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how long, baby, have i been away? (oh, it feels like ages though you say it has been only days)


Long distance relationships have their pros and cons, but today Jeongguk’s mind is only focusing on the cons.


it's the first day of #HopeKookWeek2017 and im very excited! also big thanks to daniel @97ticoliro on twitter for being my beta on this work! te amo <3
title from meet me in the woods by lord huron

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Long distance relationships have their pros and cons, but today Jeongguk’s mind is only focusing on the cons. Having a famous rapper boyfriend who goes by the name of J-Hope and absolutely kills it in every single stage is amazing, and he’s so, so proud of Hoseok for achieving so much in such a short time. After all he’s only 23 and already has one of the biggest fanbases in the moment, both in South Korea and internationally, has created two whole albums with amazing songs produced by himself and Suga one of the hottest producers and incredibly talented rapper and with features from Rap Monster other Hoseok’s friend, who is also an awesome rapper and the cherry on top of it all, is that he has the sweetest, most caring and understandable boyfriend ever, Jeongguk.


But today, his boyfriend isn’t feeling the best. He always gets like this when Hoseok’s on tour – where he will perform one of the sensations of the rap scene, Cypher, along with Suga and Rap Monster, and will met some of the artists that inspired him to become a rapper, how cool is that – and when he arrives on their shared apartment – that Hoseok insisted on being near Jeongguk’s university so the younger doesn’t need to waste money on transportation every damn day – it just feels even worse because his sunshine isn’t there to greet him neither sitting on the couch watching some animal documentary, or working in his home studio – which he also insisted to build so he could stay closer to his little baby, Jeongguk blushed, but then noticed Hoseok picking Mickey up and talking to him with a disgusting baby voice, he slept with the dogs on the couch that day – or playing Just Dance and nailing every move because he’s also a good dancer, as if being an amazing rapper wasn’t enough.


Jeongguk opens the door to find Mickey and Cloud sleeping on the couch, looking up lazily at him. He gives them a little wave as if they could answer back, drops his backpack by the door and takes off his shoes, walks beside the counter dividing the living room and the kitchen and goes to make some instant noodles, he isn’t feeling that well.


Their apartment wasn’t as big as Hoseok wanted – he wanted to buy a bigger one, he couldn’t deny that he loved to spoil the younger, but Jeongguk insisted that it wasn’t necessary, really – but it was big enough so that when he wasn’t around Jeongguk could hear his own voice echoing in every room he went, even sleeping on their king sized bed that made him pass out as soon as he made a cocoon of blankets was difficult because Hoseok’s smell was impregnated in everything, obviously it would, he slept there, but when he was away it only made Jeongguk’s chest ache more – and it also makes him go to the living room to scoop up the dogs in his arms and bring them close while he sleep so it doesn’t feel that bad, but it still hurts.


He adds the boiling water into the plastic cup, closes the lid with his chopsticks and leans on the counter, looking over the apartment.


There’s a huge window that goes from the ceiling to the floor and gives them the most amazing view of Seoul at night, hugged by white satin curtains that came to live whenever the upper parts of the windows were open, the black couch in front of the TV, which was over a fake fireplace for the dogs security wasn’t that special but it gave the whole space a fancier feeling, the rug on the floor in front of the couch was in an awkward position – that Jeongguk swore it was one of the latest trends in interior design – and looked more expensive than their whole room. It was a welcoming gift from one of their friends that went travelling to Egypt a long time ago and brought it back to warm their new apartment up.


Opposite to the fireplace and the TV, two bookshelves filled with books – mostly comic books and books filled with art tips on Jeongguk’s side and books that told the history of rap and showed the evolution of dance through the years on Hoseok’s – a smaller rug hugged the floor in front of them, accompanied by two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table between them. For an intruder, maybe it doesn’t look as welcoming and warm – and used – as a house owned by a big family with a Saint Bernard as a pet, but for the two of them it was enough.


The noodles were ready and Jeongguk was ready to pass out, his art classes were getting more difficult and to keep up with all the history behind the types of architecture and emotional subtext that the color of the walls held – seriously, just because someone painted their wall blue in 1856 doesn’t mean they were depressed or something – he had to get strength from supernatural sources, or from his boyfriend’s sweet encouraging words. But the encouraging words weren’t there, it was only his exhausted state of mind and jelly legs from carrying easels in the morning – really, what’s wrong with his painting instructor – he was so tired, he just wanted to fall back onto their soft bed and drown in Hoseok’s sweet and calming scent, hug his pillow like an octopus and close his eyes.


He finishes his noodles and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. If he was feeling a bit better he would prepare a bubble bath and have a bubble party with the dogs, then he would feel happier, but today wasn’t his day, he spit out the toothpaste foam and washes his face. Two pimples were getting settled on his face, both on very visible spots, he groaned, that’s just great .


The dogs slept peacefully on the couch, practically cuddling, and Jeongguk didn’t want to admit that he was jealous of them – but he was – so he goes back into his and Hoseok’s bedroom, takes off his clothes and throws them on the floor, goes to their walk-in closet, picks up one of Hoseok’s sweatpants and turns off all the lights in the room, only leaving the lights that changed color on – he asked his boyfriend to add it to their room because imagine how hot I would look under those lights while you fuck me, Hobi – and Hoseok being whipped, obviously accepted.


Now he just watches the lights idly, changing from light blue to dark purple, then from dark red to light pink. He has a fluffy blanket threw over his legs, showing his shirtless chest and a bit of his underwear – thanks to the oversized sweatpants – while he opens Twitter, looking through his feed to try watching some fancams of the stage Hoseok did earlier that the day, and wow, he looked good . He always does, but the snapback paired with the band shirt and shorts made Jeongguk’s knees weak. He also decided that looking straight to the camera and winking while hip thrusting was ok.


But Jeongguk wasn’t ok , he decided to stop before getting a boner.

When he wakes up – later than usual, oh, how he loved the weekends – the first thing he hears are bowls banging on each other coming from the kitchen. He immediately jumps out of bed, thinking how the fuck someone got in here and pulls the baseball bat he keeps under their bed out. Hoseok scoffed when he saw him hiding it, but now Jeongguk would scoff at his face for doubting him if he really came out of that situation alive.


He tiptoed to the hallway, that connected the living room and the bedroom crouched, and looked over the kitchen counter, but what he saw made him feel like an idiot.


It was Hoseok, his back facing Jeongguk, holding a frying pan with a terrible smell, and fixing something on a plate with a spatula that seemed a bit burned. He wasn’t the best cook.


‘Hobi?’ Jeongguk called, lowering the baseball bat, relaxing his tense shoulders.


Dropping the frying pan in the sink out of fright, Hoseok looked over his shoulders, wide-eyed, ‘Oh god , baby, you scared me.’ – he turns to his boyfriend with a small smile – ‘I didn’t even knew you were awake’.


Jeongguk laughs ‘I scared you? Look at me,’ – he holds the bat up – ‘you were the one to scare the living hell out of me.’


Hoseok loses it and starts laughing, but Jeongguk just feels stupid. Wiping some happy tears, he goes over to the younger and coos, hugging him.


‘Aw, gukkie, I’m sorry I scared you,’ – he kisses Jeongguk’s hair – ‘But hey, I made you- tried to, actually, some pancakes! Will that make you feel better?’


Jeongguk scrunches his nose, teasing, ‘ Me ? Eating that piece of burned cardboard? No, thank you very much.’ – he holds his head high and pretends to be snobby, but ends up giggling when Hoseok starts tickling him – ‘What- Hey no ! That’s unfair, Hobi! Seriously, I’m- I’m gonna die’ – his smile is so big it looks like his face will crack in half.


Hoseok rolls his eyes ‘Whatever you say, baby.’ – and picks Jeongguk up.


He carried Jeongguk to their room, kind of, he almost died halfway because the younger has some serious muscles, so Jeongguk picks Hoseok up and carries him the rest of the way.


They thrown themselves on the bed, talk about Hoseok’s latest stage, how many people he spoke to and how many new cool rappers he met – ‘ And they knew me, baby! How crazy is that?’ ‘Not that crazy, Hobi, considering you’re one of the most famous rappers from South Korea. ’ – and about how much Jeongguk missed him.


‘But I’m here now,’ – he says, hugging Jeongguk close to him – ‘and you’ll have to accept all my cuddles’ – he kisses his nose – ‘and my hugs’ – another kiss, on the cheek – ‘ and my burnt pancakes’ – he pulls back and stares at the younger, fondness in his eyes.


Jeongguk smiles ‘It’s a deal then.’ – and kisses Hoseok.


thanks for reading, leave kudos/comments if you enjoyed!
come talk to me, i'm @mygsboy on twitter and @nvr55 on tumblr!

Series this work belongs to: