The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Rusty \Rust"y\, a. [AS. rustig.] [Compar. {Rustier}; superl.
1. Covered or affected with rust; as, a rusty knife or sword;
rusty wheat.
[1913 Webster]
2. Impaired by inaction, disuse, or neglect.
[1913 Webster]
[Hector,] in this dull and long-continued truce,
Is rusty grown. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
3. Discolored and rancid; reasty; as, rusty bacon.
[1913 Webster]
4. Surly; morose; crusty; sullen. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] "Rusty
words." --Piers Plowman.
[1913 Webster]
5. Rust-colored; dark. "Rusty blood." --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
6. Discolored; stained; not cleanly kept; filthy.
[1913 Webster]
The rusty little schooners that bring firewood from
the British provinces. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]
7. (Bot.) Resembling, or covered with a substance resembling,
rust; affected with rust; rubiginous.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
182 Moby Thesaurus words for "rusty":
Titian, Titian-red, a stranger to, adust, anile, auburn, bay,
bay-colored, bayard, brazen, bricky, bronze, bronze-colored,
bronzed, brownish-red, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian,
castaneous, cerise, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, chestnut,
chestnut-brown, copper, copper-colored, coppery, corroded, crabbed,
crimson, crumbling, cupreous, damask, debilitated, decrepit,
dilapidated, disaccustomed, doddered, doddering, doddery, dry,
dusty, dyspeptic, eaten, eroded, feeble, ferruginous, fiery,
fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, fossilized, foxy,
fusty, gerontal, gerontic, glowing, gone to seed, grating, gules,
henna, hoarse, hot, hot-tempered, ignorant, ill-humored,
ill-natured, incarmined, inexperienced, infirm, inflamed, infrared,
iron-red, jarring, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, liver-brown,
liver-colored, livid-brown, lobster-red, lurid, mahogany, maroon,
mildewed, moldering, moldy, moss-grown, mossbacked, moth-eaten,
mummylike, musty, new to, on the downgrade, out of condition,
out of shape, out of training, palsied, papery-skinned, port-wine,
puce, rasping, raucous, ravaged with age, red, red-dyed,
red-looking, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown,
rickety, roan, rough, rubicund, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose,
ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddy, rufescent, rufous,
rugged, ruined, ruinous, run to seed, russet, russety, rust,
rust-cankered, rust-colored, rust-eaten, rust-red, rust-worn,
scarlet, senile, shaky, shriveled, slipping, soft, stale, stammel,
stiff, stricken in years, strident, sunburned, terra-cotta,
tile-red, time-scarred, timeworn, tottering, tottery, unaccustomed,
unacquainted with, unconversant with, unfamiliar with,
unhabituated, unhardened, uninured, unpracticed, unseasoned,
untrained, unused, unused to, unwonted, vermilion, vinaceous, warm,
weak, weaned, wine, wine-colored, wine-red, withered, wizened,