Executive Functioning

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8 Sections
Writing and Time Management
I love this Paragraph Writing journal from @lakeshorelearning! It has opinion, narrative, and expository writing prompts. Also pictured is how I wanted the student to manage his time. Using a dry erase marker, I wrote on a glass clock to show how long I thought each step should take him. Then if he was done early, he had whatever left over minutes in that time block to play or take a break! Motivating, helpful, and better than verbal nagging!
Planning Long-Term Projects
Another tip I learned from @swardtherapy: use post-its to write down steps for a long-term assignment and put them on a monthly calendar. That way, when a kid doesn't do something on the day they planned, they see how the requirements visually stack up on the remaining days! Very cool to see.
Executive Functioning Homework
I LOVE using this book to teach executive functioning skills for upper elementary and middle school students. Pictured here is a hypothetical list of homework assignments (for one evening) which a student has to plan out in his evening. It's good practice for time estimation, time planning, and materials management. A great introduction before applying these strategies to real life homework!
Get Ready - Do -Done
Executive functioning lesson plan for planning, sequencing, time management, and task execution ahead! While introducing how to plan out an event, such as writing a letter, we used the "Get Ready - Do - Done" format recommended by Sarah Ward! You have to visualize the end (done❤️), then go backwards to the steps to get there (do💚), and then list the materials you need to get started (get ready 💛).
Executive Functioning Checklist and Rubric
For my middle schoolers, I created an executive functioning checklist. This editable document asks students to analyze their own strengths and weaknesses. When I worked in an elementary school, I worked with some high-functioning kiddos who fell in the gray area between general and special education. I created this editable "Executive Functioning Rubric" to give general education teachers a way to target their executive functioning goals in a way that was meaningful to the students.
Why is an SLP Teaching Executive Functioning?
Why is an SLP Teaching Executive Functioning? – Social SLP
47 Hacks People With ADD/ADHD Use To Stay On Track
47 Hacks personas con ADD / ADHD uso para mantenerse en el camino
Executive Functioning Strategies for the Classroom
Executive Functioning Strategies for the Classroom.. Love these! #pathway2success #executivefunctioning
TEACHING URGENCY--STEP ONE The Answer is 12,960 Hours What is the Question? Before goal setting must come a deep understanding of why