laurels n 1: a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery" [syn: {award}, {accolade}, {honor}, {honour}, {laurels}] 2: the state of being honored [syn: {honor}, {honour}, {laurels}] [ant: {dishonor}, {dishonour}]
laurels \lau"rels\, n. pl. An honor or honors conferred for some notable achievement. [PJC] {to rest on one's laurels} [fig.] to be content with one's past achievements and not strive to continue to excel; as, he didn't rest on his laurels after receiving the Nobel Prize, but went on to made even more significant discoveries. [PJC]
33 Moby Thesaurus words for "laurels": Old Mug, acclaim, acclamation, accolade, accomplishments, award, awards, badge, bays, celebrity, chaplet, civic crown, crown, cup, decoration, distinction, fame, garland, glory, honors, kudos, laurel, loving cup, palm, palms, popularity, pot, renown, reputation, successes, tributes, trophy, wreath