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Happy Little Accidents?


So...I am bored and decided to try my hand at ficlets.
So this will contain my happy little accidents that my mind think up at 3am as I am trying to sleep.
This is also my first voltron Fic and the first fic written and posted on AO3, please be kind-.

Keith deserved good things, and this author has a random mind with a small attention span.
So this will most likely be filled with fluff for Keith and a little crack, because who doesn't like our favourite characters being confused and/or happy for once.


Contains mild swearing, and the four higher up blades learn an earth saying.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: New Earth Saying

Chapter Text

Kolivan knew that adopting someone into the Blades Of Marmora would take time for both the new recruit and the other blades to adjust, usually it only took a Movement, however he failed to realise that humans adjusted quicker then other species, and with the newest recruit being both galra and human, the blades were in for a big surprise.

Keith always adjusted much quicker then humans due to his time in the care system ad being shipped around for a lot of his childhood and the beginning of his teen years, that when he was recruited into the Blade and then became a full time member, that it took him just a quintent to adjust to the new headquarters. Even though he had adjusted, and through the power of observation and a mild obsession he quickly found the training-rooms, stuff still happened that would stop a normal person from adjusting in a timely manner.

On the first full day on base many things happened to Keith.
First he got lost.
Then he misplaced his data-pad, which then lead him to being reprimanded by Kolivan and Thace for recklessly leaving his data-pad around.
Only for the data-pad to turn up again later with a smashed screen, and when he picked it up, glass cut his hand, and by his already terrible luck Ulaz was near by meaning that he was dragged to the medical bay, and given another lecture about how to dispose of broken glass and electronics while also getting a disappointed stare. All in all Keith's first day on base wasn't great.
The second day wasn't much better, receiving more lecturers for things that weren't his fault, missing dinner due to having a training detention, though in his defence....he hadn't meant to stand on Antok's tail or Regris's during training, he also once again got the disappointed stare off of Ulaz as he once again ended up in the medical bay, having tripped over Regris's tail and spraining his wrist, and he really hadn't meant anger Kolivan by forgetting the nightly briefing.
By day three Keith was lectured several times, banned from missions for 2 movements and given menial labour as a punishment so he couldn't do training for 1 movement and was placed on night shift, where the only interesting thing that happens in watching the space roombas go up and down mostly empty corridors.

However after being observed the 4 higher ups of the Blade were confused, Ulaz knew that usually this broke a person and taught them discipline, as did Antok and Thace, as it was once used on them then they first started in the blade for disobedience, and Kolivan used the punishment on the most unruly of blade initiates if they were not up to par, however usually on the fourth day the blade would crack and apologise and learn from their mistakes and most importantly...Listen.

Having watched Keith, they were confused as to how he was holding up so well until on day on the fourteenth day of punishment Ulaz cracked and approached Keith, Kolivan, Antok and Thace not far behind him. At lunch Ulaz sat in front of Keith and stared for a moment before asking "How are you coping with such a terrible punishment for so long?" The other blades stared at Keith as he stared back, not talking as he had some space fruit in his mouth, his last bite of food.
Keith swallowed the food before clearing his throat and staring at the four senior members of the blade with an intense seriousness he said very carefully and in the most serious tone that he could make.
"Simple, I just chuck it in the fuck it bucket and move on"
Having said that the smallest blade stood up and walked off, intending to sleep before night shift started, leaving behind him some very confused senior blades.