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The Bridge Between the Stars


The Summer Triangle is made up of the three brightest stars in three of the most visible northern constellations:

Vega, the Messenger of Light;

Altair, the Pillar of the Sky;

and Deneb, the bridge between the stars, reuniting lovers separated by time, by distance, or by cruel fate.


obirain said "Live ur best life; make ocs," so I did.


It's a Cassian X Jyn X Bodhi X OFC poly love story, a Rogue One prequel, a Rogue One sequel, and a Rogue One fix-it all rolled into one! Smut! Secrets! Love! Killing Imperial scum! Everybody survives Scarif, even and especially Bodhi! Saving Alderaan refugees!

Not canon compliant, because I am a bird you cannot chain.

Chapter 1: Prologue: A Kinder Universe


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Childhood, adults always say, is the happiest time in life.*

Whether that’s a hopefully comforting assessment or a hopelessly naïve one could be a matter of perception, or privilege. Or perhaps the decision depends on when childhood ends. When is a child no longer a child? By twelve standard years? By sixteen?


When Cassian Andor was 16, he went to war again.
When Jyn Erso was 16, she was orphaned for the second, but not the last, time.
When Bodhi Rook was 16, he lied about his age to enlist in the Imperial Navy.
When Kreyla Trozrela was 16, she killed her first, but not her last, parent.

 Perhaps what ends childhood is not an arbitrary number of years, but rather what circumstances force children to do.


 “In a kinder universe, she would have walked away from Scarif. I cannot imagine who she would have become, but I think she would have been extraordinary.

- Mon Mothma, reflecting on Jyn's short life.**

Let us imagine, then, a kinder universe.



*from 'Velvet Goldmine'

****from 'Rogue One' novelization by Alexander Freed