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The North (outline)


The Age of Heroes never ended. Aegon never conquered. The North remained.

There was a time once, when the Kings of Winter ruled the North. However, it all fell into chaos, when Torrhen Stark tried to bring about an age of peace between the kingdoms, only for war to start again. The kingdoms fought, and their underlings rose up in rebellion. Like it had been a thousand years ago, a hundred kings came to rule their part of Westeros.

Now a bastard of Winterfell has arrived home again. He found only a dead father and a dead brother, and a crown upon his head. Jon Stark, though, remembered seeing a King Beyond the Wall, a man who could bring an entire people together. He would follow Mance Rayder’s example, and unite the North. Winter Is Coming.

Also, the Starks all have direwolves, are open wargs, occasionally engage in incestual marriages, and Jon takes Arya and Sansa as wives.

---This is just an outline, see Notes for details---


This began as a taster for an ultimately larger fic I was working on. Just so you know, I am not abandoning the idea, but I am moving this fic off my profile unless I actually get around to working on it.

I already mapped out most of the fic. It was supposed to be a story dedicated entirely to the culture of The North. The Starks would be wargs and the relations among the northmen would be important. There would be consistent references to Northern history, like comparing the king to Theon Stark or Brandon the Breaker. The weirwoods would play a big part in the spirituality of the story. And snow and forests would be described in detail in most chapters.

The story would play out like the Starks uniting the disparate Northern kingdoms again. The characters would try different methods of conquest depending on their personalities (Arya would prefer blood and Sansa diplomacy and spying). Arya and Sansa would compete, and each time they gain another kingdom, they would think they were winning. Jealousy, both over Jon and over the title of queen, would be a major component in the story. I actually intended Sansa and Arya to be the only POVs, shifting between each every chapter.

I would include a map of the North at the end of each chapter, showing the territorial gains of the Starks and how they are slowly uniting everything.

I also toyed with the idea of Lyanna Mormont becoming Jon's biggest supporter and possible mistress, forcing Sansa and Arya to finally work together. I was not certain about that. I also would have Ramsay be a woman, if only to make it more interesting. Was not certain about that either.

Ultimately, though, I didn't have an ending in mind, other than total conquest, which seemed boring.

I'll leave this up as an example of the format I might use in a future story. I previously posted a story called Trophy Wife about Jon/Margaery. Like this, it is an outline of a story I may do in the future.

NOTE ADDENDUM: This story was originally published one author, shared with another, and has now been abandoned by both. Free to a good home.

Chapter Text

Jon is often cold. I love that about him. He does not waste time jollying around, drinking or gambling. He does not whore like Robb did; as much as I loved Robb, he was a fool that thought he could play king, fall in love and that it would all be okay.

When Robb went South to marry the Westerling girl, he surely had not expected to be ambushed. Taken, captured, his direwolf decapitated. He died tragically, and I was too young, too afraid to do anything. When mother had us escape, when she sacrificed herself, I cried. My hair, brown as mud, was dampened, and my stupid little wedding dress, dirty.

Sansa and I escaped to Winterfell. If not for me, Sansa would have died, the stupid girl, head stuck in the clouds. I secreted us through Rills' lands, through the Reeds' swamps, and got us home. We left by ourselves, only to find that father had died as well, having gone out to search for us, wandering too close to Bolton territory.

It was the end of our House, I thought. Two girls in a large castle would never hold out. They would have charged us, force us to leave or give in. I know I would have died fighting.

Then Jon arrived, walking in tall and in all black. We thought we lost him in the war with the wildings, but he survived. My respect for him grew, and when he declared himself king, against his bastard status, I respected him even more. The winter crown suited him well.

He took me to wife, which was to be expected. Like grandfather, he married his sister. However, Jon was not willing to bet the Stark line on only me. I could blame him, but I understood. If I had a cock I’d have taken a serving wench and legitimized my bastards by her, if it meant maintaining our line.

He married us in the godswood, before the bloody tree. That night he had us both. It took me a day to get over him going to her first, that silly, smiling girl, but at least when he had me, he stayed with me for the night. He did not stop with conquering us though.

One night, after sitting on the winter throne for hours, he came to me. He told me his vision: a North united. He told me his plans, his ideas, what methods he planned to us. I thought of laughing at him, but as he went on and on, I knew he was serious. I still thought it too dangerous; our house was already close to falling. Then he unveiled a Valyrian steel sword to me; he told me it was named Dark Sister, and he smiled for the first time since I had seen him. I agreed to follow him.

Afterwards, he went to Sansa, and to make her feel important, pretended he was telling both of us for the first time. Surprisingly, she agreed to follow him. To think, a girl like that. She wrapped her hands around his head, kissing him and telling him all the silks she would knit for him, that she would polish his crown. She talked about the age before Torrhen, like those times could so easily be grasped. I decided not to smack her stupid head.

In our planning, my relationship with Jon became more meaningful. He took me to bed more often, and he did the same with Sansa. He doesn’t take her like a wolf though. I am more appropriate for his desires, for his coldness, for his lack of smiles, for his need to fight. Sansa is just pretty and lustful, in her seductive gait and love of songs.

But I am not jealous, so it bothered me not. I couldn’t be considering what Jon did next. After bringing about the best soldiers we had from Houses Mollen, Poole, Cassel and Cerwyn, Jon drew Ice, and told them his plan to unite the North. They called him King in the North quite quickly, to my surprise. But I believe it was just the excitement of young men. They couldn't imagine all the blood it would take to do what they imagined, what we wanted. Our first invasion was Torrhen’s Square, kingdom south of our kingdom. They were the weakest and the closest, and weren’t expecting a full-on assault.

I wet my blade that day. Nymeria, my direwolf and preferred warg beast, ripped many a throat out. Jon fought with me, with a few hundred other men, mostly boys and fools. But our savagery drew fear from the Tallharts; they gave up quickly.

Not since grandfather Rickard had Winterfell engaged in a battle, having remained pathetically neutral, inward looking. Torrhen’s Square became ours that day, back under the watch of Torrhen’s heirs. I did not like what happened next, but at least my suggestion that he take the Tallhart heir to Winterfell heeded.

Sansa could have cared less, I believe. But I saw the political necessity in it. Let the Tallharts be an example, and all others will have to bend.

And I've already dreamed about storming the Dreadfort.