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"So who's the father?" Kihyun asked drinking from his cup. "It's Hyungwon. Chae Hyungwon" I answered bracing myself. Kihyun's eyes grew wide and he choked on his drink.

"CHAE HYUNGWON! The most popular boy in our school with the reputation of a playboy?!" He said or screeched and I quickly shushed him as I nodded. Kihyun ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. I felt my heart drop when I heard the next words from his mouth.

"As much as I hate to say it. You need to tell him"


Chapter Text

I was sitting in the waiting room nervously. I didn't want to believe what I saw on the pregnancy test and decided to make a doctors appointment to confirm it. If I was pregnant then I wanted an abortion no doubt about it. 'Going to that party was a mistake' I thought beginning to fidget in my seat. My name is Shin Hoseok and I'm 17 years old. It started when I was dragged to a party with my best friend Kihyun and his boyfriend Minhyuk.


"Hurry up Hoseok!" Kihyun yelled and eventually, I came to the living room in sweatpants and a shirt. "What are you wearing?" Kihyun asked. "I don't want to go Kihyunnie" I replied causing him to squish my cheeks together. "You're going and that's final. You stay at home too much so this will be good for you" He said and I faceplanted into the couch. "It won't be that bad Hoseok I promise" I heard him say as I felt him sit down beside me. "Fine. I'll go" I said relenting.

Time skip to the party

At the party, Kihyun was around me for a while and we had a few drinks before he disappeared to join his boyfriend. I leaned against a wall and was watching people when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned and was stunned to see Chae Hyungwon. 'What would a popular boy want with me?' I thought."Hey cutie. Wanna dance?" He said. I was a bit hesitant because I smelled alcohol on his breath and I knew he was either almost drunk or at least tipsy. 'It's just dancing' I thought convincing myself. I accepted and we danced for most of the night. That's the last thing I remembered. When I woke up the next morning, I was in a bed and my lower back was in pain. I looked around and saw Hyungwon was asleep next to me naked. After he woke up, we didn't speak as we got dressed and Hyungwon made me swear to never speak of the incident. After that, everything seemed to be fine but a few weeks later I noticed that the pattern of vomiting I was doing. I thought it was the stomach virus but then again it didn't seem normal since it had been over two weeks. After my mom left for work one day, I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test. I took it and waited. When I looked at the results, I just couldn't believe it.

End flashback

I heard when my name was called and brought myself out from my thoughts as I got up to follow the nurse. He took me into a room after taking my weight and checking my blood pressure. "The Doctor will come in a few minutes," he said and I nodded as he left. It had only been about 5 minutes when the door opened and a man walked in. "Good morning, I'm Dr. Hwang. Your name is Hoseok yes?" He said looking at the clipboard and then looking up at me. I nodded in response. "Alright. So what's the problem?" He asked and I bit my lip nervously. "For the last four weeks, I've been throwing up on and off. I thought it could have been stomach virus but it shouldn't have been going on this long" I explained and Dr. Hwang nodded.

(Hi author here. Obviously, I'm not a doctor lol so last time my brother had stomach virus it was only for a few days so that's all I got since it's been a while since so I'm just making it up)

"That is abnormal but everything else seems fine. Now answer this question for me. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" He asked and I felt my face heat up. " Three weeks ago" I answered. Dr. Hwang wrote that down before looking up at me. "Okay. I will get a nurse to come in and get a urine sample from you. I think I know what the problem is but I want to be sure. Did you want to wait for the results? It will be a few minutes" he said and I nodded. "Alright. I'll send someone to get you in a few" he replied leaving the room. It wasn't long before a nurse came in with a plastic cup. I realized it was the same one who brought me to this room. "It's you," I said not thinking and he laughed. "Yes. I'm Sungjong" He said with a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hoseok" feeling myself give a smile back. "Nice to meet you. Now I came in to take you to the restroom so you can give the sample Dr. Hwang asked for so follow me" Sungjong said holding the door open until I walked out before walking ahead of me. "It's right here. Just pee in the cup and I'll take it from you when you're done. I'll be right out here" Sungjong explained and I nodded going into the restroom before closing the door. After I was done I handed the cup to Sungjong and finished washing my hands. By the time I came out, Sungjong was back and walked me back to the room. "Sungjong. Can I ask you something?" I said from the chair I was in before he left the room. "Sure. What is it?" Sungjong said sitting on the stool next to me. "Have you heard of a male pregnancy before?" I asked.