The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Assembly \As*sem"bly\, n.; pl. {Assemblies}. [F. assembl['e]e,
fr. assembler. See {Assemble}.]
1. A company of persons collected together in one place, and
usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and
legislation, for worship, or for social entertainment.
[1913 Webster]
2. A collection of inanimate objects. [Obs.] --Howell.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Mil.) A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a
signal to troops to assemble.
[1913 Webster]
Note: In some of the United States, the legislature, or the
popular branch of it, is called the Assembly, or the
General Assembly. In the Presbyterian Church, the
General Assembly is the highest ecclesiastical
tribunal, composed of ministers and ruling elders
delegated from each presbytery; as, the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States, or of Scotland.
[1913 Webster]
{Assembly room}, a room in which persons assemble, especially
for dancing.
{Unlawful assembly} (Law), a meeting of three or more persons
on a common plan, in such a way as to cause a reasonable
apprehension that they will disturb the peace
{Westminster Assembly}, a convocation, consisting chiefly of
divines, which, by act of Parliament, assembled July 1,
1643, and remained in session some years. It framed the
"Confession of Faith," the "Larger Catechism," and the
"Shorter Catechism," which are still received as authority
by Presbyterians, and are substantially accepted by
[1913 Webster]
Syn: See {Assemblage}.
[1913 Webster]
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
ASSEMBLY. The union of a number of persons in the same place. There are
several kinds of assemblies.
2. Political assemblies, or those authorized by the constitution and
laws; for example, the general assembly, which includes the senate and house
of representatives; the meeting of the electors of the president and vice-
president of the United States, may also be called an assembly.
3. Popular assemblies are those where the people meet to deliberate
upon their rights; these are guaranteed by the constitution. Const. U. S.
Amend. art. 1 Const. of Penn. art. 9, s. 20.
4. Unlawful assemblies. An unlawful assembly is the meeting of three or
more persons to do an unlawful act, although they may not carry their
purpose into execution. It differs from a riot or rout, (q.v.) because in
each of the latter cases there is some act done besides the simple meeting.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
217 Moby Thesaurus words for "assembly":
British Cabinet, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, advisory body,
architecture, assemblage, assemblee, assembly line,
assembly-line production, assignation, association, at home, ball,
bench, bicameral legislature, board, board of aldermen, body,
body of advisers, borough council, brain trust, brawl, brethren,
building, buildup, cabinet, call-up, camarilla, canvass, casting,
caucus, census, chamber, chamber of deputies, churchgoers, circle,
city board, city council, class, collection, colligation,
collocation, colloquium, combination, commission, committee,
common council, company, comparison, composition, compound,
conclave, concourse, concurrence, conference, confluence, conflux,
congregation, congress, connection, constitution, construction,
consultative assembly, conventicle, convention, convergence,
conversion, convocation, corralling, council, council fire,
council of ministers, council of state, council of war,
county council, court, crafting, craftsmanship, creation, crowd,
cultivation, dance, data-gathering, date, deliberative assembly,
devising, diet, directory, divan, eisteddfod, elaboration,
embodiment, erection, extraction, fabrication, fashioning,
federal assembly, festivity, fete, flock, fold, forgathering,
formation, forming, formulation, forum, framing, gathering,
general assembly, get-together, getup, group, growing, handicraft,
handiwork, harvesting, horde, host, house of assembly,
housewarming, incorporation, ingathering, inventory, junction,
junta, juxtaposition, kitchen cabinet, laity, laymen,
legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber,
legislature, levee, lower chamber, lower house, machining, make,
makeup, making, manufacture, manufacturing, meet, meeting, milling,
mining, minyan, mixture, mobilization, molding, multitude, muster,
national assembly, nonclerics, nonordained persons, organization,
panel, parish, parish council, parishioners, parliament, party,
people, piecing together, plenum, prefabrication, preparation,
privy council, processing, producing, production line, prom,
provincial legislature, provincial parliament, putting together,
quorum, raising, rally, reception, refining, rendezvous,
representative town meeting, rodeo, roundup, seance, seculars,
session, set-up, setup, shaping, sheep, shindig, sit-in, sitting,
smelting, society, soiree, soviet, staff, state assembly,
state legislature, structure, structuring, survey, symposium,
syndicate, syneresis, synod, synthesis, throng, town meeting,
tribunal, turnout, unicameral legislature, upper chamber,
upper house, workmanship