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For Midoriya Izuku, things were going great in his life. His dreams of becoming a hero were finally becoming true. He's done it.

It was a completely normal day, and yet it all happened without any warning. Now that the rug has been pulled out from under him, he's left grasping at straws as he has to figure out which side he belongs to. He just hopes he won't lose his sanity before finding a way back home.


For Miria Izaki, things were going great in his life. Everything was going as planned, and soon, another chess piece will be falling off the board.

Right when he was about to deliver the killing blow - That was when the world suddenly flips around him, and while his friends slowly start to turn on him follow his tracks, "Izuku" can only say that this will be quite interesting to behold.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Just Like Magic


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Here goes, Deku!" Ochako called out from the battle grounds, they were a good 14 feet away from each other. Izuku nodded as she throws the ball upward with her quirk and hits it to his direction.

It was sometime during the morning when Aizawa had barged in the room (after being late and missing the actual time of his class) and told them that they were going to the gym - they argued at first, saying it wasn't his period yet, but was quickly bustling towards the gym after a threat of expulsion was wrung over their necks. The objective was simple - don't let the ball touch the ground. They were allowed to use quirks, whether they sabotage the other player or use it in a tactical manner against their opponent.

Currently, Izuku and Uraraka were on their second match. Their tactics left the other unable to catch the ball and now they were at a stalemate. Izuku charges up, and prepared to throw the ball when he stops for just a split second. His mouth turns up into a smile as his arm heads towards the ground instead, the impact making a huge crater on the floor. He stops, the smile slipping from its pedestal and he looks around, a look of caution plastered on his face.

Aizawa blows the whistle, still looking tired as ever. Everyone else watches with confusion as the latter stands up and looks at his classmates with fascination. Then the expression went just as quick as it came. "Deku, are you alright? What happened?" Uraraka asks from the other side of the arena, concerned.

"I'm fine Uraraka, I just got a little confused." He calls out to her, laughing and scratched the back of his head before realizing that everyone was staring at him. "Really! Let's continue, shall we?" He turns to his teacher who had shown no indifference and grabs the ball with his scarf, throwing it to Uraraka.

The latter throws the ball upward and made it ascend clouds high before pressing her fingers together, dropping it in the same speed as a meteor strike, the ball becoming fire, tail searing behind it. Izuku doesn't dodge this time and only raises his hand, standing a little back and the ball falls in his hand in a seemingly nifty and gentle manner. Everyone stares agape - excluding Aizawa but when does he ever look anything other than tired? - as the boy just dusts himself of and smiles at Uraraka who looked just as surprised, but yelled him a compliment. Aizawa commends the boy in a deadpan manner for it then gives him a point.

He mused the ball for a moment then felt for the power that burned inside of him. How much could this body hold right now..? The sweet smile on his face cracked to something much more sinister.

"Alright, ready, set-" Before Aizawa could finish, Izuku fires the ball. It races through the field, the force of the wind sending everyone staggering back. "Ochako!!" The hero called out from the swirling blizzard of dust, panic rising in his chest. 'Could she be..?' He shuddered at the thought as his red eyes kept looking for the brunette. "I-I'm okay!!" A small voice calls out and Aizawa huffs in relief to see that she had ducked down just in time to dodge the racing ball. Everyone around him coughed, fanning the dust away to try to get a breath of fresh air. Thankfully the situation was finally resolved as Momo summoned a mini vacuum and sucked away. His head turns to the green haired teen responsible for this mess and caught him muttering under his breath.

If Aizawa wasn't paying attention, he would have missed the grin covered by the hand clamped on the teen's face.

To say the pro hero was mad was the understatement of the year. Bonds snapped at the boy and pulled him over with no resistance whatsoever from the teen. "That was highly impractical of you Midoriya, you are an aspiring hero, not a villain. Learn to control your quirk next time." He said, irritated, if this boy wasn't a floodgate of potential(and tears) then Aizawa wouldn't have had any problem expelling him for this bad behavior. And yet the boy didn't seem at all intimidated or tense as the man expected. In fact the boy looked to be experiencing the opposite of the wanted reaction.

The boy turns to him with his facade dropped for just a few moments, but it was enough to make Shota rethink his whole life before this moment. The teen wasn't exactly glaring, mind you, it was more of an excited grin, and mixed with his relaxed demeanor and the aura the boy sent out was what set the hero off. He immediately knew something was wrong. "Isn't it better to strike while the enemy is unprepared 'Aizawa-Sensei'? After all..." Shivers ran down Shota's spine as just now he noticed the boy had wrapped a long strand of his scarf in his hands and had a tugged on it hard just as green eyes met with terrified red ones.

"They won't even know their dead... Isn't that the best mercy..?" The boy released his grip and the teacher followed after. "I'm sorry, Sensei. May I please go to the bathroom..." With a nod, the green haired boy began to walk away.

"Wait, Deku..!" Uraraka calls after him, but was stopped by Aizawa before she could get any farther.

"I suggest you let him be for now Ochako, this behaviour is not normal for Midoriya. I'm going to have a talk to Principal Nedzu. For now, I suggest you all try to avoid him."

"But Aizawa-Sensei!-" Iida proclaimed from the group.

"You saw what he did right? He could've killed Uraraka right then and there. Don't tell me it doesn't count because it missed her. It didn't. Only Uraraka's reflexes saved her, if it weren't for that she would've been exploded to pieces. The two of you are his closest friends, he didn't seem right, did he?" They both remained silent.

"Tell me Bakugou." The boy flinched, red eyes glared at the door, then flickered to face his teacher.

"You knew him longer than anyone here. Is this normal? Has this ever happened before?"

"No, Sensei." He looks down, suddenly seeming so interested in the ground.

"That settles it then."

Everyone idles in their places, eyes sometimes flickering to the door and back to each other.

"One last question. Anyone notice anything strange before today?"

Everyone confirmed in one way or another that nothing seemed suspicious until today.

"Alright then, next Todoroki and Jirou, get in positions." The teacher said, looking tired as usual, but if anyone had bothered to observe closer, he was on edge, shoulders tense and eyes flickering everywhere.

Midoriya didn't return from the bathroom until the period had ended and they found him lounging in their classroom.



"Uh, hey Deku." The teen hummed in response as he kept looking through his phone, a small smile on his face. To his right, Uraraka sits beside him, followed by Iida in their front.

Neither of them speaks for a moment.

"So, about third period..." The brunette says awkwardly, taking the cover off of her bento. "You acted quite unorthodox. We are quite worried." Iida continued, hands flying everywhere just as Uraraka snaps the chopsticks in two and start eating.

Izuku's smile widens a little as his thumb flick upwards, eyes still focused on the lit screen.

The two share a look of confusion. So far they were the only ones not heeding Aizawa-Sensei's warnings. The green haired teen didn't bother anyone else as well for the rest of the day.

"Um... Deku..? Are you okay?" And in a sudden, the teen's eyes were focused on the girl beside her, making the other teens flinch.

"Uh, sorry Uraraka. I forgot, but uh..." He laughs nervously, dimples showing in the seemingly genuine look of embarrassment. "Why do you call me that?" The aforementioned teen just looks at him oddly, like he just told her the world was gonna end because cows turned evil.

"Hmm, well, because Deku kinda sounds like "You can do it!", you know?" She gives him a thumbs up, grinning. He raises an eyebrow to the statement but nods solemnly, head rested on his hand.

"Ah, I need to go to the bathroom again, excuse me..." He says, standing up.

"But Deku, you haven't even touched your food!" Uraraka called after him. "Midoriya if you feel unwell, we will help you to the infirmary!" Iida immediately stood up, glasses reflecting light off of the rims.

"No need, I'm good Iida, really! Just uh..." He covers his hand like he was telling a secret. "Really gassy today." He whispers, red in the face. "I'm really sorry about earlier, I was in a rush to get to the bathroom. Sorry if I seemed off." He says before rushing away.

The other two just looked at each other and sighed in relief, so nothing suspicious was going on. Their friend hasn't suddenly turned evil or anything of the like. That was really silly of them.

So they continued lunch as normal, and waited for the school bell to ring.


Hell hath no fury like a man's need to defecate.

Chapter 2: We All Fall Down


In which Izuku is terrified and everyone else is utterly confused.

Chapter Text

"This is your end, Shimura Tenko. What I'm about to say is a bit cliché I know, but what are your last words?" Izaki says with a sadistic look on his face as he towers over the hero in training, foot on his chest.

"See you in hell... bastard..." He sputtered out, coughing blood over the cement as his hands rush towards the leg at a last attempt for an attack, but instead he gets shoved down, earning a laugh from the other villain as he kneels, pressuring the other teen's chest more, making him struggle to breath.

"Come on, Tenko, that's not a very hero-like thing to say now, is it?" Izaki unsheathes his knife just as Tenko clenched his eyes, apologizing to his father and teacher for failing.

The blow never came.

He opens his eyes to a scene one could only hope to see in his lifetime. The green haired villain looked confused and panicked, eyes scanning the surroundings wildly before settling on the white haired teen. Then his eyes went full-blown wide and he jumps back in shock, giving Tenko time to recover as he staggered upwards.

"Sh-Shigaraki!?" Izaki asks so loudly that Tenko winced, never hearing the other this distressed before, the calm demeanor ripped away in a flash The hero in training analyzed  the situation. Izaki mistaking him for someone else? There was no mistaking it, something fishy was going on, possibly some third party wanting to get rid of the villain.

Though this might be the only time he gets to apprehend the villain. He won't let the opportunity slip.

He moved fast to pin Izaki to the cold stone wall with his hands pressed against his back, not missing a chance to catch the villain off guard. "Hold on! Wha-!?" He manages to say even with his face pressed onto the wall, his stinging cheek starting to form a bruise.

"Miria Izaki, you are now under arrest for countless crimes including murder, theft, assault, the list goes on and on!!" Tenko awkwardly said in his failed attempt to sound authoritative, tightening his grip, leaving one finger up. Izaki squirms in his grasp. In a hazed panic, he activates One-for-All, elbowing Tenko and sending him smashing backwards through a wall.

The hero in training easily got up, growling as the villain attempted to run away, lightning zapping around him. With only revenge on his mind, Tenko slapped the building closest to them.

Cracks spread across the disintegrating cement, and huge blocks started to fall onto them. Before they could react, one hits Izaki on the head, sending him sprawling on his back with a bleeding head. Tenko being injured as he was, attempted to cover his head to no avail. He screamed out in pain as he felt his spine crack, huge pieces of rubble had pushed him underneath, his arms unable to reach even the tip of the boulder without getting dislocated or broken. Two green blurs starts to approach him, and he grits his teeth and prepares for the worst.

Izaki finally managed to sit up, holding his head just as the last small pebbles fall onto the ground, sending the dust spiraling once more. He narrowed his eyes, barely able to see Shimura's silhouette struggling to breath as more rocks pile on the heavy load behind his back. "Shigaraki! Are you okay!?" Izaki yelled but said boy didn't react.

He runs over and activates Full Cowl, kicking the boulder and smashing it to smaller pieces. He pushed them off him and helped the badly injured boy up, putting his hand over his shoulder. The rubble and dust finally clears and he sees civilians peeking and taking pictures from the sidelines, thankfully none of them looked hurt.

"Call a hero!!" He shouted to them as they whispered to each other and two people took off running while some started dialing numbers into their phones. He set the other boy, who had fallen unconscious sometime during his rescue, down next to the rocks as he groaned, touching the back of his head which stung from the contact. 'Good, he's still breathing...' He thinks as he falls back beside the white haired teen.

'Once they return, the heroes can safely capture him. He'd said I was a villain though... What did he...' Izaki finally notices his clothes; blood soaked gloves and a black and white suit tailored to fit perfectly onto his body. He looked to the crowd, their eyes filled with fear, hatred, disdain, bore holes into his very soul as they looked at him like he was a villain, but he wasn't...



The heroes turn up not a moment later once they hear of the infamous "Miria Izaki" injured in a alleyway with a UA student.

Izuku thinks he is absolutely screwed.

Rightly so, after he almost gets a panic attack that villains, most of them he knew well, gathered immediately in the scene. Izuku was 79% sure (damn his head was killing him) that there were more than a hundred villains gathered.

Just for him.

And the crowd was cheering for them. Or perhaps they were the heroes.

Just when he thought it couldn't get worse, a man emerged from the scene. The teen didn't recognize him at first ... but his stature, his build... It was so familiar that Lord help Izuku's soul that had ascended to heaven as he stared dumbfounded once realization hits him. It was All-For-One. His face wasn't messed up, and he wore something akin to All Might's golden age hero costume.

Izuku was sure he was experiencing an out of body experience when the "heroes" ushered everyone away and got closer to him. He was physically trembling now, eyes now like those of a prey being cornered.

The "heroes" seemed confused at first, unsure whether to attack or to negotiate, and Izuku slowly stands up. Their response was to draw out their weapons and quirks, on guard just as the teen rose his hands to the air. He felt the knife in his hand and- hold up. Knife? Ooooh that's why they were so on edge. Obviously if he discards it they'll see he was no longer a threat and disregard him in exchange for Tomura, he thought, being the absolute best pure innocent boy he is.

So he threw it at them and raised his hands up to proclaim his surrender, but in turn they just flung themselves away from the knife like it was a bomb and stared at it for an awkward moment before one of the heroes poked it with her quirk - a sharp stick.

It did nothing.

Izuku just scrunches up his face as he gives them all questioning looks. Either way he knew he wasn't getting out of here with this many "heroes" around, especially if they all have their eyes on him. And not in the good way.

Then he met eye to eye with All For One and froze at the stern look the man gave, ready to strike at him in a moment's notice, and yet confusion laced behind his tense frown as well, his eyes flickering from him to his successor laying in a heap on the ground. Still breathing. Not dead. Not that Izuku would ever kill anyone, of course. Nope. Never. Just then a tranquilizer dart hit him in the chest and- oh was that a unicorn?

The teen tumbles to the ground and the heroes immediately grab and put him in the back of a police van, which drove off instantly after the door is closed. It was of the utmost importance to not let that boy escape.

One For All sighed and walked towards his successor, who fell unconscious during somewhere in the fight. Now during the run here, he had hoped that Tenko wouldn't barrel himself towards Izaki like that, and yet he looks away for just one second and the teen is already gone.

Other than that...

He's never seen Izaki this terrified since... well never. The boy always upheld his calm demeanor, and his face always held that smug smile like everything was going as planned even when everything around him was crashing and burning leaving him the last one on the field.

The scared look... it didn't fit someone like him. It never had. It never will.

And yet it completely belonged to the teen's face, fear plastered on his features befitting of how the boy should feel. He should be experiencing such emotions, to be happy or to feel the rush of adrenaline when you get caught cheating by the teacher or stealing a cookie before dinner. All those things that boy should have experienced, yet beaten out of him just by being affiliated with the wretched All Might. Izaki should've been able to live. And yet he had been too late, the boy abandoned and left by heroes to be picked up and shaped into a cold blooded sadistic murderer by the man himself.

If that didn't make One for All's blood boil he didn't know what would.

He picks up Tenko's body bridal style and nods to the others heroes as they turn to assure the civilians and tend to the wounded few that was hit by debris. Most had dispersed after the success of their mission (even when they really didn't do anything) since the sheer amount of heroes there did make people worry. Its not their fault they expected Izaki to fight them to the very end with his one man army, an overwhelming tidal wave of power, not for him to just willingly surrender himself, whether he did it accordingly to his plans or not.

"One for All? We have the ambulance ready." He turns and nods, walking to the car and gently placing the boy on the carrier.

He might visit Izaki later, question him of his motives. For now, he needed to get Tenko to Kai, the boy's lucky the villain decided to spare his life. Well, whatever happened earlier anyway.

The day goes on though, and even when the heroes tried keeping it under wraps, too many sources and video proof have been leaked. So now a heavy crowd of reporters at UA's gate hoping for answers, and thousands of recorded footage posted on the internet, theories floating about it - threads speculating what exactly happened to make the infamous Izaki so frightened; a quirk, something or someone he saw, or maybe some sort of mental illness. Whatever it was, the news around it exploded, leaving heroes and villains alike to wonder what truly happened.




"Hm, that's highly unusual."

The bar held a calm atmosphere with the calm save for the consistent buzzing of the air conditioner blowing cold wind throughout the room. The lights above the billiard table dimly lighted the room as a brunette sat on the comfy red leather couch cross-legged smoking a cigarette as she scrolled trough her phone.

Her expression only remained bored as she watched the video of their leader being taken into custody in a shaky vertically recorded video - unfortunately the best quality yet counting all of them - as a hero blocked the view of the camera for a moment, then showing the wretched hero One for All returning for the useless pile of scum Shimura. Friends of that fucking ugly bitch Himiko that caused her beautiful skin to become scarred.

"What is?" A blonde in a red and white jacket roughly stabbed at the ball with his cue stick, paralleling his nice looking facade as the blue ball smashes into two red and yellow ones sending them flying, but nonetheless still avoiding all four corner holes and making the teen looking immediately pissed, banging the table sending the balls shaking.

The man in front of him just groaned in annoyance mumbling "every fucking time" as he fixed up the set. Every game with Bakugou always ended up in him shouting angrily and doing something to ruin the game. Tenya doesn't know why he bothers.

"Zuzu-chan's been captured.." She said, faking a sad tone, pouting excessively as she takes another puff.

"NO WAY!!" The blonde says laughing, rushing over to see only for Ochaco to slap him, making him float and in turn infuriated him. "Ugh get your own damn screen you maniac ass fucking pervert." She complained as Katsuki shouted at her as he spun around, brain too deep fried to think about using his quirk.

"I wonder what Shoto thinks about this news." She said sadistically as she thought of the suffering teen, just as the other boy calmed down, smiling as he faux sat in the air. "I'm betting he already knows!" He said cheerfully from his air perch. Just then the aforementioned boy busted into the room, his hair a mess and fire still crackling on his shoulder as ice keep dropping from the right side of his body, shirt wet. His face was crazed, eyes darting, his body trembled in pure wrath.

Based on the wild appearance of the boy, the thick sound proof walls from his and Izaki's room was probably the only thing that had prevented them from hearing the supposed screams the teen gave earlier.

He then stomped out of the room leaving a trail of ice which Aizawa had already started sweeping.

"He's gonna go save him obviously. So I'mma help! Whadda 'bout you guys?" The blonde exclaimed like a little kid. Iida and Aizawa remained silent while Uraraka giggled, letting him fall to the ground as she took another puff of smoke.

"No thanks, I only listen to Zuzu-chan's orders since he's the only smart and not to mention hot person in this place, plus he probably got himself captured on purpose, I don't want to ruin his plan. Whatever crazy shit you do is beyond me. Anyways, I've got a date later, you know how she gets when I come all bloody, don't want that happening again." She said laughing as the other teen joined in, leaving the sullen atmosphere more tense than it was before.



Izuku had woken up to a dimly lit room with the walls shadowed, leaving only him feeling like a cornered rat in the middle of a cat's den.

Where..? Oh right. He got arrested and all of that jazz. Which now made him panic because this place wasn't just his nightmare.

It was real.

He was stuck here.

For only God knows how long...

...Also All for One menacingly appeared out of the shadows, which made him scream in surprise.

"Calm down boy, it is just me!" All For One said enthusiastically with a smile hoping to reassure the boy, but the boy's voice just went an octave higher, making the pro hero also panic, fidgeting in place. Then Over-fricking-Haul came out of the shadows as well (damn this room was dark) which now made him sound like that hollering chicken toy.

"Please calm yourself!!" He was struggling - not that he could do much with his arms and legs tied down to his fingers, but he could try. He had stopped hollering at the top of his lungs, but now he was hyperventilating as he tried something - anything to get out of this hell!

Another person emerged from the shadows, gently placing a hand on the boy's head. He immediately felt a rush of relief and slouched, breathing heavily. The woman seemed relieved and nodded to the two heroes as she shifted to his back and placing her hands on his shoulders in a manner that couldn't help make Izuku feel comfortable and calm in her grasp. Or maybe it was her quirk?

"Alright... now that you're calm. Good evening, Izaki-san." He blinked at them as they sat across the table from him. "You keep -" His voice was hoarse and dry, and even if he was (temporarily) calm, he couldn't help the stuttering.

"You keep- c-calling me that." Izuku stated. "Call you what, Izaki? Isn't that your name?" Overhaul said, raising an eyebrow - he really didn't look all that menacing without the mask, plus he was wearing doctor clothes. The teen shook his head. The three looked at each other in confusion.

"Then what could, praytell, be your name child?" All for One inquired.

He hesitated, looking down. Should he really give his real name to them? This could be a trick, a hallucination to get information. He could still be in his world, kidnapped by villains he didn't know. He- whoosh.

And just like that, all feelings of uncertainty and doubt swept away from him in an instant, flooding him with trust.

"Izuku. Midoriya Izuku." The boy huffed out.

"I- I see." The man said and looked to Chisaki, who only nodded wordlessly and took off, leaving only AFO- OFA? Izuku really didn't know, and didn't bother to ask. Him and that woman he didn't recognise kept questioning him - he, still being affected by the quirk can't help but tell the truth, making him think that this felt a bit more like a dose of truth serum than an actual official interrogation.


OFA didn't think this method would work, since the whole Izaki things was becoming a conspiracy all over the internet.

The most probable theory they had? Some sort of mind altering quirk or body swap quirk. Its the only reason they could think plausible for the cold calculating villain to suddenly turn tail and play coward after all this time manipulating and planning for some kind of grand finale or underlying scheme.

They got only a little bit more information after Chisaki left, leaving them with only a name and a rather confused teen.

Hikuki had actually stated once they left the room that she herself couldn't stop shaking from how much fear the boy truly felt, and suppressing it had left the her incapable of using her quirk again for the meanwhile. That should be odd in of itself. Sure everyone feels scared in an interrogation room but to be able to feel such terror to knock out Hikuko's quirk for the rest of the day. And it had been Izaki of all people, they should've been the ones left feeling overwhelmed, not him.

Once he got out of the highly secured building, Kai had been waiting for him with a file in hand at the exit. He looked disgruntled and a bit distraught, and no words needed to be spoken as he handed the file over and walked away.

As OFA read through it, he could relate.

A picture of a green haired small freckled boy was clipped on the paper with green eyes shining brightly and smiling sweetly into the camera made the hero's heart tighten as he strengthens his resolve to continue reading.


Name : Midoriya Izuku

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : (07/15/2002)

Date of Last Contact : (01/18/2007)

Last Seen : Musutafu City, Japan

Relatives :

Mother - Midoriya Inko (deceased)

Father - Midoriya Hisashi (deceased)

The rest of the data was unavailable save for the instigating officers.

Other additional information concluded that his mother had reported the case before going missing herself. Her remains were found and recovered a week later inside a body bag floating in a river just out of the city. Her body had been brutally stabbed and mutilated, her organs had been pulled out and left dragging along the bloody water, animals had been feasting on it for a while.

His father, a pro hero, had been found dead with hanging from his ceiling. Upon further inspection of the body, bullets lay just beneath the man's skull, and the wound had been covered up by a quirk. It is still unknown whether he was shot or hanged first.


He felt his blood boil in anger. This wasn't right. The boy didn't deserve this.

He throws the file onto his desk and sits on his chair desk massaging his forehead. He shouldn't have fallen for his brother's charm. Fuck. FuckfuckFUCK!!


Just because of his damn mistake he let his brother change the world for the worse.

He let all this suffering happen.

This was all his fault...


He took up the bottle from Kurogiri, who only gave him a knowing look as he eyed the file, turning away to continue cleaning up his bar.

Tonight, he would drink to wash the feelings of guilt away along with the alcohol.

Chapter 3: Traitors and Tea


Izaki has a lovely conversation with the principal.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

He knocked on the door three times before it opened, revealing a small creature smiling at him curiously. "Ah! Aizawa-Sensei, come in! What brings you here?" He asks as the tired man shuffles in and settles down on the couch. "Tea?"

"I'd rather not..." He stopped, tired eyes staring as the hot steaming liquid was poured onto his cup. "Whoops, you said it too late!" He laughed at his own joke as he sits across him, pouring himself a cup as well.

"Please focus on the matter at hand, Nezu-sama. I have reasons to believe its serious." He told the creature who just calmly took a sip from the cup. "Hm, its about Midoriya-kun, right?" He asks with his neutral expression - a smile. Aizawa didn't look surprised and hung his head back. "So, you know, huh?"

Nezu just laughed like his question was a joke. "Haven't you been at this school long enough to know that I know everything?" He asked, but it was more of a concrete statement with only one answer.

Aizawa huffed in response and hunched forward, taking the cup into his hands, and stared at it in thought.

"Truth be told, Aizawa-chan, I'm quite surprised as well, Midoriya-kun has not exhibited this type of behavior at all during his stay here. Its a complete one-eighty."

"Jeez, don't call me that. Anyways, between you and me, I have my suspicions that the kid could be somewhat related to the traitor case-" He stopped just as he saw Nezu flashing a bright red stop sign while sipping tea, not even surprised that the guy was hiding that somewhere just for this exact moment.

"While you're hypothesis is possible..." The principal set the stop sign down. "Its not probable that the kid is the traitor. Too much evidence weighs against it."

"How so?" The hero inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"If he truly was the traitor, then there comes listing the reasons as to why he would do this, which wouldn't be a problem since we can narrow it down easily. Now the only real obstacle in claiming he is one..." He paused for dramatic effect. "What's the purpose of compromising his position? Why would he start acting like this now? The league hasn't made a move in a while, the situation calls for them to lay low and not to do anything rash now that the heroes suspect a rat." Nezu's smile grew larger.

"If he was the traitor, a bright young man such as Midoriya-kun would know that now is not the best time to threaten your teachers, yes?"

Shit, he had a point. That point was so sharp in fact that he was beginning to feel dumb.

"If anything I believe its the work of a mind or memory altering quirk or some type of body swap one. Either way the problem is that I haven't seen any sort of encounter that could have triggered this scenario. I have a few probable guesses, but if anything I'd like to have a conversation with the boy myself, if you could." Aizawa gave a curt nod.

"Though I'm a little surprised you can observe everyone here with detailed accuracy. There are about hundreds of people here in UA alone, not counting all those times you spy on the students in other schools. How do you live?" He asked in the same tone a depraved man asks a priest.

"Well for one I have no human limitations on me, hoho!" He exclaimed. "And I manage. Though shouldn't I be the one you asking, Aizawa-chan, how you live?"

"Okay that was just a low blow even for you, Nezu-sama." The principal laughed and the pro hero took it as his leave.

"Don't worry, Aizawa-chan, I'll tell you what I find. He is your student after all." The hero stopped at the door. "Him? My student? Like I'd ever let a monster like that in my classroom." He said before leaving and closing the door behind him, not looking back.

Nezu took a sip of his tea.

"You really do care, don't you Aizawa-sensei..."



Aizawa returned to the classroom to find everyone littered around the room, looking a little anxious. He paid them no mind as his eyes met with green. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, his gut screaming at him danger.

It's never been wrong before.


Everyone around then turned, silent as the teen gave him a small smile and raised his eyebrows in question. Every small movement made Aizawa anxious, never being able to put his guard down next to whoever the boy. He just had to trust Nezu about this.

"Principal Nezu wants to see you."

He then walked to his corner, zipping his yellow body bag up the whole way, he looked like a newly cocooned caterpillar from the outside.

He listened closely. Hushed conversations. Steps. The door opening then shutting close, and Shouta let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He shifted to try and get comfortable, then delved into the world of dreams.


"Woah what do you think that was all about?" Kirishima asked his friends just as the door shut silently, head turning around to see if anyone had an answer.

"It probably has something to do with earlier, ribbit. Izuku-chan was acting weird." Tsuyu said, placing a finger on her chin. "But Deku told us he just really needed to go to the bathroom earlier!" Uraraka exclaimed, butting in the conversation, attracting odd questioning looks from the group.

"You really fucking believe him, Round-Face? You too, Four Eyes." Everyone's heads turn to Katsuki, who had been previously silent, a hard glare on his face as he suddenly spoke up. Uraraka immediately went on the offensive.

"Of course I do, I'm his friend. I trust him, unlike you." She shot back. Bakugo remained uncharacteristically quiet. Then he spoke.

"You're an idiot if you think nothing's changed. When the line between friend and foe blurs, and you see him on the other side of the bridge with a pair of scissors, let's see how far that trust goes." He said seriously, no shouting, no threats. A warning directed to everyone. It made everyone in the room tense from the foreboding statement.

"Woah, that was extremely poetic, Bakubro! Didn't think you had that artistic soul in you!!" Kirishima told him encouragingly, giving him a thumbs up and a blinding smile as the blonde reverted back to normal, shouting obscenities at the red-head who just laughed.

Uraraka turned to Iida, the boy was looking down, glasses reflecting off and blocking the view of his eyes and his hands balls of fists.

She turned to the others, most were back to their usual routines just as everything went back to normal - Bakugo's ear bleeding screams and going back to attempting to maim everyone in his line of vision - but some of them still looked considerate, carefully thinking about the words of the raging teen.

Uraraka may not be the sharpest crayon in the Crayola box, but even she knew there were more to Katsuki's words than what meets the eye - er, ear.

She may have to consult the boy later.



Izaki walked through the halls with a slightly slouched stature, he'd assumed the other him wouldn't be as confident in his abilities, and would probably have been much more reserved as he was before.

He has been observing the basic structure and passages of the place, it was pretty different from the one at his world. How they classed the students were also pretty amusing, all of the kids in the hero department A and B seemed to all be physical hitters, something that could perhaps disarm certain robots.

That had meant even here all that mattered was your quirk, at least he knew that wouldn't be changing anytime soon.

Then there were those that passed him. He recognized some villain turned heroes here; Midnight and Cementoss were the more prominent ones, then there was Thirteen, made quite the huge racket. There were also teens he remembered he had stolen quirks from, and some that joined him. Some he had... less than pleasant encounters with.

He passed Yukimo and smiled at the timid girl who looked surprised and waved back shyly before hurriedly passing him. If his memory served right, then she was the brunette basking in her family's guts with a crazed satisfied look on her face. He had convinced her to join him. Her quirk was a joy to work with, if only she hadn't tried stabbing him in the back. With a knife. Literally.

It was an unfortunate event, but some sacrifices had to be made, he supposes.

Then he noticed something odd. He walked towards the thick bushes and knelt down opening them up, revealing a tiny black bubble like camera resting on a fake green branch sticking from the wall. It was subtle, impossible to spot to the untrained eye.

He picked it up, stuck between his thumb and pointer finger, it was no larger than a marble. The gadget must have been used to spy on the kids here by the principal. Judging on the discreet hiding spots, there must be many more of these just begging to be found.

Too bad Izaki's in a rush.

So he smiled at the camera. "Eavesdropping is bad, Mr. Principal." He said before crushing it and throwing the crackling and shattered camera into the bushes back where it belonged. One-for-All was a genius teacher, as much as he hates to admit it, so there would be no reason to believe this one would be different.

The door to the principal's office stood just in front of him and he knocks on the hard metal of the door that made a loud clank against his knuckles, expecting anything to pop out of it. He's only half surprised when the doors shoots open to reveal a small animal in a business suit greeting him from below.

"Ah, Midoriya-kun, come in, come in! I've been expecting you!!" He says in a relaxed demeanor that matched Izaki's. The teen's eyes ventured around the room as he sat down on the couch.

"Tea?" Izaki nodded, letting his weight drop onto the couch. He didn't want to seem tense, though he couldn't really bring himself to care much. If the tea was laced with poison, any different attribute to it would be easily identifiable. Though he guessed he didn't have to worry about that as the principal poured himself a cup as well and sat across him.

A moment of silence stretched across the room as they sipped their chamomile teas, slowly draining it of its contents. Nezu spoke first.

"So, perhaps you are willing to share a bit of information?" The mammal offered calmly, looking at him unblinking as he drank. The teen placed the platter down on the coffee table as not to spill.

"If you insist, Mr. Principal. Miria Izaki, previously known as Midoriya Izuku; the successor of the infamous deceased villain All Might, and the current leader of the Villain League. At your requested presence." He introduced himself as he held out his hand and gave the creature a sweet sly smile like a spider would to the flies.

Nezu took it with little to no hesitation with a mirroring smile, and Izaki immediately placed him on top of his ever-growing list of threats in this new world.

"I do find it quite surprising, I've prided myself in knowing nobody has ever found my cameras without my help. To think a teenager had shamed me for my actions and even destroyed my million dollar camera!" He said with a pout, looking like a sad kitten.

"Like you don't throw money around with those giant robots and having to rebuild those training grounds being destroyed by all the hormonal bloodthirsty teens here." The green haired teen told him, the slightly upturned smile ever-present on his face.

"Alright, I get it, you can stop making me feel guilty now. So what did you want from little old me?" Nezu asked the boy who sipped the cup with intrigue. Villains don't usually try to find compromise with the principal of a hero school. Other universe villains are really crazy, huh? Izaki just had to agree.

"Now, I'm sure you're aware this was the farthest from being a consensual thing. I was brought here against my will, and I really don't want to delay my return any further. I'm sure All Might would also love to have his successor back, don't you?"

Nezu had realized something, as his ears perked up like a dog and for once, he looked worried, disgruntled. Then it went as soon as it came.

"You are aware this isn't information I will keep to myself, yes?" He asked blankly, looking at his cup, already knowing the answer.

"I would prefer it if no nosy ears were listening in, though it seems that is currently impossible." His green eyes flicker to the white wall next to him, making the principal confused as such, cocking his head and turning to the seemingly blank white wall.

"I just had it newly repainted..." Nezu mumbled as the teen walked to it, finding a gap as small as a paper cut. He stuck a nail in and ripped it open, revealing a recording device stuck to a transmitter covered in wrapping.

"I have seen this type of model before, its big so it can't be easily hidden." He gently took it off without setting off the alarm that shut the system down. "But its good at sending weak signals that can be covered up easily without alerting others. Try scanning the room."

The principal speed walked to his chair and clambered on, quickly typing before looking at the screen. "You really are quite scary, Izaki-san. I never noticed." Nezu laughed as the computer notified him.

"Is that so? Well then, I'll offer a proposal. I help with the traitor case, and you help me." He offered with a patient smile. "Though if you still refuse, do remember I have blackmail." He pointed at the walls hiding the monitors, making the other genius laugh. "Alright, alright. I'm sure it'll go much faster now that you'll be helping us, Izaki-san."

The teen laughed and looked at Nezu with amusement. His green eyes that seemed to glow looked at him like he was a trusted companion, relaxed and soft. Yet Nezu could see through the thick guise, it was a smart and well thought out move, get the enemy to trust you. It was clear the boy was treating this like chess, treating others more like pawns than actual people.

In the game of life, information is the only true currency, and the ones on top are those who control it. The more who trust you, the more info you can gather.

To go up against the golden tongued Izaki was like marching to your death, Nezu understood that much. He had to thank whatever fake deity the humans believe in that he just wanted to get back home, no more, no less.

He really hoped he wasn't lying.




"Oh, Midoriya, you're back." Tsuyu greeted once he stepped in the classroom. Everyone turned their heads to see the boy, who blushed from the attention. "Midoriya, tell us what Principal Nezu wanted!" Ashido said excitedly as the boy returned to his seat.

"It was nothing, really. Something about what happened earlier. It wasn't even that serious of an offense..." He mumbled, looking up. Then he realized how many eyes were on him.

"A-ah, I mean- oh gosh- I didn't mean to scare you guys earlier! I was just really tired and I didn't notice I was throwing it downwards and then I thought Aizawa-sensei said go so I threw it too early, and- well, I'm really sorry!!" He nervously ranted with matching hand movements. It was silent for a moment, then everyone laughed, making the flustered boy more embarrassed as he sunk to his chair.

"That's so like you, Midoriya!" Sero snickered beside him as the boy grew as red as a tomato, starting his famous mumble fest once again.

Everyone was glad that their precious cinnamon roll classmate was the same as ever.

Bakugo just scoffed, looking out the window.



It was the end of the day, everything waa back to normal, or so it seemed. Everyone was walking back to the dorm rooms, chatting on the way as the boys and girls split. Before Iida could pass through though, Uraraka pulled him over - a bit more violent than necessary, might Tenya add - to the other side of the building, letting others pass them until only the two of them remained.

"Uraraka, what-"

"Iida promise me you'll watch him! Promise me!!" She shook him around by his shoulders, making him dizzy. "This is un-nece-ssa-ry, U-ra-ra-ka-san!" He exclaimed, trying to stop her.

She let him go, and he immediately crouched down into a fetal position, breathing heavy and quiet as he tried to adjust his sight.

"A-ah, did I shake you too much, Iida, sorry! Its just that... I was thinking about what happened earlier and what Bakugo said... and I'm just so worried, but I wanted to talk to him earlier but I didn't get the chance, and you're way more observant than me, so..." She clasped her hands together and bent down. "Please, Iida!!"

The boy looked at her and stood up, clasping her shoulder. "Please don't bow, Uraraka. Midoriya is my friend as well, I am also worried. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out." He smiled at her, making her grin back, thanking him extensively.

Iida entered the dorms to find most of the students still loitering around the room, talking or munching on a treat, some looking at their phones and others doing homework or studying. Ashido was, for some reason, gathering members for a yoga session to help their balance and relieve stress that Ojiro, Hagakure, Momo, Jirou, and surprisingly, Kouda, participated in. Since it was just a fun little activity, Iida let it pass. There was also Satou at the kitchen joined by Kaminari that was begging the guy to teach him how to bake.

Izuku was still on his phone, looking at... something. So Iida really didn't have to worry about it, but he just couldn't help it, so he decided to wait until the green haired teen himself retired into the night.

He waited.

And waited.

And waited...

It was way past his usual bed time now, and nothing weird ever happened.

Well there was Kaminari's baking that made a cake which ended up being a horrifying bubbling mess only comparable to Frankenstein's monster - that meant possibly alive - so they had to kill it, leaving the electrical boy crying for his dead son. There was also the incident where Ojiro was trying to help the others when a terrifyingly loud crack sailed its way across the room. Apparently Kouda had never tried anything like this before, and his body was as stiff as a rock, hence the painful audible strain of his body.

But enough about that, by now everyone had gone back now except for him and Midoriya.

The aforementioned boy looked up from his phone for the first time and looked shocked to see him.

"Ah, what are you still doing up Iida, isn't it way past eight p.m.?" He asked, looking so innocent the teen felt a pang of guilt rise in his chest. "Well, you see..." Should he lie or should he be honest? Iida began to sweat as he went through the repercussions of both choices. "I wanted to make sure you went to bed early! Gotta get that energy for tomorrow!!" He said with fake energy. Izuku caught on. Funk.

Izuku gave a pitiful smile, making Iida feel worse. "I'm sorry you don't feel like you trust me enough to tell me the truth Iida, but I understand, and just know that I'm here for you." And Iida felt like the lowest piece of crap in the entire world. "It was nothing of the sort! I couldn't sleep and-" "Its fine, Iida. I was going to bed anyways." He stood up and pocketed his phone, walking away.

The black haired teen found himself speechless as the other walked away, finding himself unable to follow after him.




Izaki finally got to the door to his room, he had to wait before everyone went so he didn't look stupid or suspicious forgetting which one was his. Though he will admit, he wasn't sure whether there would be name plates or not, so he decidedly waited it out, so at the very least no one would see him looking for his room. Thankfully his was on the second floor, so he wouldn't need to search every floor, and possibly encounter someone who just happened to be exiting the safety of their rooms.

He placed a hand on the handle and began wondering what kind of person other him was, and shrugged, opening to find out.

He stared at the room with a blank smile for a few moments before closing the door.



"Alright, I'm finally ready." Izaki said, putting on gloves and busted in the room, ripping away at the posters and hiding figurines. Soon enough the room was void of any representation of All Might, and the green haired teen fell onto his bed with a satisfied huff.

Letting go of the smile on his face, he bit into the pillow and silently cried until he fell asleep.


From now on I am using Izuku as canon Izuku's name, and Izaki as my AU's name except when it comes to other's perspectives, but it'll be obvious which of the two they'll betalking about.

Chapter 4: Rescued/Kidnapped


A.k.a broccoli boi gets fucked and traumatized for life


For anyone confused, refer to the Dabi is a Todoroki theory. A.k.a. Toya = Dabi, cased closed. You will rip this theory out of my cold dead hands.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

White enveloped his vision before his eyes finally adjusted. He blinked once. Twice. Three times, before realising where he was.

'The hospital again, huh..?' Tenko thought to himself as he prompted to sit up. Well he was, until his ribs argued otherwise, and he fell backwards with a pained gasp.

His face twisted to annoyance, and found he could at least move his neck without feeling like he was being stabbed by a million needles. There he found his friends still in their hero costumes sleeping next to each other; Toga had snugly rested her head on Toya's shoulder while the latter was comfortably pressed against the back of his chair, arms crossed together as they both blissfully slept. He turned back to the white empty ceiling of the hospital room and tried remembering the details of the faithful incident that threw him back to the white bed once more.

But of course, Toga's loud ass snoring was getting in the way of his thoughts.

"Hey, shut up will you? I'm trying to think here." He snapped, rather irritated from the gap in his memory.

"Ah, huh? Sorry..." Toga mumbled, eyes slowly blinking open.

"..." She looked at him.

"..." He looked at her.

"What, is there something on my face?" He asked sarcastically.

"TENKO YOU'RE AWAAAAKEE!!!" Her shrill voice coursed through the room, pushing the boy beside her to fall off his chair as she barreled towards the other and pulled him into a bear hug, making him wince.

"Glad to see you're awake, had a nice dream, princess?" The local ass hole said with a smirk, rubbing the back of his head.

"Shut up Toy-ot-a, you waited for me as well!" He pointed out. "Wha- DID NOT!!" The fire user said with a blush as he picked himself up from the ground.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night." Tenko rolled his eyes, smug smirk still stuck to his face. Not unlike a certain blonde still clinging to him like a koala bear. "Toga can you please stop? You're killing me here!" The blonde finally let him go, apologizing. Then hit him.

"Ow, what the f-- damn it woman, are you bipolar or something!?" He rubbed his cheek. "When you said 'cover for me', we didn't think you'd go run ahead and fight Izaki, did you have a death wish!? Were you suicidal!? The hell!" She said angrily, face flushed as the relief had finally washed away.

Oh yeah. He did that.

"Oh shit, I did that."

"Damn it Tenko, we thought you were-!" Toga cut off sobbing, tears were imminent in her eyes as she bit her lip, holding onto them.

"I'm really sorry guys, I didn't know what I was thinking. I just- I was so mad and- I'm sorry! I understand if you don't wanna talk to me ever again!" He grit his teeth and looked down, hoping the world would just swallow him whole as tears slid from his face.

The two teens looked at each other.

"What are you talking about?" Toga sniffled, wiping the tears off her face.


"Getting all sentimental and spouting bull shit like that isn't like Tenko, give him his body back, you soul snatching wizard!" Toya said, ripping a paper from the notepad on his desk, crumpling it and threw it at him.

"Why don't you guys hating me?" He asked.

"Did the fight hurt your brain or something? Of course we don't hate you! We're your friends for fuck's sake, we won't abandon you over something as petty as this!" Toga huffed, placing her arm over his shoulder, much gentler this time.

"Oh- I-I see..." He said, leaning into the one sided hug. "Toya join us!" Toga chirped.

"Fuck no."

It was a silent war between golden and blue eyes. For a few moments, it had seemed, that Toya was actually winning. That presumption ended when Toga slowly turned to the other confused teen and started.

"Tenko did you know that he rushed here after he heard you were hospitalized?" The aforementioned teen's eyes widened in realization as the blonde's mouth upturned to a wicked grin. "SHUT UP!!!" He screeched and ran over.

"He was all like 'Is he gonna be okay..?' and then was all like holding your arm passionately and was 'Wake up Tenko!!' And mhhrf-"

"Ew!! Did you just lick my hand!?"

"You're not denying it!~" She teased, pulling him into the trio hug.

Tenko laughed, then wheezed. Never would he have thought that joy would be so painful. Even so, he smiled at his friends, enjoying the show of Toga biting Toya's hand, her fangs breaking through skin.

"Ow! You little shit!"

"Hah!! Got 'em!" She said, gulping down and transforming into him. "Ooh, Tenko please wake up, I don't know what I'll do without you! You are the only sunshine in my life, the stars that light up my dark and emo soul!" She acted with a voice eerily similar to Toya's. The latter just gave up, stuffing his face in the sheets and screamed while covering his ears, making the white haired teen chuckle.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a tired looking Chisaki looking sick of their shit, but relieved nonetheless.

"Hey, seems snowflake has finally woken up, took you long enough." Tenko blushed at the nickname, fiddling with the fabric of his cast. "Kai is here!~" Toga chirped. Chisaki pinched her cheeks.

"That's Dr. Chisaki to you. And would you guys shut up for once? You'll wake up the other patients." They all apologized under his hard glare.

"Another thing, snowflake, someone's been wanting to talk to you." He gulped, readying himself as he clenched the bed sheet. Heavy footsteps approached and he could feel his friends stepping aside to let him through.

"I-I'm so sorry, I just-"

Big arms suddenly pull him into a hug and he blinks a couple times before he could finally comprehend what was happening.

"Uh... S-Sensei..?" He stuttered out. "I'm glad... I'm so glad that you're safe, Tenko..." His mentor said, letting go of the boy, revealing his tear stained face. "Ah- waaaah..!" Tenko couldn't help the empathetic tears flowing from his eyes, clutching out his hands out as he grabbed onto the man's skin tight suit, sobbing his heart out as he pulled closer into the hug.

"So he just... sits there the whole time? While you guys forcefully scrape answers from him?" Tenko asked his mentor, taking a bite of his lunch that the man dutifully made for him like a maiden would for her lover. "Well when you put it like that..." One-for-All mumbled beside him, roughly scratching at his scalp.

The two were finally alone after Chisaki performed a couple of tests and showed his way out, giving his mentor a pitiful glance as he grabbed a resisting Toga and a dead looking Toya by the hairs and threw them out of the building.

If the final warning being warranted by Kai(via death glare) and a noise complaint from a family in the other room wasn't enough to kick them out, a call from their respective hero internships revealing that they were skipping said internships to visit their friend sure did. Both pro heroes and co. showing up to drag the two troublemakers away, giving each other a look of understanding as they drove off with the teens, leaving the One-for-All duo alone in the room.

"I'm not complaining. The guy's had it coming a long time now..." Tenko had practically growled, chewing more furiously and filling his mouth with rice.

Another suspicious look of guilt crosses his mentor's face. "If you have something to say, nothing's stopping you. You've been exchanging looks with Dr. Chisaki since earlier. What's that all about?" The smile his mentor gives doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"I suppose there's no use dragging it longer. Tenko, would you like to have a talk with Izaki?" The white haired teen did a spit take with his soup, a few strings of noodles hung from his mouth.

"A-are you serious?"

"You think I'm joking?"

"Well sometimes you do and its hard to tell if you're being serious sometimes..." Smack. Tenko rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly.

"Tenko, I want you to take this seriously. This was a decision made by me, Chisaki has no idea this conversation is happening." His mentor said seriously. "I will let you visit just once, since we can't seem to grasp even a strand of info from him. He even seems to be a completely different person. So, will you?"

"Y-yes, Sensei!" Tenko said, meeting his mentor in the eyes with a determined gaze.

"Good! Finish healing up then and maybe by the end of the week we can arrange something." He said, ruffling the hopeful teen's hair. "Anyways, I have to go, see you later alligator!"  He finger gunned the boy, leaving him cringing at the out of date stupid joke, and his two centuries old mentor attempting to be hip and cool with the kid.

It was embarrassing albeit a little funny. Not that Tenko would tell him that.




Izuku was losing count of the days he was stuck down there. Apparantly even though he was a S-Class villain, he was still a kid, so the whole being strapped down was much too cruel for them.

Though being moved to being chained to the floor with quirk erasing cuffs instead wasn't really that much of an improvement. The chains weren't really very long, just a few feet in diameter and just barely able to reach the food being mercilessly shoved through the small slip under the door, almost always causing bits to fall off the tray.

The only human interaction he had for days now were All for One and the lady - who's name he overheard - Hikuki that would come visit, and occasionally Overhaul, or Chisaki Kai as he was called begrudgingly agreed to come and interrogate him.

It was exhausting.

Even a tad bit of sleep was a mercy in the cold unforgiving walls and hard floors that provided no comfort. He didn't know what he could've done to deserve such treatment. Was he, "Izaki",  really that awful in this world?

He didn't really know. He daydreams of returning to his mother's loving embrace, or his friends chattering around him to drown his thoughts away. Even Kacchan's angry ranting at him would've been preferable over the unnerving silence ringing in his ears. And yet every thought always returned him to his current situation, the metal cuffs tightly clamped over his wrists and ankles assuredly reminded him of that.

It wasn't like he was just letting himself rot in this cage either. He was planning, thinking of a way to get back home. Of course, he needed help getting back, and he couldn't find that help in this jail cell. The guards would barely interact with him through grunts and angry shouting, and the "heroes" really weren't any help, casually moving ro another topic as though he never asked a question in the first place. He had to get out of this place first.

If only there was someone familiar he could meet. But then how would he know that they know each other in this alternate world? Though that made him wonder, if all the villains in this world were turned to heroes... would that mean his friends have also turned to villainy?

No, he couldn't immediately come to that conclusion, there would be many factors. It could be possible he was the only villain, but his teachers would most probably be villains, huh? All Might being a villain though, it was hard to imagine. So would be Thirteen, Present Mic and Cementoss, even Aizawa or Lunch Rush or most pro heroes honestly. Midnight and Nezu were easier to imagine. Endeavor, well, he was another case altogether.

The metal door suddenly banged loudly, the sound making him jump. He was muttering then, if the guard did that.

"Sorry..." He muttered.

Izuku truthfully just wanted out, he didn't want to have to deal with this mess. But what if this is his world? What if some powerful quirk switched everyone around. But why was he spared? Why is he still aware of the past state of the world- wait what if he's the one being affected by the quirk. Maybe this all is some hallucination? He really needed to know how he got here/this all happened in the first place, that would be the first step to solving this problem.


The particularly loud noise sent him jumping two feet into the air. "S-sorry!" He exclaimed on instinct, recieving a loud "SHUT UP!!!" from the guard.

He just really wanted out at this point.




You know how they say be careful what you wish for? Well...

Izuku had screamed, wide-eyed as the building started collapsing on itself, footsteps - presumably the guards - were heard everywhere outside his cell. He held his breath.

They were shouting at a trespasser, and judging by the mass of steps outside his cell, and the most of said shouting was happening right outside his door, they were either here to get Izuku, or a neighbour. But he remembered that the criminals cells were kept far away from each other for safety purposes here in Tartarus, so he's gonna conclude Izaki's allies are here to get him back.

He was thinking of ways to get out of there while there was still commotion, his back behind the pile of rubble once called the heavy duty ceiling that had been mercilessly broken down, when he heard a very very familiar voice from just outside the cell.

"Hahahh, 'GET OUT OF HERE WHILE WE STILL CAN!?' Maybe you should, but I doubt my buddy here would let you live... I do insist that you try though!" Was-was Izuku dreaming or was that really Kacchan..?

Sure it sounded like him but it didn't sound like him. I mean he had never sounded so polite before, even encouraging them unless it was sarcastic-

"HAaH YOU WANNA FUCKING DIE THEN!?" Alright, there he is.

He couldnt help but wonder who that "buddy" with Kacchan was. Maybe another classmate? Did they somehow get transported here as well? He couldn't help his curiosity getting the better of him, and he peeked out from the wall. The cell door had been knocked down and what he saw made his eyes widened in horror.

He had peeked just in time to see Kacchan throw a guard off to the side and a huge ice glacier pierce holes through most of the guards.

Then explosions threw the guards away knocking the guards, and sending huge bits of sharp ice and shrapnel towards the injured guards, killing them instantly.

He watched shell-shocked as the dozens of guards were blown away by- by Kaccha- no he wouldn't kill anyone. Another followed behind him, and green eyes immediately landed on his red and white hair. Todoroki.

He hid behind the rubble, hand clamped around his mouth as he trembled in fear. Those weren't the classmates he knew. Those people who- who killed so easily! They couldn't be!!

"Izakiiii, you here?" Kac- Bakugo called out.

Oh God. What was he gonna do? How did Izaki usually act? Oh God oh God oh God.

"Izuku, are you here..?" Oh God. Todoroki was calling him by his first name. He was calling him like he was desperate- Why are they here? What does he mean to them here? What do they mean to Izaki? Why are they here? Oh God.

"Did we get the wrong cell? Damn, I didn't need to kill all these innocent people! I hate mindless violence!" Bakugo casually sighed, dusting himself off as if he hadn't just murdered those guards just doing their jobs.

"You love mindless violence." Todoroki said beside him, annoyed as he stepped in the cell, leaving a cursing Bakugo viciously hissing at him as he guarded the back.

"Izuku? Where are you?" Todoroki said, his tone worried. His shadow was right next to Izuku, the teen shivering and closing his mouth shut with his hands. What if they kill him too? If they discover he wasn't Izaki, what would they do? He's never thought he'd be terrified of his friends, even evil versions of them were so familiar.

That's when the alarm suddenly sounded, and the two turned to find that one of the guards had been playing dead. An icicle shard piercing through his stomach, but he managed to press the button to notify the heroes, and in turn giving them a bloody smile.

Bakugo cursed as he got to a running start and leaped, pounding his head into the machine until it was a pulp of red brain chunk and broken bones sliding off the smooth metal. Izuku held in a whimper as tears fell from his eyes, crouching more into himself.

"IS HE IN THERE OR NOT!?" He asked wildly, shutting the door with his explosions and aiming for the sky, creating an opening. Todoroki ignored him and kept looking.

Then he stopped, right next to the peice of concrete Izuku hid in. The green haired teen froze as he felt a cold hand gently close on his shoulder.

"Izuku, there you are. Let's go..."

The doors were banging and shouting was heard from the other side of the door. The alarms were still blaring in the background as the heroes pushed harder against the door, and the others hacking the servers to open it manually.

"Why aren't you moving?"

The hand got tighter, and he couldn't hold back the involuntary flinch as the hand quickly recoiled, afraid of how to approach the situation.

"FASTER HALF N' HALF!!!" Bakugo said from across the room, pushing back the metal door that was slowly getting deformed in itself. Then he had the bright idea to pile the bodies in front of the door. Laughing to himself, he though it was a great idea!

Izuku felt himself the cuffs being frozen solid and mined away, breaking off into pieces as Todoroki went to pick him up. In a panic, he pushed him away, gasping as the boy screamed. "T-Todoroki-" "DONT CALL ME THAT!!!!" Izuku was barely able to dodge the barrage of ice spikes being thrown at him by the teen.

"What's going on!?" Katsuki asked, finishing piling up the corpses to find Shoto screaming, holding his left face in terror as Izuku trying to approach the shaking boy, a look of terror plastered on his face that Katsuki was not used to.

So in a panic, he grabbed the two - who both screamed in his grip - and blasted them out of there just in time for the heroes to knock the door in.

"L-Let me go, Kacchan!" Izuku shouted as he tried opening the boy's tight fingers curled around his shirt

"What is going on with you!? Did they mess up your mind or something!?" Katsuki said angrily, already thinking of ways to exact revenge on those that did his best friend wrong.

"That's right they mustve done something- something to you! You would have-would have been-" Todoroki laughed beside them, making Izuku panic even more, now kicking and screaming in his grip.

"SHIT!!! Five heroes at 6 o clock coming in fast! Shoto, use your quirk to ward them off, I'm dropping you!" The afforementioned boy nodded, the smile still ever present in his face as he fell. He boosted himself with flames and began shooting tiny sharp ice crstals like bullets towards them.

One of the heroes grew a huge heart shaped shield from her chest as another began summoning fish like projectiles from his skin to charge at Shoto, who boosted himself upwards high, then began throwing fireballs from above.

The hero couldn't raise her shield in time and was immediately knocked out by a fireball to the face. The others immediately took cover. One pro used her finger to keep shooting at Shoto while the other kept sending explosive fish at him, as the others tried waking their ally up, and treated her wounds.

Shoto smirked, and sent a huge iceberg at them, sending them flying just from the air pressure as he finally started flying back.

That's when he felt a bullet graze his shoulder, sending him spiralling downwards, shocked.

"You're not going anywhere!" The girl below said with a smirk. Todoroki glared at her. Izuku wouldn't mind him saving him a little late, right?

He flashed her a smile and barreled forwards, with flaming hands.

A few moments earlier...

Katsuki was trying really hard not to get nasty with his friend. He was starting to piss him off, annoyingly trying to push him off, as if the fall wouldn't kill him! Fucking idiot!

But he loved his friend so he'll forgive his actions. SCREW HIM HE'LL BLOW HIS FUCKING BRAINS OUT!!! He loved Izaki so much!

Just then, a purple portal appeared in front of him, making him blast away just in time before the  hole slammed shut, hoping to snap him in half. He landed on the roof of a building.

"REVEAL YOURSELF FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Katsuki growled as a man completely made out of portal appeared right in front of them, yellow eyes looking at the two.

"Here I am." The portal man said.

"K-Kurogiri!" Izuku exclaimed. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR NOW IZAKI!!!" He said, eyes darting around, looking for ways to fuck this portal fucker up.

"You stay right here, hm?" He smiled sweetly at Izaki before blasting off to kill the portal bitch, now free of the burden of having to carry someone.

"You seem to be overconfident. Let me correct you." Kurogiri told him, his body began surrounding the blonde boy as he covered his neck behind a wall of portals. "Ultimate Move : Infinity Sphere."

Katsuki was raging and attempted to blow the portals away, just to get the receiving end of the explosion that sent him flying forwards. He looked around, every direction just leading him back to the middle. That meant he had to maintain his middle flight, or else he'd keep falling.


Kurogiri stopped listening at that, and checked to see if Izaki was still there, weary of any attacks from behind.

"Kurogiri!" He turned to the source of the voice. Izaki stood there where he was left. He held his free hands out in a cuffed gesture, a steel gaze in his eyes. The portal man looked around for any semblance or hint of a trap. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but maybe that's what Izaki wants him to think. He requested back-up.

"Please, just don't drag him into this! It's me you want!!" He said, desperate. Even if this version of his friends were murderers, he didn't want to see them be arrested, especially since he was the reason they were stuck in this predicament in the first place.

"On the contrary, Izaki-san. He is definitely one of your men, and he and one other had obviously came and killed 14 guards, and attempted to bust you out of prison. Getting you back is the main priority, capturing him is just icing on the cake." Kurogiri stated simply.

Izuku clenched his fists, and stood his ground. He couldn't do anything to help. It wasn't like he knew what kind of quirk/s he had, and even if he did, there was no way of knowing how many casualties it could cause for people that just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time - just like that earthquake quirk.

"I think its time we end this." Suddenly, Izuku felt himself get seized by slime all over. The boy felt a sense of déja vu as he was dragged down the building and into an open sewage system, hearing the metal bars shut tight behind him.

Kurogiri turned his attention back to the blonde, still trapped in the ball. He seemed to have calmed down and was thinking of ways to escape. Now, time to-

Before Kurogiri could react, billions of shards of ice began pummeling against the plate on his neck, sending him flying away. He lost focus, and the ball disappeared immediately, covering him instead.

"Hey, over here!" Katsuki waved cheerfully, slowly blasting his way to the bloody villain.

"Where is Izuku..." He snarled, smoke rising from both his sides. "He's right- shit!" The rooftop was empty, save for trails of slime leading downwards to a closed manhole. The teen began walking towards it, when Katsuki suddenly pulled him away.

"What are you doing!? Izuku's still in there!" He hissed, scratching against the hand that held a tight grip around him.

"It's obviously a trap! What would Izaki think if you got caught!? You'll just be adding more dead weight to his plans." Katsuki said, readying a huge blast, eyes flickering around to see heroes trying to surround them from all around.

"But-" Shoto's words cut off as the explosive teen blasted upwards, the heroes around them sent hurtling backwards as the strong winds pushed against them.






Izuku was slouched over, coughing out remnants of green goo in his lungs as guns pointed at him in every direction. He looked around through teary eyes, trembling from the asphyxiation. Slime dude stood there, next to AFO, a stern look on his face.

"I should've known you'd try something. I was fooled by your ignorant facade. Not anymore, Izaki." Izuku's green eyes slowly drifted towards the pro hero.

"Please, don't drag them into this." He shook his head. "I swear! I wasn't lying!! I don't know how I ended up here!! If- If you need proof- well I don't exactly have proof, but- but technically y-your Izuku- I mean Izaki shouldn't act like this! R-right?" He stuttered out, desperate for any reaction from AFO's blank stare.

His facial featured crumpled a bit, as if he was weighing his options.


"We'll think about it. Goodbye, Izaki." He said coldly, watching as the teen bit his lip, the only way to stop the tears as he shifted into a fetal position.



How was he going to get back now?



He stared at the wall, completely emmersed in his thoughts. He didn't know he fell asleep until he dreamt of his friends murdering innocents and woke up, sobbing hysterically.


Surekina Toya(changed last name from adoption) :
-> His hero name is still Dabi since he's a major memer, and refuse to wipe clean his awful mistakes.

•To make things simpler, Toya, Tenko, and Himiko are all the same age, 16. Izaki and co. ages are mixed, except for the five main villains that have a huge role in the upcoming chapters(they are 15)! Don't worry, I plan to reveal their back stories in future chapters, same as all the other characters in my AU's backstories!

•A few things I'll reveal is OFA is bad at naming shit, including his own hero name. No one knows his real name, has a fake name he changes every few weeks – which has caused many to not trust him because they don't know anything about him except for his quirk, which causes a whole other ordeal of problems including his quite menacing appearance. He is the longest and oldest Pro Hero still active to date.

Chapter 5: Mysterious Package


Word gets around quick, and many receive a mysterious package all around Japan.

Meanwhile, Aizawa receives a very odd text message from an unknown number, and Todoroki notices Midoriya is behaving a little differently than he normally does.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Darkness stretched over the pavement as rubble and dust cowered in the figure's shadow, striding almost gracefully as the sound of heels slapping across cement rang across the barren abandoned streets. The lined up streetlights shone on a blank white mask as black boots stop in their tracks, gloved hand closed on the handle of a steel plated suit case.

Basking in the dim yellow light across the masked silhouette was another, hooded and face down, hands in his pocket.

No words needed to be said, and with two clicks the case opened, revealing five small glass cases glowing angry red. Light dipped through the fabric and onto the other's face, revealing a huge crooked smile and eyes as bright as the liquid streaked. Swift hands reached over to the masked man's wrist, only to be met with a kick as the light above them flickered from the disturbance.

"Boss knew you were going to try something." The voice changer crackled through the mask, a slight snicker behind the man's voice as he slid his hair back in a slick manner.

"Did he?" The hooded man said with a raspy laugh, scratching his neck. "I knew he was a shady mother fucker. Never heard of a supplier named Prismo before. Wanted to see if the shit was authentic or not. Obviously not."

The light above stopped flickering, revealing the man five feet away from where his spot once was.

"I assure that these are authentic. Boss made these themselves. They have been tested and are most effective. Unfortunately, we are currently low on staff, so Boss cannot afford any assets lost." The masked man dusted himself, voice now a low growl. "Boss wished to pass these five to you for a test run and the request that you spread word of the drug and where they can get it."

"And how am I supposed to trust your blabbering?"

"Perhaps you would like to see firsthand how the materials work." The masked man said with a voice oddly enthusiastic as a travelling salesman would. Fingers took one of the darts out and loaded it into a gun, making the other immediately tense. "Example numeró uno!" He raised it high, the light shuttering off above them, and a shout of surprise echoed from the sidelines.

Turning back on, the lights shown a scene of an underground hero writhing in pain between them as the gel like substance piled into her skin, following the paths of the nerves until her whole body lined with red. Finally, she stopped, relaxed.

"Currently, she is in the cathartic stage. It takes a few seconds to flow through her body." The hero suddenly jerked, and made her way onto her feet. The red markings slowly disappeared , her face was a mask of indifference. He plucked out the dart from her neck and pocketed it. He took out a small switch the size of his thumb.

"With just a flick of this switch, the target will do anything as you please, and can turn back to normal in an instant with no pesky memories! Now you have a slave ready to do anything you want in a flick of a switch, perfect for utilising the enemy for your purposes! A sleeper agent, if you will." He placed it back inside and slammed it shut.

"Interesting..." The other grinned, snatching the closed suitcase. "So how does this work?"

"We do not share company secrets, dear customer! Also... I am equipped with a bomb, sir, if you shoot me there is a grace period where I am still conscious, therefore there will be enough time to blow me and the drugs up, and quite possibly you in the process. In addition those are only prototypes. Successful prototypes, but prototypes nonetheless. It can still be improved upon, of course. If any of us messengers are killed, the deal is off, and you will not recieve the final product." The masked man cocked his head, as if curious, perhaps even teasing the man to shoot him straight in the head.

"Tch, fine." He said, closing the halfway opened gap. "Pleasure doing business with you, tell your boss that all his assets are weird as fuck, and that the League of Villains accepts your offer." Tomura said, crimson eyes glowing red in the night as he scratched his neck.

"Likewise, Shimura Tenko."

The lights blinked.

"How do you-"

He turned swiftly with wide eyes.

The man was gone.

Another sleepless night was not uncommon for Aizawa Shota. Of course, the underground hero business had lots of wonderful perks such as; crime induced nightmares, guaranteed PTSD, a different, more horrific view of the world, and a 98% mortality rate before reaching your late 40s, if you're even lucky enough to live that long.

And yet, he never thought he'd be sitting in front of his computer, looking for any dimension traveling quirks.

He's been browsing through web pages for what seems to be a fruitless endeavor, so much that he's even gotten to the last page of every website, not that there were many to begin with.

He groaned, wiping a hand through his messy hair. What could he do? There was nothing. Nothing nothing nothing. Hours upon hours wasted, where he could've been catching a criminal or saving civilians. Seconds that could've been spent saving a little girl from a life of rape and slavery.

Of course, all that time he's spent searching for some sort of clue wasn't something he could ever regret.

Midoriya Izuku. Another aspiring hero-to-be. A student in UA High, another dumb kid under the impression that the hero lifestyle is as lavish as its seen on television. Fame. Money. Fans. All of these rarely last if you can't maintain your ranks, and the ones that legitimately wants to become a hero just to help, end up dead in a ditch in the middle of nowhere, barely identifiable - mangled beyond recognition.

Everyday is a struggle just to stay alive, and these naive children were just waltzing in with the wrong impression of the real world.

But these student were under his care, these were his kids.

And this Izaki was not one of them.

So no matter how long he's spent staring at the screen, clicking and typing to even get a slither of information, he would never think it to be prodigal. And yet...

Still nothing.

He was about to give up and search for sources elsewhere, when the familiar sound of vibration caught his attention. It was an unknown number. This was not a coincidence, considering the fact that he only had a burner phone on hand, ready to be discarded just in case. Someone purposely decided to reach out to him, for what? He was about to find out.




I have some info that you
might need, Eraser Head.


Who is this?


That does not concern you.

What should is what I'm about to tell you.


If this is a prank, we can
track your phone and
arrest you as de jure.


I assure you, it is not.

There is a rumor going around that a new group led by some person named Prismo is dealing drugs to major infamous villain organisations.

Why should you care, you ask?

Because this substance is highly dangerous.

Just a drop can immediately spread throughout your body in a matter of seconds.

Its a brainwashing substance that seizes control of victim's minds, cancels out thought process. It can also lie dormant without the person even knowing, making them sleeper agents.

I'm not sure where it originated from - a quirk or some evil genius, but its gaining popularity quick.


This data seems too specific
to just be a rumor.

Do you have any part
of this?




But recently a loved one of mine was shot by the same drug, and is now missing.

I want it to stop.


And how do I know you're serious?


Its up to you if you want to deal with the problem early or not. Still, you'll find out soon enough.

I'll come back with more info soon, don't contact this number again.


The weary man just sighed, clicking the phone shut and set the phone back down. He eyed the gadget suspiciously. They knew who he was, and knew what number he was using.

It was someone close. Someone who managed to grab his phone when he wasn't looking or it was someone he trusted enough to leave the phone number with to contact him if there was an emergency.

He sighed once more, too tired to think straight. Whatever it was, maybe he'll just talk to Nedzu about it.

Eitherway, the computer's whirring slowly came to a stop, and the lights went out. Tired eyes stared into the dark for a moment, wondering about the text, before snuggling tighter into his yellow comforter and shut them tight.


He stared at the screen emptily. Of course Eraserhead wouldn't believe him.

He threw the phone into the fire - watching it crackling with sparks and melting for a moment, the smell of burnt plastic consuming the air around it - before leaving without another word.



Todoroki had woken up early today, before his alarm even sounded.

There were several reasons why he didn't want to go back to bed. He had slept early, so if he went it would be likely he would oversleep, which was never good in his experience. His body protested the way he pulled it into a sitting position, but it was better than staring at the ceiling until the sharp noise of his alarm would snap him out of his thoughts.

He yawned loudly as he pressed the ground floor button, stretching his arms a bit as the elevator closed with a resounding thud across the empty halls.

Nobody is normally awake at this hour, he thought, so he wouldn't disturb anyone if he decided to start his morning regimen. Except maybe Iida, but the class president would probably understand and send him off with a warning.

When he turned the corner, he had been surprised to find Midoriya in the lobby also preparing for a run, judging from the warm-up exercises he seemed to be doing. The green haired teen turned to him, not surprised in the slightest as Todoroki shifted towards the kitchen.

He smiled at him as he approached the other boy, settling nicely next to him as he followed.

"You're up early, Shoto." Midoriya greeted calmly. The taller boy blinked and looked at the other, perplexed. He seemed to catch on quickly.

"Ah, sorry, I mean Todoroki." He said quickly, as though he'd offended him by calling him by his name.

"Its fine." He said, dropping the subject altogether. The green haired boy didn't seem to need anything from the kitchen, instead choosing to observe the other as he grabbed cereal from the cupboards and milk from the fridge.

"You shouldn't use that, its spoiled." Todoroki looked at the other in confusion. He checked the date, it was still a few months away. "It says its still good."

"No, some one left it overnight accidentally, I think. It smells bad." He pointed out as he grabbed the milk and set it on the counter as Todoroki frowned. 

"Why don't we go get some outside?" Midoriya suggested, shifting onto his other foot. Shoto was going to say something about why Midoriya was up so early, but the other had grabbed onto his hand and dragged him along.

"I can walk on my own..." Todoroki said. Midoriya didn't reply, but let go, apologizing for pushing boundaries.


Though it wasn't like Todoroki didn't like the attention. It was just too sudden, and he needed to wake up before doing anything he would regret later.

"Can I call you Shoto instead?" The question came out of the blue, Midoriya gently asked as though he was handling a crying child.

"If you want to, I guess. Why though, all of a sudden?" He was just curious. Midoriya didn't seem like one to poke and prod at his classmates like this. At least he wouldn't if it wasn't quirk related.

"I think your name is nice. Having your father's surname doesn't really suit you." It was such an abrupt comment, said in an offhand tone that Shoto had actually froze. What was this all of a sudden? Why was he so happy to hear that?

Midoriya looked behind him and smiled once more, this time deeper, more intimate. "Its nice to see you smile, Shoto."


Was he? Todoroki hadn't even noticed.


"You two are finally back! Where have you been?" Iida questioned immediately, bringing down his hand as though he was about to pass judgement on someone as the two walked in.

"We were just grabbing some milk." Todoroki stated, as the other boy greeted Iida cheerfully, passing through to get back to his room.

"Why? The milk is still good." Kaminari asked from the kitchen, taking a bite from the cereal that Todoroki wanted earlier.

The heterochromic boy stared at the electric teen, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Denki asked innocently, as Todoroki moved to stand next to him. "T-Todoroki?" He asked, befuddled.

"L-look- I- I didn't know you swung that way, but-" He grabbed the milk next to the counter and turned away, baffling the poor blonde boy further.

"The milk is fine." He stayed simply.

Why did Midoriya lie to him then?

"Is something the matter, Todoroki?" Iida asked fron the doorway, curious as to what was going on inside the kitchen, and if there was something starting to heat up besides the oven that he should be intervening.

The teen was a silent for a moment.

"No. Its nothing." He said with finality to the class president, dropping the subject entirely. Taking out two cartons of milk from the paper bag and tucked them into a free space in the fridge.

Iida gave him a look of suspicion, before nodding and headed back. Even Todoroki noticed something was wrong. Perhaps he should confront him about the conversation he had with 'Midoriya' while they were away.

It was his duty to take care of his classmates while their teacher was away.

He is the class president, after all.

"YO, AIZAWA!!!" The man groaned as he turned and erased his fellow teacher's quirk to stop the migrane induced screaming coming from the other man.

"What is it?" He asked the other, as he continued on with his research. The internet hadn't even given him a hint on what he should be looking for, ending up in him being more easily irritable than he usually is.

The blonde just gave his friend a smile and passed him an envelope.

Aizawa glanced at the other, watching his reaction as to get a clue of what the other man was thinking. Yamada only gave him stuff like these if it seemed important enough to disrupt the man's  endless searching and the possibility of getting ignored for days on end. The other knew this lesson the most, seeing as they spent four years studying together.

He opened the envelope to find a letter written in clean cursive.



     If you are reading this, then your friend has successfully delivered it to you. Don't ask Present Mic how he got this letter, he's already forgotten. When you look back at him he will greet you as though he has just entered the room.

     Miria Izaki is currently the least of your concerns. The internet, even the dark web does not have information of his situation, it will be a fruitless endeavor. Just keep an eye on him, and don't make it obvious you're watching him. You, on the other hand, is at risk.      

     I have found out that a few underground heroes have started to disappear, this newly surfaced organization is what I believe to be the cause of this. You might be the next target.

     Keep in touch with this number, its untraceable. 0XXX-XXXX.

Make sure you're ready to receive texts.




The ragged man stared at the paper with bloodshot eyes, and turned back to his friend only to be greeted by a loud greeting once more.

"What's that, Shota?" He suddenly asked, curious about the paper.

This stranger wasn't kidding. 'Anon' was most likely a play at the english word "anonymous", not his real name. Who was this guy? And why should he be so interested in Shota's safety?

"Its nothing, just another prank letter from Ms. Joke." He told the other, ignoring the pang of guilt at obviously lying to his best friend.

"Liar! What's it actually?" The blonde only teased, slinging an arm around the very tired man. Aizawa only sighed. Yamada may be dense but he wasn't an idiot, the lie was as obvious as day.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with." He said, ignoring the multiple comments of poking and prodding from the other. The man couldreally grate on his nerves when he wanted to.

"Don't you have a class at this hour, Hizashi?" He really said it more as a statement rather than a question, as the man jumped and turned to the wall clock.

"Oh no!" He yelped in english as he ran off. "Thanks for the reminder, Shotaaaaa!" His voice dragged his name on until he couldn't hear the man anymore.

Aizawa just sighed, was the overoverly excited man also in danger? Why doesn't he remember delivering the letter to him? Is it Anon's quirk? Or perhaps...

He shook his head. That was impossible. Why would he go through all this trouble to text him with an unknown number(especially when he knows how annoyed Aizawa gets once he sees the messages, which mostly end up just being a stupid prank), and send him this letter and act oblivious when he could just tell him in his face directly.

And how would he know if Aizawa was actually in danger or not?

He could just be doing those pranks to him that he does to a different teacher every month. And Aizawa could just dismiss this incident and ignore the man wishing for him to believe this whole situation, aa he has for the past nine years he's known the man.

Perhaps, but his gut tells him that this was something way more serious than he could ever start to imagine.

He gave the screen full of browsers a last look before closing the laptop. He supposed only time will tell.


The plot finally starts to pick up!

So um... sorry for the months of inactivity. I've had no idea where this story was headed for a while, so instead I worked on my other fic, GCFTBH.

Thank you for all the kudos guys, and I appreciate any criticism you guys throw ar me!

Chapter 6: Interrogation


Sorry for the long wait! I just kind of fell in and out of the BNHA fandom while writing this! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Text

"Tell me, right now!" Tenko slammed his hand down onto the hard wooden desk, feeling it shake from the force of his fist. The almost complete darkness of the room had somehow helped in making his face look even more furious, as he sneered at the other boy. "Tell me right now, or you're gonna regret messing with me, villain."

"I don't know anything," Izaki smirked at him, sewing venom into his words. "But really, did you really think you can make me regret anything? You can't even put a scratch on me. I beat your ass the last time, what'll happen once your dear old Dad won't be there to save you this time?"

"Bullshit, Miria Izaki! I don't need d- I mean, Sensei's help to beat the shit out of you!!!"

Suddenly, the lights turned on, making both Izaki and Tenko squeeze their eyes tight as they adjusted to the light.

"Okay, dude. Don't you know rule number one when interviewing villains is that you never let them get to your head." Toya crossed his arms, sending him a disappointed clicking of his tongue as he shook his head disapprovingly.

"Yeah, Tenko, he's just gonna laugh at you and shrug off your questions like... like oil on a pan. Plus, you're totally wasting the blood we got from him cause you 'can't practice properly' if it's not really Izaki in front of you." Toga rolled her eyes, as her guise as Izaki dripped off her in clumps, dissolving before they hit the floor. "I could've totally gotten over there and infiltrated the place by now." She claimed, not mentioning the fact that the drop of blood wouldn't even probably last long when she was over there, only a few hours at most.

"As if! You can barely impersonate our classmates, you think a highly guarded villain base won't see through your guise?" Toga made an offended noise, crossing her arms and angrily looking away with her head held high.

"By the way, Izaki was right. He beat your ass like there was no tomorrow." The dark-haired teen snickered.

"Ugh, shut up Toya! You were the one who was sooooo worried about me, remember?" Tenko teased, making the other boy turn a shade of red.

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!!"

Quirks flared to life as on Toya his quirk sizzles, fire tracing down his back to the back of his hands that lit the room blue, while on Tenko's side, black smokey effects that looked like CGI that came out of a shitty early 2004 movie clouded his hands.

"Ladies, please." Himiko said, giggling as the other two told her to "STAY OUT OF THIS!!!"

A knock came to the door, and the three teens immediately perked up, turning all their attention to the door.

"Come in!" Tenko called out, wondering who it could be before the scent of freshly baked cookies that had just come out the oven filled the room with its heavenly scent. "Hello, everyone. Miss Toga started baking some cookies so I decided to help her out. I brought you all some." The huge man greeted with a smile, placing the plate of desserts down on the table which they immediately chowed down on.

"Isn't it kinda weird that your super-secret superhero dad bakes cookies?" The blonde asked, halfway through her dessert that she happily munched on. "It kinda ruins the mysterious badass vibe he exhibits all the time."

"Just leave him alone, it's how he deals with stress!" He rolled his eyes, as he wrote another line of dialogue he could ask the villain about in the coming weekend.

"By the way, Tenko, there's something I should tell you. It's about Miria Izaki. Perhaps we could converse about it in private?"

"My friends already know about it. Can't you just tell all of us?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

'One for All' sat across the teens in the small colorful plastic chairs that was littered all across the room. "I am still not over you telling them about it, by the way. What if they publicize it to the press? Or worse, tell Kai?"

"Oh no, you don't have to worry about that, sir. We swear to never tattle, even if he pulls us apart limb by limb!" Toga smiled - albeit a little bit too wide, and all creepy like - already on her fifth cookie. Toya gave a small nod, arms crossed, as he attempted to look cool, despite him sitting on a colorful tiny plastic chair made for children. "See? Now come on, spill.

"Alright. So... I canceled the interview."

"What!?" All three of the teens exclaimed simultaneously, all having a look of pure surprise sketched across their faces. "But why!?" The white-haired boy inquired, aware that his voice was now borderline whining. Still, it didn't make sense!

"Well, judging by your surprised expressions you haven't seen the latest news regarding our recently captured convict. Izaki has attempted to escape with two of his accomplices. 67 deaths, all employees. Three major criminals got out because of the heist and now are at large, but oddly enough not the villain who was the target for rescue himself." He told them, his face grim as he explained the situation. "It's too risky for you right now. There's no telling when another incident like this will happen, so please understand."

The room went silent as the news passed through. The air was uncomfortably stiff, as the three became distressed, horrified as the realization settled coldly into their heads. It made it hard to breathe as they slowly registered the two-digit body count. All those lives, all those people - dead. All because they did their jobs. All because of Miria Izaki. He was probably laughing in his cell right now at all of this!!

The burning anger easily snuffed out the shock from the horrifying revelation as the white-haired teen clenched his fists tight.

"I'm sure now that you're aware of this, you won't be so rash as to-"

"I'm going."

It was now the mentor's turn to look surprised, voice cutting short from being taken aback. Even Toga and Toya seemed shocked, the former immediately tugging hard on the other's arm. "What!? No way, you're just gonna get yourself killed!"

The boy seemed determined, immediately getting up and starting to walk out of the room when his mentor blocked it with his body. "For once, I agree with your sociopathic friend, I'm not allowing you to go." The man stated, crossing his arms.

"I am going. What are you going to do, stop me?" OFA has seen that look on his face before. He's seen it when he found him on that alleyway way back. A look of pure blood lust that reminded him of his... brother.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm sure your friends agree you're not exactly in the right state of mind to-"

"I'm going, whether you're coming with me or not." He managed to slip through the man and left the room.

"Tenko, wait!" Toga started, getting up to follow after him, and riled up the silent Toya enough to stand as well, but the hulking mountain of a man put a hand up, eyes cast downwards as he motioned the boy to sit down. The other easily slipped past him, as the room went silent once more as the teen felt uncomfortably rigid being left out, but at the same time still tempted to go after his friend, while the other kept him there.

"Actually... there is something I'd like to speak to you about, Toya." He sits down, placing both hands on the table as he leans forward a bit, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"You used to be Todoroki Toya, yes?"

He flinched, looking away immediately on instinct. He never wants to hear that surname again. Unwanted memories resurface; of that wicked woman, his useless 'dad', his long-gone brother, and his poor sister. And he left them all.

"I see that you're uncomfortable with the topic, but I must request that you speak up. You see, I recently discovered that one of Izaki's accomplice shares yours. Are you familiar with the name Todoroki Shoto?"


He bit his lip, fighting the tears that surfaced with the memories. He was a coward. Why didn't he come back for him? He was just a baby, barely a toddler back then. When he manifested his quirk...

Just so unlucky to be born into the Todoroki family. Why didn't he bring him- why why why-

"Yes." He finally managed to get out. His voice was shaky and weak, as repressed emotions bubbled back and turned his stomach over. Guilt, shame, regret, fear, anger.

"I'll have to trouble you some more. You two are connected how?"

"We're... we were brothers. I escaped that hell hole when I was 12. Got far enough before he found out I was gone. Too scared to go back for him... When I heard our old house burnt down I thought he was dead." He couldn't even say their names. He was too much of a coward. He ran away. He ran away and never came back.

"I see... so here's all we know. Your mother was the 'Ice Witch' infamous in the underbelly for her deadly quirk and frozen over massacres. The house was burnt to ashes, four bodies - two unidentified, and one of the dental records show that who must be her husband being Todoroki Enji, who went missing two decades ago - and you being the only known survivor. You changed your name, got admitted into a foster family, then went to study in UA. We always thought they only had three children, including you but-"

"If- if that's all you wanted from me, could I please go now..." He mumbled, voice quiet as he kept his eyes downcast, refusing to see the other face to face.

"Alright. One last thing. Could you please write down your siblings' names?"

"Okay..." He was handed a pen and paper, which he slowly filled out through eyes, his hands shook as he sluggishly wrote the kanji as he struggled to get his composure back. It would be embarrassing to cry in front of anyone.


Todoroki Natsuo

Todoroki Fuyumi

Todoroki Sh        


He dropped the pen, shaking his head as he pushed the paper back. "I failed him. I don't deserve to call him my brother."


OFA nodded, face grim. "I know what it's like to fail someone, especially a younger brother, Surekina-Kun. You can leave, thank you for your help." The boy bowed and quickly walked away, leaving the man alone in a once cheerful room full of life now turned empty.


Todoroki Sh oto


He filled out. The only reason they have that last name is because the boy overreacted when he heard Miria say it. He, of course, being the villain 'Shoto'. Such a mundane name for such a destructive and deadly villain. They eventually connected it to be his actual name, with Todoroki being his last, based on Toya's reaction.

Miria Izaki, Shoto, Explodo-kill.

So young, yet already so damaged. So broken. Done wrong by society and no one bothered to help. They still couldn't even identify the blonde one. The only thing they know about him is that he and Izaki seemed close. Hmmm... he should ask the boy that, while he's still chained up in Tartarus.

... Like his brother.

Shimura Tenko. Shimura Nana's grandson. He kept tabs on her son, of course, especially after he made the connection to the both of them. He couldn't tell anyone, they couldn't touch him through legal means and stop him from preventing what he knew was going to happen, and he'd grow up to slowly take on his mother. Wicked. Savage. Insatiable for blood. He couldn't let that happen to an innocent boy. So he did daily visits on them after she died. He was inconsolable. Learned to never trust everyone around him, became hardened, unsocial. All he noticed, but he couldn't do anything about it.


Well, it all was now in the past. He had enough problems in the present to worry about the past.

Wait, that reminds him.

Tenko was still going to that place. He probably can't even step in before guards are surrounding him and questioning him on what he was doing there without any authorized access. Also, they weren't even allowing any interrogation today since they were relocating the prisoners to another temporary holding cell. He sighed, 'better get to him before he makes a fool of himself', he thought.

He grabbed the paper and folded it, tucking it into his pocket before standing up and turning the lights off, he shut the door and walked away.

This time, he won't mess up.



Tenko angrily mumbled under his breath. Of course! Every time. Freaking. Time. He was ready! He was prepared! Damn break-in, stupid villains! Stupid Izaki!! Dammit!!!

"Leaving already, Tenko-Kun?" Toga's mother, a beautiful blonde woman with sharp blue eyes and a tied up classic mother hairdo asked with a smile. The woman was practically an adult version of her daughter

"Yeah, sorry to bother you, Miss Toga."

"Oh not at all, it's always wonderful to have you here. It's when my dear Himiko-chan is happiest, after all!" She smiled, oddly resembling her daughter in the creepy vibe they both gave off. "And of course, your very handsome dad's allowed any day." The white-haired teen made a face, as an image of him and her together knocked him off guard. He grimaced for a moment, before shaking his head, stomping off once more as the anger reignited itself, more viciously this time.

"Tenko, wait! Where are you going!?" The aforementioned daughter ran up to him, heaving and out of breath.

"To the prison. Duh." He continued to walk but then felt something cold attach itself to his leg. It sent shivers up his spine as he quickly turned to see what had grabbed his ankle, to find his friend sprawled on the floor locked onto him like a chain.

"What are you doing!? Let go of me!!" He shrieked, falling on his ass and trying to peel the hand off to no avail.

"Now now, no roughhousing." Her mother reminded them, turning her attention back to the oven, which chirped repeatedly. Swearing rapidly in a whisper, she took them out the oven and rushed out before the smoke reached the fire alarms.

"Toga let go!"

"No! Not until you come to your senses, you dummy!"

"Who asked your opinion!? If you didn't want to go, then just stay here and leave me alone! I'm going!!"

"NO!!!" Her mouth downturned into an angry frown, as she grits her teeth.

"Aren't you angry as well!?" He finally said, voice coming out in a deep low growl.

"I don't want you to get hurt just because you want revenge!! What if it happens again and you get caught up in it!? What if no one is there to help you!? I know Bubagawara-Sensei's passing was unfair and it hurts! It hurts us as well! But please, for once in your life just stop making us worry about you, you idiot!! I don't want to lose you!!!" Something wet hit his feet, and it took him a moment to realize that his friend was crying. His argument died in his throat as he looked down at her sobbing figure.


She was right.

He's always just been running straight ahead. Always leaving them behind. Not even once considering how they would feel. How they felt when he just ran into danger as he pleased, always coming out hurt.

He had to face it.

He can't do anything as he is now. Hell, he's almost died once before because of his stubbornness. What's he asking questions gonna do? It's not like the villain will answer him. He'd probably just get a mocking comment and an insult on his way out. He knew all this already, but he just didn't want to believe it.

He sighed, putting a gloved hand on her head, stroking as to comfort her.

"I'm sorry." He finally said in a small voice. "I- I just wanted to-... I'm sorry for worrying you."

She stayed in that position for a few more moments, sniffling. Her breathing slowed and finally, she straightened, looking at him with her red puffy eyes. "You mean it? You're not going to do anything stupid anymore?" He nodded, putting two fingers on the edges of his mouth and pushing, as he smiled at her. "Yep! So come on, give me a smile!"

She blinked, before bursting into a fit of giggles.

Then all of a sudden there was a flash of light. "Got it." The voice caught their attention as the boy stood there, one hand in his pocket and another holding a phone.

"H-hey! What the hell!?" Tenko exclaimed, quickly getting up and leaving Toga to fall and hit her head, making her yelp, shouting at the other in anger.

"Give me that!" The boy told the taller as he attempted to grab it, only to find out that - to his dismay - unable to reach it because of the difference in their heights. Then he noticed something. His crisp blue eyes shone like crystals, slightly red with tears trailing down his cheeks a complete contrast to his smug smirk. "Hey, are you okay? Why're you crying?"

The teen flinched, eyes widening as his hand reached up to his face, just to find it wet. He gulped, immediately wiping it off, looking away guiltily.

"I wasn't. What are you talking about?" He said, stuffing his cellphone in his pocket unceremoniously, as both teens began surrounding him like vultures on a dead meal. Tenko stared at him with sad unblinking eyes full of pity and Himiko rubbed her nose from the fall earlier, eyes narrowed.

"Come on, everyone's telling everyone their feelings right now, just join us. We're your friends."

"Look. I don't want to talk about it, okay? Just... let's just go." The dreadfully uncomfortable aura that had dispersed earlier started coming back like thunderclouds that roared ferociously in full force.

"T-Toya, wait."

"I said drop it! Let's. Go." The older boy practically snarled, hands curling into fists.

There was a moment of silence. A serene yet troubled silence, that of which held bubbling unwanted emotions that only just now have started resurfacing once more from years of repression and neglect. It was seething just under Toya's skin, writhing in the back of his mind waiting for him to finally turn around and face them, only to be met with ignorance, their owner choosing to keep his gaze away from them, despite the desperately needed confrontation. Emotions that everybody around him had no idea of.

They didn't know him after all. Not really. Nobody did. Not his late family, not his new ones, not his teachers, and definitely not his friends. God knows he'll lose them if he ever tattles. Nobody cared about what he felt, so he inevitably turned a blind eye as well.

"I... we're not going anymore." The white-haired teen finally said, looking away bashfully one hand reaching up to scratch at his neck. He became distressed, seeing as his friend seemingly was hoping to seek some form of distraction from whatever was bothering him currently. "Toga and I talked, and I- I decided that I should stop worrying you guys anymore. I mean... it's dangerous so..."

Silence. There was a tense second of no response before...

There was a whisper, only audible because of the silence, but he heard it. It sounded sad almost, a melancholic question, the kind that he knew the answer to already but just had to ask.

"Then what about my opinion?"


It was a stupid answer to a question, Tenko knew that. A question to a question. Although to his defense, he was taken aback, confused, which led to him being suddenly alert with his back upright - not unlike how one would react when a teacher suddenly calls their name out while they were napping - he was not ready, and because of this, his friend kept silent.

"Alright, I'm back. What'd I miss?" A feminine voice interrupted them, unaware of how she pierced through the awkwardness like a leaf blower on a very foggy day. It was a guilty flush of relief for the boy, having someone swoop in to save him like that when he couldn't even do the same for his friend. "Oh, did I interrupt something?"

"No, no, Mom! It's fine!" Toga chimed in, trying to lighten the mood as she immediately went over to the woman, dragging her away as she gave the other teen a look that urgently said 'talk to him!!!'.

Before he could though, a cough interrupted him.

"S-Sensei. I-I'm sorry for earlier, I was childish and I didn't consider-"

"It's quite alright, Tenko. I take no offense, you have every right to be angry. I did promise you an interrogation and suddenly taking it back is unfair."

"I know." He slumped, red eyes turning to his right.

"And that is why I'm going to take you back up on that offer and get you an interrogation this weekend."

"I get it. I'm too irresponsible and... huh? What?"

"I would be there for your protection, of course. If anything happens, you'll be out of there immediately." The boy was shocked, evident on his face, his eyes wide and his mouth a wide O. "A fair trade might I add, considering how dangerous the current situation is."

"Exactly! It's dangerous! So why are you letting me go anyways! Ugh, seriously! One minute you don't want me going and now you are! I can't understand you!!!" Tenko scratched and messed his hair up in a ragged manner, a frustrated growl ripping out his throat. He would become restless, his quirk would affect how he would express his exasperation in a way that was dangerous to himself, OFA had observed. This is why he was compelled to put an end to it.

"Because I believe... I know you are responsible enough, Shimura Tenko." It didn't sound forced. It was something he felt he finally could say because it was true. 'One for All' never lies, after all.

The teen became rigid, both hands dropping to his sides as he looked up with a surprised glint in his eye. It was obvious he was not prepared for the sudden compliment, not the only time he was caught off guard today by a comment though. Did his Sensei really think he was responsible enough? The feeling of pure joy that filled him as he finally registered. It was... nice. He felt his face flush, crossing his arms with a smirk.

"Hm, I guess you are right, eheh." He snickered, rubbing his nose, becoming self-confident in an instant.

"Dumbass, don't ruin the moment. Sure, you're overconfident now, but you were just stumbling over your words earlier. You two are practically the same, so you can't even blame him, you hypocrite." He felt something hard hit the back of his head, making him yelp and flinch.

"OI, DID YOU HAVE TO HIT ME!?" Toya shouted, returning the smack to the other's temple. "HYPOCRITE MY ASS! AT LEAST I CAN TALK ABOUT MY FEELINGS! SUREKINA 'OH I'M TOO EDGY FOR FEELINGS' TOYA!!" Tenko countered, making the other turn red, arguing back immediately, as OFA watched the beginnings of another fight these two almost always seemed to inevitably have whenever they were in close proximity to each other.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave now. Tenko, get home before 5, okay?" The boy nodded, snagging Toya in a chokehold before he could run away disguised as a buddy action. "Goodbye Miss Toga, Himiko-chan." He bowed as a courtesy, a smooth smile grazing his lips. The woman smiled back, waving goodbye with a small giggle, her voice becoming notably higher - probably a side effect of baking too many cupcakes, she reckoned. Her daughter made a face beside her, imitating the act of barfing with her face towards the two other boys in the room, who tried to suppress their laughs, which only led to a coughing fit. Once he was gone, Toga's mother immediately fawned, sighing as if she was a teenager once more, falling in love all over again.

"Oh what a caring father, and so very handsome as well. What a full package right, Himiko?" She jumped slightly, swiveling her head to face her mother.

"Huh? Oh, uh... Mom could you please not talk about my friend's dad like that while he's here? It's super embarrassing..." She told her, turning slightly red.

"Oooooh, I see! Of course, of course! You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your cr-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she suddenly screamed, covering her mother's mouth hurriedly. The slight blush became wild raspberry red as she covered her ears and kept screaming.

The two other teens had begun fighting again, the argument distracting them from the earlier statement, but Himiko did not know that. And so the room broke into chaos, the only adult in the room with the mind of a child, practically one at this point as she hummed, giggling and began walking away to her actual children — the cookies in the basement.


This is my first time posting on this website, and have been lurking around anonymously saving people's posts. Anyhow, I'm not sure how long this story is gonna be so get ready for a hell of a shitstorm.

Though I'll try to keep my writing as clean as possible, there's no guarantee and I haven't posted much stories so any comments about it is appreciated. The chapters may fluctuate a lot due to the fact that I'm a bit of a perfectionist (or sometimes ideas just pop into my head and i begin pouring it into an already published part) but the story will stay mostly the same.

And I hope you enjoyed! Later!