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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Justin Amash
U.S. Representative D-Michigan
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Amash continued 1: limits the government’s collection of those records, of the records, to those records that pertain to a person who is the subject of an investigation, pursuant to section 215. Opponents of this amendment will use the same tactic that every government throughout history has used to justify its violation of rights. Fear. They will tell you that the government
Justin Amash
U.S. Representative D-Michigan
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Amash continued 2:Amash: must violate the rights of the American people. To protect us from those people who hate our freedoms. They'll tell you that there is no expectation of privacy in documents that are stored with a third-party. Tell that to the American people. Tell that to our constituents back home. We're here to answer one question for the people we represent. Do we oppose the suspicionless collection of every American's phone records?
Mike Rogers
U.S. Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers: I think the American people, certainly some well intentioned members in this chamber, have legitimate concerns. They should be addressed. We should have time and education on what actually happens in the particular programs of which we speak. I'll pledged each and every one of you today and give you my word that this fall, when we do the intelligence authorization bill, we will work to find additional privacy protections with this program that has no e-mails,
Mike Rogers
U.S.Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers continued 1: no phone calls, no names and no addresses. 14 federal judges have said yes this comports with the constitution. 800 cases around between the 1979 case have affirmed the underpinnings of the legality of this case. 800. So 14 judges are wrong and 800 different cases are wrong. The legislators on both intelligence committees republicans and democrats are all wrong. Why is it that people of both parties came together
Mike Rogers
U.S. Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers continued 2:Rogers: and looked at this program, at a time when our nation is under siege by those individuals who want to bring violence to the shores of the United States. Because those who know it best support the program because we spent so much time on this to get it right. To make sure the oversight is right.
Mike Rogers
U.S.Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers: The good news is we do not have to what if, it's not theoretical. 54 times this and the other program stopped and thwarted terrorist attack here and in Europe, saving real lives. This isn't a game. This is real. It will have a real consequence. This is hard. Think about the people who came here before us this great body. Madison, Lincoln, Kennedy served here. And the issues they dealt with and the politics of big and moving America forward while upholding the article (1 mandate)
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Conyers: All this amendment is intended to do is to curtail the ongoing dragnet collection and storage of the personal records of innocent Americans. It does not defund the NSA and it would continue to allow them to conduct full fledged surveillance as
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Conyers continued: long as it relates to an actual investigation. Our joining together on this bipartisan amendment demonstrates our joint commitment to ensuring that our fight against terrorism and espionage follows the rule of law and the clear intent of the statutes passed by this Congress. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to vote for this amendment.
Michele Bachmannn
U.S. Representative, R-Minnesota
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Bachmann: National security is a real and present danger and something we have to take quite seriously. We can't deal in false narratives and a false narrative has emerged that the federal government is taking in the content of Americans' phone calls. It’s not true. It's not happening. A False narrative has emerged that the federal government is taking in the content of the American people's emails It’s not true. It’s not happening. We need to deal in facts. And the facts are real.
Michele Bachmannn
U.S. Representative, R-Minnesota
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Bachmann continued 1: The facts are these. The only people who have benefited from the revelation of classified information by someone who worked for this government who intentionally and unauthorized declassified some of the most sensitive national security information that we have, the only result is that those who are engaged in Islamic jihad will have been
Showing 251 through 260 of 1708