
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: located on the left side of a ship or aircraft [syn:
           {port}, {larboard}]
    n 1: a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise
         can enter or leave a country
    2: sweet dark-red dessert wine originally from Portugal [syn:
       {port}, {port wine}]
    3: an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing
       through [syn: {port}, {embrasure}, {porthole}]
    4: the left side of a ship or aircraft to someone who is aboard
       and facing the bow or nose [syn: {larboard}, {port}] [ant:
    5: (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the
       hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with
       another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other
       peripherals) [syn: {interface}, {port}]
    v 1: put or turn on the left side, of a ship; "port the helm"
    2: bring to port; "the captain ported the ship at night"
    3: land at or reach a port; "The ship finally ported"
    4: turn or go to the port or left side, of a ship; "The big ship
       was slowly porting"
    5: carry, bear, convey, or bring; "The small canoe could be
       ported easily"
    6: carry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body,
       especially of weapons; "port a rifle"
    7: drink port; "We were porting all in the club after dinner"
    8: modify (software) for use on a different machine or platform
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Larboard \Lar"board`\, n. [Lar- is of uncertain origin, possibly
   the same as lower, i. e., humbler in rank, because the
   starboard side is considered by mariners as higher in rank;
   cf. D. laag low, akin to E. low. See {Board}, n., 8.] (Naut.)
   The left-hand side of a ship to one on board facing toward
   the bow; port; -- opposed to {starboard}.
   [1913 Webster]

   Note: Larboard is a nearly obsolete term, having been
         superseded by {port} to avoid liability of confusion
         with starboard, owing to similarity of sound.
         [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, n. [From Oporto, in Portugal, i. e., ? porto the
   port, L. portus. See {Port} harbor.]
   A dark red or purple astringent wine made in Portugal. It
   contains a large percentage of alcohol.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, n. [AS. port, L. portus: cf. F. port. See {Farm},
   v., {Ford}, and 1st, 3d, & 4h {Port}.]
   1. A place where ships may ride secure from storms; a
      sheltered inlet, bay, or cove; a harbor; a haven. Used
      also figuratively.
      [1913 Webster]

            Peering in maps for ports and piers and roads.
      [1913 Webster]

            We are in port if we have Thee.       --Keble.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are
      admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from whence
      they depart and where they finish their voyages.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Free port}. See under {Free}.

   {Port bar}. (Naut,)
      (a) A boom. See {Boom}, 4, also {Bar}, 3.
      (b) A bar, as of sand, at the mouth of, or in, a port.

   {Port charges} (Com.), charges, as wharfage, etc., to which a
      ship or its cargo is subjected in a harbor.

   {Port of entry}, a harbor where a customhouse is established
      for the legal entry of merchandise.

   {Port toll} (Law), a payment made for the privilege of
      bringing goods into port.

   {Port warden}, the officer in charge of a port; a harbor
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, v. t. (Naut.)
   To turn or put to the left or larboard side of a ship; --
   said of the helm, and used chiefly in the imperative, as a
   command; as, port your helm.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ported}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Porting}.] [F. porter, L. portare to carry. See {Port}
   1. To carry; to bear; to transport. [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

            They are easily ported by boat into other shires.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Mil.) To throw, as a musket, diagonally across the body,
      with the lock in front, the right hand grasping the small
      of the stock, and the barrel sloping upward and crossing
      the point of the left shoulder; as, to port arms.
      [1913 Webster]

            Began to hem him round with ported spears. --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Port arms}, a position in the manual of arms, executed as
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, n. [F. porte, L. porta, akin to portus; cf. AS.
   porte, fr. L. porta. See {Port} a harbor, and cf. {Porte}.]
   1. A passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place;
      a gate; a door; a portal. [Archaic]
      [1913 Webster]

            Him I accuse
            The city ports by this hath entered.  --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

            Form their ivory port the cherubim
            Forth issuing.                        --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Naut.) An opening in the side of a vessel; an embrasure
      through which cannon may be discharged; a porthole; also,
      the shutters which close such an opening.
      [1913 Webster]

            Her ports being within sixteen inches of the water.
                                                  --Sir W.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. (Mach.) A passageway in a machine, through which a fluid,
      as steam, water, etc., may pass, as from a valve to the
      interior of the cylinder of a steam engine; an opening in
      a valve seat, or valve face.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Air port}, {Bridle port}, etc. See under {Air}, {Bridle},

   {Port bar} (Naut.), a bar to secure the ports of a ship in a

   {Port lid} (Naut.), a lid or hanging for closing the
      portholes of a vessel.

   {Steam port}, & {Exhaust port} (Steam Engine), the ports of
      the cylinder communicating with the valve or valves, for
      the entrance or exit of the steam, respectively.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, n. [F. port, fr. porter to carry, L. portare, prob.
   akin to E. fare, v. See {Port} harbor, and cf. {Comport},
   {Export}, {Sport}.]
   The manner in which a person bears himself; deportment;
   carriage; bearing; demeanor; hence, manner or style of
   living; as, a proud port. [archaic] --Spenser.
   [1913 Webster]

         And of his port as meek as is a maid.    --Chaucer.
   [1913 Webster]

         The necessities of pomp, grandeur, and a suitable port
         in the world.                            --South.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Port \Port\, n. [Etymology uncertain.] (Naut.)
   The larboard or left side of a ship (looking from the stern
   toward the bow); as, a vessel heels to port. See {Note} under
   {Larboard}. Also used adjectively.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
port number

   1. <networking> A logical channel or channel endpoint in a
   communications system.  The {Transmission Control Protocol}
   and {User Datagram Protocol} {transport layer} protocols used
   on {Ethernet} use port numbers to distinguish between
   (demultiplex) different logical channels on the same {network
   interface} on a computer.

   Each {application program} has a unique port number associated
   with it, defined in /etc/services or the {Network Information
   Service} "services" database.  Some {protocols}, e.g. {telnet}
   and {HTTP} (which is actually a special form of telnet) have
   default ports specified as above but can use other ports as

   Some port numbers are defined in {RFC 3232} (which replaces
   RFC 1700).  Ports are now divided into: "Well Known" or
   "Privileged", and "Ephemeral" or "Unprivileged" (comprising
   "Registered", "Dynamic", "Private").


   2. <operating system, programming> To translate or modify
   {software} to run on a different {platform}, or the results of
   doing so.  The {portability} of the software determines how
   easy it is to port.

   3. <language> An {imperative language} descended from {Zed}
   from {Waterloo Microsystems} (now {Hayes} Canada) ca. 1979.

   ["Port Language" document in the Waterloo Port Development

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
PORT. A place to which the officers of the customs are appropriated, and 
which include the privileges and guidance of all members and creeks which 
are allotted to them. 1 Chit. Com. Law, 726; Postlewaith's Com. Dict. h.t.; 
1 Chit. Com. L. Index, h.t. According to Dalloz, a port is a place within 
land, protected against the waves and winds, and affording to vessels a 
place of safety. Diet. Supp. h.t. By the Roman law a port is defined to be 
locus, conclusus, quo importantur merces, et unde exportantur. Dig. 50,16, 
59. See 7 N. S. 81. 2. A port differs from a haven, (q.v.) and includes 
something more. 1st. It is a place at which vessels may arrive and 
discharge, or take in their cargoes. 2. It comprehends a vale, city or 
borough, called in Latin caput corpus, for the reception of mariners and 
merchants, for securing the goods, and bringing them to market, and for 
victualling the ships. 3. It is impressed with its legal character by the 
civil authority. Hale de Portibus Mar. c. 2; 1 Harg. 46, 73; Bac. Ab. 
Prerogative, D 5; Com. Dig. Navigation, E; 4 Inst. 148; Callis on Sewers, 
56; 2 Chit. Com. Law, 2; Dig. 60, 16, 59; Id. 43, 12, 1, 13; Id. 47, 10, 15, 
7; Id. 39, 4, 15. 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
240 Moby Thesaurus words for "port":
      Gospel side, action, actions, activity, acts, address, aerodrome,
      affectation, air, air base, airdrome, airfield, airport, anchorage,
      anchorage ground, aport, asylum, avenue, basin, bay, bay window,
      bearing, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm,
      behavioral science, berth, bird sanctuary, blowhole, bourn,
      bow window, breakwater, brow, bulkhead, cantorial side, carriage,
      casement, casement window, cast, cast of countenance, channel,
      chuck, chute, color, complexion, comportment, conduct, countenance,
      counterclockwise, cover, covert, culture pattern, custom, debouch,
      demeanor, deportment, destination, dock, dockage, dockyard, doing,
      doings, door, dry dock, egress, embankment, emunctory, escape,
      estuary, exhaust, exit, face, facial appearance, fan window,
      fanlight, favor, feature, features, field, floodgate, flume,
      folkway, forest preserve, game preserve, game sanctuary, garb,
      gestures, goal, goings-on, grille, groin, guise, harbor,
      harbor of refuge, harborage, haven, heliport, island, jetty, jutty,
      lancet window, landing, landing field, landing place,
      landing stage, lantern, larboard, last stop, lattice, left,
      left hand, left wing, left-hand, left-hand side, left-wing,
      left-winger, left-wingish, leftward, leftwardly, leftwards,
      levorotatory, liberal, light, lineaments, lines, looks, loophole,
      louver window, maintien, manner, manners, marina, method,
      methodology, methods, mien, modus vivendi, mole, mooring, moorings,
      motions, movements, moves, near, near side, nigh,
      observable behavior, on the left, opening, oriel, out, outcome,
      outfall, outgate, outgo, outlet, pane, pattern, physiognomy,
      picture window, pier, poise, pore, port tack, porthole, portside,
      pose, posture, practice, praxis, presence, preserve, procedure,
      proceeding, protected anchorage, quay, radical, refuge, retreat,
      riding, road, roads, roadstead, rose window, safe haven, safehold,
      sally port, sanctuary, seaport, seawall, set, shipyard, sinister,
      sinistrad, sinistral, sinistrally, sinistrocerebral, sinistrocular,
      sinistrogyrate, sinistrorse, skylight, slip, sluice, snug harbor,
      social science, spiracle, spout, stance, stop, stopping place,
      stronghold, style, tactics, tap, terminal, terminal point,
      terminus, to the left, tone, traits, transom, turn, vent, ventage,
      venthole, verso, visage, vomitory, way, way of life, way out, ways,
      weir, wharf, wicket, window, window bay, window glass, windowpane,
      wrong side

