weather the storm

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
47 Moby Thesaurus words for "weather the storm":
      be safe, be unflappable, beat the game, beat the system,
      bounce back, come around, come back, come round, come through,
      come to, come up fighting, come up smiling, get about,
      get home free, get over, get well, hold fast, hold out, hold up,
      keep safe, live through, make a comeback, make heavy weather,
      not budge, outride, persevere, pull round, pull through, rally,
      recover, remain firm, revive, ride, ride it out, ride out,
      stand fast, stand firm, stand pat, stay put, stick it out, survive,
      tide over, triumph, weather, weather out, win out, win through