WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: consisting of two or more associated entities; "the
interplay of these conjoined yet opposed factors";
"social order and prosperity, the conjoint aims of
government"- J.K.Fairbank [syn: {conjoined}, {conjoint}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
92 Moby Thesaurus words for "conjoint":
accessory, accompanying, accordant, agreeing, amalgamated,
assimilated, associate, associated, at one with, attendant,
attending, blended, coacting, coactive, coadunate, coefficient,
coincident, collaborative, collateral, collective, collectivistic,
collusive, combinative, combinatory, combined, combining, common,
communal, communistic, commutual, compact, comprehensive,
concerted, concomitant, concordant, concurrent, concurring,
conjugate, conjunct, conjunctive, connective, consilient,
consolidated, conspiratorial, cooperant, cooperative, coordinate,
corporate, correlative, coupled, coworking, eclectic, fellow,
fused, general, harmonious, in common, inclusive, incorporated,
integrated, joined, joint, meeting, merged, mixed, mutual, one,
paired, parallel, parasitic, popular, public, reciprocal,
respective, saprophytic, shared, simultaneous, social, socialistic,
societal, symbiotic, synchronous, syncretistic, syncretized,
synergetic, synergic, synergistic, synthesized, twin, two-way,
united, uniting