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Members of the CSS Samurai

You may note that many of us are involved in one way or another with the various companies whose browsers we review. It would be sensible, therefore, to question the impartiality of the Samurai. However, you may rest assured that we make every attempt to review each browser fairly, without bias in favour or against the companies or organisations we help or by which we are paid. In September 1999, we decided that these involvements do not threaten our impartiality as a group and therefore that there is no need for any member to leave the Samurai because of a connection to a company.

Our word may not be enough for some people, so we have decided to list, below, with which developers we are each involved. Since we have members working for all the major UA developers as well as for the W3C's CSS working group and some tool developers, the net result is that for each member potentially biased in one direction, there is another potentially biased in the other.

Remember: The most important issue to us is not the success of the companies we are involved with. It is the full and bug-free implementation of the CSS standards.

For more information contact Ian Hickson.

John Allsopp

John is the chief engineer at Western Civilisation Software, which is developing Style Master, a CSS Editor. He develops and delivers training in these and related fields at TAFENSW, a state run college network for technical and further education in NSW, Australia, and is the author of "Everything you ever wanted to know about Style", an online CSS tutorial.

He is currently a beta tester for Microsoft's Macintosh Internet Explorer browser.

David Baron

David is an undergraduate at Harvard University, in Cambridge, MA. He has been working on his own web pages (mainly lists of links) since 1994, and began to become interested in using CSS for the design of his site on weather satellite images. However, his interest in CSS was strengthened by stumbling across an announcement of the W3C Core Styles and CSS1 Test Suite. He began using the Core Styles on most of his web pages, and was quickly drawn into the promising world of CSS.

He now tries to improve implementations of CSS by submitting many bug reports to all the major browser vendors. He maintains CSS pages showing results of running browsers through CSS1 Test Suite, as well as some of his own CSS tests. In an attempt to help perfect CSS itself, he is a frequent poster to the www-style list.

He spent last summer (1999) as a (paid) intern at Netscape.

Roland Eriksson

Roland is a member of the CSS Pointers Group. He is the maintainer of the FAQ for and a frequent poster on the USENET group c.i.w.a.s. He is the mananager of electrical design at "Midroc Electro AB", in Gavle, Sweden.

Todd Fahrner

Todd is a Design Technologist at Studio Verso in San Francisco. He has worked on the production-editorial end of web, CD-ROM, and print publishing since 1992. He develops systems and specifications for presentation of structured information -- information architecture, user interface, and typography, only geekier.

An invited expert to working groups of the W3C, he has contributed to the development of the Cascading Style Sheets Level 1 and 2 specifications, and is the designer of the W3C Core Styles and the styles on the Verso Styleserver.

Todd is a member of the Web Design Group, and has contributed editorially to the best-selling book on web design, Creating Killer Websites. He haunts far too many internet mailing lists and newsgroups.

He is currently a beta tester for Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser.

Ken Gunderson

Ken is a professional educator with a strong math/science background working on his M.S. in Educational Technology. He is a member of the WSP Grassroots and Academic Outreach Action Committees and the keeper of the WSP "War Stories" archives. He is also the webmaster of Cyber Safari.

Ian Hickson

Ian is an undergraduate at Bath University, in Bath, UK (reading physics) and a regular contributor to the www-style discussion forum hosted by the W3C. He is the keeper of the www-style past suggestions list and he develops and maintains the importtest, a test used by leading browser developers to test spec compliance of their browsers. He is the webmaster of the Bath University Film Society.

He is currently an (unpaid) member of the Quality Assurance team of the Mozilla project.

Braden McDaniel

Braden is a Computer Science graduate student at the University of Miami, in Miami, FL, with an interest in hypermedia technologies. He is a frequent poster on www-style and on c.i.w.a.s. He maintains web pages on CSS and VRML, and is a frequent poster to the Mozilla newsgroups.

Eric Meyer

Eric is the Hypermedia Systems Manager at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. This makes him responsible for the main university Web server, as well as team leader for a number of new-technology projects such as the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.

In the course of creating various and sundry Web pages, Eric noticed that his attempts to use CSS1 weren't quite as successful as he felt they ought to be. His CSS looked correct, but browsers just weren't displaying it as they should. Upon further investigation, he found that there was very little information regarding CSS1 support available on the Web, save for fellow Samurai Braden McDaniel's page concerning support in IE3 for Win95. Since Eric is an unrepentant Macintosh user, this wasn't much help to him, but it did inspire him to create a similar page concerning Macintosh browser support of CSS1.

This led Eric on to an entire body of work concerning CSS and CSS support. He is now an invited expert to the W3C CSS Working Group and coordinator of the CSS1 Test Suite at the W3C. He is also the editor of the Style Sheets Reference Guide and author of many articles about CSS.

He is currently a beta tester for Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, and is also 'a closet Opera-lover'.

Liam Quinn

Liam is a member of the Web Design Group, where he develops and maintains CSSCheck (a CSS lint), the WDG HTML Validator, a Guide to Cascading Style Sheets, and many other useful resources. He also developed A Real Validator, an offline HTML validator for Windows.

Liam is an undergraduate in Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario.

Sue Sims

Sue is a member of the CSS Pointers Group, and a frequent poster on c.i.w.a.s. She is a Netscape DevEdge Champion, and has a part time temporary (paid) position at Opera Software.