tried and true
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
81 Moby Thesaurus words for "tried and true":
acknowledged, admitted, blase, committed, confirmed, constant,
conventional, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, customary, dedicated,
dependable, devoted, established, experienced, faithful,
faithworthy, fast, fixed, folk, hallowed, handed down, heroic,
hoary, immemorial, incorruptible, inveterate, inviolable, knowing,
legendary, long-established, long-standing, mature, matured,
mythological, not born yesterday, of long standing, of the folk,
old, oral, practiced, prescriptive, proved, proven, received,
recognized, reliable, responsible, ripe, ripened, rooted,
sagacious, seasoned, secure, sophisticated, staunch, steadfast,
straight, sure, tested, time-honored, to be trusted, traditional,
tried, true, true-blue, trustable, trustworthy, trusty, understood,
unfalse, unperfidious, untreacherous, unwritten, venerable,
verified, veteran, world-wise, worldly, worldly-wise, worshipful