Comedy? Yes…
Mecha? Yes, tons of mecha fights.
Nudity+Ecchi? Yes. Uncensored, lots of teasing and much fondling as well.
This is not an anime to take serious. It is the kind of stupid where comedy-idiocy/purposefully-over-the-top +lewdness is the fuel for the jokes, world building and designs.
The hardest thing for these ero comedies/stories is to balance the ero and lewdness with whatever story+genre is going on. This series does a decent job as if you give it a chance, it interests you in the world and story with twists and jokes (although many might not be funny), and leans more into the nudity being used purposefully (well...) and relatively sparsely rather than just random fan service every minute or minutes of lucky pervert or panty shots (except specials).
This series will not change your world view (except perhaps your view on humanity and penguins) but if you allow yourself to enjoy comedies/parodies that are overly perverted then this can give you a decent time.
Explanation by misakitchi on Wednesday, 05.11.2014 21:00