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Searching For you


In a world where soulmates and Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics exist during a pirate era after the first Pirate King. We follow two pirate captain alphas search for their soulmates. While the omegas are on sale's row at the auction house. Will they make it in time?

Chapter 1: Warmth


Law hears the voice of his soul mate and finds where he was at. Meanwhile, Eustass Kid gets close to where his mate was.

Chapter Text

How many weeks have I been here?


            So…So thirsty…

            No…No…Not today…please…someone! Please help!

A tattooed captain snaps his eyes open, woken up by the silky pleas of help. He rubs his forehead “Agh…that was strange…” he mumbles rubbing his dark gold eyes.

“Captain! ~ there’s an island close by! Should we land?” asks his navigator mink through the steel door.

“Yea. Let’s bring Shachi and Penguin with us.” Responds the captain as he puts on his fuzzy leopard spot-patterned hat.


The captain, Trafalgar D. Water Law, or Trafalgar Law for short, he was walking with his three main crewmates, Bepo, Shachi, and a penguin in the town they landed in to explore.

            Law looks to the stall of bread “why…” he mumbles.

            “Captain! Ignore it!!” says one of the companions, Bepo the polar bear mink.

            The group walks past the bread stall quickly as they can as they see a bar. The other two campions perk up “FOOD!!!” they shout as they rush into the bar.

            “OI! PENGUIN, SHACHI GET BACK HERE!!” shouts the captain as he and Bepo run into the bar to follow the duo.

            The duo were gorging themselves with food and water the duo sweatdrop as their captain stands behind them with a scary aura “Yari, yari why are you two eating food we Can’t afford?” says Law.

            Shachi Swallows the food he Was eating, with a sheepish smile says, “We’re hungry?”

            Penguin gulps his drink as he begins to shake “And Ikkaku makes brunt Food”

            Law’s aura grows “spit it out now.”

            The duo spits out the food and drinks terrified. Law smirks as the duo push the uneaten food to the server and slouch on out of the bar. Bepo follows them, Law turns to join them when he hears two ladies talking.

            “I heard people from the human auction house came to get the guy that was caught by the Navy.” Says one as she sips her tea. Laws shrugs and begins walking off when he freezes.

            “The moss-head?”

            Law sighs as begins to walk when he freezes again.

            “The one they almost let die by dehydration and starvation?”

            “I heard they also assaulted him “

            Law remembers his dream the silky voice crying for help. The poor voice was haunting his memories and he didn’t even know them. He wanted nothing to do with a person who he didn’t know.

            There was a part of his body that disagreed. Where his heart is there was a weird mark that appeared when he was 5. The mark was an emerald heart with three swords stabbed through. This ladies and gentlemen are one of many soulmate marks. In this world, your love life will be determined by birth.

         Each mark is different. One of the more common ones were the mark with no name just on the bearer’s favorite body part is the mate's favorite color, shape, and hobby. Another common one is a clock on favorite body part once again, where the time ticks down until you meet said soulmate. A less common one is a one with the border of the soulmate's life's dream, name in color, and one thing they are bad at. Law considers those people lucky, unlike his luck. Each mark warms when their soulmate is close by or if they were there so it to be easier to find each other. A rarer mark is the first words appearing on their forearm those are extremely rare.

            There are other forms of soul marks known as soul senses. One is sound, one can hear the other’s voice in their head in their sleep to hint at where they are. They can pinpoint the voice from other voices. Another is colors, some people are born without seeing color just black and white until they meet their soulmate, where they begin seeing all colors. There are others like being mute until meeting the soulmates and not being able to feel emotions, and upon meeting soulmates they learn new emotions. Soul senses are common among the royalty, World Nobles, and Upper class, extremely rare to the middle class to the lower class.

            Another dynamic of this world is Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. Alphas are the ruling power. Alphas can mate with anyone being Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Alphas typically mate with omegas, go through possessive episodes, go through ruts, sometimes have “wet dreams” when there mated, and can have many mates if they wanted too (Through if it isn’t the soulmate then the alpha gets depressed and angry, tending to mood swings and very rarely, murdering the other mates). Betas are the middle class; they are considered the normal race. They don’t go through heat or rut, typically mate with other betas, females are the only ones who can be impregnated, go through normal wet dreams, can have many mates (But unlike the alphas isn’t really affected by it if it isn’t the soulmate) and don’t go through possessive episodes. Finally, there are Omegas are the bottom class, considered as the main breeders. Omegas are the following; they go through heats, typically mates with alphas, both males and females can be impregnated, can have other mates (Yet if the others aren’t the main alpha/soulmate, they get sick for a bit), have scent glands on their neck and wrists, and go through depressive episodes when mated.

            Law is an alpha who has a rare case of being able to hear his soulmate in his sleep and a mark. There are some cases like this where one person has a mark and sense caused by when someone was accepted into the upper-class, World Nobles (current or former), or royalty. In Law’s case, he was adopted by a former world noble by the name of Rosinante Donquixote hence allowed him to able to hear his soulmate. Through the captain doesn’t know his future mate’s name so it’s harder to find the one meant for him.

            For some strange reason after hearing the ladies talk, Law got interested in the topic. He turns to the ladies and walks over to them “What about a navy prisoner?” he asks.

            “Oh! The young omega who appeared and hurt the captain’s son’s dog. All because the dog was attacking a restaurant.” Answers one lady.

            Law perks up at the word omega, his heart pounds slightly he opens his mouth to say “Where’s the base? I would like to investigate.”

            “Just north deary! It’s big you won’t miss it.” Answers the other, Law nods and quickly leaves to find this base.

            The omega may be gone now…but that doesn’t stop Law.

            ~Meanwhile somewhere in the East Blue~

            A red-haired pirate captain works on a weapon for his close friend. Well, the best he can anyways, this pirate is Eustass Kid, an alpha with a case of not able to see any colors and a mark on his hand of a circle yellow sapphire, with slight flames, pan, and spatula. The redhead rubs his head as he’s used to blacks and whites it’s hard to tell which colors are needed.

            “Kid. Take a break alright?” says his masked friend, Killer.

            “I’m fine Killer. Don’t worry.” Answers kid

            “No, you are not. Rest, won’t you? You’ve been working non-stop since we set sail.”

            “I’m fine Killer. Are we anywhere near a restaurant?”

            “Ever since we entered the East Blue there is one called Baratie.”

            “We have money?”

            “Enough for me, you, Heat, and Wire”

            “Alright let’s go there.”

            The group of four leave the Victoria Punk right when they docked and walked into the restaurant. Every customer freeze, as the crew as they walk to a table. They waited for a waiter as one nervously walks over.

            “H-Hello…I am your waiter. Wh-What do you want to drinks?” asks the waiter as the rookies were infamous in all the Blues.

            “I’ll have coffee.” Answers Heat.

            “Gimmie some whiskey will ya? Make it big,” answers Killer.

            Wire looks at Killer “Why do you want whiskey?”

            Killer visibly twitches “I deal with a child all the goddamn time. Can I get drunk?”

            Wire quickly puts his hands up “I understand goddamn dealing with Kidd is that bad? I’ll take a cocktail.”

            “YoU dOn’T kNoW pAiN uNtIl yOu GrOw Up WiTh KiDd BiTcH!!!”

            “Shut yer trap Killer. I’ll have a sparkling pre-“ cuts off Kidd begins to feel a faint warmth in his hand. He looks at his hand where his soul mark is where a faint glow is. The group’s mouths drop.

            “Kidd…Can you see colors?” asks Killer.

            “No…I guess they were here…for a while…OW! OH SHIT! it’s burning hot now!” answers Kidd as the heat in his hand grew. The waiter panics and runs into the kitchen, dragging a pink-haired cook behind him.

            The cook looks at the group and notices the topaz mark. She smiles and walks up to them “Sir…Is your favorite gem a ruby? You like building? And you can’t see colors correct?” she asks Kidd who dunked his hand in his water cup.

            “Er…yea…? How did you want to know?”

            The cook gasps then grins “My baby brother has a mark like that ruby lightning bolt, with a wench and bolts.” She says.

            The group perks up, Kid looks at the pink-haired girl “Is…he here?” he asks

            The woman looks away sadly.


            “Room, shambles”

            Law teleports into the surprisingly empty base to see a cross with decaying ropes dangling on the arms of the cross. Law inspects the cross it’s been empty for a couple of days, fits with what the ladies were saying.

            He grabs a rope and investigates it It’s been cut he thinks as he lets the rope drop. He feels a faint warmth on the mark on his heart.

            “Zoro…” says another voice. Law sniffs the air and immediately turn to see another alpha looking at the cross “Why couldn’t you have waited for me…”

            “Zoro? Do you know the prisoner?” asks Law to him, Law slowly realizes who he’s talking to. The alpha is standing before him was Dracule “Hawkeye” Mihawk, the world’s greatest swordsman. Law remained calm as he responds.

            “On a personal-parental level..”

            “You’re a father Dracule-ya?”

            “It’s nothing of your business young one”

            “…The prisoner’s name is Zoro? What is their favorite gem? Second Gender? Favorite thing to do” Law asks openly, that warmth wasn’t random. His perfect mate was here if the greatest swordsman knows him Law must know.

            Mihawk stares at him until he connects the dots “His favorite gem is emerald, he’s an omega, and likes to use three swords. You are his soulmate aren’t you.”

            Law freezes, his soulmate, his perfect mate, the carrier for his pups, the one he would be with forever was taken from him. Who knows what will happen to the omega, Mihawk takes his silence as a yes.

            “If you hurt him, I will personally slice you into tiny pieces.” Says Mihawk as he turns to leave.

            Law looks to the sky as he asks one more question “I won’t I promise, what is his full name?”

            Mihawk keeps a straight face as he begins to walk away saying.

“Dracule-Roronoa Zoro”

            ~Meanwhile on the Victoria Punk~

Kid looks out onto the sea, remembering what the pink-haired woman said.

“Auction House people came in and forced him to leave. My brothers and I tried to save him but the people warned us not to get involved or the old man gets it”

“Can I at least have his name?”

“Of course, his name is Vinsmoke Sanji.”

“Heh…Sanji…It sounds so perfect…” he says as Killer walks up behind him.

“Someone’s happy, should we head back to the South Blue?” asks Killer, Kid shakes his head “No. That would cause more pain to the Victoria Punk. We’ll probably rest here for repairs and go to the grand line. The Sooner we get the Auction house the better. “

Killer nods and turns to tell Wire and Heat. Kid smirks “Don’t worry Sanji. We’re coming just hold on….”

“I will destroy anyone

Who gets in our way…”


~4 days later, on the polar tang~

            Law sleeps peacefully as he slowly has dreams of what his soulmate would look like. As he dreams a voice calls out to him.

“Agh! Please help me!
