The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
repeat loop
do loop
<programming> (Or "do loop") A {loop} construct found in many
{procedural languages} which repeatedly executes some
instructions while a {condition} is true.
Repeat loops are found in {Perl}, {Pascal}, {BASIC} and {C}.
The initial {keyword} may be "repeat" or "do" and the
condition may be introduced with a "while" or "until" keyword.
In constrast to a {while} loop, the "loop body" is executed
once before the condition is tested. This is useful when the
condition depends on the action of the loop body. In the
following BASIC loop "Hello" is printed once despite the fact
that the condition is false;
i = 2
print "Hello"
i = i+1
until i>0
See also {while loop} and {for loop}.