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Keeping the Balance


In this world, humans and all manner of magical creatures coexist. As best as possible anyway. One such magical creature is the vampire Yoongi. After losing his most recent trainee, he is more than happy to forsake any new ones for a while. But when his coven leader practically forces him to take on a prospective human, he has no say in the matter. It’s true that every trainee is different, and interesting is far better than boring, but there’s a very good reason for why the old saying ‘May you live in interesting times’ is a curse and not a blessing. Yoongi doesn’t know what the future holds, but when you have a life span as long as a vampire, almost anything is possible.


8/1/20 - I know I said I probably wouldn't do this, but for those who were here when I first started posting, I realized after getting going that I was trying to begin the story in a very awkward place. I was struggling to make the story flow and you might have been able to feel that the first time. I apologize for the very rough start and hope that this time (fingers crossed) there should be no further hiccups with actually progressing. I do feel better about this one and have been having more luck writing behind the scenes. I haven't posted anything yet since I was trying to make sure it would stick. So far so good. Without any further ado, allow me to reintroduce you to Keeping the Balance. Thank you for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Lucky Enough

Chapter Text


                Time seemed to slow down and stop as Yoongi looked down in pained confusion at the sword jutting from his chest. It burned more than he thought it should. He blinked once and his eyes drifted up to meet Jungkook’s shocked and frightened expression.

                “Yoongi…” he whispered with wide eyes.

                “Kookie,” Yoongi murmured, reaching one hand towards him. But he gasped when the blade came free and his knees buckled. His sight turned sideways as he collapsed, head hitting the floor hard.

                “No!” he heard, the anguished cry sinking into him as everything started to turn hazy in his vision. He could still see Jungkook but it was like he was seeing him through a veil of smoke. His strength started to fade, seeping from him as if someone was pulling at a thread, unraveling him stitch by stitch.

                “Jungkook,” he rasped, the sound pitiful as it passed his heavy lips. The veil of smoke seemed to grow thicker and it was harder to see the other vampire. “Don’t go,” he whispered, one hand weakly reaching for him. It was just so hard to move though…

                ‘I wanted to help you.’ The thought swirled in his mind, suddenly trapped behind unmoving lips. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t.’ Jungkook’s form vanished behind smoke as it turned dark like shadows. ‘No,’ he denied, feeling his eyes grow heavy. Why did it have to end like this? Where did everything go so wrong?



                “You’re one of them aren’t you?”

                Yoongi took a breath and stared at the dark colored liquid gently swirling in his glass. Without looking up at the new speaker, he snorted once and asked back, “One of what?” His tone had more bite than he needed, but it wasn’t a question he wanted to deal with right now. Not to mention it was a confirmation question only. He’d made no effort to hide his fangs, claws, pale skin or the dark, thick nature of his drink of choice.

                Slightly taken aback, the newcomer was slow to answer. He hummed under his breath, hovering hesitantly at the edge of the table now. “A vampire, I mean,” he clarified quietly, the sound of his words nearly lost over the music of the bar. He was fortunate Yoongi had particularly good hearing, like most magical creatures.

                Interest piqued since the human had actually stayed and answered, Yoongi glanced up and blinked once. Young. He seemed almost a baby, but chances were good that was genetics and the air of awkward uncertainty that always made people come off as childish. The bouncer would never let an underage human in here after all. “Yes,” he answered, keeping his unblinking gaze on the young man to see what he would do.

                With the weight of the vampire’s full attention, the human got very flustered very quickly. It didn’t help that Yoongi hadn’t asked him what he wanted. “Um,” he sounded off, brows twitching in mild panic as he didn’t know where to start. “Good,” he forced a laugh, the bright, relieved smile nearly making Yoongi’s mouth move in response. “I thought so but wanted to make sure,” he explained quickly, hands doing as much talking as his lips.

                “Uh huh,” Yoongi nodded once, acknowledging the stream of words, but again giving no other encouragement. He blinked slowly and took a sip of his drink, watching the human’s eyes focus on the liquid with a slight intake of breath. It was almost gone but there was more than enough left for him to see what it probably was.

                “Is that…?” he started to ask, trailing off when Yoongi raised one brow. “Right,” he blurted, ears burning red. “Would you like another one? I was gonna-” he asked suddenly, gesturing towards the bar and nearly smacking another guest in the face. “Whoa!” he yelped as the person moved out of the way too fast to be human. They gave him a questionable look and he cringed. “Sorry,” he waved his hand, biting his bottom lip in embarrassment.

                Yoongi glanced at the human-guised satyr and let the creature feel the weight of his gaze. Almost belatedly, he noticed the vampire and flinched, nodding once in acknowledgment. With a subtle gesture of his fingers, Yoongi waved the man off and returned his attention to the human. A small spark of pity had flared up and he was starting to be a bit curious about him. “Yes,” he called out, grabbing the young man’s attention.

                The human turned with wide eyes, surprise or lingering embarrassment, and then squinted in confusion. “Huh?”

                “To the drink,” Yoongi explained as he nudged the glass cup across the table. He pushed it harder than he needed to but kept his gaze on the newcomer to see how he’d react. As expected, he yelped and practically pounced on the glass so that it wouldn’t fall off the table. Decent reflexes. No squeamish reaction either, when a tiny bit of the dredges splashed up and stained his bare hand.

                “Okay,” he gasped with wide eyes, both hands clinging to the rescued cup.

                It was clear he was still quite out of sorts and probably in over his head. Yoongi was definitely becoming more intrigued. “Good catch,” he praised quietly with a small nod towards the bar.

                “Thanks,” the human mumbled with the flash of an uncertain smile. He turned to do as he’d offered and stopped immediately, back to Yoongi. His head dipped down to look at the glass in his hands and then partially turned as if to look back, but he didn’t.

                Yoongi could practically see the wheels in his head turning. He hadn’t asked the vampire what he was drinking but he didn’t know if he should turn around and ask or just go with it. Yoongi leaned forward and rested his fingers lightly against his lips as he waited to see what the human would decide. Huh. Going with it. Okay. A slight smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as he took the opportunity to get a better look at the young man when he walked to the bar counter.

                Still young but probably a bit older than the first glance had offered. Not a bad sense of style either. A little heavy on dark colors but he caught a glimpse of a white shirt under the dark blue coat. He obviously took care of himself too. Chestnut brown hair shone nicely under the overhead lighting and his complexion was clear. Not to mention he had a nice figure, even mostly hidden under the coat. It was possible he was a bit of a gym rat. He took care of his teeth too – his smile came easy. Not bad at striking up a conversation with the bartender either. Fairies weren’t tough to talk to in general, but he did seem to have a natural sort of charm there. Well, when he wasn’t trying to talk to Yoongi anyway. His mouth quirked to the side in an almost smile at the thought but then froze as he made one final observation. He was decently tall… Not in an absurd way, but it was noticeable since the bartender wasn’t short either.

                “Hmm,” he hummed, leaning back in his seat as he waited for him to return. He started to cross his arms but then stopped. That would be a bit intimidating. It was already fun to fluster the human but he’d kind of like to know what he wanted. Definitively anyway.

                His face was full of hope and the residual energy of being around a fairy in a good mood when he made his way back. “Sorry for the wait,” he apologized immediately, setting down the glass and sliding it carefully across the table. He had another in his hand, some sort of mixed drink by the look of it, but he didn’t drink and he didn’t sit yet. It was apparent he was waiting for an invitation.

                “Thanks,” Yoongi offered, accepting the glass and taking a quick sip. He got it right. Good for him. He raised a brow in pleased acknowledgement and gestured at the seat across from him.

                Another bright smile lit the human’s face up and he sat down with eager attention. “I forgot to ask what you wanted but the bartender said you’re a regular and that your last drink was a Dirty O Positive so…” he explained, hand gesturing to match the sound. When Yoongi didn’t immediately respond, he forced another nervous laugh and took a quick sip of his own drink, taking a breath before looking at the vampire. It seemed as if he was waiting again.

                “Who are you?” Yoongi chuckled in curious amusement, eyes smiling over the hand hiding his mouth.

                “Jeon Jungkook,” he answered with a confident grin. It was like he’d memorized this part as he rattled off a quick spiel. “Twenty four year old human who has just recently moved to Tradeborough. Currently looking for work and friends,” he added almost flippantly with a gesture and a glance away, “but since I’ve practically always been interested in magical creatures, my mother suggested I try hitting up the mixed bars. Her grandmother was an elf so yeah.”

                Yoongi snorted quietly and asked, “What about your father?”

                Jungkook winced and wrinkled his nose. “He’s not bad but he’s not as keen on magical creatures as my mom is. Human through and through,” he shrugged before taking another sip.

                “And you?” Yoongi prompted, spinning his glass between his thumb and middle finger as he leveled a knowing look at the young man.

                Ice clinked as he took a larger drink than intended and nearly choked. Embarrassed again, Jungkook’s cheeks dusted pink and he coughed behind his hand, glancing up. He swallowed hard and sat up straight at last though. “I’m… interested in joining your coven,” he answered with a hesitant cringe. “Maybe,” he added quickly before taking another drink.

                Instantly on guard, Yoongi’s eyes narrowed and he stilled as he asked, “How did you know I was in the coven here?” There were other vampires in the city. Quite a few usually, but most of them were visitors. Anyone that stayed in the city for the long term either had to have a contract with the city or be inducted into the official coven.

                “I checked the online registry for vampire members and saw your name. I didn’t know it was you when I first asked you,” he explained with a wave of both hands, “but the bartender said your name is Yoongi and I recognized it from the list. I never thought you’d be the first vampire I saw when I came here,” he admitted with a nervous laugh.

                Yoongi couldn’t hear his heartbeat – there was too much noise in the background, but he could see the pulse in the vein on his neck. It was beating a bit faster than usual. His mouth twisted to the side and he sighed. “You spoke to Namjoon didn’t you?” Jungkook froze and blinked like a deer in headlights. “Of course,” Yoongi exhaled with a roll of his eyes. “Meddling jackass,” he grumbled, leaning back in his seat and taking another drink before setting the glass down with a harsh clink.

                The human shrugged but seemed to deflate just a bit as he held the glass between his hands. “He wouldn’t take me on but suggested… I try finding one of the other Rank 3 or higher vampires in the coven. I have been looking for a few days,” he offered as if it was some kind of concession.

                “Ugh…” Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose between his clawed fingers before he took a breath and sat up straight. “Let me guess. Namjoon gave you a couple places to check out when he sent you off.”

                “He… might have listed one or two,” Jungkook nodded with a slow smile.

                “Which means he was ignoring Jungsu as a possibility,” he grumbled, mouth twisting in irritation as he looked away. Fair, since he was already training a mentee, but still… Dark eyes swung back after a moment and stared at Jungkook intently. “Why do you want to be a vampire anyway?”

                Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip and shrugged minutely. “I wasn’t lucky enough to be born as a magical creature, and the only way to become one otherwise is… to become a vampire. Or a maybe a werewolf. But between the two…” he explained with a shrug.

                “Huh.” That was mostly true. Outside of vampires – and werewolves if you were genetically lucky enough to have the gene that could be activated, no other natural magical creature could be made. He could become a modified human with a magical creature benefactor – provided he went into the right career choice, and there was the possibility of becoming a chimaera but… that was dangerous and highly illegal. So vampire it was. But… Yoongi was fascinated by his response. The fact that he would willingly choose to be a vampire over a werewolf did at least partly satisfy him. He personally thought they were better, after all. But what really caught his attention was, “Lucky enough?” He leaned forward, resting his elbow on the tabletop to hear the answer.

                “Well, yeah,” Jungkook responded with a nod. “I mean, every race has their own troubles, one way or the other, but it just seems like being a magical creature would be better. Longer life, less health problems, more abilities… what’s not to like?”

                Yoongi frowned just a bit and narrowed his eyes. “You do know what it means to be a vampire, right?”

                “Of course!” he answered immediately, sitting up straight again. “I’ve read up on all the strengths and weaknesses and how to become a vampire if you’re accepted and feeding and aging and-”

                He stopped when Yoongi held up a hand for silence. The vampire looked at him intently for a long moment, finishing his drink before he commented himself. “You are an interesting human.”

                “Is that a good thing?” he wondered with an uncertain facial expression.

                “Yes,” Yoongi admitted, linking his fingers under his chin and looking him up and down. “Most people that come asking to be a vampire are either running from something – death, illness, pain,” he illuminated, “or running towards something. Usually revenge or power. You…” he trailed off, blinking again and frowning in thought. “You think being born a magical creature is lucky.”

                “Isn’t it?” he asked in honest inquiry, face softening as he looked at the other man.

                “Some days I wonder,” the vampire scoffed with an amused eye roll.

                By his face, Jungkook didn’t seem to know how to follow that statement. He took another large drink, finishing it off for courage, and then asked, “So, would you be willing to consider taking me on then?”

                Yoongi laughed a dry snort and leaned back, scratching his thumb with his index fingernail. “I won’t say no,” he offered with a thoughtful look.

                “Really?!” Jungkook gasped in quick excitement.

                “Maybe,” the vampire cautioned, reaching into his pockets for two things: money to pay for his drink – and the kid’s, and his lighter. “We’ll see,” he smirked, placing the bill on the table. It drew Jungkook’s attention briefly and Yoongi chose that moment to spark his lighter. The sound made the human look up but the last thing Yoongi saw before he vanished into the shadows was Jungkook’s wide-eyed face and one hand raising as if to somehow stop him. It almost made him laugh. The humor faded quickly as he emerged in the coven itself. “Joonie…!” he called in irritation, stalking out of his room to try and find the Coven Leader. He frowned when he didn’t immediately feel the other vampire’s presence and made his way to the main hall.

                “Yoongi! When did you get back?” Wonho asked, jogging into the main hall from the first floor with a curious look on his face. His lavender colored hair bounced with each step and he brushed his short bangs back reflexively when he got close to the other vampire.

                “Just now,” Yoongi grumbled, scowling as he looked around the area once more. “Where’s Namjoon? And what are you doing here? Night watch is a Rank 1 task,” he added with some confusion.

                Wonho paused and scratched at his cheek with one blunt nail. “Namjoon’s… out,” he explained, gesturing towards the double front doors. “It’s night,” he added with a shrug, still a bit put off by the question.

                “I know,” Yoongi scowled, just frustrated. Of course the Vampire Lord would be out and about. He usually was during the evening. Meeting contacts or gathering information or just relaxing during the height of their strength… He rubbed the back of his neck and gave Wonho another side-eyed look, still waiting for the answer to his other question.

                He grimaced at the continued attention and curled his hands into loose fists, as if he was unsure how to answer. “Sanghyuk’s still under probation and our other Rank 1…” he trailed off with a careful shrug.

                Yoongi winced at the response and nodded, holding his hand up to stall any further explanation. “Right. Sorry,” he mumbled with dismissive wave and a shake of his head.

                “It’s just for a little while,” Wonho assured him, the placating smile obvious in his voice.

                “Yeah,” he grunted with a sigh, grimacing again. “I’ll be in my room if anything comes up,” he spoke quickly, glancing at the younger vampire once before looking away.

                “Okay,” Wonho said, probably waving at him as he walked away.

                Yoongi could have moved at a much faster pace, but he much preferred just to take his time. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and trudged back to his room on the second floor, thoughts tumbling together in his mind. The shutters were still down when he got inside and he threw himself on his fluffy bed with a vaunted leap. No coffins for them. Not for a long time. But it wasn’t like he was going to sleep anyway. His encounter with Jungkook and the exchange with Wonho had left too much on his mind. After all, he was the reason Wonho was watching the coven at night and not Yoongi’s most recent mentee.

                “Ugh…” he groaned, reaching over to turn the desk lamp on by feel. Light sprang to life and illuminated the cozy room. It was a literal collection of centuries, but nothing here remained of the last vampire he’d turned. Three months had already gone by since he’d requested a transfer to Ignis Falls. Only a Rank 1 and he’d wanted to leave the vampire that turned him already.

                With another groan, Yoongi scrubbed at his face with both hands. Honestly, a transfer was better than death, which was what had happened to his first mentee. Of course that was a few decades ago, but it still hurt, just like this one did. Oh, he knew it was because his newest vampire had met a lovely vampiress he’d fallen head over heels for and she lived in Ignis Falls but it didn’t keep him from thinking maybe it was something he did, or didn’t do, to drive his mentee away.

                And yes, he’d been moping away from the coven for most of the nights since then, which was why Wonho being on watch surprised him. But… now Namjoon had stepped in to send that new human on an adventure. “Jungkook…” he murmured, picturing the human in his mind once more. “Lucky, eh? I wonder what you’d say if you knew even half of it. Still…” he hummed in thought, brows furrowed as he turned the idea over in his mind again.

                “It’s not like saying yes means he’d automatically become a vampire,” he reasoned, one hand gesturing in the air beside him. “There’s still the trial period.” He tapped at his bottom lip and then turned onto his side. “It’s possible once he sees everything about being a vampire, he’ll bow out and I can just go back to…” He stopped when he realized he didn’t actually know what he could go back to right now. “Being a vampire? Ugh! Damn you, Joonie!” he scowled, grabbing his pillow and hiding his head under it.

                He was just fine until the Coven Leader had sent that damn human out to him. Put him all out of whack. “Maybe he won’t even come looking,” he mused, peeking out from under the pillow cautiously. “It could happen,” he reasoned, sitting up with a nod. “Yeah,” the vampire grinned, reasonably content with that possibility. He reached back into his pocket for his lighter.

                The night was still young and there were plenty of other places he could enjoy himself in tonight. “And away I go,” he laughed once, clicking his lighter on and vanishing into shadow once more.

Chapter 2: Beginnings


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                So far, it had been a week and Yoongi was beginning to think it might have been over before it had begun. Oh, he’d spoken to Namjoon. The coven leader had been unabashed and quite forthcoming in his explanation about sending the human in his general direction.

                “It’s no fun if they don’t even have to try,” he’d said with a boyish grin and a single wave of his hand. “It doesn’t hurt that you could also use a distraction. And-” he interrupted Yoongi before he could begin to complain, “having another member in the Coven wouldn’t be a bad thing either. We’ve gotten weak of late,” he shrugged, looking away and effectively ending the conversation before it could start.

                Yoongi couldn’t argue either. They should have three others already and really, to be a respectable coven, it would be best if they numbered around ten. As it stood, they only had five currently. Worse, he’d lost them two in the last half century. Yoongi honestly felt his luck with turning humans was terrible and as such, he wasn’t too keen to think about Jungkook. “Jungsu could just take on two trainees,” he grumbled to himself as he lazed in the den of their compound.

                “He could but then it would mean dividing his attention too much between them,” Wonho commented back without looking at the other vampire.

                It was daytime so they were quite contentedly taking refuge from the sun indoors, as usual. Not surprisingly, Wonho had heard his comment from where he was sequestered in the corner, trying to read something and watch whatever Yoongi was at the same time. “Eh… I rather think he’d like the challenge,” Yoongi snorted, glancing around the room to make sure he wasn’t missing any other coven members. He half thought Sanghyuk should be here too but knowing the newest vampire’s luck, he was off running some errand with Jungsu. He was a harsh taskmaster, that one.

                “Really, Namjoon could just turn one himself or put in a request for a transfer from one of the other covens,” Wonho shrugged, distractedly turning the page.

                “And neglect you?” he half teased with narrowed eyes. That was partially because he was lying down and didn’t feel like picking his head up.

                “Unlike someone else I know, Namjoon can actually multitask effectively,” the younger vampire shot back with a bemused smirk.

                Yoongi made a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat and waved his hand at Wonho. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.”

                “It’s more likely you’re just being lazy and chasing me would require actual effort,” he laughed knowingly, earning another impotent glare. “See?” he shrugged, closing the book and turning to focus on the TV this time. “Anything interesting going on?” he asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, chin pillowed on his interlaced fingers.

                For a moment, Yoongi debated being petty – turning the TV off would be at least slightly amusing for a short time. But the feeling passed quickly enough and he huffed. “Same old stuff, different day.”

                “So…?” the younger vampire prompted, dark eyes darting back and forth as he tracked the movements on the screen.

                “Humans being humans… creatures being creatures… and everything in between,” he announced, spreading his arms wide as if it was some important proclamation. “Though this time it looks like a cat person had a falling out with a human. Oh look. There’s a Hunter,” he snorted, catching a glimpse of a human looking figure who was obviously talking to the cat person while a plainclothes officer was speaking to the human. The Hunter was probably a bit new. He didn’t seem familiar to Yoongi seeing as he would have remembered that brooding glare.

                Wonho’s nose wrinkled at the immediate image and he snorted. “I wish those damn Revolutionaries wouldn’t stir up so much trouble,” he admitted with a sigh.

                “That would be nice,” Yoongi agreed with a sidelong glance at the screen. “It’d also be nice if the humans would kindly remember that we have coexisted for as long as they’ve been around. They’re like kids playing in the sandbox.” He flailed as if digging and then shook his fist at an imaginary playmate. “Go away! I was here first!” he mimicked in a childish voice. Wonho chuckled at the display and grinned harder when Yoongi added, “No you weren’t, youngling. Sit down.”

                “It does feel like that some days, doesn’t it?” he agreed with a slow nod.

                “And you’ve only been around for one century,” Yoongi grumbled, rolling his eyes and then shaking his head again.

                “We can’t all be old vampires,” Wonho responded with a dry tone.

                “Hey! I’m not that old,” he defended himself. “Certainly not as old as-” he stopped short when he realized someone else was there and it felt very much like the vampire he’d been about to name. “Joonie,” he greeted with false cheer, sitting up to look over the back of the couch at the vampire lord leaning against the doorframe.

                His arms were loosely crossed and he had an amused smile tugging at one corner of his mouth. “Yoongi,” he nodded, not bothering to hide his delight at the other vampire’s reaction. “You’ve got a visitor.”

                “No,” Yoongi deadpanned immediately, wrinkling his nose with a pathetic sigh. “Can’t you just tell him I’m not here?”

                “You don’t even know who it is yet,” Namjoon countered, though his expression did nothing to make anyone believe someone unexpected had arrived.

                “Your sister?” Yoongi teased with a playful smirk, though it faltered a bit as soon as he heard the words leave his mouth.

                Wonho hissed through his teeth in an obvious cringe and Namjoon snorted in disgust. “That was lame even for you,” he said, uncrossing his arms and giving a slow roll of his eyes. Yoongi didn’t say anything as he pulled his arms from over the back of the couch and sat awkwardly on it with his hands pillowed in his lap.  “Yoongi,” the vampire lord warned archly, one brow rising to match his tone.

                “Alright!” the younger vampire huffed, waving one hand in an impotent gesture of frustration. “I’m going, I’m going,” he added, making getting up look like a monumental effort.

                “Now Yoongi,” Namjoon added in a flat voice, his eyes trained on his target like a hawk. Without another word, Yoongi wrinkled his nose again and waved in acknowledgement. Silently cursing the coven leader for his meddling – again – Yoongi trudged out of the room, brushing past the taller man with a quick sidelong glance. “At least consider giving him a chance.”

                “If he fits the criteria,” he grumbled without looking back. Namjoon’s soft chuckle was answer enough. He wouldn’t have sent Jungkook his direction if he hadn’t looked into the basics at least so now it was just a matter of desire and commitment.

                Yoongi rounded the corner of the den and peered down the hallway. Neither Jungsu nor Sanghyuk were there and it was otherwise empty. Jungkook must have been waiting in the main hall. “Ugh… why did you have to show up now?” he grumbled, shuffling slowly down the hall. He paused just before the next branch and glanced at the double doors to his left. That way led to the dining room and kitchen areas. Both were rarely used but they did have them in case guests came over. Like now. Should he try to fix him something? Eh… no. If he wanted something, he could ask. With a slow blink, he waved at the door dismissively and turned the corner. And there he was.

                Like last time, he still seemed to favor dark clothes. His hands were stuffed into his coat pockets as he looked around, eyes scanning the walls with interest. He looked much the same as he had when Yoongi saw him in the lounge. But this time he was completely oblivious to the vampire’s presence. For one brief moment, he had the biggest urge to sneak up and scare him. On the other hand, he had a greater respect for Namjoon’s ire and decided it would not be a wise decision in the heart of the coven. Not today especially. Resolutely, he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and wandered closer, clearing his throat to let the human know he was there.

                “Yoongi!” Jungkook gasped in laughable surprise.

                The vampire couldn’t help but snort and shake his head. “It’s not wise to let your guard down around strange vampires, you know,” he teased, the sound amused and not at all sincere.

                By his smile, Jungkook apparently knew his comment had no teeth. “Actually, if sources are to be believed, the coven is one of the safest places to be for a non-vampire. At least for guests and friends.” He added the last part almost uncertainly, head tilting in quiet inquiry.

                Yoongi shrugged and nodded once. “I might have teased you more but Namjoon specifically identified you as a guest already so… yeah. Welcome,” he spoke semi-theatrically, adding an arm wave and a small bow to complete the act. When he stood upright, he noticed that Jungkook hadn’t moved yet and his lips were slightly pursed like he didn’t know what to say. Yoongi sighed and wandered over to lean against a pillar under the staircase, crossing his arms as he did so. “I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show. What took you so long?” he wondered, tapping the tip of his slippered toes on the ground.

                Jungkook’s mouth softened into a quiet smile when he noticed the slippers, but he looked back up and the uncertainty was still there. “The last time we spoke, you said maybe, but then… disappeared without another word. I rather got the feeling you really didn’t want to say that,” he admitted with a slight frown on his face.

                “Yet here you are,” Yoongi murmured with a wave in the human’s direction.

                Jungkook flexed his hands in his pockets, the motion obvious to Yoongi. “I had to decide if I wanted to bother you or not.”

                The response made Yoongi laugh once. “Apparently the answer you found was yes.”

                He didn’t answer immediately. He looked the vampire up and down once and then glanced around the coven before he freed one hand to rub the back of his neck. “I had to do some research first,” he admitted easily.

                “Oh?” That was curious indeed. “What did you find out then?” Yoongi asked, genuinely interested. Most who made it this far tried to bluff and bluster their way through. He found the playful honesty refreshing.

                Warming up to the topic, Jungkook took a step forward and freed his other hand from his pocket. “Apparently,” he started, gesturing with both hands as if he was telling a story. “Unless a coven is full and not accepting applicants, then the coven leader has to at least vet said person.”

                “Which is why he sent you in my direction,” Yoongi agreed with a slow nod.

                “Yes, but it gets more interesting,” Jungkook smiled, the expression more akin to a smirk as he took another step forward, slowly closing the distance between them. “Seeing that I live in the same city as your coven and have been initially approved to seek entry,” he waved, gesturing at the structure he was in. “And seeing that there is a Rank 3 vampire who is currently not mentoring a trainee…” he trailed off with a long look at Yoongi, “then unless you have a very good reason not to, I should at least be allowed to start the trial period.”

                Yoongi glared at the human through narrowed eyes and tapped his fingers on his arm. He was only about a meter away now and he seemed far too smug about his speech. “You little shit,” he finally laughed once with a shake of his head.

                “I have been called that a time or two in the past,” Jungkook grinned, taking one more large step to finish closing the distance between them. “Now, if it was just something that I wanted,” he explained, hands doing just as much talking again, “I’d leave you alone – for now – and maybe try again later.” That made Yoongi actually crack a smile. “But since it’s in your Charter…” he trailed off with a helpless shrug.

                “Namjoon,” the vampire grumbled, tilting his head to get a glimpse of the coven leader resting on the staircase railing. He noticed Jungkook follow his gaze in his periphery, flinching slightly at seeing the other man there.

                “I may have pointed him in the right direction again,” the elder vampire grinned and waved at Jungkook. “Nice work in digging into it, too,” he praised, clearly amused by the whole situation.

                “I never would have found it otherwise,” Jungkook admitted with a breathy laugh, eyes dancing as he looked at Yoongi. “Couldn’t find anything about it online.”

                “There’s a reason for that,” Yoongi grumbled, side-eying Namjoon again.

                “Speaking of that,” he added, one finger rising with a curious expression on his face. “I know you’re a Rank 3 because your profile on the coven information page says so, and I know you have some sort of vanishing trick with the lighter, but I couldn’t find anything about it online either.”

                “Good,” Yoongi barked a laugh, finally feeling as if something good had come of the conversation. “Means the scrubbers are doing their job.”

                “Scrubbers?” Jungkook asked with a furrowed brow.

                Neither vampire acknowledged the question though. Namjoon spoke instead, asking Yoongi directly, “Well, Yoongi? Do you have a good reason to say no?”

                “No,” he reluctantly answered after trying very hard to come up with something in a very short period of time.

                “Good,” Namjoon chirped with a wave at his back. When Yoongi glanced up again, he saw that Wonho was right next to him and he frowned in irritation knowing the other vampire had probably heard the whole conversation too. “Looks like we might have a new family member soon,” he chuckled, gesturing down at the human. “Lee Wonho. Meet Kim Jungkook.”

                “Hey,” Wonho greeted with a lazy wave as he leaned on the railing too.

                “Hi. It’s nice to meet you,” Jungkook greeted back, giving a quick small bow in their direction.

                “Yoongi. Why don’t you show Jungkook around?” Namjoon said, the question very a much a subtle command.

                “Of course,” Yoongi answered with a false sweetness and a brittle smile at his leader. The expression faded and then became something more genuine when he looked at the human again. “I maintain you’re a little shit but you’re an interesting little shit,” he commented with a finger pointing in the young man’s face.

                “I’ll take that as a compliment then,” Jungkook returned, giving a pseudo theatrical bow, much as Yoongi had earlier.

                “Case in point,” the vampire gestured, stolidly ignoring the chuckles from his brethren upstairs. “Come on then, potential newbie,” he called with a wave as he turned around and started walking into the heart of the coven again. “I’ll show you where the guests stay,” he explained, adding extra emphasis on the word, much to Jungkook’s amusement.

                “Will I be staying here?” he asked in surprise, making Yoongi look back.

                “At least sometimes,” the vampire scoffed and gave him a sidelong look. “And here I thought you did your research.”

                “Hey! I did!” Jungkook defended himself, jogging to catch up to the vampire. “But some topics don’t have a lot of information to research!” he grumbled, saying something about ‘scrubbers’ under his breath.

                “Sure,” Yoongi nodded without looking back. It was the only way he could keep his smile hidden for the moment. Okay. So maybe, even if he didn’t want a trainee right now, it might at least prove interesting. He wasn’t ready to like Jungkook yet, but he could see it happening in the future. If he decided to stick around after the trial period anyway.

                “Hey. A kitchen!” Jungkook’s happy voice called out, drawing Yoongi’s attention.

                The human was sticking his head inside the open door for the kitchen and clearly delighted by what he saw. “Make yourself at home why don’t you?” Yoongi commented dryly.

                “What? You said I’d be staying here sometimes,” Jungkook shrugged as he closed the door and moved to catch up as they wandered down the right hallway this time.

                “Fair enough,” he conceded, firmly of the mind that it would be interesting regardless.




                Hyuna’s clear voice echoed through the large house, echoing off brightly colored walls. A myriad of portrait pictures, from painted to black and white to high definition to moving, adorned most surfaces in the den. They were all her magical children. The fading light from the sun turned them gold for a brief moment as she waited for the answering response. One deep red nail tapped her cherry lips and she smiled as the first voice reached her.

                “Coming, mother!” That was Hyosung, of course. She’d be perking up the most right around this time.

                “I’m in the den,” she added while she strode around the large open space, bare feet whispering over soft brown carpet. She didn’t much like the color but it hid just about anything in case something was spilled or… happened.

                “We’re coming!” And there was Hyunseong. One of the oldest and longest residents of her children, he was naturally protective of his siblings. Didn’t hurt that he tended to identify everyone in the house as his – it was a common enough trait among the Cat folk.

                “Stop pushing me,” a low, deep voice grumbled, the tone giving him away immediately.

                “Don’t make me carry you, Byungie.” And there was Wonshik. The boy always loved to tease others. It was part of his nature though. Those associated with the wind were often playful as such. And Byunghyun was an easy target. Poor grumpy child. It didn’t help he rarely got a decent night’s sleep and with their newest addition, it made sense he was a little grumpier than usual.

                “Stop that,” Hyosung chided with the sound of a gentle smack. Wonshik laughed it off and several pairs of feet started down the stairs.

                Hyuna hid her smile as she listened to the exchange with unnaturally good hearing. One, two, three… nine, ten, and eleven pairs of feet. That was all of them. Reflexively, she glanced out the window and sighed as she spotted a nymph actively peering inside. They never could hide their eyes when they were focused on something, and she’d smelled them often enough to know what she was immediately. With a wave of her hand and a dry glare, she shooed the unwanted ‘guest’ away. She wasn’t sure if the nymph did as she wanted as she had to turn her attention to her children. “There you are,” she beamed brilliantly, waving her hands to gesture them closer.

                “Come on. It’s okay,” Jennie urged, one hand lightly wrapped around the newest boy’s arm.

                “Have a seat here, Chan.” With a warm smile, Mingyu motioned for Chan and Jennie to take the main seats on the long couch.

                Still quiet, Chan nodded with wide eyes and settled on the middle cushion. Jennie plopped down next to him and Mingyu bracketed him on the other side. There was space enough for three more so Wonshik shoved Byunghyun into the corner of the couch – not unkindly – and motioned for the almost too dainty Jisoo to take a seat next to him. On the far side, Joshua practically tumbled into Mingyu’s lap with a bright grin. Hyosung and Hyunseong took the arms of the couch while Minzy and Wonshik settled in front, leaning against the knees of their siblings.

                “Comfortable?” Hyuna asked, tracing a stray strand of maroon hair behind her ear. Most of them nodded in quiet agreement and she smiled again. “Good. As you know, since we have a new brother, it’s story time again.”

                Jisoo clapped with a shy smile on her face, obviously waiting for the tale to be spun. “Are you going to tell us about magic again?” she asked, glancing over at Chan with a reassuring nod.

                “Yes,” Hyuna agreed, pausing to motion at the windows. With a flick of her fingers, the blinds fell and the curtains slid into place, shutting out the rest of the world, including the nymph that was still there. She heard Chan gasp quietly and glanced back at him with a sly smile and a wink. “Now, why do we tell the story of magic?” she asked, prompting an answer from her other children.

                The second newest child raised his hand from beside Mingyu, eager to show he remembered from the last time. Joshua beamed, the smile warm and bright, when she nodded at him. “So we can better understand where we come from and how it affects what we can do now.”

                “Good, Joshua,” Hyuna praised before glancing around to see if anyone else wanted to contribute.

                Seungkwan raised his hand next and added more when Hyuna’s attention landed on him. “It’s also a reminder of what there used to be and how easily things can change because of magic.”

                “Also correct, Seungkwan,” she smiled and pointed her finger around the group knowingly. “Our stories are our history. They remind us of what is possible but also warn us in the same way. Magic is life. It is creation. It is neither good nor bad, but it can be used in many ways,” she whispered, her voice dropping low as she impressed upon them the weight of her words.

                Chan’s eyes were very large in the lit space and Hyuna smiled to ease the tension. “But tonight is not for warnings or prophecies alone. It is for stories and possibilities. So let’s begin,” she murmured with another flick of her fingers banishing the interior lighting entirely. “In the beginning, there was nothing,” she started, painting a swath of living shadow on the ceiling. “Magic,” she murmured, conjuring a swirling ball of sparkling lights, “roamed the endless seas of the universe. For eons, there was no life. And then…” she hesitated, causing an explosion of light to dot the canvas with a myriad of stars, “magic began to create. First the stars. But such gems of beauty were not enough. Magic needed more.” A dark sphere of rock appeared out of nothing and started floating around above them.

                “Wow…” It was a breathless whisper of sound that came from Chan especially, but it was no less amazed when passing Jisoo’s lips too.

                “So it created the world.”

                “And then-”

                “Shh! Don’t interrupt,” Hyosung urged with her finger over her lips when Minzy tried to speak up next.

                The Anansi shrank down from the reprimand and Hyuna shook her head slightly. With a subtle motion at Hyosung, she bade the young woman to be at ease and then murmured, “Minzy. Go ahead my dear. What’s the next part?” she urged, knowing the knowledge-keeper in her wanted to share in the telling.

                Bright eyes flicked up and a smile lit her face as Minzy stared at the ceiling. Stories danced in the depths of her gaze and she continued where Hyuna left off. As Minzy spoke, Hyuna molded the rock into grassy lands and blue seas. “Then Magic shaped the world, carving land and conjuring water alike. The single continent was known as Pangaea and it was the birthplace of life.”


First half was new and I'll be continuing the parallel story at the bottom half of the chapters from here on out. Personally, I'm enjoying fleshing out the world from a more ground zero perspective, but that's just me. Hopefully you're enjoying it too! Thanks for joining me on this journey and please look forward to the next update. ^_^

Chapter 3: Jobs and Weaknesses


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Considering Jungkook was still a normal human that followed the typical day and night cycles, and was also in the process of looking for a job, he and Yoongi worked out a schedule for meeting times. Yoongi was far more flexible, though admittedly, he didn’t like meeting during the day. But unless Jungkook was staying at the coven, which only happened twice a week, any other meeting times were generally expected to be in the afternoon or early evening.

                After their first week, it became apparent that Jungkook knew a lot about trying to become a vampire and the basics of vampirism, but was quite lacking in the specifics after the change occurred. That second bit was quite expected though. Yoongi would have been surprised if he’d known more.

                “So just to recap, you’re staying at the coven every Friday and Saturday night and we’re meeting during the week on Mondays and Thursdays,” Yoongi stated, tapping his finger on the café table they were currently sitting at. He’d chosen one that was a bit out of the way so they wouldn’t have to deal with a large crowd and was satisfied with the few patrons present. No other vampires, two humans, and three magical creatures, none of whom would actively try to listen in or cause any trouble.

                “Right,” Jungkook nodded, gloved hands wrapped around an iced coffee. That he was drinking something cold in this weather made Yoongi wonder, but it made the human happy, so there was that. “Though when I find a job, that might change again,” he warned quickly and shrugged.

                “Yeah, yeah,” the vampire huffed in amusement, mouth quirking to the side. “Humans and their jobs.”

                “Sorry we have to earn money the hard way,” Jungkook grumbled, one side of his mouth curling in an annoyed frown. “It’s so not fair that most magical creatures don’t even need to work,” he added, lowering his head to bite the straw so he could take a drink.

                “Well, when you’re as long lived as we tend to be, you learn a thing or two about investing,” Yoongi explained with a snort, though even he’d had a bit of an easy road there. His parents had been particularly good about investing and he’d inherited all of it… That didn’t mean he didn’t know what to do though.

                “I know,” the other man sighed, shoulders slouching at the reminder. “I’d ask you for advice about investing but there’s a very good reason you’re not technically allowed to share that information with a human.”

                Yoongi gestured with his hands in a helpless motion and nodded. “There are many written rules about that and there are just as many unwritten rules to keep track of as well,” he said, twisting his mouth in slight irritation. A great many magical creatures had extended lives, but it certainly felt like vampires were restricted more than most. Then again, it could have been just because there was a certain sect of humans that had done a pretty good job of trying to vilify them, which made other humans wary at best. “Mostly we work because we get bored,” he continued, glancing at the light brown skinned elf behind the current counter. “That, or creatures like fairies and elves tend to enjoy talking to just about anyone.”

                “When I become a vampire, I won’t work for at least a year,” Jungkook laughed to himself, swirling the contents of his cup and making the ice clink noticeably. “The jobs I have done have not been fun,” he grimaced and shuddered.

                The reaction made Yoongi smile despite himself, but he didn’t comment. Instead, he focused on the time. “Speaking of a year, remind me. Why do we have a trial period for people that want to become a vampire?” he pressed, leaning forward on the table with his fingers linked together.

                “That’s an easy question,” the human mumbled in disappointment.

                “Well,” Yoongi prompted, waving his hand permissively.

                Jungkook sighed and tilted his head to the side in obvious irritation, but he did answer. “The trial period is very much for both the human and the vampires. One,” he held up his index finger and glanced at it. “This gives the human a chance to better understand what it means to be a vampire. Feeding, weaknesses, rules and whatnot,” he added, waving his other hand in a circular motion. “And two,” a second finger rose to join the first. “It’s for the vampires to make sure the human is a good fit even after the initial vetting.”

                “Exactly,” Yoongi winked and sat back in his seat. “Because the last thing any of us want is a new homicidal vampire running amok and giving the rest of us a bad name.”

                “That actually happened didn’t it?” Jungkook asked with curious eyes.

                “In the past, yes,” the vampire answered honestly, a quick nod accompanying the word. “It was just before my time, but Namjoon could tell you about an instance or two. It’s partly why vampires are so… eh… regulated,” he offered, reluctantly settling on the word. “Trials for newbies, no turning sprees, and any Rank 3 or higher has to be in a coven or contracted with a city - somewhere.”

                “Because they can make new vampires,” the other man pointed out quickly, ducking his head to hide his smile when Yoongi gave him a raised brow.

                “Yep. And we have to let the city know when we get new members,” he added, staring at the human intently. Jungkook’s face turned thoughtful and Yoongi knew he had another question on his mind. “What?” he asked when it seemed he might not say anything again.

                For a moment, Jungkook pursed his lips in silence. But then he took a breath and spoke, “Does that also include children? I know it’s easier to turn a human and that’s what most vampires do, but I do know they can have kids.”

                Yoongi’s nose twitched and he glanced down at the top of the table. “Why? Do you want children?” he said to avoid the question. “If so, you should probably do that before you try to become a vampire,” he advised dryly.

                “It’s not that.” Jungkook waved the suggestion off. “It’s just that, the covens have profile information but unless you look at the registry at Admin’s Tower, you can’t tell if a vampire was born or turned. They kind of seem like unicorns,” he laughed once, leaning back in his chair. “Almost impossible to find.”

                “That’s because humans killed most of the unicorns during the Dark Ages,” Yoongi stated flatly, his gaze drifting back up to focus on the man in front of him, no trace of amusement present.

                Jungkook cringed in embarrassment and dropped his head. “Sorry. Human joke,” he mumbled with a wave of his hand.

                “I know. But it’s not funny,” the vampire reminded him. “None of the human jokes about us magical creatures are,” he added in that same flat tone. When each successive word made Jungkook shrink down just that much more, Yoongi wrinkled his nose and gave a quiet sigh. “Mostly. There are some exceptions,” he murmured, making the human look up in surprise. “Just not that one.”

                “Sorry again. I’ll try to remember that in the future,” Jungkook promised in a quiet voice, sufficiently chastised to Yoongi’s liking.

                Yoongi nodded and then frowned thoughtfully. He could elaborate on the unicorn issue or… he could go back to the previous question. While he’d rather continue to avoid the topic, vampire issues were more relevant to the trial period. They could discuss the brutality of ancient humans later if they really wanted to. “As for vampire children, yes. They do have to be registered too. At birth.”

                Jungkook’s face was an obvious question again. “How?” he asked without prompting this time, his finger pointing in the air.

                It made Yoongi chuckle. “The only thing you need to know about it right now is that, like humans, a child can only be made between a male and a female, though same sex couples can make it happen with an appropriate donor or surrogate. The same steps apply otherwise, and then some, but it takes both of them in a different way,” he shrugged, snorting at the nonplussed look on his potential trainee’s face. “What? If you become a vampire, I can tell you more then. For now, we’re secretive for a reason. Again, regulated,” he reminded the other man with a not excited hand wave.

                “Fine,” the human grumbled, sitting back in his seat. A new thought occurred to him then though and he sat up as if a light bulb went off in his head. “Do vampires ever adopt?”

                The question was so unexpected it literally made Yoongi laugh. “Yes,” he smiled, the expression genuine. “Most vampires cherish children. And not for food,” he stated bluntly, warning that idea off immediately.

                “Obviously,” Jungkook scoffed with a snort.

                “You know that, but a staggering amount of humans don’t,” Yoongi reminded him with a head tilt and a slow roll of his eyes. “It’s next to impossible to adopt a human child for that reason. Though they do make very good and acceptable fosters in some areas,” he added with a brief and confused shake of his head. “On the other hand, vampire parents don’t mind taking in other magical creatures. It used to be far more necessary in the past,” he murmured as his gaze turned a bit dark.

                “Ouch,” he winced sympathetically, able to imagine why that might be the case quite easily.

                “Yeah,” Yoongi murmured, mouth thinning at the parallel thought. “Still think magical creatures are lucky?” he suddenly asked, surprising the other man. His face blanked on a possible response and he blinked several times as he tried to think of an answer. “It’s alright,” Yoongi laughed once, waving off the need for a response. “We’ve all got our problems, like you said.”

                Relief washed over Jungkook then, his shoulders slumping as he exhaled. “Can I ask you one more question?” he wondered in a soft voice, looking at the vampire out of the corner of his eyes. Yoongi nodded mutely in permission. “Were you turned or born a vampire?” he asked bluntly, making Yoongi’s brows rise.

                Then he frowned and blinked in mild irritation. “Asking a vampire that is like asking a human woman her age. You shouldn’t. Not at this stage anyway,” he added when Jungkook cringed again. “I will say, if you become a vampire, you can ask again.”

                “Yeah?” he responded with a shy smile.


                The easy answer seemed to settle Jungkook’s mood again and he sat up with a bit more energy. His dark eyes darted out the window, squinting against the sunlight before he glanced back at his companion. “So… you’re weaker during the day… Do you think I could beat you in an arm wrestling match right now?” he asked with a playful grin.


                “Aw. Let’s try,” he challenged, placing his elbow on the surface of the table preemptively.

                “No,” Yoongi denied again, laughing once as he crossed his arms over his chest.

                “Come on,” the human teased, wrinkling his nose playfully. “Unless you’re worried I might actually win.”

                “I’m trying to save you from the embarrassment,” the vampire promised with a wry smile.

                “Seriously though! I’ve gotta have a chance with it being day and you being this small,” he laughed, gesturing at the vampire’s undeniably slender person.

                “Oh,” Yoongi commented, one brow rising as he slowly unfolded his arms. Without another word, he locked gazes with Jungkook and placed his elbow on the table, waiting expectantly. By the human’s slightly widened eyes, he seemed to have realized he made a mistake. But having issued the challenge, Yoongi wouldn’t let him back out of it now, even if he had to compel him to follow through. With a quiet whimper and a cringe, Jungkook grabbed Yoongi’s hand.

                The human learned two things that day. One, even a sun weakened vampire was significantly stronger than any regular human. And two, it was never a good idea to mention anything about Yoongi’s size. Especially in any disparaging or dismissive fashion.

                During the beginning of their trial period, there were many other things Jungkook learned and confirmed from what he already knew or what was general knowledge. Many of the stories about vampires were a bit off the mark or downright outrageous. “Any of those vampire movies you’ve seen are generally way off,” the vampire laughed.

                “I know, right? Bursting into flames? Come on,” Jungkook chuckled, his grin wide and open.

                “We don’t like the sun but that’s because we are creatures born of shadow and fire,” he explained with a sage nod, expression distant as he remembered tidbits of a story someone told him a long time ago.

                “Oh?” By the sound, it was obviously news to him as well. In all likelihood, the humans had probably not been good in passing down that history. After all, there definitely was a group, albeit a small one, that was trying to push the idea that humans came first and magical creatures were the aberrant mutations.

                He nodded in response. “That’s also why holy symbols and such don’t affect us either.” Jungkook’s smirk was encouraging. “Contrary to some human beliefs, mostly those of particularly strong faith,” Yoongi snorted with a shake of his head, “we did not rise from the dead and we aren’t necessarily evil beings.”

                “No worse than some humans,” the other man conceded with a depressed nod.

                Yoongi didn’t argue. “It’s partly why we don’t much like water either. Well, that and we sink. Really well,” he added with an exaggerated hand motion dropping down. “We don’t have to breathe so it’s not really a problem but it does suck getting stuck at the bottom of a lake. And if it’s deep water…” he trailed off with a pained expression. “That much pressure just hurts.”

                “Ouch,” Jungkook cringed, hand resting on his chest as if he was trying to imagine the feeling. “Okay. So what’s the deal with garlic and silver then? And thresholds!” he added as the thought struck him, almost like he’d remembered a scene in a movie.

                “Thresholds are a remnant of actual Magic law,” he explained, biting his lip thoughtfully. He didn’t know if he should explain why though… Jungkook had been with him for about two months now and so far, it did indicate that he’d likely stick around for the duration. Eh. This one wasn’t too big a secret. More an inconvenience in truth than anything. “It comes from a time when magical creatures and humans weren’t on such good terms. The magic has weakened but it hasn’t faded entirely,” he explained with a flippant wave of his hand.

                “Huh,” the human chirped in surprise. “I never would have guessed.” His raised brows looked almost comical, but then they dropped as his focus shifted. “What about garlic and silver. There are so many different stories about them…” he trailed off with a long suffering sigh.

                Yoongi chuckled. “So true. But most are exaggerated. Again. Garlic is just a really strong smell. You try getting a whiff of it when your sense of smell is as good as ours,” he stated dryly, lips pressed together in a thin line.

                “I take it you’ve had to deal with garlic before?” Jungkook asked with an amused look he failed utterly to hide.

                “Oh yes,” the vampire grouched, flicking his fingers across the table like he could banish the memory somehow. With a quick shake of himself, he redirected his attention to the other topic. “Silver is more like an allergic reaction. We have different responses to both, to be fair, but usually, neither cause any lasting harm, especially the older you get. I do get hives if I touch it though,” he explained with an accepting shrug. “So if you have no problems with them now, you might if you do turn.”

                Jungkook wrinkled his nose at the thought but then shrugged, much like Yoongi had earlier. “It is what it is. Some humans have worse reactions to stranger things,” he reminded the vampire. He was good at doing that. Raised in the human world, there were many common comparisons he could draw with little trouble. Yoongi’d had to actively learn about them growing up. “I understand the weaknesses, but what about food? Vampires aren’t undead so why can’t they just eat normal food?”

                “Well, we can but it doesn’t do anything for us. We usually just have to throw it back up later. We aren’t undead but it is more like our bodies are in a state of perpetual stasis. Especially during the day. We can put something in but nothing really happens,” he explained. “Blood though… that’s always been something of power. Mages use it in their magics and succubi and incubi do as well. Many creatures use blood and humans often thought it modified their powers in the past too. For them, it didn’t really work, but for us, it does.”

                “And it doesn’t matter where you get the blood from, right?” the human pressed, eyeing the hallway that would lead towards the kitchen area.

                “Nah. Blood is blood. Fresh blood tastes better,” the vampire clarified quickly, “but if it bleeds, we feed.” He flashed his teeth, fangs appearing briefly as he amused himself with the unintentional rhyme.

                “That just sounds wrong,” Jungkook cringed with a laugh, gaze lingering on the obvious fangs. Yoongi didn’t usually show them around him.

                “What? It’s true.”


                In the third month of their trial, he finally found a job – working at a bread shop. “Make sure you don’t get fat there,” Yoongi teased when he found out.

                “I can get fat if I want to,” Jungkook retorted quickly, though he ducked his head in mild embarrassment and gave the vampire a sidelong look.

                He was starting to learn the human enough to know he wouldn’t, even if he could; carbs were his weakness but he had too many fit role models he wanted to aspire towards to let it get too out of hand. It was, however, fun to mess with him from time to time. “Seriously though. You’d best enjoy it now since things will change if you turn.”

                “No more bread?” he asked, the embarrassment giving way to a new crestfallen look.

                “I suppose you could but I hope you like it just as much coming back up,” he stated simply. The legitimate shock was enough to make him ask, “Having second thoughts?”

                “No…” Jungkook murmured in immediate response, though it was far from reassuring. It was just one more thing he had to come to terms with letting go of or changing significantly in his life if he did go through with becoming a vampire.

                On the other hand, his work schedule meant that their schedule mostly remained the same since he worked in the mornings and early afternoons. But with the job, he also started making more friends. Yoongi had no problem with this – humans should have friends, especially when they moved to a new city, and they started popping up in their conversations. It was fun being the listener for a change. But he did start to take note of new ‘friends’ that began appearing in their conversations too. It was right around the time he was expecting it though so it wasn’t a complete surprise.

                Yoongi held up his hand to stall Jungkook’s flow of words. The human stopped abruptly, startled for a second. “What?”

                “I’m gonna stop you there. I’ve gotta ask. Have you told them you’re trying to become a vampire yet?” he wondered, trying to hide the soft grimace by forcing his lips to relax.

                “Yeah…” Jungkook answered hesitantly, his expression instantly wary. “Why?”

                “Remember what I said about vampires being secretive?” he asked instead of answering directly.


                “Humans know a set amount of information about us. A lot of it contrived. And humans turned vampires know even more but then fall under the written and unwritten rules of vampirism. Potential trainees,” he added, pointing at Jungkook meaningfully, “fall into that gray area.”

                “Oh, I get it,” Jungkook forced a laugh as he wrestled with whether Yoongi was being serious or not. “They’re my friends but not my friends,” he clarified, face still showing that he rather hoped it was a joke.

                “Some of them might well be,” Yoongi conceded. “It’s just that there are a fair few people – humans especially – that don’t really like vampires. The same rules that help keep them safe also make them trust us less,” he added with an irritated eye roll.

                Jungkook’s face was clouded as he frowned at the vampire. “Why just vampires?” he demanded, searching for something that would help make it make sense.

                “Not just vampires, but mostly us. Again, we’re one of the only creatures that can actually make new ones without doing things the old fashioned way. Tends to make others nervous,” he answered with narrowed eyes and a thin mouth.

                “They’re not like that,” Jungkook denied eventually, expression dropping as he turned the possibility over in his mind.

                “I’m just saying, be careful what you tell them and pay attention to what questions they ask,” he added, looking down and waving his hand to show that was the last he would say about it. He’d be surprised if all of them were his friends but it was possible. Incredibly unlikely but still possible. Not that he’d be able to convince Jungkook of that right now. Tartarus, even he’d wanted to believe otherwise the first time Namjoon explained it to him when he was finally allowed to turn his first human. As with most things though, it would just have to be something that was figured out and dealt with in due time.


                “And life arrived with hunger and ferocity,” Minzy intoned, her voice shifting in tone to match the lilting pattern of a story teller. Her hands rose to gesture at the floating planet in the air. It seemed as if translucent filaments unwound from her fingers to curl around the blue and green sphere.

                Hyuna’s lips curved into a proud smile as the Anansi began to create her own illusion. It was her fourth time experiencing the story, but her first trying to narrate, and she was doing beautifully. Filaments weaved together as fluidly as smoke, creating a flapping creature that started to circle the planet. She had to hide her chuckle at the appearance of the beast – Minzy had been watching too many western fantasy movies apparently – but the sentiment was the same.

                “Dragons were the first children to be gifted with life.” Minzy’s dragon was brown like the earth and it roared as it breathed a tiny spout of flame.

                “Dragons?!” Chan gasped in surprise and awe.

                He wasn’t quite a child anymore – none of her children truly were – but the information was amazing enough to merit such childlike wonder. Most of her children acted similarly the first time they saw the dragons themselves. Jennie adored them every time, three times now, and Jisoo still tried to hide when she saw them. The fairy had no love of dragons – they frightened her – and she was trying very successfully to curl under Byunghyun’s arm. Dutifully, the nightmare eater held her close and watched with thoughtful eyes.

                “Almost as many kinds as there are stars in the sky,” Hyuna couldn’t help but add, glancing at Minzy to help with the next conjuring. Together, they brought an army of dragons into existence: from the tiny two legged ones that had a closer resemblance to a lizard like chicken, to the two legged wyverns soaring the skies, to the myriad of massive drakes lumbering on the ground.

                “For a time, Magic let the dragons be while it turned its focus elsewhere,” Minzy explained, fingers moving to show the dragons interacting. Some formed herds for safety. Others hunted them. Many lived on land and in the sea and high above the mountains. “And though the dragons were magical and amazing and ruled the world for a millennia, changing through time…” The shapes changed form to become creatures more recognizable as what the humans called dinosaurs and their distant kin. New creatures appeared to pop up like massive predatory cats and wooly mammoths along the way. “… when Magic turned its gaze upon them again, it saw they were not what it had hoped for. Only a handful had gained true intelligence in all that time and the rest remained naught but beasts,” the Anansi went on, her voice wistful.

                “What happened to them?” Chan asked in a breathless whisper, eyes still riveted to the illusion. “Magic didn’t kill them, did it?” he wondered in open mouthed horror as he looked around the group for confirmation.

                Mingyu gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder and then nodded down at Minzy who was ready to tell the next part of the story. “No. Magic didn’t kill them. But…” she added, waving her hand to pluck the vast majority of dragons and creatures from the air. “Magic did remove most of them. It left only the most intelligent that wished to stay and the smaller kin of dragons to allow a better balance of life to continue.”

                “But… where did they go?” he couldn’t help but ask, head tilting in curiosity.

                “To other realms better suited to their natures,” Hyuna explained with a quick wink, though neither she nor the knowledge keeper offered an illustration of such places.


As you can see, I'm turning vampire lore a bit on its head. haha I'll probably be tweaking other creatures here and there too, but so it goes. ;) Hopefully you're enjoying the story so far though, and please look forward to the next update. Thank you!

Chapter 4: Exiles and Friends


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                “So we’ve gotten to that part already?” Namjoon mused, brows rising thoughtfully as he frowned at the computer screen in front of him.

                “Yeah,” Yoongi groaned, legs slung over the arm of the cushioned chair he was lounging in.

                “He seems to be doing well otherwise,” the coven leader commented without looking up, his attention otherwise focused. One eye twitched and Yoongi knew he was reading something he didn’t particularly care for.

                “He’s definitely stuck around longer than I thought he would,” the younger vampire admitted with a slight sigh.

                Now Namjoon looked up and glanced over at his coven member. “You sound almost as if you might be starting to like him,” he commented with a satisfied smile.

                Yoongi shot him an annoyed glare but then leaned his head back and opened his mouth to run his tongue along one row of teeth. “He is a good distraction,” he admitted quietly. Namjoon’s soft laugh was the only response. “Easy to talk to,” he added, still staring at the ceiling.

                “That’s good,” his leader prompted, humming softly under his breath in the next moment.

                That something was starting to bother the other vampire was hard to miss and Yoongi picked his head up again. “What’s got your panties in a twist?” he asked, gaze sliding to the back of the laptop.

                “An Exile,” he answered without hesitation.

                Immediately, Yoongi flinched and sat up. “In the city?”

                “Yeah. He’s been making a couple appearances lately. Nothing too serious, but Donghyun has sent me a message asking me to look into it,” he sighed, clearly none too thrilled by the thought. “Ugh,” he scowled with a sound of disgust, reaching to shut the laptop abruptly. “I think the latest encounters with the humans have made him curious again,” he mused, scratching at his platinum head with one finger.

                “Oh. That one,” Yoongi commented with a shake of his head.


                Yixing wasn’t the worst of the Exiles, but like all of them, he had a knack for unsettling anyone around him. Especially if they realized what he was. “Where do you gotta go this time?” he asked, regarding the elder vampire with curious eyes.

                “Rainbow district, human side. He’s much too close to the buffer zone for any creature’s liking. If the humans realize who he is, he’s likely to start a panic,” Namjoon grimaced, wiping at his face with both hands.

                “You could always distract him with something,” Yoongi suggested, though he had no particular idea to offer.

                “Eh. I’ll probably just take Sanghyuk with me,” the coven leader explained with a dismissive wave. “You know he’s fascinated by the young ones. And it’s about time for Hyuk to meet one of them anyway.” He frowned and focused on the other vampire. “Speaking of young ones, you best keep an eye on yours while he’s in the area. He’s liable to smell the vampire on him. I doubt he’d do anything to him, but if anything would scare a human off of turning, it would be catching an Exile’s attention.”

                Yoongi nodded in agreement and shuddered at the most recent memory of his own run in with an Exile. It had happened about seventeen years ago now. There had been a clash between their resident archon and a visiting demon possessed human. The human had been killed in the encounter but the demon itself vanished and Junsu had stepped in before the Hunters could arrive to stop the archon from trying to give chase. He remembered it quite vividly.

                “That’s enough,” Junsu murmured, one thin hand reaching out to grip the archon’s wrist and hold him fast. He’d appeared out of nowhere before anyone even had a chance to realize who it actually was.

                “Let me go!” Joon snapped back before recognizing just who had caught hold of him. His golden eyes flashed in a brief glimpse of potential panic and he stilled, greatsword clutched in the hand being held.

                “It’s not often you see a demon in this realm,” the Exile murmured, ruby red hair gleaming in the sunlight as he looked after the departed creature. “And you would try to destroy it just for existing?” he wondered, returning his gaze with predatory intensity.

                The archon flinched and looked down, burnished golden wings folding and retracting back into place as he reverted to his fully human guise. “He doesn’t belong here,” he muttered, releasing the conjured blade in his trapped hand. His plate mail disappeared with it, as did the golden hair color, replaced by a dark brown instead and a nice set of casual clothes for spring.

                Junsu laughed in eerie delight, fangs quite obvious in his open mouth. “We all did at one point,” he promised with a playfully seductive voice. “What’s to say it didn’t come home to visit? And what right do you have to ban it?” he pressed, leaning close as he breathed deep, eyes narrowing to slits as he caught a whiff of the residual demon scent.

                “It smelled of death,” Joon defended himself, swallowing hard.

                “I smell of death,” the Exile reminded him, still lingering perilously close. “Do you want to try to kill me too?” he asked, a bizarrely playful jaunt to his voice. The lopsided smile and intense look did not help him sound any less off. Reactively, Joon leaned back and shook his head in a barely perceptible motion.

                No one in the entire circle of spectators made a sound at all until a trio of Hunters arrived, leaping down from one of the nearest buildings. Their eyes were dilated, showing they were ready for a fight if they needed, but everyone remained stoically calm as Kyuhyun approached amidst a collective wary breath from their audience. “Exile. Archon,” he nodded at both, motioning slightly for his companions to stay back. “Is there a problem?”

                Junsu and Joon looked at each other until the Exile smiled. “Well?”

                “No,” the archon muttered with a subdued glare at the slightly taller figure.

                “Good,” Kyuhyun stated with a firm nod. With a bravado most creatures could only dream of, he approached the pair and reached out towards the archon with a gloved hand. “With your permission, we will take it from here.” He was touching Joon but his attention and his words were for the Exile alone.

                Junsu looked at the archon and then let his gaze slide around the circle of spectators. It seemed as if he took in everyone present with a single sweep and nodded. “Okay,” he grinned, finally letting Joon go as he stepped back. He looked across the way at another creature for a brief moment and Yoongi’s stomach dropped when he swung around to look at him specifically too. Dangerous power swirled in the depths of his eyes. But then the Exile blinked and he seemed as normal as any vampire.

                He winked at Yoongi with a bemused smirk and then vanished into shadow. In the middle of the day. Without flame and without any manufactured shadow. That more than anything had completely unsettled him. The sheer amount of power it would have taken to do that was staggering and he did it like it was nothing…

                “Well, just be careful,” he cautioned, shuddering again as he tried to banish the memory somewhat successfully.

                “I will,” Namjoon promised with a quick grin. “They might scare a Rank 3 like you, but they only make me nervous,” he bluffed with all the humor he could manage. As it turned out, he was the other creature that Junsu had looked at that day. He tried to be around anytime an Exile made any sort of move in the city. As the Coven Leader, it was somewhat expected of him.

                “Your funeral,” Yoongi snorted and rolled his eyes.

                Namjoon simply laughed in response and stood up. “I’m out. But seriously. Go keep an eye on your human until the Exile’s gone. Again, I don’t think we have to worry but better safe than sorry. And really, it’s a great opportunity to watch and see how he will respond to what happens next,” he winked, the expression serious under the false smile.

                “I know,” he huffed, leaning back in the chair, though he did stuff his hand into his pocket for his lighter.

                “Be good,” the vampire lord chuckled, ruffling Yoongi’s hair as he walked past.

                “Joonie…!” the younger vampire groaned without getting up. Namjoon didn’t answer and when he tilted his head to see, the elder vampire was already gone. “Bastard,” he laughed once, freeing his lighter to stare at the metallic rectangle. It had the astrological sign for Virgo on it: his mother’s sign. Absently, he flipped it open and closed a couple times, thinking if he really wanted to go out and about during the day.

                He was giving Jungkook a bit of space to realize if his friends were what he thought they were but… Namjoon wasn’t wrong. What happened next would ultimately determine whether or not the human could even finish his trial period or not. Part of Yoongi kind of wanted him to fail, just so he could have his time back again, but another part that was progressively growing louder didn’t like that thought.

                “Ugh. Fine!” he groaned to himself. “I can at least keep an eye on him until he tries to message me or something,” Yoongi reasoned, flipping the lighter open and clicking the flame. With a thought, he fell into shadow and vanished from the room. He didn’t get nearly as far as he wanted to but with the full weight of the sun bearing down, that wasn’t a surprise. Yoongi popped out in a familiar alley in the Tourist Square near the buffer zone on the magical creature side. At night, he could make it clear across the city with no problem…

                Ah well. Walking wasn’t gonna kill him, even if the sun was beating down. At least it wasn’t hot. January was a delightfully cold month and though they hadn’t seen snow yet, there was still time. With a glance at the all too clear sky, he grimaced and hunched his shoulders to make his way from the shadowy haven. Jungkook was supposed to be working in a bread shop in the rainbow district on the human side of the city. That was a large part of the reason Namjoon had urged him to get out here. It was all too close to where the Exile was.

                Out of habit, he glanced around just to get a feel of who was in the area and nodded to himself that no obvious irritants appeared. Plenty of humans, a fair few human guised magical creatures, and a handful of undisguised ones too. Mostly elves and fairies, bundled up in layers of warm cloth, hats and gloves, but he did see a couple weres. Their fur was naturally warmer than artificial clothes so it made sense. Yoongi stood out largely because vampires didn’t feel the cold as much. He was sorely underdressed for the weather and he drew more attention for it. But as was not uncommon in Tradeborough, he was dismissed just as quickly. Anyone walking around like him, in pants and a mere long sleeved shirt, was either crazy, a vampire, or something else most wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of.

                Yoongi took his time to meander through the familiar sights and made a point to skirt around the purple district. He had money but he didn’t really favor most of what they sold there. The Rainbow District on their side was more interesting anyway. There was always something new. His feet took him down a familiar path that led him beyond a certain Mage’s shop to the tattoo parlor right next to it. He glanced through the window as he passed but didn’t see her and shrugged. Ducking into the ink shop, he smiled lightly at the ‘living’ tattoos dancing under a display.

                “Hmm, that one,” he pointed with a sharp claw tapping against the glass as he leaned against the counter.

                The human didn’t even bat an eye as she fished out the wriggling design and bagged it for him after a quick exchange. While the shop was owned by a descendent of the original Rainbow Crow, he employed humans and other creatures alike. The man was fascinated by art; by extension, most of his workers were too. Yoongi waved once at the tatted woman with actively moving sleeves on both arms and resumed his trek to the other side of the city.

                Admin Circle was as busy as ever and he frowned at the tower that rose over the entire city. The very top of the see through tip was a Hunter’s perch. Well, more accurately, it was for the literal eyes of their group but they were in the process of finding a replacement right now. The last Seer had retired and left the post vacant. He probably would have noticed the Exile much sooner than Donghyun had, womanizing prick. But that was a satyr for you. Yoongi made a subtle frowny face at the building and continued on.

                The sun was finally beginning to move towards the horizon when he made his way towards the shop Jungkook worked at. He’d timed it so that the human would be getting off relatively soon and he wouldn’t have to wait long to see who might come knocking. Pan’s Pan was a trite play on words that only served to make Yoongi’s mouth turn down at the corners as he eyed the elegant scrawl of the name on the shop’s front. The fact that it was owned by a satyr as well simply added insult to injury…

                He hadn’t known that before Jungkook started working here, but of course he’d checked it out after. It wouldn’t do to have his human running around in unverified circles all that much. From the other side of the street, Yoongi took cover in the shade and casually activated a veil of inattention, the familiar magic coming almost as easy as walking. Free from human eyes, he unabashedly stared, catching glimpses of Jungkook moving behind the counter. There were three people at the tables in the dining area and one other coworker. Squinting, he focused on the nametag and saw it was Park Sandara. She moved then and made his sight go all fuzzy as he tried to refocus.

                Blinking hard, he sighted on the woman again, recalling what Jungkook had said about her as he matched the description visually. Older than Jungkook for sure. If she was a standard human, it was likely she was in her thirties. Brown hair pulled back into a braid with fluffy bangs and a bright smile that showed up almost as often as Jungkook’s. Granted, she acted like she was twenty, if her enthusiasm was any indication. No wonder they got along so well. He very much doubted she was one of the questionable friends, but it was almost impossible to be sure. They were the ones that were most likely to surprise you…

                Content to wait for the time being, Yoongi activated his cloak and used it as an improvised chair. As intended, none of the humans acted as if he was there, though they unconsciously walked around him all the same. Satisfied, he leaned back and waved at the odd magical creature that passed him by with a curious glance but otherwise kept his attention on the shop. And the occupant inside. It was encouraging that he didn’t feel anything powerful nearby but that wasn’t really a guarantee. Exiles were great at hiding their aura. It was possible that there was almost nothing of interest nearby too though. That would be nice.

                Time trickled by. Jungkook’s mouth opened in the shape of a laugh and Yoongi could just about hear it. Sandara followed suit, hiding her mouth behind her hand before she gently shoved him away and moved to help a human looking customer. They were completely normal too. The tanned bird person – the way their heads darted when they looked around was a dead giveaway – paid and left with no fuss. It wasn’t until it was nearly the end of Jungkook’s shift when a trio of newcomers caught the vampire’s attention.

                All men, they were boisterous and loud. Two were pretty tall and another was of relatively average height. Normal enough hair and looks – attractive, but that wasn’t uncommon. Standard clothes for the weather. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary as they headed for the bread shop. All the same, Yoongi tilted his head in interest. They were a decent possibility… Two looked his general direction and glanced around casually. The hair on the back of Yoongi’s neck stood up just a touch. One of them wasn’t a human. Oh, neither had actively looked at him, but he’d gotten to know the sensation of being noticed and one of them had, which shouldn’t have been possible if they were both regular humans.

                “Hmm,” he hummed to himself, leaning forward to eye the trio as they entered the shop. His potential trainee hadn’t mentioned anything about befriending a magical creature.

                Jungkook greeted them enthusiastically and they responded in kind. It was interesting that Sandara didn’t treat them as much more than customers. It could just be that she didn’t get on with them as well as Jungkook did. But maybe she wasn’t entirely human either and could feel that from one of those three. Or it was possible she was a sensitive. That would be interesting. He was tempted to go inside just to see how she’d react to him, but… no. Now was not the time. Something was strange about one of his human’s ‘friends’ and Yoongi needed to find out what first.

                His skin tingled and a little shiver ran up his spine as he suppressed a small smile. This part was pretty fun usually. Not quite like hunting but close. Yoongi knew their faces now. With a satisfied smirk, he stood up and stretched slowly as he deactivated his cloak. Let the games begin.

                When the trio left the shop about twenty minutes later with Jungkook in tow, Yoongi was gone.



                “When the majority of the dragons were gone, Magic realized the world was empty again, but it had a new idea this time,” Minzy continued, her fingers weaving a tale of glowing lights that popped up on the planet. Red and blue and green and brown and black and white… brightly burning flickers like tiny campfires. “The Primal Elements were the next children of Magic.” Her lights formed into moving figures that fluctuated between humanoid and amorphous at any given moment.

                Hyuna waited to see if the Anansi would add in one final tidbit but when the story lagged just a touch, she stepped in to help. “While the dragons were beings of pure magic initially, Magic realized its next children might do better with direct affinities to this world.”

                Minzy’s mouth opened in silent acknowledgement, followed by a quick grimace those behind her wouldn’t easily see. She nodded her head once and then took a breath before trying again. “The Primal Elements looked after the world as the caretakers then, making sure that balance was maintained between them.” A shy smile lightened her face as she spun the world, cycling through light and dark as fire, water, air, and earth rotated with it endlessly.

                A glance around the group showed that all of her children were enthralled as usual. It seemed as if Chan barely breathed from his vantage between Mingyu and Jennie, a tiny tear of light reflecting back from the depths of his pupils. Jennie wasn’t much better off. Her mouth was slightly open and her warm brown eyes darted back and forth as she tracked the moving colors. Right next to her, Jisoo had Byunghyun’s arm hugged tight to her body as she watched too while the nightmare eater actively slept, his head resting on his chest. Hyuna didn’t begrudge him the rest. He’d been here the longest after all. This tale was nothing new to him.

                “Under their guidance, the new world thrived,” Minzy added then, prompting new life to grow on the planet, covering the globe with renewed life and vibrancy. “But… even creatures almost akin to gods got lonely sometimes,” she murmured, adjusting the motion of the flickering lights so that they started to drift closer to each other. “They had always been friends and allies in a common goal, but some started to become more.”

                Two by two, the Elementals drifted into noticeable pairs. Air and earth, fire and dark, light and water… “As in all things when two come together as one, even if only temporarily, something new was born from their unions.” Minzy drew her hand through the space and a swath of images appeared like a rainbow above them. All manner of magical creatures filled the planet, their tiny figures wandering the ground as their likenesses floated above. “Celestials, Infernals, Aquans, Aurans, Ignans, Terrans, and Sylvans. They were like the Elementals but with each varied creature, they also had vastly different needs and wants.”

                Hyuna took a breath and reached out towards the figures, fingers lingering just a touch longer over the Elementals. “With the appearance of new life, the balance they had long maintained was upset once more.”


And here we get a glimpse into our Exiles as well as a couple more vampire abilities. More will be revealed in time! Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next update. ^_^

Chapter 5: "Friends"

Chapter Text

                He wondered what Yoongi was doing. They were going on week two of their break while the vampire gave him time to really think about the situation with his friends. It wasn’t really something he wanted to think about just then so Jungkook wrinkled his nose and glanced around the apartment he was renting instead. It was small, as most were when you didn’t have much money yet, but it worked. The kitchen, living room, and dining room were all one combined space, but he did have a small closet like space for a washroom. Now if only his bed didn’t take up most of the open space…

                He was tired from his shift and playing basketball with the guys after work at a local gym but he didn’t really want to go to bed yet. Heading to the window, he peered out at the nightscape from the third floor and smiled gently. His budget hadn’t been very big so he’d ended up in the mixed residency area closest to the Green District. It was a bit remote in terms of convenience but there was a lot of nature in his immediate view and it reminded him of home. While he felt the occasional pang of homesickness, he did not miss the country life. Small towns, often small minds, and not much diversity… It was a wonder he was so fascinated with magical creatures. His mother probably had something to do with that. Most of those back home didn’t much care for them, and that was putting it nicely.

                He still smiled every time he remembered her words: ‘Magic runs in your blood just as much as mine. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and there’s nothing wrong with it. We’ve as much right to be here as everyone else.’ The townsfolk were too scared to say much to his mother, but he and his father got a lot of shit for being connected to someone descended from a magical creature in recent memory. It really didn’t help that she wasn’t shy about saying so either. When he finally did become a vampire, it’d be nice to be able to go back and at least scare quite a few people back home.

                The thought made him grin before he closed the curtain and shook his head. “That’s a good way to make sure you don’t,” he reminded himself, explicitly recalling Yoongi’s explanation on that. Revenge, intimidation, and power were not valid reasons for turning. Of course people had such feelings from time to time, but they couldn’t be the focus. Really, he did think being a magical creature was lucky. Or at least he had prior to living in the city and getting a better view of things.

                In his town, the humans largely looked at magical creatures as unnatural or just plain wrong. If he went to the human side of Tradeborough, he got a very similar feeling from quite a few people. But the feeling was at least partially reciprocated on the magical creature side when it came to humans. And the insults were all still there, but less open. They were couched in pretty words and dismissive waves but just as offensive. He hadn’t even realized how pervasive some of the sayings were until Yoongi had called him on it. The ‘unicorn’ memory still stung.

                Maybe that was why his dad had wanted him to come – so he could actually see how things were the same but different, even in the city. His mother hadn’t been surprised – she probably helped talk him into making the suggestion – but Jungkook certainly had been. ‘This town doesn’t suit you. You should probably consider checking out the city, son.’ The way he’d said it had been dismissive, almost like he begrudged the words, but his father didn’t like cities in general, hence their home in the countryside. Per his father, his side of the family were strictly humans, but they’d often worked side by side with magical creatures in the past.

                “Which leaves me as the weirdo,” he laughed once, shaking his head. That was certainly true. Not many other people in his small town had been quite so keen to gather up any bit of magical creature knowledge he could. His cramped shelves were chock full of random books and comics and figures of the various creatures he could get his hands on. Most of them were werewolves and vampires, but he had managed to land a pretty wicked phoenix statue at some point. He’d read about one that worked in a hospital somewhere on the other side of the world. The fact that his feathers could be used to help treat the most grievous wounds was pretty cool, but personally, Jungkook thought it would be the best thing ever to fly.

                The thought made him wince as he recalled a question that Sungwon had asked him. Something about when vampires get the ability to fly… Jungkook didn’t know yet since Yoongi hadn’t told him and that wasn’t general information about what Rank could do what. He only knew that Rank 3s could turn humans and that only Rank 4s could be Coven Leaders because they were written into the universal rules. Other powers though… people knew they had them but when they were developed was a bit of a mystery. And most magical creatures that weren’t vampires would tell you to ask a vampire personally for the answer to such information. Which meant they weren’t going to tell you, unless you were like Jungkook.

                And even then… “Ugh! Stupid vampire,” he grumbled, throwing himself down on his bed with a heavy sigh. Sandara never asked questions specifically. She only wondered how things were going and let him give what information he could or felt like sharing. Then again, her father was a strangely devoted satyr. According to her, he said that her mother had nymph blood in her and that made the human woman irresistible to him. Sandara herself was an otherwise normal human but she’d been brought up with a much greater awareness of social mores among humans and magical creatures. He had another coworker too, but he and Liza just didn’t click and they shared a work relationship only.

                He couldn’t say the same for Sungwon, Jaejoong, and Yugyeom. Mostly humans through and through, they liked magical creatures well enough but tended to have human friends. Like Jungkook. The fact that he wanted to be a vampire fascinated them. He understood the usual questions – why, when did you know, what made you choose this city, etc. – but there were others sometimes…

                “When will you be turned?”

                “What’s the ceremony like?”

                “Have you drank blood yet? Do you like it?”

                And those were okay to a degree. He didn’t always have answers for them, but he could give a response one way or the other. There were some questions he definitely got a little uncomfortable with though.

                “Does your vampire drink your blood? What’s it like?” He didn’t really answer that one but Yoongi hadn’t even asked him if he could so that was a definite no.

                “Does he use your for sex? Vampires are notoriously horny and open minded.” Also a hard no. As far as he knew, Yoongi – and most of the vampires in the coven – were as horny as any standard human in that regard. And if they were more or less than, they didn’t talk about it. At least not around Jungkook anyway.

                “Is it true that they really are as weak as a human during the day?” That one made him particularly uncomfortable, but it was also common knowledge that they weren’t as strong in the daylight. He could honestly – and gladly – answer no in that case. He had no illusions about whether vampires were helpless during the day or not. He rolled his shoulder reflexively at the memory of their arm wrestling match. Never again. At least not until he was a vampire anyway.

                But then there was that one question, asked just tonight actually, that really made him uneasy. “Is there any weakness you’ll really have to worry about when you become a vampire?” It had come from Sungwon, and Yugyeom had looked interested too, but it was Jaejoong who made him second guess his response. Oh, he hadn’t looked any different. He seemed just as interested as the other two, but there was something about the way he looked at him that made him unsure. It reminded him too much of Yoongi: not quite human.

                He’d almost answered honestly too, since it was a question about him. They’d all seemed a bit disappointed about his response when he finally spit out, “Not that I know of.” It was common sense they’d be easier to kill during the day but he wasn’t about to confirm it. Or that silver and garlic would help to debilitate them further, also making them easier to hurt or kill. All the sites you could find information on vampires about explicitly stated that such things were ‘said’ to be harmful to vampires. None of them – except on small fringe sites that the scrubbers apparently hadn’t gotten to – stated so as fact. And really, Jungkook had a feeling they were probably asking about something other than what everyone else had potential access to.

                “But they’re all normal enough questions!” he grouched, turning onto his side and curling up. He’d wondered about them – most of them – himself before he’d come to the city. “Damn you, Yoongi. If you hadn’t said anything…” he sighed, staring at the spine of the oft referenced Book of Vampires tucked away in his shelves. He had a Book of Werewolves too but it was on a lower shelf. A large portion of the books were potentially historical stories of certain magical creatures as opposed to actual information about being one or the side effects that came with it. He was tempted to thumb through it again, just because, but thinking about vampires and vampire questions was just making his head hurt. “Just go to sleep,” he told himself, grabbing his pillow and dragging it down to shove under his head. “Things will be better in the morning,” he added with a satisfied nod.

                And they mostly were, dreams notwithstanding. Stupid questions about vampires and death and sex. It didn't help he was at least a little lonely. So far, he hadn’t met anyone to really build a stronger relationship with. He’d thought about Sandara since they got along so well, but she was older, he usually swung the other way – usually, and she was already with someone. None of which made a relationship possible. And of the other three, none of them quite caught his eye in that way, so there was that. Now if only he could keep Yoongi out of his dreams… He didn’t even like the vampire like that. It would be too weird with the whole teacher-student dynamic anyway. Not to mention he wasn’t even sure if they’d be considered friends yet. The vampire seemed set on keeping him at arm’s length except in rare moments of ease and comfortability.

                If nothing else though, a nice shower helped to clear his head and allowed him to get ready for the new day. He still hadn’t heard anything from the vampire about getting together for their regular meetings again so for now, it was hanging out, work, friends, and whatever else came to mind. Rinse, wash, repeat.

                Sandara was her usual bubbly self at work, Liza generally ignored him, and he continued to meet up with the usual trio after work every other day or so. It wasn’t a bad schedule, but he was certainly starting to wonder when he’d see the vampire again as January began to disappear and they headed into the fourth month of his Trial period. Over three weeks without contact was starting to make him feel… antsy and unwanted. Of course he could have messaged too. It wasn’t like it wouldn’t be appropriate. He was essentially the student in their relationship so it kind of fell on him to ask, if human dynamics were anything to go by. But… he really kind of wanted the vampire to be the one to reach out instead.

                On one evening, he met up with the guys in a deli staffed with mostly humans. Since they had chosen the eatery, Jungkook wasn’t too surprised. He tended to favor trying new places and they often opted for the familiar. But they seemed a bit shaken that night. They ordered and sat down as usual, yet Yugyeom and Sungwon kept looking out the window with frowning faces and quick glances.

                “What’s up?” Jungkook asked as he sipped on his warm apple tea, looking out to follow their attention.

                “I think someone’s been following us lately,” Yugyeom admitted with a shake of his head. He hadn’t touched his drink yet, too focused on the world outside. A thin dusting of snow covered the streets and made it harder to see through the fine powder drifting down.

                “Really?” he asked in response, focusing harder to check for himself.

                “Maybe,” Jaejoong reminded them with a calming wave of his hand, his smile disarming. “There are lots of shadows in the city. It’s easy to get jumpy because of them,” he scoffed, threading slender fingers through black hair as he rested his head in the palm of his hand.

                “Yeah, but it feels like someone’s been watching me too. Even at home,” Sungwon shuddered, clasping his cup between both hands and taking a quick sip.

                “I’ve been feeling that too!” Yugyeom gasped as he pointed at the shorter man. “You don’t think it’s that new Seer do you?” he asked, glancing slightly down at Jungkook beside him.

                “Huh? I didn’t even know there was a Seer,” he admitted with a mystified shrug.

                “Seriously?” Jaejoong laughed once, shaking his head with a bemused smile. “I figured your vampire would have told you about that at least,” he commented, looking at his glass of warm water.

                Jungkook shook his head and glanced up when Yugyeom asked, “Haven’t you met with him recently?”

                “No. He hasn’t contacted me,” he sighed, chewing on his bottom lip. “Maybe I should message him first,” he added as he pulled his phone out to stare at the messenger icon.

                “Eh. They’re fickle creatures sometimes,” Sungwon scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

                “Not much more than you or I,” Jungkook defended in response.

                “You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re gonna be one soon,” Yugyeom laughed before he brushed sandy brown bangs out of his face.

                “If you say so,” he snorted, not really wanting to argue the point just then.

                “Seriously though!” Sungwon grimaced with another look out the window. “I swear someone’s watching us.” All four of them turned to look out the window as if searching for some invisible creature.

                And all four of them jumped when their server arrived with their food. “Sorry for the wait. Here you go,” the regular human said, starting to set their orders down before looking at them curiously when they stared at him with too wide eyes for just a second. “Didn’t mean to surprise you,” he chuckled affably.

                “We just thought we saw something across the street is all,” Sungwon explained, forcefully turning his attention away from the window to start tucking into his sandwich and chips.

                “Oh?” the server commented, glancing up to see for himself. “It’s possible, what with all the magical creatures in the area, but feel free to stay as long as you need to be comfortable,” he encouraged, nodding his head politely. “And enjoy your meal.”

                “Thank you,” Jungkook spoke for them as the server walked away. When he turned back, Jaejoong was looking at him with a sad smile. “What?” he asked, glancing down to pick at arranging his food idly.

                “Nothing. It’s just, if you’re sad or worried about your vampire friend, you can talk to us,” he answered casually. “We’re good listeners,” he promised, chewing on a soft chip.

                “Yeah!” Sungwon grinned around a mouthful of his sandwich.

                “Maybe,” Jungkook mused in a soft voice before he popped an actual potato slice chip into his mouth.

                “Eh, it’s still early. I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Yugyeom encouraged with a playful shoulder shove.

                “Hey!” the shorter man laughed, nudging back just as forcefully. They continued jostling each other for a few more seconds, helping to banish the cloud that had hung over them since they’d arrived.

                When they were finished eating, they stayed for a bit longer to just chat and chill. The eatery was warm and it was still snowing outside. But when it started to get late and the shop looked about ready to close up, they decided it was a good time to leave too. The four tallied their costs, paid, and stepped outside, breath pluming in front of them with the temperature change.

                “Jesus, it’s cold!” Sungwon shivered, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he hunched his shoulders and looked around.

                “It’s not that bad,” Jungkook laughed, rubbing his hands together and pulling his beanie down lower over his ears.

                “Come on. Once we get moving, we’ll warm up,” Yugyeom reminded them, waving his arm ahead.

                And he was right. Jungkook still felt the cold but it was bearable and the snow was quite pretty. Especially with the way it fell in the light from the street lamps and with so few people about. It wasn’t too late but the cold kept many indoors and they weren’t quite near the heart of the city this time. They talked a bit as they moved but there wasn’t much to say under the circumstances. Especially since it seemed that the others were distracted again.

                Glancing around, he could see they were a little nervous, their eyes sweeping the area as if looking for something. Jungkook couldn’t see what they were worried about, but… he did begin to feel something. Like a tiny tingling along his skin, the sensation familiar. “Yoongi?” he wondered in a whisper, looking around curiously.

                His heart thumped when he heard a quiet voice behind him. “I know why you smell strange.” Whirling, he was just in time to see Jaejoong stiffen with a wide eyed look before he reacted. He yanked his hand out of his pocket and spun eerily fast, something shiny flashing in the overhead lamp light. “Ow,” the same voice groaned, irritation overflowing.

                “Yoongi!” he gasped, immediately recognizing the pale features under the fall of bleach blonde hair. His voice was joined by surprised shouts and quick back steps to get away. “What are you-” he started to ask before he saw Jaejoong’s form rippling, still human but it was like an illusion was wearing off. “What the…?”

                “Chimera!” Yoongi hissed with obvious fangs. He seemed unbothered by the knife sticking out the right side of his chest. Dark eyes gleamed in the moonlight and he yanked the weapon free before he lunged after the other man.

                Sungwon and Yugyeom screamed, bolting for cover. Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to do more than gasp as he stood like a statue, mesmerized. Yoongi was all fury with claws and fangs and his cloak, but Jaejoong was something else. Fur sprouted in various places and then changed color before shifting to a sleek hide that then transitioned to the beginnings of crumpled wings. From the outset, it was obvious he was no match for the vampire, not at night at least, even with the snow. But that didn’t mean he was going to go down without trying.

                Beads of red sprouted around them, flecking the snow with bright droplets. Feet shifted, drawing dark lines on the ground. Wisps of mist rose around them, like bursts of breath lost to the night. And in the space of what felt like less than ten heartbeats, Jungkook froze. The pair moved towards him and a strange hand gripped his throat, pulling at him briefly.

                A shadow moved even faster and he heard a crunching sound in his ear followed by a pained shriek. The fingers opened and claws scraped against his skin lightly when he was shoved away. Jungkook yelped as the ground rose up to catch him, snow obscuring his vision. He heard a sharp hiss behind him and wiped at his face, desperately trying to see. His troubled eyes landed on a motionless Yoongi, the vampire easily recognizable in the overhead light. One hand gripped the knife that had stabbed him and the other was held with claws extended as he surveyed the area.

                “Shit,” he growled, relaxing and standing up with a jerk of his head to either side like he was trying to pop his neck.

                “Yoongi?” Jungkook whispered, seeing movement in his periphery that was probably nothing more than a few bystanders and maybe Sungwon and Yugyeom. But it wasn’t reassuring since he could still practically feel Jaejoong’s fingers against his throat. His hand rose to trace against the bare skin of his neck and he took another quiet breath.

                “Leave it to you to catch the attention of a chimera. I swear,” Yoongi scoffed as he turned to approach the human on the ground. “You alright?” he asked, squatting to be closer to eye level. Jungkook didn’t answer him immediately so he reached out to lift his chin, checking his neck personally. “No marks.”

                “Jaejoong was a chimera…?” he asked in a daze.

                “Looks like it,” Yoongi answered, sounding very much like he was having a normal conversation.

                “I had no idea,” Jungkook admitted, blinking rapidly until he finally focused on Yoongi’s eyes. They were still dark but they looked more like they normally did.

                “I know,” the vampire nodded with a sigh. “Come on. Your friends are gone and so’s the chimera.” He reached out to grab at Jungkook’s arm and helped him stand.

                Jungkook’s knees felt like jelly, all wobbly and ready to buckle. “Where are we going?” he asked when the vampire started guiding him gently along the walkway, waving at passersby in a dismissive motion.

                “With the confirmation of a chimera in the area, to the Hunters,” Yoongi explained, his hand firm around Jungkook’s arm. “And here I thought you just had a questionable friend or two,” he added with a dry snort.

                It seemed Yoongi’s hand was the only thing keeping him up just then. “Why… was a chimera…”

                “Trying to be your friend?” Yoongi finished for him when it seemed he might have a hard time completing the question. Jungkook nodded. “Truth?” the vampire asked with a sidelong look. Jungkook hesitated and then nodded again. Yoongi tilted his head to the side and his lips thinned. “To add you to his collection when you became a vampire.”

                Jungkook’s face blanched. “Really?”

                “Just keep walking, youngling. That’s what I’m here for,” he promised with a wink and a cocky grin. They seemed quite out of place, given the news he’d just received, but Jungkook did feel slightly better for seeing them. “Whether you decide to become a vampire or not, no one messes with my human,” he promised firmly, gaze looking forward as he continued to lead them on.

                Hesitantly, Jungkook drifted closer so their shoulders almost brushed and he gripped Yoongi’s wrist firmly with his free hand. “Thank you,” he whispered, putting up a steady enough front but feeling like he was shaking as bad as a leaf in a storm on the inside.

                “Of course,” Yoongi responded with no hesitation. It made Jungkook feel warm inside. He didn’t know what he’d consider their relationship exactly, or if it was going to be only temporary, but it was nice knowing that he had someone that would be there no matter what. However long it lasted.



                “Satisfied with the new creations, Magic looked away for a time and left them to their own devices.” The planet continued to spin above them with figures walking along the surface. At first, everything looked fine. The various creatures got along, meeting each other here and there and interacting, their faces like speech bubbles in a comic, but floating in the air. Yet sometimes, a new and strange creature would appear – larger or potentially more dangerous.

                Hyuna could see by the looks on their faces, especially Chan’s, that some of the images they saw were quite new. It wasn’t uncommon that certain rare magical creatures hid their true selves, but the ones they saw here, the ones that Minzy created from memory from the previous showings, were creatures that no longer existed on this planet. For the most part.

                The Anansi explained what happened with a soft voice. “Like in the time of dragons, some of the new creatures developed in such a way that was not beneficial to the whole. Some were violent,” she commented, waving at one such creature that looked like a nightmare of spines and fangs. “Some were too large and selfish.” A serpent nearly as large as the island reared its head and roared, the sight fearsome even without sound. “And some were simply too powerful,” she added, showing a male and female figure that looked like humans but their eyes swirled with the power of the universe.

                “When Magic turned its gaze upon the world again, it saw these creatures and knew that this was not the place for them,” Minzy smiled, reaching her hands up as if to pluck them from the planet. “Like the dragons before them, Magic took them away.”

                “To other realms?” Chan asked, looking for confirmation between Hyuna and Minzy.

                “Exactly,” Hyuna smiled with a gentle hand motion at Minzy to continue.

                “But Magic knew this was probably not good enough,” the Anansi added, waving her hand to show a broader picture of varied creatures mingling together. They weren’t fighting this time but they looked… crowded. Uncomfortable. “The land was vast but the boundaries between their territories unsure. Hoping to bring them some peace, Magic broke the single island apart, creating seven new ones. One for each overarching race,” she explained, bringing up the faces of the main children of the Prime Elementals. “That was the plan of course,” she murmured with a laugh, shaking her head slightly.

                “But life is rarely so simple,” Hyuna added, just as amused.

                “Though it had intended for each type of creature to stay within one territory, they instead spread to all the territories, drifting to places of comfort and what they considered home,” she explained, fingers dancing in the air as she weaved the next part of the story. Seven different picture bubbles came into view as she narrated. “By and large, Celestials chose places of much light, where shadow might rarely fall upon them. Infernals opted for the opposite, seeking the solace of darkness and its haven. Aquans took to the waters of the world, making their home in lakes and rivers as well as seas and oceans. Most Aurans sought out the high places, looking for any perch to stretch their wings from. Ignans found refuge near volcanoes and the warmer environments of the world. Terrans called all the land their home, whether on the ground or below it. And Sylvans found peace in whatever place had an abundance of nature present.”

                “In this way, life continued unchecked, for Magic had no need to step into a world at relative peace,” Hyuna explained, her face serene as she gazed upon the images of old.

                “Sometimes though, peace brings change as much as conflict does,” Minzy added, her face pinched with concentration and something else.

Chapter 6: The Hunters

Chapter Text

                The streets passed by in a sort of blur until Jungkook finally realized the color of the districts had changed to a rather unforgettable shade: red. He blinked hard and shook his head with a confused look. “What are we doing here?” The Red District was questionable on the best of days. Granted, it wasn’t as bad as the Black District, but as a human, this area unnerved him.

                “I told you,” Yoongi answered without looking his way, the vampire’s dark eyes scanning the area with methodical slowness. “Going to the Hunters.”

                “Here?” he squeaked out, drifting that much closer to Yoongi again. He knew the Hunters were in the city but he’d never really bothered to look up specifically where they were located. It wasn’t just that this was an area where most fleshly hungers could be sated, and it wasn’t just that you could find almost any borderline illegal substance hidden in the corners of the district… No. It was the eyes that followed you. That weighed and measured your worth in coin and vigor. The tendrils of suggestion that filtered out to gently tug at any passersby unwary enough or susceptible enough to be tentatively ensnared.

                For the first time, the vampire seemed to actively notice his discomfit as he looked away from the scenery and focused on his charge. “No one will bother you while I’m here,” he promised, glancing up at the slightly taller man.

                Jungkook appreciated the sentiment but he shivered all the same. “It feels like they’re all looking at me,” he admitted in a quiet whisper, ducking his head to at least try and pretend he didn’t see the glimmers of eyes peering out from shadows and the occasional snatcher on a corner, aptly named since they tried to snatch your attention any way they could. Yoongi made a sighing noise in the back of his throat but shifted his grip to sling his arm around Jungkook’s upper waist, pulling him close. A burst of what had to be power made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end and Jungkook stiffened at the sudden change. This wasn’t what he’d quite had in mind…

                “Better?” the vampire asked without looking over, though his cheek and eye twitched with the shift.

                It made Jungkook remember Yoongi had recently been stabbed. “Your shoulder!” he gasped, reactively trying to jerk away which only made the vampire wince again with a pained grunt.

                “It’s fine,” he grumbled back, keeping his hold firmly on Jungkook and his eyes raking the area.

                “Oh,” Jungkook sighed, leaning over enough to catch a glimpse of the torn sweater and sticky redness matting the fabric.

                “I’ll be fine,” Yoongi promised with a sidelong glance when the continued stare pulled his attention.

                Jungkook nodded mutely and forced himself to take a breath. Yoongi was a Rank 3 vampire after all. If a knife wound was enough to really endanger him, vampires were much weaker than he thought and he knew that wasn’t the case. That aside, he did have to admit that being even closer to the vampire had apparently chased away most onlookers as well. Glancing around, he saw the odd pair of curious eyes, but the direct focus was gone, turned away by some sort of command or sheer preservation instinct. He wasn’t sure. Jungkook knew Yoongi had done something with his power but the exact nature was unknown to him.

                “Look. We’re almost there,” Yoongi announced, breaking Jungkook’s train of thought.

                He looked up to see what the vampire was talking about and frowned. The building he had to be referring to was normal enough, but it felt sorely out of place. It lacked any of the decoration or neon or magical enhancements that were rife among the other buildings. Drab was probably the best way to describe it. Nondescript also came to mind. But that was also what made it so very recognizable. It needed no signage because it was its own advertisement. Unlike the other buildings around it, this one was also only two stories, squatting low and hiding in the shadow of the four story and taller surroundings. “Huh,” he hummed, turning his head to the side to change his view briefly.

                “Someone’s always here as you can see with the light,” he nodded, pointing out the single incandescent bulb like a beacon in the night. It perched on the wall right next to the door and cast a long shadow down the short steps directly in front of the building. “Come on,” he urged, steadily leading Jungkook towards the stairs.

                The vampire didn’t bother to knock when they reached the unlocked door and simply stepped inside with a quick glance around. He paused with Jungkook just on the other side of the threshold, looking at the single figure seated behind a sprawling desk that looked like something out of a harried detective movie. “Problem, victim or perp?” the young looking man asked, holding up one and two fingers on both hands as he asked his three questions.

                He looked far too bubbly for a night job like this, if you asked Jungkook. Messy black hair splayed in every direction but his eyes were bright and observant. And the smile he gave them while he waited for their answer was alarmingly disarming.

                “Chimera,” Yoongi answered instead, his voice flat and perturbed.

                “Oh,” came the surprised chirp of a response. His brows rose to disappear under long bangs and he nodded in understanding. Jungkook expected him to pick up the phone on his desk to call or physically stand up to retrieve someone, but he did neither. Instead, he pushed back from the desk and slid in the rolling chair to reach a pipe with a cover that was secured to the wall. It looked like it went through the ceiling. He opened the cover and literally yelled into it. “Kyu! You are needed on the first floor now!”

                “Fuck, K!” came the immediate reverberating response from whoever was on the other end. “I told you stop using this damn thing!” the likely Hunter scowled, a loud banging sound making everyone on the ground floor wince.

                “Kyu…” the man behind the desk warned with a falsely sweet tone of voice.

                “I’m coming, dammit!” the Hunter snapped, followed by more racket and the sound of retreating footsteps.

                “Why…?” Jungkook started to ask as he leaned close to the vampire.

                “The phone’s for polite calls and Kwangmin is too lazy to go up the stairs sometimes,” Yoongi answered preemptively, smiling back at the other man who snorted in their direction.

                “You’re one to talk,” Kwangmin scoffed with a shake of his head. “I can only imagine this being a newbie of yours, else you wouldn’t be on this side of town actually working. Especially not with news of a chimera.” Yoongi just shrugged, neither confirming nor denying their relationship.

                They both jumped when the door at the back swung open – but didn’t slam – and out walked a tall, scarred individual with a glare and a scowl that could curdle milk. “This better be good,” he grouched, demeanor shifting when he took in the sight of the guests in the room. His face softened slightly as he looked at Kwangmin for enlightenment.

                “Chimera,” the apparent secretary shrugged, both hands gesturing to either side of him.

                “Fuck,” the Hunter spit as his mouth twisted like he’d tasted something bad. “Come on,” he waved, turning to go back up the stairs without hesitation.

                “You heard him,” Kwangmin smiled with a motion towards the door as they paused for just a moment.

                “We’re going,” Yoongi frowned, waving at the secretary dismissively before he tugged at Jungkook to get them both moving.

                Personally, Jungkook was relieved. He didn’t know what Kwangmin was but he was pretty sure the man wasn’t entirely human. He felt too… off for it. Too much like Yoongi. As such, he wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea of being left alone with him. His tension faded away just a bit and apparently Yoongi could feel it.

                “You don’t need to worry about Kwangmin,” he promised quietly as they followed in the Hunter’s footsteps. “He’s mouthy and annoying sometimes, but if you’re here, you’re under his protection regardless.”

                “What is he?” Jungkook whispered, half afraid his voice would carry and the question would be unintentionally insulting or something. He knew that not all magical creatures appreciated being talked about behind their backs, especially when they were so close by.

                “Aqrabuamelu.” At Jungkook’s blank stare, he laughed once and clarified, “Scorpion man.”

                “That’s new,” he murmured, thumbing at his bottom lip.

                “Eh. They’re not common but they are great guardians. The Hunters protect the city – as best they can – and he and his brother protect them,” Yoongi explained, holding his finger to his lips as they reached the second floor. Jungkook fell silent despite the questions tumbling through his mind.

                The room they stepped into also reminded Jungkook of a police station minus the holding cells. Maps of the city covered the walls. There were four desks present here, only one of which had anyone at it – Cho Kyu…hyun if the nameplate was any indication. All of them had folders on them with cases presumably. While most of everything seemed strangely old fashioned, the computers they had were absolutely new – sleek and shiny. The Hunter noticed Jungkook’s line of sight and he smirked, the expression falling into place as if it belonged there.

                “We kept breaking the old ones so the city finally got us Mage proofed ones,” he winked, the quick moment of amusement fading swiftly as he fell into his chair and turned his attention to Yoongi. “What in the Nine Hells are you doing tangling with a chimera?”

                “Protecting my trainee,” Yoongi shrugged with a nod at the human beside him.

                “This is your trainee?” he asked in amusement, finger pointing at Jungkook with a crooked smile and a raised brow.

                “What?” Jungkook asked, confused.

                “Don’t,” Yoongi warned with a curled lip.

                Kyuhyun ignored him and focused on Jungkook with a cat-like grin. “He hates having trainees taller than him.”

                The comment took a second to register and then Jungkook blinked in surprise. Reactively, he bent his knees to lower his height and it made Kyuhyun laugh in earnest delight. Yoongi elbowed him in the ribs and he coughed with a pained wince.

                “Chimera, remember?” the vampire pointed out acidly, not looking at Jungkook as he glared at the Hunter instead.

                Kyuhyun wiped at the corner of one eye and finished his laugh before he sat up, changing to a more professional demeanor in the blink of an eye. “Which is probably already long gone so delaying for a moment or two will change nothing.”

                “Kyu,” Yoongi warned with a tilt of his head and a gesture at his shoulder. “I was stabbed by the chimera that was after my trainee and I am in no mood for your games tonight.”

                “Oh,” Kyuhyun murmured in genuine surprise, brows rising again. “He was faster than you thought.”

                “No. I let him stab me,” Yoongi corrected with a flat, staccato tone.

                “Then what are you getting pissy with me for?” the Hunter scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

                “He laid his hand on my trainee,” the vampire growled, good hand balling into a fist.

                It was strange for Jungkook to be talked about as if he wasn’t there, but it was also fascinating being spoken of in such a possessive way. He didn’t know whether to be flattered or creeped out. Maybe both. But he did understand that was part of vampire culture. Werewolf too, if he was being honest. Since he did want to become a vampire and was under Yoongi’s tutelage, he was the vampire’s and yet not at the same time.

                Kyuhyun nodded in open mouthed understanding and finally waved his hand for more info. “Details,” he murmured, pulling out a pad of paper and a pen as he focused on finding a clean page.

                Jungkook was quite interested too so he remained silent and listened in, though it was hard to focus due to the wound Yoongi kept poking at distractedly and the prominent scars on Kyuhyun’s face. He half listened to the vampire talk while he tried to stare unobtrusively at the Hunter. What he could only imagine were claw marks – maybe teeth too – had created a web of scar tissue in crisscross patterns on his right cheek and forehead. A single long line ran down the length of the left side of his face and just above his shirt collar, he saw more markings that indicated further healed wounds hidden beneath.

                He flinched when Kyuhyun looked up and his eyes darted to Jungkook briefly. As fast as he could, he looked away, eyes darting about for a different focus before settling on Yoongi. His current wound held a similar fascination for him…

                “…so I followed them for a few more days to make sure one of them was what I was beginning to suspect.”

                “So you didn’t know until this evening?” Kyuhyun commented, jotting down a couple more notes.

                “Not officially,” Yoongi shrugged, lip curling as he peeled the fabric away from his wound and stared at the parted flesh. “Fucking silver,” he hissed, fingers flexing like he wanted to itch it.

                “I’d be surprised if it wasn’t,” the Hunter tilted his head, pen tapping on the paper. “What were their names again?”

                Yoongi repeated them quickly without question, but Jungkook blinked in surprise, realizing belatedly they were talking about his friends. Well, they had been his friends at least. “But Jaejoong’s the chimera. Why do you need to talk to Yugyeom and Sungwon?”

                Kyuhyun raised a brow and focused on the human. “You have a vampire to vouch for you. They do not. And chances are good, one of them was acting as a front for the chimera.”


                “My money’s on Sungwon,” Yoongi added with a quick glance at Jungkook. “When I was following Yugyeom, he was practically the epitome of your oblivious human.” His tone was sincere but his expression evidenced amusement.

                “What tipped you off about Jaejoong?” Kyuhyun questioned, practically ignoring Jungkook who opened his mouth to try again.

                “Too human to be human,” the vampire snorted. “And he smelled weird, but it took me a while to catch on. I’d guess he’s been one for a while. May be nearing the end of his life.”

                “That would be a good reason for trying to net a new vampire,” he agreed softly, eyes sliding to focus on Jungkook again. “Or even befriending one that wasn’t yet turned. If he could find enough information to weaken a stronger one, that would be good too.”

                The new information made him stop trying to say anything as he turned it over in his mind. Vampires were nigh on immortal, barring accidents or unfortunate incidents.

                “Exactly,” Yoongi nodded with a slow blink, grabbing his arm near the wound and squeezing hard in lieu of itching. It had to hurt but Jungkook didn’t see it on his face when the vampire looked at him with an unreadable expression.

                “Did you catch sight of what it was made of?” the Hunter wondered, pen adding more notes as he spoke.

                Yoongi shook his head and frowned. “It was a quick flux. Definitely saw the beginning of fairy wings. Probably some sort of were and another that had a sleek hide. Maybe selkie,” he murmured, biting on his lip as he tried to remember.

                “Damn. Means he probably has at least one more in reserve and that’s hardly enough to help with the missing persons cases they’d be connected to,” Kyuhyun sighed, turning his head to stare at the pile of files on his desk.

                It wasn’t a mountain exactly, but when every desk looked to have a similar sized stack, that amounted to quite a few cases. “Are those all for missing magical creatures?” Jungkook wondered aloud, surprising himself with the question.

                “Missing, dead, wanted… you name it. There’s always something,” the Hunter sighed, scratching at his temple with a gloved finger.

                “You might wanna add another Hunter soon,” Yoongi prompted, a half-smile tugging at his lips.

                Kyuhyun scoffed. “You try recruiting humans to be Hunters.” Mutely, Yoongi pointed at Jungkook who wasn’t sure of the significance of the gesture. “Right,” the Hunter chuckled, the genuine amusement removing years from his face for just a moment. “Well, I think I’ve got enough to get started for now. I’ll have Xiumin check in on Sungwon tonight. He should be on call. Taekwoon can get a shot at Yugyeom in the morning.”

                “So that’s your newest one,” Yoongi snorted, face twitching as his hand spasmed. At Kyuhyun’s questioning look, he added, “Saw him on the news last month. Cat person incident.”

                “Ah,” the Hunter replied with a knowing nod, though his gaze focused on Yoongi’s wound. “You should probably do something about that, you know.”

                “Do you have a blood packet?” the vampire asked archly, his face a deadpan look.

                Kyuhyun’s brow furrowed and he scoffed. “Course not. Why don’t you just bite your trainee?”

                “Too early,” Yoongi answered with a shake of his head.

                The Hunter’s frown deepened. “He’s not even halfway finished?”

                “Nope,” the vampire answered, still shaking his head. Jungkook did not entirely miss the significance of the halfway comment, though he wasn’t sure why it was otherwise surprising.

                “The chimera must really be hurting for time,” Kyuhyun grimaced. “That changes things. I’ll take a run around this evening. See if I can’t find anything about him. Let me know if you think of anything else in the meantime,” he encouraged, waving at the pair in an obvious dismissal.

                “Sure,” Yoongi nodded, reaching out to brush his fingers against Jungkook’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”

                “Huh. Oh,” Jungkook blinked in surprise. He hadn’t expected Yoongi to just go with it so fast. He got distracted briefly when he saw Kyuhyun reach for the phone and actively ring Kwangmin downstairs, as confirmed by the ‘K’ comment. As Yoongi gently pulled him away, he heard the Hunter telling Kwangmin to call in Lisa – not Liza – to watch the place while he was out.

                “It was nice meeting you, Jungkook. Maybe I’ll see around again if you become a vampire,” Kwangmin smiled and waved as they entered the main floor.

                “Yeah,” Jungkook nodded in rote agreement.

                “Here,” Yoongi offered, dropping a blood stained blade on the secretary’s desk. “You can have this.”

                “Ew,” Kwangmin grimaced with a disappointed look at Yoongi.

                “What? Kyu was busy and you’d probably have more luck anyway,” the vampire reasoned with a simple shrug.

                Kwangmin’s disapproval didn’t change but he did take a breath and roll his eyes. “Fine. You’re probably right, but maybe try giving it to me first next time?”

                “Right,” Yoongi waved, already starting to walk out the door. He paused at the entrance and called back. “Jungkook.”

                Jungkook flinched and looked away from the red and silver weapon. “Coming!”

                As they stepped out into the gloomy night, Jungkook inched closer to the vampire. The red district always seemed ominous, but in the evening, it was worse. He wasn’t expecting Yoongi to say anything next though, so his comment of, “Merlin’s piss, this itches!” surprised him.

                “Merlin’s…?” he questioned curiously, head tilting of its own accord.

                “Mage several hundred years ago,” the vampire waved off, actively growing more agitated with the wound on his shoulder if the facial expression and claw gesture at it was any indication.

                “If it was going to be such a problem, why did you let Jaejoong stab you?” he wondered watching the vampire’s face closely.

                Yoongi’s shoulders slumped as he made a pitiful face before straightening up and pulling the façade back into place. “Since humans were in the area, it was the safest course of action.” Jungkook frowned in obvious confusion and Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance. “I could have knocked it away, but who’s to say I wouldn’t hit it into one of you?” That made a sort of sense. “And really, I didn’t know what he was gonna do if he kept it.”

                Oh. “So you were… protecting us?” Jungkook confirmed hesitantly.

                “Of course.”

                Jungkook looked down and bit his thumbnail in thought. “Why did you give it to Kwangmin?”

                The vampire scoffed again but did answer. “I grabbed it so they couldn’t use it for prints, but Kwangmin might be able to track down who sold it or even who made it. It’s illegal to sell silver knives for a very good reason,” he added with a weary exhale.

                That made sense and it was enough of an answer that Jungkook didn’t have another question for that at least. On the other hand… “Why didn’t you tell me you were following us?”

                “And let you ruin the surprise?” Yoongi asked in response.

                “Why didn’t you contact me at all?” he asked when he didn’t feel like responding to the other question.

                Yoongi narrowed his eyes in a frustrated look and asked, “Are you going to ask me questions all night?”

                “No,” Jungkook answered immediately. Then he thought about it and nodded, “Yes.” It felt wrong both times though, and he shook his head with a frantic look. “Maybe?”

                Yoongi stopped walking and placed his hand on top of Jungkook’s head. His thumbnail was a talon and quite obvious in Jungkook’s peripheral vision. “Stop,” he commanded gently, his free hand rising to point a finger at the human’s nose. “You can ask me whatever you want tomorrow, but tonight, I’m tired. I like the cold but it doesn’t like me,” he reminded the younger man. His seriousness broke with another look down at his wound and a pained whine. “And this itches so bloody bad!”

                Jungkook had to actively hide his smile so that it wouldn’t upset Yoongi more. It wasn’t a funny situation, not really, but his reaction made it almost impossible not to laugh. “I could help…” he trailed off suggestively, at least a little curious about what being bitten might be like.

                “No,” Yoongi snapped back with another finger pointing at him. “Stick around another couple months and then we’ll see. Right now, no.”

                “Are we gonna walk back?” he asked, changing the direction of questioning.


                “Can’t you just… poof?” Jungkook asked, motioning with his hands in an open and closed gesture.

                “Jungkook…” Yoongi warned, giving him a dark side-eyed look.

                “It would be faster.” The side eye turned into an unmistakable glare and he held his hands up in surrender. “Walking it is!”

                “Gods, you’re annoying sometimes,” Yoongi grumbled, shoulders slouching as he continued trudging forward.

                “You’re welcome?” he offered tentatively, waiting to see how the vampire would respond.

                “Little shit,” Yoongi chuckled dryly, a weak smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Come on, you. You’re staying at the coven tonight.”

                “But it’s a Wednesday.” When Yoongi just gave him a raised brow look, he shrugged and nodded. “Guess I am.” In all honesty, he wasn’t upset with that arrangement. The beds at the coven were nicer anyway. And to be quite fair, he felt infinitely safer there. Having numerous vampires around tended to do that for him. After what happened today, he was good with the added safety in numbers.



                “A millennia of relative peace seems like a long time and yet, not long at all,” Minzy murmured, her eyes turning sad as she took a breath for the next part.

                Hyuna glanced around the room and saw that Chan was as rapt as ever. Hyosung’s face was a bit pinched – she knew what came next and had reason enough not to enjoy it. Joshua too for that matter… Fortunately, Jennie, Wonshik, and Seungkwan seemed otherwise unaffected. For now at least. The circumstances of their arrival had been much like Chan’s – uneventful but welcome. As for her other children, they had come to her because of other magical creatures…

                “Again and again, the creatures of Terra mixed and spread. The Prime Elementals kept the peace when troublesome magical beasts arose, but when something new appeared, something without magic, they were at a loss,” the Anansi spoke, waving her hand at the scene so that the image of a man and woman filled the space above. “Some say they were an accident and some say the remnants of Magic felt their desire to be different and allowed such beings to be born. The answer is not certain, nor does it matter. When humans appeared, the world changed again.”

                “At first, we thought them nothing more than weak Mages. But when their powers never manifested, we knew they were something else. Something new. In the early times, we did not realize how very fragile the new creatures were,” Minzy explained, her fingers weaving a quick story of a child appearing and then vanishing just as fast. “And once we understood, greater was care was taken to not harm them into adulthood, but even then…” she trailed off, showing a man encountering what looked like a were of some kind. The exchange was over before it began and the man died, quite by accident it seemed, if the were’s expression was any indication.

                “Nor did we know how to treat them,” Hyuna reminded her, waving her hand to add an image of many magical creatures looking on from afar as new humans were born and grew in a painfully short period of time. “Should we pity the beings of no magic, treat them as children to be guided and led, or as equals – like all of Magic’s creations – to exchange ideas, however strange they might seem to us.”

                “Indeed,” Minzy smiled with a gentle nod. “Even today, we can see echoes of the past we struggled to come to terms with.”

                “So humans weren’t created by Magic?” Chan asked, face a little confused. In many families, that was the story they were told.

                “Not directly. No,” Hyuna replied with a slow shake of her head. “Magic, even when the source itself is not present, can feel what we desire. What we wish to happen or change. So while Magic did not make man, one could say it did lead to man’s creation.”

                “Oh,” he sounded out, turning the answer over in his mind as he accepted the answer for now.

                “For a time,” Minzy spoke up, drawing attention back to the story again, “the magical creatures of that era left the humans mostly alone.” The image shifted, focusing more on a spot of land where a man and woman now lived. It resembled a very early settlement of mere wood and thatch with a couple domesticated animals in pens nearby. There was not a magical creature in sight. “In truth, they were neither fun nor interesting to be around, still young and naïve and small in number. Some of our kind tried to help watch over them and others advocated for getting rid of the magicless beasts, but neutrality reigned. Like the first magical creatures that had arrived, they were born of Terra and most felt they deserved to be there, even if they did not understand them in full. But though humans were very fragile creatures, their numbers grew swiftly.” She wiggled her fingers and the image zoomed out, showing how the small settlement started to spread and develop. “With minimal lifespans, they had to live and grow fast. And they did.”

                Hyuna steepled her fingers in front of her and rested them against her lips, her heart heavy in that moment. “Perhaps it was our fault for not trying to be a larger part of their lives when they were young. Like them, we didn’t know much better. And for humans, magical creatures could be terrifying and unpredictable monsters without us even realizing it.”

                “Some reached out to us and tried to be friends. That much is true,” Minzy explained, conjuring an image of a human and a fairy shaking hands. “But their numbers were few and the larger populous simply grew to be afraid.” As she spoke, new images joined the human and fairy, circling around them slowly. “Afraid of what they didn’t understand.” A gryphon materialized in the first bubble. “Afraid of the night they couldn’t see in.” Packs of weres ran through a moonless field. “Afraid of the creatures that could hunt them for food at times.” A wendigo and vampire stood back to back. “Afraid of creatures that did not die as they did and had powers they lacked.” A human looking pair with magic swirling in their eyes showed up - Mages. “Their fear made them dangerous and easy to control,” Minzy sighed, her hands stilling.

Chapter 7: Details


My apologies for my extended absence. I had not anticipated my new school year on being quite so busy and time consuming. I'm hoping that now, nearly five weeks into the semester, I'm finally getting a handle on things and will be able to resume and maintain at least mostly regular updates. Thank you for being patient with me and I hope you do enjoy this latest update. ^_^

Chapter Text

                Yoongi sighed again as he rested his chin in his palm, elbow propped up on the arm of the cushioned chair he was reclining in. After eating a blood pack from the kitchen, his shoulder was feeling much better, but that also meant he had nothing left to distract him from what had happened with his potential trainee today. On the other side of the room, Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in a queen sized bed. There was a nightlight in the corner adding a hint of illumination but Yoongi didn’t need it. He could see the human just fine in near total darkness.

                And right now, he looked remarkably like a child to the older vampire. He scoffed quietly and shook his head with a slight frown. Maybe that was why he was so… protective of him. Almost involuntarily so. It wasn’t love - it was barely even like, but because he was his charge and because he appeared younger than many humans, Yoongi got unreasonably angry when he was put in danger. He could have gotten rid of the knife with ease, but though he said he was protecting them, as in all the humans, the only reason he’d chosen his own body as a sheathe for the weapon was to make sure it didn’t get turned on Jungkook. And it had been painfully difficult not to outright kill him when the chimera laid his hand on the boy. Flexing his right hand, he watched his nails grow to points and back before clenching it into a loose fist. But when it came to chimeras, it was best to try and take them alive.

                “Stupid chimera,” he scowled, running the memory over in his mind. When he’d been following Jaejoong, the creature hadn’t let his guard slip at any point. It was more about him feeling a little off, and that only after watching for a few days. He met with Sungwon more often than Yugyeom but seemed to keep mostly to himself. Sometimes he met with other humans – not magical creatures – but his conversations were short. He should probably let the Hunters know about them too, just in case. That aside, it looked like he might have had a temporary house in the residential part of the White district. It would make sense too. Humans wouldn’t be nearly as likely to notice he was a bit off. There were too many things Yoongi didn’t know about him though.

                If Jaejoong was an older chimera, he would likely have at least a couple possible ‘homes,’ and not all in the same area. Likewise for faces and names. Chances were pitifully low that they’d find him at this point, but it was also a good bet he wouldn’t be sticking around for the time being. He might try to come back later with a new identity, but having his cover blown, he’d be skittish. The chimera was a problem for sure, but one that he’d already lost the trail on. The bigger concern would be the Mage that had made him and the creatures he’d used to become one. The Mage could very well be in the area still and the magical creatures would be missing persons…

                Taking a slow breath, Yoongi closed his eyes and pulled up the memory of his encounter again. The sight of rippling skin made him shiver once but he closed his eyes harder and focused. Human skin fluxed and gave way to fur. What kind? Yoongi took a breath and fixated on that single patch of hair in his memory. Brown. A tiny splash of cream in a couple hairs. Coarse though. Not a cat person. Longer than a wolf too. Located near the shoulders. Lion? Maybe… What else. The fur had given way to a sleek hide. It was fur again but flat against the skin and patterned. Not a kelpie. Probably selkie. Gray patch with brown splotches. It did look a bit like seal skin after all. The last obvious shift had been wings. Crumpled but no feathers. Soft, like a fairy but dark in coloration. Maybe woodland fairy. Markings? Too folded to see.

                Yoongi opened his eyes with a grimace. Not the best recollection but it was better than nothing. The last bit had actually been when Jaejoong was running away and it made him cringe. Black eyes peered at him once. It was only for a split second but he knew those dead orbs: wendigo. There was little love lost when a wendigo died. They weren’t all bad, but they often gave magical creatures a bad name. Creatures of shadow and cold, they practically delighted in causing harm when they could. And it very nearly had.

                Yoongi’s fingers dug into the arms of the chair and he quietly hissed as he remembered claws against Jungkook’s throat again, dark and sharp. Even now they made him itch to rend the chimera to pieces. “Ugh,” he scowled once more, shoving himself up and leaving the room with purposeful energy. He stopped when he stepped into the hallway though. Jungsu was standing in his path, face calm and thoughtful. “What?” he grumbled, not really in the mood to tangle with the Second of the Coven.

                “Namjoon said I should keep an eye out tonight,” he commented with a quick shrug. “How is he?” he asked, head tilting towards the closed door and brows rising curiously.

                “Sleeping,” Yoongi answered in a curt voice. When Jungsu just looked at him under the fall of his brunette bangs, the younger vampire frowned slightly but nodded. “He’s shaken but fine. Maybe he’ll change his mind later but for now, he seems interested in continuing his trial period.”

                “That’s good,” Jungsu smiled, crossing his arms and casually leaning against the hallway. Yoongi nodded once and moved to step around him. The Second made him pause again though with a hand blocking his path. “You going out?”

                “To see the Hunters again.”

                Jungsu nodded in understanding. “And your Mage?”

                Yoongi grimaced and gave him a sidelong look. “Yeah.”

                “Wait for the morning for her,” Jungsu instructed, dropping his hand. Taken aback, Yoongi looked askance of him. “Namjoon figured it might be a good opportunity for you to take Jungkook. If he’s intent on staying in the morning, take him with you.”

                “It’s a little early for that,” Yoongi countered with a wary glance, wondering if this was a test for him. He’d already had a hard time with the blood offer…

                “So was the chimera’s approach,” Jungsu explained with a shake of his head. “If he stays, he’ll have earned that much at least. Find out in the morning though. We can adjust his trial period as needed from there.”

                Yoongi leaned his head to the side and stared at the wall and floor thoughtfully. He would have preferred to hear such things from Namjoon but if he wasn’t here, he was likely handling Coven business or dealing with the Exile still. “Fine,” he grumbled with a shake of his head. “I’ll see the Hunters tonight and come back to see how the newbie feels in the morning.” He straightened his head to focus on the stronger vampire. “Happy?”

                Jungsu laughed in dry amusement and waved. “Happy travels then. And watch your back, Yoongi. You scared the chimera today. It doesn’t mean he’s gone yet.”

                “Yeah, yeah,” he brushed the warning off. He wouldn’t be wandering the streets where the chimera could see him anyway. And short of being part vampire himself, he’d never be able to find Yoongi in the shadow paths.

                When he showed up at the Hunters’ Quarters again, Kyuhyun was gone but Lisa was inside. Unlike her superior, she liked chatting with Kwangmin when she wasn’t busy and the petite young woman was perched on his desk, one leg folded elegantly over the other when Yoongi walked in. “That was fast,” she commented with a raised brow and a shake of her head.

                Yoongi paused in the doorway, slightly confused. But then Kwangmin barked a laugh and grinned. “Told you he’d be back tonight.”

                “Yeah, yeah,” she sighed in amusement, making a shooing gesture at him with one hand while she pushed a couple tokens his way on the desk.

                “Ah,” the vampire hummed in understanding, both amused and annoyed.

                “Well, come on then,” she added, hopping off the desk easily and sauntering towards the door at the back.

                With platform knee-high boots, she was just shy of Yoongi’s height. The high ponytail of swinging lavender hair did bring her just about even. Unlike the other Hunters, she preferred to be obvious in her appearance so that no one confused her for a standard human. He had to admit it did help. Since she changed her hair color, a fair few magical creatures and humans had stopped trying to ‘protect’ her when she showed up to incidents.

                Yoongi tilted his head to the side and then glanced at Kwangmin. “How much did you bet?” he asked with a knowing smirk.

                The scorpion man waved at him with a wrinkled nose and a smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

                His coy answer was more annoying than anything and Yoongi made a face like he’d tasted something bad. He scoffed instead and followed in Lisa’s wake, ready to give what further details he could. Four missing persons amidst the piles they already had… Granted, the folders were for collective cases across the world. Their agencies worked on a redundancy system. Everything was stored online but just in case they were hacked or Mage wiped or something happened, they all had physical copies too. And since magical creatures could often move around the world a bit easier than humans, it just helped if they all had information on the same cases so they could correspond with the initiator if any of them found something. Humans had a similar system, albeit for humans only, though the Hunters and human law enforcement did coordinate when their worlds interacted.

                “Alright, vamp,” Lisa grinned, falling into her rolling chair in the back corner, next to the desk where the newbie Taekwoon would be. “Tell me whatcha got.”

                Yoongi raised a brow and asked dryly, “Should I go back to calling you Animal Control?”

                Lisa looked at him with dark eyes for just a moment before she sighed audibly and rolled them in response. “Okay, Yoongi. What details can you give me?” she asked, leaning forward and holding a pad of paper and a pen in her hands, very much like Kyuhyun had earlier.

                Content with the shift in her attitude, Yoongi pulled up the nearest chair on the other side of her desk and settled in to tell her what he remembered. It didn’t take long. Even with her follow up questions, of which she had many. Unfortunately, most of them he couldn’t answer to any degree of satisfaction. Though he did remember to give her the information on the other humans they could follow up with that he knew Jaejoong had met with previously.

                When he was finished, the Hunter waved him off as she turned her attention to the nearest computer and started typing in the information to see what would come up. That was fine by him. Yoongi waved at Kwangmin on his way out, exchanging glances but no words. Only when he was outside the building was he able to take the shadow paths again. Most public places like the Hunters’ Quarters had wards to keep creatures like him, and Mages, from just popping in when they wanted to.

                He was tempted to go by the Mage’s shop but it was late… And Jungsu had told him to wait, according to Namjoon. “Fine,” he grumbled to himself, practically flying through the dark as he returned to the Coven. Jungsu wasn’t present when he got inside, but Sanghyuk popped out to confirm it was him, his smile bright and welcoming.

                “Welcome back,” he waved once, leaning around a pillar on the first floor. Spiky brown hair, a slightly larger than average nose, and dark eyes that perpetually made him look like he just woke up set him apart from the rest of the vampires easily. Well, that and the fact that he was currently their youngest. At the tail end of his training period with Jungsu, he’d be off probation and ready to start taking on tasks by himself within the next couple months. For now, he often had evening watch duty.

                “Any news?” Yoongi asked with a glance down.

                Sanghyuk shook his head and looked around once as if to make sure for himself. “Been a quiet night.”

                “Good,” the elder vampire nodded once.

                He turned to leave and paused when Sanghyuk called out. “You gonna see the newbie?”

                “That was the plan,” Yoongi answered, turning his head to glance over his shoulder.

                “Is he gonna stay?” the younger vampire wondered, almost wistful.

                “Maybe,” was the soft response. Yoongi had no real idea one way or the other. He’d thought his first two would but they hadn’t worked out the way he intended either. A thought occurred to him and he turned a little more to look at Sanghyuk. “How was the Exile?”

                Immediately, the younger vampire shuddered and cringed. “Scary.”

                Yoongi barked a quiet laugh and nodded. “Sounds about right.”

                “They don’t… eat… us, do they?” he asked hesitantly, the words stopping and starting as they fell from his lips.

                “No,” the elder vampire promised with a bemused smile. “They only look like they want to.”

                “Oh good,” he murmured distractedly, scratching at the back of his neck with a worried expression lingering on his face.

                There wasn’t much Yoongi could say that would reassure him just then so he left it alone at that. With no further words, he turned and headed to the room Jungkook was sleeping in. All he could do now was wait. At least he wasn’t usually a late sleeper, though with what had happened recently, he might well have been more tired than he thought.

                He was lucky. Jungkook woke up at a relatively normal hour. It wasn’t surprising that he didn’t look well rested and a tiny bit shaken still, but it was encouraging that he gave Yoongi a sleepy but bright smile when he sat up in bed. Rather like an impatient parent, he shepherded Jungkook through the morning routine of a shower and breakfast before chasing them out of the coven to go deal with the Mage business he’d wanted to handle last night. His potential trainee was just distracted enough not to ask any questions until they were on their way.

                “Where are we going this time?” he wondered, lingering close to the vampire as he kept looking around, a wary tension in his body.

                “To see a friend,” he answered, digging into his pants pocket to pull out a crumpled bag. “Here,” he offered, pressing it to Jungkook’s chest so he’d be forced to take it or let it fall when he moved his hand away.

                “Whoa!” the human yelped, awkwardly gripping the bag and then looking at it questioningly. “What is it?” he wondered with a frown.

                “Open it and find out.” Yoongi gave him a quick side eyed glance but kept walking, tugging on Jungkook’s sleeve to pull him in the right direction as he turned his attention to the contents of the bag. Paper crinkled as it was opened and a soft gasp escaped Jungkook’s lips. Yoongi couldn’t quite help the crooked smile that tugged at his mouth. “You said you wanted one.”

                “It’s awesome!” Jungkook grinned, his smile faltering just a touch when he looked at it curiously. “What is it?”

                Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes before he gave his potential trainee a disappointed sidelong look again. “You’ve never seen a triskelion?”

                “No,” Jungkook shook his head, cringing in mild embarrassment. “I mean yes, but… what’s it mean?” he finally asked, holding the living tattoo close as if he was worried the vampire might take it away.

                The question made Yoongi laugh again, a dry sound lacking in amusement. But he closed his mouth and shook his head. “It’s a symbol of accomplishment and continued progress. The Eurians were famous for markings like these.”

                Jungkook was quiet for a moment as he stared at the gently moving art in his hands. Yoongi let him think as they walked, still tugging at his sleeves to move him in the appropriate direction or out of another pedestrian’s path. “I like it, but… why?” he asked in quiet confusion, glancing at the vampire from under the fall of his dark bangs.

                “You humans can be quite dense sometimes,” the vampire laughed once, nudging him a bit harder to turn down an alleyway so they could avoid the Purple district again. “You did well with not giving away any of the secrets we prefer to keep. And you did so while handling a chimera, albeit unknowingly. So whether you choose to stay or not, it’s a gift to mark your progress.”

                “Oh,” Jungkook murmured, clasping it in both hands with a shy smile beginning to light up his face. “Thank you,” he finally added, looking up to stare at Yoongi’s profile in appreciation.

                “So does that mean you want to stay?” the vampire asked, turning the full weight of his attention on the human again.

                Jungkook froze for a second, obviously not expecting the immediate question. But he blinked quickly and leaned forward to make up for the slowed pace. “It seems like there’s more to being a vampire than most people realize, but… you haven’t scared me off yet,” he laughed, the sound breathy and slightly nervous.

                “Good,” Yoongi grinned, his expression just a touch on the feral side. “Because you’re about to learn a bit more about who we deal with sometimes and why.”

                “Oh?” he blinked in surprise, glancing around like he’d be able to see whoever Yoongi was talking about immediately.

                With a nod and a pause in their steps, Yoongi motioned for Jungkook’s attention ahead. Various shops rose on either side of the street amidst the always busy rainbow district, but one in particular caught the eye. Maybe it was the motes of light dancing around the signage or the strange pull of power that would have snagged the curiosity of even the weakest human, but Ailee’s Magics stood out quite well between the tattoo parlor and the crystal healing boutique on either side of it.

                As they approached the large shop window, Jungkook’s brows knit together and he wondered, “What kind of shop is this?”

                “Eh. Think of it as a general goods store for magical creatures,” Yoongi answered, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he glanced inside. Even if the owner had been standing right on the other side of the glass, he never would have been able to see her. It was currently all an illusion to hide the true layout of her store from those on the outside. You had to actually enter for a better view.

                “So who are you here to talk to?” he asked, glancing at the vampire with wide eyes.

                “Just a Mage,” he shrugged nonchalantly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

                “A real Mage?” Jungkook gasped in quiet awe.

                “Yep,” Yoongi grinned, the expression truly amused this time.



                “The Dark Ages were aptly named,” Minzy sighed, her face pinched as she stared at the current images floating above them, reluctant to move on.

                For a moment, Hyuna thought she might not continue the tale. This was, after all, one of the worst points in their collective history. When she continued to be silent and the group started to shift in uncertainty, Hyuna took a breath and consoled the Anansi. “The Dark Ages were a dark time, but they are only a piece of the past. Not its entirety. Nor are they a part of the now.”

                Minzy swallowed hard and looked up to meet the standing woman’s understanding eyes. She nodded once and turned her head to glance at those behind her. “My apologies,” the story-teller murmured before she took another breath and sat up taller, pulling her shoulders back and turning her attention to the images above once more.

                “You’ve got this,” Mingyu promised, reaching out a hand to squeeze her shoulder reassuringly.

                She nodded once and a smile crossed her lips again. “The Dark Ages were not named for a lack of light or technology or anything like that,” she explained, banishing the current images to wipe the slate clean. “Rather, they were named for the darkness in all our hearts at the time.” When her hands moved again, they conjured frightened images of humans and magical creatures. “Like a mob, all are easy to control when they’re afraid. And many humans were creatures of fear in the old days.”

                “There is some confusion about which side actually started the first conflict of the Dark Ages, but most will agree, one way or the other, that it was the humans that lashed out first,” Hyuna explained, a wave of her hand focusing on a mob of humans staking a young vampire. After all, she well remembered that period in their history. She motioned for Minzy to take over the tale and clasped her hands together to listen in.

                The Anansi nodded and murmured, “If you asked the humans of the time, they would claim they were destroying a monster. An unholy abomination of this world. If you asked us, we would say it was an unprovoked attack on an innocent who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It no longer matters why, but it was the spark that lit the tinder of the times.” Minzy spread her hands wide and painted the open space with images of conflict: humans fighting magical creatures; humans fighting humans; and even magical creatures fighting each other. “It would have been easy for us to wipe out the humans. We could have with little trouble. But…” the Anansi trailed off, glancing at Hyuna. It was an obvious question, one she always had at this point in the story. ‘Wouldn’t it have been better if they had been destroyed?’

                “But there were those of us who felt that, even if others considered them aberrant, the humans were still the children of Magic. Even if they were misguided. Even if they sought our destruction. They had as much right to be here as we did. If only we could find common ground,” Hyuna explained in a somber voice.

                “Such a thing would not be found for a long time,” Minzy continued softly with a slight shake of her head. “Though the humans were not strong on their own, they were many. And they were resourceful. They lacked many of the weaknesses magical creatures had and were able to exploit them with time and experience. And they also had help.” A small collective gasp showed that the newest were still surprised by such an admission. Why would any magical creature help something that was trying to destroy them?

                “It was not help wantonly given,” Hyuna clarified immediately, glancing down at her open palm before closing it slowly. “There were humans that sought peace as well. Some that wished to live together. Some that loved those who were different. And for them, some of us offered aid.” She felt Minzy’s eyes on her and turned to look at the Anansi with endless understanding. The younger woman’s bottom lip trembled and she frowned slightly before nodding in a subtle gesture.

                “But even with the help of magical creatures, it was not enough. The humans were many, but those they fought against were strong. And there were some who wanted nothing more than to destroy all humans.” She stopped and chewed on her top lip for a moment, slowly weaving new images above. Creatures like archons and demons, Wendigos, and elementals rose up to tower over the survivors, angry and frightening in their savagery.

                “The humans had upset the balance we had long maintained, but in being born, they had become a part of it as well,” Hyuna murmured, her eyes taking in the images with a painful familiarity. “We could not let them simply be wiped out, despite their ignorance.”

                Minzy’s frustrated sigh was easy to hear. “In order to protect those who were willing to live with the monsters others feared, weapons were forged to allow the humans to defend themselves.”

Chapter 8: Uncomfortable Truths

Chapter Text

                It was clear by the look on Jungkook’s face when they stepped into the shop that the young man had never been in a Mage’s workplace before. Yoongi’s mouth quirked up into a half smile while he watched Jungkook’s eyes go wide and then trail slowly over the immediate area. He literally flinched when he saw one shelf full of bones and then blinked in surprise when he noticed the Mage herself. From where they were standing, it looked like she was floating in air. Yoongi knew she was simply sitting on a thin shelf where she could keep an eye on everything but it wasn’t easy to see.

                The vampire glanced between his charge and the Mage, the latter of whom was regarding them with interest, her gaze focusing much longer on the human. “Wait for it,” he murmured in dry amusement, placing gentle fingers against Jungkook’s forearm.

                “What-?” he started to ask before he practically choked as the Mage leaned forward and… disappeared into the air. “Where did she- Ack!” he began to question up until she appeared directly in front of them, stepping out of the air once more.

                Yoongi chuckled in genuine amusement as Jungkook lurched behind him, putting distance between him and the disappearing Mage. “Be nice,” he chided dryly, raising one brow at the relatively small but vibrant woman standing before him with a mischievous smile.

                “I am,” she winked, her smile growing wider when she looked over the vampire’s shoulder to make eye contact with Jungkook again. “But I like to be playful too,” she admitted, winking once.

                “How did she-?”

                “Portals,” the Mage answered before he could finish his question, her preemptive smile fading just a touch when she focused her gaze back on the vampire. “But you didn’t come here to talk about those. Why are you here so early, Yoongi?” she wondered, lightly crossing her arms over her chest as she tilted her head to the side in a curious gesture.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose and held his hand up. “First,” he stated, stepping aside to gesture at the man he’d come in with. “Jungkook, this is the Mage Yejin.” His hand drifted to aim at the woman. “Yejin, this is my… possible trainee, Jungkook.” His hand moved back to in front of the human and then dropped to his side once more.

                Yejin didn’t say anything about it, but he could tell by the way her mouth quirked into a crooked smile again her personal suspicions had been confirmed. “You didn’t answer my question,” she reminded him, utterly uncowed by the vampire’s grimace. Her dark eyes jumped to Jungkook and he raised his hands in immediate surrender. He could obviously feel it too, her power in this place.

                “Right to business, I see,” the vampire grumbled with a sigh. He tilted his head to the side in a conceding motion and shrugged. “Gotta ask you about the other Mages in the area in connection with a chimera.”

                “Mother of Magic!” she scowled, all playfulness fading in an instant. Her hand waved at the front door with a sharp motion and the outside world vanished as the surface went completely opaque.

                Jungkook’s surprised squeak would have been funny under different circumstances. Admittedly, Yoongi was still amused at how quickly the human cozied up to him, hands gripping his shirt tightly. “Had a run-in last night,” he admitted, watching the Mage set up all her security measures in quick order.

                “Why didn’t you come by last night?” she demanded, glaring at the vampire. Yoongi simply looked at Jungkook who glanced at him, started to look away and then looked back when he realized he was the center of attention. Yejin wrinkled her nose this time and took a breath. “I take it he was the target?” At Yoongi’s nod, she scoffed irritably. “Must be trying to add a vampire to the list. Likely on its last legs.”

                “That’s what we figured too,” Yoongi agreed with a slow nod.

                “You went by the Hunters,” she stated, shrugging with a roll of her eyes when the vampire simply gave her a raised brow. “I take it I’m not a suspect here,” the Mage added, turning just enough to give him a sidelong look.

                “Please.” It was Yoongi’s turn to scoff. “My parents never would have befriended you if you’d ever even considered dabbling in that bit of magic.”

                Yejin nodded in quiet understanding and agreement. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

                “You should.”

                “Your parents?” Jungkook asked quietly, his hands still holding tight to Yoongi’s shirt.

                “Yes, well, they always did have good taste,” Yejin went on as if she hadn’t heard the human’s question. “And as it stands, there aren’t that many Mages in Tradeborough that might dabble in that sort of magic.” She held up two fingers. “There used to be three but one of them left some time ago,” she admitted, relaxing her hand to wave them after her. “Come on. We need more privacy for this,” she exhaled with a shake of her head.

                “What about her customers?” Jungkook whispered, leaning close enough so that his breath tickled Yoongi’s ear.

                “Not this early in the morning,” Yejin answered, making the human’s eyes go wide again. A glimmer of her humor returned as she looked at him and added, “A Mage’s shop is never closed, though we are not always available immediately.” She laughed to herself as she stifled a yawn and shrugged. “We may be very powerful but we are not all powerful.”

                Yoongi was ready for the portal that opened before them. He’d experienced it many times, but Jungkook was not and he inhaled sharply when power buzzed to conjure a circular opening in front of the Mage. The vampire didn’t let him think about it too much and simply grabbed the human’s hand to drag him into it when he followed Yejin to her secure chambers.


                It was early afternoon when they finally returned to the Coven. Jungkook was mute, at least slightly overwhelmed by everything, and Yoongi was pensive. Yejin’s efforts hadn’t uncovered anything conclusive but it had given them both a pretty good idea of just how many things they could have their hands in at any given time. Mages were uniquely powerful in that they were born only when all six primary elements were present in their bloodline. They were some of the youngest magical creatures in existence, largely because they had been born the latest, but most of them were still quite old. They didn’t age the same as humans, or most magical creatures, by any means.

                When they walked in the front door – Yoongi opted to skip shadow traveling – Namjoon was the first to greet them. His expression was neutral but his eyes were sharp as he looked over the pair for any initial hints. His gaze lingered on Jungkook for a breath longer than necessary, but then he shifted his attention to Yoongi. “Well?”

                Yoongi shook his head in a quiet negative gesture. “Nothing. She found a couple possible leads to track down. Maybe. But right now, the chimera making Mage is free to continue their work,” he grumbled with a relatable grimace.

                “Damn,” Namjoon hissed, brows furrowing at the unwanted news. “Very well.” His mouth twisted again and he added, “I’ll look into them. You’re free to go,” the vampire lord waved with a dismissive hand. He didn’t wait for Yoongi to answer or move. Namjoon turned and walked back into the heart of the coven, clearly on a mission himself.

                “Well then,” Yoongi shrugged, turning to face his charge. Jungkook still looked dazed and pale. At least he didn’t seem frightened. Just… overwhelmed. “Come on you. Let’s get you some food first,” he exhaled with a sympathetic shake of his head. With a gentle nudge to get the human moving, they escaped to the kitchen and Yoongi watched with veiled interest as Jungkook shuffled through the motions of preparing something simple and eating mostly by rote. The vampire could almost see all the thoughts running through his head. Interestingly, they did not show on the human’s face. His expression remained fascinatingly blank. He’d probably be good at poker.

                He knew Jungkook well enough by now to realize he was trying to figure out what to say or ask. Pushing him wasn’t going to help the process so the vampire simply sat in silence, running over the events of the morning himself. Yejin’s secure chambers were unlike anything he’d ever seen himself and that was saying something. Apparently they were different for each Mage. Since her strength lay with earth, her… lair, for lack of a better term, was surrounded by stone. Not entirely surprisingly, Mages often had no real technological concessions in their abodes. Yejin was no exception. They could accomplish a great deal more with magic alone than they could with any sort of computer network.

                And she certainly had. With a variety of waves of her hands, strange ingredients that came at her call, and quietly murmured words under her breath, visions like screens had appeared in the air. Pictures first, of the other Mages she was looking into. Kim Ryeowook and Kim Seokjin. No relation. Their locations too. Presumably in the White and Red Districts, both of which were automatic flags, considering where Yoongi had seen the chimera previously. Yejin had conjured another screen that, very briefly, had given them a glimpse into the respective homes or workplaces of the other Mages. It hadn’t lasted more than a couple seconds. Both had been quick to respond or had securities in place that shut her out almost immediately.

                “We all do,” she’d said at the time. “But maybe they’ll have left something out in the open that can help us glean what we want to know,” the Mage had continued, zooming in on the captured images from the brief peek into the other areas. Neither was a store owner, that much was obvious. But it was just as hard to explain what they were from the pictures alone.

                While she worked, Jungkook also became privy to a partial secret of the magical creatures. Yejin had opened a much smaller than usual portal and seemed to forget about it for a bit. At least until a remarkably small humanoid flew threw with gossamer wings. Pixies were very much real, but they stayed out of the limelight almost exclusively. It had been amusing watching the human stare in obvious wonder while the two talked in quiet and strange voices. Pixie speech was unintelligible to most, except a few other nature-based creatures and Mages. The latter had the ability to use magic to automatically translate almost any language, spoken or written.

                The pixie had flown off without a by your leave and then Jungkook got to experience another surprise. Yejin conjured a phone, just the receiver mind you, and made a call without dialing anything. Yoongi recognized the name – Youngmin, Kwangmin’s twin brother at the Hunters’ quarters – and listened in briefly as she rattled off some of the information she’d gleaned so they could look into it and follow up as needed.

                And yet, those were small revelations in comparison to the final one. Almost as if the thought had finally snapped Jungkook out of his musings, the human looked up, his food long gone, and stared at Yoongi with a furrowed brow. “Can all Mages record our memories like that?”

                Yoongi’s mouth quirked into an amused smirk and he snorted in quiet laughter. “Most. The older they get the better the are about it,” he explained with a shrug.

                “And Yejin…” Jungkook trailed off uncertainly, his voice weak and soft.

                “Is old enough to have had practice,” the vampire admitted. She’d been friends with his parents for a long time – well before he’d been born.

                “Why don’t humans…?” he trailed off and stopped at Yoongi’s raised brow. Silence followed as he nodded slowly in awkward understanding. “Can she control people?” he finally asked, clearly still uncomfortable.

                Yoongi took a slow breath and grimaced, the smirk fading quickly. “Yes and no,” he admitted with a shrug. “They’re not able to control minds but they can… physically make others do what they want. Sometimes.” Losing one’s agency was an uncomfortable topic for everyone, especially since Yoongi didn’t want to specifically say vampires actually could control others through their minds. And physically too but that was different.

                His response obviously troubled Jungkook. The human’s face turned clouded and he looked down at the empty plate in front of him. Yoongi let him think, simply waiting for the expected continuation. He didn’t have to wait long. “Are Mages dangerous?”

His innocent question was almost laughable, save for the earnest look on his face. It was the only thing that made Yoongi hold his tongue on the immediate comeback he would have given otherwise. Instead, he managed a soft sigh and head nod. “Incredibly. But so are most magical creatures,” he reminded the young man.

                “So… why aren’t they more regulated? Like vampires?” he wondered, genuinely curious.

                “Eh…” Yoongi trailed off, laughing to himself once. Mages were certainly an interesting pseudo exception to the general rule. “Mages are more like Exiles,” he finally explained with an accepting shrug as he met Jungkook’s eyes. “They exist. They’re incredibly difficult to kill. But they also mostly leave everyone alone. Mages just happen to live among us sometimes. There’s a reason they mostly keep to themselves, even when living in the middle of society.”

                Jungkook looked down and pushed at the plate with his fingers, moving it forward and backward with a soft scraping sound. “It just feels so strange to think that I actually knew something about magical creatures when I came here and yet…” he trailed off, looking up to meet the vampire’s gaze with troubled eyes. “It feels like I knew almost nothing.”

                Yoongi met his gaze for a long moment before he looked down and scratched at the countertop with his fingernail. It wasn’t hard enough to damage it, but he did make a similar scratching sound. “Do you think humans would continue to accept us living among them if they knew all of our secrets?”

                “Maybe?” Jungkook offered hesitantly when the silence lengthened.

                The vampire’s laugh was dry and without humor. “Oh, Magic guide you,” he scoffed, not unkindly though. “There was a time humans did know most of what we were able to do.” Yoongi looked up and let his dark eyes capture Jungkook’s. “Do you know what that time was called?”

                Jungkook swallowed and licked his lips before he answered. He obviously had a guess but the current conversation was just uncomfortable enough that he didn’t really want to say it. Finally though, he whispered, “The Dark Ages?”

                “Yes,” Yoongi smiled with plastic fakeness. “And you know what happened in the Dark Ages, right?” Even amongst humans, such a time period was taught, and at least relatively close to what actually happened. For the main points anyway.

                “A lot of people died,” he whispered, uncertainty and sadness warring in his tone.

                “Exactly,” the vampire snorted, shrugging his shoulders as if to banish an unwanted weight. “So if a welcome lapse of full disclosure keeps everyone just a little bit happier so that fewer people on both sides die, I see no problem with the current status quo.” Granted, that wasn’t entirely true. There were problems aplenty as it stood, but with things the way they were now, at least it was manageable. War was not looming on the horizon. Not obviously anyway.

                Jungkook took a deep breath and rubbed at the back of his neck. “It’s… a lot to take in,” he admitted in the following silence.

                “It is,” Yoongi agreed. Just because he’d grown up in it didn’t mean he didn’t know just how hard it could hit otherwise. His other two mentees had reacted similarly. Slightly different questions but close enough reactions to match what Jungkook was going through right now. He’d had one other that hadn’t quite made it this far too, but that was different. “Having second thoughts?” he pressed with a raised brow, rather curious himself.

                The human didn’t answer for a moment, making Yoongi wonder. But when he spoke again, the doubt vanished. “No,” he responded, shaking his head. “It’s just a lot. But whether I become a vampire or not doesn’t change the way things are,” he explained, chewing on his bottom lip with a slight frown. “It only changes how much I might learn about how things really are,” he added, swallowing again as he looked up to meet Yoongi’s gaze. “I’ve come this far, haven’t I?” he asked with a hesitant smile. “I wanna know more,” he promised, a half-smile tugging at his mouth.

                “Huh,” Yoongi chuckled once, smile fading just a touch as he tensed up when he felt another vampire nearby.

                “That’s good to hear,” Jungsu announced stepping into the kitchen with a thoughtful look on his mildly amused face.

                “Jungsu,” he nodded in acknowledgement, not entirely thrilled by other’s presence. Jungkook glanced between them with slightly widened eyes and nodded, like Yoongi did, but didn’t say anything.

                “If Ailee didn’t scare him off, he’s probably ready for the next stage,” the Rank 4 vampire encouraged. Jungkook jerked in surprise and some confusion.

                “Is that you saying it or Namjoon?” Yoongi asked for clarification, resting one elbow on the counter so he could put his chin in his hand and wait.

                Jungsu snorted once and shook his head. “Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?”

                “Why do you?” he countered with a raised brow and a smug half-smirk.

                “Ugh. You’re such a child sometimes,” Jungsu grumbled, rolling his eyes. Yoongi just shrugged unapologetically. It didn’t amuse the elder vampire. “You can choose when but let Namjoon know first,” he explained, pointing a warning finger at the other vampire.

                “Of course,” Yoongi promised, expression unchanged.

                Jungsu waved him off with another shake of his head and left the two in peace once more. Jungkook glanced at the door where the other vampire had been and then over at Yoongi. “You don’t really seem to like him very much,” he mused, the statement a half-question.

                “Eh. He’s not so bad, but I do like annoying him,” he grinned, the expression genuine and almost childish in that moment.

                “What did he mean by the next stage? And why did he call Yejin Ailee?” Jungkook wondered.

                “You’ll see,” the vampire promised, shifting to lean the side of his head in his palm. “As for Yejin… only friends get to call her that.”

                “And you’re one of her friends?” Jungkook asked, confirming the obvious. Yoongi nodded once. “Because of your parents?” he added hesitantly. It was still a touchy topic between them after all.

                Yoongi let the silence lie for a little bit longer, just looking at the human. When Jungkook finally started to squirm, he nodded in agreement. “Yes. But that is a story for another time. Come on,” he urged, standing up abruptly and moving to leave the kitchen.

                “Where are we going?” Jungkook asked automatically.

                “To see the rest of the coven of course,” he shrugged. Never mind that was literally only Jungsu and Sanghyuk at the moment, since he figured Namjoon had likely taken Wonho with him, but so it went.

                “O-kay,” the human responded, hopping to his feet and starting to follow before he stopped. He looked over his shoulder at the plate on the counter and then back at Yoongi. The vampire didn’t move from the doorway so Jungkook hopped back and snagged the plate so he could toss it in the dishwasher before running after the other man. “Wait for me!”



                “No, these were not ordinary weapons,” the Anansi explained as she waved her hands at the ceiling. The images of the fighting and the humans and magical creatures faded away to be replaced by magnificent pieces of almost art. Six weapons floated above them: a spear, a great sword, a longsword, a staff, a dagger, and a bow. “Forged by magical creatures akin to what the humans would call gods, they were powerful artifacts capable of defeating or even killing the most powerful creatures among us.”

                Again, the young ones gasped at the admission and Chan looked both amazed and horrified at the sight of the gleaming weapons gently circling. “Why were they special?” he asked, hands holding tight to Jennie and Mingyu’s.

                Minzy glanced at Hyuna to make sure it was alright. The older woman nodded once with a sad smile and the Anansi took a breath. “The spear Gungnir could hit any target, no matter how fast they were. The great sword Caladbolg was strong enough to cut through nearly anything. The sword Durendal is said to have been the sharpest blade in existence. The staff Kaladanda had the particularly deadly ability to kill anyone it managed to make direct contact with,” she grimaced, clearly begrudging that weapon’s existence in particular. “The dagger Kris Taming Sari could make any wielder unbeatable in battle.” It was another that earned her scorn. “And the bow… Eros’s… could make any person love or hate the next target they laid eyes upon. It was a weapon of chaos,” she scowled, crossing her arms over her chest and making the images vanish.

                Her audience exhaled as if released from a spell and Hyuna took that moment to take over for a time. She crouched low and laid her hands upon Minzy’s shoulders in a comforting and reassuring gesture first before one rose to conjure an image again. “Like most things of good intent, the weapons worked for their intended purpose at first. The humans trusted with the weapons were able to survive against even the strongest of those magical creatures that wished for their deaths. For a short time,” Hyuna whispered, her hand drawing another image above them, “a truce was accomplished.” Her eyes narrowed slightly and she sighed then, a long and regretful sound. “Had the weapons remained in the hands they’d been entrusted to, all might have been well in the end.”

                “But they weren’t,” Hyosung commented, a long-time listener of this tale. Hyuna knew that, more often than not, she felt as Minzy did on this matter.

                “No… they weren’t,” Hyuna agreed. It was a truth she could not escape nor would she lie about. “Good intentions often lead to great tragedies. The first among them being the murder of those humans we had entrusted to defend their people from those of us who would destroy them. Such weapons were never meant to fall into the hands of those humans who thirsted for our demise,” she winced, her free hand lowering to rest against her right side.

                “Just like that, the truce was broken, and blood flowed freely again,” Minzy murmured, shaking her had at the dark nature of their history. She did not illustrate it, for it was not needed. Words alone were enough to impart the horror of those times indeed.

Chapter 9: Blood and Trust

Chapter Text

                Oh. Jungkook had an inkling of an idea about what the next stage of his trial period was supposed to be and he was both nervous and excited about it. They were nearing the halfway point of what he understood to be a yearlong endeavor, and if he was right, his was moving a little faster than usual. Of course the books and guidelines all said around a year, but that wasn’t the same as having it come from the coven itself. He’d read online of other trials taking longer in different cities so the fact his was moving quicker was a good thing. In his book anyway. Mostly.

                So far, he’d covered all the basic rules of being a vampire. What they could do and when in general. What the relationships were generally like between the other races and who to go to for help or avoid if you could help it. A vague confirmed recent history of vampires – more than what they taught in school but still guarded for sure. The major players of any city, including the Hunters, Covens, Packs, particularly helpful Mages, and Administrative leaders like those located in Admin Circle had also been covered. Among other things.

                The first half of the trial was all easy to handle stuff. None of it was particularly off-putting and he knew there was a reason for it. Good old carrot and stick approach. Some felt they needed to start off easy to not scare any possible trainees off preemptively. The second half would be more stick in terms of the possible negatives or downsides of being a vampire. From what he’d managed to uncover, it would likely be a lot of demonstrations, seeing as he wasn’t a vampire just yet, but one of the first ones would be…

                “Feeding time,” Yoongi grinned at him when he poked his head inside Jungkook’s room in the coven.

                “You could knock,” he grumbled, fidgeting in his chair awkwardly. He hadn’t been doing anything embarrassing or worth being nervous about but still…

                “I could but it sounded like now was a good time,” the vampire shrugged, further stepping inside.

                “It’s not fair your hearing is that good,” Jungkook frowned with a wrinkled nose.

                Yoongi threw his hands in the air in an unapologetic shrug. “If you become one of us, yours will be too, you know.”

                “Yeah, but it won’t be for a while yet.”

                “True enough. Come on,” he urged again, crossing the room quickly to snag Jungkook’s arm and gently but firmly pull him into a standing position.

                Slightly unsettled by the announcement, he let himself be dragged forward with the quiet question, “What do you mean, feeding time?” The vampires at the coven usually just ate from blood packs in the kitchen. He knew there was a difference between eating those and eating from a live person but…

                “Just what I said. Time to learn the difference in food sources,” he explained with a small laugh. “Just like humans have foods that help their bodies more than others, so do we. Just with a smaller variety,” he added with a half-shrug and a snort.

                “Okay,” he murmured, looking down at the connection between them. Yoongi rarely touched him unless he was pulling or prodding him in some direction, but it was never hard or forceful. Even now, his hand was firm but still quite gentle with his insistence. It was silly but these moments were nice – like he actually had a connection of sorts to the vampire. He was well aware they weren’t friends yet. Not really. That mentor mentee thing was still too prominent in Yoongi’s mind. Or so Jungkook would have guessed. Outside of learning the ins and outs of being a vampire, he was relatively certain the other man wouldn’t just hang out with him randomly.

                A pity that, but at least he still had Sandara and Yugyeom actually. The latter had been cleared of any culpability in the chimera thing, so they were able to maintain contact. Jungkook was even able to give him a very brief rundown of the situation as it was. Strangely enough, even Liza was beginning to come around, as far as possible friends went. And he was starting to get to know Sanghyuk a bit more, when the young vampire wasn’t being hauled off on another mission with Jungsu. That one still made him nervous more than anything…

                “Alright. So we’re gonna be in the basement today,” Yoongi interrupted his train of thought and surprised him when he started pulling him to a downstairs hallway he hadn’t really noticed before.

                “Secret door?” he wondered half-jokingly.

                “For humans,” the vampire grinned over his shoulder, clearly enjoying himself.

                “Lame,” he scowled, shrinking in on himself a little more when the light started to fade completely.

                “Joonie,” Yoongi called ahead when he noticed Jungkook getting nervous about the dark.

                It wasn’t the lack of light itself but rather the stairs. He really didn’t want to trip because he couldn’t see them.

                “Sorry,” the vampire lord laughed once at the bottom somewhere before light flooded the stairwell.

                “Ouch,” he and Yoongi winced at the same time, shielding their eyes. By the small smirk on Yoongi’s face, Jungkook guessed he’d heard something else. “The others?” he questioned.

                “Caught by surprise too,” he grinned further, teeth a very normal human shape just then.

                When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Jungkook saw that all the members of the coven were present. Wonho and Sanghyuk both seemed a bit more excited than usual. Jungsu was his usual stoic self, though even he had the hint of a smile on his lips today. Namjoon was relaxed and seemingly unflappable. Not like there were any high stakes today, but he always had this air of invincibility about him.

                “Welcome to the basement,” the vampire lord grinned, giving a theatrical bow as he did so. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at the greeting. “For the rest of your trial, most of your time will be spent down here,” the vampire continued, gesturing at the expansive and open space. “For our secrecy and your safety, we try to stay as closeted as possible,” he shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest before looking at Jungsu.

                On cue, the second took over. “As Yoongi probably mentioned, today we will discuss feeding.”

                “He did,” Jungkook confirmed quickly, glancing at Yoongi once before looking back at the other vampire.

                “Good. Let’s begin then,” he nodded with a small smile.

                Confused, Jungkook watched Jungsu wave Wonho and Sanghyuk over. He nearly jumped when Yoongi leaned close enough to whisper in his ear, “Still curious about what it feels like to be bit?”

                “Yeah…?” he responded in confused uncertainty.

                “Good. You’ll find out today,” the slightly shorter vampire winked and leaned back just a touch, his expression mostly unreadable. Jungkook could tell he was at least slightly amused, but beyond that…


                “Yes!” he yelped in nervous surprise when Jungsu called his name sharply.

                “Over here,” the elder vampire gestured, drawing him closer to the younger vampires. Yoongi did not go with him when he walked over. It made him feel very… alone. Nor did he miss Namjoon quietly moving to join the pale vampire, leaving him with the other three. “Now,” Jungsu murmured when Jungkook drew closer. “Feeding is simple. However, there are etiquette rules,” he explained primly, holding up one finger like an instructor.

                Calmly, Jungsu illustrated how bites were traditionally given on the wrist – as pointed out by Wonho or on the neck and shoulder area. Sanghyuk gestured to the acceptable areas. The latter was usually reserved for close associates as a matter of trust and respect. In emergencies, any bite was acceptable. On the other hand, just like humans shouldn’t be messy eaters, the same applied to vampires. No ripping, tearing, marking or otherwise making a mess of things. For an offending vampire, the best case scenario would be coven imprisonment for a specified period of time. Worst case scenario was a temporary defanging and a stay with the Hunters for punishment. Serial offenders would be executed.

                “Now. On to the fun stuff,” Jungsu announced, the abrupt change in tone and topic totally throwing Jungkook for a loop. “Our main sources of food are blood packs, but there are venues in the city where you can go to feed on willing participants. Human blood is standard fare and gives a slight boost to immediate performance. Wonho. Sanghyuk,” he encouraged, gesturing at the pair.

                The two vampires glanced at each other and nodded together. At an apparently invisible signal, the pair sprinted off in what had to be a short race. It was obvious that Wonho was faster and when they returned, Sanghyuk was a bit behind him. Both were inhumanly fast and Jungkook stared at them in wide-eyed fascination long after they’d returned. Seeing them on video was one thing. In person was something else entirely…

                “Sanghyuk,” Jungsu urged, gesturing at Jungkook.

                The sound of his name snapped him into focus again and he frowned thoughtfully. “Huh?”

                “If you wouldn’t mind?” Sanghyuk smiled shyly, gesturing at Jungkook’s wrist.

                Dumbfounded, he just stared at his wrist for a second and then it clicked. “Oh,” he hummed, pulling his arm close to his body nervously. This was it. Biting time. He’d always thought Yoongi would be the one doing it… Uncertainly, he glanced over at said vampire – who was no help at all. The blonde gave him a reassuring smile and one nod. Jungkook narrowed his eyes in response and exhaled. Fine then. As far as other vampires went, Sanghyuk was one of the least intimidating and they were almost on friendly terms. “Will it hurt?” he asked, starting to extend his arm slowly.

                “A little bit,” the young vampire admitted with an almost apologetic shrug. “It’s kind of like a sharp pinch.”

                Jungkook took a breath and nodded to himself. “Okay.” His heart beating fast in his chest, he extended his arm the rest of the way and let Sanghyuk grab it gently. He inhaled slightly when fangs grew in the young vampire’s mouth, and he couldn’t quite stop his stomach from twisting when the tips pressed against his bare skin. “Ow!” he chirped, mostly out of reflex when the promised pinch came. It felt like the prick of a needle. But after, it didn’t feel like much of anything. And it was over almost as soon as it began.

                “Thank you,” Sanghyuk grinned, careful to hide his mouth with one hand so as to not unnerve the human with blood covered teeth.

                “That was it?” Jungkook wondered, thinking there would be more to it. He was equally confounded by the almost invisible wounds on his wrist from where Sanghyuk had bitten him. The fang marks were more like pin pricks now and barely discernible on his skin.

                “Yes,” Jungsu nodded. “Young vampires don’t have as much ability to affect the donor in a feeding session. And today, we only need a mouthful to show the difference,” he explained with another gesture at the two young vampires.

                True to form, the pair engaged in another race, but this time, Sanghyuk was noticeably faster. While he still couldn’t quite beat the other vampire, he could keep up with him this time. “Wow,” Jungkook murmured, impressed by the obvious difference.

                “The effect is generally slightly to significantly better when we feed from a magical creature, though it does depend on their latent strength as well,” Jungsu added, his hand gesture encompassing the different ranks of vampires in the immediate area. “Yoongi. Wonho,” he called, gesturing at the two vampires.

                Immediately, Jungkook turned to watch his probable mentor step forward, the effect like watching a ghost move. He practically glided over the floor and it was almost eerie. But then he opened his mouth and the effect was banished. “Just because you get a taste of Jungsu’s blood today doesn’t mean you should go all out,” he commented, a glimmer of his usual often lazy self coming through.

                “When else am I gonna get a chance to beat you?” Wonho quipped in response, a cocky half-grin lighting up his face.

                “They’re gonna fight?” Jungkook asked out loud, the words escaping him before he could stop them.

                “Yep. It’s gonna be awesome!” Sanghyuk grinned, brimming with excitement.

                “It’ll only be a short sparring session. No shadows or cloak manipulation,” Namjoon warned sternly, his finger pointing at Yoongi.

                “Yeah, yeah,” the vampire waved off, stuffing his hands into his pockets and rocking lightly on his feet while he waited for Wonho to join him.

                Namjoon wandered over and gently grabbed Jungkook to guide him to the side where they could watch safely. He got the feeling the vampire lord was also a defense of some sort, just in case, but Jungkook couldn’t quite shake the dangerous thrill of the moment. A vampire fight scene in a movie was often short and mostly animated, due in no small part because they weren’t generally allowed to show their real abilities, even if they were a vampire actor.

                His skin tingled and his belly twisted into a ball when Wonho drew close to Yoongi. The younger vampire definitely seemed a little different already. There was an energy about him, like a cat in the cold. Yoongi seemed completely at ease, almost bored, but there was a sharpness to his eyes that wasn’t usually present. Jungkook had seen it once before, with the chimera, but here, it felt strange. At least until it started. In the blink of an eye, Wonho moved, Yoongi reacted, and Jungkook’s breath lodged in his throat.


                “So, what did you think?” a slightly scratched up Yoongi asked when they finally got back to Jungkook’s room in the coven.

                It was hard to actually put everything into words. Jungkook’s mind was still spinning from watching the fight and then the healing and then the rest of the explaining by both Namjoon and Jungsu in the aftermath. “I…” he started to speak and trailed off, lightly grasping his arm with one hand and holding it close.

                “Different from what you thought?” Yoongi asked, keeping his distance as he asked.

                “More,” Jungkook responded in the breath of a whisper. He glanced up to meet the vampire’s eyes for a moment, searching the dark orbs. He’d seen him in the fight against the chimera, but it had been dark and so very short. He was fast and somewhat frightening then. Today…

                Yoongi regarded him in turn, tilting his head to the side. “Do you still want to be a vampire?”

                Jungkook hesitated for a moment. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to. It was simply that times like this required a little more thought and consideration. Fortunately, Yoongi seemed to understand for the vampire didn’t try to rush him. “Yes,” he finally admitted in a quiet voice. It was more than loud enough for the other man to hear him though. For just a second, he thought he saw the flicker of a smile pull at the corner of the vampire’s mouth. But then it was gone and he half suspected it was just the shadows playing on his face.

                “Come here,” Yoongi urged, gesturing for him to move closer. Curious, Jungkook didn’t really hesitate. When he was in front of the vampire, one pale arm extended in front of him. Three angry red lines were apparent on the skin. “Wonho got me pretty good a time or two,” he snorted, partially annoyed but also grudgingly respectful.

                “Ouch,” Jungkook winced, one hand reaching almost automatically as if he could help.

                Yoongi waved him off with his free hand. “Watch,” he instructed instead, placing a finger at the end of a single line. Slowly, he dragged the fingertip over the wound and as he did so, it closed up, healing almost like it had never been. Jungkook gasped in wondrous surprise. This time, he was certain the flicker of a smile crossed Yoongi’s face. “It’s a little slow right now. If I fed, it would go quicker,” he admitted with a shrug, placing his finger above the second line to repeat the process.

“You know,” Jungkook murmured, chewing on his bottom lip as he started to speak in an uncertain voice. Yoongi paused with one brow raised, waiting for the continuation. “You can…” he added, right hand rising so his fingers brushed against the side of his neck.

                “Bite you?” Yoongi finished for him, hands dropping to hang at his sides.

                “I-if you want,” he stammered, face flushing as his gut twisted nervously. He really was curious, especially since he knew that more powerful vampires could alter how their donors felt when they fed.

                Yoongi looked at him for a long moment, but he did not accept the offer. Instead, he stepped close and raised his hand to place it gently on the top of Jungkook’s head. “Thank you for the offer, but you’ve had a big day. You should probably get some rest in the meantime, youngling,” he quipped, his usual half-smirk coming to the fore. “I’ll be fine,” he winked, snorting once as he turned to head out of the room.

                Torn between wondering if he should call him back or just let him go, Jungkook didn’t quite react in time to stop the vampire from leaving. He frowned as the door closed, leaving him alone with his thoughts. “Ugh…” he groaned, throwing himself down on his bed with a heavy sigh. Had he chased him off somehow? He thought the vampire would be happy about the offer. Or at least curious. This was two times now though that he’d declined.

                Well, at least the performance had been rather memorable. By all rights, the fight had only lasted a couple minutes, but it felt both shorter and longer at the same time. He’d seen Wonho’s speed versus Sanghyuk, but when he’d bitten Jungsu, he’d gotten even faster. He was very much nearly on par with Yoongi, even though they were a full rank apart. Despite the frenzied nature of the sparring match – a test of strength he’d been hard pressed to follow, Yoongi had seemed almost calm about it. Well, except for when Wonho did manage to get a hit or two in. In retrospect, it seemed obvious he wasn’t trying to win, but rather that he was trying to defend and not do harm. Jungkook wondered just how much more Yoongi could have put into the match.

                Namjoon had said something about no shadows or cloak manipulation. He hadn’t seen any from Wonho which stood to reason that he probably couldn’t at his rank. Which made Jungkook all the more curious about what Yoongi had been forbidden to use. “I suppose it’s another reason to stick around,” he mused, staring at his arm where the wounds on Yoongi’s arm would have been. Not to mention the fast healing. Jungsu had made sure to help heal Wonho – something a higher ranking vampire could do apparently, but Yoongi had declined any such aid from Namjoon. “I wonder why you’re so stubborn.” He frowned at the thought and shook his head.

                It was a concern for another day. Right now, he was a bit more tired than he thought he should be, but it was early yet. A shower would probably help. And food. In that order. With a quiet groan, he rolled off the bed and disappeared into his bathroom.


                “You did good today,” Namjoon praised with a satisfied smile on his face.

                Yoongi rolled his eyes and waved off the words. “Just doing what I was supposed to.”

                “Yeah, but you could have gone a lot harder on Wonho. That was nice not to,” the vampire lord chuckled, glancing down the hallway where said vampire would be eating in the kitchen.

                “Eh. There wasn’t any point. He’s annoying sometimes but I don’t want to hurt him,” he laughed once, wiping his hand down his fully healed forearm.

                Namjoon’s smile didn’t falter, but he did change the topic. “How’s Jungkook?”

                Yoongi shrugged. “Still interested.”

                “That’s good.”

                “He asked me to bite him,” he snorted once, looking away.

                “Did you?” the vampire lord wondered, drawing close.

                “Nah. No need,” he waved off, crossing his arms over his chest.

                Namjoon scoffed and shook his head. “Still worried about getting attached are you?”

                Yoongi scowled and glared at the elder vampire. “There will be plenty of time for attachment later. If he sticks around,” he grumbled, fidgeting in place. The thought of him leaving didn’t sit well, but that could also just be because he was tired of losing trainees, potential or otherwise. A fourth would be… harsh.

                “Well, I won’t force you to try and get close to him,” Namjoon laughed, moving close enough to actually lean on Yoongi’s shoulder with a glance down at the shorter vampire. “But I would probably recommend trying to keep him closer in these next couple weeks.” Yoongi’s brow rose in curiosity, washing away the previous irritation. “Word on the street is that a pretty powerful Were is going to be returning soon. Kyuhyun seemed… excited and nervous,” he admitted in amusement.

                “Kyuhyun? Openly nervous?” Yoongi laughed once, shaking his head at the almost absurd thought.

                “You know how it goes,” Namjoon gestured with his hand. “Any time a powerful player openly enters the board, the power dynamics become unstable for at least a little while. If it’s who I think it is, we won’t have to worry about the newcomer falling in with any of those damn Revolutionaries, but… it will make everyone a little antsy in the meantime.”

                “Hence the suggestion to keep Jungkook close,” Yoongi nodded in understanding.

                “Exactly. Though it might be a good time to start preparing yourself for the next demonstration,” he added, patting the top of Yoongi’s head with a reassuring hand.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose and groaned. “I hate this part.”

                “I know. But hey. At least it’ll give you an excuse to be lazy for a while,” the elder vampire teased with a playful wink.

                “Like I need an excuse,” Yoongi snorted and elbowed Namjoon in the ribs just enough to make them break apart.

                As Yoongi started to head out, he paused when Namjoon’s quiet voice pierced the silence. “I want you to be careful too, Yoongi. Yejin said she might have a lead on the chimera and it’s possible it’s still in the area. You could be a prime target.”

                “I’ll be fine,” Yoongi waved him off, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he strode down the hallway. He passed by the kitchen and heard Sanghyuk and Wonho talking animatedly. They were going over the demonstration with all the glee of children. He paused just enough to register Jungsu’s energy with them and then continued on. The chimera was an uncomfortable thought but he was more concerned about not eating. And the incoming Were. Not to mention he would have to go see Yejin soon after this next demonstration too. The thought made him frown as he scratched absently at his chest.



                “Be careful with your conjurings for this next bit or you’ll make me stay up all night again,” Byunghyun warned with one eye cracked as he tiredly glared at the Anansi who was preparing for the next part, his expression easing when he glanced at Hyuna.

                She favored him with a warm smile and wandered close. “If you ever need a rest, let me know, my dear,” she soothed, running the backs of her fingers against his cheek before she leaned down and kissed his silver hair covered forehead.

                “Ooohh!” Seungkwan and Mingyu teased at the same time.

                Byunghyun made a face at both of them and then snorted when his charge upended the taunt herself. “Me too!” Jisoo grinned, reaching both dainty hands towards Hyuna imploringly.

                “Of course,” Hyuna grinned, gently clasping the small hands in hers and making a much larger show of sharing her love. The fairy giggled in utter delight at the needlessly noisy kiss on her forehead. It was just the balm for the atmosphere, shaking them all out of what had been a dark and dreary moment. “Anyone else?” Hyuna asked as she straightened, smiling down at all her children. Jisoo’s hand in hers was warm and trusting. “Chan?” she wheeled gently, leaning just a touch closer to her newest.

                He flushed a marvelous pink across his cheeks and shrank in on himself with a flustered smile and a quick shake of his brunette head. “I’m okay.”

                “Too soon?” she chuckled and stood upright again.

                “Well, he did just get here,” Hyunseong reminded as he leaned over enough to clap the young man’s shoulder reassuringly.

                “I’d ask but I’m way down here,” Wonshik interrupted with a rising hand, a mischievous grin on his face.

                “Like that every stopped you before,” Minzy snorted, a bemused look on her face.

                “Hey!” he yelped in indignation.

                “I’ve got you, Wonnie,” Joshua promised, leaning forward so he could sling his arms around the other man’s chest and rest his chin on the top of his head.

                Giggles erupted and Wonshik narrowed his eyes. “I can’t tell if you’re teasing me or sincere.”

                “Ouch! I’m hurt,” Joshua pouted, tilting his head enough to glance down at the corner of Wonshik’s eye. “Oof!” he gasped next as Mingyu leaned close and bear hugged him into submission.

                Jennie shrieked in tickled delight as someone’s fingers brushed her ribs. She grabbed Chan’s arm and held tight as she ducked her head against his shoulder with an unabashed grin. Hyosung yelped with a surprised giggle when Seungkwan moved enough to shove her off the arm of the couch to slide practically on top of Mingyu. Byunghyun gave a mute side-eyed look at Hyunseong, who ignored him before leaning over and loosely wrapping one arm around the baku and the fairy and using the other to steady himself on the back of the couch. Minzy was left untouched for a moment longer until Seungkwan plopped himself down beside and behind her so he could prop his chin on her shoulder as he gave her a friendly back hug.

                Hyuna watched her children with a such warmth in her chest. A cuddle pile like this hadn’t happened in a while, but she was all the happier for it. While the next part of the story was not new to most of them, it never got any easier, even for her. Very gently, she pulled her hand free from Jisoo’s and knelt in front of them. Her fingers twined with Minzy’s and she met all their eyes one after another before speaking again. “The next part of the story is from the Dark Ages,” she murmured with a sad smile on her face.

                Immediately, the energy of the group dropped just a little bit, but she went on anyway. “Some of what you will see will be scary and maybe even painful. But know that it was a long time ago and we are mostly past those events now. And I promise you, as long as I am here with you, I will never let anything happen to you,” she assured them with all the earnestness she could muster. “Okay?” she asked, glancing at each child once more.

                “We know, mom. But thank you,” Hyosung smiled back from her perch where she was wedged between Mingyu’s back and the back of the couch, her elbow propped lightly on his shoulder.

                “Of course,” Hyuna winked, giving Minzy’s fingers a light squeeze. Her other hand ghosted over the hands and knees and heads of those on her other side, reassuring and quietly loving. She stopped on Chan’s knee and held his eyes with a searching look. “You ready to continue?” The flush was still there but he nodded in mute agreement, the shy smile seemingly unshakable. “Minzy?” she asked, turning her attention back to the newly relaxed Anansi.

                “Okay,” she agreed with a quiet exhale. One hand shifted to grab Seungkwan’s arm around her waist, taking reassurance from it. “The Dark Ages. As the name implies, it was not a good time in our history…”

Chapter 10: Strange Creatures and Irreconcilable Rumors


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Taekwoon was barely awake, and still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, when Youngmin startled him almost as soon as he walked through the Hunter’s door. “Woonie!” the blonde young man beamed, elbows propped on the desk and eyes crinkled far too delightfully for the literal break of dawn.

                Knowing that meant something was up, Taekwoon paused on the threshold, glanced at the still smiling aqrabuamelu – his evening shift brother had almost the exact same expression, and abruptly turned around. “Nope,” he stated simply.

                Only one foot was on the next step before he jumped again as Youngmin practically appeared behind him. Seriously, for as large as they were in their magical creature form, they could be frighteningly quiet when they wanted to. And they enjoyed such shenanigans on occasion. Like now. “Oh no,” he crooned, deftly grabbing Taekwoon’s shoulders and steering him around with enviable ease. “Newbies don’t get to say no,” he teased, poking at the hunter’s cheek playfully.

                “Ugh…” Taekwoon groaned with a side eyed glare at his companion that was earnest but not particularly cold. It wouldn’t do to piss off one like Youngmin at any time of day.

                “That is always a good look for you. So cold but so cool,” Youngmin laughed, guiding the hunter in front of the desk to put him in place before he swung around and fell back into his sliding chair with gleeful abandon. The wheels rolled as he slid backwards and he propped his feet on the desk in a scene like something you’d see in a movie. “You’ve got a shift switch holdover to check on,” he announced, chewing lightly on his bottom lip.

                “Where?” Taekwoon asked, trying to hurry things along.

                “You’re no fun,” the other man scoffed, sitting upright and shrugging in the next moment. “Probably nothing serious but Jaehwan said he saw something odd in the buffer zone near Haven on the human side. Something about moving shadows but no one’s called anything in so it’s probably nothing too crazy,” he laughed, a reassuring smile on his face.

                “Why didn’t Kyuhyun or Lisa check it out?” Taekwoon wondered, crossing his arms and not even bothering to hide the confusion on his face.

                Youngmin wagged his finger at the question and raised one brow. “Now now. Not your place to wonder about things like that just yet. Suffice to say they had more pressing concerns.”

                Taekwoon took a breath and nodded, schooling his features into a neutral expression. It was unhunterly of him to break the always ready and collected façade but around Youngmin, it was easy. The other man never really minded and actually seemed to enjoy it. “When do I leave?” he asked when he was back in control of his appearance.

                “As soon as you check in with Kevin. Xiumin’s off on another errand right now, following up from last night’s findings,” the secretary shrugged before gesturing at the stairs to the second floor.

                “On it,” he nodded once and turned to begin his task. It really sucked some days to be just out of his training period…

                Kevin was leaning over his desk when Taekwoon entered. His light brown hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail and by the tension in his shoulders, he was thinking hard about something. One hand moved over whatever was on his desk and he muttered under his breath as if he was thinking out loud. “Taekwoon,” he called, other hand swinging out to gesture for the younger hunter to come closer.

                By now, he was no longer surprised about the other hunters’ ability to sense each other when they were nearby. It was just the way things were. He couldn’t do it yet but they assured him it came in time. He figured it had something to do with being modded so many times. “Yes?” he answered immediately, drawing close to see a map and papers of notes scattered on the surface. It was Tradeborough but he also saw Ignis Falls and Wandermoot amidst the pile. His eyes narrowed in thought and then relaxed as the older hunter spoke again.

                “Youngmin probably told you but we’ve got a strange sighting in the buffer zone we need you to check out. Grab your gear and head out first thing,” he murmured, brown eyes still focused on the paperwork. His profile was almost soft with a touch of the feminine, but his tone was anything but.

                “Anything I should be concerned about?” he wondered, already moving to his desk so he could retrieve his Hunter’s pouch and get a refill of the mod serum. Since he was just out of his trainee period and he didn’t have an official donor yet, his samples were standard aqrabuamelu vials for now. Though the creatures themselves were quite powerful, their serums didn’t sync the best with humans which was why trainees got them until they found or were recruited by a higher level donor. Kyuhyun’s donor was an archon and Lisa had managed to attract the attention of a Valkyrie. Xiumin had made friends with one of the local weres, the wolf that most would consider the alpha no less. And Kevin… well he was paired with an incubus. Taekwoon didn’t know who he’d prefer to have as a donor but probably not that one…

                “Not that we’re aware of. Should be an easy run. No complaints, but something odd and since it’s in the buffer zone, we should be the ones to investigate instead of the Peacekeepers,” he shrugged, eyes twitching as he tried to piece things together.

                “Yes, sir,” Taekwoon saluted, the gesture half-hearted. Kevin didn’t say anything. Either because he didn’t see or didn’t bother to respond – probably the latter – but he waved once and went immediately back to his musings.

                “Good luck!” Youngmin grinned with a typical celebrity wave as Taekwoon headed out.

                “You too?” he sent back with a shrug. It made the other man laugh and shake his head.

                “Magic guide you, newbie,” the other man sent earnestly as Taekwoon stepped out.

                On the top step, he shook his head and shrugged. He appreciated the sendoff but it always felt strange. He knew Magic was very much real, or at least had been, but other than the world at large, he’d never personally seen or felt the creative presence. That was probably a good thing though… Most of the time it had shown up, according to history, it had made significant changes to the world. “Okay,” he exhaled, taking a breath and glancing up and down the mostly empty street. The Red District was strangely quiet in the early hours. It was at complete odds with most of the city that literally came to life when the sun rose. Nodding once, he started off at a brisk job to help warm him up on the way to the bus stop.

                It wasn’t an emergency so there was no need for immediate travel and it wasn’t too cold since it was late February, but it would still take him a bit to get to where he needed to go. It was on the other side of the city after all. The bus he hopped on wound its way through the Rainbow District and headed towards the outskirts of Hospitality Haven. Like Tourist Square on the magical creature side, it was a designated safe zone for nonhumans to visit and mingle with a majority of humans. Plenty of Peacekeepers were present in this zone, and one or two nodded in his direction. Hunters didn’t wear uniforms exactly but their gear was basically their badge.

                For those that knew about Hunters, it always earned a second glance, especially among humans. The ones that noticed him in Hospitality Haven immediately became a touch more wary. Taekwoon wasn’t sure if it was an unconscious response, the way that the humans drifted towards each other and away from any noted nonhumans, but it was predictable. Made his travels easier too. He was neither entirely human nor nonhuman so he made both sides a little unsure some days.

                Using his newfound freedom, Taekwoon strode along, wandering towards the buffer zone. Eyes followed him as he went and then dismissed him when it was obvious he wasn’t going to be staying in their area. He noted the signs that demarcated the changing areas and looked ahead to see the human residential and commercial zone about a half a kilometer on the other side. The buffer zone wasn’t empty but it was the last line of safe comingling between humans and nonhumans. Any magical creatures from here needed an escort to visit those in the human zone. Ironically, at the edge of the buffer zone, there was a barrier that a Mage had established in order to keep out magical creatures that weren’t welcome. As far as he knew, it was literally an amplified threshold binding. Fortunately, hopefully, he wouldn’t have to deal with it today.

                Taekwoon made his way to a quiet spot where the morning sun could warm him on a bench. He sat down and took a breath to listen and feel what was in the area. Though he was nowhere near as sensitive as the other four Hunters, he had been learning to hone this particular ability. It was one of the perks of continued modding in that it made you sensitive to magical creatures. In that, he was actually quite lucky his mission was in the buffer zone today. It was one of the easiest places to find someone that didn’t really belong. He flinched though when he got a much stronger reaction than he thought he would.

                “What the…?” he trailed off as his eyes snapped open and he looked around. It was rather like a punch to his weak senses and all the more unnerving because he couldn’t tell where it had come from. No. Nothing unusual in the immediate vicinity. A couple humans. Definitely a magical creature disguised as a human there, and a couple cyclists going by, but nothing that immediately jumped out at him. “Okay,” he hummed to himself, taking one more look around before he closed his eyes and decided to try again.

                The nervous tension bled from him slowly as the half-expected punch to his awareness didn’t return. Instead, there was a curious emptiness that gradually became full of a… strange sensation. It felt more like that sense of being half awake – there and not. “Huh,” he snorted once, opening his eyes and turning in the direction he felt it coming from. That was worth checking out.

                He stood up with measured grace, trying to act normal. Kyuhyun had warned him he looked too much like a literal hunter when he was tracking something – too focused and tense. For baddies, that was fine when they found them, but for everyday travel, it was not reassuring. He was working on it. For now, he tried to project a calmness he didn’t feel and started walking along the length of the buffer. At least they weren’t located too near the humans. It felt like it was coming from closer to Hospitality Haven actually. Still not indicative of anything but less to worry about when it came to conflicts with humans.

                Ahead, he noticed what appeared to be a strip mall of sorts. They were buildings of mundane existence: food, clothes, general necessities, but spaced apart so that each place had an alleyway between them. Taekwoon slowed and frowned slightly when he approached the last alleyway between a small convenience store and a medicine shop. Nothing looked wrong as he approached but it felt… off. Glancing in the medicine shop, no one was present yet, but the lights were on for the convenience store. He didn’t see anyone acting strange or worried. Taekwoon glanced at his wristwatch and confirmed it was only around seven in the morning. Not many people out and about here at this hour.

               Taking a breath, he moved forward so that he could peer into the alleyway itself. “Oh…” he breathed, frowning as everything felt off and fuzzy. Shadows was right. It was dark anyway because it was between the buildings and the sun hadn’t risen enough to light the space up, but even then… His ears rang preemptively while listening hard and then tensed as something… skittered in the fuzzy shade. Wary and at least a little bit afraid, Taekwoon reached to pull a vial of serum out. The skittering happened again and he thought he heard a quiet hiss this time. “Hello?” he called softly, straining to see something, anything in the gloom.

                Silence greeted him. Taking a breath, Taekwoon edged forward. He shouldn’t use the serum just because he was nervous. Kyuhyun had been adamant about that. It was for actual fighting situations. He wasn’t sure if this was one of them though… He’d never encountered anything that made – he reached out to touch a bit of fuzziness on the wall – webs? The thought made him physically shiver and he froze as the skittering happened again, much too close for his liking. In reaction, he hit the serum vial against his neck and depressed the trigger. The sharp prick of the injection needle faded quickly as time seemed to slow and everything sharpened almost painfully. Dilated eyes darted about quickly and settled on a shadow moving within the darkness, multiple legs shuffling as it skittered again.

                “Ack!” he yelped, springing back and landing in a crouching position, ready to fight the spider thing he knew he’d seen. A genuinely amused laugh stopped him. Heart racing and eyes wide, he turned to look at the man standing directly beside him. “Ack!” he yelped again, nearly falling over save for the reflexes the serum gave him. It drew another amused laugh from the stranger.

                “I was wondering who they’d send to look into this,” he grinned, teeth white in a tanned and open face. Dark eyes danced with mirth beneath wavy brown bangs.

                “Who are you?” Taekwoon asked with still widened eyes, the morning sun almost painful now that he was looking beyond the alleyway.

                The stranger ignored his question. “I take it you’ve never seen an Anansi?” he stated, the words coming out as a question.

                “What?” the hunter blurted in genuine confusion, still caught off guard by the man’s sudden and unexplained appearance and the spider thing in the alley.

                “And this is just a tiny one. A child,” he mused, turning his head to peer into the shadows where the skittering had resumed.

                “A child?” Taekwoon murmured, his heart starting to settle at the thought. With magical creatures, it didn’t mean they were any less dangerous, but children were often innocents. And the sound of the movements had changed. They were nervous or perhaps scared now. Once again, his eyes drifted to the very human looking stranger, but Taekwoon knew he wasn’t. He felt too off.

                “It’s alright,” the stranger crooned, his amused tone shifting to something almost mothering in nature. He stepped into the alleyway and his hand moved. It was then that Taekwoon saw a flash of claws in the dim light, sharp and curved like some kind of very large cat. Some of the fuzziness fell away and revealed a truly unexpected sight. “Hello,” the stranger crooned, squatting so that he was eye to eye with the literal spider girl.

                In her magical creature form, her top half was humanoid and her bottom half resembled a large black spider. All in all, she was the size of a large dog. Her appearance was all the more creepy because she had two primary eyes where a human’s would be, but they were overly large and completely black. Six more smaller ones sat on her temples and dotted her forehead. “An Anansi?” Taekwoon whispered, knowing the name was familiar and realizing he’d seen pictures of adults in his Hunter classes, but they were rare. He’d never actually expected to encounter one.

                “Story tellers,” the stranger smiled, extending his hand towards the girl. “It’s alright,” he promised, completely still as he waited for her to respond. “The Hunter is new but they are good people,” he explained, nodding once in Taekwoon’s direction.

                The hunter stood up and watched, mildly offended by the comment, but more curious than anything. The Anansi girl held her human hands close to her chest but her spider legs crouched down as if she might leap at any moment. Her mouth opened slightly and lips pulled back to reveal a mouthful of small fangs with her canines resembling more of a vampire’s teeth. She hissed at the stranger and bared her teeth in what was supposed to be a threatening gesture. Whatever she intended, it had the opposite effect on the newcomer. Taekwoon actually felt the low rumbling growl before he heard it and the quiet power that thrummed through him was intimidating to say the least.

                It was a warning sound, nothing more, but the Anansi’s eyes – all of them – grew wide and she shrank down with her mouth completely closed. Her spider body nearly touched the ground in what appeared to be complete obeisance when the stranger moved close enough to physically pick her up. She whimpered pitifully and he held her close, letting her wrap all her limbs around his body as she hid her face against his chest. “Just a child,” he reminded Taekwoon as he turned to face the hunter, his arms enfolding the Anansi protectively. He seemed completely unbothered by the fact she was essentially a very large spider child.

                “Ah,” he blinked, remembering to close his mouth only a little belatedly. “Who are you?” he wondered, knowing he was not a human and this was not a standard zone for magical creatures, which left pitifully few options.

                “Hakyeon,” the strange smiled, smoothing the Anansi’s short black hair with a soothing strokes. “Nice to meet you, Taekwoon,” he added, dark eyes rising to meet the Hunter’s.

                “How do you-?”

                “You’ll find out soon enough,” Hakyeon winked, stepping close. “Here, little one. Go to the Hunter,” he crooned, gently pulling at the Anansi around him.

                She shook her head just as Taekwoon stepped back reactively. It earned him a glare with a raised brow that literally froze him in place. Okay. This was definitely a large predator of some kind… “Sure,” he laughed nervously, extending his hands about halfway from his body.

                “I have to go now, but he will take you to a safe place, okay?” Hakyeon spoke, his voice a higher pitch than previously. She whimpered and shook her head again, but he simply smiled in response. “It’s okay. I promise you’ll be fine. You have my word,” he added, offering his pinky finger to her where she would see it.

                Taekwoon watched her look at it, measuring with a gravity that a child should not have, and then accept it gently. “Oh!” he gasped, freezing again when Hakyeon deftly slipped her into his hands and pushed her close so she could wrap all her limbs around him in turn. It was a creepy sensation, not the least of which was because he was not particularly a fan of spiders, but that was beside the point. “She’s not gonna bite me is she?” he couldn’t help but wonder, the sight of her fairly formidable fangs still fresh in his mind.

                “No biting, okay?” Hakyeon urged, patting her on the head until she nodded mutely. “Now as for you, take her to the Crone. She’ll know what to do with her,” he instructed with a wave towards the city.

                “I can’t take her through the city like this!” Taekwoon blurted, flinching when she tightened her hold around him at the sound of his raised voice.

                “Hmm.” The newcomer nodded in agreement and leaned close to whisper, “You need to at least look human for this next bit.” She whined quietly and he shooshed her with a gentle caress against her cheek. “You’ll be alright. Remember? We promised,” he smiled, leaning close so they could look into each other’s eyes. “There’s a good girl,” he beamed, lavishing praise upon her as her magical creature guise disappeared until she looked like a normal naked human child.

                “Huh,” Taekwoon sighed, realizing this was a new problem, albeit a better one than before.

                Hakyeon laughed and shook his head. “If it’s not one thing, it’s another, young hunter. You have much to learn,” he added, casually slipping out of his thin outer jacket to wrap it around her back until Taekwoon could hold it in place to keep it there. He had nothing but a thin t-shirt on underneath and though it wasn’t entirely form fitting, it was easy to see he had nothing but wiry muscle hidden beneath it. “Now. Off you go. To the Crone,” he instructed, winking and giving them both pats on the head before he turned and started walking away with not a care in the world.

                “Where are you going?” Taekwoon called, frowning at the sudden exit.

                “See you soon, Taekwoon,” the newcomer called back, waving a hand in response as he continued to walk away.

                “Ugh…” the hunter sighed irritably. But he brushed it away as quick as he could when the Anansi in his arms, now looking like just a human child, whimpered again. “Sorry,” he cringed, very conflicted about the whole situation. At least he’d have plenty of time to think about it on his way across the city. Anybody who was anybody in the magical creatures circle knew about the Crone. She ran an orphanage for magical creature children. But there were so many rumors about her and no one either knew or would tell the truth in that regard.

                As Taekwoon got on another bus, in which he earned more strange looks, he ignored them all and went over what he did know. Rumor had it was that the Crone was either several hundred years old or several thousand. A couple even thought she might be as old as some of the original Primes. It depended on who you asked. Some people said she was a vampire while others insisted she had to be something more. And there were those rumors about the Dark Ages too. By some accounts, she had been an absolute butcher in those days. Others said she hadn’t even been around yet and far fewer said she helped orchestrate the peace after the fighting. Almost everything about her was a mystery save for the single undeniable fact that, once she agreed to take care of you, you were her child from that moment on.

                Actually, Xiumin had told him about a story where one of her children had been kidnapped by a Poacher – something about live or fresh ingredients being more profitable. He’d heard it from a previous Hunter and so the tales might have been distorted a bit, but when she found the Poacher, she’d left nothing behind. And she got her child back. So if she did take the Anansi, it was probably one of the safest places in the world for her. “Lucky you,” he mused quietly, glancing down at the top of the black head of hair under his chin.

                Granted, it was hard to reconcile the rumors when you met the Crone in person. It was barely midmorning when they arrived in front of Serenity, the orphanage the Crone ran. Given her reputation, it was almost too mundane to be believable. On the outside, it looked like a large, two story structure that likely had anywhere from fifteen to twenty different rooms – bedrooms, dining rooms, learning rooms, etc. – and what was probably a large backyard that was fenced in like the front but that was impossible to see from here.

                “Let’s see if she’s home,” Taekwoon exhaled, hefting the Anansi in his arms. She was finally starting to get heavy and it would be a relief to hand her off. He rang the doorbell and stepped back to wait. He didn’t hear anything at first and wondered if maybe the button was broken. He stepped forward to try again and then jerked in surprise as the door opened in front of him, revealing what he could only describe immediately as a ruby haired vixen of a woman. She was mostly curves under the gently clinging floor length dress she answered the door in, but her warm face and instantly welcoming voice changed the feel immediately.

                “Oh! What do we have here?” she smiled, leaning forward a touch to subtly sniff the bundle in Taekwoon’s arms. “A Hunter, obviously,” she confirmed in bemusement, casting him a knowing look, but then her warm brown eyes literally danced in amazement and delight as she realized something else. “An Anansi!” she gasped, her beautifully manicured hands reaching gently, motherly, to guide the child to look at her. “There you are, beautiful girl,” she crooned, fingertips brushing at bangs and soft cheeks. “Do you need a home?” she asked, her eyes glimmering with hope as she looked up at Taekwoon and then back at her.

                “I think so,” he admitted, blinking uncertainly as he was confronted with a woman that seemed impossible to compare to the the rumors about her.

                The Anansi didn’t answer verbally but she nodded just enough to give a positive response and the Crone beamed, her smile rivaling the warmth of the sun. “Welcome home, then,” she encouraged, opening her arms to the child. It didn’t take more than a heartbeat for her to slide out of Taekwoon’s arms and into the other woman’s. The jacket fell away and the Crone soothed her, “There, there. You can be yourself here. It’s alright,” she promised, completely accepting, and delighted even, as the child shifted back to her spider girl form.

                “Um…” Taekwoon murmured, raising one hand as if he had a question, but he didn’t know what he’d ask.

                The Crone chuckled and favored him with an understanding smile, her energy partially subdued now that she’d gotten over the initial excitement of her guests. “It’s alright. I’ll handle it from here,” she assured him with a sage nod. “Tell Kyuhyun I’ll be in touch,” she added, moving to step away before she caught a whiff of something that made her pause. She sniffed again as she shifted back towards the jacket, one brow rising. “And Hakyeon,” she snorted, shaking her head. “Not sure why he didn’t come with you. Cad,” she frowned in obvious disappointment. “Either way,” she shrugged, her mercurial mood changing yet again. “Thank you, Hunter, and enjoy the rest of your day,” she winked, closing the door in front of him, but not before he saw a young cat person and a strange cat creature with an elephant like head glaring at him suspiciously.

                “Wow,” Taekwoon grumbled, shaking his head and stepping back. It had already been a day and it wasn’t even – he checked his watch – ten in the morning yet. “Magic help me,” he groaned, leaning down to pick up Hakyeon’s jacket from the ground. Kevin, or Xiumin, or possibly Youngmin, had some explaining to do when he got back to the Hunters’ Quarters. Seriously.


Hello and thank you for reading! I do apologize that my updating has been sporadic. Work and life have been challenging to say the least. I am hoping that this year's NaNo will help keep me on track though so wish me luck there! haha If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to share them. Otherwise, thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you look forward to the next update!

Chapter 11: New Partner


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                In true Hunter fashion when it came to newbies though, Taekwoon was not in fact privy to any updates until the whole matter was sorted. Frustratingly, it took three stupidly long days. During which time he was left to act like nothing unusual had happened and keep following up on the usual menial or benign calls they often got during the daytime hours.

               One case was a minor scuffle between a fairy and an elf in the Green District. He didn’t even remember what they’d been fighting over anymore and since they had been nothing more than a nuisance, no major charges had been pushed by anyone. Another had been a call from a suspicious human in the buffer zone claiming he’d seen a shadowy figure running around the area. That had been nothing to worry about at all as he was a repeat offender of paranoia, but they were required to check in just in case. Yet another had been a magical creature swearing up and down they saw an Exile in the area, which could have been true, but when Taekwoon dutifully went to check (single reports like that one were taken with a large grain of salt), there was no sign of any vampire anywhere nearby.

               And through all the calls, neither Kyuhyun nor Kevin nor Xiumin nor Youngmin gave any crumb of information about the Crone and the Anansi he’d found. Or of Hakyeon for that matter. Suspiciously, Youngmin got all too quiet when he asked, pretending innocence with feigned ignorance. It made Taekwoon at least a little nervous.

                It didn’t help either when he returned on the morning of the fourth day to notice a familiar figure waiting just outside the Hunter building. Taekwoon stopped to rub at the sleep from his eyes and make sure he wasn’t seeing things. Nope. Still there. But why was the question. Giving the new man a wary look as he approached, caution in his steps, Taekwoon hesitated at the bottom of the stairs.

                “There you are,” Hakyeon smiled, uncrossing his lithe arms to wave at the hunter with a genial expression.

                Taekwoon nodded once and started to move up the stairs before Hakyeon took a half step into his path. His eyes narrowed with a slight frown pursing his lips. “Yes?” he asked, the question almost sullen in nature.

                “I was waiting for you,” he grinned harder in response, placing his hands on his hips and leaning forward playfully.

                “Why?” was the immediate and confused first word.

                It made Hakyeon laugh, one hand rising to politely cover his mouth. “That’s what you do for your partner,” he winked. When Taekwoon’s expression flattened further with a raised brow, he laughed once more and shook his head. “I take it Kyuhyun didn’t tell you.”

                “You’re not my partner,” Taekwoon grumbled, firming his resolve to get around the man without actually nudging him aside. He didn’t know what he was and he had no particular desire to find out right now, but he didn’t want to stay out here and debate the matter either.

                “No?” Hakyeon chirped in amused surprise. Surprisingly, he did move aside so Taekwoon could get past him, and then shadowed him eerily closely on the way in.

                “Taekwo- oh…!” Youngmin started to say before cutting himself off quickly, his bright smile fading a little with surprised albeit pleased confusion.

                “Morning, Minnie,” Hakyeon waved, the overwhelming sweetness of his voice almost nauseating to Taekwoon. He tried to move forward but a soft hand on his forearm bade him stay. As much as he might have wanted to move, he almost felt compelled to remain rooted where he was.

                Youngmin waved at Taekwoon as he tried to split his attention effectively but was pulled back by his own curiosity. “We weren’t expecting you this morning, Hakyeon.”

                “I know,” he giggled, clearly delighted with himself. “But I wanted to see my new partner and maybe help him get a better understanding of things,” he winked, taking that moment to sling his arm around Taekwoon’s shoulder and lean on him in a friendly gesture.

                Taekwoon stiffened and Youngmin spluttered, “P-Partn- oh… I see.”

                “He’s not my partner,” Taekwoon reiterated, fully ignoring the man on his shoulders while he looked to Youngmin for some sort of help. Surely the agrabuamelu could do something.

                “Actually…” Youngmin cringed almost apologetically.

                As if to add insult to injury, Hakyeon leaned closer, making Taekwoon edge away just a bit, and whispered, “You don’t have a donor yet and I’m… special.”

                It should have been nothing more than a brag but the way it was spoken, it sounded like absolute fact. Taekwoon was almost curious despite himself. Almost. He took a small breath to steady his nerves and awkwardly slipped out from under Hakyeon’s arm. “I’m gonna go see Xiumin. He’s in, right?” he asked, the question a formality as he simply walked past the front desk and started up the stairs. He couldn’t quite help but overhear the quiet conversation behind him though.

                “This one’s prickly. I like it.” That was obviously from the newcomer.

                “Hakyeon…” Youngmin sighed with a likely shake of his head and a bemused smile.

                “The challenge,” was the immediate snort in response.

                Taekwoon wrinkled his nose and resolutely finished his climb before striding into the second floor office. Xiumin was there, as he hoped, but oddly enough, he was seated behind his desk and frowning fiercely at the computer screen in front of him. That did not bode well… “Xiumin?” he called quietly, stepping closer with uncertain hesitation.

                Dark eyes flicked up to register him before focusing on the screen again, moving rapidly under the flop of wavy black hair atop his head. “Yes?” he asked distractedly when Taekwoon simply waited him out.

                “Just…” he started to speak, mouth partially open as he reached to gesture back towards the ground floor, but he couldn’t really ignore the way his superior was acting either. “Is everything okay?” he asked, not entirely sure he’d get an answer.

                Xiumin wrinkled his nose like he’d tasted something bad and then worked his jaw briefly. “Yes and no,” he grumbled eventually, glancing around like he was checking to make sure no one else was here. “Tradeborough is fine,” he added with a shrug, leaning back to cross his arms over his chest. “But Wandermoot lost a new vamp recently. Not a coven creature but still,” he shook his head, exhaling forcefully.

                Taekwoon frowned and he immediately fell into the thought patterns of a Hunter. Losing magical creatures was part of the game but this one seemed to be bothering Xiumin so there had to be a larger meaning. Or at least possibility. Not infighting with only one missing. Could be a standard missing person though it was strange with a young vamp in particular. Then he recalled a case not that long ago and he grimaced. “The chimera?”

                The other hunter shook his head with a shrug and exhaled again. “No way of knowing. It just doesn’t sit right and Kyuhyun is off trying to get a better understanding of the situation. He got Ailee to give him a port late last night,” he explained, shoving the computer desk so he could push himself away a bit.

                “Ah… So Kyu’s not here?” the younger hunter wondered regretfully.

                “No. Why?” Xiumin questioned, perking up on the change in behavior.

                With one hand, Taekwoon gestured back towards the ground floor and mumbled, “The new guy said something about me being his new partner?”

                “Hah!” Xiumin’s bark of laughter startled Taekwoon as much as it confused him. “Kyuhyun’s not gonna be happy about that,” he went on, clapping his hands with a shake of his head.


                “It’s nothing,” he assured the younger man with a wave of his hand.

                “So he’s not my partner?” Taekwoon tried to confirm, relief flooding him for a brief moment.

                “Oh, no, he is,” Xiumin nodded, dashing the other hunter’s hopes. “Or at least he will be anyway,” he corrected, shrugging.

                “I don’t-“

                “You don’t have a donor yet and Hakyeon is about as good as you can get,” he stated simply, shrugging with a hint of wistfulness. “Or so the records from previous Hunters say.”


                “He hasn’t told you what he is yet, has he?” Xiumin wondered, a bemused smile tugging at his lips. Taekwoon’s frown was answer enough. “Ah well. That’s the way they are sometimes. Undoubtedly, he’ll fill in the blanks soon enough.”

                “But… I don’t want to be his partner,” Taekwoon blustered, completely thrown off guard by the events of the morning.

                “Why not?” the other asked, genuinely confused.

                “He’s… annoying,” he finished lamely, knowing how silly that sounded.

                It was clear Xiumin tried, really hard, to school his features, but the snort laugh just managed to escape. “You made yourself the perfect target didn’t you?” Taekwoon gave him a look like he was crazy and it only made Xiumin smile harder. “Now I don’t know Hakyeon personally, other than our recent meeting, but I have read the reports on him from other hunters. And it’s not uncommon for those as old and strong as him to just assume that any Hunter worth his salt would be happy to see him.”

                “I heard that!” came a distant voice from the first floor.

                “I figured!” Xiumin shot back without missing a beat. Taekwoon gestured with his hands wide as if asking for some sort of help. “He’s probably listening with his ear to the floor pipe. Might as well try to make it work.”

                “But he’s not a Hunter,” Taekwoon stated firmly, resisting the urge to actually stomp his foot on the ground.

                “No,” Xiumin conceded slowly. “But he is a donor and what we would consider a Hunter agent or consultant. By our records, he hasn’t been in Tradeborough for quite some time. If he wants to be your partner, you’re strangely lucky,” he admitted, nodding all the while.

                Taekwoon didn’t feel lucky. He mostly just felt annoyed. And frustrated. And maybe just a little bit curious. He didn’t know what Hakyeon was and beyond his, what he would consider obvious character flaws, there had to be something about him that made the other Hunters respect him as much as they did. Not to mention the Crone knew him and that was strange in and of itself. Then again, maybe he could use that. “Do you need any help with the vampire in the Wandermoot case?” he asked, more for the sake of being thorough than actual interest.

                “Nah. I’ve gotta get in touch with Kyuhyun anyway to tell him the news from this end. Of course Hakyeon would make a move when Kyu was gone,” he snorted once and shrugged. “We’ve had no calls this morning either so you can just head on down. Oh,” he perked up, suddenly recalling something. “We did get a call from Namjoon but that was a courtesy call. They’re down one vamp right now with the mentee training.”

                “Down one?” Taekwoon wondered, knowing he should remember something about that.

                “Yeah. About halfway through the training, one of their vampires usually goes quiet for about a month. They won’t tell us what they’re doing – secrecy and all that, but they at least try to keep us in the know in case something comes up outside of the coven. I imagine whatever it is is a holdover from the old days but I guess it’s better to know all the ins and outs before you really decide to become one,” he admitted with a look that spoke volumes.

                “What do you think it is?” the younger hunter asked, head tilting to the side.

                Xiumin looked to the side at the same time that Taekwoon tensed up. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” an already irritably familiar voice murmured beside him. “You should let me tell you about it over breakfast. I know a delightful little restaurant not that far from here,” he grinned, close but careful not to touch Taekwoon this time.

                “I’m not hungry,” Taekwoon grumbled, looking to Xiumin for some sort of support.

                “That’s not what your stomach is saying,” Hakyeon winked with a quick glance down.

                “That’s cheating,” the Hunter scowled, irritated with his betraying body. It hadn’t been loud but apparently Hakyeon really did have good hearing.

                “And we’re both hungry, so come!” Hakyeon cajoled, deftly grabbing Taekwoon’s arm and dragging him along.

                “Hey!” the Hunter yelped, taken aback by the speed and hidden strength with which he was abruptly… kidnapped. And neither Xiumin nor Youngmin did anything to help him. Traitors…

                Hakyeon’s taste in restaurant’s seemed at least a little questionable. Taekwoon hadn’t imagined they would go to a diner of all places, especially one in the neutral zone north of the Red District. It was a small place called the Magical and Mundane Eatery, a strangely appropriate name for the clientele he saw upon first glance, but the menu looked about like any other human based restaurant. The biggest plus seemed to be the staff had no qualms about magical creatures and were apparently adept at recognizing them.

                The young man that approached them gave a bright smile, dark eyes dancing under short black bangs. “Welcome to the Magical and Mundane Eatery. Just the two of you today?” his name tag jumped on his shirt, moving as he did, the name Hoseok typed neatly on the surface.

                “Yes,” Hakyeon smiled back, deftly taking the lead from Taekwoon.

                “Magical, mundane or doesn’t matter?” was Hoseok’s next question as he gestured at opposite sides of the diner.

                “Actually, we’ll take that table,” he gestured at an empty spot. “Used to be my regular table,” he explained quietly, leaning closer to Taekwoon in the process.

                “Oh! You’re a regular here?” Hoseok asked, his earnest curiosity equal parts endearing and annoying if you asked Taekwoon. That could have been the company he was in though.

                “I used to be,” Hakyeon agreed before pointing his finger at the human. “You’re certainly new though.”

                Hoseok shrugged and glanced around. “Two years and counting so I guess it has been a while, hasn’t it?” Hakyeon nodded in quiet agreement and took the lead to get settled into the short booth. “Can I get you something to drink to start off with?” he asked, hovering close with an almost nervous energy, casting expectant glances at both guests.

                “Water.” “Coffee, please.”

                “Coming right up!” he nodded, reaching over to grab the menus from between the napkin holder and the condiments and laying them on the table. Then, he was gone, leaving them in quiet peace.

                Taekwoon just kept his eyes mostly trained on his pseudo abductor. For the life of him, he couldn’t see what was so special about him. “What are you?” he asked in a quietly curious voice. He was well aware the blunt question was undeniably rude but he wasn’t in much hurry to make nice with the practical stranger across from him.

                “You know, this restaurant is one hundred and seventeen years old,” Hakyeon explained as if he hadn’t heard the other man. He grinned down at the menu in almost childlike delight. “It’s almost exactly the same as I remember if from the last time I was here, too. Hoseok notwithstanding,” he chuckled, glancing up at Taekwoon before looking over at the approaching waiter, drinks in hand.

                “Here you go,” Hoseok chirped, placing the water in front of Taekwoon and the steaming coffee before Hakyeon. “Are you ready to order or do you need a minute?”

                “One of everything please,” Hakyeon surprised them both by answering.

                “O-okay!” the waiter nodded, recovering quickly. At least he was professional enough for that one not to rattle him too much. Taekwoon was not so quick to recover.

                “One of everything?” he frowned, glancing down at the lengthy list before them.

                The other man shrugged. “You can try what you want, eat what you like, and anything left over, I’ll take care of. Plus, I’m curious to see if anything has changed since the last time I was here. A lot can happen in forty-two years,” he winked, gaze sliding to the kitchen door in the back. “I wonder if Fei is still cooking here,” he mused, one brow rising thoughtfully.

                “Fei?” Taekwoon couldn’t help but ask. Obviously not a human if it had been forty plus years ago.

                His companion laughed once and nodded. “An elf with superb cooking skills. She could make kappa water taste divine if she wanted to.”

                The description made Taekwoon shudder involuntarily. Kappas were usually very clean creatures but their living water often developed a sticky film from their bodily secretions and an almost swampy smell if they didn’t change it frequently.

                “My point exactly. Ah. Here we go,” he brightened, seeing Hoseok coming over with a couple of the first plates.

                “We figured it would be best to bring your food out in rounds as they prepare it,” he explained, handing off the first platters and looking between them expectantly.

                “Thank you,” Hakyeon murmured appreciatively, though his gaze turned a shade harder as it was obvious he would rather be left alone now.

                “Oh, right. Excuse me!” the human half bowed and stepped away, taking no offense at the change in demeanor. It probably happened a fair bit.

                “You try first,” Hakyeon encouraged, pushing the plates towards Taekwoon with obvious delight. The hunter made a face but did reach for the fork nearby so he could start tasting things. He got a mouthful before his companion asked a question. “I take it spiders are your weak point?”

                Taekwoon coughed and covered his mouth, trying not to spit the – unexpectedly – good food all over the table. “No,” he denied in a grumpy tone.

                “The Anansi?” Hakyeon prompted, one brow rising as a smile tugged at his mouth.

                “Was a huge spider person thing,” he grumbled, grip tightening on the fork in embarrassment.

                “She was a child,” the other man reminded him gently.

                “A giant spider person child,” Taekwoon muttered under his breath, though there was no real heat to his rebuttal. It was irritating but Hakyeon wasn’t wrong. She was just a child, but he could still feel her spider legs wrapped around him and see the way her fangs curved in the shadows and it made his skin crawl.

                “Minzy.” Taekwoon blinked in confusion. “Her name,” the other man clarified, going quiet as he accepted more plates from a curious but silent Hoseok. When the waiter was gone again, he went on, “A runaway from mixed parentage. Fairly normal childhood but the signs were there for sure,” he explained, picking up a piece of toast and nibbling on it as he watched Taekwoon with interest. “Her shadow probably never quite looked right and I would imagine sleeping anywhere near her was interesting on the best of days.”

                “So what happened?” Taekwoon asked, risking another bite of something that looked like a fruity pancake.

                “What often happens with those of us that are more monstrous in appearance,” he shrugged, eyes shifting minutely from their dark brown to an eerie yellow and back again. “A little too much stress or embarrassment and… poof! Hello magical creature. According to Hyuna, she used her webs without realizing what they could do and she scared herself as much as she scared her parents.”

                Taekwoon grimaced as he recalled the short lesson that covered Anansis. While they could be physically dangerous, it was their webs that truly made them stand out. “She wove her fear and anger into the webbing and caught her parents?” he guessed, feeling his stomach twist at the thought.

                “Close enough,” Hakyeon agreed with a nod. “In the end, they didn’t want her back after all.”

                “Ouch,” Taekwoon cringed, hearing it said aloud hurting all the more for the flat certainty of Hakyeon’s tone. “So she’s staying with the Crone then?”

                “Yes. Hyuna will take care of her. She always does,” he smiled, the expression warm and fond and completely at odds with his otherwise typical persona.

                “What is she?” he asked, genuine curiosity making his tone softer than usual.

                Hakyeon chuckled and shook his head. “The only thing you need to know about Hyuna is that she is, for all intents and purposes, the absolute mother of any abandoned or misunderstood child she takes in. Forever trying to fill a void she can’t,” he sighed, the sound so low Taekwoon suspected he wasn’t really supposed to hear that last part.

                He paused again as more food came out. “Is she like you then?” Taekwoon asked as the server went away, his obvious desire to linger and listen in losing to his professionalism – and other customers.

                “Old and powerful and thinks that anyone she’s willing to help that isn’t one of her children should be grateful?” Hakyeon teased, his previous mirth returning quickly with the playful smile. Taekwoon’s mouth flattened into a thin line but he nodded. “But of course!” the other man finished strongly, gesturing towards the Hunter with both hands.

                “Okay. But really. What are you?” Taekwoon asked, pulling a plate close to him so he could start working on a steak dish of some kind.

                “You’re not gonna let that go are you?” Hakyeon laughed lightly, reaching out to snag a wedge fry from Taekwoon’s plate. The Hunter pulled it closer with a disapproving look. “What? I’m paying for it, aren’t I?” Taekwoon’s glare didn’t change and Hakyeon laughed again. “You really are a challenge.” He took a breath and sighed pleasantly. “If you must know, I’m a were. I don’t think I’m the last of my kind but I haven’t seen another like me in quite some time,” he admitted with a  shrug, scratching at his bottom lip as he looked up in thought.

                “A were?” Taekwoon questioned to make sure. That didn’t sound particularly intimidating considering what all the other creatures in existence were usually like.

                Hakyeon could obviously hear the disbelief in his tone. “Well, think of it this way. You know vampires have their hierarchy. Rank 1, 2, 3 and so on,” he explained, hands gesturing fluidly with the numbers. “Well so do weres. Unofficially of course. Wolves are somewhere in the middle with creatures like tigers a step above and then there are creatures like me,” he winked, the words sounding like they should be a brag but spoken with such certain conviction it came off as an honest explanation.

                Taekwoon looked at him skeptically. He certainly didn’t look like anything powerful, but then again, most magical creatures didn’t until they changed. And he couldn’t exactly deny that feeling he’d had when he felt Hakyeon’s growl the other day. “So for the sake of comparison, would be you be on an Exile’s level?” he wondered, head already spinning from that possibility.

                “Eh…” he trailed off, tilting his head to the side and laughing once. “I could probably put up a good fight, but few creatures are anywhere near an Exile’s level,” he admitted with a laugh.

                “Huh,” he grunted once, taking another bite of the steak. It was surprisingly good. “So, speaking of vampires,” he prompted, stalling as Hosoek came back again, this time bearing more side dishes and at least one dessert. They waited as he awkwardly made room and pulled another table up to give them more space for what was left.

                “Right,” Hakyeon snapped his fingers, nodding as he remembered. “The one that is currently down for the count. If I remember correctly, they’re probably doing feeding, or not, demonstrations,” he explained with a thoughtful frown.

                “So… he might be starving himself?” Taekwoon tried to fill in the blanks. Hakyeon nodded once. “But don’t they just go-“

                Hakyeon’s hand was on his mouth before he could finish the sentence. “That is not common knowledge and take care of where you say such things,” he reminded the young hunter.

                Annoyed and slightly embarrassed, Taekwoon glared harder at the other man. Like humans, if a vampire didn’t eat, they grew weaker and weaker. Unlike humans, after a certain point, they just went comatose instead of dying. It was different from the voluntary slumber they could fall into if they wanted to let the years pass by. Slumber they could wake from easily and resume life as if nothing had happened. Starvation literally made them as vulnerable as a baby. Apparently, it was one of the tricks the humans of old had used to make the younger vampires easier to dispose if they were able to trap them somewhere.

                “But yes. You are correct. Part of the process of becoming a vampire is learning about the positives and the negatives that come with it,” Hakyeon explained simply with a shrug. “Their newbie is about halfway through now. This last bit should be the end of most of the negatives. If the kid doesn’t mind after this, the fun stuff begins,” he grinned, the expression almost catlike.

                “Huh,” Taekwoon sighed with a frown as he mulled the information over. Contrary to the misconceptions of several popular movies, frenzies didn’t happen from hunger. They were rare and mostly because they occurred in battle. But he couldn’t deny that he was curious about what a comatose vampire looked like. They didn’t really have examples in their database. For good reason too. The last recorded cases had been decades, if not literal centuries ago now. “Any thoughts on the Wandermoot case?” he asked, hoping to catch the other man off guard.

                Hakyeon didn’t even act like he heard as he looked over the food and picked at a plate of lightly fried vegetables. Taekwoon opened his mouth to ask again and stopped when the other man spoke first. “It’s likely very much what you suspect it to be. Can’t say for sure as I wasn’t there, but it feels like something of that nature,” he grimaced, expression lightening when he munched on what looked like a carrot. “I bet Fei is still here,” he grinned, examining the vegetable with a strangely familiar fondness.

                Taekwoon glanced up when Hoseok returned, a slightly excited smile on his face. “Did I hear you mention Fei?”

                “Maybe,” Hakyeon teased, shifting his focus to the server.

                “Oh!” he grinned enthusiastically. “If she’s a friend of yours, I’m sure she’d be delighted to see you. Everyone here knows she’s been around for forever,” he laughed with a quick nod. “I should have mentioned a regular had shown up,” Hoseok sighed, lamenting the missed opportunity.

                “It’s alright,” Hakyeon waved him off. “When we’re done, I’ll pop back and see her myself. Would be nice to catch up,” he winked, glancing at Taekwoon with an impish smile.

                “Okay,” Hoseok nodded putting his finger to his lips. “I won’t ruin the surprise.” He placed his hands on his hips as he looked at the items on the table and then at the two guests once more. “Looks like we’ve brought everything. Is there anything else I can get you?” he asked professionally. Hakyeon raised his mug at the same time that Taekwoon raised his cup. The latter made a face at the synchronized motion and looked away. Hoseok seemed to miss the facial expression – apparently willingly – for his next words annoyed Taekwoon. “I’ve gotta ask, are you two, you know?” he questioned, gesturing between them suggestively.

                “Yes,” Hakyeon answered with saccharine sweetness while Taekwoon snapped a quick, “No!”

                “We’re just partners,” Taekwoon insisted, immediately cringing when he realized what he’d said.

                “Of course we are,” Hakyeon grinned, his tone obviously only implying that he was playing along as he winked at Hoseok.

                To his credit, the human was only confused for the briefest of moments before he fell into step with Hakyeon’s alignment. “Oh, I see,” he nodded in quick understanding. “Well, I’ll just leave you partners,” he added with emphasis, even adding an obvious wink with it, “alone-“

                “No,” Taekwoon tried to interrupt with a raised hand before the server continued without pause.

                “-and you let me know if-“

                “We’re just…”

                “-you need anything else,” Hoseok finished happily, clapping his hands in front of him before scurrying off to another table that needed his attention.

                Taekwoon mutely took a breath through his nose as he glared at Hakyeon.

                “What? Some people just love to believe what they want to believe,” he explained with a shrug.

                “We’re hardly partners,” the Hunter grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the other man.

                “But we are partners,” Hakyeon smiled in response, completely unphased by the glare. In fact, he seemed more delighted by it than anything.

                “Ugh…” the Hunter groaned, head dropping to rest on his chest as he shook it. “Why me?” he asked quietly, feeling like he was being punished or something.

                “I told you,” the were answered with an obvious shrug. “You need a donor and I’m willing. I like a challenge and you are one. And quite frankly, my dear Hunter,” he started to say in a tone that pulled Taekwoon’s gaze up to meet his. “You have a great deal to learn in your line of work if you are going to survive to become a good Hunter.”

                “I’ve made it this far, haven’t I?” Taekwoon asked defensively.

                Hakyeon’s belatedly stifled laugh was not reassuring. He put his finger to his lips to keep any further sound from escaping and nodded once. “Feel free to eat what you want. I’m gonna say hi to Fei and I’ll be back soon,” he winked, gesturing at the table before standing up with inhuman grace and sauntering towards the kitchen.

                “Insufferable ass,” Taekwoon mumbled under his breath as he watched the other man go. He stiffened and his eyes widened when Hakyeon paused and gave him a side eyed look with an obviously amused smile. “Shit,” he scowled. That was going to take some getting used to. Whatever kind of were he was, he had stupidly good hearing.

                Feeling all manner of out of sorts, Taekwoon sniffed once and turned his attention back to the table full of food. It was far more than he was capable of eating, but most of it looked good. And if Hakyeon was going to play cleanup, he should probably try what he could while he was here. It was only practical after all.


Hello my lovely readers. I know I was hoping that NaNo would keep me on track but it hasn't been as strong a force as I was hoping. I'm still planning and plotting and trying to get things down, but my muse has not been kind lately. Admittedly, I do mostly write for myself and the sake of the story, but especially during these times, it would be nice to connect with people. I am happy for readers, always, and I will never not like kudos, but I can promise you that even a small comment / question / response can and will go a long way in helping me stay on track. Just a thought. Thank you regardless to my readers and I hope you enjoyed this latest update. As usual, I will try to do better about getting the next update out and, in the meantime, have a good day!

Chapter 12: At Their Weakest

Chapter Text

                The door chimed and Jungkook blinked in mild surprise. A customer was leaving and he hadn’t even realized they’d come in. “Sorry,” he cringed, turning to look at a very bemused Sandara.

                “No worries. Nothing I couldn’t handle,” she winked, finishing checking the drawer and then closing it resolutely as she wandered closer to him with a concerned look. “You alright? I mean, I know you’ve been out of it a bit lately, but today is worse than usual,” she laughed, placing her hands on her hips in a very maternal gesture.

                Jungkook waved the question off and smiled back. “I’m good. Just been thinking. They haven’t really wanted me in the coven this month and today I finally get to go back,” he admitted with a nervous shrug. It was an understatement to say that he didn’t even begin to know what to expect.

                “Haven’t wanted you in the coven?” she questioned, confused for a moment.

                “Eh… for the trainee period. Something to do with this next demonstration,” he explained. “Not that they don’t want me.”

                “Ah,” she nodded in understanding. She paused to peer around him before motioning at the display. “Can you check the muffins? I think we might be running low.”

                “Sure,” he chirped in response. While he was busy with that, she asked him another question.

                “So have they warmed up to you at all in the coven?”

                “Some,” he confirmed. “Sanghyuk is probably the easiest to talk to but he’s also the newest. I get the feeling that Wonho is playing the tough love card but is probably just a big softie underneath,” he laughed, recalling a couple moments where he enjoyed teasing Yoongi playfully. “Jungsu still intimidates the hell out of me though,” he added with a laugh, standing upright when he was finished.

                “What about the Coven Leader?” she wondered, poking her head into the back to check on Liza. “All good?”

                “Just waiting on the next batch to finish,” the younger woman called out, her voice a little muffled from the distance between them.

                “He’s surprisingly easy to talk to actually,” Jungkook murmured with a lopsided shrug.

                “Not scary?” Sandara wondered, her eyes narrowed in mild disbelief.

                “Oh, I didn’t say that,” he chuckled, waving his hand to brush away the misconception. “He can be downright terrifying if he wants to, but so far… he’s been pretty personable. They’re a lot more friendly than I expected them to be.”

                “Most magical creatures are,” she reminded him with a bright smile. “My dad always hates how some of the humans get nervous and fidgety around him, even when he stays in human form. Just because he’s a satyr, it doesn’t mean he’s gonna try to get it on with anything that moves,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes so hard it almost looked painful.

                “Sorry,” Jungkook apologized with a sympathetic cringe.

                “Yeah. And one of my friends is a fairy and she’s forever fending off the advances of humans,” Liza added, sticking her head around from the back. “Men and women. Those stupid movies always sexualize them too much,” she groaned, glancing at Sandara when the other woman’s expression turned thoughtful.

                “I don’t know,” she added. “It always felt like they made the humans in those movies lustier than they should be. I mean, fairies are always beautiful. And they’re usually agreeable. Just… not that agreeable,” she laughed, waving and shaking her head at the latest movie thought.

                “That would be succubi and incubi,” Jungkook grinned cheekily, the expression fading into another hesitant cringe when both women gave him a questionable look.

                “Actually, that’s mostly just their job,” Sandara explained. “They still have personal preferences outside of their work.”

                “Sorry,” he sighed, shoulders slumping with the faux pas again. “Yoongi said there were a fair few misconceptions between humans and magical creatures. I’m only just starting to learn how many…” he explained in a dejected tone.

                “That’s right! You’re from a tiny town, aren’t you?” Liza asked, sliding around the doorway to lean on the frame. “I know you told us before but what was it called again?”

                “Paroche. It’s on the larger island of Euria. Gotta be less than fifty thousand people,” he snorted.

                “Yeesh! That is tiny,” Sandara blinked, sharing a look with Liza. “Any nonhumans in your area?”

                “Not really. Pretty secluded town and yes, as you know, I was the weirdo in my area. Well, me and my mother anyway,” he explained. “Apparently our town used to be close friends with a fair few nature-based nonhumans, but that relationship has been really quiet for as long as I can remember.” He glanced around and pulled out his phone so he could search a picture of his hometown. “See?” he pointed out, grinning when they both leaned close to check.

                “Damn. Looks like something in the Green District,” Liza whistled.

                “How did you get to be so special?” Sandara teased, nudging his shoulder with her hand.

                “No idea,” he admitted with an honest shrug. “My dad never really talks about it and my mom thinks it probably skipped a couple generations. Honestly, I don’t really feel like I should be a human,” he added softly, testing the statement carefully in front of them.

                “Weirdo,” Liza laughed with a side eyed glance and a wrinkled nose, though her word lacked any real intent. Her response was nothing out of the ordinary and she took the admittance in casual stride. “Oh! Back to the grind,” she added, expression going neutral as she noticed a customer about to walk in. She ducked into the back to check on the baked goods before they entered, leaving Jungkook and Sandara to handle it themselves.

                She patted him on the shoulder with an understanding hand and a reassuring smile. “We are what we are, but Magic has its way,” she murmured softly before casting her eyes towards the front door. “After you,” she added, giving him a gentle shove as she let him take the lead this time, since she’d been doing most of the work so far today.

                “Fair enough,” he grinned, feeling the tension in his belly unwinding quickly after their responses. He felt a bit lighter as he stepped up to greet the guest, who then helped him push the thoughts of their conversation firmly out of his mind for the time being.

                They didn’t resurface until after his shift was over and he was finally able to head to the Coven again. Part of why he’d been so out of sorts was because he just didn’t know what to expect. Yoongi hadn’t given him much to go on and the others were fairly quiet about it all. Even Wonho, who rather enjoyed being able to explain things to him from time to time, had been unusually reticent to talk about anything.

                At least the Coven itself seemed unchanged when he finally did arrive just after dark. Sanghyuk was on monitor duty, not surprisingly, and the younger vampire grinned at him as he entered. “Jungkook!” he called, loping close to wave at him with youthful exuberance, his dark brown hair bouncing atop his head with each step.

                “Hey, Sanghyuk. How goes?” he asked, feeling his belly twist with a nervous excitement.

                “Not bad. Was just waiting for you to show up,” he smiled, a similar bit of nervousness evident in his posture.


                “Yeah. Now that you’re here, we can start,” he grinned, canines more pointed than usual. He was nervous but obviously excited too, and that made Jungkook curious.

                “What’s got you all worked up?” he couldn’t help but ask, pointing at his own mouth to indicate Sanghyuk’s fangs.

                The younger vampire cringed and clapped a hand over his mouth. “Curses. If Jungsu saw me now, he’d give me some sort of punishment,” he mumbled in admittance. “But that might be why I’m sort of excited,” he added with an embarrassed shrug. “He’s down for hibernation right now as part of the demonstration.”


                “Yeah! It’s when-“

                “There you are,” Namjoon’s smooth voice interrupted before the younger could explain. Sanghyuk literally froze in place for a second and then forced a very fake smile before he turned to face the elder vampire.

                “I was just getting ready to go,” he promised stiffly, standing as straight as possible without looking at Jungkook at all.

                “Obviously,” the coven leader snorted once, glancing between the two. For just a second, the corners of his mouth twitched like he wanted to smile when he caught sight of Sanghyuk’s fangs, but he didn’t comment this time. “Come on then,” he added with a gentle wave instead as he turned and headed into the heart of the coven once more.

                “Well then,” Jungkook laughed, though his stomach did flip flops at odds with his expression.

                “Yeah… he’ll explain it in the basement,” the younger mumbled, fidgeting with his hands as they walked together.

                “The basement again?”

                “Most secure place to do any real demonstrations. Safer for us and safer for the outside world too. Best if fewer prying eyes see into the workings of a vampire coven,” he winked in explanation.

                “Makes sense,” Jungkook nodded in agreement as he followed the young vampire. It was almost strange to him just how unaffected he was by everything. Of course he’d felt nervous at first but after that initial week, it almost felt like he belonged. Like this could be, and should be, his home. It was odd… This was no different. The basement was creepy to say the least, and particularly dark when it remained unlit, but it didn’t feel claustrophobic or frightening. There was a lot to be said for that…

                As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Sanghyuk leading and Jungkook holding onto his shoulder for guidance and support, Namjoon’s voice floated out once more. “Lights.”

                Wonho flipped the switch near them and Jungkook winced away from the brightness. It still stung his eyes every time. He wondered how the vampires tolerated it with their far more sensitive eyes. “Welcome back,” the second youngest vampire smiled, gesturing grandly towards the middle of the room.

                “Thanks,” the human chuckled once, his mirth fading considerably when he noticed two bodies on two stone slabs. “Yoongi?” he questioned, blinking in confusion when he recognized the bleach blonde hair on one of them. He barely registered the other body was probably Jungsu before he jogged over and stood before his vampire’s resting form. He looked… bad. “Is he dead?” he asked before he could stop it, knowing the question had to be ridiculous but unable to not ask.

                “As good as,” Namjoon answered unreassuringly. Jungkook looked up to meet the vampire lord’s dark eyes and he nodded in acknowledgement. “In his current state, even a human as weak and powerless as you would be able to finish him off.”

                “What happened?” he whispered, knowing that Yoongi had sent him away for a reason but it couldn’t have been this… could it?

                “He starved,” the elder vampire explained matter-of-factly.


                “Oh, he’s very much alive,” Namjoon promised, leaning over the emaciated form with a tense look. “But this is what happens when a vampire is not allowed to eat for a prolonged period of time. We do not die but our bodies shut down. It’s akin to being in a coma in human terms.”

                Jungkook’s mouth dropped open as he thought about asking a question but words failed him as he touched the cold skin of the vampire he’d been working with of late. It felt like cold, dry paper and he had to fight a reactionary shudder. “And Jungsu?” he asked, staying close to Yoongi even as he looked over at the other vampire on the second stone slab. He looked just as unconscious but in considerably better health. He appeared to be sleeping instead of resembling a dried corpse.

                “He is an example of what happens when we choose to hibernate,” Namjoon explained, wandering over to the other vampire with a simple nod. “While Yoongi is currently literally helpless,” he explained, holding Jungkook’s gaze for a breath, “Jungsu will wake at the slightest hint of danger.” The elder vampire eyed Jungkook and nodded at Jungsu’s form. “Feel free to touch him.”

                Taking a breath, Jungkook inched over to the second slab and carefully laid his fingertips on Jungsu’s hand. There was no reaction. “I thought you said he would wake?” he wondered, tapping one more time, just to be sure.

                Namjoon smiled, mostly hiding his laugh, though Sanghyuk and Wonho were not nearly as successful. Jungkook flushed as the vampire answered, “You are not a threat. With nervous fear and no actual intent, you are simply an interloper to be aware of but not concerned with.” The description made Jungkook’s mouth turn down into the slightest of pouts. It changed entirely when Namjoon continued. “No. To wake a vampire in this condition, other than giving him a good smack, one need only project a desire to hurt or kill.”

                Jungkook’s eyes went wide and his heart lurched into his throat as the normally genial vampire shifted into a darker version of himself. Fangs and claws grew and shadows writhed around him. A terrifying aura slammed into the human and his throat closed in abject fear as his heart dropped down to hammer against his ribcage. He lurched back, the edges of his vision blurring slightly. And Jungsu… opened his eyes and moved, practically disappearing from sight. Jungkook’s back hit the first stone slab and Jungsu reappeared immediately in front of Namjoon, hissing in response to the vampire lord’s overt aggression.

                “Well done,” Namjoon praised, falling back into his human guise in the blink of an eye. It left Jungsu floundering for a second as he reigned in his survival response. He glanced over at Jungkook and gave him a disarming smile that was completely at odds with what he’d been a moment ago.

                “Came on kind of strong there, didn’t you?” Jungsu laughed once, shaking his hands out as he loosed the tension lingering in his body.

                “Just trying to prove a point,” the coven leader explained with a nod behind Jungkook. “A starved vampire does not wake for virtually anything. Except…” he started to say, striding close to grab Jungkook’s hand and raise him up so he could stand steadily beside him. “Blood,” he finished, dragging his nail across the tip of Jungkook’s index finger and slicing it open to allow a dark bead of red to well up.

                “Ow!” he yelped, jerking to pull his hand away and unable to do so.

                “You have a choice to make, Jungkook.” The human’s eyes went wide as the vampire lord focused on him intently. He could see the other three vampires coming close, flanking their leader supportively, curiously. “If this is too much and you do not wish to become a vampire with all the possible downsides it entails, you are free to walk away. Should you choose to do so, we will have a Mage wipe your memories of this time and you’ll be free to continue your life as if nothing has changed.”

                Jungkook swallowed hard as he glanced between the vampire holding his wrist and the one on the stone slab. With his body and mind still trying to calm down from the literal scare he’d experienced, it was a lot. There was no doubt about it. And being a vampire had some definite drawbacks that weren’t talked about in the books or movies or anything like that. But… there were more positives too. A family by choice and a place to belong, no matter what happened. He looked up at Sanghyuk, the newest vampire that always seemed excited to have the equivalent of a baby brother in the wings; at Wonho who obviously enjoyed having someone to teach; Jungsu who just wanted the best for the Coven and tended to be a hardass about it; and Namjoon… the lord himself who had started Jungkook on this path personally, without judgment and with the very real possibility of change happening. “And if I wish to stay?” he asked, returning his gaze to the eerily death-like Yoongi.

                “Then you should wake your mentor and bring him back to us,” Namjoon explained, gently pushing Jungkook’s hand towards Yoongi while he brushed his own bottom lip with his fingers.

                “Okay,” he whispered, staring at the single drop of blood on his fingertip. He reached out with a slightly trembling hand and slowly, carefully traced a red line along the broken and parched skin of Yoongi’s bottom lip. It looked like a perverse lipstick when he pulled his hand away, sticky and smeared, but Jungkook was more focused on the bigger picture. When the vampire didn’t wake immediately, he glanced at Namjoon with just a trace of concern and fear.

                “Wait for it,” the other vampire soothed, gesturing backs towards Yoongi’s body.

                Even as he said it, Jungkook heard a quiet sound: the sharp inhale of a short breath. “Yoongi?” he asked, turning again to focus on the desiccated vampire.

                “Decided to stay did you?” he rasped, voice like paper as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, swiping it clean. His sunken eyes were tired and almost hollow but they stayed on Jungkook’s face as he waited for an answer.

                “Yeah,” the human offered in quiet confirmation as he gently placed his hand atop Yoongi’s. “I did.”

                “Foolish human,” Yoongi snorted once, attempting an eye roll that fell flat when his eyes literally stuck and then jumped with an eyelid twitch from a complete lack of moisture. “Ugh…” he groaned closing them harder once before trying to sit up like a decrepit old man.

                “Here,” Namjoon offered, giving the other vampire a helping hand as he moved his wrist before him. Yoongi accepted the assistance but turned his head away reactively. “Yoongi,” the vampire lord warned softly. “At least take a sip so you can get back on your feet.”

                “Fine,” he grumbled, doing as he was told while glancing once at Jungkook and then looking away, almost as if he was embarrassed.

                It was practically magical to watch a near instantaneous transformation. While Jungsu had remained otherwise unchanged after his hibernation, with just a taste of Namjoon’s blood, Yoongi began to come back to life from starvation. His pallor, what he did have, started to return quickly; his eyes eased back into place in his skull and the dull lifeless sheen of his skin and hair faded to be replaced with a dim vitality that had been missing a moment ago. “That’s better,” Namjoon crooned, patting Yoongi’s head once in a move that made the younger vampire glare and the elder grin.

                “Gotta admit, I’m not looking forward to this part when I become a Rank 3,” Wonho admitted into the relative quiet.

                “Me either,” Sanghyuk echoed, to which the other vampires simply laughed.

                “You’ve both got a ways to go yet, young ones,” Jungsu chided in amusement. “And you’ve left the front hall unmanned,” he added, pointing his finger intently at Sanghyuk.


                “No buts. Come on,” he urged, physically turning the younger vampire and beginning to guide him out. “You too Wonho,” he added as they took their first steps.

                “But I’m not on watch duty,” he complained before falling silent at a stern look from the second in the coven. “Yes sir.”

                Uncertainly, Jungkook watched them go and then let his eyes jump between Yoongi and Namjoon. He didn’t know where he fit in now, but he also had no idea what to say.

                “Would you like me or…” Namjoon wondered, gesturing at Jungkook meaningfully.

                “I’ll take the newbie, thank you,” Yoongi quipped, grabbing Jungkook’s shoulder in a grip that was stronger than he thought it should have been, before he awkwardly hopped off the table. It was clear his knees nearly buckled before he caught himself with Jungkook’s help.

                “Are you alright?” Jungkook asked, completely at a loss. He’d never seen a vampire this weak. Hadn’t even known it was possible and he imagined that was part of the point.

                “I’ll be fine,” Yoongi answered in that same tired and rasping voice.

                “Well, I’ll leave you to it then. Go ahead and take the week off. We’ll get back to the rest once you’re recovered from this,” Namjoon promised, winking at both of them before he turned and departed without another word.

                “Smug bastard. He enjoys this far too much,” Yoongi grumbled with the barest shakes of his head.

                Jungkook laughed once, glad to see a spark of Yoongi’s usual self shining through. “You sure you’re okay?”

                “I will be. I just need to eat,” he promised with all the evidence of exhaustion present in his tone. It sounded like he was almost too tired to even manage that. “Come on. Help me get a blood pack before he we head back,” he grumbled, leaning heavily on Jungkook still.

                For his part, he merely shifted the vampire’s arm over his shoulder and almost literally helped carry him up the stairs. Yoongi didn’t complain, which was certainly a measure of just how spent he was, but it would also be an insult if he tried to offer more help so they hobbled along and into the kitchen. They grabbed a single blood pack and then started their way upstairs to Yoongi’s bedroom, taking the stairs at the same awkward pace as when they went up from the basement.

                Jungkook helped the vampire fall into bed, move slowly into a more comfortable reclining position, and then watched him curiously as he ate the blood pack with long slow sips. Despite his hunger, he seemed to be in no rush to eat. It was very much at odds with the frenzies they often depicted in movies. That was probably intentional though. “Did you really not eat for a month?” he asked after he felt enough time had passed before he could safely offer a question.

                “Nope,” Yoongi answered, glancing over before taking another sip on his drink.

                “Why were you and Jungsu so different?” he continued, frowning at the sheer chasm of differences in their appearance and abilities.

                “Starvation is usually an involuntary process,” Yoongi exhaled, looking quite exhausted still. “Hibernation is a voluntary choice made after the equivalent of eating a feast and taking a very long nap. Which sounds quite nice right now,” he added with a slow nod and a slight frown.

                Jungkook watched for a few heartbeats more and then offered, “The blood pack doesn’t look like it’s doing much.” When he’d drunk from Namjoon, there was an immediate change. Now…

                “It’s always better from a donor source,” Yoongi answered in a tired offhand manner, eyes drooping as if he was starting to get sleepy.

                Suddenly nervous, Jungkook rubbed the side of his neck and fidgeted in place as he inched that much closer to Yoongi. The vampire noticed with a raised brow but didn’t say anything as he watched the other man mutely. He couldn’t deny that he was still curious and that, paired with Yoongi’s almost pathetic current state, made it hard to resist what he hesitantly, albeit willingly, wanted to offer. “If you want…”

                “Jungkook,” the vampire sighed as if reading his thoughts.

                “…I can be a donor,” he finished quietly with a shrug, keeping his eyes on the space of bedding between them. When Yoongi didn’t answer immediately, he looked up to see that the vampire appeared to be mentally debating with himself, if his glare at the blood pack was any indication. When the silence went on longer than he was comfortable with, he was suddenly filled with awkward insecurity and babbled, “If I’m not good enough…”

                He shifted to move away and then paused with a start when Yoongi’s hand caught his closest wrist in a bony but deceptively strong hold. “It’s not that,” the vampire promised without looking at him yet.

                Jungkook chewed on the inside of his bottom lip and stared at Yoongi’s profile. The vampire wouldn’t look at him. “I just… want to help. I mean… you are my mentor,” he added quietly, wondering if that was a perk or a flaw in this moment. “And there’s not really anything I can do for you otherwise…” he trailed off, feeling his own helplessness keenly.

                “I know,” Yoongi whispered in response, setting the virtually empty blood pack aside on the bed before he looked at the other man. “Are you sure?” he asked holding Jungkook’s gaze when the human finally raised his eyes.

                “Yes?” he responded uncertainly, almost like he didn’t know what the answer should be. When Yoongi gave him a sad smile and started to pull away, he clapped his hand over the vampire’s, keeping it in place around his wrist. “Yes,” he answered again, firmer this time.

                Yoongi held his gaze again and finally sighed, the sound like he was accepting the inevitable. “Where?” he questioned softly, eyes never leaving Jungkook’s face.

                For his part, it took him a moment to realize what Yoongi was asking. Then it clicked. Where did he want the vampire to bite him? On the wrist? His fingertips trailed over Yoongi’s hand before pausing. Or on the neck? He loosely curled the fingers of his other hand into a fist and then placed his free fingers against his neck and shoulder. “Here,” he whispered with an audible swallow.

                “Ah,” Yoongi murmured, nodding once with a glance at the captive wrist under his curled fingers. It seemed as if he debated for a few seconds before shrugging, apparently too tired to object or try to convince him otherwise.

                Jungkook was pretty sure he heard the ghost of a whisper that sounded like, “Damn you, Namjoon,” but he couldn’t be certain. He tensed up slightly when Yoongi shifted closer, his body still chilly despite being awake for some time now.

                “It will sting at first,” the vampire explained, his hands moving to rest on Jungkook’s shoulder and the other side of his neck gently.

                “I figured,” he mumbled back, hands fidgeting in the space between them as he didn’t know where to put them.

                Yoongi obviously realized and grabbed the one, lowering it rest atop Jungkook’s thighs. His other hand followed suit. “Relax,” he whispered, fingers tracing up his arm to return to their perch on his shoulder.

                Jungkook tried. He really did. But the hint of Yoongi’s breath when he spoke tickled his neck and his heart sped up at just how close the vampire was. The weight of Yoongi’s hand on his shoulder was heavy, like he was literally using him as a support, but the touch on his neck was feather soft. Lips brushed against his bare skin and he curled his fingers into the tops of his pants before he inhaled sharply at the pinprick of pain that followed. The feeling disappeared quickly, but hot on its heels was a strange sort of desperation. It made him tense up further until, a second later, it faded just as quickly. In its wake was peace and satisfaction. And happiness…?

                 “Oh…” he exhaled, eyes fluttering at the realization. His hands rose up to tangle in Yoongi’s shirt instead and he smiled and relaxed further, lulled into a sense of almost magical security. “This is… nice,” he laughed once, gasping again when his vision turned sideways as he felt himself lowered to the surface of the bed. “Yeah. Nice,” he smiled, feeling contentedly sleepy then. It was the last sensation he was aware of before sleep claimed him.



                “Miss Hyuna?” the small and tired voice called as she tucked Chan into bed with tender hands before smoothing his messy light brown hair against his head.

                “You can call me mother,” she offered with a light smile as she traced the backs of her fingers against his smooth cheek.

                “I know,” he answered quietly. He was nearly grown but to her, he felt like little more than a child. And in this moment, it seemed all too true with the newness of his surroundings settling in and the nature of his heritage swirling around his mind.

                “Too soon?” she offered with an understanding smile. He shrugged in response, almost apologetic. “It’s alright,” she soothed, smoothing his hair with her hand again. “What was your question, love?” she prompted, wrapping her fingers around his hands on top of the covers.

                “Why did Minzy tell that story tonight?” he wondered, eyes troubled by the nature of what he’d seen. In their depths, she saw a glimmer of blue dancing and her heart ached in fond remembrance for the briefest of moments.

                She paused to think about how to answer first. When she was ready, she asked, “How did you feel with your brothers and sisters when we were telling the story?”

                He frowned in thought, brow furrowing, and shook his head once. “Surprised,” he admitted. Not surprising considering it was a history that was glossed over in most lessons. “A little scared.” Also understandable. The darker parts of history were frightening. Especially those in it that were able to cause such events.

                “Scared is okay,” she promised, patting his hand in a reassuring gesture. “But did you feel in danger at all?”

                Chan shook his head and his eyes twitched in thought. “A lot of it felt very real…” he started to say, looking away as he played the story in his mind once more. “But… it’s not like I was alone. Everyone else was there with me,” he finished, eyes coming back around to look at Hyuna once more.

                “Exactly,” she smiled, pleased by the understanding. “We told that story so you can know where we came from and why we fight so hard for things to change now,” she explained with a bright smile. “So that with your brothers and sisters, in these dark moments, we can come together. It is when we are at our weakest that we find the greatest strengths in others,” she assured him honestly. “Their strength becomes our strength and together, we can stand fast against anything. Even death.”

                “But in the war…” he trailed off, brow furrowing at her comment again.

                “Yes. In the war, before Magic intervened, so many people died for what they thought was right. That is why we need the bonds of family to stay the course,” she explained in a quiet voice.

                “But how do we know what’s right?” he wondered, hands clenching tight to the blanket.

                “What is right is what is best for everyone,” she explained solemnly. “Humans, magical creatures, and all those in between as well.”

                “Yeah, but how do we know what’s right for everyone?” he asked, still confused. The Dark Ages had been fought because both sides thought they knew what was best for everyone through their own views. If both sides thought they knew what was best…

                “That is a difficult question, love,” Hyuna laughed, grabbing his hand and raising it to kiss his knuckles tenderly. “I can only tell you what I know to be right,” she explained, holding his hand to her breast warmly. “And after being alive for hundreds of years,” she admitted with a throaty chuckle, “I know that it is right to help those who need it. Those who don’t have a voice. Those who have lost their voices. And those we just wish to protect,” she murmured, staring at him intently. “For me, you are one of those people, dear Chan,” she whispered, leaning down to kiss his forehead tenderly.

                “Hyuna,” he grumbled, clearly objecting to the childlike sentiment, though he didn’t resist in earnest. He wasn’t that beyond being a child.

                “Get some sleep, love. We’ll talk more tomorrow,” she promised, kissing the backs of his knuckles again before she sat up and smoothed out the top of his blanket one more time.

                “Okay,” he nodded in quiet understanding, snuggling under the covers further. “Night, Miss Hyuna.”

                “Good night, Chan,” she whispered back, standing up and drifting to the door. Hyuna made sure the nightlight was on and nodded once before stepping out. She wasn’t surprised to see Byunghyun waiting outside, arms crossed, head down and leaning against the wall. His sandy blonde hair was getting long and it covered his eyes. “Yes?” she prompted with a smile, wandering close to lean against the wall beside him.

                “Just coming to make sure he doesn’t have any nightmares,” he answered without looking up.

                “Oh? What about Jisoo?” she prompted, scratching at the side of her face and hiding her smile when he fidgeted in place. His attraction to her was purely familial and yet, it always made him awkward to have it brought to light.

                “Hyunseung offered to bed down with her tonight,” he grumbled, glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes.

                “Ah. Her other big kitty,” she grinned and giggled. Byunghyun rolled his eyes at the comment but it was obvious he remembered the first time Jisoo had seen their true forms. Byunghyun had been first and her babbled word was, ‘Kitty!’ Then she saw Hyunseong. ‘Other kitty!’

                “Yeah well. He’ll keep her calm through the night,” he shrugged. “Seungkwan has Minzy well in hand, as per usual. Though I’ll never understand how those two were drawn together,” he added with a soft laugh and a shake of his head.

                “He helps Minzy see the light in herself,” Hyuna countered without hesitation. 

                He nodded in quiet agreement and then sighed again. “Pity he can’t do that with Hyosung.”

                Hyuna’s brows pulled down and she frowned slightly. “Hyosung’s path is not easy,” she explained with a hand on his shoulder. “Her shadows are far darker than Minzy’s.” Oh, how true that was. Centuries of seeing and dealing with it never made that aspect any easier. “I will stay with her tonight,” she promised before he could say anything else about it. “And the others? I take it Jennie and Mingyu are cuddled together,” she started, listing off the rest of her children.

                “With Wonshik and Joshua tonight. They’re all crashing in Mingyu’s bed, much to his annoyance,” he snorted in amused delight.

                “I imagine that was Wonshik’s idea,” she chuckled fondly.

                “Of course.”

                “Though I would bet he got Joshua to ask.”


                “I need not worry about them then,” Hyuna murmured in quiet relief. “And you’ll keep watch over Chan tonight so I know he is in good hands,” she added, petting the top of his head in a motherly gesture. “What would I do without you?”

                “Have a great many more nightmares running around,” he answered in truth, though he laughed as he said it.

                “Indeed. Well, happy watch tonight,” she murmured, letting her hand fall to rest on his shoulder again. “And don’t worry about Hyosung. Okay?”

                “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, waving her off with a lackluster gesture. She started to walk away and then paused, glancing over her shoulder when he called after her, “Have a good night, mother.”

                “You as well, love,” Hyuna called back, gracing him with a beatific smile before she continued on her way.

Chapter 13: Following Up

Chapter Text

                It was no easy thing letting anyone see a vampire at their literal weakest. Yoongi almost resented the tradition. Almost. It was this moment, after the demonstration, that he both loved and hated. More so the former but… it always meant getting close to someone again. Curled up on his bed, Jungkook looked so very peaceful in his slumber. His hands were tucked lightly against his chin and under his neck and he’d pulled his knees closer in a loose fetal position.

                Yoongi brushed the pads of his fingergtips against the spot on the young man’s neck where he’d bitten him. The marks were quite gone already but he could still taste the sweet nectar of his blood. He wouldn’t have minded another taste but instead, he closed his eyes and leaned close, almost touching Jungkook’s neck before he inhaled deeply through his nose. The scent lingered on the back of his tongue, giving him the hint of a taste. It was enough. He opened his eyes again and frowned at realizing just how close he was.

                Grumbling under his breath, he pushed away and watched the sleeper for a long moment. “What am I gonna do with you?” he whispered, hesitantly allowing himself to brush long dark bangs away to better see his sleeping profile. In that moment, he felt a familiar struggle within himself. Part of him very much wanted to linger and touch and get close to… to make some sort of connection with the human who wanted to be a vampire… to strengthen their tenuous bond. And yet, another part of him resisted. Doing so meant the possibility of pain, of disappointment, of loss… He didn’t want that but the struggle went on regardless, causing a dull pain in his chest.

                “Dammit,” he sighed, rubbing at his chest gently while he looked around for a calendar. It was early March but based on how long he’d been starving himself for… Ah. March 13th. He still had a few days left. It wouldn’t hurt to go early, but though he was not hungry anymore, he wasn’t really back to where he should be for that kind of appointment. He’d go later. After they both recovered. Glancing back down, he traced the backs of his fingers against Jungkook’s cheek before he caught himself. With a small gasp and a blink, he pulled his hand away, eyeing it like it was acting weird.

                Yoongi didn’t say anything else, but he did take one more look at Jungkook before he eased himself off the bed and silently exited the room. Namjoon would be waiting for him, if nothing else. True to form, the vampire lord was lounging peacefully in the den. None of the others were nearby and Namjoon cracked a smile when he noticed the quick glance to confirm. “I had Jungsu take them out for a run. They won’t be back any time too soon,” he promised, threading his fingers together behind his head as he waited for the other vampire to settle.

              “Ah,” Yoongi grunted with a nod. He hadn’t expected anything else really. He shrugged once and allowed himself to sink into the couch, lying out comfortably while Namjoon watched him from his cushioned seat.

             “How did he taste?” the vampire lord wondered, one brow rising archly in added inquiry.

              Yoongi shot him a glare with a frown and then looked up at the dark ceiling. It was an honest question. First tastes, much like first impressions, had lasting effects. “Good,” he finally admitted, still staring at the ceiling. He didn’t add that the taste had given him a vague sense of home… or at least comfort. Vampires didn’t really have comfort foods, but Jungkook tasted like one. At least a little bit and it made Yoongi awkward. “Fresh,” he snorted once, banishing the uncomfortable thought and earning a similar sound from the vampire lord. “But he definitely has some magic in his bloodline.” He’d mentioned his grandmother was an elf and there were probably others before her as well.

              “His mother’s side, though probably his father too if we looked back far enough,” Namjoon nodded in agreement, the weight of his gaze heavy on Yoongi. “You’re going to go meet them soon, aren’t you?” he prompted, sheer unabashed delight in his tone as he let a teasing note appear.

               “Yes,” Yoongi grumbled, wrinkling his nose at the question. It was part of the process though he didn’t much care for Namjoon’s attention. “But not until I get back to full strength. At least mostly.”

                “Of course. And certainly not until you go see Ailee,” the vampire lord reminded in a less teasing voice, all seriousness back.

                “Speaking of Yejin,” Yoongi commented, sidestepping the statement. “Any word on the chimera situation?”

                Now it was Namjoon’s turn to wrinkle his nose. “Yes and no,” he conceded with a nod. That caught Yoongi’s attention and made him sit up to better see the other vampire. “Ailee found traces of him being in another Mage’s store.”

                “Who?” Yoongi asked quickly.

                “Kim Ryeowook. The one in the Red District,” he answered immediately. “The Hunters went to investigate but they could find no proof of any illegal activity.” Yoongi scoffed at the idea. Of course they wouldn’t find anything… “Unfortunately, while you were out, there was a report of a vampire going missing in Wandermoot. As a courtesy, Ailee let me know when she got a heads up from Kyuhyun. For your sake if nothing else.”

                “That was considerate of her,” he responded with slightly narrowed eyes. Most Mages didn’t do things so helpful without the implication of being helped in return. She was more forthcoming than many, for him, but it still gave him cause to be at least a little nervous. “Do you think they’re connected?”

                Namjoon shrugged in a slow movement and sighed. “It’s certainly possible.”

                “What about that other hunter? The strong one you mentioned before I went down,” the younger vampire asked, raising one brow.

                “Oh. That one,” the vampire lord grinned, purposefully pointed fangs appearing with ease. “It’s Hakyeon,” he stated, threading his fingers behind his head and leaning back.

                “He came back?” Yoongi blinked in open surprise. He looked at his hand, fingers silently counting as he did some quick mental math. “Forty-seven years?” he wondered for clarification.

                “Forty-six but close enough.”

                Yoongi whistled appreciatively. “I thought he was done with Tradeborough.”

                “Well, he was, but it doesn’t hurt that the Alpha he was butting heads with is no longer here,” Namjoon shrugged.

                “We both know it wasn’t the Alpha that drove him off last time,” Yoongi snorted with a roll of his eyes.

                “No. The city did that, but a generation or so can change how things look. Plus, he rather fancies that new Hunter. What was his name…?” he wondered, frowning in thought as he snapped his fingers.

                “Taekwoon,” the younger vampire laughed once.

                “I take it he saw him on the news?” Yoongi wondered, mulling the possibilities over. That was how he’d first noticed him anyway.

                “Likely,” Namjoon confirmed with a small laugh. “Though who’s to say he hasn’t simply been keeping tabs this whole time?”

                “Fair enough,” the younger vampire conceded with a raised hand. “Admittedly, Taekwoon does seem to be the type someone like him would favor.”

                “Hakyeon,” the other vampire clarified with an amused smirk. “I don’t really think were-jaguars specifically have a type,” he admitted with a thoughtful frown. “Not that anyone would really know. When was the last time I saw one?” He paused to really think about it and laughed once in surprise. “Hakyeon. Go figure. I imagine Hyuna would know someone else but they are quite few and far between.” At the name, Yoongi looked over with a wary expression. “Speaking of the Crone, did you know she adopted an Anansi recently?”

                “From Tradeborough?” Yoongi blinked, caught off guard again. The city didn’t have any registered Anansi the last time he checked.


                “How many does she have now?” he wondered in absent thought, adding belatedly, “I mean, not considering Byunghyun and Hyunseong. They don’t really count.”

                “As children? Not really. As her children, they do. But you knew that already,” Namjoon snorted with a crooked smirk.

                The younger vampire frowned but didn’t argue. The Baku and Cat person were mainstays lately, helpers as it were, and he’d remembered catching a glimpse of a grown elf and a young man and woman that might have been Mage-like… among others. He thought he’d been keeping pretty good tabs on her charges but apparently he hadn’t.

                “She would be very delighted to hear you actually care,” Namjoon teased gently after a brief pause.

                “Just answer the question,” Yoongi groaned, ignoring the other vampire’s attention.

                “I don’t know,” he responded in a surprising bit of transparency. “You know better than most, she doesn’t just tell people who she has and when they arrive or leave. The only reason I know about the Anansi is because Youngmin is a terrible gossip and Ailee has a soft for relaying information related to you.” Yoongi grumbled under his breath but didn’t say anything worthwhile as Namjoon continued. “Furthermore, the only reason I knew about you was because she literally dropped you on my doorstep and commanded me to take you in,” he reminded the other man with a finger shaking in his direction.

                Yoongi snorted at the memory. “First and last time I have ever seen you commanded by anyone.”

                “She still owes me for that, by the way,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at his companion. “You do too, you ungrateful little shit,” he added with a laugh as his discomfit faded. “Fully grown Rank 3 vampire and all you wanted to do was be lazy, act like a brat, and pretend I wasn’t your Coven Leader.”

                “Doesn’t sound like much has changed,” Yoongi grinned with obvious snark.

                “Ugh! What am I gonna do with you?” he scowled, throwing his hands up in feigned disgust.

                Yoongi looked down at the question and shrugged. The same thing he always would. Treat him like the other vampires and try to make sure he didn’t become a total drag in the vampire community. Suddenly uncomfortable with the topic at hand, he scratched at his face and looked back at the vampire lord. “So, Yejin this week. In a couple days,” he reassured when Namjoon gave him a side eyed look. “And then Jungkook’s parents next week?”

                “Are you asking or telling me?” the other vampire wondered for clarification.

                “Telling,” Yoongi grumbled after a slight hesitation. As a Rank 3, he really didn’t need to ask about such things.

                “Good,” Namjoon grinned, standing up quickly and tilting his head to the side as if listening. “Considering Jungsu appears to have been circling for a bit waiting for us to be finished,” he laughed once, completely at ease.

                It was that which made Yoongi frown curiously. Well, that and the fact that he hadn’t felt Jungsu’s presence which meant the other vampire was intentionally hiding himself or that Namjoon was actively waiting for him. He watched his coven leader with narrowed eyes for a moment longer and then snorted. “You had them go check on something, didn’t you?”

                “Maybe I did and maybe I didn’t,” Namjoon winked, completely opaque in his response. “Go on you. Attend your human for the time being.”

                Yoongi waved the suggestion off dismissively. “It’ll take him a while to wake up any-”


                The tone brooked no argument and Yoongi suddenly felt like a chastised child again. “Fine,” he grumbled, shoving himself off the couch and practically stalking towards the door. Namjoon didn’t say anything more as he passed. Nor did he see Jungsu or Wonho or Sanghyuk as he made his way upstairs. This time, he did feel a twinge of resentment as he settled down in the chair across from the bed that held the sleeping Jungkook. It was his usual reluctance, if the response he’d had with his previous mentee was any indication, but that never made it any easier.

                Unsettled. That would be how he would have described what he was feeling. Almost like he was of two minds about the whole situation. Absently, he patted his breastbone as he mulled over what had happened and what he would need to do soon. The chimera was missing and so was another vampire in Wandermoot. The Mage in the Red District was very likely to be the one responsible for making the chimera but he was also equally obviously good at covering his tracks. The Crone had gained a new charge and he didn’t know who else she had or didn’t have. Hakyeon had returned, which was always a crap shoot. And… he needed to go see Yejin soon as well as meet Jungkook’s parents.

                Ironically… it was the last one that made him the most… antsy. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Jungkook’s sleeping form. “Will you still stay?” he whispered softly, nails digging into his palms when he balled his hands into fists. “If I turn you, will you stay?” He grimaced as pain flared in his palms. Opening his hands, red beads greeted him where his nails had broken the skin. “If you get hurt because of me, will you stay?” he wondered, the sound of his voice barely a whisper.

                With deliberate slowness, Yoongi closed his fingers over his palms, covering the already healing wounds. When he opened them again and wiped at the red, the skin was unbroken once more. Taking a breath and leaning back, he grumbled irritably and crossed his arms, resigning himself to wait for his newest charge to wake up.



                Mornings were always busy affairs in Sanctuary and Hyuna smiled as her children filed into the kitchen dining room for breakfast. Not surprisingly, a tired Byunghyun was last but he also had Chan pulling him along, his hold on the Baku’s wrist light but determined. “Thank you, Chan,” she grinned, ruffling his hair fondly before he could duck away. Her smile widened as she pointed, “Have a seat over there with Wonshik and Hyosung.”

                “O-okay,” he stammered as he hesitated for a second and then lurched forward when Wonshik stood up to snag his wrist and pull him over.

                “Guess you’re more of a normie like us,” he winked, settling the younger man between him and Joshua who scooted over on the bench to make more space.

                “Normie my fangs,” Hyuna snorted, reaching over just far enough to swat at him ineffectively, the attempt for show more than anything. “You only look human in your resting form.”

                Wonshik took no offense and simply reached out to start making a plate for Chan as soon as he had settled. “Here you go,” he smiled, pushing the dish laden with a hefty portion of pancakes (doused in syrup and butter), eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit towards him.

               “Eat up,” Hyuna encouraged, looking at Hyosung, Jennie, and Seungkwan as well. “A balanced breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” she reminded them, stating the obvious for Chan’s sake. “Byunghyun,” she called, pushing a clear looking drink towards him. Essence of Dreams was very expensive and hard to come by but she had her sources.

                “Thanks,” he nodded sleepily, taking the glass and sipping on it slowly.

                “Hyunseung. Minzy,” she called, manifesting two plates of lightly cooked meats from the warmer behind her. “Enjoy,” she smiled, caressing Minzy’s cheek with the backs of her fingers before she shifted her attention. Her Anansi and Cat person were largely carnivorous so they primarily ate meat dishes. Not surprisingly, her elf was mostly vegetarian and her fairy did better with a diet similar to his, though with a shot of essence.

                “Mingyu,” she smiled, handing him a plate of imitation eggs and stir-fried vegetables. “Jisoo,” she called, handing off a smoothie of fruits and vegetables with a shot of Essence of Magic. That was even harder to come by but well worth the price paid.

                “So much food,” Chan whispered as he stared at the table full of various plates of delicacies.

                “You’ll need it for your lessons,” Jennie explained simply, munching on a piece of bacon with happy contentment.

                “Lessons?” he wondered aloud, brows furrowing at the mention.

                “You didn’t think we weren’t going to teach you the basics at least, did you?” Hyunseong teased, carefully chewing with his mouth closed. His breakfast was a little on the rare side and it could be disconcerting to newcomers.

                “What basics?” he wondered in complete confusion.

                “You’ll see,” Seungkwan promised, glancing at Minzy to his left before nodding reassuringly at the newest member of their group.

                “We’ll start around 9,” Hyuna explained, looking at the clock on the wall. They still had about an hour and a half. “Mingyu. You’ve got that errand in the Green District today,” she prompted, pointing at him with a sharp fingernail before reaching down to take a sip of her own dark red breakfast drink. “Jisoo. Your tutor will be a little late today. Something came up but she’ll be here around 10, okay?” she questioned, making eye contact with the young fairy.

                “Okay, momma,” she smiled, taking another large sip of her smoothie. Her feet barely touched the floor and she swung them energetically when she ate. It was quite endearing.

                “Hyosung. We’ve got one on one training this afternoon,” she reminded, giving the young woman a reassuring smile over her cup as she tensed up uncertainly.

                “Yes, mother,” she nodded in nervous acceptance. A gentle nudge from Jennie on her left made her smile.

                “Minzy. Make your rounds again today, okay? I’ll check your webbing later to see how you’re progressing,” she promised, pointing at the Anansi once with a gentle smile and then turning her attention to the group at large. She didn’t miss the reassuring hand Seungkwan placed on Minzy’s shoulder and it made her struggle to hide her smile. “Alright. Eat as much as you want, but when you’re finished, put up the rest of the food and do the dishes.”

                “Yes, mother!” a chorus of answers rose to meet her. She nodded at Hyunseong’s curious look and brushed his arm reassuringly as she walked by.

                The noise of their growing conversations as she departed faded the closer she got to the front door. With a wave, she eased the ward she had in place and stepped outside, gently closing it behind her. Moving her eyes only to survey the area, she exhaled in quiet frustration as she noticed the nymph was back. Hyuna clasped her hands together in front of her and walked in the direction of her persistent visitor. “Hana,” she called, surprising the nymph when she was almost directly beside her.

                “Hyuna!” she yelped, literally jumping in place. “I didn’t see you there.”

                “I know,” Hyuna smiled with a low chuckle. “The better question is why am I seeing you here again?” she wondered, freeing one hand to lightly hold her chin between her thumb and forefinger.

                Hana grimaced and brushed at her blonde hair nervously. She licked her lips before she answered in a quick rush, “I know you said I should stay away and I wanted to but recently, especially since yesterday, it’s just felt so nice here. Like… something was missing but now it’s whole.”

                Hyuna winced at the explanation, even as it filled her with joy and understanding. “I know. But it’s dangerous,” she reminded the nymph, pointing at her with a sharp fingernail. “I didn’t want to do this, but…”

                “Do what?” Hana asked, blinking with wide, uncertain eyes.

                “Leave, Hana,” Hyuna commanded, her eyes dark and her voice powerful as she stood straight and strong. “Forget what you felt here and don’t come back until I say you can.”

                Hana froze as the words sank into her. She stopped breathing for a couple heartbeats and then blinked slowly as breath resumed flowing in and out of her lungs. The nymph swallowed once and nodded. “Of course.” For a moment, she seemed very confused. “What am I doing here? I don’t know,” she commented, brow furrowed as she looked at the ground. “I’m going home,” she announced suddenly, looking up to meet Hyuna’s gaze once more.

                Hyuna simply nodded at her and gave one small wave before she watched the nymph wander off. When she was far enough away, Hyuna exhaled and shook her head in frustration. “Stop coming here, Hana. It’s not safe for you or my children.” Flexing her hands, she made a quick pass around the perimeter, stopping at six spots around the orphanage. When she returned to the front, she frowned and tapped at her bottom lip with a fingernail. “Fanging nature creatures,” she cursed with a frustrated groan. They were always much more sensitive to the magics around her home. Maybe she would have to ask Yejin for help with that… But not today. The children came first and there was much to be done before the day was over.

Chapter 14: Keeping Tabs


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                From the rooftops, he looked like any ordinary person threading his way causally through the partially filled streets. Tall and lanky with curly brown hair and hands and ears that seemed just a little too large, he still had an easy nature that automatically made Taekwoon doubt his culpability for anything. Well, he was prowling around the Red District in slightly less clothing for the winter months than most so there was that, but that only indicated he was a magical creature…

                “Are you sure this is our guy?” he asked into the earpiece Hakyeon had insisted he wear. Even Kyuhyun had backed him up on it, though he was still very much in Wandermoot following up with that chimera case.

                “He’s definitely one of them,” the other man assured him without pause. “Just keep watching. He’ll slip up sooner or later.” His tone was almost bored but assured all the same. “You sure you can handle him?” he asked with sly amusement, a smile obvious in his voice.

                “Of course,” Taekwoon scoffed, frowning slightly when he thought he saw the other man hesitate for the briefest of seconds.

                “Oops,” Hakyeon chuckled under his breath, the sound reminiscent of a pleased purr.

                He was definitely some kind of big cat… “Shut it,” Taekwoon grumble whispered, tracking his target carefully.

                “Get ready,” the other man murmured in a breathless whisper.

                Taekwoon had a mental image of Hakyeon literally rolling his shoulders like he was ready to pounce. Only… it was his target that moved instead. “Dammit!” he hissed, lurching to the side to follow, his hand lingering near his hip where his serum was.

                “Not yet,” Hakyeon coached, calm as could be. “Watch him at that intersection. He’ll probably go right.”

                “What?” The hunter had just enough time to wonder before the were’s prediction came true.

                “Don’t jump yet. Parallel him,” his sponsor partner continued on, obviously watching from some vantage point. “He’s faster than you right now,” he added, obviously taking a breath over the coms.

                In a moment of self-doubt, Taekwoon couldn’t help but ask, “Serum now then?”

                “No. Make the leap catacorner. You’ll make up for lost ground there. He knows you’re there but he hasn’t figured out you’re up top yet,” his companion promised, practically gleeful in his delivery.

                “Bugger,” Taekwoon grumbled, ducking his head as he pumped his legs for a hard sprint before the leap. He launched off his right foot and the ground opened beneath him. Arms windmilled slowly as he careened across the gap. The next building rose up to meet him and he hit the rooftop with an awkward roll he was able to stagger out of. “Damn.”

                “That could have been better,” the were snorted once, making Taekwoon’s ears burn.

                “Shut it,” he snapped, aligning himself to run parallel once more, relying on the other man to keep tabs since he still couldn’t see the target.

                “One more time,” Hakyeon urged instead, giving a quick suggestion for the second leap.

                “Let’s go,” the hunter breathed, trying another jump with just as much focus. This time, he glanced down and caught sight of the man he was chasing. Yellowish brown eyes flashed once as he looked up at the same time, surprise evident on his face. “Serum,” he whispered to himself, only partially mollified when he heard a confirming echo from his partner. He hit the rooftop in a dead run and leaped towards the divide this time.

                The needle pricked. He heard a slight hiss of sound. His world slowed down as every nerve came to life. Unlike the Agrabuamelu serum, Hakyeon’s kicked into high speed like a gut punch. Taekwoon yelped as he felt like he was going too fast even though his body was keeping up with him. The strange disorientation lasted even as he careened over the side of the building and plummeted towards the opposite wall.

                “Breathe,” came the practiced instruction. It sounded strangely loud in his ear.

                He took a quick breath and his world steadied enough for him to hit the wall, gloved fingers and booted feet sliding down the rugged brick with a teeth-grating harshness. The back of his neck prickled and he turned to look. There! The fleeing man was sprinting just below him, long legs propelling him down the street like a cheetah. He was agile enough to wind his way through the various pedestrians with a stream of surprised yelps in his wake.

                “Got him?”

                “He’s mine,” Taekwoon growled, fingers flexing to stall his descent. One foot found a catch to slow his lower body just enough. He let gravity and momentum pull his upper body down while he crawled with his hands to pivot into a diagonally downward angle. Bent knees straightened, shooting him forward like an arrow.

                “You are not a cat,” Hakyeon warned, the hint of a grimace evident.

                Taekwoon ignored him. He could make this landing. Arms extended in front of him, he was certain he had it. And he did. For all of a half-second. Before the effect of his fall speed plus the weight of his body and gravity’s pull caught up to him. “Shit!” he coughed, feeling panic flare as his arms buckled and it was all he could do to roll into a ball to lessen the impact.

                “Told you,” a smug but strangely welcome voice interrupted before he could fully taste the asphalt. Something powerful literally plucked him from his haphazard tumble by the back of his belt and then proceeded to carry him not unlike a parcel as they trailed their target.

                “Hakyeon!” the hunter grumbled, hands flailing at the ground in front of him with each leaping bound his companion made. “Put me down!”

                “Not yet. You’re gonna cut him off,” he obviously winked with amusement, even though it was impossible to see him clearly.

                “What?” Taekwoon gasped in confusion before he understood a split second later. “NO!” His complaint fell on deaf ears before he was soaring through the air again like the most awkward football in the world. Under other circumstances, it would have been comical – him actively flailing over his target as the man looked up with confused and widened eyes. As it was, it was more mortifying than anything else.

                “What the-!” their target yelped, skidding on the asphalt as he slowed down with backwards windmilling arms.

                “Stop!” Taekwoon shouted as he managed to finally stick a wobbly sliding landing. “Hey!” he glared when the other man did an abrupt about face and tried to run off in the opposite direction. He wasn’t counting on Hakyeon being there though. Staggering upright, he lurched forward but then stalled as the sound of Hakyeon’s growl rumbling through them. For an instant, the were’s silhouette behind their target looked larger than usual and he was certain his partner had turned into his natural form, but Taekwoon couldn’t see it. Nor did he have much chance to look.

                The target stood up straight and stiffened, human façade disappearing in the blink of an eye. Large cat ears popped out on top of his head and immediately flattened in submission as he fell back on his haunches. “Stay,” Hakyeon commanded with one finger pointing at him like a dog.

                “What was that…?” Taekwoon wondered to himself. He’d heard about magical creatures losing their cool but had never thought he’d see it happen so… easily.

                “Cat person,” Hakyeon grinned, purposefully mishearing the question he wasn’t supposed to have heard anyway.

                Muttering under his breath, Taekwoon hurried closer and clapped his hand on their target’s shoulder. “Park Chanyeol,” he stated simply, looking down at the gray and silver furred creature under his hand. “We need to ask you some questions,” he added, meeting yellow cat eyes evenly.

                “I haven’t done anything,” he defended himself quickly, playing innocent as well as a child.

                “That’s debatable,” Hakyeon laughed once, leaning close so he could grab the front of Chanyeol’s light jacket and draw him near. Curiously, he sniffed at the cat person, eyes narrowing and nose twitching at the various scents. His subsequent smile was every bit the satisfied predator. “You’ve been talking to some interesting people,” he crooned, leaving their faces close and the tips of pointed teeth peeking through his lips.

                Chanyeol laughed in a nervous high-pitched sound, hands rising on either side in a shrug. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he responded through a plastic smile.

                “Uh huh,” Hakyeon nodded as he physically lifted the taller creature to his feet and held him tight. “Let’s go,” he encouraged, turning the cat person around and capturing his shoulder in one powerful hand.

                Taekwoon felt slightly miffed that Hakyeon had basically swooped in and won the day but at least they’d gotten their target. And he hadn’t gotten worse than a minor scrape on his face and arms through his coat. It was undignified, but it could have been a lot worse. For just a second, he touched at the sore spot on his cheek and chin and then looked around to see various onlookers peering their direction curiously. With a quick breath, he went to wave them off. “It’s alright everyone. Hunter business. We’ve got it under control,” he promised, gesturing for them to go the other direction on the street. Even as he said it, his body felt just a bit off and he struggled to maintain the subtle but reassuring smile on his face.

                “Taekwoon,” his partner called, stalling as he gave him a neutral look and a head tilt.

                “What?” he grumbled through the false smile as he waved off a few more onlookers and then shifted to move beside the other man. “Oh…” he gasped as his knees suddenly felt weak.

                “That,” Hakyeon answered, reaching out with his free hand to catch Taekwoon under the arm and hold him steady as they continued walking again.

                “Wow,” he exhaled through gritted teeth, determinedly putting one foot in front of the next. He’d expected the come down to be about the same as Agrabuamelu serum but it was much sharper. Then again, the effects had been stronger in the beginning as well.

                “Not bad,” the other man commented, looking ahead politely as they made their way back to the Hunters’ Office.

                “Shut it,” Taekwoon muttered uncharitably. Between the chase, the first effects of the serum and the follow up, including how things had ended, he would hardly say it was a good run. For him anyway.

                “I mean it,” his partner laughed once, still keeping his gaze turned away so as not to embarrass him further.

                “You tossed me like a football,” he grumbled with a glare at the other man’s profile.

                “I won’t tell if you don’t,” Hakyeon grinned with a wink that finally saw him again.

                “You better not.”

                “I might,” their previously silent target spoke up, ears twitching merrily to the sound of their conversation and a grin on his furry face. Taekwoon started to glare at him before Chanyeol yelped and cringed under the hand on his shoulder.

                “What was that?” Hakyeon asked, leaning closer now that the taller man was even with his height.

                “Nothing!” he whispered in pained admittance, waving his hands in front of him dismissively. “I didn’t see anything.”

                “That’s what I thought,” the were snorted with a satisfied nod. His lips pulled up into a warm smile as he looked at Taekwoon with a reassuring nod.

                Despite himself, the corners of Taekwoon’s mouth turned up into the barest of smiles in response. He didn’t say anything, and Hakyeon didn’t seem to expect it, but the immediate support was nice. Especially since it extended to when they arrived at the office as well.

                 It was during daylight hours so Youngmin was on duty. While he went to work processing Chanyeol, Hakyeon took the liberty of embellishing their chase and take down adventure. Taekwoon didn’t say anything, especially when Youngmin looked at him with a raised brow in silent inquiry. He simply shrugged in response and gestured at the were as if that explained everything.

                “So you’re saying that Taekwoon,” he gestured at the Hunter, “leaped over Chanyeol.” He paused to point at their guest and raise his other hand over his own head with a questioning frown. “And landed well enough to box him in to take him down?”

                “I might have given him a little boost, but yes,” Hakyeon grinned innocently. “That’s how it happened.”

                “If you consider flaili- oh, right!” Chanyeol started to say before Hakyeon’s eyes flashed yellow. “He’s scary,” he whispered in Youngmin’s direction, leaning closer to the man behind the desk.

                “And I’m not?” he scoffed as if hurt.

                “Not like him,” Chanyeol shook his head and pointed at the were with wide eyes.

                Youngmin just laughed and nodded in mute agreement. “I know. Come on then. Let’s hear about who you’ve been talking with this time,” he added, swinging around to pick Chanyeol up so they could head up the stairs together.

                “What? I can’t talk with my friends?” he asked innocently.

                The Agrabuamelu scoffed. “If they’re all your friends, I’ll sell my tail.”

                “Ouch,” Chanyeol winced with a pained look at his guard.

                “I take it he’s a repeat offender?” Taekwoon wondered from where he stood beside Hakyeon with his arms crossed, watching the pair make their way up the stairs.

                Hakyeon nodded in quiet agreement and then took a breath to explain. “Chanyeol’s a small fry in the Revolutionaries movement. Didn’t you read his file before we went after him?” he asked, one brow raised archly as he peered up at the slightly taller hunter.

                “No,” Taekwoon admitted after a pause, looking down and shifting in place. He’d figured Hakyeon had or would and since there was no fuss about him, he didn’t think it would be a big deal this time.

                “Rookie,” his companion laughed once, reaching out to shove his head with gentle fingers.

                “Hey!” he yelped in complaint.

                Hakyeon’s eye roll was annoying, if somewhat deserved. “He gets picked up a couple times a year for associating with known disruptors. Most of the time, he doesn’t have a lot of useful intel to share – runners aren’t usually privy to any of the important stuff. But he usually has names and tidbits you can glean to help keep an eye on things.”

                “Oh,” Taekwoon nodded in understanding, scratching at his face with his still gloved hand.

                “Latest intel has marked a person of interest by the name of Kim Heechul. He’s a djinn.” He nodded in agreement when Taekwoon gave him a surprised sidelong look. “Rumor has it he’s pretty high up the totem pole in Tradeborough.”

                “Got a record?” Taekwoon asked, thinking the name was moderately familiar.

                “Not officially. I’ve smelled him around though. He’s no archon,” the were snorted as he brushed at the hair clinging to his temples.

                “By smelled him around…” he started to ask, running the numbers over in his head.

                “What? He’s a djinn. He has a long life,” Hakyeon responded matter-of-factly. “You’ll be hard pressed to find a more successful front business in the city,” he added, turning to settle his full attention on the hunter.

                “Ah!” Taekwoon gasped, trying to snap his fingers through the gloves. Grimacing quickly and ignoring the amused quirk of Hakyeon’s mouth, he went on, “That’s where I’ve heard the name before. He’s the owner of Madam’s Resort in Tourist Square isn’t he?”

                “Yep,” Hakyeon nodded. “Like I said though. It’s mostly a front. The business is legit but he caters to a lot of gambling behind the scenes and I’m pretty sure he may dabble in the black-market enterprise too.”

                “Oh?” he prompted, giving the were a meaningful look.

                Hakyeon shook his head and waved it off. “Just a hunch from a couple of poachers I’ve smelled before.” At his partner’s wide-eyed look and open hand gesture, he laughed once. “What? They weren’t doing anything.”

                “Ugh,” Taekwoon groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Fine,” he exhaled, dropping his hand and shaking his head. “Back to Heechul. So…?” he started to ask, knowing there had to be a reason.

                “Why haven’t we arrested him?” Taekwoon nodded. “A djinn. A creature with an almost literal silver tongue who likely has the backing of at least one Mage in this town plus more money than you can shake a stick at to make sure things go smoothly and grease all the right palms and never actively causes any waves we can really follow up on?”

                “Ah,” Taekwoon nodded and looked down. He knew there had to be a reason. He just wasn’t expecting that…

                “For now, all we can do is shake down the little guys, like our friend Chanyeol up there,” he explained, pointing up the stairs where he was likely being interrogated by Xiumin.

                Judging by the fact that Youngmin hadn’t returned yet, it was likely they were playing some sort of good cop bad cop act. “So what now?” he eventually asked, wincing when he brushed at his scratched face because it itched.

                He jerked in surprise when Hakyeon reached out with a bare hand and caught his chin effortlessly to inspect the injury himself. “Told you you weren’t a cat,” he laughed under his breath, thumbing gently at the red skin with his other hand.

                “Hey!” Taekwoon grumbled, swatting the hands away and stepping back to put distance between them.

                “Just checking,” Hakyeon promised, raising his hands in amused surrender.

                “I’m still mad at you for tossing me,” he scowled.

                “What? You landed on your feet,” his partner reminded him with a shrug.

                Taekwoon clicked his tongue in irritation but then took a breath as he looked away. “Is it always like that?”

                He didn’t get an immediate response but he figured Hakyeon was probably trying to narrow down what he was asking about specifically. Eventually, the were hummed under his breath and answered, “No. The first time’s always the worst. I still say you did pretty good today,” he added, grinning when Taekwoon turned to look at him. “Seriously. My last hunter nearly fainted when he came down the first time,” he chuckled fondly.

                “Really?” he couldn’t help but ask, glancing at the were suspiciously.

                “Really.” Taekwoon relented with a resigned wave of understanding but yelped again as Hakyeon looped an arm around his waist and started to guide him towards the door. “Now that’s settled, let’s get back out and see what other trouble we can get into.”

                “Hakyeon,” the hunter groaned, though his resistance was token at best.



                Namjoon exhaled as he read over their monthly report from Jungsu. The fifteenth was always a good day for it since each month had one and it was easy enough to remember. There were three already filtered requests from humans for entry into the coven, one request for a transfer from a vampire in Archonesis on the other side of the world, no recent Exile movement beyond what they’d tracked last month, and no excessive vampire activity in the city at large. That was good news at least.

                Setting the page down, he looked up to meet Jungsu’s patient gaze. “What did the Ghillie Dhu have to say about Sanctuary?” He was a finicky creature sometimes and the last time he’d sent Jungsu to check in with him, Shownu had decided to be scarce.

                “Nothing much,” his second in command admitted with a shrug. “The Anansi is the only new one he saw recently, though he maintains an elf continues to come and go from time to time.”

                “And you had Wonho check in with the Alpha right?” he inquired, fingers steepling in front of him. That had been yesterday actually.

                “After a game of chasing tails, he was able to have a conversation with Taeyang. His pups can be far too playful sometimes,” Jungsu scoffed with a half-smile and a slow roll of his eyes.

                Namjoon laughed once and grinned. “Sounds like the first wolf he found was Jackson.” Jungsu nodded in confirmation. “He’s not exactly a pup and it probably did Wonho some good in chasing that one.”

                His second gestured in mute agreement. “Either way, there were no changes worth mentioning on their end. They haven’t noticed anything odd recently, other than the usual mutterings and rumors they catch wind of from time to time,” he explained, hands moving flippantly with the words.

                “You checked out Paroche?” the vampire lord stated for confirmation.

                “Of course. Nothing dangerous there. Well, not that’s awake anyway. Apparently, there’s a history of nature creatures that used to guard the village but they’ve either passed through the veil or gone long dormant,” he explained with a shrug. “Either way, Yoongi shouldn’t have any trouble while he’s there. Though I’m still not sure why you had me check up on it.”

                “Jungsu,” Namjoon snorted once, eyeing the other vampire before shaking his head.

                “What? You coddle him. He’s not a child anymore,” Jungsu reminded the older vampire. “Hasn’t been for over two hundred years now.” When Namjoon gave him another look, he rolled his eyes and thew his hands up in quick surrender. “You have your reasons, I know.”

                Standing up, Namjoon wandered close to lean against the wall beside Jungsu. With his arms crossed, he regarded his second and murmured, “Yoongi’s last trainee didn’t have a good relationship with his parents. Jungkook does. You know how he can be,” he reminded the other man pointedly.

                “I know,” Jungsu admitted with a grimace that spoke volumes. “But he’s already checked in with Ailee and they’re both ready to head out tomorrow. The Revolutionaries have been mostly quiet. We haven’t heard from any Exiles lately. And the chimera situation isn’t resolved but at worst, they’re doing something in Wandermoot.”

                Namjoon nodded in understanding. “You went by the Red District the other day. What did Seohyun have to say?”

                “Nothing new. Oh wait,” he added, holding one pointed fingernail up thoughtfully. “She did see a hunter there not that long ago. Not the new one either.”

                “Oh?” the elder vampire hummed curiously. “That is interesting.”

                “What about Donghyun? You had to speak with him the other day after all,” Jungsu commented, tilting his head to the side while he waited for an answer.

                “Eh. He straddles that neutral line like it’s a sprinting kelpie,” he grumbled, mouth turning down in an irritated frown.

                “I thought he was part of the Co-Existence movement?”

                “He is,” Namjoon confirmed easily. “It’s part of the job description really, but we both know he has to play a neutral to keep everyone in the city at least relatively happy.”

                “Right,” Jungsu muttered. “Any word from Sungmin then?”

                The coven leader scoffed and waved his hand. “You have to go through his second to get a meeting with him right now. Says he’s busy or something.”

                “I take it you want me to speak with the Valkyrie tomorrow then?” he asked, one brow raised questioningly.

                “That’s the plan. But take Sanghyuk with you. Wouldn’t hurt for him to see more of our… allies?” he said, trying the word with a questioning tone.

                “Works well enough,” Jungsu confirmed. “Can’t really call them friends.”

                “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” the coven leader chuckled.

                “Hey. The other side aren’t exactly our enemies either.”

                “No, you’re right. They’re just… troublesome,” Namjoon scowled, pushing off the wall so he could stride back to his desk.

                “Maybe, but at least they’re not like the ones in Atalanta.” When Namjoon looked up curiously, he went on, “They’re dealing with riots more than anything. The Hunters in that city are swamped and sorely outmatched if I read correctly.”

                “Poor younglings,” the vampire lord laughed softly. “Still though… I don’t doubt our annoyances can get to that point.”

                “It seems more like they’re biding their time in these last couple years,” Jungsu admitted, scratching at his chin thoughtfully.

                “It’s definitely possible. I’ll take a sweep this evening and see if I can find out any new info,” he promised the other vampire with a quick nod. “Maybe Changmin will have some new intel,” he added with a quick shrug.

                “The Reaper? Good luck. He’s finicky,” Jungsu laughed once.

                “To be fair, most of the older ones are,” Namjoon winked. “Oh yeah. This one,” he reached down and pulled a paper from his desk before he handed it off to Jungsu. “Run the usual works by this weekend. We really do need to add more numbers to the coven,” he admitted with a small sigh.

                “Yes, sir,” Jungsu nodded, taking the paper and looking it over once before he gave a partial bow and ducked out.

                Namjoon took a seat on the top of his desk and scratched at his jaw distractedly. Personally, he hoped the usual troublemakers were just being quiet lately and not actually biding their time for something. He was slightly concerned that was not the case though. Ailee had mentioned one of her clients was bothered by a shift in the energy in his area. She hadn’t noticed it so it wasn’t a large change, but the drus and dryads were always a bit more sensitive to those kinds of fluctuations.

                With a frustrated wave of his hand, he tried to banish the worry. “Just have to check with more contacts later.” He paused when he heard a ding from his computer. Peering at the screen, he saw an email notification. “Ugh. What do you want now?” he grumbled, falling back into his chair so he could read and respond accordingly.


An early Happy New Year to everyone! I just want to say thank you for reading and I hope that you're still enjoying it. As you can see, this chapter was kind of full of new names. It probably wouldn't hurt for me to add a character index before too long but for now, we haven't quite fleshed things out just yet. If you get lost or have questions at any point, feel free to ask. Also, if you'd be interested in the character index (which will only continue to grow, I assure you), let me know! Otherwise, happy reading and please look forward to the next update! I've had a bit more time lately (and inspiration) so the next one should be coming soon. ^_^

Chapter 15: Meeting the Parents

Chapter Text

                Familiar scenery passed by quickly in the windows of the bus. Most of it included trees and fields but every now and then, a building or group of animals in the distance broke the monotony. Sometimes a car going in the other direction did as well, but they were even rarer. Jungkook took a breath and frowned slightly as he turned to look at his companion again. Yoongi was, for all intents and purposes, sleeping in the seat beside him. It didn’t seem fair that the vampire would be able to rest so easily in a public transport vehicle. Not that there was much distraction to disturb him. The bus itself was almost empty except for them and two other humans. At least Jungkook was pretty sure they were humans. Who else would be going in this direction…?

                “I thought we’d at least take a faster way of traveling,” he grumbled under his breath, frowning at the three-hour long transit time of driving after the hour and a half boat ride to the larger continent of Euria. They were almost there, but he would have liked to have seen that disappearing act of Yoongi’s. It wasn’t like the vampire hadn’t recovered from his bout of starvation. He was quite back to his usual self. Especially after his visit with Ailee the other day. “Are you really sleeping?” he wondered, leaning closer to stare at Yoongi’s profile.

                His head was resting against his chest, bouncing gently to the movement of the bus. Bleach blonde hair mostly hid his eyes and ears so it was impossible to tell if he was actually resting or not. He did seem very relaxed though. Lax hands hung between his slightly spread legs, bouncing gently like his head when the bus hit a bump in the road. It was still unnerving to realize he wasn’t breathing, but with a vampire, that meant very little. On the other hand… how asleep was he though?

                Glancing around with a mischievous look, Jungkook licked his lips and leaned a bit closer. “Yoongi?” he whispered, waiting to see if he’d get any reaction. Nothing. Just silence and the sound of the bus motor running constantly. “Are you awake?” he asked, a little bit louder this time, but still low so that his voice wouldn’t carry to the two passengers near the front. When he got no response again, he laughed quietly and then raised his hand to extend his finger towards Yoongi’s bare cheek. His smile widened as it got closer and closer, but then he jumped with a squeak when a hand suddenly rose up to capture his wrist.

                “What are you doing?” Yoongi asked, lightly holding Jungkook captive as he gave him a side eyed look through his barely parted bangs.

                “Nothing,” he blinked in nervous surprise.

                “Liar,” the vampire snorted with a lazy smirk before he released Jungkook’s wrist.

                “Fine…” Jungkook grumbled, fidgeting in his seat. “I’m bored and you’re sleeping and we’re going to see my parents together. How are you so calm?” he demanded in a frantic rush.

                “This is just part of the process for me,” Yoongi admitted, shifting in his seat so that he could sink further into it, legs sliding out straight in front of him. “What are you so worried about?” he asked, giving him another side-eyed look.

                Jungkook wrinkled his nose and crossed his arms. “Small town reactions and family stories,” he grumbled, looking out the window resignedly.

                “I’m counting on the second one,” Yoongi snorted, not bothering to hide his amusement.

                “You…!” Jungkook scowled with a betrayed expression. “Ugh… You’re terrible.”

                “You know you can always beat them to the punch,” Yoongi winked, one hand gesturing as if giving permission to go first.

                For a moment, Jungkook turned speculative and then he nodded, having made up his mind. “Okay. But only if you tell me one first.”

                The vampire’s amusement faded, replaced by an unreadable, neutral expression instead. “Never mind. I’m tired,” he stated in a flat voice, closing his eyes and purposefully zoning out.

                “Yoongi…” Jungkook murmured, face crumpling slightly. ‘Stupid,’ he admonished himself silently after realizing what he’d suggested. He knew that Yoongi didn’t like talking about his family. He wouldn’t say why but after spending time around him for nearly six months now, it was a known sore spot. “Sorry,” he mumbled in awkward apology before turning to look out the window again. He wasn’t really worried about his own parents. They would likely tell embarrassing stories but Jungkook usually found them to be good memories in retrospect. He was probably more nervous about being home… in the town anyway. It wasn’t bad exactly, but he distinctly remembered feeling more and more out of place the older he got. And though he hadn’t been gone all that long, he doubted it would have gotten any better in the interim.

                Thirty minutes later, the bus finally pulled into the station of Jungkook’s hometown: Paroche. “Yoongi-” he started to say as he reached over to wake the vampire, but he flinched when he realized his companion was well aware they had arrived.

                “Let’s go,” Yoongi encouraged, grabbing Jungkook’s wrist and literally pulling him along so they could get off quickly.

The other two passengers remained seated and didn’t even seem to realize Jungkook and Yoongi were there. The driver did, in as much as he opened the door for them, but that was last of the recognition, making Jungkook feel nervous. Even when they started walking, though there were a noticeable number of people about, no one looked in their direction. At all… Jungkook glanced at Yoongi first but the vampire didn’t seem as if he was doing anything. With a frown, he looked back and scratched at his face while they walked.

                As he expected, the city hadn’t much changed at all. Some would consider the city quaint, most would say old-fashioned, and to someone like Jungkook, it came off as largely backwards a lot of the time, but he was being unkind in that. They just had a small world and when he’d moved to the city, Jungkook had begun to realize just how small it was. It was still weird that no one seemed to notice them though. Especially since he saw several familiar faces from high school… “Why aren’t they looking at us?” he finally asked softly, almost like he was afraid he’d break a spell.

                Yoongi blinked in mild surprise and turned his full attention on Jungkook then. “Did you want them to?”

                “Not really,” he admitted with a hesitant grimace. “But… this is strange.” His laugh was forced and uncomfortable. It felt a little too much like a scene in a horror movie or something.

                “Okay,” his companion shrugged. Nothing outwardly changed, but as soon as Yoongi started walking again, Jungkook began to notice a fair few double takes from the surrounding people. Familiar faces started to recognize him and regard Yoongi especially with wary suspicion.

                “That was your doing wasn’t it?” Jungkook asked in a quiet voice as he leaned closer to Yoongi.

                “Yep.” When Jungkook lingered close, Yoongi glanced over at him and then around at the observers. “Do you want me to do it again?” A laugh simmered just beneath the words.

                “Yes please,” Jungkook mumbled, feeling very much like he’d been dropped in a pot of slowly heating water. Eerily, as soon as he answered, he had the bizarre pleasure of watching recognition fade as confusion and uncertainty replaced it. The onlookers glanced around, apparently missing something but not knowing what, before they continued on as if nothing had changed. “Wow…” Jungkook whispered, looking around him in earnest appreciation and surprise. “This is… how you avoid being noticed by humans isn’t it?” he asked, turning to look at the vampire in awe.

                “Works for low level magical creatures too,” he confirmed with a slow nod. “Makes it easier to get around most of the time. And…” he added, gaze drifting to sight on someone else specifically. “It lets you know if there’s someone around you need to keep an eye on,” he laughed once, nodding towards the person he was referring to.

                “Mom?” Jungkook blinked in surprise when he turned to look. Almost like his word did break a spell, the middle-aged woman shifted to angle herself towards him, warm brown eyes focusing and a beatific smile lighting up her slightly wrinkled face. She did love to laugh after all. A loose brown braid hung over her shoulder, complimented by a couple brilliant strands of silver threaded throughout.

                She unfolded her jacket covered arms and jogged over to them, eyes sliding to the man beside him before settling on Jungkook again. “Welcome back, Kookie,” she greeted, reaching to hug him without hesitation.

                “Mom,” he grumbled with a shy smile and a mildly embarrassed glance at Yoongi. “What are you doing here?” he wondered, hugging her back with a growing smile, despite his brief hesitation.

                “I came to meet you and your friend,” she answered easily, stepping back to look up at him. Her head barely reached his chin now and she almost felt smaller than the last time he’d seen her. Keeping one hand on Jungkook’s arm, she stepped aside to get a better look at his guest and smiled politely in greeting. “You must be Yoongi.”

                “I am,” said vampire nodded in confirmation with a quiet smile gracing his lips. “And you must be Mrs. Jeon.”

                “Seonmi is fine,” she assured him with a thoughtful look on her face. “I imagine you’re a fair bit older than I am after all.”

                “Mom!” Jungkook cringed with an uncertain glance at Yoongi.

                “Probably,” the vampire chuckled in amusement. “It’s nice to meet you, Seonmi,” he offered, extending his hand in a polite greeting.

                “And you,” she reciprocated, taking his hand in her smaller one and shaking once. “How was the trip?” she asked, looking away from the vampire and turning her attention back to Jungkook, using one hand to brush his hair out of his face in a motherly gesture. “I was starting to worry since you said you’d be here about an hour ago.”

                “Yeah…” he grimaced and shrugged apologetically. “The boat took longer to get going and then we had to catch a different bus. Sorry.”

                Seonmi waved off the apology quickly. “It’s not a problem. You’re here now and that’s what matters. Your father will be very happy to see you too,” she assured him. “Come on. Let me give you guys a ride,” she encouraged, taking a step away and gesturing towards the parking lot in front of the grocery store. “Rather. Wait here. I’ll come pick you up. It’s cold today,” she laughed, rubbing her hands together quickly before she jogged off towards a small dark blue car.

                “No wonder you left,” Yoongi commented when Jungkook’s mother was a fair distance away. At Jungkook’s curious glance, he added, “Magic in your blood and sensitive. Barring family, I can’t imagine that this place was particularly comfortable for you.”

                “Hey!” Jungkook objected, giving the vampire an annoyed looked. “It wasn’t that bad.” Yoongi merely shrugged and gestured at his mother’s car as she pulled up for them to get in. Nor was he lying about that part, but even he couldn’t deny things certainly felt… less appealing here now that he was older. The memories hadn’t aged as well as he might have liked, not even a year out. Then again, the memories of home were still as warm as ever.

                Their house was cozy, similar to many of the others in Paroche. It had a small front yard with a fenced in backyard from when they used to have a dog. In addition, it was just large enough for a family of three plus the odd guest, not that the last part mattered. They weren’t staying the night anyway. Jungkook figured that would just be all sorts of awkward… Especially since he wasn’t sure how his dad was going to react to Yoongi anyway. Speaking of his father, the older man was inside working on trying to clean and make sure everything was more presentable for when they arrived.

                “Honey!” his mom called as she closed the door behind her, startling him out of his busy work.

                Wordlessly, he looked up and offered a small smile in Jungkook’s direction. The reflection of the light on his glasses made his eyes hard to see but it was obvious he was at least a little happy to see him. “Hey dad,” Jungkook waved, glancing at his mother before shuffling further into the house.

                “Welcome home,” his father greeted, drawing near as well. Awkwardly, they stopped about a meter from each other and fidgeted, not sure if they should hug or shake hands.

                “Well go on,” Seonmi laughed once, nudging Jungkook as she walked by. “I’m going to start on dinner. You must be hungry,” she encouraged, stopping long enough to steal a quick kiss on the cheek from her husband before ducking into the kitchen.

                “It’s good to see you,” Mr. Jeon nodded, taking a hesitant step closer, gaze darting to the front door before settling on his son again.

                “You too,” Jungkook answered, finally closing the distance to steal a hug of his own. It was short and a little stiff, but sincere all the same.

                Stepping back and holding Jungkook at arm’s length, Mr. Jeon looked him over quickly and then shifted his attention to the unmoving guest at the entrance. “This must be your friend.”

                “Yes,” Jungkook agreed, slipping free to rush back so he could pull Yoongi forward, much to the vampire’s dry amusement. “This is Yoongi. He’s my-”



                The two shared another awkward moment before Yoongi laughed once and inserted himself into the picture. “Both,” he assured the older man with an extended hand, much like he had for Jungkook’s mother.

                Unlike the exchange with his mother, Jungkook was amusedly awkward about seeing his father attempting to give Yoongi what looked like a firm handshake. Coming from a human, it was probably pretty pitiful, and he struggled not to snort when his father actually seemed a little disappointed in the sheer lack of reaction.

                “It’s nice to meet you,” Yoongi smiled with veiled humor.

                “You too,” Mr. Jeon mumbled as he adjusted his glasses quickly and then brushed at the short edges of his dark brown hair.

                “Jungkook has told me a lot about you,” he added with just enough sincerity. “He thinks highly of both of you,” he continued, grinning and catching Jungkook’s embarrassed elbow aimed at his ribs.

                “Oh,” Mr. Jeon nodded, rubbing at the back of his neck and laughing once at seeing their exchange. “Well. We think Jungkook’s a pretty good kid too,” he conceded, gesturing at his son as he adjusted his shirt self-consciously.

                “That makes three of us then,” Yoongi promised, surprising both Jeons.

                Jungkook looked at him with a slightly narrowed expression. “Really?”

                Yoongi apparently ignored him as he sighted on something else. “Oh! Is this a family portrait?” he wondered, drawing Mr. Jeon’s attention to the picture on the wall as he moved closer.

                “Yes!” Mr. Jeon answered after a brief pause. “That was our Yule picture about… three years ago?” he explained cautiously, trying hard to remember the correct date.

                Jungkook listened to the ensuing conversation but his attention was on Yoongi. He didn’t know if the vampire was only putting on an act or if what he’d said had been true. He was definitely laying it on thick for his parents and it was working, but… had he meant any of it? The vampire wasn’t paying him any attention and seemed to be animatedly listening to his father pointing out other pictures and the stories that went with them. It only got worse when his mother came out after getting most of everything started because she knew where the photo albums were. And unlike his father, she was far more eloquent in telling family stories to go with them.

                She only got a couple in before she had to finish up dinner but then she brought it into the living room instead of the kitchen so they could continue in comfort. Yoongi deferred on food but waited attentively so that they could continue their stories. Jungkook didn’t know whether to be more fascinated or mortified. It wasn’t that the stories were particularly embarrassing – everyone’s high school pictures were sheer cringe anyway – but his parents seemed enraptured with giving as much information as they could. It almost felt like they were under a spell and he looked at Yoongi suspiciously. Was he commanding them somehow?

                “Oh! Here are the All Hallows Eve pictures!” Seonmi grinned, finger tracing over the images with loving delight.

                Uh oh… That section. Jungkook hid a groan as he scooched a little closer to see.

                “Ever since he could pick his own costume, Kookie was always a magical creature,” she gushed, pointing out each year’s costume. “He made the cutest little archon when he was five,” she crooned, caressing the picture of her five-year-old son. Yoongi’s grin was pure delight and Jungkook was equally fascinated and embarrassed.

                “It seems like every year he wanted to try something different,” Mr. Jeon added on, pointing at a couple other pictures. “He was a werewolf, a vampire,” he explained, gesturing at Yoongi with a quick hand, “an elf. He even tried to be a Mage one year but most of the kids just thought he was playing a magician.”

                “Oh no,” Yoongi grimaced with a wrinkled nose before he glanced at Jungkook and gave him a quick wink.

                “I thought it was a good idea,” Jungkook grumbled, taking a final bite of his food and setting his plate aside.

                Seonmi heard the clink of metal on ceramic and looked up to check on her son. “Finished?” Jungkook nodded and took a satisfied breath. “Yoongi. Are you sure we can’t offer you anything?” she asked, turning her attention to the vampire who had, to her concern, not consumed anything since he’d arrived.

                “I’m fine, Mrs. Jeon,” he assured her with a sly glance at Jungkook. “Besides. If I absolutely need to eat, I’ll just ask Jungkook.”

                “Oh,” she blinked in surprise, clearly not expecting his bluntness.

                “Eh?” Mr. Jeon grunted when the comment clicked in his head.

                “Huh?!” Jungkook followed suit, sitting up on the couch abruptly. “Yoongi!” he hissed under his breath as he shot the vampire a confused look. ‘What are you doing?’ he mouthed in slight panic.

                “What?” Yoongi shrugged, taking in the three pairs of eyes looking at him calmly. “I am a vampire after all. And it’s not like he hasn’t offered before,” he continued, gesturing at their son.

                “Oh?” Seonmi hummed thoughtfully, the sound quickly drowned out by her husband.

                “What?!” he demanded, far more affected by the comment. “Not in this household!” he managed to bluster, standing up and pointing down at Yoongi with a stern finger.

                “Honey,” his wife soothed, grabbing at his arm and trying to pull him down beside her.

                “Dad…” Jungkook groaned, alternating between being further embarrassed by his father and annoyed or upset at Yoongi. He hadn’t decided which it was yet.

                “Maybe not,” Yoongi raised his hands in what had to be faux surrender. “But if Jungkook decides to turn, this will be a reality for him,” he explained, looking between his parents before he shifted his gaze to Jungkook intentionally. It was made worse by the fact that he shifted one hand to trace a fingernail down the side of his neck intentionally. Jungkook flushed and his ears felt hot at the reminder.

                “Honey,” Seonmi urged, tugging harder at her husband’s arm so that this time he did fall onto the couch beside her, much to his own consternation.

                “But…!” he grumbled, gesturing at the vampire with an erratic hand.

                “It’s not like he’s doing anything right now,” she reminded him with a placating pat on his thigh.

                “Looks like I poked the pixie’s nest,” Yoongi said with a half laugh and a partial shrug. “Jungkook. I’ll leave you to explain,” he winked, leaning over to pat Jungkook’s knee with his hand. “Let me know when it’s settled.”

                “Yoongi!” Jungkook yelped, reaching for the vampire before he stood up and practically disappeared in front of him. It felt like a curtain had been pulled in front of him and it left all three humans slightly disoriented. “Ass,” he hissed under his breath before looking at his parents and forcing a smile he didn’t feel. He hadn’t seen Yoongi use the lighter so he was actually relatively sure the vampire was still here, but had resorted to his avoiding attention trick.

                “Where did he go?” his father asked in stunned confusion.

                “Honey. He’s a vampire and we’re normal humans. For all we know, he could be standing right there,” she explained in a reasonable tone while gesturing at a spot near the couch.


                Yoongi was impressed. Jungkook’s mother certainly had good instincts about magical creatures. Or perhaps it was magic in general but her approximation was not far off. Quietly, he stepped from her general direction and resumed watching the trio. It was obvious Jungkook was annoyed with him, if not worse, but this was just another important part of the process. Ironically, it was easier when relationships weren’t good since they could just skip this step, but Jungkook had always maintained he was on at least relatively good terms with his parents. This visit had more than proven that as true.

                Furthermore, it was quite endearing watching him talk them down. His mother less so. She seemed to have done some research about vampires at the very least. But it was also a good sign that his father was upset by Yoongi’s intentionally flippant comment. It meant he cared, even if he didn’t understand everything.

                And in observing the three, it also reminded Yoongi of a time when he was much younger. His family didn’t have stories like the Jeons did – certainly not the Hallows Eve costume ones anyway, but this moment… this felt familiar and warm. It conjured memories of the occasional fight at school and having to explain it to his parents. Of difficult lessons and frustrating training sessions. Of early relationships and the ups and downs that followed.

                It reminded him of… home.

                Yoongi licked his lips and rubbed at his gently aching chest. That was a double-edged sword of a memory and he took a breath before listening in once more. The hour was late and everyone was growing tired, but it looked like they were reaching an understanding of sorts. His father seemed like the wind had been taken from his sails but he wasn’t angry or depressed. Just… weary.

                “Dad. I may not be human anymore after I turn, but I’ll still be your son,” Jungkook promised, leaning over so he could rest his hand on top of his father’s.

                “Of course you will,” Seonmi smiled even as she brushed at the corner of her eye with one hand. “Always,” she added, placing her hand atop both of theirs and holding tight.

                “I guess you really have thought about this,” Mr. Jeon exhaled, reaching under his glasses to rub at the bridge of his nose.

                “Yes dad. You knew it was going to be a werewolf or a vampire years ago,” he snorted with a nod at the last Hallows Eve picture in the album.

                Yoongi leaned over so he could see and he grinned at the amalgamation of were and vampire Jungkook appeared to be. He was either trying to be half and half that year or a literal, and nonexistent, hybrid. “Foolish human,” he whispered quietly with a gentle smile.

                “I never really expected it to happen,” he snorted with a shake of his head.

                “Yeah well, I’m not there yet anyway so you’ve got a little more time,” Jungkook shrugged, though his tone was reassuring.

                “Exactly,” Seonmi smiled, patting both their hands understandingly before glancing around with slightly furrowed brows. “Well. Now that it looks like we’ve got things under control, it’s also getting late… Were you going to stay?” she wondered, hesitant but hopeful.

                “I… uh,” Jungkook trailed off, uncertain as he looked around in turn. “Yoongi?” he called, his voice soft and questioning.

                That was his cue. Yoongi stood up and returned to his spot near the couch from where he’d been earlier and spoke, “We weren’t planning on it.”

                All three jumped in surprise but Mr. Jeon gasped, “Green Man’s beard!”

                “I see you still recall the Old One of nature,” Yoongi grinned hearing the name.

                “It’s a common phrase here,” he grumbled, clearly disgruntled by the vampire’s sudden appearance.

                “I’ll be able to do that too later,” Jungkook whispered in an almost conspiratorial tone as he leaned closer to his mother.

                “Heavens help us,” she laughed, pulling a small smile from her husband in the process. “Vampires,” she added, turning a knowing gaze on Yoongi before she took another breath. He smiled back and waited for her to say whatever was on her mind. “You said you aren’t going to stay though?”

                “No,” he shook his head. “I will return tonight. But…” He paused to gesture at his companion. “If Jungkook would like to stay, that is his business.”

                “I…” the human trailed off, looking between his parents and Yoongi.

                “We would love to have you,” his mother reminded him, holding tight to her husband’s hand so that she wouldn’t reach for her son overbearingly.

                “Mom. I don’t have any clothes…” he trailed off with a guilty shrug.

                “You can wear mine,” his father offered. He was larger than Jungkook, but that didn’t mean his clothes wouldn’t be comfortable. “I’ve got an extra pair of pajamas that would fit you.”

                “Yoongi…” Jungkook whispered, looking at the vampire with a rather lost expression.

                It hit harder than he thought it would and Yoongi cleared his throat once before he spoke. “Stay then. Your parents obviously want you to and one night out won’t hurt you,” he promised, resting his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder reassuringly. He didn’t miss the hopeful smiles on his parents faces.

                “But what about tomorrow?” he wondered with a frown.

                “You know how to get back,” Yoongi laughed once. “But if it’s too slow, you can just call me.”

                Jungkook frowned and gave him a cross look. “Why didn’t do that today then?”

                “I’ll explain it tomorrow,” he teased with a wink. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something else but then Yoongi pat him on the head and reemphasized, “Tomorrow.” That made his companion close his mouth with a look as close to a pout as he’d allow himself. “Seonmi. Mr. Jeon. Thank you for your hospitality,” Yoongi murmured, turning to offer his hand to both. Jungkook’s mother accepted with no trouble and his father followed suit, albeit a bit later.

                “Yoongi,” Jungkook called quietly, his hands in his lap as he looked at the vampire.

                “See you tomorrow,” Yoongi reminded him, pausing to give a small wave before he reached into his pocket for his lighter. He saw Jungkook raise one hand to offer a small wave in return before he sparked a flame and fell into shadows. A fair bit later, he popped out in the street in front of the Coven. “Broken fangs…” he grumbled, realizing this wasn’t where he’d wanted to end up. “Eh,” he shrugged after a moment though when he conceded it wasn’t bad for a first try from such a distance and a new location.

                Striding inside, Sanghyuk was on duty and noticed him immediately. “Hey Yoongi. Back already?”

                “Yep,” he answered, heading for the stairs.

                “Where’s Jungkook?” the younger vampire asked, glancing around for the missing person.

                “He stayed home tonight.”

                “Home home?” Sanghyuk clarified with obvious surprise.


                “You okay?” he asked, following Yoongi’s progress as he fled up the stairs.

                “Yep,” was the same monosyllabic response.


                Yoongi ignored the sound of his name and retreated to his room quickly. The dark offered no solace. He was simply greeted with silence and the lingering ghosts of memories that had been bittersweet in shared company but which turned sour when alone. Back pressed against his door, he slid down to sit on the floor, drawing his knees close. With his elbows resting atop them, he cradled his head in his hands and willed himself to think of nothing. No parents, no memories, no mentees… nothing. It didn’t work half as well as he hoped, which meant it was going to be a long night.

Chapter 16: The Decisions We Make

Chapter Text

                A knock startled him out of the daze he’d been in, wandering halls of blurring memories like a mindless zombie. Yoongi blinked and frowned as he realized he was still in his room, leaning against the door. For a moment, he wondered if he was merely hearing things, but then he felt someone outside his bedroom just before another knock came.


                That was Wonho. Why was he here…? Maybe if he didn’t say anything, the younger vampire would just go away.

                “I know you’re in there,” Wonho persisted, sounding like he was chewing on his lip uncertainly. Like he would know as a Rank 1 vampire… “Jungsu said he felt you here earlier,” he added, almost like he could read Yoongi’s mind.

                Scowling to himself, Yoongi leaned his head back and took a breath. “What?” he finally grumbled, not moving yet.

                “Namjoon said you need to go see the Crone today,” he explained hesitantly.

                The answer made him even more cross. “I thought you said Jungsu came by earlier.”

                “He did,” Wonho answered, just a hint of irritation present. “I got a message from Namjoon a couple minutes ago.”

                “Why didn’t he just message me?” he grumbled, lowering his head to look at the floor between his legs.

                “Is your phone on?” came the quick question in response.

                Grimacing, Yoongi patted his person and then frowned even harder when he saw his phone very nearly under his bed. “Ugh…” he scowled, wishing for just a moment that he was a Rank 4 vampire so he wouldn’t have to get up to check it. Then another thought occurred to him and he rolled his shoulder as he activated his cloak. Elongating it into a snakelike rope, he reached out and snagged his phone in the malleable darkness before yanking it back. Namjoon would have been cross with him for using his cloak in such a trivial manner but he wasn’t here right now. “No,” he muttered after finally checking to see if it was turned on. Somehow, he’d turned it off last night. There was still a charge which meant it was likely intentional.

                “She’s expecting you around nine,” Wonho added, obviously lingering close to the door if his energy signature was any indication.

                “So stupid,” Yoongi scowled as he flipped through a series of messages from Namjoon.

                Don’t mope in your room all day. – Namjoon 5:43 a.m.

                Since you didn’t answer, you’re either ignoring me or your phone is off. I’m busy today but Hyuna has requested you go by Sanctuary. Make sure that you do. – Joonie 6:54 a.m.

                Don’t worry about Jungkook. He’s staying for breakfast and then taking the long way home. You’ve got time. – N 7:26 a.m.

                Check your phone, Yoongi! Jungsu says you’re there so you better go to Sanctuary today. – Vampire Lord Namjoon 8:11 a.m.

                Brat. I’m sending Wonho to get you. This is an official order. Be at Sanctuary by 9am today. Do not disappoint me. – Coven Leader Kim Namjoon. 8:32 a.m.

                “Ugh!” Yoongi scowled, very tempted to throw his phone across the room as the time of 8:43 a.m. blinked at him from the screen.

                “You okay?” Wonho asked softly from the other side.

                “Fine!” the older vampire snapped back as he stood up and brushed at his rumpled clothes with agitated energy. He roughed his hair up briefly before it settled back into place and then stuffed his phone in his pocket with a disgusted groan. Opening the door, he felt further irritation stab him when he had to actually look up to meet Wonho’s eyes. “I’m going,” he announced, curtly brushing past the vampire as he slammed the door behind him.

                “Alright!” Wonho yelped, stepping aside with his hands up and a confused look on his face.

                Yoongi made it a couple feet before he wrinkled his nose and stopped from the sliver of guilt worming its way into his awareness. He partially turned and raised a hand as if he was going to say something, but when he caught Wonho’s eyes, words failed him. Instead, he nodded once and dropped his gaze before resuming his trek. “So stupid,” he whispered at himself, shaking his head.

                Public transportation would be too slow and he really didn’t feel like running there so that left… With a roll of his eyes, he stuffed his hand into his pocket and retrieved his lighter again. With a deadpan look, he clicked the flame to life and disappeared from the coven. When he reappeared, he was standing directly in front of a sunlit Sanctuary on a beautiful bright day with the last patches of snow lingering on the ground and greenery in the area. It was irritably cheery. Beyond the building, he saw the gentle hills of their mountainous region rising to overshadow it and in the distance to his left he could just see the water zone, full to the brim of aqueous magical creatures and their kin.

                Waving his hand dismissively, he turned his attention back to Sanctuary and frowned. It seemed unchanged from the last time he’d been here in person. His skin tingled from the sheer amount of latent magic that had been built and poured into the area, and not for the first time, he wondered what Hyuna had done to tie so much to this place and still be left mostly alone. He flinched though when the door opened and there she was, standing in the doorway exactly as he remembered her.

                Maroon hair gently framed her flawless but pale face.

                Cherry red lips shone in the sunlight.

                Bare feet were obvious beneath the hem of her long ruby colored dress.

                Dark brown eyes sparkled with warmth and life.

                And her mouth turned up with the always easy smile before her lips parted to reveal gleaming white teeth. Even now she seemed more like a creature from a fairy tale than the reclusive owner of an orphanage for magical creatures. “Hyuna,” he nodded in hesitant greeting.

                She reacted by clutching her hands over her chest and gasping as if hurt, turning from majestic fairy creature to an overdramatic actress in the blink of an eye. “Oh!” she opined, turning hurt eyes upon him. “You haven’t come to see me in forty-three years and this is how you greet your mother?”

                Yoongi rolled his eyes at the reminder and immediately rebutted, “You’re not my mom.”

                Unphased by his comment, Hyuna glided from the doorway and moved to stand beside him, placing her hands on his shoulders gently. “An adoptive mother is a still a mother, and you will always be my child. Whether you want to believe that or not,” she pressed, tapping him on the nose, much to his annoyance.

                “Yeah well…” he trailed off, awkwardly shrugging her hands off and stepping aside just a bit so there was space between them again. “Namjoon told me to come so… here I am,” he grumbled, keeping his gaze down even as he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes.

                She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head before she wagged her finger at him. “You were always grumpy but you’re far more recalcitrant today. I wonder what happened,” she mused in a tone that made him think she knew exactly what he was troubled about.

                “Hyuna…” he groaned, setting his jaw as he gave her another side-eyed glare.

                “Fine, fine Mr. Impatient,” she chuckled, moving close to grab his shoulders again so she could shepherd him inside. “How are you? Have you been well?” she asked, reaching up to grab his chin and inspect him quickly. But before he could answer, she continued anyway. “You look hungry. Have you eaten lately?”

                “I’m fine,” he grumbled, frowning at the focused attention. She always had a way of seeing to the heart of everything with him and it made him uncomfortable. He was too exposed around her, even when he was as guarded as he could be.

                “Oh, no,” she chided softly, holding him still to step in front of him while she gave him a quick look up and down. “Today you must eat,” she nodded once, stepping back to cross her arms again and nod once in firm agreement.

                “I’m fin-”

                “Don’t make me make you,” she warned him with a sigh. “You know I can.” Yoongi stiffened immediately and closed his mouth before nodding in mute agreement. She could and had in the past. “Wait here and I’ll bring you something,” she winked before turning around and practically disappearing in the same moment.

                Yoongi worked his jaw for a second and then exhaled in quiet frustration. With Hyuna gone for the time being, it allowed his attention to wander to the rest of the familiar place and he couldn’t help but look around. Very little had changed from when he’d been here before. Light filtered inside in a familiar array of brilliance on the dark carpet. Pictures littered the walls and the architecture still seemed to scream Victorian from the eastern part of Euria. Ornate ornaments adorned the walls and trim with curlicues and dainty wooden leaves and the wallpaper was awash in dark curling, winding lines on beige. Even the standing lamps hadn’t seemed to change with their antique shades at this point. Beyond that, the full couch was still in the den and he recalled a great many hours spent lounging on the cushiony dark blue material – and preventing others from sitting there with him…

                Jonghyun had gotten so annoyed with him for making one of the other children cry at the time. He wandered close and touched the back of the couch with light fingers. He’d heard the Baku had passed away not that long ago. Old age and whatnot, but he still felt a twinge in his chest at the thought. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the nightmare eater had helped him a lot more than he cared to say in those days. Looking around to try and shift his focus, he caught sight of the pictures on the wall. One in particular held his eye and he made a face as he approached it. The painting was a perfect replica of him from about… two hundred and eleven years ago. He had black hair back then but he looked otherwise the same. How had the picture not faded at all?

                “You were just a baby back then,” Hyuna’s voice surprised him as she appeared at his side.

                How did she still manage to do that…? “Hardly,” he scoffed, looking over to see the glass of blood in her hands. It smelled better than his usual food and he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.

                “It’s not mine, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she laughed once, pressing the glass into his hands. “You know I don’t skimp on food for my children,” she added, placing one hand on her hip and pointing her finger at him again.

                He couldn’t argue with that. Taking the glass, he tried a sip and figured it was some kind of magical creature but he couldn’t immediately place it. Might have been a blend too… They stood in silence for a moment, just looking at the pictures on the wall, some familiar and most not, before he finally spoke again. “So what do you want my help with?” he asked in a resigned tone.

                “Maybe I just want to visit with you?” she grinned happily, giving him a warm sidelong look.

                Yoongi laughed once and shook his head slightly. “You wouldn’t have Namjoon order me here for just a visit,” he reasoned, taking another sip.

                “He ordered you, did he?” she laughed, clearly amused by the thought. “That was his choice. Not mine,” she pointed out, playing with a strand of hair by twining it around her finger. That made far more sense than it should have. Yoongi made a face and rolled his eyes. “Should I command him for you?” she winked mischievously, recalling the day he’d met Namjoon.

                It made Yoongi laugh, finally, and he shook his head. “Tempting, but no. He, like you, has his reasons,” he sighed, taking another sip.

                “True enough,” she conceded, placing a hand on his arm again.

                This time though, it felt rather like she was really seeing him. Or maybe looking through him. It was slightly disconcerting, made worse by the fact it was not the first time she’d done it. Yoongi looked down and leaned away slightly.

                “It’s alright,” she soothed, moving her hand to caress his head instead, the gesture infinitely motherly in its touch. It hurt in a way he couldn’t really explain.

                Wincing, Yoongi stepped away. “Hyuna.”

                Her smile turned sad but she laughed anyway and raised her hands in quiet surrender. “I need you to help train one of my children today,” she explained honestly, lowering her hands to clasp them in front of her.

                “Why?” he wondered, at a loss. She was normally quite capable of such things.

                “As you may have noticed, the others are away for their lessons,” she explained, gesturing at the otherwise strangely empty building. “But my daughter is in a unique position.” Yoongi narrowed his eyes curiously and waited for her to continue. “I have been training her but she’s stuck right now and… I don’t think it would be good for me to be the one to break her through this next part.”

                Looking back in his memories, Yoongi tried to pull the missing piece into focus. He sharpened his awareness of smell and leaned a bit closer to get a better scent. She smelled familiar, as usual, but it was different from when he’d lived with her before. Her smell had changed a couple times since living with her but that usually coincided with new children of a certain type. She smelled not unlike him but infinitely different as well. Today, it was more like the scent of a sunny day after the rain fell. She was missing some things…

                Hyuna watched him with thoughtful eyes as he puzzled her over. “Shadow is the one I’m concerned about,” she chuckled under her breath, laughing harder when Yoongi wrinkled his nose at the admittance.

                “That one,” he grimaced, pointing a finger at her. “I remember what can be done with that, you know?”

                “And that’s why I’m asking you, Yoongi. You who has never been afraid of shadows and the dark. You who knows what to expect and how to counter them. You who is not her mother living under the same roof together,” she added with a sideways quirk of her mouth.

                “Hah! You want me to be the big bad here,” he accused with a finger pointed at her.

                She shrugged innocently and hummed. “If that’s how you see it, who am I to argue?”

                “You’re terrible,” he grumbled, making another face. “Why didn’t you just ask Namjoon?”

                Her raised brow was answer enough but she did continue, “He’s busy. So is Jungsu. And none of your juniors are up to the task. Furthermore, you’re free today,” she winked. Before he could get upset, she also tacked on, “And it’s not like I’m going to invite some random vampire into my home, now am I?” She turned serious then and placed her hands on his shoulders once more, making him face her directly. “I’m asking you because I trust you. Trust you not to hurt her and not to get hurt in turn. At least not too much anyway.” Hyuna shifted her hands to gently clasp his face between them. “That and I think you might be getting rusty, my lazy child,” she teased with a bright smile.

                “Terrible,” he mock scowled as he brushed her hands away and took a breath.

                “Nearly two decades without a trainee now-"

                Had it been that long?

               "-and don’t think I didn’t hear about your encounter with the chimera not that long ago,” she chided, both hands resting on her hips in obvious disappointment. “That should have been child’s play for you to catch him,” she tsked with a shake of her head. “Unless…” she hummed, turning a thoughtful expression on him. “You had a reason not to.”

                 “Fine,” he conceded with a falsely dismissive snort at himself to avoid the topic. “I’ll help your mystery child.” His words fell into lingering and observant silence for a very long moment, during which he felt Hyuna’s gaze acutely. But then the atmosphere shifted as quickly as a lightning strike.

                “Wonderful!” Hyuna chirped in delight, hopping in place and clapping her hands together more like a little girl.

                “How old are you again?” he asked with a dubious look at her.

                “None of your concern,” she grinned back with another finger pointed his direction. “Now go wait by the basement. I’ll bring my daughter down shortly. And finish your drink,” she added sternly before turning to head up the stairs.

                Yoongi pursed his lips as he watched her go but then took a breath and quickly downed the rest of the contents of the glass. That was why she wanted to feed him. To make sure he could do this next part without too much trouble. Then again, it would depend on the girl’s level. He made a detour to the kitchen first to wash the glass out and then headed to wait by the basement door. It didn’t take long for Hyuna to return with another woman at her side.

                She was obviously young and just on the cusp of adulthood, but she felt more like a teenager. Shoulder length dark brown hair was pulled into a half horsetail so he could see her face but she kept it mostly turned down. Ripped jeans and a baggy t-shirt hid most of the rest of her and she screamed insecurity and a lack of confidence. For just a second, she reminded him of a much younger version of himself at a certain point. With a quick shake, he banished the thought and waited for introductions.

                “Yoongi. This is Hyosung, my shadow daughter,” she introduced with obvious pride.

                “Hello,” Yoongi greeted first, leaning down slightly to try and see under her bangs.

                “Hyosung,” Hyuna nudged gently.

                “Hello,” she mumbled, glancing up and then back down before holding her hands together.

                “Don’t worry, love. He’s not afraid of you either,” she promised, petting the back of Hyosung’s head with a soothing hand. “He’s a vampire,” she added, smiling when Hyosung looked up at the explanation.

                “Like…?” she whispered, pointing at Hyuna uncertainly.

                Hyuna nodded and then gestured towards Yoongi with a light hand against her daughter’s back. “Go on. It’s alright,” she promised in the same gentle voice. “I’ll be right here if you need anything.”

                “Okay,” she nodded, very clearly dragging her courage together.

                ‘Be nice,’ Hyuna mouthed when Yoongi looked over the girl’s shoulder.

                He raised a brow. When was he not nice? Before Hyosung could see him, he waved at Hyuna dismissively and then opened the door for the younger woman. “After you,” he urged, even giving a slight bow out of politeness. When he looked over at Hyuna, she rolled her eyes at his theatrics and then waved him off dismissively. She didn’t even wait for them to close the door before she turned and left, off to something else apparently. Yoongi scoffed once and made a face at her back.

                “Yoongi?” came the uncertain voice down the stairs, pulling him from his focus.

                “Coming,” he promised before he turned the lights on and then closed the door so they could train in the basement like old times. For him anyway.


                The sun was starting to set when Yoongi finally limped back to the coven after getting off the buffer zone bus. He’d hoped it would give him time enough to heal more before he returned but that wasn’t quite the case. Either he was getting rusty or she’d been stronger than he initially thought. Both were actually possible. Glancing down, he grimaced at the state of his unfortunately tattered clothes and was only grateful no one had asked him questions on the way back. One of the benefits of wearing mostly dark clothing some days was that you couldn’t see the dried blood on it, though he was pretty sure a couple of magical creatures had smelled it on him earlier. Regardless, after a morning of literally being swallowed by shadows and having to claw his way out again, he wasn’t quite ready to use the shadow paths to get home again so soon.

                Grimacing, he scratched at the back of his head and laughed once. He had kind of asked for it though. If you were gonna piss someone off, you had to be prepared for the possible backlash. But it had been a while since he’d dealt with that particular kind of opponent. Pausing in front of the coven doors, he stood up straight and stretched, wincing when everything pulled uncomfortably. As ready as he was going to be, he headed inside.

                For a wonder, no one was in the entryway. It wasn’t dark yet so that made sense, but it also meant no busybodies trying to ask what was wrong. “Let’s go,” he urged himself, willing his body to move at least a little bit faster as he tried to make it up the stairs. Miraculously, no one appeared before him and he made it to his room without incident.

                The bed felt magical when he fell on top of it, arms and legs spread out haphazardly. He was quite content to simply lie there for hours, but then his phone reminded him he had a message or two waiting for him. Groaning dramatically, he rolled over on his side to make it easier to draw his phone out of his pocket and then flopped on his belly to look at it with his arms resting on the bed. There were three messages. One from Hyuna. One from Namjoon. And one from Jungkook. He opened Hyuna’s first.

                Thank you for today. I think this will really help my daughter, so you have my gratitude. Make sure you eat plenty and try to come see me again before another fifty years go by. Love, your (adoptive) mother Hyuna 3:52 p.m.

                “Yeah, yeah. You owe me,” Yoongi grumbled, clicking out without responding. Jungkook’s was next but he skipped it for Namjoon’s message instead.

                Heard you went by Sanctuary today. Good on you. Let me know how it went later. – Namjoon 12:35 p.m.

                “Nosy busybody,” he scoffed, deleting the message quickly. “You just want to hear about what it’s like inside her home.” That was certainly something about the Crone – she barely let friends or acquaintances inside her home and definitely not strangers. Namjoon as good as fell in the acquaintance category and was treated more like a stranger when it came to visits. Most people knew about Sanctuary but what happened inside was generally a mystery. She really was protective of her children.

                The last message was from Jungkook and the text in the preview wasn’t enough to give him a solid idea of what it was about. It made him nervous… What if he’d decided to stay home? What if he didn’t want to become a vampire anymore? What if he wanted to leave Yoongi just like that…? “Ugh!” he groaned rolling over on his bed to stare at the phone screen above him. Glaring at it didn’t open the message. Nor did it make him feel any better. The screen went blank from inactivity and he scowled again. “Fine!” he grumbled, unlocking it and quickly tapping the message while he looked away. He couldn’t see the message that way but it was open… Slowly, he dragged his eyes back to focus on the screen and read the text therein.

                Hey Yoongi. Finally back home. Yoongi frowned. “Which home? Home home? Your home? My home?” He hurriedly continued reading. Namjoon let me know you’d be busy today so it took longer than I wanted to get back. “So Tradeborough then. Damn you, Namjoon. Definitely a busybody.” I just wanted to let you know I know why you took me home yesterday. And I’ve made a decision, but I want to talk to you first. “Is that a red flag?” Yoongi wondered with furrowed brows. “I feel like I should be worried,” he grumbled, letting his eyes continue to finish the message. So yeah. Let me know when you’re back. – Jungkook 3:22 p.m.

                Making a face, Yoongi dropped his hand to the bed with his phone nestled safely in it. “He wants to talk. Most conversations that come from that line don’t end well,” he reasoned, staring at the ceiling. “And what decision was there to make?” he added, lifting his hand and head to glare at the screen again. “Ugh. Brat. This should not be stressing me out,” he scowled, lifting the phone back into place above him so he could send a message in response.

                I’m back. Where are you? He heard the send notification and realized it was definitely not the politest of messages but he was too tired to dance around the topic right now. Sighing loudly, he let his hand fall back down to wait for a response, unsure how long it would take. He was not expecting within thirty seconds though and flinched as a message dinged. “What the…?” he frowned, staring at the response from Jungkook.

                In my room. – JK

                Yoongi’s frown deepened. Which room?

                Another almost immediate response followed. In the coven.

                Seriously? “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” he wondered, eyeing the message almost suspiciously. Oh.

                Where are you?

                “What are you, just waiting for my responses?” Yoongi exclaimed, staring at his phone as it almost immediately notified him of another message. It did not completely escape him that he was basically doing the same thing. My room. He sent the message and waited for the response but was almost disappointed when one didn’t come back in an instant. Impatiently, he tapped the screen and checked the signal. “So stupid,” he grumbled, lowering the phone to the bed and taking a breath as he tried to melt into the surface. It really did feel nice. But then that bit of bliss was interrupted by a message notification. He pursed his lips before looking at the phone and then blinked in surprise.

                Can I come over?

                It felt like it had taken him a while to send that… Then again, Yoongi was in no hurry to respond either as he stared at the message. He could pretend to be tired and put it off. But then he’d just have it nagging at the back of his mind. That meant he should probably get it over with now, but what if the decision wasn’t a good one? That would just throw his day off more. No. Better just to eat the garlic and get it over with. Yes. As soon as he hit the send button, he froze with a glance down at his clothes. Immediately, he tried to recall the message but it showed as already being seen. “Seriously?!” he rolled his eyes and groaned, dropping his arms to the bed again. “Whatever,” he muttered. Just part of being a vampire anyway. Now if he could only convince himself to sit up…

                The knock at his door came much too quickly for his liking and he glared at the wooden barrier. “It’s open,” he called instead of getting up to answer it.

                With a quiet click, the doorknob turned and the door swung inward, revealing Jungkook in the entryway. He looked rested if a bit nervous and he brushed at his dark hair while licking his lips quickly. But then he actually saw Yoongi on the bed and his eyes widened in obvious alarm and surprise. It was mildly gratifying seeing such an open and honest response. “Are you okay?” he asked with a gasp as he rushed over to the bed with every evidence of beginning panic.

                “I’m fine,” Yoongi answered with a ghost of his usual smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He was doubly grateful for the dark clothes color and Jungkook’s poor sense of smell. It was true his wounds had long since healed but dried blood was another matter. With a wince and a groan, he hauled himself into a sitting position on his bed and hung his elbows over his slightly bent knees.

                “What happened?” Jungkook asked, lingering close with his hands hovering like he should try to help but not sure how.

                “An unexpected training session,” he admitted with a dismissive wave, content not to go into great detail. “Seriously. I’m fine,” he reiterated when the other man seemed frozen with indecision. “Have a seat,” he gestured instead, motioning towards the side of the bed.

                “Right,” Jungkook murmured hesitantly, still looking over Yoongi’s tattered clothes and then stopping on his face, apparently trying to determine just how okay he was.

                “What did you want to talk about?” he asked, unable to keep himself from shifting a little uncertainly himself.

                “What?” his mentee asked in brief confusion. “Oh. Yeah,” he nodded a second later, hands finally settling in his lap as he took a breath before nibbling on his bottom lip. “Well,” he started, one hand gesturing out to help him do the talking. “Like you saw in the message, I made a decision this morning after talking with my parents. I mean, I’d already made a decision,” he admitted with both hands fluttering, “but this time I really made it,” he looked at Yoongi, “and I just wanted to let you know that even though I know it’s a big deal, I still think things are gonna-”

                “Jungkook,” Yoongi stated simply, reaching out far enough to touch the man’s thigh to help halt his flow of words. It was impossible to miss that he was nervous and it was making Yoongi even more nervous just watching him. “What did you decide?” he asked, voice quiet and gaze steady. If he’d had a regular heartbeat, he imagined it would have been fairly fast just then.

                Jungkook just looked down at the fingertips on his thigh with one hand hovering over them where they’d stopped in the story telling at Yoongi’s words. Then he dropped his hands to rest on top of his thighs again, so close they almost touched Yoongi’s fingers, but not quite. It seemed he measured the distance between them like it was a test or something of the sort but eventually looked up to meet the vampire’s eyes. “I’ve decided to stay.”

                Yoongi blinked and his fingertips twitched in response to his understanding of the words. He was going to stay? The unofficial promise, a statement of intent at the very least, sank into him like a soothing balm and he almost missed the following stream of nervous words that came to help explain why.

                “I’ve decided to become a vampire. I know that it means losing my humanity. And that it means drinking blood to survive. And that it also means I’ll have to see my human friends and family grow old and… die,” he trailed off with a slightly pained grimace. “But I’ve decided this is what I want. I… want you to be my mentor. I want to be a vampire. So… I’ve decided to stay,” he stated again, shifting his hand just enough for his loosely curled fingers to brush against Yoongi’s fingertips.

                Yoongi’s internal monologue was awash with a stream of frustration. ‘This is what you wanted to ‘talk to me’ about? This is what you made me stress about? Ugh!’ His outer words were far fewer and exponentially less stressed. “Foolish human,” he responded with a nod, allowing his hand to stay where it was as he looked at Jungkook with a coy smile. “That’s good,” he assured the other man, still confused about there having been the need to make a decision again. “But that does mean you’ll become a part of my world and all that entails,” he teased with a wink. “You ready for that?”

                Jungkook suddenly gained the look of a deer in headlights and he blinked once. “Yes?”

                “If you say so,” he laughed once, lifting his hand to pat Jungkook’s in a friendly manner. “Was there anything else?” he asked, peering at the young man with a curious expression.

                “Oh. No,” Jungkook answered with a shake of his head, obviously a little surprised by the direction things had gone.

                “Okay then. Good talk,” Yoongi nodded once, motioning towards the door with a quick hand. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to change,” he explained, picking at his tattered clothes as a reminder.

                “S-sure,” the younger man stammered, hopping off the bed like it was lava. “I’ll just be in my room,” he added, hands fluttering around him in his nervousness again.

                “Okay,” the vampire nodded once and waved, staying where he was on the bed. He watched as Jungkook stepped out and quietly closed the door behind him, eyes looking up once from his downward turned face before their line of sight was broken. “Ugh…” he groaned softly, falling back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. It was obvious Jungkook wanted to get closer to him but he didn’t know if it was a mentor-mentee thing or an attraction thing or just a desire for greater friendship thing… His last mentee had been easy. He very clearly was only interested in women (at the time) and the friendship-mentee thing moved along fairly naturally. Here… it was worse because Yoongi himself didn’t really know what he wanted to feel.

                He said he was going to stay though. And that he wanted to be a vampire. And he wanted… Yoongi to mentor him. That was a start. Something he could work with for sure. They couldn’t really train yet, due to the difference in abilities and skill levels, but he could spend time with him and teach him more about becoming a vampire. The positives this time. Yeah.

                “Okay,” he nodded once, threading his fingers together over his chest as he decided what he was going to do. “You can be a mentor at the very least. You were kind of like one for Hyosung today and you have done it before so… just do that for Jungkook.” He blinked and frowned, shaking his head at himself. “Oh, for fangs’ sake. Why are you even making this an issue? Idiot,” he scowled at himself, hauling his body off the bed so he could strip and head for the shower. “Why do you always have to make this difficult when you get a new mentee?” he berated himself before he stepped into the bathing room.

Chapter 17: Laying the Groundwork

Chapter Text

                Under the bright but waning moon, two unlit cars made their way along a narrow road winding into the mountainous area to the south of Tradeborough. In the distance, the lights of the city illuminated the horizon over the trees but the sounds of its bustling life were silent. Eventually, the vehicles slowed and stopped upon approaching a looming wall in the darkness with a small natural portal lingering at the base leading into the earth. Four figures stepped out and regarded their surroundings with wary, thoughtful eyes. All of them stilled when a fifth appeared in front of the cave, dark eyes gleaming falsely in the moonlight. His amused smirk was obvious by the feel of his aura alone.

                The woman in the group blinked once and stepped forward with a wave of her hand. “Remind me why we couldn’t take the shadow paths,” she murmured, her voice just respectful enough to not border on a taunt.

                It amused the man across from her even more. He laughed once and shook his head. “You would have attracted far too much attention,” he explained with a nod at the cars. “I thought that was something you wanted to avoid?”

                She sniffed in response and crossed her arms before glancing back at her companions. “Eric. Sweep the area. Make sure there’s no one here we need to worry about.”

                “Of course,” he grinned, giving a feral smile with a respectful bow before he slipped into the darkness with enviable ease, perfectly at home in the cold dark.

                “Mage. Start your preparations inside,” she instructed, pointing at the truly human-esque figure among them.

                He tsked and wagged his finger in front of her as he stepped close. “Payment first.”

                “Just like a human,” she groaned in disgust. He shrugged innocently but waited with infinite patience, apparently completely at ease around her despite her reputation. Not entirely surprising for a Mage but it was still irritating. “Hongki,” she called, reaching out towards the fourth man.

                Pale under the moonlight, his dark hair was a stark contrast against his face with the uneven fringe of bangs hanging over one eye intentionally. “I’ve got it,” he promised, reaching into his coat and hauling out a small sack that clinked dully when he tossed it to her.

                “Satisfied?” she asked, handing out the sack on an open palm as she waited for the Mage to take it.

                He plucked it from her hand and opened it to inspect the contents quickly before a pleased smile illuminated his face. “It’s always so nice doing business with you,” he crooned, giving her a coy look.

                She made a face and waved him off towards the small opening in the mountain. “Go on then. We’ll join you shortly,” he added, turning her attention to the cars instead. The Mage made no effort to stay and disappeared inside quickly. “Hongki,” she called, turning to face the other man with a nod at the vehicles.

                “What about him?” he asked, glancing at the patiently waiting vampire.

                The woman paused and looked his direction. Black threads of bangs hung mostly over his naturally narrow eyes, partially hiding them from sight, but she didn’t miss the raised brow paired with the corners of his mouth turning up. “He’s fine,” she waved, approaching the first car herself. With a click, she popped open the trunk and peered inside with a thoughtful look.

                “They smell good,” the vampire nearby grinned, staying where he was but obviously interested.

                “They should,” the woman answered without looking up. “Since we both know they tend to be very difficult to find. The Poachers were worth every cent,” she conceded, waving at her companion to come assist first. For the moment, they were temporarily bound in their human forms, but that would change shortly. It certainly made transport easier though.

                They both paused when their previous companion returned, slipping from the surrounding darkness in silence. “The area is secure,” he promised, belatedly wiping at the corner of his mouth where a small smear of red lingered.

                “Shame on you,” the woman tsked with a quiet laugh.

                “What?” he shrugged, looking down at her with wild dark eyes before he reached in to pull out the first of the bodies himself.

                “Nothing,” she assured him with a subtle shake of her head. Seeing that Hongki grabbed the other one in the trunk, she closed it behind him and then moved to the second car. It held two more bodies and she grabbed one in each hand to follow the others into the cave, carrying them awkwardly but with little physical trouble.

                “Need a hand?” the vampire asked, drifting close though his remained very much at his sides.

                “You’re welcome to close the trunk,” she responded with a teasing sidelong look.

                “Hah! I like you,” the vampire barked a laugh. “It’s nice having someone around who doesn’t act afraid of me,” he promised with a pleased smile. But when he stopped, the atmosphere turned tense and dark as he turned and reached out to catch her throat in his slender fingers. She froze as a long-nailed thumb brushed against her jaw and stopped on the bottom of her chin. “But don’t think for a moment I won’t kill you if you cross the line,” he warned, leaning close as his eyes roamed her face before meeting her gaze.

                Her heart pounded in her chest and she was well aware he could hear it, but her words were steady despite that. “And waste even more time for what you truly want?” she asked with a gently raised brow.

                His smile was dangerous as he lingered just in front of her. “What’s another century or two for someone like me?” he shrugged, fingers loosening on her neck to lightly grab her chin instead.

                She swallowed once and struggled to meet his gaze. “But why wait that long when we can both get what we want in less than a quarter of that time?”

                “You don’t know that,” he laughed, though his grip loosened just a touch.

                “Maybe not, but we can at least find out tonight,” she reminded him, hefting the bodies in her hands up just a bit to remind him.

                The vampire held her eyes for a long moment, almost as if daring her to try something, but when she didn’t react anymore, he shrugged and laughed in the back of his throat. “You make a good point,” he conceded, shifting his hand to pat her on the head instead. “Come on then,” he instructed, turning around and stepping into the cave first.

                Her hackles rose at the patronizing gesture paired with the mere verbal command and dark eyes flashed once before she took a calming breath and walked in after. Eric and Hongki were waiting for her inside, their narrowed distrustful eyes swinging to her for confirmation after appraising the vampire themselves. She gave a slight shake of her head and moved to deposit the bodies next to the other two. “Well, Mage. Are preparations complete?” she inquired, examining the stone floor carefully.

                “Almost,” he soothed, busy still drawing his arcane markings upon the surface. “You can’t rush brilliance, though,” he added after a brief pause where he slowed to mark an intricate design at the outermost edge of the circle.

                “What is that?” the vampire wondered, clearly intrigued. All eyes turned to him in obvious surprise and even the Mage seemed slightly taken aback. “What?” he barked a laugh, settling his gaze on the Mage in particular. “I may be old but my interactions with Mages tend to be… limited,” he explained, opening his mouth enough to reveal his tongue dragging slowly along his teeth in an unnerving smile.

                To his credit, the Mage didn’t react with more than a huff and a shake of his head. “Vampires,” he added before he stood up and dusted his hands off. “That,” he pointed at the intricate mark, “is a transfer sigil.” When he was met with confused frowns from everyone, he threw his hands up in irritation and scowled. “Uneducated peons,” he grumbled. “Fine. Allow me to break it down so that even you can understand,” he huffed, standing up and crossing his arms over his chest arrogantly.

                “Please,” the vampire grinned, gesturing at the marks before them. “The more we learn now, the less we have to ask later,” he prompted with a dangerous looking smile as the shadows around him appeared to begin moving on their own.

                For a moment, the Mage seemed to realize just what he was standing up against and his façade cracked with a quick blink. But then he banished it with a sniff and he let a neutral expression fall back into its place. When he spoke next, his tone was far less imperious, though still very assured. “Just like you had to be picky about who your poachers picked and where they got them, I have to take steps to cover my trail too. Any magic worth casting is going to be noticeable to those watching for such a thing. Even with our,” he gestured between himself and the vampire, “best efforts, it would still be possible for someone to detect what we’re doing.”

                “Which would be quite bad,” the woman reminded him with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.

                “Exactly!” he confirmed. “Which is why I am using a transfer sigil. It will transfer the same power signature to the receiving sigil in my workshop, thereby putting me as working in the city instead of out here.”

                “But won’t such a power signature seem odd if you aren’t there?” the woman wondered, brows knitted together in concern.

                The Mage’s eye roll was irritating enough. “You think me that stupid?”

                “Maybe,” Hongki grinned at the woman’s side.

                “Idiot,” he spat, brushing off the dark look he got in return. “Of course a version of me is there. I am not a fool. And barring making an actual clone, a timely and hyper expensive process,” he explained with a grimace, “you can’t find a better stand-in than a mimic.”

                “A clone we can trust,” the woman stated simply. “A mimic…”

                “Sounds intriguing,” the vampire laughed. “I wonder what such a creature tastes like,” he mused, much to everyone’s discomfit.

                “Relax,” the Mage brushed off her concern as he tore his gaze away from the vampire. “Creatures with single minded agendas are inherently trustworthy under the right circumstances. And I’ve promised to help it so long as it helps me,” he reassured them. “Needless to say, I have an iron clad alibi. Furthermore, my transfer sigil plus my containment ward, and with a little help from the vampire there,” he gestured at said individual, “this should be a done deal. So long as you fulfilled your side of the bargain.”

                “We did,” the woman promised, gesturing at her companions to help loose the bindings on the bodies. When the ropes fell away, their human forms shimmered and faded, leaving behind four distinct magical creature bodies. “One barghest. One banshee. One descendant of the rainbow serpent. And one bird person with a strong connection to Seers in their family.”

                “An actual Seer would have been better,” the Mage grumbled, though his eyes danced as he looked at the demonic dog creature. Barghests were particularly hard to come by.

                “Yes, and actual Seers are highly accounted for,” Eric reminded him with a short growl.

                “Well, if you want to honestly push this off for another six months or longer…” the woman trailed off with a hand gesture as if to point above them.

                “Fine, fine,” he waved off with a scowl. “I have no desire to wait for the next equinox either,” he admitted, looking between the bodies and the circle as he gestured with his hand in a thinking movement. For a brief second, he murmured something under his breath and then pressed down. Pressure appeared over the circle before literally pushing down and hollowing out a shallow depression in the stone, the center of which was the center of the circle. “Okay. Rainbow serpent first,” he pointed, moving to stand on the opposite side of the circle nearest his transfer sigil. “Vampire,” he murmured, glancing up to nod at the creature one time before focusing on his task once more.

                “Here we go,” the vampire grinned, taking a breath as if summoning his power and then exhaling like he was breathing life into something. Shadows abounded in the dark space, but with his arms raised up, they grew darker and more numerous in number, whispering and writhing over each other in unintelligible sounds. The woman and her companions flinched slightly closer together as tendrils brushed at them, cold and curious at the same time. All ambient light from the entryway disappeared entirely as the shadows devoured any illumination beyond the gently glowing circle, trapping them in a miasma of nothingness.

                Mesmerized, they didn’t move again until the Mage cleared his throat and gave them a disappointed look. “Rainbow serpent,” he repeated, looking at the bodies and then nodding his head towards the magic circle.

                “Hongki,” the woman urged, brushing at her companion with a quick hand as she took in the happenings with keen eyes.

                Wordlessly, he moved to do as she asked, hefting the humanoid winged serpent up and then tossing it into the center of the circle. The warm body tumbled awkwardly and then settled in the shallow depression. When the Mage spoke, power thrummed and crawled over the observers like an army of ants. The drawn circle glowed first, illuminating the body before it too began to glow. Words continued, foreign and powerful, and the body became light incarnate before unraveling from its creature form and spreading out like a mist over the bespelled stone, settling not unlike the dew on grass on a spring morning.

                The Mage took a breath as the spell settled and he looked over at his audience. “Now the other three. Bleed them at the same time into the circle,” he explained, pointing from their bodies to the glowing focus of their attention.

                “Seems like a waste,” Eric mumbled as he dutifully moved to grab one of the three creatures after a look from the woman.

                “We’re trying to punch a small hole through the realms for a very particular creature,” the Mage reminded him with a raised brow. “Their physical forms are merely pale shadows of what they used to be, but their blood is still pure enough. It still holds the memories of what their true powers should be,” he explained snidely.

                The woman and her companions chose not to respond but dutifully, albeit begrudgingly, got into place. Claws flashed briefly in the magical illumination. With a look and a nod, three hands moved swiftly, followed by the sound of gurgling gasps and bubbling liquid before the viscous red fluid trickled down the stone in three slow streams. The golden mist began to turn ruby in hue and power thrummed again as the Mage resumed his casting.

                Disturbingly, the changed mist coagulated into a gelatinous solid as it pulled the last remnants of vitality from the three bodies and then shifted to align with the etched markings in the circle. The Mage barked a word as he thrust his hand towards the circle again and a sharp keening sound emerged, just on the edge of their hearing. Within the innermost part of the circle, a fist sized hole opened and in wound the gelatinous mist like a vile rope of some kind.

                When the Mage spoke again in his archaic tongue, the woman listened carefully but the only word she recognized was flaga. And that was only because she had been told to ask for such a creature from him. She tensed as the red strand pulled taught, resembling a foul fishing line. She looked up to see the Mage smiling, and though the expression was unnerving, it also thrilled her. He’d found one.

                His next words were harsh and commanding, hand drawing up in a forceful motion. The red strand reeled outwards, spiraling loosely to surround the hole in ascending circles. It reached the end of the line, pulled straight and taught, obviously resisting. “Flaga, come!” the Mage commanded, using his other hand to scoop below his first like he was trapping something between them.

                With a pained keen, a silvery mist blossomed from the hole. It immediately tried to flee but ran into the spiral of red surrounding it. Mimicking the pattern and following the pull of the end of the red strand, it wound up and up in turn, seeking an exit, but as soon as the rest of its shimmery body emerged from the hole, it closed. In the same instant, the opposite end of the red thread pulled away from the stone to attach to the tail end of the mist and pulsed, becoming shiny and solid.

                “No!” the mist wailed, condensing in on itself before it was slowly forced into a vague human form, each wrist bound by the red thread and the excess floating around it like a loose prison.

                “Got it,” the Mage grinned, though his voice was exhausted and he seemed fit to fall over at a moment’s notice.

                “Oh,” the vampire hummed thoughtfully as he approached the still glowing magic circle. “I haven’t seen one of these in over a millennium. Well done, Mage,” he crooned in obvious satisfaction.

                “What is it?” Eric asked as he leaned closer to the woman in curious fascination.

                “A flaga,” she explained, amazed herself. “Supposedly, it can tell the future,” she added, crossing her arms with a thoughtful frown.

                “Indeed,” the vampire purred, eyeing the cowering flaga intently. “They all but disappeared shortly after the Dark Ages. Magic’s doing of course,” he added with a flippant wave of his hand. “And they can see the future,” he agreed, squatting to be closer to the creature’s face as it hovered just above the ground, head hiding behind loosely curled fists. “But remember, it is not set in stone. There are many possible futures,” he grinned, giving the trio an amused side-eyed look. “Though I must admit, I am curious to see what you’ll be able to do with it,” he added, standing up and brushing off his pants like they were dirty. “For now though,” he began, sliding his gaze to settle on the Mage, “it appears as if we have succeeded for today and things are no longer interesting. See you around,” he winked, literally disappearing before their eyes. And the shadows vanished with him, freeing the air from their oppressive darkness once more.

                The woman took a small breath and gathered her wits about her again. “It seems we are finished as well,” she explained, approaching the magic circle.

                “Wait!” the Mage denied, waving a hand to stall her. “I want to study it!”

                “That was not our deal,” she reminded him with one finger pointing in his direction.

                “I summoned it. I should get to keep it first,” he continued as he tried to pull himself to his full height, though he was nowhere near as tall as Eric and his powers had obviously been drained in the casting.

                “That. Was not. Our deal,” she stated again, letting her human guise slowly fall away. Hissing snake heads hovered around as she rose up on a serpentine body and looked down at him.

                Wisely, he lowered his gaze so as not to make eye contact and then lowered his shoulders upon revisiting the reality of his situation. “At least let me keep the barghest,” he grumbled, pointing at the demonic dog body.

                “No,” Eric smirked while he wandered close to snag it with a clawed hand.

                “What?!” the Mage yelped, looking over with an almost pained expression.

                “I want to see what it was tastes like,” the taller man grinned, dangerously pointed teeth shining through his mouth in the expression.

                “You are shamelesssss,” the woman hissed in amusement as she lowered herself back down and began reverting to her human guise.

                “I’m hungry,” Eric corrected, dark eyes gleaming like the cold night.

                “Hongki?” the woman asked, turning her attention to the otherwise unchanged companion in their midst.

                “I’m good,” he shrugged with a dismissive glance at the bodies of the banshee and the bird person. “Personally, I’m more curious about what this thing can tell us,” he murmured, drifting closer to the still imprisoned flaga.

                “You and me both,” she agreed, reaching into her inner coat and pulling out a small silver hand mirror. Carefully, she reached down and broke the magic circle with a swipe of her claws. The flaga took that moment to try and escape, darting past her in a blur of silver and red.

                “No!” the Mage yelped, stumbling after it reactively.

                The woman merely reached out and snagged a length of the red thread, jerking slightly and holding tight as the flaga hit the end of the distance and tumbled to the ‘ground,’ lying prone but hovering just over the surface. “Get back here,” she rolled her eyes, tying part of the thread around the handle of the mirror as an anchor and then shifting to point the reflective face towards the creature. “In,” she instructed, pointing at the mirror.

                “No,” the flaga denied, shaking its head and cowering down again.

                She sighed and glanced at her companions. They nodded in tandem and moved behind the flaga. “If you don’t get in the mirror now, you will die,” she promised, waiting for the flaga to look up before she nodded behind it. The flaga looked over its shoulder with obvious dread and then shrieked upon seeing the full forms of a wendigo and cockatrice towering over it with open maws and flexed claws. It turned into mist and fled into the mirror wordlessly.

                “Childish,” the Mage tsked with a shake of his head.

                “It worked,” the woman shrugged, smiling as she saw the mist swirling in the confines of the reflective space. Bound by the red thread, it had some movement but was not free by any means. “Alright boys. Let’s go home,” she murmured, stuffing the mirror back into her coat and waving for them to follow after.

                “Hey! What about the clean up!” the Mage scowled behind them.

                “You’re a Mage. It should be easy for you,” she tossed back as the wendigo happily dragged his prize away and the cockatrice brought up the rear.

                She didn’t miss the Mage’s grumbling when they left but even tired, it would still likely be child’s play for him to return things to normal and dissipate any remaining magical residue. As for them, they had some plans to start getting figured out. Now was as good a time as any to officially begin again. And perhaps with the flaga this time, they would have more luck.

Chapter 18: Follow the Clues

Chapter Text

                In the Hunters Office, all of the hunters milled about in the upstairs room while they waited for Kyuhyun to return from his meeting with their Mage contact. Lisa, the typically night shift hunter, was nodding off as she sat on her desk, arms loosely crossed and eyes barely open. Her lavender colored hair fell over one shoulder in the loose ponytail and she looked fit to fall over at a moment’s notice. Kevin didn’t look much better off, but his tiredness seemed distinctly different from hers. He sat alone in his desk, arms also crossed and one leg perched lightly over the other. Every now and then, he reached up to scratch at his chin thoughtfully, his mind looking inward.

                For the day shift, Xiumin was working at his desk, typing in the relative silence. He grimaced and squinted at the screen before brushing at his black hair distractedly. As for Taekwoon… he stopped scanning the office again and returned his gaze to Hakyeon who, not surprisingly, was sitting far too close to him on the desk they were both perched on. “There is a chair,” he reminded the were again, nodding behind the desk.

                “After you,” he grinned, dark eyes dancing under the brilliant ruby of his bangs.

                Taekwoon rolled his eyes in response but didn’t answer. He was getting used to the were and it was par for the course at this point. Despite the fact that he seemed virtually unable to take anything seriously, insofar as being around Taekwoon went, he did at least know his stuff. Having been under his tutelage for a couple weeks now, it was safe to say that he’d improved a fair bit already, if only because he was finally acclimatizing to the were’s serum. Now if only he could get Hakyeon to act like a professional mentoring Hunter and not the weirdly attached one he usually seemed to be…

                “Did you skim the files I mentioned?” the were asked, his voice intentionally soft so as to give him an excuse to lean closer.

                “Yes,” the hunter replied quickly, leaning away without looking at him. When Hakyeon didn’t say anything else, he started to get antsy and finally looked over again. Even though he was expecting it, he still flinched just a little bit when the other man was frustratingly close to his face, just watching him.

                “Notice anything?” he went on, resting his chin in the palm of his hand with a smile tugging at his mouth.

                That was a test. Taekwoon was sure of it and he grimaced. He had read them, but he hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. Well, beyond what was expected for their cases anyway. Two relatively new missing persons cases – a banshee and an elf – and an anonymous tip about some sort of power flux in the shadow realm. That in fact was why they’d been called in for an emergency meeting while Kyuhyun met with the Mage. Eventually, he shook his head with a quiet sigh. And then flinched as the were pat him on the head in a consoling gesture. He gave Hakyeon a side eyed glare that was usually effective on humans but only made the other man grin harder. Why did he even bother?

                Everyone jumped when Xiumin made another frustrated sound and leaned back in his chair with an exaggerated sigh. No one asked as they waited for the follow up. He scrubbed his hands over his face and turned the screen so the others could see what he was troubled by. “Another disappearance was just reported by the office in Guanhai. A barghest this time,” he added, scratching the back of his head before shaking it.

                “That’s different,” Kevin mused, glancing up from his thoughts to stare at the screen.

                “Indeed,” Hakyeon mused, surprising Taekwoon with the comment. Normally, he stayed pretty silent. “Not many of them left. Pretty risky to take a barghest,” he added on with a glance at Taekwoon, obviously giving the comment for his benefit.

                “Ugh,” Lisa groaned, rubbing at the back of her neck before hitting her shoulder with a light fist. “Makes you wish they were just standard homicide cases. So much easier to follow up on,” she yawned, failing to stifle it at all. She frowned slightly when she felt eyes on her and met Taekwoon’s gaze with a small grimace. “Don’t get me wrong,” she murmured with a gesture at their youngest hunter. “They very well could be alive but most missing persons cases in the magical creature world mean death and it’s just more work for us,” she shrugged helplessly. “Black market deals, poachers, Mages…” she ticked off, adding to the list of problems they had to work around.

                Taekwoon grimaced distastefully at the answer and Kevin looked about ready to open his mouth but then everyone tensed as they felt the tingling of energy in the room. A quiet pop followed by a bright flash made the hunters gasp reactively. “Dammit!” Kyuhyun grumbled into the tense atmosphere as he stumbled from the center of the power expenditure.

                “Welcome back,” Hakyeon smiled as he stood up. Taekwoon mirrored him quickly, standing shoulder to shoulder with the were as they waited.

                “At ease,” Kyuhyun waved with the folder in one hand while he used his other to thread through dark brown locks. Heavy bags under his eyes were the only concession that he was running on a longer than twenty-four hour day currently. “We’ve got work to do,” he announced, setting the folder on his desk before he stuck a disk from his pocket in his computer and touched the projection button to give them a 3D rendering of the area. The image showed the island of Panea. Tradeborough was a bright dot in the northwest of the island but everyone was more interested in the circled area to the southwest.

                “What do we have?” Xiumin asked, standing up to approach the image with focused eyes.

                Kyuhyun tapped on a paper on his desk and joined him with a magic marker before he drew an x near the circled area. Tapping the magic marker near it, he pasted the image of the missing elf. “The anonymous tip about the shadow disturbance was from the Crone. Ailee confirmed it when I spoke with her. She doesn’t know how the Crone knew about it or how she tracked it down but here,” he pointed at the circled area, “is where the disturbance supposedly originated from. And here,” he pointed at the x mark, “is where the elf supposedly went missing.”

                “Kailelan Fagacaea,” Lisa mused, chewing on her bottom lip. “With that name, he’s definitely a forest elf.”

                “Yes,” Kyuhyun confirmed with a nod. “He was supposed to be on a short meditation retreat. The forests there are generally quiet and friends say he was only going to be gone for a couple days. When he didn’t come back at the expected time, they went to try and find him, but there was nothing. One of the more sensitive ones said it felt strange but they couldn’t explain why.”

                “You think it’s no mere coincidence these two things are so close to each other,” Hakyeon hummed.

                “Exactly,” the lead hunter nodded. He moved the image to expand the screen and placed three more x’s on the screen. With a frown, he sighed and added three more, all at various points on the map. “Okay. Within the span of two months, we’ve received missing persons reports for a banshee,” he pointed at Tradeborough, “an elf,” his finger moved to south of Tradeborough, “a vampire,” it drifted up to Wandermoot, “a kelpie,” that one near the southeastern coast of Euria, “a fairy,” his hand moved north, “and a werewolf,” his hand moved inland.

                Xiumin grimaced and stole the magic marker to place an x at Guanhai. “A barghest was just reported too,” he sighed, wincing at Kyuhyun’s scowl in response.

                “And these are just the ones we know about,” Kevin reminded them as he chewed his bottom lip.

                Kyuhyun raised a brow and looked at the still seated hunter. “Did you hear anything from your contact?” he asked, eyeing the other man critically.

                “Not much,” he grimaced, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “He seemed reluctant to part with any information this time though he did mention something about a peculiar creature potentially making an entrance.”

                “Oh?” the hunter mused, waiting for further information.

                “He would only say it was – probably – some kind of spirit,” he grumbled, clearly unsatisfied himself with the response.

                “And what did you give him in return?” Kyuhyun asked, expression neutral and focused.

                Kevin scratched at the side of his neck and turned away briefly. “That we have a pretty good idea of what Mage in Tradeborough is responsible for the chimera activity.”

                “No name?”

                “No,” Kevin confirmed with a quick shake of his head.

                “Good.” The lead hunter took another breath and returned his focus to the map. “If it’s a spirit…” he trailed off, the wheels turning swiftly.

                “There should be no spirits left in this world,” Hakyeon commented matter-of-factly. “They all left or were sent away after the Dark Ages when Magic intervened.”

                “Right. If it actually is a spirit, chances are high that it would have had to have been summoned,” he mused, chewing on his thumbnail with a frown.

                “Which would require a Mage,” Lisa sniffed, face scrunched as she tried to focus.

                “And power,” Hakyeon added, eyes scanning the various x’s on the map.

                Taekwoon leaned a little closer to the were and quietly asked, “You think the missing persons are connected?”

                “Not all of them,” Hakyeon answered with a small smile as he shook his head. “But certainly some.” He stepped forward and tapped on the barghest mark. “I would almost bet money on this one. And possibly the banshee too,” he added, tapping on her x mark.

                “Right!” Kyuhyun gasped with a snap of his fingers. “Summonings pull creatures from other realms. Realms divided by veils not unlike those connected to creatures like the barghest and the banshee.”

                Taekwoon’s eyes narrowed in mild confusion and he flinched lightly when Hakyeon leaned closer to explain, “You might recall they were previously known to be harbingers and messengers of death.”

               “Right,” he murmured quietly, flushing lightly in embarrassment. “I knew that,” he added in a quiet whisper, glancing around the room to make sure no one else had heard them. He was fortunate most were otherwise preoccupied.

                “As such, they would be more closely related to the veils and more likely to have a chance of actually breaking through,” Xiumin followed up.

                Hakyeon nodded but his frown returned. “That would maybe be enough to get them through but they’d still need something to help them find what they were looking for…” he trailed off, scanning the other missing persons. “A vampire can navigate the shadow paths,” he commented, pointing at the Wandermoot mark, “but that’s not the same as navigating through whole realms. And the others… are pretty standard missing persons. It feels like we’re missing something,” he huffed, shaking his head again.

                “Exactly,” Kyuhyun agreed, leaving the image up as he turned to address everyone. “This is our new priority. We need to get a better understanding of what kind of spirit was summoned and why. If we can track down a Mage or a poacher, it’ll likely lead us to a clue to several of our missing persons. Lisa. You’re still on night shift so you can go for now. I’ll brief you again this evening.”

                “Yes sir,” she nodded quickly, standing to attention and then saluting. She started to yawn once more and determinedly clamped down on it before she headed out.

                “Kevin. Keep working your contact,” he instructed with a finger pointed at the other hunter.

                Kevin wrinkled his nose but nodded in understanding. “Yes sir,” he mumbled in muted agreement.

                “Xiumin. Keep tracking the missing persons and running down leads in the city. You might find more cases to add and give us a larger picture.”

                “Of course,” the other hunter nodded.

                “And see if you can get your donor to help you with the afternoon patrols, would you?” Kyuhyun added with a small smile.

                “I can try,” Xiumin laughed and shrugged.

                “Which leads me to you two,” Kyuhyun commented as he settled his attention on Taekwoon and Hakyeon. “I’d like you to investigate the disturbance here,” he pointed at the circled area on the map and gestured at Hakyeon. “Your nose is the best bet we’ve got this late in the game.”

                “This’ll be interesting,” Hakyeon grinned, a slightly feral gleam dancing in his eyes brown eyes.

                “Taekwoon, you’ll go with him,” Kyuhyun finished. “It’ll be good experience and I want you to pay special attention to everything you see and hear.”

                "Yes, sir!” Taekwoon agreed with a tense ball in his gut. It was his first mission outside of the city and he was being assigned on something this big? With Hakyeon but still…

                “I’ll stay in contact with Ailee to see if she can help us find out any more information about possible Mage involvement. And speak with the Coven leader. Perhaps he’ll know something about the disturbance as well,” Kyuhyun mused, scratching at his chin in thought. “Take the zu to get there quickly.

                Taekwoon’s heart thumped hard in his chest at the command and he could barely contain his excitement despite the circumstances. Though they weren’t nearly as large or powerful as the original, the current generation zus were large magnificent birds that could cover vast distances in a short period of time. And he was going to get to ride one!

                “Let’s get going then,” Hakyeon grinned, making Taekwoon aware that he himself was sporting an unusually large smile.

                He quickly tried to smother it with a veneer of professionalism and coughed. “Of course. We’ll be off,” he explained, bowing towards Kyuhyun before flailing when Hakyeon slung an arm over his shoulders and started literally guiding him out the door.

                To be fair, the zu ride was amazing, but it was also really freaking cold. The temperatures were still low in the latter half of March and the wind chill was numbing. By the time they landed, Taekwoon could barely feel his face and that was even with him sitting behind Hakyeon who volunteered to take the brunt of it. But he didn’t complain as he stood shivering in the middle of the small clearing they’d managed to land in. He did hear Hakyeon talking to the zu behind him though, and he jerked in surprise when the were told the zu he could go…

                “Eh?” Taekwoon gasped, spinning around awkwardly and then flinching away when the zu took Hakyeon at face value and literally flew away. “But-!”

                “Don’t worry,” Hakyeon smiled as he leisurely approached Taekwoon. “I’ll get us back.”

                “I know you can’t fly,” he grumbled in response, teeth still chattering on the last word.

                “Still cold?” the were asked with a piteous smile and a head tilt.

                “I’ll be fine,” Taekwoon muttered back, turning around to try and see where they should go next to explore. He paused though when he heard a strange sound behind him and the back of his neck prickled in a familiar sensation. Something dangerous was nearby… behind him, and considering it had to be Hakyeon… A shadow fell over him then and he squeaked when monstrous spotted furry arms enfolded him in a gentle embrace.

                “Better?” a deep rumbling voice asked, vibrating through him.

                He should have been afraid. It would have been a very normal human reaction to having a predator of considerable size holding him in in such close proximity. But he wasn’t. Nervous yes. Afraid… no. Overcome by curiosity, with any possible fear tempered by the fact he knew this had to be Hakyeon, Taekwoon looked over his shoulder to better glimpse the were’s true form. A massive feline head was hovering over his and he could only see the bottom of the jaw and his chest, both of which were covered with splotchy black circles on pale brown fur. “Were…cat?” Taekwoon blinked, mulling the possibility over in his mind and knowing that wasn’t quite right. Hakyeon’s responding chuckle sent nerve tingling vibrations through him again and he shivered at the strangely pleasant sensation.

                “Jaguar, thank you,” he answered, letting the last word become a pleased purr.

                “Oh,” the hunter gasped, feeling his body relax almost involuntarily. That was the first he’d heard of one. Which meant they had to be very rare at this point…

                Almost as if he could read his thoughts, Hakyeon offered, “We were never very numerous. And after the Dark Ages, most of us left. Now, it’s entirely possible I am the last alive today,” he admitted with a shrug. “We did not try to keep in touch after the last great war.”

                Taekwoon was silent for a moment. It seemed to be such a casual admittance for a very significant truth and he didn’t know how to respond immediately. Eventually, he freed one hand to place it on Hakyeon’s arm. “I’m sorry.” Another chuckle rumbled through him and he felt the were shake his head.

                “Don’t be. All things end in time,” he promised, letting his jaw rest on top of Taekwoon’s head lightly. “Warmer though?”

                He was hesitant to answer. It was an easy question, but he had another thought in his mind. “Why are you showing me your form now?” he wondered, fingers tightening slightly on the were’s arm.

                Hakyeon’s thoughtful inhale was loud as he took a breath. “I would have had to change for this anyway. But this way, I can serve a better purpose,” he chuckled with a note of obvious happiness in his voice. “Making sure my partner doesn’t freeze to death,” he laughed even as he tightened his arms slightly around the hunter. “So. Warmer?”

                The answer made him uncomfortably conflicted. He’d half expected it would have been a work reason, but the admittance of being able to take care of him set him off kilter. He still didn’t know how to handle this were… “My face is still cold,” Taekwoon admitted, though he had to concede the rest of him felt pretty good. The werejaguar was not unlike a heat generator and it was delightful.

                “Here,” Hakyeon huffed, loosening his arms to turn Taekwoon around and then hug him again.

                Warm supremely soft fur tickled his face. No wonder he’d volunteered to sit in front on the zu ride… Better still, he smelled nice. Not at all like how he’d imagined an animal form would smell. Hakyeon’s scent was reminiscent of a storm: the smell of rain and charged energy in the air. There was just a hint of muskiness that was likely from the fur but it too was pleasant. And the continuing purr was relaxing and soothing and he was pretty sure he’d fall asleep if he closed his eyes… “I’m good!” he gasped, jerking back slightly and more than a little embarrassed at just how at ease he was around the seven foot monstrosity that was… holding him.

                “Well, you have stopped shivering,” Hakyeon agreed as he allowed Taekwoon to escape his arms. “If you get cold again, I wouldn’t mind holding you once more,” he promised with a playful wink, though the sincerity was obvious in his tone.

                Taekwoon’s glare was half-hearted at best. “Thank you,” he grumbled at last, unable to deny that he did feel better. To his credit, Hakyeon apparently decided to give him a break as he padded by with a very light touch on the hunter’s shoulder. His claws were intimidating but the were was infinitely careful with them.

                “Come then. Let’s see what we can find about our power fluctuation,” he mused, padding along silently, very much like his namesake.

                Taekwoon was briefly mesmerized by the gently swinging tail that trailed after his companion but then he jerked and shook himself to snap out of it. He had work to do. Trailing after Hakyeon, and still casting him the occasional glance, he kept pace and noticed the other man was sniffing for something. And listening if the way his ears were twitching was any indication. “What are we looking for?” he wondered, peering around at the surroundings with no clue himself. All he saw were woods and a small road leading through them just up ahead.

                “Preferably a good place for a Mage to cast something that’s not in the open,” Hakyeon answered with a nod towards the hills rising over the trees ahead of them. It was a small mountain range and they were on the lower part of the rise currently but the rock face nearby seemed to be their current target. “We’re late for whoever was here though. The smells are faint at best,” he grimaced, nose twitching.

                “If you can’t smell anyt-”

                “Wait,” Hakyeon interrupted him as he stopped and tilted his head to the left. His yellow eyes narrowed and he growled under his breath. “Wendigo.”

                “A wendigo was here?” Taekwoon asked, frowning in confusion.

                “This way,” the were urged without commenting on Taekwoon’s question. He started off and the other man was left to follow as best he could.

                Mutely, Taekwoon jogged after, head swinging from side to side as he tried to take everything in. He still couldn’t see any differences in the area and he couldn’t smell it either, but he was starting to get a sense of something being strange here. At the meeting, he recalled one of the victim’s friends had said the place felt odd and he was beginning to see how.

                “Here,” Hakyeon murmured, eyes narrowed as he started to pad around a patch of grass near one of the trees. He got down on all fours and leaned close, taking a deep inhale. “There was blood here,” he commented, tail swiping back and forth to match his words. “Elf,” he added after another inhale. Head swinging around, he found a scent and started crawling towards the tree before he paused and stared hard at the bark. “Look,” he called, fingers placed gently on the wood.

                “Is that a claw mark?” Taekwoon asked, moving closer as he saw what the were was pointing at.

                “Yes. He grabbed the tree like this,” and Hakyeon demonstrated with one hand, “before he jumped up there,” he finished, pointing into the branches. “My guess is that the wendigo attacked him down here and then took the body into the tree to finish.”

                Taekwoon’s face paled at the casual description. “He ate an entire elf?” He knew they were depicted as ravenous most of the time, and he’d heard about cases where wendigos had been involved, but he hadn’t run into an event where an entire person went missing.

                “Wendigos have voracious appetites. Something about being born of the cold that makes them perpetually hungry. Like they’re trying to always find enough food to survive the long winter,” he frowned with a shake of his head. “That or they’re just gluttons,” he scowled with a fearsome array of pointed teeth peeking through. “Come though. We’ll let forensics verify for sure. The wendigo went this way,” he explained, pushing away from the tree and padding after an invisible trail.

                Frowning, Taekwoon sniffed to see if he could smell anything but all he got was the cold and the smell of damp earth and woods. His sense of smell had improved since partnering with the werejaguar but it didn’t help him here. Nor were there any people tracks he could see. There was the odd forest creature and there were at least plenty of birds and insects about, making their typical noises, but he himself was at a loss about what they were tracking.

                They were still trekking through the woods when Hakyeon pulled up short again and snorted, ears flicking back and forth in an irritated manner. “Nothing,” he exhaled, jumping back and forth over some kind of invisible line.

                “What?” Taekwoon frowned, following the were to try and see for himself. He couldn’t smell any difference, but his skin tingled with a sense of wrongness. He shuddered and looked at Hakyeon for some kind of explanation. “What is that?”

                “Mage work,” Hakyeon growled, shoulders tensing automatically. “Whoever it was scrubbed the area. A very specific area,” he added, walking several paces in either direction and then angling directly towards the hills. “It’s a circle of some kind. Come,” he instructed, moving at a quicker pace as he set off again.

                “Wait up!” Taekwoon grumbled, having to run lightly to keep pace this time.

                Hakyeon didn’t stop until he reached another small clear area where the dirt road ended and the stone face of the hill rose above them. He scanned the area quickly and asked, “What do you see?”

                Exhaling once as he caught his breath, Taekwoon looked around and tried to make sense of things. “Nothing,” he finally admitted with a groan, certain he was missing something again.

                “Exactly,” the were growled, a sound that made Taekwoon flinch. “Come on,” he urged, grabbing Taekwoon’s hand and dragging him down the path of the road.

                He moved quickly but with the were’s help, Taekwoon was able to keep up. Still, he was left floundering when they stopped short again and he frowned hard at why. “Tire tracks,” he gasped, staring at the very definitive line of where there was a set and then they just disappeared.

                “It doesn’t prove anything about our wendigo yet but it does prove someone was here not that long ago,” he commented, one hand rising to lightly grab his chin.

                “Could it be the friends of the elf?” Taekwoon wondered, thinking he saw maybe two sets of tire tracks.

                “No. If they were, they would have gone past the Mage-work line,” Hakyeon promised. “If we go further, we’ll probably see where they came by but this… this is likely from the Mage. Not that I can tell. I can only smell… the car,” he grimaced with a wrinkled nose. “But… if they came here and ended at the road and this is the edge of the circle…” he started, thinking out loud. “Wait here,” he instructed Taekwoon before bounding off along the edge of the invisible circle.

                “Hey!” the hunter gasped, reaching after him reflexively. He was far too slow to stop the werejaguar though and the larger creature was already disappearing through the trees as he frowned. “At least tell me what you’re doing next time,” he grumbled, tempted to kick at the ground but mindful it might disrupt the pitiful clues they did have.

                Hakyeon returned fairly quickly, coming in from the opposite direction, but by the time he did, Taekwoon was almost certain there were only two cars. “If I’m not mistaken, the epicenter of this should be… in the mountain,” the were explained with a frown. “I didn’t see a cave though. Anywhere. It’s possible the Mage closed the entrance, but I… don’t know where to begin,” he admitted in frustration, crossing his arms with a low growl.

                Even though it wasn’t directed at him, the sound still made Taekwoon flinch. “Okay. So we hit a dead end, but we do know a wendigo was likely involved. We can confirm for sure that a Mage was too. And we know that our elf missing person was probably here,” he tallied their finds. “That’s a lot better off than we were this morning.”

                “But not where I’d like to be,” Hakyeon admitted, taking a breath and shaking his head. “My gut says that the banshee and barghest were likely here but I can’t prove anything.”

                “Could another Mage find something?” Taekwoon wondered, thoughts going towards their contact immediately.

                “Possibly. And perhaps a shadow path walker could too…” he added, scratching at his cheek with long nails. “Either way, we won’t be able to find anything ourselves. Let’s head back,” he urged, gesturing for Taekwoon to come closer.

                “Heh?” he chirped in confusion, looking at the large hand waiting for him.

                “I can carry you or you can ride on my back,” the were grinned, demeanor changing in an instant.

                Taekwoon frowned at him. “That’s your answer to getting back?”

                “Of course. I’m not as fast as a zu, but I can keep pace with a car pretty easily,” he winked, still waiting.

                “If you’re giving me a choice,” he started to say, glancing at the hand and then at the were’s face, “I’ll ride.”

                “Fair enough,” Hakyeon nodded, grabbing Taekwoon’s hand when he extended it and carefully swinging him to his back. “Hold on tight,” he encouraged, waiting for the hunter to settle in place before he started running parallel to the dirt road in great bounding strides.

                “Hakyeon!” Taekwoon scowled, only barely ready and clinging on for all he was worth. This was not how he had envisioned his day getting ready to end…

Chapter 19: The Twilight of Humanhood Part 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Though their conversation ended on a slightly awkward note, Jungkook had to admit that after it, Yoongi seemed… less guarded. He didn’t know that he’d call the vampire friendly exactly but there was a definite shift and it was one he was quite ready for. The day after, he did explain the whole fast travel thing as well.

                According to Yoongi, the shadow paths were not exactly an easy method of travel. There were no road maps so to speak and accurately arriving at new locations was ‘pretty bloody difficult.’ It was also, apparently, not a safe place for humans. “The shadow paths are not exactly empty and many things in them hunger for the vitality of such defenseless creatures as yourself.” The fact he’d delivered that statement with a wink did not make it any less frightening.

                There was a day or two in the week that followed where Yoongi had to step out with the other vampires on a Coven mission, but that gave him time to get his friends at the bread shop up to speed.

                “He really threw you to the wolves, didn’t he?” Sandara laughed with a single loud clap.

                “Some people just like to stir the pot,” Liza added with a giggle, though she shook her head and gave Jungkook a raised brow look.

                “Yeah, but I understand why he did,” he shrugged. “And it was a conversation that I would have had to have with them sooner or later.”

                They nodded in tandem at his explanation but Sandara wasn’t so keen to let it go. “Fair enough, but he literally left you alone at your parents.”

                Jungkook smiled softly to himself and nodded in agreement. “He let me stay,” he clarified. “I could have gone back with him if I wanted to,” he promised, though his nod was not as assured as he would have liked.

                “Did you want to?” Liza asked, leaning against the doorway, bright eyes curious. He ducked at the question and shrugged without looking at them. “Oh! You did!” she squealed, giggling as she practically danced in place.

                “It’s not like that,” he rushed to explain, holding both hands out in denial. “I-” he started to say before the door chimed and they had to turn their attention to the customer. And he didn’t get much chance to finish his explanation until later in the evening when things slowed down again.

                “Okay. We know he’s your mentor, but do you maybe have a thing for him?” Sandara pressed as they were cleaning up. Her focus was on the glass she was cleaning but her voice carried more than easy enough to hear.

                “I don’t know,” Jungkook admitted with a grimace and a shrug. “I mean,” he huffed, pausing in his sweeping. “He is attractive and he can be funny sometimes,” he admitted. “When he isn’t being lazy and standoffish anyway.”

                “Do you think he likes you?” Liza asked, sticking her head out from the back where she was unloading the dishwasher.

                That question earned a groan and an eyeroll. “Hells if I know,” he sighed. “Though he did seem pretty happy when I told him I was going to stay.” He paused and added, “Happy for him anyway.”

                Sandara laughed lightly and stopped to lean over the counter with her chin resting on her hands. “Sounds like there might be something there.”

                “Really?” he wondered, giving her a confused look. “I figured he was just glad another of his trainees didn’t fall through.”

                “Oh?” Liza wondered, coming all the way out of the back. She shared a look with Sandara and they both demanded at the same time, “Spill.”

                He flinched back and looked between the two pairs of eyes focusing on him. With a shrug, he gave them a brief rundown of what he’d learned from Yoongi himself and the other vampires. His mentor could be stingy with personal information – he still didn’t know about his parents after all – but the others had freer tongues.

                “No wonder he’s hard to read,” Sandara scowled once with a shake of her head.

                “Are you sure he’s had three other mentees and none of them panned out?” Liza asked as she handed Sandara her bag and coat so they could start getting ready to leave.

                Jungkook shrugged. “That’s what Wonho said. I know the last one transferred out after meeting someone, but the others I’m not sure about.”

                “Huh,” the older woman chirped, scratching at her cheek before throwing her hands up in an open shrug. “Maybe he’s scared,” she added, sharing a look with Liza.

                “A Rank 3 vampire. Scared?” Jungkook snorted, waving the idea away dismissively.

                Liza handed Jungkook his coat too before she shrugged as well. “I don’t know. Power doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Especially when it comes to any sort of relationships.”

                “Right,” Sandara agreed, wandering close to sling an arm over Jungkook’s shoulders so they could walk together out the back, though the height difference made it awkward. “In the meantime, just play it by ear and see how things unfold, I guess. I mean, you can always come dish to us if you need a listening ear,” she winked, pulling a small laugh from him.

                “Oh yeah. Speaking of that,” he started, holding the door open for them as they stepped out. “My schedule might be changing a bit more since the Coven wants me to spend more time with them before the end of my trial run.”

                “Aw. You really will be leaving us,” Liza pouted with a disappointed expression.

                Jungkook shrugged helplessly and shook his head. “I mean, it’s possible I can work after I become a vampire. If I become a vampire,” he amended with a slightly worried frown.

                “You’ll both be fine,” Sandara laughed once, smacking each person on the shoulder. “If this is really what you want, it doesn’t seem like they’d have any reason not to admit you right now,” she assured Jungkook with a warm smile. “And as for us,” she added, glancing at Liza. “It’s not like we haven’t handled the store by ourselves before. Besides, finding help isn’t usually that hard,” she chuckled, nudging Jungkook’s arm with her elbow.

                “Speak for yourself,” Liza grumbled. She leaned closer to Jungkook with narrowed eyes and muttered, “Just when I finally started to like you, you’re gonna make us find another small town normie to build up from the bottom.”

                Caught between not knowing if she was being serious or joking, Jungkook’s brows scrunched together in faint concern. “Sorry…?” he trailed off uncertainly.

                Sandara shoved her companion with a loud snort. “Liza,” she warned.

                “What? I was just kidding,” she explained quickly, waving her hand at Jungkook as if to dismiss the words.

                “Obviously, we’ve gotta work on her deadpan look,” the older woman laughed once, nudging Jungkook so that he smiled in hesitant agreement.

                “Not my fault you can’t read my humor,” Liza grumbled, crossing her arms and huffing once.

                “Don’t be like that,” Jungkook urged, glancing between the two of them.

                “Like what?” Sandara asked brightly, a smile warm enough to rival the sun magically appearing as she turned her full attention to Jungkook. “Never mind,” she added, checking the door to make sure it was locked before she grabbed Jungkook’s wrist and started pulling him along. “Since this might be one of our last shifts together, we should do something. Let’s go!” she urged, making eye contact again before she leaned over to wave at Liza with a warning look.

                “Go where?” Jungkook asked as he let himself be pulled along.

                “I don’t know! We’ll figure it out when we get there!” Sandara answered in exuberant delight. Even Liza was inclined to laugh along with the statement, albeit quietly.

                Admittedly, having a night out with his friends, which included Yugyeom after they arrived at some sort of music hall, was quite an enjoyable experience. It didn’t hurt that Yugyeom had a knack for tempering Liza’s prickliness and Sandara could steal all the attention in the room if she wanted to. It probably had something to do with the fact she was a satyr’s daughter but Jungkook could almost do anything and no one would pay him any attention if Sandara was putting on a show. At least in human crowds anyway.

                The thought made him wonder what it would be like if he wasn’t human anymore. It made him more pensive than he would have liked to admit. But he wasn’t given a chance to think about it too much. Yugyeom and Liza swung by to pull him to the floor and promptly helped him forget about whatever concerns he might have had. All in all, it was one of the better nights in the tail end of his humanhood.


                In the months that followed, as promised, Jungkook spent more and more time at the Coven. That also meant he spent more time around the other vampires, but especially Yoongi. As his mentor, the vampire was bound to guide him in the next steps and they went on fairly frequent outings, when Yoongi wasn’t called away to help with coven business. It seemed as if they were busier of late, but when he asked, no one, not even Wonho or Sanghyuk, would give him an answer. So he was left to wonder and remain at least slightly frustrated by the lack of his full membership.

                But on the bright side, when Yoongi wasn’t away, he was almost literally by Jungkook’s side. Close enough to touch but never touching of his own volition unless he was guiding or giving instructions about something. A touch on his shoulder and a hand pointing in front of his face showed him a building in the Purple District. “That’s a good shop for vampire supplies if you don’t want to go to Yejin’s place. The prices are higher but the owner is a vampire and is more directly knowledgeable about such things,” he explained in an almost offhand manner.

                Jungkook nodded with a quiet sound of understanding and studied the building from afar. It looked like most any other tourist location and it certainly had enough baubles in the window to draw the eye but apparently that was mostly a front. When he was a vampire, he would have to make sure to check it out sometime.

                At a café in the Rainbow District on the magical creature side, he explained, “This is the best place in the city to get a Crimson Smoothie. It will be one of the first places we come when you become a vampire,” Yoongi promised with a gentle smile. The expression made Jungkook’s stomach do a tiny flip flop and he nodded in quiet agreement.

                Another outing found them wandering through the Red District. Even during the day, such a visit bordered on scandalous for the formerly-from-a-small-village Jungkook, but Yoongi acted as if it was completely normal. For a vampire, it was. “You’ve already been to the Hunters’ Quarters. Likely you’ll come back here a few times,” Yoongi snorted once and nodded. Further in, he pointed out another building that looked a bit more flamboyant with obvious hints of red, faintly suggestive designs etched on the exterior. “If you want non-judgmental company or pillow talk information, you can visit Indecent Pleasures. Don’t let the name fool you,” he smirked with a slightly toothy expression.

                Jungkook’s cheeks flushed at the teasing jab and he retorted with an embarrassing squeak, “I wasn’t thinking anything.”

                “Uh huh,” the vampire laughed, reaching out to pat him on the shoulder. “Whatever your preference, I’d recommend seeing Seohyun,” he shrugged, removing his hand, to Jungkook’s slight disappointment. “The succubus is delightful company and a wonderful source of possible information. For the right price,” he added, giving his mentee a meaningful sidelong look.

                It took him a second to catch on but then it clicked and his mouth dropped open in an immediate, “Oh…” As they continued past, he stared at the building with a thought bubbling up from his mind. “Have you ever…?” he began to ask before he let the question fade, embarrassed to finish.

                Yoongi seemed to realize what he was inferring without any trouble though and he stretched his arms over his head. “You should ask her sometime. I have no doubt she’d love to tell you any number of stories.”

                The flush in his cheeks extended to his ears and Jungkook ducked his head in further mute embarrassment. He couldn’t tell if Yoongi was referring to stories about himself or stories in general and he didn’t care to ask for clarification. Though he could practically feel the vampire’s amusement at his almost painful discomfit. “You’re terrible,” he grumbled under his breath.

                He flinched when Yoongi answered, “I know.” Jungkook hadn’t meant for him to hear it. “But… I’m also here for double duty. Wait…” he trailed off as he tried to identify a good spot for waiting, “over there,” he pointed at a spot near Indecent Pleasures but just out of the way to be not obviously in the open.

                “Huh?” Jungkook blinked, feeling out of sorts at the possibility of being left alone.

                “Coven business,” Yoongi shrugged as he guided Jungkook to said spot. “I’ll be out in a minute. If anything happens, just shout. I’ll find you,” he stated simply with a nod.

                When Yoongi stepped inside, Jungkook became acutely aware of the fact that he was suddenly noticeable again. When traveling with the vampire, he usually maintained some sort of distracting ability but now… he felt eyes on him. Curious eyes. Maybe even some dangerous eyes… Awkwardly, he pulled his shoulders back and tried to put on an air of being bored. He wasn’t sure how successful he was but Yoongi had told him, on more than one occasion, not to show when you were nervous or scared. Especially in the Red District.

                He didn’t know how long Yoongi was gone for but he jumped with a gasp when the vampire seemed to appear beside him. “I’m back.”

                “Yoongi!” he yelped, exhaling sharply with a frown.

                “Miss me?” the vampire teased, offering a half-raised brow in inquiry.

                “Shut up,” Jungkook grumbled, not willing to admit that he had. Or at least he’d missed the feeling of safety around the vampire. As soon as he had returned, the veil of being unseen came back as well, bringing a definite degree of peace.

                Yoongi chuckled low in his throat and brushed fingertips against Jungkook’s shoulder. “Come on. We’ve got another place to see before we call it a day,” he encouraged.

                Jungkook grumbled under his breath but didn’t offer any meaningful objection. He couldn’t quite help the thought of what payment Yoongi had given Seohyun but… neither did he think the vampire would say. So he just didn’t ask this time as he followed along instead.

                North of the Red District, Yoongi took Jungkook to a diner that seemed to be a favored spot for magical creatures and humans alike. For being relatively out of the way, he couldn’t understand why until the vampire mentioned the cook. “There’s an elf that’s been the cook here for decades. She can work wonders with anything you give her. Their O Positives are pretty standard but it’s a good place to listen and pick-up bits of info,” he shrugged, nodding at the quaint looking building. The Fay Den. “Like fade in and fade out. It’s an allusion to when they used to have a magical barrier around their primary lands that only the Fay could cross with ease.”

                “Oddly poetic,” Jungkook laughed once, smiling when he saw a glimpse of who had to be the elf cook just behind the kitchen counter. It was only a brief look but she was slender, almost waiflike, with raven hair and pointy ears.

                “Considering you work at a bread shop called Pan’s Pan, you ought to have realized that many magical creatures enjoy plays on words,” Yoongi commented dryly with a sidelong look at his mentee.

                Jungkook shrugged and ducked his head slightly with a mumbled, “I still think it’s poetic.”

                “Come on then. You should get a bite while I talk to Fei,” he encouraged with a gentle nudge towards the door.

                “More coven business?” Jungkook wondered as he reluctantly followed along.

                “As usual,” the vampire shrugged. “Just think. You’ll be a part of it too in a couple months,” he winked, pleased humor suffusing his face before it stalled at a new thought. “If you still decide it’s what you want anyway.”

                 Jungkook could tell he was trying to sound flippant or dismissive, but there was something worried in the tone. “So far so good,” he promised, reaching out to place his hand on Yoongi’s arm reassuringly. He couldn’t be positive, but it seemed as if the vampire started to smile at the admission. But then it was gone and they were moving inside once more. A cheerful young man with the name tag of Hoseok greeted him and got him settled while Yoongi disappeared into the back with enviable ease. The conversation at the diner took longer but the food was pretty good overall and Hoseok was cheerful company when he wasn’t attending other tables. Even if he was out of the loop, it wasn’t a bad way to spend an afternoon.

                On another day, they wandered through the Green District and Yoongi pointed out where he could talk to a Ghillie Dhu. “If you need information from the natural side of things, Shownu is the person to come to. But… he is not here as often as you might like,” Yoongi grumbled, looking around and sniffing subtly for the missing creature. He lowered his voice and leaned closer to Jungkook to keep the sound from carrying. “He tends to keep an eye on Sanctuary. Soft spot for children that one,” he whispered, the sound of his voice so close to Jungkook’s ear sending a slight shiver down his spine.

                “I-I see,” he stammered once, wincing at his nerves. He caught Yoongi’s raised brow and laughed once with a quick shrug.

                In the Blue District, the vampire pointed out a kelpie that was known for being a good source of information in general. “Jongdae can track down almost anything near a water source especially, but you have to be careful with him. He’s a Neutral so he’s just as likely to sell your presence with him to the highest bidder too,” Yoongi shrugged as he offered a small wave and a plastic smile at said kelpie when he noticed them nearby.

                “Is he really that… business oriented?” Jungkook asked in wonder as he wanted to return the smile that looked guileless. A gentle nudge to his ribs kept him from offering more than a small upward turn of his mouth and a nod in acknowledgement.

                “If you can make him promise, he’ll abide by it. Getting him to make a promise is another matter altogether,” Yoongi grumbled with a slight grimace. “I do need to talk to him too, but preferably not with you at my side.” When he noticed Jungkook’s confused and somewhat hurt look, he shook his head with a frown. “I can’t trust him not to wag his tongue about you. Or worse, invent stories to entertain himself.”

                “Ah,” Jungkook nodded once, letting the concern fade away as his gaze trail from the brown-haired kelpie with slightly narrow eyes to Yoongi’s profile. Other than the possibility of a wagging tongue, they could almost share a certain mentality with the promise contingency.

                “What?” Yoongi asked when he realized Jungkook was looking at him.

                “Nothing!” he answered quickly, shaking his head and focusing on the rest of the district.

                The White District was home to a bird person they sometimes utilized for more old-fashioned messages or reconnaissance. “Over there. That’s her,” Yoongi pointed across the square where a young woman was perched on a bench with a book in her hands. Shadows flickered all around from the handful of flying denizens above, but she was more absorbed in her book.

                “At least she’s easy to notice,” Jungkook shrugged, taking in the ombre hair of brown to wheat to strawberry colored at the ends.

                “Handong can be a little finicky. If you don’t give her something interesting, she’s not as likely to try and help,” Yoongi explained with a slight shrug. When Jungkook looked at him for more of an explanation, he went on, “She’s bored of this world. Odd for a bird person, with their somewhat shorter life spans. Relative to a vampire anyway.”

                Almost like she could tell they were talking about her, Handong lowered her book and peered over the top to make eye contact with Yoongi. She raised a brow in mute inquiry, but when he waved her off, she moved the book back into place, dismissing them just as quickly.

                “So is she a… Neutral?” Jungkook wondered hesitantly.

                “No,” Yoongi shook his head. “She wants to go home.”

                “Home?” he mused, frowning at the thought. Then he gasped in sudden understanding as a faint memory returned from a snippet of his humanities and magical creature’s class in high school. “That home?”

                Yoongi nodded once in mute agreement. “She doesn’t have the power to do it, but it is what she desires.”

                Jungkook shuffled in place hesitantly before he looked at Yoongi. “Who would have the power to go home like that?” When the vampire raised a brow curiously at him, he shrugged and explained, “The teachers never could say. Well, it depended on the teacher,” he amended with a grimace.

                That made Yoongi snort once and he nodded in understanding. “I’m not sure myself. No one I know has ever managed it. But…” he trailed off, chewing on his bottom lip thoughtfully. “If anyone could, I would think an Exile or perhaps a Mage with enough stored power.”

                “Only those two?” Jungkook wondered with a curious tilt of his head.

                Yoongi laughed once and shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s not something most of us try,” he admitted, frowning at the continuing thought. “I’ve heard some of the oldest creatures have managed to simply fade out of this realm but as for making a door… it has the potential to cause a lot of damage in the aftermath.”

                Jungkook made a face at that part and sighed. “Do you ever wonder if Magic might come back and take some of the magical creatures away like it did after the Great War?”

                “Where are all these questions coming from?” Yoongi laughed once, reaching out to swipe at Jungkook’s head and rough his hair once.

                “Ack!” Jungkook flailed, feigning irritation. On the inside, he was rather pleased by the exchange and the laugh in response. “I don’t know. You were actually answering them this time,” he admitted, meeting Yoongi’s gaze.

                For a moment, the vampire seemed mildly surprised himself. “Huh.” Then he nodded and waved at Jungkook to follow. “Come on. We’ve met most of everyone interesting for now. And it’s getting warm today,” he complained, raising his hand to shield his face from the sun overhead. Heading into May, the chill had completely disappeared from the air and the afternoons could get warmer than preferred. And as Jungkook was starting to learn, if there was one thing Yoongi didn’t like, it was too much heat.


And I'm finally back! Sort of. Things have gotten a little crazy on this side and this update took me forever to get out of my head and on paper. If the beginning is a little weak that might be why. Hopefully I'll do better about the next update though so keep your fingers crossed. If you're enjoying the story, I'd love to hear what you think or if you have any questions. There's a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes but I'm always curious about what readers are predicting or thinking that might happen. Either way, I wish you happy reading and I hope that the next update finds you well in turn. Thank you and have a great day!

Chapter 20: The Twilight of Humanhood Part 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Granted, the only thing that meant was that they started going out at night instead. It was still warm, but with the sun gone, Yoongi was less irritable from the lack of combined heat and the light. It also meant that they were more likely to run into interesting people along the way. In the weeks that followed, Hunters were not an uncommon appearance, and Jungkook became privy to a wider cast of individuals who mostly… prowled at night.

                On more than one occasion, he flinched when a trio of gargoyles, of all things, flew overhead on surprisingly quiet wings. They were an oddity for sure but having finally ventured from their long-time home in an old cemetery, they followed the human that had piqued their interest. According to Yoongi, Jonghyun was also from a smaller city on the main continent. He could have moved to Guanhai but he apparently liked the idea of a new start in Tradeborough, a city historically renowned for humans and magical creatures living together. That didn’t make the shock of seeing gargoyles flying overhead any less surprising but it was pretty cool to Jungkook.

                He also saw a human that looked slightly demonic if the flash of brimstone-colored eyes was any indication. They were walking with another human though so he couldn’t be sure. When he asked Yoongi about it, the vampire shrugged and waved it off. “So long as it isn’t hurting anyone, best to leave it well enough alone.”

                “But aren’t they… bad?” he couldn’t help but ask with a slight frown.

                Yoongi shrugged again. “Some are. Some aren’t. Much like humans,” he added with a grin that didn’t reach his eyes.

                “Ouch,” Jungkook winced with an equally flat laugh.

                “The bad ones have a knack for drawing attention to themselves. The rest…” he trailed off with a nod in the direction the probable demon had been in.

                When Jungkook looked for himself, the pair were gone. “Huh,” he hummed, scratching at the side of his neck uncertainly. To be fair, those were some of the more interesting creatures he was vaguely introduced to, but one that he would probably work with more often, after the turning anyway, was the local werewolf pack.

                Not surprisingly, they were most active in the evenings and any of their number could be seen racing about the city in either form. One in particular seemed intent upon harrying Yoongi every chance he got, though he never got far. Still, seeing a wolf the size of a large pony come up close at any time was always nerve wracking for Jungkook.

                “Shit!” he yelped again when the looming shadow veered close for the second time that week. Reactively, he grabbed onto Yoongi’s arm and tried to hide behind the vampire before his flight response wore off enough to breathe normally again.

                “It’s alright,” Yoongi promised, patting his mentee’s hand without looking at him, dark eyes shining as he tracked something in the shadows. “It’s just Jackson. Again.”

                “Jackson needs to stop sneaking up on me,” Jungkook grumbled, remaining where he was behind the vampire as he tried to spot the were he was watching. He inhaled slightly when a shadow within the shadows moved and then made a choked surprised sound at the sudden hiss Yoongi issued.

                Jackson yelped and then whined. He slunk into a dim bit of light, the murky darkness of his fur obvious for a second longer before he flattened his ears with his head hung low and then slunk off with a low tail. Yoongi huffed once and shook his head. “You’d think he was still a pup with how he tries to play with everyone.”

                Reluctantly, Jungkook eased himself back into place at Yoongi’s side, though he left one hand lightly clinging to the vampire’s sleeve for extended reassurance. He saw Yoongi notice but was grateful when he didn’t say anything about it. “If he’s not a pup, how does he rank in the pack?”

                Yoongi barked a laugh and answered, “Second if you were going by strength. It’s true that Taeyang is considered the Alpha but he does not call himself as such. And Jackson is a step under him. They’re all as big as he is though. Well, almost. Joy is the youngest but she’s still growing and even she is the size of a small pony.”

                “Yeesh,” Jungkook grimaced, rubbing at his arm reflexively. “I know you’re strong but why was he so scared of you if he’s the second in the pack?” he asked, feeling both secure in that thought and slightly nervous. His fingers tightened on Yoongi’s sleeve almost unconsciously.

                “In his wolf form, he’s fast but not a good fighter. No match for a Rank 3 vampire,” Yoongi explained as if he was stating mere fact. “In his were form, he might offer a challenge, but he knows better than to pick a fight with me. Wonho will play with him sometimes and it apparently gives them ideas when it comes to other vampires,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

                “Oh,” Jungkook hummed, letting himself drift just a bit closer to Yoongi. He was at least a little happy when he thought he saw the side of the vampire’s mouth tick up once in the beginnings of a smile.

                “Come on then. Let’s continue our stroll of the buffer zone,” he grinned, turning his face to the night sky as he let the weak moonlight bathe his pale skin.

                Personally, Jungkook loved it when he did that. The vampire looked luminous in those moments. His hair shone like spun silver and his face had a soft glow that was almost magical. “Sure,” he hummed in agreement, belatedly shaking himself free of his hypnosis before Yoongi could look over and see his expression.

                For a while, that was the most notable encounter Jungkook could recall, but their strangest one came in July, only a few weeks before he was scheduled to be turned. The evening started off like normal, but as they made their way through the last of the Buffer Zone and into the outskirts of the Green Zone, he felt Yoongi’s demeanor change. It was like the air itself shifted and a stillness fell over the vampire that even Jungkook could see. “What is it?” he whispered, informed enough to not raise his voice when the vampire acted like this.

                “Shh,” was Yoongi’s quiet response with a finger over his lips. He dropped his hand and gently grabbed Jungkook’s wrist to pull him closer. “There’s an Exile nearby,” he warned, the explanation enough to make Jungkook’s stomach drop.

                He inhaled in surprise and clapped a hand over his mouth to make sure he didn’t make any further sound. Instead, he shifted closer to Yoongi and tried to see what the vampire saw. His sight was still terrible at night but it explained the different feel in the air. He also figured there might be something more to the situation than just an Exile though. Yoongi would have been nervous about it but he probably would have played it cool. After all, the Exiles mostly liked to tease, despite or perhaps because of their sheer power.

                “There’s something else here,” he whispered, answering Jungkook’s unspoken question. “Come on,” he urged, pulling his mentee’s hand closer as a whisper of sound unfurled behind him.

                Jungkook’s skin tingled from being so close to Yoongi. His back prickled from the vampire’s cloak swirling behind him protectively. And he had a nervous ball of tension in his gut from the possibility of an Exile and something else being nearby. He wanted to scream from the sheer tension of it all, but he bit his tongue instead.

                “There,” Yoongi hissed quietly as he pointed ahead, his finger tracking a pair of gold dots in the darkness.

                Inhaling and holding his breath, Jungkook tracked the gold and only belatedly realized they were eyes. “What is-” He stiffened entirely when Yoongi’s hand reached up to cover his mouth as he pulled him down and enfolded them in his cloak, leaving a mere slit to see through as they hid beneath the inky folds.

                Branches shook and crackled slightly. Footsteps sounded in the distance. The sound of a heavy breath and a panicked run. More footsteps. A desperate gasp as something whistled before glancing off the cloak as the golden eyes moved their direction. Jungkook flinched and made a muffled sound in the back of his throat.

                It died entirely when a new voice emerged from the darkness. “Not the best place to stop.”

                Beside him, even Yoongi tensed as another shadow floated by and then turned into the form of a… an Exile. Golden eyes froze in surprise or fear and then Jungkook could see movement behind him. At least two figures, one much larger than the other. It had to be a magical creature.

                As casually as if he was taking a stroll, the Exile seemed to float over the ground to gently guide golden eyes behind him while he batted away the next projectile with transparent ease. “My my,” he purred, obviously taking in the appearances of the two before him. “What would poachers like you be doing out here?” he wondered, an almost childish lilt to his voice.

                “That’s Kazuya,” Yoongi murmured in obvious confusion, no doubt talking about the golden eyed man hiding behind the Exile. Shadows moved in the darkness and became partially visible. Jungkook could only see their outline, one humanoid and one cat looking creature, but Yoongi obviously had a better line of sight. “Rakshasa,” he hissed, the sound closer to a growl.

                Jungkook would have bet money they were about on par with a wendigo for degree of likeability.

                “We’ve no quarrel with you, Exile,” the rakshasa growled, tail twitching catlike behind it.

                “Oh, but I’ve a quarrel with you if you are truly chasing this lovely creature behind me,” he grinned, liquid shadow pouring from his back in a form similar to Yoongi’s cloak. “You and your friends,” he added, the smile still obvious in his voice as the cloak split into two and disappeared into the darkness to snag something. Two yelps emerged before two bodies followed and tumbled to their feet when they were thrown near the other visible poachers. The rakshasa growled reactively, earning the Exile’s laughter. “Oh no!” he feigned in mock fear and laughed. “One, two, three, four poachers,” he counted, his pale hand dancing in the moonlight. “This might actually be fun.”

                The humanoid beside the rakshasa reached a hand to place on its arm and shook her head. “It’s not worth it right now,” she explained, her voice just barely reaching where Yoongi and Jungkook were huddled.

                “Right now?” the Exile questioned, head tilting to the side curiously. “Oh no, no, no,” he corrected, shaking a finger at them. “Not ever,” he promised, seeming to disappear in a puff of black smoke. All four stepped back defensively. Darkness bloomed behind them and the center two promptly flew through the air backwards. They screamed reactively but before the other two could even start to respond, they too were launched away, one after the other.

                In front of their hiding spot, golden eyes crouched low and looked around defensively, tracking the sounds as the encounter wound down as quickly as it had started. Jungkook felt like he might explode from his sheer inability to see what was going on. All he had were the sounds of rustling brush and pained or surprised cries and he could only wonder if they’d be next for some reason.

                And then, just like that, the Exile popped back into view in front of them. Several yards behind golden eyes but in clear sight. Languidly, he stretched his arms above his head and made a relaxed sound. “Enough play time. Run along little poachers,” he called, looking over his shoulder. “Know that this one is under my protection,” he called, his voice turning hard on the following comment. “Try again, and next time we won’t be playing.” He tilted his head to listen and nodded when he was satisfied they were gone.

                “Yixing,” the golden eyed man called uncertainly as he stood up to meet the Exile when he approached.

                “Kazuya, my dear. You could have told me poachers were onto you sooner you know,” he chided, actually patting the other man on the head in a reassuring manner.

                “That would imply a favor from an Exile,” he responded, carefully ducking out from under the Exile’s hand. “A dangerous thing to have hanging over one’s head,” Kazuya explained as his golden eyes faded to a more normal brown color.

                “Ugh,” the Exile groaned, rolling his eyes in a very human gesture. “I meant what I said. If I have to get rid of this batch of poachers permanently too, I will,” he shrugged like he was talking about an amusing but potentially troublesome pest in one’s backyard.

                “I shall simply hope it does not have to come to that,” Kazuya answered with a polite bow.

                “Fine, fine you irritatingly honorable creature,” he laughed, shooing the other man away with his hands like fluttering butterflies. “Off with you. I imagine you’re busy and I’ve another matter to attend to.” Kazuya raised a brow questionably and then sniffed as if he was testing for something. “Go on,” Yixing added once more with another shooing gesture.

                Kazuya pursed his lips and let his eyes wander once before he focused on the Exile again and pointed, “Be nice.”

                “When am I not?” he asked innocently. At Kazuya’s glance towards the space where the Exile had just beaten the poachers into submission, he grinned. “That’s different.” But the other man didn’t press the point before he turned to head into the city boundaries at a reasonably fast pace. When he was gone, Yixing moved again and Jungkook couldn’t stop his panicked bleat of sound when the vampire squatted to peer into the slat of Yoongi’s protective cloak. “I told you this wasn’t a good place to hide,” he grinned, tapping on the barrier in such a way that it shuddered and seemed to unravel upon an unspoken command.

                Yoongi winced at the forced break of his defenses and stood up to push Jungkook behind him. “You didn’t leave me much choice, Yixing,” he explained, ending with the name in a stiff greeting.

                “You could have run away,” the Exile shrugged, leaning to get a better look at Jungkook behind him. It made Jungkook nervous and he tried to sink lower to not be so obvious a target.

                “I could have,” Yoongi admitted, stepping so that he interrupted the Exile’s line of sight again. “But with me being in the Coven and you being an Exile, I am practically bound to keep an eye on you when you’re in the city,” he explained as flippantly as he could. Jungkook could tell he was putting on a brave front.

                “Ah. But you’ve got new blood tonight. That should have been reason enough to flee,” he crooned, swaying to the other side to peer at Jungkook over Yoongi’s shoulder.

                Yoongi sidestepped to intervene again. “And because I have new blood with me tonight, it was even more reason to stay. Knowing you, you would have handled things here and still followed us to see for yourself,” he grumbled resignedly.

                Yixing audibly sighed and laughed once. “You know me too well, Yoongi. I am curious about this one,” he added, fading to smoke in front of them.

                Part of Jungkook knew the Exile was moving closer to him. Probably behind him. Another part of him realized Yoongi was trying to do the same. And yet, neither realization helped stifle the sheer fear that rose up as pointed fingertips touched his shoulders and a presence appeared at his back. Prickles like knives jabbed at the back of his neck and he tried to lean forward and away while his eyes widened reactively.

                “Yixing!” Yoongi snarled as his cloak wrapped around Jungkook and swung him behind while he stepped into the space the human had been in. It brought him face to face with the Exile himself.

                “Oh! So touchy,” Yixing smiled under the short fluff of his brown bangs, more amused than offended.

                Jungkook’s heart hammered in his chest as he nearly forgot to breathe. His arms were pinned to his sides while he was wrapped in the cloak, but Yoongi was between him and the Exile again, allowing him to relax just a touch.

                “Don’t,” Yoongi said simply, the single word more like a plea than a demand.

                The Exile’s smile softened then and he looked at Jungkook once, the expression searching more than anything. Then he focused on Yoongi again and sighed, “I hope this one treats you better than the last. Then again, that would also require you to take care of him too,” he shrugged, leaning so close their noses almost touched. To his credit, Yoongi didn’t flinch. “Oh, you’re getting better at this,” Yixing grinned, sincere façade breaking as he closed the distance between them to steal a quick kiss and then vanished with a strange whooshing sound.

                “Gyah…” Yoongi gasped as he stepped back while the cloak around Jungkook loosened quickly. He scrubbed at his lips once and then turned to steady Jungkook with one hand, his other rising to cup his cheek. “Are you okay?” he asked, visibly scouring his body inch by inch to make sure for himself he was unharmed.

               Jungkook didn’t actually know. He couldn’t have said anything if he wanted to, both from the run in with the Exile and then the desperate fear on Yoongi’s face as he looked at him. Fear for him.

               “Your heart’s beating so fast,” the vampire frowned as he rested the hand that was on Jungkook’s shoulder on his chest instead. His brow creased with worry as he stared at where Jungkook’s heart would be before looking up to meet his dark eyes.

                It was too much. Jungkook took a small breath and stepped forward to throw his arms around the vampire, holding tight as if Yoongi was his only anchor in the world.

                “Jungkook?” Yoongi whispered, hands tentatively resting on his side and shoulder.

                “Just hold me right now,” he pleaded, ducking his face into Yoongi’s shoulder as he closed his eyes and let the vampire’s solid presence ground him in that moment. “Please,” he added, his voice muffled against the fabric of his shirt.

                “Okay,” Yoongi answered a half-second later. One hand settled firm around his back and the other gently caressed the back of his head and neck.

                The tension he was feeling bled away like water running off his skin. His heartbeat slowed down as well, returning to a more normal pace. And in its wake came the low of crashing adrenaline. Jungkook exhaled and swallowed hard, turning his head to rest it on Yoongi’s shoulder like a pillow.

                “You’re okay,” Yoongi soothed, stroking the back of Jungkook’s head with a light hand. “You can rest now if you want. I’ll get us home safely,” he promised.

                Fragments of reluctant thought rose up to try and argue the point. He didn’t need to sleep… He didn’t want to burden Yoongi like that… He’d be fine in a minute… But all of them stayed shuttered behind his lips as he simply nodded and whispered, “Okay.”

                Yoongi’s touch was feather soft as he whispered, “Sleep now.” And just like that, Jungkook did.


                Claws out, fangs bared, and cloak writhing behind him like a living monstrosity, Yoongi tore at Namjoon with reckless abandon and frantic energy. The open space of the basement swallowed most of the sounds of their combat. Despite their frenzy, it was almost eerily quiet beyond the whisper of cloth and the rapid intake of breath from surprise or pain.

                Sharp nails grazed past well fitted clothes. A near miss. A snap of Yoongi’s lighter dropped him into the shadow realms. He popped out again behind the coven leader, striking fast. Namjoon’s cloak twitched to attack in return and Yoongi darted aside, moving faster than the human eye could easily follow.

                Namjoon kept pace with him and landed a glancing blow to his shoulder with a loose fist. Yoongi stumbled aside but righted himself quickly, cloak flapping like wings to launch him back at the elder vampire. Namjoon held his ground and locked fists with his coven member. The fact the vampire lord had more strength than Yoongi only served to irritate him further and he threw a tentacle volley of cloak attacks at his opponent, scowling when each was batted away with minimal effort. He grunted with wide eyes when Namjoon suddenly ‘pushed’ him away, freeing his feet from the floor for a second.

                “Dammit!” Yoongi snarled, landing in a slightly crouched position. When he tried to sprint forward again, he growled as his feet remained planted. Dark eyes flashed when he saw Namjoon’s hands moving, accompanying the shifting shadows at their feet. Frustrated, he tore at the floor with his claws and shredded some of the shadows binding him in place.

                “Enough, Yoongi,” Namjoon called softly, jumping back on light feet when the younger vampire followed doggedly.

                “No it’s not!” he snapped in response, closing at last to exchange a flurry of claw strikes. In close quarters, the strength difference wasn’t quite as obvious. Block, block, strike, duck, strike, lunge! The sound of cloth tearing followed closely by the scent of blood that wasn’t his made Yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise.

                “Enough!” Namjoon stated again, sharper this time as he used Yoongi’s moment of hesitation. One powerful hand grabbed the younger vampire’s throat and forcefully guided him to the ground. “Stop,” he commanded, staring into Yoongi’s eyes intently.

                The coven leader’s power sank into him and made movement impossible, despite his fluttering rage. Pinned and his momentum slain, he finally let the excess energy bleed from him, leaving him feeling weak and… troubled. “Ugh,” he groaned, scrubbing both hands over his face when Namjoon stood up and relaxed his command.

                “Well. Now that that’s out of your system…” he trailed off, brushing at his sleeves and eyeing the tear with a thoughtful look. “Care to talk about it?”

                “Not really,” Yoongi grumbled without looking up.

                “Yoongi,” the other vampire warned.

                Taking an unnecessary breath, Yoongi dropped his arms and tilted his head to look at Namjoon. The vampire lord knew he’d run into an Exile but that was about it. The encounter had left him more wound than he cared to admit and he knew it had to do with Jungkook, but he didn’t want to really explore why. At least not deeply. But Namjoon was also not a fool. Two and two would always equal four around him… At least he could start with something easy first though. “Kamenashi Kazuya is something special,” he explained, relaxing further so that he could pull out the bolt he’d retrieved after the poachers had hit his cloak.

                Namjoon hummed in the back of his throat and accepted the bolt with slender careful fingers, eyeing it intently as he did so. “I’ve suspected as much for a little while. What did you see?” he asked, storing the bolt in his own pocket instead.

                “Golden eyes and he refused to transform into his natural form even under duress,” he added, sitting up to loop his arms around his knees, hands clasped in front of him. Namjoon nodded for him to continue when it was obvious he was holding something back. “Yixing said he’s under his protection too. He’s probably the reason the last batch of poachers just disappeared.”

                “That is interesting,” Namjoon nodded with a curious smile. It was well known the Exiles did not take a personal interest in anyone unless they were interesting or… exceedingly rare. “We’ll have to see what we can find.” His silence was not encouraging though. As soon as he filed that bit of information away for later, his thoughts came back to the more delicate matter of Yoongi’s trainee. Namjoon took a small breath as he easily collapsed in front of Yoongi to sit before him in a relaxed pose. “So…” he prompted, hand gesturing for Yoongi to tell him the rest of the story.

                He really didn’t want to. Staring at the snowy-haired vampire, he made a face but then exhaled in frustration. “He put his hands on Jungkook. Wanted to taste him,” he scowled, fangs lengthening reflexively at the memory. It was fortunate Jungkook hadn’t been able to see it, but Yoongi would not soon forget Yixing’s partially open mouth and pointed fangs just ready to nip at the bare skin of his mentee’s flawless neck. He frowned slightly at the choice of flawless in his mental description and shook his head when Namjoon responded.

                “Rude but not entirely unexpected from an Exile,” he grimaced. “They try because they can.”

                “I know!” Yoongi snapped, flexing his hands in useless irritation.

                “Touchy,” Namjoon laughed once, his smile widening when Yoongi glared at him for it. “Oh. Yixing said that too, didn’t he?”

                “Shut up,” Yoongi grumbled, looking away.

                “You could just consider it a good thing that you like him at least a little bit,” the elder vampire shrugged, hands gesturing to either side of him. It earned him another glare that made him laugh once more. “That’s right,” he chuckled, placing the back of his hand to his forehead and leaning his head back. “You’re the tragic vampire who can’t let anyone get close to him.”

                “I’m not that dramatic,” Yoongi muttered in faint disgust.

                “But you’re not denying it either,” Namjoon retorted as he dropped his hand and resumed his relaxed pose. “Besides, I’m still here.”

                “You don’t count,” he shot back without looking at him.

                “Oof! I would be hurt if I didn’t know better,” the vampire lord tsked, shaking a finger at him. Yoongi didn’t respond beyond waving a dismissive hand at him. “Ah well. If nothing else, you did successfully protect your ward from the Exile and brought him back safely, so there’s something to be said for that,” Namjoon encouraged, standing up and brushing at his clothes out of habit. “And he’ll be turning next month which should allow you to be less antsy.”

                “If he still wants to turn after this,” he couldn’t help but say in a slightly dejected tone.

                “Have a little faith, youngling,” Namjoon laughed once as he literally patted Yoongi on the head. It made Yoongi swipe at the hand but it was gone before he could hit it. “And go check on him after you eat something. You know it’ll make you feel better,” he added as he turned to head up the stairs and out of the basement.

                Yoongi wanted to gripe at him more but with no target left, he had only his thoughts and all they entailed. Namjoon could read him pretty well, and he trusted the vampire lord, but even he wouldn’t easily admit just how worried he’d been about Jungkook after Yixing left. He could still hear the hammering sound of his heart echoing in his ears. Could still feel the warmth of Jungkook’s breath against his shoulder, and the frightened but relieved press of his body as he held tight.

                It was impossible not to notice that the human was interested in him too. And that made it all the more difficult to keep him at arm’s length. His track record with mentees was not good. Despite that, it was hard to not want to get close to Jungkook. He made it so easy… but humans were easily attracted to the mystery of a vampire. They were curious or sometimes inadvertently hypnotized by them. And part of him was certain that Jungkook’s interest would fade when he turned. The mystery wasn’t as compelling when one was a vampire after all.

                “Just a few more weeks,” he reminded himself, chewing on his bottom lip distractedly. Then Jungkook would turn – hopefully – and there’d be a new dynamic to figure out. But for now… he was feeling antsy with not having checked in on him since they got back. Was he sleeping well? If Yixing gave him nightmares, he was going to have to… do something to the Exile to make him pay. Or something. “Ugh!” he groaned, pressing on his temples with his palms before he stood up and hurried to go get food at least. “Idiot,” he grumbled to himself as he went up the stairs.


The gargoyles mentioned at the beginning of the story feature in a oneshot I've done previously. They're not directly related but they are at least pretty similar. If you want to check the story out, you can follow the link here: Thank you and enjoy!

Chapter 21: The Turning

Chapter Text

                Today was finally the day and Namjoon half wished it wasn’t. Just today, he’d received word from Fei about some of the power players in the city starting to move decent chunks of money around. She didn’t have a reason why yet or where the money was going, but it was worth checking out. Unfortunately, it was just one more thing to add to the pile, and that was on top of the ceremony this evening…

                Keeping his attention turned away from that task, he frowned as he stared at a map on the wall of his office, the surface full of marks and notes and various writings of different ages. The most recent were from the Mage work in the southern part of the island where the wendigo had been scented and the wood elf had disappeared but there was a new mark in the water to the East as well. Handong hadn’t found anything on her requested flight but she had made note that it felt strange, which he thought was worth keeping an eye on for the time being. With the money moving, it might have a connection but it was still far too early to say.

                 He was glad Yoongi had been able to talk the bird person into it. The outlandish claim of a ‘possible conspiracy to establish a secret location for potentially nefarious purposes somewhere that might be in this area’ had been just enough to pique her intrigue. Since there had been something off, even if it was unconfirmed, she’d extended her offer to assist again if they should call, which was a boon in and of itself. Her info with the tidbit he’d also been able to get from Seohyun about whispers of an unusual ebbing and flowing of power on the island itself made for additionally unsettling news. Potentially. It could all just be coincidence but that was hoping on luck far too much.

                “And with creatures like Kazuya and Yongmin being noticed and followed again, that does not bode well for the coincidence argument,” he sighed, scratching at his bottom jaw with long fingernails. When nothing changed, even though he’d spoken aloud, he tilted his head to the side and sighed. “You can come in, Su.”

                Almost like he was chagrined at being noticed so easily, Jungsu quietly stepped into the office with his head slightly lowered. “I figured you might have been thinking aloud.”

                Namjoon snorted once and turned to look at his second. “Since when have I done that?” His slightly withdrawn posture did not speak well of his news.

                “Never too late to start,” Jungsu shot back, conjuring a half smile and a shrug. Namjoon raised one sharp eyebrow in response and Jungsu wrinkled his nose back at the coven leader. “I know. Not what you want to hear,” he nodded, chewing on his top lip, as he usually did when he had unfavorable news. “You were right about the rumor mill on the black market but it’s exclusive clientele only,” he exhaled with a grimace.

                “So Changmin was able to find out something,” Namjoon murmured in thoughtful relief. It had been a bit of a gamble but it had paid off in the end. Not related to the money issue but still a lead to follow for different reasons.

                Jungsu shrugged again and ran a hand over short brown locks. “When you’re something like him, just acting like you’re with the in-crowd will made certain tongues wag,” he conceded irritably. “Not enough for specifics but enough to confirm someone has been looking to sight on Kazuya in recent times.”

                Namjoon groaned quietly and threaded his fingers behind his neck as he dipped his head. “Any word from Chen lately?” he asked in a quiet voice, closing his eyes before he decided how he wanted to react. He could almost feel Jungsu’s silent shake of his head first.

                “No. He’s still digging. So long as the reward stays higher than the competition, he’ll keep at it,” he reminded the elder vampire.

                “You needn’t tell me that,” Namjoon laughed once, regrettably tired. “You’ve called Wonho and Sanghyuk in today, right?” he asked, though the question was unnecessary.

                “Of course.”

                “Good. Have them go see the Crone. Let them deliver the message her… assistance,” he couched the word carefully, “has been offered as payment.”

                “On a turning night?” Jungsu asked hesitantly. “Won’t that leave the Coven more unguarded than usual?” he couldn’t help but ask. Namjoon merely turned to give his second a steely eyed glance that spoke volumes. Jungsu ducked his head and nodded in understanding. “Alright. I’ll give them the message.”

                Namjoon waited for Jungsu to step out before he bared his fangs at the wall in helpless frustration. There were too many stirrings of old familiarities that did not bring comfort this night. And if tongues had wagged about the ceremony for this evening, he’d much rather have the younglings under a certain Crone’s protection should things go south. For more than one reason at that…

                He stretched his threaded fingers in front of him with a series of light pops and groaned. Part of him almost wished something would happen. Almost. It would give him a chance to work off some of the tension that had been building since the Mage case showed up. With Yixing’s direct appearance, it had only gotten worse since then and his brief sparring session with Yoongi hadn’t done much to alleviate his own issues. But such wishful thinking was only good for inviting trouble, and on a night like this – a turning ceremony with Yoongi, it was best not to tempt such things.

                With a glance down at his desk, he grimaced at the picture of a particularly well-known djinn. Heechul was very likely the originator of the query into Kazuya’s being a target but he only had conjecture and gut instincts to go on. If he was right, though, the Revolutionaries were up to something again. Oh, they usually were and most of their plans never panned out to any large and successful degree, but every now and then…

                “Feh!” he scowled once more, shifting his attention to eye the transfer request still on his desk with a critical squint. Again. It should have been a good thing – another high-level Rank 3 interested in joining their Coven – but at this time… it was suspect to the vampire lord. No red flags had gone off and yet… he was wary all the same. Perhaps because there were no red flags. Most vampires around that rank had at least one. The coven leader speculated for a moment longer, chin caught between his fingers and eyes narrowed before he shook his head and waved it off.

                There was nothing he could do about any of it right now. He did pull out his phone and send a quick message to Hakyeon, but then he turned it off and stuffed the device back in his pocket. He had more important matters to focus on this evening. Like the joining of a new member and the official ending of Yoongi’s current anxiety issues. “For now anyway,” he reasoned, laughing at himself. For a vampire as old as Yoongi – or really any vampire over three hundred years old, it was a little strange that he was still anxious about things like this. But Namjoon understood why, better than most. It was part of why he didn’t want anyone else here in case something did happen. Not that he expected anything, but it was infinitely better to be safe than sorry.

                With another extraneous exhale, he forced himself to relax. “Alright, coven leader,” he told himself with a falsely cheery grin. “Show time.”


                The basement was quiet, eerily empty, and it seemed as if it might have been slightly lackluster for the situation if Jungkook’s expression was anything to go by. “Nervous?” he couldn’t help but ask the human who had been strangely quiet most of the night.

                “A little,” Jungkook admitted, ducking his head and rubbing at the back of his neck self-consciously. “I just thought there’d be more, you know?” he added, gesturing to the rest of the room. Even the stone tables that had been here for the last demonstration were missing.

                It made Yoongi laugh once. “Like pentagrams and blood-stained tools?” he teased with a toothy smirk.

                “No!” Jungkook denied just a touch too quickly. When Yoongi kept looking at him with unblinking eyes, he wrinkled his nose and admitted, “Maybe a little.”

                “Hah!” That was genuinely amusing to the vampire. Humans had quite the imagination when it came to things they couldn’t find answers to and the bevy of inaccurate movies about vampires (or a fair few other magical creatures too for that matter) hadn’t helped with useful information in recent times. “You already know the basics,” he reminded the other man, keeping a thoughtful look on him.

                “Of course I do,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down. “And I know you told me yesterday to make sure,” he added, glancing up to meet the vampire’s eyes. “I just thought it might be more ceremonial or… magical,” he couldn’t help but sigh, shoulders slumping just a bit.

                “It is magical,” Yoongi reminded him as he took a step closer. He almost laughed at the way Jungkook’s head bobbed up at the comment. “Insofar as you would understand magic anyway,” he added, reaching out to grab his mentee’s hand and pull it out to turn it palm side up.

                “I don’t- ow!” he yelped when Yoongi quickly drew a thin red line across the bare surface with a sharp fingernail. “What was that for?!” he demanded in uncertain frustration as he tried to yank his hand back.

                Yoongi held tight and then turned his free palm up to mirror Jungkook’s. “Magic,” he winked as a thin red line briefly appeared on him and disappeared from Jungkook’s at the same time.

                Jungkook’s jaw dropped open before he abruptly gasped, “I knew it!” Yes, Yoongi had done minor healings before but he’d never shown how it worked exactly. Jungkook looked up like he was going to say something else but then Namjoon’s voice interrupted easily.

                “Getting started without me?”

                Yoongi dropped Jungkook’s hand and stepped back as quickly but nonchalantly as he could. “Just waiting for your late ass to arrive,” he countered, glancing at the elder vampire with a knowing smile.

                “A Coven Leader is never late in his own Coven,” Namjoon grinned with boyish dimples dotting his cheeks.

                “Yeah, yeah,” the younger vampire waved dismissively, acting bored.

                Namjoon rolled his eyes and shook his head before he glanced at the all too flat floor. “You couldn’t even be bothered to raise the dais for this?”

                “And spoil the surprise?” he answered, glancing at Jungkook just in time to see the slightly widened eyes dart between them.

                “Is there actually an altar for this?” he asked, one hand gesturing at the floor and the other floating between the two vampires.

                Yoongi looked at Namjoon meaningfully and the elder vampire opened his mouth in a bemused, “Ah. No, youngling,” he chuckled, wandering casually towards the wall to press a button behind one of the large pillars before walking back. “The dais is simply more comfortable than sitting on the floor and the knife is more sanitary than, say… Yoongi’s nails,” he teased, dark eyes landing on the younger vampire with poorly concealed amusement.

                “My hands are not dirty,” he grumbled, crossing his arms in an echoed imitation of Jungkook earlier. Namjoon merely shrugged wordlessly, earning a small laugh from Jungkook in the process.

                “Oh,” Jungkook murmured, his eyes glued to the circular platform that rose from the floor and stopped at about knee height. Perfect for sitting on. His eyes tracked Namjoon as the elder vampire moved to press another spot on the side of the dais this time. A shallow compartment opened above it and Namjoon removed a small, ornately carved box. The imagery was reminiscent of flying bats and the changing moon. Without a word but with a very pointed look and an emphatic gesture at the box, Jungkook turned to look at Yoongi.

                “Fine!” he grumbled, throwing his hands up. “We have one box that looks vaguely ceremonial for this process.” He would have been more annoyed by Jungkook’s smug and victorious smile if it hadn’t been so amusingly cute in that moment.

                “What about the knife?” Jungkook asked, bubbling excitement welling as he crowded a bit closer to Namjoon and waited for the coven leader to open the box.

                “Alas. That is pretty standard fare,” he announced, opening the box with a quiet click and removing a short narrow stiletto with his slender fingers. They both heard Jungkook’s quiet sigh of disappointment. “With weapons, it’s usually better if they do not look particularly… noticeable,” Namjoon consoled him.

                “Those do tend to be magical or cursed and no good ever comes of them,” Yoongi echoed, walking over to sit on the dais. He wasn’t sure how well he hid his nerves but Jungkook didn’t seem to notice. Namjoon might have, though the coven leader was infinitely harder to read, and not just because Yoongi couldn’t hear the sound of a changing heartbeat or breathing pattern at any given moment.

                “Ready?” Namjoon asked, diverting his attention to Jungkook as he gestured next to Yoongi.

                “I think so,” Jungkook admitted, his body language tensing up all of a sudden.

                Namjoon gave him a gentle nudge after setting the stiletto back in the box. “Yoongi told you what to expect, did he not?” he questioned, a curious glance darting to the other vampire.

                “I did,” he defended himself immediately, trying not to fidget at Jungkook’s final vestiges of hesitation.

                “He did,” his mentee confirmed with a quick nod. He shuffled closer but didn’t sit down yet. “Are you sure I can’t stay awake to see how things happen?” he wondered, looking up at Namjoon from a partially ducked face.

                Both Namjoon and Yoongi grimaced slightly. “It’s not a process you would enjoy,” the coven leader promised, shaking his head.

                The honest and causal admittance obviously made the human nervous. “Will it hurt?” he wondered, echoing the very human fear of pain they all had before this process.

                Yoongi let the barest of warm smiles grace his lips then. “Not before we make you sleep.” When Jungkook seemed to hesitate for a moment longer, Yoongi carefully extended his hand, sharp fingertips partially curled in open invitation. “Do you trust me?”

                He could only imagine how many thoughts had been going through Jungkook’s mind lately. After his encounter with the Exile, he’d been shaken. Not afraid but it was clear something so inhuman was disturbing on a level Yoongi couldn’t understand. He hadn’t really spoken to Yoongi about it, though he knew the human had discussed it with his work friends recently. Yes, he’d followed his mentee around more than usual of late, but he too had been shaken by the encounter with the Exile. Just… in a very different way. And even now… that uncertainty lingered. And continued to linger as Jungkook looked at the vampire’s hand and then at his own.

                “I trust you.” His warm long-fingered hand extended to rest in Yoongi’s and the knot of worry in his belly started to unravel quickly.

                “Good. Have a seat then,” Namjoon encouraged, gently steering Jungkook to sit down beside Yoongi. He waited for the human to settle, shifting in place on the hard stone as he tried not to look at the man beside him or their still lightly clasped hands. “Yoongi,” he commented, gesturing at the younger vampire.

                Yoongi studied Jungkook’s profile and waited for him to turn and look. Only then did he move. Wordlessly, he curled his fingers around Jungkook’s wrist, pressing the tips lightly against the bare skin for a second before tracing them up his arm and shoulder to rest against the equally pale and soft patch between his neck and his shoulder. He didn’t miss the way Jungkook shivered at the silent question.

                In an equally silent response, Jungkook’s left hand hovered over his right arm before rising up to rest lightly atop Yoongi’s. “Here,” he whispered, meeting the vampire’s eyes with an all too human flush to his cheeks.

                Jungkook’s choice made another knot in his gut unwind and Yoongi allowed a smile to tug at the corners of his mouth. “Okay,” he whispered back, content with the knowledge that too was a sign of trust. He could feel Namjoon nearby, waiting and watching, but it otherwise seemed as if it was only them in the room at that moment. With his hands, he gently urged Jungkook to turn away from him, left hand resting on his waist and right curling over the nearest shoulder.

                This close, he smelled so good: the scent of naturally warm flesh tinged with salt and the hint of metallic tinged fluid just beneath the surface. Yoongi saw the back of his neck quiver reflexively, nerves making his muscles jump in tiny minute movements. He placed his lips against Jungkook’s shoulder, almost a kiss as he heard a tiny gasp, felt the sharp inhale under his hands. His mouth opened and sharp fangs pierced the delicate skin.

                The small sound of surprised pain mixed almost sinfully well with the heady taste of Jungkook and he closed his eyes to savor it. Sips from a drink or a glass gave hints of the song threaded in another creature’s essence. Drinking straight from the source could be like experiencing a masterful symphony in real time – powerful, vibrant, intoxicating. Yoongi’s hands moved to embrace Jungkook further, encouraging him to relax into his embrace.

                To his unspoken joy, Jungkook did. Weight pressed against his chest as tentative still warm hands ghosted over his own. He bit down just a little harder and immersed himself in the twilight of Jungkook’s humanity. Living warmth curled against him and caressed his cool body; the unique vitality of magicless life danced on his tongue; the dual rhythms of each breath and heartbeat sounded steadily, increasing little by little with each passing moment.

                In contrast, it was almost sad as he experienced the waning that followed. The lessening warmth and the rapid patter of sound that was often hounded by the beginnings of panic and fear. “Yoongi?” Jungkook whispered, a note of the undesired emotion rising up as his hands tightened against the vampire’s.

                It was time. “Sleep,” he commanded, pulling his mouth away from Jungkook’s neck so the word would be clear. Immediately, Jungkook went limp in his arms, hands falling away to rest in his lap and his head lolling against his chest. Yoongi caressed his hair with gentle fingers, lost for a moment before he remembered Namjoon was there. Self-consciously, he dropped his hand and then looked up at the elder vampire as he approached.

                “Well done,” he praised, carefully grabbing Jungkook’s nearest wrist and turning it over to eye the pale, bluish tinted skin. With his other hand, he grabbed the stiletto and drew a straight deep line down the length of his forearm. Blood welled sluggishly, despite the depth. When his attention turned to Yoongi, the younger vampire held out his preferred arm and waited for the identical cut. With stoic care, Namjoon placed the stiletto down and then guided Yoongi’s arm below Jungkook’s mirroring the cuts in their skin. “The rest is up to you,” he encouraged, a warm smile gracing his face as he looked at the two before him.

                He did not stay though, for which Yoongi was glad. Every turning was intimate by its nature. But this one… he could at least admit to himself he wanted it to maybe be a little more. Keeping their arms clasped together, he cradled Jungkook closer and settled in to wait for the next part. To wait for Jungkook’s human life to end as his heart and lungs virtually stopped; to wait for his body to try and ‘fix’ the wrongness of Jungkook’s magicless one; to wait for the newly infused magic of his blood to convert Jungkook’s humanity to vampirism.

                It was always a long wait, but hopefully this time would be worth it. That was all Yoongi could hope for as he felt the Jungkook-that-was slowly transform into the Jungkook-he-wanted-to-be. It was also all he could hope for as the usual tiredness moved in to overtake him. Having shared his own liquid vitality and personal energy, albeit borrowed from Jungkook, to complete the process, Yoongi was very much nearing a soft limit. He did not need to sleep, but right now, next to Jungkook, it was an appealing thought.

                “Sleepy time,” he murmured as he scooted back on the dais and pulled Jungkook with him so they could more easily lie out on the flat surface together. His arm became a pillow for the other man’s head while he bumped his nose against the back of his neck. Even as a new vampire, he smelled good. Different from before but no less good all the same. “Alright, Kookie,” he whispered, drowsily closing his eyes and pulling the other man closer with his free arm. “Wake me up when you do.”

Chapter 22: Something Old and Something New


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                The basement was bright as Yoongi looked down on Jungkook’s sleeping face. Flickering wall sconces danced and washed his pale skin in their gentle warmth. With his acquired vampire status, the new hue was a stark contrast to the deep red carpet under them. It was nice in a way.

               “Kookie,” he whispered, reaching over to brush the backs of his fingers against the nearest cheek. He always seemed so peaceful in sleep that it was almost a shame to wake him.

                Jungkook’s face crinkled in quiet protest. He made a small groaning sound in the back of his throat and turned away to hide his closed eyes from the light.

                “Are you going to sleep the whole day away?” Yoongi asked, settling his hand on the other man’s shoulder and shaking gently this time.

                “Yoongi,” Jungkook complained, curling up into a tighter ball as he fought to stay asleep.

                “Childish,” Yoongi tsked, shaking his head. “Fine. If I have to eat alone, I will.”

                “Bring me back a blood pack,” the other vampire mumbled through barely parted lips, his voice nearly lost in the carpet.

                “You’re lucky I like you,” the elder vampire snorted. Despite his intentions though, he lingered a little longer, drawing soothing strokes down Jungkook’s arm. He knew he should go, he was hungry after all, but the thought of leaving his side made Yoongi’s gut start to twist uncomfortably. Looking up, he saw the fire in the fireplace burning low and figured he should probably add some more wood. But something seemed… off.

                Despite the warmth, Yoongi suddenly felt a chill. “Kookie,” he whispered, leaning close and shaking harder this time. “Get up,” he encouraged, the playful tone in his voice gone.

                “Huh?” Jungkook chirped, hearing the shift. “What’s wrong?” he wondered, blinking forcefully as he tried to focus.

                “I don’t know,” Yoongi admitted as he felt… fuzzy. Like the edges of his body were not as solid as they should be. He stood up to look around and his vision blurred when he blinked. One second, he was in the middle of the large room. The next, he was standing in the doorway, looking at himself and Jungkook from a distance.

                Yoongi’s face hardened with narrowed eyes, one hand stretched out like he could sense something nearby. Jungkook edged closer, moving back-to-back with a more uncertain look on his face. “What is it?” he asked, obviously aware something was wrong.

                The Yoongi in the doorway made a sound. He was sure of it. But he didn’t know what he said. His other self and Jungkook looked at him in wide-eyed alarm. “Stay there!” his other self commanded, one hand reaching out like it was casting a spell.

                It might as well have been. Yoongi couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. But he watched what was happening. All the lights dimmed and went out, casting the room into darkness. Yoongi could still see in the dark though, where a shadow moved. It was fast and quiet with burning brimstone eyes. Another shadow followed. Humanoid but amorphous. Shifting. Dangerous.

                No, he thought, wishing the word would escape his lips. Even though he knew Yoongi and Jungkook could see them too, he needed to give some kind of warning! No! The thought echoed in his mind as the shadows moved, convening on the two in the middle of the room.

                His other self moved first, faster than either of them. He grabbed Jungkook and pushed him back before extending both hands at the shadows. Power flared like a cresting wave and they stalled in the air before he called out, “Jungkook. Light!”

                Jungkook flicked a lighter to give them a source. Small though it was, in the darkness of the room, it created living shadows that started to writhe from the ground, reaching towards the two creatures.

                Demon. Yoongi knew the one by its eyes. Brimstone and shadow. It shrieked and thrashed, forcing the other Yoongi to focus on it more. The shadows slowed and the second creature started to shift, something that shouldn’t have been possible. His other self shouted something but the word was strange, muffled. Yoongi thought he should know it. He didn’t. Instead, he just felt fuzzy. Itchy. His skin crawled and fear snaked around his chest, tightening like a constrictor.

                “Watch out!” Jungkook lunged, dropping the lighter while his cloak emerged. Desperately, he interposed himself between Yoongi and the other creature as it broke from the invisible hold. His cloak pulled tight and folded around him like a shield.

                “NO!” Yoongi shouted, shoving the demon away with a frantic motion. It crashed into the wall with a loud thud, crumbling plaster raining down around the creature.

                Jungkook’s shield cracked as monstrous claws ripped into it and pulled. He screamed.

                Yoongi wanted to. The constrictor tightened and his vision went fuzzy.

                The other Yoongi jumped over Jungkook and slammed into the second creature, his cloak emerging in an array of impaling tentacles. They both fell down and he pinned the being to the ground with a snarled, “STAY!” It stopped moving completely. Whatever it was, Yoongi was stronger than it.

                Yoongi saw it was down but his eyes were on Jungkook. The demon was still free and Jungkook was dazed. Overwhelmed and off guard… Fear clawed at his throat like it was trying to escape. Behind you… He couldn’t warn him. The demon. No… NO!

                “Yoongi!” Jungkook choked before looking down at the clawed hand jutting from his chest. He reached to grab at the head biting his neck.

                Wide eyed, the other vampire turned to look, face a portrait of horror and fear. “NO!” Yoongi keened, his form losing shape as he moved like fog. Cloak spines pulled away from the other creature, leaving it unbound.

                Yoongi’s vision grayed and his stomach lurched when he heard bone crunch with a strangled cry. “Not again,” he whispered, clutching at his chest with his hand. Sobbing echoed in his ears, an agonizing sound of denial and pain. His edges blurred and he clenched his eyes tight. “Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,” he commanded himself. “Not again. Please not again,” he begged, convulsing as he felt himself coming undone. “Wake up!” he screamed, digging his claws into his chest…




               Yoongi opened his eyes with a sharp inhale. Dark hair greeted his sight and he swallowed hard, fighting the gut reaction of the similarity from the dream. If he was truly awake, Jungkook was still sleeping. Wary, Yoongi looked up with slow care, scanning the bare walls of the basement to make sure he was free from the nightmare. Same boring stone walls and pillars. Same dim electric wall lights. No fireplace. No carpet. No creatures. Just him and a blissfully unaware Jungkook.

                Swallowing again, he closed his eyes and leaned forward, taking a deep breath of Jungkook’s scent. There was no scent like this in the dream space and it helped ground him once more. When he was younger, Jonghyun used to eat that nightmare. As he got older, he stopped having it. Much. It was always a similar version, though he was usually standing in the doorway. The room remained the same but the people and the situation changed. Usually, they were people he knew… those he might call friends. Often, they were simply talking and the dream ended before he got to the rest. But with no Baku present, they tended to run their course, leaving him… unsettled at the end. This was the second time he’d started in the middle though, and the first being that close to someone. It physically hurt that it had been Jungkook. He took another deep breath and held the other man tighter. This had been the worst one and he hated it.

                One more breath helped the tension start to bleed out of him and Yoongi exhaled quietly. Jungkook stirred and laughed once when it tickled the back of his neck. Yoongi froze, half-afraid he’d wake up. After a moment, Jungkook stilled once more and Yoongi closed his eyes in uncertain relief. When he opened them again, he lifted himself enough to look down at Jungkook’s profile. It was an appealing sight but too much like his first vision from the nightmare. A chill ran up his spine.

                Carefully, he pulled his arm out from under Jungkook’s head and then turned his attention to their clasped hands. Yoongi’s stomach twisted while his heart thumped as he saw their fingers were intertwined now. He rubbed at his slightly itchy chest and didn’t know whether to be happy, confused or frustrated about it. “So stupid,” he whispered as the itch turned into a dull ache. The backs of his eyes burned and he muffled a scowl of disgust while he looked away. It was then he saw Namjoon sitting on the stairs in the stairwell, hands folded together loosely while he watched him.

                Neither of them said a word. Yoongi could almost imagine he was just keeping a watchful eye on them, but there was something about the way Namjoon’s gaze lingered that said his presence was something more. It made Yoongi a little nervous. He hadn’t been here like that for any of the other turnings. The younger vampire met his eyes though, expression impassive despite the turmoil he felt from the nightmare. At last, the Coven Leader nodded once before silently standing and heading up. Yoongi made a face and then turned his attention to freeing his other hand as carefully as he could.

                It wasn’t half as easy as it should have been. Jungkook kept making small noises in his sleep and shifting as if he was trying to hold on. Each time, Yoongi had to pause to make sure he wasn’t going to wake up and it felt like it took forever to escape. Once free, he… fled. There was no point in denying it and Namjoon would only press him harder if he did. As it was, the elder vampire was waiting for him just outside the basement door.

                Yoongi paused as he saw the snow haired vampire leaning against the wall, arms crossed and eyes closed as he waited patiently. “Take care of him when he wakes up,” he mumbled, ducking his head as he tried to walk past.

                “Yoongi,” Namjoon called, his voice low but serious.

                When Yoongi didn’t pause, he was forced to. He looked down and shivered at the very real shadows holding him in place. Fear nipped at him quickly and he had to tamp it down with pain. His pointed nails dug into his palms, breaking the skin. “Namjoon,” he whispered, his voice emerging with the barest of quivers. The shadows fell away as quickly as they’d appeared and he had to fight not to slump with the relief it brought.

                “It’s your job to take care of him, you know,” Namjoon reminded the younger vampire, his voice a normal conversation tone.

                Yoongi licked his lips and nodded once, but he didn’t look back. Instead, he said, “I need to see Yejin.” Self-consciously, he rubbed at his chest again. It wasn’t itching but the phantom sensation he’d experienced in the nightmare remained. It made him nervous and uncomfortable.

                Namjoon’s sigh was loud in his ears. “Alright. But Jungsu will go with you.”

                “Joonie,” he groaned, tempted to look back. He didn’t but his head tilted showing he wanted to.

                “That’s an order,” he stated simply, leaving no room for discussion.

                Yoongi’s shoulders slumped and he nodded once, forcing his hands to relax. “Fine.” Without another word, he started walking, assured that Jungsu would be along soon enough. At least with the other vampire in tow, he’d have something else to focus on besides his guilt at leaving Jungkook and his personal frustration with the whole situation.


                Waking as a vampire was both familiar and new. The sensation of coming back to consciousness felt the same but as soon as Jungkook opened his eyes, the differences started to sink in. First, the room was brighter than he remembered and he squinted against the light. At the same time, it smelled quite different. Like shadow if it had a smell. And fire. Though both were very faint. And something else that gently tickled his nose. He scrunched his face while trying to identify it and turned to ask, “Yoongi-” The other vampire wasn’t there. An unwelcome pang of sadness and disappointment shot through him.

                “Something came up,” a different voice announced, stepping into Jungkook’s vision.

                “Namjoon,” he whispered, focusing on the Coven Leader as he tried to hide his hurt. For his part, Namjoon seemed apologetic in his approach, hands stuffed into his jeans and shoulders slightly hunched.

                “Vampire,” he added as he drew closer, pausing a few steps away to look down at him.

                “Huh?” Jungkook blinked, sitting up in an effort to gather his senses as everything felt strangely off-kilter.

                “What you’re probably smelling right now,” Namjoon clarified. “Shadow, fire, and magic,” he explained, ticking the three distinct scents off on one hand.

                “Oh,” the new vampire hummed, ducking his head with his hands clasped in his lap. He knew that. Yoongi had explained as much. Vampires were born of shadow and fire and, like all magical creatures, touched by magic. Which meant he had as much in him now too. The realization was enough to make him open his hands to inspect them, turning them over so he could see both sides. His skin was paler than he remembered. And it felt… strange.

                “How do you feel?” Namjoon asked as he moved to carefully take a seat beside him.

                “Different,” Jungkook answered slowly. Everything was different but it was hard to put his finger on. Not the least of which was partly because he was having a hard enough time focusing. His gaze dropped to where Yoongi had been with him last night and he couldn’t help the twist of uncertainty that lodged in his belly. He might have dwelled on hit longer, but Namjoon grabbed his wrist gently and turned it over.

                “Your wound has healed nicely,” he explained, tracing a line down his arm where the skin looked untouched.

                Blinking in curious surprise, Jungkook inspected the patch of skin as he pulled his forearm closer. Fingertips traced over the smooth surface before he looked up at the Coven Leader. “You cut me here?”

                Namjoon nodded in mute agreement. “It’s a good sign the scar is completely gone. You really were ready,” he smiled in quiet satisfaction.

                Jungkook ducked his head in a familiar embarrassed motion but was surprised when he didn’t feel the usual heat that accompanied it. “Huh?” he chirped, raising his hands to touch his cheeks curiously. Namjoon’s chuckle made him look over with his hands remaining where they were.

                “Your blood flow works a little different now,” he reminded the younger vampire. He moved his hand to tap on his own chest. “Go on. Feel your heartbeat.”

                When he did as he was told, albeit reluctantly, Jungkook flinched in surprise. He knew what the change was supposed to be but it was still a startling thing to feel his heart beat at a nearly nonexistent pace. “Wow,” he blinked, eyes widening while his mouth quirked to the side.

                “You haven’t been breathing much either,” the elder vampire chuckled with an honest smile.

                Jungkook frowned as he focused on the sensation of breathing. He was right. There was no ‘natural’ inhale and exhale. Unless he actively took a breath, like he did when he wanted to speak, he didn’t feel the need to breathe. It wasn’t exactly like holding his breath, but it did instill a vague sense of panic in him. His next inhale was a reactive gasp and he flinched.

                “Easy,” Namjoon soothed, placing a hand on his shoulder to steady him. “You’re not a human anymore so those fears will take some time to get over.”

                It was the reactive fear that made him clench his fists and look around, genuinely upset that Yoongi wasn’t there in that moment. He opened his mouth as if to say something but was interrupted again.

                “Your fangs are showing.”

                “What?” he gasped, hands flying to cover his mouth before his fingers prodded at sharper than usual points. “Eh?”

                “You’re probably hungry,” Namjoon explained with a meaningful gesture towards the stairs. “Why don’t we get you something to eat?”

                Jungkook covered his mouth with his hand again and nodded slowly. As he stood up to shadow Namjoon, he couldn’t help but ask, “Where’s Yoongi?”

                The Coven Leader paused with a quiet sigh. He might not have heard it if he’d still been a human. “He’ll be back later. Don’t worry. He’s fine,” he promised with a reassuring nod.

                “But why…” he trailed off, not wanting to sound whiny or clingy.

                Namjoon’s smile was sad but understanding. “You’ll have to ask him when he gets back.”

                It was not the answer he wanted to hear, but Jungkook knew it was the only one he was going to get right now. Probably. Besides that, he really was hungry though. And unsettled. And unsure about anything now that he was something new. “Why does it feel like I weigh less?” he wondered distractedly.

                “You’re stronger than you were before. And faster,” the elder vampire answered. He held up a hand to stall him before he could try something. “You can test it out later. First, you need food. And your mentor.”

                His brief euphoria faded quickly and Jungkook sighed. “Right.”

                “Come on, youngling. One thing at a time,” Namjoon soothed, slinging an arm around his shoulder and guiding him up the stairs.


Hey guys. I know my updates have been pretty spotty lately and for that I apologize. I've been trying to get ready to change jobs and move countries and yeah... it's been busy and distracting. haha With the move coming up, I may or may not have much chance to write in the near future but I hope I'll find some time to make it happen. Please bear with me if I can't. I will do my best regardless. I do hope that you're all still enjoying the story and if you have any thoughts or questions, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise, thank you for taking the time to check out my story and happy reading with whatever strikes your fancy. Thank you!

Chapter 23: Denial


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Pensive thoughts weighed heavily on Yoongi’s mind as he returned from Yejin’s shop. They were nearly enough to make him forget that Jungsu was still shadowing him, too. Almost. Instead, he was more concerned about what she’d told him. ‘You’re developing a resistance to the magic.’ He nibbled on his thumbnail as he walked, mulling it over. It made sense, considering he’d been coming back twice a year for over two centuries now, but it didn’t make the side-effects any more pleasant. Side-effects like stronger nightmares and phantom echoes of memories at unexpected times.

                It also potentially explained why the nightmare was beginning to feel more and more real. When he was younger, they were little more than a child’s memories, playing over and over again. It wasn’t until he got older, and away from his Baku, that the people began to change…

                He felt Jungsu change positions behind him. It was almost tempting enough to try and disappear on him, just because it was the Second, but that would be foolish if he succeeded and Namjoon heard about it. Bad enough that he’d deserted Jungkook… Oh, how to explain that? Worse, how was he supposed to handle the expression he knew he was going to get from the new vampire. Wounded puppy didn’t even come close to describing a hurt Jungkook. “Ugh…” he groaned, rubbing at his forehead with slender fingers.

                “Something wrong?” Jungsu asked, drifting close enough to be heard in a quiet whisper.

                “Nothing you need to be worried about,” he exhaled in quiet frustration, rubbing at one temple with his fingertips.

                “If it might affect the Coven, then it is something I need to worry about,” the elder vampire reminded him pointedly, his tone a bit more biting than it needed to be. He obviously did not care for his babysitting duty either.

                Yoongi hid a grimace and mulled over how he wanted to respond. He and Jungsu had never seen eye to eye. Most of the problem was that the Second thought Namjoon gave Yoongi preferential treatment and that he got away with more than he should have. There was some truth to the latter but if Jungsu wasn’t such a hardass to him all the time, he would be more inclined to at least try to open up to him. As it was… “I just abandoned my most recent trainee with no obvious reason he would understand and only Namjoon to shore things up during his first awakening,” he explained as he turned to look at the other vampire just behind him. “What would the oh so perfect Jungsu know about that?” he asked in as dry a tone as possible, one brow raised.

                Jungsu’s irritation was obvious, even without reading it on his face. Dark eyes glared at Yoongi for half a second before he sniffed once and offered a reply. “You’re right. I don’t know about that,” he conceded, the biting disappointment a backhanded admonishment if Yoongi had ever heard one. “For starters, though,” he added a moment later, tone changing to a more level sound. “Whatever your reason and however you approach it, be sincere. And honest,” he tacked on with another sharp edge to his voice.

                Yoongi snorted this time, a wry twist to his mouth. He didn’t actively lie but there were plenty of times he did so by omission. “Not bad advice, old man,” he mumbled, nodding his head in the other vampire’s direction.

                To his credit, Jungsu didn’t take the bait. “I may not know your situation, but the less gray in a conversation, the better,” he reasoned, hands doing as much talking as his mouth.

                Since he was only watching in his periphery, Yoongi couldn’t be sure if he actually saw Jungsu’s expression change for a split second. The eye twitch could have been some vague sense of irritation at Yoongi as much as anything else. Nor did he feel anything amiss, but he did turn further to wonder, “Something up?”

                “Huh?” Jungsu responded in complete confusion. Either he was a very good actor in that moment or he honestly had no idea what Yoongi was asking about.

                “Nothing,” Yoongi waved a second later. Even if it was something, unless Jungsu couldn’t handle it, he wouldn’t hear about it anyway. “Let’s just get back to the Coven,” he sighed, reaching for his lighter to expedite the process.

                “Not a bad idea,” Jungsu agreed, following without complaint or hesitation.

                 That more than anything made Yoongi think there was something but he still didn’t have enough to go on to sort it out. Worse, as soon as they stepped into the Coven foyer, Jungsu left without a word, leaving Yoongi with only Sanghyuk at the front. Given the time, he’d only be there for another couple hours at most but he was his usual attentive self.

                “Welcome back,” the younger vampire greeted with an uncertain wave, his smile a tad more brittle than usual.

                Did everyone think he was going to do something today? “Hey, Hyuk,” he greeted with his usual lazy wave before he stuffed his hands in his pockets and started to head upstairs. Sanghyuk didn’t try to stop him which meant his target was likely in the same direction. Yoongi wrinkled his nose and took one steadying breath. He didn’t need anyone to tell him just how shitty a thing it was that he’d done. He was well aware, but it wouldn’t have been fair to either of them to have the shadow of that nightmare hanging over his head. Yejin had dulled it, like she usually did when it cropped up again now that his Baku was gone. Most of the memories of the dream were gone and what he was left with were tidbits of emotion and fragments of thoughts. Not enough to forget entirely anymore, hence his becoming resistant to the magic, but it made it… manageable.

                On his way through the hall, he passed his door and then stopped in front of Jungkook’s. The wooden barrier seemed much more daunting than usual. As such, Yoongi stared at it, unmoving, for far longer than he should have. He could feel Jungkook on the other side and that made it all the worse. Once, twice, three times he raised his hand to knock and then stopped while his gut twisted into knots. He was on the verge of trying again or literally running away when he heard Jungkook on the other side.

                “Hah! I know you’re there. I can feel you this time.” He sounded strangely excited by that fact.

                Yoongi’s eyes widened and he felt the immediate urge to flee, but he couldn’t before the door opened. Jungkook’s expression mirrored his as he froze in the doorway, blinking rapidly.

                “Yoongi,” he gasped, the word escaping as if by accident.

                “Hey,” he managed to push out, his hand waving awkwardly like he’d forgotten how to use it.

                “I thought you were Namjoon,” he admitted quietly, dropping his gaze, though he stayed in the doorway, tentatively blocking the entrance.

                “Ah. Presence training?” he wondered with a guilty twinge in his chest. He was supposed to be doing that. On a more perverse note, he wouldn’t put it past the Coven Leader to be doing it just to set up this encounter so that he wouldn’t be able to escape and Jungkook would be none the wiser. At this stage, he’d never be able to tell their energy signatures apart and it took him long enough to realize Yoongi was there after all.

                “Yeah. I guess?” he answered uncertainly, gaze still lingering on the floor. It almost appeared like he was the guilty one. It hurt to see.

                “Probably,” Yoongi nodded, licking his lips as he shifted from foot to foot. “You gonna invite me in?” he wondered, forcing a half-laugh that fell far shorter than it should have.

                “I don’t know,” Jungkook answered, leaving both slightly surprised by the response, though it was harder to see with him still looking down.

                Ouch. Not that Yoongi could blame him. He took a steadying breath and lifted his shoulders. “In that case, can I come in?”

                That made Jungkook look up. Wary, he searched Yoongi’s face while uncertainty danced clear as day on his own. Without a word, he finally stepped aside and gave the elder vampire enough space to step in.

                A very small knot uncoiled in Yoongi and he nodded in acknowledgement before he stepped inside. He didn’t turn when Jungkook carefully closed the door behind him and he didn’t move when the younger vampire retreated to the foot of his bed. He didn’t sit down, but remained standing as if ready to react accordingly. It felt like a million thoughts tumbled through Yoongi’s head in a mere span of seconds and yet nothing seemed right. The only thing that did… “I’m sorry.”

                Taken aback by the unexpected comment, Jungkook blinked and then frowned. It was clear he hadn’t thought that would be the first statement. Fidgeting in place, he allowed the hurt confusion to show again. “Why?”

                Yoongi knew it was not about the apology. He frowned. This was not a conversation he was used to having this early with his trainees. Nervously, he scratched his thumb with his index fingernail and took a small breath. “Did you ever figure out if I was born a human or a vampire?” he asked quietly.

                “Don’t try to change the subject,” Jungkook objected, his facial expression closed off.

                “I’m not,” Yoongi promised, slightly raising his hands in surrender. Jungkook nodded once in answer to his question. “Vampire or human?” he repeated gently, waiting for the response.

                Jungkook made a face but took a small breath and answered, “Vampire.”

                “Clever,” Yoongi praised, a weak but genuine smile on his lips.

                “You always talk about humans like they’re something you learned about,” he explained quietly, shrugging his shoulders at the answer. “Not like they were something you once were.”

                “Very clever,” he reiterated, nodding this time. Jungkook didn’t say anything but Yoongi would by lying if he wasn’t pleased by the slightest smile he managed to conjure from the new vampire. “My parents were both vampires. A Rank 4 and a Rank 2,” he added in an offhand manner. “When I was younger, barely more than a child as vampires go, they were attacked at home. I still don’t know why but my father was killed and my mother hasn’t been seen since that day. Literally,” he added with a dark frown. If she wasn’t dead, she damn well should have shown up by now…

                It was obviously not what Jungkook had expected to hear. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, one hand rising slightly as if to offer comfort, though he did not take a step forward.

                Yoongi waved it away gently and shook his head. “Not your fault.” He looked to the side and took a breath to steady himself. “The problem now is getting close to people.” He exhaled gustily and laughed, a bitter and broken sound. “I know it sounds stupid but there is something in me that reacts when I develop any attachment to someone,” he admitted, clenching his fists and working his jaw as he carefully avoided looking at Jungkook. If he didn’t mention him specifically, maybe he wouldn’t make the connection.

                “Like…” Jungkook started hesitantly, “between a mentor and his mentee?”

                Dammit. Yoongi grimaced and licked his lips, again keeping his gaze turned from Jungkook. He nodded instead of verbalizing his response, but he still had to give some kind of explanation. “Have you ever had a memory that was so tied to something that you couldn’t separate it from the original feeling?” he asked, finally looking up to meet Jungkook’s eyes.

                He shook his head with a confused frown. “I don’t think so.”

                “I do,” he stated with a breathy sigh. “There’s a reason I don’t like to take new trainees. A reason I don’t have many friends. Just ask the Coven,” he laughed, another bitter sound as he gestured towards the walls and what lay beyond them.

                “Yoongi,” the new vampire murmured, confused and lost at his explanation.

                “Because when I do…” Yoongi trailed off, hands moving in front of him like he was trying to find the right words, “they become a part of my nightmare.” His tone was perversely light even as his face pulled into a taught grimace.

                “A nightmare?” Jungkook questioned, just to be sure. His face reflected his uncertainty of the seriousness of their situation.

                “Yes,” Yoongi answered firmly, knowing he didn’t understand what it was like; how real it felt.

                “A nightmare made you run away,” he clarified with a frown, still looking like it was a hard thing to believe.

                Yoongi shifted uncomfortably. There it was. As a former human, he simply wouldn’t be able to understand. “Yes,” he answered again, though with far less certainty.

                Jungkook wrestled with that answer, crossing his arms over his chest and chewing on the inside of his lip before relaxing again. “Couldn’t you just tell me that?”

                Yes and no. Yoongi fidgeted again. “It’s hard to explain,” he grumbled, looking down and making a disgruntled face. At least without saying everything about why he was having the nightmare and he wasn’t ready to bring that to light. Not to himself and certainly not to Jungkook. On one level, he knew that the more he felt about someone, whether he admitted it or not, the stronger the nightmare could become. The fact that this last one had been so real scared him for several reasons…

                “Then at least try!” Jungkook demanded with a wave of his hand in Yoongi’s direction.

                “Loss is different for vampires,” Yoongi struggled not to snap back, hands motioning in front of him frantically. “Humans expect it. People die in a hundred years or less. It’s part of what they are. Vampires… don’t,” he practically spat, pacing just a couple steps in either direction. “Not usually,” he explained with a twisted feeling in his stomach. “Not like humans. At a hundred years old, I was still considered a child and my parents were killed in front of me. How does that compare to the lifespan of a human?!” he demanded, angry at himself and confused.

                “I don’t know, Yoongi. I don’t,” Jungkook grumbled as he threw both hands up to either side. “But I also don’t understand why that would make you desert me in one of the single most important moments of my life!” he spat, angry and hurt.

                The retort cut just enough. “I watched you die, alright!” he scowled, hands clenched into fists as he turned away. He heard Jungkook’s sharp inhale but missed the way his anger faded as quickly as it had come. He hadn’t meant to tell him that part. Not yet. But he had… Closing his eyes and bowing his head, he explained, “I can’t tell what’s real in the nightmare until later. I should be able to by now,” he added with a bitter laugh as he shook his head. “But I watched you die, just like my father did in my memory.” His voice was barely a whisper and yet he knew Jungkook heard him. As a vampire, it was near impossible he didn’t. He was fortunate Yejin had wiped the ‘how’ of the memory once again, else he knew it would be all he would see in that moment. As it was, he still saw brimstone eyes glowing in his mind.

                Jungkook’s inhale was all too loud in Yoongi’s ears. “So because you’re close to me, you had a nightmare that I might die?”

                Yoongi shook his head and sighed. “Not might. Did die. It happened before and I don’t want it to happen again.” Not like his first mentee. ‘Not with you,’ was the unspoken part of the sentence. A part of him wanted to say it out loud, but another needed to protect himself.

                “I still don’t understand why you ran away though,” Jungkook admitted as he drew just a little bit closer.

                It was almost like he could tell it was more than just the nightmare. He would be right too, but Yoongi wasn’t ready to divulge that part of him just yet. “Fear makes you do stupid things sometimes,” he reasoned, trying to laugh it off with little success.


                Still too raw from the complicated emotions of the nightmare’s fallout, Yoongi couldn’t do it. “Look. I know I fucked up and I just came to say I’m sorry,” he explained in a rush, trying to keep Jungkook from saying anything else while he kept his eyes glued to the floor. “I’m sorry you’ve got a failure for a mentor but we’ll start training later today,” he added, taking another step back as he was aware the new vampire tried to follow him. “I’ll see you later,” he rambled before literally retreating again. The closed door opened easily as he slipped out with Jungkook’s startled yelp following him. He couldn’t go to his room because he knew the other vampire would be able to find him too easily. But it was likely he wouldn’t go to the Coven Leader’s just yet so Yoongi fled there. At least Namjoon’s verbal barbs were predictable.

                As soon as he entered the elder vampire’s office, he froze when he heard, “That well, aye?”

                “Shut it,” he grumbled, deflating at his cowardice as he leaned against the door with his palm pressed to his forehead.

                “Whole story or only half?” Namjoon wondered, circling around his desk to pause in front of the shorter vampire.

                “Half,” Yoongi added with a groan, forcing himself to look up to meet Namjoon’s eyes..

                “You know it’s not a bad thing to let someone in,” he prompted, poking one finger against Yoongi’s chest in a very specific spot.

                Yoongi flinched but brushed it away and shook his head. “You know that’s not it.”

                “It’s just as dangerous to push them away,” the elder vampire reminded him with a particularly cruel jab.

                Yoongi winced this time and closed his eyes, desperately trying to bury the memory of his first trainee as soon as it attempted to rise. ‘So what am I supposed to do?’ The question rose up but never made it past his lips. “So what did Jungsu tell you?” he asked as he forced a laugh and tried to turn the conversation.

                Surprisingly, Namjoon let him. “Nothing much about you. Still thinks you’re a whiny child,” he chuckled with an obvious grin.

                “Sounds about right,” Yoongi agreed, forcing a mirth he didn’t feel. His stomach dropped again with the Coven Leader’s next statement.

                “You had a tail tonight.” Never mind that it was the tail end of the evening and heading towards morning.

                Yoongi recalled Jungsu’s flicker of attention and his fake humor faded entirely. “What was it?”

                “He didn’t know,” Namjoon answered with honest surprise, the corners of his mouth pulling down slightly.

                Either it was something intentionally hidden or highly unusual… “Did we lose it in the shadow paths?” he asked, thoughts turning analytical.

                “He thinks so,” the elder vampire nodded. “But you’ll have to be careful for at least a little bit,” he cautioned, eyeing the Rank 3 for a long moment.

                “Training in the basement and the backyard?” Yoongi asked for confirmation, tugging at his shirt sleeve self-consciously.

                “Of course. No moonlighting for now. There will be time enough for that later,” he added, tapping his finger against his bottom lip.

                “Probably better that way anyhow,” he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and worrying about how he was going to handle training his new trainee.

                Namjoon’s sigh made him look up with a curious gleam in his eye. “Has it ever occurred to you that this keeps happening because you’ve never faced it head on?” the Vampire Lord wondered, his gaze calculating as he gave Yoongi a once over.

                The immediate surge of frantic denial that rose up in him at the suggestion surprised Yoongi. He hadn’t thought he was so against it, personally. Afraid, yes. Almost panicked… not so much. He blinked quickly and looked down as he tried to push the emotion away. “Yes and no,” he admitted when it receded to a manageable level. Looking up, he realized Namjoon was still watching him with a sharp look in his eyes.

                “You might be surprised at what you find if you do,” he shrugged, letting his expression soften to the usual passive look he wore.

                A surprising pang of anger flashed through him, confusing Yoongi once more. Not for the first time, he wondered if Namjoon knew something about him he himself didn’t know. He could ask and the Vampire Lord might actually give him a straight answer. But did he want to hear it? It was an uncomfortable thought and he shook his head slightly as if to clear his thoughts. “It’s fine,” he denied, flexing his fingers and intentionally trying to calm himself down.

                “If you say so,” Namjoon shrugged, laughing lightly at the reassurance. “But you’ve still got a trainee to look after. So best prepare yourself, Yoongi,” he winked, wandering over to collapse into his chair behind his desk in order to start working on his computer. When Yoongi didn’t move immediately, he paused and leaned over to look at the younger vampire with a raised brow. “Well, go on then.”

                Grumbling under his breath and reluctant to leave, Yoongi made a face at Namjoon. “Fine,” he scowled, huffing not unlike a child before he turned and exited the office. Whatever peace he’d managed to cobble together was shattered instantly as he saw Jungkook down the hallway, obviously waiting for him. “Mother of shadows,” he cursed very quietly before forcing a neutral expression on his face.

                “Found me, did you?” Yoongi called in an obviously fake cheerful greeting.

                Jungkook pressed his lips together with a wary raised brow and nodded. “You weren’t in your room so…” he trailed off, gesturing at the door behind him.

                “I just needed to talk with him about me and your training is all,” Yoongi hedged, his sliding eyes a dead giveaway that he wasn’t being completely honest.

                For his part, Jungkook was of two minds. He was still smarting from being deserted, but it was tempered by the admission of Yoongi’s care for him. What kind of care that meant – mentor, friend, something more… he didn’t know but it didn’t help his personal feelings any. Which was why being left alone had hurt all the more. And while he wanted to ask a great many more questions now that they were both vampires, he knew it was not the best time. When that would be, he didn’t know, but it wasn’t now. That was for sure.

                “So,” Yoongi started, moving closer with a forced half-smile. “You ready to get started?”

                “Sure,” he murmured quietly, completely caught off guard when the other vampire slung an arm over his shoulder like Namjoon had earlier. Conflicted excitement at the close proximity warred with hurt confusion. Since he didn’t know how to feel, he just let himself be pulled along as Yoongi guided them towards the basement.

                “Your first lessons will be here on the Coven grounds,” Yoongi explained in an almost nonchalant tone. “Once you’ve got a handle on them, we’ll start heading into the city and the grounds beyond.”

They left the lights off as they entered the underground room, leaving Jungkook feeling disoriented. “What…?” he gasped when Yoongi slipped away in the darkness.

                “First lesson. Learning to see in the dark,” his mentor explained, voice shifting as his position changed.

                Despite their painfully awkward start, the first month went by in a blur. Now that he was officially a vampire, Yoongi made sure to run him through the basics of what being one meant. From seeing in the dark – with and without trying to catch him unawares, to activating his cloak, to calling his fangs and claws at will, to self-healing, to sensing presences, to identifying so many new and different smells… it was practically a full-time job. Learning to blend in with humans and avoiding notice among them like Yoongi did would come later.

                Eventually, Jungkook felt as if he hadn’t left the compound in weeks. He wasn’t that far from the truth either. His parents were of course curious about how he was handling being a new vampire and he’d listened to several voice messages from both of them. He’d received messages from Sandara and Liza asking how he was doing. Yugyeom had sent a couple too, checking up on him and asking if he wanted to hang out. But all his time was devoted to the Coven and Yoongi’s tutelage, which was another kind of challenge.

                He still hadn’t been able to define just what their relationship was. And Yoongi veered hard to strict professionalism or oblivious intimacy with equal abandon. One minute, he was nothing more than a firm mentor showing his mentee the ropes and the next he could be literally within centimeters of him, showing him something by guiding him personally and damn near breathing down his neck.

                Nor did he leave much room for asking personal questions. Vampire questions were fine all day every day. But ask him something about his past and he would clam up faster than a sprinting kelpie. And he was a master of avoidance when asking about the times he randomly disappeared on some task for Namjoon. And yet, when he invariably returned, it was almost like a game for him to see just how close he could get to Jungkook without the vampire realizing he was there.

                “I’m just testing you,” he would promise with a wink as he stepped back from where he’d been so close they were practically touching.

                And Magic help him when he was rewarded with a taste of Yoongi for a job well done. His choice was always wrist or neck. The former would have been easier, but Jungkook wanted a reaction so he chose neck and ached when he could feel the way he knew Yoongi was holding back instead of doing… something. Anything.

                Yoongi’s blood was still fresh on his tongue – a muted plethora of mixed tastes: shadow and fire and magic, when he leaned back to look him straight in the eyes. “Why are you treating me like this?” he asked, keeping his hands on the shorter vampire’s shoulder and side to make sure he couldn’t just step away to escape.

                “Like what?” Yoongi asked without missing a beat, though his body stiffened even if he was able to meet Jungkook’s gaze.

                “Like I’m just a trainee of yours,” Jungkook frowned, biting the corner of his lip in frustration.

                “But you are my trainee,” he responded with an easy shrug. “How else am I supposed to treat you?” he asked, shoulders shrugging almost dismissively.

                Jungkook frowned and his fingers tightened. “A month ago, you as good as said you cared about me,” he challenged the other vampire, daring him to say otherwise.

                “And I do,” Yoongi nodded too easily. His next words stalled any euphoria Jungkook might have felt. “I care about all of my mentees.”

                He grimaced and tried very hard not to get upset. “Sure, but you didn’t abandon all of your mentees before.” Yoongi’s flicker of surprise was almost unnoticeable. Almost. “I’m not stupid, Yoongi. And you might not talk about things but the other vampires in the Coven will,” he explained. Wonho was especially good for divulging rumors if he thought it would help Jungkook adjust better.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose at that but didn’t say anything.

                “I’m not blind either,” he added, looking between the other vampire’s eyes. “I know you see me. I know you’re holding yourself back for some reason and you won’t tell me more of why and it makes it really hard for me to want to keep trying.”

                This time Yoongi was unable to hide the wince that followed and Jungkook knew he’d struck a nerve.

                “Aren’t you going to say anything?” he asked, wishing the other vampire would. Something!

                Yoongi gave him a small smile and grabbed his hands lightly. “You’ve been working hard lately and I know you’ve been missing your friends and family. You should take a day or two to relax,” he urged, patting Jungkook’s hands with reassuring fingers.

                Helpless frustration roiled in his chest. Jungkook wrestled with a very brief impulse to shove the other vampire away but he didn’t. “Ugh!” he scowled, yanking his hands back and glaring at Yoongi. “You insufferable ass!” he grumbled, unable to come up with a better insult in the moment. “Are you sure I don’t need an escort to see my friends?” he practically spat, his tongue sharper than usual.

                “I’m sure Wonho will be happy to keep you company if you think you need one,” Yoongi encouraged with an almost mocking bow.

                Jungkook’s face darkened and he grumbled, “Screw you,” before turning away and storming off.

                Yoongi’s mask slipped when the younger vampire turned away, revealing his hurt, and he placed a hand over his chest, patting lightly while he turned away himself. Oh, that stung. He hadn’t lied to Jungkook, but neither was he telling him anywhere close to the whole truth. He waited until he couldn’t feel the younger vampire’s energy in the Coven before he headed for Namjoon’s office. Jungsu was there, probably waiting for him.

                “Damn,” the aforementioned vampire blinked when Yoongi stepped inside. “Who kicked you around?”

                “Are you ready or not?” he grumbled instead of asking the question.

                Jungsu glanced at Namjoon who shrugged and nodded once. “Ready when you are,” he confirmed, taking a step closer to the younger vampire.

                “He’ll be gone for a day or two. Have Wonho keep an eye on him,” he spoke, the statement not really a request.

                Namjoon laughed under his breath and waved his hand dismissively. “He’s already tailing him.”

                “Thank you.”

                “Hopeless,” the Vampire Lord sighed with a shake of his head. Yoongi shot him an ineffective glare but didn’t say anything. “Go see Ailee first. She’s got some info to share about this mystery creature you’ve been investigating.”

                “We will,” Jungsu confirmed quickly, giving a small bow in understanding.

                “Yoongi,” Namjoon called with a sharp snap of his fingers.

                Yoongi jerked in mild surprise and shook himself once. “Right. I’m the bait and he’s the insurance,” he said, pointing at Jungsu.

                “More or less,” Jungsu agreed, an unusual cock-eyed grin on his face.

                “Happy hunting,” Namjoon encouraged as he waved them off.

                “Yes, sir,” the other two vampires answered in unison. Then Yoongi pulled his lighter out, sparked the flame, and both disappeared into the shadow paths.


Good news! I've got some time to write in my transition phase. haha Here's to hoping I get a couple more updates out before I end up in Poland. ;) Thank you!

Chapter 24: Madam's Insight


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Another late night. Taekwoon figured he should probably just be moved to the evening shift already at the rate he was going. Though he struggled to stay awake, occasionally nodding off to bump against Hakyeon’s shoulder, he was still paying enough attention to Kyuhyun and Lisa discussing the current map floating in front of them. Their hands pointed to different dots on the screen before spinning the globe and then coming back to their location as if trying to triangulate something.

                “Wake up,” Hakyeon purred, the vibrating tone sending a shiver up Taekwoon’s back when the werejaguar leaned close to his ear.

                “I am awake,” he grumbled, shaking himself again and standing up in the hopes that he would stay more alert that way.

                “Oh?” the were chuckled, following his example and leaning close again. “So what have you gleaned from their conversation?” he asked with all the self-satisfaction he could muster.

                Taekwoon frowned and glared at the other man out of the corner of his eyes. He knew damn well the hunter hadn’t been following enough to understand specifics. “I know there are a couple more missing persons cases across the globe but not so much here anymore,” he grumbled, keeping his arms crossed in irritation.

                “You’re not wrong, but what’s the really interesting thing?” Hakyeon asked, putting his face almost cheek to cheek with the other man while he waited.

                Annoyed, the hunter pushed him away and shook his head. “I don’t know.”

                The pat on his head was just shy of patronizing. “One of the missing persons from the Mexunite coast appeared in our jurisdiction.”

                Alarm bells went off in Taekwoon’s head at that. “Where?”

                “It was a lucky find in the harbor actually,” Hakyeon explained. “One of the selkies caught wind of something odd in the water and they did a quick search just to be safe. You know what the real kicker was?” he pressed, practically brimming with perverse amusement.

                “Ugh, just tell me already,” he scowled, irritated that the were was having so much fun with it.

                “They had been turned to stone. Not dead and a Mage was able to revert the process, but you know what that means,” Hakyeon trailed off, letting the hunter fill in the blanks.

                “With petrification, there’s only three possible explanations,” he murmured, grabbing his chin lightly between his fingers. “A Mage can do it, though not likely. The most probable cause would be a gorgon or a basilisk, both of which are perpetually on watch lists for this reason.”

                “True, but you’re missing a piece of the puzzle,” the were prompted, making Taekwoon look at him with slight alarm. “The missing person was an archon.” That caught his attention. “Exactly,” Hakyeon agreed with an emphatic nod.

                “Unless they were under an extraordinary amount of bad luck or been beaten to a near pulp, an archon wouldn’t fall prey to a standard petrification gaze like that,” Taekwoon mused, frowning thoughtfully now.

                “I’ll give you a hint. The Mage had a hard time undoing it,” the were added in a tone that meant he expected Taekwoon to figure it out from there.

                He glanced at Kyuhyun and Lisa who were still quietly conferring and then went through the options in his head. “Theoretically, he could have been physically weakened by a stronger magical creature like a Rank 4 vampire or something akin to their power.” Hakyeon’s subtle shrug let him know he wasn’t on the mark, even though they both knew he was just thinking out loud. “But if the reversal was difficult, there was probably some kind of layering effect.” The were’s mouth quirked in a small sign of approval. “Likely not a Mage since the casting signature could be traced.” Another small nod of encouragement. “And it shouldn’t be anything like a siren or a banshee.” A shake to confirm those were not the right ideas. “Which means…” he trailed off, cringing when he was left with pitifully few options, but really only one of which actually fit. “A cockatrice?” he blinked in disbelief.

                “That would be my bet,” Hakyeon nodded with a shrug.

                “Holy Magic,” Taekwoon exhaled, scratching at his face. Petrification was bad enough, but the cockatrice was on a perpetual wanted list. They weren’t hated so much as simply feared. Out of all of Magic’s creatures, they were one of the only ones that had a gaze that could kill with enough power behind it. As it was, even a normal glance could weaken a magical creature, and if that was the first attack followed by a petrification gaze, it was no wonder it was difficult to bring the creature back to their flesh and blood form. “Was it a hostage situation?” he wondered, trying to think about why an archon would be on someone’s capture list.

                Hakyeon shook his head. “Not that I know of. There were no records of anyone asking for payment or compensation for her return. She doesn’t even know how she got caught or why in the first place.” When Taekwoon looked at him with a meaningful glance, he waved his hand. “Not a memory wipe. She’d actually been missing for a year prior. Whoever it was just literally got the jump on her.”

                “Not poachers then,” Taekwoon surmised, frowning harder, especially with the year gap. There were plenty of unsolved missing persons cases that theoretically could fall under the same category. “They traffic in fresh ingredients. And they’re too public to have a gorgon, cockatrice or basilisk among their ranks. That we know of anyway,” he corrected quickly when Hakyeon raised a brow. “I’m guessing Chen didn’t pick up anything in regards to the shipping?” he asked. The kelpie was usually pretty good about being on top of things like that.

                “Not this time,” the were frowned. “He’s been skittish about the open water lately. Won’t say why but it makes me think something bigger is going on.”

                “Ugh,” the hunter groaned, rubbing at his temples with both hands. “This on top of the mystery creature here.”

                “Speaking of that,” Kyuhyun interrupted, startling Taekwoon enough to flinch when the other hunter approached.

                “Sir!” Taekwoon snapped to attention, much to Hakyeon’s amusement.

                “Relax,” the hunter scoffed with a wave of his hand. “You’re not in trouble.” Taekwoon sighed in obvious relief but stood straighter just in case anyway. “I want you two following up on the mystery creature in Tradeborough. Soonkyu and Donghyun have both given their blessing for us to do what needs to be done to sort it out. Ailee’s got some insights and Namjoon’s Coven has been trying to keep an eye on it too. The Pack has sniffed it around from time to time but they can’t get a solid scent,” he explained, divulging a fair bit of information for his benefit.

                “Why us?” Hakyeon asked with a sly smile. Taekwoon wouldn’t dare to question but he was grateful the were did.

                Lisa frowned at the query but Kyuhyun just laughed once. “Kevin’s busy with the Incubus and his spirit conundrum, Lisa and I are working the evening shift with an ever growing list of cases, including that damn missing chimaera,” he added, gesturing towards the still hovering globe, “Jaehwan is keeping his eyes peeled for anything and everything as often as he’s awake, and Xiumin is busy running general reconnaissance during the day. That leaves you two.” Though he gestured at both of them, his finger ended up pointing at Hakyeon in particular.

                “Doesn’t hurt that you think the mystery creature is probably strong and I’m the best you’ve got right now,” Hakyeon stated as a matter of fact.

                This time, Lisa snorted and Kyuhyun’s lips curled in annoyance. “You’re not entirely wrong,” he admitted after a brief pause. “You’re not getting the whole picture either though. There seems to be a growing pattern for the creature where it is most often hinted at being near our base, near the Coven, and near the Mages, particularly Ailee and Ryeowook.”

                “That’s strange,” Taekwoon frowned, unable to think of any reason why those things might be related. Other than the fact they were already working on tracking it but that seemed rather like chasing one’s tail.

                “Exactly. What’s even more frustrating is that just last week, we had a local vampire, Rank 2, let us know about a strange happening near the Green District. He was too afraid to check it out, but it might have been a magical creature attack,” Kyuhyun explained with a frown. “He didn’t see much. One was shadowed and partially hidden by his account and the other could have been anything.”

                “I checked it out myself but nothing came up,” Lisa grimaced, folding her arms in frustration. “We haven’t heard about a new missing person in the city yet so we’re not sure what the details are.”

               “I see,” Taekwoon mused, chewing on his bottom lip thoughtfully. “You think it might have started attacking people?”

               Kyuhyun shrugged and made an exasperated face. “Personally, I’m hoping that it is what’s causing this bit of trouble and not something else entirely. We’ve had an unfortunate uptick in occurrences this past year and I’m afraid the city is starting to gain a certain reputation,” he admitted with a sigh. “But for now, you two, on it,” Kyuhyun instructed with a gesture towards the door.

                It took a second to sink in. “Now?” Taekwoon blinked in surprised confusion.

                “When else?” the Captain asked, looking at him pointedly.

                “We’re on it,” Hakyeon laughed, deftly sliding an arm around Taekwoon’s waist so he could propel him along.

                “Don’t let him forget his coat this time,” Lisa called back in a sing song voice that was meant to cast a shade of embarrassment over Taekwoon.

                It worked and he hunched his shoulders under her words. So he’d forgotten his cold weather coat one time when winter was setting in at the end of October and Hakyeon had to play space heater again. Unfortunately, Jaehwan had seen it and relayed that information to the rest of the Hunters and he was still living it down…

                “Of course,” Hakyeon grinned, unflappable in his response. “Not that I would mind,” he added in a much quieter tone for Taekwoon’s ears only.

                Granted, that only made Taekwoon flush harder, much to Kwangmin’s amusement when they marched down the stairs and into the agrabuamelu’s sight. Characteristically, the lanky, dark haired secretary – that was also a deceptively strong guard in disguise – clapped both hands on his cheeks and practically squealed. “You’re so cute when you blush!”

                “Not you too,” Taekwoon groaned, trying to duck his head further to hide while still somehow managing to walk forward.

                “The October incident,” Hakyeon filled him in with a shameless grin, grunting with a breathy laugh when the hunter elbowed him in the gut.

                “I see,” Kwangmin crooned, rising out of his chair to retrieve Taekwoon’s leather coat from their closet so he literally couldn’t forget it this time. “We can’t let our wayward were’s hunter catch cold, now can we?” he teased a bit more as he laid the coat around Taekwoon’s shoulders.

                With his rampaging flush now completely out of control, Taekwoon looked up to glare between the two and muttered, “I hate you both.”

                The two creatures shared Cheshire grins before the were played along, “Thank you for taking care of my hunter.”

                “I’m not your hunter,” he grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.

                “Of course,” Kwangmin agreed as if Taekwoon hadn’t spoken.

                Just past embarrassed and now making his way towards fully annoyed, Taekwoon shrugged Hakyeon’s arm off and marched forward, ignoring both of them with a disgusted, “Ugh!”

                “Oops!” the agrabuamelu cringed and stepped away, acting apologetic but it was likely only a placating farce.

                The cold air hit Taekwoon like a blast of icy water and he stopped with a quick shiver. “Stupid magical creatures,” he muttered, yanking the coat into place with frustrated energy. He couldn’t quite hide the surprised flinch when Hakyeon appeared beside him without a sound. “Ass!” he scowled, taking a small sidestep away.

                “Sorry,” Hakyeon grinned apologetically. “You’re just so easy to tease,” he explained with a helpless shrug.

                “Doesn’t mean I like it,” he complained in a gruff voice, huffing once in irritation, his breath pluming out in a gust of white air.

                “Alright, alright,” the were sighed with his hands raised in surrender. “I’ll stop. For now,” he added a half second later.

                “Hakyeon,” the hunter warned, a side-eyed glare accompanying the word.

                “I said I’ll stop,” Hakyeon reiterated, closing his mouth and running his fingers across his lips like he was zipping it shut.

                For a moment more, he glared at the were and then sighed before a shiver racked his body. “Shards it’s cold!” Couldn’t the Mages do more to control the weather inside the city as opposed to just keeping the worst of it on the outside?

                “Space heater,” Hakyeon reminded him as he pointed both fingers at himself while a mischievous grin danced on his face.

                “No,” Taekwoon denied, pointing one finger at the were with a steely expression.

                “Had to try,” he shrugged, taking a breath before looking around as if attempting to figure out where to start.

                “We should probably check in with Ailee first to see if she has any new information for us,” Taekwoon encouraged, nodding towards the direction they’d need to go for her shop.

                “Then we could swing wide and stop at the Coven and the Pack for more information and make a full circle,” Hakyeon agreed as he finished the thought. “Were form or no?” he questioned, a sly smile playing on his lips.

                “Not in the city,” the hunter couldn’t help but laugh in response. He’d probably scare the living daylights out of any human in the vicinity and probably a fair few magical creatures too.

                “What if we find the creature?” he asked facetiously. Taekwoon raised one brow at him and he grinned back. “Just checking. You never know with you,” he winked, reaching out to nudge the other man’s shoulder playfully.

                “So irritating,” the hunter snorted once, rolling his dark eyes.

                “You know you love me,” Hakyeon shot back, unaffected as he swiped at his cherry red bangs.

                “I tolerate you,” he clarified firmly.

                “Close enough!” the were responded as if it was a victory, raising one arm into the air. When Taekwoon gave him another side-eyed look, he grinned again but did lower his arm this time. As the look continued, he ducked his head sheepishly and made his smile close-lipped before drawing the zipper over them again.

                “Better,” Taekwoon nodded agreeably. “Come on then,” he added, jerking his head in the direction he started walking to lead the way.

                ‘Yes, sir,’ Hakyeon mumbled behind closed lips, the words muffled but still faintly recognizable, if only because of the context. Taekwoon’s responding sigh was both amused and annoyed in equal measure.


                Outside, the weather was cold with snow covered grounds everywhere. Inside, the den was a veritable paradise of warmth, seated luxury, and what most would label as inappropriate excesses or downright illegal interests. To someone like Heechul, they were simply a (pleasurable) way of life. Above, he could hear the sanctioned activities of his night club in full swing. His pleasure house above it straddled a delicate line of acceptable entertainment for more esteemed personalities. And his current purview would likely get him banned from the city, if not worse. Of course, they’d have to catch him in the act first and none had managed to come close in his century plus of business existence.

                Furthermore, the majority of his present company had every reason to help him maintain his current way of life. He accepted that he would likely never see a member of the Co-Existence movement within his business, unless by sheer dumb luck, but he often saw members of the Revolutionaries, Neutrals, and Return to Realmer factions. His current host of guests all belonged to the first faction, unless he was vastly mistaken.

                For the moment, he was allowing the five individuals their fun with a toy of their choice. It always helped business if they were in a good mood after all. Hwasa, the striking woman in the middle with raven hair and kohl rimmed eyes, had a female fairy perched on her lap. One arm was looped around her waist, demonstrably possessive, while she allowed the fairy to fawn over her. On the surface, she played the game of being entertained, but her attention was solely on Heechul. It was a slightly unnerving experience, truth be told.

                The same could not be said for her companions though. Not entirely surprisingly, the thick Kangin with shorn hair and no tact had chosen one of Heechul’s deaf, dumb, and blind fairies to entertain himself with. The blind bit was probably for the most obvious reason but the rest… Heechul did not care to guess. Nor was the creature abashed in his lechery. Also not entirely surprising. Beside him was a peacock of a young man with a black fringe that covered one eye and contrasted starkly with the clash of colors on his clothes. They were a strange choice of accoutrements for Hongki, given what his rumored status was, but he seemed more than content with lapping up the constant praise from the mostly nude male wood elf perched on the arm of his chair.

                And on the other side, the questionable wendigo Eric sat eyeing the almost childlike nymph that was settled on his lap. Heechul’s primary concern was that he’d be tempted to take a bite out of her. It wouldn’t be the first time and he nodded at a Rank 3 vampire in the corner to keep an eye on him. Eric wasn’t actually touching her. She didn’t interest him in that way. But he didn’t often get to savor such an innocent experience in his usual daily life. The last guest in their collection was one Heechul hadn’t seen much before, though he knew of her name. Irene was a were-lynx with long sandy colored hair, though when she got excited, her skin would occasionally freckle with spots like it was doing now. She’d chosen one of Heechul’s more strapping fairies to pay attention to her. Furthermore, she’d apparently given him license to take quite a few freedoms with his hands. Then again, given that she was a cat to some degree, it didn’t surprise him she enjoyed being pet.

                Pleased by the majority of their reactions, Heechul continued to observe until it became obvious that Eric was getting antsy and Hwasa may have been becoming impatient. Delicately, he cleared his throat to call attention to himself. “To what do I owe the honor of your company?” he purred as he crossed one knee over the other, revealing one pale calf from under the asymmetrical golden skirt and a blindingly white stiletto heel beneath it.

                Kangin ignored the question and Irene had to struggle to focus her attention but it was Eric who responded first. He pointedly moved the nymph from his lap with a nod in the vampire’s direction and then sat forward before speaking. “You know very well why we’re here.”

                “I do, but I have found it’s always best to ask, just in case,” Heechul winked and gave him a flirtatious wave of his fingers.

                Eric grimaced at the exchange, an evident curl of distaste on his lips. Hwasa moved her hand just enough to call attention to her and he took a breath to calm himself. “You haven’t been holding up your end of the bargain,” he claimed instead, sitting up in his chair and rolling his shoulders.

                Heechul feigned offense, one manicured hand splayed against his chest and his painted lips open in mock horror. The farce ended quickly and he laughed with a playful wave in their direction. “My dear. I have upheld my end of the bargain. Rather, it’s your helpers that have dropped the ball,” he explained deftly, not missing the way that his accusation finally caught Kangin’s attention. Even Hongki looked over curiously.

                “By all means, explain,” Eric offered, waving his hand like it was some magnanimous gesture. For him, it practically was. The scion of violence himself…

                The djinn clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. “When you ask me to find very specific things, I do,” he explained haughtily, his hand gesturing flippantly as he spoke. “I know I don’t need to remind you about the dragon,” he added with an upward look as he lowered his head like he was peering over glasses. “When you ask me to convince certain people about questionable things, I do. A certain satyr anybody?” Another frantic wave of his hands. “When you ask to use my very expensive vampires to help you move around, I oblige.” Affronted now, he placed his fists on his hips and turned his nose up. “It’s not my fault that our so-called agents at the port or in other parts can’t manage their simple transportation tasks,” he scowled, clearly offended.

                “It’s part of your job to make it happen,” Eric reminded him with a quiet growl, wendigo smile peering through his lips.

                Heechul recoiled in mild disgust, but little else. He shuddered as if mildly revolted and then added, “The archon’s discovery, which is currently muddling most possible transports, was not my fault. If anything, it was his,” he added, pointing at Kangin.

                “What did you say?” he practically hissed, eyes narrowing as he forcibly moved the fairy out of his line of sight.

                “I said your work is sloppy you stone brained reptile,” the djinn shot back with all the attitude one of his nature could manage. When Kangin bristled, eyes widening, Heechul scoffed. “Don’t try me, fossil breath. I will make you look in a mirror and you won’t like what you see,” he warned, one hand drawing invisible lines in the air to punctuate his speech.

                “Boys,” Hwasa called quietly, one hand petting the fairy on her lap’s hair. “This is a marathon. Not a sprint.” At her reminder, they subsided, albeit reluctantly.

                “The archon aside, and regrettable as that is,” Hongki began with a nod towards Kangin, “I’ve heard that Ryeowook’s pet has been causing a bit of a stir lately.”

                Irene shivered, not unlike a cat, which caused the fairy to leave her alone for a moment. “From what I’ve heard, it has a personal axe to grind,” she mused, scratching at her face distractedly. “I don’t know who the target, or targets are, but it has not been staying where it is supposed to,” she explained with a quirk to her mouth. “Should we…?” she trailed off, shrugging her hands to either side as she waited for a response.

                “No need,” Hwasa waved. “A little bird has said it will not end well if it continues down that path. Which may benefit us.”

                “Oh?” Heechul wondered for everyone’s sake, obviously curious.

                “We only need to make sure it doesn’t get too close to the vampires,” she cautioned. “He has told us we’ll likely need the one to get access to our real targets.”

                “So why do we need the other ones?” Eric asked, brow furrowing as he mulled that over in his head.

                Hongki answered instead and leaned forward matter-of-factly, “Those are insurance. If plan A fails, we must go to plan B,” he crooned, turning his attention back to the elf on his lap as he tapped the young man’s nose with his fingertip. For a second, they made eye contact again and the elf gasped before slowly starting to go limp.

                “Careful, Hongki,” Heechul warned with a critical eye on his property.

                “Oops,” he shrugged in mock apology. “There there now,” he crooned, wiping his thumbs over the elf’s eyes quickly. “You’re alright.” And just like that, he was. Slightly confused but no worse for wear.

                “Don’t damage the merchandise,” the djinn warned with one elegant finger pointing to encompass all of them.

                “In that case, I best be going,” Eric grinned with unrepentant malice.

                “You probably should,” Heechul concurred, not objecting in the least.

                “Buzz kill.”

                “Food whore.”

                “You may go, Eric,” Hwasa prompted before their name calling could spiral. “Feel free to make another missing persons case,” she added, immediately lifting his spirits as he stood up. “Outside of the city,” she added as a quick measure.

                “With pleasure,” he grinned, bowing in her direction before departing quickly, a hungry gleam in his eye.

                “What?” she asked, catching Heechul’s distasteful expression. “We’re playing the long game, aren’t we?”

                “Fair enough,” he conceded without a fight, though his lip remained curled in disgust. “But about Plan A and Plan B?”

                She glanced at Hongki, Kangin, and Irene and waved her hand dismissively. “Our little bird indicated that it will likely be between ten and twenty years before the proper convergence of pieces happens. It’s not an exact science,” she grimaced, showing just a trace of her frustration. “But it does seem like one came home this year,” she added with a pensive look. That drew raised brows all around but no comments otherwise.

                “So what do we do in the meantime?” Hongki asked instead, letting his fingers playfully crawl on his lap elf.

                “Marathon, remember?” Hwasa reminded him pointedly. “First we’ll let Ryeowook’s pet play out and see how that goes. Then we can continue or not as needed.”

                “Hwasa. Kunpimook has said the water creature is currently under control and so long as he makes an appearance from time to time, it should be okay,” Irene explained, shivering at the mention of the unnamed person.

                “Good,” she smiled with a satisfied nod before turning to look at the two remaining men. “Enjoy yourselves but continue to lay low.”

                “Again, do not damage the merchandise,” Heechul added forcefully, a finger pointing at Kangin in particular, though he did glance at Hongki with a quick up and down scan, eyes thoughtfully narrowed.

                Hongki raised one hand in mute promise, but Kangin complained, “Not even a little bit?”

                “No,” Heechul stated simply, turning the full ire of his gaze upon the other man.

                “You’re no fun,” he grumbled, though he didn’t push the fairy away either. Surprisingly, he was able to completely ignore Heechul’s scathing glare as he stood up and pulled the fairy after him towards a private room in one of the corners.

                “Practically feral that one is,” the djinn tsked, rolling his dark eyes and brushing at straight mahogany locks in irritation.

                “What did you expect?” Hongki asked with a snort as he leaned back in his chair.

                “Probably manners,” Irene grinned, her mouth full of too sharp teeth.

                “Speaking of…” Heechul snorted with a bemused look in her direction.

                Hwasa’s quiet stretch and mute suggestion for the fairy on her lap to move caught the general attention of the room. “Don’t stop on my account,” she encouraged, gesturing at them with both hands. “But I must be going. Heechul,” she murmured with a nod towards the vampires in the back.

                “Of course,” he responded, dipping his head in agreement and motioning for one to come forward.

                “Be gentle,” she teased with a wrinkle of her nose and a wink that should have been playful but came off as more of a warning.

                “Of course, my lady,” he murmured with a bow. Head still lowered, he retrieved a lighter from his pocket and waited for her destination.

                “Surprise me,” she grinned, placing one hand on his shoulder before waving at the gathering she was leaving behind.

                The vampire frowned in mild confusion and glanced at Heechul to make sure it was alright. When the djinn nodded in consent, he shrugged and opened the shadow paths, deftly taking Hwasa with him.

                “How much do you want to be bet she eats him?” Hongki asked, completely serious as he traced strands of hair away from his elf’s face.

                “Please,” Heechul scoffed and waved the mere idea away with a flick of his hand. “She’s far too professional for that.”

                “Then why do you look nervous?” Irene giggled, leaning forward and shivering when her fairy’s hands made their way down her back.

                The djinn tsked again and waved at them both as he shook his head. “There are rooms for that, you know.”

                “I know,” Hongki grinned, completely at ease where he was. Irene’s laugh seemed to echo his sentiment.

                Heechul sighed with a defeated laugh. “Very well. Just remember to play nice,” he warned them as he easily rose from his chair and moved to head upstairs, heels clicking commandingly on the marble path to and from the elevator. One vampire moved to shadow him without a sound and the other remained to keep an eye on the two lingering guests. “A pity establishments don’t run themselves,” he laughed, covering his mouth with the back of one hand. The elevator doors opened, he stepped inside with his shadow at his heels, and he waved at Hongki and Irene before the doors closed to take him to the heart of Madam’s Resort.


More of an intrigue chapter I know, but certainly lighter than the previous one. haha I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any thoughts or questions you'd like to share, I'd be more than interested in hearing them. ;) Otherwise, know that the next update will likely take a little bit longer to post seeing that I'll literally be moving in a matter of days. >.> Thank you for reading though and I hope you do look forward to the next update!

Chapter 25: Hidden Clues


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                “Again,” Yoongi commanded for the umpteenth time that afternoon.

                Jungkook’s shoulders slouched as a burning ball of tension anchored between the space above his shoulder blades. “I can’t,” he exhaled with a shake of his head, grimacing when he tried to make his cloak appear and failed abysmally. When he wasn’t exhausted, it was easy. Now…

                Equally frustrated, the older vampire came close and placed one hand on the back of his neck. “It has to be as easy as breathing used to be,” he explained, using his other hand to literally coax the cloak from Jungkook’s back so that it flared out behind him.

                Flinching at the involuntary summoning, he glared. “I’m tired, Yoongi,” he complained, turning to scowl at his harsh taskmaster.

                “You have to be able to do this even when you’re tired,” his mentor returned just as quickly, not a smidgeon of remorse on his face.

                Jungkook knew there was more to this than just training but he hadn’t been able to figure out what. Ever since they’d started, Yoongi had been distant, yes, but also determinedly focused on making sure Jungkook knew how to do the basics practically flawlessly. “Why? I’ve only been a vampire for like six months,” he complained. Sanghyuk hadn’t had nearly this much attention on him in his first year of training…

                He watched Yoongi take a purposeful – and thoughtful - breath and gather his thoughts. “Your speed and your strength won’t be enough to help you past a certain point. At your level, you have to be able to rely on all of the tricks of the trade,” he explained firmly, stalking around Jungkook to trigger his cloak to retract with a touch. “Again,” he stated once more as he stopped in front of the younger vampire, an implacable expression on his face.

                “Ugh, you’re insufferable,” he scowled, angrily shaking his hands out to try and focus on the aching spot between his shoulder blades once more. When nothing happened after a moment, Yoongi darted forward, no fangs or claws bared but his presence was dark and menacing. Reactively, Jungkook jumped back with a yelp and his cloak popped, extending and then drawing in front of him defensively.

                “Good!” the stronger vampire barked, driving him around the exterior grounds of the Coven like a sheepdog herding sheep.

                It wasn’t until Jungkook lost his footing and nearly fell that the situation shifted. “Ack!” he yelped, arms flailing as his cloak lost its form.

                “Jungkook!” Yoongi gasped, suddenly bridging the distance between them to catch the younger vampire. One hand looped around Jungkook’s back and the other lightly gripped his flailing arm, steadying him in place.

                Like usual, Jungkook tensed up and slowly found his footing while giving Yoongi a cautious look. “I’m good,” he murmured, pushing the hands down as he stepped away.

                “Oh,” the other vampire nodded, ducking his head and moving back in turn. “I think that’s enough for today. Good job, Kookie,” he praised, offering a weak smile and quick wave before he turned to walk back inside the Coven.

                Confused and frustrated, Jungkook roughed his hair up with both hands and groaned. Yoongi was literally impossible to figure out. The second Jungkook might be in any degree of trouble, the vampire’s attention was hot and almost uncomfortable. Most other times, he was distant and cold, nothing more than an instructor. “So many mixed signals,” he sighed, stretching his neck and rolling his shoulders to try and ease some of the tension.

                Sandara figured Yoongi was dealing with intimacy issues. Liza thought he was just being an idiot. And Yugyeom wished Jungkook would stop giving the vampire the time of day since it was messing with his head so much. His parents weren’t helpful either since his mother was vaguely in camp Yoongi and his father was strictly camp Jungkook and neither had any good advice in that regard. Tired, he stopped and simply fell out on the ground, arms and legs splayed on the grassy soil as the warm spring sun beat down on him. Technically, it was still chilly but the sun did feel warm in the middle of March.

                “Whatcha doing?” a familiar and relatively welcome voice asked.

                Jungkook lifted his head to see Sanghyuk approaching, his hands behind his back and a grin on his young face. “Resting,” he laughed once, taking a breath and just relaxing into the ground.

                “Sounds about right,” the barely older vampire grinned before joining him. “Yoongi been a slave driver lately?”

                “You have no idea,” he grumbled, flexing his hands before forcibly relaxing them.

                “Well, Jungsu could be a hardass too when he wanted,” Sanghyuk chuckled, reaching over to smack Jungkook’s nearest hand with his.

                “Out with it, Hyukkie,” the newest vampire snorted, knowing he had to have a reason for hounding him just after his mentor was through with his thrashing.

                Sanghyuk wrinkled his face but laughed once. “Namjoon sent me. Figured it’s been a little while since Yoongi was a Rank 1 and thought I might be able to offer some insight here.”

                Jungkook exhaled and blew a breath into his bangs. He rolled onto his belly and pillowed his chin on his hands while he looked at Sanghyuk. “How long has it been for Yoongi?” he asked, waiting to hear the answer patiently.

                Slowly, Sanghyuk rolled over to mirror the other man and grinned. “According to the rumors around the Coven, Yoongi’s been a Rank 3 for over two hundred years but I couldn’t tell you how long it’s been since he was a Rank 1.”

                “Wow,” the younger vampire laughed once, ducking his face to rest his forehead against his hands. “I always forget he’s over three hundred years old. He looks so…”

                “Young?” Sanghyuk offered when there was no immediate answer.

                Jungkook laughed and shook his head. “I guess, but he certainly doesn’t act it.”

                “I know, right? He’s like an old man most of the time,” the other vampire grinned, kicking his legs behind him energetically. “It’s like that meme I saw on the magi-net the other day. ‘Old man yells at the moon,’” he chuckled, laughing harder when Jungkook didn’t seem to get it. “You know. Seeing something and just getting annoyed at it for no reason,” he explained, snorting once.

                “I don’t know,” Jungkook admitted as he shook his head. “I don’t understand Yoongi most of the time but I don’t think he does things for no reason.” Even this excessive training felt like it had a purpose but he’d be damned if he knew what it was.

                “If you say so,” Sanghyuk shrugged, tilting his head like he wasn’t sure. “But anyway, I do think I might know a trick or two to help you with the whole cloak thing. Jungsu was a total terror about it, but I won’t forget how to call it anytime soon, that’s for sure,” he laughed, pushing up to bounce to his feet in a move that would have been challenging for a human. For a vampire, it was ridiculously easy.

                For a moment, Jungkook eyed the other vampire suspiciously. It should be just as easy for him to get up that way too, but he wouldn’t have minded a little more rest. “Fine,” he groaned when Sanghyuk leaned over to look at him questionably. “I’m getting there…” he grumbled, pushing up and climbing into a standing position at a more reasonable pace.

                “Okay!” he cheered, bouncing around the now standing vampire on light feet. “The trick to the cloak is literally not thinking about it.”

                “What?” Jungkook scoffed, brows furrowing.

                “Seriously! It’s gotta be more like your arm. If someone swings at you-” he started to say, pausing to physically swing at Jungkook with one of his fists.

                “Hey!” he yelped, raising his arms to block the half-hearted attack.

                “-you’ve gotta be able to respond without thinking about it,” he finished with a grin, pleased by Jungkook’s reaction.

                Jungkook groaned and stretched his neck again. “You make it sound so easy.”

                “It is. Once you get there,” Sanghyuk clarified with a laugh. “Come on then. Get your cloak out first.”

                “Ugh,” the younger vampire groaned, leaning his head back and laughing. “I’m so tired of this right now.”

                “Yes, yes,” the other Rank 1 laughed, patting him on the shoulder consolingly. “But you’ll be grateful for it later. Now come on,” he urged, throwing two slow punches at Jungkook so that he’d have time to react.

                “Hey!” the younger vampire yelped, responding appropriately.

                “Use your cloak,” Sanghyuk reminded, throwing two more punches.

                “I can’t,” he grumbled back, blocking with his hands once more.

                “Yes, you can,” was the immediate response followed by a series of jabs.

                They were harder to counter this time and Jungkook found himself on the defense. “Hyukkie,” he frowned, backpedaling as he fielded an increasing array of jabs. Brief panic set in when the other vampire caught his hands, locking him in place.

                “How ya gonna block?” he wondered, unfurling his cloak and swinging lazy strikes in his direction.

                “Dammit!” Jungkook scowled, actively ducking out of the way first, but each attack came closer and closer and he knew it was just a matter of time.

                “Come on, Kookie,” Sanghyuk encouraged, holding firm as he pushed him backwards and continued an increasing array of cloak strikes.

                “Quit it!” he snapped, trying to yank his hands free. But he was tired and Sanghyuk wasn’t. He flinched away from a strike that came much too close to his head and then tried to kick at the other vampire. It failed when the cloak blocked and then knocked his foot back. “Seriously, Hyukkie!” he growled, feeling his fangs itch as they grew into place.

                “There you go,” the slightly older vampire grinned.

                “Ow!” he hissed when the cloak cut a thin line on his cheek.

                “Oops!” Sanghyuk cringed, obviously apologetic. “Did not mean to do that,” he explained hesitantly, edging back like he was trying to defend himself.

                Jungkook glared at him, hands still locked and unable to respond accordingly. He jerked when his cloak unfurled and then looked behind him at the black cloth-like material cascading down his back. “Huh?” he blinked, aware he hadn’t called it this time.

                “Hey!” the young vampire grinned, taking that opportunity to throw another easy cloak attack at him.

                “Hyuk!” Jungkook scowled, flinching away as the material veered towards him. When it didn’t connect, he opened one eye carefully and then blinked in surprise. His own cloak was pulled in front of him over his arms, acting as a shield against Sanghyuk’s. “Oh,” he frowned, rolling his shoulder and watching the cloak shift with the movement.

                “Nicely done!” Sanghyuk beamed, tossing another attack just to be sure.

                Jungkook flinched again but his cloak responded accordingly. “Whoa,” he gasped, becoming vaguely aware of how it was happening.

                “Now you’re getting it,” he laughed, being a little bolder in his attacks. “Don’t get too cocky,” he snorted when Jungkook tried to throw his own attack, forcing him to defend himself quickly.

                “I got it!” Jungkook beamed, maintaining his hold on Sanghyuk’s hands as he held his ground and tried to give back as good as he got.

                Of course he wasn’t as good as Sanghyuk but it was gratifying for Yoongi to see him grasping the concept so well. He smiled and leaned against the outer banister as he watched the two from a distance.

                “You know damn well you could have taught him that,” Wonho snorted as he glanced at Yoongi beside him.

                “I could have,” he conceded with a nod. But it was better Sanghyuk handled it now. Good practice for the Rank 1 and a great confidence builder for his mentee. “But now I know he’s in good hands, so let’s go,” he winked, standing up and smacking the younger vampire’s shoulder with his free hand.

                “Ow,” Wonho cringed and rubbed at his arm as he stood up to follow the Rank 3. “Where are we going?” he asked, hopping over the Coven exterior in Yoongi’s wake. Most creatures gave the Coven a wide berth so this area was often sparsely populated.

                “We’re meeting up with some of the Pack,” he explained as they touched down easily on the front side of the Coven and started sprinting effortlessly down the streets. Vampires could run as fast as cars and had better mobility so they usually used the roads instead of the sidewalks when they moved at any degree of speed. It was easy enough veering around the vehicles themselves and vampires weren’t usually numerous enough in the city to worry about running into one by accident.

                “We on a patrol run?” Wonho wondered, obvious excitement brimming in his voice.

                “Yes,” Yoongi agreed, though not without hesitation. He could only hope this was literally a tracking run as he wasn’t sure the younglings would be up to the task of their target. Neither he nor Jungsu had managed to get a solid lead on it, even with Yejin’s intel. Non-standard creature with the occasional bit of Mage residue, no single primary element in evidence, with an apparent ability to not draw attention to itself wherever it went, and a penchant for intentionally or accidentally allowing traces of itself to be ‘noticed’ near the Hunters Quarters, hers and Ryeowook’s shops, and the outskirts of the Coven.

                Taeyang wasn’t much better off either. He actually seemed mildly annoyed it was apparently skipping the Pack for whatever reason. Even Hakyeon had only offered half answers the last time they’d talked about it, which meant it was probably a pretty big deal. The were seemed cagey about giving many details and it made Yoongi think he possibly had an idea, but it likely wasn’t a strong one yet or else he may have already volunteered information. Quite frankly, it reminded Yoongi personally of a chimaera but it was also distinctly different in that regard. It wasn’t that the scent changed so much as he really just couldn’t figure out what it was…

                “Let’s go then!” the younger vampire crowed excitedly, grinning from ear to ear.

                Yoongi wanted to reprimand him, to temper his excitement, but it didn’t seem right. Of course Wonho didn’t understand the horror of actual combat. Most of the younger ones didn’t. Yoongi shouldn’t either himself but for a cruel twist of luck as it were. “Just stay focused,” he warned instead, hoping the Rank 2 took his words to heart.

                “Of course,” Wonho answered with a smile, keeping pace at Yoongi’s side fairly easily. He might actually be ready to become a Rank 3 soon.

                “Up ahead,” he called, noticing the weres milling on the corner as they looked around amidst a smattering of pedestrians that flowed past them easily. One was a carrot top and the other had hair the color of a grandmother. “No tricks,” he cautioned, though it was a tempting idea.

                “I know,” Wonho laughed, holding himself back.

                “There you are,” the grandma were admonished as the two vampires approached, her long gray hair at odds with her youthful face.

                “We were finishing business at the Coven,” Yoongi explained simply, looking down at the shorter woman and then glancing up at the carrot top. “When did you get taller?” he grumbled, obviously annoyed.

                “It’s not like I’m a pup anymore,” Kihyun grinned with a wolf’s smile. If his tail was out, it would have been wagging just then.

                “Close enough,” Yoongi frowned, already feeling uneasy with this almost literal baby in the mix. He knew it was supposed to be a tracking run but this felt like a training one too…

                “Wonho looks like he’s matured a bit since the last time I saw him,” Moonbyul teased, threading a long strand of silver-gray hair behind her ear.

                “I have, thank you very much,” he preened, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at her with a satisfied smirk.

                “He even has muscles now,” she laughed, poking at one toned arm while looking at Yoongi with a wink.

                “Like muscles mean anything for a vampire,” he scowled, waving a dismissive hand at both of them. But then he realized he was literally the eldest of the bunch and sighed internally. “Okay, boys and girls,” he called, clapping his hands as if he was herding children. Only Kihyun responded accordingly, and even he belatedly realized it was mildly insulting. Yoongi snorted and then nodded his head once in a half apology. “This is a standard patrol run today.” At least it should be. “Couple hours tops before it gets to full dark. It’s your job to sniff it out,” he explained, pointing his finger at Moonbyul and Kihyun, “and ours to sense if anything is strange.” He finished by gesturing between himself and Wonho.

                “Taeyang has said he’s smelled it near the Coven, near the Hunters, and near two of the three Mages in the city,” Moonbyul offered, pointing in each direction as she did so.

                “Which should hopefully make it easier to identify and follow,” Yoongi murmured, though he hid his personal doubts. They’d first become aware of it late last year and the fact they hadn’t been able to pin it down since then did not bode well for any further excursions. “We do this by the book and we are careful,” he warned, eyeing his companions intently.

                “Yes, dad,” Wonho smirked, earning an echoing nod from Kihyun, though Moonbyul rolled her eyes before she agreed.

                Honestly, it was probably the best response he was going to get, given the circumstances. Yoongi nodded once and took point immediately, heading for the rooftops. He knew Wonho would have no trouble following and he figured the wolves would keep pace on the ground as a second layer of eyes to watch for their target.

                Late afternoon didn’t seem the ideal time for anything really, which was why it was best for them to try and pick up hints of tracks. In truth, they didn’t want to actually find the creature, so much as help visualize what and where it was. They ran over the standard hotspots first, confirming what they already knew and checking off that it wasn’t anywhere near the Coven, the Hunters Quarters or the two Mages it seemed to have a liking for. It was almost eerie how normal everything else seemed in the city itself.

                People of all kinds wandered on the sidewalks and chatted behind store windows. Humans were easy to spot by the layers they wore in the chilly weather and magical creatures always just felt different, but none paid him or Wonho any mind. Yoongi made sure of that with the rare exception of something that was stronger than he was and paying enough attention to actually notice him. He blinked in surprise when he realized Yongsun was watching him as they swung close to the Purple District. A slow smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and she winked when he went by, apparently amused by his presence. He nodded in acknowledgment of her and kept going, grateful she was in no mood to play that afternoon.

               On the ground, the wolves earned a few surprised looks, but they were fairly regular sights about the city. They were also impossible to mistake for anything else so citizens moved out of the way out of habit, if nothing else. A couple humans were mesmerized a handful of times and desperately tried to take pictures before they disappeared, but by and large, city life went on uninterrupted otherwise.

                When they finished their first circuit, they paused to gather and confirm the situation. “No fresh scents,” Moonbyul shook her head as she returned to her human form. Kihyun mirrored her quickly, rising up with a strange stretching sound.

                “Same with energy signatures,” Wonho agreed, waving a hand towards the heart of the city. “Lots of new humans – tourists,” he added with a scoff and a roll of his eyes, “and plenty of the standard fare creatures…”

                “But nothing out of the ordinary either,” Kihyun added with a shrug.

                Yoongi snorted once and couldn’t help but comment, “If you think a kitsune is not out of the ordinary…”

                Kihyun’s eyes widened and he leaned closer to the vampire with a hurried, “You saw Yongsun!?”

                “Where?” Moonbyul asked quick on his heels, both almost absurdly excited by the relatively close proximity they’d been in.

                “It was more like she noticed us instead of the other way around, but near the Purple District,” he explained with a laugh and a wave.

                “Aw, Magic,” the younger wolf sighed, shoulders slumping. Even he knew there was no point in trying to go back now. She’d likely be long gone.

                “You could have at least told me,” Wonho grumbled as he nudged Yoongi’s shoulder in mild affront.

                “And risk you being distractedly enamored like these two?” he smirked, nodding at the wolves.

                “Hey!” they complained in unison, glaring at the older vampire.

                “Give me some credit, Yoongi,” he groaned, laughing at the exchange.

                “Maybe one day,” Yoongi snorted, though he did give the younger vampire a quick half-wink. “Enough of that though. Nothing new in the usual run so…” he trailed off, giving the other three a chance to answer.

                “Widen the circuit?” Kihyun asked after a brief pause, nodding towards the buffer zones and beyond.

                “Yes, but only for a little while. We’ll pause before it gets dark,” Yoongi reminded them with a glance at the setting sun. They’d only have another hour at the max before they needed to call it, though that would still give them plenty of time to cover a fair bit of ground.

                “Right,” Moonbyul nodded, crossing her arms and taking a breath. “The Hunters have been taking point in the evening, haven’t they?”

                “And Jungsu,” he agreed quietly, a small frown pulling at his lips.

                “They figure it’s more likely to be active or attack at night so the heavy lifters are out and about then,” Wonho added, almost too helpfully for Yoongi’s tastes. To be fair, part of him was at least mildly affronted at being left out of the heavy lifters category. He was a Rank 3 after all…

                “Alright then,” Moonbyul stated, raising her arms above her head to stretch while she turned a thoughtful eye to their surroundings. “Hit the buffer zones first and then swing outward?” she wondered for confirmation.

                “It’s as good an idea as any,” Yoongi agreed with a tilt of his head. “We’ll shadow you. See if you ruffle any feathers in the meantime,” he winked with a slightly predatory grin.

                “Just be careful you don’t miss out on any of the fun if we find it first,” she laughed back, already starting to shift to her wolf form.

                Again, Yoongi was struck with the reminder they still thought of this as a game and he flinched minutely. “If you find it first, don’t be stupid about it,” he warned, a little harsher than necessary. He felt Wonho’s side-eyed glance and saw the wolves turn to look at him, their ears flicking uncertainly. “We don’t know what it is so we don’t know what it’s capable of yet. Remember that,” he warned with a firm glare at the other three. Inwardly, he cringed at himself having to be the responsible one. That was usually Jungsu’s role. Ugh… was he turning into the Rank 4 to some degree? The wolves snorted in some sort of response and Wonho nodded mutely. “Let’s go then,” he urged when he was satisfied they were at least minimally taking it seriously now.

                With Wonho in his wake, they took to the rooftops again, shadowing the wolves as they loped along the sidewalk. They still had to wind between pedestrians but since they were searching now, their pace was slower and not suitable for the road itself. Starting on a counterclockwise path, they spiraled from the heart of the city and out towards the Blue District before swerving along the edges of the buffer zones around the city. They’d nearly come full circle with nothing to show when Moonbyul finally caught something: an odd scent she couldn’t place heading northwest of the Rainbow District.

               Yoongi paused, uncertain. He’d half expected to come up empty handed again and it slightly alarmed him they might have stumbled upon their target. It was more troubling that the direction was nowhere near the Mages, the Hunters or the Coven. Why had it gone towards the Nature Zone now? He stuck his hand in front of Wonho to make the vampire pause when he would have gone ahead. The wolves noticed their delay and started to circle back around to check in.

                “What’s wrong?” Wonho wondered, gently grabbing the blocking hand and pushing it down.

                “It doesn’t feel right,” Yoongi frowned. This path broke the pattern and he didn’t know why. “The last time Jungsu trailed it, the tracks stayed in the heart of the city,” he cautioned. “It’s good it’s still on the magical creature side, but if it is our target, we have to be careful.”

                “Maybe it’s broadening its horizons?” Kihyun asked, ever the optimist. His voice was strange, coming form a wolf’s maw, but it was at least intelligible. Mostly. On the other hand, he obviously didn’t realize this kind of change wasn’t a good thing…

                “It’s possible,” Yoongi conceded, hopping off the roof of the building and taking a careful lead as he pushed Wonho behind him. “Stay back for now,” he cautioned, gesturing for the wolves to do the same. Among them, it was no misconception to affirm he was the strongest in their ranks. He smelled what had caught Moonbyul’s attention then. It was a weird scent. Most creatures had distinct tells that allowed others to identify them. He was even used to recognizing the base elements they were made up of, due in no small part to his prolonged time with the Crone, but this… He was certain he’d never smelled it himself, but it did set off some kind of alarm in him. It itched, like a target on his back, and he scratched at his chest distractedly.

                “You alright?” Wonho asked in a whisper when he noticed Yoongi’s reactions.

                “Fine,” he answered shortly without looking away.

                The wolves whined in a soft voice as they padded along behind with Kihyun commenting, “I know the Nature Zone is supposed to be peaceful but this feels strangely quiet.”

                As a group, they paused and listened. Yoongi nodded in mute agreement. Behind them, they could still hear the sounds of the city, normal and unabated. In their immediate surroundings though… it reminded him of when an Exile was in the area. Not that he would know one was actually here unless it wanted him to. “Wonho. Send Namjoon a message,” he called in a lowered voice, staying where he was to keep searching. “You two, circle around,” he gestured at the wolves, motioning with his hand the direction he wanted them to take. “Stay together,” he warned in a quiet tone.

                They ducked their heads and slunk off slowly, ears flicking when they weren’t pinned down as they moved. “But that’s…” Wonho started to say when they were out of earshot.

                “I know,” Yoongi interrupted him. He didn’t want to send the wolves towards it so he had them move in a wider direction. Still within reach but hopefully not in any direct danger. “It kind of feels like something’s watching,” he frowned, scanning the greenery intently. The sunlight gave enough illumination to see clearly but he couldn’t shake the feeling of being observed. He stilled when he thought he felt something move.

                “Yoongi,” the other vampire called, brushing at his arm with tentative fingers. “I think something’s over there,” Wonho added as he pointed towards a patch where a couple leaves were coming to a rest.

                “Stay behind me,” he commanded, pushing the younger vampire to his back while he unfurled his cloak and pulled out his lighter, just in case. Straining hard, he caught a muted whiff of… blood. And death. Without looking back, he separated his cloak and brushed it against Wonho so that he’d grab hold, making sure they had contact as he moved towards the faint scent. He heard when Wonho caught the smell too, the surprised inhale of breath obvious in the ominous silence. Again, his skin itched like something was watching while they inched forward.

                Nothing seemed immediately amiss where the leaves were. And other than the faint sound of the wolves investigating, their paws making just enough noise on the ground to hear, Yoongi could pick up no trace of their possible target. Wary, he squatted instead and noticed the scent got stronger when he did so. Then he saw it: a tiny bead of red where none should be. Cautiously, he reached a hand closer and inhaled once at a familiar tingle. Mage work. Standing up, he looked around again with sharp eyes. Something was very wrong… He’d spent enough time around Yejin to recognize the magic but it didn’t feel like they were following a Mage.

                “Is that…?” Wonho started to ask, taking a step closer as he poked at the spot in question with a longer stick he’d just picked up.

                “Wait!” Yoongi called with a flinch, feeling the magic dispel at being interrupted. ‘Shit.’ He didn’t think it was a trap but every nerve sprang to life in reaction.

                “Magic’s mercy,” the younger vampire gasped in horror as the illusion fell away, revealing what had been hidden behind it.

                Yoongi glanced down once to see for himself. Two bloodied bodies, both male. He looked up to keep scanning, just in case. But then he stilled with an uncertain blink. Slowly, he looked back at the bodies and his gut twisted at the eerily familiar sight. He didn’t know them – one a young vampire and the other an elf – but the wounds… Yoongi reached one hand towards the bodies, fingers tracing the hole in the chest and the wound on the neck from afar.

                “There!” His head snapped up when Wonho pointed at something.

                It was more like a shadow moving behind a veil but one thing stood out for the briefest of seconds. Brimstone eyes. “Call Namjoon and stay here!” he commanded Wonho before launching himself in the direction of the creature. A sharp whistle emerged from his lips to let the wolves know his direction but then he focused everything on the creature before him. It was shielded by some kind of magic – more Mage work, but it wasn’t silent. Just fast and hard to see. The surroundings bent as it moved, highlighting its presence almost like it was visible.

                Startled yelps surprised him and they raced past a trio of elves in the growth. A frightened dryad hugged her tree further in and a group of mixed satyrs and nymphs fled when he stumbled upon their gathering. He leaped to avoid running into any of them and briefly lost sight of the creature. His chest ached as he landed and he cast about for something. Anything to help him find it again. “Where are you?!” he scowled, fangs and claws lengthening in preparation. His back itched when he heard the wolves catching up but there was nothing to see.

                Baring his fangs, he flicked his lighter and slid through the shadow paths like a short cut, popping out in a spot about fifty feet from where he’d been. He paused to check, listening hard, but when nothing else came up, he did it again, jumping to a new spot. All the while, his chest ached more and the itch from his back started to spread across his body. Four more times, he jumped to new locations, scaring a nest of pixies at one point and dodging when a drus attacked him reflexively. “Sorry!” he grunted, jerking away and sprinting to keep looking. But then he caught the strange scent and froze, spinning in a circle to try and find it. The drus was gone and there was nothing nearby.

                His cloak bunched reactively when an oddly familiar power registered behind him. It split into an array of tentacles like tails when he turned, ready to attack. But then he froze as his cloak went limp. “Namjoon,” he gasped, eyes wide as the chase abruptly ended, banishing the itch spreading over his skin.

                “Enough, Yoongi,” he called, calm and poised but power personified. It wasn’t a command though it could have been if he wanted.

                “I saw something,” he explained, feeling almost like he was coming out of a daze.

                “I know,” the Vampire Lord nodded before placing a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder, a grounding measure. “Wonho told me. Are you alright?” he asked searching the younger vampire’s face.

                Yoongi nodded, though he wasn’t entirely sure himself. He knew what he’d seen, what he’d felt… but it didn’t seem like it could be real. “I lost it,” he blinked, biting his bottom lip.

                “It’s alright, Yoongi,” the elder vampire encouraged, looking around for himself once. “Let’s go home,” he suggested, tilting his head down to get a better look at the other man’s face.

                “Yeah,” he nodded in slow agreement, before frowning and shaking his head. “No. I need to see the bodies,” Yoongi explained, staring up at his coven leader.

                “Yoongi,” Namjoon frowned in response.

                “Please. I have to see something,” he added with an uncertain swallow.

                “Very well,” the elder vampire sighed after a pause. “The Hunters are on their way anyhow. And Ailee will probably be here shortly too.”

                “Good,” Yoongi nodded in relieved understanding. “Wonho?” he asked suddenly.

                “He’s fine.”

                “The wolves?”

                “They’re good, though you certainly surprised them with your shadow hopping,” he chuckled once, pulling on Yoongi’s shoulder to start guiding the younger vampire back the way they’d come from.

                “Oops,” he grumbled under his breath, slightly embarrassed.

                “You startled quite a few creatures tonight,” the vampire lord chuckled. “I won’t be surprised if Donghyun sends me an interesting email later regarding your adventure in the Nature Zone this afternoon,” he added with dry humor.

                “I was following it,” he weakly defended himself, feeling rather like all the wind had been knocked from his sails. He was tired, and strangely so, but confused more than anything.

                “I know,” Namjoon soothed, his tone indicating he really did. Neither said anything more as they quietly met up with the gathering Hunters and the tense Mage Ailee.


And I'm back! Finished moving into my new place - more or less - so hopefully I'll be able to resume regular updates again. I hope that you enjoyed this one and will continue to look forward to the next ones. As usual, if you have any questions or thoughts you'd like to share, I'd be happy to hear them. Otherwise, thank you for reading and happy reading!

Chapter 26: A Were's Guess and a Vampire's Story

Chapter Text

                Taekwoon knew why he was there – Hakyeon was so he came too – but that didn’t help him feel any more welcome with the way the others bustled about. Especially since they hadn’t given him a task to do himself yet. And he’d seen death in his line of work, but it never got any easier. At least not so far anyway.

                Kyuhyun seemed unaffected by the appearance of the victims though as he took careful notes and interrogated the witnesses nearby, two vampires and two werewolves. Lisa was equally calculating as she scanned their images and ran them through the system to try for an identity match. At least their faces were relatively untouched; it made it easier to notify the families.

                Ailee was busy magically cordoning the area off to keep any curious bystanders out and setting up lights to make sure they could all see as the sunlight faded for the day. Her magic also had the benefit of blocking spying from afar and was generally a safeguard to secure the evidence. And Hakyeon was stalking the area in his were form, intently trying to get a scent of the missing creature. He’d left the bodies alone for now and was trying for an uncontaminated trail to follow.

                With Kyuhyun, he recognized the vamps and wolves all from profiles in the office about the Pack and the Coven, and the occasional meeting in person. Moon Byulyi – better known as Moonbyul - was the third in line in the Pack, in her late-twenties, and certainly more at ease than her companion. Yoo Kihyun had only recently been elevated out of the baby of the Pack status, though he was only slightly younger than Moonbyul. That put him at number four with their newest, Park Sooyoung, becoming the current youngest on patrol. They always had a couple pups in the wings, waiting for their chance, but none were ready to be elevated yet. He was mildly surprised that Taeyang hadn’t turned up, though it was likely because the Hunters were here already and because Kim Namjoon had just left.

                He’d left behind Min Yoongi and Lee Wonho, a Rank 3 and Rank 2 vampire respectively. The latter seemed more shaken up and was reportedly the one that had ultimately found the victims, though Yoongi had located their position first. He seemed strangely fixated on the bodies still … It was curious to Taekwoon too, the way Yoongi’s cloak hadn’t retracted yet and one tendril had remained in contact with Wonho once he’d returned. If he didn’t know better, he’d say the vampire hadn’t realized he was doing it yet.

                “Got em,” Lisa sighed as she stood up, catching Taekwoon’s attention.

                “The victims?” he asked when he moved closer to see for himself. Ailee took that chance to move as well, but she turned her attention to the bodies next, only half listening in.

                “Teraphyl Algernon is the earth elf,” she explained, scrolling through the profile on her holoscreen. “Recently reported missing and it could be the victim that vampire last month told us about. Standard office worker in the Green Zone,” she added with a shrug before glancing down at the vampire and wrinkling her nose. “Our Rank 2 vampire friend,” she paused to check the name again, “Wong Yan, was a tourist. Arrived just last week. He likely would have been reported missing soon.”

                “Any known enemies?” Taekwoon asked, scratching at his eyebrow with a glance at the other four nearby before looking at the more experienced hunter again.

                Lisa shook her head and waved the question off. “Not likely. And it wasn’t like there was any call for a ransom or anything like that,” she added, frowning harder.

                “These killings were likely a message,” Ailee murmured as her hands moved over the bodies, creating a misty latticework of magic that highlighted points of interest and cataloged them with tiny dots of notes that minimized to the spheres they were located at for each data point. “I can’t really say about the vampire here,” she murmured, turning the magical data about once and then focusing on the elf. “But this injury was definitely inflicted postmortem.”

                “Then how did he die?” Lisa asked, confusion evident on her face.

                Ailee exhaled and brushed at her temple with the back of one knuckle. “My guess would be fear.” She tapped a data point and lifted it up to show the hunter. “He had almost toxic levels of adrenaline in his system prior to dying. I can’t tell from the heart since it’s been destroyed, but it’s probable he experienced heart failure.”

                “He doesn’t look that old,” Taekwoon mused with a shake of his head.

                Lisa shrugged and showed him the data screen. “Over a hundred… The city residents don’t have much to fear usually,” she reasoned after the fact. “It’s not impossible whatever happened before this might have prompted such a response.”

                “But why the message then?”

                “It’s either a warning or it’s looking for someone,” Kyuhyun interrupted, joining them quietly.

                “Or someones,” Hakyeon added in a low growl from the perimeter he was stalking, fur standing on end as he did so. Taekwoon blinked at him in surprise, not expecting such a reaction from him.

                “Something you wanna share?” Kyuhyun asked simply, a side-eyed glance inspecting the were.

                “Not yet. I don’t have enough information,” Hakyeon responded with a shake of his head before he shook himself and then reverted to his human guise. “Whatever it is has already left the area. That much is certain.”

                “Yoongi seemed to think it might have been a demon,” the Captain explained. His suggestion was immediately met with denial.

                “Doesn’t smell that way.”

                “Wrong energy signature.”

                “Not the right MO for them.”

                Kyuhyun held up his hand for silence while a bemused smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I know. He said it didn’t smell like one either. Nor did he get a good look. Something was obstructing his view. But he did see brimstone eyes.”

                “Demon eyes,” Taekwoon echoed the obvious.

                “But not exclusively,” Ailee murmured with a small shake of her head. “Mage creations can have them too, if we want.”

                “Is it a Mage creation?” Lisa asked, eyeing the magical analysis hovering over the bodies.

                “No. Not that I can tell. The illusion hiding them was Mage work and the cloaking ability was also evidence of Mage work, but I don’t believe the creature itself is…” she explained, letting her fingers linger longer over the wounds. “There’s no residue in the injuries themselves.”

                “Do we know the Mage responsible for the illusion and the cloaking?” Kyuhyun asked, obviously expecting an answer.

                Ailee made a face and nodded. “Best I can tell, it’s from Kim Ryeowook,” she answered with some degree of hesitation. The Hunter raised a brow and she grimaced at him, “Any Mage’s ill work is a reflection on all Mages. It’s no surprise I’m not happy to confirm it’s someone in this city,” she grumbled, huffing once.

                “Fair enough,” he agreed, partially raising his hands as if to surrender. “Another question. Who died first?” Taekwoon and Lisa exchanged quick glances while they waited for the response.

                The Mage frowned again as she regarded the data points once more. “The elf. Probably by a couple weeks,” she explained, rolling her eyes at the look she always got when dealing with time of death and dead vampires. “You know they degrade much much much slower than pretty much all other creatures,” she scowled, letting her gaze linger on Kyuhyun. The Captain obviously knew that and Lisa should, but he didn’t mind giving the Mage a hard time about it. “I’ll give you an exact time later, but yes, the elf was killed first.”

                “Okay,” Kyuhyun nodded, crossing his arms with a thoughtful look on his face. “Lisa. Don’t notify the families yet.” She gave him a surprised look but waited for him to explain. “I’ll go talk to the Mayors and see if we can get a press release to ask about info for these two. If people know they’re dead, it’s likely we won’t get as honest a response. We need to know who saw them last and under what circumstances.”

                “Maybe other witnesses?” Lisa wondered, glancing around preemptively. The wolves and vamps were gone already but that didn’t stop the almost reflexive gesture.

                “There are always other witnesses,” he answered with a sigh. For a moment, he worried his lip with his teeth and then huffed again. “Hakyeon. I’m sending you to pick up Kim Ryeowook. Take Taekwoon with you to show him how it works.”

                “Sure,” the were shrugged with a reassuring smile at Taekwoon.

                It didn’t help the immediate jolt of surprised alarm that raced through him at the suggestion though. “Me sir?” he wondered with a confused frown.

                “Did I stutter?” Kyuhyun shot back with a raised brow and an amused quirk to his mouth.

                “Kyu,” Lisa objected quietly, a small frown marring her slightly scarred face.

                “He’s gotta learn sometime. And Hakyeon will keep him safe. Won’t you?” he asked, leveling his gaze at the were, though it was clear the question was anything but.

                Hakyeon snorted and rolled his shoulders, the motion looking odd and out of place on his humanoid form. “I’m almost offended you even have to ask. Almost,” he added, taking a step closer to Taekwoon that bordered on possessive or protective. The hunter wasn’t entirely sure.

                “It might be better if I-” Ailee started to say, raising her hand.

                “You’ve got other work to focus on right now,” Kyuhyun reminded her with a finger pointing her direction. “These are just the newest pebbles on the pile,” he grimaced, pausing to shake his hands in frustration.

                “Fine,” she relented quickly, raising her hands in surrender. “But you call me if you need help,” she stated, pointing a commanding finger between the hunter and the were. “It’s possible he’s not directly involved but if Ryeowook is…” she trailed off with a worried grimace.

                “I’m aware of how dangerous Mages can be,” Hakyeon reminded her before pulling down the neckline of his shirt to reveal a patch of scarred skin on his shoulder and chest.

                Taekwoon frowned and realized it was new to him. He hadn’t seen it on the were’s true form. “That’s from a Mage…?” he asked, making the obvious connection.

                Hakyeon nodded, still looking at Ailee, though there was no threat in his gaze. “Like an Exile, a Mage leaves wounds that don’t easily heal,” he explained, shrugging once before letting the shirt slide back into place.

                Ailee nodded in acknowledgment. “Alright. I’ll prepare this for transport then,” she added, gesturing at the bodies and the surrounding patch of ground around it.

                “Good,” Kyuhyun smiled, turning his attention to the other hunters. “Taekwoon. I’m moving you to night shift with Hakyeon. Lisa. See if you can get Taeyeon to canvass with you during the day.” When she opened her mouth to object, he raised a brow and reasoned, “You know Valkyries don’t see as well at night and Xiumin could use the help.”

                “Ugh, fine,” she acquiesced, though not happily.

                The Captain pulled out his phone and dialed one number before looking towards the heart of the city. “Jaehwan,” he murmured, waving so the Seer would focus on him. “Let the Mayors know about the current situation.” He paused to listen to the response. “Yeah. I’ll send you the full data pack later. Things might get rough before they get better though. They need to understand that.”

                “They’re gonna love that marketing line,” Lisa grimaced with a glance at Taekwoon who cringed along with her.

                “You should go, Ailee,” Hakyeon encouraged with a nod towards the outer perimeter. “People are starting to take notice.”

                Taekwoon looked up just like the Mage and blinked at seeing a couple of dryads moving closer, their natural, plant and branch covered forms clear in the one-sided light. He would never get over how the Mage could essentially put up a one-way mirror barrier that allowed them to see but not the other way around. It was still bizarre to him. But… that was also magic.

                “Very well. I’m heading out then,” she murmured, standing up before gesturing for the Hunters to stand back. Then she waved her hands over the desired patch of ground she wanted to shift, effectively drew a circle of shimmery mist that settled over the earth, and then clapped her hands together with a determined nod. Power surged, like an enclosed, muffled thunderclap, the air hummed, and then the Mage, the bodies, and the disturbed ground disappeared with a soft pop. In her wake, the light vanished and the veil fell away, revealing those within to the two startled dryads.

                “Nothing to see here,” Lisa announced, calmly taking control while Kyuhyun continued speaking with Jaehwan. “We were just finishing up an investigation. I’m the local Hunter Manoban Lalisa,” she explained, gesturing at her gear and the Hunters behind her. “Have you noticed anything strange here lately?” she asked, easily commanding their curious attention as their suspicion shifted to concern.

                “Go on,” Kyuhyun urged with a wave at Taekwoon and Hakyeon. He covered the phone with one hand and added, “If you find anything, let me know.”

                “Yes, sir,” Taekwoon nodded while Hakyeon gave his usual, “Of course,” response.

                “Stay close,” Hakyeon added when they started moving off, away from the city and further into the Nature Zone.

                “Why?” Taekwoon wondered, feeling his back prickle at the implied warning but also the typical shiver that accompanied being so near the were.

                Hakyeon sniffed the hunter like he was making sure of himself about something before he nodded once and returned his gaze to their surroundings. “This creature has an old scent. It might be familiar to me. I have smelled something similar to it once before but it’s not the same,” he admitted with a grimace.

                That caught Taekwoon’s interest. He didn’t know how old Hakyeon was but the were could potentially be considered relatively ancient. “What do you think it might be?” he asked, looking around with automatic concern.

                He delayed answering for a long while, keeping his gaze averted while he obviously sniffed around the area, searching for himself. Taekwoon didn’t bother him, aware he’d heard and knowing he’d answer when he was ready. Usually. As expected, the were paused for a second and knelt, fingers tracing a footprint on the ground. “It might be a mimic.”

                “A mimic?” Taekwoon wondered with a frown, wracking his brain for more information. “Aren’t they extinct?”

                Hakyeon grimaced and shrugged. “Yes and no. They’re supposed to be extinct. But,” he mused, looking up and scanning the surroundings with narrowed eyes, “if you could turn into almost any creature at will, how likely do you think the declaration of their extinction is accurate?”

                The answer made Taekwoon scowl and he shook his head. “Not that likely.”


                “Why didn’t you tell Kyuhyun then?” he asked, confused about the lack of communication.

                Hakyeon barked a laugh and stood up. “And burden him with that concern? Until I have better proof, why would I worry the Captain about the possibility of any and all of the local cases in the past few months being the cause of a mimic? Barring obvious evidence to the contrary otherwise.”

                “Ah,” the hunter mouthed, nodding his head once in acknowledgment. “How do you know about mimics?” he wondered, looking down slightly at the were where he continued to scan the area attentively.

                “Let’s just say I’ve met one previously,” he answered with a less than reassuring gesture.

                “And?” Taekwoon wondered, finally squatting beside the other man to better see what he was investigating.

                “What do you think?” Hakyeon asked with a toothy smile.


                “I do wonder if we shouldn’t ask that vampire to join us in our search though. He seemed… familiar with the creature’s handiwork, whatever it actually is,” he mused, a thoughtful expression sliding into place on his face.

                “You thought so too?” he asked, grateful for the confirmation. He didn’t think he’d been out of place to consider that but he hadn’t been sure.

                “We’ll ask Vampire Lord Namjoon first but if he agrees, I don’t see why not,” Hakyeon shrugged, slinging an arm over Taekwoon’s shoulder in a friendly gesture.

                “So where to next then?” Taekwoon wondered, eyeing the hand over his shoulder but shrugging acceptingly.

                “Let’s see where this goes first. Then to Mr. Kim’s. Then to the vampires,” he winked, standing up and pulling Taekwoon along with him. “Sound good to you?”

                “I guess,” Taekwoon shrugged. He would have gone to the Mage’s first, but if Hakyeon had some kind of scent to follow, why not?

                “Come on,” the were urged, pulling ahead and letting his arm slide from Taekwoon’s shoulders before he snagged his wrist instead.

                “Hey!” he yelped, struggling to keep up before his feet found the proper rhythm. “A little warning next time,” he grumbled, adjusting his hand so that he could hold onto Taekwoon’s instead of being gently but forcibly guided.

                “You caught on,” the were called back with a wink, unabashed but pleased all the same.

                “Ugh. Stupid magical creature,” he snorted, falling into place with practiced ease.


                They were back in the basement. The lights were on this time and Jungkook was seated on the floor facing the wall. His shoulders itched with the urge to roll and he had to fight the desire to turn around and look for himself.

                “Can you feel this?” Yoongi asked behind him, his voice low but clear.

                Jungkook frowned and ducked his head. “Yes,” he answered, trying to pinpoint the sensation.

                “Show me,” the other vampire encouraged, his touch remaining constant.

                Taking a steadying breath, Jungkook placed his fingertips on the ground beside him. It was like pressure on his back but distinctly different. Now that he had the feel for how his cloak functioned, he could sort of understand how to interpret when other people touched it. Well, when Yoongi touched it. He was the only one doing this kind of training with Jungkook currently.

                “Almost,” the vampire called, the pressure remaining constant. “Try again.”

                “Dammit,” Jungkook exhaled. “This reminds me of the worst game of Titans ever,” he laughed once with a shake of his head.

                Yoongi’s laugh was much quieter but there. “You are getting better,” he conceded, the hint of a smile in his voice. “Here. Use this point to help triangulate,” he added, touching a new spot on Jungkook’s cloak.

                For a second, he didn’t know how it was supposed to help at all. “Oh,” he murmured after a moment, starting to ‘see’ the points now.

                “Closer. I’m going to show you something. Don’t freak out,” he warned, hiding his laugh.

                “Why would I-” he started to ask before multiple points touched his cloak one by one. It made him shiver and he really had to struggle not to turn and see for himself. “Is that your cloak?” he asked, turning his head to the side in the beginnings of a glance.

                “No cheating,” Yoongi warned softly as something smooth and cool pressed against Jungkook’s cheek.

                He brushed it away reflexively and then forced himself to relax. Yep. His cloak. “I’m not,” he grumbled, shaking his hands and staring at the wall again. If he looked hard enough, he could almost see the points on his cloak like a magiscreen on the stone.

                “What’s the shape I formed?” Yoongi asked, inexhaustible and patient.

                “A circle,” he answered, nodding firmly.

                “And where’s the original point?” he went on.

                “In the middle,” Jungkook nodded again.

                “Show me then,” Yoongi challenged.

                Jungkook focused one more time and felt something different. Pressure. He could almost hear Yoongi’s smile in the silence. “That’s it, isn’t it?” he grinned, itching to turn around and check.

                “Yes. Good,” the other vampire encouraged. “Now try again,” he added, moving the circle to a new spot on Jungkook’s cloak. “Almost… there,” he crooned. “Once more,” he pressed, removing some of the points of the circle. It took Jungkook a second to adjust and another two tries, but then he found the center. “Nice. No circle now. Just the single point.”

                It felt like a test this time and he was determined not to fail. Jungkook took a small breath and flattened his palms to the ground, trying to feel with everything he had. Not there. Not there… Right… there! He urged the cloak to press up so slowly it seemed as if it didn’t move, but then he felt it. Pressure again. “Got it,” he whispered, carefully turning so that he could see for himself.

                Yoongi didn’t stop him and gave him a pleased smile when they looked down at the slightly raised lump in his cloak under the other vampire’s single finger. “Good. We can stop there,” he nodded, removing his hand and gesturing for Jungkook to put his cloak away.

                He did but he turned around so he could face the other vampire directly. “I know it’s part of the training, but why are you so fixated on cloak work lately?” he asked, hoping the other man would give him a direct answer.

                For a moment, it looked as if Yoongi wouldn’t, but then he shifted in place and scratched at his jaw carefully. “Two reasons,” he started, holding up two fingers at the same time. “You’re a turned vampire so learning how to feel your cloak takes a lot more practice.”

                “Well, I do alright in sparring with Sanghyuk,” Jungkook reasoned, recalling their various practice sessions together when Yoongi wasn’t available.

                Yoongi laughed once but didn’t disagree. “If you want to use your cloak only like a bludgeon, that’s fine,” he shrugged, extending his cloak in front of him so Jungkook could see. Without a word, he gestured towards it.

                “Really?” Jungkook asked, hand already partially lowered. When Yoongi nodded, he placed his hand flat on the surface and actually giggled when the fabric moved to match his palm. He raised his hand and the cloak followed, maintaining contact. Moving his hand like he was trailing his fingers in water, the cloak did too, pulling away from his palm and creating ribbons that followed his fingertips. “That’s still so cool,” he grinned, looking up just in time to catch an actually happy smile disappearing from his mentor’s face. He gave the vampire a slightly narrowed look and pulled his hand away, stating, “But I can’t do this yet, so why make me learn now?”

                “Because the principle is the same,” he explained, smoothing the cloak before pulling it up between them, a solid sheet of material. “It takes much less energy to strengthen a small portion of your cloak,” he started, an obvious dome about the size of a fist appearing on Jungkook’s side, “than it does to strengthen your entire cloak.” As he finished talking, the whole structure turned hard like a metal shield.

                Jungkook reached out to knock on the cloak shield and waited for Yoongi to pull it down so he could see the other vampire. “I get that, but why now? Sanghyuk has only barely started to work on it with Jungsu after all.”

                Yoongi frowned at the question and he huffed unhappily. “You might have heard some rumors about what’s been going on in the city lately,” he started in a quiet voice, chewing on his bottom lip.

                “There have been some interesting stories on the news,” he conceded with a slow nod. Mostly the odd disappearance and he had seen a clip asking people for more information in regards to some missing persons, but there hadn’t been anything too tragic lately.

                “There’s a pretty dangerous creature out there right now,” he admitted, his voice distant. “I can’t be with you at all times and I can’t keep you from leaving the Coven so…” he trailed off, gesturing helplessly.

                “How dangerous?” he had to ask, trying to be playful, since he was well aware the vampires were dangerous too, but it fell short when Yoongi gave him a raised brow look. “Got it. That kind of dangerous,” he added, nodding along and feeling a chill at the admission. “So you’re trying to make sure I can defend myself then, right?” he wondered, inching closer. “Because I’m your mentee and all?” he threw in as an added explanation, partially hoping for something more.

                There was a pause, this noticeable hesitation in Yoongi as he looked at Jungkook. The younger vampire could almost see some kind of conflict or conversation going on in the back of his head. His fingers even rose up from the ground like he wanted to reach for Jungkook before he folded them slowly and nodded instead. “Yes,” he answered, looking down in the process.

                Jungkook didn’t know whether to scream or just sit there because it looked like, for all the world, that Yoongi was actually disappointed in his own answer. It was frustrating because he knew there was something between them but prodding to find out what usually made Yoongi shut down or run away. Shaking himself, he sat up and nodded in confirmation. “So, reason one, there’s a big bad outside the Coven and you want me to be as self-sufficient as possible in the meantime.” With the change in tone, Yoongi looked up to nod in agreement. “Reason two?” he asked, now that the vampire was looking at him again. He held up two fingers to mirror the vampire’s previous posture.

                “Ah, right,” he murmured before shaking his head. “That was the second reason.” He held up one finger to count off, “Less energy use in a prolonged fight and,” his second finger rose up, “you’re more capable of defending yourself without me.”

                That was not the answer he was wanting to hear and Jungkook wrinkled his nose. He glanced down at Yoongi’s cloak still lying on the ground and grumbled, “So how long will it take me to learn how to use my cloak like yours?”

                Yoongi snorted once, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “It’s different for every vampire,” he started to say before Jungkook gave him a frown. “You won’t be able to do this,” he veered, literally separating his cloak into a multitude of strips before him, “until you’re Rank 3.”

                “When did you become a Rank 3?” Jungkook asked, hoping he’d continue to stay open for a little bit longer. He’d tried to have this conversation a couple times before, but during his probation period, Yoongi had been especially guarded about personal information and now, he focused more on training than explanations. He was briefly worried when he saw the ghost of a shadow flicker across the other vampire’s face and he wondered if that would be the end of it. But then Yoongi looked down with a slightly furrowed brow.

                “I was… ninety-seven when I became a Rank 3,” he admitted, scratching at his cheek with a slightly longer than usual nail.

                Jungkook blinked in surprise. The former human part of him registered that as a long time, but his history buff side knew that was strange for a vampire. The average estimate of ‘ranking up’ in vampire society was supposedly around one hundred years per Rank. This was due in no small part because most casual vampires – those not in Covens - were fine with being Rank 1s or Rank 2s and others, like the Rank 5 Exiles, helped to skew the average. “So when did you become a Rank 2?” he continued, well and truly curious now.

                This time, Yoongi actually scoffed with a laugh and a smile. “When I was fifty-four,” he answered, rubbing at the back of his neck.

                In response, Jungkook did some quick mental math, counting on his fingers, and frowned. “How did you-?” he started to question before he noticed the way Yoongi began to shutter himself. It was so much easier to see as a vampire now. Quickly, he stopped and turned the conversation with an abrupt tap on one of the nearest strands of the other vampire’s cloak. “So how did you learn to do this?” It wasn’t the successful turn that he hoped it would be and Yoongi’s face remained frozen in a half-frown. But he did focus on Jungkook’s finger touching him instead of completely running off.

                Eventually, the frown smoothed out and he answered in a soft but slightly sad voice. “I learned it from my mother.” Yoongi winced like he saw something and then shook his head. “Okay. Let’s go through your cloak practice one more time,” he announced, retracting his own and focusing on Jungkook with his usual firm energy. “I’m gonna be away from the Coven for a few days after this so I need to make sure you’re up to speed,” he promised, gesturing for the younger vampire to bring his cloak out again.

                Jungkook frowned but didn’t argue as he conjured his cloak once more. He did ask, “Where will you go?” Yoongi gave him a look while he quirked his mouth to the side mutely. “Ah. Dangerous monster,” he nodded, rolling his shoulders to try and relax. The fabric rose between them but then he dropped it and pointed a finger at the other vampire. “You be careful too.” Before Yoongi could answer, he yanked the cloak back up and listened hard.

                There was a moment of silence before Yoongi laughed once. “Fair enough.” It was a small victory but one all the same. Jungkook smiled even as he heard the vampire warn, “You ready?”

                “Ready as I’m gonna be,” he admitted, though he still flinched when he felt the sharp poke of his mentor’s nail against his cloak. He strengthened the whole cloak reflexively and wrinkled his nose when Yoongi knocked on it like a door. “I know,” he grumbled, literally shaking the stiffness out. “Again, please,” he requested, waiting for the next deliberate prod.

Chapter 27: When the Past Comes Back to Haunt You


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                It was their fifth day of patrolling together, haunting the twilight hours of the city’s boundaries while they searched for any sign of the creature they were looking for. For all intents and purposes, their target seemed to have disappeared for the time being though… That didn’t exactly faze Hakyeon but he knew it was weighing on Taekwoon, as another glance at the hunter beside him confirmed. The younger man almost always looked dower but the likely nature of their target was heavy on his tense shoulders.

                “I wouldn’t be surprised if it decided to lay low for now, what with Ryeowook being taken into custody for questioning and all,” he reminded Taekwoon again, giving him a sidelong look that was not reciprocated.

                The hunter grimaced and shook his head once. “It’s not that. I mean, maybe a little bit, but…” he trailed off, nodding once into the growing gloom.

                Ah. The vampire. “Is someone jealous that we have an extra hand lately?” he teased, a playful grin dancing on his lips. That earned him a glare from his partner but it was the expected, and desired, result.

                “We don’t need him getting in the way,” he grumbled uncharitably, though there wasn’t much heat to his words.

                Hakyeon chuckled and shook his head before reaching out to pat the hunter on the shoulder consolingly. “With something like a mimic, all help is good help,” he encouraged, giving a light squeeze once to reassure him. The power difference between him and the hunter was accepted and acceptable – they were partners after all, but with the Rank 3 vampire, it wasn’t unusual for a young Hunter especially to feel like the third wheel.

                He would have said more before a quiet whistle from said vampire made him pause and look over. With his were eyes and feline night vision, the pale man was easy enough to see, but to a regular human, he might well have appeared as an apparition of sorts, decked out in his dark clothes and crowned with that almost silvery hair of his. Yoongi made a gesture with one slightly clawed hand and Hakyeon nodded, rolling his shoulders as he felt what had caught the vampire’s attention.

                He leaned down to murmur in Taekwoon’s ear, “Possible company.”

                “Understood,” he responded, straightening up with a tight note to his voice.

                They paused to take note of where they were specifically – outer rim of the Red Zone and near the ‘wall’ that delineated the city boundary. They were still in the natural part of the section and hadn’t made the break zone yet, but they weren’t far off. It had been a quiet area recently, but that was just as good a reason for something to be happening now as well. Unless they wanted to be caught or were actively showing off, serial criminals had a tendency to move around a bit…

                Energy flickered, rippling across his skin like wind teasing his fur. “Wait,” he called, placing a hand on Taekwoon’s arm as he called his ears out, triangular appendages rising up to catch the sounds better. He saw Taekwoon notice in his periphery, the slight wince of surprise appearing on his face, but he paid it no mind as he honed in on the sounds. Quiet but like the tail end of danger passing. “They moved to the other side of the wall.”

                “They?” Taekwoon asked for clarification, squinting into the growing gloom. His vision was nowhere near as good as the were’s and it showed.

                “At least three,” a soft voice responded, surprising the hunter with a small gasp. “Maybe more,” Yoongi added, practically materializing beside them without so much as an unnecessary sound. Hakyeon felt him approach but largely because the vampire let him. More or less.

                “Maybe?” the were asked with a raised brow, more to tease than to actually question. He could smell it too… four different scents but there were traces of others as well and it was hard to say if they were actually people or not.

                “I’ll move to the other side and try to cut them off. See if I can’t flush them back your way,” he explained, black cloak emerging with a whisper of sound.

                Hakyeon couldn’t quite hide the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth when he saw Taekwoon staring at it. For something that looked so benign, it was deceptively deadly on an experienced vampire. “Get your serum ready,” he encouraged, brushing his fingers against Taekwoon’s arm again.

                “He should probably stay back,” Yoongi commented, looking the hunter up and down once as if gauging his ability.

                “This is my mi-” he started to say in affront.

                Hakyeon grabbed his shoulder and pulled him close while meeting Yoongi’s eyes directly. “The only way he’ll learn is if he tries.”

                “And if he dies?” the vampire asked, the question almost nonchalant but all too serious.

                The were felt Taekwoon stiffen under his hand and he responded, “He won’t.”

                Yoongi didn’t say anything in response but he did hold Hakyeon’s gaze for a long moment. “If you say so,” he finally shrugged, taking one more look at the understandably nervous Taekwoon before he turned to walk away.

                Taekwoon inhaled sharply and frowned. “Where’d he go?”

                For a second, Hakyeon was confused as he could see the vampire with no trouble, but then he realized the shift in the air. “He’s on his way to corral our possible targets.” He pointed in the vampire’s general direction, but knew it was useless. The power difference was too great between the hunter and the vampire for Taekwoon to ‘notice’ him if he didn’t want to be.

                “Is he always an ass?” the hunter grumbled, kicking at the ground in frustration.

                “Not always,” Hakyeon shook his head, though the words were slow to come. He really wasn’t but their patrols together had not done much to disabuse them of the idea. “He is really prickly lately though,” he shrugged, mulling the situation over in his head. “My guess would be it’s got something to do with our target or his mentee. Or both,” he added, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing while his ears flicked in annoyance.

                Taekwoon looked over to see for himself and then snorted, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “You look ridiculous when you do that.”

                “Huh?” he blinked, head tilting in a very feline gesture. “Ah,” he laughed when he realized the other man was referring to his ears. Grinning, he reached up to pat them with his fingertips and then winked at the hunter. “Guess that’s my cue to change then,” he shrugged, exhaling as his clothes merged into his body and fur sprouted all over while he grew in size.

                “I’ll go ahead then. Make my way to the break zone for a better look,” he announced, shaking his hands to try and expel the sudden surge of nerves.

                Hakyeon nodded once but cautioned, “Stay in the tree line. If they’re high-level creatures, you’ll be at a significant disadvantage, even with the serum.”

                “I know,” he waved off dismissively, adjusting the satchel on his hip and reaching in preemptively.

                “Taekwoon,” the were called again, keeping his eyes trained on the Hunter.

                “I know,” Taekwoon answered once more, this time with far more seriousness. “I’ll be careful, but like you said, I won’t get better if I don’t try.”

                Hakyeon grimaced, as much as he could in his current form, and then settled for wrinkling his nose instead. It was a much more expressive – and satisfying – gesture. “Good hunting,” he called, waiting for the younger man to nod in response and head out before he circled off to the side. Away from the vampire and the modified human, he could get a clearer scent. Based on the residual he was getting, it was likely they’d stumbled across the poachers. Two were distinctly humanoid but the third and fourth was where things started to get tricky. He could smell both the rakshasa and the were-tiger but neither was strong enough to be considered the individual. Or rather… it smelled more like their blood. There was the hint of something else too but it was possible they’d found a target or two. Had they been injured?

                On this side of the wall, he couldn’t hear anything from them either, and even his sight was dimmed. Then again, that was very much a part of the wall surrounding the city. It had an obfuscation effect the Mages hadn’t been able to make only one sided. On smaller scales it wasn’t a problem but with a city as large as Tradeborough… It didn’t mean he couldn’t see anything but from this side, it was like looking at the world from underwater. Visible but not clear. Then again, from the other side, it was even worse.

                Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the edge of the break zone and slunk into the open space, a length of approximately one hundred meters where there was only dirt and sparse growth. The midway point was where the wall was but to most, it was invisible. He could sense it as a collection of standing energy and in the sunlight, there was a slight shimmer effect, but right now… there was nothing but stillness and tension.

                “The calm before the storm,” he murmured to himself, padding silently across the space until he was near the wall. Nothing moved on the other side and he had to wonder if Yoongi had managed to cut them off or was simply watching them. The were took a breath and slid over to the other side, ears flicking quickly to pick up on the sound that immediately came to him. Panicked breathing and rustling. Something was running through the cover on this side.

                Hakyeon crouched to all fours and froze as something broke through the forest line. His eyes narrowed as he took in the spiral horns on a human head, wiry tail and furry lower body. A faun. Scratched up and panicked but whole. “Help!” he weakly cried, stumbling in the clear space but lurching forward to keep his footing. He glanced over his shoulder and then sprinted forward, desperately fleeing something.

                In the next moment, the edge of the forest quaked as three figures followed suit. Hakyeon recognized two of them immediately: Hyesung and Krystal, the modified humans for the poachers. The third figure was in their creature form but since a rakshasa resembled a were-tiger, he wasn’t sure if it was Junho or Youngjae at first glance. Getting a look at the hands though… “Youngjae,” he hissed, noticing the backwards appearance of the appendages. So where was Junho?

                A sharp multitude of cracking sounds followed by a pained yowl answered that question. In one section of trees, a larger body crashed through a tree trunk, sending splintered debris everywhere, and rolled before scrambling to stand upright. The trio paused just before the wall’s edge and looked over to see their companion snarl at the shadowy phantasm pursuing him.

                With just enough space to have distance from it all, the situation felt… strange to Hakyeon. The faun was obviously fleeing but the poachers didn’t seem to care about him. Even when discovered, they usually tried to acquire their target regardless. But they were fleeing Yoongi if he was seeing it right. And the vampire… why was he so riled up? Hakyeon could just see the pin pricks of orangish embers igniting in Yoongi’s eyes.

                “Where is the demon?!” he snarled, fangs and claws bared as he stalked towards the weretiger.

                Demon? Hakyeon didn’t smell a demon, but he did smell vampire blood when he took a deep breath. At the same time, he realized the poacher creatures also smelled strange. They had dark patches of something on their fur. Nothing about this encounter seemed right. Other than the four poachers, the vampire and the faun on Taekwoon’s side… “Taekwoon!” he gasped, jumping up to lurch towards the wall. His ears perked when he heard a faint cry and something blurred on the other side before a body hurtled into the outer space of the wall.

                A flailing Taekwoon cried out as he desperately tried to right himself in the air. The poachers heard him and turned, ready for an attack. Krystal and Hyesung brandished their short weapons but it was Youngjae that snatched him out of the air and slammed him into the ground, ready to finish the hunter off.

                “NO!” Hakyeon snarled, all thoughts of right or wrongness fleeing in an instant. He saw the rakshasa’s other hand move down, heard Taekwoon’s pained grunt, and everything in him demanded he move NOW! Wicked claws reached for Youngjae as he literally launched himself across the distance between them. Two pairs of daggers and sais raked down his body as Krystal and Hyesung responded to his attack, but they felt like papercuts as he physically tackled Youngjae. Claws buried deep in corded flesh, scratching against bone as he gripped tight while they rolled. Hakyeon came out on top, pinning the rakshasa beneath him with a furious roar.

                Youngjae almost froze when he made eye contact, but reflex kicked in as Hakyeon went for the throat. He raised his backwards hand and a small burst of flame exploded in the were’s face, singing his whiskers and burning his eyes enough to stop him. Hakyeon howled in pained surprise and lurched backwards, allowing Youngjae to slip away.

                “It’s the jaguar!” he heard through ringing ears. “Retreat!” His vision was too blurry and he cursed the slower healing of his eyes.

                “Get back here!” That was Yoongi nearby. The sound of a scuffle echoed in his ears and two figures moved in blurry patterns before him. By scent, it was Yoongi and Junho, but why was it taking so long to heal?! A twinge in both sides made him inhale once and he bared his fangs reflexively. The poachers’ weapons. He’d either been poisoned or tranqued…

                “Hakyeon!” And that was Taekwoon but he couldn’t tell if it was a warning or a cry for help. The fighting nearby fell quiet and someone ran off in a hurry, limping as he did so.

                “There you are, demon,” Yoongi’s voice emerged, directing Hakyeon to look in the direction he was facing.

                His vision was still blurry but he could just make out Taekwoon. His stomach dropped though when he saw the figure behind him, holding him captive. It really did look like a demon with those brimstone eyes, but it didn’t smell like one, even over the all too prominent scent of Taekwoon’s blood. And it certainly didn’t feel like one. “Let him go, mimic,” he hissed as his vision finally started to clear when his body began to neutralize the contaminant in his system.

                “Mimic?” It was a surprised burst of sound from the vampire that dampened some of his roiling rage.

                “Mimic?” the creature laughed, tightening its fingers around Taekwoon’s throat. “Interesting theory,” it snorted, the smile mocking as it stared at Hakyeon. It was almost as if Yoongi wasn’t even there.

                “You only look like a demon,” he growled, taking a half-step forward before one claw drew a thin welt of blood along Taekwoon’s throat, making him grunt in subdued pain. “Everything else about you is wrong.”

                The creature laughed once, a dry sound through his nose. “I never imagined I’d see you again. Either of you for that matter,” he added, expression turning thoughtful as he looked at Yoongi like he was trying to confirm something.

                “Are you sure he’s not a demon?” Yoongi asked Hakyeon in a quiet voice, his tone confused.

                “He’s not.”

                The creature went on as if he couldn’t hear them speaking to each other. “Strange that I have found you both in the same place at the same time,” he scoffed with a shake of his head. “But you,” he spat, directing his anger at the were. “You were always so aloof. Never forming attachments, even back then. You never had anything that could be taken away.”

                Hakyeon’s stomach dropped and he whispered, “Don’t.”

                By the look in Taekwoon’s eyes, he knew what that statement meant. “Hakyeon.”

                “Let’s see how you like it when you lose something you care about,” he grinned, the feral expression twisting his face darkly.

                “No!” Hakyeon denied, reaching forward reactively.

                At the same time, Yoongi shouted, “Stop!” hand outstretched with all the power of a command behind it.

                The creature’s smile slipped for a second as it literally did stop, seemingly frozen in place. Hakyeon surged forward, desperately trying to close the distance between them. The demon creature’s face began to blur as the form became less clear. Behind him, the were heard Yoongi say, “What the…?”

                “Taekwoon!” Hakyeon howled when the command started to slip and the creature’s hands moved again. They jerked once like breaking invisible chains and the dangerous smile reappeared. Claws ripped across the hunter’s throat and stomach, tearing him open like a fillet with a cut off scream.

                “Enjoy,” he hissed before shoving the ruined, failing body at the were.

                “NO!” Hakyeon howled, lunging to catch Taekwoon in his arms before he could hit the ground. Whether the creature was still there or not didn’t matter. All he could hear was Taekwoon’s gurgling choking breaths and the pained sounds escaping from his severed throat as he pawed at the ruined flesh and struggled to breathe. “No, no, no, no, no!” he stammered over himself as he tried to staunch the bleeding, but it seeped out from under his hands, pooling around him much too quickly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he panted, shrinking back down to his human form in his panic. For a moment, his mind went blank and he didn’t know what to do.

                Yoongi vaguely watched the creature leave with a calm satisfied smile on his shifting face. Frozen in place, the vampire’s mind looped with the last image he’d seen. The demon creature shifting his form, breaking out of the command like some perverse ooze. It called to mind a memory burned in his brain that rose up like a phantom to claw at him. But unlike in his memory, the very real smell of blood was overwhelming and it dragged him back to the present with a forceful yank and he blinked hard. Looking down, he saw the viscous fluid spreading beneath the were and the hunter and he made his way closer to see the extent of the damage. “Oh Magic,” he exhaled reactively. There was no coming back from that…

                He flinched when Hakyeon’s blood smeared hand caught his arm and desperate golden eyes looked up at him. “You’re a Rank 3. You can heal him,” he gasped, staring at the vampire like he was some sort of savior.

                Yoongi shook his head, blanching at the mere thought of it. “He’s a human. It won’t work.”

                “He’s a Hunter human,” Hakyeon corrected automatically, grip tightening until it was uncomfortable. “He took the serum before. I know he did,” he promised, looking down once at the face that was starting to go slack from shock and blood loss. “Taekwoon. Stay with me,” he pleaded, making sure to look in the other man’s eyes before he stared at Yoongi again, one arm clutching the dying man while the other held to the vampire.

                “I…” he shook his head, starting to step back.

                “I’m begging you, please!” Hakyeon pleaded, pulling hard enough to drag Yoongi to the ground beside him.

                 Sticky blood soaked into his clothes and he felt a wave of pity and fear as he made eye contact with Taekwoon. Through mere slits, his pupils wide and black and scared stared back at Yoongi just before he lost consciousness. Young, relatively inexperienced, and frightened. This all too easily could have been Jungkook. The situation was not that different… He warned him it was dangerous… If he hadn’t insisted on going without him… if he hadn’t made sure he was safe at the Coven… it could have been him.

                “Yoongi, please!” the were begged once more, the pain and fear dragging across his ears like hot coals.

                He did not owe the other man anything. It was largely his fault Taekwoon was like this after all. They weren’t friends exactly either and yet… Taekwoon was his Jungkook. Yoongi’s gut twisted at the confirmed realization and he grimaced, listening to the fading sound of the hunter’s heartbeat and his pitiful wet breathing. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about the breathing part… “I’ll need help,” he started to say, not even finishing the sentence before Hakyeon shoved his arm in front of Yoongi’s mouth.

                “Take as much as you need.”

                Yoongi closed his eyes and furrowed his brow as he placed his hands over the yawning wounds on Taekwoon’s body. It was still naturally warm and a barely there pulse continued to beat, though it was fading with each passing second. He couldn’t bring back the dead and he couldn’t heal humans at this level of injury, but as long as they were still alive, he could heal their wounds with enough power. Testing to make sure the were was right, he tried to pull the worst injury to him and groaned when he felt it start to shift. Slower than a full magical creature but possible all the same.

               “Hakyeon,” he whispered without opening his eyes. In an instant, he felt warm skin against his lips and he bit down without hesitation. Internal injuries first. The hunter would still need help from blood loss but right now, he could only try to keep him from dying from his wounds. But Magic’s fangs it was going to hurt…


                If he hadn’t already been so exhausted from the ‘healing’ he had done earlier, traveling by Mage portal probably would have made him nauseous. As it was, he was too tired to feel anything more than drained when Yejin helped him step into the main entrance of the Coven. He was able to conjure a weary crooked smirk when she rolled her eyes at the almost simultaneous shadow emergence of Jungsu and Namjoon who both looked ready for a fight.

                “Yes, yes, yes” she waved off their quickly fading glowers as they caught sight of who she was helping. “Portaling into Coven territory without prior approval is against the rules. I’m aware,” she snorted, conjuring a stool to set Yoongi down on with a wave of her hand.

                “Ugh,” he groaned when the full weight of his aching body settled on the hard surface.

                “I imagine you’ll allow for an exception this time,” she murmured, dusting her hands off before placing her fists on her hips and looking up to glance between the two vampires.

                Jungsu was still wearing a look of confusion but Namjoon had quickly schooled his features to neutral observance and then gracious magnanimity. “I imagine with a full recounting, many exceptions could be permissible,” he conceded with a nod of his head.

                “Well, I don’t have the full story yet,” she admitted with a shrug, glancing down at Yoongi who was gently rubbing circles on his temples with his fingertips. “Suffice to say a Hunter almost died in their encounter tonight and Hakyeon now owes Yoongi one massive favor,” she explained, gesturing at the still very subdued vampire.

                “Yeah, yeah,” he waved off weakly, not looking up. It was easier not to make eye contact right now, especially since he knew that everyone was looking at him. Including Sanghyuk who was still hovering behind the greeting counter, Wonho who seemed to be frozen at the railing on the second floor and… Jungkook who’d managed to stop himself at the bottom of the stairs, one hand clinging to the last support like it was the only thing holding him up.

                “Jungsu. Go see what you can find out from the Hunters’ Quarters,” Namjoon instructed, his voice calm but leaving no room for negotiation.

                The second in command wrinkled his nose for just a moment and eyed the Mage as if she was hiding something. For her part, she returned his look with cool aplomb, blinking once and giving him the barest of smiles. “Yes sir,” he murmured in response, turning and stepping into shadows to disappear in the next instant.

                “I’ve secured the site and will be returning to continue my investigation but I thought you might prefer I bring Yoongi back personally,” she explained, a sad but soft smile on her lips as she looked down at the other vampire and tapped him gently on the head with her hand.

                He rolled his eyes but was too tired to brush it away. “I would have managed,” he grumbled, though secretly he was glad he didn’t have to.

                “Of course,” she chuckled, petting his hair once before pulling away and returning her focus to Namjoon. “You’re welcome to join me at the encounter site.”

                “I appreciate the offer but I should stay to make sure my coven member is in good health,” he commented, letting the weight of his gaze fall to Yoongi.

                “I believe there’s something you’ll want to see in person,” she pressed, the tone conversational but there was some underlying point she obviously didn’t want to elaborate on.

                Yoongi wouldn’t have minded asking, but he really didn’t want to go back at that moment.

                “Very well,” Namjoon agreed after a brief pause. “Wonho. Can you-”

                “You,” Yoongi interrupted by pointing a Jungkook and looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Weakly, he motioned with his hand, fingers flopping as he beckoned the younger vampire to him.

                “Jungkook then,” the vampire lord nodded. “Wonho. You’re in charge until I or Jungsu return,” he added, turning his attention to the next vampire in the rankings after Yoongi.

                “Yes, sir,” he responded reactively, clearly taken aback by the instruction.

                “Contact me if anything happens or if anyone comes calling. We’ll be closing the Coven tonight until I get more information,” he explained, nodding reassuringly at the Rank 2. “Sanghyuk. Maintain your position and see if you can get in touch with Jaehwan. Maybe he saw something from his glass perch,” he added, finally turning his attention back to Yoongi and Jungkook. “You,” he stated firmly, pointing one finger at Yoongi, “get some rest. And Jungkook,” he added, pointing lightly at the newest vampire. “Please take good care of your mentor.”

                “Of course,” he nearly stammered as he grabbed Yoongi’s still outstretched arm and moved it down to a more comfortable resting position.

                Satisfied, Namjoon nodded once and looked back down at Ailee. “Your way or mine?”

                She scoffed with a wave of her hand and answered, “My way of course. Too many things in the shadows take a very keen interest to Mages, you know,” she tsked while moving her hands to draw a runic circle in the air. Power thrummed before the space twisted and a picture of the border of the city appeared.

                Yoongi waited until they were both gone and the portal had closed before he slumped further on the stool. “Yoongi!” Jungkook yelped, jerking to support him before he could tumble off the stool. Not that he would, mind you, but it did make him snort at how quickly his mentee leaped to his rescue.

                “Are you alright? Is he okay?” Sanghyuk asked, one question following right after the other when he didn’t get an immediate response from Yoongi.

                “Hah!” Yoongi barked a laugh while he used Jungkook as a support and hauled himself into a standing position. “Not a scratch on me,” he promised, pulling his shoulders back and projecting an air of confidence he really didn’t feel.

                “Not anymore,” Wonho murmured, eyeing one of the tears in the other vampire’s clothes. And there was no hiding the blood stains or the smell of drying blood either. “Jungkook. Go ahead and help him up to his room,” he urged, easily hopping over the railing and landing on the first floor as a shortcut. “I’ll bring you a blood back or two,” he added, already heading for the kitchen.

                “No!” Yoongi denied quickly, shaking his head, though he clung to Jungkook so the other man wouldn’t misunderstand. “I don’t need food right now.” He could practically hear the wheels turning in Wonho’s head at least about why he wouldn’t need blood and he laughed once. “Let me rest for the night and I’ll have a story to tell tomorrow,” he promised, once more forcing a customary but reassuring smirk for them.

                “Come on then,” Jungkook huffed, the ghost of a laugh, before nudging him gently as if to say he should support more of his own weight while he kept pace beside the shorter vampire.

                As they made their way up the stairs, he wasn’t quite out of it enough to miss Sanghyuk and Wonho whispering behind them. “Do you think he’s really alright?”

                “I know he will be. Pretty sure he healed someone tonight.”

                “And it made him that tired?”

                “Might have been a Hunter.”

                “Aren’t they humans though?”

                “Eh…” Wonho trailed off.

                “Right…” Sanghyuk went quiet and then gave a small gasp of excitement. “Wasn’t that really amazing how Jungsu and Namjoon just popped back into the Coven when Ailee’s portal appeared?!”

                “That was pretty cool. Especially since they were out on patrol at the time.”

                No wonder they had their panties in a twist when Yejin showed up. Yoongi tuned them out as they reached the second story landing and let the vibrant presence of Jungkook at his side bolster his failing reserves. “I’m glad you’re safe,” he murmured, realizing it was an odd thing to say when he felt Jungkook’s uncertainty.

                “Are you sure you’re alright?” he wondered, shifting his arm to wrap it around Yoongi’s waist.

                He snorted and nodded at his door. “Just help me get in the room.” Jungkook grumbled incoherently at his side but did as he was asked. “Ugh. I want a shower so bad right now,” he laughed, staring longingly at the bathroom door before he paused and hung his head. “I’m too tired though.” Which was the truth. He’d over-extended himself with the healing.

                Had Taekwoon been a normal magical creature, it wouldn’t have been a problem, but the enhanced effects of the serum in his bloodstream hadn’t lasted very long. It had been enough to deal with the worst of the damage so he didn’t bleed to death immediately but dealing with the ruined mess that were his shredded gut and internal organs had been like hauling a package through ten meters of wet sand while fighting not to let it backtrack. And continuously pulling power from Hakyeon had made it possible but it was like overcharging a battery and it left him feeling hollow and empty. All of that was bad enough but pain like that from those injuries would drain anybody too. Just because he could heal it didn’t mean he couldn’t feel it.

                “Stupid magicless humans,” he scowled without any real anger. Their physical forms were just remarkably static and resistant to magical change or alteration and stupidly easy to damage.

                “What happened?” Jungkook asked, picking at the stained shirt. “Is this your blood? It doesn’t smell like it.”

                “Not most of it,” Yoongi shook his head. “Can you get me a long shirt out of the closet?” he asked, waving the younger vampire away while he pulled at the smelly fabric.

                “Sure,” Jungkook nodded, stepping away cautiously as if worried that Yoongi might fall over if he wasn’t there.

                “Go on. I’m not that feeble right now. Even if I am acting like it,” he snorted, a weak but genuine smile pulling at his lips.

                “If you say so,” the younger vampire replied in mild disbelief.

                Yoongi let the dirty shirt fall to the floor when he managed to haul it over his head but he looked over when he could feel Jungkook staring at him. He looked down and wrinkled his nose at the faint red lines on his abdomen. He knew they were probably on his throat too and he reached out to snag the shirt in Jungkook’s hands. “Healing scars,” he explained, yanking the sleeping shirt into place and turning his back to kick the equally stained pants off too. “They’ll disappear tomorrow or the day after.”

                “Yoongi,” Jungkook murmured, clearly at a loss about what to say.

                “All part of being a Rank 3 vampire,” he laughed once, trying to wave the concern away before he crawled on the bed and flopped onto his side so he could look at Jungkook from a sideways position. With the arm sticking out in front of him, he patted the edge of the bed in invitation.

                Jungkook frowned slightly but then moved to perch carefully on the soft surface as he looked down at the other vampire. “Why… did Ailee say that Hakyeon owed you a favor?”

                Yoongi rubbed the bridge of his nose between his eyes and exhaled. “Heard that part, did you?”

                “Was it… because of these?” he wondered, carefully reaching out to touch his fingertips against where the scars would be on Yoongi’s throat.

                For a moment, he let Jungkook trace the length of the scars. Maybe he was just too tired but there was no usual push and pull going on inside him about the other vampire. It was a wonderfully clear feeling and moment and he rather wished it would continue indefinitely. He grabbed Jungkook’s wrist and gave a light tug, mutely asking him to stay. To his surprise and quiet delight, he did, stretching out along the length of the bed so that he was lying on his side too, mirroring Yoongi. “I helped save someone that was important to him,” he whispered, meeting Jungkook’s gaze.

                “Was it worth it?” he asked softly, the worry and concern easy to read in his voice and on his face.

                Yoongi laughed once and nodded. “He reminded me of someone I know,” he whispered, blinking slowly as genuine fatigue crept over him. “Someone important to me,” he added, sliding his palm along Jungkook’s wrist to lightly curl his fingers around the relaxed hand.

                “Yoongi,” he whispered with a smile, gently squeezing back.

                “I’m glad you’re safe, Kookie,” he mumbled as his eyes grew heavy and he pulled Jungkook’s hand closer, tucking it against his chest and under his chin. “Just stay that way,” he added, drawing his knees up slightly to curl closer. “Just stay,” he sighed, consciousness slipping away as comfort and peace settled over him like an invisible blanket.


I'm back! More or less. haha Settling in hasn't been the smoothest and getting used to the new work schedule has also been interesting but I finally managed to get some writing done! I debated breaking this into two chapters but figured the cliffhanger wasn't worth it and the payoff at the end would be more satisfactory. Here's to hoping I can manage to keep the momentum going for the next update. Wish me luck and happy reading! Thank you!

Chapter 28: Moment of Clarity


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                The area was exactly as she’d left it. The Hunters had already vacated the premise, her secure magical barrier was still in place around the remaining battle area, and the surrounding space was deceptively calm. That was especially true given the broken trees on the other side of the wall and the undeniably large blood stain there as well. Not surprisingly, there were a couple curious onlookers watching from the safety of the tree lines, but no one had tried to tamper with her magics.

                Beside her, Namjoon paused to take in the scene for himself, smelling curiously as he did so. She watched him take note of the tracks on the ground and the spot where a small scuffle had obviously ensued. “They all came through here.” It was a statement of fact, not a question, and she didn’t answer accordingly. Namjoon stepped carefully around the tracks, eyes narrowing as he followed each one. His fingers danced in the air, counting the figures, but his face showed confusion before he finished.

                “The tracks don’t add up, do they?” she asked, crossing her arms and taking a breath before waving a hand and conjuring residual echoes of the creatures that had passed before. Four were crystal clear and almost solid, three were barely there ghosts, and one… was strange but in three different locations as denoted by a thin line connecting each one.

                Namjoon frowned harder and glared at the grouping of four. “Our resident poachers,” he muttered with a grimace. “What were they following?” he asked, pointing at the first strange image in front of them.

                Ailee shook her head and shrugged. “I don’t know what it was supposed to look like but I’m almost positive Hakyeon was correct in identifying it as a mimic.”

                The Vampire Lord turned to look at her with a glare that could cut glass. “A mimic?” he clarified, forcing his facial features to relax when she raised a brow at him.

                She nodded once and ran her fingers through her straight hair with a sigh. “The were said the whole thing felt off since almost the beginning of the encounter. Poachers tracking something beyond the walls is nothing new but he said the rakshasa and the weretiger had strange patches of some sort of substance on them. According to Hakyeon, Yoongi seemed unusually agitated when he squared off against one, asking about the demon.”

                Namjoon looked at her once more with that tidbit of information and he growled low in his throat. “That can’t be a coincidence.”

                Ailee shook her head. “It was clear the creature knew Hakyeon and it was likely it also knew Yoongi, though I don’t think it was certain.”

                “Was it the same one?” he asked softly, gaze sliding from each strange signature to the next.

                “Probably,” she admitted with a grimace. “It’s not like there are that many to begin with and they have a tendency to be hard to kill and even harder to detect. It wanted to be seen tonight though,” she added, shaking her head with a motion towards the other side of the wall.

                “Why? And why did it try to kill the hunter?” Namjoon asked with a confused furrow between his brows.

                “I think your idea to pair them together for patrols worked a little too well in drawing it out,” the Mage sighed, walking slowly through the wall to the other side. She paused when Namjoon’s sniff was followed by a sharper inhale. The blood smell was still strong and it took him a second to adjust. “It’s possible it was just trying to feel them out, what with the appearance of Yoongi’s ‘demon’ again, but it slipped away with more Mage work – Ryeowook’s,” she added when the vampire glanced at her with a hint of suspicion, “put on a new guise and backtracked to where the mod-hunter was waiting to engage.”

                “So the hunter and the mimic started fighting on that side,” Namjoon explained, pointing towards the wall.

                “Hakyeon reported that he was thrown there,” Ailee explained, gesturing near the blood stain. A wave of her hand conjured more echoes with only one standing out clearly. “The poachers were standing and Taekwoon was thrown at them. I don’t think it was a random toss.”

                The vampire nodded and rubbed at his chin. “Did it want the poachers to finish him?”

                “I don’t think it would have mattered,” she responded, waving her hand to conjure Hakyeon’s image standing approximately thirty meters away. “Yoongi was over there with the weretiger and they were already on edge. I’m pretty sure the liquid on them was mimic blood, saturating the air with the smell of energy. Intentional or not, I don’t imagine the rakshasa would have pulled his attack even if he realized the hunter wasn’t attacking him. What I do know is that the first encounter wasn’t fatal. He was wounded but not badly so. But it was enough to make Hakyeon lose his focus,” she continued to explain, setting the were’s echo into motion as it sprang across the distance and tackled the rakshasa.

                “If the mimic didn’t know before, it certainly would have seen how much Taekwoon’s plight affected him,” Namjoon commented, frowning as the story came together. “He wasn’t badly hurt but he was likely stunned and everyone else was already distracted,” he added, drawing close to the blood stains.

                “Hakyeon insists the mimic was trying to take revenge on him for something but he’s being close-lipped about it,” she added, brushing at her loose dress in frustration. “I tried contacting Hyuna for info but she’s not offering much either. I might have to get in touch with Fei,” she added, scratching at her face with her fingernail.

                “If it was vengeance, why didn’t the mimic just kill him outright?” Namjoon wondered, squatting to take a closer look at the stains, though he froze when he seemed to notice something.

                “It hurts more when they die in your arms and you can’t do anything about it,” she explained grimly.

                “Did you read their memories?” the vampire asked, looking up at her with a sharp expression.

                “Magic, no!” Ailee gasped with an exaggerated shake of her head. “This fresh, the emotional backlash would have hurt all of us. And I did not think it was wise to try it with Yoongi right now.”

                Namjoon’s hand hovered over the stained ground before he sat up and smelled carefully in the area. “With this much blood, he shouldn’t have been able to heal the hunter.”

                “You’re right,” she agreed, squatting down and waving her hands to conjure another set of echoes. Taekwoon’s body was practically invisible but Hakyeon was easy to see and Yoongi was almost crystal clear. “We both know Hakyeon is considered an ancient creature and his blood would have helped considerably, but even then…”

                “A Rank 3 vampire wouldn’t be able to pull a modified human back from the brink of death with these injures,” Namjoon confirmed with a very conflicted look on his face. “So how did he?” he asked almost like he didn’t really want to hear the answer.

                Ailee pointed at Yoongi’s chest and sharpened the contrast between power signatures. “Don’t worry,” she soothed, glancing at Namjoon once. “Everything’s the way it should be, but…” she trailed off, wrinkling her nose as a thin layer of ‘other’ power spread across Yoongi’s upper chest and down his arms like sleeves.

                “If it is the same creature, it’s not outside the realm of possibility he was being helped,” the Coven Leader admitted with a heavy sigh. “Similar situation. Similar emotions if Hakyeon does care for Taekwoon as we are inclined to believe.”

                “Not only that, but when I took Yoongi back to the Coven tonight, he literally couldn’t have walked through shadows at that moment.” That caught Namjoon’s attention and he stared at the Mage as if she’d said something absurd. “He wouldn’t have registered as human by any means but everything about his power was subdued. Whatever actually happened, a lot of suppression was occurring simultaneously with the healing.”

                “It was still there, though, wasn’t it?” he asked quickly, eyes dark with the beginnings of concern.

                “Of course,” she answered with a quick wave of her hand. “I double, no, triple checked before I brought him. Like I said, everything is as it should be, albeit quiet. Ironically, it’ll likely be one of his most peaceful nights of rest in a long time.”

                “Does Yoongi know it’s probably the same creature?” the vampire lord asked quietly, eyes shadowed as he stared at the echoes in front of them.

                “Maybe, maybe not. It’s more likely he was in shock or something of the sort. Otherwise, he probably would have chased it and not tried to heal the hunter,” she reasoned. “I didn’t want to pry too deeply with him either in case it did prompt a connection.”

                “We both know he’ll try to track it down himself if he believes it to be the same. The only reason he hasn’t done more lately is because he hasn’t been sure about the demon being the one or not,” Namjoon explained, obviously well familiar with Yoongi’s behavior and patterns.

                “The Hunters will take care of him now,” Ailee promised as she waved the echoes away and dusted her hands. Namjoon’s scoff was derisive and not entirely undeserved so she clarified. “Hakyeon will take care of it. Taekwoon survived but his recovery will take a while and the were… will be on the war path. I can promise you that.” She winced and rubbed at the back of her neck with both hands. “Honestly, I’m more worried about what it’ll do now that it’s revealed its hand.”

                Namjoon nodded in mute agreement before standing up and looking around himself. “It’ll take Yoongi a little while to recover too. That’s a good excuse to keep him in the Coven for now. Not to mention I can lean on him to work with his mentee more.”

                Ailee nodded and sighed as she lightly clasped her hands in front of her. “He never tells me much when he comes by, but they look like they’re getting along. Are they close?” she asked, glancing up to meet Namjoon’s gaze.

                “I can tell they want to be,” he admitted, mouth twisting slightly in frustration before he tapped the side of his head with a bitter gleam in his eyes.

                “Ah,” she grunted, sharing his grimace. “Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing,” she admitted softly, turning to stare at the blurry and faded glowing lights of the city through the wall.

                “You did what you were asked you to do,” he reminded her. “Whether it was right or not wasn’t your call to make,” he added, semi-absolving the Mage of any blame.

                “Ugh! I wish I could reason things the way you do,” Ailee laughed once, a forced and annoyed sound. “That would make life so much easier sometimes!”

                “As a monster, I have that freedom,” he grinned, a cheeky expression that looked far more playful than it should have with his dimples.

                “I’m more of a monster than you are,” she scoffed back, giving him a once over that easily took in the claws, fangs, and whitish gleam in his dark eyes he’d summoned for effect.

                “But you don’t look it and that’s all that matters,” he winked, shaking his finger at her.

                “Tell that to my ‘witch’ and ‘warlock’ predecessors,” she grumbled, using finger quotes to help show the sarcasm heavy in her tone. When he opened his mouth to respond, she waved her hand to stall him and then fluttered them in front of her. “But that’s neither here nor there! I’ve shown you what you needed to see and now I have work to do. You have a Coven to run and information to suss out and time is always of the essence. Do you want a portal back?” she asked, changing gears as she raised her hands to hover in the air, poised to write her next runic circle.

                “No thank you,” Namjoon chuckled in response, obviously amused by her commentary. “You’ve gotten better but I’ll gladly take my shadows if it’s more convenient.”

                Ailee nodded once in acceptance. “I’ll let you know if I get any news on my end. And make sure you call me if anything happens with Yoongi,” she added, pointing her finger at the taller vampire firmly.

                “You’ll be among the first,” he promised, the seriousness returning uncomfortably at his response.

                The Mage gave him a sad smile in acknowledgement and then turned to her portal. She still had some more notes to take and tests to run in the meantime but it was always easier to jump between spaces if she had the freedom to do so.


                Going on ten hours and he was still sleeping… Genuinely sleeping and not just resting as vampires often did. Obviously, Jungkook had allowed himself to rest in turn, but he had woken up twice already. The first time it had been easy enough to fall back asleep when he saw that Yoongi hadn’t stirred, even with the overhead lights still on, but now… He tried to pull his hand away and the other vampire held firm, tightening his grip and clasping it to his chest.

                Jungkook gave a soft laugh and rolled his eyes at the reaction. “You’re impossible to read when you’re awake but now that you’re sleeping, you tell a different story.” But was it the real story or was it a reaction from whatever had happened last night? He didn’t know, and he honestly didn’t want to figure it out just yet. Especially when he was so close to the other vampire and there was next to no chance he was going to run away just then.

                Instead, he let his eyes wander over the vampire’s face, taking in the slightly gaunt cheeks and paler than usual skin. He had said he wasn’t hungry last night but it looked like he needed to eat now. Hesitantly his left hand brushed at the silvery bangs covering the vampire’s forehead, moving them carefully away from his closed eyes. It was still eerie that he looked dead – no breath and no color in his pallor – but he actually looked peaceful for a wonder. A smile pulled at Jungkook’s mouth and he laughed under his breath.

                His gaze dropped lower to Yoongi’s throat and he tilted his head in quiet observation. At least the scars were already starting to fade. Carefully, Jungkook shifted to prop himself on his right elbow so he could move his free hand easier. His touch was feather soft as he traced the faint lines once more, wondering what had caused them. Obviously, it hadn’t been done to Yoongi himself, but he’d had to pull the wounds from the hunter, so what nasty had they tangled with? For a second, he moved to check the scars on his stomach, but then paused as he recalled Yoongi wasn’t wearing pants.

                Jungkook froze and knew he would have been blushing had he been human. “Nope,” he whispered, setting his hand down in the space between them. His fingers rose to tap at his bottom lip in thought when he frowned and dropped his gaze to Yoongi’s chest. The gray fabric hid everything neatly and their hands were clasped in front of the spot he was curious about. He’d been too distracted last night, what with his mentor’s condition and all, but there had been one other mark on him too. Faint and only vaguely noticeable, it had seemed like a tattoo of some kind but he wasn’t so sure.

                Pulling up his own sleeve, he watched the living tattoo Yoongi had given him dance subtly on his upper arm, the lines undulating like water rippling on his skin. It was dark and obvious as a tattoo should be. Having a hidden, barely there version just didn’t seem like something Yoongi would do. For a moment, he let the thought lie in his mind, turning it over slowly as he tried to think of a reason for it, but nothing came to him. And eventually, his curiosity started to get the better of him…

                “Yoongi,” he whispered, leaning closer and tugging gently on their clasped hands. No response. The other vampire continued to sleep like the dead. “Are you really sleeping?” he wondered in a slightly louder voice, one brow raised as he watched his face. Again, no response. “It should be alright if I just check… right?” he asked himself, licking his lips nervously and inching closer. He found that if he continued to hold Yoongi’s hand, he wouldn’t try to pull his hand back, which solved the problem of moving it out of the way. But he didn’t have x-ray vision so the only way to get around that would be to literally look down the sleeping vampire’s shirt.

               Was that too pervy? Scandalous? It wasn’t like he was going to do anything… Clearing his throat quietly, Jungkook scooted just a bit closer and tried pulling the collar of Yoongi’s shirt away. There was no response from the sleeper but it wasn’t like he could see anything from this angle. “You could just ask him, you know,” he reminded himself as he looked over his body contemplatively, one finger still hooked under the collar of the shirt. But previous experiences indicated that would go over so well. “Yeah…” he mumbled under his breath, shaking his head once.

                With that confirmation, he leaned closer, his face a mask of concentration as he pulled the collar away to try and see better. It was shadowed but he thought he saw the top edge of some kind of… runic circle. The markings weren’t black but rather silver. Or maybe they were just faded. He wanted to see more but it was only belatedly that he realized just how close their faces were as he was literally looking down the sleeping man’s shirt. And that was before Yoongi stirred in his sleep, actively reaching out with his free hand and shifting into the empty space between them. Jungkook froze as the shirt slipped from his fingers and Yoongi’s forehead brushed against his lips, the skin cool and smooth.

                “Stay,” he whispered against the younger vampire’s collar bones before stilling once more.

                The single word breathed against his covered skin sent a shiver down his spine. “You say that now,” Jungkook whispered, shaking himself gently with another imagined flush while he lifted his chin to rest it atop Yoongi’s head. “But will you let me when you wake up?” he wondered, daring to let his free arm encircle the other vampire, loosely holding him against his body. It was a nice feeling, having the other man pressed against him. Comfortable. Safe. He was almost afraid how things would be when Yoongi finally did wake up…

                He experienced about an hour – give or take – of dozing off and resting in their close position. But then he felt a shift. It wasn’t so much that Yoongi moved. It was more that he felt power flicker, like a light coming on. He would have thought it strange if he hadn’t felt something similar before. But that was followed by a noticeable tensing in Yoongi’s body as he quickly made sense of how they were…

                “What are you doing?” Yoongi wondered quietly, his voice vibrating against Jungkook’s chest.

                For a second, he didn’t really know how to respond. It wasn’t like he was doing anything. Without changing his position, he eventually answered, “I’m just staying here like you asked me to.” It was essentially the truth, even if there might have been more to it… He felt it then, the expected tensing as Yoongi came around. The other vampire’s hands unfurled and pressed against Jungkook’s chest, palms flat and hands tense like he wanted to push him away. Jungkook fought the automatic impulse to tighten his hold and forced himself to relax instead, waiting to see what would happen next.

                Surprisingly, the tension in Yoongi’s body dissipated quickly. His open hands curled into loose fists as he gripped the front of Jungkook’s shirt and actually pressed closer. “Has anyone come to check on me?” he mumbled, sliding one hand to hang it over Jungkook’s waist.

                “No,” the younger vampire swallowed in surprise, doing his best not to react one way or the other. He had not expected this reaction at all.

                “Good,” he added, shifting enough to hook one ankle around Jungkook’s.

                Or that one. What was even happening…? Carefully, he cleared his throat and wondered, “Were you expecting someone to check on you?”

                Yoongi shook his head, his nose tickling Jungkook’s chest. “You’re here.”

                Oh. The answer gave him conflicting feelings. “So I’m just a shield right now?” he wondered uncertainly, voice rising as one brow did in tandem. This time, Yoongi nodded, sending Jungkook’s budding feelings plummeting. But they stalled when the other vampire froze and then shook his head. He could almost imagine the scrunched expression on his face.

                “No, Kookie,” he whispered, his voice so low it was almost impossible to hear. The silence stretched on for an eternity as the unspoken words yet to come teetered on the edge of whatever cliff Yoongi was holding them to. The hand hanging over Jungkook’s waist shifted to press flat against his side and back, holding gently. “In this moment, you are my peace,” he admitted without looking up, almost acting like if he did, the words would never come. He took a preparatory breath and continued, “Blessed silence has settled upon me for the time being; you are safe and unharmed and… here… in my arms.” He paused, both hands tightening slightly where they were holding Jungkook. “It feels like… this is how we should be,” he murmured, obviously trying the words out on his tongue. There was just a hint of wonder in his tone that told a story of surprise and unfurling happiness. It was almost like he didn’t believe he could actually say them.

                Jungkook couldn’t see the other man’s face, but he could hear the sincerity in his voice, feel the strength of his emotions in his touch, and his chest grew tight at hearing such words. Licking his lips, he dared to shift closer and pull Yoongi harder against the curve of his body. “Like this?” he asked, practically trembling from unexpected excitement.

                “Yes,” was the one-word response that vibrated against his neck as Yoongi turned his face into the smooth arch. His arms shifted to hug Jungkook harder while their legs tangled easily. “So stay,” he added, the word almost a plea.

                “Okay,” the younger vampire smiled as his heart soared. “If you’ll let me.”

                Yoongi nodded in mute agreement, but his arms tightened again, a hint of desperation in the tension. “Kookie,” he whispered, his lips shifting to move against Jungkook’s shoulder. “Right now, I can say I like you,” he promised with quiet sincerity. “But don’t hate me if… I start to try and push you away again,” he added, resigned acceptance sinking into his tone.

                “What do you mean?” Jungkook wondered, his belly twisting at the implications. He tried to look down at Yoongi’s face but the other vampire made sure to keep it turned away.

                “Just know that no matter what, I will keep you safe, Kookie,” he promised, his fingers pressing harder against the younger vampire’s back.

                “O-oh,” he murmured back, torn about how he should feel. Jungkook frowned slightly but pressed his lips and nose against Yoongi’s hair, trying to figure out what he meant. On the one hand, he was elated over the confirmation of Yoongi’s words, but on the other hand… it was like he expected a shift to happen. Did he know something would change or was it just a fear of his right now? For sure, this… whole moment had been unexpected, though not unwelcome. It did confirm what he felt, but if it was only going to be temporary… Then again, the question would be, was it inevitable, a perverse self-fulfilling prophecy or just a baseless fear? Furthermore… would he really have no say in this matter? Well, there was only way to find out. “Yoongi?” he asked, staring at the silver hair in front of him.

                “Yeah?” he answered quietly, arms relaxing just a touch.

                “Can I kiss you?” he continued, still staring at the same spot.

                “Huh?” Yoongi chirped, turning his head to get a better look at him and bringing them nose to nose at the same time. To his credit, he didn’t pull back in surprise. He simply met Jungkook’s gaze, searching his eyes as if looking for something. A slow smile pulled at the corners of his mouth and eyes, making him look far less tired in an instant. “Yes.”

                Jungkook’s grin was immediate and sincere before he closed the miniscule distance between them and tasted Yoongi’s lips for himself. Soft and receptive with the added spark of attraction between them, they were everything he could have hoped for in that moment. He didn’t know what the future would be like, or even tomorrow for that matter, but at least they had right now. Given where they’d come from together, for Jungkook, it was enough for the time being.

                And by the way Yoongi was responding, he seemed to be in complete agreement too.


Okay! Took me a bit longer than intended but I'm trying to stay on top of it. The first part was easy, though SugaKookie are definitely trying to plot their own course. I'm not unhappy with how it ended up, but we are having some minor squabbles about who should do what and when. XD lol Again, not mad, but definitely having to restructure some things. heh Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and that you're looking forward to the next update! Thank you for reading and I hope you're all doing well. ^_^

Chapter 29: A Captain's Woes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                It was unusually quiet in the Hunters’ Quarters. Weary and with a headache dully pounding at the base of his neck, Kyuhyun took a breath with his eyes closed, wishing he could sink into the chair. His fingers splayed against his face did nothing to offer any sort of reprieve other than to keep him from falling on the desk. Rather embarrassingly, he flinched when he heard a knock at the door. “Come in,” he called just a touch too gruffly. When was the last time he’d had something to drink?

                “Oh dear,” a familiar soothing voice chuckled when his guest stepped through the door. “I figured you might have been neglecting yourself but you do sound terrible,” Youngmin laughed as glass clattered softly in a welcoming manner.

                “Shut up,” he groaned, though a smile made its way to his lips when he glanced up. The agrabuamelu had a small tray in both hands, on which he could see a delicate white ceramic cup sitting on an equally white saucer. He smelled what it was before he could see over the lip and it very nearly pulled him from his stupor. “You are a Magic-send though,” he amended, dark eyes sparkling with the thought of the black brew.

                “Yes, yes,” Youngmin laughed, an easy smile lighting up his face as he set the tray down and stationed himself at Kyuhyun’s elbow, obviously waiting for him to take a sip first. “So you’ve said before.”

                “And I meant it,” the Captain huffed once, reaching out a slender hand to carefully lift the cup and bring it close. The glass was warm as he rested the edge against his bottom lip and inhaled deeply, letting the notes of slightly bitter richness tickle his senses. His first sip was tiny, savoring the subtle flavors of the imported coffee as the beverage started to work its inexplicable magic. “I didn’t realize it was morning already,” he admitted without looking up.

                Youngmin shrugged and elegantly crossed his arms before perching on the corner of the desk. “I told Kwangmin he could leave early, what with him pulling double duty and all.”

                Kyuhyun grimaced at the reminder but didn’t let it ruin the mood. He took another sip of coffee and set it down before turning to focus on the creature in front of him. “You’ve been pulling double duty too,” he reminded, steepling his fingers in front of him with his elbows perched on his chair.

                “Eh,” the agrabuamelu shrugged, laughing it off easily. “Desk duty and research is not the same as active patrolling,” he explained, shaking his head.

                Mutely, the Hunter agreed with a tilt of his. “How is Taekwoon anyway?” he wondered, feeling slightly guilty he hadn’t gone more often to check up on him. It had only been two weeks since the attack and yet it felt like so much longer…

                Youngmin made a face, his nose wrinkled and the corners of his mouth turned down. “Better than he should be and worse at the same time.” He brushed at white-blond hair once before taking a breath and meeting Kyuhyun’s questioning look. “Lisa and Xiumin have been taking turns keeping an eye on him, but it’s clear he won’t be ready for active duty for another couple weeks at least.”

                Kyuhyun scowled and pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “I was afraid of that.” The fact that he was physically ‘fine’ had no relation to the mental damage he suffered. Taekwoon knew he should have died and that had left a far deeper wound than the physical ones he’d experienced. Not to mention the one person he generally needed to see was actively avoiding him out of guilt, completely immersed in his current mission, or both…

                “What did you expect?” Youngmin snorted, reaching out to brush the messy strands of Kyuhyun’s brown hair into a semblance of order.

                “I expected Hakyeon to protect him from the worst of things,” he admitted with a weary sigh, shifting his hand to scrub at his face instead. He should have, but given the mimic situation…

                That made the other man reach out and place a comforting hand on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “No one feels that more than Hakyeon himself.”

                “I know,” Kyuhyun nodded, letting the hand remain as he reached for the coffee and took another sip. “I can’t get in touch with him but he does send updates. Which would be fine if we didn’t also have to contend with the newest cases that keep popping up.”

                “Right,” Youngmin nodded in agreement, an unpleasant expression pulling at his features. “Made worse by the fact that the mimic is… mimicking Hakyeon.”

                “Exactly,” Kyuhyun groaned, setting the cup down and leaning back in his chair with his head hanging over the top. “The mayors have been calling to ask about it. For the sake of the peace of mind of the public, they want me to ‘kick him out’ of the Hunters’ Quarters.”

                “Stupid,” the other man snorted with an obvious roll of his eyes.

                “I expected it from Soonkyu. Humans never have a good grasp on the short-term effects versus the long terms ones,” Kyuhyun scoffed, sitting upright once again. “I didn’t think Donghyun would fall into that trap too, though.”

                Youngmin shrugged and then patted Kyuhyun’s shoulder again. “He’s walking a fine line in his position. A lot of our residents in Tradeborough are of the newer generation. Young bloods with short histories. There are only a few who remember when Hakyeon was ‘driven out’ before.”

                “And fewer still who remember the uptick in occurrences that happened after he left,” the Captain added, turning to look at the board of ongoing cases. He frowned with a raised brow when Youngmin changed positions to actively use his head as a rest.

                “At least you don’t have to worry about Hakyeon leaving this time.”

                Kyuhyun was silent for a moment as he allowed the agrabuamelu to maintain his perch. It was normally bothersome but right now, he found it oddly comforting. “Has he seen Taekwoon since the incident?”

                “No,” Youngmin admitted hesitantly. “My guess would be that he’s ashamed.”

                “And fixated on finding the mimic in the meantime,” Kyuhyun added as he scratched at his pocked cheek, lightly upsetting the agrabuamelu’s perch. “He’s already caught quite a few small fries in his endeavors.”

                “But none that are particularly useful to us. Especially not with our current problems,” the other man reminded him in a quiet murmur.

                “Ugh. Don’t remind me,” the Captain scowled, rubbing at his forehead with one hand again. “Ryeowook was far more of a dead end than he should have been.”

                Youngmin shifted to move into Kyuhyun’s view, resting on the desk like before. “Not necessarily,” he spoke, wagging his finger in front of the hunter’s face. “It’s true that he gave no names,” he conceded with a slow nod, “but we can also confirm that he is likely responsible for the mimic’s presence and is partner to at least one secondary group.”

                “But we already know about the Revolutionaries…” he groaned, not seeing how this was helpful. In truth, he has been expecting more to be gained from taking the Mage into custody, but he had been remarkably close-lipped about the whole thing. Worse, they hadn’t been able to call a Mage in to help with breaking him down. Ailee was too close to the whole situation, Seokjin wasn’t trustworthy enough, and no others outside of the city had been inclined to volunteer… Nor were the mayors super eager to ‘hire’ another Mage to help – they were notoriously expensive after all.

                “We know about the Revolutionaries as a group,” Youngmin clarified, using both hands to emphasize his point. “We don’t know about the ringleaders and it’s safe to say that we have at least one of them here in Tradeborough. Maybe more.”

                Kyuhyun frowned at that and looked up to meet the other man’s eyes. “Explain,” he commanded, one finger pointing at the agrabuamelu. As the Captain here, he wasn’t clueless, but neither was he privy to every detail as it happened. And Youngmin had been making some pretty deep dives in the records recently.

                Youngmin grinned and wriggled in place, settling in for his explanation. “It’s worth noting what Ryeowook didn’t say during his time in our custody. Most of his correspondences were likely with magic, as we were able to confirm with traces that Ailee could verify with a cursory look. But!” he exclaimed, holding one hand up excitedly, “sometimes you just have to go the old-fashioned way. Of course we couldn’t get much of a reaction out of him when it came to Eric, Heechul or some of our more well-known names – including Irene and Jaeseop. Most everyone knows about them, one way or the other.”

                “Yes, and…” Kyuhyun urged, mildly annoyed the other man was spinning this out as long as he was.

                “What he wasn’t expecting was us to ask about the small fries like Chanyeol,” Youngmin continued, completely at ease despite Kyuhyun’s frustration. “What was more interesting was that we got a definite surprised response when it came to asking about Hoshi and BamBam. Aliases of course,” he laughed when the Captain gave him a deadpan look.

                “I know I’ve heard the names, but remind me of who they are,” Kyuhyun commented after taking a breath.

                “It’s anecdotal at the moment, but in this business, that’s not a half bad connection,” Youngmin started, gesturing with both hands to keep Kyuhyun from interrupting first. “We know that Chanyeol often frequents Madam’s Resort and we’ve long suspected that Heechul is a primary player in their leadership ring. He’s got the means and the motive for it. Well, the latter not so much – humans do make a significant contribution to his business, but the money could be recouped elsewhere if they weren’t there.”

                “True enough,” the Captain nodded, listening attentively. It wasn’t new information, but hearing it put together was always interesting.

                “BamBam is relatively new and we’ve seen him talking with Chen from time to time. As you know, the Kelpie plays both sides when it’s convenient,” Youngmin reminded, one finger raised between them. “This is significant because we have no direct ties to BamBam ourselves. Furthermore, he’s a merman and as Handong pointed out not that long ago, there was some kind of disturbance in the waters she ‘noticed’,” he explained, shrugging as there was no further information there.

                “I take it that was a recent discovery,” Kyuhyun commented, feeling marginally out of the loop.

                Youngmin shrugged and nodded in agreement. “I’ve been as busy as you have,” he promised with a sidelong look. “Maybe I haven’t done the physical legwork you Hunters do but you can’t mess with these,” he winked as he waggled his fingers suggestively.

                “Alright, Romeo,” Kyuhyun scoffed, tossing a pen at him with a snort. “What about Hoshi?”

                The other man caught the pen with an unabashed grin and set it down firmly before leaning closer. “The human has been another fairly recent development, and one that we may have been overlooking for far too long. I only got word of him when Kevin relayed Jaeseop’s snippet of a “spunky little star” having made a visit at Indecent Pleasures a few times now.”

                Kyuhyun snorted at the description even as his eyes narrowed in thought. When the connection came to him, he laughed again and rolled his eyes, but stilled after a moment. “Human?” he frowned, running that through his head before he waved his hand and grimaced. “Money, I know,” he answered his own question. It was early and he wasn’t going to ask for understanding for his lapse.

                “Right. Which again points back to Heechul as a backer. The djinn has money to burn and he doesn’t seem worried about how things might end up so long as he can turn a profit. That being said, humans like Hoshi are in a unique position to… sow discord and gain access to places typically friendly to both crowds without attracting suspicion, as it were,” he grimaced, shrugging with both hands.

                Kyuhyun literally groaned and buried his face in his hands as he leaned forward. “That would explain the relatively new instances on the human side…”

                “Exactly. And it’s likely that he’s not working alone but we haven’t been able to catch any news about secondary parties yet,” Youngmin admitted hesitantly.

                “Do we have any human resources?” the Captain asked dejectedly, already pretty sure he knew the answer.

                Youngmin cringed preemptively and shook his head. “Not since the last batch… died in the line of action.”

                Kyuhyun let out the sigh he’d been holding and hung his head with his hands splayed out on the desk. “We need more Hunters. More allies…” he explained softly, though his tone indicated he didn’t think it was likely.

                “About that…” the agrabuamelu announced hesitantly, trailing off and waiting for the other man to respond first.

                “Youngminnie?” he asked, using the pet-name that indicated he should tread carefully.

                Undeterred, the other man grinned and stuck his tongue through his teeth playfully. “Given our situation and the general reluctance of the population at large to become Hunters or even associated with them,” he explained, earning a mute glare from Kyuhyun, “I’ve been making some quiet inquiries.”

                Kyuhyun threaded his fingers together on top of his desk and then rested his chin on them before he spoke, “I’ll hear you out before I decide to be annoyed.”

                “And you should!” Youngmin beamed, standing up and practically dancing to the other side of the desk where Kyuhyun would be able to see him better. “The Hunters’ Quarters are tapped out. Taekwoon’s down for the count for the time being, Lisa and Xiumin are distracted, Kevin is entangled with that troublesome incubus, Jaehwan’s sight is limited to only what he can see, and our ace, Hakyeon, is playing the rogue at the moment,” he explained with all the theatrics he could manage.

                “Youngmin,” the Captain sighed with his head listing to the side.

                “But wait! There is light on the horizon!” Youngmin grinned, waving his hand towards some distant point like he was in a play. And to some extent he was. The man was a sucker for theatrics and putting on a show – maybe not as much as his brother but close enough. “None of our Neutral players are really eager to get into things, but there are a fair few Co-existors that are willing to work with us overall.”

                “It would be better if they were Hunters…” Kyuhyun grumbled, not against the idea but still slightly resistant.

                “Yes, yes, yes,” the agrabuamelu scoffed with fluttering hands. “No one’s arguing that. The fact is we don’t have Hunters. What we do have are creatures – and people-ish, surprisingly,” he added with a raised brow and a tilted head, “that want to help and try to make things work.”

                Kyuhyun took a deep breath and then gestured with his hands. “Go on.”

                “The wolves for one,” he started, raising his finger pointedly when Kyuhyun would have said something otherwise. “They’ve been patrolling with the vampires to help pick up the slack since we’ve been shorthanded.”

                “Great. Just what we need. To be indebted to the Pack or the Coven,” Kyuhyun scowled, though he didn’t argue the point further.

                “To be fair, the Coven is keenly interested in the mimic as well,” Youngmin reminded him.

                “Right. That did come up before,” the Captain murmured thoughtfully. “Why?”

                Youngmin rubbed at his jaw and shook his head. “I don’t know actually. And they’re not saying, but Namjoon has taken a personal interest in it.”

                “That is interesting,” Kyuhyun commented as he sat up, brows furrowed thoughtfully.

                “Exactly,” the agrabuamelu murmured, looking around conspiratorially before he plopped down in the chair in front of Kyuhyun’s desk and scooched closer. “I was digging through our records and trying to find anything to do with the mimic or whatnot and I noticed that the topic has come up a couple times in the past.” At Kyuhyun’s frown, he waved his hands to ward off a false idea. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like we’ve ever had a direct connection of anything related to a mimic exactly,” he clarified, leaving more than enough for Kyuhyun to read between the lines.

                “Continue,” Kyuhyun encouraged, fully engaged now.

                Youngmin took a breath and nodded once before beginning, “There was a time period about two hundred years ago or so where we saw a similar occurrence of events. Not like this exactly but there were cases where the Hunters weren’t sure of what they were tracking or couldn’t pinpoint what had caused someone to be hurt or die.”

                “Why am I just hearing about this now?” Kyuhyun asked, obviously annoyed.

                The agrabuamelu glared at him and asked, “Have any of us been here for more than two hundred years?”

                Kyuhyun didn’t say anything. Hunters often died relatively young or retired early and the staff tended to rotate every century or so – for the agrabuamelu, it was very much a family business. Twins ran in the family and one of the pairs would usually take over the post after so much time had passed. Neither Youngmin nor Kwangmin had paired with anyone for the long term yet so they had no one to take over in their wake, but they had only been here for about seventy or eighty years if he remembered correctly. True, they were waiting a bit to find someone but if they ended up staying longer than a hundred years, Kyuhyun would not complain. Well, if he was still around then himself…

                “I could ask my grandmother if she knows anything about that time period though,” he admitted with a thoughtful gleam in his eyes.

                “That would be a good idea,” Kyuhyun agreed, still waiting for the rest of the conversation.

                “Right. I’ll make sure to ask her within the week then,” he promised, nodding once to confirm his train of thought. “Beyond that, though, there was a mention of a case pretty similar to what we’re seeing today. Missing persons and specific targeting. They weren’t able to identify what was going on at the time but it did seem as if everything stopped after a seemingly random attack on a Rank 2 and Rank 4 vampire. It’s strange though…” he trailed off, confused by the situation. “I can’t find any record of their names or who they were.”

                Kyuhyun was silent after that tidbit of information. It was standard practice to meticulously record every incident in the Hunter database. If the names of a case were missing, it was intentional. The question was… did his predecessors leave them out or was it because of outside interference? “Good job,” he murmured instead, trying to keep his misgivings to himself. “That is something to follow up on for sure. But you also mentioned that we had… additional allies to consider?” he added, swinging the topic to less treacherous ground.

                Youngmin eyed him for a moment, looking the Hunter up and down, before nodding in agreement. “Aye. You already know the wolves are willing to help and have been maintaining their own patrols since we’ve been stretched so thin,” he explained. “Taeyang and Jackson have been running evening jaunts and Moonbyul and Kihyun have started taking Joy on their day shifts. They’re actively training a few of the pups to see if they can step up and handle some of the heavy lifting in the meantime too.”

                “Is Namjoon the only vampire that’s investigating?” he wondered, knowing that wasn’t the case exactly since Jungsu had been coming by to pester him far more often than usual.

                “No. You already know that Jungsu’s been by a few times to question us. And Wonho’s been taking an active role in the dusk runs as well. I think they’re considering bringing Sanghyuk into the roster but he’s their newest, other than Jungkook,” Youngmin explained with a flippant wave of his hand.

                “Right. The one that had trouble with the chimera before he turned, correct?” Kyuhyun commented, dredging his memory for the source of that name.

                “Exactly,” his companion nodded in impressed agreement.

                “Any word on the chimera?”

                “No. But Ailee’s keeping an ear out for it. Chances are good it jumped ship to another continent.”

                “And the poachers?”

                “Quiet since the mimic incident.”

                “Any shift among the others?” Kyuhyun asked, turning his dark eyes on the other man.

                Youngmin shook his head slowly, but his mouth opened slightly as a thought came to him. “No…” he trailed off, frowning slightly. “But Yongsun and Changmin have expressed… tentative interest in being kept in the loop, should we agree.”

                “Hmm,” Kyuhyun hummed, gripping his chin in his hands. The Kitsune and the Reaper would be considerable allies, but the bigger question was why they were interested in helping in the first place. “See if you can dig a little deeper with them before we try to make a decision,” he urged, shifting his hand to scratch at his face before he set it on the desk.

                “Of course,” he murmured, pursing his lips and rubbing his hands together slowly. “There’s one more thing I think I should mention too…” he added, trailing off quietly as if unsure how to broach the topic.

                That did not sound good to Kyuhyun and he braced himself preemptively. “What is it?” he asked, leaning back as if distance would somehow make it less worrisome.

                 “We might want to keep a closer eye on Chen,” he admitted unhappily. At Kyuhyun’s confused frown, Youngmin waved his hands and shook his head. “It’s not like that. But… from what I’ve been hearing, he may be in a bit over his head with how he plays the middleman right now.”

                “Should we be worried?” Kyuhyun asked, eyeing the other man intently.

                “Maybe,” Youngmin nodded, clearly not happy about the statement.

                Without another word, Kyuhyun took a sip of his cooling coffee and then stood up to stretch, arms raised above his head with a quiet groan. “Anything else I should know about?” he wondered, turning a speculative gaze towards Youngmin before he finished the dregs of his cup.

                “Eh,” the agrabuamelu laughed, shrugging once. “Yoongi will likely be returning to the front lines soon, the Coven is in talks to induct another member into their ranks, and rumors of a dragon in Tradeborough have started again.”

                Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. “So another day in the life of a Hunter then?”

                “Exactly,” Youngmin grinned without an ounce of irony.

                “Delightful,” the Captain sighed, glancing at the empty cup with a slight sense of longing. He shook himself quickly though and turned to draw up the current list of ongoing cases on the holoscreen. “Let me know if anything else comes up,” he murmured, his back to Youngmin.

                “Of course, sir,” the agrabuamelu murmured, likely bowing or nodding before he stepped out.

                Kyuhyun glared at the map. It wasn’t necessarily his fault that they had so many cases lately, but there was no denying he had more than his fair share on his plate. If there was an event in the past that mirrored this one, even a little bit, it was worth looking into. Would he be able to get information was the problem…


Okay. So I have desperately been trying to figure out a way to add some SugaKookie into the end of this update and it has been failing at every turn. As such, I have kept you waiting far longer than I intended. Apologies for the delay. I think I've got a starting point for the next chapter that should give me something to work with for our mains, so wish me luck. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it out much sooner than this one... Either way though, thank you for being patient and I hope that you enjoyed it! I also hope that you look forward to the next one. ^_^

Chapter 30: Like Ripples Through Water


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                The last vestiges of moonlight were clinging to the lightening sky but it set the perfect backdrop for the almost playful combat happening behind dawn’s curtain. Pale and practically luminescent, Yoongi slipped away from his raven haired protégé with fluid ease. Jungkook’s cloak was out as he tried to corner, or at least head off, the other vampire, but it was awkward and jerky when he moved.

                “Relax, Kookie,” Yoongi encouraged, taking another sidestep that moved him safely out of the attack path. “You’re trying too hard,” he added when another lunge sent the younger vampire past him.

                Jungkook wrinkled his nose and scowled before he paused. “I keep saying you’re too fast,” he accused, giving the shorter vampire a mild glare, though a smile simmered on his lips all the same.

                “This?” Yoongi asked, a raised brow and wry grin following while he openly shrugged with both hands.

                “Don’t…” Jungkook warned as he realized what the other man was referring to. “Ack!” he flinched, coming to an abrupt halt and taking a step back when Yoongi ramped up the speed and practically appeared in front of him.

                Nearly nose to nose, he whispered, “Boo,” much to Jungkook’s flustered consternation.

                “You-” he grumbled, taking a half-hearted swing at Yoongi.

                The Rank 3 vampire could tell Jungkook was surprised when he caught his wrist instead of avoiding the attack. “-am trying to tell you you’re faster than you think you are,” he continued from the other vampire’s start. Without waiting for a response, he leaned back and pulled the other man after him, much to his continued surprise.

                “Yoongi!” he yelped, flailing once before he got his feet situated under him.

                “Just like under the Coven, you can feel things clearly if you calm your mind,” he reminded the other vampire, still racing around the yard while moving backwards. They were fortunate it was a large area but even so, he did have to keep an eye out for the odd bit of debris or the outer perimeter. That was harder than he cared to admit when Jungkook’s excited and perturbed face was just in front of him, torn between being annoyed or thoroughly enjoying this moment.

                “Slow down!” he grumble-laughed after a stumble made him almost lose his footing.

                “Speed up,” Yoongi winked, extending his other hand to offer quiet support.

                Jungkook reached for it quickly, the initial response one of pseudo-desperation, but by the quirks at the corners of his mouth, it was obvious he was enjoying it. “Show off,” he mumbled, settling more easily into the pace with both hands secured.

                It was a perfect moment. One of a handful Yoongi had experienced recently over the past two weeks. And yet… he couldn’t quite shake the slowly growing unease niggling at his gut. A flash of concern struck him, seemingly coming from nowhere, and settled just as quickly. He was getting used to them again, and so didn’t react when it happened, leaving Jungkook none the wiser. Determined, he firmed his smile and shifted, pivoting quickly and placing himself at Jungkook’s side, still holding one hand while his other braced the younger vampire’s back. “Like this,” he encouraged, increasing his speed and leading Jungkook with him.

                “Whoa!” the other man yelped, a bubbling excited laugh escaping his mouth.

                The sound was intoxicating. Yoongi wanted to hear it more and he grinned harder. “Hold on,” he whispered near Jungkook’s ear. This time, he moved them in leaps and bounds, lithely gliding from one landing point to another. His companion’s glee knew no bounds and he yelped and laughed, high on the adrenaline and excitement. “Having fun?” he asked, a crooked smile tugging at his mouth while he watched Jungkook’s profile.

                “Yes!” came the immediate response. Eyes shining and brilliant in the waning evening’s luminescence, he looked at Yoongi and asked, “Can we go faster?”

                Yoongi experienced a brief moment of hesitation. He could, but the confines of the Coven weren’t the best for really testing one’s speed. Yet how could he say no to Jungkook’s request like that, with his face the way it was and his own desire to make this moment last? He knew it was against his better judgement – and Namjoon’s wishes… er orders – but… “If you want,” he murmured back, a smile playing on his lips.

                His strength had been returning and he was fairly certain it was back to its full level, or should be soon anyway. Pulling power around him, he cloaked them in his strength and leapt, sending them bounding over the Coven walls like a sprinting deer. Jungkook’s hand tightened in his and he gasped in surprised delight. The trees near the Coven blurred by in a streak of green and brown, giving way to the lit streets and taller residential houses as they moved away from the city. Pedestrians were a flash of color in the oncoming dawn and the odd car vanished beneath them when Yoongi leapt to clear such obstacles.

                No one saw them pass. Not that Yoongi could tell, and it emboldened him further. Ahead, the slightly shimmering walls of the city beckoned and he smirked. Practically brimming with energy, he leapt again, eliciting another yelp from Jungkook, though this one was tinged with nervousness when he realized their destination.

                “Yoongi?” he wondered, his body tensing slightly as the wall approached.

                “It’s alright,” he promised back, even as he gathered them up to soar through the magical screen. It washed over them with the slightest of tingling sensations and the morning world opened before them, green and wide and seemingly endless.

                “Whoa…” The breathless whisper from Jungkook soothed any unease Yoongi might have felt and he looked over to see the look of sheer astonishment on his companion’s face. Sunlight was just touching the area, setting the tops of the trees alight with glowing green halos. His lack of attention on their landing point led Jungkook to warn, “Tree!”

                Abashed, the canopy of one of said trees rose up to catch them, nearly making Yoongi trip over himself. “Hang on!” he cringed with a laugh while his cloak unfurled, surrounding them in flexible fabric that formed a hardened protective dome around them. Branches snapped and the tree itself broke under the force of their momentum fueled impact. Jungkook flinched at the sounds and the impact vibrations but held tighter to Yoongi in the near total darkness. With a thought, he opened a thin latticework window to see through, letting him know when the ground was approaching. “Here we go,” he grinned, banishing the cloak as they alighted upon the ground once more, still moving swiftly.

                Jungkook’s face was a mask of wide-eyed surprise, but he didn’t question Yoongi or ask him to stop. His hands were tight on the vampire, clinging to one hand and pressing hard on the other, but there was no resistance to try and end it. That was all the permission Yoongi needed.

                Shifting his power, he dropped the field to hide them and instead projected his energy this time, warning those in front to get out of their path. In the trees, it was harder to dodge and he’d rather not have to worry about other people. Pulling Jungkook closer, he continued his almost mad dash through the rising trunks shadowed by vibrant foliage above. Animals fled with abandon and the odd creature hid or moved out of his way at their passing. Before too long, the trees themselves fell away and the horizon opened up with hills on one side, the odd village or smaller city in the distance, and the blue line of the wide expanse of the sea to their right.

                They were heading south and it felt almost as if he ran fast enough far enough, he’d be able to outrun everything but the way he was feeling right now. Yoongi wasn’t sure why he’d chosen that direction until they’d crossed nearly half the island on foot and it made him hesitate for just a second. He diverted their path and made his way to the top of a nearby hill, the peak of which gave them an unobstructed view of the land on the other side. From here, they could see the sea on either side of the island, but if he looked far enough to the west, he could see the main continent in the distance. To the east, there was naught but a seemingly endless expanse of water. And south…

                Obviously uncertain and a little uneasy, Jungkook shifted beside Yoongi and asked, “What is that place?”

                Yoongi followed his gaze and sighed as he took in the castle-like structure. At one point, it had been, but apparently his parents had a Mage change it from heavy and cold stone bricks to sturdy wood and plaster with a pleasing shade of bluish gray on the outer walls. It was large enough for dozens of people and had been their abode centuries ago. In more recent times and after the Dark Ages, it had housed only two for a time. And then three… “Home,” he whispered, frowning at the recognition.

                Jungkook’s confusion was obvious and he blinked quickly before pointing at the large structure. “That’s your home?”

                “Yes,” he answered, swallowing once and shifting closer to Jungkook with a tense look on his face. His stomach was starting to do flip-flops and he had a familiar but unwelcome tingling sensation setting in on his chest.

                Oblivious to Yoongi’s discomfit, Jungkook asked, “So what’s the Coven then?” But when he looked back to hear the answer, he noticed the other vampire’s expression. “Yoongi?” he asked, freeing his hand to put his arm around him in a supportive gesture.

                “It’s my Coven,” he answered quickly, forcing a weak smile he didn’t feel as he desperately tried to tap down on the array of feelings bubbling up from within.

                “Are you alright?” his companion asked, beginning to notice the shift.

                Yes. No. He wasn’t sure. The elation from his all-out run was gone and he feared he had gone too far. Why had he tried to come home? And why did home fill him with so many confusing emotions at just seeing it? It should be impossible to feel so many things at one time. He didn’t want them, so he turned to the only thing that might help: Jungkook. “Kiss me,” he said, not sure if the words were a command or a plea. He grabbed Jungkook’s shirt collar and pulled him close.

                It was not the kiss he wanted. Jungkook obviously didn’t understand Yoongi’s distress and his answer was surprising at best, but he didn’t pull away. That at least was enough to quell some of the disquiet in him. Arms around his back felt like they just might hold him together and the feel of Jungkook’s lips on his, the smell of him, everything about him and his closeness helped anchor Yoongi so that he didn’t feel overwhelmed with emotions.

                But in the quiet of the cacophony of feelings, three rose acutely in his awareness: fear, longing, and rage. It was the last that set him on edge and made his skin itch; that made him feel as if something was waiting just beneath the surface. “No,” he denied, turning his face to bury it against Jungkook’s shoulder as he clung to the younger vampire.

                “What’s wrong?” he asked, holding Yoongi tight with his lips against the vampire’s hair. “I’m here,” he added when he got no response, fingers pressing harder against the other man.

                “Something…” he trailed off, fighting for the words, for control, for some kind of stability. Something… Panic flashed when power flared nearby and he growled, “Something’s here!” Almost feral in his response, he shoved Jungkook behind him and lashed out with his cloak, the edges jagged and claw-like.

                “Stop!” The command rang out like a clarion call as another cloak blocked his reactive strike.

                Dark eyes with white pinpricks of fire met his gaze and he gasped, “Namjoon.” Surprise and the command held him still but could not banish the offended, defiant rage that howled within. It made his fingers crook into claws and his cloak start to spread, an ominous wave rising behind him.

                Namjoon’s eyes narrowed and his expression hardened as he stepped forward, his commanding aura following him closely. “I. Said. Stop,” he reiterated forcefully, each word hammering against Yoongi’s will like a battering ram.

                At last, Yoongi did stop, but he was confused and no small amount scared. Why was he fighting Namjoon’s command? Why was Namjoon here at all? Why was he feeling this way?! “Joonie…” he exhaled pitifully, searching the other vampire’s face with lost eyes.

                The Vampire Lord’s expression softened to one that was almost pity before he stepped closer and traced his fingertips against Yoongi’s cheek. “Sleep, Yoongi,” he urged, issuing another command.

                Yoongi, or something in him, fought it desperately, clinging to rage as if it could keep him afloat. But Yoongi didn’t want the rage or the feelings it carried. Sleep sounded like a good idea just then. His last fleeting thought was of the vampire behind him. “Jungkook,” he gasped, turning just enough to catch a glimpse of the younger man’s transfixed face before he succumbed to sleep’s call.

                Jungkook’s eyes followed Yoongi’s body as it collapsed on the ground, the cloak dissipating swiftly, leaving him looking like his usual self and not the slightly frightening version he’d been before. At a loss and completely confused, he reached a hand towards the slumbering vampire before looking up. “Namjoon?” he questioned, brow furrowed and mouth slightly parted.

                “It’s alright, now, Jungkook. Sleep,” Namjoon smiled, the expression deceptively peaceful as the command sank in without resistance.

                When the Rank 1 vampire’s body crumpled beside Yoongi’s, Namjoon grimaced and rubbed at his temples with his fingertips before scrubbing his face with both hands and groaning. This was not how he’d expected his morning to go… Frowning, he knelt next to Yoongi’s resting form and placed a hand over him, feeling for his power. Everything seemed alright now. It wasn’t entirely reassuring though. With a low growl in the back of his throat, he stood up and snapped, “Ailee!” his voice practically crackling with power.

                It took her a minute, longer than he would have preferred, but the Mage did appear as called. A portal doorway opened not more than five meters away and he could see Ailee was just coming from her sleeping quarters, still smoothing a wrinkled long-sleeved dress as she did so. He didn’t get more than a glimpse before the portal closed with a muffled pop and she stepped over to investigate for herself, rubbing sleep from her eyes and hastily patting down her bed mussed hair. “Well this is new…” she trailed off, mirroring his action from earlier as if testing Yoongi’s powers for herself.

                That was not what he’d been hoping to hear and it only served to make Namjoon more annoyed. “I thought you said everything was fine,” he reminded her, arms crossed as he glared at the still kneeling Mage.

                “Everything was fine,” she agreed with a sleepy nod before blinking hard and rolling her shoulders. She threaded her fingers and extended them in front of her, conjuring several pops as she did so. It was almost galling how at ease she was, given the situation. “Still is too, from what I can see right now,” she added, though her eyes did slide over to Namjoon with a thoughtful gleam and she nodded to herself.

                “My command almost didn’t work,” he warned her, wondering how she’d react.

                Ailee didn’t respond the way he thought she might. She simply nodded in acknowledgement before rolling Yoongi onto his back so she could lift up his shirt. “This close to home, that’s not too surprising,” she mused, tracing her fingers clinically over the silvery gray marking on the left side of his chest. “Like I said, everything is as it should be. But…” she hesitated, biting her bottom lip before setting the shirt down and standing up to mirror Namjoon.

                “But what?” the vampire demanded irritably. “It’s not like Yoongi to just ignore my orders and even less like him to come… here,” he finished, gesturing towards the castle in the distance.

                “To be fair, quite a few unusual things have been happening lately. Yoongi actually going into the field for the first time in a while, training a new vampire, being completely tapped out, and…” she finished, shaking her finger in Jungkook’s general direction suggestively.

                Namjoon rolled his eyes and pursed his lips before muttering, “Leave the newbie alone.”

                “I’m just saying. He would be the best one to have answers to our immediate concern,” she explained, nodding at Yoongi’s resting form once.

                It was a fair point, but one that Namjoon was not eager to concede. He wrinkled his nose before looking at the castle and then focusing on Yoongi again. “His timing is terrible.”

                Ailee hummed in agreement but she shook her head and shrugged. “It’s not like it’s exactly a tested science here. We knew there might be hiccups along the way. And it’s not like you’ve been helping either,” she added, pointing a finger at him with a side-eyed look. “You haven’t been pushing him to work towards Rank 4 which we could argue might be part of the problem.”

                “He doesn’t want to advance to Rank 4,” the Coven leader snapped.

                “He doesn’t?” she asked archly, glancing at the younger vampire before swinging her attention back to Namjoon.

                “It amounts to the same thing either way now, doesn’t it?” he grumbled, starting to get annoyed.

                “Yes, yes,” Ailee soothed, taking a step closer as she made calming motions with her hands. “Which is partly why I’d like to see Jungkook’s recent memories leading up to this moment. Let’s not forget I’ll have to alter them anyway,” she reminded him with a shrug.

                The Mage could be incredibly irritating sometimes. Her arrogance wasn’t as bad or overt as Ryeowook or Seokjin but it was grating all the same. Especially when things beyond his control, or damn near that point, happened. “Fine,” he grudgingly agreed with a frustrated wave of his hand. “But make it fast. I had to leave a meeting with Sungmin without warning and the longer I’m gone, the harder it’ll be to explain.”

                “Ah. Been busy making the rounds lately,” she laughed with a quick smile.

                “Until the mimic has been dealt with, yes,” he grumbled, leaving it at that.

                Ailee didn’t let his grumpiness bother her as she moved to kneel next to Jungkook, her fingers already drawing markings on the ground around his head They were currently invisible to the naked eye but power sang where she wrote and when she finished, a light like a halo rose up around Jungkook’s head to float in the space above him. “Let’s see what started everything,” she hummed, her face tightening as she concentrated. She tapped the circle and a picture came to life, actively projecting to the area before them so they could both watch. With each minute movement of her fingers, the image moved, starting at the moment that Namjoon commanded Jungkook to sleep and rewinding slowly.

                It was always weird to hear his own voice in these things and this time was no different, but Namjoon was enthralled all the same. He wasn’t usually privy to such Magework and it was fascinating, even if he didn’t entirely approve of it. It was also strange watching things from Jungkook’s point of view. Strange and a little uncomfortable because he felt like a peeping Tom for watching them just before he appeared and because when he looked at Yoongi before things started to shift, Namjoon couldn’t remember the last time he had seemed so happy. Oh, the cocky, unflappable smirk and confidence was pretty par for the course, but that smile was new.

                Namjoon snorted and shook his head. “That’s enough,” he called, looking down at his coven members.

                “But we haven’t even reached the beginning,” Ailee blinked, pausing as she looked up so she didn’t accidentally mess something up.

                “We don’t need to. It’s obvious Yoongi’s falling. I mean,” he added as he gestured at the image she’d managed to stop on. “He’s clearly showing off here.” Manipulating his cloak to be a full circular shield with a perfectly formed lattice window was no small feat.

                Ailee carefully pulled her hands away from the image as she ran the idea over in her mind and nodded along. “Okay. So he was using a lot of power beforehand and he’s got endorphins running all through his head,” she gestured meaningfully at Yoongi’s body. “Not to mention the… reset, so to speak, he recently experienced that probably upset the previously established balance which might have been a subconscious push and… here we are.”

                Namjoon let the explanation roll around in his head for a moment before he nodded. “Yes.”

                With a wave of her hand, Ailee banished the image and the circle and tapped at her cheek with her finger. “Since he doesn’t want to become a Rank 4, have you considered letting him spend more time with…” she hesitated while searching for the right words, “less powerful companions?”

                Namjoon grimaced and shook his head. “I’m not against it but he hasn’t wanted to.”

                Ailee laughed once and gestured at Jungkook with both hands.

                “Ah. Right,” he nodded, considering it. “You think it might temper his power fluctuations?”

                The Mage shrugged but nodded. “Strength calls to strength. It’s not impossible to think that your command was a challenge which could explain the greater reaction you got when you first arrived.”

                “And if there’s no one to challenge him…” Namjoon hummed thoughtfully. “That would be a decent workaround for the Rank 4 conundrum. But why is this attraction causing such a problem? His last one didn’t,” he scowled, frustrated.

                Again, Ailee barked a laugh. “His last one was short lived and based on friendship. Nothing more. The last serious one was nearly a hundred years ago when things were still new and stable and we didn’t have new things cropping up to poke at the past.”

                “Ack! Enough with your logic, Mage!” Namjoon grumbled, waving at her with frustrated hands.

                “For a vampire lord, you’re very cute when you’re annoyed,” Ailee giggled, intentionally teasing him. He glared at her in response, which only seemed to make her even more amused. When he looked away, she grinned gleefully. “Even your angry face is charming.”

                He usually let her playful barbs pass by without much reaction. After all, he had no reason not to, but it might have been that she was starting to forget, or at least not acknowledge, that he was a Rank 4 vampire. Even if she was a Mage, he was owed some degree of respect. In the blink of an eye, he concealed his power and moved. By the twitch of her eye, it was clear she was aware and tracking him, but that was fine. Let her. Force met force as he circled. Her powers skirted over his senses and he warded her off with his own, keeping them at a stalemate for the moment.

                Feigning indifference, she gestured with one hand and began, “I’m just going to start altering their memories then.”

                Not until he’d made his point, she wasn’t. His form suddenly lost its shape, becoming wispy and thin as it circled around her.

Ailee paused to consider what was happening and her fingers flexed in response. “Touched a nerve, have I?” she asked, the question a slight taunt but at least she’d lost some of her certainty.

                It was difficult to focus in his fog form – his senses extending to every part of it as if he had eyes everywhere, but it also allowed him to ‘sense’ the shield she’d put up around herself. Either she’d forgotten one thing or she was leaving him an opening, but he was going to take it either way. Their stalemate extended… one second… two seconds… three- Flame white eyes burned as Namjoon appeared in front of Ailee, his power keeping hers from latching onto him. For a moment, she seemed almost disappointed with nothing outwardly changing until she tensed up with another flick of her hand. Namjoon smiled slowly and she nodded once in recognition while glancing over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed.

                “Well played Vampire Lord Namjoon,” she acknowledged, banishing her Mage shield with a flick of her fingers and stepping forward. Her mouth pulled down slightly when fabric tore as the claws of the shadow vampire behind her remained motionless, and her cheek bore a small scratch from when she had looked over her shoulder. “Well played indeed,” she stated again, turning to observe the shadow figure that was still connected to Namjoon’s feet.

                Namjoon dipped his head once in acceptance and relaxed the shadow, allowing it to resume its normal shape on the ground once more. “I’m no Exile but it would not be wise to dismiss me or those like me as no threat.”

                Ailee made a face and tapped at her shoulder with a loose fist, at least slightly embarrassed. “Ugh. I’ve gotten soft since the Dark Ages,” she groaned, rolling her neck but looking at the younger vampire once more, a hint of respect in her eyes. “But I hear you,” the Mage promised, tilting her head in his direction again before gesturing towards the two resting vampires in mute askance.

                Satisfied with the general response, even if she didn’t apologize directly or give any obvious thanks, Namjoon smiled and waved her on. “Be gentle with them though,” he warned, shaking a finger at her in a return of their usual taunting banter.

                “Aren’t I always?” she winked back, brushing at the thin red line on her cheek before she pushed her sleeves up and moved to kneel beside the two vampires again.

                That made Namjoon give her a crooked smile and he shook his head. “I take it you’ve got the rest well in hand?”

                “But of course,” she responded without looking up. “Finish the alteration, send them home, wipe the area, and go back to bed,” she checked off, glancing up long enough to wrinkle her nose at him.

                He waved at her and turned to leave, stepping through shadows to return to his previously abandoned meeting. Hopefully Sungmin wouldn’t be too annoyed with him. The leader of the Co-Existors could be quite finicky if he wanted to be. Then again, most djinns fell under that category…


Wasn't sure if I was maybe giving too much away in this chapter or not but you could probably start to make some educated guesses or draw some interesting connections by now, if you haven't already. haha Either way, I'm happy I got this out much sooner than previously and I hope that you all enjoyed. As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts if you want to share and if not, please continue to enjoy. Thank you!

Chapter 31: Punishment and... Socialize?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Quite bored, Yoongi leaned hard against the front entrance desk and groaned. Due to being caught breaking Namjoon’s orders, he had Sanghyuk’s position tonight. It rubbed him the wrong way, since he was a Rank 3 and long past this duty, but it made sense. Punishment wasn’t supposed to be fun. His biggest gripe was that Jungsu had absconded with Jungkook most of the day as well so he didn’t even have anyone to commiserate with. It still surprised him that he’d wanted to take Jungkook to see his family home though…

                Grumbling under his breath, he scratched at his cheek with a pointed fingernail and frowned. He hadn’t wanted to go home in… years now. But when he remembered Jungkook’s bright smile as he asked for an in-person demonstration of a vampire’s speed, it had felt like the best destination: not too far away and safe enough even beyond the boundary of the city. With the memory, a slow, goofy grin made its way to his lips in response and he smacked himself in the face. “Quit that,” he mumbled, glancing around to make sure no one had seen him.

                The hall was empty, as usual, and he felt slightly foolish for admonishing himself but he was also aware that Namjoon was often watching. The Vampire Lord had an uncanny ability to find him when he wanted to. Well, anyone in his Coven for that matter, but still. It was mildly embarrassing - like being a teen that had been caught sneaking out of the house - that he’d been commanded to sleep, though it could have been worse. If it had just been him without Jungkook, it might well have been. Namjoon had been known to thrash his deviant members a time or two in the past.

                Stifling another groan, he looked at the door with an almost wistful longing, half hoping something would happen to break the monotony of his early evening. How did Sanghyuk do this every night? Had it always been this boring? And where was Wonho? He usually came down to pester whoever was here if he was in residence. “Right,” he answered his own question, placing his thumbnail between his teeth. “Patrolling.”

                That turned his mood sour again since he had no distraction to hold his attention. The mimic was still out there. And he was stuck here… The reminder grated worse than the punishment did and he had a sudden inexplicable urge to head out and track it down himself. It was tempered by the immediate thought of how Namjoon would react if he did, but what if it really was the mimic from that day? The mere thought made his gut twist. His chest itched and he pushed away from the desk to start pacing. One rotation did nothing to calm him. A second didn’t either. On his third, he turned to head for the front door and then abruptly did an about face when he felt familiar power surge.

                Just as he scrambled back to his post, Jungsu popped out of the shadows with Jungkook in tow. “Home at last!” the Rank 4 grinned, gesturing broadly with a glance that touched upon Yoongi and then slid over him with practiced ease. Their relationship still wasn’t any better…

                “Whoa,” Jungkook exhaled, shaking his head with wide, slightly glassy eyes.

                Yoongi tried very hard to feign indifference, but he recognized that sign and it sparked a flare of irritation in him. “How far did you travel through the shadows with him?” he demanded, leaning forward slightly with his fingers splayed on the countertop.

                Jungsu patted the younger vampire on the shoulder and nodded encouragingly before he turned a much more neutral expression on Yoongi. “I showed him Namjoon’s family castle on the mainland,” he answered matter-of-factly, almost daring the younger vampire to say something else.

                “You brought him straight back?!” he nearly choked in muted outrage.

                “He’s fine, Yoongi,” the vampire reminded him, practically rolling his eyes as he gestured at Jungkook.

                “That’s not the point!” Yoongi snapped back. “Of course he’ll be fine, but that’s a distance you have to work up to for a new vampire,” he added, stalking around the desk and approaching the pair so he could look Jungkook over for himself. “Besides. I’m the one that’s supposed to be training him in shadow walking,” he muttered, letting his hands ghost over the younger vampire’s form to make sure he was whole and otherwise unharmed. There were plenty of things in the shadows that wouldn’t mind tasting a delectable Rank 1 like his protégé…

                “I’m fine, Yoongi,” Jungkook laughed, grabbing both hands in his and nodding reassuringly, albeit slower than usual.

                “See?” Jungsu added with another pointed gesture at the younger vampire. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find my mentee,” he threw in for good measure, the reminder a definite jab at Yoongi.

                He ignored it and focused on Jungkook instead. “You’re sure you’re fine?” he asked, staring into Jungkook’s eyes like he was looking for something amiss.

                “Really, Yoongi. I was just a little dizzy. It’s alright,” he promised, laughing and actively trying to soothe his mentor.

                Jungsu only listened with half an ear as he slipped between shadows on the first and second floor and exhaled for Namjoon’s benefit. “Happy?” he grumbled, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall as they looked down on the pair from the safety of their cloaked selves.

                “Quite,” Namjoon nodded, his tone as neutral and unreadable as his face.

                “I still don’t understand why you had me bring Jungkook back immediately. We weren’t done yet and your family will be rather annoyed with the sudden departure,” he cautioned, eyeing the vampire lord with a sidelong look.

                “They’ll forgive me,” Namjoon promised, a charismatic grin gracing his features. “How was Jungkook today?”

                Jungsu gave the other vampire a confused look for a second and then shrugged. “He was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Lots of questions about vampire homes though…”

                That made Namjoon chuckle and he nodded along. “Good.” When he looked at Yoongi and Jungkook again, he laughed with a shake of his head. “Dummy.” Then he turned his attention back to Jungsu with a sudden shift in seriousness. “I’m going to be meeting with the potential new recruit tomorrow and will be negotiating a trial period. You’ll be in charge in the interim, but,” he added, pointing a finger at him to stall any preemptive comment. “Yoongi will be on a temporary year long probationary period… for breaking the rules,” he trailed off and then finished with a wave of his hand and a coy smile.

                “What?” Jungsu frowned, glancing down at the pair and then motioning at Namjoon in an obvious, ‘Why?’ gesture. His expression matched it but the Coven Leader didn’t seem to notice.

                “Continue Sanghyuk’s instructions. We’ll probably try giving Wonho more seniority and agency in his runs and it might be time to start thinking about letting him try for a Rank 3 upgrade. He’s been itching for a recruit himself-”

                “Namjoon,” Jungsu tried to interrupt, but the other vampire continued.

                “-and it would be good for us to have another new vampire to add to the fold,” he finished, turning his focus on his second.

                Frustrated, the second exhaled and motioned impotently with his hands. “Why do you keep babying him?!”

                That made Namjoon chuckle but it only irritated Jungsu more. “I know you don’t always agree with my decisions and I respect that about you, Jungsu,” he promised, turning serious as he gave the other vampire the full weight of his attention. “You are welcome to question and to demand answers, but I need you to trust me if I don’t give them.”

                “Namjoon,” Jungsu exhaled, rolling his eyes. “I do trust you, but it’s frustrating when you let him get away with so much…” he ended, obviously wanting to add something else but professional enough not to.

                Namjoon nodded in understanding agreement. “You’re right. I do, but you’ll understand one day. I promise,” he spoke, clapping the other vampire on the shoulder with his hand and looking him in the eyes. “For now, I leave the Coven in your hands on the morrow. I’m not sure when I’ll be back but I’ll let you know,” he added, expression turning thoughtful as he considered the timeline. “As always-”

                “If anything happens, yes,” Jungsu scoffed with another eye roll. “I’m not Yoongi. I know the drill,” he added, the comparison eliciting a raised brow but nothing more from the Coven Leader.

                “Good.” Apparently satisfied, Namjoon smiled and nodded once before turning and heading back into the heart of the coven, leaving Jungsu alone with his thoughts and the inane chatter of Yoongi and Jungkook below.

                The pair were currently resting against the entrance desk, shoulder to shoulder as they talked about something. In a far cry from their energy from before, they seemed genuinely at ease and happy, for lack of a better term. It was just frustrating for him. Given Yoongi’s power, especially in light of his healing that Hunter not that long ago, he probably should be a Rank 4. Or damn close to one, but he was insufferably lazy and reluctant to move up. And he was afraid that trait would rub off on Jungkook, though if their interaction today was any indication, it was likely something he didn’t really need to worry about.

                But apparently, that wasn’t much of his concern either. “Some days, it feels like I’m the only one that much cares about this Coven,” he exhaled with a pained sound. But at least he had instructions for the next part. And he still had to get back up with Kyuhyun to see if there had been any new developments with the whole Hakyeon thing. It was troublesome enough having one werejaguar running around. Now the mimic was copying him and making two of the bloody creatures…


                Okay. So maybe a year long punishment probationary period seemed a little extreme, but considering Namjoon ordered him to essentially ‘chaperone’ Jungkook, there were worse things. Then again, Yoongi’s social game was a bit rusty, spending time at lounges and clubs notwithstanding,  and after their rest and literal housebound day yesterday, Jungkook apparently seemed bound and determined to personally introduce him to his friends. It was possible he already knew Yoongi knew next to everything important about them, but that didn’t stop him from wanting them all to meet in person.

                Apparently, in Jungkook’s absence, Yugyeom had opted to fill in at the bakery and since he was known by Sandara and Liza, it had been a relatively easy training period at Pan’s Pan. By Jungkook’s reckoning, they were lucky since all the people he wanted to see were working on the day he wanted to go see them. They didn’t want him to come during the day but convinced him to make plans to swing by near the end of the day when their shifts were ending so they could all gather after work.

                Needless to say, Yoongi was not thrilled about such an encounter. He was happy for Jungkook and couldn’t ignore the sheer amount of lively energy that infused the younger vampire at the thought, but it was not something he was touched by in turn. Normally, he’d just shield himself from their attention if he wanted to sit in on such a gathering, but he was forbidden to do so this time since he was supposed to be a part of it. And he had no problem with Sandara. A half-satyr was someone at least moderately relatable. Liza and Yugyeom though… especially the latter… he had his reservations about. Yugyeom had been cleared of any connection with the chimera from the previous year but it was still going to take him some time to accept that.

                All of that aside, they did get Jungsu’s reluctant permission to head over as it was getting dark – Yoongi let Jungkook do all the talking since he seemed to have better luck with the Rank 4 – and then he had to steel himself for a different kind of gathering. There were a couple lingering customers enjoying their coffees and goodies in the shop when they arrived. All three gave Jungkook an enthusiastic greeting that did not extend to Yoongi.

                “The runaway son has returned!” Sandara beamed, her announcement calling Liza out from the back and Yugyeom out from the restroom, a flustered expression on his face.

                “You have terrible timing,” he laughed, hastily finishing drying his hands on his pants while he moved to stand next to Sandara.

                Liza’s eyes were sharp as she looked him over and then added, “I thought you said you were bringing company?”

                “Huh?” Jungkook blinked in surprise, his smile slipping as he looked at Yoongi next to him. “I did,” he responded with a snort and a raised brow at the other vampire. “Yoongi,” he stated, nudging the other vampire with his elbow.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose and shuffled in place. He glanced up at the three himself, contemplating if he really wanted to do this, but Jungkook was still watching him and it had seemed very important to him earlier today. “Fine,” he groaned, dropping the semi-automatic attention shield he’d put up as soon as they left the coven.

                “Oh!” The collective gasp of recognition was surprised and amused at the same time, making the Rank 3 feel even more out of place than usual. The amused sound came from Sandara, a bemused look on her face, but then she snorted as she got a look at her companions’ surprised faces. “First time seeing magic?” she asked in a teasing tone.

                “No!” they spluttered in unison, cheeks tinging pink at the comment. “He just looks different from the pictures,” Liza bluffed, earning a snort from Yoongi in the process. “What’s so funny?” she asked in a quieter voice, torn between being flustered and intimidated.

                Yoongi shook his head and glanced at Jungkook who was looking at him with a warning expression. It was obvious he wanted Yoongi to play nice. “Nothing,” he waved off, letting his smile widen when he saw Sandara pick up on the humor.

                Bless the half-satyr, but she could obviously see the effect Yoongi’s presence was having on her companions. “Why don’t you two have a seat?” she urged, gesturing towards the half of the shop that was still open and untouched. “Liza. Go check on our other customers,” she encouraged, her voice low so that they wouldn’t hear but still loud enough for Yoongi to pick up on. “Yugyeom, could you take care of the rest of cleaning in the back?” she urged, giving them tasks to focus on before she moved over to check the register and then swung around.

                “Busy as always,” Jungkook smiled, his face warm and welcoming as Sandara swung around and plopped down next to him, slinging an arm over his shoulders in a friendly gesture. Yoongi had to fight an unexpected but brief flash of jealousy at the display and he wrinkled his nose once before glancing at the other two and then at Jungkook.

                Jungkook followed his gaze and then looked to Sandara himself. “I thought they’d be more excited to meet Yoongi,” he admitted, just a bit put off by their reaction.

                “Oh, they are,” Sandara encouraged, giving him a tighter squeeze and touching him under the chin with the knuckle of her finger. “But your friend here is not doing a very good job of hiding his energy,” she explained, giving him a knowing sidelong look in the process.

                 “I was shielded when I came in,” he defended himself, shrugging as if that should explain it.

                Sandara rolled her eyes and gave him a raised brow look. “You know what I mean. My dad’s got a Rank 2 friend who visits somewhat often and he feels no different than a human when he’s around. You,” she pointed at Yoongi, “still feel like a vampire right now.”

                “Really?” Jungkook blinked, completely lost in regards to the difference.

                Yoongi sniffed once and shrugged again, leaving room for Sandara to speak up once more. “Trouble is,” she continued, removing her arm from Jungkook’s shoulders to lean on the table and get a closer look of the other vampire. “I can’t tell if you’re doing it intentionally,” she mused, her eyes darting to where Yugyeom was last seen, “or not.”

                It would have been amusing if she wasn’t so on the nose with her breakdown of the situation. He wasn’t entirely sure himself. “Fine,” he gave in, rolling his shoulders with a glance at the nearest customer – a bird person, if he wasn’t mistaken, that kept glancing over surreptitiously – and actively tamped down on his energy signature. He was a little out of practice indeed.

                “Oh,” Jungkook murmured in surprise, blinking a couple times when he noticed the difference. “I see. It’s still you, but not YOU,” he explained, gesturing with both hands and emphasizing the shift with his tone.

                “Exactly,” Sandara agreed, winking at Jungkook with one brown eye and then shaking her head in Yoongi’s direction. “Want anything while you wait? We don’t do a lot with OPs but my dad does insist we keep a couple just-in-case-supplies in the back.”

                “We’re good,” Yoongi answered before Jungkook could. At the younger vampire’s look, he motioned with one hand to show he’d explain in a bit, and then nodded at Sandara.

                “Alright. Just checking.” She straightened up and lowered her voice so that the vampires would hear, “We’re just waiting for the last of our customers to head out and then we can get ready to close up ourselves.”

                Both Yoongi and Jungkook nodded in understanding and watched the young woman move to help with the closing time ballet. One of the guests got up to get one more thing on the way out and then the bird person finished his drink before departing as well. Yoongi was quite comfortable just sitting and watching but it was obvious Jungkook was antsy and itching to do something. With a pretty good guess, Yoongi offered, “You can go help them if you really want to.”

                “Yeah?” he responded with just a touch too much enthusiasm. Smiling abashedly, he ducked his head and murmured, “You sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to make you feel abandoned.”

                “Go,” Yoongi nodded with a snort and a wave. It was amusing but he was touched all the same.

                “Okay! We’ll be done before you know it,” Jungkook promised, practically dashing from his seat to run around the back and offer his help. Unintentionally, he surprised Liza and Yugyeom with his vampire speed, and even Sandara was a bit taken aback to find him suddenly there. “Sorry!” he grinned, rubbing at the back of his neck in chagrin.

                They waved it off easily enough and accepted him back into the fold like it was nothing, all smiles and welcoming energy. Yoongi felt a pang of uncertainty at watching them. Jungkook fit in with them so well. Had he made a mistake in turning him and taking him away from being a human? Just as quickly, the feeling passed with the reminder that it had been Jungkook’s choice, but it didn’t change the fact he’d been much more isolated from the outside world of late. For Yoongi, that was fairly normal. For someone like Jungkook… not so much.

                Their conversation and banter reached him easily enough and though he wasn’t a part of it, Jungkook did look up often enough to make eye contact and keep him ‘included’ that way. He refused to let Yoongi feel completely isolated and it was cute. Except when their conversation turned to him like they forgot he could almost literally hear everything. Okay. So Jungkook remembered if that sly smile and mischievous glint in his eyes was any indication. But he doubted Liza knew he heard her ask about Yoongi being Jungkook’s mentor or something more by now.

                It almost made him smile though the corners of his mouth twitched beyond his control. “Guys,” Sandara chided them gently, a knowing look sliding in Yoongi’s direction.

                Liza giggled and immediately fled into the back while Yugyeom gave Jungkook a buddy nudge with his elbow. “We’re almost done,” Jungkook called out, laughing as he gently shoved Yugyeom with one hand.

                “Take your time,” Yoongi encouraged, finally letting a smile play on his lips. It was nice watching this side of Jungkook. He wouldn’t say it directly, but there was often this little crease of worry hiding between his brows when he looked at Yoongi, especially with everything that had been going on lately. Oh, not always. There were definitely moments it disappeared entirely, but he was carefree here and it was a nice change to not have the mores of the coven looming over them.

                The leftover goods were pulled out and put away. Tables were wiped down and floors mopped. The register was counted out and double checked before being closed. Jungkook came back to stand beside Yoongi, one hand brushing against his shoulder as a reminder of his presence. Liza and Yugyeom leaned against the edge of the counter, mirroring each other while they watched Sandara finish up, expectantly waiting for her to give the signal.

                “Finished!” she cheered at the front door after locking it up before dusting her hands off and reaching back to undo her apron strings with a bright grin.

                “Woohoo! Time to go!” Liza added, skirting into the back to drop off her work stuff and pick up her casual attire.

                “Come on,” Jungkook urged, tugging at Yoongi’s sleeve to get the other vampire moving. “We’ll head out the back.”

                “Oh,” he chirped in acknowledgement, staying close to Jungkook as they moved. Yugyeom gave him a nervous glance – mere human nerves – and hurried after Liza to get ahead of them.

                Sandara was waiting for them at the back, almost miraculously getting out before everyone else. “One, two, three,” she grinned, tapping each subsequent person on the head until Yoongi came out. “Four,” she added, tapping at the space above his head with a wink and a glance at Jungkook.

                It was so unexpected and beyond anything that usually happened, Yoongi genuinely didn’t know how to respond for a second. His brow furrowed slightly and he looked at Sandara, glanced at where her fingers had very nearly touched him, and then looked over at Jungkook himself. The younger vampire’s smile was not the answer he was looking for but it was apparently the only one he was going to get. At last, Yoongi snorted and rolled his eyes. “Okay,” he scoffed softly with a dismissive shrug. When Jungkook nudged him happily with his elbow, it was almost enough to make him smile. Almost.

                “Right! So where we going?” Liza asked, a furtive glance landing on Yoongi before she focused on the rest of the group. She had stationed herself right next to Yugyeom and he made her look quite small in comparison.

                “We could always go to the Siren’s Den,” Yugyeom suggested with a nod towards the heart of the city.

                “Eh. Too lively,” Sandara waved off with a glance at the vampires.

                “There’s that underground place-“

                “Lively,” the half-satyr interrupted, leveling an amused look at Liza this time.

                Oddly, Yoongi had a thought but in this company, it felt strange to offer his own suggestion. He didn’t know anybody enough, but he did know Jungkook and that the younger vampire was at least a little bit hungry. Trying to be discreet, he covered his mouth with one hand like he was thinking and murmured, just loud enough for Jungkook to hear, “Ask if anyone is hungry.”

                Jungkook stiffened slightly and looked at him, almost like he was trying to make sure he’d heard correctly. Yoongi gave him another look and a minute dip of his head towards the group. His protégé raised a brow but shrugged and raised his hand. “Anyone hungry?”

                There was a brief lull as the three mostly humans looked at each other and nodded in hesitant agreement. “I could go for a bite,” Liza agreed, flashing a bright smile as she looked up at Yugyeom. “He owes me dinner anyway,” she added, her head jerking back in mild surprise when she saw the looks turned upon her. “He was late the other day and I had to cover for him.”

                “I promised her food,” Yugyeom admitted with an easy shrug.

                “So what are we feeling?” Sandara hummed, tapping at her bottom lip thoughtfully as she otherwise moved them away from that topic.

                Still feeling awkward, Yoongi cleared his throat softly and offered, “I know a place.” Not unexpectedly, all non-vampire eyes turned to him. Clearly, they were hesitant to ask, so he nudged Jungkook, hoping the vampire would understand.

                “Bubble Juice?” he wondered, shutting it down immediately. “No. They’re closed.” The trio gave the vampires a curious look. “Selken Novelties?” Yoongi’s glare appeared and intensified slightly. “No. Also closed,” Jungkook laughed, almost theatrically smacking his head. Again, the trio’s looks grew even more curious. “Oh! Magic-“ he started to say, holding his finger up and pausing at just the right letter to give Yoongi hope. “Potions Station!”

                Gesturing between the two, though his finger stayed pointing at Jungkook, Yugyeom asked, “You guys actually go to those shops?”

                Yoongi felt betrayed until he saw the all too cheesy grin on Jungkook’s face and realized the little brat was messing with him. Fine. “Yes,” Yoongi admitted, rolling his eyes in a practiced gesture of sufferance. “But only when he asks nicely,” he added, gesturing at the vampire beside him.

                To his frustration, Jungkook leaned into it. “But the BOP is so good,” he sighed, childishly shuffling in place.

                “Ugh. Get away from me,” Yoongi scowled, stepping aside as he desperately tried not to laugh at his absurd antics.

                Sandara had no such reservations. She laughed freely and shook her finger at Jungkook. “Bubble O Positive, in case you were wondering,” she explained for Liza and Yugyeom’s benefit. They likely would have never had to wonder what the BOP was on the menu anyway.

                “Yoongi,” Jungkook whined, still playing the child as he followed the other vampire, much to the added amusement of the humans nearby.

                “This kid,” Liza laughed, smacking Yugyeom on the arm.

                Yoongi gave Jungkook a disdainful look and raised a hand like he was going to smack him before dropping it almost immediately. “Magical and Mundane Diner,” he grumbled with a glance at Sandara. “They’ve got stuff for everybody and they almost never close,” he continued with a shrug, feigning indifference. It was a familiar and comfortable place for him, which he figured he’d need with this crew. Plus… all sorts of rumors floated around inside.

                “Oh! I’ve heard it was pretty good,” Sandara grinned, actually excited about it.

                “Never heard of it,” Yugyeom admitted, his brow furrowed.

                “My dad swears by it. I’ve just never had much reason to head to that side of town for food,” she explained with an easy shrug. “It’s a fair walk but if we catch a bus, it shouldn’t be too bad.”

                “Do they have pancakes?” Liza asked, looking at Sandara expectantly and then giggling happily when she nodded.

                “Was that so hard?” Jungkook asked, leaning close enough to nearly rest his chin on Yoongi’s shoulder as they started following along after the trio.

                “Brat,” Yoongi grumbled, elbowing him gently in the ribs.

                “Old man.”

                “You-” Yoongi started to complain before Jungkook was already gone, fleeing to the humans’ sides.

                They jerked in surprise and then laughed when Jungkook pretended to be afraid. “Help!” he cried, dramatically cowering behind them.

                It was almost annoying. Almost. But with all the ridiculousness, both Liza and Yugyeom had forgotten to be nervous about him. He half-suspected Sandara had been aware of what was happening – damn half-breeds and their weirdly good perceptiveness – but it was kind of nice to just be. It felt almost like back at the coven but with more… life. Huh. “Yeah. You better run,” he grumbled, crossing his arms and playing up the grumpy vampire bit as he continued to bring up the rear.

                Jungkook’s smile was worth more than a night of absurdity and he beamed as he turned his attention to Liza and Yugyeom again. They didn’t know it, but Yoongi could see he was buttering them up, working them like putty in his hands. It could have been a smidgeon of his vampiric charm and if it was, it was good practice.

                His grumpy frown smoothed slightly when he noticed that Sandara had drifted back to walk next to him. Not so close as to touch but enough to be within easy talking distance. “So even the surly Yoongi has a soft spot,” she teased with a wrinkled nose.

                He shrugged. “Just looking after my mentee.”

                “Sure,” she nodded in easy agreement. “Is the food really as good as they say?” she asked, turning the topic deftly.

                Yoongi considered giving her a flippant or even sarcastic response, but that wasn’t really fair to Fei and her crew. “Yes,” he confirmed with a solemn nod. “It is.”

                It was a strange night for Yoongi, what with the humans and the half-satyr, but it was weirdly pleasant. Especially with Jungkook’s facilitative company. The insufferable but endearing little shit.



Gotta admit, it took a turn for the normal I was not expecting, but I do hope you're enjoying. I doubt it'll last long as I've got some stuff brewing in the back, but it was kind of fun to take this almost break. haha Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next update!

Chapter 32: Next Steps


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                He hated the way hospitals smelled. Sterile with a nasal burning sting of alcohol and an underlying odor of sickness and death. Sure they were places of life too, but no amount of miracles could wash away the lingering scent of those who were not afforded such mercies. Still, he was grateful for it today, even if he didn’t care much for the place. After checking in, the staff had more or less left him alone. His aura wasn’t murderous but he was definitely carrying a shadow even a blind man could see.

                Standing outside of room 307, Hakyeon took another deep breath and tried to move, but it felt like his feet were rooted in place. A shadow moved on the inside and he slipped to the side, as quiet as his namesake, but no one emerged. It was probably just Lisa making another round. It should have been easy to step inside to join them. Taekwoon was likely sleeping or at the least resting and the hunter wouldn’t hold any fault with him. But he did.

                Hakyeon gripped his shirt lightly and looked down, brows furrowed. Taekwoon was alive. He should be glad. But every time he closed his eyes, he saw the wounds that should have killed him. Cuts yawning wide and weeping rivers of blood in pulsing waves. In his fitful sleep, his dreams turned to nightmares and a broken Taekwoon flayed him with accusatory eyes. The were closed his eyes and rode the pain of each memory, taking slow, measured breaths.

                “Are you alright?” The question was soft and concerned, breaking through the miasma of his personal hell like a morning star crashing through glass.

                His hand twitched in reaction and he gripped his shirt harder so as not to lash out inadvertently. “I’m fine,” he promised, forcing a brittle smile to his face and looking over at the young- no, older elf who was standing beside him, her hand raised like she was going to touch him but partially closed and stationary as if she’d thought better. Her nametag said Laliana Athyrium: a nature elf.

                She lowered her hand and folded it into her other one with a smile that said she knew otherwise. Her dark brown complexion clashed with the white of the medical coat but created a warm backdrop for her earthy green eyes and greenish brown hair that was just starting to lighten with a silvery sheen. Like most elves, she looked ageless and her skin was flawless, but she carried herself with an air of experience that only came with time. “I’m sure your friend would like to see you,” she encouraged, nodding once towards the door he was avoiding.

                “I’m not so sure,” he admitted with a heavy sigh, letting his shoulders droop again. He should have been able to protect him. Should have seen it for the trap it was. Something! At the very least, he knew Taekwoon was safe here for the time being. There had been no trace of the mimic in the area. Hakyeon would know since he’d scoured the hospital and its ground countless times with nary a trace of the creature. He had its scent now and he would not miss it again.

                “Well, at the very least, you won’t know for sure until you try,” she encouraged, oblivious to his thoughts.

                “I know,” he agreed, nodding slowly in agreement with her words. “But then you have an answer about whether he would want to see me. Or not,” he added quietly, letting the fear hang in the air between them.

                “Ah,” Laliana hummed in understanding before she reached out to gently clasp his hand in both of hers. He started slightly and she held firm when he would have pulled away. “Time will not change what it is you’re afraid of. But taking more of it is sometimes necessary,” she reasoned, patting his hand in a soothing gesture.

                “You shouldn’t feed my excuses,” he laughed once with a sidelong look at the closed door. He could just hear the whisper of voices within and he knew that Taekwoon was awake.

                Laliana chuckled and released his hand. “Perhaps not, but sometimes we need permission to do or not do something, especially if we can’t give it to ourselves. You know your friend better than I so I will leave the final decision up to you,” she conceded with a nod of her head. “But I will say that it is incredibly rare that those we care about feel anything but happiness or gratitude when a friend or family member comes to visit. Take your time if you need to though. I just thought I’d make sure. Apologies for being nosy,” she grinned, her bright smile contagious even if it only managed to conjure a pale mimicry on Hakyeon’s face.

                “Thank you for checking on me,” he responded, offering her a partial respectful bow.

                “No need,” she waved demurely. “I’ll be off but good luck, whatever you decide this evening.”

                Hakyeon nodded in acceptance and watched the shorter woman turn and walk down the hallway. True to her nature, she was grace incarnate and nearly as quiet as him. Taking another breath, Hakyeon turned to look at the closed door before he inched over and carefully peeked inside. It was barely with one eye but it was enough to see Lisa was blocking more of Taekwoon than he wanted. She was obviously trying to get him to eat something and potentially lift his spirits if her enthusiastic story was any indication, but it was equally clear it wasn’t working.

                The faint subdued words of “I’m not hungry” reached Hakyeon through the door and were followed by Lisa’s exasperated sigh. “You keep eating like a bird and you’re never gonna recover.” She grumbled under her breath but then stood up to move the tray over, giving Hakyeon a clear view of the man he so desperately wanted to see.

               His heart constricted and he stopped breathing for a second as the gaunt profile appeared above an array of thin scars along the expanse of his thin neck. He was alive and well (enough) but guilt gnawed at Hakyeon. His partner was not how he should be. There were dark circles under his eyes, he had lost weight, and his gaze seemed fixed out the window. The were’s hands clenched into fists and he cursed himself and the mimic. He hadn’t been able to protect Taekwoon which was why he was here now, but the mimic was the one that had caused him grievous harm.

               He wasn’t ready to face the hunter yet. Honestly, he didn’t know when he would be, but he was more than ready to find the creature that had done this. A low growl escaped him and such was the intensity of his gaze that it almost seemed to call to Taekwoon. The man on the bed jerked his head as if he noticed something and then turned to look towards the door. Hakyeon fled before he could see him but it was enough for now.

                It was the first time he’d laid eyes on Taekwoon in just over two weeks since the incident. His guilt was not assuaged but his purpose was renewed. The shadow he’d carried into the hospital was darker as he left, heavier, angrier. Of their own volition, pedestrians avoided him and turned their gazes away. The hum of the streets washed over his senses with practiced ease and Hakyeon rolled his shoulders. In the process, he shifted, turning into his were form and towering over the humanoids in the area. His tail, fluffy and agitated, switched back and forth as he took a deep breath and tried to catch a scent of his target.

                Nothing. That was good though. It meant the mimic was nowhere near Taekwoon. It also meant he’d have to go hunting again. Bright yellow eyes narrowed and tiny sparks of light danced on the tips of his fur as he trembled with barely concealed rage. “I will find you,” he promised in a toothy growl before his muscles bunched and launched him into the air. The sounds of the city swallowed his passing as he took to the rooftops once more, renewed in his quest to find his target.


                The surface of the mirror was frustratingly blank. Hwasa stared at it like she could force an answer in her own time and then shifted in her seat, folding one knee over the other, while she continued to wait. Growing impatient, she tapped on the surface with one taloned finger and crooned, “Jeongminnie.” It had taken her several months to pry the name from the flaga but he was more receptive when called by his moniker. She inhaled slightly when the surface finally flickered.

                “Go away,” came the faint response as if he was hiding somewhere deep within the confines of the mirror.

                Hwasa sighed and rolled her eyes. Back to this again, were they? It had taken her months to earn his name but he was still nowhere near as pliable as she would have preferred. Attempting to force him to see things had resulted in a great deal of nothing so she tolerated his impudence. Mostly. So long as he gave enough to go on. “Jeongmin!” she snapped, sitting up and holding the mirror firmly in her hand as she stared into it. “I command you to come here at once!”

                He groaned from within the murky space but eventually materialized and flowed out of his prison and his haven. Ethereal, faintly feminine though undeniable male, and of nearly the same height as her, the flaga certainly seemed like something from another realm. “What now?” he asked churlishly, crossing his arms and floating in place, complete with a whole body but inextricably tied to the mirror by a red thread.

                “Must you ask that every time?” she asked with another sigh. “I don’t mistreat you and give you what energy you require. You even have free rein here,” she added, gesturing at the interior space that was reminiscent of a castle-like mansion. The fact that it currently held both Hongki and Kangin didn’t faze him either. Jeongmin didn’t answer and simply maintained his disapproving glare. “Oh, you ungrateful creature,” she opined, shaking her head.

                “I could probably get him to talk,” Hongki offered with a dangerously charming smile.

                Jeongmin’s eyes went wide and he not so subtly moved closer to Hwasa. He wasn’t quite cowering but it was a near thing. “No,” he murmured, staring at the other two without looking away.

                Hwasa winked at Hongki and he grinned harder, making Kangin snort. “There, there,” she soothed, stroking Jeongmin’s nearest arm in a comforting gesture. “He won’t hurt you as long as I’m here,” she promised, letting her hand run up the flaga’s arm and to his chin before she gripped it lightly and had him look at her. “Now. Are you going to give me an update or not?”

                The flaga looked from Hwasa to Hongki and then back again. His crestfallen expression did nothing to sway her from her question and he exhaled in mild defeat. “Another will appear this year,” he divulged, pulling his chin away with a light jerk of his head.

                “Do you know which month?” she encouraged, tracing his cheek with the back of her finger.

                He wrinkled his nose. “Soon. This month or next.”

                “That’s good,” Hongki murmured, standing up and moving closer. “We’ll be halfway there,” he added, stopping a couple paces from Jeongmin who obviously wanted to flee.

                “Yeah, but it’s not like we’ll have the rest anytime soon,” Kangin scoffed, obviously bored. “I’m more curious about the weapons,” he added, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips.

                Hwasa gestured towards Kangin with one finger to keep him silent and then shooed Hongki so he’d take a step back. “Jeongminnie. First, remind us when the other three will arrive by.” Her voice was soft and encouraging and when faced with the oppressive weight of her companions, she was the obvious light in the darkness.

                Jeongmin closed his eyes and pressed his fingertips together before him, looking inward. His form turned slightly more transparent when he opened his eyes and intoned, “The revolutions of the sun will come and go thirteen… fourteen… fifteen… sixteen… seventeen… times before those whom you seek will be found.” He stopped talking and then blinked quickly as he looked around. “It felt like it changed this time,” he admitted with a small frown.

                “It did,” Hwasa confirmed with a nod. “Our target date is smaller. Thirteen to seventeen years now. It will likely continue to change the closer we get.”

                “Hwasa,” Kangin urged, standing up from the plush chair he’d been reclining in to move a little closer.

                “So impatient,” she exhaled before laying a reassuring hand on Jeongmin’s arm again. “You were right about our water guest and you’ve confirmed the existence of what we seek, but now we need more information,” she explained, looking up at him expectantly.

                The flaga frowned and hung his head, muttering, “I just want to go home.”

                “I know,” she soothed, wrapping her fingers gently around his arm. “And you will be able to once our goals have been accomplished. We will be able to send you home, just like I promised,” she reminded him, waiting for the flaga to look up to meet her eyes again. “But we can’t do it unless you help us.”

                “You’re mean,” he grumbled, looking down and breaking eye contact.

                “Am I?” she wondered, sounding aghast. “And here I thought I was trying to help you. Remember, a Mage brought you here. Not me.”

                “You bound me,” he pointed out, sticking his finger at her and then dropping it immediately when he realized he was doing it.

                “Yes,” she acknowledged without shame. “Because we need you to help us so we can help you. Do that, and you can go home. And had I not bound you, the Mage would have happily kept you. To do…” she trailed off, looking away with a falsely thoughtful expression, “who knows what?”

                At that reminder, Jeongmin shrank into himself with a quick glance around to make sure the Mage in question was nowhere to be found. Once he could see he was not, he sniffed and pulled his shoulders back to look at her with a tight sigh. “I’ve checked you know. What you say is possible, but there are also many other possibilities in that future. You don’t keep your word in all of them,” he explained, though his voice trembled as he did so.

                Now she was starting to lose her patience. Hwasa took a breath and ran her tongue along the top row of her teeth before standing up with her eyes focused on the ground. “I want to be nice to you, Jeongminnie. I do. But if you force my hand…” she trailed off, glancing up to look at him through her lashes. “I’ll have to get serious and make sure that one of those futures you fear actually does come to pass,” she finished, pushing just a touch of her power at him.

                Jeongmin gasped and seemed to freeze, his ethereal form solidifying for a second as they made eye contact. “S-s-stop,” he stammered, desperately trying to turn his head away. But Hongki stepped into his line of sight with a dangerous gleam in his eye. When Jeongmin tried to look away in a different direction, Kangin moved into view, his leering expression more than a little frightening. “Okay,” he gave in, moving his hands in slow motion to cup his face as if he could hide from the three very dangerous creatures around him.

                Hwasa’s smile was satisfied but predatory. She gestured for Hongki and Kangin to stand back before she nicked her fingertip on one of her teeth and tapped Jeongmin on the top of the head with her other hand. When he looked up, again, in slow motion, she swiped the bead of blood on his bottom lip. He licked it reactively and then jerked at normal speed a second later. “Good,” she encouraged. “Now. The weapons,” she reminded him, leaning close with a falsely playful expression on her face.

                “Right,” he whispered pitiably, seeming to literally deflate in front of her.

                She almost felt bad for him. Almost. But the future they desired and needed to make happen was worth more than one flaga’s happiness. Their task was large enough already, and she would happily press any advantage she could gain in the process.


                For someone who was nearing five hundred years of age, Hyoyeon was not a vampire Namjoon had been expecting exactly, but she fit all the criteria otherwise. Vacillating between childish bouts of energy and moments of intense seriousness, she could give one whiplash if they weren’t careful, but as far as being a Rank 3 vampire went, she checked all the boxes. He’d put her through the ringer of tests and she’d come out on top of each one without much trouble. Furthermore, she seemed to have a clear background with no ulterior motives, no compromising connections, and a genuinely good disposition. Personally, he thought she’d be a good counter to Yoongi’s surface laziness.

                Hyoyeon’s brown eyes were wide as she looked around the entrance to the Coven curiously. “The pictures on the mag-net don’t do this place justice,” she admitted with a smile and a laugh as she brushed her straight brunette locks over her shoulder.

                “I’m glad to hear that,” Namjoon smiled, glancing at the front desk. It was unmanned but that was also because they’d arrived during the day. Yoongi wouldn’t take the shift until later, unless he’d managed to get Sanghyuk to do it for him. Jungsu had mentioned he was trying to bribe or otherwise finagle the younger vampire back into desk duty.

                “And there are three floors, right?” she questioned, looking around with childlike enjoyment.

                “Yes. The basement is for training purposes, the ground floor is for general use, and the upper floors are residences. Your bedroom is on the second floor,” he explained with a gesture towards the staircase and the balcony.

                “Oh! Can we go see it now?” she asked, grinning at Namjoon with infectious energy.

                “I was going to give you the tour but if you want to go there fir-“

                “Oh! When do I get to meet everybody?” she added before he could finish.

                Namjoon raised a brow and tilted his head to the side. “Hyoyeon.”

                “Sorry,” she chirped, stilling immediately as her persona shifted at will. In the blink of an eye, she was serious and attentive. “I’m just excited,” she admitted. “My own coven.” She paused and waved her hand with a jerk when she realized that could have come off wrong. “Being a part of my own coven,” she clarified. “The coven in Lorantaro was not accepting applicants so it felt like I was always being watched,” she explained with a grimace and a shrug.

                “You probably were as an unallied Rank 3 in the city,” he reminded her again. “But as for meeting the rest of the Coven… that will likely be soon. We’ve hit an interesting patch with an unexpected creature in the city, but Jungsu, my second,” he nodded as a reminder, “will be here later and our lower ranked vampires are all expected to be back before dark prior to setting out on any patrols,” he went on. Turning thoughtful, he tilted his head and focused his attention. “In fact, it feels like a couple of our vampires are training below so we might be able to drop by and meet them,” he encouraged.

                “Oh?” Hyoyeon perked up, obviously expectant.

                “Let’s go,” Namjoon urged, turning their direction towards the basement as he mulled over the correspondence that Jungsu had sent him. In the week and a half since he’d been gone, Yoongi and Jungkook had been making nearly daily forays into the city together. Per his second’s report, their stops were mostly mundane: Pan’s Pan, the Magical and Mundane Diner, Ailee’s Magics, and a few other local hotspots, but the most important part was that there had been no strange outbursts from Yoongi himself. It looked like Ailee’s suggestion might have actually worked. And in the process, it appeared that he and Jungkook had been getting closer in the meantime. If he’d heard correctly, Yoongi was actually sort of making friends… A weird thought that.

                He was pulled from his thoughts when Hyoyeon asked, “How large is your training room? The gyms I went to never seemed to be large enough to really open up as a vampire,” she admitted with a regretful shrug.

                “Not surprising,” Namjoon responded. “Most gyms aren’t made to accommodate Rank 3 vampires. In contrast, our training grounds, both in the basement and in the backyard, are.”

                “Oh,” she hummed in delighted response.

                Namjoon smiled and nodded to himself and was just about to lead them downstairs before he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. He was certain that Yoongi and Jungkook were practicing, but… the energy seemed to have shifted just a bit. Now might not be the ideal time to interrupt them. “On second thought, why don’t I show you the grounds out back first?” he offered, shifting their direction easily.

                Hyoyeon paused with a slight frown on her face before she raised a brow thoughtfully. It was impossible to tell if she could sense the energy signatures and how they might differ from day to day just yet, but Namjoon wasn’t willing to bet on it. “Sure,” she shrugged after a brief pause. “This is so exciting!” she beamed, happily following along in the Vampire Lord’s wake.

               At the very least, it was nice to be able to offer a willing Rank 3 a home she obviously desperately needed. At the same time, it was also… nice, or at least encouraging, that Yoongi was letting his guards down enough for someone else to get close.

                Close might have been an understatement.

                Face to face, Yoongi and Jungkook sparred. Or at least attempted to anyway. There were only so many teasing touches and mischievous looks one could handle after all. Really, Yoongi was trying to teach Jungkook how to engage in combat more successfully. He really was. But with the time they’d spent together most recently among his friends, it had only made the younger vampire seem even more endearing and… desirable?

                “Gotcha,” he grinned, catching Jungkook’s wrist and tracing his fingertips against the younger vampire’s cheek before darting away.

                “Get back here!” Jungkook laugh-scowled, always a step behind but never too far.

                “Like this?” Yoongi asked, speeding up to appear behind his protégé and capturing him loosely from behind.

                Nearly cheek to cheek, Jungkook gave him a perfect glare as he struggled to get his hands free. “No,” he snorted, leaning back into him with his shoulder and giving him a good shove. “You’re supposed to be training me. Not… teasing me,” he laughed, turning enough to plant a quick kiss on Yoongi’s cheek.

                “Why can’t I do both?” Yoongi shot back, a playful smirk tugging at his lips as he released one hand to spin Jungkook out. Wising up to the situation, Jungkook locked wrists with Yoongi and yanked himself back, striking at him with his claws. “Good!” Yoongi crowed, catching the strike as they moved backwards from Jungkook’s momentum. He debated turning them around as they approached the wall but let their positions stand.

                “Got you!” Jungkook grinned as he ‘pinned’ Yoongi to the wall with his body.

                “Did you?” Yoongi asked, one brow rising archly.

                “Huh?” the younger vampire chirped in uncertainty, his victorious expression slipping even as Yoongi grabbed his wrist, broke the hold with superior strength and then eased around to drag the arm behind Jungkook so he could reverse the pin.

                “Is this what you meant?” he teased in Jungkook’s ear, pressing close from behind. But his smile faltered just a touch as he saw the frustration on the younger vampire’s profile. He loosened his hold so Jungkook could get free and took a step back to give them space.

                 The younger vampire turned around to lean against the wall and then frowned at Yoongi. “How am I supposed to learn if you just pull rank all the time?” he grumbled, rubbing at his shoulder self-consciously.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose and scratched at his cheek. Yeah. That was on him. It was hard to give up on ‘winning’ sometimes. “Okay,” he conceded, stepping forward and placing his hands on either side of Jungkook, gently trapping him in place as they came nose to nose. “If I didn’t pull rank, how would you handle this situation?”

                Jungkook looked up from under partially lowered lids and asked, “Not a trick?”

                “No tricks,” he promised, forcing himself to relax as he slightly looked up to meet the younger vampire’s eyes.

                “If there were no tricks, then I’d…” he trailed off, grabbing Yoongi’s wrist and perfectly mimicking his pivot from earlier. Yoongi allowed himself to be pinned, one arm behind his back and the other held in place when Jungkook trapped him in place with his body. “Do this,” he finished by whispering in Yoongi’s ear.

                Yoongi laughed once with a sidelong look at Jungkook out of the corner of his eye. “I can’t tell if you just played me or if you really did pick up on it that fast.”

                “Maybe a bit of both?” he suggested shamelessly, not at all abashed by his manipulation.

                “Little shit,” Yoongi snorted, breaking the hold only to turn in place so they were face to face, his back to the wall and Jungkook directly in front of him. It was not what the younger vampire had been expecting and Yoongi relished in that fact as he placed his hands on Jungkook’s waist. “What now?” he wondered, pulling the younger vampire closer so they were hips to hips.

                “No tricks?” Jungkook asked, his lips so close to Yoongi’s they nearly touched.

                “No tricks,” he promised, a half-smile curling one side of his mouth and his eyes holding Jungkook’s.

                Without another word, Jungkook closed the distance between them and kissed him. It was hesitant at first, like he didn’t believe Yoongi wouldn’t try something. When nothing else happened, he grew bolder and pressed harder, demanding more as he purposefully wedged one leg between Yoongi’s thighs. That got Yoongi’s attention and he groaned, gripping Jungkook’s waist tightly.

                He used the younger vampire’s force to switch places, securing Jungkook against the wall instead. “You’ll have to earn that,” he teased before kissing the other vampire himself.

                Jungkook gave a muffled groan, even as his hands gripped Yoongi’s shoulders, and accepted the challenge. He shoved the other vampire away and followed, pushing him away only to pull him back, temporarily in control. They hit a pillar with enough force to make them gasp but it changed nothing. Yoongi returned the favor and they made their way around the practice room, bodies pressed hard and separating; hands roaming, pushing, pulling; lips dancing together, nipping gently, curiously exploring.

                Yoongi trapped Jungkook against stone once more, kissing hard. His fingers threaded into ebony hair and pulled, exposing the younger vampire’s neck with a surprised gasp. His lips made their way up Jungkook’s throat, pausing to nip at the tender skin with careful fangs. For a moment, the younger vampire became putty in his hands, responding to each touch and caress with intoxicating sounds. He let go to claim Jungkook’s lips again before his hands sought the other vampire’s and threaded their fingers together, anchoring them against the wall.

                “More.” Jungkook surprised them both with the unexpected utterance. They paused for a second and his cheeks dusted a faint pink, even despite his vampire condition.

                “More?” Yoongi asked for clarification. He wouldn’t deny he wanted it, but he had to make sure he wasn’t forcing it.

                “Yes,” Jungkook answered, grabbing Yoongi’s neck and cheeks in both hands and drawing him close to kiss again. “More,” he reiterated, pulling at the other vampire in all the right ways.

                Yoongi was happy to go along with it. He kissed Jungkook back and fished in his pocket – very distractedly – for his lighter. It took him a second longer to figure out how to start the damn thing. When it finally clicked, he wrapped them both in his cloak and fell through shadow and landed on… his bed.

                “What the-” Jungkook paused in surprise, looking around at the sudden and very unexpected change of scenery. “Did you-”

                “Yes,” Yoongi answered quickly, pushing Jungkook onto his back so he could climb on top and make himself at home between his legs. “I did,” he finished, letting his fingers and hands dance over the younger vampire’s body as he sought to pull his shirt up and off. With Jungkook’s help, the cloth disappeared and a pale, toned expanse of ready skin greeted him. He immediately wanted to taste it, to worship it, to discover everything about it. Jungkook let him for a bit, writhing pleasurably under the attention, but impatience got the better of him and he insistently tugged at Yoongi’s shirt.

                “You too,” he demanded, partially sitting up in an effort to shed Yoongi of his clothes and change their position.

                Yoongi allowed the former but stayed right where he was as he pushed Jungkook back down on the bed and settled further into place. “You wanted me to teach you, right?” he asked with a wink before he claimed the younger vampire’s lips once more and ground down on him. It was not arrogance to say he had more experience.

                “But-” Jungkook tried to object, his hands pushing half-heartedly at Yoongi even as his body said otherwise.

                “No buts. We’ve got all night anyway,” he promised, catching Jungkook’s chin to make sure they looked at each other.

                “Promise?” he asked, half-naked and grinning elatedly.

                “Little shit,” Yoongi snorted, releasing his chin to kiss him again. Little by little, the rest of their clothes fell away until there was nothing but skin between them. And when even that was not close enough, they drowned their senses in each other’s desires and gave themselves up to the full pleasures of the flesh.


Apologies for the delay. Lost my train of thought for a bit but I've found it again so we'll see what happens from here! Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy!

Chapter 33: Day of Vengeance


Warning for violence and brutality in the second half of the chapter

Chapter Text

                On top of the Hunters’ Quarters, Taekwoon looked around and frowned at the overarching buildings that tried to block out the late morning sun. It was nearing the end of April and finally starting to warm up, but he still felt cold, especially in the shade. Swallowing, the hunter shifted to another patch of sun and stared up at the mostly blue sky. The ominous stormy weather seemed to have generally moved on in the two weeks since he’d left the hospital. He felt like he should have been annoyed that Kyuhyun hadn’t allowed him back to his regular shift, but he was more grateful than anything. With a sigh, he rubbed at the back of his neck with both hands and closed his eyes, stretching quietly.

                He started just a little when he heard the door open and close but his visitor announced themselves immediately and he relaxed again. “Just me,” Youngmin offered, the sound of a smile in his voice. “Is your headache any better?” he asked, stopping directly next to the younger man and looking over with a side-eyed glance.

                “Mostly,” Taekwoon nodded in assurance, still bathing in the sunlight.

                “Your scars look bett-” Youngmin began to say as he brushed his fingers against the side of Taekwoon’s neck with a light touch.

                Fear raced through him and he smacked the other man’s hand away before turning to pivot, one hand reaching for his missing cestus and the other raised in front of him defensively. He couldn’t miss the flash of hurt that flickered across the agrabuamelu’s face, but neither could he bring himself to apologize. The mimic was still out there and it would be so easy for it to finish the job. He knew – well, he was realistically certain – that the Youngmin before him was exactly that: Youngmin. But there was a very small part of him that wondered… worried… wouldn’t let the possibility go of any person around him being the creature that had nearly killed him. Should have killed him…

                Just as quickly, he watched Youngmin collect himself and plaster a smile on his face. “My fault,” he explained, holding his hands up in surrender. “I should have remembered.”

                Taekwoon forced himself to relax into a less defensive position and waved his hand dismissively. “It’s alright,” he promised, partially lying through his teeth. He knew Youngmin could tell it was a platitude but the other didn’t seem to hold it against him.

                “Your scars do look better,” he reiterated simply, nodding once to accompany his words. “And… if it’s any consolation, the mimic is not in the city anymore.”

                That made Taekwoon look up with a startled frown. “What?”

                Youngmin nodded once more. “Hakyeon’s got it on the run. He sent us a message the other day. It’s probably why the weather has been so nice lately,” he added, his smile softening as he slowly moved closer and took a seat on the single bench attached to the roof.

                “Huh?” Taekwoon wasn’t entirely sure what the weather had to do with Hakyeon and it made him curious. Hesitantly, he moved to the other end of the bench and took a seat, looking over at Youngmin expectantly.

                “Oh, come now. You said you did your research about the were-jaguar,” he laughed, raising a brow in his direction.

                “I did,” the hunter grumbled, looking away. “But I can’t say that weather patterns came up as part of it.”

                Youngmin nodded in understanding and gestured with his hand to show it was alright. “It’s fairly esoteric knowledge now, but in the early days, the handful of were-jaguars in existence were considered semi-deities of sorts.”

                “Of the weather?” Taekwoon questioned doubtfully, glancing up to see for himself.

                “Of storms, more accurately,” the agrabuamelu corrected. “There were never very many of them, but it was said that their anger could summon terrible storms in their wake.”

                The emphasis made Taekwoon snort and he shook his head. “I wouldn’t call our recent weather terrible exactly.”

                “No,” Youngmin agreed with a nod. “But back then, magic in general was more plentiful and stronger. Nowadays… it’s a much-subdued version. Magic hasn’t returned in many years, that we know of,” he added to clarify.

                That was an interesting thought. “So you’re saying that magic is weakening?”

                “Yes,” Youngmin answered, bobbing his head quickly. “You can’t feel it as much in a city like Tradeborough, since we’re a haven for magical creatures, but once you go beyond the barrier…” he trailed off, jerking his head in the general direction of the outskirts. “I’ve got nothing against your kind,” he laughed once, crossing his arms with a shrug, “but humans breed like rabbits and most of them have no magic of their own.”

                Taekwoon was a human yes, but it was still strange to feel both mildly offended and thoughtful at the same time. His family only had two kids – and his older sister might be adding one to the next generation soon, but looking at Youngmin, he realized the agrabuamelu was basically three times as old as him with no children. And that was not uncommon… It was an uncomfortable thought for another time though. “Not arguing,” he started, drawing a line with his open hand like he was cutting that part of the conversation off. “But what about the were-jaguars?”

                Youngmin laughed at the obvious attempt to shift the conversation. “Yes, yes. Would-be storm gods. Well, not so much, but it is true that they carry enough magic to affect a general area in such a way. Part of it is the fact that they’re magic sinks, but the other is that they are capable of generating large amounts of energy because of their fur,” he explained with a laugh. He laughed harder when Taekwoon gave him a suspicious side-eyed glare. “No, really. I mean, housecats can generate a decent static charge without doing anything. Were-jaguars can basically charge themselves up. Especially when they’re agitated,” he finished, both brows raised and eyes wide at the admission.

                “Hmm,” the hunter frowned, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees so he could cradle his chin on his thumbs.

                “Worried about him?” the agrabuamelu asked.

                “No,” he answered immediately, glancing over before looking ahead. The silence between them lengthened though and he finally admitted, “Maybe a little.” Hakyeon hadn’t come to see him in the hospital and he hadn’t contacted him since the incident either. He honestly didn’t know what to think but yes, he was at least a little worried about the stupid were.

                The bench vibrated as Youngmin scooched over little by little, slightly exaggerating his movements to make sure that Taekwoon knew he was coming. “Just so you know, he’ll probably be fine,” he promised, stopping nearly a foot from the younger man. Close enough to touch but far enough to give him space. “He has taken down a mimic before. Or so I’ve heard.”

                “But still,” he sighed, letting his head list to the side unhappily.

                “And this one…” he started to explain, tapping the bench so that Taekwoon would look up. “…probably overestimated itself in trying to take someone Hakyeon values so much,” he finished, placing his hand on the other man’s shoulder with a gentle, reassuring hand.

                Though he was currently conflicted about his feelings for Hakyeon, it very nearly undid him. Taekwoon took a shaky breath and looked up, staring at the sky. “I’m still mad at him,” he grumbled, voice fading in and out as his throat threatened to close.

                “Just be sure to tell him that when he comes back,” the agrabuamelu responded, giving him a careful shove before standing up and dusting his hands off. “Now, if you’re feeling any better, or not,” he tacked on anyway, “come help me in the office.”

                “Ugh,” Taekwoon groaned, a weak laugh escaping him as he dropped his gaze to the ground between his feet.

                “Kevin got a couple more tidbits out of the incubus and we’ve had a drop in cases this month but there’s still plenty to figure out in the meantime,” he reasoned, leaning over to try and look up into Taekwoon’s face.

                “Yeah, yeah,” he waved off, taking a deep breath before sitting up and rising to his feet. It was still a little cold and he wasn’t back to where he should be, but he was here. He was alive. Somehow. And it wouldn’t help anyone to just sit in a corner and mope about things. “Okay,” he exhaled, pulling his shoulders back. “You go ahead. I’ll be down in a minute.”

                “You sure?” Youngmin asked, standing up and then leaning forward slightly.

                Taekwoon nodded mutely. “I just need another minute and I’ll be ready.”

                “Okay,” the other man conceded, nodding along and shrugging. “I’ll come back to check on you if you take too long.”

                “Understood.” He heard Youngmin snort before walking off. The door clicked behind him softly, the sound intentional since it normally shut with a heavy clang. With the agrabuamelu’s absence, it allowed him to consider the were-jaguar again. He hadn’t come to check on him, and he hadn’t contacted him, and maybe he should have been able to tell what was happening with the mimic before it almost… killed him, but… he did miss the were. A tiny part of him was able to relax just a little bit more since hearing that Hakyeon was still hounding the mimic. That was something at least, but despite Hakyeon’s former success versus another mimic, he had cause to know that this one was dangerous enough to make him worry about the other man.

                Taekwoon frowned at the taller buildings again and then turned in the direction he thought was the closest to the barrier wall. If he was being honest, he was hoping it was the general direction that Hakyeon had gone in, but he couldn’t tell. It wasn’t like there was any special bond between them, showing him the way. But he hoped all the same. “Be careful, Hakyeon,” he whispered almost like a prayer as his left hand hovered protectively above his abdomen and the fingers of his right hand traced the fading scars on his neck.


                Thunder boomed overhead, a dire cacophony of sound that echoed off the buildings, distorting into twisted echoes after each passing second. Heavy snow like rain fell in a deluge, sending all sane people indoors or into the safety of their vehicles to wait out the unexpected thundersnow storm. The odd person huddled through the punishing ice flakes, dashing for cover, but they were like a single fish in the sea: inconsequential and not worthy of notice.

                One figure attempted to blend in by mimicking such people, humanoid in nature, and natural looking enough. Brown hair plastered on his forehead and brown eyes downcast, shielded from the stinging snow. Normal enough but not quite. Fear radiated from every inch of him as he sought cover, perpetually glancing over his shoulder as unobtrusively as possible. It was a losing battle though. The gleaming yellow eyes that followed him like a ghost in the shadows were not fooled. Every time he looked over his shoulder, they were there, driving him ever onward.

                Thirty-five days and fourteen hours. The amount of time it had taken Hakyeon to track down the treacherous creature in his sights after he’d left the hospital. A bolt of lightning split the sky, revealing everything below in an instant of crystal clarity. It wore a new face this time, but the were would know it anywhere now. Unable to hold a steady form for more than a couple days at a time, the mimic smell never faded. And so it ran.

                Fleeing the island Tradeborough was on, it sought refuge on the mainland. Larger cities at first, in a vain attempt to lose him. That didn’t work and it took to the roads, ever moving. Now, they were somewhere in the southern part of Saisur where it was still cold, but Hakyeon barely felt it. This was not a Mage city and it was subject to the full brunt of the weather raging around them, but the were’s anger would have been enough to power an entire furnace. And like a wolf now, he was herding his prey, further, further. He couldn’t stop in the city. Though he wanted to rip the creature asunder immediately, he was aware enough to know it would not be an easy task and there were too many possible casualties in the area.

                And the mimic hadn’t tried to duck into any ‘safe’ places either for fear of being trapped. Hakyeon flexed his talons, digging into damp concrete with childish ease. His low growl trailed after a rolling boom of thunder and made the mimic look up again. Their eyes met and the mimic started. An almost pitiful creature mired in the snow, he paused long enough to confirm, to see Hakyeon standing motionless, revealed in the burst of lightning that illuminated him clearly for the span of two seconds, becoming a yellow-eyed ghost in the afterimage of fading light.

                The mimic’s eyes widened and he bolted. Gone was the illusion of any degree of anonymity. He fled as one pursued, shifting as he did so. Large feline feet formed with each stride, changing from the ground up until he was a mirror image of Hakyeon. A cat’s grace granted him much better speed and leaping power. He bounded to a nearby rooftop, nothing like the buildings in Tradeborough but enough to put them on even footing.

                He stopped and turned to face the were, mouth opening in a challenging yowl of fear and anger and hatred. Hakyeon answered it without pause, the reverberations bouncing off the buildings and the snow in an orchestra of compounding sounds. The mimic blanched, ears lying back for half a second before rising again. “Curse you!” he hissed, turning tail and sprinting off the edge of the building.

                Hakyeon sprang after him, the thrill of the chase infusing every part of him with boundless energy. Launching over the edge in pursuit, he didn’t see his target though he did notice the tracks… backtracking. The were looked down and snarled to see the mimic attacking him from below. He swung his tail and wrenched his body in midair to change his position, just fast enough to meet the mimic head on.

                They grunted at the impact and arced up before starting to plummet back down again. Claws and fangs flashed in the revealing lightning. Hind legs kicked madly, finding purchase and tearing through fur and flesh. Stone and wood collapsed under their weight as they collided with a house. Surprised and frightened screams from inside punctured the air, fading out over the sound of combat.

                Hakyeon kicked and launched the mimic away, smashing it through a new part of the ceiling. His tail thrashed once and he yanked the fragment of wooden beam out of his back and tossed it away. With an angry snort, he leapt after, blood splatter from the mimic mixing with his own. Running on his hind legs, he saw the debris projectile – another fragment of a house – and jumped into it with both hands. It shattered under his power and fell apart in a rain of detritus and snow. A small tree followed it. Hakyeon caught it and surged forward, using it to try and ram into the mimic who attempted to backpedal. Wood scraped against the hasty defense of the mimic’s arms as it bowed backwards. Momentum carried Hakyeon forward and over his target.

                The mimic wrenched around and leapt after him, landing on his back with claws and fangs digging in. Hakyeon snarled. The tree exploded in his grip as he took the splinters in each hand and stabbed them backwards, driving them into the mimic’s unprotected back. It howled in pain and the fangs came free. Hakyeon’s claws sank into weak flesh. He curled his back and yanked, forcefully hauling the mimic over him. The mimic’s claws came free with trophies of fur and flesh. The were threw him to the ground in front of him and pounced. Massive fangs gleamed in a bolt of lightning before sinking into the mimic’s shoulder right next to the improvised wooden stake.

                It screamed and flailed, desperately trying to escape. Flesh started to shift in an effort to break free. Hakyeon’s teeth bit down harder with a grinding sound. He pulled, severing bone and tearing flesh before rending the mimic’s arm from his body. It started to lose its shape almost immediately. The mimic thrashed with a distorted keening wail and was suddenly face to face with Hakyeon, back to its mirror image again.

                “Die!” it spat, choking on its rage and pain. Its free hand caught Hakyeon before it kicked at the other were’s soft belly with massive back claws.

                Hakyeon dropped the arm and twisted, turning the worst of the damage into a glancing blow. Pivoting away, he shifted to face the mimic and jerked in surprise. It was coming at him again, both arms intact. The stakes were gone and the injuries seemed to be too. But the blood on the ground told otherwise. They collided once more, falling backwards and rolling. Hakyeon pinned it first, snapping at the mimic’s face while his claws carved deep furrows down its body.

                The mimic frenzied, lashing out and bucking Hakyeon off to roll them to the side. Like a rabid creature, it attacked the were, claws marking Hakyeon’s skin with a latticework of cuts and blood. It snapped at him with a were’s maw but relied on talons until Hakyeon caught one wrist in his teeth and bludgeoned him in the head with his free hand. His claws ripped away most of the creature’s face as it tumbled to the side. It took both of them a second to stand up.

                “Why won’t you die?!” the mimic snarled, its voice distorted as its mouth took time to reform. Skin shifted in a nauseating display of malleability before settling in place.

                Hakyeon stood up and exhaled once, a massive plume of mist gusting in front of him before disappearing in the wind and snow. “You tried to take what is mine,” he growled, the guttural sound nearly unintelligible in his anger.

                “Turn about is fair play,” the mimic sneered, claws flexing as it roared.

                “Let’s end this then,” the were growled, tail thrashing behind him as his skin twitched and jumped, making his fur shiver in response.

                “If you can,” it taunted, voice tighter than it should have been. “I can reform as much as I need but you…” it sneered, nodding at Hakyeon’s bloodied body.

                The words made Hakyeon laugh once with a crooked smile. “Your friend was a difficult challenge then too. But you’re forgetting one thing.”

                The mimic scoffed once, but the swallow that bobbed in its throat showed it was nervous. “What’s that?”

                “I am better than you.”


                It was the only sound he got out before Hakyeon closed the distance between them, yellow eyes ablaze and sparks dancing on the tips of his fur. Surprised, the mimic stayed still just long enough. He rammed into it and took them to the ground, energy humming around him. Claws locked together, his fur vibrated harder, sending arcs of mini-lightning bolts dancing over his fur and traveling down his limbs to the frantic mimic beneath him.

                “NO!” the mimic howled, desperately trying to reform its body to get out from the pin. His legs shriveled up and unfurled anew, pressing against Hakyeon’s abdomen, but they were wobbly and weak as lightning swirled around them. Hind claws ripped open the were’s sides. Hakyeon winced with a pained growl but he remained unmoved. The mimic’s arms tried to go through the same mutation but Hakyeon pulled both limbs behind him, forcing the creature to sit up closer. The were’s jaws stretched wide and the mimic screamed when its face was bitten off and tossed away. Sound keened from the yawning cavern of undulating flesh and the entire creature started to lose form.

                “For Taekwoon,” Hakyeon snarled, taking both hands and tearing one across the mimic’s neck and the other across its abdomen.

                The mimic lost all semblance of the were’s form and coalesced into a ball of keening, roiling material. The semblance of a face appeared in front of Hakyeon. “You will die!” it howled, the body suddenly turning into a literal ball of spines.

                Hakyeon grunted and gasped as he was impaled by dozens of spikes. Doubling down, he buried his hands deeper into the malleable flesh and roared. Lightning overhead flashed. Thunder boomed. The area around Hakyeon exploded in a burst of sizzling energy followed by the hiss of super-heated air amidst the cold. Snow from above turned to mist and steam rose from the ground, cloaking the area in fog.

                A strange silence descended. The sky quieted. The hiss gradually faded away. And all that was left was the subtle sound of snow falling, large flakes dropping on soft earth. The mist started to fade and all that remained was a single smoldering figure kneeling where there had been two before. Another moment passed and he gasped, the sound raspy and pained. “Magic that hurt,” he groaned, wincing and carefully patting down his person with badly burnt hands. Dark patches under mangled fur showed cauterized holes in his body. “That’s gonna leave a mark,” he mused dryly with a pained squint. Then he took a small breath and looked around, an intent frown on his face.

                There was no sign of the mimic. Well, the sooty smudges on the ground under Hakyeon were the mimic but there was nothing left to worry about. Not that he could see. Or smell. Or feel. And that was enough for him. The shiver that overtook him this time was very real though and he huddled close against the foreign feel of the bite of cold against his unprotected skin. Dazedly, he forced himself to his feet and blinked dry, burning eyes to try and see where he could go. The blood trail leading to this place was obvious though and for once, he was grateful for such a thing.

                “At least I can get back to civilization easily enough.” He shivered again and stood up to take one wobbly step after the next in the direction of the city. Now that the storm was quiet, hopefully he’d be able to get someone to help him. He would be damned if he was going to die of exposure, of all things, after defeating another mimic. “The hells with that,” he snorted, normally fluffy tail swaying sad and patchy behind him in a pitiful attempt at a normal testy twitch. He glanced back, noticed how bad off it looked and sighed in tired acceptance. “Definitely gonna leave a mark.”

Chapter 34: Visiting Sanctuary


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                He had met her briefly and seen her from afar a handful of times, but finally having a chance to really give Hyoyeon a once over up close and in person was not something Jungkook had been expecting today. Or seeing Namjoon in the presence of both Yoongi and the newest vampire in their midst. In point of fact, things had been pretty quiet for him (and the other vampire) lately, and it had been rather nice.

                A quick glance at Yoongi gave him no indication as to what the other vampire was thinking. Looking at Hyoyeon was even less informative, though she did smile more often than his… boyfriend? Vampire friend? Did the name change when the status did? He hadn’t quite worked up the nerve to ask yet, especially since it seemed like a rather silly question, and he wanted to hear it from the other vampire himself. For now, it was safer – and more enjoyable – to keep going as they were.

                Almost like Yoongi could tell that his mind was wandering, he reached out and swiped at Jungkook’s hand with gentle fingers, nodding towards Namjoon. “Focus,” he whispered, the corner of his mouth quirking to one side in quiet amusement.

                Jungkook ducked his head in embarrassment and nodded. But when he looked again, he noticed Hyoyeon leaning out far enough to see around Yoongi and she grinned as they made eye contact. Crap. He kept forgetting how good vampire hearing was…

                Namjoon softly cleared his throat, instantly drawing all eyes back to him. “If you’re done enjoying yourselves,” he snorted, one brow raised as he crossed his arms and shifted his weight.

                “Sorry!” Hyoyeon apologized immediately while Jungkook looked down. Yoongi didn’t say anything and a sidelong glance showed he was rather unaffected by the comment. His customary smirk was in place and he met Namjoon’s gaze with relative ease.

                The Vampire Lord laughed then, a slight eye roll flashing across his face. “As I was saying, Hyoyeon has had a chance to meet most of the major players in the city. Jungsu took her to see Taeyang recently and I introduced her to Sungmin and Taeyeon the other day.” Jungkook frowned as they were familiar names but not people that he had met yet. Uncertain, he glanced at Yoongi again but the other vampire was focusing on Namjoon. “Ailee’s already aware of her,” he continued, the comment surprising Hyoyeon just a bit if the brief start was any indication. “And things have finally quieted enough to make a venture to see the Crone.”

                Again, the name was familiar and Jungkook knew it was connected to Yoongi, but he couldn’t remember the details. Curiously, he looked over and had to hide his smile when the other vampire reacted in typical Yoongi fashion. “Feh! You’ve just been waiting until we were both not busy so you could use my connection to the Crone so these two would start off on easy footing.”

                “Maybe, maybe not,” Namjoon answered with a wink. “Either way, it’s common courtesy and… with someone like the Crone, it’s best to announce your presence early. Especially if you’re a vampire that’s above Rank 2.” Jungkook frowned and raised his hand, catching Namjoon’s attention instantly. “And in your case,” the Vampire Lord spoke before he could ask the question. “You would have met her last year when you first turned but a lot was happening at the time,” he admitted with a shrug.

                “She has a soft spot for newbies,” Yoongi leaned over to explain, his fingers brushing against Jungkook’s reassuringly.

                “I’m looking forward to meeting her,” Hyoyeon admitted, her enthusiasm obvious in her voice.

                “Yes, well, Jungsu is out with Wonho and Sanghyuk and I’ve got plenty going on here to keep me busy while you introduce them,” he explained, pointing at Yoongi specifically.

                “Now who’s the lazy one?” Yoongi asked with a snort, clearly brushing off the busy comment as an excuse or a front.

                “Still you,” Namjoon shot back without missing a beat, much to the younger vampire’s annoyance. He held up his hand so Yoongi wouldn’t retort and continued, “I’ll leave it up to you two about how you get there.” His finger motioned between Yoongi and Hyoyeon, skipping over Jungkook entirely. “At least try to behave while you’re there,” he teased, the comment also specifically for Yoongi.

                Almost at the same time, both Jungkook and Hyoyeon leaned forward slightly to look at the vampire between them, but they noticed each other and laughed instead. Yoongi gave them side-eyed looks, a frown marring his face, and crossed his arms in frustration with an annoyed expression. Jungkook would have been more concerned except he caught the barest glimpse of a second glance from the other vampire, rather like he was checking to make sure he didn’t take offense.

                Namjoon made a face as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. “Off you go then,” he waved, already turning his attention to the device in his hands. Despite his words, the vampire lord was the first to leave, disappearing into shadows in the blink of an eye and leaving the trio to decide what to do next.

                Hyoyeon stepped forward so that she was in front of the other two vampires and raised her hand energetically. “I actually know where the Crone is so if it’s alright with you guys, I’ll take us there.”

                Jungkook had no say in the matter really – he couldn’t travel by shadow yet even if he wanted to – but he was curious to see how Yoongi would react.

                “It would probably be better if I did,” Yoongi answered in a slow drawl, eyeing the newest vampire uncertainly.

                “Really though! I do know where Sanctuary is,” Hyoyeon insisted, her brunette locks bouncing with her enthusiasm. It made Jungkook laugh. She was obviously trying to prove herself.

                After a moment, Yoongi shrugged and raised his hands as if in surrender. “Alright. If you really insist,” he added almost nonchalantly. But there was something about the way he said it that made Jungkook look over curiously. Oh dear. There was that customary smirk that meant he had something going through his mind.

                “Hyoyeon…” he started to say, one finger raised.

                “Okay!” she chirped, clapping her hands together and rubbing them energetically. She either didn’t hear him or, more likely, chose not to. “Here we go!” she called, reaching into her pocket for a standard lighter – it wasn’t nearly as nice as Yoongi’s. With a click, a flame flickered into life and power coalesced near them, an open door waiting to be walked through.

                Jungkook jerked in surprise when something grabbed his hand. Looking down, he saw it was Yoongi and relief flooded through him. Too many stories about things in the shadows made his mind a fertile ground for imaginative tricks.

                “Let’s go,” he urged, tugging Jungkook after him as they followed the waiting Hyoyeon and stepped into the shadow paths.

                He’d been on them before, but they never got any more comfortable. Maybe it was the human side of him, but the yawning blackness was perpetually unsettling. Shadows within shadows moved, subtle and frightening in their ambiguity. Yoongi’s hand tightened on his, reassuring and firm. He couldn’t see any change, but he could feel the other vampire’s power around him, like a cloak protecting them from the winter’s chill. Ahead, he could sense Hyoyeon nearby, but again, for him, the shadow paths were as good as walking in the dark. Maybe Yoongi could see, but he sure couldn’t. If they went on them, he was usually shrouded in Yoongi’s cloak so the darkness was expected. Without it…

                “Almost there,” came the surprising but reassuring whisper in his ear. It was distinctly Yoongi. More than that, it helped to drown out the distant whispers that tickled his senses as they walked, like voices reaching from a faraway place: cajoling, beckoning, enticing…

                He gasped when the sensation of abrupt movement hit him this time and light struck his eyes. “Whoa!” he exhaled, reeling slightly as he blinked hard against the mid-morning light.

                “What the-” That from Hyoyeon, who was obviously confused about something.

                Jungkook shivered as power rose, threatening and overwhelming. An ominous voice slithered into his ears and mind, dual layers of power that made his skin crawl. “What vampire dares arrive unan- Yoongi dear?”

                The immediate change in the tone was like whiplash and Jungkook reeled from it as he looked at the speaker first – a raven haired enchantress with blood red lips, dead eyes, and wreathed in shadows, before fixating on Yoongi who was in the process of rolling his eyes. That, more than anything else, made Jungkook relax and he gripped the hand holding his tighter. “Hi Hyuna,” he waved once, the motion short and abbreviated.

                She scoffed as an immediate change washed over her. Shadows gave way to various shades of red and she… pouted. “Is that any way to speak to your mother?” It wasn’t just a pout either. She literally walked over and snagged Yoongi’s free arm in hers, acting very much as if they were the only two in the world.

                Jungkook was wide-eyed, but at least he’d heard about her being Yoongi’s foster mother. Hyoyeon just seemed at an absolute loss when he looked in her direction. But he didn’t know what to say himself, or how to interrupt the obvious reunion, so he just held tight to Yoongi’s hand and hoped that would be enough.


                “You should have told me you were coming. Or at least used your power to arrive,” she chided looking up at him with narrowed eyes before she started to piece her calm back together and glanced at Jungkook first – the sensation not unlike being completely ignored but also utterly deconstructed at the same time – and then settled her gaze on Hyoyeon with a thoughtful and then knowing look.

                “I tried to tell her,” he shrugged without looking down at the slightly shorter woman. Her stature in no way diminished her intimidation factor and Jungkook was still having a hard time finding his voice.

                “Kind of…” Hyoyeon managed to squeak out, desperately trying to regain a measure of her composure as she smoothed the front of her shirt reflexively.

                Hyuna deftly extracted herself from Yoongi’s side and glided next to Hyoyeon. “Oh, I know exactly what he did. Troublesome child,” she laugh-chided with a shake of her head.

                “I’m not a chi-” he started to say before he stopped mid-word, her raised brow enough to silence him.

                Jungkook could barely believe his eyes. He glanced between the two and then noticed Yoongi’s gaze shift in his direction. Jungkook suddenly found a very interesting spot in the nearby scenery… But he didn’t miss the way that the Crone… Hyuna, turned her attention to Hyoyeon either though.

                “Don’t worry, dear. He knew exactly what would happen if he let you lead the way. Brat,” she added glancing at him once more before she stepped close to Hyoyeon, all smiles and at complete odds with what she’d been previously. “Hmm. You smell like Namjoon so I’m guessing you’re the newbie in the Coven,” she explained with a deft smile, reaching both hands out to lightly clasp Hyoyeon’s in hers.

                Taken aback, Hyoyeon nodded. “I am. I just joined earlier this month.”

                “Oh, finally! I was wondering when that baby was going to start addressing the serious imbalance in his coven,” she laughed, actively patting Hyoyeon’s hand as she turned to lead the female vampire inside the building. She didn’t even pause to look back at Yoongi and Jungkook.

                It took Jungkook a long moment to realize the baby she was referring to was likely Namjoon, and he blinked in slow confusion. Just how old was she…? Even more lost than before, Jungkook pointed at her and then at himself with a questioning glance at Yoongi.

                In an echoing example of Hyuna, which felt slightly mocking, Yoongi patted his hand and nodded reassuringly. “She’s playing nice right now. Come on,” he added with a snort, jerking his head towards the orphanage.

                Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the answer but didn’t say anything. Yet. He did follow along at Yoongi’s side as they stepped into the building just after Hyuna and Hyoyeon. The space that greeted him was currently empty but open and warm, filled to the brim with pictures along the walls and clearly worn furniture, though everything was still in good repair. Various scents crowded his nose though and it was a struggle attempting to figure them all out so he stopped trying pretty much immediately. Yoongi, or someone, would let him know if it was important. Now or later. For the moment, he could have listened in on the women talking, but he was more fascinated by the pictures on the wall – and one in particular that looked familiar to him. Taking a small step in its direction, he suddenly found himself stalled by Yoongi’s hand holding him in place.

                A smirk crossed his lips and he asked, “That is you, isn’t it?”

                The corner of Yoongi’s mouth curled slightly and he rolled his eyes. “It’s an old picture,” he admitted with a sigh.

                Jungkook frowned and looked back at the image, narrowing his eyes. “How old?” he couldn’t help but ask. Not entirely surprisingly, he hadn’t changed at all. Okay, maybe his hair color had but that was it… Annoyingly, Yoongi just shrugged. But a chill ran up his spine when subtle power washed over them.

                “Oh, Yoongi here was one hundred and twenty-four in this picture,” Hyuna answered as she deftly hooked his arm in hers and looked over at him with a coy smile.

                “Hyuna…” he groaned, smacking his face with an open palm before he slid it down and sighed.

                “It took me a while to convince him to let me do a picture,” she explained to Hyoyeon and Jungkook, glancing at the two matter-of-factly.

                “And I regret it every time I come here,” he reminded her with a plastic smile and side-eyed look.

                “So you say,” she grinned, her manner showing his response was likely just a fussy show. “These are all my children over the years,” she went on, stepping closer to the wall and gesturing with her hands to take in the expanse of images that literally covered the entirety of the space before them and kept going along the length in either direction.

                “How many children have you taken in?” Hyoyeon asked, preempting the question Jungkook wanted to say.

                “Only a few. I don’t really keep track of the specific number,” she demurred shyly, turning the weight of her attention back to Hyoyeon.

                “She does,” Yoongi promised Jungkook quietly, a smirk on his mouth showing he knew very well she would hear him. But Hyuna didn’t react and he clicked his tongue in disappointment.

                There were so many questions going through his mind and he wanted to ask all of them at once, but because Jungkook was mostly looking at Yoongi’s face, he noticed the shift that happened, so quick but so subtle, it would have been all too easy to miss. He gasped as the other vampire loosed his hand and pushed him back a step with a mildly perturbed glance down. His gasp turned to a jerk of shock when Yoongi’s shadow literally moved on its own and the vampire fell through the floor. “Yoongi!” Panic struck him and he looked at Hyoyeon and Hyuna for help or an explanation or something.

                At least Hyoyeon looked as lost as him, but Hyuna appeared completely unflustered by the vampire’s disappearance. “Come here, Jungkook,” she urged, gesturing with his hand in a tone that implied complete calm.


                “He’ll be fine,” she promised, drifting close to catch his arm lightly in hers, much like she did for Yoongi earlier, and then dragged him along to catch Hyoyeon so they could head further into the orphanage. “If he came by more often, such things might not happen to him,” she shrugged, a particularly pleased smile tugging at her lips.

                “Correct me if I’m wrong, but his shadow actually moved,” Hyoyeon commented, holding one finger up and staring intently at the Crone.

                “Correct,” she confirmed with a quick nod and a brilliant smile.

                “And it wasn’t you.”

                “Nope,” she confirmed again, a quick chirp of amused sound.

                Hyoyeon’s eyes widened and she held a hand over her mouth. “Then it was a-”

                Hyuna nudged Hyoyeon lightly and clucked her tongue. “It wasn’t an Exile.”

                That made Jungkook’s eyes widen. “I am so lost.”

                “It’s alright,” the Crone promised soothingly, turning a gentle expression to him. “Yoongi is fine. He’ll be back soon enough. For now, I’d like you to meet my other children. They were in classes when you arrived but they should be making their way out soon enough. Either because their teachers are curious or just because they are.” As if on cue, a door down the hall opened and out stepped a short waif of a figure with bright blonde hair and dark circles under his eyes who was currently wearing a perturbed frown. “Byunghyun. I expected you sooner,” she admitted with a light laugh.

                With an eye roll that could rival Yoongi, he turned to look through the doorway and pointed at someone within. “These two decided to see who could beat the other to come see what the fuss was about.”

                A red headed child tumbled out, moving with an almost unnatural force, and nearly collided with Byunghyun in the process. “I won!”

                Immediately after him came a somewhat older looking boy – a teen - with short, spiky blonde hair who seemed to be riding the same unnatural force. “Only because I let you.”

                Byunghyun brushed at his sleeves sending slight puffs of what looked like ash up. “Only because he was trying to put out the fire,” he explained, gesturing at the redhead this time.

                “I had it under control!” he denied, scrambling to his feet and smoothing his hair quickly with both hands before freezing when he realized they had an active audience. “Hi mom,” he murmured, the word coming to his lips uncertainly as he ducked his head in embarrassment.

                “Vampires,” the spiky blonde exhaled with wide eyes.

                “Ugh,” Byunghyun exhaled, smacking them both in the back of the head lightly. “Where are your manners?”

                As if in sync, and like this was a semi-regular occurrence, both jumped up and then bowed, “Sorry!”

                Hyuna laughed, apparently delighted by the display, while Jungkook and Hyoyeon exchanged glances behind her. “Don’t be too hard on them. We both know Wonshik is a bit of a trickster but I’m actually delighted you’re getting along so well, Joshua,” she beamed. “He’s my newest child,” she explained, giving both vampires a bright smile. “He just came to us this month. His abilities are a little much for him right now,” she added behind her hand so as to hide most of the explanation from his ears. “We have guests today though,” she switched up immediately and gestured with her hands. “Come say hi to the new Coven members.”

                “Are they really vampires?” Joshua asked Wonshik, his eyes wide as he looked between the older boy and the guests.

                “Yes, now come on,” Byunghyun answered for him, placing his hands behind either boy and urging them forward.

                “You too, Minzy,” Hyuna called, glancing up.

                Jungkook and Hyoyeon followed her gesture and jerked in surprise at the half-spider, half-girl figure clinging to the ceiling. “Anansi,” the latter murmured in obvious astonishment.

                “Minzy,” Hyuna corrected with a wink and a gentle smile.

                A thin infant’s cry split the air and Hyuna looked around, followed quickly by everyone else. “Sorry!” came the immediate apology from a harried looking cat person whose ears were pinned against his head from the shrill sound.

                Jungkook felt for him and ducked his head reflexively, trying not to cover his own ears. The cat person looked strange in regular human clothes, but he had a pleasant cat face and lovely marbled colorations of dark blonde and brown. The cat person glanced at the gathered crowd and shrugged in mute apology before pausing in front of Hyuna with a rather hopeful look on his face.

                “She’s probably just hungry,” Hyuna crooned, drawing close to drop all pretenses of being a powerful creature before she started making faces and cooing at the baby. Another wail rent the air despite her best efforts and she laughed to herself. “Jisoo honey,” she soothed, conjuring a sparkling ball of dancing colors in her hand. Prime element shades swirled tantalizingly together, catching the baby’s attention despite her closed eyes. Brilliant orbs of sparkling silver focused on the moving light and she opened her mouth to make a quiet sound of wonder.

                “Thank you,” the cat person sighed in true relief as he rocked Jisoo in his arms carefully.

                “Here,” she urged, drifting the ball of light to hover over them so that Jisoo remained transfixed. “See if you can get her to eat and if that doesn’t work, I’ll take care of it,” she winked, raising her hand to brush the backs of her fingers against the cat person’s furry cheek.

                He grinned in response, rubbing his face once against her fingers, and nodded. “I’ll be back soon,” he promised, purring in the back of his throat as he turned to take the baby with him towards the kitchen, his tail swinging behind him in slow, languid strokes, obvious through the clear intentional hole in his pants.

                Hyuna waved and then turned her attention to the newcomers once again. Jungkook almost missed it because he was watching the cat person walk off, not sure if he should be impressed by the clothing design or amused. “That was Hyunseong, another caretaker here like Byunghyun,” she explained, gesturing at the short blonde still standing between Wonshik and Joshua. “But we’re missing two. Where are Mingyu and Summer?”

                Byunghyun’s nose wrinkled in frustration and he groaned with another spectacular eye roll. “Summer probably slipped out during morning lessons and knowing Mingyu, he likely followed her. Should I go find them?” he asked, his hand rising like he wanted to touch his face in annoyance before pausing and forcing it back down again.

                “No need,” Hyuna commented with a shake of her head. Her eyes narrowed as her expression turned thoughtful and she nodded once. “If I’m not mistaken, Shownu’s following them. He’ll let me know if something happens,” she promised, apparently satisfied. “Now! Where were we?” she asked, beaming as she turned to look between the two present vampires. “Children. This is Jungkook and Hyoyeon. The newest vampires in the Coven. Remember them well,” she encouraged, gesturing for them to move forward so they could get a better look.

                Jungkook had no idea how to react. Without Yoongi, he felt rather lost in this overwhelming place. Though it seemed Hyoyeon was right at home. She immediately played the part of a big sister and enamored the children with her smiles and charm by asking them questions to get them to open up. Drawn to her like moths to a flame, the present trio left Jungkook mostly alone except for Byunghyun who was giving him a good once over. He was afraid the other man was going to start asking him questions until he was quite literally saved by the two boys.

                “How do you know Yoongi?” “Why did you guys come together?” “How long have you been a vampire?” “Did Yoongi turn you?”

                The questions poured out and he almost didn’t know how to answer. Where he might have tried to be witty, quick amusing responses failed him, and he looked at Hyoyeon and then Hyuna for help. Neither offered him any quarter at all. The former grinned unabashedly at his predicament while she entertained Minzy and the latter let a knowing smile play on her lips, casually leaning against the wall as she watched. Nope. Neither was going to help at all. “Well,” he shrugged, taking a reflexive breath and nodding his head in uncertain acceptance. “I met him in a night club, actually,” he explained, laughing and rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment when he realized how cheesy that sounded.

                The boys didn’t seem to care though. Well, he did get a teasing snort from Wonshik, but Joshua plowed right on with his next question. It didn’t take long for them to move into the kitchen for snacks – for the children and the guests – and Hyunseong joined in then while Hyuna took over, looking after Jisoo as she did so.

                It felt all too much like twenty questions, but the cat person was much better about pulling both vampires into the conversation. Jungkook wasn’t sure how long they talked for. Time seemed to lose all sense of meaning shortly after they’d arrived anyway. But he was just as surprised as everyone else when Hyuna suddenly moved. She glanced up and her arm waved across the room, literally pushing everyone and everything out of the way. It should have been alarming but it barely felt like anything at all. One second, Jungkook was sitting and chatting; the next, he was across the room and watching two shadowy figures falling into the just cleared space.

                “Ugh! You did that on purpose!” the brunette teen girl scowled, jabbing her finger at Yoongi as the shadows in the room gradually receded to their usual locations.

                Yoongi stood up and rolled his shoulders before brushing them off with one hand and then shrugging. “If you say so.”

                “I almost… had… you,” she started to say energetically before she realized they were the center of attention, her voice quieting and trailing off. Immediately, she dropped her head and appeared to try and make herself as small as possible.

                Jungkook didn’t know exactly how, but the air literally shifted. Hyuna was across the room before anyone else could blink, Jisoo still cradled in her arm, the infant sleeping peacefully. Without so much as a word, she raised the girl’s head with her fingers, gave her the warmest smile Jungkook had ever seen, and cupped her cheek tenderly, nothing but sincere love and support. The tension in her body bled away immediately and she released the breath she’d been holding.

                The warmth vanished when Hyuna turned her head to look at Yoongi, a disappointed glare sharp enough to cut through stone settling on him. Jungkook watched the other vampire shrink back just a touch, a sight that was rather unusual for him, and then cringed at the single cluck of Hyuna’s tongue. It was an expression mirrored by just about everybody when he took the quickest look around the room.

                Hyuna’s demeanor shifted again as she turned her focus back to the younger girl. “Come on, love,” she encouraged, wrapping a slender arm around her waist to guide her from the room. “Hyunseong,” she called, glancing back to draw the cat person after them.

                As soon as they filed out, Wonshik made a low whistling sound and added, “You’re in trouble now.” He left shortly after, pulling Joshua with him too.

                “Good job,” Byunghyun congratulated sarcastically, clapping the vampire on the shoulder as he passed by in turn.

                “I feel like there’s a story here,” Hyoyeon commented, eyeing Yoongi as she waited for a response. Jungkook thought she was very brave in that moment. When Yoongi finished rubbing his temples in silence and glared at her, she raised her hands in quiet surrender.

                He grumbled low in his throat and then rolled his eyes before looking at Jungkook. “I’ll tell you later. Just… help me move the stuff back into place first,” he added, grimacing at the displaced tables and chairs.

                Jungkook had no idea what to say and the only thing that made any sense was, “Okay.” He was certain there was a story indeed, but now was not the time to press. Especially with the oppressive air hovering over them.

                By the time they got back to the Coven, Yoongi seemed repentant, or at least chagrined. With a glance between Jungkook and Hyoyeon, he gave a quick response that covered the gist of the problem. By the way he didn’t look at Jungkook, the younger vampire knew Yoongi was holding something back. He held his tongue as Yoongi satisfied Hyoyeon’s immediate curiosity, and then waited while they went their separate ways from the other Rank 3.

                It wasn’t until they reached the solitude and privacy of Yoongi’s room that Jungkook finally demanded an answer. “Alright. What really happened there?” he asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the door as if he would somehow be able to trap the vampire here until he responded.

                Yoongi sighed and slumped down on the edge of his bed, patting it with one hand and looking at Jungkook expectantly. “No tricks,” he added when the younger vampire continued to look at him warily.

                “Fine…” Jungkook trailed off, giving in and moving to sit down next to the other vampire. “Spill it,” he commanded, arms still crossed and an annoyed look on his face.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose, the ghost of a snort escaping at the same time. Then he nodded as if to himself and started, “Hyosung’s a special case at Sanctuary. She’s…” he trailed off, hesitating as he looked at Jungkook with a searching gleam in his eyes. Apparently satisfied, or perhaps reassured, he continued, “…the current vessel for the Shadow Elemental Prime and I might have set her progress back centuries today.”


Apologies for the delay. My muse has not been kind lately and it has taken me far longer than I would have preferred to get past my sticking point. I can admit I'm not wholly satisfied with the chapter - the second half especially feels awkward, but it does at least have the information I wanted to convey. Hopefully I'll be able to get the next update out sooner. I at least know my starting point and it should coincide nicely with swinging back to a couple of other characters too, but I'll let you know as soon as I can. Hopefully you enjoyed the update and will continue to look forward to the next one. Thank you for being patient and happy reading!

Chapter 35: Sanctuary's Secrets - Yoongi


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                Okay. So maybe centuries was a bit of an overstatement but still. Yoongi was well aware he was in the wrong, not that it made the aftermath any more palatable. He glanced over to gauge how Jungkook would react to the news but it seemed to wash over him without the expected effect.

                “Shadow Elemental Prime?” he asked with curiously narrowed eyes. The head tilt probably meant he’d heard the name before but he obviously didn’t remember the importance.

                Yoongi nodded. “Magic’s first children.” He kept his eyes on his mentee, waiting expectantly.

                “Ah,” he nodded in acceptance, the words registering but not the meaning yet. That hit a moment later and he literally jerked as if Yoongi had flicked him in the head. “Eh?!” His eyes grew almost comically wide as he stared at the other vampire.

                “Yeah,” Yoongi agreed with another nod, threading his fingers together and placing his hands lightly between his knees. He looked down when he spoke again, “Hyuna’s focus is usually special cases. The rare. The powerful. The tragic,” he added with a grimace, gaze focused on the tops of his knees. Even without looking over at Jungkook though, he could feel his confusion and shock.

                “But… if she’s something so powerful, what was that about earlier?” he asked, deftly accepting the most shocking part and moving on to the confusing bit.

                The older vampire grimaced once more and rolled his head before rubbing at the back of his neck. “She will be powerful. More anyway. Later,” he explained in choppy fragments of sentences. “Now, she’s little more than a damaged child.”

                “She looked fine to me,” Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

                 He held his hands up in surrender when Yoongi looked at him, unsure if he was being intentionally obtuse or trying to be funny. “Physically, yes. On the other hand, most of the residents at Sanctuary aren’t actually orphans, but having that front buys them sympathy from more places. Especially among humans.”

                “Oh…” the younger vampire trailed off, mulling it over. “So is Hyosung an orphan?”

                “Might as well be,” Yoongi sighed with another grimace. “You saw it earlier, didn’t you? The shadows move?” Jungkook nodded with an affirmative sound. “Vampires can manipulate shadows if they’re strong enough, but Hyosung is the shadows. She is them and they are her. She looks human but spend enough time around her and you discover she’s not.” He paused and looked over at Jungkook with a sad expression. “Get treated like a monster long enough, you start to act like one. Whether you want to or not.”

                Jungkook’s hand rose to hover in front of his mouth in mute horror. “What did she do?”

                A bitter laugh escaped the older vampire and he explained, “Her shadow came to life and ate a schoolmate.”

                Jungkook’s expression would have been funny in any other circumstance. “Like, being taken into the shadow paths?” he wondered for clarification.

                Yoongi shook his head. “No. Literally ate as in no trace left behind. There’s not really any coming back from that.” He closed his eyes and scrunched his face, trying to scrub his memory of their entrance to the kitchen. “Hyuna’s been teaching her to control her powers but still, when things like today happen, Hyosung shuts down. It’s too similar to what set her off the first time so she makes herself small instead of lashing out. Safer for everyone that way…” he admitted in a quiet voice, uncomfortable with the semi-comparable mechanism in his own life.

                “I’m sorry,” Jungkook murmured, reaching over to wrap his hand around Yoongi’s, offering quiet support. “But… if you knew that, why did you land in the middle of the kitchen?”

                There was no accusation there; just honest curiosity and it made the answer all the more difficult to give. Yoongi opened his mouth and ran his tongue along one row of teeth, buying a second to think. “It wasn’t intentional. Well, not landing there. I meant to drop us near Hyuna. She’d make sure nothing happened and she did, but I didn’t expect her to be where everyone was still. Figured she’d run off with you or Hyoyeon for a more private conversation. It’s what she usually did when Namjoon came or brought other vampires to be introduced.”

               “Okay, but why?” Jungkook pressed, relentless in his quest to understand.

                Part of Yoongi resented it. He wanted to hide his weaknesses and insecurities away where no one but him could find them. Before he could force the answer out, Jungkook beat him to it.

                “Was she really better than you?” he wondered, his hand still lying atop Yoongi’s.

                “No.” But that was a lie and it tasted bad on his tongue. “And yes.” He tilted his head to the side and gave a partial grimace as he sucked air through his teeth. “I’ve underestimated her before and taken a beating for it. Today…” he admitted with a disappointed frown. “I know she’s a Prime Elemental but it still stings when you’re on the verge of being beaten by a literal child.”

                He watched Jungkook’s hand rise up to cup his cheek, turning his head so he could see the other vampire. “It’s nice to be reminded you’re flawed like me sometimes.”

                “That’s your takeaway?” he scoffed with an added snort, turning his head to look anywhere but at Jungkook.

                A quiet laugh followed him anyway. “One of them,” he admitted, leaning over to wrap his arms around Yoongi, gently trapping him in the embrace.

                He turned just enough to see Jungkook’s face in the corner of his eye. “Brat.”

                “Sometimes,” he grinned in response, holding just a bit tighter. “But why do you help train her? I mean, you said Hyuna was working with her so…?”

                Yoongi shook his head and grabbed one of Jungkook’s arms with his hand. “She’s too close. She taught Hyosung the basics of control but fighting…” He barked a laugh and rolled his eyes. “She had a hard enough time training me in combat, much less someone like Hyosung. And…” he paused, trailing off when Jungkook opened his mouth as if to ask a question. But the younger vampire stopped too, apparently intent on hearing the continuation instead. Yoongi wrinkled his nose slightly and went on, “I’m not sure she can keep up with Hyosung’s shadow play anymore.”

                Jungkook’s confusion was obvious. “But isn’t she a Rank 4 vampire? She did use vampiric force, didn’t she?”

                That made the older vampire laugh. “She did. And she is. But not like any other vampire I’ve ever met. She has thousands of stories but she never told us hers. Ask her anything about her children and she’ll go on for days. Ask her about herself and she’ll pretend she didn’t hear you or answer like you asked a different question.”

                “Huh,” Jungkook chirped, brow furrowed in thought. It was obvious he had many other questions about her but was realistic enough to know that Yoongi either didn’t have the answer or might not part with it so easily when it came to her. Given that, he switched his focus. “So… you said that the others are special too?”

                It was a statement that came off as a question and it made Yoongi smirk. “Yes.”

                When he didn’t say anything in the immediate silence, Jungkook shook him with an added, “And?”

                “Nosy busybody,” he retorted, clinging to the simple banter that had an underlying tension running through it. Was he going to ask? That was the question and it kept Yoongi wound tight. Jungkook’s satisfied grin was all too convincing though and Yoongi made another face but he nodded. “You probably know that Minzy falls under the rare category. The Anansi,” he explained, just in case. “Wonshik too, since he’s another elemental.”

                “Tragic?” Jungkook asked with a preemptive cringe.

                Yoongi laughed and shook his head. “Mostly just rare and too much of a playful handful. He needs control more than anything. The redhead might fall under that category as well.”


                “So that’s his name,” Yoongi mused, filing it away. “He smells like an Elemental. Not sure how Hyuna finds em. She never explained it to us, but every now and then, she’ll disappear for all of five minutes and come back with a new kid in tow. Last time I was there, I saw her bring in the Water Vessel and a different Fire Vessel. She only does it for the Elemental Prime vessels though. The others make their way here somehow or other, but Hyuna herself rarely leaves and only for very short periods at a time. I suspect Shownu – the Ghillie Dhu you might have seen or heard about that hangs around Sanctuary – is her eyes and ears in Tradeborough.”

                “Why doesn’t she ever leave? Wouldn’t she want to from time to time?” Jungkook wondered, brow furrowed as he turned it over in his mind.

                Yoongi just shrugged. He honestly had no good answer for what Hyuna wanted. Well, almost. “Why would she want to leave her children though? She’s strongest in Sanctuary but… I have a hunch it might be for her protection as much as anyone else’s. That barrier Hyoyeon hit today is some kind of Magecraft and I don’t know if it was established to hide Sanctuary, protect it, or do both for her…”

                “Okay. Now you’ve made me curious,” Jungkook snorted, eyeing the other vampire warily in case he was trying to hide anything.

                “You and me both,” Yoongi laughed once as he shook his head. For all the talk of Hyuna being his secondary mother, he did have a lot of questions about her, many of which arose after he left Sanctuary. She was more approachable than an Exile but just as bad about keeping her secrets close.

                “Ugh! This is almost maddening,” Jungkook laughed with an excited grin all the same.

                “Want me to stop?” he shot back, half hoping the younger vampire would say yes. If they continued, and if he let it, he was pretty certain the conversation would invariably turn to him.

                “No!” his mentee jerked back and waved both hands to ward off such an occurrence. When Yoongi gave him a narrow-eyed look in mild suspicion, Jungkook leaned close again and rested his chin on the other man’s shoulder. “It feels like I’m part of some special club with this information and… I like it when I can learn a bit more about you. Grumpy curmudgeon,” he teased, wrinkling his nose at Yoongi before laughing in amusement.

                He felt like he should be offended, but honestly… it was pretty true so yeah. Yoongi opted to roll his eyes instead and nod in slow acceptance. “Fine, but how did we end up talking about Hyuna when this started with Hyosung?”

                Jungkook shrugged innocently and added, “Because they’re all interconnected?”

                Yoongi glared. Jungkook grinned. “Little shit.” The grin widened before he tried to control it and smooth his features into something less gleefully self-satisfied. “But yes, they are. Especially the Baku and Cat person.”

                “Oh! I was wondering about them,” he couldn’t help but admit.

                A raised brow made him quiet down again and Yoongi nodded. “Hyuna actually did explain this part and, as she put it, it’s very much a different kind of adoption. Baku’s are essentially healers of a sort. They’re drawn to places where nightmares often flourish. Sanctuary is no different. When the old Baku passes on, it takes a few days, but a young one looking for a home eventually makes their way here. I think she tampers with the barrier or perhaps it’s something they can just sense. Like through dreams or whatnot.”

                “Like the shadow paths?” Jungkook wondered, reaching for a comparison.

                “Maybe. I just know that no new ones come by when there’s a Baku in residence.” Jungkook nodded thoughtfully and waited for the continuation, gaze expectantly trained on Yoongi. It made him laugh again. “So there is some mystery around the Baku but the Cat person is far less interesting.” He laughed and shook his head at the almost absurdity of it.

                “What?” the younger vampire wondered, afraid of he was missing something.

                “Nothing. She just… literally posts a help wanted ad on the magi-net. Obviously, it doesn’t have any linking information specifically for Sanctuary, but according to her, ‘The right Cat person always finds it and will come to her when she needs them.’”

                Jungkook frowned. “But why a Cat person?”

                Yoongi opened his mouth to answer but found he didn’t have one. Pausing, he shut his mouth and tilted his head to the side, blinking slowly. “I never thought to ask.”

                For a second, it looked as if Jungkook was going to laugh or fall out on the bed. He did snort chuckle after a pause, slightly losing the battle to stifle his reaction. “I’m not laughing,” he lied, holding his hands up in surrender.

                “Uh huh,” Yoongi huffed, looking the younger man up and down in mild irritation. “Guess I’m done storytelling,” he sighed, doing his best to pretend that he was actually offended by the reaction.

                Whether Jungkook ended up playing along or was genuinely serious made no difference as he flipped the switch and immediately pouted with a disappointed, “Yoongi…” It was made worse by the fact that he leaned close and slung both arms around the vampire to hug him tight and then placed his chin on the other man’s shoulder so he could stare at him with the equivalent of puppy dog eyes.

                Well fuck. His traitorous belly did a fluttery flip and Yoongi knew he wouldn’t have been able to deny Jungkook much of anything in that moment. “Okay, okay!” he relented quickly, huffing at his own weakness. “But focus,” he demanded, pointing a finger at Jungkook despite his limited arm movement. “You and your smart… ass… questions,” he snorted, delaying the second word just long enough to watch Jungkook’s face light up and then dim with withheld sarcasm.



               “Fine,” he laughed once and nodded, sitting up to at least put on a better front. “So… since you don’t know all the answers when it comes to Hyuna, let’s go back to the children. What about the baby from today? I’ve never seen such silver eyes before,” he mused, marveling at the new sight.

                Yoongi looked at him for a second, slightly miffed at the comment about not having some answers. Though he couldn’t deny it so there wasn’t much point. After a brief pause, he shrugged to himself and responded, “Fairy. Definitely a tragic case. There’s no other reason for her to be there. But most fairy babies have silver eyes before they grow into an eye color,” he reminded Jungkook with a light tap on his forehead with a single fingertip.



                “It could have hurt.”

                “But did it?”

                Jungkook glared but answered, “No.”

                “So, liar then.”

                “Hmph. Anyway,” Jungkook grumbled with the beginnings of an eye roll. “What about the other two at Sanctuary?” At Yoongi’s raised brow, Jungkook frowned, wracking his brain for the names. “They were talking about a Summer and… Min… something,” he finished.

                “Mingyu,” Yoongi surmised quickly. “He’s an elf. Another tragic case. Poachers. Surprisingly… Yixing saved him.”

                “The Exile?!” Jungkook gasped, pulling back enough to get a clear look at the other vampire’s whole face. “I thought they didn’t care about the weaker creatures?”

                “Usually,” Yoongi confirmed with a nod. He felt himself relaxing from the easy line of questioning and opted to lean a bit against Jungkook’s shoulder. It felt nice. “They have a soft spot for children though. It’s not easy for vampires to have their own, so we often cherish them all.” He shrugged as if that was the only explanation one needed, though it did cause a small ball of tension to twist in his gut.

                “Okay. So… that leaves Summer I guess.” Jungkook’s shift was casual but welcome as he wrapped one arm behind Yoongi and lightly grabbed his shoulder.

                “A banshee. They get a bad rap. Rare and tragic,” Yoongi admitted, remembering the story of how her parents had literally abandoned her. Left her at a park when she was four or five and never came back. He could hardly imagine it. Hardly. He looked down and tried to fight the thought that followed; dreaded the way Jungkook’s hold shifted just enough to show he had another question; feared what it might be.

                “And you?” the question came, so soft it would have been missable by human ears. Jungkook scooched closer so they were pressed harder together. “You stayed with Hyuna for a while.”

Yoongi nodded mutely without looking up. Everyone knew that so there was no point in denying it.

                “Vampires aren’t exactly rare and if you were a child, you shouldn’t have been that powerful…” he started to say, leaving the last option unspoken. “Even if you were over a hundred.” The last was whispered almost as if to himself.

                It nearly made Yoongi laugh. Instead, he countered with a question: “Human or vampire?” By Jungkook’s confused look, he knew he needed to clarify. “Was I turned into a vampire or born as one? Answer correctly and I’ll tell you.” It wasn’t a test so much as a question he hoped Jungkook wouldn’t know the answer to as much as he hoped he would. If he answered correctly, he would tell him. If not…

                “Vampire,” Jungkook replied with no hesitation.

                “Eh?” His surprise was genuine. Shouldn’t that have taken at least a little more thought?

                Yoongi’s surprise clearly amused Jungkook for he laughed, his smile bright and irritatingly infectious. “Anybody can play a brooding vampire,” he teased, literally patting Yoongi on the head, which earned him a fierce glare from said vampire. Not that it had any effect at all. “But there are too many moments where you act like you learned how to be human to fit in amongst them.” Yoongi narrowed his eyes doubtfully and Jungkook laughed again. “For example, back when Jaejoong attacked me,” he explained, pointing his finger at Yoongi to keep him from saying anything when he opened his mouth reactively. Yoongi clicked his jaws shut and waited for him to go on. “You were far too surprised at how fast my heart was beating. A human wouldn’t have been.”

                “I still say it could have been a lucky guess,” he grumbled irritably.

                “You also talk about humans as if they’re something you learned about. Not something you were.” At Yoongi’s glare, Jungkook added, “You humans and all.” He would have objected but Jungkook beat him to the punch. “I’ve never once heard you mix it up.”


                That made Jungkook chuckle before he leaned back and looked Yoongi over one more time. “Okay. The most obvious, though I did arrive at this conclusion late, is Hyuna herself.” Yoongi narrowed his eyes and then rolled them in quick succession. “Vampire rules dictate you must be an adult before you’re turned. Hyuna only takes children from what I’ve seen. You’re an adult vampire, which means you couldn’t have been born a human and have been placed under Hyuna’s care.”

                Yoongi wanted to be annoyed. And he was, but another part of him was quite pleased that Jungkook had managed to piece all that together. It was strangely gratifying. On the other hand, it did mean he’d lost the bet of sorts. “Fine,” he groaned, raising both hands as if in surrender. “Yes. I was born a vampire. And yes, I was one of Hyuna’s special tragic cases. Ugh!” he scowled, glaring at Jungkook before it gave way to a forced laugh that quickly faded. “I was barely a hundred. A Rank 2 vampire. We should have been safe at home. But we weren’t. I was resting and felt something strange inside our house. I went to check and saw my father…” He couldn’t continue for a second as the visceral memory of his father, impaled by a clawed hand and being gnawed upon, popped into his head.

                “Like the mimic cases?” Jungkook asked softly, biting his bottom lip in the process.

He nodded. “The mimic and a demon. I blacked out after they killed my father but my mother disappeared that day.” He ran his tongue over his front teeth and shook his head.  “When I came to, I was a Rank 3 vampire with no family and no home. Well, I had a home – still do, but it wasn’t one that I could stay in as I had no idea how to control my newfound power. Not with everything else I was feeling at the time,” he admitted, looking down as he balled one hand into a fist and clenched it in his other hand.

                A gentle hand reached out to cover them again and Jungkook was looking at him when he picked his head up to see. “Does anyone know what happened to her?”

                Yoongi shook his head and blinked once. “The only thing I’ve been told is that she left to protect me, but how can that be when the mimic from that day found me? And why would she leave to protect me? Wouldn't it have been easier or better to stay here, where I am?” he asked, looking down to stare at the hands in his lap and sniffing once despite his best efforts not to.

                “Yoongi,” the younger vampire murmured, uncertainty heavy in his voice.

                “Didn’t she want me?” he whispered, clenching his fists tight so that his nails dug into his palms. He hadn’t meant to ask such a question out loud. He was a born vampire so his mother should have wanted him but… Hanging in the open, it felt like such a pitiful thing to say and he hated that it bothered him now, yet it did.

                Jungkook’s arms circled him then, pulling him close and holding him tight. “Come here,” he grumbled, clearly upset by Yoongi’s state.

                “I envy your family,” he admitted with a bitter laugh as he let his head settle in the crook of Jungkook’s neck.

                “Well, you can see them anytime,” Jungkook promised, cupping Yoongi’s head.

                The quick and easy response conjured the shadow of a smile on Yoongi’s lips. “I should visit Hyosung tomorrow.” Uncertain silence followed and it made Yoongi feel awkward.

                He was going to pull away when Jungkook hesitantly offered, “I’m not sure how much help I’d be but… I can go with you, if you’d like?”

                Yoongi smiled ever so slightly and reached out to grab the front of Jungkook’s shirt in his fingers, holding tight. “I’d like that,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he accepted what comfort Jungkook could offer. The conversation had not gone in a direction he’d been ready for, but now, sitting like this in the circle of Jungkook’s arms, it wasn’t all bad.


Okay! Better timing this time around, though I still didn't cover as much ground as intended. The next chapter will have a shift to the Hunters to check in with them - and maybe something else. But this was too good of an opportunity to pass up on dishing on some of Sanctuary's secrets. ;) Considering we have one from Yoongi's perspective, it's safe to say there will be one more at least from Hyuna's later. Maybe not all the details exactly but we'll get a bit more eventually. For now, I thank you for being patient with me and I hope you enjoyed the update. Please look forward to the next and I'll do my best to get it out in a timely manner. Thank you!

Chapter 36: Long Awaited Return


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

                The beginnings of spring were in the air and Taekwoon wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Over the past couple months, he’d stayed mostly indoors and helped with desk duty or research as he slowly recovered and… Not for the first time, he paused to look around, eyes flitting over the various faces nearby, looking for a specific one. Well, that and to look at the crowd with veiled suspicion. Everyone said the mimic was dead but hearing it and accepting it were two different things. On the other hand, and also not for the first time, he couldn’t help but flinch and inhale sharply when Kevin’s nearly flawless but slightly tired face popped into view, framed by honey-blonde hair pulled into a half ponytail.

                “As I was saying,” he continued, giving the hunter a raised brow look before flowing to the side so they could resume their walk. One elegant hand floated in front as if composing a symphony, long fingers plucking at invisible strings or keys. “Kyu has been nearly pushed to his limit, but he’s very good at hiding it.”

                That was all too true. Taekwoon had had no idea. He knew the statement was meant to be a distraction and it was, annoyingly so. “Isn’t Xiumin helping?”

                “Of course. But he’s the day lead. Only reason he’s not here now is because he has to run interference with the Mayors,” the other hunter exhaled, placing his fingertips on his face and forehead and shaking his head slightly.

                “Oh?” Taekwoon murmured, the sound escaping his lips more because he knew it was expected. He was aware of this part but if Kevin rambled on, it would allow him to look around a bit more. Green District. Mostly trees and flora in the area. A couple humans… or maybe humanoids, but generally, magical creatures maintained their natural forms here. It was Taekwoon’s favorite part of the city, though it did leave him a little on edge, what with all the foliage and brambles that could hide any number of things. At the very least, he was relatively comfortable with patrolling the city again, and that was a far cry from where he’d been several weeks ago.

                “Kwangmin got a little too heavy handed when prowling the Black Market for intel.” The statement took a second to sink in and Taekwoon stopped to look at Kevin with a frown. “Hah. I knew you were only half paying attention.” When the younger hunter glared at him, he waved his hand dismissively and rolled his eyes. “Please. You’re child’s play to read in comparison to an incubus.

                Taekwoon’s lip curled slightly and had to stifle the grimace that wanted to appear. But he noticed that Kevin’s energy had shifted as soon as he mentioned the incubus. With a hand in front, he gestured for them to continue walking as they made their way counterclockwise towards the Tourist District. “Something up?” he asked carefully, pretending meager interest.

                “Always,” Kevin admitted with an honest sigh. “You guys do all the physical work of going after whatever Jaehwan sees as it happens or is otherwise reported. My role requires more… finesse,” he explained with a fluid shrug that turned into a sly smile aimed at Taekwoon. “Need I remind you how hard I have to work for my information?”

                “No,” Taekwoon grumbled, feeling a dull heat flood his cheeks. He had nothing against Kevin’s method of negotiating with his donor cum informant – Taekwoon himself was no stranger to sex exactly – but incubi were notoriously… creative to put it mildly.

                “Care to hear about the details?” Kevin teased playfully, gently placing his hands on Taekwoon’s shoulders and sliding around behind him to the other side in a seamless shifting of positions.

                “No,” he shot back with a small glare, even as he realized the comment had done its job. It was enough to almost completely distract Taekwoon from the fact that the swap had pushed him closer to the side of the path and away from the oncoming were – a wolf in its natural form so likely a tourist; the ones here maintained their human forms unless they were on the hunt or at their den. Usually. His heart skipped a beat for a second as he realized he’d stopped paying attention for a moment and then calmed down as he realized that was a good thing.

                For weeks he’d jumped at shadows and then at any human or creature that showed the slightest direct interest in him. There were still moments now too, but they were fewer and far more between than they had been. It didn’t hurt that Ailee had managed to blunt the memories of his near-death incident either. They were still there but the details weren’t as sharp or clear. Well, the painful ones anyway…

                As they made their way into the Tourist District on the creature side, the sounds of the active city covered most of their conversation. The number of the crowds increased as well, though it didn’t always feel like it. One of the perks of patrolling with Kevin was that creatures often moved around him of their own volition – he smelled of an incubus and outside of the Red District, they were trouble, and he had the mild ability to encourage – or perhaps reverse seduce – humans to pass around them. His hand never stopped moving, much like his tongue, but that was reassuring in its own way as well.

                He talked to fill the silence between them, but also to gossip – one of his ways of working through the information he got. Or so he claimed anyway. Apparently pillow talk wasn’t always so cut and dry when it came to details. He could literally talk to any of the other hunters but it was usually easiest with Taekwoon since he was more inclined to just listen – albeit distractedly – as opposed to asking questions.

                “I think Jaeseop may be annoyed I haven’t figured out one of his hints, but how am I supposed to know what the “flower shield” means. You’ve done the research and nothing came up, right?” he asked, gesturing at Taekwoon.

                He’d asked about it before, actually. Jaeseop must have brought it up again, which meant something had either changed or was about to. At least, that was the pattern he’d started to see when the incubus repeated things. “Other than as an ability in one of the latest video games… no,” he admitted with a sigh. That was embarrassing to say out loud.

                Kevin threw his hands up and rolled his eyes. “And don’t even get me started on the “golden shaft”,” he added, groaning as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers and crossed the other arm over his body. “I’m half-inclined to think it’s just a euphemism he insists on taunting me with.”

                “More than I needed to know, but also no useful information on that,” Taekwoon reminded the other hunter. He’d gone down a weird rabbit hole on that search and he had no desire to revisit it…

                “Kwangmin did hear something when he was chasing down our resident troublemaker cat person.”

                “Chanyeol?” Taekwoon cautioned a preemptive guess, paired with a cringe at the idea. He hadn’t heard the full details about Kwangmin’s incident but if it was Chanyeol, that was… unfortunate. He was a pain in the ass but not a bad sort most of the time. Certainly not worthy of being pummeled by an Agrabuamelu.

                Kevin nodded, confirming Taekwoon’s guess. “He’s fine now but you know Kwangmin’s been a little wound up lately. He’s worried about Kyu for sure and probably Ha-” he started to say before blinking and immediately shifting, “hasn’t been sleeping as much as he should be.”

                The switch did not go unnoticed by Taekwoon and he looked askance at the other hunter. Kevin continued on as if nothing was amiss, dancing around the topic of the unidentified ‘spunky little star’ and how it was often tied to the info Jaeseop gave him. He was back in familiar territory again so it was easier to let Kevin’s voice fade into the background as his gut twisted and a feeling of misgiving washed over him. It was normal for Taekwoon to be worried about Hakyeon: the were was unreachable by phone – it always said the user was unavailable; hadn’t tried to contact him at all – though apparently he had reached out to Kyuhyun at least once; and had effectively been missing – gone – for months now. But if the other hunters were worrying about him too…

                “Oh! Let’s take a break here! I hear they have really good coffee,” Kevin grinned as he pointed at the café they were approaching.

                Taekwoon saw the number of people inside and was instantly against the idea but Kevin seemed pretty set on it and… he could use a drink. “Fine. But you’re ordering,” he stated firmly, pointing a finger at the other hunter.

                “Of course,” he scoffed as if there’d never been any doubt. “You can probably find a seat over there. I see a table in the corner you’d probably like,” he explained with a wink, the comment legitimate and not at all derogatory.

                It annoyed Taekwoon that he was right. He did rather like the table that was pointed out. “Yeah, yeah,” he waved, immediately diverging from the other man as they entered to claim the table before anyone else could. He noticed an elf eyeing it and promptly sat down, stoic demeanor back in place. It worked best for keeping tiresome people away. With the notable exception of Hakyeon. In fact, it seemed to have been a magnet for him…

                With his back to the wall, Taekwoon could relax just a touch and he looked over the occupants with a more critical eye just to take stock of who was here. Three humans, four humanoids, two elves, a siren maybe (the elegance paired with a non-elf appearance was a pretty blatant clue), and definitely a cat person. No obvious threats and no one paying him any mind. Kevin was far better at drawing their attention with his charm when interacting with the fairy behind the counter. She was all manner of flustered by his flirtatious ordering. Taekwoon rather detested his casual manipulation but it did often get them discounts so he didn’t have much room to complain.

                While he waited, he noticed the TV screen set in the wall, news flashing by in short segments with some kind of a recap or introduction. The Mayors of Tradeborough were trying to push the Co-Existing Initiative and hoping for as much success as was being seen in the city of Lanack in Zearland way to the south. Not entirely fair since their population was much smaller but it was good that they were doing well. There had been recent unrest in various locations on the main continent of Euria, which wasn’t all that far from where they were, to be fair. Must be an introduction. They were going to explain the details later in the segment. The host, a very charming male elf, added a quick snippet about an incident at a museum recently wherein several historical artifacts had been taken, among which had been ancient jewelry, armor, weapons, and several meteorological fragments. And lastly, they made note of several disappearances, both among the populous at large and… poachers, though several of those bodies had been recovered fairly recently.

                He started when Kevin placed the coffee down in front of him. “Black, like your expression,” the hunter teased, falling into his chair and sighing in contentment upon taking the first sip.

                Mutely, Taekwoon grabbed the cup and tasted the cold brew. Bitter with a hint of hazelnut and… cinnamon? “Did you put anything in it?” he asked, pointing at the cup.

                “Uh uh,” Kevin responded with a shake of his head, brows furrowed at the question. “Why?”

                “It’s nothing,” he denied, glancing around the café with a thoughtful frown. He liked to add cinnamon to his coffee sometimes but he hadn’t told Kevin and it wasn’t usually something they just added to the order.

                Kevin shrugged and brushed it off, letting his attention focus on the screen Taekwoon was just looking at. “Did I miss anything?” he wondered, sipping on his coffee distractedly.

                “Not really,” Taekwoon answered, a tiny fluttering of nervous butterflies attempting to take flight in his belly. He looked down at his cup again and noticed the tiny specks of reddish-brown spice lazily swirling on the surface. “Is it almost time to head back?” he asked, suddenly anxious.

                “Eh?” the hunter blinked, surprised by the question. “We’re supposed to finish the circuit in the Blue District – check in with Chen, and then we can head back. Why?” he wondered, looking at Taekwoon curiously.

                But Taekwoon just shook his head and forced himself to take a drink. “It’s nothing.” There was no point in even trying to get himself worked up about something so silly. Maybe somebody got the order wrong or perhaps they dusted someone else’s coffee too close to his. All the same, he finished his coffee quickly and stared at Kevin, silently urging him to finish his too, so they could leave sooner.

                Unperturbed by Taekwoon’s focused attention, Kevin took his time, idly watching the TV and reading the captions that popped up underneath. But because Taekwoon was watching him so intently, he noticed the other hunter’s eyes narrow when the segment about the poachers came up, including some of the names. “Ah, that was good!” he grinned, pushing the finally empty cup away and flashing a bright smile at Taekwoon. “Ready?” An annoyed glare was the only response he got and he laughed. “Let’s go,” he urged, snagging his cup so he could drop it off at the counter on his way out.

                Taekwoon did the same and hurried after him, antsy and impatient. “Is Chen expecting us?” he asked as they made their way to the main street.

                “More or less,” Kevin shrugged. “We haven’t been leaning on him lately to give him a chance to come to us, but Youngmin seems to think he’s scared right now.”

                “Of what?” Taekwoon asked, one brow raised.

                Again, Kevin shrugged. “Any number of things. We’re not the only ones who know what he does.” Honestly, nothing more needed to be said. The Hunters might intimidate someone like Chen but he wouldn’t have to worry about much more than that. Other groups might not be so lenient if he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

                With that thought hovering over both of them, they picked up their pace and made it to the Blue District a little faster than intended. The smell of water hit them first, cool and clear, automatically dropping the temperature of the area a degree or two. The space nearest the city had the largest platform of land but the majority of the district was water with the odd bridge and ladder running over top of it so visitors could more easily gain access. Chen’s hidey hole was relatively close to the platform so they didn’t have to go very far to try and find him.

                “Chen!” Kevin called as they approached the ladder leading to his abode. A shadow under the water streamed by, green and equine in that brief appearance. “I know you can see me, Chen,” the hunter chided, leaning on the railing as he looked down, noting the odd merperson swimming nearby and the occasional selkie. There was a special pond humans could splash around in that was connected to the main body of water but they weren’t usually encouraged to just frolic in the backyards of various water creatures.

                A splash of water sprayed them both with mist and an equine’s face rose above the surface, not unlike a hippo. “Not so loud!” he burbled, weirdly fanged teeth appearing when he actively shushed them.  Taekwoon would never get used to that.

                “You gonna come out or should we come in?” Kevin asked, hand gesturing fluidly in front of him with his question. Chen narrowed his eyes and splashed underwater, disappearing quickly. “Guess we’re going in,” he chirped in feigned surprise. “You comin?” he inquired, looking over to see whether Taekwoon would be interested or not.

                “Maybe next time,” he waved, putting on a brave face as he tried to quell the panic the thought raised. He could handle the normal world where he knew what to expect and could respond appropriately. He wasn’t exactly prepared for the underwater realm where he was quite literally out of his element.

                “Alright. Wait here then. I’ll be back in a minute,” Kevin winked, waving once at the younger hunter before launching himself over the railing and splashing into the water, vanishing beneath the surface almost immediately as well.

                It was disconcerting. Taekwoon checked his phone and saw it was almost four in the afternoon. The sun seemed like it too, making its way across the sky. It was a bright day but the Mage barrier cut the worst of the rays, just like it dulled the worst of the natural storms and other extremes the area experienced from time to time. Impatient, he checked his phone again and sighed when only a moment had gone by. Kevin didn’t need to hold his breath. Chen would have a space for air somewhere within his home, but it still seemed to feel like an eternity while Taekwoon was waiting. Especially because he felt so exposed out here. He wasn’t the only one on the bridge, but he was the only one in the immediate area, giving a false sense of isolation or solitude. That made it all the more hair raising when he felt like someone was watching him. Looking around carefully, he noticed a figure in the water.

                Aquamarine eyes peered back at him over the surface, framed by brunette water-slicked hair, the edges floating around her close to her head. From what he could tell, she was just observing him, but it was unnerving regardless, especially since he didn’t know what she was yet. Cautiously, he raised his hand to wave once and he could have sworn he saw the corner of her mouth quirk up just below the water’s surface.

                In a slow smooth show, she leaned forward, dipping her face into the water so her shoulders and back gently crested. Taekwoon was expecting a fish tail to appear next but his breath caught in his throat when a pair of wings attached to her waist and hips arched up on either side of her. Nearly six or seven meters in total length, they shimmered in opaque iridescence, dark blue scales covering the framework of her appendages and extending to the serpentine length of the rest of her body. A siren in her natural form…

                The wings cleared the top of the water and stopped, poised in the air as droplets splattered into the water below. Then the wings flapped, sinking beneath the waves in one continuous motion, hiding their splendor in a way that left him aching for more. The water briefly swelled where her wings flapped beneath the surface once more but it only served to take her further down and out of sight. In her wake, here was no sign of her left, no matter how hard Taekwoon looked. He could still see the odd merperson tail break the surface and the occasional selkie playfully launching above the water, but the siren was gone. He started when a splash sounded immediately beneath him. “Kevin?” he wondered, rushing closer to the ladder to peer down.

                “Of course it’s me. Who else would it be?” he laughed, wiping the water from his eyes before he grabbed the rungs of the ladder and started climbing up.

                “A siren,” Taekwoon admitted, slightly flustered when the word just blurted from his mouth.

                “Right,” Kevin laughed, sluicing off the worst of the water when he got up on the bridge.

                “I saw one,” Taekwoon defended himself, frowning in frustration.

                Kevin paused and looked at him with one brow raised. “How do you know?”

                “I saw her wings. She was beautiful,” he admitted, sighing like a fool with a crush.

                The other hunter snapped his fingers in front of him, drawing him back to the moment. “Focus,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Either you got really lucky or someone likes you,” he shrugged, taking a second to wring the water from his hair. “Most people don’t just get to see a siren in her natural form like that.”

                Taekwoon shrugged, just as mystified. He didn’t really want to tell Kevin that it felt like she might have been watching him. It didn’t feel like she’d had poor intentions. And really, if she did, why would she give him a perfect view of her? He shook his head as if to clear the thoughts and focused on Kevin again. “So. How did it go with Chen.”

                “Interesting,” he admitted, a troubled look clouding his features. “I’ll tell you back at the office. Let’s go for now.”

                He was mildly suspicious of the dodge but there wasn’t much he could do about it. “Do I have any other choice?”

                “You’re the one that wanted to go back, didn’t you?” Kevin asked in mild amusement.

                Taekwoon gasped slightly and blinked. He did. “Let’s go!”

                “Dummy,” Kevin laughed once, obviously falling in line behind Taekwoon as the younger hunter started heading back immediately.

                It was just beginning to get dark as they approached the Hunters’ Quarters, the shadows growing long when the sun hid behind the taller buildings. Taekwoon scoured the front and exterior for any sign to give him a hint of who was here, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. He was going to feel mighty stupid if he was this nervous and nothing was there. It was enough to make him pause just in front of the door, his fingers brushing against the handle but not grabbing hold.

                “Come on then,” Kevin urged, placing his hand atop Taekwoon’s to grab the handle and push down so they could open the door and he could propel the younger hunter inside with him.

                A sleepy looking Youngmin stifled a yawn as he greeted them. “Welcome back. Kyu’s upstairs and he’s ready for you now,” he explained, waving them through, though he conjured a warm smile as he focused on Taekwoon.

                Taekwoon inhaled slightly. Did he dare hope? Without waiting for Kevin to prompt him, he hurried up the stairs, taking them three at a time, and burst through the second-floor door. Head swiveling around the room, he jerked to a halt when he saw him. Leaning against one of the desks, his head bowed and his arms crossed. Hakyeon. The human formed were looked up and an apologetic smile crossed his face. Taekwoon swallowed as a plethora of feelings swamped him: fear, anger, relief, happiness… His hands clenched into fists and he had so many things he wanted to say that he didn’t know where to start. He wasn’t allowed to say any of them yet though.

                “Oh, you’re back,” Kyuhyun acknowledged in a tired, gravelly voice, heading out of the side office with a folder of documents in his hands as he approached Hakyeon. “We were just finishing up,” he commented, looking at Taekwoon with tired, red eyes before opening the folder and stepping close to show Hakyeon.

                Frozen in place, it at least gave Taekwoon time to look at the were beside his captain and catch snippets of their conversation. “Which poachers did you find?” he heard Kyuhyun ask, the question washing over him without really registering yet. It was Hakyeon but not as Taekwoon remembered him. Gone was the red hair and in its place, a light silver that sat strange against his paler than usual skin. “All confirmed kills?” The head nod highlighted the crease of a scar on his neck, visible over the turtleneck shirt he was wearing like he was trying to hide something. Even the clothes looked strange – baggy and loose on a figure that was usually showcased for the world to see.

                Kyuhyun flipped through several pages, moving to a new section. “This is the inventory at the museum that was reported missing. Which ones should we focus on?”

                Hakyeon glanced over at Taekwoon once, revealing a scar going over one eye. When the light caught it, the brown orb looked strange, milky. He turned his attention to the pictures and highlighted the ones he thought were important. “The stones,” his finger tapped on several images. “And this,” he added, frowning at something on the page. Why did his finger seem too thin? The planes of his cheeks too sharp?

                “The sacrificial dagger?” Kyuhyun commented in hesitant surprise, running a hand through his hair reflexively.

                “Send someone to ask the Crone about it,” Hakyeon responded. His voice sounded tired. Too tired.

                “Fair enough. Anything else?” Kyuhyun asked, snapping the folder shut.

                “Ask Kevin if Chen knows anything about the Revolutionaries’ connection to the poachers,” he commented. Taekwoon had to wonder how he knew that Kevin spoke with Chen today. “I was targeted,” he added, keeping his gaze trained on the captain.

                “Will do,” Kyuhyun confirmed, nodding as he pat Hakyeon on the shoulder once, the shadows under his eyes particularly visible before he lifted his head. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything,” he said, looking between both Hakyeon and Taekwoon before he headed past the younger hunter, attention otherwise focused on the folder in his hand.

                With Kyuhyun gone, it just left the two of them amidst the clutter of messy desks and the quiet hum of running computers and magi-screens. Hakyeon stood up stiffly, moving slow and careful. Taekwoon clenched his fists harder and remained where he was. “Is it really you?” he asked, seemingly rooted in place until that question could be answered.

                “It’s really me,” Hakyeon promised with a slow nod and a deep breath.

                “How can I trust that?” Taekwoon demanded, glaring at the other man.

                Hakyeon nodded in understanding and uncrossed his arms to let them hover on either side of him, leaving himself utterly open. “Ask me anything.”

                There were so many questions he could pose, but none immediately came to mind. The only one that did was the worst one he could imagine but it was the one that passed his lips: “What was the last thing you said to me before I almost died?”

                He saw Hakyeon wince, knew it was like a physical blow reliving that moment, and yet, the reaction comforted him just a touch. So too did the answer. Hakyeon swallowed hard and looked down, holding his arms like he was cradling something. “Taekwoon. Stay with me.”

                The answer made his throat close and his voice trembled when he spoke again. “That could be a lucky guess. Tell me something no one else knows.”

                Hakyeon’s mouth quirked into a weak smile and his eyes sparkled with new life. “You hate to be pestered but tolerate me. You once tried to copy me in chasing a cat person. And nearly ate the sidewalk in the process. You often tell me to shut up but never mean it. You let me keep you warm in the cold once. And rode on my back on the return trip. You don’t like crowds but you’ll tolerate them for me. You like cinnamon in your coffee. When you drink it.” Taekwoon’s eyes burned at the answer and he nodded in agreement. But Hakyeon wasn’t quite done yet. “You jump at shadows but try not to show it so others won’t worry about you. You don’t speak much so that you can listen more and hear what’s often left unsaid.” Hakyeon smiled, the expression warm and hopeful. “And you once told me you’d never seen a real life siren before.” He took a step forward to start closing the distance between them. “Was she everything you hoped she might have been?”

                Taekwoon’s bottom lip trembled as he fought the emotions that bubbled up. At the café, that had been Hakyeon’s doing. He didn’t know how, but that was him. And the siren in the Blue District. “She was beautiful,” he admitted, his whole bottom jaw shaking so his teeth chattered. “It is you,” he whispered as most of his fear fell away, rooted in place by a different set of emotions this time.

                “I’m back, Taekwoon.” Another soft footstep brought them that much closer together.

                “Did you really kill it?” Taekwoon asked, clenching his eyes shut tight as if he was worried about the answer.

                “I did,” Hakyeon promised, his voice low and soothing. “It will never hurt you again.”

                He laughed a sob of relief and pain, staring at the ground at his feet, hands still clenched. The fear had been assuaged, but in its wake, anger rose up, riding waves of misunderstandings and insecurities. “Why didn’t you tell me?” About anything and everything that was happening. “Why didn’t you come to me?” ‘I missed you. I wanted to see you. To make sure you were okay too.’ “Where were you?!” ‘Why did you abandon me?’

                “Taekwoon,” the were called, his voice nearly silent.

                “I looked for you. Waited for you! At the hospital. At the office. On patrol. Where were you!?” he demanded, his whole body shaking with his confused frustration.

                Hakyeon looked down first and then moved forward until he was just close enough to touch Taekwoon. He grabbed the tightly clenched fists and curled his fingers around them tenderly. “I was afraid you’d hate me for not protecting you. Then I was afraid you’d hate me for not seeing you because I hated myself for not protecting you.” Taekwoon looked up and Hakyeon cupped his cheek with one hand, brushing his thumb tenderly against the hunter’s face. “Then I left to destroy your fear,” he promised, raising his thumb to wipe at a single tear that stained Taekwoon’s lashes.

                “Why didn’t you come back after that? Why didn’t you answer any of my calls?” he demanded in a tiny voice, feeling pitiful and insecure.

                The were pulled Taekwoon into his embrace and cupped the back of his head tenderly as he rested his chin on the slightly taller shoulder. “I wanted to, but things got more complicated than I would have preferred.” His grip on Taekwoon tightened slightly, almost possessive, but then relaxed just as quickly.

                Taekwoon finally wrapped his arms around Hakyeon’s waist and was dismayed at how thin he felt. He’d always been slender but now… “What happened?” he whispered, holding carefully lest he somehow hurt the seemingly frail were.

                “It’s not important. I’m here now,” the were explained, clinging harder to the hunter.

                “Hakyeon,” Taekwoon called, not accepting that response. It was important to him.

                The were sighed in resigned acceptance and cozied up further to Taekwoon. “I was foolish. While I was tracking the mimic, I was being tracked in turn. Not surprising considering the storm I left in my wake. Poachers,” he explained with a deep exhale. “Nearly got me too.” He leaned back and reached around to grasp Taekwoon’s hand before placing it against his face, covering his murky eye. “Destroying the mimic took more than I thought it would,” he admitted with a grimace. I hadn’t had much chance to recover before they found me. Took me a while to recover, but I guess I have them to thank for the help though,” he admitted, exhaling deeply with a perverse smile as he pulled Taekwoon’s hand down to cradle it against his chest. “And then there was another group funded by the Revolutionaries and I had to follow that lead after I took care of them too,” he explained with a dry laugh and a shrug. “They weren’t easy either, but that led me to the museum incident. My memory’s a bit fuzzy, but I’m pretty sure they took a magical weapon in that hit,” he explained, stepping forward to enfold Taekwoon in his arms once more.

                The mention of the magical weapon was worth taking note of his but his concern was the man in front of him right now. “But you’re okay, right?” Taekwoon asked, turning his head to focus on the answer as he rested his chin on Hakyeon’s shoulder.

                “I’ll survive,” Hakyeon promised, but when Taekwoon smacked him in the ribs with an open palm, he laughed. “I’m alright. Really.” His arms tightened around the hunter. “Are you?”

                Taekwoon swallowed once and took a breath before nodding in mute agreement. He hugged the were harder and finally spoke, “I will be. I mean, I am, but I will be too. Just… talk to me next time. Don’t… don’t leave me out in the cold like that,” he murmured, ducking his face against Hakyeon’s shoulder.

                “I’m sorry,” Hakyeon whispered, butting his head against Taekwoon’s in a very catlike manner. “I won’t,” he added, purring heartily with the words.

                The vibrations thrummed through Taekwoon and he relaxed almost instantaneously, even as he held tighter to the were in his arms. “Thank you,” he murmured, burying his face in Hakyeon’s neck.

                “For what?” Hakyeon asked, a gentle chuckle rocking him.

                “For coming back,” was the first answer. “And the siren. She was beautiful,” he added, a smile tugging at his lips.

                “I’ll have to let her know,” Hakyeon preened, pleased with himself. “Would you like to meet her?”

                He paused as he thought it over. “Can I?” he wondered, not entirely sure if that would be acceptable.

                “If you want to,” was the simple answer.

                It struck Taekwoon that it wasn’t even a question of ability at that point. It was literally if he wanted to or not. How many other people could say they had that freedom? That power? It made him hesitant but also interested at the same time. “If she wouldn’t mind,” he compromised, acknowledging that he wanted to but also that he didn’t want to impose on her unnecessarily.

                Hakyeon chuckled and hugged him tighter. “I’m sure we can work something out.”

                “I’d like that,” he murmured, pressing himself as close as he could to better feel the continuing purring sensation from Hakyeon. If he wasn’t careful, it was going to put him right to sleep…


Ah hah! I did better this time around. ;) Hopefully I'll keep the momentum up. Wish me luck! But hopefully this helps to confirm some things, plant some seeds of thought or conjecture, and prompts questions. ^_^ haha If you want to ask, feel free, but otherwise, I do hope that things will be answered to your satisfaction in due time. In the meantime, thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next update!