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#office lighting

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about #office lighting

Producto • By BrightgreenSnap Track Collection

Snap Track Collection

Brightgreen’s Snap Track Collection is a versatile lighting solution designed for dynamic spaces where adaptability, quality, and sustainability are essential. This collection is perfect for those who need lighting that can easily adjust to changing layouts. With the Snap Track Collection, it is possible to customize lighting solutions using a variety of options, including pendants, spotlights, and wall washers, all of which can be adjusted quickly to suit any mood or function. Caption At Brightgreen, its dedication to quality and impact shapes everything created. It adheres to its “100s” standards, which are unmatched in the lighting industry. It achieves a 100/100 light quality, providing natural, true-to-life illu... Más

Producto • By LightArtClear Coil Collection

Clear Coil Collection

LightArt’s Clear Coil Collection is the commercial lighting industry’s first clear, 3D-printed, 100% recycled pendants. The groundbreaking collection harnesses molecular recycling technology to upcycle discarded materials like clothing and carpet fibers, dense plastic containers, and packaging into beautifully designed, long-lasting, clear light fixtures.  Dubbed the M series for “molecular,” the collection features six pendant shapes that complement any design aesthetic. The angles of the M1, M2, and M3 pendants emphasize the material’s clarity and light refraction. The M4, M5, and M6 pendants come in two sizes. The M4's cylindrical shape is reminiscent of a ceramic bottle, while six faceted sides create... Más

Producto • By FlosWORKMATES


WORKMATES El modelo tradicional del trabajo de oficina ya no es el que era. Los nuevos modelos híbridos de trabajo han redefinido la arquitectura, el uso y la funcionalidad del espacio profesional. Workmates es el ecosistema de luminarias para nuevos ambientes de trabajo contemporáneos y multidisciplinares. El espacio de trabajo ya no está reñido con la belleza y el diseño. Los detalles importan, y ahí es donde Workmates entra en acción: delgada, minimalista y sutil, con la presencia magnética propia de Flos. Una mezcla entre forma y funcionalidad que no podría ser más adecuada para la oficina. Caption Diseñada para el bienestar de las personasWorkmates est... Más

Proyecto • By FluxwerxOficinas

Private Software Office

Bright, bold, and exceptional as the building that it occupies, this private software office in Calgary, Alberta offers an inspired and collaborative experience for both the employees and clients.  Eymeric Widling Photography From the outset, the Kasian Architecture design team embraced a mindset of experimentation and exploration. Working hand in hand with the client, the team identified wellness, need for amenities, positive social culture, plus thoughtful use of space and technology as the client’s primary goals for their new headquarters.  Eymeric Widling Photography The design team then charted a clear course towards a holistic interior design that merges productivity, collaboration and relaxation while deli... Más

Producto • By SVITANOKNa Linii contemporary minimalistic pendant lighting

Na Linii contemporary minimalistic pendant lighting

 "Na Linii” means “on the line”. It is a charismatic product that should not be perceived literally, but with a goal to distinguish the symbolism and image of the source. Pure geometric figures build the lighting fixture; rectangle lines and a circle at the top contain the glass light spot. The final result is a lightweight design out of metal and glass, a solid, gracefully sustainable material. The construction of the fixture is reduced to the essential minimum with its frame structure providing electricity without any visible cables. Some bends of metal are formed unplanned due to welding and high temperatures. Designed by Artem Zakharchenko-Halytskyi, “Na Linii” is a striking and sculptural lamp, nota... Más

Proyecto • By Meyzi ArchitectsOficinas

SolidRun office

The Meyzi architect’s team worked on the office design for the SolidRun company located on the seashore of the city of Akko in the brutal building of the Acre soccer stadium. SolidRun provides OEMs powerful application-ready compute and networking platforms. Ziv Litani The interior space used to be dominated by glass and concrete, while the clients sought to turn it into a more natural and comfortable environment. This is how the idea of the urban jungle was born. The nature of Akko penetrates the office, embodied in the elements of space. The windings of the spiral staircase feature the sea waves while the diverse greenery of the North protrudes from the walls, softening the harsh concrete. Ziv Litani The office is situ... Más

Proyecto • By Tagir Fattori ArquiteturaSalas de Exposición

Power Lume Experience

El Power Lume Experience es, ante todo, una sala de exposición de los productos e innovaciones de la marca. Sin embargo, no se limita a presentar su portafolio, también crea espacios únicos y lúdicos para ser explorados por usuarios que son invitados a crear sus propias experiencias. Marcelo Donadussi Los espacios fueron concebidos para sumergir al visitante en un ambiente luminoso. Para ello, se creó un camino lleno de experiencias sensoriales a través de la iluminación. Los muebles, texturas, materiales y revestimientos son minimalistas y funcionales, mientras que los ambientes fueron diseñados para estimular la imaginación y crear registros inusuales para compartir. En... Más

Producto • By FluxwerxProfile Mini

Profile Mini

A two-thirds scaled expression of the minimalist architectural aesthetics of the original Profile series, Profile Mini is a diminutive linear LED pendant luminaire with unique hollow aperture design, delivering unparalleled longitudinal clarity and transparency right through the fixture. With no electrical connections at fixture joints required, Profile Mini can be installed as an independent pendant or as a continuous lighting system with virtually seamless runs. Profile Mini’s low brightness, continuous lenses emit light from both interior planes of the luminaire, efficiently and precisely directed to create a batwing distribution in both the hemispheres. Outperforming many bigger luminaires and measuring only 2” in height, P... Más