Color Mixing Tips for Dog Portraits
In this video I am sharing my tips for color mixing a wide variety of dog breeds so you can apply this to your watercolor pet portraits. This is a part of my Pet Portrait video series where I explain my tips and techniques that I've learned in my watercolor pet portrait business. I hope you find this helpful in your journey!
White Fur Watercolor Tips - Watercolor Pain ting for Beginners
In this video I am sharing my tips for painting white fur with watercolor and the secret to why I believe artists have a hard time capturing white pets. I cover color mixing and how much paint to apply to a white dog portrait inside this tutorial.
How to Start a Pet Portrait Business - Behind the Scenes
In this video, I am taking you behind the scenes of my pet portrait business and the process I use to accept orders, keep track of them on my calendar, to producing the painting, packaging and shipping, digitizing and more! This is a part of my Pet Portrait video series where I explain my tips and techniques that I've learned in my watercolor pet portrait business. I hope you find this helpful in your journey!
Watercolor Dog Breed Course - Learning to Watercolor for Beginners - Windswept Design Studio
The Masterwater Color Dog Breed course will teach how to paint over 30 different dog breeds. Create gifts for friends and family or use your skills to start a new business. Join today! #watercolorcourse #howtowatercolor #watercolordogpainting
Master Watercolor Dog Breed Course - Learn to Watercolor
Learn how to paint over 30 dog breeds. Grow your watercolor skills with confidence. A great resource for beginner watercolor painters! Join the course today!
Pet Portraiture Simple Sketching How To
In this video I am sharing the simple and effective sketching process that I use for custom pet portraits in hopes that it helps your pet portrait process!
Watercolor Dog Breed Course - Learn to Watercolor over 30 Dog Breeds!
White Fur Watercolor Painting Tips
In this video I am sharing my tips for painting white fur with watercolor and the secret to why I believe artists have a hard time capturing white pets. I cover color mixing and how much paint to apply to a white dog portrait inside this tutorial.
How to Watercolor Dog Paintings | Pet Watercolor Tutorials
Day 24 - Bulldog. I almost talked myself out of another day of painting a dog for the challenge today, but so glad I didn’t
How to Watercolor Dog Paintings | Pet Watercolor Tutorials
First day of the dog a day painting challenge where I’ll be painting one new dog breed a day. I’m approaching with a bit of a looser style on a 5x7 size, so smaller than my custom portraits. Loved painting this happy golden @cowandtheboys 💛 If you’re curious why I’m doing a dog a day or what I have up my sleeve at the end of this challenge, head to the link in my profile to sign up and get the updates and announcement for what is coming! 🐶🖌 #dogadaypaintingchalleng