it was impossible to ignore. In a world where strength and rank dictated one's worth, it was plausible that Akaza, with his arrogant disdain for human life, might have underestimated you due to these factors. His decision to focus on Rengoku and Tanjiro—both highly ranked and notably strong—could have stemmed from his perception of their greater threat, while dismissing you as inconsequential.

You had already considered this the moment Upper Moon Three had arrived, but the realization was still unsettling.

It exposed a harsh reality of the world you lived in, where demons and sometimes even allies might judge based on strength, experience, and sometimes even gender. Yet, it also fueled a deeper resolve within you. If Akaza had dismissed you based on such superficial reasons, it only highlighted the need to prove that strength and capability are not confined by such narrow views. The discrimination and underestimation you faced would only drive you to sharpen your skills and fortify your resolve. You would not only fight to protect humanity but also to break through the biases that sought to define you by anything other than your ability and courage. As you looked up, meeting the eyes of your comrades and the Hashira, you felt a renewed sense of determination.

You would use this moment not as a setback, but as motivation to excel and demonstrate your true worth in the battles to come, even if it would be hard to overcome any self-doubt.

Shinobu, noticing the shift in your demeanor, tilted her head slightly with a hint of curiosity. “Is there something more you’d like to add, Y/n?”

You gathered your thoughts and spoke with a steady voice. “I’ve been reflecting on why Upper Moon Three focused on Tanjiro and Rengoku while dismissing me this entire time. He saw them as the greater threats, given their strength and experience, despite Tanjiro being injured. And I believe he underestimated me due to my experience and, perhaps, my gender.”

There was a moment of silence as the room absorbed your words. Shinobu’s eyes softened with understanding. “Yes... it’s not uncommon for demons and even some humans to make such judgments. The world we live in can be harsh and biased, but it’s important to remember that true strength is not defined by these superficial factors.”

You spoke with a mix of frustration and vulnerability, your voice tinged with self-doubt. "Thank you, but I can't help but think I could've done more. I NEED to do more. Even if being a woman isn't one of the reasons, I'm still weak and have so much to learn. I'm disappointed in myself for so many things... I just don't know what to do. I barely managed to help during the whole ordeal."

The room fell silent again, your words hanging in the air as your comrades took in your confession. It was clear that the weight of your perceived shortcomings was heavy on your shoulders.

Rengoku's expression shifted as he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his voice firm but gentle. “Your courage and determination in the face of such adversity are commendable. It’s clear that you are more than capable, and you’ve already proven yourself in battle before. Don’t let anyone’s misconceptions diminish your sense of self-worth. Everyone has moments of doubt, but it’s important to use those feelings as fuel to drive yourself forward. You have the heart of a true warrior. Training and experience will come with time, and your commitment to improving is what will ultimately make you stronger.”

Tanjiro, with his usual earnestness, added, “Y/n, you’ve been a crucial part of our team, and your bravery in intervening that night was remarkable. Your strength isn’t just in your skills but in your spirit and resolve. Don’t put yourself down when you’ve been working so hard and doing your best to improve, especially when you already have so much on your shoulders regarding your memories and past!”

His words, filled with sincere admiration and understanding, struck a deep chord within you. The mention of your past and the struggles you carried with you reminded you of the journey you had endured thus far.

Shinobu, noting the impact of Rengoku and Tanjiro's encouragement, nodded in agreement. “They're right. Your strength is multifaceted. It’s not just about physical prowess but also about the courage and resilience you display. You know, I would consider myself to be the weakest among the Hashira in terms of physical strength, but I have other skills that I can use to my advantage. Just know that carrying the weight of your past while striving to be better speaks volumes about your character, Y/n, and you are doing very well.”

Rengoku smiled, his voice filled with warmth, “Indeed. The path of a warrior is filled with trials, and the fact that you continue to push forward despite your burdens shows great fortitude. Each step you take, each battle you fight, contributes to your growth and to the strength of our team."

Zenitsu, his voice soft but sincere, chimed in nervously, “We all have our struggles, but together we can face them. You’re doing great, Y/n-chan, and we’re here to support you.”

The room, filled with the combined support and encouragement of your comrades, offered a sense of warmth and solidarity. Their words reminded you that while the journey ahead was challenging, you were not alone. The bond you shared with them, built through shared experiences and mutual respect, was a source of strength.

You looked around at the faces of your friends and mentors, feeling a renewed sense of resolve. “Thank you, everyone. I’ll hold onto your words and continue to strive to be better. I’ll work hard to overcome my doubts and grow stronger, for myself and for all of us.”

Rengoku’s voice was steady and full of conviction as he added, “And don’t forget, without you, countless lives besides my own may have been lost that night.”

Rengoku’s statement caught the attention of all of the other Hashira and the Master. The room fell into a hushed silence, as the gravity of his words sank in. No one but your group had known about your critical decision to rush into the middle of the battle between Rengoku and Upper Moon Three, risking your own life in a desperate attempt to alter the outcome.

The Wind Hashira’s voice cut through the silence of the room, his expression a mix of surprise and skepticism. “Hold on, you mean to tell me she actually saved you?” His brows were furrowed deeply, clearly struggling to reconcile the new information. “How in the world did someone like her manage to do that?”

The other Hashira and the Master turned their attention to you, the atmosphere becoming more intense as the question hung in the air. It was clear that the Wind Hashira’s disbelief and curiosity was shared by some, and they were eager for clarification.

Rengoku, always quick to defend and explain, stepped forward with his characteristic resolve. “Yes, it’s true. During the battle, she acted on a vision she had, risking her life to intervene at a critical moment. Her bravery and intuition played a significant role in preventing not only my death, but even greater loss.”

The Wind Hashira, still skeptical, narrowed his eyes. “A vision? And you’re saying she managed to affect the outcome of the battle? I find it hard to believe without more details.”

You took a deep breath and faced the Wind Hashira, looking him directly in the eye as you addressed the situation. “Since I arrived here, I’ve had these strange visions—sometimes of the past, memories—but I’ve also seen things from the future. I don’t know how or why they happen, but they do. And it’s happened before. I never told anyone, but during my first mission, I followed a vision of sorts that led me to find the missing children of the village I was sent to. It's as if... they're clues, leading me on the right path. Although, I don't fully understand them, I have this feeling that they'll continue and may become important...”

The Wind Hashira’s expression shifted from skepticism to a mix of surprise and contemplation, though his demeanor remained intense.

The Master’s gaze was thoughtful, his expression inscrutable as he absorbed the information. “Visions of the past and future can be both a blessing and a burden. They may provide guidance in moments of critical need. The important thing is how one interprets and acts upon them. If your visions have guided you to make important decisions and take decisive actions, they are a part of your unique strength. It’s clear that they have been beneficial not only to yourself but to others as well.” He paused, a soft smile adorning his face. “Y/n, while we’ve already spoken about these visions before, I’d like to speak with you about it some more after the meeting.”

You nodded, a mix of anticipation and nervousness filling you. “Of course, Master…”

Master Ubuyashiki smiled and the meeting continued with a focus on crucial matters. The Hashira delved into discussions about tactics, reviewed intelligence reports, and provided updates from various regions. The conversation was centered around strategizing their next moves, assessing the current state of affairs, and sharing insights on the ongoing battle against the demons. Each Hashira contributed their perspectives and expertise, their voices filled with a blend of seriousness and determination. The exchange of information was thorough, covering recent developments, emerging threats, and potential opportunities for strategic advantage. The collaborative effort highlighted the collective strength and unity of the Corps as they worked together to refine their approach.

With the agenda covered and the plans laid out, the meeting eventually drew to a close. The Hashira and other attendees began to disperse, each taking with them a renewed sense of determination and clarity about the tasks ahead. You, still processing the discussions and the weight of the new information, prepared yourself for the upcoming conversation with the Master. The anticipation of exploring your visions in more depth was accompanied by a sense of readiness to contribute further to the Corps’ efforts. You sat off to the side quietly, your mind reflecting on the recent discussions and the gravity of your role within the Corps.

Eventually, the Master slowly approached you with a serene expression, being guided by a small child. “Shall we discuss your visions now, Y/n?” His voice was gentle but carried an undertone of serious intent.

You rose from your seat, taking a deep breath to center yourself. “Yes, Master. I’m ready.”

The Master and child led you to a quieter area, away from the bustle of the meeting room. The space offered a more private setting, conducive to a detailed and thoughtful conversation. As you settled into the new environment, you felt a mix of anticipation and resolve, ready to delve deeper into understanding and harnessing your visions for the benefit of the Corps.

Once you were both seated, the Master spoke. "If you are willing, I would like to explore your vision's nature further. Understanding the source and meaning of these visions could enhance their effectiveness and help you interpret them with greater precision.”

You felt a surge of hope and curiosity. “I’d appreciate that. If possible, I want to understand how to use them better and make sure they’re contributing positively to our mission.”

The Master nodded approvingly. “Very well. We will start by discussing the nature of your visions and any patterns you’ve noticed. We will also explore techniques to better harness and interpret these insights. It may take time, but with patience and practice, you can develop a deeper understanding of their significance.”

“Thank you, Master. I’m ready to learn and improve in any way I can!”

The Master’s gaze was encouraging. “Good. Let us begin.”

Over the course of the conversation, the Master guided you through various techniques to help interpret and refine your visions. He asked about specific instances and patterns you had noticed, helping you to connect the dots between your experiences and the insights you had received. The discussion was thorough and insightful, providing you with new strategies and perspectives on how to make the most of your unique abilities. As the discussion drew to a close, you felt a sense of clarity and purpose. The Master’s guidance had not only deepened your understanding of your visions but had also reinforced your commitment to the mission and the Corps. You were ready to put this new knowledge into practice and continue contributing to the fight against the demons with renewed vigor.

The Master concluded the session with a gentle nod, indicating that your time together was coming to an end. “I believe we have covered a lot today. Understanding and refining your visions will be an ongoing process, but you now have a clearer approach to work with. Use this knowledge wisely, and continue to balance it with your own intuition and strength.”

You stood, feeling a mix of gratitude and determination. “Thank you for your guidance, Master. I’ll do my best to apply what we’ve discussed and use my abilities to their fullest potential.”

The Master offered a reassuring smile. “I have faith in your abilities and your dedication. Remember, the strength of our Corps lies in the unity and diversity of its members. Each contribution, including yours, is invaluable.”

As you left the private room, you felt a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. The Master’s insights had provided you with a better understanding of your visions and how to harness them more effectively. You were eager to integrate this new knowledge into your efforts and contribute more meaningfully to the Corps. Returning to the main area, you found Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu waiting for you.

Tanjiro approached with a warm smile. “How did it go?”

You smiled, your expression reflecting the newfound understanding and readiness. “It was good... and very enlightening. The Master helped me understand how to better interpret and use my visions. I’m looking forward to applying what I’ve learned.”

Tanjiro's eyes lit up with encouragement. “That’s great to hear! I’m glad you found it helpful. I’m sure it will make a big difference.”

Inosuke, standing with his usual straightforward demeanor, gave a firm nod. “Nice. More skills mean more ways to kick demon butt. Let’s put that knowledge to good use.”

As your friends expressed their support, you felt a sense of conviviality and strength. The shared encouragement bolstered your resolve and made you feel even more connected to your team.

“Thanks, everyone,” you said with a grateful smile. “Your support means a lot, I don't know what I'd do without you.”

Over the next week, you, Rengoku, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were ordered to take it easy and rest, which everyone happily obliged, except for Inosuke. He, along with Zenitsu, had sustained the least amount of injuries. You were mostly fine, with only a few bumps and scrapes, but Shinobu and Uzui were insistent that you not exert yourself despite your well-being. And after learning about your vision, Shinobu became worried and wanted to ensure it hadn't affected you more than you realized. There was also the consideration of the effects of the spell the Dream Demon had put you all under, but you (with the help of Uzui, who you had to beg) reassured her that you were fine and ready to continue you regular activites.

While you all stayed confined to your rooms, tended to around the clock by medical professionals, you started to grow anxious. You didn't want to sit around anymore. You wanted to continue training and honing your skills now more than ever. However, you wondered how that would go. Rengoku, although significantly stronger both in body and mind, had the most injuries. You were confident he'd recover quickly, but you couldn't help but worry about him—not only as your mentor but as your friend.

While you wanted to train as soon as possible and get back into the swing of things, you cared more about how he was faring. Since you, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were the least affected, you were all discharged before Rengoku and Tanjiro. The moment you were cleared, you sought out Rengoku, hoping to check on him, if only to ease your mind a little. And, of course, you'd also visit Tanjiro. But you needed to talk to the Flame Pillar—he had promised as much after the harrowing night you'd all gone through, once you had all gotten some much-needed rest.

You knew he probably had questions, and you would answer them as best as you could, despite not knowing much yourself. But you figured he'd be curious about what you had seen and would be satisfied with whatever you could tell him. As you approached Rengoku's room, you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the conversation ahead. You stood outside his room and gently knocked, announcing your presence. You didn't have to wait more than a second before you heard shuffling and an enthusiastic voice calling out, inviting you to come in.

As you opened the door, Rengoku greeted you with a bright smile despite his injuries. His energy was infectious, and it put you at ease, if only a little bit. His resilience and positive demeanor never ceased to amaze you.

"Come in! I'm glad to see you," he said, his voice as warm as ever.

You stepped inside, closing the door behind you. "How are you feeling?" you asked, concern evident in your voice.

"I'm recovering well, thanks to everyone's help," Rengoku replied, his eyes full of gratitude. "And you? You seem restless," he stated with astute observation.

You nodded, unable to hide your impatience. "Yeah... I want to get back to training, but more than that, I wanted to check on you. And... I figured you might have questions about what happened. You said we'd talk more after everything was taken care of."

Rengoku's expression turned serious as he nodded. "Ah, I see. Yes, I do have questions, but only if you're comfortable sharing. What you experienced is... the vision... well, I'm not quite sure how to put it."

"You and me both," you mumbled. "It's a lot to take in and try to understand, even for myself. The visions... they're a bit sporadic in nature, but I think I've noticed a small pattern..."

Rengoku leaned in, his interest piqued. "A pattern? What kind of pattern?"

You took a deep breath, organizing your thoughts. "They seem to occur during moments of intense emotion or stress. Most of the time, I believe they're memories of my past. Other times, it's like they're triggered by a heightened state of mind." You took a seat next to his bed and began recounting your various visions, explaining the flashes of memories, the intense emotions, and the unsettling clarity. Rengoku listened intently, his expression focused as he absorbed every detail. "And they aren't always just random images—they feel connected, like pieces of a larger puzzle. Like on my first mission, it led me to the missing children. I remember becoming so focused that everything else faded, yet my senses became sharper. But sometimes, even without intense emotions or stress, the visions also seem to occur before something significant happens."

Rengoku nodded thoughtfully. "That's intriguing... it sounds like these visions are not only reactions to your state of mind but also premonitions. They might be trying to guide you or warn you about important events."

You sighed, feeling the weight of his words. "It's hard to know what they mean exactly, but recognizing this pattern is definitely a start. I'll keep paying attention and see if I can figure out more."

Rengoku's expression softened with encouragement. He reached out and placed his hand on yours with sincerity, giving it a gentle pat. "You're doing well, given the circumstances. Keep paying attention to these visions, and don't hesitate to share them with me or anyone else if you ever feel the need. I'm sure with time, everything will become clearer. And perhaps these visions of yours can be of great use to the Corps! I'm excited to see where your path in life takes you. I'm certain it will be one of greatness!"

You smiled, feeling reassured by his words. "Thank you, Rengoku-san... it means a lot."


You faltered, your expression turning to one of mild confusion and surprise. "Huh...?"

"I’ve told you before, you can just call me Rengoku. No formalities." Rengoku's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and affection as he saw your reaction. "We’ve been through too much together now, though, so please call me Kyojuro!"

"Kyo... juro..." You blinked, taken aback by his injunction, a subtle heat spreading through your face. "But you... you're my mentor. A Hashira! The Flame Pillar! It kind of feels weird, wrong almost..."

Kyojuro’s smile softened as he laughed heartily. "I understand! It can be strange to shift from formality to familiarity. But remember, beneath the title of Hashira and Flame Pillar, I am simply Kyojuro Rengoku—a friend and mentor who cares deeply for those he fights alongside!"

"Heheh... well, that's gonna take some getting used to," you said with a light laugh, the heat in your face slowly fading. "But, I'll try..."

Kyojuro’s eyes sparkled with approval. "Excellent! And if you ever feel uneasy, just remember, we’re all part of the same team. Titles and ranks are secondary to the bonds we share."

With that reassuring note, you continued your conversation, feeling more at ease. The rapport between you and Kyojuro was strengthened by his willingness to connect on a more personal level, and it made your time together even more meaningful. As you continued talking, the conversation flowed easily. Kyojuro’s warmth made it clear that he valued your friendship just as much as his role as a mentor. Eventually, you brought up the topic of your training, not wanting to forget.

"So, what about your training?" Kyojuro asked, leaning back slightly. "What areas do you feel you need to focus on?"

You took a moment to consider his question. "I think I need to work on my speed and reflexes. The demons we faced were incredibly fast, and I want to be able to keep up. Also, I want to refine my technique to make it more effective. I didn't do much, but even then... I still felt too weak and slow."

"Those are excellent goals. Speed and reflexes are crucial in our line of work, and refining your technique will only make you stronger. I’ll be more than happy to help you with your training when you’re ready!"

You felt a surge of gratitude. "Thank you! I'm more than ready to begin as soon as possible, but I don't want to rush you or anything! Please don't feel the need to begin training again so soon out of obligation. I'll feel a lot better if you get the proper amount of rest..."

"I appreciate your consideration." Kyojuro’s smile was warm and understanding. "Rest is crucial, and I’ll make sure to take the time I need to recover properly. Worry not, dear Y/n!"

You nodded, feeling reassured by his response. "Great! Well, I'll leave you to rest now. Thank you for your time and everything else, especially for saving me from that demon... at the, uhh, train station. I forgot to say that before..."

"Of course! It was my duty and my honor to protect you." Kyojuro’s expression softened, a hint of amusement in his tone as he gave a reassuring nod. "You don't need to thank me—"

"Anyway! Take care, Rengo— Uhh, Kyojuro... I’ll see you soon!"

With a final nod, you swiftly left Kyojuro’s room, completely oblivious to the owlish look on his face as he blinked after you. Once the door closed, he chuckled softly, finding himself quite entertained by your flustered exit. He wasn’t quite sure what happened but enjoyed it nonetheless. Despite your awkwardness, the earnestness and sincerity with which you spoke to him and your other companions was endearing. He appreciated the spirit and heart that you all brought to the Corps, and it warmed his own heart to see such genuine connections forming among his comrades. Once you were out of sight, Kyojuro took a moment to settle back into his bed, a thoughtful look on his face. The interaction had given him a renewed sense of purpose and appreciation for the people around him. Meanwhile, you made your way to Tanjiro's room, still feeling a bit flustered from your encounter with the Flame Pillar.

When you entered, Tanjiro looked up with a curious expression.

"Huh, Y/n...? Everything okay?" he asked, noticing the thoughtful expression on your face.

"Yeah, everything’s fine," you replied, shaking off the lingering awkwardness. "I had a good talk with Kyo— Rengoku-san! He's doing well, and we discussed training plans once he's recovered."

If Tanjiro noticed the subtle slip or awkwardness, he didn't mention it, and you were glad to put the slightly flustering events behind you.

Tanjiro smiled, his eyes brightening. "That’s great to hear! I’m looking forward to getting back to training too."

You settled down next to him, feeling more relaxed. "Me too. It’s been nice catching up with everyone and having these conversations. It really helps to know we’re all in this together."

Tanjiro nodded in agreement. "Definitely. It’s moments like these that remind me of why we fight—to protect each other and make sure we’re all safe. To, hopefully one day, restore peace to the world and end Muzan's reign of terror... creating a future where everyone can live without fear or harm."

His words were filled with determination and hope, and you could feel the weight of the shared goal. The mission ahead was daunting, but with friends and allies like Tanjiro, Kyojuro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Uzui, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, and everyone else within the Corps, you felt a renewed sense of purpose. Although you still yearned to learn about your past and figure out the extent of your supposed abilities regarding visions, your main goal had become ensuring that you achieve your collective dream of a peaceful world for you and your companions to live in. Their happiness was a driving force. They’ve done so much for you, in big and small ways, and you wanted to return the favor by helping them defeat the darkness that was slowly taking over the world. You sighed and slowly turned to him, your gaze lingering on the small bandages and bruises littering his face. You didn't even want to imagine what was hiding underneath the covers that were tucked around him.

"How are you, Tanjiro? I know you took a bit of damage..." you mumbled softly.

Tanjiro’s eyes met yours with a faint smile, though it was clear he was still feeling the effects of his injuries. “I’m doing alright. Just a bit sore and tired, but nothing I can’t handle!"

You believed him; Tanjiro wouldn’t lie to you about his well-being. But as he shifted, your curiosity got the better of you, noticing the slight twitch of his brow.

"Can I see?" you asked gently, inching closer.

Tanjiro hesitated for a moment, then nodded, carefully adjusting the covers to reveal the extent of his injuries. Despite his brave front, the sight of the bruises and bandages on his upper body was a stark reminder of the toll the recent battles had taken on him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and it might have flustered you a little bit before, but the only thing your mind could process right now was the pain he must be in. You examined his injuries with a mixture of worry and sympathy, eyeing his abdomen, which was wrapped with a larger piece of dressing.

“What exactly happened there?”

"Well, I got stabbed by one of the conductors on the train," Tanjiro explained, his voice steady and almost nonchalant, as if it were completely normal.

You blinked, a mix of surprise and concern crossing your face. "How in the world did that happen?!"

"Ah, you see, he was aiming for Inosuke but I pushed him out of way and got hit instead."

Tanjiro's calm demeanor was in stark contrast to the seriousness of his injury, and you couldn’t help but admire his selflessness. Still, the thought of him putting himself in harm’s way for his friends was both admirable and distressing. You took a deep breath, trying to balance your concern with the respect you had for his bravery.

"Tanjiro, it's truly amazing how much you care for everyone, but promise me you'll be more careful and not push yourself too far."

He stared at you for a moment, slightly pursing his lips before he spoke. "And you?"

"What... about me...?" you asked, puzzled.

"Y/n," he started slowly, a crease on his brow, "you put yourself directly in harm's way that night on the Mugen Train—against Upper Moon Three! Do you realize how dangerous and terrifying that was?"

His concern was palpable, and you could see the genuine worry in his eyes. You shifted uncomfortably, not entirely sure how to respond.

"I... I know," you said quietly, "but I did it because I wanted to help. I didn’t want to stand by and do nothing while Rengoku and everyone else was in danger."

Tanjiro’s gaze softened, but his tone remained serious. "I understand that. We all want to protect each other, but we need to be cautious. We can’t help anyone if we’re hurt ourselves."

"That's a bit hypocritical of you, Tanjiro. You took a blow to your stomach for Inosuke. And you would've done the same thing as me."

"Yeah, I know..." Tanjiro’s expression shifted. "It’s not always easy to stay safe when we’re faced with situations where we need to act quickly to protect others. But that doesn’t mean we should disregard our own well-being. I just... don't want you to get hurt. I couldn't help you, or Rengoku-san, and it... it was awful. I can't bear to let anyone become harmed while I'm around, or worse, die. Please, Y/n, you have to understand... you can't just risk your life like that."

"I get it," you said softly, "but you can't expect me to not act when you also put others before yourself. Besides, in this line of work... bad things are bound to happen. I've accepted the reality of it. If I'm to die... I want to do so honorably, by protecting those I care about."

Tanjiro sighed, looking down at his bandaged injuries. "Okay..."

The weight of the conversation hung between you, both of you grappling with the complexity of balancing self-care with the urgent need to protect those you cared about. You shared a quiet moment of mutual understanding, recognizing the importance of looking out for each other while accepting the realities of your dangerous work. As you shifted topics and continued to talk, the atmosphere between you lightened, and you both felt a bit more at ease. The bond you shared was strengthened by your open communication, and you both understood the importance of taking care of each other while facing the challenges ahead.

The next day, as you made your way through the corridors of the Butterfly Estate, you felt a renewed sense of determination. You were eager to get back to training and to support your friends in their recovery. As you rounded a corner, you unexpectedly encountered the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. Shinazugawa’s imposing figure stood out even in the bustling environment of the facility. His presence was commanding, and his sharp, intense gaze seemed to pierce through everything around him. He was dressed in his usual attire, the scars littering his chest adding to his formidable appearance.

He caught sight of you and paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed you. "So, you’re the one who’s been causing a bit of a stir lately," he said, his voice gruff and direct. "You’ve got some nerve, sticking your nose into danger like that."

You straightened up, meeting his gaze with a mix of respect and determination. "I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I just wanted to help where I could."

Shinazugawa’s expression remained unreadable as he scrutinized you. "Help, huh? You’re aware that this isn’t just a game or a training exercise? Demons aren’t forgiving, and neither should we be with ourselves. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up as just another casualty."

His bluntness was intimidating, but you knew deep down it came from a place of concern. He obviously took his job very seriously, and you figured that his attitude was where his younger brother (whom you don’t know the first name of) had likely inherited some of his traits. Though it was clear that Sanemi was concerned about the Corps and its members, something about his demeanor suggested that he was evaluating you with a critical eye. The longer you stood there under his intense gaze, it became glaringly clear that he was more suspicious of you rather than showing personal concern, especially given that he didn’t know you well.

His scrutiny was palpable, and you could sense that he was assessing whether you were truly worthy of the trust and responsibility that came with being part of the Corps.

It was a reminder that earning the respect of a seasoned Hashira would take time and proven dedication. You knew you’d earned some respect or at least a degree of it from a few Hashira you were closer to, but you were determined not to let anyone doubt your commitment to the Corps. It was now a priority for you to build good relationships with every single Hashira and Corps member, ensuring that everyone saw your dedication and sincerity. This goal was as much about proving yourself as it was about fostering unity and strength within the Corps.

"I understand the risks. I’ve seen firsthand how dangerous this world can be. But that’s why I’m determined to get stronger and do my part," you stated with conviction, your gaze hardening with resolve.

Sanemi’s gaze remained sharp, but there was a flicker of something—perhaps begrudging acknowledgment—in his eyes. “Determination is good, but it’s not enough on its own. You need to be smart about it too. Strength comes from experience and training, but it also comes from knowing when to push and when to hold back. Don't get reckless. It's not just your life on the line, got that?”

You nodded, absorbing his words. “Yeah, got it... I appreciate the advice. I know I have a lot to learn, and I’m committed to doing whatever it takes to improve and support the Corps.”

Sanemi’s expression didn’t soften much, but his tone was slightly less harsh. “Just make sure you don’t let your eagerness cloud your judgment. I don't care if you had some sort of vision and felt like you had to act upon it. We’ve all seen what happens when people rush in without thinking things through. There's enough idiots within the Corps as it is, so don't be one of them.”

With that, he turned and walked away, his presence leaving a strong impression on you. As you watched him go, you felt a renewed sense of purpose. His stern words had only strengthened your resolve to prove yourself and earn the trust and respect of everyone in the Corps. You were determined to demonstrate that you were not only capable but also reliable and committed, no matter how challenging the path ahead might be. As you walked through the corridors, you couldn’t help but reflect on the conversations you’d had recently—with Kyojuro, Tanjiro, and now Sanemi.

Each had offered their own perspective, and while their approaches varied, they all shared a common thread: a deep commitment to the Corps, protecting those they care about, and the fight against the demons.

You made your way outside, now determined to begin training sooner rather than later. As you approached the training grounds, you saw that a practice session was already underway. Inosuke and Zenitsu were engaged in a vigorous sparring match, their energy and enthusiasm palpable even from a distance. The clashing of their blades and their animated shouts filled the air, creating a dynamic and motivating atmosphere. You felt a spark of excitement and anticipation, eager to join them and push your own limits.

The sight of their intense training reminded you of the importance of honing your skills and staying prepared. You approached the area, taking note of their techniques and the focus they brought to their practice. Inosuke, as usual, was charging in with his wild, unpredictable style, while Zenitsu was combining his speed with precise, calculated strikes. Both were clearly pushing each other to their limits, and you could see how their relentless effort was sharpening their abilities. As you neared, they both noticed you and paused their match, their expressions shifting from fierce concentration to friendly recognition.

"Bubbles!" Inosuke said, grinning with a mixture of enthusiasm and challenge beneath his mask. "Wanna spar and show me what you’ve got?!"

Zenitsu, catching his breath, added with a more reserved but genuine smile, "Hi, Y/n-chan, it's good to see you! We were just warming up. Do you want to jump in?"

You nodded eagerly, ready to contribute and push yourself further. “Absolutely!”

Zenitsu stepped aside to take a break, giving you and Inosuke the space to engage in yet another fight. The previous matches had always ended with you on the losing side, but today felt different. The energy and determination within you were heightened, and you were ready to challenge Inosuke more than ever. As the sparring began, you quickly fell into the rhythm of the fight. Inosuke charged at you with his usual reckless abandon, his wild swings and unpredictable movements keeping you on your toes. You focused on anticipating his attacks, using your agility and quick reflexes to dodge and counter his moves.

Your previous experiences with Inosuke had taught you a lot about handling his aggressive style. Today, you were more prepared, more confident. Each time you managed to deflect his blows or slip past his defenses, you could feel yourself improving. Inosuke’s excitement was palpable as he noticed the change in your performance.

He cackled loudly, clearly enjoying the challenge. “You’re looking sharper today! I hope you're ready to go beyond your limits!”

You laughed with a determined smile. “You bet! I’m not going down easily this time.”

The intensity of the fight increased as you and Inosuke continued to clash. You could feel your energy and focus aligning, each movement becoming more precise and deliberate. The struggle was exhilarating, and with every successful dodge and counterattack, you felt a surge of accomplishment. As the match continued, you started to notice Inosuke adjusting his tactics, clearly recognizing that you were putting up a stronger fight. His initial wild attacks became more calculated, and he seemed to be testing your limits more thoroughly.

For the first time, you had come to a stalemate.

Perhaps it could be chalked up to the fact that Inosuke was still slightly recovering from the Mugen Train mission. While he hadn't been severely injured, the weariness from the battle was still evident. Whether it was due to a temporary advantage or a genuine improvement in your skills, you were thrilled with the outcome.

“Hey, not bad! You’ve definitely improved! I can feel it. Good fight!”

You nodded, catching your breath and feeling a sense of pride. “Thanks, Inosuke. I’m glad I could keep up with you today.”

“That was awesome! You both really gave it your all!" Zenitsu, watching from the sidelines, clapped enthusiastically. "Way to go, Y/n-chan!”

You smiled, feeling a surge of pride. “Thanks, guys. I’ve been working hard to improve. And today, I just felt... different, like I had even more energy. It’s great to finally see some progress.”

The training session ended on a high note, and you took a moment to catch your breath and stretch. The experience had been challenging but rewarding, and you felt a renewed sense of motivation. As you walked away from the training grounds, you couldn’t help but reflect on how far you’d come and how much further you wanted to go. With the support of your friends and the drive to improve, you were ready to face the challenges ahead and continue working towards your shared goal of bringing peace to the world.

The next day, you set out with the intention of continuing your training, eager to maintain the momentum you’d built. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the Butterfly Estate as you made your way through the grounds. The atmosphere was bustling with activity as other Corps members went about their tasks and training sessions. As you rounded a corner, you almost bumped into someone you hadn’t seen much of lately—Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira. Her cheerful demeanor and vibrant presence were hard to miss, and she greeted you with her usual warmth.

“Oh! Good morning, Y/n-chan!” Mitsuri said with a bright smile. “I haven't seen you in a while. Have you started training again?”

You returned her smile, feeling a bit more relaxed in her presence. “Good morning, Mitsuri! Yep, and I’ve been making progress and working hard. Although, I'm just practicing old stuff until everyone is better and we can all train together.”

Mitsuri’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. “That’s wonderful to hear! I’ve been keeping up with my own training, too. But it’s always nice to take a break and chat with friends. Since it's been a while, how about we go out and do something together today?”

You were pleasantly surprised by her offer. “Really? That sounds like a great idea! What did you have in mind?”

Mitsuri clapped her hands together, clearly excited by the prospect. “I was thinking we could visit a nearby village and enjoy some fresh air. Maybe get a bite to eat or just explore a bit. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to do something leisurely.”

“That sounds great. I’d love to. When should we head out?”

Mitsuri’s face lit up with a bright smile. “How about we leave in an hour? That should give us enough time to get ready and prepare for the trip.”

You nodded enthusiastically. “Alright! I’ll meet you at the entrance in an hour.”

With a cheerful wave, Mitsuri skipped off to prepare, her excitement infectious. You took the next hour to quickly gather your things, freshen up, and prepare for a day out. The prospect of a break from training and spending time with Mitsuri lifted your spirits, and you felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. As you made your way back out, you accidentally bumped into Rengoku, who was just rounding a corner. He steadied himself with a chuckle, looking at you with a warm, albeit slightly puzzled, expression.

“Ah, Y/n! It’s good to see you. What are you up to?” he asked, his tone friendly and curious. "Off to train?"

“Oh, hello, Ren—" You faltered, feeling a bit flustered from the unexpected encounter. "Ehm, K-Kyojuro! I’m actually heading out...”

Kyojuro's eyes brightened with interest. "Out? Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking?"

“Ah, to a village... to explore a bit, take a little break...” you explained, your cheeks still feeling warm from the slip-up.

His face lit up with a warm smile. “That sounds like a delightful plan! It’s important to take time to relax and enjoy ourselves. I’m glad to see you taking care of yourself.”

You nodded, preparing to awkwardly say goodbye and leave, but before you could utter another word, he spoke up once more.

“May I join you on your adventures today?”

You blinked, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected offer. "Huh...? Oh, umm..."

You were reluctant to say no, especially since you were sure Mitsuri wouldn't mind Kyojuro joining, but you hadn’t expected him to come along. You still felt a bit flustered by his request to be called by his first name, and the dynamic shift from mentor to close(ish) friend was something you were still getting used to. Additionally, you were a bit concerned about whether he was fully recovered and ready to be out and about, despite the visible improvement in his condition.

He noticed your hesitation, smiling as he said, "You can say no if you want to be alone."

You looked at Kyojuro, noting the understanding in his eyes. It was clear he could sense your hesitation, and his words offered a gentle reassurance.

“No, it’s not that,” you said, trying to steady your voice. “It’s just... I’m a little concerned about whether you’re fully recovered. I don’t want you to overexert yourself."

Kyojuro’s smile softened as he gave a thoughtful nod. “I appreciate your concern. I assure you, I’m feeling much better and am more than ready for today’s outing, if you’ll have me!”

“Oh, well, that’s good to hear…" You took a deep breath, your concern still lingering but mingling with relief. "And I… I’m not opposed to you coming along, but I was planning to go with Mitsuri.”

Kyojuro’s eyes widened slightly, and his mouth opened in surprise. “Ah, I see! I don’t wish to intrude on your time together! I’m glad you’ll be able to catch up!” He noticed the curious look in your eye and chuckled. “She stopped by the other day to check on my recovery, and we ended up talking about you!”

You stared at Kyojuro, your eyes widening in surprise. “You talked about me?!”

Kyojuro’s smile remained warm and cheerful. “Yes! It was a very nice conversation! I got to learn new things about you!”

You blinked, trying to process the unexpected revelation. “HUH?! Like… what?”

“She mentioned that you’re very good at doing hair and that you seem to have a sweet tooth.”

Your cheeks flushed slightly as you felt a mix of embarrassment and amusement. “Oh, really? Well, she's not wrong... is that all?”

Kyojuro’s smile broadened as he continued, "She also mentioned your dedication to training, how you tend to worry about your friends, and how you’re always willing to help others. But, of course, I already knew that!”

“Ahaha… well, thanks,” you said with a slightly awkward smile, fidgeting a bit as you took a deep breath to steady yourself. “Anyway, if you really want to come along… I wouldn’t mind, and I’m sure Mitsuri would be more than happy to have you join us.”

Kyojuro’s smile grew wider, clearly pleased with your response. "Excellent! I would be honored to join you both! Are you leaving now?"

“Yeah, we were planning to meet back up at the entrance right about now.”

Kyojuro gave a quick nod of understanding. “Perfect. I’ll make sure to be there shortly, please excuse me."

With a courteous bow, Kyojuro headed off to prepare for the outing. You watched him go, feeling a mix of anticipation and contentment. As you made your way towards the entrance, you prepared yourself for a productive and enjoyable day ahead with Kyojuro and Mitsuri. When you arrived at the entrance, Mitsuri was already there, her cheerful demeanor evident as she waited.

She brightened upon seeing you. “Y/n-chan! Ready to go?”

You smiled back, nodding. “Absolutely! But, umm, well… I hope you don’t mind that Ren— Errr, Kyojuro... will be joining us as well…?”

Mitsuri blinked, her expression initially one of surprise, almost mirroring Kyojuro’s earlier reaction.

“Eh…? Kyojuro…” After a few moments, her eyes widened and sparkled with delight. She clasped her hands together excitedly. “Ohhh, I see~ That sounds wonderful! The more, the merrier. I’m sure it’ll be a fantastic day.”

Mitsuri’s eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she tried to suppress a giggle, her heart racing with excitement. She couldn't help but wonder about the dynamics between you and Kyojuro, especially since you had started calling him by his first name. The playful curiosity was fueled by her recollection of their recent conversation, where Kyojuro had spoken so kindly of you and had shown genuine concern. She knew she shouldn’t jump to conclusions based on these small instances, as Kyojuro was naturally curious and caring towards his friends and comrades. Similarly, you had become closer to those you shared a deeper bond with, calling them by their first names.

Still, the playful curiosity persisted as she imagined what the outing might bring.

Mitsuri’s heart fluttered at the thought of friendships and romances blossoming between those she held dear. Her hopeless romantic nature meant she lived vicariously through the relationships of others, always rooting for their happiness. She often daydreamed about potential pairings, like Shinobu and Giyuu, imagining how cute they might be together, even if she knew they would probably just look at her like she’d lost her mind if she ever mentioned it. Similarly, she had once imagined Shinobu’s older sister, Kanae, and Sanemi Shinazugawa together, but she recognized that such a pairing wouldn't have worked due to other reasons besides Kanae’s passing. Sanemi’s serious and brash demeanor contrasted sharply with Kanae’s spirited and soft-spoken nature. Despite the Wind Pillar's brash and serious nature, he only seemed to get along well with the Master and the Serpent Pillar, Obanai Iguro.

And then there was him…

Her heart fluttered even more as she thought about the more reserved, yet still kind, Serpent Pillar. The gentle strength and quiet grace he exuded captivated her, and she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him. Despite his reserved nature, there was something undeniably endearing about him, and Mitsuri cherished the moments when she could witness his softer side. She often found herself wishing she could get to know him better, her thoughts wandering to how nice it would be to see him smile more often—though she had yet to see it fully, as he always had the lower half of his face covered. She pictured moments where his typically hidden smile would light up his entire face, revealing a warmth that she felt was there, waiting to be shared.

It was a charming mystery to her, one that she wished she could unravel.

Her musings were interrupted by the sound of your voice, calling her name. She blinked and turned to see you waving at her as Kyojuro approached, ready for the day’s outing.

"Good afternoon, Kanroji-san! I hope I didn't make you two wait very long."

Mitsuri's face lit up with enthusiasm as she shook off her daydreams. “Oh, not at all!” she replied, her voice filled with excitement. “I’m so glad you're coming with us! I hope you enjoy the day; you especially deserve to have some fun!”

Kyojuro smiled warmly. “I have no doubt it's going to be a fantastic day!"

With a shared sense of excitement, you, Mitsuri, and Kyojuro set off on your outing. As you walked together, Mitsuri occasionally glanced at Kyojuro and then at you, her playful curiosity still lingering in her thoughts. Despite her earlier musings, Mitsuri fully immersed herself in the present moment, enjoying the closeness and the sense of adventure that the day held. As you ventured out together, the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze added to the sense of anticipation. The lively conversations and shared laughter created a comfortable atmosphere among you, Mitsuri, and Kyojuro. Your bond as friends and comrades was evident in the way you moved in sync, understanding each other’s rhythms and quirks.

Mitsuri led the way with her usual enthusiasm, her steps light and her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I thought we could start by visiting the market to pick up some supplies. After that, we can explore a bit and find a nice spot to relax and enjoy some sweets!”

Your eyes twinkled at the mention of sweets, an excited grin plastered on your face. "Oh, yes please! That sounds amazing!"

The journey to the village took a little less than half an hour, and upon arriving, you were greeted by the lively hustle and bustle of the market. The vibrant array of stalls and the mix of enticing aromas created a lively atmosphere. Mitsuri’s infectious energy drew smiles from the villagers and vendors alike. She eagerly navigated through the market, her excitement evident as she chatted with stallholders and picked out supplies with practiced ease.

While Mitsuri chatted animatedly with the shopkeepers, you decided to browse around, eyeing a couple of items that caught your interest. After some deliberation, you finally caved and decided to buy them with the few coins you had on hand. As you dug through your pockets to retrieve the coins, a familiar figure approached from beside you. You instantly recognized the flame-patterned, white haori and a smile touched your lips.

Once you found the change you needed and gathered the items you wanted, you began counting the coins to ensure you had enough. The vendor was friendly and seemed eager to make a sale. Just as you were about to complete the transaction, a much larger hand slid past your vision and paid for your items. You looked up, slightly taken aback, and spotted Kyojuro sporting his usual wide grin.

"Uhh, Ren—"

He nearly sent your heart leaping out of your chest when he suddenly turned towards you, staring right into your eyes with an intense yet friendly gaze.

“Is there anything else you’d like to buy?” he asked, his tone sincere and his smile unwavering.

You blinked, heat rising to your cheeks. "I... um, no... that was all. But, you...? Why?"

"Hmm?" Kyojuro looked puzzled for a moment. "Why what?"

“Why did you buy those...?” you asked, still trying to wrap your mind around the situation.

Kyojuro’s smile remained warm and genuine. “It’s a token of thanks.”

“Huh?! What are you thanking me for?!” you exclaimed, clearly confused.

Kyojuro’s smile grew more earnest as he spoke, his eyes reflecting a deep sincerity. “I’m thanking you for joining and helping the Corps carry out its mission, for your hard work and dedication in training, and for saving the lives of the innocent passengers on the Mugen Train, as well as your other companions, and my own!”

You felt your cheeks warm even more, overwhelmed by the depth of his gratitude. The weight of his words sank in, and you were left momentarily speechless.

"I... I don't..." you paused, unsure of what to say. "Thank you..."

The items were neatly packed into small bags, and you quickly grabbed them, spinning on your heel to search for Mitsuri and hopefully avoid making a complete fool of yourself. Kyojuro, ever the attentive companion, stepped forward with a reassuring smile and offered to carry the bags.

“Ah, no... you don’t have to do that,” you said with a sheepish but grateful smile. “I really appreciate it, but I can’t let you carry them. You already paid for them!”

Kyojuro’s smile remained unwavering, and he shook his head gently. “It’s no trouble at all. I insist! It’s the least I can do to help.”

You hesitated for a moment, but his sincerity made it hard to refuse. “Well, if you’re sure...”

Kyojuro nodded, taking the bags from your hands with a friendly chuckle. As you rejoined Mitsuri, who was waiting eagerly by a stall, you couldn’t help but feel a little flustered but grateful for the thoughtful gestures from Kyojuro.

Mitsuri’s eyes lit up as she saw the two of you approach. “Oh, there you are! I was starting to wonder where you’d gotten off to.”

You smiled, trying to shake off the lingering embarrassment. “Sorry, everything’s fine! I was checking out a few things..."

Mitsuri clapped her hands together, her excitement palpable. “Great! I got some stuff for a nice little picnic! Let’s head over to the park now and find a nice spot to enjoy some of the treats we got!”

With a shared sense of enthusiasm, the three of you made your way to the park. The path was lined with vibrant flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves created a calming backdrop. The park’s peaceful ambiance was a perfect contrast to the bustling market, and you could already feel the day's stress melting away. When you found a cozy spot under a large, shaded tree, you spread out a blanket and began unpacking the treats. The assortment of sweets and snacks looked delightful, and Mitsuri eagerly laid out everything for everyone to enjoy.

As you all sat down on the thin blanket, you looked at Kyojuro, who was happily munching on a piece of onigiri.

"Ren— Uh, Kyojuro... I forgot to ask how you've been doing. Is recovery going well?"

His gaze flickered to you, his smile widening. "Yes! I'm making a swift recovery thanks to all the hard work of Kocho-san's medical team! They've been incredibly diligent in their care, and I'm feeling much better each day."

You noticed the genuine relief in his voice and the light in his eyes. "That's great to hear. I was a bit concerned about you, especially after everything that happened..."

Kyojuro chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling. "I appreciate your concern. It means a lot. But I'm determined to be back to full strength soon. I want to be ready for whatever comes next, both for my own sake and for the Corps. Not to mention, I need to get back to my duties of your training!"

His words carried a hint of playfulness mixed with sincerity, making you smile.

"Well, I'm looking forward to resuming our training sessions," you replied. "It's always been motivating to push myself with your guidance."

Kyojuro’s smile grew wider, and he leaned in slightly, his gaze holding a playful spark. "Ah, I see! So you’re saying you enjoy the challenge I present?"

You nodded, meeting his gaze with a teasing smile. "Definitely. But it’s not just about the physical training. Your encouragement and the way you push me to do my best—it makes a big difference. That’s also why I took learning Japanese so seriously with Uzui’s help. I like learning and bettering myself, and with your support, I’ve been able to achieve more than I ever thought was possible."

His eyes twinkled with amusement as he replied, "Well, I’m honored to be a source of motivation! But I must confess, I enjoy our training sessions for other reasons as well."

Your curiosity was piqued, and you raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Kyojuro’s expression softened, his tone playful yet sincere. "Because not only do I get to see you grow stronger, but I also get to witness your determination and spirit up close. It’s truly inspiring! It’s quite enjoyable spending time with someone as dedicated and passionate as you."

A blush crept onto your cheeks at his words, and you felt a flutter in your chest as you tried to keep your composure. "Ah, r-really?"

Kyojuro’s smile widened, his eyes warm and inviting. "Absolutely! And if I may add, I’ve found our conversations and moments together to be quite... refreshing. Besides your determination and drive, I’ve always admired your drollery. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy our training sessions so much."

His words lingered in the air, their warmth contrasting with the cool breeze of the afternoon. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was fully aware of the effect his words had on you. Kyojuro had always been charismatic, upfront, and bold, often expressing his feelings and thoughts with an admirable openness. It was entirely possible that Kyojuro was unaware of the deeper impact his words had on you. His straightforwardness and charm were part of his nature—he spoke his mind and expressed his feelings openly. It was clear that he meant exactly what he said, and there was no reason to doubt his sincerity.

Yet, the way he spoke, with such warmth and personal touch, left you wondering if there was a hidden layer behind his words. Kyojuro's openness and his tendency to express admiration and encouragement so freely might make it hard to discern if his words carried any additional meaning beyond their face value. In essence, you found yourself grappling with a mix of clarity and uncertainty. On one hand, his words were genuine and heartfelt; on the other, the possibility of a deeper significance lingered in the back of your mind, making you question if there was more to his feelings than met the eye.

You chose to take his words at face value. He was simply being kind and encouraging, a good friend and mentor, nothing more.

You felt your face warming further, but you managed to respond with a shy smile, trying to steady your voice. “Thank you... I really appreciate that. Your encouragement means a lot to me, and I’ve enjoyed our time together as well. It’s been... fun—despite all the blood, sweat, and tears," you chuckled.

Mitsuri, who had been quietly enjoying her treats, slowly smirked to herself as she listened to both of you. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and satisfaction, though she made sure to keep her playful thoughts to herself—for now. She took a moment to savor the atmosphere, feeling content with how the day had unfolded. With her heart fluttering at the thought of friendships and connections deepening, she was more than happy to play a role in bringing everyone together, even if it was just through cheerful outings and shared moments.

As the afternoon wore on, the conversations flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories. Mitsuri’s eventual playful comments and questions about relationships added a touch of lighthearted teasing, but you couldn’t help but notice her particular interest in you and Kyojuro. Her words were laced with a subtle, yet unmistakable, curiosity. Kyojuro, ever cheerful and unfazed, responded to Mitsuri’s questions with his usual warm-hearted enthusiasm. You, on the other hand, found yourself tensing up with each playful remark.

What in the world was she doing?

Your heart raced, feeling like it might burst from your chest with every glance Mitsuri threw your way. You were relieved that Kyojuro didn’t seem to pick up on the underlying hints and continued to engage in the conversation with his characteristic openness. Still, you felt a strong urge to address the situation with her later. You didn’t want Mitsuri—or anyone else, for that matter—to get the wrong idea about your relationship with Kyojuro or any of your other friends. You valued her friendship deeply and didn’t want any misunderstandings to complicate your relationships or create unnecessary tension within your close-knit group.

For now, though, you focused on enjoying the rest of the outing and appreciating the company of the Love and Flame Pillar.

Eventually, as the shadows grew longer and the park started to quiet down, Mitsuri gathered the remnants of your picnic. Her energy was still as high as ever, and she cheerfully commented on how lovely the day had been. Kyojuro, ever the gentleman, helped pack up and offered to carry the bags back to the Butterfly Estate if needed. Mitsuri, ever the enthusiastic planner, suggested taking a leisurely walk through the park’s scenic paths before heading back. As you walked, you took the opportunity to enjoy the tranquil beauty of the park, letting the serene environment help ease the tension that had been building inside you. The soft rustling of the leaves and the gentle buzzing of insects created a soothing soundtrack that helped ground you.

“Wow, it's beautiful out here. Thank you both for such a wonderful day,” you said, giving them both a genuine smile. “I really needed to get out.”

Mitsuri’s eyes sparkled with happiness. “I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It’s always nice to spend time with friends and have a bit of fun.”

Kyojuro nodded in agreement. “Yes, it was a fantastic day. I’m looking forward to our next outing!”

As you walked back towards the Butterfly Estate, your mind was already on how to approach Mitsuri about her playful comments. The evening air was cooling, and the conversation between you all had become more relaxed. You found a moment to pull Mitsuri aside gently, away from Kyojuro’s earshot as he walked ahead.

“Mitsuri,” you whispered, your tone a mix of seriousness and concern, “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Her eyes widened slightly, and she looked at you with genuine curiosity. “Oh? What is it?”

You took a deep breath, choosing your words carefully. “I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit... well, I just wanted to make sure you know that Rengoku and I... our friendship is exactly that—a friendship. We've become a little closer, but I value my bonds with all of our friends, including Rengoku, very much. I just don't want any misunderstandings or misplaced assumptions.”

Mitsuri’s expression softened as she listened. She clasped her hands together and nodded thoughtfully. “I understand. I’m sorry if I came off as too curious or if it made you uncomfortable! I just get excited about the idea of everyone being happy and close. But I really appreciate your honesty. I promise I’ll be more mindful.”

You felt a wave of relief wash over you, appreciating her understanding and willingness to listen. “Thank you, Mitsuri. I value our friendship a lot, and I just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

With the matter settled, Mitsuri smiled warmly at you and grabbed your hand. She swung them back and forth, her joyful energy infectious as she led you down the path. The two of you began skipping along, the lightheartedness of the moment making you both giggle quietly. The serene beauty of the park and the comforting presence of your friend made the day feel even more special. As you finally approached the Butterfly Estate, the sun had nearly set, casting a soft, dusky light over the grounds. The day’s events had left you feeling refreshed and uplifted, and the warm, friendly atmosphere was a perfect end to your outing.

Mitsuri’s cheerful demeanor didn’t wane as you reached the estate, and she gave you a gentle squeeze before letting go. “Thank you for such a wonderful day! I had a lot of fun, and I’m glad we could all spend some time together.”

You nodded, your heart full of gratitude. “Me too! I really enjoyed it, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

Kyojuro, who had stopped beside you, gave a hearty nod. “It was a pleasure to join you both, thank you for allowing me to come along. I look forward to more days like this in the future!”

With warm goodbyes and promises to catch up soon, you watched as Mitsuri and Kyojuro headed off in their separate directions. You took a deep breath, feeling the satisfying blend of contentment and anticipation for the days ahead. As you entered the Butterfly Estate, the familiar comfort of home welcomed you. The events of the day, from the lively market to the heartfelt conversations, left you with a sense of peace and a renewed sense of connection with your friends. A few days later, you found yourself in the midst of your daily training routine, the sun casting its warm glow over the Butterfly Estate. As you took a brief break to catch your breath and hydrate, you noticed the younger Shinazugawa brother approaching from a distance. His usual serious expression was softened by a hint of curiosity.

You greeted him with a friendly wave. “Hey! It’s been a while. How have you been?”

Shinazugawa, slightly taken aback by your warm greeting, nodded curtly. “Hey. I’ve been... alright. Just focusing on my training and dealing with some personal matters.”

You sensed a bit of hesitation in his voice, but you didn’t press. “Oh, me too. I get it.”

He paused, glancing around the training area with a furrowed brow. “So... I heard you were on that mission on the train a while back and that you helped save the Flame Hashira from an Upper Rank demon. Is that true?”

You nodded, taking a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. “Yeah. It was a difficult mission, and things got... pretty intense."

He glanced at you, his expression shifting to something more curious. “What was it like, facing an Upper Rank demon? And how did you manage to do that?”

"It was unlike anything I've ever seen or dealt with before. And I didn't actually fight that much... but, I had a vision that helped me save Rengoku-san."

Shinazugawa's eyes widened slightly, a mix of intrigue and skepticism evident on his face. “Huh..."

Seizing the moment, you decided to ask him a few questions of your own. You realized you didn’t know much about him despite having bumped into him a few times. This was the first time he’d spoken more than just a handful of words or looked at you like you were some kind of oddity.

“Since you’re here, I was wondering—what's your name?”

He looked at you, a bit surprised by the question. "Oh, right... I’m Genya Shinazugawa. And you are…?"

You smiled, relieved to finally put a name to his face.

“I’m Y/n. It’s nice to officially meet you, Genya. You’re the Wind Pillar's younger brother, right?”

He tensed but nodded. “Yeah, that’s right... but it’s a bit complicated.”

You gave him a reassuring smile. “I understand. Family dynamics can be complex. I know we aren't close, but if you need a break or someone to talk to... I’m here to support you, just like everyone else in the Corps.” 

"Uhh, right, thanks..."  he murmured, his cheeks tinged with a faint pink.

His eyes flickered away, as if unsure how to handle the unexpected kindness. Despite his usual reserved demeanor, there was a hint of appreciation in his gaze.

"Of course! And sorry we didn't get off on the right foot. I'd like to start over and maybe we can become friends?"

You made sure your tone was gentle and sincere, hoping to ease any tension between you. He shifted uncomfortably, but the subtle warmth in his expression suggested that your words had reached him more than he let on. After a moment, he met your gaze again, a tentative smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Yeah, that sounds... alright," he replied, his voice softer than before. "I’d like that."

You felt a wave of relief at his response, and a genuine smile spread across your face. With the awkwardness dissipating, you decided to take the opportunity to continue your training with someone new.

“Great! I’m looking forward to it. Hey, do you wanna train together for a little while?"

Genya nodded. “Uhh, sure...”

You and Genya began training together, finding a rhythm as you worked side by side. Despite his initial reserve, he was focused and skilled, and you could see the dedication he poured into his training. You made sure to keep the atmosphere light and encouraging, occasionally exchanging tips and sharing insights from your own training experiences. As you sparred, Genya seemed to open up more, his interactions becoming less guarded. He even offered a few comments on your techniques, and you found yourself appreciating his perspective. The session felt productive and, surprisingly, enjoyable.

After a while, you both took a break, sitting on the grass and catching your breath. The setting sun cast a warm glow over the training grounds, and the peaceful moment gave way to a more relaxed conversation.

“No offense, but I didn't expect you to be so...” He paused, glancing upward in thought. “Cool? I thought you were kind of strange at first...”

You laughed softly, taking his comment in stride. “No offense taken! I guess I can come across that way sometimes. I’m glad we’re getting to know each other better, though.”

Genya shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Yeah, me too. You’re not as scary as I thought. And I can tell you’ve put a lot of effort into your training. Impressive for someone who hasn't been here as long as some of the other people I know.”

You chuckled, wiping sweat from your forehead. “Thanks! I’ve had some great mentors and friends who’ve helped me along the way. It’s been a tough journey, but it’s worth it.”

“Yeah, it’s not easy to make progress in this line of work, especially with everything that's been happening with demons lately, or with personal matters." Genya’s expression grew serious, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable. "I’ve been trying to improve too, especially since I want to make up for past mistakes...”

You nodded in understanding. "I get that. Training can be a good escape and a way to grow stronger. It's kind of comforting to know that a lot of us have things we want to improve on, that were not all so different or truly alone...”

The conversation continued, and as the training session drew to a close, you felt a genuine sense of camaraderie with Genya. It was clear that, despite the rocky start, you were starting to build a meaningful connection. The prospect of making more friends and connections filled your heart with a sense of warmth. You were slowly but surely making your goals come true. Although you were still determined to figure out your past, you've realized that you no longer care about where you came from and going back. This was your home now, this is where you belonged. These people were your friends, your family, and nothing was going to change that now.

In a lavishly decorated home adorned with intricate woodwork and opulent tapestries, a wealthy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Takeda, entertained a small group of friends. The husband, Mr. Takeda, was a dignified man in his late thirties with a meticulously groomed mustache and an air of quiet authority. His wife, Mrs. Takeda, was a graceful woman in her early thirties, her kimono adorned with delicate embroidery that spoke of both elegance and status. They sat comfortably on a plush couch, their guests arranged in a semi-circle around them.

Mrs. Takeda’s eyes sparkled with heartfelt enthusiasm, her posture radiating both pride and affection. “Each day is so blissful. I couldn’t be happier!” she exclaimed, her voice brimming with warmth. She folded her hands neatly in her lap, a gesture that highlighted her genuine contentment. Her guests leaned in, their curiosity piqued by her glowing description. “He’s such a kind little boy,” Mrs. Takeda continued, her smile widening. “And very considerate towards the servants. I have never come across a child his age who’s so well-mannered!”

Her husband, Mr. Takeda, nodded in agreement. "He has truly exceeded our expectations. I may have that boy take over my business one day."

One of the guests, a distinguished gentleman with a keen interest in social matters, leaned forward. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous! Wish we could trade our useless son for him," he joked.

The room burst into a gentle, amused laughter. Mr. Takeda chuckled heartily, while Mrs. Takeda’s eyes crinkled at the corners, her smile wide. “Oh, I’m sure your son has his own special qualities and strengths,” she said warmly, trying to offer a reassuring counterpoint.

The gentleman nodded, still smiling. “You’re right, of course. It’s all in good humor. But truly, it’s heartwarming to hear how well Hiroshi is doing. It’s clear that he’s brought much joy to your lives.”

Mr. Takeda raised his glass in a gesture of goodwill. “He’s a fine young lad; there’s no doubt. That being said,” he paused for a moment, his expression growing more somber, “the poor boy suffers from a rare skin disease, so he can’t go outside during the day.”

The room fell silent, the light-hearted atmosphere momentarily replaced by a sense of sympathy. One of the guests, a lady with a compassionate demeanor, leaned in with a concerned expression.

“Oh, dear, I'm so sorry!”

Mr. Takeda took a swig of his drink, a thoughtful expression on his face. “I’m hoping we can figure out a way to develop a miracle elixir for him over at my company. The sooner the better...”

Just upstairs, in the tranquil haven of the grand library, Hiroshi was immersed in his own world. The library’s towering shelves, laden with meticulously arranged books, seemed to encase him in a sanctuary of knowledge. The soft light from the hanging chandelier bathed the room in a warm, inviting glow, highlighting the rich wooden furniture and the plush armchair where Hiroshi was seated. His delicate fingers turned the pages of a book with meticulous care. The book was filled with intricate illustrations of plants and medicinal flora, its pages whispering secrets of nature’s remedies.

Hiroshi’s gaze was absorbed in the detailed drawings, his expression unmoving and serious. 

As Hiroshi continued to peruse the book, the serenity of the library was abruptly disturbed. The door leading out to the balcony swung open with a forceful gust, and a figure emerged from the darkness, casting an imposing shadow across the room. Hiroshi, absorbed in his reading, did not react to the intrusion. His focus remained on the intricate illustrations before him, unfazed by the presence. The figure advanced slowly, the darkness seeming to cling to him. As he knelt down, the light from the chandelier cast a chilling glow on his face, revealing the unmistakable, terrifying features of a demon—specifically, Upper Moon Three, Akaza. Akaza's voice, smooth and chilling, broke the silence of the grand library.

“Reporting in as you requested, Lord Muzan…”

The transformation was swift and unsettling. Hiroshi’s once innocent, child-like features contorted into something far more sinister. His eyes, now sharp and glowing with a malevolent red hue, seemed to pierce through the slight dim lighting of the room. As his mouth opened, elongated fangs emerged, gleaming with a predatory edge. The library’s warm, inviting atmosphere was abruptly replaced by a cold, menacing chill. The boy’s demeanor shifted entirely, revealing the terrifying truth hidden beneath his previously gentle exteriorthe ruler of demons, Lord Muzan Kibutsuji.

“I trust you have completed the task? Were you able to find what I asked for?”

Muzan's voice, now dripping with a demonic edge, echoed through the room. The once tender tones he used as the boy were replaced by a deep, resonant growl that seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly power. Akaza, still kneeling, kept his gaze focused on the ground below. 

"I looked into it, but came up empty-handed. I couldn't find the Blue Spider Lily," Akaza reported. "There wasn't even a trace of its existence..."


"I will try to live up to your expectations..."

Muzan's expression remained terrifyingly blank as he regarded Akaza, though the air around him seemed to crackle with barely contained fury. His eyes glinted with a cold, calculating intensity, anger palpable despite his outwardly calm demeanor. The air in the room thickened as Muzan’s disappointment and fury radiated from him like an oppressive force. Raising his hand, he pointed at Upper Moon Three, and a surge of power rushed forth, subtly crushing Akaza and holding him in place.

"You failed to find the Blue Spider Lily," Muzan's voice was dangerously soft, "and you allowed a mere human, despite his status as a Hashira, to escape with his life. Do you understand the gravity of your failures, Akaza?" With a sudden, violent motion, Muzan ripped the book in his hands in half, the sound of tearing paper echoing ominously in the room. He tossed the two halves aside, the fragments scattering across the polished floor. "I want the Demon Slayer Corps to be wiped out. It's hardly a complicated task... and yet, I'm still waiting for it to happen. Now, what do you make of that?"

The atmosphere grew heavy with expectation, the silence almost deafening as Akaza remained kneeling, his body tense and his expression inscrutable. The weight of Muzan’s disappointment hung heavily in the air, pressing down on Akaza with crushing force. Akaza struggled under the force, his body trembling as he fought to remain upright.

"I... I understand" Akaza said, his voice strained but steady. "Forgive my unworthy efforts."

"You are fortunate that I have tolerated your failures this long," Muzan intoned, his voice a low growl that seemed to vibrate with power. "Do not mistake my patience for forgiveness. Your strength means nothing if you cannot deliver results."

"Understood, Lord Muzan..."

"You have disappointed me so... to think you suffered a blow by people who aren't even Hashira. And you let a simple, weak woman get in the way? How far you have fallen, Upper Three." Muzan's eyes narrowed, his grip on Akaza tightening momentarily before releasing him. "See that you don't do it again. The consequences of further failure will be far more dire than death."

Akaza's posture remained rigid, though a faint shiver of unease ran through him at Muzan's chilling words. He could feel the weight of the Demon King’s expectations bearing down upon him, a stark reminder of the stakes involved. As he stood there, the pressure and tension built up, and blood began to drip from Akaza's mouth, staining the polished wooden floors below with dark crimson drops. The sight of the blood was a stark contrast to the opulence of the room, marking a grim punctuation to Muzan's harsh reprimand. Muzan's gaze lingered on Akaza for a moment longer before he turned away.

"You're dismissed..."

Akaza slowly stood upright, and with a final bow, exited the library. The room returned to its oppressive silence, the torn pages of the book lying discarded on the floor, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation.


Taisho Secrets

* Inosuke had never been so upset as he was that night on the Mugen Train. The thought of you and Rengoku being severely injured or killed, coupled with seeing Tanjiro so distraught and hearing his anguished scream, ignited a rage within him. Inosuke admired you, Tanjiro, and Rengoku (and, yes, even Zenitsu to an extent) more than he would admit, and his frustration and fear led him to grip one of his swords so tightly that he broke it. Fortunately, his other sword remained intact, and he was able to use it, along with Tanjiro (and his own sword), to throw it at Upper Moon Three and free you from the demon before he could escape. Inosuke had to wait a few days for new swords to replace the one he broke and the one that was lodged in Upper Moon Three's leg.

* You often bounce between calling your mentor by his first or last name, Rengoku or Kyojuro. While you’ve made an effort to address him by his first name when speaking directly to him, as he requested, you find it challenging when talking about him to others. It still feels strange and unnatural to refer to him by his first name in those contexts, given that he was your mentor before you both truly became friends.

* Since learning about your vision abilities and how you used them to help save him, Kyojuro has developed a deeper admiration for you. He is eager to continue training with you and to strengthen your bond both as a mentor and as friends. He also wishes to show his appreciation and gratitude in any way he can, whether by buying things you need or want, offering encouragement and compliments, or through other gestures of kindness.

* Mitsuri’s romantic nature has often led her to imagine potential pairings between people. She finds it cute and interesting to think of you with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, or Inosuke after witnessing many of your interactions with them. Recently, she has also added Rengoku to her list of potential suitors she thinks would make a good match for you.

Chapter 16: A Dance with Flames - 炎とのダンス


Just as things start to calm down, new challenges arise. A visit to one of the Hashira's homes, which you hadn't planned, leads to an unexpected confrontation. To make matters more complicated, only two months after the Mugen Train incident, you're assigned a new mission by the flamboyant Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui.


Well, I finished this chapter a lot quicker than anticipated! Here’s 18k words for you all to dive into! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. There’s plenty of new developments and revelations to uncover going forward, mwheheh! (~‾▽‾)~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As you step outside, the crisp morning air greets you, carrying the faint scent of dew and the promise of a new day. The world is still waking up, with only a few early birds and the distant rustle of leaves breaking the tranquility. You wander through the familiar grounds of the Butterfly Mansion before venturing onto a path that leads toward the surrounding countryside. The sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a soft, golden light that filters through the trees. The play of light and shadow creates a mesmerizing dance on the forest floor, and you find yourself lost in the serene beauty of the surroundings.

As you walk, you reflect on your recent experiences—the intense training, the heartfelt moments with your friends, and your growing confidence in exploring beyond the usual confines. It’s a chance to clear your mind, gain perspective, and simply enjoy the beauty of nature. You feel a sense of contentment, knowing that you are allowing yourself these moments of peace and reflection. After a while, you decide to venture a bit further, taking care to stay within your comfort zone. The path winds gently through fields and small clusters of trees, the beauty of the landscape filling you with a sense of calm. You pause occasionally to take in the sights and sounds, enjoying the tranquility of this solo adventure.

However, you're not even ten minutes into your walk when you sense it—a subtle, almost imperceptible presence that has been lingering on the fringes of your awareness. This isn't the first time you've felt it; the sensation has accompanied your recent solo walks as you've ventured a bit further each time, always keeping the Butterfly Mansion within sight. Your walks have been serene, a welcome escape into nature, but the persistent presence threatens to disrupt the calm. You catch occasional glimpses of shadows shifting in the periphery, but you don't let it deter you. Instead of confronting whatever—or whoever—lurks in the background, you choose to continue your walk. There's something oddly reassuring about the presence, a reminder that you're not truly alone even in these quiet moments.

At first, you weren't sure what or who the presence could be. The sense of being watched was vague and elusive, making it difficult to pinpoint. But by the fourth time you ventured out for a stroll this past week, your suspicion began to take shape. As you walked along familiar paths and took in the natural beauty around you, you noticed patterns in the shadowy movements and the way the presence seemed to shift in response to your own actions. The subtle clues—the way the presence followed you without intruding, the occasional rustle of leaves or fleeting glimpse of movement—hinted at a familiar aura. You began to suspect that it might be one of your friends or allies, perhaps someone who wanted to keep an eye on you without being too obvious. The idea that someone might be watching over you in such a protective, if somewhat sneaky manner, made it almost too obvious and amusing.

You made a game of it, subtly testing your suspicions by changing your route or pausing in places where you felt the presence most acutely. Each time, the familiar patterns shifted and adjusted, confirming your hunch that whoever it was was genuinely trying to stay hidden while keeping a watchful eye on you. Occasionally, you would catch a fleeting glimpse of a figure blending into the background, or hear a soft footfall quickly stilled. On this day, you decided to finally acknowledge the hidden observer.

As you reached a particularly scenic spot, you paused and called out casually, “I know you're following me, so you might as well come out now.”

Low and behold, Inosuke burst forth from the underbrush.

“What?! How did you know I was here?” he demanded, his voice a mix of surprise and indignation.

You couldn’t help but laugh at his dramatic entrance.

“You’re not exactly the quietest of followers,” you teased. "And it's kinda creepy following someone around like that, Inosuke. But I appreciate the company.”

“Eh? I was just making sure you didn’t get into any trouble!"  Inosuke huffed and stood beside you with a dramatic flair. "What are you doing out here anyway? You hiding something or what?”

You raised an eyebrow, trying to stifle a grin at his over-the-top concern. “Hiding something? I was just exploring and enjoying a peaceful walk.”

Inosuke’s eyes narrowed. “Peaceful walk, huh? That’s what they all say. Well, if you’re up to something, you better tell me. Or else I’ll have to follow you everywhere to make sure you’re not getting into trouble!”

“I promise, there’s nothing to worry about," you chuckled, shaking your head. "Just needed some fresh air and a change of scenery.”

“Well, if that’s all it is, then fine." Inosuke’s voice softened, though his usual bravado was still present as he stuck his snout up in the air and crossed his arms. "Just don’t expect me to go easy on you if you're really hiding some kind of secret or somethin'!”

You couldn’t help but laugh at his dramatic stance and sat down on the ground. “Got it. I’ll keep that in mind. But if you want to keep me company, I’m not going to complain. You should join me, Inosuke."

“Hmmm... alright, fine,” he said with a snort. He sat down beside you and leaned back, taking in the serene view with a newfound appreciation, his earlier bravado softened by the tranquility of the moment. “I guess this isn’t so bad after all. Maybe I’ll stick around for a while—at least until I get bored..."

You both settled into a comfortable silence, and as you both enjoyed the quiet and the view, you noticed how Inosuke’s usual energetic demeanor seemed to mellow in the calm setting.

“So,” you said, breaking the silence, “wanna tell me why you've actually been following me around?”

“Well, I was just—uh, you know, making sure you’re not up to any funny business. Like I said, you’ve been coming out here a lot, and it’s kinda suspicious. Thought I’d keep an eye out, just in case. It’s not like I’m worried or anything!”

“Uh-huh..." You raised an eyebrow, giving him a knowing look. "And nothing else?”

Inosuke's head quickly swiveled to the side, his bravado faltering. “O-Okay, fine! Maybe I was a little worried. It’s just… you’re out here all alone, and as your leader, I have to make sure nothing bad happens to any of my minions.”

You chuckled at his attempt to save face, touched by his concern despite his awkward way of expressing it. Inosuke had gradually become more comfortable with opening up and sharing his thoughts and feelings, albeit in his own unique style. His rough exterior might have hidden it, but deep down, he had always had a softer side. Even before you all became closer friends, he had shown loyalty and care, and even for those he deemed worthy to an extent. Inosuke’s role as the group's "leader" and protector had grown stronger since the incidents at the train station and the Mugen Train, though he wasn’t the most subtle person.

Those who didn’t know him well might have missed the ways he showed his support and affection for his friends. For instance, he had stopped stealing food from your and Tanjiro's meals, argued less with Zenitsu, and even allowed Zenitsu to pat him on the back after working out or sparring together. You also found acorns and other little treasures hidden in odd places within your room, a testament to his playful yet thoughtful nature. And whenever Rengoku was around, Inosuke would be nearby, mimicking his every move, a clear sign of his admiration and respect.

“Well, I appreciate the concern, even if your way of showing it is a bit unconventional.”

Inosuke grumbled. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t go getting into trouble out here, alright? And if you do, you better call for me! I'm the King of the Mountains, after all, so I know how to deal with anything out here.”

With that, he relaxed a bit, his usual bravado returning but with a softer edge. The two of you settled back into the tranquil surroundings, the presence of your loyal friend adding a warm, comforting layer to your peaceful outing. Your dream of learning, growing, and strengthening not only yourself as a Demon Slayer but also the bonds between all of you seemed to be getting closer each day. The serene landscape around you felt even more special with Inosuke's presence, transforming a simple walk into a cherished experience. 

Inosuke, now fully at ease, lay back on the grass with his hands behind his head, staring up at the sky. “You know, I never really paid attention to stuff like this before. But it’s kinda nice… relaxing, I guess. It reminds me of the tea shop you took me to, but outside.”

You glanced over at him, a smile tugging at your lips. “It is nice, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s good to take a break and just enjoy the world around us. It helps us remember what we’re fighting for.”

“Yeah, I guess so," Inosuke grunted in agreement, his eyes still fixed on the clouds drifting by. "But don’t get too used to this stuff! We’ve still got demons to slay, and I’m not about to let you slack off!"

Eventually, you both grew tired of sitting and decided it was time to head back to the Butterfly Mansion to spar and train some more. The peaceful moments had rejuvenated you both, but the call to sharpen your skills and continue your growth as Demon Slayers was ever-present. As you walked back, the energy between you shifted from relaxed to focused, a mutual understanding that while these moments of rest were important, so too was the relentless pursuit of strength. Inosuke, already hyped up at the thought of sparring, began to jog ahead, his excitement palpable.

“Hurry up, slowpoke! Let’s see if you can keep up with me this time! I've got some new moves you gotta see!” he shouted back at you, his competitive spirit flaring up as usual.

You smiled, knowing this was his way of showing he was ready to push himself—and you—to the next level. Picking up the pace, you matched his energy, feeling the thrill of the upcoming training session pulse through you. Together, you both raced toward the Butterfly Mansion, eager to continue honing your skills, your bond strengthened by both the quiet moments of connection and the shared determination to become stronger, side by side.

As the sun dipped behind the horizon, casting long shadows over the training grounds, you found yourself alone in the quiet stillness of the Butterfly Mansion’s garden. Inosuke had left long ago, his voracious appetite calling him inside for a hearty meal and a food-induced coma, and it always made you quietly laugh to yourself whenever he passed out shortly after eating. The air was cool, and the scent of blooming flowers mixed with the earthy aroma of the day’s end. You had come out here to clear your mind, but a gentle voice interrupted your solitude.

“Enjoying the evening?”

You turned to see Giyuu Tomioka standing a few feet away, his expression as calm and unreadable as ever. His haori fluttered slightly in the breeze, and for a moment, he looked almost ethereal in the fading light.

“Oh, Tomioka-san... hello. Yeah,” you replied, offering a small smile. “Just needed some time to think.”

Giyuu nodded, his gaze drifting to the sky where the first stars were beginning to twinkle. “It’s a good place for that. Quiet… peaceful.”

You watched him for a moment, noticing the way he seemed to blend into the serenity of the evening, almost as if he were a part of it. Despite his reputation for being distant, you had always felt a certain kinship with Giyuu—a shared understanding that didn’t need words. He moved closer, his steps almost soundless on the grass, and settled beside you, but with a good amount of distance between you both. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

“I’ve noticed you’ve been training a lot,” Giyuu said after a while, his tone thoughtful.

You nodded, unsurprised by his observation. Although he wasn't around frequently, he would occasionally pass by, either returning from a mission, attending to other business, or possibly visiting the other Hashira who would stop by.

“Yeah… I guess I just want to make sure I’m ready for whatever comes next. We’ve all been through so much, and I don’t want to be the one who can’t keep up.”

Giyuu turned his head slightly, his dark eyes meeting yours. “That's good. And you’re stronger than you think. Don’t doubt that.”

The sincerity in his voice (even if it was slightly monotone) caught you off guard, and for a moment, you weren’t sure how to respond. You weren't particularly close, but even you knew that Giyuu Tomioka wasn’t one to offer compliments lightly, and hearing those words from him meant more than you expected.

“Thank you,” you said quietly, the weight of his words settling in your chest. “That… means a lot.”

He nodded, returning his gaze to the sky. The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, one that felt even more soothing this time. Sitting there with Giyuu under the deepening night sky, you experienced a sense of calm and reassurance you hadn't realized you needed. While your other friends supported you wholeheartedly, it was comforting to know that even those outside your close circle held positive thoughts about you. It made your goal of fostering good relationships with everyone around you seem more attainable than ever. You must be doing something right. You can't possibly be as horrible or inadequate as you sometimes feel.

After a few more moments, Giyuu spoke again, his voice soft. “Keep up the good work.”

With a final nod, he stood and began to walk away, his presence gradually fading into the evening shadows. You watched him go, feeling a renewed sense of determination and comfort in knowing that, no matter what, you had people like Giyuu who would always be by your side—even if it was silently. You would’ve thought that was the end of the conversation, but just as Giyuu reached the edge of the garden, he paused. For a moment, you thought he might just continue walking, but then he turned back toward you, his expression still calm but with a hint of something else—hesitation, perhaps.

“There’s… something else,” he began, his voice almost too quiet to hear over the sounds of the evening. He seemed to be weighing his words carefully, as if unsure how to proceed.

You tilted your head slightly, curiosity piqued. “What is it?”

“I don’t usually speak much about what’s on my mind. But I’ve done a lot of thinking lately as well...” He shifted slightly, as if unsure how to articulate his thoughts. "I'm different from the others."

“Okay... how so?” you asked softly, your tone encouraging him to continue.

He took a deep breath, his gaze lowering to the ground as he spoke. “Sometimes, I feel… disconnected. Like I’m watching everything from a distance, even when I’m standing right beside everyone. It’s as if there’s a barrier between me and the rest of the world, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to break through it.”

His confession hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his emotions. You could tell this was something he had been carrying for a long time, a burden he had kept hidden behind his stoic exterior. You watched him closely, sensing that this admission wasn’t easy for him. Giyuu was known for his quiet strength, his stoic nature, and his ability to remain composed even in the face of overwhelming odds. But here, under the gentle evening sky, he seemed more human—more approachable. Why he was telling you of all people was a mystery. Perhaps he felt that, since you weren't particularly close, your opinion wouldn’t weigh as heavily. Or maybe he sensed something in you, a shared understanding of that sense of disconnect.

And you had felt that at one point.

“Why are you telling me this, Tomioka-san?” you asked gently, curious but wanting to tread carefully. “I’m glad you are, but… why me? Why now?”

He hesitated, the silence stretching out as he seemed to search for the right words. Finally, he spoke, his voice soft and thoughtful. “I think it’s because you don’t expect anything from me. You’re just… here. You don’t try to force me to talk or try to get me to be something I’m not. You just… let me be. Granted, we don't know each other all that well and haven't spoken much. But that's why."

His words were quiet but filled with meaning, and you felt a wave of understanding wash over you. It wasn’t often that someone like Giyuu found comfort in another person’s presence, let alone enough to open up about his inner turmoil. But here, in the fading light of day, he had chosen to trust you with a part of himself that he rarely revealed.

“I see. Thank you for trusting me,” you said after a pause, your voice gentle. “I won’t pretend to fully understand what you’re going through, but I think I can understand what you mean. To be honest, I also felt that way. And if you ever want to talk again, or just... be, I’m around.”

“Thank you. I… appreciate that.”

Giyuu felt a sense of relief wash over him after confessing some of his inner thoughts. The tension that had built up inside him, the weight of carrying those unspoken emotions alone, seemed to lighten just a little. He hadn’t realized until now just how right Rengoku had been. The Flame Hashira had always been so full of life, so insistent on the importance of amity and connection, and Giyuu had often found it difficult to fully embrace that idea.

Yet, even as he felt the weight of his isolation very slowly begin to lift, another fear remained, more deeply rooted and far harder to shake: the fear of losing those he held dear.

Giyuu knew all too well the pain of loss, the hollow ache left behind by the death of loved ones. It was a fear that had shaped him, hardened him, and made him wary of forming new attachments. But perhaps, he thought as he looked at you, there was strength to be found in facing that fear, in allowing himself to care despite the risks. The bonds he could forge might not only bring him comfort but also serve as a reminder that he was never truly alone. The fear of loss would always linger, like a shadow at the edge of his heart, but maybe—just maybe—it could be tempered by the warmth of connection and the courage to open up.

And in this quiet moment, Giyuu decided that he would try. He would take the risk, knowing that it was a part of what it meant to live, to truly live, alongside those who mattered to him. As Giyuu walked away, the evening shadows grew longer, and he felt a tentative sense of hope take root within him. He knew the path ahead wouldn’t be easy; vulnerability was a difficult journey, and he had more walls to dismantle before he could fully embrace the connections he longed for. Yet, the encounter had been a small but significant step forward. As the evening settled in, the sun casting its last golden rays across the horizon, Giyuu continued walking through the tranquil garden. His thoughts, though calmer, were still occupied with the idea of connection and vulnerability.

It was in this reflective state that he heard the familiar, cheerful voice of Rengoku.

“Ah, my friend!” Rengoku’s voice rang out from behind.

Giyuu turned to see Rengoku approaching with his usual exuberance. The Flame Hashira’s presence was a stark contrast to the quiet introspection Giyuu had just experienced. Rengoku’s radiant smile and warm demeanor were like a burst of sunlight, and despite the internal struggles he’d just shared, Giyuu felt a genuine sense of comfort from seeing his friend. Rengoku stopped in front of him, his eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and concern.

“You seem deep in thought. Is everything alright?”

Giyuu gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. “Yes, I was just… reflecting on some things. Had a conversation that made me reconsider a few things.”

Rengoku’s smile softened as he listened. “I see. What was it about?"

"You were right. I spoke with someone today, and it made me realize that maybe taking more risks, talking to others... wouldn't be so bad.”

Placing a reassuring hand on Giyuu’s shoulder, Rengoku said, “Exactly! We are stronger together than we are apart. Each of us brings unique strengths, and by supporting one another, we can overcome any challenge. I know it’s not always easy to let people in. But you’ve always been someone I respect greatly, not just for your strength, but for the person you are. You have a lot to offer, and sometimes, opening up is the first step toward finding the support you need.”

Giyuu nodded and met Rengoku’s earnest gaze. “I’ve always admired how effortlessly you connect with others... you make it look so easy. It’s something I’ve always struggled with.”

“It's no easy feat," Rengoku chuckled warmly. "It takes practice and a willingness to be vulnerable. But remember, it’s not about changing who you are but allowing others to see the real you. From what you’ve told me, you’ve already taken a significant step in that direction!”

Giyuu’s gaze dropped to the ground again, his thoughts swirling with the weight of Rengoku’s encouragement. “I suppose so. But it’s still difficult,” he admitted softly. “The fear of losing those I care about… it’s a constant presence.”

Rengoku’s smile remained, though it was tinged with empathy. “I understand that fear all too well. I’ve lost people dear to me, and the pain can be overwhelming. But I’ve learned that it’s not about avoiding loss—it’s about cherishing the time we have with those we care about and making the most of it.”

Giyuu nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope. “Thank you. Your words… they mean a lot.”

Rengoku gave a hearty laugh and clapped Giyuu on the back. “Anytime, my friend! Embrace everything life has to offer with an open heart, and I believe you’ll find connections and many opportunities in the most unexpected places. Now, why don’t we go eat something together before it gets too late? There’s nothing like a meal to clear the mind and lift the spirits!”

“Alright, then...”

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the training grounds as Tanjiro and you wrapped up a sparring session. The heat of the day had cooled, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, bringing with it the fresh scent of the garden in bloom. Breathing heavily, you both took a moment to catch your breath. Tanjiro wiped his brow with the back of his hand, a smile tugging at his lips.

“You’ve been improving a lot lately,” he said, his tone filled with genuine admiration. “Your technique is getting sharper, and your movements more precise. It’s really impressive.”

You grinned, feeling a flush of pride at his praise. “Thanks, Tanjiro. I’ve been working hard, trying to keep up with everyone. And you’re not so bad yourself.”

Tanjiro’s smile widened, and for a moment, he looked at you with a kind of warmth that made your heart flutter. He seemed to be lost in thought, his gaze lingering on you with an almost contemplative expression.

“Hey,” you said, breaking the silence, “what are you thinking about?”

Tanjiro blinked, momentarily snapped out of his reverie. “Oh, um, sorry!” Tanjiro said, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin. “I was just thinking about how much we’ve all grown. It’s incredible how far we’ve come, and… I guess I was just reflecting on how important everyone is to me.”

You smiled at his earnestness. “I feel the same way. It’s amazing to see how much we’ve all developed, both as individuals and as a team!”

Tanjiro nodded vigorously. “Yeah! And you’ve been a big part of that. I really admire how you always push yourself and help others, even when you’re exhausted.”

“Ah... thanks. That means a lot coming from you.”

Tanjiro scratched his head awkwardly. “Well, I just think it’s true. You always go above and beyond. It’s inspiring, really.”

You felt a warm glow at his words, a sense of appreciation that went beyond the usual camaraderie. The way Tanjiro spoke, with such genuine admiration and care, made you feel valued in a way that was both comforting and exciting. You shifted your gaze, looking out over the garden as if searching for the right words.

“Well, thanks. I'm glad you think so, I really appreciate your support. And I’m glad we have each other. It makes all the tough times a little easier when we can rely on our friends.”

“Absolutely,” he agreed, his voice softening. “It’s moments like these that remind me why we fight so hard.”

“You know, sometimes I think about how lucky I am to have found you and the others. It’s like... destiny brought us together or something.”

He laughed lightly, a bit amused but clearly pleased by your sentiment. “I like to think so too. It feels like we’re all meant to be here, helping each other grow and fighting for the people we care about.”

“Yeah,” you breathed, shaking your head with a small smile. “It’s nice to know we’re all in this together. And, um, I’m really glad to have you as a friend, Tanjiro. You’ve helped me so much since we met, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you or the others. But you should know that I’m beyond grateful.”

Tanjiro’s smile grew. “It’s really no trouble at all, Y/n! That’s what friends are for. And I’m really glad to have you as a friend too.”

You could see how deeply he valued your friendship, and it warmed your heart to know that he felt the same way. There was a quiet moment between you, filled with the shared understanding and the comfort of being in each other’s presence. Deciding to take a break, you sat on a nearby bench while Tanjiro went to fetch some water. As Tanjiro returned with the water, you couldn’t help but notice the small, thoughtful smile on his face. He handed you a cup with a casual, yet considerate gesture.

“Here you go,” he said, sitting down beside you on the bench. 

You took the cup gratefully, savoring the cool refreshment. “Thanks, Tanjiro. You're very thoughtful and sweet.”

He shrugged modestly, a light blush appearing on his cheeks, though he didn’t seem to realize it and smiled warmly. “You're welcome...!”

With that, you both continued to chat and enjoy each other’s company, the bond between you deepening with each shared moment. Tanjiro shared more stories of his family, his memories filled with warmth and nostalgia. You listened intently, captivated by his heartfelt recounting of his past and the lessons he’d learned. His eyes sparkled with a mix of pride and longing as he spoke, and you could see how much his family meant to him. Hearing about his family and the life they had shared together made your own heart ache for him and Nezuko. The stories underscored the cruel reality of the world they lived in, where such joy could be so abruptly taken away.

The resolve to make a difference, to help create a world where such tragedies would no longer occur, burned even brighter within you.

Every day, you were seeing tangible improvements in your strength and skills. Each training session, each battle, and each challenge faced was honing you into a more formidable Demon Slayer. The progress you made was not just physical but also emotional and mental, shaping you into someone who could confront the most daunting of obstacles. Saving Rengoku from death had been a monumental achievement. It was a testament to your resilience and the extent of your abilities. It showed you that even in the darkest moments, there was still hope and possibility.

The experience had been a powerful reminder of the impact you could have and the difference you could make, even when the odds seemed insurmountable.

With this newfound confidence and understanding of your capabilities, you found yourself contemplating the future with a renewed sense of purpose. If you had the power to change fate once, what was stopping you from doing it again? The determination to protect those you cared about and to ensure a better world for everyone drove you forward. The challenges ahead were still formidable, and the path to a peaceful world was fraught with danger.

But you now faced these challenges with the conviction that your actions could shape the future.

The next day, as you, Inosuke, and Tanjiro returned from a morning walk, you noticed a man with a strange mask waiting by the entrance. As you got closer, you could sense the tension in his stance and noticed the sword he carried. Tanjiro paused, seemingly recognizing the man, and his expression turned sheepish.

"Ah... Haganezuka-san, you're here..."

The man, Haganezuka, practically vibrated with energy as he stalked closer. Tanjiro quickly raised his hands, backing away cautiously.


You and Inosuke stood back as Tanjiro immediately fled the scene, shouting, "AHHH! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I PROMISE I'M TRULY SORRY!!"

The scene erupted into chaos as Haganezuka, his rage palpable, chased after Tanjiro with a fervor that could only come from the depths of a swordsmith's heart. The man’s masked face was a mix of fury and determination, his hands gripping the hilt of his sword tightly as he pursued Tanjiro, who was now sprinting for his life. You couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Tanjiro, despite being one of the strongest and most determined people you knew, was now fleeing in sheer terror from the wrath of his swordsmith. 

Inosuke, watching the spectacle with wide eyes, let out a boisterous laugh. “Hahaha! Look at Tantaro run!”

The chase continued, with Tanjiro shouting out apologies as he tried to explain what had happened to the sword Haganezuka had crafted with such care. During the Mugen Train mission, Tanjiro had thrown the sword at Akaza, an Upper Moon demon, in a desperate attempt to protect you from being kidnapped. In the process, he lost the sword, and now Haganezuka was furious.

Haganezuka seemed to take his craft more seriously than others, almost taking it personally. His frustration was palpable, reflecting the deep connection he had with his work. Inosuke had also lost his swords but had received new ones within two days of returning from the mission. While his swordsmith wasn't as visibly upset as Haganezuka, he did have his grievances when Inosuke proceeded to break the swords and chip away at them until they resembled his old serrated ones.

As they ran in circles, Tanjiro's voice rang out, carrying his heartfelt apologies over the courtyard. “Haganezuka-san, please understand! The sword was lost in a desperate moment. I swear it won't happen again!”

Haganezuka’s rage was unwavering, his eyes locked onto Tanjiro as he brandished his sword with a menacing look. “You think you can just throw away my work like it’s nothing? Do you have any idea how much effort I put into forging that blade?”

“I do understand!” Tanjiro shouted, trying to catch his breath. “That’s why I’m so sorry! I never meant to disrespect your work. It was an emergency! Please, you have to believe me! I won’t lose it again, I promise!”

Haganezuka’s breathing began to slow, the intensity of his anger still simmering but visibly lessening. He finally stopped chasing Tanjiro, who seized the chance to catch his breath, his shoulders heaving as he looked at the swordsmith with a pleading expression. After a few tense moments, Haganezuka lowered the sword slightly. He huffed, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he slowly approached Tanjiro and held the sword out, his grip tight and slightly shaking.

“Very well. I’ll hold you to that promise.”

Tanjiro took the sword from Haganezuka with a deep breath of relief. “Thank you, Haganezuka-san. I truly appreciate your understanding and the hard work you've put into my swords. I’ll make sure to take good care of it.”

“See that you do,” Haganezuka replied, his voice less intense but still carrying an edge of seriousness. "Or I'll gut you like a fish."

Tanjiro paled and nodded, letting out a small, nervous laugh. With that, Haganezuka walked away, his steps slightly more measured. You and the others watched him go, a sense of relief settling over the group. As Haganezuka disappeared from view, Tanjiro let out a long sigh of relief, the tension visibly draining from his shoulders.

“That was really terrifying,” he said, shaking his head. "He sure takes his work seriously..."

It had been a full week and a half since returning from the Mugen Train incident, and Kyojuro was finally discharged from Shinobu's care. The afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow over the training grounds as you and Kyojuro walked side by side. With your mentor fully recovered, he had immediately resumed his duties of training you. The day’s training had gone well, and now, with some time to relax, the conversation naturally flowed from one topic to another. Eventually, it settled on someone who had been on both of your minds recently: Giyuu Tomioka.

Kyojuro, ever the embodiment of positivity, turned to you with a bright smile. “It’s nice to have a moment of peace, isn’t it?”

You nodded, savoring the tranquility. “It really is. It feels like a good time to reflect on everything. Speaking of reflection, I’ve been thinking a lot about Tomioka-san lately.”

Your statement piqued his interest. “What about him?”

"He’s always been a bit of a mystery, hasn’t he?" You muse out loud. "Strong and reliable, yet distant. I’ve sort of noticed that he tends to keep to himself, even though we’re all working toward the same goal. Of course, I don't know him all that well, but he seems to carry a lot on his shoulders...”

“Yes, that would be correct," Kyojuro nodded. "The other Hashira and I have tried reaching out to him before, but it’s never easy. Despite that, I believe with time and patience he'll open up.”

You thought back to your recent conversation with Giyuu and how he had tentatively opened up about his feelings of disconnect.

“I actually had a conversation with him not too long ago. He mentioned feeling disconnected from the rest of us, like there’s a barrier he can’t break through.”

Kyojuro smiled softly. “I know, he told me. It must have taken a lot for him to admit that.”

You nodded, recalling the weight of Giyuu’s words. “It did. I could see it... I know what it's like. And I think he’s starting to realize that maybe he doesn’t have to carry everything alone, just like I did. I think he's figuring out that talking to others—taking that risk—might not be as bad as he thought.”

“That’s wonderful to hear! He has so much to offer, not just as a swordsman but as a person. If he can find it in himself to open up more, I believe he’ll find that we’re all here for him.”

You smiled, feeling a sense of warmth at Kyojuro’s optimism. “He’s lucky to have someone like you in his corner, Kyojuro. Your encouragement means a lot, not just to him but to all of us, you know?”

"Thank you!" Kyojuro placed a warm hand on your shoulder, his smile unwavering. “And he’s lucky to have you as well! You’ve already made an impact by getting him to share his thoughts. Not even I have been able to accomplish that much! That’s no small feat, Y/n.”

“I just want him to know that he doesn’t have to go through this alone. We’re all stronger when we stand together. Just like you and the others have told me many... many times,” you chuckle. "It took a while to get it through my head, but it finally stuck."

Kyojuro nodded, his voice filled with conviction. “Exactly! And I believe that, with time and patience, he will come to see that too. We’ll continue to support him, just as we do for each other. It’s what makes our mission and the Corps so important. We're not just a team, but a family!”

The sincerity in Kyojuro’s words resonated deeply with you. You knew that the road ahead wouldn’t be easy for Giyuu, yourself, or anyone else burdened by their struggles. But with friends like Kyojuro—and the support of everyone else—there was hope that each of you could overcome the barriers you faced. As you both sat in the garden, sharing the bond of friendship and mutual care for your comrades, you felt a renewed sense of purpose. Together, you would continue to grow stronger, not just as warriors but as individuals, united by the ties that bound you.

As you and Kyojuro approached the main building, a familiar caw broke the tranquil evening. Kyojuro looked up to see his Kusagai crow swooping down gracefully before landing on his outstretched arm. The crow held a small scroll, its presence signaling an important message. Kyojuro carefully untied the scroll from the crow’s leg and began to read, his brows furrowing slightly as he took in the contents. You watched him with curiosity, sensing the shift in his demeanor.

“What’s the message?” you asked gently, sensing that it was something significant.

Kyojuro’s face softened as he looked up from the scroll. “It’s from Senjuro, my younger brother. He’s heard about the Mugen Train incident and is quite worried.”

You could see the concern in Kyojuro’s eyes, a reflection of the deep bond he shared with his brother. “What does it say?”

Kyojuro cleared his throat and read aloud, “'Brother, I heard about the events on the Mugen Train and am deeply concerned. I hope you and your companions are safe! Please let me know how you’re doing when you can. I miss you and look forward to your return. — Senjuro.'”

"He seems like a very kind and caring boy."

"That he is..." Kyojuro looked up from the scroll, his usual brightness dimmed slightly. “It’s touching to know that Senjuro is so concerned, but I wish I could reassure him directly.”

You placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure he’ll be relieved to hear from you. You’ve been through a lot, and it’s natural for him to worry. Why don't you return to your home and pay him a visit?”

Kyojuro’s eyes softened at your words, a mixture of gratitude and contemplation in his expression. The idea of returning to his home and seeing Senjuro seemed to bring a sense of calm to his otherwise worn demeanor. His gaze shifted thoughtfully as he considered your suggestion. His mind weighed the importance of being with his brother against the responsibilities and commitments he had here, especially with the ongoing training and the need to guide you in your growth as a swordsman.

“I appreciate your understanding and the suggestion,” Kyojuro said, his voice carrying a note of both warmth and regret. “Senjuro is indeed very dear to me, and it would be wonderful to visit him. But I also recognize that our training is important, and I don’t want to leave you at a disadvantage.”

You could see the internal struggle in his eyes, and it was clear that he was torn between his responsibilities and his family. You knew how much Kyojuro valued his role as both a mentor and a brother, and it was evident that he wanted to balance both aspects of his life.

“It’s important to take care of yourself and your family, too,” you said gently. “Maybe you could take a short visit and then return. Your brother would appreciate seeing you, and it might also give you the chance to recharge and come back with renewed energy. I'll be fine here!”

Kyojuro considered your words carefully, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit. Then, his expression brightened as he came up with an idea that might satisfy both sides.

“Actually,” he said, a thoughtful smile spreading across his face, “there might be a way to make this work even better.”

You raised an eyebrow, curious. “Oh? What do you have in mind?”

“What if you accompanied me on this visit?” Kyojuro suggested, his enthusiasm evident. “It could be an opportunity for you to experience a different environment, meet my brother, and still continue training.”

You thought about his proposal. It was an intriguing idea—a chance to see a different part of the world, meet someone important to Kyojuro, and to continue your rigorous training without fear of falling behind. Plus, it would be a chance to see Kyojuro in a different setting, away from the usual training grounds.

“That sounds nice,” you said, smiling. “I’d love to accompany you. It would be nice to venture out and experience something new again. Plus, it would be great to meet Senjuro and see where you come from.”

Kyojuro’s face brightened even more, clearly pleased with your acceptance. “Fantastic! I’m sure Senjuro will be thrilled to meet you. And it will be nice to have you with me during the visit. I’ll make the necessary arrangements for the trip, and we can set out as soon as everything is ready.”

You both began to plan the details of the visit, discussing how long you might stay and what you would need to bring along. Kyojuro’s mood was noticeably lighter, and you could see how much this plan meant to him. It was a perfect solution that allowed him to fulfill his familial duties while also ensuring that you would continue to receive the training and support you needed. As you prepared for your trip to visit Kyojuro’s family residence, word of your departure spread among your friends. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, each with their own unique responses, gathered to discuss the upcoming journey.

Tanjiro was the first to hear the news, his expression one of genuine interest and concern. “You’re going to visit Rengoku-san's family?” he asked, his eyes bright with curiosity. “That sounds like a wonderful opportunity! I bet it will be a meaningful experience.”

You nodded, smiling at his enthusiasm. “Yeah, it’s a chance to take a short break and get to know his family, his younger brother, and where he came from. I’ll still be training once we arrive, but the journey should be relaxing and a nice change of pace. I’m really looking forward to it!

“Wow, that sounds great! I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time. Rengoku-san's family must be amazing, just like him! And it’s nice to know you’ll get to experience more outside of missions and the Corps' usual places.”

As Tanjiro’s words sank in, you noticed him fidgeting with a small smile on his face. Tanjiro’s gaze lingered on you with a warmth that made you feel both appreciated and a little fluttery inside, a sign of the affection and genuine happiness he had for you.

Zenitsu overheard the conversation and immediately felt a pang of anxiety. His face grew pale, and he clenched his fists nervously. “Y-You’re leaving for a trip with the Flame Hashira? What about—” He stammered, his eyes darting around. “I mean, I hope everything goes well, but...”

You could see the worry etched across his face, and his usual anxiousness was palpable. “Zenitsu, it’s just a short trip. I’ll be back soon. Don’t worry too much.”

Zenitsu’s gaze softened a little, though his jealousy was still lingering. “It’s just that... I care about you, and I don’t want you to be too far away or in any danger. But I know you’ll be fine with Rengoku-san. He’s a really great Hashira...” 

His conflicted feelings were evident, though he did his best to mask them with a forced smile and concern for your safety. Despite his insecurities, he genuinely wanted the best for you and was working on managing his emotions. Rengoku was a strong and capable man who would ensure your safety. Zenitsu knew this, but it was still challenging for him to control his emotions regarding you. He felt a slight worry about what might happen between you and the Flame Hashira, though he tried to be logical about it. Rengoku didn't strike him as someone who would make a move on you, even if he had feelings beyond friendship. For some reason, Zenitsu felt that the Pillar might be slow to recognize and express his feelings, despite his outgoing and forward nature in other circumstances.

It was somewhat similar to how Tanjiro might be if he were to potentially harbor feelings for someone, Zenitsu thought.

He was acutely aware of how odd it seemed to admit that he had thought about other people’s feelings and how they might express them. This reflection came from his desire to be aware of others, particularly when it involved you in some way or another, especially in a potential romantic context. Zenitsu’s thoughts continued to swirl as he considered the complexity of emotions and relationships. It was a strange feeling, being so caught up in analyzing others' feelings and behaviors, yet feeling so out of control with his own at times. He knew he needed to be more rational, to focus on the bigger picture rather than getting lost in his worries. He always admired how Tanjiro seemed to effortlessly navigate his feelings and those of others, managing to stay supportive and understanding no matter the situation.

Zenitsu wished he could be more like that—less consumed by his insecurities and more focused on the genuine connections he had with his friends.

Tanjiro, ever the empathetic one, was genuinely happy for you and Rengoku. He admired the bond you had with the Flame Hashira and saw this trip as a great opportunity for growth and strengthening relationships. His growing affection for you was still somewhat innocent and unspoken, yet it was clear that he cared deeply and wanted you to have positive experiences. Tanjiro’s only concern was your safety, but he trusted Kyojuro and knew you were in good hands. Inosuke, on the other hand, was brimming with a mix of enthusiasm and curiosity. Although he was initially protective, he was also intrigued by the idea of visiting a new place and experiencing it himself. His rough exterior belied a genuine excitement about the journey and a desire to support you in his own unique way.

“Traveling with Bug Eyes? Are you gonna fight any demons or anything on the way?!” Inosuke exclaimed. “I wanna come too!”

Tanjiro chuckled at Inosuke’s enthusiasm. “Inosuke, it's not about fighting demons on this trip. It’s more about Y/n being able to continue training while Rengoku gets to visit his family at the same time. And it's a chance for her to see a new place.”

Inosuke’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Even better! If we do run into any demons, I’ll be ready!”

You couldn’t help but smile at Inosuke’s eagerness. “We’ll see what happens. But, sorry, Inosuke... you'll have to stay here.”

Inosuke's enthusiasm dimmed slightly at the news, but he quickly shook it off, his determination not easily subdued. “Fine! But if you do end up fighting demons, you better tell me all about it when you get back! I want to know everything!”

You patted Inosuke on the head with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I'll make sure to share all the details with you. And, besides, you’ve got plenty of training and adventures here to keep you busy, Lord Inosuke! Make sure everything stays in shape around here, okay?”

Inosuke grinned beneath his mask, his mood lifting as he accepted your words. “Of course! Leave everything to me!” Inosuke declared with a proud snort. “I’ll make sure everything stays in top shape while you’re gone. Nothing’s going to get past me!”

You felt a swell of gratitude for your friends, their support and understanding making you feel more prepared for the journey ahead. As the conversation drifted to other topics, you felt reassured knowing that you had such a strong support network behind you. The trip to Rengoku’s family residence was shaping up to be an adventure filled with growth, friendship, and new experiences. The prospect of visiting Rengoku’s family, of seeing where he came from and meeting his younger brother, filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The next morning arrived with a sense of anticipation in the air. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft golden glow over the landscape as you prepared to depart. The others gathered to see you off, their expressions a mix of encouragement and mild reluctance to say goodbye, even for a short time.

Kyojuro, as always, was full of energy, his bright smile a constant source of reassurance. “Are you ready?"

You nodded, adjusting the strap of your pack. “Yup! I’m looking forward to meeting your brother and seeing where you grew up.”

As you walked alongside Kyojuro, the road stretching out before you, a sense of calm settled over you. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of fresh pine and earth, and the path ahead felt full of promise. You couldn’t help but glance back one last time, seeing your friends standing together, waving you off with smiles and encouragement.

Kyojuro caught your glance and gave you a knowing smile. “You have a strong bond with them. It’s something to be cherished.”

You smiled softly. “Yeah... I’m lucky to have them.”

The journey to Rengoku’s family residence was both invigorating and tranquil. The path meandered through lush forests and across serene meadows, the landscape gradually changing as you moved further from familiar territories. Kyojuro walked beside you, his stride confident and purposeful, his enthusiasm a constant companion. Throughout the journey, Kyojuro shared stories of his childhood, his family, and the values that had shaped him. You learned about his training under his father, the deep bond he shared with Senjuro, and the pride he took in his role as a Hashira. His stories were filled with a sense of nostalgia and reverence, painting a vivid picture of the life he had lived before the trials of being a Demon Slayer.

The journey proceeded smoothly over the course of two days. Kyojuro’s easygoing nature made the travel enjoyable, and his company was a constant source of comfort and inspiration. You made stops in small villages each night, finding comfort in the simplicity of the inns and the warmth of the local hospitality. The people you met were kind, and the evenings spent in their company were filled with shared meals and stories. You enjoyed these moments of respite, grateful for the chance to relax and absorb the beauty of the countryside.

On the second evening, as you settled in for the night, you couldn’t help but reflect on how quickly the journey had progressed. Kyojuro told you that you'd most likely arrive at his residence sometime in the early afternoon after tonight. The time seemed to fly by, and it struck you as odd, considering your Kusagai crow had taken nearly a week to deliver your one message to the Rengoku Estate however long ago. She had casually mentioned that she hadn’t hurried since you hadn’t specifically instructed her to do so. A chuckle escaped your lips as you remembered Yume’s nonchalant response and made you roll your eyes in bemusement.

When you awoke on the third day, the sun was shining brightly, promising a perfect day for the final leg of your journey. Kyojuro seemed just as enthusiastic as ever, his energy unwavering as you packed up and prepared to continue. The road soon led you through rolling hills and fields of wildflowers, the scent of fresh blooms mingling with the crisp morning air. By early afternoon, the estate came into view—a sprawling property with elegant architecture nestled in the midst of a lush, serene landscape with a sizeable village just on the outskirts. The sight of it filled you with a sense of accomplishment and excitement. The estate was everything you had imagined from Kyojuro’s stories, and the grandeur of it was awe-inspiring.

“We’re here,” Kyojuro exclaimed softly, his voice carrying a note of reverence.

As if waiting for your arrival, Senjuro appeared shortly after. His face brightened with a warm, genuine smile as he saw his brother.

“Brother! You’re back!” he exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace his older brother.

Kyojuro returned the hug with equal affection, his usual composure giving way to a softer, more personal side. “Senjuro, it’s good to see you. I’ve missed you.”

You stood back, observing the heartfelt reunion with a smile. The bond between the Rengoku brothers was evident, and it warmed your heart to see such a touching moment.

As the initial greetings settled, Senjuro turned his attention to you. “And you must be... his Tsuguko, Y/n-san? Welcome to our home.”

You bowed politely, a small smile forming on your lips. “Ah, yes, I guess that would be correct. Thank you, Senjuro-kun. It’s a pleasure to be here.”

Senjuro’s smile widened. “I’m glad to hear that. My brother has spoken highly of you, and it’s nice to finally meet you in person.” He stepped forward and bowed deeply. "Thank you for what you did to help save my brother, I'm beyond grateful!"

“There’s no need to thank me,” you said, lifting your gaze and meeting his with wide eyes. “I’m just glad I could help. Your brother is an incredible person, and it’s been a privilege to work alongside him. I will gladly do anything that I can to help my friends and fellow Slayers.”

Senjuro straightened, his eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and relief. “It means a lot to hear that. Please, come inside. I've prepared some refreshments and would love for you to get comfortable.”

As you followed Senjuro into the estate, you were struck by the elegance and warmth of the interior. The traditional Japanese decor created a serene and welcoming atmosphere. The scent of freshly brewed tea and the faint aroma of incense filled the air, adding to the sense of tranquility. Senjuro led you to a beautifully decorated sitting room where a low table was set with an assortment of treats and tea. The room overlooked a serene garden, its peaceful ambiance providing a perfect backdrop for the gathering.

Kyojuro took a seat at the table and gestured for you to join him. “Please, make yourself comfortable. Senjuro has outdone himself with the preparations.”

You settled into a cushion at the table, and Senjuro began to serve tea and pastries with practiced grace.

Kyojuro’s eyes softened with affection as he watched his brother and then turned to you. “Senjuro has always had a knack for making everyone feel welcome. He’s a true master of hospitality!”

Senjuro blushed slightly at the compliment but continued to smile warmly. “I just try to make our guests feel at home. It’s the least I can do for someone who helped my brother.”

As you enjoyed the refreshments and the conversation, you felt a deep sense of contentment. The warmth of the Rengoku family’s hospitality, combined with the peaceful surroundings of the estate, created an atmosphere of comfort and belonging. The conversation flowed easily, with Senjuro and Kyojuro sharing stories of their childhood, their family’s history, and the various experiences that had shaped their lives. As the day drew to a close, you retired to your guest room, feeling content and fulfilled. The Rengoku Estate had offered you more than just a place to stay—it had provided you with a deeper understanding of Kyojuro’s past and the close-knit bond of his family. You knew that this trip would be a memorable chapter in your journey, filled with new insights, strengthened relationships, and a renewed sense of purpose.

With a contented sigh, you settled into your room, ready for the new experiences that awaited you in the days to come.

The next morning dawned with a gentle light filtering through the shoji screens of your room. You woke feeling refreshed and eager for the day ahead. The breakfast prepared by Senjuro was a delightful spread of traditional dishes—freshly steamed rice, miso soup, pickled vegetables, and perfectly cooked fish. It was a simple yet satisfying meal, enjoyed in the serene atmosphere of the Rengoku Estate. Kyojuro joined you for breakfast, his usual bright demeanor in full force.

“Good morning!” he greeted with his characteristic enthusiasm. “How did you sleep?”

“Good morning! I slept very well, thank you," you replied with a smile, your eyes flickering over to Senjuro. "This meal looks wonderful, thank you Senjuro-kun!”

"You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it," Senjuro beamed, preening at your praise.

As Senjuro served the meal, the three of you talked about the day's plans, with Kyojuro excitedly outlining the training sessions he had planned for you. The conversation was light-hearted, and you felt a strong sense of camaraderie with both brothers. As the morning progressed, you prepared for your training session with Kyojuro. The grounds of the estate provided an excellent setting for practice, with open spaces and carefully maintained areas that were perfect for honing your skills. Kyojuro was eager to get started, and you both moved through the drills and exercises with focus and dedication.

Around noon, as you and Kyojuro were finishing up a particularly challenging exercise, the sound of footsteps approaching the training area caught your attention. Turning, you saw a tall man with a stern expression and an air of authority—Shinjuro Rengoku, the former Flame Hashira. Kyojuro’s demeanor shifted slightly at the sight of his father, the warmth in his eyes giving way to a more subdued expression. Shinjuro’s gaze swept over you and then settled on his son, a hint of disapproval evident in his eyes.

“Father,” Kyojuro said, his voice respectful but carrying a hint of unease, and a tinge of hope. “It’s good to see you.”

Shinjuro’s response was curt. “Kyojuro...” He then turned his gaze toward you, scrutinizing you with an expression that was anything but welcoming. “And who might this be?”

“This is Y/n,” Kyojuro said, smiling as he introduced you. “She's—"

“So, this is the foreign woman who’s been training with my son,” Shinjuro cut him off with a harsh laugh, his tone dripping with disdain. “I’ve heard all about your little escapades. It’s disgraceful that you needed saving from someone like her. This is what you've become—a weakling who needs a woman’s help to survive.”

The words stung, both for Kyojuro and for you. Kyojuro’s usually bright demeanor faltered for a moment, and his shoulders tensed as he faced his father’s harsh criticism. You could see the pain and disappointment in his eyes, though he tried to maintain his composure.

Senjuro stepped forward, his expression a mix of concern and frustration. “Father, p-please... Y/n-san has been a great help to brother and the Corps. I' heard she’s a strong fighter and a loyal friend. Your words are unjust.”

Shinjuro’s gaze shifted to you, ignoring his youngest son's words, his eyes narrowing. “And you, foreign woman. Do you think you’re so special, joining the Corps? You’re nothing but a distraction. A stray. If you have any sense of respect, you’d leave this place immediately.”

You felt a pang of indignation at the unjust treatment, not only towards yourself but more so towards Kyojuro and Senjuro. Their father’s harshness seemed to cut deep, and you wanted to stand up for both of them. Before you could respond, Kyojuro stepped forward, his voice firm.

“Father, if you have grievances with me, then let’s address them. But do not belittle those who have not only supported and helped me, but the rest of Corps.”

Shinjuro’s expression remained unyielding. “Very well, if you want to waste your time here, then do so. But do not expect me to acknowledge your pathetic attempts at redemption.”

With that, Shinjuro turned on his heel and walked away, his departure leaving a heavy silence in the air. The atmosphere grew heavy with tension, and you could see Kyojuro struggling to maintain his composure. Senjuro, standing off to the side, looked distressed, clearly affected by the exchange. Slowly, Senjuro looked at you with an apologetic expression.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that. Our father... he’s been struggling with his own issues and has been having a hard time ever since our m-m-mother passed away. It’s been difficult for him to see beyond his own pain.”

You placed a comforting hand on Senjuro’s shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. “It's alright, Senjuro-kun. I can see that this is a challenging situation for all of you. I’m sorry for the hardship your family has been through.”

"Thank you," Senjuro murmured. He then looked at Kyojuro with a mix of admiration and concern. “Brother, you’ve always been strong, and I know you’ll continue to be. You're an amazing Hashira! Don’t let father’s words affect you too much. We’re all here to support each other.”

Kyojuro, who had been silent and tense during the exchange, finally spoke up, his voice soft yet determined. “Thank you. It means a lot to have both of your support. I know that his opinion doesn’t define who I am or the value of our work, but even so, his words are sharp and cut deep. Despite that, I will continue to press forward, no matter the challenges. We will all grow stronger, and I firmly believe that someday we will succeed in our mission to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji and restore peace once more.”

You nodded in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of purpose despite the emotional weight of the encounter. “Absolutely. We’ve come this far and achieved so much on our own and together. We can face any challenge as long as we support each other.”

The training resumed with a more somber atmosphere, but there was an undercurrent of solidarity and resilience. Kyojuro’s focus and determination were unwavering, and you could see how much his brother’s words and your support meant to him. The experience, though difficult, had only strengthened the bond between you and the Rengoku brothers, reinforcing your commitment to the journey ahead. As the day drew to a close, you found solace in the small victories and the shared determination to continue despite the obstacles.

Although, you couldn't help but reflect on Shinjuro’s earlier words about you. You didn’t consider yourself special. While you had a vision and risked your life to help save Kyojuro against the Upper Moon Three demon, Akaza, you felt that you hadn’t truly done much in that situation—or even before the train wreck or at the train station. You often felt too weak and reliant on others for your own liking. However, rather than letting these thoughts bring you down as they might have in the past, you chose to channel them into motivation.

Instead of being discouraged, you used those feelings to fuel your quest for growth.

And since speaking with the Master, you’ve become even more determined to hone your vision abilities. You hoped that by figuring out how to effectively conjure and use your visions, you could become truly special and useful in the fight against Muzan and his demons. Your goal is to leverage these abilities to benefit the Corps and advance your mission.

Slowly but surely, you’ve been making significant progress.

The evening sky cast a gentle glow over the estate, and the sense of camaraderie and mutual respect between you and Kyojuro, as well as Senjuro, remained unshaken. Dinner that night was a quieter affair, the atmosphere more subdued but still warm. Senjuro did his best to lighten the mood with his gentle, reassuring presence, and Kyojuro’s usual cheerful demeanor was tempered with a quiet resolve. Despite the earlier confrontation, there was a sense of renewal and a shared commitment to continue forward with strength and unity.

Over the next few days, the tension in the Rengoku estate gradually eased as you, Kyojuro, and Senjuro settled into a routine. The mornings began with peaceful, quiet moments—shared breakfasts, where the early sunlight filtered through the traditional shoji screens, casting a warm glow on the surroundings. These tranquil beginnings allowed everyone to start the day with a sense of calm and connection, a stark contrast to the initial tension brought on by Shinjuro’s outburst. Kyojuro was relentless in his training, pushing both you and himself to new limits. He introduced you to advanced breathing techniques and forms of swordplay that required intense focus and precision. His teaching style was as passionate as ever, but you noticed a certain introspective quality in his approach.

He was more attuned to your progress and emotions, as if his resolve to guide you had deepened after the confrontation with his father.

You found yourself growing stronger and more confident under Kyojuro’s guidance. His encouragement was unwavering, and even during the most challenging moments, his belief in your abilities kept you going. There were times when the training was grueling, pushing you to the brink of exhaustion, but the sense of accomplishment and the bond you were forging with Kyojuro made every effort worthwhile. Senjuro often watched from the sidelines, his admiration for both you and his brother evident in his eyes. He occasionally joined in the exercises, doing his best to keep up, though his skills were still developing. You and Kyojuro encouraged him, offering tips and praise, which seemed to boost his confidence.

You had inquired about whether Senjuro planned to join the Demon Slayer Corps in the next year or two, but he informed you that he had no such intentions. He explained that he not only lacked the strength and skills but also the drive and passion necessary for the role. While he deeply admired his brother and the work of the Corps, he realized long ago that it wasn't the right path for him, and he was content with that. Although he was still figuring out what he wanted to do in life, he knew that he wanted to help people in some way. Just as Kyojuro had done, you encouraged him to continue seeking his own path and assured him that whatever he did he would succeed, and you looked forward to seeing where it would lead.

In the afternoons, you and Kyojuro would take breaks, wandering through the Rengoku estate and its surrounding areas. These moments allowed you to relax and reflect on your progress, as well as to share stories and experiences. Kyojuro often spoke of his mother, who had instilled in him the values of honor, courage, and compassion. You could see how much she had influenced him, and it deepened your respect and understanding of the man he had become. During these walks, you also had the chance to explore more of the estate, discovering hidden corners of the garden, small shrines, and quiet spots where the wind whispered through the trees. It was in these peaceful settings that you and Kyojuro had some of your most meaningful conversations.

He shared more about his journey to becoming a Hashira, the struggles he faced, and his hopes for the future.

Despite the underlying tension caused by Shinjuro’s presence, these moments with Kyojuro and Senjuro created a sense of harmony and purpose. The bond between the three of you grew stronger each day, built on mutual respect, shared goals, and a deepening friendship. On the third day, you noticed a subtle shift in Kyojuro’s demeanor. He seemed more introspective, his gaze often drifting toward the distant mountains or the sky. When you asked him about it, he smiled warmly, though there was a hint of something deeper in his expression.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about the future,” Kyojuro admitted during one of your walks. “About what it means to be a Hashira, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and about the legacy I wish to leave behind. My father’s words... though harsh, have made me reflect on my path and the choices I’ve made.”

You listened intently, sensing the weight of his thoughts. “You’ve already done so much, Kyojuro. You’ve inspired countless people, including me. Your mother would be proud of the man you’ve become.”

Kyojuro’s smile softened, and he nodded. “Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me. I believe that we all have a purpose, a role to play in this world. And I’m grateful to have you and the other members of the Corps by my side as I continue this journey.”

As the days continued, this shared sense of purpose became the foundation of your training. Kyojuro’s resolve was stronger than ever, and you felt a renewed determination to grow, not just for yourself but for the people who depended on you both. Evenings at the estate were quiet, often spent in the company of Senjuro, who would share stories about their family or ask you questions about your own experiences. He was eager to learn, not just about demon slaying but about life beyond the estate. His curiosity and gentle nature brought a lightness to the atmosphere, a reminder that despite the challenges, there was still hope and joy to be found.

One evening, as you all sat in the garden, Senjuro turned to you with a thoughtful expression. “Y/n-san, do you ever think about what comes after all of this? After the battles and the training... what kind of life do you want?”

The question caught you off guard, but it was a reminder of the bigger picture, the life beyond the battlefield. You took a moment to consider your answer, glancing at Kyojuro, who was listening intently.

“I think about it sometimes,” you admitted. “I want a world where we can all live in peace, where there’s no need for constant fighting. A place where we can all pursue our dreams, whatever they may be. And... I hope to be surrounded by the people I care about, continuing to grow and support each other.”

Kyojuro’s gaze softened, and he nodded in agreement. “That’s a beautiful vision, Y/n. I believe it’s something worth striving for. And with people like you working so hard within the Corps, I think we can achieve it.”

The conversation lingered in the air, a shared dream that seemed both distant and within reach. The days at the Rengoku estate were a blend of hard work, reflection, and the deepening of bonds. Though the future was uncertain, the strength of your connections gave you hope that, together, you could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead. One day began like the others, with a calm morning filled with quiet reflections and a sense of purpose. You spent the early hours training with Kyojuro, who seemed particularly focused, as if he wanted to impart as much wisdom as possible before your time together here came to an end.

The bond between you had grown strong, forged in the fires of shared experience and mutual respect.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky and the training came to an end, you found yourself wandering through the estate’s garden, taking in the peaceful surroundings. The tranquility was a welcome contrast to the challenges and battles that had marked much of your journey so far. But as you moved deeper into the garden, the peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted. Shinjuro appeared, his presence heavy and intense. You noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the weight he seemed to carry in his posture, the scent of alcohol wafting around him. It was clear that he had been struggling, but the anger that simmered beneath the surface was hard to ignore.

"You there," Shinjuro began, his voice low and gruff. “We need to talk.”

You turned to face him, meeting his gaze with a mix of wariness and determination. “What is it, Rengoku-sama?”

He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing. “You think you’ve done something remarkable, don’t you? Coming here, training with my son, acting like you belong among us. But you’re nothing more than an outsider, meddling in things you don’t understand.”

His words were sharp, and they cut deep, but you held your ground. “I didn’t come here to be a burden, Rengoku-sama. I came here to support Kyojuro and to learn from him. I respect him, this family, and the Corps deeply.”

Shinjuro scoffed, his disdain palpable. “Respect? You think your presence here shows respect? All you’ve done is weaken my son, make him soft. He was saved by you—by someone who has no place in our world. That’s a disgrace to our name, to our legacy.”

The heat of his words stung, but you refused to back down. He could say whatever he wanted about you, but you wouldn't stand by and let him insult his own son, who had become such an integral part of your life since you found yourself lost in Japan and became a Demon Slayer—all so you could stay by his and your other friends' sides.

“Kyojuro is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. He’s dedicated his life to protecting others, to upholding the honor of the Flame Hashira. Nothing I’ve done has taken away from that. If anything, it’s only made him stronger.”

Shinjuro’s expression darkened, his anger boiling over. “Stronger? He was saved by you—a foreign woman, no less! That’s not strength, that’s weakness! He’s been corrupted by your presence, by this absurd idea of camaraderie.”

You felt a surge of indignation rise within you, your own anger matching his. “How can you say that? Kyojuro has done nothing but honor his title, and he’s done it with integrity and compassion—something you seem to have forgotten! The strength of a Hashira isn’t just in their ability to fight; it’s in their heart, their spirit. And Kyojuro embodies that better than anyone.”

Shinjuro’s eyes blazed with fury, but behind that anger, you could see the pain, the sorrow that had twisted his heart. His expression faltered, the intensity of his anger giving way to something else—something more vulnerable. For a brief moment, you saw a flicker of the man he used to be, before the weight of whatever had broken him took hold. You took a deep breath, your tone softening as you tried to reach the man behind the anger.

“I may not understand everything you’ve been through, but I do know what it means to fight, to protect those you care about. And I know that Kyojuro is doing the exact same thing, fighting for a world where no one has to suffer at the hands of Muzan Kibutsuji. He’s carrying on your legacy with honor, even if you can’t see it.”

Shinjuro’s face hardened, and he took a step closer, his anger reigniting. “You think that showing up here and speaking your pretty words makes any difference?”

The intensity of his words was like a physical blow, but you met his fury with a steely resolve. “No, it doesn’t make any difference if you’re not willing to see it. But I know what I see. I see a son who is fighting to uphold the very values you once held dear, a son who’s trying to make a difference despite the pain inflicted on him.”

Shinjuro’s anger seemed to spike, and he sneered. “You think you know pain? You come here and act like you understand, but you’re just an outsider who’s meddling in things she doesn’t belong in. Kyojuro may be carrying on the legacy, but he’s doing so under the delusion that everything is fine, that the world is full of hope. And don't even get me started on Senjuro; the boy is weak and a disgrace to everything that this family has stood for!”

You could feel your anger rising in response to his relentless insults. The injustice of his words cut deeply, not just for yourself but for Kyojuro and Senjuro. You had tried to remain composed, but Shinjuro’s refusal to see past his own pain was too much.

"Enough!” you shouted, your voice echoing in the still air. “You don’t get to belittle what Kyojuro is doing, or the sacrifices he’s made. Nor do you get to tear Senjuro down for not living up to your expectations. If I were your wife, if I were their mother, I’d be deeply ashamed and saddened by the way you’ve treated your sons!"

The intensity of your words seemed to shock Shinjuro into silence. You took a step forward, the fire in your eyes matching his.

“You’re right that I don’t know everything about your world, about the burdens you carry. But what I do know is that Kyojuro and Senjuro deserve better than this—than to be dismissed and berated by someone who should be their greatest support. Your anger and pain are clouding your judgment, and it’s tearing your family apart!”

Shinjuro’s eyes flickered with something akin to confusion and sadness, as if he were struggling to reconcile the image of his son with the harsh words he had spoken. His expression hardened again, but the anger seemed less potent, almost overshadowed by the weariness and sorrow that had been simmering beneath the surface.

“You think I don’t know that?” Shinjuro muttered, his voice low and strained. “You think I don’t carry the weight of all this? I’m haunted by the loss of my wife, my own failures... You don’t understand,” Shinjuro’s voice trembled with a mix of anger and vulnerability. “You don’t know what it’s like to lose everything and to still have to keep going. It’s more than I can bear.”

You weren't from here. You were weak, selfish, and stubborn. With no memories of your life before arriving in Japan and only fleeting glimpses of your past, you had lost everything that once was. The pain of not knowing drove you to push yourself, searching desperately for answers and hoping to return home. But that was a part of your past now. As you grew and formed connections with those around you, your priorities shifted. You no longer focused solely on yourself. Instead, you thought of your friends, mentors, comrades, and even strangers. Your goal became staying by your companions' sides and doing everything in your power to help create a peaceful and happy world where you all could live without worry.

“I do, actually…” you began, your voice steady but laced with the depth of your own experiences. “I’m not from here. I came with nothing—no memories of my past, no understanding of the world I found myself in. The pain of losing everything I once knew was overwhelming. The pain of not knowing, of losing my past, has been a driving force for me. I pushed myself, searching for answers, desperately hoping to return to a life I could barely remember. But as I grew and connected with those around me, my perspective changed. I’ve learned that my focus can’t be solely on myself anymore.”

Shinjuro’s eyes, once clouded with anger and bitterness, now held a hint of contemplation. The facade of his hardened exterior seemed to waver, replaced by a glimpse of vulnerability that you had not seen before.

You took a breath, continuing, “What I’ve realized is that it’s not just about recovering what was lost. It’s about the friends and mentors I’ve come to care deeply for, and the world we’re trying to protect. It’s about finding meaning in the present and using that to support the people who matter to me. My goal has shifted from returning to the past to building a future alongside those I care about, creating a world where we can all live in peace and happiness. So, yes... I understand what it means to lose everything, but I’ve also learned that we find meaning and strength through the connections we build and the lives we touch.”

Shinjuro’s eyes widened slightly as you spoke, the rawness in your voice making him pause. He seemed taken aback by your openness, as if your words resonated with him on a deeper level.

“You speak with such conviction,” Shinjuro said gruffly, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and grudging respect. “It’s... difficult for me to reconcile that with the anger I’ve felt. It’s easier to drink and lash out than to face the pain.”

You nodded, acknowledging his struggle. “I understand. Facing our pain can be incredibly hard, and it’s often easier to retreat into anger or denial. But sometimes, confronting it and reaching out can lead to healing, both for ourselves and for those we care about. Two very dear friends of mine once told me: 'It's okay to not be okay,' and that pushing people away will only lead to more pain. You're never alone, and those who care about you will always be by your side to help you through your struggles.”

For a moment, the silence between you was heavy with unspoken emotions. Shinjuro seemed to be grappling with the weight of his own actions, his usual defensive posture softened by a mixture of shame and introspection.

“I... I don’t know how to fix this,” Shinjuro rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to make things right.”

You stepped forward, your voice gentle but firm. “It starts with trying. It starts with acknowledging your mistakes and reaching out to your sons. They still care about you, and they still want to be a family. But it’s up to you to take that first step. Don’t push them away, Rengoku-sama. They need you, just as much as you need them. You’re still their father, and they still look up to you. But if you keep driving them away, you’ll lose them—not because of me, or anyone else, but because of the walls you’re putting up.”

Shinjuro looked at you, his anger dimming into something closer to resignation. He didn’t respond, but the tension in his posture seemed to ease, if only slightly. Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing alone in the garden. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, the weight of the confrontation settling on your shoulders. It hadn’t been easy, and the wounds between Shinjuro, Kyojuro, and Senjuro were far from healed, but you hoped that your words had at least planted a seed of understanding.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. When the next day arrived, your mood remained subdued following the heated discussion you had with the former Flame Hashira.

Kyojuro and Senjuro remained completely unaware of the confrontation that had taken place between you and their father and stays hidden for the rest of your visit. You spend a full three weeks at the Rengoku Estate until it was finally time to return to your regular duties. The two brothers were busy preparing a small farewell gathering to celebrate the end of your visit before you and Kyojuro would make your way back to the Butterfly Mansion the next morning. The evening was marked by a quiet, intimate dinner in the garden. Lanterns were lit, casting a warm, gentle glow over a table.

The meal was simple but hearty, reflecting the warmth and care Senjuro had put into preparing it.

Despite the tension of the previous days, the atmosphere at the table was light-hearted, with Kyojuro and Senjuro trying to make the best of the time you had left together. As the evening wore on, you noticed that Senjuro seemed to be in higher spirits, likely trying to lift the mood and create a memorable farewell. Kyojuro, while trying to maintain a cheerful demeanor, occasionally glanced at you with a look of concern, as if sensing that something was amiss but not knowing exactly what.

“Y/n, is everything alright?”

You looked up, offering a small, reassuring smile. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a bit tired from all the training, I suppose.”

Senjuro also looked at you with concern, his eyes reflecting a genuine care. “If there’s anything you want to talk about, or if you’re feeling unwell, please let us know. We want to make sure you’re comfortable!”

You appreciated their concern, but you decided to keep the confrontation with Shinjuro to yourself for now.

“Thank you, Senjuro-kun. I’m just fine. I appreciate your hospitality and the chance to meet you.” You smiled, taking a bite of food and hummed in content. "Wow, this is amazing... I think I could die of happiness."

Kyojuro laughed and leaned in with a playful grin. “Is that so? I think Senjuro might be trying to outdo me in the kitchen. He’s been sneaking in some secret ingredients!”

“Well, I couldn’t let you have all the fun, could I?" Senjuro’s eyes twinkled with mischief. "Besides, I wanted to make sure that Y/n-san had a memorable meal before you both head back.”

You couldn’t help but chuckle at their banter. “I’m certainly enjoying the meal, Senjuro-kun. It’s been a lovely visit, your cooking is wonderful, and I'm glad I got to spend this time with the both of you.”

Kyojuro’s smile softened as he looked at you. “I’m glad to hear that.”

As the evening deepened, the conversation shifted to more reflective topics. Senjuro spoke about his hopes for the future, and Kyojuro shared his thoughts on the journey ahead. The warmth of the lanterns and the gentle hum of the night created a serene backdrop for the heartfelt exchanges. You found yourself momentarily lost in thought, contemplating the events of the past few days. Despite the challenges and the confrontation with Shinjuro, the kindness and care of Kyojuro and Senjuro were deeply appreciated. Their unwavering support and the bond they shared were truly touching. At one point, Senjuro excused himself briefly to fetch a special dessert he had prepared.

Senjuro returned with the dessert, a beautifully crafted sweet treat that he placed on the table with a flourish. “I hope you’ll enjoy this! It’s one of my favorites and a little something to remember this evening by.”

The dessert was delicious, and the conversation turned back to lighter topics as everyone enjoyed the treat. The rest of the evening passed with laughter and stories, the mood steadily improving as the night went on. As the evening drew to a close, Kyojuro and Senjuro escorted you to your quarters for the night. The stars shone brightly in the clear sky, and the cool night air felt refreshing after the warmth of the lantern-lit dinner.

Kyojuro stopped outside your room, giving you a warm smile. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here... despite everything. It’s been wonderful having you with us, and I look forward to our journey back to the Butterfly Mansion.”

You returned his smile, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the kindness and hospitality that had been shown to you. “Thank you. I’ve had a memorable time here, and I’m looking forward to continuing our training together. I think I really needed this... I already feel stronger than before, and I want to keep pushing forward. Especially now that the Master has helped me in trying to understand the visions I get—maybe I can be even more useful to the Corps.”

Kyojuro's eyes softened with warmth and pride. “I’m glad to hear that. Your growth and determination are truly inspiring. It’s been a privilege to see your progress firsthand, and I have no doubt that you’ll continue to be a great asset to the Corps.” He paused, as if weighing his next words carefully. “And if ever you find yourself in need of guidance or support, remember that you have friends and allies who believe in you. The journey ahead is full of challenges, but I know you have the strength and resolve to face them.”

You nodded, feeling a surge of confidence from his encouragement. “Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Senjuro, standing beside his brother, added with a gentle smile, “Sleep well, Y/n-san! I’ll see you in the morning before you head back.”

As you entered your quarters and closed the door behind you, you took a moment to reflect on the events of the past few days. The warmth of the evening, the kindness of Kyojuro and Senjuro, and the challenges you faced with Shinjuro all came together to create a poignant memory. Lying in bed, you reflected on the events of the past few days and felt a renewed sense of determination. The journey ahead would have its own challenges, but you were ready to face them with the support of your friends and the strength you had gained from this experience. You settled into bed, allowing the comfort of the room to wash over you.

The stars outside twinkled through the window, and you felt a sense of peace as you closed your eyes, ready to face the new day and the journey back with renewed determination and hope.

The journey back to the Butterfly Mansion was peaceful, marked by the gentle rhythm of travel and the serenity of the landscape. After a day of rest at the Rengoku estate, you felt rejuvenated and ready for the next phase of your journey. The countryside was vibrant with the colors of early autumn, and the air was crisp and refreshing. The memories of your time at the Rengoku estate lingered in your mind, and as you walked alongside Kyojuro, you couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the experience.

The bond between you had only grown stronger, and despite the challenges faced, you knew you were leaving with more than just improved skills—you were leaving with a strengthened spirit. Kyojuro, ever the optimist, kept the conversation light as you made your way through small villages and quiet paths. His laughter was infectious, and you found yourself smiling more often than not, appreciating the simplicity of the moment.

The journey, though physically tiring, was emotionally rejuvenating, allowing you to reflect on the lessons learned and the strength gained.

As you arrived back at the Butterfly Mansion, you were greeted by the familiar scents of the garden and the sight of your friends training or going about their daily routines. There was a sense of homecoming, of being back where you belonged, and it filled you with warmth. You eagerly recounted your visit to the Rengoku estate, speaking of Kyojuro and Senjuro’s kindness, the beautiful meals, the intense training, and the heartfelt moments that had touched you deeply.

Later in the evening, as you rested in your room, a familiar haze began to envelop your senses. Your vision blurred, and the room seemed to dissolve into a swirl of colors and shadows. As you slipped into another vision, you were transported to a realm of shifting images and fragmented scenes. The scene was murky, a blend of shadow and light, with hazy figures moving through an indistinct landscape.

One was a figure of a serene, dignified man—Kagaya Ubuyashiki, though you could not see his face clearly. Beside him, a dark, menacing presence loomed—a figure you had never seen before, yet felt a deep-seated dread upon glimpsing him. This was without a doubt Muzan Kibutsuji, a name whispered in hushed tones and feared by all. Then the vision shifted, and you heard an ominous voice. A warning echoed in your mind, the words clear, yet shrouded in mystery:

'The bloodline carries both light and shadow. Beware, for the path ahead is fraught with peril and choice. You are surrounded by darkness, but you hold the light within—never forget. The choices you make will shape the future.'

You awoke with a start, the words echoing in your mind. The mention of a bloodline carrying both light and shadow struck a chord deep within you. As someone who had been grappling with the mysteries of your own past and abilities, this revelation felt deeply personal. The vision seemed to suggest that your actions and decisions would have far-reaching consequences, emphasizing the importance of your choices. With the morning sun slowly filtering into your room, you pushed the strange vision to the back of your mind and resumed your regular activities, training with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke under the guidance of Rengoku.

This routine continued over the next two months as you all trained and were sent out on smaller missions together. The camaraderie was comforting, and the progress you were making in your training boosted your confidence and spirits. Though, the vision was persistent and often came back to remind you of it's strangeness. One typical day, filled with laughter, practice, and the usual banter among friends, Tanjiro, ever perceptive, noticed that something seemed to be bothering you. His concern was evident in his eyes, even as he joined in the lighthearted conversation and encouraged everyone with his usual warmth.

“Y/n, is everything alright? You seem... distracted today,” Tanjiro asked gently.

You smiled, touched by his concern. “I’m fine, Tanjiro. Just a bit tired, I suppose. And... I had another one of those visions a while ago, but it was so vague. I wish I could see more and understand what it means...”

“Visions? What did you see this time?" Zenitsu leaned in, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Was it scary? I knew it—you’ve got some kind of mysterious power or connection! Maybe you’re a secret princess or something!”

Inosuke, not to be outdone, puffed out his chest. “If you need answers, just leave it to me! I’ll beat the information out of anyone who dares to keep secrets from you!”

You couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions, feeling a bit lighter despite the confusion swirling in your mind. “Thank you, Inosuke, but I’m not sure brute force will help with this. I just need to give it time and see if anything else comes to me.”

The conversation continued, filled with the usual banter and camaraderie, and for a while, you felt at ease. But that sense of unease returned when, out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Uzui approaching with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before you could react, he had swooped in, his speed and grace leaving you momentarily stunned.

“Y/n, I need you for a mission. No time for questions!” he declared, effortlessly lifting you over his shoulder.

“What—? Uzui! What are you doing?!” you exclaimed, caught completely off guard.

“Kidnapping you for a mission, obviously,” he replied with a smirk. “And I’ve decided you’ll be perfect for the job.”

You tried to protest, but Uzui’s determination was unyielding. Just as you were about to resign yourself to your fate, you heard the familiar voices of Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke right behind you.

“Wait a minute, where are you going? Put her down,” Tanjiro called out, his tone firm but somehow remaining respectful. "You lousy kidnapper! You have no business taking her anywhere without asking for her consent!"

“What he said! And you can’t just take her without telling us what’s going on!" Zenitsu, ever anxious and protective, yelled loudly. "We’re her friends, so wherever she goes, we go too!”

Inosuke, never one to be left out, charged forward, his boar mask gleaming in the sunlight. “Yeah! No minion of mine is going anywhere without Lord Inosuke! If there’s a mission, I’m coming along!”

Uzui paused, rolling his eyes, clearly amused by their determination. “Oh? So you all want to come along as well, do you? Fine, the more the merrier! But know this, this mission is to be taken seriously—there is no place for your antics!”

Tanjiro stepped forward, his eyes filled with resolve. “Understood!”

Uzui considered this for a moment before nodding and letting out a sigh. “Very well, I guess you all can come along...”

With that, Uzui set you down, allowing you to regain your composure. He gave a confident nod, signaling for everyone to follow him as he strode out of the Butterfly Mansion's entrance. The air was crisp, and the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a dappled shadow on the path.

Inosuke, ever curious and brash, couldn’t help but ask, “So, where are we goin’, old man?”

You heard a subtle grumble escape Uzui’s lips before he turned to face the group, his expression a mix of excitement and seriousness. “The flashiest spot in Japan that's teeming with lust and desire. A hotbed for demons—the Entertainment District!”

"Entertainment District...?" you and Tanjiro both pondered aloud, exchanging curious glances.

Zenitsu’s eyes widened in alarm. "Oh, uh... that place...!" 

You and Tanjiro blinked at him, furrowing your brows as you asked him about it. He struggled to maintain his composure, his voice wavering with a hint of embarrassment as he tried to explain the Entertainment District.

"Well, it's... it has... it's the place with all the... uhmm—you know, working women! And other stuff. You get what I'm trying to say, right?"

His attempt to stay calm only seemed to highlight his discomfort further as he fidgeted nervously, his face flushing a bright shade of red. You raised your eyebrows, your expression a mix of surprise and understanding as you pieced together what he was hinting at without directly saying it. You weren't quite sure how Zenitsu knew about this aspect of the Entertainment District, but given its reputation and the fact that it was a well-known location in Japan, it wasn’t too surprising that he might have heard about it in passing. Inosuke, meanwhile, tilted his head with a mix of confusion and curiosity, clearly not grasping the full implications of Zenitsu's words.

“Huh, what the hell does that mean?” Inosuke asked, his brows furrowing as he looked from Zenitsu to Uzui, genuinely puzzled.

Uzui smirked, his usual flair shining through as he spoke. “The Entertainment District is known for its bustling nightlife and entertainment. It’s a place where people go to seek pleasure and distraction. But that’s not the reason we’re going.” He paused for effect before pointing dramatically at Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. “Now, listen up! Here’s what you need to know first and foremost… you three, are trash!”

Each of your companions froze, their expressions deadpanning as the weight of the insult hit them. You watched as their spirits seemed to visibly crumble under the harsh words.

“You three will turn into dogs if I say so! Turn into monkeys if I tell you! So, be ready to bend over backward, because I am... a God!” Uzui declared, his voice booming with authority. “And as your God and leader on this mission, you will follow my every order. Got that?!”

You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at the scene, knowing full well that Uzui’s dramatic declarations were just a part of his unique personality. Inosuke made a disgruntled noise, pointing at you with a huff.

"Eghhh! How come Bubbles isn't trash but we are?!"

Uzui blinked, his gaze shifting to you before he shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. "Because she’s a woman. She’s got the looks, and she’s at least got more charm than the three of you put together. Plus, she won't need to be given as many orders and can work on her own quite well."

Inosuke fumed, his frustration evident, while Zenitsu sighed in defeat, mumbling something about Uzui playing favorites—though he couldn't entirely blame him. Tanjiro, meanwhile, just smiled and took it in stride, clearly unbothered by Uzui's words. Seeing the mixed reactions on their faces, Uzui laughed before turning serious once again.

“Alright, alright. Let’s focus on the task at hand. The district has become a hotspot for demonic activity. Several disappearances and rumors of demons have reached our ears, and we need to investigate. We’ll be looking for any signs of demons and dealing with them accordingly." He paused, giving each of you a scrutinizing look. "It’s a dangerous place, so I expect you all to stay alert and focused.”

The group absorbed Uzui’s serious tone and the gravity of the mission. You could see the transition from the playful banter to the more sobering reality of your task ahead. You walked alongside your companions, each of you mentally preparing for the challenges that lay ahead. Despite the initial chaotic exchange, there was a sense of unity and readiness among you. You knew that whatever awaited in the Entertainment District, you would face it together, with a mix of courage and determination.

In the dimly lit chambers of the Infinity Castle, Muzan Kibutsuji’s frustration was palpable. The once-imposing calm of his presence was now replaced with a simmering rage, evident in the way he paced back and forth, the shadows seeming to lengthen with his every step. His latest experiments lay scattered across the room—vials of ominous liquids and ancient texts all focused on finding a way to conquer the sun. Muzan's face was twisted in concentration and irritation, his eyes flashing with a dangerous light as he scrutinized the data.

“Useless,” he muttered harshly, slamming a vial down on a nearby table, causing its contents to spill. “Incompetent fools. How is it that none of you can find the Blue Spider Lily? How is it that you continue to fail me?”

The demons under his command, who had been summoned to provide updates on their progress, stood in tense silence, their heads bowed in fear. Muzan’s dissatisfaction with their performance was evident, his anger not just directed at the failure of his experiments but also at their continued ineptitude.

“You’re all a disgrace,” he continued, his voice a low growl. “You have one job—to secure the Blue Spider Lily and other means to strengthen my power. And yet, you come back with nothing but excuses. You were supposed to be my vanguard, my tools for achieving supremacy. Instead, you are a hindrance.”

With a single flick of his hand, the room erupted into chaos, filled with the sounds of agonized squeals and the splatter of blood. Moments later, the silence returned, broken only by the now lifeless forms of those who had been vanquished. Muzan stood amidst the carnage, his composure restored but his rage simmering beneath the surface. The blood that had been splattered across the room painted a macabre picture of his wrath. His eyes, cold and calculating, surveyed the aftermath with a sense of grim satisfaction.

Turning back to his experiments, Muzan took a deep breath, trying to channel his anger into focus. His determination to overcome the sun and achieve his ultimate goal was unwavering, but the repeated setbacks were a source of growing frustration. He needed to push forward, to find a solution to his problems and to consolidate his power. As he resumed his work, his thoughts turned to the new strategies he would need to employ. The failures of his subordinates had left him with little choice but to reassess his approach. He had to ensure that the next phase of his plan was executed with precision and that every resource was utilized to its fullest potential.

As Muzan’s anger simmered, his thoughts turned to the Kamado siblings, Tanjiro and Nezuko. The more he thought about them, the more his irritation flared. The siblings had become a significant thorn in his side, their resilience and the peculiar immunity of Nezuko to his influence stirring a deep, unsettling anger within him.

“Tanjiro Kamado... and his insufferable sister, Nezuko,” Muzan growled, his voice laced with disdain. “How is it that these two, of all people, manage to defy me time and again?”

His eyes darkened further as he reflected on the enigmatic nature of Nezuko’s condition. Her ability to retain her humanity despite being a demon was a severe anomaly that disrupted his expectations of how demons should behave. It was unacceptable. But his irritation did not end with Nezuko. He was equally incensed by the presence of you, a foreigner who had somehow become entangled with the Demon Slayer Corps. Your unexpected intervention during Akaza’s battle against the Flame Pillar, Kyojuro Rengoku, was another thorn in his side.

The way you managed to alter the course of that battle by saving Rengoku from Akaza’s fatal blow had left him seething with anger.

He knew well why Akaza hadn't killed you despite his superior strength. Muzan’s frustration was partly directed at himself for allowing Upper Moon Three to act with autonomy, especially when it came to dealing with women. Akaza's reluctance to kill women stemmed from a lingering fragment of his past, a part of him that resisted ending their lives. Though he would engage in combat if necessary, he often chose to avoid, ignore, or simply leave them alone. Akaza had never fully understood or questioned this inclination until the night of the Mugen Train incident and the way Muzan had rebuked him afterwards. Since becoming a demon, he had been acutely aware of his actions but could not recall the reason behind his hesitance.

Muzan, recognizing Akaza’s strength as one of his most formidable Upper Moons, had permitted him this leeway, even though it now complicated his plans.

The realization that his own leniency had created a flaw in his strategy infuriated Muzan. His mind churned with dark strategies as he planned his next moves. The failures of his subordinates were a blemish on his carefully constructed plans, and he was determined to rectify them with ruthless efficiency. The balance of power must be restored, and he would not rest until every threat to his control was eliminated. Though Tanjiro had been a thorn in his side and Nezuko was free from his influence, Muzan's focus was not entirely on them. He had every intention of dealing with them eventually, but for now, his priority remained on the relentless search for the Blue Spider Lily or any other means to conquer the sun.

However, his attention was increasingly drawn to you.

Reflecting on the memories of Upper Moon Three from the Mugen Train mission, Muzan had observed something intriguing about you. As you charged into battle to protect your mentor and face an Upper Rank demon head-on, there was a brief but telling moment that caught his eye. Amidst the chaos, he noticed a subtle yet distinct change in your sword—an almost imperceptible glow and shift in color that occurred too quickly for the human eye to fully register. It was this fleeting detail, along with the way you had acted, that piqued his interest.

There was also the lingering memory of Enmu, who had considered capturing you and presenting you to Muzan himself. Enmu had been intrigued by you, noting your status as a Marechi with some of the most potent blood he had ever encountered. Your resistance to his dream realm had further piqued his interest, as it revealed an unusual strength and resilience. Unlike others who had succumbed to the illusions, you had remained unaffected, and Enmu had been unable to fully perceive or control you while you were in the dreamscape. These observations only added to the enigma surrounding you, making you a subject of growing interest for Muzan.

Muzan's thoughts lingered on the possibility of harnessing your unique qualities.

The idea that your resilience and potent blood could be used to create a powerful demon, potentially one of the strongest to date, intrigued him. As he contemplated this, Muzan realized an overlooked potential: the blood of a Marechi could be more than just a powerful asset; it could be pivotal in his quest to conquer the sun. He had never fully explored the potential before. Perhaps the blood of a Marechi (or more specifically, your blood, as it was rare to come across) could serve as a key ingredient in developing an alternative method, aside from the elusive Blue Spider Lily, to achieve his goal of eternal supremacy.

Your unique resistance and the quality of your blood made you a potential asset—or perhaps even a threat—to his plans.


Oh boy, I wonder what will happen next now that Muzan has taken an interest in us. Things are bound to get real intense and interesting...

Chapter 17: Secrets in the Shadows - 影の秘密


With the arrival of the flamboyant Hashira, Tengen Uzui, comes a high-stakes mission that thrusts you and your companions into the heart of the bustling, glamorous Yoshiwara district. As tensions rise, you face not only external threats but also internal conflicts, all while gearing up for an impending clash with a formidable Upper Rank demon.


Meowdy, everyone! ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ

I’m excited to finally share the latest chapter with you, where the stakes are higher than ever—it's 21k words of chaos. I hope you enjoy the twists and turns this chapter (and the next) brings and that you’re as excited as I am for the unfolding adventure. Thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm. Your feedback and encouragement mean the world to me!

Stay tuned for more, and thank you for being such amazing readers! (*°▽°*)

Chapter Text

The day had dawned crisp and clear, the first hints of autumn touching the landscape with shades of gold and russet.

The air was cool but not yet cold, carrying the scent of falling leaves and the promise of a change in season. The sun, still low in the sky, cast a warm glow over the Butterfly Mansion as you and your companions prepared for the journey ahead. Yesterday had been a whirlwind, with Uzui suddenly announcing the mission to the Entertainment District. You'd barely had time to catch your breath before being swept along in his grand plans. It took some convincing—and reminding—on your part to get Uzui to realize that you and your friends needed to prepare properly before setting off. After all, the mission was important, and you wanted to be fully ready for whatever lay ahead.

Now, as the morning light bathed the Mansion in a soft glow, you felt a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Uzui stood at the entrance, his imposing figure silhouetted against the morning light. Even in the early hours, he was as flamboyant as ever, his various rings and adornments catching the sunlight in flashes of gold and silver. His presence was commanding, but there was also a sense of anticipation in his stance. This mission clearly meant a lot to him, and you could tell he was eager to get started.

“Are you all ready?” Uzui’s voice boomed, breaking the morning’s tranquility.

You and your companions nodded in unison, each of you carrying your own thoughts and worries about what was to come. Tanjiro stood to your left, his expression calm but focused, while Zenitsu fidgeted nervously to your right. Inosuke, as always, was brimming with energy, his excitement barely contained as he shifted from foot to foot.

Uzui nodded, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. “Good. The Entertainment District awaits. Let’s get moving and make this mission a flashy success!” Uzui called out, his voice carrying a mix of command and excitement. “We’ve got no time to waste!”

As you and your companions set off for the Entertainment District, Uzui’s energy was palpable. His flamboyant confidence was matched only by his incredible speed. The moment he took off, he moved like a blur, his white hair trailing behind him like a comet. You, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were left in a frantic scramble to follow him as Uzui took off.

"Agh! No way... he's so fast! Look how far he's already gotten—he's the size of a sesame seed!" Zenitsu complained.

Inosuke, true to his nature, charged forward with unrestrained enthusiasm. His boar mask bobbed with each powerful stride, and he let out a feral yell. “I’m gonna catch you, old man! Don’t think you can outrun the king of the mountains, Lord Inosuke!”

“I'd like to see ya try! You’re all too slow!” Uzui called over his shoulder, his voice filled with teasing mockery. “Catch up if you can!”

You pushed yourself harder, your breaths coming in quick gasps as you tried to close the gap between yourself and Uzui. Despite the strain, there was something invigorating about the challenge. The Sound Hashira’s boundless energy and speed were impressive, and his playful taunts only fueled your determination.

“Why the hell does he have to be so fast? This is—” Zenitsu's voice trailed off as he put every ounce of energy into trying to keep up.

The landscape blurred past you as you continued the sprint. The path was a winding mix of forest trails and open fields, each stretch seeming to challenge your endurance. The Sound Hashira’s speed was remarkable, and even though he made it seem effortless, it was clear he was pushing the limits of what you could manage. He glanced back occasionally, a broad grin on his face as he watched you all struggle to match his speed. His laughter was light and carefree, clearly enjoying the challenge he had set for his companions.

Zenitsu, struggling to keep up, was visibly panting and fumbling over his words. “S-Seriously! How can he keep this up? I'm gonna collapse before we even get there!”

“Come on! We can do this. Just keep moving. We’ll catch up soon.” Tanjiro huffed, his face set in determined lines as he pushed himself to keep pace, his breathing steady and focused. 

You matched your pace with Tanjiro’s, enjoying the exhilarating rush of running alongside your friends. Even though Uzui was far ahead, his spirited leadership was contagious, driving everyone to push their limits. The wind whipped through your hair as you focused on the rhythm of your steps, feeling the adrenaline of the chase. Despite the strain, your group maintained its pace, driven by both the urgency of your mission and the challenge posed by Uzui’s speed. The journey to the Entertainment District was proving to be as demanding as it was thrilling, and the dynamic between your team added an extra layer of excitement to the adventure. Eventually, Uzui slowed to a more manageable pace, allowing the group to catch up.

His playful grin softened as he looked at your panting faces. “Hmm, not bad. You’ve all managed to keep up. Good job on not getting lost back there."

You all took a brief respite before continuing at a steadier pace. By nightfall, you reached a village and spent the night at another ryokan. The next morning, you set out towards the Entertainment District, this time traveling in a carriage. The journey from the village to the Entertainment District in the carriage was a welcome change of pace after the grueling run from the day before. The carriage rolled smoothly along the road, offering a moment of respite and a chance to appreciate the passing scenery without the physical exertion of running.

You and your companions seized the chance to relax after the vigorous sprint. Tanjiro sat beside you, his usual calm and focused expression providing a sense of serenity amidst the excitement. Zenitsu, still catching his breath from the previous day's run, found some humor in the situation. He chuckled and remarked how the ride felt like a “luxury” compared to their earlier exertion. Inosuke, ever the curious one, was engrossed in inspecting the carriage, occasionally banging on the wooden sides with his fists and hanging over the back as if testing its sturdiness.

The journey through a series of villages and rural landscapes gradually led you to the vibrant surroundings of the Entertainment District.

As you arrived, the district’s lively energy was immediately apparent. The streets were alive with colorful lanterns, the sounds of music, and the chatter of people enjoying themselves. This bustling area was a stark contrast to the disciplined and somber world of the Demon Slayer Corps. The Entertainment District’s vibrant pulse offered a fresh backdrop to your ongoing mission, and the dynamic energy of the area promised an exciting and challenging experience ahead.

"Wow..." Tanjiro's usually calm demeanor was punctuated by occasional glances of curiosity as he took in the changing scenery.

Zenitsu’s eyes widened as he took in the sights, his nervousness momentarily overshadowed by the dazzling displays around him. “This place is... incredible! But also kinda overwhelming.”

Inosuke, perched on top of the carriage, placed his hands on both your and Tanjiro's shoulders, his head swiveling in every direction as he took in the vibrant energy of the Entertainment District. "So many things to look at! This place is huge!"

Uzui’s voice cut through the lively chatter of the Entertainment District, drawing everyone's attention. His tone was serious, a sharp contrast to the vibrant surroundings. “Listen, everyone. Try not to stand out. We’re only here to case the joint, so don't get out of the carriage."

As if they hadn’t heard a single word Uzui had just said, Zenitsu and Inosuke hopped out of the carriage and disappeared into the bustling crowd. Uzui, caught off guard, tried to stop them but was surprisingly too slow. You and Tanjiro exchanged a glance and immediately dashed after them, weaving through the sea of people. Behind you, Uzui clenched his fists and cursed under his breath, his frustration palpable.

“What a bunch of hard-headed idiots!” Uzui shouted, exasperated, as he stopped the carriage and started after you.

The moment Zenitsu and Inosuke vanished into the crowd, the situation quickly escalated from manageable to chaotic. You and Tanjiro, well aware of the potential danger of losing sight of your more impulsive companions, pushed through the dense throng of people, each step echoing with the urgency of your pursuit. The noise of the district was almost deafening—lively music, the clatter of food vendors, and the general din of conversations blended into a chaotic symphony. Inosuke’s boar mask was a distinctive silhouette among the crowd, making it easier to spot him despite the throngs of people. Zenitsu, with his distinctive yellow hair and occasionally panicked movements, was equally noticeable.

“Zenitsu! Inosuke!” you called out, weaving through the mass of people and trying to stay close to Tanjiro.

Tanjiro, agile and focused, kept his eyes trained on both Zenitsu and Inosuke. "What are you two doing? Didn't you hear what Uzui-san said? We have to stick together.”

Zenitsu, momentarily startled by your voices, glanced back with wide eyes. “I’m sorry! I just got so excited by all the sights!”

“What kind of place is this?! There’s too many people to even count...!” Inosuke shouted in bewilderment, visibly vibrating as he tried to take in the overwhelming sights, scents, and sounds.

Beneath the mask, his eyes darted from one direction to another, as if the sheer volume of sensory input was almost too much for him to handle. He suddenly yelled and charged through the crowd, cackling maniacally as he crashed through the throng of people, leaving a path of chaos in his wake. Uzui dashed past you after him just as Zenitsu began wandering off again, his eyes wide with both awe and trepidation. When Uzui finally returned, he had Inosuke slung over his shoulders like a wild boar he’d just hunted and captured. With a deadpan expression, Uzui set Inosuke down and immediately noticed Zenitsu was missing once more. He ordered you and Tanjiro to stay put and keep an eye on Inosuke to prevent him from bolting again.

You approached Inosuke from behind, placing your hands firmly on his shoulders to ensure he wouldn’t escape. Surprisingly, he didn’t move or try to throw you off. Instead, he seemed oddly calm, as if the thrill of the moment had momentarily worn off. Uzui returned once more, this time dragging Zenitsu by his haori, his face etched with a mix of annoyance and exasperation. Zenitsu, looking both embarrassed and relieved, was mumbling apologies as Uzui hauled him back through the bustling crowd. With a sigh, Uzui dropped Zenitsu in front of you and Tanjiro, then turned to glare at Inosuke, who was still surprisingly calm under your hold.

“Alright, you lot,” Uzui said, rubbing his temples. “I expect you to stay put and not cause any more trouble. We’re here to investigate, not turn this place into a circus.”

Zenitsu, looking sheepish, nodded vigorously while Inosuke merely grunted in acknowledgment. You and Tanjiro exchanged glances, trying to stifle your amusement at the scene before you. With the group now somewhat reassembled, you all continued into the heart of the Entertainment District, ready to dive into the next phase of your mission.

“Take notes, everyone,” Uzui continued, his tone more serious as he glanced around. “During the day, this place is as quiet as a ghost town, but at night, it roars to life with all kinds of people. Ideal circumstances for a demon.”

Uzui led your group to a small, private building tucked away from the main bustle of the Entertainment District. An older man greeted you at the entrance, carrying a large woven basket and some boxes filled with food. He set them both down with a friendly nod before departing, leaving the group to settle in. As you all took a moment to catch your breath and enjoy the meal, Uzui gathered everyone’s attention.

"Now that we're here," Uzui began, his voice steady and commanding, "you should try to seek out my wives. I'll be searching for any leads on the demons."

Zenitsu’s eye twitched as he glared at the Sound Hashira. “This is completely ridiculous! You’re joking, right?! How dare you order us to waste our time finding more brides for you!”

“What?! When did I ever ask for something like that?!”

“Shut up! I’m not done talking here!” Zenitsu cut him off, his voice rising with indignation. “Just because a freak like you isn’t satisfied with already having three wives doesn’t make it okay to use Demon Slayers like us for such a pitiful reason! We're not helping you find any more, you creep!”

Uzui’s expression darkened, his patience wearing thin as he jabbed Zenitsu's forehead with his pointer finger. “What are you babbling about, idiot?! I’m talking about my wives, the only ones I’ll ever have, who’ve infiltrated the Entertainment District and are hard at work gathering intel! I’ve stopped receiving regular check-ins, so I need to ensure they’re still safe!”

The room fell silent, the misunderstanding now clear. Zenitsu’s face flushed with embarrassment as he realized his mistake. You and the others exchanged glances, stifling your laughter at the situation.

“Alright, alright,” you said, stepping in to diffuse the tension. “Let’s focus guys.”

Tanjiro nodded in agreement. “Right! We’ll find them and make sure they’re safe, Uzui-san. But, are you sure they're in trouble? And what are we going to do exactly?”

"Yes, I'm sure. They've been writing letters and sending them to me by Kusugai crow, but the letters suddenly stopped." Uzui sighed, rubbing his temples with resignation. “Anyway, you'll have to disguise yourselves, of course. And as much as I hate to admit it... in an unflashy way.”

He glanced at the array of clothes and accessories that had been provided, a mixture of simple outfits that would help you blend in with the locals rather than stand out. You and the others exchanged glances, already imagining the challenges ahead, but determined to carry out the mission successfully.

"Now, my wives are brilliant ninjas known as Kunoichis," Uzui began, his tone serious. "I was almost certain that this district would be the perfect place for demons, but when I went in as a customer, I couldn't get any information. So, I sent each of them in to get closer than a customer ever could. I've narrowed down the likeliest houses to three, and you all will search for them and try to gather information. Suma of the Tokito House, Makio of the Ogimoto House, and Hinatsuru of the Kyogoku House."

Inosuke scratched his stomach, his tone nonchalant as he spoke. "They're probably all dead if they stopped writing."

Before you, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu could react, Uzui’s face twisted into a fierce scowl. With a swift motion, he pummeled Inosuke, sending him crashing to the ground. Inosuke landed awkwardly, groaning as he lay there, the wind knocked out of him. Uzui’s scowl deepened as he glared down at Inosuke, his eyes blazing with fury.

“Watch your mouth, boar-head! My wives are anything but weak. They’re capable of handling themselves, and they’ve survived worse. They’re not dead.”

Inosuke, undeterred, winced as he struggled to sit up. “I was just being honest…”

Tanjiro quickly intervened, trying to defuse the tension. “We’ll find them, Uzui-san. We’re all in this together, and we’ll make sure your wives are safe.”

“Yeah, we’ll do our best. They’re strong, just like you said,” you piped in.

Uzui’s expression softened slightly as he looked at the group. “Good. Just remember, you’re going in as undercover agents. Don’t do anything to blow your cover, and stay focused on the mission.”

With Uzui's commanding presence urging you forward, you and your companions were ushered into private rooms within the building, each space providing just enough privacy to change into your new disguises. The rooms were simple yet comfortable, with tatami mats underfoot and sliding paper doors that offered a sense of seclusion. As you stepped into your designated room, you were met with neatly folded garments laid out on a small wooden stand. The outfit was unlike anything you'd worn before—delicate, elaborate, and clearly designed to blend in with the bustling life of the Entertainment District. The fabric was soft to the touch, a stark contrast to the more utilitarian uniforms of the Demon Slayer Corps. It was an odd feeling, trading your usual attire for something so ornate, but you knew the importance of this mission demanded adaptability and discretion. You took your time changing, carefully slipping into the unfamiliar garments. The clothes were elegant, with rich colors and intricate patterns that spoke of the district’s vibrant culture.

Once you were dressed, you took a moment to adjust the outfit, making sure everything was in place before stepping out into the hallway.

As you left your room, you saw the others emerging as well. Zenitsu looked a bit unsure in his new attire, adjusting his sleeves and glancing around as if seeking reassurance. Tanjiro, despite his initial scrutiny, seemed almost pleased with his appearance, his eyes wide with surprise at the transformation. Inosuke, however, looked as if he were itching to tear the outfit apart, his expression a mix of confusion and impatience as he tugged at the fabric. Once everyone was ready, you made your way to the main room where Uzui awaited. The room had been transformed into a makeshift beauty parlor, complete with a long, low table covered in an array of makeup, hair accessories, and other tools meant to complete your disguises. There were mirrors set up, reflecting the soft glow of the paper lanterns that lit the space. Uzui, already fully dressed and looking every bit the part of a flashy district regular, greeted you with an approving nod.

His usual flamboyance was tempered with a serious focus as he gestured for you all to take a seat. “Come, sit down. We’ll make sure you all look the part.”

Zenitsu pouted at the sight of the makeup, not liking the idea of having to put something on his face. “Do we really have to…”

Uzui gave him a sharp look. “Yes, we do. If you don’t want to get caught, then you’ll do exactly as I say.”

Reluctantly, Zenitsu complied, sitting down at one of the makeshift stations. Inosuke, surprisingly, was already sitting down, albeit fidgeting as he eyed the various cosmetics and other items with curiosity. Tanjiro, ever the cooperative one, took his place without complaint, ready to embrace the challenge ahead.

Uzui moved with practiced ease, a brush in hand as he approached Zenitsu first. "Let’s start with you, Sparky," he said, not bothering to hide his amusement as he began applying makeup to Zenitsu's face. "Try to hold still, would you? We don’t want you looking any less flashy than necessary."

Zenitsu, to his credit, managed to keep his complaints to a minimum, though his discomfort was evident as Uzui worked on his disguise. Uzui finished by securing Zenitsu’s hair into two small ponytails on top of his head, giving him a look that was both amusing and surprisingly fitting for the district. Next, Uzui moved to Tanjiro, whose calm demeanor made the process much smoother. Tanjiro sat patiently as Uzui expertly applied makeup, blending the colors to enhance his features subtly. When it came to Tanjiro’s hair, Uzui tied up as much as he could into a single ponytail, adding a delicate bow accessory to complete the look. Tanjiro glanced at his reflection, his face betraying a mix of curiosity and quiet acceptance.

Inosuke, however, was a different challenge altogether…

His natural restlessness made it difficult for Uzui to get close, and it was clear that handling Inosuke would require a different approach. You stepped in, gently coaxing Inosuke to sit still, assuring him that this was all part of the mission. After a few failed attempts at wrangling him, you finally managed to grab both of his hands, holding them firmly to prevent him from swatting Uzui away or causing more trouble. Inosuke squirmed initially, his resistance more out of habit than actual defiance. He finally stopped trying to push everything away, so you took the opportunity to help Uzui and speed things. As you maneuvered behind him and began to comb through Inosuke's unruly hair, he stilled completely.

There was something calming about the way you worked through the strands, your touch gentle and reassuring.

Inosuke seemed to sense this, and for once, he didn’t fight back. Instead, he stared off into space, his mind seemingly elsewhere, as you sectioned his hair into halves and tied it into low pigtails. By the time you were finished, Inosuke looked surprisingly presentable, though there was still a wild glint in his eyes that no amount of makeup or hairstyling could hide. You couldn’t help but smile at the result; it was a small victory in the midst of an otherwise daunting task. Finally, it was your turn. Uzui’s hands were quick but careful, the brushes and powders moving in a blur as he worked to perfect your disguise. The makeup was heavy yet effective, enhancing your features in a way that made you look just different enough to pass unnoticed in the district. Your hair was put up into an elaborate updo, held up with beautiful hairpins.

As he finished, he stepped back and surveyed his work, nodding with satisfaction.

“There,” Uzui said, a proud grin spreading across his face as he looked at all of you. “Now you look the part. Remember, we’re here to gather information first and foremost. Keep your eyes and ears open, and don’t draw any unnecessary attention to yourselves.”

You glanced at your companions, barely recognizing them in their new appearances. It was strange, seeing everyone so transformed, but it only added to the gravity of the situation. This wasn’t just another mission; this was a test of your adaptability, your ability to blend in and survive in a world that was as dangerous as it was deceptive. Zenitsu gave a shaky nod, still adjusting to his new look. Tanjiro smiled softly, ready to embrace the challenge. And Inosuke, for all his resistance, seemed oddly composed, his eyes flicking between you and the others as if trying to gauge the seriousness of the situation. With your disguises complete and your mission clear, you were now ready to face the unknown dangers of the Entertainment District, each of you embodying a new role in the heart of a world that was as alluring as it was treacherous.

Uzui gave you all a final once-over before gesturing towards the door. “Alright, let’s move out.”

You and your companions followed Uzui through the bustling streets of the Entertainment District, each of you adjusting to your new disguises. The vibrant colors, lively chatter, and the occasional burst of music created an atmosphere both exciting and disorienting. As you ventured further into the district, the lively exterior began to mask the darker undertones you knew you would need to navigate. Uzui led the way with his usual flair, his presence commanding attention even in disguise. You, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke kept close, each of you prepared to blend in and observe, all while remaining vigilant for any signs of danger or the missing Kunoichis.

Uzui guided you all to a building where a man and woman awaited, approaching them with an air of respectful charm. "Excuse me, is this the Tokito House? As you can see, I have four ladies here ready for hire."

The owners quickly glanced at each of you, not really taking the time to examine you closely.

The man raised his hand, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but we're not looking to hire at this time..."

Uzui stepped forward with a dazzling smile aimed straight at the older woman. "I beg of you to find it within your heart to reconsider. I believe that under your training, madam, their beauty will bloom in no time!"

The man began to respond, "That's very nice, but—"

His words faltered as he glanced at his wife. Her cheeks were flushed with a soft pink, and her eyes sparkled with a mix of flattery and interest. The man hesitated, noticing the change in his wife's demeanor.

"Well, I suppose we could take one or two in!" the woman said, humming thoughtfully. "Let me get a closer look at them again."

She inspected each of you carefully, her gaze lingering a bit longer on you and Tanjiro. Her expression was thoughtful as she weighed her options, considering how each of you might fit into their establishment. After a moment, she nodded to herself, seemingly satisfied. 

"Alright," she said, turning to her husband with a decisive nod. "We’ll take the two in the middle; they look the most obedient."

She had chosen you and Tanjiro.

Uzui gave a nod of approval and stepped forward, his charm still in full effect. “Thank you so much for your consideration. I assure you, they will be excellent additions to your establishment.”

As you and Tanjiro followed the woman into the Tokito House, you felt a mix of apprehension and anticipation. The interior was richly decorated, with luxurious fabrics and ornate furnishings that spoke to the wealth and taste of its owners. The woman briefly explained that you would be shown to your quarters and then given a tour of the establishment. You noticed that the Tokito House was bustling with activity, and it seemed like a well-oiled machine of sorts, with attendants and workers moving efficiently about their tasks.

The woman finally stopped at a door and opened it, revealing a modestly furnished room. "This will be your space while you’re here," she said with a welcoming smile. "Get settled, and we’ll come to fetch you soon for a brief introduction and to go over your duties."

After she left, you and Tanjiro took a moment to unpack and organize yourselves.

You broke the silence with a quiet, "It seems like we’re really blending in. Do you think we’ll find any clues here?"

Tanjiro turned to you with a reassuring smile. "Yeah. At least I hope so... we'll have to stay alert and gather as much information as we can."

After a short while, the woman returned, accompanied by another staff member. “You two will start your work immediately,” she said, her tone brisk but not unkind. “Please follow her, and she’ll show you around.”

The staff member led you and Tanjiro through a series of rooms, explaining the various tasks and expectations. It became clear that you would need to be on your toes, observing everything without drawing too much attention to yourselves. The bustling environment of the Tokito House was both a challenge and an advantage, providing ample opportunity for discreet observations and gathering information. As you worked on the tasks assigned to you, you couldn't help but keep an ear out for any unusual sounds or conversations that might provide a clue about Suma or the other Kunoichi.

The bustling activity of the Tokito House made it easy to blend in, but it also meant you had to be extra vigilant.

Tanjiro, meanwhile, was busy carrying a mountain of gift boxes up to Oiran Koinatsu's room. His strength and dedication were evident as he navigated the stairs with impressive ease, even as he balanced the boxes precariously. You glanced up occasionally to check on him, noting how he handled his task with the same level of care and respect he showed in everything else. The tasks you were handling, while less glamorous, were no less important. Fixing the screen door and tidying up the building allowed you to move around and observe different areas of the house, increasing your chances of finding something useful. The rhythmic sound of the door sliding smoothly after your adjustments was oddly satisfying. After some time, you spotted Tanjiro returning from his delivery, looking slightly flushed from the exertion but determined. He gave you a small, encouraging smile as he passed by.

“Everything going well?” he asked quietly, making sure no one else was within earshot.

You nodded. “Yes, so far. I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary, but I’ll keep looking. How about you?”

"I actually have some information," Tanjiro said, catching your full attention. His expression was serious as he recounted what he had learned. “I spoke with two girls and Oiran Koinatsu. They believe Suma-san ran away…”

You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this new development. Tanjiro, with his keen sense of observation, had picked up on a troubling pattern. He explained that several people had gone missing recently, and there were whispers among the workers about ashinuke—a practice where women would flee from their establishments without settling their debts. While it wasn’t uncommon for those trapped in such harsh conditions to run away, the frequency and the circumstances surrounding these disappearances seemed unusual.

"That's not all," Tanjiro continued, his voice low and serious. "They found her diary and read everything. Apparently, she had written about planning to run off with a man she was in love with."

A heavy silence fell over you both as you processed this information. Your mind raced, and you exchanged a look with Tanjiro, both coming to the same unsettling conclusion. The idea of one of Uzui's wives, Suma, who was supposedly on a mission and disguised as an Oiran, simply running away seemed implausible. Such an action would be completely out of character for someone with a purpose. You pondered the possibility that something must have intervened, forcing Suma to abandon her mission. This only heightened your concern and sense of urgency. Whatever the situation, it was clear that Suma hadn’t left voluntarily—something had to have happened, and it was up to you and your team to uncover the truth behind her disappearance.

"Ashinuke," you murmured, your voice tinged with realization, "it’s the perfect cover-up for a demon."

"Exactly," Tanjiro affirmed. "If someone were to disappear, people would naturally assume she had fled without settling her debts. The diary is most likely a forgery. It would make sense for a demon to use such a tactic to cover their tracks."

The weight of this realization hung heavy in the air. It was clear that you were dealing with a far more complex situation than initially thought. Whatever had happened to Suma, it was now imperative to look beyond the surface and uncover the truth hidden beneath layers of deception.

As Uzui, Zenitsu, and Inosuke walked away from the Tokito House towards one of the other establishments, Uzui’s frustration was evident. He crossed his arms and shot a disapproving look at his two companions.

"Great! Now I'm stuck with you two fools. I’m going to have to pay someone to take you off my hands."

Zenitsu’s eye twitched, and he exhaled deeply, trying to maintain his composure. "Stop talking to me. I don’t want to hear it from you."

Uzui smirked, clearly enjoying the irritation he was provoking. “Are you still upset about dressing up as a woman?”

Zenitsu’s inner thoughts boiled with irritation. 'I don’t care at all about dressing up like a woman. It’s that smug face of yours! You think you’re such hot stuff, and it pisses me the hell off...!'

As Zenitsu stewed silently, his envy and frustration towards Uzui's effortless charm and striking appearance simmered beneath the surface. The Hashira’s good looks and confident demeanor only seemed to amplify Zenitsu’s own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. The only thing keeping Zenitsu from completely losing his composure was the knowledge that you had no romantic interest in Uzui. When you first met and started interacting with the Sound Hashira, Zenitsu had been discreetly probing you about your feelings towards him. The answer had been clear: you saw Uzui more as an annoying older brother figure than a romantic prospect. This bit of information had been a small relief in Zenitsu’s turbulent thoughts back then.

However, that relief was tinged with worry.

If you weren’t interested in Uzui, did that mean he even stood a chance with you? The Sound Hashira’s godlike appearance, combined with his effortless charm, seemed to create an insurmountable obstacle. Zenitsu couldn’t ignore the admiring glances that Uzui attracted from women wherever they went, nor could he ignore his own insecurities. Even though you weren’t interested in Uzui, Zenitsu’s mind was still plagued by doubts. Was he unattractive in your eyes? Did you find him repulsive? He was tormented by doubts—had all his efforts to connect with you on a deeper level, to be there for you, and to earn your affection been in vain?

The fear of being overlooked and the worry about his own shortcomings gnawed at him, making his frustration with Uzui feel even more personal.

Every glance, every smile Uzui received from others felt like a stark reminder of Zenitsu’s own perceived failings. The comparison between himself and the Sound Hashira only deepened his sense of inadequacy. Zenitsu’s frustration wasn't just about Uzui’s arrogance or his current predicament—it was a reflection of his own self-doubt and the nagging fear that despite his best efforts, he was still falling short. He tried to push these thoughts away, focusing on the mission ahead, but they kept resurfacing, tainting his perspective.

The clatter of the cobblestone street and the distant hum of the bustling district seemed to fade into insignificance as Zenitsu wrestled with his internal turmoil. His mind wandered to the moments he had tried to connect with you, reflecting on his attempts to show his worth. He remembered the times he had strived to be brave, only to feel overshadowed by the presence of others—whether it was the formidable Hashira, fellow Corps members, Tanjiro, or even Inosuke.

Tanjiro, with his unwavering kindness, always seemed to know exactly what to do or say to bring you comfort. His presence offered you a sense of peace amid the chaos of your lives. Rengoku’s relationship with you had blossomed from a professional bond into something more profound—a friendship that had clearly deepened over time, especially with the events of the Mugen Train. Then there was Inosuke, whose playful yet intense interactions with you had revealed a growing closeness. The way Inosuke sought your approval and displayed a fierce protectiveness towards you was evident and heartfelt.

Zenitsu was uncertain about the exact nature of their feelings for you, but he was haunted by the question of whether his own efforts had been in vain. He couldn't shake the doubt that plagued him—wondering if he would ever measure up in your eyes, if he would ever be seen as more than just a fleeting presence in your life. What significance did he have in your life? Or anyone else's for that matter? Meanwhile, Uzui, blissfully unaware of Zenitsu’s inner turmoil, continued to lead the group with his characteristic flamboyance.

He glanced back with a smirk, his eyes catching the reflection of the vibrant district lights. “Keep up! We’re almost there!” he called, his tone teasing yet commanding.

Zenitsu forced a tight smile and picked up his pace, trying to mask his inner conflict. He clenched his fists, resolving to prove himself not just to Uzui and everyone else he perceived as superior, but to you and himself as well. He knew the importance of the mission and the role he had to play, and despite his frustration, he was determined to show that he was capable, that he had value beyond his insecurities. The group made their way through the lively streets, each step bringing them closer to their objective. Zenitsu’s mind, still troubled, shifted its focus as he began to mentally prepare for the challenges ahead. The vibrant lights and sounds of the Entertainment District began to fade into the background as his determination to contribute and overcome his doubts took center stage.

Inosuke’s sudden departure snapped Zenitsu back to reality, his thoughts scattering as he noticed his friend wandering off. Zenitsu turned his attention to Uzui, who was already moving swiftly to follow Inosuke. Zenitsu quickly fell in line, trailing behind Uzui as they both pursued their wayward companion. As they approached the gathering on the street, the reason for Inosuke’s distraction became immediately apparent. A crowd had formed, captivated by the presence of a courtesan who moved gracefully down the path. Her presence was magnetic, commanding attention with every step she took.

Her movements were deliberate and fluid, each motion calculated and elegant, almost like a dance.

The courtesan’s attire was a vivid tapestry of colors and patterns, her kimono flowing around her like a living, breathing work of art. The way she moved—one foot sliding out to the side, then the front, repeating the sequence with an almost hypnotic rhythm—enchanted the onlookers. Her gracefulness was mesmerizing, drawing admiration from everyone around. Inosuke stood among the crowd, his eyes wide with curiosity as he watched the courtesan.

Zenitsu, now beside Uzui, looked on with awe. The courtesan’s charm was undeniable, and her ability to captivate such a large audience was impressive.

Inosuke tilted his head as he observed the scene before him. “Why does she walk so slow? She'd be killed instantly if we were in the mountains.”

Suddenly, a woman approached them with an air of authority and confidence. She had an elegant bearing, her eyes sharp and focused as she assessed Inosuke with a discerning gaze. After a moment, she turned to Uzui and spoke with a professional tone.

"Excuse me, sir, but I'll be taking this girl now, if that’s alright? I am a chaperone from the Ogimoto House, and we could use a fresh face."

Uzui's smile broadened, his hands coming together in an appreciative clap. "Well, if she managed to catch the eye of the Ogimoto House, how could I refuse?"

The woman’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Perfect, thank you! Her beauty is truly exceptional, and I’m sure she will make an excellent addition to our establishment."

Uzui gave a nod of agreement, stepping aside to allow the woman to take Inosuke. The chaperone began to lead Inosuke away with a purposeful stride, her demeanor leaving no room for protest. As he was led away, Uzui called out to Inosuke, using the undercover name that had been assigned to him.

"Take care of yourself out there, Inoko~!"

Inosuke, still adjusting to his new role and the situation, shot a glance back at the group. His expression was a mix of curiosity and trepidation, but he didn’t resist as he followed the chaperone. Zenitsu and Uzui watched as the pair disappeared into the crowd, Zenitsu still processing the quick turn of events. A wave of realization struck Zenitsu like a cold splash of water. His eyes widened as he took in the situation: with Inosuke now part of the Ogimoto House, and you and Tanjiro already set to infiltrate other establishments, Zenitsu was left with Uzui. This meant he would have to go to the Kyogoku House, the last of the three main houses they were investigating.

That was, if they would even accept him.

Unlike Inosuke, who had been chosen by a chaperone of the Ogimoto House, and you and Tanjiro, who had been directly picked by the respective owners of the Tokito House, Zenitsu was left alone. His earlier frustrations and insecurities resurfaced, but Zenitsu quickly pushed them aside. His personal insecurities and frustrations could not interfere with their goal of uncovering the truth behind Uzui's missing wives and the mysterious happenings in the Entertainment District. With a resigned sigh, Zenitsu squared his shoulders and prepared himself mentally for the task ahead. He would need to muster all his courage and resolve to navigate the Kyogoku House and make the best of the situation, despite the lingering feelings of inadequacy and doubt that clouded his thoughts.

This entire mission was going to be hellish.

Half an hour later, Zenitsu sat in front of a small crowd in the Kyogoku House, his fingers gripping a shamisen with a mix of tension and confusion. The room was elegantly decorated, with the soft glow of lanterns casting a warm light over the patrons and performers. His nerves were on edge as he tried to adjust to the new environment, the weight of his earlier frustrations mingling with the stress of his current situation. He didn’t know how he had ended up being taken in, but he didn’t question it too much. All he knew was that Uzui had privately spoken with the chaperone before Zenitsu was suddenly ushered inside. The patrons and other workers chatted in low voices, their conversations a constant hum in the background. Zenitsu tried to block out the noise, but his attention was drawn to one particular snippet of conversation.

One of the women, her voice barely above a whisper, remarked on the improbability of his presence there. “Can you believe she was taken in? It’s so surprising, given her... appearance.”

Another woman, her tone laced with admiration, replied, “I heard it’s because the man who brought her here was incredibly handsome and practically begged for her to taken. The chaperone couldn’t resist his charm and agreed. And she didn't even have to pay for her!”

The mention of Uzui and how he had essentially pawned Zenitsu off like some sort of charity case sent a fresh wave of irritation through him. His already raw emotions flared, and he found himself gripping the shamisen tighter. He was supposed to blend in, but the swirl of emotions—anxiety, annoyance, envy, and frustration—seemed to bubble up uncontrollably. In a sudden burst of energy, Zenitsu started to play the shamisen with unexpected vigor. The instrument’s strings resonated loudly, filling the room with an intense and rhythmic melody. The guests, who had been engaged in quiet conversation, turned their heads in surprise.

The other performers paused mid-note, their eyes widening at Zenitsu’s impromptu performance.

Zenitsu’s fingers flew over the strings with an uncharacteristic passion, the music reflecting his inner turmoil. Each strum and pluck was infused with the frustration he felt toward Uzui and his own feelings of inadequacy. The shamisen’s notes cut through the ambient noise, and for a moment, the room was filled with a powerful and electrifying sound. As the music reached its crescendo, Zenitsu’s focus narrowed solely on the instrument, the cathartic release of his emotions through the performance allowing him to momentarily forget about his irritation with Uzui and the pressure of his disguise.

The crowd, initially startled, was soon captivated by the energy and skill of the performance.

When the final note echoed through the room, Zenitsu’s fingers finally stilled, and he took a deep breath, the tension slowly ebbing away. The applause from the audience broke the silence, and Zenitsu forced a smile, trying to shake off the lingering frustration. He hoped that his impromptu performance would earn him some favor within this place or at least distract from the underlying issues that still troubled him. Zenitsu had an ear for music and a natural talent for picking up tunes with just one listen. His shamisen performance, though born out of frustration, showcased his skill and passion.

The crowd's enthusiastic applause and the impressed murmurs around him provided a moment of validation. It was a fleeting high, a brief escape from the emotional storm that churned beneath the surface. As he basked in the praise, a bittersweet feeling lingered. The applause was a welcome distraction, but it couldn’t entirely mask the weight of his other emotions. The situation he found himself in—disguised as a woman in an environment he barely understood—was a far cry from what he had envisioned for himself. 

"You there," one of the women working in Kyogoku House called out, her voice sharp and commanding.

Zenitsu turned to face her, his heart still racing from the performance. The woman approached him with a purposeful stride, her eyes scanning him with an appraising look.

"You'll be playing the shamisen and other instruments to entertain guests from now on," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Zenitsu blinked, caught off guard. "W-What?" he stammered, unsure if he had heard her correctly.

"You're quickly becoming popular," she continued, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Many of the patrons have asked about you. They were quite impressed with your performance just now, and they're eager to see more."

The realization hit Zenitsu like a wave. His impromptu performance had not only garnered attention but had also earned him a new role in the house. While the thought of playing more often was nerve-wracking, he couldn't deny the small surge of pride that welled up inside him. Maybe, just maybe, this could be a way to gather more information and stay close to the action without being relegated to mundane tasks, tucked away from the public eye. It also proved something to himself—he had talent, something of value worth recognizing. He wasn’t completely useless or unwanted! The thought warmed him, and for a brief moment he felt a bit smug. He wished the Sound Hashira were here to see the praise and attention that he had earned.

"If you keep this up, and with more training, I'm sure you could become one of the top Oirans in no time!"

He forced a smile and nodded, trying to conceal the mix of emotions swirling within him. "Of course, I'll do my best! Thank you," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil brewing just beneath the surface.

The woman’s words were intended as praise, but Zenitsu knew that becoming an Oiran was out of the question for many reasons—his gender being the most obvious. Even if it were somehow possible, he had no desire to pursue such a path. The idea of becoming an Oiran, with all the responsibilities, expectations, and societal pressures that came with the title, was the furthest thing from his aspirations.

But as he sat there, amidst the swirling emotions and the stifling discomfort of his disguise, something inside him ignited.

The determination that fueled his impromptu performance wasn’t just about proving his capabilities as a musician; it was about showing anyone (including himself) who doubted him that he could excel at something, even in the most unexpected and challenging circumstances. Zenitsu wasn’t trying to become an Oiran, but the fact that someone had seen potential in him, even under these bizarre conditions, sparked a resolve he hadn’t felt in a long time. He was tired of feeling like the weakest link, the one who always needed saving. If he could excel here, in this strange and dangerous environment, then maybe he could prove to himself and his friends (especially Uzui) that he was more than just an anxious burden.

He could contribute in ways that went beyond swinging a sword, and that thought brought a sense of purpose to his actions.

So, despite the absurdity of the situation, Zenitsu decided he would play the role to the best of his ability—not because he wanted to rise through the ranks of the courtesans, but because he wanted to show that he had the strength and adaptability to survive, no matter the odds.  He was aware that none of you actually thought badly of him; it was all in his head. Yet, he felt as if he had to prove himself. He would find the demon, and if necessary, he’d face it alone. As the woman gave him a final nod of approval and turned to leave, Zenitsu exhaled deeply, the tension leaving his body in that single breath. His smile faltered for just a moment, a brief crack in the façade he was maintaining.

But his eyes—those stayed alight with the flames of determination.

Makio had arrived in the Entertainment District with a clear mission: infiltrate the Ogimoto House as a courtesan to gather intel on the reported demon activity and send any critical information back to Tengen. Disguised in the traditional attire of the district's courtesans, she played her role convincingly, blending in with the other women as she went about her duties. Her sharp eyes and keen instincts helped her navigate the treacherous environment, but she knew the danger was ever-present. For weeks, Makio managed to send information through her crow, carefully evading suspicion while she collected intelligence on the district's activities. But the tension in the air was palpable, and Makio could feel the pressure mounting.

She had sensed something was off within the Ogimoto House.

The strange occurrences and the eerie aura that seemed to pervade the place made her more vigilant. One evening, as Makio was preparing to send another coded message back to Tengen, she suddenly felt a sinister presence behind her. Before she could react, she was violently yanked backward, her breath knocked out of her as something coiled around her body. She struggled to turn her head, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized what had captured her: an obi, but not an ordinary one. This sash was alive, writhing and slithering around her, tightening its grip with every second.

The sentient obi dragged her into a secluded area, where it began to speak, its voice smooth and menacing. "Who are you sending these letters to, hmm? You’re no ordinary courtesan, are you?"

Makio gritted her teeth, refusing to answer. She knew that any information she divulged could jeopardize the entire mission and put Tengen and the others in grave danger. Despite the fear gnawing at her, she remained silent, her eyes blazing with defiance.

The obi squeezed tighter, its voice dripping with malice. "Your silence won’t save you. I know what you are. You think you can outsmart me? You’ll tell me everything, or you’ll wish you had. Now then, answer me at once, Makio..."

Makio's breathing became labored as the obi continued to constrict around her. Still, she refused to break. Her loyalty to Tengen and her comrades was unwavering. She had been through intense training, prepared for moments like this, and she would not betray them.

Growing impatient, the obi decided it had enough. "Very well, if you won’t talk, you can rot in the darkness until I come back to devour you."

With that, the obi dragged her through the building, moving with terrifying speed. The world around Makio became a blur as she was taken deep underground, far from the prying eyes of the other courtesans and staff. Finally, the obi stopped in a hidden bunker, a cavernous underground space that exuded an aura of dread. The walls were lined with countless sashes, each one holding something—or someone—trapped within. Before Makio could comprehend the full horror of her situation, the obi wrapped itself around her tightly, sealing her within its folds.

Makio struggled, her movements frantic, but it was no use. The sash was too strong, and she felt herself being pulled deeper into its suffocating embrace. Her vision blurred as the fabric closed in around her, the air growing thin. She could feel her consciousness slipping away as she was absorbed inside the cloth, but even as darkness began to overtake her, she clung to the hope that Tengen and the others would find her.

Inosuke sat in a small, brightly lit room, doing his best to remain still and composed as two women busily worked around him. They scrubbed at his face, removing layers of makeup, and meticulously brushed out his hair, which had been styled into pigtails. Though he scowled inwardly at being touched by strangers, he forced himself to remain still, his frustration carefully hidden behind a mask of stoicism. The whole process was far from pleasant, and the sense of vulnerability he felt was hard to shake.

When the women finally stepped back, the older one beamed with satisfaction. “Take a look at her now!” she announced with pride.

The younger woman, who had been meticulously brushing out Inosuke's hair, offered a bright smile. “She’s perfect!”

Inosuke blinked, his gaze darting between the two women. He felt a hint of annoyance twist in his stomach as the older woman continued her enthusiastic praise.

“I wasn’t sure with all that makeup plastered over her face, but my goodness! I can’t believe I was able to snatch up this unrefined beauty!” She clapped her hands together in excitement. “I’m going to train this woman like nobody’s business! When I’m through, she’ll be more in demand than Kyogoku House’s Warabihime or Tokito House’s Koinatsu!”

Inosuke’s eyes widened as the two women began to grab him by the arms, preparing to move him. Despite his initial discomfort, he tried to remain composed as they hauled him out of the room.

“This girl certainly has some heft to her, though...” the younger woman gritted out, struggling slightly as she used all her strength to support Inosuke on one side.

“Well, it’s better for a girl to be plump and curvy than scurvy, right?” the older woman joked, a playful tone in her voice.

“Seems a bit more muscular than plump, I’d say,” the younger woman replied, her eyes assessing Inosuke with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

As they led him through the bustling corridors of the Ogimoto House, Inosuke felt a growing sense of unease. Despite his outward composure, the realization that his undercover role would involve significant adjustment made him anxious. The prospect of being molded into a desirable courtesan, with all the training and transformation implied, was both bewildering and challenging. The women guided Inosuke through a series of lavishly decorated halls, each more opulent than the last. The Ogimoto House was a stark contrast to the rustic simplicity of the Butterfly Mansion. Silken tapestries and ornate lanterns adorned the walls, while the floors were covered in soft, patterned rugs.

The atmosphere was one of elegance and grandeur, but to Inosuke, it felt stifling and foreign.

As they reached a large, ornate door, the older woman paused and turned to Inosuke with a final smile. “Welcome to your new training grounds,” she said. “Get ready to become the finest courtesan the district has ever seen.”

With that, she opened the door, revealing a room filled with various training tools, from decorative fans and silk kimonos to posture guides and dance mats. The younger woman led Inosuke inside, setting him down gently before bustling around the room.

“Let’s start by getting you accustomed to our routines,” the younger woman said. “We’ll begin with posture training. It’s crucial for a courtesan to move with grace and poise. We'll fix that hunch in no time!”

Inosuke, still adjusting to his new reality, tried to focus on the tasks ahead. He could hear the distant sounds of music and laughter from the district below, a reminder of the world outside the Ogimoto House. As the younger woman demonstrated various poses and movements, Inosuke attempted to mimic them, albeit with a noticeable stiffness. 

“Relax a bit,” she instructed. “You’re too rigid. It’s all about fluidity and grace.”

Inosuke gritted his teeth, trying to suppress his frustration. His natural inclination towards rugged and straightforward movement clashed with the delicate and precise motions required for his role. Nevertheless, he kept his head up and persisted, determined to see this mission through. Meanwhile, the older woman observed with a critical eye, occasionally offering advice or correcting Inosuke’s form.

“Remember, it’s not just about looking good,” she said. “You need to embody the essence of a courtesan. It’s about charm, confidence, and presence.”

As the minutes wore on, Inosuke’s initial discomfort gradually deepened into a growing sense of discontent. The constraints of his new role were becoming increasingly apparent, and the rigid demands of courtesan training clashed violently with his natural instincts and preferences. Despite knowing that his current situation was far from ideal, Inosuke was resolute in his determination. This was part of a larger mission, one that required him to push through the discomfort and adapt to an environment that was the antithesis of everything he was accustomed to. He focused on the bigger picture: mastering these skills and blending in effectively would bring him closer to uncovering the truth about Uzui’s missing wives.

The stakes were high, and his mission was crucial, but there was a personal motivation as well—leaving this place for good. The thought of escaping the confines of the Ogimoto House and returning to the familiar camaraderie of his friends provided him with the motivation he needed. Inosuke’s frustration was a constant undercurrent as he practiced the delicate movements and refined gestures expected of him. Each step and pose felt foreign, each instruction from the trainers seemed to highlight his clumsy attempts at grace.

Yet, beneath the surface of his grumbling and scowls, there was a fierce determination.

He gritted his teeth and pushed through, his mind fixated on the goal of excelling in his role. His training session was a grueling test of patience and adaptability, but Inosuke was determined not to let the process break him. Each movement he mastered brought him a step closer to blending in and fulfilling his mission. The sooner he could uncover the truth and complete his objective, the sooner he would be free from the constraints of the Ogimoto House and back with his friends, where he truly belonged.

Finally, after an hour of enduring the rigorous and uncomfortable practice sessions, Inosuke was granted a temporary reprieve. The demanding training had left him drained, but he knew that the real challenge was just beginning. As he was released from practice, he was assigned to complete other tasks around the Ogimoto House. Despite his exhaustion, Inosuke’s focus shifted to these new responsibilities, each one an opportunity to blend in and gather information discreetly.

As he walked through the ornate hallways of the establishment, the crisp, autumnal air from the open windows mingled with the scents of incense and perfume that pervaded the corridors. Despite the unsettling nature of his mission and the discomfort of his disguise, there was a sense of relief in being given some freedom to move around. The tasks assigned to him ranged from simple chores like arranging flowers to more complex errands such as delivering letters to various rooms. Inosuke moved with a careful blend of diligence and alertness, his mind always half-focused on the mission. He knew that any detail, no matter how seemingly insignificant, could be crucial. As he worked, he couldn’t help but mentally rehearse his disguise.

His movements were a mix of forced grace and hidden irritation, but he was determined to play his part convincingly.

The Ogimoto House was bustling with activity, and Inosuke used this to his advantage, staying out of the way while keeping a sharp eye on his surroundings. Every encounter with the house's staff or visitors was approached with a cautious but curious demeanor. He tried to absorb as much information as possible without drawing attention to himself. His goal was clear: navigate the Ogimoto House successfully, gather any useful intel, and get one step closer to getting the hell out of here. Over the course of two days, Inosuke "trained" and carried out his duties within the house. At some point during his duties, Inosuke was assigned to bring back dishes from some rooms. As he made his way down the hall, he paused abruptly when he overheard two women gossiping about someone.

Their conversation was punctuated by hushed tones and concerned murmurs.

“You’ve heard, haven’t you? I wonder if Makio is adjusting well. She hasn’t left her room since she arrived,” one woman said, her voice tinged with concern.

“Really? That’s odd. People are starting to worry about her. She said she wasn’t feeling well and refused to go to the hospital,” the other replied. “I brought her a meal earlier, but she never came to get it. I had to leave it outside her door.”

Inosuke’s ears perked up at the mention of someone staying in their room and refusing medical attention. The name ‘Makio’ flashed in his mind—Uzui’s wife. This was the lead he had been waiting for.

‘Not feeling well should’t be enough to stop checking in,’ he thought, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. ‘Guess I’ll take a look.’

He darted from his hiding spot, determined to locate Makio’s room. But as he hurried through the hallways, the two women spotted him and called out, reminding him to be cautious about running through the halls lest he injure himself. Inosuke came to a halt, reluctantly turning to look over his shoulder. He offered a half-hearted bow before continuing his search at a slower pace. As he shuffled down the hallway, frustration etched across his face, he grumbled under his breath. His irritation was compounded by the constant need to maintain his composure and avoid suspicion.

Uzui’s earlier advice about keeping quiet to avoid revealing his true identity weighed heavily on him. The Sound Hashira had noted that his voice was too deep and rough, comparing it to a dying animal. Inosuke had reluctantly agreed to stay silent, knowing that attempting to mimic a feminine voice would only draw more unwanted attention. With each step, Inosuke’s frustration mounted. The effort to blend in, the restrictive disguise, and the need to remain inconspicuous were wearing on him.

As Inosuke continued down the hall, the discomfort from his disguise became almost unbearable. The clothes, with their multiple layers and tight fit, felt suffocating. The fabric clung to him in all the wrong ways, and the heat from the layers made him feel like he was about to collapse. Every movement seemed to constrict him further, and the once vibrant colors of his disguise now felt oppressive. The stifling sensation and the itchiness of the fabric were causing his senses to become increasingly distorted.

Yet, despite his growing annoyance, he pressed on.

As he rounded a corner, Inosuke spotted a tray of food neatly placed in front of a door. His heart raced with hope—this must be Makio’s room. Something was definitely going on, and he was determined to uncover the truth. With renewed urgency, he sprinted to the door and pushed the sliding panels wide open with a soft bang. His eyes widened at the sight before him. The room was a mess, items scattered everywhere as if a violent struggle had taken place. Even with his senses dulled by the oppressive disguise, he could sense a presence above. His instincts told him there was something—or someone—lurking in the attic.

“Hey, coward! I’m onto you!” he shouted, his voice muffled but full of defiance.

In a fit of frustration, he grabbed a bowl from the floor and hurled it against the ceiling. It shattered on impact, and the room began to shake and rumble as the entity above reacted. The entity, most likely a demon, was on the move. Determined not to let it escape, Inosuke bolted out of the room, charging through the hallways with all the speed and agility he could muster. As he ran, he shoved past bewildered people and skidded through rooms, his focus solely on the elusive entity. The shaking of the house and the muffled sounds of chaos guided him through the labyrinthine corridors. The pounding of his heart matched the pounding of his feet as he barreled down the hallways.

The demon must not escape, not when he was so close to uncovering the truth and finding Makio.

As Inosuke ran, a man staggered out from around a corner, his steps unsteady as if he were drunk. “Where are you off to in a rush, good-looking—”

Before the man could finish, Inosuke's fist collided with his face, sending him crashing into a wall with a force that cracked the building's structure. Inosuke's senses immediately picked up on the demonic presence slipping behind the wall. He growled in frustration, realizing he was too early in his attack. The entity had already moved, and now it was heading downstairs. Without hesitating, Inosuke leaped over a railing and sprinted down the stairs. His heart pounded in his chest, each step echoing his growing anxiety. He paused on a landing, his heightened senses straining to detect the elusive presence.

"Damn it, where did it go?" he muttered, his frustration mounting. "I can't tell! It's hard to get a feel for it!"

Sweat dripped down his face, and he yanked at the front of his kimono, pulling it open to fan himself. The tight material, combined with the heat of his anger and adrenaline, made him feel like he was about to overheat. The oppressive clothing felt suffocating, but he forced himself to focus. Determined to not lose the entity, Inosuke took a deep breath and continued down the stairs, each step calculated as he tried to regain the presence he had briefly lost.

His senses were sharp, but the presence was elusive, slipping through the shadows and echoing through the walls.

Zenitsu wandered the corridors of the Kyogoku House, his mind heavy with thoughts of Hinatsuru and the lingering unease about the so-called accident involving an older woman two days ago. The unsettling news had planted a seed of suspicion in his mind, making him question the true nature of the incident. He couldn’t shake the feeling that it was more than just an unfortunate mishap—it was something darker, something that might be connected to the demon they were hunting.

The constant strain of his undercover role was wearing him down. Since being appointed as the lead instrumentalist, Zenitsu had been caught in an endless cycle of performances. Each session was a blur of sound and motion, providing him little respite from the suffocating heat and discomfort of his disguise. The conversations around him were mundane and offered no clues or insights into the mystery at hand. Every time he’d stolen a moment to slip away and report back to Uzui or coordinate with you, Tanjiro, and Inosuke, he found himself with no new information. The lack of progress was frustrating, but it was a shared struggle. You, Tanjiro, and Inosuke were in the same boat—finding little to no leads despite your best efforts.

As he mulled over the situation, Zenitsu’s acute hearing suddenly picked up the sound of soft sobbing, faint but unmistakable.

It was the cry of a little girl, coming from somewhere nearby. His heart skipped a beat as he immediately turned his focus toward the sound. Whoever she was, she was in distress, and he couldn't just ignore it. Following the sound, Zenitsu made his way down the hall, his footsteps light and careful as he approached the source of the crying. The sobs grew louder as he neared a room at the end of the corridor. The door was slightly ajar, and Zenitsu gently pushed it open, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of danger. Inside, the room was in disarray. Furniture was overturned, and items were scattered across the floor as if a struggle had taken place. Amidst the chaos, he spotted a small figure huddled in the middle of the room, her tiny body shaking with each sob. It was a little girl, her face buried in her hands as she cried, seemingly oblivious to his presence.

"Agh! What happened here! Why is this room such a mess?!"

The girl flinched at the sound of his voice and looked up, her tear-streaked face filled with fear and confusion. She didn’t say anything, but her wide, frightened eyes spoke volumes. Zenitsu's heart ached at the sight. He slowly approached her, kneeling down beside her to avoid scaring her.

"Oh, no... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm not mad or anything," he spoke gently, his voice soft and soothing. Zenitsu offered her a comforting smile, trying to ease her fears. "Are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?"

Before the girl could answer him, Zenitsu suddenly felt an ominous presence behind him. His heart raced with sheer terror, and beads of sweat formed along his brow as a chill ran down his spine.

"You there. What do you think you're doing in my room?" The voice was chillingly smooth, yet carried a malevolent undertone that made Zenitsu’s blood run cold.

Zenitsu hadn’t even noticed the woman until she was right behind him. The sound that accompanied her arrival was unnaturally quiet and sinister, sending a chill down his spine. As her presence loomed, Zenitsu instantly realized that she was no ordinary person. The eerie silence that surrounded her indicated that she was an Upper Rank demon. Fear paralyzed him, making it hard to move or even think as she continued to speak, her voice dripping with cold menace.

"What's wrong? Are you hard of hearing or something?" she asked, her tone laced with mockery.

At that moment, two more little girls appeared in the doorway, their faces pale with fear as they trembled. "Please wait, Oiran Warabihime... that girl is brand new. She just started here the day before yesterday," one of them stammered, her eyes wide with apprehension.

The demon, identified as the Oiran of the Kyogoku House, dismissed their pleas with a wave of her hand. "And? So what if she's new?" Her gaze turned back to Zenitsu, her eyes glowing with a dangerous light.

Zenitsu swallowed hard, forcing himself to turn around and face the demon. He met her gaze with as much composure as he could muster, though his insides felt like they were being squeezed by a vice.

"Forgive me if I've intruded," he said, his voice trembling slightly but steadying with effort. "I saw this room was a mess, and I heard a girl crying in here..."

The Oiran’s eyes narrowed, and Zenitsu could feel the weight of her scrutiny pressing down on him. The room seemed to grow colder, the air thick with an unsettling energy. Every instinct screamed at him to run, but he forced himself to stay in place, determined to protect the girl and gather whatever information he could about this terrifying demon.

"Why are you so damn hideous? My goodness, looking at you makes me ill. Girls like you are better off dead..." Warabihime hissed, her voice dripping with contempt. "Also, what's with that hair color? You look like a sore thumb."

Zenitsu flinched, momentarily taken aback by the demon's harsh words. The insults cut deeper than he expected, amplifying his insecurities and making him feel more exposed than ever. Despite the sting of her cruel remarks, he pushed his self-doubt aside, reminding himself of the urgency of his mission.

"Anyway, you are right—this room is still in shambles." Warabihime stepped further into the room, her elegant movements contrasting sharply with the malice in her eyes. She approached the sobbing girl, her presence imposing and intimidating. "And if I'm not mistaken, I told you to clean it up." Without warning, she grabbed the girl by her ear, a vicious sneer on her face. "Shut your mouth, stop all that crying, and start cleaning!"

The girl's cries grew more desperate as Warabihime's grip tightened, causing her ear to bleed. "I-I'm sorry, please forgive me, Oiran! I'll clean it all up, just please let go," she begged, her voice trembling with fear.

Zenitsu's anger surged at the sight of the girl's suffering. Without a second thought, he sprang up and grabbed Warabihime's wrist, his voice trembling but firm. "Take your hands off her..."

Warabihime's eyes narrowed, her gaze turning icy. "What did you just say to me? I dare you to say it again."

"I said, take your hands off of her," Zenitsu repeated, his determination overriding his fear.

The Oiran's expression twisted into a snarl of outrage. "Who do you think you are? How dare you touch me?!"

Before Zenitsu could react, Warabihime yanked her arm free and swung at him with a swift, brutal motion. The force of her strike sent him crashing through the doorway of the room, his body slamming against the wall with a sickening thud. The impact knocked him unconscious, leaving him crumpled on the floor, his mind slipping into darkness as the sounds of the demon's cruel words echoed in his ears.

"Someone needs to discipline you, and harshly. I'm more than happy to volunteer."

"Oiran Warabihime," an older man called out, hurrying towards the scene from the hall. He had overheard the commotion and approached with a look of concern. "I beg of you, please, find it in your heart to forgive her. Customers will be arriving very soon, and we need you. I promise that she will be reprimanded properly," he said, bowing deeply.

Warabihime’s expression shifted dramatically, her face morphing from harsh cruelty to a sickly sweet smile. "Oh, I suppose I was a bit too harsh, considering she's just a newcomer. Please make sure her wounds are attended to. And Master, do lift your head. I should be the one apologizing. It's just that lately, so many things have left me feeling quite irritated," she said, her tone dripping with feigned remorse. She gave a curt nod and turned to leave. "I’m heading off to work now, so do see that this place is tidied up before I return."

As Warabihime, also known as Daki, walked away, her demeanor darkened once again. She cast a lingering, disdainful glance back at Zenitsu’s unconscious form. Her scowl deepened as she considered the implications of the encounter. Despite his appearance as a civilian, she could sense that Zenitsu was far from ordinary. His injuries, though minor, suggested he was more than just a mere girl.

A Demon Slayer, perhaps...

While she wasn’t overly concerned about his skill level—he didn’t seem to have the prowess of a Hashira—his presence indicated that there might be more Demon Slayers in the district. Quickly sending her obi out, she ensnared his unconscious form and dragged him. Her lips curled into a sinister smile as she relished the prospect. The Demon Slayer Corps had finally taken the bait she had carefully set. It had taken longer than anticipated, but now that they were here, Daki was determined to devour every single one of them.

As Daki prepared for another night of "work," her mind drifted back to a recent visit from Muzan. His presence had been a chilling reminder of the stakes she faced. He had praised her for her recent success, lauding the number of humans she had consumed and the power she had gained as a result. Muzan's words had been a mixture of encouragement and a stern reminder of the dangers ahead.

“You’ve done well,” Muzan had said, his voice smooth and commanding. “Your growth has been impressive, and I have high hopes for you. You’re an extraordinary demon, and your power is a testament to that.” Yet, despite his praise, Muzan had also issued a warning. “Remember, when things seem to go your way, they are more likely to slip through your fingers. Do not let your guard down. Your enemies are more cunning and determined than you may realize. I expect there to be a few members of the Demon Slayers Corps and a Hashira or two to come here soon. Keep an eye out and deal with them swiftly. We can't let them continue to get in our way.”

The memory of his words, laden with both promise and threat, had been a constant echo in her mind. She had already claimed the lives of several Hashira, a feat that had only added to her arrogance. But Muzan’s warning was a stark reminder that success could be fleeting. Daki continued her nightly routine with a careful balance of pride and vigilance, her mind ever aware of the potential threats that lurked around her. She knew that while her power was formidable, the Demon Slayers should not be underestimated.

Daki's eyes narrowed with determination as she recalled his words. Her usual confidence was tempered by a sharp, strategic edge. She would need to be vigilant, ready to strike with precision and cruelty. The prospect of facing off against Demon Slayers and possibly Hashira brought a renewed sense of purpose to her work. In her pursuit of power and dominance, Daki was prepared to face whatever came her way. Her resolve was solidified by Muzan's expectations, and she was determined to meet them with the ruthless efficiency that had earned her his attention and praise.

Muzan's voice was chillingly precise as he added, "And one last thing. If you notice a girl who does not appear like the rest of the Corps members, a foreigner, I want you to bring her to me. She may or may not show up, but if she does... she is to be delivered to me alive."

Daki's eyes gleamed with a mix of intrigue and dark amusement. The special attention given to this girl piqued her curiosity, hinting at something significant about her. She mentally noted the description—foreign, out of place. This was not a request to be taken lightly; it was a direct command from Muzan himself, underscoring the girl's importance.

The hunt was on, and she was more than ready to crush the Demon Slayers' spirits and feast on their flesh, gaining even more power.

"I told you! There's a demon at my house, alright?!" Inosuke's voice was tense, his frustration evident as he tried to convey the urgency of the situation.

As you, Tanjiro, and Inosuke sat atop a building on a roof, you and Tanjiro exchanged a quick glance, both sensing the seriousness in his tone. Inosuke's usually boisterous demeanor was tempered by the weight of what he had encountered. He went on to explain what he had found at the Ogimoto House the night before—Makio's room had been completely destroyed, with no trace of her left behind. But more disturbing was the presence he had sensed, something lurking in the attic. It moved through the walls, almost serpentine in nature, quickly slithering around as it hid and escaped somewhere out of reach.

"Really?" Tanjiro asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

"Yeah, it was like this!" Inosuke exclaimed, his hands and fingers moving in abstract ways, mimicking the motion of something creepy and crawly, like a snake or some other elusive creature.

The way he described it, the presence seemed almost unnatural, far more sinister than anything they had encountered before. His hands darted and twisted through the air as if trying to capture the essence of the entity that had evaded him. Despite the almost comical way Inosuke illustrated the creature’s movements, there was an undeniable tension in his voice, an urgency that underscored the seriousness of what he had faced.

"We believe you," you said with a small nod, trying to lighten the mood despite the gravity of the situation. "Anyway, Uzui and Zenitsu should be coming to check in soon. If the demon is at your house, we can figure out what to do once they arrive."

"Zenitsu won't be coming," Uzui's voice suddenly cut through the air from the side.

You all froze, your eyes slowly panning down to find Uzui sitting on the edge of the roof, his back turned to you. His presence was unexpected and his posture—tense and hunched—gave a clear indication of the weight he carried.

"Wait, Zenitsu's not coming? What do you mean?" Tanjiro asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Uzui remained silent for a moment, the pause stretching out uncomfortably. When he finally spoke, his voice was more solemn than usual, a stark contrast to his typical confident demeanor. It was disconcerting to hear him like this.

"I feel bad now about putting you all through this," Uzui said, his tone laced with regret. "I should've come alone. It seems I was so desperate to rescue my wives in time that I made some poor decisions regarding the mission. I shouldn't have sent you all to separate houses. As it stands... Zenitsu is now missing. There's been no contact since last night. You three should leave now; you're ranked too low for this. If the demon turns out to be an Upper Rank, you'll be dead weight. I'll continue on my own."

As Uzui stood, preparing to leave, you also rose from your spot, determination set in your stance. Your hands were clenched at your sides, a mix of resolve and frustration evident in your posture.

"What? No way! We can help! We have to! Zenitsu is our friend. And we've faced an Upper Rank before!" you insisted, the urgency in your voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.

Inosuke nodded in agreement, his expression resolute. "Yeah, we've fought demons before, and we won. We're not about to back down now."

It was partially true. None of you had fought an Upper Rank demon directly, except for you. Even then, your role had been more about buying time and distracting the demon rather than engaging in a full battle. But the fact remained: Zenitsu was a friend, and you couldn't just abandon him. Uzui's shoulders slumped slightly, the weight of his responsibility evident in his posture.

He turned to face you, and sighed deeply, his gaze piercing through you. "You think I don't know what happened on the Mugen Train mission? You may have faced an Upper Rank, but you didn't win that battle. The demon got away in the end. And you're only alive because, for some reason, that demon decided not to kill you. There's no guarantee that the demon here will be as benevolent when it comes to sparing your life, Y/n. I'm not risking it. As a Hashira, it's my responsibility to ensure my subordinates' safety. There's no shame in leaving. Life is all about survival, so take this chance and get out."

With those words, Uzui vanished as quickly as he had appeared, slipping away into the shadows with barely a sound.

"Hey! Get back here, old man!" Inosuke's frustrated shout echoed through the air, but Uzui was already gone.

You stood there, your gaze fixed on the horizon, struggling with the whirlwind of emotions raging inside you. Uzui’s concerns were valid, and his advice came from a place of deep responsibility. You understood the logic behind his words. He was trying to protect you, acknowledging the dangers you faced. But another part of you rebelled against the notion of retreat. Zenitsu was missing, and the thought of leaving him behind gnawed at you.

You were acutely aware of how much you wanted to help, to prove that you had grown stronger and could handle this mission, no matter how perilous. The determination to not only assist your friend but to demonstrate your own growth fueled your resolve. Turning to face Tanjiro and Inosuke, you found them both looking at you, their expressions a mix of concern and support. You could see that they, too, were grappling with the decision.

"We can't just leave," you said firmly, your voice steadier than you felt. "Zenitsu and Uzui need us, and we need to see this through. We've faced danger before, and we're still here."

Tanjiro stepped forward, his eyes reflecting the same determination. "I agree. We’ve been through too much together to back down now. We need to find Zenitsu and help Uzui-san stop this demon, no matter the cost."

"Alright, then you two come to the Ogimoto House," Inosuke said, his expression resolute.

"We'll head over once night falls," Tanjiro responded. "Wait for us until then, Inosuke. It's too risky to make a move on your own."

"Why should I wait for you?" Inosuke demanded, his face scrunched up with a mix of confusion and impatience.

"We still have to investigate our own house—"

"I already told you the demon is at my house, so quit wasting our time! Waiting until night? How stupid are ya?!" Inosuke shouted, his frustration boiling over as he growled and aggressively poked Tanjiro in the chest before smacking him around.

"Ow, Inosuke, will you stop hitting me?!" Tanjiro, wincing from the blows, curled up with his arms covering his head. "Uzui-san was patrolling outside of our houses during the night, right? Ow—! Even so, Zenitsu still disappeared, and the demon at your place is nowhere to be seen right now! Which—Oof—leads me to believe there's one or more passages that lead into the buildings!"

Inosuke halted his attack, his hand frozen mid-air. "Passages?"

"Yes," Tanjiro continued, sitting up with a sigh of relief now that Inosuke had stopped. "If the demon hasn’t been spotted entering or leaving, it must be operating from the inside. It’s probably disguising itself as a human. That's how people have been disappearing without a trace—it kills them quietly and stays hidden. Makes sense, right?"

"Yeah, it does..." Inosuke said thoughtfully, lowering his hand and resting it against his chin. "Cleaning up after a murder would be a real hassle. Blood stains are hard to wash out; it's no easy task."

You raised an eyebrow. "I really don’t want to know how you know that..."

Inosuke gave you a sideways glance, shrugging casually. "It's not like I've killed anyone besides a demon. It's just my own blood most of the time."

"Anyway," Tanjiro, eager to move the conversation along, sighed and gestured toward the district. "This place thrives at night, which is convenient for demons, but also an obstacle. They have to work under cover of darkness." His eyes glimmered with determination. "I’m going into this thinking that Zenitsu and Uzui-san's wives are all still alive, at least for now. We have to be careful, but we’ll rescue them for sure."

Tanjiro's words hung in the air, carrying a weight of determination that made you and Inosuke pause. His optimism, even in the face of such a daunting situation, was a driving force that helped you all focus on the mission at hand.

"I'll rip that demon to pieces once we find it!" Inosuke growled, cracking his knuckles with renewed enthusiasm. "No demon is too sneaky for me to sniff out."

Tanjiro smiled despite the tension. "That's the spirit. But remember, we need to be smart about this. The demon's clearly hiding in plain sight, and if it's an Upper Rank like the demon we encountered during the Mugen Train mission, it'll be even more dangerous than what we're used to."

Inosuke snorted dismissively, folding his arms. "Upper Rank or not, it’s no match for me!"

"Take it easy, Inosuke. Don’t get too worked up yet," you gently reminded him. Facing Tanjiro, you gave him a smile and said, "I'm going to go with Inosuke. We’ll meet back up tonight. Stay safe."

Tanjiro nodded at your words, his brow furrowed with determination. "You too. Let's all be careful and stay sharp."

As the three of you parted ways, the weight of the situation settled in. The mission had grown more complicated than you initially thought, with so many lives at stake. Inosuke led the way toward Ogimoto House, his steps heavy with impatience, while you followed closely behind, your mind racing with thoughts of Zenitsu’s disappearance and the danger Uzui's wives might be in.

"That demon won't know what hit it," Inosuke grumbled, his fists clenched as he charged ahead, already plotting how he’d tear the creature apart.

His confidence was contagious, but beneath the bravado, you knew he was just as worried as the rest of you. As night began to fall, the district’s lights flickered to life, casting long shadows across the narrow streets. The vibrant sounds of the Entertainment District filled the air, but there was an undercurrent of tension—an ominous feeling that grew stronger as the darkness deepened.

The real hunt was about to begin, and you could feel it in your bones.

Back at the Tokito House, Tanjiro wasted no time preparing for his departure. After donning his Demon Slayer uniform and securing his hidden sword, he made his way to Oiran Koinatsu’s room. His footsteps were light but purposeful as he approached her doors, tapping gently to make his presence known.

“Come in,” her soft voice called from within.

Sliding the door open, Tanjiro entered and respectfully knelt before her. Koinatsu turned to face him, her expression showing mild surprise at his appearance, her eyes lingering on the sword at his side.

“Koinatsu-san, forgive me for intruding,” Tanjiro began, his tone humble and sincere. “I have a favor to ask… I’m leaving the Tokito House tonight. Would you please give this to the Master? It’s for my lodging.”

Reaching beneath his haori, he produced an envelope, handing it to her. Koinatsu accepted it, her fingers brushing against the paper as her gaze drifted back to the weapon at his waist.

“Sumi? What’s going on? And why are you dressed so…?”

Tanjiro cleared his throat, suddenly feeling awkward. “I had to disguise myself as a woman for a mission. But the truth is… I’m actually a man.”

To his surprise, Koinatsu smiled warmly, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. “Oh, I already knew that. Your voice gave it away from the beginning. Sorry.”

Tanjiro blinked, staring at her in disbelief. “What? You… already knew?”

Koinatsu’s smile widened slightly, her tone light but amused. “Yes, it was quite obvious. You may have tried to mask it, but your voice was a bit too deep. And your strength—well, it wasn’t exactly normal. You carried those gift boxes with such ease, far more than any woman could. I figured you had your reasons, but I didn’t want to pry.” She paused, her expression softening with curiosity. “I must admit, though, I was curious. Was what you said about Suma-san true? Or was it a lie?”

Tanjiro straightened, his fists clenched on his knees. “No, I wasn’t lying! Suma-san is very important to someone I work with. I’m here to find her and help the others who have disappeared in this district. And I promise, I’ll rescue them all.”

Koinatsu’s eyes softened as she listened to his impassioned words. “That’s a relief. I don’t suppose you can tell me exactly who you are, but I’m glad to know that you’re here to help.” Her voice lowered, a hint of sadness creeping in. “You see, I’m leaving the district tomorrow… for good.”

Tanjiro’s expression brightened. “That’s wonderful! You must be excited.”

Koinatsu smiled, though there was a trace of worry in her eyes. “Yes, it seems there’s someone who wants even me as his wife, and I’m overjoyed. But… I can’t help but feel guilty about those I’m leaving behind. Even if I knew something was wrong, I wouldn’t have the means to do anything about it.”

“Please, don’t worry,” Tanjiro said gently. “All you can do is move forward with your life. I’ll do everything in my power to help the people here. I give you my word.”

Koinatsu’s eyes glistened with gratitude. “Thank you, Sumi… or rather, whatever your real name may be. Please, be careful. I don’t want you to disappear like the others.”

With a soft smile, Tanjiro bowed deeply. “I will. Good luck to you, Koinatsu-san. I wish you the best.”

After exchanging a few more kind words, Tanjiro stood and left the room, his mind now firmly focused on the mission ahead. Koinatsu turned back to her preparations, humming softly as she began organizing her things and tidying her hair. But soon, she felt an odd presence.

"Did you forget something, Sumi?"

Assuming "Sumi" had forgotten something, she turned with a gentle smile, only for it to falter as her eyes landed on an unexpected and terrifying figure. Towering over her was Daki, her striking beauty marred by a sinister grin, her obi fluttering menacingly around her. 

“No, but thank you,” Daki purred, her voice dripping with malice. “But I really should devour you before I forget.” Koinatsu’s body froze in fear as Daki’s obi snaked around her, slowly wrapping her in its deadly grip. “Since tonight is your last night here,” Daki whispered, her grin widening, “you can’t leave without saying goodbye.”

Koinatsu’s gasp was swallowed by the room’s suffocating silence, as the obi tightened around her, pulling her into the darkness.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the district, Uzui moved silently through the shadows, his Shinobi abilities allowing him to blend into the darkness with ease. He had tracked down the owner of the Kyogoku House, a man who was currently clutching a bundle of bloodied clothing in his trembling hands. Uzui approached from behind, his presence undetectable until the moment he placed a kunai at the man’s throat. 

“What happened to Zenko and Hinatsuru?” Uzui’s voice was cold, controlled, barely a whisper. “Give me the short version. And don’t ask questions.”

The man froze, fear seizing him as the blade pressed lightly against his skin. His eyes darted around, but Uzui’s grip was firm, and there was no escape. 

“Z-Zenko just... disappeared,” the man stammered, his voice shaking. “One day she was here, the next, gone without a trace. As for Hinatsuru... she fell ill, and we had to send her to the Kirimise.”

Uzui’s eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable. The man’s words weren’t enough. There had to be more, and the Sound Hashira wasn’t leaving until he had every detail.

"Tell me everything that you think may be relevant," Uzui ordered, his voice growing darker. "You and I both know that there’s more to this. Someone else is involved. Who is it that you suspect?"

The man hesitated, fear and guilt twisting his features as he looked down at the bloodied clothing he held—his wife's, Omitsu, who had suddenly vanished just like so many others. Uzui’s keen eyes took in the man's sorrow, and though his grip remained firm, he slowly lowered the kunai, knowing that the man wasn’t his enemy.

“You can trust me,” Uzui continued, his voice softer now, a calculated edge of reassurance creeping into his tone. “You have my word that I’ll kill whoever it is. I’ll get revenge for you.”

The man’s eyes welled up, the weight of loss evident in his expression. He swallowed hard, knowing he had no other option but to trust the man standing before him. 

“There’s someone... a woman named Warabihime,” he whispered, his voice trembling. “She’s an Oiran. Lives on the north side, in the room with no light. She’s the one you need to find.”

Uzui’s eyes darkened with grim resolve as he processed the information. His suspicion was confirmed: an Upper Rank demon was indeed hiding in plain sight. With a final, measured glance at the man, Uzui soundlessly slipped back into the shadows, ready to confront the sinister entity lurking in the depths of the district. Guided by the information he had received, he reached the north side of the Entertainment District and scaled the wall of the building where the Oiran, Warabihime, was rumored to reside.

He entered through a window, his senses alert as he scanned the dimly lit room.

The space was eerily quiet, the shadows concealing any signs of life. Uzui's trained eyes scrutinized every corner, but there was no sign of the demon. The room appeared in order, as if meticulously arranged to conceal its true purpose. It became evident that Warabihime was not present; she was likely out hunting, blending into the human throng of the district.

Without wasting a moment, Uzui exited the room and leapt onto the rooftop, the darkened sky providing him cover as he darted from building to building. His destination now was Kirimise, the impoverished section of the Entertainment District where the less fortunate courtesans resided, including those who were ill or had fallen out of favor.

The journey across the rooftops was swift, his agile form moving with purpose. As he neared Kirimise, the contrast between the lively Entertainment District and this bleak subsection became stark. The streets here were narrower, the buildings more dilapidated, and the atmosphere heavy with despair. Uzui’s focus sharpened as he descended into Kirimise, scanning the area for any signs of Hinatsuru or clues about her whereabouts. His priority was to locate her and ensure her safety, aware that the situation was growing increasingly dire with each passing moment.

Uzui's determination never wavered as he searched for any signs of Hinatsuru. The Kirimise district was known for its squalid conditions, and finding a specific person in such a place could be challenging. He approached each residence with caution, checking with the courtesans and staff in the area who might know of Hinatsuru's whereabouts. His inquiries were brief and direct, designed to gather as much information as possible without drawing unnecessary attention. The impoverished conditions and the strained faces of those he questioned only heightened his sense of urgency.

Eventually, he came across a shabby building where he was told Hinatsuru had been staying. The structure was worn down, and the air around it carried a heavy sense of neglect. Uzui approached the door with a careful but swift motion, knocking lightly before entering. Inside, the conditions were grim. Dim light filtered through dusty windows, casting long shadows on the uneven floor. Uzui's heart pounded as he called out for Hinatsuru, his voice steady despite the tension.


The room remained silent for a moment, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. Uzui's call echoed softly through the dimly lit space. He took a cautious step forward, his senses on high alert. Suddenly, a weak voice responded from the far corner of the room.


The voice was faint but unmistakable, filled with relief and weariness. Uzui's eyes adjusted to the darkness as he approached the source of the voice. There, in a small, makeshift bed surrounded by thin blankets and sparse furnishings, lay Hinatsuru. Her condition was visibly poor—pale, weak, and clearly struggling. Her eyes, though tired, lit up with a flicker of hope upon seeing her husband.

"Hinatsuru," Uzui said softly, kneeling beside her bed and gently gathering her into his arms. "I’m here. Are you alright? What happened?"

"Please forgive me. I've failed," Hinatsuru murmured weakly. "By the time I realized the demon was Oiran Warabihime, she was already suspicious of me, so I drank some poison and tried to slip out of the house. I didn’t know the belt she gave me was being used to spy on me and kill me." Her voice trembled with regret. "She always knew what I was doing, so I was unable to contact you. Lord Tengen, please leave this place and don't trouble yourself with me. You heard that sound just now—"

"Never mind that," Uzui gently interrupted, cradling her close as he produced a small pill and placed it in her mouth.

The pill would counteract the poison. Though relieved to find her alive, Uzui knew he couldn’t stay. As a Hashira, he had a duty to complete his mission and confront the demon.

"Can you promise me that you'll be okay?"

"I promise," she whispered. "I’m... so sorry I couldn’t be more helpful."

"You’ve done everything you could. Once the antidote kicks in, leave Yoshiwara. Understood?"

Hinatsuru nodded weakly, her eyes closing as she fought against the exhaustion. Uzui gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his own resolve hardening. He knew he couldn’t afford to linger any longer.

"Rest now. I’ll take care of things here," he said softly, his voice filled with both determination and concern.

With one final reassuring glance, Uzui rose to his feet and swiftly left the room, his mind already set on the mission ahead. Once outside, he jumped onto the rooftops and dashed away, honing in on the ominous and powerful sound he had been tracking. It was unmistakably the demon, and he was determined to find her. A noise caught his attention, and he leapt down, pressing his ear to the ground. He could hear the sounds of a fierce battle underground. By focusing on the reverberations, he aimed to pinpoint their location.

"Sound Breathing: First Form—" Uzui breathed, drawing his dual Nichirin cleavers and holding them high above his head as he prepared for his attack. "Roar!"

A massive cloud of dust erupted as the ground shook beneath him, marking the beginning of his decisive strike.

You and Inosuke found yourselves back inside the Ogimoto House. Inosuke, still clearly annoyed by the need to maintain his disguise, had led you to his room, a small yet sufficient space where you could stay hidden away from prying eyes. The atmosphere was tense—Inosuke’s impatience practically radiated from him, his foot tapping against the floor as he paced back and forth.

"Just a little longer, Inosuke," you reminded him gently. "We need to stay undercover until we figure out where the demon is hiding. You can't go rushing into things and causing trouble. We don’t want to draw unnecessary attention."

Inosuke shot you a sour look, clearly displeased with the entire situation. "I know that!" he huffed, his voice low but sharp. "But I'm not good at sneaking around like this. All this waiting and pretending—it’s annoying! I should be out there, fighting the demon, not playing some dumb role."

You placed a hand on his arm, calming his energy. "I get it, but we’ll get our chance soon. For now, you still have to pay off the lodging to keep them off our backs. If you cause a scene, it'll only make things worse for everyone."

Inosuke grumbled under his breath. "Fine. But the second I get a lead, I’m taking that demon down."

Without waiting for another word, he stalked out of the room, his frustration clear in every heavy footstep. You could hear him grumbling down the hall as he went to handle his business, no doubt eager to return so he could focus on the mission again. Left alone, you glanced around the small room. You sat by the window, careful to keep yourself hidden behind the thin paper screens as you watched the bustling district below.

The night was alive with activity, the streets filled with people and the distant sound of laughter and conversation drifting up from below. Yet, despite the lively atmosphere, an underlying sense of dread hung in the air. Inosuke’s return was marked by the sound of the door sliding open with more force than necessary. He stomped back in, folding his arms across his chest, clearly not in the mood to talk. But he had completed his task, and for now, you were safe from suspicion.

"Now what?" he muttered, plopping down onto the floor with a huff. 

"Now," you said, offering a reassuring smile, "we wait for nightfall to meet up with Tanjiro. In the meantime, we should probably find new clothes. Fighting in these clothes... won't be ideal."

Inosuke glanced down at his disguise, tugging at the fabric of his kimono with a grimace. "I was starting to forget I was even wearing this thing," he muttered, clearly annoyed by the entire ordeal. "These stupid clothes are getting in the way of my moves."

You couldn’t help but laugh softly at his frustration. "Trust me, I feel the same."

Inosuke grunted in agreement and wasted no time, stripping off the kimono with little regard for the proper way to handle it. The room’s atmosphere shifted to one of awkward tension as he discarded the clothing, leaving you to avert your eyes quickly. As you spun around, you could hear the rustling of fabric and his grumbling about the inconvenience of the disguise. Inosuke, oblivious to your sudden discomfort, tossed the kimono aside with a careless flourish.

“I-Inosuke, what are you doing?!” you squawked, your face turning a deep shade of crimson as you forced yourself to focus on something—anything—other than the fact that Inosuke was undressing behind you. 

You had no idea if he was wearing anything underneath his clothes or not, but you weren't about to take that chance. You squeezed your eyes shut and used your hands for extra measure.

Inosuke paused, turning his head slightly in your direction with a mix of confusion and annoyance. “What? I'm obviously taking these dumb robes off!”

"I know, but—" you stammered, trying to find the right words. "I’d actually appreciate it if you’d keep your clothes on!"

Inosuke blinked in confusion at your reaction, tilting his head as he stared at the back of your head. “Huh? You’re the one who said we should change!”

You groaned, keeping your back to him as you struggled to regain your composure. “Yes, but I didn’t mean right here, right now, with no warning!”

Inosuke didn’t seem to understand or care about propriety as he continued to disrobe with little regard for the situation. The sound of fabric rustling filled the room as he grabbed his old uniform that had been stashed inside. Without any hint of modesty, he swiftly donned his usual attire, the familiar materials snug against his body. Once dressed, he grinned in satisfaction, flexing his muscles with a flourish.

“Ah, this feels way better!” he declared, his enthusiasm clearly back.

He struck a few more poses, clearly reveling in the freedom of his usual gear. You slowly turned around and peeked through your fingers, relieved to see he was fully dressed again. Well, he was shirtless, as usual, but at least he had his familiar fur pants on.

“Hahhh...” you sighed.

Inosuke's exuberance didn’t seem to wane as he continued to showcase his muscles and strength with various exaggerated movements. He was clearly enjoying being back in his usual attire. As you glanced down at your own outfit, you couldn’t help but wonder how you were going to find a suitable uniform.

"Inosuke... how did you get your old clothes back?" you asked. "None of us knew which house we were going to end up in, so how did you manage that?"

He paused, blinking at you in confusion. "Well, after I was taken in, Mr. Fancy Pants brought them back to me undercover. Why?"

"Oh..." You hadn’t considered that Uzui would still be keeping tabs on all of you and likely planned for ways to ensure you had what you needed. It made sense, but that meant that your uniform was probably at the Tokito House with Tanjiro. "I guess I don’t have anything then, since I was taken into the Tokito House with Tanjiro."

Inosuke’s face lit up with a sudden idea. "Try these!" 

He bounded over to a corner of the room, rummaging through some hidden compartments before emerging with a traditional Demon Slayer uniform. Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked it over.

"Where in the world did this come from?"

“Rock Head brought a bunch of extras,” Inosuke explained with a satisfied nod. “Said it was just in case we got into trouble and ended up somewhere else.”

You couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. Uzui might be obnoxious and childish at times, but his foresight and preparation were clearly on point. He was both clever and practical, even if his methods were sometimes unconventional. What was even more impressive, was the uniform was the perfect sizehe really had thought about just about everything.

"Well, I guess it’s good to know he’s always thinking ahead," you said, accepting the uniform with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Inosuke."

Inosuke grunted in acknowledgment as you began to unfold the clothing. He donned his mask and faced you with a boisterous cackle. You shook your head, trying to suppress a smile. As you started to change, a sudden realization hit you—Inosuke was still in the room, watching you with a blank expression. Well, you couldn't see his expression, but he hadn't moved or said anything and looked like he was spacing out.

You pursed your lips, clutching the uniform tightly to your chest as you ordered, "Inosuke, turn around!"

Inosuke, predictably, was reluctant to comply with your command. "Why?"

"Because now I need to change, and I need privacy! So just turn around!" you insisted, a hint of exasperation in your voice as you made a spinning motion with your free hand.

He hesitated, still looking at you with a mix of confusion and stubbornness. “But why? It’s just clothes. Unlike you, I know what you're doing, so it doesn't bother me.”

“Just do it!” you said, raising your voice slightly. “It’s not a request, it’s an order!”

“Don’t tell me what to do, woman!” Inosuke grumbled.

“Hey!” you retorted, hands on your hips. “It’s Bubbles—or minion—to you. Do not call me woman! The least you could do is call me by your silly nicknames if you can't be bothered to use my real one.”

Inosuke’s eyes widened slightly at your indignation, and he let out a huff of frustration. “Fine! Fine, I’ll turn around! But don’t think I’m doing this because you told me to.”

As he turned his back to you, crossing his arms over his chest, you quickly changed into the uniform, doing your best to avoid any further awkwardness.

Once you were dressed, you cleared your throat and said, “Alright, you can turn back now.”

Inosuke turned around, his eyes scanning you up and down with a mix of approval and curiosity. “Not bad. Looks like the uniform fits well. Much better to fight in.”

You gave him a small, appreciative nod. “Thanks. Now that we’re both dressed and ready, let’s stay focused. We need to wait for Tanjiro and figure out our next steps.”

Inosuke snorted, his usual enthusiasm returning. “No way! I'm not waiting around. Let’s go find that demon and show it what we’re made of!”

“We need to be smart about this, Inosuke. Rushing in without a plan could put us at a disadvantage.”

He waved off your concerns with a dismissive gesture. “Don’t worry so much! We’ll figure it out as we go. Besides, the sooner we find that demon, the sooner we can finish this. Now, make way... 'cause I'm coming through!”

With a triumphant shout, Inosuke sprinted out of the room, knocking things over in his haste. You sprang after him, frustration evident in your steps, but you couldn’t completely hide the smile tugging at your lips. His unyielding confidence was both exasperating and oddly endearing. As you chased him down the hallway, you couldn't help but think that despite his recklessness, Inosuke’s enthusiasm and determination were infectious. As you and Inosuke rushed through the halls, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, his dual swords poised above him. His intense focus was evident as he stared at the ground.

"Now I can really feel that demon's presence!" he declared, cocking his head to the side. He crouched, his senses seemingly heightened, before leaping up and slashing at the floor with a powerful swipe. "Yahh! This must be it!"

With a swift motion, he revealed a hole beneath the flooring, just large enough for a person to crawl through. Inosuke’s eyes sparkled with excitement and determination.

"Hahaha! Get ready to die, bastard!" he bellowed with enthusiasm.

Without a moment's hesitation, he wriggled through the hole, disappearing into the darkness below. You followed closely behind, your apprehension growing with each step. The passage was dark and narrow, far more cramped than the cave you had navigated alone during your first mission. The tight space and eerie silence made the atmosphere feel more suffocating than ever.

Despite the unsettling conditions, you found some comfort in knowing that Inosuke was leading the way. His presence provided a reassuring sense of security, and you were confident he wouldn't let you get stuck or worse. As you crawled after him, you couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and anticipation—hoping that this risky endeavor would lead you closer to the demon and, ultimately, to success. 

After a few minutes of crawling through the narrow, claustrophobic tunnel, you and Inosuke finally emerged into a large, dimly lit cavern. The sudden transition from the cramped tunnel to the expansive space was jarring, and you took a moment to steady yourself as you stood up. The cavern was eerie and unsettling. The walls were adorned with yards of patterned sash, their intricate designs almost hypnotic in the dim light. Scattered across the ground were various bones, some whole and others fragmented, creating a grim mosaic.

The sight was enough to make your stomach churn.

As you and Inosuke scanned the cavern, your eyes were drawn to the fabric covering the walls. Upon closer inspection, you noticed something deeply disturbing—faces of people seemed to be embedded within the fabric, their expressions frozen in terror. The sight was both mesmerizing and horrifying, the faces almost seeming to reach out from the woven material.

Inosuke’s face twisted into a scowl as he surveyed the scene. “What the hell is this place?”

“This must be the demon’s lair. It’s using these fabrics to hide its victims."

With a renewed sense of determination, you both began to carefully navigate the cavern, your senses alert for any sign of the demon lurking in the shadows. The cavern’s oppressive atmosphere seemed to weigh heavily on you both, but you knew that pressing forward was the only way to bring an end to the terror and save the victims trapped within the sinister tapestry. As you moved around, one particular face stood out, and your heart skipped a beat as you recognized it.

"Zenitsu!" you shouted, reaching out in alarm.

"Huh? What's he doing here?" Inosuke asked, his voice tinged with confusion as he followed your gaze.

"That's a question I should be asking you," a new, menacing voice interjected.

You spun around to face the source of the voice. Emerging from the patterned obi was a set of unsettling eyes and a mouth, its expression twisted into a mocking sneer.

"How would you like it if someone started messing with your food?" The demonic eyes settled on Inosuke, its tone dripping with disdain. "Ugh, look at you. Dirty man. You reek of filth! Disgusting. Repulsive. You damn stinkbug!"

Enraged by the demon’s insolence, you stepped in to defend Inosuke. “Shut your mouth! You have no right to speak to him like that!”

The sash’s eyes narrowed as it turned its attention to you. “Hmph! And who do you think you are? You're not even scum beneath a peasant’s shoe!”

Inosuke made a disgruntled noise, his eyes blazing with anger at the insult directed toward you. “Ehh?! Look who’s talking, you creepy worm! Gross!”

“You dare insult me?!” the demon’s voice thundered, echoing through the cavern.

“Yeah, you started it!” Inosuke yelled back, brandishing his swords with fierce determination. “You can dish it but can’t take it, huh? Well, let me show you just who you’re dealing with! No one insults my minion and gets away with it, especially not looking like a bunch of moldy intestines!”

With a furious roar, the sash—now animated and writhing like a serpent—lashed out at Inosuke. He dodged and slashed with swift precision, his movements fluid and aggressive. The cavern was filled with the clash of steel against fabric and the frantic energy of battle. You readied yourself to support Inosuke, determined to help bring this vile demon to justice and rescue Zenitsu and any others trapped within its twisted lair.

However, you had forgotten one crucial detail: you didn’t have a sword.

Uzui had brought Inosuke his clothes and swords to the Ogimoto House after he had been taken in, so it was likely that once you and Tanjiro were taken by the Tokito House, Uzui had brought your swords there as well. That meant you could only hope Tanjiro had your sword and would bring it with him. Even then, this didn’t help you right now, as he wasn’t here. Without your weapon, facing the demon posed a serious problem, especially with the threat of it being an Upper Rank.

You knew you’d need to rely on your wits and any other tools you could find until you could retrieve your sword.

For now, it was probably best for you to stay out of the way and focus on rescuing those trapped. While Inosuke took on the task of handling the sash, you made your way over to Zenitsu, who was buried within the fabric. You gripped the obi tightly, pulling with all your might. The material was tough and resistant, but you managed to tear at the seams, being careful not to damage the fabric too close to where Zenitsu was embedded to avoid causing him any harm.

Finally, with a final effort, you ripped the obi apart, and Zenitsu fell out with a heavy thud.

You quickly rolled him over, checking his vitals to ensure he was okay. Seeing that he was still breathing, you wasted no time. With a quick glance to ensure he was stable, you dashed off to continue freeing others. Meanwhile, Inosuke's relentless slashing at the obi helped to free several more individuals. His raw strength and determination sped up the rescue process, making it possible to save more people from the clutches of the demon’s dark scheme. 

But now, with both you and Inosuke having freed several people who lay unconscious and unable to defend themselves, you faced a new challenge. The obi, as if fueled by the demon’s sinister magic, began to regenerate and slither around, trying to recapture its victims. The dark fabric writhed with an almost sentient malevolence, making the situation even more dire.

Inosuke struggled to fend off the main head of the obi while simultaneously dealing with its writhing extensions. His breaths came in heavy, ragged gasps as he fought with all his might, trying to protect both you and the unconscious victims. The sheer number and agility of the obi made it clear that even his formidable strength was being pushed to its limits.

You did your best to dodge the belt's attacks, but the relentless fabric made it nearly impossible to avoid all of its strikes. Each time you moved, the obi seemed to anticipate and counter your actions, its sinister movements reflecting the dark intelligence behind it. The pressure was mounting as the obi inched closer to recapturing those you had already saved.

As you dodged another attack, a whiz cut through the air, and you turned just in time to see a kunai pinning a section of the fabric to the ground. Relief washed over you as you looked up to see two women standing nearby. One was dressed in red with golden face-framing bangs, exuding a commanding presence, while the other wore a blueish-purple outfit and had a nervous demeanor.

“Hey, you’ve got some nice moves, guys,” the woman in red called out, her voice firm and confident.

The other woman, who appeared more anxious, spoke up with a high-pitched voice. “Yeah, thanks for saving us!”

Inosuke, still battling the obi, glanced over with a scowl. “Who the heck are you two?!”

“Both of us are Uzui’s wives!” the nervous one, Suma, cried out, slashing through some of the fabric with visible effort. “I’m trying my best here, but I’m not much of a fighter! I’m sorry, please don’t expect much from me!”

“Suma! This is no time to be acting like a wimp,” the woman in red, Makio, chided, giving her a firm smack on the back. “We’re in the middle of a battle! Stop whining and focus on helping!”

“But, Makio, I can’t help it! You know I’m not great at fighting! I got captured, after all! You can’t expect me to protect everyone else! It’s impossible! I’ll be the one who gets killed first, probably!” Suma protested, her voice filled with anxiety.

Despite her nervousness, Suma’s attempts to help were valuable, and her presence provided crucial support in the fight. Makio, on the other hand, displayed fierce determination as she slashed through the fabric, her skills adding to the ongoing battle against the demon. The cackling of the obi echoed through the cavern, its sinister laughter adding to the chaos of the battle. It continued to taunt, its voice dripping with malevolent glee.

“You’re wasting your time! I’m not even the main body!”

Inosuke’s frustration was palpable as he fought against the relentless onslaught. “Damn it! This battle is never gonna end!”

Despite the growing desperation, the combined efforts of you, Inosuke, Makio, and Suma managed to create an opening in the fabric. You grabbed one of Makio’s kunai and focused on freeing more victims, slicing through the obi with all your strength. Suddenly, a piece of the fabric shot from the side, wrapping around your arm and quickly constricting your body. You gasped, struggling to breathe as the obi tightened its grip and squeezed around your ribs. Panic surged through you, and you desperately tried to free yourself from its crushing hold.

Just as despair began to set in, a voice echoed through the chaos.

“Thunder Breathing: First Form—Thunderclap and Flash…” Zenitsu’s voice cut through the cacophony, his body springing into action with a burst of energy. The air crackled with electric intensity, a blinding flash of white light illuminating the room as Zenitsu moved with lightning speed. “Sixfold!”

In a dazzling display of precision, Zenitsu struck with the force of a thunderbolt, his blade slicing through the obi and freeing other trapped individuals. He moved fluidly, bouncing between the walls, his movements a blur of white and silver. Zenitsu reached you with a final, decisive swing of his blade, cutting through the fabric that had ensnared you. As he freed you, he swiftly gathered you into his arms, sliding away from the remaining threat. You clung to him, your heart racing from the intensity of the battle and the sudden relief.

“Zenitsu!” you gasped, smiling.

Looking up at his face, you realized that Zenitsu was once again in one of his sleepwalking states—fighting with instinct and skill while he remained unconscious. It didn’t matter to you at that moment; you were just grateful that he had come to your rescue. His strength and bravery had saved you from a dire situation, and you couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of appreciation and relief.

Inosuke’s eyes widened in amazement as he watched Zenitsu’s flawless combat, his disbelief mixing with admiration. “He can fight like that? Maybe he should stay asleep like this the whole time...”

With renewed energy, the group rallied together. Inosuke charged at the main body of the obi, his Beast Breathing techniques cutting through the fabric with relentless force. Makio and Suma worked in tandem, their kunai flashing in the dim light as they targeted the obi’s weak points. As Zenitsu continued to fight with unconscious precision, you joined the fray, helping to free any remaining captives and supporting the group in their battle against the malevolent fabric. The teamwork and coordination of everyone present created a powerful force against the obi, pushing it to its limits.

However, the intensity of the battle surged, and with each passing moment, you could feel the exhaustion settling among you.

The ground beneath your feet suddenly trembled as a loud crack echoed through the cavern, shaking the walls and causing dirt and debris to rain down. Everyone froze, including the obi, as all eyes shifted upwards toward the ceiling. A rush of wind swept through the cavern as a large hole tore open above, and through it, a figure descended with impossible grace, landing silently amidst the chaos. As the dust settled, the towering figure of Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira, stood tall, his presence commanding the attention of both allies and enemy alike.

With his twin cleavers gleaming in the low light, Uzui glanced around the cavern, his sharp eyes assessing the situation. "Well, well, it looks like you’ve all been having quite the party without me."

Inosuke, his chest heaving from the fight, grinned wildly. "About time you showed up! This thing’s been a pain in the ass, but I was handling everything just fine!"

"Clearly," Uzui replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm, but there was an underlying sense of approval as he surveyed the scene.

Makio and Suma's faces brightened with relief as they rushed toward their husband. "Tengen! You’re okay!"

"Of course I’m okay," Uzui said casually, his tone cool but affectionate. "Now let’s wrap this up in style, shall we?"

His eyes locked onto the beleaguered obi, the fight that had been ongoing now turning in your favor as Uzui joined the fray.

The obi hissed in frustration, sensing the shift in momentum. "You think you can defeat me? You don’t even know where my main body is!"

Uzui smirked as he twirled his cleavers, the sound of metal slicing through the air ringing out like music. "I don’t need to know. I can hear it. And trust me, your rhythm is completely off."

In a blur of motion, Uzui dashed forward, his cleavers slicing through the air with the precision of a maestro conducting a deadly symphony. The obi, once so confident in its power, screeched in agony as each strike cut through its sinewy fabric, tearing it apart with ease. Its smug demeanor quickly crumbled as the Sound Hashira’s relentless assault left it with no chance to regenerate or retaliate. With each swing, more and more of the obi fell away, releasing the last of its captives. Inosuke, You, and the others watched in awe as Uzui moved effortlessly, his blades dancing through the air like flashes of light.

Finally, with one final slash, the obi collapsed into pieces, defeated.

The room fell silent as the last of the trapped victims tumbled free, their unconscious bodies gently resting on the ground. Uzui stood tall, his cleavers gleaming as he sheathed them with a confident flourish.

"Well, I think that was flashy enough," he said with a grin, brushing dust off his uniform.

Inosuke, never one to stay silent for long, pumped his fist in excitement. "Yeah! We did it! Not bad, old man!"

"I'm not that old!" Uzui retorted, a vein of exasperation popping as he sighed, though his expression remained light. Shaking his head, he slowly turned to face Makio and Suma, his demeanor softening. His usual grin turned into a warm smile as he took in the sight of his wives, safe and sound. "You two look as lovely as ever," he said, his voice carrying a rare, tender undertone. "You alright?"

Makio crossed her arms, smirking at him. "Of course! Like I'd let some stupid obi get the better of me."

Suma, on the other hand, wiped her eyes, still sniffling a little. "I'm fine now that you're here, Tengen! But it was so scary! I thought I'd never see you again!"

Uzui chuckled, gently placing a hand on her head. "Well, I'm here now. Nothing’s going to hurt you. I promise."

Makio gave him a playful nudge, eyes shining with affection despite her usual tough exterior. "Don't go getting all soft on us now."

Uzui laughed at Makio’s playful nudge, shaking his head as his grin returned, this time a little more mischievous. "Soft? Me? Never. I’m just making sure my lovely wives know their worth." He gave Suma a reassuring squeeze and winked at Makio, his usual swagger slipping back into place. "Now, I need you to go get Hinatsuru and get out of here. Got it? You can find her in Kirimise."

Suma sniffled one last time, nodding vigorously. "Right!"

Inosuke jumped in between them, yelling, "Less talking, more fighting! We’ve got a demon to find! That worm belt just flew through that hole you made and escaped!"

"SHUT UP!" Uzui shouted back, his eyes nearly popping out of his head as he shoved his finger against Inosuke's snout. "I saved everyone who was trapped in here, so quit your squalling! You should be on your knees worshipping me right now!"

Makio quickly chimed in, her voice urgent. "He's right, Tengen! You have to go after it or there'll be even more bloodshed! That wasn’t the main body."

Suma, wiping away her tears, added, "Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine! You have to go now before it's too late!"

"Fine, fine, Beast Boy’s got a point," he muttered, though the playful glint in his eyes didn’t fade. His face grew serious again as he locked eyes with Makio and Suma. "Stay safe, both of you. I'll find you once I'm done."

Makio crossed her arms and gave him a firm nod. "You better!"

"Please be careful, Tengen!" Suma wiped the last of her tears, her determination showing through despite her usual nervousness.

Uzui smiled warmly at his wives, taking one last glance at them before he turned to face Inosuke. "Alright, you little runt, let’s go find that demon. You’re with me. And don’t slow me down."

Inosuke grinned beneath his boar mask, puffing out his chest. "I never slow down! Let’s go! We’ll tear that thing apart!"

With a final nod to his wives and a quick glance at you and Zenitsu, who was still half-asleep but seemed ready for action, Uzui dashed toward the giant hole, Inosuke right on his heels.

"Stay here and protect the civilians!" Uzui called back over his shoulder to you as he picked Inosuke up and flung him upwards. "We’ll handle the rest. Trust me!"

You nodded as Uzui jumped and climbed back out of the cavern, your heart pounding as the battle wasn’t over yet. The real danger was still out there, and the fight was far from finished. But you trusted Uzui and Inosuke to handle it for now. They had the strength and skills needed to track down the demon’s true form. However, you weren’t going to stay here for long. Once everyone was safely above ground, you and Zenitsu would find Uzui, Inosuke, and Tanjiro to join the fight. 

Focusing your energy and breathing, you willed some kind of vision to come to you. You wanted to be more useful than ever before. If you could see something, perhaps you could make the defeat of this Upper Rank easier. As you concentrated, a familiar, tingling sensation washed over you. The world around you seemed to blur as you delved deeper into your focus. The chaos and urgency of the moment heightened your senses, pushing you deeper into your concentration.

Images began to swirl in your mind—vivid flashes of color and shadow, snippets of scenes that seemed both distant and near.

You saw Tanjiro fighting fiercely, his movements desperate but determined. Glimpses of Nezuko appeared, but she looked different—darker, more formidable. You sensed an urgent need to help her. As you pushed harder into the vision, you saw not just one, but two ominous auras. The scenes shifted, revealing a fierce and chaotic battle. The Entertainment District was in a state of upheaval, buildings crumbling and chaos reigning. Amidst the turmoil, you caught snippets of hopelessness and despair, as if the very essence of the district was being torn apart. The vision was overwhelming but illuminating. It revealed the true scale of the threat: the Upper Rank demon wasn’t acting alone; it had allies or perhaps even a part of itself distributed among the chaos. This realization solidified your resolve.

You knew you had to act quickly.

Chapter 18: Symphony of Chaos - 混沌の交響曲


In a gripping showdown set in the vibrant but perilous Entertainment District, you and your companions team up to confront the fearsome Upper Rank Demon—but she's not alone. As the battle intensifies and the stakes rise, you uncover a chilling secret that shakes you to your core. With the weight of fate resting on your shoulders, the team must confront not only the demons before them but also the looming shadow of a powerful adversary who seeks to claim you for himself.


Hey everyone! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Thank you so much for joining me on this wild ride! I’m thrilled to finally share this next chapter with all, and I hope you'll enjoy the action and tension as Y/N and the gang face off against Daki and Gyutaro in the Entertainment District.

Your support and feedback mean the world to me, and I’m excited to share more of this journey with you. As we dive deeper into the story, secrets will unravel, and the stakes will only get higher. I can’t wait for you all to see what’s coming next! Stay tuned, and thanks again for your wonderful support!

Much love ♡ ~('▽^人)

Chapter Text

With Uzui and Inosuke gone to track down the demon, you were left with Zenitsu, Makio, Suma, and the civilians still unconscious around you. You quickly turned around and gripped Zenitsu’s shoulders, giving him a firm shake.

“Zenitsu, can you hear me? Wake up! We have to get these people out of here, but I can’t stay for long, or else something terrible is going to happen!” Your voice was urgent, the gravity of your vision weighing heavily on your chest. “I had a vision, and I don’t think the demon is working alone. Tanjiro and Nezuko are in grave danger. I have to find them and warn the others.”

Zenitsu’s eyes remained closed, his face eerily calm and expressionless in his sleep-like state. You weren’t sure if he could hear you or not, but time was of the essence. You trusted him—despite his usual anxiousness, Zenitsu had shown time and time again that he was capable of protecting others when it mattered most. Even if he wasn’t conscious now, you knew the moment something threatened the civilians or anyone else, he would be quick to act. And with Uzui’s wives, Makio and Suma, here as well, you felt confident everyone would be safe.

“I have to go now,” you sighed softly, a small smile tugging at your lips despite the tension of the situation. Leaning forward, you pressed a chaste kiss to Zenitsu’s cheek without a second thought, feeling the coolness of his skin. Then, wrapping your arms around him in a brief hug, you mumbled, “I don’t know if you can hear me, but thank you for saving me once again, Zen. Please take care of the people and then come find us, okay? I’ll see you later.”

As you pulled away, Zenitsu’s hands twitched ever so slightly, his fingers trembling as if his subconscious was fighting to react to your words. His face showed the faintest hint of movement, his brows furrowing in the barest sign that some part of him had heard you. But there was no time to wait. You turned toward Makio and Suma, who had been tending to the civilians as they slowly regained consciousness. They were strong, resourceful, and determined—just like their husband. You gave them a thumbs-up, and they returned the gesture with smiles and waves, assuring you they could handle things from here.

“We’ll be fine! Go find your friends and Tengen!” Makio called out, her voice steady despite the chaos surrounding you.

“Good luck! Be careful!” Suma added with a warm smile.

You nodded in gratitude before sprinting off into the night, your mind racing with thoughts of Tanjiro and Nezuko. You had no time to lose—your vision had shown you enough to know that their lives hung in the balance. The weight of responsibility and the fear of what you might find gnawed at you, but you pushed forward, determination burning in your chest. Behind you, Zenitsu’s fingers clenched slightly, a quiet whisper escaping his lips as if his body was reacting in his sleep.


You raced through the darkened streets, the wind whipping through your hair as your heart pounded in your chest. The distant sound of destruction echoed through the Entertainment District—Tanjiro and Nezuko were out there somewhere, fighting for their lives, and you needed to reach them before it was too late. Each step felt heavier than the last, the memory of your vision playing over and over in your mind. The eerie feeling that the demon wasn’t working alone gnawed at you, and you couldn’t shake the ominous sense that something far worse awaited you and your friends.

Tanjiro ran across the rooftops, stopping in his tracks when he suddenly caught the faint but sickeningly sweet scent that he had no doubt belonged to the demon he and his companions had been looking for. Without another moment of hesitation, he adjusted the sword by his side—the one that belonged to you—and headed straight towards the scent, determination fueling his every step. As he leaped from one building to another, he could feel the familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

His thoughts drifted momentarily to you.

Knowing you were without your sword made him worry, but he trusted that as long as you were with Inosuke, you should be fine. Not to mention, the Sound Hashira was still prowling around the district—Uzui wouldn't let anything happen to you or anyone else. He couldn’t afford to let worry cloud his judgment. With each stride, he reminded himself of the lives at stake and the urgency of the situation. As he approached the source of the scent, the atmosphere grew heavy with tension. Shadows danced around him, and the air felt thick with malevolence. Tanjiro's grip on his own sword tightened as he slowed his pace, senses heightened.

He scanned the area, every instinct telling him he was close.

“Stay focused,” he whispered to himself, grounding himself in the moment. “I won’t let anyone else suffer because of this demon.”

Finally, he spotted a flicker of movement in the darkness below—a figure that seemed to blend with the shadows, its form both alluring and terrifying. Tanjiro steeled himself, preparing for the confrontation that was about to unfold. This was it; he would face the demon and fight not just for himself, but for you, for Zenitsu, for Inosuke, and for all those who had suffered at the hands of Muzan's kind. He took Nezuko's box off his back and carefully placed it down, tucked away on a small balcony, then slid your sword next to it. With a deep breath, he sprang down from the rooftop, landing silently in front of the demon, his own sword poised for battle.

"Eh? Oh, look... another cockroach getting in my way," Daki said, her voice dripping with disdain as she emerged from the shadows, a smirk playing on her lips.

"You’re the one responsible for all of the disappearances, aren’t you? I won’t let you harm anyone else," Tanjiro declared, his voice steady. "Your reign of terror ends here."

Her eyes glinted with a mix of amusement and menace, as if she found Tanjiro’s determination laughable. Tanjiro tightened his grip on the sword, unwavering despite the fear that threatened to creep in.

"You think you can stop me? How cute.” Daki's laughter echoed in the night, a chilling sound that seemed to mock his resolve. “But you have no idea what you're up against. I’ve devoured countless lives—many of them were Hashira—what makes you think you’re any different?"

With each word, her confidence swelled, the shadows around her swirling as if they were alive. Tanjiro took a step forward, ready to engage. He could feel the weight of this mission pressing down on him, but he also felt the warmth of his friends' spirits guiding him. Even if he was alone right now, Tanjiro had to face the demon; he had to try. The weight of his duty pressed heavily on his shoulders, but he held onto the hope that eventually the rest of you would appear. As Tanjiro wordlessly surged forward, Daki's playful smirk twisted into a fierce glare. With a swift motion, she raised her hand, and the fabric of her obi coiled and struck like a serpent, catching him off guard.

He barely managed to twist away, but the force of the blow sent him sprawling to the ground, pain radiating through his side.

“Look at you. You're too slow,” Daki taunted, her voice lilting with mockery. “I was hoping for a challenge.”

Clenching his jaw, Tanjiro pushed himself back to his feet, determination flaring in his chest. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through him, heightening his senses as he locked eyes with the demon. The scent of her bloodlust was overwhelming, but he refused to let it sway him. Just then a loud rumble echoed throughout the district, causing Daki to glance off into the distance, her scowl deepening.

"What is that infernal racket? Ugh, it's giving me a headache! What on earth are you up to?" Daki asked, irritation flashing in her eyes as she glared at him. "You're not the only Demon Slayer here, that much is obvious. But tell me, just how many of you are there?"

“Who knows,” Tanjiro replied, his sword raised, his stance widening as he prepared to face her once more.

The tension in the air crackled as he focused on her movements, determined not to let the distraction shake his resolve.

Daki cocked her hip, pointing at him with a manicured finger, her amusement apparent. “If you tell me, I might be willing to spare your worthless life. We only clashed for maybe an instant at most, but look at your sword! It’s already chipped.”

Tanjiro’s heart sank as he glanced at his blade, spotting the rough edging and a deep chip near the tip. His eyes widened at the sight; this wasn’t good. He had just received this sword after the Mugen Train mission two months ago, and the memory of his swordsmith, Haganezuka, chasing him around in a fury came rushing back.

"The swordsmith who made that must have been a real amateur," Daki scoffed, her laughter dripping with derision.

Tanjiro clenched his jaw, fire igniting in his chest. “You’re wrong! The person who forged this is amazing, and he’s a brilliant swordsmith!” His voice rose, determination fueling his words. “This sword represents the strength and spirit of every Demon Slayer who fights to protect humanity!”

Daki’s smirk faltered for a moment, her irritation flickering in her eyes.

“How touching,” she mocked, though the edges of her expression hardened. “But it won’t save you. Not when you’re facing me.”

The ground shook again, sending vibrations through the air. Daki, growing tired of the noise and distraction, hissed with irritation, her eyes narrowing.

"How annoying! I'm going to get rid of you first and then destroy all of the other pesky little ants scurrying around."

Tanjiro gritted his teeth, preparing for her attack. He focused all his energy, every fiber of his being, into countering it. He had trained tirelessly in Water Breathing, but over the past few months, he had come to realize that his body wasn't entirely suited for it. The techniques felt heavy and cumbersome, and he struggled to master them.

He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was letting Urokodaki and Tomioka down. But as he trained, he had discovered something that resonated deeply within him: Hinokami Kagura. It felt more natural, more aligned with his spirit, even if it came with its own challenges. The sheer force of the technique limited his ability to unleash multiple strikes, but it gave him power—an intensity that he had never felt before with Water Breathing.

"I can do it," he whispered to himself, drawing on the determination that had carried him this far.

This is what he had been training for. The Flame Hashira had taken you, him, and the others under his wing. For months, they had trained each day and Rengoku had encouraged them. The words of the Pillar echoed in his mind, a mantra that ignited his resolve. Burn! Burn! Set your heart ablaze! As Daki’s obi lashed out, Tanjiro swung his blade in one fluid motion, the air crackling around him as flames erupted from his sword.

“Hinokami Kagura—Raging Sun!” 

The arc of fire surged forward, a brilliant blaze slicing through the darkness, meeting the fabric of Daki’s attack with a fierce determination. The flames devoured the fabric, the heat scorching the air as he pressed forward, pushing against the overwhelming force of the demon before him. In that moment, Tanjiro felt the weight of his training, the spirits of his comrades fueling his strength.

He would not let fear consume him; he would face this demon head-on, wielding the fire of his ancestors and the hope of those who fought alongside him. As he advanced, he knew that he had to break through—not just for himself, but for everyone counting on him. The flames of Tanjiro's attack blazed brightly, momentarily illuminating the darkness that enveloped them. But as the fire dissipated, Daki's laughter rang out, sharp and mocking.

"Is that all you've got?" she taunted, her movements a blur as she dodged the remnants of his strike with ease.

Her speed was incredible, and Tanjiro struggled to keep up. Every time he thought he had a moment to strike, she would slip away, her obi darting out like a snake, forcing him to defend himself rather than mount an offense. He gritted his teeth, frustration mounting. He could feel the fatigue already settling in as he cycled through the Hinokami Kagura techniques. The power surged through him with each use, but the cost was steep. His muscles ached, and his movements began to slow. Every swing of his sword felt heavier than the last.

"You’re getting tired," Daki said, her eyes gleaming with cruel delight. "This is almost too easy!"

With a sudden flick of her wrist, her obi lashed out again, aiming for his midsection. Tanjiro barely managed to sidestep the attack, the fabric grazing his side and leaving a searing burn that ignited his senses. He stumbled but quickly regained his footing, sweat trickling down his brow. 

"I won’t give up!" he shouted defiantly, forcing his body to move, to respond. He charged forward again, summoning the remnants of his strength. “Hinokami Kagura—Scorching Rush!”

He unleashed a series of strikes, each one infused with the fiery spirit of his ancestors. But Daki danced around him, her agility making it nearly impossible to land a hit. Each swing of his sword seemed to miss by inches as she ducked, weaved, and countered, her movements fluid and unpredictable.

"You think you can keep this up?" she mocked, eyes narrowing as she prepared for another counter. "I’m just toying with you! You’ll tire yourself out, and then I’ll finish you off!"

Tanjiro’s breath came in ragged gasps. She was right; he was growing slower, the fatigue weighing heavily on him. Each time he called upon Hinokami Kagura, he could feel his body protesting, the fire within him starting to flicker. He needed to conserve his strength, but how could he if he couldn’t land a single blow? His heart raced, thoughts of his friends flashing through his mind. He couldn’t let them down. He had to find a way to turn the tide. Gathering his focus, Tanjiro took a deep breath and grounded himself.

“Think, Tanjiro,” he whispered to himself. “You can’t overpower her, but you can outsmart her.”

As Daki lunged forward, ready to strike, he feigned to the left, drawing her attention. Just as she anticipated his move, he pivoted on his heel and swung his sword low, aiming for the ground instead. The flames ignited under him, creating a wall of heat that obscured her vision. Daki hissed in surprise, momentarily thrown off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Tanjiro darted to the side, his mind racing. He needed to find a way to make his next attack count, to exploit her arrogance.

“Hinokami Kagura—Raging Sun!” he called out again, but this time, he aimed to strike her from an unexpected angle.

The flames erupted in a brilliant arc, and while it wasn't as powerful as before, it was enough to catch her off guard. As the fire surged toward her, Tanjiro followed through with all his remaining strength, charging forward. He had to land a hit, even if it was just one. The fight was far from over, but he wouldn't let Daki's mocking laughter be the last thing he heard.

"That's enough, you ugly rat!" Daki yelled furiously, throwing her arm out, knocking him away.

Leaping towards him, she swiped her claws, narrowly missing him as Tanjiro ducked just in time. He could feel the rush of wind as her lethal strike grazed past him, the sharpness of her claws sending a chill down his spine. As she stumbled slightly from her missed attack, pieces of her obi suddenly flew back to her, swirling like serpents before being absorbed into her form.

"I knew it!" Daki exclaimed, her voice laced with triumph. She leaped onto a nearby roof, her hair glowing and shifting color from dark black to stark white. "A Hashira did show up! How magnificent."

The air around her thickened, an ominous energy pulsating as her power surged. Tanjiro instinctively recoiled, sensing the shift in her aura. The sweet scent that had once filled the air now carried a more sinister undertone, like smoke mingling with something rotten. She had gained strength—too much strength. His thoughts raced, piecing together the implications.

"Uzui," he murmured, realization dawning on him.

Had this demon been using her obi to stalk the district, killing innocents without drawing attention? It made sense; the pieces he had seen in the battle earlier were extensions of her power. He quickly pieced together the situation. Uzui and the others had likely dealt with the remaining pieces of her obi, which allowed her to absorb them and regain her strength. Now that they were whole again, Daki had become a far greater threat. Tanjiro felt a mix of relief and dread wash over him. He was glad to know that Uzui and the others were still around, but now that Daki had regained her strength, every moment mattered. The battle was escalating, and he had to be extra cautious. He clenched his sword tightly, adrenaline surging through him as he prepared for her next move.

'I have to hold on until the others arrive. I can’t let her get the upper hand!'

Daki’s transformation was terrifying to witness. Her once dark hair now shimmered with an ethereal white glow, giving her an even more dangerous presence. The air around her was thick with power, and her eyes gleamed with bloodlust. Tanjiro could feel the suffocating weight of her newfound strength pressing down on him like an unbearable heat. Every instinct screamed at him to flee, to regroup, but he knew he couldn’t. Not now.

Daki smirked as she took in his tense posture, savoring his fear. “Now you’ll see what happens when you face a true Upper Rank demon. Your pathetic attempts at fighting are nothing more than a game to me.”

As Daki's transformation completed, her radiant white hair fluttered in the night air, the ominous energy she exuded growing more suffocating by the second. Tanjiro could feel his heartbeat drumming in his chest, the pressure weighing on him like a mountain. This was no longer the same opponent he had been fighting moments before—Daki had ascended, becoming an even deadlier force. She looked down on him with terrifying grace, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

"Do you understand who you're going up against now, you fool?" she sneered. "A pathetic Slayer like you can’t possibly hope to defeat me. I am perfection."

Tanjiro gritted his teeth, refusing to give in to her taunts. He could still hear Rengoku’s voice in his head, urging him to press on, to set his heart ablaze. But this fight was unlike anything he’d ever faced. His muscles ached, his lungs burned, and his hands trembled slightly as they gripped the hilt of his sword. Hinokami Kagura had taken its toll on him, and he knew he couldn’t keep up this pace for long. Yet the fiery resolve within him remained undeterred.

“Even if you’re stronger, even if I can’t win alone,” Tanjiro muttered lowly, his resolve hardening, “I’ll fight with everything I have.”

Daki leapt down from the rooftop, her movements swift and graceful, her white hair flowing behind her like a trail of death. In an instant, she was in front of him, her obi unraveling and snapping toward him with lightning speed. Tanjiro barely managed to parry the attack, his blade clashing against the razor-sharp fabric. The force of the impact sent him skidding backward, his feet digging into the ground as he fought to maintain his balance. She didn’t give him a moment’s respite. Another flurry of obi lashed out at him, forcing him to dodge and weave between the strikes. Each movement was precise, each attack meant to kill. Tanjiro's heart pounded as he narrowly avoided the deadly blows, the sheer speed of her attacks overwhelming him. His body was already running on fumes, and the exhaustion was beginning to show in his movements.

“You’re slowing down,” Daki sneered, her voice dripping with malice. “What’s wrong? You were so full of fire just a moment ago.”

Tanjiro didn't answer. His breaths were labored, and every muscle in his body screamed in protest. He had to be smarter. He couldn't keep relying on brute strength alone—he needed to outthink her, anticipate her moves. But even as he tried to strategize, another wave of attacks came at him, each one more vicious than the last. A stray slash from her obi managed to catch him across the shoulder, slicing through his haori and leaving a deep cut in his flesh. Tanjiro winced, pain shooting through his body, but he gritted his teeth and kept moving. He couldn’t afford to stop, not even for a second.

Daki’s laughter echoed around them, cruel and triumphant. “I told you. You’re nothing compared to me! Just accept your fate and die already!”

But Tanjiro’s mind was focused, his thoughts zeroed in on one thing—staying alive long enough for help to arrive. He wasn’t going to let her win. Even if his body was screaming at him to stop, even if his strength was fading, he would fight until his last breath. With a sharp inhale, Tanjiro prepared to call on Hinokami Kagura again, despite the toll it would take on him. He raised his sword, the blade trembling slightly in his grip, and narrowed his focus on Daki. He knew he didn’t have much left in him, but he’d use every ounce of power he had to strike back. Tanjiro’s eyes burned with fierce determination as the air around him shimmered with the rising heat of his breath. His grip tightened around the hilt of his sword, and with a sharp inhale, he launched himself forward.

"Hinokami Kagura—Fire Wheel!" he roared, his voice cutting through the tension of the battlefield.

His body moved with practiced precision, guided by instinct and resolve. The blade gleamed as he rotated mid-air, aiming to deliver a swift, deadly strike. His eyes sharpened, catching sight of the opening thread—the brief moment when Daki's guard faltered, her movements ever so slightly predictable. It was now or never. The circular slash descended with terrifying speed, the force of the technique threatening to cut through the Upper Rank's neck in a single, fluid motion. For an instant, victory seemed within his grasp.

But Daki was faster.

Before the blade could connect, her obi—flowing and alive with the sinister energy of her Blood Demon Art—lashed out with the precision of a serpent. In an instant, her obi wrapped around his sword, twisting and pulling it away from him as she simultaneously threw her arm out. The force of her attack sent him flying back, crashing into the ground with a sickening thud. Pain exploded in his ribs as he struggled to breathe, his vision blurring for a moment. Daki stood over him, her expression one of pure arrogance as she held his sword in her hand, the chipped edge glinting ominously.

“Did you really think you stood a chance?” she mocked, her voice dripping with disdain. “You’re weak, and now you’ve lost your sword. What will you do now, Demon Slayer?”

His sword might be in her hands, but if he was quick enough, he could try to use yours, which he'd hidden with Nezuko's box on a rooftop. But he hesitated; revealing Nezuko’s location could put her in danger. He couldn't afford that, not now. Yet, without a weapon, what could he do? Tanjiro struggled to push himself up, his body resisting him. His breaths came in shallow gasps, his vision swimming as he looked up at the demon towering above him. He had never felt so powerless, so close to defeat. But even in this moment of despair, he refused to give up. 

Daki's chilling laugh broke through his thoughts, the sound grating against his senses. “Look at you, struggling like a worm in the dirt,” she sneered, twirling his sword in her hand. "You’re out of options. I’ll finish you off, then find the others—especially the one you’re hiding."

His blood ran cold. She knows...

The thought of Daki getting anywhere near Nezuko sent a surge of adrenaline through his body, pushing him to stand despite the overwhelming pain. He couldn’t let it happen. He wouldn't let it happen.

“You… won’t touch her,” Tanjiro rasped, forcing himself to his feet, swaying as his body struggled to stay upright. His legs trembled under his weight, and his vision blurred, but his resolve only sharpened. He locked eyes with Daki, his gaze fierce despite the exhaustion threatening to overtake him. “I won’t let you.”

For a brief moment, Daki’s expression shifted from amusement to annoyance. “Still resisting, even when you're at death’s door? You humans never learn.”

With a shaky breath, Tanjiro took one final stance, his bare hands clenched into fists. His muscles screamed in protest, and his lungs burned with each breath, but the fire inside him refused to die out.

“I don’t need a sword to protect the people I care about,” Tanjiro muttered, his voice gaining strength as he spoke. “Even without it, I’ll keep fighting. Until the very end.”

Daki's eyes widened for a moment before her lips curled into a cruel smile. “You truly are a fool, aren't you? Very well. I’ll rip you apart with my own hands.”

She lunged forward, her claws gleaming under the moonlight, aiming directly for Tanjiro’s heart. Time seemed to slow as she closed the distance, but Tanjiro held his ground, refusing to back down. Just before her strike could land, a flash of pink zoomed past him. Nezuko’s sudden appearance took both Tanjiro and Daki by surprise. In the blink of an eye, she slammed into the Upper Rank with a fierce growl, her small but powerful form sending Daki skidding back across the ground. Tanjiro’s heart raced, both in relief and panic—he hadn’t wanted her to get involved, not with the danger the Upper Moon posed.

But there was no stopping her now.

Nezuko stood between him and Daki, her bamboo muzzle in place, her eyes blazing with a protective fury. Her entire aura seemed to have shifted; the innocent girl he knew was gone, replaced by a fierce, instinct-driven warrior determined to defend her brother at all costs. Daki, who had regained her footing after the surprise attack, brushed off the dust from her ornate kimono, her expression darkening.

“Oh, so the little brat finally shows herself,” she said, her voice dripping with malice.

Tanjiro clenched his fists. Nezuko’s presence here was a double-edged sword—she was strong, but she wasn't like other demons. She didn't heal as quickly and she had more of her humanity in tack. Nezuko growled low in her throat, the tension in her body unmistakable. Her veins bulged, her eyes glowing a brilliant pink as her blood demon art stirred within her, the heat emanating from her body like a furnace. She was ready to fight, and Tanjiro could see the determination in her eyes. Despite his worry, couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride in his sister. She was here to protect him, just as much as he wanted to protect her.

Daki’s smile twisted, her claws flexing in anticipation. “A demon fighting for a human? How pathetic. You should be on our Master's side.” She began to walk forward, her steps confident, eyes locked on Nezuko. “Let’s see how well this works out for you.”

Without warning, Daki’s obi lashed out again, faster this time, weaving through the air like a serpent aiming to ensnare Nezuko. But Nezuko was ready. With a burst of speed, she dodged the attack, moving with an agility that even Daki hadn’t anticipated. Her claws slashed through the air, meeting Daki’s obi head-on in a flurry of strikes, the fabric falling to pieces. Before Daki could retaliate, Nezuko rushed forward and slammed her fist into Daki's chest, causing the Upper Rank to stumble

Daki hissed, recoiling from the blow, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. “How dare you lay your filthy hands on me!”

Tanjiro watched, still struggling to stay on his feet, as Nezuko pressed the attack. But as strong as Nezuko was, Tanjiro knew that this battle couldn’t last. Daki had absorbed too much power, and Nezuko was still vulnerable.

“N-Nezuko!” Tanjiro called out, his voice hoarse but urgent. “Be careful!”

Nezuko didn’t acknowledge his warning, too focused on the fight. Her movements were a blur as she dodged and countered. But Daki wasn’t done yet. With a furious snarl, she extended her obi once more, this time unleashing a wide array of them, far too many for Nezuko to block. The fabric shot toward her like whips, cutting through the air. Nezuko managed to evade a few, but one struck her across the chest, sending her flying backward with a grunt of pain. She hit the ground hard, the force of the blow knocking the wind out of her.

Daki cackled, her voice shrill and filled with glee. “How pitiful! You may have strength, little girl, but you’re nothing compared to me!”

“Nezuko!” Tanjiro shouted, staggering forward despite the agony in his body. "Don't hurt her! Leave my sister alone!" 

With his heart pounding in his chest, Tanjiro fought to push through the pain, desperately reaching out to her. He couldn’t bear to watch Nezuko suffer—she had endured so much already, and she didn’t deserve any of this torment. The memories of their past flashed through his mind: her laughter, her fierce determination, the countless times she had fought by his side. This time, he couldn’t let her fight his battles for him. But what could he do?

Just then, a new voice shouted from the distance, cutting through the chaos like a beacon of hope.

"Tanjiro! Nezuko!"

It was your voice. Driven by the urgency of your vision, you followed your instincts, fueled by the strong connection you felt with Tanjiro and Nezuko. You wouldn’t slow down to see if Uzui or Inosuke had figured out where the demon and Tanjiro were; they would find out in due time, if they hadn't already. All you could focus on was reaching your friends before something dire happened. With every ounce of speed you could muster, you dashed across the rooftops, your heart racing as you closed the distance.

"Tanjiro! Nezuko!" your voice rang out again, breathless but determined as you now stood at the scene.

Daki glanced toward you, her sneer widening as she took in the sight of another fighter entering the fray. "Another one? You Demon Slayers are like cockroaches—no matter how many I crush, more just keep appearing."

You weren’t focused on her. Your attention was entirely on Tanjiro and Nezuko. The scene before you was nothing short of chaos—Nezuko, wild and enraged, while Tanjiro was battered and nearly broken, struggling to stand as his sister faced the deadly Upper Moon demon. As you skidded across the rooftop, the sharp edge of Daki's obi barely missed you by inches. You winced, feeling the force of her attack cutting through the air just behind you. The stakes were painfully clear now—you were in the heart of battle with no weapon in hand. Despite the odds, you had made it here because you couldn't ignore the pull, the desperation to protect Tanjiro and Nezuko. Your instincts had guided you, but now, standing in front of an Upper Moon demon, the reality of your situation hit like a ton of bricks. You weren't armed, and your presence only added another layer of danger to an already deadly confrontation.

Daki's eyes gleamed with amusement as she watched you regain your balance. "No sword?" she taunted, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "How amusing. What did you think you could do, come here and die alongside your friends? How noble."

Your heart pounded in your chest, adrenaline spiking. You couldn't hesitate now. You had to act. You stood your ground, your eyes locking with Daki's.

"I’m not here to die," you said, your voice steady despite the fear creeping up your spine. "I'm here to fight."

"Fight?" Daki chuckled, her tone dripping with condescension. "And how do you plan on doing that without a sword, moron?"

You didn’t have an answer for her. Not yet, at least. But you couldn’t back down. You had come this far—Tanjiro and Nezuko needed you. There was no turning back. You just needed to buy time, give Tanjiro a moment to catch his breath. The odds were slim, but you couldn’t give in to fear.

Behind you, Tanjiro struggled to his feet again, his voice weak but determined. "Get… away…! You can’t fight her like this."

You clenched your fists, determination surging through you. "I know, but I’m not leaving you."

Daki's eyes glinted dangerously, and her voice darkened. "Aww, how cute... then die with them," she sneered, clearly growing tired of the delay. 

Her obi lashed out again, swift and deadly, and you barely had time to brace yourself. The sharp crack of the fabric cutting through the air was followed by a searing pain in your side. You heard Tanjiro cry out in desperation as the force of the blow sent you sprawling backward and tumbling to the ground below. The world tilted, your vision swimming as you clutched your side. Warm blood gushed between your fingers, soaking into your clothes as you pressed hard against the torn muscle, trying to stem the bleeding.

The pain was intense, but not as alarming as the way Nezuko's eyes widened at the sight. Her trembling hands clenched into fists, the raw smell of your blood stirring something dangerous within her. You could see the hunger flicker behind her demonic eyes, her instincts threatening to overpower her. But she wasn’t the only one drawn to the scent. Daki sported a wicked grin stretched across her face. Her steps were slow, deliberate, as she closed the distance between you. There was a predatory gleam in her eyes, one that made your blood run cold.

"Oh my!" she purred, her voice dripping with cruel amusement. "What do we have here?" She inhaled deeply, her expression darkening with hunger. "You're a Marechi," she said, her tone shifting to something more sinister. Her grin widened, showing off her sharp teeth, and she licked her lips. "And not only that, but you don't seem like you belong here..."

Your heart raced, the adrenaline surging despite the pain. You had heard of Marechi before—blood of the rarest kind, prized by demons for its potent, intoxicating power. And now, you were marked. You winced, your body screaming in protest as you struggled to push yourself back up. The weight of her words felt like a cold blade pressing against your skin. She had noticed the subtle differences in your appearance, your unfamiliarity—and now she knew you were special, a target worth more than just a simple kill. Nezuko took a step forward, her body trembling. Her protective instincts warred against her hunger, and it was clear she was barely holding herself back.

Daki’s gaze roamed over you with a curious malice, her eyes narrowing as she studied your features more closely. "If I’m not mistaken," she continued, stepping even closer, "you’re a foreigner, aren’t you? Facing an Upper Rank all on your own? You're not the smartest it seems, but you are a special one..."

You met Daki’s gaze, your own defiance burning through the haze of pain. “Yeah, I'm not from here, but so what? Either way, you're dead wrong if you think I'm going to go without a fight,” you ground out, your voice hoarse but steady.

Daki chuckled, straightening up as she cocked her head to the side, amusement glinting in her eyes. "Such noble words for someone standing at death's door. But don’t worry—you’ll be dealt with later." Her voice dripped with mockery. "It’s really too bad I can't devour you. You’re somewhat pretty—but not as beautiful as I am—and your blood… so sweet. It would make such a divine treat. But alas, you’re needed alive."

She sighed dramatically, her smile sharp and predatory. The weight of her words sent a chill down your spine. Needed... alive? Why? What purpose did she have in mind for you? The thought was terrifying, but there was no time to dwell on it.

"Y/n, you have to get out of here!" Tanjiro's voice rang out.

He stumbled forward, trying to reach you, but his body gave out, sending him crashing back to the ground. The sight of him struggling to move, battered and beaten, twisted something deep inside you. He was still in no condition to fight just yet, but neither were you. You desperately needed your sword. Daki’s expression darkened, her mood shifting as she lashed out with her obi, quickly ensnaring Nezuko and Tanjiro in a deadly grip.

"Shut up, you sniveling weakling!" Daki spat, her voice dripping with disdain.

Nezuko thrashed against the restraints, desperately trying to rake at the fabric, but it was futile. Bound and frenzied, her focus wavered, torn between the scent of your blood and her instinct to protect you and Tanjiro. You clenched your jaw, forcing yourself to your feet despite the searing pain that flared through your side.

“I’m not leaving you behind!” you shouted, your voice raw but unwavering.

Daki's sneer widened as she watched your defiant struggle. "Ugh, you two are almost adorable; it makes me sick," she mocked, her eyes glinting with malice. "But do you really think you can stop me? Without your sword? Without strength?" Her tone turned icy as she advanced, her presence suffocating. "I'm an Upper Rank! You have no chance, don’t you get it? Now, watch as I pulverize your little boyfriend and his annoying sister."

“I won’t let you hurt them!” you shouted, your heart pounding.

Tanjiro coughed, gritting his teeth against the pain. “Y-Your... sword! Up on the roof... behind you!”

Summoning every ounce of strength you had left, you focused on the rooftop where Nezuko’s box lay hidden, where your sword awaited. Daki paused, narrowing her eyes as she sensed your intention.

“Think you can move fast enough?” she mocked, her obi lunging toward you once more.

This time, you anticipated the attack, pivoting on your feet and ducking just in time. The fabric whizzed past you, narrowly missing as you sprinted forward. You leapt onto the nearby rooftop, the pain in your side igniting as you spotted Nezuko's box. Your fingers brushed against the wood, and hope surged within you as you caught the glint of your sword—your lifeline in this battle.

As she recovered from her miss, you heard her voice behind you, dripping with malice. “Even if you have a sword now, do you really think you can save them? You’re only delaying the inevitable.”

“I don't care! You'll have to kill me before I let you hurt them again!" With renewed urgency, you grasped your sword, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Rolling your shoulders, you clicked your tongue. "Too bad for your plans, I guess...”

As you turned to face her, the blade glinting in the moonlight, you could see the fury building in Daki’s eyes. You were ready to fight, ready to protect your friends with everything you had left. The weight of the sword felt like a part of you, a reminder of the strength you had fought so hard to maintain. Daki lunged forward, her obi writhing like a serpent, and you raised your blade, feeling the fire of determination flare within you.

Daki’s voice dripped with sadistic glee as she lunged at you, her obi snapping forward like a striking viper. “I said I needed you alive, but that doesn’t mean I can’t break you!”

You braced yourself, sword steady in your grip as you narrowly dodged her attack. With a fierce swing, your blade cut through the air, slicing the fabric of her obi, sending shreds fluttering to the ground. But Daki only laughed, completely unfazed, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement. As she closed the distance, her wicked smile grew more predatory, and you could feel the suffocating weight of her aura pressing down on you. She lunged, claws outstretched, and you barely managed to deflect her strike with your sword.

The sheer speed of her movements left little room for error, but you were able to dodge her attacks—if only just.

The force of her attack sent you stumbling back, your breath ragged as you struggled to regain your footing. Daki's relentless assault continued, each strike faster and more vicious than the last. You gritted your teeth, doing everything in your power to stay on your feet, blocking her attacks with sheer determination. Every clash of her claws against your blade sent shockwaves through your arms, the weight of her demonic strength threatening to overwhelm you as you stumbled backwards.

Her smirk deepened, sensing your struggle. "What's wrong? Can't keep up?" she taunted, her voice dripping with condescension as she prepared for the final blow.

Just as Daki was about to land a devastating strike, a sudden surge of movement caught your eye.

With a furious growl, Nezuko broke free from the restraints of Daki’s obi. Her eyes were wide with a newfound clarity, the wild instinct caused by your blood from moments before momentarily melting away as she focused on protecting you and her brother once again. Nezuko’s body began to change; her veins pulsed with dark energy as she transformed before your very eyes. A horn sprouted from her forehead, and her muscles bulged with an otherworldly power that surged through her, strange markings appearing on her skin. The air around her crackled with intensity as she began to fully embrace her demonic form.

Daki turned, her smug demeanor faltering as she took in the sight of Nezuko's transformation. “What's this…?”

In an instant, Nezuko launched herself at Daki with a speed that left the Upper Rank demon reeling. Daki barely had time to react as Nezuko’s fist collided with her jaw, sending her staggering backward. Fury ignited within Daki as she shrieked, her voice a sharp edge of rage. In retaliation, she unleashed a furious barrage of attacks with her obi, the fabric snapping and lashing out like venomous snakes. Just as the fabric struck, Nezuko’s leg shot up, kicking one of the ribbons away with such force that it cracked like a whip through the air. She leaped into the air, avoiding another barrage, then twisted mid-flight, her claws slashing through several more with ease.

Landing gracefully, Nezuko let out a low growl, her expression dark with fury. 

Daki, still recovering from the initial blow, tried to regain her composure, but Nezuko was relentless. She dodged Daki’s counterattacks with ease, each movement a testament to her newfound strength. Nezuko feinted to the left, then pivoted on her heel, striking Daki with a brutal kick that sent the demon crashing into a nearby wall. Daki, realizing the tide was slowly turning against her, lashed out with her obi again, slicing at Nezuko's arms and legs with swift, deadly precision. The sharp fabric tore through flesh, and for a moment, it seemed like Daki might regain the upper hand. But Nezuko, fueled by an unyielding determination to protect her brother and you, tapped into her darker abilities.

Even as the blood flowed from her wounds, she connected her severed limbs back to her body, her blood weaving a bond that defied Daki’s expectations.

With a deep, guttural growl, Nezuko summoned her inner strength, her aura surging with ferocity. The air shimmered around her as she unleashed her pink flames, the vibrant fire igniting with a fierce intensity. It licked out towards Daki, enveloping her in a scorching blaze. The Upper Rank demon shrieked, her confidence crumbling as the flames consumed her, the sweet scent of her flesh burning mingling with the acrid smell of her looming defeat. Daki’s eyes widened in shock, a glimmer of fear flickering across her face for the first time.

“Ahhhhhh! This is impossible!” she spat, her tone filled with venom as she writhed in pain.

But Nezuko was just getting started.

Biting through her mouthpiece, the bamboo cracked and splintered, falling from her mouth. She rushed forward, her speed blurring as she closed the distance between them. Daki swung her claws, but Nezuko was faster, ducking under the strike and rising up to deliver a powerful uppercut. Without warning, Nezuko leaped into the air, extending her leg, and then came crashing down as she smashed Daki’s head into the earth. The impact reverberated through the streets like thunder, sending dust and debris exploding around them.

For a brief moment, silence fell over the chaos, the sheer force of Nezuko's blow stunning everyone in the vicinity.

Nezuko stood over the capacitated Upper Rank, her foot pressed firmly against Daki's head, but something felt off. As she continued to kick Daki’s head into the ground, a dark aura began to envelop her, pulsating with an unsettling energy. The glint of her eyes shifted, and a spine-chilling grin curled her lips, one that spoke of a primal instinct awakening within her. With each blow, Nezuko’s laughter echoed softly, a sound that was both terrifying and enchanting. It was as if she were reveling in the chaos, the power coursing through her making her forget the line between protector and predator. The flames that surrounded her flickered ominously, their color darkening, reflecting the unsettling change within her. Tanjiro's heart raced as he witnessed the transformation.

"Nezuko!" he cried out, desperate to pull her back from the edge.

He could see her muscles tensing, her instincts sharpening, and the danger of her becoming consumed by her demonic nature loomed larger than ever. Nezuko was already losing control, her mind slipping into the depths of her instincts. With a powerful kick, she sent Daki crashing into a nearby building, the impact resonating through the district. Tanjiro pushed himself forward, gritting his teeth against the searing pain coursing through his body. He had to reach her. He had to bring her back before it was too late. But in the blink of an eye, Nezuko darted away, following the trail of destruction her attack had left, her focus entirely on the hunt.

"Nezuko…" he rasped, his voice thick with worry. "Y/n, we have to help her! She’s losing control!"

Your heart raced as you assessed the situation. Daki, though weakened, was still a formidable opponent, and Nezuko was teetering on the edge of becoming a threat to herself and everyone around her. You could feel the urgency clawing at you, the weight of the moment pressing down heavily. Nezuko continued to advance on Daki, her movements feral and fluid, the darkness in her eyes contrasting sharply with the flickering flames that surrounded her.

The deeper she fell into her instincts, the more dangerous she became—not just for Daki, but for everyone in her path.

You and Tanjiro followed after them as quickly as you could, adrenaline propelling you forward. The streets were a chaotic blur, the remnants of the battle strewn about like debris from a storm. You could hear the distant sounds of destruction as Nezuko barreled through anything in her path, and with each passing second, the urgency grew. You could see it—the uncontrollable fury burning in Nezuko’s eyes, the danger that she was spiraling toward. If she kept going, she would lose herself entirely, and no one—not even Tanjiro—would be able to bring her back. 

“Nezuko!” you shouted, hoping your voice could reach her through the chaos. “Stop!”

Nezuko faltered for a moment, turning to face you both and a flicker of recognition flashed in her eyes, but then the primal rage surged back, drawing her focus toward you and the blood still dripping from your wounds. You weren't there when she had resisted the Wind Hashira's blood, but now, faced with the powerful scent of your blood and the thrill of battle coursing through her, she was struggling to suppress her instincts. As a Marechi, your blood was intoxicating, a heady mix of allure and danger that drove demons wild, igniting their deepest urges to kill and consume.

Nezuko’s internal battle intensified, her body tense as she wrestled with the overwhelming desire coursing through her. Tanjiro could see the conflict etched on her face, the sharpness of her fangs bared as she fought to keep control. She swayed, caught between the instinct to protect and the consuming hunger that threatened to overpower her. Nezuko surged forward, eyes wild with a mix of rage and desperation, going straight for you. Your heart dropped as she closed in, and you had no time to react.

“Nezuko, no!” Tanjiro shouted, leaping into action.

With a swift motion, he shoved his sheathed sword into her mouth, trying to use it as a means to control her wild instincts while grappling onto her from behind. He wrapped his legs around her waist, wrestling her to the ground as they both tumbled onto the hard surface.

“Listen to me!” he grunted, struggling to hold her down as her hands lashed out, desperate to reach you. “You can pull through this!”

Enraged, Nezuko twisted, trying to scratch at Tanjiro with her claws, but he held firm, his determination shining through the chaos. As she squirmed beneath him, Tanjiro's voice broke through the roar of battle and the clamor of her instincts.

“Please forgive me! It’s my fault you had to fight!” His grip tightened, though he could feel her strength surging. “I know you must be scared and angry. You’ve been hurt, and I’m so sorry for all the pain you’ve suffered, but you can’t let it take control!”

He could smell her blood everywhere—the injuries she had sustained still fresh in the air, mingling with the scent of smoke and destruction. It hurt him deeply to think of the toll this was taking on her, both physically and mentally. He was the reason she had come out to fight, because he hadn’t been strong enough to face Daki alone. But now that you were here, and with the assumption that Uzui, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were on their way, he fought desperately to reach her. His eyes were wide with desperation, hoping his words would pierce through the haze of her instincts.

“P-Please, just go back to sleep and heal yourself. You don’t have to fight anymore,” Tanjiro gasped, his breath ragged as he struggled to keep her pinned down.

"You've got some nerve doing that to me," Daki's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade.

She slowly emerged from the darkness where she had crashed after Nezuko kicked her into the building, her expression a mix of fury and disdain. She was burned badly from Nezuko's flames as well, pieces of skin missing from various parts of her body, making her almost unrecognizable and grotesque.

"So, you can use Blood Demon Art as well? I've never heard of a Blood Demon Art that only burns demons. Whatever it was, it's taking me forever to heal from... this is starting to irritate me like no other. I'm through playing around," she growled.

Even in her damaged state, she was still standing and continued to pose a threat to all three of you. This was bad. You faced the Upper Rank, your sword raised defensively as she took one small step after another, her obi twisting around her. Despite all your training, you were starting to feel exhausted. You knew you couldn't defend yourself, Tanjiro, or Nezuko for long. And Tanjiro couldn’t do anything because he had to try to control Nezuko. At any moment, the Upper Rank would attack, and there was little any of you could do. Just as the Upper Rank's obi shot out, a loud bang echoed through the air, followed by the unmistakable sound of metal slicing through the atmosphere. A blur of white barreled past the demon, coming to an abrupt halt right in front of you—Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira.

"Hey," he said coolly, lowering his dual cleavers as he locked eyes with you. "Looks like I missed some of the fun, but good thing I'm the life of the party. Now it can really get started," he added, his signature smirk lighting up his features.

The tension in your shoulders eased as you let out a sigh, your expression morphing into a mix of relief and exasperation. Of course, he always had something smart to say, even in the face of danger.

"Geez... what took you so long? And where's Inosuke?" you asked, trying to mask the worry that had crept into your tone.

"The pig slowed me down, obviously," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I sent him to my wives to start evacuating the citizens instead so I could track down the demon. Good thing I did, because it turns out you three were here as well." His eyes scanned you from head to toe, taking note of the blood and wound on your side. His smirk faltered as concern etched itself on his features. "You alright, kid?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, mustering a small, tired smile to reassure him. "Just a little beat up, but nothing I can't handle."

Placing his hand on your head, he ruffled your hair affectionately, the familiar gesture bringing a sense of comfort amidst the chaos.

"Good, good..." His eyes slowly slid to Tanjiro and Nezuko as he crouched to their level, taking in the scene with a serious gaze. "So, what's with Nezuko? She seems all riled up..."

"Uzui-san," Tanjiro began, relief flooding his voice, "thank goodness—"

Before he could finish, Tengen frowned and shoved his finger against Tanjiro's forehead. "All that fancy talk in front of the Master and you let her go wild like this?!" His tone held a teasing edge, but the underlying concern was evident.

The moment he had seen the gash on your side, the blood pooling beneath you, and the way Tanjiro and Nezuko were struggling on the floor, he realized that Nezuko had started to lose control and was on the verge of going after you. Nezuko may have been strong enough to resist the Wind Pillar's blood when she and Tanjiro were first brought to the headquarters, but this was an entirely different situation. Tensions ran high, emotions surged, and the amount of blood was significantly larger.

Despite your insistence that you were fine, Tengen couldn’t shake his worry; he wanted to wrap this mission up as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Daki, who was momentarily stunned by the Hashira's entrance, remained silent as she watched the four of you interact, as if everything was perfectly fine, as if she weren’t even there and you weren’t remotely worried about her presence. It annoyed her more than she could express. Snapping out of her shock, she finally spoke up.

"Thanks for coming..." she muttered, her voice low yet soft as she stood eerily still behind Uzui. "You're a Hashira, right? I've been waiting for you."

Tengen, with his usual swagger, didn’t even bother to face her fully. "Shut up! I'm not here to waste my time on you. Get lost. After all, you're no Upper Rank demon." His bored expression barely shifted as he continued, "Not when you're that weak. You're not the one I've been searching for, so just shrivel up and die already."

Daki's eyes blazed with fury at his dismissive tone. "Come again?" she spat, venom dripping from her words as her rage built. "How dare you speak to—"

Her words were cut short as she choked, a thin line of blood appearing across her neck. Before she could comprehend what had happened, her head detached and fell into her own hands. The look of disbelief frozen on her face as her body crumpled to the ground was almost pitiful. She... had been beheaded.


Tengen didn’t spare her another glance, his focus shifting back to Tanjiro and Nezuko, the true priority of the moment. He sighed, stepping closer, his sharp eyes assessing Nezuko’s wild state. 

"Had I been a second late, you’d all be dead right now. Get her under control. We can’t have her trying to attack people, especially one of us. Can't you do something to calm her down?"

Tanjiro’s grip on Nezuko tightened as he struggled to hold her back, her growls intensifying as she fought against him. “I’m trying… but I—” He gritted his teeth, his breath ragged. “I can’t reach her!”

You felt the weight of the situation closing in around you, the danger too real. Nezuko’s rage wasn’t subsiding, and the fear that she might lose herself entirely gnawed at your heart. With a sudden, violent burst of energy, Nezuko dug her heels into the floor and launched herself backward, taking Tanjiro with her as they crashed through the wall, debris scattering around them. They tumbled into the street, Tanjiro still clinging to her, trying to restrain her frenzied movements. Without hesitation, you rushed after them, your heart pounding in your chest. As soon as you reached them, you slid in front of Nezuko, grasping her wrists firmly, using all the strength you could muster to keep her from lashing out. Her claws strained against your grip, but you held on, determined not to let her slip away into the abyss of her demonic instincts.

"Nezuko... please," you pleaded, your voice trembling with desperation as your eyes locked onto hers, the wild, untamed fury swirling within them. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over as your heart ached for her. "It's me, Y/n."

"Rrrrgh...!" she growled, the sound deep and guttural, but there was a hint of struggle in her voice as her brows furrowed. "Nnngh!"

Before you could plead further, she threw her head back violently, slamming it into Tanjiro’s nose. He gasped, groaning in pain as blood dripped from his face, but even with the throbbing ache, he refused to let go. His grip on her was ironclad, his own pain irrelevant in the face of what was happening.

"Nez... Nezuko!" Tanjiro gritted through the pain, his voice thick with emotion. "Please, fight this! You can control it! You're stronger than this!"

Nezuko’s thrashing grew more erratic, her claws inches from your face as you struggled to hold her wrists down. Her body surged with demonic energy, the air around her crackling with intensity. She let out another feral growl, but this time there was something in her eyes—a glimmer of conflict, like she was fighting a war inside herself.

“You’ve fought so hard to protect me and everyone else. You’ve saved me time and time again, and you’ve endured so much, yet you’ve preserved. You’re amazing, Nezuko, and so strong... But you don’t have to fight anymore,” Tanjiro said, his voice resolute yet tender, filled with an overwhelming sense of love and urgency.

For a brief moment, her eyes flickered, the familiar warmth and recognition flickering behind the haze of her rage. But the primal, feral energy still gripped her tightly, her body trembling as she fought between her human and demonic nature. 

“I know you’re still in there,” Tanjiro continued, his voice strained and breaking, fighting against the swell of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. “You can fight this! You have to fight this! Remember who you are... who you've always been. You're my little sister, Nezuko, and I love you. That’s why... I’m fighting so hard to protect you! I promise, Nezuko, I’ll get even stronger so I can take care of you! Please, go back to sleep!”

His words hung in the air, resonating with the depth of their shared struggles and the bond that had always connected them. Tanjiro's heart raced as he poured everything he felt into that moment, desperately trying to reach her through the chaos of her mind.

"He's right, we're here for you, Nezuko." You tightened your grip on her wrists, pouring every ounce of love and support into that moment, your voice unwavering. "You’re like my little sister, and I can’t lose you. I need you, Tanjiro needs you... we all need you!"

Suddenly, Nezuko’s eyes widened as if she was seeing something you couldn’t.

In that moment, something deep within her stirred—a memory woven into the fabric of her being, a reminder of who she once was. In her mind, the chaos faded away, replaced by the soft rustling of leaves and the gentle warmth of the sun filtering through the trees. She was no longer in the streets, consumed by rage. Instead, she was walking through the forest, small and human, her tiny hand tucked into her mother’s warm grasp.

Her mother’s voice was soft, soothing, as she sang a familiar lullaby. Nezuko looked up, her innocent eyes watching her mother’s gentle smile, her heart swelling with a simple, pure love. She remembered how safe she felt in those moments, how nothing in the world could harm her as long as her mother was by her side. The words of the song echoed in her mind, carrying with them a sense of calm she hadn't felt in so long. 

The gentle melody had always calmed her, the lyrics comforting her when she was scared or uncertain.

Sleep, my dear, and dream away,
The stars will guide you till the break of day.
In fields of flowers, we’ll dance and play,
For love will keep the dark at bay.
Stay strong, my little one, you’re safe with me…
You’ll always be loved, as long as I breathe.

Nezuko’s heart ached at the memory. Her mother’s voice—kind, loving, steady—wrapped around her like a warm blanket, soothing the fear and rage that had clouded her mind. The words of the lullaby echoed in the present moment, and she realized that your words, and Tanjiro’s, mirrored that same comfort, that same love. The warmth of the forest, her family’s love, and the weight of everything she had endured began to overwhelm her. Tears welled in Nezuko’s eyes, shimmering like droplets of crystal as they trembled on the brink of release.

With a choked sob, they spilled over, cascading down her cheeks, each drop carrying with it the weight of her pain, her struggle, and her longing for peace... for her family and the life she had. The rawness of her emotions surged like a tidal wave, crashing over her, and she cried out—deep, shuddering breaths that echoed her pain, each sob trembling with the remnants of her rage and her desperation.

The salty trails etched paths through the dirt on her face, a raw testament to the turmoil she had fought against.

With every tear, the feral rage that had consumed her started to fade, her body trembling as the remnants of her demonic power began to shift. The markings that had etched themselves onto her skin faded, their vibrant hues dulling into soft lines that whispered of her humanity. The horn that had crowned her head slowly diminished, shrinking away until it vanished completely. Nezuko’s form shrank as well, her muscles relaxing, her tension giving way to the softness of her true self.

As her cries began to soften into gentle whimpers, Nezuko surrendered to the warmth of love and safety surrounding her, her eyes fluttering shut as she began to drift into a deep sleep. Meanwhile you and Tanjiro dealt with Nezuko, Tengen found himself embroiled in a heated argument with Daki, the Upper Rank demon known for her beauty and ferocity.

"I'm stronger than you! So what makes you think I'm not an Upper Rank?" she seethes, her voice dripping with disdain as she clutches her severed head, the shock of her own defeat barely registering.

Tengen’s expression remains deadpan, betraying no emotion. "Sorry, but you can’t be an Upper Rank..." he retorts, his tone as icy as the steel of his blade.

Daki’s frustration mounts, her hands tightening around her head as if it could somehow validate her worth. "I'll have you know that I'm not just an Upper Rank—I am Upper Six to be exact! I am one of the strongest!" she snaps, her voice rising in pitch.

"Really? Then why are you holding your severed head right now?" Tengen scoffs, a smirk creeping onto his lips, the insult cutting deeper than any blade. "What? Did your brains fall out when I cut your head off, too?"

Daki’s composure shatters, her cheeks flushing with anger as Tengen continues to mock her intelligence, strength, and skills. They almost bicker like siblings, the absurdity of their exchange creating a strange blend of animosity and familiarity. With each taunt, Daki’s frustration boils over, and she reaches a breaking point, tears streaming down her cheeks as she throws a tantrum. With Nezuko once again fast asleep in the safety of her box, you and Tanjiro made your way back inside the building, drawn by the absurdly comedic yet pitiable display of chaos before you.

"Shut up! I'm more powerful than you can comprehend! I may be Number Six right now, but I'm going to get even stronger!" Daki wails, her voice shrill and desperate, echoing against the walls of the broken building.

"Don’t care. Didn’t ask..." Tengen sighs, rolling his eyes as he folds his arms over his chest, his nonchalance contrasting sharply with Daki's frantic energy.

You laugh along with him, but as the amusement fades, an unsettling feeling washes over you, rooted in the vision you had earlier. A foreboding sense of unease creeps into your thoughts, deepening as you observe the chaotic scene before you. Something feels off, more evident with each passing moment as Tengen and Daki continue their absurd squabble. The vision lingers in your mind, a reminder that Daki isn’t truly alone. The fact that she remains animated and defiant despite being beheaded only heightens your anxiety.

"Uzui," you whisper urgently, your heart racing. "I have a bad feeling about this... this battle isn't over yet."

"Huh?" Tengen swivels to look at you, his brows furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean? I cut her head off."

"Yes, but look! She's still talking and hasn’t started to disintegrate yet." You grip your sword tightly, instinctively shifting into a defensive stance. "I had a vision earlier," you continue, your voice steady but grave. "She isn’t alone."

As Tengen refocuses on Daki, realization dawns on him. She continues to scream and cry, flailing her arms wildly on the ground like a petulant child, the image contrasting sharply with her earlier confidence.

"I really am an Upper Rank!" she sobs uncontrollably, her voice shrill and echoing with despair. "Die! Die! All of you just die! Wahhhh, he cut my head off! He cut my head off! It’s unfair... help me, brother!"

The plea reverberates through the air, sending a shiver down your spine as the unsettling feeling intensifies. You exchange a worried glance with Tanjiro, the unspoken fear reflected in your eyes as Tengen readies his cleavers once more. Daki, seemingly undeterred by her own condition, slams her fists on the ground in frustration, the impact reverberating through the air like a warning bell. Suddenly, a grotesque figure begins to emerge from her body, rising ominously from her back. The sight sends a jolt of dread through you as Tengen instantly leaps into action, his weapons poised to strike the new threat.

With a fierce determination, he dashes forward, aiming directly for the figure’s head, a blur of motion in the chaos.

Just as Tengen is about to make contact, an unexpected flash of movement catches your eye. One of his cleavers clashes against something solid, sending shockwaves through the room. A cloud of dust and rubble explodes from the impact, debris raining down as the force of the attack further demolishes the building around you. The ground trembles beneath your feet, and you struggle to keep your balance amid the chaos. Spinning on his heel, Tengen quickly assesses the situation, only to find Daki seated across the room, her expression twisted into a mix of fury and anguish.

Crouched protectively in front of her is another demon.

The air is thick with tension as the reality of the confrontation sinks in. This wasn’t just any ordinary demon; it was another Upper Rank. The realization hits you like a punch to the gut, sending a wave of anxiety coursing through your veins. Now, you and your companions would have to face not one, but two Upper Ranks. Daki’s earlier claims about being an Upper Rank began to make sense—she and her brother were a lethal duo, a twisted two-for-one package deal that drastically changed the stakes of your mission.

"Brother..." Daki whined, wiping the tears from her face, her voice dripping with petulance. "They were so mean to me! Cut my head off and everything! Kill them for me, brother!"

The demon's grotesque, twisted frame oozed malice, but there was an almost gentle quality in the way he placed his hand on Daki's head, patting her as if to soothe her tantrum. "C'mon now," he said with a lazy drawl, his voice raspy yet oddly calming. "There's no use cryin' about it, y'know? Can't you even manage to reattach your own head?"

His tone, though seemingly mocking, carried a dark fondness. He treated her like a spoiled child, indulging her whining while exuding a sinister patience. Daki sniffled, her lip still quivering as she pouted, but her body slowly began to heal, her decapitated head now reattaching itself with ease. The burns from Nezuko’s Blood Demon Art faded away as though they had never existed, her once mangled form restoring itself. Her beauty returned, pristine and haunting, as if the battle had merely been a passing inconvenience. Tengen’s eyes narrowed as he observed the situation before him, every muscle in his body tense and ready to act.

His usual flamboyant bravado had been replaced by cold, calculating precision.

"This certainly changes things," he muttered, his usual flamboyant confidence giving way to a serious edge. The weight of his weapons shifted in his hands as he readied himself for the challenge ahead. "Two of you, huh? So, you’re both Upper Six?"

The demon turned his sickly yellow eyes toward Tengen, his gaze cold and contemptuous. The unsettling gleam flickering in the depths of those eyes was enough to make even the most seasoned fighter pause. His presence radiated malevolence, and there was something unnervingly casual about the way he regarded Tengen—as if he saw the Hashira not as a threat, but as prey.

"Look at you..." the demon rasped, his voice grating and low as he eyed Tengen with a strange mixture of envy and loathing. He tilted his head, his gaze sliding over the Hashira's chiseled form with growing disdain. "You’re a lucky guy, aren’t you? That face of yours... it’s almost too nice." His words dripped with bitterness, each syllable laced with resentment. "You’ve got good skin, too—not a blemish, birthmark, or scar to be seen anywhere. Must be real nice, huh?"

Tengen's brows pinched together as he let out a bemused snort. "Hmph..."

The demon's hunched form stood up, his crooked posture making him seem all the more predatory. "You’ve got some meat on your bones. Strong, too. Good for you..." His voice grew darker, more insidious, as he leaned closer, his bony frame trembling with a twisted, seething jealousy. "I can’t gain weight, no matter what I do, see? My body... it’s a mess."

He gestured to his own gaunt, malformed body, his bony hand twitching as he spoke, his jagged nails scraping against his own skin. His tone, once resentful, now dripped with malice. The stark contrast between him and Tengen only served to fuel his festering envy. Tengen, with his powerful build, flawless skin, and effortless charisma, stood as the very image of everything he had been denied—a living embodiment of privilege and ease that seemed to mock the demon's wretched existence.

"And you’re tall," he continued, his eyes narrowing as he looked Tengen up and down with barely concealed rage. "Yeah, you must get tons of attention. Everyone must love you. Probably have people fawning over you all the time, huh?" He hunched over more, his twisted figure accentuating the disparity between him and Tengen, the embodiment of his envy. "Me? I’ve had nothing but misery. Born into filth, living in ugliness... and you—you just get to have it all. I envy you... oh, how I envy you! Would you mind just dropping dead? And in the most agonizing way at that?!"

Tengen's expression shifted, a flicker of amusement crossing his features as he regarded the demon. "Oh, is that what this is all about? I'm strong, tall, and handsome? Someone’s feeling a bit sensitive..." he quipped, his voice light but tinged with seriousness. He couldn’t help but let out a sardonic chuckle, the sound cutting through the tension in the air. 

The demon's scowl deepened, the muscles in his jaw tightening as his fists clenched. “You think you’re funny?”

“Funny? I can be... although, I'm just pointing out the obvious. But if you want to talk about misery, let’s look at your life choices,” Tengen said, feigning a thoughtful expression. “You could’ve gone for a career in, I don’t know, literally anything else. But here you are, a glorified Shinigami with a knack for throwing tantrums and whining about how unfair life is.”

"Y’know," the demon said, his voice dripping with a grotesque amusement, "you’ve got a real big mouth for a guy who’s about to die. Not that I mind—I like it when my prey fights back. It makes tearing them apart so much more... satisfying."

Tengen's eyes glinted with confidence, the swagger of a seasoned fighter unbroken by the demon’s malice. “Look, I get it... whatever your name is. Life dealt you a bad hand, and you’re upset because you’re stuck with a little sister who can’t even keep her head on straight. But here’s the deal: you can keep whining all you want, but I’m not going anywhere. If you want me dead, you’ll have to do a lot better than talk my ear off with empty threats.”

The demon's sickly yellow eyes burned with rage as he leaned forward, a low growl rumbling in his throat. “You think you can belittle me?” he spat, his voice thick with venom. “You’re nothing but a fleeting moment of strength in a world full of chaos! My name is Gyutaro, the Upper Rank Six, and I won’t be mocked by the likes of you!”

Tengen raised an eyebrow, his smirk unwavering despite the demon's escalating anger. He wasn’t rattled one bit—his confidence remained.

“Gyutaro, huh? I'd say nice to meet you, but that'd be a damn lie,” he said, his tone almost casual. “And you know, it’s kinda lame you need to tag team just to put up a fight—not that it’ll help you win.”

The two faced off, the tension reaching a boiling point, each waiting for the other to make a move, the air thick with the promise of violence. From the corner of your eye, you saw Tanjiro tense, gripping his sword tighter, and the sight brought your own focus back into sharp clarity. There was no time to waver. You tightened your stance, heart pounding as you watched Tengen move into position. His muscles coiled like a spring, ready to unleash his next strike.

“Stay sharp,” Tengen called out to both you and Tanjiro without taking his eyes off Gyutaro. “This is gonna get ugly.”

Before you could respond, Gyutaro moved—fast. He darted forward, his speed rivaling Tengen’s, the sound of his sickle-like weapons slicing through the air with a menacing hiss. Tengen met him head-on, their weapons clashing with an explosive force that sent sparks flying. The sound of metal grinding against metal filled the room as the two fighters collided in a deadly dance of skill and power. The clash sent shockwaves reverberating through the already-crumbling building. You could feel the intensity of their battle in every strike, each one more forceful than the last, neither giving an inch. Gyutaro’s grin never wavered, his eyes locked onto Tengen’s with a sickening glee as if he was reveling in the fight.

"You're flashy, all right," Gyutaro hissed between strikes, "but can you keep up with me? How many more flashy moves do you have before you fall apart?"

Tengen's face remained unreadable, though a slight smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Enough to wipe that grin off your ugly face," he retorted, his movements quick and fluid as he deflected another attack.

But as they fought, something in the air shifted. You felt it—the sense of danger growing, an oppressive weight that pressed against your chest. Daki, no longer sobbing, stood up from her spot. Her tear-streaked face was now twisted into a wicked smile, and with a flick of her wrist, her deadly sash came to life once again, slithering through the air with lethal intent.

“I won’t let you interfere!” she shrieked, her eyes locking onto you and Tanjiro.

The sash whipped through the air, aiming directly at you, the speed and ferocity of her attack catching you off guard for a split second.

"Y/n!" Tanjiro called out, leaping forward to intercept.

His blade met the sash mid-air with a sharp clang, sparks flying as the force of the impact knocked him back slightly. You quickly shifted your stance, dodging to the side as another piece of the sash lashed out at you, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp edge. Adrenaline surged through you as you raised your sword, slashing through the fabric, only for it to regenerate just as quickly.

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through the din of battle—Uzui’s commanding shout cutting above the chaos. “Move!”

None of you had time to react before the entire building erupted, sending you, Tanjiro, Uzui, and the demons flying into the air. The world spun, and as the debris rained down around you, the impact threw you back onto the streets, your body colliding with the hard ground.

You struggled to sit up, disoriented but alive, your heart racing as you glanced around. Tanjiro was beside you, shaking off the daze, his eyes wide with concern as they met yours. Uzui was already back on his feet, assessing the situation, ready for the next round.

“Y/n, are you okay?” Tanjiro’s voice was urgent, filled with worry.

“I’m fine!” you gasped, pushing yourself up. “But we have to regroup and—”

Before you could finish, Daki and Gyutaro emerged from the wreckage, their expressions fierce and unwavering. 

The reality of the fight was sinking in—two Upper Ranks, both equally dangerous, both relentless in their assault. You had to stay sharp, had to push past the exhaustion, the fear, and the growing sense of hopelessness. There was no room for doubt. This battle wasn’t just for survival—it was for everyone who couldn’t fight for themselves. Daki’s sash came hurtling toward you again, faster and more vicious than before. You barely had time to react, instinct kicking in as you raised your sword to deflect the attack. The force of the impact rattled your arms, but you didn’t falter.

You had to hold the line.

Meanwhile, Gyutaro and Uzui collided once more, the sound of their blades ringing out as they fought fiercely. Uzui was a whirlwind of movement, his agility on full display as he matched Gyutaro blow for blow. But even as you glanced at them, you could see the struggle—the Upper Rank was powerful, his strikes precise and devastating. Uzui was bleeding, a deep gash above his left eye, and dark purple bruising spread from the left side of his face. The sight of him fighting through the pain tugged at your heart, a mixture of worry and admiration swirling within you.

You wanted nothing more than to rush to his side and offer your help, to fight back against the relentless assault Gyutaro was launching against him. But a heavy weight settled in your chest as you watched the Hashira and Upper Rank clash. You knew that getting involved in that fight would only distract him, potentially putting both of you in even greater danger.

With a swift movement, you shifted your attention back to Daki, whose cruel smile remained ever-present. You parried another strike, feeling the weight of her attack reverberate through your arms as you forced it back. Tanjiro charged forward beside you, his movements swift and decisive as he coordinated his attacks with yours. Together, you fought in sync, trying to find an opening in Daki’s relentless offense, but the longer the fight dragged on, the more intense her attacks became.

Behind you, the sounds of Tengen and Gyutaro’s battle continued to rage, a constant reminder that you weren’t alone—but also that the stakes had never been higher.

As you and Tanjiro fought Daki, the air around you crackled with tension. Her twisted smile grew wider with each failed attempt to bring her down, her confidence clearly boosted by her brother’s presence. The sharp, snake-like movements of her sash lashed through the air, relentless and precise. You dodged and parried, your arms growing heavier with each strike. Despite the exhaustion creeping into your muscles, you couldn’t let up—not even for a second. Suddenly, Daki’s eyes flickered with a new intensity.

Her gaze locked onto you, her smile curving into something darker, more sinister.

"This is really irritating, you know. I could easily take you both down, however, Lord Muzan wants you alive," she hissed, her voice dripping with malicious delight. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t rough you up first. He’ll reward me even more if I bring you to him myself."

A chill ran down your spine. That's what she had meant earlier when she said you were needed alive. It wasn’t for her own plans—Muzan Kibutsuji, the progenitor of all demons, wanted you. The weight of that revelation hit you like a freight train, but there was no time to process it—Daki was already making her move. Her sash whipped toward you with blinding speed, coiling and twisting through the air, aiming to capture you.

The realization lingered in the back of your mind. Why would she tell you something so critical, something she should’ve kept secret? Then, it became clear—her entire attitude during this fight had been dripping with arrogance. Her confidence was unwavering. She didn’t think it mattered if you knew. In her mind, the outcome was already decided.

She was certain you would fail.

"Y/n!" Tanjiro’s shout cut through the chaos as he leapt in front of you, his sword meeting Daki’s obi with a resounding clash. The force of the impact sent him sliding back, but he planted his feet, gritting his teeth as he blocked another strike. "Stay behind me!" he ordered, his voice firm despite the strain showing on his face.

"Tanjiro—" you began, but he cut you off with a determined look.

"No, we can’t let her take you! I’ll protect you," he vowed, his eyes fierce with determination as he readied his blade for another attack.

Daki laughed, her voice shrill and mocking. "Oh, how sweet! The little twerp thinks he can save you." Her sash snaked around her, coiling and expanding, preparing for an all-out assault. "Too bad he’s just delaying the inevitable!"

She launched her attack, and in a blur of motion, the sash split into multiple tendrils, each one striking out at you from different angles. It was a coordinated effort to overwhelm you, and Tanjiro threw himself into the fray, his blade dancing through the air as he intercepted strike after strike. But there were too many—he couldn’t block them all. One tendril whipped past Tanjiro’s defense, aiming directly for you. You barely had time to react, your sword raised just in time to deflect it, but the force of the hit sent you stumbling backward. Daki's obi snapped forward again, faster this time, and before you could regain your footing, it coiled around your arm, pulling you toward her with an iron grip.

"Got you!" Daki sneered, her eyes gleaming with sadistic glee.

"No!" Tanjiro’s desperate cry echoed through the battlefield, his voice thick with distress. "LET HER GO!"

His roar pierced the air, filled with a fierce, protective rage you had never heard before. His body moved on instinct, his exhaustion forgotten as his feet pounded the ground toward you. In that moment, nothing else mattered to him—not the pain in his limbs, not the exhaustion clouding his vision. He charged forward, his body moving with deadly precision, his sword slicing through the air in a desperate attempt to free you. He severed the obi, but as soon as he did, more regenerated, latching onto you again, stronger and faster. His movements became more frantic, more desperate, as he hacked away at the ever-regenerating sash. But no matter how many pieces he cut, they always grew back.

Daki cackled, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "It’s no use. You can’t save her. I’ll take her to Lord Muzan, and you’ll all be dead before you can do anything about it."

The grip around your body tightened painfully, the obi constricting your movements. Your breath came in shallow gasps as you struggled to free yourself, but Daki’s hold was unrelenting. You could feel the panic rising in your chest, but Tanjiro wasn’t giving up. With a roar of defiance, Tanjiro unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one more powerful than the last. His sword was a blur of motion, his sheer will driving him forward even as his body screamed for rest. He wouldn’t let Daki take you.

He couldn’t.

In his mind, he saw the faces of his family—his mother, his siblings, Nezuko—and now, yours. He couldn’t fail again. Not after everything you’d been through together, not after you had risked so much. The pain in his muscles was nothing compared to the fear gripping his heart at the thought of losing you. He remembered every smile, every word of encouragement, the strength you had shown time and time again. You weren’t just someone he was protecting; you had become part of his resolve, part of what he was fighting for.

"I'll die before I let you take her away!" Tanjiro yelled, his eyes blazing with fury.

He could hear his father’s voice, calm and steady, reminding him of the Hinokami Kagura.

His breaths deepened, despite the exhaustion, and he centered himself. For you. For his family. For all the lives that still needed saving. This was what it meant to be a Demon Slayer—pushing forward even when it seemed impossible. Because he had something precious to protect. And he wasn’t going to lose it. Not now. Not ever. Just like the way his sword ignites with fiery intensity, Tanjiro felt the heat within him surge.

Rengoku’s words also echoed in his mind, the memory of their mentor’s unyielding spirit burning bright even in the face of death. His breath slowed, his concentration deepening as he drew upon the Hinokami Kagura, channeling everything he had into his next attack. Flames danced along the edge of his sword, bright and fierce. The pain in his body dulled, replaced by the burning resolve in his heart.

'Set your heart ablaze!'

The bond between you and Tanjiro had never felt stronger. Despite the overwhelming odds, despite the seemingly endless assault from Daki, he refused to back down. His blade blazed with the fire of his determination, and in that moment, you knew—you couldn’t give up either. Drawing on your last reserves of strength, you gripped your sword tightly and slashed at the obi constricting you. The fabric tore, but it wasn’t enough to fully free you. Yet Tanjiro, seeing your effort, rallied even harder. His sword cleaved through the air with a final, devastating blow, severing the last of the sash holding you in a explosion of flames.

You fell to the ground, gasping for breath, but free.

Tanjiro stood over you, panting, his sword still raised. "Y/n, you have to escape," he said through gritted teeth, his voice hoarse but resolute. "You're in serious danger! Muzan wants you for some reason, but I won't let him take you."

"What? No way, I can’t just leave you to face her alone!" you protested, struggling to your feet despite the aches and pains coursing through your body.

Tanjiro shook his head, his expression grim. "This isn’t like before, Y/n! If Muzan is involved, he’ll stop at nothing to get to you. You have to get out of here while you can. I’ll hold her off, but you need to go!"

Every instinct told you to stay and fight, but deep down, you knew Tanjiro was right. If Muzan had singled you out, there was a deeper danger at play—one that neither of you fully understood yet. And Tanjiro, as always, was willing to sacrifice himself to ensure your safety. But if you left, Tanjiro and Uzui would be facing two Upper Ranks on their own. The thought gnawed at your heart, making every instinct scream in protest. You couldn’t give up! You hadn’t become a Demon Slayer to run when things got hard. You had sworn to protect those you cared about, to fight for the innocent, and you’d be damned if you abandoned everyone while they risked their lives.

No, you were stronger now.

You weren’t the weak, helpless person you once thought yourself to be. Every struggle, every grueling hour of training, every wound and scar had forged you into something more. You had faced death and come out on the other side with fire in your soul. The fear still existed, but it wouldn’t control you—not anymore. Your resolve hardened, and you could feel the weight of your sword in your hand, not as a burden, but as a promise. You had to do this—for Tanjiro, for Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Uzui, for Rengoku, and for everyone else who had sacrificed so much. But more importantly, for yourself. You had worked too hard, fought too long to let fear win now.

"I’m not running," gritting your teeth, you muttered under your breath, your grip tightening on your blade. "Not now, not ever."

Tanjiro glanced over his shoulder, wide-eyed at your refusal to leave. "Y/n, what are you—"

"I’m not leaving you or Uzui," you interrupted, stepping back beside him. "I’ve trained for this. I’ve bled for this. We fight together."

A brief flicker of emotion crossed his face—relief, pride, and concern all at once—but he nodded, understanding the fire in your eyes. "Alright then. We’ll take her down. Together."

Daki's twisted smile grew wider, sensing the renewed defiance in your stance. Her eerie, glowing eyes glimmered with sadistic amusement as she flicked her wrist, sending her lethal sashes slithering toward you and Tanjiro with alarming speed. The air around you crackled with tension as Daki’s sashes came hurtling toward you, the very fabric of her weaponry imbued with deadly precision and strength. Tanjiro moved in sync with you, his blade flashing in the dim light as he parried the first strike. You, too, swung your sword, narrowly deflecting another sash aiming for your torso.

The force of each impact sent shockwaves up your arms, but you dug your heels in, refusing to be pushed back.

The world seemed to blur with motion as the battle raged on, both of you desperately trying to match Daki’s relentless onslaught. Her strength and speed were overwhelming, and despite your combined efforts, it became clear she was stronger than before. You gritted your teeth, trying to keep pace, but the situation was slipping out of control. The exhaustion from the earlier battle weighed heavily on both you and Tanjiro. For a brief moment, doubt flickered through your mind. Could the two of you really defeat her? Was this the limit of your strength? No. You couldn’t afford to think like that. Not now.

Then, just as another flurry of sashes came whipping toward you, there was a sudden eruption of sound—a feral yell that cut through the chaos like a thunderclap. "Look out, cause I'm comin' through!”

In a blur of motion, Inosuke burst into the fray, his twin blades flashing as he intercepted Daki’s sashes with wild, animalistic precision. Inosuke let out a triumphant roar, his blades crossing in an 'X' as he charged, his raw strength and aggression a welcome force of chaos in the battle. 

“Inosuke!” you and Tanjiro shouted in unison, relief flooding your veins.

Before you could even process his arrival, another figure darted through the dark streets—Zenitsu, moving with blinding speed in his unconscious state, his expression calm and focused. His sword slashed cleanly through Daki’s remaining sashes, leaving her momentarily stunned as the two boys joined the fight. Daki shrieked in fury as her sashes were severed, her control over the battlefield slipping as she now faced four opponents.

"You worthless vermin! How dare you filthy insects get in my way!" she spat, her voice dripping with malice.

Inosuke, standing proudly with his chest heaving, let out a loud laugh, his exhilaration undeniable as his blades glinted in the dim light. "You’re the one in the way, ugly! You think you can scare me with those fancy ribbons? Think again!"

Daki’s face twisted into an expression of pure rage as she glared at Inosuke, her usual arrogance replaced by barely controlled fury. “How dare you insult me! I’m the epitome of beauty! My power and looks are far beyond anything you worthless Slayers could ever hope to achieve!”

Inosuke snorted loudly, rolling his shoulders as he tilted his head, staring her down through his boar mask. "I don’t give a damn about your looks. All I see is a monster hiding behind a bunch of shiny ribbons. And I’m about to rip them all apart!"

You couldn’t help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of Daki’s rant. "You’re seriously going on about your looks in the middle of a fight? It’s kinda sad, actually. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world, but that wouldn’t change the fact that you’re still a spoiled, miserable brat who can’t handle losing."

Her eyes snapped to you, narrowing dangerously. "How dare you!" she shrieked, her voice dripping with venom. "You think you’re better than me?! Your looks are as unremarkable as your fighting skills. You’ll never compare to me—never! You’re nothing! I’ll tear you apart, limb by limb, and show you what real beauty and power looks like!"

With a flick of her wrist, her sashes shot toward you with terrifying speed, each one aimed to kill. Your heart raced as you prepared to defend yourself, but before her attack could land, Zenitsu appeared like a streak of lightning, slicing through the air with his sword raised high. His blade met Daki’s sashes with a crackling energy, dismantling her attack with such precision that the remaining fabric fell harmlessly to the ground. Zenitsu landed gracefully beside you, his demeanor cool and collected, a sharp contrast to his usual timid self.

"You’re wrong," he said coldly, his voice steady and full of conviction. "Your beauty means nothing when it’s overshadowed by your ugliness inside. You hide behind your looks to mask the poison in your heart. You’re just a hollow shell, desperate for attention. Y/n here is beautiful inside and out—something you’ll never understand."

Daki’s face contorted with rage at Zenitsu’s words, and you could practically see the steam rising from her ears. "You think you can lecture me?!" she snarled, her voice quaking with fury.

With every word, Zenitsu’s confidence grew, the timid boy you once knew fading away as he stood boldly before her. "You think beauty is all there is, but true strength lies in how you treat others, in your actions and choices. You may have power, but you use it to intimidate and belittle. Real warriors fight for the ones they love, for those who can’t fight for themselves. It’s not about how you look; it’s about how you fight, how you protect, and how you inspire." 

Daki’s eyes narrowed, fury boiling beneath her skin as she prepared to lash out. “Shut your mouth, you ugly toad!” 

He tilted his head, his eyes slowly opening as he locked gazes with the Upper Rank, an intensity radiating from him that was almost palpable—he wasn't backing down... and now, he was awake. Zenitsu held his ground, unflinching, even as Daki vibrated with growing rage.

"She has a spirit that shines brighter than any superficial charm. She stands against darkness, ready to sacrifice everything for her friends and for what’s right. That’s a beauty you will never possess," he said, the confidence in his voice unwavering. "Your words are empty, just like your heart. You are ugly, inside and out."

How dare you speak to me that way?!" Daki’s face twisted with rage, her expression a storm of fury and disbelief. "I’ll make you regret those words! You’re all going to pay!" 

The air crackled with tension as Daki lunged forward, her sashes moving as if they had a life of their own. This wasn’t going to be a simple fight. She was enraged, and in her fury, even more dangerous. But this time, it wasn’t just you and Tanjiro standing against her. Inosuke charged in with his trademark wild abandon, his dual blades flashing as he slashed through the air with raw, unrestrained ferocity. His unpredictability kept Daki on edge, as she couldn’t anticipate his erratic movements. Meanwhile, Zenitsu, in his usual burst of speed, darted around her with precision, his strikes aimed at the moments when her defenses were weakest.

You and Tanjiro worked in perfect sync, coordinating your movements to flank her from both sides.

“Together!” you shouted, rallying everyone as you ducked under one of her attacks, the sharp whistle of your blade slicing through the air as you slashed at her sashes.

The adrenaline pumped through your veins as you moved, your heart racing, but your mind focused on the fight. You weren’t just fighting for yourselves—you were fighting to bring an end to this threat, to save the people of this city. With a battle cry, you leaped forward, your sword raised, aiming for Daki’s neck. This time, you could feel the weight of every decision, the urgency of the battle pounding in your chest. Just as your blade was about to connect, Daki twisted, her sashes moving like shields, deflecting your attack at the last second. Your heart raced, but before you could adjust, a strange sensation gripped you—a pull at your consciousness, an unsettling feeling that took you away from the battle for a split second.

'No, not now!'

Suddenly, a vision flashed before your eyes, vivid and intense. You saw images of desperation, of hard-fought battles, of courage and sacrifice. And then, there you were, standing over both Daki and Gyutaro, their heads severed, the air thick with dark mist and the ground beneath you stained with blood. It wasn’t just a victory—it was a crucial realization. You had to cut both of their heads off at the same time. Otherwise, they’d keep regenerating, over and over again.

The vision faded, and you blinked rapidly, trying to ground yourself. The sounds of battle came rushing back—Inosuke’s roars, Zenitsu’s lightning-fast strikes, and Tanjiro’s heavy breathing as he clashed with Daki’s relentless attacks. But now, you had the knowledge to end this. You shook off the disorientation, and with newfound clarity, you knew what had to be done. You just had to communicate it to the others.

“Guys—” you yelled, your voice straining to be heard over the chaos.

But your words were drowned out by the deafening clash of swords and the relentless flurry of Daki's sashes slicing through the air. The sound of metal clashing against her attacks was overwhelming, each strike reverberating in your bones. You tried again, but the battle was moving too fast, too fiercely for anyone to hear you clearly. Panic surged through you—you had to get the message across, or all of this would be for nothing.

As you blocked another strike from Daki’s sash, an idea sparked in your mind. You had to create an opening—something big enough to catch their attention. With a surge of determination, you deflected Daki’s next attack and then, with all your might, brought your sword crashing into the ground in front of you. The impact was enough to send debris flying and momentarily disrupt the flow of the fight.

“You guys!” you screamed, your voice cutting through the chaos this time. Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu all turned toward you, their eyes wide as they heard the desperation in your voice. “We have to behead them at the same time!” you shouted, making sure your voice was clear and urgent. “If we don’t, they’ll keep regenerating!”

Daki shrieked with fury as she recovered, her sashes whipping through the air once more, faster and more vicious than before. The momentary opening you'd created vanished, and the battle resumed with even greater intensity. Her anger made her more dangerous, each strike aimed to tear you apart. But now, everyone understood the key to winning this fight. Tanjiro gritted his teeth, his eyes blazing with new determination.

“No wonder she didn’t disintegrate when Uzui-san beheaded her earlier,” he exclaimed as he deflected another of Daki’s attacks. “It makes sense now. They’re working as one unit!”

Daki’s eyes narrowed dangerously, her fury growing. “You won’t touch us!” she screamed, sending her sashes hurtling toward all of you in a whirlwind of deadly fabric.

Tanjiro lunged forward, his blade cutting through the sashes with precision. “Uzui-san!” he shouted, glancing toward the Sound Hashira, who was still locked in a brutal struggle with Gyutaro. “We know how to defeat them! We have to do it together and behead them at the same time!”

Uzui, despite his injuries, gave a sharp nod, understanding immediately. “Noted!” he shouted back, his eyes never leaving Gyutaro.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as Tengen Uzui unleashed his Sound Breathing: Fifth Form—String Performance, the air crackling with the intensity of his movements. His twin blades spun in perfect harmony, creating a whirlwind of slicing strikes that reverberated with explosive sound. The sheer power of his attack sent shockwaves through the ground, knocking debris and flames into the air.

But Gyutaro wasn’t backing down. With a sinister grin, he swung his sickles, unleashing a barrage of blood blades that sliced through the air with deadly precision. Each strike was more vicious than the last, his attacks fueled by his sense of envy and rage. The entire area was ablaze, the fires consuming what was left of the surrounding buildings, turning the battleground into an inferno of destruction. But Tengen was unwavering, meeting each blow with calculated precision despite the purple bruise swelling around his eye.

The air was thick with tension and the scent of burning wood as you and the others struggled to stay focused amidst the chaos. Daki’s sashes lashed out toward you and Tanjiro, weaving dangerously fast through the air. You slashed through one of her attacks, your blade sparking as it met the fabric, but you knew you were running out of time.

You all were.

As Tengen and Gyutaro’s battle raged on, a new figure appeared on a rooftop—Hinatsuru. Her presence brought a glimmer of hope. She took aim with her weapon, her gaze locked on Gyutaro. Without hesitation, she released a volley of kunai laced with wisteria poison. The kunai sailed through the air, a deadly rain that pierced Gyutaro’s flesh, momentarily paralyzing him.

"Lord Tengen!" Hinatsuru shouted.

Tengen seized the opportunity, his eyes blazing with determination as he swung his blades with brutal efficiency. In one swift motion, he severed Gyutaro’s legs, sending the Upper Rank crashing to the ground. Gyutaro let out a guttural laugh, even as blood poured from his wounds. His twisted grin remained intact as he quickly neutralized the effects of the wisteria poison, his legs regenerating with terrifying speed as his sickles rose once again.

“You’re all so stubborn!” he hissed, his eyes glowing with murderous intent. “But I’m not going down that easily!”

With a furious roar, Gyutaro unleashed his Blood Demon Art: Rotating Circular Slashes, sending a spinning wave of razor-sharp blood blades in all directions. The attacks tore through the battlefield like a storm, threatening to rip everything apart. Tengen’s eyes narrowed, his sharp instincts kicking in as he growled, meeting the deadly wave head-on with his Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes. His twin blades spun rapidly in a defensive pattern, creating a whirlwind of sound and steel that deflected Gyutaro’s blood blades. However, in the split-second distraction caused by the noise and debris, Gyutaro took his opportunity to slip away. Hinatsuru, perched on the rooftop just moments before, was now in his grasp. Gyutaro’s hand clamped over her mouth, his twisted grin growing darker.

“Thought you could just interfere and get away with it?” he sneered, his voice laced with malice.

Hinatsuru struggled, eyes wide with fear, but Gyutaro’s grip was unyielding.

“Hinatsuru!” Tengen’s voice rang out, panic flashing across his usually composed features.

His blades clashed against Daki’s sashes as she launched them toward him, preventing him from reaching his wife. Tengen slashed furiously, but Daki’s attacks grew more relentless, her belts splitting off to attack him while simultaneously fighting you, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. 

Tanjiro, sweat dripping down his face, locked eyes with you. “I’ll get her,” he said, his voice low but filled with determination. “Cover me.”

Before you could even respond, Tanjiro was already moving. His footwork was precise as he charged toward Gyutaro, and in that instant, you followed suit, blocking the stray sashes as they whipped towards you. Tanjiro’s movements shifted mid-step, his sword flowing like water but igniting with the burning intensity of the sun. The two Breathing Techniques—Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura—merged seamlessly, giving him a speed and strength far greater than either technique alone. His blade danced through the air, cutting through the distance between him and Gyutaro with deadly precision.

The Upper Rank had noticed him too late.

In one swift, fluid motion, Tanjiro’s blade sliced through Gyutaro’s arm, severing the hand that held Hinatsuru captive. The Upper Rank demon let out a howl of rage as his severed hand hit the ground, blood spraying through the air. Hinatsuru stumbled free, collapsing to the ground in shock but alive with Tanjiro standing in front of her protectively.

“Tanjiro Kamado!” Tengen shouted, his relief palpable even as Daki’s sashes continued to hammer him from all sides. "You have my utmost gratitude!"

His praise for Tanjiro was brief, but genuine—there was no time for more as the battlefield swirled in chaos. Daki’s relentless sashes continued to assault him from all sides, but Tengen, invigorated by Tanjiro’s daring rescue of Hinatsuru, found a burst of speed and strength surging through him. With a powerful leap, he dodged another of Daki's belts and surged forward, his dual blades flashing in the dim light. The Sound Hashira was a whirlwind of movement, closing the distance between himself and Gyutaro in the blink of an eye.

His eyes narrowed with deadly intent, the sharp edge of his cleaver-like blades aimed directly for Gyutaro’s neck.

Gyutaro barely had time to react, his twisted grin faltering as he raised his sickles to block the incoming strike. But Tengen’s momentum was unstoppable—his blade cleaved through the air with a thunderous force, meeting Gyutaro’s sickles in a clash that sent shockwaves through the street. Sparks flew as metal met metal, and for a brief moment, the two were locked in a deadly stalemate. But Tengen had the upper hand, his strength and speed began to overpower Gyutaro’s defense, and with a final push, his cleaver broke through, slicing across Gyutaro’s neck in a brutal arc.

Blood sprayed into the air, Gyutaro’s eyes widening in shock. He let out a guttural roar of fury, his body instinctively trying to regenerate even as the cut deepened. But before the blow could finish him off, Daki’s sashes shot forward, wrapping around her brother and yanking him out of the path of Tengen’s strike. Gyutaro staggered backward, his hand clutching his partially severed neck, fury and pain contorting his features.

“You pests!” Daki shrieked, her voice filled with venom, her face twisted in rage.

Gyutaro quickly recovered and unleashed another furious attack. It came faster than any of you could react—swirling blades of blood hurtling toward Tanjiro and Hinatsuru like a storm. You rushed to their side, heart pounding as the wave of blood and malice threatened to overwhelm you. Tengen, with a roar of defiance, intercepted the attack just in time. His blades flashed, deflecting the spinning slashes with brute strength before he tackled Gyutaro head-on.

Both of them crashed to the ground in a violent collision, the impact sending tremors through the streets as they resumed their brutal struggle. The air around them crackled with intensity as their fight raged on. That left you, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke to deal with Daki. Her enraged screeches filled the air as her sashes lashed out in all directions, trying to catch you off guard. You turned to Hinatsuru, quickly helping her to her feet.

Her face was pale, and she looked more exhausted than before—her strength clearly waning.

“Hinatsuru-san, get out of here!” you urged, guiding her to a safer distance. “It’s too dangerous for you to stay. You need to hide.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but you could see the strain in her eyes. She was strong, no doubt, but whatever had happened during her stay in Yoshiwara had taken a toll on her body. Reluctantly, she nodded and hurried away, disappearing into the shadows as she made her escape. With Hinatsuru out of harm’s way, you rejoined Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, who were still locked in combat with Daki. Her sashes writhed and coiled like snakes, each strike faster and more vicious than the last.

“I’ll take her head-on!” Inosuke yelled, his voice filled with wild energy. He dashed forward, blades at the ready, eyes locked onto Daki with fierce resolve. “Keep her busy!”

“We've got your back!” you shouted, your voice ringing with determination.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu flanked you, moving in a seamless rhythm as you prepared to intercept Daki’s deadly attacks. As Inosuke surged forward, his dual serrated blades gleaming in the dim light, you focused on defending him. Daki’s sashes lashed out in a furious attempt to capture Inosuke, but with quick movements, you and your friends intercepted the strikes.

With a battle cry, Inosuke charged head-on, his instincts guiding him as he closed the distance. Daki’s eyes widened in surprise, but it was too late. With a fierce roar, Inosuke swung his blades, the serrated edges biting into Daki’s flesh as he sawed through her neck with all his strength. The sound of steel against flesh rang out, echoing through the air, and in an instant, Daki’s head fell to the ground with a dull thud.

“Ha! Got you!” Inosuke cackled triumphantly, grabbing her severed head before it could roll away. He held it aloft, a wild gleam in his eyes. “No reattaching for you, worm lady!”

"Ahhh! Again?! My head got cut off again?!" Daki’s face twisted in rage, her lips trembling as she struggled against the loss. “You fool! I’ll—” she screamed, but her voice was drowned out by Inosuke’s laughter as he dashed away, sprinting with her head held high, determined to prevent her from regenerating.

“Inosuke, wait!” you called out, but he was already too far ahead, darting through the wreckage of the battlefield with reckless abandon.

“Don’t lose focus!” Tanjiro urged, turning to you and Zenitsu, his focus sharp. “We need to finish this!”

You nodded, your heart racing as the reality of the situation sank in. Daki’s body still thrashed, her sashes moving as if they were alive, determined to attack despite their owner's predicament. With coordinated strikes, you slashed through the nearest sash, each cut echoing with the strength of your resolve. The sashes writhed in response, trying to lash out at you, but they had grown weaker and you were ready.

Then, you felt a shift, a brief image flashing in your mind which told you to act, but it was too late.

Your heart sank as you caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye. Inosuke was still running, the triumphant laughter still fresh on his lips, when a shadow loomed behind him. Gyutaro, his twisted grin even more malevolent than before, emerged with blinding speed. In an instant, one of his scythes sliced through the air, piercing Inosuke’s back and erupting through his chest in a violent spray of blood.

Time seemed to freeze as you watched in horror, the scene playing out in agonizing slow motion. Inosuke's expression morphed from unrestrained joy to shock and pain, his eyes wide as he faltered. The sound of the scythe cutting through flesh and bone echoed in your ears, a sickening reminder of the brutal reality of your fight.

“Inosuke!” you screamed, your voice breaking as you felt a visceral wave of despair wash over you.

Your hands trembled, and the world around you felt like it was collapsing inwards. Gyutaro cackled, his laughter chilling as he withdrew the scythe and grabbed onto his sister's head, leaving Inosuke staggering. Blood poured from the wound, staining his skin and pooling beneath him as he gasped for breath, falling to his knees. Your heart ached at the sight, and a sickening wave of helplessness surged within you. As the chaos swirled around you, your mind was a maelstrom of disbelief and horror. The image of Inosuke—your playful, fierce, and loyal friend—suddenly reduced to a staggered, bloodied figure filled you with an indescribable dread.

'How could this happen?' 

Your heart pounding in your chest, you remembered the countless moments you’d shared, his laughter echoing in your ears, the way he charged headfirst into danger with wild abandon.

'This can’t be the end for him...'

The thought alone sent a wave of nausea crashing over you. You could hardly breathe as his body faltered, your instincts screaming at you to rush to his side, to save him. But instead, you felt rooted in place, as if the ground had become a pit of despair pulling you under.

'Why can’t I move?! Why can’t I help him?!'

“Uzui-san!” Tanjiro shouted, his voice breaking through your haze of horror.

You turned, your gaze snapping towards where his eyes were glued. There, below, lay Tengen Uzui—his body battered, bruised, and lifeless on the ground. The sight struck you like a physical blow, the weight of it sinking deep into your chest. The horror intensified at the sight of his severed arm, and the blood pooling around him, sending a chill coursing through your veins. The reality hit you like a wave, dragging you further into despair.

“T-TENGEN!” you cried out, your eyes wide with disbelief and terror.

How could this be happening? You had fought so hard, had come so far. The world felt surreal, like a cruel nightmare you couldn’t wake from. What would you do without them? The thoughts spiraled into darker corners of your mind. Was this how it all ended? The questions gnawed at you: What if you had been stronger? What if you had been quicker? What if you could have saved them? Why didn't you have better visions? You felt the weight of guilt and helplessness crashing over you, threatening to drown you.

No... you can’t lose them!

Your breath quickened, shallow and uneven as your eyes darted between Inosuke, who was slowly collapsing to the ground, and Tengen, whose stillness seemed to echo the despair within you. The world around you blurred into a cacophony of sound—screams, clashing blades, and the mocking laughter of Gyutaro all blending into a haunting symphony of chaos. This isn’t real, you tried to convince yourself. This can’t be the end. But deep down, a seed of dread had taken root, sprouting into a twisted vine that choked your hope.

“Watch out!” Zenitsu’s voice rang out, a sharp edge of fear cutting through the chaos.

It jolted you momentarily, but before you could react, a sudden explosion ripped through the air, the force shaking the building beneath your feet. Zenitsu barely managed to push your shoulder in time, sending you careening off the side of the building and away from the brunt of the blast of blood and fabric. You felt a sharp pang of fear as you were thrown backward, tumbling through the air as the structure gave way. In a whirlwind of chaos, you were propelled away from the destruction, the world blurring around you.

The building beneath you began to crumble, dust and debris cascading around you like a storm.

As you crashed to the ground, pain shot through your body, but it paled in comparison to the overwhelming dread and despair that gripped your heart. You struggled to breathe, fear clawing at your throat as you tried to process the jarring realization: you were losing everything, and time was slipping away. The cries of your comrades, the agony of loss, the specter of defeat loomed over you like a dark cloud. You scrambled to your feet, heart racing as the smell of smoke and burning wood filled your lungs. Panic surged through you as you frantically scanned the chaos, searching for your friends amid the rising smoke and shouts of horror.

“Tanjiro! Inosuke! Zenitsu!” you shouted, your voice hoarse from the shock and the dust choking the air. "Uzu—! Uzui!"

Each name felt heavy on your tongue, filled with dread. The landscape around you had transformed into a hellish scene, fires crackling and buildings collapsing under the force of the blast. You had to find them, to make sure they were okay. Your pulse quickened as you pushed through the chaos, dodging falling debris and flames, every instinct screaming at you to keep moving. Finally, you spotted a familiar figure lying motionless on the ground.

“Tanjiro!” you gasped, rushing to his side.

You knelt beside him, your heart racing as you checked for signs of life. Relief flooded through you when you felt the faint rise and fall of his chest, but his face was bruised, and his head was bleeding. Before you could take a moment to gather your thoughts, your attention was drawn to another sound—a muffled cry nearby. You turned and saw Zenitsu weakly struggling beneath a pile of debris, his clawing helplessly against the wreckage.

“Zenitsu! Hold on, I’m coming!” you shouted, rushing to his side.

You tried to lift the heavy wooden beams pinning him down, but they were too heavy, and your strength faltered under the weight of the destruction surrounding you. Suddenly, a chilling laughter echoed through the chaos, sending a shiver down your spine. You turned slowly, dread pooling in your stomach as you recognized the voice.

“Well, well, look at what we have here!” Gyutaro taunted, stepping through the smoke like a nightmare come to life. His eyes glowed with malice, and a sickening grin spread across his face as he took in the scene before him. “You're a lucky girl aren't you?” He chuckled darkly, his sickles glinting in the dim light. “It's really a shame, you know...” His gaze shifted to Tanjiro and Zenitsu, who were vulnerable and unable to fight back. “You're all alone. All of your friends are dead or burning under the rubble.”

You clenched your fists, panic and anger intertwining as you faced the Upper Rank. The scene was chaotic; flames danced around you, illuminating the destruction and casting eerie shadows across the ground. You could feel the heat licking at your skin, the smoke stinging your eyes. Yet, you couldn’t allow his taunts to weaken you. Not when Tanjiro and Zenitsu needed you.

"Shut up!" you snarled as your body shook like a leaf. "I'll rip your tongue out and shove it so far down your throat that you'll choke on it."

“You think you can fight me?” Gyutaro sneered, his sickles poised and ready. “You’re just a little girl playing hero in a dying world.”

“I’m not afraid of you!” you retorted, even as your heart raced.

Panic threatened to overwhelm you, but you forced it down. You were scared, so very scared. But you couldn't let it show. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself against the fear that threatened to consume you. This is what you trained for. You had faced demons before, each encounter pushing you closer to your limits, but you had emerged stronger, determined to protect those you cared about. Just then, a movement caught your eye. From the corner of your vision, you spotted Tanjiro stirring, his eyes fluttering open as he struggled to regain consciousness.

“Y/n…” he murmured, his voice weak but filled with concern. “Get away from him…”

“Tanjiro!” you cried out, your resolve hardening. “Stay down! I’ll handle this!”

“Oh, so the little hero’s awake!” Gyutaro taunted, his attention shifting from you to Tanjiro. “How precious. But I’ll enjoy watching you both perish.”

Before you could react, Gyutaro lunged forward, his sickles slicing through the air toward Tanjiro. In a burst of adrenaline, you threw yourself in front of Tanjiro, raising your arms to shield him.

“No!” you screamed as the sickle whistled toward you, narrowly missing its target but still managing to slice through your arm.

The force of the attack knocked you backward, and the world spun around you. You hit the ground hard, gasping for breath as pain shot through your body. A cold, stinging, numbing sensation crept from the gash on your arm, spreading throughout you, but you ignored it.

Tanjiro gritted teeth, struggling to push himself up as he fought against the pain. “Y/n, no! D-Don't—” 

“Stay back!” you shouted, your voice strained. You forced yourself to stand again, your vision hazy but your determination unwavering. “I won’t let him hurt you or anyone else! I can do this... I have to...”

With every ounce of strength left in you, you charged toward Gyutaro, ready to fight, ready to protect your friends at all costs. As you closed the distance, you felt a surge of energy within you, a reminder of the bond you shared with Tanjiro and the others. They were fighting for you, just as you were fighting for them. Gyutaro's grin widened, and he lunged at you, his sickles poised to strike. The moment felt suspended in time, and all your training, all your determination surged to the forefront as you prepared to face the terrifying reality of the battle.

“You think you can save them?!” Gyutaro sneered, his sickles slicing through the air with deadly precision.

With a fierce cry, you dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the lethal arc of his weapon. Your heart raced as you countered, recalling the techniques you had learned, the movements ingrained in your muscles. The world around you faded, and all that mattered was the fight, the fire of resolve burning brightly within you. You shouted, pushing through the pain and fear, ready to unleash everything you had against the Upper Rank.

“Brother, wait!” Daki called out from above, perched elegantly on a toppled building, her scowl directed at you. “That one is wanted by Lord Muzan. Alive. You can’t kill her, as unfortunate as that is.”

Gyutaro halted mid-attack, his sickles hovering dangerously close to your form. The atmosphere shifted, and for a moment, it felt as if the world itself held its breath. Gyutaro’s expression changed, the predatory gleam in his eyes flickering with annoyance.

“Eh? What do you mean? I can take care of her—”

“No!” Daki interjected sharply, her voice carrying an authority that momentarily silenced him. “We have our orders. Capture her! We can’t afford to waste time on petty battles when there’s a greater prize at stake.”

Gyutaro’s brows furrowed in frustration, his body rigid with unspent energy, but the authority in Daki’s words held him back. He let out a low growl, his twisted face contorting in irritation, before finally relenting with a sneer.

"Alright, I get it! We'll take her to our Master."

His sickles lowered slightly, but the danger in his stance remained. His gaze slid back to you, eyes gleaming with something darker, more calculating. A slow, malicious grin spread across his face, revealing sharp, jagged teeth that gleamed in the dim light. His next words were like poison, seeping into the air between you.

“In that case... we’ll make sure you come quietly.”

His smile widened as he raised his sickles again, though this time not to kill. The air around you thickened, and you could feel the weight of their intentions bearing down on you. You had become prey in their game—a pawn in a larger plan, one that involved a man whose shadow loomed large over both the living and the dead.

But you weren’t done fighting. Not yet.

Chapter 19: Sneak Peek


Hey everyone! I’m excited to share a lil sneak peek of the next chapter! As Y/N faces off against Daki and Gyutaro, she's pushed to her limits, but her fierce spirit ignites a desperate fight for survival, especially now that she knows about Muzan's plan of capturing her. Stay tuned for more action, revelations, and of course, the continuation of our MC's journey.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm! Your feedback means the world to me. Happy reading, and I'll see next time! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Chapter Text

But in that moment, a surge of defiance washed over you. You couldn't succumbyou wouldn'tnot now. With a fierce yell, you pushed through the pain, your heart roaring like a wildfire. And that’s when you saw it: a moment of vulnerability in his guard. With a determined cry, you lunged forward, your sword aimed true. But before you could connect, Daki swept in with a flick of her wrist, sending a wave of fabric that knocked you back.

“Ha! You're too slow,” Daki taunted, her voice sharp and chilling. “Your struggle is amusing, but ultimately futile. Just stop fighting and be a good little girl. Come with us while all your limbs are still intact.”

Pain blossomed in your side as you crashed to the ground, breathless. Daki’s laughter rang out like a mocking bell, a sound that sent chills down your spine as it echoed through the chaos, but you forced it out of your mind. It felt like they were just toying with you at this point. You could feel the cold creep back in, the numbness trying to settle around your limbs. But you couldn’t let it. Not now. Not when your friends were depending on you.

“Get up! Please!” Tanjiro’s voice was strained, but the fervor in it pushed you onward.

You met his gaze, and for a moment, all the fear and pain melted away, replaced by the burning desire to protect him and the others. Drawing in a deep breath, you forced yourself back to your feet, the world spinning slightly as you steadied yourself. The pain in your side screamed for attention, but you silenced it. You could do this. You had to.

“Eh? How are you still moving around?” Gyutaro huffed, frustration spilling over as he swung his sickles in a wide arc, aiming to knock you down again.

You ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding the lethal blades. The world around you faded, reduced to the rhythm of your heartbeat and the sharp breaths filling your lungs. Every move was driven by sheer willpower, the burning pain in your limbs threatening to slow you down, but you couldn’t afford to stop.

“Stop toying with her, brother!” Daki's voice sliced through the air, irritation lacing her tone. “Grab her already so we can bring her to Lord Muzan! We don't have time for games!”

Gyutaro scoffed, a twisted grin spreading across his face. “Calm down. You think I’m playing? This is just too easy! I want to savor this. Besides, it’s more fun this way. I want to see how long she lasts!”

“You’re wasting precious time! If you don’t hurry, we could lose our chance." Daki’s eyes narrowed. "Do you want to explain that to Lord Muzan? I don’t think he’ll be pleased.”

Gyutaro’s grin faltered slightly. “Tch, well, if you're so concerned, why didn't you just grab her with your obi, huh?”

Daki paused, a scowl darkening her features as she flicked her hair over her shoulder and turned away petulantly. “Because! Why should I get my hands dirty when you can handle it? I’m not in the mood to deal with the mess.”

As Gyutaro and Daki continued their bickering, you took a moment to catch your breath, your heart pounding in your chest. In the chaos of their argument, you took the opportunity to glance at Tanjiro. With every ounce of willpower, he was pushing himself up from the ground, determination etched across his face, despite the pain etched into every feature. His gaze locked onto yours, a silent exchange of encouragement igniting a flicker of hope within you.

Just then, Gyutaro’s attention snapped back to you, a predatory glint returning to his eyes as he turned away from Daki. He growled, fury flashing across his features as he lunged toward you and smacked you aside, sending you sprawling across the ground. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as you fell, the breath knocked out of you. Your vision blurred for a moment, but you quickly focused on Tanjiro, who was just getting back to his feet.

“No! Get away from him!” you yelled, adrenaline surging through your veins.

In a swift motion, he closed the distance between himself and Tanjiro, grabbing his wrist with a cruel grip. You shouted, panic rising in your chest as the Upper Rank twisted Tanjiro’s hand before breaking two of his fingers with a sickening crack. Tanjiro gasped in pain, his face twisting in anguish, and your heart ached for him, the sight fueling your anger. But before you could react, something glimmering caught your eye. Hinatsuru had thrown wisteria-laced kunai during the battle earlier, and one happened to be just a few feet away from you. Instinctively, you grabbed it, feeling the cool weight of the weapon in your hand, its presence a reminder of the hope and strength of your comrades.

“Hey! Focus on me, bastard! I'm the one you want,” you shouted, launching the kunai at Gyutaro’s face.

He turned, eyes wide with surprise as the kunai struck his cheek, leaving a burning mark where the wisteria touched his skin. He let out a furious roar, momentarily distracted. Seizing the opportunity, you pushed yourself to your feet, ignoring the pain radiating through your side, knowing you had to draw Gyutaro away. With your heart pounding in your chest, you sprinted in the opposite direction, hoping to draw Gyutaro's attention. His enraged growl echoed behind you as he charged after you, leaving Tanjiro and the others momentarily behind.

“Come back here, you little pest!” Gyutaro yelled, his sickles slicing through the air, barely missing you as you ducked and weaved through the rubble of the district.

Each step felt heavier, the poison coursing through your veins threatening to slow you down even more, but you pushed through, the thought of your friends’ safety propelling you forward. With every ounce of strength you could muster, you dashed through the streets, the sounds of chaos fading behind you as you led Gyutaro away from Tanjiro and the others. You could hear Daki’s irritated shouts as she ordered Gyutaro to focus, but their voices grew distant as you put space between you and your friends.

You had to buy them time. You had to protect them. As long as you were running, they had a chance.

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