Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
BOOKS, commerce, accounts. Merchants, traders, and other persons, who are
desirous of understanding their affairs, and of explaining them when
necessary, keep, 1. a day book; 2. a journal; 3. a ledger; 4. a letter book;
5. an invoice book; 6. a cash book; 7. a bill book; 8. a bank book; and 9. a
cheek book. The reader is referred to these several articles. Commercial
books are kept by single or by double entry.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
37 Moby Thesaurus words for "books":
account, account book, accounts payable ledger,
accounts receivable ledger, balance sheet, bank ledger, bankbook,
bill, bill of fare, bill of lading, card ledger, carte, cashbook,
cost card, cost ledger, cost sheet, daybook, factory ledger,
inventory, invoice, journal, ledger, log, logbook, manifest, menu,
passbook, purchase ledger, record book, register, registry,
sales journal, sales ledger, statement, stock ledger,
stores ledger, suspense ledger