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Isa200lord111, Danyal_al_Ghul, Philip_II_of_Macedon, bworm282, average_otaku, LastEmbers, Soupiest, StarlightStarfight, catsaroundcats, Sugarysweet, AppleSapling, AngellxDemon, II_Moonlight_Rose_II, ufotelepathy, RubyBlue2005, TotallyNotAFishh, nonpressurizeddiamond, Mossifer, inconnu, FauxPause, swansong, Clu2Boogaloo, whimsicalblues, Alzrite12, SomeOrdinaryArtists, Shinnek, KaliumEI, TheBlanketNeverDidAnything, ThatPinkFuffyThing, JackMalvado69, Friendbear_Says_Hi, SpoonPolice, Keybord_smash, Felikatze, Closingstraw97, JustAnotherGuest, the_bastard_king, kkachis, faedemon, notjuli, smol_lil_demon, that_spacerocket_reader, StormblessedPatronus, heroofashesnot, miss_i_love_cats16, Jay_Idiot, IAmTheShpee, chaWOOPa, finemeal, and transtrouble left kudos on this work!