total loss
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
TOTAL LOSS. A technical expression, importing an utter loss of the property
for the voyage, and no more. 1 T. R. 187. Vide Loss, and 2 Phil. Ev. 54, n.;
16 East, R. 214 Park's Ins. Index, h.t.; Marsh. Ins. 486.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
57 Moby Thesaurus words for "total loss":
bereavement, bomb, breakdown, breaking up, breakup, bust,
cataclysm, catastrophe, cave, cave-in, collapse, cost, crack-up,
crash, damage, dead loss, debacle, debit, denial, denudation,
deprivation, despoilment, destruction, detriment, disaster,
dispossession, divestment, dull thud, expense, fizzle,
flat failure, flop, floperoo, forfeit, forfeiture, frost, injury,
lemon, loser, losing, losing streak, loss, perdition, privation,
robbery, ruin, sacrifice, shipwreck, smash, smashup, spoliation,
stripping, taking away, turkey, washout, wrack, wreck